Re: CS>CS; vaccine genetic modification

2021-08-04 Thread Rick
Whatever we believe about the so-called vaccine, it is enough to say that
it is causing harm above all acceptable measures. Both the U.S. CDC
maintained Vaers vaccine database and the U.K.'s EudraVigilance database
show tens of thousands of harmful reactions including deaths in the
otherwise completely healthy.

And another look of news snapshots from around the world makes me wonder if
I wasn't a bit smarter...why haven't they put a stop to it by now?


On Tue, Aug 3, 2021 at 11:24 PM Max  wrote:

> There is some indication that reverse transcriptase may allow the vaccine
> to make more or less permanent changes to your genes, but it is not yet
> thought to occur widely, if at all.  Most of the action is a somewhat
> temporary hijacking of your ribosomes to create spike protein.  Your immune
> system will be killing those cells that do, including any in your heart,
> testes and brain.
> I wouldnt say that permanent genetic modification is a convincing way to
> describe the action of the vaccine, in my humble opinion.  Ideally, we
> should say things that are backed up and convincing in a debate so that are
> a force to undermine the big pharma cartels and their global government
> operatives
> thanks
> Max
> On 8/3/2021 6:05 PM, Dave Darrin wrote:
> If you haven't noticed the vaccine has a genetic changing component added
> to it which was also paid for by the afore mentioned individuals.

Re: CS>cs for covid

2021-08-04 Thread Neville Munn
Yep, no worries Tony.


From: Tony Moody 
Sent: Thursday, 5 August 2021 12:05 AM
To: ; 

Subject: Re: CS>cs for covid

On 2021/08/04 12:36, Neville Munn wrote:
Tony, you being a member of the Silver fraternity, I would have one 
question...Why didn't you use EIS and inhaled it, as I have been suggesting?  
Protocols or anicdotes will never be known about if people don't use/try it?

It seems you swallowed a plethora of stuff but not EIS?  Don't you trust it?  
If you had done that, then you would have been able to report on what EIS can 
do, or CAN'T do?

Just a question.



Oh, I love CS/EIS and always have some fresh on the shelf but I was not drawn 
to it much. Maybe because I was so full of snot and the CS doesn't have much 
effect on mucous and oil/fat tissues.

Also I do not have a nebuliser.  In retrospect I could have made an effort and 
misted and breathed  with h202 +cs. I really did not have much brain at the 

OK, Tony

PS I'm going to copy this over to the new list as well.T

Re: CS>cs for covid

2021-08-04 Thread Tony Moody

On 2021/08/04 12:36, Neville Munn wrote:
Tony, you being a member of the Silver fraternity, I would have one 
question...Why didn't you use EIS and inhaled it, as I have been 
suggesting?  Protocols or anicdotes will never be known about if 
people don't use/try it?

It seems you swallowed a plethora of stuff but not EIS?  Don't you 
trust it?  If you had done that, then you would have been able to 
report on what EIS can do, or CAN'T do?

Just a question.



Oh, I love CS/EIS and always have some fresh on the shelf but I was not 
drawn to it much. Maybe because I was so full of snot and the CS doesn't 
have much effect on mucous and oil/fat tissues.

Also I do not have a nebuliser.  In retrospect I could have made an 
effort and misted and breathed  with h202 +cs. I really did not have 
much brain at the time.

OK, Tony

PS I'm going to copy this over to the new list as well.    T

Re: CS>cs for covid

2021-08-04 Thread Rowena
Yes, thanks Tony, I feel it is the most helpful I have and all the more 
welcome for being from someone so well trusted over the years with the 
sort of items we have discussed in  the past on various forums, which I 
cancelled when I thought I would not be able to keep up with them. Your 
post is more trustworthy to me than strangers no matter  how clever.

Good one.

On 4/08/2021 6:07 pm, Tony Moody wrote:

I hope this helps.

OK, Tony

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>cs for covid

2021-08-04 Thread Max


thanks for recounting your covid experience.

btw Ive been on this forum for a lng time.  I used to try and post 
years ago but most didnt make it, so I gave up.

There is something everyone should grasp fully;   covid is a two stage 
disease.  The viral stage and the hyperinflammation stage. The virus is 
defeated after about 7 days after symptoms are felt. By virtually 
everyone.  But some people go to phase two, approximately 10%.   It has 
been described by one doctor as resembling an allergic reactionlike 
mast cell activation syndrome.

Viral bits and your parts of our own dead cells called damage associated 
molecular patterns activate the innate immune system by interacting with 
pattern recognition receptors (PRRs). Although DAMPs contribute to the 
host's defense, they promote pathological inflammatory responses

Health is not simply defeating germs, as you know and this is why silver 
is not a panacea.  Its a tool.   After the viral stage, we want anti 
inflammatory  herbs, vitamins, drugs or whatever. Ivermectin,  steroidal 
anti inflammatories, licorice and many other things fall into this 
category.   Also we should take natokinase because micro thrombi is a 
real issue.   This is also an issue for the vaccines.

I have a small nebulizer.  I will use hydrogen peroxide as per Dr 
Mercola, and silver in the early phase, along with the other protocols, 
like vit D, Vit C, melatonin, zinc, quercetin etc.

The second phase is the deadly phase, the first stage is not, so 
defeating the virus is not the be all end all of covid or other viral 
respiratory diseases.  In my humble opinion, this is the kind of 
conversation many died in the wool silver adherents would benefit from.



On 8/4/2021 3:07 AM, Tony Moody wrote:

On 2021/08/04 10:58, Max wrote:

Several of my posts do not make it to the forum

This is a part of a longer post, as a test

Severe covid includes severely ruined lungs. Severe covid is a 
dangerous thing requiring prompt treatment  using herbs, vitamins, 
fresh air and sunshine,   ivermectin and various other treatments. I 
have collected many that have at least some scientific/clinical basis.

Colloidal silver may be good in the early phase, perhaps up to five 
or six days after symptoms, but not likely helpful afterward.  Severe 
covid care requires a reduction in the hyper-inflammatory response.  
If you get severe covid, youre going to wish you tried something more 
than silver!

If anyone wants to discuss this, better make it snappy because Im not 
going to join the new silver list and this one is going to dissolve




I also sent a longish post last night which has disappeared. In this 
case it was a good thing because i edited myself quite drastically

I had covid officially in December2020. I was not hospitalised but did 
self isolate. I was declared symptom free after about a week but had 
to stay away until 10 days of being symptom free.

Everyone is reacts differently. I was left with extreme physical 
weakness , I'm normally steady at 80kg but went down to 70kg and now 
up to 90kg and battling to return to 80 or less..

I am a mild health nut using a plethora of supplements sparsely. Not 
on any chronic medication. my main c19 problems was lung capacity and 
snot. I steamed my face with various aromatics Vicks, Friars Balsam, 
genuine turpentine. I sniffed and gargled with weak salt/bicarb a lot. 
I did a lot of hawking and spitting of copious amounts of nasal 
mucous. A lot of gross, disgusting behaviour.  i did not want to 
swallow so there was a lot of spitting.

I did not use much EIS, VitC during the episode but was drawn to extra 
Multivitamin/multimineral , Calcium/Magnesium powder, Magnesium skin 
spray, codliver oil and zinc, selenium, folic acid and vitBcomplex,  
Iron tablets.

My skin came up in lots of red spots so was aware that liver was 
probably compromised so would have been easy on fats ad oil. Was off 
my feed anyway. I did use drops of a bitters daily.

Breathing was the most beneficial thing I did. My breath was virtually 
non existent, very shallow but by concentration and diligence i was 
able to breath deeply again. Now better than ever.

I'm left with compromised brain function, a vague feeling of loss and 
being lost which is slowly 'improving'.

I hope this helps.

OK, Tony

Re: CS>cs for covid

2021-08-04 Thread Neville Munn
Tony, you being a member of the Silver fraternity, I would have one 
question...Why didn't you use EIS and inhaled it, as I have been suggesting?  
Protocols or anicdotes will never be known about if people don't use/try it?

It seems you swallowed a plethora of stuff but not EIS?  Don't you trust it?  
If you had done that, then you would have been able to report on what EIS can 
do, or CAN'T do?

Just a question.


From: Tony Moody 
Sent: Wednesday, 4 August 2021 8:07 PM
Subject: Re: CS>cs for covid


I also sent a longish post last night which has disappeared.  In this case it 
was a good thing because i edited myself quite drastically

I had covid officially in December2020. I was not hospitalised but did self 
isolate. I was declared symptom free after about a week but had to stay away 
until 10 days of being symptom free.

Everyone is reacts differently. I was left with extreme physical weakness , I'm 
normally steady at 80kg but went down to 70kg and now up to 90kg and battling 
to return to 80 or less..

I am a mild health nut using a plethora of supplements sparsely. Not on any 
chronic medication. my main c19 problems was lung capacity and snot. I steamed 
my face with various aromatics Vicks, Friars Balsam, genuine turpentine. I 
sniffed and gargled with weak salt/bicarb a lot. I did a lot of hawking and 
spitting of copious amounts of nasal mucous. A lot of gross, disgusting 
behaviour.  i did not want to swallow so there was a lot of spitting.

I did not use much EIS, VitC during the episode but was drawn to extra 
Multivitamin/multimineral , Calcium/Magnesium powder, Magnesium skin spray, 
codliver oil and zinc, selenium, folic acid and vitBcomplex,  Iron tablets.

My skin came up in lots of red spots so was aware that liver was probably 
compromised so would have been easy on fats ad oil. Was off my feed anyway. I 
did use drops of a bitters daily.

Breathing was the most beneficial thing I did. My breath was virtually non 
existent, very shallow but by concentration and diligence i was able to breath 
deeply again. Now better than ever.

I'm left with compromised brain function, a vague feeling of loss and being 
lost which is slowly 'improving'.

I hope this helps.

OK, Tony

Re: CS>cs for covid

2021-08-04 Thread Tony Moody

On 2021/08/04 10:58, Max wrote:

Several of my posts do not make it to the forum

This is a part of a longer post, as a test

Severe covid includes severely ruined lungs. Severe covid is a 
dangerous thing requiring prompt treatment  using herbs, vitamins, 
fresh air and sunshine,   ivermectin and various other treatments. I 
have collected many that have at least some scientific/clinical basis.

Colloidal silver may be good in the early phase, perhaps up to five or 
six days after symptoms, but not likely helpful afterward.  Severe 
covid care requires a reduction in the hyper-inflammatory response.  
If you get severe covid, youre going to wish you tried something more 
than silver!

If anyone wants to discuss this, better make it snappy because Im not 
going to join the new silver list and this one is going to dissolve




I also sent a longish post last night which has disappeared.  In this 
case it was a good thing because i edited myself quite drastically

I had covid officially in December2020. I was not hospitalised but did 
self isolate. I was declared symptom free after about a week but had to 
stay away until 10 days of being symptom free.

Everyone is reacts differently. I was left with extreme physical 
weakness , I'm normally steady at 80kg but went down to 70kg and now up 
to 90kg and battling to return to 80 or less..

I am a mild health nut using a plethora of supplements sparsely. Not on 
any chronic medication. my main c19 problems was lung capacity and snot. 
I steamed my face with various aromatics Vicks, Friars Balsam, genuine 
turpentine. I sniffed and gargled with weak salt/bicarb a lot. I did a 
lot of hawking and spitting of copious amounts of nasal mucous. A lot of 
gross, disgusting behaviour.  i did not want to swallow so there was a 
lot of spitting.

I did not use much EIS, VitC during the episode but was drawn to extra 
Multivitamin/multimineral , Calcium/Magnesium powder, Magnesium skin 
spray, codliver oil and zinc, selenium, folic acid and vitBcomplex,  
Iron tablets.

My skin came up in lots of red spots so was aware that liver was 
probably compromised so would have been easy on fats ad oil. Was off my 
feed anyway. I did use drops of a bitters daily.

Breathing was the most beneficial thing I did. My breath was virtually 
non existent, very shallow but by concentration and diligence i was able 
to breath deeply again. Now better than ever.

I'm left with compromised brain function, a vague feeling of loss and 
being lost which is slowly 'improving'.

I hope this helps.

OK, Tony

Re: CS>cs for covid

2021-08-04 Thread Neville Munn
Here's my two bobs worth Max.

I have always refused to call it 'CS', mainly because it CAN be produced by a 
different method, and by using powder or whatever ingredients or whatever.  
Yeah, I know, this can be argued, but again I have always said not with me.

The home made product breathed directly into the lungs, and that is where this 
Covid crap resides upon entry to the body, so, the quickest way to attack it is 
directly - and it cost nothing.

When I had my brain eposide some years back, a medical guru remarked I am 
fairly low in antigen 'count'.  My head was still dealing with speach and 
writing etc and dumbed down from the episode, but, I never forgot that comment 
he made to me.  Silver apparently does keep the blood fairly clean.  People 
would know I have been ingesting a small amount of EIS every morning before 
breakfast for over 15 years now, so, I have to opine that the home made 
product, (perhaps), keeps my blood rather healthy and fairly clean or pathagens 
or bugs. (supposition based on Bob Beck he used to state all the time)  Based 
on that I would say what better way to attack this C'rona crap than by inhaling 
EIS directly into the lung, where this C'rona crap resides upon entry before 
spreading thoughout the system or body?  Adding to that, plenty of evidence has 
found that EIS will take viruses out, it kills viruses.


From: Max 
Sent: Wednesday, 4 August 2021 6:58 PM
Subject: CS>cs for covid

Several of my posts do not make it to the forum

This is a part of a longer post, as a test

Severe covid includes severely ruined lungs. Severe covid is a dangerous thing 
requiring prompt treatment  using herbs, vitamins, fresh air and sunshine,   
ivermectin and various other treatments. I have collected many that have at 
least some scientific/clinical basis.

Colloidal silver may be good in the early phase, perhaps up to five or six days 
after symptoms, but not likely helpful afterward.  Severe covid care requires a 
reduction in the hyper-inflammatory response.  If you get severe covid, youre 
going to wish you tried something more than silver!

If anyone wants to discuss this, better make it snappy because Im not going to 
join the new silver list and this one is going to dissolve



Re: CS>

2021-08-04 Thread Max


I follow and agree with what you say here. But why not just delete the 
posters that you personally dont want to read?   I see the names, its 
easy.   How nice it would be if in church we could hit the delete 
button!   I could delete 'self' and attain enlightenment!  My point was 
that a whole group shouldn't run away from one poster they dont like.   
It would happen again and againthen where do you draw the line?   
Intolerant cancel culture is like a dark wave sweeping the world.



On 8/4/2021 1:19 AM, Tony Moody wrote:

On 2021/08/03 21:07, Max wrote:

So what if Cyndiann called me a troll and stupid for not getting the 
vaccine?  Ive got a huge body of evidence to the contrary.   Evidence 
which is compelling and powerful information to others interested in 
the pandemic and etiology and treatment of other corona virus induced 
disease. Info bombs are dropped daily by experts like Peter 
McCullough and Robert Malone.  The vaccination coup is on the verge 
of coming undone.   We will witness the resulting political turmoil

How does it change your mental outlook if you knew (thought 
experiment) that Cyndiann was 8 years old?  Would an 8 year old cause 
the whole group to abandon ship?  Ask what is the real value of 
increased moderation and restriction?



Hallo Max,

Yes, in answer to your question. Something would happen to the 
8-year-old, and to its parents, to get it to change its unacceptable, 
challenging  behaviour,

If we were in church or the supermarket, a classroom or at home in the 
dining-room for instance and the disagreeable 8-year created havoc, 
there would be an overwhelming consensus call for some sort of control 
of the situation. If the parents could not control the child then 
sanctions by the group would be applied. The parents and their child 
would not be welcome, not allowed in there until "it learns some 
manners", would be banished until things improved. Parental and peer 
pressure would be applied. If the parents could not teach the child, 
could not reach the child, could not get through to the child, then we 
would perhaps be advising and looking at something drastic which 
needed to be done. Some sort of institutionalisation, or sedation or 
medication.  Some form of appropriate sanctioning or corrective 

If there is no corrective intervention those systems will collapse; 
for instance the church congregation will disappear because no one can 
put up with a brat continuously and people would rather not go to 
church. etc etc. _Or_ the congregation learns to cope with a 
screaming, farting kid. The congregation is encouraged to put up with 
it and to listen to the sermon and sing the hymns and psalms, despite.

The *real value of the **moderation and restriction* is that that 
_precious space_ can then continue to be used as it should, as a holy 
space or a quiet, or an educational, or a sociable, or a creative, 
productive place. _On the other hand_; playgrounds, backyards, open 
fields, the beach are suitable, appropriate, approved  places for 
letting go, running around and making a noise, like seagulls in a 
feeding frenzy.

OK, Tony

Re: CS>

2021-08-04 Thread Tony Moody

On 2021/08/03 21:07, Max wrote:

So what if Cyndiann called me a troll and stupid for not getting the 
vaccine?  Ive got a huge body of evidence to the contrary.   Evidence 
which is compelling and powerful information to others interested in 
the pandemic and etiology and treatment of other corona virus induced 
disease. Info bombs are dropped daily by experts like Peter McCullough 
and Robert Malone.  The vaccination coup is on the verge of coming 
undone.   We will witness the resulting political turmoil

How does it change your mental outlook if you knew (thought 
experiment) that Cyndiann was 8 years old?  Would an 8 year old cause 
the whole group to abandon ship?  Ask what is the real value of 
increased moderation and restriction?



Hallo Max,

Yes, in answer to your question. Something would happen to the 
8-year-old, and to its parents, to get it to change its unacceptable, 
challenging  behaviour,

If we were in church or the supermarket, a classroom or at home in the 
dining-room for instance and the disagreeable 8-year created havoc, 
there would be an overwhelming consensus call for some sort of control 
of the situation. If the parents could not control the child then 
sanctions by the group would be applied. The parents and their child 
would not be welcome, not allowed in there until "it learns some 
manners", would be banished until things improved. Parental and peer 
pressure would be applied.  If the parents could not teach the child, 
could not reach the child, could not get through to the child, then we 
would perhaps be advising and looking at something drastic which needed 
to be done. Some sort of institutionalisation, or sedation or 
medication. Some form of appropriate sanctioning or corrective behaviour.

If there is no corrective intervention those systems will collapse; for 
instance the church congregation will disappear because no one can put 
up with a brat continuously and people would rather not go to church. 
etc etc. _Or_ the congregation learns to cope with a screaming, farting 
kid. The congregation is encouraged to put up with it and to listen to 
the sermon and sing the hymns and psalms, despite.

The *real value of the **moderation and restriction* is that that 
_precious space_ can then continue to be used as it should, as a holy 
space or a quiet, or an educational, or a sociable, or a creative, 
productive place. _On the other hand_; playgrounds, backyards, open 
fields, the beach are suitable, appropriate, approved  places for 
letting go, running around and making a noise, like seagulls in a 
feeding frenzy.

OK, Tony

Re: CS>

2021-08-03 Thread Deborah Gerard
I was at a garage sale last summer chatting with some ladies about the 
lockdowns and the virus and she told me her best friend's son killed himself 
and on the death certificate they put down COVID as the cause. That alone 
confirmed that is all BS that and no bio-hazard bins around for the masks and 
gloves...instead they are all over the ground.On Tuesday, August 3, 2021, 
08:46:55 PM EDT, Da Darrin  wrote:  
 I think a flu that only lasts a couple days even with a 103 degrees
fever for a few hours is mild, Whenever I have had the Flu in the past
it lasted two weeks or longer.

As far as young people goes I am 85,I don't think that the deaths from
Covid were from it but from a duplicity of other factors as well as
reports designed to scare people into taking the shots.
If you don't think they did a very good (they are still pushing it
hard) job of it wait a few years and see how many of the people that
got the shots are still here.
" If people dropped like flies  the sales of vaccines would come to a
screeching halt". That's one of the reasons it will take 10 to 15
years to finish the job.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 


Re: CS>

2021-08-03 Thread Neville Munn

From: Dave Darrin 
Sent: Wednesday, 4 August 2021 11:05 AM
Subject: Re: CS>

** Yes Dave, I agree with that.  This will be a Generational thing, it won't 
happen overnight, or 5 years, or even 10 years. Thank Christ I'll be well past 
my 'use by date' by then.  I'm the wrong side of 70 as well .

If people could read the WEF Manifesto, that nazi (K S and his clan) poor 
excuses for a humans, they would understand.  Unfortunately people are morons, 
they just sit in their loungerooms watching that idiot box, they haven't the 
intellignence or the responsibility to research, they just follow propaganda 
like sheep.  People have been indoctrinated and have been programmed for years. 
 You can see that any day of the week, they are walking around with face 
nappies, I rest my case...ROFPMSL.

ALL Governments are in on it, they ALL are signatories to it, why, because they 
attend those 'Summits' and rub shoulders with the global billionairs and the 
elite and follow the grand Plan.

