Re: [TMIC] Anniversary

2010-07-02 Thread Grace M.
*Oh Naomi, I just hate it that you've had such a tough time.  :-(  You're
pretty darned amazing to cope as well as you do.  Please know that you're
thought of often.*
*Grace  *

Re: [TMIC] 2010 - Here we go again!

2010-06-29 Thread Grace M.

  Hi Roger,

I used Imuran for over two years for NMO.  It's an excellent
immunosuppressant.  What is your target dose?  Mine was to be 200 mgs but
unfortunately, whenever I would try to titer up to 200 mgs from 100 mgs, I
developed projectile vomiting.


Re: [TMIC]

2010-06-18 Thread Grace M.

  Hello Dalton,

I have many MS friends and among them are those who have experienced TM.
Some prior to their MS diagnosis, and some after.  I myself experience
episodes of relapsing LETM (Longitudinally Extensive Transverse Myelitis)
but as a result of having NMO.


Re: [TMIC] alive

2010-05-21 Thread Grace M.

 All right. People who experience a life changing illness, do not all reach
 a point of acceptance at the same time.  It is a process and there is no
 specific time limit or gauge that can determine when that time of acceptance
 will come.   Asking for *understanding* does not mean that one is sitting
 on the pity pot.

In defense of Jeron, I saw nothing in his initial post that indicated that
he was looking for pity. On the contrary I saw a heartfelt post from someone
who was looking for understanding from others who have been through the same
experience.  Just because you (Or I.) have come to a point of acceptance,
does not give us the right to insinuate that someone else who is not at the
same point in their journey, should be where we are---instead we should
respond with mindful kindness.  We don't all *get there* within the same
time frame nor do we all take the same route.  Your way is not better, nor
is it lesser---it is all very individualized.

The majority of people who responded to Jeron's post, did so with
understanding and kindness.  I would hope that we all continue to do so.



Re: [TMIC] alive

2010-05-20 Thread Grace M.

 Hi Jeron,

I hear you.  Before I was hit with NMO I was a distance walker.  It was my
absolute passion and I always did between 6-10 miles every day.  It was my
medicine, my high.  I hiked, rode horses, worked with animals both domestic
and wild.  In one fell swoop it was all over.  Very tough for me to deal

Like you, I am now going though my journey of illness without my family, and
that is by CHOICE.  No one knows what it's like to be in my skin as no two
people perceive quality of life in the same way.  My children and ex husband
of 35 years, know that I'm ill with NMO and that it's serious---but that is
all that they know.  I will admit to being very open with my best friend.
Why her and not the family?  Because she *gets* me.  She doesn't pity me.
(God bless her for that.)  Whenever I am hospitalised I do not usually tell
my family, and if my children happen to become aware, I do NOT allow them to
see me.  There is no way that I want them to ever see me flat on my back
paralyzed with catheters hanging out of my neck.  My two daughters (I also
have a son, but he was in Denver at the time.) witnessed that scene five
years ago whenever I first got hit and it traumatized them.  So did the
first year and a half whenever my older daughter had to move in with my
youngest and I in order to care for me.  I talk to them frequently on the
phone and see my youngest often as she is still currently living in the area
while her husband it deployed.  That being said, I do not allow my illness
to ever enter into their lives.  Others may choose to do things differently,
but that is their own personal choice.  If I am ever depressed and/or feel
the need to cry---and that's something that I rarely do---I do
it privately.

My reasons may be different from yours, but for now it seems that we have
chosen the same path, and there is certainly nothing wrong with it.

The best,

Re: [TMIC] 21st anniversary!

2010-05-17 Thread Grace M.

  Hi Jim,

If you don't mind, I'm going to post this at the NMO site also.  We have a
lot of TMA members there and I'm sure that there are some who would
definitely like to donate.

Yer a peach!

Re: [TMIC] just wondering

2010-05-06 Thread Grace M.
Hi Jeff,

I'm not sure, but I think that if the impulses to the pudendal nerve are
intact, that it is possible.


Re: [TMIC] Mike

2010-04-26 Thread Grace M.
Gunny, I'm so very sorry to hear this news.  Prayers and good thoughts
coming your way.



2010-04-17 Thread Grace M.
 Hello Sue,

I've looked at the website and it appears to be just another snake oil
cure.  If there were a drug or herb that was guaranteed to treat myelitis
and resolve symptoms, the medical community would have jumped on it.



Re: [TMIC] TMIC Neurontin--does it exhaust you?

2010-04-17 Thread Grace M.

   I used 2400 mgs for two years.  In the beginning it zombified me and
 made me bloat a little, but with time those effects wore off.  It helped me
 a lot.


Re: [TMIC] OT My Mom

2010-03-23 Thread Grace M.

 *Kevin,  *

 *I have been thinking of you today and sending up prayers for your
 eventual healing.  If you need to talk---pick up the phone and call me.  You
 and I are old time buddies and I'm always here to lend an ear or a
 shoulder.  You're not alone.  Every single one of us are here for you,
 anytime that you need us.  *

 *Much Love,  *


*   *

Re: [TMIC] Children

2010-03-21 Thread Grace M.
*I was also told that TM itself is not familial.  The verdict is still ouit
on NMO. (Which I have.)*

Re: [TMIC] OT My Mom

2010-03-20 Thread Grace M.
 *Kevin, *

 *I am so sorry.  There are no words that can ease such a loss.  Please
 know that we are all thinking of you.  *

 *Love, *


*   *

Re: [TMIC] OT Hospice

2010-03-16 Thread Grace M.
*Hi Kevin,  *
*Hospice is a wonderful organization.  I think that it would be well worth
your while.  *
*Gracie   *

Re: [TMIC] Re: Hope

2010-03-14 Thread Grace M.
*It is very possible that she is suffering from recurrent TM, which is rare,
but does happen especially in the context of diseases like NMO, Sjogren's,
SLE.  We don't have quite enough of her history to make any assumptions.  As
for her spasms, they appear to be tonic Not your usual run of the mill
spasms.  I have them and they are totally debilitating, and for me require
huge doses of an anticonvulsant. (Tegretol 1500 mgs per day.)  Before
treatment with Tegretol, I couldn't be left alone.  My heart goes out to her
and I hope that she gets the needed funds, and finds relief.*

[TMIC] Re: I just can't help it, I have to share

2010-03-14 Thread Grace M.
OMGosh!  Your little Grand Daughters are gorgeous!


GracieP.S.  Your son is very handsome, also.  :-)

Re: [TMIC] Lesions and Myelin Regeneration

2010-03-10 Thread Grace M.
*After nearly four and a half years, I regained patchy spots of feeling on
the bottom of the foot and calf of my right leg.  The majority of my trunk
and legs are still numb, but this is a definite improvement.  I attribute it
to my use of Rituxan (For NMO), as late improvements are not unknown with
the use of the drug.  *
*Grace  *


Fwd: [TMIC] tmic hijacked

2010-03-02 Thread Grace M.
  *Kev, *
*Don't feel bad.  Some idiot went and turned me into an unknowing spam-bot a
while back.  My alternate email was sending Viagara and sexual aids crap all
over the place.  I actually received an add for a bunch of gross stuff from
MYSELF here at my GMail.  That's how I found out.  It was a mess.  I was so
humiliated.  :-(*


Re: [TMIC] Vitamin D advice sought

2010-02-26 Thread Grace M.

