Re: CSMagnet therapy Vilik

1999-07-21 Thread HERB321947
In a message dated 7/20/99 10:21:15 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

 This came to me because during Sunday School when I was a child the 
teacher had a
 demonstration in which he dropped some earthworms into a glass of vodka.  
 immediately curled up and died.  Then he asked the class what was the moral 
 that and one bright classmate immediately shot back that if you have worms 
 you should drink vodka.  It was one of the most hilarious scenes I have been
 witness to.

In the tincture making world that is known as sampling the fixins while 
shaken the mixins.  Can also lead to cs stains on counters tops.  :-)

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Re: CS instructions and dangers

1999-07-21 Thread Marsha Hallett

I would love to receive your instructions to make a cs generator.  I
have just ordered silver wires for the first time and planned to build
one when they arrive.  I get a staph infection in my left leg every year
for 21 years now and want it to stop.
Romeo Raabe
PS  I was planning to hook 4  9volt batteries together to the

Dear Romeo, Well, that`s how I tells them to do it!!
Here`s a copy:
First get two pure silver wires, 14 gauge, .999 fine, five inches long.
I`ve got some extra I can sell you for 5 bucks, (that`s my cost, ph
included. I order several ounces at a time from a  jewelry supplier, so
I can help folks out this way. They only sell by the ounce and that
makes a LOT of generators!)
Send me your address if you do want them.

Next get 4 nine-volt batteries, Lithiums if you can afford the initial cost,
about 28 bucks. (They last 4 times longer than alkaline, so it is worth it.)
Also get some alligator clips, connected by a plastic coated wire, available
at Radio Shack type stores. You`ll use 2 of them.
Now you need 2 cups of distilled water in a glass measuring cup, (rinse the
cup with DW first to clean out any soap residue or dust.)
Snap the batteries together, top to top. Connect the clips to the silver
wires, then to the remaining 2 posts on the batteries. Drop the wires into
the water, keep them about 1 inch apart. If they float around, put a
candycane bend in the tops, to hang them on the edge of the cup. You need
about 4 inches to be submerged. it is now working.
In a while, you`ll see bubbles on one wire, and black fuzz forming on the
other. Golden clouds may be visible, that is the colloid. If the fuzz builds
up, wipe it off with paper towels. It isn`t harmful, so if a few flakes
float away, don`t worry about it.
After an hour, wipe the wires and detach
the batteries. Pour the CS into a storage bottle. I use a hard plastic water
bottle. Rinse it with DW first also.
I take 3 swallows a day when actively ill, and one for a preventive.

Let me know if you have any questions; I`m glad to help!

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Re: CS instructions and dangers

1999-07-21 Thread michael
Here is one:
and another:
There are other ways of generating CS but this should get you started.

And yes i can make it with my telephone wires.  Over 50v DC comes
through them.



I would love to receive your instructions to make a cs generator.  I
have just ordered silver wires for the first time and planned to build
one when they arrive.  I get a staph infection in my left leg every year
for 21 years now and want it to stop.
Romeo Raabe
PS  I was planning to hook 4  9volt batteries together to the

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---End Message---

Re: CS instructions and dangers

1999-07-21 Thread Edward Courtney
I thought storage in plastic was a no no. Glass only
CS is very sensitive to light, thus the glass container should be some sort
of opaque color, such as amber.
Is this not true?


Edward Courtney
Machine Enhanced Psycho Technology

I use a hard plastic water
 bottle. Rinse it with DW first also.
 I take 3 swallows a day when actively ill, and one for a preventive.

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CSFilters,Fluoride,Re: CSUse of silver

1999-07-21 Thread Tai-Pan
Charles Marcus wrote:
  Greetings Beautiful Ones of CS,
  Was changing the filter in my Brita water filter and noticed
  the box said active ingredientmetalic silver Never
  noticed that before on the older boxes. Use the Brita water
  filter for treating drinking, cooking, and plant water. Use
  distilled water for making CS. Some folks like to drink
  distilled water. I prefer mine with some minerals in it. The
  Brita filter removes most lead, copper, zinc, and sulfur.
  Calcium precipitates onto the bottom and looks like sand
  ripples. The silver is only 0.016% in the activated charcoal
  element, and provides bacteriostatic effect. Of course the
  filter also removes chlorine and gives a good taste and odor
  to the water. I have two of them and also buy them as gifts
  for friends. The gift of good health.
Bless you   Bob Lee
 The only problem with filters is they don't remove the
 toxic chemical fluoride.
 Charles Marcus

 Hi Marcus and Listers,

 The Brita does not remove fluoride.
 The Sears cartridge filter # 42-34365 will remove fluoride.
 The RO unit (reverse osmosis) model RO-5 by Filtercold Corp. will
remove fluoride. Its a compact under sink unit.
Fluoride removal is determined by EPA test 340.2.

   Bless you  Bob Lee
oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast

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CSHair back,Re: CSRE:Magnet therapy

1999-07-21 Thread Tai-Pan
Charles Marcus wrote:
  A client has a blocked vein in neck which feeds scalp.
 How was this determined? By her doctor?
  therapy as outlined is use north pole for a week to remove
  the material causing the blockage and then  use south pole
  one week to soften the vein wall and make it flexable again.
 This is applied where? On the head? Or directly over
 the artery?
  Continue alternating  the magnet a week at a time until
  blockage is removed. This is applied for 15 min,three times a
  day.This was done for a month. This blockage was first
  noticed when the clients hair began to fall out. Hair is now
  growing back thick and long (a lady). Her HMO doctor
  monitored but did not participate. He is amazed.
 Bless you  Bob Lee
 I am willing to try any kind of natural way of growing
 my hair back.
 Charles Marcus

 Hi Marcus and Listers,

  The temperature of the scalp was recorded with a thermister array.
 The circuit for this machine may be found in the book Animal Ecology,by
A. MacFadyen D.Sc, 1966.(page 38) This thermister array will monitor
eight areas at a time on the scalp. Differences of temp. monitor blood
flow. Lot cheaper than a MRI and done in the office.

 The magnet is applied over the VEIN which is blocked, see posting. The
magnet is moved slowly along the vein.
 It will also work with arteries.  

 Bless you   Bob Lee 
oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast

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Re: CS instructions and dangers

1999-07-21 Thread Ivan Anderson

 I thought storage in plastic was a no no. Glass only
 CS is very sensitive to light, thus the glass container should be
some sort
 of opaque color, such as amber.
 Is this not true?


 Edward Courtney


It is not strictly necessary for CS to be protected from light. Most
light does not have the energy to photo-reduce the Ag+ particles. UV
light however may have sufficient energy so to do. I have 2 x 10L
plastic containers with 20ppm dc generated CS that shows no
deterioration after almost 1 year, and various small soft clear
plastic containers scattered about the place of greater vintage.

