Re: dd to clone hard drive

2003-09-02 Thread Brian Ashe

On Tuesday September 02, 2003 07:14, Michael Mansour wrote:
> Interesting.. I'm thinking of upgrading the primary
> disk on my server from a 6Gb disk - linux installation
> - to a 9Gb disk - linux installation.
> Could I plug in the second disk, dd all the stuff from
> the 6gig disk to the 9 gig disk, pull out the 6gig
> disk, replace it with the 9gig disk and away I go?

No, dd is not the tool for that.

Go take a look at Mondo Rescue...

Brian Ashe CTO
Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: The best UPS for RH?

2003-08-28 Thread Brian Ashe

On Thursday August 28, 2003 05:48, Richard Crawford wrote:
> The power at my house "blinked" last week, crashing my mail server, so I
> have now discovered that there may be wisdom in purchasing a UPS for my
> home.
> What is the best kind to get for my system?  I'm running RH 8.0 on an old
> 486.

I love the Minuteman UPS'. They have excellent support for Linux (including 
ready to go sysv init scripts and their Sentry II software is Web based to 
run in anything). The kits are always complete with cables and the software 
is easy to install.

They have performed excellently as well and I HIGHLY recommend them.

Brian Ashe CTO
Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: SQLPlus command history with arrow keys

2003-08-28 Thread Brian Ashe

On Thursday August 28, 2003 01:58, Myhre, Julie wrote:
> Hi,
> We've just installed an Oracle client on our Redhat v7.3 boxour
> servers are NT boxes, but automation and scripting are so much easier to
> do on the Linux side.  One thing we're missing is the convenient
> up-arrow and down-arrow command line history recall at the SQL*Plus
> prompt.  All we get is control characters (like  ^[[A) if we hit an
> arrow.
> The SQL*Plus is Release  - the server is at
> Are the keyboard mappings messed up, or do we need to configure
> something else to enable stepping through all the previous commands
> we've run in a particular SQL*Plus session?  I've had little luck
> searching Metalink and using Google, and would appreciate any input.

I take that you saw but weren't interested in this...

Brian Ashe CTO
Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: I'll be damned...!!

2003-08-28 Thread Brian Ashe
Zoran's mailinglist account,

On Thursday August 28, 2003 02:40, Zoran's mailinglist account wrote:
> *** I'm recovering from a hart attack:
> [ibook:~] zoran% ftp
> Trying
> Connected to
> 220 www1 Microsoft FTP Service (Version 5.0).
> 331 Password required for anonymous.
> ftp>
> I thought I've seen everything, but this beats it all! :-\

Either you're wildly misconfigured or someone has the ability to mess with 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] brian]$ ftp
Connected to
220 Red Hat FTP server ready. All transfers are logged. (UPDATES)
530 Please login with USER and PASS.
530 Please login with USER and PASS.
KERBEROS_V4 rejected as an authentication type
Name ( anonymous
331 Please specify the password.
230 Login successful. Have fun.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> quit
221 Goodbye.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] brian]$ host domain name pointer
[EMAIL PROTECTED] brian]$ whois
CERFnet CERFNET-BLK-5 (NET-63-240-0-0-1) -
T.E.C. ATTENS-008531-001939 (NET-63-240-14-64-1) -
# ARIN WHOIS database, last updated 2003-08-27 19:15
# Enter ? for additional hints on searching ARIN's WHOIS database.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] brian]$ host has address has address

You better see what's going on.

Brian Ashe CTO
Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Partition Size on RH 9 Installation

2003-08-26 Thread Brian Ashe

On Monday August 25, 2003 10:22, Scot Huntsberry wrote:
> I am going to reinstall RH 9 tomorrow because my system has gotten so
> slow that it is ridiculous.  I was wondering if I could get some
> suggestions oh how to best partition a 50gb hard drive to maximize the
> efficiency of the system.  I would really appreciate any suggestions the
> group could provide.

Two things...

One, I don't know if you believe that a different partition layout will affect 
the performance of the system or not, but other than a few rare 
circumstances, it rarely does.

In addition, a reinstall is a bad way to try to fix performance problems. 
Depending on the method of reinstall (for example would you be leaving your 
/home intact?) you may wind up with a zero impact and, depending on the 
amount of customization, a great deal of work. You may want to try to address 
that separately.

Two, if you want to get good advice no how to partition the system, you may 
want to outline the system hardware (especially RAM), the intended primary 
usage (server, desktop, development, etc.), additional usage requirements 
(storage of large files, etc.), and any other possibly useful information 
(like you download a lot of stuff to compile yourself, etc.).

Other wise you will get mostly speculation on what you really are after and 
will have to piece stuff together.

Brian Ashe CTO
Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: nsswitch.conf

2003-08-26 Thread Brian Ashe
Boom Stickity,

On Monday August 25, 2003 01:19, Boom Stickity wrote:
> Having a wierd problem.  I have entries in my hosts file that I'm trying to
> hit.  It seems when my dns proxy is unavailable it will hang the connection
> for 30 seconds even if the host is in the hosts file.  Here is my
> nsswitch.conf entry for hosts:
> hosts:  files nisplus dns
> Shouldn't nisplus and dns be ignored if I get a hit on /etc/hosts?  Once I
> hit it once the latency disappears.

One would think so, but that's not always the case.

I believe what you are seeing is the bug described here...

I spent time (a while ago) helping someone else with a similar issue and found 
that there is little to be done unless you want to add in IPv6 entries into 
the /etc/hosts file. This is (I believe) an upstream issue with certain 
versions of glibc and it may be "better" but not "fixed" in RH9 than it was 

See the above bugzilla report for lots of detail and links to other bugs 
related to it.

Brian Ashe CTO
Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: /var/log/lastlog -- why is it 19 megabytes?

2003-08-25 Thread Brian Ashe

On Sunday August 24, 2003 11:28, Rodolfo J. Paiz wrote:
> Is there someone out there with some coding expertise, who can maybe
> explain why "ls -l" and "ls -sh" give different results? Like this:

Not that I read the code but it isn't too hard to derive the answer from the 
info page of ls.

 Print the disk allocation of each file to the left of the file
 name.  This is the amount of disk space used by the file, which is
 usually a bit more than the file's size, but it can be less if the
 file has holes.

 Normally the disk allocation is printed in units of 1024 bytes,
 but this can be overridden (*note Block size::).

 In addition to the name of each file, print the file type,
 permissions, number of hard links, owner name, group name, size in
 bytes, and timestamp (*note Formatting file timestamps::), normally
 the modification time.

So in this case it appears you have some VERY "holey" files. Since the -s is 
telling you the space used and the -l is calculating the bytes used by 
(number of blocks allocated - 1) * 512 + remainder.

Perhaps try running "stat" on a file and see if this is accurate.

I'll give some examples to try and illustrate this.

Here is an example file of ~40MB. You will see the blocks in the first version 
and the "human interpretation of those blocks. By default, ls uses 1K blocks 
for it's output of the -s flag.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] test]$ ls -ls testfile
39376 -rw-r--r--1 brianbrian40274705 Jan 20  2003 testfile
[EMAIL PROTECTED] test]$ ls -lsh testfile
 39M -rw-r--r--1 brianbrian 38M Jan 20  2003 testfile

Note how what the man page told us holds true here as the two numbers don't 
match. This is because of using (blocks * blocksize) and each having 
different numbers to use. Now let's see what the system _really_ thinks about 
this file.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] test]$ stat testfile
  File: `testfile'
  Size: 40274705Blocks: 78752  IO Block: 4096   Regular File
Device: 305h/773d   Inode: 109 Links: 1
Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--)  Uid: (  500/   brian)   Gid: (  500/   brian)
Access: 2003-08-25 02:24:01.0 -0400
Modify: 2003-01-20 10:34:12.0 -0500
Change: 2003-01-20 10:34:12.0 -0500

Now we see we actually have a 4K blocksize. But the number of blocks is still 
in the default 512b size.

So let's tell ls what the blocksize actually is and see what it tells us.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] test]$ ls --block-size=4K -ls testfile
9844 -rw-r--r--1 brianbrian40274705 Jan 20  2003 testfile

Notice the number of blocks changes but the file size doesn't. So now we can 
see that the blocksize is playing a large part in how even the same command 
can interpret what it is seeing.

However this doesn't explain what's going on, just what you see.

Everything from here on is either pure speculation or WAG. ;)

> ls -l:
> -rwxr--r--1 rpaizrpaiz1177207676 Aug  3 18:09 Kansas ~ Best of
> Kansas ~ 04 ~ Dust in the Wind ~ 890B500A.wav
> ls -sh:
>   35M Kansas ~ Best of Kansas ~ 04 ~ Dust in the Wind ~ 890B500A.wav

The difference here looks like a 32 times in difference (35 * 1024 * 1024 * 32 
= 1174405120 (which is pretty close to the 1177207676 you see above 
considering rounding)). Which the only thing I can guess at is perhaps one of 
the two drives has a 32K blocksize and the other has a 1K blocksize. Further 
it would seem that somehow the rsync command you used (or something else) 
transfered blocks instead of bytes and really screwed up the layout of the 
filesystem. I believe you mentioned that you had seen a 98% fragmented system 
and this would seem congruent with some very holey files. Hence the vast 
difference in reported sizes.

You really need to take a look inside these files to see what's going on. That 
way you can see if there are real file issues or some sort of filesystem 
confusion. You had mentioned earlier that you can't read a file in a hex 
editor due to memory constraints. You should try something like 
head -c 64k  | od -c
to get a feel for what's in the file (look for zeroes). 

The only thing I can think to recommend that would make sense is to grab a 
defrag tool and see if it can fix it. Or if you can copy a file back to the 
old drive using the same method and then use a different one to get it back 
on the desired drive if that seems to restore sanity to the files.

Anyway, it's late here and there could be some inaccuracies, but perhaps you 
can either get it fixed or provide some new info. I left out using debugfs 
for now, since it can get very confusing if you're not used to it.

Brian Ashe CTO
Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Lexmark USB on RH 7.3

2003-08-20 Thread Brian Ashe

Does anyone know if a Lexmark E321 Laser printer will connect seemlessly or
with some work via the USB port in RedHat 7.3?

I would like to avoid adding a second Parallel Port if possible, but I'm
having trouble remembering/finding USB support info for RH 7.3. I can't
remember when it got good enough to do this well.

Have fun,
 Brian Ashe CTO
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.

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Re: what is sgi-fam used for on the default instal anyway?

2003-08-11 Thread Brian Ashe
Bret Hughes,

On Thursday August 07, 2003 06:36, Bret Hughes wrote:
> The recent thread where fam was found to be the service that had a port
> open got me wondering bout something that I have never researched.
> What is it used for on the default install.  IIUC fam is used to monitor
> the status of files and if changed do something.  Is there some desktop
> sort of deal that this is used for?

AFAIK, the primary thing that uses sgi_fam is Nautilus. But I can't remember 
if scrollkeeper needs it too. Basically, fam is very good at what it does, 
and RH has decided to make it available and ready for those things that need 
it especially in the GUI set-ups. I think I remember someone saying that 
Konqueror needed it too, but that may be a "because it was compiled that way" 
kind of thing.

Brian Ashe CTO
Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: GTK - Which version is RH9 Running?

2003-08-10 Thread Brian Ashe
Nick Wilson,

On Saturday August 09, 2003 09:26, Nick Wilson wrote:
> * and then Jim Hayward declared
> > OK let me try this again, now that my brain is awake. Never answer
> > questions right after you crawl out of bed .:-P
> Heh! - I do that all the time ;-)
> > RH 9 comes with both GTK/GLIB 1.x and 2.2.1.
> >
> > The development versions of the Gimp require GTK/GLIB 2.2.2
> Ok. So, am I safe to go grab the latest gtk rpm and install it or.
> sorry, I'm not to good at the tech side of running Linux, I'm just a
> desktop user with a *little* extra knowledge ;)

Actually, the development versions of the gimp require 2.2.0 (according to the 
INSTALL file included in the tarball) or higher and if you have all the devel 
libs installed The Gimp will compile and run fine on RH9. At least they have 
for me.

