Re: samba and dhcp

2003-01-20 Thread Anthony E. Greene
On 20-Jan-2003/17:45 -0800, Hidong Kim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Can a machine getting its IP address by DHCP run as a Samba server? 

Yes. There must be some other problem with the laptop.

Anthony E. Greene 
OpenPGP Key: 0x6C94239D/7B3D BD7D 7D91 1B44 BA26  C484 A42A 60DD 6C94 239D
AOL/Yahoo Messenger: TonyG05HomePage: 
Linux. The choice of a GNU generation 

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Re: Fw: Running text based application in a Window

2003-01-20 Thread Anthony E. Greene
On 20-Jan-2003/13:05 -0500, Billy Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>This is a repost.  Yesterdays copy never showed up on the list.
>We have a text based (ncurses) application that normally runs in a text
>screen.  Currently, when we boot our RH7.3 server, it displays the Gnome
>login screen.  We press  to get to a text screen and then
>log into our application.  Each login is setup (via .profile) to go to a
>specific menu in the application.  Instead, we would like to logon to the
>Gnome screen, and have it bring up a text window, with the appropriate
>text menu displayed.  Is this possible, and if so, where can I find setup

Navigate the GNOME menu to Settings->Session->Session Properties & Startup
Programs. On the Startup Programs tab, enter the command that will open a
terminal window and run your program:

  gnome-terminal --title 'My Program' -x myprogram

Anthony E. Greene 
OpenPGP Key: 0x6C94239D/7B3D BD7D 7D91 1B44 BA26  C484 A42A 60DD 6C94 239D
AOL/Yahoo Messenger: TonyG05HomePage: 
Linux. The choice of a GNU generation 

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Re: Job control

2003-01-20 Thread Jan
Rob Saul wrote:

David Busby wrote:

I used CTRL+Z to stop a task, how do I get it back?  Is there a 
way to
start a task into the background?  Can I start a stoped job and have 
it run
in the background?  What should `man` to learn?

if you know the process id you can ( in bash ) use the 'fg' command.
read bash's man page.  you can use the 'ps' command to get the pids
for your currently running and suspended  processes.

But PIDs are too much bother - when you can just use the job number! Use 
'jobs' to display a list of running jobs, and then refer to it as 
'% - eg:

kill -9 %1 # to kill job no. 1 with signal 9
bg %2  # to start job no. 2 in background

- etc etc.


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restricted user

2003-01-20 Thread Esperanza Glass
I wanna add restricted openssh/sftp user who could only use sftp protocol and would 
not be allowed to ssh/gain shell access to my box. Additionally user shouldn't be able 
to see other directories on the system than his own. How can I do this?

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Re: Making IMAP happen

2003-01-20 Thread Richard S. Crawford

Thanks!  Your instructions worked very well for me.  All that remains
for me to do is test the thing from outside my LAN.


On Mon, 2003-01-20 at 15:43, Brian Hanks wrote:
> Everything you speak of is very possible.  In fact, I have been running
> a very similar setup for the better part of a year on my RH 7.3 machine.
> I'll run through the steps/components at a very high level:
> 1.  Configure fetchmail to pull your mail from as many accounts as you
> want and dump it to a local mbox account.  For example, I am pulling
> hotmail, my work account, and my ISP account and dropping them all into
> my local user account.  Make sure you start fetchmail with every reboot
> by adding an entry to /etc/rc.local.
> 2.  Install Evolution and point it at the local mbox account.
> 3.  Install the apache webserver with SSL support (RPM or tar ball).
> 4.  Install the SquirrelMail RPMs.
> 5.  Edit /etc/xinetd.d/imap.  Change to "disable = no".  Run "service
> xinetd restart".
> This will allow you to do everything you want, but you do have to
> remember to close Evolution before you leave the house.  Otherwise, it
> will continue to pull the mail out of the mbox account and hide it in
> its own files.
> Additionally, if you have you own static IP and registered domain, you
> can easily activate ipop3 and create your own e-mail addresses (i.e.
> user.domain).
> There are tons of good documents at that will help, but
> none of them are going to give you step by step.  Just let me know which
> pieces you would like assistance with and I'll help.
> As with everything PC related, there are multiple ways to accomplish
> similar things, so if anyone knows a better way, please share.
> I hope this helps,
> Brian Hanks
> Message: 1
> Subject: Making IMAP happen
> From: "Richard S. Crawford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Organization: Seamus the Miracle Penguin
> Date: 20 Jan 2003 12:58:48 -0800
> Currently I pull e-mail in from my ISP's POP3 server and put it into an
> mbox folder on my computer so that I can read it from either Evolution
> or Mutt.
> The next thing I'd like to do is set up an IMAP server on my computer so
> that I can...
> 1.Pull mail in from my ISP's POP3 server as before;
> 2.Read my mail with Mutt when logging into my computer remotely
>   with an SSH client;
> 3.Read my mail with Evolution when I'm sitting at my computer; and
> 4.Install Squirrel Mail onto my computer so I can read my mail
>   via Mozilla (or *gasp* IE) when I'm at a remote computer that
>   I can't SSH from.
> I know this is possible, for all things are possible with Linux.  But
> how can I get started?  I've read the RH documentation but it seems a
> bit thin on getting started with this sort of thing.
> -- 
> --
> Slainte,
> Richard S. Crawford
> AIM: Buffalo2K / Y!: rscrawford / ICQ: 11640404
> "It is only with our heart that we can see clearly.  What is essential
> is
> invisible to the eye."  --Antoine de Saint Exupery
Richard S. Crawford
AIM: Buffalo2K / Y!: rscrawford / ICQ: 11640404
"It is only with our heart that we can see clearly.  What is essential
invisible to the eye."  --Antoine de Saint Exupery

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Re: Viewsonic Monitor and Xconfigurator

2003-01-20 Thread Ed . Greshko
On Tue, 21 Jan 2003, Edward Dekkers wrote:

> Can you just check the manual or Web-Site and pump those values for
> Horizontal and Vertical Hz into a custom monitor settings?

Errr.A..yes.  :-)

--  for all your firewall needs

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Re: invalid Unicode error file with character"é,à,è,ç..."

2003-01-20 Thread Gordon Messmer
On Mon, 2003-01-20 at 18:50, Dominic D'Apice wrote:
> Hi all, i have redhat 8.0 us english language only,
> when i have some file that name contains something like that : "é,è ç,
> à..."
> the file name said  :
> "Le Seigneur des Anneaux La Communaut? de L'Anneau.msi (invalid
> Unicode)" and gnome shell don't take in charge...

Your file names have non UTF-8 characters in them.  You should convert
those filenames to UTF-8.
Havoc posted a script to do it   Interesting notes on the subject

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Re: RPM complains about TLS (?)

2003-01-20 Thread Joshua Schmidlkofer
perhaps an rpm --rebuilddb ?


On Sun, 2003-01-19 at 01:49, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Alas, no. That was one of many --nopeds, --force etc things I tried, but all
> result in:
> # rpm -Uvh --force glibc-2.3.1-36.i686.rpm glibc-kernheaders-2.4-8.3.i386.rpm \
> glibc-devel-2.3.1-36.i386.rpm
> Preparing...### [100%]
> cannot handle file '' with TLS data
> #
> > If I remember, you can do a -Uvh --force and that should work.
> > - -- Jonathan
> > 
> > - --
> > Best Regards,
> > Jonathan M. Slivko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --
> This mail sent through
VB programmers ask why no one takes them seriously, 
it's somewhat akin to a McDonalds manager asking employees 
why they don't take their 'career' seriously.

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Re: Multiple x-window logins

2003-01-20 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Mon, 20 Jan 2003, Thomas E. Dukes wrote:

> How do you configure RH 8 to boot up with multiple login windows.  I'm
> using the Gnome desktop if it matters.  It would be convenient not to
> have to login in and out as root or as a user.

Use gdmconfig or edit /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf to add a second X server. On
some boxen, you may have to manually specify a specific VT for each X
server, but usually just defining the second server is enough.

"Of course I'm in shape! Round's a shape, isn't it?"

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Re: reactivating redhat after installing windows xp

2003-01-20 Thread Joshua Schmidlkofer
On Fri, 2003-01-17 at 18:19, Stefan Lehmann wrote:
> Hi,
> how can i reactivate grub after installing windows xp ?
> greetz stefan
> __
> Mit der Gruppen-SMS von WEB.DE FreeMail erreichen Sie mit einem Klick 
> alle Freunde gleichzeitig!

boot to the first disk with 'linux rescue'.

Once it mounts your volumes hit Alt + F2.

type in:

chroot /mnt/sysimage

type 'bash -login'

type 'grub'

then: {If you boot off of /dev/hda1}

grub> root (hd0,0)

grub> setup (hd0)


Partition numbers in grub start at 0, instead of 1.


VB programmers ask why no one takes them seriously, 
it's somewhat akin to a McDonalds manager asking employees 
why they don't take their 'career' seriously.

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Re: Mailscanning anti-virus

2003-01-20 Thread Joshua Schmidlkofer
On Fri, 2003-01-17 at 11:13, Gerry Doris wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am looking for a cheap email virus scanning package to install with
> > sendmail.
> >
> > I have had a quick look at mailscanner and this looks like it does the
> > job but requires another package for the virus scanning, is this right?
> > If so will some like F-Prot do the job
> > (
> >
> > Any suggestions?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Dan
> In a few words...Yes and Yes.
> F-Prot works seamlessly with MailScanner and is the cheapest of the
> commerical virus scanners.  It's free for personal use and they only
> charge a couple of hundred $$$ for each server.  I think the others charge
> by user with a minimum #.  They get very pricey very quickly.  On the
> other hand they are targetting large installations.
> It works very well.  They update its virus definition files regularly
> (seems like every few days).
> Gerry

but Sophos kicks a$$, and works very well.
VB programmers ask why no one takes them seriously, 
it's somewhat akin to a McDonalds manager asking employees 
why they don't take their 'career' seriously.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Multihomed server - how?

2003-01-20 Thread Joshua Schmidlkofer
On Sat, 2003-01-18 at 12:43, Todd A. Jacobs wrote:
> On Thu, 16 Jan 2003, John Horne wrote:
> > The problem I am having is configuring the server to do this. Although
> > both nic's are detected by linux, netstat shows only one gateway for one
> > nic. The other nic does not appear in netstat at all. If I configure the
> This is proper behavior. You can't have two default gateways to the same 
> network. Check out the Linux-HA project for some scripts that will let you 
> perform NIC failover, though.
> On the other hand, if they belong to separate VLANs, you can use a routing 
> protocol to load-balance across them and to modify the default route if 
> one of them goes down. Good luck!
> -- 
> "Of course I'm in shape! Round's a shape, isn't it?"

You can have two default routes, with the linux Policy routing - ship;s
stock w/ almost all distro's, and works pretty damn effectivly.

You will have to use policy routing, and it is not a simple matter of
setting static routes.   I have the Multiple Provider example because I
have two DSAL providers, and I have policy routing enabled to allow
connections from either, and the connections [of course] must remain on
the circuit/ip that the connection arrives on.

VB programmers ask why no one takes them seriously, 
it's somewhat akin to a McDonalds manager asking employees 
why they don't take their 'career' seriously.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Splash image of GRUB in RH

2003-01-20 Thread Lau

With the grub bundled with RH, it allow us to use a splash image, however, I have 
tried to replace another image, but fail, the image can't image properly.

Does anyone can tell me that, is there requirement for the splash image, like the 
file format, resolution, color depth, etc?


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invalid Unicode error file with character"é,à,è,ç..."

2003-01-20 Thread Dominic D'Apice

Hi all, i have redhat 8.0 us english language only,

when i have some file that name contains something like that : "é,è ç,

the file name said  :

"Le Seigneur des Anneaux La Communaut? de L'Anneau.msi (invalid
Unicode)" and gnome shell don't take in charge...

why ? because i don't have french language installed ?
what should i do to correct the problem ?


