Re: CScomment and D-mannose question, was Re: CSKidney Infections

2006-09-04 Thread ccdirectt

Look into liver gallbladder flush

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Re: CSSore Knee

2006-09-04 Thread ccdirectt

You put your feet into a thing of water with a ion
 it draws out toxins,heavy metals  other stuff.A lot
of chiropractors are doing it.Its about $30 to $75 per
treatment.Heres a photo i posted on
You can buy these devices on Ebay $299  up.
The one they used on me cost $747 on Ebay.I intend to
buy one soon.

Do You Yahoo!?
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CSKen, allergies?

2006-09-04 Thread M. G. Devour
Dear Ken (Ode),

Several times in the past you've mentioned reducing or eliminating your 
pollen sensitivity by licking the windshield. I'm entering ragweed 
season here which usually makes me miserable from late august through 
the first frost. I'm going to try your technique.


How much of the windshield do you lick? Just one good swipe, or do you 
have to use the wipers afterward to be able to see again? giggle!

How long is enough time to collect a good sample, assuming I clean the 
glass first to get rid of road grunge, bird droppings, and the like? 
Overnight? An hour?

How long before you saw the effect you wanted?

Even if I can't entirely keep a straight face, I'm serious. It'd be 
particularly interesting to try this right now since my dear bride is 
convinced that it won't work. She's been taking allergy shots... for 


Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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Re: CSComcast

2006-09-04 Thread M. G. Devour
Dan writes:
 Well, after cajoling, threatening, and badgering Comcast,
 I appear to be receiving the silver-list, at least for the

Take a bow, Dan. Thanks for your effort. Thanks to everyone else who 
also complained.

Dan sent me copies of correspondence he received from Comcast, and it 
appears the tech support person he was dealing with submitted the IP 
address to the blacklist removal address with some kind of override 
instruction to *force* it to remove the address despite it being in the 
permanent ban file.

As Dan implies, the fix may only last until the *next* time we trip 
their system.


Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSSore Knee

2006-09-04 Thread M. G. Devour
Brickey wrote:
 I still get a foot itch that can't be relieved by rubbing. I found that
 stretching my ankle for five seconds s eems to help, I stetch forward ,
 toes out and toes in. A dancer said that exercise helped her feet.

My wife has used a magnet taped over the itch. Relief is pretty quick 
and lets her sleep. You have to sure you put the correct side of the 
magnet by your foot:  If you suspend it by a string so that it aligns 
itself with the earth's magnetic field, the side that faces south is 
the one to use. 

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSc/s and my dog

2006-09-04 Thread M. G. Devour
 cmo ??  is this a c/s product,, sorry , i am new at this.. geo. 

Hi Geo,

CMO is Cetyl-Myristoleate. It's another alternative health nostrum.

CMO, glucosamine, chondroitin, and MSM together make up the main 
ingredients of a protocol people have been using to reverse -- not just 
slow or stop, but *reverse* -- arthritic changes.

Use Google to start reading up on the various materials. When you've 
got more questions, ring back in here and ask!!

Be well,

Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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RE: CSKidney Infections

2006-09-04 Thread M. G. Devour
 Why doesn't she/he just use the catheter to inject some CS into the
 bladder? Especially just before removing the catheter?

Prophylactic oral CS prevents the problem. Infusion would be a 
possibility if an infection got started.

It's easier to drink the stuff than use a turkey baster! grin

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSSore Knee

2006-09-04 Thread Shelli
Is that all there is to it? Do you put your hands on the top of the door 
frame steady yourself? Do you, by any chance, have the post?


Stuff wrote:

Some time ago Brooks Bradley posted  to this list what I call the Easy 

Routine. I've been doing it ever since, at least once a day.

It consists of standing in a door way with your hands over your head
and simply bouncing 200 times on your heels.

Simple, dirt cheap, works for me.

Who could ask for anything more?...from the tune of the same name.


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CSc/s and my dog

2006-09-04 Thread Geoping
first time here,, just ordered a c/s generator how can i apply this  
product to my beloved lab/ shep  with sore hind quarters...  Ping,  is 13 
old, and having trouble getting up the stairs.. thanks, in advance..  george..

Re: CSc/s and my dog

2006-09-04 Thread M. G. Devour
 will start the vite e program today,, i stock and use the 400 iu gel
 caps..  ping will be on them as of today,, and thanks so much,, geo.. 

Great! Let us know in a couple of weeks if he's doing better!

Be well,

Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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CSCrocodile Hunter, Irwin, Killed in accident

2006-09-04 Thread Day Sutton

cross posted as Off Topic from another list.  We will all miss him..

[Fwd: [BMDBreeder-l] Stingray kills 'Crocodile Hunter' Irwin]   Inbox

Subject: [BMDBreeder-l] Stingray kills 'Crocodile Hunter' Irwin

I know this is off topic but he'll be missed by millions of animal lovers.
I feel a personal sadness at his loss.
Dawn Gabig

Stingray kills 'Crocodile Hunter' Irwin
By BRIAN CASSEY, Associated Press Writer 3 minutes ago
CAIRNS, Australia - Steve Irwin, the hugely popular Australian television
personality and conservationist known as the Crocodile Hunter, was killed
Monday by a stingray while filming off the Great Barrier Reef. He was 44.

Irwin was at Batt Reef, off the remote coast of northeastern Queensland
state, shooting a segment for a series called Ocean's Deadliest when he
swam too close to one of the animals, which have a poisonous barb on their
tails, his friend and colleague John Stainton said.
He came on top of the stingray and the stingray's barb went up and into his
chest and put a hole into his heart, said Stainton, who was on board
Irwin's boat at the time.
Crew members aboard the boat, Croc One, called emergency services in the
nearest city, Cairns, and administered CPR as they rushed the boat to nearby
Low Isle to meet a rescue helicopter. Medical staff pronounced Irwin dead
when they arrived a short time later, Stainton said.
Irwin was famous for his enthusiasm for wildlife and his catchword Crikey!
in his television program Crocodile Hunter. First broadcast in Australia
in 1992, the program was picked up by the Discovery network, catapulting
Irwin to international celebrity.
He rode his image into a feature film, 2002's The Crocodile Hunters:
Collision Course and developed the wildlife park that his parents opened,
Australia Zoo, into a major tourist attraction.
The world has lost a great wildlife icon, a passionate conservationist and
one of the proudest dads on the planet, Stainton told reporters in Cairns.
He died doing what he loved best and left this world in a happy and
peaceful state of mind. He would have said, 'Crocs Rule!'
Prime Minister John Howard, who hand-picked Irwin to attend a gala barbecue
to honor

President Bush when he visited in 2003, said he was shocked and distressed
at Steve Irwin's sudden, untimely and freakish death.
It's a huge loss to Australia, Howard told reporters. He was a wonderful
character. He was a passionate environmentalist. He brought joy and
entertainment and excitement to millions of people.
Irwin, who made a trademark of hovering dangerously close to untethered
crocodiles and leaping on their backs, spoke in rapid-fire bursts with a
thick Australian accent and was almost never seen without his uniform of
khaki shorts and shirt and heavy boots.
Wild animal expert Jack Hanna, who frequently appears on TV with his
subjects, offered praise for Irwin.
Steve was one of these guys, we thought of him as invincible, Hanna,
director emeritus of the Columbus (Ohio) Zoo and Aquarium, told ABC's Good
Morning America Monday.
The guy was incredible. His knowledge was incredible, Hanna said. Some
people that are doing this stuff are actors and that type of thing, but
Steve was truly a zoologist, so to speak, a person who knew what he was
doing. Yes, he did things a lot of people wouldn't do. I think he knew what
he was doing.
Irwin's ebullience was infectious and Australian officials sought him out
for photo opportunities and to promote Australia internationally.
His public image was dented, however, in 2004 when he caused an uproar by
holding his infant son in one arm while feeding large crocodiles inside a
zoo pen. Irwin claimed at the time there was no danger to the child, and
authorities declined to charge Irwin with violating safety regulations.
Later that year, he was accused of getting too close to penguins, a seal and
humpback whales in Antarctica while making a documentary. Irwin denied any
wrongdoing, and an Australian Environment Department investigation
recommended no action be taken against him.
Stingrays have a serrated, toxin-loaded barb, or spine, on the top of their
tail. The barb, which can be up to 10 inches long, flexes if a ray is
frightened. Stings usually occur to people when they step on or swim too
close to a ray and can be excruciatingly painful but are rarely fatal, said
University of Queensland marine neuroscientist Shaun Collin.
Collin said he suspected Irwin died because the barb pierced under his
ribcage and directly into his heart.
It was extraordinarily bad luck. It's not easy to get spined by a stingray
and to be killed by one is very rare, Collin said.
News of Irwin's death spread quickly, and tributes flowed from all quarters
of society.
At Australia Zoo at Beerwah, south Queensland, floral tributes were dropped
at the entrance, where a huge fake crocodile gapes. Drivers honked their
horns as they passed.
Steve, from all God's creatures, thank you. Rest in peace, was written on
a card with a bouquet of native flowers.

