Re: [sqlite] Uncached performance

2015-01-08 Thread Teg
Hello Donald,

DG 1) Might there be further performance gains by placing the blobs in a
DG separate table?
DG E.g.
DG value BLOB
DG );
DG Then (if you haven't rebuilt a new db, and perhaps only once ever) run

This  is  how  I  do  it.  Seems  to  give  me the best performance. I
sometimes put them in their own DB file and then attach this file too.
I have DB's with 30+ gigs of blobs in them. 

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Without ROWID and Autoincrement question

2014-12-26 Thread Teg
Hello General,

I  was  going  to say I thought the docs were ambiguous but, on my 3rd
reading  I  see  they  aren't.  Still,  I think this statement could be
re-written to reduce confusion (at least mine).

Because AUTOINCREMENT keyword changes the behavior of the ROWID
selection algorithm, AUTOINCREMENT is not allowed on WITHOUT ROWID
tables or on any table column other than INTEGER PRIMARY KEY. Any
attempt to use AUTOINCREMENT on a WITHOUT ROWID table or on a column
other than the INTEGER PRIMARY KEY column results in an error.--

I think this comment would be clearer if the without rowid part was
pulled out and made absolute.

The AUTOINCREMENT keyword is not allowed on WITHOUT ROWID tables.
Because the AUTOINCREMENT keyword changes the behavior of the ROWID
selection algorithm, Any attempt to use AUTOINCREMENT on a column
other than the INTEGER PRIMARY KEY column results in an error.--

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Performing a SELECT on an enormous database...

2014-10-25 Thread Teg
Hello Ross,

Is  H11  indexed?   15 minutes suggests to me that it's doing a linear
scan and you need an index.  I have databases that big and performance
is pretty decent most of the time.

I'm sure the boys here will ask you for a schema probably an explain
on the query. 


Friday, October 24, 2014, 7:09:05 PM, you wrote:

RA Hi guys,

RA I'm currently working with a pretty gigantic database (116 Gb at the
RA moment, and growing). Performing a simple SELECT routine with one filter
RA takes between 7 and 15 minutes, which is starting to become a problem. The
RA command I'm using is the following:


RA Pretty basic. I just want the NVERTS column of the table ToricCY where
RA another column labeled H11 is 2, nothing fancy. Because of the huge size of
RA the database, I would expect it to take a while, but I was wondering if you
RA guys have any recommendations on how to speed it up (if possible).

RA Also, because this problem will only get worse as the database grows, I'm
RA looking for alternative approaches to storing this data. Does anyone have
RA experience working with databases this big?

RA Thanks!

RA Best,
RA Ross
RA ___
RA sqlite-users mailing list


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Please fix the EBCDIC support

2014-10-16 Thread Teg
Hello John,

I  feed  everything  to Sqlite in UTF-8.  If it's coming from Windows,
that  means  I have to do a UTF-16 to UTF-8 conversion.  I know Sqlite
has UTF-16 support but, I want things to be consistent across all OS's
I  work  with.  The  less  I have to think about things like this, the


Thursday, October 16, 2014, 10:49:52 AM, you wrote:

JM On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 9:09 AM, Richard Hipp wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 9:53 AM, John McKown

 On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 9:46 PM, Richard Hipp wrote:
  Please try the latest version of SQLite on trunk to see if that works
  better.  Specifically, apply the patch at
  D. Richard Hipp

 Unfortunately, the ASCII vs. EBCDIC issued _does_ make it
 impossible to share a single SQLite data base file between z/OS and
 other ASCII-based SQLite systems.

 If you store content in EBCDIC, it is retrieved in EBCDIC and if you store
 content in ASCII it is retrieved in ASCII, regardless of which platform you
 do the storing and retrieving on.  I wonder if this is the right approach.
 Perhaps the zOS patch should be amended to simply transform EBCDIC-ASCII
 on input and ASCII-EBCDIC on output.

JM Hum, I'll need to look more closely at the code to see where this
JM would need to be implemented. As I indicated previously, making it
JM work on z/OS was so easy that I didn't need to really look closely at
JM the code itself. I basically compiled and it worked. And this was my
JM first attempt to port something to the z/OS environment, so I was not
JM very knowledgeable about it. I am somewhat more knowledgeable today
JM due to some other porting work that was somewhat more involved. I
JM guess that instead of saying ASCII-EBCDIC, I need to say more
JM exactly ISO8859-1-IBM-1047 since there are many ASCII' and EBCDIC
JM code pages. Or does SQLite use UTF-8 internally? Hum, something else
JM to look into. I am not really that familiar with SQLite's internals.
JM Thanks for the thoughts. I appreciate your help. If I have more
JM questions, I guess that I would go over to the sqlite-dev forum.

 I haven't looked closely enough at
 the code to see if the big-endian (z/OS) vs. little-endian (Intel)
 storage of integers would also be a problem.

 We do cross-platform database portability tests between x86, sparc, and
 PPC, to verify that big-endian vs little-endian is not a factor.

JM Thanks for telling me that. I won't worry about it again.

 D. Richard Hipp
 sqlite-users mailing list


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] UTF support

2014-10-07 Thread Teg
Hello J,

int nLengthNeeded = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, pszWide,nLength, 0, 
0, 0, 0);
if( !nLengthNeeded )

sTest.resize(nLengthNeeded + 16);
nLength = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, pszWide,nLength, 
reinterpret_castchar*(sTest[0]),(uint32_t)sTest.size(),0, 0);
sTest[nLength] = 0;

Is what I used to use to convert from UTF-16 to UTF-8 in Windows.
There are similar functions for converting in the opposite direction.
Internally my program is 100% UTF8. I do translations to UTF-16 right
at the point I display the strings in Windows.

This code is actually some test code I use today to compare the
conversions I do manually to what Windows generates. In debug mode, it
does two conversions and compares the two.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014, 8:59:07 AM, you wrote:

JD On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 5:39 AM, Richard Hipp wrote:

 On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 12:06 AM, J Decker wrote:

  I saw a few things go by about unicode... and understand that it should
  just work to store the data as characters...
  I'm getting a unrecognized token... and think this page isn't right...
  I was playing with greek translation of 'mary had a little lamb'
 I ran the following script through the sqlite3 command-line shell and it
 works fine:

 CREATE TABLE option4_values(option_id, string, segment);
 REPLACE INTO option4_values(`option_id`,`string`,`segment`)
  VALUES('8b377a68-4358-11e4-ace4-3085a9903449','Μαίρη είχε ένα μικρό
 SELECT * FROM option4_values;

 Hmm... wonder what it's getting

 I suggest that the problem is in your programming language, or in the
 wrapper that links your programming language to SQLite, not in SQLite
 itself.  Can you tell us what programming language and what operating
 system you are using?

 C, visual studio 2012 build, windows.
JD built with UNICODE enabled... instead of multi-byte character set
JD it could be my conversion routine... I'm using wcstombs_s  with _MSC_VER
JD set... before it was just faililng, because wcstombs_s doesn't convert
JD anything with a high bit set... so I added a handler to replace it with a
JD utf-8 16 bit character encode (expands to 3 bytes  as described here
JD  )

JD if( err == 42 )
JD {
JD (*ch++) = 0xE0 | ((unsigned char*)wch)[1]  4;
JD (*ch++) = 0x80 | ( ( ((unsigned char*)wch)[1]  0xF )  2 ) | ( (
JD ((unsigned char*)wch)[0] )  6 );
JD (*ch++) = 0x80 |  ( ((unsigned char*)wch)[0]  0x3F );
JD }

JD which works... if I mouse-over on char * string it shows the right unicode
JD characters.
JD The logging that I included in the first message was converted from
JD wchar_t* to char* and then the sqlite3_strerror() is expanded from char *
JD to wchar_t * and still shows the right characters

JD  I just cannot identify the unrecognized token... it's obviously not at
JD character 0... (that's gotten by comparing the pzTail result of
JD sqlite3_prepare_v2 )...

 D. Richard Hipp
 sqlite-users mailing list

JD ___
JD sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Reinstalling My Build Environment

2014-09-10 Thread Teg
Hello Paul,

What programming language are you using to devel with?

Using C++, I deploy sqlite by building the lib and static linking it
into  my  program.  No  DLL's or install is needed. Sounds like you're
doing something significantly more complicated than that though. 


Wednesday, September 10, 2014, 7:36:35 PM, you wrote:

PB SQLite is a great database, but I've had nothing but problems deploying it
PB to a clean machine. There is supposed to be nothing extra to do when moving
PB the files from the bin directory to the target machine, but then I hear
PB rumblings about an unknown missing C++ redistribution package that may need
PB to be added.   All my deployment problems must be something that I'm doing
PB or not doing. Since I need to use Entity Framework, I started off by
PB installing sqlite-netFx451-setup-bundle-x86-2013-  Since the
PB deployment has been such a nightmare, I looked around and saw some
PB instructions on using the NuGet package.  I installed the Nuget package, and
PB that pretty much corrupted my project and maybe my Visual Studio
PB installation, so I've decided to start fresh.


PB It would be tremendously helpful if you could point me in the correct
PB direction for installing SQLite into my Visual Studio 2013 installation.
PB There seems to be so many pieces and different instructions that I'm
PB confused.  Do I use the sqlite-net bundle (maybe I'm using the wrong one) to
PB install, or do I use NuGet or perhaps both?   It would seem that using the
PB NuGet package would be best, but when I install the NuGet package into a
PB clean environment (yes I've done this several times), it's never compatible
PB with Entity Framework, or maybe I'm implementing it incorrectly. When using
PB the NuGet package SQLite never comes up as a database option for the
PB Entity Data Model.


PB Please help me.  At this point, I'm desperate for an installation where I
PB can copy the compiled files from the bin directory to a clean machine and
PB have it run.


PB I'm running: Windows 7 - 64 bit and Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate. My target
PB machines could be either 32 bit or 64 bit Windows 7 machines.


PB Your help is tremendously appreciated,



PB ___
PB sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] GUI INfo

2014-09-09 Thread Teg
Hello Maxine,

It's totally unrelated to Sqlite though.

Pick a programming language that works with Sqlite and make a GUI with
this programming language. 


Wednesday, September 10, 2014, 4:56:39 PM, you wrote:

MN I am an experienced Access VBA programmer. I know about the SQLite commands
MN to create and manipulate data in tables and queries.


MN What I want to know is where do I find info on creating a graphical user
MN interface such as menus, forms and reports. What additional programs are
MN required to do this?


MN Thanks in advance,

MN Max


MN ___
MN sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] What if OpenDocument were built atop SQLite?

2014-09-08 Thread Teg
Hello Richard,

Monday, September 8, 2014, 8:35:30 AM, you wrote:

RH See the essay at:


RH Comments, criticism, and feedback are welcomed.

I  use  Sqlite  as  a  container  for  images because it's superior to
CBR/CBZ  files (which are rar and zip files).  I think this is a great

Finally, let us reiterate that this essay is a thought experiment. The
OpenDocument format is well-established and already well-designed.
Nobody really believes that OpenDocument should be changed to use
SQLite as its container instead of ZIP. Nor is this article a
criticism of OpenDocument for not choosing SQLite as its container
since OpenDocument predates SQLite. Rather, the point of this article
is to use OpenDocument as a concrete example of how SQLite can be used
to build better application file formats for future projects.

It  might  be too late in the game but, I would have preferred this to
zips for sure. 


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Mixing journal modes from different threads

2014-08-21 Thread Teg
Hello George,

I use different journal modes within the same application to different
database  files.   My  files don't all have the same protection level.
Some  files I turn it off completely for better speed. Others, I can't
afford to lose the data.


Thursday, August 21, 2014, 3:17:05 PM, you wrote:

GI Good evening Dr. Hipp,

GI ok, got it. Thank you for the quick clarification.

GI I only asked on the mailing list because I couldn't find this kind of
GI information in the docs (or I didn't look thoroughly enough); if it's the
GI first case, perhaps it should be mentioned somewhere...

GI Thanks again,
GI George.

GI On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 10:07 PM, Richard Hipp wrote:

 On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 3:05 PM, George Ionescu

  Hello dear sqlite users,
  is it ok to mix journal modes from different threads accessing the same

 SQLite does not allow you to mix WAL mode with other journal modes.
 Wal-mode is a property of the database file.  If you change to WAL-mode,
 then *all* database connections must go to WAL-mode.

 D. Richard Hipp
 sqlite-users mailing list

GI ___
GI sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Questions from a novice - basic browsing of records in a listview.

2014-07-10 Thread Teg

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Reading compressed database files

2014-05-28 Thread Teg
Hello Rinat,

I compress my data into blobs using Gzip before insert, and decompress
when I read the blobs back out but, leave the other data in the DB
un-compressed. In that way, I get compression but, normal operations
remain fast. This works if the data to compress  4Kish. My blobs can
be 200K to 20megs in size. If it's a bunch of small text columns, this
technique won't be useful.


Wednesday, May 28, 2014, 5:26:29 AM, you wrote:

HR Hi Roger

HR Where can I learn how to characterize my database?
HR I work read-only, single connection.
HR I have 13 tables, of which 2 are huge, 2 are medium and the rest are very 
HR My huge tables have 3 columns: numeric, numeric and varchar with millions 
of rows.
HR I keep an index on the numeric columns.

HR Does that bring up any column ordering suggestion?

HR Thanks
HR Rinat
HR -Original Message-
HR From:
HR [] On Behalf Of Roger Binns
HR Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2014 12:06 PM
HR To: General Discussion of SQLite Database
HR Subject: Re: [sqlite] Reading compressed database files

HR Hash: SHA1

HR On 28/05/14 00:25, Hadashi, Rinat wrote:
 My databases are very big (almost 100 GB). I am looking for a 
 compression solution.
 Did anyone have an experience with reading a compressed database?

HR It would be helpful if you characterise your data and queries.

HR For example if the size is due to blobs, then careful ordering of
HR columns, or moving them to separate tables will likely be very useful.

HR You can get compression external to SQLite by using a compressing
HR filesystem like NTFS or btrfs (make sure to pick an appropriate
HR page size), or by internal compression with cerod:


HR Roger
HR Version: GnuPG v1

HR sTIAoLkIaQHR4JAwk1LbuRzCyQsx/5aN
HR =tYeT
HR ___
HR sqlite-users mailing list
HR -
HR Intel Israel (74) Limited

HR This e-mail and any attachments may contain confidential material for
HR the sole use of the intended recipient(s). Any review or distribution
HR by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended
HR recipient, please contact the sender and delete all copies.

HR ___
HR sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Load time performance

2014-05-28 Thread Teg
Hello Rinat,

I  found  that  if  I  opened the DB and read it using normal file IO,
throwing  away  the  data  I read, then closing it and opening it with
Sqlite  could reduce this initial delay. It depends on the size of the
DB though. It's mostly useful for small DB's.


Wednesday, May 28, 2014, 3:22:49 AM, you wrote:

HR Hi,
HR I work in READ ONLY mode.
HR My application connects the DB only once, at the beginning.
HR I can't really work with local files. (I log to any machine and get my 
files from the network.)

HR Perhaps there are some intermediate files generated in the first
HR load that I can prepare in advance?

HR Rinat

HR -Original Message-
HR From:
HR [] On Behalf Of Stephen Chrzanowski
HR Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2014 4:05 PM
HR To: General Discussion of SQLite Database
HR Subject: Re: [sqlite] Load time performance

HR You shouldn't access a SQLite database remotely, except maybe for
HR read only access, but that could come under fire.  Any network
HR file action can't guarantee that write locks happen.

HR If you attempt to access a file in READ-ONLY mode, you'll be greeted with a
HR 1-5 second delay (I don't remember what the delay is right now)
HR per connection.  If you're using one connection to the DB, then
HR you'll experience the delay.  If you've got one connection going
HR for the life of your application, you'll get hit with the first
HR delay, but all subsequent queries will work.

