Re: [Talk-cz] 5x červená

2016-08-19 Per discussione Petr Holub

> Supr! Moc moc by nám pomohlo pochopit rakouský princip, zkus se na to prosím 
> zeptat a dát
> vědět co nejdřív... zkus využít i nějakého mailového kontaktu, to si myslím, 
> že je
> efektivnější, než čekat na nějaké "možná se potkáme..."

uz jsem to i udelal. Nicmene Rakusaci jsou v tomhle samozrejme relativne
dusledni (Ordnung muss sein ;) ) a maji to popsane i na wiki - takze primarni
si jen overuji, jestli je to porad pravda.

Popis na wiki:
(strucny preklad pro ty, co nemcinu nemusi)
- Mezinárodní trasy (network=iwn): Evropské dálkové trasy procházející 
Rakouskem, např. E4, E5, E6, E8, E10, Jakobswege, Via Alpina
- Národní trasy (network=nwn): Rakouské dálkové turistické trasy 01-10 a jejich 
varianty. Eventuálně další cesty procházející
  alespoň 3 spolkovými zeměmi a délkou nad 200km.
- Regionální trasy (network=rwn): Vše co spadá do číslovacího schematu 
Alpensvereinu (3 místná čísla, první číslice vyjadřuje
  příslušnost k pohoří)
- Lokální trasy (network=lwn): vše co nespadá do výše uvedených katergorií. 
Trasy obcí, turistických spolků, lokálních
  sekcí Alpensvereinu, atd.

Trochu tomu pomáhá viditelná hierarchie tras tady v Rakousku - zde se značí
prakticky všechno červenobílou značkou (s výjimkou speciálních horský tras) a
trasy jsou číslovány (kromě čísel se tam pro varianty tras mohou objevovat
suffixy a/A/b/B/...). Ta čísla najdete na rozcestnících a občas vepsaná černou
barvou i do bílého pruhu uprostřed pásového značení. Mírný chaos do výše 
vnáší jen to, že lokální Alpensvereiny občas používají značení tras <100 pro 
trasy - třeba tady kolem Grazu 1-12. Ale to je evidentní, protože takové trasy 
jsou jen
lokální. Pokud by někoho zajímaly detaily, tak tady je dokumentace:
Relevantní jsou zejména kapitoly 1.{6,7,8} a 6.{6,7}


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSRM-talk] Question About OSRM

2016-08-19 Per discussione Daniel Patterson
Hello Antonio,

  OSRM an open source project with no direct commercial option.  There is a 
"demo" server for non-commercial use.

  Many people run their own OSRM server to do custom routing (bicycle, 
logistics, single-city configurations, etc).

  I work for Mapbox, and we offer paid-for routing services backed by OSRM (see ).  
There may be others who do the same.


> On Aug 19, 2016, at 6:26 PM, Antonio Gonzalez 
>  wrote:
> Hello Goodnight,
> I want to ask if OSRM currently has a paid account, for the service provided.
> I'll look forward for your answer.
> Thank you very much.
> ___
> OSRM-talk mailing list

OSRM-talk mailing list

[OSRM-talk] Question About OSRM

2016-08-19 Per discussione Antonio Gonzalez
Hello Goodnight,

I want to ask if OSRM currently has a paid account, for the service provided.

I'll look forward for your answer.

Thank you very much.

OSRM-talk mailing list

[OSM-co] Convocatoria para mapaton/competencia: Vías terciarias - Convención, Norte de Santander

2016-08-19 Per discussione
Hola comunidad!

El próximo viernes 26 de agosto emitiendo desde el Laboratorio de
Cartografía de la Universidad de Los Andes realizaremos una mapaton para
trazar vías y otros elementos geográficos del municipio de Convención en
Norte de Santander:

Los mejores grupos y maperos que participen, ganaran premios como viajes a
Manaure, La Guajira para realizar una actividad de mapeo en campo en
conjunto con el nodo "Mesh" de YouthMappers en la Universidad de La
Guajira.  Entre los premios también hay GPS, Smartphones y Tablets.

La convocatoria esta dirigida a los miembros de esta comunidad que sean
estudiantes o hagan parte de universidades en el país.

Al final del articulo encontraran un enlace hacia el formulario de

Es sumamente sencillo y básicamente lo que se requiere son sus datos
generales y nombres de usuario de OpenStreetMap para la medición de
estadísticas al finalizar la competencia.

Están cordialmente invitados y les esperamos!

Humberto Yances
Talk-co mailing list

[OSM-ja] JA:Naming sample

2016-08-19 Per discussione ribbon
On Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 10:11:05PM +0900, ribbon wrote:
> > その関連でゆくと、、、
> > 
> >
> > 
> > スタイル指定に関するXML記述のサポートを終えた、とのこと、
> > JOSMでカスタムスタイルを追加している場合、
> > もしかしたら、そこで使われているスタイルが読み込めないことが理由で、
> > イメージ画像が見当たらないエラーが出る、という状態になるかもしれないですね。
> これか。
> JA:Naming_Sample というモジュールを入れているのでそのせいかな。

にある、 JA:Naming Sample を使っています。


の、svg ファイルの指定がエラーになっている感じです。

Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Mapovani vysilacu v OSM (RF draft)

2016-08-19 Per discussione Pavel Machek
On Fri 2016-08-19 17:13:57, jzvc wrote:
> Dne 18.8.2016 v 22:36 Pavel Machek napsal(a):
> ...
> >
> >Pokud dam vlastni anteny jako body, tak relace nepotrebuju vubec.
> >
> Cus, to je sice pravda, ale zkus si predstavit toto:
> Coz neni nic nijak vyjimecneho, sam z okna koukam na barak, kde je 100+
> anten.
> A zkus si predstavit, jak tech i jen treba 10 bodu blizko sebe bude fungovat
> na nejaky aktivni vrstve mapy.

To je vec rendereru... Jasne, slo by to dat do relace "a vsechno to
patri k tomuhle stozaru".. a renderer potom vykresli jen jednu ikonku.

Zase... kdyz je cela strecha pokryta antenama, tak asi nedava smysl je
k necemu takhle priradit, ty anteny tam proste jsou.

(No, na tom obrazku nahore... tam je jeden vyraznejsi stozarek na
kterym toho vetsina visi, takze tam by ta relace asi smysl mela. Na
druhou stranu ta spousta anten okolo... vazat je relaci k budove asi
smysl nedava, a jako jo, bylo by mozny ke kazdy vyznacit i tu tyc na
ktery visi, ale to je zase 10 bodu blizko sebe...)

Na druhou stranu, dat jednu ikonku kdyz jsou ty anteny prilis blizko u
sebe taky neni raketova veda...

> Ledaze by se schema nastavilo jeste opacne = jedna relace, ktera bude
> obsahovat nody.
> Relace by se pak nastavila tak, ze jeji soucasti je prave jeden objekt typu
> node/area/relation, znacici polohu budovy/kominu/stozaru/... (s nejakym
> oznacenim typu prvku v relaci)
> A dalsich 1-N prvku typu node s tagovanim jednotlivych vysilacu/anten.
> To by myslim bylo i celkem snadno udrzovatelny.

Proc ne, i to by fungovalo...
(cesky, pictures)

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Asociación OSM España

2016-08-19 Per discussione Miguel Sevilla-Callejo

Estoy de viaje y respondo rápidamente;

Genial el 6 por mi parte (creo que yo podré). Adelante con quien sea y
vamos/vais adelantando con las cuestiones más sencillas.

Qué pasa con lo de Zaragoza? Alguien más se va animando. Sin duda sería una
buenísima oportunidad de vernos las caras y darle un empujón a la

En cuanto pueda vuelvo a meterle mano al titanpad y pongo mis ideas.


 Miguel Sevilla-Callejo
from my mobile 

El 16/8/2016 0:28, "Santiago Crespo"  escribió:


On 08/13/2016 08:31 PM, Miguel Sevilla-Callejo wrote:
>> Podemos acordar una fecha usando este doodle:
> Estupendo, pero con la ampliación de fechas la cosa no se si va a quedar
> muy clara y va a haber mucha dispersión de agendas.
> Yo por mi parte no se qué vida voy a tener en un par de semanas o sea
> que si quedáis en otro momento que no sea el que he indicado intentaré
> unirme.

El día que más coincidimos es el martes 6 de septiembre de 20:30 a
11:30, hemos confirmado que podemos 5 personas.

Jorge, Jesús y Moisés no pueden ese día según el doodle. ¿Tenéis alguna
otra propuesta de fechas y horarios posibles? Por mi, que sea un día que
podamos reunirnos al menos 3/4 partes.

>> Nos podemos reunir en el canal #osm-es del servidor IRC de
>> [1] o en un hangout si
> preferís vernos las caras.

