RE: CShoneybees CS?

2006-02-20 Thread Wendy

My husband and I have 2 hobby hives for honey for our own use. I've
tried and tried to find information supporting not medicating them and
not feeding them sugar water but all of the beekeepers say there are no
bees in Canada that are strong enough anymore and that it must be done. 

I told my husband about Juliette Levy and how she says in her old herbal
books over the years says that they should NOT be medicated at all and
that they should be fed their own honey rather then the sugar water. He
argues that it is now 2006 and things have changed.

I asked my husband what would happen if we didn't medicate and he said
we could jeopardize other beekeepers hives in the area, the wild bees
too if ours got infected, plus you would lose all the bees.

What is one to do???

I wonder if bowls of CS were placed near the hives would they 'drink'
it?? Could it make them stronger to resist mites?

Could you soak the hives in silver or spray them down???

Any thoughts?



 Problems with tracheal mites as well as other diseases can certainly
 seen as symptoms of a weakened constitution, the same sort of holistic

 perspective we apply to human illnesses. In fact some observers of  
 commercial beekeeping practices predicted as early as the 1920s the
 of honeybees that has occurred in the last 15 years. All bees,
 wild ones, have most definitely been affected by big Ag. with it's  
 pesticides and the overall degradation of their environment. Its
 that the phenomenon of swarming has gradually affected wild bee
 as well.  By the time mites showed up, the bees were already
 and thus less able to develop defenses.  Of course, conventional  
 beekeeping as taught at the agricultural extension services virtually

 refuses to recognize environmental sources of harm, much less that any
 the methods they promote might be detrimental.


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RE: CSOregano Essential Oils

2006-02-18 Thread Wendy
From my experience it depends on the brand.
P73 from American spice I can tolerate 3- 5 drops under the tongue (as
recommended) at one time and yes it is VERY hot, however it is nowhere
near hulda clarks stuff!!!- 1 drop burns my mouth like crazy.
From my understanding and I could be wrong, dr clarks is undiluted and
p73 is diluted in olive oil, other then that I am unsure of differences.
-Original Message-
From: Raine [] 
Sent: February 18, 2006 4:24 AM
Subject: Re: CSOregano Essential Oils
I've successfully taken OoO internally by diluting a few drops in a shot
of apple juice, or apple cider. It's quite palatable, but 3 drops did
burn my throat a bit.

It works fabulously!

-Raine wrote: 
Oil of oregano is a staple at our house, and generally used in
conjunction with CS for best results.  We have had phenomenal success
using it for shingles, prostatitis, mouth sores, and an especially
difficult 2-3 week round of severe diarrhea, which had the doctor
stumped, and which came up negative for all the usual tests.  That was
finally wiped out after the last negative report, by taking 2-3 drops of
O of O (put it in gel capsules -- it is STRONG!) every 3 hours about
three times.   In one day, it was over!  My husband uses it preventively
now, a drop or two a day for health maintenance, along with CS, because
he has had such good luck with it.   It is a bit expensive, but it goes
a long way, and is worth its weight in gold.
Your Paperback Books -

RE: CSNeed advice on scratched cornea with msm/cs....

2006-02-18 Thread Wendy
One of the best I can recommend are calendula or eyebright eye drops.
You can google for either for eye injury/scratch.

My husband used both when he scratched his eye with a tree branch. We
also used calendula eye drops for the baby when she had an infection
which cleared it right up and soothed the eye.

here are some homeopathic ideas too:



-Original Message-
From: M. G. Devour [] 
Sent: February 18, 2006 2:03 PM
Subject: Re: CSNeed advice on scratched cornea with msm/cs

Hi Steve,

In my experience, misting the eyes frequently with a gentle spray of 
home-made CS or putting in a few drops will help prevent bacterial 
infection, which will hasten healing and reduce the amount of 
discomfort from inflammation. Whether the silver has any direct 
positive effect on the healing process is an area of speculation. It 

Nothing will fix it right away, though! It's going to hurt until it 
starts to heal.

She should spend as much time resting her eyes as possible. When I 
had an eye injury similar to that, it was the effort to keep one eye 
open and the other closed that drove me crazy more than anything else.