If anyone gets the Flu, and it's NOT this Covid crap, it doesn't exist, that is 
just a name they put on it because they haven't and can't isolate the 
'particular' Coronavirus in question, mainly because it had been bioengineered, 
even blind Freddy would know that by now, now back to it, all people need to do 
is atomise home produced EIS through an ulstrasonic Nebulizer and see what 
happens. (opinion)


On Tue, Aug 3, 2021 at 5:46 PM Da Darrin>> wrote:
I think a flu that only lasts a couple days even with a 103 degrees
fever for a few hours is mild, Whenever I have had the Flu in the past
it lasted two weeks or longer.

As far as young people goes I am 85,I don't think that the deaths from
Covid were from it but from a duplicity of other factors as well as
reports designed to scare people into taking the shots.
If you don't think they did a very good (they are still pushing it
hard) job of it wait a few years and see how many of the people that
got the shots are still here.
" If people dropped like flies  the sales of vaccines would come to a
screeching halt". That's one of the reasons it will take 10 to 15
years to finish the job.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour <<>>

Re: CS>

2021-08-03 Thread Cyndiann Phillips
Oh my you guys are killing me with your misinformation! I wouldn't even
know where to start.

Not deadly to healthy young people? The hospitals are full of them right

On Tue, Aug 3, 2021 at 9:05 PM Dave Darrin  wrote:

> If you haven't noticed the vaccine has a genetic changing component added
> to it which was also paid for by the afore mentioned individuals.
> On Tue, Aug 3, 2021 at 5:46 PM Da Darrin  wrote:
>> I think a flu that only lasts a couple days even with a 103 degrees
>> fever for a few hours is mild, Whenever I have had the Flu in the past
>> it lasted two weeks or longer.
>> As far as young people goes I am 85,I don't think that the deaths from
>> Covid were from it but from a duplicity of other factors as well as
>> reports designed to scare people into taking the shots.
>> If you don't think they did a very good (they are still pushing it
>> hard) job of it wait a few years and see how many of the people that
>> got the shots are still here.
>> " If people dropped like flies  the sales of vaccines would come to a
>> screeching halt". That's one of the reasons it will take 10 to 15
>> years to finish the job.
>> --
>> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>>   Rules and Instructions:
>> Unsubscribe:
>> Archives:
>> Off-Topic discussions: 
>> List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>

2021-08-03 Thread Dave Darrin
If you haven't noticed the vaccine has a genetic changing component added
to it which was also paid for by the afore mentioned individuals.

On Tue, Aug 3, 2021 at 5:46 PM Da Darrin  wrote:

> I think a flu that only lasts a couple days even with a 103 degrees
> fever for a few hours is mild, Whenever I have had the Flu in the past
> it lasted two weeks or longer.
> As far as young people goes I am 85,I don't think that the deaths from
> Covid were from it but from a duplicity of other factors as well as
> reports designed to scare people into taking the shots.
> If you don't think they did a very good (they are still pushing it
> hard) job of it wait a few years and see how many of the people that
> got the shots are still here.
> " If people dropped like flies  the sales of vaccines would come to a
> screeching halt". That's one of the reasons it will take 10 to 15
> years to finish the job.
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>   Rules and Instructions:
> Unsubscribe:
> Archives:
> Off-Topic discussions: 
> List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>

2021-08-03 Thread Da Darrin
I think a flu that only lasts a couple days even with a 103 degrees
fever for a few hours is mild, Whenever I have had the Flu in the past
it lasted two weeks or longer.

As far as young people goes I am 85,I don't think that the deaths from
Covid were from it but from a duplicity of other factors as well as
reports designed to scare people into taking the shots.
If you don't think they did a very good (they are still pushing it
hard) job of it wait a few years and see how many of the people that
got the shots are still here.
" If people dropped like flies  the sales of vaccines would come to a
screeching halt". That's one of the reasons it will take 10 to 15
years to finish the job.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>

2021-08-03 Thread Max
nse that wide-ranging viewpoints will be fine - 
the line will be drawn at the ad hominem attack lines we've been experiencing here.


From: "Neville Munn" 
Date: Sun, Aug 1, 2021 8:28 pm
To: "" 
Subject: Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why?
No worries Linda.

In the big wide world of communications, people are going to be pestering other 
people one way or another at some stage.

The reason I won't leave here is for one, I will not be dragged down to someone elses level, 
and two, because sites end up being like FB, all buddy buddy, friends, a club, everything is 
controlled, any agenda, and three, I have been here too long, "I live in my own world, 
they all know me here", so to that end, I just prefer to ignore or delete, everyone has an 
opinion, or has a voice, right or wrong, that's life, besides, it doesn't hurt to have a 
disenting voice occasionally, keeps the world going round , and I can use the 'delete' 
button anytime I choose, I have the control.

I joined that other site, but then I unsubscribed the next day, there was no point 
for me, I would eventually be booted out for one reason or another eventually.  At 
least here people can just delete me or ignore me anyway .

From:  on behalf of Linda Ellis 

Sent: Monday, 2 August 2021 12:04 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why?

Speaking only for myself, the problem that I see as unsolvable is, there is no 
way to correct the situation with the Troll.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
   Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>

2021-08-03 Thread Da Darrin
At last you said something that was right on. " It's not the Wuhan
virus" You are right ,but it is the vaccine
that is meant to, if not kill you outright, it will shorten your life,
as a way to depopulate the planet. They  (Bill Gates and Anthony
Fauci) who own the Wuhan Lab, are looking to the greater good of
mankind and think they are saving the Earth for future mankind by
thinning the heard. The Covid 19 was a very mild Flu that is highly
contagious that was designed in their lab for the purpose of scaring
the hell out of everyone world wide so they could con them into taking
a vaccination that would cause a Genocide of "volunteers" so they
could get away with it.
 If you want to volunteer to save mankind by giving yourself up to
their Genocide plan That's your prerogative. I don't think that most
of the people here are of a mind to do so.

On Tue, Aug 3, 2021 at 1:35 PM Cyndiann Phillips  wrote:
> There is no mounting evidence. It's not the Wuhan virus.
> And I've only given back what was thrown at me first.
> Years ago we could discuss here but not anymore when I'm dealing with 
> brainwashed people. I hope you all get your heads out of your collective 
> asses before you are all dead or dealing with lung transplants or long covid.
> I gave you what you needed and won't see it.
> Don't act like you are respectful or  have an open mind. That used to happen 
> here but not for some time now.
> Florida is in real trouble right now, so glad I left! Statistics are alarming 
> now but you don't look at them. If you want to be stupid, it's on you but 
> don't spread it to family and friends.
> On Tue, Aug 3, 2021 at 2:20 PM Linda Ellis  wrote:
>> Neville, just so I'm sure my motive for leaving this list is clear..
>> I'm fine with people expressing differing opinions, and truly wish there was 
>> more respectful, open debate from different viewpoints on any number of 
>> topics.  If The Troll were offering RESPECTFUL thoughts on her differing 
>> viewpoints, in a manner which stimulated dialogue, I'd be all-in on that.
>> That isn't what's happening with her.  She has been asked several times (by 
>> Max and me, in particular) to present her thoughts on alternatives that 
>> could be helpful in fending off the Wuhan Virus.  After all, this is a group 
>> that is interested in solutions that are less reliant on the pharmaceutical 
>> model that dominates modern medicine these days.
>> She hasn't stepped up with any of that.  This is a CS group - has she been 
>> experimenting with CS to protect herself or help others?  How about herbs?  
>> Essential Oils?  Vitamins?  Other supplements?  Any of the numerous 
>> electricity-based tools?  As I recall, her response to Max when he asked 
>> this was that she refused to engage with people like him.
>> Her only response is that we should all bite the bullet and get the shots, 
>> and to denigrate and demean those who express skepticism and distrust of the 
>> vaccines, despite mounting evidence that we have good reason for concern.  
>> That's not even considering that a lot of people in groups such as these are 
>> experiencing some medical issues, about which we know nothing, and who may 
>> have very legitimate "contraindications" for those shots.  Or, they've 
>> already suffered at the hands of the Pharmaceutical Model, and are 
>> desperately looking for other solutions.
>> The Troll has, to my recollection, chosen to call well-intended people in 
>> this group morons, idiots, stupid, and a host of other invectives I don't 
>> recall.  Nobody in this group deserves these kinds of attacks.  Everybody is 
>> here for their own reasons; nobody can know what those reasons are; and all 
>> deserve to be treated with respect, with disagreements voiced respectfully.  
>> You and Max demonstrate how to handle disputes respectfully very well.  The 
>> Troll has repeatedly been admonished to moderate her tone, but continues to 
>> attack and demean.
>> I "tip my hat" in respect for your ability to tolerate this type of 
>> behavior.  I, for one, have reached my limit.  I do hope you'll reconsider 
>> and resubscribe to the other list - your views are valuable to all of us.  
>> I'm not a moderator over there, so I can't make assurances, but I get the 
>> sense that wide-ranging viewpoints will be fine - the line will be drawn at 
>> the ad hominem attack lines we've been experiencing here.
>> Linda
>> From: "Neville Munn&

Re: CS>

2021-08-03 Thread Cyndiann Phillips
There is no mounting evidence. It's not the Wuhan virus.

And I've only given back what was thrown at me first.

Years ago we could discuss here but not anymore when I'm dealing with
brainwashed people. I hope you all get your heads out of your collective
asses before you are all dead or dealing with lung transplants or long

I gave you what you needed and won't see it.

Don't act like you are respectful or  have an open mind. That used to
happen here but not for some time now.

Florida is in real trouble right now, so glad I left! Statistics are
alarming now but you don't look at them. If you want to be stupid, it's on
you but don't spread it to family and friends.

On Tue, Aug 3, 2021 at 2:20 PM Linda Ellis  wrote:

> Neville, just so I'm sure my motive for leaving this list is clear..
> I'm fine with people expressing differing opinions, and truly wish there
> was more respectful, open debate from different viewpoints on any number of
> topics.  If The Troll were offering RESPECTFUL thoughts on her differing
> viewpoints, in a manner which stimulated dialogue, I'd be all-in on that.
> That isn't what's happening with her.  She has been asked several times
> (by Max and me, in particular) to present her thoughts on alternatives that
> could be helpful in fending off the Wuhan Virus.  After all, this is a
> group that is interested in solutions that are less reliant on the
> pharmaceutical model that dominates modern medicine these days.
> She hasn't stepped up with any of that.  This is a CS group - has she been
> experimenting with CS to protect herself or help others?  How about herbs?
> Essential Oils?  Vitamins?  Other supplements?  Any of the numerous
> electricity-based tools?  As I recall, her response to Max when he asked
> this was that she refused to engage with people like him.
> Her only response is that we should all bite the bullet and get the shots,
> and to denigrate and demean those who express skepticism and distrust of
> the vaccines, despite mounting evidence that we have good reason for
> concern.  That's not even considering that a lot of people in groups such
> as these are experiencing some medical issues, about which we know nothing,
> and who may have very legitimate "contraindications" for those shots.  Or,
> they've already suffered at the hands of the Pharmaceutical Model, and are
> desperately looking for other solutions.
> The Troll has, to my recollection, chosen to call well-intended people in
> this group morons, idiots, stupid, and a host of other invectives I don't
> recall.  Nobody in this group deserves these kinds of attacks.  Everybody
> is here for their own reasons; nobody can know what those reasons are; and
> all deserve to be treated with respect, with disagreements voiced
> respectfully.  You and Max demonstrate how to handle disputes respectfully
> very well.  The Troll has repeatedly been admonished to moderate her tone,
> but continues to attack and demean.
> I "tip my hat" in respect for your ability to tolerate this type of
> behavior.  I, for one, have reached my limit.  I do hope you'll reconsider
> and resubscribe to the other list - your views are valuable to all of us.
> I'm not a moderator over there, so I can't make assurances, but I get the
> sense that wide-ranging viewpoints will be fine - the line will be drawn at
> the ad hominem attack lines we've been experiencing here.
> Linda
> *From: *"Neville Munn" 
> *Date: *Sun, Aug 1, 2021 8:28 pm
> *To: *"" 
> *Subject: *Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why?
> No worries Linda.
> In the big wide world of communications, people are going to be pestering
> other people one way or another at some stage.
> The reason I won't leave here is for one, I will not be dragged down to
> someone elses level, and two, because sites end up being like FB, all buddy
> buddy, friends, a club, everything is controlled, any agenda, and three, I
> have been here too long, "I live in my own world, they all know me here",
> so to that end, I just prefer to ignore or delete, everyone has an opinion,
> or has a voice, right or wrong, that's life, besides, it doesn't hurt to
> have a disenting voice occasionally, keeps the world going round , and I
> can use the 'delete' button anytime I choose, I have the control.
> I joined that other site, but then I unsubscribed the next day, there was
> no point for me, I would eventually be booted out for one reason or another
> eventually.  At least here people can just delete me or ignore me anyway
> .
> *From:*  on behalf of Linda Ellis <
> *Sent:* Monday, 2 August 2021 12:04 AM
> *To:* 
> *Subject:* Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why?
> Speaking only for myself, the problem that I see as unsolvable is, there
> is no way to correct the situation with the Troll.

Re: CS>

2021-08-03 Thread Max
So what if Cyndiann called me a troll and stupid for not getting the 
vaccine?  Ive got a huge body of evidence to the contrary. Evidence 
which is compelling and powerful information to others interested in the 
pandemic and etiology and treatment of other corona virus induced 
disease. Info bombs are dropped daily by experts like Peter McCullough 
and Robert Malone.  The vaccination coup is on the verge of coming 
undone.   We will witness the resulting political turmoil

How does it change your mental outlook if you knew (thought experiment) 
that Cyndiann was 8 years old?  Would an 8 year old cause the whole 
group to abandon ship?  Ask what is the real value of increased 
moderation and restriction?



On 8/3/2021 11:20 AM, Linda Ellis wrote:

Neville, just so I'm sure my motive for leaving this list is clear..

I'm fine with people expressing differing opinions, and truly wish 
there was more respectful, open debate from different viewpoints on 
any number of topics.  If The Troll were offering RESPECTFUL thoughts 
on her differing viewpoints, in a manner which stimulated dialogue, 
I'd be all-in on that.

That isn't what's happening with her.  She has been asked several 
times (by Max and me, in particular) to present her thoughts on 
alternatives that could be helpful in fending off the Wuhan Virus.  
After all, this is a group that is interested in solutions that are 
less reliant on the pharmaceutical model that dominates modern 
medicine these days.

She hasn't stepped up with any of that.  This is a CS group - has she 
been experimenting with CS to protect herself or help others? How 
about herbs?  Essential Oils?  Vitamins?  Other supplements? Any of 
the numerous electricity-based tools?  As I recall, her response to 
Max when he asked this was that she refused to engage with people like 

Her only response is that we should all bite the bullet and get the 
shots, and to denigrate and demean those who express skepticism and 
distrust of the vaccines, despite mounting evidence that we have good 
reason for concern.  That's not even considering that a lot of people 
in groups such as these are experiencing some medical issues, about 
which we know nothing, and who may have very legitimate 
"contraindications" for those shots.  Or, they've already suffered at 
the hands of the Pharmaceutical Model, and are desperately looking for 
other solutions.

The Troll has, to my recollection, chosen to call well-intended people 
in this group morons, idiots, stupid, and a host of other invectives I 
don't recall.  Nobody in this group deserves these kinds of attacks.  
Everybody is here for their own reasons; nobody can know what those 
reasons are; and all deserve to be treated with respect, with 
disagreements voiced respectfully.  You and Max demonstrate how to 
handle disputes respectfully very well.  The Troll has repeatedly been 
admonished to moderate her tone, but continues to attack and demean.

I "tip my hat" in respect for your ability to tolerate this type of 
behavior.  I, for one, have reached my limit.  I do hope you'll 
reconsider and resubscribe to the other list - your views are valuable 
to all of us.  I'm not a moderator over there, so I can't make 
assurances, but I get the sense that wide-ranging viewpoints will be 
fine - the line will be drawn at the ad hominem attack lines we've 
been experiencing here.


*From: *"Neville Munn" 
*Date: *Sun, Aug 1, 2021 8:28 pm
*To: *"" 
*Subject: *Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why?
No worries Linda.
In the big wide world of communications, people are going to be 
pestering other people one way or another at some stage.
The reason I won't leave here is for one, I will not be dragged down 
to someone elses level, and two, because sites end up being like FB, 
all buddy buddy, friends, a club, everything is controlled, any 
agenda, and three, I have been here too long, "I live in my own world, 
they all know me here", so to that end, I just prefer to ignore or 
delete, everyone has an opinion, or has a voice, right or wrong, 
that's life, besides, it doesn't hurt to have a disenting voice 
occasionally, keeps the world going round , and I can use the 
'delete' button anytime I choose, I have the control.
I joined that other site, but then I unsubscribed the next day, there 
was no point for me, I would eventually be booted out for one reason 
or another eventually.  At least here people can just delete me or 
ignore me anyway .

From:*  on behalf of Linda Ellis 

*Sent:* Monday, 2 August 2021 12:04 AM
*Subject:* Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why?
Speaking only for myself, the problem that I see as unsolvable is, 
there is no way to correct the situation with the Troll.

Re: CS>Frontline Workers Testimonies_News Reports_VAERS data_11APR2021_C.pdf - Google Drive

2021-08-02 Thread Rick
Most excellent contribution T.J.
Thank you!

On Sun, Aug 1, 2021 at 10:25 PM T. J. Garland 

> "Imagine a "vaccine" so safe you had to be threatened to get it, for a
> virus so deadly you had to be tested to know you have it".   Anon

Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why?

2021-08-02 Thread Tony Moody

Hallo Theresa,

You are a recent member but you must complete the process by *_reply to 
the email_* sent to you from, in order to confirm your email 

OK, Tony

On 2021/08/01 22:55, Tony Moody wrote:

Hi Theresa,

I have now invited you to the group. Please respond to the process.

I will check tomorrow if the invitation process was successful

Otherwise you can subscribe by going to the home page at:
Near the bottom of the home page you click on the blue button "+ Join 
this Group"

*or* send an email to Subscribe:


On 2021/08/01 20:21, Theresa Swift wrote:
I’m asking myself if I’ve made it to the new Lust. I asked to join 
the group. Haven’t seen a reply.


Re: CS>Watch this

2021-08-02 Thread Rick
Folks, it has been hours now and I keep rewinding and relistening to this
interview. It even shocked the German lawyers conducting the interview. The
truths have been coming out I feel largely by interviews with experts in
their field. But due to them being mass Censored by media, all mainstream
media including popular websites, we get pieces of this and that depending
upon how many alternative news sites we are able to see and compare and
learn from.

I have always taken an interest in digging deeper for truth. I have been
following all the disjointed information and now feel that I have a good
enough handle on it that I can talk to those who will listen. Talk to them
with a level of understanding that most will understand.

We have a good sized handful of individuals backed by billionaires and
government agencies using public monies to push this agenda of theirs to
persuade or force everyone to take one and more of these Covid shots.

Even the experts that are bringing us the truths, I find, are so deep in
their own expertise that they are not seeing the far bigger picture. The
amazing evil that is underfoot. But I feel that this particular interview
says enough about a lot to do with this so-called pandemic that many should
and will benefit greatly from watching and listening to it.

I don't know how many are subscribed to this list, but if you watch,
listen, and understand this. I do hope you will find a way to pass it on to
others. Both to your family and to the public at large be it your place of
worship, your club, your friends, on your own website, just wherever you

On Mon, Aug 2, 2021 at 4:36 AM Rick  wrote:

> *Tony*
> Thank you for that! Shows even more smoking guns. So many smoking guns
> which is why they won't stop PUSHING out these lethal Shots.
> On Sun, Aug 1, 2021 at 3:54 PM Tony Moody  wrote:

Re: CS>Watch this

2021-08-02 Thread Rick
Thank you for that! Shows even more smoking guns. So many smoking guns
which is why they won't stop PUSHING out these lethal Shots.

On Sun, Aug 1, 2021 at 3:54 PM Tony Moody  wrote:


Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why?

2021-08-01 Thread Neville Munn
No worries Linda.

In the big wide world of communications, people are going to be pestering other 
people one way or another at some stage.

The reason I won't leave here is for one, I will not be dragged down to someone 
elses level, and two, because sites end up being like FB, all buddy buddy, 
friends, a club, everything is controlled, any agenda, and three, I have been 
here too long, "I live in my own world, they all know me here", so to that end, 
I just prefer to ignore or delete, everyone has an opinion, or has a voice, 
right or wrong, that's life, besides, it doesn't hurt to have a disenting voice 
occasionally, keeps the world going round , and I can use the 'delete' 
button anytime I choose, I have the control.

I joined that other site, but then I unsubscribed the next day, there was no 
point for me, I would eventually be booted out for one reason or another 
eventually.  At least here people can just delete me or ignore me anyway .


From:  on behalf of Linda Ellis 

Sent: Monday, 2 August 2021 12:04 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why?

Speaking only for myself, the problem that I see as unsolvable is, there is no 
way to correct the situation with the Troll.