La propuesta del IRC es "okupar" esa sala para hacer la reunión,
precisamente por estar vacía normalmente :P Si no os gusta el IRC, me
instalaré el hangout, telegram o lo que haga falta :)

> M, creo recordar, y compruebo en este mismo instante que no hay
> nadie por esa vía y que ahora nos movemos mayoritariamente por el grupo
> de Telegram. A lo mejor para el momento concreto de la reunión es buena
> idea usarlo pero para los preparativos, además de por esta vía creo que
> el grupo de Telegram es más útil (somos casi 60 personas las que estamos
> allí).
>> He recopilado los puntos que habéis hablado hasta ahora y alguno más.
>> Los he puesto en un pad a modo de borrador del orden del día. Por favor,
>> revisadlo y añadid o cambiad lo que veáis oportuno:
> Respecto al orden del día que has planteado creo que está muy completo,
> es más, creo que es muy optimista pues no creo que seamos capaces en una
> sola reunión que hemos organizado "a bote pronto" todas las cuestiones
> de la asociación, [...] El presidente saliente y demás habrán de estar
> levantar actas...
> En este sentido, yo me había planteado primero hacer una tormenta de
> ideas, sin mucho orden, en el que tratar, como tu muy bien has recogido,
> los diferentes aspectos que ha de contener y/o organizar la asociación
> en torno a la comunidad de colaboradores/editores de OSM en España para
> luego darle forma y llevarlo a la reunión/hangout, lo que sea. De este
> modo creo que hay dos grandes bloques de asuntos a tratar respecto a la
> asociación:
> 1.- uno burocrático: respecto al tema de la directiva, socios, cuotas y
> demás... de la idiosincrasia del funcionamiento de la asociación.
> 2.- otro respecto a la actividad misma de la comunidad y/o los socios
> respecto al proyecto OSM: intereses de trabajo, comunicación, grupos de
> trabajo...
> El segundo punto me parece el más importante, pero sin el primero casi
> estamos como ahora, por lo que hay que solucionar ambos, pero quizá no
> haya/se pueda hacer en una misma reunión.

Tienes razón es que el orden del día es muy optimista. En una reunión de
2 horas no creo que podamos con todo.

> Respecto al asunto "burocrático" sigo pensando que es buena idea si nos
> ayuda gente experta (lo digo por la idea que planteó Santiago Higuera
> con la gestoría de ONGs).

+1, creo que son

> Respecto a lo segundo, y sobre la base de lo que has escrito en el
> documento se me ocurre que planteemos el tema desde lo que estamos
> dispuesto a hacer más que de lo que deberíamos de hacer. A ver si me
> explico: Mi planteamiento es crear grupos de trabajo con gente que
> quieran hacer cosas que les guste y en las que se vean más hábiles
> dentro de la comunidad, sin dejar a un lado aspectos necesarios que han
> de ser cubiertos y que no sean tan gratos, pero sin forzarnos. Mi idea
> era tener a personas clave para cada una de las tareas que se puedan ir
> planteando y que sean ellas junto con otras las que vayan dinamizando de
> una manera descentralizada cada una de las temáticas. Si atomizamos el
> trabajo y lo sabemos repartir, en especial las tareas más tediosas,
> seremos capaces, entre todos de sacar adelante muchas actividades.
> ¿Te parece si reestructuro desde tu punto 6 del orden del día y le doy
> una forma más de listado de ideas/ tormenta de ideas a completar/debatir?

Me parece muy coherente la propuesta. Si os parece, hagamos la tormenta
de ideas y que la primera reunión sea sobre las actividades 

Re: [Talk-se] Mälaren

2016-08-19 Per discussione Essin
Jag kapade bort bitarna som korsade vattenytan, men datorn höll på att
krascha när jag körde validatorn, så jag håller med om att multipolygonen
är för stor för sitt eget bästa... Frågan är vad man ska göra åt det.


Den 11 augusti 2016 14:52 skrev :

> Är Mälaren riktigt frisk för ögonblicket? Nod 36133314 ingår i fyra olika
> sträckor (402495884, 402495885, 407814287, 16360970) som alla är med i
> outer-rollen för relation 1433877, och det känns inte riktigt rätt. Jag
> vågar inte ge mig in och redigera sådana där hisklo-polygoner själv...
> ___
> Talk-se mailing list
Talk-se mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] 5x červená

2016-08-19 Per discussione Petr Vozdecký
Supr! Moc moc by nám pomohlo pochopit rakouský princip, zkus se na to prosím
zeptat a dát vědět co nejdřív... zkus využít i nějakého mailového kontaktu, 
to si myslím, že je efektivnější, než čekat na nějaké "možná se potkáme..."

Díky předem za snahu i výsledek...


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Petr Holub 
Komu: 'OpenStreetMap Czech Republic' 
Datum: 19. 8. 2016 12:37:10
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] 5x červená

"> b) muzu se tomu venovat nejakym nazorem, krom jineho navrhuji tomu 
venovat cas na qartalnim
> pivu v Brne v zari (min. HoPet, TomK a MSuchy jsou z Brna, dalsi aktiviste

Ja jsem bohužel teď na 3 roky rezident v Grazu a ne v Brně. Jinak bych
se v té brněnské skupině angažoval častěji...

Jinak ještě bych to tady mohl probrat taky s Rakušáky - už mne X-krát
zvali na svůj Stammtisch v Grazu, ale vždycky mi to zatím kolidovalo
s prací... Nicméně z mapování tady v Grazu vím, že nwn/rwn/lwn se docela
systematicky používá...


Talk-cz mailing list;___
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] OpenStreetMap at the Crossroads – The Map Room

2016-08-19 Per discussione Begin Daniel

From: Adam Martin []
Sent: Friday, 19 August, 2016 12:21
To: Stewart C. Russell
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] OpenStreetMap at the Crossroads – The Map Room

Wait! You mean a robot ... Made a mistake!!?? Say it ain't so!

Sarcasm aside, it's not surprising. The article speaks so highly of the robots 
and the crisis peeps over the crafters and the arm chair people. But it has 
been my experience that unless the importer is skilled and regularly consults 
the locals, the result is invariably bad for the map.

The demotion of craft mappers and arm chair mappers to, effectively, bottom 
feeders does a disservice to the map. I map my local area and arm chair 
locations far away. I do not think those contributions are damaging or niche. 
My local work is for things only a local could know. And my remote stuff is, 
while based on the satellite, things that need refinement (better shaping) or 
things that are missing that seems beneath some mappers (such as service 
roads). No one seems to want to survey this type of thing or to make sure a 
road flows correctly. This is especially true for some of the robot work. 
Things are imported and left that way with no regard for confirming that the 
new data appears reasonable. One place I went over had imported streets that 
were not connected together, so I fixed it from my position thousands of 
kilometers away. As long as one is conscious of the need to defer to the locals 
and preserve information already in place, there is nothing wrong with remote 

On Aug 19, 2016 1:02 PM, "Stewart C. Russell" 
> wrote:
This week's weeklyOSM has a bit about an over-zealous robot from Facebook:

  *   The Data Working Group (DWG) has 
Facebook’s undiscussed import of poor quality autorecognized streets in Egypt. 
See also the discussion on 
one of the reverted changesets.

Talk-ca mailing list
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Zpracování vrstevnic pro mapy

2016-08-19 Per discussione Jan Martinec
Phyhgtmap to tahá právě z viewfinderpanoramas, mám na to skript. Licenci
nevím, řešil jsem to tehdy pro os . užití, tam je to ok.

Honza Piškvor Martinec

Dne 19. 8. 2016 21:11 napsal uživatel "Ladislav Laska" <>:

> Ahoj,
> jak píšou ostatní, obsahují mnoho voidů a možná i nějaké další artefakty.
> Vím,
> že existují zdroje, které to mají prý opravené, konkrétně toto:
> Nevím, jak je to s licencováním, nějak jsem se zasekl na tom, že se mi
> nechtělo
> stahovat celý svět a roztilování je nějak podivně očíslované... Tak jsem
> použil
> vanilla data od NASA, hezky s voidama a tak a moc mě to netrápí. Voidy jsou
> většinou tam, kde je svah hodně strmý, a tudíž těžko průchozí :-)
> Dej vědět, jestli najdeš nějaké dobré řešení, zajímalo by mě to!
> PS: Prý existuje nějaký nový tool místo srtm2osm:
> On Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 09:37:57AM +0200, Lukáš Karas wrote:
> > Ahoj, měl bych dotaz na lidi kolem projektu
> > Vrstevnice které jsou součástí map si zpracováváte sami, nebo stahujete
> > předpřipravené z nějaké služby?
> >
> > Zkoušel jsem do svých mobilních map (postavených nad OSM Scout knihovnou)
> > přidat vrstevnice, použil jsem Srtm2Osm tool pro vytvoření vrstevnic z
> SRTMv2
> > dat od Nasa. Vše vypadalo vpořádku, dokud jsem nezkusil Alpy, kde jsem
> narazil
> > na tyto podivnosti:
> >
> >
> > Na OSM wiki jsem se dočetl že SRTM data mají tento problém na místech
> kde byl
> > sníh :-( Chtěl jsem vyzkoušet použít novější data (SRTMv3), ale pro ten
> jsem
> > zatím nenašel funkční nástroj...
> >
> > Když se podívám na, třeba na vrstvu zimní sporty tak
> tento
> > problém se ve vrstevnicích nevyskytuje...
> >
> > Poradíte prosím jaký zdroj a nástroje použít pro dokonalé vrstevnice?
> >
> > Díky, Lukáš
> >
> > ___
> > Talk-cz mailing list
> >
> >
> --
> S pozdravem Ladislav Láska   >
> Katedra Aplikované Matematiky, MFF UK   tel.: +420 739 464 167
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] meridiane

