Re: [Talk-GB] Large swaths of "heath" in Wales?

2017-02-07 Per discussione David Woolley

On 07/02/17 19:19, Marco Boeringa wrote:

Lastly, the lack of proper multipolygon creation, means that other types
of renderers and styles than Carto, and GIS's like QGIS and ArcGIS, that
do not stack features based on size but need multipolygons to deal with
polygon-within-polygon problems, have many older detailed features
covered up by these new ones, as the original data may be hidden beneath
the newly added ones.

That' a problem with the renderers.  Multipolygons are difficult for 
both (human) editors and (machine) renderers, so only be used where 
strictly necessary.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-dk] Vedr. indlæsning af data vedr. hastigshedsgrænser

2017-02-07 Per discussione Morten Rüsz
Hej Niels.

Julian er i gang med/har tilbudt at lave en WMS-løsning, som viser
OSM-hastighedsdata samt de hastighedsdata som kommunerne har registreret i Vi har dog kun data fra statsvejnettet (som allerede er
opdateret) samt nogle mangelfulde data fra Viborg Kommune - dem forsøger vi
nu at få fingrene i.

> Personligt synes jeg det ville være dejligt med noget enkelt
JSON-data, som man kunne arbejde på med python-scripts og Leaflet.

Her er vi ude over min tekniske indsigt. Ved ikke hvordan WMS-løsninger

Mvh Morten

Den 7. februar 2017 kl. 21.48 skrev Niels Elgaard Larsen :

> På Tue, 7 Feb 2017 06:40:49 +0100
> Morten Rüsz  skrev:
> > Hej Jørgen.
> >
> > Det lyder som en god idé med kildehenvisning (må indrømme, at jeg
> > ikke var så opmærksom på, da jeg opdaterede hastighedsdata for Viborg
> > Kommune). Der vil formentig være tale om en høj grad af sofa-mapping
> > i dette tilfælde.
> source:maxspeed er endnu vigtigere efter min mening.
> > Som det ser ud nu, som det også fremgår af itoworld, så er der meget
> > få hastighedsdata, så sandsynligheden for at korrekte oplysninger
> > rettes til forkerte er relativt lille.
> Jeg er ikke sikker på at der er så få i forhold til hvor mange, der
> burde være.
> Vi har i det store og hele kun mappet udtagelser fra defaultværdierne
> for vejtyperne.
> Og jeg tror at vi har fået en pænt stor del af dem på plads.
> > Dertil kommer, at vi i vores
> > projekt forventer at indsamle oplysninger om uoverensstemmelser
> > mellem den faktiske hastighedsgrænse og OSM-hastighedsgrænsen. Det
> > giver mulighed for hurtigt at samle op på og rette fejl.
> Ja.
> > Man skal desuden være opmærksom på, at der er fire former for
> > hastighedsgrænser:
> >
> >
> >- Gældende hastighed – Er i princippet den generelle hastighed med
> >mindre der er skiltet eller variable tavler.
> >- Generel hastighed – Er den generelle hastighed hvis der ikke er
> >skiltet.
> >- Skiltet hastighed – Er den skiltede hastighed.
> >- Variable tavler – Hvis der er variable tavler ændres hastigheden
> >løbende.
> >
> >
> > Hvordan håndteres sidstnævnte i OSM?
> Et eksempel er:
> > Hvis jeg kan indsamle data i Shape-format (som angiveligt skulle være
> > et gængs GIS-format), er det så muligt at indlæse i en WMS-løsning?
> Måske. Men kan du ikke finde ud af hvad du kan få og uploade et
> eksempel.
> Personligt synes jeg det ville være dejligt med noget enkelt
> JSON-data, som man kunne arbejde på med python-scripts og Leaflet.
> Lidt som jeg gør med FVST restauranter:
> > Mvh Morten
> >
> > Den 6. februar 2017 kl. 15.12 skrev Jørgen Elgaard Larsen
> > :
> >
> > > Morten Rüsz skrev:
> > >
> > >> hvis man ved at klikke et nyt lag af data (kommunale
> > >> hastighedsgrænser) frem og så kan sammenligne med farvekoder og
> > >> ændre, så kan det ikke gøres meget lettere.
> > >>
> > >
> > > Ja, det ville være godt.
> > >
> > > Vi har jo en tradition for at sætte kilde på hastighedsgrænser. Har
> > > man f.x. sat den efter at have set et skilte, sætter man
> > >   source:maxspeed=sign.
> > >
> > > Det kunne være godt, hvis vi kunne finde en konsistent måde at
> > > angive, at kilden er sofamapning fra kommunale grænser. Eksempelvis
> > >   source:maxspeed:Viborg Kommune VejMan
> > >
> > > Men det kræver jo, at et overlay på en eller anden måde er markeret
> > > med kildeoplysninger. Kan det lade sig gøre? Evt. kan man have et
> > > overlay pr. kilde.
> > >
> > >
> > > I alle tilfælde: Når man sofamapper, skal man naturligvis være
> > > forsigtig, hvis der er sat en anden hastighedsgrænse på en vej i
> > > OSM end den, der fremgår af kommunens data. Især hvis der er sat
> > > source:maxspeed=sign. I det tilfælde kan der være tale om:
> > >
> > >  1. Der har engang stået et skilt, men det er nu fjernet/udskiftet.
> > >  2. Der står stadig et skilt, men kommunen har ikke registreret det.
> > >  3. Den oprindelige mapper har lavet en fejl.
> > >
> > > Det overordnede princip er jo, at vi mapper den fysiske verden, så
> > > hvis man ikke kan afgøre, hvad der er korrekt, må man kigge på
> > > Mapillary eller tage ud i virkeligheden og kigge. Alternativt må
> > > man angive, at hastigheden er usikker, f.x. med
> > >   fixme:maxspeed=Municipal data says 60km/h. Check sign on site.
> > >
> > > Der er ikke noget mere irriterende end hvis man har været ude i
> > > virkeligheden for at observere vejskilte, og så en sofamapper
> > > ændrer ens arbejde, fordi noget fejlbehæftet offentlig data siger
> > > noget andet end virkeligheden.
> > >
> > > - Jørgen
> > >
> > >
> > > ___
> > > Talk-dk mailing list
> > >
> > > 

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Cartographie des églises

2017-02-07 Per discussione Gaël SIMON
Bonjour à tous,
désormais 49858 lieux de culte en France !
Après la Bretagne, les Pays-de-la-Loire, la Corse et Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes,
la Nouvelle-Aquitaine rejoint le club des régions dont la majorité des
communes possèdent désormais au moins un lieu de culte.
Je m'attaque maintenant à l'Île-de-France, déjà bien fournie, avant un
séjour, potentiellement prolongé, dans les Hauts-de-France (où 413 communes
sont à traiter).

Le suivi global :
Les noms en Nouvelle-Aquitaine :

Le 20 janvier 2017 à 15:39, Gaël SIMON  a écrit :

> Bonjour,
> voici quelques copies d'écran de mon outil de suivi (malheureusement non
> partageable simplement).
> Page d'accueil synthétique du tableau de bord :
> SlOcpLo3mVZN/j2xztpK2RQCC.PNG
> Détails de localisation, avec les noms / sans nom :
> U0OFac5IZEwK/ohKlsTSfUoJe.PNG
> Répartition des noms dans département :
> f90tlVcSq8Mk/BbcJlclR3bPb.PNG
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Utente Fredie e modifiche grossolane

2017-02-07 Per discussione Fabrizio Tambussa
Sono senza parole.
Questa e' stata la sua risposta alle mie segnalazioni:

HI Sbir

I've deleted your post without reading.

I've done reflections on my work since you shouted me heavily by just
changing a ridiculous amount of your work.
To be honest I must give in that when using OSM data on Navi, me myself
never interested in the background, just only the conections available.
So I wonder why I do a lot of effort to add landshape despite I don't
use it. Indeed I prefer g_earth for planning my biketours. Those sat
data give me far better feedback about the scale of the roads. OSM here
sucks a lot.
So all that landshape is only a timestamp of 2016 and of very fast
expiring time, needs a lot of invest to keep actual, I 've decided to
stopp my work along river PO now and here.
That doesn't mean that I allow to revert my work. It covers only small
region and you can do what any mapper can do: edit and change whatever
you think is incorrect.

In future I move back to the roots of OSM mapping, searching for missing
connectivity, classifying tracks, adding major waterways, reduce
landshape to wood and farmyard only.
Further on I won't touch or delete other data, wrong or not, so as you
correctly accused.
I apologize for this, no intention to discredit any mappers' work.
Not yet decided to keep on working region Po plaines or moving to Asia
where there is a increasing community of bike travelers coming up recently.

Let's be friends in mapping



Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Truc bizarre dans le rendu

2017-02-07 Per discussione
Le 07/02/2017 à 23:20, Christian Quest a écrit :
> Je pense que le inner ayant le même tag landuse que le outer, il se
> peut qu'osm2pgsql se mélange les pinceaux sans regarder les autres tags.

Hypothèse plausible...

> Pas de problème sur le rendu FR (les types sont en plus bien
> différenciés par le rendu):

Mais c'est super beau, ça !

Comment on peut avoir ce rendu par défaut ?

> J'ai vérifié les polygones dans la base et ils sont tout les deux bien
> là, d'où le rendu correct, mais on n'a pas forcément exactement la
> même config osm2pgsql.

Ma question étant "Quelqu'un saurait-il m'expliquer ?" ceci est une
réponse, merci

Bonne journée,


> Le 7 février 2017 à 22:56,  > a écrit :
> Le 07/02/2017 à 22:35,
>  -
>  a écrit :
>> Le 07/02/2017 à 22:10, Jean-Yvon a écrit :
>>> On est d'accord.
>>> J'ai regardé : le trou est tracé dans le sens trigo, au moins un
>>> bare-rock est dans le sens des aiguilles d'une montre.
>>> ça vaut le coup d'essayer.
>> J'ai déjà essayé. Dès que l'autre Jean-Yvon me l'a suggéré. Il y
>> a une demie heure, et ça n'a rien changé.
> Je deviens schizophrène ? ;-) J'avais peur de ne pas avoir assez
> suggéré.
>> J'ai aussi remarqué que le multipolygone englobant était mal
>> foutu (membres dans le désordre). Je l'ai corrigé. Nihil novi sub
>> sole (si j'ose dire à 22:30...)
> Fais tourner ta mappemonde !
> Autre soucis : des membres outer ont des leave_type incompatibles
> avec la relation (l'avant dernier au moins).
> Dernier espoir : un conflit forest. Est-ce que ce bout ne devrait
> être un wood ?
>> Je viens de mettre tous les inner dans le sens trigo. On verra
>> (mais je n'y crois pas trop)
>> Bonne soirée !
> Moi non plus, mais ça réduit les possibilités.
> Je crains en fait que le leave_type de la relation déteigne mais
> alors ce serait plutôt double affichage que pas du tout.
> Bonne nuit puisque l'heure tourne (à moins que ce ne soit le soleil).
> Jean-Yvon
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
> -- 
> Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Truc bizarre dans le rendu

2017-02-07 Per discussione
Le 07/02/2017 à 22:56, a écrit :
> Le 07/02/2017 à 22:35, - a écrit :
>> Le 07/02/2017 à 22:10, Jean-Yvon a écrit :
>>> On est d'accord.
>>> J'ai regardé : le trou est tracé dans le sens trigo, au moins un
>>> bare-rock est dans le sens des aiguilles d'une montre.
>>> ça vaut le coup d'essayer.
>> J'ai déjà essayé. Dès que l'autre Jean-Yvon me l'a suggéré. Il y a
>> une demie heure, et ça n'a rien changé.
> Je deviens schizophrène ? ;-) J'avais peur de ne pas avoir assez suggéré.
>> J'ai aussi remarqué que le multipolygone englobant était mal foutu
>> (membres dans le désordre). Je l'ai corrigé. Nihil novi sub sole (si
>> j'ose dire à 22:30...)
> Fais tourner ta mappemonde !
> Autre soucis : des membres outer ont des leave_type incompatibles avec
> la relation (l'avant dernier au moins).

Je viens de le corriger. On verra...

> Dernier espoir : un conflit forest. Est-ce que ce bout ne devrait être
> un wood ?
>> Je viens de mettre tous les inner dans le sens trigo. On verra (mais
>> je n'y crois pas trop)
>> Bonne soirée !
> Moi non plus, mais ça réduit les possibilités.
> Je crains en fait que le leave_type de la relation déteigne mais alors
> ce serait plutôt double affichage que pas du tout.
> Bonne nuit puisque l'heure tourne (à moins que ce ne soit le soleil).
> Jean-Yvon
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Utente Fredie e modifiche grossolane

2017-02-07 Per discussione Alessandro Sarretta


On 07/02/2017 21:48, Alberto wrote:

Per l'origine dei dati usa le le ortofoto di Google e le confronta con quelle 
di Bing.
Scusate, ma non basterebbe questo (se confermato, e mi pare sia qui la 
questione) per fare un revert?
Bisogna anche spiegargli che non può derivare dati da Google per mappare 
in OSM?



Alessandro Sarretta

skype/twitter: alesarrett

Research information:

 * Google scholar profile
 * Research Gate 
 * Impactstory 

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-es] SPAM en la wiki

2017-02-07 Per discussione Alejandro S.

Acabo de encontrar esta edición [0] en la wiki con toda la pinta de ser
spam. ¿Que os parece? ¿Alguien puede denunciar al usuario y que revientan
sus cambios?


Alejandro Suárez
Talk-es mailing list

[talk-au] LPI sources, not the Base Map

2017-02-07 Per discussione Warin


I have come across a boundary between 2 state forests that are not shown 
on the LPI Base Map .. yet the source tag claims that is where it comes 

I think the source is the LPI admin boundary data .. and that is 
probably where they have come from.

It is Way: 387068735, most of it is a creek, but specifically the 
following nodes have no line on them

4094553049, 4094553050, 4094553051, 4094553086, 4094553087, 4094553088, 

I would think that where the source is not directly from the LPI Base Map ... 
then that should be stated in the source tag.
In this case it should be 'LPI Admin Boundary State Forest'?

Note .. I'm as guilty as the rest. But think these should be changed for truth.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Tagging for Pipeline Reserves

2017-02-07 Per discussione Andrew Harvey
What about simply landcover=grass
 and foot=yes?
Along with mapping out the pipeline separately?

On 8 February 2017 at 11:29, Adam Horan  wrote:

> My local area (and I'm sure many others) have lots of pipeline reserves.
> I'm really not sure how to tag these. They appear to have public access
> for walking at least. (One local one has a sign disallowing golf...) Some
> others appear to be across private land, and i'm less interested in those,
> I'd really like to show those ones with public access.
> examples:
> 145.20073
> I've tagged them as leisure=park previously, and paths evident on the
> ground have just been tagged highway=path.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Adam
> ___
> Talk-au mailing list
Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Tagging for Pipeline Reserves

2017-02-07 Per discussione Ross Scanlon

On 08/02/17 11:17, Warin wrote:

On 08-Feb-17 12:10 PM, Ross Scanlon wrote:

On 08/02/17 11:00, Warin wrote:

Some pipe lines cross farms, residential areas ... so ?

I will ask on the tagging list as it is not Australian specific.

I note the pipeline is not visible ... I assume underground and the 
location is not evident so you cannot map the pipe line itself.

As far as most people are concerned it is a park, so that is 

I don't think park=pipeline_reserve would be best .. as you would 
then need something similar where the pipeline crosses a farm etc.

Why would you need that?

For the same reason you need to tag the pipe line reserve in the park.
Most of the time it has no effect on the attributes of the place.
However it is an added attribute that is verifiable and can be mapped.

But you don't have to have it where it crosses other areas.  In this 
case we are talking about what type of park it is.  Not what type of 
pipeline, which to me is what you are trying to do.

The area shown by Adam is the whole area not a sub area of it.  It 
appears to be a park and locals probably consider it as a park. However 
it is still a pipeline reserve so that's what type of park it is.

By tagging it park=pipeline_reserve your describing the type of park 
not the type of pipeline.

A pipe line reserve is not necessarily a park.

Yes, but in this case the park is a pipeline reserve, so describe what 
type of park it is.