Re: CS>Watch this

2021-08-01 Thread Deborah Gerard
 Dr. Fuellmich is so awesome!!!
On Sunday, August 1, 2021, 03:54:33 PM EDT, Tony Moody  

Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why?

2021-08-01 Thread Tony Moody

Hi Theresa,

I have now invited you to the group. Please respond to the process.

I will check tomorrow if the invitation process was successful

Otherwise you can subscribe by going to the home page at:
Near the bottom of the home page you click on the blue button "+ Join 
this Group"

*or* send an email to Subscribe:


On 2021/08/01 20:21, Theresa Swift wrote:
I’m asking myself if I’ve made it to the new Lust. I asked to join the 
group. Haven’t seen a reply.


Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why?

2021-08-01 Thread Theresa Swift
I’m asking myself if I’ve made it to the new Lust. I asked to join the
group. Haven’t seen a reply.

On Sun, Aug 1, 2021 at 10:05 AM Linda Ellis  wrote:

> Speaking only for myself, the problem that I see as unsolvable is, there
> is no way to correct the situation with the Troll.
> Max asked her very politely to articulate what ALTERNATIVE methods she
> suggests, or is working with, to address the Wuhan Virus.  Her response was
> to figuratively flip him off, saying something like "I don't engage with
> people like you."  This kind of comment doesn't add anything to the cause
> of this list, which is to explore alternatives to the pharmaceutical model
> which dominates medical care today.
> I followed up on Max's request, asking the Troll to provide information
> about ALTERNATIVES that she is experimenting with.  I believe that post did
> make the list, although I only saw it in comments by others that included
> it.  I never saw a response from the Troll that addressed my request,
> either.
> While I've deleted all her posts, and am diligently sending any new posts
> that sneak through to my Spam folder, my recollection is that her posts
> advocate strongly for the vaccines, and viciously attack anybody who
> presents information that questions the vaccines' efficacy or safety.  She
> doesn't dispute these posts in any kind of positive, constructive manner -
> the way Max addresses various posts.  She uses invectives - everybody who
> doesn't believe as she does is "a nutjob," or stupid, or dangerous, or
> whatever.  I recall one post where she seemed happy that people who were
> resisting the vaccines would die and be out of the way - her only regret
> was that "they" would take others with them.
> Years ago, when Mike was involved with this group, he was very good at
> discipline and control - allowing disagreements, but keeping them civil and
> on track.  I do recall one woman who behaved a lot like our current Troll,
> and when Mike was unable to rein in her insulting attacks, I believe he
> gave her an ultimatum.  She chose not to moderate her behavior, so she was
> gone.  I get the sense that this current Troll will not take any hints and
> moderate herself, but there's apparently no way to stop her.
> Yes, I'm diligently putting her in my Spam folder, but she still sneaks
> through.  Hopefully, the new list moderators will have better control over
> this type of thing.
> There's a second reason to move over - on this list, I don't get my own
> posts to the list.  This is confusing.  Did my post make it, but my subject
> matter wasn't of interest to anyone in the group, so nobody responded?  Did
> I violate some protocol, so the post never made it?  I'm hoping that I
> don't experience the same problem on the new list, and can see when my
> messages are posted.  At least I'll know if what I have to contribute is of
> interest to anybody.
> Thanks for your consideration.
> Linda
> --
> *From: *"Neville Munn" 
> *Date: *Sat, Jul 31, 2021 9:59 pm
> *To: *"" 
> *Subject: *Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why?
> Why would you want to leave?  Just because there are some toe rags
> who/her/him/it/them infiltrate and cause a little
> inconvenience occasionally, so be it, that's the life of Social Platforms.
> One gets plenty of stuff on the internet, (rubbish, scams, adverts etc
> etc), one only has to ignore/delete what one doesn't want to see/read, the
> same applies here, one cannot get away from it, and one will never get away
> from it, so just live with it, they don't control your life, or do they?
> They don't control my life that's for sure, I'm bigger than that.
> The one person in question here, him/her/it/them don't control my life,
> people see or read plenty of rubbish, so what?
> Leaving was/is the plan, like the Great Reset, but, at least one can
> control it if one wishes to.
> I know the end game, that makes me prepared, I can still think and reason.
> Conclusion:  Nope, it doesn't faze me I'm afraid, I will still stay here,
> there are plenty of buttons on my keyboard, eazy peazy.
> N.
> *From:*  on behalf of Linda Ellis <
> *Sent:* Sunday, 1 August 2021 11:00 AM
> *To:* 
> *Subject:* Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why?
> I can't speak for James, but I've been around (just silent) for a long
> time - maybe 15 years, I don't recall.
> I'm leaving this list and going to the new list because I'm tired of the
> Troll Mol, and I have the sense that the new list will not accept her, so
> things should be more sane over there.
> I haven't tried to unsubscribe here yet, but I have been working to move
> the Troll Mol into my Spam folder.

Re: CS>What is the new list?

2021-08-01 Thread Cyndiann Phillips
Disinfo agents=Breitbart and natural news

On Sun, Aug 1, 2021 at 11:42 AM Max  wrote:

> There is no way to keep running away from disinfo agents, or sincerely
> deluded people.  They are everywhere, in every news, every institution,
> every public forum.  I dont see a big problem. One can either use them as a
> way to get the good info out there, or ignore them.  Im not offended when
> Cyndiann  posts.  There is a problem with the cancel culture.  There may
> always be someone who is saying something we dont agree with who might
> actually be right
> On 8/1/2021 8:22 AM, Nenah Sylver wrote:
> James wrote: Hello dear fellow posters,
> Please advise me that this is correct:
> This list is being dominated by a destructive disinformation agent.
> There is no way to stop it.
> Most of the constructive contributors to this list are moving to one with
> some moderation so that the troll can be eliminated.
> That is why I am leaving.
> In spirit the new list is really this list, but with the authority and
> means to shut out an obvious disinfo and conflict-initiating operation.
> Thank you, James. I couldn't have said it better.

Re: CS>What is the new list?

2021-08-01 Thread Cyndiann Phillips
I posted links showing that the websites being posted were not giving real
information. I'm talking about breitbart and natural news. Nobody took them
seriously so then I am to blame when I won't provide more? You all are a

Years from now you all will really feel stupid over what you are doing. Or
your offspring will.

On Sun, Aug 1, 2021 at 11:22 AM Nenah Sylver  wrote:

> James wrote: Hello dear fellow posters,
> Please advise me that this is correct:
> This list is being dominated by a destructive disinformation agent.
> There is no way to stop it.
> Most of the constructive contributors to this list are moving to one with
> some moderation so that the troll can be eliminated.
> That is why I am leaving.
> In spirit the new list is really this list, but with the authority and
> means to shut out an obvious disinfo and conflict-initiating operation.
> Thank you, James. I couldn't have said it better.
> *Nenah Sylver, PhD*
> author, *The Rife Handbook*
> *of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health, 5th Edition*
> NEW Etsy Shop: Earth Riches
> Handmade, one-of-a-kind jewelry
> of semi-precious stones from the Earth
> plus rare and unique vintage items

Re: CS>What is the new list?

2021-08-01 Thread Tony Moody

On 2021/08/01 14:28, Shelby wrote:

I would love to join a new list and leave this one behind. I read 
nothing of what comes in my in box except for this unsubscribe email.

Do you know of a new list to subscribe to? Please email it to me.


Hi Shelby,

You can subscribe to the new home by going to the home page at:

Near the bottom of the home page you click on the blue button "+ Join 
this Group"

_*or*_ send an email to Subscribe:


Re: CS>What is the new list?

2021-08-01 Thread Ed

The only problem with this Nenah is the destructive person is
  your friend, from yours and hers past posts.  She is your agent to
  get people to move to your advertising site, so you can sell books
  and memorabilia, why your interest now here- funny - she goes on a
  rampage, and you show up!  lol

On 8/1/2021 8:22 AM, Nenah Sylver

wrote: Hello dear fellow posters, 
advise me that this is correct:
list is being dominated by a destructive disinformation
is no way to stop it. 
of the constructive contributors to this list are moving to
one with some moderation so that the troll can be
is why I am leaving. 
spirit the new list is really this list, but with the
authority and means to shut out an obvious disinfo and
conflict-initiating operation. 

you, James. I couldn't have said it better.

Sylver, PhD
  author, The Rife Handbook
  of Frequency Therapy and Holistic
  Health, 5th Edition

  NEW Etsy Shop: Earth Riches
  Handmade, one-of-a-kind jewelry
  of semi-precious stones from the Earth
  plus rare and unique vintage items



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>What is the new list?

2021-08-01 Thread Nenah Sylver
Max wrote: There is no way to keep running away from disinfo agents, or 
sincerely deluded people.  They are everywhere, in every news, every 
institution, every public forum.  I dont see a big problem. One can either use 
them as a way to get the good info out there, or ignore them.  Im not offended 
when Cyndiann  posts.  There is a problem with the cancel culture.  There may 
always be someone who is saying something we dont agree with who might actually 
be right



Max, I completely agree with you that there is no way to "run away" from 
"disinfo agents, or sincerely deluded people."


For me, it's not a matter of being "offended" by such people. It has to do with 
what appears their intent to disrupt, and with obviously negative energy. 


In the case of this particular disinformation agent, no attempts were made to 
engage in civil discourse, or to seriously consider another's point of view. 
(Indeed, a different point of view was never even addressed.) It was just 
attacks and name calling. And others were responding in kind, so the bad vibes 
were escalated.


At such a point, I put up my boundaries and say "No more." This is a matter of 
boundaries, not "cancel culture."


This will be my last post. I am unsubscribing to this list.


I hope to see most of you on the new egroup.


Nenah Sylver, PhD

author, The Rife Handbook

of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health, 5th Edition   



Re: CS>What is the new list?

2021-08-01 Thread Max
There is no way to keep running away from disinfo agents, or sincerely 
deluded people.  They are everywhere, in every news, every institution, 
every public forum.  I dont see a big problem. One can either use them 
as a way to get the good info out there, or ignore them.  Im not 
offended when Cyndiann  posts.  There is a problem with the cancel 
culture.  There may always be someone who is saying something we dont 
agree with who might actually be right

On 8/1/2021 8:22 AM, Nenah Sylver wrote:

James wrote: Hello dear fellow posters,

Please advise me that this is correct:

This list is being dominated by a destructive disinformation agent.

There is no way to stop it.

Most of the constructive contributors to this list are moving to one 
with some moderation so that the troll can be eliminated.

That is why I am leaving.

In spirit the new list is really this list, but with the authority and 
means to shut out an obvious disinfo and conflict-initiating operation.

Thank you, James. I couldn't have said it better.


RE: CS>What is the new list?

2021-08-01 Thread Nenah Sylver
James wrote: Hello dear fellow posters, 


Please advise me that this is correct:

This list is being dominated by a destructive disinformation agent.  

There is no way to stop it. 

Most of the constructive contributors to this list are moving to one with some 
moderation so that the troll can be eliminated.  

That is why I am leaving. 

In spirit the new list is really this list, but with the authority and means to 
shut out an obvious disinfo and conflict-initiating operation. 

Thank you, James. I couldn't have said it better.


Nenah Sylver, PhD

author, The Rife Handbook

of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health, 5th Edition 


NEW Etsy Shop: Earth Riches

Handmade, one-of-a-kind jewelry

of semi-precious stones from the Earth

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Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why?

2021-08-01 Thread Cyndiann Phillips
Mike would not approve of people making up shit as if it was real.

Stop posting conspiracy theories as science.

Yes, get the damned vaccine, it saves way more lives than it hurts. Until
that happens it's never going away and I have to stay away from you morons
that think you will have magnetic arms and all the other lies.

On Sun, Aug 1, 2021 at 10:05 AM Linda Ellis  wrote:

> Speaking only for myself, the problem that I see as unsolvable is, there
> is no way to correct the situation with the Troll.
> Max asked her very politely to articulate what ALTERNATIVE methods she
> suggests, or is working with, to address the Wuhan Virus.  Her response was
> to figuratively flip him off, saying something like "I don't engage with
> people like you."  This kind of comment doesn't add anything to the cause
> of this list, which is to explore alternatives to the pharmaceutical model
> which dominates medical care today.
> I followed up on Max's request, asking the Troll to provide information
> about ALTERNATIVES that she is experimenting with.  I believe that post did
> make the list, although I only saw it in comments by others that included
> it.  I never saw a response from the Troll that addressed my request,
> either.
> While I've deleted all her posts, and am diligently sending any new posts
> that sneak through to my Spam folder, my recollection is that her posts
> advocate strongly for the vaccines, and viciously attack anybody who
> presents information that questions the vaccines' efficacy or safety.  She
> doesn't dispute these posts in any kind of positive, constructive manner -
> the way Max addresses various posts.  She uses invectives - everybody who
> doesn't believe as she does is "a nutjob," or stupid, or dangerous, or
> whatever.  I recall one post where she seemed happy that people who were
> resisting the vaccines would die and be out of the way - her only regret
> was that "they" would take others with them.
> Years ago, when Mike was involved with this group, he was very good at
> discipline and control - allowing disagreements, but keeping them civil and
> on track.  I do recall one woman who behaved a lot like our current Troll,
> and when Mike was unable to rein in her insulting attacks, I believe he
> gave her an ultimatum.  She chose not to moderate her behavior, so she was
> gone.  I get the sense that this current Troll will not take any hints and
> moderate herself, but there's apparently no way to stop her.
> Yes, I'm diligently putting her in my Spam folder, but she still sneaks
> through.  Hopefully, the new list moderators will have better control over
> this type of thing.
> There's a second reason to move over - on this list, I don't get my own
> posts to the list.  This is confusing.  Did my post make it, but my subject
> matter wasn't of interest to anyone in the group, so nobody responded?  Did
> I violate some protocol, so the post never made it?  I'm hoping that I
> don't experience the same problem on the new list, and can see when my
> messages are posted.  At least I'll know if what I have to contribute is of
> interest to anybody.
> Thanks for your consideration.
> Linda
> --
> *From: *"Neville Munn" 
> *Date: *Sat, Jul 31, 2021 9:59 pm
> *To: *"" 
> *Subject: *Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why?
> Why would you want to leave?  Just because there are some toe rags
> who/her/him/it/them infiltrate and cause a little
> inconvenience occasionally, so be it, that's the life of Social Platforms.
> One gets plenty of stuff on the internet, (rubbish, scams, adverts etc
> etc), one only has to ignore/delete what one doesn't want to see/read, the
> same applies here, one cannot get away from it, and one will never get away
> from it, so just live with it, they don't control your life, or do they?
> They don't control my life that's for sure, I'm bigger than that.
> The one person in question here, him/her/it/them don't control my life,
> people see or read plenty of rubbish, so what?
> Leaving was/is the plan, like the Great Reset, but, at least one can
> control it if one wishes to.
> I know the end game, that makes me prepared, I can still think and reason.
> Conclusion:  Nope, it doesn't faze me I'm afraid, I will still stay here,
> there are plenty of buttons on my keyboard, eazy peazy.
> N.
> *From:*  on behalf of Linda Ellis <
> *Sent:* Sunday, 1 August 2021 11:00 AM
> *To:* 
> *Subject:* Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why?
> I can't speak for James, but I've been around (just silent) for a long
> time - maybe 15 years, I don't recall.
> I'm leaving this list and going to the new list because I'm tired of the
> Troll Mol, and I have the sense that the new list will not accept her, so
> things should be more sane over there.
> I haven't tried to unsubscribe here yet, but I have been working to move
> the Troll Mol into my Spam folder.

Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why?

2021-08-01 Thread Linda Ellis
Speaking only for myself, the problem that I see as unsolvable is, there is no 
way to correct the situation with the Troll.  


Max asked her very politely to articulate what ALTERNATIVE methods she 
suggests, or is working with, to address the Wuhan Virus.  Her response was to 
figuratively flip him off, saying something like "I don't engage with people 
like you."  This kind of comment doesn't add anything to the cause of this 
list, which is to explore alternatives to the pharmaceutical model which 
dominates medical care today.   


I followed up on Max's request, asking the Troll to provide information about 
ALTERNATIVES that she is experimenting with.  I believe that post did make the 
list, although I only saw it in comments by others that included it.  I never 
saw a response from the Troll that addressed my request, either. 


While I've deleted all her posts, and am diligently sending any new posts that 
sneak through to my Spam folder, my recollection is that her posts advocate 
strongly for the vaccines, and viciously attack anybody who presents 
information that questions the vaccines' efficacy or safety.  She doesn't 
dispute these posts in any kind of positive, constructive manner - the way Max 
addresses various posts.  She uses invectives - everybody who doesn't believe 
as she does is "a nutjob," or stupid, or dangerous, or whatever.  I recall one 
post where she seemed happy that people who were resisting the vaccines would 
die and be out of the way - her only regret was that "they" would take others 
with them. 


Years ago, when Mike was involved with this group, he was very good at 
discipline and control - allowing disagreements, but keeping them civil and on 
track.  I do recall one woman who behaved a lot like our current Troll, and 
when Mike was unable to rein in her insulting attacks, I believe he gave her an 
ultimatum.  She chose not to moderate her behavior, so she was gone.  I get the 
sense that this current Troll will not take any hints and moderate herself, but 
there's apparently no way to stop her.   


Yes, I'm diligently putting her in my Spam folder, but she still sneaks 
through.  Hopefully, the new list moderators will have better control over this 
type of thing. 


There's a second reason to move over - on this list, I don't get my own posts 
to the list.  This is confusing.  Did my post make it, but my subject matter 
wasn't of interest to anyone in the group, so nobody responded?  Did I violate 
some protocol, so the post never made it?  I'm hoping that I don't experience 
the same problem on the new list, and can see when my messages are posted.  At 
least I'll know if what I have to contribute is of interest to anybody. 


Thanks for your consideration. 





 From: "Neville Munn"  

Date: Sat, Jul 31, 2021 9:59 pm 

To: ""  

Subject: Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why? 

 Why would you want to leave?  Just because there are some toe rags 
who/her/him/it/them infiltrate and cause a little inconvenience occasionally, 
so be it, that's the life of Social Platforms.   One gets plenty of stuff on 
the internet, (rubbish, scams, adverts etc etc), one only has to ignore/delete 
what one doesn't want to see/read, the same applies here, one cannot get away 
from it, and one will never get away from it, so just live with it, they don't 
control your life, or do they?  They don't control my life that's for sure, I'm 
bigger than that.   The one person in question here, him/her/it/them don't 
control my life, people see or read plenty of rubbish, so what?   Leaving 
was/is the plan, like the Great Reset, but, at least one can control it if one 
wishes to.   I know the end game, that makes me prepared, I can still think and 
reason.   Conclusion:  Nope, it doesn't faze me I'm afraid, I will still stay 
here, there are plenty of buttons on my keyboard, eazy peazy.   N.     From:  on behalf of Linda Ellis 

 Sent: Sunday, 1 August 2021 11:00 AM 


 Subject: Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why?   I can't speak for James, but I've been 
around (just silent) for a long time - maybe 15 years, I don't recall. 


 I'm leaving this list and going to the new list because I'm tired of the Troll 
Mol, and I have the sense that the new list will not accept her, so things 
should be more sane over there. 


 I haven't tried to unsubscribe here yet, but I have been working to move the 
Troll Mol into my Spam folder. 



Re: CS>"Gangster's Moll", ANTI TRUTH MOLL . . . Censor Moll . . .

2021-07-31 Thread Rick
Well, finally we know that there is no Covid the numbers are from those who
died from the Flu and the Covid Shots. 7 Universities tested over 1500
so-called positive samples. Found two influenza but NO Covid. IT IS ALL
ABOUT These Covid Shots and that is it.

The Shots are very harmful, micro blood-clotting due to it making our cells
produce Spike Proteins and a slew of adverse reactions. Now confirmation of
Graphene Oxide (Lead) not listed in the contents and left out of the patent
which also causes blood clots.

Israel's government is being pushed by Big Pharma for a 3rd shot and to
either ban or make illegal Ivermectin and HCQ so that the public thinks
that the only save could be to accept the Covid Shots.

All the information, the real Truths are all coming together and making so
much sense of what this all really is about. Legal actions about to begin
in several countries, but will they let the cases be heard? Will these
trials see the light of day? Let us hope so, but we may have to push harder
to be sure.

Thanks to so many who have put their lives, their jobs, and their
retirements on the line so that the rest of us too can understand just how
horrible this truly is!

