Re: [scifinoir2] Get to know G.I. Joe

2009-08-09 Thread Gymfig
The are expensive?


2008-08-30 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 8/30/2008 3:25:02 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

Why do you have to be so insulting to people on this list?  (and not just on 
social and political issues) You think this is about the rest of us not 
accepting your difference of opinion.  
Tracy I have not be insulting. I enjoy it when Keith writes a response. He 
does have alot to say. It can be a little frustraing when he give a long answer 
to a short question. When I first answered his question, I was joking.  He is 
never lost for words. Every answer has been that there is some kind of 
personality flaw or I hate men or black men. 
Why can't a black woman or a person dislike Obama without being called racist 
or anti man. Why is ever Hillary supporter anti man. 
It is these Democratic tatics that annoy me. Everythig is not racist or anti 
Every post that I have posted since then has be in jest. No fuss no harm no 
foul. People take to too seriously. 

You seem to see yourself as the lone enlightened, critical thinker, and the 
rest of us as monolithic, brainless followers. 
No I don't. I am not an Obama fan. 

When in fact, we simply cannot accept the sweeping generalizations you hurl 
us, putting words in our mouths,  thoughts in our heads, all the while not 
bothering to hide your contempt you seem to have for us. 
However it is okay to it too me?

I know some pretty impressive conservative heavyweights who I relish having a 
political debate with.  I might not agree with you, but I always walk away 
having learned something.  Unlike you, they know how to discuss and debate  
ease without all the contempt and insults.  
Thanks for the compliment

You seem to think you are showcasing your knowledge and intellectual 
expertise, but in my opinion, you sometimes reveal insecurities and on 
occasion, lack 
of knowledge about facts on subject you speak about with such authority.  
I may not know everything however I am not insecure. 

Ironically, to me, when you think you are looking your strongest, you look 
your most vulnerable.  Often when I am angriest at you, soon after, I feel the 
most empathy for you.  I really you do not want my empathy.  It would probably 
anger you, so I shake it off.  Weird huh?   

Until you learn how debate without showing contempt or lack of knowledge of 
about the subject you are debating, you will , in my opinion, continue to  come 
across sounding like an internet troll who likes to insult people to 
purposefully stir up trouble and antagonize people  on lists.  You do this on 
every subject we discuss.  You can find a conflict where I would not normally 
think there is on.I know you see that as a positive attribute, but I would 
hazard a guess that those of us who have been exposed to it these many years 
do not see it in such a positive light.
I’d like to think I’m wrong, but after several years, with very few people 
on this list that you have not insulted or attacked, I’m beginning to doubt it. 
 Since we are such inferiors, as you seem compelled to constantly remind us, 
if you do not fit the definition of a troll who likes to antagonize people on 
the list for sport, I sometimes wonder why you would want to regularly connect 
with people you think so little of.   

There is nothing I can do if you and other think so little of me. I enjoy 
reading posts and asking questions. To think that I am nothing more than an 
insecure troll says alot of myself. Thank you for your honesty. 

I have no doubt you will now proceed to enlighten us, in you uniquely “
eloquent” way. 
Tracey – as usual, when it comes to you bewildered and a little sad at the 
negativity you have again brought to the list.

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Re: [scifinoir2] Sorry folks

2008-08-30 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 8/29/2008 3:14:21 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

A voting system. In AMERICA.  None of the 'issues matter.  It's all  about 
who  did the best  marketing  job. 

Which does not make him the best man for the job or will make him a great 

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2008-08-29 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 8/29/2008 7:30:17 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

Keith, a dear friend of mine once said, You are what you post.

That statement is so true. 
open minded
critical thinker
Follow own path 
Everybody else
Quick to judgment
Follows latest trends

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Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-29 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 8/29/2008 8:45:54 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

So its the devil you know I seeMs. McCain


I just think its sad.

good luck to you and your elephant.

It is not my elephant. I just don't like donkeys who continue to make an a** 
out of people by scare tactics. Or may it is their own doing?

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2008-08-29 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 8/29/2008 10:06:02 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

And you don't expect a knee jerk reaction from black folks about supporting 
I know my people. Black people are monolithic. 

Nice to see that you are trying to use your head

and who is quick to judge again...
If the shoe.

woman in the mirror..

I used to think being different was cool, then I realized I was being a 

and that is my not so quick judgment
Sense of Humor
The rest of the list

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Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-29 Thread Gymfig
I am not a republican. I am a democrat. If I hear that the republicans are 
going to put blacks back into slavery I am going to scare. If I hear that if 
McCain wins it is due to racist America. I am going to scream. If I hear that 
republicans are trying to revoke the Voting Rights act, I am going to scream. 
Scare Tatics

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Re: [scifinoir2] Sorry folks

2008-08-29 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 8/29/2008 10:15:50 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

Gymfig: Priceless.

*evil grin*

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Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-29 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 8/29/2008 10:23:12 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

Liberal media says that.not the demos

damn those liberals...

Black folks say that too. 
Black folks should be upset with the liberal media for making them look like 
bug eye fools. 
Liberals are the bread and butter of the Democratic Party. 

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Re: [scifinoir2] Something for the chicks

2008-08-29 Thread Gymfig
What movies are coming out today? 
There was an Enterprise marathon today?
I hate Enterprise. 

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Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-28 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 8/28/2008 12:27:07 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

You really, really need to check your facts. Clyburn was on the fence for 

Clyburn was not a Clinton supporter. Neither was Pelosi or Brazile. All of 
this fence sitting was a farce.

Like many blacks in this country (me included) he was leaning toward Hillary 
Clinton. But Obama's success, 

with whites 

coupled with the Clinton's increasingly hostile and dirty tactics,

I don't understand why it is so wrong to attafck your opponet. She was his 
rival. What were they supposed to do, have a duel? Jeez Louise. She was a white 
woman attacking a black man. I guess that was the problem. 

made him lean toward Obama. I watched Clyburn in a live interview say that he 
called Bill Clinton personally to tell him he was going with Obama, and 
Clinton cussed at him. I heard Richardson say Clinton went off on him. Hell, 
Kennedy said the Clintons went off on him too. John Lewis here in Atlanta 
called to tell them, and he too said it didn't go well. I liked and like Bill 
Hillary, but they did this to themselves.  You call Clyburn a dog, but it was 
the Clintons who acted like brutes, cursing and threatening and attacking 
people for having the temerity to back someone else. Tonight at the DNC, 
said he liked the Clintons, still likes the Clintons. I have no problem with 
them, he said.He then said he still felt some of their comments could have 
been interpreted as racist, but that he still had no enduring problem with them.

Clybrun warned the Clintons that they should fall in line unless she and her 
supporters were going to lose their seat. 

How is that the posture of an angry dog?
And I'm really, really confused. What did Obama do to Hillary? How can you in 
the same night attack Obama and men for a sexist plot against Hillary, then 
say she came out swinging and he was meek. 

I never said that she was meek. She is a woman. Vilified for be a hard core 
bithc. Something that men don't like. 

 She lost this fight, and you are saying you'll never vote for him. 

No I will not. 

You are Black right?


Then tell me how a respectful Black man like Obama who speaks with nothing 
but respect for women is worse than McCain, who called his wife the c-word in 

He said that he did not. 

Tell me how you have contempt for Obama who has an intelligent, educated wife 
who I believe will bring more respect to the First Lady, while going with 
don't-say-too-much Cindy McCain?

I do not vote for first lady. 

You're entitled to your opinion, that's the American way. But if I could 
understand it as something other than an odd hatred of Obama, or men, or Black 

LOL not this ish again. I am not a bitter lesbian. 

or all three--that'd be nice. If you think a white multi-millionaire like 
john McCain who supported a senseless invasion that will cost us trillions is 
better for you than a Black man who understands the struggles of being both 
and not wealthy, that's your right.  

That black man has not proven he undestands the sturggle of people. He cars 
about the corporations that put him there. 

I'm tired, mad at myself for staying up this late and doing this instead of 
writing or job searching.

Me too. It is the same fight when this topic comes up. 

But I say again--and finally--you seem to have a lot of hostility. 

Oh oh. Angry bitchlesbian Hillary support.  Keith  we both agreed las time 
that I was not hostile. 

I've read all your posts, and they seem to have a common theme of hatred for 

Lesbian aler. Lesbian alert!!!

hatred for Black men,

40 plus cant find a man and over weight. All the brothers date outside their 
race!  LOL! 

and contempt for Black people who dare say the world's not fair to them.

The world is not fair. Especially to blacks who are moderates or republicans. 

i just don't get it

Liberals never do. 

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Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-28 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 8/28/2008 12:11:57 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

You tend to get personal with people, Gymfig. Why is that? I disagree with 
you, but I don't get personal and LOsay stuff like nothing is ever humble with 

Keith are a very in depth writher and at times wordy. I know that everytine 
that see your posts you have something to say. It was not a personal attack.  
You have often joked about it yourself. 

That's insulting. You don't know me on the level to say I'm never humble. I 
think Tracey and Martin and many people in this group--with whom I've had civil 
discussions--would tell you i'm not arrogant, self-righteous, or intractable 
in my opinions. 

I never said that. 

Keith my family came from humber beginnings too. My fahter had to work and 
suppor the family. My mother and aunt  had law and education degress. 


But I'm not a dunce,  have opinions, and just beause I disagree with you, 
please don't say stuff like that. 

I never calle dyou stupid or other names. How dare you make such stuff up. 

I don't want to say this, but you honestly strike me as someone who dislikes 
Black people, and Black men in particular.

How long are you going to use this agument. I wont vote for a black man or 
black wman. I criticize popular black political thought. I do not see racism 
everywhere. Where do you get your viewpoints. 

I notice that you speak with contempt-not disagreement, but 
contempt--whenever racism is mentioned.

At times there is no racism. 

Rather than agree that racism still exists, and then say something like but 
it isn't our only problem (which all of us would agree on) you put down all 
Black people as seeking to be victims. 

It is true. I have issue with the afrocentric way of thinking. 

 But you always take the truth of racism--even when it's only one part of a 
much more complex discussion--and rake us over the coals for that. 

Like what. Why I enjoy the white Green Latern over the Black one? 

Keith I have not yelled at you, denoucned men at all. 
Also, what is your deal with men? I've noticed over and over and over that 
you seize on stuff and start this women can't make it work because of men 

Where have I said that. You are taking small conversatons and framing them 
into I hate men. 

Frankly, you cry sexism way more than anyone in this group has ever cried 
racism. It's like this thing with Obama. You keep saying he's just a man, and 
that Hillary as a woman never had a chance. 

There are people who will not vote for a woman as president of the US. No 
matter how hard you try, it will nto happen.  Hillary had negative. Bill had 
of negative. At the end of the day, Biden was a working class, Catholic 
conservative codewords for safe white male. The same working class Dems that 
never vote for Obam because he is black and vote for Hillary because she was 
white and was conservative. The boys club has only gotten darker. 

You find all these examples of how sexism keeps women down.   You diminish 
the accomplishment of a man of color as nothing, as if only a woman president 
would have any meaning.

I nevver said what Obama did was nothing.You are greasping for insult. The 
primaries are over. A woman president would have great meaning in this world. 

I know what her problems were. 


Yet despite all this, despite the obvious and rampant racism, Obama and his 
wife never made a huge deal of it. Did they discuss it? 

Of course they did not make a fuss. It would have looke bad and would not 
have worked in this change theme. 

Whatever happened to you in life to make you self-hating, man-bashing, and 
self-pitying, I'm sorry for it. 

