Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-10-13 Thread silentdreamer
I was shocked to read this stuff. When I read about this awhile ago, I  
couldn't believe my eyes. It's not easy to know what, or whom, to believe.  
All I know is, this is deeply troubling.

 Most groups will have some kind of internal conflict at some time, which  
often interferes with accomplishing the goals that brought them together.

 Whatever's going on, I hope it gets straightened out soon, or it could cause  
people to reconsider who they're supporting. That would be very bad for the  
free software commjnity.

So, to put it simply, I wish those involved would get together and talk- if  
they need a mediator, then have one, but please handle it privately.



Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-10-12 Thread jbh . tech
"I think part of the FSF missing something like "We believe in freedom and  
non-discrimination for that reason we will investigate the situation""

@Arder: Exactly!

I'd add that it would also be comforting (yes onpon, I wrote comforting) for  
the Trisquel project to address this issue in some official way, as opposed  
to ignoring it as they seem to be doing.

The organizations involved will benefit by being proactive about issues like  
this, regardless of the truth/falsity of Leah and Libreboot's accusations, in  
some official manner.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-28 Thread jason

"Harassment it is always complicated and not taken lightly"
You think I take it lightly? On the contrary. But, knowing what I know from  
firsthand knowledge of some of the things that have happened I can 100%  
confirm that at least some of Leah's statements have mischaracterized at  
least some of the events. But at no point have I called Leah a liar. That's  
because there are very fine and subtle points to be made. So please don't  
mischaracterize anything I've said. I've said only that I have first hand  
knowledge that Leah has mischaracterized at least some of the events (and  
note that "at least some" does not mean "all") over the last number of weeks  
which, in my mind, creates reasonable doubt about the rest. I'm not taking  
any particular position on those other things that I don't have firsthand  
knowledge of because I can't know if they're accurately represented or not.  
That is another key point. Perhaps only those things which I know to be  
mischaracterized have been mischaracterized and nothing else. Perhaps not. I  
will probably never know. And so, I'm not not taking it lightly or calling  
Leah a liar. Only saying that, with what I know, it creates questions. It  
makes me wonder, nothing more and nothing less.

"we will investigate the situation"
You think they didn't?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-28 Thread jason
And once again you're trying to make it about some sort of Ruben/Leah  
interaction. Please read  
again. Ruben and Leah have not interacted at all.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-28 Thread greatgnu
hehe, that was one of the first results yielded by searx images. Fellow user  
detected, mybe.. ^^
At first I wanted to gimp some fifty mangy dogs, each saying "gna", but  
realized immediately it would be a huuge time waster, hence I opted for the  
simple way. cia! :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-28 Thread greatgnu

go ssip

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-28 Thread tegskywalker
Since Ruben has been silent, how did he "side" with this person against Leah?  
Did he calmly discuss it or did he laugh at Leah or name call?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-27 Thread distopico
Harassment is simpre complicated and not taken lightly and say that Leah is a  
liar and not really happen, these is complicated might be a bulling or  
something else but in any case I think part of the FSF missing something like  
"We believe in freedom and non-discrimination for that reason we will  
investigate the situation" should take a more neutral position if it really  
happened something more serious.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-27 Thread jason

"I do not know Ruben"
I do and have for years.

"Ruben should be involved and manifested in the mailing list, at least if I  
am innocent and do not believe in sexism and believe in equality would clear  
teh sutiation and apologize if necessary."

Leah has never claimed that Rubén has harassed anyone. Rather than repeat  
what I said earlier I'll just link it:

And so, Leah is calling for Rubén to be fired not because he harassed anyone  
but only because of taking a side. And the side that was supposedly taken, as  
I show in a hypothetical situation that also happens to fit with the  
information Leah provides, could have been completely innocent.

It's important to keep things straight over what people claim and avoid  
mixing things around.

But, considering that Leah has been able to mischaraterize the conversation  
about leaving the GNU Project (see  
for that), it makes me wonder if the nature of the conversation where Rubén  
supposedly "sided" with someone might be similarly mischaraterized. We'll  
probably never really know but Leah's track record (at least with the facts  
that I have been able to directly know myself first hand) is not so good.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-27 Thread distopico
I just heard the news and was really shocked, it is a subject I've seen in  
other communities and groups towards liberation where sadly cases like this  

Something in conclusion I can draw is:

- RMS responded very objective and trying to calm things down.

- Leah took it very personal, but when you're in a community like the free  
software, LGBTI etc., tend to defend yours, but could be more precise and a  
little more "diplomatic" if you can with something so serious.

- I'm a defender of freedom and equality such freedom of gender and sexual  
identity and independent equality of your race, sex, religion, sexual  
identity, species and I think really if there was a case of harassment  
because if it were within a community and I find something similar my  
responsability is report it and would also defend.

- I think the FSF if I try to keep its image, and should on the depth  
investigate the issue and should have taken more sobered something as  
delicate as harassment of someone LGTBI.