Thankfully the cornea heals itself pretty fast if you take care of it. 
Take a day or two just to rest, keeping both eyes closed as much as 
possible, following whatever treatment regimen you've given yourself. 
It will heal. Rent her some books on tape! grin

The more you try to do in the meantime, the more aggravation it will 

 Anyone have success using msm or dmso/cs for a scratched eye lens? My
 wife scratched her eye by sleeping with her contact lenses in. It
 seems in the course of the night one of them folded and scratched the
 cornea. We already saw the eye doc and he prescribed
 antibiotic/steroid drops but they haven't helped much. I've heard
 about msm/dmso cs for eyes but haven't tried it for this condition
 yet. Anyone? Thanks Steve 

Hope that helps,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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RE: CSdental mercury

2006-02-16 Thread Wendy
Actual studies in our office have shown that 63% of those people having
amalgams etc removed at random ended up in worse condition health-wise
than prior to dental revision. Of those patients treated by our
Multi-Disciplined Alliance who had body chemistry as well as dental
revision, the creation of new disease was zero.  Chemical Relativity is
fascinating to those who behold the body as an entire interlocking
interdependent biochemical mechanism. This course of at least 2 years,
and perhaps more, is dedicated to those who want to know more than just
removing amalgams and hoping. 
end snip
-Original Message-
From: Deborah Gerard [] 
Sent: February 15, 2006 8:16 PM
Subject: Re: CSdental mercury
Mike as long as they dam off your throat and you go thru some kind of
chelation afterwords you will be fine...deb

M. G. Devour wrote: 
Dear Carol Ann, Susan, Terry, Jason,


RE: CS5 year old child bad chesty

2006-02-10 Thread Wendy
Ooh one more thing…aviva romm has some EXCELLENT books for herbs and
kids with specific formulas and dosages. One thing that is great for
everyone is garlic lemonade. Cut up cloves of garlic put in glass jar,
cover with water 20 min or ½ hr is stronger. Add lemon and either maple
syrup or raw honey. My kids love it. Serve warm or cold depending on
their preference. ;-) 
Also there is themustard plaster as well. She gives excellent directions
for this. Definitely a MUST have book in our house.
One other thing we have used over the years is a product called R8 from
Dr. Reckeweg. Excellent expectorant which is what you want…also great
fore croupy coufghs, whooping cough, and others….you can google or maybe
your naturopath or health food store might carry it. 
Also… regarding cs and insomnia…I haven’t noticed that really. My 4 yr
old might wake once or twice or have dreams but it doesn’t prevent him
from sleeping 10- 12 hrs straight! ;-)  (ps…he never slept thru the
night until he was almost 3 yrs)

CSfrequency generator for home use???

2006-02-09 Thread Wendy

If you are already using CS internally is it a good idea to have a
frequency geneator as well?

I have had Hulda Clarks little zapper for years but have heard that
although it's better then nothing but that a true frequency generator is
the best.

I see there are auto generators available that scan through the
frequencies which would be handy if you didn't know 'what you had'. 

If you had one where you input the correct frequencies- how would you
first determine what it is in your body that you want to get rid of???

Any info would be greatly appreciated. I am quite fascinated!



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RE: CS5 year old child bad chesty

2006-02-09 Thread Wendy
I have found that a shot glass  or ½ of one…of CS (our homemade 12ppm) a
couple times a day helps immensely with my 4 yr old, a tsp or more is
all I usually need for 14 month old. In a situation like this I hit the
bug hard EVERY  ½ or hour with a little bit of CS and oregano oil and C.
Usually improvement is within 3 or 4 doses. Thyme tea also helps to cut
the mucus. WE used that a lot during whooping cough.  However, what I
also have found to  truly  help FAST for both my 14 month old and my 4.4
yr old is P73 oregano oil. I give the 4 yr old up to 5 drops on a tsp
with more olive oil and he gets to chase it with apple cider or a tsp of
honey. If it is at the beginning I rarely need anything else besides
this and cs. Although carrot juice is awesome too! The 14 month old gets
1 or 2 drops in more olive oil and she isn’t crazy about it but I can be
quick and we don’t do it often, justif I hear something coming on. I
also put hydrogen peroxide in their ears. Homeopathics we use too but
coughs are more challenging for me to figure out and I only have a
couple hundred remedies. Grapefruit seed extract is unfortunately horrid
tasting stuff and hard to get them to take. We also give them sodium
ascorbate (vit c) in mega doses if the cough were to get that bad. Ie.
The kids and I all had whooping cough last spring- nasty and scary for 3
months (the baby was 4 months and my son was 3.5)… we certainly didn’t
know all we know now- what a learning experience!  We bought Leo
Galland’s book about Supperimmunity for Kids (awesome book) had a hair
analysis done etc. (I was trying to figure out why it dragged on so
long) and then started to boost their sytem with natural vitamins and
most crucially EFA’s!!! I thought we ate pretty healthy before but when
I looked hard we didn’t have much ‘green’ in our diet or much variety.
The kids now drink green smoothies with kale, celery, spinach, collard,
banana, apple etc. almost everyday, we juice vegetable juices as well
like carrot and beet and apple a lot and sprouts too. Since august we
have not been sick at all… my husband who never gets sick brought a
regular cold home a couple weeks ago and none of us got it!! So that’s
pretty awesome! LOL
Anyhow not sure if any of this will help. It’s a bit choppy, I started
it earlier…;-) Hope your daughter is feeling better soon.
-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: February 9, 2006 2:28 PM
Subject: Re: CS5 year old child bad chesty