Medical industry dependence

On Sat, Jul 31, 2021 at 7:55 PM Cyndiann Phillips 

> Nenah I am here and speaking out so more people don't die over
> misinformation. I am seeing a lot of made up crap being posted. This group
> has truly gone down hill on that one.
> Stop passing on fake news from fake websites. And I am an herbalist, I use
> alternative medicine and plants but I don't deal in things that will cause
> people harm like you all are. Shame on all of you!
> On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 4:22 PM Nenah Sylver 
> wrote:
>> Douglas Haack wrote: My efforts so far may have been of no value or
>> assistance, so here is my angle "how to cope" with TROLLS" again" and again
>> and again . . . many of you all are so patient saints in fact . . .  this
>> Troll person can't invade my mail space at all . . . . Drop TROLLS into
>> SPAM -- they then won't appear again on your email inbox . *Simply
>> tick the TROLL email and then TICK on SPAM icon at top of page . . *
>>  Try it  It works . . . . EASY PEASY.
>> ===
>> So far, I have pretty much stayed out of anything related to the
>> disruptions on this egroup. I have the disruptor in my spam folder.
>> What I do want to comment on, is how some people on this list allow
>> themselves to be sucked in to getting indignant and becoming reactive. You
>> are giving this troll person power (and adding to the general agitation on
>> So I'm wondering, perhaps some of the list members need this agitation to
>> get their juices flowing? Just a question. (The one silver lining is that
>> some people are coming up with great information in their attempt to offer
>> rebuttals, and I have used this information on occasion.)
>> On this other silver list there is HASSLE-FREE discussion, because unlike
>> this Eskimo group, the group has visible (though very laid
>> back) leadership and we can boot off anyone who's being disruptive and
>> discourteous.
>> So, if everyone moved to and posted there instead of on the
>> Eskimo list, the problem would be SOLVED. Right now, that group is quiet
>> and this group is where all the action (and agitation) is. I wonder what is
>> keeping people here.
>> The need for energy, perhaps? Even if that energy is negative?
>> *Nenah Sylver, PhD*
>> author, *The Rife Handbook*
>> *of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health, 5th Edition*

Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why?

2021-07-31 Thread Douglas Haack
 Linda, we who have been here for years will go over -- my Firefox Spam bucket 
works, I don't get any of the TROLL MOLL's stuff . . 

there's no guarantee you can keep the new list sane . . . 


On Sunday, 1 August 2021, 11:00:26 am AEST, Linda Ellis 
 I can't speak for James, but I've been around (just silent) for a long time - 
maybe 15 years, I don't recall.

I'm leaving this list and going to the new list because I'm tired of the Troll 
Mol, and I have the sense that the new list will not accept her, so things 
should be more sane over there.

I haven't tried to unsubscribe here yet, but I have been working to move the 
Troll Mol into my Spam folder.

From: "Douglas Haack" 
Date: Sat, Jul 31, 2021 7:07 pm
To: "" 
Subject: Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why?
  James, you have been on this site for years, like me I;ve been here since1997 
. . . Why are you wanting to unsubscribe . . .??  dh  On Sunday, 1 August 2021, 
10:00:47 am AEST, James Osbourne Holmes  wrote:  
UnsubscribeJames 1.618 James Osbourne Holmes a/k/a Red Pill Media 

Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why?

2021-07-31 Thread Douglas Haack
 Hello, I'm on Firefox and I don't get any of her stuff, the TROLL MOLL -- the  
SPAM bucket seems to work for me . . . .
I too will/have moved to the new list, for the time being I'll stay here too

On Sunday, 1 August 2021, 11:07:01 am AEST, James Osbourne Holmes 
 Hello dear fellow posters, 
Please advise me that this is correct:This list is being dominated by a 
destructive disinformation agent.  There is no way to stop it. Most of the 
constructive contributors to this list are moving to one with some moderation 
so that the troll can be eliminated.  That is why I am leaving. In spirit the 
new list is really this list, but with the authority and means to shut out an 
obvious disinfo and conflict-initiating operation. 
James 1.618
James Osbourne Holmesa/k/a Red Pill Media

On Sat, Jul 31, 2021 at 7:00 PM Linda Ellis  wrote:

I can't speak for James, but I've been around (just silent) for a long time - 
maybe 15 years, I don't recall.

I'm leaving this list and going to the new list because I'm tired of the Troll 
Mol, and I have the sense that the new list will not accept her, so things 
should be more sane over there.

I haven't tried to unsubscribe here yet, but I have been working to move the 
Troll Mol into my Spam folder.

From: "Douglas Haack" 
Date: Sat, Jul 31, 2021 7:07 pm
To: "" 
Subject: Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why?
 James, you have been on this site for years, like me I;ve been here since1997 
. . . Why are you wanting to unsubscribe . . .??  dh  On Sunday, 1 August 2021, 
10:00:47 am AEST, James Osbourne Holmes  wrote:  
UnsubscribeJames 1.618 James Osbourne Holmes a/k/a Red Pill Media 


Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why?

2021-07-31 Thread Douglas Haack
 James, you have been on this site for years, like me I;ve been here since1997 
. . . 
Why are you wanting to unsubscribe . . .??


On Sunday, 1 August 2021, 10:00:47 am AEST, James Osbourne Holmes 
 UnsubscribeJames 1.618
James Osbourne Holmesa/k/a Red Pill Media


RE: CS>Unsubscribe -- why?

2021-07-31 Thread Nenah Sylver
James wrote: I keep sending a mail with "Unsubscribe" in the subject line. Is 
that the way to unsubscribe? 


James, to the best of my knowledge that USED to be the way to unsubscribe--when 
Mike was taking care of this list. However, he is no longer involved, even 
though he is still officially listed as this group's owner. 


I looked up Eskimo Internet Hosting and found two phone numbers on their site: 
(206) 812-0051 or (800) 246-6874. You might try calling them.


I believe that Tony had contacted them at some point, but without Mike's active 
involvement we are stuck with this trolled list. I am hoping that Tony can add 
to my limited knowledge. 


Nenah Sylver, PhD

author, The Rife Handbook

of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health, 5th Edition 


Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why?

2021-07-31 Thread James Osbourne Holmes
I keep sending a mail with "Unsubscribe" in the subject line. Is that the
way to unsubscribe?
James 1.618

James Osbourne Holmes
a/k/a *Red Pill Media*

On Sat, Jul 31, 2021 at 9:08 PM Nenah Sylver  wrote:

> dh wrote: there's no guarantee you can keep the new list sane . . .
> Between Tony and myself, we WILL keep the new list sane. Tony took the
> time and trouble to create the new list precisely so it could be moderated,
> because many years ago Mike dropped the ball moderating this one.
> Most of the people on the Eskimo silver list are courteous and "sane," so
> there won't be any problems. My personal feeling is that the trolls will
> avoid the new list because they know they won't get away with anything.
> Nenah
> *Nenah Sylver, PhD*
> author, *The Rife Handbook*
> *of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health, 5th Edition*

RE: CS>Unsubscribe -- why?

2021-07-31 Thread Nenah Sylver
dh wrote: there's no guarantee you can keep the new list sane . . . 


Between Tony and myself, we WILL keep the new list sane. Tony took the time and 
trouble to create the new list precisely so it could be moderated, because many 
years ago Mike dropped the ball moderating this one.


Most of the people on the Eskimo silver list are courteous and "sane," so there 
won't be any problems. My personal feeling is that the trolls will avoid the 
new list because they know they won't get away with anything.




Nenah Sylver, PhD

author, The Rife Handbook

of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health, 5th Edition   


Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why?

2021-07-31 Thread Neville Munn
Why would you want to leave?  Just because there are some toe rags 
who/her/him/it/them infiltrate and cause a little inconvenience occasionally, 
so be it, that's the life of Social Platforms.

One gets plenty of stuff on the internet, (rubbish, scams, adverts etc etc), 
one only has to ignore/delete what one doesn't want to see/read, the same 
applies here, one cannot get away from it, and one will never get away from it, 
so just live with it, they don't control your life, or do they?  They don't 
control my life that's for sure, I'm bigger than that.

The one person in question here, him/her/it/them don't control my life, people 
see or read plenty of rubbish, so what?

Leaving was/is the plan, like the Great Reset, but, at least one can control it 
if one wishes to.

I know the end game, that makes me prepared, I can still think and reason.

Conclusion:  Nope, it doesn't faze me I'm afraid, I will still stay here, there 
are plenty of buttons on my keyboard, eazy peazy.


From:  on behalf of Linda Ellis 

Sent: Sunday, 1 August 2021 11:00 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why?

I can't speak for James, but I've been around (just silent) for a long time - 
maybe 15 years, I don't recall.

I'm leaving this list and going to the new list because I'm tired of the Troll 
Mol, and I have the sense that the new list will not accept her, so things 
should be more sane over there.

I haven't tried to unsubscribe here yet, but I have been working to move the 
Troll Mol into my Spam folder.

Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why?

2021-07-31 Thread Cyndiann Phillips
Like this crap

On Sat, Jul 31, 2021 at 10:25 PM Cyndiann Phillips 

> I'm fighting the disinformation, not causing it.
> I'm not the only  one, others have popped up at times but when they see
> how I get treated, referred to as "it" and worse, they don't speak up.
> You all have ruined a great group and are too stupid to see what you've
> done.
> Please stop killing people with misinformation.
> The ones with misinformation are moving to the new list, not the ones with
> the truth.
> It's a really sad day!
> On Sat, Jul 31, 2021 at 9:07 PM James Osbourne Holmes <
>> wrote:
>> Hello dear fellow posters,
>> Please advise me that this is correct:
>> This list is being dominated by a destructive disinformation agent.
>> There is no way to stop it.
>> Most of the constructive contributors to this list are moving to one with
>> some moderation so that the troll can be eliminated.
>> That is why I am leaving.
>> In spirit the new list is really this list, but with the authority and
>> means to shut out an obvious disinfo and conflict-initiating operation.
>> James 1.618
>> James Osbourne Holmes
>> a/k/a *Red Pill Media*
>> On Sat, Jul 31, 2021 at 7:00 PM Linda Ellis  wrote:
>>> I can't speak for James, but I've been around (just silent) for a long
>>> time - maybe 15 years, I don't recall.
>>> I'm leaving this list and going to the new list because I'm tired of the
>>> Troll Mol, and I have the sense that the new list will not accept her, so
>>> things should be more sane over there.
>>> I haven't tried to unsubscribe here yet, but I have been working to move
>>> the Troll Mol into my Spam folder.
>>> --
>>> *From: *"Douglas Haack" 
>>> *Date: *Sat, Jul 31, 2021 7:07 pm
>>> *To: *"" 
>>> *Subject: *Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why?
>>> James, you have been on this site for years, like me I;ve been here
>>> since1997 . . .
>>> Why are you wanting to unsubscribe . . .??
>>> dh
>>> On Sunday, 1 August 2021, 10:00:47 am AEST, James Osbourne Holmes <
>>>> wrote:
>>> Unsubscribe
>>> James 1.618
>>> James Osbourne Holmes
>>> a/k/a *Red Pill Media*

Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why?

2021-07-31 Thread Cyndiann Phillips
I'm fighting the disinformation, not causing it.

I'm not the only  one, others have popped up at times but when they see how
I get treated, referred to as "it" and worse, they don't speak up.

You all have ruined a great group and are too stupid to see what you've

Please stop killing people with misinformation.

The ones with misinformation are moving to the new list, not the ones with
the truth.

It's a really sad day!

On Sat, Jul 31, 2021 at 9:07 PM James Osbourne Holmes <> wrote:

> Hello dear fellow posters,
> Please advise me that this is correct:
> This list is being dominated by a destructive disinformation agent.
> There is no way to stop it.
> Most of the constructive contributors to this list are moving to one with
> some moderation so that the troll can be eliminated.
> That is why I am leaving.
> In spirit the new list is really this list, but with the authority and
> means to shut out an obvious disinfo and conflict-initiating operation.
> James 1.618
> James Osbourne Holmes
> a/k/a *Red Pill Media*
> On Sat, Jul 31, 2021 at 7:00 PM Linda Ellis  wrote:
>> I can't speak for James, but I've been around (just silent) for a long
>> time - maybe 15 years, I don't recall.
>> I'm leaving this list and going to the new list because I'm tired of the
>> Troll Mol, and I have the sense that the new list will not accept her, so
>> things should be more sane over there.
>> I haven't tried to unsubscribe here yet, but I have been working to move
>> the Troll Mol into my Spam folder.
>> --
>> *From: *"Douglas Haack" 
>> *Date: *Sat, Jul 31, 2021 7:07 pm
>> *To: *"" 
>> *Subject: *Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why?
>> James, you have been on this site for years, like me I;ve been here
>> since1997 . . .
>> Why are you wanting to unsubscribe . . .??
>> dh
>> On Sunday, 1 August 2021, 10:00:47 am AEST, James Osbourne Holmes <
>>> wrote:
>> Unsubscribe
>> James 1.618
>> James Osbourne Holmes
>> a/k/a *Red Pill Media*

Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why?

2021-07-31 Thread James Osbourne Holmes
Hello dear fellow posters,

Please advise me that this is correct:
This list is being dominated by a destructive disinformation agent.
There is no way to stop it.
Most of the constructive contributors to this list are moving to one with
some moderation so that the troll can be eliminated.
That is why I am leaving.
In spirit the new list is really this list, but with the authority and
means to shut out an obvious disinfo and conflict-initiating operation.

James 1.618

James Osbourne Holmes
a/k/a *Red Pill Media*

On Sat, Jul 31, 2021 at 7:00 PM Linda Ellis  wrote:

> I can't speak for James, but I've been around (just silent) for a long
> time - maybe 15 years, I don't recall.
> I'm leaving this list and going to the new list because I'm tired of the
> Troll Mol, and I have the sense that the new list will not accept her, so
> things should be more sane over there.
> I haven't tried to unsubscribe here yet, but I have been working to move
> the Troll Mol into my Spam folder.
> --
> *From: *"Douglas Haack" 
> *Date: *Sat, Jul 31, 2021 7:07 pm
> *To: *"" 
> *Subject: *Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why?
> James, you have been on this site for years, like me I;ve been here
> since1997 . . .
> Why are you wanting to unsubscribe . . .??
> dh
> On Sunday, 1 August 2021, 10:00:47 am AEST, James Osbourne Holmes <
>> wrote:
> Unsubscribe
> James 1.618
> James Osbourne Holmes
> a/k/a *Red Pill Media*

Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why?

2021-07-31 Thread Linda Ellis
I can't speak for James, but I've been around (just silent) for a long time - 
maybe 15 years, I don't recall. 


I'm leaving this list and going to the new list because I'm tired of the Troll 
Mol, and I have the sense that the new list will not accept her, so things 
should be more sane over there. 


I haven't tried to unsubscribe here yet, but I have been working to move the 
Troll Mol into my Spam folder. 




 From: "Douglas Haack"  

Date: Sat, Jul 31, 2021 7:07 pm 

To: ""  

Subject: Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why? 

   James, you have been on this site for years, like me I;ve been here 
since1997 . . . Why are you wanting to unsubscribe . . .??     dh   On Sunday, 
1 August 2021, 10:00:47 am AEST, James Osbourne Holmes 
 wrote:     Unsubscribe James 1.618   James 
Osbourne Holmes   a/k/a Red Pill Media   


CS>Re: CS>Re: CS>Re: CS>Re: CS>Insanity Rules in the U.S. as Hospitalizations and Deaths Among Vaccinated “Breakthrough” Cases Surge While Health Authorities blame the “Unvaccinated” - Vaccine Impact

2021-07-31 Thread Cyndiann Phillips
Stop passing on information that kills people! I'm not an "it".

I'm a trained herbalist that has helped many many people without using
prescriptions, just plants.

I don't approve of sending information that results in people getting hurt
or killed. Shame on the rest of you for not caring.

On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 10:56 AM James Osbourne Holmes <> wrote:

> Ignore it.  That is the only remedy.
> James 1.618
> James Osbourne Holmes
> a/k/a *Red Pill Media*
> On Thu, Jul 29, 2021 at 4:56 PM Rick  wrote:
>> Folks, our lil Cyndi apparently is too damaged to learn. She can't stop
>> watching and listening to the very things which have pickled her brain.
>> She's our lil Chicken Little Cyndi. But we should still include her in our
>> prayers because we should wish no harm to those who simply can't help
>> themselves when it comes to something so glaringly obvious (now that we
>> know better).
>> She has all the information thanks in part to all of you that she needs
>> should she get Covid herself. But if she got the *shot* that she hasn't
>> mentioned, perhaps it will be painless for her. One can only hope for all
>> those who will be adversely affected.
>> Other than this, and we should be grateful there is only one...other than
>> this, I am very appreciative of all the rest of you who are sharing the
>> un-censored truths from the very people who it is obvious to have our best
>> interests (health & wellbeing) at heart, despite the threat of life and
>> their own independent practices and or peaceful retirements.
>> I pray for all of you should things continue down this negative path,
>> that we are affected the least and/or that we die peacefully as is our
>> life-long wish anyway. Hope to see you all in person someday in a new and
>> glorious place!
>> On Thu, Jul 29, 2021 at 11:56 AM Linda Ellis  wrote:
>>> Speaking only for myself, I stopped unquestioningly believing the
>>> evening news back during the hearings for Clarence Thomas' nomination to
>>> the Supreme Court.  As it happened, I was working on several projects that
>>> kept me in my office at my computer, and listened to the entire hearing
>>> "live."  What I then heard on the evening news was most definitely NOT what
>>> I heard.  Ever since then (it actually may have been earlier - during the
>>> tobacco hearings, maybe, or the Bork hearings), the first question I ask
>>> when I hear something in a short soundbite on the evening news is, "is that
>>> true?"  How much I'm interested in the particular issue in question
>>> dictates how far I'll go in doing my own fact-checking.
>>> --
>>> *From: *"Cyndiann Phillips" 
>>> *Date: *Wed, Jul 28, 2021 8:31 pm
>>> *To: *
>>> *Subject: *CS>Re: CS>Insanity Rules in the U.S. as Hospitalizations and
>>> Deaths Among Vaccinated “Breakthrough” Cases Surge While Health Authorities
>>> blame the “Unvaccinated” - Vaccine Impact
>>> There are almost no deaths on the vaccinated, it's 99.5% the
>>> unvaccinated that die. Why don't you know that? It's been on the evening
>>> news all week.
>>> On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 3:19 PM T. J. Garland <>
>>> wrote:
>>> Read some.
>>> Cyindiann think are all liars?
>>> "Imagine a "vaccine" so safe you had to be threatened to get it, for a
>>> virus so deadly you had to be tested to know you have it".   Anon

Re: CS>"Gangster's Moll", ANTI TRUTH MOLL . . . Censor Moll . . .

2021-07-31 Thread Cyndiann Phillips
Nenah I am here and speaking out so more people don't die over
misinformation. I am seeing a lot of made up crap being posted. This group
has truly gone down hill on that one.

Stop passing on fake news from fake websites. And I am an herbalist, I use
alternative medicine and plants but I don't deal in things that will cause
people harm like you all are. Shame on all of you!

On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 4:22 PM Nenah Sylver  wrote:

> Douglas Haack wrote: My efforts so far may have been of no value or
> assistance, so here is my angle "how to cope" with TROLLS" again" and again
> and again . . . many of you all are so patient saints in fact . . .  this
> Troll person can't invade my mail space at all . . . . Drop TROLLS into
> SPAM -- they then won't appear again on your email inbox . *Simply
> tick the TROLL email and then TICK on SPAM icon at top of page . . *
>  Try it  It works . . . . EASY PEASY.
> ===
> So far, I have pretty much stayed out of anything related to the
> disruptions on this egroup. I have the disruptor in my spam folder.
> What I do want to comment on, is how some people on this list allow
> themselves to be sucked in to getting indignant and becoming reactive. You
> are giving this troll person power (and adding to the general agitation on
> So I'm wondering, perhaps some of the list members need this agitation to
> get their juices flowing? Just a question. (The one silver lining is that
> some people are coming up with great information in their attempt to offer
> rebuttals, and I have used this information on occasion.)
> On this other silver list there is HASSLE-FREE discussion, because unlike
> this Eskimo group, the group has visible (though very laid
> back) leadership and we can boot off anyone who's being disruptive and
> discourteous.
> So, if everyone moved to and posted there instead of on the
> Eskimo list, the problem would be SOLVED. Right now, that group is quiet
> and this group is where all the action (and agitation) is. I wonder what is
> keeping people here.
> The need for energy, perhaps? Even if that energy is negative?
> *Nenah Sylver, PhD*
> author, *The Rife Handbook*
> *of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health, 5th Edition*

Re: CS>"Gangster's Moll", ANTI TRUTH MOLL . . . Censor Moll . . .

2021-07-31 Thread Cyndiann Phillips
I've never used a different name here. You could have just asked me.

I'm no troll. When you all post things that kill people I will speak up, no
reason to die over lies.