- I personally have encountered sexist people in the free software community,  
and have had few discussions irc / xmpp in defense of equality, I do not know  
Ruben, I only crossed a few lines of text with and They were basically on  
their opposition to equality between species (veganism) and animal liberation  
things in which I believe and which somehow mocks once in the irc, in an era  
that sought to contribute more to Trisquel and I my mind think "in a space  
that speaks of freedom as possible scoff at the ideas of others" and from  
there I install Trisquel although in some places, I use Parabola and I fully  

- Ruben should be involved and manifested in the mailing list, at least if I  
am innocent and do not believe in sexism and believe in equality would clear  
teh sutiation and apologize if necessary.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-23 Thread onpon4
I don't know why you bring this up, but gender identity and who you are  
attracted to are two different things. Some people are attracted to both men  
and women, too (bisexuals). If you accept that a trans woman is a woman, then  
she is straight if she's attracted to men and a lesbian if she's attracted to  
women. If you reject that a trans woman is a woman, then he is straight if he  
is attracted to women and gay if he is attracted to men. That's all there is  
to it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-22 Thread onpon4
> There's nothing wrong with an organization or software project making a  
statement in regards to the changes they want to make in order to become more  

Changes such as...?

You're making such a vague request, the only possible ways I can imagine the  
FSF doing what you want are:

1. Saying something to the effect of, "Yes, we will work to make the FSF more  
inclusive." Totally empty.

2. Going out of their way to replace straight white males with transgender,  
ethnic minority, gay, etc people. That would be discrimination.

> This is a serious issue

No, it really isn't.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-22 Thread jbh . tech
I'm glad I don't live from your perspective, onpon4. There's nothing wrong  
with an organization or software project making a statement in regards to the  
changes they want to make in order to become more inclusive.

The following from the Hacker News post  
( makes some good  
points in response to the argument that "technical progress" should be a  
priority in situations like these:

This is a serious issue and you're not helping by trying to dismiss it as  
childish or otherwise delegitimizing it. It's very easy to say “technical  
progress” should be a priority when the issue in question doesn't affect  
you personally but that reflects a gross failure of empathy on your part  
rather than an argument against the Libreboot decision. Open source  
development, especially in the FSF's area, is generally about people  
volunteering their time and valuable expertise to contribute to a public  
good. It is simply unreasonable and unrealistic to suggest that people  
prioritize that goal over every other consideration. As a hypothetical,  
suppose the issue in question was anti-Semitism and a Jewish maintainer  
decided to leave – would you really tell them that they should just be  
focused on creating a free operating system?

To be clear: I am not saying that this is a valid complaint, that the FSF is  
in the right or wrong, etc. I don't know any details about the incidents in  
question but I can see that it's a serious allegation which should not be  
arbitrarily dismissed. I hope that the FSF works to ensure that the community  
and potential new contributors can trust them to follow their stated  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-22 Thread onpon4
> I'm still hoping that Trisquel, GNU, and FSF come out with public  
statements stating that they're working on becoming more inclusive  
organizations, specifically as it relates to trans and other LGBT folks.

Such a statement would be either without substance or a promise to  
discriminate. I don't see why you would want the former and I would  
vehemently oppose the latter.

Also, Trisquel and GNU are not "organizations". They're software. The only  
organization here is the FSF.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-22 Thread onpon4
If she was talking about this thread, then I think Leah has a reading  
comprehension problem, because I have been one of the most outspoken people  
against her here. I assure you, I'm not self-hating.

I don't think Leah has read this thread. She is probably talking about the  
Phoronix and Reddit threads.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-22 Thread jbh . tech
Based on the following, I'm thinking whomever updated the page has read this thread:

Community reaction, and our response

We in the libreboot project are shocked and dismayed by some of the  
community's overall transphobic and sexist responses to this whole ordeal.  
While many have been supportive, others have been hostile. In the first few  
days since the incident, reading several message boards, mailing lists and  
IRC channels, it's obvious that the topic has quickly shifted towards being  
about Leah Rowe, instead of the actual issues at hand. There are calls by  
some to even replace Leah Rowe as leader of the libreboot project, or to fork  
the libreboot project. Her sanity was questioned by the community, while  
others patronisingly say that she is going through a difficult time and is  
acting emotionally. Others have said flatout that she should not have raised  
these issues, or that she should have done it in a more professional manner.  
Tone policing. Respectability politics at its worst.

Of course, it's true that women in society are taken far less seriously, so  
when a trans woman stands up for the rights of another trans person when that  
person is abused, she is considered crazy by some, and belittled by others.  
It's much harder for women - especially trans women - to be taken seriously  
in a community and industry that is still dominated by middle class white  
cisgendered men. The community's negative reaction to this news reflects a  
attitude of prejudice that is the reason a trans person was fired from the  
FSF in the first place.

The libreboot project will stand firm, regardless of what peoples reactions  
may be. We're not going anywhere, and the project is always expanding.

Most of all, we're disgusted with the FSF's damage control response, where  
apparently all they want to do is protect their reputation, without actually  
answering any of the calls against them, hoping that this issue will go away.  
It will not.

I'm thankful most of the folks replying here don't work for the orgs in  
question and I'm still hoping that Trisquel, GNU, and FSF come out with  
public statements stating that they're working on becoming more inclusive  
organizations, specifically as it relates to trans and other LGBT folks.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-21 Thread radiowavers
Just to clarify, it was Lisa Marie Maginnis - the employee who was fired from  
FSF. Leah is her friend, but we don't know if Leah if a transgender too

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-21 Thread radiowavers
By being easily offended, Lisa Marie Maginnis has done a great harm to FSF.  
Libreboot will always be a GNU project, because it cannot exist without GNU  
software! You can't even approach this project without using GNU tools: GCC,  
flashrom, etc. etc. etc. We should save Libreboot from the madness of its'  
leads, and forking seems to be the only way!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-20 Thread gnufreeme
I imagine the religion being referenced is probably Catholic, which I also  
am.   It is not an injustice to embrace the theology of the body of the Holy  
Catholic Church.