Bob Berger who has done many tests uses nothing but hard clear plastic

This means that one can keep CS in small spray bottles etc. with no
fear of deterioration.

Regards - Ivan

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CSHaving fun at camp, humor

1999-07-21 Thread Tai-Pan
Dear Mom,
  Our scout master told us all write to our parents in
 case you saw the flood on TV and worried.  We are OK.
 Only 1 of our tents and 2 sleeping bags got washed
 away.  Luckily, none of us got drowned because we were
 all up on the mountain looking for Chad when it
 happened. Oh yes, please call Chad's mother and tell
 her he is OK.  He can't write because of the cast. I
 got to ride in one of the search  rescue jeeps. It
 was neat.  We never would have found him in the dark
 if it hadn't been for the lightning. Scoutmaster Webb
 got mad at Chad for going on a hike alone without
 telling anyone. Chad said he did tell him, but it was
 during the fire so he probably didn't hear him.  Did
 you know that if you put gas on a fire, the gas can
 will blow up? The wet wood still didn't burn, but one
 of our tents did. Also some of our clothes. John is
 going to look weird until his hair grows back.
 We will be home on Saturday if Scoutmaster Webb gets
 the car fixed. It wasn't his fault about the wreck.
 The brakes worked OK when we left. Scoutmaster Webb
 said that a car that old you have to expect something
 to break down; that's probably why he can't get
 insurance on it. We think it's a neat car. He doesn't
 care if we get it dirty, and if it's hot, sometimes he
 lets us ride on the tailgate.  It gets pretty hot with
 10 people in a car.  He let us take turns riding in
 the trailer until the highway patrolman stopped and
 talked to us.
 Scoutmaster Webb is a neat guy. Don't worry, he is a
 good driver. In fact, he is teaching Terry how to
 drive.  But he only lets him drive on the mountain
 roads where there isn't any traffic.  All we ever see
 up there are logging trucks.
 This morning all of the guys were diving off the rocks
 and swimming out in the lake. Scoutmaster Webb
 wouldn't let me because I can't swim and Chad was
 afraid he would sink because of his cast, so he let us
 take the
 canoe across the lake.  It was great. You can still
 see some of the trees under the water from the flood.
 Scoutmaster Webb isn't crabby like some scoutmasters.
 He didn't even get mad about the life jackets. He has
 to spend a lot of time working on the car so we are
 trying not to cause him any trouble. Guess what? We
 have all passed our first aid merit badges. When Dave
 dove in the lake and cut his arm, we got to see how a
 tourniquet works. Also Wade and I threw up.
 Scoutmaster Webb said,it probably was just food
 poisoning from the leftover chicken. They got sick
 that way with the food they ate in prison. I'm so glad
 he got out and become our scoutmaster. He said he sure
 figured out how to get things done better while he was
 doing his time.
 I have to go now. We are going into town to mail our
 letters and buy bullets.  Don't worry about anything.
 We are fine
 Your Son, ,
 Lyle SFB

oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast

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CSWhich pole is which, Re: CSRE:Magnet therapy

1999-07-21 Thread Tai-Pan
Susan M. Yensen wrote:

 Forgive this stupid question, buit how do you tell which side is which?  I
 take it with a compass?  But just how do you do the?  I have some very
 powerful magnets and I don't know which is which.  After your post and my
 hair is falling out!  I thought mmm maybe this is the difficulty.  So I
 woul dlike to try with your instructions on this.  Thanks in advance.
 Isn't the net miraculous?!

 Hi Susan and listers,

 Thats not a stupid question,lots of folks get confused about it.
 The magnet therapy is usually done with round magnets with holes in the
middle. These are always having one pole on each side.
 The ways to determine the poles.
 1. Tie a string in the hole and let it hang down. Wait for it to stop
turning. The side facing the EARTHS north pole is the magnets SOUTH
pole. This requires you to have some idea of where north is at. Most of
us do.
 Mark the magnet. I use red nail polish to mark the north side of the
magnet(the side facing the EARTHS south pole).
 2. Use a compass and bring it close to the magnet. The compass is a
small magnet itself. The compasses south pole will point to the EARTHS
north pole. IT is marked north because it POINTS to the Earths north
pole. The compasses south pole (marked north) will POINT to the magnets
north pole, the same as it points to the earths north pole.
 Mark your magnet.
 See how easy that was.

 A lot of things can cause hair loss, not just scalp blood flow, but it
is the number one reason.

  Bless you  Bob Lee  
oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast

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Re: CS instructions and dangers

1999-07-21 Thread James Sullivan
Hi Ivan!

It is not strictly necessary for CS to be protected from light. Most
light does not have the energy to photo-reduce the Ag+ particles. UV
light however may have sufficient energy so to do. I have 2 x 10L
plastic containers with 20ppm dc generated CS that shows no
deterioration after almost 1 year, and various small soft clear
plastic containers scattered about the place of greater vintage.

Bob Berger who has done many tests uses nothing but hard clear plastic

What of Hulda Clark's warning that the hard/clear plastic bottles
continue to contaminate anything put in them for as long as they
lasted? She seemed to favor the frosted plastic containers like gallon
milk jugs. Is Bob's clear plastic a different material, or is Hulda
all wet?



This means that one can keep CS in small spray bottles etc. with no
fear of deterioration.

Regards - Ivan

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Re: CS instructions and dangers

1999-07-21 Thread Ivan Anderson

 What of Hulda Clark's warning that the hard/clear plastic bottles
 continue to contaminate anything put in them for as long as they
 lasted? She seemed to favor the frosted plastic containers like
 milk jugs. Is Bob's clear plastic a different material, or is Hulda
 all wet?



I don't know Jim,

I have a lot of respect for Hulda Clarke and her views. I guess if her
studies lead to that conclusion then, unless convinced otherwise, you
ignore them at your own risk.

I use polypropylene containers myself, which is a soft clear (or
frosted) food grade plastic, both for generation and storage. Whilst
my retail CS is packaged in amber glass bottles, bulk CS is supplied
in the plastic containers the purified water came in. I have had no
problems so far.

Cheers - Ivan

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CSHelp - Parkinson's Disease

1999-07-21 Thread Christian von Wechmar
Dear List,

Does anyone know if CS is helpful in cases of Parkinson's disease? I know of
two people who have Parkinson's. They refuse to take the normal
medications the MD prescribes. Any other thoughts? They are becoming quite


Christian von Wechmar
Stellenbosch, South Africa

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Re: CS instructions and dangers

1999-07-21 Thread Charles Marcus
 In a message dated 7/20/99 11:47:51 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

  I am planning to make silver for the first time as soon as
 i get my silver in. i was talking to a friend who said that
 she orders her CS because the guy who sells it to her warns
 that making it wrong could be fatal. is there really a safe
 way to make it yourself? what are the dangers? is it a safe
 way to make it yourself?