2016-08-19 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Il giorno 19 ago 2016, alle ore 09:06, Gianluca Boero 
>  ha scritto:
> Vi sono però meridiane messe a terra ed a queste va messo support=ground

si, così dice il wiki e ed anche usato, ma linguisticamente mi sembra che non 
vada troppo bene. Concordo con chi lo ha già sollevato tempo fa qui:
"ground" non è un "support"

Martin ___
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Zpracování vrstevnic pro mapy

2016-08-19 Per discussione Ladislav Laska

jak píšou ostatní, obsahují mnoho voidů a možná i nějaké další artefakty. Vím, 
že existují zdroje, které to mají prý opravené, konkrétně toto:

Nevím, jak je to s licencováním, nějak jsem se zasekl na tom, že se mi nechtělo 
stahovat celý svět a roztilování je nějak podivně očíslované... Tak jsem použil 
vanilla data od NASA, hezky s voidama a tak a moc mě to netrápí. Voidy jsou 
většinou tam, kde je svah hodně strmý, a tudíž těžko průchozí :-)

Dej vědět, jestli najdeš nějaké dobré řešení, zajímalo by mě to!

PS: Prý existuje nějaký nový tool místo srtm2osm:

On Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 09:37:57AM +0200, Lukáš Karas wrote:
> Ahoj, měl bych dotaz na lidi kolem projektu
> Vrstevnice které jsou součástí map si zpracováváte sami, nebo stahujete 
> předpřipravené z nějaké služby? 
> Zkoušel jsem do svých mobilních map (postavených nad OSM Scout knihovnou) 
> přidat vrstevnice, použil jsem Srtm2Osm tool pro vytvoření vrstevnic z SRTMv2 
> dat od Nasa. Vše vypadalo vpořádku, dokud jsem nezkusil Alpy, kde jsem 
> narazil 
> na tyto podivnosti:
> Na OSM wiki jsem se dočetl že SRTM data mají tento problém na místech kde byl 
> sníh :-( Chtěl jsem vyzkoušet použít novější data (SRTMv3), ale pro ten jsem 
> zatím nenašel funkční nástroj...
> Když se podívám na, třeba na vrstvu zimní sporty tak tento 
> problém se ve vrstevnicích nevyskytuje...
> Poradíte prosím jaký zdroj a nástroje použít pro dokonalé vrstevnice?
> Díky, Lukáš

> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list

S pozdravem Ladislav Láska  
Katedra Aplikované Matematiky, MFF UK   tel.: +420 739 464 167

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Possible use of OS triangulation stations to determine aerial imagery offset

2016-08-19 Per discussione Greg
I'm pleased to say that I have had confirmation from Ordnance Survey
that their triangulation station data can be used under the Open
Government Licence v3. I have documented this on the wiki:

I will try to look into making this data more accessible to the
community so that it can be used to more accurately determine the offset
of aerial imagery. I have experimented with this idea around the Rugby
area and it seems to work well.

I am also in the process of analysing the relationship between this data
and the large number of 'man_made=survey_point's already in the database
in order to determine whether it might be feasible/useful to
import/merge the data. It looks like similar data has been imported from
IGN in France. Of course I won't do this until it's been properly


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Addio

2016-08-19 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Il giorno 19 ago 2016, alle ore 10:31, John Doe  ha 
> scritto:
> Che ne sarà di tutte le modifiche dell'utente cancellato? rimarranno?

sì certo, vedi i contributor terms

ciao ,
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Help needed for mapping missing navigation data in Germany

2016-08-19 Per discussione Peter Wendorff

Hallo Nikhil,

ich habe mir eure osm-navigation-map mal angeguckt, und mir sind so ein 
paar Dinge aufgefallen:

- Reviewed by [OSM username]: Warum dann nicht mit login bei OSM 
verknüpft und so gesichert. Ich will niemandem was unterstellen, aber 
einen anderen Usernamen anzugeben ist nach meinem Geschmack zu einfach. 
(offensichtlich mit [1] schon bekannt und geplant)

- Warum muss der Benutzername mehrfach angegeben werden? (siehe auch 
erster Punkt).

- "prohibitory--no-entry--de" [2] ist offensichtlich noch nicht 
lokalisiert, allerdings finde ich das auch nicht im Code auf Github, was 
das sein soll. Wenn ich das richtig vermute, ist das in diesem Fall ein 
Fehler, bei dem mir die Rückmeldemöglichkeit fehlt, denn offensichtlich 
ist ein Bahnübergang (Andreaskreuz neben der Schranke gut zu erkennen) 
falsch erkannt worden, denn der Bahnübergang existiert in OSM bereits, 
der wäre also ein Duplikat.

- Was genau validiert man auf dieser Karte? In [3] gibt es einen 
"information--parking--de"-Punkt (offensichtlich auch noch nicht 
sinnvoll lokalisiert). Das Bild zeigt den Parkplatz südlich des 
Le-Mans-Walls, der sauber und ordentlich eingetragen ist. Ist das jetzt 
"valid" (Bilderkennung korrekt, Daten korrekt in OSM)), "Redundant" 
(Bilderkennung korrekt, aber schon seit langem in OSM) oder "Invalid" 
(hier fehlt sicher kein Parkplatz)?

- Warum gibt es den Button "Delete"? Was lösche ich damit? Oder soll das 
grau bedeuten, dass das gar nicht möglich ist grade?

Alles in allem sieht das schon recht gut aus, damit arbeiten würde ich 
aber erst, wenn mindestens das OSM-Login eingebaut ist.

Viele Grüße


Am 19.08.2016 um 11:08 schrieb Nikhil Prabhakar:


wir möchten euch für alle Gedanken und Vorschläge danken die uns erreicht
haben. Um die Bedenken und das Feedback der Community zu adressieren haben
wir einen detaillierten und überarbeiteten Plan für unsere Arbeitsabläufe
erstellt, wie wir auch schon in unserem Tagebuch-Post [1] angegeben haben.
Wir planen diesem während all unserer Arbeiten zu folgen.

Wir freuen uns über jedes Feedback und alle Vorschläge zu diesem
Arbeitsplan. Wir würden uns über euren Support und eure Mitarbeit bei
diesem Vorhaben sehr freuen und hoffen, dass wir das Ziel dieses
Mappingprojekts klar machen konnten: OpenStreetMap zur besten Karte zu
machen :)

[1] Tagebuch-Post -

PS: Wir haben den Bug-Report auf der OSM navigation map korrigiert. Ihr
könnt die Karte über erreichen

Beste Grüße,
 Nikhil Prabhakar U
Talk-de mailing list

Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-hr] zdravo

2016-08-19 Per discussione Jonathan Witcoski

Ja posjetiti svake godine za odmor. Ja sam Amerikanac. Učim
srpsko-hrvatski. Ja ću se pridružiti ovoj grupi da pomogne naučiti. Ja sam
dodao zgrade i fiksna puteva u gradovima sam bio previše.


Gornji Vakuf


Nadam se da posjetite na skijanje ove zime.

Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] History of Townlands - What can we put on a slide?

2016-08-19 Per discussione Colm Moore
One thing omitted in previous posts was the impetuous to map townlands in the 
1840s - taxation via rates.
Some of the results of this was the creation of urban district councils (which 
became town councils in 2001 and were abolished in 2014) and rural district 
councils (long abolished). These were made up of District Electoral Divisions 
(later renamed Electoral Divisions) which tried to balance area and population 
(I'm sure some suitably-corrupt formula was used). Electoral Divisions are the 
primary basis for the making of constituencies for electoral purposes.
In County Dublin a result of the district councils was the creation of a string 
of moneyed townships from Ballsbridge to Killiney
 and an increase of commuting, facilitated by the railways. As the townships 
had mostly well-off people, they could keep rates low, as they didn't need to 
support large numbers of poor people, who mostly lived in the city proper. 
Pembroke Township (modern Dublin 4) was the most prominent - You 
may have heard of Richard de Clare, 2nd Earl of Pembroke  commonly known as 
"Strongbow", who led 
That's how interconnected history is. :)

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the 
world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead
Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] OpenStreetMap at the Crossroads – The Map Room

2016-08-19 Per discussione Adam Martin
Wait! You mean a robot ... Made a mistake!!?? Say it ain't so!

Sarcasm aside, it's not surprising. The article speaks so highly of the
robots and the crisis peeps over the crafters and the arm chair people. But
it has been my experience that unless the importer is skilled and regularly
consults the locals, the result is invariably bad for the map.

The demotion of craft mappers and arm chair mappers to, effectively, bottom
feeders does a disservice to the map. I map my local area and arm chair
locations far away. I do not think those contributions are damaging or
niche. My local work is for things only a local could know. And my remote
stuff is, while based on the satellite, things that need refinement (better
shaping) or things that are missing that seems beneath some mappers (such
as service roads). No one seems to want to survey this type of thing or to
make sure a road flows correctly. This is especially true for some of the
robot work. Things are imported and left that way with no regard for
confirming that the new data appears reasonable. One place I went over had
imported streets that were not connected together, so I fixed it from my
position thousands of kilometers away. As long as one is conscious of the
need to defer to the locals and preserve information already in place,
there is nothing wrong with remote mapping.

