CS>Liposomal Vit C

2009-08-15 Thread J&S Campbell
Am I being thick here, I can't get soya lecithin granules to dissolve in water, 
does it come in another form in the US? Or can I just leave  it to the 
ultrasonic cleaner do the business?

I've found an ultrasonic cleaner over here in the UK if anyone is interested, 
£39 for a 2.4litre model, down the page:


Thanks so much Brooks, as always, for telling us about this.



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CS>Re: liposomal vit c - thanks Brooks

2009-08-16 Thread J&S Campbell
Dear Brooks,

Many thanks indeed for your explanation, I have no problems with there being a 
lecithin layer, just wanted to know that I was doing it right! 

I find this all very exciting, with the prospect of being able to do the same 
procedure with other supplements too, like methyl B12 - my husband and I both 
have genetic problems recycling methyl B12 and had been taking injections but 
our doctor has had trouble importing it from the US so we are now on sublingual 
lozenges which requires a very much higher dose to get a comparable amount into 
the body, hence expensive, so we can get methyl B12 liquid and try and 
"liposize" it.

Best wishes,


Dear Sheila, 
 Your question has been asked by others(private inquires addressed directly 
to me).  In the interest of saving me time and energy, I offer the following 
explanation. First, soy lecithin is a "slow" incorporator, when introduced into 
aqueous mediumssometimes.  Especially, when there is a high  
lecithin granule population ratiorelative to the total water volume. 

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Lyme Disease cure?

2004-06-29 Thread J & S Campbell
What levels of potassium are you finding helpful? Glad you are making

> -Original Message-
> From: Dave [mailto:ddar...@centurytel.net]
> Sent: 28 June 2004 17:08
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: CS>Lyme Disease cure?
>I have no doubt that that is true as there is no definitive test for
> Lyme.
> As to a cure that is proven, that depends on what you mean by "proven".
> In my case I need no more proof than the fact that I no longer have the
> symptoms, all due to the use of CS.
>My lyme disease was 42 years old with the beginning in 1957 while I
> was in Germany in the US Army. At that time they had no knowledge of
> such a malady. I had suffered with it for all that time and only 4 years
> ago I got the migrans rash again that I seem to get occasionally only
> that time I was seeing a doctor that wouldn't entertain the the notion
> that I had Lyme so to shut me up he agreed to test me for Lyme. He
> thought I probably had psoriasis because of the rash so he gave me some
> stuff to keep it from itching Which it didn't anyway.
>The test came back positive and that along with the rash was enough
> for a clinical diagnosis.
>It had progressed to the point that the neurological aspect had made
> it to the point that I couldn't communicate my thoughts and the
> arthritis had me on crutches with my knees almost as big as my waist.
>I had been diagnosed with degenerative arthritis of the spine and had
> lost over two inches in highth.
>There is a ton more to tell but suffice it to say if i'm not cured I
> at least have no more symptoms, I've gained back at least an inch in
> highth and I can outrun any teenager that wants to challenge me.
> As to the degenerate arthritis, I had been told that my limit was 25
> lbs.to lift with my back. Yesterday I lifted a 200 lb. engine totally
> with my back without using my knees, by bending at the waist.
>As far as the neurological I am more aware and able to communicate
> quite well as you can see by reading this.
>So am I cured? I doubt it but you might call it a permanent remission
> that will endure as long as I keep up the CS.
>The only problem I've encountered so far from the CS is that I am
> Hypo thyroid and the leaching ( or binding with) selenium made a
> worsening of the fatigue aspect. When I first kicked the hell out of the
> Lyme spirochete My energy level increased dramatically but then after a
> few months of CS it fell off to a totally unacceptable level.
> Now I take a selenium and potassium supplement and am getting the energy
> back slowly but surely.
>That's my story, ( at least a small part of it) hope it helps
> Dave
> T J Garland wrote:
> > Note the author says that 18,000,000 Americans may have the
> disease. Are
> > there any proven cures on this list using CS?  TJ
> >
> >
> > http://www.rense.com/general54/whatmakeslyme.htm
> --
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> OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 
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2004-07-09 Thread J&S Campbell
Thank you very much for that info Brooks, do you think that CS alone or
CS and DMSO would successfully penetrate into cells in vivo to kill

Can you tell me if you have also tested the efficacy of CS with cyst
forms of bacteria like borrelia cysts?

Do you know of any other treatments you can use, apart from CS/DMSO/H202
and Beck type machines, for mycos and cell wall deficient bacteria, I am
specifically thinking of borrelia infection.

As always thanks for all your help and input on the list.


-Original Message-
From: Brooks Bradley [mailto:brook...@eudoramail.com] 
Sent: 09 July 2004 00:48
To: silver-list@eskimo.com

   Our evaluations (conducted in calendar 2002) confirmed the
efficacy of colloidal silver as an effective disabling agent against ALL
forms of Brucellosis-derived mucoplasma pathogens tested IN VITRO. I
must decline to identify all of the subject test items.at this time.
   Because of the inherent dangers involved, we have not
conducted ANY controlled experiments involving contagion introduction,
surveillance, and application of protocol variants.for these
extraordinarily pernicious infectious agentsused on any live
Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.

Harborne Research Foundation

- Original Message -

DATE: Wed, 7 Jul 2004 20:42:14 
From: "James Holmes" 

>I have read, "...it is effective against mycoplasma...".  I do not 
>recall the authority of the cite.  It seems like a cell-wall deficient 
>organism should be more vulnerable than one with a cell wall.
>I very much would like to know.  I'll do some searches, and write a 
>couple of folks.
>-Original Message-
>From: Garnet [mailto:garnetri...@earthlink.net]
>Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2004 11:39 AM
>To: Silver List
>So is there any consensus of the effectiveness of CS on mycoplasma.
>The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
>To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com Silver List 
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>Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com OT 
>Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html
>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Need a new email address that people can remember
Check out the new EudoraMail at

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CS>OT New Scientist article on SV40 in polio vaccines 7/7/04

2004-07-09 Thread J&S Campbell
Interesting article on SV40 in polio vaccines in New Scientist. Who
knows what else we could get from vaccines.


Vaccine scandal revives cancer fear 
19:00 07 July 04 
Exclusive from New Scientist Print Edition. Subscribe and get 4 free
Many millions more people than previously thought might have been given
polio vaccine contaminated with a monkey virus linked to cancer.

It has been known since 1960 that early doses of polio vaccine were
widely contaminated with simian virus 40, or SV40, which infects macaque
monkeys. Tens of millions of people in the US and an unknown number in
other countries, including the UK, Australia and the former Soviet
Union, may have been exposed prior to 1963.

The contamination occurred because the kidney cells the vaccine virus
was grown in came from monkeys infected with SV40. Health officials say
the problem was eliminated after 1963.

Now Michele Carbone of Loyola University Medical Center in Chicago has
announced results that suggest the Soviet polio vaccine was contaminated
after 1963, possibly until the early 1980s. "Is there infectious virus?
The short answer is, yes," Carbone told the Vaccine Cell Substrate
Conference 2004 in Rockville, Maryland, last week.

The vaccine was almost certainly used throughout the Soviet bloc and
probably exported to China, Japan and several countries in Africa. That
means hundreds of millions could have been exposed to SV40 after 1963.

Rare cancers 

The consequences of exposure to the virus (which is not related to HIV
in any way) are unclear. There is evidence is that some of the people
given contaminated vaccines were infected by SV40, and that such
infections might lead to the development of certain rare types of cancer
many years down the line. But the link with cancer has neither been
proved, nor shown to be false.

"There are two scenarios," says Philip Minor of the National Institute
for Biological Standards and Control in the UK. "One is that it doesn't
matter. The other is that it does."

Minor found three samples of the Soviet oral polio vaccine from the late
1960s in the NIBSC's freezers, the only samples known to survive from
this time. In 1999, he found they tested positive for SV40, whereas
British samples from this period did not. "But we did not draw any broad
conclusions," Minor says.

Now Carbone has carried out further tests. He has confirmed the presence
of SV40 in the Soviet vaccine samples using three separate tests. In two
of the samples, he also showed that the SV40 remained infectious. In the
third sample, there was no infectious poliovirus either, an indication
that the sample of the live vaccine may have degraded.

Lung cancer link 

Yet the production process was supposed to ensure that if any SV40 was
present, it would be neutralised. When Carbone tested the Soviet
neutralisation method, which relied on magnesium chloride, he found it
was only 95 per cent effective. Because of this, he believes the Soviet
vaccine could have remained contaminated until the early 1980s. In 1981,
the Soviet Union switched to a polio vaccine seed provided by the World
Health Organization that was free from any SV40 contamination.

Carbone, the first to publish evidence of a link between SV40 and the
deadly lung cancer mesothelioma (New Scientist print edition, 21 May
1994), will not discuss his results further until they have been

Officials from the US Food and Drug Administration who attended the
conference also declined to comment, as the FDA is a defendant in
lawsuits alleging that the SV40-contaminated polio vaccine used in the
US has caused cancer cases.

Hilary Koprowski of Jefferson University in Philadelphia, who created
one of the first polio vaccines, says he is not surprised that the
magnesium chloride preparation did not work. "Nothing inactivates
something 100 per cent," he said. "I would believe there were still
remnants [of SV40] left."

Fresh kidneys 

The contamination of the Soviet vaccine highlights the need for safer
methods of growing viruses for vaccines, Koprowski says, something he is
trying to tackle by using plant cells. The US stopped using fresh monkey
kidneys for polio vaccine in 2000. But the vaccine is still made in this
way in several other countries.

"I would say that it suggests that [old] vaccines made in different
countries should be examined for possible contamination," says Janet
Butel of Baylor University College of Medicine in Houston, a leading
SV40 expert.

"In any epidemiological studies where they're comparing exposed versus
non-exposed, if in fact there was any contaminated vaccine used after
1963, the control group wouldn't be a control group."

Konstantin Chumakov of the FDA Center for Biologics Evaluation and
Research, says that Carbone's findings leave many unanswered questions.
For example, he said it is not clear from the labelling of the samples
found at the NIBSC exactly 

RE: CS>H202

2004-07-15 Thread J&S Campbell
Thanks for that John, where do you get AR grade DMSO from?
Best wishes,

> -Original Message-
> From: John Rigby [mailto:jrig...@fablor.com] 
> Sent: 15 July 2004 03:18
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: CS>H202
> Hi folks,
> On the international scene one needs to be careful about 
> descriptions, e.g. 
> in Australia, "food grade" H202 simply means it can be used 
> in the food 
> processing industry e.g. as a cleaning agent in processing 
> equipment.  ( I 
> THINK same in USA)
> Here are some common values of the product:
> Hydrogen Peroxide is created in the atmosphere when ultraviolet light 
> strikes oxygen in the presence of moisture. Ozone (03) is 
> free oxygen (02) 
> plus an extra atom of oxygen. When it comes into contact with 
> water, this 
> extra atom of oxygen splits off very easily. Water (H20) 
> combines with the 
> extra atom of oxygen and becomes hydrogen peroxide ( H2O2).
> Hydrogen Peroxide can also me made by the following methods:
> * Chemically - treat Barium Peroxide with Sulfuric Acid. 
> Barium Sulfate 
> settles to the bottom and Hydrogen Peroxide is drained off. (To 
> concentrate, it is vacuum distilled.)
> * Treat water with ultraviolet light.
> * Electricity - silent, or open spark methods.
> * Bubble Ozone (03) through cold water.
> Hydrogen Peroxides are available in several grades:
> * 3% Hydrogen Peroxide (Drug/Grocery Store Variety)
> * 6% Hydrogen Peroxide (Used by Beauticians for Coloring Hair)
> * 30% Re-Agent Hydrogen 
> Peroxide  *  usually called "AR" 
> grade in Euro
> * 30-32% Electronic Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
> * 35% Technical Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
> * 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide (Also 50% Food Grade H2O2)
> * 90% Hydrogen Peroxide
> * 99.6% Hydrogen Peroxide
>   The Analytical Reagent Grade is the purest - by Euro standards.
> PERSONAL NOTE:   I only use . Silver in making CS.  I 
> only let the BEST 
> of anything get near my insides after my own experiences with dual 
> Cancer.  Costs a lot more, but then, I only eat Biodynamic or 
> Certified 
> Organic foods - also costs a lot more, but the idea is to 
> "live long and 
> prosper".  Same with H202, I only use the best, same with 
> DMSO  only AR grade.
> Certainly we are only using minuscule quantities and most 
> people are pretty 
> cavalier about sources on these grounds, but I've watched 
> Homeopathy work 
> and aside from the fact that we now understand that the key 
> is H20, because 
> it has a "beyond physics" "memory", I limit my risktaking 
> everywhere I can.
> Mind you, I've not had a cold in 15 years, or "flu" or 
> anything else that 
> everybody else gets.   My only "illnesses" these days are caused by 
> external "accidents"  when I am tricked into eating something 
> that is not 
> safe.
> Of course I'm rated as paranoid. But I only have one body in 
> this cycle and 
> I like to keep it free from pain.  Cancer tends to make one 
> an expert on 
> pain and if you learn how to beat it, you don't ever want to go back 
> there..
> Other funny ideas from the world of  Why Cancer etc., are here: 
> http://fablor.com/matrixide
> Live long & prosper people!
> Himagain's  2,000 cents worth ( adjusted for inflation)
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver List archive: 
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> Off-Topic messages to: 
> silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com OT Archive: 
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> List 
> maintainer: Mike Devour 
> ---
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RE: CS>Personal Emergency Curtailing List Participation

2004-07-16 Thread J&S Campbell
Brooks I am so sorry, that is a terrible thing to happen, it happened to
an elderly friend some years ago, but thank God you and your wife are
OK. I'm very sorry for the loss of your pets and all your memories in
your home.I know loss of photos can be a painful thing too at such a
With love and prayers for you both,

> -Original Message-
> From: brooks bradley [mailto:brook...@lycos.com] 
> Sent: 16 July 2004 05:35
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: CS>Personal Emergency Curtailing List Participation
> Dear List Members,
>  I will be unable to participate in the list dialogue 
> for a while.  I find it 
> necessary to unsubsribe at present..my home of 40 years 
> burned today---with all of our pets. 
> Only my wife (although suffering painful non life-threatening 
> injuries) survived the fire and that is my greatest blessing. 
>  We will require a little while to grieve over our three 
> dogs, parrot, prairie dog, and four of our cats.  At our 
> stage in life they constitute attachments equal...almost... 
> to our children and grandchildren.  This message 
> is not designed to generate sympathy in any form, but, rather 
> to let you know exactly why I will not be posting for a 
> while.  You have all been splendid intellectual companions 
> and, God willingmaybe so 
> once again.soon.
>My very best and warmest regards to you all.   
> Sincerely, Brooks.
> Harborne Research Foundation
> -- 
> ___
> Find what you are looking for with the Lycos Yellow Pages 
> http://r.lycos.com/r/yp_emailfooter/http://yellowpages.lycos.c

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RE: CS>H202

2004-07-16 Thread J&S Campbell
Thanks for info,

> -Original Message-
> From: john rigby [mailto:jrig...@fablor.com] 
> Sent: 15 July 2004 22:58
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: RE: CS>H202
> At 11:31 PM 15/07/04, Sheila wrote:
> >Thanks for that John, where do you get AR grade DMSO from? 
> Best wishes,
> >Sheila
> Where else but in Godzone country?
> Sorry Sheila, couldn't resist that.  In OZtralia we often have great 
> difficulty getting lots of goodies at a reasonable price - 
> they are there 
> but at horrific markups.  Just like the UK
> I am buying direct from a Pharmaceutical Supply business here 
> at $A 50 for 
> 800 ml of 35% H202 AR grade,
> DMSO  AR at $140 for 500 Ml  ( $40 of which is "dangerous 
> goods transport" 
> fee.)
> Vacuum Distilled H20 costs $5 per 4 litres.   at our Wal-Mart equiv.
> If it is going in to me, I only buy the best of anything. Or 
> go without as 
> a rule.
> Cheers,
> Him
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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> Off-Topic messages to: 
> silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com OT Archive: 
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> List 
> maintainer: Mike Devour 
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RE: CS>H202

2004-07-16 Thread J&S Campbell
Thanks Garnet,

> -Original Message-
> From: Garnet [mailto:garnetri...@earthlink.net] 
> Sent: 16 July 2004 16:22
> To: Silver List
> Subject: RE: CS>H202
> www.jacoblab.com sells a very high grade DMSO, not sure if 
> they call it AR. 
> You can also get it with a prescription in the US. Rimso-50 
> is a 50% DMSO dispensed by pharmacies.
> And I agree with you John, most of us do take too cavalier an 
> attitude about many things that we put in our bodies. But at 
> least we are looking at safe-ER and are reducing the total 
> load. Total load is a very important concept. By reducing 
> exposures to some things our tolerance for others is raised. 
> I also like to remind people that if the stress of procuring 
> the safe-er/est product is greater than the benefit gained 
> what good have you done? 
> Balance is so important and the feeling that comes with 
> simply making small improvements that accumulate. I talk to 
> so many people who feel that attaining a healthy life style 
> is so far out of their reach that they do not even try. I try 
> to remind them that even small efforts are helpful and will 
> lead to greater changes in time.
> Garnet
> On Thu, 2004-07-15 at 08:31, J&S Campbell wrote:
> > Thanks for that John, where do you get AR grade DMSO from? Best 
> > wishes, Sheila
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver List archive: 
> http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.> html
> Address 
> Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
> OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> ---
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RE: CS>tooth brushing with soap

2004-08-02 Thread J&S Campbell
We've been using soap to brush our teeth for the last 3-4 months and my
husband, who has very sensitive teeth and has had to use sensitive
toothpaste for several years,  is finding, to his surprise, that the
sensitivity is definitely decreasing using just the soap.And possibly
his teeth are a bit tighter in the gums.

> -Original Message-
> From: Garnet [mailto:garnetri...@earthlink.net] 
> Sent: 31 July 2004 18:46
> To: Silver List
> Subject: Re: CS>tooth brushing with soap
> Nenah,
> Thanks, I am glad you enjoy my messages, such as they are. ;-)
> They just call it toothsoap. It is not sold by weight, but by 
> size, best to call them I guess. That is what I did. It is 
> really inexpensive as the largest peice they sell is about 
> $4. She said they try to make them small enough that you will 
> use it up in about 6 months or so, just in order to keep 
> people from having a bar around for too long. They are big on 
> fresh ingredients and don't want anything to go off. They buy 
> their materials in small batches in order to have fresh ingredients.
> This morning I tried my Tom's Of Maine unscented soap that I 
> keep for my hands. Amazingingly it had no soap taste to me at 
> all! It is probably cheaper than their tooth soap.
> I had heard of brushing with soap probably five years ago but 
> I never worked up the courage to try it. Guess those memories 
> of threats to "wash out your mouth with soap" that many of us 
> heard as kids just left a vague fear/avoidance memory. I put 
> tooth soap at the end of the list of things to check out and 
> try. Finally got one of them rountoits!
> The best news is that you can heal cavities and remineralize 
> your teeth. Avoiding glycerin tooth pastes is the first step, 
> then making sure your diet has adequate minerals and that you 
> mouth is not too dry. People with more saliva have fewer 
> cavities since they rinse their teeth naturally. 
> Garnet
> On Sat, 2004-07-31 at 08:11, Nenah Sylver wrote:
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Garnet" 
> > To: "Silver List" 
> > Sent: Friday, July 30, 2004 10:03 PM
> > Subject: Re: CS>tooth brushing with soap
> > 
> > > I just ordered some tooth soap from a site that makes all 
> kinds of 
> > > natural soaps. They do use CS in some of their products and will 
> > > custom formulate. The tooth soap was very reasonable. The soap 
> > > factory. http://www.gogoatsoap.com/products.htm A tooth 
> soap with CS 
> > > in it might be a nice way to go.
> > > 
> > > I first used tooth soap from another source, it was $20 
> for 4 oz, a 
> > > 3 month supply, very pricey. 
> > > http://www.thecompounder.com/PerfectRx1.html
> > > I do like the results and can use about half of what they 
> say to get a
> > > good cleaning effect. My teeth stay much cleaner for 
> longer without all
> > > the glycerin in toothpaste. The taste is almost 
> undetectable to me. If I
> > > use less than the recommended amount I notice almost zero 
> taste and I am
> > > pretty sensitive to tastes and smells. Soap taste is 
> sensed on the back
> > > of the tongue so it is recommended not to brush the back 
> of the tongue
> > > with the soap.
> > > 
> > > Garnet
> > 
> > 
> > Garnet,
> > What soap did you order for your teeth?
> > 
> > By the way, I enjoy your posts tremendously.
> > 
> > Nenah
> > 
> > 
> > --
> > The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing 
> Colloidal Silver.
> > 
> > Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
> > 
> > To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com 
> Silver List 
> > archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> > 
> > Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com OT 
> > Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html
> > 
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> > 
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RE: CS>Lyme Disease

2004-08-11 Thread J&S Campbell
Tel and Catherine and anyone else, do you know if these levels of salt
recommended in this regime-see link below- (12grams a day) are safe to

 Would they not be a problem for BP and kidneys?

 Plus Books has posted recently about the benefits of potassium chloride
as opposed to sodium chloride and that we are not getting enough
potassium therefore surely this regime would make that situation worse?

Best wishes,


> -Original Message-
> From: C Creel [mailto:ccr...@rochester.rr.com] 
> Sent: 11 August 2004 07:05
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: CS>Lyme Disease
> Many thanks to Dudley, Bill, and Tel for links to CS, and 
> Vit C and salt tabs for treating Lyme disease.  My client is 
> going to be thrilled to see these.
> Regards,
> Catherine
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
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> Off-Topic messages to: 
> silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com OT Archive: 
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> maintainer: Mike Devour 
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RE: CS>Re:CS>Sinus Infection

2004-10-08 Thread J&S Campbell
Thanks very much for your post Richard I appreciate the detail. Is it OK
to nebulise with H202? I seem to remember someone, I think it was Jason,
reporting some horror story about nebulising with H2O2?

Also how long can you keep this mixture for?