On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 1:11 PM Linda Ellis  wrote:

> Thanks for the great description, Douglas!  I have been diligently marking
> every one of her emails as SPAM, but they are still stubbornly showing up.
> Hey, Douglas - since you've been around since 1997, do you remember about
> ten years ago there was a woman who was behaving remarkably similar to this
> one - rude, cantankerous, contrary.  Not contributing one iota to
> furthering discussions about the goals of this group which, as I understand
> it, primarily revolve around experimenting with options for addressing
> health issues that do not involve the pharmaceutical industry.
> I recall that she went on a rampage, attacking me, personally.  I no
> longer recall what set her off, but the woman was just awful.  I stayed
> away from the list for a couple of days (dishwasher broke - finding, buying
> and installing the new one took precedence ;-)), to find that she had
> really gone off the rails in my absence, and after several warnings, the
> list moderator kicked her out of the group.
> Recently, our new Troll mentioned she has been here for about ten
> years...Is it possible this is the same person under a different
> moniker?  She's sure behaving a lot like that last one.
> --
> *From: *"Douglas Haack" 
> *Date: *Fri, Jul 30, 2021 2:06 am
> *To: *"Silver-List" 
> *Subject: *CS>"Gangster's Moll", ANTI TRUTH MOLL . . . Censor Moll . . .
> . . . Now on anther matter . . . Firstly let me remind you of the old
> gangster term: a "Gangster's Moll",
>  the Silver list:  . . . .
> has a virulent TROLL MOLL, who continuously, criticises and postulates and
> CENSORS against all who have an anti-vax opinion/leaning  . . . although
> this a list of "Colloidal Silver" users/makers/adherents . . . where I've
> been a member since 1997 with contributions . . .
> A gangsters Moll, a derogatory term not popular in today's PC
> re-structured world of Marxist Woke shenanigans -- the gangster's
> woman/girl/lover/friend -- assuming the gangster is male and not a
> homosexual and the Moll too being hetrosexual -- well, you know, etc . . .
> there must also be an homosexual version . . . .
> Can I introduce a new but current fitting cultural term, the "TROLL Moll"
> of which the site is plagued . . . actually traditionally a feminine term,
> although we are free to use it for both genders -- as the male and female
> gender introduced to us in in our early life of moral guidance into
> Christian/Bible culture -- being now torn from us thru the forced
> inoculation of genderless pronouns, into a new "Borg-like" existence . . .
> or to that effect . . .
> My efforts so far may have been of no value or assistance, so here is my
> angle "how to cope" with TROLLS" again" and again and again . . . many of
> you all are so patient saints in fact . . .  this Troll person can't invade
> my mail space at all . . . .
> Drop TROLLS into SPAM -- they then won't appear again on your email inbox
> .
> *Simply tick the TROLL email and then TICK on SPAM icon at top of page . .
> *
> Try it  It works . . . .
> EASY PEASY . . . .
> in SILvation,  dh

Re: CS>Covid DOES NOT Exist - Oswald's Cornell CV

2021-07-31 Thread Max
treating a disease requires treating the cause of the disease. What are 
the causes of severe covid?

I would like anyone's ideas on what causes severe covid.

Covid is a two phase disease, the viral stage and the severe hyper 
immune reaction stage .  What are the causes of severe covid and does 
any vaccine treat these causes?


old age with concomitant reduction in immune function

pollutants of many kinds,   particularly air pollution

acidic mucous and inadequate mucous clearance

constant and prolonged breathing of the virus or viruses

co infection with a variety of molds, bacteria and viruses

invasive ventilation and paralytic drugs

dysbiosis in the gut mouth nose and lung

environmental stress/injury-induced damage-associated molecular patterns

 sustained activation of infiltrating monocytes and monocyte-derived 
macrophages driven by type I interferon, oxidative stress, anti-spike 
protein IgG immune complexes and NLRP3 inflammasome activation

please add to the list of causes

Note that adults who are prone to severe covid while children are not,  
produce a more robust T cell response and higher neutralizing 
antibodies, suggesting the poor outcome in adults is not due to a 
failure to generate adaptive immune responses


On 7/31/2021 2:43 AM, Linda Ellis wrote:

I did a little research on Oswald.  I think this is the same guy as in the 
video, but he's singing a different tune on his Cornell page.  Interesting.  I 
have a thought...what day you?

"COVID-19 is real.  Any Facebook post that suggests otherwise is a hoax and is 
not true.  Wear a mask, practice social distancing, and get the vaccine when it 
becomes available.

Research in our laboratory focuses on the structure and function of neurotransmitter 
receptors, in particular glutamate receptors. These receptors are the primary 
excitatory neurotransmitter receptors in the central nervous system and are 
implicated in the molecular basis of learning and memory as well as a variety of 
neurological disorders. The laboratory uses a variety of methods including NMR 
spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography, small-angle X-ray scattering, isothermal 
titration calorimetry, and electrophysiology to study the biophysics of drug 
binding. These multiple approaches provide a view of the binding site that includes 
both the structure and dynamics. This provides more detailed information for further 
drug development and understanding of the mechanism channel activation. Ongoing 
collaborative projects include work on pro"

From: "Douglas Haack" 
Date: Fri, Jul 30, 2021 3:55 am
Subject: CS>Covid DOES NOT Exist -- is Flu type A -- NO Pure Virus EXISTS -- 
 I have been trying to find this video -- now here it is -- the FAKE Covid 
Virus DOES Not EXIST -- CDC has admitted such . . .
 BANNED from YOUTUBE Lab Analysis at 7 Universities Shows NO Covid . . .
   /. . . . . Dr. Rob Oswald Phd: "Officially COVID-19 it's a flu and NOT a 
virus" . . . .
“I have a PhD in virology and immunology. I'm a clinical lab scientist and have 
tested 1500 "supposed" positive Covid 19 samples collected here in S. 
California. When my lab team and I did the testing through Koch's postulates and 
observation under a SEM (scanning



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
   Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>"Gangster's Moll", ANTI TRUTH MOLL . . . Censor Moll . . .

2021-07-31 Thread Douglas Haack
 Linda, I have no idea who this Troll is. I use Firefox and so far I don't get 
any of her emails -- my spam folder seems to have got rid of her . . .
Anyway time will tell . . . be well!!

On Saturday, 31 July 2021, 3:11:44 am AEST, Linda Ellis 
 Thanks for the great description, Douglas!  I have been diligently marking 
every one of her emails as SPAM, but they are still stubbornly showing up.  

Hey, Douglas - since you've been around since 1997, do you remember about ten 
years ago there was a woman who was behaving remarkably similar to this one - 
rude, cantankerous, contrary.  Not contributing one iota to furthering 
discussions about the goals of this group which, as I understand it, primarily 
revolve around experimenting with options for addressing health issues that do 
not involve the pharmaceutical industry.

I recall that she went on a rampage, attacking me, personally.  I no longer 
recall what set her off, but the woman was just awful.  I stayed away from the 
list for a couple of days (dishwasher broke - finding, buying and installing 
the new one took precedence ;-)), to find that she had really gone off the 
rails in my absence, and after several warnings, the list moderator kicked her 
out of the group.

Recently, our new Troll mentioned she has been here for about ten 
years...Is it possible this is the same person under a different moniker?  
She's sure behaving a lot like that last one.  

From: "Douglas Haack" 
Date: Fri, Jul 30, 2021 2:06 am
To: "Silver-List" 
Subject: CS>"Gangster's Moll", ANTI TRUTH MOLL . . . Censor Moll . . .
 . . . Now on anther matter . . . Firstly let me remind you of the old gangster 
term: a "Gangster's Moll",   the Silver list:  . . . .  
has a virulent TROLL MOLL, who continuously, criticises and postulates and 
CENSORS against all who have an anti-vax opinion/leaning  . . . although this a 
list of "Colloidal Silver" users/makers/adherents . . . where I've been a 
member since 1997 with contributions . . .  A gangsters Moll, a derogatory term 
not popular in today's PC re-structured world of Marxist Woke shenanigans -- 
the gangster's woman/girl/lover/friend -- assuming the gangster is male and not 
a homosexual and the Moll too being hetrosexual -- well, you know, etc . . . 
there must also be an homosexual version . . . .  Can I introduce a new but 
current fitting cultural term, the "TROLL Moll" of which the site is plagued . 
. . actually traditionally a feminine term, although we are free to use it for 
both genders -- as the male and female gender introduced to us in in our early 
life of moral guidance into Christian/Bible culture -- being now torn from us 
thru the forced inoculation of genderless pronouns, into a new "Borg-like" 
existence . . . or to that effect . . .  My efforts so far may have been of no 
value or assistance, so here is my angle "how to cope" with TROLLS" again" and 
again and again . . . many of you all are so patient saints in fact . . .  this 
Troll person can't invade my mail space at all . . . .  Drop TROLLS into SPAM 
-- they then won't appear again on your email inbox . Simply tick the TROLL 
email and then TICK on SPAM icon at top of page . .    Try it  It works . . 
. .  EASY PEASY . . . . in SILvation,  dh 

Re: CS>Silver-List way forward

2021-07-31 Thread Rick
*Tony & Nenah *I have joined your group but will also remain here as there
may be something that may not come to yours that is also helpful.

On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 4:36 PM Tony Moody  wrote:

> Hallo Folks,
> Yesterday I spoke to Mike Devour who is alive and well and sounds happy.
> Among other things, he has endorsed our proposed move of this list, Mikes
> Silver List, *from*   *to*
> *"The Silver List",
> * .  So I'm not hijacking this list; but
> we will be going to a safer place with plenty tools for group management
> and for moderation of members. *Nenah Sylver* is also a group Owner and
> has taken on the task of Membership. *Mike Devour* is already a member
> and has Moderator status.  (Mike did not wish to be an owner of the new
> group at the time he joined, a year ago.)
> At present the new group has 52 members who have joined from here
> (including us 3 Owner Moderators).
> During this past year I  made a house move during which I got cvid, both
> of which ruined my concentration.
> *The Way Forward on the new group *
> If you are not a member please *Subscribe*: by sending an *email* to 
> *or* *Subscribe* by going to  Click on the
> blue button "+ Join this group" which is part way down the home page.
> If you have *difficulties or queries* please send email to me or to Group
> Owner: I can then Invite you to the group.
> *To post* please send an email to
> or do *webmail* if you are a member, you hit Reply to an existing topic
> or, for a new topic, hit Topic in the the left menu.  It is only kinky the
> first time.
> All members are moderated for their *first few posts*, that means someone
> has to approve your initial messages to the group. This may take some hours
> before your message appears, please be patient.
> I shall go through the membership and un-moderate all the names i
> recognise as regular posters
> Messages by Non members will usually be returned with a note encouraging
> you to subscribe.
> Enough for this now,
> OK,
> Tony Moody

Re: CS>"Gangster's Moll", ANTI TRUTH MOLL . . . Censor Moll . . .

2021-07-31 Thread Rick
*Nenah, *
Yes like you said maybe some agitation is needed to fuel the fire and
create the juices needed to become more passionate. At least in my case it
seems so. I have been one of the guilty who are sucked into responding to
this Troll Mol who doesn't seem to have enough common sense (oops there I
go!), sorry.

Anyway, I didn't know there was another group and I did not search for one
because I've been here for more than ten years too I believe. I came here
when I was researching Colloidal Silver for my own usage.

I spent over a decade in healthcare and when the whole Covid scam started
and the every 2 weeks PCR testing began I returned to CS and used it in the
week leading up to my PCR test. I used it in my eyes with a dropper, I
inhaled it with a nebulizer, I used it as a mouth-wash, seemingly whatever
I could do to be sure it was somehow in my system prior to the test.

The only thing I'm grateful for the lies of Covid and the Shot is that it
brought me back to CS once again. And it brought me back to the 99% of the
good and logical people on this Listserve.

Once again, I thank you all...even the 1%...because it has brought more
activity here and more Truths have been shared because and despite of our
Chicken Little. So for that, I am grateful!

On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 4:22 PM Nenah Sylver  wrote:

> Douglas Haack wrote: My efforts so far may have been of no value or
> assistance, so here is my angle "how to cope" with TROLLS" again" and again
> and again . . . many of you all are so patient saints in fact . . .  this
> Troll person can't invade my mail space at all . . . . Drop TROLLS into
> SPAM -- they then won't appear again on your email inbox . *Simply
> tick the TROLL email and then TICK on SPAM icon at top of page . . *
>  Try it  It works . . . . EASY PEASY.
> ===
> So far, I have pretty much stayed out of anything related to the
> disruptions on this egroup. I have the disruptor in my spam folder.
> What I do want to comment on, is how some people on this list allow
> themselves to be sucked in to getting indignant and becoming reactive. You
> are giving this troll person power (and adding to the general agitation on
> So I'm wondering, perhaps some of the list members need this agitation to
> get their juices flowing? Just a question. (The one silver lining is that
> some people are coming up with great information in their attempt to offer
> rebuttals, and I have used this information on occasion.)
> On this other silver list there is HASSLE-FREE discussion, because unlike
> this Eskimo group, the group has visible (though very laid
> back) leadership and we can boot off anyone who's being disruptive and
> discourteous.
> So, if everyone moved to and posted there instead of on the
> Eskimo list, the problem would be SOLVED. Right now, that group is quiet
> and this group is where all the action (and agitation) is. I wonder what is
> keeping people here.
> The need for energy, perhaps? Even if that energy is negative?
> *Nenah Sylver, PhD*
> author, *The Rife Handbook*
> *of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health, 5th Edition*

Re: CS>

2021-07-30 Thread Rick
Thank you Pal Joey for this. I am going to repost it. I like the idea that
Medical Professionals are sharing with each other what happened to them.
Makes a great news alternative view from inside the shot!

Thanks again!

On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 1:07 PM pal joey  wrote:

> Doctors reporting their own adverse reactions to the experimental gene
> therapy aka "vaccine "

Re: CS>Covid DOES NOT Exist -- is Flu type A -- NO Pure Virus EXISTS -- CDC NON!!

2021-07-30 Thread Cyndiann Phillips
Douglas Haack stop passing on fake news. Covid is real, it's killed over 4
million people and you cause more to die by passing on crap like this.

On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 8:38 AM Ode Coyote 

> "Flu" is caused by a virus. COVID-19 is ALSO a Flu virus [of the common
> Corona variety] of many different onesa bit more contagious...a
> bit more risky than most, but a flu none-the-less.
> On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 4:55 AM Douglas Haack 
> wrote:
>> *I have been trying to find this video -- now here it is -- the FAKE
>> Covid Virus DOES Not EXIST -- CDC has admitted such . . . *
>> *BANNED from YOUTUBE* Lab Analysis at 7 Universities Shows NO Covid . .
>> .
>> /.  .  . . . Dr. Rob Oswald Phd: "Officially COVID-19 it's a flu and NOT
>> a virus" . . . .
>> “I have a PhD in virology and immunology. I'm a clinical lab scientist
>> and have tested 1500 "supposed" positive Covid 19 samples collected here in
>> S. California. When my lab team and I did the testing through Koch's
>> postulates and observation under a SEM (scanning

Re: CS>"Gangster's Moll", ANTI TRUTH MOLL . . . Censor Moll . . .

2021-07-30 Thread jenny goodhealth
 Yes, I can’t agree more.  Well said.  I put her replies in the spam without 
reading them.  Enough is enough.  Everyone in this group deserves respect and 
decent treatment.  We are here to help and support each other...  
Blessings to everyone.  

On Friday, July 30, 2021, 10:11:45 AM PDT, Linda Ellis  
 Thanks for the great description, Douglas!  I have been diligently marking 
every one of her emails as SPAM, but they are still stubbornly showing up.  

Hey, Douglas - since you've been around since 1997, do you remember about ten 
years ago there was a woman who was behaving remarkably similar to this one - 
rude, cantankerous, contrary.  Not contributing one iota to furthering 
discussions about the goals of this group which, as I understand it, primarily 
revolve around experimenting with options for addressing health issues that do 
not involve the pharmaceutical industry.

I recall that she went on a rampage, attacking me, personally.  I no longer 
recall what set her off, but the woman was just awful.  I stayed away from the 
list for a couple of days (dishwasher broke - finding, buying and installing 
the new one took precedence ;-)), to find that she had really gone off the 
rails in my absence, and after several warnings, the list moderator kicked her 
out of the group.

Recently, our new Troll mentioned she has been here for about ten 
years...Is it possible this is the same person under a different moniker?  
She's sure behaving a lot like that last one.  

From: "Douglas Haack" 
Date: Fri, Jul 30, 2021 2:06 am
To: "Silver-List" 
Subject: CS>"Gangster's Moll", ANTI TRUTH MOLL . . . Censor Moll . . .
 . . . Now on anther matter . . . Firstly let me remind you of the old gangster 
term: a "Gangster's Moll",   the Silver list:  . . . .  
has a virulent TROLL MOLL, who continuously, criticises and postulates and 
CENSORS against all who have an anti-vax opinion/leaning  . . . although this a 
list of "Colloidal Silver" users/makers/adherents . . . where I've been a 
member since 1997 with contributions . . .  A gangsters Moll, a derogatory term 
not popular in today's PC re-structured world of Marxist Woke shenanigans -- 
the gangster's woman/girl/lover/friend -- assuming the gangster is male and not 
a homosexual and the Moll too being hetrosexual -- well, you know, etc . . . 
there must also be an homosexual version . . . .  Can I introduce a new but 
current fitting cultural term, the "TROLL Moll" of which the site is plagued . 
. . actually traditionally a feminine term, although we are free to use it for 
both genders -- as the male and female gender introduced to us in in our early 
life of moral guidance into Christian/Bible culture -- being now torn from us 
thru the forced inoculation of genderless pronouns, into a new "Borg-like" 
existence . . . or to that effect . . .  My efforts so far may have been of no 
value or assistance, so here is my angle "how to cope" with TROLLS" again" and 
again and again . . . many of you all are so patient saints in fact . . .  this 
Troll person can't invade my mail space at all . . . .  Drop TROLLS into SPAM 
-- they then won't appear again on your email inbox . Simply tick the TROLL 
email and then TICK on SPAM icon at top of page . .    Try it  It works . . 
. .  EASY PEASY . . . . in SILvation,  dh 

Re: CS>Covid DOES NOT Exist -- is Flu type A -- NO Pure Virus EXISTS -- CDC NON!!

2021-07-30 Thread Neville Munn
Hmmm, Delte...Now! Done.

From: Cyndiann Phillips 
Sent: Saturday, 31 July 2021 12:26 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Covid DOES NOT Exist -- is Flu type A -- NO Pure Virus EXISTS 
-- CDC NON!!

Neville, it mutated faster because of people spreading it so fast and that 
happens when you don't think it's real, when you don't wear masks, when you 
don't stay away from people and when you don't get the vaccine.

I'm not provax in any sense of the word. This is the first shot I've gotten in 
20+ years and with good reason. My chances of living increased greatly when I 
took the vaccine. There is no doubt about that. It got as close as right in my 
face when my 86 year old neighbor caught it and I went over his house to give 
him money I made for him by selling his pecans from his tree. He was obviously 
sick at the time, coughing and sneezing and that was the last time I saw him.

Christmas time, he spent his last one on a ventilator and died right after.

If you don't do what it takes to stop the spread you are being selfish, it's 
not about rights. It's about doing what is right to stop killing and maiming 
people. Long haulers are real.

On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 9:11 AM Neville Munn>> wrote:
Yep, you're right.  That's where this COVID-19 name came from some brainchild, 
the Coronavirus, i.e. 'CO' refers to CORONA, 'VI' refers to virus, 'D' refers 
to Disease, and '19' is the year it was named.  I remember when this shyte 
first started they called it 'NOVEL', but NOVEL means new, that's why they had 
to stop calling it NOVEL.  There's the giveaway, it's not new, it was the stock 
standard C'rona virus, but bioengineered, example for one, MERS, engineered and 
able to infect humans, like the Avian Flu, the Swine Flu etc, it's been 
spliced, hence covid19.  Like this "Delta" bs variant "they" go on about, 
variant is doublespeak, it just means it's mutated, as it does every year, or 
probably every second day for all I know, and I don't care.


From: Ode Coyote>>
Sent: Friday, 30 July 2021 10:38 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Covid DOES NOT Exist -- is Flu type A -- NO Pure Virus EXISTS 
-- CDC NON!!

"Flu" is caused by a virus. COVID-19 is ALSO a Flu virus [of the common Corona 
variety] of many different onesa bit more contagious...a bit more 
risky than most, but a flu none-the-less.

On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 4:55 AM Douglas Haack>> wrote:
I have been trying to find this video -- now here it is -- the FAKE Covid Virus 
DOES Not EXIST -- CDC has admitted such . . .

BANNED from YOUTUBE Lab Analysis at 7 Universities Shows NO Covid . . .

/.  .  . . . Dr. Rob Oswald Phd: "Officially COVID-19 it's a flu and NOT a 
virus" . . . .
“I have a PhD in virology and immunology. I'm a clinical lab scientist and have 
tested 1500 "supposed" positive Covid 19 samples collected here in S. 
California. When my lab team and I did the testing through Koch's postulates 
and observation under a SEM (scanning

Re: CS>

2021-07-30 Thread Deborah Gerard

On Friday, July 30, 2021, 01:07:39 PM EDT, pal joey  
 Doctors reporting their own adverse reactions to the experimental gene therapy 
aka "vaccine "

Re: CS>

2021-07-30 Thread Deborah Gerard
 CDC study shows three-fourths of people infected in Massachusetts covid-19 
outbreak were vaccinated

|  |  |


|  | 
CDC study shows three-fourths of people infected in Massachusetts covid-...