On Aug 19, 2016 1:02 PM, "Stewart C. Russell"  wrote:

> This week's weeklyOSM has a bit about an over-zealous robot from Facebook:
> Imports
>- The Data Working Group (DWG) has reverted
>Facebook’s undiscussed import of poor quality autorecognized streets in
>Egypt. See also the discussion
> on one of the
>reverted changesets.
> cheers,
>  Stewart
> ___
> Talk-ca mailing list
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] San Louis Obispo CA area - Chimney Wildfire - OSM US

2016-08-19 Per discussione Jonathan Witcoski
Hey all,

I just wanted to comment on the current state of nationwide datasets (most
States/Counties have better). The United State has a baseline of "official"
data available for free (general building outlines not being one of them).
This data is available to download and called HSIP Open.  More datasets are
available to federal agencies and those working on federally declared
emergencies.  I used to work on this project and its great for groups with
no budget for data collection or emergency responders who get put into an
unknown area.

The Dataset link:

When HSIP Open came out I did a small investigation in PA on hospitals to
see what one was better (HIFLD/HSIP VS OSM) and the results are mixed
(where there is active contributions OSM is better otherwise HSIP is the
only thing around).

Web Map showing "Official" vs OSM Sources

Hopefully someone can do a better analysis than I can (i.e. OSM vs
State/County vs Federal sources).

The US has basic GIS data available (a few years old but ~80% correct)
already. Awareness of OSM is growing and I also hope to help to push the
use of OSM data into broader usage.  Use cases like this fire will only
help to bring more emergency GIS managers on board.

Great job guys,

On Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 8:00 AM,  wrote:

> Send Talk-us mailing list submissions to
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Talk-us digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>1. Re: San Louis Obispo CA area - Chimney Wildfire - OSM US
>   Tasking Manager Project (Blake Girardot)
> --
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2016 14:22:22 +0200
> From: Blake Girardot 
> To: Mike Thompson 
> Cc: OSM Volunteer stevea , Open Street Map
> Talk-US 
> Subject: Re: [Talk-us] San Louis Obispo CA area - Chimney Wildfire -
> OSM US Tasking Manager Project
> Message-ID:
>  com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> Hi Mike,
> HOT has been asked 2 times in the past that I know of to help with US
> based incidents that I know of.
> One was another CA fire and we were contacted by a local responder who
> was already used to using OSM data, knew of its quality and potential
> limitations and asked us to fill in/update/review data in the rugged
> terrain AoI he was working in fire fighting.
> We also did a FEMA related project (Russ Deffner knows more about that
> one I think)
> And recently we did a project to update the island of American Somoa
> for the Red Cross.
> I have also personally mapped to support a local rural volunteer fire
> department that had no object map of their area of responsibility,
> (but I have no idea how or if they used the data I generated for them,
> I need to follow up and see if they are using the data, that was a few
> years ago when I first got heavy in to OSM). I suspect there are many
> many rural agencies just like that of all sorts that would benefit
> from OSM data and process if they only knew about them and had someone
> to help them benefit from open geo data and tools.
> In the developing world/global south context it is easy to recognize
> the value of OSM because it is often the most complete dataset
> available and is "easy" to get a basemap completed over a very large
> AoI, there typically are just very few other options immediately
> available or open enough to make use of the raw geo data.
> In the more developed countries like the US (and others) there is a
> built in bias for "official" data for a number of reasons which
> Jonathan Witcoski pointed out in the osm us slack channel from his
> experiences. Mainly "cover your butt" reasons. As he also pointed out,
> that thinking applies even if those official sources are of less
> quality and/or less accessible than the dataset in OSM
> But that is changing in my experience. More and more folks who work at
> these agencies are seeing the value OSM brings in having so much geo
> data all in one place and easily maintained and exported for GIS
> systems and personal devices. And typically the osm data is well
> curated as well as incorporating and improving the official data.
> That is one of the main reasons I was so happy to work with Jon on
> wildfire related support. I 

[Talk-ca] District of North Vancouver: Licence Check

2016-08-19 Per discussione Henry Armitage
Hello all,

I was reviewing the OSM wiki for Vancouver (more accurately, the Metro
Vancouver Region):

In that, I noted that the District of North Vancouver's Licence is
given as "restrictive", but no reason nor exact title of the licence
is given.

The licence can be viewed on the "legal page" link at the top of's data page:

The _current_ licence title is "Open Government Licence - North
Vancouver". As I say, I am not sure if this version is the licence
that "restrictive" refers to, from a quick review, it seems OSM
compatible the way it is written, but I'd like second opinions.


PGP/GPG Public Key: - Keybase:

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] OpenStreetMap at the Crossroads – The Map Room

2016-08-19 Per discussione Stewart C. Russell
This week's weeklyOSM has a bit about an over-zealous robot from Facebook:


  * The Data Working Group (DWG) has reverted

Facebook’s undiscussed import of poor quality autorecognized
streets in Egypt. See also the discussion
 on one of the
reverted changesets.

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Mapovani vysilacu v OSM (RF draft)

2016-08-19 Per discussione jzvc

Dne 18.8.2016 v 22:36 Pavel Machek napsal(a):

Pokud dam vlastni anteny jako body, tak relace nepotrebuju vubec.

Cus, to je sice pravda, ale zkus si predstavit toto:

Coz neni nic nijak vyjimecneho, sam z okna koukam na barak, kde je 100+ 

A zkus si predstavit, jak tech i jen treba 10 bodu blizko sebe bude 
fungovat na nejaky aktivni vrstve mapy.

Ledaze by se schema nastavilo jeste opacne = jedna relace, ktera bude 
obsahovat nody.

Relace by se pak nastavila tak, ze jeji soucasti je prave jeden objekt 
typu node/area/relation, znacici polohu budovy/kominu/stozaru/... (s 
nejakym oznacenim typu prvku v relaci)

A dalsich 1-N prvku typu node s tagovanim jednotlivych vysilacu/anten.

To by myslim bylo i celkem snadno udrzovatelny.

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Porti Sardegna

2016-08-19 Per discussione antonyb
Esatto, non si trovano i punti di imbarco, io ho aggiunto il nome anche a
Cagliari ma se sai come mappare meglio ti cedo il lavoro...

View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Mobile speed camera zones

2016-08-19 Per discussione Daniel Cussen
> Oh go on then! ☺ I'll help. I'll wait for an all clear on the licence
> front before doing anything.

I thought the licence issue is related to locations of garda stations
not the mobile camera zones, so the mobile camera zones should be OK?

Talk-ie mailing list

semanarioOSM Nº 317 09/08/2016-15/08/2016

2016-08-19 Per discussione weeklyteam
Hola, el semanario Nº 317, el sumario de todo lo que está ocurriendo en el 
mundo de openstreetmap está en línea en español:


weeklyOSM en Español está producido por:
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Porti Sardegna

2016-08-19 Per discussione EneaSuper
Forse posso essere d'aiuto, qualche tempo fa ho dato una sistemata al porto
di Cagliari con la zona limitrofa di Via Roma. Se riscontrate dei problemi
nella ricerca o nei dati riguardo terminal, punti d'imbarco, ecc. me ne
occuperò personalmente!

View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

semanarioOSM Nº 317 09/08/2016-15/08/2016

2016-08-19 Per discussione weeklyteam
Hola, el semanario Nº 317, el sumario de todo lo que está ocurriendo en el 
mundo de openstreetmap está en línea en español:


weeklyOSM en Español está producido por:
Talk-cu mailing list

semanarioOSM Nº 317 09/08/2016-15/08/2016

2016-08-19 Per discussione weeklyteam
Hola, el semanario Nº 317, el sumario de todo lo que está ocurriendo en el 
mundo de openstreetmap está en línea en español:


weeklyOSM en Español está producido por:
Talk-cl mailing list

semanarioOSM Nº 317 09/08/2016-15/08/2016

2016-08-19 Per discussione weeklyteam
Hola, el semanario Nº 317, el sumario de todo lo que está ocurriendo en el 
mundo de openstreetmap está en línea en español:


weeklyOSM en Español está producido por:
talk-latam mailing list

semanarioOSM Nº 317 09/08/2016-15/08/2016

2016-08-19 Per discussione weeklyteam
Hola, el semanario Nº 317, el sumario de todo lo que está ocurriendo en el 
mundo de openstreetmap está en línea en español:


weeklyOSM en Español está producido por:
Talk-co mailing list

[Talk-in] weeklyOSM #317 08/09/2016-08/15/2016

2016-08-19 Per discussione weeklyteam
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 317,
is now available online in English, giving as always a summary of all things 
happening in the openstreetmap world:


weeklyOSM is brought to you by ...
Talk-in mailing list

[OSM-talk-ie] weeklyOSM #317 08/09/2016-08/15/2016

2016-08-19 Per discussione weeklyteam
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 317,
is now available online in English, giving as always a summary of all things 
happening in the openstreetmap world:


weeklyOSM is brought to you by ...
Talk-ie mailing list

[Talk-GB] weeklyOSM #317 08/09/2016-08/15/2016

2016-08-19 Per discussione weeklyteam
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 317,
is now available online in English, giving as always a summary of all things 
happening in the openstreetmap world:


weeklyOSM is brought to you by ...
Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-ca] weeklyOSM #317 08/09/2016-08/15/2016