On 08-Feb-17 11:31 AM, Ross Scanlon wrote:


On 08/02/17 10:29, Adam Horan wrote:
My local area (and I'm sure many others) have lots of pipeline 

I'm really not sure how to tag these. They appear to have public 
access for walking at least. (One local one has a sign disallowing 
golf...) Some others appear to be across private land, and i'm 
less interested in those, I'd really like to show those ones with 
public access.


I've tagged them as leisure=park previously, and paths evident on 
the ground have just been tagged highway=path.

Any ideas?



Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

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Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Tagging for Pipeline Reserves

2017-02-07 Per discussione Warin

On 08-Feb-17 12:10 PM, Ross Scanlon wrote:

On 08/02/17 11:00, Warin wrote:

Some pipe lines cross farms, residential areas ... so ?

I will ask on the tagging list as it is not Australian specific.

I note the pipeline is not visible ... I assume underground and the 
location is not evident so you cannot map the pipe line itself.

As far as most people are concerned it is a park, so that is 

I don't think park=pipeline_reserve would be best .. as you would 
then need something similar where the pipeline crosses a farm etc.

Why would you need that?

For the same reason you need to tag the pipe line reserve in the park.
Most of the time it has no effect on the attributes of the place.
However it is an added attribute that is verifiable and can be mapped.

By tagging it park=pipeline_reserve your describing the type of park 
not the type of pipeline.

A pipe line reserve is not necessarily a park.

On 08-Feb-17 11:31 AM, Ross Scanlon wrote:


On 08/02/17 10:29, Adam Horan wrote:
My local area (and I'm sure many others) have lots of pipeline 

I'm really not sure how to tag these. They appear to have public 
access for walking at least. (One local one has a sign disallowing 
golf...) Some others appear to be across private land, and i'm less 
interested in those, I'd really like to show those ones with public 


I've tagged them as leisure=park previously, and paths evident on 
the ground have just been tagged highway=path.

Any ideas?



Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Tagging for Pipeline Reserves

2017-02-07 Per discussione Ross Scanlon

On 08/02/17 11:00, Warin wrote:

Some pipe lines cross farms, residential areas ... so ?

I will ask on the tagging list as it is not Australian specific.

I note the pipeline is not visible ... I assume underground and the 
location is not evident so you cannot map the pipe line itself.

As far as most people are concerned it is a park, so that is appropriate.

I don't think park=pipeline_reserve would be best .. as you would then 
need something similar where the pipeline crosses a farm etc.

Why would you need that?

By tagging it park=pipeline_reserve your describing the type of park not 
the type of pipeline.

On 08-Feb-17 11:31 AM, Ross Scanlon wrote:


On 08/02/17 10:29, Adam Horan wrote:
My local area (and I'm sure many others) have lots of pipeline 

I'm really not sure how to tag these. They appear to have public 
access for walking at least. (One local one has a sign disallowing 
golf...) Some others appear to be across private land, and i'm less 
interested in those, I'd really like to show those ones with public 


I've tagged them as leisure=park previously, and paths evident on 
the ground have just been tagged highway=path.

Any ideas?



Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Tagging for Pipeline Reserves

2017-02-07 Per discussione Adam Horan
Yes, correct some pipelines cross private land and some across land with
public access. In general near me the pipe is not visible, and it's not
even always clear if it's gas, water or sewage etc.
I'm most interested in showing public access of 'open' land in or near the
residential areas. So yes most people would look at it and consider it to
be a park, or some other form of common land.
I'm also not sure if the land ownership rests with councils or the
utilities, and so who is permitting public access and under what terms or

I'll stick with leisure=park for now.

On 8 February 2017 at 12:00, Warin <> wrote:

> Some pipe lines cross farms, residential areas ... so ?
> I will ask on the tagging list as it is not Australian specific.
> I note the pipeline is not visible ... I assume underground and the
> location is not evident so you cannot map the pipe line itself.
> As far as most people are concerned it is a park, so that is appropriate.
> I don't think park=pipeline_reserve would be best .. as you would then
> need something similar where the pipeline crosses a farm etc.
> On 08-Feb-17 11:31 AM, Ross Scanlon wrote:
> park=pipeline_reserve
> On 08/02/17 10:29, Adam Horan wrote:
> My local area (and I'm sure many others) have lots of pipeline reserves.
> I'm really not sure how to tag these. They appear to have public access
> for walking at least. (One local one has a sign disallowing golf...) Some
> others appear to be across private land, and i'm less interested in those,
> I'd really like to show those ones with public access.
> examples:
> 145.20073
> I've tagged them as leisure=park previously, and paths evident on the
> ground have just been tagged highway=path.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Adam
> ___
> Talk-au mailing 
> listTalk-au@openstreetmap.org
> ___
> Talk-au mailing 
> listTalk-au@openstreetmap.org
> ___
> Talk-au mailing list
Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Tagging for Pipeline Reserves

2017-02-07 Per discussione Ross Scanlon

There's no real issue with heading out on your own with this type of tag.

What you are doing is describing the type of park.

So in this case the park is a pipeline reserve so therefore 
park=pipeline_reserve would be acceptable.

People still regard it as a park which is the major tag.

On 08/02/17 10:56, Adam Horan wrote:
There's only a few hundred examples of park=* in taginfo, and none are 
for pipeline_reserve. I don't really want to head out on my own if 
there's already a convention.

I'm not even sure if leisure=park is an accurate description :)

On 8 February 2017 at 11:31, Ross Scanlon > wrote:


On 08/02/17 10:29, Adam Horan wrote:

My local area (and I'm sure many others) have lots of pipeline

I'm really not sure how to tag these. They appear to have public
access for walking at least. (One local one has a sign
disallowing golf...) Some others appear to be across private
land, and i'm less interested in those, I'd really like to show
those ones with public access.


I've tagged them as leisure=park previously, and paths evident on
the ground have just been tagged highway=path.

Any ideas?



Talk-au mailing list

___ Talk-au mailing

Talk-au mailing list
Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Tagging for Pipeline Reserves

2017-02-07 Per discussione Warin

Some pipe lines cross farms, residential areas ... so ?

I will ask on the tagging list as it is not Australian specific.

I note the pipeline is not visible ... I assume underground and the 
location is not evident so you cannot map the pipe line itself.

As far as most people are concerned it is a park, so that is appropriate.

I don't think park=pipeline_reserve would be best .. as you would then 
need something similar where the pipeline crosses a farm etc.

On 08-Feb-17 11:31 AM, Ross Scanlon wrote:


On 08/02/17 10:29, Adam Horan wrote:

My local area (and I'm sure many others) have lots of pipeline reserves.

I'm really not sure how to tag these. They appear to have public 
access for walking at least. (One local one has a sign disallowing 
golf...) Some others appear to be across private land, and i'm less 
interested in those, I'd really like to show those ones with public 


I've tagged them as leisure=park previously, and paths evident on the 
ground have just been tagged highway=path.

Any ideas?



Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Tagging for Pipeline Reserves

2017-02-07 Per discussione Adam Horan
There's only a few hundred examples of park=* in taginfo, and none are for
pipeline_reserve. I don't really want to head out on my own if there's
already a convention.
I'm not even sure if leisure=park is an accurate description :)

On 8 February 2017 at 11:31, Ross Scanlon  wrote:

> park=pipeline_reserve
> On 08/02/17 10:29, Adam Horan wrote:
> My local area (and I'm sure many others) have lots of pipeline reserves.
> I'm really not sure how to tag these. They appear to have public access
> for walking at least. (One local one has a sign disallowing golf...) Some
> others appear to be across private land, and i'm less interested in those,
> I'd really like to show those ones with public access.
> examples:
> 145.20073
> I've tagged them as leisure=park previously, and paths evident on the
> ground have just been tagged highway=path.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Adam
> ___
> Talk-au mailing 
> listTalk-au@openstreetmap.org
> ___
> Talk-au mailing list
Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Harmonisation of the source tag for LPI Base Map

2017-02-07 Per discussione Andrew Harvey
Absolutely, per
the plans must be first documented and discussed. Since this affects
the local NSW community it should have been posted here on talk-au.

The example you gave of is precisely one
reason why this process must be followed.

In my opinion we should have all their changesets reverted, and then
proper notice should be first given to give a chance to discuss the
changes proposed and it's implications before moving ahead.

On 8 February 2017 at 11:19, Warin <> wrote:
> Hi,
> One mapper ( has taken on
> themselves to 'harmonise' all the source tags that they consider should be
> 'NSW LPI Base Map'.
> No consultation - mass mechanical edit.
> I had some source tagged LPI Hydrology .. these too have been changed.
> See Way: Tomalla Creek (442899224) as an example.
> I don't appreciate the edits, I see no benefit from them.
> There are many more that could be done along these lines .. the major
> example would be Bing, bing, BING, bing  and bing  mm (where  is
> the numerical year and mm is the numerical month). But I would similarly see
> no point in it.
> I think this should be discussed here .. rather than some page that you may
> only come across in some distant future.
> Thoughts?
> ___
> Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

[talk-au] Tagging for Pipeline Reserves

2017-02-07 Per discussione Adam Horan
My local area (and I'm sure many others) have lots of pipeline reserves.

I'm really not sure how to tag these. They appear to have public access for
walking at least. (One local one has a sign disallowing golf...) Some
others appear to be across private land, and i'm less interested in those,
I'd really like to show those ones with public access.


I've tagged them as leisure=park previously, and paths evident on the
ground have just been tagged highway=path.

Any ideas?


Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Parks Vic data

2017-02-07 Per discussione Adam Horan
I have often wondered where the existing National Park data comes from. In
general it seems to exist in OSM in quite high fidelity however the
boundaries are usually not evident on the ground or imagery. Yet whenever
I've looked back through histories I can't find any reasonable source or
attribution tags.

However there is data at
which is described as:
*Parks and Conservation Reserves (PARKRES)*

*PARKRES is a spatial representation of the Parks and Reserves Information
Management System (PRIMS). This database lists Parks and Conservation
Reserves under the policy control of the DELWP Parks and Protected Areas
Branch. These include areas scheduled under the National Parks Act 1975,
Nature Conservation Reserves, Natural Features Reserves, Regional Parks,
Phillip Island Nature Park, Historic & Cultural Features Reserves, and
Metropolitan Open Space Parks. Many of these areas are managed by Parks
Victoria under a management agreement between the Minister for Environment
and the Parks Victoria Board. PRIMS and PARKRES define the areas covered by
this agreement. The aim of this layer is to eventually map all areas
represented in PRIMS at 1:25,000 or better scale. This dataset updated from
time to time, so is a snapshot of the parks and reserves system.*

Included in the accuracy statement is: *Validation of the land manager
attribute is continuing. This dataset does not provide definitive
boundaries for areas scheduled under the National Parks Act 1975*

Attribution to DELWP under CC BY 4.0

However I've no idea if this license is fully compatible, or if we have
specific permission.

For existing parks and lack of source, look at Mornington Peninsula NP
in that location the shape is completely non-obvious on the ground, and
there's no attribution I can see. See also



On 8 February 2017 at 10:49, nwastra  wrote:

> Hi
> I have found many problems with the Heathcote-Graytown National Park in
> Victoria.
> Is there a place from which I can download the boundary as we have done
> with the NSW LPI NPWSReserve - public/NSW_Administrative_Boundaries, so I
> sort out where the gazetted boundary is and then fix the boundary in the
> osm?
> ___
> Talk-au mailing list
Talk-au mailing list

[talk-au] Harmonisation of the source tag for LPI Base Map

2017-02-07 Per discussione Warin


One mapper ( has 
taken on themselves to 'harmonise' all the source tags that they 
consider should be 'NSW LPI Base Map'.

No consultation - mass mechanical edit.

I had some source tagged LPI Hydrology .. these too have been changed.

See Way: Tomalla Creek (442899224) as an example.

I don't appreciate the edits, I see no benefit from them.

There are many more that could be done along these lines .. the major 
example would be Bing, bing, BING, bing  and bing  mm (where 
 is the numerical year and mm is the numerical month). But I would 
similarly see no point in it.

I think this should be discussed here .. rather than some page that you 
may only come across in some distant future.


Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Parks Vic data

2017-02-07 Per discussione Andrew Harvey
On 8 February 2017 at 11:08, Ross Scanlon  wrote:
> capad

The links for this are:

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Footpath Open Data is not always accurate.

2017-02-07 Per discussione Robert Whittaker (OSM lists)
Public Rights of Way mapping is one of my OSM hobbies, and I've done
quite a bit in my local area of Norfolk and Suffolk. I've also put
together a tool to compare OSM coverage with official (OGL-licensed)
data from the two councils: . (As an aside, I'd be
happy to add other GIS data to the tool if/when it is available under
a suitable licence and I have time.)

Since this topic has come up, I thought I'd share my current practices
for mapping Rights of Way, particularly where the actual route on the
ground differs from the legal Definitive Line. I use a range of tags
on Rights of Way and de facto paths:

* highway=* to record the physical state of the route. I'd typically
use highway=path for an indistinct cross-field path whose route is
nevertheless obvious from signs/stiles. I use highway=no on ways on
the definitive line that are obstructed, i.e. there isn't a 'highway'
of any sort present and the route isn't used in practice. (To omit the
highway tag completely could look like an error, and means there's no
way to distinguish between a way that's been surveyed and found not to
be a highway, and one that hasn't been surveyed yet.)

* designation=* to record the official status of a route -- one of
public_footpath, public_bridleway, restricted_byway,
byway_open_to_all_traffic for PRoWs. I'd only use this on the
Definitive Line. If the actual route used on the ground differs, the
used route get this tag. I don't think that an erroneous sign on the
ground confers PRoW status. If an unrecorded route is being (or could
be) claimed, then suspected:designation=* can be used.

* prow_ref=* to record the right of way parish and number, e.g.
prow_ref=Dibley FP 1. (This can then be used by tools checking on PRoW
mapping progress.)

* foot=*, horse=*, etc. used to indicated legal access rights on a
route. I use *=designated for the main forms of transport on the
definitive line (see ). Where the
Definitive Line isn't accessible, and there's a reasonable alternative
route to take, I'll typically tag the latter with *=yes, since AFAIK
there is a legal right to take a reasonable diversion in this case
(though technically only if it's on the same land-owner's property).

* foot:physical=*, etc. to tag the physical accessibility if this
differs from the legal rights. e.g. foot=designated + foot:physical=no
on a Definitive Line that's blocked.

* prow:obstructed=yes as a tentatively suggested machine-readable tag
for ways on the definitive line that aren't accessible.

* note=* to record a human-readable note to explain any special situations.

* source:*=* to record the source of Definitive Lines and other PRoW

So where a route follows the Definitive Line, I'd tag the way with
something like:

prow_ref=Dibley FP 2

If a section is obstructed, with an alternative route available around
the obstruction, I'd create a way for each bit on this section and tag
the two bits along the following lines:

note=Reasonable diversion to avoid obstruction on Dibley FP 2

prow_ref=Dibley FP 2
note=Definitive Line, but obstructed by deep ditch and impassible

Doing this records the actual route that people can and do use (thus
helping routers and mapping what is actually on the ground) and also
maps the legal situation including legal access rights and PRoW

I hope some of these ideas are useful to people,


Robert Whittaker

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Parks Vic data

2017-02-07 Per discussione Ross Scanlon


On 08/02/17 09:49, nwastra wrote:

I have found many problems with the Heathcote-Graytown National Park in 
Is there a place from which I can download the boundary as we have done with 
the NSW LPI NPWSReserve - public/NSW_Administrative_Boundaries, so I sort out 
where the gazetted boundary is and then fix the boundary in the osm?

Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

[Talk-es] Grupo de trabajo Importación Catastro

2017-02-07 Per discussione Gonzalo Pesquero Serrano
Hola a todos,

En la reciente reunión mensual de OSM-ES se ha acordado crear un
grupo de trabajo para elaborar una propuesta de importación de los
números de portal y edificios del Catastro. En dicho grupo estamos
de momento Santiago Crespo y yo como coordinador. 

He creado la 
en Riot para coordinar este grupo de trabajo a la que estáis todos

De primeras voy a elaborar una propuesta de importación de los datos
basada en los “Servicios ATOM de conjuntos de datos predefinidos
INSPIRE” que podéis encontrar aquí [1]. Una descripción detallada
de los datos está aquí [2]. En cuanto esté colgada la propuesta en
la wiki lo comunicaré en esta lista.

Un saludo y buen mapeo!!

