1998-10-23 Thread likowski
Hi folks -

When I was in the hospital someone sent me info on using papaya enzymes
for thinning mucous and reducing inflamed lung tissue, but I lost some
of those emails to another machine I was using. Could whomever you were
PLEASE re-send that to me??

Thank you...


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


1998-10-09 Thread likowski
Hello Silverados -

Well, it's been yet another near-death roller coaster ride! This time
was THE worst ever. It started as a cold which complicated my Cystic
Fibrosis. Then I waited too long to get into the hospital for the IV
drug treatment and it became a very close call. Now I'm back in the same
old hospital crap: Drugs and their terrible side-affects and whether
they're worth using against the bugs that are killing me. Along the way
they discovered a bad bug that's been eating up my lungs probably for
years. It's a TB-related complex "myco-bacterium" that's *very* hard to
kill. It'll be a long-term drug therapy that may take a whole 2 YEARS --
until after the year 2000!! 3 drugs are used at the same time that will
turn my urine and tears ORANGE. There was also another bug found in the
culture that they could not identify and ended up sending to the Center
for Disease Control (CDC). Suffice it to say, I'm not a happy camper at
this time. I also discovered a new and interesting tid-bit about Cystic
Fibrosis (CF): While the alternative therapies (especially Colloidal
Silver) have been excellent at killing some of the worst bugs known to
the CF world, they also ironically could create an opening for something
new and potentially even worse to move in! It seems that -- like
everything else ion the Universe -- these little critters are
territorial and don't want other bugs crowding their space. So, in a
sense, this would make Pseudomonas aeruginosa (one of the worse killers
in the CF world) my friend! VERY STRANGE. This just serves to illustrate
all the more how complex the nature of our being is. I guess there
really are no simple answers here.

This has been the short report. I'm grateful to everyone for your
concern and prayers/best wishes during this HELLISH period for me... it
was really touching. I'm still stuck in the hospital for now. I'll
update this as more is learned, but for now, I'm off the CS (by my
doctor's request) til we get word from the CDC on what that mystery bug

One final note: I was very good friends with the man called Joost -- or
"Jovo" (http://www.jovo.com.hk/) -- and was extremely shocked and
saddened to learn of his sudden death when I finally checked email from
here. All I could do was stare at the screen in tearful disbelief.
Sleeping was difficult that night. He was a great and trustworthy friend
who was always willing to help and a true warrior; a real fighter. He
left behind two sons whom he loved dearly. He was also the last person I
communicated with before entering the hospital; he said he would pray
for me. 

He will be missed.

For those interested, he'd begun posting the story of his life

Take care all --


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: "sitting here"

1998-09-08 Thread likowski
Carl -

I don't have much to offer, but I know several people who've gone to a
clinic in San Diego to be treated with wheatgrass. They came back
telling me how folks with cancer were cured while they were there and
how one guy had a massive tumor on his face that completely disappeared
before he left! You probably already know about wheatgrass therapy, but
if you didn't, it's real easy to grow, is VERY cheap and all you'd need
is a juicer like the GREEN POWER and you could juice it quite easily.
Besides drinking, it's juice can be applied topically as a poltice or
rubbed into the skin/lymph system and enemas can be done. All this has
been used with great success by many people. One interesting point: The
molecular make-up of chlorophyl is almost identical to hemaglobin! That
green juice is powerful stuff... like gettin a blood transfusion!

For what it's worth: You're an inspiration.



sitting here
only the screen sees my tears of anger fear frustration hurt doubt
I want to scream but am afraid I may not be able to stop
He keeps saying "I never thought it would come to this"
As I clean him up and change his diaper
As I feed him his milk shake
As I empty his catheter
As I check to see if his bedsores are healing or becoming worse
As I hear him say that he has a sore throat
As I encourage more fluids
As I see this once strong, independent man sleep in the fetal position
It hurts
I'm scared
When do I let go?
Have I let go?
Is it too soon?


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: [Silver] In Subject Line Of Posts?

1998-09-04 Thread likowski
Hi Mike -
Just a simple "CS" would be perfect!



Hello gentlemen, and LIST!

Yes, I agree this would be a good addition. Does anybody out there 
object? I'll consider anything that will make e-mail management 
easier for people.

I think that the string "CS>" or something like that would work well 
and be the minimum length. I'll ask around at eskimo for if and how 
this can be done with smartlist.

Please send me your opinions one way or the other, folks! 

I'm still quite busy here, with a lot vying for my attention. So
please be patient if the change takes a while. Thanks.

Be well,

Mike D.
silver-list owner

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: [Silver] In Subject Line Of Posts?

1998-09-01 Thread likowski
I agree. This *would* be nice.


Most lists that I am on, have the name of the list as
the first word of the subject line of each post.
This makes it easy to do an Edit-Sort-Sort By Subject
and have all the posts by a certain list all in one
block which makes it easier to find past posts in the list.
Mike, would it be possible to do that
with this list?   ThanksMike Rhyner

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: .999 vs .9999/ OT - Ozone

1998-08-18 Thread likowski
Chc -

Contact this guy; he's the best expert I know of after a year of

Saul Pressman 
HIS WEBSITE :  http://www.plasmafire.com/
7186 - 205th Street
Phone :  604-532-9596

Contact Marsha from this list for silver. Mike D (the moderator) knows
her well.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


1998-08-13 Thread likowski
List - 

The following is from CNET Digital Dispatch. Many of you may already
know about this, but it's new to me so I thought I'd share it. Notice
how she says that "more than 70 percent of the population has been
exposed to this bacteria"... all the more reason to keep taking CS




I don't usually go all biotech in this section, but I just got
word that Alzheimer's disease may at last be traceable to a
simple microbe. The organism officially know as Chlamydia
pneumoniae was discovered in the brains of 17 out of 19
Alzheimer's patients in a recent study. By contrast, the
bacteria was found in only 1 of 19 non-Alzheimer's brain used
in a related study. I should point out that this microbe is
not to be confused with Chlamydia trachomatis, the dreaded STD
that I am not covering today. (I mean, how far afield do you
want this section to go?)

Chlamydia pneumoniae is linked to common respiratory ailments,
including sinusitis, bronchitis, and pneumonia. Researchers
are studying the organism to see how and when it travels from
the lungs and sets up shop in the brain. Since more than 70
percent of the population has been exposed to this bacteria,
many as early as childhood, the real question centers on what
or when something occurs to trigger this bacteria into
Alzheimer's in later life.

The link may be atherosclerosis, a inflammatory condition that
leads to stroke, cardiovascular disease, and is often signaled
by fatty build-up in the blood vessels. Chlamydia in the
brain's glial cells--which function as the brain's immune
system--can trigger an inflammation that may bring about
Alzheimer's. Another possible entry route to the brain is
through the nose. Disturbance in smell is a widespread side-
effect of Alzheimer's disease.

Anyway, that's all that I know on the topic, but I did find it
interesting, although scary--not as scary perhaps as wondering
if simple underarm deodorant will cause Alzheimer's, but scary
nonetheless. I also found similar info on this same microbe
and its role in heart disease. We're onto something folks, and
antibiotics may actually be all that we need--assuming we're
not immune to them by then.

Before you write in and ask for a "more info" link, let me
explain why I'm not putting one in. If you go to CNET Snap.com
and type in "Chlamydia pneumoniae and Alzheimer's," you'll get
a listing of bizarre and often small sites that cover these
developments. The last time I personally pointed 1 million
people to a link residing at Cornell University, it shut down
their server and halted some email for a day. (It also
prompted some powerful "I hate CNET" student Web pages.) So
please check these sites out at your own pace, and if you find
out more from your explorations, please drop me a line.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


1998-08-13 Thread likowski
Hello -

I don't know if I'm spelling this right, but last week I saw an
all-natural cookie recipe on the Discovery channel and the woman said to
use what sounded like SUCCONOT instead of sugar. She said it was natural
juices that were dried and had all the vits and mins lacking in white
table sugar. It was sitting in a bowl and looked somewhat brownish or
maybe off-white. If anyone can give me a lead on getting this, I'd be


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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS protocol - Brown glass, etc.

1998-08-13 Thread likowski
Thank you, Paul! 

You've enlightened me and I now intend to buy TWO bottles: A brown
GALLON bottle and a smaller one for the daily usage. What you say makes
sense. One thing I might add is that it *seems* to me that if a beer
bottle is made to withstand the onslaught of alcohol molecules over long
periods, it *should* work well with CS. Just my limited opinion, tho I
have to admit I won't be taking that chance. I also agree that the
fridge may have too many electrical fields and if cooling is not
necessary, then why take the chance. 


Dameion   wrote:

> You still didn't answer the question of keeping CS in a plain glass
> bottle but with some dark cloth over it, or storing it out of light's
> reach. I see no difference in this over using *brown* bottles; in fact,
> it's probably better to keep ALL light away from the home-brews.

If we were going to just throw a black cloth over the bottles, that
would do,
I think, to keep light out of the brew.  But different containers are
with different qualities of silica sand (the primary ingredient in
glass) and
differing levels of impurities.  Example:  I use mason jars to make CS
Some of them develop a yellow tinge after one or two uses, others never
It has to do with the particular mix the maker used in that batch of raw
glass.  This gives me to think that a pickle jar or a beer bottle
*might* be
OK for some things, but *might not* for others.  And the same with
originally intended with other things.  Generally speaking,
glass makers like Kerr Glass of Jackson, TN, or Ball of Muncie, IN, make
glass or clear glass containers using accepted standards of silica
accepted standards of firing for hardness and density and so on.  That
is why,
particularly with the delicate nature of CS home brew coupled with the
kind of
testing we are talking about, I think it is wise to invest in a
grade container.

> And what about refridgeration?

Since properly made CS has nothing organic in it, I can think of no
whatsoever to keep it cold.  Storing it away from electrical fields and
sources of bright light seems, in my humble opinion, to be adequate for

Grace & Peace,paul bembower

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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Nickel toxicity << THANKS!

1998-08-13 Thread likowski
Thanks for the all these fine references on nickel, Bill. They're worth
keeping in "perm-file"!



 > By the way, someone keeps saying that nickel is toxic.  Its not.
 > However if nickel is heated in the presence of Carbon Monoxide
 > it will form NICKEL TETRACARBONYL (Ni CO4) which is extremely
 > toxic, however this liquid has a high vapour pressure and the
 > vapour is carried away by the carbon monoxide.  Usually the
 > vapour is passed over a hot surface and it decomposes back into
 > metallic nickel and carbon monoxide and recycled.  We are not
 > very likely to be meeting with NI CO4.


 I just searched through my files for 'nickel'.

 Regarding nickel tetracarbonyl, actually we are likely to encounter
 this toxic substance that you describe as "carried away by carbon
 monoxide".  Tobacco smoke (and auto exhaust) contains both nickel
 and carbon monoxide, thus tobacco smoke (and auto exhaust) contains
 some unhealthy amount of toxic nickel tetracarbonyl.  Inhaled
 nickel accumulates in the lungs and has been associated with
 increased rates of lung, nasal, and laryngeal cancers.  

 As for nickel being toxic or not, it all depends on 1) the degree
 of exposure and 2) the state of immune activation to this heavy
 metal.  Although I haven't collected any Medline references I read
 that nickel is a known carcinogen.  However, food contains ultra-
 trace levels of nickel, and 'organic' nickel (from vegetables,
 grains, beans, and nuts) likely does help to maintain health.  

 Nickel allergy can cause local skin or systemic reactions.  The
 nickel in jewelry, dental materials, or prosthetic joints or heart
 valves (stainless steel) may also be allergenic sources. 

 The EPA lists nickel as a toxic waste (even non-radioactive nickel)
 if it comes from industrial processes, but not if it comes from
 vegetation.  The EPA names nickel in its list of the 100 most toxic
 and hazardous chemicals found at Superfund (toxic waste) sites. 

 Below are quotes extracted from various sources.



 Galen D. Knight, Ph.D.
 VitaleTherapeutics, Inc.
 e-mail: galen...@highfiber.com

 Re: Heating or frying OILS:

 Metals such as nickel catalyze the epoxidation of olefins
 (unsaturated organic molecules) so it makes sense to heat oil in
 non-metallic containers if one heats at all.  Stainless steel is a
 no-no, since even surgical stainless steel (used in implants and
 supposedly hypoallergenic posts for ear-rings, watch backs, and
 other jewelry) usually contains nickel, cobalt, and chromium. 
 See:  http://www.vitaletherapeutics.org/vtlmtltb.htm 

 Stainless steel machinery contains carcinogenic nickel.  They
 use nickel as catalyst to saturate vegetable oils into margarine. 
 Do you think they get all of the metal out?


 Margarine, Fatty Acids and Your Health

 Another 'side-effect' of hydrogenation is that a residue of
 toxic metals, usually nickel and aluminium, is left behind in
 the finished product.  These metals are used as catalysts in
 the reaction, but they accumulate in our cells and nervous
 system where they poison enzyme systems and alter cellular
 functions, endangering health and causing a wide variety of
 problems.  These toxic metals are difficult to eliminate
 without special detoxification techniques [EDTA chelation],
 and our 'toxic load' increases steadily with small exposures
 over time.  Since they are increasingly found in our air, food
 and water, the cumulative doses can add up to dangerous levels
 over time.  


 Re: Nickel (Dental Materials) Hypersensitivity

 Clifford Consulting & Research, Inc.
 Colorado Springs, CO

 Percentage Reactive - Database of 12,823 blood serum specimens

 Nickel Salts Group. . . . . .  97.9% of samples = Reactive
 Mercury Salts Group . . . . .  92.7%
 Arsenic Salts Group . . . . .  86.4%
 Lead Salts Group. . . . . . .  68.0%
 Silver Salts Group. . . . . .  24.7%
 Uranium Salts Group . . . . .  04.1%

 Testing Methodology...

 Reactivity testing is conducted on patient blood serum.  Using
 qualitative antigen-antibody precipitin observations, it is
 possible to detect the presence of antibodies in the serum
 which have been specifically formed against such chemical
 groups as acrylates, urethanes, toluenes, nickel, aluminum,
 mercury, etc.  A small quantity of a challenge material is
 mixed with a sample of patient serum and observed for the
 formation of an immune complex which precipitates out of
 solution and collects at the bottom of the test well. 


 Cautions (re: CV NiTi braces)

 While CV NiTi is copper free, it still contains nickel.  We are
 not aware of any fatal reactions to nickel in orthodontic cases.
 However, nickel is a fairly common allergen.  According to a recent
 article in the AJO (American Journal of Orthodonti

Re: CS protocol - Brown glass, etc.

1998-08-13 Thread likowski

You still didn't answer the question of keeping CS in a plain glass
bottle but with some dark cloth over it, or storing it out of light's
reach. I see no difference in this over using *brown* bottles; in fact,
it's probably better to keep ALL light away from the home-brews. 

And what about refridgeration?


Dameon and silver-listers:  It is not my intent to argue that somehow
produced CS isn't OK, or anything like that.  It's just that we're
trying to
establish a protocol for the ones who cannot afford an expensive HVAC
so that we can make a product that will produce repeatably reliable
The success you have had with your HVAC silver is great, and I would
suggest that you should change, or try to follow the proposed protocol
yourself, unless you just want to.

For those of us who must use cheap, low-voltage DC methods to make CS,
solutions that we can make for only a few bucks and a little time *NEED*
to be
kept away from bright light and electro-chemical influences.  Thus, Bob
and others have learned that using brown glass works to keep the product
viable longer.

The purpose of the protocol is to provide a method that is relatively
inexpensive for as many as want to to produce and test a workable
product.  If
I had the money, I'd want to have a machine that made a product with
indefinite shelf life, too.  I don't begrudge anyone who does.  But
let's not
confuse the discussion about how we're going to produce LVDC CS by
apples and oranges comparisons with HVAC CS.

Grace & Peace to you all.   paul bembower

> Thanks for the response, Paul, but I think the testing will be better
> for determining the truth here. I've been getting WaterOz ionic silver
> water for over a year by the GALLON, which comes in a slightly fogged
> PLASTIC bottle, and it works fine MONTHS LATER -- my culture reports are
> PROOF of that. Maybe the problem for you is more in the *way* you're
> making the CS... I don't know. Besides, why would dark brown bottles be
> necessary at all? Why not just store CS in clean, clear GLASS bottles
> and through a black cloth over it or keep it in a cupboard/closet?! I
> plan on doing that with the WaterOz -- even tho I *seemingly* don't need
> to. The objective is to keep UV light out; that's not too hard. Unless
> I'm wrong about what UV can penetrate; *does* UV penetrate black cloth?
> Also, what about keeping CS in a refridgerator?

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Toxicity of Silver (reference document for your research archives.)

1998-08-11 Thread likowski
Hi Bruce -

Been reading your posts for quite a long time now, and from this last
series it seems like you *definitely* DON'T approve of systems like the
Motherlode or the CS'PRO' -- which use HIGH VOLTAGE to produce their
silver. Is this a correct assumption? 



This is the background for my beliefs / recommendations to use only pure
distilled water of a known / tested purity, use low voltage DC, to
generate it, etc

Be Well!

Bruce K. Stenulson
Applied Technology

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with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS protocol << George Martin

1998-08-11 Thread likowski
Hey George -

I use the GREEN Grolsch beer bottles to store fresh-made juices in! The
caps *are* quite *cool*! It's amazing how well the juices keep in those
things, but (with juices) you have to fill them all the way to the top
to keep air at a minimum for maximum freshness. Only wish I could've
emptied them myself in the first place, but not with this body!

Take care.


On Mon, 10 Aug 1998 16:44:18 -0500, Paul Bembower wrote:

=>Storage of completed product should be in brown glass pharmaceutical
=>grade bottles only (available from your druggist/apothecary).  Plastic
=>(even used Hydrogen Peroxide bottles) seem to affect the CS)

Does anyone have an idea how these compare to very dark brown beer
bottles?  I 
have a supply of Grolch bottles that I have been using because the nifty
arrangement makes sealing and unsealing a breeze.

George Martin

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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Stainless steel

1998-08-11 Thread likowski
Thanks, Mike. 