Re: CSCrocodile Hunter, Irwin, Killed in accident

2006-09-04 Thread Geoping
animal lover here also... will c/s help with pings hips.. she is a lab /  
shep about 12  yrs.. and  truoble getting up steps.. thanks,  geo.

CSBeing careful with CS

2006-09-04 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Pat said,
I thought someone warned once to never drink out of
the bottle of CS because it would cause it to fall out
of suspension if it is contaminated with anything. 

Many, many of my clients drink CS right out of the
bottle either to save having to measure out the CS
(why bother?), or because they are carrying the CS
around with them all day for frequent ingestion. 

This is just mineral water, folks, not a medicine or a
chemical. You don't need to be careful with it.
Remember, when you drink CS, it goes into a soup of
all kinds of stuff in your stomach. Still works,

Apart from mixing CS with toxic substances, whatever
we can do to CS outside our bodies will automatically
happen inside our bodies. Yet CS still works.

The only way myself and my kids get CS is mixed/cooked
into foods/drinks. The CS my family ingests is mixed
with every imaginable good thing - soups, salad
dressing, pancake batter, coffee (the major way I take
it), herbal tea, juices, gravy, ice cubes, milk, hot
and cold cereals, canning jars of veggies, cookies,
cakes, muffins, everywhere we can conceive to put it.
The possibilities are endless.

We boil it, freeze it, bake it, fry it, with the net
result being that no one gets sick in our family.

You don't have to be careful with this elixir from
God, you don't need to tippy-toe around it. Use it
freely and generously. Drink it liberally and

Use it in your eyes, nose, throat, ears, between your
toes, under your arms, on your face, in your hair (get
the picture?). 

Here is a quote from Bob Beck's CS useage description:

Add to suspected drinking water when traveling or
camping. Silver-sprayed burns heal rapidly without
scarring. Safely sterilize anything from toothbrushes
to surgical instruments. Use topically on cuts,
wounds, abrasions, rashes, sunburn, insect bites,
razor nicks and bandages. Spray on garbage to prevent
decay odors. Mist kitchen sponges, towels, cutting
boards to eliminate E. Coli and salmonella bacteria to
prevent food poisoning and gastrointestinal

Add when canning, preserving or bottling. Use like
peroxide on zits and acne. Add to juices and milk to
prevent spoiling, fermenting, deteriorating,
clabbering or curdling. Spray in shoes and between
toes to stop most skin itch, athletes foot and fungi.
Diminish dandruff, psoriasis, skin rashes, etc. Add to
bath water, gargle, douches, colon irrigation, nasal
spray and dental water-pic solutions. Cuts downtime
dramatically from colds, flu, pneumonia, staph, strep,
respiratory infections and rhino viruses. Skin itch,
eye irritation or infection (dilute a small amount
with an equal amount of distilled water for eye use)
and ear infections (warm slightly first), some moles
and warts vanish (put on bandaid pad and wear on wart
overnight each night until gone). Use with Q-tips on
fingernail, toenail, and ear fungi. Can impede tooth
decay and bad breath. Unlike pharmaceutical
antibiotics, Colloidal Silver never permits
strain-resistant pathogens to evolve.

Toothaches, mouth sores, bacterial irritations are
diminished. Soak dentures. Spray refrigerator, freezer
and food storage bin interiors. Mix in postage stamp,
envelope, and tape moistening wells, paint and paste
pots to prevent bacterial growth, odors, spoiling or
souring. Add to water-based paints, wallpaper paste,
dishwater, cleaning and mopping solutions, etc. Spray
pet bedding and let dry.

Spray on top of contents of opened jam, jelly, and
condiment containers and inside lids before replacing.
Mix a little in pet water, birdbaths, cut flower
vases. Add to swamp cooler water. Spray air
conditioner filters after cleaning. Swab air ducts and
vents to prevent breeding sites for germs. Use
routinely in laundry final rinse water and always
before packing away seasonal clothes. Damp clothes or
towels and washcloths will not sour or mildew.
Eliminate unwanted microorganisms in planter soils and
hydroponics systems. Spray plant foliage to stop
fungi, molds, rot, and most plant diseases. Silver is
an excellent plant-growth stimulator.

Treat pools, fountains, humidifiers, Jacuzzis, hot
tubs, baths, dishwashers, re-circulating cooling tower
water, gymnasium foot dips, and bath and shower mats.
Spray inside shoes, watch bands and gloves and under
fingernails periodically. Treat shower stalls, tubs,
fonts, animal watering troughs, shavers to avoid
trading germs. Rinse fruit and vegetables before
storing or using. Put in cooking water. Add to human
and animal shampoos and they become disinfectants.
Prevent carpets, drapes and wallpaper from mildewing.
Wipe telephone mouthpieces, pipe stems, headphones,
hearing aids, eyeglass frames, hairbrushes, combs,
loofas. Excellent for diapers and diaper rash. Do
toilet seats, bowls, tile floors, sinks, urinals, door
knobs. Kills persistent odors. Rinse invalid's
pillowcases, sheets, towels and bedclothes. There are
literally thousands of other essential uses for this
odorless, nearly tasteless and 

Re: CSc/s and my dog

2006-09-04 Thread Acmeair

look into giving your dog some CMO (Cetylmyristoleate)...  jim wrote:

first time here,, just ordered a c/s generator how can i apply 
this product to my beloved lab/ shep  with sore hind quarters...  
Ping, is 13 years old, and having trouble getting up the stairs.. 
thanks, in advance.. george..

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSc/s and my dog

2006-09-04 Thread Geoping
cmo ??  is this a c/s product,, sorry , i am new at this.. geo. 

Re: CSc/s and my dog

2006-09-04 Thread Gail Evans
You might check with your vet about giving your dog glucosomine and possibly 
MSM. Dosage is probably dependent on weight, but not sure.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, September 04, 2006 8:56 AM
  Subject: CSc/s and my dog

  first time here,, just ordered a c/s generator how can i apply this 
product to my beloved lab/ shep  with sore hind quarters...  Ping, is 13 
years old, and having trouble getting up the stairs.. thanks, in advance.. 

CSCS; Kidney/liver pain

2006-09-04 Thread Harold MacDonald
I have had basically the same symptoms off and on for years.Recently my 
MD[new] had me ultra-sound tested for gall stones.No stones,but, gall 
bladder was full of sludge.He said to take a cup[8 oz.] of hot water with 
one[1] teaspoon of pure apple cider vinegar and [1/4] one quarter teaspoon 
of pure fresh lemon juice,once per day.This has made a marked improvement in 
the symptoms over the last month +.
I occasionally do this too; 1 whole organic lemon ,sliced ,in a blender with 
1 tablespoon of Xtra Virg. olive oil,8 oz of mixed organic fruit juice and 
water.Blend thoroughly,strain thru wire mesh screen,discard pulp and drink 
This is quite a tonic,at least for me.When I started this protocol,I did it 
every day for two weeks.Now approx. once a week.

Be well,all.

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Re: CSCrocodile Hunter, Irwin, Killed in accident

2006-09-04 Thread Day Sutton

I cured CURED two of my Bernese Mountain Dogs of Hip Dysplasia.
One had right front elbow dysplasia so bad we were goint to put him
down.  The other, a female, had hip dysplasis so bad she could not put
one rear leg in front of the other.  She ran by running with her front
legs, and hopping like a rabbit with her rear legs.   A nurse who
worked in the Doctor's office where i get my Chelation Treatments told
me how to do it..  I used one cc per 30 lb body weight (this was
3cc for my guys) of pure medical grade (99.9% pure) DMSO. I got it
from the doctors office... I later used the 99.7% from the feed store
with no problems.This is injected all at once Sub-Q, once a week
for 12 weeks.  Ask Vet how to do sub-Q.   All the time they got
Silver-Puppy water at about 10ppm as their only drinking water.   Both
are completely cured and cannot tell they ever had it..

On 9/4/06, wrote:

animal lover here also... will c/s help with pings hips.. she is a lab /
shep about 12  yrs.. and  truoble getting up steps.. thanks, geo.

Day Sutton

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RE: CSKen, allergies?-ragweed sodium ascorbate

2006-09-04 Thread Wendy
If the link breaks, paste it back together.