  *Hi Akua,  *

*My last Vitamin D test result was only at 4, so I took one 50,000 pill per
week (It's a prescription.) for three months until it was back within normal
parameters.  *

Re: [TMIC] TM and Pilates

2010-02-15 Thread Grace M.

 *Avonex is interferon beta-1a, one of the CRAB drugs that is used for MS.*

[TMIC] Re: TM/Hi Barbara, I'm another one.

2010-02-14 Thread Grace M.
*Hi Barbara,*
*I'm another one.  My relapsing LETM (Longitudinal Extensive Transverse
Myelitis) is caused by NMO, which is a neuroimmunological inflammatory
disease.  Although I have experienced LETM many times, my official diagnosis
is NMO.  For me, TM is a symptom of my underlying disease process.  Our
member Linda C., experiences relapsing TM as a result of her Sjogren's.
Like me, she is on a a heavy hitter chemo. (Rituxan---chemotherapeutic
agent, a monoclonal antibody typically reserved for Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma,
and severe RA patients.)*
*TM can be caused, or be present in several  different disorders.  NMO,
Lupus, Sjogren's, ADEM, MS, and others.  And of course, it can also be
*Gracie (NMO+ since 2005)   *

Re: [TMIC] Lori and Barbara

2010-02-14 Thread Grace M.
*Hi Iris, and welcome to the Group!*

Re: [TMIC] TM and Pilates

2010-02-14 Thread Grace M.

 *Hi Janice,  *

 *One has to remember that the term Transverse Myelitis, means exactly
 that.  Transverse:  Across or crosswise.  Myelitis:  inflammation of the
 spinal cord.  Inflammation of the cord can be caused by several different
 disease processes, but it can also be idiopathic, meaning that there is no
 known cause.  Just because there is an underlying disease process does
 not negate the fact that the patient has indeed suffered a Transverse
 Myelitis attack.  There are TM patients here with NMO (Myself, with
 relapsing LETM), Sjogrens ( Linda C. with relapsing TM) MS, those who have
 experienced ADEM, and other processes.   There are also many patients who
 have experienced *idiopathic* TM, meaning that there is no known cause.  *


 *   *

 * *

Re: [TMIC] Re: TM/Hi Barbara, I'm another one.

2010-02-14 Thread Grace M.

 *Hi again Janice,  *

 *I'm firmly of the opinion that a patient needs to be educated re:  their
 own disease process, in order to take a proactive stance re:  treatment
 protocol and disease management.  The best thing that one can do for
 themselves is to start pulling up the research.  I have alerts set on my
 mail program that regularly update me with the new abstracts and papers
 regarding NMO, that are published online.  It's been a huge help.  *


 *  *

Re: [TMIC] TM and Pilates

2010-02-13 Thread Grace M.

  Hi Janice,

 No offense taken.  Just wanted to make sure that Randy doesn't leave us.
 He's been a really good friend to all of us and has always been very
 positive and supportive.

 No harm.  No foul.


Re: [TMIC] OT Prayer Request

2010-02-12 Thread Grace M.
 *Kevin, *

 *We'll all be keeping your Mother in our prayers and thoughts.  *


*  *

Re: [TMIC] February Birthdays

2010-02-01 Thread Grace M.

Re: [TMIC] Doctor Appointment

2010-02-01 Thread Grace M.

  *I too learned a meds lesson the hard way.  A year or two ago, I became
 concerned due to my daily Tegretol dose.  (1200 mgs per day for paroxysmal
 tonic spasms.)  So..I decided to cut back my dose on my own without
 input from my neuro.  Well, I made it to 800 mgs, or so I thought.  While at
 a doc appointment  (Not my neuro.) at a Pittsburgh hospital, they suddenly
 came back with a vengeance.  *

 *Now, if you've never had them, you can't possibly imagine what they're
 like.  In my case, one leg rises to nearly hip level and locks, with the
 knee bent and the calf and splayed out foot pointing to the right. (Think
 male dog peeing.)  Right arms bends up under the chin with claw.  Head pulls
 to right shoulder.  Left leg goes stiff, left arm also stiff.  For many NMO
 patients, including myself, they don't just come once a day, or a few times
 a day, but several times per hour round the clock.  They can last for up to
 two full minutes and are excruciating.  Well, to make a long story short,
 they hit me in the waiting room and the staff thought I was seizing
 and panicked.  The next thing I knew, my rear end was slapped in
 a wheelchair and they were calling for emergency help.   I ended up in bed
 for several days while I slowly took my dose back up.   Now I'm on 1500 mgs
 per day, and there is NO WAY that I will ever pull a stunt like that
 again.   *


  *   *

[TMIC] Yooo...hooo....TMIC Members, where are you?

2010-01-31 Thread Grace M.
*Where is everyone?  The last msg that I got was from Frank, looking for pie
*Anyone out there?*

[TMIC] Skin cells transformed into nerve in new study. Researchers bypassed the need for stem cells in mouse study.

2010-01-27 Thread Grace M.
WASHINGTON - Researchers have transformed ordinary mouse skin cells directly
into neurons, bypassing the need for stem cells or even stemlike cells and
greatly speeding up the field of regenerative medicine.
The experiment could make it possible to someday take a sample of a
patient's skin and turn the cells into a tailor-made transplant to treat
brain diseases such as Parkinson's or Alzheimer's, or heal damaged spinal


[TMIC] MS Pills Work, Carry Severe Side Effects

2010-01-21 Thread Grace M.
*ATLANTA -- *Tests of the first two oral drugs developed for treating
multiple sclerosis show that both cut the frequency of relapses and may slow
progression of the disease, but with side effects that could pose a tough
decision for patients.

Two experts not involved in the studies said the drugs appear effective but
with potentially dangerous side effects. It's too soon to know if the pills
will be approved by the government or widely adopted by physicians, they


Re: [TMIC] Gabapentin ??

2010-01-14 Thread Grace M.
I took 2400-3200 mgs per day for several years and did fine with it.  After
a while, my body adjusted and sleepiness wasn't a problem.


Re: [TMIC] Medical Marijuana

2010-01-12 Thread Grace M.
Hello Janice,

Medical marijuana is just that---marijuana that one smokes.  Marinol on the
other hand, is pill form, and Sativex is a mouth spray.  Many MS patients
smoke to help them deal with pain and spasticity, as do many in the NMO

On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 10:26 PM, Janice Nichols jan...@centurytel.netwrote:

  If you got it from the medical profession, would it be in pill
 form?   Have you ever tried it or know anyone who has?How does it
 help and for how long?

  *From:* Robert Pall
 *Sent:* Tuesday, January 12, 2010 6:45 AM
 *To:* TMIC
 *Subject:* [TMIC] Medical Marijuana

 New Jersey is on the verge of becoming the next state (probably this week)
 to legalize medical marijuana. Question…..have any of you tried it and if so
 has it provided you with relief? I know how I would answer but perhaps other
 members will shed a different light on the subject….as for me I am
 delighted! Now I just have to get my Dr. to prescribe it!

 Rob in New Jersey

Re: [TMIC] Medical Marijuana

2010-01-12 Thread Grace M.
Hello Lori,

I don't need much either---just a few hits if it is of good quality.


