urgent :- moxa C502-ISA/35 dual Sync Board on Rh6.2

2003-09-13 Thread Dhanraj sheth
hello all ,
well i want to know if any one has configure the same
( moxa C502-ISA/35 dual Sync Board) on Rh6.2 kernel
2.2.14-5 when i install drivers of that which are
downloaded from site(www.moxa.com.tw) they get install
with out any
errors but when i do
#insmod mxc502
#insmod sysncppp
#insmod mxc502m baseaddr=0xC800 txclock=0 speed=64000
bps isairq=4
it gives me error in command 3
like --> /lib/modules/2.2.14-5.0/net/mxc502m.o :
init_module Device or resource busy
and that time at dmesg this is the output of the
command given
-->mxc502m: Not any Moxa board is set.
-->Some of the required outputs
# lsmod
Module  Size  Used by
syncppp 8776   0  (unused)
mxc502  3040   0
lockd  31592   1  (autoclean)
sunrpc 53540   1  (autoclean) [lockd]
rtl813912388   1  (autoclean)
# less /var/log/messages
Sep 12 16:05:43 router kernel: Generic Moxa C502 board
 interface driver v1.0
Sep 12 16:19:19 router kernel: Cronyx Ltd, Synchronous
PPP and CISCO HDLC (c) 1994
Sep 12 16:19:19 router kernel: Linux port (c) 1998
Building Number Three Ltd & J
an "Yenya" Kasprzak.
# less /proc/interrupts
  0:  84008  XT-PIC  timer
  1:   1165  XT-PIC  keyboard
  2:  0  XT-PIC  cascade
  8:  1  XT-PIC  rtc
 11:945  XT-PIC  eth0
 13:  1  XT-PIC  fpu
 14: 534839  XT-PIC  ide0
NMI:  0
#less /proc/ioports
-001f : dma1
0020-003f : pic1
0040-005f : timer
0060-006f : keyboard
0070-007f : rtc
0080-008f : dma page reg
00a0-00bf : pic2
00c0-00df : dma2
00f0-00ff : fpu
01f0-01f7 : ide0
03c0-03df : vga+
03f6-03f6 : ide0
03f8-03ff : serial(auto)
6000-6007 : ide0
6008-600f : ide1
6200-627f : eth0

what could be that ?
and how to short out this error ?
and the things are worst that the same system and the same card are working
with windows 2000 , i dont know where i am missed some thing ! :(
WEll if some one has done the same or some one has
pointer for this thanks in adv
Dhanraj sheth

linux is Great !!!


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Re: Add Services to the Service list in RH9

2003-09-13 Thread Dhanraj sheth
hi ! Tom Ferguson
>> Does anyone know how to add a new service to the start stop list.  I
>> installed Qmail and what it to start on startup of the server.
There is way to Start the Qmail on the Startup well just Visit the following
Link and See the Qmailqtl Script get that its free !! and use it to Start
and stop qmail.


well keep in touch
dhanraj sheth

linux is Great !!!


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Re: Linksys router and ssh connection

2003-09-13 Thread Jesse Millan

Can you elaborate on this a little more? Very interesting... Why not
just have a closed port?

On Sun, 2003-09-07 at 17:57, Ed Wilts wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 07, 2003 at 10:52:46AM -1000, Marc Adler wrote:
> > I want to configure my Linksys router to allow ssh connections. One and
> > a half seconds of Googling showed me how to change the default password
> > on it, and it makes me wonder whether more people shouldn't know that
> > there is a default password that is the *same* for all Linksys routers,
> > but that's beside the point. 
> And, you should *always* forward port 80 to something, even a
> non-existent host, to disallow any hopes that somebody that somebody can
> talk to it from the outside.
> -- 
> Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA
> Member #1, Red Hat Community Ambassador Program
Jesse Millan
CNS Server Team
Portland State University
Phone: (503) 725-3285
Fax:   (503) 725-6487
GPG key: www.system-calls.com/gpg.php

I wouldn't be so paranoid if you weren't all out to get me!!

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Re: Add Services to the Service list in RH9

2003-09-13 Thread Jesse Millan
On Tue, 2003-09-09 at 07:42, Tom Ferguson wrote:
> Does anyone know how to add a new service to the start stop list.  I
> installed Qmail and what it to start on startup of the server.

Or, if you prefer a GUI: redhat-config-services

Jesse Millan
CNS Server Team
Portland State University
Phone: (503) 725-3285
Fax:   (503) 725-6487
GPG key: www.system-calls.com/gpg.php

I wouldn't be so paranoid if you weren't all out to get me!!

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Re: 2.6.0-test5 won't boot

2003-09-13 Thread Jesse Millan
On Fri, 2003-09-12 at 12:36, Kevin Breit wrote:
> Hey,
> I compiled 2.6.0-test5 (latest) today and am having a hard time 
> booting it.  During boot, I get:
> Kernel panic.  No kernel found.  Trey passing init= to kernel.
> My .img file is specified in grub.conf and does exist in the proper 
> directory.  As does the kernel.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks
> Kevin Breit

Like the other person just said, the kernel wants to pass execution to
init, it cant mount the file-system so it cant start init. Your problem,
most likely, is your file-system driver is not compiled into the kernel

Jesse Millan
CNS Server Team
Portland State University
Phone: (503) 725-3285
Fax:   (503) 725-6487
GPG key: www.system-calls.com/gpg.php

I wouldn't be so paranoid if you weren't all out to get me!!

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RE: Samba Help !!! Please !!!

2003-09-13 Thread cajun
Hi all,

Just got back in town, I have been gone all week, and I just wanted to 
say thanks to Ben and Fred for the info:  


Oh and Jason, no I am not preping for the RHCE, I wish I was.  Right now 
I just don't have the time.  But what I am doing is trying to get back 
into using Linux.  I use to run a couple of Linux servers for a small 
consulting firm about 6 years ago and I was just learning it back then. 
Then my job shifted and I got out of Linux and have not touched it in 6 
years.  Right now I just want to make sure that what I am doing is right 
and that I am not setting up an unsecure box for someone else to jump on 
and use.

Anyways, I am trying to setup Samba so my windoze pc's can get access to 
the internet and also so everyone can share files and printers without 
any hassels.  Plus I did remove what I had setup in my iptables before I 
left, it just did not look secure to me so I did not leave it in place.

I have used up enough banwidth with my rattleing on, just wanted to say 

Again Thanks!!!

Lee Perez

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Re: There's GOTTA Be A Way...

2003-09-13 Thread fred smith
On Sat, Sep 13, 2003 at 03:56:57PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I just installed a Hayes compatible (external/serial) modem on my Red Hat 
> Linux 8.0 box and for the life of me, I can't figure out how to make the ^%$#@ 
> thing work!
> I tried putting the Mac CD that came with the device in the drive, but the 
> system doesn't recognize the CD (however when I put the Windows version of the 
> disk in the drive it DOES "see" that one! And yes, I tried running the 
> installation software, for that disk, using "./" and all the possible executables 
> that 
> were available).
Well, those are Windoze files, anyway, so how would they do you any
good for Linux?

> I've tried running the Intenet Connection Wizard, but when I get to the 
> dialog that asks for the ISP, there's no option for the USA. 

I have a RH8 box here, but it doesn't have a modem in it. However,
the internet setup wizard doesn't REQUIRE you to choose a country.
You should just ignore the country list and enter the appropriate
ISP settings.

> I've tried scouring the documentation both for Red Hat AND the modem and 
> there's NOTHING (useful) about how do set up this modem. 

Sounds like a plain generic external serial modem, so they're pretty
much all the same.

> I'vre tried www.modems.com, AT commands, www.redhat.com/support, I even tried 
> CALLING RedHat, but all to no avail. 
> Can someone PLEASE in PLAIN ENGLISH tell me how I'm supposed to get a modem 
> to work on my RedHat 8.0 Linux computer? And PLEASE don't send me to any more 
> "information" (or LACK of information) sites. I need someone to tell me 
> STEP-BY-STEP how to do this. Thank you!

Well, first thing is figure out which serial port it's connected to.
if it's on (what windoze calls) COM1, that's /dev/ttyS0 for Linux. Knowing
that, do this:

ln -s /dev/ttyS0 /dev/modem

and of course if it's COM2, do this instead:

ln -s /dev/ttyS1 /dev/modem

having done that, you should be able to go click on the internet
setup button and follow the directions, using /dev/modem as the 
serial port.  
> Andre---

 Fred Smith -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
The Lord detests the way of the wicked 
  but he loves those who pursue righteousness.
- Proverbs 15:9 (niv) -

Description: PGP signature

Dumb question -- not seeing memory -- tried lilo

2003-09-13 Thread Lynne Seamans
Sorry, but I'm really kind of inexperienced in this and am admittedly
struggling to catch up.

Have RedHat 6.2 installed, kernel is 2.4.20

Intell machine, 4 gigs ram.  "free" command only sees 1.  Well, 904672 to be

Tried the "append=mem=4096M" in lilo.conf.  Made sure it was for the default
instance, reran /sbin/lilo

Still same.  I think I need highmem or some such in kernel, but I have no
idea where I got that idea, or how the heck I would accomplish such a feet.

Is that vaguely true?  Is it easy enough to keep the exact same kernel
configuration options and only change one?  I have the source from when I
installed 2.4.20 (which I needed instead of what came in the box).

THANKS so much for any pointers, tips, etc.  

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Re: Prefered backup method?

2003-09-13 Thread Gordon Messmer
Kent Borg wrote:
Let me give and example.  Let's say I have:

 - initial backup
 - incremental backup 1
 - incremental backup 2
 - incremental backup 3
 - incremental backup 4
These backups share common files via hard links.  How much space does
backup 2 take?  Or, put another way, how much space will I recover if
I delete backup 2?
Need a little more information to be sure, but you should be able to 
figure it out using the number of links each of the files has.  (I 
missed the early posts, but I assume the initial backup is a copy of 
your disk, and not just hard links to those files)

Further assuming that incremental 3 is the difference of the initial, 
and not the previous incremental, you'd use this to find the files that 
are unique to that backup:

find /backup-root/incr3 -type f -links 1

And you might futher extend that to give you a byte count of the files:

find /backup-root/incr3 -type f -links 1 -printf '%s\n' | \
awk 'BEGIN { EST=0 }
   { EST=EST + $1 }
 END   { print EST }'
If, however, you're doing incremental backups against the previous 
incremental, it's going to be more difficult to find out exactly what 
you want to know.  It can be done, but I'd need more details to tell you 

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Re: Adaptec ATA RAID 1200A under Linux

2003-09-13 Thread Michael Mansour
Hi Samuel,

> >I've just purchased a new AMD Ahtlon system, and
> got
> >with it an Adaptec ATA RAID 1200A as it seemed to
> do
> >what I wanted.
> >
> >Unfortunately, this card is not "officially"
> supported
> >by Adaptec, after emailing their support they only
> >tell me "unfortunately it's not supported under
> >Linux", yet they have all the Windows drivers. They
> >told me the 2400A card (which is many times more
> >expensive and has more features than what I need),
> is
> >supported under Linux and they provide the drivers
> for
> >it.
>   They claim to support 2400A because they wrote an
> open source linux 
> driver for it.  The driver is now in the main line
> linux kernel.  Thus 

Do you mean the driver for the 2400A is now in the
main line kernel or the driver for the 1200A?

> it will just work in future releases of any distro. 
> This is what good 
> linux support means!!!  Not Promise says "Sure I'll
> release a binary 
> driver, and maybe update every years or so."  
> Highpoint is at least 
> much better about providing partial source, and the
> ability to use their 
> cards in a non raided state.

Yeah.. I was able to have both drives detected under
Linux as JBODs, but I installed the Linux system using
the driver disk for the AMD cpu's and a redhat 8
re-install. Worked fine.

HPT also have Raid Management software which I also
downloaded and installed. This also worked fine and
was an exact copy of the raid management software
available for windows allowing you to see the raid
sets, duplicate them and so on. Quite nice.

