[biofuel] Anyone know of a good list for saving energy in the home?

2004-05-17 Thread Ryan Morgan

Hi All,

It's almost summertime, and for those of us in the Arizona desert that means
high energy bills for cooling.  I am looking for a good list on how to save
energy (mainly to enquire on proper AC control.)

If any of you can shed light on my problem, it would be much appreciated:

I have a two story home (3,200 sqft) with two central air conditioning
units.  The unit for the second story is smaller and uses less electricity
when in use.  I have top-grade insulation and energy efficient windows and
doors.  I have just purchased two Honeywell programmable thermostats to
control the units, and am wondering how to set them.

My electric company offers an on-peak, off-peak plan that I am on.
Electricity costs 0.165 cents per kWh from 1:00PM to 8:00PM and 0.0369 cents
all other times.  Therefore, I have set my units to run (for the most part)
before and after 1:00-8:00 PM.  Basically the house will be cooled to 77
degrees in the off peak hours and allowed to warm to 84 degrees in the
on-peak hours.  Is this a good plan for efficiency?  Can my upstairs unit
alone do the job of cooling the house efficiently during on-peak hours?

Any ideas?



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RE: [biofuel] RE: [biofuels] Re: US poll about Iraq war

2004-05-17 Thread Ryan Morgan

OK, enough already.  I won't make the same mistake again and post MHOs on
this list.  How any of you can sit there and say you have not directly
benefited from the colonization of the land that now makes up the USA is
beyond me, but OK.  Now, shall we get back to biofuels?

Thank you,

  -Original Message-
  From: Hakan Falk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2004 6:41 PM
  To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: RE: [biofuel] RE: [biofuels] Re: US poll about Iraq war


  The problem is that Ryan is a product of Hollywood history and that he
  must have slept in school. It is an overwhelming task to answer his short
  posting, that is so efficient in showing the total lack of knowledge in
  and history. I was about to respond, but discovered that it would take
  over 20 pages, to correct only the few statements he did. At the moment,
  I do not have the energy to respond to a caricature of Americans, it is so
  many of them that have education and knowledge anyway, so why bother. .

  Maybe Noam Chomsky would help, but it should be complemented by
  some basic reading of history books.


  At 20:51 15/05/2004, you wrote:
  Hi Ryan,
  Where do you get your news/views from? Fox News!
  I don't know where to start in correcting the inaccuracies in your
  statements, nor do I have the time.
  I think the best thing you could do would be to read almost any book by
  Chomsky (What Uncle Sam Really Wants or Deterring Democracy)about the way
  America runs the world.
  Did you never hear of the American overthrow of democratically elected
  governments in Chile and Guatemala and Iran?
  -Original Message-
  From: Ryan Morgan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: 14 May 2004 09:22
  To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: [biofuel] RE: [biofuels] Re: US poll about Iraq war
  Hey Todd et al, let's not make this personal, did you perhaps not see my
  :)?.  I was merely saying that we have all benefited in the long run
  the genocide that happened in North America in the past.  One cannot
  history by modern standards, that's History 101!  America is
  the most innovative populace the world has ever known period.  Look
  you, the technology our democracy and free markets have produced and
  continue to produce have saved countless more lives, and provided for
  more than were lost in the settling of this land.  We are all benefiting
  from this, our life expectancy is much higher than even two generations
  and our quality of life is unimaginable to those in the past.  Do you
  your medicine?  Your efficient, convenient way of life?  Your
  refrigerator, how about your computer, it's software and the Internet?
  you ever used a phone, or turned on a light, or read a newspaper, or
  wondered about the mysteries of Space?  This country has developed more
  technology than any other past or present, that we are all benefiting
  Furthermore, who does the world look to for justice in the world?  Were
  not the Americans who emerged victorious in WWI and WWII saving the world
  from tyranny and genocide?  Did anyone else contribute more to the plight
  the South Koreans, the Vietnamese, the Kuwaitis and Saudis, or to the
  of Yugoslavia?  Who stopped the communists from taking over the world?
  anyone else offered to bail out countless corrupt government after
  government, saving people from poverty, without even asking to be
  Do I condone genocide?  Of course not.  But we, in this day and age, have
  all benefited from it.  That is all I am saying.
  As for my comments on the need to reduce incentive for stability in the
  Middle East, I apologize for painting anyone on this list (who did not
  to be painted) as working toward reducing dependency on foreign oil,
  specifically oil from the Middle East.  What I meant to say, is that I am
  working to reduce our dependency on foreign oil so that we as a nation
  less of a reason (incentive) to meddle in the affairs of the Middle East.
  As far as I can tell (and I have never been there) the region is fraught
  with religious strife, brutality, ignorance, and hatred.  In short, most
  the countries there seem almost laughably behind the times given their
  resources, corrupt, and no place to be if you were born with fallopian
  and a uterus.  Islamic law fosters fear, slows progress, and is easily
  abused by those in power.  We are fighting the evil, backward, minority
  Iraq for many reasons, oil, hope, and liberation among them.  We have
  attempted to provide them with hope for a brighter future, teach them
  democracy and free trade, so that we may watch them prosper, and no one
  seem to get past centuries old grudges and hatred toward one another and
  It got so bad, one man ordered the hijacking and crashing of our

[biofuel] Biodiesel moving into Northern CA

2004-05-17 Thread Ryan Morgan


Biodiesel offers renewable fuel alternative
By Alex Breitler, Record Searchlight
May 16, 2004

Right now, you'd have to drive to Ukiah, Berkeley or Medford, Ore., to fill
up on biodiesel.

But if one group of enthusiasts has its way, the vegetable-based alternative
fuel might one day flow from pumps here in the north state.

The Shasta Energy Group and Redding-based Cross Petroleum are gauging public
interest in biodiesel, which supporters say is cleaner for the environment
and reduces U.S. dependence on foreign oil.

Questions remain about where and when a biodiesel fueling station might be
built. The idea is just now sputtering to life.

But organizers like the sound of biodiesel, which might be particularly
useful in the north state.

There are so many diesel-fired furnaces and stoves up here, and half the
vehicles on the road are trucks, said Thomas Deerfield of the energy group,
based in Mount Shasta. Siskiyou County is probably higher per capita diesel
truck ownership than anywhere.

Biodiesel is gleaned from soybean oil, corn oil or other crops. The fuel is
refined with alcohol and can be used in any old diesel engine, with only a
few modifications -- or none at all.
It contains no petroleum, but can be blended with regular diesel to make the
endeavor more affordable.

There are 200 retail pumps nationwide, most of them built in the past two
years, according to the nonprofit National Biodiesel Board. Most are in the
Midwest. Eighteen are in California, many in the San Francisco Bay area or
Southern California.

Whether the north state's scattered population would provide enough demand
for biodiesel remains to be seen, said Dennis Cross, vice president of Cross

Still, he said his company is actively looking at the possibility.

For the customers that are environmentally sensitive, it's a good recycling
tool, Cross said. I think it's going to be difficult for some customers to
justify the cost.

John Tannaci and his wife, Kirsten Olson, plan to give biodiesel a whirl
this summer while harvesting peaches, cherries, plums, apricots and mixed
vegetables on their 20-acre farm near Grenada.

The idea of a renewable fuel source -- rather than fossil fuel reliance --
fascinated Tannaci, who's been farming the land for 15 years.

They're not making dinosaurs anymore, but you can keep growing soybeans,
he said.

Plus, his wife said, it's a way for farmers to support other farmers.

The couple plans to purchase 270 gallons of biodiesel from an Oregon
supplier. It'll cost $2.50 a gallon, compared with about $2.25 a gallon for
regular diesel. They won't use pure biodiesel -- it's likely to coagulate in
the Siskiyou County cold -- but instead will mix it with standard diesel.

The only difference Tannaci expects next month when he fires up his tractors
and delivery trucks for the harvest season is exhaust that smells like
french fries.

As for the north state fueling station, Deerfield said there's enough
interest to start an informal co-op, but that commercial biodiesel would
require massive amounts of regulatory paperwork.

Still, he said the energy group is hoping to attract interest from diesel

I'm sure it's not that far away from catching on, he said.

Reporter Alex Breitler can be reached at 225-8344 or at

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[biofuel] RE: [biofuels] Re: US poll about Iraq war

2004-05-15 Thread Ryan Morgan
 to slaughter and
  displace the poor, savage, barbaric, nomadic ... natives who
  cannot withstand overwhelming numbers, unimaginable weaponry and
  devastating disease?

  Who the hell are you or anyone else to pass such judgement?

  Wake up for Christ's sake!!! And everyone elses. Standing up for
  a depraved philosophy that states we are morally compelled by God
  Almighty to kill weaker people and steal their land is every bit as
  immoral and depraved as those who swing the sword, obliterate food
  supplies or intentionally seed blankets with smallpox - or any
  similar actions.

  And then you move on and take issue with applications of similar
  policies of arrogance in the present day? Something sure isn't wound
  and tensioned properly in your upstairs orbit if you can on the one
  hand see the insanity of Bush's implementation of Jacksonian policy
  but still endorse or justify such aberrations in historical context.

  Somehow you need to get a mental, emotional and even spiritual grip
  and start understanding that all those dead, maimed and displaced
  persons from previous generations that you so easily dismiss were as
  human as you are at this very moment - and judging by your words,
  perhaps more so in many respects.

  One can only wonder how you would perceive history if you were a
  mother or child or infant or weathered elder on the receiving end of
  a saber or bullet sent from god.

  What are now ghosts were once brothers and sisters. And neither
  you nor anyone else has ever possessed the right to wave your hand
  and state that their murder is or was justified.

  As for your dismally blind and sweepingly general perspective on how
  well off the indigenous peoples of the North American continent are
  today or what the traits of a broadened education are?

  Whatever it is that you're smoking you need to put it down and take
  a long walk back into the world of reality.

  Todd Swearingen

  --- In biofuel@yahoogroups.com, Ryan Morgan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   All I can add in our defense, is that much more good has come from
  our use
   of the land for the good of the world, than from the natives who
   it previously.  Yes, you too have benefited from Jackson' s quest,
  so find a
   better argument about the poor, savage, barbaric, nomadic though
   rich natives who fell easily to manifest destiny.  Their children
  are being
   well taken care of, and now have the benefit of electricity,
   housing, internal combustion, oh, and beer.  :)
   Also, we sure picked a loser for a President in 2000, good thing
  we can kick
   him out of office in 2004.  How many other countries refresh their
   leadership on such a regular basis?  I agree with some who think
  his entire
   administration should be behind bars for the atrocities,
  corruption, and
   fleecing of not only the American public, but the entire world.  I
   ashamed to be associated with our false President and his cabinet
   days, but proud that I voted for Al Gore, and rightly so...as it
  turns out.
   Is Kerry the answer?  Maybe, but at least he will choose an
   different administration and get those crocked-good-for-nothin'
   Rumsfelds, and Cheneys out of positions of power.  When push comes
  to shove,
   and believe me it has!  The American public will do the right
   In the mean time, we're all [here on this list] are just doing
  what we can
   to reduce the need for foreign oil, to take the incentive away from
   stability in the Middle East.  Personally I look forward to the
  day when the
   economics of the region make it impossible to inhabit the area, at
  least on
   the same scale.  Where will all of those people go?  Well, they
  may just
   have to assimilate elsewhere, obey the law, get a job, and act
   Enough of this 2000 year code of Islamic law already, the world
   progress...they'll figure it out.
   Please note I don't hate Native Americans or Muslim populations in
   I believe all people are generally good, and have gone through the
   years of feminist based philosophy that is State-sponsored
  University here
   in the US.  With that said-
   Flame away dear friends,
   Ryan  :)
 -Original Message-
 From: Appal Energy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 1:57 PM
 To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: Re: [biofuel] US poll about Iraq war
 Why not ask the Israelis Ted?
 No. Wait. They haven't figured out their little problem yet
 Many don't agree with the analogy of Iraq being another Viet Nam.
 Rather, the comparison to the Gaza Strip or the West Bank is more
 appropriate - continual attrition, continual hate, continual
 continual occupation.
 But heck. The US has been very good at oppression, occupation
  and even

RE: [biofuel] Truck spills gallons of used cooking oil

2004-05-15 Thread Ryan Morgan

The world's first biodegradable oil spill!  No flamingos or alligators were
injured, although several were seen waddling away apparently bloated after
consuming mass quantities of the French-Fry slick.  Unfortunately someone
got hurt by sliding into a tree though, I hope she is OK...  Ironic that she
worked for the Dept. of Agriculture, eh?

 -Original Message-
From: Pat McCotter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 10:51 AM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; biofuel@yahoogroups.com;
Subject: [biofuel] Truck spills gallons of used cooking oil

  Sorry about the cross-post but had to spread this

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RE: [biofuel] Is it gas or diesel powered?

2004-05-15 Thread Ryan Morgan

Is this a joke?  :)

I first drove a 1983 VW Rabbit Diesel LS to 250,000 miles before it finally
rusted itself out of order (no small feat in Oregon where there is no salt.)
Now I drive a 2002 Golf (Rabbit) TDI and have already put 60,000 miles on
it, mostly using biodeisel.  How on Earth has this 1985 beauty not been
driven?  Are you going for the Barett Jackson Auction or something?

Wait a minute, I just saw the photo!  HA!  That was really funny!
  -Original Message-
  From: Appal Energy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 8:45 PM
  To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: [biofuel] Is it gas or diesel powered?

  1985 Blue Volkswagen Golf for sale.
  Only 9 miles
  Only first gear and reverse used
  Never driven hard
  Original tires
  Original brakes
  Original fuel and oil
  One owner
  Wishing to sell due to employment lay-off


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RE: [biofuel] US poll about Iraq war

2004-05-12 Thread Ryan Morgan

All I can add in our defense, is that much more good has come from our use
of the land for the good of the world, than from the natives who inhabited
it previously.  Yes, you too have benefited from Jackson' s quest, so find a
better argument about the poor, savage, barbaric, nomadic though culturally
rich natives who fell easily to manifest destiny.  Their children are being
well taken care of, and now have the benefit of electricity, inexpensive
housing, internal combustion, oh, and beer.  :)

Also, we sure picked a loser for a President in 2000, good thing we can kick
him out of office in 2004.  How many other countries refresh their
leadership on such a regular basis?  I agree with some who think his entire
administration should be behind bars for the atrocities, corruption, and
fleecing of not only the American public, but the entire world.  I am
ashamed to be associated with our false President and his cabinet these
days, but proud that I voted for Al Gore, and rightly so...as it turns out.
Is Kerry the answer?  Maybe, but at least he will choose an entirely
different administration and get those crocked-good-for-nothin' Ashcrofts,
Rumsfelds, and Cheneys out of positions of power.  When push comes to shove,
and believe me it has!  The American public will do the right thing.

In the mean time, we're all [here on this list] are just doing what we can
to reduce the need for foreign oil, to take the incentive away from
stability in the Middle East.  Personally I look forward to the day when the
economics of the region make it impossible to inhabit the area, at least on
the same scale.  Where will all of those people go?  Well, they may just
have to assimilate elsewhere, obey the law, get a job, and act respectable.
Enough of this 2000 year code of Islamic law already, the world awards
progress...they'll figure it out.

Please note I don't hate Native Americans or Muslim populations in general,
I believe all people are generally good, and have gone through the four
years of feminist based philosophy that is State-sponsored University here
in the US.  With that said-

Flame away dear friends,

Ryan  :)
  -Original Message-
  From: Appal Energy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 1:57 PM
  To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: Re: [biofuel] US poll about Iraq war

  Why not ask the Israelis Ted?

  No. Wait. They haven't figured out their little problem yet either.

  Many don't agree with the analogy of Iraq being another Viet Nam.

  Rather, the comparison to the Gaza Strip or the West Bank is more
  appropriate - continual attrition, continual hate, continual oppression,
  continual occupation.

  But heck. The US has been very good at oppression, occupation and even
  genocide throughout its illustrious past. Just ask any American native.
  And for that? Jackson got his picture on the $20.

  One very queer country that pays homage to those who are the architects of
  such sweeping devastation.