On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 10:37 PM, Lori Biehler lbieh...@earthlink.netwrote:

  In a pill form it is called marinol. That is basically synthetic THC and
 I was prescribed it in ’99 and it didn’t really take the pain away. It did
 make me sleep and hungry. I smoked it instead and that took the pain away,
 helped the spasticity in my muscles, and left me feeling pretty good. I did
 not need to smoke a lot to get relief.

 *From:* Janice Nichols []
 *Sent:* Tuesday, January 12, 2010 10:26 PM

 *To:* Robert Pall; TMIC
 *Subject:* Re: [TMIC] Medical Marijuana

 If you got it from the medical profession, would it be in pill form?
 Have you ever tried it or know anyone who has?How does it help and for
 how long?


 *From:* Robert Pall

 *Sent:* Tuesday, January 12, 2010 6:45 AM

 *To:* TMIC

 *Subject:* [TMIC] Medical Marijuana

 New Jersey is on the verge of becoming the next state (probably this week)
 to legalize medical marijuana. Question…..have any of you tried it and if so
 has it provided you with relief? I know how I would answer but perhaps other
 members will shed a different light on the subject….as for me I am
 delighted! Now I just have to get my Dr. to prescribe it!

 Rob in New Jersey

Re: [TMIC] OT Nursing Homes

2010-01-11 Thread Grace M.
  *Kevin,  *

 *I am aghast that they are still badgering you and your Mother about
 going into a nursing home.  It makes me so angry.  Kevin, you are lucid and
 in control of your faculties, and as long as you and your Mother are able to
 take care of your physical needs (Be it on your own, or with help.) they
 will have an extremely difficult time trying to force the two of you into a
 home.  Please email me and let me know what's going on.  It's been a long
 time since I've heard from you.  *

 *Love, *


  *   *

Re: [TMIC] Sjogren's (Amended)

2010-01-08 Thread Grace M.
*Hi Linda,  *
*Sjogrens was one of the diseases considered whenever I was still in the
diagnostic process, before they had received the results of my NMO IgG
test.  MS was not considered as a possibility at that time, the reason being
that my paralysis and optic nerve involvement was bilateral, which is not
typical for MS attacks.  This also allowed them to quickly eliminate the
possibility of stroke.  Diseases considered included Sjogren's, Lupus, ADEM
(Quickly eliminated because there was not yet any brain involvement.),
Sarcoid, and Vasculitis.  Once all of my clinical results were complete,
including the NMO IgG, it was a done deal.*
*As an aside, my neuro opth thinks that I have now developed Sjogrens in
addition to NMO, though I had a negative SS-A, Ro, SS-B and La with no
Rheumatic Factor.  My eyes are so dry right now, that I have scratches on
the cornea.  Same deal going on with the mouth.  I have to see her every six
months for a complete workup due to NMO, so I'll no doubt find out more at
that visit.  *
*Stay warm!*
*Gracie   *

  Grace, thanks for posting this Sjogrens site.  I have to say, of all the
 info I have read, this is the ONLY place that has actually mentioned
 Transverse Myelitis - up to 1% with Sjogrens!  My doctor explained it to me
 when I got TM, but I had no idea what he was talking about - still sitting
 there in a fog with a totally numb body.  I kind of feel like the doctor
 explained it to me again today, except today I actually know what he was
 talking about!  I don't know, maybe ignorance was bliss at that time...

 Regina, did you read the articles and were you a bit surprised?


 - Original Message -

 *From:* Grace M.
 *Sent:* Thursday, January 07, 2010 4:23 PM
 *Subject:* Fwd: [TMIC] Sjogren's (Amended)

  *Hi Regina,  *
 *They've actually identified the autoimmune antibody that is a marker for
 Devic's NMO.  Although one can have a concurrent diagnosis of NMO AND
 Sjogren's (Which is extremely rare.), I don't think that they are related
 with the exception that both are autoimmune diseases, at leat I have not yet
 read anything to that effect in the literature.  *
 *No Regina, the optic damage that occurs in Devic's NMO is limited to the
 optic nerve and disk.  It is much more destructive that the ON which is
 encountered in MS, and permanent blindness is a relatively common
 occurence. *
 *Did your doctor not explain to you that Sjogren's can affect parts of the
 body other than the eyes?*
 Sjogren's Subtypes Primary Sjogren's Disease VS Sjogren's Syndrome

 Apr 24, 2006 Elaine 
This article describes the clinical and diagnostic differences between
 primary and secondary Sjogren's syndrome.

  Sjogren's disease is a chronic autoimmune disease that occurs as a
 localized syndrome primarily causing mouth and eye dryness (sicca syndrome)
 or as a systemic disease affecting multiple organs. Sjogren's is suspected
 of affecting about 2-3 million Americans, 90 percent of them women.
 Frequently, the condition remains unrecognized and untreated, and when
 treated, the average diagnosis is reported to take 3.5 years. Women in their
 fourth decade of life are most likely to be affected. The complaint most
 often listed at the time of diagnosis is mouth dryness. In Sjogren's
 syndrome, white blood cells known as lymphocytes invade the exocrine glands.
 The exocrine glands produce needed moisture for lubricating and bathing the
 body's organs.

 Continued at:


[TMIC] Linda---More Resources/Research papers re: Sjogren's and TM.

2010-01-08 Thread Grace M.
*Hi Irish,  *
*I dug these out of my files for you.  There's a lot of info re:  Sjorgen's
and TM.  Hope they're helpful.  If you want any more, let me know.  I've got
a ton of papers stashed away in this old computer.  If you would like to
research further, just search for Sjogren's and TM using boolean search.
(And, not, or, but, near, or the +  (and) and - (not) symbols.  You'll pull
up a lot more information that way.)  *

Re: [TMIC] Linda's recurrent TM

2010-01-07 Thread Grace M.
*Hello Regina,*

*Recurrent TM is not *always* indicative of MS.  There are very rare cases
(And Linda is one of them) of people experiencing relapsing TM.  I myself
experience relapsing LETM (Longitudinal Extensive Transverse Myelitis.) as a
result of Devic's NMO.  Linda also has Sjogren's, which on occasion can
cause relapsing attacks of TM.  Much more goes into the diagnosis of
Multiple Sclerosis than simply the presence of spinal lesions.*
*Laura, I have Devic's NMO.  It involves the spinal cord, optic nerve,
brainstem, and in a percentage of cases, the brain proper.  Unfortunately,
it can be and often is, fatal.*
* Respectfully,*
*Grace (Devic's NMO since 2005)*


Re: [TMIC] Linda's recurrent TM

2010-01-07 Thread Grace M.
 *Hi Frank,*
 *I love you dearly but I beg to differ. Although a second episode of TM
 *can* be indicative of MS, it is not always.  Recurrent TM occurs in NMO,
 rare cases of Sjogren's, rare cases of Cogans, in conjunction with LUPUS
 (Which usually but not always indicates NMO)  There are also cases of NMOIgG
 seropositive cases of relapsing TM, which are in the NMO spectrum.  There
 are also rare cases of idiopathic relapsing TM which is nothing more than
 *Current research bears this out and can be provided upon request.  No
 harm, no foul.*
 *Grace  *

Re: [TMIC] Linda's recurrent TM

2010-01-07 Thread Grace M.