> >Having googled for information on this card and
> Linux,
> >I've discovered that the card can be used using the
> >HPT370 (HighPoint Technology) driver, since Adaptec
> >use that chipset on their card. I obtained the
> driver
> >from:
> >
> >http://www.highpoint-tech.com/r100r_down.htm
> >
> >for Red Hat 8.0 and it works fine.
> >
> >I'm wondering why Adaptec don't "officially" supply
> >this driver themselves??? and don't provide support
> >for the card under Linux since it works perfectly
> >well. All I need is mirroring facility on the IDE
> >drives, so that's all I wanted in the card. The
> more
> >expensive 2400A (which Adaptec officially support
> >under Linux) has all the bells and whistles, has a
> >processor on board and supports RAID 5, but I don't
> >need those features so don't need that card.
> >
> >If it wasn't for the HPT driver, I would have got
> rid
> >of the Adaptec and looked at something else, maybe
> a
> >Fastrack 100 or similar, whatever is supported
> under
> >Linux. I don't see the reasoning behind Adaptecs
> >decision not to support the 1200A under Linux.
>   My contacts with Adaptec lead me to the following
> conclusions.  
> Adaptec wisely views binary drivers as
> unmaintainable under linux.  As 
> they can't  give you good support they choose not to
> do so at all.   
> This is true of all of their controllers that do
> driver based raid.  
> Such controllers are only supported as in jbod mode
> under linux.   
> Adapter is quick to point out linux has great
> software raid support. 
>Don't bad mouth Adaptec for it's linux support. 

Didn't mean to, just tried to understand their
decision behind it since I was able to get both the
driver and the Raid management software from HPT and
get it to work, while Adaptec made no mention of HPT
when asking their support, they just said it's not

> They said it didn't 
> work under linux.  You were the one that disagreed
> with them. They are 

Yeah true, but they could have said "Michael, you can
try generic HPT drivers but these are not supported by

> one of the best controller card vendors in terms of
> linux support.  They 

I agree, all my SCSI controllers are Adaptec.

> don't make promise they can't, or won't keep.  Keep
> in mind they 
> couldn't release the driver source for this card
> even if they wanted 
> to.  They could have easily done what Highpoint and
> Promise do, but they 
> have higher support standards.
>Promise's linux support is incredibly bad they
> claim they support 
> Linux, but they really only support a handful of
> kernels.  They don't 
> provide drivers for newer releases of Red Hat in
> timely manner.  
> Generally you are stuck with a release 6 to 12
> months old.  Which has 
> secuirity holes, and bugs. Heaven  help promise's
> linux customers when 
> Promise stops support the fasttrak line. 

Yeah true again.

>  > Anyway, if anyone has experience with this card I
> do
> >have one query. I'd like to upgrade my kernel from
> >2.4.18-14smp which I have on the fresh RH8 install
> >(installing the HPT driver upon installation via
> the
> >driver disk), to the newest 2.4.20-20.8smp, but HPT
> >have only got a module for 2.4.20-8smp on their
> driver
> >disk.
> >
> >Can I use this module on the newer 2.4.20-20.8smp
> by
> >just copying the module into the kernel tree for
> >2.4.20-20.8smp ?
> >
> >  
> >
>   No you can't si

Re: [SOLVED] Re: URGENT: postfix fails, no internet connection

2003-09-13 Thread Marc Adler
* Rick Warner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-09-12 08:20]:
> On Thu, 2003-09-11 at 19:55, Marc Adler wrote:
> > * Marc Adler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-09-11 16:04]:
> > > * Marc Adler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-09-11 15:44]:
> > 
> > > my ISP's nameservers have changed. Is there any way to find out what the
> > > new ones are?
> > 
> > Alright, that was a stupid question. I called the tech service people
> > and they told me to do an 'ipconfig/all' in the Windows terminal
> > ('command prompt') and sure enough, there were the new nameserver
> > addresses. Now I'm wondering why dhclient didn't automatically update
> > them on my Linux box...
> Congrats!  See, a re-install was not necessary ;-)   
> As for dhclient and updates, have you made any changes to the dhclient 
> scripts, the setup files, or /etc/resolv that might interfere?

Not that I know of. I hadn't even heard of dhclient until I looked at
the etc/resolv.conf file. How does it work and is there a way to test

Marc Adler

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Compile distribution options

2003-09-13 Thread Josep M.

I´m trying of compile my distribution as maximum optimized as possible,for a 
machine, or replace the most relevant packages with these parameters:

-O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -pipe 
-mpreferred-stack-boundary=2 -march=i686 

If someone believe there is more good parameters for optimize speed any suggestion 
will be 
appreciated,I prefer speed in the machine,if use a little more of ram is not a problem.


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Re: rh-l] Re: php on RH8

2003-09-13 Thread Kalin Mintchev

are you on RH8?

On Sat, 13 Sep 2003, R P Herrold wrote:

> On Sat, 13 Sep 2003, Kalin Mintchev wrote:
> > On Sat, 13 Sep 2003, Reuben D. Budiardja wrote:
> >
> > > On Saturday 13 September 2003 01:57 am, Kalin Mintchev wrote:
> > > > #!/usr/local/bin/php
> > > >  > > >  $db = mysql_connect(localhost, "user", "pass");
> > > >  mysql_select_db("mymaindb",$db);
> > > >  $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM theTable",$db);
> > > >  printf("l1: %s\n", mysql_result($result,0,"some_column"));
> > > > ?>
> > >
> > > Are both machine has the same php.ini? Try using
> > > 
> I have used (and am using) the stock php package from Red hat
> with no problems doing CLI PHP -- see my presentation notes
> at:
>   http://www.colug.net/notes/0208mtg/
> You may need to point at the path to the /etc/php.ini file
> [the " -c/etc " part], and ensure that you are pointing to the
> correct binary.  Check the '#!'  line in the following
> example.
> As to interacting with a MySQL database, again I use a stock
> Red Hat install without the need for a recompile without
> problems.  Here is a sample script, which cleans out some "'"
> characters, and marks improper (US)  phone numbers as 'dnc' --
> do not call -- in an outbound dialling application database:
> bash-2.05b$ cat preenTelNum.php
> #!/usr/bin/php -c/etc
>  //
> //Clean the dialling database
> //
> //   Copyright (c) 2002 Owl River Company
> //
> //  Get the database keying
> //
> $db_server = "";
> $db_user   = "telephone";
> $db_passwd = "secret";
> $db_name   = "listing";
> //
> $link = mysql_connect($db_server, $db_user, $db_passwd)
> or die("Could not connect to $db_server as $db_user \n");
> //
> $isdb = mysql_select_db($db_name)
> or die("Could not get database $db_name \n");
> //
> $select1 = "select * from phones where dnc is null  ";
> $result1 = mysql_query($select1);
> //
> $rows = 0 ;
> while ($row1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result1)) {
> //
> $rows += 1 ;
> //
> $d_first= $row1["first"];
> $d_first= eregi_replace('\'','',$d_first);
> $d_last=  $row1["last"];
> $d_last= eregi_replace('\'','',$d_last);
> $d_telno= $row1["telno"];
> $d_uid= $row1["uid"];
> //
> $testdigit = substr($d_telno,3,1);
> //
> if ("$testdigit" == "1" || "$testdigit" == "0") {
> print "$d_first $d_last $d_telno $d_uid \n";
> //
> $select2 = "update phones set dnc = 'x' where uid = '$d_uid' ";
> $result2 = mysql_query($select2);
> //
> }
> //
> print "$rows changed \n";
> //
> }
> //
> ?>

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Re: How to use USB key drive with Red Hat 9

2003-09-13 Thread Lorenzo Prince
Vinny Valdez staggered into view and mumbled:
> #mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/jumpdrive

It may also be necessary to mount the drive as /dev/sda rather than /dev/sda1.  My 
laptop recognizes my USB floppy as 
/dev/sda.  If I try to mount /dev/sda1 I get a similar error about not knowing the 
filesystem even though the drive 
still spins as if it is on /dev/sda1.  HTH.

Lorenzo Prince
happy Shrike user ;)

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Configuration problem 6.2 with ISA card ( moxa C502-ISA/35 dual Sync Board)

2003-09-13 Thread Dhanraj sheth
hello all ,
well i want to know if any one has configure the same
( moxa C502-ISA/35 dual Sync Board) on Rh6.2 kernel
2.2.14-5 when i install drivers of that which are
downloaded from site(www.moxa.com.tw) they get install
with out any
errors but when i do
#insmod mxc502
#insmod sysncppp
#insmod mxc502m baseaddr=0xC800 txclock=0 speed=64000
bps isairq=4

it gives me error in command 3

like --> /lib/modules/2.2.14-5.0/net/mxc502m.o :
init_module Device or resource busy

and that time at dmesg this is the output of the
command given
-->mxc502m: Not any Moxa board is set.

-->Some of the required outputs
# lsmod
Module  Size  Used by
syncppp 8776   0  (unused)
mxc502  3040   0
lockd  31592   1  (autoclean)
sunrpc 53540   1  (autoclean) [lockd]
rtl813912388   1  (autoclean)

# less /var/log/messages

Sep 12 16:05:43 router kernel: Generic Moxa C502 board
 interface driver v1.0

Sep 12 16:19:19 router kernel: Cronyx Ltd, Synchronous
PPP and CISCO HDLC (c) 1994

Sep 12 16:19:19 router kernel: Linux port (c) 1998
Building Number Three Ltd & J
an "Yenya" Kasprzak.


# less /proc/interrupts
  0:  84008  XT-PIC  timer
  1:   1165  XT-PIC  keyboard
  2:  0  XT-PIC  cascade
  8:  1  XT-PIC  rtc
 11:945  XT-PIC  eth0
 13:  1  XT-PIC  fpu
 14: 534839  XT-PIC  ide0
NMI:  0

#less /proc/ioports
-001f : dma1
0020-003f : pic1
0040-005f : timer
0060-006f : keyboard
0070-007f : rtc
0080-008f : dma page reg
00a0-00bf : pic2
00c0-00df : dma2
00f0-00ff : fpu
01f0-01f7 : ide0
03c0-03df : vga+
03f6-03f6 : ide0
03f8-03ff : serial(auto)
6000-6007 : ide0
6008-600f : ide1
6200-627f : eth0

what could be that ?
and how to short out this error ?

WEll if some one has done the same or some one has
pointer for this thanks in adv
Dhanraj sheth

linux is Great !!!


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Re: rh-l] Re: php on RH8

2003-09-13 Thread R P Herrold
On Sat, 13 Sep 2003, Kalin Mintchev wrote:

> On Sat, 13 Sep 2003, Reuben D. Budiardja wrote:
> > On Saturday 13 September 2003 01:57 am, Kalin Mintchev wrote:

> > > #!/usr/local/bin/php
> > >  > >  $db = mysql_connect(localhost, "user", "pass");
> > >  mysql_select_db("mymaindb",$db);
> > >  $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM theTable",$db);
> > >  printf("l1: %s\n", mysql_result($result,0,"some_column"));
> > > ?>
> >
> > Are both machine has the same php.ini? Try using
> > http://www.colug.net/notes/0208mtg/

You may need to point at the path to the /etc/php.ini file
[the " -c/etc " part], and ensure that you are pointing to the
correct binary.  Check the '#!'  line in the following

As to interacting with a MySQL database, again I use a stock
Red Hat install without the need for a recompile without
problems.  Here is a sample script, which cleans out some "'"
characters, and marks improper (US)  phone numbers as 'dnc' --
do not call -- in an outbound dialling application database:

bash-2.05b$ cat preenTelNum.php
#!/usr/bin/php -c/etc

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Re: SATA and RH 9 Woes

2003-09-13 Thread M Daniel R M
The only thing I can say about it it's that I've installed the RH9
distro into a Gigabyte 8INXP motherboard with an 120GB S-ATA HD too, but
had no problems. That was about 2 or 3 months ago. The first kernel
included on it was 2.4.20-8; booting up I could always see a line that
said something about Serial ATA was OK..., recognized or so on...
I've had another problems (I'm very very newbie in Linux), but nothing
related with your comment. However, I couldn't install the SuSE Linux
8.2 and I wasn't able to understand why one distro YES and another NO if
the kernels were the same or very very similar, and these two distros
were built and launched about at the same time. Maybe SuSe forgot to
include a SATA support module? It was disappointing, but I've aswell
forgotten that point...
I only can say you for check your BIOS settings, especially all those
related with SATA or RAID issues.
I hope someone can help better,
Good luck.

> -
> > I hope that you are well. We have recently purchased a Dell Optiplex
> > GX 270 with a 120GB SATA disk. RH 9 seems to not recognize this drive
> > and doesn't allow me to proceed with a successful installation of Linux.