2016-08-19 Per discussione weeklyteam
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 317,
is now available online in English, giving as always a summary of all things 
happening in the openstreetmap world:


weeklyOSM is brought to you by ...
Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-us] weeklyOSM #317 08/09/2016-08/15/2016

2016-08-19 Per discussione weeklyteam
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 317,
is now available online in English, giving as always a summary of all things 
happening in the openstreetmap world:


weeklyOSM is brought to you by ...
Talk-us mailing list

[OSM-talk] weeklyOSM #317 08/09/2016-08/15/2016

2016-08-19 Per discussione weeklyteam
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 317,
is now available online in English, giving as always a summary of all things 
happening in the openstreetmap world:


weeklyOSM is brought to you by ...
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap Carto issues of interest

2016-08-19 Per discussione Daniel Koć

W dniu 19.08.2016 1:53, Paul Norman napisał(a):

There are some OpenStreetMap Carto issues which might be interesting
to a larger audience

Thanks for spreading the message!

I guess making construction color less dominant might be interesting 
too, since it's quite popular (>76k uses):

"Low, low, low..." [M. Kempa]

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Foto rozcstníků - cyhbná kotrola?

2016-08-19 Per discussione Jiří Vondál

podařilo se to nějak rozlousknout? Zkoušel jsem se na to dívat, ale je
tam moc věcí, které vidím poprvé v životě včetně php :(

Jediné, co jsem našle je volání funkce ST_Distance_Sphere() v souboru
OsmHiCheck-master/gp/index.php, což vypadá rozumně a je otázka jestli se
tam posílají správná data n.geom, g.geom:

$query="SELECT AS n_id, AS g_id, ST_Distance_Sphere(n.geom,
g.geom) AS dist
FROM hicheck.guideposts AS g, (
  SELECT id, geom FROM nodes WHERE tags @> '\"information
) AS n
WHERE ST_Distance_Sphere(n.geom, g.geom) < $max_ok_distance;";
  $res = pg_query($query);
  while ($data = pg_fetch_object($res)) {
$close[$data->n_id][] = $data;


On Sun, 2016-08-14 at 08:03 +0200, Tom Ka wrote:
> Dne 11. srpna 2016 15:32 Jiří Vondál  napsal(a):
> > ale i u přesnější polohy nedošlo ke spárování (1 m):
> > PV870
> > foto: 49.650184 16.842134
> > rozcestník: 49.65039 16.84212
> hlasi:
> n_id, g_id, distance
> 2951658759,7771,23.757319793
> takze z tohoto pohledu OK, pak zjistim jestli tam neni zrada v tom
> mereni vzdalenosti. Kdyztak kod je na
> kdyby se na to chtel mrknout nekdo
> se zkusenostma s postgre a prostorovyma vecma.
> Bye
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] JOSM Imagery Caching

2016-08-19 Per discussione Mike Thompson
On Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 4:30 AM, Svavar Kjarrval  wrote:

>  There was some work done on
> imagery caching and released with version 10786 (as per the changelog of
> that version). Are you using that version (or a later release)?
Thanks.  I will upgrade and retry.

talk mailing list

[Talk-cz] Otevřeli jsme registrace na srpnový mapathon

2016-08-19 Per discussione Jan Bohm

právě jsme otevřeli registrace na srpnový pražský mapathon Missing maps. 
Proběhne tradičně v posledním úterý v měsící, tedy 30. srpna od 18:00 do 20:30 
v coworkingovém centru Svět – hub, registrovat se můžete zde:

A protože i přes své technické nadání jsem krátký na systém diskusí v téhle 
mailové konferenci, rád bych využil příležitost a podělil se ještě o pár 

-  Díky Honzovi Martincovi za report z červencového mapathonu. 
Potvrzuji, že bychom výhledově rádi na mapathonech školili nové uživatele JOSM 
a nové validátory. Sám s JOSM nemám zkušenosti a hodně bych uvítal, kdyby se 
někdo z vás, zkušených uživatelů, chtěl touhle cestou do Missing maps zapojit. 
Pokud máte možnost, přijďte na srpnový mapathon a můžeme to probrat osobně.

-  OSM piva jsou super nápad a moc rád přijdu. A jen tak úplně 
nenásilně bych vespolek rád nadhodil myšlenku, jestli byste nechtěli termíny 
piv koordinovat s mapathony. Mapathony v Praze děláme každé poslední úterý v 
měsíci, pracujeme na tom, aby se stala místem setkání lidí kolem OSM a stejně 
pak vždycky do nějaké blízké hospody jdeme. Pro mě by bylo to nejmenší, kdybych 
měl rezervovat o pár míst navíc. Pro vás, kdo jste se chtěli na mapathon 
podívat, by to mohla být možnost zabít dvě mouchy jednou ranou. V Londýně, kde 
iniciativa Missing maps vznikla, fungují mapathony přesně takto – na setkání 
často chodí i lidé, kteří nejdou mapovat, jen probírají aktuální témata kolem 

-  Jen tak na okraj: v poslední době se mi ozvalo několik lidí z Brna, 
kteří by rádi rozjeli mapathony tam. Krom toho plánujeme s Jiřím Pánkem 
mapathon v Olomouci. Poptávky jsou i z dalších měst, ale tyhle dvě zprávy už 
jsou dost ověřené na to, abych je mohl vypustit. Dřív než v říjnu nechceme 
dělat mapathony jinde než v Praze (potřebujeme se trochu zajet), pak budeme 
aktivně pracovat na šíření do dalších měst.

-  A jedna nabídka: chystá se velký mapathon pro 350 lidí, který se 
bude odehrávat v pěti zemích současně (Chorvatsko, Bulharsko, Srbsko, Maroko, 
Portugalsko). Navazuje to na akci, kterou jsme dělali pro účastníky programu 
Remote Year ( po červencovém Mapathonu. Tenhle 
super-mapathon proběhne v neděli 25. září ve 12:00 (GMT +2), organizují to 
kolegové z MSF UK a píšou: „We are currently looking for an enthusiastic 
ID-trainer to facilitate this online training for the participants. We are also 
looking for 5-10 supporters who can attend the online mapathon to answer 
questions and support through online chat.“ Kdybyste se někdo chtěli zapojit a 
pomoci, ozvěte se mi.

Pěkný den
Honza Böhm

Jan Böhm | Digital Strategist
Lékaři bez hranic | Médecins Sans Frontières
Seifertova 555/47 | 130 00 Praha 3 | Czech Republic
+ 420 257 090 152 |

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Addio.

2016-08-19 Per discussione Alecs
Mi dispiace, avrai i tuoi buoni motivi che rispetto, se cambierai idea e
vorrai tornare, sarai sempre benvenuto.


Andrea Lattmann wrote
> Ciao ragazzi,
> purtroppo ho dovuto prendere con infinito dispiacere la decisione di
> cancellarmi da OpenStreetMap. Alcuni saranno felici, altri no. Vi
> ringrazio per tutto quello che mi avete insegnato. 
> Con profonda stima.
> Andrea
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list

> Talk-it@


View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] MAPS.ME edits - partly sub-standard

2016-08-19 Per discussione Paul Johnson
On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 3:01 PM, John F. Eldredge 

> I know I am replying to a two-month-old message, but the idea of
> restrictions on entering postal codes is baffling.  At least in the USA,
> the Post Office encourages the use of postal codes (called Zip codes) on
> mail, to expedite the delivery of mail, and used to publish large reference
> books listing the postal codes for every address in a particular area.
> Nowadays, they have a web site where you can enter an address, and look up
> the postal code for that address.  What would be the purpose of postal
> codes that aren't told to the general public?  Or, is it that the postal
> code boundaries are restricted, but the postal code for a given address is
> not restricted?

There are two kinds of ZIP codes.  The 9-digit postal service ZIP codes,
which identify route and stop (*not* areas!), and Census zip codes (which
are areas).  The former gets used as part of the address commonly in the
US, and is a copyrighted database subject to change at the Postal Service's
whim.  The fact that they want the public to know *their* idea of ZIP codes
is because it makes life easier for *them.* So it kind of makes sense why
they want to keep the fewest number of cooks in the kitchen to keep lines
of communication with their customer base short.  It just makes gathering
this information a game of "Hey, what's the ZIP at this door?"