  Todd Swearingen

  - Original Message -
  From: Ted Dinkelman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 2:02 PM
  Subject: Re: [biofuel] US poll about Iraq war

   As the poll states, the majority think this is a bad idea. My question
  how do we get out of it? Just quiting and going home would be a worse
  situation and staying will cost many lives on all sides.
   Hakan Falk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I just saw the latest gallup polls about the Iraq war and Bush handling
   it. As we said the whole time, it were and is a bad idea to
   occupy Iraq. Now finally a majority of the American people seems to
   with it and that Bush is not capable to handle it. Now we cannot find
   majority population of any  country in the world, who think that the
   occupation was or is a good idea.
   We also find some fine ways of which the OPEC countries show their
   of what is happening. They are signing up the major development of
   Gas with other countries, like Russia and China, and when US finally
   transport capacity for NG, they will have difficulties to buy enough.
   same is happening on new oil exploration. They also have difficulties in
   delivering more oil to US. This is not a surprise, if the proponents of
   opinion that we at the moment experience the Hubbert peak of oil
   production. The other possibility is that the oil producing countries
   prefer to sell to China, than to US. My personal opinion is that, even
   they wanted, they cannot meet the growing demand in US and the world. US
   not only buying to meet higher demands, but is also buying desperately
   filling up their strategic storage reserve, that way pushing prices
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[biofuel] Capitol Hearing Gives Ethanol, Biodiesel Boost

2004-05-11 Thread Ryan Morgan

Capitol Hearing Gives Ethanol, Biodiesel Boost

Washington, DC - May 7, 2004 [SolarAccess.com] Chairman Sam Graves of the
House Subcommittee on Rural Enterprises, Agriculture, and Technology held a
hearing about the future of renewable energy. Graves held the hearing to
provide facts about the progress America has made with renewable energy and
the future of the industry.

Ethanol and biodiesel are not just the future of America's energy supply,
they are cleaner and affordable alternatives today, Graves said. It's a
triple play. It's good for the environment. It's good for consumers. And
it's good for farmers.

Graves cited America's dependence on foreign sources of energy as evidence
that a new energy policy that invests in domestic sources of energy be
implemented as soon as possible. The House and Senate have passed an energy
policy but have yet to work out their differences. Graves stressed that an
energy policy is needed to help meet our energy needs while protecting our
national security.

We can grow much of America's energy needs in Missouri, Graves said.
That's why we need a national energy policy that invests more in the
domestic production of energy. Breaking our dependence on foreign oil is not
only a good energy policy, it is good for our national security.

Charlie Hurst is a fifth generation farmer from North West Missouri and
secretary treasurer of Golden Triangle Energy Cooperative from Craig,
Missouri. He testified about the economic benefits of ethanol.

The ability for farmers to impact our energy supply is a big step forward
for the farming industry, Mr. Hurst said. The fact that we can take corn
we grow in the field and turn it into energy is remarkable. It means more
jobs in Missouri and greater financial and national security for America.
Investing in ethanol is a way to preserve a way of life for farmers across
the Midwest. I hope the government recognizes how important ethanol is to
our way of life and invests more in ethanol production.

Brooks Hurst, who testified on behalf of the Missouri Soybean Association,
is from Tarkio, Missouri. He testified about the benefits of biodiesel.

Biodiesel helps keep our environment and the air we breathe clean, said
Mr. Hurst. Another major benefit of biodiesel is that it lessens the
nation's dependence on foreign oil. Why should we in this nation continue
importing fuel from the Middle East when farmers such as myself can grow 100
percent renewable fuel on farms right here in the USA in an environmentally
beneficial way?

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[biofuel] DaimlerChrysler India undertaking 5,000km biodiesel test drive

2004-05-11 Thread Ryan Morgan

EXCLUSIVE: INDIA: DaimlerChrysler India undertaking 5,000km biodiesel test
05 May 2004
Source: just-auto.com editorial team

Article Summary:
In a joint project with University of Hoehenheim, Germany and Council for
Scientific and Industrial research (CSIR), India, DaimlerChrysler has
initiated a sustainability study of the usage of bio-diesel, derived from
Jatropha vegetable oil, as an automotive fuel.


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[biofuel] Biodiesel stations to expand in Colorado

2004-05-11 Thread Ryan Morgan

Article Published: Sunday, April 25, 2004
Biodiesel stations to expand in Colorado
Distributor to add 10 sites to Front Range

By Kris Hudson
Denver Post Staff Writer

Post / Craig F. Walker
Denver Public Works employee Gene Roybal steps from a truck last week at
Denver Wastewater Management Facility on West Third Avenue. Public Works
will participate in a pilot biodiesel program.

A Fort Collins-based distributor of biodiesel fuel plans to more than triple
its distribution sites in Colorado next month.

Blue Sun Biodiesel intends to add 10 new stations to the four that now pump
its B20 biodiesel, a mixture of 80 percent diesel and 20 percent processed
soybean oil.

Going from four to 14 is a representation of the kind of people that we
have here on the Front Range, said Jeff Probst, president and chief
executive of 2 1/2-year-old Blue Sun. Going from diesel fuel to biodiesel
takes an investment from drivers willing to pay more at the pump.

Blue Sun's expansion comes after the city of Denver announced plans last
week to fuel 60 of its Public Works vehicles with biodiesel for the rest of
this year.

Among Blue Sun's new sites are stations in Boulder, Colorado Springs,
Pueblo, Fort Lupton, Fort Collins and in Denver at 5201 York St. Those sites
add to Blue Sun's four established sites in Boulder, Fort Morgan, Carbondale
and Commerce City.

Proponents of biodiesel note that it produces fewer emissions than regular
diesel and, in some cases, produces better mileage per gallon. However, it
typically costs 15 percent to 20 percent more per gallon than regular
diesel. Friday, a gallon of diesel in Colorado averaged $1.87.

Up to some point, people are willing to pay extra for a more
environmentally friendly product, said Bob McCormick, a senior fuels
engineer at the National Renewable Energy Laboratories in Golden. But I
don't know how big the market could get.

Aside from Denver's Public Works department, other biodiesel users in
Colorado include Colorado Springs Utilities, the Regional Transportation
District, the city of Boulder, the University of Colorado and Rocky Mountain
National Park. Denver Public Schools intends to fuel 100 of its buses with

In Denver, Offen Petroleum will convert three commercial pumps and one
regular automotive pump at its Sinclair station on York Street to biodiesel
in May. It's going to be our sole offering here at the station, Offen
managing director Bill Gallagher said.

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[biofuel] News from Google: Biodiesel love-in

2004-05-11 Thread Ryan Morgan

Biodiesel love-in
by Mike Keefe-Feldman

Republican Sen. Conrad Burns and Democratic gubernatorial hopeful Brian
Schweitzer engaged in a bitter Senate campaign in 2000, but the two
politicians came together to sing the praises of vegetable-oil based
biodiesel fuel in Missoula on Sat., April 24, during the grand opening of
biodiesel pumps at two local Cenex stations÷one on Brooks St., the other on
North Reserve.
After Burns congratulated Cenex, Schweitzer showed up to say that a
biodiesel bill would be the first piece of legislation heâd sign as

Jeremy Richter was first in the pump-line, filling up his girlfriendâs
silver Jetta with the new B20 biodiesel/regular hybrid fuel. While much of
the concern over biodiesel has centered on price (biodiesel in Missoula will
cost $2.15/gallon as compared to approximately $1.95/gallon for regular
diesel), Richter says he thinks the new fuel may actually be more
cost-effective due to biodieselâs increased gas mileage.

Richter recounts filling up on biodiesel one day in Seattle, driving around
that day and returning to Missoula the next, all on one tank of biodiesel.

David Max, vice president of Sustainable Systems, LLC, the company behind
the new pumps, says that the cost of biodiesel is also balanced out by
studies which have shown that the fuel is easier on an engineâs injector
components, meaning less maintenance may be required.

The bulldozer that plows snow off Glacier National Parkâs Going to the Sun
Road is run on biodiesel, according to Glacier Facility Manager Lou
Summerfield, who told those in attendance that his crew currently uses 63
biodiesel-run vehicles.

ãWeâve had no problems whatsoever with biodiesel, and tests have shown weâve
reduced emissions significantly,ä Summerfield said. ãI didnât have to make
any vehicle modifications at all, so all I can tell you is Îgo for it.âä

The dayâs only conflict stemmed from the choice of free hot dogs versus soy

When one gentleman noted that the soy variety was going faster, another
replied, ãThose are the kind of people who are going to be into this.ä

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RE: [biofuel] My first tank of B20

2004-05-11 Thread Ryan Morgan

Good work, busyditch!  Wait until you get that Golf chipped, can you say



P.S.  Lucky you, Diesel #2 is $2.19-2.25 and BD100 $3.21 here in Phoenix, AZ
right now.
  -Original Message-
  From: Busyditch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2004 4:28 PM
  To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: [biofuel] My first tank of B20

  Well, I have finally found a source for B-D here in North NJ. It is a
  fuel oil company who carries 5 gal pails and also 55 gal drums. I bought 3
  pails today, with the hope of buying a drum and keeping it in the yard
  I work. I put in 3 gallons because it is a 14 gal tank (Golf) and then
  topped it off. Oh, yeah, while g-ass-oline prices are soaring, I have
  watched petro diesel come down almost 8 cents per gallon in 2 weeks, (I
  $1.55 US per galllon) The first thing I noticed when I got home is that
  exhaust smell is much less notable. So now the Biodiesel sticker in my
  window is finaly accurate. Now on to making my own!

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RE: [biofuel] 100,000 miles on SVO?

2004-05-11 Thread Ryan Morgan

I would highly reccomend posting your request to the TDI Club
(www.tdiclub.com)  They have a good biodiesel forum where, I am sure you
will find some folks w/ high miles on SVO.
  -Original Message-
  From: Neoteric Biofuels Inc [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 1:46 PM
  To: Biofuel@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: [biofuel] 100,000 miles on SVO?

  Hi all,

  I often get asked how many engines, specifically modern direct
  injection engines, I know of, that have gone more than the magic number
  (for some reason) of 100,000 miles (yes, miles, not kilometers,
  please...so, let's say over 160,000 km)

  I know I could spend hours scouring the databases, such as they exist,
  translating from German sites, etc. etc...but if anyone needs a good
  research project for academic work, this is one!!

  Or, if you just want to send me notice of examples of such that you are
  aware of, please do!

  Please exclude old Mercedes.I know there are lots of those that
  have gone that far...I am looking for TDI's, modern trucks, equivalent
  hours on gensets or tractors (let's see...1600 hours at 100 km/hok,
  let's say over 1600 hours),  etc.

  I'll compile these as they come in, unless someone out there can set up
  a self-admin database for us, which would be a heck of a lot easier,
  and more accessible for all

  The SVO 100,000 Mile Club Database.anyone up for doing that?

  We can host it on our server space if need be, I think.

  Spread the word? Help get it going?

  Thank you!

  Edward Beggs

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RE: [biofuel] Re: smartcar

2004-05-09 Thread Ryan Morgan

I wonder, will Smart make the little SUV (Smart Urban Vehicle?) weigh in at
6,000 lbs to qualify for the tax write-off?  ;)

  -Original Message-
  From: Neoteric Biofuels Inc [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, May 07, 2004 7:38 AM
  To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: Re: [biofuel] Re: smartcar

  RE: name...Maybe SUV Sport Utlity Vehicle is a name that needs
  reclamation anyway...the ones out there now are neither sporty nor

  Edward Beggs

  On Thursday, May 6, 2004, at 07:51 PM, Brian wrote:

   Smart does have plans to start marketing in the US in 2006.  They
   are designing an SUV for our market, and not planning to market the
   fortwo here.  Isn't Smart SUV an oxymoron?  I'm thinking that the
   name of the company says it all when it comes to why they're not
   selling in the US.  No market for such a product here.
   --- In biofuel@yahoogroups.com, murdoch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Thu, 6 May 2004 17:11:34 -0500, you wrote:
   Isn't this partly an issue of Ultra-Low-Sulfur Diesel not being
   commonly available here, yet, the way it is in Europe?  If the
   appropriate to how they designed the engine were common,
   wouldn't they
   be more inclined to sell the vehicle here?
   I'm not familiar with the fuel requirements of the Lupo.
   However, ULSD is only a few years away in the US, market wide.
   Todd Swearingen
   I think, by one measure, a few years is probably not that much
   A refinery engineer, looking at the costs or difficulties, might
   a thing or two to tell us about this.
   But at the same time, I think this few years has been part of why
   haven't seen the advent of such cars as the LUPO or many other
   affordable promising mileage-oriented excellent New-Diesel-
   vehicles in the U.S.
   It could even be used as a pretext to prevent (for awhile)
   the Smart Car.  Apparently, though, the diesel fuel in Canada won't
   take the engine out of warranty, so I don't know about that.
   As I mentioned, with respect to the Smart Car, I think we should
   anticipate that devilish pretexts will be used to delay or prevent
   admission of something as promising looking as the Smart Car.  If
   wrong, then I will be the happiest about this.  I am just erring on
   the side of assuming that the opposition (for want of a better
   to put a face to a name) will not discontinue operations because
   finally found a promising alternative.
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RE: [biofuel] Re: smartcar

2004-05-09 Thread Ryan Morgan

  -Original Message-
  From: Neoteric Biofuels Inc [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2004 6:59 AM
  To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: Re: [biofuel] Re: smartcar

  Ships with massive Enduro go kart tanks, a 24 lift kit, 33 tires...
  and loaded with 3 tons of biodiesel. You never have to buy fuel, for
  the life of the car, and they get the writeoff.

  And the most amazing part is, the more you drive it, the better the
  acceleration and fuel economy become...well, up a pointbut when it
  finally runs out of fuel, you just go and get a new one.


  On Saturday, May 8, 2004, at 11:47 PM, Ryan Morgan wrote:

   I wonder, will Smart make the little SUV (Smart Urban Vehicle?) weigh
   in at
   6,000 lbs to qualify for the tax write-off?  ;)
 -Original Message-
 From: Neoteric Biofuels Inc [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, May 07, 2004 7:38 AM
 To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: Re: [biofuel] Re: smartcar
 RE: name...Maybe SUV Sport Utlity Vehicle is a name that needs
 reclamation anyway...the ones out there now are neither sporty nor
 Edward Beggs
 On Thursday, May 6, 2004, at 07:51 PM, Brian wrote:
   Smart does have plans to start marketing in the US in 2006.  They
   are designing an SUV for our market, and not planning to market the
   fortwo here.  Isn't Smart SUV an oxymoron?  I'm thinking that the
   name of the company says it all when it comes to why they're not
   selling in the US.  No market for such a product here.
   --- In biofuel@yahoogroups.com, murdoch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Thu, 6 May 2004 17:11:34 -0500, you wrote:
   Isn't this partly an issue of Ultra-Low-Sulfur Diesel not being
   commonly available here, yet, the way it is in Europe?  If the
   appropriate to how they designed the engine were common,
   wouldn't they
   be more inclined to sell the vehicle here?
   I'm not familiar with the fuel requirements of the Lupo.
   However, ULSD is only a few years away in the US, market wide.
   Todd Swearingen
   I think, by one measure, a few years is probably not that much
   A refinery engineer, looking at the costs or difficulties, might
   a thing or two to tell us about this.
   But at the same time, I think this few years has been part of why
   haven't seen the advent of such cars as the LUPO or many other
   affordable promising mileage-oriented excellent New-Diesel-
   vehicles in the U.S.
   It could even be used as a pretext to prevent (for awhile)
   the Smart Car.  Apparently, though, the diesel fuel in Canada won't
   take the engine out of warranty, so I don't know about that.
   As I mentioned, with respect to the Smart Car, I think we should
   anticipate that devilish pretexts will be used to delay or prevent
   admission of something as promising looking as the Smart Car.  If
   wrong, then I will be the happiest about this.  I am just erring on
   the side of assuming that the opposition (for want of a better
   to put a face to a name) will not discontinue operations because
   finally found a promising alternative.
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RE: [biofuel] SVO and Vehicle Navigation Systems

2004-05-05 Thread Ryan Morgan

[GIS is]Powerful stuff. I first saw that in action about 12 years ago when
very bright young Australian guy showed me what it was capable of, at
Friends of the Earth International's hq in London. Very impressive!
Moved on a lot since then eh?

