Re: filtering on multiple headers

2002-05-20 Thread Julian Beach (Lists)

On Monday, May 20, 2002, 2:02:57 AM, Michael L. Cusac wrote:

> I thought I could do something like specify mail which does not
> match (Received:\s.*?){3} in the kludges, but apparently TB! only
> looks in the fields of the headers.  Useing 'all' instead of 'kludges'
> doesn't seem to work either.  Is there any way to filter using the raw
> text (source) of the mails, or better yet in the raw header portion?

This is testing my knowledge of Regex to the limits, but I think that
Regex works on a line by line basis. Your filter will look for the phrase
'Received:' in one line (a line being a string terminated by a line
break), which won't match as you want it to.

I am not sure what the solution is.  If the mail is being sent direct
to GMX, then you could try to search for messages that have a received
line which does not include GMX.


  Using The Bat! v1.60m on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 

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Bug Reports:

Re: Click-Shift-Trash to delete thread - Is it too much to ask?

2002-05-20 Thread Roelof Otten

Hello PFord,

On Mon, 20 May 2002 02:48:31 -0400GMT (20-5-02, 8:48 +0200GMT, where I
live), you wrote:

P> I just updated to 1.60h from 1.53. Some nice new features, macros, bug
P> fixes, etc. etc., but I still can't do CTRL-SHFT-Trash button to
P> delete a thread. :(


Groetjes, Roelof

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Bug Reports:

Re: Editor [was] Double spacing

2002-05-20 Thread Krister Ekstrom

Hi Geoff,
I can remember way back when i first started using the bat! and run
across some oddities with my quotings being mixed up and behaving
strangely in my texts. I then was told that this had to do with the
auto-formating, (or was it autowrap) being turned on. I got the advice
to turn it off and manually format the msgs which i did. My question,
stupid as it may seem, is if a feature screws up a piece of text so
that you can't use that feature and have to turn it off, why on earth
is this feature even there? and how should you use it to use it

/Krister mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Bug Reports:

Another macro question.

2002-05-20 Thread John Phillips

Hello fellow Bat! fans.

OK.  How do I extract the name part of the "From" in the following headers?

(And, yes, this time I did read & try out the help file suggestions)  

Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Path:!!!!!!!!not-for-mail
From: John Doe  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Required for a reply template.


John Phillips   Sydney, Australia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HTML mail & spam not welcome.

Using Bat! 1.60m - Being used by Windows 98 4.10 Build   ASony Vaio Notebook 
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Bug Reports:

Re: filtering on multiple headers

2002-05-20 Thread Michael L. Cusac

On Monday, May 20, 2002, Julian Beach (Lists) wrote to TBUDL:

> This  is  testing  my  knowledge of Regex to the limits, but I think
> that  Regex works on a line by line basis. Your filter will look for
> the phrase 'Received:' in one line (a line being a string terminated
> by a line break), which won't match as you want it to.

In general, one RegEx can capture more than one line at a time, but
after having tried several ideas I believe you're right that TB!'s
RegEx  will only look at one line at a time.  It would be nice
to be able to toggle it to handle multiple lines, but for all I know
that would create some kind of programming nightmare for the
developers, so I can't really complain.

> I am not sure what the solution is. If the mail is being sent direct
> to GMX, then you could try to search for messages that have a
> received line which does not include GMX.

This approach should work out.  GMX actually adds two Received
headers, and 'GMX' is in only one of them, but I think I can find
something that will distinguish other Received headers from them.


v1.60k (unregistered, for now)
Windows 98

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Bug Reports:

folders, imap, procmail, and the bat!

2002-05-20 Thread Aleecia M. McDonald

My ISP gives me a shell account (unix.) I have procmail set up to filter
all incoming email into various subdirectories. It's a wonderful thing.

I have TB! configured to connect over IMAP and leave all email on the 
server. This also works well.

Here's the problem: TB! only shows my top-level mail folder. I can't
figure out how to get to the subdirectories that already exist. Many email 
clients have a "subscribe" or "refresh" command that queries for a list of 
all existing subfolders, and then displays them. I've fumbled around with 
TB! but failed to find anything that works that way.

Could someone please enlighten me?

Many thanks,

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Bug Reports:

Re: filtering on multiple headers

2002-05-20 Thread Julian Beach (Lists)

On Monday, May 20, 2002, 10:27:39 AM, Michael L. Cusac wrote:

> In general, one RegEx can capture more than one line at a time, but
> after having tried several ideas I believe you're right that TB!'s
> RegEx  will only look at one line at a time.  It would be nice
> to be able to toggle it to handle multiple lines, but for all I know
> that would create some kind of programming nightmare for the
> developers, so I can't really complain.

Different "brands" of Regex handle multiple lines in different ways,
or so I have learnt from Jeffrey Friedl and "Mastering Regular
Expressions" (O'Reilly).  This is a good read if you want to know more
about RegEx.  There is also a free guide to Regex on
(search for "Perlretut")


  Using The Bat! v1.60m on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 

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Bug Reports:

Dealing with the high Bat List volume

2002-05-20 Thread r . burns

I mentioned this before, but in case you missed it...

If you subscribe to the list using free web email, you can use this
filtering method:

FILTER NAME: bat re3
  Bedingungen: beliebiges Feld enthält "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" UND
Betreff enthält "Re[3]: " 
  Aktion(en): Ablegen in: Posteingang (INBOX)
- Bearbeitung hier beenden 
FILTER NAME: bat re2
  Bedingungen: beliebiges Feld enthält "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" UND
Betreff enthält "Re[2]: " 
  Aktion(en): Ablegen in: Posteingang (INBOX)
- Bearbeitung hier beenden 
  Bedingungen: beliebiges Feld enthält "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" UND
Betreff enthält nicht "Re: " 
  Aktion(en): Weiterleiten an: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (FORWARD TO)
- Bearbeitung hier beenden 

What this does, is forward the "first in thread" (no Re:, Re[2]:, or Re[3]:
subjects) to your primary email address (where you probably use TheBat) and
just give you a "heads up" as to what subjects are being covered. You can then
check your GMX inbox or the archive for the answer.

Another nice feature of GMX, is that all messages are automatically deleted
when they're 30 days old--soon enough not to fill up the 10MB storage limit.

Works for me. Only disadvantage: The site is in German.


GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.

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Bug Reports:

Re: Editor [was] Double spacing

2002-05-20 Thread Dierk Haasis

Hello Thomas!

On Monday, May 20, 2002 at 6:39:51 AM you wrote:

> With any good style you have to hit return twice when you start a new
> paragraph. Even on a mechanical typewriter.

Nothing to do with good style (have a look at printed material like
books). It's all about readability of manuscript formats. I always
hate those business letter empty line for a new paragraph. But in
e-mail and manuscript (both using fixed-pitch fonts and several other
needed formatting) it is not just useful but necessary.

Dierk Haasis

PGP keys available: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendMyPGPkeys

The Bat 1.60k on Windows 95 4.0 1212 C

If you think that thinking the earth is spherical is just as wrong as
thinking the earth is flat, then your view is wronger than both of
them put together. (Isaac Asimov)

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Bug Reports:

Re: I give up..where can I configure The Mailticker?

2002-05-20 Thread Dierk Haasis

Hello DG!

On Sunday, May 19, 2002 at 1:41:20 PM you wrote:

> Open OPTIONS, PREFERENCES and under GENERAL you will see the settings for
> three settings for both; Automatically, Always and Hide.

And when it rolls open the context menu for it ("right click" it) and
you'll find more.

Dierk Haasis

PGP keys available: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendMyPGPkeys

The Bat 1.60k on Windows 95 4.0 1212 C

There is no gravity. Earth just sucks.

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Bug Reports:

Re: Editor [was] Double spacing

2002-05-20 Thread Geoff Lane

On 20 May 2002, 10:37, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> I can remember way back when i first started using the bat! and run
> across some oddities with my quotings being mixed up and behaving
> strangely in my texts. I then was told that this had to do with the
> auto-formating, (or was it autowrap) being turned on. I got the advice
> to turn it off and manually format the msgs which i did. My question,
> stupid as it may seem, is if a feature screws up a piece of text so
> that you can't use that feature and have to turn it off, why on earth
> is this feature even there? and how should you use it to use it
> correctly?

Hi Krister,

Since you addressed the question at me, I'll do my best to answer.
That said, I have nothing to do with Ritlabs apart from being a
satisfied customer.

Auto-format and auto-wrap are not the same thing. Auto-format fully
reformats the current paragraph whenever you press a key. Auto-wrap
merely wraps your text to the next line whenever the insertion point
reaches the right-hand margin.

I normally have auto-wrap switched on and auto-format switched off
because that best suits my typing style. However, there are times when
I'm in two minds about what I want to write (or how I want to express
my thoughts), which results in lots of mid-line edits. At times like
that, a quick stab at Shift+Ctrl+F (toggling on auto-format) saves a
multitude of "Alt+L's". Of course, you need to be writing a plain
paragraph at the time of use.


Geoff Lane
Cornwall, UK
Using The Bat! v1.60c on Windows NT 4.0 Build 1381 Service Pack 6
Winamp currently playing "Annie Lennox - No More "I Love You's""  
Antibiotics ... for the man who has everything

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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Sending Email Hangs up

2002-05-20 Thread Robert D.

Hash: SHA1

Recently, Thomas F squawked:

- --
> I thought we were talking about sending messages, not receiving.

Hello -- yes, we were --- and I added the other one regarding
downloading email (also). It's been a problem as long as the *sending*
one has existed (here).

I continue to try and isolate the problem by changing different
settings in TB. In my latest *change*, I was able to D/L by
making the filter for selective download, manual only -- then all the
email came down the pipe ---

But this is an intermittent problem and, thus, not easy to isolate.

- - --
Bye Now,
Robert  D.
The Bat!: 1.60k
Windows ME 4.90.3000.

Version: 6.5.8CKT Build 08


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Bug Reports:

Re: Another macro question.

2002-05-20 Thread Roelof Otten

Hello John,

On Mon, 20 May 2002 19:47:24 +1000GMT (20-5-02, 11:47 +0200GMT, where
I live), you wrote:

JP> OK.  How do I extract the name part of the "From" in the following headers?


JP> (And, yes, this time I did read & try out the help file suggestions)  

Do you mean that it didn't work?
Check 'Full alphabetic list of macros', that's the place where they
can be found.

Groetjes, Roelof

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Bug Reports:

Re: Renaming Attachments, Is it possible?

2002-05-20 Thread BUY ON TV Real Estate Network

Thanks, Thomas. I was hoping there was a way to do it automatically : (

Is there a way to automatically delete an attachment from a folder after
it has been extracted from an incoming email, or even if it hasn't been


- Original Message -
From: "Thomas F" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "BUY ON TV Real Estate Network on TBUDL" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, May 19, 2002 9:57 PM
Subject: Re: Renaming Attachments, Is it possible?

> Hello Carlton,
> On Sun, 19 May 2002 18:18:02 -0700 GMT (20/05/02, 08:18 +0700 GMT),
> BUY ON TV Real Estate Network wrote:
> BOTREN> Is there any way to rename the attachment of an incoming
> BOTREN> email, as it (the attachment) is being extracted to a
> BOTREN> specific directory?
> Not automatically, but if you right-click on the attachment icon and
> choose Save, a dialog box pops up in which you can change the name and
> the directory where it should be saved.
> --
> Cheers,
> Thomas.
> Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste.
> 31. 'Stewardesses' is the longest English word that is typed with only
> the left hand.
> Message reply created with The Bat! 1.60k
> under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build  A
> using an AMD Athlon K7 1.2GHz, 128MB RAM
> --
> Current Ver: 1.60m
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Bug Reports:

Receiving with bad connx (was: Sending Email Hangs up)

2002-05-20 Thread Thomas F

Hello Robert,

On Mon, 20 May 2002 06:52:22 -0400 GMT (20/05/02, 17:52 +0700 GMT),
Robert  D. wrote:

RD> Recently, Thomas F squawked:

For some reason (namely you using "-" to start your line, which
PGP converts into "- -" which my TB sees as a PGP-warped sign
delimiter), the above line is all I get when I hit reply. I have to
manually c&p the quotes. Please do not start your messages with
"" or don't use PGP. Thanks. ;-)

RD> I continue to try and isolate the problem by changing different
RD> settings in TB. In my latest *change*, I was able to D/L by
RD> making the filter for selective download, manual only -- then all the
RD> email came down the pipe ---

I don't recommend using Selective Download on a bad connection. If you
have at least one such rule, TB will download *all* headers first,
compare them wiht the rule, and, if satisfied, will start downloading
mails. On a bad connection this might cost you the time you could have
used for downloading the first mail.

Another trick, which I actually use over here, is to set TB so that it
will "leave messages on server for 2 days". I don't care about the
messages being on the server, but when I have 13 new messages and the
connection breaks during transmission of message #3, TB will *not*
download the completely received messages #1 and #2 again.



Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste.

Snowmen fall from Heaven unassembled.

Message reply created with The Bat! 1.60k
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build  A 
using an AMD Athlon K7 1.2GHz, 128MB RAM

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Bug Reports:

Sort lines in incoming messages

2002-05-20 Thread Clearwater Landscape Design


I am hoping to create a system to sort lines in incoming
form results:

e.g. can I sort this:

3 - item three;
1 - item one;
   2 - item two

   to be viewed in the correct, ascending order?

   I know it's possible by taking the message to a text
   editor, but am hoping it can be accomplished within The
   Bat - the form in question will have over thirty items.

   Thanks for the help.

-- Best Regards, Dan  Eskelson

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Bug Reports:

Re: Receiving with bad connx (was: Sending Email Hangs up)

2002-05-20 Thread Robert D.

Hash: SHA1

Recently, Thomas F squawked:

> For some reason (namely you using "-" to start your line, which
> PGP converts into "- -" which my TB sees as a PGP-warped sign

Hi -- OK, is this better ???
Thanks for the information. I had it, way in the back of my mind, that
I read on this list  to use "- --" somewhere at, or near, the
signature ...

And then, I also added my own delimiters to show the quoted text .
Anyway, I have  removed them.

Bye Now,
Robert  D.
The Bat!: 1.60k
Windows ME 4.90.3000.

Version: 6.5.8CKT Build 08


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Bug Reports:

[regex-tutorial]: Part 2

2002-05-20 Thread Gerd Ewald

Hi Batsmen,

this is the second part of the regex tutorial. This time we will learn
something about special meta characters which anchor the search
pattern like line and word boundaries. Furthermore you will be able to
use alternatives in search patterns.

The third part is in preparation. To let you know what comes next in
*Part 3*: it will explain quantifiers, groups, subpatterns.

But let's start with part 2 which will be online soon
at and


4. Complex Patterns

Ok, that was an easy start! But it wasn't very interesting, was it?
But if simple search patterns were all that "Regular Expressions"
offer, it wouldn't be worth a tutorial.

So, there has to be more! Okay, let's get going with the more
complicated stuff:

4.1 Line Boundaries

Instead of having a regex look for text anywhere in the string we can
force it to search in specific parts of the string. These "anchored"
patterns have their own metacharacters: ^ and $ The circumflex ^ means
that the search pattern is anchored to the start of the line; the
dollar $ means that the regex will look for the pattern at the end of
a line (Yes, dear experts, for now, let's take a string as one line.

Example: "^give or take" This pattern will only be matched if 'give'
is at the beginning of a line and is followed by 'or take'.

Or: "This is the end$" is only matched if it appears at the end of the
line. It doesn't matter what comes first: 'This is the end' has to be
the end of the line!

You can use these two metacharacters to speed up the regex. I admit,
it is not all that important when you use regex in TB! because you
won't be working with large amounts of data. But on the other hand: it
can't hurt anyone ;-) Why does the regex work faster if you use the
circumflex or the dollar, you ask? Ok, let's use our example regex
"^give or take" on the string 'Once upon a time': the regex machine
checks whether the first thing it finds is the beginning of the line.
This returns TRUE. Next it checks the following character whether it
is a 'g'. The search process is cancelled at once because this returns
FALSE! Now what would have happened without the circumflex? The regex
machine would have checked the second, third, fourth etc. character to
match the search pattern, only to find out that the search pattern
doesn't exist in that string. The longer the string, the more time the
regex machine takes to fail ;-)

4.2 Word Boundaries

But there is more that regexian offers. Word boundaries! Some people
forget about this because they think there is another way to define
word boundaries. Believe me, there is, but it's nowhere near as easy
as this!

"\b" makes the regex searching for the pattern at word boundaries:
"\bgive or take".

Hey, we know this one, don't we? That is our first example again! The
pattern that was found in 'You have to forgive or take the
consequences!' but now won't be found thanks to the word boundary

I remember a discussion in one of the German TB-lists where someone
asked why this metacharacter is necessary, because a word could be
recognized by surrounding spaces. This is not a good idea: words could
end at question marks, exclamation marks, a full stop A regex like
"ain " would indeed match 'Again a good idea' but wouldn't find 'Oh
no, not again.' You can avoid that when you use "\b" instead.

Of course, this metacharacter can be negated, as can the others: "\B"
which means that the regex should match characters everywhere in a
string other than at word boundaries.

Another example should explain this: "Re\B." The regex has to match
the characters 'Re' as long as they are not a word boundary, followed
by any other character (the dot). Now, we have the string: 'Re: or
Reply:'. Try it in the regex tester. What happens? The result is
'Rep'. Replace \B by \b and the regex matches 'Re:'. Everything clear

4.3 Alternatives

You remember the first example in this tutorial "give or take"? When I
introduced it I made the redundant remark that this regex wouldn't
match 'give' OR 'take'. Well, this remark wasn't really redundant: I
needed something to start this chapter, some kind of transition .
Because this is the chapter that explains how we can use the OR; how
alternative patterns are defined.

To search for alternative patterns, regexian offers a special
metacharacter: it is the vertical bar or may be better known as
pipe-symbol "|". So, what would have been necessary to search for
'give' or 'take'? "give|take". The regex checks whether it matches
'give'. If not it checks the string for 'take'.

What happens if the string contains both alternatives? Well, to be
honest, when I started with regex I was convinced that the first
alternative in the regular expression would be matched. But no! The
regex will match the alternative that comes first in the string! Let's
get into details with an example:

Given the regex "this|the|that" and the str

Address Book Group Export Selected Fields

2002-05-20 Thread Paddy L


[TB! Help refer: By using the "File | Export to | Export selection" menu
option and choosing the appropriate file type from the drop down in the
"Export address book" file save dialog box, you can export a selected
batch of address book entries instead of all entries.]

I am managing a fluctuating mailing list and need to import and export
group addresses frequently.

It is awkward and time consuming to have to toggle the field settings in
the Export Selection field dialog. All I need is "Name", "NickName
(handle)", and "E-Mail". The fields default to an assortment of Y/N
toggle selections each time I export.

I only have "Name", "Handle", "Favorite" and "E-Mail" in the Group
Header Cols.

Any solutions, suggestions?

(Paddy L)
Monday, May 20, 2002 at 08:55:26 (-0700 UTC)

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Bug Reports:

Column Headings - Managing for All Folders

2002-05-20 Thread Chris Montgomery

Hello TBUDL,

  I'm wondering if it is possible to set the column headers that
  display in the view pane and their order for all folders at once. I just imported
  all of Outlook 2000 mail into TB and have over 1,000 nested folders.
  In particular, I want to rearrange the order of the column headings
  and which headings display (getting rid of the "Received" column
  heading). Doing this manually for all folders would seem to be a
  major pain.

  Can that be done?



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Bug Reports:

Re: Receiving with bad connx (was: Sending Email Hangs up)

2002-05-20 Thread Dierk Haasis

Hello Robert!

On Monday, May 20, 2002 at 3:51:20 PM you wrote:

> that I read on this list  to use "- --" somewhere at, or near,
> the signature ...

Nearly correct. The correct one is "-- " (that's *
without the quotation marks).

The one you cite is what PGP makes of it, escaping any line beginning
with a  by  to not being confused with its own sig

You used another sig delimiter with more than two dashes.

*The  is actually to be followed by a carriage return/line feed
(just press  after it).

Dierk Haasis

PGP keys available: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendMyPGPkeys

The Bat 1.60k on Windows 95 4.0 1212 C

Lebe inkonsistent! (D.A. Wien)

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Bug Reports:


2002-05-20 Thread Pete Milne

  I ignored the last posts on changing colors...I should have paid
  attention.  What I would like to do is change the color of this
  background from white to something not so brightgray maybe.  Can that
  be done through The Bat!?



 10:46:03 AM


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Bug Reports:


2002-05-20 Thread Pete Milne

  Forget it, I figured it out as I click send.



 10:47:42 AM


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Bug Reports:

Re: Receiving with bad connx

2002-05-20 Thread Thomas F

Hello Robert,

On Mon, 20 May 2002 09:51:20 -0400 GMT (20/05/02, 20:51 +0700 GMT),
Robert  D. wrote:

RD> Hi -- OK, is this better ???

Yes, I got your full text quoted when I hit Reply. :-)

RD> Thanks for the information. I had it, way in the back of my mind, that
RD> I read on this list  to use "- --" somewhere at, or near, the
RD> signature ...

Yes, but the signature is at the end of your message. The correct
delimiter is "-- " (). See mine. Hit Reply
and you see that everything below that sig delimiter is cut off. ;-)



Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste.

"It's never okay to kiss a boy. They always slobber all over you
.that's why I stopped doing it." (Jean, 10)

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Bug Reports:

Using Multiple Identities or Personalities for an Account

2002-05-20 Thread Chris Montgomery


Is it possible to have more than one identity/personality for a pop
account? For example, for my domain I have a default
username (monty) but I use [EMAIL PROTECTED] to subscribe to lots
of mailing lists. All messages sent to this addressed get
automatically forwarded to my primary username, but I need the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] identity to send to mailing lists. Just to send
this message, I had to create a whole new account. I have other
identities that I want to also set up (like [EMAIL PROTECTED],
[EMAIL PROTECTED], etc). How can this be done?


Chris Montgomery

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Bug Reports:

Re: Using Multiple Identities or Personalities for an Account

2002-05-20 Thread Thomas F

Hello Chris,

On Mon, 20 May 2002 12:01:23 -0500 GMT (21/05/02, 00:01 +0700 GMT),
Chris Montgomery wrote:

CM> Is it possible to have more than one identity/personality for a pop
CM> account? For example, for my domain I have a default
CM> username (monty) but I use [EMAIL PROTECTED] to subscribe to lots
CM> of mailing lists. All messages sent to this addressed get
CM> automatically forwarded to my primary username, but I need the
CM> [EMAIL PROTECTED] identity to send to mailing lists.

Use the macro %From="lists@..." in the New Message and Reply templates
of the address book entries for the lists.

CM> Just to send this message, I had to create a whole new account. I
CM> have other identities that I want to also set up (like
CM> be done?

Apart from using templates, you can also manually change the From
address when you edit a message.



Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste.

It takes money to make money because you have to copy the design

Message reply created with The Bat! 1.60k
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build  A 
using an AMD Athlon K7 1.2GHz, 128MB RAM

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Bug Reports:

Re: Column Headings - Managing for All Folders

2002-05-20 Thread Mike Dillinger

Original Message:
From: Chris Montgomery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday May 20 2002 09:26AM PT

CM> I'm wondering if it is possible to set the column headers that display
CM> in the view pane and their order for all folders at once. I just
CM> imported all of Outlook 2000 mail into TB and have over 1,000 nested
CM> folders. In particular, I want to rearrange the order of the column
CM> headings and which headings display (getting rid of the "Received"
CM> column heading). Doing this manually for all folders would seem to be a
CM> major pain.
CM> Can that be done?

Right click on a folder and select "Properties".  Under the "General" tab,
select the option "Use the account default column settings".  Now any
folder listing you modify affects all of the other folders that have this
option selected.


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Bug Reports:

Re: Multiple Identities or Personalities for an Account

2002-05-20 Thread Jonathan Angliss

On Monday, May 20, 2002, Chris Montgomery wrote...

> Howdy,

> Is it possible to have more than one identity/personality for a pop
> account? For example, for my domain I have a default
> username (monty) but I use [EMAIL PROTECTED] to subscribe to lots
> of mailing lists. All messages sent to this addressed get
> automatically forwarded to my primary username, but I need the
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] identity to send to mailing lists. Just to send
> this message, I had to create a whole new account. I have other
> identities that I want to also set up (like [EMAIL PROTECTED],
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], etc). How can this be done?

Yes  it is... One way would be to create address book entries for each
list,  and  then  in  the New/Reply/Forward templates for that address
book  entry,  use  the %FROM="Alias " and that should
work.  If  you  have  lots of lists that use the same setup, you could
just  create  multiple  entries,  and  use Groups in address book, and
apply the templates to that.

Jonathan Angliss

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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Column Headings - Managing for All Folders

2002-05-20 Thread Chris Montgomery

Hello Mike,

That doesn't seem to work for common folders. All of my nested mail
folders are under a common folder called "Email", outside of any
account folders. If I arrange the column headings for the Email folder
and then select the option "Use the account default column settings"
on the General tab of the Properties for that folder, I want those
settings to propogate to all sub-folders. Is that possible?



Monday, May 20, 2002, 11:39:22 AM, you wrote:

> Original Message:
> From: Chris Montgomery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Monday May 20 2002 09:26AM PT

CM>> I'm wondering if it is possible to set the column headers that display
CM>> in the view pane and their order for all folders at once. I just
CM>> imported all of Outlook 2000 mail into TB and have over 1,000 nested
CM>> folders. In particular, I want to rearrange the order of the column
CM>> headings and which headings display (getting rid of the "Received"
CM>> column heading). Doing this manually for all folders would seem to be a
CM>> major pain.
CM>> Can that be done?

> Right click on a folder and select "Properties".  Under the "General" tab,
> select the option "Use the account default column settings".  Now any
> folder listing you modify affects all of the other folders that have this
> option selected.

> -MikeD

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Bug Reports:

Re: Multiple Identities or Personalities for an Account

2002-05-20 Thread Allie C Martin

Hash: SHA1

Chris Montgomery [CM] wrote:
CM> Is it possible to have more than one identity/personality for a
CM> pop account? For example, for my domain I have a
CM> default username (monty) but I use [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
CM> subscribe to lots of mailing lists. All messages sent to this
CM> addressed get automatically forwarded to my primary username, but
CM> I need the [EMAIL PROTECTED] identity to send to mailing
CM> lists. Just to send this message, I had to create a whole new
CM> account. I have other identities that I want to also set up (like
CM> be done?

Use the %From macro for this.

If the list to which you're subscribed put the list name as the
reply-to address in each of the list message, then you can use an
address book template. Create an entry in the address book, go into
the address book entries properties, create specific templates for the
address and include the %From="" macro to change your identity when
sending messages to the list address.

Otherwise, you can make the identity a per folder setting. Go into the
folders properties and change your identity under the identity tab.

- --
 -=Allie C Martin=-
List Moderator | TB! v1.60k | Windows XP Pro
PGP/GPG Public Key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=2B0717E2


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Bug Reports:

Re: Colors

2002-05-20 Thread Jonathan Angliss

On Monday, May 20, 2002, Pete Milne wrote...

> I  ignored  the  last  posts on changing colors...I should have paid
> attention.  What  I  would  like  to  do is change the color of this
> background  from white to something not so brightgray maybe. Can
> that be done through The Bat!?

IIRC,  it  was said that TB! windows respect your Windows settings. If
you  wanted  to  change  the background of the messages/folder/account
lists,  then  change  your  windows settings. (Control Panel - Display
Properties  -  Appearance  (  addition  step  for  XP  is the Advanced

Jonathan Angliss

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Bug Reports:

Re: filtering on multiple headers

2002-05-20 Thread Anthony Xin Chen

Hello Michael,

On 20 May 2002 09:27:39  (my local time 02:27:39), Michael L. Cusac wrote:

> On Monday, May 20, 2002, Julian Beach (Lists) wrote to TBUDL:

> In general, one RegEx can capture more than one line at a time, but
> after having tried several ideas I believe you're right that TB!'s
> RegEx  will only look at one line at a time.

Put (?m) in front of your regexp.

See help Regular Expression (Advanced) -> Internal Option Setting for

Regards, Anthony

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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Column Headings - Managing for All Folders

2002-05-20 Thread Chris Montgomery

Hello Thomas,

Ahh, ok, I understand now. Thanks, Thomas!


Monday, May 20, 2002, 11:48:21 AM, you wrote:

> Hello Chris,

> On Mon, 20 May 2002 11:26:10 -0500 GMT (20/05/02, 23:26 +0700 GMT),
> Chris Montgomery wrote:

CM>>   I'm wondering if it is possible to set the column headers that
CM>>   display in the view pane and their order for all folders at once.

> Yes, but it required some initial work. Go to Folder / Properties and
> tick [X] Use the account default column settings. You have to do this
> once for each folder. Then each of those folders is a default folder,
> meaning that if you change something in one folder, it will apply to
> all folder thus marked.

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Bug Reports:

Re: Column Headings - Managing for All Folders

2002-05-20 Thread Thomas F

Hello Chris,

On Mon, 20 May 2002 11:26:10 -0500 GMT (20/05/02, 23:26 +0700 GMT),
Chris Montgomery wrote:

CM>   I'm wondering if it is possible to set the column headers that
CM>   display in the view pane and their order for all folders at once.

Yes, but it required some initial work. Go to Folder / Properties and
tick [X] Use the account default column settings. You have to do this
once for each folder. Then each of those folders is a default folder,
meaning that if you change something in one folder, it will apply to
all folder thus marked.



Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste.

"For drowning: Climb on top of the person and move up and down to make
artificial perspiration."

Message reply created with The Bat! 1.60k
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build  A 
using an AMD Athlon K7 1.2GHz, 128MB RAM

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Bug Reports:

Multiple Identities or Personalities for an Account

2002-05-20 Thread Chris Montgomery


Is it possible to have more than one identity/personality for a pop
account? For example, for my domain I have a default
username (monty) but I use [EMAIL PROTECTED] to subscribe to lots
of mailing lists. All messages sent to this addressed get
automatically forwarded to my primary username, but I need the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] identity to send to mailing lists. Just to send
this message, I had to create a whole new account. I have other
identities that I want to also set up (like [EMAIL PROTECTED],
[EMAIL PROTECTED], etc). How can this be done?


Chris Montgomery

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Bug Reports:

Re[3]: Column Headings - Managing for All Folders

2002-05-20 Thread Mike Dillinger

Original Message:
From: Chris Montgomery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday May 20 2002 09:58AM PT

CM> Hello Mike,

CM> That doesn't seem to work for common folders. All of my nested mail
CM> folders are under a common folder called "Email", outside of any
CM> account folders. If I arrange the column headings for the Email folder
CM> and then select the option "Use the account default column settings"
CM> on the General tab of the Properties for that folder, I want those
CM> settings to propogate to all sub-folders. Is that possible?

Yes, but as someone else said, you must visit each folder one at a time to
enable the default columns. It's a one-time deal that's a lot of work, but
after that, they're all set together.


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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Mimicking Fcc: or file carbon copy?

2002-05-20 Thread Tim Hyland

Thanks Thomas, see below.

TF> You mean when you compose a message, you want to declare "Put a copy
TF> of this message into folder abc after the message is sent", right? I
TF> don't know Eudora Pro, but pine knows Fcc in a way.

Yes, that's exactly what I meant.

TF> No, I am afraid that's not possible in The Bat. But I think it is a
TF> worth an entry in the wish list (I would second it).

I sent the same question to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and the told me the
feature is on their to do list for a future release (didn't say which

TF> No, but a user on the German list reported that all messages imported
TF> from Eudora get a header tag HTML upon import into TB, and those are
TF> really are HTML messages get X-HTML. Do you have any problems like
TF> that?

Not sure, but I'll look into it.  May be useful information.

Thanks again.

-- Tim

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Bug Reports:

Pop/Smtp authentication

2002-05-20 Thread Christopher Taylor-Davies

There is a setting in the account "Send Mail" properties "Use POP
before SMTP". The idea (I think) is that it first connects to the POP
server as some SMTP servers require you to be authenticated there

The problem is that it seems to authenticate to the wrong server, so
the setting is not working for me.

I use my work SMTP server to send my Compuserve and work email. For
Compuserve my Pop server is set to and the SMTP
server to the work server.

When I want to send Compuserve mail, TB connects to
first (because of the "Use Pop before SMTP" setting) then attempts to
send mail from the work SMTP server. This fails unless I have manually
retrieved mail from the work server first because
is completely separate from my work server.

Is there a way to configure TB to attempt to authenticate with the
SMTP server's pop service before sending mail?

I hope this makes sense!!

Best wishes
 Christopher  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Using The Bat! v1.60k on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 

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Bug Reports:

Re: Pop/Smtp authentication

2002-05-20 Thread Christopher Taylor-Davies

On Monday, May 20, 2002, 9:15:50 PM, Miguel wrote:

> Yes, there is. Click on the "Use specific settings" radio button and
> you will get where to enter UserID and PW for SMTP authentication.

Unfortunately I have already done that, the SMTP server is set up to
use my work id and password. I just need it to authenticate with that
id/password against the POP3 service on the SMTP server before
sending, instead of the POP3 service on the POP3 server!

It does all work if I manually check on the work account for mail
before sending, it would be good if it was automatic.

Christopher  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Using The Bat! v1.60k on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 

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Bug Reports:

Re: Column Headings - Managing for All Folders

2002-05-20 Thread Dwight A Corrin

On Monday, May 20, 2002, 12:29:17 PM, Mike Dillinger wrote:

> It's a one-time deal that's a lot of work, but after that, they're
> all set together.

back when I started, someone was kind enough to point out that if you
use the keyboard, typing alt f, p, u, downarrow, you can get thru it
fairly easily.

Dwight A. Corrin
P O Box 47828
Wichita KS 67201-7828
316.263.9706  fax 316.263.6385
Using The Bat! 1.60i on Windows XP version 5,1

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Bug Reports:

Re: Renaming Attachments, Is it possible

2002-05-20 Thread BUY ON TV Real Estate Network

Thanks, Thomas. I was hoping there was a way to do it automatically : (

Is there a way to automatically delete an attachment from a folder after
it has been extracted from an incoming email, or even if it hasn't been


> - Original Message -
> From: "Thomas F" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "BUY ON TV Real Estate Network on TBUDL" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, May 19, 2002 9:57 PM
> Subject: Re: Renaming Attachments, Is it possible?
> > Hello Carlton,
> >
> > On Sun, 19 May 2002 18:18:02 -0700 GMT (20/05/02, 08:18 +0700 GMT),
> > BUY ON TV Real Estate Network wrote:
> >
> > BOTREN> Is there any way to rename the attachment of an incoming
> > BOTREN> email, as it (the attachment) is being extracted to a
> > BOTREN> specific directory?
> >
> > Not automatically, but if you right-click on the attachment icon and
> > choose Save, a dialog box pops up in which you can change the name and
> > the directory where it should be saved.
> >
> > --
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Thomas.
> >
> > Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste.
> >
> > 31. 'Stewardesses' is the longest English word that is typed with only
> > the left hand.
> >
> > Message reply created with The Bat! 1.60k
> > under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build  A
> > using an AMD Athlon K7 1.2GHz, 128MB RAM
> >
> > --
> >
> >
> > 
> > Current Ver: 1.60m
> > FAQ:
> > Unsubscribe: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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> > Moderators : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > TBTech List: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Bug Reports:
> >

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Bug Reports:

Re: Pop/Smtp authentication

2002-05-20 Thread Miguel A. Urech

Hello Tim,

> Note, the UserID and PW need to be the same as you have on your POP
> server because there is not a place to put different credentials.

Yes, there is. Click on the "Use specific settings" radio button and
you will get where to enter UserID and PW for SMTP authentication.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.60c

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Bug Reports:

Small discontentment with filters and address book lookup ...

2002-05-20 Thread Shane R. Monroe

I just want to voice an opinion on using filters with an address book

Many people coming to The Bat are coming from another email program
(thank God), and have imported their address book from another source,
or they have added their addresses by hand when they first install the

Along with that, here is the problem.

If you use a filter that executes and checks the Address Book for a
filter conditional, the filter will fail if the Address entry in the
book doesn't follow The Bat protocol - which is really only possible
if you add the entry via The Bat's ADD SENDER TO ADDRESS BOOK.  If you
import, or add the entry by hand, the filter conditional will fail.

I would appreciate the ability to check STRICTLY the email address,
not the ITEM format.  In other words;

These SENDERS (in the headers):

Shane Monroe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Shane R. Monroe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Monroe, Shane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Monroe, Shane R. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

When checking the address book should resolve to a match of:


Right now, it doesn't - which means that importing your list, adding
people by hand, etc. all but BREAKS the filtering system - when in
reality, email addresses are UNIQUE and should be resolvable to that

I feel this is a great liability of the filtering system - and could
REALLY turn off 'convertees' that have spent considerable time moving
them over.

I'm not sure the advantages of the current method of comparing - since
all email addresses are unique - why on earth would we check some
email formatting instead of JUST the address?

Thanks - if this mail doesn't make sense, mail me offline and I'll
try to explain it.  I feel this is really important.

Thanks guys!

P.S. If I'm missing a big flick item here that already exists, I'd
appreciate the correction! :)

Shane R. Monroe
Dark Unicorn Productions

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Bug Reports:

Re: Colors

2002-05-20 Thread Jan Rifkinson

Hello Pete.

At 12:47 PM on Monday, May 20, 2002 you wrote the following
about [Colors]:

Pete> I ignored the last posts on changing colors...I should
Pete> have paid attention.

  FYI, all TBUDL msgs are archived & can be searched. Check
  for Archive URL listed @ bottom of all msgs.

Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield, CT USA
TB! V1.60c/W2K_SP2
ICQ 41116329

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Bug Reports:

Re: Small discontentment with filters and address book lookup ...

2002-05-20 Thread Roelof Otten

Hello Shane,

On Mon, 20 May 2002 14:07:16 -0700GMT (20-5-02, 23:07 +0200GMT, where
I live), you wrote:

SRM> These SENDERS (in the headers):

SRM> Shane R. Monroe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
SRM> Monroe, Shane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
SRM> Monroe, Shane R. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

SRM> When checking the address book should resolve to a match of:


Just tested it. According to me it they do so. Tested it by
re-filtering a folder, but it shouldn't matter whether you invoke such
a filter manually or automatically.

If it doesn't work as you'd like it maybe that you've double entries
or something...

Groetjes, Roelof

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Bug Reports:

Re: Pop/Smtp authentication

2002-05-20 Thread Roelof Otten

Hello Christopher,

On Mon, 20 May 2002 21:24:52 +0100GMT (20-5-02, 22:24 +0200GMT, where
I live), you wrote:

CTD> Unfortunately I have already done that, the SMTP server is set up to
CTD> use my work id and password. I just need it to authenticate with that
CTD> id/password against the POP3 service on the SMTP server before
CTD> sending, instead of the POP3 service on the POP3 server!

Have you set up your Compuserve account that the outgoing mail is
being sent to your work smtp? That could result in something like

Groetjes, Roelof

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Bug Reports:

Sort Messages Ascending and Next/Previous

2002-05-20 Thread Mike Dillinger


I sort my mail in ascending order by creation date (the most recent message
is at the bottom).

When I open a message and start browsing with the Next/Previous buttons,
they work backwards. So for instance, if I click "Next", I get the next
OLDER message instead of the next NEWER message.  Same applies to "Previous"
and the delete arrows as well. Does anyone know how to fix this and/or
experience this problem?

I'm using The Bat! v1.60h.


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Bug Reports:

Re: Renaming Attachments, Is it possible?

2002-05-20 Thread Jan Rifkinson

Hello Carlton.

At 9:18 PM on Sunday, May 19, 2002 you wrote the following
about [Renaming Attachments, Is it possible?]:

Carlton> Is there any way to rename the attachment of an
Carlton> incoming email, as it (the attachment) is being
Carlton> extracted to a specific directory?

  How about using a combination of Actions:
  1. Extract files to a specified directory
  2. Run external program to change name [write a bat file?]

Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield, CT USA
TB! V1.60c/W2K_SP2
ICQ 41116329

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Bug Reports:

Re: Sort Messages Ascending and Next/Previous

2002-05-20 Thread Chris Montgomery

I am experiencing much the same type of problem. It shows up whether I
sort by creation date or subject. I prefer to read messages in a
separate window and noticed that if I wanted to delete the message I
was reading and move to the next one, it would delete the message and
then open one dated a month ago rather than the next one (when sorted by
creation date).

What I am doing now is reading using the auto preview pane, deleting
the message with the delete key, and then reading the next message
rather than using the nav icons or keyboard keys. This is only my
second day using TB and I've already registered it because I like what
I see, but I'm hoping annoyances like this can be ironed out. Is there
a special place to submit bug reports?

Also using TB ver 1.60h.


Monday, May 20, 2002, 5:01:10 PM, you wrote:

> Folks,

> I sort my mail in ascending order by creation date (the most recent message
> is at the bottom).

> When I open a message and start browsing with the Next/Previous buttons,
> they work backwards. So for instance, if I click "Next", I get the next
> OLDER message instead of the next NEWER message.  Same applies to "Previous"
> and the delete arrows as well. Does anyone know how to fix this and/or
> experience this problem?

> I'm using The Bat! v1.60h.

> Thanks,
> -MikeD

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Bug Reports:

Re: Pop/Smtp authentication

2002-05-20 Thread Chris Hall

Tuesday, 21 May 2002

Hi Christopher,

On Mon, 20 May 2002, at 20:29:47 [GMT +0100] (which was 7:29 a.m. here
in Eastbourne, N.Z.) you wrote:

CTD> I use my work SMTP server to send my Compuserve and work email. For
CTD> Compuserve my Pop server is set to and the SMTP
CTD> server to the work server.

I maybe off beam here but take a look at these utilities:-

I am using the latter because it is free but there is a 30day trial
for Advanced Direct Remailer and is a superb piece of software.



Using The Bat! 1.60m E-Mail System
with Windows XP Pro.

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Bug Reports:

Re: Pop/Smtp authentication

2002-05-20 Thread Melissa Reese

Hash: SHA1

On Monday, May 20, 2002, at 1:24:52 PM PST, Christopher Taylor-Davies

> It does all work if I manually check on the work account for mail
> before sending, it would be good if it was automatic.

Another possible work around that has additional advantages - if
you're allowed to install extra software on your work computer; and if
you're not required to send via certain SMTP servers - is to use your
own local server. I don't use the SMTP servers of any of my email
accounts; instead, I send all my email via "ADR" (Advanced Direct

ADR sends email directly from your machine to your recipient's
POP/SMTP server. In addition to the advantage that your email is not
passed through/stored on any of several servers along the way, you get
immediate feedback that your sent message is successfully received on
your recipient's server (or, if something went wrong with delivery,
you get immediate feedback on that as well).

ADR is not free, but there's also the free "Mercury" mail server from
the makers of Pegasus mail:

ADR is ridiculously easy to set up.  Mercury seemed a bit less
intuitive when I once had a look at it.

- --
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Bug Reports:

Re: Click-Shift-Trash to delete thread - Is it too much to ask?

2002-05-20 Thread Jan Rifkinson


At 2:48 AM on Monday, May 20, 2002 you wrote the following
about [Click-Shift-Trash to delete thread - Is it too much
to ask?]:

PFord> Some nice new features, macros

  such as?

Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield, CT USA
TB! V1.60c/W2K_SP2
ICQ 41116329

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Bug Reports:

Re: Renaming Attachments, Is it possible

2002-05-20 Thread Allie C Martin

Hash: SHA1

Buy On Tv Real Estate Network [BOT] wrote:
BOT> Is there a way to automatically delete an attachment from a
BOT> folder after it has been extracted from an incoming email, or
BOT> even if it hasn't been extracted?

AFAIK, no.  TB! doesn't seem to have the ability to selectively strip
attachments from messages.

While participating on this list, please trim quoted material to
include only enough text to preserve the context of what the original
poster wrote with regards to your comments/answer.


- --
 -=Allie C Martin=-
List Moderator | TB! v1.60m | Windows XP Pro
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Bug Reports:

Re: Sort Messages Ascending and Next/Previous

2002-05-20 Thread Allie C Martin

Hash: SHA1

Mike Dillinger [MD] wrote:
MD> I sort my mail in ascending order by creation date (the most
MD> recent message is at the bottom).

I sort by *descending* order of creation dates and the most recent
messages are at the bottom of the list. Are you sure that you're
sorting by ascending order. To check this go to the View menu and
check the 'sort by' menu.

MD> When I open a message and start browsing with the Next/Previous
MD> buttons, they work backwards. So for instance, if I click "Next",
MD> I get the next OLDER message instead of the next NEWER message.
MD> Same applies to "Previous" and the delete arrows as well. Does
MD> anyone know how to fix this and/or experience this problem?

The problem here is that you've opened the message in View Folder
message window which has it's own message list. You therefore cannot
use the main windows message list as a reference to follow unless the
View Folder Windows own message list is sorted in the very same manner
as the main window listing.

When you open a message in it's own window, go to the View menu and
select 'message list'. The message list that appears is the one that
you're navigating. You need to set it up the way you want it.

- --
 -=Allie C Martin=-
List Moderator | TB! v1.60m | Windows XP Pro
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Bug Reports:

Re: Pop/Smtp authentication

2002-05-20 Thread Miguel A. Urech

Hello Melissa,

> ADR is ridiculously easy to set up.  Mercury seemed a bit less
> intuitive when I once had a look at it.

Well, ADR is just a "direct remailer" while Mercury is a fully fledged
and quite powerful mail server.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.60c

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Bug Reports:

Re: Multiple Identities or Personalities for an Account

2002-05-20 Thread Roelof Otten

Hello Chris,

On Mon, 20 May 2002 11:35:06 -0500GMT (20-5-02, 18:35 +0200GMT, where
I live), you wrote:

CM> Is it possible to have more than one identity/personality for a pop
CM> account?

Create a folder and set in the folder properties an identity, every
folder can have it's own identity. You can filter the same addresses to
get the incoming mail into the same folders, so you can keep the mail
from all your addresses sorted.

Groetjes, Roelof

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Bug Reports:

Re: Pop/Smtp authentication

2002-05-20 Thread Paul Wilson

Monday, 5/20/02, 5:05 PM

Hi Melissa,
On Mon, 20 May 2002, at 15:54:00 [GMT -0700] (which was 3:54 PM where I live) 
you wrote about: 'Pop/Smtp authentication'

M> ADR is ridiculously easy to set up.  Mercury seemed a bit less
M> intuitive when I once had a look at it.

I have been playing with ADR off and on for a week or so. I have not
yet been able to get it to work. All I ever get is the error message,
(could not connect to server) followed by the email addy of the person
I am sending to. I don't know what I am doing wrong. I have gone
through the help file with a fine tooth comb.
Any help would be appreciated.

 Your communication is greatly appreciated,
Boo Boo Be Doop Betty Boop
Powered by  v1.60m under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Renaming Attachments, Is it possible?

2002-05-20 Thread BUY ON TV Real Estate Network


You've been very helpful in this discussion list. Is
there a place where I can learn more about creating/running
an external program (i.e., bat file or RegEx)

Thanks so much,


Hello Jan,

Monday, May 20, 2002, 3:04:46 PM, you wrote:

JR> Hello Carlton.

JR> At 9:18 PM on Sunday, May 19, 2002 you wrote the following
JR> about [Renaming Attachments, Is it possible?]:

Carlton>> Is there any way to rename the attachment of an
Carlton>> incoming email, as it (the attachment) is being
Carlton>> extracted to a specific directory?

JR>   How about using a combination of Actions:
JR>   1. Extract files to a specified directory
JR>   2. Run external program to change name [write a bat file?]

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Bug Reports:

Re: Renaming Attachments, Is it possible?

2002-05-20 Thread Roelof Otten

Hello BUY,

On Mon, 20 May 2002 17:53:26 -0700GMT (21-5-02, 2:53 +0200GMT, where I
live), you wrote:

BOTREN> Is there a place where I can learn more about creating/running
BOTREN> an external program (i.e., bat file or RegEx)

More info on batch files (*.bat) can be found in every dos-manual

Regex isn't an external program, but a language of writing complex
conditions, an explanation on those is being posted by Gerd Ewald,
look for the subject [regex-tutorial]: Part ?

Groetjes, Roelof

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Bug Reports:

Re: Pop/Smtp authentication

2002-05-20 Thread Tim Musson

Hey Miguel,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60c) Business
to write the following on Monday, May 20, 2002 at 4:15:50 PM.

MAU> Hello Tim,

>> Note, the UserID and PW need to be the same as you have on your POP
>> server because there is not a place to put different credentials.

MAU> Yes, there is. Click on the "Use specific settings" radio button and
MAU> you will get where to enter UserID and PW for SMTP authentication.

G...  The hassle I have been through keeping 2 ISP PW's in sync
for my wife!  No longer 

MUA = TB! v1.60k (
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.

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Bug Reports:

Re: Converting incoming html email to Plain Text or omitting it altogether

2002-05-20 Thread BUY ON TV Real Estate Network

Hello Roelof

You were very kind to write the batch file below, but unfortunately
I'm very unfamiliar with writing/using batch files, however your input
and that of others in this discussion group have been very helpful.

I've figured out how to set up the Bat for want I want to do, except
for one thing, which is something you were able to create in your
previous response, which I copied below.

In your prior message below, you wrote a batch file that allows one
to have all the *.wav files in a particular directory deleted after they
are sent/attached to emails that are automatically forwarded to others.
That batch file is exactly what I'm looking for, but I have no idea
how to incorporate a batch file into the Bat. Do I just insert the
code below into my template, substituting my own paths, etc.,
or does this info get pasted somewhere else?

 --begin autowav.bat-
for %%f in (*.wav) do
t.txt;s="Voicemail for Carlton in file %%f"
del *.wav
--end of autowav.bat

I'm also not sure about the second command in the above batch file
Do I use c:\progra~1\thebat~ or the path to The Bat on my system?

I've never created/used a batch file before, so this is new for me,
but I'm very interested, since it appears to be able to do what I need.

By the way, I'm using the 30-day trial version of the Bat until I know
I can do with it what I want, and then I will buy it. I have set up alot
of filters & directories with my trial version that I don't want to lose
after the 30-days expires, and I'm not sure I will be able to properly
test everything within the 30 days. Do you know what happens after
the 30 days? I don't want to lose all my settings, filters and
directories (there are 96).

Thank you Roelof,


- Original Message -
From: "Roelof Otten" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2002 9:56 AM
Subject: Re: Converting incoming html email to Plain Text or omitting it

> Hello Carlton,
> On Thu, 9 May 2002 05:37:23 -0700GMT (9-5-02, 14:37 +0200GMT, where I
> live), you wrote:
> CR> incoming email before I receive it. The problem is that I'm
> CR> receiving emails with a *.wav attachment that I want to forward to
> CR> others, but the Bat is also sending a second attachment, which is
> CR> the message's html, and it contains info
> You cannot separate the html-attachment and the wav-attachment when
> you're forwarding. (That would've been best.)
> However you can separate the attachments when you're saving them to
> file, because then they're separate files.
> Therefore, the first thing is to save them to disk (save attachment to
disk, can
> be done in a filter), see my filter wav1 at the bottom of my message.
> OK, so now you've got a wav that needs to be sent. You can send files
> with TB by attaching them to a message. However you need the name of
> the file to do this. So we'll create a batchfile that finds the name
> of the saved wav-file and creates a message from the commandline and
> attaches your wav. We can run a external program (including
> batchfiles) from a filter. See my filter wav2.
> I'll go bit further into the needs of the batch-file first. Here's my
> example, it's an adapted version of the batch-file that I use to
> distribute pictures.
> --begin autowav.bat-
> g:
> cd\autofoto
> for %%f in (*.wav) do
t.txt;s="Voicemail for Carlton in file %%f"
> del *.wav
> --end of autowav.bat
> Notes
> The batchfile is called autowav.bat, so that's the name the filter has
> to call.
> The directory I was using was g:\autofoto, that's the reason for the
> first two commands.
> The second command is a for-loop that runs TB with the mentioned
> parameters for every *.wav in the directory
> I create a new message with thebat.exe/mail
> to attach a file that's followed by a=filepath\filename
>  the filepath is the directory you've saved your .wav
>  the filename is inserted by the %%f parameter (that's dos)
> the textbody is taken from the file indicated with t=path\file
> I've inserted the wav-name in the subject, that's the reason for
> I haven't done any addressing yet, but I'll do that in
> sillytext.txt, because that's a place where I can use all TB's
> macros, and I suppose the recipient is always the same person/group
> The last command is del *.wav, that's to delete all wav-files from
> your directory so you won't send them twice. I don't know how often
> you receive these messages or specifically how many at the same time,
> but if you're receiving them more than one at a time the batch-file
> needs some tweaking.
> The messagebody/template:
> ---begin of sillytext.txt--

Re: Converting incoming html email to Plain Text or omitting it altogether

2002-05-20 Thread Allie C Martin

Hash: SHA1

Buy On Tv Real Estate Network [BOT] wrote:
BOT> You were very kind to write the batch file below, but unfortunately
BOT> I'm very unfamiliar with writing/using batch files, however your input
BOT> and that of others in this discussion group have been very helpful.


So would you be kind enough, in return, to appropriately trim the
quotations in your messages to this list. Please review the list rules
where this is mentioned.

Over-quoting makes messages unnecessarily large and redundant. A
thousand copies of your messages with an unnecessary 3kb of data to
transfer, amounts to 3MB of transfer on the server being used for this

This is a very important list rule, so please adhere to it.

- --
 -=Allie C Martin=-
List Moderator | TB! v1.60m | Windows XP Pro
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Bug Reports:

Re: Manual Filter?

2002-05-20 Thread Allie C Martin

Hash: SHA1

Greg Strong [GS] wrote:
GS> Can you create a read filter rule that is "manual only"?


You can do this with any filter. On the first page of the filter
configuration panel, there are two toggles at the bottom. One is
'Active' and the other 'manual only'. Select the 'manual only' option
to make the filter manual only. Of course, for the filter to work, you
have to enable it by selecting the 'active' option as well.

ACM>> Try it.

GS> I just did with it indicated as an active rule, and it did NOT
GS> work.

I'm sure that they work if setup right, except that manual filtering
doesn't seem to work on common folders.

GS> So something must be wrong with my read filter.

If you're not trying to manually run filters on common folders then
yes, something is wrong with what you're doing or there are no
messages in the folder that matches the defined strings.

I assume that you right-clicked the folder in question, selected
refilter messages, and then in the pop-up window selected the 'read
messages' filter set and hit OK.

- --
 -=Allie C Martin=-
List Moderator | TB! v1.60m | Windows XP Pro
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Bug Reports:

Re: Manual Filter?

2002-05-20 Thread Allie C Martin

Hash: SHA1

Miguel A. Urech [MAU] wrote:
MAU> I have just tested a couple of my "Read messages" filter manually
MAU> and they worked just fine even though the messages were already
MAU> marked as Read.

Exactly. This allows you to use this filter set manually even though
the messages are already marked read and the irrespective of the
source folders defined in the filter rules themselves. The same goes
for the inbox, replied, and outgoing message filter rule sets. You can
manually apply them to any folders messages ... except common folders.

- --
 -=Allie C Martin=-
List Moderator | TB! v1.60m | Windows XP Pro
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Bug Reports:

Re: Manual Filter?

2002-05-20 Thread Allie C Martin

Hash: SHA1

Greg Strong [GS] wrote:
GS> There seems to be either a difference of opinion, or differences
GS> in how TB! works on different PC with possibly different versions.
GS> See my reply to Roelof.

I'm *very* reluctant to agree that this is the case. A user error or
misunderstanding the bar far the more likely problem here.

Add the filter below to your read filter set in any of your accounts.
Now go to any of the folders in the account (preferably a folder with
few messages or a test folder), select re-filter messages from the
folders right click context menu. Select read filters and manual only.
Hit OK. The flagging should be toggled for all the messages. Reapply
the filter to get the flagging back to normal.

The messages should also be moved to the defined target folder in the
filter rule so be careful with this. You could create another test
folder to make it the target folder so the moved messages can be
easily retrieved.

Name: test
Active: 1
Source: \\lists\Inbox
Target: \\lists\Inbox
CopyFolder: none
MainSet: 50'e'
Actions: faoManualOnly,faFlag,faoToggleFlag
AddAddrItems: afiFrom,
DelAddrItems: afiFrom,
HotKey: 57414
SizeBigger: 0
SizeSmaller: 0
AgeOlder: 0
AgeNewer: 0
InAddrPos: 0
OutAddrPos: 0
KillMethod: 0
SaveTemplate: \0D\0A
SysSound: 0
SoundTime: 0:00-0:00
AllowTime: 0:00-0:00

- --
 -=Allie C Martin=-
List Moderator | TB! v1.60m | Windows XP Pro
PGP/GPG Public Key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=2B0717E2


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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Small discontentment with filters and address book lookup ...

2002-05-20 Thread Shane R. Monroe

Hmmm... Both myself and another Bat user experienced the exact same
issues - independently.

Anyone else have input on this issue?

Thanks for taking time to try it on your end.

Shane R. Monroe
Dark Unicorn Productions

Monday, May 20, 2002, 3:19:11 PM, you wrote:

RO> Hello Shane,

RO> On Mon, 20 May 2002 14:07:16 -0700GMT (20-5-02, 23:07 +0200GMT, where
RO> I live), you wrote:

SRM>> These SENDERS (in the headers):

SRM>> Shane Monroe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
SRM>> Shane R. Monroe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
SRM>> Monroe, Shane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
SRM>> Monroe, Shane R. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

SRM>> When checking the address book should resolve to a match of:


RO> Just tested it. According to me it they do so. Tested it by
RO> re-filtering a folder, but it shouldn't matter whether you invoke such
RO> a filter manually or automatically.

RO> If it doesn't work as you'd like it maybe that you've double entries
RO> or something...

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Bug Reports:

Re: Small discontentment with filters and address book lookup ...

2002-05-20 Thread Richard Lane

Hello Shane,

Tuesday, May 21, 2002, 3:51:07 AM, you wrote:

> Hmmm... Both myself and another Bat user experienced the exact same
> issues - independently.

> Anyone else have input on this issue?

> Thanks for taking time to try it on your end.

Shane. Something's been bugging me with you posts. Can you please put the sig and
sig separator where it belongs at the bottom.

Trying to reply is a pain as anything below you've added gets automatically
cropped of as it's being seen as part of the sig. What you see quoted above
is all that's left after hitting reply. Thanks.

 Best regards, Richard Lane - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Magnum Opus

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Bug Reports:

1.53d problem

2002-05-20 Thread Lynn Turriff

Hi all -

You recently sorted out an annoying problem I had on
migrating to Win2kPro from NT4, and now I've discovered
another one.

When we upgraded, I loaded TB to my husband's machine (I'm
the outside comm boffin here), imported his mail folders,
and forgot about it.

The other night he checked his mail, and asked me about
filtering. He was trying to build a filter, clicking on
the mail, specials, create filter, at which point nothing
whatever happened. The menus and options just went away,
and we were back to the mail screen. I repeated the
sequence with the same result.

I have promised to fix this asap, but before I mess it
up, I thought I'd offer it up to whoever thinks there
might be a better solution than a reinstall. I don't even
know where to start. I have 1.6h here, so if I were going
to do that, I'd just upgrade. I'll upgrade it anyway in
the end.

The system is running Win2kPro SP2, TB 1.53d.



mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

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Bug Reports:

Help Needed

2002-05-20 Thread Michael S. Greenbaum

My main computer, a laptop, crashed while at a bookfair. I am unable
to reboot even from an emergency floppy.

I have a backup an older computer here at home, and backed up before I
left, so I am not without my data.

However, the older computer has the trial version of TB 1.46. I had
subsequently registered and upgraded to about 1.53h, I believe. But I
never installed the later versions on the backup computer.

Is there any way to download 1.53h or another version without having to
pay a second time?  I may be without my laptop for a week or more.

I'd appreciate an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] if anyone can suggest a
solution.  I'm going to try to get my email on the trial version, but
I can still pick up my mail through a web-based  email program.

Thanks very much.

Mike Greenbaum

Current Ver: 1.60m
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Bug Reports:

Spoof on Download of the_bat.exe file

2002-05-20 Thread Greg Strong

Hash: SHA1

Hello TBUL,

I'd just thought I'd let you know someone spoofed my download of
the_bat.exe version M tonight and tried to replace it with a 47K EXE
file with the same name.

I don't know if it is related, but IIRC ZAP fired up during the
download and the size and speed of the download were RED flags.

FWIW anyone who has no FW & AV minimum on the Internet is a fool. From
what I've read about the psychological makeup of this type of
individual, their motivation is that of power over their victims.

Just thought I'd let you know.

- - -- 
Best regards,

Greg Strong 
TB! v1.60c on Windows 98

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6-2 (MingW32) - GPGshell v2.28
Comment: Greg Strong (Email KeyID 0x78834C32)


Current Ver: 1.60m
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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Column Headings - Managing for All Folders

2002-05-20 Thread Chris Montgomery

Wow, that's pretty cool, and it works. Has anyone ever come up with a master list if
keyboard shortcuts? I think that would be pretty helpful.

Monday, May 20, 2002, 1:50:09 PM, you wrote:

> On Monday, May 20, 2002, 12:29:17 PM, Mike Dillinger wrote:

>> It's a one-time deal that's a lot of work, but after that, they're
>> all set together.

> back when I started, someone was kind enough to point out that if you
> use the keyboard, typing alt f, p, u, downarrow, you can get thru it
> fairly easily.

Chris Montgomery

Current Ver: 1.60m
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Bug Reports:

Autocomplete ate my email

2002-05-20 Thread justine lera

Hi all!

Hopefully someone can help - I composed an email (a crucial one of
course), started to type in the email address, when the window shut,
and TB! closed.  No draft was saved, nothing in the outbox, and the
email has evaporated.  Three and a half years of flawless service from
the programme and now this!

What happened?  What can I do to retrieve the email? (if anything?)

Justine Lera

Internode Technical Support  "straight forward"
phone:  +618 8223 2999
fax:+618 8223 1777
street: 31 York Street
SA 5000
The connotation depends on the beacon, as usual.

Current Ver: 1.60m
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Bug Reports:

Re[3]: Column Headings - Managing for All Folders

2002-05-20 Thread Michael L. Cusac

On Tuesday, May 21, 2002, Chris Montgomery wrote to TBUDL:

> Has anyone ever come up with a master list if
> keyboard shortcuts? I think that would be pretty helpful.

Someone here was kind enough to give me this link last week.


v1.60k (unregistered, for now)
Windows 98

Current Ver: 1.60m
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Bug Reports:

Re: Column Headings - Managing for All Folders

2002-05-20 Thread Chris Montgomery

Hello Michael,

Great, thanks! The below URL was off a bit, but poking around I found
this worked: The
list is for an older version, but at least it's a good start.


Tuesday, May 21, 2002, 1:00:44 AM, you wrote:

> On Tuesday, May 21, 2002, Chris Montgomery wrote to TBUDL:

>> Has anyone ever come up with a master list if
>> keyboard shortcuts? I think that would be pretty helpful.

> Someone here was kind enough to give me this link last week.


Current Ver: 1.60m
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Bug Reports:

Autocomplete ate my mail

2002-05-20 Thread justine lera

Sorry about the resend - my mail may have been misthreaded ...

Hi all!

Hopefully someone can help - I composed an email (a crucial one of
course), started to type in the email address, when the window shut,
and TB! closed.  No draft was saved, nothing in the outbox, and the
email has evaporated.  Three and a half years of flawless service from
the programme and now this!

What happened?  What can I do to retrieve the email? (if anything?)

Justine Lera

Internode Technical Support  "straight forward"
phone:  +618 8223 2999
fax:+618 8223 1777
street: 31 York Street
SA 5000
The connotation depends on the beacon, as usual.

Internode Technical Support  "straight forward"
phone:  +618 8223 2999
fax:+618 8223 1777
street: 31 York Street
SA 5000
The connotation depends on the beacon, as usual.

Current Ver: 1.60m
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Moderators : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
TBTech List: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bug Reports:

keyboard shortcuts (was: Column Headings - Managing for All Folders)

2002-05-20 Thread Michael L. Cusac

On Tuesday, May 21, 2002, Chris Montgomery wrote to TBUDL:

>> Someone here was kind enough to give me this link last week.


> Great, thanks! The below URL was off a bit, but poking around I
> found this worked:
> The list is for
> an older version, but at least it's a good start.

I changed 'below URL' to 'above URL'  ;)

The first URL works for me, and has shortcuts for v1.60.  Clicking it
in TB!'s viewer opens my browser and takes me strait there.  If you're
using cut-and-paste, take off the angled brackets, and if you're
typing it out, make sure there's an underscore between shortcut and
eng.html.  If that doesn't work, I'm stumped.


v1.60k (unregistered, for now)
Windows 98

Current Ver: 1.60m
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