The patient, a woman thirty-five years of age, was markedly
sensitive to ragweed pollen, and was given pre-seasonal treatment
with pollen antigen (Lederle). When 200 pollen units were given, the
patient developed hives all over her body, swelling of the eyes and
tongue and marked wheezing. This reaction was relieved in about
fifteen minutes by epinephrine. Attempts to increase this amount
slightly brought forth increasingly severe reactions.

The following week the 410 pollen units of ragweed were given along
with ½ c.c. of sodium ascorbate, (100 mg. in 2 c.c.) in the same
syringe. No reaction occurred. Thereafter, at two-day intervals,
increasing doses of ragweed pollen were given with ½ c.c. of sodium
ascorbate. In addition, 100 mg. of ascorbic acid were given three
times a day by mouth.

The patient volunteered that she had not had citrus fruits for many
years because of sensitivity to orange and grapefruit. Finally, a
dose of 1500 units of ragweed pollen antigen combined with ½ c.c. of
sodium ascorbate was given without incident.

Ascorbic acid was thus able to reduce the exquisite sensitivity to
ragweed pollen antigen in this patient. It was thought desirable to
find out whether this phenomenon was a local effect of ascorbic acid
on the pollen antigen. On a ragweed-sensitive patient, the following
skin tests were carried out by intradermal injection:

Ragweed .02 c.c.; ragweed .02 c.c. plus .05 c.c. of sodium ascorbate
(described above); histamine hydrochloride 1/1000 solution, .02
c.c.; histamine hydrochloride (1/1000 solution) .02 c.c. plus .05
c.c. of sodium ascorbate. There was no observable difference between
ragweed and ragweed with sodium ascorbate or between histamine and
histamine with sodium ascorbate. Thus, whatever detoxification
occurs is not local in nature.

The liver is the site of detoxification for most noxious substances
in the body. Usually they are rendered harmless by conjugation in
the liver cells. It is certainly by design that the liver, next to
the adrenal glands, contains the most ascorbic acid of any organ in
the body. The ascorbic acid is undoubtedly one of the substances
concerned with detoxification.

-Original Message-
From: M. G. Devour [] 
Sent: September 4, 2006 11:44 AM
Subject: CSKen, allergies?

Dear Ken (Ode),

Several times in the past you've mentioned reducing or eliminating your 
pollen sensitivity by licking the windshield. I'm entering ragweed 
season here which usually makes me miserable from late august through 
the first frost. I'm going to try your technique.


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Re: CSKen, allergies?

2006-09-04 Thread Mark S. Siepak
Licking the Windshield sounds, u, unsanitary, even if you clean it
first. I have always heard that you can use local raw honey to abate allergy
symptoms. Don't know how long it would take, though. Suspect that wouldn't
work for this year, maybe next. A tablespoon a day should get your system
used to the local pollens. Key thing is LOCAL, and RAW honey.
The real trouble with this world of ours is not that it is an unreaonable
world, nor even that it is a reasonable one. The commonest kind of trouble
is that it is nearly reasonable, but not quite. Life is not an illogicality,
yet it is a trap for logicians. It looks just a little more mathematical and
regular than it is; its' exactitude is obvious; but its' inexactitude is
hidden, its' wildness lies in wait  --G. K.  Chesterton

Mark S. Siepak

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Re: CSComcast

2006-09-04 Thread Dan Nave


The problem may be the people that aren't smart enough to figure out how to unsubscribe from the 
list and then complaining that they are receiving spam from the silver-list.  Perhaps you could make 
it so that if they post to the list with unsubscribe in the subject list they will be 
unsubscribed, since that is the mistake they often appear to make. Or something along those lines.


M. G. Devour wrote:

Dan writes:

Well, after cajoling, threatening, and badgering Comcast,
I appear to be receiving the silver-list, at least for the

Take a bow, Dan. Thanks for your effort. Thanks to everyone else who 
also complained.

Dan sent me copies of correspondence he received from Comcast, and it 
appears the tech support person he was dealing with submitted the IP 
address to the blacklist removal address with some kind of override 
instruction to *force* it to remove the address despite it being in the 
permanent ban file.

As Dan implies, the fix may only last until the *next* time we trip 
their system.


Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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Re: CSKidney Infections

2006-09-04 Thread Dan Nave

Ya, but you said they already have a catheter inserted.  Why not use that?...
No need to baste the turkey.


M. G. Devour wrote:

Why doesn't she/he just use the catheter to inject some CS into the
bladder? Especially just before removing the catheter?

Prophylactic oral CS prevents the problem. Infusion would be a 
possibility if an infection got started.

It's easier to drink the stuff than use a turkey baster! grin

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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RE: CSKen, allergies?- honey relieves allergies

2006-09-04 Thread Wendy
We have heard the same from different people and articles. I would say
it's definitely worth a try and it's pretty inexpensive. If you tried a
bunch 3 or 4x a day for a week, you'd know if it was helping. 

If you cn find a LOCAL  bee keeper, maybe you could get him to open a
hive right now and scoop out some honey for you. You could tell him why
you want to try it. ;-) 

They talk about honey and allergies a bit on this video clip, great
info, also has fella with hives on top of tall buildings in NYC!

Allergy Sufferers Look to Nontraditional Relief
By Robin Clayton, The News Leader (USA), 8/31/2006

Bessie Davis remembers taking her daughter Davilyn Artis to the doctor
constantly when she was a little girl.

She had allergies really bad, said Davis. Her eyes would get so much
mucus in them that they would close shut.

Davis doesn't remember how long it's been, but after years of taking
prescription medication for her allergies, Artis finally gave another
solution a try. Despite available prescription and over-the-counter
allergy medications such as Allegra and Claritin, many allergy
sufferers, like Artis, are turning to nontraditional treatment methods

She started with taking bee pollen tablets, said Davis Tuesday
afternoon as she picked up some allergy relief products for her daughter
at Healthabit Natural Foods in Kinston. She takes those and she doesn't
have a problem all summer..

-Original Message-
From: Mark S. Siepak [] 
Sent: September 4, 2006 12:33 PM
Subject: Re: CSKen, allergies?

Licking the Windshield sounds, u, unsanitary, even if you clean it
first. I have always heard that you can use local raw honey to abate
symptoms. Don't know how long it would take, though. Suspect that
work for this year, maybe next. A tablespoon a day should get your
used to the local pollens. Key thing is LOCAL, and RAW honey.

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RE: CSKen, allergies?

2006-09-04 Thread Wendy
Dr. Feder Homeopathy for allergy relief:

Allergies are Nothing to Sneeze at...With Homeopathic Medicines

The Food Allergy Book by William Walsh
Allergies, Disease in Disguise by Koch

-Original Message-
From: M. G. Devour [] 
Sent: September 4, 2006 11:44 AM
Subject: CSKen, allergies?

Dear Ken (Ode),

Several times in the past you've mentioned reducing or eliminating your 
pollen sensitivity by licking the windshield. I'm entering ragweed 
season here which usually makes me miserable from late august through 

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Re: CSCayenne tincture

2006-09-04 Thread Ode Coyote

  On certain days, backwash will make a batch go purple or red, other 
days, not, depending on what you ate.
 Add CS and vinegar together and you get highly soluble, stable, silver 
acetate. [A patented germ fighter ]


At 03:25 AM 9/4/2006 +, you wrote:

Now this is interesting to me can cs be contaminated if you drink out of 
the same container it is in?...thanks debbie

-- Original message --
From: Pat

 I thought someone warned once to never drink out of
 the bottle of CS because it would cause it to fall out
 of suspension if it is contaminated with anything.
 So, I can't imagine how you could mix it with vinegar
 or other food and have it stay ok for any period of


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RE: CSKen, allergies?- more on sodium ascorbate and allergies plus case histories

2006-09-04 Thread Wendy
Hey mike! (wave) 

There is an awesome article about vit c curing allergies. (did you get
Dr. Levy's book when we were at the clinic?) 

I'm reading a bunch of vitamin c books right now and they basically say
many many many people are walking around, unknowingly borderline
SCURVY!!! YES. In this day and age!!! because doctors (or ourselves)
don't know what to look for!!! It tells this story of this poor young
woman who went thru I think 4 yrs of bleep. Surgery after surgery,
pooling blood in her stomach, operating to suck it out  etc. etc. until
finally ONE DOCTOR thought to ask her what she ate. She had no vit c in
her diet at all despite the fact she lived in California. Plus when we
get sick, have children, are
stressed our bodies are robbed so rapidly and of copious amounts.  I was
just reading an article today about the connection with SIDS and vit c

Anyhow thought I'd pass this on as these are both specific to sodium
ascorbate helping/eliminating allergies.