Yes it has, you need any bio data mapped, you let me know.  In the mean
time, those of you in the US may find our website interesting:


Type an address in and see the building from the air.

I think it sounds brilliant! Where's the catch? No catch? Short of
evil aliens taking out a satellite or two while invading?

No catch, though the price for a navigation system (built in to the vehicle)
is around $3,000.00.  For anyone interested, a Garmin I-Que PDA ($500.00)
will do the same thing.



From: Keith Addison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, May 02, 2004 5:57 AM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [biofuel] SVO and Vehicle Navigation Systems

  Hi Ryan

  Here's a brain storm for you:
  I work in GIS, for those of you who aren't yet familiar with that, it
  for Geographic Information Systems.

  Powerful stuff. I first saw that in action about 12 years ago when a
  very bright young Australian guy showed me what it was capable of, at
  Friends of the Earth International's hq in London. Very impressive!
  Moved on a lot since then eh?

  Essentially I make maps and use things
  like aerial photography and GPS to do so.  Hanging out at my local map
  on a Friday evening (what a dork) I got to talking with another mapper
  his VW TDI and biodiesel.  He wasn't too clear on what biodiesel was (he
  thought it was just filtered SVO) so I started explaining how SVO
  two tanks and a switch.  I told him how the driver had to start on
  dino/biodiesel, switch to SVO, and then remember to switch it back before
  turning the motor off.  We both agreed that this was too much to remember
  for the driving masses, and bingo!  It hit me.  Why not hook the switch
  an in-vehicle navigation system?
  Believe it or not, this would not be difficult to do.  The driver gets in
  the vehicle, sets a route, and the car knows when it's a quarter mile
  from it's destination and switches back to dino/biodiesel automatically.
  What do you think?

  I think it sounds brilliant! Where's the catch? No catch? Short of
  evil aliens taking out a satellite or two while invading?




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RE: [biofuel] sound file: radio show interview: make your own biodiesel

2004-05-05 Thread Ryan Morgan

Worth a listen, thanks for posting it.

  -Original Message-
  From: murdoch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 5:31 PM
  Cc: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: [biofuel] sound file: radio show interview: make your own


  You have to click on the Windows Media Player link.   I am unable to
  make the real player link work, though that may be my setup.

  Once you start listening, there is about 1 minute of worthless music,
  and then the radio show begins.  I'm listening to the interview now.

  I think the person interviewed has a web page here:


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[biofuel] SVO and Vehicle Navigation Systems

2004-05-02 Thread Ryan Morgan

Here's a brain storm for you:

I work in GIS, for those of you who aren't yet familiar with that, it stands
for Geographic Information Systems.  Essentially I make maps and use things
like aerial photography and GPS to do so.  Hanging out at my local map store
on a Friday evening (what a dork) I got to talking with another mapper about
his VW TDI and biodiesel.  He wasn't too clear on what biodiesel was (he
thought it was just filtered SVO) so I started explaining how SVO required
two tanks and a switch.  I told him how the driver had to start on
dino/biodiesel, switch to SVO, and then remember to switch it back before
turning the motor off.  We both agreed that this was too much to remember
for the driving masses, and bingo!  It hit me.  Why not hook the switch to
an in-vehicle navigation system?

Believe it or not, this would not be difficult to do.  The driver gets in
the vehicle, sets a route, and the car knows when it's a quarter mile away
from it's destination and switches back to dino/biodiesel automatically.
What do you think?



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RE: [biofuel] OT: Food for thought, John Stossel's New Book, Give Me a Break

2004-05-02 Thread Ryan Morgan

Wow, have any of you read his book?  Has anyone on the list read it?  He has
valid points, especially when it comes to risk aversion and the means we go
to to save ourselves from miniscule threats.  His whole point is that the
number one factor that decides how long we will live is whether or not we
live in poverty, and makes a great case for how capitalism saves those who
participate from poverty.  He talks about how government is getting too big
in this country, about how much money that gets wasted as they fail time
after time after time.  He talks about how the private sector can do such a
better job than the public sector of saving ourselves from ourselves.  He
even talks about ADM and their success in squashing competition by using
government subsidies on ethanol.  I encourage you to give it a read, it may
be eye opening, totally changed my view on Nader too.


  -Original Message-
  From: jtcava [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 6:25 AM
  To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: Re: [biofuel] OT: Food for thought, John Stossel's New Book, Give
Me a Break

  Crap,he sounds alot like Rush Limbaugh.

  Appal Energy wrote:

  Speaking only from personal experience, having worked environmental
  for twenty some years, Stossel is a clown. He takes every valid
  scientific/social/economic argument on an issue that he is in disfavor
  degrades them and particularly those who hold them with open ridicule and
  belittlement, to the point that those who don't see a subject his way are
  painted as radical, irratioinal, self-serving alarmists, at least to the
  uninitiated and unaware.
  What he boils down to is notthing more than an opportunist pursuing
  sensationalism and recognition at the expense of all else.
  Food irradiation? Toxic waste incinerators? Over fishing? Just name a
  serious subject that can and does adversely affect human health and
  livlihood and Stossel will attempt to turn it into a joke.
  His insights are relative? Only from the perspective of sending up a
  as to how far some people/industries will go - how selective and
  they will present a matter in order to create an inordinantly distorted
  perspective in the public eye - mis-information and dis-information
  practiced as an art form to the detriment of the balance of society.
  Todd Swearingen
  - Original Message -
  From: Ryan Morgan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Friday, April 30, 2004 10:41 PM
  Subject: RE: [biofuel] OT: Food for thought, John Stossel's New Book,
  Me a Break
  Really, whay do you say that?  Did you read his book?  Frankly, I'm a
  bit surprised by your reaction, Keith.
-Original Message-
From: Keith Addison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2004 7:54 AM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [biofuel] OT: Food for thought, John Stossel's New Book,
  Me a Break
Stossel's a liar and a cheat, just another industry front-man, close
links with the usual suspects, no integrity.
Well worth a read, the book clearly describes how, since the 1950s,
the US Government has run amock.  I read it cover to cover with
biodiesel production in mind, and found Stossel's insights relevant
to our cause.  Below is the book's description:

When he hit the airwaves thirty years ago, Stossel helped create a
whole new category of news, dedicated to protecting and informing
consumers. As a crusading reporter, he chased snake-oil peddlers,
off artists, and corporate thieves, winning the applause of his

But along the way, he noticed that there was something far more
troublesome going on: While the networks screamed about the dangers
of exploding BIC lighters and coffeepots, worse risks were ignored.
And while reporters were teaming up with lawyers and legislators to
stick it to big business, they seldom reported the ways the free
market made life better.

In Give Me a Break, Stossel explains how ambitious bureaucrats,
intellectually lazy reporters, and greedy lawyers make your life
worse even as they claim to protect your interests. Taking on such
sacred cows as the FDA, the War on Drugs, and scaremongering
environmental activists -- and backing up his trademark irreverence
with careful reasoning and research -- he shows how the problems that
government tries and fails to fix can be solved better by the
extraordinary power of the free market.

He traces his journey from cub reporter to 20/20 co-anchor,
revealing his battles to get his ideas to the public, his struggle to
overcome stuttering, and his eventual realization that, for years,
much of his reporting missed the point.


RE: [biofuel] OT: Food for thought, John Stossel's New Book, Give Me a Break

2004-05-01 Thread Ryan Morgan

Really, whay do you say that?  Did you read his book?  Frankly, I'm a little
bit surprised by your reaction, Keith.


  -Original Message-
  From: Keith Addison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, April 30, 2004 7:54 AM
  To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: Re: [biofuel] OT: Food for thought, John Stossel's New Book, Give
Me a Break

  Stossel's a liar and a cheat, just another industry front-man, close
  links with the usual suspects, no integrity.


  Well worth a read, the book clearly describes how, since the 1950s,
  the US Government has run amock.  I read it cover to cover with
  biodiesel production in mind, and found Stossel's insights relevant
  to our cause.  Below is the book's description:
  When he hit the airwaves thirty years ago, Stossel helped create a
  whole new category of news, dedicated to protecting and informing
  consumers. As a crusading reporter, he chased snake-oil peddlers, rip-
  off artists, and corporate thieves, winning the applause of his
  But along the way, he noticed that there was something far more
  troublesome going on: While the networks screamed about the dangers
  of exploding BIC lighters and coffeepots, worse risks were ignored.
  And while reporters were teaming up with lawyers and legislators to
  stick it to big business, they seldom reported the ways the free
  market made life better.
  In Give Me a Break, Stossel explains how ambitious bureaucrats,
  intellectually lazy reporters, and greedy lawyers make your life
  worse even as they claim to protect your interests. Taking on such
  sacred cows as the FDA, the War on Drugs, and scaremongering
  environmental activists -- and backing up his trademark irreverence
  with careful reasoning and research -- he shows how the problems that
  government tries and fails to fix can be solved better by the
  extraordinary power of the free market.
  He traces his journey from cub reporter to 20/20 co-anchor,
  revealing his battles to get his ideas to the public, his struggle to
  overcome stuttering, and his eventual realization that, for years,
  much of his reporting missed the point.
  Stossel concludes the book with a provocative blueprint for change:
  a simple plan in the spirit of the Founding Fathers to ensure that
  America remains a place 'where free minds -- and free markets -- make
  good things happen.'

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RE: [biofuel] BREAKING NEWS**Massive Oil Spill In Suisun Bay**

2004-04-30 Thread Ryan Morgan

Kinder Morgan also lost a pipe here in Arizona causing a gas panic and
shortage in the summer of 2003.  Many of us in our BioTDIs couldn't help but
laugh...a little.  You would think they would learn their lesson, wait until
Erin Brokovich gets her hands on them...

Major Oil Spill Near San Francisco

Apr 29, 2004 2:39 pm US/Mountain

Emergency response teams were trying to clean up a massive diesel fuel spill
from a ruptured pipeline into a wetlands area near Suisun Bay, federal
officials said Thursday.

Mark Merchant, a spokesman for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
said as much as 1 million gallons could have been spilled. But a state
environmental official said the amount could be significantly lower.

Officials were still trying to determine how much diesel fuel had spilled.
They said the exact amount would not be known until the pipe is fixed and

A 14-inch petroleum pipeline owned by Kinder-Morgan Energy Partners ruptured
and spilled into the wetlands of Suisun Marsh, which feeds into San
Francisco Bay, Merchant said.

State and federal crews specializing in oil spill cleanups were at the scene
Thursday about 25 miles northeast of San Francisco. About 50 people from the
Coast Guard, the state Department of Fish and Game, Solano County and the
EPA were assessing the damage and cleaning up the spill.

Kinder Morgan noticed a drop in pipeline pressure around 6 p.m. Tuesday
night and shut down that section of the pipeline, said Dana Michaels, a
spokeswoman for the California Department of Fish and Game.

State and federal agencies were notified of the spill Wednesday.

Authorities were trying to determine the extent of the damage, but said
diesel fuel had spread over an area of 300 yards in the marsh, Michaels

 -Original Message-
From: Ryan Morgan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2004 1:14 PM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [biofuel] BREAKING NEWS**Massive Oil Spill In Suisun Bay**

  Massive Oil Spill In Suisun Bay

  POSTED: 12:50 pm PDT April 29, 2004
  UPDATED: 12:57 pm PDT April 29, 2004

  FAIRFIELD, Calif. -- Emergency response teams are trying to clean up as
  as 1 million gallons of diesel fuel that spilled into Suisun Bay from a
  ruptured pipeline, federal officials said Thursday.

  A 14-inch petroleum pipeline owned by Kinder-Morgan ruptured Wednesday and
  spilled diesel fuel into the wetlands of Suisun Bay, which feeds into San
  Francisco Bay, said March Merchant, a spokesman for the U.S. Environmental
  Protection Agency.

  State and federal crews specializing in oil spill cleanups were at the
  Thursday about 25 miles northeast of San Francisco.

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[biofuel] BREAKING NEWS**Massive Oil Spill In Suisun Bay**

2004-04-29 Thread Ryan Morgan

Massive Oil Spill In Suisun Bay

POSTED: 12:50 pm PDT April 29, 2004
UPDATED: 12:57 pm PDT April 29, 2004

FAIRFIELD, Calif. -- Emergency response teams are trying to clean up as much
as 1 million gallons of diesel fuel that spilled into Suisun Bay from a
ruptured pipeline, federal officials said Thursday.

A 14-inch petroleum pipeline owned by Kinder-Morgan ruptured Wednesday and
spilled diesel fuel into the wetlands of Suisun Bay, which feeds into San
Francisco Bay, said March Merchant, a spokesman for the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency.

State and federal crews specializing in oil spill cleanups were at the scene
Thursday about 25 miles northeast of San Francisco.

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[biofuel] Unsubscribe

2004-02-17 Thread Ryan Morgan, Aerials Express

x-charset ISO-8859-1

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[biofuel] Solar Power in China?

2004-01-29 Thread Ryan Morgan, Aerials Express

x-charset ISO-8859-1Hello all,

Lately I've been hearing rumors of some advanced solar power units being
manufactured inexpensively in China.  Does anyone know of an article or a
genuine research source on this?

Thanks in advance,


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RE: [biofuel] small diesel engines made in US for passenger cars?

2003-10-20 Thread Ryan Morgan, Aerials Express

I would expect to see the first moves from Chrysler, especially now that
they have merged with Mercedes Benz.  The Jeep Liberty, for example, will be
available soon with a diesel here in the U.S..

Since most of the recent techno-car-babble revolves around hybrids, and
Toyota has a clear advantage, I wouldn't be surprised to see Chrysler enter
the market with a diesel hybrid.  Such a move would undoubtedly make people
take notice, especially if such a vehicle could be made to go 80 miles on a
gallon...a whopping 30 more than a gasoline hybrid.

We can all hope, right?



-Original Message-
From: murdoch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 12:02 PM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [biofuel] small diesel engines made in US for passenger cars?

We discussed some of the very few diesel options out there available to the
consumers buying passenger cars (such as the VW TDI).  As we project some
increase in US consumers driving diesels (such as when Ultra Low Sulfur
becomes more available) I was wondering as to how it's going to be
for more manufacturers to offer diesel passenger vehicles.

Of the U.S. manufacturers, are there any who have maintained production or
expertise in this area?  Even some of their pickup truck diesel capabilities
seem to be imported (Isuzu-manufactured engines in GM trucks, or just Isuzu
technology contributions?).  There do seem to be respectable diesel-pickup
offerings from various manufacturers.

I don't know any of the answers to these matters just wondering a few
things.  We have discussed that diesel engines were projected into the PNGV
prototypes, but those prototypes seem to have been mothballed with such
prejudice that I don't know what could be produced within the next few

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RE: [biofuel] Volkswagen TDI

2003-09-30 Thread Ryan Morgan, Aerials Express

Exactly, biodiesel will not void your window clip warranty, or the CD player
warranty, but it will void your engine warranty should you make a bad batch
of biodiesel and clog your injectors.



-Original Message-
From: Aaron Ellringer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2003 8:05 AM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [biofuel] Volkswagen TDI

I also have a 2002 Golf TDI. In the last two months I've had the car into
the dealer for warranty work (window regulators and trunk release button
poked through).  It was fully covered and I've been running 100% biodiesel
since I bought the car used (10,000 miles ago).