Brian Ashe CTO
Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Auto Responder Mail

2003-07-25 Thread Brian Ashe
Win Toe,

On Friday July 25, 2003 02:53, Win Toe wrote:
> Dear All,
>   I would like to setup autoresponder mail for customer services.
> For eg, if someone send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED], mail server should
> send information from file to sender IMMEDIATELY ( if we can include attach
> file, it will be OK ).
>   My question is, can we make such auto-responder with Sendmail or we have
> to use other 3rd party mail products.

Use procmail. Works very well. It is already installed and running on your 
system (it is the default MDA).

man procmail


Google on procmail for more insight.

Brian Ashe CTO
Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: RH9.0 / outgoing mail queing up

2003-07-25 Thread Brian Ashe
James Gibbon,

On Friday July 25, 2003 11:45, James Gibbon wrote:
> Brian Ashe wrote:
> > That looks like a DNS issue to me. See if this helps...
> >
> Thanks Brian, that was my initial thought too - but I've encountered
> no DNS difficulties in accessing webpages, fetchmail works first
> time, and the queue flushes manually without difficulty, as the fact
> that you're reading this mail will attest :)
> However, after a look at the webpage you kindly referred me to, I
> did the following to see some DNS debug info (transcribed below)
> after composing and sending a mail. It seems that the  lookup
> fails for some reason, but the A lookup works every time - might
> this be a reason that the outgoing mail is deferred, having to
> be flushed 'by hand' ?

It should not matter that the IPv6 fails. As long as the IPv4 one works. It 
only needs one of them to work.

As a quick check I see that does not have a reverse lookup. 

You can try to add "FEATURE(accept_unresolvable_domains) dnl" to your and create a new and see if that works. Especially if 
you don't have this problem with other domains. But only use this to test if 
the problem goes away. This is not a recommended way of running because it is 
designed to help alleviate spam. Of course, if you must, you _can_ leave it 
on, but it would be preferred that you contact the admin of the domain 
(unless it is you) to get DNS properly configured.

Brian Ashe CTO
Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: RH9.0 / outgoing mail queing up

2003-07-25 Thread Brian Ashe
James Gibbon,

On Friday July 25, 2003 08:41, James Gibbon wrote:
> Hi there - I wonder if anyone can help me overcome a problem.
> I installed RH 9.0 yesterday, and have a problem with outgoing mail
> - it queues up (like this!):
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# mailq
> /var/spool/mqueue (1 request)
> -Q-ID- --Size-- -Q-Time-
> Sender/Recipient--- h6PC8u2F031153  852 Fri Jul 25
> 13:08 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (host map: lookup ( deferred)
> Total requests: 1
> .. and won't leave until it's flushed manually (/usr/sbin/sendmail -q
> as root).  Last time I used Redhat (7.3 I think), it 'just worked' -
> mail would happily leave of its own accord without having to be
> manually flushed, as it has with other distros I've used.
> I use nmh, though I don't think that's a consideration. sendmail is
> ticked as 'currently running' in the service configuration gui.
> Any ideas?

That looks like a DNS issue to me. See if this helps...

Brian Ashe CTO
Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: RPM command to show all package names installed?

2003-07-25 Thread Brian Ashe
Ben Hall,

On Friday July 25, 2003 10:37, Ben Hall wrote:
> Hi there,
> Is there a way to get a list of all package names installed?  rpm -qa is
> close, but it gives name-version, I just want the name!
> I need this so that I can do a single apt-get line from many machines to
> bring them all up to the same install.  If it was debian, I could do
> dpkg -l > blah and then apt-get install the contents of blah, I was
> hoping to do the same with RH9...

rpm -qa --qf "%{NAME}\n"

Brian Ashe CTO
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Re: Best practices for setting up Bugzilla / CVS server?

2003-07-17 Thread Brian Ashe
Benjamin J. Weiss,

On Thursday July 17, 2003 10:55, Benjamin J. Weiss wrote:
> We need to get a handle on our versioning and bug tracking at work, so I
> was thinking of putting together a RH 9 box and installing Bugzilla and
> CVS.  I'm curious if anybody out there ran into any "gotchas" that I
> should watch out for before I start.
> My current plan is to install the CVS RPM that comes with RH 9, and then
> to d/l and compile the Bugzilla source tarball.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I hate going a little off of your request but, have you looked at GForge?

It is based on the SourceForge code and has been made much easier to install 
with lots of improvements. I've been using it (in beta) and really like it 
compared to other things. It's now out as a final.

Brian Ashe CTO
Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: PHP Scripting - Hope you get all this

2003-07-09 Thread Brian Ashe
Logan Linux,

On Wednesday July 09, 2003 07:42, Logan Linux wrote:
> Sorry,
> None of these worked. Still get the same error. Do the \n's show up in VI?

> > >> Im getting an error when running a script
> > >>
> > >> : bad interpreter: No such file or directory
> > >
> > > If you ever see that in the shell, it means that the script you're
> > > running has DOS linefeeds in it.  Use either "dos2unix" or
> > > "tr -d '\n' < oldfile > newfile" to remove them.

Try it with a "tr -d '\r' oldfile > newfile". Unix uses Line feeds not 
carriage returns.

To see the line endings I use "od -c filename"

Here's an example...

[EMAIL PROTECTED] brian]$ cat bin/

echo "I'm a script"

exit 0
: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
[EMAIL PROTECTED] brian]$ od -c bin/
000   #   !   /   b   i   n   /   s   h  \r  \n  \r  \n   e   c   h
020   o   "   I   '   m   a   s   c   r   i   p   t   "
040  \r  \n  \r  \n   e   x   i   t   0  \r  \n
[EMAIL PROTECTED] brian]$ tr -d '\r' < bin/ > bin/
[EMAIL PROTECTED] brian]$ od -c bin/
000   #   !   /   b   i   n   /   s   h  \n  \n   e   c   h   o
020   "   I   '   m   a   s   c   r   i   p   t   "  \n  \n
040   e   x   i   t   0  \n
[EMAIL PROTECTED] brian]$chmod 755 bin/
I'm a script


Brian Ashe CTO
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Re: Had enough

2003-07-09 Thread Brian Ashe

On Wednesday July 09, 2003 03:17, Mark Haney wrote:
> Okay, I've had it.  Does ANYONE know how to turn off replying to HTML
> emails as HTML in Outlook?  I default to text, but when I reply to
> someone who sent an email in HTML, my reply is in HTML too.  And I'm
> pretty sick of getting the auto-respond from this list about it.

Have you tried anything that appears here...

It seem to differ by the version, so the Google search is given.

Brian Ashe CTO
Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: mkbootdisk failed - help!

2003-07-01 Thread Brian Ashe
Luciano Rabelo,

On Tuesday July 01, 2003 10:19, Luciano Rabelo wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to create a stand-alone boot floppy with mkbootdisk.
> Can any one help me?
> # mkbootdisk -v --device /tmp/mkbootdisk/test 2.4.18-14smp
> Formatting /tmp/mkbootdisk/test... done.
> Copying /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.18-14smp... done.
> Creating initrd image...
> gzip: stdout: No space left on device
> done.
> Configuring bootloader... cat: write error: No space left on device
> done.
> #

The SMP kernel (as shipped w/RH) will not fit on a standard floppy. The error 
is coming from the implied (by lack of specifying) "--size 1440". So the 
image is always running out of room. The kernels are getting bigger, and 
floppies are more and more obsolete.

So here are your options...

1. Use a CD - Specify the --iso option to mkbootdisk and use that to burn a 
bootable CD.

2. Use an alternate floppy image size. Most drives support a variety of image 
sizes. Here's how...

A. Determine what your floppy drive can handle.

# floppy --createrc > /etc/floppy
# floppy -c /dev/fd0

B. Create a boot disk with a larger but supported size...
Note : The sizes will be shown in the above commands by something like 
"/dev/fd0u1840". Use the number after the "u" there.

# mkbootdisk --size 1840 --verbose --device /dev/fd0 `uname -r`


Brian Ashe CTO
Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Application for documenting procedures, etc

2003-06-27 Thread Brian Ashe
Eric Sisler,

On Friday June 27, 2003 12:01, Eric Sisler wrote:
> Greetings,
> We've recently moved to a new library automation system and I figure now
> is a good time to begin creating comprehensive documentation for it and
> other system administration tasks.
> The question is, which application to use?  I'm planning on making the
> documentation available a web browser and it doesn't need to be anything
> fancy.  Text and screen shots will likely be the bulk of it.  It should
> probably be searchable as well.
> I'm thinking docbook format might be a good application, with htdig for
> searching.  Does anyone have any other suggestions (or tips/pitfalls for
> Docbook)?

Well, with not knowing your _exact_ needs, I'll make this recommendation...

Look into WikiWikiWeb software.

This has to be one of the best collaborative (this may be a negative for you) 
documentation systems I've ever used. It is easy to update, create, extend 
and do whatever you want. It is easy to maintain and monitor it's use.

To see what it can do, check out...
You will see that they are maintaining an entire encyclopedia there.
They also make their version of software available, but there are a lot of 
them availble so you could pick a version that suits you. The concept will 
always be the same.

Sourceforge is a good place to start for the various available packages.

Brian Ashe CTO
Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: best way to allow uploading of files to webserver

2003-06-26 Thread Brian Ashe
Bret Hughes,

On Thursday June 26, 2003 12:36, Bret Hughes wrote:
> I have been doing a bit of consulting on the side and have a client for
> which I have just built a RH 9 box to be used as a webserver with about
> 10 small sites that will be served.
> I hate ftp. In fact I hate anything that uses clear test passwords and
> don't really like any thing that relies on passwords alone to
> authenticate internet users but since the users are all windows based I
> am at a loss as to the best (read most secure) way to allow the site
> admins to upload their files.
> I am assuming that I can set up a ftp-ssl server.  Anyone have
> experience with such a setup and free or real cheap gui windows clients
> for ftps?
> Tips appreciated. I will continue to google as well of course.

I'm sure you'll have OpenSSH on there, so you could always use WinSCP. Most 
windows users I've ever put it in front of have managed just fine with it (if 
not better then with FTP).

Brian Ashe CTO
Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: What is the difference between kernel-sources....rpm and kernel...src.rpm?

2003-06-25 Thread Brian Ashe
Daevid Vincent,

On Wednesday June 25, 2003 09:23, Daevid Vincent wrote:
> Can someone tell me what the difference is between
> "kernel-sources-2.4.20-19.9.rpm" and "kernel-2.4.20-19.9.src.rpm". The
> .src. File is like 35MB! The -sources- file is 39MB. How come the .src.
> File doesn't show up in a "rpm -qa | grep kernel" command and how can I
> uninstall it now that I've installed it?

Go to the /usr/src/redhat/ directory and remove what you want from the SOURCES 
and SPECS directories. The other directories are for completed and "in 
progress" files.

> It would make sense to me that the .src. File is the source code to the
> kernel, but I don't see anything in /usr/src/linux until AFTER I install
> the "kernel-sources" file. I don't get it.


The .src.rpm is the SRPM to be able to build the various kernel packages. It 
goes in /usr/src/redhat/.

The kernel-source rpm is the kernel source files for use in development and 
compilation of programs. It is also for if you need to build drivers or if 
you want to do a completely custom kernel.

Brian Ashe CTO
Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Which window manager I should use? Blackbox, FWM, or something else?