My thoughts, too. How can it matter if the distiller *does* have
something "toxic" in the elements if the final water *vapor* is rising,
leaving the toxins behind?? Isn't that the definition of "distilled"??
The heating coil of the SEARS wouldn't have any affect on that. Of
course, there's an easy way to find out once and for all: Just get the
water tested -- which I intend to do.


Hello All, Just lurking/observing... want to make coment about 80%
that should be no problem as long as the distilled water/heated water is
any nickel or what ever is toxic into the final distilled process. That
why we speak
favorably of distilling... to hope any un-desirables are left behind...
the distilled is not also distilling into that end product chemicals
are condensed
at near the same temperature as water now in that case you might be
getting a greater concentration  of the original contaminant(s) you were
trying to avoid. I think consumer reports years ago mentioned that if
heat/condesing/cooling temperature were to broad that this could happen.
Just thoughts... thanks mike slivinski

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS protocol -- PAUL B

1998-08-11 Thread likowski
Thanks for the response, Paul, but I think the testing will be better
for determining the truth here. I've been getting WaterOz ionic silver
water for over a year by the GALLON, which comes in a slightly fogged
PLASTIC bottle, and it works fine MONTHS LATER -- my culture reports are
PROOF of that. Maybe the problem for you is more in the *way* you're
making the CS... I don't know. Besides, why would dark brown bottles be
necessary at all? Why not just store CS in clean, clear GLASS bottles
and through a black cloth over it or keep it in a cupboard/closet?! I
plan on doing that with the WaterOz -- even tho I *seemingly* don't need
to. The objective is to keep UV light out; that's not too hard. Unless
I'm wrong about what UV can penetrate; *does* UV penetrate black cloth?
Also, what about keeping CS in a refridgerator?


Dameon wrote:

> I was wondering what proof you have of this statement, and does that
> include brown glass bottles (with plastic caps) that vitamins originally
> came in?
> "Storage of completed product should be in brown glass pharmaceutical
> grade bottles only (available from your druggist/apothecary).  Plastic
> (even used Hydrogen Peroxide bottles) seem to affect the CS)"

Paul replies:   The proof seem to be in the pudding.  I first used an
plastic hydrogen peroxide bottle.  Had wonderful results right off the
but they tapered off quite quickly--3 or 4 days.  Made a new batch, put
the cleaned H2O2 bottle, same thing again.  Since I've been using the
brown glass bottles, the stuff seems to last much longer (I use a batch
about 2 weeks, so can't say if it will last any longer).  I also use a
inhaler which originally contained Atrovent.  It is plastic.  I put a
amount in it and throw it away the remainer every couple of days,
after that it stops helping my chronic sinus infection.

In fact, I am wondering what the shelf life of CS seems to be.  Assuming
that the plastic somehow changes the electrical characteristics of the
solution, without causing it to precipitate, I'd like to think that
stored, it would remain effective until the colored particles had
settled or
precipitated or whatever they ultimately would do.  Can anyone else shed
some light on this?

Regarding beer and vitamin bottles, only experimentation will tell. 
When I
get my Hanna PWT (it was due via UPS yesterday and didn't show up--)
I'll be
better able to tell if anything settles or precipitates over time.  I
Christian's ZetaTester or anecdotal evidence will be the only ways to
determine how long the stuff lasts in any kind of container.  Maybe
kinesiology (spelling?) will also help here.  I'll be anxious to see
kind of results we get when we actually start testing.

Grace & Peace--paul bembower

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: "Burnt Taste of Distilled Water"

1998-08-11 Thread likowski
Hello Joyce.

Ya know, if you lived in the mountains and had to travel by donkey down
treacherous paths into the big city braving the wilds of nature while
doing so once every 3 months for supplies I could understand why you're
putting yourself through all this. But unless this is true, TAKE THE
major science project when all you have to do is replace it and start
over: If you *still* get that taste, *then* I would do the science
project because it's *obviously* NOT the distiller's fault!

Life is short and you're wasting time. Take it from someone living on
the edge who wasted enough of his own and regrets it.

Words from someone who cares about you -



On Mon, 10 Aug 1998, Daniel F. Smith wrote:

> Joyce,
> Is there any possibility that the water you are using has dust or some
> kind of organic mater in it?

Answer--I don't think the water contains too much dust or organic
contaminants--it is supposed to come from the "pristine mountains".  Our
naive mayor wanted to bottle and sell our city water, but it has poisons
such as chlorine and fluorine added to it. (Dr. Clark warns us against
drinking these industrial waste products.  Chlorine weakens our immune
system, and I heard that fluorine destroys a portion of our brains and
make us submissive to authority.  Do any of you know about this
The legislatures are passing laws to force cities to put fluorine into
water, but some cities defy the laws and use ozone to purify their

> Also, you might start the Sears distiller in the morning and stop it
> about an inch before it fills the jug.  That way the water temperature
> should be no more that 212F which should be cool enough to avoid
> 'toasting' the water.

I've tried drinking the water after about an hour, and it still tasted

> Finally, do you clean the vessel after every couple of batches?  We use
> a coiled stainless steel 'Scrub-bud' to clean the build up of calcium
> and other minerals.  Occasionaly we use 'Lime-Away' which has a mild
> acid that bubbles the deposits away.  We always rinse thoroughly several
> times after using the 'Lime-Away'  (Simple Green company also has a
> 'Lime Scale Remover' that we have used on occasion.)

I've made only about 3 batches so far, so the vessel is still quite new.
like your idea of using 'lime-away' or perhaps a dilute vinegar-water
mixture to dissolve the minerals.  It may work well if left in the
overnight, then it could simply be rinsed out in the morning.  (The
'scrub-bud' may scrub out too much metal from the vessel.)

> Hope this is helpful,

Thanks, it has given me more options to try.  Right now, I'm distilling
the 50:50 whiteVinegar-water in the vessel to clean out the coils.  (I
first made the mistake of simply POURING the 50:50 mixture into a straw
down the coils, which didn't work.)  If the vinegar and vodka doesn't
work, I might try "lime away" next.

Thanks for the info,

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Re: CS protocol -- PAUL B

1998-08-11 Thread likowski
Hello, Paul.

I was wondering what proof you have of this statement, and does that
include brown glass bottles (with plastic caps) that vitamins originally
came in?

"Storage of completed product should be in brown glass pharmaceutical
grade bottles only (available from your druggist/apothecary).  Plastic
(even used Hydrogen Peroxide bottles) seem to affect the CS)"



Mike, there's been so little of late about the CS protocol, I'd like to
suggest something to get us back to that--

I think the simplest setup possible, with the greatest possibility for
duplication in a wide variety of settings, should be adopted.

I vote for:

3 - 9v batteries  (cheap & commonly available)
1 - 28v 40ma incandescent bulb for ballast  (ditto)
16 oz (1 pint) mason jar container  (ditto)
3" immersion  (so 6" electrodes can be revesed end for end for economy)
14ga .999 silver electrodes (2)  (commonly available but not cheap)
3/4" spacing of electrodes, with minimum of 3/4" clearance from sides
and bottom of brewing container  (spacing of standard dual banana pin
plug/jack is 3/4")
brewing time = 2 hr.  (this product should be used by users & compared
to whatever they have been using for efficacy against whatever they have
been treating with CS...a longer or shorter time might be better for
some users/conditions)
stirring w/ nonmetallic stirrer at 1/2 hour intervals  (McDonald's Stir
Sticks or bamboo skewers do quite nicely)
wiping of electrodes at 1/2 hour intervals  (keeps down the sludge)
filtration with a single, normal 10-cup coffee filter  (cheap & commonly

All apparatus should be cleaned and rinsed with distilled water before

I suggest that each person make a starter batch by heating the distilled
water (by microwave or by hot-water bath) to 180 deg. F. to start, using
NO electrolyte of any kind.  Subsequent batches, following Bruce
Stenulson's suggestion, should be made with 75% fresh, room-temp
distilled water, and 25% of the starter (or previous batch), to improve
conductivity.  I believe that no electrolyte or protein of any kind
should be used.

Storage of completed product should be in brown glass pharmaceutical
grade bottles only (available from your druggist/apothecary).  Plastic
(even used Hydrogen Peroxide bottles) seem to affect the CS)

Now that ought to provide something to arouse a comment from almost
everyone!  [very big grin]  It is not a sacred cow to me (no hurt
feelings), so jump in and let's get this settled, folks, before my
wife/partner tells me I can't honor my pledge 'cuz I've spent too much
on my apparatus!

Grace & Peace to you all.  Paul Bembower

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1998-08-11 Thread likowski
Susan -

A few questions;

1)  How much did you pay for that Polar Bear and where exactly did you
get it? I wasn't aware that they sold "used" distillers.

2)  That's very interesting about the coffee filter bringing the PPM to
000... exactly what brand of coffee filters are you using and have you
done repeat testing on this? It *seems* that impurities/particles in the
filters would actually *add* to the PPM!

3)  Where did you get 1-gallon GLASS jugs from?




I purchased a used Polar Bear Distiller from the Polar Bear Co. in
Nebraska.  It works just fine.  The final step has the condensed
water go down a clear tube connected to a stainless steel cylinder which
contains acitvated charcoal and then on into the container.  The water
tastes good and is .001 on the TDS unless I pour it through a non
coffee filter and then in registers 000.

When I first got it I had to run it on the sterilize cycle.  I clean it
boiling vinegar in the boiling chamber.

There was something that for me I couldn't have because of my chemical
sensitivities in the Sears, but I can't remember now what that was.

It sound as if some component is out-gassing and until it is through,
perhaps the charcoal would help you.  It is a good idea anyway to
it  off".  Another thing is how many gallons have you made with it?  I
2-5gallon jugs I fill and then 5 -1 gal jugs that are glass.  Perhaps if
you just put it somewhere and ran it a while it would finish getting

Life is Fragile. Handle with Prayer

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1998-08-10 Thread likowski
Joyce & Bill G -

I've been using a SEARS distiller now for 3 weeks and it's been the best
water I've ever had. I don't know why you're getting that "burnt" taste
Joyce, but I wouldn't have even hassled with it as much as you have: I
would have just exchanged it for another. SEARS is very good about these
things (usually). They even told me that I had up to a YEAR to return
mine if I wasn't satisfied for ANY reason whatsoever! How could I lose??
There *is* a carbon-type filter already on the distiller. You shouldn't
have to buy another. Once you get the situation straightened out, you
*may* want to think about adding CONCENTRACE® trace minerals to it for
that extra margin of safety (and it'll make your water taste like that
Hawaiian stuff you've been drinking!). It's got all kinds of *cool*
minerals that we can't get enough of, like boron, and there *is* that
possibility that you *could* be leeching minerals from your body by
drinking *just* distilled water (anyone remember that fun little debate
I/we had with "Darryl" from Australia??). I've also started adding
something called AlkaLife® to it; it's an alkaline booster that should
help with the elimination of acidic wastes from the body. With these 2
substances added to fresh-made d-water, I feel that I have the most
perfect water I've ever consumed. 



I'm now working to try and get clean-tasting water from my Sears
distiller, but it has a burnt taste which I haven't been able to get rid
of.  I was told to wash the coil with 50:50 WhiteVinegar:Water mixture,
then with Vodka. This method worked well on another brand of distiller,
making the water clean tasting. 

But when I poured the 50:50 mixture through the coil of my Sears
(I didn't have Vodka), the distilled water still tasted "burnt". I'm
working through suggestions people gave me.  My next step is to call
and discuss my problem with them.

If nothing else works, I may get a carbon-filter water pitcher
by Hulda Clark to see if it might take the burnt taste out. Some people
don't taste the burnt taste, so I might have a defective distiller, or
taste buds may be extra sensitive.  (I was raised on an island with
unpolluted Hawaiian water, and refused to drink city water for many
because of its awful taste.) 

:)  Joyce 

On Mon, 10 Aug 1998, Bill Galkowski wrote:

> Okay folks... I am interested buying a distiller.  Can somebody pass along the
> info to me when they get a chance? Thanks.
> Bill G.
> wil...@thecore.com

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1998-08-07 Thread likowski
Wow... so it *is* true that we *can* all fit there. Imagine how easy it
will be to fence us in when all those saucers finally do land...


Dameon wrote:

> Thanks for that tid-bit about the world's population! I did *not*
> know that everyone could fit into the state of Texas... but *who*
> would want to live in *Texas*!! hehehehe

I don't know, Dameon, the Texans I've met have been a little bit
"different" for sure, but...

I've verified the anecdote about the world's population being able to 
fit in Texas, and still have 1500 square feet for each person to move 
around in. I admit it would not be sustainable, but picture the 
*entire* rest of the globe completely wild and unpeopled.

Gives a different perspective on the environmentalists who are
predicting such dire consequences from overpopulation, doesn't it?
Raises my skepticism a notch or two.

Yes, I know this is off topic. Sheesh! 

Mike D.

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Re: Fever - ATTN: BJS

1998-08-06 Thread likowski
H. did I miss something? I don't really have an opinion on this
one. Should I? If you're referring to the mention of Erliciosis, I don't
think that has anything to do with Cystic Fibrosis.


> Have your son tested for Lyme Disease and Babeosis in California they are both
> caused from a tick bite the reproduction cycle for these two infections  along
> with onother called Erliciosis can all be inflicked from one tick bite. I have
> the first two diseases. I visited your beutiful island in May, along with my
> husband, who also has Lyme disease and my daughter who flies for Delta.  on
> the intrenet look up Tick borne diseases and look at Lyme and Babeosis. Or
> take alook  at" MANAGING LYME DISEASE DiagnosticHints and Treatment Guidelines
> for Lyme Borreliosis", By Joseph J. Burrascano, Jr.,M.D., he is the expert on
> tick born diseases Diagnosis and treatment, try and get a copy over the
> internet. the address is http://listserv.edu/list/lymenet-l/managing htm
> good luck and let me know if this turns out to be your sons problem. Carol
 Interesting post. What do you think Dameon?

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1998-08-05 Thread likowski
Yeah... Cleveland. But at least we *do* have the Rock'n Roll Hall Of


likow...@earthlink.net wrote:
> OK, to all the sensitives who're - or will be - retaliating because I
> mentioned Texas in a sarcastic way, COOL IT... it's no big deal. I only
> meant that it's been so damn hot there lately one may do better in HELL.
> Besides, I live in Cleveland, so you can all start laughing now.
> Dameon
CLEVELAND, !!   You mean the ARMPIT of America  Ha, Ha ha ha! 


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1998-08-04 Thread likowski
OK, to all the sensitives who're - or will be - retaliating because I
mentioned Texas in a sarcastic way, COOL IT... it's no big deal. I only
meant that it's been so damn hot there lately one may do better in HELL.
Besides, I live in Cleveland, so you can all start laughing now. 



I live her and happen to like it.
Arnie Farber

likow...@earthlink.net wrote:

> Thanks for that tid-bit about the world's population! I did *not* know
> that everyone could fit into the state of Texas... but *who* would want
> to live in *Texas*!! hehehehe
> Dameon

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1998-08-04 Thread likowski
Thanks for that tid-bit about the world's population! I did *not* know
that everyone could fit into the state of Texas... but *who* would want
to live in *Texas*!! hehehehe


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Re: CS & Immunity - IT'S ALL RELATIVE

1998-08-02 Thread likowski
Good to see Whitney admit obedience to the unknown variables by the use
of vit-C and herbs, though I would hardly classify CS as a "big gun"
compared to other things; "big guns" usually imply serious risk of
damage for the sake of killing the opponent. Has anyone ever been
seriously damaged from CS? Ozone will damage if protocols are not
carefully followed and I would bet sensitivity levels are much higher
amongst the majority than they are to CS. But ozone is a marvelous
weapon/healer even though there's a risk; *ozone* is a "big gun". With
all that's UNknown about the actions of CS in the body - especially
since there are implications that we used to get so much more through
the foods we'd eat - I believe the way it's used *must* be totally up to
the individual. It's a good opportunity for the person to go deeper and
*feel* what the "correct" amount is. Until there is definite empirical
evidence that CS *does* interfere with the workings of our immune
systems, it's just fear to state that it would or could. Pregnant women
are advised to get enough folic acid (part of the B-vitamin complex) to
prevent their babies from being born with a disconnected spine; the
amount needed to prevent this horrible deformity is not even visible to
the naked eye. This, to me, reveals the implications of how important it
is to get the proper elements for a healthy life - amount being
relative. Who can really say what's enough - vitamins, minerals, CS or
otherwise? I was once taking 100,000 IU's of vitamin-A a day for MONTHS
as part of a medical experiment. At that level I should have experienced
some kind of side affects; they kept asking me if I was, but I wasn't...
nothing! Then there's an IV drug for fighting infections in Cystic
Fibrosis called Colymycin; *most* patients have terrible side affects
from even a small amount: Heavy urination, rubber legs and migrain
headaches. When I was on it I felt absolutely nothing - not even
tingling toes! I treat silver water as a "mineral suppliment" that just
*happens* to work better than a drug for my situation. Lucky me... so
far. Speaking of drugs, just what *is* a drug, in it's simplest
definition? They're *subtsances* taken for a specific reason with the
intent of getting well. This can also define what a vitamin, mineral or
CS is. When I first began studying natural healing/vitamins I read about
all kinds of illnesses due to deficiencies (imbalances) that were
"cured" with vitamins/minerals; that kinda sounds similar to a "drug".
The point is: All these things seem to overlap at some point. How many
on this list drink coffee? Alcohol? Smoke? They're saying that a little
wine every day is "good", even though the body recognizes ALL alcohol as
a poison. Coffee's a good example of paradox: When consumed *orally* it
depletes the body of valuable necessities and causes all kinds of
imbalances with implications of even contributing to some cancers; when
taken *rectally*, it initiates a "purging" affect that is actually used
in some cancer treatments! So, all this amounts to the individual's call
to use CS and at what amount. But, as one book says, "Fate and
unforeseen occurrence befall all men (and women)". *IF* it turns out
that there's a risk to using CS in the long run, that's the price you
pay for living. Think of all the other risks taken daily that are not
even considered - driving being the most obvious. One of the biggest
killers in America is falling in the bathtub and you risk more breathing
downtown city air on a smoggy day, because of all the unknown
interactions of about 13 million chemicals poured into the atmosphere
every year, than you ever could with CS. And no matter how "healthy" you
eat, the body automatically regards food as an "invader"; this is part
of "digestion": The attack, breakdown and use of the invader called
"food" with it's inevitable toxins... kind of like what the white blood
cells do on their level. And did you know that when sperm enters a woman
much of it is *immediately* treated as an intruder and destroyed? Yet we
still have over-population. Even the growing fetus can cause chemical
changes in the woman that could end up killing her! 