HR On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 8:12 AM, Hadashi, Rinat 


 The first time I access a database takes significantly more time than 
 subsequent accesses.
 I am looking for ideas to shorten the time required for the first access.

 I work on Linux, my db. file is somewhere in the file system, not 
 locally on the machine from which I am running sqlite3


 Rinat Hadashi

HR -
HR Intel Israel (74) Limited

HR This e-mail and any attachments may contain confidential material for
HR the sole use of the intended recipient(s). Any review or distribution
HR by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended
HR recipient, please contact the sender and delete all copies.

HR ___
HR sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Retrieve a int or a sqlite_int64

2014-05-13 Thread Teg
Hello Charles,

Tuesday, May 13, 2014, 3:12:09 PM, you wrote:

CS Load it with sqlite3_value_int64 every time. If the number fits in a 32 bit
CS integer, then you can store it in one.

This is what I do. Everything is 64 bits to be future proof. 

CS Charles
CS ___
CS sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Using SQLite for write only workload, splitting databases into smaller files, but need to query it as a whole

2014-05-03 Thread Teg
Hello Hayden,

If I was doing this, I'd use a single database as the core then
periodically from within the app, write out a new database with the
last 5 minutes worth of data. Then let them run off the copy while you
maintain a master copy of the DB. In that way this splitting and
multiple DB thing can go away while you still give them access to the
data without letting them touch the master. If they need to read the
master, I'd probably write a little client/server application to let
them look at but, not change the data (assuming that's a requirement).

I'd   avoid   multiple  databases  with the core data like the plague.
Obviously  you  can't  always do it but, I see it as a positive design


Saturday, May 3, 2014, 9:40:37 AM, you wrote:

HL This looks promising. I sooo wish it didn't have a limit to number of
HL databases. But I think I could reasonably do something like coalesce the
HL databases into a new database once every 2 hours. I also need to generate
HL some code to figure out how to address the tables which I guess means I'll
HL have to do an N way JOIN?

HL On Sat, May 3, 2014 at 6:16 AM, Petite Abeille 

 On May 3, 2014, at 2:59 PM, Hayden Livingston


 Take a look at ‘ATTACH’, it might help:

 sqlite-users mailing list

HL ___
HL sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Long table fails to create with exec sql on windows 8.1

2014-04-24 Thread Teg
Hello Mark,

System just stops responding.

It's  not clear if you're talking about the program or your PC. If the
PC  is hanging, it's broken and this isn't a software problem (well not
a Sqlite problem).

Anytime  a PC running windows hangs or crashes, you know it's a driver
or hardware problem (or V scanner).

I  just  thought  your  comment  was  a bit ambiguous. I have plenty of
windows  customers  who  have  PC's  that hang or crash so, I'm pretty
aware of these issues.


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Noticed crash on windows

2014-03-25 Thread Teg

Quite unlikely is the prospect for somebody here to say Yes, we
routinely see crashes on Windows in the sqlite3_mutex_enter code.
You are going to have to debug this.

This. I run the hell out of Sqlite under 32 and 64 bit windows with no
issues. 20-40 GB databases are common with multi-thread access.
Typically only one writer though but, multiple threaded readers.

Try running your code in debug build mode. I've run into cases where
the release would crash and the debug version wouldn't. Typically,
it's caused by a variable I forgot to initialize, which is zero'd in
debug mode and not in release.

I've  not  had any luck with Full Program Optimization either. Might
try not using that if you currently do. 


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Windows service with SQLITE

2014-02-17 Thread Teg
Hello tejas,

You're using windows so, you should be using Procmon to watch file
IO. You need to add and look at logging. This is sort of
trouble-shooting 101. If you can't get the debugger on it, you'll have
to debug with logging.

I'd  generate  a  log  file  and log everything to do with opening and
accessing the DB. 


Sunday, February 16, 2014, 11:45:27 PM, you wrote:

tp Hi Teg,

tp I tried putting delay of 3 seconds and 30 seconds but nothing happens.
tp Still not able to access database and store anything.

tp When i create a file to store data it stores. Strange..

tp Need more views please.

tp Thanks,

tp Tejas

tp On Sun, Feb 16, 2014 at 12:35 AM, Teg wrote:

 Hello tejas,

 I'm thinking it sounds like the processing collides and you don't have
 retry's  built into the process.  Basically a race condition. The fact
 you  can  run  one  process  and it works, and then later run a second
 process  and  it works suggests the problem is in the startup when you
 have  two  starting at the same time.

 As an experiment, I might put a long delay in the thread of the second
 process so, the first process gets good and started before the second
 one tries.


 Saturday, February 15, 2014, 7:29:14 AM, you wrote:

 tp Hi All,

 tp We have a small issue with sqlite database.

 tp Program structure:
 tp one windows service calls two windows processes process-1 and
 tp both processes use common database db1.s3db file to store data.

 tp When windows services starts and calls two processes p-1 and p-2 none
 tp the process is able to store data in the database.
 tp But if i call only one p-1 with service then everything works well
 tp meanwhile if i run p-2 manually with double click then also two
 tp are able to send data in to database.

 tp Please help i am clueless.

 tp Thanks,

 tp Tejas
 tp ___
 tp sqlite-users mailing list

 Best regards,

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Windows service with SQLITE

2014-02-15 Thread Teg
Hello tejas,

I'm thinking it sounds like the processing collides and you don't have
retry's  built into the process.  Basically a race condition. The fact
you  can  run  one  process  and it works, and then later run a second
process  and  it works suggests the problem is in the startup when you
have  two  starting at the same time.

As an experiment, I might put a long delay in the thread of the second
process so, the first process gets good and started before the second
one tries.


Saturday, February 15, 2014, 7:29:14 AM, you wrote:

tp Hi All,

tp We have a small issue with sqlite database.

tp Program structure:
tp one windows service calls two windows processes process-1 and process-2.
tp both processes use common database db1.s3db file to store data.

tp When windows services starts and calls two processes p-1 and p-2 none of
tp the process is able to store data in the database.
tp But if i call only one p-1 with service then everything works well
tp meanwhile if i run p-2 manually with double click then also two processes
tp are able to send data in to database.

tp Please help i am clueless.

tp Thanks,

tp Tejas
tp ___
tp sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] How to Troubleshoot Disk I/O Error

2014-01-30 Thread Teg
Hello Akintoye,

A common problem I ran into with the transition from XP to anything
newer is that the user folders changed. So, what was a legal
read/write folder in XP wasn't in Vista+. I had the folder embedded in
the  configuration file so, when they brought their old configurations
forward, they were pointed at the wrong folder.

Easy way to determine if this is the case it to right click the
application and Run as Administrator. If it starts working then you
know the problem is permissions.

For my users, the choice is to move the file, change the permissions,
re-install  or just Run as Administrator (which I suggested they not

Thursday, January 30, 2014, 10:52:18 AM, you wrote:

AOB7L Thanks, will try this suggestions and post results.

AOB7L - Akintoye

AOB7L - Original Message -
AOB7L From:
AOB7L At: Jan 30 2014 10:44:45

AOB7L On 01/30/2014 10:19 PM, Akintoye Olorode (BLOOMBERG/ 731 LEXIN) wrote:

 We have one client that recently upgraded from WinXP SP3 to Win7 sp1 
 (Japanese Language). With new OS, attempts to access read from our sqlite 
 database fails with disk I/O error.

 Can anyone help with  suggestions on how to troubleshoot disk I/O error ? 
 Adding call to sqlite3_config(SQLITE_CONFIG_LOG, ...) produces no additional 

 We have not been able to reproduce the error in-house.The user has HP ENVY 
 laptop with hybrid drive. User has tried :

 1. Install latest file system drivers
 2. reformat the hard-drive  reinstall Win7 OS

 all to no avail. Client does not report problems with any other applications.

AOB7L Immediately after the error occurs, what value is returned by
AOB7L the sqlite3_extended_errcode() function? Often the extended error
AOB7L code identifies the specific IO operation that failed, which can
AOB7L shed light on the problem.

AOB7L Another thing to do is to try compiling with the following defines:


AOB7L This causes the Windows VFS module to print various messages to
AOB7L standard output that should help to figure out what is happening.

AOB7L Dan.

AOB7L ___
AOB7L sqlite-users mailing list

AOB7L ___
AOB7L sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] System.Data.SQLite Preloading and ASP.Net debugging

2014-01-30 Thread Teg

I'm  not  a  .net guy but, I do use visual studio. One thing I do is
have  several  post-build steps that copy files around to where I need
them before I debug.  You can define post build steps in the project

Thursday, January 30, 2014, 7:16:55 PM, you wrote:

JM Eric Schultz wrote:

 When I debug in Visual Studio, IIS Express copies all of the
 Assemblies in my bin directory to a folder into the AppData\Temporary
 ASP.Net Files folder. Unfortunately, it does not copy the
 System.Data.SQLite.dll.config file or the x86 and amd64 subfolders of bin
 which contain my interop files. 

JM I've seen this behavior before as well.  This appears to be a limitation of
JM Visual Studio.  Ideally, it *should* copy the configuration file and all the
JM sub-folders as well.

 Is there any way so the preloading base directory is from where the
 System.Data.SQLite.dll file originally came from when I can't set the
 environment variables or have a config file in the same folder as the
 executing assembly (which I can't in this case).

JM Why can't you set environment variables?  The currently supported workaround
JM for this limitation of Visual Studio is to use the
JM PreLoadSQLite_BaseDirectory
JM environment variable (or configuration file setting).

JM Of course, I'm always open to alternative suggestions on how to work around
JM issues like these in a portable and robust way.

JM --
JM Joe Mistachkin

JM ___
JM sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Application statically linked with sqlite3.6 creates sqlite2.1 files

2014-01-23 Thread Teg
Hello Joachim,

If you run it in the debugger, break it then look at the loaded
modules. That'll tell you if the Sqlite dll got loaded somehow. I'd
suspect some other part of the program might be loading the DLL
manually and hooking the function calls. You could load DLL through
ordinals (basically the function index in the DLL) and not have any
Sqlite related strings in the EXE. I tend to load my own DLL's through

If you see nothing, I might stick an Sqlite dll in the program folder
and then run a second time and check again. Maybe something is trying
to be smart and load the DLL when available but failing that, falling
back on using internal static linked.

How large is the .lib you're loading?

My release build, 32 bit Sqlite lib is 2.1 megs.
Release build 64 bits is 2.7 Megs


Thursday, January 23, 2014, 10:38:10 AM, you wrote:

JB Hello Simon,

JB thank you for your fast response.

 On 23 Jan 2014, at 1:58pm, Joachim Bürmann wrote:
  On a certain customer system (Windows7 64bit) the application cannot
  read the example project files (created with sqlite3.6 library). And
  when the user stores his own settings in a new project, the project file
  is saved as a version 2.1 file (** This file contains an SQLite 2.1
  database...) instead of a sqlite3 compatible file (SQLite format 3...)
 The calls to anything that can make a version 2.1 file have different names. 
  It can't just be a case of calling the wrong 'sqlite_open()' function 
 because the function is actually called 'sqlite3_open()' with the '3' right 
 there in the name.
  But because the sqlite functionality is part of the application (static
  linked), the program should never able to access an external sqlite DLL.

 I don't think that that logic is correct.  Can you run 'strings' (or 
 whatever the Windows7 equivalent is) on the compiled file and see whether 
 there are any mentions of 'sqlite2' ?  Is there a debugging tool which will 
 list the names of all routines which are called ?  Ignore whether it is 
 internal or external, just look at the routine names.

JB ok, my wording could missunderstand. Of course, also a statically linked
JB program can open a shared lib to access function from that. But our
JB application doesn't do that - not for sqlite. I only thought, that
JB accessing an external sqlite DLL could cause such a behaviour. But with
JB different names - as you mentioned - it's hard to believe that a older
JB DLL is the reason.

JB I don't know 'strings' for windows. I tried it with dumpbin (outputs all
JB dependencies and imports) and wintrc (similar to strace) and didn't find
JB any sqlite access (neither a function nor a library/dll open call with
JB sqlite in its name). That's why I'm so confused.

 I suspect that that particular customer computer has something weird loaded.

JB yes, I suppose that there is something different in that computer. More
JB than this: The customer told me, that he can reproduce the effect on
JB another notebook. So I think it isn't a matter of the OS but of some
JB other application he runs on both computers.

JB Anyway, thanks a lot for your response

JB Best regards

JB Joachim

 sqlite-users mailing list

JB ___
JB sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] store image file as blob

2013-10-30 Thread Teg
Hello d,

I prefer them in the DB so, I can move them as a package. I have 30-40
GB  DB's filled with image files. Performance is decent. I do keep the
blobs in one table and meta-data in another.


Wednesday, October 30, 2013, 7:30:58 AM, you wrote:

db Hi,

db  My sqlite database module has to store images (max. 100 KB) on client
db machine.

db  1. store images on file system and have reference in database
db  2. store image as blob in database.

db  Which is the best way to store these images?

db  Any suggestions are welcome.

db Best Regards,
db va.
db ___
db sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] SQLite and Virtual PC

2013-09-08 Thread Teg
Hello Stephen,

My  experience  is that shared folders under Virtual PC are completely
unreliable.  SMB  actually  works  better,  other than the fact Sqlite
doesn't seem to like SMB.


Sunday, September 8, 2013, 4:46:04 PM, you wrote:

SC You're using it via a network which is a no-no for SQLite.  ANY remote
SC access of a file under any networking infrastructure isn't guaranteed with
SC SQLite.

SC On Sun, Sep 8, 2013 at 12:31 AM, Gintaras Didzgalvis 
SC wrote:


 SQLite running on Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 cannot read and write
 databases that are on host PC.

 sqlite3_open_v2(SQLITE_OPEN_**READWRITE) succeeds, but sqlite3_exec
 returns SQLITE_BUSY, even with SELECT.
 Using the official downloaded sqlite3.dll, version 3.8.0.
 OS on guest PC, where SQLite is used: Windows XP, SP3.
 OS on host PC: Windows 7, 32-bit.
 Accessing the database file using the shared folders feature of Virtual
 Windows API functions can read and write the file.
 No problems on Vmware player (accessing the file through its virtual



 sqlite-users mailing list**bin/mailman/listinfo/sqlite-**users

SC ___
SC sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] sqlite3_bind_text truncates strings with .

2013-07-16 Thread Teg
Hello Nickye,

I  insert  strings  with  .  all  the  time.  In  fact  I'd say most
insertions  I  do  have  .s  in  them  so,  I don't think there's an
inherent  problem  in  Sqlite.  I  convert everything to UTF8 before I
insert though the UTF8 of . is ..


Monday, July 15, 2013, 3:13:46 PM, you wrote:

nmr   Hello,

nmr Prepared statement SQL: INSERT INTO tbl VALUES(?1);
nmr Column type:TEXT

nmr String to bind (ASCII, zero terminated): abcd.ef

nmr nBytes parameter: -1
nmr destructor parameter: SQLITE_STATIC

nmr Result after call sqlite3_step: abcd

nmr With nBytes==(len(String)) there's no problem, result==abcd.ef
nmr But then there's no way to bind parameter only once with the same text
nmr buffer.

nmr ___
nmr sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] How to save live data into sqlite database using c language?

2013-04-28 Thread Teg
Hello Newbie89,

Sunday, April 28, 2013, 3:32:07 AM, you wrote:

N Thanks for the correction
N ok...I will check first.

N --
N View this message in context:
N Sent from the SQLite mailing list archive at
N ___
N sqlite-users mailing list

I suspect you want one protocol field

enum _protocols

Src_MAC char(18),
Src_IP char(16),
Cap_Bytes integer,
Protocol integer,


With  a single protocol tag per insert. Then you tag each packet insert
with the protocol field.

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Writing in a blob

2013-04-23 Thread Teg
Imagine what could happen if, for example, git where to start using this
library.  Instead of the .git directory containing lots and lots of
separate files, your repository would be a single .git file which was
really an SQLite database accessed through the sqlite3fs wrapper.