The Immune system, allergy and auto-immune disorders in relation to
Sodium Ascorbate
The availability of the sodium salt of ascorbic acid for oral use
represents a marked advance in the therapeutic approach to allergy.
In many cases considerable relief from allergic manifests and in
some cases even striking and dramatic improvement. The sodium form
of ascorbate is thought to improve adrenal metabolism. This regular
use of sodium ascorbate at least one gram twice daily has been found
in clinical studies as far back as the 1940's to have a high degree
of success in the resolution of hay fever and asthma. (See the
article Sodium Ascorbate in the Treatment of Allergic Disturbances
for details of asthma and hay fever treatment and also some
discussion as to why the sodium form of vitamin C is by in large the
preferable form).
These conditions are related to an under functioning of the adrenal
glands in the sense of failure to produce enough natural steroids.
This in turn is related to an over activity of one wing of the
immune system, tending to produce the self-attack syndrome that pays
a part not only in asthma but all auto-immune disorders. The fact
that clinical trials have been done on asthma and allergy sufferers
is not an indication that sodium ascorbate is only therapeutic for
these auto-immune disorders, but rather a strong indication that all
auto-immune disorders will tend to be helped with sodium ascorbate
use, as the mechanisms described are not specific to asthma only but
to all auto-immune disorders. I refer the reader to my article
Factors Involved In Auto-Immune Disorders And Effective, Natural
Treatment Protocols and also to the use of Sterols and Sterolins to
further understand and alleviate auto-immune disorders. I believe
that most chronic (long term, rather than short episodes) disease
has an auto-immune component, where there is excess
activity/production of B cells and under activity /production of T

scroll down in this article for chart of cases, dosages and outcomes.

snip Sodium Ascorbate in the Treatment of Allergic Disturbances:
Ruskin, The American Journal of Digestive Diseases, September 1947
The availability of the sodium salt of ascorbic acid for oral use
represents a marked advance in the therapeutic approach to allergy.
In refractory cases of allergy and asthma sodium ascorbate was more
effective than ascorbic acid.

[AscorbateWeb Editorial: The use of sodium ascorbate in allergies
instead of ascorbic acid may seem like a fine point, but the author
of this study presents ample clinical evidence with a sound
biochemical basis. Anywhere from 300 to 1500 mg/day gave great
relief to the patients, whose case histories and comments are
interesting to read. One young patient received iron injections for
anemia; we know today (see 1995 Sharma study) that ascorbate so
enhances dietary iron absorption that supplemental iron salts would
probably have been unnecessary.

At any rate, most current allergy remedies have potentially
dangerous side-effects and raise significant toxicity issues ...
unlike sodium ascorbate.]

end snip

-Original Message-
From: M. G. Devour [] 
Sent: September 4, 2006 11:44 AM
Subject: CSKen, allergies?

Dear Ken (Ode),

Several times in the past you've mentioned reducing or eliminating your 
pollen sensitivity by licking the windshield. I'm entering ragweed 
season here which usually makes me miserable from late august through 
the first frost. I'm going to try your technique.


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CSc/s and my dog

2006-09-04 Thread patriot2000

Subject: CSc/s and my dog
first time here,, just ordered a c/s
generator how can i apply this product to my beloved lab/ shep
with sore hind quarters... Ping, is 13 years old, and
having trouble getting up the stairs.. thanks, in advance..
George, in addition to anything else you may decide to try (DMO, DSMO,
MSM -- all good ideas!)  get your dog some Vitamin E gelcaps -- the same
kind people take. Preferably, natural and mixed tocopherols, but
any kind will do if you can't find them. Give him one a day in his
food. I stumbled over this remedy by accident, when my son (13 at
the time) said I should try giving one to Lady, our beloved old gimpy
Collie X, if I was going to take it myself for shoulder bursitis (or
whatever ache I had at the time). Why not? was my
response. This is no kidding -- within a week or two, at most, she
was moving easily and comfortably again, able to get up and down stairs
as she had years earlier! When the E was gone, I ceased giving it
to her, and soon she was sore and unable to get to her feet without pain
once again. (The vet had laughed and said her cure had
been a coincidence.) Back on E, she became a young dog
once again. Since she did not know about taking it, and being a
dog, a placebo effect was ruled out.
I told the person who had put me onto E for myself (it never did help
me!) and she began giving it to her stove up German Shepherd, who was
only 6 years old, and likely to be put down because they could not carry
around a dog weighing 115 pounds. Another amazing cure! After
that, I told everyone with an old dog to try it and got favorable
feedback every time. When our almost human black shepherd dog
Grizzly reached old age a few years ago, it worked for him for quite
awhile, then he needed even more of something. He lived
out his last year or two comfortably, by taking Vitamin E, glucosamine
and chondroitin sulfate, and DHEA, and these easily acquired things added
a year or two of quality life to his lifespan. 
I know how you love your dog, and I hope this helps. If it does,
get back to the silver list and tell them so, and multiply the
effect. Lots of folks on the list have dogs!

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CSCS:.and my dog

2006-09-04 Thread Harold MacDonald

Go to this site and check on HA Joint formula.Then go to their Radio offer.I 
have been using their HA for some time now and I heard their promoter on the 
radio talking about his old dog and how this HA helped it.He would break 
open the caps and let the dog lick it .
My son-in- law swears by it;he is a commercial/industrial glazier working 
with large sheets of glass doing big office towers and buildings.This work 
was giving him severe bursitus and joint pain, and since using HA Joint 
formula[which I supplied],it has improved very much.
As for me,it helps keep my fingers and joints flexible,and at my age,that's 
a good thing.

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Re: CSc/s and my dog

2006-09-04 Thread Geoping
will start the vite e program today,, i stock and use the 400 iu gel caps..  
ping will be on them as of today,, and thanks so much,, geo.. 


2006-09-04 Thread zeb caffe
Nitrofurantoin is a  drug I would only want to use in case of emergencys or 
nothing else worked first. Doctors frequently give to women that have chronic 
urinary infections as prevention to be taken on a daily basis. Someone wrote 
that it can cause bladder disease and they are right. If a person has 
interstitial cystitis, it can damage the bladder lining.It works differently 
than other antibiotics they give because it kind of scrapes the lining and can 
irritate the bladder. The only advantage to it, is that it is primarily for 
bladder infections and if a person gets them alot, doctors dont want to use 
other antibiotics like penicillin because then if you need penicillin for a 
different type of infection, you can become allergic when you need it. The 
other danger with nitrofurantion, is that it can cause a type of permanant 
punemonia condition of the lungs esp used over a period of time in older 
adults. Doctors rarely mention this side effect. 
  I was wondering if the people that were having problems with DMannose were 
sensitive to acid or fruit because this is what the base is made of.
  Also regarding rib pain, This can be a symptom of babesia when one has lyme 
disease. However, it sounds as thou the people who wrote about this were having 
more internal issues like gallbladder etc.

 All-new Yahoo! Mail - Fire up a more powerful email and get things done faster.

Re: CScomment and D-mannose question, was Re: CSKidney Infections

2006-09-04 Thread ruth strackbein
How does one muscle test?  Seems to me I saw something about that sometime 
in another message, but failed to save it.  Thanks, Ruth

From: Mike and Nancy
Subject: Re: CScomment and D-mannose question, was Re: CSKidney 

Date: Sun, 3 Sep 2006 21:51:53 -0500

Have you tried to muscle test to see if you are allergic to these foods?
- Original Message - From: ruth strackbein

Sent: Sunday, September 03, 2006 4:01 PM
Subject: RE: CScomment and D-mannose question, was Re: CSKidney 

Hi, This message is interesting to me, because of your comment about 
having sharp pain under your right ribcage immediately after taking the D 
Mannose.  I get such a pain almost every day .  Am trying to track it down 
to certain foods.  Today I had it right after eating a yellow tomato and 
again later in the afternoon after eating a dab of peanut butter.  I am 
keeping a record of these things. Do you have this sensation at other 
times?  Ruth

From: sol
Subject: CScomment and D-mannose question, was Re: CSKidney Infections
Date: Sun, 03 Sep 2006 14:44:37 -0600

This is extremely interesting. I was just looking up Nitrofurantoin, as I 
was just given a prescription for it, for low grade bladder infection. 
After what I read about it online I decided not to fill the Rx. And what 
Gertrude says adds extra emphasis to my concerns about its side effects.
I have decided to simply take more oral EIS (haven't been using much 
orally this past year), and add a little DMSO to a mouthful once or twice 
a day. Also have some D-mannose, but got a big attack of nausea, stomach 
pain (high stomach, almost under the breastbone) and diarrhea this 
morning after my first dose, wondering if anyone else has had this happen 
or if it is just a coincidence. I had also taken some MSM and Ribose, 
neither of which has bothered me previously. Whatever the cause, a couple 
glasses of EIS fixed it in a couple of hours.


