2008-11-04 Thread Eduardo Anglada

When you increase the energy shift then you decrease the cutoff radii,
so the energy increases. The behaviour of your plot is exactly what
you should expect. What you should converge is the total energy of
your condensed system, formed by multiple atoms. In that situation
the energy should converge (with a tolerance of a few mev) with
respect to the energy shift.
Best regards,

On 03/11/2008, at 19:13, Xu Lu wrote:

Dear Eduardo and all:
Thank you very much for your reply. Here I give you one of
my input files and other information:
= start of input file=
SystemNamecarbon atom   # Descriptive name of the system
SystemLabel   C-atom# Short name for naming files
# Species and atoms
NumberOfAtoms  1
%block ChemicalSpeciesLabel
1  6  C
%endblock ChemicalSpeciesLabel
# Basis  (TZP)
%block PAO.Basis # Define Basis set
C   2# Species label, number of l-shells
n=2   0   3 # n, l, Nzeta
0.0000.000  0.000
1.0001.000  1.000
n=2   1   3 P   1   # n, l, Nzeta, Polarization, NzetaPol
0.0000.000  0.000
1.0001.000  1.000
%endblock PAO.Basis
PAO.EnergyShift 10 meV
xc.functional   LDA# Default value
xc.authors  PZ # Default value
MeshCutoff  300. Ry
OccupationFunction MP
ElectronicTemperature  100 K
# SCF options
MaxSCFIterations   150  # Maximum number of SCF iter
DM.NumberPulay 5
DM.MixingWeight   0.20  # New DM amount for next SCF cycle
DM.Tolerance  1.d-4 # Tolerance in maximum difference
 # between input and output DM
# Atomic coordinates
AtomicCoordinatesFormat Ang
%block AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
0.0.0.  1
%endblock AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
=== end of input file=
You can also have a look at a plot of my total energy convergence
results with respect to energy shift.
It seems hard to achieve Self-Consistency at zero electronic
temperature, I used electron temperature at 100.0 K and MP
(Methfessel-Paxton)occupation function and I hope this set up
is not the reason of problems.
Thank you again for your kind helps!
Sincerely yours,
Xu Lu
Xu Lu
Physics and Astronomy Department
4240 Biomedical Physical Sci. Bldg
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824-2320 USA
(517)884-5672 (office)
(517)4205973 (mobile)
(517)353-4500 (FAX)
Eduardo Anglada writes:

Could you please post your results and the input fdf?
The energy should converge.
Eduardo On 01/11/2008, at 15:23, Xu Lu wrote:

Dear all :
 I have a problem in calculating the energy of single atom. The
energy will drop linearly with respect to decreasing of energy   
shift. It
seems that the energy does not converge with respect to energy  

 What is the problem with single atom calculation ? Do I need to
consider the energy shift convergence in this calculation.

Re: [SIESTA-L] Crazy SCF with vanadium

2008-11-04 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Could you please post your V pseudo?
The mesh cutoff doesn't vary the scf, it only controls the rippling of  
This rippling is due to the FFT aliasing of those magnitudes  
(orbs^2,neutral atom potential, core
charge for non linear core corrections) which are projected into the  
grid. As the
aliasing is constant (ie during the scf the atoms don't move with  
respect to

the grid) the mesh cutoff shouldn't play any role.

Best regards,

On 04/11/2008, at 18:05, Joachim Fürst wrote:

Thank you for your advices.
I have also cut the system down to only a 100 atoms or so, without  
any improvement. I have a pretty good idea about V position, what is  
less known to me is the distortion of the sheet. I have done runs  
with 220 Ry mesh, but no change. I will try very high temperature as  
a final try.

Thansk again.


-Original Message-
From: Siesta, Self-Consistent DFT LCAO program, 
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Marcos Verissimo Alves

Sent: 4. november 2008 17:42
Subject: Re: [SIESTA-L] Crazy SCF with vanadium

631 atoms? whew...

Thee could be a few things that might help. One thing is to set an  
electronic temperature higher than the default (about 25 meV). Even  
though you say you have raised the temperature (which I assume to be  
the electronic temperature), how high have you raised? Maybe you'll  
have to set it to a really high value for your calculation to  
converge initially, after which you'll be able to lower it  
gradually, in steps of about 10 meV and re-relaxing everything again.

Another thing that helps convergence is that V atoms are in a good  
initial position. My personal experience is that when the initial  
positions of the atoms are way off the equilibrium ones, scf can be  
problematic, especially if you have d electrons (in my case I have  
Ni slabs). Supposing that V atoms would be adsorbed over the  
graphene surface, you could try doing an initial relaxation with the  
Harris functional - which would overcome scf convergence problems in  
a first step. It will most probably not give very reliable results,  
but it could help in determining an initial set of positions which  
could be not too off from equilibrium. Make a test with a V atom  
over a 32-atom graphene sheet to compare the outcomes of full scf  
relaxation and a Harris functional calculation; if it gives decent  
results, you could try doing this to your larger sheet.

Finally, I would use a larger MeshCutoff. It might help to improve  
SCF convergence. Try at least 220-250 Ry.

Best of luck,


Vous avez écrit / You have written / Lei ha scritto / Você escreveu...
Joachim Fürst

Dear all,

I am doing a relaxation with vanadium on graphene, and the scf loop

siesta: iscfEharris(eV)   E_KS(eV)FreeEng(eV) dDmax
siesta:1   -97094.38150   -99070.91635   -99070.91635  39.07032
timer: Routine,Calls,Time,% = IterSCF1 882.442  95.03
elaps: Routine,Calls,Wall,% = IterSCF1 223.031  94.74
siesta:2   -97140.17446   -99051.35598   -99051.50902  34.72834
siesta:3   -97226.76276   -98965.36619   -98965.50463  35.42815
siesta:4   -94936.08243   -99371.74467   -99371.89250  35.10492
siesta:5   -90678.74567   -99715.25553   -99715.47141  24.75070
siesta:6   -86315.83616  -100050.89144  -100051.12562  36.83745
siesta:7   -97702.64129   -98510.48955   -98510.724571051.40098

-And it only gets worse after more iterations.

I have tried almost all thinkable combinations of Pulay mixing,  

rate etc, but without success. I have also increased temperature,
disabled spin, changed energyshift, tried different basis sets for  

elementsNo luck at all!  Sometimes I can get it to converge, but
then after a CG step or two it goes nuts again.
If I leave out vanadium, the problem disappears. I have used this
vanadium PS many times in different calculations, but have never come
across this issue until now.

Have you got any ideas? I have listed my .fdf file below (the long
list of coordinates is left out).
Hope you have some good advice. Thanks!

NumberOfSpecies: 3
NumberOfAtoms: 631

LatticeConstant 1.0 Ang
%block LatticeVectors
55. 0. 0.
 0.   8. 0
 0.0.  36.84
%endblock LatticeVectors

%block ChemicalSpeciesLabel
1 6  C_pbe
2 1 H
3 23 V
%endblock ChemicalSpeciesLabel

AtomicCoordinatesFormat Ang
%block AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
40.470458 0.00 0.000196 1
39.049818 0.00 0.000213 1
36.210059 -0.01 0.000237 1
0.709653 0.00 0.000252 1

%endblock AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies

%block kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack
1   0   0 0.0
0   1   0  0.0
0   0   1  0.0
%endblock kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack

DM.UseSaveDM  T
#SaveTotalPotential T
#SaveRho T
#SaveElectrostaticPotential T
#MD.UseSaveXV T

Re: [SIESTA-L] Bulk cohesion energy

2008-11-04 Thread Eduardo Anglada

At the beginning of each SIESTA run, during the generation
of the atomic orbitals, the number of basis functions for each
species is written.

On 03/11/2008, at 21:05, Roberto Veiga wrote:

Where in the output can I find the number of basis functions?


From: Oleksandr Voznyy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 3, 2008 3:41:53 PM
Subject: Re: [SIESTA-L] Bulk cohesion energy

 I did like that:
 and I obtained 4.80 eV

This doesn't mean anything yet. It's the same as fitting  
pseudopotential to obtain better lattice constant.

 So I think that in this case the BSSE correction is negligible.
Try it before saying it. The single atom vs atom in the bulk is the  
situation when one would expect the strongest BSSE.

Re: [SIESTA-L] Bulk cohesion energy

2008-11-04 Thread Eduardo Anglada

You sum the multiplication of the number of basis functions of each  
species by the number of atoms of that species.
You should take into account more than the atoms explicitly defined in  
your input.


On 04/11/2008, at 11:38, Roberto Veiga wrote:

Thank you, Eduardo. How do I obtain the total number of basis  
functions for a condensed system? Should I take into account more  
than the atoms explicitly defined in my input?


From: Eduardo Anglada [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 4, 2008 9:45:34 AM
Subject: Re: [SIESTA-L] Bulk cohesion energy

At the beginning of each SIESTA run, during the generation
of the atomic orbitals, the number of basis functions for each
species is written.

On 03/11/2008, at 21:05, Roberto Veiga wrote:

Where in the output can I find the number of basis functions?


From: Oleksandr Voznyy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 3, 2008 3:41:53 PM
Subject: Re: [SIESTA-L] Bulk cohesion energy

 I did like that:
 and I obtained 4.80 eV

This doesn't mean anything yet. It's the same as fitting  
pseudopotential to obtain better lattice constant.

 So I think that in this case the BSSE correction is negligible.
Try it before saying it. The single atom vs atom in the bulk is the  
situation when one would expect the strongest BSSE.


2008-11-03 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Could you please post your results and the input fdf?
The energy should converge.

On 01/11/2008, at 15:23, Xu Lu wrote:

Dear all :
  I have a problem in calculating the energy of single atom. The
energy will drop linearly with respect to decreasing of energy  
shift. It

seems that the energy does not converge with respect to energy shift.
  What is the problem with single atom calculation ? Do I need to
consider the energy shift convergence in this calculation.

Re: [SIESTA-L] Plrho compilation problem

2008-11-03 Thread Eduardo Anglada
 reference to  

collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [denchar] Error 1

Which vendor provided the f95 compiler? Once you know the vendor take  
a look at:
/home/bias/siesta-2.0.1/Src/f2kcli_manual.txt In that file you can  
find howto compile the

f2kcli module.


I'm fairly confused now which compiler to use for using Siesta and  

Note: Siesta works fine now :)



From: Eduardo Anglada [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 9:55:07 AM
Subject: Re: [SIESTA-L] Plrho compilation problem

You have to use the same compiler for the utils and for siesta.
Could you please post the error message?

On 29/10/2008, at 18:17, Johnny Dry wrote:

Hello Siesta users,

I'm using:

* Mandriva Linux 2008
* g95 compiler
* Siesta 2.0.1

I've compiled these packages:

* Siesta
* Utils from Andre Postnikov (xv2xsf, ...)
* General Utils (eig2dos, gnubands, ...)
* xCrysDen package
* JMol package

using g95 Fortran compiler. I can now run Siesta and simulate the  
first two examples. And I can see the atoms in both xCrysDen and  

As a next step, I tried to investigate electron density, total  
energy, wavefunctions, etc using plrho.

So, I tried firstly using g95 (GNU Fortran)  but it did not work  
for pgplot. Then, I've downloaded Intel Fortran Compiler and F77  
compiler and tried the following with both of these compilers:

* Downloaded and compiled pgplot5.2 (With g77 it is  
straightforward, and with ifc, I've modified the makefile (cheated  
* Tried to install plrho,  but I couldn not in either case. So, the  
question is,

Which compiler is ideal for this system to install pgplot and  
plrho? I've read some threads in the mail list, but could not have  
them working:(

Any help is appreciated.


Re: [SIESTA-L] Multigrig solver for Poisson Equation

2008-10-30 Thread Eduardo Anglada

As far as I know It is not being distributed.

On 29/10/2008, at 12:48, José Eduardo Padilha de Sousa wrote:

Hi All.

In a recent article about SIESTA (J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20  
(2008) 064208), I
read that a multigrid solver for the Poisson equation on the grid  
has been
implemented [reference 22 in the article]. Did anybody now where I  
can found a
subroutine that do this, until this version of Siesta implementation  
is not




This message was sent using IFUSP Webmail - USP/Sao Paulo/Brazil.

Re: [SIESTA-L] plstm problem

2008-10-30 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Try with:
a.out  input


On 30/10/2008, at 5:18, Руслан Жачук wrote:

Dear SIESTA users,

I am using OpenSUSE Linux 10.3 and installed following packages to  
compile SIESTA utilities:

1) gcc-fortran (4.2) //The system GNU Compiler
2) gcc42-fortran (4.2.1_20070724) //The GNU Fortran Compiler and  
Support Files
3) libgfortran 42 (4.2.1_20070724) //The GNU Fortran Compiler  
Runtime Library

Then I tried to compile plstm.f using command: gfortran plstm.f
I got 2 warning messages about using GOTO command which is obsolete.
Ok, at least no errors. I got executable a.out

Then I generated h2o.LDOS file from examples given in SIESTA.
I tried to make STM image using command: a.out input
But it seems doing nothing - program is in memory,
but it does not generate any output,
not on hard disk, nor  in Terminal window.
And program does not finish.

The input file I used is:

--begin of file---
--end of file-

Please, help me, as I am migrating from AIMPRO to SIESTA and new to  
this stuff.


Re: [SIESTA-L] Plrho compilation problem

2008-10-30 Thread Eduardo Anglada

You have to use the same compiler for the utils and for siesta.
Could you please post the error message?

On 29/10/2008, at 18:17, Johnny Dry wrote:

Hello Siesta users,

I'm using:

* Mandriva Linux 2008
* g95 compiler
* Siesta 2.0.1

I've compiled these packages:

* Siesta
* Utils from Andre Postnikov (xv2xsf, ...)
* General Utils (eig2dos, gnubands, ...)
* xCrysDen package
* JMol package

using g95 Fortran compiler. I can now run Siesta and simulate the  
first two examples. And I can see the atoms in both xCrysDen and Jmol.

As a next step, I tried to investigate electron density, total  
energy, wavefunctions, etc using plrho.

So, I tried firstly using g95 (GNU Fortran)  but it did not work for  
pgplot. Then, I've downloaded Intel Fortran Compiler and F77  
compiler and tried the following with both of these compilers:

* Downloaded and compiled pgplot5.2 (With g77 it is straightforward,  
and with ifc, I've modified the makefile (cheated it:)))
* Tried to install plrho,  but I couldn not in either case. So, the  
question is,

Which compiler is ideal for this system to install pgplot and plrho?  
I've read some threads in the mail list, but could not have them  

Any help is appreciated.


Re: [SIESTA-L] Qtot convergence pb is back

2008-10-22 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Hola Roberto,
Then the problem is that your compiler does buffering I/O.
As the buffer isn't full there is no flush of the communication
channel and the slave siesta waits forever.
Almost all the compilers have an option which turns off
the buffering.

On 22/10/2008, at 12:50, R.C.Pasianot wrote:

Hi Eduardo,

Sorry for my missleading use of run, should have said call
instead:  It is the 2nd call to siesta_forces (within a series
between siesta_launch and siesta_quit) that doesn't work.
And the problem's only with my new Linux box; older ones run
fine ... :/ .

Dear Roberto,
Do you mean that restarting doesn't work?
If this is the problem, remove the *.forces and *.coords files.

 1st CALL
siesta: iscf   Eharris(eV)  E_KS(eV)   FreeEng(eV)   dDmax   
siesta:1   -62761.6906   -62761.6902   -62761.6902  0.0007  

timer: Routine,Calls,Time,% = IterSCF12967.293  93.61
elaps: Routine,Calls,Wall,% = IterSCF1 496.914  93.59
siesta: E_KS(eV) =   -62761.6902

 2nd CALL
siesta: iscf   Eharris(eV)  E_KS(eV)   FreeEng(eV)   dDmax   
siesta:1   -62232.7174   -62761.6903   -62765.8366  0.1123  
siesta:2   -62232.7194   -62761.7688   -62765.9673  0.1089  

siesta: WARNING: Qtot, Tr[D*S] = 587.00 565.368007
siesta:3   -62232.7922   -62764.3826   -62768.5811  0.0955  

Re: [SIESTA-L] Pseudo_for_C

2008-10-15 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Dear Alexandre,
Why do you fix the radius of all the channels to the same value?
In principle the matching radius is different for each angular  
momentum channel.

Best regards,

On 15/10/2008, at 16:00, Alexandre Lebon wrote:

Dear Siesta users,

I am meeting some difficulty at creating a gga pseudo for C that  
include relativistic effects. In fact, I get an inconsistent  
behaviour in the log derivative for the channel l=0. The problem  
vanishes if I switch off the r flag.