I use Sqlite for a git like version control system for my own
projects. I also use it for storing image files similar to CBR/CBZ
files. Having random access to the files makes it a better solution
than CBR/CBZ files because, they're basically RAR and ZIP files with
no random access. In general, there are many benefits to keeping a
bunch of smallish files in a DB you can move around and change

I  do tend to keep blobs in their own database files and the meta-data
in  another file. The blobs seem to impact the performance of the meta
data tables when they're combined into a single DB.

I like the idea of a general purpose File IO wrapper over Sqlite, have
no need for it to be built in though.


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] SQLite 3.7.17 preview - 2x faster?

2013-04-04 Thread Teg
Hello Richard,

How much do you map at a time? I've virtually abandoned memory mapped
files in Win32 because of address space limitations. There's a 2 GB
address space limit in Win32 (most of the time) so, if the
combination of allocated RAM and memory mapped file size bump into the
limit,  the memory map will fail. Win64 doesn't have this limit. It'll
fail if it can't get a contiguous block of address space too.


Thursday, April 4, 2013, 8:02:34 AM, you wrote:

RH By making use of memory-mapped I/O, the current trunk of SQLite (which will
RH eventually become version 3.7.17 after much more refinement and testing)
RH can be as much as twice as fast, on some platforms and under some
RH workloads.  We would like to encourage people to try out the new code and
RH report both success and failure.  Snapshots of the amalgamation can be
RH found at


RH Links to the relevant documentation can bee seen at


RH The memory-mapped I/O is only enabled for windows, linux, mac OS-X, and
RH solaris.  We have found that it does not work on OpenBSD, for reasons we
RH have not yet been able to uncove; but as a precaution, memory mapped I/O is
RH disabled by default on all of the *BSDs until we understand the problem.
RH The biggest performance gains occur on windows, mac, and solaris. The new
RH code is also faster on linux, but not by as big a factor.  The speed
RH improvement is also heavily dependent upon workload.  Some operations can
RH be almost twice as faster.  For others, there is no measurable speed
RH improvement.

RH Your feedback on whether or not the new code is faster for you, and whether
RH or not it even works for you, is very important to us.  Thanks for giving
RH the new code a try.

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Saving ubyte[] zlib data in sqlite and calling it back

2013-02-11 Thread Teg
Hello jose,

I compress/encrypt to a vector, then write the vector as a blob and
reverse. Read the blob as a vector then reverse the process.

Monday, February 11, 2013, 1:45:34 PM, you wrote:

jic Greetings.

jic I have this table,

jic CREATE TABLE Test (login primary key, password);

jic and I would like to save zlib data using ubyte[] and also call
jic it back in.  I have things like this:
jic 1. To save in SQLite,
jic cmd =
jic   UPDATE Test password =  ~
jic cast(char[])cast(ubyte[])std.zlib.compress(cast(void[])password)
jic WHERE login = 'test';; 

jic This works, or at least, it saves in SQlite, but when I call it back, it 
does not.

jic 2. To call it in SQLite,

jic char[] passWord =
jic cast(char[])cast(ubyte[])std.zlib.uncompress(cast(void[])r[0][password]);

jic where r[0][password] is what I just SELECTED from SQlite.  I
jic am getting an UTF8 error.  This is a D program, so, the syntax
jic may not be known to some or all of you.  However, the more
jic realistic SQLite question would be, how can I save ubyte data in
jic SQLite and also call it back.  Thoughts?  Comments?  Jokes? :-)

jic thanks.

jic josé

jic ___
jic sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] bug report: out of memory error for most operations on a large database

2013-01-26 Thread Teg
CL This looks as if all temporary data is stored in memory (of which you
CL don't have too much in a 32-bit process.)

Yeah, this. Typically you only have 2 gigs of address space to work
with, in 32 bit windows. I've run out of RAM by having
temp_store=memory before. I also have 30-60 GB DB files that I
operate on that don't have any issues like this. 

CL This looks as if all temporary data is stored in memory (of which you
CL don't have too much in a 32-bit process.)
CL What is the value of PRAGMA temp_store; and the default setting of
CL TEMP_STORE (PRAGMA compile_options;)?

CL Regards,
CL Clemens
CL ___
CL sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Running on windows 98

2013-01-24 Thread Teg

I think you kick '98 to the curb and let the 5 people who use it
maintain their own support for it. Bit-rot is a real problem with any
code that goes mostly unexercised. I'm thinking maybe the '98 people
should simply fork their own version of Sqlite. Then find their own
'98 maintainer, instead of trying to force the job onto Dr Hipp.

Thursday, January 24, 2013, 3:18:15 PM, you wrote:

GG On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 2:21 PM, Richard Hipp wrote:
 On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 2:01 PM, Jose F. Gimenez jfgime...@wanadoo.eswrote:


 thanks for replying.

  We have no way of testing SQLite on Win9x and so we do not intend to
 support Win9x moving forward.  Some older versions of SQLite are known to
 work on Win9x.  If you are still supporting Win9x applications, I suggest
 you use those older versions of SQLite.

GG How about just supporting a compile time option to turn on or off that
GG optimization (on by default)?  Then those compiling for Win9x could
GG just turn it off yet it would not require explicit support and testing
GG of Win9x since its the option being supported rather than the platform
GG support.
GG ___
GG sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] performance regression when using insert or replace

2013-01-23 Thread Teg
54698 if( pOp-p2  p-usesStmtJournal--- we go INTO 
 this if statement
54699  (db-autoCommit==0 || db-activeVdbeCnt1)
54700 ){
54701   assert( sqlite3BtreeIsInTrans( );
54702   if( p-iStatement==0 ){
54703 assert( db-nStatement=0  db-nSavepoint=0 
54704 db-nStatement++; this sets to 1, causing 
 next line to set iStatement to 1
54705 p-iStatement = db-nSavepoint + db-nStatement;
54706   }
54707   rc = sqlite3BtreeBeginStmt(, 

  - sqlite3BtreeBeginStmt calls sqlite3PagerOpenSavepoint using 
 iStatement as 2nd parameter,
 therefore nSavepoint is set to 1

  - eventually we call sqlite3BtreeInsert which calls insertCell which 
 calls sqlite3PagerWrite which
calls pager_write a second time for the SAME pPg-pgno (see below for 
 example page 6)
  - because we've gone through once for the same page, we do not 
 enter the if clause
on line 35464,
35464 /* The transaction journal now exists and we have a 
35465 ** EXCLUSIVE lock on the main database file.  Write 
 the current page to
35466 ** the transaction journal if it is not there 
35467 */
35468 if( !pageInJournal(pPg)  isOpen(pPager-jfd) ){

- therefore we DO NOT add this page to the savepoint bitVec on line 
35517 rc = sqlite3BitvecSet(pPager-pInJournal, 

- therefore we DO go into the if(subjRequiresPage(pPg)), because
  nSavepoint is 1 but the bit is NOT set
35536 /* If the statement journal is open and the page is 
 not in it,
35537 ** then write the current page to the statement 
 journal.  Note that
35538 ** the statement journal format differs from the 
 standard journal format
35539 ** in that it omits the checksums and the header.
35540 */
35541 if( subjRequiresPage(pPg) ){
35542   rc = subjournalPage(pPg);
35543 }
   from gdb...
  - (gdb) p *pPg
$17= {pPage = 0x2b84618, pData = 0x2b83618, pExtra = 
 0x2b84698, pDirty = 0x0, pPager = 0x2b666c8,
  pgno = 6, flags = 6, nRef = 1, pCache = 0x2b667d0, 
 pDirtyNext = 0x2b83540, pDirtyPrev = 0x0}
(gdb) p  pageInJournal(pPg)
$18 = 1
(gdb)  p 
$19 = 0

- therefore we end up CALLING subjournalPage(pPg) from line 35542,
  causing  temp file to be created and lots of small writes to the 

 sqlite-users mailing list

DK ___
DK sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Windows (slow) vs. iOS/OSX (fast) Performance

2012-11-30 Thread Teg
Hello David,

In /control panel/system/device manager/disk
drives/properties/Policies you can disable the windows write cache
buffer flush to the drive. I wonder if this would make a difference?

My machine is on a UPS so, I always disable it. I tend to disable it
on laptops too. I know it's probably not a real solution but, I wonder
if the lack of write buffering is why you see what you see.


Friday, November 30, 2012, 12:50:30 PM, you wrote:

DdR Nope, I ran the tests both in Parallels and rebooting directly
DdR into boot camp (basically native windows), and had essentially
DdR identical performance (+/- 2%, within noise level differences). 
DdR It also echoes the performance difference I'd been seeing on the
DdR database side just watching the real app run on iOS and on my
DdR other non-Apple native windows box.  Interesting little find,
DdR nonetheless, thanks for that. :)

DdR To Alex: Unfortunately, Windows is a core platform for us.  We
DdR can't really just tell them to buzz off, so it's either figure
DdR out how to improve SQLite performance or switch DB engines, at least on 
that platform...

DdR -David
DdR From:
DdR [] on behalf of Black, Michael (IS) 
DdR Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 9:46 AM
DdR To: General Discussion of SQLite Database
DdR Subject: Re: [sqlite] Windows (slow) vs. iOS/OSX (fast) Performance

DdR Could this be your problem?

DdR Michael D. Black
DdR Senior Scientist
DdR Advanced Analytics Directorate
DdR Advanced GEOINT Solutions Operating Unit
DdR Northrop Grumman Information Systems

DdR From:
DdR [] on behalf of David de Regt 
DdR Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 11:41 AM
DdR To: General Discussion of SQLite Database
DdR Subject: EXT :[sqlite] Windows (slow) vs. iOS/OSX (fast) Performance

DdR Hey all.  I've been struggling with a basic perf issue running
DdR the same code on Windows vs. iOS and OSX.

DdR Basic query set:
DdR CREATE TABLE test (col1 int, col2 text);
DdR [loop 500 times]: INSERT INTO TEST (col1,col2) VALUES (4,'test4')

DdR I'm coding this using the default C amalgamation release and
DdR using prepare/etc. on all platforms in the exact same way (same
DdR very simple DB-access class I made).  I realize that using a
DdR transaction around this would vastly improve perf, but given the
DdR atomic nature of the app that this test is simulating, it won't
DdR work to wrap it into transactions, so my goal is to improve the
DdR atomic performance.  These are all being run on the same Macbook
DdR Pro, with an SSD, running Windows via boot camp, OSX natively, and iOS via 
the iOS simulator:

DdR With defaults (pragma sync = on, default journal_mode):
DdR Windows: 2500ms
DdR iOS: 300ms
DdR OSX: 280ms

DdR With pragma sync = off, journal_mode = memory:
DdR Windows: 62ms
DdR iOS: 25ms
DdR OSX: 25ms

DdR Turning off sync doesn't make me feel warm and fuzzy about our
DdR lost-power scenario, so with sync on, it seems like something
DdR must be fishy for it to be ~8-9x slower than the other platforms.
DdR Is there something ridiculous about the windows file system
DdR performance that hoses sqlite's open/read/write/close transaction
DdR cycle?  Is there anything I can do, or just accept it and move
DdR on?  With how that scales up, we may need to move to something
DdR like using embedded MySQL or LocalDB on Windows to get the same
DdR performance as we see with SQLite on other platforms, which seems quite 

DdR Thanks!
DdR -David
DdR ___
DdR sqlite-users mailing list
DdR ___
DdR sqlite-users mailing list

DdR ___
DdR sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] VC++ and SQLite

2012-11-13 Thread Teg
Hello Arbol,

There's nothing special about Stdafx.h or Stdafx.cpp. Even if you
switch to a different compiler, they just compile with no PCH. You do
have to create them if you're going to use them though. I typically
copy them in from another project. I even use them in Linux projects
because it's a nice place to centralize headers used by a project.

Once you understand the in's and outs of PCH in VS it's simply not
that hard. I don't use PCH with Sqlite.c. It's in it's own library
project which my main project links to. In that way, each project can
compile however works best for it. Everything I write uses PCH,
everything I inherit, might or might not use PCH.

AO What a nightmare Visual Studio is :(

You know what they say. It's a poor craftsman who blames his tools.
Your problems with VS seem to stem from general noobishness. Learning
devel tools is no different than learning a foreign language. You need
to research it and learn how it all works.

I think things would be alot easier for you if you made a new static
lib  project just for Sqlite, compile it there with no PCH and link it
into  your  program.  If  you add the project as a Reference VS will
link it in automatically.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012, 8:33:48 AM, you wrote:

AO I would also keep this feature, however, in the case of SQLite3
AO amalgamation, I am really confused. You know how we have to
AO #include the 'stdafx.h' in every declaration file (making it
AO non-portable code), i.e. .c, .cpp, etc., well, I tried doing the
AO same thing with sqlite.c, but VS10 complains about it. 

AO What a nightmare Visual Studio is :(

AO Genius might have limitations, but stupidity is no handicap
AO Eat Kosher

AO -Original Message-
AO From:
AO [] On Behalf Of John Drescher
AO Sent: Monday, November 12, 2012 7:44 PM
AO To: General Discussion of SQLite Database
AO Subject: Re: [sqlite] VC++ and SQLite

AO On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 1:52 PM, Doug Nebeker wrote:
 You might be surprised at the speed increase you see in compile time 
 if you've got large projects.  The time isn't lost to CPU as much, but 
 disk I/O time adds up when hitting many hundreds of small (header) 
 files (even with an SSD).

AO This is why I use PCH. Building some of my projects take a long
AO time even on a 12 threaded processor with multiple SSDs.

AO --
AO John M. Drescher
AO ___
AO sqlite-users mailing list

AO ___
AO sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] First time poster: need advise

2012-09-21 Thread Teg
Hello Igor,

Why  don't you download the C and H file from the amalgamation and then
compile  it  into  your program? That's how I do it. No fuss no muss. No
worry about DLL version problems too.


Friday, September 21, 2012, 4:40:35 PM, you wrote:

IK Igor,

IK On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 5:40 AM, Igor Tandetnik wrote:
 Igor Korot wrote:
 When I tried to download the precompiled developmental package for
 Windows I saw the However this file
 contains DLL file and no .h.

 Where can I get the headers? Do I need to download amalgamation archive?

 Yes. You would also need an import library - a LIB file. You make one as 
 described at . Simply run this 

 lib /DEF:sqlite.def

 LIB tool is found in /bin subfolder of your Visual Studio installation.

IK Stupid question: why not provide .h and .lib files as well in one
IK archive along with .dll?
IK The comment on those files says: This is all that is needed to do the
IK development.

IK Thank you.

 Igor Tandetnik

 sqlite-users mailing list
IK ___
IK sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Store error messages in thread local memory

2012-09-20 Thread Teg
 sqlite-users mailing list (
 sqlite-users mailing list (

SK ___
SK sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] SQLite Compile Bug for Windows 8

2012-09-14 Thread Teg
Hello Igor,

Friday, September 14, 2012, 8:59:54 AM, you wrote:

IT Chang Li wrote:
 At line 14573 require add (char *) for convert from (void *)
 z = (char *)sqlite3DbMallocRaw(db, (int)n);

IT Are you, by any chance, trying to compile in C++ mode? SQLite is
IT written in C, where such a cast is not required.

Yeah, I'm building under Win8 with no issue. 

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] SQLITE in a Win7 Service Application

2012-08-15 Thread Teg
Hello markus,

Every Windows programmer needs to have Procmon installed on their
system so, they can watch their program's disk IO. I'd suggest
installing it, then using a filter to watch just your service. Then,
you can simply watch what disk IO is failing. I use it on a daily
basis. Almost as much as my debugger.

It'll probably show you a permission problem.