Seems to me the Great Infinite loves the game of Paradox.

I wouldn't be too afraid of CS. One thing is apparent just about
everywhere you look in Nature: The Universe doesn't like sissy's.


A few folks have very astutely pointed out that there are important
exceptions to my
theory.  Thanks.  There are some really nasty bugs out there, and it
not make sense to wait until they have you down before defending

I should also admit that I do not always follow the theory myself.  I am
already a complete vitamin C junkie, and I start in on the echinacea at
first sign of a cold.  But I hesitate to use the big guns (CS) on every
little sore throat, fearing that I will become a CS junkie as well.



Re: Motherlode vs. CSPro systems.....

1998-07-30 Thread likowski
I'd get this one if I were you:



Bruce Marx 

For information, call: 210-626-2546 (9am - 9pm, CST), 7 Days a Week

It's better and cheaper.

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Re: CS five gallon plans??? - BJS

1998-07-27 Thread likowski
HAHAHAHAHA!! *That's* funny!


> DC Electricity.101 tells you that 3 batteries in series MUST be of the SAME
> electrical size as to voltage/amperage/capacity. This is a NO-NO!!!
> Of course it will work for awhile BUT the output volage/amperage will drop
> when the smaller battery is exhausted.
> Good Health to All.
> gb.
Just wire in a 12 pack. Lift one tab on one end, and one tab on
the other end for your connections. All cans must be in contact.


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1998-07-25 Thread likowski
Hi Joyce and all -

I just got my SEARS DISTILLER but haven't tried it yet since I was
waiting to find out about the "aluminum factor", so I can't comment on
the "burnt taste". But I called KENMORE - who actually makes the machine
which SEARS only sells - and they checked with their tech dept and
assured me that it *was* stainless steel, then faxed me a copy of the
tech sheet with a description of the boiling pot as being stainless
steel. Then, I was re-reading the directions and noticed that they say
"stainless steel boiling pot" (which I'd missed the first time) in the
"first time use and set-up" section. Then someone on the list said that
there were 2 types of stainless steel and that a magnet would stick to
the safe one, so I took a little refridgerator magnet and it sticks just
fine! I guess it passes all tests for safety. I've noticed other
companies selling what looks like this model for A LOT MORE $$!
WaterWise has what looks like the exact same thing for $300 and a place
out of Australia is selling it for $500+! I paid $120 on sale!

Joyce: Did you sample water from the FIRST batch?? They say in the
directions that you have to "break it in" because there's factory
residue in it that will affect the taste!



I tried the SEARS water distiller, but the water did NOT taste very
good--sort of "burntish".  I tried adding Microhydrin to make it more
Hunza water, but the "burnt taste" was still there.  Drinking burnt
doesn't appeal to me very much.

Do any of you know how to "clean up the taste" of this water?  

Also, the pot seems to be made of aluminum like Daemon mentioned, and I
noticed that although the aluminum content went down in the distilled
water, it did not go down as drastically as the other metals did.

:)  Joyce 

P.S.  My school dumped my mail, so please re-send if you emailed me
anything between:
July 1 to July 7
July 18 to 20 Thank you!

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Re: One woman's experience with CS

1998-07-23 Thread likowski
Whitney -

I just read how the scalp is a very absorbant part of the body, so you
targeted a key area to try your experiment on. You must have an
extremely sensitive system to feel a Herx like that from just what your
did! I know someone *drinking* 32-ounces a day of 43PPM CS and he
doesn't experience any side affects!

I was curious about something: Where did you learn that MSM would help
get CS out of the body?



Hi, folks.

Here's a little story for the files.

I recently bought an elegant little CS maker, designed by one of our
members.  I made a batch of nice amber-colored CS.  Not daring to take
internally for starters, I decided to use it externally, *thinking* that
would be safer.  I have a *terrible* case of itchy, scaly, scalp with
falling-out hair.  Surely something is living there.  So I decided to
the CS on it.  I saturated my head with about 1 to 2 oz. of the stuff
sat down to read my e-mail.  About 1/2 hour later I began to feel *very*
weird.  Sort of cold and light-headed.  Felt like the beginning of my
typical Herx reaction.  Ran to the shower and washed it off, but I was
one of my Herx reactions where I feel like I'm going to faint, dizzy,
like I
can't think straight, and my heart starts flip-flopping, hesitating and
starting up again with a thud.  I have had pretty good luck using
recommendation re Herx:  arginine in daytime, ornithine at night, so I
a bunch of them and they seemed to help, but would keep wearing off, and
be back in the faint feeling.  I also took a bunch of MSM, thinking
maybe it
would get rid of some of the silver and thus cut down the total detox. 
condition of my scalp improved dramatically.  But the whole thing lasted
about two scary, unpleasant days (my typical Herx time) and taught me a

1.  Never underestimate the possibility that a substance (especially
will be absorbed through the skin.

2.  Start with lower doses of CS!

I would really appreciate any comments that would help me understand the
whole experience better.


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Re: "Cobalt" Blue bottles ???

1998-07-22 Thread likowski
Uhhh I don't think they actually use COBALT in that glass, folks. I
could be wrong, but I do art and that pigment is VERY EXPENSIVE. Many
paint makers have switched to synthetic pigments (thalo's and
ultramarine's) because of it. I would bet that it's the COLOR that
matters because of the way it affects UV light, and NOT the actual metal
in the glass that makes the dif! Also, I wouldn't put *too* much faith
in the "muscle-testing" methodology: I started out as a "fan" of it 22
years ago, but have since changed my tune since it seems to be more
"unscientific" and *very* subjective. If muscle-testing works so well,
why are we bothering to get anything tested and looking for the perfect
CS-making protocol? In fact, just muscle-test everything out there and
if it tests "strong", then eat it or wear it! After almost dying last
November, I was taken to a homeopethist. I was too weak to be
"muscle-tested" so she had *my dad* hold the *PLASTIC* bottles of
suppliments I brought along and had me put my hand on *his* shoulder
*over* his winter clothing and *then* "tested" for whether they were
"good" for me or not! If *his* arm went down, they were "bad" for *me*!
And Santa Claus comes down my chimney every December 25th. Of course,
almost all the suppliments I brought were "bad" for me and we ended up
buying $125 of her "good" suppliments! Geee, maybe we weren't facing the
right direction during the "tests"? While I fully believe there are
unexplainable energies out there, muscle-testing *may* have about 10%
merit -- at best (in my opinion). If our bodies are SO "aware" that they
can detect which pills are "good" or "bad" for it *through* plastic
bottles, through someone else's body and through winter clothing, then
none of us stand a chance and we may as well buy our grave plots right
now because of all the things assaulting us at every moment these days!
Just walking down a city street we breathe about 2000 new chemicals a
year! And then there's electromagnetic overload and radio and microwave
radiation! Sorry, but muscle-testing looks more like "rediculous" than
"sicence" -- IN MY OPINION. But I await the day when someone can turn me
back into a "true believer"; it would be a *cool* addition to my
alternative weaponry!


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Just a thot' on Dr. - WORTH KEEPING

1998-07-18 Thread likowski
Thanks, Sandi... it was a good read.



To All Who Contribute To This List,

My heartfelt thanx as I have been priviledged to learn so much...

I have been reading this list now for a few months and not being known
as the strong silent type, I wonder why I have sat silent for so long. 
Pehaps it is because I know that I am not eloquent with words and have
NEVER corresponded with but a few on this crazy thing called a computer;
a thing that has added more gray hairs to this aging body than any kid I
ever raised.

I almost quit this list as I watched the many Dr. bashing letters come
through and so decided rather than cut my nose to spite my face, as I
love the general info that I get, I should just add my input.  

I am a nuse and I could add much to the horror stories that have been
printed.  I am/was a wife who spent years allowing her husband to make
and live with his choices after he was diagnosed with cancer.  His
choices cost him his life and we buried him almost two years ago.  I
then watched my sister make the same choices at the same price.  I
currently practice in the field of geriatrics specializing in Alzheimers
and other dementias and if you feel the general field of medicine is a
nightmare you ought to see what happens in that area of medicinebut
families choose to turn the care of their loved ones over to the Dr. who
supposedly knows it all.

On the other side of the coin, we have a small alternative medical
clinic in town.  Within the clinic are 2 MD's who practice with many
other health prationers, and utilize both fields of knowledge.  Amongst
their peers, they are respected but tho't of as a bit weird...but they
perservere and though their numbers are small, they do make a
difference.  They educate and inform and encourage their "patrons" to
participate in their health care.

And so in this little town in which I am lucky to reside I sit and make
a few observations.  The general public  holds mluch of the
responsibility for what goes on in the field of medicine.  As with
almost every avenue of life, they turn the responsibility of their
health over to anotherIt is seen repeatedly in schools, politics,
religion and the rearing of children to mention only  a few aspects.  As
long as people continue to do this, the price will always be high in
that we give our power away.  For those who have had "sour" experiences,
perhaps it was the lesson you needed to reclaim your power...and it
sounds as tho' some of you are doing a great job of it.  If this be
true, then the experience should become one of thanksgiving not of
bashing. Not all lessons are learned without discomfort.

When I was diagnosed with MS almost 30 years ago and told that I would
have to learn to live with the fact that MS was incurrable, I, after
many months and much bantering with the Dr., finally got angry and
decided that NO ONE would ever tell me what I HAD to accept.  I searched
and researched for answers, trying this and that...but I have no trace
of MS and I have lived a long rich life...full of learning which
continues to this day and I am so grateful for the Dr. who sparked that
fight in me.  I have not always been able to pass that fight on to
others but then I am not responsible for their choices.  I assist where
I can and am so happy for the few lives I have been able to touch.

I really did not mean to write a book, only to pass on that maybe our
energy can serve ua better by joining forces and exchanging
information.  I do so appreciate the knowledge that you guys share and I
have little to offer in the electrical area of expertise that is needed
but please accept my contribution of $50 to "the fund".  I will await
the info as to where to send it and thanx to you all for your time and

I truly believe in the power of one...Sandi

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Be sure to identify subjects clearly. Digest structure.

1998-07-16 Thread likowski
I agree totally.


Robert Wells 

The List has been very busy lately and I'm having real trouble keeping
up  with all the postings, even though they are important to me.  Many
of the message topics are clearly identified, but some are not.  Might I
meekly suggest that we all try to identify our topics as clearly as
possible to allow readers to focus on those subjects most important to
them?  It would help me, especially after a weekend to be able to sort
throught the postings.  I counted 30+ messages dated 7/14 and 20+
already today (7/15).  I'm grateful for this wonderful forum.  The ideas
and support have been fast and furious.  In order to accomodate more
growth, however, we will need to be careful to make our messages
particularly clear in the topic or subject line.  Don't be afraid to
change the subject line when you respond to a posting.  It can be very
helpful, especially when the topic starts changing from the original

I tried confining myself to the digest version back in May, but found
that I disliked the format, especially since there were long copies of
messages and the ever present trailer telling how to get on and off the
list (any chance of automatically deleting those in the digest?). 
Furthermore, the digest seemed to cut out the sender's e-mail address so
I couldn't respond directly when I wanted to (I haven't checked to see
if this is still an issue).  Finally, I started wanting to categorize
the messages by subject (testing, other diseases, making CS, etc.)  For
all these reasons I went back to the regular list, but I spend too much
time at it every day and it is starting to get in my way a bit.  I
haven't figured out how to manage this yet, but clear marking of topics
will probably help.

Bob Wells

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


1998-07-15 Thread likowski
With all my ranting in the last post, I forgot to answer your question:
I met the unfortunate CF victim too late; he was already so sick that he
was urinating blood from all the drugs they were pumping into him and he
was too scared to sway from the great doctor's influence. I showed him
the bottle and gave his mother the phone number, but I'm sure they never
called. When CF progresses to that point, the victims become like deer
in the headlights: Lack of breath, emaciation and toxic side affects
from the drugs take over and it's a merry-go-round of one fear after
another; confusion rules. You don't know who to trust and the doctor
seems like the Angel In White. I've been very close to death twice, and
can tell you I know the feeling I saw in that man's eyes the last time I
saw him. In fact, the first time I almost died he was in the hospital at
the same time and while I was in bed on oxygen afraid that I'd never
leave there alive, I would see him and his mother walking by everyday.
They even peaked in once to ask my mom how I was doing, even tho we
hadn't met. Back then, *he* was the "stronger one" and I didn't know if
I would make it. Then I got out of the hospital and said "Screw this
crap: These stinking drugs make me as sick as the disease!" and did
massive juicing and ozone and CS and some Beck stuff and herbs and vits
and mins and NO MORE DAIRY PRODUCTS and lots of fruit and water and I
became 10 times stronger than I was in the hospital! But Tom kept
following the doctor's advice with all the drugs - and now he's dead. An
interesting contrast, isn't it?

I'm still not out of danger (just coughed up blood for the first time in
2 years yesterday), but I'm *MUCH* better than I was back in November!
Now I need to see how far I can take it.


> By the way, list, I lost another in a long line of friends with my
> disease on Friday. He was only 27 and believed in and fully trusted his
> "doctor" - the same "doctor" I trusted for most of my years, 
> Dameon

Have you told your doctor about CS Dameon? Did you friend try


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


1998-07-15 Thread likowski
Yup! And he shrugged and asked what it is and what it does. When I told
him, he snidely remarked that "we've only known about most bacteria for
a hundred years or so"! Say WHAT?! How the HELL does that relate to
people staying healthy from using it??!! See, *this* is the kind of
ARROGANCE that I've had to deal with; and what's *really* pathetic is to
watch how all the new interns hover around this guy all eager to learn
his "wisdom". I feel like walking up to him right in front of them all
and saying "Hey, Stern! Lose any patients lately? It's a good thing I
didn't follow *your* instructions for staying alive or I'd ALREADY BE
DEAD!" When I implied this to one of his fellow-doctors in private, she
looked at me with hate and proceeded to repremand me like a child! Talk
about ARROGANCE: I'm 42 and still alive with a disease that kills most
by 20 or 30 and she had the audacity to "scold" me for saying "I'm still
alive because throughout my life I've only taken about 1/4 of all the
drugs that Stern wanted me to"! Can you believe this *DUNG* (the word
was originally *SHIT* but I don't want to sound too nasty)?! I
BLASPHEMED against one of their own - the GODS - and got my wrist
verbally slapped! I learned that day *when* to keep my mouth shut!

Hey, bjs! How come I can't send things to your personal email address??
They always come back to me!



> By the way, list, I lost another in a long line of friends with my
> disease on Friday. He was only 27 and believed in and fully trusted his
> "doctor" - the same "doctor" I trusted for most of my years, 
> Dameon

Have you told your doctor about CS Dameon? Did you friend try


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To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


1998-07-14 Thread likowski
Hi Nancy -

Thank you for responding. If I email my snailmail address, could you
find it in your heart to copy and mail that literature to me? Or is
there an URL for this company? I did a Web search but couldn't find

Thanks for the thoughts on my friend's death. It's been an especially
depressing week for me; in fact, today I coughed up blood (first time in
2.5 years) and was very allarmed by it. I think my emotions had
something to do with it. 


PS...If you want my snailmail address, please send your *real* email
address; I tried sending this message to you personally the first time
and it came back to me. THANKS.

I think I've mentioned the Motherlode (about $400); haven't
gotten one yet; it's on my list of expensive "toys" to get
within the next 6 mo.

It can process up to a gallon of CS, pretty high ppm if
desired; doesn't require "wiping wires or filtering" or dark
glass bottles, and processes fairly quickly according to
literature I have on it.

A teenage girl I know used this CS (her mother made it for
her).  She had severe headaches with Lyme disease and is now

I'm sorry that you lost another friend; thanks for letting
us know.  I hope you can find a better doctor, too.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


1998-07-13 Thread likowski
Yes, it's back in health food stores.

Years ago comfrey-pepsin was a wonderful GI (Gastrointestinal )healing
agent. We used it to heal ulcers, to sooth the GI tract and it worked
great. Who says you need antibitics to heal h.pylori?? Anyway, someone
got a hairbrained idea to shove 1000 x the usual does into lab rats and
i believe it caused cancer. (Duuuhhh, no kidding) So in all of their
wisdom the FDA took it off the market. I do not know if it ever came
back. Now we use "Okra Pepsin", which seems to work good too.

So, Joyce if you have comfrey pepsin in your yard, do find out what,
how, when and why, because it is valuable. BTW don't forget to e-mail me
your address, off the net!

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


1998-07-13 Thread likowski
"W. D. Cavanaugh" :

"My point is:  almost nobody I know has any knowledge of comfrey..."


One of the best weapons in herbal medicine; miraculous in it's ability
to rapidly mend and heal broken bones and torn flesh. The Indians called
it BONEMENDER and was wrapped around limbs with broken bones and other
injuries to promote healing. Even the Egyptians knew of it's power. They
would place the wet leaves over tumor areas. It grows all around the
world in some form - even Siberia - like Nature's general medicine. One
plant will quickly spread and they're very durable little buggers. The
leaves are good, but the roots are also used for their magical active
ingredient "allantoin". We have a huge patch growing in the middle of
our garden every year and I've drank gallons of fresh comfrey tea. This
year I'll be juicing the fresh leaves. For a long time my dad has been
making a special comfrey liquid that he gives to people with arthritis
and other problems; they rub it on the painful area and soon it's like
new again. His aunt taught him how to make it; the roots and/or leaves
have to soak in alcohol for months before it's ready. He preaches
comfrey like "born agains" preach the Bible. Great stuff, that comfrey.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


1998-07-12 Thread likowski
Hello Listers,

Would the person(s) who posted that they were using the expensive AC
GENERATOR (I think around $600) during that AC/DC debate some months
back please stand up? Also, anyone else who has knowledge in this area
or knows of similar generators.

I would like to ask some questions.