Here are some pieces of .inp files:

1. The .inp file without r flag
  pg C TM2 Pseudopotencial GS ref
   tm2 3.00
   20  2.00
   21  2.00
   32  0.00
   43  0.00
 1.25  1.25  1.25   1.25  0.0  0.00



2. same .inp file with r flag
  pg C TM2 Pseudopotencial GS ref
   tm2 3.00
   20  2.00
   21  2.00
   32  0.00
   43  0.00
 1.25  1.25  1.25   1.25  0.0  0.00


3. .inp file rc was increased to 1.50 r flag present
  pg C TM2 Pseudopotencial GS ref
   tm2 3.00
   20  2.00
   21  2.00
   32  0.00
   43  0.00
 1.50  1.50  1.50   1.50  0.0  0.00



4. .inp file rc=1.25 r flag present rpc added and set to 0.5
  pg C TM2 Pseudopotencial GS ref
   tm2 3.00
   20  2.00
   21  2.00
   32  0.00
   43  0.00
 1.25  1.25  1.25   1.25  0.0  0.50



Does anyone have a clue to solve this problem? By the way is it  

Thanks in advance for any answer.


Re: [SIESTA-L] Gap in ZnO

2008-10-13 Thread Eduardo Anglada

On 11/10/2008, at 9:52, Subhra Kulshrestha wrote:

Dear users,

I am also facing the same problem in computing the band structure of  
f-band materials.  They are semiconducting but the band structure  
calculated from LDA, LSDA, GGA, GGA+spin gives metallic behaviour.   
I want to get it calculated by LSDA+U or any other method with +U.   
Is this facility of +U implemented in SIESTA ?

It will be included in a future version of Siesta.
I don't know when it will be released.

Subhra Kulshrestha

--- On Fri, 10/10/08, N H [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Subject: Re: [SIESTA-L] Gap in ZnO
Date: Friday, 10 October, 2008, 4:54 PM

Dear David ...

 I dont know what is your referencial, but the error in the band  
gap is neither exclusive for SIESTA  norfor ZnO. This is a problem  
known as  band-gap error  which affect DFT calculations because  
instead what happens for post HF methods, the Ex correlation  
functionals are not exact. Well... u can try to get better results  
using hybrid functionals or LDA + U ( in this case the error will  
still be there, but smaller ).
By the way ... this subject was treated in this list already and  
u can check for more information in the archieves !


On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 12:18 PM, cornil david  

Dear SIESTA users

I'm trying to reproduce band structure diagram for ZnO but results  
are very bad as the gap (witch is normaly around 3 eV ) are not  
reproduce in the diagramm that I've obtained.
I've generate pseudo for a PBE calculation for Zn and O and used the  
blocks kgrid Monkhorst Pack and bandlines with DZP basis.
I've checked in the mailing list archive but I've not found a  
solution to my problem.

Is someone can help me and say me what is missing ? Does the problem  
come from pseudo, basis or form other keywords ?

Thanks for help,

Here's a copy of my input

SystemLabel  ZnO
NumberOfSpecies  2
%block ChemicalSpeciesLabel
1   30  Zn
28  O
%endblock ChemicalSpeciesLabel
LatticeConstant 1.0 Ang
%block LatticeParameters
  3.25  3.25  5.6  90.00  90.00  60.00
%endblock LatticeParameters
AtomicCoordinatesFormat NotScaledCartesianAng
%block AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
 0.0 0.0 0.01
 0.0 0.0 1.690002
 1.60500 1.08000 2.605001
 1.60500 1.08000 4.559002
%endblock AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
MeshCutoff 170.0 Ry
MaxSCFIterations 300
DM.Tolerance 5.d-4
DM.NumberPulay   10
DM.MixingWeight  0.01
SolutionMethod   diagon
XC.functional GGA
%block k_grid_Monkhorst_Pack
 4   0   0  0.5
 0   4   0  0.5
 0   0   1  0.5
%endblock k_grid_Monkhorst_Pack
BandlinesScale ReciprocalLatticeVectors
%block BandLines
1  0.000  0.000  0.500  A
   39  0.000  0.500  0.500  L
   19  0.000  0.500  0.000  M
   39  0.000  0.000  0.000  \Gamma
   19  0.000  0.000  0.500  A
   50  0.330  0.330  0.500  H
   19  0.330  0.330  0.000  K
   50  0.000  0.000  0.000  \Gamma
MeshCutoff 170.0 Ry
MaxSCFIterations 300
DM.Tolerance 5.d-4
DM.NumberPulay   10
DM.MixingWeight  0.01
SolutionMethod   diagon
XC.functional GGA
%block k_grid_Monkhorst_Pack
 4   0   0  0.5
 0   4   0  0.5
 0   0   1  0.5
%endblock k_grid_Monkhorst_Pack
BandlinesScale ReciprocalLatticeVectors
%block BandLines
1  0.000  0.000  0.500  A
   39  0.000  0.500  0.500  L
   19  0.000  0.500  0.000  M
   39  0.000  0.000  0.000  \Gamma
   19  0.000  0.000  0.500  A
   50  0.330  0.330  0.500  H
   19  0.330  0.330  0.000  K
   50  0.000  0.000  0.000  \Gamma
%endblock BandLines

LongOutput   .true.
WriteCoorXmol   .true.
WriteCoorStep   .true.
WriteCoorCerius .true.
Diag.DivideAndConquer .false.
SaveRho .true.
SaveDeltaRho .true.
SaveElectrostaticPotential .true.
SaveTotalPotential .true.
SaveIonicCharge .true.
SaveTotalCharge .true.

Be the first one to try the new Messenger 9 Beta! Click here.

Re: [SIESTA-L] pair correlation function and self diffusion

2008-10-13 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Dear Karim,
It is possible, but you have to construct the program yourself.

On 11/10/2008, at 14:44, karim rezouali wrote:

Dear SIESTA users,

Is it possible to calculate the following parameters using the  
SIESTA code?

1. Pair correlation function

2. the self diffusion coefficients

thanks before,


Re: [SIESTA-L] the use of plrho!

2008-10-07 Thread Eduardo Anglada

You have to compile plrho exactly (with the same compiler and options)  
the same as the siesta you are going to use.

If you mix compilers and/or options it won't work.

On 07/10/2008, at 14:59, zhiyong wang wrote:

hi,all siesta users:

I have compiled the plrho in my computer,and it works well  
with the results which have computed with my computer,but when I use  
the plrho to deal with the results  which come from another  
computer,I cannot get anything  except for the following error:

 At line 72 of file iorho.f
 Fortran runtime error: Invalid argument

   can you help me?thank you in advance!

Re: [SIESTA-L] LDOS and broadening

2008-10-06 Thread Eduardo Anglada

David is correct, you have to decrease the electronic temperature.
If you encounter any difficulties send me a message.
Best regards,

On 03/10/2008, at 19:40, David Strubbe wrote:

I think the LDOS is broadened by the electronic temperature, so maybe
you have to decrease that.

David Strubbe
UC Berkeley

On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 7:00 AM, Oleksandr Voznyy

I'm trying to study the small nanocrystal and need to visualize  
energy levels of it, which are spaced by ~50meV (only Gamma point  
is used


Here is a part from EIG file:
here is the gap

The problem is that when I try to plot LDOS in the range of energies
from -4.1 to -4 (i.e. ~0.2eV from real levels), it is still non-zero.

So it would be impossible to plot the LDOS of separate levels  
separated by

only 0.05eV.

Is there any broadening used to calculate LDOS? And how to avoid it?


Re: [SIESTA-L] Problem with optimization using variable cell]

2008-10-02 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Hi Arun,
This problem happens from time to time. It's quite frustrating because
I haven't been able to reproduce it, so I don't have any clue.
What happens if you restart?
Does the output include the cell vectors of the last step?
Maybe they can be found in the XV file.
The crash happens during the calculation of the mesh, which depends on
the lattice vectors.
Best regards,

On 11/09/2008, at 7:55, Arun Kumar Manna wrote:

Dear all,
I am facing problem with optimization using MD variable cell true.  
It shows

the following error in output file after few CG steps:
For one case:
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   250 = 720
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   250 = 720
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   250 = 720
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   250 = 720
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   250 = 720
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   250 = 720
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   250 = 720
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   250 = 720
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   250 = 720
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   250 = 720
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   250 = 720
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   250 = 720
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   250 = 720
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   250 = 720
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   250 = 720
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   250 = 720
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   250 = 720
InitMesh: MESH = 34560 x 32768 x 36864 =   0

And for an another case:

InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   250 = 720
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   250 = 720
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   250 = 720
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   250 = 720
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   250 = 720
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   250 = 720
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   250 = 720
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   250 = 720
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   250 = 720
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   250 = 720
InitMesh: MESH = 62208 x 60750 x 65536 =   167772160

Could someone help me regarding this?.


Re: [SIESTA-L] Question about finding barrier height

2008-10-02 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Hi  Kamaram!
Do you need so many planes? The calculation is going to be very long!

If you need the LDOS you should include the following option in the  
input fdf:

%block LocalDensityOfStates
Emin  Emax   units
%endblock LocalDensityOfStates
The Emin and Emax (Emin  Emax) specify the interval of energies for  
the calculation of the DOS and LDOS.

The relevant section of the manual is:


On 29/09/2008, at 14:23, Kamaram Munira wrote:

I have a unit cell that has 100 plane of Magnesium Oxide sandwiched  
between 100 planes of Nickel in the z direction. The unit cell is  
x,y periodic.

What is the best way to find out the barrier height created by MgO.  
plot LDOS?



Kamaram Munira
Graduate Research Assistant
Charles Brown Department
of Electrical Engineering
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA-22903.

Re: [SIESTA-L] Can anyone solve the problem on downloading SIESTA?

2008-10-02 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Dear Adrian,

We are really sorry, we're trying to solve this issue.

If you can't wait I will send it to you (or anybody else).

Best regards,

On 30/09/2008, at 5:24, Adrain Zhou wrote:

Dear all,

I can not download SIESTA code from
Some other people and I had reported the downloading
prbolem before. Can anyone help us solve this problem?
Many thanks!



Re: [SIESTA-L] mpi error with siesta 2.0.x using intel compilers on infiniband

2008-10-02 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Are you able to run (successfully) scalapack and blacs tests?
Maybe the problem has nothing to do with siesta, it looks like
a communication problem.

On 23/09/2008, at 4:30, M Bharat Kumar wrote:

Hello All,

When trying to run simulations using siesta on our new cluster, I am  
not able to complete the simulations because of mpi errors.
I tried both siesta 2.0 and siesta 2.0.1. The compilers are icc and  
ifort. I tried using scalapack and blacs routines suppplied in intel  
mkl libraries as well as
self-compiled scalapack and blacs. Also I tried mvapich2-1.03,  
mvapich2-1.2RC2, and intel mpi 3.1.
Whatever combination I am trying, the program is stopping in the  
middle of simulation with errors like

Warning! Rndv Receiver is receiving (7168  32128) less than as  
Warning! Rndv Receiver is receiving (7168  32128) less than as  

Fatal error in MPI_Bcast:
Message truncated, error stack:
MPI_Bcast(1144): MPI_Bcast(buf=0xc92c9d0,  
count=1, dtype=USERvector, root=0, comm=0xc406) failed

MPIDI_CH3U_Post_data_receive_found(439): Message from rank 0 and tag  
2 truncated; 32128 bytes received but buffer size is 7168

Fatal error in MPI_Bcast:
Message truncated, error stack:
MPI_Bcast(1144): MPI_Bcast(buf=0x14fb740,  
count=1, dtype=USERvector, root=0, comm=0xc406) failed

MPIDI_CH3U_Post_data_receive_found(439): Message from rank 0 and tag  
2 truncated; 32128 bytes received but buffer size is 7168

rank 11 in job 4  master_45552   caused collective abort of all ranks
  exit status of rank 11: killed by signal 9

Thinking that the error may be due to stack size, I set ulimit-s  
256000 and also tried using -heap_arrays flag, but with no success.

Some one please point out the source of error.


Re: [SIESTA-L] Queries about reliability of SIESTA under LDA

2008-10-02 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Dear Nidhi,

On 24/09/2008, at 8:50, Nidhi Sharma wrote:

Dear Users,

I have computed the high pressure properties and electronic  
structure calculations of a semiconducting heavy earth compounds  
with LDA and non-relativistic, alongwith polarization orbitals :  
perturbative polarization.  I got underestimated results on phase  
transition and enrergy gap by an amount of 2-3 %, which seems to be  
within the limits of DFT - LDA.
Is it necessary that LDA not capable to describe the strong  
correlations in heavy earth compounds with f electrons if one  
doesnot include spin effect during calculations ?

Does it mean that we might have got the right answer for a wrong  
reason using SIESTA with LDA ?  If so, what may be the causes ?

Maybe there is error cancellation, have you studied the literature? In  
my limited experience with f electrons the results are reasonable.


May someone answer these queries for my satisfaction ?

Thanks in anticipation,
Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now

Re: [SIESTA-L] simulation of metal alloy liquid

2008-10-02 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Dear Chol-Jun Yu,

Siesta can do this kind of molecular dynamics simulations.
In the input fdf file  you should include the following options:

At the end of the simulation there will be two output files:
SystemLabel.MD - contains positions and velocities at every time step.
SystemLabel.MDE - Energy, temperature, etc also at every time step.
SystemLabel.XV - coordinates in xmol format 

By default the MD and MDE are binary files. If you change routine iomd
they can be written in ascii.

The relevant section of the manual is:


On 12/09/2008, at 8:52, Chol-Jun Yu wrote:

Dear SIESTA users,

I would like to ask whether we can get the reasonable results of  
metal alloy liquid (at high temperature, e.g. 1500 K) by using  
SIESTA or not.

I want to compare the radial distribution function g(r) and  
structure factor S(q) between classical MD (EAM-MD) and ab initio  
MD. To do so, we have to perform NPT ensemble MD simulation by means  
of e.g. Nose-Parrinello-Rahman algorithm. In such simulation, can we  
get the positions (ANI file) and velocities (?) of atoms at every  
time step?

If so, could you teach me the necessary and reasonable input  
parameters, and/or related references?

Thank you so much in advance.
With best regards,
Chol-Jun Yu
Computational Materials Engineering (CME)
Institute of Minerals Engineering (GHI)
Center for Computational Engineering Science (CCES)
RWTH Aachen University (RWTH)
Jülich-Aachen Research Alliance (JARA)
D-52064 Aachen, Mauerstrasse 5,
Tel: +49-241-8094989
Fax: +49-241-80695097

Re: [SIESTA-L] mpi error with siesta 2.0.x using intel compilers oninfiniband

2008-10-02 Thread Eduardo Anglada

On 02/10/2008, at 17:58, Bharat wrote:

Hi Eduardo,
Thanks. scalapack and blacs work fine.
Anyhow I figured its a problem with mvapich2. With openmpi, I could  
run the problematic

input files successfully.


On Thu, 02 Oct 2008 01:52:42 -0600, Eduardo Anglada [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Are you able to run (successfully) scalapack and blacs tests?
Maybe the problem has nothing to do with siesta, it looks like
a communication problem.

On 23/09/2008, at 4:30, M Bharat Kumar wrote:

Hello All,

When trying to run simulations using siesta on our new cluster, I am
not able to complete the simulations because of mpi errors.
I tried both siesta 2.0 and siesta 2.0.1. The compilers are icc and
ifort. I tried using scalapack and blacs routines suppplied in intel
mkl libraries as well as
self-compiled scalapack and blacs. Also I tried mvapich2-1.03,
mvapich2-1.2RC2, and intel mpi 3.1.
Whatever combination I am trying, the program is stopping in the
middle of simulation with errors like

Warning! Rndv Receiver is receiving (7168  32128) less than as
Warning! Rndv Receiver is receiving (7168  32128) less than as
Fatal error in MPI_Bcast:
Message truncated, error stack:
MPI_Bcast(1144): MPI_Bcast(buf=0xc92c9d0,
count=1, dtype=USERvector, root=0, comm=0xc406) failed
MPIDI_CH3U_Post_data_receive_found(439): Message from rank 0 and tag
2 truncated; 32128 bytes received but buffer size is 7168
Fatal error in MPI_Bcast:
Message truncated, error stack:
MPI_Bcast(1144): MPI_Bcast(buf=0x14fb740,
count=1, dtype=USERvector, root=0, comm=0xc406) failed
MPIDI_CH3U_Post_data_receive_found(439): Message from rank 0 and tag
2 truncated; 32128 bytes received but buffer size is 7168
rank 11 in job 4  master_45552   caused collective abort of all  

 exit status of rank 11: killed by signal 9

Thinking that the error may be due to stack size, I set ulimit-s
256000 and also tried using -heap_arrays flag, but with no success.
Some one please point out the source of error.


Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

Re: [SIESTA-L] Hybrid functional calcualtion

2008-09-02 Thread Eduardo Anglada

I'm really sorry but the PBE0 functional is not implemented in SIESTA.

On 01/08/2008, at 7:54, Adrain Zhou wrote:

Dear all,

Is there anybody has experience with hybrid functional
(PBE0) calcualtion? Could you please tell me how is
the performance? Do I use  only PBE atom
pseudopotential file?



Re: [SIESTA-L] Help with compilation error

2008-09-02 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Hi Tom,
There is a problem in Makefile or arch.make files,
the make program doesn't know how to compile a given
file, and it call the c compiler without any input.


On 10/08/2008, at 4:08, Thomas Sadowski wrote:

Hello all,

I am attempting to compile parallel siesta on an Itanium2 using the  
Intel MKL libraries for BLAS and LAPACK, BLACS and ScaLAPACK with  
Intel compilers and am recieving the following error

mpif90 -Vaxlib -c -O2 -tpp2 io.f
mpif90 -Vaxlib -c -O2 -tpp2 spin_init.f
mpif90 -Vaxlib -c -O2 -tpp2-DMPI coor.F
mpif90 -Vaxlib -c -O2 -tpp2 atm_transfer.f
mpif90 -Vaxlib -c -O2 -tpp2-DMPI broadcast_basis.F
mpif90 -Vaxlib -c -O2 -tpp2-DMPI eggbox.F
mpif90 -Vaxlib -c -O2 -tpp2 dsyevds.f
mpif90 -Vaxlib -c -O2 -tpp2 zheevds.f
mpif90 -Vaxlib -c -O2 -tpp2-DMPI optical.F
mpif90 -Vaxlib -c -O2 -tpp2 phirphi_opt.f
mpif90 -Vaxlib -c -O2 -tpp2-DMPI reoptical.F
mpif90 -Vaxlib -c -O2 -tpp2-DMPI transition_rate.F
mpif90 -Vaxlib -c -O2 -tpp2-DMPI initparallel.F
mpif90 -Vaxlib -c -O2 -tpp2 setspatial.f
mpif90 -Vaxlib -c -O2 -tpp2-DMPI setatomnodes.F
mpif90 -Vaxlib -c -O2 -tpp2 uncell.f
mpif90 -Vaxlib -c -O2 -tpp2 cart2frac.f
mpif90 -Vaxlib -c -O2 -tpp2 obc.f
mpif90 -Vaxlib -c -O2 -tpp2 m_history.f90
mpif90 -Vaxlib -c -O2 -tpp2-DMPI on_subs.F
cc  -o .o
cc: no input files
make: *** [.o] Error 1

Has anyone seen this error before? If so how did you resolve it?

Thanks in advance


Get Windows Live and get whatever you need, wherever you are. Start  

Re: [SIESTA-L] Strange mpi problem

2008-09-02 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Hi Lakee,
I think you have a problem with you openmpi setup, it tries to use  

but it can't find any network cards so it uses standard ethernet.

What I recommend is:
1) Check the tests and examples of openmpi.
2) Compile and test Blacs. If the test fail SIESTA will fail, so don't  
proceed with siesta installation until blacs works.

3) Idem for scalapack
4) Go for siesta compilation.


On 24/08/2008, at 5:43, Lakee Johnson wrote:

Hi, Tom,

I tried it. The problem is still there.


2008/8/24 Thomas Sadowski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
That might be your problem...Try linking against libmpi_f90.a


Date: Sat, 23 Aug 2008 10:13:43 +0800

Subject: Re: [SIESTA-L] Strange mpi problem

Hi, Dear Tom,

I tried mpirun -np 4 siesta  input.fdf  output.out . What I get  
is the following:

libibverbs: Fatal: couldn't read uverbs ABI version.
[0,1,0]: OpenIB on host node1 was unable to find any HCAs.
Another transport will be used instead, although this may result in
lower performance.
libibverbs: Fatal: couldn't read uverbs ABI version.
[0,1,1]: OpenIB on host node1 was unable to find any HCAs.
Another transport will be used instead, although this may result in
lower performance.
[node1:11756] *** An error occurred in MPI_Comm_group
[node1:11757] *** An error occurred in MPI_Comm_group
[node1:11757] *** on communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD
[node1:11757] *** MPI_ERR_COMM: invalid communicator
[node1:11757] *** MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL (goodbye)
[node1:11756] *** on communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD
[node1:11756] *** MPI_ERR_COMM: invalid communicator
[node1:11756] *** MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL (goodbye)

From the FAQ of openmpi official site, it seems that we should use  
the option --mca btl tcp,self  for TCP network?

My machines are also x86-64 architecture with RedHat Enterprise  
Linux 4. The compiler is pgi-7.1.4.  My configure options are:

./configure --prefix=/usr/local/math_library/pgi-7.1.4/openmpi-1.2.6  
CC=cc CXX=c++ F77=pgf90 F90=pgf90 FC=pgf90 CFLAGS=-O2 FFLAGS=-O2

Do you think there is anything wrong here, please?

By the way, when I compile BLACS and scalapack,  in the lib  
directory of openmpi-1.2.6, I can not see the file libmpich.a, but  
I can see it in both mpich2 and mvapich2. So I set MPILIB in of BLACS and SMPLIB in of scalapack to  
openmpi-1.2.6/lib/, since only this file looks similar to  
libmpich.a. Is it wrong here, please?

I will appreciate it very much if you can send your log file for  
configuring openmpi, the and


2008/8/23 Thomas Sadowski [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Glad to hear everything worked well with MVAPICH. In regards to  
OpenMPI, I am confused. You are running on a machine with eight CPUs  
correct? Why supply a host file then? Try it without the -hostfile  
filename. Typically, my routines are input

mpirun -np 4 siesta  input.fdf  output.out 

If this still doesn't work, it may have to do with how you  
configured OpenMPI. The machines I run SIESTA on are x86_64  
architecture with SuSE 10.x. OpenMPI was compiled with Intel  
Fortran, C compilers. I can send the log file, if necessary


Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2008 22:47:25 +0800

Subject: Re: [SIESTA-L] Strange mpi problem


Hello, Dear Tom,

Thank you so much for your experience and suggestion. I also have  
tried MVAPICH and OpenMPI today.

For me, MVAPICH also works very well! :-)

However, OpenMPI does not work for more than 1 processor. Every time  
after I run the command:

 mpirun --mca btl tcp,self -np 4  --hostfile hostfile siesta  
input.fdf output

I always got the following error message

[node1:10222] *** An error occurred in MPI_Comm_group
[node1:10222] *** on communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD
[node1:10222] *** MPI_ERR_COMM: invalid communicator
[node1:10222] *** MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL (goodbye)
[node1:10223] *** An error occurred in MPI_Comm_group
[node1:10223] *** on communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD
[node1:10223] *** MPI_ERR_COMM: invalid communicator
[node1:10223] *** MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL (goodbye)
[node1:10224] *** An error occurred in MPI_Comm_group
[node1:10224] *** on communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD
[node1:10224] *** MPI_ERR_COMM: invalid communicator
[node1:10224] *** MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL (goodbye)
[node1:10225] *** An error occurred in MPI_Comm_group
[node1:10225] *** on communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD
[node1:10225] *** MPI_ERR_COMM: invalid communicator
[node1:10225] *** MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL (goodbye)
[node1:10219] [0,0,0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Timeout in file base/ 
pls_base_orted_cmds.c at line 275

Re: [SIESTA-L] Blue Gene arch.make

2008-09-02 Thread Eduardo Anglada


I've asked a person who runs siesta in Blue Gene and this is her  

She had to compile scalapack by hand.

FC= mpixlf90   #xlf90_r
FFLAGS= -O5  -qarch=440d -qtune=440
MPI_LIBS= #-lblacsgm

BLAS= -L/bgl/local/lib -lblas.rts

$(FC) -qsuffix=cpp=F90 -c $(INCFLAGS) $(FFLAGS) $(DEFS) $
$(FC) -qsuffix=f=f90 -c $(INCFLAGS) $(FFLAGS)   $
$(FC) -qsuffix=cpp=F -c $(INCFLAGS) -qfixed $(FFLAGS) $(DEFS)  

$(FC) -qsuffix=f=f -qfixed -c $(INCFLAGS) $(FFLAGS)   $

Re: [SIESTA-L] Work function of Si

2008-07-23 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Please take a look at this previous posting by Javier Junquera. He has  

a nice review about the subject

Best regards,

On 18/07/2008, at 20:34, zubaer wrote:


I wanted to calculate the workfunction of a Si (001) surface using  
SaveTotalPotential and SaveElectrostaticPotential and then  
macroave.x utility.

I checked the convergence in terms of slab layer and vacuum  
thicknesses. Finding the vacuum level and subtracting the fermi  
energy obtained from scf file, I got the value 5.51eV, which is way  
higher compared to the experimental value of 4.85eV.

Could you suggest what things I need to check to make a better  

I appreciate any helps.


Re: [SIESTA-L] Electric field

2008-07-16 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Hi Luis,
I think it is the middle point of the vector defined by the electric  
field in the %block Efield,

by I'm not sure.

On 15/07/2008, at 22:47, Luis Agapito wrote:

Thanks Eduardo,
Any idea of the SIESTA criteria for choosing the position of the  
discontinuity point of the zigzag profile?


From: Siesta, Self-Consistent DFT LCAO program, 
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Eduardo Anglada

Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2008 7:35 AM
Subject: Re: [SIESTA-L] Electric field

Hello Luis,
Siesta solves the Poisson equation using ffts, so the zig-zag  
potential due the electric field is allowed in
the directions where there is vacuum. But siesta doesn't introduce a  
fictitious dipole charge (as far as I know).
Maybe if you change the cell geometry and the values of the electric  
field you will be able to simulate the

system you are interested in.

On 11/07/2008, at 21:22, Luis Agapito wrote:

Hello All,

I’m applying electric field (z direction) to a slab (x-y plane).  
From the local potential profile, I can see that Siesta (version  
2.0.1) applies a fictitious charge dipole layer to generate the field.

In my calculation, Siesta automatically located that charge dipole  
layer within the slab. How can I control the position (in the z  
axis) of this layer, placing it within the vacuum region?

The reference to the method of implementing the electric field would  
be helpful too.



Re: [SIESTA-L] Electric field

2008-07-15 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Hello Luis,
Siesta solves the Poisson equation using ffts, so the zig-zag  
potential due the electric field is allowed in
the directions where there is vacuum. But siesta doesn't introduce a  
fictitious dipole charge (as far as I know).
Maybe if you change the cell geometry and the values of the electric  
field you will be able to simulate the

system you are interested in.

On 11/07/2008, at 21:22, Luis Agapito wrote:

Hello All,

I’m applying electric field (z direction) to a slab (x-y plane).  
From the local potential profile, I can see that Siesta (version  
2.0.1) applies a fictitious charge dipole layer to generate the field.

In my calculation, Siesta automatically located that charge dipole  
layer within the slab. How can I control the position (in the z  
axis) of this layer, placing it within the vacuum region?

The reference to the method of implementing the electric field would  
be helpful too.



Re: [SIESTA-L] Ag pseudopotential

2008-07-15 Thread Eduardo Anglada


You can find the translation of abinit's pseudos into siesta psf  
format here:


On 13/07/2008, at 14:56, Tafoughalt Mohand Akli wrote:

Dear SIESTA users,

I need a   pseudopotential for Ag.
I hope that someone among you, has already worked on Silver. and  
have an optimized one for Ag.

thanks in advance

Re: [SIESTA-L] Memory problem when running Siesta in parallel

2008-07-04 Thread Eduardo Anglada

As the system is so small (only 1 atom) you shouldn't parallelize over
bands, instead try over kpoints (diag.parallelOverK).


On 02/07/2008, at 21:35, Kamaram Munira wrote:


I am getting another error now

* Maximum dynamic memory allocated = 1 MB

siesta: ===
   Begin CG move =  0

outcoor: Atomic coordinates (Ang):
   0.0.0.   1  Co 1

superc: Internal auxiliary supercell: 9 x 9 x 9  = 729
superc: Number of atoms, orbitals, and projectors:729 10935 11664

iodm: Reading Density Matrix from files

InitMesh: MESH =30 x30 x30 =   27000
InitMesh: Mesh cutoff (required, used) =   600.000   629.128 Ry

* Maximum dynamic memory allocated =42 MB
forrtl: severe (41): insufficient virtual memory
Image  PCRoutineLineSource
siesta 087E3E4B  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown
siesta 087E346B  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown
siesta 087A353E  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown
siesta 087708D4  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown
siesta 0879066A  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown
siesta 080FF229  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown
siesta 0816B158  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown
siesta 0804C525  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown  0038AE23  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown
siesta 0804C461  Unknown   Unknown   
UnknownOn Wed, 2 Jul 2008 11:41:30 +0200

I am working on intel clusters with mpich2. I attached the necessary  


Eduardo Anglada [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This error also happens with intel fortran compiler.
Kamaram, could you send me a copy of the fdf and pseudos?
Also I need the compilation options you used.
On 27/06/2008, at 19:18, Marcos Verissimo Alves wrote:

Hm, this seems to be a complicated error. Googling malloc(): memory
corruption: shows that it happens for many different softwares.   
people make implicit that this is due to a system upgrade (when  
the  glibc

changes) and the old code is linked to an older glibc. The solution
everyone gives is: rebuild your code so that it links against the  

glibc. Have you upgraded your linux lately, having run the parallel
version successfully before? If this is the problem, re-compiling   
could be an option. Also, check if the compiler you have is  

with the glibc you have.


Vous avez écrit / You have written / Lei ha scritto / Você  

Kamaram Munira

siesta: Atomic forces (eV/Ang):
*** glibc detected *** malloc(): memory corruption: 0x086d9ff8 ***


Res0.01sqrt( Sum f_i^2 / 3N )


siesta: Stress tensor (static) (eV/Ang**3):

siesta: Pressure (static):   -113.53402281  kBar

siesta: Stress tensor (total) (eV/Ang**3):

siesta: Pressure (total):   -113.53402281  kBar

mulliken: Atomic and Orbital Populations:

Species: Au
Atom  Qatom  Qorb
  6s  6s  5dxy5dyz5dz25dxz 
5dx2- y2

forrtl: error (76): Abort trap signal
Image  PCRoutineLineSource
siesta 083CDB7F  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown
siesta 083CD19F  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown
siesta 0838D376  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown
siesta 0835A70C  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown
siesta 0835E431  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown  00883199  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown  008B54EA  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown  008BC64C  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown  008BE0B1  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown
siesta 08300184  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

Stack trace terminated abnormally.

Can someone tell me how to fix this?


Kamaram Munira
Graduate Research Assistant
Charles Brown Department
of Electrical Engineering
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA-22903.

Dr. Marcos Verissimo Alves
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Unité de Physico-Chimie et de Physique des

Re: [SIESTA-L] Cobalt

2008-07-02 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Hi Marcos,
Sorry, i should have answered before.
Yes, it is a rule of thumb.

On 25/06/2008, at 15:37, Marcos Verissimo Alves wrote:


The confinement of about 100 Ry is a rule of thumb, or would it  

depend on the system?


Vous avez écrit / You have written / Lei ha scritto / Você escreveu...
Eduardo Anglada

That's the problem, there is no ultimate systematic scheme.
My recommendation:
Start optimizing the energyshift parameter. Once the
energy is converged with respect to this parameter then you can
optimize the splitnorm of the
multiple zetas. For the soft confining parameters you can use a value
between 100-150 Ryd for the strength and a radious which is 1.5  

shorter than the first zeta.

On 19/06/2008, at 16:22, Noah, Meg A wrote:

How do you determine the 'best' PAO.Basis?  Thank you in advance.

From: Siesta, Self-Consistent DFT LCAO program,
on behalf of Eduardo Anglada
Sent: Thu 6/19/2008 9:50 AM
Subject: Re: [SIESTA-L] Cobalt

This is the best Co basis that I have used:

%block PAO.Basis
Co   3  0.0
n=4   0   2   E   150.0 4.5
6.5 4.5
1.0 1.0
n=4   1   1   E   100.0 4.5
n=3   2   2   E   100.0 4.5
6.5 4.5
1.0 1.0
%endBlock Pao.Basis

The pseudo is attached to this message.

Dr. Marcos Verissimo Alves
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Unité de Physico-Chimie et de Physique des Matériaux (PCPM)
Université Catholique de Louvain
1 Place Croix du Sud, B-1348


Gort, Klaatu barada nikto. Klaatu barada nikto. Klaatu barada nikto.