The latter is used by the Census and utility companies to describe areas,
and also includes places that aren't served by the postal service (and thus
have some strange 3 and 4 digit entries, but no 9 digit entries used in
addresses), because the whole point of Census ZIPs is to describe areas
that are (hopefully, but not in all cases), at least approximately close to
what the Postal Service is using for the first five digits of their ZIPs.
This one is considered government data, but there's a "what's the point"
factor since if there's no postal ZIP for a location, it's not usually used
in the street address, either...
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] 5x červená

2016-08-19 Per discussione Petr Holub
>b) muzu se tomu venovat nejakym nazorem, krom jineho navrhuji tomu venovat 
> cas na qartalnim
> pivu v Brne v zari (min. HoPet, TomK a MSuchy jsou z Brna, dalsi aktiviste 
> vitani)

Ja jsem bohužel teď na 3 roky rezident v Grazu a ne v Brně. Jinak bych
se v té brněnské skupině angažoval častěji...

Jinak ještě bych to tady mohl probrat taky s Rakušáky - už mne X-krát
zvali na svůj Stammtisch v Grazu, ale vždycky mi to zatím kolidovalo
s prací... Nicméně z mapování tady v Grazu vím, že nwn/rwn/lwn se docela
systematicky používá...


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] JOSM Imagery Caching

2016-08-19 Per discussione Svavar Kjarrval
On fös 19.ágú 2016 01:27, Mike Thompson wrote:
> At the moment I am working from a slow internet connection. It seems
> that JOSM only uses its imagery cache if there is no connection at
> all. If there is a connection it seems that it always attempts to
> fetch tiles from the source even they are already in the cache..  Is
> this the intended functionality? It would be nice that if once imagery
> was cached the cache was hit. I often find myself revisiting a given
> area within minutes.  For example, I may draw all the roads, and then
> go back over the area to draw all of the buildings.
> Mike

Don't have an inside answer of this functionality (since I'm not on the
JOSM team nor have I reviewed the code). There was some work done on
imagery caching and released with version 10786 (as per the changelog of
that version). Are you using that version (or a later release)?

- Svavar Kjarrval

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Archiv zur Mailingliste

2016-08-19 Per discussione hike39
Hi Peda,

ich meinte


Am 18.08.2016 um 12:43 schrieb Peter Barth:
> Hi,
> das Archiv von Mailman? Oder was meinst du?
> Gruß,
> Peda
> ___
> Talk-de mailing list

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Porti Sardegna

2016-08-19 Per discussione antonyb
Quindi il nodo alla fine del molo non va bene? Ho notato che anche a
Civitavecchia hanno fatto nello stesso modo, addirittura in più lingue (io
ho aggiunto IT). Il tag railway: crossing non potrebbe bastare?
Come dici tu credo che è un casotto perché se non conosci bene il porto è
difficile mappare..

View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Porti Sardegna

2016-08-19 Per discussione Stefano
Il giorno 19 agosto 2016 11:47, antonyb  ha scritto:

> Salve amici,
> ho notato che alcuni porti della Sardegna sono introvabili in OSM. Se cerco
> Porto Torres lo trovo (in realtà ci sono 3 nodi ma ne ho lasciato uno) come
> "Terminal traghetti Porto Torres" mentre se cerco porto Olbia non esce
> nulla, quindi a questo punto ho aggiunto un nodo con:
> amenity: ferry_terminal
> ferry: yes
> name: Porto Olbia
> railway: crossing
> posizionato poco prima della fine della molo, invece ho notato che chi ha
> messo il nodo a Porto Torres lo ha messo posizionato tra il molo e l'acqua.
> A questo punto come conviene mappare?
> Se qualcuno utilizza la mappa con un navigatore non è meglio farlo fermare
> prima? Certo voi direte ci saranno le sbarre, ci sarà qualcuno a dirigere,
> se ne accorgerà, ma la prudenza non è mai troppa!!

Possiamo racchiudere l'area dei terminal con un poligono coi tag necessari,
tanto sono solo porti passeggeri.
Ad Olbia racchiuderei solo la penisola di Isola Bianca.

A Porto Torres metterei due poligoni, uno per il porto vecchio dove va la
Moby ed uno per il porto nuovo dove va Tirrenia (che copre l'area dove ho
messo la restrizione d'accesso alla strada). Per il porto industriale al
limite si può ritagliare l'area dove c'è l'edificio delle biglietterie ed
il molo...



> --
> View this message in context: http://gis.19327.n5.nabble.
> com/Porti-Sardegna-tp5880575.html
> Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] History of Townlands - What can we put on a slide?

2016-08-19 Per discussione Killian Driscoll
On 19 August 2016 at 11:39, Stephen Roulston  wrote:

> Came across this, if not too late
>  Townlands, parishes and baronies were the main geopolitical units
> marked and named on the maps. These were standardised, defined and
> fixed on the maps in a way they had never been before. Through the
> choice of script style of the placename, linework marking the boundary
> and the actual fixing of the boundary itself, the Ordnance Survey was
> able to create an official and administrative landscape. Today, for
> example, townlands still define the land division for such state
> institutions
> as the Department of Agriculture (for keeping track of veterinary
> 78 Landscape, Memory and History
>  service and, more recently, the spread of foot and mouth disease).
> Townlands are the basis for recording the national census and form the
> boundaries of electoral wards (Canavan 1991; Dallat 1991). Measuring
> and fixing the townland boundary sometimes resulted in altering that
> townland, by combining smaller townlands or by dividing larger
> townlands. But while the Ordnance Survey fixed these boundaries on the
> maps for administrative purposes, local social meaning and histories
> were also being scripted in the maps.
> Baronies correspond closely to the old Gaelic Tuath  or tribal division
> and it was upon this land division unit that taxes were levied during the
> seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Parishes (many dating from the
> twelfth century) were a religious division of land over which local clergy
> had jurisdiction. But it was the townland that was (and is) the
> distinguishing,
> albeit invisible, landscape feature of Ireland. Many townland
> names are of great antiquity and they are important not just because
> they became the unit for administration during the nineteenth-century
> on the Ordnance Survey maps, but because townlands are the centralising
> focus of social identity in rural Ireland. ‘Centuries old, they have
> not only defined the land but the people’ (Canavan 1991: 49). They are
> imbued with memory and tradition through local knowledge of events or
> experiences that occurred at that place. They locate where one lives,
> linking one’s identity to belonging in land and home (Lovell 1998).
> It is from "Landscape, Memory and History: Anthropological Perspectives”
> Edited by Stewart, P and Strathern, A (2003) in the chapter by Angèle Smith
> "Landscape Representation: Place and Identity in Nineteenth Century
> Ordnance Survey Maps of Ireland"

Yes, that is an excerpt of the article I posted a link to the pdf four days

This pdf talks a bit about the history and the naming in the 19C etc
>> Landscape representation: Place and identity in nineteenth-century
>> survey maps of *Ireland*
>> < <>>>
>> A Smith - Landscape, Memory and *History*, Pluto Press: London, 2003 -

> > On 16 Aug 2016, at 12:42, Stephen Roulston  wrote:
> >
> > Below is paraphrased (and a little extended) from the general
> introduction in the Place-names of Northern Ireland series published by the
> Northern Ireland Place-name Project, Department of Celtic, Queen’s
> University Belfast
> >
> > Earliest place names are found in mainly Irish language material,
> sometimes in Latin, from 7th or 8th centuries. This is them written for the
> first time - they are much older than that. The Irish Annals, started about
> 550AD, had many place names particularly of tribes, settlements and
> topographical features. Some of the legends recorded in the Annals give
> explanations of place names. For example, the triumphal charge around
> Ireland of the Brown Bull at the end of the Tain Bo Cuillaigne is said to
> have generated many names. The townland/region of Athlone or Áth Luain was
> named from the loins (luan) of the White-horned bull that the Brown Bull
> killed there. Some must be very ancient. A number relate to Maeve, who
> originated as a Mother Earth fertility god. There is Ballypitmaeve, close
> to Glenavy in Co.Antrim, for instance, where the fertility reference is
> very clear.
> >
> > We cannot know how old townland names are, but it is clear that they are
> very ancient, and they were present, and probably already very old when
> written records began in Ireland. Incidentally, it is ironic that it took
> the Plantation in the 17th Century to gather the names in a systematic way.
> It is also curious that, while Sir William Petty, who surveyed much of
> Ireland, said that Irish place names were ‘uncouth and unintelligible’ and
> that ‘where they cannot be abolished’, they should be translated into
> English, the planters in most cases retained the original names.
> >

Re: [Talk-it] Per chi utilizza Libero

2016-08-19 Per discussione Germano Massullo
Per chiunque ancora trovi nella propria cartella spam, e-mail
provenienti della mailing list, la spiegazione è all'indirizzo

ed in maniera particolare nel messaggio

Buona giornata

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] Porti Sardegna

2016-08-19 Per discussione antonyb
Salve amici, 
ho notato che alcuni porti della Sardegna sono introvabili in OSM. Se cerco
Porto Torres lo trovo (in realtà ci sono 3 nodi ma ne ho lasciato uno) come
"Terminal traghetti Porto Torres" mentre se cerco porto Olbia non esce
nulla, quindi a questo punto ho aggiunto un nodo con: 
amenity: ferry_terminal
ferry: yes
name: Porto Olbia
railway: crossing
posizionato poco prima della fine della molo, invece ho notato che chi ha
messo il nodo a Porto Torres lo ha messo posizionato tra il molo e l'acqua.
A questo punto come conviene mappare?
Se qualcuno utilizza la mappa con un navigatore non è meglio farlo fermare
prima? Certo voi direte ci saranno le sbarre, ci sarà qualcuno a dirigere,
se ne accorgerà, ma la prudenza non è mai troppa!!

