Re: [Talk-br] Imagens Aéreas do Estado de Minas Gerais

2011-06-28 Per discussione Samuel Vale
On Ter, 2011-06-21 at 18:18 -0500, vitor wrote:
 Vocês sabem a resolução e se a cobertura de nuvens está ok? Em Alagoas
 a gente até conseguiu algumas imagens, mas tivemos dificuldade em
 usá-las por causa disso.

Oi Vitor,

Não sei, não vi sequer uma amostra. Pras essas poucas imagens, vamos
pedir as 3 coberturas pra ver como estão.

 Eu também acho que é melhor focar nas cidades que não temos imagens no
 Bing/Yahoo/etc, e que tenham pelo menos 1 mapeador. Desta maneira não
 teríamos desperdício de espaço e esforço.

Vou dar uma olhada no mapa para incluir mais alguma que haja alguma

Samuel Vale

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Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Imagens Aéreas do Estado de Minas Gerais

2011-06-28 Per discussione Samuel Vale
On Ter, 2011-06-28 at 20:00 -0300, teste wrote:
 Valeu Samuel, estamos no aguardo. Em relação a banda para enviar os
 arquivos, vc acha que dá para finalizar o upload em quanto tempo? O
 limite é em relação ao provedor? Tem limite de upload por mês?
 Desculpe pela pergunta leiga.

Acho que dependendo do que conseguir lá, pode ir de algumas horas a
alguns dias. O limite é devido aos nossos links comerciais não
democráticos, onde temos 5, 15, 100 Mbps pra baixar da internet, e 0,5,
1 Mbps ou menos pra enviar para a internet. A menos que encontre um link
de universidade ou órgão público pra fazer isso, deve levar algum tempo
mesmo. Vamos aguardar a resposta pra ver o que acontece. Estou
preocupado mesmo é com alguma restrição de distribuição.

Samuel Vale

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Imagens Aéreas do Estado de Minas Gerais

2011-06-21 Per discussione Samuel Vale
On Seg, 2011-06-13 at 20:58 -0300, Samuel Vale wrote:
 On Seg, 2011-06-13 at 18:33 -0300, enqd wrote:
  Olá Pessoal, 
  Tem alguém que mora em Belo Horizonte aqui na lista? recebi um email
  do IEF que para receber as imagens aéreas de Minas Gerais, deve seguir
  o seguinte procedimento (resposta que me foi dada):
 Nossa, tinha até me esquecido desse material. Posso ir até lá. Estou
 relativamente perto, vou entrar em contato com o sr. Waldir para agendar
 e ver o tamanho dessas imagens. Se não for algo grande demais, posso
 tentar colocar em um servidor.
 Ligarei pra eles na terça ou quarta, e vamos trocando e-mails.

Olá pessoal.

Consegui fazer contato. Tentei um terceiro número, de um e-mail antigo e
descobri que os telefones foram trocados recentemente. Consegui falar
com o Bruno da IEF(?), no 31-39151330 e 31-39151323.

O Bruno me explicou que há imagens de todo o território do estado. Cada
imagem tem ~250MB, e no total algo na casa de 1TB (cada cobertura, como
o Leonardo já havia levantado). Aí temos o primeiro problema, não tenho
mídia pra isso tudo, nem como colocar online (alguém tem alguma
sugestão?). Tenho um HD aqui que devo conseguir algo na casa de uns
400GB. Minha sugestão agora é solicitar áreas de municipios que
levantemos aqui. Já tenho os seguintes pedidos:

- Belo Horizonte;
- Contagem;
- Betim;
- Unaí;

Alguém tem interesse em alguma área de imediato?

Outro ponto. Parece que irão solicitar um termo de compromisso.
Perguntei sobre restrições e ele me disse que haveria algo sobre
redistribuição. Acho que conseguimos negociar esse termo. Disse que iria
continuar o processo, apontar as áreas e então ver o que tem nesse
termo. Vou esperar alguns dias para ver se alguém quer alguma área
específica, e então vou fazer o pedido e postar aqui o termo.

Samuel Vale

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Imagens Aéreas do Estado de Minas Gerais

2011-06-13 Per discussione Samuel Vale
On Seg, 2011-06-13 at 18:33 -0300, enqd wrote:
 Olá Pessoal, 
 Tem alguém que mora em Belo Horizonte aqui na lista? recebi um email
 do IEF que para receber as imagens aéreas de Minas Gerais, deve seguir
 o seguinte procedimento (resposta que me foi dada):
 Como não dispomos de mídias estamos solicitando que o
 demandante traga sua própria midia.
 Isto, no momento da solicitação e ao informar a área de
 interesse, o atendente irá verificar o espaço necessário e
 informar ao solicitante para agendar a execução da cópia.
 Atenciosamente, Waldir J. Melo
 Gerência de Monitoramento da Cobertura Florestal e da
 Diretoria de Pesquisa e Proteção à Biodiversidade
 Instituto Estadual de Florestas - IEF
 Edifício Minas (Andar 01 - Ala Par 01-084)
 Cidade Administrativa Presidente Tancredo Neves
 31 3915-1523
 31 3915-1528
 Seria muito interessante alguém requisitar esse material pessoalmente,
 pois acredito que ainda irão demorar bastante para divulgar os
 arquivos nos seus respectivos sites.

Nossa, tinha até me esquecido desse material. Posso ir até lá. Estou
relativamente perto, vou entrar em contato com o sr. Waldir para agendar
e ver o tamanho dessas imagens. Se não for algo grande demais, posso
tentar colocar em um servidor.

Ligarei pra eles na terça ou quarta, e vamos trocando e-mails.

Samuel Vale

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Atribuição de créditos em imagens da edição de 28 de Maio

2011-06-09 Per discussione Samuel Vale
Olá Rose,

On Ter, 2011-05-31 at 15:30 -0300, Rosilene Braga - Arte wrote:
 Caro Samuel
 Como Editora Adjunta de Arte dos jornais O TEMPO e Pampulha, gostaria
 de pedir desculpas pelo ocorrido (imagem sua não creditada no jornal
 Pampulha). Entendemos também como grave equívoco grave e, por isso,
 todos na editoria já foram informados e alertados do ocorrido.

Ficamos felizes em saber que o trabalho foi útil e que as atribuições
foram feitas. As imagens não são minhas, mas de vários autores no mundo,
representado pelo projeto OpenStreetMap. Pela manhã já havia visto as
notas no site do jornal.

 Enfim, peço desculpas mais uma vez e agradeço muito a sua mensagem.
 Aproveito para informar que já foi feita a correção no site do jornal e
 uma errata será publicada na próxima edição impressa do Pampulha, que
 circula no próximo sábado.

Obrigado pela correção! Enviarei esta mensagem para uma lista de
discussão, para que os outros colaboradores brasileiros e a fundação
saibam. Como disse no outro e-mail, os produtos do projeto estão lá para
serem usados por todos, desde que seguidas as licenças de uso. Espero
poder ver mais mapas do OSM em seus jornais :).

Samuel Vale

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Talk-br mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [HOT] Fw: Disaster Preparedness Project

2011-06-07 Per discussione Samuel Mandell
Essentially what I'm looking for is the ability to produce a Thomas-Guide
style maps book where a city is broken into printable pages (e.g. A6) and at
the back would be an index of streets with corresponding page and x/y axis

As mentioned before it would be ideal if this could be automated so that all
it would need is a city and it would produce the pages. Anybody interested
in helping create such a system?


On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 4:10 PM, Dane Springmeyer wrote:


 It seems to me like rendering the actual pages would be easier (than
 actually rendering a large image, then chopping). This should also give
 better results because the scales of things like text and lines would look

 So, the way I would approach this would be to determine the size and
 extents of each map for each page (ideally automatically). Then render each
 one with Mapnik. So, your ingredients would be a width and height in pixels,
 and bounding box for each page. Then write a python script to loop over
 every page and render a map using an OSM stylesheet.

 If you don't have python scripts skills then we can think of alternatives,
 but that would be my first recommendation. Mike Migurski, also author of
 safety maps, has done this with Mapnik for printed bike maps of SF, so he
 could likely advise.

 On Jun 6, 2011, at 3:03 PM, Mikel Maron wrote:

 Folks, what did we have in place to produce map books?

 Making mapbooks easier to script, via python, with Mapnik has long been a
 goal of mine.

 But I've not really gotten past proof of concept. One usecase is making a
 map of every feature in a dataset that meets some criteria. I wrote a
 script a while ago that demonstrates how to do that with mapnik by querying
 all countries over a given population and them rendering a map for each,
 while painting a special outline over their border. Code is here: and an
 animated gif to demonstrate what is done is here:

 Can Mapsomatic easily be modified for different formats/scales?

 It can be done but I've found that hacking around in MapOsMatic requires a
 lot of patience and pretty high python/cairo skill level. was a recent project to do something similar.
 I know the developers would be interested to hear more ideas how to make it

 safety-maps are awesome.

 == Mikel Maron ==
 +14152835207 @mikel s:mikelmaron

 - Forwarded Message 
 *From:* Richard Weait
 *To:* Samuel Mandell
 *Sent:* Mon, June 6, 2011 4:16:08 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [OSM-talk] Disaster Preparedness Project

 On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 8:12 PM, Samuel Mandell
  I'm designing a project whose goal is to prepare folks in my community
  disasters. An essential part of any disaster kit are maps of the local
  so that when electricity has gone out people can still navigate to
  areas of the city (for instance to get supplies or medical help).
  OpenStreetMap has comprehensive map data for my area (the San Francisco
  Area) and I'd like to use the mapping data to create maps for the various
  cities to hand-out to residents. Since I'd need detailed (1:4800) of an
  entire city I haven't been able to use the export tool since it seems to
  have some built in limits to how large of an image it will generate
  makes sense). For Mountain View, CA the image size we'd want to generate
  around 9409 x 11310 with a 1:4800 scale, in other words, very large. We
  would then cut this into smaller squares and print it out in a booklet
  attribution to OpenStreetMap for the data and visuals.
  What's the best way for us to generate these detailed maps of the various

 Well that sounds awesome.

 You might try downloading an extract of OSM data for that area.  You
 should be able to find an extract that deals with California, or the
 US West.  That way you don't have to deal with an entire planet full
 of data.  Then use Mapnik or one of the other rendering tools to
 generate your map.  You'll likely want to adjust the style sheet to
 make it just right for emergency awareness.

 There is a company in SF area experienced in printing high resolution
 maps from OSM data. Perhaps they'll do it for you for free since it is
 such a worthy project?

 talk mailing list
 HOT mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [HOT] Fw: Disaster Preparedness Project

2011-06-07 Per discussione Samuel Mandell
It sounds like there could be a lot of demand for the ability to generate
these map booklets.
*Thomas* - are there any updates on this effort from the MapOSMatic side of
 I am working with a group of designers on the disaster prepardness project
so we can definitely contribute design resources.

On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 3:08 AM, Jean-Guilhem Cailton j...@arkemie.comwrote:


 After the recent flood in Haut-Richelieu, Québec, and the request to use
 MapOSMatic in this context, it happens that I met Thomas, one of the
 developers of MapOSMatic.

 When I had asked about this functionality of map booklet, he had told me
 that they had started working on this (or on features that would make this
 easier, I don't remember exactly) during the Hackfest last August.

 Maybe coordinating efforts on this would be the best way to move forward?

 By the way, he also told me that he had sent an email reply, that
 apparently was moderated on lists he is not a member of, and that I have not
 seen. He explained that there was still a lag in the database updates (after
 the MapOSMatic database had been down).
 About the mapping of a specific area defined by a relation (not necessarily
 a city), it might be not be too far from what is done with administrative
 boundary ways, but would require a mean to transmit or specify the desired

 Anyway Samuel, I invite you to have a look at if
 you have not already (there seems to be a problem at the moment with a job
 over Berlin, hopefully not for long).

 Best regards,


 Le 07/06/2011 08:51, Samuel Mandell a écrit :

 Essentially what I'm looking for is the ability to produce a Thomas-Guide
 style maps book where a city is broken into printable pages (e.g. A6) and at
 the back would be an index of streets with corresponding page and x/y axis

  As mentioned before it would be ideal if this could be automated so that
 all it would need is a city and it would produce the pages. Anybody
 interested in helping create such a system?


   On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 4:10 PM, Dane Springmeyer d...@dbsgeo.comwrote:


  It seems to me like rendering the actual pages would be easier (than
 actually rendering a large image, then chopping). This should also give
 better results because the scales of things like text and lines would look

  So, the way I would approach this would be to determine the size and
 extents of each map for each page (ideally automatically). Then render each
 one with Mapnik. So, your ingredients would be a width and height in pixels,
 and bounding box for each page. Then write a python script to loop over
 every page and render a map using an OSM stylesheet.

  If you don't have python scripts skills then we can think of
 alternatives, but that would be my first recommendation. Mike Migurski, also
 author of safety maps, has done this with Mapnik for printed bike maps of
 SF, so he could likely advise.

  On Jun 6, 2011, at 3:03 PM, Mikel Maron wrote:

  Folks, what did we have in place to produce map books?

  Making mapbooks easier to script, via python, with Mapnik has long been
 a goal of mine.

  But I've not really gotten past proof of concept. One usecase is making
 a map of every feature in a dataset that meets some criteria. I wrote a
 script a while ago that demonstrates how to do that with mapnik by querying
 all countries over a given population and them rendering a map for each,
 while painting a special outline over their border. Code is here: and an
 animated gif to demonstrate what is done is here:

   Can Mapsomatic easily be modified for different formats/scales?

  It can be done but I've found that hacking around in MapOsMatic requires
 a lot of patience and pretty high python/cairo skill level. was a recent project to do something similar.
 I know the developers would be interested to hear more ideas how to make it

  safety-maps are awesome.

 == Mikel Maron ==
 +14152835207 @mikel s:mikelmaron

 - Forwarded Message 
 *From:* Richard Weait
 *To:* Samuel Mandell
 *Sent:* Mon, June 6, 2011 4:16:08 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [OSM-talk] Disaster Preparedness Project

 On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 8:12 PM, Samuel Mandell
  I'm designing a project whose goal is to prepare folks in my community
  disasters. An essential part of any disaster kit are maps of the local
  so that when electricity has gone out people can still navigate to
  areas of the city (for instance to get supplies or medical help).
  OpenStreetMap has comprehensive map data for my area (the San Francisco
  Area) and I'd like to use the mapping data to create maps for the

Re: [Talk-ca] Ping John Whelan?

2011-06-07 Per discussione Samuel Longiaru

Hate to jump in where it's not wanted but...

Just wondering if there is some kind of middle ground solution here.
John clearly does not feel comfortable with having his imports in the
database and so has removed them.  Not something we would like to see
happen too often, but it has happened.

Is it possible to restore his original imports and the subsequent edits
by others, but do so using another account name so that John's is not
associated with the data?  I would think that this should meet John's
desire to have his name removed from the data, and from our perspective,
could constitute a new import.  In this case, I would think that John
could take some comfort in knowing that he did what he felt he needed to
do... namely remove the data that he did not feel comfortable with
anymore... for whatever reason.  We could then restore the data without
having to do through the painstaking process of reimporting from a
CanVec source and re-edit.  It would simply be an import under another

Changing the licensing mid-stream is bound to cause some issues many
of which will be totally unforeseen.  There has to some kind of
reasonable solution here.  