Re: [SIESTA-L] Memory problem when running Siesta in parallel

2008-07-02 Thread Eduardo Anglada

This error also happens with intel fortran compiler.
Kamaram, could you send me a copy of the fdf and pseudos?
Also I need the compilation options you used.

On 27/06/2008, at 19:18, Marcos Verissimo Alves wrote:

Hm, this seems to be a complicated error. Googling malloc(): memory
corruption: shows that it happens for many different softwares.  
people make implicit that this is due to a system upgrade (when the  

changes) and the old code is linked to an older glibc. The solution
everyone gives is: rebuild your code so that it links against the new
glibc. Have you upgraded your linux lately, having run the parallel
version successfully before? If this is the problem, re-compiling  

could be an option. Also, check if the compiler you have is compatible
with the glibc you have.


Vous avez écrit / You have written / Lei ha scritto / Você escreveu...
Kamaram Munira

siesta: Atomic forces (eV/Ang):
*** glibc detected *** malloc(): memory corruption: 0x086d9ff8 ***


 Res0.01sqrt( Sum f_i^2 / 3N )


siesta: Stress tensor (static) (eV/Ang**3):

siesta: Pressure (static):   -113.53402281  kBar

siesta: Stress tensor (total) (eV/Ang**3):

siesta: Pressure (total):   -113.53402281  kBar

mulliken: Atomic and Orbital Populations:

Species: Au
Atom  Qatom  Qorb
   6s  6s  5dxy5dyz5dz25dxz5dx2- 

forrtl: error (76): Abort trap signal
Image  PCRoutineLineSource
siesta 083CDB7F  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown
siesta 083CD19F  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown
siesta 0838D376  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown
siesta 0835A70C  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown
siesta 0835E431  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown  00883199  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown  008B54EA  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown  008BC64C  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown  008BE0B1  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown
siesta 08300184  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

Stack trace terminated abnormally.

Can someone tell me how to fix this?


Kamaram Munira
Graduate Research Assistant
Charles Brown Department
of Electrical Engineering
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA-22903.

Dr. Marcos Verissimo Alves
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Unité de Physico-Chimie et de Physique des Matériaux (PCPM)
Université Catholique de Louvain
1 Place Croix du Sud, B-1348


Gort, Klaatu barada nikto. Klaatu barada nikto. Klaatu barada nikto.
Translation: Gort, Google is your friend. Google is your friend.  
Google is

your friend.


2008-06-06 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Dear Ebrahim,
I'm really sorry but it is not distributed.

On 06/06/2008, at 13:09, eb na wrote:

Dear Siesta community,

could anybody tell me if the SIC correction which has been  
implemented and reported in PRB 75, 045101, is already implemented  
in any Siesta distributed versions.



Gesendet von Yahoo! Mail.
Dem pfiffigeren Posteingang.

Re: [SIESTA-L] EHarris NaN error

2008-06-06 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Try to reduce the compilers optimization level, it seems to be very  


On 05/06/2008, at 11:14, Sharat Chandra wrote:


I am using version 2.01 with all the updates and I am trying to run  
CG minimization on a large system with 720 atoms (Fe, Ti and C) a  
single k-point over 20 nodes. SIESTA stops in the start of the 0th  
CG iteration itself. The error output is given below, which is same  
as that of the previous mails given below (Aug, 2007) (NaN for  

siesta: k-grid: Supercell and displacements
siesta: k-grid:1   0   0  0.000
siesta: k-grid:0   1   0  0.000
siesta: k-grid:0   0   1  0.000

* Maximum dynamic memory allocated = 3 MB

siesta: ==
   Begin CG move =  0

outcell: Unit cell vectors (Ang):
   0.00   20.0650000.00
   0.000.00   20.065000

outcell: Cell vector modules (Ang)   :   20.065000   20.065000
outcell: Cell angles (23,13,12) (deg): 90. 90.  

outcell: Cell volume (Ang**3):   8078.2538

InitMesh: MESH =   150 x   150 x   150 = 3375000
InitMesh: Mesh cutoff (required, used) =   150.000   154.456 Ry

* Maximum dynamic memory allocated =   420 MB

stepf: Fermi-Dirac step function

siesta: Program's energy decomposition (eV):
siesta: Eions   =394756.861520
siesta: Ena = 10757.737201
siesta: Ekin=479459.103590
siesta: Enl =   -333928.545988
siesta: DEna=-0.000218
siesta: DUscf   = 0.00
siesta: DUext   = 0.00
siesta: Exc =   -252350.406817
siesta: eta*DQ  = 0.00
siesta: Emadel  = 0.00
siesta: Ekinion = 0.00
siesta: Eharris = NaN
siesta: Etot=   -490818.973751
siesta: FreeEng =   -490818.973751

siesta: iscf   Eharris(eV)  E_KS(eV)   FreeEng(eV)   dDmax  Ef(eV)
siesta:1 NaN-490818.9738  -490818.9738  2.1486 -5.7582
timer: Routine,Calls,Time,% = IterSCF18360.857  87.18
elaps: Routine,Calls,Wall,% = IterSCF11534.874  95.55
p1_30945:  p4_error: interrupt SIGSEGV: 11
p0_30885:  p4_error: interrupt SIGSEGV: 11
p0_30885: (2604.082031) net_send: could not write to fd=4, errno = 32

Sharat Chandra

--- On Thu, 2/8/07, Sterling Paramore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Sterling Paramore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [SIESTA-L] problem with more than 1 processor
Date: Thursday, 2 August, 2007, 4:54 PM
I've been getting the same problem with si64 test
(worked fine for the
h2o and h2o_orderN tests).  If anyone has any ideas,
I'd appreciate it

On 7/16/07, Sen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear all,
I am facing a problem with a parallel run

with more than 1

processor, as some NaN crop up as follows:


stepf: Fermi-Dirac step function

siesta: Program's energy decomposition (eV):
siesta: Eions   =   632.268962
siesta: Ena =   196.529067
siesta: Ekin=   210.978067
siesta: Enl =18.109265
siesta: DEna= 0.00
siesta: DUscf   = 0.00
siesta: DUext   = 0.00
siesta: Exc =   -97.757098
siesta: eta*DQ  = 0.00
siesta: Emadel  = 0.00
siesta: Ekinion = 0.00
siesta: Eharris = NaN
siesta: Etot=  -304.409662
siesta: FreeEng =  -304.409662

siesta: iscf   Eharris(eV)  E_KS(eV)   FreeEng(eV)

 dDmax  Ef(eV)

siesta:1 NaN   -304.4097 -304.4097

NaN -2.1196

timer: Routine,Calls,Time,% = IterSCF1

14.145  81.10

elaps: Routine,Calls,Wall,% = IterSCF1

1.806  79.81

siesta: E_KS(eV) = NaN

siesta: E_KS - E_eggbox =  NaN

However, everything goes fine with a single processor.

Could you please

suggest me why I am getting NaN even for 2 processors?
Thanks in advance,


 Meet people who discuss and share your passions. Go to


2008-06-04 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Dear Reza,
There is a bug in siesta, it can't calculate a system with only 1  
orbital ...


On 04/06/2008, at 2:28, reza behnam wrote:

Dear Edan,
Thank you for your advises.  According to Eduardo`s and your advises  
I set the PAO.Basis as DZP and it worked. But why?just because in SZ  
for H-atom the splitting for 1s orbital has no meaning or other  



M. R. Benam
Visiting Professor,
Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of British Colombia,
Vancouver, Canada.

- Original Message 
From: Edan Scriven [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2008 9:21:30 PM
Subject: Re: [SIESTA-L] WARNING: Qtot

Some thoughts, hope they help!

I've crashed SIESTA before while trying to run calculations on one  

I don't remember if my error was the same as yours, but my problem was
that I was trying to run it on multiple cpus. The problem went away  

the same input on one cpu.

Take out everything from your .fdf that you don't actually need,
which'll help diagnose the problem. For example, you don't need the  

structure section for an isolated atom. Take out the lattice constant
and let SIESTA calculate its own (it'll pick something that guarantees
your basis functions fall off to zero before the cell boundary).  
Come to
think of it, you can comment out every line from # MD options on.  
you've minimised your .fdf, you can mess around with one line at a  

to find the one that's causing trouble.

Try other systems a step up in complexity, e.g. water or methane, and
see if your problem persists. This is also a way to test the sanity of
your pseudopotentials, but won't help you with the one atom, multiple
cpus thing.

Good luck!

Re: [SIESTA-L] compile error of parallel version

2008-05-28 Thread Eduardo Anglada

You have to use mpiifort for blacs, scalapack and siesta.

On 28/05/2008, at 15:32, Chol-Jun Yu wrote:

Dear Eduardo,

I used mpif77 as compiler for blacs and scalapack, and mpiifort for  
siesta, which you can see in attaches. Still the undefined ...  
borders me.

Could you give me again comments?
With kind regards,

Eduardo Anglada wrote:

You compiled blacs and scalapack with gfortran or g77, while  
siesta  was compiled

with ifort (intel fortran). You shouldn't mix compilers.
On 28/05/2008, at 9:11, Chol-Jun Yu wrote:


during the compilation of parallel version, the following errors  


cdiag.o: In function `cdiag':
undefined reference to `blacs_get_'
undefined reference to `blacs_gridinit_'
undefined reference to `blacs_get_'
undefined reference to `blacs_gridinit_'
undefined reference to `blacs_gridinfo_'
undefined reference to `blacs_gridinfo_'
undefined reference to `blacs_gridinfo_'

rdiag.o: In function `rdiag':
undefined reference to `blacs_get_'
undefined reference to `blacs_gridinit_'
undefined reference to `blacs_get_'
undefined reference to `blacs_gridinit_'
undefined reference to `blacs_gridinfo_'
undefined reference to `blacs_gridinfo_'
undefined reference to `blacs_gridinfo_'
/home/cy849828/scalapack-1.8.0/libscalapack.a(pxerbla.o): In   
function `pxerbla_':

pxerbla.f:(.text+0x3c): undefined reference to `s_wsfe'
pxerbla.f:(.text+0x52): undefined reference to `do_fio'
pxerbla.f:(.text+0x68): undefined reference to `do_fio'
pxerbla.f:(.text+0x79): undefined reference to `do_fio'
pxerbla.f:(.text+0x8d): undefined reference to `do_fio'
pxerbla.f:(.text+0x94): undefined reference to `e_wsfe'
/home/cy849828/scalapack-1.8.0/libscalapack.a(pdgemr.o): In  
function  `Cpdgemr2do':


I have attached the arch.make file.

Any comment will be thankful.
Chol-Jun Yu
Computational Materials Engineering (CME)
Institute of Minerals Engineering (GHI)
Center for Computational Engineering Science (CCES)
RWTH Aachen University (RWTH)
Jülich-Aachen Research Alliance (JARA)
D-52064 Aachen, Mauerstrasse 5,
Tel: +49-241-8094989
Fax: +49-241-80695097

# This file is part of the SIESTA package.
# Copyright (c) Fundacion General Universidad Autonoma de Madrid:
# E.Artacho, J.Gale, A.Garcia, J.Junquera, P.Ordejon, D.Sanchez- 

# and J.M.Soler, 1996-2006.
# Use of this software constitutes agreement with the full  

# given in the SIESTA license, as signed by all legitimate users.
.SUFFIXES: .f .F .o .a .f90 .F90












#SIESTA needs an F90 interface to MPI
#This will give you SIESTA's own implementation
#If your compiler vendor offers an alternative, you may change
#to it here.

#Dependency rules are created by autoconf according to whether
#discrete preprocessing is necessary or not.
   $(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS_fixed_F)   

   $(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS_free_F90)  

   $(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS_fixed_f)  $
   $(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS_free_f90)  $

Chol-Jun Yu
Computational Materials Engineering (CME)
Institute of Minerals Engineering (GHI)
Center for Computational Engineering Science (CCES)
RWTH Aachen University (RWTH)
Jülich-Aachen Research Alliance (JARA)
D-52064 Aachen, Mauerstrasse 5,
Tel: +49-241-8094989
Fax: +49-241

Re: [SIESTA-L] ghost atoms: labels

2008-05-28 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Dear Andrei,

Siesta uses the species number in order to identify
the different species, there is no subrutine which lets you identify
a species by it's label so it's quite safe to use the same label
for several species. But it can be very error prone, so I recommend
to have different labels for different species.


On 28/05/2008, at 17:15, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear Siesta users,
I have a specific question concerning introducing ghost atoms.
As we add them, we add new species whose Z values are negative.
What about the labels of these species: should we better use new ones
(that means we'll need pseudopot files with these new labels,
and new entries in the PAO.basis block), or would it be safe
to allow real and ghost atoms to share the same labels?
I see that the corresponding calculation goes on without changing  
the labels,

so that obviously every species is identified by its species number,
so that the non-uniqueness of labels is not prohibited.
I just wonder whether this might be potentially dangerous
(like, something is identified by its label and not species number).


Andrei Postnikov

Re: [SIESTA-L] negative value for MESH

2008-05-23 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Dear Swaroop,

Which are the values of the mesh in the previous CG steps?
Are they very different? Maybe we can guess what is going on.

On 23/05/2008, at 14:24, M.Sairam Swaroop wrote:

Dear Eduardo

We have compiled siesta with a 64 bit compiler and we have allowed  
for a

variable cell CG minimization. siesta was able to diagonalize the
hamiltonian in the first CG step. We need these many k-points due to  

periodicity in the system. Are there any issues with variable cell
calculations and mesh rebuilding.

please do help us out. If there are any other inputs that i should  

then please so let me know.



Re: [SIESTA-L] negative value for MESH

2008-05-23 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Clearly there is something wrong going on.
Can you send me (privately) the hole output
(including the output files with coordinates and

On 23/05/2008, at 18:26, M.Sairam Swaroop wrote:

Dear Eduardo

After you mentioned i noticed tha the mesh does not change ... i have
grepped the InitMesh: MESH = from my output file and here is the  

InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   384 =11059200
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   384 =11059200
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   384 =11059200
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   384 =11059200
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   384 =11059200
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   384 =11059200
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   384 =11059200
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   384 =11059200
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   384 =11059200
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   384 =11059200
InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   160 x   384 =11059200
InitMesh: MESH =153600 x145800 x182250 = -1886683136

I really do not understand what is going on ... another anamoly that  
i see

is that i have supplied the following lattice vectors as the input

block LatticeVectors
0.000589   12.947787   -0.003033
0.031384   -0.007147   30.441943
%endblock LatticeVectors

but for CG =0 i get the following in the output file
outcell: Unit cell vectors (Ang):
   0.00   12.7305800.00
   0.000.00   30.00

I notice that the job crashed when the cell vector became more then  

input specified

grep outcell: Cell vector modules (Ang)   : *.out

outcell: Cell vector modules (Ang)   :   14.70   12.730580
outcell: Cell vector modules (Ang)   :   14.917065   12.920354
outcell: Cell vector modules (Ang)   :   14.905544   12.910281
outcell: Cell vector modules (Ang)   :   14.919716   12.900398
outcell: Cell vector modules (Ang)   :   14.942395   12.884584
outcell: Cell vector modules (Ang)   :   14.928030   12.894601
outcell: Cell vector modules (Ang)   :   14.801968   13.042322
outcell: Cell vector modules (Ang)   :   14.896749   12.931255
outcell: Cell vector modules (Ang)   :   14.904436   12.918676
outcell: Cell vector modules (Ang)   :   14.916736   12.898548
outcell: Cell vector modules (Ang)   :   14.908514   12.912003
outcell: Cell vector modules (Ang)   :   14.982899   12.947787

Could you help me out with what is going on here.



Re: [SIESTA-L] Total energy vs. Energy Shift convergence

2008-05-21 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Dear Roberto,
Maybe what you are seeing is the rippling of the energy/forces due to  
the aliasing (wrap around errors) of the fft.
The orbitals (squared) and neutral atom potential are projected into  
the grid so if you change them this error can introduce
noise in the convergence of the total energy/forces. The neutral  
atom potential of carbon usually is very hard in reciprocal
space, so you have to increase a lot the mesh cutoff. You could try  
with a mesh cutoff which is twice as big as the

one you are using right now.

On 15/05/2008, at 15:04, Roberto Sapiens wrote:


I've been doing some calculations on graphene ribbons and got  
interested in knowing how the total energy converges as the energy  
shift varies. I had an assumption that the smaller the energy shift  
the lower the total energy, which I confirmed doing such a  
calculation for small molecules and isolated atoms. On the other  
hand, I found, for the ribbon (a 1D periodic system), that the  
minimum for the total energy occurs for an energy shift around 0.05  
eV. Why such a difference?