Gonzalo Pesquero


Talk-es mailing list

[talk-au] Parks Vic data

2017-02-07 Per discussione nwastra
I have found many problems with the Heathcote-Graytown National Park in 
Is there a place from which I can download the boundary as we have done with 
the NSW LPI NPWSReserve - public/NSW_Administrative_Boundaries, so I sort out 
where the gazetted boundary is and then fix the boundary in the osm?

Talk-au mailing list

[Talk-GB] OSM UK: Notice of general meeting

2017-02-07 Per discussione Rob Nickerson

The notice of the first general meeting of OSM UK has been sent out to all
members. We have a provision for non-members to attend (AoA Article 39),
thus here is the notice details for those who did not receive it. I will
find a way to share the dial-in number and passcode (keep an eye on our
Loomio group).


The initial general meeting of OpenStreetMap United Kingdom C.I.C will take
place on Wednesday, February 22nd 2017 at 8pm (GMT). The venue is a
telephone conference call.

The meeting will be chaired by one of the Directors, who will have agreed
beforehand who this will be.



   To identify and agree the attendance of any non-members present.

   To accept the resignations of all the founding Directors (Rob Nickerson,
   Adam Hoyle, Brian Prangle, Gregory Marler and Robert Whittaker) and thank
   them for their services.

   To appoint as new Directors Brian Prangle, Jonathan Harley, Gregory
   Marler, Rob Nickerson, and Adam Hoyle; these being the only nominations

   *Resolution 1:* The Financial Year of the Company shall commence on
   April 1st and run until March 31st.

   *Resolution 2:* To establish the "Cooperative Bank Social Enterprise
   Directplus Account" as the main bank account of the Company subject to all
   Directors meeting the criteria and appropriate due diligence.

   *Resolution 3:* As permitted by Article 6.6, the Company affiliates to
   the OpenStreetMap Foundation as a local chapter.

   *Resolution 4:* Membership fees are set until further notice as:


   Members £5 per annum

   Associate members:


  SMEs (annual turnover< £5m) together with public bodies, charities
  and other not-for-profit organisations £50 per annum.

  Corporate for-profit organisations (annual turnover>£5m) £500 per

To take effect once a payment system has been established.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Kontrola schématu hromadné dopravy

2017-02-07 Per discussione jzvc


ja se ani moc nedivim ze to moc nefunguje ...

schvalne jestli neco nevidim ...

1) trasa (jako top level prvek) je definovama master relaci (kvuli 
variantnim trasam predevsim)

2) soucasti ty relace jsou vyhradne relace (variant) tras

3) soucasti relace trasy jsou uz silnice a zastavky  ale zadny relace

4) jenze zastavka muze byt definovana jako relace o mnoha prvcich

5) ovsem ta relace neni definovana jako soucast niceho

Vysledek je, ze v trase jsou zastavky/nastupiste/... a podobnej hnuj, 
coz vedek tomu, ze kazdou zastavku vidim v tom grafu 2x ... asi podle 
toho co vsechno tam je. Ale tak to odpovida tomu, co je na wiki.

Dne 4.2.2017 v 14:39 Jan Macura napsal(a):

Zkoušel jsem kombinaci
network: "MHD Mariánské Lázně"
ref: "7"
a fungovalo to.
Plzeň mi to taky nechtělo sežrat..


2017-02-04 13:02 GMT+01:00 Petr Holub >:


> padlo to na posledním qartálním pivě v Plzni a teď jsem to náhodou našel. 
Takže pro všechny,
> které to zajímá: tenhle nástroj vykreslí libovolnou linku MHD zmapovanou 
pomocí nového
> schématu jako graf.

zkusil to nekdo pouzit v Brne? Mne prijde, ze se pomoci toho neda
temer nic vykreslit - kdyz zadam treba
network=cz:IDS JMK
line number=1
tak se to ocividne neprokouse rekurzivne z tech route_master na relace
pro jednotlive smery


Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Data z magistratu Brna - poštovní schránky

2017-02-07 Per discussione jzvc

a co takovej ... v pravde silenej ... napad ...

kazdej postak ma telefon, s nevyssi pravdepodobnosti vcetne fotaku a gps 
... a kdo ze objizdi ty schranky? No prece postaci. A vsechny.

Pricemz defakto zcela jiste vedi i z pameti +- polohu vetsiny z nich.

Navic by se ty souradnice zcela jiste hodily i poste, pokud je tedy nema 
a jen si je nekde nesysli pro sebe.

Dne 1.2.2017 v 21:10 Jan Dudík napsal(a):

To přiřazování by bylo zajímavé, ale ten jejich seznam nemá žádné ID,
kterým by se dala schránka jednoznačně identifikovat. Schránek je 22084
a lokalizaci mají např.
* ČB, E. Beneše 655/19  (u tf. budky)
* Branišovice
* Parkhotel, Masarykova 602
* Bratkovice č.p. 41, U Kafků
* Partyzána Svobody 134 Dobříš

více vesnic se stejným jménem  v okrsku jednoho depa také není nijak

TAkže by v prvním kole přiřazování šlo o to, že by člověk v určitém
obvodu naklikal hrubě polohy alespoň podle obcí  a následně by se
dohledávaly přesné souřadnice

Třeba by v té vrtvě mohly být puntíky, po najetí by se ukázala "adresa"
* červené puntíky - nasypané body jen k příslušnému depu, pokud by to
šlo, tak k příslušné obci
* modré puntíky - nahrubo umístěné (dle adresy) bez přiřazeného bodu v OSM
* zelené puntíky - schránky s ověřenou polohou zanesené v mapě a
spárované s bodem (interní ID?)


Ing. Jan Dudík
projekce dopravních staveb
tel. 777082195

Dne 1. února 2017 16:00 Petr Vozdecký > napsal(a):

Dopřesnění - na území města Brna je ca 310 poštovních schránek vč.
ca 40 na budovách pošt. Přes 90 pct z nich je v databázi České Pošty
definováno nejbližším adresním bodem.


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Petr Vozdecký >
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic >
Datum: 1. 2. 2017 14:43:30
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Data z magistratu Brna - poštovní schránky


díky Laďovi Nešněrovi i Mirkovi Suchému za energii. Moje
poznámka k poštovním schránkám

Poštovní schtánky existují jako seznam k downloadu na webu České
pošty. Záměrně říkám seznam, nikoliv databáze. Ke stažení zde:

Zkoušel jsem to na zkoušku mapovat u nás na sídlišti, ale
ukázalo se, že je nutno prakticky všechny schránky napřed
fyzicky najít, v zásadě se asi nedá ani rozumě naimportovat
nějaký "přibližný stav" a ten pak domapovat. Přikládám ukázku dat:

Položka definující místo je popsána často velmi obecně,
výjimečně pak dle blízkého č.p.:

Struktura záznamu:
PSČ, Charakter, 5. Poštovní směrovací číslo provozovny, která
zajišťuje výběr poštovní schránky
ZKRNAZ_POS, Charakter, 25, Zkrácený název provozovny
MÍSTO, Charakter, 50, Místo – adresa, na které je poštovní
schránka umístěna
ČAS, Charakter, 5, Doba výběru poštovní schránky
OMEZENÍ, Charakter, 60,Dny, ve které se poštovní schránka vybírá

Bystřice n/Pernšt. D II
náves, Vojetín
1-5 - pracovní dny (pondělí až pátek)

Bystřice n/Pernšt. D II
Malé Tresné, č. 7
1-5 - pracovní dny (pondělí až pátek)

Každopádně ale lze udělat nějaký projekt tohoto typu a schránky
"lovit" stejně jako rozcestníky... :o) Do OSM bychom vložili
nejprve něco jako "slepý údaj", který by se přirozeně nikde
nerenderoval vyjma speciální vrstvy na
 obdobně jako "chybějící rozcestník" apod. A
ten by teprve mappeři jednotlivě opravili jak pokud jde o
souřadnice, tak i s opravou tagu (např. z lost=post_box na
amenity=post_box). Protože by ale došlo k využití cizí databáze,
asi by bylo potřeba souhlasu ČP. BTW - tato databáze se 1x
měsíčně aktualizuje, takže by bylo možné sledovat nějaké změny
vůči okamžiku importu.


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Miroslav Suchy >
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic >
Datum: 1. 2. 2017 12:43:11
Předmět: [Talk-cz] Data z magistratu Brna

dneska jsme dostali od pani Moravkove z brnenskeho
magistratu seznam dat, ktere by bylo mozne uvolnit pro OSM:

 > Návrh dat k poskytnutí do OSM
 > lavičky, odpadkové koše
 > zmapované ve většině městských částí, ale ne ve všech
 > zveřejnění dat by bylo třeba domluvit se všemi MČ

Re: [Talk-it] Utente Fredie e modifiche grossolane

2017-02-07 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
se potete, mettete i commenti sotto i changeset sospetti, perché è un 
indicatore di cattiva mappatura quando i changeset provocano tanti commenti. Da 
quello che ho visto finora e come scrive lui, forse si dovrebbe  rivertare 
tutti i suoi changeset ;-)

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Lokale-Gruppen-Layer auf

2017-02-07 Per discussione gmbo
Ich habe mal einen Einzeiler dazu gebracht ein aktuelles 
|osm_user_groups_dach.kml zu erzeugen.

|wget -o melde.txt -O a.kml 
'';echo 'version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>xmlns=";>OSM usergroups 
worldwideGenerated list of OpenStreetMap local user 
groups by UserGroupsBotid="usergroup">localgroup.png0.5' 
>de.kml;sed "s/<\/Placemark>/<\/Placemark>\n/g" a.kml |sed 
"s/DE" >>de.kml;echo 
'' >>osm_user_groups_dach.kml

Natürlich ließe sich das ganze im Python-Script besser unterbringen, 
aber so geht es auch.

Viele Grüße

|Am 07.02.2017 um 11:55 schrieb lars lingner:

Hallo zusammen,

Am 06.02.2017 um 22:49 schrieb Michael Reichert:

Ich habe jetzt mal ein Pull-Request erstellt, das die Datei mit der
aktuellen Datei von ersetzt.

Das ist das richtige Repo für Der PR von Michael
(Danke!) ist inzwischen auch angenommen.

Die FOSSGIS-IT wurde in den letzten Monaten auf einen aktuellen Stand
gebracht. Dabei wurden auch einige alte Zöpfe abgeschnitten, statt mit
Wurzel entfernt.
Wer hier Ideen hat, wie man das user-file besser verwaltet und in die
Webseite integriert, kann sich gerne einbringen. Es gibt sogar schon ein
Issue [1] dazu.

Viele Grüße



Talk-de mailing list

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Utente Fredie e modifiche grossolane

sent from a phone

> On 7 Feb 2017, at 19:11, Fabrizio Tambussa  wrote:
> Mi fa rabbia perché anni fa la mia città era un unico landuse=residential e 
> grazie a Simone Saviolo ho imparato a fare i singoli isolati uno ad uno a 
> seconda della destinazione d'uso.
> Ora è tornata quasi un landuse unico.
> Revert completo o solo della mia zona?
> Non posso entrare nel merito di modifiche fatte a Pavia o Chivasso.
> Certo è che fa changeset enormi.

io non ho analizzato bene cosa ha fatto, vedo tante cancellazioni, e ciò che 
racconti fa preoccupare. Oltre ad un revert sarebbe importante che non va 
avanti così altrove.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Truc bizarre dans le rendu

Je pense que le inner ayant le même tag landuse que le outer, il se peut
qu'osm2pgsql se mélange les pinceaux sans regarder les autres tags.

Pas de problème sur le rendu FR (les types sont en plus bien différenciés
par le rendu):

J'ai vérifié les polygones dans la base et ils sont tout les deux bien là,
d'où le rendu correct, mais on n'a pas forcément exactement la même config

Le 7 février 2017 à 22:56,  a écrit :

> Le 07/02/2017 à 22:35, - a écrit :
> Le 07/02/2017 à 22:10, Jean-Yvon a écrit :
> On est d'accord.
> J'ai regardé : le trou est tracé dans le sens trigo, au moins un bare-rock
> est dans le sens des aiguilles d'une montre.
> ça vaut le coup d'essayer.
> J'ai déjà essayé. Dès que l'autre Jean-Yvon me l'a suggéré. Il y a une
> demie heure, et ça n'a rien changé.
> Je deviens schizophrène ? ;-) J'avais peur de ne pas avoir assez suggéré.
> J'ai aussi remarqué que le multipolygone englobant était mal foutu
> (membres dans le désordre). Je l'ai corrigé. Nihil novi sub sole (si j'ose
> dire à 22:30...)
> Fais tourner ta mappemonde !
> Autre soucis : des membres outer ont des leave_type incompatibles avec la
> relation (l'avant dernier au moins).
> Dernier espoir : un conflit forest. Est-ce que ce bout ne devrait être un
> wood ?
> Je viens de mettre tous les inner dans le sens trigo. On verra (mais je
> n'y crois pas trop)
> Bonne soirée !
> Moi non plus, mais ça réduit les possibilités.
> Je crains en fait que le leave_type de la relation déteigne mais alors ce
> serait plutôt double affichage que pas du tout.
> Bonne nuit puisque l'heure tourne (à moins que ce ne soit le soleil).
> Jean-Yvon
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Utente Fredie e modifiche grossolane

Ma glielo ha ordinato il dottore di editare aree vaste?

 Messaggio originale Da: Alberto 
 Data:07/02/2017  22:27  (GMT+01:00) 
A: Oggetto: Re: [Talk-it] 
Utente Fredie e modifiche grossolane 
,ma lui dice che fa così perché edita aree vaste e non riuscirebbe a fare 
un lavoro di fino...
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Truc bizarre dans le rendu

Le 07/02/2017 à 22:35, - a écrit :

Le 07/02/2017 à 22:10, Jean-Yvon a écrit :

On est d'accord.

J'ai regardé : le trou est tracé dans le sens trigo, au moins un 
bare-rock est dans le sens des aiguilles d'une montre.

ça vaut le coup d'essayer.

J'ai déjà essayé. Dès que l'autre Jean-Yvon me l'a suggéré. Il y a une 
demie heure, et ça n'a rien changé.

Je deviens schizophrène ? ;-) J'avais peur de ne pas avoir assez suggéré.

J'ai aussi remarqué que le multipolygone englobant était mal foutu 
(membres dans le désordre). Je l'ai corrigé. Nihil novi sub sole (si 
j'ose dire à 22:30...)

Fais tourner ta mappemonde !
Autre soucis : des membres outer ont des leave_type incompatibles avec 
la relation (l'avant dernier au moins).
Dernier espoir : un conflit forest. Est-ce que ce bout ne devrait être 
un wood ?
Je viens de mettre tous les inner dans le sens trigo. On verra (mais 
je n'y crois pas trop)

Bonne soirée !

Moi non plus, mais ça réduit les possibilités.
Je crains en fait que le leave_type de la relation déteigne mais alors 
ce serait plutôt double affichage que pas du tout.

Bonne nuit puisque l'heure tourne (à moins que ce ne soit le soleil).

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Truc bizarre dans le rendu

Le 07/02/2017 à 22:10, Jean-Yvon
  Landrac a écrit :

  On est d'accord.
  J'ai regardé : le trou est tracé dans le sens trigo, au moins
un bare-rock est dans le sens des aiguilles d'une montre.
  ça vaut le coup d'essayer.

J'ai déjà essayé. Dès que l'autre Jean-Yvon me l'a suggéré. Il y
  a une demie heure, et ça n'a rien changé.
J'ai aussi remarqué que le multipolygone englobant était mal
  foutu (membres dans le désordre). Je l'ai corrigé. Nihil novi sub
  sole (si j'ose dire à 22:30...)
Je viens de mettre tous les inner dans le sens trigo. On verra (mais
je n'y crois pas trop)

Bonne soirée !
  Le 07/02/2017 à 21:56, - a
écrit :

Le 07/02/2017 à 21:41,
  a écrit :

  J'ai aussi remarqué ce genre de problèmes la semaine passée
est un inner sans tag spécifique

Ça, j'y trouve une certaine logique : inner sans tag, on ne
  sait pas ce qu'il y a dedans... On ne rempit pas.