Gertrude wrote:

Mike I can tell you the same story...I had an e-coli  and got 
anti-bioticait did not work...later did not 
heal and in an  alternative  medicine book   I saw that even 
Nitrofurantoine causes bladder disease.!

I make the CS about 4 years now...but for the bladder I have to take 
more than normal,that is my experience.

Trudy ..66 years of age.

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RE: CSnitrofurantoin

2006-09-04 Thread ruth strackbein

Hi, Zeb, I'm the ribcage pain person.  I am quite sure I don't have Lyme 
disease, but I do have internal problems.  Not gall bladder since mine has 
been removed, on the other hand thes problems may be related to the fact 
that I don't have a gall bladder, and balance of fats, etc.  I think I have 
always had some prolbems with the tomato family, but decided to try the 
yellow, supposedly less acidic ones since someone gave me some.  Ruth

From: zeb caffe
Subject: CSnitrofurantoin
Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2006 12:59:07 -0700 (PDT)

Nitrofurantoin is a  drug I would only want to use in case of emergencys or 
nothing else worked first. Doctors frequently give to women that have 
chronic urinary infections as prevention to be taken on a daily basis. 
Someone wrote that it can cause bladder disease and they are right. If a 
person has interstitial cystitis, it can damage the bladder lining.It works 
differently than other antibiotics they give because it kind of scrapes the 
lining and can irritate the bladder. The only advantage to it, is that it 
is primarily for bladder infections and if a person gets them alot, doctors 
dont want to use other antibiotics like penicillin because then if you need 
penicillin for a different type of infection, you can become allergic when 
you need it. The other danger with nitrofurantion, is that it can cause a 
type of permanant punemonia condition of the lungs esp used over a period 
of time in older adults. Doctors rarely mention this side effect.
  I was wondering if the people that were having problems with DMannose 
were sensitive to acid or fruit because this is what the base is made of.
  Also regarding rib pain, This can be a symptom of babesia when one has 
lyme disease. However, it sounds as thou the people who wrote about this 
were having more internal issues like gallbladder etc.

 All-new Yahoo! Mail - Fire up a more powerful email and get things done 

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Re: CSnitrofurantoin

2006-09-04 Thread Gertrude
Zeb you are rightI feel  much better nowwith the nitrofurantoin I could 
feel my lungs.. and bonesI was thinking going to Heaven and the doctor said 
:go on ,it is only a side effect.
Now I NEVER will have this drug againI take the CS and pro-bioticsand 
it works!

At the moment I cannot eat oranges  and acid much flatulence.

It takes a long time to feel better after the Nitrofurantoin

I HAVE TO TELL THE WOMAN OF THE WORLD...don' t take causes 
bladder disease.

I saw it in a book of C.Norman Shealy M.D. Ph.D
The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Healing Remedies

1998 Element Books Limited

I have the Dutch translation 
ISBN 3-8290-1713-8

(page 379)

3 medicine are not good for bladder disease

What ,in the future , can I tell my familydoctor,he said you don' t like 
anti-biotica...but that its not  trueI become more illand nobody helps 
...only sending bills and wrong medicine...I am angry about that all.

  - Original Message - 
  From: zeb caffe 
  Sent: Monday, September 04, 2006 9:59 PM
  Subject: CSnitrofurantoin

  Nitrofurantoin is a  drug I would only want to use in case of emergencys or 
nothing else worked first. Doctors frequently give to women that have chronic 
urinary infections as prevention to be taken on a daily basis. Someone wrote 
that it can cause bladder disease and they are right. If a person has 
interstitial cystitis, it can damage the bladder lining.It works differently 
than other antibiotics they give because it kind of scrapes the lining and can 
irritate the bladder. The only advantage to it, is that it is primarily for 
bladder infections and if a person gets them alot, doctors dont want to use 
other antibiotics like penicillin because then if you need penicillin for a 
different type of infection, you can become allergic when you need it. The 
other danger with nitrofurantion, is that it can cause a type of permanant 
punemonia condition of the lungs esp used over a period of time in older 
adults. Doctors rarely mention this side effect. 
  I was wondering if the people that were having problems with DMannose were 
sensitive to acid or fruit because this is what the base is made of.
  Also regarding rib pain, This can be a symptom of babesia when one has lyme 
disease. However, it sounds as thou the people who wrote about this were having 
more internal issues like gallbladder etc.

  All-new Yahoo! Mail - Fire up a more powerful email and get things done 

Re: CScomment and D-mannose question, was Re: CSKidney Infections

2006-09-04 Thread ruth strackbein

I have the same experience with Nexium, Protonix and many other drugs.  Am 
presently working with a chiropractor who is also well informed about 
nutrition.  So far we have not had success getting on top of my problems, 
but are still working on it.  It may still come down to adhesions from 3 
abdominal surgeries, all on the right side.  Am working on juicing veggies 
at present.  My chiropractor would like to see me get more variety into my 
diet, hence the attempt at yellow tomato.  Also have tried watermelon and 
potato with skins on to get more vitamin c from whole foods.  I believe that 
it is true that most vitamin c in pills nowadays is not the best.  It is 
better to use whole foods if once can tolerate them!  Ruth

From: sol
Subject: Re: CScomment and D-mannose question, was Re: CSKidney 

Date: Sun, 03 Sep 2006 15:27:38 -0600

Yes, I have had it at other times. Still have it today, though the diarrhea 
and nausea has stopped. This isn't under my right ribcage, though, it is 
more centered, if anything slightly to the left of center. I have to see a 
cardiologist at the end of this month for mild abnormalities in the 
imaging portion of a recent stress test.
At the moment, I'm not sure what is causing what. Whole bunch of stuff 
happening to me that I'm trying to get figured out.  I have had this high 
stomach pain off and on for quite a while now. Supposed to try Nexium 
(changed to Protonix), but neither seemed to do anything and both have what 
I consider unacceptable side effects.


ruth strackbein wrote:

Hi, This message is interesting to me, because of your comment about 
having sharp pain under your right ribcage immediately after taking the D 
Mannose.  I get such a pain almost every day .  Am trying to track it down 
to certain foods.  Today I had it right after eating a yellow tomato and 
again later in the afternoon after eating a dab of peanut butter.  I am 
keeping a record of these things. Do you have this sensation at other 
times?  Ruth

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CScomment and D-mannose question, was Re: CSKidney Infections

2006-09-04 Thread ruth strackbein
Hi, Pat, My right ribcage pain isn't sporadic, but rather quite steady, just 
lessens at times and then worsens.  The spot where it seems to originate is 
always sore to the touch.  Have had all the tests that anybody can think of. 
 Dr. says there is slight irritation  in a portion of my upper digestive 
tract, noted by upper endoscopy, but I can take antacids or not as I choose. 
Ha! Ruth

From: Pat
Subject: Re: CScomment and D-mannose question, was Re: CSKidney 

Date: Sun, 3 Sep 2006 19:31:49 -0700 (PDT)

Hi.  I get a bit queasy feeling when I take a
D-mannose capsule.  Not much and not long lasting, but
it has puzzled me.

I've had some under the right rib pain since I was in
my 20s.  I had testing for pain in middle of tummy at
waist (he came up with irritable bowel to explain that
away) and they did several other tests.  Never
complain to doctor about a not so bad problem.all
I wanted was for insurance to pay for my first
colonoscopy  hahaha.  I had a HIDA scan of the
gallbladder and they said it was fine, but I'd swear
I've had a few gallbladder attacks in my life, with
pain radiating through to my back.  Too painful to
breathe one time after eating pizza (after a few weeks
on a diet).  Pain was under shoulder blade.  Only
thing they ever found was a liver cyst which is fairly
common I guesshe wasn't concerned. Who knows about
temporary pains...maybe it's a cramp of an internal

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSnitrofurantoin

2006-09-04 Thread Gertrude
Zeb can I buy dMannose in the you know another name?
Granberries of NOW FOODS I havebut is this a acid fruit?
I wish I had a list for interstitial cystitis...more people like to have that.

CS[News] Pollywogg Testing one two ---8/29/06

2006-09-04 Thread Pollywogg Holler

Sorry about any inconvienence, if you are receiving this for the
second time, please disregard.  Bill

Hello everyone, As you know you have not been receiving messages
from the Holler.  Don't think that we no longer love you cause we do.
It is just that our mailing list got too big and would not function.
So we now have a new list thanks to Son Quentin and friend Anton.

