Re: CSA Cold!!

2009-08-28 Thread j.sherri

Hi Pat,

From a spiritual point of view, sometimes we just need to be blessed 
for good health, a bit pampered, cared for and nurtured and illness 
plays a role in getting us to be in the position, especially when we're 
very assertive, self- sufficient and mostly roaring like tigers in our 
daily lives. If you see this as a life lesson, listening to what it is 
telling you, learning what you need to - quieting down, opening up, 
pinpointing the areas have been trying to get your attention before but 
for some reason were never addressed, you can use this *down* time for 
great advancements. Grief is an emotion that comes through during these 
times of upper respiratory illnesses - feeling the feelings - and 
letting it all go. Being your own sacred healer, finding your spirit, 
connecting to whatever you perceive as something greater than you, 
becoming child like - this is very healthy and necessary for growth. You 
still drink your tea with ginger, honey and lemon - but you also can now 
allow yourself to be nurtured. May you soon be healthy and fully 
recovered from all that ails you.

Best wishes,

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSsoap for teeth cleaning

2009-08-28 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick

thanks Chuck.  dee

On 27 Aug 2009, at 20:59, wrote:

It's part of the soapmaking process.
Even from before colonial days.


Mental tangibility has been achieved...go figure.

Re: CSGSH source

2009-08-28 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick

I believe the best way is to eat un-denatured whey.  dee

On 27 Aug 2009, at 22:58, Shirley Reed wrote:

 Has anyone found a source of the glutathione in bulk?  And is there  
any certain variety we need to get?  Some capsule preparations have  
other things added.  Anybody know if we should just get capsules and  
empty them out and then encapsulate them?   Do we do this the same  
way we do the Vit. C?   There seems to be general agreement that the  
C and the GSH  work much better together than separately.   And had  
anyone used CS as the water portion for dissolving the lecithin?  I  
did do that one time and I think I had good results-felt something  
different--but maybe it was my imagination.  Anyway, thought I would  
wait for others' opinions.   tia   pj


Re: CS(LL) ?? Anything to use with CS/EIS during Chemo treatments

2009-08-28 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
Hi Lois, I do hope your friends friend gets on ok.  I believe the R- 
Lipoic Acid is beneficial and also of course, Brooks liposomal  
encapsulated vit C.  Another thing to try is enzymes of the  
proteolytic sort.  Check out Dr Wong and also as they  
have had good results with enzymes and cancer and have a lot of  
information too.  HTH  dee

On 27 Aug 2009, at 23:51, wrote:

A nice waitress, at a favorite restaurant, has a friend that has had  
part of his stomach removed due to cancer. She was in on a  
conversation at our table on CS / EIS. He starts chemotherapy next  
week  wondered if there was anything that could help him in anyway.  
I thought the CS / EIS would stop possible infection .  any other  
ideas would be much appreciated.  It is sad medical Marijuana is not  
legal here in the States as I know that is very useful for those  
having chemo Thanks Lois.

Re: CSfor cancer

2009-08-28 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
Oh I forgot that Shirlely, yes D3 deficiency is increasingly being  
cited as a major cause of cancer.  dee

On 28 Aug 2009, at 02:05, Shirley Reed wrote:

 Probably want to take lots of Vit. E, C, some A, Concentrace  
minerals seem to really act fast.  But no one is mentioning Vitamin  
D 3 which sure is phenomenal for preventing cancer, and is extremely  
helpful in treatment, or so I understand.  And don't forget lots of  
iodine in the form of Lugol's Solution!!   And getting the chlorine  
out of your shower and drinking water is very important.  Or so I  
understand.   Best wishes,  pj   ps  Have you looked into  
electricity for cancer???   The Beck Protocol and zappers have a  
really good record for being very helpful with both length and  
quality of life.  Many people can live a full life span and feel  
good the whole time without being cured.  Baking soda is remarkably  
good too.  As you will see if you look into these things, there is a  
lot one can do to get better quickly.


Re: CSA Cold!!

2009-08-28 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
you haven't tried enzymes Pat lol these are supposed to 'eat'  
germs!  Good luck anyway!  dee

On 28 Aug 2009, at 04:05, Pat wrote:

Right now I'm just mad.I'm not sure if it's anger over germs  
(now isn't that useless  lol) or anger over things that won't kill  
the germs.  Hubby came down with a sore throat which turned into a  
cold 3 days after he started driving the school bus.  We immediately  
started having colloidal silver with gatorade and spraying CS in  
mouth, nose, eyes.  Three days later, I got a little bit of a sore  
throat.  It continued that way for four days.  I started lying in  
the sun for 20 minutes a day, taking 2,000 mg vitamin C plus what's  
in my multi, taking East Park olive leaf extract 4 times a day.   
Three days ago I added MMS but I'm only up to 4 drops today.  I made  
the peanut butter, honey, and coconut oil candy and boy, is it ever  
good!  Melts in the mouth better than most chocolate.  (I can't wait  
to try it with cocoa, too.)  I started using a sinus flush with CS  
in it twice a day.  With all that, my sore throat turned into a head  
cold last night and is even worse tonight.  I ordered Lypo-Spheric  
Vitamin C from East Park made by LivOn Labs, but I haven't received  
that yet.  So, if I had not done all these things, would I be half  
dead of the disease?  I was feeling pretty well through the whole  
thing until last night.  Is it worth all the efforts I've gone  


Re: CSsoap for teeth cleaning

2009-08-28 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
I was thinking of the taste i.e in the old days, they used to wash out  
kids mouths with soap as a punishment for telling lies!  dee

On 28 Aug 2009, at 05:26, Ken  Nancy Bagwell wrote:

Haha!  Well, you clean just about everything else with it!  Cats,  
dogs, cars, dishes, body, carpets...

-Ken Bagwell

RE: CSA Cold!!

2009-08-28 Thread Neville Munn

Gotta keep a sense of humour don't we Pat g.


My reply was not meant to be flippant but I won't elaborate as I think outside 
the box where others may not even give that box a second glance.


I ingest a quantity of EIS every morning before breakfast when the mouth is 
driest and haven't had a cold/flu etc for a number of years now.  Don't know if 
that's a sign of EIS being effective or I'm just 'cursed?' g with good 
health, but trust, they don't say that anymore do they, it's 'believe 
me', I've done my damndest to try catching a bug.  I've worked up a sweat out 
in the rain trying to catch a chill, I've travelled a couple hundred K's in a 
vehicle with two people who were 'loaded up' with the wog...coughing, sneezing 
constantly, temperature, runny nose and all the other little 'pleasantries' 
that come with the wog, I've stood close to total strangers hoping they will 
sneeze or cough some bugs my way, slept by an open window with a force 6 gail 
blowing on me, all in an attempt to prove something to myself...but alas, all 
to no avail.  Although that window trick I think came close, felt I had a 
temperature next day as I felt decidedly unwell, but only for a day, never 
stopped me from doing anything however.


I do believe on self observation there has been some signs that a bug was 
trying to get hold, but was very short lived and never amounted to anything.  
Can't say if I've got a good imagination or if the EIS is actually doing it's 
thing.  I have been a believer for some years now though, so I'm not surprised 
at all.


Like Chuck, a little 'nip' every day keeps the quack away..touch wood g.




Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2009 20:53:38 -0700
Subject: Re: CSA Cold!!

You guys. . . Chuck and Neville  . . . laughter, the best medicine. Actually, 
we do use CS before any symptoms, mostly spray form.  Hubby says when he gets 
in the truck after driving the bus, he sprays his hands, face, and mouth.  Too 
bad he can't put a CS sprayer over the door of the school bus!  The bus driving 
job is what gives us health insurance.  Guess it's what will eventually drive 
us to the doctor, too  lol.  Thanks Sharlene and Jane, I think I'll try your 


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Use Windows Live Messenger from your Hotmail inbox Web IM has arrived!

CSre: B3

2009-08-28 Thread Joseph Metz
You are starting way too high. The flush is funny, at first it really  
is uncomfortable, after some times I got to liking it but it was  
never as good as the first times.

There is surprisingly alot they dont know about Niacin, what they do  
know is that most people quickly build up a tolerance. I started at  
50mg which felt quite strong. 50mg the second time was hardly enough,  
100mg the third time, then doubled it several times after that till  
at around 2000mg I started getting nauseous. The first time at 50mg  
was the most powerful flush I ever had.  So yes, you calling it  
uncomfortable is an understatement, 500mg is way too much for the  
first times, like eating a wasabi sandwich! (I dont recommend them  
but the scientologists use large amounts for detox.) I have read that  
with many trials, people can get up to 30,000 mg with little or no  

2 differently sales reps at 2 different stores I trust both said the  
flush free is worthless.

I ran out of the 50mg  accidently bought sustained release 500 mg  
which seems to have less intense flushing but lasts longer.  For  
detoxing the flush is critical, the action we're feeling is  
capillaries near the skin are being opened, (I've read they dont know  
why,)  blood is circulating in places we're not used to. I dont know  
how it affects raynaud or the brain except subjectively, it makes me  
feel awake  seems to be effective against my nuero-lyme. Just  
chatted with my sister in law, she takes it before bed  says yes, it  
does have a tendency to keep her awake but she works with it.

On an empty stomach I take the niacin with a detox cocktail, 3 types  
of Vit C, msm  magnesium Calm (which is an expensive source of  
magnesium  stevia but I like the way it fizzes.) Sometimes I precede  
 follow this with CS, though I am concerned about the CS forming  
larger molecules with the Vit C, etc.  getting stuck in the  
capillaries that are temporarily enlarged. (I just asked a series of  
questions on this topic.) Usually while the flush is happening, I  
take a shower, followed by a very hot bath with 2 cups epsom salts   
1 cup baking soda. All this promotes detox. (The high heat is a  
treatment for lyme.)

Just bought niacinimide from GNC, 50 mg, that I am taking with meals.  
I thought I noticed the slightest of flushes, but I was looking for  
it. So my recommendation is to purchase 50 mg  in a short while you  
will be up to the level you can take the 500 mg without discomfort.

Now you know why people dont ask me many questions! :) Good Luck


   Could you tell me any different between B3 flush one and none  
flush one?  I have flush one 500 mg.  I avoid to take it after  
several tries, I felt so uncomfortable afterwards.  I have symptoms  
of raynaud and somebody suggested me take Niacinamide.  Thanks.  Helen

This doesn't directly answer you question but another topic from  
my lecture yesterday discussed the b-3 in the form of Niacinamide  
has recently been shown to rebuild tubulars  other good things in  
the brain. Anything you take to detox will be improved with any  
form of niacin. Good luck.

Re: CSA Cold!!

2009-08-28 Thread Pat
I see what you mean, Reneerepressed crying.  But if one person catches a 
cold and it spreads to others, it's possibly just strong germs.  With my knee 
(tendonitis or stress fracture) and orders from the doctor to take it easy, I 
already have an excuse to whine and complain,  lounge around reading, playing 
computer games, watching tv.  The cold makes everything miserable.  Plus, since 
I won't go near friends or relatives if I think I might be contagious, I'm 
deprived of seeing my son, his wife, and my Great Dane and Lab grandchildren.  
Can't go to water aerobics or have lunch with friends.  I can't think of one 
positive thing unless it's a license to eat ice cream.  


From: Renee
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 11:52:01 PM
Subject: Re: CSA Cold!!

Um, I'd be checking the emotions just before starting to feel crummy.  There's 
a whole esoteric thing to colds.  Usually it's repressed crying, but could also 
be because your husband didn't want to start driving that bus, and you are not 
wanting to do something you feel you must do.  It's very frustrating when you 
KNOW things should work (all the healing things you did) but they just don't.  
That's usually a sure sign of an emotional problem, and some of them can take 
some digging to actually find.
On the other hand, I could just be full of you-know-what.  Lol  Depends on how 
you feel about esoteric vs physical reasons.
---Original Message---
Driving a school bus...tsk.
Shoulda seen THAT coming...


Re: CSsoap for teeth cleaning

2009-08-28 Thread Ken Nancy Bagwell
Hahaaa, that happened to me once.  BUTthe lady used dishwashing soap on 
me for using some bad words.  That's not soap, though. That's detergent.  It 
was clear green liquid.  Ugg.

-Ken Bagwell

From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 1:08:24 AM
Subject: Re: CSsoap for teeth cleaning

I was thinking of the taste i.e in the old days, they used to wash out kids 
mouths with soap as a punishment for telling lies!  dee

On 28 Aug 2009, at 05:26, Ken  Nancy Bagwell wrote:

Haha!  Well, you clean just about everything else with it!  Cats, dogs, cars, 
dishes, body, carpets...

-Ken Bagwell


Re: CSsoap for teeth cleaning

2009-08-28 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
Oh no, in my day it was a bar of carbolic soap stuffed in the  
offenders face!  dee

On 28 Aug 2009, at 11:59, Ken  Nancy Bagwell wrote:

Hahaaa, that happened to me once.  BUTthe lady used dishwashing  
soap on me for using some bad words.  That's not soap, though.  
That's detergent.  It was clear green liquid.  Ugg.

-Ken Bagwell

RE: CSA Cold!!

2009-08-28 Thread Dianne France

Pat - There was a post from Brooks you might be interested in and I am copying 
to page.  You have already been exposed and have symptoms but thought you might 
want to read it anyway.  Also, have you tried DMSO and also nebulizing yet?  I 
was in the same boat a while back and my arsenal (CS, MMS, Vit C) didn't get 
the germ until I added DMSO.  Sure hope you get better soon.   Dianne


CSDel-Immune V : Research Commentary‏

From: on behalf of Brooks Bradley 

Tue 5/26/09 7:57 PM


 This post relates to a current/on-going investigation we 
are prosecuting, relating to more powerful immune system boosters.
One of the more outstanding candidates has demonstrated to be a member 
of the probiotic family. The seminal work, originally performed by 
the Russians during the Cold War (conducted during investigations 
looking for Biological Warfare countermeasures)
focused on members of the Lactobacillus family. Originally identified 
as Lactobacillus bulgaricus, this useful strain was, later, more 
correctly identified as Lactobacillus Rhamnosus. The D-V strain was 
found to be unusually powerful, as an immune system stimulant,when 
fractionated to potentiate the cell-wall fragments. Without this 
fractionation//lysing (originally conducted by the Bulgarians circa 
1970's) , the useful components found inside the cell walls of the 
bacterium...remained totally isolated from the surrounding 
environment..thus denying the biological environment their 
beneficial stimulation.
I post this email to inform the list membership that we 
are greatly encouraged by our early results from the intital 
investigations. Most especially in the address of the effects upon 
potential biological warfare agentsas well as resisting the 
effects of exposure to ionizing radiation. Interestingly, animal 
experiments conducted by some Russian labs report a 30X higher immune 
resistance among animals treated with the substance (later named 
Del-Immune V), than that of untreated animal subjects
used as controls. They were quite successful in prophylactically 
elevating the immunity in advance of pathogenic exposure/infection. 
We have been fascinated and quite surprised at our positive 
resultsso far. However, it is early in our investigation. I 
include one reference ( the URL at the bottom of the page), from among a 
multiplicity of advertiserswhich outlines a reasonably acceptable 
historical description of the evolution of the Del-Immune product. I 
simply do not have the time--or the energy---to outline a more complete, 
accurate history of the efforts involved in developing this line of 
I am not endorsing or promoting this product. I only 
refer to it because it seems to be the better from among the current 
probiotic suppliers of this type of substance. Our, particular efforts 
are concentrating on a single probiotic, namely lactobacillus
rhamnosus. The Del_Immune product appears to contain multiple 
components. As our research progresses I will attempt to keep the 
membership posted on our results-positive or negative.
Sincerely, Brooks Bradley


Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2009 20:53:38 -0700
Subject: Re: CSA Cold!!