2003-06-25 Thread Brian Ashe
Apollo (Carmel Entertainment),

On Wednesday June 25, 2003 05:13, Apollo (Carmel Entertainment) wrote:
> So after looking at the thread I started (the one about why RH90 is slower
> than Win98) I came to conlusion that I will move people to Linux in stages.
> First I want to change common use workstations to linux.
> My question is, which WM will do best job (and will be fastest) to do this:
> Desktop would just be with a graphic background (company name in the
> background), there would be only several icons on the desktop to launch
> OpenOffice applications and several Wine emulated MS apps.
> Which window manager I should go with?

I put my vote in for XFCE 4. I know it's in beta right now, but it is stable 
(has been for a while now, I was running the CVS versions), fast and nice.

Uses the GTK2 libraries (so is highly compatble with GNOME apps), has the 
anti-aliasing of fonts, simple yet still attractive, easy to use and 

They also have RH 9 rpms ready to go.

Brian Ashe CTO
Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: looking for a library that can recognize php code

2003-06-25 Thread Brian Ashe

On Wednesday June 25, 2003 03:44, Chris W. Parker wrote:
> Hello.
> I'm looking to make a source code documenting program and instead of
> reinventing the wheel* I'd like to use a ready made wheel so to speak. Are
> there any libraries out there (I am guessing maybe in C or Perl) that
> recognize PHP and know what's what? That is, if I fed it a string or a
> complete page of source code I would like to be albe to know the names of
> all the functions and the names of all the variables.
> Any ideas?

If you mean something like Javadoc does for Java code, then you are already 
done and it's called PHPDoc.

If you mean something that simply extracts the obvious stuff (you shouldn't 
need to "document" the existing PHP functions, only the ones you create), 
then use the below (modify to your heart's content).


# Filename :
# Usage: 

# Check that filename was provided
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
echo "No file name provided"
echo "Usage : `basename $0` "
exit 65

# Check that file exists
if [ ! -e "$1" ]; then
echo "File does not exist"
exit 1

# First scan for functions. We're looking for where they are defined
FUNCTIONS=`grep function $1 | sort | uniq`
# Then scan for variables. We're looking for assignment.
VARIABLES=`grep -o -e "\$.*=" $1 | cut -d " " -f 1 | sort | uniq`

#Show Function list
echo "The functions are :"

for fun in $FUNCTIONS
  if [ "$fun" = function ]; then
  echo -n $fun

#Show Variables list
echo "The variables are :"

for var in $VARIABLES
  echo $var

exit 0

Brian Ashe CTO
Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Audio Recording for 300Mhz Pentium laptop

2003-06-19 Thread Brian Ashe
Hello Taylor,

Thursday, June 19, 2003, 10:23:36 AM, you textually orated:
TF> I am sailing to the Carribean for up to two years.  I am publishing a
TF> musictravelog at  I want to dedicate a Micron 300Mhz
TF> Pentium laptop to the task. I need feedback on the best way to go. I
TF> will probably never record more than 2 96K audio channels at the same
TF> time.  I would like to be able to monitor, and add effects to recorded
TF> tracks that playback.  My only experience so far is w/Cakewalk Sonar
TF> 1.1.  Please let me know as soon as possible, as I am scheduled to sail
TF> around the 4th of July.  If your planning on being in Key West during
TF> the summer, email me.  Maybe you can go sailing on the Jenneau 46' sloop
TF> I'll be living on.  Also, I'm looking for contributing editors to
TF> publish stories at, a sort of serial publication, trade
TF> magazine.  The benefits are numerous. I have talked to several software
TF> and hardware companies that would be willing to send any type of product
TF> imaginable, if you can! write a good "field test review" of their
TF> product.

This site will give you everything you need to know about audio, midi and
everything sound on Linux.

A particularly easy (and cross platform) sound editor that is very nice and
I use it in both Linux and Win.

If you want a distribution (RedHat or Debian based) that is already
optimized for sound use and includes a ton of sound packages, go here. I
tried this ~6 months ago and it was quite nice.

Have fun,
 Brian Ashe CTO
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.

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Re[2]: updatedb problem: last try!!

2003-06-18 Thread Brian Ashe
Hello michael,

Wednesday, June 18, 2003, 12:49:17 PM, you textually orated:

mbwc> Thanks for the recommendation, Brian - but I'm not sure that is the case.

mbwc> FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
mbwc> /dev/hda1 9.8G  6.3G  3.0G  68% /
mbwc> /dev/hda2  65G   46G   15G  75% /home
mbwc> none  124M 0  124M   0% /dev/shm

mbwc> I can also cp /var/lib/slocate/slocate.db
mbwc> /var/lib/slocate/slocate.db2/3/4/5/6 etc... Until I'm blue in the face.

mbwc> One thing I was wondering, I was speaking to a friend about this and he
mbwc> suggested removing my slocate database my deleting  slocate.db - but in his
mbwc> case it was in a different location. I was wondering if perhaps the last
mbwc> action being taken is slocate is trying to move a file from the wrong
mbwc> location to the wrong location - although the fact that it creates the .tmp
mbwc> file in the correct place doubts this assumption; it's the only thing I can
mbwc> think of right now!

Try stracing it and perhaps only do a small part of the drive by calling
slocate directly...

strace slocate -U /usr/share/icons -o ~/test_sl.db

...and see if A) it completes without error and B) what the output of strace
is if it fails.

If you don't mind spending the time, you could also just do "strace

You should only need the last ~20 lines or so of the output.

Have fun,
 Brian Ashe CTO
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.

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Re: updatedb problem: last try!!

2003-06-18 Thread Brian Ashe

On Wednesday June 18, 2003 11:25, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> hi all,
> after doing a number of rpm updates to my system, updatedb appears to have
> broken. i have posted this problem now twice to this list without any
> response whatsoever, but lets see if my latest discovery helps spur some
> answers on!
> i have finally discovered what is breaking it, but don't know what to do
> about it.
> i went into /var/lib/slocate and deleted everything there - so basically a
> clean slate.
> i ran updatedb
> it thought for a long time
> then got the broken pipe
> and ls /var/lib/slocate showed that it had successfully created
> /var/lib/slocate.db.tmp
> i did a mv slocate.db.tmp slocate.db
> and i could locate things perfectly.
> so it appears that the broken pipe occurs when slocate is trying to move
> slocate.db.tmp -> slocate.db. and this even happens when
> /var/lib/slocate.db doesn't exist.
> so, for the final time - any suggestions?

Most likely you are out of drive space (somewhere).

Do a "df -h" and see if there is a plenty of space left in all of your 

The partition where /tmp is must have more space than the size of your DB 
because that's where it does it's sort operation.

The partition where /var is should have twice the free space of the DB.

These are not necessarily _exact_ figures, so make sure you have some float in 
there as well.

If you used an "update tool" (such as up2date, apt-get or red carpet) it 
likely stored a bunch of extra stuff in /var somewhere and is the cause of 
the post update failure.

Brian Ashe CTO
Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: postgresql-perl in RH9

2003-06-12 Thread Brian Ashe
Hello Andrei,

Thursday, June 12, 2003, 5:54:32 PM, you textually orated:

AG> What happened to the postgresql-perl RPM package
AG> shipped with RH7.x-8.0?   

AG> Perl scripts containing 'use Pg' are broken under RH9,
AG> since the Pg
AG> module (*not* DBD::Pg) is gone.  I assume one can
AG> still grab the
AG> module from CPAN, but WHY is the rpm package gone
AG> without notice?  It
AG> was not deprecated, and the change is not even
AG> mentioned in RH9
AG> release notes...

Install the postgresql-pl package. It was moved into there. It is in the
changelog of the postgresql package. (not obvious, but findable)

Have fun,
 Brian Ashe CTO
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.

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Re: Problem while installing RH9

2003-06-01 Thread Brian Ashe
Együd Csaba,

On Saturday May 31, 2003 12:27, Együd Csaba wrote:
> Hello,
> I'd like to set up RH9 on my Compaq Presario 920EA notebook. I've
> downloaded the binary iso images and burned the cd-s under WinXP. The disk
> boots the system, which asks me about the language of the installation
> process and my keyboard layout. Then it asks me about the installation
> media to use. When I press Enter on Local CDROM, it says that there isn't
> any RedHat Install CD-ROM in any of my local CDROM drives.

Looks like a common problem with Compaq laptops...

You might want to see if some of the advice posted there helps you.

> What can be the problem. Can it be that the integrity of the image is bad?

Probably not. This is common when the installer cannot detect the CD-ROM drive 
properly (the bios is what loaded the installer.)

> Can a demaged CD ROM be bootable?


> How can I check the integrirty of an iso image undre XP?

There is an md5 sum check program for windows available here...

Brian Ashe CTO
Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Creating User environment variables.

2003-06-01 Thread Brian Ashe

On Saturday May 31, 2003 12:54, dlangschied wrote:
> I think you are misunderstanding me.  I have a number of environment
> variables that I want to pass onto the user at login.  I should be able to
> do so by modifying a file (like .profile) that is launched when the user
> logs in.  I tried to vi /bin/bash and it was not possible.  THerefore, I am
> trying to find out where this is done.  I am sure that others are doing
> this.

For variables applied to all users use /etc/profile for individual users use 

Brian Ashe CTO
Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: change GDM <-> KDM

2003-06-01 Thread Brian Ashe
Cornelius Kölbel,

On Saturday May 31, 2003 07:55, Cornelius Kölbel wrote:
> Hello,
> the docs say, I have to insert a line DISPLAYMANAGER="KDE", or XDM or
> GDM in /etc/sysconfig/desktop.
> But it has no effect. It always starts the GDM.


Brian Ashe CTO
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Re: copy one server to another?

2003-04-03 Thread Brian Ashe
Jody Cleveland,

On Thursday April 03, 2003 01:54, Jody Cleveland wrote:
> Hello,
> I've got a redhat 8 server running exactly the way I want it. My question
> is, how do I copy that server's contents exactly as they are to a different
> server? Is that possible?

Use Mondo Rescue. It will make an image of what you have not only for copying 
to a new server but also to restore your current one should there be a 
catastophic failure. Also, it does not require that you have identicle 
hardware as it will let you manage the partitions during a "restore". It is 
very nice. Can go to CD (bootable), Tape or NFS.

Brian Ashe CTO
Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: What time was an RPM installed?

2003-04-02 Thread Brian Ashe
Robert Adkins II,

On Wednesday April 02, 2003 02:48, Robert Adkins II wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
>   I am curious to know if there is a way to determine at what time
> an RPM may have been installed onto a computer.


rpm -q --queryformat "%{name},%{INSTALLTIME:date}\n" 

Brian Ashe CTO
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Re[2]: Using a microphone

2003-03-26 Thread Brian Ashe
Hello Edward,

Wednesday, March 26, 2003, 7:44:13 PM, you textually orated:

>> I have used this for a long time now. It is nice because it has a *nix and
ED> a
>> Win version.
>> It's called Speak Freely.
>> Unix Version
>> Win Version

ED> Brian, does the Win version run through a standard linux iptables firewall?

ED> Just asking because Messenger does not (all that new uPnP crap).

ED> If it does, it would be suited to my purposes.

It is very easy to set up a single machine to work behind a Firewall (for
both calling and being called upon). All you have to do is set the firewall
to forward the three ports it uses (2074-2076). This technique has worked
for me since the ipfwadm days and still worked with ipchains and now

Does that suit your purposes? Or is there more? Cause there is a lot more to
the complete system like the sfreflect conferencing server (very nice) and
sfvod voice on demand (nice for status updates and other stuff, but I
haven't used that for a while now). There are also many fine folks on the
SF mailing list that may be able to give even more info if this and the two
websites don't help answer you.

Have fun,
 Brian Ashe CTO
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.

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Re[2]: CPU monitoring service => even more Correct

2003-03-26 Thread Brian Ashe
Hello Chris,

Wednesday, March 26, 2003, 4:36:41 PM, you textually orated:

C> I'd love to just kill the "Author.exe" process sucking up all the CPU
C> cycles when the load gets to 5+ level (for example), to automatically
C> stop her unnecessary imact on the server. Since the PID changes all the
C> time, it would need to kill the process by name (Author.exe) or look up
C> the PID dynamically. That's the only process that ever gets the server
C> above 2.00 CPU levels so it's pretty safe to assume that's what's sucking
C> up the cycles.