 *Hi Irish,  *

 *Y**ou've already done methotrexate both oral and injections, haven't
 you?  Has your doctor conisdered CellCept? (Mycophenolate Mofetil)  We do
 have some members at Devic's Support that have used it while also using
 Rituxan.  Are you on a full gram of Rituxan per infusion?  How much Imuran
 are you currently using---I'm thinking 150-200 mgs?   My neuro had me
 totally phase out the Imuran after Rituxan kicked in.  Like you, on one
 occasion I experienced a really low white count, and on another, elevated
 liver enzymes.  Both times I had to stop using it until everything was back
 in order.   *

 *XOXO *


 * *

Re: [TMIC] Some really comfortable shoes.

2010-01-07 Thread Grace M.
*Found some more shoes that are really comfortable.  Go to the *Shoes for
Crews* website.  My daughter has a pair of these shoes and I've actually
tried them out and worn them a few times.  They're designed for people who
are on their feet a lot, and really *grab* the floor---no slipping and
sliding.  She bought them because she really liked their look and feel.  The
styles are limited, but they do have some really neat women's shoes.  I'm
going to be ordering two pairs---one a lace up and the other a loafer.
They're worth checking out. *
*Gracie   *

Re: [TMIC] Sjogren's

2010-01-07 Thread Grace M.
*Hi Regina,  *
*They've actually identified the autoimmune antibody that is a marker for
Devic's NMO.  Although one can have a concurrent diagnosis of NMO AND
Sjogren's (Which is extremely rare.), I don't think that they are related
with the exception that both are autoimmune diseases, at leat I have not yet
read anything to that effect in the literature.*
*dDd you doctor not explain to you that Sjogren's can affect parts of the
body other than the eyes?*
Sjogren's Subtypes Primary Sjogren's Disease VS Sjogren's Syndrome

Apr 24, 2006 Elaine
   This article describes the clinical and diagnostic differences between
primary and secondary Sjogren's syndrome.

 Sjogren's disease is a chronic autoimmune disease that occurs as a
localized syndrome primarily causing mouth and eye dryness (sicca syndrome)
or as a systemic disease affecting multiple organs. Sjogren's is suspected
of affecting about 2-3 million Americans, 90 percent of them women.
Frequently, the condition remains unrecognized and untreated, and when
treated, the average diagnosis is reported to take 3.5 years. Women in their
fourth decade of life are most likely to be affected. The complaint most
often listed at the time of diagnosis is mouth dryness. In Sjogren's
syndrome, white blood cells known as lymphocytes invade the exocrine glands.
The exocrine glands produce needed moisture for lubricating and bathing the
body's organs.

Continued at:


Fwd: [TMIC] Sjogren's (Amended)

2010-01-07 Thread Grace M.
 *Hi Regina,  *
*They've actually identified the autoimmune antibody that is a marker for
Devic's NMO.  Although one can have a concurrent diagnosis of NMO AND
Sjogren's (Which is extremely rare.), I don't think that they are related
with the exception that both are autoimmune diseases, at leat I have not yet
read anything to that effect in the literature.  *
*No Regina, the optic damage that occurs in Devic's NMO is limited to the
optic nerve and disk.  It is much more destructive that the ON which is
encountered in MS, and permanent blindness is a relatively common
occurence. *
*Did your doctor not explain to you that Sjogren's can affect parts of the
body other than the eyes?*
Sjogren's Subtypes Primary Sjogren's Disease VS Sjogren's Syndrome

Apr 24, 2006 Elaine
   This article describes the clinical and diagnostic differences between
primary and secondary Sjogren's syndrome.

 Sjogren's disease is a chronic autoimmune disease that occurs as a
localized syndrome primarily causing mouth and eye dryness (sicca syndrome)
or as a systemic disease affecting multiple organs. Sjogren's is suspected
of affecting about 2-3 million Americans, 90 percent of them women.
Frequently, the condition remains unrecognized and untreated, and when
treated, the average diagnosis is reported to take 3.5 years. Women in their
fourth decade of life are most likely to be affected. The complaint most
often listed at the time of diagnosis is mouth dryness. In Sjogren's
syndrome, white blood cells known as lymphocytes invade the exocrine glands.
The exocrine glands produce needed moisture for lubricating and bathing the
body's organs.

Continued at:


Re: [TMIC]

2010-01-05 Thread Grace M.
*Hi Janice,  *
*I'm still out here.  Have just been hibernating---it's a combination of
having eaten too much junk food over the Holidays, and also the cold snap
we're having.  How have you been doing?*

Re: [TMIC] asking for prayers

2009-12-20 Thread Grace M.
Consider it done, Barbara.


Re: [TMIC]

2009-12-20 Thread Grace M.
*Neve pain or neuropathic pain, refers to the type of pain that is being
experienced, not a particular location.  *
*Neuropathic Pain
*Neuropathic pain results from injury to nerves in either the central
nervous system or the peripheral body. It can be described as burning,
tingling, shooting, stabbing, or shocking. Injury to the brain, brain
tumors, diabetic neuropathy, and herpes zoster are all examples of things
that may cause this type of pain. Neuropathic pain can be more difficult to
treat than nociceptive. *  *

Re: [TMIC] Lynn Rose is in the hospital

2009-12-16 Thread Grace M.
*Oh Bill, I am so sorry to hear this, but am relieved that it was caught
quickly and that they did a stent.  Please tell her that I'm praying for a
very speedy and uneventful recovery.  Lynn holds a very special place in my
heart, and always will.  There is not a day that goes by that I do not think
of her.  She's an extraordinary woman.*

Re: [TMIC] Age

2009-12-16 Thread Grace M.
*April of 2005.  I was 52.*

On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 1:11 PM, Jim Lubin wrote:

 21 - 20 yrs ago

 At 09:35 PM 12/10/2009, Janice Nichols wrote:


 I have a request.   I was talking to my neuro and he was curious to know
 the ages
 that my website friends were when they were hit with TM.Do you all mind
 me that info  -  even if you only read messages and don't usually
 respond?I would like
 to get as many ages to him as possible.   I told him you all were a pretty
 cooperative group!

 Thanks guys
 Janice, Missouri

 Jim Lubin
 disAbility Resources:

Re: [TMIC] Topamax/MRI length.

2009-11-13 Thread Grace M.
*My MRI's are very long also (Usually about 3-3 1/2 hours.)  The length of
time is determined by a lot of factors---how much of the cord is done, what
the doctor is looking for, and radiologic parameters.   I always have the
brain, C cord, T cord, and L area done, with and without contrast.*

*Re:  Topomax.  It's a good drug, but  one has to remember to drink lots of
water in order to stay hydrated.  Our daughter was on Topomax for a very
short while and ended up becoming toxic.  She was very ill.  So, if you are
on a large dose, be careful with hydration.*


[TMIC] More on Facebook Page

2009-10-19 Thread Grace M.
 *I too love Facebook.  Finding Krissy was great because for the first time,
I've actually found someone else who likes my music.  Dare I say that I'm a
*Tool* fan? (Yeh, yeh, I know that I'm too old and should be listening to
Lawrence Welk recordings instead.)   Not to mention that Krissy and I share
the same sense of humordry and droll.  ;-) *
*Love ya Krissy!!!  *

  *---Original Message---*

  *From:* Krissy Z
 *Date:* 10/19/2009 11:16:16 AM
 *Subject:* Re: [TMIC] Facebook Page

   I know it defiantly took my time on here...but i love the people and the
 games, it's fun and social at the same time. And seeing some of my TM
 friends there and having fun with them is just great! Grace and I share
 music, Gilly Jim Dave etc and I love mafia wars :)
 Come on over!