 The only danger I know of in making your own is to that guy's
 income that told your friend about the danger.

 Sales pitches are one thing but he has stepped over the line.
 Have your friend make the guy prove what he said. Then show
 your friend how to make cs and help put that self serving
 salesman out to find a job.

Actually, it is my understanding that if you let it go
for too long (using a 'normal' CS maker, that would be
longer than 45 mins to an hour, or until the water
starts turning grey), and then drink the grey water
(which contains very large particles of silver), and do
this on a regular basis, you could run into problems.


Charles Marcus

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1999-07-21 Thread Edward Courtney
Thanks for the feeback Ivan.
What is the difference between AC and DC cd production?

Edward Courtney
Machine Enhanced Psycho Technology

  I thought storage in plastic was a no no. Glass only
  CS is very sensitive to light, thus the glass container should be
 some sort
  of opaque color, such as amber.
  Is this not true?
  Edward Courtney


 It is not strictly necessary for CS to be protected from light. Most
 light does not have the energy to photo-reduce the Ag+ particles. UV
 light however may have sufficient energy so to do. I have 2 x 10L
 plastic containers with 20ppm dc generated CS that shows no
 deterioration after almost 1 year, and various small soft clear
 plastic containers scattered about the place of greater vintage.

 Bob Berger who has done many tests uses nothing but hard clear plastic

 This means that one can keep CS in small spray bottles etc. with no
 fear of deterioration.

 Regards - Ivan

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Re: CSHelp - Parkinson's Disease

1999-07-21 Thread Ivan Anderson

CS may be of some help if the PD is associated with the rare infection
...encephalitis lethargica.
Otherwise here is some reading about treatments of PD. Hope they are
of some help.

Regards - Ivan

- Original Message -
From: Christian von Wechmar
Sent: Thursday, 22 July 1999 00:42
Subject: CSHelp - Parkinson's Disease

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Re: CS instructions and dangers

1999-07-21 Thread D. Garrett
i tried storing my cs in a plastic bottle and it turned a funny darkish
purpliish colour. now i use a gallon glass jug and it works fine. i just
store it itn the dark.


I thought storage in plastic was a no no. Glass only
CS is very sensitive to light, thus the glass container should be some sort
of opaque color, such as amber.
Is this not true?


Edward Courtney
Machine Enhanced Psycho Technology

I use a hard plastic water
 bottle. Rinse it with DW first also.
 I take 3 swallows a day when actively ill, and one for a preventive.

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---End Message---

Re: CS instructions and dangers

1999-07-21 Thread Marsha Hallett

I thought storage in plastic was a no no. Glass only
CS is very sensitive to light, thus the glass container should be some sort
of opaque color, such as amber.
Is this not true?


Edward Courtney

Dear Edward, I actually left CS sitting in the sun for a week, nothing
happened! I don`t think the hard plastic bottles I use affect it either. I
initially used an empty peroxide bottle, it gave the CS a nasty plastic
taste, so I switched to the hard plastic. That has worked well.

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Re: CS instructions and dangers

1999-07-21 Thread James Vernon, Allison
- Original Message -
From: Marsha Hallett
Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 1999 8:03 AM
Subject: Re: CS instructions and dangers

 Dear Edward, I actually left CS sitting in the sun for a week, nothing
 happened! I don`t think the hard plastic bottles I use affect it either. I
 initially used an empty peroxide bottle, it gave the CS a nasty plastic
 taste, so I switched to the hard plastic. That has worked well.

Hrmm, are you sure you had colloidal silver?  I ask because as far as I
know, it is a scientific fact that colloidal silver will oxidize in the sun.

James Vernon, Allison

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Re: CS instructions

1999-07-21 Thread James Vernon, Allison
 Dear James, Well, I took some of it for a painful eye infection, and it
 away. So, yep, I think it was CS.

Either that, or you yourself have wonderful healing powers of your own that
just needed a little jump start.  :)

James Vernon, Allison

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CSRe:request for collodial gold kit

1999-07-21 Thread Miaathena
Hi List,

I was told that I could make a contact here to purchase a Collodial Gold kit. 
 Nicolas referred me to Marsha.  Marsha, could you please contact me?  I'd 
love to hear from you.


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Re: CSWhich pole is which, Re: CSRE:Magnet therapy

1999-07-21 Thread Marshall Dudley
You have it backwards.  The north pole of the magnet points north, and the south
pole of the magnet points south since the Earths magnetic North pole is actually
the south pole magnetically.  This is explained at  where it says:

We know the North Pole of a magnet is attracted
 to the South Pole of another magnet. If the
 North Pole of a magnet points towards the
 earth’s North, the earth’s North must be a South
 Pole. The earth is a giant magnet with its a South
 Pole in its North, which makes a compass' (i.e.
 magnet’s) North Pole points North.

Many references call the poles of a magnet, north seeking and south seeking to
avoid confusion.  A magnet contains a north-seeking
pole (north pole) and a
south-seeking pole (south pole). 

And at

We define the north pole of a magnet as that pole which points toward north on 
compass. Since opposite magnetic
poles attract, the Earth's north magnetic pole is actually, by definition, a
south pole of a magnet. 


Most people think a north arrow on a compass points to the (magnetic's) north
pole Right ? - Wrong ! Opposite poles attract remember - the noth pole of a
compass is attracted to the south magnetic pole. Give it a try. 

Thus if the north arrow of a compass points north and is attracted by the south
pole of a magnet, then that means that the north pole of the magnet must point
north, ie. north seeking.

However I believe I read that the English label their magnets opposite of ours,
but have not found any references for that.


Tai-Pan wrote:  Hi Susan and listers,

  Thats not a stupid question,lots of folks get confused about it.
  The magnet therapy is usually done with round magnets with holes in the
 middle. These are always having one pole on each side.
  The ways to determine the poles.
  1. Tie a string in the hole and let it hang down. Wait for it to stop
 turning. The side facing the EARTHS north pole is the magnets SOUTH
 pole. This requires you to have some idea of where north is at. Most of
 us do.
  Mark the magnet. I use red nail polish to mark the north side of the
 magnet(the side facing the EARTHS south pole).
  2. Use a compass and bring it close to the magnet. The compass is a
 small magnet itself. The compasses south pole will point to the EARTHS
 north pole. IT is marked north because it POINTS to the Earths north
 pole. The compasses south pole (marked north) will POINT to the magnets
 north pole, the same as it points to the earths north pole.
  Mark your magnet.
  See how easy that was.