Test.exe 6312 ReadFileE:\Test\Db.db3SUCCESS Offset: 0, Length: 100, 
Priority: Normal
Test.exe 6312 ReadFileE:\Test\Db.db3SUCCESS Offset: 0, Length: 
4,096, I/O Flags: Non-cached, Paging I/O, Priority: Normal
Test.exe 6312 QueryOpen   E:\Test\Db.db3SUCCESS CreationTime: 6/19/2012 
9:06:58 PM, LastAccessTime:
Test.exe 6312 LockFileE:\Test\Db.db3SUCCESS Exclusive: True, 
Offset: 1,073,741,824, Length: 1, Fail Immediately: True
Test.exe 6312 LockFileE:\Test\Db.db3SUCCESS Exclusive: False, 
Offset: 1,073,741,826, Length: 510, Fail Immediately: True
Test.exe 6312 UnlockFileSingle E:\Test\Db.db3SUCCESS Offset: 1,073,741,824, 
Length: 1
Test.exe 6312 QueryOpen   E:\Test\Db.db3-journalSUCCESS CreationTime: 
6/19/2012 9:06:58 PM,
Test.exe 6312 QueryStandardInformationFile E:\Test\Db.db3SUCCESS 
AllocationSize: 106,496, EndOfFile: 106,496, NumberOfLinks: 1,
Test.exe 6312 QueryOpen   E:\Test\Db.db3-wal  NAME NOT FOUND
Test.exe 6312 QueryStandardInformationFileE:\Test\Db.db3SUCCESS 
AllocationSize: 106,496, EndOfFile: 106,496,
Test.exe 6312 ReadFileE:\Test\Db.db3SUCCESS Offset: 0, Length: 8,192

and so on.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012, 11:19:52 AM, you wrote:

mr Hi,
mr We are facing problems when the sqlite database () is used within an 
mr application that runs as a Win7 service under the local system account.
mr The application is written in Java and we use the sqlite-jdbc-3.7.2 JDBC
mr driver.

mr How ever we can create a new database, reading and writing to it withount
mr any problem. The only thing that is not working is the ATTACH DATABASE SQL
mr command. We constantly receive a CAN_NOT_OPEN error code.

mr When we start the same application under a local user everything works
mr fine. I have to add the both databases that are to be attached are in the
mr same folder and have been created by the Application itself. There are no
mr access restrictions on the database folders or files.

mr Does anyone know about this and / or has a solution?

mr Kind regards
mr Markus
mr ___
mr sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] I consider this a bug. Anyone else?

2012-06-26 Thread Teg

In windows, I believe you want to use the function level linking
option to get it to drop the most functions when they aren't used.
Particularly for the amalgamation, I think this will give you the
tightest link. By default, I believe the optimization only operates on
compilation units, meaning the amalgamation would always include
everything in the link stage.


Tuesday, June 26, 2012, 8:52:58 PM, you wrote:

SS On 27 Jun 2012, at 1:48am, Stephen Chrzanowski wrote:

 When you compile the amalgamation with your source code, doesn't the
 compiler reject/not include/remove/doesn't consider the code that could
 have been generated from the actual final build?  In other words, if you
 just have one function being used out of 10,000 functions, the final binary
 would only include the code for that single function and not the 10,000?

SS Your compiler will probably be set to do optimization.  It will
SS not include any functions which are not called.

SS Simon.
SS ___
SS sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Problem with including sqlite3.c into c++ project

2012-06-25 Thread Teg

AD Do not use precompiled headers on sqlite3.c

This.  My Sqlite is in it's own library project so, it can have
different precompiled header settings than my other projects. About
80% of my projects use procompiled headers, the other 20 are typically
made of code like Sqlite which don't have built in support for PCH.

You can probably make it work if you really want to by including
Stdafx.h at the top of the amalgamation C file. You'll have to do
this every time you upgrade though.


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] intial database creation

2012-05-10 Thread Teg
Hello Brett,

All of my DB's are generated in code. When I version control the code,
I'm also version controlling the schema. If my users end up with bad
DB's (it's windows, it happens fairly frequently). They just delete
them and they're then re-created as needed by the program.

I have specific unit tests built as part of the class itself to test
access to the DB and test all the queries and inserts.

I just use the command line tool for trouble-shooting.


Thursday, May 10, 2012, 4:26:29 PM, you wrote:

MBE How does one go about creating a database initially in SQLite?
MBE Do you create a schema file for it to read or similar?
MBE ___
MBE sqlite-users mailing list

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Visual Studio 2008 Express and sqlite3.c

2012-03-30 Thread Teg
Hello Marco,

You have to make sure it's building as C and not C++. This suggests
you might have your project set to build everything as C++. In my
case, I made a new subproject for Sqlite that builts it into a Lib.
Then I set the build dependencies so the lib is used automatically at
link time.

Friday, March 30, 2012, 8:32:55 AM, you wrote:

MB Please note that if I use the same compiler to compile sqlite3.c
MB as a single c file than everything is compiled without errors.
MB Errors occurs only when sqlite3.c is part of a c++ project.

MB I also manually set sqlite3.c to be compiled as C file instead of Default 
without any luck.
MB Seems like something confuse the Visual C++ compiler.

MB Any idea?
MB --
MB Marco Bambini

MB On Mar 30, 2012, at 1:08 PM, Nick Shaw wrote:

 -Original Message-
 I am trying to compile the latest sqlite 3.7.11 amalgamation C file within 
 a Visual Studio 2008 Express C++ project.
 sqlite3.c is correctly set as to be compiled as C code but I am unable to 
 find out a way to fix some compilation errors:
 ..\Sources\sqlite3.c(107831) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ':' 
 before '!'
 ..\Sources\sqlite3.c(107831) : error C2059: syntax error : ';'
 ..\Sources\sqlite3.c(107832) : error C2059: syntax error : '}'
 ..\Sources\sqlite3.c(107994) : error C2079: 'yy318' uses undefined struct 
 ..\Sources\sqlite3.c(110530) : error C2224: left of '.eOperator' must have 
 struct/union type
 ..\Sources\sqlite3.c(110530) : error C2059: syntax error : '!'
 ..\Sources\sqlite3.c(110534) : error C2224: left of '.eOperator' must have 
 struct/union type
 ..\Sources\sqlite3.c(110534) : error C2059: syntax error : '!'
 ..\Sources\sqlite3.c(110538) : error C2275: 'ExprList' : illegal use of 
 this type as an expression
..\Sources\sqlite3.c(8133) : see declaration of 'ExprList'
 ..\Sources\sqlite3.c(110541) : error C2224: left of '.eOperator' must have 
 struct/union type
 ..\Sources\sqlite3.c(110541) : error C2198: 'sqlite3ExprFunction' : too few 
 arguments for call
 ..\Sources\sqlite3.c(110542) : error C2059: syntax error : '!'
 ..\Sources\sqlite3.c(110554) : error C2224: left of '.eOperator' must have 
 struct/union type
 ..\Sources\sqlite3.c(110554) : error C2198: 'sqlite3ExprFunction' : too few 
 arguments for call
 ..\Sources\sqlite3.c(110555) : error C2059: syntax error : '!'
 Looks like something's not right with the definition of the LikeOp struct in 
 your copy of the file.  I've got the exact same amalgamation in my VS2008 
 project and it builds fine.  Can you check what you have for the LikeOp 
 structure definition?  Mine looks like this, and starts on line 107829:
 struct LikeOp {
  Token eOperator;  /* like or glob or regexp */
  int not; /* True if the NOT keyword is present */
 sqlite-users mailing list

MB ___
MB sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Could/should Windows build of SQLite use #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN?

2012-03-23 Thread Teg
Hello Jeff,

Isn't that just a build time thing? Include fewer includes during the
compile?  I  just  don't build sqlite often enough to seem to think this
matters.  Pretty  sure  this has no impact on the ultimate size of the
code generated.

Friday, March 23, 2012, 7:51:36 AM, you wrote:

JR When building using the SQLite amalgamation, I noticed Windows.h
JR being included without #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN.  This includes
JR a lot of extraneous cruft.  Any reason not to trim down the windows build 
this way?
JR ___
JR sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] VIsual Studio 2005. slow and high CPU in debug

2012-03-19 Thread Teg
Hello Juan,

Debug   mode  is  unusable  for  production  code.  Even  it  you  add
optimization, MS builds in a debug memory allocator/deallocator that's
at least 10 times slower than the regular memory allocator. Running my
application  under  debug,  the memory allocations completely dominate
processing  performance.  It's  more than assertions, the debug memory
allocator tracks every allocation and de-allocation. 

Your  alternative  is to build for release but, tell the linker and the
compiler  to add debug code to the exe. Even if you turn the optimizer
off, you still end up with faster code.


Monday, March 19, 2012, 5:05:49 AM, you wrote:

JP Hi all:

JPI´m using SQLite amalgamation in various exe files with Visual Studio
JP 2005.
JPIn debug mode the exe files are very slow and have high CPU usage.
JPIn release the problem dissapears.
JPIs there some option in SQLite to avoid this problem?

JP Thank you very much in advance.
JP ___
JP sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Cyrillic support

2012-03-10 Thread Teg
Hello Mite,

You  just  need  to convert it to UTF-8 before insert, then convert it
back when you pull the data.

UTF-16-UTF8 - insert
Select - UTF8-UTF16

Or  whatever  encoding  you  use.  I  insert  and  retrieve full asian
languages  using  UTF-8  conversions. You should be using UTF-8 for you
filenames when opening the DB too.


Saturday, March 10, 2012, 12:07:23 PM, you wrote:

M I am using the newest version of SQLite. How do I enable support for
M Cyrillic letters? Whenever I enter something in the DB with Cyrillic
M letters it gets saved like this ??

M Thanks
M ___
M sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Cyrillic support

2012-03-10 Thread Teg
Hello Jean-Christophe,

Good point. My application is 100% UTF-8 so, I probably think in just


Saturday, March 10, 2012, 4:38:00 PM, you wrote:

You  just  need  to convert it to UTF-8 before insert, then convert it
back when you pull the data.

UTF-16-UTF8 - insert
Select - UTF8-UTF16

JCD There are 16-bit SQLite APIs for that, no conversion needed 
JCD actually.  But of course it all depends of the wrapper you use, if any.

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Bug hunting in SQLite

2012-02-26 Thread Teg
Hello Patrik,

As a trouble-shooting step. I'd add a second table with a checksum of
the blob. Maybe an MD5 and then every time I accessed the row of the
DB for any reason, I'd re-check the MD5 of the blob. Then break/assert
when  the  program notices the blob is no longer correct.

I use gigs of blobs and have no issues with corruption. Assuming the
blob actually gets entered correctly, I imagine either the DB is
becoming corrupt or something in your program is writing to the blob
when you don't expect it.


Sunday, February 26, 2012, 3:47:18 PM, you wrote:

PN I only load data from a particular row when I need to display it. The
PN data that got corrupted isn't read for some time and even if I close
PN down the program and restarts the computer the same corruption is there
PN on the same row. It is saved into data, although I don't modify it in
PN any way.

PN Patrik

PN On 02/26/2012 09:12 PM, Pavel Ivanov wrote:
 My guess is you read blob data incorrectly. You get pointer to the data
 from SQLite, but actually read the data when memory has been already reused
 for other purposes.
 On Sunday, February 26, 2012, Patrik Nilsson
 Dear All,

 I have a table called page (defined below) and have noticed that the
 data-variable (blob) sometimes get corrupted. How do I set up a log to
 debug what is happening. What I want is a log file saved with my file,
 so I can backtrace the error.

 This is also to be able to send in a good bug report to the developers
 of SQLite.

 I don't know the exact steps to reproduce the error, but the following
 might give someone a clue:

 1) Add rows (one by one) with data.
 2) Update sortorder for the whole table with begin/commit
 3) After these and maybe some other steps (i.e. updating a row's data
 with new data), I discover that a random row of the table has a
 corrupted data-blob.

 I have made a verify function for the whole table of the data-blobs. The
 data-blob can contain images varying in size from a few hundred bytes to
 some (about 5) megabytes of images. (Currently only png-images.)

 Best regards,

 create table if not exists page ( id integer primary key autoincrement,
 type integer, sortorder integer, width integer, height integer, size
 integer, deleted integer default 0, zoom integer default 0, modified
 datetime default (datetime('now','localtime')), comment text, data blob )

 sqlite-users mailing list

 sqlite-users mailing list
PN ___
PN sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] insert image into db - windows batch

2012-01-18 Thread Teg
Hello Petr,

You could Mime encode them to text, insert as a string. Pull them back
out as strings, un-mime them. Should be able to do that from a batch

I  keep a bunch of images in Sqlite DB files. It's reasonably fast and
I like having them all in one place. Some of the DB files are  10 GB.


Wednesday, January 18, 2012, 10:14:17 AM, you wrote:

PL Because of packing. The script should be distributable as one
PL .cmd file, the database engine and database itself will be embeded
PL inside od script. Dealing with embeded files in the shell script
PL is not easy thus I want to minimize its number.

PL L. 

 On Jan 18, 2012, at 12:00 PM, Petr Lázňovský wrote:

 have windows batch working with sqlite, may I insert image into database 
 and than read this images from?

 As pointed out, you might want to use the 'blob' type to store binary data.

 That said, why bother storing these images inside the database itself? Any 
 benefit in doing so? 

 sqlite-users mailing list

PL ___
PL sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] 3.7.9 amalgamation file in VS2005

2011-12-28 Thread Teg

Yeah,  I  was  wrong. Color syntax highlighting does work. It's single
stepping into the code that doesn't. Sorry.


Wednesday, December 28, 2011, 3:04:39 AM, you wrote:

AN Dear Michael,
AN thanks for trying this out. Not at the moment but I will consider 
upgrading for the future.
AN In fact I was surprised about this problem because amalgamation
AN file version still *has* correct highlighting in both
AN VS2005 and 2008. The 3.7.9 amalgamation fle is, of course, larger,
AN but the difference does not seem to be so big so that the
AN highlighting should fail. So maybe there might be some syntax
AN elements in 3.7.9 (large comments or whatever) causing this
AN behaviour or there is really a maximum source file size that
AN VS2005 and 2008 syntax highlighter can support, which was reached between and 3.7.9.
AN Thanks
AN Alex
AN __
 Od: Black, Michael (IS) 
 Komu: General Discussion of SQLite Database 
 Datum: 27.12.2011 23:36
 Předmět: Re: [sqlite] 3.7.9 amalgamation file in VS2005

AN I duplicated your problem on C++ 2005 Express and C++ 2008 Express.

AN C++ 2010 Express does the syntax highlighting correctly (or at least a lot 

AN Can you upgrade?

AN Michael D. Black

AN Senior Scientist

AN Advanced Analytics Directorate

AN Advanced GEOINT Solutions Operating Unit

AN Northrop Grumman Information Systems

AN From:
AN [] on behalf of Alexandr Němec 
AN Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2011 8:55 AM
AN To:
AN Subject: EXT :[sqlite] 3.7.9 amalgamation file in VS2005

AN Dear all,

AN I have one question that is not strictly a SQLite question
AN (sorry), but maybe someone encountered this problem and found the
AN solution. I have upgraded from an older SQLite release to 3.7.9
AN and loaded the amalgamation file into a Visual Studio 2005
AN project. But the syntax code highlighter does not behave correctly
AN with the 3.7.9 amalgamation file because it greys out not only the
AN sections of code that are not compiled at all (because of
AN if(n)def's) but also other sections that DO compile. Well, I think
AN that this is a bug of the VS 2005 syntax highlighter for such a
AN large source file, because the file compiles ok, but working with
AN such a file in VS 2005 is frustrating.

AN Did anyone see (did anyone find a solution for) this problem? I
AN have not seen this for older versions of the amalgamation file.

AN Best regards

AN Alex
AN ___
AN sqlite-users mailing list
AN ___
AN sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] 3.7.9 amalgamation file in VS2005

2011-12-27 Thread Teg

VS2010  has  the  same problem. The file is simply too big for it. I'm
not  a  fan  of  the amalgamation  because  of  this.  It's essentially
impossible to trace into the SQlite code now.