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Re: timezone settings

2003-01-20 Thread Tom Pollerman
On 21 Jan 2003 02:43:49 +
Mertens Bram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> Thanks for the suggestions, reinstalling glibc-common with rpm -Uvh
> --force helped.
> For a while...
> At first the clock in the panel didn't change, but I started to
> write an e-mail the hour was increased by one. So instead of 2:20 AM
> it was 3:20 AM.  (Yes I know I should get some sleep)
> So I started dateconfig and corrected the time. Only the dialog box
> closed after pressing apply (not ok).
> I logged out og Gnme and logged back in, only to find that according
> to the panel-clockand date that it was 1 AM.  So I started
> dateconfig from the command line and I noticed something strange:
> shutting down the ntpd failed.
> Now the /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Brussels file is corrupted
> again...
> So there has to be something else wrong as well...
> Any suggestions?
  Make sure that the glibc-common rpm version number matches the
version number for the glibc rpm package. If you have applied any
Errata Updates for 7.3, the glibc-common rpm package from the cd may
no longer be exactly compatible with your existing glibc package. You
can check each with:

   rpm -q glibc
   rpm -q glibc-common

The version numbers should match.
  Once your /usr/share/zoneinfo files are fixed, try running:


and selecting the proper timezone through that utility.




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Problems with SSH Forwarding

2003-01-20 Thread Kevin Breit
I'm trying to do SSH forwarding into work.  This worked earlier today,
which is why I am perplexed.  I have:


When I run that, I get:

bind: Cannot assign requested address
channel_setup_fwd_listener: cannot listen to port: 1234
Could not request local forwarding.

after I enter my password for the remote box.  I am pretty sure nothing
on this side is bound to 1234.


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kppp connection to miscrosoft network

2003-01-20 Thread Dominic D'Apice
Hi all,

i'm using redhat 8.0 and i'm trying to login to my office (microsoft
network) from my home using kppp. My modem dial but i get some error.
First of all i get error 19, means authentification faillure. i try to
put the the microsoft domain name before the user name in the field
account like this "domainuser" and now i get error 16, means kppp
died unexpectly

can someone ever connected to a microsoft domain network using kppp with
"chap-pap" option from redhat ?

thanks to help me

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Re: What is rawhide?

2003-01-20 Thread Michael Scottaline
>Hi all,
>What is rawhide, it seems that, it is something related to RedHat, 
>Can anyone tell me something about "rawhide"?

A less than fully stable, development version being worked on at Redhat.

"Always remember, I've taken more out of alcohol than alcohol has taken
out of me."
--Winston Churchill

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How to save kernel route table

2003-01-20 Thread Roger
Hi all

I am running RH8. Now I have to change something in route table, but I found
that after system reboot the route table will be changed back again. So my
question is how to save the new route table into kernel?

Thanks in advance

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Re: Scanner Software

2003-01-20 Thread Cliff Wells
On Sat, 2003-01-18 at 17:46, Ted Gervais wrote:
> Is there any scanner software for RH8.
> I see that my system sees my scanner so maybe there is a chance I can install 
> something to get that to work.  Maybe RH8 already has something in place???

As others have mentioned, xsane should do the job.  However, I
personally had a problem running xsane by itself, but using the xsane
plugin for the Gimp worked perfectly.  Go figure.

Cliff Wells, Software Engineer
Logiplex Corporation (
(503) 978-6726 x308  (800) 735-0555 x308

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samba and dhcp

2003-01-20 Thread Hidong Kim

Can a machine getting its IP address by DHCP run as a Samba server? 
I've set up several Red Hat machines as Samba servers.  They all have 
static IP addresses.  I want to have a Red Hat 8.0 laptop which gets its 
IP address by DHCP running as a Samba server.  I usually start Samba 
with "/etc/rc.d/init.d/smb start".  When I do this on the laptop, it 
says that smb and nmb start OK.  But when I do "/etc/rc.d/init.d/smb 
status" on the laptop, it says that smbd is stopped and nmbd is running. 
 When I do "smbclient -L localhost" on the laptop, it says that 
connection is refused to  Thanks for any suggestions,


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RE: timezone settings

2003-01-20 Thread Mertens Bram

Thanks for the suggestions, reinstalling glibc-common with rpm -Uvh
--force helped.

For a while...

At first the clock in the panel didn't change, but I started to write an
e-mail the hour was increased by one. So instead of 2:20 AM it was 3:20
AM.  (Yes I know I should get some sleep)

So I started dateconfig and corrected the time. Only the dialog box
closed after pressing apply (not ok).
I logged out og Gnme and logged back in, only to find that according to
the panel-clockand date that it was 1 AM.  So I started dateconfig from
the command line and I noticed something strange: shutting down the 
ntpd failed.

Now the /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Brussels file is corrupted again...

So there has to be something else wrong as well...

Any suggestions?

(I'll try whatever you might suggest tomorrow morning, I really need to
get some sleep now...)

 #  Mertens Bram "M8ram"  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Linux User #249103  #
 # Red Hat Linux release 7.3 (Valhalla) kernel 2.4.18-3 i686 128MB RAM #
 #  2:43am up 10 days, 6:52, 1 user, load average: 0.06, 0.26, 0.44 #

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Re: What is rawhide?

2003-01-20 Thread Richard S. Crawford
I thought Rawhide was Buckaroo Banzai's right hand man?  Until the Red
Lectroids killed him, that is.

On Mon, 2003-01-20 at 15:27, Kent Perrier wrote:
> On Fri, 2003-01-17 at 14:13, Lau wrote:
> > Can anyone tell me something about "rawhide"?
> Rawhide is the untanned skin of a bovine creature.  Once the skin is
> tanned, it is considered leather.
> Kent
> -- 
> Kent Perrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Richard S. Crawford
AIM: Buffalo2K / Y!: rscrawford / ICQ: 11640404
"It is only with our heart that we can see clearly.  What is essential
invisible to the eye."  --Antoine de Saint Exupery

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RH 8.0 not using NIS for /etc/aliases

2003-01-20 Thread Red Hat
Title: Message

I cannot for the 
life of me get Red Hat 8.0 to use NIS for alias resolution. Our master NIS 
server is Solaris 8. The aliases are defined there and work from all solaris 
clients. When I try to send mail to an alias on the RH8.0 machine, it says user 
Here is the aliases 
definition on the NIS master:
weblogic_team:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Here is 
/etc/nsswitch.conf on the RH 8.0 client:
aliases: files 
I rebuilt the 
aliases database on the RH 8.0 client (/usr/lib/sendmail -bi) I am not sure if 
this is necessary (it is not on the solaris clients)
I have restarted 
ypbind several times. ypbind is working, I can su to users only defined in 
Is anyone using NIS 
for alias resolution?
Chuck Carson
Sr. Systems 
Syrrx, Inc.
10410 Science Center 
San Diego, CA 92121
Work: 858.731.3540
Cell: 858.442.1791

--This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail if you have received this e-mail by mistake and delete this e-mail from your system. E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. The sender therefore does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of this message, which arise as a result of e-mail transmission. If verification is required please request a hard-copy version. 

Re: lock on RPM

2003-01-20 Thread Jeffrey Tadlock
On Tue, Jan 21, 2003 at 10:21:00AM +0900, shawn wrote:
> I wanted to delete an RPM but couldn't.
> [javauser@The_Big_Playhouse javauser]$ rpm -evv mysql-server-3.23.52-3
> D: opening  db index   /var/lib/rpm/Packages rdonly mode=0x0
> D: locked   db index   /var/lib/rpm/Packages
> D: opening  db index   /var/lib/rpm/Name rdonly mode=0x0
> D: opening  db index   /var/lib/rpm/Pubkeys rdonly mode=0x0
> D:  read h# 628 Header sanity check: OK
> D: == DSA pubkey id 219180cddb42a60e
> D:  read h# 617 Header V3 DSA signature: OK, key ID db42a60e
> D: == --- mysql-server-3.23.52-3

> error: cannot get exclusive lock on /var/lib/rpm/Packages
> D: closed   db index   /var/lib/rpm/Packages
> error: cannot open Packages index using db3 - Operation not permitted
> (1)
> error: cannot open Packages database in /var/lib/rpm
> [javauser@The_Big_Playhouse javauser]$

When using rpm to install or remove packages you need to 
run it as root.  Try running the same command as root.

Hope this helps.


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Re: lock on RPM

2003-01-20 Thread Adam H. Pendleton
You must be root in order to remove RPM packages.  This error occurs 
when you are *not* root.


On Monday, January 20, 2003, at 08:21 PM, shawn wrote:

I wanted to delete an RPM but couldn't.

Should I try the apt thing recommended?

btw on my system no package requires mysql-server-3.23.52-3

[javauser@The_Big_Playhouse javauser]$ rpm -evv mysql-server-3.23.52-3
D: opening  db index   /var/lib/rpm/Packages rdonly mode=0x0
D: locked   db index   /var/lib/rpm/Packages
D: opening  db index   /var/lib/rpm/Name rdonly mode=0x0
D: opening  db index   /var/lib/rpm/Pubkeys rdonly mode=0x0
D:  read h# 628 Header sanity check: OK
D: == DSA pubkey id 219180cddb42a60e
D:  read h# 617 Header V3 DSA signature: OK, key ID db42a60e
D: == --- mysql-server-3.23.52-3
D: opening  db index   /var/lib/rpm/Requirename rdonly mode=0x0
D: closed   db index   /var/lib/rpm/Pubkeys
D: closed   db index   /var/lib/rpm/Requirename
D: closed   db index   /var/lib/rpm/Name
D: closed   db index   /var/lib/rpm/Packages
D: opening  db index   /var/lib/rpm/Packages rdonly mode=0x42
error: cannot get exclusive lock on /var/lib/rpm/Packages
D: closed   db index   /var/lib/rpm/Packages
error: cannot open Packages index using db3 - Operation not permitted
error: cannot open Packages database in /var/lib/rpm
[javauser@The_Big_Playhouse javauser]$

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Description: PGP signature

lock on RPM

2003-01-20 Thread shawn
I wanted to delete an RPM but couldn't.

Should I try the apt thing recommended?

btw on my system no package requires mysql-server-3.23.52-3

[javauser@The_Big_Playhouse javauser]$ rpm -evv mysql-server-3.23.52-3
D: opening  db index   /var/lib/rpm/Packages rdonly mode=0x0
D: locked   db index   /var/lib/rpm/Packages
D: opening  db index   /var/lib/rpm/Name rdonly mode=0x0
D: opening  db index   /var/lib/rpm/Pubkeys rdonly mode=0x0
D:  read h# 628 Header sanity check: OK
D: == DSA pubkey id 219180cddb42a60e
D:  read h# 617 Header V3 DSA signature: OK, key ID db42a60e
D: == --- mysql-server-3.23.52-3
D: opening  db index   /var/lib/rpm/Requirename rdonly mode=0x0
D: closed   db index   /var/lib/rpm/Pubkeys
D: closed   db index   /var/lib/rpm/Requirename
D: closed   db index   /var/lib/rpm/Name
D: closed   db index   /var/lib/rpm/Packages
D: opening  db index   /var/lib/rpm/Packages rdonly mode=0x42
error: cannot get exclusive lock on /var/lib/rpm/Packages
D: closed   db index   /var/lib/rpm/Packages
error: cannot open Packages index using db3 - Operation not permitted
error: cannot open Packages database in /var/lib/rpm
[javauser@The_Big_Playhouse javauser]$

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Re: Viewsonic Monitor and Xconfigurator

2003-01-20 Thread Edward Dekkers
> I'm considering buying a Viewsonic VG800 or VG900.  However, when I run
> Xconfigurator --listmonitors it doesn't show as a supported monitor.  Has
> anyone had any experience with this monitor?  Care to share your config
> file?
> Thanks,
> Ed

Can you just check the manual or Web-Site and pump those values for
Horizontal and Vertical Hz into a custom monitor settings?