-Original Message-
From: john whelan
To: Richard Weait
Cc: Talk-CA OpenStreetMap
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Ping John Whelan?
Date: Tue, 07 Jun 2011 14:12:24 -0400

To recap:

The objective of moving to ODBL is to give a stronger legal position for
the database.  This position can be undermined if any included data has
not been directly created by a mapper in the field.

In my edits I have included at least one bus stop from GTFS data, I
don't have the rights to license it under CC-by-ODBL.  At the time it
was done my expectation was that this information would become available
under CC-by-SA in the short term this has not happened.

I have included information from a source that had other information on
it.  Not a major crime but it is technically a breach of copyright.

The two paragraphs above basically undermine any legal case that OSM
would have concerning Ottawa data unless the data is removed when
brought to your attention which is why I haven't specifically mentioned
them before.  Note it has now been brought to your attention and the
responsibility for the integrity of the database is now yours if you
choose not to accept the deletions.  There are probably a few other
instances in there somewhere.

I have requested that my CT status be reverted.  I have tried to request
that my change sets / data be removed and I have manually deleted the
suspect data which I think is all I can reasonably do.  If you revert
the deleting edits then you undermine the legal case for protecting the
OSM database.

If my CT status was reverted then the older data would be deleted in
time by OSM.  I saw a post to that effect recently from Frederick in a
reply to some one who mentioned they couldn't accept the new CT.  That
and Fredrick's comment that people were deleting data that wasn't added
under the new CT triggered the decision to remove the data I had added
to the project.  Basically the sooner its done the less impact it will
have.  Leave it around and others will edit it so their edits get lost
as well.

There has been some discussion that I think you are aware of within OSM
about imports.  Basically the new CT is not import friendly.  As a
contributor you are responsible for the data you add to the project.
This includes ensuring that only data that meets the licensing can be
included.  I don't think anyone can say what the license in future will
be changed to or even if it will be changed.  Essentially this means I
cannot give an undertaking to CANVEC that OSM license will be compatible
and acceptable in the future when I don't know what that license will

OSM I think is changing to be a map that is done by people on the ground
with GPS devices.  That's fine, I have surveyed and added a number of
footpaths and I'm more than happy to add them to the  project.

I think if you look at Google you'll see imported bus stops.  I don't
think OSM will ever be reliable enough for people to use it for bus
stops unless they are imported.  In North America today I think
regretfully Google and Bing have essentially won when we look at what
people use.  

OSM is a very niche product.  It happens to be one I personally like
very much.  The Ottawa map I have hosted in Google documents using
Maperitive is still the only one I know of where you can find WLAN
locations that are wheelchair accessible and the data is searchable.

To protect the OSM database I think you have to remove my edits.  I'll
add the footpaths etc that have been manually surveyed back in later.


Cheerio John

On 7 June 2011 13:24, Richard Weait wrote:
On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 12:24 PM, john whelan wrote:
 I would be extremely happy to see all my 

[OSM-talk] Disaster Preparedness Project

2011-06-06 Per discussione Samuel Mandell
I'm designing a project whose goal is to prepare folks in my community for
disasters. An essential part of any disaster kit are maps of the local area
so that when electricity has gone out people can still navigate to specific
areas of the city (for instance to get supplies or medical help).

OpenStreetMap has comprehensive map data for my area (the San Francisco Bay
Area) and I'd like to use the mapping data to create maps for the various
cities to hand-out to residents. Since I'd need detailed (1:4800) of an
entire city I haven't been able to use the export tool since it seems to
have some built in limits to how large of an image it will generate (which
makes sense). For Mountain View, CA the image size we'd want to generate is
around 9409 x 11310 with a 1:4800 scale, in other words, very large. We
would then cut this into smaller squares and print it out in a booklet with
attribution to OpenStreetMap for the data and visuals.

What's the best way for us to generate these detailed maps of the various
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Disaster Preparedness Project

2011-06-06 Per discussione Samuel Mandell
Thanks for the response Richard.

I found the following site that does generate maps for cities: The issue here is that we'd need to change
the style sheet to format for printed pages instead of a 4' x 8' map.
Creating our own style sheet is definitely also a possibility as well.

Do you happen to remember the name of the company that's in SF?


On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 2:16 PM, Richard Weait wrote:

 On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 8:12 PM, Samuel Mandell
  I'm designing a project whose goal is to prepare folks in my community
  disasters. An essential part of any disaster kit are maps of the local
  so that when electricity has gone out people can still navigate to
  areas of the city (for instance to get supplies or medical help).
  OpenStreetMap has comprehensive map data for my area (the San Francisco
  Area) and I'd like to use the mapping data to create maps for the various
  cities to hand-out to residents. Since I'd need detailed (1:4800) of an
  entire city I haven't been able to use the export tool since it seems to
  have some built in limits to how large of an image it will generate
  makes sense). For Mountain View, CA the image size we'd want to generate
  around 9409 x 11310 with a 1:4800 scale, in other words, very large. We
  would then cut this into smaller squares and print it out in a booklet
  attribution to OpenStreetMap for the data and visuals.
  What's the best way for us to generate these detailed maps of the various

 Well that sounds awesome.

 You might try downloading an extract of OSM data for that area.  You
 should be able to find an extract that deals with California, or the
 US West.  That way you don't have to deal with an entire planet full
 of data.  Then use Mapnik or one of the other rendering tools to
 generate your map.  You'll likely want to adjust the style sheet to
 make it just right for emergency awareness.

 There is a company in SF area experienced in printing high resolution
 maps from OSM data. Perhaps they'll do it for you for free since it is
 such a worthy project?

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [HOT] Fw: Disaster Preparedness Project

2011-06-06 Per discussione Samuel Mandell

I'd appreciate any additional information regarding the maps generated for
Christchurch. I'll also check out


On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 3:47 PM, Tim McNamara

 Hi all,

 Lots of time was spent in late Feburary  early March in NZ to produce
 printable maps from OSM/Ushahidi for Christchurch residents without power.
 It would be great to recycle this energy.

 Tim McNamara
 Professional \\
 Personal \\  @timClicks  |

 On 7 June 2011 10:03, Mikel Maron wrote:

 Folks, what did we have in place to produce map books?

 Can Mapsomatic easily be modified for different formats/scales? was a recent project to do something similar.
 I know the developers would be interested to hear more ideas how to make it

 == Mikel Maron ==
 +14152835207 @mikel s:mikelmaron

 - Forwarded Message 
 *From:* Richard Weait
 *To:* Samuel Mandell
 *Sent:* Mon, June 6, 2011 4:16:08 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [OSM-talk] Disaster Preparedness Project

 On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 8:12 PM, Samuel Mandell
  I'm designing a project whose goal is to prepare folks in my community
  disasters. An essential part of any disaster kit are maps of the local
  so that when electricity has gone out people can still navigate to
  areas of the city (for instance to get supplies or medical help).
  OpenStreetMap has comprehensive map data for my area (the San Francisco
  Area) and I'd like to use the mapping data to create maps for the
  cities to hand-out to residents. Since I'd need detailed (1:4800) of an
  entire city I haven't been able to use the export tool since it seems to
  have some built in limits to how large of an image it will generate
  makes sense). For Mountain View, CA the image size we'd want to generate
  around 9409 x 11310 with a 1:4800 scale, in other words, very large. We
  would then cut this into smaller squares and print it out in a booklet
  attribution to OpenStreetMap for the data and visuals.
  What's the best way for us to generate these detailed maps of the

 Well that sounds awesome.

 You might try downloading an extract of OSM data for that area.  You
 should be able to find an extract that deals with California, or the
 US West.  That way you don't have to deal with an entire planet full
 of data.  Then use Mapnik or one of the other rendering tools to
 generate your map.  You'll likely want to adjust the style sheet to
 make it just right for emergency awareness.

 There is a company in SF area experienced in printing high resolution
 maps from OSM data. Perhaps they'll do it for you for free since it is
 such a worthy project?

 talk mailing list

 HOT mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Railways duplicated in CanVec data

2011-06-02 Per discussione Samuel Longiaru

What?  Didn't know that.  We should be importing under a separate
account?  How is that to be set up?  Sorry if I've been doing this




-Original Message-
From: Richard Weait
To: Talk-CA OpenStreetMap
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Railways duplicated in CanVec data
Date: Thu, 02 Jun 2011 12:02:55 -0400

On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 12:00 PM, Nakor Osm wrote:
 I have also noticed that some tiles does not have all street names. For
 example the tile covering Pointe-a-la-Croix, QC and Campbellton, NB have all
 street names on QC side but only a few ones on NB side.

You shouldn't be importing canvec data with your personal account.  It
should be an import / bot account.

Talk-ca mailing list

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Railways duplicated in CanVec data

2011-06-02 Per discussione Samuel Longiaru

OK... I can set up one dedicated to Canvec imports.  That's no problem
if that is the preferred practice.   I do remember now reading that
reference in the Wiki that states  Consider creating a new user for the
import but I interpreted the reason for doing so as not applicable as I
was not adding anything to the source tags.  So I did what was asked...
I considered it... but I didn't do it.  Also, I am not blindly or
mechanically importing but editing and tweaking as I go, so I guess
there is a gray area as to what is CanVec and what is personal.  I
also label all the changesets as CanVec imports so that they are more
obvious in my own edit history.  But if it makes things easier to
track... I'll continue from now on under a different account.  

Thanks for the guidance.


-Original Message-
From: Richard Weait
To: Talk-CA OpenStreetMap
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Railways duplicated in CanVec data
Date: Thu, 02 Jun 2011 20:55:06 -0400

On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 6:51 PM, Samuel Longiaru wrote:

 What?  Didn't know that.  We should be importing under a separate account?
 How is that to be set up?  Sorry if I've been doing this wrong.

Indeed.  Separate accounts for each import source are the current best
practice.  Not everybody is following this obviously.  No harm in
trying to follow all of the best guidelines.

Talk-ca mailing list

Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-ca] Winnipeg Transit addresses

2011-05-31 Per discussione Samuel Dyck

Hi everyone

I was browsing through Winnipeg Transit's new PDDL API and experimenting 
with the possibility of getting data from it. I discovered a way to use 
a wildcard search to generate and XML file with all addresses on a 
street that start with the same number. I found a small street and 
manually created an OSM XML file for all address which I double checked 
against Bing and found it accurate. I did not import it. Is it worth 
creating a script to attempt to do this on a larger scale, especially if 
the servers are throttled at 100 requests per IP per key per minute? One 
advantage is it only has actual address, the reality of nonexistent 
houses (where the house numbers skip several on a street, e.g. my house 
is 725, my neighbour is 729, I have looked hard for 727 but can't find 
it) is one of the biggest problems with interpolation. If you want to 
play around with the API you can use my key.

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] OpenStreetMap no Jornal Pampulha

2011-05-30 Per discussione Samuel Vale
On Seg, 2011-05-30 at 08:56 -0300, Arlindo Pereira wrote:
 RealIvanSanchez Iván Sánchez Ortega 
 @nighto Vcs precisam que a OSM Foundation fale com o pessoal do Jornal
 Que me dizem? Acham que carece? 

Enviei um e-mail amigável para a redação do jornal impresso e da web,
explicando sobre o OSM, o que aconteceu e a sugestão de uma errata na
próxima edição e a correção imediata na web. Expliquei que é tudo
gratuito, mas isso precisa ser feito.

Acabei de ver o link do artigo, e adicionaram as notas próximo às

Quando receber algo, aviso aqui.

Samuel Vale

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] OpenStreetMap no Jornal Pampulha

2011-05-30 Per discussione Samuel Vale
On Seg, 2011-05-30 at 09:22 -0300, Claudomiro Nascimento Junior wrote:
 Eu acho que na primeira ocorrência a gente pode simplesmente mandar
 uma cartão padrão, explicando, etc. 
 No caso de reincidência pode-se pensar em alternativas mais

Pois é, acho que caso não haja a correção, aí vale a fundação intervir.

Samuel Vale

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Talk-br mailing list

[Talk-br] OpenStreetMap no Jornal Pampulha

2011-05-29 Per discussione Samuel Vale
Olá pessoal,

Neste domingo, ao ler o artigo sobre a Noite no Hipercentro de BH, da
Débora Fantini, na edição de 28 de Maio a 3 de Junho de 2011 do Jornal
Pampulha de BH, notei que foram utilizadas imagens derivadas do
OpenStreetMap, nas páginas 3 e 4, e possivelmente na capa, além do
artigo no site do jornal[0], sem créditos ao projeto e indicação da
licença, conforme a CC-BY-SA.

Fico muito feliz de ver nosso trabalho impresso em 121 mil exemplares do
jornal, mas triste por não ter qualquer atribuição ao projeto. Mandei um
e-mail amigável para a redação do jornal, pedindo uma errata na próxima
edição do jornal e correção das imagens no site, adicionando os
créditos. Aviso aqui de qualquer novidade.

0 -

Samuel Vale

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Talk-br mailing list

[Talk-ca] Railways duplicated in CanVec data

2011-05-28 Per discussione Samuel Longiaru
I've been importing in south central BC and have noticed that there is a
consistent duplication of railway = rail ways in the CanVec data.  No
big deal as if I forget, it is caught by the validator, but there must
be a glitch somewhere in converting to OSM?

Talk-ca mailing list

[talk-ph] re typ of osm

2011-05-19 Per discussione samuel cruz

after installing osm map into my garmin unit,im having a hard time viewing the 
street especially if it is a residential or tertiary road.  i tried installing 
typ file but it wont work osm map.

talk-ph mailing list

[Talk-ca] CanVec natural=land tags and untagged ways

2011-05-18 Per discussione Samuel Longiaru
Good morning everyone,

I've been working for the last couple of months importing Canvec data
into south-central BC and have almost completed the eastern half of 92I.
I also have been lurking on the MkGMap list and one of the comments
there today got me thinking that maybe I've been doing something wrong.
Just wanted to get some comment here if I might.  I can go back and fix
things if need be.

The procedure I have been using for importing is essentially a
reflection of what I would normally do should I be mapping an area from
scratch.  I select a feature like wood, wetland, water, etc. from my
CanVec data layer, check it against the existing OSM, merge where
appropriate and delete the feature from my CanVec data layer so I can
keep track of what I have done.  At the end of this process, I am
usually left with a couple of things in the CanVec layer which I
discard.  For example, after merging wood, I delete it from the CanVec
layer and in many cases am left with another untagged way that follows
the wood boundary.  This way has no tags at all and is not part of any
relationship.  As it normally would not be present should I have just
traced the wood using Potlatch or JOSM, I delete it and do not import it
into OSM.  I have also been ignoring the natural=land tags that appear
on islands in lakes.  I have not been importing this tag since if I
understand things correctly, it is sufficient to have islands tagged
only as inner members of  relationships.   As a check, I have gone back
and examined the rendered OSM maps, and all wood and islands are
rendering correctly.  I have also imported some of my imported CanVec
data into my Garmin Nuvi through Lambertus's site and all render
correctly as well.