That said, it compiles and works fine.


Tuesday, December 27, 2011, 10:50:14 AM, you wrote:

JJD In my experience I find that most syntax highlighters fail
JJD on occasion, especially with large files.  Trust the compiler not the
JJD editor.

JJD 2011/12/27 Alexandr Němec

 Dear all,

 I have one question that is not strictly a SQLite question (sorry), but
 maybe someone encountered this problem and found the solution. I have
 upgraded from an older SQLite release to 3.7.9 and loaded the amalgamation
 file into a Visual Studio 2005 project. But the syntax code highlighter
 does not behave correctly with the 3.7.9 amalgamation file because it greys
 out not only the sections of code that are not compiled at all (because of
 if(n)def's) but also other sections that DO compile. Well, I think that
 this is a bug of the VS 2005 syntax highlighter for such a large source
 file, because the file compiles ok, but working with such a file in VS 2005
 is frustrating.

 Did anyone see (did anyone find a solution for) this problem? I have not
 seen this for older versions of the amalgamation file.

 Best regards

 sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] WAL file size

2011-11-30 Thread Teg
Hello Richard,

When  does the WAL get trimmed down? If my transaction completes, does
the  WAL file get deleted? I've seen the WAL grow to 4 times my actual
DB  size  so, I don't really want 160 Gigs of WAL hanging out when the
process that generated it is only run once a month.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011, 10:02:34 AM, you wrote:

RH On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 4:41 AM, Sreekumar TP sreekumar...@gmail.comwrote:

RH Because we have experimentally determined that it is faster to overwrite an
RH existing file than to append to a file.  So we don't truncate the WAL file
RH on a checkpoint, which makes subsequent writes to the WAL file go faster.

RH SQLite will truncate the WAL file down to the size specified by the PRAGMA
RH journal_size_limit setting, if you have set the journal_size_limit.

 sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] WAL file size

2011-11-30 Thread Teg
Hello Richard,

Appreciate the reply but, it doesn't address my question (unless I'm
missing something). I get that checkpointing doesn't reduce the size
of the WAL. Assuming a single writer and no readers, If I perform a
transaction that generates a WAL file. Does it eventually get deleted
when I finish my transaction? How about when I close the DB? I haven't
updated to the most current SQlite because I was unclear about how
persistent the WAL files actually were. Some of my DB's are 30 GB+. I
don't mind the WAL's growing as long as they go away when the process
is finished.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011, 1:10:50 PM, you wrote:

RH On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 1:04 PM, Teg wrote:

 Hello Richard,

 When  does the WAL get trimmed down? If my transaction completes, does
 the  WAL file get deleted? I've seen the WAL grow to 4 times my actual
 DB  size  so, I don't really want 160 Gigs of WAL hanging out when the
 process that generated it is only run once a month.

RH SQLite starts writing the WAL file from the beginning again on the first
RH write transaction that follows a checkpoint that ran to completion and
RH where there are no readers using the WAL file.  A checkpoint will normally
RH run to completion if there are no readers still using prior transactions.
RH If there are readers on prior transactions, then the checkpoint cannot run
RH to completion since that would delete content out from under the readers.

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] WAL file size

2011-11-30 Thread Teg
Hello Richard,

That's what I was hoping to hear. Thanks,

Wednesday, November 30, 2011, 2:01:46 PM, you wrote:

RH On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 1:39 PM, Teg wrote:

 Hello Richard,

 Appreciate the reply but, it doesn't address my question (unless I'm
 missing something). I get that checkpointing doesn't reduce the size
 of the WAL. Assuming a single writer and no readers, If I perform a
 transaction that generates a WAL file. Does it eventually get deleted
 when I finish my transaction? How about when I close the DB?

RH The wal file persists until the last connection to the database closes,
RH then the wal file is deleted.  Meanwhile, the wal file is recycled (meaning
RH that SQLite starts reusing it again from the beginning) after each
RH successful checkpoint.  Checkpoints are automatically run by transactions
RH that cause the size of the wal file to exceed 1000 pages (though this can
RH be tuned or disabled if desired).

RH For most applications, WAL mode just works and you don't have to think
RH about how.

 I haven't
 updated to the most current SQlite because I was unclear about how
 persistent the WAL files actually were. Some of my DB's are 30 GB+. I
 don't mind the WAL's growing as long as they go away when the process
 is finished.

 Wednesday, November 30, 2011, 1:10:50 PM, you wrote:

 RH On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 1:04 PM, Teg wrote:

  Hello Richard,
  When  does the WAL get trimmed down? If my transaction completes, does
  the  WAL file get deleted? I've seen the WAL grow to 4 times my actual
  DB  size  so, I don't really want 160 Gigs of WAL hanging out when the
  process that generated it is only run once a month.

 RH SQLite starts writing the WAL file from the beginning again on the
 RH write transaction that follows a checkpoint that ran to completion and
 RH where there are no readers using the WAL file.  A checkpoint will
 RH run to completion if there are no readers still using prior
 RH If there are readers on prior transactions, then the checkpoint cannot
 RH to completion since that would delete content out from under the

 Best regards,

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] WAL file size

2011-11-30 Thread Teg
Since we're on this topic

If  I  open  a  30  GB  DB  file,  then attach a new empty DB and then
select/insert  all the data from the full DB to the empty one, the WAL
file grows to 4 times the size of the source file. Why is that?

I  don't  believe I use any manual checkpointing. Just let WAL do it's

Wednesday, November 30, 2011, 4:36:00 PM, you wrote:

SS On 30 Nov 2011, at 7:01pm, Richard Hipp wrote:

 The wal file persists until the last connection to the database closes,
 then the wal file is deleted.

SS Actually this is the key to a lot of questions about this.  If
SS your WAL file is taking up too much space, quit and restart your
SS app.  Or have your app close and reopen the database connection.

SS It's a little more complicated in multi-user or multi-process situations, 
of course.

SS Simon.
SS ___
SS sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] WAL file size

2011-11-30 Thread Teg
Hello Richard,

Thanks again. 

Wednesday, November 30, 2011, 5:37:32 PM, you wrote:

RH On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 5:31 PM, Teg wrote:

 Since we're on this topic

 If  I  open  a  30  GB  DB  file,  then attach a new empty DB and then
 select/insert  all the data from the full DB to the empty one, the WAL
 file grows to 4 times the size of the source file. Why is that?

 I  don't  believe I use any manual checkpointing. Just let WAL do it's

RH The WAL file won't get so big if you break the transfer up into multiple
RH transactions.

RH Or, you can temporarily disable WAL mode for certain unusual operations
RH (like this one) for which is not well suited.

 Wednesday, November 30, 2011, 4:36:00 PM, you wrote:

 SS On 30 Nov 2011, at 7:01pm, Richard Hipp wrote:

  The wal file persists until the last connection to the database closes,
  then the wal file is deleted.

 SS Actually this is the key to a lot of questions about this.  If
 SS your WAL file is taking up too much space, quit and restart your
 SS app.  Or have your app close and reopen the database connection.

 SS It's a little more complicated in multi-user or multi-process
 situations, of course.

 SS Simon.
 SS ___
 SS sqlite-users mailing list

 Best regards,

 sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Problems with SQLite when used with MPI

2011-11-22 Thread Teg
Hello Gaurav,

What does a debugger show you?


Tuesday, November 22, 2011, 2:07:38 AM, you wrote:

GV Here is the situation. I am using a cluster on which you can use MPI to
GV split the processing time on to different processors. I was using
GV PostgreSQL but since the data was on different server than the one I am
GV running the code, it was slowing down the simulation due to connection
GV overhead on PostgreSQL server. Then I switched to on-disk management
GV software and so I chose SQLite. I first ran it without MPI on server,  and
GV it ran (compile g++). Then I switched to MPI (mpicc compiler), it is not
GV even running for one node (on which I am using one thread). It gives error
GV Database or Disk is full. Further debugging revlealed that sqlite3_step()
GV was returning 1  and that means SQL error or Database missing. It was
GV able to get the number of columns with the same database and SQL querry. I
GV dont understand why I am getting this error.

GV Gaurav
GV ___
GV sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] WAL and local UNC filenames

2011-11-08 Thread Teg

What I've seen is that windows makes a local copy of the memory mapped
file.  Perhaps  in swap. If you watch your application using ProcMon
you can see all the disk IO. That's how I noticed the copy.

For  my  usage,  only  one  process  opens  the  DB  so,  maybe it's a


Tuesday, November 8, 2011, 10:05:17 PM, you wrote:

PI On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 5:48 PM, Jean-Christophe Deschamps
PI wrote:

 This is not a local file. Even if you use your hostname as netname
 file is still retrieved through network stack. And I guess SAMBA
 doesn't work well with memory mapped files (in addition to all
 problems with locking).

 True but why did I get no error?  Since MMF don't cope with network it would
 be  good to get a no-no somewhere.  I really don't know which layer should
 bark however.

PI I can't answer this question. Maybe it's something like all operations
PI are successful but memory mapping is not actually shared between
PI processes. So every process sees its own copy and assumes that no
PI other process works with database, thus database can be corrupted in
PI many possible ways.

PI Pavel
PI ___
PI sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] does sqlite3_reset have a performance impact onqueries?

2011-11-02 Thread Teg

I'd  like  this  clarified  too. I specifically don't use transactions
when  I'm  selecting.  In  fact, I'll select, then start a transaction
later  for  inserting the results.  Would I be better off wrapping the
whole thing in a transaction?

Wednesday, November 2, 2011, 9:13:20 AM, you wrote:

BMI Maybe my memory is fading but this is the first time I've heard
BMI anybody say the wrapping a BEBIN around a SELECT was needed.  I'd
BMI swear it was always said it wasn't ever needed.

From the docs


BMI basically, any SQL command other than
BMI automatically start a transaction if one is not already in effect

BMI Now you're saying SELECT always starts a transaction?

BMI Michael D. Black

BMI Senior Scientist

BMI Advanced Analytics Directorate

BMI Advanced GEOINT Solutions Operating Unit

BMI Northrop Grumman Information Systems
BMI ___
BMI sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] core dump happened in sqlite3_step for 30 statements in BEGIN TRANSACTION executing every 10 Millisecond

2011-11-01 Thread Teg
Hello ChingChang,

How  big  is  tempString?  What kind of type is it? I wonder if you're
trashing the stack with the sprintf.

What  happens  if you replace all the sprinfs with some simple inserts
inserted directly into vector?

dbStatements.push_back(INSERT INTO...);

You need to simplify your test till you figure out what's wrong.


Tuesday, November 1, 2011, 7:09:09 PM, you wrote:

CH Do you know why it goes to core dump?

CH ChingChang

CH The source code is shown as below,

CH   vectorstring dbStatements;
CH   dbStatements.push_back( BEGIN TRANSACTION; );
CH   for ( int x = 0; x  10; x++ ) {
CH sprintf( tempString,
CH  update utilization_table set
CH utilization=%5.2f,sample=%d where slot='0' and device='cavium' and
CH resource='bus' and sample='%d';,
CH  ntohd(msg-bus_util[x]),
CH  x,
CH  x );
CH dbStatements.push_back( tempString );
CH sprintf( tempString,
CH  update utilization_table set
CH utilization=%5.2f,sample=%d where slot='0' and device='cavium' and
CH resource='icache' and sample='%d';,
CH  100.00-ntohd(msg-inst_hit_rate[x]),  // Convert to misses
CH  x,
CH  x );
CH dbStatements.push_back( tempString );
CH sprintf( tempString,
CH  update utilization_table set
CH utilization=%5.2f,sample=%d where slot='0' and device='cavium' and
CH resource='dcache' and sample='%d';,
CH  100.00-ntohd(msg-data_hit_rate[x]),  // Convert to misses
CH  x,
CH  x );
CH dbStatements.push_back( tempString );
CH   }
CH   dbStatements.push_back( COMMIT; );

CH   // populate the DB
CH   vectorstring::iterator dbStatementsIter;
CH   SqlQuery oper_db(operDatabase, __FILE__, __LINE__);
CH   for ( dbStatementsIter = dbStatements.begin(); dbStatementsIter
CH != dbStatements.end(); dbStatementsIter++ ) {
CH oper_db.execw( *(dbStatementsIter) );
CH   }

CH   dbStatements.clear();

CH The core dump is shown as below.

CH #0  0x32e94b04 in raise () from /lib/
CH #1  0x32e962f4 in abort () from /lib/
CH #2  0x32e8c2a4 in __assert_fail () from /lib/
CH #3  0x32ae60cc in ?? () from /ovn/lib/
CH #4  0x32b4c324 in ?? () from /ovn/lib/
CH #5  0x32ba12c0 in ?? () from /ovn/lib/
CH #6  0x32b7926c in sqlite3_step () from /ovn/lib/
CH #7  0x32b7a2c4 in sqlite3_exec () from /ovn/lib/
CH #8  0x329a9630 in SqlQuery::execw () from /ovn/lib/
CH #9  0x329a98e8 in SqlQuery::execw () from /ovn/lib/
CH #10 0x10010290 in NpuMessageHandler::processUtilReport
CH (this=value optimized out, msg=value optimized out,
CH nbytes=value optimized out) at cavium_driver.cpp:1387
CH #11 0x10012808 in NpuMessageHandler::run (this=0x38be1008) at 
CH #12 0x328a65b0 in Thread::start_thread () from 
CH #13 0x3278b5cc in ?? () from /lib/
CH #14 0x32f39b88 in clone () from /lib/

CH ___
CH sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Using SQLite on Windows 64bit

2011-10-29 Thread Teg

As  a  programmer,  I  just build my own 64 bit version of Sqlite. You
should  try  it,  it's  easy.  Just a matter of selecting x64 when I

For  my  customers, 64 bit installs now outnumber 32 bit. Sqlite works
just fine...


Saturday, October 29, 2011, 8:03:55 AM, you wrote:

AO Yes, compiling to 32-bit is nice. It is like dancing at the tunes of Earth
AO Wind and Fire, h, those were the days. Like the old good songs, the
AO 32bit apps are a good memory, many people like it, but they are a thing of
AO the past. We are developers and anyone of us who stays behind, is left
AO behind. Not having the option of SQLite-64 is a major drawback and will
AO leave us behind. So, come on folks, pull up your socks and let's get the
AO SQLite apps into the 21st century, shall we?


AO ___
AO sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] How about a proper forum rather than an e-mail list

2011-10-18 Thread Teg
Hello Frank,

I love forums and consider them far superior to email if only because
it's easier to follow a topic with less quoting needed. The downside is
that  someone  has  to  manage the forum. I've managed a forum for the
past  10  years  and there's a daily spam cleanup process and constant
attacks and required upgrades.  You have to set the tone and be pretty
ruthless about flaming too.

I'd like to see a forum. I just wouldn't want to manage it.


Tuesday, October 18, 2011, 5:32:46 AM, you wrote:

FM I think that the sqlite-users e-mail list has enough traffic to warrant a
FM proper forum. 

FM Has this been considered?


FM A proper forum also can contain several subject forums, e.g.


FM Announcements

FM General

FM Help with SQL

FM News


FM News

FM General

FM OS specific

FM . 


FM There is a quite widespread, free Forum software that could be used:




FM They support MySQL, SQLite and PostgreSQL as the underlying database.


FM Well, just a thought.



FM /Frank Missel

FM ___
FM sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Internal v. External BLOBs

2011-09-21 Thread Teg

My experience is that having larger blobs impacts performance too. It
seems like SQlite struggles to seek over the blobs when traversing
non-blob containing tables. I haven't characterized it beyond that. It
might even be disk caching. I tend to keep my blobs in a different DB
file than the tables that describe the blob contents though because of

I have some 30 GB blob containing files. I use these DB's just for
organization of the blobs. Performance wasn't that important.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011, 5:29:16 AM, you wrote:

AP There is a problem with access to file in directory with big amount of 
AP FS directory indicies are not really good. I did test 100 millions of 1k 
AP in SQLite and results were better than reading from set of directories in 
AP But for files about 1 Mb and more the SQLIte performance is not good.
AP Is any reason why SQLite big blobs reading may be slowly? The
AP performance of the BLOBS may limit performance of FTS and
AP other custom storage/index realizations (Spatialite, etc). And it's more
AP important I think. Especially when we need FTS index as fast hash index.