> You might want to check the kernel mailing list to see if the 2.5 kernels 
> have support for SATA yet. It's a new spec, so it may not; but if it has 
> been worked on, the 2.5 series is where you'll find it.

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Re: There's GOTTA Be A Way...

2003-09-13 Thread Michael Scottaline
On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 15:56:57 EDT
[EMAIL PROTECTED] insightfully noted:

>I just installed a Hayes compatible (external/serial) modem on my Red Hat 
>Linux 8.0 box and for the life of me, I can't figure out how to make the
>^%$#@ thing work!

How are your tying to make it work??  What are you using to try to connect? 
KPPP??  wvdial  If KPPP you just need to go to set up and it should be
quite easy from there.  Under device, you can try /dev/modem, or more likely
/dev/ttyS1.  then just fill in the required info for your ISP, phone #, login,
password.  Click connect and see what happens.
>I tried putting the Mac CD that came with the device in the drive, but the 
>system doesn't recognize the CD (however when I put the Windows version of
>the disk in the drive it DOES "see" that one! And yes, I tried running the 
>installation software, for that disk, using "./" and all the possible
>executables that were available).
>I've tried running the Intenet Connection Wizard, but when I get to the 
>dialog that asks for the ISP, there's no option for the USA. 
Vey unlikely you'll get to connect to AOL though.  You'll need a REAL ISP.

>I've tried scouring the documentation both for Red Hat AND the modem and 
>there's NOTHING (useful) about how do set up this modem. 
>I'vre tried www.modems.com, AT commands, www.redhat.com/support, I even tried
>CALLING RedHat, but all to no avail. 
>Can someone PLEASE in PLAIN ENGLISH tell me how I'm supposed to get a modem 
>to work on my RedHat 8.0 Linux computer? And PLEASE don't send me to any more
You might have to play with permissions a bit to get KPPP to work as a mortal
user.  It defaults to root ownership.

"The man who views the world the same at 50 as he did at 20 has wasted 30 
years of his life"
--Muhammad Ali

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Re: php on RH8

2003-09-13 Thread Kalin Mintchev
On Sat, 13 Sep 2003, Michael Schwendt wrote:

> On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 08:52:31 -0700, Daevid Vincent wrote:
> > Well, you could try this:
> >
> > # rpm -ihv php-4.2.2-17.i386.rpm --force --nodeps
> If this is just a guess, then don't try this.

i'm not gonna do that.

now.. i used the most recent source on php.net 4.3.3 and just rebuild php
the phpinfo() sais the php version is 4.3.3 but with /usr/local/bin/php -v
i still get this:

PHP 4.3.0 (cli) (built: Apr  5 2003 06:38:17)
Copyright (c) 1997-2002 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v1.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2002 Zend Technologies

how do i find the 4.3.3 binary? the /usr/local/bin/php file is actually
only passing the script to sed so i wonder if php is to blame at all

> Whenever someone suggests --nodeps, he should give an explanation as
> why it would be safe to ignore the package dependencies.
> And whenever someone suggests --force, he should give an even better
> explanation, such as why it is necessary and whether the installed
> package will work and will not damage any other components and so
> on.

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There's GOTTA Be A Way...

2003-09-13 Thread TekknoDraykko

I just installed a Hayes compatible (external/serial) modem on my Red Hat Linux 8.0 box and for the life of me, I can't figure out how to make the ^%$#@ thing work!
I tried putting the Mac CD that came with the device in the drive, but the system doesn't recognize the CD (however when I put the Windows version of the disk in the drive it DOES "see" that one! And yes, I tried running the installation software, for that disk, using "./" and all the possible executables that were available).
I've tried running the Intenet Connection Wizard, but when I get to the dialog that asks for the ISP, there's no option for the USA. 
I've tried scouring the documentation both for Red Hat AND the modem and there's NOTHING (useful) about how do set up this modem. 
I'vre tried www.modems.com, AT commands, www.redhat.com/support, I even tried CALLING RedHat, but all to no avail. 
Can someone PLEASE in PLAIN ENGLISH tell me how I'm supposed to get a modem to work on my RedHat 8.0 Linux computer? And PLEASE don't send me to any more "information" (or LACK of information) sites. I need someone to tell me STEP-BY-STEP how to do this. Thank you!

Re: php on RH8

2003-09-13 Thread Michael Schwendt
On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 08:52:31 -0700, Daevid Vincent wrote:

> Well, you could try this:
> # rpm -ihv php-4.2.2-17.i386.rpm --force --nodeps

If this is just a guess, then don't try this.

Whenever someone suggests --nodeps, he should give an explanation as
why it would be safe to ignore the package dependencies. 

And whenever someone suggests --force, he should give an even better
explanation, such as why it is necessary and whether the installed
package will work and will not damage any other components and so


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Re: php on RH8

2003-09-13 Thread Kalin Mintchev
On Sat, 13 Sep 2003, Reuben D. Budiardja wrote:

> On Saturday 13 September 2003 01:57 am, Kalin Mintchev wrote:
> > > It takes 10-15mins tops, on decent machine. Certainly less than half an
> > > hour. The time you took for testing and searching for RPM could easily
> > > have taken longer than the time you'd taken if you recompile PHP to suit
> > > your need. I do this on regular basis, so I know.
> > > It's not a matter of platform, BSD, RH, Mandrake, Suse, anything, it does
> > > not matter. What matter is, is PHP compiled with what you need, againts
> > > the correct libs?
> >
> > i just don't understand why the source code from php.net would not compile
> > the same on bsd, sun or rh box..
> What do you mean? It would compile the same if you give it the same configure
> option. If you also have the same php.ini, it would also behaves the same
> way.

when you build php from source it dedtects the os on which is installing
it so it compiles against the correct libs and paths...

> > why it HAS to be an rpm to have the php
> > cli working.
> No it does not have to be an RPM. Who said that it has?

well, both machines are build exactly the same from same source..

i'm actually rebuilding the rh one now

> >  what's wrong with the install script checking for your os and
> > then installing the correct cli?
> What install script are you talking about? If you try to compile from source,
> all you have to do is
> $> cd 
> $> ./configure 
> $> make
> $> make install
> I've never heard of any install script. If you meant the configure script, you
> have to give it the correct options so that it compiles with the correct
> stuff.
> > i the problem is that the the php scripts run by cron are identical on
> > both machines - as are the php 4.3.0 sources - but the ones ported over to
> > the RH8 machine are giving me this error:
> >
> > test code:
> >
> > #!/usr/local/bin/php
> >  >  $db = mysql_connect(localhost, "user", "pass");
> >  mysql_select_db("mymaindb",$db);
> >  $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM theTable",$db);
> >  printf("l1: %s\n", mysql_result($result,0,"some_column"));
> > ?>
> Are both machine has the same php.ini? Try using
> instead of just 

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Re: help with partitioning

2003-09-13 Thread George Nicholls
The redhat manuals (rh9) are quite good; I got my RAID5 working with
their help first time. You can read them online or download the rpms
from redhat.com



On Sat, 2003-09-13 at 20:47, Samuel Flory wrote:
> Chris W. Parker wrote:
> >Samuel Flory 
> >on Friday, September 12, 2003 5:38 PM said:
> >
> >Ok I'm convinced, I'll use RAID.
> >
> >I found this page
> >http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/linux/RHL-9-Manual/custom-guide/ch-so
> >ftware-raid.html which you'd think would be the perfect set of
> >instructions. BUT IT'S NOT!!
> >  
> >
>The raid instruction are a little vague.
> >I'm trying to follow Samuel's original instructions:
> >
> >-=-=-=-
> >   Use software raid 5 on each disk:
> >raid 1 /boot  (~100M) Raid 1 as you can't boot off of raid 5!!!
> >raid 5 swap
> >raid 5 /  (~2G)
> >raid 5 /var (Most of the rest of your space, for your logs and /var/www)
> >-=-=-=-
> >
> >(Following the steps in the above document) Step 5 says "For Allowable
> >Drives, select the drive(s) on which RAID will be created. If you have
> >multiple drives, all drives will be selected here and you must deselect
> >those drives which will not have the RAID array on them."
> >
> >But if I select more than one drive I get the message "Partitions of
> >type 'software RAID' must be constrained to a single drive. This is done
> >by selecting the drive in the 'Allowable Drives' checklist."
> >
> >Ok, So what's the deal with that? How can you have RAID if you're forced
> >to only use one disk? I don't get it!!
> >  
> >
>   You need to create a partition that will be a part of the raid array 
> on each disk.  So the followiing is what I do:
> Create a partition of type raid on disk 1 ~100M via the new partition button
> Create a raid partition of type raid on disk 2 ~100M via the new 
> partition button
> Create a raid partition of type raid on disk 3 ~100M via the new 
> partition button
> Create the raid array  using the above 3 disks using the raid buton
> Repeat for all arrays
>   I've always thought Red Hat's method was a little strange;-)  Why not 
> let me create multiple partitions on each disk in one stoke.
> >
> >AAHH!!
> >
> >
> >Chris.
> >
> >
> >  
> >

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RE: Embarrasing router question

2003-09-13 Thread Jason Staudenmayer
Linux on the laptop
route -n 
On the laptop should give you the route table with the default route being
the router.
Win on the laptop
>From command propmt:
ipconfig /all  (for win2k/xp/nt)
winipcfg (98 and I think me)

-Original Message-
From: Trey Sizemore [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2003 2:49 PM
Subject: Embarrasing router question

My Linux laptop connects to the internet via a Linksys router (it's a
cable connection).  Long story short, I converted my iPAQ OS to Linux
and am trying to share the internet connection via the laptop and the
USB sync cradle.  I need to know what the IP number of the router is.

By the way, if anyone on the list has done this, I'm all ears on



At a given moment I open my eyes and exist.
And before that, during all eternity, what was there?
- Ugo Betti

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Re: IP address of a DNS

2003-09-13 Thread David Hart
On Fri, 2003-09-12 at 22:52, Trey Sizemore wrote:
> I need help finding the IP address of a Domain Name Server.
> Thanks
Use your own caching name server. Very simple to set up.
> -- 
  Hart's PGP Key: 0x7BFF655E - http://TQMcube.com/hart_pgp.txt
 Total Quality Management - A Commitment to Excellence
   Email acceptance policy: http://www.TQMcube.com/email_policy.html

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Re: Best HBA's for use with Red Hat

2003-09-13 Thread Samuel Flory
Rhugga wrote:

Samuel Flory wrote:

Rhugga wrote:

We are building an Oracle RAC and I wanted to get some feedback on 
the best HBA's to use with Red Hat 9.x

 Raid or non raid.  Fiber, scsi, or ide?

Fibre, using them to connect 2 linux boxes to some external shared 
storage. I think IBM uses QLogic 2300's but would like some more input.

 The QLogic cards seem fairly popular, and they are the only ones I've 

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Re: BIND question

2003-09-13 Thread Patrick Nelson
On Sat, 2003-09-13 at 08:11, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Morning everyone.
> Well, I need to setup a internal DNS server for our company. As it stands
> right now, im looking at using BIND. But, i've never setup a BIND server
> before. Granted, I am very familiar with using commands such as 'dig' and
> 'nslookup', but as far as actually setting up BIND and getting it to work,
> im a newbie...
> With that in mind, does anyone recommend a link, doc, or book that I can
> read on how to setup a BIND server to be secure and efficient? The actual
> install of BIND should be pretty easy, but it is the setting up of the
> zones for my intranet and hosts as well is where I need some input..

The bind website is here http://www.isc.org/products/BIND/ but I would
do a search of google.  Although, some think that BIND is hard to
configure and unsecure... I thought it was fairly easy and it has been
secure for our company.  Just recently, we started name serving all of
our domains names (they were name served by our registrar) and the setup
was so easy that I was convinced I had it wrong.  Worked like a charm. 
Is in rpms.  Also I just tried to use redhat-config-bind and setup a
slave (backup) name server with it so quickly it was amazing.  The
process litterally went ly this:  Installed RPM, ran redhat-config-bind,
configured my slave (hit a couple of buttons, and entered an ip to the
master), saved it, exited redhat-config-bind.  And my slave was
working.  Next time I might try the redhat-config-bind to admin my
current master... just haven't yet.  Also chrooting named is fairly
easy.  HTH 

There is also djb-dns and there website is here:
http://cr.yp.to/djbdns.html if you need (or have time to compare).  I
installed it once but ultimately stuck with BIND...  not sure why as it
has been awhile.