With my best regards,


Re: [SIESTA-L] Regarding some error in optical properties

2008-05-21 Thread Eduardo Anglada

On 21/05/2008, at 12:53, Subhra Kulshrestha wrote:

Dear Users,

I have computed the optical properties of Si by using two program  
input.f and optical.f in the directory siesta-2.0.1/Util/Optical and  
the program is successfully run for Si but as I run the calculation  
for LaAs the file e2.dat successfully generated but when everytime  
when I type the command$./optical  e2.dat  it is showing the  
error as follows

 Do you want to include a Drude term?
 This is typically needed for metals
 if yes: enter 1, if no: enter 0

What did you answer, 0 or 1?

invalid integer: read unexpected character
apparent state: unit 5 (unnamed)
last format: list io
lately reading direct formatted external IO

Please guide me where I have done a mistake ?

My .fdf file is as follows

SystemName  LaAs
SystemLabel LaAs

NumberOfAtoms   2
NumberOfSpecies 2
%block ChemicalSpeciesLabel
   1 57La
   2 33As
%endblock ChemicalSpeciesLabel

PAO.BasisType   split
PAO.BasisSize   DZP
PAO.EnergyShift 0.1eV
PAO.SplitNorm   0.2000

%block PAO.Basis # Define Basis set
La  2# Species label, number of l-shells
 n=6   0   2 P   1   # n, l, Nzeta, Polarization,  

   0.000  0.000
   1.000  1.000
 n=5   2   2 # n, l, Nzeta
   0.000  0.000
   1.000  1.000
As  2# Species label, number of l-shells
 n=4   0   2 P   1   # n, l, Nzeta, Polarization,  

   0.000  0.000
   1.000  1.000
 n=4   1   2 # n, l, Nzeta
   0.000  0.000
   1.000  1.000
%endblock PAO.Basis

LatticeConstant  6.124 Ang

%block LatticeVectors
  0.0   0.50.5
  0.5   0.00.5
  0.5   0.50.0
%endblock LatticeVectors

%block GeometryConstraints
routine constr
%endblock GeometryConstraints

MeshCutoff112.0 Ry

# SCF options
MaxSCFIterations100   # Maximum number of SCF iter
DM.MixingWeight  0.3   # New DM amount for next SCF  
DM.Tolerance 1.d-4 # Tolerance in maximum  

DM.NumberPulay   8 # Number of pulay mixing steps
DM.UseSaveDM .false.   # tells if already existing  
density matrix is to be used or not

OpticalCalculation   .true.
Optical.EnergyMaximum 10 Ry
%block Optical.Mesh
 10 10 10
%endblock Optical.Mesh
Optical..Broaden  0.02 Ry
Optical.PolarizationType Polycrstal
%block Optical.Vector
 1.0 1.0 0.0
%block Optical.Vector

WriteMullikenPop 1
WriteForces  .true.
ElectronicTemperature30 meV
xc..authors   CA
# WriteCoorStep.true.
#AtomCoorFormatOut Ang

SolutionMethod   Diagon# OrderN or Diagon

AtomicCoordinatesFormat  Fractional
%block AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
 0. 0. 0. 1
 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000 2
%endblock AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies

MD.TypeOfRun  CG  # Type of dynamics:
MD.NumCGsteps 580 # Number of CG steps for
MD.MaxCGDispl 0.4Ang  # Maximum atomic displacement
MD.MaxForceTol0.01   eV/Ang   # Tolerance in the maximum
MD.MaxStressTol   0.1   GPa
MD.VariableCell   .true.

%block kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack
%endblock kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack

%block ProjectedDensityOfStates
 -20.00  10.00  0.2  500  eV
%endblock ProjectedDensityOfStates

WriteKpoints ..true.
WriteEigenvalues .true.
WriteKbands  .true.
WriteBands   .true.

%block BandLines
1  1.00 1.00 1.00  L
25 2.00 2.00 2.00  \Gamma
25 2.00 0.00 0.00  X
25 2.00 1.00 0.00  W
25 1..00 1.00 1.00  L
25 1.00 1.00 0.00  K
25 0.00 0.00 0.00  \Gamma
%endblock BandLines

Thanks and Regards,

Subhra Kulshrestha
Project Fellow (UGC), Condensed MatterTheory Group
School of Studies in Physics
Jiwaji University, GWALIOR - 474011 (M.P.), INDIA

Chocoholics' paradise! Enter here.

Re: [SIESTA-L] Wrong Results with pathscale compiler

2008-05-13 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Dear Philipp,
Currently we are working with pathscale for a solution
of your problem. Once we know how to compile siesta
with the latest version of the pathscale compilers I will
provide the arch.make. For the other versions of pathscale
compiler use the arch.make provided by Pablo Aguado.
Best regards,

On 09/05/2008, at 9:46, Dipl.-Phys. Philipp Plänitz wrote:

# This file is part of the SIESTA package.
# Copyright (c) Fundacion General Universidad Autonoma de Madrid:
# E.Artacho, J.Gale, A.Garcia, J.Junquera, P.Ordejon, D.Sanchez-Portal
# and J.M.Soler, 1996-2006.
# Use of this software constitutes agreement with the full conditions
# given in the SIESTA license, as signed by all legitimate users.

MPIdir = /opt/mpi/path/mpich2-1.0.6p1

.SUFFIXES: .f .F .o .a .f90 .F90





FFLAGS=-g -Wl,-R/opt/compiler/pathscale/lib/3.1
LDFLAGS=-static -m64 -ipa



BLACSdir  = /opt/applications/blacs/BLACS_pathf90_mpich2-1.0.6p1/ 

$(BLACSdir)/blacsF77init_MPI-LINUX-0.a $(BLACSdir)/blacs_MPI-LINUX-0.a




#SIESTA needs an F90 interface to MPI
#This will give you SIESTA's own implementation
#If your compiler vendor offers an alternative, you may change
#to it here.

#Dependency rules are created by autoconf according to whether
#discrete preprocessing is necessary or not.
   $(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS_free_F90)
   $(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS_fixed_f)  $
   $(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS_free_f90)  $


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Geschäftsführer: Dr. Reinhard Kretzschmar, Reinhard Sturm
Die GWT-TUD GmbH ist eingetragen beim Amtsgericht Dresden - HRB: 13  

Re: [SIESTA-L] Convergence test for the mesh cut-off and k-point

2008-05-13 Thread Eduardo Anglada

For the mesh cutoff change the meshcutoff variable from the default of  
100 Ry to
500 in steps of 100 Ry, if the energy converges (also take a look at  
the forces) you
are done with the grid. If it is not converged you should continue  
increasing  the
mesh cutoff. If you reach a very huge value (800-1000 Ry) then you  
should take a look at your
orbitals, neutral atom potential and non linear core corrections (if  
exist in your
pseudo). Their FFT should give you a hint of the grid, as the energy/ 
forces don't
converge because of their wrap around errors (FFT aliasing). Remember  

the square of the orbitals is what is  projected into the grid.

For the k-points I recommend that you use the kgrid_cutoff described  
in Moreno
and Soler PRB 45, 13891 (1992). It will calculate the best k-grid for  
the symmetry  of your
system. Start from some small value (around 2-3 Bohr) and continue  
increasing it
until the energy is converged (or the calculation takes so much time  
that is not feasible).

Best regards,

On 07/05/2008, at 8:52, Nidhi Sharma wrote:

Hi to all,

Will anybody please guide me how to perform the convergence test for  
mesh-cut-off and k-point (Mohnkorst-Pack scheme)?  For this what  
changes should make in the .fdf file ?

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Re: [SIESTA-L] determining Fermi energy

2008-05-09 Thread Eduardo Anglada

I'm sorry, I should have answered before!
I think  that  your pseudocode is right. That is
what siesta does in order to obtain the position of the
Fermi level.

Best regards,

On 02/05/2008, at 20:03, David Strubbe wrote:


No I never received any response, but I recently examined the code  
in fermid.F to find out what is going on.  As far as I can tell,  
SIESTA definitely puts the Fermi energy in the gap, but the position  
inside the gap is not meaningful.  The algorithm to find the Fermi  
energy is like this in pseudocode:

E = (highest energy level + lowest energy level) / 2;
Q = sum of occupancies of energy levels less than E
if Q  Qtot : E = (E + highest energy level) / 2;
if Q  Qtot : E = (E + lowest energy level) / 2;
} while (Q != Qtot);
Fermi energy = E.

Anywhere in the gap, assuming the electronic temperature isn't very  
high, will give the same Q.  So where the Fermi level ends up is  
just determined by where the highest and lowest energy bands are,  
and hence which energy in the gap is tried first.  There is no  
physical meaning to the position of the Fermi energy within the gap  

If I have misunderstood anything here, please correct me, developers.

David Strubbe
UC Berkeley

On Fri, May 2, 2008 at 2:31 AM, eb na [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi David,

I'm interested to know if you have got any answer to your question.  
I have the same problem.
other codes like ABINIT put the Fermi energy simply at the valence  
band edge but in Siesta it has a value within the gap!
I wounder how the DFT could give any information of the exact value  
of the Fermi energy?

looking forward to hear from you


Ebrahim Nadimi
TU Chemnitz, Germany

David Strubbe [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb:
Hello all,

Can someone tell me how SIESTA determines the Fermi energy for a  
system with a gap?

David Strubbe
UC Berkeley

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Re: [SIESTA-L] Overestimation of optimized lattice constant for SmTe

2008-05-09 Thread Eduardo Anglada

On 03/05/2008, at 12:39, Nidhi Sharma wrote:

Hi to all,

I am trying to compute the energy for different lattice constant to  
get the E vs V graph (in B1 phase of Smte using LDA).  For this I  
have selected the range from 5.5 to 7.5 Ang in steps of 0.05.  After  
Murnaghan fit optimize lattice consatnt comes out to be 6.87  Ang  
(Expt =6.594 Ang) and bulk modulus 38.3 GPa. (Expt = 40 GPa).  I  
have also changed the different step size and the range but every  
time the optimized lattice constant is overestimated.
Is it worth using this data for calculation ?  Is it possible that  
some times lattice constant overestimates the experimental value ?

Yes, definitively is possible!
If I were you I would check with another basis set (smaller eshift,  
different split norm) and with a GGA functional.


  If not then please guide us where I am wrong ?


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Re: [SIESTA-L] multiple-zeta

2008-05-09 Thread Eduardo Anglada

If you are using the latest version of siesta you should use another
diagonalization scheme. Try changing the following options (they are
fdf booleans: .true. or .false. )in your fdf:

Diag.AllInOne(default false, change to true)
DivideConquer   (default true, change to false)
Diag.NoExpert   (default false, change to true)


On 05/05/2008, at 10:36, Alexandre Lebon wrote:

Dear Siesta Users,

I got the following error message:
siesta: ==
   Begin CG move =  0

outcoor: Atomic coordinates (Ang):
  -2.53300.0.   1  Fe 1
   1.64000.0.   2  H  2
   0.0.0.   1  Fe 3

outcell: Unit cell vectors (Ang):
   0.00   15.000.00
   0.000.00   15.00

outcell: Cell vector modules (Ang)   :   15.00   15.00
outcell: Cell angles (23,13,12) (deg): 90. 90.  

outcell: Cell volume (Ang**3):   3375.

InitMesh: MESH =   180 x   180 x   180 = 5832000
InitMesh: Mesh cutoff (required, used) =   350.000   397.983 Ry

* Maximum dynamic memory allocated =   345 MB
Error in Cholesky factorisation in rdiag
Stopping Program from Node:0


Read file FeFeH_axial.error for stderr output of this job.

With the fdf file, that I have attached to this e-mail.
Is any one has met the same problem or know how to solve it.

Thanks in advance,



Re: [SIESTA-L] cell optimization with fixed angles

2008-05-09 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Yes it is possible, but you should write your own constraint subroutine.
Take a look at the example in Src/constr.f


On 06/05/2008, at 10:52, eb na wrote:

Hello dear Siesta community,

How can I optimize the atomic coordinates and cell sizes while  
keeping the cell angles constant.

Is this feature already implemented in Siesta ?

Best regards,

Ebrahim Nadimi

Lesen Sie Ihre E-Mails jetzt einfach von unterwegs..

Re: [SIESTA-L] Pseudopotential and basis for Co

2008-04-29 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Hi Ali,

In the webpage there are LDA  GGA pseudos, but I have no basis sets.


Re: [SIESTA-L] Bromine pseudo

2008-04-15 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Hi Roberto,
I attach the output of Bromine pseudo generation using the Fritz  
Habber Institute (fhi) code.

The input was taken from Abinit's LDA/GGA databases.
The translation of the output of fhi to siesta leads to ghost states  
(siesta uses a different definition
of the local part of the pseudo) but most probably you can use the  
radii as an initial guess.

Good luck,

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

On 15/04/2008, at 14:44, Roberto Sapiens wrote:

Has anyone generated a pseudo for bromine?



Re: [SIESTA-L] Converging a cluster of Ni Atoms

2008-04-14 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Why are you using the split gauss option? Have you checked the  
resulting gaussians?

Do they decay to zero?

Regarding the convergence, if the Harris Energy is converged, you  
could try to stop the
calculation and restart it (reading the coordinates and density  
matrix). It many situations
this speeds up a lot the convergence. The method is not very  
scientific but usually, when

Harris energy is converged, works.


On 13/04/2008, at 19:01, Kamaram Munira wrote:

I have a cluster of 105 Nickel atoms. I am having trouble converging  
the DM. The dMax converges to around 0.02 to 0.03 range and just  
stays in that range. I don't know how to reach dMax of 10e-4

Here is what I am doing
DM.UseSaveDM  .true.
DM.MixingWeight  0.001
MaxSCFIterations   50
DM.NumberPulay 8# this one wouldn't help for the first CG steps
DM.NumberKick 40
DM.KickMixingWeight 0.1
WriteCoorXmol  .true.
#DM.MixSCF1 .true.

Diag.DivideAndConquer false

PAO.BasisType splitgauss
PAO.BasisSize DZ

xc.functional LDA  # Exchange-correlation functional
xc.authors  CA# Exchange-correlation version
MeshCutoff 225 Ry.

Any help would be much appreciated.


Kamaram Munira
Graduate Research Assistant
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA-22903.

Re: [SIESTA-L] Is there a psf for La

2008-04-11 Thread Eduardo Anglada

This message is not related to the pseudo of La! So please use a new  
subject line

Can we see the arch.make? It contains all the compiler, libraries   
related stuff


On 10/04/2008, at 14:13, Pablo A. Denis wrote:

Dear Siesta user,

   I have recently installed Ubuntu 7.1  
on a core 2 duo machine. I would like to know if somebody has  
installed siesta on it? I have been able to install ifort and mkl  
but when I try to compile the atom program or siesta the  
congifure.log tells me that he cannot created the executable  

I have installed all the packages recommended at the ubuntu site (g+ 
+ build essential, 32bit libs etc.). So I guess that the problem may  
be related with the bash.bahsrc (I have added the path of ifort and  
mkl to the bash.bashrc and .bashrc)

Any cluet?

Many thanks!


Re: [SIESTA-L] Valence configuration of samarium

2008-04-09 Thread Eduardo Anglada
n=5 1 2 # n, l, Nzeta
0.000 0.000
1.000 1.000
%endblock PAO.Basis

Your Te might be OK (or not); at least no obvious faults.

it will display the following message
reinit: System Label: SmTe
initatom: Reading input for the pseudopotentials and atomic orbitals
Species number: 1 Label: Sm Atomic number: 62
Species number: 2 Label: Te Atomic number: 52
Ground state valence configuration: 6s02 4f06
Reading pseudopotential information in formatted form from Sm.psf
Ground state valence configuration: 5s02 5p04
Reading pseudopotential information in formatted form from Te.psf
Bad format of (n), l, nzeta line in PAO.Basis
Stopping Program from Node: 0

This is probably because you promised 2 functions in the basis  
block for Sm

but passed only one (6s). Make it consistent.

If I include the 4f6 in basis set it will make the net charge 8  
and behave

as a semi core.

This net charge is not exactly your worry. It simply gives you  
the number

of electrons provided by the atom in question to the valence band,
in does not yet make from Sm a 8+ ion. Similarly, you can choose
the Te configuration either as 5s2 5p4 5d0 (6 valence electrons)
or 5s2 5p4 4d10 (16 valence electrons), it is still the same atom.
Only, you'll have different number of bands. I repeate, the decision
to put Sm 4f in the core or in the valence is only your - difficult,
but free - choice.

Now we come to Te.