We should be clear.  Biodiesel does not void the warranty.  My warranty is
still entirely valid. If something were to happen in the engine during the
warranty period, VW would have to know you were burning biodiesel and make a
case that the biodiesel was the cause of the problem.  Same goes for crummy

Burn the bean!

aaron in wisconsin

 I have an '02 Golf and I know for a fact that using biodiesel in your VW
 will void the manufacturer's warranty.  Check out www.tdiclub.com for more

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RE: [biofuel] Volkswagen TDI

2003-09-29 Thread Ryan Morgan, Aerials Express

I have an '02 Golf and I know for a fact that using biodiesel in your VW
will void the manufacturer's warranty.  Check out www.tdiclub.com for more

-Original Message-
From: jerelst [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 8:38 PM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [biofuel] Volkswagen TDI

I plan to start making biodiesel, but I'm still not comfortable about
placing homemade diesel into the tank for a car I just paid $20,000
for. How many of you have made biodiesel for a Volkswagen TDI on a
long-term basis? How many miles have you been doing this? Have you
experienced any problems with your engine. Have you experienced any
warrantee problems with Wolkswagen of America?

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RE: [biofuel] Re: diesel or hybrid?

2003-09-29 Thread Ryan Morgan, Aerials Express

Good article, Hakan!

You might want to have it proofread though.

-Original Message-
From: Hakan Falk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2003 2:40 AM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Re: diesel or hybrid?


I think that you really pushed the right button here.

As I pointed out in my failed bid for the US presidency (do
not accept non resident, non American and not born in US
candidates, -:)). The Lupo and compatible cars, with biodiesel,
is the only way to make a dent in the US oil dependency
at 2010.

I have also mentioned this in my free 2,000 gallon biodiesel

I have given the American people the key to oil independence,
now it is only to make the right choice. I suppose that all news
agencies will publish and everybody will read it with interest. -:)

For diesel alternative in general see,

Diesel engine, as a ready for use energy saving technology.
by Hakan Falk at Energy Saving Now.


At 12:47 AM 9/27/2003, you wrote:
While the Prius has much to offer, it is not the most fuel efficient car
ouit there.

It is easily beaten by the VW Lupo 3L TDI, which has a three cylinder
Diesel engine with direct fuel injection and a displacement of 1.2
litres, which produces 45 kW of power.

It is called the '3L' because it's official fuel consumption is below
three litres per 100 km-94.1 miles per gallon. On a recent trek of
20,6999 miles at an average speed of 53.1 mph, it averaged 118 miles per
gallon. The worst it got was 100.9 mpg, and the best was 141.9 mpg.

Since this Diesel can be driven on Bio Fuel, it would be low in
pollution, while independant of fossil fuel. Diesels if taken care of can
do in excess of 400,000 miles.

You can also produce your own Bio Fuel for the Lupo- not so for the

VW is working towards a goal of 300 MPG using Diesel technology.

By contrast the Prius uses gasoline-(something you can't make, and is a
major pollutant, as well as a depleting resourse, of anti-American
countries)- as well as electric. Someday, those batteries will have to be
replaced, and at a substantial cost to either you- if you keep it that
long, or the person you sell it to and it's resale price affected by that
replacement cost- eventuality.

While it may be noble to support hybrid technology, Diesel
technology-which Rudolf Diesel designed and originated as a NON FOSSIL
FUEL alternative (and was murdered for it), should deserve just as much
-if not more, support.


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RE: [biofuel] diesel or hybrid?

2003-09-23 Thread Ryan Morgan, Aerials Express

I'm with you on all accounts except for the overall practicallity of the
Toyota.  You're driving over 25,000 miles a year.  Last I heard, the Toyota
was only designed to go 100,000 miles before needing an ultra-expensive
battery replacement.  The diesel, on the other hand, is reliable to between
200,000 and 500,000+ if well taken care of (Mobil Delvac-1 key here.)  Also,
the first generation Toyotas had problems with their small tires wearing out
(around 12,000 miles avg.) so you could be in the tire shop every six
months, wearas (get it?) the VW's energy efficinet Michelins go for about

On the other hand, the Toyota with it's PZEV rating it now shares with
California Ford Focuses, is much better for the environment than the VW even
if it's running on biodiesel.  It comes down to concience vs. practicality.
There is no question that both are marvellous alternatives to anything else
out there, but how much are you willing to spend for the benefit of your
concience?  I would suggest the Toyota is perfect for those who have short
commutes (drive about half as much as you do) and the VW is a clear winner
for those of us who have longer commutes, especially if it's running on

That's just my two cents.


-Original Message-
From: Thor Skov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 11:43 AM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [biofuel] diesel or hybrid?

I'd like to pose a question to forum.

I am considering swapping my 2001 Golf TDI for another
car, one that is an automatic rather than a stick.  I
have to do a lot of driving for my job (about 90 miles
a day), and although I prefer stick driving, the
clutching is bothering my pelvis and leg.

So, I am contemplating getting either a new Jetta TDI
wagon (I really like the VWs) or the second generation
toyota Prius.  The question for me is what type of
technology should I support, from the standpoints both
of environmental impact and incentives to auto

On the one hand, I want to be able to continue to burn
biodiesel, which makes up approximately 1/4 of my fuel
consumption--more if the proposed subsidy goes through
(assuming World Energy drops its prices accordingly
and/or the Ferndale plant actually starts producing
sometime this decade).  Biodiesel has good
environmental benefits, gets decent mileage (maybe 45
mpg with the automatic), and is a great conversation
item with which to get people thinking about
sustainability.  Also, there is the option to convert
to SVO down the road.  I don't have a feel for the
extent to which my purchase will encourage VW and
other european firms to start selling more
high-efficient diesel models in the U.S.

On the other hand, the new Prius gets considerably
better mileage, and is a SULEV/PZEV.  Not being carbon
neutral withstanding, it pollutes much less than the
TDI.  Toyota is far out in front of Detroit (and
Europe) in hybrid development, and there is something
to be said I think for rewarding that innovation.
U.S. automakers haven't even put out a first
generation hybrid vehicle and Toyota is already
working on its third generation.

Any thoughts?

thor skov

p.s. I'd really prefer a jetcar, if I could get one!

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RE: [biofuel] VW Lupo USA - VWvortex.com

2003-06-24 Thread Ryan Morgan, Aerials Express

 With this delay until 2006 (I guess) for the cleaner
diesel fuel, things seem to be moving at a glacial pace.

I thought it was 2007, so 2006 would be an advance.

-Original Message-
From: murdoch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2003 10:50 AM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [biofuel] VW Lupo USA - VWvortex.com

Does Nissan make a TD?  I didn't know that.  I don't think I've seen it
Maybe that's also related to the fuel? Or just low demand?  I don't know.

When there are more gas crises here in the states, (prices are pushing back
up a
little, but not yet enough to be noticed in a crisis sort of definition)
can't readily turn to biodiesel enough to stir up the ruckus I'd like to see
I think part of the reason is the lack of consumer diesel cars out there.
you have plenty of larger diesel vehicles, but not a lot of smaller diesel
Just a theory.  I think the Oil companies probably don't mind this.  Else,
might see a slight increase in stories such as were coming from Britain,
the State complaining that enough folks were trying biodiesel to cut into
fuel-related tax revenues.  Im looking forward to that kind of story coming
more from the States, so we'll know we're making some progress, but we may
some more time to wait.  With this delay until 2006 (I guess) for the
diesel fuel, things seem to be moving at a glacial pace.


On Tue, 24 Jun 2003 18:50:57 +0200, you wrote:

Hi MM,

I want one too and will buy one. I have now an 3 years old Nissan
Primera estate TD and my wife a Golf GTI. We were planning to change
the Golf (7 years now) to a new Golf TDI. My wife says that I need
a larger car, but the truth is that she needs it for her business. Will
try to get her to take the Nissan and we buy a Lupo for me. I do not
drive that much any longer (20,000 km/year) and mostly short trips and
parking in the City. I think I would enjoy a Lupo, acceleration and
top speed is close enough to the Nissan.


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RE: [biofuel] VW Lupo USA site

2003-06-23 Thread Ryan Morgan, Aerials Express

Funny, the Mexican version doesn't have side impact beams, for example...


-Original Message-
From: Hakan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2003 9:45 AM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [biofuel] VW Lupo USA site


Knowing safety issues in Europe and VW design principles, I
doubt that the Lupo is a problem. If it would have been the VW
Brazilian GOL, you might have a point.

It is more to it. My suspicion is that the TDI Golf is a preferred
model and with a relatively small diesel market in US, they will
wait for ULSD. All European cars are now covering ULSD and
biodiesel mixes, the Japanese also. Ethanol mixes also.

If the Lupo is called the 3 liter car, the Golf TDI should be called
the 4 liter car. 25% difference in consumption, but still extremely
good. If the market for diesels develop like the European market,
be sure that the Lupo will be there.


At 08:32 AM 6/23/2003 -0700, you wrote:
I think the Lupo has safety issues, i.e. it doesn't meet the US safety
standards.  Getting it up to par would probably involve re-tooling and
negating the reward for selling in the US.  Automakers usually lose money
their cheapest models, they use them as loss leaders to try to build brand
loyalty.  Why would VW bring over a 500,000+ mile loss leader that needs to
be completely re-done to meet our safety standards here?

Wait until the Japanese start bringing more diesels over once we switch to



-Original Message-
From: MH [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2003 11:13 PM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [biofuel] VW Lupo USA site

  Volkswagen Lupo 3-Liter TDI
  (or VW Polo)

  Some excerpts:

 In Europe they call it the 3-liter car. The Volkswagen Lupo can
100 kilometers on three liters of
 diesel or bio-diesel.  This translates to 99 miles per gallon on the
highway, 64 in the city.

 How can I cajole, persuade, beg, or strong-arm VW to sell me one of

   From The VW Lupo USA Guestbook

 If hybrid sells good here, I don't see any reason 3-L TDI won't sell.
C'mon, bring it over!

 America is supposed to stand for freedom... freedom to choose... I
this choice!

 Selling the Lupo in North America is an excellent step in promoting
stewardship of the environment.

 -- give consumers a choice to help fight air pollution.

 Please bring the Lupo to the States so we can have the ultimate
commuting option!

 PLEASE help the US be a little more efficient with it's limited

 I want a Lupo!

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RE: [biofuel] VW Lupo USA site

2003-06-23 Thread Ryan Morgan, Aerials Express

Thank you for pointing out where Mexico is, I thought it was North, my

-Original Message-
From: Hakan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2003 12:34 PM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [biofuel] VW Lupo USA site


No car would be accepted in Europe without sufficient side impact
protection and sufficient independent tests to go with it. I have no
idea about Mexico and would not judge without proper information.
Europe (including Germany, the home of VolksWagen) is East of
US, Mexico is South.


At 11:17 AM 6/23/2003 -0700, you wrote:
Funny, the Mexican version doesn't have side impact beams, for example...


-Original Message-
From: Hakan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2003 9:45 AM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [biofuel] VW Lupo USA site


Knowing safety issues in Europe and VW design principles, I
doubt that the Lupo is a problem. If it would have been the VW
Brazilian GOL, you might have a point.

It is more to it. My suspicion is that the TDI Golf is a preferred
model and with a relatively small diesel market in US, they will
wait for ULSD. All European cars are now covering ULSD and
biodiesel mixes, the Japanese also. Ethanol mixes also.

If the Lupo is called the 3 liter car, the Golf TDI should be called
the 4 liter car. 25% difference in consumption, but still extremely
good. If the market for diesels develop like the European market,
be sure that the Lupo will be there.


At 08:32 AM 6/23/2003 -0700, you wrote:
 I think the Lupo has safety issues, i.e. it doesn't meet the US safety
 standards.  Getting it up to par would probably involve re-tooling and
 negating the reward for selling in the US.  Automakers usually lose money
 their cheapest models, they use them as loss leaders to try to build
 loyalty.  Why would VW bring over a 500,000+ mile loss leader that needs
 be completely re-done to meet our safety standards here?
 Wait until the Japanese start bringing more diesels over once we switch
 -Original Message-
 From: MH [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, June 20, 2003 11:13 PM
 To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [biofuel] VW Lupo USA site
   Volkswagen Lupo 3-Liter TDI
   (or VW Polo)
   Some excerpts:
  In Europe they call it the 3-liter car. The Volkswagen Lupo can
 100 kilometers on three liters of
  diesel or bio-diesel.  This translates to 99 miles per gallon on the
 highway, 64 in the city.
  How can I cajole, persuade, beg, or strong-arm VW to sell me one of
From The VW Lupo USA Guestbook
  If hybrid sells good here, I don't see any reason 3-L TDI won't
 C'mon, bring it over!
  America is supposed to stand for freedom... freedom to choose... I
 this choice!
  Selling the Lupo in North America is an excellent step in promoting
 stewardship of the environment.
  -- give consumers a choice to help fight air pollution.
  Please bring the Lupo to the States so we can have the ultimate
 commuting option!
  PLEASE help the US be a little more efficient with it's limited
  I want a Lupo!

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[biofuel] Biodiesel Mentioned on Paul Harvey

2003-05-13 Thread Ryan Morgan, Aerials Express

On my way to lunch today I heard Paul Harvey mention biodiesel along with
the following points:

Made from ethanol or home-grown soy beans
Better than regular diesel for the motor, injectors, and fuel pump
Lower emmissions

Just thought I'd pass it on!


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RE: [biofuel] U.S./california diesel options

2003-04-17 Thread Ryan Morgan, Aerials Express

I agree, there are people on the tdiclub.com reporting over 300,000 miles
with out a hitch in their VWs.

P.S.  Diesels will flood the US market once we convert over to ULSD in

-Original Message-
From: oscoballoonoffice [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 19, 2003 8:26 AM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [biofuel] U.S./california diesel options

This must have been writen by a Toyota Salesman i finde Volkswagen Cars to
be reliable and thy hold the Value unlike Japanese Cars
- Original Message -
From: Sam Clarkson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2003 6:58 AM
Subject: [biofuel] U.S./california diesel options

 Hey folks,
 at the moment the only diesel passenger cars sold in the u.s. are german:
 Mercedes are cost prohibitive, and VWs are unreliable (consumer reports
 rates the passat as average reliability, and every other VW ispoor or
 Volkswagen is through selling cars in california after this year, so
 every new tdi in the state is going for msrp or more, and most are
 already sold.
 Here's a little grassroots organization idea,
 as there are relatively no decent diesel passenger vehicles or small
 trucks in the U.S., take ten minutes to call toyota to request that they
 start importing their diesel engine to the states.
 it gets over fifty mpg in a camry sized car, and is a low emissions
 everyone else in the world gets to drive it, why shouldn't we?
 I just called and said I'd buy a new prius if they sold one as a diesel.
 someone wrote it down.
 probably no effect, but if 1000 people did it

 toyota's  comment # is
 1800 331 4331

 pass this on to your friends who are interested in biofuels.

 even if you can't afford a new car, they don't know that, and that means
 five and ten years down the road we will have used reliable cars around.
 ten minutes.
 we all know the frustration of trying to find a bio-rig
 do you really want a full sized truck that might get 20 mpg with the
 right gearbox?
 do you really want a 1982 isuzu with 25 miles on it?
 do you really want your kids in a old VW rabbit?
 call toyota if you can.

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RE: [biofuel] FYI, North America about to get a 25MPG V-10 Diesel from VW

2003-04-03 Thread Ryan Morgan, Aerials Express

Rumor has it the VW Eurovan is slated for a 6 cylinder TDI and the microbus
will hopefully get the same 4 cylinder we are currently enjoying.

-Original Message-
From: Mark Foltarz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 9:12 PM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [biofuel] FYI, North America about to get a 25MPG V-10
Diesel from VW

Wow! This definately gives me a chubby!
Wonder if they will bolt up to vw bus bellhousings?!

--- Ryan Morgan, Aerials Express [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 VW commits V-10 diesel to U.S.

 By Dorothee Ostle
 Automotive News / March 24, 2003

 WOLFSBURG, Germany -- Volkswagen AG will introduce its V-10 TDI
 direct-injection diesel engine in the United States, VW Chairman Bernd
 Pischetsrieder says.

 The engine will debut in the VW Touareg SUV in the spring of 2004 and
 will be available in the Phaeton luxury sedan.