We all need to begin with mutual love and respect for each other.  I  
understand that many people will disagree with my beliefs, as I do theirs.
I disagree with the concept of transgender, as I assume many of the posters  
in this forum will disagree with the church's teachings on the virtues of  
chastity and purity.   Still, the same religion that teaches me these things  
also teaches me that I need to see the face of Christ in others.

One of the great things about free software is that it provides a space where  
people who are very different can cooperate and hopefully come to a place of  
mutual respect.   I hope this situation cools to the point where everyone can  
reconcile.  Hope is a virtue too, after all.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-19 Thread agullo
I use an X200 laptop with Libreboot and Trisquel 7.  I am grateful to  
Stallman, Rodríguez and Rowe for it; Stallman for starting the GNU OS,  
Rodríguez for starting the Trisquel distribution, and Rowe for starting  
Libreboot.  By coincidence, I happened to have the chances to talk with the  
three of them, either in person or through e-mail.  For me, having the three  
of them becoming enemies is like the end of the world.

One has to stick to truth, though.  This is a account of the story so far as  
reported to this forum:

1. One person is fired from the Free Software Foundation.  This is a fact  
acknowledged by all, no controversy here.

2. The dismissed person isn't saying anything, at least publicly.  Again,  
this is a fact.  Some have asked not to name this person in order to preserve  
privacy, and I feel that to be right so I am keeping from writing the name -  
as long as this person doesn't willingly come up.

3. Rowe claims that "A transgender employee at the FSF was being harassed by  
a transphobic colleague for being trans" and is asking for three disciplinary  
dismissals at FSF: Sullivan, Mahood and Rodríguez.  Now, this is not a  
witness' claim - as far as I know, the FSF workcenter is in the USA and Rowe  
works in UK, there is a ocean between those workcenters.  This claim is not a  
fact, but an opinion from someone who didn't witness the actual events.

4. The FSF is denying the claim.

Now, how will this matter evolve over time?

i. At present, Rowe's claim is an unsubstantiated claim, backed by none - not  
even the alleged victim.  If no change happens, time will judge Rowe's claim  
just as an unjustifiable, vicious attack on FSF.

ii. Should the dismissed person accuse the FSF for discrimination, then the  
situation would be different.  At least there would be a substantiated claim,  
there would be someone saying "this thing happened to me" - though it still  
had to be verified.  Then either this person would sue the FSF for  
discrimination, of the FSF would sue this person for defamation, or both (or  
none, but I find that to be quite improbable).  Then judgement on the case  
would be provided by the sentence(s).

iii. Should not the dismissed person come up, there still could be grounds  
for a defamation suit against Rowe as long as Sullivan, Mahood and Rodríguez  
are named by Rowe in relation with the case.  Should this happen, again  
judgement on the case would be provided by the sentence.

In the meanwhile, having all kind of speculations running around is just  
harmful, as is the thread "If Rubén harassed Libreboot's Leah Rowe, he  
should be fired and Trisquel shut down" - I agree with Legimet who says,  
"Don't feed the troll".

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-19 Thread Ignacio Agulló, Sáb 17 Set 2016 22:48:52 CEST:

Its interesting that Rubén is mentioned in this post. I'm guessing  
since Rubén has a Hispanic background, there may be some religious  
upbringing on his behalf that may have fueled some discriminatory  
comments towards Leah.

 That is a racist comment.

Ignacio Agulló ·

This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-19 Thread onpon4

You know, something just doesn't add up here.

Very recently, the FSF's staff page was updated to remove the FSF's web  
developer, who was only indicated by a very generic pseudonym, and a job  
offer was posted for a Web developer. I assumed this was the staff Leah was  
talking about. But on Libreboot's contributors page, a completely different  
staff member who is still listed on the FSF's staff page is named, and her  
description says she "is not an FSF employee anymore".

So, if (as I suspect) it is actually this other person mentioned on the  
Libreboot contributors page who was fired, then that tells me that Leah is  
not really as concerned about the staff person's anonymity as she lets on.  
After all, why on Earth would you take time out of your day to write  
something that specifically indicates who you're talking about when a basic  
investigation into the history of the FSF's staff page doesn't reveal this  
and even obfuscates who is being talked about?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-19 Thread blade . vp2020
I find her behavior appalling. What she doesn't seem to get is that she's  
probably done everything possible
to turn the sympathy of the community away from her friend, no matter the  
truth behind the allegations.
She has just publicly embarrassed herself and tarnished the reputation of  

 > Which is these people:
> Stephen Mahood
> Ruben Rodriguez

hay, this action is likely to direct harassment towards the people named. It  
could be risking their personal safety, and
that of disconnected parties, such as their families. We know how vicious  
people can be, especially when afforded anonymity over the Internet.

and She wants donations returned!??
hay, That's not how donations work. You can't just turn around a year later  
and demand it back.

I know Leah and I know the people accused. Leah's statements are without  
merit and twisted into things because she is mad. She has a clear history of  
false and/or misleading statements against people and organizations she  
perceives to have wronged her.

have fun and be free
ali miracle

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-18 Thread csh

u mad bro

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-18 Thread csh
The FSF is welcoming as fuck.  Have you eaten their cupcakes or gone to  
dinner with them?  The shit's ALWAYS vegan, or has substantial vegan options.  
 If that's not welcoming of minorities, I don't know what is.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-18 Thread csh


Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-18 Thread csh


I'm gay and and autistic, and I hate it when people treat me like I'm their  
pet and they can use me to put others down in the name of "defending" me.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-18 Thread greatgnu

> She hasn't responded so I can only assume that she has lost her damn mind.