If I use a already generated pseudo file of Te which include 5s2,  
5p4, 4d0
and 4f0 But how can 4d0 is possible although it contains 10  

This is a misprint in the head line of the Te pseudo. It was  
with 4d10 in the core and 5d as valence states. (Ask Eduardo  

When I use this file then we get results but band gap in B1 phase
is ~10eV which is quite far from the expt 0.67eV.

This can be due to anything. (In fact an absence of Sm5d in the basis
is a good candidate). Try to look not only at the band gap value
(which will be wrong anyway) but at the density of states,
positioning of different groups of valence bands. The band structure
of RE chalcogenides is well known.

Please help me how can i resolve the problem of valence charge .

I don't see there is a problem, in fact. The (technical) problem is -
if you want to remove 4f from the valence - how to declare them as  

even as this shell is not fully occupied. But by default, you can
go ahead with 4f as valence states (in BOTH basis and  

Then you'll see that the positioning of the 4f is wrong, and start
to think how bad this is for the problem your have to solve,
and what to do about it. This is not a SIESTA problem, but one
which appeared before in other DFT calculations.

Good luck,

Andrei Postnikov

Share files, take polls, and make new friends - all under one roof.  


Re: [SIESTA-L] ANNOUNCE: LDA GGA pseudo databases

2008-04-03 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Dear users,

I've uploaded the new version of the database. Now each pseudo
has it's own web page with info about the matching radii, occupations,
plots of the pseudos, and, if present the core charge density with its  


As always any comments/suggestions are really welcome.



On 12/03/2008, at 18:22, Eduardo Anglada wrote:

Dear Users of Siesta,

There is a new collection of pseudopotentials available for SIESTA!
I have translated the LDA/GGA pseudos in the Fritz-Haber-Instute  
(FHI) format
of ABINIT's database found in  
so now

they can be used with SIESTA.

The database can be found In the siesta web page:
Follow the link Pseudos  Basis in the left menu.

I would like to thank the ABINIT team for sharing their pseudos with  
the community.

If you encounter any problems feel free to post them in the list.

Best regards,


[SIESTA-L] Mailing list archives

2008-04-02 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Dear Users of Siesta,

There is a new interface to the archives of this mailing list:

It's much more easier to use than the current version and
it is english.

The siesta team would like to thank the
for storing all the messages.


Re: [SIESTA-L] Mailing list archives

2008-04-02 Thread Eduardo Anglada

On 02/04/2008, at 15:37, lan haiping wrote:

should we subscribe to it  again ?

No, it is a copy of all the previous messages.
Now it is easier to look for useful info, the search
feature is much more useful.


On Wed, Apr 2, 2008 at 12:47 PM, Eduardo Anglada [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Dear Users of Siesta,

There is a new interface to the archives of this mailing list:

It's much more easier to use than the current version and
it is english.

The siesta team would like to thank the
for storing all the messages.


Hai-Ping Lan
Department of Electronics ,
Peking University , Bejing, 100871

Re: [SIESTA-L] Geometry Optimization

2008-04-01 Thread Eduardo Anglada


You should specify:

MD.TypeOfRun CG
(conjugate gradients relaxation)

MD.NumCGSteps 100
(a maximum of 100 steps will be calculated.
Of course if the forces are relaxed before the
100 steps are calculated then siesta will stop)

The relavant section of the manual is:


On 27/03/2008, at 18:00, Sanjay Bidasaria wrote:

Hi all,
I am a new user of Siesta and started with the test examples. So  
I am working with a Niobium Dimer and trying to find the relaxed  
coordinates of the atoms. But it is just giving me the input  
coordinates only. I don't know what parameters to change for the  



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Re: [SIESTA-L] regarding problem

2008-04-01 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Dear Sonia,

It is discribed in:


On 01/04/2008, at 13:21, Sonia Mehra wrote:

der siesta users,

Can anyone tell me that how to control the bandlines  i.e.
what type of changes can be done in*.fdf   file to get  the proper  

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Re: [SIESTA-L] hello

2008-04-01 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Dear Sonia,
There are several talks in:
(you can find the talks and the exercises)

which describe siesta basis sets.
Also maybe you can post which is the element
you are interested in.


On 28/03/2008, at 11:45, Sonia Mehra wrote:

Dear Siesta users,

Can anyone tell m e how to generate the basis set?
how to write all type of specifications in that like polarisation.

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Re: [SIESTA-L] ANNOUNCE: LDA GGA pseudo databases

2008-03-26 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Dear Reza,
It's a typo error, you can safely add the 7 electrons, the pseudo was  
calculated with them.


On 25/03/2008, at 18:45, reza behnam wrote:

Dear Eduardo,

Thank you for for your reply. In fact I made a mistake in  
downloading Co and i could download it, but the number of 3d  
electrons in the Psf file was zero (3d 00.00). Is this a problem?  
Can I simply add 7 electrons to 3d orbital of  the downloaded psf  


- Original Message 
From: Eduardo Anglada [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2008 5:15:33 AM
Subject: Re: [SIESTA-L] ANNOUNCE: LDA  GGA pseudo databases

Dear Reza,
Which one did you download?


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Re: [SIESTA-L] ANNOUNCE: LDA GGA pseudo databases

2008-03-25 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Dear Reza,
Which one did you download?

Re: [SIESTA-L] Species not found error message - Parallel siesta.

2008-03-17 Thread Eduardo Anglada


Maybe the line with the number of spices is missing?
post your input so we can take a look.

On 15/03/2008, at 15:00, Kamaram Munira wrote:

I have successfully run Siesta in serial mode till now. Recently, I  
am trying to run the parallel version and I get a error message that  
Species not found even though I have the Chemical and Species  
Block in my fdf file. I know I am getting the error from Chemical.f  
file. How do I go about fixing it. Any help would be much appreciated.


Kamaram Munira
Graduate Research Assistant
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA-22903.

Re: [SIESTA-L] pseudo database; Zn configuration

2008-03-14 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Dear Andrei,

On 13/03/2008, at 20:36, Andrei Postnikov wrote:

Many thanks for Eduardo Anglada for uploading the ABINIT pseudos!
Just two related questions:

1. Does somebody know whether there s a way to see from the .psf  
file if the core correction is included, and with which radius?

Just now there is no way, but I have all the info, of course  you can  
ask  for it.

Please use the mailing list as it may be useful for someone else.
 I'm extending the info on the databases so it will be available.

2. I just noticed by chance that the configuration line in the .psf  
for Zn

4s 2.00  r= 2.43/4p 0.00  r= 2.37/3d 0.00  r= 2.09/4f 0.00  r= 2.82/

(in both LDA and GGA)
is somehow contradictory, as it should be either 3d10 (in the real  
world), or 4d0 (in the ideal one).
The configurations given for Cd and Hg do correctly contain 4d10.0  
and 5d10.0, respectively.

I tested the Zn pseudopot with the radii as given above, and 3d10.0;
in fact it is quite good. What is the origin of the above misprint?  
Can it be corrected?

That is a typo error! I'm working on it. I'm really sorry.

Best regards,

[SIESTA-L] ANNOUNCE: LDA GGA pseudo databases

2008-03-12 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Dear Users of Siesta,

There is a new collection of pseudopotentials available for SIESTA!
I have translated the LDA/GGA pseudos in the Fritz-Haber-Instute (FHI)  
of ABINIT's database found in so  

they can be used with SIESTA.

The database can be found In the siesta web page:
Follow the link Pseudos  Basis in the left menu.

I would like to thank the ABINIT team for sharing their pseudos with  
the community.

If you encounter any problems feel free to post them in the list.

Best regards,


Re: [SIESTA-L] Error in compiling( libfdf.a module could not be located, perhaps)

2008-02-01 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Your system lacks the basic development utils needed to build a library.
Search the documentation and install them.

On 01/02/2008, at 12:58, vikas sharma wrote:

I get the following error when run the make command in Src directory.

(cd fdf ; make module)
ar cru libfdf.a fdf.o fdf_mod.o parse.o
sh: ar: not found
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `libfdf.a`
Current working directory /~/Src/fdf
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target 'libfdf.a'

Kindly help me to resolve this problem.

Vikas Sharma,
Research Scholar,
Physics Department,
IIT Delhi, New Delhi-16, India.
Why delete messages? Unlimited storage is just a click away.

Re: [SIESTA-L] Oxygen (triplet)

2007-10-11 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Hi Roberto,
I think your only option is to use the DM.InitSpinAF and DM.InitSpin  

Take a look at the manual in: 


On 09/10/2007, at 22:03, Roberto Veiga wrote:


I'm gonna do some spin polarized calculations in which molecular
oxygen is adsorbed onto a surface. I'd like to know how to represent
triplet oxygen (as initial state) in the Siesta's input.



If I have seen farther than others it is because of a myopia  

Re: [SIESTA-L] How to visualize mesh points and potential on the mesh?

2007-10-11 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Dear Jingbin,
The wsxm software reads directly any output of siesta. It's designed  
for the RHO and LDOS, but the format is the same

for all the output of siesta, maybe you have to rename the other files.

wsxm is free and can be found in:

It only works in MS-windows. In linux/mac you have to use a tool  
which converts the output to another format.
In the utils subdir you can find the grid2cube.f program which  
translates siesta output to the cube format,

which is understood by many visualizers.


On 08/10/2007, at 21:33, Jingbin Li wrote:

Dear Siesta users,
  I am wondering if there is a tool that can visualize siesta space  
mesh? Or the potential on the 3D mesh points(say rectangular mesh).  
If not directly, which file should I look into to find the related  
information? Thanks. Any suggestions are welcomed.


Re: [SIESTA-L] How to calculate band-structure in SIESTA

2007-10-11 Thread Eduardo Anglada


Siesta is different and I think more powerful: you obtain the bands  
in a single run.
The calculation is performed with the desired accuracy (you specify  
the k-sampling
with the MonkhorstPack block or the kgrid_cutoff parameter) and at  
the end
of the calculation if there is a BandLines block siesta saves the  
requested bands.

The relevant section of the manual can be found in: 

Look for the BandLines block.

On 08/10/2007, at 15:24, Hui Tang wrote:


Can anyone tell me the correct way to do band structure in SIESTA?  
In other plane-wave codes (like PWSCF), the band-structure is  
calculated from a non-selfconsistent calculation using a converged  
charge density from a previous selfconsistent calculation. I wonder  
if it's the same case for SIESTA. I didn't find any relevant  
information on non-selfconsistent calculation  with SIESTA.

Any help is appreciated!

Hui Tang
Dept. of Applied Physics
Yale University

[SIESTA-L] How to define a ion?

2007-10-08 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Begin forwarded message:

From: Eduardo Anglada [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 8 de octubre de 2007 11:16:41 GMT+02:00
To: Edgar Martinez Guerra [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [SIESTA-L] How to define a ion?

Dear Egar,
You should create a new pseudo. In the basis block you control the  

of the basis set.


On 07/10/2007, at 2:42, Edgar Martinez Guerra wrote:

For all users of SIESTA:

I want to calculate a system which one of its atoms is a ion. What  
is the
correct?, to specify it on basis block or modify the pseudo of the  
ion? or

both thing?

I would thank you any help.

Edgar Martinez

Message sent using Telaen Webmail 1.2.0-beta1

This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.

Re: [SIESTA-L] potential

2007-07-02 Thread Eduardo Anglada

remove the -L infront of the library path:

ifort plrho.f -L/usr/X11R6/lib/libX11.a /share/apps/pgplot/ 
libpgplot.a -o plrho

If the pglopt library was not compiled with ifort then you should  
include the

other compiler libraries.

On 30/06/2007, at 8:51, Cherry Y. Yates wrote:

finally I downloaded a pgplot, compiled and installed it. Then I  
used the

following commamd:

ifort plrho.f -L/usr/X11R6/lib/libX11.a -L/share/apps/pgplot/ 
libpgplot.a -o


but I got the following errors:
/tmp/ifortRI8dCZ.o(.text+0xc9a): In function `MAIN__':
: undefined reference to `pgopen_'
/tmp/ifortRI8dCZ.o(.text+0xcb9): In function `MAIN__':
: undefined reference to `pgqcol_'
/tmp/ifortRI8dCZ.o(.text+0xcd0): In function `MAIN__':
: undefined reference to `pgscir_'
/tmp/ifortRI8dCZ.o(.text+0xd03): In function `MAIN__':
: undefined reference to `pgenv_'
/tmp/ifortRI8dCZ.o(.text+0xdd3): In function `MAIN__':
: undefined reference to `pgqvsz_'
/tmp/ifortRI8dCZ.o(.text+0xdff): In function `MAIN__':
: undefined reference to `pgqvp_'
/tmp/ifortRI8dCZ.o(.text+0xf23): In function `MAIN__':
: undefined reference to `pgsvp_'
/tmp/ifortRI8dCZ.o(.text+0xf4a): In function `MAIN__':
: undefined reference to `pgswin_'
/tmp/ifortRI8dCZ.o(.text+0x1216): In function `MAIN__':
: undefined reference to `pgpixl_'
/tmp/ifortRI8dCZ.o(.text+0x121d): In function `MAIN__':
: undefined reference to `pgclos_'
/tmp/ifortRI8dCZ.o(.text+0x20a7): In function `redblu_':
: undefined reference to `pgqcir_'
/tmp/ifortRI8dCZ.o(.text+0x2172): In function `redblu_':
: undefined reference to `pgscr_'
/tmp/ifortRI8dCZ.o(.text+0x21b7): In function `grays_':
: undefined reference to `pgqcir_'
/tmp/ifortRI8dCZ.o(.text+0x22a7): In function `grays_':
: undefined reference to `pgscr_'
/tmp/ifortRI8dCZ.o(.text+0x3f2f): In function `pltr3d_':
: undefined reference to `pgqwin_'
/tmp/ifortRI8dCZ.o(.text+0x3f4e): In function `pltr3d_':
: undefined reference to `pgqvsz_'

Need your help!


--- Cherry Y. Yates [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I actually found plrho can do the job. But I cannot compile it,  
and it
complains could not find -lpgplot library. Anyone knows what is  
that pgplot



--- Cherry Y. Yates [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I have made a .VT file. Do you know how to plot them? How to make  
a .cube

from it?



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Re: [SIESTA-L] Symmetries

2007-06-13 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Dear Zoya,

Siesta is designed for very large systems where, usually, the number  
of symmetries is very small, so it can't use them



On 13/06/2007, at 9:05, Zoya Shah wrote:

Dear everyone
I just have a question regarding symmetries. Is it possible to use  
the advantage of symmetries of molecules and particles in order to  
reduce the number of particles in SIESTA? If so, have any of you  
done this before?

Best regards

Re: [SIESTA-L] parallel calculation with GGA method

2007-06-04 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Dear Helean,
Try to increase the meshcutoff to something more reasonable: 100-150 Ry

On 02/06/2007, at 10:47, Mu J. Helien wrote:

Dear Siesta users,
I compiled the parallel version of siesta code sucessfully, but it  
seems that it can't run normally with GGA method.
For the pseudopotential was generated by means of GGA-PBE method, I  
defined XC.functional   GGA and XC.authors  PBE in the .fdf  
file. But it can't work and the following is the error information  
in the output file:

InitMesh: MESH =30 x24 x24 =   17280
InitMesh: Mesh cutoff (required, used) =10.00012.406 Ry
rank 1 in job 51  mitp4.emsl.pnl.gov_58106   caused collective  
abort of all ranks

 exit status of rank 1: killed by signal 9
However, if I delete the above definitions, then the job can run  
It seems that there is something wrong with the parallel  
calculation with GGA method.
I wonder if someone has ever met such problem and can give me some  
suggestions on how to solve such problem.

Thank you very much.


Re: [SIESTA-L] How to set up these parameters in SIESTA

2007-05-17 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Dear C. H. Hu,
The Prefactor could be around 150 and the Inner radious could be 3/4  
of the cutoff radious.


On 14/05/2007, at 9:03, Chaohao Hu wrote:

Dear Siesta users,

How to set up the PrefactorSoft and InnerRadsoft inputing  
parameters when considering the new soft confinement potential in  
the basis sets?  I can also obtain the satisfactory results even  
though I do not consider this scheme in my present work.  I have no  
much experience on it, please you give me the  more details. Thanks  
in advance.

Best regards,

C. H. Hu

Re: [SIESTA-L] pw vs. localized basis and pseudopotentials

2007-04-23 Thread Eduardo Anglada

This is José M. Soler answer to this question:

Dear Nichols:

The basis set and the pseudopotentials are completely
independent things:
- If you have no l=d pseudo projector, but you use l=d basis
functions, they  will feel only the local part of the
pseudopotential, exactly like in a PW program (the SIESTA
local part of the pseudopotential is rather non-standard, but
this is a separate issue and not very relevant in practice).
- If you have no l=d basis, but you use a l=d pseudo projector,
it will still act on the l=s,p functions of neighbor atoms.
If these were very rich, they might 'in principle' represent
the l=d part of the wavefunction around the atom.