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RE: Adaptec ATA RAID 1200A under Linux

2003-09-13 Thread Jonathan M. Slivko
Yeah, I actually had a problem with this as well on a remote system that
I manage running RedHat Linux 9 w/ 2.4.20 kernel (RPM). When I tried to
compile a custom kernel, it bailed out of "make install" complaining
about no driver being available for 3w-. How can I compile this new
driver into my kernel so it will work? 

If I can't do it, then how else can I modularly install grsecurity into
the existing kernel? Is it possible?

-- Jonathan

Jonathan M. Slivko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Systems Administrator - Hpro Development
200 - 4170 Still Creek Drive
Burnaby, BC V5A1M4

Office Phone #: (604) 473-7799
Office Fax   #: (604) 299-4511
Mobile Phone #: (917) 208-0581 

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Samuel Flory
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2003 2:38 PM
Subject: Re: Adaptec ATA RAID 1200A under Linux

Michael Mansour wrote:

>I've just purchased a new AMD Ahtlon system, and got
>with it an Adaptec ATA RAID 1200A as it seemed to do
>what I wanted.
>Unfortunately, this card is not "officially" supported
>by Adaptec, after emailing their support they only
>tell me "unfortunately it's not supported under
>Linux", yet they have all the Windows drivers. They
>told me the 2400A card (which is many times more
>expensive and has more features than what I need), is
>supported under Linux and they provide the drivers for

  They claim to support 2400A because they wrote an open source linux 
driver for it.  The driver is now in the main line linux kernel.  Thus 
it will just work in future releases of any distro.  This is what good 
linux support means!!!  Not Promise says "Sure I'll release a binary 
driver, and maybe update every years or so."   Highpoint is at least 
much better about providing partial source, and the ability to use their

cards in a non raided state.

>Having googled for information on this card and Linux,
>I've discovered that the card can be used using the
>HPT370 (HighPoint Technology) driver, since Adaptec
>use that chipset on their card. I obtained the driver
>for Red Hat 8.0 and it works fine.
>I'm wondering why Adaptec don't "officially" supply
>this driver themselves??? and don't provide support
>for the card under Linux since it works perfectly
>well. All I need is mirroring facility on the IDE
>drives, so that's all I wanted in the card. The more
>expensive 2400A (which Adaptec officially support
>under Linux) has all the bells and whistles, has a
>processor on board and supports RAID 5, but I don't
>need those features so don't need that card.
>If it wasn't for the HPT driver, I would have got rid
>of the Adaptec and looked at something else, maybe a
>Fastrack 100 or similar, whatever is supported under
>Linux. I don't see the reasoning behind Adaptecs
>decision not to support the 1200A under Linux.

  My contacts with Adaptec lead me to the following conclusions.  
Adaptec wisely views binary drivers as unmaintainable under linux.  As 
they can't  give you good support they choose not to do so at all.   
This is true of all of their controllers that do driver based raid.  
Such controllers are only supported as in jbod mode under linux.   
Adapter is quick to point out linux has great software raid support. 

   Don't bad mouth Adaptec for it's linux support.  They said it didn't 
work under linux.  You were the one that disagreed with them. They are 
one of the best controller card vendors in terms of linux support.  They

don't make promise they can't, or won't keep.  Keep in mind they 
couldn't release the driver source for this card even if they wanted 
to.  They could have easily done what Highpoint and Promise do, but they

have higher support standards.

   Promise's linux support is incredibly bad they claim they support 
Linux, but they really only support a handful of kernels.  They don't 
provide drivers for newer releases of Red Hat in timely manner.  
Generally you are stuck with a release 6 to 12 months old.  Which has 
secuirity holes, and bugs. Heaven  help promise's linux customers when 
Promise stops support the fasttrak line. 

 > Anyway, if anyone has experience with this card I do

>have one query. I'd like to upgrade my kernel from
>2.4.18-14smp which I have on the fresh RH8 install
>(installing the HPT driver upon installation via the
>driver disk), to the newest 2.4.20-20.8smp, but HPT
>have only got a module for 2.4.20-8smp on their driver
>Can I use this module on the newer 2.4.20-20.8smp by
>just copying the module into the kernel tree for
>2.4.20-20.8smp ?

  No you can't simply use a module compiled for one kernel on another 
kernel.   It might work, not work at all, or gradually corrupt your 
data.  In theory you can find the partial source driver below.  I don't 
remember which chip the adaptec card uses, and can't check a

Embarrasing router question

2003-09-13 Thread Trey Sizemore
My Linux laptop connects to the internet via a Linksys router (it's a
cable connection).  Long story short, I converted my iPAQ OS to Linux
and am trying to share the internet connection via the laptop and the
USB sync cradle.  I need to know what the IP number of the router is.

By the way, if anyone on the list has done this, I'm all ears on



At a given moment I open my eyes and exist.
And before that, during all eternity, what was there?
- Ugo Betti

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Re: help with partitioning

2003-09-13 Thread Samuel Flory
Chris W. Parker wrote:

Samuel Flory 
   on Friday, September 12, 2003 5:38 PM said:
Ok I'm convinced, I'll use RAID.

I found this page
ftware-raid.html which you'd think would be the perfect set of
instructions. BUT IT'S NOT!!

  The raid instruction are a little vague.

I'm trying to follow Samuel's original instructions:

  Use software raid 5 on each disk:
raid 1 /boot  (~100M) Raid 1 as you can't boot off of raid 5!!!
raid 5 swap
raid 5 /  (~2G)
raid 5 /var (Most of the rest of your space, for your logs and /var/www)
(Following the steps in the above document) Step 5 says "For Allowable
Drives, select the drive(s) on which RAID will be created. If you have
multiple drives, all drives will be selected here and you must deselect
those drives which will not have the RAID array on them."
But if I select more than one drive I get the message "Partitions of
type 'software RAID' must be constrained to a single drive. This is done
by selecting the drive in the 'Allowable Drives' checklist."
Ok, So what's the deal with that? How can you have RAID if you're forced
to only use one disk? I don't get it!!

 You need to create a partition that will be a part of the raid array 
on each disk.  So the followiing is what I do:

Create a partition of type raid on disk 1 ~100M via the new partition button
Create a raid partition of type raid on disk 2 ~100M via the new 
partition button
Create a raid partition of type raid on disk 3 ~100M via the new 
partition button
Create the raid array  using the above 3 disks using the raid buton
Repeat for all arrays

 I've always thought Red Hat's method was a little strange;-)  Why not 
let me create multiple partitions on each disk in one stoke.




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RE: php on RH8

2003-09-13 Thread Kalin Mintchev
On Sat, 13 Sep 2003, Daevid Vincent wrote:

> Well, you could try this:
> # rpm -ihv php-4.2.2-17.i386.rpm --force --nodeps

does that mean that i will nnot have openssl build into php?

> Daevid Vincent
> http://daevid.com
> > -Original Message-
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kalin Mintchev
> > Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 11:45 PM
> > To: Red Hat Mailing List
> > Subject: Re: php on RH8
> >
> >
> > On 12 Sep 2003, Jason Dixon wrote:
> >
> > > On Fri, 2003-09-12 at 18:25, Kalin Mintchev wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Redhat cannot always provide the latest RPM for every
> > software included in its
> > > > > > distro.
> > > >
> > > > php 4.3.0 is 6 months old
> > >
> > > If you're really as hard up as you claim you are, you have
> > one option.
> > > Download the source rpm, build the rpm from Red Hat's spec.
> > >
> > >
> > ftp://mirror.cs.wisc.edu/pub/mirrors/linux/redhat/rawhide/SRPM
> S/SRPMS/php-4.3.3-2.src.rpm
> > sudo rpmbuild --rebuild php-4.3.3-2.src.rpm
> > sudo rpm -ivh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/php*
> i got the rpm from tedhat. i get this:
> # rpm -ihv php-4.2.2-17.i386.rpm --force
> error: Failed dependencies:
> libcrypto.so.4 is needed by php-4.2.2-17
> libssl.so.4 is needed by php-4.2.2-17
> my openssl is newer then these
> >
> >

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RE: php on RH8 -- make better code not war.

2003-09-13 Thread Kalin Mintchev

thanks..  i will take this in consideeration
the code i posted is only a test code. just to test the php cli...
but i like the last suggestion

On Sat, 13 Sep 2003, Daevid Vincent wrote:

> While this is more of a PHP suggestion than RH or linux specific, just
> noticed you might change your code in the future to be more efficient...
> $db = mysql_connect ("localhost","user","pass") or die ("Could not connect
> to mySQL server.");
> mysql_select_db ("mymaindb",$db) or die ("Could not select Database");
> $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM theTable",$db);
> if (!$result) $errorString .= "Error ::
> ".mysql_errno($db)." :: ".mysql_error($db)."".$sql."\n";
> if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0 )$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
> Then all your fields from "theTable" will be in $row['name'], $row['age'],
> etc...  (if you had results, otherwise you'll get errors)
> mysql_result() is old and IMHO depricated.
> http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.mysql-result.php
> Use this instead. You'll keep more of your hair, and look cool to all the
> other kids.
> http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.mysql-fetch-assoc.php
> Another handy dandy trick is this, bequethed upon me by Rasmus himself...
> while(list($myVariableName,$sqlFieldName)=each($row)) { $$myVariableName =
> $sqlFieldName; }
> Now all your fieldnames are in a variable of the same name ;-)
> Like $name, $age, etc...
> Daevid Vincent
> http://daevid.com
> > -Original Message-
> > test code:
> >
> > #!/usr/local/bin/php
> >  >  $db = mysql_connect(localhost, "user", "pass");
> >  mysql_select_db("mymaindb",$db);
> >  $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM theTable",$db);
> >  printf("l1: %s\n", mysql_result($result,0,"some_column"));
> > ?>

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Re: Ghosting/Cloning Red Hat 9 Systems

2003-09-13 Thread Frank Bax
At 11:29 AM 9/13/03, Rhugga wrote:
2) Has any tried using ghost to clone systems using Grub as the boot 
loader? I seem to remember ghosting would never work right with lilo, but 
I never tried it using grub.

Earlier this month, I copied a RH72/lilo disk using ghost - no problem, 
except you must use fdisk to manually create the partitions on new disk 
before using Ghost 2003.  After you copy disk with ghost, boot from CDROM, 
run "linux rescue", mount your new file system.  If /etc/fstab uses labels, 
then reinit those using "e2label"; otherwise check/change the disk names 
(they might have changed).  Then update/run lilo, initialize swap 
partition, and reboot to your new disk.


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Re: Adaptec ATA RAID 1200A under Linux

2003-09-13 Thread Samuel Flory
Michael Mansour wrote:


I've just purchased a new AMD Ahtlon system, and got
with it an Adaptec ATA RAID 1200A as it seemed to do
what I wanted.
Unfortunately, this card is not "officially" supported
by Adaptec, after emailing their support they only
tell me "unfortunately it's not supported under
Linux", yet they have all the Windows drivers. They
told me the 2400A card (which is many times more
expensive and has more features than what I need), is
supported under Linux and they provide the drivers for

 They claim to support 2400A because they wrote an open source linux 
driver for it.  The driver is now in the main line linux kernel.  Thus 
it will just work in future releases of any distro.  This is what good 
linux support means!!!  Not Promise says "Sure I'll release a binary 
driver, and maybe update every years or so."   Highpoint is at least 
much better about providing partial source, and the ability to use their 
cards in a non raided state.

Having googled for information on this card and Linux,
I've discovered that the card can be used using the
HPT370 (HighPoint Technology) driver, since Adaptec
use that chipset on their card. I obtained the driver

for Red Hat 8.0 and it works fine.

I'm wondering why Adaptec don't "officially" supply
this driver themselves??? and don't provide support
for the card under Linux since it works perfectly
well. All I need is mirroring facility on the IDE
drives, so that's all I wanted in the card. The more
expensive 2400A (which Adaptec officially support
under Linux) has all the bells and whistles, has a
processor on board and supports RAID 5, but I don't
need those features so don't need that card.
If it wasn't for the HPT driver, I would have got rid
of the Adaptec and looked at something else, maybe a
Fastrack 100 or similar, whatever is supported under
Linux. I don't see the reasoning behind Adaptecs
decision not to support the 1200A under Linux.