Thank you -


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Doctor bashing - UPDATE

1998-07-12 Thread likowski
Not to drag this out any longer than it's already gone, but on the 10 PM
news tonight, they reported on a national survey of doctors that was
done by a medical insurance company and found that, in 50% of the cases
(when averaged out), the "doctors" were negligent or outright wrong in
their treatments!! The essential theme was that *maybe* it isn't such a
good idea to trust your doctor after all!

I guess my statement that 50-75% are a__holes wasn't too far from the
mark, heh?

By the way, list, I lost another in a long line of friends with my
disease on Friday. He was only 27 and believed in and fully trusted his
"doctor" - the same "doctor" I trusted for most of my years, which I
will be dumping next week. The sickening thing about it is that this
"doctor" is viewed with god-like respect, and yet he continues to lose
the patients that follow his advice the most!! Go figure. Suffice it to
say, he doesn't like *me* very much; I'm sure his arrogant ego will not
be bruised by my departure.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: Legal to prescribe already?

1998-07-10 Thread likowski
Thanks for posting this, bjs1779 -

It was great reading and, once again, drove home the value of this
substance. Especially interesting was the part about intraveneous
administration. I've been wanting to try that for over a year. I just
might with the WaterOz silver mineral water, since it's particles are so



Clinical Use Report Of MSP
   Dr. Joseph J. Cardot

  Researchers have been warning the medical establishment for
years that the indiscriminate use of antibiotics could spawn
mutations in pathogens (bacterial, viral, and fungal), creating
"Super Bugs" resistant to all known medications. The result, they
warned, would create a "post antibiotic world" where common, as
well as uncommon, infections would quickly escalate into fatal
illnesses. The warning have been ignored; the result is that we
are--right now--facing a major threat to human life from formally
treatable infectious conditions.

  A friend of mine, Dr. Richard Callahan, York, NE, in a recent
phone conversation remarked that, in his opinion, mutated
pneumococcus nacteria and viral pneumonia will be killing thousands
of Americans annually within five years. Bad news indeed.

  The good news is that Mild Silver Protein (MSP) may be an
answer to the dilemma we are facing. I have operated a family
practice for 37 years where I have treated all types of infections
in patients varying in ages from infants to over ninety.

  Before prescribing any treatment I believe a doctor should
determine if the patient might suffer harmful effects from the
treatment. "First Do No Harm." The treatment should also offer
the prospect of helping the patient recover. MSP meets both of the

  I started using a silver suspension in protocols for patients
with infections in January of 1992. The first patient, a female,
had "walking" viral pneumonia. She was placed on one tablespoon of
the silver suspension t.i.d. She was asymptomatic the fourth day
into treatment. I was astounded. I thought that it might have
been a misdiagnosis. Since that first experience I have treated
more than 50 cases of viral pneumonia with the same positive
results. Time of treatment varies, due to patient condition and
severity of infection, from four days to thirty days. The outcome,
however, is consistently positive; the infection is cleared.

  Since that first experience I have included MSP in protocols
for all types of infectious diseases with positive results.

  MSP has cleared reoccurring ear infections in children who
were scheduled for tube surgery making the procedure unnecessary.

  Infectious fibromayalgia (Fibromyositis) and Sjogren's
syndrome patients have benefitted from MSP therapy; MSP therapy
helps many rheumatoid arthritis patients with synovial fluid
infections that are causing inflammation to no longer need

  Systemic Candida Albicans is successfully treated with MSP.
It is so effective we must start with small doses to control
Herxheimer effect.

  Staph and other infections in the mouth (Gingivitis) have
dramatically improved with MSP therapy.

  The Lyme disease spirochete (Borrelia burgdorferi) is
eliminated using MSP therapy. I have records of Lyme patients who
have been taking various antibiotics for three or more years who
have become asymptomatic on MSP therapy after just three or four
weeks of treatment. The average duration to rid the body of the
spirochete is three to nine months. Systemic Candida Albicans
frequently occurs in patients with Lyme; complicating the treatment
and prolonging the duration of treatment.

  Lyme disease is far more prevalent than is generally known.
Lyme has been reported in the U.S. in 43 states, and in all of
Canada. I believe that reported cases of Lyme represent only about
20% of the actual number of Lyme cases. Lyme is routinely
misdiagnosed as meningitis or as a "heat rash." A red rash is a
typical symptom of Lyme. Ag-Cidal and Silvicidal* are proving to be
IOO% effective in getting rid of the Lyme spirochete when they
are included in the treatment protocol.

  The important thing about MSP therapy is that it is non-toxic.
I have never observed any side effect from using MSP therapy, and
I have used it in patients with all kinds of infections. In acute
conditions as much as four tablespoons per day has been given, with
no adverse reactions observed or reported.

  HIV positive patients have responded to MSP therapy if begun
before the advanced Stages of full blown AIDS. Temple University
studies indicate that MSP kills the HIV virus in vitro. I believe
that the HIV can be completely eliminated by using higher
concentrations of MSP than can be absorbed with oral dosing. In
vivo studies should be done using 250 to 750 ppm MSP administered
IV. Due to the fact that MSP is non-toxic in high concentrations,
this could prove to be a God-sent treatment for the millions who
are suffering and dying from AIDS related illnesses.

  The use of AZT and ot

Re: Microbial Challenge Test Update

1998-07-08 Thread likowski
List -

I agree with George M to get the tests done anyway. I'll try to come up
with another $10 (I know it's not much; I'm sorry). I think having some
back-up data is important. Showing the public test results from A SINGLE
LAB may not cut it with the opposition. Considering what CS has done for
me, with a *serious* illness, our efforts in this matter could really
help a lot of people dispell doubts about it's worth. But they'll need
more proof than *just* our personal experiences and *probably* more than
one test result. 

It may also be "progressive" for CS-listers to start including their
protocols when reporting on success/failures in using CS so that others
can make better judgements with their own protocols. Maybe even the
inclusion of things like body weight and nutritional habits (ie: how
much coffe does someone drink a day, are "sweets" eaten or alcohol
consumed, what vitamins/minerals are also being taken). This may sound
complicated at first, but it really isn't, and I think it will shed some
light on the process as a whole. There is a rumour that Vitamin-C, for
example, may have a "chelating affect" on C-Silver and that it should be
taken several hours after C-Silver. This has not been confirmed, but if
folks on the list are taking 'X' amount of silver for 'X' disease 'X'
times a day and still getting little or no results, it may not be in the
PPM or the *way* the CS was made, but in other aspects of their life --
like nutrition. If we establish some solid ground work here, it could
branch off into a *real* scientific methodology that even mainstream
science cannot ignore, and *maybe* even help people who were previously
afraid of CS to approach trying it!


Very sorry folks, 

I hadn't had my morning coffee yet when I read Joyce's lab report and I
was VERY WRONG! It was indeed done at the desired concentrations with
precisely the kind of data points I was looking for. Thanks again Joyce.

Well, I look to you all for guidance at this point. Should we proceed
with our own test at this point(replication is always good science) or
should we just call it done and save the money for some other CS related



I think that we should proceed with our tests.  Can't have too much

Of course, the lab tests won't tell us anything about how the different
sizes travel through the body.  At best it will give us an indication of
what happens
when (if) the silver reaches the offending organism. 

One other item I have been thinking about recently.  If the data from
Joyce's test
 holds true for ours then what is the quantity of CS we need to ingest
to bring up
the level of silver in the blood (or whatever body fluid is the target)
to levels that
are toxic to the 'bad' virus/bacteria.  Seems to me it would be quite a

I remember someone posting the doses recommended according to body
but I don't have access to my archives.

George Martin

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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Doctor bashing

1998-07-07 Thread likowski
Hello Nancy -

I found your comments regarding this whole issue to be amongst the most
balanced of any posted. Funny how one little response to a seemingly
insignificant post set off such a fire. When I responded to whomever
made the anti-doctors statement way back when, I never expected to start
so many fireworks over whether doctors are worthy of their pay or status
in society (not to mention their lives, considering the attitudes of
some!)... but then, it *is* the 4th of July. In fact, it was mostly
sarcasm in that I used the amount of 98% and the term "scum";
*obviously* more than 2% are "good" people, it's just that it's
impossible to *really* know how many are not! When I made my other post
stating that I felt 50-75% were corrupt (at least in part) I *do* think
that's much more accurate and fits in overall with other aspects of
human nature and other humans in their professions. In general, it seems
to be "the nature of the beast" for a small quantity of *quality* humans
to exist in ANY field of human activity, but it becomes more amplified
in the medical profession because the mistakes are so glaring compared
to (as you say) car repair or a head of hair. If someone screws up your
car, it ain't headline news; when the wrong leg gets amputated, it
ceratinly is -- and *must* be! And as you accurately point out "...the
sicker one is, the more aware that person becomes of how little our
doctors do know about health and illness...". This is very true.
Necessity ALWAYS dictates in Life. If you're not that sick, or never had
a child that sick, doctors aren't "bad" guys (or girls); but if you see
your child repeatedly sick for years and it's breaking your heart and
then you discover Colloidal Silver and it's miraculous implications (or
ANY of the "alternatives" available that are being used with great
success in other places), it tends to make you suspicious of ALL
medicos. Any system inherently has a point of no return; with a fatal
illness you play "Beat The Clock" everyday. Every minute seems cramped
and uncomfortable while waiting for "the cure" to come along, but we are
suspicious of a system that ignores obvious other, *better*, remedies so
how can we have faith that "the cure" will come in time? So things get
even more cramped and uncomfortable. And this is pretty much the basic
"wounded animal" psychology; one thing compounds another and all the
time that big old clock in the sky is ticking ever louder. It makes
those playing games with your life appear extremely evil, and I mean
that in the "ignorant" sense to a great degree. There is *honest*
ignorance ([-]evil) -- where someone just didn't know there was a better
way, and there is *arrogant* ignorance ([+]evil) -- where they may have
sensed Truth and a better way, but chose to ignore it because of ego or
job security or whatever. But then, this is where The Truth issue itself
can become very abstract: If a doctor raising a family with kids in
college or perhaps even a chronically sick child of their own has built
a good way of life being the "conventional" kind of doctor, and then
discovers something like CS and it's wonderful implications and
sincerely wants to start "prescribing" it to their patients -- perhaps
even conducting "scientific experiments" to prove it's worth to the
world -- but knows what they're up against, is it the "truthful",
"better" way to jeopardize their entire family's lives over this? If
there's the slightest chance that they could lose everything by
employing the use of CS on a regular basis, is it worth it? This is
where we all have to look in the mirror... where the *real* MANimal
aspects of our limited nature comes into play. I can stand alone; I have
no offspring to care for -- not even a wife or girlfriend. Like the film
BRAVE HEART, I can afford to fight the great war with nothing to
jeopardize but *my own* life -- which we all lose in the end anyway. And
my attack is mostly against single doctors I've known (or with the
establishment itself) who *could*  make some changes if they wanted to.
But I honestly admit that IF there were others I had to provide for I
may not be quite the warrior, for the love that bonds also weakens. We
are faced with compromises every step of the way. Much of where we end
up in Life is a "Destiny" thing, over which we have little control. But
turning points are the key; you have to dig deep to discover the correct
battle to fight. An ancient philosopher once wrote "All things are born
of war". I'm still waiting for Nature to prove that statement false.
Time and unforeseen occurrence befall all men (and women) and since
we're going to die in the end, choosing the right battle seems all
important. If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the
problem... it's just a question of *how much* of a part.



Sorry, Dameon, that was intended to go to the list, not you
& Tom Young individually.

As I posted in an earlier email this 

Re: Doc stuff and more

1998-07-06 Thread likowski
Doug (I have a brother by that name!) -

The test idea is a good one and I, too, will put in some money. Being on
a Welfare-type program, tho, I couldn't afford any more than $10
(sorry). But it did come to mind: What CS will be tested? Someone's
home-brewed? Some health food store brand? A name brand? As all who've
been following my story knows, I favor WaterOz. I wouldn't care if
another brand were tested because the WaterOz is literally saving my
life (and I have med records to prove it). I don't plan on ever
switching unless they go out of business ("if it ain't broke, don't fix
it"), so I think there'll be some disagreement on this issue.

Maybe it would be good to first find out from the group what the most
commonly used CS maker is (SOTA, etc) and use THAT as the base?

But I would still throw in $10 if the group decides to go for this, just
out of curiosity and for the evolution of CS knowledge.


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Re: Doctor bashing

1998-07-06 Thread likowski
In my very first response to this subject I used the term "scum",
including *most* doctors into that catagory. That was wrong. Douglas
McMurtrie, Mike D and others have made good points to the contrary in
their defense. 98% of all doctors are not "scum", but I think the
percentage of those in the medical field that are driven by ego and
selfish interests (monetary) are fair higher than just a few: Probably
more in the 50-75% range. If that weren't so, you'd be seeing a lot more
of them working for a lot less money and/or even going on "missions" to
other countries to work with devastated people who have literally
nothing. But instead you see them charging $100 (or more) for a
15-minute office visit and driving very nice cars and living in very
nice homes and taking very nice vacations (and many only "work" 4 or 5
hours a day, too); hardly suffering for their "cause" to "help"
humanity, in my opinion. Not to drag this thing out any longer because
it's getting really boring, but having been in the hospital more times
than I care to remember since the age of 4, and being up at all hours
while there, and getting to know MANY doctors and interns alike, and
listening to their conversations (sometimes without them realizing it),
I can assure you that the thought of "helping" people comes *AFTER*
thoughts of money and what they'll be buying and where they'll be going
in the future. Sorry to step on any toes here, but this is pure and
honest observation; I have *nothing* to gain by making such statements.
In fact, in a sense, I'm "biting the hand that feeds me" because I could
have another lung collapse and be under their complete control tomorrow!
But the truth is the truth. My own cousin is a surgeon who's been
"varifying" this truth for the past 10 years to me with *many* stories
of operations that don't need to be done and wrong drugs that are
routinely given and other negligences that are swept under the rug
continually. I personally TWICE IN THE PAST YEAR have had to prove
to/remind my doctor of the drug mistakes he was making with me(!), but
he wasn't paid any less for doing a bad job! They are, for the most
part, untouchable -- and they know it. And *this* is where any "evil"
inherent in the situation ferments (in my opinion). Even *if* they *do*
get prosecuted for some mishap, they just pack up and move to another
state and start a practice there! Amazingly, *VERY* few ever actually
lose their license! By the way: My cousin is sick of it all and is
planning on leaving the medical field; he's currently writing a book on
The Bible.

See ya!


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Doctor bashing

1998-07-05 Thread likowski
Hi all.

I agree with Mike D, W. D. Cavanaugh and all the rest who rallied in
defense of those in the medical establishment who are possibly willing
to cross the line into this/our dimension. My perspective/attitude on
doctors in general is quite tainted because of having had to deal with
them on a continual basis since I was 4 years old. I doubt that there
are many on the list that can claim the same amount of experience. This
does not make me an "expert" on ALL of them, but I can surely attest
with great accuarcy to the high degree of hypocracy and lack of *real*
concern for The Truth, whatever that may be -- at least in the field of
Cystic Fibrosis research. It's like that old joke: A scientist puts a
frog on a table and takes note of how far the frog jumped with all 4
legs -- after alarming it with a sound -- writing, "Frog jumped 3 feet
with 4 legs". Then he removes 1 leg and presses the alarm again
observing, "Frog jumped 2 feet with 2 legs". Then he removes another
leg, presses the alarm and observes, "Frog jumped 6 inches with 1 leg".
Finally, removing the 4th leg and pressing the alarm he writes, "Frog
goes deaf". If the "doctors" are committed to *really* healing the sick,
why are they barking up so many wrong trees to begin with? A perfect
example of what I'm talking about is the fact that Joyce Inouye
 has posted on her site PROOF that Colloidal
VICTIMS!! Studies done by an actual lab and even earlier reports from
DECADES ago have confirmed it for all the doubters, not to mention my
own experience! So why are these "healers" and supposedly truthful
"doctors" with a mission to help humanity ignoring this information? Why
is a friend of mine with the same disease not expected to live past the
next week because all the drugs they've been giving him FOR THIS VERY
SAME BACTERIA have ruined his kidneys and liver and other systems are
now shutting down? That's where my attitude stems from. I *used* to
blindly trust them [like most people] and now I'm paying for it. Most
people with marginal "doctor" experience may not feel the same way, and
-- as I said in my first "doctor-bashing" agreement -- there *are* some
good ones out there who *are* just plain ignorant of these options [like
CS] and *may* be willing to learn and *maybe* even risk their career
JUST to help people, but they're so few and far between that I wouldn't
hold my breath. Most wouldn't risk their entire schooling and
high-paying career to start replacing their drugs with Colloidal Silver.
They may *want* to or feel a sincere desire to do so, but sayin' ain't
doin'. So they stay close to the security of their AMA masters while
continuing to use many of the poisons they really don't need to and
getting paid well for it. If *YOU* had invested in a long/expensive
medical education and someone proved that half [or more] of the drugs
you were prescribing and treatments you were getting paid for doing
could cease because of a substance that can be made in someone's
kitchen, would you cross that line? Move to Mexico? End up like Wilhelm
Reich or Ruth Drown [and they weren't even "doctors"]? Most AMA
"doctors" remind me of that scene from the film COOL HAND LUKE where
Paul Newman is being put in "the box" for solitary confinement and the
jailer apologizes because he's "just doing his job"; Luke says to him,
"Callin' it a job don't make it right". I salute any doctor couragious
enough to rebel against the mighty force of The Dark Gods, but the sad
truth is that 98% of them simply won't. 


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1998-07-04 Thread likowski
You are correct. 98% the "doctors" in this country are scum. At best,
they are educated idiots. *Some* surgeons *may* be an exception: When I
had 12 hours to live because of a bad appendix that was leaking poisons
into my system, I was grateful for sugery. In *some* cases they *are*



Thought you may like to know that the recent case here in Adelaide  of a

woman suing her "Dr" for negligence for misdiagnosis of breast cancer of

which she is now dying ... she won her case... has had repercussions for

the lawyer handling the case ...he  was the Chairman of the Board at a
major Community Hospital for many years but has had to resign due to
threats to him and his family and to the hospital as the "Doctors" would

not recommend patients to the hospital even though the hospital was not
involved in the case while he remained Chairman of the Board ..he
resigned on the basis that he did not want the hospital to suffer
...this to me is Mafia like tactics and does not paint a verify good

picture of the medical "profession"

Doctors apparently don't feel they are accountable for their mistakes
and I feel the old story that they bury them is true.. also the
above tactics makes one wonder about the ethics of the "profession"

and if one wants to read the original story from the news paper I will
obtain it and scan it in ..