I was trying to be nice. You talk to damn much to get your point across. I am 
not bitter nor mean nor man hating  nor vile.  Hillary lost. I will support 
These are my people too. I will question some of our beliefs in order to move 
foward. I iwll not tow the line just because non one wants to saks themselves 
these qustions. These are not hard questions. They are just to make us think. 

Hillary got a clue--it's time you did too.  

Good Night

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2008-08-28 Thread Gymfig
I just finished watching CSPAN. They had a pundit talking about Obamas plan. 
Obama will not scale back NAFTA. His plan to tax small business will hurt not 
help. He plans to spend. He does not plan on lowering the national debt. He 
will not reform programs. I don't see why he is such an economic power hours. 

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Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-28 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 8/28/2008 9:57:33 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

I must be crazy for continuing this, but I do want to clear up one thing. 
Sayinig you have a problem with men is *not* saying you're lesbian, crazy, or a 
bit***.  It's responses like that that confuse me. I love women, I respect 
women, and I am saddened at the gender battles I see in this country, 
with Black people. 


What I've seen from you is a hair trigger whenever men in power comes up, an 
immediate, loud repudiation of men--or at least Black men--out of proportion 
to what's said. When we discuss Obama, you say He's another man, big deal.So 
what' if he's black? which is disrespectul to the *kind* of man he is, and to 
Black people. 

It is not disrespectful at all. People may be happy that he is runnig  for 
president. However at the end of the day he is still human. He is still a 
politician. He needs the same corporate money he says he despsies. He went to 
Wrights chuch becaue it introduced him to the right people.  It iwas not a 
sould seac
hig decision  He did what others have done in the past. He is no different 
than anybody else. 
I don't see him as  great figure in terms of accomplishments. I think Colin 
Powell is a great man.  He is not a celebrity.  There is a huge difference 
between Powell and Obama. I know that they respect one another. I would take 
Powell any day over Obama. 
Two goverenors of California were actos. They have a built in fan base. 
People complained about Bush and his expereince that was brought by his Daddy. 
Obam has not even finished his first term. Why should he be seen as different 
than Bush?  
Some people say that Clinton should be a supreme corut judge. Shouldn't you 
be a judge before you sit on the bench? Obvisouly that is not the case any 
He is just a man that gives great speeches. This  election saddens to. It 
shows that the POTUS is just a figurehead. The real power is by lobbyists and 
coporations. They run this country. I am not a fan of Clitnon or McCain in 
of experiene. I take McCain any day. 
Race has nothing to do with my dislike of hom. 

You seem to paint all men in power with this huge brush of keeping women 

You are mistaken

II really feel you are bringing some prejudices to these discussions. I've 
looked back over many of my posts, and nothing in them can be interpreted as 
calling you what you said.  Maybe you know a lot of men who seem to think in 
twisted way, but I'm not one of them.

As a black woman I see sexism and racism all the time.  My race means that I 
will be lazy. My gender meas that I can not do the work. You are a black man. 
Sure you face problems. You don't have people who say that you have a smaller 
brain and can't handle high pressured situations. Not as a man. You don't have 
the problem of being emotional and seen as a negative. You don't have the 
problem with memebers of your group that don't think that women should NEVER be 
near the top. Any black person that say that blacks should not be leaders is is 
as racist. You don't have the burden of being told to sacrifice  for the sake 
of the race. You don't have to worry if your outward apprearence is more 
important than  your accomplishments. You don't have to worry that if you focus 
your group then that will tear the family structure apart and will destroy 
No I don't hate men I dont hate black men. The fact that you continue with 
this kind of conclusion speaks volumes. This is the kind of sexims I hate. 

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2008-08-28 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 8/28/2008 10:42:09 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

Hey Gym,

I was listening to the comedy stylings of a local conservative pundit 
this morning (he is the classic liberal who got mugged and became a 
Republican).  His talking point was about how there will be higher 
energy prices in an Obama Administration.  Oh really?  Didn't energy 
prices DOUBLE during the Bush Administration

Obama did not want to drill untll the public thought it was okay. The demand 
for oil went up because China was hoarding for the Olympics and a greater need 
for oil. The same can be said about India. 

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Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-28 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 8/28/2008 10:16:23 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

I actually understand where Gymfig is coming from. He has a lot of valid 
points...some factual some questionable...but solid nonetheless.
I am a SHE.  I love gymnastics and figure skating. Gymfig 

Here is the kicker

Both sides are full of bull hockey. It is often better to bet with the side 
that you know will keep status quo than to hope for better and get nothing.

Do all of you remember the Clintons quorum on race relations in America and 
how much it did for us?


What Gymfig doesn't seem to realize is this

1. Neither Republicans or Democrats truly care about issues that don't affect 
themDemocrats half step in their programs and ideas..but Republicans all 
but flat out say that they don't care.

2. McCain is more of the same. He has different ideas sure, but the same 

Two salesmen lie. One has a great smile and bats his eyelashes. He smells 
good and dresses sharply. The other flat out lies to your face.  I would be 
angrier with the smooth talker than the one that flat out lies. I would also be 
angry with myself because I allowed the smooth talker to get to me. 

3. Emcee Cain will do a good dance now and then screw us laterhe is a bit 
of a tool
DJ Barry can really dance.  He dances his behind off. Once you find out that 
you have been played you don't care. You respect him and his game. You still 
go back and get played again and again. You are in love with this guy. Then you 
are in debt. You have lost your home. He has taken all of your money and 
given to his cousin who then plays you again.  You feel stupid for giving him 
I also see Obama as a new product. I will call it Pop a Rock. Everybody 
swears how great it is. Everybody wants something new. Nobody knows why but 
like it. Sales are through the roof. If you don't like Pop A. Rock then you are 
not cool.  When you taste Pop a Rock it doesn't taste any different from any 
other drink. You get cavities. You might even get sick. You hear that Pop a 
Rock was not tested thoroughly by the FDA. You don't care, you like it. 
Pop A. Rock starts to expand into the clothing, movies, music business. It is 
here to stay and will change the industry forever. It surpasses Coke and 
Pepsi at one point. It is the American Dream. 
Entertainment Tonight asks how long can Pop A. Rock last. Rumors start to 
swirl around that Pop A. Rock has had trouble in the past. The makers try and 
that people are jealous. Then people start to get bored with it. Pop a Rock 
starts another campaign to boost its image. It adds Gravel Juice.  Gravel Juice 
is boring but projections say it compliments Pop A. Rock. 
It works for a while. It did not get the big boost the makers expected. The 
makers say that time will tell They lower their expectations to save face. 
Sales of Pop A. Rock merchandise.  The makes of Lemon and Lime Pop put out that 
Pop A Rock is all hype. It does not taste good.  Pop A Rock has lost some of 
I will not try Pop a Rock or Gravel. I know that it is just hype. If I HAD to 
choose between Pop a Rock and Lemon Lime Pop I would choose the Lemon Lime 
pop. I never tried the Lemon Lime pop. I know that I will problably initaally 
hate it. I can grow to live it. I know that I don't want to get caught up in 
Pop A Roc hype.
If I really had to, I would choose neither. If someone told me that my choice 
will determine if Pop A Rock stays or goes, I will choose the Lemon Lime Pop. 
 I am tired of all fo the blow up hype. 

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Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-28 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 8/28/2008 12:49:05 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

Not once, in one single of my posts did I deny that women have it hard. I 
acknowledged that. What I said was that Black people have it hard, women have 
hard, both have it hard, so why are some women using the gender issue to say 
they have it harder, to say Barack Obama won an unfair contest? That's what 
Hillary and her people did, that's what you keep doing. If the system is 
rail against it, but quit punishing that man for it, a man who respects women 
from everything I can see. 

Why does every Hillary supporter have to be anti man? This is something I 
don't get. I don't like Obama. That is why I went to Hillary. Now I have to 
choose between McCain and Obama. I still don't like Obama. That leaves McCain. 
can criticize Obama just like I can criticize McCain. This is the same kind of 
reasoning that was used against Hillary during the primaries. If you don't like 
Obama then you must have issues of race or gender.  You that said I have 
issues. Not me. 
McCain won Saddleback. All the Obama supporters I know could not spin that. 
They admitted Obama had faults. Obama has a tendency to make a statement. He 
then has to call another news conference to clarify his statement. Just say 
you feel and get over it. McCain is not perfect. I find that annoying. 
Obama's inner circle always seems to keep him protected. They won't let him go 
on his on. 

And then, going to McCain? Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your 
face. How does putting down a Black man in favor of a white man help your cause 
as a woman? 

Putting him down? It is called criticism. Everyone has to go through it. 

I guess a candidate who calls his wife the c-word (and it was heard and 
confirmed by his own retainers off the record) is better for women's 
than a young Brother who reveres his mother, grandmother, wife, sister, and 

I am worried about his policies not how he treats his family. 

I said, and I repeat this: why did this turn into a men vs. women battle when 
it should have turned into how can we fix all the -ism's discussion. 

Everytime Clinton comes up you have a what' s wrong with Gymfig and black 
people response. 

You are guilty of the same pity-me attitude you accuse me of. I criticize 
Hillary--a lady I supported at first--because she took real problems and 
them to hammers to use in a win-at-any-cost campaign. She used people to cry 
sexism, she used racism to try to forge ahead. I never denied sexism exists, 
but I decry her saying it's worse than racism, and the way she and her 
sycophants then attacked Obama for it.  You're doing the same thing, and I tell 
you, in 
me you've really alienated a Black man who gets it far more than you might 


As a woman you definitely deal with some burdens I don't deal with. As a man, 
I deal with some you don't deal with, such as being seen as a physical threat 
just by hauling my 6' frame onto an elevator with a white woman.  We both 
suffer,Gymfig. I've watched my wife deal with racist, sexist white guys on her 
job; she's watched me deal with racist people on mine. Never once in two 
have we had an argument where she says you don't get my pain, you have it 
easier. She comes to me for advice and support, and vice versa. We help each 
other work through those problems. But rest assured, if either of us started 
directing anger at the other, blaming the other for some perceived advantage, 
wouldn't be tolerated. I have told her yeah, I can see you have battles I 
don't have as a man. But you know what, it's still *my* battle because she's 
woman, and my battles are hers because I'm her man. My wife doesn't have it 
harder than me: we as a Black couple have it ha rder than whites, and we as 
Black people have it harder.  As long as people like you attack folk like me 
Barak and other Black men who are actually trying to make things better, you 
splinter us.
I realize that you don't get me, and I'm really saddened and disgusted that 
it's so easy for a Sister to attack a Brother who's trying to understand 

So I am supposed to support the brothers no matter what? I don't care about 
color, I care about content. 

You are the living example of why Black men and women can't get along, you're 
the woman who hits back at a man who's holding his hand out to help, the one 
who says You have it better 'cause you're a man, you don't get my pain. You 
push me away because you want to stay wrapped in a cocoon of self-pity. 
You are a danger to the future of Black men and women finally healing all the 
hurts we've done to each other, but I won't be a party to that foolishness.

I could care less about black male and female relationships when it comes to 
politics. That Bros. before Hoe does not work. This election is not about 
black people. I am

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-28 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 8/28/2008 12:11:36 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

Often the real divider between some Blacks and Republicans is the racism, the 
lack of empathy for what we go through, and a self-righteousness that rubs 
that by your own bootstraps in people's faces.

Do you think that need for empathy is what is keeping black back. 