In a message dated 2/9/06 10:32:12 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:
Hi , i do hope that someone can give me some good daughter
age 5 has got a very bad chesty chesty that she wants to get
sick everytime she coughs...i give her 5ml of cs in the morning and at
lunch time..not as night as i read the insomnia post on taking cs at
night...what else can i do for herany other natural remedies that
any of you know of? shes drinking honey and lemon in warm water...i just
dont want to take her to the doc but i think its getting
Debbie, if I may, please try getting a small mister(I had bought my
last one at Walgreens.
on sale for $10.  Fill the container with you CS/EIS and let your child
breathe the mist sev-
eral times a day.  It has helped all the folks in my household
tremendously as they too have
had prolonged coughing, sore throat and some fever.  PETE

CScolloidal sivler and well water-help?

2006-02-08 Thread Wendy

Hi there. And HELP please.

I just had some 'rife type' frequency work and electrodermal testing
done on myself yesterday...and we found my body had endolimax nana
parasite as well as Borrelia and in a lump in my breast. They zapped
with specific frequencies and apparently killed these...

HOWEVER, the endolimax nana is apparently in the water sample I took
which is from my well. He told me if I drink the water I will become
reinfected. It was also suggested that pesticides like 24D, atrazine,
glyphosate etc. are in it as well. Perhaps neighbouring farms are
interfering with our water supply underground? (we had a very expensive
water test done 5 yrs ago when we bought this place by an independent
lab and it came back clear for pesticides despite the previous pesticide
use here. We don't use anything on our 100 acres since then and we are
secluded and far from the road)

Anyhow... we have our own CS generator from Silvergen... my dad
suggested we dump a whole bunch down it to kill the bacteria??? Any idea
how much I would need for it to be effective? Maybe something to do on a
regular basis??

At this point I don't know what else to do in terms of improving our
water supply. We have 2 small children and are doing the best we can
health wise- water is so important that we need to seriously figure
something out. Any thoughts or experiences?? Presently we have bought
some bottled water and my dad has loaned us his distiller short term. If
we go RO won't I need a water softener??? Hulda Clarks says to stay away
from them. I also could ozonate small amounts of water with the medical
generator I have but neither that nor the distiller deals with the whole
house and it might not eliminate all the pesticides either... what a

Any thoughts would greatly be appreciated.

Ontario, canada

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RE: CSis the secret finally getting out?

2005-10-24 Thread Wendy
For me, almost all of Ode's emails come through as  a text (txt file)
and I have to open them too.
-Original Message-
From: Ode Coyote [] 
Sent: October 24, 2005 6:03 AM
Subject: Re: CSis the secret finally getting out?
Whoa.. I don't send attachments.
My virus scanner verification 'might' show up as an attachment icon?

Ode [Ken]

At 07:05 AM 10/22/2005 -0700, you wrote: 

RE: CSdentists to Mike D.;

2005-10-21 Thread Wendy
Mike: I have done a lot of research on this. Check out the clinic in
Colorado springs on Dr. Hal Huggins site. I spoke
with Bob Brooks Director of Alliance Services in the summer

If you call them, if nothing else, they can offer you a lot of
information and when Dr. Huggins will be doing another clinic and where.
Bob sent me about 6 attached files for reading as well as I have read
Hal Huggins books too.

They used to list huggins type 'referral dentists' on their website but
found that wasn't working because patients were expecting a level of
care they just weren't getting as some dentists had only taken 'a course
or two from him' rather then full training.

He now lists 'alliance dentists' on his site - who have done the full
nine yards with him.

Your other option might be to come to Canada. With the $$ difference, it
would be cheaper for everything.

I recently sent a panoramic to Dr. Benoit in Montreal Quebec for a
quote. He follows Dr. Huggins
protocol almost to the letter. They were very helpful. What Hal Huggins
recommends these days is a one shot deal to do all amalgams, clean any
previous cavitations and/or extractions. They call it 'concious
sedation' and it is the easiest apparently on the immune system and
allows them to do vitamin c IV, acupressure, massage etc.. This option
appealed to me because I am still breastfeeding and due to my belief in
child led weaning, it will be years possibly before I am done nursing. I
considered pumping for a a week to make this possible

HOWEVER,  the quote came back higher then I expected at $6700 Canadian
for I think 13 amalgams and several cavitations and an extraction. $4500
without the conscious sedation which would stretch treatment time to a
week or more in possibly 3 separate appts.  This wouldn't includ our
hotel accommodations, traveling etc. (they are about 6 hours from us).
However they certainly know what they are talking about and I hope to
have the money maybe next year.  Although as I just double checked DR.
Huggins website, I see Dr. Benoit is not on there anymorehmm
odd. Dr. Benoit still has the 'colorado' presentation on his website...