  Est-ce que le sens du chemin aurait une importance ? Juste une
  Le 07/02/2017 à 21:19, - a
écrit :

Le chemin fermé, landuse=forest
  et leaf_type=mixed, a le rôle "inner" dans le
  landuse=forest et leaf_type=broadleaved.
Quelqu'un saurait-il m'expliquer pourquoi il apparaît comme
une grosse tache blanche sur
? Alors que les autres chemins inner nature=bare_rock
sortent bien.
(C'est-y moi qu'a fait une konnerie ?)

On a la même chose ici
  avec cette
forêt needleleaved qui est inner de ce
multipolygone forêt mixed.

Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list



Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Utente Fredie e modifiche grossolane

Il 7 febbraio 2017 22:27, Alberto  ha scritto:
> Comunque tornando a Fredie, nel changeset che ho visto io e anche secondo 
> quanto dice lui, tiene separati i nodi dei landuse dai nodi delle highway, in 
> modo da poterli modificare separatamente.

Tranne nei casi in cui unisce i landuse a destra e a sinistra della
carreggiata, tanto "il rendering della strada passa sopra i landuse
che e' di sfondo."

> E' vero che mette i confini dei landuse molto vicini alle highway e questo 
> crea confusione agli altri mappatori, infatti gliel'ho spiegato, ma lui dice 
> che fa così perché edita aree vaste e non riuscirebbe a fare un lavoro di 
> fino...

Infatti ha cancellato il mio lavoro di fino per rimettere un landuse enorme.

> Boh, fatemi sapere, soprattutto cosa succede alle mie modiche in caso di 
> revert del suo changeset.

Se sei in zona fiume Po piemontese potresti trovare qualche cambiamento.

Ho scritto la DWG per segnalare la cosa e per chiedere il revert del
changeset incriminato.
Vi terro' informati.
Buona notte

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Utente Fredie e modifiche grossolane

Scusate per prima, mi è partita la mail con tutte le altre discussioni 
Comunque tornando a Fredie, nel changeset che ho visto io e anche secondo 
quanto dice lui, tiene separati i nodi dei landuse dai nodi delle highway, in 
modo da poterli modificare separatamente.
E' vero che mette i confini dei landuse molto vicini alle highway e questo crea 
confusione agli altri mappatori, infatti gliel'ho spiegato, ma lui dice che fa 
così perché edita aree vaste e non riuscirebbe a fare un lavoro di fino...
Boh, fatemi sapere, soprattutto cosa succede alle mie modiche in caso di revert 
del suo changeset.

Questa e-mail è stata controllata per individuare virus con Avast antivirus.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [osm-ve] Cuántos somos?

De acuerdo podríamos hacer algo para activarnos..

Salva un árbol. No imprimas este correo a menos que sea realmente necesario.

J. Hernán Ramírez R - Linux User #97.898

Mapas Libres OpenStreetmap Venezuela 

2017-02-07 12:03 GMT-04:00 Rafael A. Isturiz L. :

> Buenas, no seria mala idea algún dia tratar de hacer una reunión
> presencial invitando a otros posibles interesados en colaborar con el
> proyecto.
> Saludos.
> 2017-02-06 4:44 GMT-04:00 Wladimir Szczerban :
>> Hola Juan,
>> Ya otros compañeros te han indicado algunas páginas por donde empezar. Yo
>> empezaría por el
>> Respecto al software que se utiliza para trabajar con OSM es casi todo
>> (por no decir todo) sofware libre. Lo más facíl para empezar es usar el
>> editor web ID que te aparece cuando estás en el mapa.
>> Luego de que estés cómodo editando lo ideal es usar el JOSM que es el
>> editor avanzado y que permite trabajar mejor.
>> En general las apps para los celulares están más pensadas para recolectar
>> puntos y grabar tracks gps que para editar el mapa y corregir errores. (Lo
>> comento desde mi poca experiencia usandolas).
>> Un sitio donde encontrarás mucha información es en la wiki
>> aqui lo mejor es usar el buscador. Lo
>> más completo es en inglés pero muchas partes están traducidas al español.
>> Para el tema del celular Android puedes ver las opciones aquí
>> *"se pueden hacer correcciones en caso de ver errores"*
>> Si la idea de OSM es esa, que entre todos construyamos el mapa.
>> Tienes unos tutoriales muy buenos en
>> anielorellanav
>> Este para edición básica
>> Este para nivel intemedio
>> Este para pasar del editor web ID al JSOM
>> v=9zRAVDeYvvQ
>> El 3 de febrero de 2017, 18:51, Marco Antonio <
>>> escribió:
>>> On Fri, 3 Feb 2017 10:03:46 -0400 Juan Pablo Rodrigues
>>>  wrote:
>>> > puedo usar mi celular con android?
>>> mapsme es ligero y simple, para cosas básicas como mejorar negocios,
>>> oficinas, turismo es ideal, un resumen →
>>> osmand es más personalizable y potente, tiene perfiles (bici, peatón,
>>> auto) que cambia la forma de ver el mapa. un resumen (tiene 2da parte) →
>>> > como puedo editar o agregar información?
>>> ambos son offline, ambos puedes registrar/editar datos, y en ambos
>>> puedes enviar registros de problemas en el mapa.
>>> en la wiki de vídeos recolecté varios que ayudan desde lo más simple a
>>> cosas complejas. revisa →
>>> abrazos,
>>> Marco Antonio
>>> @51114u9
>>> ___
>>> Talk-ve mailing list
>> --
>> Saludos,
>> Bolo
>> ___
>> Talk-ve mailing list
> --
> a.k.a. pelox (Debian Powered) |
> Barquisimeto [VE] | LinuxUser [238188]
> ___
> Talk-ve mailing list
Talk-ve mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Utente Fredie e modifiche grossolane

Il 7 febbraio 2017 21:48, Alberto  ha scritto:
> Ciao, anch'io ho avuto una discussione con Fredie perché ha inserito landuse 
> grossolani e perché ha messo un garden con access=private che si sovrapponeva 
> a strade pubbliche, nel changeset [1].
> Ha capito e accettato di non inserire più poligoni con access=private 
> sovrapposti a strade pubbliche.
> Per i landuse grossolani lui dice di fare così per iniziare ad avere un 
> landuse che poi i locali se vogliono possono raffinare.

Il problema era che io avevo gia' i landuse raffinati, 4 mesi di
lavoro e lui li ha cancellati per crearmene uno, con la motivazione
"tanto il landuse sta sotto, e' solo sfondo".

> Per l'origine dei dati usa le le ortofoto di Google e le confronta con quelle 
> di Bing.
L'ho capito, ma non lo ammette pubblicamente.

> Confermo che è tedesco.
> Se decidiamo di fare un revert però io ho già fatto delle modifiche 
> successive di raffinazione del suo lavoro. Cosa succede in questi casi dove 
> io ho modificato o splittato i landuse che lui ha creato?

Ho chiesto il revert di un singolo changeset nella mia zona, Casale Monferrato.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Truc bizarre dans le rendu

Le 07/02/2017 à 21:41, a écrit :

  J'ai aussi remarqué ce genre de problèmes la semaine passée :
est un inner sans tag spécifique

Ça, j'y trouve une certaine logique : inner sans tag, on ne sait
  pas ce qu'il y a dedans... On ne rempit pas.

  Est-ce que le sens du chemin aurait une importance ? Juste une
  Le 07/02/2017 à 21:19, - a
écrit :

Le chemin fermé, landuse=forest
  et leaf_type=mixed, a le rôle "inner" dans le multipolygone,
  landuse=forest et leaf_type=broadleaved.
Quelqu'un saurait-il m'expliquer pourquoi il apparaît comme une
grosse tache blanche sur
? Alors que les autres chemins inner nature=bare_rock sortent
(C'est-y moi qu'a fait une konnerie ?)

On a la même chose ici
  avec cette
forêt needleleaved qui est inner de ce
multipolygone forêt mixed.

Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Utente Fredie e modifiche grossolane

Ciao, anch'io ho avuto una discussione con Fredie perché ha inserito landuse 
grossolani e perché ha messo un garden con access=private che si sovrapponeva a 
strade pubbliche, nel changeset [1].
Ha capito e accettato di non inserire più poligoni con access=private 
sovrapposti a strade pubbliche.
Per i landuse grossolani lui dice di fare così per iniziare ad avere un landuse 
che poi i locali se vogliono possono raffinare.
Per l'origine dei dati usa le le ortofoto di Google e le confronta con quelle 
di Bing.
Confermo che è tedesco.
Se decidiamo di fare un revert però io ho già fatto delle modifiche successive 
di raffinazione del suo lavoro. Cosa succede in questi casi dove io ho 
modificato o splittato i landuse che lui ha creato?


-Messaggio originale-
Inviato: martedì 7 febbraio 2017 18:42
Oggetto: Digest di Talk-it, Volume 123, Numero 10

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Argomenti del Giorno:

   1. Utente Fredie e modifiche grossolane (Fabrizio Tambussa)
   2. Re: croce di vetta = summit:cross (
   3. Streaming del FOSS4G-IT 2017 (Alessandro Palmas)
   4. Re: Utente Fredie e modifiche grossolane (Martin Koppenhoefer)
   5. Re: Utente Fredie e modifiche grossolane (Fabrizio Tambussa)
   6. Re: Utente Fredie e modifiche grossolane (Martin Koppenhoefer)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2017 15:28:07 +0100
From: Fabrizio Tambussa 
To: openstreetmap list - italiano 
Subject: [Talk-it] Utente Fredie e modifiche grossolane

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Truc bizarre dans le rendu

J'ai aussi remarqué ce genre de problèmes la semaine passée :
est un inner sans tag spécifique

Est-ce que le sens du chemin aurait une importance ? Juste une idée.


Le 07/02/2017 à 21:19, - a écrit :


Le chemin fermé, landuse=forest et 
leaf_type=mixed, a le rôle "inner" dans le multipolygone, landuse=forest et 

Quelqu'un saurait-il m'expliquer pourquoi il apparaît comme une grosse 
tache blanche sur 
? Alors que les autres chemins inner nature=bare_rock sortent bien.

(/C'est-y moi qu'a fait une konnerie ?/)

On a la même chose ici 
 avec cette 
forêt needleleaved  qui 
est inner de ce multipolygone forêt mixed 



Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Utente Fredie e modifiche grossolane

Concordo sul segnalare al DWG.
Per il revert sconsiglio il plugin per JOSM, che a me da problemi
anche con changeset molto più piccoli, meglio usare script apposito.


Talk-it mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Truc bizarre dans le rendu

Le chemin fermé, landuse=forest
  et leaf_type=mixed, a le rôle "inner" dans le multipolygone,
  landuse=forest et leaf_type=broadleaved.
Quelqu'un saurait-il m'expliquer pourquoi il apparaît comme une
grosse tache blanche sur
? Alors que les autres chemins inner nature=bare_rock sortent bien.
(C'est-y moi qu'a fait une konnerie ?)

On a la même chose ici
  avec cette
forêt needleleaved qui est inner de ce
multipolygone forêt mixed.


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Utente Fredie e modifiche grossolane

Il 07 feb 2017 21:13, "Andrea Albani"  ha scritto:

 per me si può procedere in modo drastico.

Segnalare al DWG senza indugiare oltre.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Utente Fredie e modifiche grossolane

Il 7 febbraio 2017 21:12, Andrea Albani  ha scritto:
> Ciao,
> ero già incappato in questo mappatore seriale e l'avevo già segnalato in
> mail list lo scorso settembre per capire come procedere, ma devo dire con
> scarsi riscontri.

Ecco perche' il nome mi diceva qualcosa.
Confermo changeset enormi, ingestibili con JOSM.
Vi terro' informati.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Utente Fredie e modifiche grossolane


ero già incappato in questo mappatore seriale e l'avevo già segnalato in
mail list lo scorso settembre per capire come procedere, ma devo dire con
scarsi riscontri.

La quantità di modifiche generate con singoli changeset da questo user è
impressionante. Io ne avevo segnalato uno in particolare e l'avevo anche
commentato come da prassi, ma senza riscontri da parte sua.
Riporto quello che avevo trovato allora in un solo changeste da 5000
- poligoni natural=* e landuse=* che condividono nodi di highway
- natural=grassland in overlap con strade asfaltate
- natural=grass con all'interno landuse=industrial
- nodo place=locality con name preso dal CTR Lombardia, ma riportato con
errori grossolani (node id 582930277 con name "E N U T A A G R I C O L A P
I R O C C O"). Il nodo in questione è pure in condivisione con uno nodo del
boundary comunale
- area (way 391988734) con man_made=wastewater_plant trasformato in
landuse=industrial con uno dei nodi del poligono marcato con
man_made=wastewater_plant e disused=yes (per inciso l'impianto è attivo)
- poligoni retail che contengono più esercizi commerciali marcati con il
nome di uno solo degli esercizi (way 434483022)
- piazze con area=yes e rispettiva highway trasformata in poligono di tipo
amenity=parking con lo stesso nome
- parcheggi vicini, ma distinti, cancellati e trasformati in un unico
grande rettangolo
- waterway=ditches ancora esistenti, ma cancellati non si sa bene perchè.

Il problema è che scoprire cosa ha fatto puntualmente e mettere a posto è
un lavoro immane. Posso dire che valutando quello che ha fatto in provincia
di Pavia direi che il "casino" è maggiore del valore aggiunto, pertanto
visto il persistere nell'ignorare l'editing degli altri e l'approccio
fortemtente arrogante... per me si può procedere in modo drastico.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Utente Fredie e modifiche grossolane

Sono changeset enormi, roba da 4 o 5000 e piu' nodi. Pur con l'ADSL
velocissima, il plugin reverter mi va in timeout.
Mi ha risposto in maniera molto supponente con frasi del tipo: "Mappo
cosi', dov'e' il problema?"
"Sei il proprietario di OSM?"

Scrivo al DWG per segnalare la cosa e perche' non riesco a gestire un
revert di queste dimensioni.

Si accettano idee


Il 7 febbraio 2017 20:07, Fra Mauro  ha scritto:
> Mia personale opinione: va segnalato subito a chi blocca gli utenti che
> fanno vandalismo. Una volta segnalato, se c'è qualcuno di buona volontà che
> ha voglia di spiegargli i motivi ha tutta la mia stima
> Il 7 Febbraio 2017 19:42:52 CET, Federico Cortese  ha
> scritto:
>> On Tue, Feb 7, 2017 at 7:11 PM, Fabrizio Tambussa 
>> wrote:
>>>  Mi fa rabbia perché anni fa la mia città era un unico
>>> landuse=residential e
>>>  grazie a Simone Saviolo ho imparato a fare i singoli isolati uno ad uno
>>> a
>>>  seconda della destinazione d'uso.
>>>  Ora è tornata quasi un landuse unico.
>>>  Revert completo o solo della mia zona?
>>>  Non posso entrare nel merito di modifiche fatte a Pavia o Chivasso.
>>>  Certo è che fa changeset enormi.
>> Queste sono le cose che fanno veramente arrabbiare!
>> Io sarei per il revert completo immediato di tutti i changeset coi
>> quali ha creato danni, tipo riunificare landuse, eliminare strade
>> private, etc.
>> 1) E' veramente assurdo che lui giustifichi il fatto di cancellare
>> strade private perchè non sono di interesse comune, tra l'altro senza
>> essere del posto, quindi solo in base alle immagini.
>> 2) Le immagini satellitari del 2016 da dove le prende? Nei source
>> indica Bing, sarei proprio curioso di sapere dove ha trovato immagini
>> Bing del 2016.
>> 3) Noi mappiamo i poligoni separandoli dalle strade, la sua arte la
>> può applicare dove non c'è mappato nulla, ma non può cambiare il
>> lavoro degli altri perchè a lui piace in altro modo.
>> 4) Ho visto che cancella alberi allineati mappati singolarmente
>> sostituendoli con natural=tree_row, anche qui se mappa dove non c'è
>> nulla può fare come vuole, ma perchè cambiare quanto fatto da altri?
>> (
>> 5) Ha cambiato leisure=park sostituendo con landuse=grass: se non sei
>> del posto in base a cosa fai queste modifiche?
>> (
>> 6) Perchè cancella lit=no? La considera un'informazione inutile?
>> (
>> 7) Perchè collega il nodo del paese ad un giardino privato e in base a
>> cosa cambia la popolazione?
>> (
>> E potrei continuare all'infinito...
>> In definitiva oltre che arrogante, mi sembra che commetta errori da
>> mappatore alle prime armi.
>> Ciao
>> Federico
>> Talk-it mailing list
> --
> Inviato dal mio dispositivo Android con K-9 Mail. Perdonate la brevità.
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Footpath Open Data is not always accurate.