In response to a query on the MkGMap list as to why oceans were not
rendering as blue on someone's Garmin (I have this problem too by the
way) the comment was made that islands needed to be tagged as
natural=land.  I'm not sure that is actually the case but it did get me
thinking about the island tags I have been discarding and the other
superfluous CanVec data I have also been tossing.

Is it OK to toss these natural=land tags?  And what is going on with
these ghost ways that appear under under the boundaries to wooded areas?
OK to toss them as well? 

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] CanVec natural=land tags and untagged ways

2011-05-18 Per discussione Samuel Longiaru
Adam is correct here in that the natural=land tags I was talking about
are on single nodes on islands in lakes.  All have had a way surrounding
them tagged as inner.  None of the nodes that I have come across and
deleted have had a name tag attached and so didn't seem to be serving
any purpose.  The name thing is good to know though and so I will be
sure to check to see if any other tag is attached to them before


Original Message-
From: Adam Dunn
To: Bégin, Daniel
Cc: Samuel Longiaru, talk-ca
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] CanVec natural=land tags and untagged ways
Date: Wed, 18 May 2011 08:38:48 -0700

The natural=island tag that Daniel is referring to used to be applied
to the way of the island. This is the old way of doing things
(pre-Canvec 7). I think the natural=land tag that Samuel is referring
to is a single node at the centre of the island (Canvec 7).

The natural=land node is there for the purpose of retaining toponymy
(naming). Many islands don't have names and you can just delete the
node, but some of these nodes will have the name of the island, so you
should either keep the node or transfer the name of the island over to
the island's outer way.

For water body relations (not coastal), it is sufficient to have just
a closed inner way polygon; you don't need a natural=land tag (or any
other tags). I'm not that experienced with coastal tagging, but I
think having a way going the correct direction around the island and
tagged as natural=coastline is how to tag an island in the ocean/sea.
One shouldn't need a natural=land in that case either (in fact,
according to the wiki, having natural=land as the sole tag on a costal
island is not the correct way of doing things [1]). The two cases
where natural=land is required is when the island is only a node (too
small to be a way polygon), or when you aren't using relations and
need to have an island way polygon (but this is obsoleted by using

I thought the tagless ghost ways were a byproduct of how JOSM
deletes relations, I didn't know it was part of the Canvec export's
construction. They can be tossed.


Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] CanVec natural=land tags and untagged ways

2011-05-18 Per discussione Samuel Longiaru

OK Daniel... thank you for the information and the reasoning behind it.
It seems that at least in the areas I've been importing, all is working
correctly in regards to the islands and wood, even the wooded islands
without the use of the natural=land tags.   This area also renders
correctly on my Garmin with the data having gone through MkGMap and so
the tags seems to be correct for that process as well.  



-Original Message-
From: Bégin, Daniel
To: Samuel Longiaru, talk-ca
Subject: RE: [Talk-ca] CanVec natural=land tags and untagged ways
Date: Wed, 18 May 2011 10:25:10 -0400

Hi Samuel,
about a year ago, I removed natural=island ways from the Canvec data.
Unless I'm confused (it appends sometime !-) it was applied for Release
The problem was that islands were/are overlaying all other features on
rendering, including corresponding natural=wood features (ie : wooded
islands renders white spot instead of green)
If you still have natural=island features you should be in an area where
the Release 7 could not be produced (about 30 files for the country)
About the ghost ways, it was decided to create the Canvec product that
way to ease partial/layer import (for example, import hydrography
without wooded areas). However, once you have modified the data to merge
both features, I don't see the need to keep ghost ways. 

From: Samuel Longiaru [] 
Sent: May 18, 2011 09:42
To: talk-ca
Subject: [Talk-ca] CanVec natural=land tags and untagged ways

Good morning everyone,

I've been working for the last couple of months importing Canvec data
into south-central BC and have almost completed the eastern half of 92I.
I also have been lurking on the MkGMap list and one of the comments
there today got me thinking that maybe I've been doing something wrong.
Just wanted to get some comment here if I might.  I can go back and fix
things if need be.

The procedure I have been using for importing is essentially a
reflection of what I would normally do should I be mapping an area from
scratch.  I select a feature like wood, wetland, water, etc. from my
CanVec data layer, check it against the existing OSM, merge where
appropriate and delete the feature from my CanVec data layer so I can
keep track of what I have done.  At the end of this process, I am
usually left with a couple of things in the CanVec layer which I
discard.  For example, after merging wood, I delete it from the CanVec
layer and in many cases am left with another untagged way that follows
the wood boundary.  This way has no tags at all and is not part of any
relationship.  As it normally would not be present should I have just
traced the wood using Potlatch or JOSM, I delete it and do not import it
into OSM.  I have also been ignoring the natural=land tags that appear
on islands in lakes.  I have not been importing this tag since if I
understand things correctly, it is sufficient to have islands tagged
only as inner members of  relationships.   As a check, I have gone back
and examined the rendered OSM maps, and all wood and islands are
rendering correctly.  I have also imported some of my imported CanVec
data into my Garmin Nuvi through Lambertus's site and all render
correctly as well.

In response to a query on the MkGMap list as to why oceans were not
rendering as blue on someone's Garmin (I have this problem too by the
way) the comment was made that islands needed to be tagged as
natural=land.  I'm not sure that is actually the case but it did get me
thinking about the island tags I have been discarding and the other
superfluous CanVec data I have also been tossing.

Is it OK to toss these natural=land tags?  And what is going on with
these ghost ways that appear under under the boundaries to wooded areas?
OK to toss them as well? 

Talk-ca mailing list

[talk-ph] (no subject)

2011-04-29 Per discussione samuel cruz
talk-ph mailing list

[Talk-br] Mapping party em BH, sábado, 30/04

2011-04-27 Per discussione Samuel Vale
Olá pessoal,

Marcamos uma mapping party aqui em BH neste sábado, dia 30/04, no bairro
Palmeiras. Vamos mapear a região por lá. Vamos nos reunir na praça do
bairro por volta de 9h, pra dividir as áreas. A expectativa é que
terminemos os passeios e uploads para então sair pra almoçar lá perto.
Até o momento estão confirmados a Amanda, o Djavan e eu. Quem estiver na
área e quiser aparecer por lá, está convidado!

Informações e mapa do local:

Samuel Vale

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Talk-br mailing list

Re: [talk-ph] talk-ph Digest, Vol 33, Issue 1

2011-04-01 Per discussione samuel cruz
hi, i am from davao and i know what u meant on the routing errors. im 
practically focusing on the calibration of the the streets and waypoints.
i have basically gone to almost all places here in davao city and i was the one 
who contributed 90% of the poi's of rg for davao still learning the 
how to since im new to osm.  one of them is how to add waypoint/poi for 
can someone help me on the bridge poi.  thanks in advance

Sent: Fri, April 1, 2011 6:11:22 PM
Subject: talk-ph Digest, Vol 33, Issue 1

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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than Re: Contents of talk-ph digest...

Today's Topics:

   1. Re: routing errors in davao city (Marloue Pidor)
   2. Re: routing errors in davao city (tutubi)
   3. Fwd: [OSM-talk] ITO Map now Global (maning sambale)
   4. R1 extension now passable? (maning sambale)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2011 04:32:31 -0700
From: Marloue Pidor
Subject: Re: [talk-ph] routing errors in davao city
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Those barriers come and go, maybe it depends on the mood of the traffic
management. Anyway, I will do some corrections later. Thanks!

-Original Message- 
From: tutubi []
Sent: 3/31/2011 4:04:56 PM
Subject: Re: [talk-ph] routing errors in davao city

Hi Marloue,

JP Laurel should generally be a two-way, single-carriageway. there are
only cats 
eyes/lane markers there, no center islands nor barriers (like those in
front of 
Victory Mall)...

dual carriageways that are not really one in reality will make
navigator suggest 
routes that loops or other paths directly opposite the lane due to the
presence of 
the barrier or ways not linked to the other carriageway.

I already found the error before I came there (to Bajada View in front
of SSS 
Bajada) and verified if JP Laurel is really a dual-carriageway. the
only segment 
of Laurel as dual-carriageway is in front of Victory Mall (where a
no-left-turn to 
the service road should be placed), near the Bajada Interchange and a
segment near 
C.M. Recto.

on East Avenue, it's really a dual-carriageway with center island and
barriers in the middle, recently passed there again last saturday just
to eat at 
Little Quiapo. I only remembered i have to add a no-left-turn from
Matalino to 
East Ave (then use a U-turn slot to get to EDSA). I've no updated info
on NIA road 
though but I remember it as dual-carriageway with a center island.

lastly, i add errors to openstreetbugs :P


I explore, therefore I blog.

On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 3:44 PM, Marloue Pidor wrote:


I am based in Davao, thanks for the info.
- where exactly the routing errors? To correct them.
- why do you think J. P. Laurel Ave. be a single-carriageway? (should
review also 
East Ave and NIA Road in Manila those are part of my reference)
- the turn restrictions are new to Davao we will be updating that.

Add the errors here:

Well, I really think the National Highway from Talomo to Ilang in
Tibunco should 
be a dual-carriageway.



-Original Message- 
From: tutubi []
Sent: 3/31/2011 10:44:23 AM
Subject: Re: [talk-ph] routing errors in davao city


anyone based in davao? was there for 2 days (tuesday and wednesday)
again after 7 
years and boy, davao is really booming!

Since I already stored the coordinates of my destination prior to my
trips, i 
noticed routing errors caused by JP Laurel depicted as
dual-carriageway that 
should only be a single-carriageway, 4 lane highway that's actually
davao's main 

the only segments i noticed where it should be depicted as dual are
those near 
Bajada interchange, and portions near Victory mall (where turn
restriction should 
also be placed) and probably near C.M. Recto near Marco Polo

another such road is C.P Garcia leading to the airport and probably
portions of 
davao-agusan highway

Davao City has great coverage but routing is problematic due to the
carriageways (a similar case in Cebu City's Archbishop Reyes)

Hope we 

Re: [Talk-ca] Importing MLI park boundaries

2011-03-26 Per discussione Samuel Dyck
But per, 
phase 3 has been delayed. Or has this changed?


On 11-03-26 05:18 AM, Tom Hughes wrote:

On 26/03/11 04:03, Samuel Dyck wrote:

Let me clarify, will the so called tainted data still be up for the near
future, or will I be spending my week preforming hectic Canvec imports
to save street names I gathered with a pen and paper? It doesn't look
good for me 

Please ignore Sam - there is no data removal planned for next week.

I think he has confused the stages of the license change process - the 
next stage is to ask people to accept or decline the license before 
they can edit.

It is not the point at which the license will change and problem data 
may have to be removed. It is not even the point at which people who 
decline will not be able to edit any more.

More details about the implementation plan can be found here:

As I understand things it is Phase 3 which we are close to entering, 
not Phase 5.


Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Importing MLI park boundaries

2011-03-26 Per discussione Samuel Dyck
So there is poor communication between the board and the community? I 
hate to argue, but the License change still has a large TODO notice next 
to the No option. This is a problem.


On 11-03-26 11:17 AM, Tom Hughes wrote:

On 26/03/11 16:12, Samuel Dyck wrote:

But per, 

phase 3 has been delayed. Or has this changed?

Those community updates are exactly that - written by a member of the 
community and not authoritative in any way.

In this case I don't believe that what is written there is an accurate 
summary of the situation at all.


Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Importing MLI park boundaries

2011-03-26 Per discussione Samuel Dyck
*Decline*. You do not agree to the new OpenStreetMap Contributor Terms 
and, specifically, you refuse to re-license your existing contributions 
for use under the ODbL. (TODO: add more on what this means). Here.

Stage 3 is is very late, and no reason is given as to why. As for the 
update, why is it not monitored?


On 11-03-26 11:36 AM, Tom Hughes wrote:

On 26/03/11 16:33, Samuel Dyck wrote:

So there is poor communication between the board and the community? I
hate to argue, but the License change still has a large TODO notice next
to the No option. This is a problem.

As I thought I had explained that community update was not a 
communication from the board or LWG or anybody else official so I'm 
not sure how you can read into it anything about communication between 
the board and the community.

I have no idea what TODO notice you are talking about - obviously code 
changes will be needed to implement future phases of the 
implementation plan and I understand that those are in progress.


Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Importing MLI park boundaries

2011-03-26 Per discussione Samuel Dyck
I see, my bad. I'm just a little frustrated about the lack of 
communication. I should say that I have already accepted the new terms 
(sorry Sam).

On 11-03-26 11:48 AM, Tom Hughes wrote:

On 26/03/11 16:42, Samuel Dyck wrote:

*Decline*. You do not agree to the new OpenStreetMap Contributor Terms
and, specifically, you refuse to re-license your existing contributions
for use under the ODbL. (TODO: add more on what this means). Here. 

I think that's just out of date, like so much in the wiki. New users 
signing up are sent to a different wiki page when they decline:

Stage 3 is is very late, and no reason is given as to why.

I believe the main reason is because of the ongoing attempt to improve 
the contributor terms to deal with various issues which people raised 
with them. Unfortunately reworking them takes time because of the need 
to keep passing each draft over to the lawyers for review.

As for the update, why is it not monitored?

I don't know - maybe the board has established a Community Monitoring 
Group yet? Maybe you should suggest it to them?

You seem to have me confused with somebody in authority ;-)


Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Importing MLI park boundaries

2011-03-26 Per discussione Samuel Dyck
Thanks Sam. Now hopefully no one on the other boards will rip into me 
for daring to import. :) You might also want to look at the MLI 
provincial forest data and the other goodies on the admin. boundaries 
list. (I don't know what you are interested in). Sadly with the 
exception of the Winnipeg Transit, the City of Winnipeg doesn't believe 
in open data.


On 11-03-26 12:15 PM, Sam Vekemans wrote:

I guess the OpenStreetMap Foundation's Map (odbl only) has not yet
been started. Since the date of step 5 is 'to be determined'.
So that's a good reason why i'm actively working on the alternative(s) :-)
To get back on topic, I'll get back to this list once i have the
rules.txt/.pl script and shp/.osm files available of the MLI park
boundary data, since many would like to see this data on the various
map APIs.


p.s. i'll probably be done it before step 5 roles around :-)

On 3/26/11, Samuel  wrote:

I see, my bad. I'm just a little frustrated about the lack of
communication. I should say that I have already accepted the new terms
(sorry Sam).

On 11-03-26 11:48 AM, Tom Hughes wrote:

On 26/03/11 16:42, Samuel Dyck wrote:

*Decline*. You do not agree to the new OpenStreetMap Contributor Terms
and, specifically, you refuse to re-license your existing contributions
for use under the ODbL. (TODO: add more on what this means). Here.

I think that's just out of date, like so much in the wiki. New users
signing up are sent to a different wiki page when they decline:

Stage 3 is is very late, and no reason is given as to why.