 Pischetsrieder says it has not been decided whether the V-8 TDI diesel
 engine Audi uses in its flagship A8 would be made available in the United

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RE: [biofuel] FYI, North America about to get a 25MPG V-10 Diesel from VW

2003-04-03 Thread Ryan Morgan, Aerials Express

You can find just about everything at:



-Original Message-
From: Mark Foltarz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 9:56 AM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [biofuel] FYI, North America about to get a 25MPG V-10
Diesel from VW

Would you happen to have any links to the actual motor specifications?

I like the little '82 1.6L diesel in my VW pickup. However, a similar motor
a van is a miserable combination! - way too slow for driving on the

As I prepare to give my type IV engine a new home, I am preparing a 3.L
gasoline V6 for my '75 Westy - oh how I hope I can keep the project alive to
eventually put a diesel in the van. So this new VW is a rather exciting
proposition - keeping it all in the same family as it were.


--- Ryan Morgan, Aerials Express [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Rumor has it the VW Eurovan is slated for a 6 cylinder TDI and the
 will hopefully get the same 4 cylinder we are currently enjoying.

 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Foltarz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 9:12 PM
 To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: Re: [biofuel] FYI, North America about to get a 25MPG V-10
 Diesel from VW

 Wow! This definately gives me a chubby!
 Wonder if they will bolt up to vw bus bellhousings?!

 --- Ryan Morgan, Aerials Express [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  VW commits V-10 diesel to U.S.
  By Dorothee Ostle
  Automotive News / March 24, 2003
  WOLFSBURG, Germany -- Volkswagen AG will introduce its V-10 TDI
  direct-injection diesel engine in the United States, VW Chairman Bernd
  Pischetsrieder says.
  The engine will debut in the VW Touareg SUV in the spring of 2004 and
  will be available in the Phaeton luxury sedan.
  Pischetsrieder says it has not been decided whether the V-8 TDI diesel
  engine Audi uses in its flagship A8 would be made available in the

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[biofuel] FYI, North America about to get a 25MPG V-10 Diesel from VW

2003-04-02 Thread Ryan Morgan, Aerials Express


VW commits V-10 diesel to U.S.

By Dorothee Ostle
Automotive News / March 24, 2003

WOLFSBURG, Germany -- Volkswagen AG will introduce its V-10 TDI
direct-injection diesel engine in the United States, VW Chairman Bernd
Pischetsrieder says.

The engine will debut in the VW Touareg SUV in the spring of 2004 and later
will be available in the Phaeton luxury sedan.

Pischetsrieder says it has not been decided whether the V-8 TDI diesel
engine Audi uses in its flagship A8 would be made available in the United

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RE: [biofuel] diesel cars in the United States?

2003-04-01 Thread Ryan Morgan, Aerials Express

If you don't want to spend $20,000 for a VW you could wait for the Ford
Focus...But as a 2002 Golf TDI owner, it's worth the $20,000 (just get a

Check out www.tdiclub.com if you haven't already, you'll find everything you
need to know about the VWs.

Good Luck!


-Original Message-
From: Steve Spence [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2003 8:49 AM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [biofuel] diesel cars in the United States?

vw TDI's, mercedes,

gm, for, dodge

small trucks:
nissan, mazda

Steve Spence
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- Original Message -
From: murdoch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2003 10:46 AM
Subject: [biofuel] diesel cars in the United States?

 Anyone have any recommendations about buying a used diesel, so as to
 implement biodiesel?  My gasoline-powered car has been destroyed as it
 sat parked at the side of the road by a woman who thought it was
 important to look down at her new little dog as it distracted her in
 her Ford F150.

 I am not asking if anyone has a car for sale, and probably don't realy
 want to go there, just asking what models I should look under in the
 auto trader.  I'll look at a truck if I have to, but tend toward cars.

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RE: [biofuel] jeep TDI

2003-03-12 Thread Ryan Morgan, Aerials Express

You'll probably want to relocate the intercooler, I've lost two since last
April by running over tire tread in the road.  At $500.00 a piece, I'm
pretty mad they decided to put it 3 inches above the ground.  At least maybe
in a Jeep, you might be able to protect it better.

-Original Message-
From: Crabb, David [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 11:17 AM
To: 'biofuel@yahoogroups.com'
Subject: RE: [biofuel] jeep TDI

 does anyone know whether you
can stick a vw TDI into a jeep wrangler?

I like the wrangler as a no -frills  vehicle,  but
dont really care for  getting 16-19 mpg

I believe I have seen 80's vintage VW diesels installed in
Suzuki sidekicks, with apprx 35 mpg+ or so.

The wife is not terribly fond of the Suzuki vehicle, though and would rather

attempt a different route.
I think there should be more room in the jeep engine bay.

thanks for any help.

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RE: [biofuel] Re: Or maybe just one Ê Was: Per haps many .. but not all

2003-03-07 Thread Ryan Morgan, Aerials Express

US for me.

-Original Message-
From: Martin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2003 6:42 PM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [biofuel] Re: Or maybe just one   Was: Perhaps many ..
but not all

Is that an 'imperial' gallon or US gallon?

Martin Klingensmith

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2003 5:34 PM
 To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: RE: [biofuel] Re: Or maybe just one Ê Was: Perhaps many
 but not all

 I have a manual TDI.  I average 45 and do get almost 50 on the
highway. I
 have never gotten more than 50 however.

 Ryan Morgan, Aerials Express [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Not so,
 50+ is usually only attained by the manual transmission (which is
hard to
 find.) ÊThe automatics get in the low 40s. ÊAlso, to get 50+ even
with a
 manual you have to drive a steady pace below 65 MPH.
 Check out www.tdiclub.com for more.
 '02 VW Golf TDI 5-speed

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RE: [biofuel] Re: Or maybe just one Was: Perhaps many .. but not all

2003-03-06 Thread Ryan Morgan, Aerials Express

Not so,

50+ is usually only attained by the manual transmission (which is hard to
find.)  The automatics get in the low 40s.  Also, to get 50+ even with a
manual you have to drive a steady pace below 65 MPH.

Check out www.tdiclub.com for more.

'02 VW Golf TDI 5-speed

-Original Message-
From: Steve Spence [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 8:05 AM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Re: Or maybe just one Was: Perhaps many ..
but not all

Depending on the year Jetta TDI, you should be getting over 50mpg.

Steve Spence
Subscribe to the Renewable Energy Newsletter
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- Original Message -
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 9:04 AM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Re: Or maybe just one Was: Perhaps many .. but
not all

 aegent wrote:

 There is more to ownership than baseline reliability costs. For
 example the Honda and Toyota are (in my experience) more costly to
 maintain. Then there is the dealer experience. Ford dealers are why I
 have probably bought my last Ford ever. I was looking at Toyota for my
 next car but I think it will be a Diesel and there are no new car
 options that fit my criteria.

 I assumed you've looked at the VW TDIs?  I've only had my Jetta TDI for
 about 5 weeks but I'm loving it thus far. Lifetime fuel economy (eg 3
 tanks so far) using petrodiesel is a hair under 42mpg, including
 aggressive urban highway driving and 80+ mph cruise speeds through the
 rolling hills of eastern CT. Presumably, my mileage will increase as the
 car breaks in and weather warms up (less idling and non-winterized
 fuel). I'm also going to try boosting tire pressure to 38/40 psi with my
 next fillup to see if that helps.  At Connecticut diesel prices, I'm
 running around $0.0423 per mile.  Once I have a few more data points,
 and try running some BD, I'll throw some graphs on the web.


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RE: [biofuel] availability

2003-03-06 Thread Ryan Morgan, Aerials Express

Biodiesel in Sacramento:

Olympian/CytoCulture -- 4420 Northgate Blvd; Sacramento CA; (650) 616-3505;
public with restrictions - email [EMAIL PROTECTED]/call (530)
265-6980 to get pre-approved for a fueling card.

Yes it improves the particulate output and keeps your VW's intake clean.

Check out:  www.tdiclub.com and welcome to the forum!

-Original Message-
From: Steve Spence [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2003 8:54 AM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [biofuel] availability

no retrofit for biodiesel. a retrofit is necessary for svo/wvo.

Steve Spence
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- Original Message -
From: jonpierce [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 11:56 PM
Subject: [biofuel] availability

 I just joined this group and have a lot questions:
 Do any of you know if a refit or configuration is needed to be able
 to run bio fuel in a VW TDI diesel engine, like in the Golf or the

 Does anyone know of a source to buy bio diesel fuel in the area of
 Sacramento, California? I've heard that there are companies selling
 it in the Denver area. What about Northern California?

 Does using Biodiesel improve on the particulate output of the diesel
 engine, in comparison to usual diesel fuel?

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RE: [biofuel] Re: SUV question - Silk Purses out of Sows Ears

2003-03-02 Thread Ryan Morgan, Aerials Express

Copied from tdiclub.com...another chip option:


I have some good news for those people out there that are looking for an
alternative solution to the other UnNamed offerings.

Digi-Tec, A German based company, is working to bring their products to the
United States. I have had the pleasure of working closely with their US
distributor to try and address some of the most common issues with the
current offerings from other companies.

The most common approach that TDI'ers take is to chip their vehicles and/or
add larger injectors. I myself have went down the road of chipping, only to
remove the chip and go back to the stock program. Why? You may ask?

1) The Drivability of the altered program was of far less quality than the
OEM program.

2) Clutch Slippage

3) Smoke, Smoke, Smoke.

4) Surge

While most people will say that I am trying to have my cake and eat it too,
I prefer to think that the proper amount of RD from the chip maker should
make for a very transparent changeover from OEM to Modified.

With this being said, I introduce everyone to Digi-Tec.

What they have been able to do is nothing less than amazing. On Lito's 2000
TDI with .205's he has rock solid reliability, with NO MORE SMOKE than that
of a totally stock 90HP US car. Not to mention the total elimination of
surge and as an added bonus his MFA gives the correct Fuel Mileage. Because
of the smooth powerband of the Digi-tec Chip, clutch slippage is no-longer
an issue. Power is estimated in the 130-140HP range, with real numbers
awaiting a trip to the Dyno. All things being said, you have rock-solid
reliability and drivability with outstanding performance.

Currently, we are working on programs for Stock US 90HP cars, both automatic
and manual transmissions, with both stock and upgraded injectors. This
project has been over 1 year in the making, but based on the latest tests I
feel confident that given enough interest from the community we can at last
enjoy OEM reliability with impressive performance.

-Original Message-
From: Ryan Morgan, Aerials Express [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2003 5:05 PM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [biofuel] Re: SUV question - Silk Purses out of Sows Ears

While it's true you can blow your turbo, if you take the appropriate
measures to reduce the risk, i.e. don't floor it going uphill, and don't run
above 100 MPH for long distances (not that you would ever do that anyway)
your turbo should last a long time.  Some folks are reporting 150,000 miles+
without any problems.  I'm not kidding when I say it feels like twice the
power over stock.

-Original Message-
From: Perry Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 5:45 PM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Re: SUV question - Silk Purses out of Sows Ears

Yes, but as I understand it, you're just working your turbo harder.  Don't
know what the long term effects will be, but I decided against the Upsolute
when I got some information on how it works its magic.  You certainly won't
break your car in the short term, it's long term that is uncertain.  And
note, I only said uncertain.  Time will tell; I just decided to let others
be the guinea pigs.  Some are quite obviously enjoying it...

- Original Message -
From: Ryan Morgan, Aerials Express [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 2:10 PM
Subject: RE: [biofuel] Re: SUV question - Silk Purses out of Sows Ears

 I second that, Thor.  I also have a VW Golf TDI.  You've seen
 www.tdiclub.com right?

 Do yourself a favor and go and get an Upsolute chip.  My mileage
 and the car feels like a Porsche.


 Ryan Morgan
 Tempe, AZ

 -Original Message-
 From: Thor Skov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 1:24 PM
 To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [biofuel] Re: SUV question - Silk Purses out of Sows Ears

 --- Domenick V. Amato  wrote:
  What is luxo junk to one is comfort and safety to
 another.  The general
  public votes with its pocket book for SUVs and
 pickup trucks.  Fifty million
  Americans can't be politically incorrect.
  Dom Amato

 Hello Don,

 By that logic, slavery wasn't bad.  Neither was Hitler
 (I mean, 80 million? Germans can't be wrong).

 But, Don, you're absolutely correct that the general
 public does vote for SUVs with their pocketbook.  The
 question is, why?

 Your implied answer to that question seems to be
 because they know what's best for them.

 That's possible.  It is also possible that people are
 duped by advertising, have few fuel efficient
 automobile choices, and often do not make rational
 economic choices.

 I've read (and though I can't provide a reference, I'm
 sure someone else on this list can) that SUVs are the
 most profitable cars for automakers, which is why they
 push them so

RE: [biofuel] Re: SUV question - Silk Purses out of Sows Ears

2003-03-01 Thread Ryan Morgan, Aerials Express

While it's true you can blow your turbo, if you take the appropriate
measures to reduce the risk, i.e. don't floor it going uphill, and don't run
above 100 MPH for long distances (not that you would ever do that anyway)
your turbo should last a long time.  Some folks are reporting 150,000 miles+
without any problems.  I'm not kidding when I say it feels like twice the
power over stock.

-Original Message-
From: Perry Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 5:45 PM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Re: SUV question - Silk Purses out of Sows Ears

Yes, but as I understand it, you're just working your turbo harder.  Don't
know what the long term effects will be, but I decided against the Upsolute
when I got some information on how it works its magic.  You certainly won't
break your car in the short term, it's long term that is uncertain.  And
note, I only said uncertain.  Time will tell; I just decided to let others
be the guinea pigs.  Some are quite obviously enjoying it...

- Original Message -
From: Ryan Morgan, Aerials Express [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 2:10 PM
Subject: RE: [biofuel] Re: SUV question - Silk Purses out of Sows Ears

 I second that, Thor.  I also have a VW Golf TDI.  You've seen
 www.tdiclub.com right?

 Do yourself a favor and go and get an Upsolute chip.  My mileage
 and the car feels like a Porsche.


 Ryan Morgan
 Tempe, AZ

 -Original Message-
 From: Thor Skov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 1:24 PM
 To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [biofuel] Re: SUV question - Silk Purses out of Sows Ears

 --- Domenick V. Amato  wrote:
  What is luxo junk to one is comfort and safety to
 another.  The general
  public votes with its pocket book for SUVs and
 pickup trucks.  Fifty million
  Americans can't be politically incorrect.
  Dom Amato

 Hello Don,

 By that logic, slavery wasn't bad.  Neither was Hitler
 (I mean, 80 million? Germans can't be wrong).

 But, Don, you're absolutely correct that the general
 public does vote for SUVs with their pocketbook.  The
 question is, why?

 Your implied answer to that question seems to be
 because they know what's best for them.

 That's possible.  It is also possible that people are
 duped by advertising, have few fuel efficient
 automobile choices, and often do not make rational
 economic choices.

 I've read (and though I can't provide a reference, I'm
 sure someone else on this list can) that SUVs are the
 most profitable cars for automakers, which is why they
 push them so hard.  It's a fact that SUVs are a
 loophole around CAFE standards.  People have latched
 onto them, for sure, but don't try to tell me that the
 SUV phenomenon was not driven to a great degree by
 advertising.  Automakers love to claim that they just
 build what people want, but they have a strong hand in
 creating those wants.  Fact:  automakers didn't want
 to have to invest in the research to design fuel
 efficient engines, make the commitment to retool
 factories.  It was easier to take a truck frame and
 build a car on it.  Europeans have fuel efficient
 cars.  Why don't we?

 When I went to look for a fuel efficient car my
 choices were incredibly limited - Honda Insight, Honda
 Civic, Ford Focus, Toyota Prius, Toyota Corolla, and
 the VW TDI.  I  opted for the VW Golf because it was
 cheaper than the Insight and Prius (as well as more
 available, was the only hatchback, could burn
 biodiesel, was more comfortable than the Fords, seemed
 better engineered and had better styling, and was a
 hatchback.  Also, I like the way a european car
 drives, compared to a japanese.  Now, I love my Golf,
 but I was lucky to find a model that I indeed did like
 from among the paucity of choices.