Edward Dekkers (Director)
Triple D Computer Services P/L

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Re: Kernel upgrade.

2003-01-20 Thread Edward Dekkers
> However, when I try to boot to that kernel, it panics, states that I need
> to used init= on the command-line. I have tried that. Still, does not want
> to find the initrd.

Is this a SCSI Hard drive it's on? Are you loading the SCSI drivers?


Edward Dekkers (Director)
Triple D Computer Services P/L

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Re: Bad blocks on harddisk

2003-01-20 Thread Edward Dekkers
> If this doesn't work, replace the drive.  I have yet to see a drive that
> starts accumulating new errors (after the manufacturers burn-in) that
> lasts for any length of time. You may be able to map out the bad blocks
> now, but your drive is dying and you'll be in for grief later.
> .../Ed

Most definately true, however, I do have an old Seagate 1.2Gb here which is
the exeption to the rule, about 1Mb of bad blocks on it and hasn't
accumulated any new ones for 3 years.

But I only use it for my MP3, would certainly never use it for real data.


Edward Dekkers (Director)
Triple D Computer Services P/L

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Re: [OT] Good (basic, introduction) to sendmail configuration

2003-01-20 Thread Dave Ihnat
On Mon, Jan 20, 2003 at 07:41:57PM -0330, Michael Pelley wrote:
> I need a reference to a good (basic introduction) to sendmail configuration.
> I've got 8.12.5 on RH8.  Unfortuantely, Linuxconf is no good any more so I'm
> back to having to learn (or is that

Without a doubt, you MUST get the current version of the O'Reilly
"Sendmail" by Costales & Eric (Allman).  I only have the 2nd ed.; Amazon sez
3rd ed. is current.

Trust me.  Have I ever steered you wrong?
Dave Ihnat

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Re: Fw: Garbled Man Pages in Red Hat Linux 8

2003-01-20 Thread Frederic Herman
I have the same problem with midnight commander  I've tried about 
everything I found by searching the archives.  Nothing seems to work. 
But when I run mc from Xterm, there is no problem.  I like konsole 
because I need to keep about 10 ssh sessions open and tab between them. 
It seems like things broke after an upgrade to8.0 AND at the point I 
tried to use nautilus for something.  


christopher j bottaro wrote:

i have this problem also, using redhat-8.0 and kde-3.1-rc6 compiled from 
scratch.  not only do my hypens sometimes look like squares, but as i scroll 
thru the man page in konsole, bits and pieces of the new line remain on the 
previous line.  its hard to explain but it gets ugly and hard to read...

-- christopher

On Sunday 19 January 2003 05:24 pm, David & Kate Baird wrote:

Here's the answer to my original question, which raises
a couple of other issues - what's the most elegant workaround,
and should there be a fix?

Does anybody from RedHat read this list?

David Baird

- Original Message -
From: "Leonard Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, January 19, 2003 1:54 PM
Subject: Re: Garbled Man Pages in Red Hat Linux 8


You're welcome.  I've seen the question on several other lists also.
1.  It could probably be added to /etc/bashrc or /etc/profile.  I didn't
use those files because I only have a couple of users on the machine.

2. My guess is it would have to be brought to Redhat's attention.  I
haven't told them and I don't know if anybody else has either.



"David & Kate Baird" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/19/03 06:31 AM

Thank you.  In my case locale (unsurprisingly) produced "en_GB.UTF8".
was exactly the same (including the .UTF8) and $LC_ALL was undefined.  I
them both to en_GB via .bashrc and this seems to fix the problem (in
just setting $LC_ALL to en_GB sorted it, although en_GB.UTF8 didn't

2 further questions:

- How can I get these environment variables set correctly for all users
without having to alter every .bashrc?

- Since I've done a pretty vanilla build and others obviously have the
problem, is there a fix needed to something, and if so who needs to

David Baird

- Original Message -
From: "Leonard Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, January 18, 2003 1:59 PM
Subject: Re: Garbled Man Pages in Red Hat Linux 8


At the prompt type "locale".  Odds are there is a .UTF8 at the end of
whatever will be displayed.  Take everything before the .UTF8 and add
the following to you .bashrc file.
If "locale" produced "en_US.UTF8", then add "en_US"

export LANG=en_US
export LC_ALL=en_US

Logout and log back in, it should fix it.



[EMAIL PROTECTED] 01/18/03 08:15 AM >>>

I've installed Red Hat Linux 8 on a Compaq PC from scratch.  I use the
desktop (I haven't got Gnome installed at all), and I've selected the
Windows Look and Feel using the desktop

My problem is that most Man pages (e.g. man iptables) don't display
in a terminal window.  Hyphens and possibly other characters display as
empty squares.  This also happens if I run a terminal window using PuTTY
SSL from a Windows client over the network.  It doesn't happen with a
non-graphical interface at RunLevel 3, and it didn't happen at all
before I
upgraded from RHL 7.2 to 8.0.

I've applied all the available patches using Up2date, and the problem is
still there.  I've also seen it on a completely separate system
again with RHL 8 on a PC server with a network terminal session from a
Windows PC running PuTTY.  I don't know what desktop was in use on that

This seems a fairly basic problem, annoying rather than critical, but of
course you never know what it may conceal.  Any solutions?

David Baird


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RE: dhcp not giving dns servers

2003-01-20 Thread Bret Hughes
On Mon, 2003-01-20 at 18:32, Mike Langhorst wrote:
> You're awesome man!!  I hadn't thought to look there.  Extra lines
> included:
> TYPE=Ethernet
> NETWORK=(the network I had manually configured but later set back to
> dhcp)
> BROADCAST=(the broadcast address for that network)
> I removed all of these lines, as they weren't there after initial
> install, and it works like a charm.

Glad I could help.


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Re: Fw: Garbled Man Pages in Red Hat Linux 8

2003-01-20 Thread R P Herrold
On Sun, 19 Jan 2003, David & Kate Baird wrote:

> Here's the answer to my original question, which raises 
> a couple of other issues - what's the most elegant workaround,
> and should there be a fix?
> Does anybody from RedHat read this list?

When it is documented in the Release Notes, and the question
is still prepeatedly asked and answered through the archives
on this list on about a 5 day cycle, why should anyone repeat

 -- Russ Herrold

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Re: [OT] Good (basic, introduction) to sendmail configuration

2003-01-20 Thread Chuck Mead
Hash: SHA1

On Mon, 20 Jan 2003, Michael Pelley posted the following:

MP>Hi all!
MP>I need a reference to a good (basic introduction) to sendmail configuration.
MP>I've got 8.12.5 on RH8.  Unfortuantely, Linuxconf is no good any more so I'm
MP>back to having to learn (or is that

- -- 
Instructor, GLS
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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RE: dhcp not giving dns servers

2003-01-20 Thread Mike Langhorst
You're awesome man!!  I hadn't thought to look there.  Extra lines
NETWORK=(the network I had manually configured but later set back to
BROADCAST=(the broadcast address for that network)

I removed all of these lines, as they weren't there after initial
install, and it works like a charm.


-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Bret Hughes
Sent: Monday, January 20, 2003 4:15 PM
Subject: RE: dhcp not giving dns servers

On Mon, 2003-01-20 at 15:25, Mike Langhorst wrote:
> Its currently owned by root:root with 664 permissions
> I did the initial addition/removal with the application "neat", but
> subsequently I used vim.
> Mike

look in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth? (? is the interface #)
for a PEERDNS=no setting if it is there comment it out or remove it and
you should be good to go.  That is the only thing that comes to mind
that would cause this behavior.  neat may very well put it there to keep
the hardcoded entry from being overwritten.



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Re: How do I unsuscribe

2003-01-20 Thread Emmanuel Seyman
On Mon, Jan 20, 2003 at 01:02:19PM -0800, Bailey, Larry wrote:
> Yes.  I tried the web interface as well as the e-mail.  Neither work.

Could you define "doesn't work"?


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Re: What is rawhide?

2003-01-20 Thread Emmanuel Seyman
On Mon, Jan 20, 2003 at 04:39:44PM -0700, Joe Giles wrote:
> So what you are saying is that Rawhide software is Unfinished software.

The usability of the software in Rawhide varies greatly.
It will range from quite stable (just before a new distribution is
released) to uncompilable (just after the release of a new gcc,
gnome, kde and/or glibc).

> So we should avoid software from this "Rawhide" category?

Unless you like living on the edge or you really, really need
the latest version of a particular package, it's probably
best to avoid using these.

In any case, Red Hat doesn't support them. If it breaks, you
get to keep both pieces.


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Re: Fw: Garbled Man Pages in Red Hat Linux 8

2003-01-20 Thread christopher j bottaro
i have this problem also, using redhat-8.0 and kde-3.1-rc6 compiled from 
scratch.  not only do my hypens sometimes look like squares, but as i scroll 
thru the man page in konsole, bits and pieces of the new line remain on the 
previous line.  its hard to explain but it gets ugly and hard to read...

-- christopher

On Sunday 19 January 2003 05:24 pm, David & Kate Baird wrote:
> Here's the answer to my original question, which raises
> a couple of other issues - what's the most elegant workaround,
> and should there be a fix?
> Does anybody from RedHat read this list?
> David Baird
> - Original Message -
> From: "Leonard Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, January 19, 2003 1:54 PM
> Subject: Re: Garbled Man Pages in Red Hat Linux 8
> > You're welcome.  I've seen the question on several other lists also.
> > 1.  It could probably be added to /etc/bashrc or /etc/profile.  I didn't
> > use those files because I only have a couple of users on the machine.
> >
> > 2. My guess is it would have to be brought to Redhat's attention.  I
> > haven't told them and I don't know if anybody else has either.
> >
> > Leonard
> >
> > >>> "David & Kate Baird" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/19/03 06:31 AM
> >
> > Thank you.  In my case locale (unsurprisingly) produced "en_GB.UTF8".
> > $LANG
> > was exactly the same (including the .UTF8) and $LC_ALL was undefined.  I
> > set
> > them both to en_GB via .bashrc and this seems to fix the problem (in
> > fact
> > just setting $LC_ALL to en_GB sorted it, although en_GB.UTF8 didn't
> > work)..
> >
> > 2 further questions:
> >
> > - How can I get these environment variables set correctly for all users
> > without having to alter every .bashrc?
> >
> > - Since I've done a pretty vanilla build and others obviously have the
> > same
> > problem, is there a fix needed to something, and if so who needs to
> > know?
> >
> > David Baird
> - Original Message -
> From: "Leonard Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, January 18, 2003 1:59 PM
> Subject: Re: Garbled Man Pages in Red Hat Linux 8
> > At the prompt type "locale".  Odds are there is a .UTF8 at the end of
> > whatever will be displayed.  Take everything before the .UTF8 and add
> > the following to you .bashrc file.
> > If "locale" produced "en_US.UTF8", then add "en_US"
> >
> > export LANG=en_US
> > export LC_ALL=en_US
> >
> > Logout and log back in, it should fix it.
> >
> > Leonard
> >
> > >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 01/18/03 08:15 AM >>>
> >
> > I've installed Red Hat Linux 8 on a Compaq PC from scratch.  I use the
> > KDE
> > desktop (I haven't got Gnome installed at all), and I've selected the
> > Windows Look and Feel using the desktop
> >
> > My problem is that most Man pages (e.g. man iptables) don't display
> > properly
> > in a terminal window.  Hyphens and possibly other characters display as
> > empty squares.  This also happens if I run a terminal window using PuTTY
> > via
> > SSL from a Windows client over the network.  It doesn't happen with a
> > non-graphical interface at RunLevel 3, and it didn't happen at all
> > before I
> > upgraded from RHL 7.2 to 8.0.
> >
> > I've applied all the available patches using Up2date, and the problem is
> > still there.  I've also seen it on a completely separate system
> > elsewhere,
> > again with RHL 8 on a PC server with a network terminal session from a
> > Windows PC running PuTTY.  I don't know what desktop was in use on that
> > server.
> >
> > This seems a fairly basic problem, annoying rather than critical, but of
> > course you never know what it may conceal.  Any solutions?
> >
> > David Baird
> > Manchester
> > UK

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Re: timezone settings

2003-01-20 Thread Michael Schwendt
Hash: SHA1

On 20 Jan 2003 17:53:25 -0600, Bret Hughes wrote:

> [bhughes@bretsony RPMS]$ rpm2cpio glibc-common-2.2.5-42.i386.rpm |cpio
> -tv |grep zoneinfo/Europe/B
> -rw-r--r--   1 root root 1347 Oct 10 09:47
> ./usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Belfast
> -rw-r--r--   1 root root  837 Oct 10 09:47
> ./usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Berlin
> -rw-r--r--   1 root root 1067 Oct 10 09:47
> ./usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Brussels
> -rw-r--r--   1 root root  798 Oct 10 09:47
> ./usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Bucharest
> -rw-r--r--   1 root root  866 Oct 10 09:47
> ./usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Budapest
> -rw-r--r--   2 root root0 Oct 10 09:47
> ./usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Bratislava
> -rw-r--r--   5 root root0 Oct 10 09:47
> ./usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Belgrade
> 76056 blocks
> Hmm I wonder what happend to Bratislava and Belgrade?