  A lot of things can cause hair loss, not just scalp blood flow, but it
 is the number one reason.

   Bless you  Bob Lee
 oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast

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Re: CS instructions and dangers

1999-07-21 Thread Marshall Dudley

James Sullivan wrote:

 Hi Ivan!
 What of Hulda Clark's warning that the hard/clear plastic bottles
 continue to contaminate anything put in them for as long as they
 lasted? She seemed to favor the frosted plastic containers like gallon
 milk jugs. Is Bob's clear plastic a different material, or is Hulda
 all wet?

I would say she is right on.  Remember only a month or so ago the big recall
of all the clear baby bottles because they turned out to be leaching
plasticizers into baby's formulea and poisoning them?  This was ignored
until I believe a Consumer Reports article brought it to the public's


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Re: CS instructions and dangers

1999-07-21 Thread Marshall Dudley
Shouldn't oxidize, but UV can knock the charge off particles, causing the CS to
aggregate and form bigger particles.  That can make it change color, and/or


James Vernon, Allison wrote:

 - Original Message -
 From: Marsha Hallett
 Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 1999 8:03 AM
 Subject: Re: CS instructions and dangers

  Dear Edward, I actually left CS sitting in the sun for a week, nothing
  happened! I don`t think the hard plastic bottles I use affect it either. I
  initially used an empty peroxide bottle, it gave the CS a nasty plastic
  taste, so I switched to the hard plastic. That has worked well.

 Hrmm, are you sure you had colloidal silver?  I ask because as far as I
 know, it is a scientific fact that colloidal silver will oxidize in the sun.

 James Vernon, Allison

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Re: CSWhich pole is which, Re: CSRE:Magnet therapy

1999-07-21 Thread Colin Yardley
Marshall Dudley wrote:
 You have it backwards.  The north pole of the magnet points north, and the 
 pole of the magnet points south since the Earths magnetic North pole is 
 the south pole magnetically.  This is explained at  where it says:
 We know the North Pole of a magnet is attracted
  to the South Pole of another magnet. If the
  North Pole of a magnet points towards the
  earth’s North, the earth’s North must be a South
  Pole. The earth is a giant magnet with its a South
  Pole in its North, which makes a compass' (i.e.
  magnet’s) North Pole points North.
Now I'm more confused than ever! The line If the north pole of a magnet
points towards the earth's north
assumes that I already know for a fact that it is indeed the north pole
of my magnet that is pointing north. I don't know this. I am, in fact,
trying to determine exactly this issue - which end points north?
Logically, it would seem that the end of the needle that points north is
the south, or positive magnetic end. Otherwise, we are left to conclude
that science misleadingly calls the earth's magnetic south pole the
North Pole. Feels weird to imagine all those elves up there, making toys
at the magnetic south pole.
Colin Yardley

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Re: CSWhich pole is which, Re: CSRE:Magnet therapy

1999-07-21 Thread Tom Trauberman
  Now you've gone and done it. Just when I thought I had it %...@**^% .
Someone should recreate the worm expierment to determine what's what


You have it backwards.  The north pole of the magnet points north, and the south
pole of the magnet points south since the Earths magnetic North pole is actually
the south pole magnetically.  This is explained at  where it says:

We know the North Pole of a magnet is attracted
 to the South Pole of another magnet. If the
 North Pole of a magnet points towards the
 earth’s North, the earth’s North must be a South
 Pole. The earth is a giant magnet with its a South
 Pole in its North, which makes a compass' (i.e.
 magnet’s) North Pole points North.

Many references call the poles of a magnet, north seeking and south seeking to
avoid confusion.  A magnet contains a north-seeking
pole (north pole) and a
south-seeking pole (south pole). 

And at

We define the north pole of a magnet as that pole which points toward north on 
compass. Since opposite magnetic
poles attract, the Earth's north magnetic pole is actually, by definition, a
south pole of a magnet. 


Most people think a north arrow on a compass points to the (magnetic's) north
pole Right ? - Wrong ! Opposite poles attract remember - the noth pole of a
compass is attracted to the south magnetic pole. Give it a try. 

Thus if the north arrow of a compass points north and is attracted by the south
pole of a magnet, then that means that the north pole of the magnet must point
north, ie. north seeking.

However I believe I read that the English label their magnets opposite of ours,
but have not found any references for that.


Tai-Pan wrote:  Hi Susan and listers,

  Thats not a stupid question,lots of folks get confused about it.
  The magnet therapy is usually done with round magnets with holes in the
 middle. These are always having one pole on each side.
  The ways to determine the poles.
  1. Tie a string in the hole and let it hang down. Wait for it to stop
 turning. The side facing the EARTHS north pole is the magnets SOUTH
 pole. This requires you to have some idea of where north is at. Most of
 us do.
  Mark the magnet. I use red nail polish to mark the north side of the
 magnet(the side facing the EARTHS south pole).
  2. Use a compass and bring it close to the magnet. The compass is a
 small magnet itself. The compasses south pole will point to the EARTHS
 north pole. IT is marked north because it POINTS to the Earths north
 pole. The compasses south pole (marked north) will POINT to the magnets
 north pole, the same as it points to the earths north pole.
  Mark your magnet.
  See how easy that was.

  A lot of things can cause hair loss, not just scalp blood flow, but it
 is the number one reason.

   Bless you  Bob Lee
 oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast

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---End Message---

CScolloidal gold kit

1999-07-21 Thread patty wolfe
I would also like to purchase a colloidal gold kit.

Re: CSWhich pole is which, Re: CSRE:Magnet therapy

1999-07-21 Thread Marshall Dudley
Colin Yardley wrote:

 Now I'm more confused than ever! The line If the north pole of a magnet
 points towards the earth's north
 assumes that I already know for a fact that it is indeed the north pole
 of my magnet that is pointing north. I don't know this. I am, in fact,
 trying to determine exactly this issue - which end points north?

The north pole of the magnet points north.  The accurate name of the north pole 
of a
magnet is the north seeking pole of the magnet.  To use this method you 
either need
to know the pole of the magnet, in which case you can use the north pole of the 
to find which way is north on the earth, or which way is north on the earth, to 
which pole of the magnet is north (seeking).

 Logically, it would seem that the end of the needle that points north is
 the south, or positive magnetic end.