 My contacts with Adaptec lead me to the following conclusions.  
Adaptec wisely views binary drivers as unmaintainable under linux.  As 
they can't  give you good support they choose not to do so at all.   
This is true of all of their controllers that do driver based raid.  
Such controllers are only supported as in jbod mode under linux.   
Adapter is quick to point out linux has great software raid support. 

  Don't bad mouth Adaptec for it's linux support.  They said it didn't 
work under linux.  You were the one that disagreed with them. They are 
one of the best controller card vendors in terms of linux support.  They 
don't make promise they can't, or won't keep.  Keep in mind they 
couldn't release the driver source for this card even if they wanted 
to.  They could have easily done what Highpoint and Promise do, but they 
have higher support standards.

  Promise's linux support is incredibly bad they claim they support 
Linux, but they really only support a handful of kernels.  They don't 
provide drivers for newer releases of Red Hat in timely manner.  
Generally you are stuck with a release 6 to 12 months old.  Which has 
secuirity holes, and bugs. Heaven  help promise's linux customers when 
Promise stops support the fasttrak line. 

> Anyway, if anyone has experience with this card I do

have one query. I'd like to upgrade my kernel from
2.4.18-14smp which I have on the fresh RH8 install
(installing the HPT driver upon installation via the
driver disk), to the newest 2.4.20-20.8smp, but HPT
have only got a module for 2.4.20-8smp on their driver
Can I use this module on the newer 2.4.20-20.8smp by
just copying the module into the kernel tree for
2.4.20-20.8smp ?

 No you can't simply use a module compiled for one kernel on another 
kernel.   It might work, not work at all, or gradually corrupt your 
data.  In theory you can find the partial source driver below.  I don't 
remember which chip the adaptec card uses, and can't check any more.  (I 
gave the eval cards my adptec rep gave me back.)

If not, how else can I upgrade the kernel to
2.4.20-20.8smp while still using the HPT module /
driver. Note that I have my RAID 1 mirror as the boot
drive for Linux.

 You best bet going forward is to stop using the highpoint binary 
driver!!!  This problem is going to come up over and over.  You got 2 

#1)  Use the card in jbod mode and use the linux software raid driver.  
This would reqire a complete reinstall, but will just work for release 
after release of any linux distro, or kernel.
#2)  Try using the ataraid driver.  Which is fairly complex and not 
support in the 2.6 kernel yet.

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Re: Random CPU initialization on Athlon SMP

2003-09-13 Thread NiteOwl
On Saturday 13 September 2003 15:24, Leonard den Ottolander wrote:

> >  Have you tried swapping the cpu's? Not sure if the 2 cpu's should be
> > identical. See the MB docs for that.

No, I haven't tried it... But I don't think this could be a problem, except in 
case of some weird bug somewhere (BIOS or kernel).

>  When googling for this I find references that at least for Pentium's the
> stepping of cpu's in dual processor boards must be identical in most cases.
> Guess that might be your problem indeed.

Athlons are different from Pentiums: you can mix up every stepping, the only 
requirement is (should be) that CPU speed must be the same on both CPUs.


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Re: Best HBA's for use with Red Hat

2003-09-13 Thread Rhugga
Samuel Flory wrote:

Rhugga wrote:

We are building an Oracle RAC and I wanted to get some feedback on 
the best HBA's to use with Red Hat 9.x

 Raid or non raid.  Fiber, scsi, or ide?

Fibre, using them to connect 2 linux boxes to some external shared 
storage. I think IBM uses QLogic 2300's but would like some more input.

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Re: Best HBA's for use with Red Hat

2003-09-13 Thread Samuel Flory
Rhugga wrote:

We are building an Oracle RAC and I wanted to get some feedback on the 
best HBA's to use with Red Hat 9.x

 Raid or non raid.  Fiber, scsi, or ide?

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Creating Driver Disk for Kickstart

2003-09-13 Thread Mark R.

We just recieved a 35 machines with Asus P4P800 motherboards which have
an onboard 3com gigabit NICs - 3com Gigabit LOM (3C940). However, the
Redhat 9.0 boot CD-ROM doesn't recognize the NIC and we cannot kickstart
the machine. ASUS has provided a linux driver for the card, but it is
just the raw driver.

Does anyone have any instructions on how to make a driver disk for Redhat
which the kickstart will accept?

Mark R.

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RE: iplanet with RH 8 or 7.3

2003-09-13 Thread MW Mike Weiner (5028)
Dana - 

I have run iPlanet/SunOne webserver on the following versions of redhat with
no problems:


Its relatively simple to do a fresh install of netscape/iplanet/sunone
webserver on the new OS, then simply move over the configs, just move off
the originals so as to preserve any new syntax between releases of the
webserver. But I can tell you that I have had absolutely no problems
migrating the websites I manage from one version of the webserver to another
AND from one version of redhat OS to another. Should you need specific help
or have questions, please feel free to email me off line and I will provide
you any information/help you may need.

Michael Weiner
Senior Systems Administrator/WebOps
-Original Message-
From: Dana Holland [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2003 12:00 PM
Subject: iplanet with RH 8 or 7.3

Has anyone successfully moved to RH 7.3 or 8.0 on a box that already had 
the IPlanet/Sun One 6 web server already installed?  Our web server is 
currently running 7.1 with that software - I'd really like to move it up 
  to a more recent version of RH, but don't want to mess it up.  The Sun 
One site really isn't very informative.


Dana Holland[EMAIL PROTECTED] 903-875-7355
Navarro CollegeCorsicana, TX

All opinions stated are my own, and probably don't even
vaguely resemble those of Navarro College.  :)

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RE: php on RH8 -- make better code not war.

2003-09-13 Thread Daevid Vincent
While this is more of a PHP suggestion than RH or linux specific, just
noticed you might change your code in the future to be more efficient...

$db = mysql_connect ("localhost","user","pass") or die ("Could not connect
to mySQL server.");
mysql_select_db ("mymaindb",$db) or die ("Could not select Database");
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM theTable",$db);
if (!$result) $errorString .= "Error ::
".mysql_errno($db)." :: ".mysql_error($db)."".$sql."\n";
if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0 )$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);

Then all your fields from "theTable" will be in $row['name'], $row['age'],
etc...  (if you had results, otherwise you'll get errors)

mysql_result() is old and IMHO depricated.

Use this instead. You'll keep more of your hair, and look cool to all the
other kids.

Another handy dandy trick is this, bequethed upon me by Rasmus himself...
while(list($myVariableName,$sqlFieldName)=each($row)) { $$myVariableName =
$sqlFieldName; }

Now all your fieldnames are in a variable of the same name ;-)
Like $name, $age, etc...

Daevid Vincent

> -Original Message-
> test code:
> #!/usr/local/bin/php
>   $db = mysql_connect(localhost, "user", "pass");
>  mysql_select_db("mymaindb",$db);
>  $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM theTable",$db);
>  printf("l1: %s\n", mysql_result($result,0,"some_column"));
> ?>

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iplanet with RH 8 or 7.3

2003-09-13 Thread Dana Holland
Has anyone successfully moved to RH 7.3 or 8.0 on a box that already had 
the IPlanet/Sun One 6 web server already installed?  Our web server is 
currently running 7.1 with that software - I'd really like to move it up 
 to a more recent version of RH, but don't want to mess it up.  The Sun 
One site really isn't very informative.


Dana Holland[EMAIL PROTECTED] 903-875-7355
Navarro CollegeCorsicana, TX

All opinions stated are my own, and probably don't even
vaguely resemble those of Navarro College.  :)

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Re: Ghosting/Cloning Red Hat 9 Systems

2003-09-13 Thread MKlinke
On Saturday 13 September 2003 10:29, Rhugga wrote:
> Just a couple of questions.
> 1) How can I mirror a disk using dd??? It has been years since I did
> since and I have only done it on Solaris.
> 2) Has any tried using ghost to clone systems using Grub as the boot
> loader? I seem to remember ghosting would never work right with lilo,
> but I never tried it using grub.
> Thanks for any info,
> CC

I've used this method with surprising success on linux and windows 
system alike. For example, I have a couple of desktop systems that are 
clones of my dual-OS (using grub) laptop.

Boot up both systems with the bootnet.img and use "linux rescue" at the 
boot  prompt. (You'll need a network source for the redhat software)

Proceed to a shell prompt on both systems

On the destination (new disk you are creating) type:
"nc -l -p  | dd of=/dev/hdx"
On the source (system you wish to duplicate) type:
 "dd if=/dev/hdx | nc  "

That's it in a nutshell but you can find more info by doing a google 
search  for the terms "clone nc dd"

Regards, Mike Klinke

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RE: php on RH8

2003-09-13 Thread Daevid Vincent
Well, you could try this:

# rpm -ihv php-4.2.2-17.i386.rpm --force --nodeps

Daevid Vincent

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kalin Mintchev
> Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 11:45 PM
> To: Red Hat Mailing List
> Subject: Re: php on RH8
> On 12 Sep 2003, Jason Dixon wrote:
> > On Fri, 2003-09-12 at 18:25, Kalin Mintchev wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > Redhat cannot always provide the latest RPM for every 
> software included in its
> > > > > distro.
> > >
> > > php 4.3.0 is 6 months old
> >
> > If you're really as hard up as you claim you are, you have 
> one option.
> > Download the source rpm, build the rpm from Red Hat's spec.
> >
> > 
> ftp://mirror.cs.wisc.edu/pub/mirrors/linux/redhat/rawhide/SRPM
> sudo rpmbuild --rebuild php-4.3.3-2.src.rpm
> sudo rpm -ivh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/php*

i got the rpm from tedhat. i get this:

# rpm -ihv php-4.2.2-17.i386.rpm --force
error: Failed dependencies:
libcrypto.so.4 is needed by php-4.2.2-17
libssl.so.4 is needed by php-4.2.2-17

my openssl is newer then these


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Re: Should we stay with M$

2003-09-13 Thread Dave Ihnat
On Sat, Sep 13, 2003 at 09:41:22AM -0400, Anthony E. Greene wrote:
> You obviously know this, but I think it's necessary to mention that there
> is at least one ACL system for Linux.

Yes, and several for Unix.  But ACLs don't fill the same bill--they're
not pervasive, even in Unix implementations that are much more mature
than the much newer instantiation in Linux.  They still don't handle
the security need to require co-access; they're not applied by default;
they're not optimized for overhead; etc., etc.

Dave Ihnat

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Re: php on RH8

2003-09-13 Thread Reuben D. Budiardja
On Saturday 13 September 2003 01:57 am, Kalin Mintchev wrote:
> > It takes 10-15mins tops, on decent machine. Certainly less than half an
> > hour. The time you took for testing and searching for RPM could easily
> > have taken longer than the time you'd taken if you recompile PHP to suit
> > your need. I do this on regular basis, so I know.
> > It's not a matter of platform, BSD, RH, Mandrake, Suse, anything, it does
> > not matter. What matter is, is PHP compiled with what you need, againts
> > the correct libs?
> i just don't understand why the source code from php.net would not compile
> the same on bsd, sun or rh box..  

What do you mean? It would compile the same if you give it the same configure 
option. If you also have the same php.ini, it would also behaves the same 

> why it HAS to be an rpm to have the php
> cli working.
No it does not have to be an RPM. Who said that it has? 

>  what's wrong with the install script checking for your os and
> then installing the correct cli?

What install script are you talking about? If you try to compile from source, 
all you have to do is
$> cd 
$> ./configure 
$> make
$> make install

I've never heard of any install script. If you meant the configure script, you 
have to give it the correct options so that it compiles with the correct 

> i the problem is that the the php scripts run by cron are identical on
> both machines - as are the php 4.3.0 sources - but the ones ported over to
> the RH8 machine are giving me this error:
> test code:
> #!/usr/local/bin/php
>   $db = mysql_connect(localhost, "user", "pass");
>  mysql_select_db("mymaindb",$db);
>  $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM theTable",$db);
>  printf("l1: %s\n", mysql_result($result,0,"some_column"));
> ?>

Are both machine has the same php.ini? Try using

Reuben D. Budiardja
Department of Physics and Astronomy
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
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RE: Watching TV in Windows as a client in VMWare

2003-09-13 Thread Daevid Vincent
Doubtful. Vmware is a software emulation of most of your hardware. It
installs it's own virtual video driver, virtual ethernet card, virtual
soundcard, etc. specialized hardware like a TV Tuner would not generally be
supported in such an environment.