 Thanks in advance,


> -Original Message-
> From: Richard Harris [mailto:yr...@cfl.rr.com]
> Sent: 07 October 2004 21:42
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Cc: Richard Harris
> Subject: RE: CS>Re:CS>Sinus Infection
> Hi Bob,
> Sorry to hear of your problems. If I had them, I'd increase oral 
> intake of CS + gatorade to at least 4 doses daily--some people take 1 
> qt of CS daily (I don't recommend that, but if I needed that much I'd 
> certainly do it). I'd go to Walgreens and get a $25 personal, 
> ultrasonic Humiidifier and mix my
> formula:
>   To 1 gal CS (10ppm) upon completion of generating, I
> add 4 cc H2O2 3%. Pour 4 oz. of this CS/H2O2 into a glass 
> bowl or mortar and add and dissolve 3 heaping tablespoonfuls 
> of MSM, stirring for awhile until all that will dissolve, 
> does. Decant (pour off) the clear CS/H2O2/MSM into a 6 oz. 
> bottle; To 4 oz of this CS/H2O2/MSM Sol, add 1 oz. DMSO 99+% 
> (always pour DMSO into other liquid, as it gets hot, then 
> cools). Soak Nebulizer wick in CS for a few minutes & insert 
> into nebulizer, fill nebulizer tank with CS/H2O2?MSM/DMSO Sol 
> (about 4 oz--lasts 4 hrs on one fill if run all the time; 
> however, to use, I recommend that you blow out all air in 
> lungs and immediately hold open mouth over nebulizer, switch 
> ON nebulizer and inhale as deeply as possible, switching OFF 
> and holding breath as long as comfortable--exhale, and repeat 
> process for at least 5 deep breaths or 5 minutes; repeat this 
> as often daily as needed. The reason for switching ON only as 
> long as you are inhaling is to conserve medication--after all 
> you don't want to medicate the room or house. Use the same 
> wick for a long time, always making sure it is wet to begin 
> with--I'd reverse ends each time I removed and wetted.
> Check my Site (it's being up-graded and expanded) and let me know if I

> can be of help. I sell the Humidifier and the CS/H2O2/MSM/DMSO Sol. 
> for $10 for 5 oz; $50 for 1 qt. should prefer NOT to make your own.
> Sincerely,
> ___
> Richard Harris, 57 Year FL Pharmacist
> 448 West Juniata Street
> Clermont, FL 34711
> www.rharrisinc.com
> www.myseahealth.com/reh
> http://healthandhealing.blogspot.com
> -Original Message-
> From: William Amos [mailto:wa...@mailstation.com]
> Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 10:27 AM
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: CS>Re:CS>Sinus Infection
> In addition to the nebulizer I put about 5 drops of CS up each nostril

> and continue to lay back until I feel it working
> Bill Amos
> --
> Well I have another one of my  many Sinus Infections.
> I take CS and 2 parts Gatorade on a regular basis (a juice glass every

> morning and evening,15 PPM CS). I use CS in my Nebulizer Daily usually

> 1 or 2 times a day although lately I have been using it 3 or 4. I am 
> on Biaxin 500 MG twice a day, which is helping (for 14 days with a 
> refill if necessary). In the past I some time had to take the 
> Antibiotics for 28 days. Although I am coughing up a lot (clear) I do 
> not feel bad. Years ago before I was on CS I use to get really bad in 
> chest and felt terrible every time I got a Sinus infection. At the
> start I could feel the pressure in my Sinuses and had head 
> aches. It seems the CS stops infection from getting too bad 
> in the chest. This usually happens at least twice a year. 
> Personally I am wondering if is from the old building I work 
> in,  Building where I  work has a basement which is open to 
> the heating air return, not to mention that there are 2 
> sewage pits in basement. We are below sewage line and sewage 
> is pumped into line. Sewage lines are usually covered but are 
> probably not air tight. I wish I could get an IV of CS when I 
> have these problems. I wonder if more Gatorade and CS , 
> either more ounces or more often in day would help. Open to 
> suggestions and ideas.
>  Bob
> ***
> This message contains parts that can not be recognized or delivered to

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> --
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RE: CS>Sinus Infection

2004-10-08 Thread J&S Campbell
Sol, for your sinus wash,how much xylitol do you use with how much CS
and also don't you need to add salt or it will sting like crazy? Thanks,


> -Original Message-
> From: sol [mailto:sol...@sweetwaterhsa.com]
> Sent: 08 October 2004 04:20
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: RE: CS>Sinus Infection
> Richard,
>   I have actually been taking mouthfuls of CS-gatorade exactly as you
> suggest many, many times per day, and have been doing so 
> every day for 
> the whole damn 13 days I have had this cold. The cold is following a 
> "normal" course, anyway. The CS-gatorade may be helping keep 
> away some 
> secondary stuff, but frankly it doesn't seem to be doing much 
> at all- I really did have to nebulize the CS-MSM-DMSO and 
> also use it as nose 
> drops, and sinus wash (alternated with CS-Xylitol for a couple days 
> there), in order to stop it going into  a secondary sinus 
> infection and 
> to stop it going into my lungs, too. The oral use just does 
> not do that 
> for me. I don't know why, but it just doesn't
>   My mix for nebbing and nose drops is similar to yours, but I have 
> found that 1 tsp msm to 1 oz CS makes a saturated solution, more just 
> settles out. I can't handle more than about 2 or 3 drops of 
> 70% DMSO per 
> oz of CS.
>Is it really ok to use DMSO in a solution that has H202 in 
> it? I have 
> a vague recollection I read something that would say not to 
> mix H202 and 
> DMSO, but I can't remember clearly what or where that was. Is 
> there some 
> research or other writing on it somewhere?
> Thanks,
> sol
> Richard Harris wrote:
> >>Hi Sol,
> >>
> >>Sorry to hear about your problems--May I suggest you take 1
> part CS +
> >>2 parts Gatorade in mouthful doses (holding in mouth for a couple
> >>minutes, then swallowing). Your sinus wash formula sounds 
> very good,
> >>but I add 4 cc H2O2 3% to a gal CS after I first generate, then to
> >>this CS/H2O2 I'd add your MSM & DMSO.
> >>
> >>
> >>  
> >
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com Silver List 
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> Address
> Off-Topic messages to: 
> silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com OT Archive: 
> http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/i> ndex.html
> List
> maintainer: Mike Devour 
> ---
> Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
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Version: 6.0.772 / Virus Database: 519 - Release Date: 01/10/04

CS>Re[2]: CS>Oxy Life Oxygen

2004-10-21 Thread J&S Campbell
Hello Garnet,

Thursday, October 21, 2004, 3:00:26 PM, you wrote:

G> Rabbits are the medical model for study eye effects of pharmaceutical
G> agents. Problem is that they are uniquely sensitive to DMSO so are not
G> consider a valid model for humans in this instance. Dogs too have been
G> reported to have some occular effects with prolonged use. I still use
G> DMSO and CS in my dogs eyes, just cleared up a case of conjunctivities
G> in a puppy this week by spraying 20% DMSO and CS several hourly -- it
G> cleared in less than 10 hours! I did use a bit of Gentocin ointment,
G> maybe two applications in between the DMSO CS spray. My 5 mo old puppy
G> was so happy when her eye stopped hurting and was obviously grateful for
G> the assitance.

Hi Garnet, can you tell me if CS and DMSO would be helpful for a case
of iritis (anterior uveitis)? My husband has had two acute episodes of
this ( he also has lyme ) and had to go on steroid eye drops for several
months in each case as he at risk of loosing his sight but obviously he would 
use a more benign substance. Would bathing or spraying his eye with CS
& DMSO or MSM help do you know and if so what proportions of these?

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Chlorophyll for DMSO odor? was Re: CS>treatment of severe dental disease in a pet rabbit

2004-10-31 Thread J&S Campbell
Hi Sol,
That is really interesting, thanks, but does taking the chlorophyll in
any way detract from the effectiveness of the DMSO as it may be
combining with or eliminating some of the DMSO components?

Sunday, October 31, 2004, 4:03:36 AM, you wrote:

s> Chlorophyll is working for me, I just chew one to 3 tablets a day, and I
s> have no DMSO body/breath odor, even though I've started using a little
s> DMSO orally.  Seems like chlorophyll doesn't work for everybody though.
s> The tablets seem to be working better than a chlorophyll liquid did.
s> sol

s> Garnet wrote:

>>So far I treat twice a week when I am good, and maybe once every other
>>when I get busy. IF I manage to get a hold of some no odor DMSO I will
>>treat every day -- it is only the odor issue that is holding me back, it
>>bothers my husband so much.
>>Will report my results as I progress, so far I have bought myself at the
>>last 12 months with this treatment. Also drink CS every day of course,
>>but this is not enough.

s> --
s> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

s> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

s> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
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s> http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

s> Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
s> OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

s> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Water distillers

2004-11-08 Thread J&S Campbell
Can you please tell me if these counter top distillers you've been
mentioning make as
good quality CS as you'd get with DW?

I seem to remember reading that they didn't produce sufficiently pure
water? Or is that wrong?

Is it necessary to double distill or would a single distillation suffice?

Are there any specific features you need to look out for in a
distiller suitable for producing water for making CS?


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Uveitis Site for Sheila

2004-11-11 Thread J&S Campbell
Hi Garnet,

Many thanks for the link,


Thursday, November 11, 2004, 4:04:33 AM, you wrote:
G> Hi Sheila,

G> I came across this site when searching for information on Melungeon
G> (mixed race group that predates English settlers) health issues. Looked
G> like a site that might be useful for you.

G> Garnet

G> http://www.uveitis.org/patient/default.html

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re[2]: CS>Tooth brushing with soap

2004-11-19 Thread J&S Campbell
Is it OK to use H202 to brush your teeth? It doesn't have a bad effect on the 

Friday, November 19, 2004, 3:32:24 PM, you wrote:
Re: CS>>Tooth brushing with soap

DN> From: John Rigby (view other messages by this author) 
DN> Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2004 17:42:25 


DN> Hi Dan,  why not just use  CS??
DN> Or ad H202  and get teeth like a Movie Star at the same time? :-)

DN> Cheers,
DN> Himagain

DN> __

DN> Hi John,

DN> It's those pesky tastebuds again...

DN> Dan

DN> --
DN> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

DN> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

DN> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
DN> Silver List archive:
DN> http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

DN> Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
DN> OT Archive:
DN> http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

DN> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Interesting article and site

2004-12-01 Thread J&S Campbell
  This is an interesting article and Dr Rath's site on nutritional medicine is 
well worth a visit. 


Cellular Medicine/ Alternative Therapies

  Cancer-Enabling Enzyme Can Be Blocked Naturally

Danish Research Confirms Cancer Breakthrough Approach by Matthias Rath, M.D.

FREMONT, CA., Nov. 29

A discovery made by Dr. Matthias Rath on how nutrient synergy can halt the
cascading series of events that lead to the metastasis of cancer has been 
confirmed by Research done at Copenhagen University and published in the
International Journal of Cancer.

The Danish study found that the lack of the enzyme urokinase plasminogen 
(uPA) can stop  the spread of cancer, as shown in mice genetically modified to 
have the enzyme. The absence of uPA prevents the ability of cancer cells to 
collagen and metastasize to other parts of the body, but today there are no
pharmaceutical solutions to block uPA.

Dr. Matthias Rath's research shows that blocking this enzyme can be achieved
naturally. In 1992, Dr. Rath published research suggesting the use of amino acid
lysine as a natural inhibitor of plasmin and other enzymes (matrix
metalloproteinases) involved in collagen digestion. Recently, Dr. Rath and his 
of researchers at the Matthias Rath Research Institute in Cellular Medicine, 
Clara, CA have identified a specific combination of nutrients that can inhibit 
activity of collagen dissolving enzymes and stop the spread of cancer cells. Dr.
Rath's research shows that Vitamin C, the amino acids L-lysine and L-proline, 
and a
green tea extract known as Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) work together to
synergistically block the spread of cancer cells through connective tissue. In
addition, this specific nutrient synergy can reduce new blood vessel formation,
which supplies blood to tumors (angiogenesis), inhibit cancer cell replication, 
induce a natural "suicide" c ycle in cancer cells (apoptosis).

"The most effective way to control cancer is by attacking cancer simultaneously 
all four ways it threatens health: its spread, growth, lifespan and survival" 
Dr. Rath.

Dr. Rath's research, published in scientific journals and presented at many
scientific conferences, points the way to a new era in the natural control of
cancer, which is both more effective and safer than pharmaceutical methods.

For more information on Dr. Rath's research, go to http://www.drrathresearch.org

  If you have any questions, wishes or suggestions, or if you want us to take 
name off the newsletter list, you can write an e-mail to:

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>CS & Xylitol

2005-01-10 Thread J&S Campbell

Ian, how many days can you keep a CS and xylitol solution for?
Sunday, January 9, 2005, 7:18:16 PM, you wrote:
IR> Just an encouragement here for those of you who have tried and haven't tried
IR> 1 level teaspoon of Xylitol per 8 oz of CS as a nasal spray : this mix
IR> continues to benefit a great number of people with both sinus infections and
IR> sinus allergies.  You can make the stuff up for a lot less than what it is
IR> being sold for on the internet. Even people with chronic nasal problems who
IR> have almost given up hope of finding anything that will work for them are
IR> finding benefit from this - even if they have to use it 4-5 times per day.
IR> It's non addictive and doesn't have the rebound problems of antihistamines.
IR> Not sure why it works with those folks who have allergies but it does
IR> provide relief and it definitely helps those with infections.

IR> Ian

IR> --
IR> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

IR> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

IR> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
IR> Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

IR> Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
IR> OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

IR> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re[2]: CS>CS$Xylitol

2005-01-14 Thread J&S Campbell

 Sol, I have been following your advice here for some time and have avoided 
colds etc and a friend who works with elderly patients and was always getting 
sinus infections and colds has been doing the misting of eyes etc for the past 
year too and not had one infection, so thanks, this does seem to be of definite 
Thursday, January 13, 2005, 7:46:29 PM, you wrote:
s> As I am misting my eyes, I inhale as much of the mist as possible, and also 
s> give my mouth and throat a spray for good measure. That seems to do it for 
s> me. Actually, I sort of mist my whole face from about 6-8 inches away, 
s> while blinking and inhaling into the mist.  And I then mist my hands and 
s> make sure the CS gets all over them, palms and backs and fingers. This is 
s> just what works for me. I carry a 2 oz mister bottle in my purse at all 
s> times, and have several of them around the house as well.
s> A mist of CS to the eyes is very soothing to dry eyes, too.
s> sol

s> At 12:32 PM 1/13/2005, you wrote:
>> I found that irrigating my sinus with CS once a week or right after 
>> exposure to someone who was sick prevented me from catching a cold or the 
>> flu.  I haven't had one in three years.  Washing the hands is another 
>> preventative measure but I don't do that as often as I should.   Before I 
>> started using CS in the sinus I got 4-5 colds a year.

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Rejoining List

2005-01-21 Thread J&S Campbell
Welcome back, I sincerely hope 2005 is a very much better year for you and your 

Friday, January 21, 2005, 4:55:59 AM, you wrote:
BB>  Hello Folks,
BB>   I am rejoining the listprimarily as an interested 
BB> The immediately-past months have been busy and somewhat demanding of
BB> mine and Sylvia's time.  Additionally, my co-founding Foundation partner and
BB> dearest friend of fifty years (Eric Harborne) passed away the last week of
BB> December, 2004---climaxing an overly-eventful year for us.
BB>I have missed the comradeship of the members on the 
Silver-List, and certainly, the
BB> enthusiastic efforts of all to share their talents and experiences.  
BB>Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>)T: Possible Response to Codex A. Effects

2005-01-30 Thread J&S Campbell
Dear Brooks,

Thanks very much for your post on rosa rugosa, I too would be very grateful for 
more info on this and what to do with the hips plus storage etc.

I live in Scotland, UK and as you can imagine have been very disturbed by what 
the pharma companies and the EU are getting up to with our supplements. 
However, there was a glimmer of hope the other day when the Alliance for 
Natural Health (organisation of vit/mincompanies etc) took the EU to the 
European Court of Justice over the whole issue.Also there was a debate in the 
House of Commins in London on this issue, predictably the Government won as 
they have a large majority but got rather a red face over it as many did vote 
against it and they siad they were for the EU ban for the publics safety yet 
they couldn't come up with any evidence for any dangers from the supplements so 
ended up looking rather stupid. 

I have printed off 2  brief articles on it below and it does seem to have gone 
pretty well. We are all hoping we will get a "stay of execution" over all this 
at least for a while but we will have to wait and see.

They are also out to get herbal medicines and homeopathy.

I know from my homeopathic doctor that homeopathic remedies have  been found to 
still be potent well over 100years after their production, if kept in correct 
conditions. He was present when they used some remedies made by Hannemann 
himself and they still worked. 

Obviously vits/mins wouldn't keep nearly that long but do you have any idea how 
long they may last in case we need to stash up on these things? I suspect the 
dates you see for vits/mins expiring are partly a sales thing and they would 
last a lot longer than they say on the labels or am I being over cynical here?

Best wishes,

Sheila Campbell   

UK government decides not to attend court hearing to make its objections to the 

For immediate release 25 January 2005

The Alliance for Natural Health today presented its oral submission to the 
European Court of Justice in Luxembourg in its landmark case challenging the 
ban in the EU Food Supplements Directive on 75% of vitamin and mineral forms 
currently sold in the EU market.

Opposing oral submissions were made by the European Commission, the Council of 
Ministers, the European Parliament and only one EU Member State, Greece.

UK Government does not present its objections to the challenge.
Interestingly, neither the UK government nor Portugal attended to present oral 
arguments despite having filed Written Observations in the case. This means 
that none of the major EU countries felt the need to oppose the ANH's 
application for a declaration that the ban in the Directive was unlawful.

David Hinde Solicitor and ANH Legal Director said:

"Given the vigour with which the UK government resisted this application at 
the Judicial Review stage, it was extraordinary it did not now think the issue 
sufficiently important to warrant being represented at the ECJ to make oral 
submissions. The question inevitably arises whether this signifies a change of 
attitude on their part and a retreat from their previously bullish position 
about the legality of the Directive." 

Paul Lasok QC, a world leading expert on EU law, representing the ANH opened 
the proceedings and systematically undermined the legal and scientific basis of 
the Directive, highlighting contradictions between various arguments put 
forward by the key bodies involved in developing the Directive, namely the 
European Commission, the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament.

When asked by Judge Lenaerts as to the origin of the positive list which 
appeared to have been derived from an old list produced by the European 
Commission, and so omitted a vast array of nutrients that can normally be found 
in food, Mr Lasok responded:

"The list was put together without adding, without subtracting and without 

Advocate General Geelhoed, the senior judge at today's hearing, appeared to be 
baffled by the procedure for adding nutrients to the positive list, which he 

"As transparent as a black box."

Dr Robert Verkerk, executive director of the ANH said after the hearing:

"It was remarkable that the vast majority of points that we had gone to 
great length to show the Court were not countered in any effective way by the 
opposing parties. The Commission, the Council and the Parliament were not able 
to give any adequate scientific explanations for why so many forms of vitamins 
and minerals that naturally occur in foods could be banned across the EU."

Final judgement e

Re: CS>Clinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C

2008-11-10 Thread J&S Campbell
Brooks, thank you very much for this post, if I may ask a couple of questions. 

In your previous post on weaponised biologicals you suggested taking 
5000-1g of ascorbic acid a day, which we are already doing. 

1. Would it be better to take it in the form of sodium ascorbate, mixing it 
with sodium bicarb as you suggest here or would that mean we were taking in too 
much sodium?

2. If you take it in the form of sodium ascorbate can you therefore take 
considerably less as it is absorbed a thousand times more efficiently?

3. Could you take oral vit C with DMSO to aid absorption?

4. I have very vague memories of someone posting some years ago that CS is 
absorbed more effectively into the cells if you take something like e-lyte 
along with it, is this correct?

With thanks,


Thursday, November 6, 2008, 11:49:24 PM, you wrote:
>  For interested parties on the list that may not 
> know where to beginto familiarize themselves, somewhat, with the 
> Work of  Dr. F. Klenner,  this introduction to some of his early 
> worksmight be illuminating.  (see url at bottom of page).
>  Dr. Robert F. Cathcart.  M.D., has been most 
> successful in his Vitamin C protocol developments.
>Try  Http//WWW.orthomed.com/titrate.htmfor some
> interesting commentary on addressing clinical/sub-clinical scurvy.
> Few members of the general public realize how very prevalent low 
> systemic levels of vitamin C are presenting among them.  Also, it is 
> useful to note that one should be quite explicit as to what "type" of 
> ascorbate  (e.g. sodium ascorbate, ascorbic acid, calcium ascorbate, 
> etc.).  This will mitigate against misunderstandings by persons with 
> whom you may be in contact.
>One additional comment:  At present, there are an increasing
> number of individuals using  ascorbic acid powder and solutions as a 
> direct nasal spray..in address to various sinus presentations.  Our
> research STRONGLY INDICATES such a protocol
> will cause damage to the mucous membranes (at least this has proven the
> case in our experimental research).  The simple solution is to use 
> either powdered sodium ascorbate  "snuffed", or a buffered solution of
> acorbic acid powder mixed with enough sodium bicarbonate to yield a near
> neutral ph.  This is quite simple in reality...one can place 1 level
> teaspoon of ascorbic acid powder/crystals  in about 3 ounces of water 
> and add about 1/2 teaspoon of common baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) 
> and stir well.  The parent mixture will, immediately, become sodium 
> ascorbate-one of the ideal forms of ascorbate to ingest.   Such a 
> mixture has demonstrated to never
> cause any untoward effects in any of our experimental 
> volunteers...all epithelial tissues are quite accepting, and no 
> damage has ever been evident.Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley

>   p.s.  Sodium ascorbate is several thousand percent MORE absorbable by
> human tissue.than is ascorbic acid...and it IS NOT  a tissue burner.

> Http://www.seanet.com/~alexs/ascorbate/198x/smith-lh-clinical_guide_1988.htm
> Another excellent source of Vitamin C information is
> Http//www.vitamincfoundation.org

> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re[2]: CS>mycoplasma

2005-12-07 Thread J&S Campbell

Here is a link to info on a book out recently by Prof Garth Nicolson on  his 
and others quest to uncover  mycoplasmas as the cause of GWS and other 


Wednesday, December 7, 2005, 3:55:49 AM, you wrote:
ND> Mycplasma is a man made virus that I believe is the cause of most all auto
ND> immunine diseases:
ND> This is only my theory, but it makes a great deal of sense to me.

ND> Nancy

ND> MS, is an autoimmune disease.  When we have an autoimmune disease, the
ND> doctor tells us our body attacks itself for no reason.  There are entirely
ND> too many bodies attacking themselves for no reason.  There must be a reason
ND> for all the attacking.

ND> We all have mycoplasma (very tiny one celled organisms with no cell
ND> wall) on our bodies.  For the most part they are harmless.

ND> (Mycoplasmas - Stealth Pathogens 
ND> www.rain-tree.com/myco.htm ).  When we
ND> have a stress in our lives, these mycoplasma invade our own cells.  Because
ND> they are so tiny, they invade our cells and because they have no cell walls,
ND> they take the shape of our cell.  It feeds off of our cell.  Our immune
ND> system knows there is something there, BUT, because it is now hidden in our
ND> own cells, our immune system cannot find the pathogen.  It attacks and
ND> cannot find anything, but there is very definitely something there.

ND> The cells the mycoplasma invades is pretty much the disease we get.  It
ND> invades our central nervous system, we have MS.  It invades our organs:
ND> Lupus; invades our joints: rheumatoid arthritis; fibromyalgia; chronic
ND> fatigue syndrome; croans, and on and on.

ND> Colloidal Silver kills single cells.  It will get to the mycoplasma and
ND> suffocate it.  Then, the dead mycoplasma and the CS are eliminated from the
ND> body. I realize this sounds too easy and simple, and I'm sure it is more
ND> complicated then that, but basically, this is the process.  The main problem
ND> is that it is very difficult to get the CS to the mycoplasma. That is the
ND> challenge we have.  That is why it is a very slow, subtle process.

ND>  http://mindcontrolforums.com/mycoplamsa.htm  Mycoplasma is misspelled, but
ND> this is correct site.

ND>  http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/eid/vol3no1/baseman.htm

ND> http://www.mercola.com/2001/sep/8/mycoplasma.htm

ND> http://www.rense.com/general62/molecularterrorism.htm

ND> - Original Message - 
ND> From: "Betsy Coffey" 
ND> To: 
ND> Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 12:41 AM
Subject: CS>>mycoplasma

>> HI Ernie, I thought that mycoplasma was a bacterium?
>> It is interesting the different theories about ms.  I
>> have heard that it is caused by the same virus as
>> chicken pox,shingles and herpes.
>> __
>> Yahoo! DSL - Something to write home about.
>> Just $16.99/mo. or less.
>> dsl.yahoo.com
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>> Version: 7.1.371 / Virus Database: 267.13.12/193 - Release Date: 12/6/2005

CS>Re[2]: CS>Unresponsive sickness

2006-01-30 Thread J&S Campbell

Interesting to hear you say this Jim. Over here in the UK (I live in Scotland) 
the same nasty fleuy bug has been going around and really flooring people, 
taking weeks to get fully over it. 

A nutritional/homeopathic/therapist we see, who uses Vega testing, has been 
saying for several years that the flu vaccines somehow or other causes those 
vaccinated to give of viral particles and when they do they  are slightly 
different from the ones they were vaccinated with. These then infect those not 
vaccinated and because these particles are in effect manmade from the vaccine 
the body doesn't recognise them as effectively as it might and is therefore not 
so efficient at getting rid of it, and they seem to affect the body at a deeper 
energetic level, plus they are adding bacterial infections into the flu 
vaccines now too and she says these cause similar problems. 

She also says that when she tests people who have had the vaccine they are 
effected negatively by the vaccinations too and she has found higher levels of 
serious complication when these people get the flu ( as many do  )and higher 
levels of cancer which she thinks might be due to the vaccines affect on the 
immune system.

Do you have any links to sites with info on this? 