On Friday, July 30, 2021, 01:07:39 PM EDT, pal joey  
 Doctors reporting their own adverse reactions to the experimental gene therapy 
aka "vaccine "

Re: CS>

2021-07-30 Thread Deborah Gerard

On Friday, July 30, 2021, 01:07:39 PM EDT, pal joey  
 Doctors reporting their own adverse reactions to the experimental gene therapy 
aka "vaccine "

Re: CS>

2021-07-30 Thread Deborah Gerard

On Friday, July 30, 2021, 01:07:39 PM EDT, pal joey  
 Doctors reporting their own adverse reactions to the experimental gene therapy 
aka "vaccine "

RE: CS>Silver-List way forward

2021-07-30 Thread Scott Adams
More than time for me to unsubscribe here. Question is how?



Say Yoho - Everything spins around and suddenly I'm elsewhere...
M. Scott Adams (Not Dilbert, Adventure!) 


You can lead a person to a fact, but you can't make them think! - Scott Adams. <> <> 


Lyme Disease: (You do know someone who has it, surprised?) <>  


Scott Adams


From: Pat K.  
Sent: Friday, July 30, 2021 3:55 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Silver-List way forward


Thank you!


On Jul 30, 2021, at 4:36 PM, Tony Moody> >


Hallo Folks,

Yesterday I spoke to Mike Devour who is alive and well and sounds happy. 

Among other things, he has endorsed our proposed move of this list, Mikes 
Silver List,
from  <>  to  "The Silver 
List", .  So I'm not hijacking this list; but we will 
be going to
a safer place with plenty tools for group management and for moderation of 
members. Nenah
Sylver is also a group Owner and has taken on the task of Membership. Mike 
Devour is
already a member and has Moderator status.  (Mike did not wish to be an owner 
of the new
group at the time he joined, a year ago.)

At present the new group has 52 members who have joined from here (including us 
3 Owner

During this past year I  made a house move during which I got cvid, both of 
which ruined
my concentration.  

The Way Forward on the new group 

If you are not a member please Subscribe: by sending an email to  <> 

or Subscribe by going to  Click on the blue 
button "+ Join
this group" which is part way down the home page. 

If you have difficulties or queries please send email to me or to Group Owner:  <> I can then 
Invite you to
the group.

To post please send an email to  
or do webmail if you are a member, you hit Reply to an existing topic or, for a 
new topic,
hit Topic in the the left menu.  It is only kinky the first time. 

All members are moderated for their first few posts, that means someone has to 
your initial messages to the group. This may take some hours before your 
message appears,
please be patient. 

I shall go through the membership and un-moderate all the names i recognise as 

Messages by Non members will usually be returned with a note encouraging you to 

Enough for this now,


Tony Moody






Re: CS>Silver-List way forward

2021-07-30 Thread Pat K.
Thank you!

> On Jul 30, 2021, at 4:36 PM, Tony Moody  wrote:
> Hallo Folks,
> Yesterday I spoke to Mike Devour who is alive and well and sounds happy. 
> Among other things, he has endorsed our proposed move of this list, Mikes 
> Silver List, from   to 
>  "The Silver List", 
>  .  So I'm not hijacking this list; but we 
> will be going to a safer place with plenty tools for group management and for 
> moderation of members. Nenah Sylver is also a group Owner and has taken on 
> the task of Membership. Mike Devour is already a member and has Moderator 
> status.  (Mike did not wish to be an owner of the new group at the time he 
> joined, a year ago.)
> At present the new group has 52 members who have joined from here (including 
> us 3 Owner Moderators).
> During this past year I  made a house move during which I got cvid, both of 
> which ruined my concentration.  
> The Way Forward on the new group 
> If you are not a member please Subscribe: by sending an email to 
> or Subscribe by going to 
>   Click on the blue button "+ Join this 
> group" which is part way down the home page. 
> If you have difficulties or queries please send email to me or to Group 
> Owner:  I can 
> then Invite you to the group.
> To post please send an email to  
> or do webmail if you are a member, you hit Reply to an existing topic or, for 
> a new topic, hit Topic in the the left menu.  It is only kinky the first 
> time. 
> All members are moderated for their first few posts, that means someone has 
> to approve your initial messages to the group. This may take some hours 
> before your message appears, please be patient. 
> I shall go through the membership and un-moderate all the names i recognise 
> as regular posters
> Messages by Non members will usually be returned with a note encouraging you 
> to subscribe. 
> Enough for this now,
> OK,
> Tony Moody

Re: CS>Silver-List way forward

2021-07-30 Thread James Osbourne Holmes
Thank Tony and all.

James 1.618

James Osbourne Holmes
a/k/a *Red Pill Media*

On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 2:36 PM Tony Moody  wrote:

> Hallo Folks,
> Yesterday I spoke to Mike Devour who is alive and well and sounds happy.
> Among other things, he has endorsed our proposed move of this list, Mikes
> Silver List, *from*   *to*
> *"The Silver List",
> * .  So I'm not hijacking this list; but
> we will be going to a safer place with plenty tools for group management
> and for moderation of members. *Nenah Sylver* is also a group Owner and
> has taken on the task of Membership. *Mike Devour* is already a member
> and has Moderator status.  (Mike did not wish to be an owner of the new
> group at the time he joined, a year ago.)
> At present the new group has 52 members who have joined from here
> (including us 3 Owner Moderators).
> During this past year I  made a house move during which I got cvid, both
> of which ruined my concentration.
> *The Way Forward on the new group *
> If you are not a member please *Subscribe*: by sending an *email* to 
> *or* *Subscribe* by going to  Click on the
> blue button "+ Join this group" which is part way down the home page.
> If you have *difficulties or queries* please send email to me or to Group
> Owner: I can then Invite you to the group.
> *To post* please send an email to
> or do *webmail* if you are a member, you hit Reply to an existing topic
> or, for a new topic, hit Topic in the the left menu.  It is only kinky the
> first time.
> All members are moderated for their *first few posts*, that means someone
> has to approve your initial messages to the group. This may take some hours
> before your message appears, please be patient.
> I shall go through the membership and un-moderate all the names i
> recognise as regular posters
> Messages by Non members will usually be returned with a note encouraging
> you to subscribe.
> Enough for this now,
> OK,
> Tony Moody

Re: CS>"Gangster's Moll", ANTI TRUTH MOLL . . . Censor Moll . . .

2021-07-30 Thread James Osbourne Holmes
That will make all mail from the list go to spam.  Or am I mistaken?
James 1.618

James Osbourne Holmes
a/k/a *Red Pill Media*

On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 2:22 PM Nenah Sylver  wrote:

> Douglas Haack wrote: My efforts so far may have been of no value or
> assistance, so here is my angle "how to cope" with TROLLS" again" and again
> and again . . . many of you all are so patient saints in fact . . .  this
> Troll person can't invade my mail space at all . . . . Drop TROLLS into
> SPAM -- they then won't appear again on your email inbox . *Simply
> tick the TROLL email and then TICK on SPAM icon at top of page . . *
>  Try it  It works . . . . EASY PEASY.
> ===
> So far, I have pretty much stayed out of anything related to the
> disruptions on this egroup. I have the disruptor in my spam folder.
> What I do want to comment on, is how some people on this list allow
> themselves to be sucked in to getting indignant and becoming reactive. You
> are giving this troll person power (and adding to the general agitation on
> So I'm wondering, perhaps some of the list members need this agitation to
> get their juices flowing? Just a question. (The one silver lining is that
> some people are coming up with great information in their attempt to offer
> rebuttals, and I have used this information on occasion.)
> On this other silver list there is HASSLE-FREE discussion, because unlike
> this Eskimo group, the group has visible (though very laid
> back) leadership and we can boot off anyone who's being disruptive and
> discourteous.
> So, if everyone moved to and posted there instead of on the
> Eskimo list, the problem would be SOLVED. Right now, that group is quiet
> and this group is where all the action (and agitation) is. I wonder what is
> keeping people here.
> The need for energy, perhaps? Even if that energy is negative?
> *Nenah Sylver, PhD*
> author, *The Rife Handbook*
> *of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health, 5th Edition*

RE: CS>"Gangster's Moll", ANTI TRUTH MOLL . . . Censor Moll . . .

2021-07-30 Thread Nenah Sylver
Douglas Haack wrote: My efforts so far may have been of no value or assistance, 
so here is my angle "how to cope" with TROLLS" again" and again and again . . . 
many of you all are so patient saints in fact . . .  this Troll person can't 
invade my mail space at all . . . . Drop TROLLS into SPAM -- they then won't 
appear again on your email inbox . Simply tick the TROLL email and then 
TICK on SPAM icon at top of page . . 

 Try it  It works . . . . EASY PEASY.



So far, I have pretty much stayed out of anything related to the disruptions on 
this egroup. I have the disruptor in my spam folder.


What I do want to comment on, is how some people on this list allow themselves 
to be sucked in to getting indignant and becoming reactive. You are giving this 
troll person power (and adding to the general agitation on this list) by 


So I'm wondering, perhaps some of the list members need this agitation to get 
their juices flowing? Just a question. (The one silver lining is that some 
people are coming up with great information in their attempt to offer 
rebuttals, and I have used this information on occasion.) 




On this other silver list there is HASSLE-FREE discussion, because unlike this 
Eskimo group, the group has visible (though very laid back) 
leadership and we can boot off anyone who's being disruptive and discourteous.


So, if everyone moved to and posted there instead of on the Eskimo 
list, the problem would be SOLVED. Right now, that group is quiet and this 
group is where all the action (and agitation) is. I wonder what is keeping 
people here.


The need for energy, perhaps? Even if that energy is negative?


Nenah Sylver, PhD

author, The Rife Handbook

of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health, 5th Edition   


RE: CS>"Gangster's Moll", ANTI TRUTH MOLL . . . Censor Moll . . .

2021-07-30 Thread Linda Ellis
Thanks for the great description, Douglas!  I have been diligently marking 
every one of her emails as SPAM, but they are still stubbornly showing up.   


Hey, Douglas - since you've been around since 1997, do you remember about ten 
years ago there was a woman who was behaving remarkably similar to this one - 
rude, cantankerous, contrary.  Not contributing one iota to furthering 
discussions about the goals of this group which, as I understand it, primarily 
revolve around experimenting with options for addressing health issues that do 
not involve the pharmaceutical industry. 


I recall that she went on a rampage, attacking me, personally.  I no longer 
recall what set her off, but the woman was just awful.  I stayed away from the 
list for a couple of days (dishwasher broke - finding, buying and installing 
the new one took precedence ;-)), to find that she had really gone off the 
rails in my absence, and after several warnings, the list moderator kicked her 
out of the group. 


Recently, our new Troll mentioned she has been here for about ten 
years...Is it possible this is the same person under a different moniker?  
She's sure behaving a lot like that last one.   





 From: "Douglas Haack"  

Date: Fri, Jul 30, 2021 2:06 am 

To: "Silver-List"  

Subject: CS>"Gangster's Moll", ANTI TRUTH MOLL . . . Censor Moll . . . 

 . . . Now on anther matter . . . Firstly let me remind you of the old gangster 
term: a "Gangster's Moll",    the Silver list:  . . . . 
  has a virulent TROLL MOLL, who continuously, criticises and postulates and 
CENSORS against all who have an anti-vax opinion/leaning  . . . although this a 
list of "Colloidal Silver" users/makers/adherents . . . where I've been a 
member since 1997 with contributions . . .   A gangsters Moll, a derogatory 
term not popular in today's PC re-structured world of Marxist Woke shenanigans 
-- the gangster's woman/girl/lover/friend -- assuming the gangster is male and 
not a homosexual and the Moll too being hetrosexual -- well, you know, etc . . 
. there must also be an homosexual version . . . .   Can I introduce a new but 
current fitting cultural term, the "TROLL Moll" of which the site is plagued . 
. . actually traditionally a feminine term, although we are free to use it for 
both genders -- as the male and female gender introduced to us in in our early 
life of moral guidance into Christian/Bible culture -- being now torn from us 
thru the forced inoculation of genderless pronouns, into a new "Borg-like" 
existence . . . or to that effect . . .   My efforts so far may have been of no 
value or assistance, so here is my angle "how to cope" with TROLLS" again" and 
again and again . . . many of you all are so patient saints in fact . . .  this 
Troll person can't invade my mail space at all . . . .   Drop TROLLS into SPAM 
-- they then won't appear again on your email inbox .   Simply tick the 
TROLL email and then TICK on SPAM icon at top of page . .     Try it  It 
works . . . .   EASY PEASY . . . .   in SILvation,  dh 


Re: CS>Covid DOES NOT Exist -- is Flu type A -- NO Pure Virus EXISTS -- CDC NON!!

2021-07-30 Thread Rick
Thank you for this. Thanks to all of you who have found and are spreading
the Truths! This is awesome and we may yet be saved...well, some of us

Re: *BANNED from YOUTUBE* Lab Analysis at 7 Universities Shows NO Covid . .

> /.  .  . . . Dr. Rob Oswald Phd: "Officially COVID-19 it's a flu and NOT a
> virus"

On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 8:57 AM siriusley13 

> Off topic
> This is interesting! The agreement between a particular manufacturer to
> each country
> On Jul 30, 2021, 6:38 AM -0600, Ode Coyote ,
> wrote:
> "Flu" is caused by a virus. COVID-19 is ALSO a Flu virus [of the common
> Corona variety] of many different onesa bit more contagious...a
> bit more risky than most, but a flu none-the-less.
> On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 4:55 AM Douglas Haack 
> wrote:
>> *I have been trying to find this video -- now here it is -- the FAKE
>> Covid Virus DOES Not EXIST -- CDC has admitted such . . .*
>> *BANNED from YOUTUBE* Lab Analysis at 7 Universities Shows NO Covid . . .
>> /.  .  . . . Dr. Rob Oswald Phd: "Officially COVID-19 it's a flu and NOT
>> a virus" . . . .
>> “I have a PhD in virology and immunology. I'm a clinical lab scientist
>> and have tested 1500 "supposed" positive Covid 19 samples collected here in
>> S. California. When my lab team and I did the testing through Koch's
>> postulates and observation under a SEM (scanning

CS>Re: CS>Re: CS>Re: CS>Insanity Rules in the U.S. as Hospitalizations and Deaths Among Vaccinated “Breakthrough” Cases Surge While Health Authorities blame the “Unvaccinated” - Vaccine Impact

2021-07-30 Thread James Osbourne Holmes
Ignore it.  That is the only remedy.
James 1.618

James Osbourne Holmes
a/k/a *Red Pill Media*

On Thu, Jul 29, 2021 at 4:56 PM Rick  wrote:

> Folks, our lil Cyndi apparently is too damaged to learn. She can't stop
> watching and listening to the very things which have pickled her brain.
> She's our lil Chicken Little Cyndi. But we should still include her in our
> prayers because we should wish no harm to those who simply can't help
> themselves when it comes to something so glaringly obvious (now that we
> know better).
> She has all the information thanks in part to all of you that she needs
> should she get Covid herself. But if she got the *shot* that she hasn't
> mentioned, perhaps it will be painless for her. One can only hope for all
> those who will be adversely affected.
> Other than this, and we should be grateful there is only one...other than
> this, I am very appreciative of all the rest of you who are sharing the
> un-censored truths from the very people who it is obvious to have our best
> interests (health & wellbeing) at heart, despite the threat of life and
> their own independent practices and or peaceful retirements.
> I pray for all of you should things continue down this negative path, that
> we are affected the least and/or that we die peacefully as is our life-long
> wish anyway. Hope to see you all in person someday in a new and glorious
> place!
> On Thu, Jul 29, 2021 at 11:56 AM Linda Ellis  wrote:
>> Speaking only for myself, I stopped unquestioningly believing the evening
>> news back during the hearings for Clarence Thomas' nomination to the
>> Supreme Court.  As it happened, I was working on several projects that kept
>> me in my office at my computer, and listened to the entire hearing "live."
>> What I then heard on the evening news was most definitely NOT what I
>> heard.  Ever since then (it actually may have been earlier - during the
>> tobacco hearings, maybe, or the Bork hearings), the first question I ask
>> when I hear something in a short soundbite on the evening news is, "is that
>> true?"  How much I'm interested in the particular issue in question
>> dictates how far I'll go in doing my own fact-checking.
>> --
>> *From: *"Cyndiann Phillips" 
>> *Date: *Wed, Jul 28, 2021 8:31 pm
>> *To: *
>> *Subject: *CS>Re: CS>Insanity Rules in the U.S. as Hospitalizations and
>> Deaths Among Vaccinated “Breakthrough” Cases Surge While Health Authorities
>> blame the “Unvaccinated” - Vaccine Impact
>> There are almost no deaths on the vaccinated, it's 99.5% the unvaccinated
>> that die. Why don't you know that? It's been on the evening news all week.
>> On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 3:19 PM T. J. Garland <>
>> wrote:
>> Read some.
>> Cyindiann think are all liars?
>> "Imagine a "vaccine" so safe you had to be threatened to get it, for a
>> virus so deadly you had to be tested to know you have it".   Anon

Re: CS>Covid DOES NOT Exist -- is Flu type A -- NO Pure Virus EXISTS -- CDC NON!!

2021-07-30 Thread Cyndiann Phillips
Neville, it mutated faster because of people spreading it so fast and that
happens when you don't think it's real, when you don't wear masks, when you
don't stay away from people and when you don't get the vaccine.

I'm not provax in any sense of the word. This is the first shot I've gotten
in 20+ years and with good reason. My chances of living increased greatly
when I took the vaccine. There is no doubt about that. It got as close as
right in my face when my 86 year old neighbor caught it and I went over his
house to give him money I made for him by selling his pecans from his tree.
He was obviously sick at the time, coughing and sneezing and that was the
last time I saw him.

Christmas time, he spent his last one on a ventilator and died right after.

If you don't do what it takes to stop the spread you are being selfish,
it's not about rights. It's about doing what is right to stop killing and
maiming people. Long haulers are real.

On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 9:11 AM Neville Munn  wrote:

> Yep, you're right.  That's where this COVID-19 name came from some
> brainchild, the Coronavirus, i.e. 'CO' refers to CORONA, 'VI' refers to
> virus, 'D' refers to Disease, and '19' is the year it was named.  I
> remember when this shyte first started they called it 'NOVEL', but NOVEL
> means new, that's why they had to stop calling it NOVEL.  There's the
> giveaway, it's not new, it was the stock standard C'rona virus, but
> bioengineered, example for one, MERS, engineered and able to infect humans,
> like the Avian Flu, the Swine Flu etc, it's been spliced, hence covid19.
> Like this "Delta" bs variant "they" go on about, variant is doublespeak, it
> just means it's mutated, as it does every year, or probably every second
> day for all I know, and I don't care.
> N.
> --
> *From:* Ode Coyote 
> *Sent:* Friday, 30 July 2021 10:38 PM
> *To:* 
> *Subject:* Re: CS>Covid DOES NOT Exist -- is Flu type A -- NO Pure Virus
> "Flu" is caused by a virus. COVID-19 is ALSO a Flu virus [of the common
> Corona variety] of many different onesa bit more contagious...a
> bit more risky than most, but a flu none-the-less.
> On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 4:55 AM Douglas Haack 
> wrote:
> *I have been trying to find this video -- now here it is -- the FAKE Covid
> Virus DOES Not EXIST -- CDC has admitted such . . . *
> *BANNED from YOUTUBE* Lab Analysis at 7 Universities Shows NO Covid . . .
> <>
> /.  .  . . . Dr. Rob Oswald Phd: "Officially COVID-19 it's a flu and NOT a
> virus" . . . .
> “I have a PhD in virology and immunology. I'm a clinical lab scientist and
> have tested 1500 "supposed" positive Covid 19 samples collected here in S.
> California. When my lab team and I did the testing through Koch's
> postulates and observation under a SEM (scanning

Re: CS>Covid DOES NOT Exist -- is Flu type A -- NO Pure Virus EXISTS -- CDC NON!!

2021-07-30 Thread Neville Munn
Yep, you're right.  That's where this COVID-19 name came from some brainchild, 
the Coronavirus, i.e. 'CO' refers to CORONA, 'VI' refers to virus, 'D' refers 
to Disease, and '19' is the year it was named.  I remember when this shyte 
first started they called it 'NOVEL', but NOVEL means new, that's why they had 
to stop calling it NOVEL.  There's the giveaway, it's not new, it was the stock 
standard C'rona virus, but bioengineered, example for one, MERS, engineered and 
able to infect humans, like the Avian Flu, the Swine Flu etc, it's been 
spliced, hence covid19.  Like this "Delta" bs variant "they" go on about, 
variant is doublespeak, it just means it's mutated, as it does every year, or 
probably every second day for all I know, and I don't care.


From: Ode Coyote 
Sent: Friday, 30 July 2021 10:38 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Covid DOES NOT Exist -- is Flu type A -- NO Pure Virus EXISTS 
-- CDC NON!!

