CS>Re:CS>Walking the Walk, or The Dumb Guys

2000-08-15 Thread w8w8

> OK, so here we go to Richard`s house and get the rotten meat he was
>going to throw out, it smelled very bad and strong. Richard is baching,

>so whats new. We made two patties of about 1/4 lb each, hamburger size.

>One was put in a bowl and CS poured over it and kneeded well in the CS
>and made into a patty again. The other one was untreated. We drew
>to see who got each patty. I got the CS one and Shannon got the
>untreated one. We ate them, with a little beer to blunt the taste of
>them. Really macho. :-) Then we waited. After half an hour Shannon
>developed a stomach ache, which proceeded to get worse. He had
>symptoms of food poisoning (botulism).

Hi "Dumb Guys",

  I have been thinking about your experiment and wish you had run it
a little differently.  What I think you should have done (Isn’t 20 20
hindsight wonderful) was to give the two “samples” to a third party who
had no idea which was which and have him select the victim.  This is
called a double blind test.  Nobody knows nothing.  Then lets see who
gets sick!

   I remember when I was at Boy Scout Camp some 65 years ago, and we
did just that same experiment, (almost).   We just TOLD them that the
meats were tainted. We also gave each a “pill” that would keep one group
from getting sick. Both groups got the same meat that we fed the whole
camp that evening and all got a sugar pill.  There were two groups of 5
scouts.  Seven people got sick and two even threw up.  It is called the
placebo effect.

   Too bad, but unless enough beer flows again for these macho men,
we will never know if anyone would have gotten sick, or if cs really
worked, or they both would have gotten sick.  All we have is an antidote
of two very foolish young men that fortunately worked out OK.

   Of course there has to be a morel to this story.  It is: Don’t
drink too much beer when there is stinking meat around.  Stinking cheese
is better.


Thought for the day.   Egocentric clams are shellfish.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Zapper Schematic (Origionally)

2000-08-14 Thread w8w8
>Hey guys,
>The feds know about zappers.
>This is really interesting:
> http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~comm/ift-pef.html
> Chuck

Yah, Right.  Who wants to be first to lay between two plates while they
discharge a 40 kv pulse?  Guaranteed to eliminate all your buggies.

Seriously though.  Go back one level to their Table of Contents and look
at the ten different ways they have of destroying all the good in food.
All this in the name of food safety?  Come on government, give me a
break.  All in the name of destroying completely the life in the food,
so it will last forever on the shelves.  Soon most of us will die from
malnutrition and the few that are left will have to start to grow their
own again.  We don't need God and Noah.  Our government will do it for


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Warts

2000-08-11 Thread w8w8
You say that hemlock is neither an herb nor a tree.  Purdue University
disagrees with you.  See http://vet.purdue.edu/depts/addl/toxic/

POISON HEMLOCK  Conium maculatum  (parsnip family)
TOXICITY RATINGS: Moderate to high.
DANGEROUS PARTS OF PLANT: All parts, especially young leaves and seeds.
CLASS OF SIGNS: Nervousness, trembling, incoordination, depression,
coma, death, birth defects.
SIGNS: . Humans are often poisoned, mistaking the roots for parsnips,
the leaves for parsley, or the seeds for anise.

I am not going to argue buckeye pod.

You say that nightshade is eaten by the Greeks.  That doesn't make it
non-poisoning.  Some people play Russian Roulette.   That's not too
smart either.

BLACK NIGHTSHADE  Solanum nigrum,  Carolina Horsenettle, Bull Nettle,
Solanum carolinense
TOXICITY RATING: Moderate. While the plant itself is very toxic, it is
also unpalatable, and rarely does an animal consume enough to cause a
serious or potentially lethal poisoning. Toxic risk is higher if the
plant is included in processed feeds.
DANGEROUS PARTS OF PLANT: All parts are potentially toxic, the berries
are often higher in toxicity.

You said "The obvious part - the seed or pod - may not be the part that
is valuable - many are valuable for the bark of the tree

So what has that to do with what the bible says we can eat?

 You say "oleander has a seed pod but not 'fruit' and it is a shrub not
a tree - have seen sheep graze on oleander with no effect.