- -- 
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Re: terminology question...

2003-01-20 Thread christopher j bottaro
On Monday 20 January 2003 04:55 pm, Robert P. J. Day wrote:
> On Mon, 20 Jan 2003, christopher j bottaro wrote:
> > hello,
> > i know that when talking about ram, a megabyte isn't actually 1,000,000
> > bytes, but rather 1,048,580 bytes.  but when talking about the capacity
> > of a cd-r,
> oh ... so close.  1,048,576.
> rday

oops, kcalc only gives me 5 digits of precision in scientific notation...but 
my trusty ti-89 says 2^20=1,048,576...=)

-- christopher

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RE: dhcp not giving dns servers

2003-01-20 Thread Bret Hughes
On Mon, 2003-01-20 at 15:25, Mike Langhorst wrote:
> Its currently owned by root:root with 664 permissions
> I did the initial addition/removal with the application "neat", but
> subsequently I used vim.
> Mike

look in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth? (? is the interface #)
for a PEERDNS=no setting if it is there comment it out or remove it and
you should be good to go.  That is the only thing that comes to mind
that would cause this behavior.  neat may very well put it there to keep
the hardcoded entry from being overwritten.



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Re: Firewalls

2003-01-20 Thread Bret Hughes
On Mon, 2003-01-20 at 13:13, gabriel wrote:
> On January 20, 2003 01:34 pm, Tibbetts, Ric wrote:
> > All;
> > I'll be building a new server soon, based on Redhat. What firewalling
> > software is good these days? I've heard good things about firestarter.
> > Is it worth looking into, or is there something better/easier.
> i did it the hard way and built my rules from scratch.  i picked up a book and 
> read it front to back and i think it understand the whole thing now...  i 
> would reccomend this method to anyone looking to really understand wtf is 
> going on on their machine.
> outside of that though, i've heard good things about shorewall (sorry, don't 
> have a link)

I have decided to go with shorewallon a box I will be putting up tonight
or tomorrow.  I like the zone concept since I am implementing a dmz on a
third interface and have multiple vpns to manage as well.

I have mad it through the doc and think I understand it but I guess we
will see here in a couple of hours (barring any additional unforseen
developments :).

I let you know how it goes if you like.


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Re: How to use single dhcp server to serve 2 LAN's?

2003-01-20 Thread Bret Hughes
On Sun, 2003-01-19 at 22:48, Budi Febrianto wrote:
> Right now I have 1 LAN, with with installed dhcp server in 
>RHL 8.0.
> Now, because the need of separate LAN (will be use for acc dept) I want to add 
>another LAN that will be
> Now, I confuse how to setup the dhcp server. Is it possible? How can I setup the acc 
>dept will get ip's insted of
> I know that I can fix their Ip's, but I want to avoid that. 
> Can I set the Ip's based on their MAC address?
> Thanks.

A couple of things to consider.  does your dhcp server sit on both
lans?  if not your router will need to be configured to pass the bootp
stuff or what ever it is called.  seems like there is a program that
will do that as well, yep look at man dhcrelay.

The man pages are pretty good as is the treeware dhcp book I bought to
both support the project and to get a definitve reference.



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RE: How do I unsuscribe

2003-01-20 Thread Bret Hughes
On Mon, 2003-01-20 at 15:02, Bailey, Larry wrote:
> Yes.  I tried the web interface as well as the e-mail.  Neither work.
> Larry

What happens when you tried the web version?

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Re: timezone settings

2003-01-20 Thread Bret Hughes
On Mon, 2003-01-20 at 17:43, Mertens Bram wrote:

> [M8ram@localhost M8ram]$ cat /etc/localtime
> [M8ram@localhost M8ram]$ cat /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Brussels 
> [M8ram@localhost M8ram]$ 
> I guess that's not the way it is supposed to be?
> Brussels is the only file in /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe that has 0 as
> file size!
> Apparently trying to cat one of those files is bad idea! My xterm got
> completely messed up!
BTW type reset and then enter and you will get your readable xterm back


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Re: timezone settings

2003-01-20 Thread Bret Hughes
On Mon, 2003-01-20 at 17:37, Michael Schwendt wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 20 Jan 2003 23:43:05 +, Mertens Bram wrote:
> > /etc/localtime is a symling to /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Brussels 
> > but that file is empty!:
> > [M8ram@localhost M8ram]$ ls -lh /etc/localtime
> > lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   35 Sep  4 08:18 /etc/localtime
> > -> /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Brussels
> > [M8ram@localhost M8ram]$ ls -lh /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Brussels 
> > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Jan 14 15:40
> > /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Brussels
> Notice its date. That's when you killed the file, ;)
> or a program you were using.

Good catch Michael


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Re: timezone settings

2003-01-20 Thread Bret Hughes
On Mon, 2003-01-20 at 17:43, Mertens Bram wrote:
> > Date: Sun, 19 Jan 2003 16:37:11 -0500
> > From: Tom Pollerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >  Ensure that file /etc/localtime reflects the file in
> > /sur/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Brussles. On my RH7.0 system,
> > /etc/localtime and /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/New_York are identical.
> > On some systems this may be a symlink.
> /etc/localtime is a symling to /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Brussels  but
> that file is empty!:
> [M8ram@localhost M8ram]$ ls -lh /etc/localtime
> lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   35 Sep  4 08:18 /etc/localtime
> -> /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Brussels
> [M8ram@localhost M8ram]$ ls -lh /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Brussels 
> -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Jan 14 15:40
> /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Brussels
> [M8ram@localhost M8ram]$ cat /etc/localtime
> [M8ram@localhost M8ram]$ cat /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Brussels 
> [M8ram@localhost M8ram]$ 
> I guess that's not the way it is supposed to be?
> Brussels is the only file in /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe that has 0 as
> file size!
> Apparently trying to cat one of those files is bad idea! My xterm got
> completely messed up!
> Any suggestions on getting my timezone file restored?

What version of glibc-common are you running?  You could force the
upgrade to the same version.or for a quick test us mc to copy the
Brussels file out of the rpm.

fwiw here is the ll from my zoninfo/Europe file 

[bhughes@bretsony Europe]$ pwd
[bhughes@bretsony Europe]$ ll B*
-rw-r--r--1 root root 1347 Sep  9 08:57 Belfast
-rw-r--r--5 root root  696 Sep  9 08:57 Belgrade
-rw-r--r--1 root root  837 Sep  9 08:57 Berlin
-rw-r--r--2 root root  806 Sep  9 08:57 Bratislava
-rw-r--r--1 root root 1067 Sep  9 08:57 Brussels
-rw-r--r--1 root root  798 Sep  9 08:57 Bucharest
-rw-r--r--1 root root  866 Sep  9 08:57 Budapest
[bhughes@bretsony Europe]$ rpm -q glibc-common

looks like I should upgrade.

[bhughes@bretsony RPMS]$ rpm2cpio glibc-common-2.2.5-42.i386.rpm |cpio
-tv |grep zoneinfo/Europe/B
-rw-r--r--   1 root root 1347 Oct 10 09:47
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  837 Oct 10 09:47
-rw-r--r--   1 root root 1067 Oct 10 09:47
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  798 Oct 10 09:47
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  866 Oct 10 09:47
-rw-r--r--   2 root root0 Oct 10 09:47
-rw-r--r--   5 root root0 Oct 10 09:47
76056 blocks

Hmm I wonder what happend to Bratislava and Belgrade?


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re: Upgrade Tips

2003-01-20 Thread Chris Bartram
My concern is that this machine is an NIS and Samba
server.  There are a lot of important configuration files on the root
partition.  If I wanted to do a fresh installation, what files or
directories should I back up to be able to recover NIS, Samba,
networking, etc., as easily as possible?

I'd consider buying new disk(s) and do the fresh install on them. Then 
if you really fsck it up, you can go back. You could even mount the old 
disks afterwards to copy the files over.

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Re: Making IMAP happen

2003-01-20 Thread Brian Hanks
Everything you speak of is very possible.  In fact, I have been running
a very similar setup for the better part of a year on my RH 7.3 machine.

I'll run through the steps/components at a very high level:

1.  Configure fetchmail to pull your mail from as many accounts as you
want and dump it to a local mbox account.  For example, I am pulling
hotmail, my work account, and my ISP account and dropping them all into
my local user account.  Make sure you start fetchmail with every reboot
by adding an entry to /etc/rc.local.

2.  Install Evolution and point it at the local mbox account.

3.  Install the apache webserver with SSL support (RPM or tar ball).

4.  Install the SquirrelMail RPMs.

5.  Edit /etc/xinetd.d/imap.  Change to "disable = no".  Run "service
xinetd restart".

This will allow you to do everything you want, but you do have to
remember to close Evolution before you leave the house.  Otherwise, it
will continue to pull the mail out of the mbox account and hide it in
its own files.

Additionally, if you have you own static IP and registered domain, you
can easily activate ipop3 and create your own e-mail addresses (i.e.

There are tons of good documents at that will help, but
none of them are going to give you step by step.  Just let me know which
pieces you would like assistance with and I'll help.

As with everything PC related, there are multiple ways to accomplish
similar things, so if anyone knows a better way, please share.

I hope this helps,
Brian Hanks

Message: 1
Subject: Making IMAP happen
From: "Richard S. Crawford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: Seamus the Miracle Penguin
Date: 20 Jan 2003 12:58:48 -0800

Currently I pull e-mail in from my ISP's POP3 server and put it into an
mbox folder on my computer so that I can read it from either Evolution
or Mutt.

The next thing I'd like to do is set up an IMAP server on my computer so
that I can...

1.  Pull mail in from my ISP's POP3 server as before;

2.  Read my mail with Mutt when logging into my computer remotely
with an SSH client;

3.  Read my mail with Evolution when I'm sitting at my computer; and

4.  Install Squirrel Mail onto my computer so I can read my mail
via Mozilla (or *gasp* IE) when I'm at a remote computer that
I can't SSH from.

I know this is possible, for all things are possible with Linux.  But
how can I get started?  I've read the RH documentation but it seems a
bit thin on getting started with this sort of thing.