 I honestly think that American values are messed
 up--people really do love big cars, and small cars
 with big engines.  It's about power power power, and
 yet there is no place to use this power.  People want
 cars that can go 140 mph, but will never drive them
 faster than half that.  Doesn't seem rational to me.
 I remember longing for a Toyota SR5 4WD pickup when I
 was in high school (just like the one in Back to the
 Future), but hey, I GREW UP!

 Fact:  SUVs are not the safest cars out there;
 minivans are, and they have more room, get better
 mileage, and cost less than SUVs.  But minivans are
 not cool which tells me that people are thinking
 about styling and image (the advertising influence)
 and not about economics or practicality.   Also, most
 people are bent on ownership versus receiving a flow
 of services from an automobile.  Let me explain.

 I live in Seattle, where it seems that every other
 vehicle is an SUV or a truck.  People insist they need
 a 4wd vehicle.  But we have mild winters, with little
 snow to speak of, and the one time a year it does snow
 you stay at home since Seattle

RE: [biofuel] Re: SUV question - Silk Purses out of Sows Ears

2003-02-28 Thread Ryan Morgan, Aerials Express

I second that, Thor.  I also have a VW Golf TDI.  You've seen
www.tdiclub.com right?

Do yourself a favor and go and get an Upsolute chip.  My mileage increased,
and the car feels like a Porsche.


Ryan Morgan
Tempe, AZ

-Original Message-
From: Thor Skov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 1:24 PM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [biofuel] Re: SUV question - Silk Purses out of Sows Ears

--- Domenick V. Amato  wrote:
 What is luxo junk to one is comfort and safety to
another.  The general
 public votes with its pocket book for SUVs and
pickup trucks.  Fifty million
 Americans can't be politically incorrect.

 Dom Amato

Hello Don,

By that logic, slavery wasn't bad.  Neither was Hitler
(I mean, 80 million? Germans can't be wrong).

But, Don, you're absolutely correct that the general
public does vote for SUVs with their pocketbook.  The
question is, why?

Your implied answer to that question seems to be
because they know what's best for them.

That's possible.  It is also possible that people are
duped by advertising, have few fuel efficient
automobile choices, and often do not make rational
economic choices.

I've read (and though I can't provide a reference, I'm
sure someone else on this list can) that SUVs are the
most profitable cars for automakers, which is why they
push them so hard.  It's a fact that SUVs are a
loophole around CAFE standards.  People have latched
onto them, for sure, but don't try to tell me that the
SUV phenomenon was not driven to a great degree by
advertising.  Automakers love to claim that they just
build what people want, but they have a strong hand in
creating those wants.  Fact:  automakers didn't want
to have to invest in the research to design fuel
efficient engines, make the commitment to retool
factories.  It was easier to take a truck frame and
build a car on it.  Europeans have fuel efficient
cars.  Why don't we?

When I went to look for a fuel efficient car my
choices were incredibly limited - Honda Insight, Honda
Civic, Ford Focus, Toyota Prius, Toyota Corolla, and
the VW TDI.  I  opted for the VW Golf because it was
cheaper than the Insight and Prius (as well as more
available, was the only hatchback, could burn
biodiesel, was more comfortable than the Fords, seemed
better engineered and had better styling, and was a
hatchback.  Also, I like the way a european car
drives, compared to a japanese.  Now, I love my Golf,
but I was lucky to find a model that I indeed did like
from among the paucity of choices.

I honestly think that American values are messed
up--people really do love big cars, and small cars
with big engines.  It's about power power power, and
yet there is no place to use this power.  People want
cars that can go 140 mph, but will never drive them
faster than half that.  Doesn't seem rational to me.
I remember longing for a Toyota SR5 4WD pickup when I
was in high school (just like the one in Back to the
Future), but hey, I GREW UP!

Fact:  SUVs are not the safest cars out there;
minivans are, and they have more room, get better
mileage, and cost less than SUVs.  But minivans are
not cool which tells me that people are thinking
about styling and image (the advertising influence)
and not about economics or practicality.   Also, most
people are bent on ownership versus receiving a flow
of services from an automobile.  Let me explain.

I live in Seattle, where it seems that every other
vehicle is an SUV or a truck.  People insist they need
a 4wd vehicle.  But we have mild winters, with little
snow to speak of, and the one time a year it does snow
you stay at home since Seattle is full of hills and
people here don't know how to drive in snow anyway.
So 2 inches shuts everything down.  Now a lot of
people I know who own SUVs claim that they need them
to go to the mountains, to go skiing, etc etc.
However, most ski areas you can get to just fine with
a front wheel drive car.  And who's really going to
take a $55,000 Escalade or Navigator or Mercedes
off-road?  But let's assume that they do indeed go
somewhere where an *only* an SUV can go.  How often is
that?  2, 3 times a year at most?  So they purchase an
SUV ostensibly for those rare occasions, and the other
355 days they commute in a gas guzzling behemoth.  If
instead they had an efficient car for their daily
needs, they could take all that money they save in
capital and operating costs (licensing, fuel,
insurance) and rent an SUV for the few times they need
it, and have cash left over.  Would you go out and buy
a dumptruck if you needed to haul a load of dirt, and
then drive it to work every day?  But, people are
taught by advertising and by example to think in terms
of ownership, not in flows of services.

I know that cars are (unfortunately) part of the
american persona and american psyche.  And the
American dream and the american myth.  But just
because a lot of people buy SUVs does not mean that
they are making a good choice, nor that SUVs are the

RE: [biofuel] US News and World Report: Cover Story

2003-02-12 Thread Ryan Morgan, Aerials Express

Interestingly enough your website may have contributed to this article in a
round about way.  About a month ago, US News asked for reader reaction to
the question, What would Jesus drive?  I couldn't resist and sent in a
letter that was later published on their website.  I closed with a reference
to your website, pointing anyone who was interested in learning more about
biodiesel there.  I bet they used your website in their research.

Reader's letters can be read here:


Keep up the good work!


-Original Message-
From: Keith Addison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2003 7:10 PM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [biofuel] US News and World Report: Cover Story

Thanks Ryan - very good:

  If George Bush had pointed to the wreck of the World Trade
Center, and said, `We must correct this problem,' and the only way is by
raising the cost of gasoline on a phased-in basis, it would have worked, he
says. It was the golden opportunity missed.

Yea, verily.



Living Without Oil
As war looms, the search for new energy alternatives is all the more urgent

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[biofuel] US News and World Report: Cover Story

2003-02-11 Thread Ryan Morgan, Aerials Express


Living Without Oil
As war looms, the search for new energy alternatives is all the more urgent

By Marianne Lavelle
Grant Goodman wanted to do his part to reduce U.S. dependence on foreign
oil. So two years ago, the Phoenix concrete producer began using
biodiesel--made from refined soybean oil--to fuel his fleet of 130
diesel-powered cement mixers and excavators. For his efforts, Goodman in
2001 won a local entrepreneur of the year award and plaudits from the
Environmental Protection Agency. But protecting the Earth was not Goodman's
only concern. Let's start with national security--the billions and billions
we waste dancing around the issue, protecting those pipelines, invading
Iraq, doing whatever else we're doing in the Middle East. It all gets down
to continuing the flow of oil to this country.

Goodman's stance hasn't been easy. Biodiesel fuel sold for 70 cents per
gallon more than regular diesel fuel, giving competitors of his Rockland
Materials a decided edge. It cost me a few hundred grand, says Goodman.
Those harsh economics forced him last year to resort to a petroleum mix
including 40 percent or less of biodiesel. But don't count him out. He plans
to build his own soybean oil refinery this year to help him return to 100
percent biodiesel. Goodman has urged other local businesses to make the
switch, but as long as petroleum is cheaper, he says, I'm this guy
screaming in the wind.

Sure, in theory, everyone agrees the nation should break its 20
million-barrel-a-day oil habit, 58 percent of it imported. Last week,
President Bush noted that sometimes we import from countries that don't
particularly like us. It jeopardizes our national security. Antiwar
protesters, who argue that Iraq's massive oil reserves have made it a U.S.
target, use sharper rhetoric. No blood for oil! they shouted at
demonstrations at gasoline stations around the country last week. At the
other end of the political spectrum, Martin Feldstein, who headed former
President Reagan's panel of economic advisers, has argued that the United
States should set a goal of complete oil independence by the year 2020.
Otherwise, we will continue to be hostage to the policies of the current
and future rulers of Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, and their neighbors. And
indeed, the jitters of potential war in the Middle East and political
upheaval in Venezuela, the nation's fourth-largest oil supplier, have pushed
up the price of gasoline for eight consecutive weeks. If global events turn
awry, an oil price shock could, as has happened repeatedly in the past, tip
the struggling economy back into recession.

Within reach. But has anyone found a reasonable alternative to the black
gold that fuels the U.S. economy? Some answers seem tantalizingly close,
especially for transportation, which consumes the vast majority of our oil.
Hundreds of truck fleets and bus systems already run on two diesel-fuel
alternatives, biodiesel and natural gas. Meanwhile, biotechnology has made
it possible to extract fuels from farm products like corn husks, long
discarded as waste. And, of course, there are the many recent advances in
the harnessing of energy from the world's most abundant element,
hydrogen--the science for which Bush pledged $1.2 billion support in his
State of the Union message.

But much more money and an even broader government commitment will be needed
to reverse the current U.S. trajectory toward greater oil addiction. After
all, largely because of the popularity of gas-guzzling sport utility
vehicles, the average fuel economy of the 2003 fleet of cars sank 6 percent
below the peak set 15 years ago. Critics say that until the new technology
is ready to help the nation kick the oil habit, the Bush administration
should focus on breaking the addiction step by step. Fuel-economy
regulations, they argue, could force greater use of the breakthrough hybrid
gas-electric engine and other lesser-known innovations that can squeeze more
miles out of every gallon of gasoline.

Japan's government, for example, vows to put 10 million ecofriendly cars
on its roads by 2010, a number it hopes will include not only 50,000
hydrogen fuel cell cars but also natural gas vehicles, electric autos, and
hybrids. Japan's auto industry views that as an attainable goal, given the
tax incentives and subsidies that support it. Stephen Tang, president of
Millennium Cell, an Eatontown, N.J., firm that has developed a hydrogen
fueling system, is hopeful that a similar commitment will catch fire here.
If we can get the oil man to say the word `hydrogen,' that's significant
progress, says Tang.

In his so-called FreedomFUEL initiative, the president zeroed in on what is
unquestionably the most promising alternative fuel. Hydrogen is everywhere,
and when used to power a special battery called a fuel cell, its only waste
product is water. It's an alluring option, but slippery. Hydrogen is
extremely difficult to harness, store, 

RE: [biofuel] $2.60 for recharging and the French aircar runs 120 miles

2003-02-04 Thread Ryan Morgan, Aerials Express

The following may interest you...

Excerpt from:

Someone (A French racing car driver I believe) announced, at a conference in
South Africa in 1999, that he had designed a car ( the MDI-TOP) that ran on
pressurized air. Air tanks, like those used by scuba divers, were filled
with air under pressure, using an electric pump. The car, as I remember,
could then travel for up to 200 km and reasonable speeds and acceleration.
It would, of course, emit no CO2 or NOx during use. Polluting gases would
have been emitted to produce the electricity required to pump the air. I
have no further information, would be pleased if someone can correct my
rather vague recollections.

Martin, a student in Chem. 207 (2001)  has kindly given me a reference to a
web site with lots of information about this car:
http://globalstewards.org/aircar.htmThe news items on this web site say
that Mexico City is going to build 40,000 of them for use as taxi's,
starting in 2001. Plans are also underway to build them in the USA and
Europe. However there are skeptics who say that they cannot be safe and will
not have normal safety features in order to reduce weight (they are very
small and lightly built).  I think that we will have to wait and see what

The above web site says that the cars will use 300L of air at 300 bar ( 4500
psi, see Hydrogen Fuels for a comment of the safety aspects of high pressure
gas in cars)   My calculations show that this is 11,000 mol of air, which,
if all of the energy can be used as it expands to 1 bar pressure, will give
164,000 kJ. This is equivalent to the energy from the combustion of 4L of
gasoline( assuming 100% efficiency), or, allowing for the inefficiencies in
both the air and gasoline engine, 8L of gasoline. The electricity used to
pump the air into the storage tanks is 46 kWh, or, at say 80% efficiency for
pumping, 57 kWh.  This would cost about $5 at $0.09 cents per kWh,  for a
200 km trip.  A good compact gasoline engine car, at 4L per 100 km,  would
use 8L of gasoline, cost about $6.  So there is no great savings in cost
especially if one allows for the fact that the compact gasoline engine car
is larger and safer.  There would, of course, be a big saving in pollution
in the cities and an overall saving if the air was pumped using a renewable
source if energy rather than electricity from fossil fuel plants

-Original Message-
From: Tricia Liu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, February 02, 2003 3:57 AM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [biofuel] $2.60 for recharging and the French aircar runs
120 miles

Mexican government bought 40,000 French Air Taxi and going to be delivered
in couple years.
We will have to go to Mexico City to try out the Air Taxi.

Suggested Retail $14,000(Euro 9500), runs 60MPH, range 120 miles.
Charge at station $3 per charge and takes 3 minutes(If we had these
infra-structure available)
Charge at home with a small electric air compressor takes 4 hours, take 20
KWH of electricity.
S.C.Edison is charging 13 cents per KWH, then the cost to charge at home
will be $2.60
And spending $2.60 and I can run 120 miles???  This must be a dream?

Anyone who knows the price of the small home use air compressor?
The price for Air car already included an on-board 5.5KW compressor to
compress air into the tanks!

Happy to know there are about 50 companies want to buy franchises or
manufacturing facilities.
Hope more air cars will be available, personally I will like to take the
Family 6 seater!
Also will see how much they will tax for using AIR, if any!

It's not 100% green, unless the energy to compress air comes from
biomass/solar or wind.
Power plant still using 70% or so fossil oil to generate power!

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RE: [biofuel] Intro and question

2003-02-02 Thread Ryan Morgan, Aerials Express

www.tdiclub.com is the right place for this, there is a classified section
where dealers routinely report on their current stock of TDIs.

-Original Message-
From: Keith Addison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, February 02, 2003 9:05 AM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Intro and question

Hi Y'all,

I have been monitoring this list for awhile and although I am
totally excited about biofule I must admit that I have never
actually done it.  I did try to start a car charing organization in
Yolo Co CA a few years ago but couldn't get the needed resourses
togethernamely people power.

Here is my questionI am an auctioneer and work at car auctions
for the $$$  (I specialize in benefit auctions).  Being such I have
friends that are dealers that are happy to buy wholesale for me.
Occaionally I see a nice TDI or some other diesel product role by.
I often think to my self and say self you should have X buy that for
you and then post it on the list here.  Would y'all consider that

Jack Young
530.219.7900 (voice)
530.795.5536 (fax)

Well, folks? Would we consider Jack's offer as SPAM?

I have an idea there's a place for this, only I can't remember where
it is. Didn't somebody post some such thing (me maybe)?


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[biofuel] GWBush.com -- Good Bumper Stickers

2003-01-30 Thread Ryan Morgan, Aerials Express

Hi All,

Thought I'd pass this site along in case you still have a spot somewhere
between your rear window and your bumper for another sticker.

I especially like the one that says:  Regieme change starts at home  and,
I wasn't using my civil liberties anyway.


Happy motoring!


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RE: [biofuel] 1% diesel

2003-01-30 Thread Ryan Morgan, Aerials Express

I seem to remember a report that Chrysler was going to manufacture a Jeep
Liberty with a diesel for 2004.  Should get between 25-35 MPG at least?
Wait until the US dinodiesel catches up with with the rest of the world and
we get the good stuff, in 2006 or 2007 (I can't remember which.)  I think
everyone will introduce a common rail at that point.

-Original Message-
From: Crabb, David [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2003 11:28 AM
To: 'biofuel@yahoogroups.com'
Subject: RE: [biofuel] 1% diesel

I think it is because it is extra stinky here, and no one likes to get that
stink on their hands..
because you carry that for a while.  People are lazy and dont want to put
the gloves on.. heh

Also, you cant go to every station and get diesel.. so that limits the
ability to go driving about late at night.

for those that live near interstates.. it could be a reasonable option.
Also the sootiness is a turnoff for many people.   I guess it is ok to just
pour puke that you cant see in a gas car.. but a little soot on hard
acceleration is bad in a more fuel efficient car..  go figure.