Daevid Vincent

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 11:14 AM
> Subject: Watching TV in Windows as a client in VMWare
> Is it possible to access a TV card in Windows installed
> in a virtual machine in VMWare Workstation running in
> Linux?
> Regards,
> Romildo
> -- 
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Re: Decrypt Passwords

2003-09-13 Thread Rhugga
Marcos de Souza Trazzini wrote:

My question is very _SIMPLE_ :

There-s a form to decrypt the passwords stored in /etc/shadow file?


Dude, fix the date on your 'puter. =)


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Ghosting/Cloning Red Hat 9 Systems

2003-09-13 Thread Rhugga
Just a couple of questions.

1) How can I mirror a disk using dd??? It has been years since I did 
since and I have only done it on Solaris.

2) Has any tried using ghost to clone systems using Grub as the boot 
loader? I seem to remember ghosting would never work right with lilo, 
but I never tried it using grub.

Thanks for any info,
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Re: Should we stay with M$

2003-09-13 Thread Ed Wilts
On Sat, Sep 13, 2003 at 09:41:22AM -0400, Anthony E. Greene wrote:
> On 11-Sep-2003/15:54 -0500, Dave Ihnat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >On Thu, Sep 11, 2003 at 01:58:59PM -0500, B McAndrews wrote:
> >> Could someone staighten me out here.  When did Unix based system become 
> >> the bastion of security?
> >
> >Ever since the standard it is compared to is Microsoft...
> >
> >> In a former lifetime, I used to work on VAX/VMS for classified (as
> >> in military) work.  I can't remember the issues, but when we started
> >> moving off the VAX/VMS over to Unix workstations, the IT security
> >> folks were not at all comfortable with the security of Unix compared
> >> to the VAX/VMS.  Does anyone have any insights as to why that might be?
> >
> >Sure; there are a lot of them.  One of the most telling is the fact
> >that permissions on Unix/Linux are binary--you're root, or you're not.
> >There's no provision in standard Unix/Linux for graduated levels of
> >authority, or for cooperative privileges (e.g., it takes both the Security
> >Officer and Administrator, each providing a separate authentication,
> >to gain certain security levels; no one person can do so.)
> You obviously know this, but I think it's necessary to mention that there
> is at least one ACL system for Linux.

ACLs in Linux aren't great - they're not utilized in every tool equally
like they are in VMS.  ACLs also aren't the only answer to permissions.
You can set up a VMS account that requires two passwords before you're
let in - one person usually doesn't have both passwords - you could
probably implement this in PAM somehow, but it's not standard out of the
box like it is in VMS (and has been for 20 years).

Each OS has its strengths, and when it comes to access controls, VMS wins
hands down.  That said, I manage more Linux systems than I do VMS
systems and I run Linux at home, not VMS.


p.s. I still have the Raxco poster in my office with the title "How to
tell if you're a VMS bigot".

Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA
Member #1, Red Hat Community Ambassador Program

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RE: Named restart problem

2003-09-13 Thread Mohit Raina - Infrastructure Monitoring Team


Please browse the below link


cheers !

-Original Message-
From: Rudolf Amirjanyan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2003 8:08 PM
Subject: Named restart problem

Hello List,
Can you recommend something of what to do if a want to stop my named by
making /etc/init.d/named restart, I get the the following: Stopping named:
named: already [EMAIL PROTECTED] hostname root]#
And when I do

[EMAIL PROTECTED] hostname root]# /etc/init.d/named status
number of zones: 6
debug level: 0
xfers running: 0
xfers deferred: 0
soa queries in progress: 0
query logging is OFF
server is up and running
[EMAIL PROTECTED] hostname root]#

when I kill the named pid and start it it works.
But how to do normal restart of named ?
Thanks in advance

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Re: BIND question

2003-09-13 Thread Jason Dixon
On Sat, 2003-09-13 at 11:11, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Morning everyone.
> Well, I need to setup a internal DNS server for our company. As it stands
> right now, im looking at using BIND. But, i've never setup a BIND server
> before. Granted, I am very familiar with using commands such as 'dig' and
> 'nslookup', but as far as actually setting up BIND and getting it to work,
> im a newbie...
> With that in mind, does anyone recommend a link, doc, or book that I can
> read on how to setup a BIND server to be secure and efficient? The actual
> install of BIND should be pretty easy, but it is the setting up of the
> zones for my intranet and hosts as well is where I need some input..

Since you've never used BIND, I'd suggest using djb-dns.  It's very
secure, and your learning curve shouldn't be any worse than using BIND.


Jason Dixon, RHCE
DixonGroup Consulting

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RE: BIND question

2003-09-13 Thread Mohit Raina - Infrastructure Monitoring Team

Please browse below link 


cheers !
-Original Message-
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2003 8:41 PM
Subject: BIND question

Morning everyone.

Well, I need to setup a internal DNS server for our company. As it stands
right now, im looking at using BIND. But, i've never setup a BIND server
before. Granted, I am very familiar with using commands such as 'dig' and
'nslookup', but as far as actually setting up BIND and getting it to work,
im a newbie...

With that in mind, does anyone recommend a link, doc, or book that I can
read on how to setup a BIND server to be secure and efficient? The actual
install of BIND should be pretty easy, but it is the setting up of the
zones for my intranet and hosts as well is where I need some input..

I appreciate everyones help.



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Re: hp laserjet 1200 series

2003-09-13 Thread Mark Neidorff

Could you give me a little more information.  I have a LJ1300 which is 
also postscript capable.  I have it set up as a postscript printer under 
lprng (redhat 7.3 wouldn't allow me to use the latest cups +foomatic and 
friends).  Depending on the documnet, I can print one page OK, but then 
the second page and beyond get garbled.



On Fri, 12 Sep 2003, Patrick May wrote:

> These are PostScript capable printers. I run CUPS and have it working just 
> fine. You can download the PPD file from HP on the Linux Printing site on 
> sourceforge.
> Or you can set it up as a generic Postscript Printer and it will work.
> Patrick
>  On Fri, 12 Sep 2003, David Schornak wrote:
> > anyone now of a how to or can give me pointers to get this laser jet working with 
> > Linux red hat 9?
> > 
> > hp laserjet 1200 series
> > 

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Re: Should we stay with M$

2003-09-13 Thread Ed Wilts
> On 11-Sep-2003/13:58 -0500, B McAndrews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Could someone staighten me out here.  When did Unix based system become 
>the bastion of security?  In a former lifetime, I used to work on 
>VAX/VMS for classified (as in military) work.  I can't remember the 
>issues, but when we started moving off the VAX/VMS over to Unix 
>workstations, the IT security folks were not at all comfortable with the 
>security of Unix compared to the VAX/VMS.  Does anyone have any insights 
>as to why that might be?

Your IT security folks were wise.  The buffer overrun problem that is
common in Unix exploits simply does not exist in VMS.  I've been
managing VMS systems for 20 years and if I can remember correctly, there
were exactly 2 cases where DEC was forced to send out mandatory update
CDs to fix major security holes. Solaris, HP-UX, and Linux all
experience frequent major vulnerabilities that are usually quickly
patched (at least Linux is - HP and Solaris are *much* slower).

VMS has access control lists done right.  Linux, HP-UX, and Solaris all
have pretty limited implementations.  VMS has persona system services
and multiple privilege levels.  The other 3 have exactly 2 privilege
levels - either you're root or you're not.  VMS has access controls on
most objects - batch and print queues, devices, etc.  Unix doesn't.  In
many ways, NT/2k/XP has a better security implementation than Unix
(especially file access), although in other ways it's much worse (too
much stuff runs in a fully privileged mode and file protections are not
utilized the way it should be in order to maintain compability with
legacy applications).

That doesn't mean you can't run secure production environments on Unix -
if I told you that I'd obviously be bs'ing since a lot of people do it.
It's just that VMS makes it a lot easier.

If I installed a VMS system from its base distribution and put it naked
on the Internet, it would not be hacked - either soon or after many
months even if didn't apply any updates.  Most Unix distributions and
Windows will be hacked - either immediately after the system is probed
or within days afterwards as vulnerabilities are found unless patches
are continually applied.

To a very large extent, the security of the system is dependent on the
skills of the administrator.  You can screw up VMS - I've seen a case
where a developer wrote an application that accepted an arbitrary
command from an arbitrary host and executed it in a fully privileged
context without any sort of validation whatsoever.  You can screw up any
other kind of system the same way.  Good sysadmins that are able to
control their environments properly won't let that happen (some
sysadmins have the control but not the skills, and some have the skills
but not the control).  Similarly, if you don't patch your systems (it
usually doesn't matter what the OS is), you are asking for trouble.

Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA
Member #1, Red Hat Community Ambassador Program

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Best HBA's for use with Red Hat

2003-09-13 Thread Rhugga
We are building an Oracle RAC and I wanted to get some feedback on the 
best HBA's to use with Red Hat 9.x

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BIND question

2003-09-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Morning everyone.

Well, I need to setup a internal DNS server for our company. As it stands
right now, im looking at using BIND. But, i've never setup a BIND server
before. Granted, I am very familiar with using commands such as 'dig' and
'nslookup', but as far as actually setting up BIND and getting it to work,
im a newbie...

With that in mind, does anyone recommend a link, doc, or book that I can
read on how to setup a BIND server to be secure and efficient? The actual
install of BIND should be pretty easy, but it is the setting up of the
zones for my intranet and hosts as well is where I need some input..

I appreciate everyones help.



mail2web - Check your email from the web at
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Re: Named restart problem

2003-09-13 Thread MKlinke
On Saturday 13 September 2003 09:38, Rudolf Amirjanyan wrote:
> Hello List,
> Can you recommend something of what to do if a want to stop my named
> by making /etc/init.d/named restart, I get the the following:
> Stopping named: named: already [EMAIL PROTECTED] hostname root]#
> And when I do
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] hostname root]# /etc/init.d/named status
> number of zones: 6
> debug level: 0
> xfers running: 0
> xfers deferred: 0
> soa queries in progress: 0
> query logging is OFF
> server is up and running
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] hostname root]#
> when I kill the named pid and start it it works.
> But how to do normal restart of named ?
> Thanks in advance

The memory cells are beginning to fade but I think that this was a 
problem related to a specific kernel distribution.  Have you updated 
your kernel to the latest available?

Ah, see


Regards,  Mike Klinke

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Named restart problem

2003-09-13 Thread Rudolf Amirjanyan
Hello List,
Can you recommend something of what to do if a want to stop my named by
making /etc/init.d/named restart, I get the the following: Stopping named:
named: already [EMAIL PROTECTED] hostname root]#
And when I do

[EMAIL PROTECTED] hostname root]# /etc/init.d/named status
number of zones: 6
debug level: 0
xfers running: 0
xfers deferred: 0
soa queries in progress: 0
query logging is OFF
server is up and running
[EMAIL PROTECTED] hostname root]#

when I kill the named pid and start it it works.
But how to do normal restart of named ?
Thanks in advance

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Re: Should we stay with M$

2003-09-13 Thread Martin Marques
El Sáb 13 Sep 2003 10:41, Anthony E. Greene escribió:
> On 11-Sep-2003/15:54 -0500, Dave Ihnat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> In a former lifetime, I used to work on VAX/VMS for classified (as
> >> in military) work.  I can't remember the issues, but when we started
> >> moving off the VAX/VMS over to Unix workstations, the IT security
> >> folks were not at all comfortable with the security of Unix compared
> >> to the VAX/VMS.  Does anyone have any insights as to why that might be?
> >
> >Sure; there are a lot of them.  One of the most telling is the fact
> >that permissions on Unix/Linux are binary--you're root, or you're not.
> >There's no provision in standard Unix/Linux for graduated levels of
> >authority, or for cooperative privileges (e.g., it takes both the Security
> >Officer and Administrator, each providing a separate authentication,
> >to gain certain security levels; no one person can do so.)
> You obviously know this, but I think it's necessary to mention that there
> is at least one ACL system for Linux.