Don't know that much about the FP extensions, but...

Have you tried adding...
alias Author.exe='nice +19 /path/to/Author.exe'
to the user who runs that process' ~/.bashrc ?
(I don't know if it is your webserver or not)

That should slow it down a bit.

Alternatively, if they are run by the user you have a problem with, you
could also use /etc/security/limits.conf to tone down just their processes
allowing other users , who behave properly, to still get it to work full

Hope that helps.

Have fun,
 Brian Ashe CTO
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.

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Re: Using a microphone

2003-03-26 Thread Brian Ashe
Hello fred,

Wednesday, March 26, 2003, 1:00:12 PM, you textually orated:

fp> Hi all. Does anyone know of an application that can be
fp> used to communicate with someone across the Internet
fp> using a microphone?

fp> Instead of making a long-distance call, I'd like to
fp> talk to them over the Internet using a microphone
fp> attached to my PC.

I have used this for a long time now. It is nice because it has a *nix and a
Win version.

It's called Speak Freely.
Unix Version

Win Version

Have fun,
 Brian Ashe CTO
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.

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Re: plock() replacement?

2003-03-20 Thread Brian Ashe

On Thursday March 20, 2003 06:26, Andrew Robinson wrote:
> I'm trying to port an application from HPUX to Linux without knowing alot
> about C and program development. One of the programs calls plock(), which
> according to the man page on HPUX locks the application's memory. Using
> "man -k", I cannot find an analogous routine on my Redhat 7.3 installation.
> Anyone know of a suitable replacement for plock()? Anyone know of a
> suitable forum to pose this question?

What you need to use is mlock() or mlockall(). But these are a little 
different and you'll probably need to see how plock() is being called.

You may want to try to search Google for where the Linux C programming list 
is, or some equivalent newsgroups.

Brian Ashe CTO
Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: using diff, cmp, comm, etc.

2003-03-17 Thread Brian Ashe

On Monday March 17, 2003 10:37, Douglas, Stuart wrote:
> Hello all,
> Take a look at the following script (alteration of the one Anthony Greene
> was kind enough to offer up to me).  My question: is there a way to use
> something like diff, cmp, comm or such to return a list of the differences
> (line by line) between 2 files?  The current script simply sends the
> current directory listing, my preference would be to send the only the
> differences between the current and previous copies.
> # Compare the previous and current directory listings.
> if cmp -s /etc/ftpradiolsnew /etc/ftpradiolsold
> then
># The FTP radio directory listing has not changed, update listing only.
>rm -rf /etc/ftpold
>cp /etc/ftpnew /etc/ftpold
> else
># The directory listing has changed, send an e-mail notification &
> update listing. cat /etc/ftpnew | mail -s "updated FTP radio spot list"
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] rm -rf /etc/ftpold
>cp /etc/ftpnew /etc/ftpold
> fi
> Feel free to make any other suggestions (improvements) to what I've done
>'s kinda crude, but it does what I want (almost).

I'm not _exactly_ sure what you are trying to do, but here is a different 
approach you may wish to consider...

Scenario : Serveral "authors/publishers/whatever" uploading new/different 
material to a centralized source. This material then needs to be deseminated 
to multiple other individuals and kept syncronized. Should also have the 
ability to be queried for differences.

If this fits what you are trying to do, have you considered using CVS?

It has serveral advantages over what it looks like you are doing now.

1. It can be fully automated on all sides.
2. It keeps track of everything that happens.
3. It can be tunnelled through SSH for added security.
4. It works. (don't be fooled by the programming thing, it really does work 
well for binary files as well)

Just a thought.

Brian Ashe CTO
Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: PostgreSQL won't restart

2003-03-17 Thread Brian Ashe
Bob Hartung,

On Sunday March 16, 2003 11:26, Bob Hartung wrote:
> Hi all,
>I had a new install of 7.2.2 running and I was just beginning to learn a
> little about postgresql.  Now, on rebooting postmaster fails to start - it
> has started just fine for a month.  I have made no changes to the system.
> Where should I begin looking?
> There is nothing in the logs and dmesg just says Postmaster [failed]

Check in the /tmp directory for the lock files.

Something like...

If the server is not running and they exist, then delete them and try the 
startup command.

Brian Ashe CTO
Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Disable PHP engine in or

2003-03-08 Thread Brian Ashe
Francesco Amelio,

On Saturday March 08, 2003 06:00, Francesco Amelio wrote:
> Php Version: PHP 4.2.2
> Apache Version: Apache 2.0.40
> How can i disable php engine to certain virtualhost or directory?
> I've put "php_flag engine off" "php_value engine off" "php_value engine 0"
> but it doesn't work for me. Restarting apache it doesn't give error but the
> php engine continue to work for that local directory.
> here is the httpd.conf code:
> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
> AllowOverride AuthConfig
> Order allow,deny
> Allow from all
>     php_flag engine Off
> Please help me!


php_admin_flag engine off

Brian Ashe CTO
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Re: RH slowness.

2003-03-04 Thread Brian Ashe
Polar Humenn,

On Tuesday March 04, 2003 02:22, Polar Humenn wrote:
> H Somebody told me that all the packages besides the kernel are
> compiled for the 386, not the 686, and this might have a significant
> impact. However, when I ran with Slackware, I think all their binary
> packages are compiled for the 386 as well, and I didn't notice the
> slowness.

That stuff is irrelevant. The kernel and glibc are set up for i686 (kernel 
also for athlon, etc.) and those provide the biggest benefit.

> I've gone into my BIOS and knocked down the memory for the AGP aperture
> from 128MG to 64MB. (I don't even know what an AGP is. Could somebody
> please enlighten me?).
> I also found out that I only have 256MB of RAM, not 512M, like I had
> originally thought. However, this seem to make a difference with my
> previous system.

OK, if you're sharing memory with the AGP card (graphics), then you should 
make sure the kernel knows this. So...

If you have 256MB and share 64MB to AGP, then you should have an "append" line 
like this...


Personally, unless you are running mostly movies, or 3D gaming, I would cut 
the shared memory down even further. 16MB for general pupose use is plenty. 
Just adjust the append line accordingly.

> Is there some setting somewhere for bus bandwith or something? I noticed
> this IDE is running with a "default" of 16. Should it be 32? I gather
> there is no way to tuning the SCSI? What about processor speed? As far as
> the BIOS is concerned, I'm running "Normal" not "Compatible".

To set the proper I/O support simply put in...

hdparm -c1 /dev/hdx (where x is the drive letter)

What speed is the SCSI bus? If you get readings that are ~75% of what it is 
rated at then it is fine.

> It could just be that RH 8.0 and all the new stuff is just a slower dog on
> the same machines, err like Windoze is.

It's not "bloat". Each new version has improved performance for me. GCC 3.2 
did wonders. I think it mostly has to do with differences in the kernel and 
XFree86 drivers. For example the Phoebe beta broke video support on one of 
test machines (I hope it gets fixed).

Brian Ashe CTO
Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: RH slowness.

2003-03-04 Thread Brian Ashe
Polar Humenn,

On Tuesday March 04, 2003 11:49, Polar Humenn wrote:
> > Does "free" show that all the memory is recognized properly?
> total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
> Mem:254556 222996  31560  0  39064  45084
> -/+ buffers/cache: 138848 115708
> Swap:   265032 166120  98912
> Anything look amiss?

Well, it does if this is accurate... (you stated)
>> I've got a dual-pentium 800Mz with 512MB RAM.

It's not recognizing all of your RAM. It is also using a lot of swap. Those 
swaps will make it seem slow. My system with 512MB lookslike this (KDE with 
~20 apps running and a lot of services)...
 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:513844 355600 158244  0  30224 169908
-/+ buffers/cache: 155468 358376
Swap:   394116  0 394116

Try putting 
in your [lilo | grub].conf

> Should I recompile the kernel or something? Otherwise, does anybody have
> another Linux I can use that works well, and updates well?

Recompiling the kernel may help, but it would just be a guess. If you really 
have 512MB of RAM, get that working first. Stopping the swapping should help 
a LOT.

Brian Ashe CTO
Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: RH slowness.

2003-03-04 Thread Brian Ashe
Polar Humenn,

On Tuesday March 04, 2003 09:51, Polar Humenn wrote:
> I updated from Slackware, because updating it was a pain. But now that I
> have this RedHat 8.0 thing installed, my system is slower than a
> two-legged tortoise. I've got a dual-pentium 800Mz with 512MB RAM. The KDE
> used to fly under Slack. Now, what's happened?
> I also installed RH 8.0 on my Laptop, and now I'm ready to throw the thing
> away. It's a DELL Inspiron 7000 350Mx 128MB RAM, and used to be my best
> machine before I bought the Dual-P desktop. Also, now, X, seems to lock-up
> sometimes when I close it (ala Microsoft). Underslack, the save-to-disk
> worked fine if I left it in the bag long enough for the battery to where
> down. No chance of that happening anymore, It just dies.
> Is there some RH configuration thingy I'm missing? Or just chaulk it up to
> overloaded linuxes?
> I am running the SMP version of the lastest kernel.
> It's so slow.
> Any clues?

Is it possible that DMA is not enabled for the hard disk(s)?

That has been the most common thing I've seen cause speed problems.

What does "hdparm -acd /dev/hda" return?

Does "hdparm -t /dev/hda" show reasonable throughput?

Other things to check...
Does "free" show that all the memory is recognized properly?
Are there any background tasks eating up CPU time? (anacron is a pain on 
Have you updated to all the latest packages? (If you don't want to use 
up2date, there is apt-rpm available (elsewhere) also)
Does it look like all your hardware was indentified correctly?

Hope it helps.

Brian Ashe CTO
Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: linux-apache

2003-03-03 Thread Brian Ashe

On Monday March 03, 2003 12:25, Lisa wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to configure load-balancing with apache http server and tomcat.
> When I try to startup apache I'm getting the following error:
> Syntax error on line 205 of /apps/apache_1.3.27/conf/httpd.conf:
> Cannot load /apps/apache_1.3.27/libexec/ into server:
> /apps/apache_1.3.27/libexec/ undefined symbol: ap_ctx_get
> ./apachectl start: httpd could not be started
> Has anyone any ideas as I've followed documentation to the T. Apache http
> server was working until I added in changes for
> Any suggestions appreciated

Did you get the "eapi" or the "noeapi" version of

Try the other one. I believe that you got the eapi and need the noeapi.

One way or another that is definately an EAPI conflict.

Brian Ashe CTO
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Re: New Sendmail Fix Available

2003-03-03 Thread Brian Ashe

On Monday March 03, 2003 01:58, MKlinke wrote:
> For those who haven't seen it yet, anyone running sendmail needs to
> update.

Even better is the RedHat Errata page on it...

That way you can grab the packages as you read (provided you don't use 

Brian Ashe CTO
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Re: Software for recording an X-Session

2003-03-03 Thread Brian Ashe
Jonathan Bartlett,

On Monday March 03, 2003 07:44, Jonathan Bartlett wrote:
> I'm looking for software that will record the screen as I use it.
> Basically, I'm looking for software that will take enough screenshots in a
> row that I can put them together into a movie of my desktop (or it would
> make one for me).  I've found X event replay utilities, but I haven't
> found anything that will make a movie out of what I'm clicking on (this is
> for creating training documentation).
> Any help would be appreciated.

You might want to try this out...

If you need more help with it, I think I have a mini-howto sitting somewhere 
on one of my harddrives.

Basically you need VNC, Ming (an OSS SWF module) and the vnc2swf. VNC records 
it, vnc2swf uses ming to compile it into a Flash SWF and it is fully portable 
to any OS (with a Flash plugin).