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Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-28 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 8/28/2008 10:04:02 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

Tired or not but everything is racist. You cant tell whites to get their act 
together if they own the act, the actors and the stage. 
So what are you going to do? Whites are not going anywhere. Hispanics are the 
majority minority. Republicans 'care about Hispanic issues because Hispanics 
don't always vote Democratic. They know how to make people more for their 
vote. Blacks will always be Democrat according to this line of reason. Both 
parties will stop paying attention to you. Republicans won't waste time. 
will take you for granted. 

Its and unfair battle of perception and we are always on the losing end. John 
McCain can give 2 flying cucumbers about the black community. They are not 
his any comments of the like simply looks like a cheap 
swipe...which it would be. I respect McCain and realize many points he makes 
and policy 
ideas are more solid thank my man B. But as they say on the streets...


McCain is thirsty for the seat. I am more concerned more about what he will 
let happen and not what he will do. 
I a concerned about Obama. He wants it too. So did Hillary. You have to what 
something to get it. If not, why run?

You can complain about Liberals all you want, but a step in the right 
direction is something we should applaud. In the words of the rap group 

In order to survive the game, know the game...
You can't play the game when you don't play both side. The game gets older 
after a while. 

**It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel 
deal here.  

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-28 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 8/28/2008 7:33:25 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

Finally, what kind of face does America want to show to the rest of
the world?  Is this a young, vibrant country with new ideas or an old,
wizened country (with short arms)?  

This is not a man I want as president of the United States.

 Obama is America. Hype, fluff and nothing to offer. 

**It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel 
deal here.  


2008-08-27 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 8/27/2008 8:28:37 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

Why isn't the mainstream media talking about speeches from Dennis 
Kucinich and Montana governor Brian Schweitzer. They got bigger 
reactions than Ed Rendell and Mark Warner.

Becuase both of them are nuts. Especially Kucinich. 

**It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel 
deal here.  

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Who Are You Watching to Cover the DNC?

2008-08-27 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 8/27/2008 8:52:26 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

I thought Kucinich was dead on in his criticism of the pharmaceutical 
industry and their influence on modern health care was spot on and 
most of the folks in the hall did as well. The man may be kooky but 
his speech was very, very good.

Schweitzer was a great hype man. LOL

He shoul put the blame on the Demorats who get money from that company. I 
doubt that the audience will realized that. 

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2008-08-27 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 8/27/2008 3:53:09 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

Gymfig, not nearly as nutty as the Numbers 1  2 men in the Guv'mint right 

Nutt that he can not get elected. 

**It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel 
deal here.  

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Who Are You Watching to Cover the DNC?

2008-08-27 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 8/27/2008 4:20:13 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

The only reason that Kucinich isn't still in the running is because he's not 
photogenic enough.

He is a ugly and has crazy views about the government. Nobody will vote for 
him. Just like no one will vote for Ron Paul. 

**It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel 
deal here.  

Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-27 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 8/27/2008 6:29:21 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

I admit that I, too, am flabbergasted by this, Keith. Maybe she's picked up 
something along the road in the past few weeks.

It is all for show. She want those keep h Senate seat and move on up. It is 
all politics. The Party does not want to lose all of those angry black voters. 

**It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel 
deal here.  

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Who Are You Watching to Cover the DNC?

2008-08-27 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 8/27/2008 7:24:36 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

I agree. I look at some of the so-called establishment leaders, and they're 
some combination of racist, ignorant, criminal, stupid, clueless, elitist (the 
old fashioned definition, i.e. filthy rich), closet gays who condemn 
homosexuality on Sunday, bribe takers and givers--

And Obama picked one as his VP

**It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel 
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Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-27 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 8/27/2008 7:22:16 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

. If Barak can hold his tongue at some of the nastiness and racism she 
leveled his way--
That is how he got the nomination. 

while he never used the admittedly existent sexism that exists against 
her--then it's the least she and Bill can do.

**It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel 
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Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-27 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 8/27/2008 7:21:13 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

used against Obama. It's less about even supporting Obama and more about the 
tricks they used. And I've heard a lot of Blacks saying that if she didn't do 
everythig in her power to make up for that, if Obama lost, they'd hold her and 
Bill responsible. Right or wrong, that's the way it is. And as time's gone 
on, they've realized it's not just Blacks, but many younger whites who don't 
have a sense of history and loyalty with the Clintons. If Hillary runs in four 
years or tries to run in even eight years, for newer generations she and Bill 
will be a part of history. And how would they like part of that historic legacy 
to be that's the lady who helped shoot down the first serious Black presi 
dential candidate. and she's old too.

All those whites who toke african american studies course and have half black 
kids always get offended and act as if they understand. 
At the end of the day, being the first black means nothing to me. It is all 
liberal potlics that seems to end up hurtig blacks in the end. 

**It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel 
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Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-27 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 8/27/2008 7:39:17 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

That's my thoughts exactly.  What I saw Clintion was in a no-win situation.  
It has now dawn on her that thanks to her primary actions she either has to 
help Obama win the election-even if it means she'll never have a decent shot of 
running for president.  Or killing her political career, and her chance of 
holding her senate seat by either doing nothing, or harming Obama's chance of 
winning it.  So she had to hit one out of the park.  But now she has to make 
that Obama wins the nod or many will blame his loss on her and endure the 
backlash.  Which will probally end her senate career.
This is what I am tired of . I am tired of the Everything is racist. Poor 
Obama. I saw him in the debates with Hillary. He was horrible. However black 
peole were crying racism. I saw him at Saddleback. McCain was great. You can't 
blame that on racism. Minoriites have been force feed that nothing is there 
fault. It is all the racist system.  
Now you have all of these so called white liberals who feel proud they are 
not racist like their parents. We can all be stupid toghet. Give me a break.  
Take teen pregnacy. It used to be a black problem:. Now it is a white 
problem and is acceptable. You have all of these dolllars going in to stop it 
in the 
black community. However it is ballooning in the white community. When will 
Obama tell whites to get their act together. He won't . 
He will say that peopel must work together to stop problems. It will be 
accpetable becuse he is a Bill Cosby type of person. John McCain says the same 
thing and he is labeled a racist. This has NOT helped. People need to sop 
at race and look at the problem. 

**It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel 
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Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-27 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 8/27/2008 8:29:55 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

But, despite what they're doing now, Bill and Hillary have shown that they're 
too prideful and self-absorbed to ever be second fiddle.

Obama said the same thing 

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Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Who Are You Watching to Cover the DNC?

2008-08-27 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 8/27/2008 8:26:20 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

well, I like Biden. Not my best, favorite choice, but I'm cool with him. His 
work with Civil and women's rights has been good, and I like much of his 
foreign policy attitude. not perfect, but he'll do

He is a safe white man that allows racist to fel comfotabe to vote for a 
black man. 

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deal here.  

Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-27 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 8/27/2008 8:40:42 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

Well, you're entitled to that opinion for sure. Speaking as a liberal, I'm 
heartened by a return to more liberal thinking. If it means we can look at 
people as people, instead of using sexual orientation and ethnicity as scare 
tactics, I'm all for it. If we can respect anyone whether they're Christian, 
Jew, or atheist, then color me liberal. If we can return to a world where we 
talk with other nations and make decisions with them rather than try to push 
them around, then sign me up. 
And I get that just throwing a Black face in office isn't in and of itself 
enough. After all, two of the worst, most destructive people in recent 
history--Clarence Thomas and Condie Rice-are Black. But symbols are 
powerful.Taking a 
step is powerful. Opening a door is powerful. And putting a man --or woman, 
someday--of color in the highest office in the land is a powerful symbol. It 
change us in ways we don't even comprehend right now.


It won't be the Second Coming, but it will move us forward as a nation, a 
people, if only a little bit.  Just as you and I benefited from our parents and 
grandparents being the first on a job, the first in a neighborhood, the first 
in a church, the first to vote, then we'll all benefit from the right man being 
the first to take the leadership of this country.
In my humble opinion.

Notihing is ever humble with you. I live in a traditional blue state. However 
they baneed gay marriege. Tehre are alot of blue states out there that don't 
like gay marriage. You live in a Hollywood world. A word were it is black or 
white. Either or. If you are against this, then you are racist. If you are for 
this, then you are okay. 
I am against illegal immigration. I am against having more Asians come over 
here. I think that a lack of rules is the problem in our society. Howeve I am 
not an Evangelical Christian. I despise them by the way. I am not to found of 
Christianity but I don't believe it should be vilified while other religons are 
celebrated. I don't think that IR are well help race relations. Actually I am 
not worried about race relations. I am worried about myself. I think that 
blaks spend way to much time worried about race and not about themselves as 
individuals. I think tthat they are too scared to be individuals. 
This country is not ready for a woman president.  As long as this country 
focuses on race, a woman president will not happen.  Therefore it will not 
happen. Unless the woman is non white or married to a non whte man. 
Bros before Hoes
White Bitch
These are terms that are acceptable acros racial and gender lines. It will 
not change with Obama. 
This country is moving forwad. However groups have to face responsibility. 
They chose not too because the media says it is not their fault. Slavery is the 
problem. Immigration. Racist white men are al the problem. Government programs 
are the solution. How can you be a progressive when you are told that nothing 
is ever your fault. You don't have to take the blame. 
The meida vilifies any person of color who does not fall into the victim hood 
category especially african americans. Obama is an excpetion. He is not a 
typical black person. He works hard. He is an immigrant. He does not have the 
stain of slavery. How can you be proud of that? 
Blacks have allowed liberals to feed them self doubt for too long. Yes Obama 
is exceptional. However why has it take us so long to believe it. That was not 
Bush, it was ourselves. 

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Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Wow--Hillary Moves for Barak by Acclamation

2008-08-27 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 8/27/2008 8:50:54 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

You're missing a huge thing here. It was Hillary who said on the record that 
she was the candidate of the hardworking, blue collar, Midwestern folks, who 
everyone--everyone--knew to be white voters.

So if Obama tsaid that he was getting the liberal white and black votes would 
you have been happy. 

It was Bill who reached back and said Well you know, Jesse Jackson won South 
Carolina too,

It was true. Obama won in a place with alot of blacks. 

and opened that door of not-so-subtle racism. And I have to say, I don't see 
anyone teaching Blacks that all our problems are due to racism, that we don't 
have to have responsibility for ourselves. 

Everything seems to be due to racism on this list. Watch tv and movies. Read 
book after book after book about the effects of slaver. 

I'm successful by most standards, I've worked hard to get where I am, my 
parents taught me to fight and scrap and improve myself. But they also taught 
that racism is real, and to fight it when I see it. And it *does* still exist 
in this country.  Just as Blacks can't spend all time blaming racism, we'd be 
incautious to pretend it doesn't exist.


As for Obama going after whites and telling them to get their act together, i 
can't really speak to that yet. I know he's angered many by his lecturing 
Black men to get it together,

He should have gone after black women. Because it takes two make a baby and 
birth control is an option. He would have upset whtie women. The black man jab 
was to make sure that white men would vote for him. 

by not addressing racism overtly (something which has apparently alienated 
Tavis Smiley). I'm not yet sure where I stand on this. I know that he can't 
obtain the White House speaking the way you and I do. It sucks, but if this 
nation is still questioning Michelle because she made the completely 
understandable statement that she was really proud of America, if they deem not 
wearing a flag pin a sign of treason, then I think they'd never put a Black man 
office who tells it fully like it is. It makes me somewhat ill to even say 
this, but he does have to walk a fine line here. Has he gone too far? 

He needs to convince whites. That is why he picked a WHITE MALE in Biden. He 
needs to reassure white America where he stand.s He has the black vote lockeed 
up. Look at the way AA treated that woman on CNN last night. Again with the 
mammy images. 