You guys. . . Chuck and Neville  . . . laughter, the best medicine. Actually, 
we do use CS before any symptoms, mostly spray form.  Hubby says when he gets 
in the truck after driving the bus, he sprays his hands, face, and mouth.  Too 
bad he can't put a CS sprayer over the door of the school bus!  The bus driving 
job is what gives us health insurance.  Guess it's what will eventually drive 
us to the doctor, too  lol.  Thanks Sharlene and Jane, I think I'll try your 


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Get back to school stuff for them and cashback for you.

Re: CSBrain Stuck: ADD-Alpha/Theta Dominant

2009-08-28 Thread mborgert

your brain mapping etc. sounds unteresting. What isThea dominant add? What problems are you exoerencing?
-- Original message from Tim Armantrout -- 

I was wondering if anyone on this list is familiar with an Alpha dominant version of ADD? I have had 2 brain mapping sessions, one with a LENS practitioner and one with a Neurofeedback practitioner. During regular waking consciousness, both showed an Alpha/Theta dominance overall, with a difficultyto stayin SMR, or low Beta.Reason I bring this up, is Ihad beenfeeling/sense like there was some physical/chemical interference withinsome of the brain's neural structures. Like a glue orchemical/crystaline coveringthat prevented optimal neurotransmitter communication.This is just an intuitiveguess. Does anyone know offhandwhat might do that in the brain and nervous system?I decided to look for something that would "cleanse" the brain and nervous system of any residues of any chemicalsand break anycrystaline coverings that prevented optimal brain health. I have done lots of cleanses/herbs/supplements in the past. Have been taking iodine/Iodoral (4 tabs/day)for 4 months. Before the iodine, did a month of MMS. Have been taking Olive leaf extract. All of these were helpful, but did not really make any significant changes in brain chemistry.Recently, Colloidal Silver came up as one possibility. I have been taking it for 2 weeks now, making my own, 12-15 ppm at 12 ounces a day. There does seem to be something happening, but it is too early to say for sure. My feeling is that I want to keep taking it.Does anyone know of anything else that might give the brain cells a good cleaning and clear out any residues? I am open to suggestions.Thanks in advance,Tim

Windows Live: Make it easier for your friends to see what you’re up to on Facebook. Find out more. 

Re: CSA Cold!!

2009-08-28 Thread Renee
Well, the subconscious has a LOT to do with things.  If you believe in the 
catching germ theory (I don't) then your subconscious will say oh, my
husband's got a cold and, well, he's my husband so naturally I'm going to
catch that cold too because we eat together, drink out of the same glasses,
sleep together.  Yep, cold time.  and so, there you are--you're own
personal validation of your beliefs.

I never catch colds--haven't had one in over 15 years, no matter who I'm
around, even my husband, because I gave up my belief in that.  It certainly
didn't happen over night, and it took my husband a few more years than
me--because he thought I was nuts but then when he saw that I didn't catch
any colds while he did, he finally gave up that belief too.  Now it's been
about 8 years or so since he's had a cold.  Or the flu (me either)

If we could give up all false beliefs so easily--wouldn't our world be
astounding!!!  But truly--giving up your belief in colds and  flu is
relatively simply compared to believing that you'll never get any disease. 
Maybe not though--maybe it just takes more focus! shrug--I should start
working on that

As for positive reason for having a cold, if you have your cold simply
because you believe you should--then your positive outcome is being in
sympathy and support of your husband.

But--isn't staying home nice too?  Isn't just relaxing on the couch or bed,
eating ice cream and sleeping a lot (if you can) and not having to deal with
day-to-day problems (if you have someone you can pass them off to because
you're 'sick') nice?  Those are positive reinforcements.

It's like when a person gets the flu.  The first person of the season (many
get it because of the belief they will because 'I work with them' or 'I was
just with my best friend and now she's sick' syndrome) actually HATES going
to work, absolutely NEEDS a break from work and simply CANNOT stay home and
take that break. He/she has a family to feed, bills to pay.  But it's
overwhelming and they really, REALLY need a break.

So--the flu magically shows up!  Now--the subconscious always, always, moves
towards pleasure and away from pain.  It always wants to make you happy.  It
has a job to do--balance your life between total joy and reality. :-)

It listens, judges and decides that 1) you must stay home 2) you shouldn't
stay home and 3) the must stay home is really much more important to you AT
THIS MOMENT IN TIME than the shouldn't stay home.  So--because you are not
actually listening to your true feelings the unconscious (called the Ku in
Hawaiian, which is where I learned all this, from Huna) says well, since
you won't take that break, I'll give you a legitimate reason to take a 
break--because to the Ku, your feeling physically miserable is MUCH more
preferable, and not at all seen as detrimental to your actually well being,
as feeling EMOTIONALLY and SPIRITUALLY miserable.  

The highest priority of the Ku is aligning your physical body and world with
your emotional and spiritual beliefs.  That's the key--the big Secret
everyone talks about--behind everything we do.  You have to be in emotional
alignment with your physical world.  If you are filled with joy all the time
 your physical desires are always met (and unfortunately being filled with
despair or fear, your physical world reflects that, too).  It's what the
Secret is all about.  It's what has been taught through the ages by all
great spiritual teachers.  Our Ku understands this.  When we 'get it'
consciously--look out.  That's what gives people true power.  

So--back to your cold.  Now it is up to you to decide--did I get this so I
can kick back on the sofa and relax for a couple days, even if I have my box
of Kleenex sitting next to me, or did I get it because I expected to because
my husband has it?  Then you can decide if you wish to continue either of
those belief systems.  

Then, according to your beliefs, you can decide whether or not you wish to
ever experience a cold or flu again.  If it's simply because you are in
sympathy with your husband's plight you can say that's his choice.  I
choose not to experience that or if it's because you really need a break
then you can arrange your world so that, every so often, you take a break. 
Doesn't have to be for days in a row, like having a week long cold, it can
be just a couple hours that you enjoy for just YOURSELF.  You will learn to
distinguish when that time is, and how long it needs to be.

We are amazing beings with so much power that we have no idea what we are
capable of.

(as a side story--my Huna teacher's son's friend broke his arm.  My teacher
s son, at about 10 years old, said to everyone, and to himself, I'll NEVER
break a bone, ever and said it with such force, such belief, that it set it
into his very being.  15 years later he was parachuting and--yep, his chute
failed to open.  I forget how many feet he fell.  He landed in some trees,
bounced out of them and hit the ground.  They were sure he 

Re: CSPics of your setup

2009-08-28 Thread Arnold Beland
Members critique away.
  - Original Message - 
  From: john freese 
  Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 6:37 PM
  Subject: CSPics of your setup


I have a request for all the members of the list. Especially the more 
experienced members.

I think it would be interesting to see the different and unique setups 
the members of this list use to make their CS. The next time you make a batch 
of CS please take a picture or pictures of your setup and post them. I believe 
this would spark a lot of interesting questions as members critique the setups. 
Just a thought : ) Thank you in advance for participation in this request. John.

Re: CSCrotch rash...ugh!

2009-08-28 Thread Saralou
I have a relative who used a very dilute solution of  clove oil, tea 
tree oil in a base of coconut oil, topped with DMSO diluted with aloe.  
One week on and one week off until it did not return. I think he said it 
stopped coming back after the 3rd application. He used much higher 
concentrations of essential oils than I think sensible or safe, but he 
had the itch and sometimes we do things to relieve symptoms.

By very dilute, I mean one *drop* of essential oil of clove, maybe 3 
*drops* of tea tree essential oil in an ounce of coconut oil. Clove is 
used in so many commercial preparations as a preservative you would not 
want to become sensitized to it by using it in high concentrations.  It 
is a known /dermal/ and mucous membrane irritant and /sensitizer  /at 
concentrations of 1% or higher.

I purchase all my essential oils from here   
//   or here //  
Both companies test their products and offer those results to their buyers.


Scotty wrote:

Hey Group,
Need to know what you folks suggest to get rid of a heavy dose of 
crotch rash. Very small bumps filled with clear fluid. Very itchy, 
very uncomfortable.

Scott *
With God, all things are possible. - Mark 10:27


Re: CSsource for DMSO

2009-08-28 Thread Dan Nave
To further purify the DMSO, put it in you refrigerator until most of
it is frozen.  Then pour out the liquid portion which will have most
of the (water soluble) smelly stuff in it.  What's left behind is very

You can pour the liquid portion into a clear plastic drinking water
bottle and re-freeze it and repeat the process.  That way you will
waste less, although it may not end up auite as smell free as the
first batch.


On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 11:19 PM, Ken  Nancy wrote:
 Thank you, Tel.  I'll check my area to see if there are any tack stores
 nearby.  I know there is one in Clayton, CA nearby where I live, but that is
 about a 40 minute drive through busy areas.  Otherwise, I guess I'll just
 order some online.
 -Ken Bagwell
 From: Tel Tofflemire
 Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 7:57:39 AM
 Subject: Re: CSsource for DMSO

 Hey Ken  Nancy,
 A tack store has this brand on hand for a couple bucks cheaper  no shipping
 A tack store is a place that sells horse feed, saddles, grooming stuff,etc.
  But DMSO is all GOOD if made in the USA.

 Tel Tofflemire
 Dewey, AZ.

 --- On Thu, 8/27/09, Ken  Nancy Bagwell wrote:

 From: Ken  Nancy Bagwell
 Subject: CSsource for DMSO
 Date: Thursday, August 27, 2009, 3:41 AM

 Hi all,
 I'd like to try Brooks' method of combining DMSO and peroxide to whiten
 teeth. However, I'm totally unfamiliar with DMSO.
 Looking online, has 99% pure stuff for sale.  Is there any reason
 in the world I should not buy it from them?
 -Ken Bagwell

 start: -00-00 end: -00-00

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSLiposomal Encapsulation- Chuck!

2009-08-28 Thread ransley
Chuck- You need to spread this around or give some of us permission to do
so; as you know this idea is now on many groups. I didn't get to try to make
mine yesterday, first day that I could have, and now I'm glad I didn't. Will
be doing it your way shortly.


-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 3:11 PM
Subject: Re: CSLiposomal Encapsulation

??? I was successful.

The first time, partially.
The second time, completely.

Harbor Freight device as in Brookes article...

What I do is dissolve the three tablespoons of lecithin granules in a cup of
water. I do it in a blender. They dissolve completely.

Same thing with the ascorbic acid crystals (1 tablespoon in 4 oz of water).

Combine them in the ultrasonic device.

I ran it for 6 two minute cycles.


Microbiology Lab: STAPH ONLY!

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

FW: CSOT Alzhiemers

2009-08-28 Thread Norton, Steve
You may also find it beneficial to use a low dose of methylene blue
daily. Studies have shown it to be effective for memory improvrment and
one  product, Rember, claims a study shows that it reverses Alzheimer's.
I am currently using it. Methylene blue is very inexpensive and you can
buy it at aquarium supply places and dilute it yourself. Some studies
 - Steve N

Methylene blue improves brain oxidative metabolism and memory retention
in rats.

Together the findings suggest that low-dose MB enhances spatial memory
retention in normal rats by increasing brain cytochrome c oxidase
activity. :

Extinction Memory Improvement by the Metabolic Enhancer Methylene Blue

Rember for Alzheimer's: Methylene Blue's Comeback

From: Joseph Metz [] 
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 9:02 PM
Subject: RE: CSOT Alzhiemers

Correct, this is the gentleman who gave the talk.

This is a video by Steven Wm Fowkes, BA:  Preventing and
reversing Dementia  Alzheimer Disease.  Go to this site: 



The video runs an hour and 31 minutes, and is 416 Mb long.  It
is about ketosis as a superior form of energy delivery for neurons.  I
didn't have the patience to download and view it.


The 6 part video in the link below is VERY INTERESTING -
convinces me to start taking coconut oil while I can still remember to
do it!


Steve Y.


From: Joseph Metz [] 

Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 11:02 AM

Subject: CSOT Alzhiemers


The SF Commonwealth Club had an event yesterday. I went
for Dr.s Amen Orloff. More interesting than I expected.


There were an additional 2 speakers/scientists who took
the stage together  were giddy with excitement  delight. They claim to
have found a cure for Alzhiemers Disease. (AD) Correction, they claim
others found a cure for Alzheimers. Using others research, they
connected the dots  can explain the why's  how's.

Re: CSBrain Stuck: ADD-Alpha/Theta Dominant

2009-08-28 Thread Clayton Family

Hi Tim,

Yes, this sounds familiar to me. Our neurofeedback doctor ( I took my  
son for neurofeedback training) recommended that I take a supplement  
of omega 3 oils since the nerve cells are made of fat, and there is  
some evidence of deficiency in many people. I chose flax, which did  
seem to help a great deal. I also benefit from including several  
tablespoons of fat in my diet. I like to use a non hydrogenated  
margarine that has a balance of omega oils in it.

A couple of things that I have found affect the brain are neurotoxins  
and parasites. The toxins can be chemical or biological, and the  
biotoxins are often missed. They can include fungal metabolites or  
algal toxins, or even Lyme disease. For more info on this line you may  
want to check out Drs Richie Shoemaker and Schaller. One is chronic  
neurotoxins dot com and the other is usmoldphysician dot com ( off the  
top of my head, so googling my be necessary).

I did read that experimentally some found that there may be a  
connection between bipolar and parasites in the brain. The MMS might  
have taken care of that, and it might be that some good fat might  
really help.

BTW, the colloidal silver seems to help my brain function better, for  
some reason. It might be in my case that a sinus fungal infection got  
into the brain, and the cs may be keeping that down to a mild roar.

 Good Luck with whatever you decide,


Squint as you approach me, lest you be blinded by my beauty

On Aug 27, 2009, at 10:50 PM, Tim Armantrout wrote:

I was wondering if anyone on this list is familiar with an Alpha  
dominant version of ADD? I have had 2 brain mapping sessions, one  
with a LENS practitioner and one with a Neurofeedback practitioner.  
During regular waking consciousness, both showed an Alpha/Theta  
dominance overall, with a difficulty to stay in SMR, or low Beta.