Richard S. Crawford
AIM: Buffalo2K / Y!: rscrawford / ICQ: 11640404
"It is only with our heart that we can see clearly.  What is essential
invisible to the eye."  --Antoine de Saint Exupery

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Re: kmail in rh8

2003-01-20 Thread John McCain
I have identified and rectified my stupid.

I thought I had installed the full KDE package when I installed Rh, but
I found that this is not so.  As a result of installing something in the
past, I had a mishmash of pieces of KDE, but not enough back end pieces
to run kaddressbook.  I reinstalled kmail and kde-base and chased down
the dependencies by hand.

Got it fixed now.  Thanks.

On Mon, 2003-01-20 at 14:08, Brian Ashe wrote:
> John McCain,
> On Monday January 20, 2003 02:44, John McCain wrote:
> > The version for redhat:
> >
> >
> >
> > has kaddressbook removed.  A search for kaddressbook on rpmfind shows
> > several versions of kpim for 7.x, but none for 8.0.
> And here they point out that it is in kdebase...
> which makes it even stranger that you wouldn't have it installed. 
> Have you tried looking for it from the command line?
> Is it just that you have no menu entry fot it? (RH did seem to botch up a bit 
> on the menus thing.)
> -- 
> Brian Ashe CTO
> Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -- 
> redhat-list mailing list
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Re: rpmbuild --rebuild fails due to man pages

2003-01-20 Thread Bret Hughes
On Fri, 2003-01-17 at 21:46, Bret Hughes wrote:
> On Fri, 2003-01-17 at 18:26, Michael Fratoni wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> > 
> > On Friday 17 January 2003 12:02 pm, Bret Hughes wrote:
> > > On Fri, 2003-01-17 at 10:40, Bret Hughes wrote:
> > > > Brand new 7.3 install with all updates:
> > > >
> > > > I am building spamassassin from the src rpm and it fails 'cause the
> > > > man pages are not in the right place.
> > > >
> > > > the build says
> > > >
> > > > RPM build errors:
> > > > File not found by glob:
> > > > /var/tmp/spamassassin-root/usr/share/man/man1/*
> > > > aha I says.  I am going to change it to usr/share/man and I suspect
> > > > that it will work but the question is why is this value set this way.
> > > > Is it indeed an error or should it be set somewhere else?
> > 
> > Can you post the specfile, as well as the output of:
> > $ rpm --showrc | grep _mandir
> > 
> > On a 7.3 system, I have:
> > _mandir%{_prefix}/share/man
> > 
> > On 8.0, it's
> > _mandir/usr/share/man
> Thanks for the reply.
> mine too
>  _mandir  %{_prefix}/share/man
> even with /usr/lib/rpm/macros set back to 
> %_infodir   %{_prefix}/info
> %_mandir%{_prefix}/man
> ( I had added the share)
> anyway I think the issue is that the MailScanner updated
> ExtUtils::MakeMaker and the Spamassassin Makefile built by Makefile.PL
> has  the mandir as /usr/man  I have no idea where $(INST_MAN1DIR) gets
> set by Perl.

This was indeed the issue.  During the MailCanner install I was prompted
that ExtUtils::Makemaker needed upgrading. so I ran the script and the MailScanner install proceeded just

After the dinking with the SpamAssassin install I went back and forced
an upgrade to the redhat perl rpm since that is where makemaker lives. 
After that, the spamassassin src rpm built just fine.

 I emailed Julian (MailScanner author) and he said that getting these
paths right is one of the reasons for the Makemaker upgrade. He also
indicated that no one else has had these problems on 7.3 that he has
heard of.I told him I would let him know if I found out what happened.

Has anyone else experienced probelms with rebuilding src rpms after the
MailScanner install?  

Has anyone else been prompted to upgrade the ExtUtils perl module?

Definetly some funky stuff and if I can save someone elese from having
these same problems by helping Julian get it right, I would like to.

Any tips appreciated.


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Re: timezone settings

2003-01-20 Thread Michael Schwendt
Hash: SHA1

On 20 Jan 2003 23:43:05 +, Mertens Bram wrote:

> /etc/localtime is a symling to /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Brussels 
> but that file is empty!:
> [M8ram@localhost M8ram]$ ls -lh /etc/localtime
> lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   35 Sep  4 08:18 /etc/localtime
> -> /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Brussels
> [M8ram@localhost M8ram]$ ls -lh /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Brussels 
> -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Jan 14 15:40
> /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Brussels

Notice its date. That's when you killed the file, ;)
or a program you were using.

> [M8ram@localhost M8ram]$ cat /etc/localtime
> [M8ram@localhost M8ram]$ cat /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Brussels 
> [M8ram@localhost M8ram]$ 
> I guess that's not the way it is supposed to be?
> Brussels is the only file in /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe that has 0 as
> file size!
> Apparently trying to cat one of those files is bad idea! My xterm got
> completely messed up!
> Any suggestions on getting my timezone file restored?

Over-install the complete glibc-common package (with --force) or
extract the single file from it (with rpm2cpio or mc).

- -- 
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Re: Scanner Software

2003-01-20 Thread Edward Dekkers
> I see that my system sees my scanner so maybe there is a chance I can
> something to get that to work.  Maybe RH8 already has something in

On   a defaul desktop install, the Gimp and XSane are installed in the Gnome


Edward Dekkers (Director)
Triple D Computer Services P/L

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RPM complains about TLS (?)

2003-01-20 Thread ben . tordoff

Alas, no. That was one of many --nopeds, --force etc things I tried, but all
result in:

# rpm -Uvh --force glibc-2.3.1-36.i686.rpm glibc-kernheaders-2.4-8.3.i386.rpm \
Preparing...### [100%]
cannot handle file '' with TLS data

> If I remember, you can do a -Uvh --force and that should work.
> - -- Jonathan
> - --
> Best Regards,
> Jonathan M. Slivko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: Job control

2003-01-20 Thread ABrady
On Mon, 20 Jan 2003 11:22:52 -0800
"David Busby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> List,
> I used CTRL+Z to stop a task, how do I get it back?  Is there a
> way to
> start a task into the background?  Can I start a stoped job and have
> it run in the background?  What should `man` to learn?

man screen

It allows you to run a process and jump in and out of it at will. It
gives you the command prompt back to run something else without
interrupting the first one. You can start one remotely and jump into it
locally. Or vice versa.

My favorite command to date!

Weird enough for government work.

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Re: What is rawhide?

2003-01-20 Thread Joe Giles
So what you are saying is that Rawhide software is Unfinished software. So
we should avoid software from this "Rawhide" category?


Kent Perrier said:
> On Fri, 2003-01-17 at 14:13, Lau wrote:
>> Can anyone tell me something about "rawhide"?
> Rawhide is the untanned skin of a bovine creature.  Once the skin is
> tanned, it is considered leather.
> Kent
> --
> Kent Perrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --
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RH8 and Routing

2003-01-20 Thread Ted Gervais

When I enter 'route -n' , will the result of that be representative of what I 
find in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-eth0?? Or at least should any 
route statements found in that file be in the ' route-n ' query??

If so, that is not what is happening here.

Coldbrook, NS

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Re: What is rawhide?

2003-01-20 Thread Ted Gervais
On Monday 20 January 2003 07:27 pm, Kent Perrier wrote:
> On Fri, 2003-01-17 at 14:13, Lau wrote:
> > Can anyone tell me something about "rawhide"?
> Rawhide is the untanned skin of a bovine creature.  Once the skin is
> tanned, it is considered leather.
> Kent

You rascal!!

Coldbrook, NS

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Re: What is rawhide?

2003-01-20 Thread Adam H. Pendleton

Rolling, Rolling, Rolling

In an effort to improve communications with the development community,
enable Linux users to test bleeding-edge technology, speed development,
and improve the quality of future Red Hat Linux releases (as well as to
end world hunger and eliminate human conflict), Red Hat will be 
development versions of the Red Hat Linux Operating System on a regular

Dubbed "Raw Hide," the releases will have version numbers independent of
Red Hat Linux's version. Raw Hide 1.0 will appear on on
Friday, August 14 for public gnawing.


On Friday, January 17, 2003, at 03:13 PM, Lau wrote:

Hi all,

What is rawhide, it seems that, it is something related to RedHat, 

Can anyone tell me something about "rawhide"?


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Re: man pages = garbage

2003-01-20 Thread Rich Smrcina
Thanks Nicolas, but no change.

On Saturday 18 January 2003 12:23 pm, Nicholas Marsh wrote:
> Here is how you fix the man pages issue...
> export LANG=c
> Try that on the command line and then see if your man pages work.

Rich Smrcina
Sytek Services, Inc.
Milwaukee, WI

Catch the WAVV!  Stay for Requirements and the Free for All!
Update your S/390 skills in 4 days for a very reasonable price.
WAVV 2003 in Winston-Salem, NC.
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WOT - Floppy problems [SOLVED]

2003-01-20 Thread Burke, Thomas G.
Hash: SHA1

Fixed it...

I had DMA set up as distributed for DMA 2 (which is where windows
put the floppy)...  Changed DMA 2 to ISA in the bios, & everything
seems to work, now.


- -Original Message-
From: Burke, Thomas G. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 2:01 PM
Subject: RE: WOT - Floppy problems

*** PGP Signature Status: good
*** Signer: Tom Burke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
*** Signed: 01/17/2003 2:01:16 PM
*** Verified: 01/20/2003 7:49:49 AM

Yes, eveything shows up fine.

- -Original Message-
From: David Busby [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 1:51 PM
Subject: Re: WOT - Floppy problems

I recall Win98 having some issues with Floppy as well.
Some BIOS have a floppy "swap" setting, or a "don't tell Win98" type
I'd hunt there too, see if anything is odd.
Does the Floppy show up in the Device Manager?

- - Original Message -
From: "Burke, Thomas G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 08:55
Subject: WOT - Floppy problems

> Hash: SHA1
> Hey gang,
> This is WOT - involves floppies & Win98, but thought someone out
> there might have some insights.
> I recently reinstalled Win98 on an older box, and after all
> software & such was back on, I noticed that the floppy no longer
> worked.  The activity light does not come on during initial boot,
> but if I try to access it, the ligt comes on & runs a while before
> WinBlows tells me that the device is not ready.
> The floppy is turned on in the bios, & is in the boot order, but
> the machine will not boot from floppy.  I have R^2 the floppy & the
> cable, but neither has affected the problem.  Is there some
> interrupt sharing that will hose thie floppy, or is something
> screwed on my
> mobo?
> Thanks,
> Tom
> Version: PGP Personal Privacy 6.5.3
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RE: DNS Problem! I think?

2003-01-20 Thread Mike Langhorst

I’d say you probably don’t
have dns servers configured.  Are you getting your ip
via dhcp? 
Take a look at your /etc/resolv.conf, this is where name server information is kept. Is there
anything in this file?


When you say you cannot ping computers on
the web, are you trying to ping via dns name or IP?  Meaning if you can’t ping, can you ping  If you can’t ping the IP address,
there may be another problem lurking.


As far as the delay you experience when ssh’ing into machines that you have name resolution
via /etc/hosts, take a look at /etc/nsswitch.conf.  My guess would be on the line that
begins with “hosts” (for example my line reads “hosts:  files   nisplus  dns) dns or nisplus is probably listed
before files.  And you may be trying
to reach a dns server that doesn’t respond
before it times out and references /etc/hosts.


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Art Ross
Sent: Monday, January 20, 2003
2:49 PM
Subject: DNS Problem! I think?


I have a laptop, Dell Inspiron 8000.  I've
purchased two HDs for it.  Like all laptops I only have one HD in the
laptop at a time.  I 
originally installed RH7.3 on one of these HDs and everything works fine. 
Well, I had the need to install RH7.3 on the second HD. 
Upon completing the install, I checked my networking and received the following

I can ping anyone by IP
number.  This includes computers on my home network as well as on the
Web.  The response time is normal and correct.