In summary: there is no difference on how the pseudopotentials
act in SIESTA and PW codes. If the wavefunctions are the same
(though expanded in different basis) the results are the same.

Best wishes,
Jose M. Soler


This is a conceptual question about basis sets (pw vs. localized  
basis) and pseudopotentials as implemented in SIESTA. The best way  
to ask my question

is by a very simple example.

Consider Si where L = d states are important. In SIESTA,  
contributions from L= d states require L=d basis functions _plus_  
the d-pseudopotential. As opposed to a code like ABINIT, where the  
PW have this variational freedom builtin. One would get  
contributions from L=d states, even without the d-pseudopotential.  
(One can do a PDOS per angular momentum and see this.)

So in SIESTA, unless you actually have L=d basis functions  
including the d-pseudopotential would _not_ do anything. Or to put  
it another way, does the
d-pseudopotential act on the basis functions of different symmetry  
in the localized basis set?


Nichols A. Romero, Ph.D.
1613 Denise Dr. Apt. D
Forest Hill, MD 21050
443-567-8328 (C)
410-306-0709 (O)

Re: [SIESTA-L] implementation question about MeshCutoff

2007-04-12 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Hi Nichols,

The grid used for the calculation of the two center integrals  
(calculated in matel.f) is fixed to 2000Ry,
while the one used for the three center integrals is set by the user  
using MeshCutoff. They are

completely independent.

My question is about SIESTA and how the MeshCutoff is used. The  
charge density
is on a grid and Fourier contributions of the *density* up to  
E_cutoff are represented.
This is equal to four times the E_cutoff used in the PW codes to  
represent the

*basis* functions (i.e. planewaves).

In Siesta the density is written as a combination of pseudo atomic  
orbitals (squared!)  which are projected
into that grid, so i think the comparison is misleading. In the main  
Siesta paper you have

a comparison which I think is more fair.


Re: [SIESTA-L] Compilation error, How to start siesta programming

2007-04-10 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Dear Murali,

Dear all,

I have been trying to compile Siesta using f95 compiler and was not  
successful. Recently, i received help from one of the users to use  
g95 or gfortran compiler. As i used it, i could compile it  
successfully but when i started to run some programs that are  
available in Tests directory, i was successful in some cases while  
in most others, it gave the error of Fortran runtime error:  
Allocating negative dynamic error.

That behavior is really strange, I've just compiled Siesta with g95  
and it works. Maybe your compiler version is old. Also you can

use the following compiler flags: -Wall  -fbounds-check -ftrace=full

When i had run program on fe, i got the results but when i tried to  
run h2o, h2oZ and most other examples in the Test directory, it  
resulted in runtime error. Please help me to overcome this error as  
i am not able to run the programs properly.

My second question is that i am trying very new to do coding in  
siesta and so, i am asking you the steps in which i have to start  
and the files that are required to run any new program.

Take a look at the Tests directory, it contains all the files needed  
to perform several simulations.

 Is it sufficient to go through the siesta manual before i embark  
on programming.

Kindly tell me what are the steps needed to start programming in  

Well, if you want to develop a new extension to siesta you should  
start getting familiar with
the different parts of the program: sparse matrix (hamiltonian,  
overlap), how the different matrix
elements are calculated (matel.f, dhscf.f),  how the orbitals are  
generated (atom.f) etc. Without

more details I can't provide more information.

Thank you all very much

T.Murali Krishna

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Re: [SIESTA-L] Geo-Optimization

2007-04-10 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Dear Neil,
In order to optimize geometry you must use the variable
MD.TypeOfRun CG
The Zmatrix is a way (there are others) to provide  the atomic  

The relevant part of the siesta manual is: 


On 03/04/2007, at 6:54, Neil Dixon wrote:

Dear Friends,
I am a new user of SIESTA.I want to know how to Optimize Geometry  
of a system by using SIESTA.I have got a very faint idea about  
Zmatrix and Constraints.are those commands deals with Geometry  
optimization?if so just tell me in few words,how this thing is done? 
please help me.


Don't be flakey. Get Yahoo! Mail for Mobile and
always stay connected to friends.

Re: [SIESTA-L] memory problem

2007-03-19 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Dear Saswata,

I think you don't have enough free memory.



Re: [SIESTA-L] Format of .XV file

2007-03-08 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Dear You Lin,

Yes, they are bohr/fs. The XV uses the internal units of siesta: Ry,  
Bohr, fs.


On 08/03/2007, at 16:29, You Lin wrote:

Hi, dear siesta developers:

I'm trying to make change to .XV file. It looks like there's no  
document about its format. Then I made a guess:

The first three lines must be the cell shape and cell velocity.  
Fourth line looks like number of atoms. The following lines are  
positions and velocities of each atom.

Now the problem is the unit. It looks like the cell shape and atom  
positions are in the unit of Bohr. But how about the velocities?  
Are they in the unit of Bohr/fs?

Thanks for clarifications.


Physics explains everything!
  -- You Lin

You Lin

Department of Physics
University of South Florida
4202 East Fowler Avenue
Tampa, FL 33620

Tel: (813) 974-8233 [Office]
Fax: (813) 974-5813

Re: [SIESTA-L] Molecular system

2007-03-07 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Dear You Lin,
Siesta is really efficient treating empty space, so you should  
increase the vacuum size

until there is no change in, for example, the total energy.

On 03/03/2007, at 19:44, You Lin wrote:

Dear siesta collegues:

My simulated system is molecular system with a lot of empty space.  
I have to keep the empty space for the simulation. Is there  
efficient way to treating this?



Physics explains everything!
  -- You Lin

You Lin

Department of Physics
University of South Florida
4202 East Fowler Avenue
Tampa, FL 33620

Tel: (813) 974-8233 [Office]
Fax: (813) 974-5813

Re: [SIESTA-L] gen basis

2007-03-07 Thread Eduardo Anglada

On 06/03/2007, at 10:30, bipul rakshit wrote:

hello siesta users,
can any body tell me what is the exact way of using the gen basis  

here i am sending the Sn.psf and Sn.fdf file
I use the script as follows:
i am in the directory of Sn
sh ../ Sn.fdf Sn.psf
and then i got the following error
../[46]: ../../../../Src/gen-basis:  not found.

In the 46th line of script introduce the correct  
location of gen-basis.


Re: [SIESTA-L] Wavefunctions

2007-03-07 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Dear Nilolaos,

The numerical atomic orbitals can be found in the ORB* files which  
siesta produces
in the directory where it is run. The radial part of the orbitals (phi 
(r)) are stored as r, phi(r)/r**l where l is the quantum

number of each one. The ORB* files are named following this procedure:

Where l is the quantum number, z indicates which of the zetas and  
name the name you specify

in the ChemicalSpeciesLabel.

If you need any more information feel free to ask (in the list, please).


Re: [SIESTA-L] DSTEDC parameter number 8 - illegal value

2007-03-07 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Dear Lindsay,

In which platform and which compiler are you using?


On 07/03/2007, at 16:36, Lindsay Shuller wrote:

Dear Siesta users,

I am new to the Siesta program and have compiled the version  
siesta2.0.  I'm trying to do some test runs (following the manual),  
but I continually get the following error in my *.out file  DSTEDC  
parameter number  8 had an illegal value.

Any advice?

Lindsay Shuller

Re: [SIESTA-L] radial and angular parts of basis functions

2007-02-13 Thread Eduardo Anglada

On 13/02/2007, at 3:22, Andrey V. Semichaevsky wrote:

Hi Andrey,

You're right, phiatm and rphiatm are the interface to the basis  
 Am I correct to say that phiatm.f is going to give me an  
implicitly angularly-dependent basis function if I call this  
function for

various values of vector r? Thanks.
You have to specify the species index and the index of the orbital  
you're interested:

subroutine phiatm(is,io,r,phi,grphi)
  integer, intent(in) :: is  ! Species index
  integer, intent(in) :: io  ! Orbital index (within atom)
!  IO  0 =  Basis orbitals
!  IO = 0 =  Local screened pseudopotential
!  IO  0 =  Kleynman-Bylander projectors
  real(dp), intent(in)  :: r(3)! Point vector, relative to atom
  real(dp), intent(out) :: phi ! Basis orbital, KB  
projector, or

 !  local pseudopotential
  real(dp), intent(out) :: grphi(3)! Gradient of BO, KB proj, or  
Loc ps



Re: [SIESTA-L] Segmentation fault for SIESTA version 2.0.1 MPI

2007-02-09 Thread Eduardo Anglada

On 09/02/2007, at 13:29, Rainer WILCKE wrote:


Those tests aren't ment to be run in parallel, they are for
the serial version.
It's true that siesta should give an error message.



I am trying to create a MPI-version of SIESTA 2.0.1 at the ESRF for  

Ferrero (SIESTA username cferrero84).

The program is supposed to run on 64-bit Opteron computers with  
Suse 9.0.
For the compilation, I used the Intel Fortran compiler version  
9.1.041 with
Intel's (cluster) MKL library version 9.0 and Intel's MPI library  
version 2.0.

The configuration for the compilation was relatively easy, taking  

example architecture file Sys/intel9-cmkl8-mpi.make as a base.

Note: during the compilation, there were several warnings:

fortcom: Warning: siesta_cmlsubs.F90, line 13: Only rename  
information from the
ONLY qualifiers for this external module will be processed since  
all entities

from the external module have been declared public   [FLIB_WXML]
  Use flib_wxml, only: xmlf_t  ! help pgf95...

fortcom: Warning: xcmod.F, line 124: The extra characters in the  
specification will be ignored   ['('xc:  

  write(6,'(''xc: '',i4,7x,a3,5x,a10,3x,f5.3,8x,f5.3))')

fortcom: Warning: siesta.F, line 2328: The extra characters in the  

specification will be ignored   ['(/,a,6f12.2))']

but the compilation continued and produced an executable.

When I then ran the executable (using mpdboot and mpiexec), I  
got errors in
the bessel test, depending on the number of nodes used: e.g. with  
2 or 4
nodes, the test finished successfully, but with 6 or 8 I got a  


Re-compiling the code with the compiler options -CB -traceback  
produced the

following output on the screen:

Running bessel test...

== Copying pseudopotential file for H...
== Copying pseudopotential file for O...
== Running SIESTA as mpiexec -np 6 /scisoft/users/wilcke/swdev/ 

forrtl: severe (408): fort: (2): Subscript #2 of the array PSI has  
value 1 which

 is greater than the upper bound of 0

Image  PCRoutineLine 

siesta 00FF1EE2  Unknown   Unknown   
siesta 00FEFBE6  Unknown   Unknown   
siesta 00FC4018  Unknown   Unknown   
siesta 00F8A8BE  Unknown   Unknown   
siesta 00F8AB02  Unknown   Unknown   
siesta 004CA8BB  diagg_149   
siesta 004905C1  diagon_   250   
siesta 007B70A5  MAIN__   1390   
siesta 00409A3A  Unknown   Unknown   
Unknown  002A961B5C9E  Unknown   Unknown   
siesta 0040996A  Unknown   Unknown   

make: *** [completed] Error 152

Looking at diagg.F line 149, psi is used as an input argument  
to rdiag()

call rdiag( Haux, Saux, nuotot, nuo, nuotot, eo(1,ispin),
 .  psi(1,1,ispin), neigwanted, iscf, ierror )

thus the second array index is indeed 1. psi is an input  
argument to the
diagg() routine with the dimensions psi(nuotot,maxuo,nspin).  
All these

dimensions are themselves input arguments to diagg().

diagg() is in turn called by diagon(). In this routine, psi  
is allocated
by a call to re_alloc() with the size npsi, which in turn is  
defined as

npsi = 2 * (2*nuotot) * (2*maxuo)

Both nuotot and maxuo are input arguments to diagon() (as is  
diagon() is called by the SIESTA main program. In the call, the  
input argument maxuo (the second dimension of psi and therefore  
the one

causing the problem as it is 0) is called no_l.

no_l is used quite a bit in the main program before the call to  
but it gets set in the GetNodeOrbs() call (line 531 in file  

In the subroutine GetNodeOrbs() (file parallelsubs.f) the  

input argument is called NOrbNode. For debugging, I put some write
statements in this routine (see code below). The resulting output  
is in the

file bessel.out, which is also listed below.

From this (look at the end of the file), it can be seen that under  
circumstances NOrbNode can be set to 0 by GetNodeOrbs(). In  
this case, it
is when Node is 5. Afterwards, this 0 gets used as second  
dimension for
psi, which is addressed with a second array index 1, and the  

fault results.

I have tried to understand how and why NOrbNode can be set to  
0. The way
I see it, the problem is with the 

Re: [SIESTA-L] Help: About gen-basis in siesta-2.0

2007-01-18 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Dear You Lin,

Siesta reads the pseudopotential in semilocal form and computes the  
projectors (Kleiman-Bylander), so if you specify use.basis true then  
siesta reads

from the files all the information it needs.

If you have just started using siesta I recommend the standard  
procedure for basis

set generation. Set:
a) The basis size with the variable  PAO.Basissize
b) The energy shift (PAO.EnergyShift).


I have difficulty understanding how basis is defined in siesta. For
example, in the manual, section 7.3
If true, the basis, KB projector, and other information is read  
files Atomlabel.ion, where Atomlabel is the atomic species label  
in block ChemicalSpeciesLabel. These files can be generated by a  

SIESTA run or (one by one) by the standalone program GEN-BASIS. No
pseudopotential files are necessary.

I'm confused by this since basis generation doesn't seem to have  
any info

about pseudopotential. Could somebody help?

Re: [SIESTA-L] Compilation :: Need Help

2007-01-15 Thread Eduardo Anglada


I attach an arch.make for the serial and parallel versions.
Both of them use the intel compiler and cmkl.
If you encounter any difficulties feel free to post them to the list.


Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

On 10/01/2007, at 15:22, S Gowtham wrote:


Sincere apologies if such a message has already
been posted to this list. I have been trying to
compile parallel version of SIESTA 1.3/2.0 for
a while but with no luck.

Our system is a 16-node beowulf cluster running
ROCKS 4.x with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.x. These
have Pentium 4 architecture and we have Intel
(FC, CC, MKL, CMKL), PGI, MPICH2 (compiled against
both Intel and PGI) compilers.

We have used these compilers to successfully compile
(and run) several different programs (parallel VASP with
Intel, serial Gaussian03 with PGI, etc.) to reproduce
test results and thus we know for a fact that these
compilers have been installed and do work properly.

My request is the following:

Can some one, who has successfully compiled parallel
version of SIESTA (1.3 or 2.0) on Pentium 4 architecture,
please send me the required files (arch.make and Makefile)?
Reading from the manual, I understand that the parallel
version also requires BLAS, BLACS, LAPACK, SCALAPACK, etc.
As such, makefiles to get these working will also be of
great help.

Thanks, in advance, for your time and efforts,


S Gowtham


2006-11-16 Thread Eduardo Anglada

On nov 15, 2006, at 12:57 PM, SuiYang wrote:

Dear SuiYang,

¿Do you have the intel cluster math kernel library?

¿Do you have the intel mpi?

If not  ¿is it possible that you install them?
If it is not possible to install them I will give you the detailed,  
step by step,



Dear SIESTA users:
I am a complete starter on parallel computing.And I have a basic  
question about installation and the first run:
SIESTA needs to install external libraries before parallel  
compiling, however, I don't know what's the proper sequence to  
install those libraries(MPI, BLACS  SCALAPACK), and how to  
configure the installation for the further siesta compiling.Could  
anyone guide me to set up my first parallel system?

Here is my system configuration if needed:
CPU :Pentium 4
Memory: 1 GB
Operating System: Red Hat Linux 9.0
Fortran Compiler : Intel Fortran Compiler 9.0

Thanks in advance!

Best wishes.


Re: [SIESTA-L] Au 6s pseudopotential

2006-11-15 Thread Eduardo Anglada

On nov 14, 2006, at 11:42 PM, Haiying He wrote:

Dear Haiying,

I don't have such a pseudo. My shortest convination
of pseudo/basis set for gold is:

%Block PAO.Basis
Au   3  0.23116
n=6   0   2   E15.16639 3.56453
 4.26384 1.58867
 1.0 1.0
n=6   1   1   E12.99165 4.28424
n=5   2   2   E11.34190 4.01987
 4.89172 2.59723
 1.0 1.0
%EndBlock PAO.Basis

Aucarelnc  ATM3  27-AUG-98 Troullier- 
Martins   6s 1.00r r= 2.32/6p 0.00r r=  
2.32/5d10.00r r= 2.32/5f 0.00r r= 2.32

If you find a good pseudo with only the 6s in the valence please
post it in the list.