On 2017-02-07 20:15, Adam Snape wrote:

> Colin, the Ramblers' 'Blue Book' is a standard recommended guide to law and 
> practice. Sadly, I've lent my copy out so can't quote chapter and verse but 
> it does cover the right to deviate and also the right to abate a public 
> nuisance. The general gist is that any deviation of route or removal of 
> obstruction should be the minimum necessary to allow your passage.

Adam, thanks, I will look out for a copy! 

Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-GB] Large swaths of "heath" in Wales?

Hi all,

I noticed that in Wales, large parts of the Snowdonia National Park have 
been covered with natural=heath, much of which seems blatantly 
incorrect. Although I am from the Netherlands, having studied for half a 
year in Bangor in 1993, I know the area around Snowdon mountain and 
Llanberis quite well, as I made several hikes there. As you all know, 
there is much more variation in the natural landscape there, for which a 
single swath of heath seems wholly inappropriate as a representation of 
the landscape. Even along the outer borders, the features often seem 
totally disconnected with reality looking at Bing, there is often no 
real visible difference in the landscape, or clearly other types of 
landscapes and natural features, all of this also strongly suggesting a 
possible import of some small scale, coarse landscape map.

Lastly, the lack of proper multipolygon creation, means that other types 
of renderers and styles than Carto, and GIS's like QGIS and ArcGIS, that 
do not stack features based on size but need multipolygons to deal with 
polygon-within-polygon problems, have many older detailed features 
covered up by these new ones, as the original data may be hidden beneath 
the newly added ones.

I noticed the particular user who initially created these features is 
already under scrutiny of the British community, based on the profile 
page and history of the objects, but what are the plans of the community 
with these features? Looking at the current data, I would really suggest 
a revert of the changesets, but considering some of these features seem 
to have been left for a couple of months already, are there any other 
ideas in the UK community?

P.S. I did notice the other discussion started by user "sk53.osm" about 
these problems caused by this user and natural=heath:

but that discussion seems to have veered of course into a general 
discussion of quality control tools, and didn't really answer the 
question of what the community intends to do with all this disputable 
data, despite a small suggestion by Andy to possibly keep some of the 
data as maybe already corrected by other users.


Dit e-mailbericht is gecontroleerd op virussen met Avast antivirussoftware.

Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-GB] Footpath Open Data is not always accurate.

"I disagree with you here, the walkable line  should be mapped as the right
of way whether it follows the definitive line or not. It absolutely should
not be mapped as permissive, the landowner is not giving permission. If the
definitive line is obstructed you have an absolute right to go around it."

Actually we're almost entirely in agreement. Though, if an obstruction is
of a temporary nature or an otherwise easily resolved obstruction (eg. a
locked gate) then it might be better to map the route and report the

Colin, the Ramblers' 'Blue Book' is a standard recommended guide to law and
practice. Sadly, I've lent my copy out so can't quote chapter and verse but
it does cover the right to deviate and also the right to abate a public
nuisance. The general gist is that any deviation of route or removal of
obstruction should be the minimum necessary to allow your passage.
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Utente Fredie e modifiche grossolane

Mia personale opinione: va segnalato subito a chi blocca gli utenti che fanno 
vandalismo. Una volta segnalato, se c'è qualcuno di buona volontà che ha voglia 
di spiegargli i motivi ha tutta la mia stima

Il 7 Febbraio 2017 19:42:52 CET, Federico Cortese  ha 
>On Tue, Feb 7, 2017 at 7:11 PM, Fabrizio Tambussa 
>> Mi fa rabbia perché anni fa la mia città era un unico
>landuse=residential e
>> grazie a Simone Saviolo ho imparato a fare i singoli isolati uno ad
>uno a
>> seconda della destinazione d'uso.
>> Ora è tornata quasi un landuse unico.
>> Revert completo o solo della mia zona?
>> Non posso entrare nel merito di modifiche fatte a Pavia o Chivasso.
>> Certo è che fa changeset enormi.
>Queste sono le cose che fanno veramente arrabbiare!
>Io sarei per il revert completo immediato di tutti i changeset coi
>quali ha creato danni, tipo riunificare landuse, eliminare strade
>private, etc.
>1) E' veramente assurdo che lui giustifichi il fatto di cancellare
>strade private perchè non sono di interesse comune, tra l'altro senza
>essere del posto, quindi solo in base alle immagini.
>2) Le immagini satellitari del 2016 da dove le prende? Nei source
>indica Bing, sarei proprio curioso di sapere dove ha trovato immagini
>Bing del 2016.
>3) Noi mappiamo i poligoni separandoli dalle strade, la sua arte la
>può applicare dove non c'è mappato nulla, ma non può cambiare il
>lavoro degli altri perchè a lui piace in altro modo.
>4) Ho visto che cancella alberi allineati mappati singolarmente
>sostituendoli con natural=tree_row, anche qui se mappa dove non c'è
>nulla può fare come vuole, ma perchè cambiare quanto fatto da altri?
>5) Ha cambiato leisure=park sostituendo con landuse=grass: se non sei
>del posto in base a cosa fai queste modifiche?
>6) Perchè cancella lit=no? La considera un'informazione inutile?
>7) Perchè collega il nodo del paese ad un giardino privato e in base a
>cosa cambia la popolazione?
>E potrei continuare all'infinito...
>In definitiva oltre che arrogante, mi sembra che commetta errori da
>mappatore alle prime armi.
>Talk-it mailing list

Inviato dal mio dispositivo Android con K-9 Mail. Perdonate la brevità.___
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Utente Fredie e modifiche grossolane

On Tue, Feb 7, 2017 at 7:11 PM, Fabrizio Tambussa  wrote:
> Mi fa rabbia perché anni fa la mia città era un unico landuse=residential e
> grazie a Simone Saviolo ho imparato a fare i singoli isolati uno ad uno a
> seconda della destinazione d'uso.
> Ora è tornata quasi un landuse unico.
> Revert completo o solo della mia zona?
> Non posso entrare nel merito di modifiche fatte a Pavia o Chivasso.
> Certo è che fa changeset enormi.

Queste sono le cose che fanno veramente arrabbiare!
Io sarei per il revert completo immediato di tutti i changeset coi
quali ha creato danni, tipo riunificare landuse, eliminare strade
private, etc.
1) E' veramente assurdo che lui giustifichi il fatto di cancellare
strade private perchè non sono di interesse comune, tra l'altro senza
essere del posto, quindi solo in base alle immagini.
2) Le immagini satellitari del 2016 da dove le prende? Nei source
indica Bing, sarei proprio curioso di sapere dove ha trovato immagini
Bing del 2016.
3) Noi mappiamo i poligoni separandoli dalle strade, la sua arte la
può applicare dove non c'è mappato nulla, ma non può cambiare il
lavoro degli altri perchè a lui piace in altro modo.
4) Ho visto che cancella alberi allineati mappati singolarmente
sostituendoli con natural=tree_row, anche qui se mappa dove non c'è
nulla può fare come vuole, ma perchè cambiare quanto fatto da altri?
5) Ha cambiato leisure=park sostituendo con landuse=grass: se non sei
del posto in base a cosa fai queste modifiche?
6) Perchè cancella lit=no? La considera un'informazione inutile?
7) Perchè collega il nodo del paese ad un giardino privato e in base a
cosa cambia la popolazione?

E potrei continuare all'infinito...
In definitiva oltre che arrogante, mi sembra che commetta errori da
mappatore alle prime armi.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Utente Fredie e modifiche grossolane

Martin grazie della comprensione.
Al 99% l'utente è tedesco, perché usa JOSM (de).
Se vuoi scrivigli nella vostra lingua,  magari capisce.

Mi fa rabbia perché anni fa la mia città era un unico landuse=residential e
grazie a Simone Saviolo ho imparato a fare i singoli isolati uno ad uno a
seconda della destinazione d'uso.
Ora è tornata quasi un landuse unico.

Revert completo o solo della mia zona?
Non posso entrare nel merito di modifiche fatte a Pavia o Chivasso.
Certo è che fa changeset enormi.


Il 07/Feb/2017 18:42, "Martin Koppenhoefer"  ha

> 2017-02-07 18:26 GMT+01:00 Fabrizio Tambussa :
>> Reg your issue to revert my work, need to tell you that OSM is not
>> your private and have no copyright. you don't have any right to revert
>> other mappers' uploads when you dislike it. So please be careful to
>> threaten other mappers with a revert. I pretty much dislike that
>> behaviour !
>> All my work is carefully researched used sat data from
>> 2016. If you use Bing Sat data make clear that those are pretty > 6
>> years old.
> vuol dire che non conosce i posti, al meno non è vicino
>> ... Overlapping nodes to highway is my personal art
>> to map and you may accept or not.
> appunto, non lo accettiamo ;-)
>> If tracks are deleted then those are
>> of no common interest (Agric ac only or priv property with no
>> connectivity)
> 1. non è visibile in sat imagery se si possa accedere
> 2. non ci interessa l'interesse comune, ci interessano fatti. Cancellare
> appositamente è vandalismo
>> If you have problems there just readd them;
> cosa?
>> I won't care
>> for anymore. It's unusal to add dozens of small residentials landuse.
>> I've never seen such processing any part of map in Europe I passed.
>> residential has always the lowest priority in rendering, like
>> farmland. no Problem to nest additional landuse without use of
>> relation.
> la realtà è che tanti landuse sono stati importati, e che la situazione
> per esempio in Germania per lo più non è soddisfacente (grezzo, e difficile
> da editare perché ci sono tanti multipoligoni molto grossi).
>> All my work follows wiki rules. I also have to accept other
>> mappers style though not always agree. If you 're local then feel free
>> to add any changes you think is necessary.
> sopratutto se NON sei locale, rispetta ciò che ti dicono i locali, invece
> di insistere sul diritto di fare "a modo tuo" (cit) e lasciare i danni ai
> locali da riparare.
> Io farei un revert. ;-)
> Ciao,
> Martin
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Utente Fredie e modifiche grossolane

2017-02-07 18:26 GMT+01:00 Fabrizio Tambussa :

> Reg your issue to revert my work, need to tell you that OSM is not
> your private and have no copyright. you don't have any right to revert
> other mappers' uploads when you dislike it. So please be careful to
> threaten other mappers with a revert. I pretty much dislike that
> behaviour !

> All my work is carefully researched used sat data from
> 2016. If you use Bing Sat data make clear that those are pretty > 6
> years old.

vuol dire che non conosce i posti, al meno non è vicino

> ... Overlapping nodes to highway is my personal art
> to map and you may accept or not.

appunto, non lo accettiamo ;-)

> If tracks are deleted then those are
> of no common interest (Agric ac only or priv property with no
> connectivity)

1. non è visibile in sat imagery se si possa accedere
2. non ci interessa l'interesse comune, ci interessano fatti. Cancellare
appositamente è vandalismo

> If you have problems there just readd them;


> I won't care
> for anymore. It's unusal to add dozens of small residentials landuse.
> I've never seen such processing any part of map in Europe I passed.
> residential has always the lowest priority in rendering, like
> farmland. no Problem to nest additional landuse without use of
> relation.

la realtà è che tanti landuse sono stati importati, e che la situazione per
esempio in Germania per lo più non è soddisfacente (grezzo, e difficile da
editare perché ci sono tanti multipoligoni molto grossi).

> All my work follows wiki rules. I also have to accept other
> mappers style though not always agree. If you 're local then feel free
> to add any changes you think is necessary.

sopratutto se NON sei locale, rispetta ciò che ti dicono i locali, invece
di insistere sul diritto di fare "a modo tuo" (cit) e lasciare i danni ai
locali da riparare.

Io farei un revert. ;-)

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Utente Fredie e modifiche grossolane

Ha risposto,
oltre essere straniero e' un pochettino arrogante.

Hi Sib..

Reg your issue to revert my work, need to tell you that OSM is not
your private and have no copyright. you don't have any right to revert
other mappers' uploads when you dislike it. So please be careful to
threaten other mappers with a revert. I pretty much dislike that
behaviour ! All my work is carefully researched used sat data from
2016. If you use Bing Sat data make clear that those are pretty > 6
years old. Those former eternit area meanwhile is rebuilt with house
and garden as mapped. Overlapping nodes to highway is my personal art
to map and you may accept or not. If tracks are deleted then those are
of no common interest (Agric ac only or priv property with no
connectivity) If you have problems there just readd them; I won't care
for anymore. It's unusal to add dozens of small residentials landuse.
I've never seen such processing any part of map in Europe I passed.
residential has always the lowest priority in rendering, like
farmland. no Problem to nest additional landuse without use of
relation. All my work follows wiki rules. I also have to accept other
mappers style though not always agree. If you 're local then feel free
to add any changes you think is necessary.

hopefully help to understand.


Please understand, that if you you revert other mappers work, I have
to accuse in the community as those data amount is huge (4000 changes)
and not only concerns your request.


La mia risposta riguarda 3 punti:
1) rispondi prima di mappare
2) quali sono le immagini del 2016 che usi per mappare, sii specifico e preciso
3) distruggi il lavoro altrui e poi candidamente dici "se non ti piace
puoi sempre correggere", cosi' devo lavorare 2 volte.

Gli ho scritto che sto discutendo della sua "arte" (sue parole) di
mappare con la community italiana e stiamo valutando opportune mosse.
Tra le righe mi dice che odia le relation e infatti ne ha cancellate alcune:

Si accettano consigli


Il 7 febbraio 2017 18:03, Martin Koppenhoefer 
ha scritto:
> 2017-02-07 15:28 GMT+01:00 Fabrizio Tambussa :
>> L'utente dovrebbe essere tedesco, gli ho scritto in italiano e in
>> inglese sperando che risponda.
> confermo, sembra un tedesco, anche se apparentemente gli piace l'Italia,
> dove ha mappato più che in Germania.
> Ciao,
> Martin
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Utente Fredie e modifiche grossolane

2017-02-07 15:28 GMT+01:00 Fabrizio Tambussa :

> L'utente dovrebbe essere tedesco, gli ho scritto in italiano e in
> inglese sperando che risponda.

confermo, sembra un tedesco, anche se apparentemente gli piace l'Italia,
dove ha mappato più che in Germania.

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-es] Edición automática líneas AVE Era: Me presento y pregunto:


Creo que es preferible aprovechar que hay que revisar el nombre de las vías
para arreglar las relaciones también, parece que no están muy allá. Además
el cambio que propones contempla añadir información incompleta y etiquetas
fixme sin aportar mucho y eliminado información (name=AVE) que podría ser
aprovechada para crear las relaciones de transporte público con la etiqueta
network correspondiente.