This is a test to see if it works. Let me know if you get this or
if you want to be removed.  Remember,
We Love You
Bill and Barb
OH! Check out our new web site and be sure to listen to the
Pollywogg Song by Scott Russell

Bill Castle

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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CScomment and D-mannose question, was Re: CSKidney Infections

2006-09-04 Thread Gertrude

Ruth maybe you can take ACEROLA for the Vit C
But is is a berrie...maybe not good for de UTI???

Difficult...I take Acerola...every day a teaspoon.

- Original Message - 
From: ruth strackbein

Sent: Monday, September 04, 2006 10:44 PM
Subject: Re: CScomment and D-mannose question, was Re: CSKidney Infections

I have the same experience with Nexium, Protonix and many other drugs.  Am 
presently working with a chiropractor who is also well informed about 
nutrition.  So far we have not had success getting on top of my problems, 
but are still working on it.  It may still come down to adhesions from 3 
abdominal surgeries, all on the right side.  Am working on juicing veggies 
at present.  My chiropractor would like to see me get more variety into my 
diet, hence the attempt at yellow tomato.  Also have tried watermelon and 
potato with skins on to get more vitamin c from whole foods.  I believe 
that it is true that most vitamin c in pills nowadays is not the best.  It 
is better to use whole foods if once can tolerate them!  Ruth

From: sol
Subject: Re: CScomment and D-mannose question, was Re: CSKidney 

Date: Sun, 03 Sep 2006 15:27:38 -0600

Yes, I have had it at other times. Still have it today, though the 
diarrhea and nausea has stopped. This isn't under my right ribcage, 
though, it is more centered, if anything slightly to the left of center. I 
have to see a cardiologist at the end of this month for mild 
abnormalities in the imaging portion of a recent stress test.
At the moment, I'm not sure what is causing what. Whole bunch of stuff 
happening to me that I'm trying to get figured out.  I have had this high 
stomach pain off and on for quite a while now. Supposed to try Nexium 
(changed to Protonix), but neither seemed to do anything and both have 
what I consider unacceptable side effects.


ruth strackbein wrote:

Hi, This message is interesting to me, because of your comment about 
having sharp pain under your right ribcage immediately after taking the D 
Mannose.  I get such a pain almost every day .  Am trying to track it 
down to certain foods.  Today I had it right after eating a yellow tomato 
and again later in the afternoon after eating a dab of peanut butter.  I 
am keeping a record of these things. Do you have this sensation at other 
times?  Ruth

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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CS[News] Pollywogg Testing one two ---8/29/06

2006-09-04 Thread Pollywogg Holler

Sorry about any inconvienence, if you are receiving this for the
second time, please disregard.  Bill

Hello everyone, As you know you have not been receiving messages
from the Holler.  Don't think that we no longer love you cause we do.
It is just that our mailing list got too big and would not function.
So we now have a new list thanks to Son Quentin and friend Anton.

This is a test to see if it works. Let me know if you get this or
if you want to be removed.  Remember,
We Love You
Bill and Barb
OH! Check out our new web site and be sure to listen to the
Pollywogg Song by Scott Russell

Bill Castle

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Re: CScomment and D-mannose question, was Re: CSKidney Infections

2006-09-04 Thread ruth strackbein

Hi, Trudy,  I know c from acerola berries is better for one than the 
synthetic, (man-made) pills.  Don''t know if Ican tolerate the acerola.  My 
chiropractor says they are an excellent source.  Seems like he mentioned 
something else , too.  Actually, I have never had real success taking 
Vitamin C alone.  The recommended daily allowance in over the counter multi 
vitamins doesn't seem to bother me that much.  Sometimes I kind of want to 
pull my hair out.  Ruth

From: Gertrude
Subject: Re: CScomment and D-mannose question, was Re: CSKidney 

Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2006 23:30:08 +0200

Ruth maybe you can take ACEROLA for the Vit C
But is is a berrie...maybe not good for de UTI???

Difficult...I take Acerola...every day a teaspoon.

- Original Message - From: ruth strackbein

Sent: Monday, September 04, 2006 10:44 PM
Subject: Re: CScomment and D-mannose question, was Re: CSKidney 

I have the same experience with Nexium, Protonix and many other drugs.  Am 
presently working with a chiropractor who is also well informed about 
nutrition.  So far we have not had success getting on top of my problems, 
but are still working on it.  It may still come down to adhesions from 3 
abdominal surgeries, all on the right side.  Am working on juicing veggies 
at present.  My chiropractor would like to see me get more variety into my 
diet, hence the attempt at yellow tomato.  Also have tried watermelon and 
potato with skins on to get more vitamin c from whole foods.  I believe 
that it is true that most vitamin c in pills nowadays is not the best.  It 
is better to use whole foods if once can tolerate them!  Ruth

From: sol
Subject: Re: CScomment and D-mannose question, was Re: CSKidney 

Date: Sun, 03 Sep 2006 15:27:38 -0600

Yes, I have had it at other times. Still have it today, though the 
diarrhea and nausea has stopped. This isn't under my right ribcage, 
though, it is more centered, if anything slightly to the left of center. 
I have to see a cardiologist at the end of this month for mild 
abnormalities in the imaging portion of a recent stress test.
At the moment, I'm not sure what is causing what. Whole bunch of stuff 
happening to me that I'm trying to get figured out.  I have had this 
high stomach pain off and on for quite a while now. Supposed to try 
Nexium (changed to Protonix), but neither seemed to do anything and both 
have what I consider unacceptable side effects.


ruth strackbein wrote:

Hi, This message is interesting to me, because of your comment about 
having sharp pain under your right ribcage immediately after taking the 
D Mannose.  I get such a pain almost every day .  Am trying to track it 
down to certain foods.  Today I had it right after eating a yellow 
tomato and again later in the afternoon after eating a dab of peanut 
butter.  I am keeping a record of these things. Do you have this 
sensation at other times?  Ruth

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2006-09-04 Thread Duncan Crow
Merck spokesman said about 97% of us habor mycoplasma. Obviously, 
this means that hosting it is not such a big problem in most 

Perhaps people should be increasing their immune system rather 
than chasing germs.

The biggest chronic immune suppressor is probably dietary 
carbohydrates. People hate to hear that a carb dose can cut 
immune response by half for about 5 hours. An awful lot of people 
do that several times a day, every day.


On 4 Sep 2006 at 6:14, Paula Perry wrote:

  Very interesting read. It links a lot of the current disabling diseases like 
 chronic fatigue, MS, AIDS, and many others to a lab produced, weaponized, 
 mycoplasma.Explains how to be tested for it. I wondered how you might destroy 
 it naturally, if possible? The article seems farfetched until you think how 
 they have biolabs every where now a days. I remember when Katrina hit they 
 mentioned on the news that there was a lab at LSU that worked on biowarfare 
 Any thoughts?

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Re: CSnitrofurantoin

2006-09-04 Thread Marshalee Hallett

I have pain in my ribs on occasion; I think it is an adhesion from the

 Hi, Zeb, I'm the ribcage pain person.  I am quite sure I don't have Lyme
 disease, but I do have internal problems.  Not gall bladder since mine has
 been removed, on the other hand thes problems may be related to the fact
 that I don't have a gall bladder, and balance of fats, etc.  I think I
 always had some prolbems with the tomato family, but decided to try the
 yellow, supposedly less acidic ones since someone gave me some.  Ruth

 From: zeb caffe
 Subject: CSnitrofurantoin
 Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2006 12:59:07 -0700 (PDT)
 Nitrofurantoin is a  drug I would only want to use in case of emergencys
 nothing else worked first. Doctors frequently give to women that have
 chronic urinary infections as prevention to be taken on a daily basis.
 Someone wrote that it can cause bladder disease and they are right. If a
 person has interstitial cystitis, it can damage the bladder lining.It
 differently than other antibiotics they give because it kind of scrapes
 lining and can irritate the bladder. The only advantage to it, is that it
 is primarily for bladder infections and if a person gets them alot,
 dont want to use other antibiotics like penicillin because then if you
 penicillin for a different type of infection, you can become allergic
 you need it. The other danger with nitrofurantion, is that it can cause a
 type of permanant punemonia condition of the lungs esp used over a period
 of time in older adults. Doctors rarely mention this side effect.
I was wondering if the people that were having problems with DMannose
 were sensitive to acid or fruit because this is what the base is made of.
Also regarding rib pain, This can be a symptom of babesia when one has
 lyme disease. However, it sounds as thou the people who wrote about this
 were having more internal issues like gallbladder etc.
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RE: CSCrocodile Hunter, Irwin, Killed in accident

2006-09-04 Thread M. G. Devour
Okay folks, this subject is going to end right now, got it?