I don't know, not sure, but I'm willing to give him a chance. I'd rather have 
a careful Black man like Obama who at least *acknowledges* that America is 
racist, than a sellout like Clarence Thomas w ho pretends it isn't, or a 
clueless codger like McCain who has about as much in common with me and my life 
as I 
do with a ant.


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2008-08-27 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 8/27/2008 8:56:18 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

Maybe, but he never resorted to the nasty, name-calling, baiting, 
disparaging, disrespectful tactics the Clintons did. 

No he had his rotweiler Clyburn and other blacks do it. He had those who 
hated Hilary do it. 

When Hillary was belittling him as nothing but a one-speech guy, who was 
respectfully disagreeing with her. when she shot nasty and really angry 
at him during their debates,

Please I watched those debates. She did not let him get away with anything. 
She cam out swinging. He never fought back. He played the meek nice guy care. 
If the moderater talked about his problems, people felt sorry for him. *gag*

he acted with calm and class and made his point, firmly. And I believe that 
had he lost, he'd have been out there doing his level best to help the Clintons 
win, despite how they treated him. What did Hillary and Bill do at first? 
Acted like poor losers, dropped out of sight, Bill going so far as to leave the 
country rather than be asked to campaign for Obama.
They're getting their stuff together now, but it took a while. I say this as 
someone who liked Hillary long past the point when many men and women hated 
her, who defended many of her deeds as just tough politics, who sat in 
indecision for long moments in the booth here in Atlanta before finally casting 
my vote 
for Obama. I don't have a problem with her as a woman or anything like that. 
I just have a problem with the way they let their campaign against Obama 
degenerate. They messed up big, and everyone seems to realize that, them 

That is why I am voting McCain. There is nothing Hilary can not and say to 
make me vote for that man. She had it in her grasp and she lost it.

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Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Who Are You Watching to Cover the DNC?

2008-08-27 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 8/27/2008 8:58:45 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

come, on. No true racist is going to vote for Obama just because his number 
two is a white guy. Biden will help bring in those on the fence who doubt 
Obama's experience and foreign policy knowledge, and yes, he will comfort some 
whites. But bring in racists? Not gonna happen

Yes he will. A white man is safe. No one is going to vote for a Black man and 
a woman. No matter what her race is. You need a white man. Richardson is 
horrible but America wll not vote for a hispanc and a black. Biden will help 
because he comes from a working class, Catholic family. He screams white male.  
There is no secret. 

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2008-08-27 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 8/27/2008 11:16:59 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

Refresh my memory - how does McCain's position on abortion stop
teenage pregnancy?

How do you defend McCain's intent to continue the disastrous policies
that have emptied our treasury and dangerously eroded our stature in
The world?

How does McCain's intent to continue tax cuts for the rich, which have
shamelessly widened the gap between rich and poor in this country,
help the fifty percent of black people who have yet to participate in
the American dream?

How can you rail against rich, white elitists and then turn around and
vote for the richest, whitest elitist?

I believe that abortion should not be used as a form of birth control. I 
believe that teens should be taught abstinence. I don't believe that McCain 
continue the same policies that George Bush has laid out. He is not Bush. IT 
was the cuts, reforms and tax cuts that helped the economy. I rail against rich 
white elitists. They are present in both parties.  Those in the Democratic 
party hide behind race, gender and are social programs that hurt America. 
hide behind the same special interest groups and lobbyist that Republicans 
share. It is easy the condemn the Republicans but not the Democrats. America 
not be free unless all groups are stop. Something a Washington outsider 
cannot and will not do. 

**It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel 
deal here.  

Re: [scifinoir2] Stargate Atlantis Cancelled

2008-08-23 Thread Gymfig
NBC is destroying the Sci Fi channel. 

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2008-08-20 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 8/20/2008 9:45:00 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

As many of you know, Lawrence Fishburne is joining CSI when William
Petersen leaves this season.  What you may not know is that Fishburne
is not replacing Petersen's character on the CSI totem pole.  In other
words, Fishburne will pay the cost but will not be the boss. 
Fishburne, whose character is a college professor and former
pathologist, will join the CSI team in an ENTRY-level position.  WTF?



**It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel 
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Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Who Knew? A Black Man on US Olympic Swim Team

2008-08-17 Thread Gymfig
There are blacks in diving and swimming. They come from other sports. Black 
Americans have participated in softball rowing etc. It is a sad state of black 
America that we are responsible for a lot of our problems. Racism has nothing 
to do with it. What ever obstacle that is placed in your way, you fight back. 
That is an ideal that all humans can work towards. You need to stop worry 
about past present and future grievances and work hard. I like the Olympics it 
shows how people from small countries can or hard and do well. 

**Looking for a car that's sporty, fun and fits in your budget? 
Read reviews on AOL Autos.  

[scifinoir2] Sci Fi Channel News Eureka and Doctor Who

2008-07-24 Thread Gymfig
This Sunday there will be a Eureka min marathon starting at 9 am. There will 
also be a mini marathon on Tuesday *according to  sci 
Eureka starts again on Tuesday at 9/8c.
Don't forget the last two episodes of season of Doctor Who. 

**Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for 
FanHouse Fantasy Football today.  

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] ...and Jeremiah Marathon on SciFi

2008-07-12 Thread Gymfig
It seems like a good show. Why was it canceled? 

**Get the scoop on last night's hottest shows and the live music 
scene in your area - Check out!  

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] ...and Jeremiah Marathon on SciFi

2008-07-11 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 7/11/2008 12:19:44 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

Which show, Jeremiah 

**Get the scoop on last night's hottest shows and the live music 
scene in your area - Check out!  

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] ...and Jeremiah Marathon on SciFi

2008-07-10 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 7/10/2008 8:13:54 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

Wow, talk about good stuff: Burn Notice on USA, and SciFi Channel's running 
a block of Jeremiah shows.  Those are always good to revisit

What was the premise of the show? 

**Get the scoop on last night's hottest shows and the live music 
scene in your area - Check out!  

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Twilight Zone Marathon

2008-07-03 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 7/3/2008 7:10:08 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

Thanks for the reminder, Gymfig. Almost missed it, for waiting for the 
unemployment numbers.

No problem. 
Burn Notice is on USA

**Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for 
fuel-efficient used cars.  

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Iron Man

2008-07-02 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 7/2/2008 4:56:06 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

I am finally going to see Iron Man. Leaving in 30 minutes. Super excited 


I have not seen it yet. 

**Get the scoop on last night's hottest shows and the live music 
scene in your area - Check out!  ( 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


2008-07-02 Thread Gymfig
Twilight Zone marathon tarts tomorrow 

**Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for 
fuel-efficient used cars.  

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Doctor Who - Forests of the Dead

2008-06-30 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 6/30/2008 10:48:11 AM Eastern Standard Time, 


**semi spoiler alert ***
It is maddening to realize what television can get away with that 
written SF cannot.
River Song whispers a word in the doctor's ear and later in the 
episode he says you know my real name.  There's only one reason why 
I would tell someone my real name

No explanation!

I found the commentary on youtube and when we get to that point, 
Tennant and the others are laughing about the time traveler's wife, 
but then he didn't really put an explanation in the script.
And, Moffet I guess, laughs and says that he liked leaving that 
element of mystery out there.  He had no real explanation.

My writing workshop buddies didn't mind ambiguity, but if the author 
did not know herself, they raised a bloody scream. 

Mind you, I loved the episode.  
I loved the episode too.  How can Rive be in his future when he meets her in 
the present? 

**Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for 
fuel-efficient used cars.  

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


2008-06-17 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 6/17/2008 9:29:28 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

The world of sci-fi and fantasy movies has lost one of its most 
important contributors.


**Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for 
fuel-efficient used cars.  

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!RE: [scifinoir2] Re: 'Battlestar Galactica,' We Har...

2008-06-14 Thread Gymfig
I thought I was watching the Sopranos ending. 

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2008.  (

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2008-06-10 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 6/9/2008 5:12:38 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

Edwards Ran for President after one term as Senator and lost to Kerry.  Does
not fit your insulting race-baiting rhetoric, but it is true.  If you deny
it you live on a different planet than the rest of us

Obama has not finished his first term.  I doubt a first term white senator or 
govenor would be  handle with kid gloves if they had decided to run for 
office. Even Clinton knew she had to get a term under her belf before running 

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2008.  (

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: FW: Open Letter to Certain White Women Threatening to Wi...

2008-06-10 Thread Gymfig
I don't ridicule black men. Black face the same kind of treatment like anyone 
else. I often take special consideration when it comes to racial issues. I 
understand that there are cultural differences. Sometimes it is not racial. 

**Vote for your city's best dining and nightlife. City's Best 
2008.  (

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


2008-06-10 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 6/10/2008 3:34:06 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

Edwards did not finish his first term 

So I was wrong. Edwards still did not get the nomination. He was a young guy 
with good hair. So why should Obama get different treatment? He is black. You 
don't touch that. 

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2008.  (

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: FW: Open Letter to Certain White Women Threatening to Wi...

2008-06-10 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 6/10/2008 3:35:45 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

For you it is all about race (specifically putting down Black men)

I don't believe that if you criticize black men or the actions of any black 
man, it makes you racist. A person should be able to say that they disagree 
with someone without being labeled a racist. That is what King died for. 

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2008.  (

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: FW: Open Letter to Certain White Women Threatening to Wi...

2008-06-10 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 6/10/2008 5:00:24 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

John Edwards is 55 Years old. Barack Obama is 46. Even 4 years ago Edwards  
was not a young guy with good hair.
Edwards was protrayed as some young short happy go lucky guy with good hair. 
It does not matter if he was 70.

Edwards lost the nomination because he was coupled with the lamest  
candidate the Democratic party could find. And you KNOW this.
No, he lost because the media made him into some fight for the poor hawkish 
but rich tiral lawyer with a tragic but uplifting story. His image did not 
change in the primary.  If Edwards was better off without Kerry he would have 
least won a race. 

What's with you and race/politics? You get emotional and then go  
completely off track -- often. We always end up at the same place when you  
join a conversation regarding race. Then you act like you're beeing ganged  
up on, but in reality folks (the same folks) are just correcting you,  
because you say stuff like this. 
Stuff like what. I do get off track at time. However I do not get off track 
when it comes to certian race issues.

Stuff that's just WRONG.  Why do you  
keep  doing this?
Like what??

I guess I should ask why *I* keep doing this.
I don't even know. 

**Vote for your city's best dining and nightlife. City's Best 
2008.  (

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2008-06-10 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 6/10/2008 4:48:09 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

Nobody is saying you are racist. It has been suggested that you are a but  
hateriffic where Obama is concerned, and it could be concluded that it is  
because he is a Black male.

King's message was to be judge on the content of our character. It was not 
that any black woman or woman disagrees with a black man, it must me some deep 
seated black male hate. 

**Vote for your city's best dining and nightlife. City's Best 
2008.  (

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2008-06-10 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 6/10/2008 6:28:59 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

What King is not on your hit list too?  I'm surprised.  I guess that is a
good thingt

Not really. I think that King was a white woman loving communist hack that 
wanted to undermine the US government. At the same time he exploited poor black 
America for his own ego. I think that he used the black kids marching just to 
drum up emotional support. It worked. His teachings have undermined black 
progress and set black American back. 


**Vote for your city's best dining and nightlife. City's Best 
2008.  (

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Re: [scifinoir2] Re: FW: Open Letter to Certain White Women Threatening to We...

2008-06-10 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 6/10/2008 6:38:47 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

do not like the sweeping negative generalizations she has made
about Black men.