Alejandro Suárez

On Tue, Feb 7, 2017, 11:39 Miguel Sevilla-Callejo 

> Respecto a lo que comenta Jesús,
> ¿no se podría hacer un cambio masivo de denominación vía un overpass? Si
> nadie pone ninguna pega yo sería partidario de reemplazar las etiquetas de
> name=AVE por name=Línea de alta velocidad e incluir un fixme=pendiente de
> indicar tramos acorde con lo se recoge en la wikipedia
> ¿qué os parece?
> M
> On 07/02/17 10:57, Jesús Gómez Fernández wrote:
> Aprovecho el correo de Santiago para comentar algo referente a las líneas
> de ferrocarril de alta velocidad en España.
> He visto que hay muchos tramos con etiqueta name =AVE. Esto es erróneo ya
> que AVE es la marca comercial de RENFE para sus servicio de alta velocidad
> y no es el nombre de la infraestructura.
> En realidad deberían llevar, por ejemplo, "Línea de alta velocidad
> Madrid-Zaragoza-Barcelona-Frontera francesa" o "Línea de alta velocidad
> Madrid-Levante". La Wikipedia recogen las denominaciones de todas las
> líneas [1]
> [1]
> alta_velocidad_en_Espa%C3%B1a
> Saludos.
> El 6 de febrero de 2017, 21:46, Santiago Díaz de Argandoña <
>> escribió:
> Hola:
> Hace bastante tiempo que me suscribí a esta lista, pero ahora me animo a
> escribir. Mi lugar de mapeo habitual es Álava (creo que soy el único
> usuario activo por aquí), aunque de vez en cuando edito otras zonas.
> Últimamente estoy añadiendo la cobertura de suelo en la Llanada Alavesa,
> aunque hasta hace poco estuve arreglando la infraestructura ferroviaria en
> Bilbao. Precisamente, después de editar esta zona me han surgido un par de
> dudas respecto al ferrocarril, pero en Cataluña. Son las siguientes:
> 1º La línea Llobregat-Anoia, a partir de Molí Nou (donde acaba la L8),
> creo que debería ser railway=narrow_gauge + gauge=1000 (no railway=rail,
> como ahora). La definición que se da en OSMWiki para este tipo de
> ferrocarriles es: "trenes con un ancho de vía
>  (trocha) menor que el
> llamado "ancho estándar" de 1435mm.".
> 2º Los tranvías de Barcelona (Trambaix/Trambesòs) tienen a lo largo de
> todo su trazado service=yard. En principio, esta etiqueta solo debería
> usarse en desvíos; las vías con servicio comercial tendrían que llevar
> usage=main. No solo es incorrecto el uso de service=yard, sino que además
> dificulta la visualización de las vías.
> Si estos supuestos fallos estuvieran en una zona que conociera, los
> hubiera arreglado sin más; pero en este caso no he tocado nada, por si
> acaso se utiliza otro criterio. Además, me chocaba que con una comunidad
> tan activa nadie se hubiera dado cuenta de los fallos.
> En resumen, si no hay problema, yo mismo me ofrezco para editar las vías.
> Saludos, Santi.
> PD: Suelo editar como Santi.
> ___
> Talk-es mailing list
> ___
> Talk-es mailing 
> listTalk-es@openstreetmap.org
> ___
> Talk-es mailing list
Talk-es mailing list

[Talk-it] Streaming del FOSS4G-IT 2017

Salve lista,
nel pieno del delirio creativo-organizzativo (abbiamo superato i 320
iscritti tra convegno, workshop e mapping party) arriva l'annuncio
dello streaming. Ieri hanno fatto le prove, oggi è arrivata la
conferma ufficiale.
Nella bella Villa Giustiniani Cambiaso dell'Alessi la
  conferenza si terrà nel salone al piano nobile che già vide gli
  OSMer durante OSMit2010
Nello spazio antistante vi saranno i banchi degli sponsor e il
  servizio catering. Nella prima sala adiacente ci saranno alcuni
  tavoli per miniriunioni e incontri (qui anche il tavolo Wikimedia
  Italia, non un banchetto ma giusto un punto d'incontro). Nella
  seconda sala si terrà parte del Community Sprint di GRASS
Intanto ieri a pranzo con LucaDelu si parlava già dell'edizione

Inoltro il messaggio
  dell'organizzazione col link allo streaming e vi ricordo l'hastag
  ufficiale di FOSS4G-IT 
  Alessandro Ale_Zena_IT
   Messaggio Inoltrato 


Fwd: In attesa del FOSS4G-IT 2017
Tue, 7 Feb 2017 15:21:50 +0100

Bianca Federici 
grass gfoss convegno genova

  Buongiorno a tutti,
in attesa dell'inizio dei lavori del convegno,
comunico che alla pagina:
è possibile scaricare sia il programma definitivo del convegno (non
stampatelo, ve ne daremo copia al momento della registrazione), sia gli
abstract di tutti gli interventi (di questo non ne daremo copia cartacea).

Per chi non potrà partecipare al convegno, le sessioni orali saranno
trasmesse in live streaming, al seguente indirizzo:
Per chi parteciperà al convegno, i primi 140 presenti potranno accedere
all'aula del convegno, gli altri dovranno seguire l'evento in streaming
in aula adiacente dedicata.

Il programma è molto fitto, per cui faremo il possibile affinchè
l'evento rispetti gli orari previsti.

A presto,
Bianca Federici
(per il comitato organizzatore)

Eng. Bianca Federici, PhD
Assistant Professor in Geomatics

DICCA - Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Laboratory of Geodesy, Geomatics and GIS
University of Genoa
Via Montallegro, 1 - 16145 Genova ITALY
Phone: +39 010 353 2421 - Fax: +39 010 353 2546
E-mail: -

Gter srl Innovation in Geomatics, Gnss and Gis
Spin-off of the University of Genoa
Piazza De Marini 3/61, 16123 Genova
Phone: +39 010 8694830 - Fax: +39 010 8694737 -
E-mail: -

Please consider the environment before printing this email!


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Footpath Open Data is not always accurate.

On Tue Feb 7 15:04:22 2017 GMT, Colin Smale wrote:
> On 2017-02-07 15:01, Philip Barnes wrote:
> > Hi Adam, welcome to the list.
> > 
> > If the definitive line is obstructed you have an absolute right to go 
> > around it.
> Are you sure about this? I would expect that you only have a right to
> report the obstruction to the LA or apply to the courts. Technically,
> you might not even have the rights to remove the obstruction as it
> consists of private property. If I am wrong here, I would appreciate a
> link...

Section 22 deals with removing an obstruction.

Thats the reason you take your secateurs on every walk and don't go home for 
them :)


Sent from my Jolla
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Namen van kerken

2017-02-07 15:28 GMT+01:00 Guy Vanvuchelen :
> Lijkt mij een goede oplossing maar met official_name = Parochiekerk heb ik 
> het wat moeilijk. Wanneer is het een parochiekerk en tot wanneer is het een 
> parochiekerk?
> Wat is een parochie? Als dat een 'gemeenschap' is met een priester dan zijn 
> er al niet veel meer, als dat een 'gemeenschap' is met een 'Kerkfabriek' (of 
> hoe noemen ze dat?) dan vrees ik dat vrij snel official_name zal moeten 
> veranderen in old_name.

Zowel Onroerend Erfgoed als de ODIS databank geven dit aan. Het is die
naam die ik overneem onder official_name.

Tot nu toe heb ik nog maar 1 "Bij-kerk" gevonden. Al de rest lijkt
Parochiekerk te zijn.

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Footpath Open Data is not always accurate.

On 2017-02-07 15:01, Philip Barnes wrote:

> Hi Adam, welcome to the list.
> If the definitive line is obstructed you have an absolute right to go around 
> it.

Are you sure about this? I would expect that you only have a right to
report the obstruction to the LA or apply to the courts. Technically,
you might not even have the rights to remove the obstruction as it
consists of private property. If I am wrong here, I would appreciate a

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] croce di vetta = summit:cross

girarsi_liste wrote
> Io non sarei per ripetere summit:cross, per le informazioni/dimensioni
> della croce, ma mi limiterei al cross:*=*, tutte dentro un'unico nodo.
> propongo:
> natural=peak
> ele=*
> summit:cross=yes
> man_made=cross
> cross:height=*
> cross:material=*
> cross:start_date=*
> cross:inscription=* (se c'è qualche scritta)

anche così non mi dispiace ;-) 
che facciamo?

View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Namen van kerken

Lijkt mij een goede oplossing maar met official_name = Parochiekerk heb ik het 
wat moeilijk. Wanneer is het een parochiekerk en tot wanneer is het een 
Wat is een parochie? Als dat een 'gemeenschap' is met een priester dan zijn er 
al niet veel meer, als dat een 'gemeenschap' is met een 'Kerkfabriek' (of hoe 
noemen ze dat?) dan vrees ik dat vrij snel official_name zal moeten veranderen 
in old_name.

Guy Vanvuchelen

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: Marc Gemis [] 
Verzonden: dinsdag 7 februari 2017 6:45
Aan: OpenStreetMap Belgium
Onderwerp: Re: [OSM-talk-be] Namen van kerken

2017-02-06 9:43 GMT+01:00 Karel Adams :
> waarom maken we niet de vergelijking met andere grote gebouwen? Bv.
> stations. Mappen we "Gare Saint Lazare" of "Saint Lazare"? Ik zie toch bv.
> "Charleroi-Sud" en niet "Gare de Charleroi-Sud" en evenzo voor 
> Antwerpen-Berchem en Antwerpen-Centraal?

Antwerpen-Centraal is voor een Antwerpenaar het "Centraal Station".
"Antwerpen-Centraal" is NMBS jargon vind ik :-) Antwerpen-Berchem is 
Berchem-Staseh (aka Berchem Statie) in de volksmond.
En we spreken toch ook over het Noordstation of het Zuidstation, toch niet of 
Noord of Zuid ?

En het is toch de Zimmertoren en niet Zimmer ?

Ook de website kerkeninvlaanderen spreekt over Sint-Pieterkerk en niet 
Sint-Pieter, terwijl er bij hen totaal geen twijfel dat het over kerken gaat.

Mijn voorstel, zodat iedere zoekactie een resultaat zou opleveren:

official_name=Parochiekerk X
alt_name= (soms - bv. Sint-Baafkerk of Sint-Petruskerk voor resp.
Sint-Bavokerk en Sint-Pieterkerk). Probleem bij meerdere alternatieven.

BTW, het type kerk (kerk, kathedraal, basiliek) kan je ook nog eens aanduiding 
in building=church/cathedral/basilica

Verder zie ik nog wel eens een afzonderlijke node met place of worship in het 
kerkgebouw, typisch met de naam. Maar de naam slaat toch op het volledige 
gebouw ?
Dus die voeg ik terug samen op het gebouw.

Dit is anders voor andere POIs, waar de naam van de winkel niet op het gebouw 
slaat en/of de winkel slechts een deel van het gebouw in beslag neemt.


Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list

[Talk-it] Utente Fredie e modifiche grossolane

volevo segnalare le modifiche dell'utente Fredie [1] che sta risalendo
il Po con modifiche alle zone lungo le sponde.
Mappa landuse in modo approssimativo, spesso utilizzando i punti delle
highway come bordo delle aree, cancella feature solo perche' non si
vedono da satellite, crea parchi taggandoli come village_green,
cancella aree ricreandole uguali ma con geometrie semplificate che si
sovrappongono ad altre aree. Qui[2] il changeset incriminato.
L'utente dovrebbe essere tedesco, gli ho scritto in italiano e in
inglese sperando che risponda.

Vi esorto a controllare le vostre zone, non si sa mai.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Data z magistratu Brna - poštovní schránky

tyhle mi připomíná historky o osobách, kterým se zapomene říct, že něco
nejde, a ony to ve své prostotě udělají

On 07/02/17 13:20, majka wrote:
> Tak jsem udělala pokus v Českých Budějovicích, podle mě docela úspěšný.
> Schránky samotné identifikaci mají (předpokládám že podle depa které
> vybírá). Na schránce je štítek s číslem, označením depa, telefonem a
> dobou výběru.
> Takže můj konkrétní postup:
> - hodit to do tabulky ty údaje České pošty
> - přidat sloupec, upravit v něm adresu do rozumného tvaru (ulice +
> číslo, město), upravit zbytek do formy vhodné pro načtení do JOSM
> (tedy upravit čas výběru, přidat poznámku...)
> - nechat projet geokódováním, přidat zpět do tabulky lat a lon; u
> schránek určených křižovatkou jsem pozici nabrala z mapy ručně
> doprostřed křižovatky
> - stáhnout zmapované schránky z overpass turbo, otevřít v JOSM
> - ty "moje" otevřít v nové vrstvě, zkontrolovat proti již zmapovaným,
> případně posunout pozici v téhle vrstvě
> - volitelně: prohledat zbytek v google nebo seznam mapách, případně si
> vzpomenout, že o okolo některých schránek chodím či jezdím, jen je
> nevnímám, a upravit v tabulce pozici podle domu / křižovatky / ...
> - vyexportovat jako gpx
> - načíst do mobilu (osmand) jako body zájmu
> - v polední pauze oběhnout cca 10 nejbližších schránek, mimo jiné
> najít na místě i jednu určenou přesností cca 100 m, vyfotit + geotag
> - a na závěr zopakovat načtení tabulky + fotek do JOSM, naposledy
> zkontrolovat pozici, a tentokrát už i poslat schránky bez problému
> určené do OSM dat
> Z celých Českých Budějovic jsem drobnější problém měla u 3 schránek /
> u jedné původní přesnost určení cca 100m, dohledáno bez problémů na
> místě na první dobrou, na zdi hned vedle vchodu, další dvě určené
> poměrně velkou budovou budu muset dojít obhlídnout, to místo zas tak
> dobře neznám.
> Předpokládám, že i v Brně by to mělo jít obdobně - tedy dát schránkám
> interní ID, naházet je na přibližnou polohu, dát k dispozici buďto
> jako json a/nebo gpx a vyrazit na lov. Je mi jasné, že Brno je jaksi
> větší, ale zase tam mapuje víc lidí.
> Je to teď docela vhodná doba, o víkendu jsem procházela okolí a na
> turistické trasy to jednoznačně nebylo - v lese na pěšině těsně nad
> strží led, na polní cestě voda nad kotníky a bahno. Schránky se
> většinou dají projít po asfaltu a chodnících :) Pokud fotit, tak ty
> štítky, a vymyslet jak čísla dát do Ref (jen číslo schránky x depo +
> číslo schránky ), případně jestli místo provozovatele Česká pošta dát
> i to depo.
> A poznámka na okraj - netuším, jak dobře má Brno zmapované kontejnery
> na tříděný odpad - ale moje zkušenost je, že obvykle bývají poblíž,
> stejně jako telefonní budky. Takže nezapomínat zmapovat i tohle, pokud
> už není...
> Majka
> 2017-02-01 21:10 GMT+01:00 Jan Dudík :
>> To přiřazování by bylo zajímavé, ale ten jejich seznam nemá žádné ID, kterým 
>> by se dala schránka jednoznačně identifikovat. Schránek je 22084 a 
>> lokalizaci mají např.
>> ...
>> TAkže by v prvním kole přiřazování šlo o to, že by člověk v určitém obvodu 
>> naklikal hrubě polohy alespoň podle obcí  a následně by se dohledávaly 
>> přesné souřadnice
>> Třeba by v té vrtvě mohly být puntíky, po najetí by se ukázala "adresa"
>> * červené puntíky - nasypané body jen k příslušnému depu, pokud by to šlo, 
>> tak k příslušné obci
>> * modré puntíky - nahrubo umístěné (dle adresy) bez přiřazeného bodu v OSM
>> * zelené puntíky - schránky s ověřenou polohou zanesené v mapě a spárované s 
>> bodem (interní ID?)
>> JAnD
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Footpath Open Data is not always accurate.

Hi Adam, welcome to the list.

On Tue Feb 7 13:26:00 2017 GMT, Adam Snape wrote:
> Hi all,
> This is my first post to this (or indeed any) mailing list. Apologies if
> I've made any errors.
> I agree with Colin that we should certainly not be assuming permissive
> status for paths which are not included on the definitive map. The DM is
> legally definitive in the rights that it shows but it is also explicitly
> not evidence about the non-existence of other rights. We can't say "the
> definitive path goes this way, thus the path going the other way must be
> permissive". In order to tag a way as permissive we ought to have some
> verifiable evidence that public use is by permission.

I disagree with you here, the walkable line  should be mapped as the right of 
way whether it follows the definitive line or not. It absolutely should not be 
mapped as permissive, the landowner is not giving permission. If the definitive 
line is obstructed you have an absolute right to go around it.

The walked line and the definitive line are often different, I have heard 50m 
as being a reasonable guide from the LA.
> As Andy and Colin say, some common sense needs to be applied before adding
> information from the DM/DS into OSM. Until we come up with a  tagging
> system to say "this map feature exists legally but not on the ground",
> adding obvious errors, paths which have subsequently been built across, or
> stiles/gates which now exist only on the DS lessens the usability of the
> map for people actually wanting to use the paths.

We should map what is there, stiles is where we are making a better map.

Thete is some deregulation of footpath diversions on the way, particularly 
where the walked line and definitive line differ and providing it is agreed by 
all parties, then a map modification order will be able to be made without 
expensive lawers getting involved. I am hoping that will improve the situation. 

And when you are out walking do take your secateurs.

Phil (trigpoint) 
Sent from my Jolla
Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-ca] [Imports] Ottawa Buildings & Addresses [Statistics Canada]

We have started all discussions on this project with OSM and the local group in 
Ottawa / Gatineau back in the spring of 2016. We are not the first ones in 
Canada to start such a process. As John mentioned, Mojgan and Stephen at 
Metrolinx worked on Toronto last year. Both Mojgan and Stephen are advisors on 
the Ottawa/Gatineau pilot and our steps are basically the same.