Reason I bring this up, is I had been feeling/sense like there was  
some physical/chemical interference within some of the brain's  
neural structures. Like a glue or chemical/crystaline covering that  
prevented optimal neurotransmitter communication. This is just an  
intuitive guess. Does anyone know offhand what might do that in the  
brain and nervous system?

I decided to look for something that would cleanse the brain and  
nervous system of any residues of any chemicals and break any  
crystaline coverings that prevented optimal brain health. I have  
done lots of cleanses/herbs/supplements in the past. Have been  
taking iodine/Iodoral (4 tabs/day) for 4 months. Before the iodine,  
did a month of MMS. Have been taking Olive leaf extract. All of  
these were helpful, but did not really make any significant changes  
in brain chemistry. Recently, Colloidal Silver came up as one  
possibility. I have been taking it for 2 weeks now, making my own,  
12-15 ppm at 12 ounces a day. There does seem to be something  
happening, but it is too early to say for sure. My feeling is that I  
want to keep taking it.

Does anyone know of anything else that might give the brain cells a  
good cleaning and clear out any residues? I am open to suggestions.

Thanks in advance,


RE: CSLiposomal Encapsulation- Chuck!

2009-08-28 Thread cking001
Nobody needs permission to use any missive that I post to the net.
Feel free...

I realized from the start that anything you post is archived forever,
somewhere, and can come back to bite you.
Want a nude pic of me?
Me neither...
So it won't happen.

Got some pix of a cancer on my shoulder being removed with black
salve, that I would share, though.
I was kinda proud of the way THAT worked out.

Measure with micrometer, mark with chalk, cut with axe

On 8/28/2009 12:12:33 PM, wrote:
 Chuck- You need to spread this around or give some of us permission to do
 so; as you know this idea is now on many groups. I
 didn't get to try to make
 mine yesterday, first day that I could have, and now I'm
 glad I didn't. Will
 be doing it your way shortly.
 -Original Message-
 From: []
 On Behalf Of
 Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 3:11 PM
 Subject: Re: CSLiposomal Encapsulation
 ??? I was successful.
 The first time, partially.
 The second time, completely.
 Harbor Freight device as in Brookes article...
 What I do is dissolve the three tablespoons of lecithin granules in a cup of
 water. I do it in a blender. They dissolve completely.
 Same thing with the ascorbic acid crystals (1 tablespoon in 4 oz of water).
 Combine them in the ultrasonic device.
 I ran it for 6 two minute cycles.
 Microbiology Lab: STAPH ONLY!
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG -
Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.71/2331 - Release Date: 08/28/09 

Re: CSsource for DMSO

2009-08-28 Thread sms
Try Harvest House (health food store) in Concord.  They have brown glass
bottles of DMSO 99.9% in both 4 oz. and 8 oz.
It is on Monument Blvd.

---Original Message---
From: Ken  Nancy Bagwell
Date: 8/27/2009 9:19:41 PM
Subject: Re: CSsource for DMSO
Thank you, Tel.  I'll check my area to see if there are any tack stores
nearby.  I know there is one in Clayton, CA nearby where I live, but that is
about a 40 minute drive through busy areas.  Otherwise, I guess I'll just
order some online.

-Ken Bagwell


2009-08-28 Thread sms
If anyone has any NatureThroid that they are not taking can you e-mail me
off list?
Thank you.

Re: CSA Cold!!

2009-08-28 Thread Indi
Thinking that way used to appear to work for me too, but then I met MRSA.
But for many years I said, I refuse to be ill. Then one day that just
didn't work anymore. 

 /\   /\
   \   / 
  ^  Indi

On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 08:41:12AM -0500, Renee wrote:
Well, the subconscious has a LOT to do with things.  If you believe in the
catching germ theory (I don't) then your subconscious will say oh, my
husband's got a cold and, well, he's my husband so naturally I'm going to
catch that cold too because we eat together, drink out of the same
glasses, sleep together.  Yep, cold time.  and so, there you are--you're
own personal validation of your beliefs.
I never catch colds--haven't had one in over 15 years, no matter who I'm
around, even my husband, because I gave up my belief in that.  It
certainly didn't happen over night, and it took my husband a few more
years than me--because he thought I was nuts but then when he saw that I
didn't catch any colds while he did, he finally gave up that belief too.
Now it's been about 8 years or so since he's had a cold.  Or the flu (me
If we could give up all false beliefs so easily--wouldn't our world be
astounding!!!  But truly--giving up your belief in colds and  flu is
relatively simply compared to believing that you'll never get any
disease.  Maybe not though--maybe it just takes more focus! shrug--I
should start working on that
As for positive reason for having a cold, if you have your cold simply
because you believe you should--then your positive outcome is being in
sympathy and support of your husband.
But--isn't staying home nice too?  Isn't just relaxing on the couch or
bed, eating ice cream and sleeping a lot (if you can) and not having to
deal with day-to-day problems (if you have someone you can pass them off
to because you're 'sick') nice?  Those are positive reinforcements.
It's like when a person gets the flu.  The first person of the season
(many get it because of the belief they will because 'I work with them' or
'I was just with my best friend and now she's sick' syndrome) actually
HATES going to work, absolutely NEEDS a break from work and simply CANNOT
stay home and take that break. He/she has a family to feed, bills to pay.
But it's overwhelming and they really, REALLY need a break.
So--the flu magically shows up!  Now--the subconscious always, always,
moves towards pleasure and away from pain.  It always wants to make you
happy.  It has a job to do--balance your life between total joy and
reality. :-)
It listens, judges and decides that 1) you must stay home 2) you shouldn't
stay home and 3) the must stay home is really much more important to you
AT THIS MOMENT IN TIME than the shouldn't stay home.  So--because you are
not actually listening to your true feelings the unconscious (called the
Ku in Hawaiian, which is where I learned all this, from Huna) says well,
since you won't take that break, I'll give you a legitimate reason to take
a  break--because to the Ku, your feeling physically miserable is MUCH
more preferable, and not at all seen as detrimental to your actually well
being, as feeling EMOTIONALLY and SPIRITUALLY miserable.
The highest priority of the Ku is aligning your physical body and world
with your emotional and spiritual beliefs.  That's the key--the big Secret
everyone talks about--behind everything we do.  You have to be in
emotional alignment with your physical world.  If you are filled with joy
all the time, your physical desires are always met (and unfortunately
being filled with despair or fear, your physical world reflects that,
too).  It's what the Secret is all about.  It's what has been taught
through the ages by all great spiritual teachers.  Our Ku understands
this.  When we 'get it' consciously--look out.  That's what gives people
true power.
So--back to your cold.  Now it is up to you to decide--did I get this so I
can kick back on the sofa and relax for a couple days, even if I have my
box of Kleenex sitting next to me, or did I get it because I expected to
because my husband has it?  Then you can decide if you wish to continue
either of those belief systems.
Then, according to your beliefs, you can decide whether or not you wish to
ever experience a cold or flu again.  If it's simply because you are in
sympathy with your husband's plight you can say that's his choice.  I
choose not to experience that or if it's because you really need a break
then you can arrange your world so that, every so often, you take a
break.  Doesn't have to be for days in a row, like having a week long
cold, it can be just a couple hours that you enjoy for just YOURSELF.  You
will learn to distinguish when that time is, and 

Re: CSA Cold!!

2009-08-28 Thread Ruth Bertella
Can anyone comment on how this Allergy Research Group, Nutricology, Russian 
Choice Immune, 200 Veggie Caps product

(which is Lactobacillus rhamnosus lysate powder 75 mg) compares to the 
Del-Immune V product listed below?  The one on iHerb is about $10.00 cheaper 
and has 200 veggie caps.

Thanks in advance!

  - Original Message - 
  From: Dianne France 
  To: silver-list 
  Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 7:51 AM
  Subject: RE: CSA Cold!!

  Pat - There was a post from Brooks you might be interested in and I am 
copying to page.  You have already been exposed and have symptoms but thought 
you might want to read it anyway.  Also, have you tried DMSO and also 
nebulizing yet?  I was in the same boat a while back and my arsenal (CS, MMS, 
Vit C) didn't get the germ until I added DMSO.  Sure hope you get better soon.  

  CSDel-Immune V : Research Commentary‏
From: on behalf of Brooks Bradley 
Sent: Tue 5/26/09 7:57 PM 

 This post relates to a current/on-going investigation we are prosecuting, 
relating to more powerful immune system boosters.One of the more outstanding 
candidates has demonstrated to be a member of the probiotic family. The 
seminal work, originally performed by the Russians during the Cold War 
(conducted during investigations looking for Biological Warfare 
countermeasures)focused on members of the Lactobacillus family. Originally 
identified as Lactobacillus bulgaricus, this useful strain was, later, more 
correctly identified as Lactobacillus Rhamnosus. The D-V strain was found to be 
unusually powerful, as an immune system stimulant,when fractionated to 
potentiate the cell-wall fragments. Without this fractionation//lysing 
(originally conducted by the Bulgarians circa 1970's) , the useful components 
found inside the cell walls of the bact!
 erium...remained totally isolated from the surrounding environment..thus 
denying the biological environment their beneficial stimulation.I post this 
email to inform the list membership that we are greatly encouraged by our early 
results from the intital investigations. Most especially in the address of the 
effects upon potential biological warfare agentsas well as resisting 
the effects of exposure to ionizing radiation. Interestingly, animal 
experiments conducted by some Russian labs report a 30X higher immune 
resistance among animals treated with the substance (later named Del-Immune V), 
than that of untreated animal subjectsused as controls. They were quite 
successful in prophylactically elevating the immunity in advance of 
pathogenic exposure/infection. We have been fascinated and quite surprised at 
our positive resultsso far. However, it is early in our investigation. I 
 e one reference ( the URL at the bottom of the page), from amo!
 ng a multiplicity of advertiserswhich outlines a reasonably acceptable 
historical description of the evolution of the Del-Immune product. I simply do 
not have the time--or the energy---to outline a more complete, accurate history 
of the efforts involved in developing this line of research.I am not endorsing 
or promoting this product. I only refer to it because it seems to be the better 
from among the current probiotic suppliers of this type of substance. Our, 
particular efforts are concentrating on a single probiotic, namely 
lactobacillusrhamnosus. The Del_Immune product appears to contain multiple 
components. As our research progresses I will attempt to keep the membership 
posted on our results-positive or negative.Sincerely, Brooks Bradley  
  Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2009 20:53:38 -0700
  Subject: Re: CSA Cold!!

  You guys. . . Chuck and Neville  . . . laughter, the best medicine. Actually, 
we do use CS before any symptoms, mostly spray form.  Hubby says when he gets 
in the truck after driving the bus, he sprays his hands, face, and mouth.  Too 
bad he can't put a CS sprayer over the door of the school bus!  The bus driving 
job is what gives us health insurance.  Guess it's what will eventually drive 
us to the doctor, too  lol.  Thanks Sharlene and Jane, I think I'll try your 



  start: -00-00 end: -00-00

  Get back to school stuff for them and cashback for you. Try Bing now. 


2009-08-28 Thread paul catania
Hello all,
I'd like to throw out an idea to all of you and would appreciate any and all 
I recently posted about a friend of mine being diagnosed (3 days ago) with Lung 
and Brain cancer, which is now spreading. Dr.'s say he is beyond Chemo but they 
are going to try radiation to shrink the brain tumors in order to restore 
functionality to his right leg (which is numb and he cannot move). 
I was thinking of MMS, but I know he is not the best patient and so I was 
wondering if it would be feasable or even possible to do the following:

1) Disolve 12 tablespoons of lecithin granules in 60 ounces of distilled water.
2) Activate 150 drops of MMS with the juice of a whole lemon, in the usual 3 
minute way, then add 4 ounces of water to the activated MMS.
3) Pour both solutions into the large UC and run for six 2-minute cycles. 
4) Add 4 drops of DMSO either before encapsulation, or after?

Would the MMS be encapsulated? 
And, if so, would the side effects from the MMS be diminished or nullified?
Would the addition of the DMSO intensify the benefits, or might it form 
detrimental compounds (in other words, should I leave it out, to be on the safe 

I realize that this is all speculation, but I wanted to brainstorm in order to 
best give my friend at least a fighting chance.
Thanks, Paul
p.s. I was thinking maybe 6 ounces in the a.m. and 6 ounces in the p.m.?

Re: CSA Cold!!

2009-08-28 Thread Dan Nave
From my own experience, if you are doing all these things and still
have the cold your body is probably acidic.  Take 1/2 teaspoon of
baking soda (bicarbonate of soda) in a glass of water several times a
day for a while.  Particularly if you are taking MMS I would recommend
taking the baking soda an hour or two after the MMS!!!


On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 10:05 PM, wrote:
 Right now I'm just mad.I'm not sure if it's anger over germs (now isn't
 that useless  lol) or anger over things that won't kill the germs.  Hubby
 came down with a sore throat which turned into a cold 3 days after he
 started driving the school bus.  We immediately started having colloidal
 silver with gatorade and spraying CS in mouth, nose, eyes.  Three days
 later, I got a little bit of a sore throat.  It continued that way for four
 days.  I started lying in the sun for 20 minutes a day, taking 2,000 mg
 vitamin C plus what's in my multi, taking East Park olive leaf extract 4
 times a day.  Three days ago I added MMS but I'm only up to 4 drops today.
 I made the peanut butter, honey, and coconut oil candy and boy, is it ever
 good!  Melts in the mouth better than most chocolate.  (I can't wait to try
 it with cocoa, too.)  I started using a sinus flush with CS in it twice a
 day.  With all that, my sore throat turned into a head cold last night and
 is even worse tonight.  I ordered Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C from East Park made
 by LivOn Labs, but I haven't received that yet.  So, if I had not done all
 these things, would I be half dead of the disease?  I was feeling pretty
 well through the whole thing until last night.  Is it worth all the efforts
 I've gone through?


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSBrain Stuck: ADD-Alpha/Theta Dominant‏

2009-08-28 Thread Tim Armantrout

Thanks Kathryn and everyone for the suggestions. I will check them out. The 
websites about the neuro toxins sounds interesting. Not sure about the 
methylene blue, but will read up on it. 


My main symptom is that I get tired/sleepy (brain tired) if I have to 
focus/concentrate for long periods. Even if I have a good nights sleep, I wake 
up sleepy a lot of the time. Caffeine does help a bit, but if I take too much I 
get sleepy. I am not a morning person. The daydreaming state is almost a 
constant. Great if you are an artist, maybe, but not all the time. 