You talk about these generalizations. What are they? 
Obama' s stromg pomt with whites is that he is biracial. His african father 
and white Kansas mother is the ultimate immigrant story. His theme of a post 
racial society has resonated with alot of people. 
Yes Obama sees himself as a black man.However poll after poll suggest that he 
is seen as biracail by whites. Yes he has and will be called a N. You can 
not ignore he has a white mother and was raised by white grandparents. 
That is why Obama had to denounced Wright and Pfleger. I don't know if Obama 
agrees with Wright and Pleger. Maybe hie does. He could not afford to have 
those two in his corner. They were hurting his campaign with whites who saw a 
black man surrounded by those who hated whites. He had to drop them. 
To point this out does not mean you are racist, or hate Obama, or hate balck 
Now, she is arguing that he is the poster
boy for all that she sees is wrong with Black men
Tracy I have asked both of you to give me examples where I hate black men? I 
have asked you to show me post wehre I have stated, I HATE BLACK MEN. 
I think you are confusing me with some posters on BlackVoices/.com Now there 
is a place were you can hate black men. 

**Vote for your city's best dining and nightlife. City's Best 
2008.  (

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2008-06-10 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 6/10/2008 6:59:04 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

Disagreeing with us has nothing to do with the perception that you have some
issues with Black men.

From what posts do you reference that I hate black men?

**Vote for your city's best dining and nightlife. City's Best 
2008.  (

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2008-06-10 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 6/10/2008 6:57:07 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

Has Hillary ever done anything wrong in your eyes?  

If so, could you tell us what it is?  
Some of her commets that were made and how she ran her campaign. She should 
have kept quiet

Also, why do you embrace her playing the gender card?  
Pointing out sexism should not be seen as playing the card. I did not care 
for the far far far views of some of her female supports. 

Why do you not
condemn it yet accuse Obama playing the race card, when he did not allow
people to notify the press about Obama supporters being chased by dogs and
treated to a steady stream of racist invective and well as having offices
vandalized with race baiting slogans?
Actually that was in the press. It did not make masintream news. I heard 
about what happened to some of his foot soldiers who went to neighborhoods 
they were not wanted.  Seriously I am not surprised that it happened. There are 
some nast people in this world. 
There are also those who would rather vote for a N*** than vote for a b*. 

**Vote for your city's best dining and nightlife. City's Best 
2008.  (

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Re: [scifinoir2] Re: FW: Open Letter to Certain White Women Threatening to Wi...

2008-06-10 Thread Gymfig
I think pointing out the race card came from his supporters. His fairy tale 
speech, attack on Wright was an attack on the black church, Bill Clinton as the 
first black president, Bill Clitnon is a racist because he put black men in 
prision ( gang members that were destroying black communities) the darkening of 
his picture,Jesse Jackson comments, MLK comments, his heritage, white people 
are not voting for him in Ohio. White people who vote for him were educated, 
whites that voted for Hillary were gun touting, xenophobic, low imcome religous 
Bush loving zealonts. 
 Every little attack on him was by that cold evil white Afrimative Action 
getting fake Repulican b.  Did it ever occur to you that the Republicans 
could have had a hand in it. I was watching a documentary on how campaigns 
attacked themelves so that iw ould seem that someone wlse was doing it. 
Poor Obama could not fight back because it would be seen as the big black man 
hurting the poor precious spoiled tear jerking lying white woman.  
As for talking about his campaign, it wouod have hurt his post racial america 
campaign. It wouod have hurt his post Jesse Jackson message. His supposrters 
were brave people who did not complain about racism. 
Dont blame Clinton on that. 

**Vote for your city's best dining and nightlife. City's Best 
2008.  (

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Re: [scifinoir2] Re: FW: Open Letter to Certain White Women Threatening to Wi...

2008-06-10 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 6/10/2008 8:31:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

The question was why you condemned Obama for using the race card, but not
Hillary for saying that sexism caused her to loose the race, inspite of
numbers that prove the contrary.

I do not believe that sexism was the only reason that she lost the race. I 
believe that there were times that his supporters used race Is America ready 
for a Black President'  to their advantage. I believe that some of the claims 
about sexism are true. I believe that Obamas post racial message did not allow 
for some of his supporters to speak about their racial beliefs. 
I do not understand why you and other continue to bring up I hate black 
men. I don't know why you or others keep bringing this up. It has nothing to 
with my views on Obama and sexism in this campaign.  

**Vote for your city's best dining and nightlife. City's Best 
2008.  (

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Re: [scifinoir2] Re: FW: Open Letter to Certain White Women Threatening to Wi...

2008-06-09 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 6/9/2008 1:56:31 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

 This election is causing a war between three factions of American feminism:
 Feminists of color, the older feminists and the newer feminist.  The newer
 feminists and feminists of color (in general) see this old style approach as
 harmful to the overall cause.  I think the movement will be wounded and I
 think some of Hillary's actions and the establishment feminist's movement
 support is going to bite us in the ass in the workplace.  Women in power do
 not complain, whine, cry, expect special rules to be applied to them or ride
 on the success of their spouses.  Now that perception has been given new
 life.  Thanks Hillary!

The media asked black women if they were going to vote for a white woman over 
a black man. Black women were angry.  Black women were proud of Michelle and 
proud of Obama for choosing a dark skin black woman. They chose Obama. 
Remember the anger of Anderson Cooper and the black female vote? You can't 
Hilary for that. 
Some black women enjoyed in calling Stephanie Tubbs -Johnson Shelia Jackson 
Lee Maya Agelou Whoopi Goldberg and Megan Williams mammies. These were all 
older generation black women who wanted to be counted as women. It is sad 
considering because mammy is an ugly stereotype of black women. 
I was on a lot of progressive websites and black websites.  I saw white 
liberals using these words towards these women. I know some of the black people 
these sites. They joined in the name calling. I never saw a black person stand 
up and say it was offensives. 
 If you were a black female pundit, your blackness was important. Your gender 
was never acknowledge. It only became a problem when criticizing Hillary. 
Black females did not stand up and say. I am also a woman.  You can blame Obama 
supporters for that. 
 If Hilary was tough, she was a bitch. If she was nice, then she was weak.  
People were looking for reason to hate her. She was too old, too frumpy, too 
ugly, to cold, to calculating. She was just too much. 
 I don't have problems with older feminists. Older feminist had to fight for 
everything.  They worked hard so that the younger generation could say that 
shaking your behind and being a stripper is empowering. 
The older generation is not responsible for problems you have at work today. 
They are responsible for you being at work in the first place.  Actually it is 
the younger generation that has messed up with the way they have raised 
themselves and their daughters.
Yes, I am a younger generation woman. 
You cannot blame this all on Hillary. 

**Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch Cooking with 
Tyler Florence on AOL Food.  

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2008-06-09 Thread Gymfig
What anti black male talk? I want to know what anti black male talk? 
You do have more experience with white male recruiters, My experience with 
white males is that it is the new generation of women who are at fault. 
John Edwards ran as Vice President. He was slammed by Dick Cheney at the 
debates. Edwards came off as a rich pretty boy with good hair who care for the 
poor. Nobody care for his message.  I am not sure if he won any state. He did 
well in Iowa. However the race came down to history. A black man and a (white) 
woman. The media had made its choice. 
 Richardson a Hispanic man and governor with diplomat experience was not even 
in the running. Hispanics do not have the political power or history  in this 
country. According to the media, it was not their time. 

**Vote for your city's best dining and nightlife. City's Best 
2008.  (

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Re: [scifinoir2] Re: FW: Open Letter to Certain White Women Threatening to Wi...

2008-06-09 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 6/9/2008 4:17:14 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

There are two main reasons why we're not complaining about Vice President  
Edwards today:

1. Karl Rove and his remarkably accurate understanding of the fear life of  
2. Who in the hell is John Kerry

Edwards did not have command of the debate. He did not have command of the 
issues. John Kerry did not fight. He let someone whodid not have any military 
experience mow him down. 
Disagreeing with Obama doesn't make someone racist or anti black male. 

**Vote for your city's best dining and nightlife. City's Best 
2008.  (

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2008-06-08 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 6/8/2008 3:07:57 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

Because black people are so clearly the other in this society, we
must choose sides, not just to play the game but to maintain our sanity.  

It has also cost our sanity. Blacks say that they want to be treated as 
individuals and at times blame others for group think. It has helped us and 
Take this election. Most blacks always vote for the Democrats.  Pundits know 
that blacks will not vote for McCain. Obama has the black vote on lock down. 
Blacks booed McCain when he was at the MLK celebration. Tavis Smiley was called 
traitor, gay, loser, etc., when he said that blacks should not vote only for 
Obama. I know of black people who don't like Obama but are too scared to say 
so. They are afraid to be harassed. Those black leaders who are friends of 
Clinton are being threatened.  Whites spilt their vote along gender, religious, 
and economic lines. Whites are seen individuals. So do Latinos. That is why It 
is important that politicians court non black groups.  During the latter stages 
of the primary Black pundits complained that they are not being courted by 
Republicans. Why should Republicans court them after this bloodbath of white 
woman Vs black man?
I suggest Barack Obama, raised primarily by his white mother and his
white grandparents, is not a post-racial candidate as he is often
portrayed.  I suggest Barack Obama was a deeply conflicted young man
until he made the only choice available to him: he declared himself a
black man. 
Did you ever wonder if it was a political move? Blacks were wary of him 
because he was biracial. Whites see him as biracial. Blacks see him as black. 
It is 
easy to see him as black man because he looks like a light skin black man. If 
he looked like his white mother it would be difficult to sell.  
 He chose a dark-skinned black woman and had children who
will have no choice but to declare themselves black.  
Of course. Look what happened to Harold Ford when it was rumored that he was 
with a white woman. Black women on the Internet were cruel. Black women were 
happy that he chose a dark skin black woman Vs a light skin black woman. 

I suggest actress Hale Barry, raised primarily by her white mother, 
did not become self-actualized until she made the only choice
Available to her: she declared herself a black woman.  She is now
has a child fathered by a white man, a child who will have no choice
but to declare herself black even though her complexion and genetic
Math would suggest otherwise. 
 More and more children are not choosing the one drop rule label. I 
personally don't see someone who resembles their non black parent as black. 
 I suggest Ms. Berry would not be the
first black woman to win the Academy Award if she had not chose her
team, and thereby her allegiance, when she did.  
True. There were black women who had a problem with her being called a role 
model for black women because she is biracial.  They have problems with her and 
black men. Funny all that changed when she had a baby by a white man. She 
became a black woman. 

Although my son has two black parents and he is darker complexioned
than both of us, I sent him to primarily white schools so he would get
the best education possible.  My son would gravitate toward playing
and socializing with the white kids because he had more in common with
Them socially, economically and academically.  

He came home
At summer's end sporting an Angela Davis afro, a Malcolm X goatee and wearing 
a Richard Prior Kiss My Happy Black A$$ T-shirt.  

Nowadays, unfortunately, for most young black people, it takes getting 
knocked off your ass unto your ass to declare our most basic and profound 
True Some black people change allegiances because of blacks.

**Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch Cooking with 
Tyler Florence on AOL Food.  

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2008-06-08 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 6/8/2008 12:01:34 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

Further, your assertion that I have no loyalty to black people. I
have no loyalty to women. is one of the most self-hating things I
have ever read.