Brian Ashe CTO
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Re: tar failure in RH8.0

2003-02-27 Thread Brian Ashe
Hello Jay,

Thursday, February 27, 2003, 2:47:16 PM, you textually orated:

JT> When I tar up a directory on a solaris box and then ftp
JT> (push) from the solaris box to a RH8.0 box (solaris box is
JT> the ftp client, RH8.0 box is the ftp server), the subsequent
JT> untar operation on the RH8.0 box fails with:

JT> # tar -xf myfile.tar
JT> tar: Skipping to next header
JT> tar: Skipping to next header
JT> tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors

JT> However, if I get that same tar by ftp (pull) from solaris box
JT> to RH8.0 box (RH8.0 is ftp client, solaris box is ftp server),
JT> the untar works fine.

JT> Any ideas?

Are you making sure to set the mode to binary in the first instance?


ftp> binary
200 Type set to I
ftp> put myfile.tar

Have fun,
 Brian Ashe CTO
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.

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Re: apache user doesn't show up in users & groups

2003-02-26 Thread Brian Ashe
Daniel Rubin,

On Wednesday February 26, 2003 12:55, Daniel Rubin wrote:
> I'm running RH 8.0 and want to modify the primary &
> secondary group memberships of the apache user. But
> the apache user doesn't show up in the users & groups
> applet. I know apache user exists because the applet
> doesn't let me create anither user called apache. So
> how do I get the apache user to show up in users &
> groups applet?

>From the top menu click on "Preferences" => "Filter system users and groups"

Basically, by default, it does not list the system accounts to help prevent 
you from making a (costly) mistake.

Brian Ashe CTO
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Re: Personal project management software recommendations?

2003-02-24 Thread Brian Ashe

On Monday February 24, 2003 04:09, Gordon wrote:
> I'm looking for software to do project management for myself. I've got
> lots of projects like upgrading to RH8, switching mail servers, setting
> up different things in apache, etc, etc. Some of these projects will
> take a while and have many steps and dependencies and I'd like to keep
> track of it so I know what I've done and haven't done yet and keep notes.
> Any good recommendations?

I like using GForge. But it might be considered overkill. It is still in early 
development, but it is based on the old SourceForge code (so there is a lot 
that it does). It's really good for multiple people on multiple projects.

Brian Ashe CTO
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Re: I'm moving from FreeBSD -- 3 questions

2003-02-05 Thread Brian Ashe
Richard Kuhns,

On Wednesday February 05, 2003 02:56, Richard Kuhns wrote:
> On 05 Feb 2003 09:30:15 -0800
> Gordon Messmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Wed, 2003-02-05 at 07:43, Richard Kuhns wrote:
> > > All machines can
> > > communicate just fine, except for the FreeBSD box and the laptop.  The
> > > maxmimum transfer speed between the 2 of them seems to be about
> > > 14K/sec,
> >
> > Just to be clear:  You have one Red Hat Linux 8 machine on your desk,
> > and another that is a laptop.  One of these communicates with the
> > FreeBSD box at a normal speed, and the other at only 14K/sec.  Right?
> > How is the laptop connected to the rest of the machines?  If you run
> >   /sbin/mii-tool eth0
> > on the laptop, what does it return?  Perhaps it thinks the connection is
> > full duplex, when it is not...  That doesn't quite explain it, but
> > that's where I'd start looking.
> Yes, that's it.  The laptop is the only one that has any trouble, and
> that's only when talking to the FreeBSD box. All of the machines are
> connected through a Linksys 5 port Workgroup Hub.
> On the laptop:
> # /sbin/mii-tool eth0
> eth0: negotiated 100baseTx-FD, link ok
> #
> The builtin ethernet card in the laptop is an AMD 79c970, if that makes
> any difference.

It might. RH released an errata kernel yesterday. Have you tried it yet? I 
have heard of breakage on that card in some of the newer kernels. I don't 
know which versions though, I just remember it being in the pcnet32 driver. 
Some Google searches may be in order. If it persists after installing the 
latest kernel from RH (or if you've already installed it), I would put this 
in Bugzilla.

> > > 2) When I use ssh from either RedHat machine, it always does a DNS
> > > lookup on the machine name.
> >

> Good idea -- I should have thought of that myself:).  I get the same
> results using telnet, so apparently something in glibc is always trying to
> do an IPv6 name lookup.  I just did a little more playing around with
> ethereal: with 'hosts: files dns' in nsswitch.conf, there is *always* an
> attempt to do an  query, which fails.  If I change it to 'hosts: dns
> files', there is first an  query which files, and then an A query
> which fails.  Sounds like a bug to me. Can anyone else verify this?

I think the problem is that IPv6 is enabled by default in the newer (since 
7.2?) kernels. Since the kernel will run through IPv6 first and then fall 
back to IPv4, you would need to have IPv6 style hosts in the /etc/hosts file 
for it to respect that properly. But this is from memory, so there may be 
some innaccuracies.

I would say to disable IPv6 if not needed or make sure you have IPv6 hosts in 
the /etc/hosts file. That should resolve the issues.

Hope it helps.

Brian Ashe CTO
Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: offsite backup

2003-02-03 Thread Brian Ashe
Tom Kovalcik,

On Monday February 03, 2003 01:35, Tom Kovalcik wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to come up with a scheme to backup completed projects off-site.
> What I am envisioning is this:
> Engineer provides project1Rev1.tar.gz file (50 to 200MB) and places it into
> a directory (/home/offsitebu). At some point overnight a cron job runs scp
> to copy the file to my home Linux server which is using
> DNS to go to handle the dynamic IP. The file transfer checks that the
> source and destination file are identical and the source file is deleted.
> I have a basic enough understanding to think this is all possible, but do
> not know how to get around all the issues such as user authentication, how
> to handle stalled jobs, and how to get a checksum and how to get the
> information back to compare the files.
> Can anyone help out with some or all of these issues?

Why not use CVS to help manage your projects? That way you not only have 
completed projects, but a full revision history and logs of what was done, by 
whom and when. Then your CVS repository can be kept safely (and backed up 
locally) and the remote version is just the most recent stuff.

Yes, CVS works best for ascii files, but becomes equally nice for binary files 
(I've frequently used it for graphics revisions like from Photoshop).

Then you can sync it up with Gforge ( and you have a 
complete project management system.

Brian Ashe CTO
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Re: filling a huge postgres db

2003-01-29 Thread Brian Ashe
Nathalie Boulos,

On Wednesday January 29, 2003 03:38, Nathalie Boulos wrote:
> i don't know if it's appropiate to post this question on this list but i'm
> wondering how to fill a huge csv file in a postgresql database.

The easiest and fastest way is to use the COPY command in psql.

You can read more in the PostgreSQL Docs but a good example is...


Brian Ashe CTO
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Re: A Linux Browser that supports java

2003-01-26 Thread Brian Ashe
Steve Strong,

On Sunday January 26, 2003 02:50, Steve Strong wrote:
> So, I think Mozilla supports only java script and not java.  True?  If
> so, does anyone know how I can get a browser that will support java
> applets and run on my RedHat boxes?

Mozilla supports Java. Read here...

and ask questions if you need more help. Of course the rest of the page will 
help you to set up other plug-ins as well.

Brian Ashe CTO
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Re: Kernel File/Dir hooks?

2003-01-24 Thread Brian Ashe
David Busby,

On Friday January 24, 2003 07:22, David Busby wrote:
> List,
> I was wondering how I could hook into the kernel to see when it does
> anything to a file/dir or filesystem?  Is there an API that would let me
> hook that?  I don't even know where to start.

man fam

(If it's not installed, then check out...
and if you like what you see you can install the packages off the CDs)

Brian Ashe CTO
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Re: Printing from openoffice

2003-01-24 Thread Brian Ashe
Irv Cobb,

On Friday January 24, 2003 06:49, Irv Cobb wrote:
> This works for me, too, and I appreciate it a lot because I can now use
> both my printers easily form OOo, but ...
> ... I can't get at some of my printer settings from OOo. I have an Epson
> 980, which is not listed by spadmin. It will print if I call it Generic,
> but I can't change resolution, etc. If I use the Epson 800 driver from
> spadmin, I get some more control, but not everything that's available
> from CUPS (which is what I'm using). Where does spadmin get its driver
> list? can drivers be added to it?

If you are using CUPS, when you get to the "Choose a driver" screen in 
spadmin, you can click on the "Import" button and point it to your PPD file 
for the printer. Then just use the default print command (next screen) and 
name it(screen after that).

This is from memory though, as my local machines still use LPRNG.

Brian Ashe CTO
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Re: Printing from openoffice

2003-01-24 Thread Brian Ashe
Larry Brown,

On Friday January 24, 2003 02:52, Larry Brown wrote:
> The RH8 lpd system seems to work pretty good.  I set up two smb printers
> that are connected to a win2k pc on the network.  The both print fine.  One
> is an HP Photosmart 1215 and the other is a PDF distiller.  Using the test
> mechanism it printed both just fine.  Now I'm trying to print from
> openoffice and it only offers a generic printer or pdf converter in its own
> software.  How do I get OpenOffice to recognize the printers already
> configured in lpd?  The OpenOffice spadmin program lists a group of
> printers different than the ones from the lpd system configuration.  It
> does not show the printers already installed.  Please, any help would be
> appreciated.

This is a litlle bit unintuitive, but here's how I do it...

If you dont remember the "names" of the printers do a

#cat /etc/printcap

and look for the lines beginning like...

They should be the first line for each entry.

Then in the spadmin choose "New Printer" then "add printer"

When it asks you for the "Command line appropriate..." enter

lpr -P 

so for the above mentioned examples it would be...

lpr -P PDF_print
lpr -P Server_HP

Click next, name the printer and click finish. Test. All should work fine.

Hope that helps.

Brian Ashe CTO
Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: P4 Hyper Threading

2003-01-23 Thread Brian Ashe
Rick Fincher,

On Friday January 24, 2003 01:58, Rick Fincher wrote:
> I have a Linux 8.0 system with the smp kernel with all the updates.  It is
> running with an Intel P4 3.06 GHz processor with a hyper thread compatible
> bios and chipset (Intel D845PEBT2 motherboard).  I have ht enabled in the
> From what I have read, I should see two cpu's in /proc/cpuinfo, but I am
> only seeing one.
> What do I need to do to enable hyper threading?

Try adding "acpismp=force" to your lilo.conf or grub.conf

Brian Ashe CTO
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Re: Does this mean my Apache is relaying mail?

2003-01-23 Thread Brian Ashe
Gordon Messmer,

On Thursday January 23, 2003 10:50, Gordon Messmer wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-01-23 at 18:47, Brian Ashe wrote:
> > Actually, it is. It depends on what your index file type is.
> I can produce that behavior if I make my server's default virtual host's
> index a php file, but not otherwise.  That's sorta unexpected.  Who
> defines this behavior?  Is it an effect of mod_php that php files
> "support" CONNECT?

AFAIK, that's correct. Apache passes everything over to the "handlers" when it 
isn't supposed to do it itself. So since it knows it is the handler for HTML, 
it sets the methods it accepts for it.

If mod_proxy is installed/configured then it should grab all the CONNECT 

But since Apache sees the PHP file, it just passes the request in whole over 
to PHP and lets PHP sort it out.

PHP accepts all methods (even ones that don't exist) and ignores the ones it 
can't use. For example...

[brian@hell brian]$ telnet 80
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
FOO / HTTP/1.0

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 04:45:06 GMT
Server: Apache
X-Powered-By: PHP/4.1.2
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html

Is this bad or good? I'm not in a position to say. I guess I'll say it's bad 
when someone rips a gaping hole through it. I also believe that there are 
other apache modules that exhibit similar behaviour. Though I have to admit 
that arbitrary methods is a little disturbing.