With any health issue, I do prefer a holistic body-mind-spirit approach. I do 
believe that, in general, many of our physical health issues are rooted in the 
emotions (maybe 70%), ie unresolved issues, and negative beliefs, but not all 
of them. We can't ignore our subsconscious, but we can't ignore the physical 
either. I have found that some things we just can't think or process away.
I have been using a Light  Sound (DAVD Pal) machine to help stimulate my 
brain. It is interesting that the programs that are for getting one into normal 
waking beta consciousness put me to sleep! My brain can't keep up. I am told 
this is typical of Alpha ADD. Before the brain mapping, I used all kinds of CDs 
and programs, meditations, etc to get into that state where everything is said 
to come together. Alpha training - the Apha/Theta state. But unbeknown me, 
those Alpha programs just reinforced an already aberrant brain pattern. It was 
not helping me to use those Alpha/Theta zen monk meditation programs. It was 
not until I did my brain mapping that I saw the light and shifted my attention 
to entraining the SMR (low beta) set of brain frequencies. 
I have used coconut oil in the past, still do a bit now, and have included 
soaked chia seeds as a source of Omega-3 and roughage. I find chia easier to 
incorporate in my diet than coconut oil. I love butter and avoid margarine. I 
also like raw walnuts. I tried Flax, but found that Flax oil is not for 
everyone in all cases. It is a great fat for cleaning out the system of bad 
fats, but flax for me did not help to build me up. Flax did not feel nourishing 
in that way like coconut oil or butter does. Yes, we need good fats to build 
the brain  nervous system. That is vital. Balance in all things.
I have been taking a b-vitamin supplement made by Jarrow called B-Right (cheap 
at, use coupon code REL081 for $5 off). B-Right goes down easy with 
no stomach upset and has 50mgs of Niacin/100 mgs niacinamide in each capsule 
(with no B3 skin flushing so far).
On a side note, in response to the discussion on toothpaste, I just ordered 
some Eco-Dent Tooth Powder from iHerb. Very affordable. Using soap to brush my 
teeth is not an option, but this powder looks promising. Like someone said, 
apparently glycerin is not so good for teeth and glycerin is in just about 
every toothpaste out there.
I like the colloidal silver and I think it is doing more than just killing off 
bugs. I wonder if silver in appropriate amounts may somehow rebuild new 
tissues. Sounds far fetched. I have read some reports about Becker's(?) work 
with silver and electricity. I have looked into colloidal gold as well, but for 
some reason the silver seems more useful at this juncture. Maybe cause silver 
is more of a regenerator than gold. You gotta build the bridges first, then 
you can pave the road. :)

With Windows Live, you can organize, edit, and share your photos.


2009-08-28 Thread Dan Nave
You're on your own on this!


On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 12:37 PM, paul wrote:
 Hello all,
 I'd like to throw out an idea to all of you and would appreciate any and all
 I recently posted about a friend of mine being diagnosed (3 days ago) with
 Lung and Brain cancer, which is now spreading. Dr.'s say he is beyond Chemo
 but they are going to try radiation to shrink the brain tumors in order to
 restore functionality to his right leg (which is numb and he cannot move).
 I was thinking of MMS, but I know he is not the best patient and so I was
 wondering if it would be feasable or even possible to do the following:

 1) Disolve 12 tablespoons of lecithin granules in 60 ounces of distilled
 2) Activate 150 drops of MMS with the juice of a whole lemon, in the usual 3
 minute way, then add 4 ounces of water to the activated MMS.
 3) Pour both solutions into the large UC and run for six 2-minute cycles.
 4) Add 4 drops of DMSO either before encapsulation, or after?

 Would the MMS be encapsulated?
 And, if so, would the side effects from the MMS be diminished or nullified?
 Would the addition of the DMSO intensify the benefits, or might it form
 detrimental compounds (in other words, should I leave it out, to be on the
 safe side)?

 I realize that this is all speculation, but I wanted to brainstorm in order
 to best give my friend at least a fighting chance.
 Thanks, Paul
 p.s. I was thinking maybe 6 ounces in the a.m. and 6 ounces in the p.m.?

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour


2009-08-28 Thread Kirsteen Wright
Sorry this off yopic but I really don't know where else to ask. I believe
we're probably all short of Vit D especially here in Scotland. I'd ordered
some supplements (Biolife Vit D3) and started taking them. I persuaded my
doc to test my blood levels (no idea what test they actually did) and he
agreed I wasmarginally low. so prescribed One-Alpha 0.25mcg alfacalcidol.
now I may just be highly suspicious of the medical profession but this looks
more like a medicine than a drug and I'm finding it very hard to get any
info on it. Does anyone know anything about it?


RE: CSA Cold!!

2009-08-28 Thread Dianne France

I don't know the difference but have the Del-Immune V bottle I can quote from.  
It is Lactobacillus rhamnosus lysed powder produced and improved in the USA 
from the original Russian discovery.   Del-Immune V is a specific lactobacillus 
that contains pure cell wall pieces and has shown to have significant immune 
supporting properties.  Testimonials can be read at .

Hope this helps. Dianne

Subject: Re: CSA Cold!!
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 12:27:02 -0500

Can anyone comment on how this Allergy Research Group, Nutricology, Russian 
Choice Immune, 200 Veggie Caps product
(which is Lactobacillus rhamnosus lysate powder 75 mg) compares to the 
Del-Immune V product listed below?  The one on iHerb is about $10.00 cheaper 
and has 200 veggie caps.
Thanks in advance!

- Original Message - 
From: Dianne France 
To: silver-list 
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 7:51 AM
Subject: RE: CSA Cold!!

Pat - There was a post from Brooks you might be interested in and I am copying 
to page.  You have already been exposed and have symptoms but thought you might 
want to read it anyway.  Also, have you tried DMSO and also nebulizing yet?  I 
was in the same boat a while back and my arsenal (CS, MMS, Vit C) didn't get 
the germ until I added DMSO.  Sure hope you get better soon.   Dianne

CSDel-Immune V : Research Commentary‏

From: on behalf of Brooks Bradley 

Tue 5/26/09 7:57 PM


 This post relates to a current/on-going investigation we 
are prosecuting, relating to more powerful immune system boosters.
One of the more outstanding candidates has demonstrated to be a member 
of the probiotic family. The seminal work, originally performed by 
the Russians during the Cold War (conducted during investigations 
looking for Biological Warfare countermeasures)
focused on members of the Lactobacillus family. Originally identified 
as Lactobacillus bulgaricus, this useful strain was, later, more 
correctly identified as Lactobacillus Rhamnosus. The D-V strain was 
found to be unusually powerful, as an immune system stimulant,when 
fractionated to potentiate the cell-wall fragments. Without this 
fractionation//lysing (originally conducted by the Bulgarians circa 
1970's) , the useful components found inside the cell walls of the 
 erium...remained totally isolated from the surrounding 
environment..thus denying the biological environment their 
beneficial stimulation.
I post this email to inform the list membership that we 
are greatly encouraged by our early results from the intital 
investigations. Most especially in the address of the effects upon 
potential biological warfare agentsas well as resisting the 
effects of exposure to ionizing radiation. Interestingly, animal 
experiments conducted by some Russian labs report a 30X higher immune 
resistance among animals treated with the substance (later named 
Del-Immune V), than that of untreated animal subjects
used as controls. They were quite successful in prophylactically 
elevating the immunity in advance of pathogenic exposure/infection. 
We have been fascinated and quite surprised at our positive 
resultsso far. However, it is early in our investigation. I 
 e one reference ( the URL at the bottom of the page), from amo!
 ng a 
multiplicity of advertiserswhich outlines a reasonably acceptable 
historical description of the evolution of the Del-Immune product. I 
simply do not have the time--or the energy---to outline a more complete, 
accurate history of the efforts involved in developing this line of 
I am not endorsing or promoting this product. I only 
refer to it because it seems to be the better from among the current 
probiotic suppliers of this type of substance. Our, particular efforts 
are concentrating on a single probiotic, namely lactobacillus
rhamnosus. The Del_Immune product appears to contain multiple 
components. As our research progresses I will attempt to keep the 
membership posted on our results-positive or negative.
Sincerely, Brooks Bradley

Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2009 20:53:38 -0700
Subject: Re: CSA Cold!!

You guys. . . Chuck and Neville  . . . laughter, the best medicine. Actually, 
we do use CS before any symptoms, mostly spray form.  Hubby says when he gets 
in the truck after driving the bus, he sprays his hands, face, and mouth.  Too 
bad he can't put a CS sprayer over the door of the school bus!  The bus driving 
job is what gives us health insurance.  Guess it's what will eventually drive 
us to the doctor, too  lol.  Thanks Sharlene and Jane, I think I'll try your 



2009-08-28 Thread Brooks Bradley
Dear Paul,
Your anxiety over your friend's well-being is understandable.
and commendable.I extend my bestgenuinely heartfelt, wishes for his complete recovery.  I have a suggestion which might prove to be of genuine value in
your searches for effective modalities for his presenting carcinoma.  My personal
investigations of Dr. Tullio Simoncini have resulted in an INCREASING respect for his
demonstrated results.and the freedom from any, detectable, toxic/debilitating side-effects resulting from his basic protocol address.  Naturally, the allopathic community, following the urgings of the reigning Pharmaceutical Interests'.has studiously, avoided giving any measurable credence
to Dr. Simoncini's very COMPELLING results, achieved over the immediately-past 15 years.
  It appears self-evident that there is little incentive for them to espouse a protocol (at least among the conventional medical environments) which appears both effective AND ASTONISHINGLY ECONOMICAL.  
   A most interesting characteristic of Dr. Simoncini's protocol is many casesthe afflicted person can APPLY THE PROTOCOL TO THEMSELVESat home.  The spectrum of effectiveness (most carcinomas) seems to be
exceptionally encompassing.
   Based upon the possibility  you may have some interest in Dr. Simoncini's methodology.I am sending you the url for his website via a separate 
email (this because, many times, mail systems see, particular urls as Spam).
   I encourage you to view the U-tube videos on the site.
   Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.
p.s.  I am NOT recommending any treatment or approach as better than any otheror even to be effective.  My goal is, simply, to encourage "vigorous, independent research"...especially considering the POWERFUL EFFORTS expended to prevent the general public informing themselves of possible protocols for delivering them from
devastatingeven terminalcircumstances.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Date : Fri, 28 Aug 2009 10:37:08 -0700
 From : paul catania
 To :

Hello all,
I'd like to throw out an idea to all of you and would appreciate any and all feed-back.
I recently posted about a friend of mine being diagnosed (3 days ago) with Lung and Brain cancer, which is now spreading. Dr.'s say he is beyond Chemo but they are going to try radiation to shrink the brain tumors in order to restore functionality to his right leg (which is numb and he cannot move). 
I was thinking of MMS, but I know he is not the best patient and so I was wondering if it would be feasable or even possible to do the following:

1) Disolve 12 tablespoons of lecithin granules in 60 ounces of distilled water.
2) Activate 150 drops of MMS with the juice of a whole lemon, in the usual 3 minute way, then add 4 ounces of water to the activated MMS.
3) Pour both solutions into the large UC and run for six 2-minute cycles. 
4) Add 4 drops of DMSO either before encapsulation, or after?

Would the MMS be encapsulated? 
And, if so, would the side effects from the MMS be diminished or nullified?
Would the addition of the DMSO intensify the benefits, or might it form detrimental compounds (in other words, should I leave it out, to be on the safe side)?

I realize that this is all speculation, but I wanted to brainstorm in order to best give my friend at least a fighting chance.
Thanks, Paul
p.s. I was thinking maybe 6 ounces in the a.m. and 6 ounces in the p.m.?

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2009-08-28 Thread Dianne France



Would you please send the url to me also.  I am trying to send my cousin all I 
can that would help his cancer.  He has stage 3.2 but I'm not sure which kind.  



Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 14:30:18 -0400

Dear Paul, 
Your anxiety over your friend's well-being is understandable. 
and commendable.I extend my bestgenuinely heartfelt, wishes for his 
complete recovery. I have a suggestion which might prove to be of genuine value 
your searches for effective modalities for his presenting carcinoma. My 
investigations of Dr. Tullio Simoncini have resulted in an INCREASING respect 
for his 
demonstrated results.and the freedom from any, detectable, 
toxic/debilitating side-effects resulting from his basic protocol address. 
Naturally, the allopathic community, following the urgings of the reigning 
Pharmaceutical Interests'.has studiously, avoided giving any measurable 
to Dr. Simoncini's very COMPELLING results, achieved over the immediately-past 
15 years. 
It appears self-evident that there is little incentive for them to espouse a 
protocol (at least among the conventional medical environments) which appears 
A most interesting characteristic of Dr. Simoncini's protocol is many 
casesthe afflicted person can APPLY THE PROTOCOL TO THEMSELVESat home. 
The spectrum of effectiveness (most carcinomas) seems to be 
exceptionally encompassing. 
Based upon the possibility you may have some interest in Dr. Simoncini's 
methodology.I am sending you the url for his website via a separate 
email (this because, many times, mail systems see, particular urls as Spam). 
I encourage you to view the U-tube videos on the site. 
Sincerely, Brooks Bradley. 
p.s. I am NOT recommending any treatment or approach as better than any 
otheror even to be effective. My goal is, simply, to encourage vigorous, 
independent research...especially considering the POWERFUL EFFORTS expended to 
prevent the general public informing themselves of possible protocols for 
delivering them from 
devastatingeven terminalcircumstances. 

-[ Received Mail Content ]--


Date : Fri, 28 Aug 2009 10:37:08 -0700

From : paul catania

To :

Hello all, 

I'd like to throw out an idea to all of you and would appreciate any and all 

I recently posted about a friend of mine being diagnosed (3 days ago) with Lung 
and Brain cancer, which is now spreading. Dr.'s say he is beyond Chemo but they 
are going to try radiation to shrink the brain tumors in order to restore 
functionality to his right leg (which is numb and he cannot move). 

I was thinking of MMS, but I know he is not the best patient and so I was 
wondering if it would be feasable or even possible to do the following: 

1) Disolve 12 tablespoons of lecithin granules in 60 ounces of distilled water. 

2) Activate 150 drops of MMS with the juice of a whole lemon, in the usual 3 
minute way, then add 4 ounces of water to the activated MMS. 

3) Pour both solutions into the large UC and run for six 2-minute cycles. 

4) Add 4 drops of DMSO either before encapsulation, or after? 

Would the MMS be encapsulated? 

And, if so, would the side effects from the MMS be diminished or nullified? 

Would the addition of the DMSO intensify the benefits, or might it form 
detrimental compounds (in other words, should I leave it out, to be on the safe 

I realize that this is all speculation, but I wanted to brainstorm in order to 
best give my friend at least a fighting chance. 

Thanks, Paul 

p.s. I was thinking maybe 6 ounces in the a.m. and 6 ounces in the p.m.?-- The 
Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions 
for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, address your 
message to: Address Off-Topic messages to: The Silver List and Off Topic List archives 
are currently down... List maintainer: Mike Devour
With Windows Live, you can organize, edit, and share your photos.