No it is not. 
I do not have loyalty to any group but myself. I don't always agree that 
every incident is racial motivated. I don't believer that every incident is 
sexist. Being a black woman on the outsides does not determine who I am on the 
Obama was a post racial America. A post racial America is not just whites 
helping non whites.  Non whites should be free to help whites without feeling 
guilty if they don't help member of their group. 
Women thought Oprah should have helped Hillary because she was a woman. Well, 
that did not happen. Oprah also had Bush on her show. She did not have Kerry 
on. Oprah does what is in Oprah best interest and what she perceived to be 
right. Yes, Oprah is still a woman. She will face sexism. She still makes money 
off of women. In the end she helped a man and herself. 

**Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch Cooking with 
Tyler Florence on AOL Food.  

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Re: [scifinoir2] Just Once (Was:Re: FW: Open Letter to Certain White Women Th...

2008-06-08 Thread Gymfig
I mentioned that Obama will change how wee see race. I metioned that some 
whites will not tolerate the same racial divisions of old. This article speas 
June 8, 2008
Color Test
Where Whites Draw the Line 
How black is too black?  
Millions of African-Americans celebrated _Barack Obama_ 
) ’s historic victory, seeing in it a reflection — sudden and shocking — of 
their own expanded horizons. But whether Mr. Obama captures the White House in 
November will depend on how he is seen by white Americans. Indeed, some 
people argue that one of the reasons Mr. Obama was able to defeat Senator 
Rodham Clinton_ 
  was that a large number of 
white voters saw him as “postracial.” 
In other words, Mr. Obama was black, but not too black. 
But where is the line? Does it change over time? And if it is definable, then 
how black can Mr. Obama be before he alienates white voters? Or, to pose the 
question more cynically, how black do the Republicans have to make him to win? 
Social observers say a common hallmark of African-Americans who have achieved 
the greatest success, whether in business, entertainment or politics — _Oprah 
 , _Magic Johnson_ 
 and Mr. Obama — is that they do not convey a sense of black grievance. 
Clearly, Mr. Obama understands this. Until his former pastor, the Rev. 
_Jeremiah Wright_ 
 , forced race into the political 
debate, Mr. Obama rarely dwelt on it. He gave his groundbreaking speech on race 
only in response to the Wright controversy.  
Indeed, after he effectively won the Democratic nomination on Tuesday, he 
left it to the media to point out the racial accomplishment, and the relative 
thanked most emotively was the woman who raised him: his white grandmother. 
There is a reason for this. Race is one of the most contentious issues in 
American society, and, as with many contentious issues, Americans like to 
the middle path between perceived extremes. “In many ways, Obama is an ideal 
middle way person — he is just as white as he is black,” said _Alan Wolfe_ 
l?inline=nyt-per) , a political science professor at _Boston College_ 
dex.html?inline=nyt-org) . 
John McWhorter, who is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, put it 
more bluntly: “White people are weary of the kinds of black people who are 
dedicated to indicting whites as racists. So, to be ‘too black’ is to carry an 
about you that whites have something to answer for.” 
That was the root of Mr. Obama’s Jeremiah Wright problem. Mr. Wright spewed 
exactly the kind of angry racial repudiation that many whites associate with 
black leaders. 
_Orlando Patterson_ 
 , a professor of sociology 
at Harvard, argues that the one arena where black grievance is acceptable is in 
music, particularly in hip-hop, where an estimated 70 percent of listeners 
are white. But the generation exposed to hip-hop, mostly under 40, are part of 
what Mr. Patterson calls a growing “ecumenical” American culture that is 
unselfconsciously multiracial.  
This Obama Generation came of age in the post-civil-rights age when color, 
though still relevant, had less impact on what one read, listened to or 
It was the common crucible of popular culture, he said, that forged a truly 
American identity, rather than the “salad bowl” analogy cherished by diversity 
Mr. Obama’s campaign so de-emphasized race that for most of the 17-month 
nomination contest much of the news media became obsessed with the question of 
whether he was “black enough” to win black votes.  
Most African-American Democrats were for Hillary Clinton early on, until 
voters in Iowa proved to them that whites would support a black candidate. 
Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. said that Mr. Obama, unlike the immediate 
successors of _Martin Luther King Jr._ 
understood the importance of language and the need 

Re: [scifinoir2] Just Once (Was:Re: FW: Open Letter to Certain White Women Th...

2008-06-08 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 6/8/2008 4:13:23 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

You make some good points.

What is your take on my contention that white people don't have to
proclaim their allegiance because they are on the only team that
matters in America?
I agree that whites do not have to declare an allegience. I am sure at times 
there are whites wo have be ridiculed when they decided to speak up for no 
white people. They have been called some colorful words. I am also sure that 
whites have to choose when they belong to a particular group such as religion, 
gender, sexual identity, marriage etc. 

I mean, you note one drop rule but you ignore the lunacy of it -
that one drop of black blood somehow taints a person's whiteness. 
I understnad that rule. It has helped blacks achieve many goals that would 
have never been allowed. The one drop rule has helpe ease people into 

Except for the taint of their tint both Barrack Obama and Halle Berry
would well within their rights to proclaim themselves white the way
Jews have done for centuries but simply changing Lifshitz to Lauren (I
SO wish Ralph had kept his surname cause the notion of Lifshitz for
Men cologne tickles the hell outta me!).
I did not know that. 

My contention is that the only way a black people can compete on an
equal standing with white people is when being black is as valued as
much as being white - not when the notion of blackness has been
eradicated like a bad virus.

True equality happens when I bring as much to the table as they do.
Great Points

**Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch Cooking with 
Tyler Florence on AOL Food.  

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Re: [scifinoir2] Re: FW: Open Letter to Certain White Women Threatening to Wi...

2008-06-08 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 6/8/2008 5:55:30 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

I was planning to stay out of this but am I the only one here who thinks that 
this action would harm the feminist cause big time.   As if IMO Clinton and 
her supporters   actions have all but shattered the feminist faction big 
Highlighting the major splits between the white and eithinic factions of the 
movement.   And in numerously was increasing the woman hatting 
feelings-especially among ethinics over this campaign.

I think the woman hatting  ( white woman) hating feeling were already there. 
Look at what happened in Massachusetts between a black man and white woman. 
The emphasis on voting for a woman whose husband was the first black 
and an actural black president existed. You can thank Toni Morrison for that. 
She endorsed Obama for that reason. 
The medai made a big deal out of black females. Who are they going to vote 
for. A woman or a black man. Where does their loyalty lie. I kid you not that 
was am article title. Anderso Cooper made a big deal out of it. 
The ont that as a man( Obama had some advantages that females will not have. 
Even if he was a black man)  Blacks were offended but it is true.  Obama was 
treatd differently than a white man who could have been just as charismatic.  
Blacks may think that lesss qualified whites always get the job. There are 
whites that feel that less qualified non whties are there just to show 

**Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch Cooking with 
Tyler Florence on AOL Food.  

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2008-06-07 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 6/7/2008 1:22:56 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

Are there women, white or otherwise, really threatening to vote for a pig 
like Mccain because Obama is sexist? Can we offer them some hemlock?

A woman ran for vice president. Many people were uncomfortable with the idea. 
They thought a man with a woman vice presidnet was weak. Albright and Rice 
were seen as female dogs.  Yes black men did not like rice because she was a 
woman.  A woman has to be tought and gentle. A man does not hve that problem.  
Black men have their own issues. However they are still men. They are still 
of the old boys network. 
 The sma people who want the first lad to be quiet. Are the same people who 
do not want a first husband.  Eliazbeth Edwards, Theresa Kerry, Hillary Clinton 
have all be paitned female dogs  and told to shut up. Michell Obama will 
understand that soo enough. ( Not evrtything is racial). 
When Clinton cried, she was seen as not one fo the boys. She could not handle 
the pressue. I know of black men who did not like Condi Rice or because she 
was seen as a on emtional dog. 
 Time Wise is an white guilt idiot. If you don't vote for Obama then you are 
a racist.  If you don't support everything that Obama says, then you are a 
racist. Race guilt is far more senstive than gender guilt. You can tell a woman 
to quit complaing if she wants to become presidnet. You can not tell a black 
perosn that without becalled a racist. 
 There are those who are Obama fans because they don't want a white person is 
office. There are those who are voting for Obama because they don't like 
white women. There are those who juthink a woman should be president. (alot of 
those are women)  There are those that just don't like Clitnon. 
White people and everybody else can vote for anyone they damn well plese. You 
can't keep on laying the race guilt trip over people.  
As for switching their vote, so what. Blacks have said that they would switch 
their vote if Clinton became the presidential nominee. Obama supporters in 
general said that they would do that. 
you don't win these people back by shaming them. 

**Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch Cooking with 
Tyler Florence on AOL Food.  

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Re: [scifinoir2] FW: Open Letter to Certain White Women Threatening to Withho...

2008-06-07 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 6/7/2008 1:54:47 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

That doesn't really answer my question. 

Are there women, white or otherwise, really threatening to vote for a pig 
like Mccain because Obama is sexist? Can we offer them some hemlock?
When have I ever answered a question directly. No you can not offer them 
hemlock. They are going to do what ever they want. 

**Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch Cooking with 
Tyler Florence on AOL Food.  

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Some thoughts on acting

2008-06-07 Thread Gymfig
I like Tennant. I just don't like it when he clinches and bares his teeth 
when he is supposed to get angry. It seems like overacting. I saw it again in a 
scene in the Harry POter movie. I do enjoy him as an actor. 

**Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch Cooking with 
Tyler Florence on AOL Food.  

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Re: [scifinoir2] FW: Open Letter to Certain White Women Threatening to Withho...

2008-06-07 Thread Gymfig
It seems that any black person that is a republican is viewed with mistrust. 
Colin Powell was admired because he was an immigrant, was well spoken and 
intelligent worked hard and was Joint Chief of Staff. I knew of blacks who did 
like him and called him a hi yella n* Uncle Tom. This was long before 
Bush II. There were black men and women who did not like Rice because she was a 
woman, was not soft, or curvy. She was portrayed as a buck tooth hag with bad 
hair.  She had been called a black lesbian b who wanted to keep the black 
man down. This had nothing to do with their association with the Iraq war. From 
day one it was a running joke to poetry them as slaves on a Bush/Regan 
I don't think it helps race equality to pull the race card. However saying 
that makes you a self hating republican racist. It is funny that women have to 
prove that they are equal to men. However non whites can complain about every 
single perceived insult without any accountability difference of opinion. 
Blacks say that the Democratic Party takes them for granted. Why shouldn't 
they? Blacks make the republican party seems as the evil white Christian 
plantation empire. Why should they extend a hand of friendship to blacks? 
When Hillary is admired by republicans, Obama supporters said that it proves 
that she is a closet republican. Just go to any liberal website. When Obama is 
admired by Republicans, it shows that he has crossover appeal and is smart. I 
find that disgusting. 
I don't hate black men. I am quite the opposite. I love them. I grew up not 
liking those black feminists that really hated black men.  Alice Walker, Bell 
I understood why black men hated The Color Purple. 
I never understood why black women spoke so nastily about black males in 
groups and in magazines. 
At the same time, black men are not born helpless victims. Black men can be 
sexist. They can be par of the old boys network: 
Remember when black men complained that a white woman would be elected 
president before them. They are wrong. I doubt black men can say that they are 
than white women right now. 
As you said, not everything is sexist. Well, not everything is racial. 
That is the biggest problem with this society. The constant claims of racism 
diminish the accomplishments of Obama and those that have fought for a 
raceless society.  

**Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch Cooking with 
Tyler Florence on AOL Food.  

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


2008-06-07 Thread Gymfig
These are not ghetto blacks. These are blacks that are professionals that are 
libera/moderate/republican in their viewpoints. 
I don't have issues with black men. I don't think that anyone that votes for 
Clinton has issues with black men. It is really insulting racist, sexist 
talking point.  I have grown up around black men. I have much more respect than 
people like to admit. I have told that I hang around black men too much because 
don't see the black female perspective. That does not mean I have to defend 
black men when they do wrong or have a difference of opinion. It does not mean 
that I have to vote for a black man.  
These so called horrible people are everyday people. If you sit down and talk 
to them you began to realize their viewpoints. 
You would be surprised how people really think if you allow them talk. There 
are those that pride themselves on being open minded but harbor some ill 
willed thoughts. 
Ferro is not my gal. However Obama is given a free ride because of his race. 
I believe that one of McCain's advisors quit because he did not want to attack 
Obama because it would come across as racial. I don't know many white men who 
would be president with only half a term in the Senate. It would not fly with 
white America.  It would not fly with a woman. It is too sensitive to talk 
about qualifications with a black man. 
I don't think that we can claim that she is a closet Republican. Obama came 
up with peace with Palestine. He wanted to talk to our enemies. As a typically 
politician he has said that the nuclear option is on the table for Iran. He is 
a friend of Israel. Hid grandfather and Jewish friends made him understand 
Jews. He will talk tough to terrorists. He is flip flopper. He has no backbone 
and will say anything for votes. He is not new or exciting. There will not be 
any changes in the US foreign policy. He also condemn Carter. The enemy of 
Israel and condemned Hamas. US foreign policy will not change under him. I 
understand why it is so hard to understand. No, American president can hate 
Israel and love the Arabs. It will NEVER happen.  They will not be elected. 
I do see myself as saying nasty things. If it is blunt, so be it. 
I don't see a woman becoming president anytime soon. Color will always trump 
gender. I doubt the country will elect a woman unless she is not white. I am 
not a white woman nor do I see myself as a mammy. However I can understand how 
some feel. A lot of them don't see themselves as white women. They are just 
women. Barak is a black man. He has a color and gender advantage over them. It 
is like electing a black woman. You get two for the price of one. I don't see 
it as privilege but frustration. White men don't like them because they are 
women. Non whites can't stand them because they are white. 
I told a group of white women that Hillary was their only chance of getting 
elected. As white woman no group wants them.  I don't see many men of color 
supporting a white woman for the high-test office in the land. Especially when 
they can elect a man and a non white man. 
The women got upset. I don't no why. Everyone has gotten on the white women 
are evil bandwagon.   
If Rice would have run at least she could have been protected by her skin 
color. She is a double minority. 
Hillary is gone. However black men act as if they still lost. I still see 
Obama supporters calling Clinton racist and sexist names. This hatred has 
to do with what the Clinton said. It is just pure and simple hate. 

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Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Joy and Anger on This Momentous Day

2008-06-03 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 6/3/2008 11:00:53 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

This is an historic moment we should all celebrate, regardless of color, 
gender, or political leanings. We are witness to something that has not 
in all the centuries of the Republic. Whatever else you think or feel or look 
forward to, take a moment, just a moment, and really think about the power of 
this time. This is a time all our ancestors--those who cried and died and 
suffered and prayed and looked to Heaven--prayed for, a time when someone who 
looked like them could stand for the highest office in the land. 

I hope they're all looking down and smiling.

I doubt it would be so historic if she had won the nomination. Color trumps 
gender in terms of emotion. It would not seen as monumental or emotional for 
the country. She is still white. Maybe that is why her supporters are ticked 
off. A man of a different color is still a man. 
Oh well, on to November

**Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch Cooking with 
Tyler Florence on AOL Food.  

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Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream ticket

2008-05-20 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 5/20/2008 6:52:50 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

This is the same stubborn attitude that got us mired in Viet Nam and

Talking to insurgents that are not even recognize by the Iraq government will 
not help the situation. You can not be held hostage by someone who wants to 
fill his fathers;s shoes. 

Who are They?  
Iseal has and American Jewish groups have forced Obama to do a 180 on his 
views on the Isreal states. 

Jimmy Carter, the greatest ex-president ever, is an intelligent and
moral man. 
Jimmy Carters was not very good as a President. 

As president he made intelligent and moral decisions.  He
was undermined by a not-so-liberal media, a facile political
opportunist named Ronald Reagan and the on-going stupidity of the
American people. 
Of coursee nothing is ever his fault. He knew that the Shah was trouble but 
toasted him in Iran. First he praises him, then abandons him. 444 days / Rising 
inflation and unemployment did not help him. 

Last time I checked, there was a surplus when Bush took office.  
Clintons the evil racist man did not. Lat time eI checked Democrats were 
spending money like crazy. Last time I checked the Democrats did not have the 
votes to bring the troops home. Lat time I checked Democrats still allowed jobs 
go overseas. 

My history book fails to note that the concept of eminent domain was
fashioned during the Clinton Administration.  Further, the liberal
judges who sided with them were put on the bench by those noted
liberals Reagan and Bush.  
True. It was the evil conservative judges that voted against it. 

Obama is sitting on a quarter billion dollar campaign fund raised ten
to one hundred dollars at a time.  How does that make him beholden to
Corporate America?
You don't get that kind of money from little kids empyting their piggy 


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Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream ticket

2008-05-20 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 5/20/2008 8:20:41 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

Gymfig, the Republicans don't want intelligent people. Just ones smart enough 
to press the touch-screen option next to their candidates' names. They're 
afraid of all of us pointy-headed liberals...

So once again. If you vote for Obama you are intelligent. If yoy vote for 
Clinton or the Republcians you are stupid. 

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2008-05-20 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 5/20/2008 9:47:58 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

He is beholden to corporate America, as they contributed to his campaign and
will continue to do so.  But he is more beholden to the people and less
beholden to those in power than any other successful politician in recent
history.  However, the key to getting what we want from him is to use that
power and I fear people do not yet know how to do it.  
You must be talking about Blacks. Every group has asked What are you goint to 
do for me? Latinos, Asian, Arabs, coporate America, white women, white men, 
Working class whites, jews,the Military, Nasa etc. Blacks are th only group 
that has given him their support without any question. Please don't talk abut 
Clinton threw it away. Please don't tell me he is not running for president 
of black America. When evver Blacks question him, they are called sellouts or 
are jealous. As long blacck gave Obama 90% of their vote hed can tell them to 
repsect the verdict and don't riot. As long as black voted overwhelming 
democratic, he does not have to go to Memphis and talk abou MLK. As along as 
refuse to use their over their political spower as a small hiccup he does nto 
have to worry about appearing more black.  IThe only pwoer blacks still 
have is the race card. Whites are racist. Whites have to talk about race. 

Obama has used our money as well has the big ticket player's money to build
an infrastructure to bring about true change.. 
What change? Will he change the way politicans do business? No. He will just 

His grassroots network.  He
has trained people to change the system, connected disparate people with
their common interests, showed them how to coalesce their money and enabled
people to take leadership roles in his campaign so they can flex their
activist muscle.  
Seems like politics as usual. I don't see change, I just see  a Jesus Christ 
type figure using disapointed people to get into office. 

Additionally, his plan involves working to assist down
ticket candidates on  the local level. 

He also  periodically hints that if
he is president, you will have to make him make the changes you want.  Just
last week he launched the grassroots civil rights fellowship and set up a
massive civil rights voting program that threatens to make the republicans a
fringe group.  
Same democratic/NACCP shell game that most black preachers having been 
pushing every election year. 

He has laid the groundwork for a nationwide grassroots
takeover of government agenda.  
How? He uses the same soundbites that the media has talked about . 

He can not overtly tell us what to do with
it or it will be shut down before it is empowered.  There is some sign that
people are using it.

I hope we figure it out and take advantage of it
It really sounds like some hippie cult that does not understand the realities 
of life. 

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favorites at AOL Food.  

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Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream ticket

2008-05-20 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 5/20/2008 9:49:29 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

Please do not go out into public saying things like this.

Iraq HAD a government. We KILLED them.
We may have gone to war for the wrong reasons but I am sure that the Shiites 
and Saudia Arabia are not missing them that much. 

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Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream ticket

2008-05-20 Thread Gymfig
You are right Tracey. Obama is gaining among Clinton votes. The Gallup poll 
suggest as much. I also feel that he may even win KY.  I have to agree that 
Obam ran a more effective campaign. I do NOT agree that anyone that votes for 
Clinto is a uneducated inforative hick 

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Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream ticket

2008-05-19 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 5/19/2008 4:49:01 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

Yours is an interesting prospective.  One shared by 94% of the 
electorate in West Virginia (one of our more progessive states).   

It is also interesting to me that, nationally, the 50% of white 
democrats that support Obama is the 50% that can read and write and 
count to ten without taking off their shoes.

Hillary must be proud to be the candidate of the uninformed and the 


So Clinton voters are uneducated hicks while Obama suupports are uneducated 
integrationist liberals. Who is the racist? . Clinton is a politician. Obama 
got upset with Wright because he called Obama a politician. 
No wonder there are those that don't like him. Maybe it is the same people 
that don't want to sit down with people who need terrorism so they don't have 
answer to their people on why they have not fixed their own country's 
problems, have illegal immigration, have more H1-B cheap labor, have their 
taxed to no in, think NASA should be funded, contnue our place in Iraq. Obama 
tolds blacks in NY to respect the verdict of Sean Bell and not riot. Can you 
imagine Clinton saying that? Can you imagine any white person saying that? 
said it was wrong. Obama held his finger up to Jena 6 to see which way the 
wind blew. 
If they are so similar in viewpoints, why is it okay for blacks to vote for a 
black man but wrong for whites to vote for a white person or a white woman?
I have always been a moderate Democrat. I really don't want a world apologist 
in teh White House. 

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2008-05-19 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 5/19/2008 6:24:23 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

Amen to that! And she  will have no problem blowing up innocent people with
her testicular fortitude

As opposed to a man that cannot find his when it comes to issues of his 
former mentor, other black leaders and the Palestinians?

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2008-05-19 Thread Gymfig

got really confused trying to hack through the thicket of the above
paragraph.  Took me a couple of readings to realize you had swallowed
the Republican propaganda about Obama being soft on terrorism because
he actually wanted to talk to lawfully elected leaders.  Truly
remarkable anyone would believe anything the Republicans have to say
in light of how badly they have mangled the economy and America'
stature in the world.  
Talking to Hama is not an option 
Talking to Hezzbolah is not an option 
Obama had to back pedel because he got in trouble with the Isreal and Jewish 
groups. What makes you think that they will allow him to get away with that?  
Jimmy Carter tried to talk. He allowed the hostages to be taken. He was weak. 
He was a punk. Going to speak to Hamas and Isreal make him look stupid. 

The raising taxes boogie man is equally amusing.  Of course, the
Republicans don't raise taxes - they lower them, mouth pious
platitudes and continue to spend like drunken sailors.  
Kind of like those Democrats who control the Congress t

grandchildren's grandchildren will be saddled with paying off the
Bush/Cheney deficit.
Something that Clinton did not do. I guess Bill was not that bad. 

I already know what the Clintons did in office.  Everytime the going
got hard - they cut bait and ran.  The Clintons had a chance to stock
the Federal judiciary with moderate democrats and instead let the
Republicans stonewall them until Bush became president.  What did Bush
do?  Stock the Federal judiciary with conservative republicans.  These
judges serve for life. 
I don't have a problem with him. They have made decisions that I don'thave a 
problem with. Even the liberal judges have sided with them. It was the liberal 
judegs that said it was okay for the goverment to take your property for 
public use. 