"Flu" is caused by a virus. COVID-19 is ALSO a Flu virus [of the common Corona 
variety] of many different onesa bit more contagious...a bit more 
risky than most, but a flu none-the-less.

On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 4:55 AM Douglas Haack>> wrote:
I have been trying to find this video -- now here it is -- the FAKE Covid Virus 
DOES Not EXIST -- CDC has admitted such . . .

BANNED from YOUTUBE Lab Analysis at 7 Universities Shows NO Covid . . .

/.  .  . . . Dr. Rob Oswald Phd: "Officially COVID-19 it's a flu and NOT a 
virus" . . . .
“I have a PhD in virology and immunology. I'm a clinical lab scientist and have 
tested 1500 "supposed" positive Covid 19 samples collected here in S. 
California. When my lab team and I did the testing through Koch's postulates 
and observation under a SEM (scanning

Re: CS>Covid DOES NOT Exist -- is Flu type A -- NO Pure Virus EXISTS -- CDC NON!!

2021-07-30 Thread siriusley13
Off topic
This is interesting! The agreement between a particular manufacturer to each 
On Jul 30, 2021, 6:38 AM -0600, Ode Coyote , wrote:
> "Flu" is caused by a virus. COVID-19 is ALSO a Flu virus [of the common 
> Corona variety] of many different onesa bit more contagious...a bit 
> more risky than most, but a flu none-the-less.
> > On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 4:55 AM Douglas Haack  
> > wrote:
> > > I have been trying to find this video -- now here it is -- the FAKE Covid 
> > > Virus DOES Not EXIST -- CDC has admitted such . . .
> > >
> > > BANNED from YOUTUBE Lab Analysis at 7 Universities Shows NO Covid . . .
> > >
> > > /.  .  . . . Dr. Rob Oswald Phd: "Officially COVID-19 it's a flu and NOT 
> > > a virus" . . . .
> > > “I have a PhD in virology and immunology. I'm a clinical lab scientist 
> > > and have tested 1500 "supposed" positive Covid 19 samples collected here 
> > > in S. California. When my lab team and I did the testing through Koch's 
> > > postulates and observation under a SEM (scanning
> > >
> > >
> > >

Re: CS>Covid DOES NOT Exist -- is Flu type A -- NO Pure Virus EXISTS -- CDC NON!!

2021-07-30 Thread Ode Coyote
"Flu" is caused by a virus. COVID-19 is ALSO a Flu virus [of the common
Corona variety] of many different onesa bit more contagious...a
bit more risky than most, but a flu none-the-less.

On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 4:55 AM Douglas Haack 

> *I have been trying to find this video -- now here it is -- the FAKE Covid
> Virus DOES Not EXIST -- CDC has admitted such . . . *
> *BANNED from YOUTUBE* Lab Analysis at 7 Universities Shows NO Covid . . .
> /.  .  . . . Dr. Rob Oswald Phd: "Officially COVID-19 it's a flu and NOT a
> virus" . . . .
> “I have a PhD in virology and immunology. I'm a clinical lab scientist and
> have tested 1500 "supposed" positive Covid 19 samples collected here in S.
> California. When my lab team and I did the testing through Koch's
> postulates and observation under a SEM (scanning

Re: CS>Natural News fruitcake

2021-07-30 Thread Cyndiann Phillips
MSM, um no. I saw what he posted on Facebook with my own eyes. He thought
FB was out to get him, it was pretty bad. That's a real problem with
reality there. lol

Dude had a good thing going too, it's a shame.

On Thu, Jul 29, 2021 at 11:02 PM Diane Mackey 

> You say Mike Adams is a liar.  I prove to you he is not by posting the
> official government website that he quoted to VERIFY the info.  You again
> deny it to be the truth. Yet, you still don't see you have a real problem
> with reality!  So, you then use MSM as your source, which we all know hides
> and refuses to report the truths and maligns those who don't follow their
> agenda.  There is something really wrong with you.
> On Thu, Jul 29, 2021 at 4:06 PM Cyndiann Phillips 
> wrote:
>> Nope, not any more. Why are you avoiding my questions?
>> On Thu, Jul 29, 2021 at 1:33 PM Diane Mackey 
>> wrote:
>>> So, you are reading what he posts?  Then you must be following him.
>>> On Thu, Jul 29, 2021 at 11:20 AM Cyndiann Phillips 
>>> wrote:
 With good reason because it's not truth at all.

 I remember his rants on Facebook. He needs some serious head drugs. He
 was seeing things not there and hearing voices.

 What makes you think it's true? Have you even once checked what he's
 saying? Obviously not.

 On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 11:46 PM Diane Mackey 

> All you are doing is PROVING that those who publish the truth are
> being maligned.
> On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 6:26 PM Cyndiann Phillips 
> wrote:
>> When you post something you already know isn't true to people who
>> believe you.
>>   ISD’s investigation has identified a collection of 496 active and
>> inactive domains which appear to be linked to NaturalNews and its 
>> founders.
>> These are used to host violent and extremist material, as well as health
>> disinformation and conspiracy theories: To our knowledge, this collection
>> of domains has been registered as far back as 1996, with a peak in the
>> volume of registrations occurring in 2015. This network appears to have
>> been set up by four domain registrants with names matching those of
>> NaturalNews’ online assets or associated corporate entities − Webseed,
>> Healthranger, Truth Publishing International Ltd., and Truthpublish
>> The investigations done on him and his website are almost endless!
>> The Health Ranger (Mike Adams) and “Natural News” have joined other
>> conspiracy theorists in attacking the land application of biosolids. 
>> Adams'
>> websites (e.g. "" ) are
>> promoting a new movie, “Biosludged: The Greatest Environment Crime You’ve
>> Never Known," which is due to be released online this year.  It almost
>> seems like a spoof, something so ludicrous that it can be ignored.  But
>> background on Mr. Adams and his many questionable commercial exploits
>> reveals someone who unfortunately has considerable social media 
>> influence,
>> has rankled many professional scientists, and disrupted important quality
>> research programs.  It is a sign of the times that "fake news" is 
>> entering
>> the fringe debates about biosolids recycling.
>> One of the largest publishers of coronavirus disinformation on
>> Facebook has been banned from the platform for using content farms from
>> North Macedonia and the Philippines, Facebook said on Friday.
>> The publisher, Natural News, was one of the most prolific pushers of
>> the viral “Plandemic” conspiracy video, which falsely claimed that the
>> coronavirus is part of an elaborate government plot to control the 
>> populace
>> through vaccines, and erroneously claimed that wearing a mask increases 
>> the
>> risk of catching the coronavirus. And then all you idiots fall for it and
>> pass it around and take it as fact when it's not.

Re: CS>Re: CS>Re: CS>Insanity Rules in the U.S. as Hospitalizations and Deaths Among Vaccinated “Breakthrough” Cases Surge While Health Authorities blame the “Unvaccinated” - Vaccine Impact

2021-07-29 Thread Deborah Gerard
Thanks for the support Rick! Its hard to stand by and be silent when she could 
be influencing others to take this vile bioweapon once it is in you there is no 
going back.On Thursday, July 29, 2021, 06:56:01 PM EDT, Rick 
Folks, our lil Cyndi apparently is too damaged to learn. She can't stop 
watching and listening to the very things which have pickled her brain. She's 
our lil Chicken Little Cyndi. But we should still include her in our prayers 
because we should wish no harm to those who simply can't help themselves when 
it comes to something so glaringly obvious (now that we know better). 

She has all the information thanks in part to all of you that she needs should 
she get Covid herself. But if she got the shot that she hasn't mentioned, 
perhaps it will be painless for her. One can only hope for all those who will 
be adversely affected.

Other than this, and we should be grateful there is only one...other than this, 
I am very appreciative of all the rest of you who are sharing the un-censored 
truths from the very people who it is obvious to have our best interests 
(health & wellbeing) at heart, despite the threat of life and their own 
independent practices and or peaceful retirements.

I pray for all of you should things continue down this negative path, that we 
are affected the least and/or that we die peacefully as is our life-long wish 
anyway. Hope to see you all in person someday in a new and glorious place!

On Thu, Jul 29, 2021 at 11:56 AM Linda Ellis  wrote:

Speaking only for myself, I stopped unquestioningly believing the evening news 
back during the hearings for Clarence Thomas' nomination to the Supreme Court.  
As it happened, I was working on several projects that kept me in my office at 
my computer, and listened to the entire hearing "live."  What I then heard on 
the evening news was most definitely NOT what I heard.  Ever since then (it 
actually may have been earlier - during the tobacco hearings, maybe, or the 
Bork hearings), the first question I ask when I hear something in a short 
soundbite on the evening news is, "is that true?"  How much I'm interested in 
the particular issue in question dictates how far I'll go in doing my own 

From: "Cyndiann Phillips" 
Date: Wed, Jul 28, 2021 8:31 pm
Subject: CS>Re: CS>Insanity Rules in the U.S. as Hospitalizations and Deaths 
Among Vaccinated “Breakthrough” Cases Surge While Health Authorities blame the 
“Unvaccinated” - Vaccine Impact
There are almost no deaths on the vaccinated, it's 99.5% the unvaccinated that 
die. Why don't you know that? It's been on the evening news all week.
On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 3:19 PM T. J. Garland <> wrote: 
Read some. Cyindiann think are all liars?
"Imagine a "vaccine" so safe you had to be threatened to get it, for a virus so 
deadly you had to be tested to know you have it".   Anon


Re: CS>Natural News fruitcake

2021-07-29 Thread Diane Mackey
You say Mike Adams is a liar.  I prove to you he is not by posting the
official government website that he quoted to VERIFY the info.  You again
deny it to be the truth. Yet, you still don't see you have a real problem
with reality!  So, you then use MSM as your source, which we all know hides
and refuses to report the truths and maligns those who don't follow their
agenda.  There is something really wrong with you.

On Thu, Jul 29, 2021 at 4:06 PM Cyndiann Phillips 

> Nope, not any more. Why are you avoiding my questions?
> On Thu, Jul 29, 2021 at 1:33 PM Diane Mackey 
> wrote:
>> So, you are reading what he posts?  Then you must be following him.
>> On Thu, Jul 29, 2021 at 11:20 AM Cyndiann Phillips 
>> wrote:
>>> With good reason because it's not truth at all.
>>> I remember his rants on Facebook. He needs some serious head drugs. He
>>> was seeing things not there and hearing voices.
>>> What makes you think it's true? Have you even once checked what he's
>>> saying? Obviously not.
>>> On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 11:46 PM Diane Mackey 
>>> wrote:
 All you are doing is PROVING that those who publish the truth are being

 On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 6:26 PM Cyndiann Phillips 

> When you post something you already know isn't true to people who
> believe you.
>   ISD’s investigation has identified a collection of 496 active and
> inactive domains which appear to be linked to NaturalNews and its 
> founders.
> These are used to host violent and extremist material, as well as health
> disinformation and conspiracy theories: To our knowledge, this collection
> of domains has been registered as far back as 1996, with a peak in the
> volume of registrations occurring in 2015. This network appears to have
> been set up by four domain registrants with names matching those of
> NaturalNews’ online assets or associated corporate entities − Webseed,
> Healthranger, Truth Publishing International Ltd., and Truthpublish
> The investigations done on him and his website are almost endless!
> The Health Ranger (Mike Adams) and “Natural News” have joined other
> conspiracy theorists in attacking the land application of biosolids. 
> Adams'
> websites (e.g. "" ) are
> promoting a new movie, “Biosludged: The Greatest Environment Crime You’ve
> Never Known," which is due to be released online this year.  It almost
> seems like a spoof, something so ludicrous that it can be ignored.  But
> background on Mr. Adams and his many questionable commercial exploits
> reveals someone who unfortunately has considerable social media influence,
> has rankled many professional scientists, and disrupted important quality
> research programs.  It is a sign of the times that "fake news" is entering
> the fringe debates about biosolids recycling.
> One of the largest publishers of coronavirus disinformation on
> Facebook has been banned from the platform for using content farms from
> North Macedonia and the Philippines, Facebook said on Friday.
> The publisher, Natural News, was one of the most prolific pushers of
> the viral “Plandemic” conspiracy video, which falsely claimed that the
> coronavirus is part of an elaborate government plot to control the 
> populace
> through vaccines, and erroneously claimed that wearing a mask increases 
> the
> risk of catching the coronavirus. And then all you idiots fall for it and
> pass it around and take it as fact when it's not.

CS>Re: CS>Re: CS>Re: CS>Insanity Rules in the U.S. as Hospitalizations and Deaths Among Vaccinated “Breakthrough” Cases Surge While Health Authorities blame the “Unvaccinated” - Vaccine Impact

2021-07-29 Thread Cyndiann Phillips
A last trick is to become personal, insulting and rude as soon as you
perceive that your opponent has the upper hand. In becoming personal you
leave the subject altogether, and turn your attack on the person by remarks
of an offensive and spiteful character. This is a very popular trick

On Thu, Jul 29, 2021 at 6:56 PM Rick  wrote:

> Folks, our lil Cyndi apparently is too damaged to learn. She can't stop
> watching and listening to the very things which have pickled her brain.
> She's our lil Chicken Little Cyndi. But we should still include her in our
> prayers because we should wish no harm to those who simply can't help
> themselves when it comes to something so glaringly obvious (now that we
> know better).
> She has all the information thanks in part to all of you that she needs
> should she get Covid herself. But if she got the *shot* that she hasn't
> mentioned, perhaps it will be painless for her. One can only hope for all
> those who will be adversely affected.
> Other than this, and we should be grateful there is only one...other than
> this, I am very appreciative of all the rest of you who are sharing the
> un-censored truths from the very people who it is obvious to have our best
> interests (health & wellbeing) at heart, despite the threat of life and
> their own independent practices and or peaceful retirements.
> I pray for all of you should things continue down this negative path, that
> we are affected the least and/or that we die peacefully as is our life-long
> wish anyway. Hope to see you all in person someday in a new and glorious
> place!
> On Thu, Jul 29, 2021 at 11:56 AM Linda Ellis  wrote:
>> Speaking only for myself, I stopped unquestioningly believing the evening
>> news back during the hearings for Clarence Thomas' nomination to the
>> Supreme Court.  As it happened, I was working on several projects that kept
>> me in my office at my computer, and listened to the entire hearing "live."
>> What I then heard on the evening news was most definitely NOT what I
>> heard.  Ever since then (it actually may have been earlier - during the
>> tobacco hearings, maybe, or the Bork hearings), the first question I ask
>> when I hear something in a short soundbite on the evening news is, "is that
>> true?"  How much I'm interested in the particular issue in question
>> dictates how far I'll go in doing my own fact-checking.
>> --
>> *From: *"Cyndiann Phillips" 
>> *Date: *Wed, Jul 28, 2021 8:31 pm
>> *To: *
>> *Subject: *CS>Re: CS>Insanity Rules in the U.S. as Hospitalizations and
>> Deaths Among Vaccinated “Breakthrough” Cases Surge While Health Authorities
>> blame the “Unvaccinated” - Vaccine Impact
>> There are almost no deaths on the vaccinated, it's 99.5% the unvaccinated
>> that die. Why don't you know that? It's been on the evening news all week.
>> On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 3:19 PM T. J. Garland <>
>> wrote:
>> Read some.
>> Cyindiann think are all liars?
>> "Imagine a "vaccine" so safe you had to be threatened to get it, for a
>> virus so deadly you had to be tested to know you have it".   Anon

Re: CS>Re: CS>Insanity Rules in the U.S. as Hospitalizations and Deaths Among Vaccinated “Breakthrough” Cases Surge While Health Authorities blame the “Unvaccinated” - Vaccine Impact

2021-07-29 Thread Deborah Gerard
Over a dozen vaccinated doctors dead as Indonesia's virus cases surge

|  |  |


|  | 
Over a dozen vaccinated doctors dead as Indonesia's virus cases surge




On Wednesday, July 28, 2021, 09:31:06 PM EDT, Cyndiann Phillips 
 There are almost no deaths on the vaccinated, it's 99.5% the unvaccinated that 
die. Why don't you know that? It's been on the evening news all week.
On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 3:19 PM T. J. Garland  wrote:

Read some. Cyindiann think are all liars?

"Imagine a "vaccine" so safe you had to be threatened to get it, for a virus so 
deadly you had to be tested to know you have it".   Anon

CS>Re: CS>Re: CS>Insanity Rules in the U.S. as Hospitalizations and Deaths Among Vaccinated “Breakthrough” Cases Surge While Health Authorities blame the “Unvaccinated” - Vaccine Impact

2021-07-29 Thread Rick
Folks, our lil Cyndi apparently is too damaged to learn. She can't stop
watching and listening to the very things which have pickled her brain.
She's our lil Chicken Little Cyndi. But we should still include her in our
prayers because we should wish no harm to those who simply can't help
themselves when it comes to something so glaringly obvious (now that we
know better).

She has all the information thanks in part to all of you that she needs
should she get Covid herself. But if she got the *shot* that she hasn't
mentioned, perhaps it will be painless for her. One can only hope for all
those who will be adversely affected.

Other than this, and we should be grateful there is only one...other than
this, I am very appreciative of all the rest of you who are sharing the
un-censored truths from the very people who it is obvious to have our best
interests (health & wellbeing) at heart, despite the threat of life and
their own independent practices and or peaceful retirements.

I pray for all of you should things continue down this negative path, that
we are affected the least and/or that we die peacefully as is our life-long
wish anyway. Hope to see you all in person someday in a new and glorious

On Thu, Jul 29, 2021 at 11:56 AM Linda Ellis  wrote:

> Speaking only for myself, I stopped unquestioningly believing the evening
> news back during the hearings for Clarence Thomas' nomination to the
> Supreme Court.  As it happened, I was working on several projects that kept
> me in my office at my computer, and listened to the entire hearing "live."
> What I then heard on the evening news was most definitely NOT what I
> heard.  Ever since then (it actually may have been earlier - during the
> tobacco hearings, maybe, or the Bork hearings), the first question I ask
> when I hear something in a short soundbite on the evening news is, "is that
> true?"  How much I'm interested in the particular issue in question
> dictates how far I'll go in doing my own fact-checking.
> --
> *From: *"Cyndiann Phillips" 
> *Date: *Wed, Jul 28, 2021 8:31 pm
> *To: *
> *Subject: *CS>Re: CS>Insanity Rules in the U.S. as Hospitalizations and
> Deaths Among Vaccinated “Breakthrough” Cases Surge While Health Authorities
> blame the “Unvaccinated” - Vaccine Impact
> There are almost no deaths on the vaccinated, it's 99.5% the unvaccinated
> that die. Why don't you know that? It's been on the evening news all week.
> On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 3:19 PM T. J. Garland <>
> wrote:
> Read some.
> Cyindiann think are all liars?
> "Imagine a "vaccine" so safe you had to be threatened to get it, for a
> virus so deadly you had to be tested to know you have it".   Anon

Re: CS>Natural News fruitcake

2021-07-29 Thread Cyndiann Phillips
Nope, not any more. Why are you avoiding my questions?

On Thu, Jul 29, 2021 at 1:33 PM Diane Mackey  wrote:

> So, you are reading what he posts?  Then you must be following him.
> On Thu, Jul 29, 2021 at 11:20 AM Cyndiann Phillips 
> wrote:
>> With good reason because it's not truth at all.
>> I remember his rants on Facebook. He needs some serious head drugs. He
>> was seeing things not there and hearing voices.
>> What makes you think it's true? Have you even once checked what he's
>> saying? Obviously not.
>> On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 11:46 PM Diane Mackey 
>> wrote:
>>> All you are doing is PROVING that those who publish the truth are being
>>> maligned.
>>> On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 6:26 PM Cyndiann Phillips 
>>> wrote:

 When you post something you already know isn't true to people who
 believe you.

   ISD’s investigation has identified a collection of 496 active and
 inactive domains which appear to be linked to NaturalNews and its founders.
 These are used to host violent and extremist material, as well as health
 disinformation and conspiracy theories: To our knowledge, this collection
 of domains has been registered as far back as 1996, with a peak in the
 volume of registrations occurring in 2015. This network appears to have
 been set up by four domain registrants with names matching those of
 NaturalNews’ online assets or associated corporate entities − Webseed,
 Healthranger, Truth Publishing International Ltd., and Truthpublish

 The investigations done on him and his website are almost endless!

 The Health Ranger (Mike Adams) and “Natural News” have joined other
 conspiracy theorists in attacking the land application of biosolids. Adams'
 websites (e.g. "" ) are
 promoting a new movie, “Biosludged: The Greatest Environment Crime You’ve
 Never Known," which is due to be released online this year.  It almost
 seems like a spoof, something so ludicrous that it can be ignored.  But
 background on Mr. Adams and his many questionable commercial exploits
 reveals someone who unfortunately has considerable social media influence,
 has rankled many professional scientists, and disrupted important quality
 research programs.  It is a sign of the times that "fake news" is entering
 the fringe debates about biosolids recycling.