The fact that you can only get a VW jetta etc.. for the common man.. means
that servicing is more difficult. not that many VW dealers.. etc.  You could
get the Mercedes.. but then.. thats more money than most
poeple can spend.

You *could* get a pickup if you had to have a local model.. but then you are
now getting 18mpg.  and you sound like the local trash truck.

It would be nice if one of the domestics could get a deal with VW and get
the diesel option for a motor in a car.   I would think that DiamlerChrysler
would now have the expertise to transplant one of their diesels locally.  a
50mpg Dodge Neon would be a nice selling point.

Tricia Liu wrote
I was told that the reason only 1% American drives Diesel car is because
Diesel is $1.67/gallon while gasoline is $1.60/gallon.  And not
available in
all gas stations.
But in Europe, Diesel is far more cheaper than Gasoline for about how

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RE: [biofuel] More on SUVs

2003-01-14 Thread Ryan Morgan

Your Range Rover is tied for the least fuel efficint, most polluting SUV.
Congratulations, I hope you don't drive it to work.  (Unless you work in the

-Original Message-
From: Ken Basterfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2003 12:28 PM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Cc: biofuels-biz@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [biofuel] More on SUVs

SUV doesn't mean much to me in dear old Blighty. What are they that cause so
much consternation. Is my Range Rover one of these?
- Original Message -
From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Cc: biofuels-biz@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2003 7:08 AM
Subject: [biofuel] More on SUVs

 frontline: rollover | PBS

 Rollover - the hidden history of the SUV. They're the most popular
 vehicle in America. Are they also among the most dengerous?

 Unsafe on any tire?
 How safe are SUVs? Should the government do more to protect consumers? An
overview of the SUV's hidden history and a look at the politics of auto

 Before you buy an SUV...
 Here are a few facts and statistics you ought to consider, including
questions and answers on SUVs and safety, and links to current consumer
information on the Web.

 Former top regulators, a longtime Ford marketer, a prominent plaintiff
attorney, an award-winning New York Times reporter, and an insurance
industry safety analyst.

 Nixon and Detroit - inside the Oval Office
 Web-exclusive audio of Richard Nixon's 1971 meeting with Henry Ford
 II and Lee Iacocca, and recently released documents revealing Nixon's
 efforts on behalf of the auto industry.

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RE: [biofuel] SUV, truck owners get a big tax break

2002-12-27 Thread Ryan Morgan

I just heard a commercial on the radio selling Cadillac Escalades...if you
are a business owner and you buy before the end of the year the IRS will
allow you to write off $32,000... was the gist.  I was appalled!

Played on the leading talk radio @ 5:00 PM in the Phoenix market.


-Original Message-
From: Keith Addison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, December 21, 2002 12:37 PM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Cc: biofuels-biz@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [biofuel] SUV, truck owners get a big tax break

- 12/18/02
Wednesday, December 18, 2002

David Coates / The Detroit News

Karl Wizinsky, a health care consultant in Novi, was able to write
off $32,000 of the $47,000 purchase price of a Ford Excursion as a
business expense. It's perfectly legal, and accountants and auto
dealers are starting to catch on.

SUV, truck owners get a big tax break

Loophole allows hefty write-off for vehicles

By Jeff Plungis / Detroit News Washington Bureau

Eligible vehicles

Here are the 38 light truck models that qualify for an extra $24,000
accelerated depreciation tax break:
  BMW X5
  Cadillac Escalade
  Chevy Astro
  Chevy Avalanche
  Chevy Express
  Chevy Silverado
  Chevy Suburban
  Chevy Tahoe
  Dodge Durango
  Dodge Ram Van
  Dodge Ram Maxi Van
  Dodge Ram Wagon
  Dodge Ram 1500
  Dodge Ram 2500
  Dodge Ram 3500
  Ford Excursion
  Ford Expedition
  Ford Econoline E-150
  Ford Econoline E-250
  Ford Econoline E-350
  Ford F-150
  Ford F-250
  Ford F-350
  GMC Yukon
  GMC Safari
  GMC Savana
  GMC Sierra
  GMC Sierra Denali
  Land Rover Discovery
  Land Rover Range Rover
  Lincoln Blackwood
  Lincoln Navigator
  Mercedes ML 320
  Mercedes ML 500
  Mercedes ML55 AMG
  Toyota Land Cruiser
  Toyota Sequoia
  Toyota Tundra

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WASHINGTON -- Karl Wizinsky wasn't thinking about buying a new
vehicle, and certainly not a big SUV. So why is there a brand-new
$47,000 Ford Excursion sitting in his driveway?

He was able to write off $32,000 of the purchase price as a business

We really did it because it was a pretty hefty deduction, said
Wizinsky, a health care consultant in Novi.

At the same time the tax code sanctions $30,000 write-offs for SUVs,
prospective purchasers of a fuel-efficient hybrid vehicles qualify
for a relatively small $4,000 tax credit.

A deal to extend similar tax credits to other environmentally
friendly vehicles remains stalled in Congress.

It's all legal, and accountants and auto dealers are beginning to catch on.

If it can save the consumer money, it's most likely that the dealer
is going to know about it, said Andrew Beck, spokesman for the
National Automobile Dealers Association. So far, there is no
indication anyone in Congress wants to close the loophole. In fact,
even higher depreciation tax breaks are on the table as part of the
next round of tax cuts President Bush is planning.

The SUV tax break is becoming a staple of advice in the accounting
world, as small business owners such as Wizinsky are advised on ways
to reduce end-of-the-year tax bills.

The size of the tax break has been growing under a schedule that
became law in 1996. That's when Congress changed tax law to encourage
business investment.

The scale of the tax break surprises accountants and tax experts, who
feel bound to recommend SUVs and other light trucks to small-business

As I understood it, the reason (for the tax break) is to encourage
business investment. That's what happened in my case, Wizinsky said.

At the same time, the tax break seems to contradict other national
goals, such as improving vehicle fuel efficiency. A more economical
fleet would aid two important national goals: reducing U.S.
dependence on foreign oil and cutting greenhouse gasses.

The total cost of the loophole hasn't been calculated by the
government, but Taxpayers for Common Sense, a nonpartisan Washington
watchdog group, estimates the SUV tax loophole could cost taxpayers
between $840 million and $987 million for every 100,000 vehicles sold
to businesses.

Aileen Roder, the group's program director, questioned whether there
is a national need to subsidize sales of the largest light trucks --
given Americans are buying SUVs in record numbers.

This is one of the most lucrative breaks in the tax code, Roder
said. We're making it a fiscal no-brainer for businesses to buy
giant SUVs.

To get an idea of the scale of the SUV tax break, a credit aimed at
making it easier for small businesses to comply with the Americans
with Disabilities Act costs $525 million per 100,000 uses.

A tax credit to reimburse teachers for classroom supplies annually
costs the treasury $250 million per 100,000 uses.

And a provision allowing taxpayers to put up to $3,000 of tax-free
earnings per year in private retirement accounts costs about $90
million per 100,000 taxpayers, according to Taxpayers for Common

RE: [biofuel] cold weather starting

2002-12-12 Thread Ryan Morgan

Try buying an Optima battery:
and don't forget to put some winter additive in your diesel (there's nothing
worse than spending the winter in the parking lot due to a frozen fuel line)

-Original Message-
From: Michael Henry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 8:49 AM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [biofuel] cold weather starting

I've actually just bought my first diesel car, and this is one of my
main concerns (as I said, I don't really know anything!) - If I go
skiing and can't plug my car in, for the day or sometimes even for a few
days, do you have tips on starting it when I want to get home? Is this
something I need to worry about? Sounds like you have lots of
experience, and I really don't know what to expect going into my first
winter with a diesel. When I get that far, I'm also planning to mix
biodiesel with petro diesel to reduce cold weather starting problems. Is
that a good solution?

While it may not be a real problem at all, It may be a percieved problem
with diesel - for people like me who don't know much about it but what
they've heard. The effect can be the same.


Hakan Falk wrote:

I had diesel cars the last 26 years as private vehicle, both in Sweden and
after I moved to middle and southern Europe. In Sweden it was often minus
25 Celsius in the winter and minus 15 Celsius in Central Europe. The only
time I had serious problem was one time when I was skiing in Sweden and it
was minus 40 Celsius for a couple of days. Had to heat it up and then put
20% Kerosene in the tank. Could not ski anyway, since the risk for bad
frostbites was too big.


PS. during the same period I had gasoline company cars.

At 10:34 AM 12/10/2002 -0500, you wrote:

I don't really know what I'm talking about, but from a Canadian
perspective I think diesel is widely considered a dirty fuel (and it
sounds like the truth of this is what you're researching), but also it's
hard to start when it's minus 20 degrees, which is a real, if
surmountable, problem in this climate   - this second point would also
apply to some areas in the US.


Hello All,

I'm looking for a concise description of the differences between
(global if you know) and US diesel fuel (BTU, Sulphur content,
processes, etc), exhaust systems (Catalytic converters, emission
etc), as well as any other significant combustion and/or emissions
differences.  I'm trying to put together a complete but digestible
description of global diesel usage as well as the reasons for it's
lack of presence in the US.


Hello Thom

Good for you. Can't help much, but these might be useful:

Fuel Lubricity Reviewed, Paul Lacey, Southwest Research Institute,
Steve Howell,
MARC-IV Consulting, Inc., SAE paper number 982567, International Fall

Fuels and

Lubricants Meeting and Exposition, October 19-22, 1998, San
Francisco, California.

Lubricity Benefits



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RE: [biofuel] Diesel engines vs. gasoline engines

2002-12-11 Thread Ryan Morgan

The problem most people run into is when the intake gets clogged with soot.
If you run Biodiesel, you greatly reduce this problem since there is little
to no soot, or...you could always have it cleaned out by your local
mechanic.  I have a VW Golf TDI and according to those on www.tdiclub.com,
soot buildup can be reduced by either:

A. Using Biodiesel
B. Consistently revving the engine above 3000 RPM before shifting (Which, I
suppose, blows the soot out.)
C. Never lugging the motor
D. Taking the occasional long road trip to burn off the deposits.
E. Cleaning out the intake.  (As a last resort.)

Hope this helps you in your decision!

-Original Message-
From: rucksackn [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 6:12 PM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [biofuel] Diesel engines vs. gasoline engines

I live in  city of about 130,000 people. I'm looking at buying a
diesel and using biodiesel for fuel. I have a question though
about the praticalities of owning and using a diesel in an urban

I wasrecently warned against buying a diesel engine-based
vehicle if the vehicle's primary use is mainly short trips (i.e. in a
city). The main reason given was that diesels are meant to be
driven long distances (i.e highways). To drive a diesel in-town on
short trips, is to basiclly have a vehicle that dies out sooner than
a gasoline powered vehicle.  My question is whether accelerated
deterioration would be linked to carbon build-up within typical
diesels (my understanding is that biodiesel eliminates this

Does anyone know or can explain the differences between the
two types of engines and tell me whether there is any merit to
this caveat? Are there any other considerations needed to be
kept in mind when thinking diesel within the urban framework?


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RE: [biofuel] Jetta TDI

2002-11-12 Thread Ryan Morgan

Rock on!  '02 Golf TDI

1.  Get a 5-speed (The auto gets poor mileage and is sluggish)
2.  Put B100 in the tank
3.  Get Upsoluted (see tdiclub.com)
4.  Hang on!

-Original Message-
From: yoslater1 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 8:29 AM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [biofuel] Jetta TDI


MY old car is dying a slow painful death and I was thinking about 
getting the Jetta TDI.  Does anyone have any experience with putting 
biodiesel in Jetta's ??  All ideas welcomed!



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[biofuel] EPA: A Comprehensive Analysis of Biodiesel Impacts on Exhaust

2002-10-28 Thread Ryan Morgan

Found this on tdiclub.com this morning, and thought many of you would be
interested.  My apologies if this has already been discussed.

The Environmental Protection Agency has released a draft report
entitled, A Comprehensive Analysis of Biodiesel Impacts on Exhaust
Emissions. This draft technical report can be found at the following

This technical report is being made available to the public in draft
form to permit interested parties an opportunity to review and critique
the data, methodology, assumptions, and conclusions. Comments will be
accepted through December 31, 2002. Information regarding the means
through which comments can be submitted to the EPA can be found in the


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RE: [biofuel] SUV's on biofuel (was Re: SUV [lack of] mindsets

2002-08-12 Thread Ryan Morgan


This is the ultimate when it comes in a diesel (2006?)  No problem with the
HOSE either!



-Original Message-
From: craig reece [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 9:16 AM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [biofuel] SUV's on biofuel (was Re: SUV [lack of] mindsets

I haven't added anything to this thread, but I'm in the process of
changing the gas-guzzlin' V8 in my Land Rover Defender to the Land Rover
300 Tdi, with a 2nd heated tank for straight vegetable oil. And there
are a few SUV's out there that come stock with diesel engines -
Suburbans with the 6.2 and 6.5 GM diesel being probably the most
plentiful, but out there but more rare are things like diesel Isuzu
Troopers, diesel International Scouts, etc.

I even ran across a diesel Toyota Land Cruiser for sale the other day -
an '82 FJ60, originally from Canada.


Kim  Garth Travis wrote:

 Curtis Sakima wrote:

  Take a HOSE and WASH out the inside  now THERE'S a
  vehicle I would support!!
 Just be careful of the time of year!  I did it to a van

 once that seriously needed it but it took dragging it to a
 heated garage to thaw out the door so they would open.  I was a 1973
 ford E100, short box, with a 300 six in it.  Got great gas mileage,
 hauled anything, [I was a courier] and in the summer it was easy to
 clean.  I would love to be able to buy something like that again.
 Bright Blessings,

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RE: [biofuel] Trends I see Was: On The Duty of Marketing Biofuels

2002-08-06 Thread Ryan Morgan

man do i disagree...to a point,  i feel suv's are fine, though i agree that
if one is city bound, (you can have it) there is no need for one,

I should have told you I live in Phoenix, AZ where there are few hills,
slight chance for snow, even slighter for rain, and a plethora of soccer
moms driving Lincoln Navigators to the beauty parlor.  Seems like every
night I see a story on the news with some kind of either fatal or near-fatal
accident between a on-the-phone soccer mom, in what would have been, until
recently, considered a tank, and a family in an import, three of which were
smashed to smithereens my a vehicle, built for
heavy-duty-off-road-trailer-pulling-up-a-mud-wall (now with a car-like
suspension, by the way) on it's way to the supermarket.  What's really funny
(to me) is when two of them collide and the drivers (always alone) are cut
in half by the seatbelt as tons of
re-enforced-drive-through-the-mountain-not-over-it steel frames refuse to
give way.

SUVs are dangerous, they pollute, they roll over, they smash families in
imports to smithereens, and they're almost always right on my tail.  Oh
yeah, they raise fuel prices, and insurance rates for the rest of us to

You drive an SUV in the city, you might as well be hanging your middle
finger out the window yelling, ME ME ME ME!

Thank you, all of you, for having the courage and wisdom to search for
alternate means of transportation.


-Original Message-
From: Ken [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2002 8:18 AM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Trends I see Was: On The Duty of Marketing

man do i disagree...to a point,  i feel suv's are fine, though i agree that
if one is city bound, (you can have it) there is no need for one,  but even
better are heavy duty trucks, personally have a ford f250 4x4.  if one lives
in the cities or very close to them, then these little electric powered
rat cars are fine as one is just hurredly scurrying around doing all the
domestic tasks living in cities requires, fine... but if one desires to live
in the country, forests or whatever, these light fragile cars do not cut it.
what i'd like to see, take down the roads to about 1/10 the existing
ammount, all 2 lanes, all familys move into 2-400 square foot 5th wheels,
trailers, etc.  singles could be in truck campers, everyone becomes more
hunter gatherer-like in these modern tipees, make the whole earth into one
big national park we all share, planting fruits, nuts, oil crops etc.,
creating an oasis that all can roam and thrive/play in... ooops got carried
the average full-time rv'er uses a fraction of the resources of the
average 2500+ home plus all the cars that go with it, even with their
migrating included.  guess who has the richer LIFE?  its not the size of the
vehichles, its how they are being used.