That is logical, but since the north pole of the earth is the south pole 
the north pole of the magnet will point to the north on earth.  Problem is that 
magnetics were discovered people did not realize the earth was simply a 
magnetic so
they called the end that pointed north the north pole of the magnetic.  Now it 
is all
backwards. :

 Otherwise, we are left to conclude
 that science misleadingly calls the earth's magnetic south pole the
 North Pole. Feels weird to imagine all those elves up there, making toys
 at the magnetic south pole.

It really is not science that screwed it up.  It was just plan old people long 
ago who
had some magnetite and had no idea how it worked.  I think that the proper 
thing to do
would be for the poles of a magnetic to always be called north seeking or south
seeking, but people always want to drop what is considered unnecessary words.



1999-07-21 Thread patty wolfe
I also have a roby very new to the CS and i also need to know 
how much is correct to take and also the ppm's it neeeds to be...sure hope i 
can get some advice on this...have only been using the CS for 3 weeks now...
thanks in advance

Re: CSWhich pole is which, Re: CSRE:Magnet therapy

1999-07-21 Thread Marshall Dudley
I know, I am very wary of these things as well.  Many people have it backwards, 
and I
think it is opposite for some countries as well.  It seems that those who drive 
on the
left side are opposite those who drive on the right side on this issue as well 
I am correct that England is opposite the US on this, which I read somewhere 
but cannot
find now). :


Tom Trauberman wrote:

   Now you've gone and done it. Just when I thought I had it %...@**^% .
 Someone should recreate the worm expierment to determine what's what



 Subject: Re: CSWhich pole is which, Re: CSRE:Magnet therapy
 Resent-Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1999 08:55:27 -0700
 Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1999 11:48:53 -0400
 From: Marshall Dudley

 You have it backwards.  The north pole of the magnet points north, and the 
 pole of the magnet points south since the Earths magnetic North pole is 
 the south pole magnetically.  This is explained at  where it says:

 We know the North Pole of a magnet is attracted
  to the South Pole of another magnet. If the
  North Pole of a magnet points towards the
  earth’s North, the earth’s North must be a South
  Pole. The earth is a giant magnet with its a South
  Pole in its North, which makes a compass' (i.e.
  magnet’s) North Pole points North.

 Many references call the poles of a magnet, north seeking and south seeking to
 avoid confusion.  A magnet contains a north-seeking
 pole (north pole) and a
 south-seeking pole (south pole). 

 And at

 We define the north pole of a magnet as that pole which points toward north 
 on a
 compass. Since opposite magnetic
 poles attract, the Earth's north magnetic pole is actually, by definition, a
 south pole of a magnet. 


 Most people think a north arrow on a compass points to the (magnetic's) north
 pole Right ? - Wrong ! Opposite poles attract remember - the noth pole of a
 compass is attracted to the south magnetic pole. Give it a try. 

 Thus if the north arrow of a compass points north and is attracted by the 
 pole of a magnet, then that means that the north pole of the magnet must point
 north, ie. north seeking.

 However I believe I read that the English label their magnets opposite of 
 but have not found any references for that.


 Tai-Pan wrote:  Hi Susan and listers,

   Thats not a stupid question,lots of folks get confused about it.
   The magnet therapy is usually done with round magnets with holes in the
  middle. These are always having one pole on each side.
   The ways to determine the poles.
   1. Tie a string in the hole and let it hang down. Wait for it to stop
  turning. The side facing the EARTHS north pole is the magnets SOUTH
  pole. This requires you to have some idea of where north is at. Most of
  us do.
   Mark the magnet. I use red nail polish to mark the north side of the
  magnet(the side facing the EARTHS south pole).
   2. Use a compass and bring it close to the magnet. The compass is a
  small magnet itself. The compasses south pole will point to the EARTHS
  north pole. IT is marked north because it POINTS to the Earths north
  pole. The compasses south pole (marked north) will POINT to the magnets
  north pole, the same as it points to the earths north pole.
   Mark your magnet.
   See how easy that was.
   A lot of things can cause hair loss, not just scalp blood flow, but it
  is the number one reason.
Bless you  Bob Lee
  oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast
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  To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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Re: CSWhich pole is which, Re: CSRE:Magnet therapy

1999-07-21 Thread bonnie schmidlkofer
Buy some worms.. :-)


-Original Message-
From: Colin Yardley
Date: Wednesday, July 21, 1999 12:35 PM
Subject: Re: CSWhich pole is which, Re: CSRE:Magnet therapy

Marshall Dudley wrote:

 You have it backwards.  The north pole of the magnet points north, and
the south
 pole of the magnet points south since the Earths magnetic North pole is
 the south pole magnetically.  This is explained at  where it says:

 We know the North Pole of a magnet is attracted
  to the South Pole of another magnet. If the
  North Pole of a magnet points towards the
  earth’s North, the earth’s North must be a South
  Pole. The earth is a giant magnet with its a South
  Pole in its North, which makes a compass' (i.e.
  magnet’s) North Pole points North.

Now I'm more confused than ever! The line If the north pole of a magnet
points towards the earth's north
assumes that I already know for a fact that it is indeed the north pole
of my magnet that is pointing north. I don't know this. I am, in fact,
trying to determine exactly this issue - which end points north?
Logically, it would seem that the end of the needle that points north is
the south, or positive magnetic end. Otherwise, we are left to conclude
that science misleadingly calls the earth's magnetic south pole the
North Pole. Feels weird to imagine all those elves up there, making toys
at the magnetic south pole.
Colin Yardley

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RE: CSWhich pole is which, Re: CSRE:Magnet therapy

1999-07-21 Thread Anthony W. Nettis
I thought the worm experiment was very conclusive - - DRINK MORE VODKA!



-Original Message-
From: Tom Trauberman []
Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 1999 12:49 PM
Subject: Re: CSWhich pole is which, Re: CSRE:Magnet therapy

  Now you've gone and done it. Just when I thought I had it %...@**^% .
Someone should recreate the worm expierment to determine what's what


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CSChanging to Digest Format

1999-07-21 Thread Kenneth Hess
How do I do that?

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1999-07-21 Thread johnphil
I have a bottle of Musselman's ACV which states 5% acidity on the label.
I can't find my detox books but did find ACID AND ALKALINE by Herman
Aihara.  He states vinegar has a pH of 2.9.  He lists vinegar as an
acid-forming food.

I was very interested in finding out which foods were acid ash (acid
forming) and which alkaline ash a couple years ago.  I only found two
books with tables, and the two books, one of which was Aihara's book,
disagreed on some items.  Nutrition books didn't have the information
and neither did the County Homemakers Extension.

He addresses the confusion between acid foods and acid-forming foods

There are two types of acid and alkaline foods. One is acid or alkaline
foods; the other is acid or alkaline FORMING foods.