Monday, January 30, 2006, 2:39:10 AM, you wrote:
JH> Current research on that epidemic indicates it was mainly caused by the
JH> vaccine. 


JH> -Original Message-
JH> From: Carol Ann [mailto:saffiresk...@yahoo.com] 
JH> Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2006 5:25 PM
JH> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>>Unresponsive sickness


JH> Hi Mike, 

JH> I've just finished reading the book the Great Influenza of 1918.  That
JH> particular killer was a consummate hunter, mutation after mutation it
JH> circled the World three times before fading into oblivion.  Australia was
JH> the only continent that did not suffer massive casualties or astronomical
JH> mortality rates due to the fact the govt quarantined the entire country.
JH> Not until the last round of mutation did they become infected due to a troop
JH> transport ship filled with sick soldiers. It was their own doctors treating
JH> the troops who allowed the flu into the country. 

JH> If one does gets sick with one of the latest unknown viral infections or
JH> superbugs, perhaps in the "long run" we may  be better off for having been
JH> infected  and dealing with it, especially so if it is not life threatening,
JH> ! ; the symptoms, although creating a good deal of misery,  treatable.

JH> I would keep accumulating a potent arsenal.  

JH> Best regards,
JH> Carol Ann

JH> So just what are these superbugs? Or is it something else?

JH> I would be prepared with zappers, mag pulsers, other anti-pathogenic 
JH> preparations like grapefruit seed or olive leaf extracts... and hit it
JH> with everything.

JH> Deep dark conspiracy? Well it's imaginable, but not the simplest 
JH> explanation. 

JH> Be well,

JH> Mike D.

JH> [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
JH> [mdev...@eskimo.com ]
JH> [Speaking only for myself... ]

JH> --
JH> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

JH> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

JH> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

JH> Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

JH> ! The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

JH> List maintainer: Mike Devour 




JH> Carol Ann

JH>  ___

JH> The Pessimist complains about the Wind; 
JH> The Optimist expects it to change; 
JH> The Realist adjusts the Sails.   - The world needs more sailors! . 

JH>   _  

JH> Yahoo!
JH>  lYwNtYWlsdGFncwRzbGsDMWF1dG9z/*http:/autos.yahoo.com/index.html%20> Autos.
JH> Looking for a sweet ride? Get pricing, reviews, & more on new and used cars.

CS>glucosamine sulphate

2006-02-20 Thread J&S Campbell
Interesting article on side effects of glucosamine sulphate.
Sheila C

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Cancer therapies...

2005-02-07 Thread J&S Campbell

Hi Mike,

Just a wee titbit of info on Gerson therapy, my homeopathic doctor, very bright 
guy, said the other day that he had been at a conference on it, many years ago 
now, and he was very impressed with the results people were getting on it, 
people who were really at the end of the line were making recoveries.

 He said that he always kept the gerson treatment in mind in case he ever was 
in that situation as it all really impressed him though he said it was all very 
hard work and you really needed someone to help you do all the juicing etc etc 
to let you rest and make the most of the treatment as it was quite demanding. 


Sunday, February 6, 2005, 7:45:22 PM, you wrote:
MGD> Greetings,

MGD> I've been working very hard the last week exploring alternative cancer 
MGD> therapies in greater depth. A good friend is diagnosed with colon 
MGD> cancer, with possible liver involvement. He'll get word back on the 
MGD> liver pathology tomorrow, so we'll know more soon.

>>From what I see, he's a good candidate for the alternatives. He's still 
MGD> quite strong and healthy, his wife is open to these ideas and has 
MGD> health-care experience, and they have friends and family enough to 
MGD> provide support if they need it.

MGD> I've found good, solid information on the Gerson therapy. Anybody have 
MGD> any stories to tell about it, good or bad? 

MGD> I haven't found anything good enough on the Budwig diet and therapy 
MGD> that I'd be willing to give to somebody else. Any pointers? Web sites, 
MGD> books? Brooks has recommended Budwig in the past. I'll have to refer 
MGD> back to some of his posts to see what resources were suggested. 
MGD> Anything else?

MGD> If they decide to add or substitute some alternative therapies, I'll be 
MGD> continuing this research for a while. Any other comments are welcome -- 
MGD> direct experiences, particularly. I'd like to provide some first hand 
MGD> testimonials from folks I know, apart from the ones in books and 
MGD> elsewhere.

MGD> Peace, all.

MGD> Mike D.

MGD> [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
MGD> [mdev...@eskimo.com]
MGD> [Speaking only for myself...   ]

MGD> --
MGD> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

MGD> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

MGD> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
MGD> Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

MGD> Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
MGD> OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

MGD> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re[2]: CS>HELP PLEASE Sinus Infection

2005-02-23 Thread J&S Campbell

Nenah, would putting 2 0r 3 drops of  3% H202 into  the ears have a similar 
effect to the ozone therapy you used ?

Tuesday, February 22, 2005, 1:45:47 PM, you wrote:

NS> - Original Message - 
NS> From: "Medwith, Robert" 
NS> To: "'cs'" 
NS> Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2005 8:01 AM
Subject: CS>>HELP PLEASE Sinus Infection

>> Despite taking a 2 to 1 mix of Gatorade and CS I still got a recurring Sinus
>> Infection.
>> I am on Antibiotics.
>> What CS is inject able
>> How would I inject
>> Where would I inject, in leg thigh or in Vein
>> What makes a certain CS safe for injection, is it filtered better or what.
>> Considering injecting some CS but need to use right one and to do it right
>> I wish I knew some one who would give CS in IV,s
>>  Thanks
>> Bob

NS> Bob,
NS> Sinus infections can be quite nasty. Most are caused by mold or fungus. I 
NS> chronic sinusitis for years, sometimes so bad that I had to breathe through 
NS> mouth at night because my nose was so stopped up.

NS> Colloidal silver didn't do it for me. The first line of attack was Larrea
NS> tridentata, otherwise known as chapparal and made by a company called 
NS> It's on my website under "products." Taking Shegoi opened up my nose and
NS> eliminated about 75% of the sinus pain.

NS> However, I was living in a moldy house at the time and was constantly
NS> re-infecting myself. So I bought some great ozone equipment from Plasmafire 
NS> Canada and began insufflating ozone into both ears daily. Within a week, a 
NS> deal of the mold was killed. My ears stopped itching and my sinuses opened 
NS> even more. Even my thinking was clearer because the ozone reached my brain.

NS> I will contact you off-list about CS that is of high enough quality to be
NS> injected. I do NOT recommend that you try to inject it yourself.

NS> Best,
NS> Nenah

NS> Nenah Sylver, PhD
NS> author, The Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing
NS> and The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy
NS> ORDER BOTH AT  http://www.nenahsylver.com
NS> Also: Holistic Health Products, Supplements, Services

NS> --
NS> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

NS> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

NS> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
NS> Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

NS> Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
NS> OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

NS> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re[2]: CS>Bird flu question

2005-02-24 Thread J&S Campbell

Yes I remember reading that to, it had something to do with the vaccinations 
people, especially soldiers had been given, sorry can't remember where I read 
Sheila C
Thursday, February 24, 2005, 6:20:40 AM, you wrote:
JH> I read something recently that supported the theory that one of the recent
JH> great global flu pandemics was created by a release.  Perhaps on rense.com.
JH> I will try and find it.

JH> Jim

JH> -Original Message-
JH> From: Marshall Dudley [mailto:mdud...@king-cart.com] 
JH> Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 3:18 PM
JH> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>>Bird flu question

JH> Dan Nave wrote:

>> I think that the response below is basically a facile rationalization to
>> support and perpetuate a particular personal viewpoint.
>> There were flu pandemics in the 19th and 20th centuries.  These were
>> certainly not made and spread on purpose by governments.

JH> They were also not announced in advance by any government.  To announce
JH> something in
JH> advance, that after millions of years a certain mutation of a certain virus
JH> is
JH> expected to happen next year seems awfully far fetched. If this mutation had
JH> already
JH> happened and was spreading that would be another matter. But the newscast I
JH> heard
JH> was them saying that it WAS GOING TO HAPPEN.

>> And, you
>> should learn something from watching the machinations of the "Amazing"
>> Randy; just because something is possible doesn't mean that it is being
>> done in any particular situation.

JH> You have to look at the flip side. What are the odds that a certain
JH> something that
JH> has not happened in 10 billion years will happen next year spontaneously.
JH> Not
JH> likely, unless something else is at work.  As I said, I think it is just to
JH> try and
JH> keep the fear factor up, especially since many people are not taking the
JH> terrorist
JH> warnings seriously anymore.

JH> Marshall

>> Dan
>> Re: CS>Bird flu question
>> From: Marshall Dudley (view other messages by this author)
>> Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2005 10:26:01
>> I think this is all hype personally. How would they know what the next
>> flu is going
>> to be before it mutates into it? Unless they are making it themselves
>> and spreading
>> it.
>> They are just trying to keep the fear level up, just like all the
>> security alerts
>> the government announces that NEVER lead to anything.  General fear of
>> the people
>> means more control for the government.
>> Marshall
>> --
>> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
>> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
>> Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
>> Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
>> OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html
>> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Dr using CS successfully in Mexico - good article and photos

2005-02-27 Thread J&S Campbell

Here is part of the article, more on using Cs for skin infection and burns etc.



The "Breath of Life"! 

One of the things I introduced during this session was the use of
the "nebulizer" to treat upper respiratory problems such as severe
colds, flu, emphysema, and TB (among others). Once the obvious benefits
of this mode of applying "colloidal silver" were understood, the two
nebulizers were used extensively. The results were "impressive", to say
the least. 

For example, the old fellow on the right (pic #3 - Jorge -
"George") had severe emphysema. He had difficulty walking ten feet
without stopping to catch his breath. His condition had improved
"slightly" over the previous couple of months by taking colloidal silver
orally, but he still had very limited chest expansion, poor oxygen
absorption, and he had a very "dry" cough with no phlegm. 
The first day of clinic I put him on the nebulizer for twenty
minutes and administering about five cc's of colloidal silver. The next
day he returned to tell us that he had been unable to sleep because he
was coughing up so much phlegm that he thought he would drown. I gave
him another twenty minute treatment. Two days later he returned for a
third treatment, feeling much better, able to walk without stopping for
breath, and demonstrated a vastly increased lung capacity (with deep
breaths). George stopped by for another treatment the day before we
left. He was ecstatic! He had not felt that good in over twenty years! 
They have no "OSHA" in Mexico. People who make cement breath "lime
dust", road workers and laborers breath "dirt-dust", farmers and
ranchers breath "heavy smoke" when burn-clearing their groves, and on it
goes! Emphysema is very prevalent in this environment. The created
pollution affects the young as well as the old (depends on which way the
breeze is blowing). As you can see above (all emphysema cases), nobody
is immune to this condition! 
It is not so much the irritants (we have them here - pollution).
The tropical conditions accelerate the "hyper-bacterial" infections in
the irritated tissues. The tropics are definitely beautiful, but they
have a disadvantage - the climate itself! I have seen this same common
denominator at work in Columbia, Brazil, Equador, Borneo, Philippines,
Marshall Islands, Indonesia, Malaysia, and numerous other locations
around the globe. When the temperature is right, the humidity very high,
and the hygiene leaves something to be desired, bacteria (and the
resultant infectious diseases) proliferate at a "mind boggling" rate. 
A note on "nebulizers". 

The longer I use the nebulizer to administer "colloidal silver",
the more impressed I am. It is the ideal way to get CS in direct contact
with affected areas in the respiratory tract. Results are rapid and
spectacular for all types of respiratory problems. 
But there is something else! I am beginning to realize that this
may be the optimum (non-intrusive) method of administering "colloidal
silver"!! Period!! Stop to think about it! Where is the bodys "thinnest"
tissue barrier to the circulatory system? The lungs!! I am finding that
(next to IV - which has many drawbacks) "colloidal silver" can be
introduced into the system many times faster using the nebulizer. There
are some areas in which I feel this might not be the best "continuing"
application, such as problems in the upper GI tract, but this will
require further investigation. Overall, I am discovering that results
are faster (and even appear 'amplified') using the nebulizer for
administration of "colloidal silver". 
REASON: If the particle size is too large to 'penetrate' into the
tissues, whatever is NOT absorbed remains on the surface, eventually
causing build-ups and accumulation. Use the Nebulizer ONLY to administer
a very highly bio-available CS - 80% and up! 
Remember, most LVDC CS is only 10-30% bio-available! 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Successful supplemental CoQ in treatment of breast cancer

2005-02-27 Thread J&S Campbell

Interesting article on use of CoQ in breast cancer and the acid/alkali issues 
in cancer.



The provision of supplemental CoQ10 (390 mg) to breast cancer patients
has been shown to induce complete regression in some cases. [Biochem
Biophys Res Comm 199: 1504-08, 1994; 212: 172-77, 1995] Though only a
small group study, the provision of an array of antioxidant supplements
including coenzyme Q10 to high risk breast cancer patients has been
demonstrated to be beneficial in reducing mortality, spread of cancer
and quality of life. [Mol Aspects Med 15: 231-40S, 1994]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Artemesia successful against breat cancer

2005-04-08 Thread J&S Campbell



DATE: Nov. 26, 2001

* Ancient Chinese folk remedy may hold key to non-toxic cancer treatment *

Two bioengineering researchers at the University of Washington have 
discovered a promising potential treatment for cancer among the ancient 
arts of Chinese folk medicine.

Research Professor Henry Lai and assistant research Professor Narendra 
Singh have exploited the chemical properties of a wormwood derivative to 
target breast cancer cells, with surprisingly effective results. A study 
in the latest issue of the journal Life Sciences 
 describes how the derivative 
killed virtually all human breast cancer cells exposed to it within 16 

“Not only does it appear to be effective, but it’s very selective,” Lai 
said. “It’s highly toxic to the cancer cells, but has a marginal impact 
on normal breast cells.”

The compound, artemisinin, isn’t new. It apparently was extracted from 
the plant Artemesia annua L., commonly known as wormwood, thousands of 
years ago by the Chinese, who used it to combat malaria. However, the 
treatment was lost over time. Artemisinin was rediscovered during an 
archaeological dig in the 1970s that unearthed recipes for ancient 
medical remedies, and has become widely used in modern Asia and Africa 
to fight the mosquito-borne disease.

The compound helps control malaria because it reacts with the high iron 
concentrations found in the malaria parasite. When artemisinin comes 
into contact with iron, a chemical reaction ensues, spawning charged 
atoms that chemists call “free radicals.” The free radicals attack cell 
membranes, breaking them apart and killing the single-cell parasite.

About seven years ago, Lai began to hypothesize that the process might 
work with cancer, too.

“Cancer cells need a lot of iron to replicate DNA when they divide,” Lai 
explained. “As a result, cancer cells have much higher iron 
concentrations than normal cells. When we began to understand how 
artemisinin worked, I started wondering if we could use that knowledge 
to target cancer cells.”

Lai devised a potential method and began to look for funding, obtaining 
a grant from the Breast Cancer Fund in San Francisco. Meanwhile, the UW 
patented his idea.

The thrust of the idea, according to Lai and Singh, was to pump up the 
cancer cells with maximum iron concentrations, then introduce 
artemisinin to selectively kill the cancer. To accommodate a rate of 
iron intake greater than normal cells, cancer cell surfaces feature 
greater concentrations of transferrin receptors – cellular pathways that 
allow iron into a cell. Breast cancer cells are no exception. They have 
five to 15 times more transferrin receptors on their surface than normal 
breast cells.

In the current study, the researchers subjected sets of breast cancer 
cells and normal breast cells to doses of holotransferrin (which binds 
with transferrin receptors to transport iron into cells), 
dihydroartemisinin (a more water-soluble form of artemisinin) and a 
combination of both compounds. Cells exposed to just one of the 
compounds showed no appreciable effect. Normal breast cells, exposed to 
both compounds, exhibited a minimal effect. But the response by cancer 
cells when hit with first holotransferrin, then dihydroartemisinin, was 

After eight hours, just 25 percent of the cancer cells remained. By the 
time 16 hours had passed, nearly all the cells were dead.

An earlier study involving leukemia cells yielded even more impressive 
results. Those cells were eliminated within eight hours. A possible 
explanation might be the level of iron in the leukemia cells.

“They have one of the highest iron concentrations among cancer cells,” 
Lai explained. “Leukemia cells can have more than 1,000 times the 
concentration of iron that normal cells have.”

The next step, according to Lai, is animal testing. Limited tests have 
been done in that area. In an earlier study, a dog with bone cancer so 
severe it couldn’t walk made a complete recovery in five days after 
receiving the treatment. But more rigorous testing is needed.

If the process lives up to its early promise, it could revolutionize the 
way some cancers are approached, Lai said. The goal would be a treatment 
that could be taken orally, on an outpatient basis.

“That would be very easy, and this could make that possible,” Lai said. 
“The cost is another plus – at $2 a dose, it’s very cheap. And, with the 
millions of people who have already taken artemisinin for malaria, we 
have a track record showing that it’s safe.”

Whatever happens, Lai said, a portion of the credit will have to go to 
unknown medical practitioners, long gone now.

“The fascinating thing is that this was something the Chinese used 

CS>Garlic prevents pulmonary hypertension

2005-04-08 Thread J&S Campbell

Garlic May Ward Off...a Lung Condition

Mon Apr 4, 3:01 PM ET

/By Alison McCook/

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - An ingredient in garlic appears to prevent a 
potentially deadly type of high blood pressure affecting the lungs, at 
least in rats, according to new research presented Saturday.

The garlic ingredient, called allicin, seems to ward off pulmonary 
hypertension, or high blood pressure in the arteries that bring blood to 
the lungs. In humans, pulmonary hypertension can lead to potentially 
fatal complications in the heart and blood vessels.

"Garlic is very effective against pulmonary hypertension," researcher 
Dr. David D. Ku of the University of Alabama at Birmingham told Reuters 

Ku added that humans would need to eat two cloves of garlic every day to 
equal the rats' dose of allicin. He also cautioned that these findings 
are still very preliminary, and a lot more research is needed before 
doctors can recommend garlic in people who run the risk of developing 
pulmonary hypertension.

To put rats at risk of pulmonary hypertension, Ku and his team gave them 
a drug that triggers a constriction of the arteries feeding the lungs. 
Some of the rats received a garlic extract that contained allicin, and 
some of the rats ate boiled garlic, which contains no allicin.

By three weeks, rats that did not get any garlic had developed pulmonary 
hypertension, while the rats given allicin largely did not. Rats that 
ate allicin-free garlic developed pulmonary hypertension, as well, 
confirming that allicin is the key ingredient.

In an interview, Ku explained that allicin likely prevents pulmonary 
hypertension by causing the constricted blood vessels to relax, and by 
preventing damage to the blood vessels.

Interestingly, Ku said he and his colleagues experimented with allicin 
in other forms of hypertension and found it was largely ineffective, 
suggesting that the lung's blood vessels are "uniquely responsive to 

Ku and his colleagues presented their findings during the meeting of the 
American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics in San 
Diego, California.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re[2]: CS>UTIs and D-Mannose

2005-05-04 Thread J&S Campbell
Hi Grace,
Thanks for the info on mannose helping with UTI. Can you please tell
me where you buy the container of mannose from?
I wondered if you had tried calcium ascorbate and if that form might
be any better for you, no -acidic and less harsh on the guts but more
expensive than ascorbic acid.
Tuesday, May 3, 2005, 11:09:27 PM, you wrote:
Gac> Yes, this works wonderfully for infections caused by E-coli, but not other
Gac> pathogens.  It apparently inhibits the bacteria from attaching to the 
Gac> mucous membrane, and they are flushed out of the system.  

Gac> I have a better source than health food stores for this, if anybody wants 
Gac> know.  I order ten containers at a time--50 grams.  The suggested use on 
Gac> container is 1 tsp. every two hours in water.  When using the capsules 
Gac> all I have seen in health food stores), you would go through an expensive
Gac> bottle in no time.  With this container, you are set for about 14 days.

Gac> The infection I have (had?) was not caused by E-coli.  I tried d-mannose
Gac> first, and it didn't work. 

Gac> So far, the only thing that has curbed the infection (but not yet the 
Gac> symptom) has been an NAET treatment for (who would have guessed) parasites.
Gac> I guess Proteus mirabilis is a parasite!

Gac> Jill 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re[2]: CS>Vitamin C

2005-05-05 Thread J&S Campbell

So you would get calcium ascorbate from adding calcium bicarbonate?
Thursday, May 5, 2005, 6:56:51 AM, you wrote:
V> Hi Grace1way,

V> Yeah its real esay to make it yourself fresh and ingest lots of Vit C that 
way .

V> Here is how to make your own sodium ascorbate.

V> 1 level measuring teaspoon of Vitamin C in a glass (4 grams)
V> now add 1/2 level measuring teaspoon of baking soda
V> now add about 1 inch of water over it and it will fizz like crazy.
V> When it is done fizzing then fill the glass the rest of the way
V> with water and its ready to drink. dosent have much taste so its
V> easy to take.

V> Yuo can get a 1 pound can of pure Vit C at Trader Joes for about 10 bucks

V> Take care,
V>  V

>> I didn't know there was such a thing as SODIUM ASCORBATE.  Thank you.

>> Jill

V> --

V> --
V> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

V> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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V> Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
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V> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re[2]: CS>esterC

2005-05-05 Thread J&S Campbell

Ah so are you saying that ester C is simply calcium ascorbate, and
that is all there is too it?
Thursday, May 5, 2005, 3:06:10 AM, you wrote:
L> Actually it is a patented type of Calcium ascorbate and you can buy it with
L> out the patented ester C label.
L> Louise

L>   _  

L> From: FRANK CUNS-RIAL [mailto:f...@atlanticbb.net] 
L> Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 8:50 PM
L> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>>esterC

L> Ester C is a brand of ascorbate. If you want to pay Larry King promotional
L> fees go ahead otherwise buy generic sodium ascorbate. There is magnesium
L> ascorbate but is more difficult to get.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re[2]: CS>My symptoms - please help! - Rife treatment

2005-05-29 Thread J&S Campbell

Thanks very much for this info Brooks.

Do you have any info on what sort of machines, Rife or some form of
zapper are the best to use and does this vary from illness to illness
or from person to person?

For instance what would you suggest for lyme?

Do you know if such treatments can have an adverse effect on someone
like me who is sensitive to electrical things?

Kind regards and thanks for all the info you share on this list,


Sunday, May 29, 2005, 1:30:54 AM, you wrote:
BB>  Our research group has, during the immediately past
BB> thirteen years, conducted direct experiments using Rife-Type
BB> Plasma Generatorsin address to emphysema.  While enjoying some
BB> measureable success in cases presenting
BB> ancillary, infectious, components of bacterial/viral
BB> natures.we have never achieved any positive results affecting
BB> the scarred/tissue-damaged terrain.  We have not been able to
BB> achieve truly measureable qualitative results on any of the
BB> genuinely life-theatenlng disorders using---exclusively---any form
BB> of zapper.  Others certainly may have achieved more favorable
BB> results.
BB> In general, we have achievedin many
BB> casesgenuinely spectacular results using Rife technologyon
BB> a veritable catalog of disease-based insults.during the
BB> immediately-past 10 years.
BB> Sincerely,   Brooks Bradley. Harborne REsearch 

BB> - Original Message -
BB> From: panamp...@aol.com
BB> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>>My symptoms - please help! -  Rife treatment
BB> Date: Fri, 27 May 2005 07:00:04 EDT

>> Jason and all,
>> I am curious if you or anyone else has heard of this "RIFE MACHINE"  helping
>> someone with Emphysema?!  Or the pulsating lights, or  "Zapper"?!
>> Pete

BB> -- 
BB> ___
BB> NEW! Lycos Dating Search. The only place to search multiple dating sites at 
BB> http://datingsearch.lycos.com

BB> --
BB> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

BB> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

BB> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
BB> Silver List archive:
BB> http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

BB> Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
BB> OT Archive:
BB> http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

BB> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Curry spice may help fight cancer

2005-08-09 Thread J&S Campbell

Curry spice may help cancer fight

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Asthma and EFT

2005-08-10 Thread J&S Campbell
Hi Terry, I too would be interested in the EFT file, if it's not too
much trouble.