2009-08-28 Thread david bearrow

--- On Fri, 8/28/09, Dianne France wrote:

From: Dianne France
To: silver-list
Date: Friday, August 28, 2009, 1:34 PM

#yiv1899012739 .hmmessage P
#yiv1899012739 {

Would you please send the url to me also.  I am trying to send my cousin all I 
can that would help his cancer.  He has stage 3.2 but I'm not sure which kind.  

Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 14:30:18 -0400

Dear Paul, 
Your anxiety over your friend's well-being is understandable. 
and commendable.I extend my bestgenuinely heartfelt, wishes for his 
complete recovery. I have a suggestion which might prove to be of genuine value 
your searches for effective modalities for his presenting carcinoma. My 
investigations of Dr. Tullio Simoncini have resulted in an INCREASING respect 
for his 
demonstrated results.and the freedom from any, detectable, 
toxic/debilitating side-effects resulting from his basic protocol address. 
Naturally, the allopathic community, following the urgings of the reigning 
Pharmaceutical Interests'.has studiously, avoided giving any measurable 
to Dr. Simoncini's very COMPELLING results, achieved over the immediately-past 
15 years. 
It appears self-evident that there is little incentive for them to espouse a 
protocol (at least among the conventional medical environments) which appears 
A most interesting characteristic of Dr. Simoncini's protocol is many 
casesthe afflicted person can APPLY THE PROTOCOL TO THEMSELVESat home. 
The spectrum of effectiveness (most carcinomas) seems to be 
exceptionally encompassing. 
Based upon the possibility you may have some interest in Dr. Simoncini's 
methodology.I am sending you the url for his website via a separate 
email (this because, many times, mail systems see, particular urls as Spam). 
I encourage you to view the U-tube videos on the site. 
Sincerely, Brooks Bradley. 
p.s. I am NOT recommending any treatment or approach as better than any 
otheror even to be effective. My goal is, simply, to encourage vigorous, 
independent research...especially considering the POWERFUL EFFORTS expended to 
prevent the general public informing themselves of possible protocols for 
delivering them from 
devastatingeven terminalcircumstances. 

-[ Received Mail Content ]--


Date : Fri, 28 Aug 2009 10:37:08 -0700

From : paul catania

To :

Hello all, 

I'd like to throw out an idea to all of you and would appreciate any and all 

I recently posted about a friend of mine being diagnosed (3 days ago) with Lung 
and Brain cancer, which is now spreading. Dr.'s say he is beyond Chemo but they 
are going to try radiation to shrink the brain tumors in order to restore 
functionality to his right leg (which is numb and he cannot move). 

I was thinking of MMS, but I know he is not the best patient and so I was 
wondering if it would be feasable or even possible to do the following: 

1) Disolve 12 tablespoons of lecithin granules in 60 ounces of distilled water. 

2) Activate 150 drops of MMS with the juice of a whole lemon, in the usual 3 
minute way, then add 4 ounces of water to the activated MMS. 

3) Pour both solutions into the large UC and run for six 2-minute cycles. 

4) Add 4 drops of DMSO either before encapsulation, or after? 

Would the MMS be encapsulated? 

And, if so, would the side effects from the MMS be diminished or nullified? 

Would the addition of the DMSO intensify the benefits, or might it form 
detrimental compounds (in other words, should I leave it out, to be on the safe 

I realize that this is all speculation, but I wanted to brainstorm in order to 
best give my friend at least a fighting chance. 

Thanks, Paul 

p.s. I was thinking maybe 6 ounces in the a.m. and 6 ounces in the p.m.?-- The 
Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions 
for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, address your 
message to: Address Off-Topic messages to: The Silver List and Off Topic List archives 
are currently down... List maintainer: Mike Devour

With Windows Live, you can organize, edit, and share your photos. Click here. 


2009-08-28 Thread Carlene Yasak

You might want to look into Maxam Labs products or speak to someone on their
staff.  They seem to have a well documented protocol for ADD and brain fog
which is an alternative to chelation.  I've only taken their PCA-rx for
mercury and aluminium detox; it's a three-month treatment. Their prices are
on the high side.
I don't know if this is justified.  The products are easy to use.

Someone else on the list might be able to tell you more about their
treatment for ADD.

Good luck.



2009-08-28 Thread Dianne France

thank you, will forward it on to my cousin.  Dianne

Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 11:49:39 -0700

--- On Fri, 8/28/09, Dianne France wrote:

From: Dianne France
To: silver-list
Date: Friday, August 28, 2009, 1:34 PM

Would you please send the url to me also.  I am trying to send my cousin all I 
can that would help his cancer.  He has stage 3.2 but I'm not sure which kind.  

Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 14:30:18 -0400

Dear Paul, 
Your anxiety over your friend's well-being is understandable. 
and commendable.I extend my bestgenuinely heartfelt, wishes for his 
complete recovery. I have a suggestion which might prove to be of genuine value 
your searches for effective modalities for his presenting carcinoma. My 
investigations of Dr. Tullio Simoncini have resulted in an INCREASING respect 
for his 
demonstrated results.and the freedom from any, detectable, 
toxic/debilitating side-effects resulting from his basic protocol address. 
Naturally, the allopathic community, following the urgings of the reigning 
Pharmaceutical Interests'.has studiously, avoided giving any measurable 
to Dr. Simoncini's very COMPELLING results, achieved over the immediately-past 
15 years. 
It appears self-evident that there is little incentive for them to espouse a 
protocol (at least among the conventional medical environments) which appears 
A most interesting characteristic of Dr. Simoncini's protocol is many 
casesthe afflicted person can APPLY THE PROTOCOL TO THEMSELVESat home. 
The spectrum of effectiveness (most carcinomas) seems to be 
exceptionally encompassing. 
Based upon the possibility you may have some interest in Dr. Simoncini's 
methodology.I am sending you the url for his website via a separate 
email (this because, many times, mail systems see, particular urls as Spam). 
I encourage you to view the U-tube videos on the site. 
Sincerely, Brooks Bradley. 
p.s. I am NOT recommending any treatment or approach as better than any 
otheror even to be effective. My goal is, simply, to encourage vigorous, 
independent research...especially considering the POWERFUL EFFORTS expended to 
prevent the general public informing themselves of possible protocols for 
delivering them from 
devastatingeven terminalcircumstances. 

-[ Received Mail Content ]--


Date : Fri, 28 Aug 2009 10:37:08 -0700

From : paul catania

To :

Hello all, 

I'd like to throw out an idea to all of you and would appreciate any and all 

I recently posted about a friend of mine being diagnosed (3 days ago) with Lung 
and Brain cancer, which is now spreading. Dr.'s say he is beyond Chemo but they 
are going to try radiation to shrink the brain tumors in order to restore 
functionality to his right leg (which is numb and he cannot move). 

I was thinking of MMS, but I know he is not the best patient and so I was 
wondering if it would be feasable or even possible to do the following: 

1) Disolve 12 tablespoons of lecithin granules in 60 ounces of distilled water. 

2) Activate 150 drops of MMS with the juice of a whole lemon, in the usual 3 
minute way, then add 4 ounces of water to the activated MMS. 

3) Pour both solutions into the large UC and run for six 2-minute cycles. 

4) Add 4 drops of DMSO either before encapsulation, or after? 

Would the MMS be encapsulated? 

And, if so, would the side effects from the MMS be diminished or nullified? 

Would the addition of the DMSO intensify the benefits, or might it form 
detrimental compounds (in other words, should I leave it out, to be on the safe 

I realize that this is all speculation, but I wanted to brainstorm in order to 
best give my friend at least a fighting chance. 

Thanks, Paul 

p.s. I was thinking maybe 6 ounces in the a.m. and 6 ounces in the p.m.?-- The 
Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions 
for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, address your 
message to: Address Off-Topic messages to: The Silver List and Off Topic List archives 
are currently down... List maintainer: Mike Devour

With Windows Live, you can organize, edit, and share your photos. Click here. 
Get back to school stuff for them and cashback for you.


2009-08-28 Thread Marshall Dudley

paul catania wrote:

Hello all,
I'd like to throw out an idea to all of you and would appreciate any 
and all feed-back.
I recently posted about a friend of mine being diagnosed (3 days ago) 
with Lung and Brain cancer, which is now spreading. Dr.'s say he is 
beyond Chemo but they are going to try radiation to shrink the brain 
tumors in order to restore functionality to his right leg (which is 
numb and he cannot move).
I was thinking of MMS, but I know he is not the best patient and so I 
was wondering if it would be feasable or even possible to do the 
1) Disolve 12 tablespoons of lecithin granules in 60 ounces of 
distilled water.
2) Activate 150 drops of MMS with the juice of a whole lemon, in the 
usual 3 minute way, then add 4 ounces of water to the activated MMS.

3) Pour both solutions into the large UC and run for six 2-minute cycles.
4) Add 4 drops of DMSO either before encapsulation, or after?
Would the MMS be encapsulated?
Since you added the lemon, there is no MMS left. Instead you have a 
compound that breaks down over the next 12 hours and produces chlorine 
dioxide.  That is a gas and would diffuse through any encapsulation very 
And, if so, would the side effects from the MMS be diminished or 
If you took it immediately after making, the effects would be dimished, 
since the chlorine dioxide would be encapsulated initially. I would 
expect it to behave more like unactivated MMS. I am not sure if the side 
effects would be changed or not.
Would the addition of the DMSO intensify the benefits, or might 
it form detrimental compounds (in other words, should I leave it out, 
to be on the safe side)?

Don't know.

I realize that this is all speculation, but I wanted to brainstorm in 
order to best give my friend at least a fighting chance.

Thanks, Paul
p.s. I was thinking maybe 6 ounces in the a.m. and 6 ounces in the p.m.?

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSOT Vit D

2009-08-28 Thread Tony Moody
On 28 Aug 2009 at 19:03, Kirsteen Wright wrote about :
Subject : CSOT Vit D

 Sorry this off yopic but I really don't know where else to ask. I believe
 we're probably all short of Vit D especially here in Scotland. I'd ordered
 some supplements (Biolife Vit D3) and started taking them. I persuaded my
 doc to test my blood levels (no idea what test they actually did) and he
 agreed I wasmarginally low. so prescribed One-Alpha 0.25mcg alfacalcidol.
 now I may just be highly suspicious of the medical profession but this
 looks more like a medicine than a drug and I'm finding it very hard to get
 any info on it. Does anyone know anything about it?

Hi Kirsteen,
I found One-Alpha 0.25mcg alfacalcidol in an old copy of the South 
African Medicines Formulary. Doesn't say much. Its a Vitamin D analogue.

Adult dose 1mcg daily, increased according to patients response, usually 
1 to 3 mcg daily. The usual maintenance dose is 0.25 to 1mcg.

Just an engineers thought ; but what about Cod liver oil or Halibut liver 
oil or Scotts emulsion. That would give you Vit A and D.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour


2009-08-28 Thread Joseph Metz
Apply at home? He uses iv sodium carbonate. I have not found a  
baking soda therapy on his webstie that can be applied at home.

I use baking soda as part of a detox bath  have tried using it  
internally.  But would like to know if there is a more effective way  
to use his therapy at home?

Also,there seem to be negative aspects to this, dramatically altering  
stomach ph, etc. When I web researched this, found much caution about  
perhaps changing blood ph too much as well.  Would someone chemistry/ 
physiology inclined like to elaborate? Assuage concerns? recommend  

Thanks, I love this list...

Dear Paul,
Your anxiety over your friend's well-being is  
understandable. ... My personal
investigations of Dr. Tullio Simoncini have resulted in an  
INCREASING respect for his

demonstrated results..
A most interesting characteristic of Dr. Simoncini's protocol is many casesthe afflicted person can APPLY THE PROTOCOL  

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSVery Best source for DMSO

2009-08-28 Thread Al Riley
The very best DMSO product that I have tried is a mixture of DMSO and Organic 
Honey (which stops most of the burning).  It has really helped my Degenerative 
Disk problems.

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Shopping Search Engine
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2009-08-28 Thread Barb Radle

 I suffer from heart burn all the time. It gets  bad at night. Sometimes to the 
point of where I need to sit up that helps most of the time but some time I 
have to regurgitate after that I am fine and sleep well. I have been taking 
over the counter stuff but I no longer want to do that I know there has to be a 
natural remedy for this problem.


RE: CS baking soda

2009-08-28 Thread Norton, Steve

Some have said that one cannot change blood ph through oral means
without taking large amounts of alkaline substances such as baking soda.
Can one use Liposomal encapsulation of baking soda so that it is
released in the blood directly and not neutralized in the stomach?
 - Steve N

-Original Message-
From: Joseph Metz [] 
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 12:43 PM
Subject: CS

Apply at home? He uses iv sodium carbonate. I have not found a baking
soda therapy on his webstie that can be applied at home.

I use baking soda as part of a detox bath  have tried using it
internally.  But would like to know if there is a more effective way to
use his therapy at home?

Also,there seem to be negative aspects to this, dramatically altering
stomach ph, etc. When I web researched this, found much caution about
perhaps changing blood ph too much as well.  Would someone chemistry/
physiology inclined like to elaborate? Assuage concerns? recommend

Thanks, I love this list...

 Dear Paul,
 Your anxiety over your friend's well-being is understandable. ... 
 My personal investigations of Dr. Tullio Simoncini have resulted in an

 INCREASING respect for his demonstrated results..
 A most interesting characteristic of Dr. Simoncini's protocol is many casesthe afflicted person can APPLY THE PROTOCOL TO


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSHeartburn

2009-08-28 Thread Norton, Steve
My sister who is 67 yrs old has this problem. She has found that using
Natrol's probiotic BioBeads eliminated her problem.
 - Steve N

From: Barb Radle [] 
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 12:52 PM
Subject: CSHeartburn

 I suffer from heart burn all the time. It gets  bad at night. Sometimes
to the point of where I need to sit up that helps most of the time but
some time I have to regurgitate after that I am fine and sleep well. I
have been taking over the counter stuff but I no longer want to do that
I know there has to be a natural remedy for this problem.

Re: CSHeartburn

2009-08-28 Thread Saralou
Have you tried baking soda?  Take a teaspoon and make sure you sit up 
long enough to burp dramatically several times before you lie down.  You 
sure don't want that bubbling up.  If you sleep on your side, reflux is 
less able to occur when lying on the right side because of the way the 
stomach is constructed. 

Recent research shows that it is protective of kidneys.

Have you used digestive enzymes of HCl when you eat?

Barb Radle wrote:
 I suffer from heart burn all the time. It gets  bad at night. 
Sometimes to the point of where I need to sit up that helps most of 
the time but some time I have to regurgitate after that I am fine and 
sleep well. I have been taking over the counter stuff but I no longer 
want to do that I know there has to be a natural remedy for this problem.