 We are all in this together, by ourselves.
 - Lily Tomlin

 ~I'm In pretty Good Shape
 For the Shape I am in~

 --- On *Fri, 6/26/09, Cindy McLeroy* wrote:

 From: Cindy McLeroy
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] Facebook Page
 To: bradebi, Akua,, Jim Lubin
 Date: Friday, June 26, 2009, 10:01 PM

  Now when folks wonder why the list is slow, they should go to facebook
 and check out Farm Town.  That must be where everyone disappears sometimes.
  - Original Message -
 *From:* bradebi http://mc/compose?
 *To:* Akua http://mc/compose? ; 
 tmic-list@eskimo.comhttp://mc/compose?; Jim
 Lubin http://mc/compose?
 *Sent:* Friday, June 26, 2009 3:29 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [TMIC] Facebook Page

   I am too!!!...I love Farm Town!.I am taking a break... .I am into
 building my Zoo right is addicting too!.

 *---Original Message---*

  *From:* Jim Lubin http://mc/compose?
 *Date:* 6/25/2009 7:37:10 PM
 *To:* Akua http://mc/compose?;  
 *Subject:* Re: [TMIC] Facebook Page

 there are several TM-ADEM-NMO groups on Facebook, most are linked here

 (who has become addicted to the Farm Town game on Facebook)

 At 06:43 PM 6/24/2009, Akua wrote:
 I'm digging Facebook--- what about creating a fan page.

 Jim Lubin
 disAbility Resources:

Re: [TMIC] tysabri

2009-10-16 Thread Grace M.
On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 8:24 AM, Grace M. wrote:

 *Hi Deb,  *
 *Re:  Tysabri.  I go to a very large teaching and research facility for my
 Rituximab infusions, and have a lot of MS friends that are using Tysabri.
 Many have had really good results, including a reduction of relapses and
 improvement in their EDSS, and stable lesion loads.  Most seem to be very
 happy with it.*
 *Gracie *

   On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 7:04 AM, Deb Monteleone 

 Hi, I am thinking of going on tysabri, anyone out there on it.  If so do
 you have side affects and do do feel better?  I'm currently on copaxone for
 just over a year.  Starting to forget my shots and spoke to some people
 who's symptoms got better on tysabri.

 Thanks for any input,
 Deb, Long Island

Re: [TMIC] tysabri

2009-10-16 Thread Grace M.
*Janice,  I believe that Deb is talking about her MS symptoms.  *

On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 7:44 PM, Janice wrote:

 What symptoms are we talking about?   Janice

 - Original Message - From: Deb Monteleone
 Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 6:04 AM
 Subject: [TMIC] tysabri

 Hi, I am thinking of going on tysabri, anyone out there on it.  If so do
 you have side affects and do do feel better?  I'm currently on copaxone for
 just over a year.  Starting to forget my shots and spoke to some people
 who's symptoms got better on tysabri.

 Thanks for any input,
 Deb, Long Island

Re: [TMIC] OT- I sing- Gary in MI

2009-10-13 Thread Grace M.
*Mindy, *
* You have a beautiful voice!  *
*Hugs, *


Re: [TMIC] Comfortable Shoes Anyone?

2009-09-23 Thread Grace M.
*Hi Linda,*
*I wear garden shoes year round, rain, snow, sleet or hail.  Mine are called
Sloggers and are relatively inexpensive, and come in a lot of different
colors.  I've stocked up on them to make sure I've always got a pair.  They
are like walking on Memory Foam, and don't aggravate that damnable burning.
They have a strap around the back that is actually permanently attached, so
they're easy to keep on.  Before my friend discovered them for me, I had a
real problem with stepping out of my shoes, as I have no grip in my toes.
I'm strictly a blue jeans person, and they actually look nice with them.  A
lot of my nurse buddies have picked up a pair or two to wear to work, and
really like them.*
*Gracie  *

Re: [TMIC] Comfortable Shoes Anyone?

2009-09-23 Thread Grace M.

  *Hiya Irish,  *

 *The dishwasher, LOL!  I either throw mine in the washer on gentle, or
 wear them into the shower and scrub them while I'm in there.  I've got
 several pairs of each color.  :-)  *

 *XOXO  *


Re: [TMIC] Who else knew this about Gunny..? (Richard Boyle)

2009-09-17 Thread Grace M.
  *Hiya Kevin,  *

  *Yes, Gunny's a great guy and, as you can see, a BUSY guy, but he always
 takes his time out to help, if it's needed.  He's been instrumental over the
 years in helping several of our NMO members to get into Hopkins quickly, and
 it's most appreciated.  I'm looking forward to his next support meeting
 because I'm gonna try to get myself out there.  *

  *GO GUNNY!  *

  *Hugs, Gracie*


Re: [TMIC] TM and Lupus question

2009-09-17 Thread Grace M.
*Hi Jill,  *
*I have a friend with Systemic Lupus.  She does chemo--Rituxan (Rituximab)
which I also do, though for NMO.  Yes, she has had multiple TM attacks, but
her case is severe.  Not all cases progress like hers has.*

Re: [TMIC] Support groups

2009-09-16 Thread Grace M.
*Grace Mitchell  SW PA  Devic's Support  *

On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 12:54 PM, Cindy McLeroy

  Cindy McLeroy
 Support group leader for Southern CA

 Reply direcly to me if you are interested in joining our group.  We've been
 going strong for almost 7 years.

Re: [TMIC] Unidentified subject!

2009-09-12 Thread Grace M.
*I've taken it for years and no it doesn't make a difference.  MS is a
totally different disease process than idiopathic TM, though MS patients can
certainly present with TM.  *

On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 7:53 AM, Jill Z wrote:

   I wonder if this could work for TM?  Does anyone take this blood
 pressure medicine and notice any difference?  Maybe with some blue gatorade
 and blue MM's it would work better...hehe

Re: [TMIC] I met a TMer!!!!!

2009-09-12 Thread Grace M.
*Hi Gilly.  *
*Isn't it a great feeling to meet someone else who has TM face to face?  I
got to meet two of my NMO friends in the flesh, and it was wonderful.
Someone else actually *gets it*, you know?   *
*Many hugs, and see ya at Facebook,  *

  G'day All,

 It's been such a long time since I've written to the list but I assure you,
 I've been reading and keeping up with you all.  I was devastated to hear we
 have lost another member of our family.  R.I.P.  Rick.

 I've bought myself out of posting retirement today because something so
 special has happened!  I have just said goodbye to my visitors.  They
 are Allen and Andrea Southern.  Andrea is a member of our list, a lurking
 member but a member none the less.

 After 8 years of tm I've never met another person in the flesh who has

 We had a lovely visit and I can't begin to describe how wonderful it was to
 have a real life conversation with another tmer.

 OK, I won't ramble anymore but I did so want to share with you all.

 Gilly, the old girl from Australia.