It's inside kernel 2.6

 11:07:01 up 22 days,  2:57,  2 users,  load average: 0.21, 0.43, 0.42
Martín Marqués  |[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Programador, Administrador, DBA |   Centro de Telematica
   Universidad Nacional
del Litoral

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Re: Adobe Acrobat on RH9

2003-09-13 Thread Mike Vanecek
On Fri, 12 Sep 2003 23:55:39 -0400, Reuben D. Budiardja wrote
> On Friday 12 September 2003 11:16 pm, Mike Vanecek wrote:
> > On Fri, 12 Sep 2003 09:43:44 -0400, Reuben D. Budiardja wrote
> >
> > > On Friday 12 September 2003 09:36 am, Mike Vanecek wrote:
> > > > On 11 Sep 2003 11:00:53 -0300, Danilo Augusto wrote
> > > >
> > > > > Include this lines in your acroread
> > > > > LANG=en_US
> > > > > export LANG
> > > > >
> > > > > Em Qui, 2003-09-11 às 10:48, Earl Eiland escreveu:
> > > > > > I installed Adobe acrobat on RH9, and get the error message
> > > > > > "warning: charset "UTF-8" not supported, using ISO8859-1".  This is
> > > > > > followed by acroread aborting.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > What do I edit to get acrobat to run?
> > > >
> > > > Once you get it running, try this little test. Open a pdf document and
> > > > do a Find for text that is not in the document. The search will, of
> > > > course, fail. Answer OK to the popup about the failure. If your system
> > > > is the same as mine, Adobe will either exit/abend or hang ...
> > > >
> > > > I have posted questions on the Adobe forums, but am not sure how often
> > > > Adobe folks look at the forums. I have tested this on 5.0.6/7/8 and
> > > > they all do the same. Other folks have reported the same error.
> > >
> > > I tried on acroread 5.0 on RH 7.3. It worked, and it did not hang.
> >
> > I guess I could back up to that level, but I am not sure were one would
> > find a 5.0 version of acroread. Certainly not at adobe or rpmfind. I would
> > much rather see version 5.0.8 work.
> My earlier test was apparently on 5.0.6. I just downloaded 5.0.8 and 
> tried it, and it still works OK with your test cases, no hang. This 
> is on RH 7.3 though.

Uhm, that is interesting. I think I will post a bugzilla since it appears to
be platform dependent.


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Re: OT: Evolution Default Paper Type

2003-09-13 Thread Anthony E. Greene
On 12-Sep-2003/12:55 -0400, James Pifer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Sorry for the OT post. Anyone know how to change the default paper type
>in Evolution? Mine is set to A4. I cannot find anyway of chaning it
>within Evolution.

Look for a general GNOME printer config app. I think Evo just uses the
GNOME settings.

Anthony E. Greene 
OpenPGP Key: 0x6C94239D/7B3D BD7D 7D91 1B44 BA26  C484 A42A 60DD 6C94 239D
AOL/Yahoo Messenger: TonyG05HomePage: 
Linux. The choice of a GNU generation 

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Re: Prefered backup method?

2003-09-13 Thread Kent Borg
On Fri, Sep 12, 2003 at 01:55:47PM -0700, Jack Bowling wrote:
> > I am doing backups with a similar hard links-based technique and I
> > have a question: How can I tell how much space one of my backups
> > takes?  I can't do a "du one_of_several_backups -s" because the hard
> > links make all the files real in there, even though they are possibly
> > shared with adjacent incremental backups.  Ideas?
> Theoretically, the space used will be the size of all the copied files
> plus that of the increments. I can't see how it could be any greater.

I don't remember saying it was greater, I want to know how big one
backup is.

Let me give and example.  Let's say I have:

 - initial backup
 - incremental backup 1
 - incremental backup 2
 - incremental backup 3
 - incremental backup 4

These backups share common files via hard links.  How much space does
backup 2 take?  Or, put another way, how much space will I recover if
I delete backup 2?


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Re: Should we stay with M$

2003-09-13 Thread Anthony E. Greene
On 11-Sep-2003/15:54 -0500, Dave Ihnat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On Thu, Sep 11, 2003 at 01:58:59PM -0500, B McAndrews wrote:
>> Could someone staighten me out here.  When did Unix based system become 
>> the bastion of security?
>Ever since the standard it is compared to is Microsoft...
>> In a former lifetime, I used to work on VAX/VMS for classified (as
>> in military) work.  I can't remember the issues, but when we started
>> moving off the VAX/VMS over to Unix workstations, the IT security
>> folks were not at all comfortable with the security of Unix compared
>> to the VAX/VMS.  Does anyone have any insights as to why that might be?
>Sure; there are a lot of them.  One of the most telling is the fact
>that permissions on Unix/Linux are binary--you're root, or you're not.
>There's no provision in standard Unix/Linux for graduated levels of
>authority, or for cooperative privileges (e.g., it takes both the Security
>Officer and Administrator, each providing a separate authentication,
>to gain certain security levels; no one person can do so.)

You obviously know this, but I think it's necessary to mention that there
is at least one ACL system for Linux.

Anthony E. Greene 
OpenPGP Key: 0x6C94239D/7B3D BD7D 7D91 1B44 BA26  C484 A42A 60DD 6C94 239D
AOL/Yahoo Messenger: TonyG05HomePage: 
Linux. The choice of a GNU generation 

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Re: Should we stay with M$

2003-09-13 Thread Anthony E. Greene
On 11-Sep-2003/13:58 -0500, B McAndrews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Stop.  Your response is nothing but pure fanboyism.  This type of
>>> advocacy is ignorant and does nothing to advance OSS in the industry.
>>> Allow me to retort:
 > Security MS = bad, linux=good
>Could someone staighten me out here.  When did Unix based system become 
>the bastion of security?  In a former lifetime, I used to work on 
>VAX/VMS for classified (as in military) work.  I can't remember the 
>issues, but when we started moving off the VAX/VMS over to Unix 
>workstations, the IT security folks were not at all comfortable with the 
>security of Unix compared to the VAX/VMS.  Does anyone have any insights 
>as to why that might be?

UNIX and Linux may work alike, but the development models are different
enough that the security issues cannot be assumed to be the same.

Anthony E. Greene 
OpenPGP Key: 0x6C94239D/7B3D BD7D 7D91 1B44 BA26  C484 A42A 60DD 6C94 239D
AOL/Yahoo Messenger: TonyG05HomePage: 
Linux. The choice of a GNU generation 

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Re: Should we stay with M$

2003-09-13 Thread Anthony E. Greene
Hash: SHA1

On 11-Sep-2003/10:57 -0500, Dave Ihnat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On Thu, Sep 11, 2003 at 10:08:01AM -0400, Reuben D. Budiardja wrote:
>> If you only need a personal db, then it's really up to you to keep using 
>> Access, although there are open source solution for something like that too 
>> (eg. openoffice). 
>Just to clarify--unless something has changed recently, there's no DB in

OpenOffice can create and use DBF files.


- -- 
Anthony E. Greene 
OpenPGP Key: 0x6C94239D/7B3D BD7D 7D91 1B44 BA26  C484 A42A 60DD 6C94 239D
AOL/Yahoo Messenger: TonyG05HomePage: 
Linux. The choice of a GNU generation 

Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Anthony E. Greene  0x6C94239D


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Re: Should we stay with M$

2003-09-13 Thread Anthony E. Greene
Hash: SHA1

On 11-Sep-2003/10:08 -0400, "Reuben D. Budiardja" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>If you only need a personal db, then it's really up to you to keep using
>Access, although there are open source solution for something like that
>too (eg. openoffice). 

I have recently begun to use the database access features of
OpenOffice.org. It makes a fair frontend to a network database server but
you definitely need to know SQL to get the most from it. You should also
know the OOo Basic scripting language if you want to build an app.

For a single-user desktop database, OOo can create and manage DBF files
internally. I still don't see it as being as capable as Access, but then
I've only begun to explore it.

- -- 
Anthony E. Greene 
OpenPGP Key: 0x6C94239D/7B3D BD7D 7D91 1B44 BA26  C484 A42A 60DD 6C94 239D
AOL/Yahoo Messenger: TonyG05HomePage: 
Linux. The choice of a GNU generation 

Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Anthony E. Greene  0x6C94239D


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Re: Random CPU initialization on Athlon SMP

2003-09-13 Thread Leonard den Ottolander
> Hello niteowl,

>  Have you tried swapping the cpu's? Not sure if the 2 cpu's should be 
> identical. See the MB docs for that.

 When googling for this I find references that at least for Pentium's the 
stepping of cpu's in dual processor boards must be identical in most cases. 
Guess that might be your problem indeed.


How clean is a war when you shoot around nukelar waste?
Stop the use of depleted uranium ammo!
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Re: Random CPU initialization on Athlon SMP

2003-09-13 Thread Leonard den Ottolander
Hello niteowl,

> I have a very strange problem on my dual Athlon MP system since CPU 
> initialization seems to be performed in a random way. In about 50% of 
> bootstraps the kernel manages to correctly enable the second CPU, in the
> other 50% not.

 I have no idea what causes this, but I am quite possitive this should be 
filed at https://bugzilla.redhat.com .

 Have you tried swapping the cpu's? Not sure if the 2 cpu's should be 
identical. See the MB docs for that.


How clean is a war when you shoot around nukelar waste?
Stop the use of depleted uranium ammo!
End all weapons of mass destruction.

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Re: Linux on DEC Alpha?

2003-09-13 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sat, 2003-09-13 at 00:38, Ed Greshko wrote:
> On Fri, 2003-09-12 at 22:25, Benjamin J. Weiss wrote:
> > I've got a DEC Alpha that's being freed up by software/hardware upgrades.
> > I'd like to load RedHat 9 on it.  Can I just install from the Shrike CD's,
> > or will they not work on Alpha?
> No.  RH9 is for Intel only
> I believe that 7.1 was the last release of Red Hat for the alpha chip.
> Ed

Bet ya that'd fly like the dickens, though...wouldn't mind having that
machine sitting here for a quick test of installing 7.1...

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
  We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war.

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Re: To Be Or Not To Be

2003-09-13 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2003-09-12 at 10:05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I know I'm really late with this post, but I've been behind in
> catching up with the news. What's the verdict on using RedHat Linux?
> Are the users gonna get slapped with a fine? Did SCO finally settle,
> or will the software police come to my door when I turn on my Linux
> shell?
> Please let me know. Thanx.
> Dre---

It's going to take years to get this settled, so don't make any "rash"
choices until it's actually settled - else you'll be the one "SCO'ed" -
elsewise known as "screwed"...

Don't let anyone "scare tactic" you into giving up money or doing
something otherwise. Wait for the actual "black and white" settlement to
be over and done with.

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
  We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
I'm proud to be paying taxes in the United States. The only thing is --
I could be just as proud for half the money. -- Arthur Godfrey

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Re: USB Mouse problems

2003-09-13 Thread Lists
FWIW, I have a "Dell by Microsoft" IntelliMouse 1.3 wheel mouse on both
a generic desktop and a Dell Lattitude notebook. The wheel works fine on

My /etc/X11/XF86Config under RH9 contains exactly what you posted with
the exception that the protocol for input device mouse 0 is IMPS/2, i.e.
Option  "Protocol" "PS/2"

  - Paul

On Sat, 2003-09-13 at 01:58, George Nicholls wrote:
> Don't want to bug the list, but there has to be someone out there who
> can help with my mouse issue I posted a while ago?
> I have a dell 5150 P4 running RH9.0. I installed RH9.0 with just my
> built in mousepad present. I have recompiled the kernel to load in a
> wifi card. Since then, my mousepad works (still) but I cannot get my usb
> wheel
> mouse to run:-) I have configured it using the mouse gui in the Redhat
> start menu but then neither my mousepad or usb wheel mouse will work.
> Has it got something to do with the "AlwaysCore" assignment?
> Below is my XF86Config file snip
> **
> # XFree86 4 configuration created by pyxf86config
> Section "ServerLayout"
> Identifier "Default Layout"
> Screen  0  "Screen0" 0 0
> InputDevice"Mouse0" "CorePointer"
> InputDevice"Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
> InputDevice"DevInputMice" "AlwaysCore"
> EndSection
> >>snip>>>
> Section "InputDevice"
> Identifier  "Mouse0"
> Driver  "mouse"
> Option  "Protocol" "PS/2"
> Option  "Device" "/dev/psaux"
> Option  "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
> Option  "Emulate3Buttons" "no"
> EndSection
> Section "InputDevice"
> # If the normal CorePointer mouse is not a USB mouse then
> # this input device can be used in AlwaysCore mode to let you
> # also use USB mice at the same time.
> Identifier  "DevInputMice"
> Driver  "mouse"
> Option  "Protocol" "IMPS/2"
> Option  "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
> Option  "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
> Option  "Emulate3Buttons" "no"
> EndSection
> *

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2003-09-13 Thread Kim young suk
confirm 949778

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Re: Shell eroor while running crontab daemon

2003-09-13 Thread Michael Schwendt
On Fri, 12 Sep 2003 22:32:51 -0700 (PDT), Khademul Islam wrote:

> Now I have the folling in my crontab.
> 59 23 * * * sh /etc/cron.specialTest/ >> With this I
> got the error message (I thought it should run any
> executable located under the SpeicalTest folder >>
> /etc/cron.specialTest: /etc/cron.specialTest: is a
> directory

That would be:

  59 23 * * * run-parts /etc/cron.specialTest
> After I got the error message, I added the executable
> name, still it did not work. This is what I havein my
> crontab right now and still didn't work. (automail is
> the execuatable)
> 59 23 * * * sh /etc/cron.specialTest/automail

Look at the top of the automail script/program and verify
whether "sh" is the right interpreter. You could also make
automail executable and drop "sh" from the crontab line. 