Acid and alkaline foods means how much acid or alkaline the foods
contain [measured by their pH]. A pH of 7.0 is neutral; less than 7 is
acid and more than 7 is alkaline.

By acid forming or alkaline forming, nutritionists mean the condition
foods cause in the body _after being digested._. If a food leaves an
acid ash the body must neutralize it as blood pH must be 7.4, slightly
alkaline.  If it is not neutralized the body is acidic, which as stated
in other posts, is conducive to disease.

He states that fruit and most vegetables are considered alkaline-forming
foods, while high protein foods and most grains are acid-forming foods.
However, he lists vinegar as acid-forming  although he did not
distinguish between white vinegar and apple cider vinegar--so it may be
that ACV is alkaline forming.  In flipping through Bragg's books I could
not find mention of the acid or alkaline ash of ACV.  Maybe someone else
can solve this mystery.  John

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Re: CS instructions

1999-07-21 Thread Daniel and Karen Croom
Dear James (and Marsha),

I'm new on the list and have more questions than answers but wanted to
share this and hope it will help.  A bio-chemist named David C. Beebe who
sells cs claims that he tested it in white plastic bottles after being in
direct sunlight for 4 hours (in July).
There was no difference in the efficacy or ppm than in the control sample. 
The product did change color slightly.  He also claims that the only reason
the silver stays in a colloidal state is because the particles of silver
are so tiny that the pull of gravity in response to their mass is too
little to cause the normal settling process and not because of some
electrical charge.  (Yes, he does make it the same way the rest of us do! 
See why I have so many questions?)  He does go on to say Also, the natural
absorption of heat from the ambient causes a normal mixing process of the
silver, known as convection currents.  (like dust in a sunbeam)
If that isn't enough to shake most of our cs theories, David also says that
microwaves, freezing and X-ray machines do nothing to harm cs!

 From: James Vernon, Allison
 Subject: Re: CS instructions 
 Date: Wednesday, July 21, 1999 10:35 AM
  Dear James, Well, I took some of it for a painful eye infection, and it
  away. So, yep, I think it was CS.
 Either that, or you yourself have wonderful healing powers of your own
 just needed a little jump start.  :)
 James Vernon, Allison
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Re: CSWhich pole is which, Re: CSRE:Magnet therapy

1999-07-21 Thread Colin Yardley
Thanks for so cogently clearing up this magnetic north-south issue.
Having read some materials on the healing effects of magnets,
particularly the use of the north pole for reducing pain and
inflammation, I have made some applications of it. Due to misleading
information, I've been using the wrong pole. Wonder how many other
people have unwittingly done so. Thanks a heap for your information.
Colin Yardley

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Re: CSWhich pole is which, Re: CSRE:Magnet therapy

1999-07-21 Thread Colin Yardley
Oh, yes. One rather important point.
Experts on magneto-therapy, like Philpott, claim that the north pole is
the one to use for almost all health problems, partcularly those related
to inflammation, swelling, tumors, etc.

Given Marshall's postings on north-south confusion, how much certainty
do we have that, for example, Philpott's north pole is really the north
pole and not the south? Hope I haven't opened a can of worms. In fact,
that's exactly what I should do. Maybe the worms are the proof of the
pudding, if you'll forgive the grotesque misuse of the metaphor - viz.,
worms grow faster exposed to south pole energy, shrivel or remain
dormant exposed to north pole energy.

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Re: CSWhich pole is which, Re: CSRE:Magnet therapy

1999-07-21 Thread Marshall Dudley
Colin Yardley wrote:

 Oh, yes. One rather important point.
 Experts on magneto-therapy, like Philpott, claim that the north pole is
 the one to use for almost all health problems, partcularly those related
 to inflammation, swelling, tumors, etc.

 Given Marshall's postings on north-south confusion, how much certainty
 do we have that, for example, Philpott's north pole is really the north
 pole and not the south? Hope I haven't opened a can of worms. In fact,
 that's exactly what I should do. Maybe the worms are the proof of the
 pudding, if you'll forgive the grotesque misuse of the metaphor - viz.,
 worms grow faster exposed to south pole energy, shrivel or remain
 dormant exposed to north pole energy.

I have the exact same concerns.  In every case due to the confusion, any
researcher should always indicate that the poles are north seeking or south
seeking or tell which one points north, and not just north or south which is
ambiguous.  Maybe researchers should be contacted to find out how they
determined poles.  Many could be backwards. :


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Re: CSWhich pole is which, Re: CSRE:Magnet therapy

1999-07-21 Thread D. Garrett
as i recall, the rife list hashed this until death and it remained
unsettled. good luck.


Oh, yes. One rather important point.
Experts on magneto-therapy, like Philpott, claim that the north pole is
the one to use for almost all health problems, partcularly those related
to inflammation, swelling, tumors, etc.

Given Marshall's postings on north-south confusion, how much certainty
do we have that, for example, Philpott's north pole is really the north
pole and not the south? Hope I haven't opened a can of worms. In fact,
that's exactly what I should do. Maybe the worms are the proof of the
pudding, if you'll forgive the grotesque misuse of the metaphor - viz.,
worms grow faster exposed to south pole energy, shrivel or remain
dormant exposed to north pole energy.

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---End Message---

Re: CSWhich pole is which, Re: CSRE:Magnet therapy

1999-07-21 Thread Marshall Dudley
D. Garrett wrote:

 as i recall, the rife list hashed this until death and it remained
 unsettled. good luck.


The problem is that there is no right or wrong.  It is a matter of definition, 
and any group can
chose to define it however they want.  The main thing is that a person needs to 
know how it was
defined before trying to use infromation from the results, and from what I have 
seen researchers are
not nailing it down.


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Re: CSWhich pole is which, Re: CSRE:Magnet therapy

1999-07-21 Thread Colin Yardley
Marshall Dudley wrote:
 D. Garrett wrote:
  as i recall, the rife list hashed this until death and it remained
  unsettled. good luck.
 The problem is that there is no right or wrong.  It is a matter of 
 definition, and any group can
 chose to define it however they want.  The main thing is that a person needs 
 to know how it was
 defined before trying to use infromation from the results, and from what I 
 have seen researchers are
 not nailing it down.