Re: [TMIC] Death

2009-09-11 Thread Grace M.
*Hi Janice,  *
*I think that we have to remember that just because one has TM doesn't mean
that one is immune from all of the other diseases and disorders that are out
there.  Hypertension, diabetes, cancers, sudden illness, accidents, etc.
Then too, we age, and with aging often come other health concerns.*

On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 1:01 PM, Janice wrote:

 I have only been on this website about a year, but lately it seems that we
 are losing several members.Maybe Frank can weigh
 in on this one.Are these people dying because of TM, or is it that they
 have had it for so many years and they are elderly?
 Or  is it because TM brings on other complications? What do you
 all know about this? I am really getting


[TMIC] Fwd: My beloved husband Jim

2009-09-10 Thread Grace M.
*I am so sorry for your family's loss.  *

On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 12:06 AM, wrote:

Jim left his earthly pains and frustrations behind yesterday evening
 about an hour after being transferred to a hospice house in Davison
 Michigan. Our children and grandchildren and Alice and Ron,and Mary were all
 able to spend time with him before his death. I will forever be grateful for
 the 45 years Jim and I had together and for the wonderful children Jodi
 husband Dave,their daughter Samantha, husband Steven and baby Samuel. Eric
 and wife Cindy and their beautiful girls,Mackenzie,Sierra,Kaleigh,and
 Taylor. A memorial will be held on Saturday Sept.12th at 11:00am at First
 Congregational Church corner of Fifth and Bancroft, luncheon following. In
 lieu of flowers, a donation to the Transverse Myelitis Assoc. for research
 to help fight the disease that Jim fought so valiantly to conquer. In the
 end it was a stroke that took his life.



Re: [TMIC] BM'ers Club

2009-09-09 Thread Grace M.
*I think that our treasurer should set our club dues at the rate of at least
four BM's a month.  Nothing less.  Let's run it past our President, Doc

Re: [TMIC] Fingernail growth ?

2009-09-09 Thread Grace M.
 *Hi Frank,  *

 *I have significant differences in nail texture, growth and thickness.  I
 believe that in my case, it's attributable to all of the meds that I take
 including chemo.  Hopefully, someone else will have some input for you.  *


Re: [TMIC] My wonderful husband Jim

2009-09-08 Thread Grace M.
*Prayers and good thoughts are coming Carol.  Stand strong. *

Re: [TMIC] BM'ers Club

2009-09-08 Thread Grace M.
*ROFL!  Janet, you're a hoot!*

   *From:* Patricia Cooley []
 *Sent:* September 8, 2009 6:53 AM
 *To:* 'Janice';
 *Subject:* RE: [TMIC] BM'ers Club




 *From:* Janice []
 *Sent:* Monday, September 07, 2009 9:52 PM
 *Subject:* [TMIC] BM'ers Club

 I would like to belong to the BM'ers club also. I will try very hard
 not to ask too many questions and will try to keep

 them fairly intelligent. Of course, no one is perfect!


Re: [TMIC] Need info---does anyone have a port?

2009-09-06 Thread Grace M.

  *Hi Janice,  *

  *I**t will be placed in my chest, and will be totally under the skin, so
 I'll be able to bath, swim, and the whole nine yards.  I've managed to find
 a good number of people who have one, and all of them seem to like it.
 Thanks so much for the input. *



   * *

Re: [TMIC] New Medications

2009-09-03 Thread Grace M.
*Hi Robert,  *
*I took 60 mgs of Cymbalta per day for about two years.  It didn't really
help with the banding, pain, or sensory symptoms, but it was great for
depression.  I didn't have any side effects.*

[TMIC] Need info---does anyone have a port?

2009-09-03 Thread Grace M.
*Hi Guys,  *
*My infusion nurse discussed the possibility of having a port inserted for
my Rituximab infusions.  Does anyone here have one, and if so, what has your
experience been?  My veins are a really hard stick and blow easily.  I've
read about using a port, and it sounds quite innocuous but I'd like some
first hand input.  *
*Thanks, *

Re: [TMIC] Digital Removal

2009-09-02 Thread Grace M.
*I'm joining too, Pattie.  Do you think that Frank would agree to be our
*Gracie.A BM'er since 2005!*

Re: [TMIC] Digital Removal

2009-09-01 Thread Grace M.

 *Guys, I was just so happy to see that others have to use the digi-stim
 method.  It gets real lonely out here.  We gotta start a club!  ;-)*

 -Original Message-
 From: Janice
 Sent: Tue, Sep 1, 2009 2:04 am
 Subject: [TMIC] Digital Removal

  For all of you that responded and those of you that just read and
 laughed, I feel like a real dummy! But, having said
 that, it is a rule with this group that ANY questions are answered to the
 best of our ability.Admittedly, most are
 more intelligent.Hopefully, will do better in the future.

 Thanks for all those who answered delicately!


Re: [TMIC] In memoriam

2009-09-01 Thread Grace M.
*I'll be sure to remember her and send up some prayers for the family.
September 9 is also my son's birthday, so I know that I won't forget.*

On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 11:52 PM, Barbara H. wrote:

 As I was preparing the birthday list for this month, I saw that Sept. 9 was
 Pam Montz.s birthday. For those who are new, Pam was a long-time faithful
 TMIC member who just passed away a few months ago. I'm sure her husband,
 Dave, would appreciate a note of remembrance. I think he still has Pam's
 e-mail address open at

 Barbara H.

Re: [TMIC] Digital Removal

2009-09-01 Thread Grace M.
*Oh Barbara, I'm lauging so hard here that I'm in danger of having a pee
accident.  Secret Handshake?!?!?  What a picture!*

On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 11:22 AM, Barbara H. wrote:

 Just so long as there is not a secret handshake. :-D

 Barbara H.

 On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 11:19 AM, Grace M. wrote:

  *Guys, I was just so happy to see that others have to use the digi-stim
 method.  It gets real lonely out here.  We gotta start a club!  ;-)*

 -Original Message-
 From: Janice
 Sent: Tue, Sep 1, 2009 2:04 am
 Subject: [TMIC] Digital Removal

  For all of you that responded and those of you that just read and
 laughed, I feel like a real dummy! But, having said
 that, it is a rule with this group that ANY questions are answered to the
 best of our ability.Admittedly, most are
 more intelligent.Hopefully, will do better in the future.

 Thanks for all those who answered delicately!


Re: [TMIC] Digital Removal

2009-09-01 Thread Grace M.

  *Hi Lynne,  *

  *Stewed prunes sometimes work for me also.  Whenever I am hospitalised, I
 usually have them twice a day.  Since I'm now mobile and out and about
 though, I don't use them quite as often as I tend to have accidents.  If I
 can be sure that I will not have to go out, and that no one will be stopping
 over, then I use them.  It doesn't eliminate the need for digi-stim totally,
 but makes the process much easier.  *


Re: [TMIC] Swine flu vaccine

2009-09-01 Thread Grace M.
*Hi Regina,  *
*I won't be getting it as I attempt to avoid anything that is invasive, even
a simple shot.  I've been kept in an immuno-compromised state for the last
four and a half years.   Luckily, I've only been really ill twice, both
times with pneumonia that responded well to oral antibiotics.  Knock wood
that I'll continue to have good luck.  *

Re: [TMIC]

2009-08-27 Thread Grace M.
*Actually Ella, clipping relaxes the tendon.  I previously took care of a
cerebral palsy patient who had developed horrible contractures of her legs
and arms.  Eventually they did clip her leg tendons, which helped to prevent
the contractures from becoming even worse.  *
*Respectfully,  *


[TMIC] Tenotomy (Tendon clipping Link.)