I can ping computers on my home
network by name and the lookup is from the 'hosts' file.

I cannot ping computers on the Web
from this machine.  The ping times out and I receive a message stating the
web address was not reachable.

Also, when I try to ssh into other
machines on my home network by hostname there is a large delay time.  When
I conduct an ssh by IP number the delay disappears.

Since I had an identical working install of RH7.3 working.  I begin 
swapping the network configuration files from the working 
version to the nonworking version.  These files include  /etc/hosts, 
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and /etc/resolv.conf.  To 
no avail, I still have the same problem.  Does anyone have a clue? 

Since the original install of RH7.3 I increased the
amount of memory in the Inspiron from two 128MB bars to two 256MB bars. 

This one has me stumped.  Any help will be

Best Regards, 

Re: What is rawhide?

2003-01-20 Thread Kent Perrier
On Fri, 2003-01-17 at 14:13, Lau wrote:
> Can anyone tell me something about "rawhide"?

Rawhide is the untanned skin of a bovine creature.  Once the skin is
tanned, it is considered leather.

Kent Perrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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[OT] Good (basic, introduction) to sendmail configuration

2003-01-20 Thread Michael Pelley
Hi all!

I need a reference to a good (basic introduction) to sendmail configuration.
I've got 8.12.5 on RH8.  Unfortuantely, Linuxconf is no good any more so I'm
back to having to learn (or is that

Mike Pelley "Non illegitimati carborundum"
Owner & "Misc. Rambler" of

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Re: Making IMAP happen

2003-01-20 Thread Scott Harrison
You likely need to recompile mutt with more options,
e.g. ./configure --prefix /usr/local/mutt --enable-pop --enable-imap

Then, the command would be:
/usr/local/mutt/bin/mutt -f imap://IMAPSERVERHOSTNAME

In my ~/.muttrc, I find myself doing:

Note that I have not been able to get RedHat's stock mutt RPMs to do imap.

On Mon, Jan 20, 2003 at 12:58:48PM -0800, Richard S. Crawford wrote:
> Currently I pull e-mail in from my ISP's POP3 server and put it into an
> mbox folder on my computer so that I can read it from either Evolution
> or Mutt.
> The next thing I'd like to do is set up an IMAP server on my computer so
> that I can...
> 1.Pull mail in from my ISP's POP3 server as before;
> 2.Read my mail with Mutt when logging into my computer remotely
>   with an SSH client;
> 3.Read my mail with Evolution when I'm sitting at my computer; and
> 4.Install Squirrel Mail onto my computer so I can read my mail
>   via Mozilla (or *gasp* IE) when I'm at a remote computer that
>   I can't SSH from.
> I know this is possible, for all things are possible with Linux.  But
> how can I get started?  I've read the RH documentation but it seems a
> bit thin on getting started with this sort of thing.
> -- 
> --
> Slainte,
> Richard S. Crawford
> AIM: Buffalo2K / Y!: rscrawford / ICQ: 11640404
> "It is only with our heart that we can see clearly.  What is essential
> is
> invisible to the eye."  --Antoine de Saint Exupery
> -- 
> redhat-list mailing list
> unsubscribe mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=unsubscribe

Scott Harrison, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Equivalent to urpmi/apt-get for RedHat?

2003-01-20 Thread Emmanuel Seyman
On Mon, Jan 20, 2003 at 10:29:48PM +0100, Alexander Skwar wrote:
> As all the urpmi tools, urpmf only uses the urpmi database and thus also 
> takes non-installed packages into account.  But apt also can do this.

Install the rpmdb-redhat package and rpm will know about every package
shipped with Red Hat Linux.


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Multiple x-window logins

2003-01-20 Thread Thomas E. Dukes
Title: Message

How do you configure 
RH 8 to boot up with multiple login windows.  I'm using the Gnome desktop 
if it matters.  It would be convenient not to have to login in and out as 
root or as a user.

Re: Equivalent to urpmi/apt-get for RedHat?

2003-01-20 Thread Michael Schwendt
Hash: SHA1

On Mon, 20 Jan 2003 22:29:48 +0100, Alexander Skwar wrote:

> > rpm -qf /usr/include/time.h
> [askwar@teich askwar]$ rpm -qf /foo/bar
> Fehler: file /foo/bar: No such file or directory
> ;)
> As all the urpmi tools, urpmf only uses the urpmi database and thus
> also takes non-installed packages into account.  But apt also can do
> this.

  $ rpm --redhatprovides /usr/bin/elm
  $ rpm --query elm 
  package elm is not installed

Spend some time examining the rpmdb-redhat package and the
corresponding rpm option aliases --redhatprovides and --redhatrequires.
Additionally, you can define your own aliases which access the
separate RPM database via the --dbpath option.

  $ rpm --redhatprovides /usr/include/time.h

- -- 
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Fw: Garbled Man Pages in Red Hat Linux 8

2003-01-20 Thread David & Kate Baird
Here's the answer to my original question, which raises 
a couple of other issues - what's the most elegant workaround,
and should there be a fix?

Does anybody from RedHat read this list?

David Baird

- Original Message - 
From: "Leonard Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, January 19, 2003 1:54 PM
Subject: Re: Garbled Man Pages in Red Hat Linux 8

> You're welcome.  I've seen the question on several other lists also.   
> 1.  It could probably be added to /etc/bashrc or /etc/profile.  I didn't
> use those files because I only have a couple of users on the machine.
> 2. My guess is it would have to be brought to Redhat's attention.  I
> haven't told them and I don't know if anybody else has either. 
> Leonard
> >>> "David & Kate Baird" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/19/03 06:31 AM
> >>>
> Thank you.  In my case locale (unsurprisingly) produced "en_GB.UTF8". 
> was exactly the same (including the .UTF8) and $LC_ALL was undefined.  I
> set
> them both to en_GB via .bashrc and this seems to fix the problem (in
> fact
> just setting $LC_ALL to en_GB sorted it, although en_GB.UTF8 didn't
> work)..
> 2 further questions:
> - How can I get these environment variables set correctly for all users
> without having to alter every .bashrc?
> - Since I've done a pretty vanilla build and others obviously have the
> same
> problem, is there a fix needed to something, and if so who needs to
> know?
> David Baird

- Original Message - 
From: "Leonard Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, January 18, 2003 1:59 PM
Subject: Re: Garbled Man Pages in Red Hat Linux 8

> At the prompt type "locale".  Odds are there is a .UTF8 at the end of
> whatever will be displayed.  Take everything before the .UTF8 and add
> the following to you .bashrc file.
> If "locale" produced "en_US.UTF8", then add "en_US"
> export LANG=en_US
> export LC_ALL=en_US
> Logout and log back in, it should fix it.
> Leonard
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 01/18/03 08:15 AM >>>
> I've installed Red Hat Linux 8 on a Compaq PC from scratch.  I use the
> desktop (I haven't got Gnome installed at all), and I've selected the
> Windows Look and Feel using the desktop
> My problem is that most Man pages (e.g. man iptables) don't display
> properly
> in a terminal window.  Hyphens and possibly other characters display as
> empty squares.  This also happens if I run a terminal window using PuTTY
> via
> SSL from a Windows client over the network.  It doesn't happen with a
> non-graphical interface at RunLevel 3, and it didn't happen at all
> before I
> upgraded from RHL 7.2 to 8.0.
> I've applied all the available patches using Up2date, and the problem is
> still there.  I've also seen it on a completely separate system
> elsewhere,
> again with RHL 8 on a PC server with a network terminal session from a
> Windows PC running PuTTY.  I don't know what desktop was in use on that
> server.
> This seems a fairly basic problem, annoying rather than critical, but of
> course you never know what it may conceal.  Any solutions?
> David Baird
> Manchester
> UK

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Re: Uninstalling older version of Mozilla

2003-01-20 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Thu, 16 Jan 2003, Mike Burger wrote:

> Assuming you installed it via rpm, you can either:
> "rpm -e mozilla" to remove mozilla, or
> "rpm -u mozilla-.rpm" to simply upgrade.


i'm pretty sure lower case "-u" didn't work the last time
i looked.


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What is rawhide?

2003-01-20 Thread Lau
Hi all,

What is rawhide, it seems that, it is something related to RedHat, right??

Can anyone tell me something about "rawhide"?


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Re: terminology question...

2003-01-20 Thread Charles Holbrook
I think that the 700*10448580 is closer to the actual thing because they 
say that with "overburn" a CDr will hold approximately 720 MB worth of 
data.  The multiplication comes closer to that.

At 04:03 PM 1/20/2003 -0600, you wrote:
i know that when talking about ram, a megabyte isn't actually 1,000,000 
but rather 1,048,580 bytes.  but when talking about the capacity of a cd-r,
does it actually have 700,000,000 bytes or 700*1048580 bytes?

thanks for the info,
-- christopher

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Re: terminology question...

2003-01-20 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Mon, 20 Jan 2003, christopher j bottaro wrote:

> hello,
> i know that when talking about ram, a megabyte isn't actually 1,000,000 bytes, 
> but rather 1,048,580 bytes.  but when talking about the capacity of a cd-r, 

oh ... so close.  1,048,576.


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portslave with xinetd

2003-01-20 Thread Robert Canary
Is anyone using portslaves ctlportslave.  I am trying to set it up with
the xinetd.d and the docs only mention the thing in one paragraph with a
commandline which was written for the old style inetd.

Can anyone tell me where I can find the docs on the ctlportslave at so I
can see what the commadline options are suppose to be?

Thanks in advance :-)

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Re: timezone settings

2003-01-20 Thread Mertens Bram
> Date: Sun, 19 Jan 2003 16:37:11 -0500
> From: Tom Pollerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Ensure that file /etc/localtime reflects the file in
> /sur/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Brussles. On my RH7.0 system,
> /etc/localtime and /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/New_York are identical.
> On some systems this may be a symlink.

/etc/localtime is a symling to /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Brussels  but
that file is empty!:
[M8ram@localhost M8ram]$ ls -lh /etc/localtime
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   35 Sep  4 08:18 /etc/localtime
-> /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Brussels
[M8ram@localhost M8ram]$ ls -lh /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Brussels 
-rw-r--r--1 root root0 Jan 14 15:40
[M8ram@localhost M8ram]$ cat /etc/localtime
[M8ram@localhost M8ram]$ cat /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Brussels 
[M8ram@localhost M8ram]$ 

I guess that's not the way it is supposed to be?
Brussels is the only file in /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe that has 0 as
file size!

Apparently trying to cat one of those files is bad idea! My xterm got
completely messed up!

Any suggestions on getting my timezone file restored?

 #  Mertens Bram "M8ram"  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Linux User #249103  #
 # Red Hat Linux release 7.3 (Valhalla) kernel 2.4.18-3 i686 128MB RAM #
 #  11:42pm up 10 days, 3:56, 1 user, load average: 0.05, 0.19, 0.30 #

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terminology question...