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>OT Turmeric and cystic fibrosis

2005-08-30 Thread J&S Campbell
 Thought this was interesting.


Science, Vol 304, Issue 5670, 600-602 , 23 April 2004
[DOI: 10.1126/science.1093941]

Curcumin, a Major Constituent of Turmeric, Corrects Cystic Fibrosis Defects

Marie E. Egan,1,2 Marilyn Pearson,1 Scott A. Weiner,1 Vanathy 
Rajendran,2 Daniel Rubin,1 Judith Glöckner-Pagel,2 Susan Canny,2 Kai 
Du,3 Gergely L. Lukacs,3 Michael J. Caplan2*

Cystic fibrosis is caused by mutations in the gene encoding the cystic 
fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). The most common 
mutation, {Delta}F508, results in the production of a misfolded CFTR 
protein that is retained in the endoplasmic reticulum and targeted for 
degradation. Curcumin is a nontoxic Ca–adenosine triphosphatase pump 
inhibitor that can be administered to humans safely. Oral administration 
of curcumin to homozygous {Delta}F508 CFTR mice in doses comparable, on 
a weight-per-weight basis, to those well tolerated by humans corrected 
these animals' characteristic nasal potential difference defect. These 
effects were not observed in mice homozygous for a complete knockout of 
the CFTR gene. Curcumin also induced the functional appearance of 
{Delta}F508 CFTR protein in the plasma membranes of transfected baby 
hamster kidney cells. Thus, curcumin treatment may be able to correct 
defects associated with the homozygous expression of {Delta}F508 CFTR.

1 Department of Pediatrics, Yale University School of Medicine, 333 
Cedar Street, Post Office Box 208026, New Haven, CT 06520–8026, USA.
2 Department of Cellular and Molecular Physiology, Yale University 
School of Medicine, 333 Cedar Street, Post Office Box 208026, New Haven, 
CT 06520–8026, USA.
3 Program in Cell and Lung Biology, Hospital for Sick Children, Research 
Institute, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, 
University of Toronto, McMaster Building, Room 2032F, 555 University 
Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1X8, Canada.

* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re[2]: CS>aspirin vs. white willow bark

2005-09-16 Thread J&S Campbell

Christine, can you recommend any good sites on essential oils please?
Thank you.
Thursday, September 15, 2005, 8:56:38 PM, you wrote:
CC> Deborah,

CC> I have not used White Willow Bark, but have used Birch essential oil.  In my
CC> experience, individuals allergic to aspirin (a single chemical constituent
CC> -acetylsalicylic acid-) appear to have not problem when using all the minute
CC> chemical constituents that nature provides in her products rather than
CC> fractionated pharmacy products.  Personally I would try a bit as a tea, and
CC> monitor results.  I have enjoyed the benefits of many herbs, barks, trees,
CC> stems, from nature.  If you took it too a Chinese herbalist, they should be
CC> able to tell you as they use many grasses, roots, trees etc in the broth's
CC> they prescribe for people to cook up in the Chinese cooking pots.

CC> Christine

>> From: "deborah byron" 
>> Reply-To: silver-list@eskimo.com
>> Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 12:41:50 -0500
>> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
>> Subject: CS>aspirin vs. white willow bark
>> Resent-From: silver-list@eskimo.com
>> Resent-Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 10:42:22 -0700
>> I'd like to ask the list whether anyone here has experience using an
>> infusion of white willow bark, the botanical source of salicylic acid, in
>> place of aspirin.  I'm wondering specifically whether some other
>> ingredient would be needed as a buffer.
>> Thanks,
>> Deborah
>> --
>> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
>> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
>> Silver List archive:
>> http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
>> Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
>> OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html
>> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Glass vs plastic

2005-09-21 Thread J&S Campbell

Thanks very much for posting this.
 Do you know has any work been done on the
storage of DMSO in glass versus plastic. With DMSO's properties is it
safe to store it in plastic? perhaps if it is PET type hard plastic it
is OK. Would glass not be the safer option for DMSO?
With thanks in advance,
Tuesday, September 20, 2005, 10:17:42 PM, you wrote:
TC> Please notice this: Very interesting!

TC> http://www.asapsolution.com/testresults.html

TC> Silver in Glass vs. Plastic Containers
TC> January 1, 2004 

TC> Non-Toxicity Test 

TC> In order to insure not only the best product, but also
TC> a safe product, American Biotech Labs hired an
TC> independent laboratory to do a toxicology study on the
TC> ASAP Solution. The test, called an LD-50 test, was
TC> performed in accordance with the guidelines of the
TC> Federal Hazardous Substances Act (FHSA) Regulations,
TC> 16 CFR 1500. 

TC> In the test work, the ASAP Solution was given to a
TC> number of both male and female test rats. The amount
TC> of ASAP Solution given to the rats was 5g/kg, or the
TC> equivalent of a 200 pound man taking 192 teaspoons of
TC> about 4 full 8 ounce bottles of the ASAP 10ppm
TC> solution at one time (the normal adult dosage is one
TC> or two teaspoons/day). 

TC> As a result of the test work, the independent
TC> laboratory made the following conclusion, "Under the
TC> conditions of this study, there was no mortality or
TC> significant evidence of toxicity observed in the rats.
TC> The test article (ASAP Solution) would not be
TC> considered toxic at a dose of 5g/kg by oral route in
TC> the rat." 

TC> American Biotech Labs Safety Data 

TC> American Biotech Labs has had five independent safety
TC> and toxicity tests completed on its 10 and 22 PPM
TC> silver products. The American Biotech Labs product was
TC> tested in animals at as much as 200 times the normal
TC> adult dosage, or the equivalent of an adult consuming
TC> 32 full ounces of the 10 ppm product at one sitting. 
TC> In conclusion to the animal tests, the independent
TC> medical testing laboratory stated that the ASAP
TC> Solution® was found to be completely non-toxic to the
TC> test animals.  The product was also tested for
TC> cytotoxicity in both human epithelial cells and also
TC> African green monkey or Vero cells, at both the
TC> regular 10 ppm level and also at the extra-strength 22
TC> ppm level.  In all four cytotoxicity tests the
TC> Amreican Biotech Labs' products were found completely
TC> non-toxic to both the human and Vero cells.   

TC> Silver in Glass vs. Plastic Containers 

TC> Introduction
TC> A great deal of controversy has arisen in the market
TC> place on the question of whether it is better to store
TC> silver solutions in glass versus plastic containers.
TC> There is a misconception that has prevailed in the
TC> market place that glass is better.  The idea that
TC> glass containers are better for storing products which
TC> contain silver has never been proven scientifically.
TC> In fact, it has been reported in other studies that
TC> glass may have a detrimental effect on silver
TC> products.   

TC> Test Work
TC> I have been conducting biological studies for 3 years,
TC> in the laboratory of a major private institution, on
TC> the use of silver products to kill and inhibit the
TC> growth of bacteria.  I have conducted thousands of
TC> tests on numerous strains of pathogenic bacteria. In
TC> the testing I have completed, I have used both glass
TC> (5 ml glass test tubes) and plastic (Falcon 5 ml
TC> polypropylene plastic test tubes). In some of the test
TC> work we found that there was a difference in the
TC> amount of silver that was needed to kill the bacteria
TC> when glass was used versus plastic test tubes.  In
TC> order to make sure this was the case, it was decided
TC> that the MIC tests (Minimum Inhibitory Concentration)
TC> should be replicated by more than one person and a
TC> direct comparison was made.  The MIC tests were
TC> performed in triplicate in both 5 ml 13X100mm glass
TC> test tubes and 5 ml Falcon polypropylene plastic test
TC> tubes.  Results of the bacterial (MIC) tests showed
TC> that Staphylococcus aureus was inhibited at 2.5 ppm
TC> when the MIC test was performed in the plastic test
TC> tubes.  S. aureus was inhibited at 5 ppm when the MIC
TC> test was performed in glass test tubes.  This
TC> suggested that the material with which the test tubes
TC> were made, specifically glass or plastic, may have
TC> effected the results of the MIC test.  Numerous other
TC> tests were also completed using larger concentrations
TC> of bacterium and in those tests it was found that
TC> there was no significant difference at all between
TC> using the glass test tubes versus plastic test tubes. 

TC> Other Studies
TC> The studies which I performed are not the only tests
TC> showing that glass, in some circumstances, may have a
TC> detrimental effect on silver products.  It has been
TC> noted in another independent study which has bee

Re: CS>Cancer, lemon juice, etc.

2005-10-17 Thread J&S Campbell

Please could you send me a copy of your zip file.
Many thanks,
Sheila Campbell
Sunday, October 16, 2005, 11:23:38 PM, you wrote:
TC> Barbara said,
>>Are you saying that all those hundreds of thousands
TC> of people that are dying of cancer each year (my
TC> husband was one of them)
TC> are dying completely needlesly?  And all the learned
TC> doctors and scientists do not understand or don't want
TC> to understand those simple changes on the cell level? 
TC> Are you saying that each and every cancer can be
TC> reversed by simply drinking lots of lemon juice and
TC> take alkaline minerals?<

TC> Let us not oversimplify here. Yes, most or all cancer
TC> deaths are needless, provided they had been treated
TC> early enough in ways that enabled the body to heal
TC> itself. Assuming the body had not sunk too low and
TC> lost too much ground to heal itself. No, it is not so
TC> simple as to just drink lemon water and all cancers
TC> will vanish. Dr. Carey Reams treated over 50,000
TC> cancer patients in his life, and claimed to have only
TC> lost 7 to cancer (most of them terminal, who had
TC> already experienced all their doctors could do to
TC> them). There is a long list of doctors and health
TC> practitioners who have had astounding success with all
TC> types of cancers, who have also been persecuted
TC> mercilessly by the medical establishment because of
TC> their success.

TC> Even using the word *cancer* is complex. What type of
TC> cancer? How long has it been there? How old is the
TC> victim? What has been their lifestyle up to
TC> discovering their cancer? How optimistic/pessimistic
TC> is their outlook on life? Have they already had their
TC> immune system damaged by standard medical procedure?
TC> These factors play a significant part in the success
TC> of combating cancer.

TC> I have worked with many cancer victims since I started
TC> testing in 1984. All of them, without exception, have
TC> had very acid urine/saliva pH. Does acid pH cause
TC> cancer? No, but bringing up the pH is a very, very
TC> integral part of fighting cancer. Dr. 
TC> Reams used lemon-water, calcium hydroxide and massive
TC> does of Vit D (up to 50,000 iu/day) along with other
TC> things to not just raise the pH but to concurrently
TC> improve the immune system and to detoxify and
TC> strengthen the body. He felt that faith in God was as
TC> important as improving pH in optimizing the patient’s
TC> chances of recovery.

TC> I had a woman with cancer who was brought to me by her
TC> husband to test. She had been having 100,000 mg of Vit
TC> C injected each day to fight off her cancer. Her pH
TC> was the lowest I had ever seen. I took her off the Vit
TC> C and recommended a diet/supplement program that
TC> included high doses of Vit D, the appropriate calciums
TC> and a high protein smoothie each day. Her condition
TC> was too fragile to do the lemon-water (a healing
TC> crisis might have done her in). She came in for
TC> bi-monthly testing, but wasn’t following my
TC> recommendations. She didn’t like the taste of the
TC> smoothie. She didn’t like taking all those pills. She
TC> wouldn’t take her cancer seriously. She was dead in
TC> two months. Was her cancer needless? Yes, but there
TC> was more going on here than cancer. I could speculate
TC> that she had a death-wish, or had already given up,
TC> but whatever the case, diet and supplements were not
TC> adequate.

TC> One of the reasons that EFT has had such astounding
TC> success with all kinds of health issues, including
TC> cancer, is that it addresses the emotional components
TC> of the persons health issues. I consider it to be as
TC> important as nutrition.

TC> By-the-way, I have a zip file that contains a
TC> collection of articles about cancer that is profound.
TC> I will gladly send it to anyone who asks for it.

TC> Terry Chamberlin

TC> __ 
TC> Find your next car at http://autos.yahoo.ca

TC> --
TC> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

TC> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

TC> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
TC> Silver List archive:
TC> http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

TC> Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
TC> OT Archive:
TC> http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

TC> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>whole lemon and a clove of garlic

2005-10-17 Thread J&amp;S Campbell

Faith what specifically is this for or is it a general tonic?
Monday, October 17, 2005, 3:33:27 AM, you wrote:
FSF> Jason wrote:

>>>Lemons are truly one of nature's marvels<<

FSF> A cure we were taught by our professor in Reflexology (a most wonderful 70
FSF> year old herbal doctor):

FSF> Take a whole lemon, and one clove of garlic. Put them both in a liquidizer,
FSF> and liquidize well. Sift the juice in a sieve, then drink for nine days.

FSF> The taste is not bad, and the results are stunning!

FSF> Faith and Luz.

FSF> _
FSF> Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE!
FSF> http://messenger.msn.click-url.com/go/onm00200471ave/direct/01/

FSF> --
FSF> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

FSF> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

FSF> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
FSF> Silver List archive:
FSF> http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

FSF> Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
FSF> OT Archive:
FSF> http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

FSF> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re[2]: CS>Flu Immunization, vaccines in general, and Hep C: COMMENT

2005-10-21 Thread J&amp;S Campbell

Brooks, many thanks as always for your information, much appreciated. 

If I may ask a couple of questions:

1. Am I right in thinking that calcium ascorbate would be OK instead of sodium 
ascorbate? And would you have to be careful about balancing the calcium with 
magnesium if you were taking large doses?

2. How much sodium bicarbonate do you need to add to buffer ascorbic acid and 
can there be problems with taking in too much sodium?

3. I have read that R lipoic acid ( is that an optical isomer of the "normal" 
alpha lipoic acid?) is supposed to be much more potent and that the L form has 
some negative properties, can't remember what. I am not sure if this is 
commercial hype or true.The R form is more expensive. Do you have any thoughts 
on this?


Thursday, October 20, 2005, 6:08:43 AM, you wrote:
BB> Dear Mr. Sanders,
BB>Our research, during the mid-1990's,
BB> yielded some useful datarelating to Hep C
BB> and other similar pernicious viral insults.  Our experimental
BB> protocols (the ones producing the most marked beneficial effect)
BB> involved a composite methodology including 10 to 20 ppm strength
BB> colloidal silver, alpha lipoic acid and high-dosage vitamin C
BB> (buffered with common sodium bicarbonate).  We determined, early
BB> on, that dosages of 500 mg to 1000 mg of alpha lipoic acid and  10
BB> to 20 Grams of vitamin C .DAILY, were required for meaningful
BB> favorable response.  The actual dosage of Vitamin C was determined
BB> by the "bowel-tolerance" exhibited by the various volunteers. 
BB> This characteristic varies
BB> quite measurablyespecially  among the adult population. 
BB> VERY rarely did we encounter anyone with a "bowel-tolerance" less
BB> than 10 grams daily. A few of our volunteers required alpha lipoic
BB> dosages as high as 1800 to 2000 mg daily for up to 15 days,
BB> initially, before promising liver-health parameters
BB> began to present.  It might be of value to relate that in two
BB> instances, utilizing protocols based upon those pioneered by Dr.
BB> Frederick Klenner and associates.IV Vitamin C dosages of a
BB> very high order  (1000 mg per kilogram of body weight) were
BB> required for stabilization of very high viral loads.  However,
BB> this protocol resulted in spectacular results in these, formerly,
BB> non-responding experimental
BB> volunteers.
BB>Colloidal silver dosages as high as 50 fluid
BB> ounces daily, at strengths as high as 20 ppm
BB> were utilized in these experimental researches..without any untoward 
BB> I would strongly encourage you to prosecute some
BB> personal research embracing the Klenner/Cathcart high-dosage
BB> Vitamin C protocol histories.  After familiarizing yourself with
BB> their many successes, I believe you would be well-served to canvas
BB> the Professional Medical practitioner field until you locate one
BB> that is receptive/amenable to this type of VERY powerful address
BB> to Hep C.as well as many other of the more serious viral
BB> insults currently expressing within our society.
BB> Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.   
BB> - Original Message -
BB> From: "Max Sanders" 
BB> To: CS 
Subject: CS>>Flu Immunization, vaccines in general, and Hep C
BB> Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2005 19:55:21 -0700 (PDT)

>> Do most of you folk NOT take the flu vaccine due to your healthy 
>> distrust of poison in the needles, or the more positive take that 
>> Silver and other methods will protect?  I am interested in the 
>> various points of view.
>> I myself have always distrusted vaccines, but evaluate continually 
>> i.e. I have Hep C.  It is strongly recommended to get the 
>> antibodies to Hep A and B because a case of either could sink the 
>> liver. So I tried the Hep A and B series and my body did not make 
>> the antibodies.  So now I am retaking the shots, but by a "travel 
>> dr" or immunologist, who uses a subdermal (as opposed to 
>> intermuscular) technique that may help stimulate the antibodies.  I
>> generally would rather not, but the risk scenario seemed OK...but 
>> then again, I do not know that much about this situation.
>> Does anyone know what a neg response to the Hep A and B vaccines 
>> means?  The Dr's just shrug, but state that the response rate 
>> normally is in the 99% range (have heard different).
>> I still make my silver and loyally take it as one of the tools to 
>> keep me healthy. (I am sure my quality and potency could be better)
>>   But my viral loads have remained steady, much to my dismay.  I 
>> would love, obviously, a total clearance.  Any new info on Hep C 
>> approaches?  I haven't asked here in a while.  The good news is 
>> that my liver is pretty healthy (never abused to a great degree and
>> protect w Milk Thistle), and recent tests show normal liver enzymes
>> for the first time in a decade.  So I have this sense that I am 
>> holding strong, but

Re: CS>CS:Sodium ascorbate

2005-10-22 Thread J&amp;S Campbell

Many thanks Harold and V for your posts on this, appreciated. 

I have read the Campbell article, very good. But I am still not clear whether 
it would make any difference if you took sodium or calcium or potassium 
ascorbate, can anyone tell me if there is any evidence for sodium over calcium 

Or whether there is any problems taking bowel tolerance levels of calcium 
ascorbate for long periods of time? 




Saturday, October 22, 2005, 3:14:55 AM, you wrote:
HM> Sometime in the not too distant past,some learned person
HM> posted this recipe.Evidently this way makes the Vitamin C far more
HM> effective and more easily assimable.Also easier on a sensitive
HM> stomach.For a long time I had been doing the Calcium Ascorbate
HM> bit,but this new regimen jibed with some research info I had read
HM> in the past and forgotten.Now I do both,have to cover all bases.
HM> Jonathan Campbell,Health Consultant ,talks about SA on his
HM> web site in preparing for the Avian flu:
HM> http://www.cqs.com/influenza.htm 
HM> This is well worth the look see.
HM> Harold

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Diseases of the Mind; infections as causes of mental illnesses

2003-11-24 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
Hi there,
Here is an interesting article,


  Diseases of the Mind

  Bacteria, viruses and parasites may cause mental illnesses like
depression and perhaps even autism and anorexia

  By Janet Ginsburg

  Dec. 1 issue - Olga Skipko has had the good fortune to live most of
her adult life in the Polish village of Gruszki, in the heart of the Puszcza
Bialowieska, one of Europe's most beautiful forests and home to wolves,
lynxes and the endangered European bison. Unfortunately, the forest is also
a breeding ground for disease-carrying ticks. Skipko, 49, thinks she was
bitten about 10 years ago, when she began having the classic symptoms of
Lyme borreliosis, a tickborne nervous-system disease: headaches and aching
joints. She didn't get treatment until 1998. "I was treated with antibiotics
and felt a bit better," she says
THAT WAS only the beginning of her troubles. A few years later,
she began to forget things and her speaking grew labored. It got so bad that
she had to quit her job in a nursery forest and check herself in to a
psychiatric clinic. "I hope they will help me," she says. "I promised my
children that when I come back home, I will be able to do my favorite
crosswords again." Doctors ran a battery of tests and concluded that her
mental problems were the advanced stage of the Lyme disease she had
contracted years ago.
  Scientists have long known that some diseases can cause
behavioral problems. When penicillin was first used to treat syphilis,
thousands of cured schizophrenics were released from mental asylums. Now,
however, scientists have evidence that infections may play a far bigger role
in mental illness than previously thought. They've linked cases of
obsessive-compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia to a
variety of infectious agents, and they're investigating autism, Tourette's
and anorexia as well. They're beginning to suspect that bad bugs may cause a
great many other mental disorders, too. "The irony is that people talked
about syphilis as the 'great imitator'," says University of Louisville
biologist Paul Ewald, "but it may be the 'great illustrator'-a model for
understanding the causes of chronic diseases."
  Mental illnesses constitute a large and growing portion of the
world's health problems. According to the World Health Organization,
depression is one of the most debilitating of diseases, on a par with
paraplegia. Psychiatric illnesses make up more than 10 percent of the world'
s "disease burden" (a measure of how debilitating a disease is), and are
expected to increase to 15 percent by 2020. Much of this may be the work of
viruses, bacteria and parasites. Psychiatrist E. Fuller Torrey, of the
Stanley Medical Research Institute in Maryland, has found from studying
historical asylum records that hot spots-higher-than-normal incidences-of
mental illness can shift, much like infectious-disease outbreaks, which
lends credence to the notion that infectious agents play a big role. "Mental
disorders are the major chronic recurrent disorders of youth in all
developed countries," says Harvard policy expert Ronald Kessler, who directs
the WHO's mental-health surveys.
  Perhaps the most well known disease that's been linked to
mental disorders is Lyme disease, which is caused by the Borrelia
burgdorferi germ. First identified in the mid-1970s among children near
Lyme, Connecticut, the disease has long been known to cause nervous-system
problems and achy joints if left untreated. Now scientists are finding that
Lyme disease can also trigger a whole smorgasbord of psychiatric symptoms,
including depression. One New York man (we'll call him Joe) found out
firsthand how debilitating the disease can be. When he began having bouts of
major depression back in 1992, he had forgotten all about the tick bite he
had gotten four years earlier. He spent two years in a blur of antipsychotic

drugs, mental institutions, jails and suicide attempts. On a hunch, a doctor
at a psychiatric hospital in New Jersey had Joe tested for Lyme disease.
After an intensive course of antibiotics, Joe's improvement was dramatic and
immediate. "I started to have this fog lift," he recalls. Still, he will
probably have to be on psychotropic drugs for the rest of his life.

  Some psychiatrists fret that there may be thousands of people
suffering from Lyme-induced depression without knowing why. Not only is Lyme
disease tricky to diagnose-not everybody gets the circular rash, and lab
tests still aren't wholly reliable-it can take a decade or more for mental
disorders to set in. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control says that nine out
of 10 cases of Lyme diseases remain unreported. There are 15 species of
borellias-making them the most common tickborne disease-producing bacteria
in the world.
  For its part, the parasite Toxoplasma gondii, wh


2003-12-07 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
Yes I told my cousin of a good healer who does manipulation and she took her
small dog (forget the breed but they are prone to back problems) along to
him and he manipulated it's back very gently and the dog was fine for a
couple of years then the back went out again , she went straight to him and
he sorted it again. The vets had been able to do nothing to help this dog,
had tried over a longtime to sort the problem out and what eventually led to
this cousin going to this guy was the vets saying the only thing they had
left to try on the dog was surgery but it was v. dangerous and the odds were
high it would be left paralysed to some degree or other plus it was going to
be very expensive.
Interestingly this wee dog is not very friendly to people on first
aquantence, usually growling etc well it did not react that way to the
healer though unsure of him at first but once he had manipulated it's back
the first time it immediately snuggled up to him and let him stroke it and
they have been friends since.