I also remember someone about 4.5 yrs ago that we had contact with when
I was researching Hulda Clark's stuff and Tiaguna dentists. They would
help you get to your appts and tell you where to stay etc. etc. to make
sure being in 'tiaguana' was a safe and healthy experience! ;-) I cannot
find their link at the moment... someone else may have it.



I'm looking for somebody to remove my amalgams that will take 
appropriate precautions against mercury exposure and assist me in 
minimizing the effects (or at least coordinate with a cooperative 

 Mike did you still need some web sites on Dentists. If
 so specifically are you looking for lists of wholistic
 dentists for general care,orthodontics, or oral surgeons?

By whatever means, yes, I still need a referral or a source of 
referrals to likely candidates. I have none so far.

Mike D.

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RE: CSmastercleanse ..

2005-10-21 Thread Wendy


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RE: CSCS: Sodium ascorbate

2005-10-21 Thread Wendy
We buy ours from a pharmacy in Toronto it's about $76 canadian/kilo

If you google for sodium ascorbate there is a lot on mega dosing and
injection with it.

Apparently great for heroin addiction recovery! 

The kids and I had whooping cough in the spring pretty bad. I ran across
a woman in New Zealand who told me about mega dosing with it. It REALLY
helped us and turned it around for us at a crucial time when our 4 month
old baby was having blue spells. We didn't have the CS maker then. ;-(
The things we learn after the fact. 


-Original Message-
From: V [] 
Sent: October 21, 2005 4:36 PM
To: Harold MacDonald
Subject: Re: CSCS: Sodium ascorbate

Hi Harold,

the correct ratio is 1 teaspoon of Vit C to 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda.

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RE: CSeye twitching, parasites and CS

2005-10-19 Thread Wendy
Is it possible that eye twitching means 'parasites'?? I thought I had
read that before.  Would CS sprayed or dropped in the eyes have any
affect on that or would one still need to do the standard parasite
cleanse etc. ?

CScan you use CS in lotion?

2005-10-17 Thread Wendy

I decanted 6 week old plantain oil and have added some beeswax to it and
put in jars. 

Is there any way to add CS to it so it? I tried adding some but of
course it just separated and the beeswax/plantain mixture is on top and
the liquid CS is on the bottom ;-(



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CSacidophilous and cs?

2005-10-05 Thread Wendy
Given the recent discussion and having been told not to take CS at the
same time as a probiotic.. How long before or after should one wait
before taking CS??  My 10 month old baby and I are catching a wee cold
at the moment. (my 4 yr old has been on a couple of ounces of CS a day
and hasn't shown any signs at all) I dragged my feet when I first felt
the itchy nose! I've hit myself with everything from lots of CS, oil of
oregano, GSE, high doses of vit c, and some homeopathics and I think I
might have caught it. It's sitting in my head at the moment but it's way
better then last night and the sore throat is gone. Yeah! But I've been
taking the CS very frequently throughout the day and I'm wondering when
to squeeze in the acidophilous for myself and the kids??

RE: CScolloidal silver and mold

2005-10-03 Thread Wendy
So wouldn't that mean you could use it in the pool in place of
chemicals??? We use partial ozone, but ozone won't kill algae.
-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley [] 
Sent: October 3, 2005 10:17 AM
Subject: Re: CScolloidal silver and mold
CS works great on some molds, but has been reported to not affect other
ones.  Mold is like algae, a single celled organism that forms branching
Lea Ann wrote: 
Hello, CS only works with single cell organisms right? Is mold a single
cell organism? I was wondering if I sprayed CS in my shower if it would
prevent/clean up the mold? TIA(Thanks In Advance) Blessings,Lea Ann

RE: CSAvian Flu

2005-10-02 Thread Wendy
H I'm wondering if it's whooping cough??? It's definitely out there,
all over, and VERY commonly misdiagnosed as asthma and bronchitis, to
the point doctors even give kids inhalers etc. Which is bizarre because
there are epidemics everywhere.

Since this is the beginning of the school year and all the new vaccines,
could it not be a mutated form of something which would make it
particularly nasty?

Just a thought.


-Original Message-
From: Lea Ann [] 
Sent: October 2, 2005 7:58 PM
Subject: Re: CSAvian Flu

Hi Deborah,

They only play soccer in the spring - otherwise it's boy scouts that
them busy.

I can say that whatever this bug is that is going around is
hard on kids lungs - the ambulance was at Austin's school a day before I

took Austin to the ER.  They were there because another girl was having
asthma attack.  At the doctor's office they said there is a lot of this 
going around.

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CSCS group for pet owners?

2005-10-01 Thread Wendy
I thought there was a CS group for pets.. Does anyone have that link??