- Original Message -
From: Ryan Morgan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2002 7:47 AM
Subject: RE: [biofuel] Trends I see Was: On The Duty of Marketing Biofuels

 Ok you're right, Honda does have a good track record for producing ULEV
 vehicles made from recycled parts, but does the American family really
 another SUV?  I guess I'm just sick and tired of them and wish people
 stop buying them.  SUVs are not cool, that's the image I would like to see
 projected.  There oughtta be a law!  :)


 Ryan Morgan
 Proud owner of a 50 MPG 2002 VW Golf TDI running BD100

 -Original Message-
 From: Keith Addison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2002 2:51 AM
 To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: RE: [biofuel] Trends I see Was: On The Duty of Marketing

 Ryan Morgan wrote:

 Why the heck did ABC cancel Bill Maher's Politically Incorrect?

 Crushing a Contrarian 09/27/2001

 ... Maher says his undoing came at the hands of two shock-jock radio
 hosts in Texas who endlessly ran the snippet (We have been the
 cowards!) and whipped their audience into a frenzy. Within a few
 hours, the Maher Incident was playing on radio talk shows nationwide
 and consumers were besieging Politically Incorrect's commercial
 sponsors with demands for a boycott.

 Very quickly, Sears and Federal Express pulled their sponsorships,
 and several Midwest stations suspended his show indefinitely.

 [We have been the cowards, lobbing cruise missiles from 2,000 miles
 away. That's cowardly. Staying in the airplane when it hits the
 building, say what you want about it, it's not cowardly.]

 Anyone notice who sponsored his final show?

 Ben Franklin's ghost?

 The Honda Pilot SUV! What a slap in the face from corporate America!!!

 ... the Ultimate Family Adventure Vehicle, - Ultra Low Emissions
 Vehicle (ULEV) with excellent fuel economy, constructed with ninety
 percent recyclable components.

 Huh... Honda doesn't even bother to say what

RE: [biofuel] Trends I see Was: On The Duty of Marketing Biofuels

2002-08-06 Thread Ryan Morgan

Can't soccer moms be just as busy in microbuses?  I don't have a problem
with that at all.  The reason they are right on my tail is because they can
see over me...and because they get a sense of power.  Have you ever noticed:
The bigger the SUV the smaller the woman driving it?

Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with women in general, just small
women driving their big Lincoln Navigators on my butt.

everyone needs to be free of obligations of all

we really need the courage and the wisdom to let go of most of
civilization and get a LIFE...

Does that make you an anarchist?  :)

-Original Message-
From: Ken [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2002 2:32 PM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Trends I see Was: On The Duty of Marketing

but thats a problem with having a population of overly-busy soccer moms, not
having suv's...

the reason they're right on your tail is that everyone is racing the clock,
that needs to change, everyone needs to be free of obligations of all

we really need the courage and the wisdom to let go of most of
civilization and get a LIFE...

 I should have told you I live in Phoenix, AZ where there are few hills,
 slight chance for snow, even slighter for rain, and a plethora of soccer
 moms driving Lincoln Navigators to the beauty parlor.  Seems like every
 night I see a story on the news with some kind of either fatal or
 accident between a on-the-phone soccer mom, in what would have been, until
 recently, considered a tank, and a family in an import, three of which
 smashed to smithereens my a vehicle, built for
 heavy-duty-off-road-trailer-pulling-up-a-mud-wall (now with a car-like
 suspension, by the way) on it's way to the supermarket.  What's really
 (to me) is when two of them collide and the drivers (always alone) are cut
 in half by the seatbelt as tons of
 re-enforced-drive-through-the-mountain-not-over-it steel frames refuse to
 give way.

 SUVs are dangerous, they pollute, they roll over, they smash families in
 imports to smithereens, and they're almost always right on my tail.  Oh
 yeah, they raise fuel prices, and insurance rates for the rest of us to

 You drive an SUV in the city, you might as well be hanging your middle
 finger out the window yelling, ME ME ME ME!

 Thank you, all of you, for having the courage and wisdom to search for
 alternate means of transportation.


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RE: [biofuel] Trends as I see it.

2002-08-06 Thread Ryan Morgan

Hi Al,

Sorry if I am also contributing to what you consider a waste of bandwidth,
have you tried not reading on?  If you're using outlook to manage your
email, try sorting by conversation.  That way, if one doesn't appeal to your
taste you can simply ignore the thread.  Just a suggestion.  ;)


P.S.  That's View Current View By Conversation in Outlook

-Original Message-
From: al [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2002 2:50 PM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Trends as I see it.

  Good day, I havent been a member of this group for long but have noticed
that some people cannot resist writing about everything even if they have
nothing worth writing about. I'n my opinion the Group would be much more
Green as regards bandwith on the internet it these people think twice, is
that message realy necessary I awate your hail of abuse, but beleive me you
cannot come near to the abouse I've had in my time because I'm an
individualist and can think for myself. Keep it shout eh. al

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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RE: [biofuel] Trends I see Was: On The Duty of Marketing Biofuels

2002-08-05 Thread Ryan Morgan

Why the heck did ABC cancel Bill Maher's Politically Incorrect?

Anyone notice who sponsored his final show?

The Honda Pilot SUV! What a slap in the face from corporate America!!!

Irony or a message?

-Original Message-
From: Curtis Sakima [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 05, 2002 7:33 AM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [biofuel] Trends I see Was: On The Duty of Marketing Biofuels

Most of the group pretty much understands where I
stand. So I don't think any severe damage would come
about by me saying it again.

And that is that I personally think ... that a lot of
what this WHOLE WORLD is coming down to lately. Is one
BIG argument of your morals vs. mine.  

And more importantly ... that there oughta be a LAW
... such that my morals dictate everyone's life ...
including YOURS.  That your morals are your moral
.. yeah,yeah,yeah ... but my morals are THE FACTS.

I see the trend.  I blame no one in particular. Nobody
in this group. Nobody in this... or any other country.
I simply see the trend.  Just turn on your local news
channel... and you'll see it.

I can't really say that I know why it is happening.
Perhaps someone more intellegent than I could explain
to me why.  I don't know why ... but I see it
happening.  And it frightens me sometime.


--- Hakan Falk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Dear Edward Beggs,

I think that we are getting in to a ridiculous
discussion about your moral verses mine. Nothing that
anyone of us have the knowledge to discuss.

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RE: [biofuel] Discontinued Ford Trucks

2002-08-01 Thread Ryan Morgan

Thank God!  Frankly I am embarrassed for America (and a little scared for my
own safety) every time I see someone commuting to work in one of those
things.  Let them collect dust in collectors' garages.

Ford Excursion: R.I.P.

-Original Message-
From: MH [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2002 6:19 AM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [biofuel] Discontinued Ford Trucks

 Heard yesterday that the U.S. Ford Excursion is being discontinued.
 This SUV was intended to compete with GMs Chevy Suburban.
 It sounded as if the Lincoln Blackwood luxury pickup truck
 may also be a collectors item.


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RE: [biofuel] Historic efficient vehicles

2002-08-01 Thread Ryan Morgan

Wasn't Chrysler also planning on bringing back the Charger R/T for 2001 with
a natural gas engine?  If I remember correctly the thing could go from 0 to
60 in less than 7 seconds.  OK, maybe not the most efficient, but certainly
the most efficient in it's class:


Don't forget the Nash Metropolitan either:
30-40 MPG back in 1955! (22.2 seconds to 60)

-Original Message-
From: Prairie Dog [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2002 2:36 PM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [biofuel] Historic efficient vehicles

I've seen numerous vehicles mentioned lately (current or old-timey) that had
wonderful efficiency ratings.  I wonder if we couldn't assemble a collage of
info on these vehicles, and hopefully glean some usable info on them that
might result in higher MPG ratings nowadays?

My entry would be one from Chrysler.  In the mid-'40's, they built about 20
test cars that were powered by a jet turbine engine!  They got 40-plus MPG
even in that day and age, and better yet, they ran on almost ANYTHING that

Veggie oil, kerosene, gas, turpentine, alcohol, oil, diesel; it ate it all.
It could run them straight, or in nearly any combination of the above.  Find
it, pour it in.

The only reason they didn't put it into production was because it had an
annoying whine (it's a jet turbine!), and it was a little sluggish off the
line (fixable with today's transmission technologies).  The engine was an
advanced version of an early military tank engine that Chrysler produced for
the US government.

Any other ideas?
-Joel Rutledge
Prairie Dog Recycling
Wichita, Kansas

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RE: [biofuel] Historic efficient vehicles

2002-07-31 Thread Ryan Morgan

How about the Honda Aero 50cc scooter?

-Original Message-
From: Prairie Dog [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2002 2:36 PM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [biofuel] Historic efficient vehicles

I've seen numerous vehicles mentioned lately (current or old-timey) that had
wonderful efficiency ratings.  I wonder if we couldn't assemble a collage of
info on these vehicles, and hopefully glean some usable info on them that
might result in higher MPG ratings nowadays?

My entry would be one from Chrysler.  In the mid-'40's, they built about 20
test cars that were powered by a jet turbine engine!  They got 40-plus MPG
even in that day and age, and better yet, they ran on almost ANYTHING that

Veggie oil, kerosene, gas, turpentine, alcohol, oil, diesel; it ate it all.
It could run them straight, or in nearly any combination of the above.  Find
it, pour it in.

The only reason they didn't put it into production was because it had an
annoying whine (it's a jet turbine!), and it was a little sluggish off the
line (fixable with today's transmission technologies).  The engine was an
advanced version of an early military tank engine that Chrysler produced for
the US government.

Any other ideas?
-Joel Rutledge
Prairie Dog Recycling
Wichita, Kansas

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[biofuel] FYI-VW's policy on using Biodiesel in US TDIs

2002-06-07 Thread Ryan Morgan

Is this a crock, or is rapeseed BD superior, from a mechanical standpoint,
to soybean BD?

-Original Message-

Thank you for visiting the Volkswagen Web site.  We appreciate your inquiry
on Volkswagen's position on using biodiesel fuel.

B100 stands for 100% biodiesel.  It is a diesel fuel derived from biomass
feedstock such as soybeans.  It can be blended with regular diesel fuel (B20
= 20% biodiesel/80% regular diesel, for example).  In Europe our diesel
engines are certified to operate any blend of the biodiesel that is
available in Europe.  European biodiesel is different than biodiesel in the
U.S. since it is produced from different feedstock (the rapeseed plant
versus the soy plant).

Our parent company does not agree with the specifications for biodiesel in
the U.S. and does not recommend its use in any percentage. Using biodiesel
will invalidate our warranty.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact Volkswagen

Customer Care at 800-822-8987.

Thank you for your submission.



-Original Message-

Comments :

Hi, I own a 00 Jetta TDI and I have a question about VWoA's attitude about
the use of Bio-Diesel or any of its blends, and the honoring of any warranty
work done on a car that uses Bio-Diesel... I would like to start using
Bio-Diesel, but not if it voids my warranty

Thank You

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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RE: [biofuel] Biodiesel bumpersticker?

2002-05-12 Thread Ryan Morgan


Email this guy, he has a few to choose from.

Ryan Morgan
Tempe, AZ

-Original Message-
From: craig reece [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, May 12, 2002 10:57 AM
To: Biodiesel; Biofuel; Biofuels-Biz
Subject: [biofuel] Biodiesel bumpersticker?

Anyone know where to buy some?


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RE: [biofuel] diesel engines

2002-05-06 Thread Ryan Morgan

Hi Dennis, thanks for volunteering your expertise!

If I may, what kind of long term effects (positive and/or negative) will
running BD100 have on my unmodified 2002 VW Golf TDI's motor/turbo/fuel
system?  Is it better to run BD50 or BD20?

Tempe, AZ

-Original Message-
From: dennis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, May 04, 2002 10:19 AM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [biofuel] diesel engines

you will have to take your injector pump to a diesel service center that
rebuilds pumps. it takes special equipment to rebuild a pump. having it
rebuild is a lot cheaper than trading it in for another pump, as long as
its not too wore out.

steve spence wrote:

want to come over and help me rebuild my rabbit. injector pump is shot.

Steve Spence
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- Original Message -
From: dennis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, May 03, 2002 8:27 PM
Subject: [biofuel] diesel engines

if you guys really want to know something about diesel engines i am the
one to talk to. i am a diesel mechanic and have worked on a lot of
different brands of motors. i have a mazda pickup with a 2.2 mitsubishi
idi diesel, it has a 21- 1 compression ratio. diesel engines have to
have at least 14-1 compression ratio to burn #2 fuel. most direct
injection engines run 16-1 to 17-1 ratios. also long stroked diesels are
more efficient and run cleaner than short stroked engines.

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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RE: [biofuel] So, You Want to Buy a Green Car ... Or Do You?

2002-04-29 Thread Ryan Morgan

Anyone interested in the VW TDIs should, if you haven't already, check out
www.tdiclub.com for more info.  Just bought a Golf TDI and put my first tank
of Biodiesel 100 in it this weekend.  Wow, talk about running smooth (but a
little power loss noticable.)  I'm getting 46-55 MPG with the five speed,
avoid the automatic if you can.

Tempe, AZ

-Original Message-
From: Keith Addison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, April 28, 2002 12:13 PM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [biofuel] So, You Want to Buy a Green Car ... Or Do You?

Found a 99' Jetta TDI for $6900.
Needs a couple of front fenders, right side hit, needs a fr/f ront door,
mechanically perfect with 51,ooo miles. I'm I'm going to make the guy an
offer tomorrow. Wish me luck.


I'll wish you luck, Jesse. Let us know, eh?




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Jesse Parris  |  studio53  |  graphics / web design  |  stamford, ct  |
- Original Message -
From: steve spence [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, April 27, 2002 7:22 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] So, You Want to Buy a Green Car ... Or Do You?

  Today I test drove a new vw beetle, turbo diesel. Now this is one fine
  automobile. 44mpg isn't shabby either.
  saw diesel today for $1.23 / us gallon.
  Steve Spence
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  - Original Message -
  From: stewart hyde [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Saturday, April 27, 2002 6:32 PM
  Subject: Re: [biofuel] So, You Want to Buy a Green Car ... Or Do You?
   Agreed My 14 year old Citroen BX turbodesel/GTI hybrid Gets 50 mpg
   4.55 ltr) and runs beautifilly with rapeseed oil @50% fuel extender
   Stewart from Wales UK where fuel is almost one dollar per litre.
   - Original Message -
   From: steve spence [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Saturday, April 27, 2002 3:30 AM
   Subject: Re: [biofuel] So, You Want to Buy a Green Car ... Or Do You?
I drove a BMW minicooper yesterday, and although it was cute, I
call 33mpg on premium unleaded clean.

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[biofuel] Biodiesel Available in Phoenix

2002-04-24 Thread Ryan Morgan

To anyone interested, I located a supplier in the Phoenix metro area and
confirmed the availability of 100%BD to the general public.  Click on the
link below for more information:



Ryan Morgan
Tempe, AZ

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RE: [biofuel] My BioD life is about to begin!

2002-04-22 Thread Ryan Morgan

Just bought one, great cars!  Check out the following website for more
information than you'll know what to do with on VW TDIs (and others)


Ryan Morgan
Tempe, AZ, USA

-Original Message-
From: Jonathan Pennington [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 3:42 PM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [biofuel] My BioD life is about to begin!

My pH meter just arrived (I'm an environmental geologist, so needed
one anyway :-), my chemicals are on the way, and I just bought a '99
Jetta TDI for $8k. I'm starting up next weekend when the chemicals
arrive on making my first batch of BioD.

Man this is exciting! Thanks for all your information everyone. I'm
sure I'll be around to relate more later. Anyone else have VW TDIs?

Jonathan Pennington |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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when you realize yours is a joke. -original

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