We are working in direct collaboration with the City of Ottawa and have their 
permission to use the footprints and addresses, which has been stated and 
documented and we are in constant communication. We have have an ongoing 
outreach campaign coordinated by the City of Ottawa and StatCan (check us out 
and their account on twitter!). 

With that said, a statement from LWG should clear all data from Ottawa’s portal 
and any worries from anyone about any retaliation against the use of their Open 
Data for OSM and this should be soon according to Kathleen Lu, the legal 
license advisor at Mapbox.

We have definitely done our due diligence and hopefully, we can work on 
completing the map and focus on enriching it as soon as possible. 

Bjenk Ellefsen (StatCan)
Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-GB] Footpath Open Data is not always accurate.

Hi all,

This is my first post to this (or indeed any) mailing list. Apologies if
I've made any errors.

I agree with Colin that we should certainly not be assuming permissive
status for paths which are not included on the definitive map. The DM is
legally definitive in the rights that it shows but it is also explicitly
not evidence about the non-existence of other rights. We can't say "the
definitive path goes this way, thus the path going the other way must be
permissive". In order to tag a way as permissive we ought to have some
verifiable evidence that public use is by permission.

As Andy and Colin say, some common sense needs to be applied before adding
information from the DM/DS into OSM. Until we come up with a  tagging
system to say "this map feature exists legally but not on the ground",
adding obvious errors, paths which have subsequently been built across, or
stiles/gates which now exist only on the DS lessens the usability of the
map for people actually wanting to use the paths.

I'm in Lancashire which hasn't explicitly released the DS/DM information
under a suitable license (though it does appear on rowmaps). If I was
somewhere which had released this information, it would definitely be
useful for checking osm for errors and for adding the definitive line
where the current path takes a different course. However, I'd still
avoid making small adjustments to ways following actual GPS traces (eg
through fields) just to get them to exactly follow the council's
shape-files. The scope for error in the several generations of copying
(Parish return>Draft Map(s)>Revision(s)>computerisation) and the limitation
of the original DM scale means that we are better off with our own
measurements of the path.

Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-africa] Vote a logo for SotM Africa 2017

The vote is open to select the logo of the SotM Africa 2017. One must
choose one logo among the 4 proposed, do not forget to vote!

Le vote est ouvert pour sélectionner le logo du SotM Afrique 2017. Il faut
choisir un seul logo parmi les 4 proposés, n'oubliez pas de voter!
Talk-africa mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Data z magistratu Brna - poštovní schránky

Tak jsem udělala pokus v Českých Budějovicích, podle mě docela úspěšný.

Schránky samotné identifikaci mají (předpokládám že podle depa které
vybírá). Na schránce je štítek s číslem, označením depa, telefonem a
dobou výběru.

Takže můj konkrétní postup:
- hodit to do tabulky ty údaje České pošty
- přidat sloupec, upravit v něm adresu do rozumného tvaru (ulice +
číslo, město), upravit zbytek do formy vhodné pro načtení do JOSM
(tedy upravit čas výběru, přidat poznámku...)
- nechat projet geokódováním, přidat zpět do tabulky lat a lon; u
schránek určených křižovatkou jsem pozici nabrala z mapy ručně
doprostřed křižovatky
- stáhnout zmapované schránky z overpass turbo, otevřít v JOSM
- ty "moje" otevřít v nové vrstvě, zkontrolovat proti již zmapovaným,
případně posunout pozici v téhle vrstvě
- volitelně: prohledat zbytek v google nebo seznam mapách, případně si
vzpomenout, že o okolo některých schránek chodím či jezdím, jen je
nevnímám, a upravit v tabulce pozici podle domu / křižovatky / ...
- vyexportovat jako gpx
- načíst do mobilu (osmand) jako body zájmu
- v polední pauze oběhnout cca 10 nejbližších schránek, mimo jiné
najít na místě i jednu určenou přesností cca 100 m, vyfotit + geotag
- a na závěr zopakovat načtení tabulky + fotek do JOSM, naposledy
zkontrolovat pozici, a tentokrát už i poslat schránky bez problému
určené do OSM dat

Z celých Českých Budějovic jsem drobnější problém měla u 3 schránek /
u jedné původní přesnost určení cca 100m, dohledáno bez problémů na
místě na první dobrou, na zdi hned vedle vchodu, další dvě určené
poměrně velkou budovou budu muset dojít obhlídnout, to místo zas tak
dobře neznám.

Předpokládám, že i v Brně by to mělo jít obdobně - tedy dát schránkám
interní ID, naházet je na přibližnou polohu, dát k dispozici buďto
jako json a/nebo gpx a vyrazit na lov. Je mi jasné, že Brno je jaksi
větší, ale zase tam mapuje víc lidí.
Je to teď docela vhodná doba, o víkendu jsem procházela okolí a na
turistické trasy to jednoznačně nebylo - v lese na pěšině těsně nad
strží led, na polní cestě voda nad kotníky a bahno. Schránky se
většinou dají projít po asfaltu a chodnících :) Pokud fotit, tak ty
štítky, a vymyslet jak čísla dát do Ref (jen číslo schránky x depo +
číslo schránky ), případně jestli místo provozovatele Česká pošta dát
i to depo.

A poznámka na okraj - netuším, jak dobře má Brno zmapované kontejnery
na tříděný odpad - ale moje zkušenost je, že obvykle bývají poblíž,
stejně jako telefonní budky. Takže nezapomínat zmapovat i tohle, pokud
už není...


2017-02-01 21:10 GMT+01:00 Jan Dudík :
> To přiřazování by bylo zajímavé, ale ten jejich seznam nemá žádné ID, kterým 
> by se dala schránka jednoznačně identifikovat. Schránek je 22084 a lokalizaci 
> mají např.
> ...
> TAkže by v prvním kole přiřazování šlo o to, že by člověk v určitém obvodu 
> naklikal hrubě polohy alespoň podle obcí  a následně by se dohledávaly přesné 
> souřadnice
> Třeba by v té vrtvě mohly být puntíky, po najetí by se ukázala "adresa"
> * červené puntíky - nasypané body jen k příslušnému depu, pokud by to šlo, 
> tak k příslušné obci
> * modré puntíky - nahrubo umístěné (dle adresy) bez přiřazeného bodu v OSM
> * zelené puntíky - schránky s ověřenou polohou zanesené v mapě a spárované s 
> bodem (interní ID?)
> JAnD

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-dk] Registrering af hastigheds zoner

En anbefalet hastighed angives med maxspeed:advisory=* [0]

Eks skal en vej i byzone med et E53 skilt med 30km/t tagges som:


Jeg ville også tilføje de logiske, men udokumenterede, udvidelser:


En variabel hastighed på en landevej angives eks. som [1]:


Med venlig hilsen Mathias Dannesbo.


2017-02-07 11:38 GMT+01:00  :
> Hvordan vil i registrere en hastigheds zone?
> Jeg tænker specifikt på blå skilte med en hastighed i hvid og teksten
Zone (det hedder vist nok E 53).
> Det specielle ved dem er jo at det ikke er en maxspeed, da det kun er en
anbefalet hastighed.
> /Kim
> ___
> Talk-dk mailing list
Talk-dk mailing list

Re: [Talk-dk] Registrering af hastigheds zoner

> Hvordan vil i registrere en hastigheds zone? har noget omkring
Talk-dk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] croce di vetta = summit:cross

Il 07/02/2017 12:18, girarsi_liste ha scritto:
> Io non sarei per ripetere summit:cross, per le informazioni/dimensioni
> della croce, ma mi limiterei al cross:*=*, tutte dentro un'unico nodo.
> propongo:
> natural=peak
> ele=*
> summit:cross=yes
> man_made=cross
> cross:height=*
> cross:material=*
> cross:start_date=*
> cross:inscription=* (se c'è qualche scritta)

Dimenticavo, visto guardo la wiki come riferimento:

cross:historic=yes (qual'ora ha questa importanza)

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] croce di vetta = summit:cross

Il 07/02/2017 12:08, ha scritto:
> Lorenzo Beba Beltrami wrote
>> Se la situazione lo merita si può taggare la croce a se stante:
>> A quel punto puoi mettere direttamente sulla croce material e start_date.
>> Vedo più summit:cross=yes come l'indicazione che su quel picco c'è una
>> croce, ma poi penserei a taggare la croce come elemento in modo da essere
>> più preciso.
>> (Tanto più che a volte la croce non sta proprio sulla sommità... :-p)
>> Lorenzo
> certo come dici te si aggira il problema scomponendo i 2 oggetti
> natural=peak e man_made=cross
> ed è anche vero che a volte la croce non è esattamente sulla vetta ma per
> quel che riguarda la mia zona nella maggior parte dei casi la croce di vetta
> è invece proprio esattamente sulla vetta altrimenti è posta a parecchi metri
> di distanza (magari sull'anticima).
> perciò a me sinceramente piace ancora l'idea di tenere tutte le informazioni
> su un unico punto se la croce è davvero sulla vetta.
> grazie.
> --enrico

Io non sarei per ripetere summit:cross, per le informazioni/dimensioni
della croce, ma mi limiterei al cross:*=*, tutte dentro un'unico nodo.


cross:inscription=* (se c'è qualche scritta)

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] croce di vetta = summit:cross

Lorenzo Beba Beltrami wrote
> Se la situazione lo merita si può taggare la croce a se stante:
> A quel punto puoi mettere direttamente sulla croce material e start_date.
> Vedo più summit:cross=yes come l'indicazione che su quel picco c'è una
> croce, ma poi penserei a taggare la croce come elemento in modo da essere
> più preciso.
> (Tanto più che a volte la croce non sta proprio sulla sommità... :-p)
> Lorenzo

certo come dici te si aggira il problema scomponendo i 2 oggetti
natural=peak e man_made=cross
ed è anche vero che a volte la croce non è esattamente sulla vetta ma per
quel che riguarda la mia zona nella maggior parte dei casi la croce di vetta
è invece proprio esattamente sulla vetta altrimenti è posta a parecchi metri
di distanza (magari sull'anticima).
perciò a me sinceramente piace ancora l'idea di tenere tutte le informazioni
su un unico punto se la croce è davvero sulla vetta.

View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Lokale-Gruppen-Layer auf

Hallo zusammen,

Am 06.02.2017 um 22:49 schrieb Michael Reichert:
> Ich habe jetzt mal ein Pull-Request erstellt, das die Datei mit der
> aktuellen Datei von ersetzt.

Das ist das richtige Repo für Der PR von Michael
(Danke!) ist inzwischen auch angenommen.

Die FOSSGIS-IT wurde in den letzten Monaten auf einen aktuellen Stand
gebracht. Dabei wurden auch einige alte Zöpfe abgeschnitten, statt mit
Wurzel entfernt.
Wer hier Ideen hat, wie man das user-file besser verwaltet und in die
Webseite integriert, kann sich gerne einbringen. Es gibt sogar schon ein
Issue [1] dazu.

Viele Grüße



Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Error en etiquetado de vértices geodésicos importados del IGN

Me parece correcto. Dado que nadie se ha manifestado en contra ni aquí 
ni en imports, si tengo tiempo esta tarde hago la corrección de ele y si 
queréis en la reunión de esta noche se habla de las otras etiquetas.

El 07/02/17 a las 11:43, Alejandro S. escribió:

Adelante con la corrección de la etiqueta ele.
Mejor discutir las otras etiquetas por separado que después se 
desmadran los hilos.

Alejandro Suárez

On Mon, Feb 6, 2017, 12:14 Jorge Sanz Sanfructuoso > wrote:

He añadido enlace desde a tu
propuesta para solucionar el error.
Estoy de acuerdo con la solución dada para corregir de manera
automática el error de la etiqueta "ele".
Yo tocaría primero esta etiqueta y las otras las discutiría aparte
posteriormente. Para ir solucionando errores.

Un saludo.

El lun., 6 feb. 2017 a las 10:20, Carlos Dávila

El 06/02/17 a las 09:07, Agustin Diez Castillo escribió:
> En el wiki [1] pone colon donde debería poner semicolon.

Cambiado, gracias por la corrección. No sé porqué te pide
confirmar el

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-dk] Registrering af hastigheds zoner

Det samme problem gør sig gældende, ift. vejstrækninger med variable
hastighedsgrænser (digital skiltning).

Umiddelbart tænker jeg at 'maxspeed' skal fastsættes til den
generelle/normale hastighed for vejen.

2017-02-07 11:38 GMT+01:00 :

> Hvordan vil i registrere en hastigheds zone?
> Jeg tænker specifikt på blå skilte med en hastighed i hvid og teksten Zone
> (det hedder vist nok E 53).
> Det specielle ved dem er jo at det ikke er en maxspeed, da det kun er en
> anbefalet hastighed.
> /Kim
> ___
> Talk-dk mailing list
Talk-dk mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Error en etiquetado de vértices geodésicos importados del IGN

Adelante con la corrección de la etiqueta ele.
Mejor discutir las otras etiquetas por separado que después se desmadran
los hilos.

Alejandro Suárez

On Mon, Feb 6, 2017, 12:14 Jorge Sanz Sanfructuoso 

> He añadido enlace desde
> a tu
> propuesta para solucionar el error.
> Estoy de acuerdo con la solución dada para corregir de manera automática
> el error de la etiqueta "ele".
> Yo tocaría primero esta etiqueta y las otras las discutiría aparte
> posteriormente. Para ir solucionando errores.
> Un saludo.
> El lun., 6 feb. 2017 a las 10:20, Carlos Dávila ()
> escribió:
> El 06/02/17 a las 09:07, Agustin Diez Castillo escribió:
> > En el wiki [1] pone colon donde debería poner semicolon.
> Cambiado, gracias por la corrección. No sé porqué te pide confirmar el
> correo.
> ___
> Talk-es mailing list
> --
> Jorge Sanz Sanfructuoso - Sanchi
> Blog
> ___
> Talk-es mailing list
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Me presento y pregunto:

Respecto a lo que comenta Jesús,
¿no se podría hacer un cambio masivo de denominación vía un overpass? Si 
nadie pone ninguna pega yo sería partidario de reemplazar las etiquetas 
de name=AVE por name=Línea de alta velocidad e incluir un 
fixme=pendiente de indicar tramos acorde con lo se recoge en la wikipedia

¿qué os parece?

On 07/02/17 10:57, Jesús Gómez Fernández wrote:
Aprovecho el correo de Santiago para comentar algo referente a las 
líneas de ferrocarril de alta velocidad en España.

He visto que hay muchos tramos con etiqueta name =AVE. Esto es erróneo 
ya que AVE es la marca comercial de RENFE para sus servicio de alta 
velocidad y no es el nombre de la infraestructura.
En realidad deberían llevar, por ejemplo, "Línea de alta velocidad 
Madrid-Zaragoza-Barcelona-Frontera francesa" o "Línea de alta 
velocidad Madrid-Levante". La Wikipedia recogen las denominaciones de 
todas las líneas [1]



El 6 de febrero de 2017, 21:46, Santiago Díaz de Argandoña 
> escribió:

Hace bastante tiempo que me suscribí a esta lista, pero ahora me
animo a escribir. Mi lugar de mapeo habitual es Álava (creo que
soy el único usuario activo por aquí), aunque de vez en cuando
edito otras zonas. Últimamente estoy añadiendo la cobertura de
suelo en la Llanada Alavesa, aunque hasta hace poco estuve
arreglando la infraestructura ferroviaria en Bilbao. Precisamente,
después de editar esta zona me han surgido un par de dudas
respecto al ferrocarril, pero en Cataluña. Son las siguientes:

1º La línea Llobregat-Anoia, a partir de Molí Nou (donde acaba la
L8), creo que debería ser railway=narrow_gauge + gauge=1000 (no
railway=rail, como ahora). La definición que se da en OSMWiki para
este tipo de ferrocarriles es: "trenes con un ancho de vía
 (trocha) menor
que el llamado "ancho estándar" de 1435mm.".

2º Los tranvías de Barcelona (Trambaix/Trambesòs) tienen a lo
largo de todo su trazado service=yard. En principio, esta etiqueta
solo debería usarse en desvíos; las vías con servicio comercial
tendrían que llevar usage=main. No solo es incorrecto el uso de
service=yard, sino que además dificulta la visualización de las vías.