RE: CSveterinary pet parasite program

2005-09-27 Thread Wendy
New link Dr. clark's pet parasite program:

RE: CSvericose veins/spider veins

2005-09-26 Thread Wendy
Do you think cs  dmso would work for spider veins too?



-Original Message-
From: Nancy DeLise [] 
Sent: September 26, 2005 12:13 AM
Subject: Re: CSsplitting fingernails

Put some CS  DMSO on your varicose veins twice a day.  They will get
better. (Give it some time to show).

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RE: CS[Fwd: ozone generators]

2005-09-22 Thread Wendy

I don't have experience with these ones but I do own a unit from
( and wanted to share
my experience. I use it  for the whole family,  ozonating water,
bagging, vaginal/rectal/ear insuffilation and cupping/funneling. 

It has run beautifully for the 6 yrs I've owned it and the support and
patience with my never ending emails I have received from Dr. Saul
Pressman is above and beyond. I believe it's guaranteed for life and
when I'm ready to trade up I will be credited for it. I don't' know what
other ones cost, for me mine was way more than I could afford but at the
time I was able to do a payment plan, which was pretty awesome. good


-Original Message-
From: Acmeair [] 
Sent: September 21, 2005 6:47 PM
Subject: CS[Fwd: ozone generators]

has anyone had any experience with either the XT 400 ozone generator,  
by Air-Zone,  or the Pro 400  by o3ozone ???   there are a few at ebay 
auction. thanks   and thank you to all of you for the good responses

to my MRSA/sepsis request.


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CSCS and lupus?

2005-08-22 Thread Wendy
Can CS do anything for lupus? I've heard ozone therapy.. I have a friend
with 3 small children and she apparently has this and is looking for
alternatives and her grandparents have offered to help her financially.
I don't know that much about lupus but I thought maybe CS couldn't hurt.

CSCS for herbal infusions?

2005-08-20 Thread Wendy
I wonder.has anyone used CS in place of alcohol for making herbal
As an example, plantain is such a common weed, but is an excellent
healer for many things from diaper rash to vaginal itching etc. and it's
a bit messy as an infused oil. I was thinking of spritzing a plantain
solution but if it was alcohol based it might burn initially but if
infused in CS it should keep, wouldn't burn and would last maybe???
Any thoughts?

RE: CSAny help for Wendy here??

2005-08-19 Thread Wendy
I have been told that this is the case with vit C and ozone therapy . so
it made me curious to ask.
Turns out I kept giving ds homeoapthics, lots of CS, and mega doses of
sodium ascorbate and he was better by the next morning. Still doing
everything and he only has a slight cough which isn't bugging him and he
still appears to be in a great mood which is weird for him. Baby has
coughed a couple times but we all seem fine. I've been giving her and I
CS and vit C as well.
Thanks for all your responses. Very much appreciated.
-Original Message-
From: Roger Barker [] 
Sent: August 19, 2005 9:17 PM
Subject: Re: CSAny help for Wendy here??
Some time ago didn't Ivan say that ingesting vitamin C and CS at the
same time caused one to cancel out the other - or is my memory going
along with everything else :-)

Cheers, Roger 

I'm no expert, but when I put Alacer Vitamin C + minerals powder into my
CS it turns gray-purple. I drink it anyway.



2005-08-19 Thread Wendy
Hi there. I too am unable to load the archives.??
I am musing about sleep apnea. I believe this is what my husband suffers
from. It used to be severe snoring that kept me awake all night, it used
to be just when he was on his back - I was ready to tape a tennis ball
to his back ;-), but now it doesn't matter which position.I sleep in
another room with the kids to get sleep now and I can still hear him. I
noticed on a camping night last week that while the snoring has
diminished what I guess is termed sleep apnea is much more noticeable.
He seems to 'gasp' for breath throughout the night as his nostrils
almost seem plugged or unable to draw air in. weird.
He is overweight (230lbs) and working on it, he doesn't do much exercise
in the form of running, biking or purposeful walking outside of daily
work-about to work on that as well. He has had his nose broken many
times in his childhood. 
I am wondering though, I read something years ago about a man who had
taken some homeopathic remedy prescribed for his cat (guess he figured
he had the same infection) and it cleared up his chronic snoring
completely. Lately I have really been looking at finding a solution, I
would love for all of us to share the same room but I have not found
homeopathic suggestions other then opium in varying potencies. We've
tried several commercially made 'natural solutions' with no luck.
Any thoughts on snoring/apnea and bacteria, viruses etc? 
I was wondering about running the CS through his nostrils with a netti
pot? Although maybe it has nothing to do with his nostrils??