I believe the main reason is because of the ongoing attempt to improve
the contributor terms to deal with various issues which people raised
with them. Unfortunately reworking them takes time because of the need
to keep passing each draft over to the lawyers for review.

As for the update, why is it not monitored?

I don't know - maybe the board has established a Community Monitoring
Group yet? Maybe you should suggest it to them?

You seem to have me confused with somebody in authority ;-)


Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-ca] Importing MLI park boundaries

2011-03-25 Per discussione Samuel Dyck

Hi Everyone

The Canvec data for MB provincial park boundaries is horribly inaccurate 
and this bothers me greatly. The government of Manitoba offers good 
boundary data and a bunch of other cool stuff though the Manitoba Lands 
Initiative, which I believe we can use, but I've never converted 
Shapefiles to an API 0.6 compatible osm file (or at all really). How 
would I best do this?

Sam Dyck

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Importing MLI park boundaries

2011-03-25 Per discussione Samuel Dyck
I'm using an Ubuntu derived distro, so I should be good. Tyler converted 
the MLI building data and has been importing it into OSM already. I've 
read thought the terms, do I need to clear a import with someone?


On 11-03-25 03:32 PM, Paul Norman wrote:

I prefer to do the conversions.
To convert you have to write a python function that maps the shapefile
tagging to osm tagging. This is not technically very hard, but mapping to
osm tags is very easy to get wrong.

If you're using Windows, I'd suggest using VirtualBox and Ubuntu to run it.

-Original Message-
From: Samuel Dyck []
Sent: Friday, March 25, 2011 12:12 PM
Subject: [Talk-ca] Importing MLI park boundaries

Hi Everyone

The Canvec data for MB provincial park boundaries is horribly inaccurate
and this bothers me greatly. The government of Manitoba offers good
boundary data and a bunch of other cool stuff though the Manitoba Lands
Initiative, which I believe we can use, but I've never converted
Shapefiles to an API 0.6 compatible osm file (or at all really). How
would I best do this?

Sam Dyck

Talk-ca mailing list

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Importing MLI park boundaries

2011-03-25 Per discussione Samuel Dyck

Thanks Sam, that saves me a lot of work. Is all the tainted data
 being removed Friday, or just yours?

On 11-03-25 10:29 PM, Sam Vekemans wrote:

The National Parks data will be removed from the osm api next friday,
as it will be considered 'tainted data' since the person who uploaded
the data doesn't agree to the new contributor terms.
This helps, as it makes it easier to add in the Manitoba parks data.

Since knowone volunteered, the conversion script for the MLI data will
be availbale on github :)
and the shape files on



On 3/25/11, Samuel  wrote:

Hi Everyone

The Canvec data for MB provincial park boundaries is horribly inaccurate
and this bothers me greatly. The government of Manitoba offers good
boundary data and a bunch of other cool stuff though the Manitoba Lands
Initiative, which I believe we can use, but I've never converted
Shapefiles to an API 0.6 compatible osm file (or at all really). How
would I best do this?

Sam Dyck

Talk-ca mailing list

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Importing MLI park boundaries

2011-03-25 Per discussione Samuel Dyck
Let me clarify, will the so called tainted data still be up for the near 
future, or will I be spending my week preforming hectic Canvec imports 
to save street names I gathered with a pen and paper? It doesn't look 
good for me

Sam Dyck

On 11-03-25 10:56 PM, Sam Vekemans wrote:

That is upto the OpenStreetMap Foundation to decide on what todo, as
they will effectivelly 'own' all the rights to the data, including all
tainted data.
We (as a community) do not have a say in this matter, unfortunatly.
cc'd the lists,
it's up to them to reply back.


On 3/25/11, Samuel  wrote:

Thanks Sam, that saves me a lot of work. Is all the tainted data
   being removed Friday, or just yours?

On 11-03-25 10:29 PM, Sam Vekemans wrote:

The National Parks data will be removed from the osm api next friday,
as it will be considered 'tainted data' since the person who uploaded
the data doesn't agree to the new contributor terms.
This helps, as it makes it easier to add in the Manitoba parks data.

Since knowone volunteered, the conversion script for the MLI data will
be availbale on github :)
and the shape files on



On 3/25/11, Samuel   wrote:

Hi Everyone

The Canvec data for MB provincial park boundaries is horribly inaccurate
and this bothers me greatly. The government of Manitoba offers good
boundary data and a bunch of other cool stuff though the Manitoba Lands
Initiative, which I believe we can use, but I've never converted
Shapefiles to an API 0.6 compatible osm file (or at all really). How
would I best do this?

Sam Dyck

Talk-ca mailing list

Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-ca] CanVec Vs. TIGER

2011-03-10 Per discussione Samuel Dyck

Hi everyone

I'm at home recovering from dental surgery, so I've had the opportunity 
to get a lot of imports done. But I've been importing along the US 
border alot, and have ran into some trouble with TIGER Data and need 
some advice. My problems are as follows:

-Importing near the geopolitical oddity know as the Northwest Angle, I 
encountered a disagreement about the coastline of The Lake of the Woods. 
Canvec and data ends 150m north where TIGER data begins. (thought they 
are both roughly on the same Longitude). An inspection using Landsat and 
some surprisingly decent Bing imagry strongly favour Canvec and show the 
TIGER boundary to be full of twists and lagoons that don't appear to 
exist. How to I reconcile this? The Canvec boundaries appear to follow 
the exterior edge of a white surface that Canvec calls wetland, but may 
be ice. Sadly the one place of this lake I know has no white surface 

-TIGER is full of duplicate nodes. When I run Validator to check Canvec 
data I will often get 20+ duplicate node warnings from a TIGER road I 
partially downloaded. I can fix this without downloading the entire area 
of the way, but they I just hit more ways with problems.


Sam Dyck
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Mapping cut blocks in wooded areas

2011-03-07 Per discussione Samuel Longiaru

(506) 444-2077

45°56'25.21N, 66°38'53.65W


From: Bryan Crosby [] 
Sent: Saturday, 2011-03-05 01:58
To: 'talk-ca'
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Mapping cut blocks in wooded areas


I would tag it as natural=wood as I don’t feel that there is any
distinction between a 2-year old stand and a 250 year old stand in terms
of being wood, or forest.  They are merely different ages.  Licensees
maintain incredibly accurate and up-to-date maps that indicate the
different openings and their respective stages of development.  They
have dedicated GIS guys that maintain these maps as fast as techies
bring it in.  I suppose, in theory, an OSM tag could be used to indicate
the stage of opening development, but one would require the date of
harvesting, the date of planting and the dates of the silviculture
surveys to accurately assess the phase.  Unless you are a forester you
won’t have access to that information and would be guessing.   I just
feel that attempting to seriously map out such temporary features
accurately goes way beyond the ability of OSM (at this point, at least).





From: Samuel Longiaru [] 
Sent: March-04-11 9:43 PM
To: talk-ca
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Mapping cut blocks in wooded areas


I very much see your point which is why I was asking for some direction.
I guess it comes down to whether the map should reflect what we see at
some given snapshot in time, or whether it is reflecting the overall
landuse scheme.  In short, while standing in the middle of a clear-cut,
would it be more accurate that my map show that spot as wooded or not

Sam L.

-Original Message-
From: Bryan Crosby
To: 'talk-ca'
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Mapping cut blocks in wooded areas
Date: Fri, 04 Mar 2011 21:11:20 -0800

RE: cut-blocks


As someone who has spent done time as a forest technician, I strongly
advise against mapping forestry activity.  Cut block spatial data
changes daily and any images used to trace are out of date.  There are
literally tens of thousands of clear cuts in British Columbia alone and
there is absolutely no way OSM mappers would be able to keep up with
changes.  Keep in mind that most clearcuts on crown land (and in some
cases, private land) are temporary openings in various stages forest
development.  A 2 year old stand is just as much a forest as a 25 year
old free-to-grow stand or a 250 year old stand of timber.  I believe
that mapping a privately held ‘Christmas’ tree farm would be pertinent,
but these are radically different from commercial forestry openings.  


I would also advise extreme caution in using images to map forest
development roads unless are working on a high traffic mainline.  Many
spur roads are in various stages of deactivation.  It may look like a
road from the outdated image, but it may have been completely
deactivated and replanted.  A site inspection is the only way to be



British Columbia


From: Daniel Begin [] 
Sent: March-04-11 8:19 PM
To: 'Samuel Longiaru'; 'talk-ca'
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Mapping cut blocks in wooded areas


Hi Samuel,


About tagging forested areas, I would use landuse=forest only if it is
obvious on the field that the area is managed/harvested, as for
landuse=orchard or landuse=vineyard. We have a lot of Christmas tree
plantations in the area and I map them as landuse=forest because it is
obvious on the imagery and on the field.  


If it is difficult to determine if an area is under timber lease or not,
because it looks the same, I would keep it natural=wood...


About Cut blocks, I would map the hole they create that wooded area.  If
the area is replanted, then some OSM contributor will remove the hole
you map in 10-20 years from now! 


Mapping the reality is the best we can do and because the reality
changes over time, we can keep mapping !-)




From: Samuel Longiaru [] 
Sent: March-04-11 21:45
To: talk-ca
Subject: [Talk-ca] Mapping cut blocks in wooded areas


Hi Everybody,

I've been importing CanVec mostly south of Kamloops for the past several
weeks and am going to take some time now to go back and bring stuff up
to date.  One question I have though is in regards to how to treat cut
blocks in the wooded areas.

I see according to the map features wiki, that the CanVec imported tag
of natural=wood is technically not correct, at least for here, as wood
is to be reserved only for completely reserved/unmanaged areas.  I guess
most of what I have should really be mapped as landuse=forest but I have
not made the change because what is under timber lease and what is not
would be difficult to determine.  In one sense it's all managed to some
degree or other.  But my point is rather what should be done

Re: [Talk-ca] Did I just find a potentially significant bug in JOSM?

2011-03-07 Per discussione Samuel Longiaru

Have to admit that I VERY rarely if ever use the fix button, and then
only after I've isolated the issue for a specific error or warning.  I
do errors first, then warnings.  But after each correction, I revalidate
to refresh the list. Maybe that's overkill, but it keeps the exceptions
from being thrown.  I think you're getting the exceptions because you've
modified the data, but have not updated the list.  Usually, I just
highlight the specific error or warning, hit the SELECT button, then the
3 key to go there.  I fix it manually if I can, then re-validate.
Then move to the next issue.  I'm too much of a scaredy-cat to highlight
a whole class of errors and let JOSM fix them automatically.  Like I
said, I'm not sure JOSM likes me.

I'll try selecting an unnamed way warning and fixing to see what
happens.  If it removes the way well, that's certainly ONE way to
fix it.

Sam L.  

-Original Message-
From: Dan Charrois
To: Talk-CA OpenStreetMap
Subject: [Talk-ca] Did I just find a potentially significant bug in
Date: Mon, 07 Mar 2011 17:42:09 -0700

I've spent the past several hours trying to find out out why some of my edits 
resulted in some accidental road removals.  I think I've found the problem, 
which seems to relate to an apparent bug in JOSM, or at least a preference 
somewhere set to something unintuitive that I haven't been able to find - as 
such, I thought it would be best to communicate with the group to see if 
anyone's experienced this problem before, or at least give a heads up as to 
what has been happening to me in case it's inadvertently happening to others.

I downloaded an area around the Beaumont, Alberta region to try and add some 
roads from Canvec that don't exist in OSM (roads which I could have sworn I've 
added when I worked on the same area a month or two ago).  I then saved this 
downloaded area, along with the changes I made, to an .osm file in JOSM.  I ran 
the Validator which found a few duplicate nodes and such.  Telling it to fix 
errors, it did its thing.  And then, I clicked on warnings and told it to fix 
those.  Lo and behold, some (though not all) of the roads I'd just added 
suddenly disappeared.  Since validation was the last step in my process before 
I uploaded the data, and I was often zoomed all the way out when I did so, I 
hadn't noticed this happen before, but it probably had been going on right 
before I uploaded my changes.  In particular, sometimes I would replace lower 
quality OSM roads with better Canvec data, and if JOSM was deleting some of 
those Canvec roads I'd added in its fix warnings validation step,
 those original OSM roads would have disappeared without replacements.

I tried to isolate further exactly what it was doing, and at least in this 
situation it looks like it may be related to unnamed ways.  I have 41 unnamed 
ways in my data.  If I click on the unnamed ways folder specifically in the 
warnings validation dialog, it doesn't give me the option to fix them - it 
shouldn't, since it doesn't know what to call them anyway.  But if I click on 
the parent (root) icon just labelled Warnings, the fix button is enabled, and 
I thought it was just supposed to fix all the enclosed warnings in categories 
that it is able to fix.  When I click to fix all warnings like this, in the 
progress bar, I see that it spends some time fixing unnamed ways.  And then 
those ways are gone when it's done.

I was using JOSM 3751, so I checked for updates and found that 3961 was 
available.  I've updated my JOSM to see if it's still an issue.  But now, when 
I do the global fix warnings on the data set, it gets part way through, then 
consistently gives me an unexpected exception (coding error).  When I dismiss 
that dialog, I find that those roads have again been removed, so it seems as 
though this is still a problem.  The unexpected exception isn't encouraging 

I suppose that I can work around the problem by selectively choosing fix in 
the validations warning area for each of the separate categories, instead of 
doing them all at once.  Though now I'm unsure as to whether or not there is 
still an underlying problem with fixing warnings that may give rise to an 
inadvertent loss of data.  At the very least, I wanted to make a posting about 
it so that others can be warned away from having the same problems I have run 

If anyone is interested in trying to duplicate the problems I'm having, just 
let me know your email address and I can send you the .osm file I'm working 
with (compressed, it's about 600 kB).  And of course, if anyone has any ideas, 
or suggestions about something stupid I'm doing, please let me know!

Syzygy Research  Technology
Box 83, Legal, AB  T0G 1L0 Canada
Phone: 780-961-2213

Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-ca] Reporting Canvec errors

2011-03-07 Per discussione Samuel Dyck


I've racked up a list of errors is Canvec data. We've probably gone over 
this before, but how do I report errors and out of date information in 

Sam Dyck

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Did I just find a potentially significant bug in JOSM?

2011-03-07 Per discussione Samuel Longiaru

No, if I highlight an unnamed way warning, and select it, the fix key is
grayed out.  That makes sense.

Sam L.  

-Original Message-
From: Samuel Longiaru
To: Dan Charrois
Cc: Talk-CA OpenStreetMap
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Did I just find a potentially significant bug in
Date: Mon, 07 Mar 2011 18:13:37 -0800


Have to admit that I VERY rarely if ever use the fix button, and then
only after I've isolated the issue for a specific error or warning.  I
do errors first, then warnings.  But after each correction, I revalidate
to refresh the list. Maybe that's overkill, but it keeps the exceptions
from being thrown.  I think you're getting the exceptions because you've
modified the data, but have not updated the list.  Usually, I just
highlight the specific error or warning, hit the SELECT button, then the
3 key to go there.  I fix it manually if I can, then re-validate.
Then move to the next issue.  I'm too much of a scaredy-cat to highlight
a whole class of errors and let JOSM fix them automatically.  Like I
said, I'm not sure JOSM likes me.

