> All right. People who experience a life changing illness, do not all reach
> a point of acceptance at the same time.  It is a process and there is no
> specific time limit or gauge that can determine when that time of acceptance
> will come.   Asking for *understanding* does not mean that one is sitting
> on the pity pot.

In defense of Jeron, I saw nothing in his initial post that indicated that
he was looking for pity. On the contrary I saw a heartfelt post from someone
who was looking for understanding from others who have been through the same
experience.  Just because you (Or I.) have come to a point of acceptance,
does not give us the right to insinuate that someone else who is not at the
same point in their journey, should be where we are---instead we should
respond with mindful kindness.  We don't all *get there* within the same
time frame nor do we all take the same route.  Your way is not better, nor
is it lesser---it is all very individualized.

The majority of people who responded to Jeron's post, did so with
understanding and kindness.  I would hope that we all continue to do so.




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