2005-08-17 Thread Wendy
Hi there. 
I'm usually pretty good about searching the archives for info before
posting but it's midnight and I'm a bit strapped for time and Ihave a
quick question.
My 4 yr old is coming down with something- he's a bit too old for it but
it sounds croupy (although we had whooping cough in the spring and he's
still run down from that and hasn't shaken that cough completely and
it's been 4 months)
I've been giving him CS my dad is making and testing with the SG6
(orally and in his ears), zinc, vitamin C (sodium ascorbate) all day and
some homeopathic aconite. I thought for sure I had it - we had a lovely
walk at 8pm, but alas he now has a barky cough as we go into the night.
Stuff always happens at night doesn't it??? ;-) 
I went to give him some CS when he woke up thought I had a clean glass
but accidentally poured it in the cup that had had the vitamin C in it -
it turned grey blue immediately- I thought oh no. So I decided to use
the eye dropper which I also thought was clean which had C on it too
(remember I'm dealing with an upset 4 yr old at the same time) and I
stuck the eye dropper in the jar of CS and now it's all gone cloudy (I
can't see through it), looks like old milky tea
Is this CS still useable or have I ruined it???
Is it supposed to do this??
Should CS be taken alone or is ok to take with other supplements, food
Thanks in advance

RE: CSNanobacteria, -now isn't it good to get sick?

2005-08-09 Thread Wendy
Just out of curiosity, isn't it good for our children and us to get sick
and manage everyday  stuff like colds and flus on our own sometimes? 

Would always using CS, Echinacea/herbs, ozone therapy, urine therapy
etc. act as a crutch so that the body always needs help to fight an
infection thereby not making it as resistant/strong when exposed?

I guess what I am saying is if I get a cold and take a bunch of CS and
it nips a bug in the butt, doesn't that mean my body missed out on
tackling that all by itself and thereby missing out on a 'dump' of
toxins via bodily excretions or the body's own fever?

My friends children are true country kids and play outside amongst their
livestock etc., I shuddered when they picked up my dogs bones and were
throwing them for the dogs when they were here- however, that being said
they are rarely sick..  another friend has a small child in a
pristine environment, doesn't want her in sand/dirt and carries wipes
all the time, antibacterial soap etc they have been sick lots.

Just musing



Let me put it this way I am never without 
my C.S. even when travelling !   Especially when I am travelling
I use it in my eyes, nose plus the swig !   In my book dirt is the
breeding ground of all bugs regardless of what type they may be 
Man made antibiotics only hit certain ones, C.S. has a far wider 
range because of the way in which it works !!Most important
of which is that it does no harm while it works it's magic !

The one who accomplished it is the one
t maintainer: Mike Devour

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSAsthma and CS, - now hair analysis

2005-08-03 Thread Wendy
Through our Naturopath, about $100 Canadian. The lab he uses is  in Ontario Canada.  In the US, he sometimes also
uses this lab but it's more costly for Canadians  Hal huggins the biological dentist uses
this lab as well for hair analysis when doing the recovery program from
amalgam removal.
-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: August 3, 2005 6:12 AM
Subject: Re: CSAsthma and CS, again.
In a message dated 8/2/2005 9:30:31 PM Central Standard Time, writes:
had hair analysis on the kids done and they are low in many things and
really low of course in zinc and magnesium despite what I thought to be
a good diet, free of junk, sugar, and 95% processed food free.
Hi Wendy.  Where did you have the hair analysis done? MA

RE: CSAsthma and CS, again.

2005-08-03 Thread Wendy
Through our Naturopath, about $100 Canadian. The lab he uses is  in Ontario Canada.  In the US, he sometimes also
uses this lab but it's more costly for Canadians  Hal huggins the biological dentist uses
this lab as well for hair analysis when doing the recovery program from
amalgam removal.
-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: August 3, 2005 6:12 AM
Subject: Re: CSAsthma and CS, again.
In a message dated 8/2/2005 9:30:31 PM Central Standard Time, writes:
had hair analysis on the kids done and they are low in many things and
really low of course in zinc and magnesium despite what I thought to be
a good diet, free of junk, sugar, and 95% processed food free.
Hi Wendy.  Where did you have the hair analysis done? MA

RE: CScs for cat with liver problems?

2005-08-03 Thread Wendy
We took our cat to a homeopathic vet and he has chosen a remedy for him.
However he's going on holidays in 4 days and since our cat has not eaten
in at least a week he figures if the remedy doesn't work we should look
at having him put down.
Beisdes losing weight rapidly, not eating, and being dehydrated, his
eyes are a bit yellow as are his ears, otherwise, he's still purring and
hanging out.
Any suggestions about using colloidal silver at this point?
-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: August 3, 2005 6:13 AM
Subject: Re: CS
In a message dated 8/2/2005 9:38:08 PM Central Standard Time, writes:
Our cat hasn't eaten in at least a week.
It's a real possibility that the cat has diabetes. MA

RE: CSfor cat with liver problems?