2009-08-27 Thread Grace M.

Tenotomy is the cutting of a tendon
This and related procedures are also called tendon release, tendon
lengthening, and heel-cord release (for tenotomy of the Achilles


Tenotomy is performed in order to
lengthen muscle that has
developed improperly, or become shortened and is resistant
to stretch.

Club foot is a common developmental
deformity which the foot is
inward, with shortening of one or more
of the muscles controlling the foot and possibly some bone deformity as

Continued at:

Re: [TMIC] able to move slightly

2009-08-24 Thread Grace M.
*Jim, this is absolutely awesome!   What did your Mom say?*
*Gracie   *

On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 11:48 PM, Akua wrote:


 This give me hope, Jim Thank you for sharing!

 The past two weeks I started feeling a tingling in my right lower back.
 When I feel this I am able to move my left thumb! It's been 20 yrs, 4 mos
 since I was paralyzed from the neck down due to TM. When I recline the
 tingling stops and I can not move my thumb no matter how much I try to.

 To show that I was actually moving and not just having involuntary
 twitching, I had my nurse tell me when to move and I moved it. Here is the

 Jim Lubin
 disAbility Resources:


Re: [TMIC] An unpleasant subject.

2009-08-19 Thread Grace M.
I'm so sorry to hear this news.  You're in my thoughts and prayers.


[TMIC] Re: Quadpost/Nitpicking.

2009-07-31 Thread Grace M.

  TM is the result of spinal cord insult , and being a quad can be the
 result of TM.   Our own Jim Lubin is a quad.  There are other quads here at
 this site whom I count among my friends. I am aghast at your statements and
 extremely offended.  I myself do not have TM either, but rather NMO, which
 results in extensive spinal cord involvement, but I have used this list
 since onset.  So, are you suggesting that I too, should shuffle off to
 Buffalo?  It ain't gonna happen.  A compromised spinal cord is a compromised
 spinal cord---it doesn't matter how you get it, and a TM diagnosis does not
 make one special.  This nitpicking has got to stop.

  An extremely offended,


Re: [TMIC] About Lynne--Our ROSEOFRENO.

2009-07-26 Thread Grace M.

  *Dearest Lynn,  *

  *Thank you so much for your most kind words.  You know, several months
 before you helped me, I had totally given up the advocacy effort, leaving it
 all in the hands of our founder, Tim Mulvihill. (Deceased since March of
 2008, and now the angel on my shoulder.)  I was so ill back then, both in
 body and soul, and the often sad stories of other patients and the deaths
 that the group had experienced, were just too much for me.  Tim and I both,
 spent many hours crying over the telephone to each other.  He was an
 extremely loving and kind man, and the plight of patients affected him

  *The day that I received that envelope and card from you, I cried like a
 baby.  Can you ever imagine how wonderful it was to know that someone who
 didn't know me from Adam, actually cared?  It opened my eyes and helped me
 to realize that the singular most important thing I could ever do, would be
 to let others suffering from this *thing* know that that there was someone
 out there, who cared what happened to them.  *

  *It's still bittersweet for me, and every now and again, I start to feel
 overwhelmed and need to withdraw just a bit.  I know in my heart that I'll
 never give it up, and will continue to do the best that I can to reach out
 to patients, and to spread NMO awareness.  (The good and great Lord has
 blessed me with a very big mouth.  ;-)  *

  *Much love,  *


[TMIC] Frank--Re: Brown Sequard.

2009-07-26 Thread Grace M.
*Hi Frank,  *
*Your presentation was also Brown Sequard, wasn't it?  Or am I mistaken?  *
*By the way, how is that hand and wrist?*


2009-07-25 Thread Grace M.

  *Hi  Janice,  *

  *There are no fast and hard set rules about how much of the body is
 affected by any lesion.  In my case (NMO)  my lesion encompassed almost the
 whole of my Thoracic cord.  I presented with Brown Sequard paralysis (Often
 referred to as Hemicord.)  and I have been hit not just once, but three
 seperate times now with substantial paralysis and long hospitalisations each
 time.  Yet, today I walk.  Why do I walk, yet someone else with a similar
 lesion size and presentation cannot---no one really knows.  It's a crap
 shoot.  *

  *Gracie  *

[TMIC] Re: Alton--NMO

2009-07-25 Thread Grace M.
*Hello Alton,

NMO is an autoimmune CNS disease that causes relapsing LETM  (Longitudinal
Extensive Transverse Myelitis) in 90% of patients, relapsing ON (Optic
Neuritis), and in 62% of patients, eventually brain lesions.  It's a very
serious disease and the prognosis is poor.  Within five years, 50% of
patients will be permanently blind in at least one eye (Often bilaterally.)
and permanently parlayzed in at least one limb. (Often more.)  There is a
33% mortality rate in the first five years, with death being caused by
respiratory failure which is the result of a compromised brain stem.  At ten
years, the rate of serious disabilty is 50%.

I failed on first line treatments and currently use Rituximab, a monoclonal
antibody which is a chemo agent.

It's no fun.  :-(



2009-07-25 Thread Grace M.

Technically, Frank is correct.  Many neuros do not like to use the term TM
but refer to it as simply myelitis instead.  Yes, you are correct that an
attack can be acute, or sub-acute.

I suffered from acute myelitis, however my lesion was not Transverse (It was
Brown Sequard) and thus there was hope that I would walk again. Had it been
transverse, I would not have regained function.


Fwd: [TMIC] TM

2009-07-25 Thread Grace M.
Hi Janice,

In my case, the lesion was more pronounced on one side than on the other,
which left me paralyzed and without feeling on one side, and paralyzed with
minimal sensitivity on the other.  To this day, one side is much weaker than
the other.  The lesion began at T2, and as is often common with NMO,
encompassed almost the entirety of the thoracic cord.  Brown Sequard
presentation is uncommon, and is usually the result of trauma.  There are
several members here who initially presented this way.



2009-07-24 Thread Grace M.
*Hello Janice,*
*Yes, a small lesion can affect a relatively small part of the body.
Myelitis simply means inflammation of the spinal cord.  Transverse, means

Re: [TMIC] Constant Fatigue

2009-07-17 Thread Grace M.
*Hi Regina,  *
*I use Amantadine for severe fatigue.  It's an anti viral that is also used
for Parkinsons patients and neurological fatigue.  It works like a charm and
is so much cheaper than Provigil.  *

Re: [TMIC] New onset of TM - little girl

2009-07-17 Thread Grace M.
*It depends on the underlying cause of her TM.  If it is something like NMO
(As in my case.) then immunosuppression via chemo would be something that a
neuro would definitely consider.  If it is idiopathic---then, no.*
*Respectfully, *
*Grace*  *(NMO since 2005)*

Re: [TMIC] arts page

2009-07-05 Thread Grace M.
*Your paintings are beautiful Wim!*

Re: [TMIC] July Birthdays

2009-07-01 Thread Grace M.
*Happy Birthday Everyone!!!*

[TMIC] Sheesh! Stop it Guys!