Re: CSOT Vit D

2009-08-28 Thread Harold MacDonald
Here's some info from Drug information site.

alfacalcidol Pronunciation: al-f-kalsi-dol A derivative of vitamin D used in 
the treatment of hypoparathyroidism, vitamin D-dependent rickets, and rickets...
Medical Dictionary (Stedman's
  - Original Message - 
  From: Kirsteen Wright 
  Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 11:03 AM
  Subject: CSOT Vit D

  Sorry this off yopic but I really don't know where else to ask. I believe 
we're probably all short of Vit D especially here in Scotland. I'd ordered some 
supplements (Biolife Vit D3) and started taking them. I persuaded my doc to 
test my blood levels (no idea what test they actually did) and he agreed I 
wasmarginally low. so prescribed One-Alpha 0.25mcg alfacalcidol. now I may just 
be highly suspicious of the medical profession but this looks more like a 
medicine than a drug and I'm finding it very hard to get any info on it. Does 
anyone know anything about it?


CSRosacea Cure

2009-08-28 Thread Norton, Steve
Here is an interesting story of how one person cured Rosacea.
Personally, I have bookmarked it as it may have use for other types of
skin inflammation/infection.
 - Steve N

CSRE: Rosacea Cure

2009-08-28 Thread Norton, Steve

Here is a better link:

 From: Norton, Steve  
 Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 1:34 PM
 To:   ''
 Subject:  Rosacea Cure
 Here is an interesting story of how one person cured Rosacea.
 Personally, I have bookmarked it as it may have use for other types of
 skin inflammation/infection.
  - Steve N

RE: CSLiposomal Encapsulation- Chuck!

2009-08-28 Thread ransley
Just made it. Worked great. Realizing that Brooks simple test for
encapsulation is not enormously accurate, I figure I got over 50%
encapsulation and that's good enough for me for something this easy to do.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour


2009-08-28 Thread paul catania
Dear Brooks Bradley,
   Thank you so much for your kind concern and good 
wishes. I will definitely look into Dr Simoncini's protocols. I just got back 
from the hospital and the Dr.'s give him 2 to 3 months, so time is not on his 
Paul Catania

- Original Message - 
  From: Brooks Bradley 
  Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 11:30 AM

  Dear Paul, 
  Your anxiety over your friend's well-being is understandable. 
  and commendable.I extend my bestgenuinely heartfelt, wishes for his 
complete recovery. I have a suggestion which might prove to be of genuine value 
  your searches for effective modalities for his presenting carcinoma. My 
  investigations of Dr. Tullio Simoncini have resulted in an INCREASING respect 
for his 
  demonstrated results.and the freedom from any, detectable, 
toxic/debilitating side-effects resulting from his basic protocol address. 
Naturally, the allopathic community, following the urgings of the reigning 
Pharmaceutical Interests'.has studiously, avoided giving any measurable 
  to Dr. Simoncini's very COMPELLING results, achieved over the 
immediately-past 15 years. 
  It appears self-evident that there is little incentive for them to espouse a 
protocol (at least among the conventional medical environments) which appears 
  A most interesting characteristic of Dr. Simoncini's protocol is 
many casesthe afflicted person can APPLY THE PROTOCOL TO THEMSELVESat 
home. The spectrum of effectiveness (most carcinomas) seems to be 
  exceptionally encompassing. 
  Based upon the possibility you may have some interest in Dr. Simoncini's 
methodology.I am sending you the url for his website via a separate 
  email (this because, many times, mail systems see, particular urls as Spam). 
  I encourage you to view the U-tube videos on the site. 
  Sincerely, Brooks Bradley. 
  p.s. I am NOT recommending any treatment or approach as better than any 
otheror even to be effective. My goal is, simply, to encourage vigorous, 
independent research...especially considering the POWERFUL EFFORTS expended to 
prevent the general public informing themselves of possible protocols for 
delivering them from 
  devastatingeven terminalcircumstances. 

-[ Received Mail Content ]--


Date : Fri, 28 Aug 2009 10:37:08 -0700

From : paul catania

To :

Hello all, 

I'd like to throw out an idea to all of you and would appreciate any and 
all feed-back. 

I recently posted about a friend of mine being diagnosed (3 days ago) with 
Lung and Brain cancer, which is now spreading. Dr.'s say he is beyond Chemo but 
they are going to try radiation to shrink the brain tumors in order to restore 
functionality to his right leg (which is numb and he cannot move). 

I was thinking of MMS, but I know he is not the best patient and so I was 
wondering if it would be feasable or even possible to do the following: 

1) Disolve 12 tablespoons of lecithin granules in 60 ounces of distilled 

2) Activate 150 drops of MMS with the juice of a whole lemon, in the usual 
3 minute way, then add 4 ounces of water to the activated MMS. 

3) Pour both solutions into the large UC and run for six 2-minute cycles. 

4) Add 4 drops of DMSO either before encapsulation, or after? 

Would the MMS be encapsulated? 

And, if so, would the side effects from the MMS be diminished or nullified? 

Would the addition of the DMSO intensify the benefits, or might it form 
detrimental compounds (in other words, should I leave it out, to be on the safe 

I realize that this is all speculation, but I wanted to brainstorm in order 
to best give my friend at least a fighting chance. 

Thanks, Paul 

p.s. I was thinking maybe 6 ounces in the a.m. and 6 ounces in the p.m.?
  -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. 
Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, 
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2009-08-28 Thread paul catania

Thank you Marshall,
I was looking to circumvent the MMS side effects, but I guess that can't 


- Original Message - 
From: Marshall Dudley

Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 12:16 PM

paul catania wrote:

Hello all,
I'd like to throw out an idea to all of you and would appreciate any and 
all feed-back.
I recently posted about a friend of mine being diagnosed (3 days ago) 
with Lung and Brain cancer, which is now spreading. Dr.'s say he is 
beyond Chemo but they are going to try radiation to shrink the brain 
tumors in order to restore functionality to his right leg (which is numb 
and he cannot move).
I was thinking of MMS, but I know he is not the best patient and so I was 
wondering if it would be feasable or even possible to do the following:
 1) Disolve 12 tablespoons of lecithin granules in 60 ounces of distilled 
2) Activate 150 drops of MMS with the juice of a whole lemon, in the 
usual 3 minute way, then add 4 ounces of water to the activated MMS.

3) Pour both solutions into the large UC and run for six 2-minute cycles.
4) Add 4 drops of DMSO either before encapsulation, or after?
 Would the MMS be encapsulated?
Since you added the lemon, there is no MMS left. Instead you have a 
compound that breaks down over the next 12 hours and produces chlorine 
dioxide.  That is a gas and would diffuse through any encapsulation very 
And, if so, would the side effects from the MMS be diminished or 
If you took it immediately after making, the effects would be dimished, 
since the chlorine dioxide would be encapsulated initially. I would expect 
it to behave more like unactivated MMS. I am not sure if the side effects 
would be changed or not.
Would the addition of the DMSO intensify the benefits, or might it form 
detrimental compounds (in other words, should I leave it out, to be on 
the safe side)?

Don't know.

 I realize that this is all speculation, but I wanted to brainstorm in 
order to best give my friend at least a fighting chance.

Thanks, Paul
p.s. I was thinking maybe 6 ounces in the a.m. and 6 ounces in the p.m.?

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSRosacea Cure

2009-08-28 Thread Norton, Steve

 Here is an interesting story of how one person cured Rosacea. It may
 have use for other types of skin inflammation/infection.
  - Steve N

Re: CSHeartburn

2009-08-28 Thread Renee
Well, this may sound strange, but I believe that Daddybob has mentioned the
radiation hormesis here.  My husband has always had bad heartburn.  He wakes
up with it.  

Now, you can take hydrochloric acid tablets with each meal.  That gives your
stomach enough acid to digest your food properly.

Ooorrr--you can use the mud pack from the radiation stones!  My husband puts
the pack on (it's stone dust sealed in plastic so there's nothing wet
against you at all) his stomach and within a few minutes, no heartburn.  And
when he sleeps with it--he doesn't wake up with heartburn.

And when he's had trouble eliminating from being constipated, he sleeps with
it over his colon area and--he wakes up and goes to the bathroom.

It's a pretty remarkable thing.  You can read about radiation hormesis, and
purchase the stones, mud pack, kit--whatever, at  


---Original Message---
 I suffer from heart burn all the time. It gets  bad at night. Sometimes to
the point of where I need to sit up that helps most of the time but some
time I have to regurgitate after that I am fine and sleep well. I have been
taking over the counter stuff but I no longer want to do that I know there
has to be a natural remedy for this problem.

CS(LL) To my groups--Please forgive the off topic

2009-08-28 Thread ZZekelink
I checked  know it is true. I do know the power of prayer   
thought you might be willing to helpthanks,  Lois  
   Please Pray for Sam Bish

Here is the link to Last updated--8-27-009 Sam 
Bish Prayer  Request_ (  

Hi to all my friends and  family,
I felt compelled to spread this story about son's best friend, Sam who
is 8  (on the left in the photo above).  He is in MAJOR need of  Prayer.
The following story is what his mother Cindy (we are in  MOPS
together) wrote  today.
Background Story
Our son Sam is a wonderful young man who is 8 years old. He  will be 9
in January. He is going into the 3rd grade in Reynoldsburg , Ohio  .
Sam had been having some pain in his right knee most of this  summer
(2009). As the pain increased we realized that something might  be
wrong and we made an appointment for him to see an Orthopedist  on
8/10/09. At this doctors appointment an X-ray was done of  Sam's
leg/knee and it showed that there was a mass that the doctor  believed
to be cancerous. Samuel went into the hospital just a few days  later
for a series of tests. He received a cat scan, MRI, and also a  full
body scan. Our family met with the pediatric oncologist the  following
day and Samuel was diagnosed=2
0with a type of cancer  called Osteosarcoma
(stage 4). The cancer is in his right knee and it  has also spread to
both of his lungs. This is an agressive type of cancer and  it will be
treated with agressive forms of chemo. We are asking everyone  to
please lift up our litle boy Samuel Gordon Bish in prayer. We pray  for
healing!! We serve a mighty God and we know that HE can heal Sam  if
that is his will for Sam's life. Please be prayer warriors along  with
our family as Sam starts this very difficult journey in his  young
Today's date is August 16th, 2009 and all this has happened in 6  days.
His first appointment was on Monday the 10th and by Friday the  14th
he was in the hospital getting his Chemo-port put in his chest and  a
biopsy  done.
I figured if an animated woman walking around the world for cancer can
get  passed to millions, then so can this  story.
younger sisters.
God Bless and protect  you!
See ya, Bye,

Re: CSPics of your setup

2009-08-28 Thread john freese
That would be great. Thank you.

--- On Fri, 8/28/09, Scotty wrote:

From: Scotty
Subject: Re: CSPics of your setup
Date: Friday, August 28, 2009, 12:21 AM

I don't think we can do attachments. I too have never seen any. I can, however, 
email you such if you want me to.

With God, all things are possible. - Mark 10:27


--- On Thu, 8/27/09, john freese wrote:

From: john freese
Subject: CSPics of your setup
Date: Thursday, August 27, 2009, 6:37 PM

I have a request for all the members of the list. Especially the more 
experienced members. 
I think it would be interesting to see the different and unique setups the 
members of this list use to make their CS. The next time you make a batch of CS 
please take a picture or pictures of your setup and post them. I believe this 
would spark a lot of interesting questions as members critique the setups. Just 
a thought : ) Thank you in advance for participation in this request. John.


RE: CS baking soda

2009-08-28 Thread cking001
You do NOT want to try to change your blood pH.
It is self correcting to a very narrow range. Go outside that range
and you're dead.

Saliva and urine you can play with to get to pH of 7 for optimum
Best to research a good bit.

Maytag is my middle name; I'm an agitator.

On 8/28/2009 3:55:24 PM, Norton, Steve ( wrote:
 Some have said that one cannot change blood ph through oral means
 without taking large amounts of alkaline substances such as baking soda.
 Can one use Liposomal encapsulation of baking soda so that it is
 released in the blood directly and not neutralized in the stomach?
 - Steve N
 -Original Message-
 From: Joseph Metz []
 Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 12:43 PM
 Subject: CS
 Apply at home? He uses iv sodium carbonate. I have not found a baking
 soda therapy on his webstie that can be applied at home.
 I use baking soda as part of a detox bath  have tried using it
 internally.  But would like to know if there is a more effective way to
 use his therapy at home?
 Also,there seem to be negative aspects to this, dramatically altering
 stomach ph, etc. When I web researched this, found much caution about
 perhaps changing blood ph too much as well.  Would someone chemistry/
 physiology inclined like to elaborate? Assuage concerns? recommend
 Thanks, I love this list...
  Dear Paul,
  Your anxiety over your
 friend's well-being is understandable. ...
  My personal inv
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG -
Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.71/2331 - Release Date: 08/28/09 

Re: CS(LL) ?? Anything to use with CS/EIS during Chemo treatments Dee

2009-08-28 Thread ZZekelink
Dee, Thanks much for your reply !! I will send the info. to her..  Lois

Re: CS(LL) ?? Anything to use with CS/EIS during Chemo treatments.- Ken

2009-08-28 Thread ZZekelink
Ken,  many thanks to you for the info. I am sending all that I get to  her. 

RE: CS baking soda

2009-08-28 Thread Norton, Steve
Isn't that just what a Dr. Simoncini sodium carbonate IV would do? 
 - Steve N

-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 4:09 PM
Subject: RE: CS baking soda

You do NOT want to try to change your blood pH.
It is self correcting to a very narrow range. Go outside that range and
you're dead.

Saliva and urine you can play with to get to pH of 7 for optimum health.
Best to research a good bit.

Maytag is my middle name; I'm an agitator.

On 8/28/2009 3:55:24 PM, Norton, Steve ( wrote:
 Some have said that one cannot change blood ph through oral means 
 without taking large amounts of alkaline substances such as baking
 Can one use Liposomal encapsulation of baking soda so that it is 
 released in the blood directly and not neutralized in the stomach?
 - Steve N
 -Original Message-
 From: Joseph Metz []
 Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 12:43 PM
 Subject: CS
 Apply at home? He uses iv sodium carbonate. I have not found a 
 baking soda therapy on his webstie that can be applied at home.
 I use baking soda as part of a detox bath  have tried using it 
 internally.  But would like to know if there is a more effective way 
 to use his therapy at home?
 Also,there seem to be negative aspects to this, dramatically altering 
 stomach ph, etc. When I web researched this, found much caution about 
 perhaps changing blood ph too much as well.  Would someone chemistry/ 
 physiology inclined like to elaborate? Assuage concerns? recommend 
 Thanks, I love this list...