> > However, if you use (for example) PHP and have index.php as the default
> > page, it will accept the unusual method (if not prevented by "Limit"
> > directives) but wind up processing it as a "GET /" in the end. This is
> > because, it will be just like when a user doesn't put a trailing slash in
> > the location bar, Apache will automatically redirect it to /.
> I wouldn't go so far as to say that it's "just like" when a user forgets
> the trailing slash.  When that happens, apache explicitly tells the
> browser to try again:

> In fact, I don't see the parallel between the two behaviors at all...

Well, the parallel is that the request of (as referred to by the previous logs 
regarding the proxy abuse check)...


contains no path information so Apache does the redirect. (Yes, I probably 
shouldn't have used an analogy, they do always seem to go wrong somewhere.)

Brian Ashe CTO
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Re: Does this mean my Apache is relaying mail?

2003-01-23 Thread Brian Ashe
Gordon Messmer,

On Thursday January 23, 2003 08:43, Gordon Messmer wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-01-23 at 14:48, Brian Ashe wrote:
> > On Thursday January 23, 2003 04:46, Peter Kiem wrote:
> > > Hi Gordon,
> > >
> > > > The status 200 may indicate that you're vulnerable to the problem
> > > > they're testing for.  What version of apache are you running?  On
> > > > what platform?  Have you enabled proxying?
> > >
> > > That's what I am worried about.
> >
> > Don't worry (yet). The 200 response doesn't mean they've gotten through.
> >
> > Do this simple test...
> ...
> > If you get your normal index page, then all is well.
> Did you try your test?  I've tried the CONNECT command against several
> servers, and always get a 405 message.  Apache should not (and in my
> tests, does not) respond with a 200 code when you feed it the CONNECT
> command.  Sending back the index page is not the expected or defined
> behavior, so I'm not sure why you'd expect that outcome.

Actually, it is. It depends on what your index file type is.

If your index file type is .html then you will get the exact behaviour you 
speak of because HTML does not support any methods other then GET (unless you 
change HTML to be parsed by PHP or equivilent).

However, if you use (for example) PHP and have index.php as the default page, 
it will accept the unusual method (if not prevented by "Limit" directives) 
but wind up processing it as a "GET /" in the end. This is because, it will 
be just like when a user doesn't put a trailing slash in the location bar, 
Apache will automatically redirect it to /.

Brian Ashe CTO
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Re: Apache 2.0 and disallowed indexes

2003-01-23 Thread Brian Ashe
Todd A. Jacobs,

On Thursday January 23, 2003 05:09, Todd A. Jacobs wrote:
> I want a particular URL to disallow indexing. I have the following
> .htaccess file:
>   Options -Indexes
> that is chmod 644, and "AllowOverride Indexes" in main configuration.
> Unfortunately, all I get is error 500 when I attempt to access specific
> files from that directory.
> What am I doing wrong?

Try adding ExecCGI to your options line.

    Options -Indexes +ExecCGI

Brian Ashe CTO
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Re: Does this mean my Apache is relaying mail?

2003-01-23 Thread Brian Ashe
Peter Kiem,

On Thursday January 23, 2003 04:46, Peter Kiem wrote:
> Hi Gordon,
> > The status 200 may indicate that you're vulnerable to the problem
> > they're testing for.  What version of apache are you running?  On what
> > platform?  Have you enabled proxying?
> That's what I am worried about.

Don't worry (yet). The 200 response doesn't mean they've gotten through.

Do this simple test...

$telnet 80
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

Hit enter twice after that last line.

If you get your normal index page, then all is well.

If you get something like...

HELO something

Then you better start locking things down. This means you have connected 
through the web server to a mail server.

Brian Ashe CTO
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Re: cvs update

2003-01-23 Thread Brian Ashe
Christian Brink,

On Thursday January 23, 2003 05:30, Christian Brink wrote:
> Does anyone know if redhat is issuing new RPMs for cvs now that the root
> exploit has been fixed by

I've had mine since monday. They issued a release then.

Are you subscribed to the RedHat Watch list? It is a good way to see when they 
release things.

Brian Ashe CTO
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Re: Compiling programs with gcc

2003-01-22 Thread Brian Ashe
Faraj Musleh George Isa,

On Thursday January 23, 2003 01:34, Faraj Musleh George Isa wrote:
> Hello, I made a program in C for DOS, and I am passing it to Linux. I got
> everything fixed with the headers (i think) but I get just 1 error. It is
> this one:
> undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_v0'
> ld returned 1 exit status.
> I don't know where I'm referencing this identifier. It is very wierd, but
> maybe someone could know something about this?

Is this a C or C++ program? Did you perhaps call the C++ headers?

If it is C++ try using g++ instead of gcc. It should handle the reference at 
linking time.

Brian Ashe CTO
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Re: kmail in rh8

2003-01-20 Thread Brian Ashe
John McCain,

On Monday January 20, 2003 02:44, John McCain wrote:
> The version for redhat:
> has kaddressbook removed.  A search for kaddressbook on rpmfind shows
> several versions of kpim for 7.x, but none for 8.0.

And here they point out that it is in kdebase...

which makes it even stranger that you wouldn't have it installed. 

Have you tried looking for it from the command line?

Is it just that you have no menu entry fot it? (RH did seem to botch up a bit 
on the menus thing.)

Brian Ashe CTO
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Re: kmail in rh8

2003-01-20 Thread Brian Ashe
John McCain,

On Monday January 20, 2003 12:37, John McCain wrote:
> kmail seems to be present in rh8, but kaddressbook is missing, which
> pretty much cripples it.
> What's the deal?
> Is there a way to get kaddressbook running on rh8?

kaddressbook is part of the kdepim package. It should be on the CDs.

Brian Ashe CTO
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Re: IBM 3270 emulation

2003-01-18 Thread Brian Ashe
Nicholas Marsh,

On Saturday January 18, 2003 02:22, Nicholas Marsh wrote:
> Anyone know of 3270 emulators for Linux (or free ones for Windows)?

The x3270 rpms should be on the CDs. 

Brian Ashe CTO
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Re: Remove --exclude

2003-01-16 Thread Brian Ashe
Chris Mason,

On Thursday January 16, 2003 03:20, Chris Mason wrote:
> How do you remove a file called --exclude from the bash shell?
> [root@non htdocs]# rm \-\-exclude
> rm: unrecognized option `--exclude'
> I can't find a way to exclude the "-" character


rm -- --exclude

The "--" in a command tells the command there are no more flags.

Brian Ashe CTO
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Re: sizing server for sendmail & mailscanner

2003-01-16 Thread Brian Ashe
Gordon Messmer,

On Thursday January 16, 2003 02:33, Gordon Messmer wrote:

> Well, we are supporting only about 1000 users with sendmail and
> spamassassin (run via spamc) alone (no virus scanning, that is) on a
> dual 1Ghz P3 system with 2GB of RAM.  Performance is awful, and the load
> is around 30 most of the day.  Spamassassin really isn't to blame
> either, performance was basically this bad before it was introduced.
> The problem is largely in that sendmail uses mbox files, and a couple of
> users leave mail on the server though they're told not to, and they eat
> all of the disk bandwidth (every mail check reads and then re-writes
> their entire mail spool).

I believe that's a misconception. Unlike qmail/exim/postfix, sendmail does not 
do local delivery. It hands it off to procmail. On a default RH install 
promail is set up to use mbox because the IMAP/POP server included (UW-IMAP) 
doesn't by default support maildir.

By replacing the IMAP/POP server (ie. qpopper, Courier, etc.) you can set up 
procmail to use maildir and the performance should get better.

At least that has been my experience, YMMV.

Brian Ashe CTO
Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Sendmail

2003-01-15 Thread Brian Ashe
Daniel Field,

On Wednesday January 15, 2003 11:52, Daniel Field wrote:
> Yes, not a bad idea.  At least then we could control the amount of emails
> being sent out each hour as well, so we could split the load up.
> The other option is to write some scripts that access the DB directly from
> the Linux box and send the mails out.  I havnt used Linux for about 5 years
> now so maybe a bit behind when it come to the languages available...
> ideally I would prefer something similar to VBScript, any suggestions?

I would recommend PHP. That way you can make very short work of connecting to 
any DB, it has a built in mail function, works from command line as well 
(most people don't think of it that way) so it can be called from cron or run 
manually. It is also easy to learn.

Brian Ashe CTO
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Re: What is the maximum UID or GID on RH80?

2003-01-15 Thread Brian Ashe
David Busby,

They seem to indirectly recommend that the UIDs/GIDs stay below 6. They do 
this by setting this in /etc/login.defs. Since most programs use useradd, 
this effectively limits it to that. Of course it can be manually overidden by 
either passing useradd a higher UID or by changing the setting.

The kernel, IIRC, supports 32 bit UIDs/GIDs. At least on IA32. This doesn't 
mean that it will let you go above the old 16 bit UIDs though because some 
file systems (ext2/3 for example) don't support it. There may be other 
userland programs/daemons that won't either. I know NFS can start having 
issues when you start getting up there with the UIDs.


Brian Ashe CTO
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Re[2]: Keyboard dead key problem

2003-01-08 Thread Brian Ashe
Hello Henry,

Wednesday, January 8, 2003, 7:56:01 AM, you textually orated:

HP> Hello,

HP> Dead keys enable one to type characters with Umlauts, circonflexes, 
HP> the extra Scandinavian letters, etc. An o-Umlaut for example, is made 
HP> by first typing a double quote (which doesn't appear on the screen, 
HP> unless you type an extra space), and then the o, which results in the 
HP> o-Umlaut (which I can't demonstrate right now, because my dead keys 
HP> have disappeared...). The Danish  for example (the a with a little 
HP> o on top of it) is done by typing RightAlt-zero and then a. Another 
HP> one is the Danish o, with the slash through it, it's done by simply 
HP> typing RightAlt-o. Those are some examples of dead keys. And I'd like 
HP> 'em back, cause I really can't type my language(s) very well without them.

Have you tried this...

Have fun,
 Brian Ashe CTO
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.

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Re: Is Squid my solution?

2003-01-07 Thread Brian Ashe
James Pifer,

On Tuesday January 07, 2003 02:22, James Pifer wrote:
> I have a Squid(Proxy) question that hopefully can be easily answered. We
> currently run a commercial Proxy Server where we pay for each client
> that uses it. That's not a big deal except that we have a bunch of users
> (say 200-300) that only connect to a couple web sites to do their job.
> Instead of continuing to pay client licenses I think I could use Squid
> (or some other open source proxy server) as their proxy.
> I've looked at Squid's web site at the FAQ, and based on that, I think I
> can do it, but before taking this to my boss and proposing it I want to
> make sure.
> Can I put up a Redhat machine running Squid and allow all users to hit
> only a couple web sites? (I say all users because if they only go to
> these couple sites it would probably be easier to just let anyone
> connect if they want to use it as their proxy, hopefully without even
> authenticating)

Squid is an excellent program that will do exactly what you wish.

> Is there another product besides Squid I should consider?

You could also consider just using Apache for that as well. It offers only a 
subset of Squid's control abilities, but may be easier to set up if you don't 
need too much and you won't change settings that often.

It is easy to test both at home and see what the differences are before you 
make your recommendation. Just grab an old box and throw RH on it and start 
playing around with things.

Brian Ashe CTO
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Re: ifcfg-(interface)0:XX files

2003-01-07 Thread Brian Ashe

On Tuesday January 07, 2003 02:15, Brad wrote:
> Hey all.. I'm hoping someone has some light to shed on this.
> What happens if you have more than 128 ifcfg-(interface)0:XX files in
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts and what changes if any need to be made if
> you want more than 128 of them ...
> Any info would be great.

Actually, I don't understand _why_ you would have that many.

Is there some benefit to that method over using the "ifcfg-(interface)-rangeX"
method? I would think this would be easier to maintain.