2009-06-28 Thread Grace M.
*Todd did not intentionally do anything wrong.  He wrote an extremely
supportive post to Naomi.  He in no way disparaged this list, or anyone on
it.  I've known Todd since I first became ill and he has never been ANYTHING
but good to me, and I have never seen him post anything negative to anyone
on this list site.  I also know that he would help anyone here that he
could, if he had the means to do so.  Sadly, not all of us have the means to
do so, myself included.  For the life of me I do not understand what has
been going on here lately.*

Re: [TMIC] Facebook Page

2009-06-27 Thread Grace M.
*Jim,  *
*You have me laughing so hard now.  :-)  I'm the same way, though with me
it's Mahjongg and the strategy games.  If your Mom ends up being too late
with dinner, just call me and I'll send over a Pizza.*
*You're a peach!*

On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 7:40 PM, Jim Lubin wrote:

 It could be... I've been on Facebook for j years and haven't used it as
 much as I have the last 2 weeks since starting Farm Town. Good thing I
 finished putting the latest TMA newsletter online before I got into Farm
 Town, I would have really had some time management problems.

 I got my mom on it too, which might have been a mistake. When harvest time
 happens around our diner time, guess which has been coming first? Yup, we
 have been eating later every night. :-)

 At 07:01 PM 6/26/2009, Cindy McLeroy wrote:


 Now when folks wonder why the list is slow, they should go to facebook and
 check out Farm Town.  That must be where everyone disappears sometimes.
  - Original Message -
 From: bradebi
 To: Akua ; ; Jim
 Sent: Friday, June 26, 2009 3:29 PM
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] Facebook Page

 I am too!!!...I love Farm Town!.I am taking a break... .I am into
 building my Zoo right is addicting too!.

 ---Original Message---

 From: Jim Lubin
 Date: 6/25/2009 7:37:10 PM
 To: Akua;
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] Facebook Page

 there are several TM-ADEM-NMO groups on Facebook, most are linked here

 (who has become addicted to the Farm Town game on Facebook)

 At 06:43 PM 6/24/2009, Akua wrote:
 I'm digging Facebook--- what about creating a fan page.

 Jim Lubin
 disAbility Resources:

 Jim Lubin
 disAbility Resources:

Re: [TMIC] Facebook Page

2009-06-25 Thread Grace M.

 *Hi Jim,  *

 *I'm afraid to even start Farm Town---I KNOW I'll get it
 is, I already need to start attending Mahjong Addicts Anonymous
 meetings  ;-)   Gracie*

[TMIC] Re: (TMIC) Sex.

2009-06-24 Thread Grace M.
*I can't believe that I am going to reply to this, as it's an issue that I
just try hard to avoid, but. okay, so here goes.  During my first NMO
hit, I lost all feeling *there*.  At first I was hopeful that it would
slowly come back, but my second bad hit sealed the deal.  I can remember
lying in my hospital bed trying to get up the nerve to speak with my doc
about it.  Finally one day I mentioned it in passing, but didn't really
press the matter---I was too embarrassed.  Later that night, one of my neuro
nurses came in to sit and talk with me about the disease, as I was her first
NMO patient.  We talked a lot about nerves and nerve damage, and as I was
very savvy re: the implications of having relapsing NMO, we spoke freely.
(She's amazing, and I've since had her as my nurse in the neuro ward, many
times.)  Finally, I just took a big swallow and blurted it out.  She told me
the truth, that in my case it was unlikely that feeling would return, but
that one should still keep hoping that one day there would be some increase
in sensation.  She was correct---I have been numb from my sensory level
downwards since 2005.  Most of my body still feels as if it has been shot up
with Novocaine.  *
*Anyways, I was shell shocked and actually mourned the loss.  To lose
something that is so integral to one's life, is a violation of sorts.  It
was bad enough that I had no control over my other bodily functions, but the
loss of physical sexuality was adding insult to injury.  I felt as if I had
lost my *person-hood*, and had suddenly become androgynous.  I still fight
those feelings, and yes, sometimes I still cry about it.  Sexual contact
offers an intimacy like no other.  Some of us are more sexual than others,
and the loss can often be the cruelest cut of all.  *
*These days I try hard not to ever even think about it.  Whenever I do, I
become extremely angry at what I perceive to be the unfairness of it all,
and I lose sight of what I do still have.  I should be very grateful for
every day that I draw a breath---unfortunately, sometimes the negative
feelings get the better of me.  For me, it's been a tough loss to deal with.
*Okay, signing off before I totally embarrass myself.*
*Grace   *

Fwd: [TMIC] Listen

2009-06-22 Thread Grace M.
*Gunny,  *
*I always knew that you were a wild-man.  ;-)  *
*Hugs, *

  Great idea, Trudy!  I would also like one!  I have one of Barbara
Mandrell, Elvis (I'm sure is from his fan club and a copy), the middle boy
from Father Knows Best, and Andy Griffith.  Does that show my age or
what???  That's okay because I love it, age and all!!!  Jeanne

 *---Original Message---*

 *From:* Trudy Ogilvie
*Date:* 6/22/2009 8:37:06 AM
*Subject:* Re: [TMIC] Listen

Gunny!!  Not only are you a U.S. Marine (one of the few good men)
.. you were the  original drummer for the Edsels..
Do you still do autographs??? with picturesthat really is awesome!
Semper Fi

On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 6:23 PM, wrote:
 Just sittin here reminiscin. I know some of you do and some of you don't,
but this is the first song I was ever on. Yeah, I was thr original drummer
way back in 1959. There's only two originals here on this tape. Marshall
Sewel on the lft, and Harry Green the guy with the galsses and the white
hair, next to Marshall. This is the PBS broadcast.YouTube - The Edsels -
Rama Lama Ding Dong

Download the AOL Classifieds
local deals at your fingertips.

Re: [TMIC] Transverse Myelitis Network

2009-06-17 Thread Grace M.

  *Hi Naomi,  *

  *Very well said.  It's like that for NMO patients also.  Although we too,
 suffer from non traumatic SCI, our needs are very different than the typical
 TM patient.  Our treatments differ greatly---many of us are on heavy duty
 anti-rejection/immunosuppressant drugs, and many (Myself included.) are on
 chemotherapy agents.  We too have members who are quads, and more than a few
 are vented.  Many of them frequent other communities  and we always
 encourage that.  If a patient can find support and validation from other
 patients in the same boat at a different site, we encourage
 them.  Oftentimes, the information that they bring back to us is priceless.

  *Be  well,  *


  * *

Re: [TMIC] Transverse Myelitis Network

2009-06-15 Thread Grace M.

 *The Transverse Myelitis Network is another great way for patients to
 communicate and compare notes.  Many of the TMIC members participate there.
 Our own Marieke is one of the administrators.  I advocate for NMO, and work
 with Sandy Siegel and the TMA crew, and I also have my own site, of which
 Mr. Siegel is extremely supportive.  It's all about spreading awareness of
 issues like TM, and other causes of non traumatic SCI.  There is enough room
 for everyone an no need to quibble.  *

 *Respectfully, *


Re: [TMIC] read receipts?

2009-06-15 Thread Grace M.
 *It's just a feature of mail programs that notifies the sender that their
 mail has been received and opened.  I only use it for business
 correspondence.  *


 * *

Re: [TMIC] Update on Jim

2009-06-11 Thread Grace M.
*Still praying for Jim, Carol.  Keep us posted.*

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