View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] History of Townlands - What can we put on a slide?

2016-08-19 Per discussione Stephen Roulston
Came across this, if not too late

 Townlands, parishes and baronies were the main geopolitical units
marked and named on the maps. These were standardised, defined and
fixed on the maps in a way they had never been before. Through the
choice of script style of the placename, linework marking the boundary
and the actual fixing of the boundary itself, the Ordnance Survey was
able to create an official and administrative landscape. Today, for
example, townlands still define the land division for such state institutions
as the Department of Agriculture (for keeping track of veterinary
78 Landscape, Memory and History
 service and, more recently, the spread of foot and mouth disease).
Townlands are the basis for recording the national census and form the
boundaries of electoral wards (Canavan 1991; Dallat 1991). Measuring
and fixing the townland boundary sometimes resulted in altering that
townland, by combining smaller townlands or by dividing larger
townlands. But while the Ordnance Survey fixed these boundaries on the
maps for administrative purposes, local social meaning and histories
were also being scripted in the maps.
Baronies correspond closely to the old Gaelic Tuath  or tribal division
and it was upon this land division unit that taxes were levied during the
seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Parishes (many dating from the
twelfth century) were a religious division of land over which local clergy
had jurisdiction. But it was the townland that was (and is) the distinguishing,
albeit invisible, landscape feature of Ireland. Many townland
names are of great antiquity and they are important not just because
they became the unit for administration during the nineteenth-century
on the Ordnance Survey maps, but because townlands are the centralising
focus of social identity in rural Ireland. ‘Centuries old, they have
not only defined the land but the people’ (Canavan 1991: 49). They are
imbued with memory and tradition through local knowledge of events or
experiences that occurred at that place. They locate where one lives,
linking one’s identity to belonging in land and home (Lovell 1998).

It is from "Landscape, Memory and History: Anthropological Perspectives” Edited 
by Stewart, P and Strathern, A (2003) in the chapter by Angèle Smith "Landscape 
Representation: Place and Identity in Nineteenth Century Ordnance Survey Maps 
of Ireland"

> On 16 Aug 2016, at 12:42, Stephen Roulston  wrote:
> Below is paraphrased (and a little extended) from the general introduction in 
> the Place-names of Northern Ireland series published by the Northern Ireland 
> Place-name Project, Department of Celtic, Queen’s University Belfast
> Earliest place names are found in mainly Irish language material, sometimes 
> in Latin, from 7th or 8th centuries. This is them written for the first time 
> - they are much older than that. The Irish Annals, started about 550AD, had 
> many place names particularly of tribes, settlements and topographical 
> features. Some of the legends recorded in the Annals give explanations of 
> place names. For example, the triumphal charge around Ireland of the Brown 
> Bull at the end of the Tain Bo Cuillaigne is said to have generated many 
> names. The townland/region of Athlone or Áth Luain was named from the loins 
> (luan) of the White-horned bull that the Brown Bull killed there. Some must 
> be very ancient. A number relate to Maeve, who originated as a Mother Earth 
> fertility god. There is Ballypitmaeve, close to Glenavy in Co.Antrim, for 
> instance, where the fertility reference is very clear.
> We cannot know how old townland names are, but it is clear that they are very 
> ancient, and they were present, and probably already very old when written 
> records began in Ireland. Incidentally, it is ironic that it took the 
> Plantation in the 17th Century to gather the names in a systematic way. It is 
> also curious that, while Sir William Petty, who surveyed much of Ireland, 
> said that Irish place names were ‘uncouth and unintelligible’ and that ‘where 
> they cannot be abolished’, they should be translated into English, the 
> planters in most cases retained the original names. 
>> On 15 Aug 2016, at 19:14, Killian Driscoll > > wrote:
>> On 15 August 2016 at 20:01, Killian Driscoll >  > >>
>> wrote:
>>> On 15 August 2016 at 19:17, Rory McCann >> > wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 As yous know, myself and Dave are doing a talk about townlands at the
 global OSM conferences, State of the Map, in Brussels in September.
 Can anyone tell me more about the history of townlands? Something nice
 to add to a slide?

Re: [Talk-de] Help needed for mapping missing navigation data in Germany

2016-08-19 Per discussione Nikhil Prabhakar

wir möchten euch für alle Gedanken und Vorschläge danken die uns erreicht
haben. Um die Bedenken und das Feedback der Community zu adressieren haben
wir einen detaillierten und überarbeiteten Plan für unsere Arbeitsabläufe
erstellt, wie wir auch schon in unserem Tagebuch-Post [1] angegeben haben.
Wir planen diesem während all unserer Arbeiten zu folgen.

Wir freuen uns über jedes Feedback und alle Vorschläge zu diesem
Arbeitsplan. Wir würden uns über euren Support und eure Mitarbeit bei
diesem Vorhaben sehr freuen und hoffen, dass wir das Ziel dieses
Mappingprojekts klar machen konnten: OpenStreetMap zur besten Karte zu
machen :)

[1] Tagebuch-Post -

PS: Wir haben den Bug-Report auf der OSM navigation map korrigiert. Ihr
könnt die Karte über erreichen

Beste Grüße,
 Nikhil Prabhakar U
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] 5x červená

2016-08-19 Per discussione Petr Vozdecký
skvela zprava Mirku... ale zkusim navrhnout - nechtel bys to s ni probrat po
mailu s predstihem a dat pak prostor nejake diskusi treba na qartalnim pivu?
a pak muzes v rijnu debatovat vybaven nejakymi napady... :o)

-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Miroslav Suchy 
Datum: 19. 8. 2016 10:54:20
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] 5x červená

"Dne 19.8.2016 v 01:07 Martin Hejna napsal(a):
> Musi tam ten network=lwn/rwn/nwn vubec byt?

Ja se chystam v rijnu do Drazdan na OpenStreetMap Elbe-Labe Meeting, kde se 
potkam se Sarah Hoffmann z waymarkedtrails,
tak se ji zeptam jak to vidi oni. Dam pak vedet, zatim klidne pokracujte v 
diskuzi :)


Talk-cz mailing list;___
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] 5x červená

2016-08-19 Per discussione Petr Vozdecký

byl jsem vyzvan, abych se tomu (network=*) "venoval", kdyz uz jsem se zacal 
vrtat v novem schematu tagovani turistickych tras :o)
   a) nove navrhovane schema se network=* netyka, nijak nemeni jeho duvody, 
zpusoby uziti apod.
   b) muzu se tomu venovat nejakym nazorem, krom jineho navrhuji tomu 
venovat cas na qartalnim pivu v Brne v zari (min. HoPet, TomK a MSuchy jsou 
z Brna, dalsi aktiviste vitani)
   c) pridavam se k nazoru, ze vznik a uzivani tagu network=* bylo 
motivovano jinymi souvislostmi, nez jak je vnimame my. Soucasne ale plati, 
ze jako zeme s nejrozvinutejsi infrastrukturou tur.tras na svete bychom to 
meli byt my, kdo povede na toto tema globalni debatu nebo pripominkovani. A 
soucasne bychom asi nemeli prohlasit, ze je to "tag na nic".
   d) diky WeeklyOSM mame super moznost rozsirit nejake nase myslenky a 
navrhy ke vsem ctenarum Weekly ve vsech mutacich, coz je idelani situace a 
zprava pro toho, kdo by se chtel globalni debate a navrhu venovat - a vyzvat
touto cestou zahranicni autority, aktivisty a osobnosti k debate. Zacal bych
asi nejakym pruzkumem "proc ten tag vzniknul a jak se uziva". (Formulace 
"Zacal bych" neimplikuje, ze k tomu mam osobne nyni casovy prostor, ba 
   e) souhlasim s tim, ze bychom meli vytvorit nejake daleko srozumitelnejsi
doporuceni (pravidlo) pro uzivani tohoto tagu


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Petr Holub 
Komu: 'OpenStreetMap Czech Republic' 
Datum: 19. 8. 2016 9:09:21
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] 5x červená

"> > Me prijde ze to rozdeleni je tak mlhave, ze to stejne zadnou rozumnou 
informaci neprinasi.
> spis nez mlhave to proste neni definovane. Ja jsem se tomu pred
> nejakym casem venoval, ale pak jsem to nechal spat, primarne kvuli
> tomu, ze nebyl konsenzus jak to resit. Potreba to je, bezne se to
> pouziva i v zahranici, takze treba ruzne zahranicni servery, ktere
> nevi nic o kct_xxx apod to maji jako zpusob jak dodelit kategorie (a
> zpusob vykreslovani) tras.

To jsem psal na konci sveho mailu - v nasem pripade se jedna 
o interpretaci pro zbytek sveta, ktery nezna ceskoslovenska specifika


Talk-cz mailing list;___
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Addio.