> -Original Message-
> From: Charles Sutton [mailto:cds...@earthlink.net]
> Sent: 05 December 2003 23:42
> To: Mary Lou Borgert; silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: CS>CS & DMSO
> One of our family friends was a Chiropractor, and he was always telling
> stories about fixing dogs with pinched nerves.  One had to drag
> his rear end
> around.  He gave it an adjustment and the little fellow jumped up and ran
> off yelping his head off
> I don't know if you know anyone who knows someone that could help in this
> area, but I know from him that it can work...
> - Original Message -
> From: "Mary Lou Borgert" 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2003 5:19 PM
> Subject: Re: CS>CS & DMSO
> > on 11/5/01 4:48 PM, brooks bradley at liat...@flash.net wrote:
> > MARY
> > > We established through direct experimentation (to
> > > our satisfaction), years ago, the most efficacious approach to a
> majority of
> > > gum insults involving almost any bacteria-based insult---included as a
> > > precursor protocol, some address by H202 or sodium perborate.  These
> agents
> > > express very powerful subjugation effects on the entire family of
> > > opportunistic anerobes generally present in the human mouth.  Many of
> our
> > > volunteers avoided, completely, scheduled "gum-trim" surgery simply by
> > > following a very simple protocol based upon 3.5% H202.
> > > Our most pronounced success resulted from a
> > > combination of H202, followed immediately with a 10 to 15 ppm CS
> > > swish-and-retain (about 1 tblsp) for 4--5 min..three times daily.
> In
> > > these early experiments we did not employ DMSO.  Later, we did include
> > > low-percentage DMSOwith splendid results.  Do remember
> that DMSO is
> > > bittereven in low concentrations.  Additionally, be
> advised that our
> > > volunteers DID NOT swallow the CS X DMSO solutions (although it would
> not
> > > have been injurious to have done so).
> > > I wish to emphasize we DID NOT mix the H202
> > > solutions with the CS prior to usebut followed the H202
> with the CS.
> > > Interestingly, we achieved superior results from, always,
> utilizing the
> H202
> > > first..then using the CS.  Speculation on this result seemed to
> endorse
> > > that the advantage sprang from a residual bacteria-subjugating effect
> from
> > > the CS.  However, we did not invest any effort in an attempt to
> substantiate
> > > this possibility.  Subjects DID NOT rinse their mouth between
> application of
> > > H202 and CS.
> > > One of the outstanding advantages of this protocol
> > > is it allows "realtime" evaluation of its effects.  The subject is
> aware---
> > > in a matter of momentsof both the severity of the bacterial
> > > insult-and the degree of response to the H202.  This allows for an
> > > immediate repetition of the H202 protocol.when indicated.
> > > I posted information with, essentially, this
> > > same content...a couple of years ago.
> > > Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.
> > > p.s.  This protocol proved effective even in cases where the subjects
> > > refused to brush their teeth regularly-some not at all.
> > > --- Original Message -
> > > From: "Kehoe" 
> > > To: 
> > > Sent: Sunday, November 04, 2001 3:18 PM
> > > Subject: CS>CS & DMSO
> > >
> > >
> > >> What cautions are there for using CS & DMSO??  I have never used DMSO
> > > before
> > >> and I want to make sure I do not do anything stupid.  I want
> to use it
> for
> > >> gum disease.  Nothing has worked for me so far.  I also want
> to use it
> for
> > >> back pain and nerve damage.
> > >>

RE: CS>CS for antacid?

2003-12-18 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
Thought you'd gone, glad I am not to late to congratulate you on your
degree, well done! Maybe some time in the future you will come over here to
Scotland to trace your ancestors. Hope the move goes well and I hope your
sisters health improves,

> -Original Message-
> From: mamapug [mailto:mama...@netzero.net]
> Sent: 18 December 2003 17:03
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: CS>CS for antacid?
> It worked for me, too! I have a lot of acid tummy, and once the only thing
> nearby was my CS bottle. Took a swig and the burning stopped!
> Marshalee
> > Jonathan,
> >   I recently had an attack (very rare for me these days) of acid,
> > burning, etc, and CS worked to stop the pain. I thought about taking
> > some probiotic, or antacid, but decided to try CS first.it
> > really did work. I have  fewer ideas than you about why this would be
> > so. As you say, it is interesting though.
> > paula
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> ---
> Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
> Version: 6.0.545 / Virus Database: 339 - Release Date: 27/11/03
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CS>H2O2 question

2003-12-20 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
Hi there, can someone please tell me if drinking H2O2, 3%, in water is the
same chemically as drinking ozonated water and therefore would have the same

Also can you please tell me if you add H2O2 to CS can you keep such a
solution for hours, days, weeks?

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The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Negative press for Cs on Lyme site

2003-12-20 Thread J &amp; S Campbell

Hi there, was looking up sites on lyme and came across this negative,
inaccurate article about CS, anyone out there got the knowledge, brainpower
to correct this guy?
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The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Negative press for Cs on Lyme site

2003-12-21 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
Thanks for the info, glad to hear there is more research coming soon,
I tried the other day to find your site which I thought was
www.eatonsearth.org but nothing came up, I must have written it down
wrongly, could you please post the correct address.

> -Original Message-
> From: Jason Eaton [mailto:ey...@cox.net]
> Sent: 20 December 2003 20:18
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: CS>Negative press for Cs on Lyme site
> Hi Sheila:
> I have certainly seen worse articles, although I would agree that this
> article does not cover both sides of the story.
> I don't think that this pracitioner would change his mind by an
> onslaught of
> emails.  In fact, I agree with many of his points about the
> information that
> is commonly available on the web.
> However, I've recently begun the developement of a section
> concerning MD's,
> clinics, and medical silver products.  The section is broken down
> into three
> parts:
> 1. Practitioners - Medical Professionals using silver products
> 2.  Medical Products - Medical grade silver products, including those with
> either EPA or FDA approval
> 3.  Medical Research - Clinical, Laboratory, or otherwise degreed research
> concerning silver.
> http://www.silvermedicine.org/silver-medical.html
> This, I'm hoping, will become a good resource to combat ignorance
> concerning
> silver and medicine.
> I expect the release of much more information in the upcoming
> year, as there
> is a very qualified MD I know of who has been doing clinical research with
> CS the past few years, and I'm hoping that tissue sample studies
> ( done by a
> certified FDA lab ), and a host of new research material will become
> publically available this year.
> Best Regards,
> Jason
> - Original Message -
> From: "J & S Campbell" 
> To: "silver-list" 
> Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2003 8:49 AM
> Subject: CS>Negative press for Cs on Lyme site
> > http://www.lymealliance.org/research/grier/grier_8.php
> >
> > Hi there, was looking up sites on lyme and came across this negative,
> > inaccurate article about CS, anyone out there got the knowledge,
> brainpower
> > to correct this guy?
> > BW,
> > Sheila
> > ---
> > Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
> > Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
> > Version: 6.0.545 / Virus Database: 339 - Release Date: 27/11/03
> >
> >
> > --
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >
> > Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org
> >
> > To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> >
> > Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> >
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >
> ---
> Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
> Version: 6.0.545 / Virus Database: 339 - Release Date: 27/11/03
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
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Version: 6.0.545 / Virus Database: 339 - Release Date: 27/11/03

RE: CS>The Missing Link

2004-01-06 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
Robb this is very interesting, can you give me a clue as to when BB posted
about this to speed up finding his post.
Do you know why it helps?
Both my husband and I can only tolerate low doses of CS eg 60-100ml as the
herx is too much we are absolutely floored but also helped, just seem to
need to take it very slowly which is a real pain. Could it be that taking
the gatorade might also helps the body to deal with the herx/detox?
Hope you continue to improve with all your protocols.
Thanks and BW,

> -Original Message-
> From: Jonathan B. Britten [mailto:jbrit...@cc.nakamura-u.ac.jp]
> Sent: 21 December 2003 08:44
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: CS>The Missing Link
> Robb,
> Thanks for this.   I will be interested to see whether your idea has
> any effects I can observe in my own experiments on myself.
> On Saturday, Dec 20, 2003, at 15:35 Asia/Tokyo, Robb Allen wrote:
> > Hi everyone, as many of you know I've been fighting a battle against
> > arthritis for several years now and I've been making some good
> > progress here
> > lately.  Within the last 3 or 4 days my progress has been even faster
> > because of someone reminding me of some old posts on the list archives
> > about
> > using CS with Gatorade.
> >
> >  I think Mike really hit the nail on the head a few weeks ago when
> > we
> > were all talking about someone on the list who had cured their Lyme
> > disease
> > by taking 2 teaspoons of CS a day.  Mike said something to the effect
> > of he
> > was amazed because most of us measure the CS in terms of gulps or glass
> > fulls instead of spoons.
> >
> >  This really got me to thinking about the situation.  CS definitely
> > kills whatever is causing my arthritis (Lyme) but I can never get it
> > to the
> > deep places where I really need it.  Daddybob made a post to another
> > group
> > that reminded me of the old Gatorade topic that was posted here in
> > months
> > and years past.
> >
> >  I am really starting to believe that the reason some people aren't
> > helped by CS is because they can't assimilate it in their body.  I
> > know that
> > Nancy has been saying all along to everyone who has serious diseases
> > that
> > they should add 1 drop of H2o2 to every 2 ounces of CSwhat she
> > failed to say in most posts is that she had been adding gatorade to
> > every
> > glassful to make it taste better.
> >
> >  Then I found the research of Brooks Bradley on the subject of
> > adding
> > ringers solution (similar to gatorade) to the cs and finding that it
> > made
> > the concentration of the cs much higher in the blood.
> > I decided to put this to the test about 4 days ago and this is the very
> > first time I've ever had to DECREASE my intake of CS.  I am having such
> > severe herx symptoms with the CS/Gatorade that I've had to cease use
> > for a
> > few days.  This is coming from a guy who has on many an occasion drank
> > more
> > than a gallon a day of pure CS.
> >
> >  I started this practice with 15 ounces of CS with another 5 or 6
> > ounces
> > of gatorade mixed in.  This is too much~!!!.the spirochetes in my
> > joints
> > are screaming at me and this is a really BIG shock to me..I've been
> > fighting this over and overpulling my hair out trying to figure
> > out how
> > and why some people are helped and some arn't.particularly
> > with lyme
> > disease.
> >
> >  I really feel that this could be the big breakthrough for
> > mealong
> > with the recent addition of the high power magnetic pulser that many
> > of us
> > are having great success with.
> >
> >  If you have tried CS in the past for your condition without
> > results..try it again with gatorade .the difference is very
> > astounding.  Thanks Brooks Bradley and all others who have
> > helped with all the research.Robb
> >
> >
> > --
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
> > silver.
> >
> > Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org
> >
> > To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> >
> > Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> >
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >
> ---
> Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
> Version: 6.0.545 / Virus Database: 339 - Release Date: 27/11/03
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CS>Happy Chrisrmas and thanks

2003-12-22 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
Hi All, just to wish you all the very best for Christmas and all blessings
for the New Year and thanks so much to every one for all the amazing info
and knowledge shared on this list,
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The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Re: Final Post For Wayne

2004-02-15 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
Ditto Sheila
  -Original Message-
  From: Bruce Anderson [mailto:bruce...@intergate.com]
  Sent: 15 February 2004 04:23
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: RE: CS>Re: Final Post For Wayne

  -Original Message-
  From: sol [mailto:sol...@sweetwaterhsa.com]
  Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2004 5:39 PM
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: Re: CS>Re: Final Post

  Me! Me! Me!
  I want to know.


  Wayne Fugitt wrote:
  Fact is, they could not manage their mail either.

  > If anyone wants to know how to do it, just ask me.
  > Wayne

  The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

  Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

  To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

  Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
  OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

  List maintainer: Mike Devour 

  Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
  Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
  Version: 6.0.576 / Virus Database: 365 - Release Date: 1/30/2004

  Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
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RE: CS>search engines, was: RE: CS>Phosphorous / Also Silver Deficiency

2004-02-16 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
Yes poeple should try and search, I certainly do, but my husband and I are
both chronically ill and can only cope with limited time and energy on the
computer so perhaps you should have a bit more compassion and thought for
those who are ill,

> -Original Message-
> From: Thora Rasmussen [mailto:mugg...@rockies.net]
> Sent: 15 February 2004 19:21
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: RE: CS>search engines, was: RE: CS>Phosphorous / Also Silver
> Deficiency
> For me it is a matter of priorities.  If you don't make the time
> to search,
> you hand over the power to contribute to your own health.
> Especially if it
> is something that specifically concerns you.  Learning to do
> searches takes
> a bit of practice, but once mastered, you can filter through as
> many as 100
> pages in about 20 minutes.  What I like to do in a search, is see what the
> majority of sites say, what they ALL agree on.  Then, I take the
> sites that
> are different, and dig into their sources a bit more, to see if what they
> say has value.  These are often the sites and info that I would put to
> others to see if they can help determine if the differences are valid.  It
> was this type of searching that led me to CS in the first place.  Most
> health sites talked about regular treatments, but a few mentioned
> alternative methods.  These I dug into and discovered that many
> alternatives
> worked and had no side effects, and even the regulatory groups really had
> nothing bad to say about them.
> Thora
> -Original Message-
> From: Vince Richter [mailto:cvin...@ala.net]
> Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2004 7:26 PM
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: CS>search engines, was: RE: CS>Phosphorous / Also Silver
> Deficiency
> People with lots of extra time on their hands? :)
> Vince
> -Original Message--
> From: Garnet [mailto:garnetri...@earthlink.net]
> How many of you use seach engines FIRST then ask?
> Garnet
> --
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>CS and stomach cancer

2004-02-18 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
I'm very sorry to hear of your friends death and for her husband and
child.You were a good friend to them doing research to find treatments to
help her and I am sure a lot more.
Take care,
Best wishes,

> -Original Message-
> From: Jonathan B. Britten [mailto:jbrit...@cc.nakamura-u.ac.jp]
> Sent: 18 February 2004 01:59
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: CS>CS and stomach cancer
> List,
> A friend passed away from stomach cancer a few days ago.   It was a
> profoundly moving and graceful death coming six months after the
> diagnosis.I have a few things to say that may be useful to list
> members.
> 1)I have no idea whether CS would have been of any use;  the young
> woman did not use it.   She followed a conventional chemo therapy (it
> was too late for surgery),  with an additional outside regimen of
> immuno therapy and electro-medicine.Af the end, the husband had
> kind words only for the elderly MD who provided the electro-medicine,
> which if nothing more may have provided a great deal of pain relief.
> 2)80% of stomach cancer is diagnosed at Stage 3 or 4;  this is very
> nearly a death sentence,  and neither I nor my very open-minded friend
> found any encouraging news anywhere on the Internet.Even
> altcancer.com,  prior to Greg Caton's arrest,  indicated that this was
> a very grim diagnosis,  but that nothing was impossible.I am sorry
> that this good company remains out of business.
> 3)I would be very eager to know whether anyone, anywhere, at
> any time,
> has used CS as a therapy for stomach cancer.Given that helicobacter
> pylori is one of several predisposing factors, it seems plausible to me
> that CS would be, at minimum, a very effective prophylactic method,  as
> would probiotics I think.
> 4)There may be a small sum of money coming in from a fund-raiser in
> England, and the husband is looking about for a good way to use the
> donations.If anyone knows of a first-rate alternative research
> effort focused on stomach cancer,  I would be glad to know of this.
> 5)One bit of good news:  stomach cancer used to be a leading cancer
> killer;  better diet has reduced the prevalence dramatically over the
> past 50 years or so.
> 6)Many thanks to the list members who provided some excellent
> information over the past six months;  my friend read and considered
> carefully everything I sent him.
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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> Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> ---
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Email help Progress

2004-02-21 Thread J &amp; S Campbell

Hi Wayne,
Could you please add me to your list for those who would like advice on
dealing with emails.
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> ---
> Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
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Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>OT Very interesting findings on GWS

2004-02-28 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
Thought this was very interesting with perhaps implications for everyone as
perhaps many combinations of chemicals plus stress could cause the same
thing.The stress involved was minimal.


Thu Feb 26 13:31:16 2004 Pacific Time

  Mix of Chemicals Plus Stress Damages Brain, Liver in Animals and
Likely in Humans
   DURHAM, N.C., Feb. 26 (AScribe Newswire) -- Stress is a well known
culprit in disease, but now researchers have shown that stress can intensify
the effects of relatively safe chemicals, making them very harmful to the
brain and liver in animals and likely in humans, as well.

   Even short-term exposure to specific chemicals -- just 28 days --
when combined with stress was enough to cause widespread cellular damage in
the brain and liver of rats, said Mohamed Abou Donia, Ph.D., a Duke
pharmacologist and senior author of the study.

   Results of the study were published in the Feb. 27, 2004, issue of
the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health.

   Abou Donia's study was designed to reproduce the symptoms of Gulf War
Syndrome, a disorder marked by chronic fatigue, muscle and joint pain,
tremors, headaches, difficulties concentrating and learning, loss of memory,
irritability and reproductive problems. The Gulf War Syndrome symptoms have
been difficult to explain because veterans outwardly appear healthy and
normal, said Abou Donia. Likewise, the chemically exposed animals in Abou
Donia's studies looked and behaved normally.

   But a decade of neurologic research has revealed widespread damage to
the brain, nervous system, liver and testes of rats exposed to 60 days of
low-dose chemicals -- the insect repellant DEET, the insecticide permethrin,
and the anti-nerve gas agent pyridostigmine bromide. These are the same
drugs that the soldiers received during the 1990 - 1991 Persian Gulf War,
and Abou Donia's rats were exposed to the same levels -- in weight adjusted
doses -- as the soldiers were reportedly given.

   Now, Abou Donia has demonstrated that the combination of stress and
short-term exposure to chemicals (28 days) can promote cellular death in
specific brain regions and injury to the liver. Moreover, the chemical trio
combined with stress caused damage to portions of the brain where its
protective blood-brain barrier was still intact.

   The latter finding suggests that the chemicals permeated the
protective barrier in one region, then leaked into other regions of the
brain where the barrier remained intact. The ability of chemicals to leak
from one area of the brain to another holds the potential for much greater
damage to occur to the entire brain.

   Brain regions that sustained significant damage in this study were
the cerebral cortex (motor and sensory function), the hippocampus (learning
and memory) and the cerebellum (gait and coordination of movements). Abou
Donia's earlier studies demonstrated severe damage to the cingulate cortex,
dentate gyrus, thalamus and hypothalamus.(The thalamus is the major relay
for visual and auditory information going to the cortex and is also
responsible for subjective feelings. The hypothalamus regulates metabolism,
sleep and sexual activity, as well as control of emotions.)

   Abou Donia's team found a significant number of dead or dying brain
cells in all of these brain regions, as well as major alterations to brain
chemicals that are necessary for learning and memory, muscle strength and
body movement. Stress alone caused little or no brain injury in the rats,
nor did the three chemicals given together in low doses for 28 days.

   "But when we put the animals under moderate stress by simply
restricting their movement in a plastic holder for five minutes at a time
every day, the animals experienced enough stress that it intensified the
effects of the chemicals dramatically," said Abou Donia.

   Soldiers in the Gulf War were likely under stress 24 hours a day for
weeks or months at a time, a scenario which could explain the origins of
their diverse physical and cognitive complaints, said Abou Donia.

   "The brain deficits we found in rats reside in specific areas of the
brain that we can't measure in living humans," said Abou Donia. "This is why
the deficits are so difficult to assess clinically and why animal studies
are so critical to understanding the cellular damage."

   In addition to brain injuries, the Duke study found unexpected damage
to the liver, including swollen cells, congested blood vessels and abnormal
fatty deposits that diminish the liver cells' function. Liver cells also
showed reduced activity of an important enzyme -- BuCHE -- that helps rid
the body of some toxic substances. Neither stress by itself nor chemicals
alone had any impact on BuCHE levels, but the combination did.

   Such damage to the liver can reduce its ability to rid 

CS>Evidence for bacteria causing some forms of skin cancer

2004-03-04 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
Evidence for cell wall deficient bacteria causing a form of skin cancer.More
scope for CS.




Author: Alan R Cantwell, Jr  (---.vnnyca.adelphia.net)
Date:   08-26-03 23:03

*Cell-Wall-Deficient Bacteria as a Possible Cause of Basal Cell Carcinoma*

Author: Alan R. Cantwell, Jr., M.D., Los Angeles, CA

Received: 8 Aug 2003
Published: 26 August 2003


Basal cell carcinoma is the most common form of skin cancer, as well as
the most common malignant tumor of human beings. The purpose of this
study was to determine if so called "cancer microbes" could be
demonstrated within the histopathologic tissue sections from this tumor.
Variably acid-fast extracellular and intracellular coccoid forms,
suggestive of cell-wall-deficient bacteria, were observed within the
fibrous stroma and within the tumor cell nests in microscopic tissue
sections from 35/37 cases (96%) of basal cell carcinomas studied. These
coccoid and granular forms /in vivo/ were similar in size and shape to
coccal and granular elements of /Staphylococcus epidermidis/ and
/Propionobacterium acnes/ isolated in thioglycollate broth culture from
biopsy material of several basal cell carcinomas. The histologic
presence of these coccoid and granular forms suggests that these
microbes might be implicated in the pathogenesis of basal cell
carcinoma. The idea of bacteria as causative agents in cancer is
generally considered anathema by cancer researchers. However, continuing
microbiologic studies suggest that latent hematologic infection with
cell-wall-deficient bacteria may be present in the blood of all human
beings. Just as viruses have been long thought to be implicated in the
pathogenesis of cancer, it is not unreasonable to suspect that
newly-discovered cryptic cell-wall-deficient bacteria harbored in the
blood, along with their possible effect on the immune system, may play
some pathogenic role in the production of cancer as well.

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Primary biliary cirrhosis

2004-03-10 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
Hi Mike, sorry to hear about your friend. I asked this question on the list
last JUne and got some very helpful advice including one from Brooks. Having
trouble getting online to find it in the archive but it was dated 24/6/03
and titled "Advice please Brooks, Ivan, Catherine, everyone" then the
answers follow over the next days.
 The person I was talking about got some better after coming off some foods
that she was found to be allergic to and also used some sort of machine that
I think the Bowen practitioners use where you put your feet into a machine
with water and a very mild (presumably otherwise she would n't feel too
good!) current is passed through and it causes the body to detox. That is
all I know about it. Maybe this treatment would be too much for him but
maybe not.
She had been going downhill and her acupuncturist was quite concerned. She
had this treatment (the acupuncturist knew nothing about it) when he next
took her pulses, a week later, he was astonished. Last thing I heard she was
a bit worse again. No idea what she tried of the advice people so kindly
gave on this list.
I think I forgot to thank you for replies on the OT list so thanks. Hope
your friend gets a tranplant or something that helps,

> -Original Message-
> From: M. G. Devour [mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com]
> Sent: 09 March 2004 20:59
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: CS>Primary biliary cirrhosis
> A friend writes to me:
> > I have been placed by the Mayo Clinic on the national waiting list for
> > a liver transplant. For many years I have had a condition called
> > primary biliary cirrhosis.
> > It is considered an auto immune disease which destroys the bile ducts.
> > While I have been on medication (a bile salt called Urso) since 1991
> > the symptoms were slowed but eventually the liver is damaged enough to
> > fail and require transplant.  That is the stage at which I am now.
> > One of the major side effects (besides liver failure) is fatigue, plus
> > jaundice and just an overall inability to do much, even think clearly
> > some days.
> Does anyone here have any thoughts or suggestions on effective
> therapies for this condition?
> Thanks!
> Mike D.
> [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
> [mdev...@eskimo.com]
> [Speaking only for myself...   ]
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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> Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
> OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> ---
> Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
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Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>CS & Xylitol vs. Sinus Infection

2004-03-15 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
Thanks very much for that Daddybob, glad you've been helped so much with the
CS an xylitol. We've just managed to buy some xylitol over here in the UK so
will take your experiences on board and pass them on to a friend with
chronic sinus problems.
What happened to you with the MSM? Did that also help your sinuses and if so
what was the protocol, just oral MSM?