A quick review of bio-magnetic ltierature - i.e., the folks who use
magnets for healing - indicates that they generally, but not
unanimously, go by the convention of assigning SOUTH (positive) polarity
to the north pointing end of the compass needle. See particularly
_Discovery of Magnetic Health: A Healthcare Alternative_ by George J.
Washnis and Richard Z. Hricak., pp.170-171. Contrary to Marshall, they
argue: ...the suspended magnet test, as well as scientific instruments
such as the magnetometer, specify the Earth's Northern hemisphere are
the negative magnetic field.  I know this discussion is off topic for
the CS group, but if someone starts suggesting, for example, that CS is
more effective when magnetized, it might behoove us to know which end of
the stick to stir with, so to speak.
Colin Yardley

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1999-07-21 Thread Daniel and Karen Croom
After making many batches of cs and them all turning out a light yellow, my
last two batches have been clear and then by morning have turned a fairly
deep gold.  Anyone have a clue what's happening?  What does cause the
golden color anyway?  I've heard that the color indicates the particle
size.  True?  And if so, then wouldn't it be better to not heat the water
and have it stay clear?
Thanks for helping,

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CSgold colored cs

1999-07-21 Thread Pam Whitmire
I wonder about the gold too. I don't heat the water, just pour a glass
and set the generator on. Mine is consistantly gold colored. It's like a
glass of brownish mist first, then after sitting overnight and after
filtering, it's gold.


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CSTopical application of cs

1999-07-21 Thread Pam Whitmire
I have seen several different posts here that are of conflicting
natures. Some have said that cs does not penetrate skin well topically,
but others say they use it for warts, etc - does a wart or mole have a
different skin type that would make it effective there and not on
regular skin? I have been taking cs and also applying it to my face for
rosacea and I wonder if I am wasting my time with the topical
application. In the Body Electric, which I am currently reading, Dr.
Becker says With the advent of better infection-fighting drugs, silver
fell out of favor, because its ions bind avidly to proteins and thus
don't penetrate tissue beyond the very surface.; would this apply to
cs? Opinions, please.

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Re: CSWhich pole is which, Re: CSRE:Magnet therapy

1999-07-21 Thread Ivan Anderson
This is an article by Dr. William Philpott that explains the current
terminology used by many of us who use magnets for health improvement.
In our terminology, the north magnetic pole is in the north - near the
true north pole. The N end of a compass needle will point to this
pole. As opposites attract, it is actually the south pole of the
needle that is labeled N and is north-seeking. This north-seeking
needle will also point to the north pole of a bar magnet, and to the
north face of a flat magnet. This north pole we call negative and it
is the pole usually used for health improvement, particularly cancer
self treatment.

 Negative magnetic polarity energy -- this  is identified as
the side at a flat surface magnet with poles on opposite sides or
end of a bar magnet that registers negative (-) on  a
magnetometer.  This is also the same  energy as the true physical
north magnetic pole of the earth.  This is opposite to the north
seeking pole of a compass needle, which was  originally wrongly
named north pole when in fact the north seeking pole of a bar
magnet (compass needle) is south pole since opposites attract.

 Positive magnetic  polarity energy -- this is identified as
the side of a flat surface magnet with poles on opposite sides or
end of a bar magnet that  registers  positive (+) on a
magnetometer.  This is also the same energy as the true physical
south magnetic pole of the earth.  This is the same as the north
seeking pole of a compass needle.

 This is to avoid the semantic  confusion when using north
and south positive compass needle pointing north which was
misidentified as north pole by navigators as in fact a south pole
seeking the north pole of the earth.  This follows the
recommendations and use of several authors, especially those
interested in the biological responses to magnetism, electricity
and ionization and provides the consistency of parallel
biological responses to the specific separate pole and/or energy
of positive and negative electricity, magnetism and ionization.

 Parallels are the negative poles of a DC circuit, negative
pole of a magnet,and negative ionization.  Biological responses
to a negative magnetic field, magnetic electric pole and negative

 A  magnetic pole identified by a magnetometer as position
(+), is the same magnetic energy as the true physical south
magnetic pole of the earth and is the same as the north seeking
pole of a bar magnet (compass needle).  Parallels are the
positive pole of a DC circuit, positive pole of a magnet and
positive ionization.  Biological responses to a positive magnetic
field, positive electric pole and positive ionization are


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Re: cs

1999-07-21 Thread Michael Anthony
Mine always comes out clear and turns light yellow by morning. I don't
heat my water and I use only 9 - 15 volts with limiting current to 3 ma.
I don't know what is going on either but it works just fine.


Daniel and Karen Croom wrote:
 After making many batches of cs and them all turning out a light yellow, my
 last two batches have been clear and then by morning have turned a fairly
 deep gold.  Anyone have a clue what's happening?  What does cause the
 golden color anyway?  I've heard that the color indicates the particle
 size.  True?  And if so, then wouldn't it be better to not heat the water
 and have it stay clear?
 Thanks for helping,
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Re: CSWhich pole is which, Re: CSRE:Magnet therapy

1999-07-21 Thread Colin Yardley
Thanks for this clarification, Ivan. Looks like I was using the right
end of the magnet for healing after all - i.e., the north end (using
your method of determining north). This would explain my experience last
summer when I took a wasp sting in my foot. Ordinarily, the sting area
swells up and I go through about three to four days of redness, swelling
and pain. Placing the north face of a flat magnet on the sting area, I
experienced hardly any pain, very little swelling and redness, and
things were all better a day later. It was impressive.
Colin Yardley 

Ivan Anderson wrote:
 This is an article by Dr. William Philpott that explains the current
 terminology used by many of us who use magnets for health improvement.
 In our terminology, the north magnetic pole is in the north - near the
 true north pole. The N end of a compass needle will point to this
 pole. As opposites attract, it is actually the south pole of the
 needle that is labeled N and is north-seeking. This north-seeking
 needle will also point to the north pole of a bar magnet, and to the
 north face of a flat magnet. This north pole we call negative and it
 is the pole usually used for health improvement, particularly cancer
 self treatment.

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CSNorth pole

1999-07-21 Thread Richard Pope
In the beginning man discovered that there were two magnetic poles. Since
one was in the northern latitudes and one was in the southern latitudes we
decided to call the one in the northern parts the north pole and the one in
the southern parts the south pole.
Since oposite poles attract and a compass is a direction seeking device we
marked the compass needle pointing towards the north with and n. Of
course it is really the south pole of the small needle magnet.
Of course we could have called the magnetic pole in the northern parts
south but why would we?

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1999-07-21 Thread Ivan Anderson

 Thanks for the feeback Ivan.
 What is the difference between AC and DC cd production?

Hi Edward,

The mechanics of stripping electrons from elemental silver and causing
Ag+ ions to enter the water is the same. Both methods require a
positive electrode (anode) and a negative electrode (cathode).