I'll try selecting an unnamed way warning and fixing to see what
happens.  If it removes the way well, that's certainly ONE way to
fix it.

Sam L.  

-Original Message-
From: Dan Charrois
To: Talk-CA OpenStreetMap
Subject: [Talk-ca] Did I just find a potentially significant bug in
Date: Mon, 07 Mar 2011 17:42:09 -0700

I've spent the past several hours trying to find out out why some of my edits 
resulted in some accidental road removals.  I think I've found the problem, 
which seems to relate to an apparent bug in JOSM, or at least a preference 
somewhere set to something unintuitive that I haven't been able to find - as 
such, I thought it would be best to communicate with the group to see if 
anyone's experienced this problem before, or at least give a heads up as to 
what has been happening to me in case it's inadvertently happening to others.

I downloaded an area around the Beaumont, Alberta region to try and add some 
roads from Canvec that don't exist in OSM (roads which I could have sworn I've 
added when I worked on the same area a month or two ago).  I then saved this 
downloaded area, along with the changes I made, to an .osm file in JOSM.  I ran 
the Validator which found a few duplicate nodes and such.  Telling it to fix 
errors, it did its thing.  And then, I clicked on warnings and told it to fix 
those.  Lo and behold, some (though not all) of the roads I'd just added 
suddenly disappeared.  Since validation was the last step in my process before 
I uploaded the data, and I was often zoomed all the way out when I did so, I 
hadn't noticed this happen before, but it probably had been going on right 
before I uploaded my changes.  In particular, sometimes I would replace lower 
quality OSM roads with better Canvec data, and if JOSM was deleting some of 
those Canvec roads I'd added in its fix warnings validation step,
 those original OSM roads would have disappeared without replacements.

I tried to isolate further exactly what it was doing, and at least in this 
situation it looks like it may be related to unnamed ways.  I have 41 unnamed 
ways in my data.  If I click on the unnamed ways folder specifically in the 
warnings validation dialog, it doesn't give me the option to fix them - it 
shouldn't, since it doesn't know what to call them anyway.  But if I click on 
the parent (root) icon just labelled Warnings, the fix button is enabled, and 
I thought it was just supposed to fix all the enclosed warnings in categories 
that it is able to fix.  When I click to fix all warnings like this, in the 
progress bar, I see that it spends some time fixing unnamed ways.  And then 
those ways are gone when it's done.

I was using JOSM 3751, so I checked for updates and found that 3961 was 
available.  I've updated my JOSM to see if it's still an issue.  But now, when 
I do the global fix warnings on the data set, it gets part way through, then 
consistently gives me an unexpected exception (coding error).  When I dismiss 
that dialog, I find that those roads have again been removed, so it seems as 
though this is still a problem.  The unexpected exception isn't encouraging 

I suppose that I can work around the problem by selectively choosing fix in 
the validations warning area for each of the separate categories, instead of 
doing them all at once.  Though now I'm unsure as to whether or not there is 
still an underlying problem with fixing warnings that may give rise to an 
inadvertent loss of data.  At the very least, I wanted to make a posting about 
it so that others can be warned away from having the same problems I have run 

If anyone is interested in trying to duplicate the problems I'm having, just 
let me know your email address and I can send you the .osm file I'm working 
with (compressed, it's about

Re: [Talk-ca] Here we go again...

2011-03-06 Per discussione Samuel Longiaru

Hi Dan,

Your procedure sounds pretty similar to mine, and working around
Kamloops likely is equivalent in terms of the kinds of features we

You probably do this as well, but before running the validator, I step
around the edge of the import and connect streams, powerlines, and
anything else that I think needs connecting.  The auto-fix on duplicate
nodes just seems to merge the nodes but doesn't combine the ways.  As
you, I very rarely have found the need to import a road as previous
GeoBase or other imports have already provided the same information. 

I simplify some features as well (streams and some lake shorelines
mostly) but I try to remember to simplify before merging the selection
onto the OSM layer.  Simplifying later often gives the warning that you
are deleting nodes outside the uploaded data area.  If I get a conflict,
this is where it happens. 

You do, however, seem to have much better luck than I have had on failed
imports.  On 4 or 5 different occasions, an upload has hung (sometimes
for hours) and a cancel has resulted in nodes only (no way information)
being uploaded to the server.  This behavior is quite consistent.  The
result is 6-8,000 isolated nodes blasted across the import block.  I've
then had to download the area from OSM and manually remove each node.
Rather frustrating.  I don't know the ins and outs of the OSM backend,
but could you be picking up errors at that point?  JOSM never seems to
sort it out for me.   :(

Sam L
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Here we go again...

2011-03-06 Per discussione Samuel Longiaru

OK... I had been using chunks of 2000, but will make it smaller.
Hopefully that helps.


Sam L

-Original Message-
From: john whelan
To: Samuel Longiaru
Cc: Dan Charrois, Talk-CA OpenStreetMap
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Here we go again...
Date: Sun, 06 Mar 2011 12:12:00 -0500

In JOSM when uploading go to advanced configuration or the advanced tab
and use upload data in chunks of objects.  Drop the chunk level down to
400 or 500 and it goes much smoother.

Cheerio John

On 6 March 2011 11:15, Samuel Longiaru wrote:

Hi Dan,

Your procedure sounds pretty similar to mine, and working around
Kamloops likely is equivalent in terms of the kinds of features
we see.  

You probably do this as well, but before running the validator,
I step around the edge of the import and connect streams,
powerlines, and anything else that I think needs connecting.
The auto-fix on duplicate nodes just seems to merge the nodes
but doesn't combine the ways.  As you, I very rarely have found
the need to import a road as previous GeoBase or other imports
have already provided the same information. 

I simplify some features as well (streams and some lake
shorelines mostly) but I try to remember to simplify before
merging the selection onto the OSM layer.  Simplifying later
often gives the warning that you are deleting nodes outside the
uploaded data area.  If I get a conflict, this is where it

You do, however, seem to have much better luck than I have had
on failed imports.  On 4 or 5 different occasions, an upload has
hung (sometimes for hours) and a cancel has resulted in nodes
only (no way information) being uploaded to the server.  This
behavior is quite consistent.  The result is 6-8,000 isolated
nodes blasted across the import block.  I've then had to
download the area from OSM and manually remove each node.
Rather frustrating.  I don't know the ins and outs of the OSM
backend, but could you be picking up errors at that point?  JOSM
never seems to sort it out for me.   :(

Sam L

Talk-ca mailing list

Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-ca] Canvec vs. GPS

2011-03-06 Per discussione Samuel Dyck

Hey everyone

I am presently preparing a careful import of Canvec data into Mantario 
area. I have stumbled across a trail that appears to be a GPS track. The 
problem is that while this trail did not overlap with the old old low 
detail lake data, it conflicts in some areas with the Canvec data. Which 
data should I adjust? The overlap between the two ranges for 17cm to 
30m.  An inspection using Landsat (sadly the best imagery for the 
region) favours Canvec. I realize that this is a tricky subject. I'm 
assuming Godwin's law does not apply to this list.

Sam Dyck

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Secret routing demo.

2011-03-05 Per discussione Samuel Longiaru

Yes... I believe you have that correct now.  No barrier as I remember.

The interchange at Highway 93 (Icefields Parkway) and the TransCanada
was not routing correctly coming south off the Parkway.  I made some
minor edits there and hopefully that will fix it, but the Bing coverage
is poor.  Also, there has been a lot of construction through there as
they twin the highway.  Anybody with better local knowledge willing to
give it a go?  It's a bit of a dog's breakfast right now.

Sam L.

-Original Message-
From: Adam Dunn
To:, Samuel Longiaru
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Secret routing demo.
Date: Sat, 05 Mar 2011 08:38:46 -0800

Hwy 1;97/5 interchange west of Kamloops: heading east on 1, then
changing to south on 5, motorway_link incorrectly tagged as oneway.
Sam L, should [] be a
two-directional single carriageway or one way dual carriageways (has a
concrete Jersey barrier in the centre)? I've set it to two-directional
for now.


On Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 8:14 AM, Andrew Allison wrote:
 On Sat, 2011-03-05 at 08:06 -0500, Richard Weait wrote:
 On Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 7:13 AM, Richard Weait wrote:
  I've fixed some continuity errors, etc. on Hwy 417 near Ottawa.

 I'm working now on the rest of 417, then I'll tackle 416.  Ottawa is a
 mess.  A disaster.

 Well my first test route, failed. I'm going to have to start inserting a
 lot of no left turn's signs into the map. Can't say it was a high
 priority in my mind before.

 Talk-ca mailing list

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Here we go again...

2011-03-05 Per discussione Samuel Dyck
I'll second what Richard said. This whole argument of talk could have 
been avoided (or at least delayed) if someone had tried contacting me 
before I was accused. Perhaps I'm just upset but in my opinion it's 
better to raise the issue with the user first than on a list. We don't 
want another vreimer but I've found these trouble makers, are usually 
just misguided.

Sa, Dyck

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Secret routing demo.

2011-03-05 Per discussione Samuel Longiaru
Amen to that.  Now THIS would make a great JOSM tool.  Just to test
locally around an interchange or some such thing you're working on.
That would be cool.  This is catching the logic errors that other tools

Sam L.  

-Original Message-
From: Adam Dunn
To: talk-ca
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Secret routing demo.
Date: Sat, 05 Mar 2011 11:43:21 -0800


This site is great for finding route errors. OSM will really improve
thanks to this. I can't believe how many errors there were, and major
ones that would prevent road trip planning for travellers. Thanks
Richard, and the other programmers involved!


Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-ca] Routing errors, turn restrictions and median crossovers

2011-03-05 Per discussione Samuel Longiaru
I'm getting a number of crazy routings that suggest doing U-turns via
emergency median crossovers.  The crossovers are in the imports and they
all throw errors in regards to service roads connected to motorways.  I
guess they could all get turn restrictions applicable to all but public
service vehicles but does existing routing software make the distinction
as to vehicle type anyway?  Any suggestion as to how to treat these?  We
really don't want these kinds of routes.


Sam L.
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Routing errors, turn restrictions and median crossovers

2011-03-05 Per discussione Samuel Longiaru

So just a blanket restriction on each one?  I see the Public Service
Vehicle class includes buses and the like which wouldn't use the
crossovers anyway so that won't do it.  Didn't see a way to tag for
public emergency vehicle access only.


-Original Message-
From: Russell Porter
To: Samuel Longiaru
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Routing errors, turn restrictions and median
Date: Sat, 05 Mar 2011 20:35:52 -0800


On Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 8:00 PM, Samuel Longiaru wrote:
 I'm getting a number of crazy routings that suggest doing U-turns via
 emergency median crossovers.  The crossovers are in the imports and they all
 throw errors in regards to service roads connected to motorways.  I guess
 they could all get turn restrictions applicable to all but public service
 vehicles but does existing routing software make the distinction as to
 vehicle type anyway?  Any suggestion as to how to treat these?  We really
 don't want these kinds of routes.


 Sam L.
 Talk-ca mailing list

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Routing errors, turn restrictions and median crossovers

2011-03-05 Per discussione Samuel Longiaru
OK... access=no, emergency=yes.  I'll tag one like that and see what the
routing software does after the next update.



-Original Message-
From: Adam Dunn
To: talk-ca
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Routing errors,  turn restrictions and median
Date: Sat, 05 Mar 2011 20:46:00 -0800

Rather than turn restrictions, what about tagging the service way
itself as access=no,emergency=yes, or something similar? There's
also an abandoned tag for access=emergency


On Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 8:00 PM, Samuel Longiaru wrote:
 I'm getting a number of crazy routings that suggest doing U-turns via
 emergency median crossovers.  The crossovers are in the imports and they all
 throw errors in regards to service roads connected to motorways.  I guess
 they could all get turn restrictions applicable to all but public service
 vehicles but does existing routing software make the distinction as to
 vehicle type anyway?  Any suggestion as to how to treat these?  We really
 don't want these kinds of routes.


 Sam L.
 Talk-ca mailing list

Talk-ca mailing list

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Secret routing demo.

2011-03-04 Per discussione Samuel Longiaru
Hi Richard,

Yeah, that's sounds quite useful.  How do we do it?  

Sam L.

-Original Message-
From: Richard Weait
To: Talk-CA OpenStreetMap
Subject: [Talk-ca] Secret routing demo.
Date: Fri, 04 Mar 2011 18:54:06 -0500

Dear talk-ca,

There is a new secret demo of routing on OSM data for Canada.  The
demo server could go away without notice, and it doesn't update data
regularly, but it seems to be blindingly fast.  Also, it only works
for part of Europe.

Except it secretly works for part of Canada too!

So far, I'm using this to test routing connectivity for the Trans
Canada, and for major roads in my area.  So far, i see that there is a
continuity problem in Eastern Nova Scotia and I hear that there is a
problem near the Manitoba / Ontario border.  In both cases if you try
a route, it looks funny or fails to route.  Looking funny is often
either a route that goes the long way 'round, or goes backwards, then
forward, or past the destination then back.  The fix is to go find the
overlapping nodes that aren't connected, or the missing bridge or
backwards oneway tag, and fix them.  Great fun!  It should help find
import issues where we haven't properly stitched imports to existing

Again, this router isn't yet updating often, so maybe we can put
things we find and fix in this thread, so we don't chase our tails?
Then maybe ask for an update after the weekend?

What do you think?  Feel like doing some secret routing repair?  ;-)

And thanks to Frederik at Geofabrik, for adding Canada to this demo.
This is pretty cool.

Best regards,

Talk-ca mailing list

Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-ca] Mapping cut blocks in wooded areas

2011-03-04 Per discussione Samuel Longiaru
Hi Everybody,

I've been importing CanVec mostly south of Kamloops for the past several
weeks and am going to take some time now to go back and bring stuff up
to date.  One question I have though is in regards to how to treat cut
blocks in the wooded areas.

I see according to the map features wiki, that the CanVec imported tag
of natural=wood is technically not correct, at least for here, as wood
is to be reserved only for completely reserved/unmanaged areas.  I guess
most of what I have should really be mapped as landuse=forest but I have
not made the change because what is under timber lease and what is not
would be difficult to determine.  In one sense it's all managed to some
degree or other.  But my point is rather what should be done with the
cut blocks, which in some areas constitute up to 50% or more of the
forested area. is a typical area.  It seems
improper to keep them as wooded when they are clearly not, and yet most
are replanted and will be wooded again someday... or at least that's
what they keep telling us.

I started mapping them as it truly gives a more accurate representation
of the current state of affairs on the ground... but thought I'd better
get some guidance before proceeding too far.  


Sam L.
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Secret routing demo.

2011-03-04 Per discussione Samuel Longiaru

Thanks Richard.  I tested it on the Trans Canada heading east of
Kamloops towards Banff.  It was routing through Edmonton. Wha???
Tracked it down to a divided section of the TC west of Field where both
sides of the highway were marked as westbound.  KeepRight didn't pick it
up in this case.  Fixed.  Thanks for the link.  Very quick indeed.