> -Original Message-
> From: daddybob [mailto:daddybob52...@yahoo.com]
> Sent: 14 March 2004 21:43
> To: crockdev...@yahoogroups.com; silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: CS>CS & Xylitol vs. Sinus Infection
> I’ve got a story to tell about CS & Xylitol nasal
> spray. It’s one of the most interesting things I have
> seen happen in such a short time.
> I’m posting this to several groups and forums to which
> I subscribe. Somebody will need this.
> I’ve not had a full blown cold or flu for about 3
> years. In that time I have successfully avoided them
> usually with CS, Bragg’s Vinegar, and Four Thieves
> Vinegar made with Bragg’s, and other things as well.
> Those that I haven’t avoided altogether by those
> methods, I have successfully killed off quickly with
> Beck Blood Electrification (BE).
> This winter I have headed off the flu for a week, then
> finally killed it with BE, and had a herx the next
> day. About 3 weeks ago I killed off a little cold a
> couple of days after I caught it with only a few
> sniffles. It has been a cold, wet 10 weeks here since
> the first of the year, with lots of colds and flu
> passing through. The weather has worked hard on my
> livelihood and my attitude, and I have gotten slack
> about all my precautions.
> Several days ago I knew I was exposed to a nasty cold.
> I knew to get started with all my precautions but I
> just plain didn’t do it. By Friday 3-5-04 I was
> getting a nasty scratchy throat. Whatever this crud
> is, it starts that way instead of in the roof of my
> mouth like usual.
> I used my Walgreen’s Personal Ultrasonic Humidifier
> with CS to fix the closing-in-feeling in my throat.
> The next day, Saturday, it migrated to my sinuses. It
> put me on the couch by Sat. night and all day Sunday
> 3-7. I did all my usual stuff religiously. By Monday I
> was ambulatory but not well. Tuesday 3-9 I had most of
> my strength back. It was over late that day.
> BUT! I couldn’t stay out of the weather because of the
> demands of work, and a sinus infection began to form.
> I haven’t had one in over 4 years. I fought it first
> with a nasal spray of CS/MSM/H2O2/Xylitol but it
> wasn’t doing too much. I then fought it with nasal
> spray of 2 oz. CS & 1/3 dropper of DMSO. That helped a
> lot and nearly knocked it out, until the weather got
> colder and work demanded that I stay outside.
> After being out in cold winds Fri. & Sat., my left
> sinus was impacted and I sounded like a foghorn. My
> left upper teeth were all starting to ache around my
> root canals. It was getting bad.
> I knew by Sat. afternoon that I had to try something
> different. I mean it was getting BAD and I have the
> medical history to know what bad is. It was then that
> I remembered about using Xylitol as a decongestant.
> Oops, the FDA won’t let anyone say that will they? You
> have to call it a “Nasal Wash”. What hogwash. Also, in
> Finland, the antibacterial properties of Xylitol are
> well proven.
> I mixed a fresh batch of 2 oz. CS and ¼ teaspoon of
> Xylitol, and immediately began nasally inhaling all I
> could stand. At least when this stuff runs down the
> back of your throat, it’s sweet!
> To describe fully what happened in the next 10 minutes
> would sound disgusting. You’ve all seen it. Let it
> suffice to say that the drainage was immediate and
> overwhelming. For nearly 10 minutes all I could do was
> blow my nose and inhale more of the mixture. When it
> was over I was breathing fully, all drainage was gone,
> all mucous was gone and my voice was normal.
> In all the 17 years of suffering from Chronic
> Sinusitis I never, ever saw anything like this from
> any kind of medicine. That was 24 hours ago. It’s
> still all gone. The pain was gone in an hour and has
> stayed gone. In all the 17 years of suffering from
> Chronic Sinusitis I never, ever saw anything like this
> from any kind of medicine. Despite the many life
> changing alternative therapies that I have used to
> wonderful effect in the past nearly 5 years, I’ve
> never seen anything this rapidly dramatic. In ten
> minutes I cured a sinus infection.
> Any downside? Yeah. Some who know me from years past
> on these forums know that my miracle started with MSM
> healing a Chronic Sinus Infection over a period of
> several days starting back on 7-13-99. That incident
> made me really bitter at the doctors who had treated
> me for years with loads of antibiotics, all to no
> avail, and to the eventual loss of some of my hearing
> and the affliction of tinnitus that I am still stuck
> with.
> Downside? The flood of emotion all ov

RE: CS>Reply to Sheila- CS & Xylitol

2004-03-15 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
Many thanks,

> -Original Message-
> From: daddybob [mailto:daddybob52...@yahoo.com]
> Sent: 15 March 2004 13:54
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: CS>Reply to Sheila- CS & Xylitol
> Sheila wrote:
> Thanks very much for that Daddybob, glad you've been
> helped so much 
> with the
> CS an xylitol. We've just managed to buy some xylitol
> over here in the 
> UK so
> will take your experiences on board and pass them on
> to a friend with
> chronic sinus problems.
> What happened to you with the MSM? Did that also help
> your sinuses and 
> if so
> what was the protocol, just oral MSM?
> BW,
> Sheila
> Sheila- taking oral MSM will eventually dry the
> sinuses. It can days and it can take LOTS of MSM.
> CS & MSM will also do it as a nasal spray, possibly in
> hours. CS & DMSO will do it as a nasal spray much
> quicker, possibly in minutes. DMSO has a smell that
> some think is unpleasant but doesn't bother me. MSM
> has no odor. Remember, DMSO is the parent compound of
> MSM.
> The xylitol dissolves thick mucous. After the infected
> mucous comes out, there will be a tendency for the
> nose to run clear for hours more. If that is
> uncomfortable, one could abate it by following up with
> a drying spray of either CS & MSM or CS & DMSO.
> Daddybob
> __
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Mail - More reliable, more storage, less spam
> http://mail.yahoo.com
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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> Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
> OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> ---
> Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
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Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
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The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>CS Human Studies

2004-03-16 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
Is 5 days not rather rapid to be completely rid of something like malaria?

> -Original Message-
> From: jrowl...@nctimes.net [mailto:jrowl...@nctimes.net]
> Sent: 16 March 2004 03:31
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: CS>CS Human Studies
> "...February 27
> New Human Studies
> American Biotech Labs (ABL) has been working in conjunction with 
> four hospitals in West Africa that have been conducting human 
> studies of the ASAP product as a antibiotic alternative against 
> human ailments...Copies of the second set of the human studies 
> will be released today and will be made available upon request..."
> http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/040227/ca091_1.html
> [American Biotech Labs (801) 756-1414 a...@americanbiotechlabs.com ]
> My telephone request of March 7 arrived March 15.
> Also see:
> http://biz.yahoo.com/pz/040115/50911.html
> jr
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
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> Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
> OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> ---
> Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
> Version: 6.0.622 / Virus Database: 400 - Release Date: 13/03/04
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
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Version: 6.0.622 / Virus Database: 400 - Release Date: 13/03/04

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Question for Brooks Bradley

2004-03-17 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
I too would be interested in an alternative as I can't take Gatorade due to
allergies. I believe Brooks said Ringers solution is very similar to
gatorade so I did a search for it but to no avail, wondered if you can make
up Ringers solution yourself if you can get hold of the ingredients and of
course know the quantities involved, can anyone help with this please?

> -Original Message-
> From: sol [mailto:sol...@sweetwaterhsa.com]
> Sent: 16 March 2004 23:26
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: CS>Question for Brooks Bradley
>   Get a small spray bottle with a fine mist (I use 2 oz plastic ones)
> and mist your eyes 2 or more times each day, more during times when you
> are out and being exposed to colds. I got one cold that was very mild
> while I was drinking/ rinsing and holding CS in my mouth, but not one in
> the near year and a half I have now been spraying my eyes.
>Of everything I've learned here that is the single best piece of
> advice I have gotten, and has made the biggest most immediate difference
> to my quality of life. I still have a lot of other stuff to overcome in
> my health, but not being sick half of every year is a wonderful blessing.
> paula
> kittykat wrote:
> > Brooks, if you could give me a suggestion, I would appreciate it.  I
> > have read that Gatorade is good for helping the body assimilate CS.  I
> > am a diabetic and I can't drink all that sugary stuff.  Do you have an
> > alternative I could try?  I know I'm not assimilating the CS I'm
> > drinking as I'm catching every sickness that comes around and I've
> > been drinking 2 ounces daily.
> >
> > Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions you can give.
> >
> > Debbie
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
> OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> ---
> Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
> Version: 6.0.622 / Virus Database: 400 - Release Date: 13/03/04
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
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The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>zapper(lyme)

2004-04-01 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
My husband and I have just been diagnosed with lyme, is it known whether CS
can kill the lyme bacteria when they are in cyst form or cell deficient
forms within cells  or can CS not manage to get at them in these
intracellular forms?
Also if CS works by scuppering bacterial respiration, in a cyst form or CD
form is respiration reduced and therefore would CS be less effective?

  -Original Message-
  From: William Meyer [mailto:calis...@earthlink.net]
  Sent: 30 March 2004 16:20
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: Re: CS>zapper(lyme)

  i don't believe lyme has to be killed in the cyst form if you keep up a
  that is working on the active form. lyme in the cyst form should not cause
  body any problems. when the lyme emerges from the cyst and becomes active,
  an ongoing treatment will kill these active forms.
  it is certainly possible that zapping may force lyme deeper in tissues.
  the question is: what does the lyme do in these deeper tissues? the
consensus seems
  to be that the lyme in the deeper tissues is active and causing lots of
  with glands, the brain, etc.!
  more than a few chronic cases have had success thru boosting the immune
  ryfe therapy has received lots of testimonials on it's effectiveness
against lyme
  even in deep tissue.
  i haven't heard a lot of positive testimony regarding zappers and lyme.

  On Mar 30, 2004, at 7:37 AM, Linda Jones wrote:

Is it possible that your friend has Lyme? Zappers are ineffective with
Lyme because the spirochetes have the ability to move away from areas that
are penetrated by the zapper. I have Lyme, and used a zapper for about a
year and a half, and ended up crashing so badly that I've never been able to
return to my former levels of health. My understanding is that the zapper
may force Lyme spirochetes to regress into areas that the zapper can't
reach, such as the brain and spinal cord, and hollow organs, creating
increased neurological symptoms and other symptoms. The zapper isn't
powerful enough to kill off Lyme. That sounds like a possibility of what
might have happened to your friend.

More powerful devices to kill Lyme seem to be Rife and possibly the Mag
pulser. But even they have difficulties killing Lyme in all it's forms.
(Supposedly they don't kill it in it's cyst form)

On the issue of electrical devices causing harm, because the zapper runs
on direct current, it doesn't fall into the same category as hair dryers and
high powered power lines. At least all the zappers that I've ever used were
battery powered.

Linda Jones


- Original Message -
From: Nancy DeLise
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 10:59 PM
Subject: CS>zapper

I have a friend who tried the zapper quite awhile ago.  She ended up in
a wheel chair and she cannot use either of her hands.  The hands tremors,
and she cannot hold a pencil to even write.  Does anyone have any idea what
happened? Is there anything she can do to reverse these tremors?


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RE: CS>zapper(lyme) and Burgdorf recommends CS

2004-04-02 Thread J &amp; S Campbell


From: "J & S Campbell" 
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2004 17:06:08 +0100
Subject: RE: CS>zapper(lyme)
Resent-From: silver-list@eskimo.com
Resent-Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2004 08:03:36 -0800

My husband and I have just been diagnosed with lyme, is it known whether
CS can kill the lyme bacteria when they are in cyst form or cell deficient
forms within cells  or can CS not manage to get at them in these
intracellular forms?
Also if CS works by scuppering bacterial respiration, in a cyst form or
CD form is respiration reduced and therefore would CS be less effective?

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Version: 6.0.647 / Virus Database: 414 - Release Date: 29/03/04

RE: CS>zapper(lyme) and bacterial resistance to CS

2004-04-02 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
Thanks for the reply, very interested and glad to hear you have been helped
so much with the CS, I have in the past read of others with lyme being
helped. I take your point about the time scale quite prepared for this.
We have been ill for at least 24 years possibly 28 ( 24 was when things got
really bad.)
Yes we 've heard of the notion of coming off treatments every so often to
encourage the wee beasties to revert to spirochaete form then clobbering
them with CS so we will think of doing that.
Our homeopathic doctor who was also a bacteriologist/pathologist is fine
about us using CS except concerned that resistant forms of borrelia may
develop however I have never read of that happening, does anyone know
anything about this risk? If no resistant bacteria seem to develop while
using CS why not?
Best wishes,
  -Original Message-
  From: William Meyer [mailto:calis...@earthlink.net]
  Sent: 01 April 2004 20:41
  To: campbe...@members.v21.co.uk
  Subject: Re: CS>zapper(lyme)

  in answer:

  On Apr 1, 2004, at 11:06 AM, J & S Campbell wrote:

My husband and I have just been diagnosed with lyme, is it known whether
CS can kill the lyme bacteria when they are in cyst form or cell deficient

  **cell wall deficient forms you mean

within cells  or can CS not manage to get at them in these intracellular

  **don't know, but it has helped my chronic lyme condition.

Also if CS works by scuppering bacterial respiration, in a cyst form or
CD form is respiration reduced and therefore would CS be less effective?

  **indeed, it would be very amazing if it were significantly affecting
these forms.
  my point of view is these forms are not causing lyme symptoms anyway.
  it is the active forms and these guys are susceptible to CS.
  i cannot say CS is a cure, but i can say it has been highly effective in
my case.

  again, i take the point of view that lyme treatment should take place over
a long
  period -5 years is a guess as a rule of thumb for cases past one year-
  so that the cyst forms are killed when they emerge.
  it may also be possible to have to "trick" the lyme yearly to come out by
  treatment for a spell.
  safest is just assuming you will treat yourself for a long time.



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RE: CS>unusual posting

2004-05-01 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
Very glad to hear you are doing so well and long may it continue,I agree
this is a great list, a blessing,

With love and best wishes for the future,

  -Original Message-
  From: Shirley Reed [mailto:pj20...@yahoo.com]
  Sent: 01 May 2004 03:38
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: CS>unusual posting

 Dear, dear list members.   I want to express my affection and gratitude
to this list.  I am a 63 year old woman who has cancer.  I decided this on
the basis of my reaction to the cansema salve.  I have it in various places.
However, I am feeling so good these days that I don't really give it much
thought.  Feel better than I have in many years.  Being realistic, I don't
think this will last, but until it doesn't, I am so happy and am enjoying
life so much that I am grateful to God and to the people on this list, as
well as one or two others.  It was on this list that I first learned of
colloidal silver.  I think it was here also that the zapper was spoken of so
highly.  Both of these have been of such value to me.  I thank you all.  I
have received such encouragement from so many of you and so much
information.  Encouraging people are kinda hard to come by sometimes. :)
You ha! ve been wonderful.  I thank you.  Whatever and whenever the
'customary thing with people' happens, I have had a wonderful couple of
years, largely due to the information and encouragement I have gotten here.
I hope my gratitude and affection for you is complete.  I think it is.  I
have chosen to speak now as one never knows just what the future holds.  I
know my present is so very happy.  Best wishes to all of you.  I have tried
to be part of the goodness on this list.  Let's all keep trying.   What you
people are doing is wonderful.  pj

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Version: 6.0.672 / Virus Database: 434 - Release Date: 28/04/04

RE: CS>Deionized water

2004-05-05 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
We too live in the UK and have had to use deionised water from pharmacys as
you cannot buy distilled water over here. We contacted Ransoms, the makers
of the H2O that we use and got particulars of the water, emailed Trem from
Silvergen and he kindly told us that it was absolutely fine to use. We had
thought of buying a distiller but he said it wouldn't give the level of
purity we were get from the deionised H20.

Best wishes,


> -Original Message-
> From: Paul Holloway [mailto:p.j.hollo...@btinternet.com]
> Sent: 05 May 2004 14:19
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: CS>Deionized water
> Hi List,
> I am a new member and I hope you can settle an argument.
> I have been making CS for many years, using deionized water as I
> live in the
> UK where distilled water is hard to come by.
> I have now been told in no uncertain terms that it is impossible to make
> good quality CS using deionized water, and that only distilled
> water will do
> the job. The deionized water I was using for several years was from the
> biochemistry lab I used to work in, and had a resistivity of less than 0.1
> uS/cm (resistance 10-15 megohms/cm), which is at least as good as
> distilled
> water. I now use deionised water that I buy (from my local
> pharmacy or from
> Superdrug), but it seems in every way identical to the lab
> deionized water -
> the initial current is identical and the colour and taste of the resulting
> CS is identical.
> Do I really need to start distilling water, or can I carry on using
> deionized water?
> If I can't use this water, why not, as it is at least as pure as
> distilled?
> Surely it is the purity of the water that maters, not the method used to
> purify it.
> Thanks in anticipation,
> Paul Holloway
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
> OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> ---
> Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
> Version: 6.0.674 / Virus Database: 436 - Release Date: 02/05/04
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.674 / Virus Database: 436 - Release Date: 02/05/04

RE: CS>Clarke, Wormwood, and Malaria

2004-05-14 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
Jonathan, here is an interesting article on artemesia annua, the variety of
wormwood that is being used successfully for malaria, and also cancer so it
would seem.

People are also using it for other infections eg babesia and perhaps lyme in
intracellular forms. I was prescribed it in 1991 for a parasitic gut
infection, blastocystis hominis. My doctor at the time said it had to be
this specific variety of wormwood for these kind of infections. I think this
is a different variety of wormwood to the one used by Dr Clarke? Not sure.

 It was being used back then successfully for malaria so it has taken the
WHO a long time to do this, suprise, suprise. As you will read it was used
by the Chinese thousands of years ago.

The bit about it helping cancer is very interesting, perhaps fitting in with
cancer being caused by infections in at least some cases?

Best wishes,


> -Original Message-
> From: Jonathan B. Britten [mailto:jbrit...@cc.nakamura-u.ac.jp]
> Sent: 14 May 2004 06:59
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: CS>Clarke, Wormwood, and Malaria
> List,
> Interesting report in yesterday's newspaper:  the WHO is approving a
> kind of Chinese wormwood for worldwide treatment of malaria.   The
> wormwood has proven more effective than any other drug at eliminating
> the parasites in the blood.   It will be given in a "cocktail"  to
> discourage resistance developing.
> I note that Hulda Clarke has advocated wormwood and "black green walnut
> hulls"  as a general anti-parasite formula for patients.   I have some
> reservations about her work -- the worst thing is the ridiculous title,
>   for heaven's sake --  but there is much useful information in her
> books,  and I have yet to read any compelling refutation of her claims.
> The recent WHO decision suggests that if wormwood works well on the
> parasites involved in malaria,  it may work on other afflictions as
> well.  Food for thought.
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
> OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> ---
> Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
> Version: 6.0.680 / Virus Database: 442 - Release Date: 09/05/04
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.680 / Virus Database: 442 - Release Date: 09/05/04

RE: CS>CS and fungi

2004-05-16 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
Dear Paul,

Thankyou for your interesting post about fungal sinusitis. I was wondering -
how do you get your CS and saline mix isotonic (i.e. the same strength as
the body fluids)? Of course, when you add CS to the saline it dilutes it and
if you put that in your nose it will be painful.

My husband has been using the method of sinus flooding you describe also
with success (though he doesn't have a fungal infection). The method he has
evolved is to make up a strong solution of salt in a dropper bottle and add
5 drops to the CS. How do you do it?

The mixture has to be used immediately and the remainder discarded because
the salt will react with the CS. A drop of 50% DMSO is also useful.

He is also considering buying a Neti Pot from the internet. A friend has
found it good for irrigating the nasal passages and sinuses. Has any one
tried it?

Best wishes,


> -Original Message-
> From: Paul Holloway [mailto:p.j.hollo...@btinternet.com]
> Sent: 15 May 2004 11:28
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: CS>CS and fungi
> Hi,
> This might be a good place to mention my experiences with fungal
> sinusitis.
> Four years ago I developed severe sinusitis, with incapacitating pain, and
> other strange symptoms - a burning tingling numbness down both arms and
> legs, dizziness, nausea, and a horrible feeling in my head. My memory was
> shot and I felt extremely ill. Conventional doctors said there was no
> problem with my sinuses and suggested antidepressants.
> I started doing nasal rinses with saline and my wife said she could smell
> mold coming from my sinuses. She then started to develop similar
> symptoms. I
> tried CS as a rinse with some success, but the main problem seemed to be
> above my eyes, in my frontal sinuses. The nasal rinsing was great
> at getting
> at my maxillaries (behind the cheekbones) and ethmoids (behind the top of
> the nose) but not the frontals. Then I came across a sinus flooding
> technique, which used a CS and saline mix. You lie on a bed with your head
> hanging off it backwards and filled the nose with the mix, and left it for
> 2-3 minutes, then turned over with your head hanging down
> forwards, holding
> the nose, and soaked for a further 2-3 minutes. Then you snorted
> it all out,
> waited 40 minutes and did it again (to remove loosened deposits). PLEASE
> NOTE THIS PROCEDURE IS NOT RECOMMENDED - I think it moves infection around
> the sinuses and into the eustachian tubes, especially the first part with
> the head backwards. This seemed to help a lot with the sinus pain
> and other
> symptoms.
> Then I had a batch of CS that was left for too long and had turned a dark
> yellow-brownish colour. I didn't want to drink this, but thought
> I would try
> using it in the sinus flooding procedure. To my horror, some
> clumps of brown
> fibrous material came out of my nose, about a teaspoonful of it in clumps.
> Luckily I had a small microscope, and took a look. It was clearly
> fungus of
> some sort, with hyphae, fruiting bodies and hundreds of spores clearly
> visible. After comparing it to photos on the internet, the shape of the
> fruiting bodies and the size and shape of the spores, I concluded it was
> aspergillus fumigatus, a common pathogenic fungus. I worked in a pathology
> lab at the time, and sent off some of this material to the fungal
> lab. They
> cultured aspergillus fumigatus. By this time my wife was also washing
> similar material out of her nose.
> Unfortunately my doctors still did not take this seriously, even though
> aspergillus is know to be a serious problem in some people. We continued
> washing this foul stuff out every day, and doing many alternative
> things to
> eliminate it, including a magnetic pulser, and after several months it
> seemed to have come to an end. We both have no more "fungal" symptoms but
> have been left with a susceptibility to bacterial infections in
> our sinuses,
> and impaired immune response. This is gradually resolving.
> Anyway, I am pretty sure that dark CS stains aspergillus a brown
> color, and
> I suspect it may somehow dislodge the stuff from the sinuses.
> Silver is used
> as a fungal satin for microscopy, so I think I stumbled accidentally on a
> procedure that would both dislodge the stuff, and make it visible.
> I would like to get someone else with aspergillus sinusitis to try this. I
> did join a list for aspergillus sufferers, but none of them was interested
> in trying any of my suggestions. I was constantly attacked by a man whose
> wife had aspergillus, who said that my suggestions were dangerous and
> wouldn't work and that CS would turn them all blue. Everyone seemed to
> believe him and carried on whining that their steroids and
> surgery were not
> working. Unbelievable.
> Anyway, I hope this is of some help to those who suspect they may have a
> fungal infection. It might even prove useful as a diagnostic procedure.
> Best wishes,
> Paul H
> --
> The Silver List is 

RE: CS>Clarke, Wormwood, and Malaria

2004-05-16 Thread J &amp; S Campbell

Yes sorry, brain malfunctioning!