First, a seed pod contains seeds.  Second, did God differentiate between
bushes and trees?  I think not. You may have seen sheep graze on
oleander.  Than doesn't make oleander less poisonous.

OLEANDER (Nerium oleander)
COMMON NAME: Rose bay.
POISONOUS PARTS: Entire plant especially the leaves.
POISONING: If ingested may experience pain in the mouth and lips, may
also develop vomiting, cramping, abdominal pain, nausea and bradycardia
shortly after ingestion.

You say: Also I need a threat to hold over my husband -  "~ else I'll
stir your tea with an oleander stick...!"

Ah!  A display of true Christian love


>From: "Judith Thamm" 
>Reply-To: silver-list@eskimo.com

>X-UIDL: d69de92a23ec694c9f3d95cb6b6adca5
>Jus t taking one section of the response from Erwin,
> > I suggest you read your bible without a preconceived outcome.
>So, I went and read my bible and it said: Genesis 1:29 "..every herb
>bearing seed and every tree in the which is the fruit of the tree
>yielding seed" not...
> > Every plant and tree which yield seed are given to us by God as good

> > eat.(Genesis 1:29)
> > (Note: This would include poisonous plants such as
> > hemlock,
>Neither herb nor tree but is used in homoeopathy, I believe,
> > buckeye pod,
>'pod' is not considered a fruit from a tree, and the use of that tree
>may yet to be discovered... The obvious part - the
>seed or pod - may not be the part that is valuable - many are valuable
>the bark of the tree eg Cat's claw and Paud'arco.
> > nightshade,
>eaten by many Greeks [our next town is Greek/Italian mostly]
> >oleander
>has a seed pod but not 'fruit' and it is a shrub not a tree - have
>seen sheep graze on oleander with no effect.  Also I need a threat to
>hold over my husband -  "~ else I'll stir your tea with an oleander
>stick...!" :)
>Taking that verse is a mock argument.  I have also seen it used as an
>excuse for smoking various plants - but nowhere does it suggest to
>'smoke' plants to escape reality!

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>A silver product.

2000-08-06 Thread w8w8

>I just paid $20 for a 4oz bottle of CS from GNC last
>week (I'm not sure of GNC's CS quality, but it was all
>I could find local).

> > Silver-list archive:
> > http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

I get $5.00 a gal. for 5 ppm made with distilled water testing below 1
pp. for the locals.  I don't ship.  Make your own.  Check the Silver
list archive for directions.


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Re: CS>Warts

2000-08-04 Thread w8w8
>Everyone should look at   www.pathlights.com   I just got
>the set of the books with the complete text of the  Origin of
>the Origin of the stars--- the Origin of the earthand the Origin of

>life  This is science vs. evolution.  It gives conclusive proof that
>whole thing was made just like it says in Genisis . They give case
>case of documented scientific proof. This is something that
>evolutionists have never done . Not even one little shred.of proof.

>Be well
>  Bob

I suggest you read your bible without a preconceived outcome.  Since
Genesis (and the rest of the bible) have hundreds (yes, hundreds) of
absurdities and inconsistencies it is difficult to know what the bible
really says.  For instance:

There was light ("night and day") (Genesis 1:3)  before there was a sun.
(Genesis 1:16)  (Note: If there were no sun, there would be no night or
day. Also, light from the newly created heavenly bodies seems to have
reached the earth instantaneously though it now takes thousands or
millions of years.)

Every plant and tree which yield seed are given to us by God as good to
eat.(Genesis 1:29)  (Note: This would include poisonous plants such as
hemlock, buckeye pod, nightshade, oleander.)

Genesis 3:14-16 God curses the serpent, Eve, and Adam for what they have
done. (Note: This is inconsistent with God's omniscience; God should
have known full well, ahead of time, what the outcome would be. Since
God created the three as well as the Tree of Knowledge, he is ultimately
responsible for the Fall.)

If you want to explore these absurdities and inconsistencies further, I
suggest it NOT be done under the guise of being silver related.