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS - colon bacteria

1998-07-02 Thread likowski
Listers -

Since Mike D made reference to me "swishing" CS around in my mouth
before swallowing, I thought I should jump in here: 

What I do EXACTLY is measure out 9cc/mls of WaterOz silver water and
carefully squirt it under my tongue; then I look at the clock and try to
decide right then how long I "feel" the need to hold it. Sometimes I
"feel" that only 15 or 20 minutes will work, other times I "feel" that a
full 30 minutes may be called for. It's kind of a body-mind discussion
and a lot depends on how my disease (Cystic Fibrosis) has been acting up
lately. Then I just sort of forget about it and get busy with something,
remembering NOT TO SWALLOW, and keeping it mostly under my tongue. I
>do< allow the swallowing reflex to work, but I'm careful NOT to swallow the 
>CS. I keep an eye on the clock and how my body's responding to the CS, if at 
>all. Many times I will go beyond the time I thought I would swallow by because 
>my body >seems< to want me to hold it longer. I started being this critical 
>after sensing a "shift" when holding it past a certain amount of time. Before 
>that I didn't care, then one day noticed that I could "sense" when the CS had 
>gotten to a certain level and it felt more intense than just 5-minutes 
>earlier. Maybe that's the "blood saturation level" that we should strive for 
>with this stuff... I don't know. But now I sorta wait for that to happen 
>whenever possible. Sometimes it takes longer than others, but usually ALWAYS 
>happens by around 30-minutes. Another >possible< benefit to holding it so long 
>is that it mixes with enzymes naturally produced in the mouth when something 
>is placed there through salivation. I have a >theory< that this in some !
way helps usher the CS through the wall of the stomach better since it's mixed 
with so much saliva by the time I finally swallow it. This came to mind after 
recalling what I once read an Indian Guru say regarding health in relation to 
diet & nutrition: "Drink your food and chew your water." His statement meant to 
concentrate more on how digestion begins in the mouth, and that the more time 
we take to >chew< our food -- or at least keep it in our mouth -- the more 
likely we are to get the most out of it. Do not under-rate the power of 
salivary enzymes! Since I started eating >much slower< my heartburn problems 
have greatly diminished. Chewing spearmint gum after eating also works great! 
Anyway, I do the above procedure after first getting up in the morning and 
drinking a fair amount of mineralized water first (about 1/2 liter) just to get 
the organs lubricated again after sleeping. Then after swallowing the CS, I 
don't eat or drink ANYTHING for >at least< another 30-minutes -- !
just to be sure that the CS has gotten as much into my system as possible.

I repeat the same procedure at night approximately 12-hours after the
morning dose of CS, making sure to have not eaten anything for at least
3-hours before... including any vitamins. 



Silver, we are told, is filtered from the blood by the liver and
excreted in the feces. So if someone taking CS has comparable levels
of silver in the stool, that's a good thing. Intake = outgo = no
accumulation! The good stuff happens in between where the body has
adequate levels of silver available to work it's magic by whatever

Now, just where are the beneficial bacteria in the gut? In the colon, 
or in the small intestine, or both? Where does the liver dump the 
stuff it filters out of the blood? We don't really know if the silver 
goes quite "everywhere", in that blood levels might not affect what 
goes on in the intestine, for instance. 

What I'm casting about for here is the possibility that you can
avoid total wipe-out of gut flora if the CS is primarily absorbed in
the mouth and/or stomach. Some people (e.g. Dameon) take CS by
swishing in the mouth for a number of minutes then swallowing it or
even *spitting it out*. They are getting through the mucous membranes
in the mouth and may not even touch their intestinal flora.

I've nuked my flora, I'm pretty sure, by taking lots of CS for an 
extended period. Lacking the flora changed stool consistency and 
effected uptake of nutrients, I believe. I ended up with muscle and 
joint pain in my back and lower extremities that disappeared within 
12 hours of drinking some of that calcium supplemented orange juice.

So it is important to support your body's digestive process, and it 
*is* possible to disrupt it taking CS. We've got the "mouth-swish 
method", and people sipping large amounts of 3-5 ppm silver as their 
drinking water, plus methods of replacing the gut flora with yogurt 
or acidophilus, enzymes, etc. Any of these might be sufficient to 
avoid side effects while gaining the full benefit of the silver.

Be well,

Mike D.

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Re: CS - colon bacteria

1998-06-30 Thread likowski
Paul, Mike S and others -

I'm going to chime in here: I already have major intestinal problems
from Cystic Fibrosis. I can't even digest my own food without taking
high-powered enteric coated time-release enzymes. I've been taking
WaterOz silver water *heavy* for 8-months now, and I've had NO
intestinal problems! Usually, if something's going to cause problems,
I'm the perfect lab-rat because I feel it quickly. An earlier post said
something about "ionic" silver killing the "good" intestinal flora...
WaterOz supposedly *IS* "ionic" silver and, like I just said, I've had
NO problemmo with it. Either this whole CS thing is *very* subjective,
or there's a lot of misinformation flying around for whatever reason
(probably monetary). It could also be more dependent on the quality of
the product than we might suspect... who knows? All the more reason to
establish a "standard" for making CS, perhaps. Or if the home-brew is
giving you problems and you need serious help, try some pre-made brand
and see if things change for the better! What have you got to lose, a
few bucks? 

Just my opinion.


I'm thinking that the CS does make it through the stomach based on what
have observed.  I have kicked intestinal flu with CS, and I happen to be
of those who ends up with other intestinal problems when I ingest CS. 
If I
take some Acidophilus for a few days, everything seems to come back to
normal.  It may work differently on others, but CS seems to work on both
good and bad intestinal bacteria in me.  Maybe it is actually something
besides the loss of good intestinal bacteria that causes me the
problems.  I
think I'm going to have to try some experimentation and drag out my
microscope as well.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: yogurt and CS, AGAIN!

1998-06-29 Thread likowski
Mike is very correct on this point! When I first tried CS it was under
the wrong conditions and I was doing it the wrong way, so for months I
didn't even pick it up again -- concluding it was "OK, but nothing
special". Later -- after almost dying and being shocked into higher
awareness (some called it "enlightened") -- I was forced into trying
anything and everything very quickly but also realized that I needed to
stay very focussed and be very scientific (methodologically speaking).
It was only *then* that I became aware that the CS must be what's
keeping my cultures "clear"! What a turn-around from my previous
conclusion, and it was ALL in THE WAY I first approached it: I wasn't
taking the right amount often enough, and when I did, I usually ate too
soon afterward or before. There's even specualtion from some sources
that the H2O2 I was taking when I first tried CS may have interfered and
I've now heard that you should seperate drinking ozonated water from
taking CS by at least 2 hours! And then there's the vitamin-C theory
that IT interferes with CS because it acts like a chelating agent! These
are all things I had to keep in mind and since I wasn't getting any
definite answers from any reliable sources, I've decided to seperate the
CS *completely* from *everything*! I take it all by it's lonesome on a
completely empty stomach and -- after holding it under my tongue for
15-30 minutes -- swallow it and don't eat/drink *anything* for at least
and hour. Then the first thing I eat/drink is usually distilled water
with CONCENTRACE trace minerals added (2cc/mls per ONE liter of
d-water). I ease into food, that way I *know* the CS is about as
absorbed as it ever will be. It took quite a few mistakes to formulate
this protocol, but it must be working since my cultures are clear, my
energies are higher (which they NEVER were on antibiotics) and I'm
coughing less! Everyone keep on experimenting, but don't let too much
emotion get in the way of the chemistry. We're dealing with the
"nuts-and-bolts" of chemical interactions here... we can be filled with
glee AFTER the healing occurs, and *THAT* will be greatly improved if we
can make some *solid* determinations.



Interesting work, Jim! Keep on...

Just a side comment to anyone looking on:  When you're watching 
experiments like Jim's as they are being done, it's important not to 
make too much of what you see, Jim's or anyone else's speculations 
while the work is in progress, or anything else. 

One or two tests serve nothing more than to teach the experimentalist
a few things he didn't know about *how* he should be doing the

Over time, the methods, results, conclusions, and resulting theory 
may change considerably. So, to avoid chasing after every phantom 
idea that will be tested and discarded along the way, be slow to draw
conclusions. That's science, folks, whether done in the megabuck
labs or one person's workshop!

Be well,

Mike D.

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Re: CS & Cystic Fibrosis

1998-06-26 Thread likowski
To my fellow Silver Warriors:

Per usual, Mike D has given a thoroughly balanced opinion of the overall
objective of this group! I fully agree that a lot of work needs to be
done in the documentation of all aspects of silver making and it's uses.
WaterOz just happens to be working in my situation and at levels of
strength most people probably would not want/need to take (I'm up to
18cc/mls a day at 100+PPM and climbing til my body says otherwise). I
think it's important to view ourselves not just as victims of illnesses
that we're trying to cure, but as pioneers doing the research work that
the AMA/FDA *should* be doing if things were being run honestly. *We*
are the ones taking whatever risks there be and giving feedback to THE
WORLD through this magical technology! This isn't *just* "a list", my
could help stadiums of people in a single sweep! If someone had told me
a year ago that the bottle of clear liquid sitting under my computer
table would change my life so dramatically, I would have laughingly
doubted them -- but it has. And if that's so for me, then it will be so
for others as well... others who don't even suspect it yet but may
stumble upon this group and all our "research" someday when they need it
most. People desperate for relief from the hopelessness that's so easy
to acquire through "conventional" methods of treatment. In other words:
*COLLECTIVELY* we are more important than we can realize! It's up to us,
now. Keep the faith and keep up the good work! I will continue to do my
part and make known the information. Good luck to you all!

The Silver Warrior

Dameon is giving us some great insights into his treatment and 
experience. He's put together of a *lot* of different things which 
are helping him survive the disease. Thank you, sir!

For the rest of us, I think we should try to become as well informed
as we can, so we are able, like Dameon, to assemble a complement of
tecniques to sustain our health or solve our health problems. CS is
a useful component for such a regimen and a versitile tool. We need
to continue to build our understanding of CS. That's what this
group's for.

> There seems to be an on-going debate about which silver is the
> best. I know this: Concentration and penetration are key: If the
> particles are smaller, they'll get into more places and be more
> affective.

The WaterOz product has obviously been effective for Dameon. When he
first made contact with us, I was skeptical of it because of the
high concentration claimed. This attitude comes from the baseless
claims *some* vendors make, and simply *not* having the facilities to
test and compare and categorize all the different products that are
competing for our attention.

I want to be able to *know* the particle size and concentration of a
product, and have some way to objectively measure the effectiveness
of a preparation. Without that, although we might know from Dameon's
experience that WaterOz works, we won't know what *other*
preparations might work, and most importantly, we won't know *why*.

I'd like to resist the temptation to classify any one product as
*best*, since different features are better in different situations.
For some, cost might be more critical than a certain degree of
effectiveness, particularly when dealing with less demanding
conditions. For others, cost is no object. Then we've got folks for
whom do-it-yourself is essential, like Cisco's folks out in Guam.
What all have in common is the need to know that what they buy or
make is safe and effective enough to produce results.

Ultimately, I'd like us to be able to classify the various CS
preparations, equipment, and methods by valid measures and 
properties. Then we could examine any new technique or product and be 
able to say, with reasonable certainty, whether or not it will work 
for its intended use.

Then people will have the *most* options, because they will discover
that a lot of different products work, and be able to avoid the ones 
that won't, and be able to tell the difference.

> I hope all this makes it clear why I view this brand of silver
> water so important. 

It's important because it *works*. What I want to know is *why*. Then
we could point to the kinds of equipment that you would need to make
something as good, or know why that wouldn't be practical. In any 
case, we at least would know our options. 

> ... Everytime I look at a bottle of drugs now I cringe and hope
> that WaterOz keeps on working so that I never have to go on them
> again!

Amen to that! Thank you Dameon. I wish you well, brother.

Mike D.

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Re: CS and yogurt

1998-06-26 Thread likowski
Thank you, Jim! Excellent work. It's exciting to see experimentation in
progress. I look forward to your future postings!


   `6_ 6  )   `-.  ( ).`-.__.`)  
   (_Y_.)'  ._   )  `._ `. ``-..-' 
 _..`--'_..-_/  /--'_.' ,'
(il),-''  (li),'  ((!.-'   

I Hope To Become The Man That My Cat Thinks I Am

It may not be art, but for some of the most unique wallpaper tiles in
the Universe, check out the ones I made at this joint Web site. You can
now preview immediately what they'll look like on your screen by
clicking OUTSIDE the left side of each preview tile. The later pages
have the newer stuff and it's changing all the time. While there, read
the "read this" section and say hi to Louis; it's really his site.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS & Cystic Fibrosis

1998-06-26 Thread likowski
Because Joyce Inouye  had some questions:

There seems to be an on-going debate about which silver is the best. I
know this: Concentration and penetration are key: If the particles are
smaller, they'll get into more places and be more affective. WaterOz
silver has particles so small that it will even penetrate spinal fluid
(claims the company). They'll also expell from the body more completely
after doing their work (claims pro-CS sources). I can't prove any of
this, but I know that enough CS must penetrate my heavily damaged lung
tissue containing great amounts of very thick phlegm or it's worthless.
Obviously, WaterOz does that or my cultures would not be coming back
"clear". Plus, CF is not *really* a "lung disease" per say, the
destruction is just more critical there; it's really a BODY disease in
that it affects all kinds of other systems, too (like the pancreas,
kidneys, bowels and sinuses). So the more the silver can penetrate, the
better! And I have yet to hear of a home-brew kit that will produce
completely clear liquid at the stated 100+PPM of WaterOz that is still
clear -- they all have some tint: Golden or amber. I've seen CS as dark
as maple syrup! If there's a tint, then light is refracting off
LARGER-than-WaterOz particles. Everyone I know of having good results
with their home-brewed CS isn't dealing with a disease as deadly as
mine, so their bodies have room for error -- mine doesn't. And if they
*do* have a disease as deadly as mine or don't think their CS is doing
the job, they should switch to WaterOz before it's too late (my
opinion). There are serious *reasons* why most CF victims die by 20 and
many long before that. At 42, I am very ancient. If WaterOz is *working
for me*, then that's important progress in the *treatment of* this
disease (and if it ain't broke, don't fix it!).

"Besides the smaller and more uniform size, is there a difference when
you drink the silver?"

See above and all past postings.

"Is it more effective?" 

See above and all past postings.

"What's different about the silver that makes you partial to it?"

See above and all past postings.

"Have you tried Soto's silver maker?"


"Since you mentioned only the concentration and appearance of the
silver, I wondered whether you were favoring WateOz by intellectual
reasoning instead of by its effectiveness."

I favor it because the proof's in the puddin'. I don't have the room to
play "intellectual reasoning" games: I almost died twice in the past 7
months. This disease plays hardball. At 20 I had the rare opportunity of
actually watching a CF victim die right in front of me while in the
hospital for my own IV drug "treatment". My room was across the hall
from this poor girl's. It was the middle of the night and I couldn't
sleep. In all the comotion, nobody noticed me standing there. That
changed me. To this day I wonder what forces were at work to bring that
about since it is very unusual and restricted. I decided that night to
fight and now I am one of the oldest CF victims in the world. Years ago
when I was in much better health I did a lot of "intellectualizing"
about avaliable solutions -- now I go with gut reaction: If it works, I
stick with it til something makes the spinning top wobble. *Then* I get
intellectual about what's causing the problem and immediately switch
modes. Like recently: I began craving orange juice *bigtime*, so instead
of juicing oranges, I broke open canned oj. Then I began to notice that
every time I drank it I'd have terrific coughing spasms. When I checked
the label I found that it contained oranges from Brasil and Mexico --
places where there's little or no restrictions on the use of very bad
pesticides (like DDT!). NO MORE OJ. SPASMS STOPPED. 

"Do you feel better?"

I never really feel "better" having CF, it's just more of a tolerable
situation when using WaterOz and not the drugs. In my entire life I had
ONE DAY where I actually felt completely free of the disease and very
good, but I won't go into that because it's too complicated and had a
lot to do with many circumstances. The goal here is to keep lung damage
from progressing til a major breakthrough in transplant or regeneration
methodologies occurs. The hope is that I can hold out long enough to
actually get new versions of my own lungs (grown in a big jar in Sweden,
probably) so there's no rejection complications from someone else's
tissue. Even the idea of having another person's lungs repulses me --
even IF science solves the rejection problems. I'll go with that if I
have to, but I'd actually prefer getting a new pair of my own lungs that
still have the CF problem, than to have someone else's organs! I can
deal with this disease now for the rest of my life, I just need to
breathe better! With new lungs from my own tissue that don't have all
the scar-tissue of my present versions, I can keep them going til I'm 90
and feel like a million bucks! I know so much about good nutrition and
preventing lung damage now that it w


1998-06-25 Thread likowski
For those who *do* end up trying this silver water, here's some
additional important info:

I was told by the company NOT to set the gallon on concrete (basement,
garage); for some reason this will "zap" the charge from the colloidal
suspension. Also, they suggest keeping it in a cool place out of direct
contact with sunlight. I keep mine on the stairs to the basement where
it's kinda cool and dark. I refill a smaller bottle that empties quickly
every week. I know a woman who keeps it in the fridge... not sure if
that's necessary. Also, as one last precaution, I keep it away from
magnets or anything with a magnetic field (stereo speakers, motors).
Never heard anything to the contrary, but don't know if magnetic fields
will affect it.


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1998-06-25 Thread likowski
I've had so many off-line requests for WaterOz info that I've decided to
post it. 