I don't know how Obama will perform in office - but at least he will
arrive in office unbeholden to anyone but the millions of average,
hardworking Americans who financed his campaign.
He will have to pay back Corporate America. They put him in office. He will 
also have to pay off the oil companies. They can destroy him. 


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Re: [scifinoir2] Fox Unveils New SF Strategy

2008-05-18 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 5/16/2008 4:17:26 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

I had hopes for it.

And then I realized that it was a Fox show. :(


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2008-05-18 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 5/18/2008 10:03:34 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

The second reason? Hillary's ambition. This lady wants to be Prez, and 
everything from her veiled racist strategy (I get hard-working, white voters) 
the other dirty tricks show she'd work behind the scenes to undermine Obama. I 
think-and I believe Obama thinks--that she'd be plotting against him all the 
time she's grinning in his face.

She's in her 60's now, think she wants to wait *eight* years and try again? 
No way in hell. And trying to be a VP who then steps out and challenges your 
Prez in the next election, how damaging would that be? Has that ever been done, 
a VP challenging his sitting Prez for the nomination? Talk about a mess. I 
can't see Obama wanting to deal with that potential hazard.

What makes you think Obama is going to get two terms?
Obama does not have support among Regan democrats. He does not have support 
among a lot of whites. What is so racist about that? He does have 90% of the 
black vote. (Blacks always have voted demarcate. By falling for the Obama's 
is a fairy tale myth: He got all of the vote) 
White people are the majority and they are splitting the vote. Latinos are 
the largest minority and vote republican or have voted for her. It is not 
that she points that out. It is also not racist if you do not vote for Obama. 
 I admire her ambition and not being quiet. She brings in people that WILL 
NOT vote for him and will either vote for Mccain or not vote at all. 
Dick Cheney was running the White House. He made Bush look electable.  The VP 
needs to be strong if the Pres cannot not run the country. It is not 
Hillary's fault she was running for POTUS. People act as if she is was wrong 
running against Obama. He is not entitled to be sheltered from scrutiny just 
because he is both black and a man. She is his opponent. What is she supposed 
to do? 

**Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family 
favorites at AOL Food.  

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Re: [scifinoir2] New Member Saying Hi

2008-05-17 Thread Gymfig
A news start!!
dont' believe what people say about me!!!

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Re: [scifinoir2] Fox Unveils New SF Strategy

2008-05-16 Thread Gymfig
So New Amsterdam is cancelled? 
How sad. 

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favorites at AOL Food.  

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Re: [scifinoir2] Fox Unveils New SF Strategy

2008-05-16 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 5/16/2008 4:17:26 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

I had hopes for it.

I enjoyed it. I hate it when show don't last. I still can't remember that SF 
show that was on CBS a couple of years ago that was on Tuesday or Friday 

**Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family 
favorites at AOL Food.  

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[scifinoir2] Was the Last Cylon Just revealed????

2008-05-16 Thread Gymfig

Anybody Watching?
I never thought of that person 
What do you think

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favorites at AOL Food.  

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Re: [scifinoir2] Was the Last Cylon Just revealed????

2008-05-16 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 5/16/2008 9:55:31 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

I'm watching, but I don't think so. I'm sticking with the Admiral for my 

It makes sense with what deanna said!

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Re: [scifinoir2] Was the Last Cylon Just revealed????

2008-05-16 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 5/16/2008 10:13:58 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

Can't remember what D'Anna said. Also can't remember what I had for lunch, 

Seriously, I sense a big-a$$ game of three-card monte going on here, trying 
to draw eyes away from the big pic. I said the Admiral end of S2, and I'm 
sticking with it.

She saw the fifth cylon and said sorry. Why would she say sorry to the 
Admiral?  This episode made sense. It does not make sense for the Admiral. I 
it was Dee. 

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favorites at AOL Food.  

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Re: [scifinoir2] Was the Last Cylon Just revealed????

2008-05-16 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 5/16/2008 10:26:21 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

Oh, *that* line. No, no reason for that. But I still stick to my assessment 
that they're snowing us. Remember when they were supposedly going to reveal the 
faces of the Final Five in one season finale, even going so far as to put a 
pic of five people in white robes in the opera house online. That turned out to 
be nothing more than five cast members at random, nothing more than a stunt.

But alot of things are coming true. It has too be. 

**Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family 
favorites at AOL Food.  

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Re: [scifinoir2] OT:Nothing wrong with depicting Obama as a monkey

2008-05-15 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 5/15/2008 7:30:27 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

As I've said time and again, any descendants of General Sherman are welcome 
to re-enact his March to the Sea...

It's truly a blessing to be so favored in the world that you can be oblivious 
of offenses you render on others.

Weell add blacks to that, because I have been on alot of black websites. They 
think Obama looks like Curious George too. There are not blacks on KKK 
websitess or  they don't see anything wrong 
it. Yes they support Obama too. 

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favorites at AOL Food.  

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Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Are their any left wing military sci-fi writers?

2008-05-15 Thread Gymfig
What defines a left-wing sci fi writer? 
It is okay for the aliens to invade and kill us?
It is okay for the underclass to steal the magic crystal and destroy the 
ruling class?
It terms of real life application:
Americans must allow illegal and anyone they want into this country? 
Americans must apologize and sit down with our enemies?
Americans are evil and need to apologize to every non white group and be open 
to homosexuality?
What is defines a writer as left wing??

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favorites at AOL Food.  

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Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Are their any left wing military sci-fi writers?

2008-05-15 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 5/15/2008 11:30:49 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

I probably be more clear on this one but   it's basically doing the type of 
stuff you see our military doing now.   namely all liberal's are bad, all 
Conservatives are good.   
The good guys always strike first (even if there's no reason to), stuff like 
That.  Things like that.


I thought that was right wing sci fi? 
What is left wing sci fi? Isn't that liberals are good, and conservatives are 
bad.  Helo who was in a relationship with a Cylon did not allow them to be 
used as test subjects to destroy the Cylons was justified. 
If that is left wing sci fi then I don't like it. I hate the sci fi on 
American shows because it is so predictable. 
We must interfere in other cultures because it is wrong to sacrifice the 
princess.  The scientist who allowed the military to die because they wanted 
research is right. 

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favorites at AOL Food.  

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Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Black is finally in fashion at Vogue

2008-05-14 Thread Gymfig
I don't see what the big deal is. If you look at black magazines, there is a 
certian look You will not see many models that have dark skin or have 
braids. I don't seem to understand why people point the fingers at whites. 

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favorites at AOL Food.  

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Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Black is finally in fashion at Vogue

2008-05-14 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 5/14/2008 9:34:00 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

I really, really, REALLY want to comment on this, but I can't think of
a really, really, REALLY nice way to do it.  

Hold that thought.


Let me explain. 
I am a client pushing a perfume. I want people to feel that they are a fairy 
princess. I want a model that can be made up as a fairy princess.  People 
associate princess with youth, thinness, long flowing hair. Not many white 
are going to get the part.  There are some black models that I would consider. 
I would not just want someone that looks white. I want someone that looks like 
an believalbe Elvis princess. 
If you look at black print ads, you see the same thing. We see woman with 
certain looks. I never see someone that has braids or dreads in an ad when they 
are pushing the all together upper middle class sista.  I have seen women 
with beautiful locs but they look a certain way. 
It does not mean that a black woman should not have braids. It just means 
that certain images resonate better with the public. 
Roshumba Williams had the ability to change. She could be any kind of woman. 
Is their prejudice? Yes, 
Is it wrong. Yes, 
However it seems that entertainment pushes a look that everyone is used too. 
I see ads were the dark skin black woman with natural hair is used as the one 
that stand out. She is edgy. I hate that it seems that is the only way that 
dark skin black woman get work. 
Tracy I don't know anything about the fashion industry. You do. I was not 
trying to insult you on any level. I have seen your pics and you are a very 
beautiful woman. When you look at modeling or entertainment you understand the 
look that people want. 

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Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Black is finally in fashion at Vogue

2008-05-14 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 5/14/2008 10:05:43 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

Good question. The answer is: Vogue has a larger circulation than  
Vibe. And so, if you're going to be the official documentation of  
fashion culture, having nothing but white people in your photo essays is  
Completely inaccurate. The fact is that until somebody Black, Brown, or  
Asian rocks your design, it's not hot.

Vibe does not cater to everyone. They cater the hip hop and RB population. 
The urban market. That is very limiting. Vogue markets itself as the magazine 
for the beautiful upscale put together woman.  It can add more non white 
models. However it is not going to add models that look as if they just stared 
in a 
hip hop video. It does not matter the color of the model it is the image that 
you portray. Just look at the models in Ebony and Essence. They have a certain 
look. It has changed over the years. You will still not see a lot of models 
with braids in there either. 

**Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family 
favorites at AOL Food.  

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Re: [scifinoir2] The Electric Company Returns

2008-05-14 Thread Gymfig
It is going to do as well as \the Zoom remake. Just bring back the old shows. 
Sesame Street, Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, The Electric Company 3-2-1 Contact 
and Zoom. 
Those were the days. 

**Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family 
favorites at AOL Food.  

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Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Black is finally in fashion at Vogue

2008-05-14 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 5/14/2008 11:05:14 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

1. The Hip Hop and RB Popoulation is a multi-billion dollar,  
multicultural market with a median age of around 30. The Hip Hop and RB  
population includes people who  are in the market for yachts as well as  
people who are comparing health insurance providers for their families.
How man jewish, homosexual, asian, hispanic, native american, arab, white, 
surburban hip hop rapers and RB singers do you know that are the top of the 

This is not a magazine for the beautiful  upscale put together woman. It  
is a series of historical documents that will be part of many other  
documents that people in the future wil look back upon and judge us with.  
How do I know this? 
When I look at pictures of Vogue, I don't see women in apple bottom jeans or 
blue jean mini skirts. 

Vogue Magazine, and any magazine with a high ciurculation, has two  
responsibilities: one to its advertisers, and two to be accurate. In the  
case of Fashion magazines, in the 21st Century, there is no excuse. 
People still buy the magazine. Unless whites start complaining it is not gong 
to happen. Non whites will still buy the product even if there isn't any non 
white person presented. 

General Motors and Proctor  Gamble can have ethnic peopole in THEIR ads,  
and they are selling stuff people actually USE, then surely these fashion  
brands can knock it off.
You are seeling a look / image. You are not selling a look with GE. You are 
selling a product. They don't care what you look like, as long as you buy it. 
You see ads with a light skin black woman and a dark skin black man. Blakcs 
will STILL buy it. 

The editorial staffs of these magazine must first  
make their magazine more reflective of the fantasy they are trying to   
sell. White women wish they  had Halle Berry's body  just as much as they  
wish they had Heidi Klum's. Thandie Newton looks great in Gucci. Alek Wek  
and Oluchi Onweagba have bodies that illustrate a designer's new dress  
just as well as Nadine Wolfbeisser or Victoria Wallace -- if not better!

It's easy to dismiss this as it's just  fashion --  believe me I  
understand -- but in many cases, it's not. It's culture. It's history.
I don't think that white women wish to have a black woman's body. That is a 
myth. There are different body types that can sell. You don't have to use a 
black face to sell the body type. You can use a white woman that has fuller 
breasts or hips. You don't need a black face. 
It is funny, Kim Kardashian has a fuller body. The perception is that she 
gets alot of  attention from black men and women. I can hire her for work 
having to hire an actually black woman. 

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favorites at AOL Food.  

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