> -Original Message-
> From: Jonathan B. Britten [mailto:jbrit...@cc.nakamura-u.ac.jp]
> Sent: 16 May 2004 07:16
> To: campbe...@members.v21.co.uk
> Subject: Re: CS>Clarke, Wormwood, and Malaria
> I replied to thank you for the article,  then realized that I could not 
> find anything attached to the message below.
> Did you by chance forget to paste an article or a link?  Perhaps others 
> would be interested as well.
> Cheers,
> On Saturday, May 15, 2004, at 00:48 Asia/Tokyo, J & S Campbell wrote:
> > Jonathan, here is an interesting article on artemesia annua, the 
> > variety of
> > wormwood that is being used successfully for malaria, and also cancer 
> > so it
> > would seem.
> >
> > People are also using it for other infections eg babesia and perhaps 
> > lyme in
> > intracellular forms. I was prescribed it in 1991 for a parasitic gut
> > infection, blastocystis hominis. My doctor at the time said it had to 
> > be
> > this specific variety of wormwood for these kind of infections. I 
> > think this
> > is a different variety of wormwood to the one used by Dr Clarke? Not 
> > sure.
> >
> >  It was being used back then successfully for malaria so it has taken 
> > the
> > WHO a long time to do this, suprise, suprise. As you will read it was 
> > used
> > by the Chinese thousands of years ago.
> >
> > The bit about it helping cancer is very interesting, perhaps fitting 
> > in with
> > cancer being caused by infections in at least some cases?
> >
> > Best wishes,
> >
> > Sheila
> >
> >> -Original Message-
> >> From: Jonathan B. Britten [mailto:jbrit...@cc.nakamura-u.ac.jp]
> >> Sent: 14 May 2004 06:59
> >> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> >> Subject: CS>Clarke, Wormwood, and Malaria
> >>
> >>
> >> List,
> >>
> >> Interesting report in yesterday's newspaper:  the WHO is approving a
> >> kind of Chinese wormwood for worldwide treatment of malaria.   The
> >> wormwood has proven more effective than any other drug at eliminating
> >> the parasites in the blood.   It will be given in a "cocktail"  to
> >> discourage resistance developing.
> >>
> >> I note that Hulda Clarke has advocated wormwood and "black green 
> >> walnut
> >> hulls"  as a general anti-parasite formula for patients.   I have some
> >> reservations about her work -- the worst thing is the ridiculous 
> >> title,
> >>   for heaven's sake --  but there is much useful information in her
> >> books,  and I have yet to read any compelling refutation of her 
> >> claims.
> >>
> >> The recent WHO decision suggests that if wormwood works well on the
> >> parasites involved in malaria,  it may work on other afflictions as
> >> well.  Food for thought.
> >>
> >>
> >> JBB
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> >>
> >> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
> >>
> >> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> >> Silver List archive: 
> >> http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> >>
> >> Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
> >> OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html
> >>
> >> List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >>
> >>
> >> ---
> >> Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
> >> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
> >> Version: 6.0.680 / Virus Database: 442 - Release Date: 09/05/04
> >>
> > ---
> > Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
> > Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
> > Version: 6.0.680 / Virus Database: 442 - Release Date: 09/05/04
> >
> ---
> Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
> Version: 6.0.680 / Virus Database: 442 - Release Date: 09/05/04
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.680 / Virus Database: 442 - Release Date: 09/05/04

RE: CS>20 ppm CS

2004-06-15 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
Trem, we have your SG6 which we find excellent by the way. What size of
container would you suggest for it, how large could we go?
Would there not be a problem stirring a large vessel effectively?
Best wishes,

> -Original Message-
> From: Trem [mailto:t...@silvergen.com]
> Sent: 15 June 2004 16:28
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: CS>20 ppm CS
> Hi Wayne,
> Our SG6 Auto and SG7 Pro both have a PPM control.  It can be set
> from about 5 PPM to
> about 20 PPM.  I occasionally set the calibration higher on
> special request.
> It does not require a special tank (or volume ) to operate
> properly since the unit
> senses water conductivity to compare with the internal set point
> of the PPM dial and
> shuts down when they are the same.  I use a 1.25 gallon container
> for calibrating the
> SG7 Pro's but supply a 5 gallon container with the unit.  I have
> customers that use
> much larger production vessels.  The generator just runs until
> the set point is
> reached.
> Trem
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.701 / Virus Database: 458 - Release Date: 07/06/04

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2004-06-16 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
Very interesting article,




Although medical science claims the cause of most cancers is unknown, there
is evidence accumulated since the late 19th century to show that cancer is a
disease caused by infectious bacteria (not to be confused with viruses which
are not visible microscopically). In 1890 the noted Scottish pathologist
William Russell (1852-1940) discovered round forms in cancer tissue which he
interpreted as "the characteristic organism of cancer." These forms were
subsequently discredited as infectious agents but have became known to every
pathologist as "Russell bodies." (For more details see, "The Russell Body:
The forgotten clue to the bacterial cause of cancer" at:
The most vocal proponent of bacteria as a cause of cancer was the late
Virginia Livingston, M.D. In 1950, Virginia Wuerthele-Caspe Livingston and
Eleanor Alexander-Jackson (a microbiologist), along with John A Anderson
(head of the Department of Bacteriology at Rutgers), James Hillier (head of
the electron microscopy at the RCA Victor Laboratories at Princeton), Roy
Allen (a renowned microscopist), and Lawrence W Smith (author of a
well-known pathology textbook used in medical colleges), all combined their
talents to write a paper entitled "Cultural Properties and Pathogenicity of
Certain Microorganisms Obtained from Various Proliferative and Neoplastic
Diseases," published in the December issue of The American Journal of the
Medical Sciences. The characteristics of the cancer microbe in blood,
tissue, and culture, were described in detail; and the extreme pleomorphic
nature of the organism was revealed in photos taken with the electron
microscope at a magnification of 31,000X. (The ordinary light microscope
only magnifies a thousand times.)
The cancer microbe, which Livingston later called Progenitor cryptocides,
was filterable through a pore designed to hold back bacteria, indicating
that the smallest forms of the microbe were indeed "virus-sized." However,
with time these filter-passing were able to grow and revert back to the size
of conventional bacteria.
The microbe was characterized as pleomorphic, that is, having more than one
form and size. The smallest forms of the organism were virus-like, and the
larger bacterial forms were comparable to what bacteriologists call
"mycoplasma", "L-forms" and "cell-wall deficient forms." The largest forms
of the organism resembled what Russell called "the cancer parasite."
Livingston believed the organism was closely related to the mycobacteria,
the species of acid-fast bacteria that causes tuberculosis. She claimed the
"acid-fast" staining method was essential to identify the microbe in tissue
and in culture.
In a series of papers Livingston and her colleagues all continued important
cancer microbe research showing the characteristic "connective tissue
parasite" of cancer, the germ that could be found inside the cell
(intracellular) and outside the cell (extracellular) in all cancers they
studied. Livingston always stressed that the microbe tends to involve the
collagenous (connective) tissue, and the photographs presented here in
prostate cancer confirm that.
When she died in 1990 at the age of 84, she was widely regarded as a quack,
particularly by the American Cancer Society which claimed her cancer microbe
did not exist. Likewise, a bulletin published by the National Cancer
institute on Nov 30, 1990 stated: "There is no scientific evidence to
confirm Livingston's theories of cancer causation."
More details covering a century of cancer microbe research can be found in
my book, The Cancer Microbe: The Hidden Killer in Cancer, AIDS, and Other
Immune Diseases (1990) , in Cell Wall Deficient Bacteria (1993) by Lida
Mattman, Ph.D., in Can Bacteria Cause Cancer?: Alternative Medicine
Confronts Big Science (1997) by David Hess, and also by initiating a
computer search at www.google.com and typing in "cancer bacteria", "cancer
microbe", or "cancer-associated bacteria."
Over the past four decades personal publications in medical journals record
the presence of cancer bacteria in various cancers, including breast cancer,
Kaposi's sarcoma, Hodgkin's disease, mycosis fungoides, as well as in
non-cancerous diseases like scleroderma, lupus erythematosus, and
sarcoidosis. Additional papers on the microbiology of cancer are presented
online at the Journal of Independent Medical Research web site
(www.joimr.org). References and abstracts on 10 cancer microbe medical
publications can be found at the National Library of Medicine's "PubMed" web
site (www.ncbi.nlm.gov/PubMed/). (Type in "Cantwell AR + cancer bacteria".
According to Livingston, the cancer microbe is present in the blood, tissue,
excreta, and body fluids of all human beings. When the immune system is
functioning normally these microbes did not cause disease. However, when
tissue is damaged or weakened these microbes became aggressive and

CS>Pollen allergies and MSM and CS and dust allergies

2003-05-09 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
With pollen season coming again I thought I'd let you know how I have found
MSM to be absolutely brilliant at alleviating pollen allergies and cat

I read somewhere it could help so started taking it orally but no relief,
sneezing away etc etc, but I kept on taking it and increasing the dose and
suddenly the effects just kicked in and the allergy was under control, I
could go outside for a couple of hours before symptoms would start. I need
to take a large dose, not sure how many mg/gm it is but about 5-6 tsp a day
throughout  the season. I also take it when visitung my in-laws who have a
cat and similar doses control that too. I have to say though that I don't
fancy taking this high dose lonterm but OK for a short time.

Be warned go up on the MSM dose slowly as you can feel  very rough, even
very depressed with release of toxins.

Also I have been trying CS to eliminate a staph infecion in my sinuses,
irrigated the sinuses with CS 4 times a day. Well usually I am affected by
dustmites on bedlinen not for the 12 days I was doing this, coincidence?



RE: CS>Pollen allergies and MSM

2003-05-10 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
Hi Maja,

I take it in doses split throughout the day, by tsp I mean teaspoon and I
also mean a British teaspoon! Don't know if they are different sizes over
there! I know it is a high dose but I have had bad allergies (foods,
chemicals and pollens etc) for the last twenty odd years, since having
dysentery, possible brucellosis, glandular fever, coxsackie B3 viral
infection, blastocystis hominis - wish I'd had CS then - (over a period of
five or six years) all of which screwed up my immune system.

I'd always had some allergies and was particularly bad with pollen,
especially after being given desensitising injections, when I was 18. They
had to stop giving me the injections as I was allergic to the injections and
they made my allergies a lot worse (I was told afterwards the injections
could have killed me). So maybe all that is why it takes a lot of MSM to
control it for me, but I am only on it for 6-8 wweks a year and I am hoping
that as I have been taking beta glucan recently that will too help my immune
system and I may manage on less.



> -Original Message-
> From: Maja Hristozova [mailto:majahristoz...@yahoo.com]
> Sent: 10 May 2003 04:42
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: CS>Pollen allergies and MSM
> Hi Sheila
> Glad to hear MSM is working well for you. You are not
> the first one to experience getting rid of an alergy
> with MSM. The only thing I'm concerned is the high
> dosse. You are brave to try.. I know 1 teaspoon is
> enough.. Do you take the 5-6 spoons at once or
> splitted. Also tsp means tablespoon or teaspoon?
> Maia
> --- J & S Campbell 
> wrote:
> > With pollen season coming again I thought I'd let
> > you know how I have found
> > MSM to be absolutely brilliant at alleviating pollen
> > allergies and cat
> > allergies.
> >
> > I read somewhere it could help so started taking it
> > orally but no relief,
> > sneezing away etc etc, but I kept on taking it and
> > increasing the dose and
> > suddenly the effects just kicked in and the allergy
> > was under control, I
> > could go outside for a couple of hours before
> > symptoms would start. I need
> > to take a large dose, not sure how many mg/gm it is
> > but about 5-6 tsp a day
> > throughout  the season. I also take it when visitung
> > my in-laws who have a
> > cat and similar doses control that too. I have to
> > say though that I don't
> > fancy taking this high dose lonterm but OK for a
> > short time.
> >
> > Be warned go up on the MSM dose slowly as you can
> > feel  very rough, even
> > very depressed with release of toxins.
> >
> > Also I have been trying CS to eliminate a staph
> > infecion in my sinuses,
> > irrigated the sinuses with CS 4 times a day. Well
> > usually I am affected by
> > dustmites on bedlinen not for the 12 days I was
> > doing this, coincidence?
> >
> > Best,
> >
> > Sheila
> >
> > ATTACHMENT part 2 application/ms-tnef
> name=winmail.dat
> __
> Do you Yahoo!?
> The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.
> http://search.yahoo.com
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>More Questions for Ole Bob

2003-05-12 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
That is very interesting about the very diluted CS working so well. Do you
know if homeopathic CS has ever been made/tested ? Though perhaps, am I
right in thinking, its beneficial powers in homeopathic dilution may not be
antibacterial but something else ?

Has anyone out there ever tried 1ppm CS for an infection and if so has it
been effective?

Have any in vitro tests been done with these dilute solutions?



> -Original Message-
> From: Robert Berger [mailto:bober...@swbell.net]
> Sent: 12 May 2003 00:39
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: CS>More Questions for Ole Bob
> Andy,
> The question is, why do you want to concentrate the CS???
> Several months ago Hawheye, Jensen co. published an invitro study where
> they used 20 ppm, diluted to 10 ppm, diluted to 3 ppm, and diluted to 1
> ppm.. They had two bacteria and two viri in the study. The results were
> amazing
> They only published the results of the 3, 10, and 20 ppm as that is what
> they sold. The 3 ppm was several orders of magnitude more effective than
> either the 10 or 20, and the 10 was more effective than the 20.
> Stephen Quintro of natural-immunogenics raised the question as to why
> they didn't publish the data for the 1 ppm, as his studies showed that 1
> ppm was the most effective.
> To back that up recently I did some development for a European company,
> and they shared this information with me.
> One of their customers has a 1,60,000 sq. ft. greenhouse that was used
> to raise cucumbers. It developed a mosaic and the government said plow
> it up and replant with another crop. My contact gave them 15 ppm CS and
> said to dilute 1 to 1000, which made 20 to 40 ppb. That's right parts
> per billion!!! In four weeks time the greenhouse was clean and the owner
> said that the cucumbers were the largest he had ever raised.
> We Americans has the strange idea that more is better. It would be worth
> your while to look into homeopathy, where medicines are diluted as much
> as 10,000 to 1 or more.
> As for making various protocols of CS I just received my 16th box of
> Hach chemicals for my spect.. and each box will make 50 tests. About 350
> test have been for others. the balance, 400, have been for my own
> investigations. Every new protocol someone comes up with I try and log
> the data. Not all of it gets plotted
> "Ole Bob"
> A
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>[Fwd: Linus Pauling Heart Disease Video: Theory and Therapy]

2003-05-23 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
Pleas don't stopposting these references! I always find your posts so
interesting and informative, thank you.

> -Original Message-
> From: Brooks Bradley [mailto:brooks.brad...@att.net]
> Sent: 22 May 2003 06:16
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: CS>[Fwd: Linus Pauling Heart Disease Video: Theory and Therapy]
>   This is one of the better synopses of Linus
> Pauling's "research based"
> recommendations..for the more prevalent cardio-vascular challenges
> among the adult populations of the Western World.
>   Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley
> p.s.  For those wondering about this flurry of url posts;  I was drawn,
> by heightened interest, as I came across them (some maintaining my
> current interest)during the transferring my pet Bookmarks..into my
> Netscape 7.0 update.today.  I could not resist sharing/reminding
> those who might possess a possible interest.  I promise a subsidence in
> the url upheaval.shortly!
>  Original Message 
> Subject: Linus Pauling Heart Disease Video: Theory and Therapy
> Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 20:47:29 -0500
> From: Brooks Bradley 
> Reply-To: brooks.brad...@att.net
> Organization: Harborne Research Foundation
> To: brooks.brad...@att.net
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Cancer, fungal infections and CS

2003-05-27 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
Just posting this in case this could be another reason why some people with
cancer are helped with CS.



The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Re: Nebulizing CS for SARS Redux

2003-06-18 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
Hi Catherine, did you look at the paper below on intravenous Vit C for
treating polio and other viral diseases, in relation to SARS? Though  from
way back in 1948 it seems to me extremely interesting and potentially
relevant to SARS and other infections.I think it was referenced on this
Very glad you and those like you are being able to bring a different
perspective to doctors looking at this problem, well done.




> -Original Message-
> From: C Creel [mailto:ccr...@adelphia.net]
> Sent: 18 June 2003 15:57
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: CS>Re: Nebulizing CS for SARS Redux
> Dear Lew,
>   I said:
> <<<  I think you need to be talking to the people who are on the
> frontlines
> of this ...Nebulizing is how they feel a number of health care
> practitioners
> ended up
> with SARS.>
> You replied:
> < way.  This is
> an open-minded
> forum  for health-care. Those in the frontlines battling SARS  are welcome
> to share and to
> learn. It is open University with all of us students of Ageless Wisdom.>>
>**  I think you know I have a great deal of respect for your
> work.  I've
> mentioned this more than once on another list to which we both
> belong.  But
> I think if you are to make a suggestion like NO and insist it CAN be done,
> the onus of responsibility is on you to explain how given what we already
> know about how nebulizing patients with SARS infected those who were
> treating the patients.
>   I've spent a little more than 2 months in daily contact with SARS Task
> Force consisting of people who have tried many different things while
> treating SARS.  The testing ground for these things were two
> hospitals - one
> in Beijing and the other in Hong Kong.  Their experiences are valuable.
> When they, who are working every day with patients formally diagnosed as
> having SARS, and you have a hypothesis you've never really gotten
> to test in
> a formally diagnosed SARS case, it's not difficult for me to
> decide who has
> the more complete information.
> I've never been one to accept the status quo, but there is
> something to
> be said about learning from others' mistakes.
> Most people who help others heal are very sincere and caring.  The
> Universe supports these people as best as it can.  But sometimes there are
> hard, cold facts we wish weren't there that require some thinking
> outside of
> the box to get around them.
>   For example, so many things work in vitro that don't work in
> vivo.  Right
> now, NIH scientists find that licorice is disbling the SARS virus.  The
> chances it will do this in vivo are quite slim.  But wouldn't it
> be grand if
> it did?
>   It would be grand if NO worked.  In theory it should.  It even stands a
> good chance in practice -  but only if we can create another
> delivery system
> that won't risk the lives of others.
>   I'd be glad to introduce your idea to the SARS Task Force if
> you can come
> up with an idea for a safe way of administering it.
> Regards,
> Catherine
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>List owner commentary...

2003-06-21 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
Yes, at times there is a lot of  technical stuff that is way beyond me, I
just skip it and look forward to finding another gem of info that will start
me off looking into something else and in general I have gained SO MUCH
useful info from this site, obviously on CS but also on so many other
things, supplements etc etc etc and I am very grateful to all who contribute
and share their knowledge and expertise, thank you, don't stop sharing

> - Original Message -
> From: "M. G. Devour" 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2003 8:54 AM
> Subject: CS>List owner commentary...
> > Greetings fellow and filly Silver Listers,
> >
> > I want to respond to a few recent comments and issues about list
> > operations with a little education and explanation.
> >
> > First of all, I'd like to remind everyone that at the end of this and
> > *every* message from the list is a footer that looks like this:
> >
> > *
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
> > silver.
> >
> > Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org
> >
> > To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> >
> > Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> >
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> > *
> >
> > I want to bring this to your notice to remind you that:
> >
> >-- I'm here if you need me...
> >-- There's a web page for the list...
> >-- The archives at e-scribe exist.
> >-- All of this is available in every message!
> >
> > Please visit the Silver List web site and review the mission
> > statement, list rules and etiquette for both the Silver List and the
> > Silver Off Topic List if you haven't done so lately.
> >
> > Please read and appreciate the following, from our Mission Statement:
> >
> > ** We are here to welcome both newcomers and experienced users who
> > want to learn about Colloidal Silver. We will share the most fair,
> > unbiased, and good quality information we can, freely, without regard
> > to ego or self interest.
> >
> > ** We will support and encourage each other, share the results of our
> > experience, experiments, studies, and inspirations with CS, and act to
> > maintain a welcoming and friendly atmosphere that nurtures a sense of
> > community.
> >
> > ** We will identify and counter the hype, myths and propaganda that
> > surround the subject of Colloidal Silver.
> >
> > ** We will study the art and science of Colloidal Silver production,
> > testing, and use, so newcomers and experienced members alike will have
> > the widest possible range of choices with reasonable certainty of
> > success and minimum cost.
> >
> > Whether the list community upholds these values or not depends on the
> > bahavior of each of you. Whether there *IS* a "community" or only a
> > collection of competing individuals depends upon you as well.
> >
> > There are some here who could care less about the "touchy-feely crap"
> > of grandbabies and friendly chit-chat. Sometimes they will even
> > complain about it if it gets to be too much. However, that is the stuff
> > of which "a welcoming and friendly atmosphere" is formed.
> >
> > Others of you, like Marsha, take umbrage at the endless technical
> > nattering, a lot of which is over people's heads and akin to straining
> > at gnats sometimes. Yet, as with the ongoing debate about current
> > density, this is how we figure out new stuff that eventually makes
> > things easier and more effective for everyone.
> >
> > We need to remember and remind each other that:
> >
> > ** Simple systems work well -- refinements can come later.
> >
> > ** Technical discussions can be safely ignored by non-techies.
> >
> > ** You'll get from the list what you ask for and contribute yourself.
> >
> > It is a wonder that the Silver List works as well as it does. We do not
> > have the advantage of being like-minded people. No, we have as diverse
> > a selection belief systems and attitudes as any you can find. This is
> > why prohibiting the subjects of religion and politics is a no-brainer.
> >
> > I cracked the whip recently when Becky and Ole Bob began a commentary
> > on the interpretation of the book of Revelations. It's not because I
> > don't respect their views or have no interest in the subject, but
> > simply because long experience shows that in about two or three more
> > posts the topic would have *exploded* into a loud and voluminous
> > doctrinal argument studded by complaints about the Off Topic thread.
> >
> > No fault of theirs, just a fact of human nature.
> >
> > That is why I set up the Silver Off Topic list. It's a place where we
> > can more or less safely take on these kinds of topics. The major
> > requirement is that you don't expect to win any converts, but accept
> > the chance to clearly state your position and explore that of others.
> >
> > The Off Topic List is three clicks away:
> >
> >Click on the Silver List web site link in the foote

CS>Advice please Brooks Bradley, Ivan, Catherine, Everyone

2003-06-24 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
Your advice would be much appreciated on this: my sister-in-law's friend has
been diagnosed with the autoimmune disease Primary Biliary Cirrhosis and has
been told that their is no treatment as such, just eventually the prospect
of a liver transplant, which is a pretty heavy thing to be told in your
early forties with two young children.

I have looked this illness up here on the archive and I see Brooks Bradley
recommending Alpha Lipoic Acid for this, can he or anyone suggest the
correct dosage and any other supplements?

Would CS be likely to help? There does seem to be a lot of info around that
autoimmune illnesses are the body's response to hidden infections as opposed
to the conventional view of the body attacking itself.If CS would be
appropriate any suggestions on the dosage?

Would it be OK for someone with a compromised liver to take CS with the
potential for a Herx reaction or would it just be the case of reducing the
dose as with anyone else if that happened and she would be OK?

Finally would beta glucan be appropriate for an autoimmune illness or might
that stimulate the immune system too much and have a negative effect or
would it just have a balancing effect thus be safe and beneficial?

Any other suggestions?

With thanks,


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>PBC, thanks Brooks, Hillary and Nancy

2003-06-25 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
Thanks very much for your replies, most appreciated and I fully understand
what you are saying Brooks about not making diagnosis or prescribing and I
will pass on your email with that understanding.
Best wishes,

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Mold in apartment

2003-06-25 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
How about beta glucan for your immune system?

> -Original Message-
> From: Mike Monett [mailto:3hg0lm...@sneakemail.com]
> Sent: 24 June 2003 21:29
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: CS>Mold in apartment
> url: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/m60660.html
> Re: CS>Mold in apartment
> From: sol (view other messages by this author)
> Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2003 12:50:52
>   > Mike,
>   > In addition  to  using  your   colloidal  silver,  you  might find
>   > homeopathic remedies for allergies and for detox an alternative. I
>   > find CS and homeopathy to be very complementary to each other, and
>   > homeopathy helps  me  with my allergies a great deal.  If  you can
>   > just get  the  hyperresponse  tamed,   you  will  find  many, many
>   > alternatives to help when you must temporarily go into an allergen
>   > rich environment such as those you mentioned.
>   > paula
>   Thanks Paula.
>   Definitely agree.  Got to get the hyperresponse  under  control. I'm
>   looking at things that help built up the immune system,  like Garlic
>   and other  natural  products. Do you have any  suggestions  that you
>   have tried yourself and found effective?
>   Many people  have sent helpful suggestions which  I  appreciate, but
>   I'm looking  for  someone who has experienced the  same  problem and
>   found something that worked specifically on mold.
>   I knew  a very good homeopath long ago in California.  She  helped a
>   great deal  with a few other problems and I'm sure  she  would solve
>   this one  also. But she moved to Oregon and I have not been  able to
>   contact her for years. She was pretty old, so I suspect the worst.
>   If I  could find one like her in Ottawa, I'd go in  an  instant. But
>   it's not easy to find someone who really knows what they  are doing.
>   Hopefully I  can  build up enough energy with  the  Garlic  to start
>   looking.
>   We call this "bootstrapping" in the technical fields.
> Best Regards,
> Mike Monett
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Mold in apartment

2003-06-25 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
Mike I think you might find Dr Shoemakers website,
www.chronicneurotoxins.com of interest with regards moulds etc. He seems to
find some people, genetically determined, he tests for this, are much more
prone to the toxins given off by moulds and other things and they can't get
rid of these toxins so even once you have moved you still have these toxins
floating around your body and you need treatment to eliminate them.You can
do a visual test over the internet, I think it is only about $8, to see if
you have these toxins in your system. He seems to be a good guy from what I
have read on other lists. You'll see all the details on his site and they
are quite  good at answering questions by email though it takes time,
whatever good luck, I know form experience chemical and food allergies are
no joke.