2003-01-20 Thread christopher j bottaro
i know that when talking about ram, a megabyte isn't actually 1,000,000 bytes, 
but rather 1,048,580 bytes.  but when talking about the capacity of a cd-r, 
does it actually have 700,000,000 bytes or 700*1048580 bytes?

thanks for the info,
-- christopher

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problem trying to upgrade mozilla and galeon through rpm

2003-01-20 Thread Bapi Ghosh
Hi,I'm having a problem trying to upgrade mozilla and galeon through rpm. I have Redhat 7.2; 2.4.7-10 kernel. My rpm version is 4.0.2. Any suggestion/comment will help loads...I have the following packages currently installed in my system:galeon-0.11.3-2;gdk-pixbuf-0.11.0-8;gdk-pixbuf-gnome-0.11.0-8;mozilla-;mozilla-chat-;mozilla-mail-;package mozilla-nspr is not installed;package mozilla-nss is not installed;mozilla-psm-;nautilus-1.0.4-43;nautilus-mozilla-1.0.4-43I run up2date (after synching it) and download the following packages (as instructed and displayed by up2date):galeon-1.2.6-0.7.2.i386.rpm;mozilla-nspr-1.0.1-2.7.2.i386.rpm;gdk-pixbuf-0.14.0-0.7.2.i386.rpm;mozilla-nss-1.0.1-2.7.2.i386.rpm;gdk-pixbuf-gnome-0.14.0-0.7.2.i386.rpm;mozilla-psm-1.0.1-2.7.2.i386.rpm;mozilla-1.0.1-2.7.2.i386.rpm;nautilus-1.0.4-48.i386.rpm;mo!
zilla-chat-1.0.1-2.7.2.i386.rpm;nautilus-mozilla-1.0.4-48.i386.rpmmozilla-mail-1.0.1-2.7.2.i386.rpmAfter that, I go to /var/spool/up2date and check I only have the downloaded rpms there (and the .hdrs, of course). Then I issue the following commands and receivethe following error messages:[root] rpm -Uvh mozilla-nspr-1.0.1-2.7.2.i386.rpm error: failed dependencies:mozilla < 0.9.9 conflicts with mozilla-nspr-1.0.1-2.7.2[root] rpm -Uvh mozilla-nss-1.0.1-2.7.2.i386.rpm error: failed dependencies:mozilla-nspr = 1.0.1-2.7.2 is needed by mozilla-nss-1.0.1-2.7.2[root] rpm -Uvh *.rpmerror: failed dependencies:mozilla-nspr = 1.0.1-2.7.2 is needed by mozilla-1.0.1-2.7.2;   is needed by mozilla-1.0.1-2.7.2;   is needed by mozilla-1.0.1-2.7.2;   is needed by mozilla-1.0.1-2.7.2;   is needed by mozilla-mail-1.0.1-2.7!
.2;   is needed by mozilla-mail-1.0.1!
-2.7.2;   is needed by mozilla-mail-1.0.1-2.7.2;mozilla-nss = 1.0.1-2.7.2 is needed by mozilla-psm-1.0.1-2.7.2;   is needed by mozilla-psm-1.0.1-2.7.2;   is needed by mozilla-psm-1.0.1-2.7.2;   is needed by mozilla-psm-1.0.1-2.7.2;   is needed by mozilla-psm-1.0.1-2.7.2;   is needed by mozilla-psm-1.0.1-2.7.2;   is needed by mozilla-psm-1.0.1-2.7.2;   is needed by mozilla-psm-1.0.1-2.7.2;   is needed by nautilus-mozilla-1.0.4-48;   is needed by nautilus-mozilla-1.0.4-48;   is needed by nautilus-mozilla-1.0.4-48;I'd greatly appreciate any suggestion/comments on this circular dependency problem, esp. why is rpm complaining about dependencies if up2date is supposed to take care of them? Please no!
te, it only happens with the above set ofpackages and not with any others (ex., glibc suite, kde suite etc.) thru up2date and a subsequent rpm install (manually, as above).
BGDo you Yahoo!?
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DNS Problem! I think?

2003-01-20 Thread Art Ross

I have a laptop, Dell Inspiron 8000.  I've purchased two HDs for it. 
Like all laptops I only have one HD in the laptop at a time.  I
originally installed RH7.3 on one of these HDs and everything works
fine.  Well, I had the need to install RH7.3 on the second HD.
Upon completing the install, I checked my networking and received the
following results.

I can ping anyone by IP number.  This includes computers on my home
network as well as on the Web.  The response time is normal and correct.

I can ping computers on my home network by name and the lookup is from
the 'hosts' file.

I cannot ping computers on the Web from this machine.  The ping times
out and I receive a message stating the web address was not reachable.

Also, when I try to ssh into other machines on my home network by hostname
there is a large delay time.  When I conduct an ssh by IP number the
delay disappears.

Since I had an identical working install of RH7.3 working. 
I begin
swapping the network configuration files from the working
version to the nonworking version.  These files include 
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and /etc/resolv.conf. 
no avail, I still have the same problem.  Does anyone have a clue?
Since the original install of RH7.3 I increased the amount of memory
in the Inspiron from two 128MB bars to two 256MB bars.
This one has me stumped.  Any help will be appreciated.
Best Regards,

RE: Linux front end for exchange server

2003-01-20 Thread Jason Staudenmayer
Ok I now have qmail qmail-scanner and spamassassin installed and running.
BUT, spamassissin is eating my emails. I can see them getting proccessed in
the log files 
But no email ever gets delivered. Any Ideas on what to check??

-Original Message-
From: Jason Staudenmayer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Saturday, January 18, 2003 12:48 PM
Subject: RE: Linux front end for exchange server

OK I have gotten this far. qmail is installed at can send mail out no
problem. I have my internal DNS server set with the MX pointing to qmail
server. I have one RH box acting as "outside box". I send email from
"outside box" to qmail Server via MX record and I get this error in the
maillog of the "outside box"

stat=user unknown 

I have the following set in qmail:

Localdomains: set for only local hostname which is Accepted
Domains: localhost, , Domain routing: mail for send via server

Everything else is default unchanged.

Any ideas on what I'm missing??


-Original Message-
From: Mark Parsons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 12:32 PM
Subject: RE: Linux front end for exchange server


I am doing this right now.

What I have is a qmail email server that accepts all messages. Scans them
for spam using spamassassin/razor and then forwards them to my exchange
server which has a virus scanning system on it. This was very easy to do and

The main resources I used were this is to do the basic
setup of qmail. Then I used as another
resource to fill in the holes for the qmail setup and the plugin for

I am working on my own documentation on how to get this done. Once I have
something I will let you know.


-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Jason Staudenmayer
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 11:34 AM
Subject: Linux front end for exchange server

Has anyone done this yet? If so are there docs. I would like to move my
Exchange server behind a Linux box. Having Linux scan for virus, tag spam
and then "pass" the mail to the 
exchange server for delivery. The virus scanning isn't that important as the
server does scan but the spam is the biggy. There will be NO LOCAL mailboxes
that need to be serviced. Everything should get sent to the exchange server.



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RE: Equivalent to urpmi/apt-get for RedHat?

2003-01-20 Thread Mike Langhorst
I've been having really good luck with the apt-get rpm package.

Check it out here:

There are other databases out there to get more up to date information,
just look around.


-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Alexander Skwar
Sent: Monday, January 20, 2003 1:28 PM
Subject: Re: Equivalent to urpmi/apt-get for RedHat?

Tibbetts, Ric wrote:

> I'm not saying anything about whether it's good, or bad. Just warning 
> you to take a look.
> I'm actually converting the other way, from Mandrake, back to Redhat.

That's the way I also wanted to go - Mandrake -> Redhat.  Although I 
think I really need a tool like urpmi (or whatever).  Does apt-rpm work 
with Redhat and are there apt "databases" out there for Redhat?

Alexander Skwar
How to quote: (german) (en)
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Re: Has Anyone Seen This?

2003-01-20 Thread Francisco Neira
Rigler, S C (Steve) wrote:
> At my company we are in the process of deploying some Linux workstations
> to replace some SGI machines.  The majority of these machines will be on
> ATM (using Fore PCA & HE cards), and for the longest time I was believing
> that this was something related to the ATM networking.
> However, this morning I observed a Linux machine on ethernet causing 
> At any rate, here's what I am seeing:
> If a Linux machine is rebooted after having been up for a few days or
> booted for the first time, the SGI machines will log the following 
> to their SYSLOGs:
> WARNING: ARP: got MAC address on el for BCAST IP address
> The SGI's are the only machines that log this (other Linux machines don't
> log anything and neither do our Sun machines).  All of our machines have
> static IP addresses.
> Has anyone seen this?
> -Steve

I saw this once when using arpwatch. Keeps a log to warn about hardware
replacement o "man-in-the_middles" :-)


Francisco Neira B.  /~\ The ASCII
Administrador de Red\ / Ribbon Campaign
Defensoria del PuebloX  Against
Lima, Peru, -05:00 UTC  / \ HTML Email
PGP Pub Key at

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Credit Card Reader?

2003-01-20 Thread David Busby
Does anyone have a recommendation for a credit card reader that I can
connect to my RH80 box?  I need to feed the data to a TCL based app.

David Busby
Systems Engineer

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Re: Equivalent to urpmi/apt-get for RedHat?

2003-01-20 Thread Alexander Skwar
Gordon Messmer wrote:

Get apt from

Ah, good to know.

rpm -qf /usr/include/time.h

[askwar@teich askwar]$ rpm -qf /foo/bar
Fehler: file /foo/bar: No such file or directory


As all the urpmi tools, urpmf only uses the urpmi database and thus also 
takes non-installed packages into account.  But apt also can do this.

Alexander Skwar
How to quote: (german) (en)
Homepage:  |  Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Die günstige Art an Linux Distributionen zu kommen

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Re: Equivalent to urpmi/apt-get for RedHat?

2003-01-20 Thread Alexander Skwar
Tibbetts, Ric wrote:

I'm not saying anything about whether it's good, or bad. Just warning 
you to take a look.
I'm actually converting the other way, from Mandrake, back to Redhat.

That's the way I also wanted to go - Mandrake -> Redhat.  Although I 
think I really need a tool like urpmi (or whatever).  Does apt-rpm work 
with Redhat and are there apt "databases" out there for Redhat?

Alexander Skwar
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Has Anyone Seen This?

2003-01-20 Thread Rigler, S C (Steve)
At my company we are in the process of deploying some Linux workstations
to replace some SGI machines.  The majority of these machines will be on
ATM (using Fore PCA & HE cards), and for the longest time I was believing
that this was something related to the ATM networking.

However, this morning I observed a Linux machine on ethernet causing this.

At any rate, here's what I am seeing:

If a Linux machine is rebooted after having been up for a few days or
booted for the first time, the SGI machines will log the following message
to their SYSLOGs:

WARNING: ARP: got MAC address on el for BCAST IP address

The SGI's are the only machines that log this (other Linux machines don't
log anything and neither do our Sun machines).  All of our machines have
static IP addresses.

Has anyone seen this?


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RE: dhcp not giving dns servers

2003-01-20 Thread Mike Langhorst

Its currently owned by root:root with 664 permissions


I did the initial addition/removal with
the application “neat”, but subsequently I used vim.




-Original Message-
Behalf Of Larry Brown
Sent: Monday, January 20, 2003 1:10 PM
Subject: RE: dhcp not giving dns


What are the permissions to the resolv.conf file now?  How did you edit it? (vi or emacs or
from an app for chaning it)


Larry S. Brown

Dimension Networks, Inc.

(727) 723-8388


Behalf Of Mike Langhorst
Sent: Monday, January 20,
 2003 3:54 PM
Subject: dhcp not giving dns




been running RH8.0 on my IBM T23 laptop for a few months, and everything has
been working great, even the lucent winmodem that comes installed in the


recently when I needed to connect to a network without a DHCP server to test my
VPN connection.  I used the
“neat” program to add a dns server to the list so that I could
connect to a hostname.  That’s
where the problem began.  Because
now, after removing that entry that I manually added, dhcp will not update my
dns server list.  I’ve tried
many things, cleaning out all entries from resolv.conf manually, rebooting,
connecting via different methods (wireless eth1, Ethernet eth0, and dial-up)
but no difference.


ideas on how to fix this without a re-install?  It makes it a major pain when moving
back and forth between work and home, and the t-mobile hotspot service I just
paid $20 for won’t work either.



a bunch in advance.



Re: Scanner Software

2003-01-20 Thread Mike Burger
man sane

On Sat, 18 Jan 2003, Ted Gervais wrote:

> Is there any scanner software for RH8.
> I see that my system sees my scanner so maybe there is a chance I can install 
> something to get that to work.  Maybe RH8 already has something in place???