AP 2011/9/21 Richard Hipp
 If you are storing large BLOBs in SQLite, can you read them faster if they
 are stored directly in the database file, or can you get to them quicker if
 you store just a filename in the database and read the BLOB content from a
 separate file?

 We did some experiments to try to answer this question, and the results
 seemed interesting enough to share with the community at large.  Bottom
 line:  On Linux workstations, it is faster to store BLOBs in the database if
 they are less than about 100KB in size, and faster to store them in a
 separate file if they are larger than about 100KB.  This is on Ubuntu with
 EXT4 and a fast SATA disk - your mileage may vary with different operating
 systems, filesystems, and hardware.

 The complete report is here:

 D. Richard Hipp
 sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Strategies for protecting sql queries

2011-08-29 Thread Teg

PI If someone was ambitious enough they could attach a debugger to your
PI application, extract key used to decrypt the database and obtain all
PI the sensitive information you have. So if you really want to protect
PI your database against those who is able to attach a debugger you
PI shouldn't use SQLite.
PI Pavel

This is the key. It depends on how secure you need it to be. If it
really needs to be secure then having the encryption key in memory or
in the application means it's not all that secure. This isn't a
limitation of SQLite though. It's a limitation of running a program on
someone else's hardware.

You could encrypt the SQL and then decrypt right before usage then
clear it from memory. Won't stop a debugger but, it will stop them
from pulling the strings out of your application directly.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] SQLite + unicode

2011-08-11 Thread Teg
Hello NOCaut,

I convert everything to UTF-8 for insert and then back to ascii or
unicode when I pull the data from the DB.


Thursday, August 11, 2011, 4:20:36 AM, you wrote:

N I now how work with sqlite guys

N my problem: in  const char *  and i wont wchar_t*. becouse wchar_t* -
N unicode type understand

N  int sqlite3_exec(
N   sqlite3*, /* An open database */
N   const char *sql,  /* SQL to be executed */
N   sqlite3_callback, /* Callback function */
N   void *,   /* 1st argument to callback function */
N   char **errmsg /* Error msg written here */
N );

Nsqlite3 *db;
N char *zErrMsg = 0;
N int rc;
N rc = sqlite3_open(c:\\test.db, db);
N rc = sqlite3_exec(db, Select * from table , callback, 0, zErrMsg);

N this code return char I want use wchar_t* for read unicode.

N Thanks!

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Read only scaling optimization

2011-08-09 Thread Teg
Hello Drew,

Why multiple threads? What kind of performance do you get if you only
use a single thread?

Is it one thread per database perhaps?


Tuesday, August 9, 2011, 4:46:13 PM, you wrote:

DK We have an application that does not scale well – especially 8 and 16
DK threads we are getting about 10% at best to -50% at worst (2 and 4 are okay
DK aprox. 40-50%).

DK We have narrowed the problem down to the SQLite code.

DK Looking for best practices from anyone that overcame scaling issues.

DK First we generate 35 different SQLite databases, this is done in a separate
DK program and performance is not an issue.

DK The application is a  C++ app. that accesses all the databases in a read
DK only style.  Size of database range from 1MB to 10GB.

DK Each thread does the following in a loop

DK 1. Grab a record from an external system (not SQLite)

DK 2. Runs several SQLite queries to process the record

DK We are currently using 3.6.14 (has this been improved in new versions?)

DK Is there any compile time options or pragma's that are specifically
DK engineered at optimizing for read only and/or scaling?

DK Thank you in advance,

DK Drew
DK ___
DK sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Deep copy of 2 sqlite3*?

2011-08-03 Thread Teg
Hello Nikki,

I'd suggest either not doing it (prevent the copy constructor from
compiling by declaring it private) or doing it by passing ownership of
the connection around as if it was a socket or file handle.

That's how I do sockets. If my socket class gets copy constructed to a
new class, that class becomes the owner of the socket and no further
socket operations are permitted in the original class.

The problem with opening a new connection in the new class constructor
is that it's not really in the same state as the original connection.


Tuesday, August 2, 2011, 10:20:21 PM, you wrote:

NT Hi sqlite-users!
NT It's just that I'm writing a copy constructor of my own mini sqlite
NT wrapper, and I ended up having to do a deep copy of a sqlite3* points to a
NT SQLite connection. And I'm just wondering is it okay that I just do it with
NT memcpy(), by digging into the code for the definition of struct sqlite3  and
NT count the total bytes of this struct?
NT Any ideas or suggestions are appreciated!
NT ___
NT sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Field drop work around

2011-08-02 Thread Teg
Hello Jack,

I just migrate the tables forward.  Generate a new one in my program
and do a bulk insert from the old to the new, then drop the old one.
At other times, I've just re-purposed the unused field.


Tuesday, August 2, 2011, 7:03:52 AM, you wrote:

JH Hello all,

JH Is there a workaround for the lack of support for dropping
JH fields? I have an application and need to evolve the database
JH schema as features are added and removed. Leaving fields sitting
JH inside the database that are no longer used will lead to a schema
JH that is difficult to understand. Especially so when the field is
JH marked as NOT NULL. Years from now I will need to supply a value
JH for a field when inserting a row that has long ago ceased to be used.

JH Any ideas how I can remove unused fields from the database would be 

JH Regards,

JH Jack Hughes

JH ___
JH sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] SQLite3.dll for Win 64

2011-07-25 Thread Teg
Hello Everton,

EV Don't have any easy way to make this dll? There's a lot of 64bits systems
EV out there that will need this dll.

I just compile it into my program and don't bother with DLL's. I find
that DLL's in general make my software less reliable so, I avoid them.

Static linking all the way


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Selected string differs to Inserted one

2011-07-24 Thread Teg
Hello Andrew,

I convert all my strings the UTF-8 before insert or selecting. You
probably need to look into something like that too. Filenames for the
DB files have to be UTF-8 too or you'll have problems opening files

My test folder has an umlaut in the path so, this code gets exercised
every time I run my program.


Sunday, July 24, 2011, 10:39:51 AM, you wrote:

AL Dear All


AL I am very new to SQLite and am trying to convert a Windows Forms
AL C#.NET (VS2010 SP1) application from an Access database to an
AL SQLite one.  All seems to have gone extremely well but I have come
AL across one problem that has held me up for several days now.


AL I have a table with a TEXT field that does not return the same
AL string that was inserted.  The character that misbehaves is Greek
AL letter Ø.  In fact any character from the high end of the ANSII
AL or ASCII table shows the problem.  


AL Since I have done nothing special in creating the database I
AL believe it is encoded UTF-8 by default.  I assume that my inserted
AL string is similarly encoded UTF-8 since I have done nothing
AL special in my C# code to change this.  The data in the database
AL seems to be correct since the SQLite Administrator program correctly 
displays the data.


AL Why does the Selected data come back wrong, and how can I correct
AL this.  Clearly this is a bit of a non-problem otherwise every
AL other .NET user would be screaming but I have searched for several
AL days now without finding a solution.


AL Can anyone help me please? 

AL Thanks in advance


AL Andrew Leeder  


AL .


AL ___
AL sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] PRAGMA bug in 3.7.7 (but fine in

2011-06-26 Thread Teg
I had to back away from 3.7.7 too because my program hung during
startup. Wonder if it's related to this? I haven't looked any deeper
at it. It hung, I switched back to my older library and it worked.


Sunday, June 26, 2011, 3:59:33 PM, you wrote:

GS Hey all,

GS There is a bug in 3.7.7 that affects Apache Subversion. We've verified
GS that it is this latest release, as prior releases have worked just
GS fine for us.

GS Below is the reproduction script, thanks to Daniel Shahaf. With this
GS pragma not working, we cannot even start up :-(

GS Please help!

GS Thanks,
GS -g

GS ps. maybe this belongs on -dev, but I'm pending on its moderated 

GS [[[
GS #include assert.h
GS #include stdio.h

GS #include sqlite3.h


GS int main(void)
GS {
GS  sqlite3 *db3;

GS  const char *path = foo.db;
GS #endif

GS  assert(SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_open_v2(path, db3, flags, NULL));
GS  assert(SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_busy_timeout(db3, BUSY_TIMEOUT));
GS  assert(SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_busy_timeout(db3, BUSY_TIMEOUT));
GS  {
GSchar *errmsg;
GSint err = sqlite3_exec(db3, PRAGMA case_sensitive_like=1;, NULL,
GS NULL, errmsg);
GSif (err != SQLITE_OK)
GS  printf(Error %d: %s\n, err, errmsg), sqlite3_free(errmsg);
GS  }
GS  return 0;
GS }
GS ]]]
GS ___
GS sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Do I need to migrate to MySQL?

2011-06-03 Thread Teg

We use MySQL on a fairly high end PC server running Linux. The
database is about 300-400 gigs. Front end of PHP and apache. It's been
reliable for a couple years now and seems to have a bunch of headroom.
I wrote a wrapper so my SQLite code (with minor modification) can feed
MySQL instead of SQlite. In fact, the thing that feeds the MySQL DB
reads Sqlite DB's and then feeds this data into MySQL every 15 minutes
or so.

I'd have no problem recommending MySQL for mission critical uses.
Postgres might be better but, MySQL's been good enough.


Friday, June 3, 2011, 2:19:44 PM, you wrote:

DD MySQL should be avoided like the plague.  Use Postgres instead if you have 
DD switch to a larger SQL DBMS.  But hopefully the help you've gotten so far 
DD extend your mileage with SQLite and you won't have to switch to anything 
yet. --
DD Darren Duncan

DD Ian Hardingham wrote:
 Guys, the server for this game -
 uses SQLite.  We've had an unexpectedly successful launch which has 
 resulted in the server being swamped with players, and I'm trying to 
 optimise everywhere I can.   I've always been under the impression that 
 SQLite is pefectly fast and it's the scripting language I wrote the 
 server in which is too blame.  (Yes, I know writing a back-end in a 
 single-threaded scripting language is an absolutely terrible idea).  
 However, everyone in the industry I talk to says that SQLite must be one 
 of the problems.
 I may be looking at a complete re-write.  I may also need to have a 
 solution which scales beyond one machine.  Can anyone give me advice on 
 this matter specifically?
 (The video on that website at 2.04 gives a good idea of what kind of 
 functions are being powered by the database).

DD ___
DD sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Compile error's on Visual Studio 2010

2011-05-08 Thread Teg
Hello Jan,

Move it into it's own project, make it a static lib and turn down the
warning level just for this project. That's what I do anyway. I'm not
willing to touch the code but, that seems to be the only other

Sunday, May 8, 2011, 6:50:31 AM, you wrote:

JB Hi,


JB I am new to sqlite3 and just downloaded the code trying to test it from a
JB C++ application using Visual Studio 2010. I just created a class and
JB included the sqlite3.c and sqlite3.h from amalgamation-3070602 directly.


JB The header compiles fine, but on the sqlite3.c I get typecast errors. This
JB is because my compiler is set to a high warning level and sqlite3 code does
JB things like converting from void* to struct pointers. 


JB Is there any way I can get around this without lowering the compiler's
JB warning level?


JB Jan

JB ___
JB sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Compile error's on Visual Studio 2010

2011-05-08 Thread Teg
Hello Jay,

I haven't found this to be the case. I have numerous C only library's
I compile and I don't have to change the defaults to compile them.
There is an option to force C++ compiles but, I don't believe it's on
by default.

JAK   In most default setups, Visual Studio insists on compiling .c files
JAK   with the C++ compiler, even though-- as this very example points
JAK   out-- the languages are different enough that this behavior seems
JAK   questionable.

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] how to reuse a prepared statement

2011-04-23 Thread Teg

I got bit by this the other day. I typically just used reset but, if
you have a case where you're looping through an insert and you don't
always set all values (say a string is empty sometimes so, you forgo
the bind), the previous value set will get inserted where you expected
blanks to go.

Clearly, it was my fault because I assumed reset cleared the old
values. I've since changed my wrapper to clear with each reset.

 I understand things correctly, you call sqlite3_reset() to reuse a
 prepaired statement, why do you call sqlite3_clear_bindings()?

IT You don't have to. Personally, I've never once found a use for it. 

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] SQLite3 memory leaks in my c++ dll application

2011-04-20 Thread Teg
Hello Khanh,

Until you confirm the memory leak, I doubt anyone will respond. For
example, when my program exits, I abandon a bunch of allocated memory
to speed exit. VC says that's a memory leak but, it's not, because
it's not leaking memory while I'm using it. I purposely abandon
allocated memory on exit to speed exit processing (deallocating 2 gigs
of RAM when I'm exiting anyway is pointless).

The question is whether it's leaking RAM while you use it, not if it
leaks it when you exit (which is when VC checks).


Wednesday, April 20, 2011, 12:00:57 PM, you wrote:

KN Hi SQLite3 community,

KN Please forgive me this panic, incorrect bug report. The cause of memory
KN leaks was from another my software component. The SQLite3.dll is working
KN greatly with my solution. However, it was memory leaks detection from VS2008
KN when I built the SQLite3 with Sqlite3.c in my solution.

KN If you know about this, please give me some hints on how to set flags in my
KN database module(vcproj) to eliminate the memory leaks. I would greatly
KN appreciate your kindness.

KN The database vcproj DLL built with VS2008 C++ with this flag: Multi-threaded
KN Debug DLL (/MDd). Accessing the DLL via GetProcAddress() calls.

KN Sincerely and Thank you,

KN Khanh

KN On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 8:56 AM, Khanh Nguyen wrote:


 My name is Khanh Nguyen and currently using SQLite3.DLL 3.7.6 in my
 application (DLL built with VS2008 C++ with this flag: Multi-threaded Debug
 DLL (/MDd). This DLL is called by other DLL via GetProcAddress to access a
 blob database. The access and blob database is in very good operation.
 However, whenever I exited the application, the VS2008 debugger reported
 this memory leak dectection:

 The DLL has some memory leaks that I have captured here:

 The thread 'Win32 Thread' (0x368) has exited with code 0 (0x0).

 Detected memory leaks!

 Dumping objects -

 {8390} normal block at 0x01364C70, 64 bytes long.

  Data: c:/DEV/Platform/ 63 3A 2F 44 45 56 2F 50 6C 61 74 66 6F 72 6D 2F

 {8382} normal block at 0x0138C9C0, 32 bytes long.

  Data: 7Zl7ji/F9x+bOgbG 37 5A 6C 37 6A 69 2F 46 39 78 2B 62 4F 67 62 47

 {8380} normal block at 0x0138B938, 32 bytes long.

  Data: PolicyDataPack.i 50 6F 6C 69 63 79 44 61 74 61 50 61 63 6B 2E 69

 {8377} normal block at 0x01391F48, 448 bytes long.

  Data:  10 1F F3 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CD CD CD CD

 {7174} normal block at 0x01391DC8, 64 bytes long.

  Data: c:/DEV/Platform/ 63 3A 2F 44 45 56 2F 50 6C 61 74 66 6F 72 6D 2F

 {7166} normal block at 0x013621D8, 32 bytes long.

  Data: 7Zl7ji/F9x+bOgbG 37 5A 6C 37 6A 69 2F 46 39 78 2B 62 4F 67 62 47

 {7164} normal block at 0x01386690, 32 bytes long.

  Data: PolicyDataPack.i 50 6F 6C 69 63 79 44 61 74 61 50 61 63 6B 2E 69

 {7161} normal block at 0x01390430, 448 bytes long.

  Data:  10 1F F3 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CD CD CD CD

 {7108} normal block at 0x0138CDC8, 64 bytes long.