2016-08-19 Per discussione Federico Cortese
On Aug 18, 2016 11:01 PM, "Andreas Lattmann" 
> Ciao ragazzi,
> purtroppo ho dovuto prendere con infinito dispiacere la decisione di
cancellarmi da OpenStreetMap. Alcuni saranno felici, altri no. Vi ringrazio
per tutto quello che mi avete insegnato.

Non Immagino chi potrebbe esserne felice, a me dispiace sinceramente. Anche
se non ci rendi partecipi dei motivi, se hai fatto questa scelta
sicuramente sarà per il tuo meglio.
Ricambio la stima e ti saluto, sperando comunque di risentirti.
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] 5x červená

2016-08-19 Per discussione Miroslav Suchy
Dne 19.8.2016 v 01:07 Martin Hejna napsal(a):
> Musi tam ten network=lwn/rwn/nwn vubec byt?

Ja se chystam v rijnu do Drazdan na OpenStreetMap Elbe-Labe Meeting, kde se 
potkam se Sarah Hoffmann z waymarkedtrails,
tak se ji zeptam jak to vidi oni. Dam pak vedet, zatim klidne pokracujte v 
diskuzi :)


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Addio

2016-08-19 Per discussione John Doe
Che ne sarà di tutte le modifiche dell'utente cancellato? rimarranno?

P.S. Mi spiace tanto, spero tu possa tornare con un nuovo utente prima o
poi. In ogni caso grazie mille per tutti i tuoi contributi.
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] AUTO: Andrea Maffeis è assente dall'ufficio (tornerà il 30/08/2016)

2016-08-19 Per discussione girarsi_liste
Il 19/08/2016 10:01, Andrea Maffeis ha scritto:
> Sono fuori dall'ufficio fino a 30/08/2016
> Nota: Questa è una risposta automatizzata al messaggio  "Re: [Talk-it]
> meridiane" inviata il 19/08/2016 08:16:02.
> Questa è l'unica notifica che verrà ricevuta mentre la persona è assente.

Buone ferie. :)

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Estensione CMAP

2016-08-19 Per discussione girarsi_liste
Il 18/08/2016 23:18, ha scritto:
> Ciao a tutti
> Da anni uso Magic Earth, un ottimo (secondo me) navigatore.
> Questo navigatore utilizza delle mappe OSM, ma con estensione .CMAP, perchè 
> credo vengano integrate altre informazioni quali i velox.
> Recentemente l'app è stata aggiornata, e con lei le mappe, che non funzionano 
> più sulla versione precedente.
> Purtroppo per la nuova versione, serve Android 4.1, che non posso installare 
> sul mio device, e quindi, difatto, non posso più mantenere aggiornate le 
> mappe.
> Vi chiedo se sapete esserci un modo per reperire le mappe vecchie, oppure 
> come si può fare per rendere compatibili le mappe che scarico in formato OSM.
> Grazie a tutti per l'aiuto

Fai una prova, copia una mappa da qualche parte sul pc, rinominala in
*.osm, e vedi se te la apre.

Diversamente da quanto ho visto facendo ricerca, non trovo informazioni
a riguardo questa modalità di creazione delle mappe, trovo solo mappe
concettuali, cosa diversa.

ALtrimenti l'unica è scrivere al supporto clienti:

Oppure puoi provare anche delle versioni di OSMand che girano su androi
precedenti alla 4.0, sono disponibili qui, anche se mi sa ti chiederà
aggiornamenti una volta installati, però le mappe sono disponibili,
trovi sulla wiki i riferimenti:

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] AUTO: Andrea Maffeis è assente dall'ufficio (tornerà il 30/08/2016)

2016-08-19 Per discussione Andrea Maffeis

Sono fuori dall'ufficio fino a 30/08/2016

Nota: Questa è una risposta automatizzata al messaggio  "Re: [Talk-it]
meridiane" inviata il 19/08/2016 08:16:02.

Questa è l'unica notifica che verrà ricevuta mentre la persona è assente.___
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Éclairage d'édifice type spot

2016-08-19 Per discussione Nicolas Moyroud
Personnellement j'ai tagué beaucoup d'éclairage de terrains de sport 
(principalement de tennis) avec light_source=floodlight sur les noeuds 
représentant les pylones, en plus du tag lit=yes sur le terrain lui-même.


Le 19/08/2016 08:21, Stéphane Péneau a écrit :

Il vaudrait peut-être mieux s'inspirer de ce qui est présent ici :

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] meridiane

2016-08-19 Per discussione Stefano
Il giorno 19 agosto 2016 09:06, Gianluca Boero  ha

> Grazie per la risposta.
> Mi era sfuggito nel wiki...beh..sono sempre di corsa :-)
> Direi che per una meridiana oltre ad ameniity=clock e display=sundial
> bisogna inserire anche support=wall_mounted (generalmente).
> Vi sono però meridiane messe a terra ed a queste va messo support=ground
> Io inserirei anche un tag name=XXX se tale meridiana ha un nome ufficiale
> (raramente vi è però).
> Fatemi sapere se è corretto così inizio la mappatura.

Mi sono ricordato di aver mappato questa anni fa, però l'avevo messa come
area invece che come punto e non viene renderizzata

Si, il name mettilo quando c'è :-)

> Considerazioni: se la meridiana è storica (mai restaurata) o ritoccata vi
> può essere un tag che lo differenzia?

historic = yes ?

> Il 18/08/2016 23:12, Stefano ha scritto:
> Il giorno 18 agosto 2016 23:03, dvdzero  ha scritto:
>> Ciao
>> Moncrassico, in val di sole (Trento) è un paese famoso per la presenza di
>> molte meridiane (circa 50).
>> Non sono storiche, ma realizzate nell'ultimo decennio.
>> Come mapparle?
> amenity = clock
> display = sundial
> e altri tag di corredo
>> Davide
> Ciao,
> Stefano
>> --
>> View this message in context:
>> /meridiane-tp5880540.html
>> Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at
>> ___
>> Talk-it mailing list
> ___
> Talk-it mailing 
> listTalk-it@openstreetmap.org
> --
> Gianluca Boero
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] 5x červená

2016-08-19 Per discussione Petr Holub
> > Me prijde ze to rozdeleni je tak mlhave, ze to stejne zadnou rozumnou 
> > informaci neprinasi.
> spis nez mlhave to proste neni definovane. Ja jsem se tomu pred
> nejakym casem venoval, ale pak jsem to nechal spat, primarne kvuli
> tomu, ze nebyl konsenzus jak to resit. Potreba to je, bezne se to
> pouziva i v zahranici, takze treba ruzne zahranicni servery, ktere
> nevi nic o kct_xxx apod to maji jako zpusob jak dodelit kategorie (a
> zpusob vykreslovani) tras.

To jsem psal na konci sveho mailu - v nasem pripade se jedna 
o interpretaci pro zbytek sveta, ktery nezna ceskoslovenska specifika


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] meridiane

2016-08-19 Per discussione Gianluca Boero

Grazie per la risposta.

Mi era sfuggito nel wiki...beh..sono sempre di corsa :-)

Direi che per una meridiana oltre ad ameniity=clock e display=sundial 
bisogna inserire anche support=wall_mounted (generalmente).

Vi sono però meridiane messe a terra ed a queste va messo support=ground

Io inserirei anche un tag name=XXX se tale meridiana ha un nome 
ufficiale (raramente vi è però).

Fatemi sapere se è corretto così inizio la mappatura.

Considerazioni: se la meridiana è storica (mai restaurata) o ritoccata 
vi può essere un tag che lo differenzia?

Il 18/08/2016 23:12, Stefano ha scritto:

Il giorno 18 agosto 2016 23:03, dvdzero > ha scritto:


Moncrassico, in val di sole (Trento) è un paese famoso per la
presenza di
molte meridiane (circa 50).
Non sono storiche, ma realizzate nell'ultimo decennio.

Come mapparle?

amenity = clock
display = sundial
e altri tag di corredo



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Gianluca Boero

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Mobile speed camera zones

2016-08-19 Per discussione Rory McCann
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On 18/08/16 21:37, Daniel Cussen wrote:
> To answer a question asked in another thread, I have not progressed
> this yet. I think Rory may be the ideal person to progress if he is
> willing to volunteer.
> I think what needs to be done is all mobile speed camera zones in
> ROI need to be removed, and then the data formatted and imported
> into OSM.
> Rory are you interested?

Oh go on then! ☺ I'll help. I'll wait for an all clear on the licence
front before doing anything.
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Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Éclairage d'édifice type spot

2016-08-19 Per discussione Stéphane Péneau

Il vaudrait peut-être mieux s'inspirer de ce qui est présent ici :

Le 18/08/2016 à 23:08, David Crochet a écrit :


Le 18/08/2016 à 23:04, Alain VASSAULT a écrit :

light:target=Eglise de Saint Martin

Sauf que personne ni aucune application ne "comprend" ces étiquettes 
car elles n'ont pas été définis.


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] meridiane

2016-08-19 Per discussione Matteo Quatrida
Ciao Davide,

sei di Monclassico?
Buona mappatura!

Matteo Quatrida

*“If a **cluttered** desk **is** a **sign* *of** a **cluttered** mind, **of*
*what**, **then**, **is** an **empty** desk a **sign**?”* — Albert Einstein
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