Yeah, that's exactly my thought each time someone doesn't respond to my mail  
- if one does not he must have lost their mind. I mean, I am so special, how  
can you not answer a mail of mine?? :D

I was always excellent in the art of play down ^^

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-18 Thread adel
"For me, Leah's story about the ex-employee rings true as I can imagine folks  
being hateful and ignorant in situations like that. IT HAPPENS at every  
workplace. I think this is the reason it potentially rings true to all of you  
as well, either because you've seen this kind of discrimination (sexism,  
transphobia, misogyny, racism, classism, etc...) yourself or you've done it  

Just because something happens generally, doesn't make it right to attribute  
that social dynamic to the individual accused people in this situation.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-18 Thread dguthrie

i get the impression you might not know what the term actually means

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-18 Thread dguthrie

inb4 the "muh SJW ruining our software" comments

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-18 Thread onpon4
I don't like the whole "-" button thing, but it's only hidden by default if  
you have JavaScript enabled until you click a button, so people can still  
read it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-18 Thread strypey
Regarding their public statement, it would have been unethical and unwise for  
the FSF to:
* mention any details about the former employee, their employment situation,  
or why they no longer work for the organisation

* doxx LR as the source of the allegations
* mention any details about other FSF employees doxxed by LR
* indicate any willingness to enter into a trial by internet, and risk  
attracting the sensationalist, scandal-mongering gutter press, whose only  
contribution would be to represent the software freedom movement as a 2 penny  
freak show

AFAICT tell the FSF has taken the only ethical action available to them. They  
made a public statement that they don't make hiring/firing decisions based on  
arbitrary personal qualities, and affirming that they actively oppose  
discrimination, including transphobia, by linking to the Safer Spaces Policy  
used at FSF events:
"The FSF is dedicated to providing a harassment-free LibrePlanet experience  
for everyone

"Harassment includes offensive verbal comments related to gender, sexual  
orientation, disability, physical appearance, age, body size, race, religion,  
sexual images in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following,  
harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other  
events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention."

BTW the original comment by jdenz (currently hidden) represents an  
influential set of opinions about how best to deal with discrimination  
issues. Although I disagree with most of it, I think it's an important  
comment for understanding where the safer spaces secret police are coming  
from on this issue (not to mention understanding the subsequent exchange  
between jdenz and onpon4). I think it should be unhidden by the mods.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-18 Thread blade . vp2020

its seme she sJWS

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-17 Thread jbh . tech

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-17 Thread onpon4
I didn't look at its cover, I looked at the description, and it's filled with  
the type of stuff I see from social justice propaganda all the time. Also,  
nothing in the description is something I haven't heard before, and it's all  
stuff that I regard as illegitimate.

I'm sorry, but you can't make me buy into your ideology by putting it into a  
book, giving it a description that includes nonsense I've already dismissed  
time and time again, and telling me that I should both pay money for that  
book and dedicate precious time that I could spend doing something far more  
worthwhile reading that book instead.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-17 Thread jbh . tech

Never judge a book by its cover, or something like that. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-17 Thread jbh . tech
"Even if it has some merit I think it would be a mistake to assume that the  
FSF would be doing nothing about it behind closed doors. This is not an  
appropriate conversation to have with anyone outside of the organization."

Yeah, I would hope so too. However, it's very difficult to tell this from the  
official FSF response about this issue. I think the FSF can do a better job  
with that response and let folks know they are (and maybe always do) handle  
things like this appropriately ... instead of appearing to deny and ignore.

"And I certainly won't be suspending donations over what is almost certainly  
a false allegation."

I don't know how you can say this without having more info. I mean, I get how  
you won't suspend your donations, but not how you know it's "almost certainly  
a false allegation."

What do you all do at ThinkPenguin to ensure a welcoming, warm, safe  
environment for your employees?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-17 Thread onpon4
> Bigotry is a much more up-front, in your face action whereas discrimination  
can take place in subtle ways

You still have it wrong. Discrimination is treating people (or potentially  
other things) differently. Bigotry is a belief that a group of people is  
inferior to another group. These are two totally different things. Bigotry is  
backwards, but it's not unethical because it's just what someone believes.  
Discrimination based on bigotry is unethical because it's an actual action  
that affects people.

> I'm curious what you all think of the book "Whipping Girl: A Transexual  
Woman on Sexism"?

I couldn't care less. I've never heard of it and have no intention of reading  
it. From reading a description of it, it sounds like nothing more than  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-17 Thread chris
You make the assumption that it's not a warm and welcoming environment to  
begin with. The FSF has had other transgender persons (and LGBT folks).  
Nobody except for this one third party has ever made any claims indicating  
it's not warm and welcoming environment. The other people here who actually  
are transgender and/or LGBT and know the people involved well are saying none  
of what Leah Rowe is saying adds up. Even if we had someone that didn't have  
this past history of problematic claims we shouldn't just accept such a  
serious allegation as fact. It's only reasonable to assume innocence unless  
some pretty substantial evidence is provided to the contrary.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-17 Thread infinityfallen
Thank you for pointing these things out. I was unaware of the things you have  
pointed out.

I failed to specify it in my original comment, but I do not condone the use  
of 'mental illness' to refer to 'alternative mental wirings'. My statement  
was meant to refer to the fact that being transgender, as well as some other  
various personal attributes, appear to derive from differences in the brain  
of the individual. However, they are not 'ill' and most definitely do not  
need to be 'cured'. I apologise if any offence was taken at the implication.