Don't reply to this, don't escalate it, don't make personal attacks.

If I hear one more peep of a personal attack on another list member 
such as this one, you're very likely to get the boot.

Speaking of which, Bill, I had just finished unsubscribing your 
addresses until you can reassure me that you won't be sending your 
commercial mailing list messages to the list. Your two test messages 
came through loud and clear.

Thank you,

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

 Some people should not be entitled to an opinion,  Marshalee, you might
 as well go into hiding, you are dead wrong.
 -Original Message-
 From: Marshalee Hallett []
 Sent: Monday, September 04, 2006 7:56 PM
 Subject: Re: CSCrocodile Hunter, Irwin, Killed in accident
 Subject: CSCrocodile Hunter, Irwin, Killed in accident
  cross posted as Off Topic from another list.  We will all miss him..
 Sorry, but I won`t miss him at all.
 He was annoying, and not very entertaining.
 It really irked me at how he made his living by irritating animals. He
 irritated the wrong one this time... I do feel sorry for his family.
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 List maintainer: Mike Devour
 No virus found in this incoming message.
 Checked by AVG Free Edition.
 Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.11.7/436 - Release Date: 9/1/2006

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

Re: CSCrocodile Hunter, Irwin, Killed in accident

2006-09-04 Thread Marshalee Hallett

Subject: CSCrocodile Hunter, Irwin, Killed in accident

 cross posted as Off Topic from another list.  We will all miss him..

Sorry, but I won`t miss him at all. 
He was annoying, and not very entertaining. 
It really irked me at how he made his living by irritating animals. 
He irritated the wrong one this time...
I do feel sorry for his family.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSKen, allergies?

2006-09-04 Thread Mike and Nancy

It is pretty simple to neutralize for an allergy
First muscle test to see if there is an allergy.  Have the person with the 
allergy hold the offensive allergen (rag weed, or whatever the allergen is) 
in his right hand.  Some one else will take the tips of two fingers and 
gently tap from the base of the skull straight dow the spinal cord to the 
waist. Do this taappg abut 6-8 times. (remember from the base of skll down, 
not up and down--just down)  Now take the same two finger tips and gently 
sweep down the spine again from the base of the skull to the waist.  Now 
muscle test again.  Hopefull thepatient will now muscle test stron this 
time.  If it is still weak do the procedure again.  Usually doing tis one or 
two times will do the trick, however I recently had a friend that was so 
allergic to ragweed that she just slept thru the ragweed season and didn't 
not do much of anything else.  I did this procedure four times with no luck 
and did it again the next day three times before she finally tested strong. 
I would recommend staying away from the offending item for 24 hours if 

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2006-09-04 Thread Ed Kasper
Ionic silver versus ionic detoxification ? Is there a
Can some one explain how the ionic detox works, tried Google
with plans and how to got 153,000 hits but no breakdown of
how the thing really works nuts and bolts wise.

Couldn't you just put your feet in the CS machine ?


-Original Message-
From: ccdirectt []
Sent: Monday, September 04, 2006 3:16 AM
Subject: Re: CSSore Knee

You put your feet into a thing of water with a ion
 it draws out toxins,heavy metals  other stuff.A lot
of chiropractors are doing it.Its about $30 to $75 per
treatment.Heres a photo i posted on
You can buy these devices on Ebay $299  up.
The one they used on me cost $747 on Ebay.I intend to
buy one soon.

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Re: CSBeing careful with CS

2006-09-04 Thread debbiegerard99
Thanks Terrydeb

-- Original message -- 
From: Terry Chamberlin 

 Pat said, 
 I thought someone warned once to never drink out of 
 the bottle of CS because it would cause it to fall out 
 of suspension if it is contaminated with anything.  
 Many, many of my clients drink CS right out of the 
 bottle either to save having to measure out the CS 
 (why bother?), or because they are carrying the CS 
 around with them all day for frequent ingestion. 
 This is just mineral water, folks, not a medicine or a 
 chemical. You don't need to be careful with it. 
 Remember, when you drink CS, it goes into a soup of 
 all kinds of stuff in your stomach. Still works, 
 Apart from mixing CS with toxic substances, whatever 
 we can do to CS outside our bodies will automatically 
 happen inside our bodies. Yet CS still works. 
 The only way myself and my kids get CS is mixed/cooked 
 into foods/drinks. The CS my family ingests is mixed 
 with every imaginable good thing - soups, salad 
 dressing, pancake batter, coffee (the major way I take 
 it), herbal tea, juices, gravy, ice cubes, milk, hot 
 and cold cereals, canning jars of veggies, cookies, 
 cakes, muffins, everywhere we can conceive to put it. 
 The possibilities are endless. 
 We boil it, freeze it, bake it, fry it, with the net 
 result being that no one gets sick in our family. 
 You don't have to be careful with this elixir from 
 God, you don't need to tippy-toe around it. Use it 
 freely and generously. Drink it liberally and 
 Use it in your eyes, nose, throat, ears, between your 
 toes, under your arms, on your face, in your hair (get 
 the picture?). 
 Here is a quote from Bob Beck's CS useage description: 
 Add to suspected drinking water when traveling or 
 camping. Silver-sprayed burns heal rapidly without 
 scarring. Safely sterilize anything from toothbrushes 
 to surgical instruments. Use topically on cuts, 
 wounds, abrasions, rashes, sunburn, insect bites, 
 razor nicks and bandages. Spray on garbage to prevent 
 decay odors. Mist kitchen sponges, towels, cutting 
 boards to eliminate E. Coli and salmonella bacteria to 
 prevent food poisoning and gastrointestinal 
 Add when canning, preserving or bottling. Use like 
 peroxide on zits and acne. Add to juices and milk to 
 prevent spoiling, fermenting, deteriorating, 
 clabbering or curdling. Spray in shoes and between 
 toes to stop most skin itch, athletes foot and fungi. 
 Diminish dandruff, psoriasis, skin rashes, etc. Add to 
 bath water, gargle, douches, colon irrigation, nasal 
 spray and dental water-pic solutions. Cuts downtime 
 dramatically from colds, flu, pneumonia, staph, strep, 
 respiratory infections and rhino viruses. Skin itch, 
 eye irritation or infection (dilute a small amount 
 with an equal amount of distilled water for eye use) 
 and ear infections (warm slightly first), some moles 
 and warts vanish (put on bandaid pad and wear on wart 
 overnight each night until gone). Use with Q-tips on 
 fingernail, toenail, and ear fungi. Can impede tooth 
 decay and bad breath. Unlike pharmaceutical 
 antibiotics, Colloidal Silver never permits 
 strain-resistant pathogens to evolve. 
 Toothaches, mouth sores, bacterial irritations are 
 diminished. Soak dentures. Spray refrigerator, freezer 
 and food storage bin interiors. Mix in postage stamp, 
 envelope, and tape moistening wells, paint and paste 
 pots to prevent bacterial growth, odors, spoiling or 
 souring. Add to water-based paints, wallpaper paste, 
 dishwater, cleaning and mopping solutions, etc. Spray 
 pet bedding and let dry. 
 Spray on top of contents of opened jam, jelly, and 
 condiment containers and inside lids before replacing. 
 Mix a little in pet water, birdbaths, cut flower 
 vases. Add to swamp cooler water. Spray air 
 conditioner filters after cleaning. Swab air ducts and 
 vents to prevent breeding sites for germs. Use 
 routinely in laundry final rinse water and always 
 before packing away seasonal clothes. Damp clothes or 
 towels and washcloths will not sour or mildew. 
 Eliminate unwanted microorganisms in planter soils and 
 hydroponics systems. Spray plant foliage to stop 
 fungi, molds, rot, and most plant diseases. Silver is 
 an excellent plant-growth stimulator. 
 Treat pools, fountains, humidifiers, Jacuzzis, hot 
 tubs, baths, dishwashers, re-circulating cooling tower 
 water, gymnasium foot dips, and bath and shower mats. 
 Spray inside shoes, watch bands and gloves and under 
 fingernails periodically. Treat shower stalls, tubs, 
 fonts, animal watering troughs, shavers to avoid 
 trading germs. Rinse fruit and vegetables before 
 storing or using. Put in cooking water. Add to human 
 and animal shampoos and they become disinfectants. 
 Prevent carpets, drapes and wallpaper from mildewing. 
 Wipe telephone mouthpieces, pipe stems, headphones, 
 hearing aids, eyeglass 