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RE: CS>interupted protocal

2000-08-04 Thread w8w8
>>  Thanks, pj! What types of green leaves would you use? I seem to
recall a
>> warning about too much spinach


>>  Katie

>The spinach warning probably stems from the belief, probably true, that
>oxalic acid in spinach promotes catabolic metabolism in the bones, and
>create a shift in the balance of calcium in the bones, particularly in
>old and very young.
>James Osbourne Holmes

They also say it may cause oxalic acid kidney stones.  But they also
used to say don't eat dairy products because it makes calcium kidney
stones.  Research has found out just the opposite.  Had 3 stones
removed, one at a time, passed two and then they took a kidney from me
because of adhesions, because they couldn't get to another stone.  When
the lithotripter(?)  came out I said wonderful, and started drinking a
quart of milk a day.  Haven't had a stone since!


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>OT-Chi Machine

2000-08-04 Thread w8w8
>Has anyone heard of the Chi machine and the Hot House?  The Chi machine
>supposed to put oxygen into your body, and I've read so many
tesitomonials as
>it different things it has helped.  My girlfriend has one and she LOVES
>The Chi can be of benefit to everyone.  The hot house is not needed by
>everyone.  Just wondered if anyone here is familiar with it and can
pass on
>anymore information about it.

Go to http://www.chimachineusa.com/ for a picture of both.  It is a
multilevel scheme to sell an ankle vibrator and belly warmer.  You just
lay there and get skinny.  According to one site " The idea behind this
unusual aerobic exerciser was suggested by Dr. Shizuo Inoue, Chairman of
Japan's Oxygen Health Association. Dr. Inoue, who has spent decades
researching the relationship between oxygen levels in the body and the
quality of human health, got his idea by watching goldfish swimming.
Personally it sounds fishy to me but it is your money, and you can't
take it with you.


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Re: CS>Electrode Surface Area

2000-08-01 Thread w8w8
>Greetings Folks!
  >I do not recall anyone mentioning whether they based current
  >density on 100% of the wetted surface area of both electrodes
  >or only the wetted surface areas facing each other.
  >I tend to think that most of the current is "leaving" or "entering"
  >the surfaces facing each other.

  I would think that it is mostly (over 70%) the facing areas but would
  the current would be very similar to the lines of force seen when one
  sprinkles iron filings on a piece of paper and then place the poles of
  horse-shoe magnet under the paper.  Most from the facing surfaces,
some from
  the edges and a lot less from the rear.  One way to find out is to
take a
  probe and plot the potential gradient at the different points.  I
think I
  did the some 50 years ago in collage physics and got a t plot similar
to the
  magnetic lines of force.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS: What happens to it once it gets inside your body? Anybody know?

2000-07-31 Thread w8w8
>Dear Frank,

>I suppose we could take it off list if our interaction really annoys

Pleease DO NOT go off list.  I for one am on this list to learn. I
might also comment that it IS about silver, as many previous posts have
not been.

>- Original Message -
>From: "Frank Gibson" 
>Sent: Monday, 31 July 2000 15:43

> >  Perhaps you guy's should duke it out in private  e-mail. 'cause

> > least Ivan didn't need a cattle prod to know that "I",  "you" and
> > or anything weighs six times more on earth than

Re: CS>today's humor

2000-07-22 Thread w8w8
God.  That's the funniest I have ever heard.  Please explain it.
Nothing came thru


>Humor that you all can relate to.  Hope no one minds.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>intro and question WOOPS!

2000-07-22 Thread w8w8
Robert:  Brickey evidently bought a Radio Shack 1000mA (1.0 Ampere)
  but not regulated multi-voltage AC-to-DC adapter (Part Number 173-1668

  selling for $21.99) that supplies 13.5 volts and 30 volts.  Since the
  adapter converts the AC line voltage to DC, no diodes are necessary.

  Brickey:  Thanks for pointing out that Radio Shack has such an
  Sounds like a lot of those people using three 9Volt batteries would be

  interested in such a unit.   Just remember that if you short the
leads, you
  will blow out your adapter.  You also might get a bad burn that you
  have to use CS on.  I would suggest either a fixed spacer between your
  so that they cannot short out, or a light bulb in series with one of
  leads, or preferably both.