Sam L   

-Original Message-
From: Richard Weait
To: Talk-CA OpenStreetMap
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Secret routing demo.
Date: Fri, 04 Mar 2011 22:19:01 -0500

On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 6:54 PM, Richard Weait wrote:
 Dear talk-ca,

 There is a new secret demo of routing on OSM data for Canada.  The
 demo server could go away without notice, and it doesn't update data
 regularly, but it seems to be blindingly fast.  Also, it only works
 for part of Europe.

 Except it secretly works for part of Canada too!

Oops.  guess I should have included the link!

I've found that routing even extends over the border a short way too,
though I've only checked a few places so far.

Talk-ca mailing list

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Mapping cut blocks in wooded areas

2011-03-04 Per discussione Samuel Longiaru

Well, that was my feeling as well.  Maps are living things and designed
to be changed.  OK... if the blocks look like they have greened up after
replanting or otherwise, I will leave the cut blocks as wooded,
otherwise they will be mapped as a hole.


Sam L 

-Original Message-
From: Daniel Begin
To: 'Samuel Longiaru', 'talk-ca'
Subject: RE: [Talk-ca] Mapping cut blocks in wooded areas
Date: Fri, 04 Mar 2011 23:18:58 -0500

Hi Samuel,


About tagging forested areas, I would use landuse=forest only if it is
obvious on the field that the area is managed/harvested, as for
landuse=orchard or landuse=vineyard. We have a lot of Christmas tree
plantations in the area and I map them as landuse=forest because it is
obvious on the imagery and on the field.  


If it is difficult to determine if an area is under timber lease or not,
because it looks the same, I would keep it natural=wood...


About Cut blocks, I would map the hole they create that wooded area.  If
the area is replanted, then some OSM contributor will remove the hole
you map in 10-20 years from now! 


Mapping the reality is the best we can do and because the reality
changes over time, we can keep mapping !-)




From:Samuel Longiaru [] 
Sent: March-04-11 21:45
To: talk-ca
Subject: [Talk-ca] Mapping cut blocks in wooded areas


Hi Everybody,

I've been importing CanVec mostly south of Kamloops for the past several
weeks and am going to take some time now to go back and bring stuff up
to date.  One question I have though is in regards to how to treat cut
blocks in the wooded areas.

I see according to the map features wiki, that the CanVec imported tag
of natural=wood is technically not correct, at least for here, as wood
is to be reserved only for completely reserved/unmanaged areas.  I guess
most of what I have should really be mapped as landuse=forest but I have
not made the change because what is under timber lease and what is not
would be difficult to determine.  In one sense it's all managed to some
degree or other.  But my point is rather what should be done with the
cut blocks, which in some areas constitute up to 50% or more of the
forested area. is a typical area.  It seems
improper to keep them as wooded when they are clearly not, and yet most
are replanted and will be wooded again someday... or at least that's
what they keep telling us.

I started mapping them as it truly gives a more accurate representation
of the current state of affairs on the ground... but thought I'd better
get some guidance before proceeding too far.  


Sam L.

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Mapping cut blocks in wooded areas

2011-03-04 Per discussione Samuel Longiaru
I very much see your point which is why I was asking for some direction.
I guess it comes down to whether the map should reflect what we see at
some given snapshot in time, or whether it is reflecting the overall
landuse scheme.  In short, while standing in the middle of a clear-cut,
would it be more accurate that my map show that spot as wooded or not

Sam L.

-Original Message-
From: Bryan Crosby
To: 'talk-ca'
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Mapping cut blocks in wooded areas
Date: Fri, 04 Mar 2011 21:11:20 -0800

RE: cut-blocks


As someone who has spent done time as a forest technician, I strongly
advise against mapping forestry activity.  Cut block spatial data
changes daily and any images used to trace are out of date.  There are
literally tens of thousands of clear cuts in British Columbia alone and
there is absolutely no way OSM mappers would be able to keep up with
changes.  Keep in mind that most clearcuts on crown land (and in some
cases, private land) are temporary openings in various stages forest
development.  A 2 year old stand is just as much a forest as a 25 year
old free-to-grow stand or a 250 year old stand of timber.  I believe
that mapping a privately held ‘Christmas’ tree farm would be pertinent,
but these are radically different from commercial forestry openings.  


I would also advise extreme caution in using images to map forest
development roads unless are working on a high traffic mainline.  Many
spur roads are in various stages of deactivation.  It may look like a
road from the outdated image, but it may have been completely
deactivated and replanted.  A site inspection is the only way to be



British Columbia


From: Daniel Begin [] 
Sent: March-04-11 8:19 PM
To: 'Samuel Longiaru'; 'talk-ca'
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Mapping cut blocks in wooded areas


Hi Samuel,


About tagging forested areas, I would use landuse=forest only if it is
obvious on the field that the area is managed/harvested, as for
landuse=orchard or landuse=vineyard. We have a lot of Christmas tree
plantations in the area and I map them as landuse=forest because it is
obvious on the imagery and on the field.  


If it is difficult to determine if an area is under timber lease or not,
because it looks the same, I would keep it natural=wood...


About Cut blocks, I would map the hole they create that wooded area.  If
the area is replanted, then some OSM contributor will remove the hole
you map in 10-20 years from now! 


Mapping the reality is the best we can do and because the reality
changes over time, we can keep mapping !-)




From: Samuel Longiaru [] 
Sent: March-04-11 21:45
To: talk-ca
Subject: [Talk-ca] Mapping cut blocks in wooded areas


Hi Everybody,

I've been importing CanVec mostly south of Kamloops for the past several
weeks and am going to take some time now to go back and bring stuff up
to date.  One question I have though is in regards to how to treat cut
blocks in the wooded areas.

I see according to the map features wiki, that the CanVec imported tag
of natural=wood is technically not correct, at least for here, as wood
is to be reserved only for completely reserved/unmanaged areas.  I guess
most of what I have should really be mapped as landuse=forest but I have
not made the change because what is under timber lease and what is not
would be difficult to determine.  In one sense it's all managed to some
degree or other.  But my point is rather what should be done with the
cut blocks, which in some areas constitute up to 50% or more of the
forested area. is a typical area.  It seems
improper to keep them as wooded when they are clearly not, and yet most
are replanted and will be wooded again someday... or at least that's
what they keep telling us.

I started mapping them as it truly gives a more accurate representation
of the current state of affairs on the ground... but thought I'd better
get some guidance before proceeding too far.  


Sam L.

Talk-ca mailing list

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] My CanVec imports in the Ottawa area

2011-02-22 Per discussione Samuel Dyck

Cross posted on Talk-ca

Hi Everyone

I've had a busy week. Sorry I wasn't paying attention to the 

I will be frank. I have never imported Canvec data outside of 
Manitoba (except where the tiles overlapped into Saskatchewan. I deny 
any involvement in the area surrounding Aylmer, Quebec. It is 
possible I may have made small edits there and they may have been 
part of a Canvec import elsewhere, but I personally did not knowingly 
perform any imports.

Thank you. I apologize for any confusion.

Samuel Dyck

talk mailing list

[Talk-ca] Reply to concerns about CanVec imports in Quebec

2011-02-20 Per discussione Samuel Dyck

Hi Everyone

I've had a busy week. Sorry I wasn't paying attention to the discussions.

I will be frank. I have never imported Canvec data outside of Manitoba 
(except where the tiles overlapped into Saskatchewan. I deny any 
involvement in the area surrounding Aylmer, Quebec. It is possible I may 
have made small edits there and they may have been part of a Canvec 
import elsewhere, but I personally did not knowingly perform any imports.

Thank you. I apologize for any confusion.

Samuel Dyck

Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-ca] My CanVec imports in the Ottawa area

2011-02-20 Per discussione Samuel Dyck

Cross posted on Talk-ca

Hi Everyone

I've had a busy week. Sorry I wasn't paying attention to the discussions.

I will be frank. I have never imported Canvec data outside of Manitoba 
(except where the tiles overlapped into Saskatchewan. I deny any 
involvement in the area surrounding Aylmer, Quebec. It is possible I may 
have made small edits there and they may have been part of a Canvec 
import elsewhere, but I personally did not knowingly perform any imports.

Thank you. I apologize for any confusion.

Samuel Dyck

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Simplifying CanVec imports

2011-02-13 Per discussione Samuel Longiaru
Yes, the import seems to be quite a selective process!  Very tedious at
times.  And now that I am getting into areas where there actually is
some existing OSM data and I have spent so much time hand editing in the
past, I'm pretty careful to select the better data on a way-by-way
basis.  Sometimes the CanVec data wins out, sometimes not.

In regards to simplifying, however, I am quite pleased to note that I
have not seen displacement or removal of a node that sits at the edge of
a tile.  I'm sure they are just taken as end points. Simplifying a
feature that will ultimately run from one tile to the next still yields
duplicate nodes at the boundary when the next file is brought in.  The
stitching procedure is the exactly the same.  Merge nodes and combine
ways where appropriate.  I just think it is a great tool that admittedly
may only have limited applications.  But I think that this situation is
definitely one of them.


-Original Message-
From: john whelan
To: Talk-CA OpenStreetMap
Cc: Samuel Longiaru
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Simplifying CanVec imports
Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2011 18:41:21 -0500

There are always issues when you want to replace one set of data with
another.  People may have added labels such as the name in French,
replace the import and you lose the French.

Where the CANVEC tiles meet ways are connected by overlapping points.
Any simplification at this point that moves a point on a way means the
way doesn't get joined where the tiles meet.

This is why it''s so tempting to start over from CANVEC 7 then add in
the detail, amenities, shops etc.  At least you can have confidence that
the road names are correct.

Cheerio John

Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-ca] Simplifying CanVec imports

2011-02-11 Per discussione Samuel Longiaru
Good Morning Everyone,

For the past couple of weeks I have been importing CanVec data into an
area southwest of Kamloops.  There was very little (if any) existing OSM
data in the area.  I've gotten into a bit of a rhythm, merging and
stitching all of 92I07 and about half of 92I10 but started becoming
concerned about the high data density, particularly associated with
streams in the area.  Most import files at the level of 92 I 07.0.0 for
example, are runnning 10-15k nodes.  At that rate, that is somewhat near
200,000 nodes for an area at the level of 92I07.  Yikes!  I guess the
question in my mind is just how many data do we want to import at this
level and what are the practical implications for server processing and
overload.  I expect that this level would be fairly consistent across
most of Western Canada. Even now, I haven't been able to call up a
complete map in the view tab for the past 4 or 5 days...
25-50% of the map being covered with ... more OSM coming soon tiles.

I looked at the Simplify Way function in JOSM and applying it to just
the water data, have been able to eliminate 5-8k nodes from each file,
thereby cutting the data in nearly half.  I really don't see any
significant degradation in the map quality as a result.  Without
simplifying, the data nodes in some places are incredibly (and
undeservedly ) dense.  The only discussion I've been able to find on the
simplify tool is some rather old discussion that took place during

So just wondering if simplifying these data is a reasonable approach.
Right now, I am going back to the imported areas, calling them up from
OSM, simplifying the water, and re-uploading the simplified data.  In
the future, I will just simplify in JOSM before uploading the file in
the first place.  Anyway, does anyone have any issues with my approach
here?  Is it worth simplifying  or am I being overly concerned about
data density and its longer term implications?


Sam Longiaru
Kamloops, BC 

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] How should a noob proceed?

2011-01-30 Per discussione Samuel Longiaru
G'morning Everyone,

Thanks to all who responded to my request for advice and guidance.  As a
result I received some excellent instruction as how how to import CanVec
data.  I've since been able to upload two adjacent files to the
database... both from a remote area SW of Kamloops.  One had no existing
OSM data at all and the other had only a small section of an unpaved
road.  The import has led to several questions regarding stitching data
at boundaries, but I should probably best pursue those problems

Anyway, thanks again.  

Sam Longiaru
Kamloops, BC
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] How should a noob proceed?

2011-01-30 Per discussione Samuel Longiaru
Regarding your specific import Sam, could you link to it for us?  I
see the wooded areas on the border, but that sounds a little further
than away from Kamloops than you.  Share!  ;-)

Were these full size NTS tiles or sub tiles?  Are they of a
manageable size for stitching.  How long did it take?  Should we
make a group effort of stitching before moving on the the next import?

Many open questions.  :-)

Best regards,

OK... well if you think that my questions are relevant here... then sure...  
maybe a wider audience is best anyway.  Perhaps I'm falling into the noobie trap
of assuming that I'm the only one that doesn't know this stuff.

I've just sent the message (copied below) to Steve Singer who was kind enough 
yesterday to get back with some 
pretty specific advice. It's funny in that my questions to him were pretty much 
along what you are posing, Richard.

One file was about 14,500 'objects' and the other 12,500.  After merging the 
CanVec layer
and the (almost non-existent) OSM data layer, JOSM choked on the first file 
upload and got into a 
Retry loop.  I figured that 14,000+ points was too big a request and so found 
the Advanced tab and asked for an upload 
in 2000 object chunks.  That worked. I'm sure that this approach of uploading a 
whole CanVec file will
not be practical once the merges become more complicated and I will sure resort 
to working on and 
uploading only small sections of a sheet at a time.  But for this area, where 
there is very little to
edit, the full file approach works.

I'm just going to work on these two files for the time being, cleaning them up 
as I import, and learning the 
procedure better.  Also, I just have to get better with JOSM I see.  Pretty 
steep learning curve I've found.

OK... crux of my message to Steve is below... it includes a link to the area

Thanks in advance.  Sam


Last night I imported two adjacent CanVec files... 92I07.0.0 and
92I07.0.1.  The process was pretty easy as the only overlap with
existing OSM data was one unpaved road, which I deleted from the CanVec
layer before merging.  I went back this morning to review the imports
and have a few questions.  If you don't mind, could you please take a
look at and give me your opinion.  I think
this small area along the boundary of the two imports shows most of the

1) At first, I thought I should get rid of the boundary between the
north and south sheets, but then realized that doing so for each import
would eventually lead to massive relations of wooded area.  So would you
agree that I should leave the bounding ways alone, only working on
merging or joining cross-boundary objects such as roads, railroads,
etc., or should I treat the bounding ways somehow ?

2) I am surprised in that the registry between the different objects in
the CanVec data is not better than it is... at least in this area.  For
the most part, the boundary of the wood (whether outer or inner) seems
to be shifted westward in relation to the lake outlines which are at
least fairly consistent with the Bing imagery.  This internal shift
within the CanVec data seems to triggering a lot of errors...
overlapping areas, crossing ways, etc.   The shift seems to line up
across both sheets.  Is this expected, and if so, should I just correct
errors as usual, using the Bing imagery as a guide?  Or is this error
something that happened when converting the data to OSM format?

3) And this is a real noob question... in JOSM some nodes along a single
isolated ways such as lake shores are marked with small boxes and some
with +.  Can't seem to find any difference or rhyme or reason.  What is
the significance of those?

Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-ca] Bilingual operator names

2011-01-25 Per discussione Samuel Dyck


When I tag government facilities, I put the name in the predominant 
local language (English in Manitoba) in the name tag. Put the English 
name in the English name tag and the French name in the French name tag. 
But what about the operator tag? For example Winnipeg has a facility 
know in English as the Centre for the Commercialization of Biomedical 
Technology, which is run by the organization known in English as the 
National Research Council and in French as Le conseil national de 
recherches Canada (that is the capitalization used on their website). So 
when put them in the operator tag, how do I handle the name. Do I

- Create operator:en and operator:fr tags?
- Put both names in the operator tags?



Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Bilingual operator names

2011-01-25 Per discussione Samuel Dyck
I took your advice and went east to Ottawa. I assumed that Parliament 
Hill would be a good model to follow. Sadly it is tagged exclusively in 
English as is the Supreme Court. Perhaps someone with with better French 
than myself should fix that. On the other side of the Ottawa River, The 
Museum of Civilization sets a better example by using a slash, which is 
what I will use.


On 11-01-25 07:23 PM, Sam Vekemans wrote:

Some would argue that including a 'space' and forward slash '/' and
French name, to be all on the same line.
(some datasets do this)
and others would argue that 'french rendermap' should show all french.

. so it's osm, it's not perfect ... so just check out another
federal facility that has french and copy :)

Some would argue that we need a 'strict set of rules' ... and others
argue 'free form rules with the masses and loudest' :)


On 1/25/11, Samuel  wrote:


When I tag government facilities, I put the name in the predominant
local language (English in Manitoba) in the name tag. Put the English
name in the English name tag and the French name in the French name tag.
But what about the operator tag? For example Winnipeg has a facility
know in English as the Centre for the Commercialization of Biomedical
Technology, which is run by the organization known in English as the
National Research Council and in French as Le conseil national de
recherches Canada (that is the capitalization used on their website). So
when put them in the operator tag, how do I handle the name. Do I

- Create operator:en and operator:fr tags?
- Put both names in the operator tags?



Talk-ca mailing list

Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-ca] Purging vreimer

2011-01-14 Per discussione Samuel Dyck


I've been looking at replacing much of vriemer's work in manitoba with 
Canvec data. Even replacing one tile is a daunting task, so I thought 
I'd ask the opions of others before I start work staring with Canvec 
tile 062H10. What do people think?


Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Purging vreimer

2011-01-14 Per discussione Samuel Dyck
Another thing we need to think about. Whatever you position on the 
license change, it is doubtful vreimer will take the trouble to consent 
to the new terms. So we should probably gat all his stuff removed anyways.



On 11-01-14 09:50 PM, Sam Vekemans wrote:

What would be great is to extract an .osm file containing only vreimer's edits.

Is this possable?
It would be great to have this file, so then after vreimer's edits
gets removed reom the osm api, they can be used to make other maps.
and added into other api's :-)

On 1/14/11, Samuel  wrote:


I've been looking at replacing much of vriemer's work in manitoba with
Canvec data. Even replacing one tile is a daunting task, so I thought
I'd ask the opions of others before I start work staring with Canvec
tile 062H10. What do people think?


Talk-ca mailing list

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Fwd: [HOT] HOT Activation in response to Floods in Brazil

2011-01-13 Per discussione Samuel Vale
On Qui, 2011-01-13 at 14:02 -0200, Claudomiro Nascimento Junior wrote:
 A area tem boa cobertura de imagens. Acho que um esforço coordenado
 nosso poderia completar o traçado das areas atingidas em poucas
 O ideal é ter um canal de chat/IRC aberto pra os envolvidos pra
 prevenir conflitos (como foi feito ano passado em Alagoas)

Tem sempre alguém no . É acessível por
contas XMPP de qualquer servidor, inclusive o do Google. Acessando há uma interface web para acessar a sala.

Talvez um primeiro passo seja colocar uma página no wiki, eu não sei
exatamente onde ficam as áreas atingidas, talvez mais pessoas também não

Samuel Vale

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Curitiba Mapas IPPUC

2011-01-07 Per discussione Samuel Vale
On Sex, 2011-01-07 at 08:10 -0300, Reginaldo Nazar wrote:
 Segue a resposta do IPPUC
 -- Mensagem encaminhada --
 De: Oscar  Ricardo M. Schmeiske
 Data: 7 de janeiro de 2011 07:39
 Assunto: Re: Curitiba Mapas IPPUC - openstreetmap
 Para: Reginaldo Nazar
 Caro Reginaldo
 Podemos disponibilizar o mapa da cidade em formato .shp para uso
 exclusivo no Open Street Map.
 Nossas únicas condições para esta disponibilização (condições que
 serão expressas em um Termo de Responsabilidade a ser assinado pelo
 requerente) são que a fonte do mapa seja citada, que o uso se
 restrinja ao acordado e que não haja repasse direto do material
 Por favor, entre em contato para agendarmos a assinatura do termo e
 retirada do material

Será que a tag source=IPPUC é suficiente para a citação que solicitou?
Que termos são esses?

Samuel Vale

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Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Importaçôes ilegais do usuár io deltabrasil

2010-12-30 Per discussione Samuel Vale
On Qui, 2010-12-30 at 12:10 +, wrote:
  Original Message 
 Subject: [Talk-br] Importaçôes ilegais do usuário deltabrasil (27-Dez-2010 
 From:Djavan Fagundes
  Editando agora, encontrei este changeset
  Veio tudo do tracksource.


Ao fim da página de informações do projeto [0], há algumas considerações
sobre a licença dos dados do TS. Os dados são licenciados como
CC-BY-NC-ND (não comercial, não derivativo), que impede o uso comercial
dos dados, e impede a criação de trabalhos derivados. Isso o torna
incompatível com a licença atual do OSM, CC-BY-SA, que não restringe
tais usos (comercial e criação / modificação). A menos que consigamos
dados deles como domínio público.

Fiz uma modificação nessa página que o c...@geobahia enviou, separando o
link do TS do texto que fala de dados do governo, quando li a primeira
vez achei que esta se referindo a ele, hehe. Peço que revisem lá pra ver
se o que escrevi está okay.

Um dos motivos do OSM estar mudando a licença para ODBL é que as
licenças CC não cobrem esse tipo de dados. Se isso proceder, o TS teria
o mesmo problema.

0 -

Samuel Vale

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Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Importaçôes ilegais do usuár io deltabrasil

2010-12-30 Per discussione Samuel Vale
On Qui, 2010-12-30 at 10:33 -0200, Rodrigo de Avila wrote:
 Eu ia retirar, mas o Phractal [1] foi mais rápido :)
 E outra: esta discussão já passou por aqui. [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Pois é, estou na dúvida se seria bom tirar de lá, ou deixar registrado
com um não use!, inclusive em outras páginas, com a devida explicação.


Samuel Vale

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Talk-br mailing list

[Talk-ca] Schools becoming prisons in Canvec 7

2010-12-29 Per discussione Samuel Dyck


I've been merging the street names from Canvec 7 in areas in Manitoba 
with Canvec 6 imports sans street names. And I noticed that what CanVec 
6 called schools have all become prisons in Canvec 7. Now I aware of 
prison overcrowding problems but I doubt that all the schools in 
southern Manitoba have become penitentiaries. How would I go about 
reporting this error?


Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] OpenStreetMap no Estadão

2010-12-22 Per discussione Samuel Vale
On Qua, 2010-12-22 at 10:10 -0300, Alexandre Parente Lima wrote:
 Legal, no entanto, o artigo é um pouco confuso.
 Em 22 de dezembro de 2010 08:05, vitor
 Saiu na versão impressa também.

Achei legal a citação, mas a salada de termos e nomes (googlemaps,
mapmaker, bing, etc) embaçou um pouco o texto sobre o OpenStreetMap :(.

Samuel Vale

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Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] OpenStreetMap no Estadão

2010-12-22 Per discussione Samuel Vale
On Qua, 2010-12-22 at 17:21 -0200, Arlindo Pereira wrote:
  Parabens pela citação!
  Acho que é a primeira referência ao projeto num orgão da
  grande imprensa brasileira. 
 Foi não ;)

É mesmo, bem lembrado :). Rola de colocar em algum canto no wiki do
projeto Brazil, um espaço para links de matérias desse tipo.

Samuel Vale

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Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Ajuda com relações

2010-12-08 Per discussione Samuel Vale
On Ter, 2010-12-07 at 23:36 -0200, Rafael Gassner wrote:
 Olá pessoal,
   Gostaria de uma ajuda. Criei a trilha e só depois percebi
 que ela já existia com uma resolução menor
   Como eu faço para copiar também as relações existentes na


Outro dia adicionei um caminho obtido com GPS onde já havia um caminho
importado do IBGE pelo Claudomiro. Eu adicionei o novo caminho e em
seguida juntei os dois (merge ou join, dependendo do programa que usa),
de forma a manter o histórico e as tags. Ajustei as tags, removi os
pontos de baixa precisão e enviei. Tudo isso em um changeset apenas. Mas
observe que dependendo do programa que usa, e como o fez, o caminho pode
mudar de ID, perdendo assim o histórico.

Samuel Vale

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Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Cartas do IBGE

2010-12-08 Per discussione Samuel Vale
On Ter, 2010-12-07 at 14:15 -0200, Arlindo Pereira wrote:
 Aqui a primeira experiência que eu fiz:
 Esse é o bairro Alto dos Quatorze, numa cidadezinha de 40.000
 habitantes no interior do Ceará onde mora a minha avó e grande parte
 da minha família por parte de mãe.
 Tracei as ruas usando o JOSM e o plugin PicLayer, após ter convertido
 uma das folhas do mapa [1] para PNG com o GIMP. No plugin, você
 encaixa a figura em coordenadas GPS previamente traçadas (peguei
 algumas ruas principais da melhor forma possível com a imagem de baixa
 resolução do Bing - naturalmente se você já tiver rotas a precisão
 melhorará sobremaneira), depois é só traçar as ruas por cima.

Hmmm estava precisando disso =D. Consegui uma foto de um mapa bem
detalhado aqui do parque municipal de BH, só que não havia encontrado um
mecanismo pra traçar sobre ele. Vou tentar aqui.

Samuel Vale

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Talk-br mailing list

[Talk-ca] While we're talking about canvec.osm

2010-12-01 Per discussione Samuel


I was importing tile 062F12 (MB/SK border near The Pas MB) when I 
noticed that the portion of the CN Turnberry rail line that would go in 
the tile is missing. What's interesting is that since that line has VIA 
service the stations along the line are shown. Was this a deliberate 
omission because it is a remote area or a simple error?


Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-ca] Merging canvec data into existing lakes

2010-11-18 Per discussione Samuel


How would I take canvec lake data into already mapped lakes that 
stretche outside the canvec tile?


Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Merging canvec data into existing lakes

2010-11-18 Per discussione Samuel

Awesome, thanks.


On 10-11-18 09:41 PM, Adam Dunn wrote:
This kind of depends on quality of each source (has the lake been 
modified since either OSM or Canvec traced it?).

I'll assume you're talking about a case where Canvec has better 
positional data than OSM, but you don't want to wipe out OSM 
completely, or it could be a while before you import the lake in other 
tiles (some lakes can span many Canvec tiles and we don't want 
half-lakes on our maps!)

First check the lake in OSM to make sure there aren't any interesting 
tags that could get lost (boat launches, alternative names, etc.)

If there's nothing of particular interest in OSM currently, what I do 
is split (keyboard command 'p' in josm) the lake in OSM and Canvec 
at the boundary of the tile, then delete the OSM data in the tile I'm 
importing, and the line of the lake along the boundary in Canvec. So 
instead of having two closed lakes (two O figures), I now have two 
non-closed lakes (one will be a U shape, the other an upside-down 
U). Then merge the nodes (keyboard 'm') and combine the ways 
(keyboard 'c').

In the end you'll have one lake that is using Canvec data where you 
just imported, and original OSM data where you haven't yet. When you 
get around to importing the other areas, you split/merge/combine again 
so the whole lake is now Canvec sourced.


On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 4:00 PM, Samuel wrote:


How would I take canvec lake data into already mapped lakes that
stretche outside the canvec tile?


Talk-ca mailing list

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Importação incorreta no Brasil

2010-11-12 Per discussione Samuel Vale
On Sex, 2010-11-12 at 20:18 -0200, vitor wrote:
 Mandei uma mensagem pra ele agora.
 Apesar de estar obviamente fora de lugar, vamos esperar antes de

Sim, estava aguardando algum retorno do contato.

Samuel Vale

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Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Importação incorreta no Brasil

2010-11-09 Per discussione Samuel Vale
On Ter, 2010-11-09 at 12:24 -0200, Flavio Bello Fialho wrote:
 Parece ser alguém de Curitiba, pelas outras edições. Sugiro que alguém 
 desfaça o conjunto de alterações #6234414, pois parece ser lixo.
 Em 09-11-2010 09:27, vitor escreveu:
  Alguém pode contatar este usuário sodeiro?
  Ele tentou enviar uma planta dwg sem preparar o arquivo para a projeção

Olá pessoal,

Alguém conseguiu contato com ele? Vou rodar um revert nesse changeset.

Samuel Vale

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Talk-br mailing list

[Talk-ca] The most peculiar quirks of JOSM

2010-10-10 Per discussione Samuel

Hi Everyone

So I'm took advantage of the long weekend to fool around with CanVec 
imports, and I discovered to root of many of my problems. It appears 
that while I am editing, some areas from CanVec loose all their tags, 
eventually leaving me with a map scattered of untagged ways. I am 
running JOSM 3514. Is this an isolated problem? It's late now, so 
tomorrow I'll do some poking around and maybe file a bug report.

Wishing you all a pleasant Thanksgiving


Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-co] Samuel Muñoz wants to chat

2010-10-03 Per discussione Samuel Muñoz

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Re: [Talk-ca] More CanVec import problems

2010-10-03 Per discussione Samuel
This is odd, I thought I checked for that, when I opened that same file 
in JOSM it did some up as part of a relation. Oh well, whatever. I have 
no free time for a while and a Russian novel to finish for a course, but 
I'll eventually get to uploading it.



On 10-10-03 08:03 PM, Adam Dunn wrote:

I'm sorry, I misread your email. I thought the untagged way was 
currently in OSM, but you are saying it's in the Canvec file.

I downloaded 062G01 from (the ftp says 
last modified July 13, so there haven't been any updates or 
corrections to it), and I still don't see any bad ways. There are some 
ways that have no tags, but that is because they are members of 
relations. It is normal for relations that are multipolygons to not 
have tags on some of the ways. See 
[] for more about 
multipolygons. I've taken a screenshot of a way in 062G01.0.osm near 
49.1000, -98.3150. You can see the way is highlighted in white with 
directional arrow whiskers. In the Properties pane there are no tags 
for the way itself, but it does say it's a member of a wood 
multipolygon with 83 members total. Do you not get something similar? 
You would then right-click the relation listed, Select relation, and 
then copy-paste from one layer to another.


On Sun, Oct 3, 2010 at 3:53 PM, Adam Dunn wrote:

In Josm, you can check out the history (the blue book in the
toolbar opens up the history pane, or you can go to Tools-Object
History, or you can press ctrl-h). If it's a new way (past day or
so) then just wait a bit. If it's old (more than a month and
hasn't been edited since), then see if it matches something
logical on Canvec or Yahoo Aerial, and either update/tag or
delete. If it's a way that you yourself just recently uploaded,
then something may have gone wrong in the upload process.

I just downloaded the area in Josm, and don't see any untagged
ways. Could you send a link to the way (for example
[]) so that other
people can see what you're talking about? (You can get it in your
web browser by going Tools-Info About Element or pressing ctrl-i)


On Sun, Oct 3, 2010 at 12:38 PM, Samuel wrote:

So I tried, importing tile 062G01, but looking at it in JOSM I
discovered one massive untagged way. Do I just need to wait
for the OSM XML data to be refreshed?


Talk-ca mailing list

Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-co] Imagene Satelitales

2010-10-01 Per discussione Samuel Muñoz
Buenos días gente de OSM Colombia,

Soy nuevo en ésto y quiero trazar las vías que faltan en Barranquilla
por la zona del aeropuerto. Como no tengo GPS me dijeron que la otra
opción era usar imágenes satelitales (o aéreas) de la zona que
permitieran trazar sobre ellas sin problemas de licencia. El problema
es que no sé donde encontrar dichas imágenes.

Alguien sabe donde puedo encontrarlas?

Gracias de Antemano,
Talk-co mailing list

[Talk-co] Mapas de colombia

2010-09-30 Per discussione Samuel Muñoz
Buenos días gente de OSM Colombia,

Soy nuevo en ésto y quiero trazar las vías que faltan en Barranquilla
por la zona del aeropuerto. Como no tengo GPS me dijeron que la otra
opción era usar imágenes satelitales (o aéreas) de la zona que
permitieran trazar sobre ellas sin problemas de licencia. El problema
es que no sé donde encontrar dichas imágenes.

Alguien sabe donde puedo encontrarlas?

Gracias de Antemano,
Talk-co mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] A BR-101 sumiu

2010-09-27 Per discussione Samuel Vale
On Seg, 2010-09-27 at 14:03 -0300, Flavio Bello Fialho wrote:
 Alguém pode restaurar? Eu não sei como. Apesar das obras, tenho certeza 
 que a BR-101 ainda existe no mundo real.
 Em 27-09-2010 13:53, Ronaldo Maia escreveu:
  Não seria o caso de restaurar, ou entrar em contato com quem apagou?
  Pode ter sido apagada por engano.
  Parece ser um mapeador novo:


Eu posso reverter o changeset dele inteiro, se constarmos se houve o
apagamento. Infelizmente ele fez um changeset enorme :(, vamos voltar
muita coisa.

Samuel Vale

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Talk-br mailing list

[Talk-ca] Fwd: Re: CanVec import troubles

2010-09-27 Per discussione Samuel

 Original Message 
Subject:Re: [Talk-ca] CanVec import troubles
Date:   Mon, 27 Sep 2010 21:19:49 -0500
From:   Samuel
To: Adam Dunn


So how would I replace the previously uploaded data with fresh CanVec 
Data. I can't seem to get rid of the old data without cauing conflicts.


On 10-09-25 06:43 PM, Adam Dunn wrote:
On Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 1:31 PM, Tyler Gunn wrote:

I'm not 100% sure what happened with the Canvec data you uploaded,
but it looks like the tags are missing from lot of the ways.  The
wooded areas are not showing up because they're not marked
natural=wood, and the watered areas are not showing up water
because they're not marked natural = water.

Were these areas originally relations? Remember that to select a 
relation (including the tags) in Josm, you have to double-click on the 
relation in the relation list, or select it in the list and click on 
the dotted square button, or right-click the relation in Member of 
and select the relation. Simply highlighting the way is not 
sufficient. It sounds like this is what may have happened.


Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] CanVec import troubles

2010-09-25 Per discussione Samuel

Hi Everyone

So I had some computer trouble for a few days, limiting my access to 
email. Firstly thanks to everyone for tolerating questions from someone 
who until recently knew almost nothing about GIS. I have a few more 
questions that I hope should clear everything up.

Firstly, in response to what Daniel was saying, I took a closer look at 
that trail, It appears it is actually a winter road. But since the lake 
coastline data is a real lake, why would I delete it, would the CanVec 
data replace it? Also why is only one of the sub tiles forested on the map?

Also Tyler, where are you getting the find building data from MLI? I 
couldn't find it on their website, unless your tracing it from their 
Ariel imagery.


On 10-09-20 08:32 AM, Bégin, Daniel wrote:

Bonjour Samuel,

I've had a look at the problem using the history provided with the data overlay  (+ sign 
on top right corner of ) ...

- Original Canvec data you imported - wood, water, ferry route and trails
*Edited by efred at 2010-09-15T08:10:57Z
*Edited by sammuell at 2010-09-13T02:09:21Z

- The ferry route on land looks like a displaced copy of the nearby Canvec 
ferry route
*Edited by sammuell at 2010-09-13T02:07:22Z

- The trail is in the water because you did not remove/edit the the water area 
that was there before your import. This water looks like the 
natural=coastline;source=PGS imported few years ago to add large water bodies 
in Osm.
*Edited by vreimer at 2010-02-10T00:10:52Z
*Edited by PA94 at 2009-11-22T18:16:21Z
*Edited by PA94 at 2009-11-22T17:52:42Z
*Edited by roberteals at 2008-12-12T16:37:13Z

This water is inconsistent with the Canvec data you imported.  Remove this 
water area and the trails will get on land as expected !-)



-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Samuel
Sent: 19 septembre 2010 17:40
To: Tyler Gunn
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] CanVec import troubles

Only one of the subtiles in forested, there are ferries on land and trails on 

Tyler Gunn wrote:

On Sun, 19 Sep 2010 14:32:42 -0500,  wrote:



I've been playing around with importing CanVec, and imported some
data, but as you can see here



it is a terrible mess. Where did I go wrong and how do I fix it?


It seems okay to me.  What exactly did you notice is going wrong with it?



Talk-ca mailing list


Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-ca] Islands of Manitoba in Nunavut

2010-09-25 Per discussione Samuel
While where on data problems, what's up with these things on the MB-NU 

The source given is geobase.

Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-ca] CanVec import troubles

2010-09-19 Per discussione Samuel


I've been playing around with importing CanVec, and imported some data, 
but as you can see here 
it is a terrible mess. Where did I go wrong and how do I fix it?


Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] CanVec import troubles

2010-09-19 Per discussione Samuel
Only one of the subtiles in forested, there are ferries on land and 
trails on water

Tyler Gunn wrote:

On Sun, 19 Sep 2010 14:32:42 -0500, Samuel wrote:


I've been playing around with importing CanVec, and imported some data, 
but as you can see here 


it is a terrible mess. Where did I go wrong and how do I fix it?

It seems okay to me.  What exactly did you notice is going wrong with it?



Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-ca] Random nodes after canVec import

2010-09-12 Per discussione Samuel


So data for morris has been imported (Thank you John), but looking at 
the data in JOSM show hundreds of blank nodes in town. Do these serve a 
purpose? Also I noticed that some data is being imported from the 
Manitoba Lands initiative. I noticed that they have maps of many small 
towns and that the one for Morris had names for streets I either didn't 
get to or were unlabled. The license looked fine, can we copy their 


Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-ca] Importing CanVec

2010-09-12 Per discussione Samuel


After thinking about it for a while, I realized that I can keep relying 
on others to do CanVec imports for me, so I resolved to figure out how 
to do it myself. I have a few questions.

1. Can and import be done using just JOSM?
2. If not, how do I convert the SHP file to OSM XML?
3. How do I merge the existing OSM data into the CanVec data?



Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Importing CanVec

2010-09-12 Per discussione Samuel

Thanks, I'm importing tile 064A01 and I'll see how that goes.


john whelan wrote:

The CANVEC data is available her

Read this page first: especially the bit about the tiles.

I would suggest you load up a tile in JOSM then hit the download arrow
to bring in the same area from OSM.  I usually resize the JOSM window
to keep the downloaded area roughly the same as the leaded file.

Then use layers inspect the downloaded area.  Back to the CANVEC tile
and select the items you want to import.  Use Edit merge selection,
back to the data layer and hit the upload button.

I suggest selecting one attribute at a time so if there are no roads
there select highway=whatever then merge it up.  JOSM and the upload
process isn't 100% reliable so by keeping the uploads fairly small it
seems to work better.

Cheerio John

On 12 September 2010 21:22, Samuel wrote:


After thinking about it for a while, I realized that I can keep relying on
others to do CanVec imports for me, so I resolved to figure out how to do it
myself. I have a few questions.

1. Can and import be done using just JOSM?
2. If not, how do I convert the SHP file to OSM XML?
3. How do I merge the existing OSM data into the CanVec data?



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Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-ca] Morris

2010-09-11 Per discussione Samuel


I had an opportunity to visit the town of Morris, Manitoba 
Seeing as little mapping had been done in that area, I resolved to map 
it. My usual technique involves surveying the streets at home, then 
printing out the map and making notes. Unfortunately Yahoo! aerial 
imagery for that area is non existent and I couldn't get the Geobase WMS 
server to serve the Geobase imagery in JOSM.
So I downloaded the appropriate GeoTIFF from Geobase and built the 
unstable version of Merkaartor from source, the build I created was just 
that, unstable. So I tried converting the TIFF to a JPEG and using 
JOSM's Piclayer plugin, which sadly also failed, as did my attempts at 
downloading the NRN and CanVec data directly and importing it into JOSM 
and an older version of Merkaartor. I tried using actual GIS software, 
but realized that I know very little about how to use it and didn't have 
time to learn. By this time it was getting pretty late and I had to get 
up early the next morning. So I opened up the Geobase image in Inkscape 
and created a rough trace of the roads from that.

So I know have a rough sketch of the roads and names to go with them, 
however, I need someone to import the roads into OSM for me so I can 
finish the job. The Canvec Dataset is 62H6.



Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Atividades Siderópolis (SC)

2010-07-30 Per discussione Samuel Vale
On Sex, 2010-07-30 at 17:34 +0200, vitor wrote:
 Olá Pessoal,
 Ontem conversei com o Guilherme, novo colaborador que se apresentou na
 esta semana, e ele precisa de ajuda com algumas coisas:
 1) Reverter o changeset #5338483, que contém dados do tracksource e 
 não podem ser utilizados por motivo de licença.


Posso fazer a versão. Daqui a pouco mando os resultados.

Samuel Vale

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Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Palestra apresentando o OSM no FISL

2010-07-28 Per discussione Samuel Vale
On Ter, 2010-07-27 at 21:11 -0300, Claudomiro Nascimento Junior wrote:
 Pra quem ainda não viu, fiz um post sobre a palestra que o Arlindo e o
 Samuel apresentaram neste fim de semana:
 O Flavio tambem estava presente e a gente aproveitou pra bater um bom
 papo sobre o projeto no Sábado. As fotos que ele tirou estão no
 O FISL é um evento excelente para divulgarmos o projeto - certamente
 temos que voltar ano que vem e alem de submeter mais de uma palestra
 convem organizar outras atividades correlatas pra chamar a atenção.


Muito bom o registro do Claudomiro! Foi muito bom encontrá-los por lá,
lamento não ter chegado a tempo para o almoço no sábado :(.

Vejamos se no próximo mandamos uma atividade de comunidade a tempo, para
realizar algum mapeamento com o público interessado.

Logo posto o pdf e os fontes da apresentação para quem quiser aproveitar
de alguma forma.

Samuel Vale

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Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Palestra apresentando o OSM no FISL

2010-07-28 Per discussione Samuel Vale
On Qua, 2010-07-28 at 19:04 -0300, Arlindo Pereira wrote:
 Desculpem a demora, pessoal.
 O vídeo eu vou ficar devendo, pelo menos por enquanto - ainda não
 arrumei uma forma simples de dividir o vídeo no Ubuntu.


Coloquei o pdf completo aqui:

e o repositório com os fontes e as imagens, para quem quiser alterar (e
mandar correções e melhorias ;) ):

git clone

Samuel Vale

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Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Fwd: [FISL11] Palestra Aceita (2a chamada)

2010-06-28 Per discussione Samuel Vale
On Sex, 2010-06-25 at 18:06 -0300, Arlindo Pereira wrote:
 WIN :)
 -- Mensagem encaminhada --
 Data: 25 de junho de 2010 17:55
 Assunto: [FISL11] Palestra Aceita (2a chamada)
 Olá Arlindo Pereira
 A sua palestra, listada abaixo, foi aceita para o FISL 11 após
 avaliação por parte do público através do torneio suíço.
 Título: Apresentando o OpenStreetMap

Opa! Bora trabalhar nela então :)


Samuel Vale

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Talk-br mailing list

[Talk-br] Eventos comunitários no FISL

2010-06-17 Per discussione Samuel Vale
Olá pessoal,

O FISL está chegando, alguns de nós já confirmaram presença no evento e
já enviamos uma palestra sobre o projeto. Se alguém tiver alguma ideia
pra um evento comunitário do projeto durante o FISL, a hora é essa:

Segundo as regras do post acima, não serão aceitos eventos para
divulgação de projeto apenas. Assim, teríamos de bolar algo diferente,
como uma reunião nacional pra discutir nossa aplicação de tags de vias,
ou uma reunião do grupo mesmo.

Que acham?

Samuel Vale

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Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Comunidade OpenStreetMap no

2010-05-10 Per discussione Samuel Vale
Seg, 2010-05-10 às 08:03 -0300, Arlindo Pereira escreveu:
 Sim, submeti, e marquei o Samuel como co-palestrante. Mais alguém quer
 chegar lá na frente?
 Em 10 de maio de 2010 07:54, Claudomiro Nascimento Junior escreveu:
 Eu estou confirmado para pelo menos os dias 23 e 24.
 Vou fazer minha inscrição durante o dia de hoje e submeter o
 nome de
 nós 4 já confirmados para reservar o stand (Flavio, Arlindo,
 Samuel e
 eu) - no pior do caso, caso não consigamos manter a presença
 a gente libera o stand nos dias do congresso pra outro grupo.
 Arlindo, vc já submeteu a palestra?

Blz! Agora é preparar o material para apresentar lá.


Samuel Vale

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Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Importação dos dados da prefeitura d o Rio de Janeiro

2010-05-10 Per discussione Samuel Vale
Seg, 2010-05-10 às 00:06 -0300, Flávio Henrique escreveu:
 Aproveitando a deixa...
 Consegui da Prefeitura de Goiânia o cd com o mapa digital da capital.
 Onde consigo instruções para aprender a utilizar os arquivos .shp e
 importá-los ao JOSM (ou outro programa) e verificá-los no OSM ?

Quando estava testando os dados do RJ que o Arlindo conseguiu, consegui
carregar os .shp diretamente no Merkaartor. No entanto, ele não importou
os metadados que estavam nos arquivos auxiliares que acompanhavam
o .shp.

Samuel Vale

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