Re: CSCrocodile Hunter, Irwin, Killed in accident

2006-09-04 Thread debbiegerard99
Just amazing how he was in such dangerous situations and dies this way huh? He 
was a blessing...deb

-- Original message -- 
From: Day Sutton 

 cross posted as Off Topic from another list. We will all miss him.. 
 [Fwd: [BMDBreeder-l] Stingray kills 'Crocodile Hunter' Irwin] Inbox 
  Subject: [BMDBreeder-l] Stingray kills 'Crocodile Hunter' Irwin 
  I know this is off topic but he'll be missed by millions of animal lovers. 
  I feel a personal sadness at his loss. 
  Dawn Gabig 
  Stingray kills 'Crocodile Hunter' Irwin 
  By BRIAN CASSEY, Associated Press Writer 3 minutes ago 
  CAIRNS, Australia - Steve Irwin, the hugely popular Australian television 
  personality and conservationist known as the Crocodile Hunter, was killed 
  Monday by a stingray while filming off the Great Barrier Reef. He was 44. 
  Irwin was at Batt Reef, off the remote coast of northeastern Queensland 
  state, shooting a segment for a series called Ocean's Deadliest when he 
  swam too close to one of the animals, which have a poisonous barb on their 
  tails, his friend and colleague John Stainton said. 
  He came on top of the stingray and the stingray's barb went up and into 
  chest and put a hole into his heart, said Stainton, who was on board 
  Irwin's boat at the time. 
  Crew members aboard the boat, Croc One, called emergency services in the 
  nearest city, Cairns, and administered CPR as they rushed the boat to 
  Low Isle to meet a rescue helicopter. Medical staff pronounced Irwin dead 
  when they arrived a short time later, Stainton said. 
  Irwin was famous for his enthusiasm for wildlife and his catchword 
  in his television program Crocodile Hunter. First broadcast in Australia 
  in 1992, the program was picked up by the Discovery network, catapulting 
  Irwin to international celebrity. 
  He rode his image into a feature film, 2002's The Crocodile Hunters: 
  Collision Course and developed the wildlife park that his parents opened, 
  Australia Zoo, into a major tourist attraction. 
  The world has lost a great wildlife icon, a passionate conservationist and 
  one of the proudest dads on the planet, Stainton told reporters in Cairns. 
  He died doing what he loved best and left this world in a happy and 
  peaceful state of mind. He would have said, 'Crocs Rule!' 
  Prime Minister John Howard, who hand-picked Irwin to attend a gala barbecue 
  to honor 
  President Bush when he visited in 2003, said he was shocked and distressed 
  at Steve Irwin's sudden, untimely and freakish death. 
  It's a huge loss to Australia, Howard told reporters. He was a wonderful 
  character. He was a passionate environmentalist. He brought joy and 
  entertainment and excitement to millions of people. 
  Irwin, who made a trademark of hovering dangerously close to untethered 
  crocodiles and leaping on their backs, spoke in rapid-fire bursts with a 
  thick Australian accent and was almost never seen without his uniform of 
  khaki shorts and shirt and heavy boots. 
  Wild animal expert Jack Hanna, who frequently appears on TV with his 
  subjects, offered praise for Irwin. 
  Steve was one of these guys, we thought of him as invincible, Hanna, 
  director emeritus of the Columbus (Ohio) Zoo and Aquarium, told ABC's Good 
  Morning America Monday. 
  The guy was incredible. His knowledge was incredible, Hanna said. Some 
  people that are doing this stuff are actors and that type of thing, but 
  Steve was truly a zoologist, so to speak, a person who knew what he was 
  doing. Yes, he did things a lot of people wouldn't do. I think he knew what 
  he was doing. 
  Irwin's ebullience was infectious and Australian officials sought him out 
  for photo opportunities and to promote Australia internationally. 
  His public image was dented, however, in 2004 when he caused an uproar by 
  holding his infant son in one arm while feeding large crocodiles inside a 
  zoo pen. Irwin claimed at the time there was no danger to the child, and 
  authorities declined to charge Irwin with violating safety regulations. 
  Later that year, he was accused of getting too close to penguins, a seal 
  humpback whales in Antarctica while making a documentary. Irwin denied any 
  wrongdoing, and an Australian Environment Department investigation 
  recommended no action be taken against him. 
  Stingrays have a serrated, toxin-loaded barb, or spine, on the top of their 
  tail. The barb, which can be up to 10 inches long, flexes if a ray is 
  frightened. Stings usually occur to people when they step on or swim too 
  close to a ray and can be excruciatingly painful but are rarely fatal, said 
  University of Queensland marine neuroscientist Shaun Collin. 
  Collin said he suspected Irwin died because the barb pierced under his 
  ribcage and directly into his heart. 
  It was extraordinarily bad luck. It's not easy to get spined by a stingray 

Re: CSKen, allergies?

2006-09-04 Thread debbiegerard99
Does it have to be the windshield why not the bumper or the grill?...deb

-- Original message -- 
From: M. G. Devour 

 Dear Ken (Ode), 
 Several times in the past you've mentioned reducing or eliminating your 
 pollen sensitivity by licking the windshield. I'm entering ragweed 
 season here which usually makes me miserable from late august through 
 the first frost. I'm going to try your technique. 
 How much of the windshield do you lick? Just one good swipe, or do you 
 have to use the wipers afterward to be able to see again? 
 How long is enough time to collect a good sample, assuming I clean the 
 glass first to get rid of road grunge, bird droppings, and the like? 
 Overnight? An hour? 
 How long before you saw the effect you wanted? 
 Even if I can't entirely keep a straight face, I'm serious. It'd be 
 particularly interesting to try this right now since my dear bride is 
 convinced that it won't work. She's been taking allergy shots... for 
 Mike D. 
 [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian] 
 [ ] 
 [Speaking only for myself... ] 
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 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: 
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 List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CSc/s and my dog

2006-09-04 Thread debbiegerard99
Welcome will learn tons of info from these great mindsdebbie

-- Original message -- 

first time here,, just ordered a c/s generator how can i apply this product 
to my beloved lab/ shep  with sore hind quarters...  Ping, is 13 years old, 
and having trouble getting up the stairs.. thanks, in advance.. george..

Re: CSc/s and my dog

2006-09-04 Thread Geoping
thanks debbie, looking forward the all the experience,,  geo..

Re: CSHip Dysplasia

2006-09-04 Thread Pat

Day said, I cured CURED two of my Bernese Mountain
Dogs of Hip Dysplasia.

Did you have xrays?  My lab had hip dysplasia as shown
by xray when he was a few months old and had trouble
going up steps and was sore after playing.  The only
solution would have been hip surgery at $2,000 each. 
We gave him green-lipped mussel which inhibits
inflammation.  He did fine as long as he didn't
overdohe was a real couch potato.  As soon as the
breeder saw the xray, his sire lost a certain part of
his anatomy and was retired from his enjoyable job.


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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSzinc oxide and silver oxide

2006-09-04 Thread Shirley Reed

 Can silver oxide be used like the zinc oxide in an ointment?  That zinc
oxide is good stuff.  Thanks for the tip on using it for a deodorant.  It is
the best I have ever used and the cheapest.  Don't find that combination too
often.I am unable to decipher the MSDS's for those two substances (zinc
and silver oxides), but some of you will know if it will work I'll bet!!

RE: CSCrocodile Hunter, Irwin, Killed in accident

2006-09-04 Thread Bill Castle
Some people should not be entitled to an opinion,  Marshalee, you might as
well go into hiding, you are dead wrong.

-Original Message-
From: Marshalee Hallett []
Sent: Monday, September 04, 2006 7:56 PM
Subject: Re: CSCrocodile Hunter, Irwin, Killed in accident

Subject: CSCrocodile Hunter, Irwin, Killed in accident

 cross posted as Off Topic from another list.  We will all miss him..

Sorry, but I won`t miss him at all.
He was annoying, and not very entertaining.
It really irked me at how he made his living by irritating animals.
He irritated the wrong one this time...
I do feel sorry for his family.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.11.7/436 - Release Date: 9/1/2006


2006-09-04 Thread debbiegerard99
I put some DMSO on my neck tonight, first time, and was pleasantly surprised at 
the smell going away only after a few minutes...debbie


2006-09-04 Thread Geoping
need a good source for quality dmso,, i have a container of it that has to  
be 15 years old,, i am reluctantant to use on me or my pets... was popular back 
 than, and could by anyplace,, renewed interest has me seeking a source,, 
thanks,  geo.