2005-08-03 Thread Wendy
Thanks for all the advice. Yes usually a cat should go no longer then
3-5 days without food I have read. We had already had him to the vet
when I posted. ;-) I forgot to mention that although this vet is a
homeopath, he's also a conventional vet. Right away he said he suspected
it was liver problems. We passed on the $100 blood panel and subsequent
tests based on treatment options. With the ears and eyes being yellow he
said yes liver problems, did a test to rule out diabetes, then gave me
an idea what could be done conventionally for him or homeopathically and
that frankly conventional could get quite costly, was I prepared for

Well since I've had one cat go through this 10 yrs ago, I know that it
can be outrageous- back then I had the $1000 to spare... not so anymore.
Although even after the $1000 that was just to make him comfortable, put
him on geriatric kibble, send him home and he died in my arms a few
months later. As it was the homeopathic visit was $220... I just don't
have the money to have him stay at the vet for a week or more to be
force fed, IV, etc. if needed. As well this vet indidcated that force
feeding only takes about 50% for the animal to resume on its own at the
end of that, and that sometimes force feeding can go on for weeks.

He gave him a constitutional homeopathic remedy and put fluid under his
skin. I bought some herbs and things from the health food store and some
health food brand wet cat food- as the vet said, anything in his stomach
at this point is crucial. He did eat some of it!!  A small amount
mind you but we'll see. My dad suggested bits of liver if I can jam it

I found some great info online about people who have reversed liver
disease when the cats couldn't even move and the vet said no more, so
maybe we have a chance. He's still walking around, in relatively good
spirits and enjoying affection etc.

Interestingly one of the first things the vet asked is what has gone on
at your house over the last 3 ish months? He figures the stress has just
been too much for him. We had another cat come stay with us on a trial
basis back in March- After a few weeks, I decided it wasn't working out
for our cat, nor my 4 yr old son the other cat went home. Although it
was only a short period of time my cat was getting picked on and also
takes a razzing from one of our dogs daily. Then myself and the baby and
4 yr old came down with whooping cough in march as well and it was a
VERY stressful and scary couple of months for all of us. 

So we'll do what we can and I'll touch back with the homeopath on
Saturday before he leaves for vacation.

Thanks again everyone, I really appreciate your input.


-Original Message-
From: sol [] 
Sent: August 3, 2005 6:22 PM
Subject: Re: CSfor cat with liver problems?

I have read that cats can purr from pain--purring is not solely a 
pleasure response. This cat needs to see a vet immediately. Any liquid 
you can get into the cat in the meantime would probably be a good idea. 
Dehydration is very serious, and as Jean said, so is the yellow eyes. 
Please do not wait.
sol wrote:

 Hi Wendy,

 I understand it is critical if a cat doesn't eat for a period of time.

 Secondly, yellow eyes sounds like problems with the liver/jaundice. 
 Thirdly, dehydration is a killer. Purring doesn't necessarily mean the

 cat is doing well. I would see a vet post haste!



 We took our cat to a homeopathic vet and he has chosen a remedy
 for him. However he's going on holidays in 4 days and since our
 cat has not eaten in at least a week he figures if the remedy
 doesn't work we should look at having him put down.

 Beisdes losing weight rapidly, not eating, and being dehydrated,
 his eyes are a bit yellow as are his ears, otherwise, he's still
 purring and hanging out.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:
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Address Off-Topic messages to:
OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSAsthma and CS, again.

2005-08-02 Thread Wendy
Deb and others. I'd like to hear more about the neubilizers, and
strategies for using it with kids. I've heard about them but haven't a
clue how they work. With winter approaching I am wanting to be prepared
as much as possible with the kids. We've had a rough year. There was a
devilbiss advertised in the local paper for $85 canadian last week but I
didn't know what kind or anything else to know if it would work. (I've
just started digging around in the archives here at the group since

My then 3.5 yr old, exclusively breastfed 4 month old and I came down
with pertussis (whooping cough) in March of this year. I did a bit of
ozone therapy with them, oral CS, homeopathics, transfactors, colostrum
and the kitchen sink but nothing was helping- we worked with a
naturopath and a homeopath, it was very nasty and scary with the baby to
say the least. After being in touch with a woman in New Zealand, we
began mega dosing with Sodium ascorbate (vit c) and it turned us right
around within 24-48 hrs. 

However we still have the lingering cough...after too much exertion,
cold things or for the kids if they get upset. It's supposed to be 100
day cough and it's been 3.5 - 4 months now and we aren't 100% yet. We've
had hair analysis on the kids done and they are low in many things and
really low of course in zinc and magnesium despite what I thought to be
a good diet, free of junk, sugar, and 95% processed food free. We are
working with EFA's, acidophilous, supplements, etc. I've been reading
SuperImmunity for kids too which has great info. Anyhow, after reading
these emails today about the cs and asthma...I am wondering about the
neubilizer and the cs. 