Brian Ashe CTO
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Re[2]: Burning a Music CD

2003-01-06 Thread Brian Ashe
Hello Ric,

Monday, January 6, 2003, 2:06:48 PM, you textually orated:
TR> Ahem;

TR> You don't own the CD's, records, nor tapes.

Yes you do. The above that you describe are YOUR PROPERTY. This includes
only the physical media and it's container. When someone breaks into your
home and steals them, YOU have to file a report. This does NOT imply that
you now own the contents of that media.

TR>  You own a copy of them.

Wrong. You don't own a copy. You have a license to use that material as
stated by copyright law. This includes the ability to make copies and use
for personal use. You can not use it for commercial purposes without
additional licensing.

TR> That copy gives you the right to "play" them, from their original media. It
TR> expressly, does not, give you the right to copy them. Period.

Copies for personal use are covered under the terms of "Fair use". This does
not mean that you can sell or give them away, but you most certainly can use
them for _your_own_ wedding. The DJ (if paid/professional), on the other
hand, must make payments to ASCAP for public, commercial airing (regardless
of the source).

TR> Now with that out of the way.
Well, the OP tried to avoid this, but probably only would have if he had not
mentioned it.

Have fun,
 Brian Ashe CTO
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.

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Re: Burning a Music CD

2003-01-06 Thread Brian Ashe
Hello Michael,

Monday, January 6, 2003, 1:49:42 PM, you textually orated:

MT> Anyone familiar enough with cd-record to help me burn a music CD?
MT> I'm trying to put together some songs for my upcoming wedding and doing them 
MT> on one CD will make our lives much easier.

There are lots of tutorials and how-tos that will give great detail on how
to do what you want. Use Google with words like... "linux burn music/audio
cd" and you will find what you want.

To give some tips on how to get good results (these are not always covered
in the tutorials)...

1. Always extract from your CDs to a sound format like WAV. You do not want
to use MP3 unless you are only going to use it as such. This way you don't
add in undesired effects to the music.

2. Use sox (should be on the system, but it's on the RH CDs if not) to
"normalize" ALL of the tracks. This will give you a consistent volume level
and sound quality.

3. Listen to everything before you burn the CD. Sounds like a silly thing to
remember, but you'll be happier if you do this and catch errors before you

4. For burning an audio/music CD. Always burn at 1X speed. _Most_ newer
consumer and professional systems won't have a problem reading the CD-R
media, but _some_ will choke on ones written at higher speeds. The
reflectivity of CD-R media is lower and it becomes even lower when CDs are
written at high speeds. This could reduce sound quality and cause skips on
playback. YMMV on this, but I recommend doing this anyway.

Hope that helps. Hope you have a good wedding and a happy marriage.

Have fun,
 Brian Ashe CTO
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.

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Re: Perl vs Shell: there's gotta be a way to...!

2003-01-04 Thread Brian Ashe
Marco Shaw,

On Saturday January 04, 2003 12:24, Marco Shaw wrote:
> What I want:
> Take file.txt and *strip* out "foo" and replace with "bar", *but* I
> don't want to redirect to a tmp file or anything:  I would like one
> command.
> Perl:
> 1. perl -pi -e 's/foo/bar/g' file.txt
> SED, for example:
> 1. sed 's/foo/bar/g' file.txt > file.txt.tmp
> 2. mv file.txt.tmp file.txt
> So perl does what I want to, but I'd prefer to stay with awk, sed, or
> whatever GNU utils, if possible.
> Can it be done?

Not without help.

What you want is "bsed". It was written by Cameron Simpson and is great for 
all of your sed needs.

Look for "bsed" on this page. Some of the other stuff might be useful to you 
as well.

Brian Ashe CTO
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Re: apache setup questions

2003-01-03 Thread Brian Ashe
Burke, Thomas G.,

On Friday January 03, 2003 04:05, Burke, Thomas G. wrote:
> Disabled the rules for a bit, and the same story happens.  I am sure
> that httpd.conf is the culprit, for 2 reasons
> 1)  I've had this (or slight variations of it) firewall running since
> May of 200

Wow! over 1800 years. ;)

> 2)  I was able to get in from remote just about 3 hours ago, with the
> firewall up.  Of course, this was when I was getting the error
> message that started this whole thread..

First do a "netstat -a" (sans quotes)

If you don't see Apache listening on the ip you need it to then...

Try setting these... (they are commented out in your config file)

Listen 80


BindAddress *

Brian Ashe CTO
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Re: Bind 9.2.1 Problem

2003-01-03 Thread Brian Ashe
Brandon Caudle,

On Friday January 03, 2003 11:30, Brandon Caudle wrote:
> Hello,
>  I'm new to the list, my name is Brandon Caudle and I'm a 16 year old
> admin of my own server at my house, my grandparents business and my school.
> I recently upgraded to Redhat 8.0 (I have been using linux for quite a
> while now, but just recently have I gotten a domain name for my server at
> home) I had bind running on 7.2 (Redhat) but now that I have upgraded I
> have moved to 8.0 (Redhat) and it upgraded Bind to 9.2.1 so my
> configuration no longer works. I can only think of a couple reasons why.
> 1) Does named.conf under /etc/ need to be owned by named (user and group)
> or by root?

Doesn't matter (well, for better security, I would leave it as root) as long 
as it is _readable_ by the user "named".

> 2) Does it need to be chmod 755?

NO! 644 is sufficient.

> 3) Is there anything wrong with my named.conf?

Possibly, if you did a cut-n-paste of the file...

> options {
>   directory "/var/named";
>   // query-source address * port 53;
>   allow-query {
>   };
>   allow-transfer {
>   };
> };
> };
Looks like a stray.

> 4) The rndc.key is root (owner) and named (group) is there anything wrong
> with that?


> 5) If my host files worked with the last version and I haven't changed
> anything in them should they still work with this version?

The syntax parser is stricter. So some things that may have been let go before 
are not now.

Also, it is always good to check /var/log/messages for any errors. If the 
above typo doesn't fix the problem (or wasn't actually in the file) the check 
for errors in there.

Brian Ashe CTO
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Re: Open Source Licensed RHAS, licenses?

2003-01-02 Thread Brian Ashe
Ben Russo,

On Thursday January 02, 2003 06:33, Ben Russo wrote:
> I've been told by a few people that if I pay $799 for a set of
> RHAS CD's that I am not allowed to install it on more than one
> machine.

Read this page...

Perhaps it will help answer your questions.

> Last time I checked anaconda and RPM are GPL'd,
> as are the overwhelming majority of the software packages
> on the RHAS CD's

I don't think there are _any_ proprietary apps on those CDs. But I could be 

Brian Ashe CTO
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Re: Hard Drive Stats

2003-01-02 Thread Brian Ashe
Ferguson, Michael,

On Thursday January 02, 2003 03:56, Ferguson, Michael wrote:
> Cool!!
> Thanks

You can also try the "System Monitor" app if you want something graphical (not 
really necessary).

It should be... 
Hat->System Tools->System Monitor

It is under the "System Monitor" tab.

> -Original Message-
> From: Frank Bax [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2003 3:50 PM
> Subject: Re: Hard Drive Stats
> At 03:35 PM 1/2/03, Ferguson, Michael wrote:
>  >Running RH8.0. What is the command - Where is the icon,
>  >to show my hard drive capacity, space used, space free?
> df -h

Brian Ashe CTO
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Re: Machine goes dead after half an hour

2003-01-02 Thread Brian Ashe
James Wilde,

On Thursday January 02, 2003 03:36, James Wilde wrote:
> Yepp, Sorry, should have said it's running 8.0 with Gnome 2.0 and KDE. 
> Gnome is the primary gui.  The machine is a HP Vectra although I don't
> remember the actual model.

If screen savers are enabled... disable them. I've seen quite a few problems 
with them under certain hardware configurations. They seem to be able to 
crash, segfault or lock-up different systems _sometimes_.

> > -Original Message-
> > From: Hal Burgiss [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Thursday, January 2, 2003 21:34
> > Subject: Re: Machine goes dead after half an hour
> >
> > On Thu, Jan 02, 2003 at 09:28:30PM +0100, James Wilde wrote:
> > > Any clues about how to keep the machine 'alive' and turn off this
> > > 'dead' behaviour or a pointer to a url very welcome.
> >
> > Is it running X? More than likely it is hardware incompatibility
> > somewhere. If running X, I'd start looking at that.

Brian Ashe CTO
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Re: Bash auto complete question

2002-12-24 Thread Brian Ashe
Nicholas Marsh,

On Saturday December 21, 2002 05:40, Nicholas Marsh wrote:
> So you see, I have to press TAB twice in RedHat to get it to show me the
> options. How can I change this behaivor?

Edit either /etc/inputrc or ~/.inputrc and add this line...

set show-all-if-ambiguous on

Next time you open your shell, it will work as desired.

Brian Ashe CTO
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Re: In need of a UPS

2002-12-09 Thread Brian Ashe
Hello Daevid,

Monday, December 9, 2002, 12:29:30 AM, you textually orated:

DV> The battery light on my UPS is on now all the time. It's fairly old and
DV> I think it's time I got rid of it.

DV> First, where do I go to throw out a UPS? I can't imagine it's good to
DV> just chuck it out with the garbage... I would think it needs recycling
DV> or containment or something.

DV> Secondly, can anyone suggest a (cheap) UPS that will work with RedHat
DV> 8.0 relatively painlessly? I really only just need this to shutdown
DV> gracefully when appropriate (so I don't need it to power my monitor or
DV> speakers or any extra crap either). Otherwise, I really don't care about
DV> any bells and whistles, unless they're free. I don't want to have to
DV> make a custom cable or anything funky either. I want to be able to
DV> purchase the parts, plug them in, run some .rpm or or
DV> something and be good to go.

This has been an excellent brand of UPS for me. It has been reliable,
installs EASY, uses a web based front end using SysV style init scripts to
start/stop, includes cabling.

Have fun,
 Brian Ashe CTO
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.

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Re: Mount CD-RW as a read-write filesystem?

2002-12-08 Thread Brian Ashe
Hello Shannon,

Sunday, December 8, 2002, 11:28:45 AM, you textually orated:

SN> Does anyone have any idea how to mount a CD-RW as a read-write filesystem
SN> like I can on my Windows boxes?  I would like to be able to drop a CD-RW in
SN> the drive and write files to it (and delete files from it) for backup
SN> purposes.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

To the best of my knowledge, it is currently unsupported.

But if you REALLY want to have at it...

Have fun,
 Brian Ashe CTO
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Re: Glibc updates killing MySql

2002-12-07 Thread Brian Ashe
Hello Robert,

Saturday, December 7, 2002, 11:18:32 AM, you textually orated:

RC> The last Glibc updates killed connections to MySql.  

Actually, the "last" glibc updates were specifically released to fix that
problem. ;)

RC> Anyone know yet if the new updates have the same issues?  Or will we
RC> have to do something to the MySql?

You should go here...

This errata has been updated to work with programs querying DNS from
extremely small stack sizes, such as MySQL.

Have fun,
 Brian Ashe CTO
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.

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Re[2]: RH8, apache 2, php 4.2.2 problems

2002-12-05 Thread Brian Ashe
Hello Christensen,

Thursday, December 5, 2002, 10:58:47 PM, you textually orated:
CT> After 2 hours of messing with it, and about 10 minutes after I posted to
CT> this list I figured that out :)
CT> Thanks!
CT> How is having register_globals off better for security?  Do you know the 
CT> specifics of why they recommend that?  I am doing it with register_globals 
CT> off, but typing $_POST everywhere that used to just be $var is annoying.
CT> I don't really want to redue all my scripts for no reason if this doesn't 
CT> really improve security.

Well, it all depends on how you write your code.


Some one could simply enter a URL of

and the result would be that your entire table is wiped clean. Obviously
other possibilities exist here as well.