I was unaware of any prior behaviour being associated. Presuming my  
interpretation of the statement is correct (some behaviours are exhibited  
which suggest this is not merely 'high emotions'), I still stand by the  
statements made above, with the modifications mentioned above, but cede that  
my judgement may be incorrect.

As regards the need for compassion, I agree. Whilst I feel that Leah's  
behaviour needs to be addressed, she is suffering right now. She needs care  
and understanding more than anything right now.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-17 Thread jbh . tech
I never stated FSF/GNU/Ruben are guilty of what Leah Rowe claims. I do  
believe that they are not perfect and that they have a lot of room for  
growth, especially as it pertains to being inclusive and welcoming as  
individuals and as organizations. I'm confident of this statement because I  
know ALL of us have room for this kind of growth.

I believe that there's enough possibility that something really shitty  
happened to this ex-employee as there is enough possibility that there is a  
serious misunderstanding or it's all made up. Either way, I think folks  
should take this seriously and withhold donations until it's ironed out.

"HELL no. That would not be a "win", that would be an unreasonable  

Ok, fair enough. What is your desired outcome from this? What would be a  
"win" for you and for other trans folks? In your opinion, what would be a win  
for those of us who've experienced similar issues with the FSF and Trisquel?

To me, it's not about setting up a "protected class," per se. In this case,  
we're talking about transgender folks, but we could be talking about anyone,  
even old wealthy white dudes. I think it's about cutting through the bullshit  
of did it or did it not happen and moving into the healing process of what  
can we do to help more folks feel comfortable contributing to and working  
with the FSF, to GNU projects, Trisquel, and to Free Software in general.

Sure, it's possible Leah Rowe and/or the ex-employee are making all of this  
up. Yet, even if that is the case, there's still room for the FSF/GNU and  
Ruben to grow from this experience and truly move towards a welcoming and  
warm environment for everyone.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-17 Thread onpon4
> The potential victim is an ex-employee of the FSF. Leah Rowe is doing the  
right thing by bringing attention to this issue and supporting the potential  

No. Leah has not provided one shred of evidence for what supposedly happened,  
or even explained what supposedly happened. If her accusation is true, there  
are proper venues for the ex-employee to use. Spreading rumors is not one of  

> For me, Leah's story about the ex-employee rings true as I can imagine  
folks being hateful and ignorant in situations like that.

I can imagine a Tyrannosaurus rampaging through New York City. That doesn't  
make it reality.

I can also imagine plenty of reasons why a vindictive ex-employee who was  
fired for legitimate reasons might want to spread false allegations about her  
former employer. I'm not going to claim that's what's happening here; I don't  
know. But the point is, it's not rational to assume that the FSF is guilty of  
discrimination because someone says so (without even explaining what  
supposedly happened, let alone providing evidence) just because you can  
imagine it happening.

> you've seen this kind of discrimination (sexism, transphobia, misogyny,  
racism, classism, etc...) yourself or you've done it yourself.

Nope, never. And by the way, bigotry and discrimination are not the same  
thing, as you suggest they are.

> It's equally wrong to say that Ruben (quidam) is completely innocent  
without seeing more information.

No, it's wrong to do anything but presume innocence until evidence of guilt  
is presented. No evidence of guilt has been presented.

> P.S. I single out Ruben here because I know he reads this forum

No, he doesn't. He only reads what is specifically pointed out to him e.g. on  

> if he's not at least reading through this topic, then he's far more messed  
up than Leah describes.

This is nonsensical drama based on accusations without evidence. It's quite  
funny, but I don't want Ruben wasting his time on this.

> Ruben, you know what would win you a lot of points in this situation ... if  
you wrote a comment here admitting your imperfections, admitting that you  
need help understanding and accepting transgender folks, and asking for  
suggestions on how to make this forum, Trisquel, and the other projects you  
work on (maybe including the FSF) more inclusive.

HELL no. That would not be a "win", that would be an unreasonable concession.  
Ruben doesn't need help "understanding and accepting transgender folks".  
Transgender people are just that: people. We don't need to be treated like  
some sort of protected class. I don't want to be in a protected class.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-17 Thread bernardlprf
"I'm in agreement with Leah that folks should stop donating to GNU and FSF  
until something more substantial has been done by them."

Do you know what Innocent until proven guilty means ?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-17 Thread jbh . tech
Ruben (quidam) and the rest of yous need to take this situation seriously and  
try hard not to blame the victim. The potential victim is an ex-employee of  
the FSF. Leah Rowe is doing the right thing by bringing attention to this  
issue and supporting the potential victim. The FSF's official response  
doesn't address the situation correctly nor adequately and it's clear that  
more work needs to be done within that organization ... that is, if the  
organization truly intends to be inclusive of all people.

I'm in agreement with Leah that folks should stop donating to GNU and FSF  
until something more substantial has been done by them.

As RMS stated, the official action taken by the FSF was unrelated to the  
gender of the employee. This may be true, however, he needs to insist that  
the FSF look into the UNOFFICIAL actions of its employees, especially those  
actions that may have caused this ex-employee harm.

For me, Leah's story about the ex-employee rings true as I can imagine folks  
being hateful and ignorant in situations like that. IT HAPPENS at every  
workplace. I think this is the reason it potentially rings true to all of you  
as well, either because you've seen this kind of discrimination (sexism,  
transphobia, misogyny, racism, classism, etc...) yourself or you've done it  

Can the FSF make improvements to make their workplace safer and more  
welcoming to more people? Yes, definitely. It's wrong to say that somehow the  
FSF has a perfect work environment. It's equally wrong to say that Ruben  
(quidam) is completely innocent without seeing more information.