My dad and I just got a cs maker from silvergen today in the mail
(woohoo) with all the gadgets so I am looking forward to reading and
learning more as I have a lot to learn. He's the one who's been doing
all the research and reading and he's brewing a batch already.

So I will continue to dig around in the archives but I would love to
hear others experiences, especially from parents, colds and flus etc.




-Original Message-
From: DebMark [] 
Sent: August 2, 2005 10:00 PM
Subject: Re: CSAsthma and CS, again.

Hi, I can tell you that I had my youngest son (at the time he was 6) 
diagnosed with asthmatic like tendencies/allergies...what  They
him on two type of inhalers.  One for everyday with no symptoms and one
when he gets an attack.  Every time he got a cold and cough...they said
should be on the inhalers.  It seemed to me that every time he used them
cough was worse and I really didn't like the fact of him using these 
steroids on an every day basis.  So I bought him a nebulizer on Ebay,
up a batch of R. Harris's CS recipe for nebulizing and the difference I
was nothing short of miraculous.  Every time he started to get a
would start him nebulizing (did the same with his older brother) with in

24-48 hours cough/cold and all symptoms went away.  I will never use a 
prescribed inhaler again.

Thank you CS and all you informative people on this list.  Deb

- Original Message - 
From: Ken  Nancy Bagwell
Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2005 8:02 PM
Subject: CSAsthma and CS, again.

 Hi all,

 My little 2 and 1/2 year old daughter Sophia has what
 could only be asthma.  She gets she bouts of coughing
 out of nowhere, and they don't go away for hours.  She
 usually has accompanying wheezing and shortness of
 breath at the same time.  It's not so short that it
 seems dangerous, usually, but it's noticable.  One
 time, however, she did seem very short of breath and
 we took her to the hospital.  They put her on oxygen
 and gave albuterol, and we went home.  No other severe
 attacks quite like that since.  But I can't pin down
 what is causing it.  Sometimes it seems like cold
 weather, other times I simply cannot tell what it is.

 I looked up asthma here on the list and Garnet and
 Paul Holloway seemed to have some great ideas. But I'm
 curious, has CS actually helped anyone with asthma?
 There seems to be very little info on the net using CS
 for this purpose, or maybe I'm not looking too well.

 Also, 2 more questions:

 Where is the best place to get DMSO to combine with
 the CS?

 And what is the best portable nebulizer that doesn't
 cost a fortune?

 Thanks, everyone.


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 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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2005-08-02 Thread Wendy
Hi there. Our cat hasn't eaten in at least a week. We've just realized
this and he's very thin. We tried to take him to the vet today, however
long story short we drove the 45 min just to get there only to discover
they failed to tell us our vet doesn't work there anymore and no one
else there practices homeopathy or alternative anything. Soo we
tracked him down and have an appt. tomorrow.
Certainly it could be a host of things- typically kidney issues or
feline leukemia or even a sore tooth for that matter.. He would never do
the switch to a raw diet when we adopted him, won't eat cod liver oil
etc. Very picky cat, doesn't even like tuna.
What kind of treatment do others do with their animals, either on a
maintenance level or for acute stuff?

RE: CScs for pet dog

2005-07-31 Thread Wendy
The only experience I have dealing with a cyst is recently with our dog.
She developed a small cyst which grew very rapidly from pea sized, to an
inch and a half .
I applied several treatments of ozone therapy (medical ozone) by
funneling the area. I tried to cut her long hair around it and wet and
warmed the area before applying the ozone. After the first treatment it
was evident it was fluid filled as it began to drain and ooze. The third
treatment it opened right up and drained. She continued to keep it clean
and I applied ozonated olive oil on it and cs. 
That was a few months ago, it is completely healed, the hair is growing
-Original Message-
From: Raine [] 
Sent: July 31, 2005 3:05 AM
Subject: Re: CScs for pet dog
I recommend joining the yahoogroup blacksalveandpetswithcancer.


Acmeair wrote: 
an in-law, tuscon area, had her dog mauled by neighbor's two unfenced
large dogs. dog was reconstructed by vet, and recuperated pretty well
except for on open sore that would not heal up. just stayed infected and
oozed alot. 

sent her one of V's silver makers, and the dog was treated orally and
locally. after about a week, the wound appeared to be healing but would
not close. after inspecting the wound closer, it looked like a piece of
intestine was right inside the wound.  she finally used a tweezer type
thing and extracted a length of clear plastic tube, apparently left in
there after draining the original wounds. an infected greenish, yucky,
crusty mess. more cs on the wound, topically and orally, and the dog is
now healed up. 

the dog is now developing a round lump under the skin in the chest area.
it's getting fairly large, and starting to grow faster.   any ideas and
techniques, such as mag pulsing, led therapy, or 

hope all you animal lovers have some insight,,,  jim 

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