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

CS(LL) Just a big thank you to everyone

2009-08-28 Thread ZZekelink
who replied with helpful hints for the chemo   cancer... if anyone has 
what Brooks Bradley posted  about a supplement that really boosts the immune 
system would you please let me  know so I can send that along too.  Thanks 
again..  Lois

RE: CS(LL) Just a big thank you to everyone

2009-08-28 Thread Norton, Steve
Here it is:
This post relates to a current/on-going investigation we 
are prosecuting, relating to more powerful immune system boosters.
One of the more outstanding candidates has demonstrated to be a member 
of the probiotic family. The seminal work, originally performed by 
the Russians during the Cold War (conducted during investigations 
looking for Biological Warfare countermeasures)
focused on members of the Lactobacillus family. Originally identified 
as Lactobacillus bulgaricus, this useful strain was, later, more 
correctly identified as Lactobacillus Rhamnosus. The D-V strain was 
found to be unusually powerful, as an immune system stimulant,when 
fractionated to potentiate the cell-wall fragments. Without this 
fractionation//lysing (originally conducted by the Bulgarians circa 
1970's) , the useful components found inside the cell walls of the 
bacterium...remained totally isolated from the surrounding 
environment..thus denying the biological environment their 
beneficial stimulation.
I post this email to inform the list membership that we 
are greatly encouraged by our early results from the intital 
investigations. Most especially in the address of the effects upon 
potential biological warfare agentsas well as resisting the 
effects of exposure to ionizing radiation. Interestingly, animal 
experiments conducted by some Russian labs report a 30X higher immune 
resistance among animals treated with the substance (later named 
Del-Immune V), than that of untreated animal subjects
used as controls. They were quite successful in prophylactically 
elevating the immunity in advance of pathogenic exposure/infection. 
We have been fascinated and quite surprised at our positive 
resultsso far. However, it is early in our investigation. I 
include one reference ( the URL at the bottom of the page), from amou ng
a multiplicity of advertisers
which outlines a reasonably acceptable 
historical description of the evolution of the Del-Immune product. I 
simply do not have the time--or the energy---to outline a more complete,

accurate history of the efforts involved in developing this line of 
I am not endorsing or promoting this product. I only 
refer to it because it seems to be the better from among the current 
probiotic suppliers of this type of substance. Our, particular efforts 
are concentrating on a single probiotic, namely lactobacillus
rhamnosus. The Del_Immune product appears to contain multiple 
components. As our research progresses I will attempt to keep the 
membership posted on our results-positive or negative.
Sincerely, Brooks Bradley 

From: [] 
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 4:27 PM
Subject: CS(LL) Just a big thank you to everyone

who replied with helpful hints for the chemo  cancer... if anyone has
what Brooks Bradley posted about a supplement that really boosts the
immune system would you please let me know so I can send that along too.
 Thanks again.. Lois

Re: CS(LL) Just a big thank you to everyone

2009-08-28 Thread ZZekelink
Thanks Steve !!! The info is on it's way.--I'm taking her some  CS/EIS 
tomorrow  the DMSO book Natures  Healer.. Now I guess we just  keep our 
crossed..I love this  group...Lois

Fw: CSHeartburn

2009-08-28 Thread Harold MacDonald
  Reply to Barb.
I'll bet there are others out there who would benefit from this protocol.


- Original Message - 
From: Harold MacDonald 
To: Barb Radle 
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 4:46 PM
Subject: Re: CSHeartburn

You are telling my story exactly as it WAS,and all the usual OTC remedies were 
useless.This I suffered for a lot of years and all the Drs. remedies only 
worsened it;UNTIL I was told by  a Dr Duffy of Dallas/Ft Worth that it was 
caused by a LACK of Hydrochloric acid in the stomach and not too much.
He said in 30 years of practice his patients that were in this condition had 
low to no HCL  acid.
The recommended protocol was to get Betaine HCL from  HF store @ 500 mgs.Start 
out taking 1 cap 15 minutes B4 meal,next meal take 2 B4 meal .Keep increasing 
this way until you get a peppery burning, then back off one.
I ended up at 7, after a fairly short time I then gradually tapered off to none 
and now I have not had this problem for a good number of years.
I also had to alter my diet and stop eating junk food.
What a great relief this has been.

A good side effect was I lost all my overweight [fat!] as my digestion improved 
so much I couldn't eat that much anymore.
And I am in my 86th year now.
Best to all,
  - Original Message - 
  From: Barb Radle 
  Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 12:52 PM
  Subject: CSHeartburn

   I suffer from heart burn all the time. It gets  bad at night. Sometimes to 
the point of where I need to sit up that helps most of the time but some time I 
have to regurgitate after that I am fine and sleep well. I have been taking 
over the counter stuff but I no longer want to do that I know there has to be a 
natural remedy for this problem.


RE: CS(LL) Just a big thank you to everyone

2009-08-28 Thread Sandy Hollis
Just thought I'd butt in here for a minute.
I buy and drink a product called Lifeway lowfat Kefir Probiotic which contains 
10 live and active kefir cultures one of which is L rhamnosus...I assume this 
is the probiotic Brooks is speaking about.
Another note of interest is the family who makes this product is from Russia. 
They are also farmer pledged.
You can go to their website and read all of the info about their products and 
also print out coupons. You can also find stores that carry it.
I drink this each and every day and find it to be absolutely delicious...I'm 
drinking Lifeway Pomegranate flavored kefir smoothie right now...yum. 
Best regards...


Live and let live...

--- On Fri, 8/28/09, Norton, Steve wrote:

From: Norton, Steve
Subject: RE: CS(LL) Just a big thank you to everyone
Date: Friday, August 28, 2009, 6:33 PM

Here it is:
This post relates to a current/on-going investigation we 
are prosecuting, relating to more powerful immune system boosters.
One of the more outstanding candidates has demonstrated to be a member 
of the probiotic family. The seminal work, originally performed by 
the Russians during the Cold War (conducted during investigations 
looking for Biological Warfare countermeasures)
focused on members of the Lactobacillus family. Originally identified 
as Lactobacillus bulgaricus, this useful strain was, later, more 
correctly identified as Lactobacillus Rhamnosus. The D-V strain was 
found to be unusually powerful, as an immune system stimulant,when 
fractionated to potentiate the cell-wall fragments. Without this 
fractionation//lysing (originally conducted by the Bulgarians circa 
1970's) , the useful components found inside the cell walls of the 
bacterium...remained totally isolated from the surrounding 
environment..thus denying the biological environment their 
beneficial stimulation.
I post this email to inform the list membership that we 
are greatly encouraged by our early results from the intital 
investigations. Most especially in the address of the effects upon 
potential biological warfare agentsas well as resisting the 
effects of exposure to ionizing radiation. Interestingly, animal 
experiments conducted by some Russian labs report a 30X higher immune 
resistance among animals treated with the substance (later named 
Del-Immune V), than that of untreated animal subjects
used as controls. They were quite successful in prophylactically 
elevating the immunity in advance of pathogenic exposure/infection. 
We have been fascinated and quite surprised at our positive 
resultsso far. However, it is early in our investigation. I 
include one reference ( the URL at the bottom of the page), from amou ng a 
multiplicity of advertisers
which outlines a reasonably acceptable 
historical description of the evolution of the Del-Immune product. I 
simply do not have the time--or the energy---to outline a more complete, 
accurate history of the efforts involved in developing this line of 
I am not endorsing or promoting this product. I only 
refer to it because it seems to be the better from among the current 
probiotic suppliers of this type of substance. Our, particular efforts 
are concentrating on a single probiotic, namely lactobacillus
rhamnosus. The Del_Immune product appears to contain multiple 
components. As our research progresses I will attempt to keep the 
membership posted on our results-positive or negative.
Sincerely, Brooks Bradley;

From: [] 
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 4:27 PM
Subject: CS(LL) Just a big thank you to everyone

who replied with helpful hints for the chemo  cancer... if anyone has what 
Brooks Bradley posted about a supplement that really boosts the immune system 
would you please let me know so I can send that along too.  Thanks again.. Lois


Re: CS(LL) Just a big thank you to everyone Thanks Sandy

2009-08-28 Thread ZZekelink
Just sent the info on.. Lois

Re: CSRosacea Cure

2009-08-28 Thread Alan Jones
Interesting comment at the end:

Beyond this, and heading into snakeoil territory, lies colloidal silver...

On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 4:41 PM, Norton, Steve stephen.nor...@ngc.comwrote:

 Here is an interesting story of how one person cured Rosacea. It may have
 use for other types of skin inflammation/infection.

  - Steve N


Alan Jones

Re: CSsoap for teeth cleaning

2009-08-28 Thread Sandy Hollis
To be factually correct the article about Ivory soap on Wiki states...
New varieties* of Ivory soap contain glycerin, do not dry the skin as 
quickly,[3] and do not float as well.[4]New varieties of Ivory soap contain 
glycerin, do not dry the skin as quickly,[3] and do not float as well.[4]
I have tried these new varieties [different scents and such] and must say I 
like them but I can only assume these are the ones to which glycerin has been 
added not the original white bar soap that still floats and is good for your 
* bold mine

Best regards...


Live and let live...

--- On Thu, 8/27/09, david bearrow wrote:

From: david bearrow
Subject: Re: CSsoap for teeth cleaning
Date: Thursday, August 27, 2009, 10:39 AM

CAUTION! Procter and Gamble began changing the formula of Ivory soap in the 
late 90s. they began adding glycerine!

--- On Thu, 8/27/09, Bob Banever wrote:

From: Bob Banever
Subject: Re: CSsoap for teeth cleaning
Date: Thursday, August 27, 2009, 10:29 AM

Ivory soap should work just fine.  Dr. Judd used it as well.

- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 7:59 AM
Subject: Re: CSsoap for teeth cleaning

If I am not mistaken, Brooks said he uses Ivory soap
-- Original message from jr orrilia 

#yiv1309385078 #yiv1410169543 DIV {

Hi Ken.  I had one purchased toothsoap, and the ingredients were pretty much 
the same as a healthy organic bar of soap.  Some even use this, a bar of soap, 
it is just to find one that has a flavor that you can handle.  The toothsoap I 
had purchased was peppermint, I just can't the remember the ingredients except 
for essential oils and olive oil. Orrilia

From: Ken  Nancy Bagwell
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 5:44:42 AM
Subject: CSsoap for teeth cleaning

Hi all,

A few questions:

Does anyone have any experience using soap for brushing teeth?

Also, what type of soap is used? Can it be made at home?

I just read some info from a guy named Gerard F. Judd.  Not sure what to make 
of it all at this time.

-Ken Bagwell

Be smarter than spam. See how smart SpamGuard is at giving junk email the boot 
with the All-new Yahoo! Mail 


CSSimoncini, Baking Soda, Vitamin C

2009-08-28 Thread Jonathan B. Britten
I am directing this to Mr. Bradley in hopes he may have some idea 
whether a vitamin C/ baking soda mix would retain any of the beneficial 
effects Dr. Simoncini has described.

If memory serves me, Mr. Bradley is a long-ago post about various kinds 
of vitamin C described a mix of C and ordinary baking soda.I 
believe the posting recommended ordinary ascorbic acid.

This combination makes the C easy on the digestive system and, he said, 
greatly increased biological uptake of the vitamin.

This simple information has to be among the best  finds on this list. 
It would be very good luck if the mixture retains the benefits of 
the sodium carbonate therapy Dr. Simoncini has reported.

I had the message about the C/carbonate flagged in my folder and cannot 
seem to locate it now.  If anyone can help out by reposting that, I'm 
sure it would be very welcome.

On Saturday, Aug 29, 2009, at 06:12 Asia/Tokyo, paul catania wrote:

Dear Brooks Bradley,
   Thank you so much for your kind concern 
and good wishes. I will definitely look into Dr Simoncini's protocols. 
I just got back from the hospital and the Dr.'s give him 2 to 3 
months, so time is not on his side.

Paul Catania
- Original Message -

From: Brooks Bradley
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 11:30 AM

Dear Paul,
Your anxiety over your friend's well-being is understandable.
and commendable.I extend my bestgenuinely heartfelt, wishes 
for his complete recovery. I have a suggestion which might prove to be 
of genuine value in
your searches for effective modalities for his presenting carcinoma. 
My personal
investigations of Dr. Tullio Simoncini have resulted in an INCREASING 
respect for his
demonstrated results.and the freedom from any, detectable, 
toxic/debilitating side-effects resulting from his basic protocol 
address. Naturally, the allopathic community, following the urgings of 
the reigning Pharmaceutical Interests'.has studiously, avoided 
giving any measurable credence
to Dr. Simoncini's very COMPELLING results, achieved over the 
immediately-past 15 years.
It appears self-evident that there is little incentive for them to 
espouse a protocol (at least among the conventional medical 
environments) which appears both effective AND ASTONISHINGLY 
A most interesting characteristic of Dr. Simoncini's protocol is many casesthe afflicted person can APPLY THE PROTOCOL TO 
THEMSELVESat home. The spectrum of effectiveness (most carcinomas) 
seems to be

exceptionally encompassing.
Based upon the possibility you may have some interest in Dr. 
Simoncini's methodology.I am sending you the url for his website 
via a separate
email (this because, many times, mail systems see, particular urls as 

I encourage you to view the U-tube videos on the site.
Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.
p.s. I am NOT recommending any treatment or approach as better than 
any otheror even to be effective. My goal is, simply, to encourage 
vigorous, independent research...especially considering the POWERFUL 
EFFORTS expended to prevent the general public informing themselves of 
possible protocols for delivering them from

devastatingeven terminalcircumstances.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--


Date : Fri, 28 Aug 2009 10:37:08 -0700

From : paul catania

To :

Hello all,

I'd like to throw out an idea to all of you and would appreciate any 
and all feed-back.

I recently posted about a friend of mine being diagnosed (3 days ago) 
with Lung and Brain cancer, which is now spreading. Dr.'s say he is 
beyond Chemo but they are going to try radiation to shrink the brain 
tumors in order to restore functionality to his right leg (which is 
numb and he cannot move).

I was thinking of MMS, but I know he is not the best patient and so I 
was wondering if it would be feasable or even possible to do the 

1) Disolve 12 tablespoons of lecithin granules in 60 ounces of 
distilled water.

2) Activate 150 drops of MMS with the juice of a whole lemon, in the 
usual 3 minute way, then add 4 ounces of water to the activated MMS.

3) Pour both solutions into the large UC and run for six 2-minute 

4) Add 4 drops of DMSO either before encapsulation, or after?

Would the MMS be encapsulated?

And, if so, would the side effects from the MMS be diminished or 

Would the addition of the DMSO intensify the benefits, or might it 
form detrimental compounds (in other words, should I leave it out, to 
be on the safe side)?

I realize that this is all speculation, but I wanted to brainstorm in 
order to best give my friend at least a fighting chance.