Lots of things many take for granted may need to be changed in order to be a  
more inclusive and welcoming organization. For instance, the lack of co-ed  
bathrooms and not putting preferred gender fields in personnel files and on  
ID badges may contribute to a more difficult experience for transgender  

So, no, the FSF and Ruben are not perfect and they never will be. It's now up  
to them to admit that they're not perfect and learn from their mistakes, even  
if their mistakes don't involve the situation Leah describes. They need to  
break through the machismo surrounding this conversation by humbling  
themselves and being open to the possibility that the three people Leah  
mentions did something hurtful. If they can't admit this basic fact about not  
being perfect and if they cannot remain open about this important issue, then  
yeah, Leah's totally right about them not deserving to be around anymore.

P.S. I single out Ruben here because I know he reads this forum and he's one  
of the three folks listed by the Libreboot project as having to be removed  
from the FSF. I know he reads this forum because he recently posted in  
another forum topic  
and if he's not at least reading through this topic, then he's far more  
messed up than Leah describes.

P.P.S Ruben, you know what would win you a lot of points in this situation  
... if you wrote a comment here admitting your imperfections, admitting that  
you need help understanding and accepting transgender folks, and asking for  
suggestions on how to make this forum, Trisquel, and the other projects you  
work on (maybe including the FSF) more inclusive. We've all made mistakes, we  
all need to learn more about transgender and LGBT issues, and we all need to  
admit this to ourselves and to those around us.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-17 Thread chris
I think people tend to use the word 'mental health' to say it nicely. Leah  
may have a problem that is unrelated to being transgender even if her  
behaviour may somewhat resemble someone in an early phase of transitioning.  
What I think people are associating is paste behaviour which pre-date this  
transition. 'Mental health' is a term used to describe a wide range of health  
related problems and does not mean someone is 'crazy'.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-17 Thread infinityfallen
I agree with you that she is acting irrationally, and am also confident you  
have no intention of causing offence. However, please be aware that there is  
a difference between "strong emotions" (from which Leah is undoubtedly  
suffering right now) and "mental illness".

Mental illness is a malfunctioning of the brain, whereby it behaves in such a  
way as to cause detriment to the human suffering from the illness. The term  
is also often used to refer to what I would call "alternative mental wiring",  
where the 'malfunction' is both permanent and harmless. Leah does exhibit  
such an alternative mental wiring (being transgender), but (as you have  
mentioned) that was not to what you were referring. In case it needs to be  
mentioned, I in no way condemn or believe such alternative mental wirings to  
be problematic; I myself exhibit one, and am not at all ashamed of it.

High emotions often cause similar symptoms to certain mental illnesses, but  
they are not malfunctions. Rather, they are a core part of the human body's  
defence mechanism. Irrationality is not a failing of these, but rather a key  
part of maximising mental agility in situations where it is needed.

Whilst I honestly do believe you had no intention of harming anybody, please  
do be aware that calling sudden outbursts of irrational or childish behaviour  
"mental illness" helps reinforce public stigma against and misunderstanding  
of mental illness. Recent public discussion of such issues has been extremely  
problematic in this regard, no doubt due to the presence of a high-profile  
political candidate whose behaviour is extremely offensive to an array of  
different groups, and it is thus particularly important now to ensure "mental  
illness" does not become synonymous with "offensive/irrational behaviour".

Once again, please note that I do not take offence at your choice of words. I  
just hope you realise the potential damage such applications of the term  
"mental illness" cause, and will consider attempting not to use it in such  
contexts in future.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-17 Thread infinityfallen
It appears I can't edit the original comment, but you're right in saying  
there is no evidence for the claims. The statement "evidence is scarce" was  
regarding all accusations made (e.g. firing a trans employee), some of which  
are supported, but context didn't make that particularly clear.

As regards your other statements, I agree whole-heartedly. I can't draw on  
personal experience, not being transgender myself. However, it both saddens  
and infuriates me to see Leah trying to exploit a perfectly legitimate cause  
to turn what appears to be a perfectly normal firing into a tech-media  
sensation. I accept that she is likely very emotional about this issue, and  
she has a right to be. I just wish she would direct that anger to the FSF  
privately first, rather than publicly smearing the most prominent free  
software organisation around over unfounded accusations.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-17 Thread calmstorm

I guess I don't know what is going on then...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-17 Thread calmstorm
Absolutely not, I just thought she must be suffering from a mental illness  
because of the fact that she is acting irrational.

She thinks that attacking the free software foundation because of what she  
thinks is discrimination by trying to get people to boycott/get them to leave  
even though she supports free software is a good idea.

but the truth is, she is not thinking this through.

Her project is tied to free software right? well why would she attack the  
very organization that gives her project life?

isn't that irrational?

I just thought as i connected the dots that she must be suffering from some  
mental illness, I am not trying to be offensive I assure you.

On the contrary I would like to help her if I can get back to a wholeness  
where she can think straight.

I wish those around her the best of luck trying...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-17 Thread tegskywalker
Are you insinuating that she has a mental illness due to her transgender  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-17 Thread adel
It's patronizing and maybe unfair to attribute Leah's comments to "problems"  
(personal, mental health, whatever), I think.  I agree with you in principle  
though ... everyone has problems and goes through difficult times.  Great,  
now I'm patronizing and unfair too.