  Data: c:/DEV/Platform/ 63 3A 2F 44 45 56 2F 50 6C 61 74 66 6F 72 6D 2F

 {7100} normal block at 0x01386320, 32 bytes long.

  Data: ENt5KkYHRqeU/iLR 45 4E 74 35 4B 6B 59 48 52 71 65 55 2F 69 4C 52

 {7098} normal block at 0x0138BCD8, 32 bytes long.

  Data: PolicyDataPack.b 50 6F 6C 69 63 79 44 61 74 61 50 61 63 6B 2E 62

 {7095} normal block at 0x0138D530, 448 bytes long.

  Data:  10 1F F3 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CD CD CD CD

 {7033} normal block at 0x013796D8, 64 bytes long.

  Data: c:/DEV/Platform/ 63 3A 2F 44 45 56 2F 50 6C 61 74 66 6F 72 6D 2F

 {7025} normal block at 0x0136DED0, 32 bytes long.

  Data: 5U/jyx2txHeUQUe/ 35 55 2F 6A 79 78 32 74 78 48 65 55 51 55 65 2F

 {7023} normal block at 0x013658D0, 32 bytes long.

  Data: NetworkSetting3. 4E 65 74 77 6F 72 6B 53 65 74 74 69 6E 67 33 2E

 {7020} normal block at 0x01389BF0, 448 bytes long.

  Data:  10 1F F3 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CD CD CD CD

 Object dump complete.

 The program '[5432] DebugConsole.exe: Native' has exited with code 0 (0x0).

 Please help me resolve this memory leak issue.



KN ___
KN sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Fwd: database collision detection

2011-03-11 Thread Teg
Hello Eugene,

How about initally attempting the fetch and if that fails, do the
insert?  Since the results of a duplicate means you want the two
additional blobs anyway.

Select so and so

on empty results

Insert so and so.


Friday, March 11, 2011, 9:15:14 AM, you wrote:

EN Hello

EN I am just beginning my thorn-ridden way up the steep slope with SQLite and
EN C++ to keep me company. And i am stuck at one point, so if you could help me
EN to continue it would be awsome.

EN I have a database contaning a table with a layout like this:

EN  blobblob blob
EN  blobblob blob
EN   .........

EN I am thinking of creating it like:

EN  CREATE TABLE points (NAME blob unique, PART1 blob, PART2 blob);

EN Then, in a loop, i will obtain new blob tuples and insert them in my table:

EN  INSERT INTO points VALUES(?,?,?); // using prepare statement and bind
EN blob

EN Then comes a tricky bit:

EN   1) If there is a tuple with same NAME ( SQL error: column name is not
EN unique) already,

EN   2) I want to fetch its components PART1 and PART2


EN  // using prepare statement and bind blob

EN The problem is, i dont know how to *DETECT* a collision gracefully.

EN I first thought of looking at an error code, but i am not sure its a good
EN idea. Then

EN I heard somewhere about a thing called TRIGGERS, but still i am not sure, if
EN thats

EN the easiest way.

EN So, basically, how do you detect duplicates and handle them how you consider
EN appropriate?

EN Thanks,

EN Eugene
EN ___
EN sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Error: disk I/O error on big databases vacuuming

2011-03-08 Thread Teg
Hello Alexey,

Tuesday, March 8, 2011, 11:51:22 AM, you wrote:

AP I try to vacuum database about 11Gb size on debian squeeze host with 1,5 Gb 

AP sqlite3 test.db 'vacuum;'
AP Error: disk I/O error

AP Note: any new files does not created on vacuuming process (may be
AP created journal, does not it?).

AP But this work correct:
AP sqlite3 test.db '.dump'|sqlite3 test2.db

On my windows 7 box using current Sqlite, vacuuming anything over about
7 gigs seems to be hit or miss. I haven't pursued it. I just dump the
DB's to SQL and re-generate them, like you do. It's far faster than

Never have below 100 gigs free when I've tested this.

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] COUNT() extremely slow first time!

2011-02-23 Thread Teg
Hello Greg,

I found this to be the case too. The difference between 1K and 8K is
staggering. I default all my windows DB's to 8K now.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011, 1:59:29 PM, you wrote:

GB I'm currently dealing with a similar issue. I've found that the page_size
GB PRAGMA setting can have a dramatic effect on how long it takes to warm up
GB the table. On Windows 7, with page_size=1024, a SELECT COUNT(last_column)
GB takes 40.2 seconds. page_size=4096 takes 15.5 seconds. page_size=8192 takes
GB 8.5 seconds. This was done with a reboot between each test.

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] UPDATE/INSERTing 1-2k rows slower than expected

2011-02-11 Thread Teg
Hello Thomas,

I download off the net at between 400Mbps to 1 Gbps and have to pack
the data away into a Sqlite DB. I use an intermediate buffer on disk
and a background thread to write the data to the DB. Obviously, I
couldn't keep up if the data was continuous but, the lulls in between
the peak data rate times give me time to pack it away. Even if I get
an extended burst of data, it'll eventually make it in. If I was you,
I'd start by having something service the interface and buffer the
packet data and something else pulling the packet data from the buffer
and feeding it to Sqlite. Then you won't be dropping packets.


Friday, February 11, 2011, 6:49:16 PM, you wrote:

TF Hi, I have a small problem with a program I've developed.

TF It basically captures packets from a network device on linux and stores
TF transfer stats on each host seen. To store the stats long term I decided to
TF use sqlite, and when the program saves the stats every few minutes, it takes
TF about 4-5 seconds, and if I have the synchronous pragma turned off, it takes
TF 1-2 seconds.

TF These are the relevant sql commands:

TF   address INTEGER UNIQUE, \
TF   last_off INTEGER, \
TF   rx_bytes INTEGER, \
TF   tx_bytes INTEGER);

TF UPDATE hosts SET last_on = ?, last_off = ?, rx_bytes = ?, tx_bytes = ? 
TF = ?
TF INSERT INTO hosts ( address, first_seen, last_on, rx_bytes, tx_bytes ) 
TF ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )

TF The stats saving code will interleave a bunch of UPDATEs and INSERTs, 
inside a
TF single transaction, maybe that has something to do with it, I'm not sure.

TF 1s to update them all isn't too bad, but it still can mean I'm potentially
TF dropping packets, which I'd really rather not do.

TF Thanks.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Disk I/O Error

2011-02-08 Thread Teg
Hello Nathan,

I'd install Procmon set it to filter just on the problem file (and
journal files) and let the software run. When you get an error, you
should see the details listed in procmon.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011, 1:12:48 PM, you wrote:

NB I haven't tried that, but if we stop the application then restart it, 
NB everything works again.  That is until we get another Disk I/O error 
NB which happens the next day.
NB I'm wondering if the virus scanner is blocking the database write.

NB On 2/8/2011 1:03 PM, Simon Slavin wrote:

 On 8 Feb 2011, at 5:59pm, Nathan Biggs wrote:

  Once a day, not at the same time, we are getting a disk I/O error from
  our application using SQLite.

 If you try to duplicate the database file do you get any kind of error 
 then ?

 If not, use the command-line tool to run an integrity check:

 sqlite-users mailing list

NB ___
NB sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Disk I/O Error

2011-02-08 Thread Teg
Hello Nathan,

It could be hardware but, my experience with my users is that anything
weird like this is virus scanner of firewall related. You can suggest
that they try telling the V scanner to ignore the folder your data
resides in and see if it makes a difference. That's my normal
suggestion to my users. Solves the problems most of the time.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011, 1:43:20 PM, you wrote:

NB That was exactly my thought.  But since it is at a customer's site, I 
NB have to prove that its their virus scanner that is causing the problems.

NB On 2/8/2011 1:17 PM, Jim Morris wrote:

 Could a backup or virus scanning software be locking the database?

 On 2/8/2011 10:12 AM, Nathan Biggs wrote:
  I haven't tried that, but if we stop the application then restart it,
  everything works again.  That is until we get another Disk I/O error
  which happens the next day.
  I'm wondering if the virus scanner is blocking the database write.
  On 2/8/2011 1:03 PM, Simon Slavin wrote:
  On 8 Feb 2011, at 5:59pm, Nathan Biggs wrote:
  Once a day, not at the same time, we are getting a disk I/O error from
  our application using SQLite.
  If you try to duplicate the database file do you get any kind of error
  then ?
  If not, use the command-line tool to run an integrity check:
  sqlite-users mailing list
  sqlite-users mailing list
 sqlite-users mailing list

NB ___
NB sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Sqlite3.h file for X64 Windows

2011-02-07 Thread Teg

I use the same header for both. It's so easy to build, I'm unclear why
you went down this path as opposed to just building the lib from

Monday, February 7, 2011, 7:57:53 AM, you wrote:

IT Dileep wrote:
 I could not found Precompiled Binaries For Windows For X64 windows in
 I got 64bit version of SQLiteExpert From that I got Sqlite3.dll, I generated 
 lib and Def files
 But I am not able to get sqlite3.h header file for X64 windows version of 

IT I don't see any reason why the same sqlite3.h wouldn't work for
IT both Win32 and Win64. Have you tried it, and encountered a particular 
problem with it?

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] LENGTH on a BLOB field stops at NUL byte

2011-02-06 Thread Teg
Hello Yves,

You could alway mime/uu/yenc encode it into text before insert, and do
the reverse when you retrieve it. Then the problem goes away.


Sunday, February 6, 2011, 10:53:05 AM, you wrote:

YG On 06.02.2011 14:36 CE(S)T, Samuel Adam wrote:
   * You should be using bound parameters on INSERT.  If you are not, 
 your code.  This will eliminate a whole list of potential problems.

YG I already do that.

   * Make sure the binding is done as BLOB and not TEXT.  PDO probably 
 its own flags defined for this.  This is the part that tells SQLite  
 whether you are inserting TEXT or BLOB.

YG There is a PDO method to execute a prepared statement with an array of
YG values to be used as parameters. There is no way to specify additional
YG information about how to interpret these values in this method. But
YG there is another method to bind each value separately, and it has
YG another argument to pass some data type. I'd need to change the way I
YG execute my SQL statements to make use of it.

YG I'd expect that SQLite known on its own what data type a column is and
YG respect it. Seems like SQLite is sometimes more type-agnostic than PHP,
YG where I take great care of data types in this special application.

YG For now, I just won't save files to the database with SQLite but instead
YG on disk. I won't get to rewriting the database class anytime soon but
YG I'll look into it then.

YG I'm wondering why I get all the data back but SQLite can't count its
YG characters... And the image I get back from SQLite looks error-free so
YG it probably didn't make a single mistake handling it as text data.

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Cause of disk I/O errors

2011-01-31 Thread Teg
Hello GHCS,

Most common problem my users have is Virus scanners stepping on my
writes. Might suggest they tell their Virus scanners to ignore your
data folder.

People do run out of disk space fairly frequently. I wouldn't discount
it out of hand.


Sunday, January 30, 2011, 8:25:48 PM, you wrote:

GS Are there any common reasons for encountering a disk I/O error (code
GS 10) when creating records in an SQLite database on a Windows PC? My 
GS product uses V3.6.23.1 and I did not have extended error codes turned on
GS in my releases up to now.

GS The problem in reproducing this is that the users can be running XP, 
GS Vista, or Win7, and the amount and nature of the data being written is
GS entirely dependent on data provided by the user and run through my 
GS processing program to create the database. When I've had someone upload
GS their raw data to me so I can try it here, it works every time (naturally).

GS So it seems it must be something about their particular machine 
GS environment, but what? I'm sure that nobody is running out of disk space
GS these days. Any ideas on where to look or what to suggest to them that
GS they can do?

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] REGEXP parameter order - embarassed newbie

2011-01-24 Thread Teg
Hello James630165,

I guess it depends on how good a programmer you are. I just used the
web site and some reference books on SQL. Wrote my own wrapper and
improve it as time goes on and I need new features.


Sunday, January 23, 2011, 8:05:08 PM, you wrote:

Jac If a person speaks good English and has a logical mind, has previously
Jac programmed in C ... why is there a need to buy The definitive guide to
Jac programming SQLite?
Jac I understand that Everyone does.
Jac Jim.
Jac ___
Jac sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Embarassed Newbie

2011-01-08 Thread Teg
Hello Michael,

Yeah, sqlite3.exe runs everywhere. This problem is more basic.
Sqlite3.exe is in some other path and not in the command line search

Where did you unzip the files? Either do the test from the folder you
unzipped the files to or use full path

C: C:\Unzipped\Sqlite3.exe test.db


Saturday, January 8, 2011, 9:12:10 AM, you wrote:

BMI I just confirmed that the shell download is static.  The 566,272
BMI size also indicates static compilation.
BMI There are no dependencies other than OS DLLs.
BMI c:\windows\system32\KERNEL32.DLL
BMI c:\windows\system32\MSVCRT.DLL
BMI c:\windows\system32\NTDLL.DLL

BMI Michael D. Black
BMI Senior Scientist
BMI Advanced Analytics Directorate
BMI Northrop Grumman Information Systems


BMI From: on behalf of Richard Hipp
BMI Sent: Sat 1/8/2011 7:10 AM
BMI To: General Discussion of SQLite Database
BMI Subject: EXTERNAL:Re: [sqlite] Embarassed Newbie

BMI On Sat, Jan 8, 2011 at 8:06 AM, Peter
BMI wrote:
 On 08/01/11 11:43, wrote:
 sqlite3  test.db

 I assume by 'binaries' you mean sqlite-shell-win32... and
 sqlite-dll-win32...? You need both to run the command you give above.

BMI Is this true?  I thought I was compiling sqlite3.exe as a standalone 
BMI  Does it really require that the DLL be downloaded too?  If so, that is
BMI something that needs to be fixed.  Can you double-check this for me please.

BMI --
BMI D. Richard Hipp
BMI ___
BMI sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] append sql file

2010-12-06 Thread Teg
Hello CDN,

Why don't you embed it as a blob? Make a table just for your text and
feed it into the DB? Seems like a better idea than appending to a DB
file that might just extend itself right over your text with the next


Monday, December 6, 2010, 12:53:19 PM, you wrote:

CM Hi, 
CM was wondering if there was a way to have extra text on the end of an sql 
file, after the COMMIT; ?
CM I'd like to combine two functions onto the one file, the text
CM would be read by another programme, but how can I tell SQLite to ignore 
what's after the COMMIT

CM mtia
CM Mark
CM ___
CM sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Just compiled SQLite in Visual Studio

2010-12-01 Thread Teg
Hello Bob,

In general, I guess that C++ is essentially the C language with a
whole lot added. 

If you ignore the silly minutia then this is true.  My application is
a mix of C and C++ all compiled with VC10.  C for legacy code, C++ for
the stuff I write.  Most of the time I have my C code partitioned into
it's own library so, I can change the build environment specifically
for that libary.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010, 11:26:39 AM, you wrote:

BK Igor,
BK You seemed to say that the only difference between C and C++ was
BK the ending (.c versus whatever C++ uses), but that understanding
BK of what you said was more a result of my ignorance of C and C++.
BK Someone pointed out that, if I've gotten this right, in Visual
BK Studio the ending controls how the written program is compiled. 
BK In general, I guess that C++ is essentially the C language with a
BK whole lot added. I'm probably wrong on that interpretation of what
BK was said, but at least I do now understand that C and C++ are not
BK the same. Am I still misinterpreting this whole thread?
BK Bob Keeland
BK Forest Dynamics, Inc.

BK --- On Tue, 11/30/10, Igor Tandetnik wrote:

BK From: Igor Tandetnik
BK Subject: Re: [sqlite] Just compiled SQLite in Visual Studio
BK To:
BK Date: Tuesday, November 30, 2010, 8:06 PM

BK Bob Keeland wrote:
 Oh, from the various replies I see that C++ is a more capable extension of 
 C. Igor was only using a figure of speech, kind of.

BK Everything I said in this thread so far, I meant quite literally.
BK Which expression of mine do you take as a figure of speech?