A very common example of this is that many programmers have used something

include ("$includedir/includeme.php);

in their scripts forgetting that PHP can resolve URLs in include statments
and if someone changes the request to...


they can include ANY PHP code they wish into your script (VERY BAD).

Both of these examples would be prevented by turning off the
register_globals option.

The problem here is they are both examples of poorly written code. So
basically this is a case of trying to protect those who don't pay attention
to what they are doing.

Something like the above "$includedir" should never have been a variable to
begin with. It is obviously a constant and should have been defined.
Constants can not be changed.

define ("INCLUDE_DIR", "/path/to/files");
include (INCLUDE_DIR."/includeme.php);

Other important variables are easily protected using the unset function.

unset ($sql, $important, $other_important, $etc);
$sql = "select * from users;";

So you have your choice of how to protect your code.

I feel that the register_globals thing though will simply provide another
false sense of security. While it will clearly protect the above bad coding
practices, it does NOT mean that the user input is properly sanitized. It
does not mean that you are safe from SQL injection, or if you assume that
you will be limited to only those POST variables that you expect to see
(wget will let you send whatever you want as post instead of get so that
isn't much of a deterrent as no sophisticated tools are required). If you
depend on the user supplying proper information IN ANY WAY you are

You can learn more about why the developers of PHP made this change here...

But take note of this...
"Of course, simply turning off register_globals does not mean code is
 secure. For every piece of data that is submitted, it should also be
 checked in other ways."

The only way for security is to write good, safe code. Period.

Have fun,
 Brian Ashe CTO
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.

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Re: RH8, apache 2, php 4.2.2 problems

2002-12-05 Thread Brian Ashe
Hello Christensen,

Thursday, December 5, 2002, 8:32:00 PM, you textually orated:

CT> I know the transition form apache 1.x to 2 isn't supposed to be easy...
CT> but, here's the deal.
CT> I am setting up a new website, apache 2, redhat 8, php 4.2.2 (default redhat 
CT> 8 install).

CT> I can't get html forms to pass their variables successfully to my php 
CT> scripts.
CT> I create a simple form ie

CT> and then my php script:

CT>print $firstname;
CT>   print "firstname";

CT> the results of this are that it prints "firstname" (without the quotes) but 
CT> it never prints the string supplied in the form.
CT> suggestions?

PHP 4.2.x and up are all installed with register_globals = off in the
php.ini file.

Some people believe that this is a security improvement. I'll leave that to
your own discretion.

You have two choices...

1. Use $_POST[firstname] (or it's friends $_GET, $_COOKIE, etc.)

2. Turn on register_globals in your php.ini file.

Have fun,
 Brian Ashe CTO
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.

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Re: where is documentation for STL stuff?

2002-12-04 Thread Brian Ashe
Hello christopher,

Wednesday, December 4, 2002, 3:25:06 PM, you textually orated:

cjb> i'm using Redhat 8.0 and there are no man pages for STL stuffs like map and 
cjb> vector and list and what not.  where can i get documentation on these things?

Best place to start is here, IMHO.

Have fun,
 Brian Ashe CTO
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.

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Re: Bulk add users

2002-11-25 Thread Brian Ashe

On Monday November 25, 2002 03:11, Mikevl wrote:
> Hi can anybody tell me how to bulk add users from a text file or any other
> method?
> I currently have Redhat 7.2

man newusers

Brian Ashe CTO
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Re: redirecting output

2002-11-22 Thread Brian Ashe
christopher j bottaro,

On Friday November 22, 2002 02:36, christopher j bottaro wrote:
> hey, i wanna start a k program from the konsole, but i don't wanna see all
> the dang output.  how do i redirect stdout and stderr to /dev/null?

Oops, sorry. That should have been...

program_name > /dev/null 2>&1

Brian Ashe CTO
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Re: redirecting output

2002-11-22 Thread Brian Ashe
christopher j bottaro,

On Friday November 22, 2002 02:36, christopher j bottaro wrote:
> hey, i wanna start a k program from the konsole, but i don't wanna see all
> the dang output.  how do i redirect stdout and stderr to /dev/null?

program_name 2&>1 /dev/null

But why not just hit Alt-F2 and enter it there?

Brian Ashe CTO
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Re: Incredible Disappearing Quotas

2002-11-22 Thread Brian Ashe
Hace Calor,

On Thursday November 21, 2002 09:18, Hace Calor wrote:
> All the quotas on our system (Red Hat 7.3, quota package quota-3.03-1,
> kernel kernel-2.4.18-5, ext3fs filesystems) keep getting hosed.  I keep
> updating them, but user quotas either disappear, revert to the previous
> quotas, etc.  About once per week I've been setting the quotas properly,
> but as each day goes on, even without modifying *any* quotas, one by one
> they start disappearing.
> I've already tried deleting the file (we're using group
> quotas, specifically) and starting over, but the problem is persistent.
> I'm a step away from keeping user quota information in a database and then
> running a script to set the quotas every day, but that seems a bit on the
> kludgy side.  Does anyone have a better solution or any info?

Here's what I recommend...

1. Upgrade your kernel. Yours is out of date.

If that fails to make a difference...

2. Get the latest quota src package from rawhide and recompile it for your 7.3 

If that also fails...

3. Go to and file a complete and thorough bug 
report. Give them lots of details so they can help resolve your problem.

Brian Ashe CTO
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Re: incompatibility with WD HDD??

2002-11-21 Thread Brian Ashe
Juan Nin,

On Thursday November 21, 2002 07:31, Juan Nin wrote:
> Hi
> I'm having problems to install Red Hat Linux on a 20GB Western Digital HDD
> (WD200EB-00DSF0)
> If I try with RH 8.0, when it should start installing the packages it says
> that there is no space in the drive for installing the packages. If I try
> with RH 7.3, it hangs while transfering the install image to disk...
> The HDD works fine, it has got no damage, and I can format it with no
> problem, install a Windows OS, etc...
> is this an incompatibility issue?
> should I pass an additional command during installation boot??

Are the jumpers on the drive set to "Cable Select (CS)"?

WD drives are set to that by default and RH seems to not like it (in my 

Brian Ashe CTO
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Re: Cannot delete file

2002-11-20 Thread Brian Ashe

On Thursday November 21, 2002 01:01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have been hacked!
> It is clear that I need to reinstall.
> I would like to make use of this to learn a bit of what has happened to my
> server.
> My /bin/login has been made 0 bytes
> I fixed the hard-disk into another machine
> login as root in that machine
> mount the hacked hard disk and have access to the hard-disk.
> ls -tral gives me a series of files that has been changed.
> a few of them are
> /bin/df
> /bin/du
> /bin/ftp
> /bin/login
> I try to delete the files and get the warning
> "do you want to delete write protected file (Y/n)"
> I say Yes and the answer is
> "Sorry I am unable to unlink the file"
> and the file is not deleted.
> Any one who can help me to understand that message
> the permission on the file is
> -rwxr-xr-x
> and I am root on the machine.
> Is it because a hard-link has been made to the file in some directory
> which I first have to find and delete ?
> Well, Just to learn a bit more.

man lsattr
man chattr

The usual tactic is to make the files "immutable". It is at the file system 
level and that's why root can't do anything about it. Well, at least until 
the immutable flag is cleared.

Brian Ashe CTO
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Re: python not found / mozilla question

2002-11-20 Thread Brian Ashe

On Wednesday November 20, 2002 09:26, SarahTF wrote:
> I am trying to run a game called pysol that swears that Python2 isn't
> installed. It is. So is the other thing (tkinter2) it wants.. They
> apparently came in with RH 8.0, because I didn't install them!  How do I
> tell pysol that the apps it wants are on the system?

What are the exact error messages?

How are you trying to run it?

Which file did you get? Did you download the pysol-4.81.tar.bz2 file or 
something else?

> Also, a probably very stupid question but I'm just learning Linux so don't
> laugh too hard. Do I have to create a directory for mozilla plugins or
> should it already be there?

The directory for Mozilla plug-ins is usually located at...


...provided you used the RedHat RPMs.

Brian Ashe CTO
Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Email monitoring

2002-11-07 Thread Brian Ashe
Hello Paul,

Thursday, November 7, 2002, 2:46:30 PM, you textually orated:

PL> For security reasons, our network administrator currently receives a copy of
PL> EVERY incoming and outgoing email to/from our office. We are in the process
PL> of phasing in a RH8/Sendmail server and need to know what is the best way to
PL> implement this policy on the new server.

Sendmail doesn't have a nice little "do this" function for this. But it is
still possible to do so. For an example of how to do it here...

and here...

Same person wrote both, but the info differs a little in the second one and
has some additional "testing before implementing" stuff in it.

Have fun,
 Brian Ashe CTO
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.

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Re: glibc-devel

2002-11-07 Thread Brian Ashe
Hello Martín,

Thursday, November 7, 2002, 3:04:06 PM, you textually orated:

MM> I can't get glibc-devel to install because of missing dependencies.

MM> The problem is that it complains about kernel-headers package required, but 
MM> there is no kernel-headers in the 7.3 distribution.

MM> How do I glibc-devel to install?

In RH7.3 they moved the "kernel-headers" package to "glibc-kernheaders".

I don't know if that will solve your problem or not though. The error you
have gotten looks like they might have botched the package dependancies (by
perhaps using the same one as 7.2).

I would...

1. Verify that I have the glibc-kernheaders package installed.

if so..

2. Verify that I got the glibc-devel for RH7.3 (and not an earlier version)

if so...

3. File a bug report with bugzilla.

Hope that helps.

Have fun,
 Brian Ashe CTO
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.

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Re: Killing an X window app

2002-11-05 Thread Brian Ashe

On Tuesday November 05, 2002 04:16, Alan Peery wrote:
> Brian Ashe wrote:
> >Try hitting Ctrl-Alt-Esc. You should get a little skull and crossbones
> >cursor. Click it on the bad window and away it goes.
> Doesn't work for me.  Which version of Redhat are you running, and which
> session(KDE, Gnome, Ximan Gnome)?

It is KDE specific. The original poster had said he used KDE, so I mentioned 
it. It is really just a key-binding to "xkill". It has worked in every 
version of KDE that I can remember (back to 1.2).

If you are using a different desktop/window manager, you could do something 
similar. "xkill" should always be installed by default. So just bind some 
keys to it.

Brian Ashe CTO
Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Method to Backup Using a CD-RW

2002-11-05 Thread Brian Ashe
Hello Brian,

Tuesday, November 5, 2002, 7:45:34 AM, you textually orated:
BH> Does anyone have a tried and tested method of backing up important files
BH> to a CD-RW?  

Yes. Very tried and very true. It's called Mondo Rescue.

Have fun,
 Brian Ashe CTO
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.

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Re: PHP query string

2002-11-04 Thread Brian Ashe
Hello Meganone,

Monday, November 4, 2002, 9:31:16 AM, you textually orated:

M> Hello.

M> I'm using Red Hat 8 as my web server with PHP module. The PHP version is
M> 3.23.52-3 (The original RPM that comes with the distro). It seems that
M> the PHP module have a problem with getting the query strings
M> ( I've already checked the
M> configuration of both Apache and PHP module.
M> What causes the problem and what should I do to fix it?

Newer versions of PHP all come with "register globals" turned OFF in the
php.ini file. Turn it to on and it should solve your problem.

Have fun,
 Brian Ashe CTO
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.

redhat-list mailing list
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Re: Killing an X window app

2002-11-02 Thread Brian Ashe
Hello David,

Saturday, November 2, 2002, 11:52:28 PM, you textually orated:

DK> Long ago, there used to be this X Windows application where you started it, 
DK> and the next window you clicked on would be killed.  Is that still around?  I 
DK> can't find it.  

Try hitting Ctrl-Alt-Esc. You should get a little skull and crossbones
cursor. Click it on the bad window and away it goes.

Have fun,
 Brian Ashe CTO
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.

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