Leah's allegation is more a conclusion than her version of the facts (I only  
know what I read in this topic).  There's nothing substantive for the FSF to  
respond to.  It doesn't tell us much that the FSF's conclusion is the  
opposite of Leah's, except that it is the opposite of Leah's.

I can't help but wonder whether there is more to this story.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-17 Thread dguthrie
There is no evidence she is suffering from a mental illness. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-17 Thread calmstorm
hmm... I hope she can recover from whatever mental illness she is suffering  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-17 Thread calmstorm

I would agree wholeheartedly.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-17 Thread calmstorm

Ah, but it does have the same form of anger... alas true and sad...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-17 Thread chris
It seems that most people are seeing through the accusations regardless of  
what they see as the reason for the post. I don't think it's hurting the FSF  
is the least. There are legitimate gripes about the FSF, people within, and  
people at similar organizations, etc. However we need to step back and  
realize no organization and no person is perfect. Take a deep breath. I've  
had good friends essentially attack me who saw things from the other side of  
an issue. They said things like "I'll never work with anybody X list" where X  
list was signing in support of person Y who later turned out to be largely  
falsely accused. Person Y may not have been the nicest person in the world  
and he may have had a sexual social preference that some people didn't like,  
but that didn't make him a rapist.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-17 Thread tegskywalker
Its interesting that Rubén is mentioned in this post. I'm guessing since  
Rubén has a Hispanic background, there may be some religious upbringing on  
his behalf that may have fueled some discriminatory comments towards Leah.

If Rubén gets axed, does that mean that Trisquel gets dissolved as well?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-17 Thread tegskywalker
Just saw this from

"Update: Leah Rowe has contacted me to say that there's now this page with their side: Leah is now calling not just for the  
resignation/firing of the executive director but also the two employees  
allegedly involved in this incident. She is also calling for a boycott on the  
FSF and more projects to leave the GNU. She is also seeking that the Free  
Software Foundation refund $6120 USD she has reportedly donated to them since  
last year."

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-17 Thread gromobir
There is now an official announcement from Libreboot:

This whole issue is wrong on so many levels and does so much harm to the GNU  
project, the FSF and (most of all) to Libreboot itself. Let's hope that all  
involved parties can soon talk things through and fix this once and for all.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-17 Thread chris
We should be supportive of Leah, but not of the accusations. It seems to me  
that the majority of people have problems. Some are more apparent than others  
and we should look at it in that context. If you had problems wouldn't you  
want people to support you as well? Leah has severe problems and we should  
look at it in this context. We should neither fry John, Rubén, or Stephen,  
nor be angry with Leah for making these accusations. What we need to do is  
take a deep breath and hope that Leah gets better.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-17 Thread chris
I know all the parties involved in this spat pretty well except for Stephen  
Mahood and at least for everybody else I'd say none are remotely homophobic  
or transphobic. Based on my experience with Leah is any indicator I'll  
probably be brought into this next for making this statement.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-17 Thread dguthrie

> *Tehnoetic anger towards thinkpenguin/Luke*
this is more than a forum spat

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-17 Thread calmstorm
I tried emailing her to tell her in a more gentle tone that this isn't doing  
anyone any good.

She hasn't responded so I can only assume that she has lost her damn mind.

Read my post that is further down and you will get a good idea what I am  

*Tehnoetic anger towards thinkpenguin/Luke* that is what this reminds me of.

Unjustified anger and foolishness...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-17 Thread calmstorm

Well if none of this is true at all, how sad that is then...

I hope Leah changes her ways and realizes she was in the wrong.

But moreover, this feels almost like the same anger that the founder of  
Tehnoetic had towards chris from thinkpenguin and Luke the creator of the  
EOMA68 standard...

Another words, false and unnecessary...

more and more curious... hm...

regardless we shouldn't shun her or be mean to her, that will only make her  
feel justified in her anger.

However, we shouldn't condone her actions either since they are not true.

Very tricky... mhm.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-17 Thread dguthrie

ruben rodriguez is sysadmin at fsf, and develops trisquel.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-17 Thread jason

" So is it true that libreboot leaves the gnu project?"

Yes, Leah says she removed it from the GNU Project. That can be seen in her  
message although still says it's a GNU Package  
but perhaps that just hasn't been updated. Although that question seems  
unimportant. Libreboot still exists regardless. The whole thing is, in my  
view, an overreaction to the events that happened especially given that they  
appear to be false.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-17 Thread onpon4
I hadn't either, but it takes seconds to confirm that it is the name of the  
Libreboot developer (just check the Git repository), and while you can't see  
it since you're not subscribed to the mailing list, the email address matches  
as well. (There's a "reply" button that will show you the email address after  
a redirect.) The main point, though, is that no one has been questioning the  
origin of these emails or their author's connection to Libreboot.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-17 Thread dguthrie

I'm neutral in the issue
But this is standard statement

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-17 Thread dguthrie

name change
same person

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-17 Thread keiyamashita
You aren't the only one thinking about it in this light:

I wonder how often employers consider this when employing trans people. I  
hate that things like this can ignite even without anything actually  
happening. I think that regardless of the truth of her statement, the way she  
handled it does more harm to the LGBT+ people in free software like us than  
anything else.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-17 Thread greatgnu
The dismissal of the staff person was not because of her gender. Her gender  
now is the same as it was when we hired her. It was not an issue then, and it  
is not an issue now.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-17 Thread onpon4

The evidence isn't just scarce, there's no evidence at all.