 One of the largest publishers of coronavirus disinformation on Facebook
 has been banned from the platform for using content farms from North
 Macedonia and the Philippines, Facebook said on Friday.

 The publisher, Natural News, was one of the most prolific pushers of
 the viral “Plandemic” conspiracy video, which falsely claimed that the
 coronavirus is part of an elaborate government plot to control the populace
 through vaccines, and erroneously claimed that wearing a mask increases the
 risk of catching the coronavirus. And then all you idiots fall for it and
 pass it around and take it as fact when it's not.

RE: CS>Re: CS>Insanity Rules in the U.S. as Hospitalizations and Deaths Among Vaccinated “Breakthrough” Cases Surge While Health Authorities blame the “Unvaccinated” - Vaccine Impact

2021-07-29 Thread
I have a question and don't mean to start WW III.  How does the present 
administration justify mask enforcements for us common folk and allow
certain government, business and educational entities to demand that their 
employees get the shots or they are fired while they allow unmasked and 
unvaccinated illegals to not only cross the border into the US but they ship 
these people all over the country whether the localities like it or not?  Isn't 
that just a little hypocritical?  just a little disengenuous?  I haven't seen 
addressed any where.

- Original Message -
From: Linda Ellis 
Sent: Thu, 29 Jul 2021 11:56:25 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: RE: CS>Re: CS>Insanity Rules in the U.S. as Hospitalizations and 
Deaths Among Vaccinated “Breakthrough” Cases Surge While Health Authorities 
blame the “Unvaccinated” - Vaccine Impact

Speaking only for myself, I stopped unquestioningly believing the evening news 
back during the hearings for Clarence Thomas' nomination to the Supreme Court.  
As it happened, I was working on several projects that kept me in my office at 
my computer, and listened to the entire hearing "live."  What I then heard on 
the evening news was most definitely NOT what I heard.  Ever since then (it 
actually may have been earlier - during the tobacco hearings, maybe, or the 
Bork hearings), the first question I ask when I hear something in a short 
soundbite on the evening news is, "is that true?"  How much I'm interested in 
the particular issue in question dictates how far I'll go in doing my own 

From: "Cyndiann Phillips" 
Date: Wed, Jul 28, 2021 8:31 pm
Subject: CS>Re: CS>Insanity Rules in the U.S. as Hospitalizations and Deaths 
Among Vaccinated “Breakthrough” Cases Surge While Health Authorities blame the 
“Unvaccinated” - Vaccine Impact
There are almost no deaths on the vaccinated, it's 99.5% the unvaccinated that 
die. Why don't you know that? It's been on the evening news all week.
On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 3:19 PM T. J. Garland <> 
wrote:Read some. Cyindiann think are all liars?

"Imagine a "vaccine" so safe you had to be threatened to get it, for a virus so 
deadly you had to be tested to know you have it".   Anon

Re: CS>Natural News fruitcake

2021-07-29 Thread Diane Mackey
So, you are reading what he posts?  Then you must be following him.

On Thu, Jul 29, 2021 at 11:20 AM Cyndiann Phillips 

> With good reason because it's not truth at all.
> I remember his rants on Facebook. He needs some serious head drugs. He was
> seeing things not there and hearing voices.
> What makes you think it's true? Have you even once checked what he's
> saying? Obviously not.
> On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 11:46 PM Diane Mackey 
> wrote:
>> All you are doing is PROVING that those who publish the truth are being
>> maligned.
>> On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 6:26 PM Cyndiann Phillips 
>> wrote:
>>> When you post something you already know isn't true to people who
>>> believe you.
>>>   ISD’s investigation has identified a collection of 496 active and
>>> inactive domains which appear to be linked to NaturalNews and its founders.
>>> These are used to host violent and extremist material, as well as health
>>> disinformation and conspiracy theories: To our knowledge, this collection
>>> of domains has been registered as far back as 1996, with a peak in the
>>> volume of registrations occurring in 2015. This network appears to have
>>> been set up by four domain registrants with names matching those of
>>> NaturalNews’ online assets or associated corporate entities − Webseed,
>>> Healthranger, Truth Publishing International Ltd., and Truthpublish
>>> The investigations done on him and his website are almost endless!
>>> The Health Ranger (Mike Adams) and “Natural News” have joined other
>>> conspiracy theorists in attacking the land application of biosolids. Adams'
>>> websites (e.g. "" ) are
>>> promoting a new movie, “Biosludged: The Greatest Environment Crime You’ve
>>> Never Known," which is due to be released online this year.  It almost
>>> seems like a spoof, something so ludicrous that it can be ignored.  But
>>> background on Mr. Adams and his many questionable commercial exploits
>>> reveals someone who unfortunately has considerable social media influence,
>>> has rankled many professional scientists, and disrupted important quality
>>> research programs.  It is a sign of the times that "fake news" is entering
>>> the fringe debates about biosolids recycling.
>>> One of the largest publishers of coronavirus disinformation on Facebook
>>> has been banned from the platform for using content farms from North
>>> Macedonia and the Philippines, Facebook said on Friday.
>>> The publisher, Natural News, was one of the most prolific pushers of the
>>> viral “Plandemic” conspiracy video, which falsely claimed that the
>>> coronavirus is part of an elaborate government plot to control the populace
>>> through vaccines, and erroneously claimed that wearing a mask increases the
>>> risk of catching the coronavirus. And then all you idiots fall for it and
>>> pass it around and take it as fact when it's not.

RE: CS>Re: CS>Insanity Rules in the U.S. as Hospitalizations and Deaths Among Vaccinated “Breakthrough” Cases Surge While Health Authorities blame the “Unvaccinated” - Vaccine Impact

2021-07-29 Thread Linda Ellis
Speaking only for myself, I stopped unquestioningly believing the evening news 
back during the hearings for Clarence Thomas' nomination to the Supreme Court.  
As it happened, I was working on several projects that kept me in my office at 
my computer, and listened to the entire hearing "live."  What I then heard on 
the evening news was most definitely NOT what I heard.  Ever since then (it 
actually may have been earlier - during the tobacco hearings, maybe, or the 
Bork hearings), the first question I ask when I hear something in a short 
soundbite on the evening news is, "is that true?"  How much I'm interested in 
the particular issue in question dictates how far I'll go in doing my own 


 From: "Cyndiann Phillips"  

Date: Wed, Jul 28, 2021 8:31 pm 


Subject: CS>Re: CS>Insanity Rules in the U.S. as Hospitalizations and Deaths 
Among Vaccinated “Breakthrough” Cases Surge While Health Authorities blame the 
“Unvaccinated” - Vaccine Impact 

 There are almost no deaths on the vaccinated, it's 99.5% the unvaccinated that 
die. Why don't you know that? It's been on the evening news all week. 

 On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 3:19 PM T. J. Garland <> wrote: 
Read some.  Cyindiann think are all liars?


 "Imagine a "vaccine" so safe you had to be threatened to get it, for a virus 
so deadly you had to be tested to know you have it".   Anon

CS>Re: CS>Re: CS>Insanity Rules in the U.S. as Hospitalizations and Deaths Among Vaccinated “Breakthrough” Cases Surge While Health Authorities blame the “Unvaccinated” - Vaccine Impact

2021-07-29 Thread Cyndiann Phillips
See what I mean? No where did I said all are liars. Who is "all"? I have no
idea what that means.

Stick to what is actually there and try debating reality.

On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 9:31 PM Cyndiann Phillips 

> There are almost no deaths on the vaccinated, it's 99.5% the unvaccinated
> that die. Why don't you know that? It's been on the evening news all week.
> On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 3:19 PM T. J. Garland 
> wrote:
>> Read some.
>> Cyindiann think are all liars?
>> "Imagine a "vaccine" so safe you had to be threatened to get it, for a
>> virus so deadly you had to be tested to know you have it".   Anon

Re: CS>Natural News fruitcake

2021-07-29 Thread Cyndiann Phillips
With good reason because it's not truth at all.

I remember his rants on Facebook. He needs some serious head drugs. He was
seeing things not there and hearing voices.

What makes you think it's true? Have you even once checked what he's
saying? Obviously not.

On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 11:46 PM Diane Mackey 

> All you are doing is PROVING that those who publish the truth are being
> maligned.
> On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 6:26 PM Cyndiann Phillips 
> wrote:
>> When you post something you already know isn't true to people who believe
>> you.
>>   ISD’s investigation has identified a collection of 496 active and
>> inactive domains which appear to be linked to NaturalNews and its founders.
>> These are used to host violent and extremist material, as well as health
>> disinformation and conspiracy theories: To our knowledge, this collection
>> of domains has been registered as far back as 1996, with a peak in the
>> volume of registrations occurring in 2015. This network appears to have
>> been set up by four domain registrants with names matching those of
>> NaturalNews’ online assets or associated corporate entities − Webseed,
>> Healthranger, Truth Publishing International Ltd., and Truthpublish
>> The investigations done on him and his website are almost endless!
>> The Health Ranger (Mike Adams) and “Natural News” have joined other
>> conspiracy theorists in attacking the land application of biosolids. Adams'
>> websites (e.g. "" ) are
>> promoting a new movie, “Biosludged: The Greatest Environment Crime You’ve
>> Never Known," which is due to be released online this year.  It almost
>> seems like a spoof, something so ludicrous that it can be ignored.  But
>> background on Mr. Adams and his many questionable commercial exploits
>> reveals someone who unfortunately has considerable social media influence,
>> has rankled many professional scientists, and disrupted important quality
>> research programs.  It is a sign of the times that "fake news" is entering
>> the fringe debates about biosolids recycling.
>> One of the largest publishers of coronavirus disinformation on Facebook
>> has been banned from the platform for using content farms from North
>> Macedonia and the Philippines, Facebook said on Friday.
>> The publisher, Natural News, was one of the most prolific pushers of the
>> viral “Plandemic” conspiracy video, which falsely claimed that the
>> coronavirus is part of an elaborate government plot to control the populace
>> through vaccines, and erroneously claimed that wearing a mask increases the
>> risk of catching the coronavirus. And then all you idiots fall for it and
>> pass it around and take it as fact when it's not.

Re: CS>Resending - appreciate response to figure out if it made it to the main list

2021-07-29 Thread James Osbourne Holmes
Post received.

James 1.618

James Osbourne Holmes
a/k/a *Red Pill Media*

On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 8:26 PM Neville Munn  wrote:

> .  Another thing I have noticed over the years being on this
> List, if I write too much in a post I never see it, it doesn't go through,
> too many characters I guess.
> To ensure this post goes through I culled it severely to make sure it goes
> through.
> N.
> --
> *From:*  on behalf of Linda Ellis <
> *Sent:* Thursday, 29 July 2021 1:58 AM
> *To:* 
> *Subject:* CS>Resending - appreciate response to figure out if it made it
> to the main list
> *Once again, I'm making sure that "
> " is in the "To" field.  Please, if you see this,
> respond so I know it went through. *

Re: CS>

2021-07-29 Thread James Osbourne Holmes
Ignore it.  Delete it.  Do not attempt reason.  It is a bio-robot.

James 1.618

James Osbourne Holmes
a/k/a *Red Pill Media*

On Thu, Jul 29, 2021 at 1:38 AM pal joey  wrote:

> Cindiann, I don't think you're really reading the articles that you try
> and link to. Half of them are dead-ends, and most are just disinformation,
> and hit pieces , reminiscent of Quackwatch (what ever happened to  that
> _?)   Or, your comprehension is very low.
> Most of us are here because we've seen through the
> bullshit for decades. The smear pieces you post are designed for the
> willfully ignorant consumption.

Re: CS>

2021-07-29 Thread Deborah Gerard
 She salts and peppers the bullshit! Loves it licks the plate clean daily!!!
On Thursday, July 29, 2021, 03:38:37 AM EDT, pal joey  
 Cindiann, I don't think you're really reading the articles that you try and 
link to. Half of them are dead-ends, and most are just disinformation, and hit 
pieces , reminiscent of Quackwatch (what ever happened to  that _?)   Or, 
your comprehension is very low.                                                 
     Most of us are here because we've seen through the bullshit for decades. 
The smear pieces you post are designed for the willfully ignorant consumption.  

Re: CS>Insanity Rules in the U.S. as Hospitalizations and Deaths Among Vaccinated “Breakthrough” Cases Surge While Health Authorities blame the “Unvaccinated” - Vaccine Impact

2021-07-28 Thread Deborah Gerard

On Wednesday, July 28, 2021, 03:13:35 PM EDT, T. J. Garland 

"Imagine a "vaccine" so safe you had to be threatened to get it, for a virus so 
deadly you had to be tested to know you have it".   Anon  

Re: CS>Re: CS>Insanity Rules in the U.S. as Hospitalizations and Deaths Among Vaccinated “Breakthrough” Cases Surge While Health Authorities blame the “Unvaccinated” - Vaccine Impact

2021-07-28 Thread Deborah Gerard

|  | 

leaders of our country are telling ...




On Wednesday, July 28, 2021, 09:31:06 PM EDT, Cyndiann Phillips 
 There are almost no deaths on the vaccinated, it's 99.5% the unvaccinated that 
die. Why don't you know that? It's been on the evening news all week.
On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 3:19 PM T. J. Garland  wrote:

Read some. Cyindiann think are all liars?

"Imagine a "vaccine" so safe you had to be threatened to get it, for a virus so 
deadly you had to be tested to know you have it".   Anon

Re: CS>Re: CS>Insanity Rules in the U.S. as Hospitalizations and Deaths Among Vaccinated “Breakthrough” Cases Surge While Health Authorities blame the “Unvaccinated” - Vaccine Impact

2021-07-28 Thread Deborah Gerard
 After the shot both legs cut off next will be her handsUS-Based Nigerian 
Woman Loses Legs After Taking Covid-19 Vaccine, Set To Lose Both Hands - 

|  |  |


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US-Based Nigerian Woman Loses Legs After Taking Covid-19 Vaccine, Set To...


Jummai Nache, is a medical assistant who worked in one of the clinics in 
Minneapolis MN, where she was instructe...



On Wednesday, July 28, 2021, 09:31:06 PM EDT, Cyndiann Phillips 
 There are almost no deaths on the vaccinated, it's 99.5% the unvaccinated that 
die. Why don't you know that? It's been on the evening news all week.
On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 3:19 PM T. J. Garland  wrote:

Read some. Cyindiann think are all liars?

"Imagine a "vaccine" so safe you had to be threatened to get it, for a virus so 
deadly you had to be tested to know you have it".   Anon

Re: CS>Re: CS>Insanity Rules in the U.S. as Hospitalizations and Deaths Among Vaccinated “Breakthrough” Cases Surge While Health Authorities blame the “Unvaccinated” - Vaccine Impact

2021-07-28 Thread Deborah Gerard
 Hundreds Injured by COVID Vaccines Turn to GoFundMe for Help With Expenses

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Hundreds Injured by COVID Vaccines Turn to GoFundMe for Help With Expenses

People injured by COVID vaccines are asking for help on GoFundMe as the U.S. 
government shields vaccine makers f...



On Wednesday, July 28, 2021, 09:31:06 PM EDT, Cyndiann Phillips 
 There are almost no deaths on the vaccinated, it's 99.5% the unvaccinated that 
die. Why don't you know that? It's been on the evening news all week.
On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 3:19 PM T. J. Garland  wrote:

Read some. Cyindiann think are all liars?

"Imagine a "vaccine" so safe you had to be threatened to get it, for a virus so 
deadly you had to be tested to know you have it".   Anon

Re: CS>Re: CS>Insanity Rules in the U.S. as Hospitalizations and Deaths Among Vaccinated “Breakthrough” Cases Surge While Health Authorities blame the “Unvaccinated” - Vaccine Impact

2021-07-28 Thread Deborah Gerard
You have to be the stupidest damn idiot on the planet!!! I suppose they are 
just making crap up huh?

On Wednesday, July 28, 2021, 09:31:06 PM EDT, Cyndiann Phillips 
 There are almost no deaths on the vaccinated, it's 99.5% the unvaccinated that 
die. Why don't you know that? It's been on the evening news all week.
On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 3:19 PM T. J. Garland  wrote:

Read some. Cyindiann think are all liars?

"Imagine a "vaccine" so safe you had to be threatened to get it, for a virus so 
deadly you had to be tested to know you have it".   Anon

Re: CS>Natural News fruitcake

2021-07-28 Thread Diane Mackey
All you are doing is PROVING that those who publish the truth are being

On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 6:26 PM Cyndiann Phillips 

> When you post something you already know isn't true to people who believe
> you.
>   ISD’s investigation has identified a collection of 496 active and
> inactive domains which appear to be linked to NaturalNews and its founders.
> These are used to host violent and extremist material, as well as health
> disinformation and conspiracy theories: To our knowledge, this collection
> of domains has been registered as far back as 1996, with a peak in the
> volume of registrations occurring in 2015. This network appears to have
> been set up by four domain registrants with names matching those of
> NaturalNews’ online assets or associated corporate entities − Webseed,
> Healthranger, Truth Publishing International Ltd., and Truthpublish
> The investigations done on him and his website are almost endless!
> The Health Ranger (Mike Adams) and “Natural News” have joined other
> conspiracy theorists in attacking the land application of biosolids. Adams'
> websites (e.g. "" ) are
> promoting a new movie, “Biosludged: The Greatest Environment Crime You’ve
> Never Known," which is due to be released online this year.  It almost
> seems like a spoof, something so ludicrous that it can be ignored.  But
> background on Mr. Adams and his many questionable commercial exploits
> reveals someone who unfortunately has considerable social media influence,
> has rankled many professional scientists, and disrupted important quality
> research programs.  It is a sign of the times that "fake news" is entering
> the fringe debates about biosolids recycling.
> One of the largest publishers of coronavirus disinformation on Facebook
> has been banned from the platform for using content farms from North
> Macedonia and the Philippines, Facebook said on Friday.
> The publisher, Natural News, was one of the most prolific pushers of the
> viral “Plandemic” conspiracy video, which falsely claimed that the
> coronavirus is part of an elaborate government plot to control the populace
> through vaccines, and erroneously claimed that wearing a mask increases the
> risk of catching the coronavirus. And then all you idiots fall for it and
> pass it around and take it as fact when it's not.

Re: CS>Resending - appreciate response to figure out if it made it to the main list

2021-07-28 Thread Neville Munn
.  Another thing I have noticed over the years being on this List, 
if I write too much in a post I never see it, it doesn't go through, too many 
characters I guess.

To ensure this post goes through I culled it severely to make sure it goes 


From:  on behalf of Linda Ellis 

Sent: Thursday, 29 July 2021 1:58 AM
Subject: CS>Resending - appreciate response to figure out if it made it to the 
main list

Once again, I'm making sure that "" is in the "To" field. 
 Please, if you see this, respond so I know it went through.

Re: CS>Insanity Rules in the U.S. as Hospitalizations and Deaths Among Vaccinated “Breakthrough” Cases Surge While Health Authorities blame the “Unvaccinated” - Vaccine Impact

2021-07-28 Thread Deborah Gerard
 DEADLY SHOTS! Former Pfizer Employee Confirms Poison in COVID 'Vaccine'

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|  | 
DEADLY SHOTS! Former Pfizer Employee Confirms Poison in COVID 'Vaccine'

EXCLUSIVE! Karen Kingston, a former Pfizer employee and current analyst for the 
pharmaceutical and medical devic...



On Wednesday, July 28, 2021, 03:13:35 PM EDT, T. J. Garland 

"Imagine a "vaccine" so safe you had to be threatened to get it, for a virus so 
deadly you had to be tested to know you have it".   Anon  

CS>Re: CS>Insanity Rules in the U.S. as Hospitalizations and Deaths Among Vaccinated “Breakthrough” Cases Surge While Health Authorities blame the “Unvaccinated” - Vaccine Impact

2021-07-28 Thread Cyndiann Phillips
There are almost no deaths on the vaccinated, it's 99.5% the unvaccinated
that die. Why don't you know that? It's been on the evening news all week.

On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 3:19 PM T. J. Garland 

> Read some.
> Cyindiann think are all liars?
> "Imagine a "vaccine" so safe you had to be threatened to get it, for a
> virus so deadly you had to be tested to know you have it".   Anon

Re: CS>Insanity Rules in the U.S. as Hospitalizations and Deaths Among Vaccinated “Breakthrough” Cases Surge While Health Authorities blame the “Unvaccinated” - Vaccine Impact

2021-07-28 Thread Deborah Gerard
 ‘Recipes for Regulatory Corruption’: How CDC, NIH Pull in Millions From 
Licensing Deals, Including COVID-Related Technologies

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‘Recipes for Regulatory Corruption’: How CDC, NIH Pull in Millions From ...

Aggregated data for fiscal year 2020 show the NIH and CDC collected a combined 
$63.4 million in royalty revenues...



On Wednesday, July 28, 2021, 03:19:31 PM EDT, T. J. Garland 
 Read some. Cyindiann think are all liars?

"Imagine a "vaccine" so safe you had to be threatened to get it, for a virus so 
deadly you had to be tested to know you have it".   Anon  

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