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Read database from multiple processes

2010-11-18 Thread Teg
Hello Prakash,

What kind of drive is it? My experience is that SATA drives hate being
banged on from multiple threads. They just can't handle multiple
simultaneous work loads without slowing down drastically. They're fine
with heavy duty single threaded IO. In my application, I serialize
most heavy duty disk IO for this reason. If the drive is hanging off a
USB interface, it's much worse.

In your case, I might consider a server application that answers
requests from the clients so, only one process is banging on the disk
at a time.


Thursday, November 18, 2010, 4:21:04 PM, you wrote:


PRB I have a database placed on a shared drive.
PRB Two processes (from different hosts) do a bunch of select commands.

PRB I have a busy handler that sleeps of 1 second in each attempt
PRB and bails out after 10 attempts.

PRB The observation is that, if only one process is running (on any
PRB host) the results are returned pretty fast. However, if both
PRB processes are doing the selects concurrently the performance is dead slow.
PRB Note that each process is doing somewhere around 5000 selects.
PRB My understanding is that when only selects are happening there is no 
locking involved.

PRB I am using 3.7.2.

PRB Regards,

PRB Prakash Bande
PRB Altair Engg. Inc.
PRB Ph: 248-614-2400 ext 489
PRB Cell: 248-404-0292

PRB ___
PRB sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] 5 GB DB with a 51 GB wal file.

2010-11-11 Thread Teg

I have a 5GB DB file, 5 simple tables. Several million entries. When I
tried to delete perhaps 10% of the entries. The WAL file blew up to
51 GB, 10 times bigger than the DB file itself.  I understand the
problem I think, with long transactions and have since split the
transactions up into smaller chunks.

My question is, can I fix this DB? integrity_check says it's OK but,
when I Pragma wal_checkpoint; from Sqlite.exe, nothing seems to
happen. It completes and the WAL file is still 51 GB. I was expecting
it to integrate the changes in the WAL file back into the DB file

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] 5 GB DB with a 51 GB wal file.

2010-11-11 Thread Teg
Hello Teg,

Thursday, November 11, 2010, 12:08:23 PM, you wrote:

T I have a 5GB DB file, 5 simple tables. Several million entries. When I
T tried to delete perhaps 10% of the entries. The WAL file blew up to
T 51 GB, 10 times bigger than the DB file itself.  I understand the
T problem I think, with long transactions and have since split the
T transactions up into smaller chunks.

T My question is, can I fix this DB? integrity_check says it's OK but,
T when I Pragma wal_checkpoint; from Sqlite.exe, nothing seems to
T happen. It completes and the WAL file is still 51 GB. I was expecting
T it to integrate the changes in the WAL file back into the DB file
T proper.

Sorry to reply to myself. False alarm. It did all the work but, I had to
manually refresh the display to see it.

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Sqlite with VS 2008

2010-10-29 Thread Teg

I'm using the individual files to compile a static lib. Just create a
new project as a static lib. Unzip the source files into the project
folder and then add all the h and c files to the project. You'll have
to delete some but, you can figure that out when you compile.


These are defines I use when I compile.

I then include the lib project in my main project, set dependencies
so, it automatically links in the lib and manually include the new
project folder in my header search list.

Add Existing Project in the Add right click of the solution

The amalgamation works but, you won't be able to single step in and
debug the lib if you use it. It's a limitation of the compiler.


Friday, October 29, 2010, 1:28:27 PM, you wrote:

SAM I would suggest using the pre-compiled binary sqlite3.dll and just call
SAM into the DLL.  You can easily create an import library to link with in
SAM your application by using the LIB /DEF command:

SAM lib /def:sqlite3.def

SAM That will create sqlite3.lib and sqlite3.exp.  You can link against the
SAM sqlite3.lib file and it will use the sqlite3.dll.

SAM -Scott

SAM wrote on 10/29/2010 09:42:09 AM:

  I am trying to use sqlite in the debea database library.
  It simply says compile sqlite3.
  I am however a VS2008 user.  I cannot find a way to compile it so I 
SAM can
  reference the include and library directories.  Can you help?
  Linda Rawson
 The only way that I know of to compile SQLite in VS 2008 is to use 
 the amalgamation download.  You can find it here:  http://www.  This will be only a single .c file.
 I'm not sure this will meet your needs if you need to reference the 
 include folder.  You may need to explore building the TEA tarball. 
 I've never tried it in windows, but it look like there is guidance 
 on the TEA website
 Has anyone tried this in Windows?
 Ron Wilson, Engineering Project Lead
 (o) 434.455.6453, (m) 434.851.1612,
 HARRIS CORPORATION   |   RF Communications Division 
 sqlite-users mailing list

SAM ___
SAM sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Breakpoints uncorrelated on MSVC amalgamation build

2010-09-23 Thread Teg
Hello Ben,

Thursday, September 23, 2010, 9:17:39 AM, you wrote:

BH I just discovered the MSVC compiler generates bad debug info for
BH source files larger than 64k lines, which is the case with the Sqlite 
BH Does anyone know of a workaround?

BH Thanks,
BH Ben
BH ___
BH sqlite-users mailing list

Don't use the amalgamation?  That's one reason I don't use it.

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] SELECT is Slow when run in C++ code compared to SQLite Administrator

2010-09-20 Thread Teg
Hello ady,

I'd hazard a guess that SQLite Admin does something that caches the
file data in memory.  If you do the select twice in a row. How fast is
it the second time on the C++ code?

I've found that opening the DB file using regular windows calls and
simply reading it to the end, closing it and THEN doing SQLite stuff
to it, gets rid of slow initial performance.


Monday, September 20, 2010, 8:49:07 AM, you wrote:

a Hi

a I have found that a select is slow when run through C++ code compared to
a SQLite Administrator

a I am executing SELECT * FROM docs WHERE (mail_index MATCH ('*FirstRun'))

a int nRet = sqlite3_prepare(mpDB, szSQL, -1, pVM, szTail);
a nRet = sqlite3_step(pVM);

a SQLite Admin does it in 47ms and the CPP code takes 140 ms

a Wonder what could be wrong ?

a -Ady
a ___
a sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] c compiler during install

2010-06-17 Thread Teg
Hello Glen,

I'm not a Linux guy (though I've installed it and run a DB on it
before) but,

GS There was an error parsing the RHN proxy settings.
GS RHN support will be disabled.

Suggests your install can't get out on to the 'net to find the files
you're looking for. If YUM can't get to the net, YUM can't download
the upgrades.


Thursday, June 17, 2010, 10:13:01 AM, you wrote:

GS Thanks.

GS It doesn't appear that I have the necessary files to install gcc:

GS [r...@selkirk 4.1.1]# gcc -v
GS bash: gcc: command not found
GS [r...@selkirk 4.1.1]# yum install gcc
GS Loading installonlyn plugin
GS Loading rhnplugin plugin
GS There was an error parsing the RHN proxy settings.
GS RHN support will be disabled.
GS Setting up Install Process
GS Setting up repositories
GS No Repositories Available to Set Up
GS Reading repository metadata in from local files
GS Parsing package install arguments
GS Setting up repositories
GS No Repositories Available to Set Up
GS Reading repository metadata in from local files
GS No Match for argument: gcc
GS Nothing to do
GS [r...@selkirk 4.1.1]#

GS Should I get this from RHS (I don't have install CDs)? 

GS Glen Scratchley
GS DMS Solutions Architect
GS Macro 4, Inc. 

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] BLOB Support

2010-06-16 Thread Teg
Hello Sam,

I store multiple gigs of image files, some as large as 2-3 megs in
Sqlite DB's. For pretty much the same reason, the convenience of
having them in one package. For my requirements, extracting the images
from the DB, and displaying them isn't a bottleneck. It's fast enough.

Search speed was improved by not storing the meta-data in the same
table as the blob data. If I wanted to improve performance even more, I'd
keep the meta-data in a different DB file. Essentially a DB for blobs
and a DB for meta-data. It seems that seeking over the blobs to get to
the meta-data in the combined DB is somewhat slow.


SC A lot also has to do with the requirements: My software is an event
SC image viewing system, where each event is seen as a single document
SC and all the data associated with the document is contained within
SC the event folder.  Currently only the metadata is stored in the
SC database, all the images are stored in folders that are within the
SC event folder.  I am guessing, as is others, that storing the large
SC images in the SQLite DB would be less efficient then how I am storing
SC it now.  One side effect, though is the requirement to backup the
SC event folder.  It takes a LOT longer to copy 5000 4k~8k files then
SC it would be to copy one 20M ~ 40M database file.  Because of this, in
SC time I want to move all the thumbnails into one SQLite file, or maybe
SC have one SQLite file per current folder holding images.

SC Sam
SC ___
SC sqlite-users mailing list

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Is the absence of msvcrt.dll a known issue with SQLite Windows 2000

2010-06-05 Thread Teg
Hello noel,

Well, I have a large install base of users both foreign and US
based and most of them still use XP. The benefit of Windows 2000 is
that it's easily pirated (more easily than XP is what I mean). My
software still works under Win2k, though the users have to install a
a DLL from Microsoft. I'm not clear if my next version will run on

As for the original problem, find the DLL and place it in the same
folder as the application and it should work.


Saturday, June 5, 2010, 11:20:20 AM, you wrote:

nf Roger Binns a écrit :
 Hash: SHA1

 On 06/05/2010 04:21 AM, noel frankinet wrote:
 But in fact sqlite runs perfectly fine on windows2000 

 Exactly as my second paragraph says.  But in the Windows 2000 time frame
 applications used to install their own copies of msvcrt.dll in the system
 directories which means one broken application is all it takes to screw that 

 But when the operating system vendor no longer supports a platform it is
 increasingly pointless for a software person to continue support.  At some
 point you have to call it quits.  (For example see who still supports
 Windows 95, MacOS 7 or Redhat Linux 3.)
nf I see windows 2000 as the finest os that redmont has produced. You'd 
nf better not develop on the latest ms os if you want to have some 
nf installed base.
 and is compilable 
 with any free compiler (mingw for instance)

 You are mixing multiple things up.  There are two different issues: source
 compatibility and binary compatibility.  SQLite does compile with pretty
 much any C compiler out there (source compatibility).

 Binary compatibility is a bit more tricky.  The compiler links SQLite
 against system libraries that provide underlying functionality such as file
 access, memory allocation etc.  What happens is compiler and platform
 specific.  In general the resulting SQLite works with that version of the
 operating system and any version going forward but not older ones.  In the
 case of Microsoft, they have been distributing the C libraries with the
 compilers not the operating system and been numbering the C library as part
 of the file name.  Additionally various data structures (eg stdio) have
 changed between library versions and having multiple versions of the C
 library used in the same process is a recipe for problems.  Applications
 should be putting the C libraries in their own directories and not system
 locations.  msvcrt.dll (with no numbers) is a special case and is in system
 directories and in theory is for the use of operating system applications
 only.  Because of that pervasiveness MinGW targets it as the C library.  In
 fact they claim to support no other version, although their compiled DLLs do
 work with other versions in my experience.
nf I did not know that mingw was using msvcrt.dll. But anyway, its there,
nf in system directory, so it should run fine.
 BTW I believe the distributed SQLite Windows DLL is actually produced by a
 gcc cross compiler on Linux, which you could label MinGW as well.
nf Yes I think so too.

nf Best regards
nf Noël
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

 sqlite-users mailing list


nf ___
nf sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] SQLite on Windows 2003

2010-04-06 Thread Teg
Hello Joe,

UTF8? What's the filename? If it has any accent characters, you need
to convert the filename to UTF8 before you pass the filename to the
SQLite. At least in C++ you do.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010, 4:03:24 PM, you wrote:

BJ Hi Simon,

BJ Yes, I was able to open the DB file using the command line tool.
BJ I am unable to do so programmatically using C# .NET 2008.

BJ Thanks,

BJ Joe 

BJ Joe Burnett | Principal Software Engineer | FIDELITY INSTITUTIONAL
BJ 2 Contra Way
BJ Merrimack, NH 03054
BJ 603.791.5113
BJ cell: 603.289.0481

BJ -Original Message-
BJ From:
BJ [] On Behalf Of Simon Slavin
BJ Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 3:33 PM
BJ To: General Discussion of SQLite Database
BJ Subject: Re: [sqlite] SQLite on Windows 2003

BJ On 6 Apr 2010, at 8:30pm, Burnett, Joe wrote:

 I have a SQLite application running just fine on Windows XP SP3. I am
 attempting to move the application to Windows 2003
 Enterprise Edition. However, the connection open method returns null.
 The connection string is good. The database file is there.
 I have the appropriate permissions on the file. The event viewer is no

BJ Are you using the sqlite3_ library calls in a C program you've written,
BJ or are you using some sort of 3rd Party framework or library ?

BJ If you try to open the same database using the sqlite3 command-line
BJ tool, does it work ?

BJ Simon.
BJ ___
BJ sqlite-users mailing list

BJ ___
BJ sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Non-Debug version of SQLite3.dll

2010-04-02 Thread Teg
Hello Roger,

I find debug versions in Windows to be 2 or more times bigger than
non-debug. I have a resource only DLL. Debug is 3.7 megs, release is
1.3. The debug executable is also 2-3 times larger.

I'm not aware of any way to strip the debug information from the DLL.
The linker can do it but, I believe it's too late for Bill's purposes.


Why not just recompile the DLL yourself? I static link Sqlite directly
into my programs so, I don't have to worry about DLL versioning.


Friday, April 2, 2010, 1:05:38 PM, you wrote:

RB On 04/02/2010 09:25 AM, wrote:
 When I build my setup program I get a message that says File contains
 debug information.
 Is there a distributable SQLite3.dll that doesn't contain debug information
   and might be a little smaller?

RB You should be able to run whatever the Windows equivalent of strip is to get
RB rid of them.  In any event it shouldn't save much space.

 I also notice there is no Windows version info which is typically in a
 resource file.  Is there someone I can ping to suggest this be added?

RB This request has been open for almost 6 years:


RB Roger

RB ___
RB sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Non-Debug version of SQLite3.dll

2010-04-02 Thread Teg
Hello Roger,

Looks like I was wrong. Supposedly Rebase can strip it out.


Friday, April 2, 2010, 1:05:38 PM, you wrote:

RB On 04/02/2010 09:25 AM, wrote:
 When I build my setup program I get a message that says File contains
 debug information.
 Is there a distributable SQLite3.dll that doesn't contain debug information
   and might be a little smaller?

RB You should be able to run whatever the Windows equivalent of strip is to get
RB rid of them.  In any event it shouldn't save much space.

 I also notice there is no Windows version info which is typically in a
 resource file.  Is there someone I can ping to suggest this be added?

RB This request has been open for almost 6 years:


RB Roger

RB ___
RB sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] SQlite C API screwing port access?

2010-03-23 Thread Teg
Hello Martin,

Do the ping both before and after you open the DB.

ping_server(; //my ping function, which pings a hardcoded IP,
ping_server(; //my ping function, which pings a hardcoded IP,

See if the first one works. That'll validate your theory. My guess is
the first one won't work either and you're barking up the wrong tree.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010, 12:55:36 PM, you wrote:

MS I have a program which builds an ICMP package over IP and sends it. Before
MS that, I get IP number and other information from a SQlite DB. I was having
MS problems, so I began to comment different parts of the code, until I got to
MS this code (pseudocode):

MS sqlite3_open(DB_NAME);
MS sqlite3_close(DB_NAME);

MS ping_server(; //my ping function, which pings a hardcoded IP,
MS doesnt interact with DB

MS If I run that code, the package nevers gets send (can't detect it with
MS Wireshark). If a comment the sqlite part, it works perfectly. Somehow, the
MS SQlite function calls are screwing with the port access, but I can't fin any
MS reasonable explanation.
MS Any ideas?
MS I've been stuck for days with this problem.

MS Regards,
MS Martin Sigwald
MS ___
MS sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards,

sqlite-users mailing list

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