Thanks, Paul

p.s. I was thinking maybe 6 ounces in the a.m. and 6 ounces in the 

-- The Silver 

Re: CSSimoncini, Baking Soda, Vitamin C

2009-08-28 Thread Jonathan B. Britten

I found the advice from Brooks on Vitamin C.  Here it is:

Subject: CSClinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C

For interested parties on the list that may not  
know where to beginto familiarize themselves, somewhat, with the  
Work of  Dr. F. Klenner,  this introduction to some of his early  
worksmight be illuminating.  (see url at bottom of page).
Dr. Robert F. Cathcart.  M.D., has been most  
successful in his Vitamin C protocol developments.
  Try  Http// some  
interesting commentary on addressing clinical/sub-clinical scurvy.
Few members of the general public realize how very prevalent low  
systemic levels of vitamin C are presenting among them.  Also, it is  
useful to note that one should be quite explicit as to what type of  
ascorbate  (e.g. sodium ascorbate, ascorbic acid, calcium ascorbate,  
etc.).  This will mitigate against misunderstandings by persons with  
whom you may be in contact.
  One additional comment:  At present, there are an increasing  
number of individuals using  ascorbic acid powder and solutions as a  
direct nasal address to various sinus presentations.  Our  
research STRONGLY INDICATES such a protocol
will cause damage to the mucous membranes (at least this has proven the  
case in our experimental research).  The simple solution is to use  
either powdered sodium ascorbate  snuffed, or a buffered solution of  
acorbic acid powder mixed with enough sodium bicarbonate to yield a  
near neutral ph.  This is quite simple in can place 1  
level teaspoon of ascorbic acid powder/crystals  in about 3 ounces of  
water and add about 1/2 teaspoon of common baking soda (sodium  
bicarbonate) and stir well.  The parent mixture will, immediately,  
become sodium ascorbate-one of the ideal forms of ascorbate to  
ingest.   Such a mixture has demonstrated to never
cause any untoward effects in any of our experimental  
volunteers...all epithelial tissues are quite accepting, and no  
damage has ever been evident.Sincerely,  Brooks  

 p.s.  Sodium ascorbate is several thousand percent MORE absorbable by  
human tissue.than is ascorbic acid...and it IS NOT  a tissue burner.

Another excellent source of Vitamin C information is 

On Saturday, Aug 29, 2009, at 10:32 Asia/Tokyo, Jonathan B. Britten  

I am directing this to Mr. Bradley in hopes he may have some idea  
whether a vitamin C/ baking soda mix would retain any of the  
beneficial effects Dr. Simoncini has described.

If memory serves me, Mr. Bradley is a long-ago post about various  
kinds of vitamin C described a mix of C and ordinary baking soda.I  
believe the posting recommended ordinary ascorbic acid.

This combination makes the C easy on the digestive system and, he  
said, greatly increased biological uptake of the vitamin.

This simple information has to be among the best  finds on this  
list. It would be very good luck if the mixture retains the  
benefits of the sodium carbonate therapy Dr. Simoncini has reported.

I had the message about the C/carbonate flagged in my folder and  
cannot seem to locate it now.  If anyone can help out by reposting  
that, I'm sure it would be very welcome.

On Saturday, Aug 29, 2009, at 06:12 Asia/Tokyo, paul catania wrote:

Dear Brooks Bradley,
   Thank you so much for your kind  
concern and good wishes. I will definitely look into Dr Simoncini's  
protocols. I just got back from the hospital and the Dr.'s give him 2  
to 3 months, so time is not on his side.

Paul Catania
- Original Message -

From: Brooks Bradley
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 11:30 AM

Dear Paul,
Your anxiety over your friend's well-being is understandable.
and commendable.I extend my bestgenuinely heartfelt, wishes  
for his complete recovery. I have a suggestion which might prove to  
be of genuine value in
your searches for effective modalities for his presenting carcinoma.  
My personal
investigations of Dr. Tullio Simoncini have resulted in an INCREASING  
respect for his
demonstrated results.and the freedom from any, detectable,  
toxic/debilitating side-effects resulting from his basic protocol  
address. Naturally, the allopathic community, following the urgings  
of the reigning Pharmaceutical Interests'.has studiously, avoided  
giving any measurable credence
to Dr. Simoncini's very COMPELLING results, achieved over the  
immediately-past 15 years.
It appears self-evident that there is little incentive for them to  
espouse a protocol (at least among the conventional medical  

Re: CSSimoncini, Baking Soda, Vitamin C

2009-08-28 Thread Jonathan B. Britten

So:  to restate the original question:

If sodium carbonate combats cancer, might sodium ascorbate also have a  
similar effect?

Not likely I suppose, but perhaps worth asking.

On Saturday, Aug 29, 2009, at 11:04 Asia/Tokyo, Jonathan B. Britten  

I found the advice from Brooks on Vitamin C.  Here it is:

Subject: CSClinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C

For interested parties on the list that may not  
know where to beginto familiarize themselves, somewhat, with the  
Work of  Dr. F. Klenner,  this introduction to some of his early  
worksmight be illuminating.  (see url at bottom of page).
Dr. Robert F. Cathcart.  M.D., has been most  
successful in his Vitamin C protocol developments.
  Try  Http// some  
interesting commentary on addressing clinical/sub-clinical scurvy.
Few members of the general public realize how very prevalent low  
systemic levels of vitamin C are presenting among them.  Also, it is  
useful to note that one should be quite explicit as to what type of  
ascorbate  (e.g. sodium ascorbate, ascorbic acid, calcium ascorbate,  
etc.).  This will mitigate against misunderstandings by persons with  
whom you may be in contact.
  One additional comment:  At present, there are an increasing  
number of individuals using  ascorbic acid powder and solutions as a  
direct nasal address to various sinus presentations.   
Our research STRONGLY INDICATES such a protocol
will cause damage to the mucous membranes (at least this has proven  
the case in our experimental research).  The simple solution is to use  
either powdered sodium ascorbate  snuffed, or a buffered solution of  
acorbic acid powder mixed with enough sodium bicarbonate to yield a  
near neutral ph.  This is quite simple in can place  
1 level teaspoon of ascorbic acid powder/crystals  in about 3 ounces  
of water and add about 1/2 teaspoon of common baking soda (sodium  
bicarbonate) and stir well.  The parent mixture will, immediately,  
become sodium ascorbate-one of the ideal forms of ascorbate to  
ingest.   Such a mixture has demonstrated to never
cause any untoward effects in any of our experimental  
volunteers...all epithelial tissues are quite accepting, and no  
damage has ever been evident.Sincerely,  Brooks  

 p.s.  Sodium ascorbate is several thousand percent MORE absorbable by  
human tissue.than is ascorbic acid...and it IS NOT  a tissue  

Another excellent source of Vitamin C information is 

On Saturday, Aug 29, 2009, at 10:32 Asia/Tokyo, Jonathan B. Britten  

I am directing this to Mr. Bradley in hopes he may have some idea  
whether a vitamin C/ baking soda mix would retain any of the  
beneficial effects Dr. Simoncini has described.

If memory serves me, Mr. Bradley is a long-ago post about various  
kinds of vitamin C described a mix of C and ordinary baking soda. 
I believe the posting recommended ordinary ascorbic acid.

This combination makes the C easy on the digestive system and, he  
said, greatly increased biological uptake of the vitamin.

This simple information has to be among the best  finds on this  
list. It would be very good luck if the mixture retains the  
benefits of the sodium carbonate therapy Dr. Simoncini has reported.

I had the message about the C/carbonate flagged in my folder and  
cannot seem to locate it now.  If anyone can help out by reposting  
that, I'm sure it would be very welcome.

On Saturday, Aug 29, 2009, at 06:12 Asia/Tokyo, paul catania wrote:

Dear Brooks Bradley,
   Thank you so much for your kind  
concern and good wishes. I will definitely look into Dr Simoncini's  
protocols. I just got back from the hospital and the Dr.'s give him  
2 to 3 months, so time is not on his side.

Paul Catania
- Original Message -

From: Brooks Bradley
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 11:30 AM

Dear Paul,
Your anxiety over your friend's well-being is understandable.
and commendable.I extend my bestgenuinely heartfelt, wishes  
for his complete recovery. I have a suggestion which might prove to  
be of genuine value in
your searches for effective modalities for his presenting carcinoma.  
My personal
investigations of Dr. Tullio Simoncini have resulted in an  
INCREASING respect for his
demonstrated results.and the freedom from any, detectable,  
toxic/debilitating side-effects resulting from his basic protocol  
address. Naturally, the allopathic community, following the urgings  
of the reigning Pharmaceutical Interests'.has studiously,  

CS Baking soda,heartburn

2009-08-28 Thread Harold MacDonald
There are a few of us old timers who remember Al Jolson.A famous singer way 
back in the 1920s , '30s,'40s.
Baking soda killed him as was determined some years after his death.It was 
found that he had severe indigestion  caused by H-Pylori.The only relief at 
the time of his death was Baking soda.Before each performance he suffered 
much indigestion,heartburn [nervous] for which he would take large doses of 
it.It was determined that it made his system so alkaline [corrosive like 
lye] that it destroyed his kidneys.
So; I caution all who would over-do the use of it,especially if your urinary 
system is compromised.
There is a supplement called Buffer pH by VAXA which I would recommend 
instead for Alkalizing.

Herbvitaminshop for info re same.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSSimoncini, Baking Soda, Vitamin C

2009-08-28 Thread Norton, Steve
If it does it is for a different reason than sodium carbonate. Sodium carbonate 
kills cancer because of it's high pH. The pH of  sodium ascorbate is only 7.4. 
As Chuck pointed out earlier, messing with blood pH is dangerous. That is why  
Dr. Simoncini uses an IV to introduce the sodium carbonate into the blood just 
prior to the blood arriving at the cancer and to localize the effect of the pH 
 - Steve N

- Original Message -
From: Jonathan B. Britten
Sent: Fri Aug 28 21:39:00 2009
Subject: Re: CSSimoncini, Baking Soda, Vitamin C

So:  to restate the original question:

If sodium carbonate combats cancer, might sodium ascorbate also have a  
similar effect?

Not likely I suppose, but perhaps worth asking.

Re: CSSimoncini, Baking Soda, Vitamin C

2009-08-28 Thread cking001

Living with saints is tougher than being one.

On 8/28/2009 10:39:00 PM, Jonathan B. Britten
( wrote:
 So:  to restate the original question:
 If sodium carbonate combats cancer, might sodium ascorbate also have a
 similar effect?
 Not likely I suppose, but perhaps worth asking.
 On Saturday, Aug 29, 2009, at 11:04 Asia/Tokyo, Jonathan B. Britten
  I found the advice from Brooks on Vitamin C.  Here it is:
  Subject: CSClinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C
  For interested parties on the list that may not
  know where to beginto familiarize themselves, somewhat, with the
  Work of  Dr. F. Klenner,  this introduction to some of his early
  worksmight be illuminating.  (see url at bottom of page).
  Dr. Robert F. Cathcart.  M.D., has been most
  successful in his Vitamin C protocol developments.
Try  Http// some
  interesting commentary on addressing clinical/sub-clinical scurvy.
  Few members of the general public realize how very prevalent low
  systemic levels of vitamin C
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG -
Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.71/2332 - Release Date: 08/28/09 

Re: CSSimoncini, Baking Soda, Vitamin C

2009-08-28 Thread Jonathan B. Britten
Thanks for clarifying the pH mechanism of Dr. Simoncini's protocol.   
I'd forgotten, frankly.

It was still useful to revisit the BB posting and the claim that sodium 
ascorbate is 1,000 more available than ascorbic acid, and easy and 
cheap to make as well.

On Saturday, Aug 29, 2009, at 12:08 Asia/Tokyo, Norton, Steve wrote:

If it does it is for a different reason than sodium carbonate. Sodium 
carbonate kills cancer because of it's high pH. The pH of  sodium 
ascorbate is only 7.4.
As Chuck pointed out earlier, messing with blood pH is dangerous. That 
is why  Dr. Simoncini uses an IV to introduce the sodium carbonate 
into the blood just prior to the blood arriving at the cancer and to 
localize the effect of the pH change. 

 - Steve N

- Original Message -
From: Jonathan B. Britten
Sent: Fri Aug 28 21:39:00 2009
Subject: Re: CSSimoncini, Baking Soda, Vitamin C

So:  to restate the original question:

If sodium carbonate combats cancer, might sodium ascorbate also have a 
similar effect?

Not likely I suppose, but perhaps worth asking.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSSimoncini, Baking Soda, Vitamin C

2009-08-28 Thread Jonathan B. Britten
That's a very amusing URL and worth bookmarking, but of course no 
substitute for the accumulated knowledge of list members.

On Saturday, Aug 29, 2009, at 12:46 Asia/Tokyo, 

Living with saints is tougher than being one.

On 8/28/2009 10:39:00 PM, Jonathan B. Britten
( wrote:

So:  to restate the original question:

If sodium carbonate combats cancer, might sodium ascorbate also have a
similar effect?

Not likely I suppose, but perhaps worth asking.

On Saturday, Aug 29, 2009, at 11:04 Asia/Tokyo, Jonathan B. Britten

I found the advice from Brooks on Vitamin C.  Here it is:

Subject: CSClinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C

For interested parties on the list that may not
know where to beginto familiarize themselves, somewhat, with the
Work of  Dr. F. Klenner,  this introduction to some of his early
worksmight be illuminating.  (see url at bottom of page).
Dr. Robert F. Cathcart.  M.D., has been most
successful in his Vitamin C protocol developments.
  Try  Http// some
interesting commentary on addressing clinical/sub-clinical scurvy.
Few members of the general public realize how very prevalent low
systemic levels of vitamin C

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG -
Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.71/2332 - Release Date: 
08/28/09 18:10:00

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSSimoncini, Baking Soda, Vitamin C

2009-08-28 Thread Jonathan B. Britten

Here's a link with an interview of the good Doctor -- a lovely man. 

On Saturday, Aug 29, 2009, at 13:00 Asia/Tokyo, Jonathan B. Britten  

That's a very amusing URL and worth bookmarking, but of course no  
substitute for the accumulated knowledge of list members.

On Saturday, Aug 29, 2009, at 12:46 Asia/Tokyo,  

Living with saints is tougher than being one.

On 8/28/2009 10:39:00 PM, Jonathan B. Britten
( wrote:

So:  to restate the original question:

If sodium carbonate combats cancer, might sodium ascorbate also have  

similar effect?

Not likely I suppose, but perhaps worth asking.

On Saturday, Aug 29, 2009, at 11:04 Asia/Tokyo, Jonathan B. Britten

I found the advice from Brooks on Vitamin C.  Here it is:

Subject: CSClinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C

For interested parties on the list that may not
know where to beginto familiarize themselves, somewhat, with the
Work of  Dr. F. Klenner,  this introduction to some of his early
worksmight be illuminating.  (see url at bottom of page).
Dr. Robert F. Cathcart.  M.D., has been most
successful in his Vitamin C protocol developments.
  Try  Http//  

interesting commentary on addressing clinical/sub-clinical scurvy.
Few members of the general public realize how very prevalent low
systemic levels of vitamin C

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG -
Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.71/2332 - Release Date:  
08/28/09 18:10:00

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour