Connection Centre hanging on one of my accounts

2001-06-06 Thread Kiyan Azarbar

This is a bit of a weird problem. I have 2 primary email accounts, they
work fine. I also have 4 supplementary email accounts all from the same
free email service. I decided to get 4 to separate all the mail I get from
gaming-related sites, auto-notifiers on BB, and a special one for mailing
lists, plus the original one I got when I was checking the service out.

The thing about the free webmail service is that it supports IMAP4 and POP
as well, so I don't have to mess with webmail ads and popups and logins.

Anyway, it was happily chirping along (the first account I opened with them
that is) for many months. However when I got another three, I noticed that
if it tried to check all of them at once, one of them would always hang in
the connecting to. bit. It was usually the same account. Thinking that
account was corrupted, I would disable auto checking on startup for that
one, and KILL the bat process (ever noticed that if mail checking hangs or
takes forever to timeout you can't quit the bat? I hate that).

Upon restarting the bat, since it wouldn't check THAT account right away,
it'd do all the others, and sure enough ONE of the others would time out.
So I tried to set it up so that the original timing-out one would not check
upon startup and would check at an interval different from the others, etc.
Seemed to help, but every so often (a few times a day) one of those
accounts hangs, sometimes the CC says it's been trying for over 5 hrs. In
that case if I KILL the bat from task manager and restart it, it seems to
work fine.

Now this is probably a problem with the mail service not liking
simultaneous connections from the same IP maybe... or some sort of limit on
service like that. But I think the Bat should deal with it gracefully. If
it would time out the connection then when it retried it would get through
fine (as witnessed by my KILL-RESTART trick). Note CC already does this
with my other two primary accounts if they ever become unreachable, but for
some reason not with this. The problem is probably that in their case, when
the bat tries to connect and can't because the server is down, it knows how
to deal with that, but when the server is UP (in the case of the multiple
free accounts) and simply not responding, the bat just sits there forever,

Is that a correct guess? Any solutions? I suppose I could set them all not
to check upon startup, and have them each check with a different interval,
to minimize those polling hangs, but I don't know

(replies would be appreciated cc'ed to me, if possible... I have trouble
reading the TB list in digest form)

Kiyan Azarbar
M.A. Program in Linguistics
University of Ottawa

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Filtering broken in 1.52c?

2001-05-18 Thread Kiyan Azarbar

Well, I seem to have screwed up my mailbox and I'm sure it's not my fault.

I used my trusty old mail filter, which moves messages from a certain
folder TO THE SAME FOLDER, but I have the delete on server checked, and I
have it mark messages a certain color so I know they're deleted. I ran this
rule by using a hotkey, and the messages all disappeared. I noticed that
they went from folder Correspondence\School to folder Correspondence\GF.
But the rule clearly stated to go from School to School.

So then I go into the GF folder and make a rule not to delete, but to just
move all messages without a certain sender (GF) in the header, back to
Correspondence\School. I re-filter the folder, and guess what? ALL the mail
from GF and School are now in my inbox. I am sure I am using the filters
right. Could it be a bug with this bat version? I think it's 1.52c, let's
see here. Well, I can't tell it just says 1.52. Please, if anyone has had
bad filtering problems like this let me know! Thanks.

Kiyan Azarbar
M.A. Program in Linguistics
University of Ottawa

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Best way to upgrade versions?

2001-05-08 Thread Kiyan Azarbar

Hello peeps, just wanted to know what the best way to upgrade TB versions
was. I just installed 1.52 c because I did a fresh OS install and restored
my mail from a backup file (.tbk)... should I do the same thing when
installing a new version (i.e. backup, wipe out the bat, reinstall,
restore?) Seems a bit tedious, and doesn't preserve my message list and
editor color and font settings.

Does TB detect another version and install overtop of it?

Kiyan Azarbar
M.A. Program in Linguistics
University of Ottawa

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Palm sync so slow?

2001-05-08 Thread Kiyan Azarbar

Out of curiosity, what is it that makes the palmsync with TB so slow?

I made a folder called palmsync, to which I copy mail I want to
sync. I set it as the default account for mailto, and I set the conduit
as Eudora 3.0.3 or higher. Then I sync, and it looks like it's hung
forever, it takes almost 5 minutes. The weird thing is, even if I add only
one message, it still takes 5 minutes. Five minutes to check that only one
new message is in the folder and sync it?

I tried the MS Outlook Express conduit too, same problem.

Oh and here's something else. You don't need the thing to have your palm
account selected as the default for mailto.

You just need to edit sync.ini in your palm desktop user directory, and


where palmsync = the account name you want to sync, in the Bat.

In my experience marking it as the default for mailto URLs does
absolutely nothing. I found this out when I was trying to switch what I
used to have synced to my palm, to a new account that was just a container
for msgs I wanted to sync. Even though I marked the new account as the
default, the sync conduit kept syncing the old one... so I edited sync.ini

Kiyan Azarbar
M.A. Program in Linguistics
University of Ottawa

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Guide to GnuPG and the Bat?

2001-05-06 Thread Kiyan Azarbar

Is there a good FAQ out there that explains, step by step, how to set up
GnuPG on Win32 and integrate it with the Bat? Well, I imagine that last bit
is probably unlikely since 1.52c just Shipped yesterday.

Anyway, I tried to download gnupg and gnupgshell, but no matter what
I do it doesn't respect the directory I'm trying to get it to use for
keys and such.

Is The Bat's support for OpenPGP any good? As in, is it based on PGP/MIME
rather than just ramming ascii armor text into a message, which is quite
ugly? I ask because I see many of you with PGP text in your messages, and
that worries me.


Kiyan Azarbar

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Windows XP problems

2001-05-04 Thread Kiyan Azarbar

At 4:01:57 AM on Friday, May 04, 2001, Daniel wrote:

Tmtdc Just installed Windows XP a month or so ago and have been having
Tmtdc problems with the account settings vanishing. I read that at least one
Tmtdc other person was having the same problem but I was wondering if there
Tmtdc has been a solution to this.

Tmtdc When I went to the properties as one person had suggested I do not see
Tmtdc the security settings that are in Win2k. I am wondering if there is
Tmtdc anything that can be done.

Tmtdc I love TB but this is a bit anoying..

Whoa, I obviously haven't got the hang of The Bat yet, not since TBUDL started
showing up in digest format, which is rather annoying. How do you reply to a
specific message? Also how come when I hit reply it only quoted the first two
messages in the digest to which I was responding?

Anyway, I just wanted to point out that I *did* get past the problem by making
the account.cfg files write-protected even to myself. Yes, the security tab does
not show up in properties, but it does show up if you hold down control before
you right click, and KEEP ctrl down until you click on properties (i.e.
don't hold ctrl, right click, then let go, and then hit properties). You will see
the same old W2K security tab with some spiffy colors and shading on the

As for XP being a beta OS, yeah, but why should The Bat be corrupting data? It
obviously has to do with how TB writes or re-writes data to the config files
while it's open, as the filesystem hasn't changed from W2K to XP. Maybe it has
something to do with filesystem indexing? Anyway, I'm glad to hear I was not the
only one with this problem. My advice is to back up every .cfg file in the same
directory as the original .cfg, so if it does get clobbered, just copy it back
(or copy the copy and rename that).

Mind you, under W2K this doesn't happen at all. Go figure.

Any thoughts?

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Help: TB 1.51 eating my account.cfg under Win2000

2001-04-28 Thread kiyan

Hello all. I have a question for all you Windows 2000 Bat users. Well, to
be honest, it's Windows XP I'm using (Beta2) but it uses NTFS as well, so
this problem is probably applicable to W2K too.

The problem is really weird. I can't replicate exactly when and why it

But it seems that for the three accounts that I have set up to check mail
automatically every minute, every so often the account.cfg file for that
account gets... not wiped, but like DOUBLED. There is no diff util in
windows that I know of, but just judging from the file size it looks like
it gets doubled. Plus, it isn't text so I can't just view it to see what's
going on inside. But basically I have ~4KB cfg files for my accounts, and
every so often it goes to 8KB! The problem there is that the file is
obviously corrupted, because the Bat (if i go to account properties) no
longer has ANY information about the account, my name, from address, SMTP
auth information, templates, nothing! I have basically made backups of each
cfg file so that when that happens for an account, I just quit the bat,
copy the backup file over ACCOUNT.CFG (rather, delete ACCOUNT.CFG and
rename a copy of the backup), then restart the bat. And everything's fine.

It is not bits of information appearing, it's everything. I have my Mail
directories on drive F: under the MAIL dir. I have permission to write to
it, etc... I have also unchecked the boxes for fast indexing and so forth
under WinXP, thinking maybe that was doing something. But I suspect it is
something to do with how the bat reads and writes files under NTFS.

Does anyone have a clue about this? I would really appreciate it if you
sent a cc or bcc to this email address as well as the list, because I get
the list in digest format and it's hard for me to sort through it
sometimes. Thanks.

Heheh, I just tried to send this but couldn't, The Bat says I cannot leave
the from field blank. Guess what? My account.cfg for this account was eaten
again, I had to save in outbox (providing a manual from field), quit, copy
my backup over, and restart. This time the corrupted .CFG file was actually
smaller than the good one (3KB or so). Please help!

Thanks in advance,

a very concerned Bat user who doesn't want to give up the Bat in Windows

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How to generate auto-replies?

2000-11-30 Thread Kiyan Azarbar

Is there a way to filter incoming messages and if the subject contains
a special trigger, redirect that message to another email address (for my
cellphone?). It's dead simple to do in procmail but can't for the life of me
figure out how to do it in TB. I know people have something set up like that to
send out PGP keys, so I know it can be done.

In the help section on Mailing Lists, it says to click the Actions tab for a
filter and to check send auto-reply, then click on templates. I don't see either
an auto-reply checkbox under actions, or a templates box/button.

I'm using TB halloween edition. Thanks.

Kiyan Azarbar
M.A. Linguistics
University of Ottawa

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Re[2]: threaded view?

2000-11-10 Thread Kiyan Azarbar

At 1:40:45 PM on Friday, November 10, 2000, A wrote:

KA Sorry to clog up the list again, but I can't find anything in the
KA Help or in the FAQ on a threaded list view. Most mail clients allow

ACM It helps a lot if you explore the menus of TB!.

ACM Anyway, go to View - View Threads by - and select what you'd like to
ACM use for threading, i.e., reference headers, subject.

:) Oh my god, how dumb can I be?

For some reason I was fixated on the menu option above it, "Sort by", and
because there was no "sort by threads" which is the way I'm used to it, I was


Kiyan Azarbar
M.A. Linguistics,
University of Ottawa

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Re[2]: Panic sets in: could this be???

2000-11-08 Thread Kiyan Azarbar

At 10:39:17 PM on Tuesday, November 07, 2000, Januk wrote:

 dates for received (on the server) are fine. But for some reason the dates in
 the dispatcher are from 1994 or 1995.. at least a good number of them.. This
 may be somehow related.

JA I can't really help you much, but for interest sake, is this the only
JA account accessing an IMAP account from that particular server?  I'm
JA thinking that maybe your IMAP server isn't storing the messages in a
JA completely compliant way.  What happens if you set up this TB account
JA to access a different IMAP server, is everything ok?

I don't know what you mean. Are you saying I should get the account to access a
different IMAP server and see how that goes? I'll try. But the only thing the
NEW/DUPLICATE account I set up has in common with the old one, is the IMAP
server. I made the old account (mailandnews) inactive and the new one
( check every 10 mins... but they both have the same exact

It's gotten to the point where I'm probably going to abandon that address, which
is pretty terrible. I agree it must be something peculiar about their servers,
but also TB has some blame, because every other client I try it in has no
problem. :(

I'm really anxious for TB 2.0 is there even any estimate as to when that
will come out?

Kiyan Azarbar
M.A. Linguistics,
University of Ottawa

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Where can I find a list of officially accepted bug submissions?

2000-11-08 Thread Kiyan Azarbar

At 12:34:17 AM on Wednesday, November 08, 2000, Avenarius wrote:

A A Bat-fellow, Kiyan Azarbar,
A wrote on Tuesday, November 07, 2000 at 01:48:46 (GMT -0500), 
A which was 7:48 a.m. in Bratislava --

KA I just noticed something strange that led me to investigate some
KA things. What I uncovered is unbelievable.

A I uncovered the same things you did.  8-)))  After importing several
A thousand messages from Outlook Express to The Bat!, I noticed that in
A *some* folders, the last two letters of each post were snipped.

A For instance, old archived posts from maillists instead of
A ending with


A ended

A www.onelist.c

Is there an official list somewhere of bugs that have been submitted to RITlabs?
I'm able to cope with this if I know the developers are aware of the problem and
will put it in the priority queue to fix in the next major release. Is there
such a thing?

The fact that you had this problem means it's not just me (thank god.) Now, were
these folders directly from OE? And did the messages originate from an IMAP
account? Mine did... I'm just grasping for a connection.

Kiyan Azarbar
M.A. Linguistics,
University of Ottawa

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Re[2]: Where can I find a list of officially accepted bug submissions?

2000-11-08 Thread Kiyan Azarbar

At 6:41:16 PM on Wednesday, November 08, 2000, Jan wrote:

JR Hash: SHA1

JR Hi Kiyan,

JR   On  Wednesday, November 08, 2000 @ 18:18:42 -0500,
JR   you  wrote the following about "Where can I find a
JR   list of officially accepted bug submissions?"

A [...]  I  uncovered the same things you did. 8-))) After
A importing several thousand messages from Outlook Express
A to  The Bat!, I noticed that in *some* folders, the last
A two letters of each post were snipped. [...]

JR   As  a  former  OE user, I also needed to merger OE
JR   msgs into TB!. I created an OE Migration Account 
JR   Imported about 1000 msgs. FYI, all were just fine.

I'm glad to hear it doesn't affect everyone. BTW, my problem has nothing to do
with merging from an OE folder... it is simply occurring every time TB gets my
new IMAP mail from a specific account. Since the symptom is identical I assume
they are related. :(

Kiyan Azarbar
M.A. Linguistics,
University of Ottawa

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Re[2]: Panic sets in: could this be???

2000-11-08 Thread Kiyan Azarbar

At 6:53:28 PM on Wednesday, November 08, 2000, Januk wrote:

 Are you saying I should get the account to access a
 different IMAP server and see how that goes? I'll try.

JA Yes, that would be a good idea.  At least you could rule out the
JA possibility that your local message bases are being corrupted.

JA That's why I suspect your IMAP server might be partly to blame.  Try
JA out your idea above, and please let us know.

JA Well if we can figure out that your IMAP server is storing the
JA messages in some weird way, perhaps this discussion can help the
JA RITLabs guys figure out a way of making TB compatible.  Although with
JA the list of wishes and promises made for version 2, don't hold your
JA breath just yet.

You are right, it's the IMAP server doing something weird. This is, so I imagine quite a few people might be affected, but maybe
the problem is only really manifested when people try to use the Bat! to
download mail.

I changed the account so that it downloaded from my primary IMAP server, sent
the same message to that server from a unix shell, and it came through perfectly
fine, i.e. without the two-char truncation.


Kiyan Azarbar
M.A. Linguistics,
University of Ottawa

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Re[2]: Panic sets in: could this be???

2000-11-07 Thread Kiyan Azarbar

At 9:29:06 AM on Tuesday, November 07, 2000, Ming-Li wrote:

ML On Monday, November 06, 2000, 10:48:46 PM, Kiyan wrote:

 I just noticed something strange that led me to investigate some things. What I
 uncovered is unbelievable.

ML Indeed, it's the weirdest problem I've ever heard of on the list.

I thought it would be, which is unfortunate because unless the developers hear
about it and think of what it could be, I'm probably lost.

 It only appears to be with this account. All the other ones are

ML I certainly have no clue as to what happened. I would suggest
ML creating a new account in TB for that same IMAP4 account. Don't copy
ML anything from the old account. Set up everything by hand instead.
ML Then see if the same problem occurs when fetching mail from this new
ML account.

I did as you said, and the problem occurs exactly the same. Last two characters
are always lost. it makes no sense. No filters set up on the new account

Kiyan Azarbar
M.A. Linguistics,
University of Ottawa

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Re[2]: Panic sets in: could this be???

2000-11-07 Thread Kiyan Azarbar

At 9:29:06 AM on Tuesday, November 07, 2000, Ming-Li wrote:

[...] description of problem in which last two characters of each email are
deleted when retrieving from only ONE of my accounts

 It only appears to be with this account. All the other ones are

ML I certainly have no clue as to what happened. I would suggest
ML creating a new account in TB for that same IMAP4 account. Don't copy
ML anything from the old account. Set up everything by hand instead.
ML Then see if the same problem occurs when fetching mail from this new
ML account.

Well, I tried the new account thing and it didn't work. Then in the dispatcher I
noticed that a lot of the dates are totally wrong. I retrieve the message in the
dispatcher and it's missing the last two chars, but I check the headers and the
dates for received (on the server) are fine. But for some reason the dates in
the dispatcher are from 1994 or 1995.. at least a good number of them.. This
may be somehow related.

Kiyan Azarbar
M.A. Linguistics,
University of Ottawa

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Panic sets in: could this be???

2000-11-06 Thread Kiyan Azarbar

I just noticed something strange that led me to investigate some things. What I
uncovered is unbelievable.

I used outlook express for some other purpose (because my brother had sent me
two messages with forwarded messages as mime attachments, and those forwarded
messages had jpeg attachments that I couldn't view in the Bat incidentally
Outlook Express was no better with them)... and noticed that there were two
messages for me on the server that TB hadn't downloaded. It had definitely
synced, or was supposed to sync, because I checked the acct properties under
options and it said every 1 min. Anyway, I looked at the log file and the last
sync was from something like 8 or 9 hours before, so obviously it hadn't synced.
(This is IMAP4, BTW). I tried to force it and it seemed to check (although maybe
it checked all my other accounts but not this one). It's possible that the
checking routine was timing out or something.

Anyway, I eventually fired up the dispatcher and noticed those two messages were
there, with the receive box already checked, waiting for transfer. Weird, so I
ran execute, and the messages arrived. This was the first mystery... why were
they just sitting there? Was TB trying to check mail since 8 am, and was that
thread basically hanging, preventing new threads from checking at every minute
since that time?

And now, the worst part. I sent myself a quick test message from a unix account
to the account in question. TB got it within one minute. The message was a
one-liner, with no carriage return at the end, containing the text "mantest
destiny" (for MailAndNews test, I added the destiny just for fun). It came up
as: "mantest desti"

I was shocked, so I thought maybe the unix mailer had screwed up, or the MTA on
that server. It hadn't... I fired up OE and checked that same message, and it
came through fine. I tried the whole process again twice, then send "mantest
destiny destiny" which came through as "mantest destiny desti" and even the
alphabet which came through as "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx". It was basically
DROPPING the last two characters of every message! I am sure the messages were
fine because in Outlook Express and in the webmail gateway to my account they
displayed fine. So I looked through every message in that account's inbox, and
the reason I hadn't noticed before is because usually messages end with a
newline or two, and you can't notice those missing. A few messages did not,
however, they ended without a couple of newlines at the end. These also had the
last two characters truncated, so that a URL at the end of a message (in a sig
for eg.) without newlines after it would turn up as:


instead of .com.

It only appears to be with this account. All the other ones are fine. I know
it's a long shot, but if anyone has ANY clue why this might be happening, please
let me know. I don't think I could have configured anything to do something so
strange, like delete the last two characters of a message, but maybe I did.
Maybe it has something to do with filters? But I only have one filter in that
account, and I have set it to inactive anyway.

Yours in confusion,

Kiyan Azarbar
M.A. Linguistics
University of Ottawa

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confusing deletion addendum

2000-11-04 Thread Kiyan Azarbar

I have discovered somethin... if I say, in the account properties, for TB to
leave messages on server, but to delete them when I delete them from my trash
box, it works beatifully. I see that the message IS deleted on the server after
the next send/retrieve sync.

The only thing is, there is no information in the account log indicating that a
message has been deleted. There is for a SEND, or a FETCH, but nothing saying
"message so and so was deleted because it was nuked from your trash".

I just find this curious, is it supposed to happen?

Kiyan Azarbar
M.A. Linguistics
University of Ottawa

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Found a kludge to selectively delete messages from IMAP server

2000-11-04 Thread Kiyan Azarbar

After a long night of reading old TBUDL archived messages, I now realize The
Bat! IMAP4 support is broken, or at least, not philosophically in keeping with
the spirit of IMAP. At any rate, I found the solution to my problem of wanting
to leave messages on the server, but also wanting to delete junk and so forth
and messages with large attachments FROM the server.

That was simply to mark "leave messages on server" but also "delete messages
from server when they are deleted from the trash." That solution seems to work
OK, but there are no log entries reflecting this deletion at the next sync, as
my previous message to the list states.

At any rate I now got into a related problem: how does one keep messages locally
in TB folders but get rid of them on the server? It would be simple if I never
checked "leave messages on server" but that way TB would have to be my exclusive
client, and it isn't... I often read mail through outlook express and sometimes
I even telnet into my server where I have shell access and read my mail using

I found that there were lots of messages I wanted to archive, but didn't want
them chewing up space on my IMAP box. I was not able to find a simple option
(such as is available in Calypso, called "delete from server" as opposed to
"delete" or "delete locally" or "delete from mailbox AND from server").

The kludge I came up with is this:

1) All the mail I want to keep, but delete from the server, is already sorted
into local folders. Usually, it's list mail, or messages with multiple
recipients (the poor-man's mailing list).

2) For each folder, I go into the folder, and start up the sorting office.

3) I set up a filter rule under Read messages. I call this rule whatever
(e.g. DELLISTMSGS). I have it search for String ".*" under Sender, but it could
be under any other field too. Note: regexp should be on.

4) I set the Source folder to be the folder containing the messages I want
deleted from the server, and the Destination folder to be THE SAME FOLDER. That
way the messages don't get moved, but under Actions I check "delete the message
from the server." I have it set as active, and manual (but perhaps if it wasn't
manual it would work automatically when a message is filed in that folder,
after/if it was read... can anyone confirm?).

5) I bring down the main Folder menu and select Re-filter and select "Read
messages" as the rulesets to apply, and watch as all the mail gets "filtered."
even though it doesn't actually move, the filtering action takes care of
selecting and deleting the messages from the server

You may all wonder, why don't I just use the dispatcher? Well I can use the
Search function not to mention sorting, in my regular folders. I can do all this
to select messages then drag them all to a certain folder. Then I can have all
the messages in the folder get deleted, this seems more flexible to me than
hunting around in a severely functionality-limited message dispatcher.

Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions? Also, can anyone point out my
utter lack of intelligence by telling me there was an easy way to do what I am
doing? :)

Yours in The Bat!ness,

Kiyan Azarbar
M.A. Linguistics
University of Ottawa

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Turbosport/The Bat! 1.47 problem?

2000-11-04 Thread Kiyan Azarbar

Hello again. I found an old archived message on the list with a bunch of free
webmail servers with IMAP support. I set up an account at both
and has 40MB of storage, for free, which seems
unbelievable to me.

Anyway, I found something curious. When I send myself mail (even from an
external source) TB is fine in retrieving it at the next poll (I poll every 1
min). But the problem arises the poll after that I get a duplicate. And
every poll after that too. So I opened the dispatcher and noticed that the
"receive" box is checked for all the messages. I wonder why.

Perhaps turbosport isn't properly setting the message in the IMAP box with a
"read" flag. Then each time TB polls, it sees the message is unread and
re-retrieves it. I know it's the same message because the Creation: date is the
same, but the Received: date is different. Speaking of which, where does that
Received: field come from (in the message list window)? It's not in the actual
mail headers, where is TB getting that info from?

If I set the message so that the "receive" box is unchecked, every poll after
that is fine, I get no more duplicates. But I tried sending another message to
myself at that address, and the problem re-occurs. So I am pretty sure
something/some flag is not being set correctly.

Anyway, I was just wondering if this is a correct assesment, that it's's fault, not the Bat!'s.  I believe that to be the case since TB
works fine with other mail servers, I think.

Kiyan Azarbar
M.A. Linguistics
University of Ottawa

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Re: Manually apply filter to Find Msg results

2000-11-04 Thread Kiyan Azarbar

At 10:12:11 AM on Saturday, November 04, 2000, Jan wrote:

  Is it possible to manually apply a filter to a find msg
  result group of msgs.

  For  ex:  I  mark  those msgs I want to reply to with a
  color group. Then I search for the "answer these" color
  group.   Then   I  answer them one by one. After that I
  was  thinking  of  applying  a  filter that changes the
  color group  sends them to trash. Maybe that's not the
  right application here. Suggestions please?

I've been using The Bat! for two days now, so I'm not the best one to pay
attention to, but it occurs to me that if you can't apply filters to a find
group, you can drag-drop those messages (shift select all of them first) to a
folder you make, called "temporary" or whatever. Within that folder you CAN
manually apply any filter you want.

But this probably occurred to you and you were looking for a better solution...
if that's the case, please ignore this. :)

Kiyan Azarbar
M.A. Linguistics
University of Ottawa

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Re[2]: Turbosport/The Bat! 1.47 problem?

2000-11-04 Thread Kiyan Azarbar

At 12:31:36 PM on Saturday, November 04, 2000, Ming-Li wrote:

 On Saturday, November 04, 2000, 6:42:06 AM, Kiyan wrote:

 Speaking of which, where does that Received: field come from (in
 the message list window)? It's not in the actual mail headers,
 where is TB getting that info from?

 It's the time TB downloads the message from your server.

I realize that, but what I meant was where is it keeping the information? In
the mailbox database file? Because if it isn't in the headers and the logfiles,
I was wondering where it would be. Strange that TheBat should list something in
a message-list column that isn't actually in the headers. Then again neither is
file size.

Do any of you use BOTH the Created and the Received field? I find them to be a
bit redundant, except in debugging mail paths, but then I always use headers
anyway, I don't care what time TB downloaded the message, I just care what time
the message was created by the sender and what time my inbound-SMTP server
received it to pass it off to my IMAP box.

Kiyan Azarbar
M.A. Linguistics
University of Ottawa

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Re[2]: Found a kludge to selectively delete messages from IMAP server

2000-11-04 Thread Kiyan Azarbar

At 1:00:28 PM on Saturday, November 04, 2000, Ming-Li wrote:

ML On Saturday, November 04, 2000, 6:24:12 AM, Kiyan wrote:


 1) All the mail I want to keep, but delete from the server, is
 already sorted into local folders. Usually, it's list mail,

ML If you set up filters (either Incoming or Read messages filters
ML would do) to sort this kind of mail into local folders, you may set
ML the same filters to delete it from the server. This way you don't
ML need the Read messages filters as you described.

Ok, that is entirely true, and is a decent solution, and I did think of it too.
But it wasn't appropriate... I want mail from certain people from whom I get
lots of it, to go to specific folders, however I do not want to delete them from
the server because I may not have time to read it, I may just glance that I have
new mail but have to run off to school or something. From there I want to be
abne to read it so I need to keep it on the server.

 messages with multiple recipients (the poor-man's mailing list).

ML Since you may need to sort this kind of mail manually (unless you
ML can define some rules to distinguish it from others), the Read
ML message filters would be more appropriate.

True, true. And I often get this sort of stuff too. And for this stuff sometimes
I don't mind having it delete from server once the messages are marked as read.

 4) I set the Source folder to be the folder containing the
 messages I want deleted from the server, and the Destination
 folder to be THE SAME FOLDER. That way the messages don't get
 moved, but under Actions I check "delete the message from the
 server." I have it set as active, and manual (but perhaps if it
 wasn't manual it would work automatically when a message is filed
 in that folder, after/if it was read... can anyone confirm?).

ML After it's read, and, of course, after it's no longer being viewed.

Ok, this is strange to me. I tried this a couple of times, and sure enough,
eventually the messages got deleted. But once it didn't work and I had to apply
the filter manually with re-filter. I may have done something wrong though. Also
when it's set to be automatic, the strange thing is once the messages are read
and no longer viewed, it doesn't delete them from the server after the NEXT
poll, it takes a few for it to sink in. Any idea why?

ML There's another trick: you may set up a Read messages filter to
ML delete matched messages from server, and assign to it a hotkey from

Yes, this is a pretty good idea. But I didn't think I could use it because I
thought you would have to have a different hotkey for messages in every storage
folder, which is ridiculous. Or you'd have to always pre-edit the rule to apply
to the right folder before applying it. But you seem to introduce another
possibility, as follows...

ML the Options pane. Make sure the "Check the selected message against
ML this rule" option under the hotkey field is NOT checked. If the
ML option is checked, the messages would be moved to the destination
ML folder as prescribed in the Rule pane, then the filter can't be used
ML across folders. With that option cleared, the designated actions of

Wait, so are you saying this COULD be used across folders? I don't exactly
understand... because this is a reply to my first message to the list about this
(and not my second, in which I described the problems with moving messages from
one account's folders to another accounts, then not being able to use filter
rules in the new account to delete from the original account... you seemed to
say mixing up accounts is not really possible in TB as of now).

Oh, ok, I think I get it. You mean across folders, not accounts. I think I get
you. So you're saying that checkbox, if unselected, means that the "action
items" become folder-unspecific, right? That's useful. But wait, does that mean
that it ignores the string/contains information and regexp stuff too? Because if
the selected message (or messages) are not checked against the rule, what is the
hotkey for, just to perform the actions? I'm confused... if I select a bunch of
messages, and put say a String search for in the Sender field (say
to distinguish mail I got from my girlfriend's POP account as opposed to
webmail), but uncheck that box you refer to, won't the DELETE action apply to
every single message I have selected regardless of the string matching? Or does
the check box only have to do with the source and destination folders? Please

ML the filter would be applied to all the messages you select, no
ML questions asked.

Ok, maybe I jumped the gun... maybe this *was* your elaboration.

ML Hereafter you may delete any message from server with the hotkey
ML after selecting it first. You may select multiple messages, and it
ML works in the "Find result" virtual folder (the one showing the
ML search result).

It does? If so, isn't that a way to get around the moving-mail-across-accoun

Re[2]: Found a kludge to selectively delete messages from IMAP server

2000-11-04 Thread Kiyan Azarbar

At 11:13:29 PM on Saturday, November 04, 2000, Ming-Li wrote:

ML Just tried it a couple of times, and it does work with my main POP3
ML account. I don't have IMAP4 account to test with. According to other
ML list members' experiences, TB's IMAP4 support seems to be spotty,
ML but I can't comment on that.

I take your word for it. I'll try it again to be sure, and post my results if
they are weird, or won't if it works. :)

ML Of course. It's useful should you often need to, e.g., color code a
ML message, park it, delete it from the server, and add its sender to
ML the AB at the same time.

Ok, this makes sense. I will try to find a use for it. Do a lot of people use
color-coding in TB? It seemed frivolous to me but I've always used console-based
clients as my main client.

 I tried to define the reply template under the folder that I sort
 list mail into. Although I can customize everything there, there
 are no radio buttons, so I can put in %Quote but can't say what
 type of quotes to use.

ML Check out a macro called %QUOTESTYLE in the help file.

Ahah. Ok, I'll look it up. But isn't it weird that there should be no radio
buttons for it? Or isn't it weird that quotestyle is not defined in the account
templates explicitly, replaced instead by those radio buttons?

 hierarchy for folder-specific templates. If I change my reply
 template for the ACCOUNT, then it seems when I go to define
 folderspecific templates those changes are reflected. Which is
 really weird, what if I had customized a folder reply template
 heavily, but later made a change in the account default reply
 template, would it overwrite the folder one?

ML It shouldn't. The template hierarchy is

AB templates  folder templates  account templates

I see. This is absolutely sensible, and quite good design behaviour. I should
have tested it further before opening my big mouth.


Kiyan Azarbar
M.A. Linguistics,
University of Ottawa

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Deletion options with IMAP4

2000-11-03 Thread Kiyan Azarbar

I have 2 questions (so far) after using The Bat! 1.47 HE for a day.

1) is there a way to apply certain changes to all accounts? As in change the
reply template, and so forth, for all of them? In fact, is there a way of
selecting more than one account BEFORE applying properties? I hate having to
duplicate properties ... I know some are unique so it wouldn't make sense to
group-apply, but in many cases it does.

2) How is deletion handled with IMAP4? Seems to me so far that TB treats IMAP4
basically like POP3, ie it doesn't use any of its inherent features. It doesn't
seem to respect the read flag, or replied-to or forwarded flags, etc. Or mark
things for deletion, and it can't PURGE on the server.

I ask because in Calypso there were many diff't types of deleting. Local
deletion which simply turned the message into header-only mode (and could be
later retrieved from the server). Deletion which marked it to be deleted from
the server (either immediate or next-poll)... but that leaves the message in the
local box. Then you could delete the thing locally and it would be gone, or
leave it.

Seems that if I say "leave on server" for IMAP4 once I retrieve messages there's
no way to delete them on the server except if I use the dispatcher.

Speaking of which, what is the dispatcher for? Haven't figured it out yet and
the documentation/list-posts are hard to hunt down.


Best regards,
 Kiyan  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Man, do I ever have to change this default template!

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