Misunderstanding or not, Leah is clearly in the wrong here. This type of  
behavior, making a public accusation without evidence in an obvious attempt  
to bring a hate mob against the FSF, is unethical. It's also only detrimental  
to the cause she claims to support; when people are ready to start a  
shitstorm any time a trans person gets fired for any reason, employing any  
trans person in the first place is a liability.

On a personal level, I don't believe for a second that Leah's accusations are  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-17 Thread onpon4
What are you talking about? If this were an impostor, Leah Rowe would be able  
to inform everyone about it in seconds. And that's assuming the email headers  
were perfectly forged, which I don't know the technical details of, but if  
they weren't, then that would easily raise suspicion among all those  
subscribed to the mailing list. (Detectably forged email headers usually  
raise red flags in email clients.)

Every email indicated to be from Leah Rowe is only confirming the original  
email, and most recently even taking it further by demanding for John  
Sullivan to resign after flat-out calling him a liar.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-17 Thread infinityfallen
Leah has named the two people she blames for bullying the fired employee as  
Stephen Mahood and Rubin Rodriguez, accusing the FSF of 'lying' in their  
public statement:

I have my suspicions about these discrimination claims. The evidence is too  
scarce to speak with any certainty, but RMS's statement and well-established  
history of support for equality (in gender identity and other areas),  
combined with the hardships and consequential anger derived from both being a  
minority and losing one's job, make me suspect that a large part of this is a  
misunderstanding and/or misinterpretation.

Hopefully the situation is resolved as quickly and amicably as possible, with  
(if necessary) suitable action being taken to ensure the FSF and GNU provide  
a safe environment for people of all varieties to learn about and contribute  
to freedom in computing.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-16 Thread jason

And now the FSF makes an official statement:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-16 Thread jason

Evidence to the contrary:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-16 Thread dguthrie

i thought it was kind of over the top in some respects

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-16 Thread onpon4
I'm a trans person too, and you know what makes my blood boil? Well, two  
parts of this: one, making this into a form of identity politics, and making  
accusations without providing a shred of evidence.

I'm sorry, but even if the accusation is true, this behavior is unacceptable,  
and it's not helping. All you're doing is making it a liability for any trans  
person to be employed in the first place, because the employer risks some  
idiot SJW bringing fire on them when they fire that employer for a legitimate  

Leah, you can go fuck yourself. This is not an even remotely ethical way to  
deal with perceived discrimination.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-16 Thread lilos1

Someone try to destroy the project cos it is only alternative to free Pc!
I can say we must fork it ! Cos is based on coreboot!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-16 Thread legimet . calc

No evidence given that this actually happened.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-16 Thread tegskywalker

This can be one of two things:

1. Fired for performance and then this person stirs up the pot by saying it  
was gender related hoping there is a lawsuit. This is very common in  
corporate America when a black employee is fired. I forgot what its called,  
so check your PHR/SPHR/SHIRM guides.

2. Fired for being LGBTQ. If so, the FSF should get its non profit status  
revoked and the organization shut down. The GPL will still exist, but the FSF  
will be removed from any FLOSS association and history entirely.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-16 Thread dguthrie

inb4 the trolls
I remember the "EU: All your internet is belong to us" thread... *shudders*!
I support Libreboot if true but we need to hear all sides of the story before  
we make conclusion.
There is a lot of sexism underlying software industry etc so it is somewhat  
plausible. But lets hear both sides first of course.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-16 Thread greatgnu
Both sides of the story have to be equally heard, and as the mate said,  
accusations without proof are just flatulence.
That being said I really don't think anyone with decisional power at the FSF  
would fire or has fired someone for their sexual orientations. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-16 Thread calmstorm
Hmm... I really hope this can be sorted out and that this can be reconciled,  
but I also hope that Leah will change her mind on punishing the whole fsf/gnu  
because of a few morons.

I will still support libreboot probably, but I am disappointment with this  
news on both sides.

I believe both sides of the fence have some wrongs within them.

didn't know that Leah was transgender though...

regardless though, I must refuse to take a side for now as I don't know the  
whole story.

I hope Leah reads this and understands that there can be better options used  
to fix problems then just going full blown angry on people.  Even if they  
deserve it. which I am sure there were a few who did deserve it...

Let us use our anger to solve the problem not create more problems.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-16 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
Indeed, we must be careful not to post such things without clear proof.

If there's an accusation, there has to be a proof.

This ends my main comment.

Some back-story involving me:

I once studied in a college were I was persuaded into signing a petition
requesting the college to hire again a past worker. The person who
handed the petition to me told me that the college fired the worker due
to his/her sex orientation. But the petition didn't mention this
clearly. I was young at the time, so I signed it,

Since the director of that college was also a teacher there, he once
mentioned the petition he received to the class in the open, and
threatened me for what I did. As the issue unfolded some weeks later, we
decided to contact the person fired and ask him/her to meet us with the
documents that he/she received when fired (including his/her worker's
handbook). During the meeting, we were told that the firing had a clear
reason/justification, and we also checked the relevant documentation,
only to find out that the director was right. The worker was repeatedly
absent, didn't present a reasonable statement (generally, a medical
one), and wasn't in his/her vacation.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-16 Thread bernardlprf

yeah I saw those one the mailing list.
Child like emails
No context given.

Same here, I don't believe that the FSF did anything wrong.
More false alarms than anything else.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot leaves FSF. Says FSF shouldn't exist anymore.

2016-09-16 Thread ewlabonte
I find it difficult to believe that the FSF fired somebody simply because he  
or she was transgendered. There must be more to it than that.