  The adapter (the I just bought) produces 35.7VDC at no load.  Using a
  series bulb, the current is limited to  196.0 mA during short circuit
  conditions. This is well below the 1000mA rating and should be more
  enough current to make CS for a long time to come.

Thought for the day:  Is it true that welfare for crocodiles is known as


  >From: "Robert Ratliff" 
  >Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 03:20:52 -0400

  >Have you tested it for strength? Does it turn golden color? You don't
  >diodes to convert to DC?
  >Best Regards, Robert Ratliff
  >-Original Message-
  >From: brick...@aol.com [mailto:brick...@aol.com]
  >Sent: Friday, July 21, 2000 2:43 PM
  >I bought a 30VDC wall transformer from Radio Shack, along with a 6
  >pigtail and some alligator clips.  All for about $30.  I am using
this in
  >place of the three 9 volt batteries.  I let it run for about 20
  >12 AWG silver rods spaced 1 1/2 inch.  Makes Cs without depending on

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: Auto shut off

2000-07-17 Thread w8w8
>>> Bob Squires  wrote: If you have such a
circuit in mind would you  send it to me . I make silver machines and send a

lot of them to the third world nations where they have nothing else no
doctors or medicine of any kind. They must be simple and of low cost. .

>>>Robert L. Berger  wrote:I haven't found out
how to program a relay with a selectable window for shut-off. Given me a
schematic and I will play with it. No doctor just a crotchety old guy'

We have to go slow, fellas.  It has been 18 years (when I retired) that I
last looked at designing a circuit.  To make matters worse, I was an
Electrical Engineer.  There were no electronics when I went to school.  In
fact I was designing power supplied using tubes for Sylvania Electric when
the transistor was announced.  I am an electronic engineer(?) as a hobby

With a vague memory, a Radio Shack catalogue and some wonderful search
engines I have a rough idea of what I want to try.  Draw this:

Top line, left side is the positive DC supply.  Next, going to the right is
a NO contact of the relay.  In parallel with the NO contacts is a NO
momentary push button to start this thing.  In series, going to the right is

an LM334 current regulator (69 cents) with it’s Rset.  Continue to the right

to the positive terminal of your bath.

Bottom line, about two inches below the top line going from the neg. side of

the DC supply all the way to the right to the neg. terminal of the bath.

Between the lines, on the positive bus, after the contacts but before the
LM334 we have the relay coil, a 2N transistor (89 cents) and a current
limiting resistor, R1, in series going to the neg. bus.

Still between the pos. and neg. busses but after the current regulator is a
voltage divider R2, R3.  The junction of R2, R3 is connected to the 2N

I have copies of all the spec sheets run off.  (God, isn’t the Internet a
fabulous source of info.) Plan on going to Radio Shack sometime next week
and get a solderless breadboard, some wire, variable resistors and a half
doz. each of the transistors. (I always plan on blowing at least a few of
them out.)  Then I will go out to the garage (104 degrees in the shade
yesterday) and experiment.

Thought for the day: When I wish to calm myself, I drink distilled water.


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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS=alkaline?

2000-07-17 Thread w8w8
Found the following on EDTA at

Ninety Percent Reduction in Cancer Mortality After Chelation Therapy
with  EDTA
Walter Blumer, M.D. and Elmer M. Cranton, M.D.

  Dr. W. Blumer practices general medicine and chelation therapy
in Netstal, Switzerland. Dr. Elmer M. Cranton (Dr. Cranton's CV is
available on this website.)