Here's the woman who's been helping me (she's very nice but a terrible

Lillian's toll-free #: 1-888-926-0220

A pint of WaterOz Silver Mineral Water is around $20 and a gallon goes
for around $60 (including shipping, I think). They also make other
colloidals (tho they don't call them "colloidal") like platinum water,
zinc water, selenium water and magnesium water (copper). All have high
amounts of the metal/minerals they represent (50-100+ PPM) and I think
they just raised the PPM of magnesium water to a whopping 1200! I
remember talking to a research chemist 20 years ago on the importance of
magnesium (copper) in achieving near miraculous healing results from
it's use. That and vit-C were used together in their experiments, but I
don't have the proportions.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS and Milk -- ATTN: BJS

1998-06-25 Thread likowski
Here's the site for WaterOz :  http://www.waterozm.com/

Here's the woman I've been dealing with (very nice, but a bad typist):


Lillian's toll-free #: 1-888-926-0220

WaterOz silver mineral water is $20 a pint and around $60 a gallon.

The dif between WaterOz and the SOTA -- or any other home-brew unit --
is that the WaterOz is much more concentrated (100+PPM) and the
particles are very much smaller and more uniform. They're probably using
a very expensive ($10,000) industrial-grade silver maker. I've talked
with a main man at the company but he wouldn't say. Their stuff is as
clear as water but has lots of silver (it dries on a white plate to a
dark gray). They also make other goodies, like colloidal platinum, zinc
and magnesium (copper). They also sell an ozone machine but it is NOT
rated for medical grade ozone production. To get one of those, you'll
have to make the leap into the $1200 - $3000 range. Plus you'll need a
source for pure O2. WaterOz's machine will make ozone from room air, but
will also create toxins because of this; you can drink ozonated water
from it, though. As for the ozone generators for purifying the air,
there have been *some* reports of lung irritation from these, but it may
be a very subjective thing. Some people are just too sensitive.

Hope this helps.



Do any of you know how the silver made by SOTA Instruments Inc.  (the
company recommended by Dr.  Hulda Clark for zapper) compare with
What is WaterOz's web site? 

Does WaterOz have both silver and ozone?  Do you make your own ozone
water?  I know of a company that sells an instrument to make ozonated
water.  They also sell an ozone generator to purify the air.  

Forgive me if I'm way off base, but I haven't been keeping up with the
news, and have been contemplating which silver maker (or ozone maker) to

:)  Joyce

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS and Milk -- ATTN: BJS

1998-06-24 Thread likowski

Glad you posted this response! I bought a silver maker but never used it
because my success with WaterOz has been so fantastic! It's like: "If it
ain't broke, don't fix it!". I just heard from Lillian, who I get it
from, and she said that a doctor in England just ordered 16 gallons of
all the WaterOz products to use like medicine at his clinic! He had them
tested and was very impressed -- found that they're the PPM like the
company claims. I'm on my 2nd gallon of WaterOz mineral water! It was
recommended to me in the first place by and *excellent* friend (who also
got me into ozone) way back when I first started my search for greater
health truths on the Net. That seems like an eternity ago, so much has
happened since then... but the WaterOz is still with me and working

Have a good day.


> I tried the "milk test" as well, and my results were exactly the same as
> yours. My CS tested 15ppm on the Hanna WP-1, and I used one teaspoon in a
> half gallon of milk. Perhaps this is simply too little silver, or too much
> milk.
> Dean

The CS I have made also does not protect the milk very well. That is
why I still buy the stuff. Water Oz CS keep it from even smelling
for several days. It seemed to be very drinkable, but declined the
temptation. It is labled at 100 ppm.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


1998-06-21 Thread likowski
*I tried sending this to bjs1...@theramp.net and it came back to me.*

Yeah, I *was* -- along with H2O2 and even putting H202 into my O2
concentrator's humidifier. But after a lung collapse 6 weeks ago I
conferred with someone who's an expert on the subject and they agreed
with my suspicion that maybe the O2 (as in O3 broken down) had something
to do with it. A big problem with CF lungs is that they become like
balloons with "worn down areas" that can pop at anytime. That apparently
happened -- even though my cultures were clear -- because of all the
years before Colloidal Silver and ozone. The ozone and H2O2 were likely
irritations. Plus, I've reached the point where my blood retains too
much CO2 after the O2 is used up, and that adds to the problems. Funny
how much difference a couple years can make: If I'd discovered all the
things I'm doing now in '96, I could have probably lived a much longer
healthier life. It's like I'm just a little too late. I'm just below
that line of comfort and safety. Before I was just looking at the mine
field, now I'm walking in it.


> To all concerned, ESPECIALLY those with Cystic Fibrosis (it's a long
> one, so grab a snack!):

Didn't you mention that you were drinking some ozone water awhile back?

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1998-06-20 Thread likowski
Great, Mike!! *THAT'S* why I posted it! I didn't want to "jump the gun"
and will be even happier over the next few months if the reports come
back the same, but I do ask that my post #2 be passed on instead of #1
since I stupidly omitted the amount of silver water I've been taking a
day; I think that's key. I started out doing very little and didn't get
these results (maybe due to the amount of infections in CF lungs); then
I began taking a lot and felt like I was having an "allergic" reaction
so I called the woman I get the WaterOz from and she advised cutting
back incrementally til I felt right. 10-12cc/mls a day feels right --
for now. 

Fighting on -



IMPORTANT isn't strong enough. All I can say is thank you.

My wife has cousins with CF. I'll pass the info on to her.

I say in all earnestness, Be Well!

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@mail.id.net   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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1998-06-20 Thread likowski
I forgot to mention in the first edition that the amount of silver water
I've been taking is 10-12cc/mls a day -- half in the morning and half at
night -- on a completely empty stomach, HELD UNDER THE TONGUE for 15-30
minutes before swallowing. OK... NOW read the rest!


To all concerned, ESPECIALLY those with Cystic Fibrosis (it's a long
one, so grab a snack!):

As most of you know, I have Cystic Fibrosis (CF) -- a killer "genetic"
disease with no known cure as of yet. I have reported periodically on
the results of my mucous culture reports as they pertain to the use of
Colloidal Silver directly. What makes these culture studies so important
is that they are really the guiding light for the CF "doctors" in how
they will treat a patient from month to month, which means primarily
what drugs they will choose to bombard the poor individual with that
will most likely make them as sick (or sicker) than the disease itself
(if not immediately, then eventually). Before this latest update I
wanted to wait for my most recent report to confirm what I've been
suspecting for quite some time: That Colloidal Silver is capable of
greatly reducing -- or completely negating -- the use of MOST OR ALL the
drugs used in treating lung infections brought on by this deadly
disease! It is now confirmed: COLLOIDAL SILVER WORKS! I have had more
"clear" culture reports over the past year than ever in my life!
Previous to the use of C-Silver, the ONLY way I was able to obtain
"clear" cultures was to be admitted into the hospital for a 3-week,
24-hour a day I.V. injection routine of very toxic antibiotics and even
then, the cultures would sometimes return with "abnormal flora" results.
But *if* the drugs did work to stop the lung infections, within weeks of
leaving the hospital, the infections would come back -- even though I
was taking powerful oral antibiotics at 2-4 times the normal dose! Then
I discovered 2 ways (so far) to achieve keeping my cultures "clear" --
both of which are outside the scope of "approved" medicine in America:
Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation and Colloidal Silver. The UBI treatments
were *excellent* (but costly) at neutralizing ALL lung infections last
summer, at which time I used little or no C-Silver; but since those
ended, I have used *nothing but* C-Silver for the treatment of my lung
infections! I could have waited another month to file this report, but I
think it's obvious enough by now that IT WORKS, and that's all that
counts! I will continue to give updates for the sake of all who are
"keeping the faith" in this amazing substance for your own ills, and
also for any of you who may actually have CF (or know someone who does).
Repeated lung infections lead to massive scar-tissue that eventuates in
death! Stop the lung infections, and you affectively stop the worst
aspect of the disease! If I'd had C-Silver just a few years ago, I would
not have to be going on the lung transplant list now! And I can tell you
I'm very frightened. The prognosis for CF lung transplants is NOT good,
and the really sad thing is that it could have been avoided if the lung
infections could have been kept at bay for all these years.

In keeping with strict "scientific protocol", I feel that it's important
to mention at this time the EXACT type of Colloidal Silver that I've
been using to achieve these amazing results (at the risk of sounding
like I'm selling a particular product): The brand is called WaterOz
Silver Mineral Water (the company refuses to call it "colloidal", though
it *is* a colloidal suspension). I feel mentioning this is imporant
because I *may not* have achieved the same results with "home-brewed"
C-Silver. To be honest, I was far too weak and attending to so many
things after almost dying last November that I preferred the
"ready-made" convenience of WaterOz. It was strictly circumstantial
"luck" that I happened to choose this brand; perhaps others would be as
affective -- I don't know. But I *DO KNOW* that these culture reports
are very thorough and are rarely mistaken -- especially this many times
in a one-year period! So I must conclude that the WaterOz Silver Mineral
Water is more powerful than drugs like CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE and
of the *many* that are prescribed on a regular basis and taken for YEARS
with no lasting affect! It even beats some of the most powerful new
drugs to come out for CF, like TOBRAMYCIN AEROSOL (which costs $13,000 a
year!!). I cannot emphasize enough how important this information is in
the treatment of this disease; some of the drugs used are so toxic that
patients given them can begin coughing up -- and even urinating --
blood! Other drugs induce side-affects similar to being sea-sick or
prevent walking altoge


1998-06-20 Thread likowski
To all concerned, ESPECIALLY those with Cystic Fibrosis (it's a long
one, so grab a snack!):

As most of you know, I have Cystic Fibrosis (CF) -- a killer "genetic"
disease with no known cure as of yet. I have reported periodically on
the results of my mucous culture reports as they pertain to the use of
Colloidal Silver directly. What makes these culture studies so important
is that they are really the guiding light for the CF "doctors" in how
they will treat a patient from month to month, which means primarily
what drugs they will choose to bombard the poor individual with that
will most likely make them as sick (or sicker) than the disease itself
(if not immediately, then eventually). Before this latest update I
wanted to wait for my most recent report to confirm what I've been
suspecting for quite some time: That Colloidal Silver is capable of
greatly reducing -- or completely negating -- the use of MOST OR ALL the
drugs used in treating lung infections brought on by this deadly
disease! It is now confirmed: COLLOIDAL SILVER WORKS! I have had more
"clear" culture reports over the past year than ever in my life!
Previous to the use of C-Silver, the ONLY way I was able to obtain
"clear" cultures was to be admitted into the hospital for a 3-week,
24-hour a day I.V. injection routine of very toxic antibiotics and even
then, the cultures would sometimes return with "abnormal flora" results.
But *if* the drugs did work to stop the lung infections, within weeks of
leaving the hospital, the infections would come back -- even though I
was taking powerful oral antibiotics at 2-4 times the normal dose! Then
I discovered 2 ways (so far) to achieve keeping my cultures "clear" --
both of which are outside the scope of "approved" medicine in America:
Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation and Colloidal Silver. The UBI treatments
were *excellent* (but costly) at neutralizing ALL lung infections last
summer, at which time I used little or no C-Silver; but since those
ended, I have used *nothing but* C-Silver for the treatment of my lung
infections! I could have waited another month to file this report, but I
think it's obvious enough by now that IT WORKS, and that's all that
counts! I will continue to give updates for the sake of all who are
"keeping the faith" in this amazing substance for your own ills, and
also for any of you who may actually have CF (or know someone who does).
Repeated lung infections lead to massive scar-tissue that eventuates in
death! Stop the lung infections, and you affectively stop the worst
aspect of the disease! If I'd had C-Silver just a few years ago, I would
not have to be going on the lung transplant list now! And I can tell you
I'm very frightened. The prognosis for CF lung transplants is NOT good,
and the really sad thing is that it could have been avoided if the lung
infections could have been kept at bay for all these years.

In keeping with strict "scientific protocol", I feel that it's important
to mention at this time the EXACT type of Colloidal Silver that I've
been using to achieve these amazing results (at the risk of sounding
like I'm selling a particular product): The brand is called WaterOz
Silver Mineral Water (the company refuses to call it "colloidal", though
it *is* a colloidal suspension). I feel mentioning this is imporant
because I *may not* have achieved the same results with "home-brewed"
C-Silver. To be honest, I was far too weak and attending to so many
things after almost dying last November that I preferred the
"ready-made" convenience of WaterOz. It was strictly circumstantial
"luck" that I happened to choose this brand; perhaps others would be as
affective -- I don't know. But I *DO KNOW* that these culture reports
are very thorough and are rarely mistaken -- especially this many times
in a one-year period! So I must conclude that the WaterOz Silver Mineral
Water is more powerful than drugs like CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE and
of the *many* that are prescribed on a regular basis and taken for YEARS
with no lasting affect! It even beats some of the most powerful new
drugs to come out for CF, like TOBRAMYCIN AEROSOL (which costs $13,000 a
year!!). I cannot emphasize enough how important this information is in
the treatment of this disease; some of the drugs used are so toxic that
patients given them can begin coughing up -- and even urinating --
blood! Other drugs induce side-affects similar to being sea-sick or
prevent walking altogether, and nausia is usually a given with even the
"milder" drugs. One drug called COLISTIMETHATE SODIUM (Coly-Mycin©)
causes serious migrain headaches in many patients! The fact that the CF
"community" and medical INDUSTRY continues to ignore the serious
effectiveness of Colloidal Silver merely proves, once again, where their

Re: ATTN: bjs1779: H2O2 & C-SILVER?

1998-06-18 Thread likowski
I was actually thinking of : H2O2 one month and c-silver the next;
on one a month and off one a month. What I heard was that c-silver has
to build up in the tissues for maximum benefit and that H2O2 works to
chelate metals out of the body -- including silver. Or that H202 will
react *against* silver altogether like a sort of corrosion due to the O2

> I heard that H202 or OZONE can oxidize silver and *maybe* should be used
> at completely seperate times?
> Dameon
> ~

I think that is pretty much consistant with what I said. But
they do put CS in h2o2 for the food industry. Just something
to keep in mind.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Holding the PSA down below 4.0 in older men.

1998-06-18 Thread likowski
"...after 3 "cycles" of Colloidal Silver then start using a specially 
modified RIFE/BARE device built by DON TUNNEY.Currently, this device is
being tested on a volunteer who has a particularly nasty recurring
PROSTATE CANCER problem. As of today, this volunteer seems to be
experiencing the kind of reaction that most cancer people get when the
device works for them."

I was curious to know what modifications these are, if you can discuss


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

ATTN: bjs1779: H2O2 & C-SILVER?

1998-06-17 Thread likowski
I heard that H202 or OZONE can oxidize silver and *maybe* should be used
at completely seperate times?


Joyce Inouye wrote:
> It may be a good idea make ozone water.  I wonder whether colloidal silver
> and ozone would work synergistically is getting rid of pathogens in our
> body?
> I've read that ozone kills HIV virus, and it's possible to reverse the
> condition in a month.  But whenever a doctor in the United States used to
> try ozone experiments, the FDA closed them down.  You can read a little
> about ozone at the following web site.  Click on Ozone.
> http://hills.ccsf.cc.ca.us/~jinouy01

Ozone water is great. It is much safer that h2o2 because water is
as to how much ozone it can hold. No chance of overdose. It also must be
drank immediatly after ozoning in order to get the oxygenation effect.
Detox factors still apply, so it is advisable to start slow. I suspect
that ozone and colloidal silver would complimment each other, but maybe
not taken at the same time. Although some food grade h2o2 does contain
colloidal silver in order to make it more effective. So maybe the
factor of CS is not a great concern.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

ATTN: SUSAN -- Microwave Article

1998-06-11 Thread likowski
Hi Susan!

If you send a copy to Virginia, could you CC me one, too?? Thanks!


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


1998-06-11 Thread likowski
Hello -

Awhile back someone posted that they had a line on where to buy
food-grade H202 and was offering to get a case of 12 (I think) if others
would go in on it to lessen the expense. I was wondering who that was
and if they could contact me about this place? Thanks.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: hello -- THIS IS FUNNY!

1998-06-08 Thread likowski
"Judging by the amount of traffic on this list for the last few days,
I think I will cut down on my silver intake.

I had to laugh when I read this! THANKS FOR THE UPLIFT, BJS -- I needed


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1998-05-29 Thread likowski

Could you please tell me where you got your generator from and how much
you paid?



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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS nasal spray

1998-05-20 Thread likowski
While CS as nasal-spray MAY work well, I've tried it in a nebulizer used
normally for delivering antibiotics to the lungs and it's NOT
recommended. I tried it 5 times for the serious lung infections brought
on by Cystic Fibrosis and every time had a bad reaction: The feeling of
suffication. I couldn't understand this since I was using silver mineral
water from WaterOz, which has 100+PPM the size of ions (according to the
bottle). I would try it, have a bad reaction, and then try it again in a
week to see if it happened again. Bad reaction everytime. Then I met
someone who is quite learned in natural healing remedies and has built 2
Rife machines -- one of which he used to cure his mother of bone cancer
-- and said that breathing CS through a nebulizer may be depositing the
silver particles into the tiny alvioli(sp) that the O2 molecule enters
through and blocking it... that made sense to me! He told me to remember
that we're not dealing with a soluable chemical here, but with a
PARTICLE -- and that's a lot bigger than an O2 molecule! I feel that I
gave nebulizing CS a real chance and it it didn't work... not yet,
anyway. And that's too bad because I thought I'd surely be the perfect
"lab-rat" since I have continual lung infections from CF. If anyone has
any suggestions, I'm all eyes.



"## A nebuliser also works very well at delivering the cs as a very fine
mist.This may be a viable option especially for those who contract viral
type asthma.I have just been looking at the parasite pictures recently
referenced by Rip on the Rife list;some of the
parasites enter into the lungs at some part of their life-cycle,so would
be exposed to the cs if it was delivered by a nebuliser .And,I am glad
to confirm cs effectiveness as experienced by my dear wife, who
(sceptically) sprayed some into her nostrils and experienced an
overnight removal of a very painful sinus condition.I was glad of her
scepticism as it may somewhat remove the placebo/persuaded soul effect.

your fellow lister,

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Re: Blood/brain barrier -- GOOD QUESTION!!

1998-05-20 Thread likowski
Sorry if I'm tuning in late, folks, but this seems to be a very good
question! Does anyone have knowledge about this topic?? CAN c-silver
cross the blood/brain barrier and settle in the brain?? I read that a
large amounts of alluminum has been found in the brains of alzheimers
victims -- which could be linked to years of using anti-perspirants
containing it! And THAT'S through the skin! We're DRINKING silver!!


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Okay, here's my year 2000 post! - FROM DAMEON

1998-05-17 Thread likowski
To one and all -

I wasn't going to stick my nose into this at all, but after seeing Mike
D's post I took it as "a sign":

Something that concerns me far more than whether man's world of computer
contraptions starts to melt-down is a little date called 5-5-2000. Many
of you may not be aware that on this date MOST of the planets in our
solar system are going to align!! Several "experts" on the subject have
implied dramatic Earth-shifts because of the gravitational affects (read
Velikovsky's "Earth In Upheaval" for theories about this happening
before)! When you consider how *just* the moon and sun spot activity
affects things here on planet earth, it don't bode well for us. Just as
an aside: You may surprised at what you find if you did some research
into how sun spots have affected life here throughout history... and
they're NOTHING compared to a major planetary alignment! They're now
saying that some of the 100,000 or so asteroids that are whizzing around
us at a relatively safe distance and angle could EASILY be swayed in our
direction from this kind of alignment; so *even if* we don't experience
something directly from the gravity, it COULD point one or more rocks
toward earth's path with only a "sneeze". Scientisits know that
asteroids can change course dramatically from just the release of gasses
that they exude from stored ice they carry (thus the term "sneeze"); add
the intense gravitational affects of a major planetary alignment to that
and you have a recipe for disaster! And don't forget: It would only take
ONE asteroid the size of a small house hitting in the right spot to
completely ruin civilization as we know it -- and most of life on the
planet (or it's surface, anyway)! Of course, I HOPE TO GOD THEY'RE
WRONG, but it *IS* quite possible that thing's will be pretty different
very soon -- whether computers fail or not! When you consider EVERYTHING
that's happening -- from what I said above to the increase in world
chaos to all the nuclear warheads still sitting around to envirenmental
destruction to over-population and strange new germs turning up to even
the Mayan calander (and others) showing time running out by 2017(?),
it's can be frightening.

But Mike D is right: The focus has got to be on TODAY. There's nothing
we can do about most (or any) of this, so getting the job done in our
little "sector" of "reality" becomes the most important thing and
sharing information for the improvement of other "sectors" will
hopefully cause a balance to flourish, even in the face of all these bad

There is much work to be done...


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1998-05-16 Thread likowski
Dear listers:

This is an apology to all of you -- and ESPECIALLY Darryl -- for the way
I over-reacted toward a fellow truth seeker. I felt attacked by his
initial response to my possibly ignorant suggestion that drinking
distilled water indefinitely COULD lead to undesirable affects. My
reaction was no doubt due in part to the bad news that day that my
"doctors" are INSISTING on putting a tube in my stomach for as long as a
year to make me gain weight... but that is no excuse for me to act as
aggressively as I did. We all have problems; that's why we're here. As I
wrote to my dear friend Cisco privately, this feeling of gasping for air
all the time has begun taking it's toll and after this recent lung
collapse is even worse; it tends to put a person "on edge". But that's
my own private hell and I don't have the right to include others. I do
NOT seek pitty, just sharing the facts. I can only hope that somewhere
between all the not-so-friendly remarks, someone may have gained
SOMETHING from the exchange of information. Darryl wrote to me
expressing that he feels I have/had something to do with him being
removed from the list. I don't know anything about this and I am VERY
SORRY if he has been! I ask that he PLEASE be allowed back on, IF in
fact this is true! 

Once again, my apologies to ALL. It won't happen again.

Dameon Likowski

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: distilled water: NOT -- ATTN: "Darryyll"

1998-05-15 Thread likowski
Wow... you are rally brainwashed. You should read more than one

DEAD WATER: As in LOW oxygen content; as in NOTHING NUTRITIONAL; as in
LITTLE OR NO ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY -- which is one of the important
functions of minerals in the first place; as in SITTING ON THE STORE'S
SHELVES FOR DAYS-WEEKS-MONTHS after being bottled in less than sterile
conditions in less than sterile bottles; as in NOT GIVING ENOUGH TO
definition of DEAD for ya??! Based upon what most nutritionists worth
their salt (another mineral) would agree -- that the ideal amount of
water we all SHOULD BE DRINKING everyday is around 64 ounces -- it damn
well better be nutritious, minerally speaking!

If (like you say below) d-water is so "sterile" that nothing can grow in
it, then why don't they use it in hospitals for washing patient's
surgery areas where sterile water is a requirement?

I work with paints, and the bottles that the water-based paints are kept
in have to be washed with alcohol first BECAUSE THE DISTILLED WATER
HINDERS!! That info was told to me by the quality-control department of
the biggest paint company in the country who cannot afford to have mold
growing in their product after reaching the stores!! They first ADD
distilled water to keep the acrylic paint quality high, then have to add
a preservative TO KEEP "BUGS" FROM GROWING! I don't believe a
multi-million dollar company would waste resources doing this IF d-water
actually reduced the ability for organisms/fungi/mold to grow.

As for YOU continuing to drink and cook with d-water: GO FOR IT! Like I
said, my "warning" doesn't apply to people like you but to those
attempting to refine their methods a bit more. There's about a million
WORSE things one can do besides drinking distilled water all the time;
one day of breathing downtown city air is probably worse than a year of
drinking d-water! But as I also said: Why take chances? Why stress the
system any further? REMEMBER: YOU ARE MOSTLY WATER. I don't have to
quote every study or theory or debate that ever happened over the
d-water issue... Nature itself shows us what's right: ALL WATER ON THE
mineral water is the correct water. Go ahead and drink nothing but
distilled water -- you're entitled to your ignorance. Freedom of choice
(and to debate these issues) is the wonderful thing about America! I
pointed out the Web sites I did for mineral supplimentation because
RIGHT NOW they seem like the best options -- but that could change next
week! It's the beauty of the Internet: You never know when the next
great piece of *better* information will come popping up! And besides,
if you've had the excellent health that you say you've had all your
life, your opinion isn't even important to people in MY boat: *We're*
the one's fighting the REAL WAR. When you live with DEATH STARING YOU IN
THE FACE EVERY DAY FROM INFANCY and have known little more than pain and
discomfort, people like you don't even count; you can't even *begin* to
know what that's like... you can THINK you do, but that's only in your
dreams, homeboy.

Ever watch the "Bob Newhart Show"? I think the name "Darryyll" suits

"I should not place a large amount of money on it if I was you!"

I rest my case.



"CONCENTRACE" mineral drops: http://www.traceminerals.com/index.html) or
go to: http://www.alkalife.com/ and buy "AlkaLife" specifically designed
to be added to distilled water to raise the body's alkaline level. A
2-month supply is only $15 and it will help wash out waste from the
body, which is acid in nature and leads to disease.

>1) I'm afraid your over-reaction to the very valid warning I gave just
made *YOU* look "nutty", buddy. It is a well-known fact that d-water is,
indeed, DEAD. 

So back to the dead water deal hey? 
How did it die?
What did it die from?
If you want to use the term "death" then it must be shown to be dead!
Who said it is well known?
Where are the references?
These are all myths that have been around for a long time, that cause
people to miss out on the magnificent benefits of distilled water

There is no nutritional value in water unless the minerals are in
form, as they are in the inorganic form only  when normally found in
they have little or no nutritional water just like rain water
you also making a case that rain water will be harmful to your health?
>Any PH test
paper will prove that it has a higher acid level

Wrong again distilled water is pH neutral, and only becomes acidic from
reaction to the Carbon dioxide in the air when left " uncovered".

>and RAIN WATER doesn't even apply here. 

Why it is distilled water

Re: distilled water -- ATTN: "Darryyll"

1998-05-15 Thread likowski
1) I'm afraid your over-reaction to the very valid warning I gave just
made *YOU* look "nutty", buddy. It is a well-known fact that d-water is,
paper will prove that it has a higher acid level (which contributes to
disease) than even tap water, and RAIN WATER doesn't even apply here. Do
some research into why Japanese doctors actually prescribe microwater
units as therapy for sick people in Japan. You know, Japan? -- where
they refined the use of Co-Enzyme Q10? But you probably think I'm trying
to "sell" something right now, and that CoQ10 is hog-wash also, right?
And as for my "poor nutrient uptake", many on this list already know
that I've been using EXCELLENT nutritional skills for almost 22 years
(probably since before you could spell the word "nutrient") and have
read a mountain of literature AND tried just about everything known to
man -- including a trip to the Philippinnes for psychic surgery. So I
would bet that YOU'RE "education" is GREATLY LACKING in terms of actual
experience, compared to mine. IT IS A FACT THAT DISTILLED WATER LEECHES
MINERALS FROM THE BODY: Basic Nutrition, room 101. Exactly HOW much
leeaching occurs depends on many factors and won't apply the same to
everyone, but why add stress to the system? If you want to get the "bad"
heavy-metals out of your body, there are better ways than the lame
"chelating affect" of distilled water!

2) I'm not trying to promote or "sell" ANYTHING here -- just passing
info like everyone else. Now, if YOU want to IGNORANTLY BELIEVE that
d-water is just fine over long-term use, then keep right on using it!
You probably think eating cheese is OK, too! (And Adelle Davis -- a
leading "nutritionist" and proponent of liver-eating -- couldn't
understand why she got cancer and died back in the 1970's either!) My
"warning" was sent out to those on the list who want to "push the
envelope" of body cleansing, and plastic-bottled distilled water that's
been sitting around for who-knows-how-long just don't cut it; it
certainly beats any tap water out there by light years (except for
possibly homes with a well or spring) but there are so many variables
involved with commercial distilled water that one never really knows
WHAT they're getting. And while MOST people can't afford a quality home
distiller to make it fresh all the time, they CAN add minerals to it to
bring it "back to life" and H202 to make sure any bugs growing in it
from the factory setting are killed off. SEE HOW IT WORKS?? GET A REAL
DOESN'T MAKE YOU SMART. Some of us out here have been fighting a
life-and-death WAR EVERY DAY OF THEIR LIVES. And for anyone thinking
that you can get TOO MUCH MINERALS, there's tribes and peoples around
the world who live into their 90's and beyond who scientists have found
drink water with TONS of minerals daily! H could there be a
connection??!! I say better to be safe than sorry.

3) One more thing: As I've repeatedly stated (add nausium) on this list,
I have a SERIOUS, FATAL DISEASE called Cystic Fibrosis and have SOMEHOW
MANAGED to make it into the 1% catagory of survivors for my age (42)
with my methodologies while MOST CF victims die by 20 or 30! I'd say I
probably know what I'm doing! Can *YOU* make THAT claim, "Darryyll"?


From: "Darryl " 

I have to comment 

>You should NOT be drinking straight distilled water without adding
nutrients to it; it's very acid and will actually contribute to bad

Unfortunately this information is wrong and wrong totally, distilled
is not an acid water and is in no way harmful to anyones health, would
anyone argue they should not drink rain water ??? probably the only
anyone should drink anyway ! this is straight out disinformation ,
ever is dead water anyway  ? 
This info is a sales pitch only to sell a product not at all needed for
pure distilled water  I have ONLY been drinking, cooking with, etc,
distilled water since 1980 ...that is enough time for me to know I
continue to do so !!!  ...and use for all my C/S making ...the
fraudulent claims by people promoting the nutty Grander water energisers
exorbitant prices would have you believe you are drinking so called "
water " would be cheering this nutty post  

>I've been drinking it for 8 years and recently learned that I
have "mineral deficiency syndrome" -- even tho I take lots of minerals
every day! 

Sorry old son ...if you are mineral deficient it has not been caused by
drinking distilled water, but by poor nutrient uptake and diet 

>Last October I severely fractured a rib to the point where it
was actually sticking out like a lump from my side -- completely
seperated from the rib cage -- from just coughing while I had a cold!

So what does this have to do with drinking distilled water ? 
Try reading 

Re: TDS 1

1998-05-15 Thread likowski
"All batches come out clear with a slight yellow tint when viewed in the
light.  I also drink 64 oz of distilled water per day. I have had very
bad kidney infections for the past ten yrs, and it got to the point that
I was on antibiotics full time.  For the past 9 months I have been
taking 4 oz of the CS everyday, I stoped all antibiotics and my last
three urine tests have showed no bacteria growth."

You should NOT be drinking straight distilled water without adding
nutrients to it; it's very acid and will actually contribute to bad
health. I've been drinking it for 8 years and recently learned that I
have "mineral deficiency syndrome" -- even tho I take lots of minerals
every day! Last October I severely fractured a rib to the point where it
was actually sticking out like a lump from my side -- completely
seperated from the rib cage -- from just coughing while I had a cold!
D-water tends to pull too much out of the body because it's DEAD water.
It needs to have minerals added (like "CONCENTRACE" mineral drops:
http://www.traceminerals.com/index.html) or go to:
http://www.alkalife.com/ and buy "AlkaLife" specifically designed to be
added to D-water to raise it's alkaline level. A 2-month supply is only
$15 and it will also help wash out waste from the body, which is acid in


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: solar distiller

1998-05-12 Thread likowski
Seems like the most practical poor-man's approach would be to first
distill the water and then deal with the mildew seperately by spraying
or dowsing it with the C-Silver elixar. Can't say for sure, tho.


From: Michael C Slivinski 

Hello all , regarding mildew... does mildew develope in a bowl that
might be made of silver or is silver plated??? What if the water that
collects and drips into a contaner that is primed with some cs...
wouldn't that assure some more degree of purity..or at least keep some
of those little buggers out?? thanks 

mike slivinski

>There is a group that sells themat their site they also show you how
>they are builtwe just down loaded it and built from hunt and
>peck...it works well in the tropics. We get as much as 8 gallons per day
>and have had it dump out 12 on high humidity days...I am still searching
>for the sitewill advise.
>Eh ya also gotta keep it real clean or mildew takes up house keeping.
>jein...@troi.csw.net wrote:
>> >
>> . To make a solar distiller is
>> > quite simple and this will eliminate your requirement for buying
>> > distilled water or taking risks with R-O water.
>> >
>> > Just offering what we find necessary to maintain a quality product.
>> >
>> > Cisco
>> >
>> >
>> Cisco,
>> If you don't mind, would you please post to the list how to make a
>> solar distiller. I would love to have a distiller, but can't afford
>> to let go of  $200+ right now.
>> Thanks for your help, and the wonderful work you do for the people
>> there.
>> God Bless you and your ministry!
>> Jim Einert, N.D.

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1998-05-04 Thread likowski
Hello all -

I'm sure many of you know of me by now. With all the reminding and
whining I've done about having Cystic Fibrosis, I thought you'd all find
the following tale encouraging:

After almost dying 5 months ago, I left the hospital determined NOT to
check out just yet. A major part of that determination rested on the
daily usage of CSilver -- whether I "felt" it doing anything or not! I
began hitting this disease with everything I've got, both in terms of
knowledge *and* machinery. So I started using a product called "Silver
Mineral Water" from a company called WaterOz, which I'd bought earlier
but used little of. It is completely clear and comes in a clear plastic
bottle and claims to have 100+ PPM silver content (I never had it tested
so can't say for sure)... all the "no-no's" of what silver water is
supposed to look like and be contained in (according to some folks on
the list). With this illness, one of the key ways for determining what's
going on with our (non-stop) lung infections is to get a "mucous
culture" -- we literally cough up as much as possible and it is sent to
a lab for "culturing" over a 9-day period to see what grows. These
cultures are done once a month. Yesterday my doctor told me that my last
five cultures have been free of staph infections, which is usually
on-going with us CF victims; no matter what else is growing in there,
staph is almost always present. In fact, my last culture was "clear"
altogether -- meaning that it was identical to what a "healthy" person's
culture would look like if the same test were done on them. This is
almost unheard of in the CF world! Since my general diet over the past
22 years has been quite good (including juicing) we'll rule out any
radical dietary shift as being the cause for improvement. Therefore the
only things I've been doing differently are :

1) Drinking WaterOz silver water (1/2 ounce in the morning on an empty
stomach and 1/2 ounce at night on empty).

2) Drinking ozonated water from a med-grade ozone machine through-out
the day (but I only started that 3 weeks or so ago).

3) Drinking fresh carrot-garlic-apple juice from an ACME juicer, with 3
to 5 cloves of garlic PRESSED into each glass of fresh juice, then
swallowing the skins while drinking the juice. Pressing the garlic is
important as this causes an enzymatic chemical reaction which enhances
the power of garlic. As stated above: I've been juicing for 22 years but
only recently began adding garlic. At this point neither friend nor foe
can stand to be near me, but at least the lung infections are at bay. It
also helps if you live in a high-vampire community.

So I'm forced to believe at this time that the silver had/has much to do
with this markedly improved situation. I also know that volumes have
been written about the "miracles" of garlic's power and fresh juicing,
so that no doubt helped. But I've been more consistent with the silver
than the garlic/juice, so *IF* I had to choose, it would be the silver
water. Who knows... maybe it *is* the combination of all three forces!
No matter, it means I don't have to be on several very toxic drugs in
high dosages that make me almost as sick as the illness itself. And
that, to me, is like Christmas everyday!


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: OFF TOPIC:Electroporation vs Beck machines

1998-04-13 Thread likowski
Just wanted to let you know that, for ME, this was RIGHT ON TOPIC! I've
been thinking of getting one of these machines for a fatal disease I
have called Cystic Fibrosis but I'm on so many drugs that I was very
worried about this affect happening; now I think I'll risk it!

This is a perfect axample of: 
YOU'RE BEING PROMPTED TO REVEAL IT!! (It has something to do with the
field-phenomenon called "spirit".)




I don't have any immediate illness and I don't use Beck's zapper on a
regular basis. When I do use it I've found that I can and do drink
coffee (my only drug intake) just before sitting down to a two hour
zapper session. In theory this should induce much more caffein into my
system. I have not had any type of reaction, say, of not being able to
sleep because of over stimulation due to excess caffein in my system.

That's not say that Beck's warnings are to be ignored. He is also using
the warning to protect himself legally etc etc. There can/will always be
a situation that might induce some sort of reaction due to

Take care, Douglas Haack, Sydney

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: http://www.u36.com/~fredw/bobbeck.htm

1998-04-11 Thread likowski

For taking the time/energy to put this together! It's ALREADY helped me
and it's not even finished yet!