Si estos supuestos fallos estuvieran en una zona que conociera,
los hubiera arreglado sin más; pero en este caso no he tocado
nada, por si acaso se utiliza otro criterio. Además, me chocaba
que con una comunidad tan activa nadie se hubiera dado cuenta de
los fallos.

En resumen, si no hay problema, yo mismo me ofrezco para editar
las vías.
Saludos, Santi.

PD: Suelo editar como Santi.

Talk-es mailing list

Talk-es mailing list

Talk-es mailing list

[Talk-dk] Registrering af hastigheds zoner

Hvordan vil i registrere en hastigheds zone?

Jeg tænker specifikt på blå skilte med en hastighed i hvid og teksten Zone (det 
hedder vist nok E 53).

Det specielle ved dem er jo at det ikke er en maxspeed, da det kun er en 
anbefalet hastighed.


Talk-dk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] OS Locator November 2016

> On 6 Feb 2017, at 20:35, Robert Scott  > wrote:
> On Monday 06 February 2017 20:27:16 Robert Scott wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> Does anyone have a copy of OS OpenData Locator's November 2015 release still 
>> kicking around anywhere?
> Ok, I acknowledge I said 2016 in the subject, but 2015 in the body. I mean of 
> course 2015.

I've got some old copies of the OS open data: 

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] OS Locator November 2016

> On 6 Feb 2017, at 20:35, Robert Scott  > wrote:
> On Monday 06 February 2017 20:27:16 Robert Scott wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> Does anyone have a copy of OS OpenData Locator's November 2015 release still 
>> kicking around anywhere?
> Ok, I acknowledge I said 2016 in the subject, but 2015 in the body. I mean of 
> course 2015.

I've got some old copies of the OS open data: 

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Me presento y pregunto:

Aprovecho el correo de Santiago para comentar algo referente a las líneas
de ferrocarril de alta velocidad en España.

He visto que hay muchos tramos con etiqueta name =AVE. Esto es erróneo ya
que AVE es la marca comercial de RENFE para sus servicio de alta velocidad
y no es el nombre de la infraestructura.
En realidad deberían llevar, por ejemplo, "Línea de alta velocidad
Madrid-Zaragoza-Barcelona-Frontera francesa" o "Línea de alta velocidad
Madrid-Levante". La Wikipedia recogen las denominaciones de todas las
líneas [1]



El 6 de febrero de 2017, 21:46, Santiago Díaz de Argandoña <> escribió:

> Hola:
> Hace bastante tiempo que me suscribí a esta lista, pero ahora me animo a
> escribir. Mi lugar de mapeo habitual es Álava (creo que soy el único
> usuario activo por aquí), aunque de vez en cuando edito otras zonas.
> Últimamente estoy añadiendo la cobertura de suelo en la Llanada Alavesa,
> aunque hasta hace poco estuve arreglando la infraestructura ferroviaria en
> Bilbao. Precisamente, después de editar esta zona me han surgido un par de
> dudas respecto al ferrocarril, pero en Cataluña. Son las siguientes:
> 1º La línea Llobregat-Anoia, a partir de Molí Nou (donde acaba la L8),
> creo que debería ser railway=narrow_gauge + gauge=1000 (no railway=rail,
> como ahora). La definición que se da en OSMWiki para este tipo de
> ferrocarriles es: "trenes con un ancho de vía
>  (trocha) menor que el
> llamado "ancho estándar" de 1435mm.".
> 2º Los tranvías de Barcelona (Trambaix/Trambesòs) tienen a lo largo de
> todo su trazado service=yard. En principio, esta etiqueta solo debería
> usarse en desvíos; las vías con servicio comercial tendrían que llevar
> usage=main. No solo es incorrecto el uso de service=yard, sino que además
> dificulta la visualización de las vías.
> Si estos supuestos fallos estuvieran en una zona que conociera, los
> hubiera arreglado sin más; pero en este caso no he tocado nada, por si
> acaso se utiliza otro criterio. Además, me chocaba que con una comunidad
> tan activa nadie se hubiera dado cuenta de los fallos.
> En resumen, si no hay problema, yo mismo me ofrezco para editar las vías.
> Saludos, Santi.
> PD: Suelo editar como Santi.
> ___
> Talk-es mailing list
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Fixing wikipedia/wikidata tags

Oleksiy, we should continue doing the on-the-ground scouting, but I am not
talking about that, I am talking about tens of thousands of errors that OSM
already contains, and a way to find them. Having good cameras with GPS do
not help with this.

I already found 1000+ OSM objects with incorrect wikipedia tags. For
example, :
wikipedia = -- a disambiguation page
that lists all the meanings of the word Oron
wikidata =

Thanks to Wikidata tag, I can catch this errors. Wikidata item
shows instance of = Disambiguation page, meaning that the page is NOT about
the place in Nigeria.  I could of course simply delete the wrong tags, but
I would prefer to fix them one by one. Also, the disambiguation pages are
just the tip of the iceberg. There are many other types of imprecise
information, such as lists.

Lets discuss our tagging approaches and guidelines as listed in

On Tue, Feb 7, 2017 at 3:24 AM Oleksiy Muzalyev 

> Good morning Yuri,
> On Saturday I added the Wikidata tag to the monument [1] of Mikhail
> Bakunin [2] in Bern. In fact, I had added also the monument itself on the
> map. I searched for it for quite some time at Bremgartenfriedhof, as there
> was a typing error in the English Wikipedia article concerning the box
> number (it is corrected already).
> I also added some ground and aerial photos of the monument with GPS
> coordinates to the Wikimedia category, published the GPS trace to the OSM,
> and filmed a short video in English language:
> and the same video in Russian:
> Quality on Youtube is better, as I could not figure out yet how to convert
> a video to the WEBM format without some quality loss.
> I mean that in addition to validating by scripts the legwork also have got
> a potential. In this respect, it would be helpful if we had the Wikipedia &
> Wikidata layer on the OSM map, with an option to see Wikidata items without
> an image, Wikipedia articles in different languages, so a human may see,
> analyze, and visit an object on the ground to clarify the situation. At the
> this point, I would not dare to correct an OSM-Wikipedia inconsistency
> without first visiting, recording a GPS trace, and filming it. So in my
> opinion it should be on a map, in addition to a list.
> Some new hardware tools became affordable by now: precise GPS/GLONASS
> trackers, video-cameras with stabilized gimbals for ground and aerial
> filming, directional microphones. But also the photo-cameras themselves
> became better. A human armed with these new tools can do a lot of useful
> work at a location, though it may take some time until we learn how to
> employ these tools effectively.
> [1]
> [2]
> With best regards,
> Oleksiy
> On 07.02.17 03:06, Yuri Astrakhan wrote:
> TLDR: researching ways to validate wikipedia and wikidata tags, wrote a
> script to cross-check OSM and Wikidata, found many incorrect disambig
> references, would love to start community discussion on best guidelines
> going forward.
> I have been analyzing the quality of OSM's wikipedia and wikidata tags by
> cross-checking data using both OSM tags and Wikidata.  My first goal is to
> fix "disambiguation" references - when OSM object links to the Wikipedia
> disambiguation page, instead of the real location page. I have already
> fixed about 200 objects, but there are about 800+ relations left, and I
> could really use some help.  I don't think its possible to add them to
> MapRoulette just yet.
> While fixing wd/wp tagging issues, I have been putting together a list of
> open questions on how we want to improve wikipedia and wikidata tags in
> general, and create some guidelines. Lets discuss them in the talk page?
> Lastly, if you have any suggestions on different ways to validate data
> using the mixture of Wikidata and OSM, let me know.  At the moment I have a
> list of all types of OSM objects' wikidata IDs, and mark the bad ones with
> a value. If OSM's wikidata's "instance of" of one of the bad types, my
> script puts those OSM objects it into a separate list that I can analyze.
> The list of types is here - sort by the second column:
> Feel free to modify the second value of any row to indicate that those
> objects should be fixed.

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Éjecté du forum

Le 06/02/2017 à 22:33, Jocelyn Jaubert a écrit :
Maintenant, c'est configuré correctement, et le bannissement devrait 
marcher correctement.


Pas de souci, merci pour le boulot !

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Proposed_features/Extended_traffic_signs_tagging

Discrepo de que la utilidad en la base de datos de una señal de tráfico
sea la misma que la de la descripción 3d de un edificio, ni de que la
importancia relativa de ambos elementos sea la misma.
También pienso que el esquema de etiquetado propuesto para las señales
está más pensado para que determinados renderizadores puedan
dibujarlas, que en el sentido de aportar información útil a la base de
datos de una manera eficiente. 
Hay señales que pueden aportar información útil a la base de datos,
pero muchas otras solo aportan ruido.

Es mi opinión

Santiago Higuera

El mar, 07-02-2017 a las 04:51 +, David Marín Carreño escribió:
> Santiago: tiene exactamente la misma utilidad que mapear un edificio
> 3D, o un árbol, o una farola. Estamos reflejando la reaildad de una
> manera verificable y modificable de manera universal. Si es
> complicado (que, en ciertos casos, lo es), pues habrá que trabajar en
> un editor que lo simplifique. Digamos que mapear un edificio en 3D no
> es la cosa más sencilla y mira, ahí tenemos a unos cuantos
> haciéndolo.
> yopaseopor: tengo alguna duda/objeción respecto al tema de los
> destinations como relaciones. Me explico:
> El hecho de colocar los destinations como relaciones tiene todo el
> sentido del mundo desde el punto de vista de saber qué carretera del
> cruce debo tomar para ir a X.
> El nuevo esquema propuesto sirve para mapear las señales (lo cual me
> parece fantabuloso), pero no para interpretarlas. Es decir, si sólo
> se usa el esquema de mapeo de señal y se elimina la relación
> "destination" actual, un ruteador no va a tener ni idea de cómo
> avisar al conductor de qué camino tomar para ir a X. 
> Creo que sería muy bueno mantener ambas perspectivas en el nuevo
> esquema (no llamarlas modo "viejo" o "nuevo"), ya que ambas son
> útiles y necesarias.
> Sólo mi opinión.
> --
> David
> El mar., 7 feb. 2017 a las 1:31, Santiago Higuera ( g>) escribió:
> > A ver, yopaseopor:
> > Lo que no me has respondido es a la pregunta de para qué sirve o en
> > qué
> > mejora el mapa por el hecho de indicarse, mediante etiquetas en las
> > señales informativas, que determinada información aparece en
> > determinada línea del panel, o que determinada información va
> > acompañada de determinado icono. No le veo la utilidad. Si acaso
> > puede
> > ser útil la información del panel en sí, pero ¿qué importancia
> > tiene en
> > qué posición aparece dentro del panel o que icono la acompaña?.
> > Bastaría poner las informaciones del panel en una etiqueta 'info',
> > separadas por punto y coma, por ejemplo, y cualquier navegador
> > podría
> > leerlo (como hace el de google).
> > 
> > Respecto de argumentar que tampoco sería necesario entonces
> > etiquetar
> > los tramos, ahí está parte del problema. El hecho de poner la misma
> > información en dos sitios diferentes, el tramo de carretera y la
> > señal,
> > dificulta mucho el trabajo de actualización y podría hacer que al
> > final
> > no fuera fiable ninguno de los dos sistemas. Si el tramo está
> > correctamente etiquetado, el navegador correspondiente, al detectar
> > que
> > entra en un tramo con determinada restricción, puede dibujar en
> > pantalla una señal, sin necesidad de comprobar si existe además un
> > elemento 'señal' en el mapa. Así suelen hacer los navegadores con
> > la
> > velocidad máxima permitida en un tramo: pintan la señal en pantalla
> > mientras estás dentro de ese tramo, les da igual si hay o no, en
> > ese
> > momento, una señal vertical sobre el terreno. La información es
> > 'este
> > tramo tiene una restricción determinada'. Debemos poner la
> > información
> > solo en un sitio, en mi opinión en el tramo, y luego los programas
> > navegadores ya pintarán las señalitas que correspondan. El elemento
> > 'señal' en sí no es importante, lo importante es la restricción que
> > afecta a la circulación de un tramo. Por ejemplo, una prohibición
> > de
> > adelantamiento se puede indicar mediante la raya continua en el eje
> > de
> > la carretera, y tiene plena valided. La información que nosotros
> > debemos trasladar al mapa, si es que tenemos que trasladar ese tipo
> > de
> > informaciones, es que ese tramo tiene restringido el
> > adelantamiento. La
> > existencia o no de una señal vertical es lo de menos. 
> > 
> > Otro ejemplo podrían ser las señales de llegada a un municipio. La
> > información importante para el mapa es donde está la línea del
> > límite
> > municipal. El navegador, al detectar que atraviesa esa línea, podrá
> > dibujarte en pantalla la señal correspondiente. Con la información
> > de
> > las poblaciones a las que se accede por determinado desvío pasa
> > igual.
> > Lo normal es que no aparezca más que alguna de ellas. El navegador
> > calculará la ruta y nos indicará qué desviación debemos tomar, al
> > margen de que haya o no señales que lo indiquen. Ningún navegador
> > va a
> > utilizar la información de las señales para establecer las rutas.
> > Sería
> > 

Re: [OSM-talk] Fixing wikipedia/wikidata tags

Good morning Yuri,

On Saturday I added the Wikidata tag to the monument [1] of Mikhail 
Bakunin [2] in Bern. In fact, I had added also the monument itself on 
the map. I searched for it for quite some time at Bremgartenfriedhof, as 
there was a typing error in the English Wikipedia article concerning the 
box number (it is corrected already).

I also added some ground and aerial photos of the monument with GPS 
coordinates to the Wikimedia category, published the GPS trace to the 
OSM, and filmed a short video in English language:

and the same video in Russian:

Quality on Youtube is better, as I could not figure out yet how to 
convert a video to the WEBM format without some quality loss.

I mean that in addition to validating by scripts the legwork also have 
got a potential. In this respect, it would be helpful if we had the 
Wikipedia & Wikidata layer on the OSM map, with an option to see 
Wikidata items without an image, Wikipedia articles in different 
languages, so a human may see, analyze, and visit an object on the 
ground to clarify the situation. At the this point, I would not dare to 
correct an OSM-Wikipedia inconsistency without first visiting, recording 
a GPS trace, and filming it. So in my opinion it should be on a map, in 
addition to a list.

Some new hardware tools became affordable by now: precise GPS/GLONASS 
trackers, video-cameras with stabilized gimbals for ground and aerial 
filming, directional microphones. But also the photo-cameras themselves 
became better. A human armed with these new tools can do a lot of useful 
work at a location, though it may take some time until we learn how to 
employ these tools effectively.


With best regards,

On 07.02.17 03:06, Yuri Astrakhan wrote:
TLDR: researching ways to validate wikipedia and wikidata tags, wrote 
a script to cross-check OSM and Wikidata, found many incorrect 
disambig references, would love to start community discussion on best 
guidelines going forward.

I have been analyzing the quality of OSM's wikipedia and wikidata tags 
by cross-checking data using both OSM tags and Wikidata.  My first 
goal is to fix "disambiguation" references - when OSM object links to 
the Wikipedia disambiguation page, instead of the real location page. 
I have already fixed about 200 objects, but there are about 800+ 
relations left, and I could really use some help.  I don't think its 
possible to add them to MapRoulette just yet.

While fixing wd/wp tagging issues, I have been putting together a list 
of open questions on how we want to improve wikipedia and wikidata 
tags in general, and create some guidelines. Lets discuss them in the 
talk page?

Lastly, if you have any suggestions on different ways to validate data 
using the mixture of Wikidata and OSM, let me know.  At the moment I 
have a list of all types of OSM objects' wikidata IDs, and mark the 
bad ones with a value. If OSM's wikidata's "instance of" of one of the 
bad types, my script puts those OSM objects it into a separate list 
that I can analyze. The list of types is here - sort by the second column:
Feel free to modify the second value of any row to indicate that those 
objects should be fixed.

talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Fwd: Differences between tiles and WMF tiles

Il 07/02/2017 07:56, Federico Leva (Nemo) ha scritto:

Un sunto piuttosto utile su alcuni ulteriori motivi per cui serve .


Ciao Nemo,
nella mia minima esperienza di generare tiles concordo con Quel che dice 
Lorenzo: bene se devi gestire poche richieste o diversi stili, ma se le 
richieste aumentano ci vuole molta potenza per gestirle.


Talk-it mailing list