The approach is different however.
DC generation, especially low voltage (LVDC) applies a potential to
the electrodes which remains constant in its polarity throughout the
process (there are some variation on this theme, some LVDC generators
switch polarity during the process, at various rates, in order to
restrict build up of silver on the cathode).
DC generators are cheap to build and operate, pose no electrical risk,
and are generally portable, often able to run on both batteries and AC
power (via adaptor)
DC generation requires some attention to detail, but does produce very
good CS, equal to the best both in efficacy and stability.

AC generation also uses two electrodes, one being electrically
neutral, the other being supplied with a potential which alters in
polarity (with respect to the neutral electrode) in the manner of a
sine wave. Therefore during the passing of each wave or cycle, the
'hot' electrode is at the same potential as the neutral electrode and
no power flows, the potential then rises to a peak positive value and
then falls to zero and continues to fall to a peak negative value to
finally rise again to zero. The number of times this happens in one
second is the frequency of the supplied power and can range from 50 or
60 cycles per second (Hz) to ten of thousands.
AC generators generally operate at very high voltages, up to 10 or
15,000 Volts, and require expensive components, are not portable,
cannot run on batteries, and cannot be built by the ordinary person.

HVAC proponents suggest that the particle size and stability of their
product is better than that produced by LVDC machines. That may be
true in some cases, but well made LVDC CS is a match for the AC
product in my experience.
It is this 'competition' which prompts many of us to specify which
method of generation was used in creating the CS we are referring to.

Regard - Ivan

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Re: CScrohns disease

1999-07-21 Thread Susan Epstein
Hi Carmen, Sorry for taking so long to get back to you. People with crohns 
disease should absolutely avoid milk products, coffee, alcohol, and products 
with refined sugar. These make the condition much worse. EPA from fish oil is a 
specific for crohns, because of its anti-inflammatory effect.I know of people 
who have gotten great results from dietary changes and supplements put out by 
Shaklee Corp.(see thier web site at is an old and very 
reputable network-marketing company. They don't sell products through 
stores,but send them directly to distributors or Preferred Members. Since 
you're in Austrailia I don't know how you would obtain them, but I will try to 
find out. In the mean time see if you can order an audio tape called Digestive 
Disordersby Diane Petoskey(a naturopathic doctor). She outlines a nutrition 
program for people with crohns, irritable bowel and other similar conditions. 
Her tape is available from an organization called The Frontrunners  website
fax 1. 612.475.3715  Avoid the above foods and if you can ge a hold of some 
cold-processed EPA, start taking 4-6capsules a day. Diane Petoskey uses Shaklee 
supplements because they're made differently and give better results than other 
brands, but since you're in Australia, I'd try what I can get ahold of there in 
the meantime. Will send more info. as I get it. Hope this helps. Susan Epstein
-Original Message-
Date: Sunday, July 18, 1999 8:36 PM
Subject: Re: CScrohns disease

Hi Susan,

My address is Carmen Spence, l Narrabundah St, Mudgeeraba, 4213. Gold Coast 
Australia.I might have tried these dietary changes and the supplements already, 
but am willing to see if they might be different Susan, Thanks 

- Original Message - 
From: Susan Epstein 
Sent: Sunday, July 18, 1999 11:21 PM
Subject: CScrohns disease

Hi Carmen, I know of some people with crohns disease who were helped a 
lot by making certain dietary changes and using specific supplements. If you 
want to e-mail me privately and give me your mailing address  I can send you 
copies of the info. from my files. Susan Epstein

CSFwd: CS instructions

1999-07-21 Thread Donna2424
In a message dated 7/D/YY 8:43:35 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Donna2424 writes:

  David also says that
  microwaves, freezing and X-ray machines do nothing to harm cs!
   Thank you, you answered my next question.  I am going on vacation and will 
have to be taking a plane.  I was wondering what would happen to my CS that 
was packed in the suitcase.  I am taking it that the type of scanner they use 
would be along the same lines as an x-ray.  Hoping I am right here.

In a message dated 7/D/YY 1:43:38 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

 David also says that
 microwaves, freezing and X-ray machines do nothing to harm cs!
  Thank you, you answered my next question.  I am going on vacation and will 
have to be taking a plane.  I was wondering what would happen to my CS that 
was packed in the suitcase.  I am taking it that the type of scanner they use 
would be along the same lines as an x-ray.  Hoping I am right here.
---End Message---

Re: CSHelp - Parkinson's Disease

1999-07-21 Thread RON BRENNEN
Christian von Wechmar wrote:
 Dear List,
 Does anyone know if CS is helpful in cases of Parkinson's disease? I know of
 two people who have Parkinson's. They refuse to take the normal
 medications the MD prescribes. Any other thoughts? They are becoming quite

  Colloidal gold would probably be better than CS.
  Ron Brennen

 Christian von Wechmar
 Stellenbosch, South Africa
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RE: CSFwd: CS instructions

1999-07-21 Thread Anthony W. Nettis
As the CS passes through the x-ray machine it will cause a distortion of the
space/time continuum.  If a tachion field is not applied the fabric of
space/time will rupture, causing all chemical reactions in the universe to
cease - thus ending life as we know it.



Just kidding - I have taken CS with me though airports lots of times.  I
have not noticed any problems.  When I travel I use spent hydrogen peroxide
containers so that I won't have to deal with broken glass.


-Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 1999 8:44 PM
Subject: CSFwd: CS instructions

In a message dated 7/D/YY 8:43:35 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Donna2424

  David also says that
  microwaves, freezing and X-ray machines do nothing to harm cs!

   Thank you, you answered my next question.  I am going on vacation and
have to be taking a plane.  I was wondering what would happen to my CS that
was packed in the suitcase.  I am taking it that the type of scanner they
would be along the same lines as an x-ray.  Hoping I am right here.

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Re: cs and eyes

1999-07-21 Thread Reid Smith
At 04:47 PM 7/21/99 -0500, you wrote:
I have read on the Silver Solutions site that cs does not sting in the
eyes. I have a small fleshy place in the white of my eye close to the
iris, and had decided to drop cs in my eyes to see if it would get rid
of it. When I put the cs in, it burns like fury - almost like an
astringent, drying feel, though my eyes instantly tear up. If it's not
supposed to sting, why is mine doing this?

   Mine stung using MSP but not using 100ppm wateroz.

Take Care 

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Re: CSHelp - Parkinson's Disease

1999-07-21 Thread Reid Smith
Dear List,
Does anyone know if CS is helpful in cases of Parkinson's disease? I know of
two people who have Parkinson's. They refuse to take the normal
medications the MD prescribes. Any other thoughts? They are becoming quite

  CS, HOT baths, 2 gallons of water a day, no diet anything and protein 
like nuts four times a day. Parkinson's is a softissue and mucus membrane 
infection caused by either a virus or a rickosite (large virus with
bacterial qualities) .

Take Care 

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