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: UV Blood treatments

1998-04-09 Thread likowski
So Dan, what's this all about? Did you get UV treatments? The link you
posted *is* a good one, indeed! I've known about it for awhile and have
sent several people there myself!



A while back someone asked me about UV blood irradiation.
This is a very good link.  http://www.ubi.org/
He thinks plain old sunlight and sunbathing can provide a low level UV
to  the blood and general health.
There are also machines of course.


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1998-04-08 Thread likowski
If you're looking for SCOTT BERNER, he's now on the oxylist
(l...@oxytherapy.com). His address is: 

Scott Berner 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Kill Studies -- AMEN!!!

1998-04-01 Thread likowski


maneagle summer  wrote:

Hello the List:

I have been interested to read all the different views and supposed
expression of truth as seen from the many different perspectives. I
have a CSPro Ultra machine which I really like a lot and have used for
about four months. But now, according to the representative of PII,
"There are units on the market that produce up to 10,000 volts but
these do not generate ions of silver but particles of elemental
silver." If I am reading him right I believe he is saying that my
machine doesn't produce true colloidal silver. Is that true? 

I am no scientist and no expert but have paid a lot of money for a
device that I feel did help me get over a very serious fingernail
infection. Still, I would like to know the truth.

If someone on the list has the equipment, I would like to see KILL
STUDIES done! Studies where cultures of pathogens are exposed to the
liquid products produced by the different companies that are said to
produce Collidal Silver to see how quickly the pathogens are killed if
at all.

I would like to see the studies include the major AC generator
companies as well as some from the DC generator companies and maybe a
few examples of homebrew produced CS.

Hopefully, someday, someone will have the where-with-all to do this so
we can have a reference for what really works.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: You know what?

1998-04-01 Thread likowski
I agree with both, but tend to agree more with Mike D *ONLY* because of
affordability! Perhaps the more expensive machines ARE better, but how
many can afford to buy one of them? Since *methodology* has so much to
do with Life's processes/evolution, *if* we can find a way to make
C-Silver *almost* as "good" as what the more expensive devices do, we'll
be that much further ahead. Even the "inferior" low-voltage machines
*must* be producing some kind of colloidal solution... even if it's not
100%. Right?


On  1 Apr 98 at 7:47, Tom Clayton wrote:

> I am most convinced that [the high voltage method] is AT LEAST ONE
> GOOD WAY to produce the product that I am looking for. 

Absolutely agree.

> There can be endless debate over lower voltage products and
> devices, but I do not like it when particles are too large or if
> they precipitate out of solution, which by definition means that a
> true colloidal product has not been produced.

Most pharmaceuticals have a finite shelf life. If something settles
out in a few days, I would suspect it, too. But some of these low
voltage preparations remain good for months, with no measurable decay 
in concentration or observed efficacy. 

Is this good enough? It should be *IF* we know exactly how to produce
and evaluate them. The fact that we don't only means there's still
room for study. Ignorance is not permanent, and just because we have 
one solution doesn't mean we should stop looking for others.

> So, when I get an extra $800, I am going to purchase one of the high
> voltage machines (probably CS pro, since they have been laboratory
> tested) and make me some reproducible batches of CS for myself and
> then I am going to see if some of my patients can be helped by this
> product.

It's an effective answer for your situation. I have no doubt you'll
have success with it. Please let us know. I for one really appreciate
that you're looking at it.

In the meantime we should do what we can here to *eliminate* the 
doubt and uncertainty surrounding low voltage systems. If we're 
successful it would be a worthwhile effort, wouldn't it Tom?

> End of opinion.

But LO! Not the end of the debate! 

Mike D.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Troubled Times: Colloidal Silver

1998-04-01 Thread likowski
Sounds very interesting... is it for real?

Dear  List:

Has anyone tried putting a drop of honey into the water to decrease
silver oxide as suggested in Merlin's magic?



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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Teeth -- ATTN: DOUGLAS

1998-03-30 Thread likowski
I have severely discolored teeth from having grown up taking sulfa drugs
for lung infections (Cystic Fibrosis). The dentist told me that there is
a "bleaching" process you can have done that involves -- of all things
-- hydrogen peroxide! One more excellent use for the O2 molecule!... (a
little plug for the good folks over at l...@oxytherapy.com!)


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1998-03-30 Thread likowski
{{ I found this following site that advertises selenium,zinc,silver
water ! Go to  http://www.jeffry.com/   and there you can click on
"Water Oz".. It would appear that their silver water is colloidal


Dear Ryb, others:

It certainly seems to be! I've been using it now for 8 months and you
can clearly taste the silver and see it around the rim of the plastic
bottle. It *is* clear, like regular water, in appearance and because of
this I was skeptical about it's silver content at first; so I took a
white dish and placed several drops of WaterOz silver water onto it to
dry overnight: To my amazement, there were dark silvery-gray spots the
next day! Then I began to notice that the shotglasses I drink it from
had a lot of violet-colored silver residue dried in the bottom (very
pretty, actually). A Q-tip with alcohol on it confirmed that it was
silver upon removal. Then, I was hospitalized in November for severe
lung infections and because of all the I.V. antibiotics they had me on I
dveloped a major yeast infection that worked it's way up into my throat;
the pain was terrible -- like I'd swallowed acid! The doctor wanted to
put me on an anti-yeast drug called Nystatin(sp?) and told me to use it
3 times a day and that -- by the 3rd day -- my yeast should be gone. He
left the room and I remembered that I'd brought my bottle of WaterOz
with me and that C-Silver kills yeast. So I filled my shotglass and
*slowly* swallowed small amounts at a time after first swishing it
around in my mouth. Within 15 minutes the pain was reduced by half and
within an hour was almost gone!! By that night it was gone completely
and never came back! So much for anti-yeast drugs!

Hope this answers some of your questions.


P.S... They're having problems with their Web site right now, but I got
news by phone last week that the company also has PLATINUM water and
they offer several others, like slenium water and magnesium water. NOTE:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Teeth

1998-03-29 Thread likowski
Hi there, and YES! I have experienced that also, but with C-Silver
purchased from a company called WaterOz -- which is clear like water and
of a *very* small partical size. I got scared at first but found that it
just brushes away; but I can't speak for how home-brewed C-Silver will
act. I'll be making my own soon, tho.

Keep colloidaling!



Hello everyone!

I have been one of those "lurkers" around here for the past few months
and for the past few weeks have been making my own CS and taking it
daily.  I have a question for those of you who are regular users of CS.  
Has anyone noticed any discoloration of their teeth?  I hold the CS in
mouth and swish it around a bit before swallowing. I'm not sure if this
is causing the discoloration that I'm seeing, but it's the only thing
that I have done differently.  

Thanks for any replies!

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: What about colloidal gold?

1998-03-18 Thread likowski
YES! I, too, would like to learn about C-Gold! I vote to keep it on the



> Christian von Wechmar wrote:
> > Mike, I realise that this is a *silver* list, so I really won't persue this
> > topic on this list again. Maybe someone can contact me off-list with an
> > answer or two. I really want to make CG...

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


1998-03-10 Thread likowski
Hello Mike and everyone.

I got this recently from a representative of a company selling Silver
Water and wondered if anyone new what is meant here? They claim that
*their* Silver Water is the best (naturally) because it's made with a
patented process that does not involve electrolisis(sp?) of any kind and
produces much smaller, concentrated silver mineral ions (100+ ppm) than
what could possibly be made at home on a small machine. They claim that
their Silver Water even permeates the spinal fluid. Any feed-back would
be welcomed.

{{The machines you talk about do not produce clear (as in: water-clear,
NOT golden) colloidal silver.  The molecules do not pass the tyndall


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: to Dameon et al, A history of silver 1916

1998-03-10 Thread likowski
THANKS! for the EXTENSIVE amount of info, Sue. Most interesting, indeed!


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1998-03-10 Thread likowski
Unfortunately, besides what the 6:30 news with Tom Brokaw has reported
about the obvious dangers of "trans-fatty acids", all I have is what
I've verbally acquired over the past 10 years about how deadly the shit
is for ya. It's well known in the "underground" of alternative
med/nutrition circles that I move in about how Hydro-oil turns into an
inert substance in the body -- similar to a little ball of plastice --
that can end up "mutating" the cell it's in, causing cancer. The body
doesn't discharge it as easily as a natural substance but instead stores
it (usually in the fatty tissues); over time, it "festers" and you have
problems. ALL fast foods are made/fried in the stuff (called FRY-MAX,
which comes in a big can and looks like CRISCO, which is the same
thing). Kids are raised from day one with french fries being shoved in
their mouths and the plastic storage begins! WENDY'S "Frosty" drink is
PURE HYDRO-OIL that's been frozen! I've seen/read the package they make
it outta. But the cutsie little commercials on TV make it all look so
innocent, then 5 or 10 years later the kids have brain cancer and their
ignorant parents just don't know why. Then they trust in the "doctors"
for chemo and/or radiation and the young little life turns into hell.
It's used in so many foods/soups/breads (you'll see if you read labels
constantly) that I'm convinced it has a lot to do with the general
public's health problems. Too bad for them; I guess the ignorant and
undisciplined must die.



mbgu...@julian.uwo.ca wrote:
> Dameon:
> Can u give me some ref on Hydrogenated oil, particularly wrt to colon
> cancer. I agree 100% that hydrogenated oil should be avoided at any cost
> but don't have any clinical data to show for it.
> Thx
> Chris Gupta
> >.I also avoid all junk foods and anything with the poison called
> HYDROGENATED OIL which is in many
> >more things than people are aware of... and it is truly a poison! It is
> >the main reason there are so many kids getting brain cancer and adults
> >getting colon cancer and other disorders

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


1998-03-10 Thread likowski
Thanks for the warning, Tom!! God knows I have NO ROOM FOR ERROR at this
point! Before I get anywhere close to MAINLINING it I'll have to do a
LOT more research. 

I don't understand why you wrote this part?:

{{Anyone who thinks that silver chloride 
is poisonous does not understand that chloride 
is everywhere and if an ionic compound is going to 
be made, this is the most likely one, but the silver 
is also free to dissociate again.  This is not the case 
with silver nitrate.}}

Does this pertain somehow to using IV silver?



The silver might bypass the capillaries in the lungs 
and there is no telling what will happen.   You must 
not go beyond the body's natural filters, of which 
the lungs are most important regarding venous to 
arterial blood exchange.  

The silver will get to where it needs to go if you 
drink it and swish it around in your mouth before 
swallowing.  Anyone who thinks that silver chloride 
is poisonous does not understand that chloride 
is everywhere and if an ionic compound is going to 
be made, this is the most likely one, but the silver 
is also free to dissociate again.  This is not the case 
with silver nitrate. 

Tom Clayton, MD

>THANK YOU Susan! I did not know that! What's your reference for this
>knowledge? Actually, I've heard so many differing opinions about doing
>this that I would hunt down someone who really knows what they're doing
>first. I do know someone who's INJECTED it just below the skin and into
>a muscle many times, but I was talking about MAINLINING it. The bacteria
>(Pseudomonas aeruginosa) causing my lung infections need to be hit hard
>and fast; no pussyfootin with this kind... they're too deadly and my
>lungs are already too badly damaged.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


1998-03-09 Thread likowski
So what are we talking here? Do we start donations? HOW-WHERE-WHEN?



> If I could even get a black & white video camera ... and a snappy
> for my computer, I could get some computer pictures going.

> I have a lot of ideas for experiments with the darkfield! 

This is called leverage, folks! A very small investment from us would 
yield a lot of knowledge for everybody interested in CS.

These are just the sort of things a cyber-community like ours is
capable of fostering. 

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@mail.id.net   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


1998-03-09 Thread likowski
Chris --

Yes. In fact, I was breathing it through a nebulizer designed for
inhaling antibiotic aerosols for Cystic Fibrosis, so I inhaled it the
best possible way! But I was warned that, because I'm dealing with
silver PARTICLES -- and NOT chemicals (like the antibiotics) -- that I
could create further problems in the tiny alvioli sacks. As I have *very
little* good lung tissue left, I decided to stop with the silver.
Somehow it makes sense that damaged (or even healthy lungs) would have a
harder time getting rid of something like that, but I could be wrong. My
lungs didn't feel quite right either; kind of uncomfortable for hours
afterward and it was sometimes harder to breathe. Obviously, the lungs
are able to get rid of dust, which is a particle, but it seems that the
silver particle is much smaller and therefore could cause problems. If
anyone has knowledge about this, please to let me know.



{{Have you tried inhaling it. A ultrasonic humidifier works best but
meanwhile a very fine mist might help.

Chris Gupta}}

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: C-Silver for Staph -- THANKS!

1998-03-09 Thread likowski
Thanks for the encouragement, Larry! I actually HAVE been using C-Silver
for many months by a company called WaterOz. They use a patented method
for reducing their silver down to ion-particle size for maximum
obsorption (even into the nervous system). They charge $80 a gallon and
I feel the need to take much more than I've been, so I also just bought
a C-Silver machine (for the same price of a gallon of WaterOz stuff!).
If I feel the need, I'll combine the two in some way. But I want to get
to the point where I'm drinking around a quart a day; I've heard that
Beck or someone has drank as much as a gallon a day without harm. The
whole point is to keep these bacteria at bay, since I don't have much
usable lung tissue left. It's extremely important. I have to be added to
the LUNG TRANSPLANT LIST because there's so much damage. So anything I
can do to slow down the infections is very important... even if it means
mild toxicity from C-Silver. God knows the drugs they have me on
*already* make me sick!


P.S... Something that I started 22 years ago and absolutely know has
helped keep me alive much longer than the average Cystic Fibrosis victim
is fresh juicing with an ACME juicerator! I am now in the 1% catagory of
survivors (age 42) with this disease and juicing has alwasy made me feel
very strong. You may want to try this if you haven't already, but you
have to be disciplined and do it regularly. I also avoid all junk foods
and anything with the poison called HYDROGENATED OIL which is in many
more things than people are aware of... and it is truly a poison! It is
the main reason there are so many kids getting brain cancer and adults
getting colon cancer and other disorders.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


1998-03-09 Thread likowski
THANK YOU Susan! I did not know that! What's your reference for this
knowledge? Actually, I've heard so many differing opinions about doing
this that I would hunt down someone who really knows what they're doing
first. I do know someone who's INJECTED it just below the skin and into
a muscle many times, but I was talking about MAINLINING it. The bacteria
(Pseudomonas aeruginosa) causing my lung infections need to be hit hard
and fast; no pussyfootin with this kind... they're too deadly and my
lungs are already too badly damaged.


P.S... If you respond to my question, could you please put TO DAMEON in
the "subject" line... thanks!


Susan M. Yensen wrote:
> Hi Dameon,
> Do not inject CS made with salt!!!  Even in 1916 they knew better.
> Life is Fragile. Handle with Prayer
> Susan

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: PPM meter testing results

1998-03-08 Thread likowski
Thanks Mike. I've been keeping an eye on the discussions within the
group about this meter; it's great to have someone like you helping us
all out by testing the gear -- especially the *really poor* one's, like
me. Every penny counts, so I await your verdict before spending the
moola. By the way, this is the guy with Cystic Fibrosis, in case you've
forgotten. You advised me to get a silver machine from Thomas Miller and
it just arrived yesterday. I haven't used it yet, but it looks as solid
as any I've seen and the price was *very* right. I really feel the need
for a PPM meter so I know just how much silver I'm dealing with. My
disease, at this point, offers no room for error and I feel that
accuracy in my approach to experimentation is important; the lung
infections I'm trying to smash are quite nasty and may need a very high
PPM of silver over a sustained period. Injection is not out of the
question. The bacteria's name is Pseudomonas aeruginosa and is the main
killer of CF victims because of it's voracious nature. 

And then there's staph... forever staph.


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1998-03-03 Thread likowski
Hi Sue.

I'm a fellow-silver-listian and I saw a response to your illness
advising you to do a Web search for a doctor performing PHOTOLUMINESENCE
treatments (otherwise known as PHOTO-OXIDATION or ultraviolet blood
irradiation). Since I've had more UV treatments than anyone on record in
the world, I thought this info would be helpful:

American College for Advancement in Medicine
23121 Verdugo Drive, Suite 204
Laguna Hills,  CA  92653
FAX: 714-455-9679

Call them for a list of all the doctors in the USA performing UV
treatments. It is, without a doubt, THE closest thing to a miracle I
have ever experienced (and I've tried just about everything -- including
psychic surgery in the Philipines)! UV killed 2 types of bacteria giving
me lung infections that the "doctors" had no treatment for; it wasn't a
matter of IF I would die, but WHEN. In only 3 treatments they were gone!
Each treatment is very simple and takes only about 30 minutes. I went on
to have 64 more treatments for other reasons. My health improved
dramatically after a lifetime of living with a serious, deadly disease
called Cystic Fibrosis. I don't know exactly what UV treatments will do
for your condition, but it may be worth a try. I also STRONGLY ADVISE
that you get the book "Into The Light" by Dr. William Campbell Douglass
(father of the Dr. Douglass in Florida with the wholistic clinic); this
book covers just about everything you'd ever want to know about UV
treatments and has a lot of info on it's application to cancer. In my
opinion, the book would be a bargain at twice the price. Good luck!


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Making Colloidal Silver

1998-01-11 Thread likowski
Yes, PLEASE! Some us still use a Mac, and the file posted by Robert
Kramer  couldn't be opened because I couldn't
find an app for it on the Mac.



Fred Walter wrote:
> >From: Robert Kramer 
> >Below is attached something I hope you will find interesting.
> A word to the wise - if you actually want others to be able to read
> whatever it is that you post, you need to use a format that others
> can read. ".gif" or ".jpf" for images, and plain ASCII for text.
> IE. What is a ".wpd" file? Nothing that I have will understand it.
> fred


1998-01-09 Thread likowski
Does anyone know the good, the bad and the ugly about injecting
colloidal silver? I've heard things about all of the above. I have a
fatal disease called Cystic Fibrosis (involves constant serious lung
infections) and was thinking of mainlining CS since they're running out
of (toxic, barely affective) drugs they can give me. Any ACCURATE info
would be a God-send. THANKS in advance.