> -Original Message-
> From: Mike Monett [mailto:3hg0lm...@sneakemail.com]
> Sent: 24 June 2003 19:50
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: CS>Mold in apartment
> url: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/m60650.html
> CS>Mold in apartment
> From: sol
> Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2003 09:13:38
>   > You really must move out of there. Once your body is in full blown
>   > allergic reaction  to a substance the only solution  is  to remove
>   > the allergen  completely, at least until  the  reaction completely
>   > subsides for  several months. If you ever get to  that  point, you
>   > could then begin some desensitisation, but until you give things a
>   > complete healing,  desensitisation  is impossible  as  your system
>   > will overreact to ANY allergic stimulous.
>   > paula
>   Thanks, Paula. I am planning on moving as soon as I can find  a job.
>   It was  impossible to search during the winter and  spring  when the
>   windows were closed.
>   I've gone  back to using Garlic, even though it kills  my digestion.
>   It seems to help reduce the pain a bit. It will be fun to  walk into
>   a manager's office and say "Hi, I'm Mike Monett" and watch them keel
>   over.
>   Thanks for the encouragement on the possibility of healing  once the
>   allergens are  removed. I had the suspicion that might  happen  if I
>   could get away from the mold spores.
>   Now, all  I  have  to  do is convince  everyone  to  remove  all the
>   carpeting in  libraries and offices, and convince them  to  take all
>   their clothes off. That would be a good start:)
> Best Regards,
> Mike Monett
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Mold in apartment

2003-06-27 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
As I've got bad allergies to a whole load of foods, chemicals, pollen, dust,
etc I was very interested to hear of your success with H2O2.What sort of
allergies did you have?
Are you now completely free of allergies?
Did you do this protocol before you started on CS, or were you taking CS at
the same time?
I wonder what the mechanism is for H2O2 curing allergies?



> -Original Message-
> From: Robert Berger [mailto:bober...@swbell.net]
> Sent: 24 June 2003 21:55
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: CS>Mold in apartment
> EIS'ers,
> I had allergies for about 70 years and cured them with 35% food
> grade H2O2.
> Dr.David Williams wrote up the protocol in his monthly news letter
> "Alternatives" in June 1992 (Vol.4, No.12). This protocol correct a whole
> bunch of things. It also change the "T" wave of my heart from bad to good,
> plus other things. He list 43 things that has been found
> effective against.
> Remember that heavy doses of vitamin C
> forces the body to generates H2O2, and that is why C is so effective.
> Basically it starts with 3 drops of H2O2 in about 4 to 6 oz of
> water 3 times
> per day.
> Increase one drop each day unitl you have 12 drops 3 x per day.
> (Tastes like
> hell)
> Then increase 2 drops per day until 25 drops 3x per day. Stay at
> that level
> for a week then taper off  to every other day for a week and then stop.
> WARNING, do not sip!!! do the chug-a-lug routine. One big gulp
> and have 1/2
> stick of sugar free cinamon gun to pop into you mouth and chew
> lke crazy
> Its way too long to put on the list. It is 6 pages double sided.
> "ole Bob"
> > ilver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >
> > Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org
> >
> > To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> >
> > Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> >
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Mold in apartment

2003-06-28 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
Many thanks Bob, I'll get searching! 

> -Original Message-
> From: Robert Berger [mailto:bober...@swbell.net]
> Sent: 27 June 2003 19:46
> To: campbe...@members.v21.co.uk
> Subject: Re: CS>Mold in apartment
> Sheila,
> Back in 1930's allergies were allergies, basiclly pollen, dust 
> summertime stuff.
> I did the H2O2 back in 1992 am allergy free even today. I started 
> CS in 1998.
> If you can find Dr. David Williams' publication "Alternatives" 
> June 1992 (Vol.
> 4, No.12) he lists
> some 43 diseases that can be cured with H2O2.
> If you canfind Dr. Julian Whitaker's "Health & Healin" for July 
> 2003, Vol 13,
> No. 7 there is a fantastic article
> about IV using vitamin C. If not get Dr Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD's book
> "VitaminC,Infectious Disease, and toxins:Curing the Incurable."
> Remember the Dr. Linus Pauling was given a Nobel prize for curing 
> cancer vitamin
> C. Vitamin C forces the body to make H2O2.
> "Ole Bob"

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>CS and Diverticulosis

2003-07-02 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
I would try looking at Dr D'Adamo's work on blood-type diet, if you do a
search on his name his website will come up. My doctor over here in Scotland
was so impressed with his research and the results he obtained with his
health following the blood type diet that he went over to the States to do a
course with him. It may be that the high carb diet is not the best for
you.Certain blood groups are more prone to certain illnesses, this seems to
be well documented and D'Adamo recommends dietary changes according to your
blood type to cure and avoid the illnesses that your blood group dispose you
to. Good luck.
  -Original Message-
  From: Ruth Bertella [mailto:berte...@wwisp.com]
  Sent: 01 July 2003 21:07
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: CS>CS and Diverticulosis

  Yesterday I was diagnosed (after and upper and lower GI) that I have
diverticulosis, gastritis, and colon spasms.   My doctor left me with a high
fiber diet and a prescription for Nexium.   I can't remember what he told me
about anything after I woke up, so I am waiting for him to call me back to
get more in-depth info.

  In the meantime, do any of you have experience with treating any of this -
the diverticulosis in particular - with CS?   Or can any of you provide me
your opinion as to the CS strength best to use and a schedule of dosing?

  Thanks in Advance!! Ruth

RE: CS>infected teeth and roots

2003-07-07 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
Interested to here about this, can I ask what a neo magnet is?
Best wishes,
  -Original Message-
  From: Shirley Reed [mailto:pj20...@yahoo.com]
  Sent: 05 July 2003 22:30
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: CS>infected teeth and roots

If you will add 3 drops of DMSO to a mouthful of cs, swish and hold for
at least 30 secs.  and do this 4 times a day, then in a couple of days you
will get a lot of relief.  This was suggested by B. Bradley ( I think) and
it really does work well.   I have also found that if I tape a super neo
magnet over a 'bad' root  and sleep with it on, then that helps a lot too.
I realize this does not address the 'root' of the problem, but while I am
working on getting the necessary money, it sure does help a lot.Very
best wishes.   pj

  Do you Yahoo!?
  SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!

RE: CS>fluoride

2003-07-07 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
Interesting site on fluoride http://www.fluoridealert.org/
Best wishes,
  -Original Message-
  From: Shirley Reed [mailto:pj20...@yahoo.com]
  Sent: 07 July 2003 05:57
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: CS>fluoride

   It is my understanding that the flouride compound that is added to
water is not the same fluoride compound that occurs naturally in some water.

  Do you Yahoo!?
  SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!

RE: CS>Effective Medicine

2003-07-08 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
Hi Robb, good to hear how you are getting on. My husband and I are taking CS
for CFS and three months down the line are still feeling lousey with it but
also some better so I guess that would be the defining point for me if the
GFS caused a grotty reaction   BUT  also was noticebly helping.
By the way a relative with very severe arthritis, who has been doped up on
very high doses of  painkillers plus inummerable drugs to combat the side
effects of them, for years, is getting appreciable relief from taking
bromelain, 500mg x2 a day, in fact, after a couple of weeks she is off
nearly all the painkillers except if she has to do a lot..
Best wishes,
PS Have a look at Dr D'Adamos site  on blood type diet in case of interest,
  -Original Message-
  From: Robb Allen [mailto:rube2...@hotmail.com]
  Sent: 07 July 2003 18:27
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: CS>Effective Medicine

  Hi, As most of you know I have been fighting an arthritis condition for a
while now.  Heeding the advice of a few of you, a few months ago I started a
diet that eliminated carbs and sugar.  This helped me to some extent but I
didn't really think that carbs were the root of the problem.  I stayed on
that diet for a month and found that my condition was about the same as it
was before..maybe a little less pain, but not much different.  In the
back of my mind I still believed that my problems was caused by a pathogen.
I remembered getting advice from   several of you that I should perhaps try
Grapefruit seed extract.  I decided to give it a try so I purchased 4 ounces
of 33%.  Within 2 days of taking about 20 drops 5 times a day every single
joint in my body was on fire like I have never seen before.  This really
came as quite a shock to me since even colloidal silver hadn't produced this
kind of herx reaction even with very high doses.  At the time that this
occured, i was also taking CS...I stopped taking the CS so I could make
sure that the GSE was indeed causing the reaction.  The reaction persisted
and seemed to get worse when I increased my dosages of GSE.
  This was a little over a month ago when I first starting have herx
reactions by GSE use.  I have since then run out of my   4 ounce bottle and
replaced it with 32 ounces of 66% citricidal.  The new stuff has the precise
same effect on me as the first bottle.
  I guess my question is:  Shouldn't I be having a decrease in the herx
reactions by now?.does a reaction like this mean I am killing
them?or could it be they are just "aggravated"?  I am taking GSE to
bowel tolerance and I really wish I could get more in my system but I'm not
sure how to do it.  I have decided to add oregano oil to my arsenal since
the GSE is working so well.  I should have it in a few days.  One thing I
can say is that the GSE is MUCH more effective on me than CS has
been.Does anyone have any other advice for me?I think I'm making
real progress but any words of wisdom would be appreciated.  Can I expect
the same type of reaction from the oregano oil?..thanks in
advance for any help...Robb

RE: CS>OT: Semi-coherent Ramblings

2003-07-14 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
Dear Brooks,
Could I trouble you to ask what the benefits are of granulated kelp over
ordinary kelp supplements you see in the shops?
I assume GK comes in a powder form, what sort of dosage should one take as
an everyday preventive/supplement?
Best wishes,

> -Original Message-
> From: Brooks Bradley [mailto:brooks.brad...@att.net]
> Sent: 13 July 2003 17:36
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: CS>OT: Semi-coherent Ramblings
>   Dear Frank,
>   Yes, we have had some 8 different
> sources of kelp subjected to "full
> spectrum" analysis (about 5 years ago).  All of them contained
> microscopic quantities  of arsenic, mercury, and lead.  However, only
> one contained levels high enough to be considered "biologically
> significant"  (1.0 ppb mercury, .5 ppb lead, and .75 ppb arsenic).  The
> actual analyses were conducted by one of our better equipped commercial
> labs in the area.  A single source proved to be, almost, "clean"to
> the extent that it contained very small traces of these metals.  The
> percentages were, essentially, below that of "open sea" values (being in
> the low fractional region of parts per billion).  That source was
> Thorvin kelp, gathered and dehydrated by a firm in Iceland.  We have,
> for many years, utilized this, specific, substance in many human
> volunteer-based trials.  Some years ago, during a series of large animal
> feeding evaluations, we conducted some tests in an attempt to determine
> the acceptable levels of these...and several othertoxic metals that
> naturally occur in the environment.  One surprising revelation was that
> the occurrence of arsenic in a sequestered biological environment
> (organic sources of animal feed) was, almost, an order of magnitude less
> toxicthan the isolated metal fraction itself.  We did not pursue a
> definitive answer as to the exact cause or mechanismat the time...
> and consider it beyond our purview at present.
>   What I relate is from
> memory, and somewhat faulty at best.
> However, Additionally, I do not have at hand any of the research
> details.and it would be a challenge to retrieve them.  It can be
> done, but not without some pronounced effort.  One I would consider only
> in an emergency.  I wish I could be of greater assistance, and do hope I
> have given you some useful commentary.
>   Sincerely, Brooks.
> p.s.  They process only one grade.  It is marketed as an agricultural
> product. I, and my family, have used it dailysince 1979, with
> splendid results.
> Frank Key wrote:
> > Brooks,
> >
> > Have you tested any of the granulated kelp for content of toxic "heavy
> > metals", specifically, arsenic, mercury, and lead?
> >
> > Would you please share a brand name you consider to be a "high quality"
> > kelp?
> >
> > frank key
> >
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Brooks Bradley" 
> > To: 
> > Sent: Saturday, July 12, 2003 2:00 PM
> > Subject: CS>OT: Semi-coherent Ramblings
> >
> >
> >
> >>Dear List members,
> >>I have a comment, regarding emphysema, I believe will be of some
> >>interest to some.  However, in addition, I feel compelled to revisit
> >>another of my subliminal compulsions regarding the current
> >>"state-of-the-health" of the world.an affliction I seem unable to
> >>overcome.
> >>Back in January, 2003, one of our staff
> >>happened across a posting made by Dr. Walt Stoll, on his website. It
> >>appeared innocuous on the surface of things, but our staffer decided to
> >>follow-up on the prospectshimself.  His immediate, excellent
> >>responses emanating from a single test caseprompted great excitement
> >>on his behalf.  I will not consume additional of your time and attention
> >>to elaborate further, than to say the positive results achieved with a
> >>72 year old female (long-term smoker) were little short of astounding.
> >>For those interested in a possible aid for late-stage emphysema
> >>investigate for yourself.  The url is
> >>Http://askwaltstollmd.com/body_rebounding.html
> >>
> >>Now comes my "spleen venting".
> >>The recent appeal, by a list member, for informational assistance
> >>on pancreatic cancer was the "straw that broke the camel's back"---for
> >>me--and caused my pent-up emotions regarding the predatory influence of
> >>the international patented-drug Cartel (and fellow
> travelers)to erupt.
> >>When reflecting upon the wide-spread availability and ease of
> >>acquiring, so many effective, alternative, protocols
> >>for---otherwise---life-threatening insults, one is drawn toward into an
> >>almost morbid fascination with the drama
> >>created by the success of this allopathic-based "medical dictatorshiip".
> >>I have no intention of analyzing the metamorphosis of this circumstance,
> >>but do offer the following as a reminder that.THERE ARE OTHER WAYS
> >>open to sufferer

RE: CS> congestive heart failure questions

2003-07-17 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
Hi there, sorry to hear of your troubles. I seem to remember reading of Co
enzyme Q as being very good for CHF I will see if I can find the reference
perhaps someone else has info on CoQ and CHF?
Every best wish,

> -Original Message-
> From: mamapug [mailto:mama...@netzero.net]
> Sent: 17 July 2003 04:16
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: CS> congestive heart failure questions
> Hi, Silverlisters, Marshalee here.
> I`m being tested for congestive heart failure right now at the BYU health
> center, as I have been swelling up in feet, legs, and hands
> recently. I put
> on 15 pounds in 3 weeks!
> The doc gave me a mild diuretic. I have taken it only twice, the first I
> took a week ago. The dose I took today has me in kidney pain
> right now. :o(
> Anyone have any experience with this, or any suggestions for me?
> Thanks,
> Marshalee
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS> congestive heart failure questions

2003-07-17 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
Try www.dynamune.com for CoQ  seems very reasonably priced. I've beem takong
their beta glucan and MSM both of which seem good and very reasonably

> -Original Message-
> From: mamapug [mailto:mama...@netzero.net]
> Sent: 17 July 2003 04:16
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: CS> congestive heart failure questions
> Hi, Silverlisters, Marshalee here.
> I`m being tested for congestive heart failure right now at the BYU health
> center, as I have been swelling up in feet, legs, and hands
> recently. I put
> on 15 pounds in 3 weeks!
> The doc gave me a mild diuretic. I have taken it only twice, the first I
> took a week ago. The dose I took today has me in kidney pain
> right now. :o(
> Anyone have any experience with this, or any suggestions for me?
> Thanks,
> Marshalee
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS> congestive heart failure questions

2003-07-18 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
www.dynamune.com sells CoQ at 50grams for $100 therefore $2/gram
It was Ivan here on the site that put me onto dynamune, he recommended them.
They also sell a variety of supplements, eg beta-glucan at $15 for 100g
amd MSM $10 for 400gand postage is only about $5 (depends on the weight).
He posts these things over here to me in Scotland for only $5 which is
The only problem is you need the $100 to buy the stuff in the first place
but so much cheaper.
The guy who owns the site sells these things to help people with immune
system and health problems get these supplements at very cheap prices, he
seems to have made money himself from other means and wants to eventually
set the site up I think as a sort of charity, if my memory serves me
Very best wishes Marshalee, hope you are a bit better,

> -Original Message-
> From: cking...@nycap.rr.com [mailto:cking...@nycap.rr.com]
> Sent: 18 July 2003 20:21
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: CS> congestive heart failure questions
> Hmmm, thanks to Mike I've started doing the math on claims.
> Swanson sale priced 30mgx60gelcaps/1000= 1.8 grams
> $12/1.8 gr=$6.67 per gram
> Puritan Pride sale 200mg X 60 caps X 3bottles= 30 grams
> $105.35/30 grams = $3.51/ gram
> Doesn't even come close!
> Besides that, Swanson doesn't seem to carry high potency doses.
> They used to drive me nuts the way they inundate you with flyers
> every week.
>   Chuck
> Gargling is a good way to see if your throat leaks.
> On Fri, 18 Jul 2003 11:38:02 +, Jack Dayton
>  wrote:
> >C Creel  7/17/03  11:40 PM
> >
> >> I'm with Chuck.
> >>
> >>
> >> http://www.puritan.com/
> >> Buy 1 get 2 free
> >>
> >> 200 mg. 30 Softgels 002091   $56.95
> >**
> >Catherine, I can't agree with your choice of suppliers for 2 reasons
> >
> >1. Puritans Pride started buying up a lot of smaller competitors
> >about five years ago, and raising the prices soon after
> >the acquisition, or sometime it seemed that all that happened
> >was that that particular product disappeared from the
> >market.  They bought 3 suppliers that I had been getting
> >certain items from.
> >2. I could usually can better their prices - even when the
> >offer is "Buy 1 get 2 Free !   HELLO FREE !
> >
> >My major supplier is a family owned business in
> >N. Dakota  Swanson Vitamins.
> >
> >swansonvitamins.com
> >
> >I checked for CoQ10, and found  90 200 mg  capsules
> >for $45.00  S&H will add $ 4.95
> >
> >The last time I bought from PP, I believe the S&H was about
> >the same, so at Swanson you would save about $12.00
> >for the same product if you can trust PP.  I no longer do.
> >
> >Jack
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS> congestive heart failure questions

2003-07-22 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
Great news about the CHF.Have a look at www.dadamo.com and see if Dr
D'Adamos dietary advice can help you loose weight. Good luck, I guess that
CHF scare is pretty good incentive to loose weight.

> -Original Message-
> From: mamapug [mailto:mama...@netzero.net]
> Sent: 21 July 2003 23:13
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: CS> congestive heart failure questions
> Hi, Guys, I have good news!
> No congestive heart failure after all! All my tests are normal.
> Apparently it is a combination of this high heat and too much salt intake
> that was making me puff up.
> (I`m still going to take the CoQ 10, it can`t hurt.)
> I do have to lose weight, as I`m up to 290 now. Yikes!
> Too many goodies, not enough exercise.
> Out with the soda pop, candy, cakes, pies, doughnuts, spuds, etc.
> sigh...
> Well I`m 51, so it is do it now, or die next year...
>  Wish me luck!!
> Love,
> Marshalee, the tub of lard
> (at least the tub of lard is infection-free, thanks to CS!!)
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Liver/oparasite cleanse: MikeD

2003-07-23 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
Sorry but I seem to have missed the bit about substituting H2O2 for the
ozone protocol could you please repost this, I can't find it, also could you
give the date for the schematics for the zapper in the archive?
Do you know anything about the Royal Rife zapper machines, I find it very
difficult to know the pros and cons of Beck, Clark and Rife machines how to
Best of luck with zapping the wee beasties,

> -Original Message-
> From: M. G. Devour [mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com]
> Sent: 23 July 2003 14:16
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: CS>Liver/oparasite cleanse: MikeD
> > >  I recall that the liver cleanse works better if you've done a
> > >  cleanse in advance. I'm planning to use portions of the Beck
> protocols
> > >  to accomplish that: zapping (or blood purification), CS, magnetic
> > >  pulsing, and, instead of ozonated water, that H2O2 in water program
> > >  recommended by Ol' Bob, among others.
> >
> > Hey Mike, I am interested in doing this too, can you elaborate on your
> > specific plans? I too would like to avoid spending a zillion$$.
> My plans are evolving as I go. I'm doing this cleanse as a sort of
> preliminary to starting the zapping, CS, pulsing, and peroxide. I have
> to build the pulser yet, which I'll probably start on this coming week.
> The basic strategy is to get the elimination moving, which the Master
> Cleanse is supposed to help with, then start hammering on any parasites
> I've got. Once that's clearing, then I should be ready to do the kidney
> and liver cleanses a la Hulda Clark, which will eliminate the
> intrahepatic stones that supposedly are clogging up my liver.
> The end result is supposed to be a happy liver and improved everything.
> Clark's parasite cleanses are based on zapping and a bunch of
> plant-derived supplements which, hopefully, eliminate all the major
> varieties of critters. To keep my investment down, I'm substituting
> most of the Beck 4-step protocol of blood electrification, magnetic
> pulsing, colloidal silver, and ozonated water. To keep the cost of
> *that* down, I'm substituting the peroxide protocol that Ol' Bob and
> others have suggested for the ozonated water part.
> We'll see how it goes. 
> I've procrastinated for a few years at this point, not wanting to
> invest the time in this process. But the handful of niggling,
> persistent problems I've been living with are standing in the way of
> feeling really well... so it's time.
> > And for anyone else who cares to respond, what's your favorite zapper,
> > and where did you buy it?
> Mine's home-made from a schematic that was discussed on the list a
> couple of years ago, and built into some plumbing fittings as inspired
> by some designs by Bruce Stenulson.
> OTOH, Julie's suggestion of the Croft Terminator is something I'm going
> to think about, as sitting still and holding electrodes is a real pain
> in the keister when you're keeping busy.
> > BTW for all who were following my dd's uti saga, there is a marked
> > improvement  ... Thanks very much to all who made suggestions. You
> > have all helped tremendously.
> Hotdamn! Feels good to hear your report. Thanks for letting us know.
> Be well!
> Mike D.
> [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
> [mdev...@eskimo.com]
> [Speaking only for myself...   ]
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Liver/oparasite cleanse: MikeD

2003-07-24 Thread J &amp; S Campbell
Thanks for reply , please don't trouble yourself with the schematics at the
minute if not easily available I'll look into it all further and see if I
can work out which system to go for,
Best of luck with your cleansing etc,

> -Original Message-
> From: M. G. Devour [mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com]
> Sent: 23 July 2003 22:31
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: RE: CS>Liver/oparasite cleanse: MikeD
> > Sorry but I seem to have missed the bit about substituting H2O2 for
> > the ozone protocol could you please repost this, I can't find it
> http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/m61436.html
> > ... also could you give the date for the schematics for the zapper
> > in the archive?
> Ohh boy. That's a while ago. First off the actual schematics won't be
> in the archive as it stores only text and no attachments. I'll see
> about whether I can dig 'em up and re-post them.
> > Do you know anything about the Royal Rife zapper machines, I find it
> > very difficult to know the pros and cons of Beck, Clark and Rife
> > machines how to choose?
> I know the difference between a Beck blood electrifier and a Clark
> Zapper, but little to nothing about the Rife units. Beck switches the
> voltage polarity back and forth a few times per second, whereas Clark
> turns the voltage on and off several hundred to several thousand times
> per second, depending on whose version you're talking about.
> I've heard people use them interchangeably, but also heard some of
> the Beck folks encourage the use of a proper Beck Blood Purifier if
> you're planning to follow his protocols...
> Be well,
> Mike D.
> [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
> [mdev...@eskimo.com]
> [Speaking only for myself...   ]
> --
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> Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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