Dear siesta users,

I am working on a system including a large number of Au atoms (in bulk
configuration). Does anyone have an Au pseudopotential with only 6s
electron in the valence?

I have tried with tm2 (improved Troullier-Martins), but without  
success so
far. I cannot get a pseudopotential reproducing the equilibrium  
constant of Au bulk. The total energy of the Au bulk continued to  

far below the experimental equilibrium lattice constant. I noticed the
generated pseudopotential is too attractive, but I don't know how to
overcome this. Any suggestion will also be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards



Haiying He
Department of Physics
Michigan Technological University
Houghton, MI 49931

Re: Fwd: [SIESTA-L] about siesta-as-a-subroutine problem

2006-11-06 Thread eduardo . anglada

Si en el fdf pones writexml (o un label equivalente, no me acuerdo)

 Es algo que está ya en la lista de bug-fixes. Hasta que salga la  
 2.0.1 puedes arreglarlo a mano siguiendo las instrucciones que siguen.
 Inicio del mensaje reenviado:
  De: Alberto Garcia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Fecha: 13 de octubre de 2006 15:25:29 GMT+02:00
  Asunto: Re: [SIESTA-L] about siesta-as-a-subroutine problem
  Responder a: Siesta, Self-Consistent DFT LCAO program,; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The routines for CML output are not initialized correctly when
  TypeOfRun Forces is used. By fixing this I was able to run a siesta
  as subroutine calculation successfully. Please add the lines marked
  with + to siesta.F in the context provided,
  recompile, and try again:
  --- orig/Src/siesta.F
  +++ mod/Src/siesta.F
  @@ -789,6 +789,10 @@
 case (7)
   call phonon_set_coords(istep,xa,ucell)
  +case (8)
  +  write(6,'(28( ),a,i6)') 'Begin Server step = ',istep
  +  if (cml_p) call cmlStartStep(mainXML, type='FS',  
 end select
 write(6,'(2a)') '',
   Best regards,
  On 10/13/06, Jian ZHOU [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Dear all,
  I am recently writing a small program to test the
  siesta-as-a-subroutine function, but have encountered some strange
  It seems that the siesta has receive the coordinate, and even run for
  some minutes, however, it can not return the force data. In fact, the
  program hang after in the fsiesta.f90:
  ! Read forces from pipe
iu = p(ip)%iuf
read(iu,*) message
  It does not give error or exit, it just hang. The siesta has exit
  without finishing the job, since the siesta outputing is not  
  When I go through the siesta.F and iopipes.F90, I find that the
  forcesToPipe subroutine has been called, but I do not know why the
  fsiesta.f90 can not read these forces from the forces pipe.
  It is surprising that if I add a stop just after the call
  forcesToPipe( na_u, Etot, cfa, cstress ) in siesta.F, it return the
  forces successfully.  Therefore, it seems that there are something
  wrong after the siesta write the forces to the pipe??
  I also run the FmixMD program in the Util, the same thing happens.
  Does anyone experience this problem.
  BTW, I am using the redhat base 64bit linux and compile the siesta  
  with pgf90.
  This is how I call the siesta:
call siesta_units( 'Ang', 'eV' )
call siesta_launch( label , 1 )
print*, ' siesta launched '
call siesta_forces( label, na, xa, cell, energy, fa, stress)
print*, ' siesta_fores end'
call siesta_quit( label )
print*, ' siesta quit'
  Of course, all these array has been initialized.
  Thank you!
  Best wishes,

Mensaje enviado mediante una herramienta Webmail integrada en *El Rincon*:
- --

Re: [SIESTA-L] About unoccupied channels in the basis set

2006-10-27 Thread Eduardo Anglada

On oct 27, 2006, at 3:58 PM, Marcos Verissimo Alves wrote:

Hi Marcos,

What you are describing are semicore states: several shells with the  
same l quantum number but different n quantum number.
All of them share the same pseudopotential, but each resulting  
orbital is orthogonalized to those with a lower n quantum number.
If you have tons of free time look for nsm (number of semicore  
shells) and nnodes (how many nodes the orbital has) in atom.f.

As you know already, for each atom with semicorestates  there must be  
an entry in the PAO.Basis block.




I know how to include extra shells in siesta basis sets; with that, no
problem. My problem is to know which pseudopotential siesta will  
use for
these extra shells - which have no corresponding pseudo in the psf  

due to limitations of the Troullier-Martins generation procedure.



Hi Marcos,
you could define pao-basis with keywords PAO.Basis .
in this block, you may include some shells you like to define


On 10/27/06, Marcos Verissimo Alves [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear all,

I have a doubt about the inclusion of unoccupied channels in the  
set, particularly in the case of Carbon. I generated a pseudo for  
C with
2s, 2p 3d and 4f channels. Now, I'd like to include 3s channels  
** in

basis set **, so as to make the basis more complete. However,  
when the
Troullier-Martins pseudo is generated, the only s-channel that  
can be
generated is the 2s one. So, how exactly is Siesta going to treat  
the 3s
channels in the basis set? I know it is possible, but I don't  

exactly how.

By the way, Martins et al have published, some time ago, a method to
generate pseudos with same l-channel but different n quantum  
number (eg,
the 2s and 3s channels mentioned above). If such a pseudo is  

such that siesta understands it, can it be used?



Dr. Marcos Verissimo Alves
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics Sector
International Centre for Theoretical Physics
Trieste, Italy

I have become so addicted to vi that I try to exit OpenOffice by  


Dr. Marcos Verissimo Alves
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics Sector
International Centre for Theoretical Physics
Trieste, Italy

I have become so addicted to vi that I try to exit OpenOffice by  
typing :wq!

Re: [SIESTA-L] any comment for NODAT

2006-10-24 Thread Eduardo Anglada

On oct 24, 2006, at 2:53 PM, 박준호 wrote:


The NODAT preprocessor variable was used to configure the precision
of several variables related to the paralelization.
In SIESTA 2.0 is deprecated and can be removed from the arch.make.



Hi, All

In source code, there is a variable named NODAT.

What is the role of “NODAT”? It this defined or undefined? How to  
know or How to change, where is it defined?



Re: [SIESTA-L] Follow-up on NaN error with parallel version of Siesta 2.0

2006-10-05 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Hi Derek,

I haven't tried with lam-mpi, but with intel mpi there are problems
if you link with a blacs compiled for mpi 1.2 while using mpi 2
(lam-mpi implements almost all of mpi 2). The problem is in one
of the include files of the c interface of blacs, so it can be really
difficult to detect while using a fortran only application. In order
to link with mkl  I'm using the following:


#Pay attention to the intelmpi20 suffix of blacs:

Also if nuotot is only 24 then the system is really small,  maybe
there are no orbitals in a given node and it produces the NaN.

Good luck, and please post your findings!


On oct 5, 2006, at 5:32 PM, Derek A. Stewart wrote:

Hi everyone,

   Just a quick follow up on the NaN errors I have been running  
into with

Siesta 2.0.  It looks like the error occurs in the cdiag subroutine
(cdiag.F) when pzheevd is called to solve the standard eigenvalue
problem.  I have tried changing the parameters of the run (i.e.
DivideConquer, Set2D), but similar problems occur.

This means it is probably a problem with the scalapack library.  Has
anyone successfully compiled the parallel version of Siesta with  

7.1.1 with intel compilers version 8 or 9?  If they have, I would be
interested in comparing your Bmake, SLmake input files for BLACS and
SCALAPACK with what I am using.



On 10/4/06, Derek A. Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all,

   I have been trying to get the parallel version of Siesta 2.0  
to run
with the intel compilers (version 8.1, MKL math libraries) and  
(7.1.1).  I have no problems compiling the parallel version of  

However, when I run a calculation, I run into a problem which I have
traced to the diagk.F file.  Evidently the psi matrix
psi(2,nuotot,nuo) which provides auxiliary space for the  

has NaN entries for nuo=1,2.  The other entries (nuo=3-24) are fine.
This can probably be traced to the cdiag subroutine called in this
file and I am working on this.

Has anyone run into this problem before?  For my compilation, it  

to occur for general input files.  The run has no problems for the



Derek Stewart, Ph. D.
250 Duffield Hall
Cornell Nanoscale Facility
stewart (at)
(607) 255-2856

Re: [SIESTA-L] siesta compilation problem

2006-09-26 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Hi John,

I attach an arch.make for sgi-altix.
It uses the system blacs and scalapack optimized by sgi.



Description: Binary data

On sep 26, 2006, at 1:46 AM, John B. Baba wrote:

Hi all:
   Thanks lan and Marcos replay,
   I also try to compile siesta1.3 parallel using mpi and f90
in sgi, I following their suggestions, and log out all the options  

netCDF. But I also get some errors, I do not know the reason, Does
anyone know the reasons?
Following is the error messages:
 -L/usr/lib64  -lscs_mp -lmpi
ld64: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol blacs_get_ -- 1st  

by cdiag.o.
Use linker option -v to see when and which objects,  
archives and

dsos are loaded.
ld64: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol blacs_gridinit_ -- 1st
referenced by cdiag.o.
Use linker option -v to see when and which objects,  
archives and

dsos are loaded.
ld64: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol blacs_gridexit_ -- 1st
referenced by cdiag.o.
Use linker option -v to see when and which objects,  
archives and

dsos are loaded.
ld64: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol descinit_ -- 1st  

by cdiag.o.
Use linker option -v to see when and which objects,  
archives and

dsos are loaded.
ld64: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol pzhegvx_ -- 1st referenced
by cdiag.o.
Use linker option -v to see when and which objects,  
archives and

dsos are loaded.
ld64: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol pdsygvx_ -- 1st referenced
by rdiag.o.
Use linker option -v to see when and which objects,  
archives and

dsos are loaded.
ld64: INFO152: Output file removed because of error.

Following is my arch.make file:
 # This file is part of the SIESTA package.
# Copyright (c) Fundacion General Universidad Autonoma de Madrid:
# E.Artacho, J.Gale, A.Garcia, J.Junquera, P.Ordejon, D.Sanchez- 
Portal #

and J.M.Soler, 1996-2006.
# Use of this software constitutes agreement with the full  
conditions #

given in the SIESTA license, as signed by all legitimate users.
# This file seems to work for SGI systems using 64-bit compiled
# Scalapack and Blacs libraries from netlib, and *some version*  

# SGI's own?) of MPI.
# Note that the Scalapack and Blacs library files must be linked  
from #

their standard places to the building directory...
# Note that the locations of the libraries are configured for the
# Fermat system of the CSAR service at Manchester. Details must
# changed for other machines accordingly.
FC=f90 -64
INCFLAGS = -I/usr/local/netcdf-3.5.1/include
#FFLAGS= -O scalar2,pipeline2,aggress -eA
#NETCDF_LIBS=-L/usr/local/netcdf-3.5.1/lib -lnetcdf
#LIBS= -lscalapack -lblacs -lpblas -ltools \
#  /usr/local/unsupported/numerical/lib64/blacsCinit_MPI- 
\ #  /usr/local/unsupported/numerical/lib64/blacs_MPI- 
O2K_64-0.a \ #

 -lscs -lcomplib.sgimath -lmpi
#LIBS= -ltools \
#  -lscs_mp -lcomplib.sgimath -lmpi
LIBS= -L/usr/lib64 \
  -lscs_mp -lmpi
$(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) $(DEFS) $
$(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) $
$(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) $(DEFS) $
$(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) $

Re: [SIESTA-L] fundamental siesta parallel compilation question

2006-09-06 Thread Eduardo Anglada

On sep 6, 2006, at 7:07 PM, Marcel Mohr wrote:

Hi Marcel,

You should use the same compiler. If you change from one to another  
the compilation

 is going to be a nightmare. It is possible but really, really tricky.



Hello all

I am trying to compile Siesta and required packages (BLACS,  
scalapack) from scratch.

However do I have to use the SAME Fortran compiler for all packages?
Or can I use GNU f77 for BLACS  scalapack and LaheyFujitsu lf95  
for mpi and SIESTA ?

Kind regards

Marcel Mohr

Re: [SIESTA-L] Problem about compilering siesta

2005-06-14 Thread Eduardo Anglada
Dear Sir,

There is a l_fce_pc_8.1* compiler. You can obtain a copy from your
premier account at


On Wed, 2005-06-15 at 10:07 +0800, Mingsu Si wrote:
 Dear Sir,
 There is no l_fce_pc_8.1* compiler. In the web of Intel they say  
 l_fc_pc_8.1*  support em64t CPU.
 Where do I obtain the l_fce_pc_8.1* compiler?
 Mingsu Si
 Dear Sir,
 Your compiler does not support em64t. You need l_fce_pc_8.1* (notice the
 e after fc!)

Re: [SIESTA-L] Problem about compilering siesta

2005-06-13 Thread Eduardo Anglada
Dear Sir,

Your compiler does not support em64t. You need l_fce_pc_8.1* (notice the
e after fc!)

On Sun, 2005-06-12 at 11:50 +0800, Mingsu Si wrote:
 Dear Sir.
 I changed the single quotes around the brackets by double quotes in the 
 atom.f file.
 Then I compile it. There is no error when copiling the atom.f file. But at 
 last it occures
 error as following:
 ifort -o siesta \
 /opt/intel/mkl721/lib/em64t/libmkl_lapack.a: could not read symbols: File 
 format not recognized
 make: *** [siesta]  Error1.
 The software and hardware I use as following:
 Redhat Linux As
 IBM X236 I06  cpu Xeon 3.2 em64t
 Now how can I do?
 Dear Mingsu Si,
This problem was discussed previously in this forum. A simple 
 solution: Change the single quotes around the brackets by double quotes 
 and it probably it will compile successfully.
 simingsu wrote:
 Dear Mr Eduardo Anglada
 I have just started to compile the SIESTA code with Intel ifort 8.1
 compiler and MKL 7.2.1 libraries. The problem is that it is not able to
 compile atom.f file. The errors printed out are given below:
 ifort -c -w -mp -tpp7 -O3   atom.f
 fortcom: Error: atom.f, line 4485: Unbalanced parentheses
  .   nsm=1,nsemic(l)+1-(cnfigtb(l,nsemic(l)+1,is)-config(l)))
 fortcom: Error: atom.f, line 4484: Syntax error, found ',' when
 expecting one of: :
  .  (cnfigtb(l,nsm,is),sym(l),'(',qPAO(l,nsm),')',
 fortcom: Error: atom.f, line 4484: Syntax error, found ''' when
 expecting one of: ( * :: , IDENTIFIER CHAR_CON_KIND_PARAM
  .  (cnfigtb(l,nsm,is),sym(l),'(',qPAO(l,nsm),')',
 compilation aborted for atom.f (code 1)
 make: *** [atom.o] Error 1
 What can I do?
 Mingsu Si
 Lanzhou University
 June 10 2005

Re: [SIESTA-L] Problem about compilering siesta

2005-06-08 Thread Eduardo Anglada
You don't provide too much info, in this kind of reports the operating
system and cpu kind is really appreciated.

The compiler is saying it doesn't understand the symbols format of the
em64t lapack (mkl intel) library. Most probably you are compiling in
another architecture.

There are several possibilities, the easier ones are:
i) You are compiling on a 32 bit PC: then you need the lapack (mkl)
library in the 32 bit directory:

ii) You are compiling on an itanium2:


On Wed, 2005-06-08 at 15:11 +0800, simingsu wrote:
 Dear all,
 In the course of compilering siesta, I met the following problem.
 ifor siesta -o  /
 /opt/intel/mkl721/lib/em64t/limkl_lapack.a: could not read symbols: File 
 format not recognized Make: *** [siesta] Error 1
 What can I do to solve  this problem?

Re: [SIESTA-L] Implementation of MD in Siesta

2005-01-20 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Dear Benjamin,

Siesta uses classical MD. In fact we have developed a new algorithm.
If you are interested the reference is:
Efficient mixed-force first-principle molecular dynamics
E. Anglada, J. Junquera and J. M. Soler,
Phys. Rev. E *68*, 055701 (2003).
arXiv: cond-ma/0305704

Re: [SIESTA-L] polarized PAO !!

2004-12-20 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Dear Imad,

The problem is in the 4 after Ga.
It should be a 3 as you only provide
3 shells. The fourth (corresponding to
the polarization orbital) will be added
automatically by siesta.



%block PAO.Basis
  Ga 3

   n=3   2   2
 0.00   0.00

   n=4   0   2
 0.00   0.00

   n=4   1   2
 0.00   0.00
 2   1   P  1
%endblock PAO.Basis

  1   2   >