[Next reply below trimmed quotes, please.]


Description: PGP signature

Random CPU initialization on Athlon SMP

2003-09-13 Thread niteowl
Hello all.
I have a very strange problem on my dual Athlon MP system since CPU 
initialization seems to be performed in a random way. In about 50% of 
bootstraps the kernel manages to correctly enable the second CPU, in the 
other 50% not. In the former case the system is rock solid, in the latter the 
system uses only one CPU and is very unstable.

My system is made up of:
2 Athlon MPs 2200 (different steppings, 0 and 1)
Gigabyte GA-7DPXDW-P motherboard (AMD760MPX chipset)
512 MiB PC2100 DDR ECC DIMM (by Corsair)

The O.S. is a "vanilla" RedHat 9 with the latest Athlon SMP kernel.

Attached to this email are 2 dmesg, referring on the 2 cases.

Thanks for your help.

Linux version 2.4.20-20.9smp ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version 3.2.2 20030222 (Red Hat 
Linux 3.2.2-5)) #1 SMP Mon Aug 18 11:18:01 EDT 2003
BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
 BIOS-e820:  - 0009fc00 (usable)
 BIOS-e820: 0009fc00 - 000a (reserved)
 BIOS-e820: 000f - 0010 (reserved)
 BIOS-e820: 0010 - 1fff (usable)
 BIOS-e820: 1fff - 1fff3000 (ACPI NVS)
 BIOS-e820: 1fff3000 - 2000 (ACPI data)
 BIOS-e820: fec0 - 0001 (reserved)
0MB HIGHMEM available.
511MB LOWMEM available.
found SMP MP-table at 000f4d60
hm, page 000f4000 reserved twice.
hm, page 000f5000 reserved twice.
hm, page 000f reserved twice.
hm, page 000f1000 reserved twice.
On node 0 totalpages: 131056
zone(0): 4096 pages.
zone(1): 126960 pages.
zone(2): 0 pages.
Intel MultiProcessor Specification v1.4
Virtual Wire compatibility mode.
OEM ID: OEM0 Product ID: PROD APIC at: 0xFEE0
Processor #0 Pentium(tm) Pro APIC version 17
Processor #1 Pentium(tm) Pro APIC version 17
I/O APIC #2 Version 17 at 0xFEC0.
Enabling APIC mode: Flat.   Using 1 I/O APICs
Processors: 2
Kernel command line: ro root=LABEL=/ hda=ide-scsi
ide_setup: hda=ide-scsi
Initializing CPU#0
Detected 1800.113 MHz processor.
Console: colour VGA+ 80x25
Calibrating delay loop... 3591.37 BogoMIPS
Memory: 510672k/524224k available (1458k kernel code, 10988k reserved, 1075k data, 
156k init, 0k highmem)
Dentry cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 7, 524288 bytes)
Inode cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
Mount cache hash table entries: 512 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
Buffer-cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
Page-cache hash table entries: 131072 (order: 7, 524288 bytes)
CPU: L1 I Cache: 64K (64 bytes/line), D cache 64K (64 bytes/line)
CPU: L2 Cache: 256K (64 bytes/line)
Intel machine check architecture supported.
Intel machine check reporting enabled on CPU#0.
CPU: After generic, caps: 0383fbff c1cbfbff  
CPU: Common caps: 0383fbff c1cbfbff  
Enabling fast FPU save and restore... done.
Enabling unmasked SIMD FPU exception support... done.
Checking 'hlt' instruction... OK.
POSIX conformance testing by UNIFIX
mtrr: v1.40 (20010327) Richard Gooch ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
mtrr: detected mtrr type: Intel
CPU: L1 I Cache: 64K (64 bytes/line), D cache 64K (64 bytes/line)
CPU: L2 Cache: 256K (64 bytes/line)
Intel machine check reporting enabled on CPU#0.
CPU: After generic, caps: 0383fbff c1cbfbff  
CPU: Common caps: 0383fbff c1cbfbff  
CPU0: AMD Athlon(tm) MP 2200+ stepping 00
per-CPU timeslice cutoff: 731.09 usecs.
task migration cache decay timeout: 10 msecs.
enabled ExtINT on CPU#0
ESR value before enabling vector: 
ESR value after enabling vector: 
Booting processor 1/1 eip 2000
Not responding.
Error: only one processor found.
Setting 2 in the phys_id_present_map
...changing IO-APIC physical APIC ID to 2 ... ok.
 IO-APIC (apicid-pin) 2-0, 2-5, 2-6, 2-11, 2-20, 2-21, 2-22, 2-23 not connected.
..TIMER: vector=0x31 pin1=2 pin2=0
..MP-BIOS bug: 8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC
...trying to set up timer (IRQ0) through the 8259A ... 
. (found pin 0) ... failed.
...trying to set up timer as Virtual Wire IRQ... failed.
...trying to set up timer as ExtINT IRQ... works.
number of MP IRQ sources: 19.
number of IO-APIC #2 registers: 24.
testing the IO APIC...

IO APIC #2..
 register #00: 0200
...: physical APIC id: 02
 register #01: 00170011
... : max redirection entries: 0017
... : PRQ implemented: 0
... : IO APIC version: 0011
 register #02: 
... : arbitration: 00
 IRQ redirection table:
 NR Log Phy Mask Trig IRR Pol Stat Dest Deli Vect:   
 00 000 00  100   0   00000
 01 0FF 0F  000   0   01139
 02 000 00  100   0   00000
 03 0FF 0F  000   0   01141
 04 0FF 0F  000   0   01149
 05 000 00  100   0   00000
 06 000 00  100   0   00000
 07 0F

Re: red hat linux 2.6.0-test5 build.

2003-09-13 Thread Sean Estabrooks
On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 12:06:35 +0530
"srinivask" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> can any body sayy me if root dev is (3,2), 
> what should be specified/appended in /etc/lilo.conf for 'root='.

root=0302 or root=/dev/hda2


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Re: php on RH8

2003-09-13 Thread Kalin Mintchev
On 12 Sep 2003, Jason Dixon wrote:

> On Fri, 2003-09-12 at 18:25, Kalin Mintchev wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Redhat cannot always provide the latest RPM for every software included in its
> > > > distro.
> >
> > php 4.3.0 is 6 months old
> If you're really as hard up as you claim you are, you have one option.
> Download the source rpm, build the rpm from Red Hat's spec.
> ftp://mirror.cs.wisc.edu/pub/mirrors/linux/redhat/rawhide/SRPMS/SRPMS/php-4.3.3-2.src.rpm
> sudo rpmbuild --rebuild php-4.3.3-2.src.rpm
> sudo rpm -ivh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/php*

i got the rpm from tedhat. i get this:

# rpm -ihv php-4.2.2-17.i386.rpm --force
error: Failed dependencies:
libcrypto.so.4 is needed by php-4.2.2-17
libssl.so.4 is needed by php-4.2.2-17

my openssl is newer then these


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Re: Adaptec ATA RAID 1200A under Linux

2003-09-13 Thread Marty Buchaus
Hash: SHA1

Michael Mansour wrote:

| http://www.highpoint-tech.com/r100r_down.htm
| for Red Hat 8.0 and it works fine.
| I'm wondering why Adaptec don't "officially" supply
| this driver themselves??? and don't provide support
| for the card under Linux since it works perfectly
| well. All I need is mirroring facility on the IDE
| drives, so that's all I wanted in the card. The more
| expensive 2400A (which Adaptec officially support
| under Linux) has all the bells and whistles, has a
| processor on board and supports RAID 5, but I don't
| need those features so don't need that card.
This is due to Adaptec Licensing the Chipset from HPT. it's essentially
a HPT card with an Adaptec label.
| If not, how else can I upgrade the kernel to
| 2.4.20-20.8smp while still using the HPT module /
| driver. Note that I have my RAID 1 mirror as the boot
| drive for Linux.
I'm looking for an experienced answer to this as well.. I believe you
can take the source code of the module and compile it against the
kernel-source.. but I'm not 100% sure and Mine is a production Server,
and I'm not willing to take the chance yet.
Anyone else hit this..

- --
Marty Buchaus
CTO Big Sky Internet Inc. - http://www.bigskyinternet.com
RHCE (Red Hat Certified Engineer) - 807101943103186
ICQ 10579998 AIM snuffychi Yahoo snuffychi
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Adaptec ATA RAID 1200A under Linux

2003-09-13 Thread Michael Mansour

I've just purchased a new AMD Ahtlon system, and got
with it an Adaptec ATA RAID 1200A as it seemed to do
what I wanted.

Unfortunately, this card is not "officially" supported
by Adaptec, after emailing their support they only
tell me "unfortunately it's not supported under
Linux", yet they have all the Windows drivers. They
told me the 2400A card (which is many times more
expensive and has more features than what I need), is
supported under Linux and they provide the drivers for

Having googled for information on this card and Linux,
I've discovered that the card can be used using the
HPT370 (HighPoint Technology) driver, since Adaptec
use that chipset on their card. I obtained the driver


for Red Hat 8.0 and it works fine.

I'm wondering why Adaptec don't "officially" supply
this driver themselves??? and don't provide support
for the card under Linux since it works perfectly
well. All I need is mirroring facility on the IDE
drives, so that's all I wanted in the card. The more
expensive 2400A (which Adaptec officially support
under Linux) has all the bells and whistles, has a
processor on board and supports RAID 5, but I don't
need those features so don't need that card.

If it wasn't for the HPT driver, I would have got rid
of the Adaptec and looked at something else, maybe a
Fastrack 100 or similar, whatever is supported under
Linux. I don't see the reasoning behind Adaptecs
decision not to support the 1200A under Linux.

Anyway, if anyone has experience with this card I do
have one query. I'd like to upgrade my kernel from
2.4.18-14smp which I have on the fresh RH8 install
(installing the HPT driver upon installation via the
driver disk), to the newest 2.4.20-20.8smp, but HPT
have only got a module for 2.4.20-8smp on their driver

Can I use this module on the newer 2.4.20-20.8smp by
just copying the module into the kernel tree for
2.4.20-20.8smp ?

If not, how else can I upgrade the kernel to
2.4.20-20.8smp while still using the HPT module /
driver. Note that I have my RAID 1 mirror as the boot
drive for Linux.



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Re: php on RH8

2003-09-13 Thread Kalin Mintchev
On Fri, 12 Sep 2003, Jack Bowling wrote:

> ** Reply to message from Kalin Mintchev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Sat, 13 Sep 2003
> 01:57:38 -0400 (EDT)
> [snip]
> > this code works perfectly fine on the bsd machine. on the rh8 i get this
> > cli output (both installed the SAME way and from the SAME source 4.3.0):
> >
> > # ./ratLL.php
> > ./ratLL.php: line 2: ?: No such file or directory
> > ./ratLL.php: line 3: syntax error near unexpected token `('
> > ./ratLL.php: line 3: ` $db = mysql_connect(localhost, "user", "pass");'
> >
> > i posted a week ago this code. i was told that the cli compiled on the rh8
> > is not a "redhat one". so my problem question is why? why wouldn't the
> > install script detect the os as RH8 and compile the "correct redhat" cli..
> This smells of a unicode issue.  Backup your /etc/sysconfig/i18n file and then
> edit it to something like this:
> LANG="en_US:en"
> SUPPORTED="en_US.en:en_US.UTF-8"
> SYSFONT="latarcyrheb-sun16"

thanks...  just tried it  same thing...  same output.

> and see if it makes a difference.
> jb

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