ABSTRACT: Mortality from cancer was reduced 90% during an 18-year
follow-up of 59 patients treated with EDTA chelation therapy. Only one
of 59 treated patients (1.7%) died of cancer while 30 of 172 nontreated
control subjects (17.6%) died of cancer (P = 0.002). Death from
atherosclerosis was also reduced. Treated patients had no evidence of
cancer at the time of entry into this study. Observations relate only to
long term prevention of death from malignant disease, if chelation
therapy is begun before clinical evidence of cancer occurs. Controls and
treated patients lived in the
same neighborhood, adjacent to a heavily traveled highway in a small
Swiss city. Both groups were exposed to the same amount of lead from
automobile exhaust, industrial pollution and other carcinogens. Exposure
to carcinogens was no greater for the studied population than exists in
most other metropolitan areas throughout the world. Statistical analysis
showed EDTA chelation therapy to be the only significant difference
between controls and treated patients to explain the marked reduction in
cancer mortality. Faculty of the University of Zurich Medical School
reviewed this data

Journal of Advancement in Medicine, Volume 2, Numbers 1/2, Spring/Summer
For the full-text study, go to your nearest medical library or order The
Textbook of EDTA Chelation Therapy.

Dave Perkins wrote:

> Bob
> EDTA - I  must have missed this one-  Pls. point me to the
> relative post.
> Thanks,
> Dave Perkins
> "enjoy being"

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Away too long

2000-07-14 Thread w8w8
> > If I were to do a design with automatic shut-off in a constant current 
> > system
> > I would monitor the voltage as it dropped and when it reached a 
> > predetermined
> > level shut the power off. This would require the use of some of the newer 8 
> > pin
> > microprocessors.

Why a newer 8 pin microprocessor?  Why not use an older 4 pin relay with the 
going from your hot lead to your common ground.  When the voltage drops too 
low, the
relay opens and disconnects the circuit.  You sound like a doctor.  Make it more
complicated and you can charge more money. (Sorry.  No offence meant.  The devil
made me say that.)

Thought for the day: Why do seagulls fly over sea? Because if they flew over the
bay, they would be called 'bagels'.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Dr. Len Horowitz and "clustered water"

2000-07-14 Thread w8w8
Consider me an "interested amateur".  Can you tell me how?  Also have done
some laboratory glass blowing.

Thought for the day:  I believe that water polo is all wet.


Ivan Anderson wrote:

> http://www.tetrahedrThe patented method of generating clustered water,
> using a template molecule (herbs etc.) is well within the reach of
> interested amateurs.

Re: CS>Teeth and CS/dental supply lines

2000-07-13 Thread w8w8
When I go to the Dentist, I bring a quart of CS and swoosh with that.  I have to
be extra careful because I go to Mexico for my dental work and wouldn't want to
drink their water even if their tubes were clean.

Thought for the day:  The argumentative panhandler begs  to differ.


samma...@aol.com wrote:

> Hi All -
>   Just to jump in here... ABC's 20/20 did a segment a few months back on the
> disgusting water dentists unwittingly use in our mouths during various
> procedures.  The supply lines from their water source to the chairs hold
> water that stagnates and builds up goo, bacteria, segmented worms and other
> horrible stuff.  The pictures were disgusting.  Some dentists are catching
> on, but most still use ancient yellowed supply-line tubing that runs tens of
> feet from the source to the chairs.  The goop that grows just stays in that
> line.  Imagine having root canal work done on a Monday with water that's been
> stagnant in a gooey line all weekend?
>   I called my dentist after seeing that show and learned they use gallon jugs
> of bottled water under the chairs.  When the jug runs out, they change it.
> They clean and flush their short lines regularly.  If I ever change dentists,
> this will be among the most important questions I ask.  I bet this gooey
> water, used in so many procedures, is largely responsible for hideous
> infections after root canals, gum surgery and molar extractions.
> Regards,
> Samantha

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Putting things into perspective

2000-07-12 Thread w8w8
You should see how our government explains the difference between ground
nuts (peanuts) and ground nuts (ground-up nut meats).

If you dream in vivid colors, is that a pigment of your imagination?


Marshall Dudley wrote:

> Pythagorean Theorem: 24 words.
> The Lord's Prayer: 66 words.
> The Gettysburg Address: 286 words.
> The Declaration of Independence: 1,300 words.
> The US Government regulations on the sale of cabbage: 26,911 words.
> Marshall

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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Violet Ray

2000-07-11 Thread w8w8
Had one.  At least my mother had one and she used it on us kids for aches and
She used "Unguintine" (sp?) as a lubricant. There was an intensity control which
the glass wands glow stronger.  Put your finger next to the glass and all the
would migrate to your finger.  Pull your finger away and sparks would jump to 
finger up to about an inch away.  When mother wasn't around, us kids would 
with it.  One was supposed to apply the wand to the affected area and then turn 
discharge by increasing the control.  I don't know if it did any good, but it
tingled and
we had fun with it.