Mike Burger

Visit the Dog Pound II BBS
telnet:// or

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RE: How do I unsuscribe

2003-01-20 Thread Bailey, Larry
Title: RE: How do I unsuscribe

Yes.  I tried the web interface as well as the e-mail.  Neither 

  -Original Message-From: David Busby 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Monday, January 20, 2003 12:27 
  PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: How do I 
  Did you try the web interface as well as the 
- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, January 20, 2003 
Subject: RE: How do I unsuscribe

The unsubscribe listed below DOES NOT work.  I have 
been trying to unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] for two week to no 
avail. So tell me, is there a working way to unsubscribe?
-Original Message- From: Ted 
Gervais [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Saturday, January 18, 2003 4:04 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Re: How do I unsuscribe 
On Saturday 18 January 2003 02:55 pm, Pepo RH wrote: 
> Hi... >   This 
list is so large... How do I unsuscribe of this list?? 
Read the bottom of any message...  your answer is 
> > thanks 
-- T.L.Gervais Coldbrook, NS Canada. 
-- redhat-list mailing list 
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RE: dhcp not giving dns servers

2003-01-20 Thread Larry Brown

What are the
permissions to the resolv.conf file now?  How did you edit it? (vi or emacs or from an app for chaning it)


Larry S. Brown

Networks, Inc.

(727) 723-8388


Behalf Of Mike Langhorst
Sent: Monday, January 20, 2003
3:54 PM
Subject: dhcp not giving dns




been running RH8.0 on my IBM T23 laptop for a few months, and everything has
been working great, even the lucent winmodem that comes installed in the


recently when I needed to connect to a network without a DHCP server to test my
VPN connection.  I used the “neat”
program to add a dns server to the list so that I could connect to a
hostname.  That’s where the problem
began.  Because now, after removing
that entry that I manually added, dhcp will not update my dns server list.  I’ve tried many things, cleaning out
all entries from resolv.conf manually, rebooting, connecting via different
methods (wireless eth1, Ethernet eth0, and dial-up) but no difference.


ideas on how to fix this without a re-install?  It makes it a major pain when moving back and forth between
work and home, and the t-mobile hotspot service I just paid $20 for won’t work



a bunch in advance.



Making IMAP happen

2003-01-20 Thread Richard S. Crawford
Currently I pull e-mail in from my ISP's POP3 server and put it into an
mbox folder on my computer so that I can read it from either Evolution
or Mutt.

The next thing I'd like to do is set up an IMAP server on my computer so
that I can...

1.  Pull mail in from my ISP's POP3 server as before;

2.  Read my mail with Mutt when logging into my computer remotely
with an SSH client;

3.  Read my mail with Evolution when I'm sitting at my computer; and

4.  Install Squirrel Mail onto my computer so I can read my mail
via Mozilla (or *gasp* IE) when I'm at a remote computer that
I can't SSH from.

I know this is possible, for all things are possible with Linux.  But
how can I get started?  I've read the RH documentation but it seems a
bit thin on getting started with this sort of thing.

Richard S. Crawford
AIM: Buffalo2K / Y!: rscrawford / ICQ: 11640404
"It is only with our heart that we can see clearly.  What is essential
invisible to the eye."  --Antoine de Saint Exupery

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Re: e-mail recommendations for sending logs as files

2003-01-20 Thread Bret Hughes
On Fri, 2003-01-17 at 09:44, Douglas, Stuart wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm investigating utilities like logwatch, logcheck, logtool, etc. wanting to get my 
>log files in file form via e-mail.  Since the basic mail (mailx) client doesn't 
>support attachments, can anyone recommend something to use instead?
> Regards and thanks!
> Stuart

Mutt see this post :

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dhcp not giving dns servers

2003-01-20 Thread Mike Langhorst

Hey all,


I’ve been running RH8.0 on my IBM T23 laptop for a few
months, and everything has been working great, even the lucent winmodem that comes installed in the laptop.


Until recently when I needed to connect
to a network without a DHCP server to test my VPN connection.  I used the “neat” program to
add a dns server to the list so that I could connect
to a hostname.  That’s where
the problem began.  Because now,
after removing that entry that I manually added, dhcp
will not update my dns server list.  I’ve tried many things, cleaning
out all entries from resolv.conf manually, rebooting,
connecting via different methods (wireless eth1, Ethernet eth0, and dial-up)
but no difference.


Any ideas on how to fix this without
a re-install?  It makes it a major pain when moving
back and forth between work and home, and the t-mobile hotspot service I just
paid $20 for won’t work either.



Thanks a bunch in advance.



dhcp not giving dns servers

2003-01-20 Thread Mike Langhorst

Hey all,


I’ve been running RH8.0 on my IBM T23 laptop for a few
months, and everything has been working great, even the lucent winmodem that comes installed in the laptop.


Until recently when I needed to
connect to a network without a DHCP server to test my VPN connection.  I used the “neat” program to
add a dns server to the list so that I could connect
to a hostname.  That’s where
the problem began.  Because now,
after removing that entry that I manually added, dhcp
will not update my dns server list.  I’ve tried many things, cleaning
out all entries from resolv.conf manually, rebooting,
connecting via different methods (wireless eth1, Ethernet eth0, and dial-up)
but no difference.


Any ideas on how to fix this without
a re-install?  It makes it a major pain when moving
back and forth between work and home, and the t-mobile hotspot service I just
paid $20 for won’t work either.



Thanks a bunch in advance.



Re: Equivalent to urpmi/apt-get for RedHat?

2003-01-20 Thread Gordon Messmer
On Mon, 2003-01-20 at 05:25, Alexander Skwar wrote:
> I'm thinking about converting to Red Hat from Mandrake.  One extremely
> useful tool in Mandrake, was "urpmi" which is somewhat like apt-get from
> Debian (or apt-rpm from .  Both tools allow easy installation of RPMs.

Get apt from

> So, if I wanted to install proftpd, I'd type:
>   urpmi proftpd

apt-get install proftpd

> Another nifty feature of the urpmi tools is urpmf.  Suppose I wanted to
> know, which package contains /usr/include/time.h, I'd type:
>   [askwar@teich .procmail]$ urpmf /usr/include/time.h
>   glibc-devel:/usr/include/time.h

rpm -qf /usr/include/time.h

> Or suppose, I wanted to know, which package provides the virtual
> capability "zlib-devel", I'd type:
>   [askwar@teich .procmail]$ urpmq zlib-devel
>   zlib1-devel

apt-cache search zlib-devel

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Re: filesystems

2003-01-20 Thread Cliff Wells
On Fri, 2003-01-17 at 22:27, Remo Mattei wrote:
> Does anyone have any suggestions on filesytems, I have used ext3 for
> several years now and it works fine. I like xfs, is there an rpm? Or
> do I have to compile from source?? I need it to run qmail and web
> mainly.

Take a look at

Cliff Wells, Software Engineer
Logiplex Corporation (
(503) 978-6726 x308  (800) 735-0555 x308

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Re: static-routes with RH8.0

2003-01-20 Thread John Horne
On Mon, 2003-01-20 at 00:11, Matthew Melvin wrote:
> On Fri, 17 Jan 2003 at 3:46pm (-0800), Toshi Esumi wrote:
> > Does someone have the same experience with RH8.0? I put a static router
> > statement in /etc/sysconfig/static-routes file as I did with RH7.0. But it
> > doesn't seem to work when I reboot the PC. It takes the same static route
> > when I put it manualy using "route" command when it's running. The route I
> > wanted to put is 
> > 
> > 
> > Kernel IP routing table
> > Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
> > Iface
> >* U 0  00 eth0
> >   *   U 0  00 lo
> > default UG0  00 eth0
> > 
> > 
> > route add -net gw netmask
> > 
> > Kernel IP routing table
> > Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
> > Iface
> > UG0  00 eth0
> >* U 0  00 eth0
> >   *   U 0  00 lo
> > default UG0  00 eth0
> > 
> > 
> > eth0 net netmask gw
> >This didn't work when
> > I rebooted.
> > 
> RH8.0 doens't use /etc/sysconfig/static-routes any more but instead has a 
> routes file for each interface... try adding...
> via
> ... to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-eth0 instead.
Looking at /etc/sysconfig/network/ifup-routes seems to show that that
was the 'old way'. It seems they now expect a file such as
'/etc/sysconfig/networking/devices/$1.route' where $1 is the device name
and the file contains environment variable statements (just like

(I'm at home at the mo, but I'll try this tomorrow at work.)


John Horne, University of Plymouth, UK   Tel: +44 (0)1752 233914
PGP key available from public key servers

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Re: Equivalent to urpmi/apt-get for RedHat?

2003-01-20 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Before you do that, take a good hard look at Mandrake 9.1b2. It will 
show you the direction that Mandrake is going. If you have a test box, 
load that up.

I'm not saying anything about whether it's good, or bad. Just warning 
you to take a look.
I'm actually converting the other way, from Mandrake, back to Redhat.

Although, I will miss urpmi. Great tool! It saves you from "Dependancy 


Alexander Skwar wrote:

I'm thinking about converting to Red Hat from Mandrake.  One extremely
useful tool in Mandrake, was "urpmi" which is somewhat like apt-get from
Debian (or apt-rpm from .  Both tools allow easy installation of RPMs.
So, if I wanted to install proftpd, I'd type:

urpmi proftpd

urpmi would then download and install proftpd and any dependencies. In
case all (or some) of the packages are on the install CDs, urpmi would
prompt to insert the correct CD and install from there.

Another nifty feature of the urpmi tools is urpmf.  Suppose I wanted to
know, which package contains /usr/include/time.h, I'd type:

[askwar@teich .procmail]$ urpmf /usr/include/time.h

Or suppose, I wanted to know, which package provides the virtual
capability "zlib-devel", I'd type:

[askwar@teich .procmail]$ urpmq zlib-devel

This would tell me, that the package zlib1-devel needs to be installed
for this capability.  This of course also works for not installed
packages (as long as they are listed in the urpmi databases, of course).

What's the equivalent in RedHat to these tools?  It would be very nice,
if this tool doesn't require a X gui; ie. command line tools are
preferred.  If it requires a GUI, then so be it.

Thanks a lot,

Alexander Skwar

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Re: timezone settings

2003-01-20 Thread Tom Pollerman
On 18 Jan 2003 13:17:38 +
Mertens Bram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have been told that the my timezone is set incorrectly.
> I live in Antwerp which is in GMT+0100 in the timezone
> Europe/Brussels.
> I have set this during installation of my RH7.3 and have verified
> this via the 'dateconfig' dialog box.
> However Evolution seems to think the timezone is set to GMT+
> (you should be able to check this through the headers of this
> message).
> 'date' also seems to report GMT+:
> [M8ram@localhost M8ram]$ date
> Sat Jan 18 13:15:35 UTC 2003
> [M8ram@localhost M8ram]$ date -R
> Sat, 18 Jan 2003 13:15:38 +
> ^
> It is now 13:15 local time (GMT+0100)
> Can anybody tell what I've set up wrong?
 Ensure that file /etc/localtime reflects the file in
/sur/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Brussles. On my RH7.0 system,
/etc/localtime and /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/New_York are identical.
On some systems this may be a symlink.



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2003-01-20 Thread Richard Worwood
I'm having a nightmare trying to get a DNS entry to work for my Linux box,
if anyone could help I would be most greatfull.

The machine itself has a static dhcp assignment which it successfully picks
up at startup, however no entry is put into the win2k DNS Server.

Does anyone know what to look for ?



Richard Worwood, TDB Networks
4 High Street, Twyford, Berkshire  RG10 9AE
Office: +44 (0) 118 934 0056
Mobile: +44 (0) 7771 662880

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