Marshall Dudley wrote:

> I just got me a violet ray machine.  Anyone know anything about these devices?
> http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=373805077
> Marshall

Re: CS>Teeth and CS

2000-07-07 Thread w8w8
> - Original Message -
> From: 
> > I use food grade 35% H2O2 and I drink a diluted mixture, 5 drops in 8
> ounces
> > of water.  I read the O2 does you good as that is what our cells eat to
> keep
> > running.
> > Brickey
> Brickey,
> (Snip)
> H2O2 ingestion is said to be beneficial, but for reasons other than that
> which you mention, or oxygenation, another commonly held belief.
> Regards
> Ivan.


You say that H2O2 is "said" to be beneficial.  From that are you
that H2O2 is NOT beneficial?  I also thought I read that zappers are
believed to work by producing oxygen in the blood, which in turn travels
thru the blood stream and zaps all of those little bad guys.   Are these
old wives tales?  Please explain.


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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Urinary Infections

2000-07-02 Thread w8w8
 Had a similar experience with my wife.  She is in a nursing facility
with advanced Alzheimer’s and the nurse noticed that her urine had
an odor. They requested permission to give her antibiotics while
waiting for the lab results.   I suggested that they try cranberry juice
instead.  (The lab subsequently confirmed that she had developed a
urinary infection).  The next three mornings, when I went down to
feed her breakfast, I put about ½ oz of 4 ppm cS in her orange juice.
On the fourth morning, they told me that by the second day, her
urine no longer had an odor and they didn’t know why because the
kitchen was unable (they probably forgot) to get any cranberry juice.
I gave her cS that morning anyway for good measure.  The following week,
when the second lab tests came back, they showed negative infection.


"Robert L. Berger" wrote:

> Hi  Ya"all;
> Another anecdotal CS success. Yesterday noon I walked my Great Pyrenees
> dog 100+ pounds and she squatted 8 times to urinate. Again at 3 ppm the
> same thing so I fixed her a dish with 3 teaspoons of ice cream and 4 oz
> of 9 ppm CS. by 8 pm the frequency  of urination had deceased to three,
> so I fixed her another disk. This morning things were back to normal.
> Gave her another for good measure.
> "Ole Bob"

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>About our Silver List...

2000-06-25 Thread w8w8
It would also be nice if your could ask a serious question and not be told
that they have somthing cheeper that they sell and ignore your question.


Frank Gibson wrote:

> Mr. Devour:
>   Would you please contact me off list znd tell me how to get a list
> started for those of us who enjoy and need thr reciprocal input of these
> witty and smart people?!?!
>  For me, personally, I'd rather deal with the group as people with a
> place to be people, and I don't mind the ethical use of witticisms and
> such..
>   I'm sure that you "know" from my past history on this list that I
> very much enjoy the quantum deal here..But as a guy with four
> children--the input is desirable and
> enjoyable.(mostly).
>Please know that given a choice I will always be on this list,
> but I would cerainly like some direction as to how to build a list of
> the creation of these sometimes TOO briliant people.
> With all respect,
>   Frank Gibson
> http://community.webtv.net/FlyingFawcett/
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
> silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>HI 93737 Silver Meter

2000-06-24 Thread w8w8
Seems like there are spectrophotometer that use reagents that work and
there are spectrophotometer that use reagents that did not work.  It has
been said that James Holmes and Robert L. Berger each have
spectrophotometers, and that is one of only two methods of correctly
measuring ppm (ug/ml).  (The other is with an I.S.E.(ion specific
electrode) which Ivan has).  Why would James and Roberts
spectrophotometers, work and the Hanna HI 93737 Silver Meter not work?

Erwin (In quest of a meter to measaure my silver)

Trem wrote:

>  Hi,

Trem wrote:

>  Hi,
> We tried one and it did not work with colloidal silver. Was told it
> was for use with dissolved silver such as in waste treatment plants
> etc. The sample measured the same as the blank or as much as 25% of
> the readings done on our CS by Kimball Labs as I recall. Would have
> been a good way to test if it had worked.  All readings were not
> repeatable and were way off the mark.
> We even tried digesting the silver in nitric acid to see if that would
> help.  It didn't.

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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>HI 93737 Silver Meter

2000-06-23 Thread w8w8
Interesting that you should point out the Hanna model HI93737 since it
measures silver and not conductivity.  I have been looking at the specs for
this instrument for about a month now and figured that it might not be
applicable for measuring CS manufacturing for a couple of reasons.  First, I

could find no reference to it in the CS archives and I thought you guys knew

everything about everything.   >don’t we wish<

Someplace I think that I read the relationship between ppm and mg/L.   I
thought it was a 1:1 relationship but so far I have been too lazy to look it
Old age will do it every time.

I wasn’t sure, but if the above is the case, it seems like a full scale
reading of
1.000 mg/L was too sensitive and I would have to do dilutions. Depending
on the volume of the cuvet, something like 10 drops of CS in the cuvet and
fill with distilled water maybe.

Do you or any of your fellow brains know why it wouldn’t work?


Ivan Anderson wrote:

> http://www.hannainst.com/products/ion/93737.htm
> Ivan

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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Hanna Meters

2000-06-19 Thread w8w8
>From the archives, on Tue, 18 Apr 2000 06:51:16,  M. G. Devour wrote
(Re: the TDS-1 meter)

>  My experience has been that the circuit is stable over time and, if
you calibrate it at, say, 50 ppm or so, it will deliver reasonably
accurate and repeatable measurements
in the range in which we are interested.

Sounds like a winner.  And just how do I go about calibrating it at,
say, 50 ppm or so?   Or better yet, at say 10 ppm?

What do I use as a standard?  Can I use a 1/4 watt resistor to calibrate
it?  Do I set it to read 50 at 50 ppm or is there a 'k' factor?  What is
the k?  What value resistor ?

After it is calibrated, is it in a 1:1k relationship from zero up to

Does temperature affect the calibration?  My ‘Laboratory” is located in
an unheated (and uncooled) building that varies from 35 degrees in the
winter to about 100 degrees for the next few months?

For the record, I am now using a Collgen-2 unit with a fish tank bubbler
and it allegedly cuts off at 5ppm.  Convenient, but I won't have a warm
feeling until I can measure the output.  (and probably modify the


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>West Nile Flu

2000-06-18 Thread w8w8
I was wondering just where in New Your State the mosquitos were.  I was from
White Plains, but have relitives all over the state.

Your concoction sounds good.


G&B Rogers wrote:

> Hello listers,
> The mosquito borne West Nile virus that causes encephalitis has returned to
> my region of NY, with a few dead crows confirmed having the virus in an
> adjacent county, just 20 miles away. I was just wondering if anyone has
> suggestions for precautionary measures using CS (besides a daily 2oz
> dosage) - would putting drops of CS on mosquito bites work?  I made my own
> concoction of aloe vera gel, CS, dissolved MSM and lavender oil, which I
> keep in the kitchen for burns that works rather nicely, but don't know if
> the CS has remained effective since I don't refrigerate it, and I don't know
> if mixing it with essential oils affects the properties of the colloid.
> Any suggestions or thoughts on natural ways of protecting me and my family
> from this virus, which killed 7 people in NYC last year, would be
> appreciated!  We live on a small lake, and it tends to be mosquito
> metropolitan around here.
> Beth
> --
> Commit Random Acts of Kindness

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Kawasaki Syndrome

2000-06-12 Thread w8w8
Here are three sites you might want to check out for information:


As for the CS, it probably would be a good idea to try, but don't know if it
would help.  There are those that believe most all illnesses are caused by
viruses, bacteria, and so on, like ulcers, heart disease, etc.


dotsie...@aol.com wrote:

> Hi,
> My nephew has a son in hospital diagnosed with Kawasaki Disease - anyone have
> any information on this.  Would CS help?
> Dotsie
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour