Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-11 Thread Lance Muir
David said: "Seems like too many think it too rude to tell David Miller that
he is wrong about THIS and why he is wrong." Please tell us with as much
clarity and precision as is possible  the THIS you're believing. With
apologies in advance to those who find this objectionable, don't quote
scripture. Say in your words what you believe scripture teaches on THIS. If
you've done this before I missed it. The BT/DM discussion is valuable. I
appreciate it. Extend the context from word & tense to God Himself. This, I
believe, is where all discussions end. The mind/heart of God on the matter
is...Blessings, LanceApril 10, 2004 23:24
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

> Bill wrote:
> > I bring my knowledge of these truths from the
> > Gospels of Christ with me to my translation of
> > John's epistle. I do not apologize for that.
> Yes, it does seem to me that you let your theology force itself upon the
> passage.  We all bring such with us, but we should try to let the
> passage speak for itself.  I certainly do not disagree with the theology
> you bring, but when it blinds you to other issues being brought forth,
> that is troublesome to me.
> Bill wrote:
> > And so you or any Greek scholar are welcome
> > to disagree with my rendering of these Greek
> > words. I ask only that you be honest enough
> > to consider what you are bringing with you
> > when you go to the same text and begin
> > to translate.
> I think I am well aware of what I bring with me, but if not, it seems
> like nobody will step up to the plate and tell me about it.  Seems like
> too many think it too rude to tell David Miller that he is wrong about
> this and why he is wrong.
> Look, you never addressed my main question.  I never objected to word
> order at all, but you gave a long lecture about how word order does not
> matter.  Fine.  No problem there.  My problem was with how you perceived
> "pas" to be modifying "oidamen."  I have been taught and have observed
> in the Greek Bible that adjectives always agree in case, gender, and
> number with the words they modify.  So if this word was being used to
> modify "oidamen" as you say, it should be plural instead of singular.
> In other words, the word would have been rendered "pantes" instead of
> "pas."  Therefore, I reject your translation on this basis.  If you say
> fine, and leave it at that, then I guess life goes on.  However, I think
> a truly honest discussion would consider this point and attempt to help
> me understand my error, or you would recognize that you have brought too
> much of your theology into play here and are missing the aspect that
> John is bringing out here, and that is how Christ becomes incarnated
> within us, how we partake of his divine nature, and how it finds
> expression through us.  We truly receive power to become sons of God, as
> John mentions in his gospel.
> I also asked you to show some passages which use "pas" as a modifier in
> the way that you suggest, but your response offered none.  This is a
> very common word, used more than 1200 times.  I have checked many and I
> can't find any.  I can only assume from your silence that you have never
> seen it either.  I have brought to you other passages that have used
> "pas" in connection "ho" and seems to translate it well as "whosoever."
> No comment from you about that.
> In this last post, you seem to want to force "pas" as a modifier and do
> not realize that adjectives often stand alone.  Mounce terms this being
> either "adjectivally" or "substantivally."  Obviously I take the
> position that "pas" is used substantivally here, but you seem to see no
> option for that.
> I presented the interlinears, hoping for you to provide your own, and
> perhaps from there lead to a translation that is appreciative of the
> words used in the text.  I was a little confused by your reference to
> "transliteration" when it seemed that you perhaps meant the interlinear
> translation.  You seemed to agree with the interlinears I provided, yet
> your translation strays very far away from it.  You claim liberty to do
> this because a transliteration is not a translation.  Ok.  How about
> then providing me with other Greek scholars fluent in Greek who would
> translate this passage as you have.  I have searched dozens of
> translations and I can't find one.  Many do try and mangle this verse to
> keep it from saying what it obviously says.  Their theology, which is
> similar to yours, is obviously being pushed into their translations, yet
> none of them are so bold as to translate this first phrase as speaking
> about Christ rather than all of us who are born of God through faith in
> Christ.
> You may be tired of this whole thing and if so, no big deal.  I'm ready
> to move on too, but if we leave it at this, I must admit to being a
> little dissatisfied.  At the very least, you should say something about
> how an adjective in the singular can be used to modify a word that is
> plural.  Why 

[TruthTalk] Fwd: Fw: Bible Jim's Website Feedback---HAPPY EASTER!!

2004-04-11 Thread ELSMANLAW

--- Begin Message ---

> Sender's Name: Shrill gay boy at asu
> Sender's Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Message: You are a sad excuse for a person Bible thumpin Jim. All you do
is spew lies and hate and if there is a god, you will get what you deserve
in the end. A big fat bolt up ur ass. I think you should be hit by a rainbow
float, and whos driving it is rupaul and elton join. I hope you know there
is karma out there, and you will get back what you send out. I hope your
\"wife\" other wise known as your left hand, cheats on you and leaves you
with nothing but your trailer and your imbredded children. You are a
disgrace towards human kind and I hope u choke on those evil hate words that
you spew out,loser..

--- End Message ---

Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-11 Thread Lance Muir
At the consummation of the age do we go to heaven or, does heaven come to
us? Did Jesus assume the pre or post fallen nature of Adam at the
Incarnation? Is human nature comprised of one, two or three "parts" (body,
soul, spirit)? The rapture? Does what/how we believe influence how we live?
Yes. This is how we determine who someone actually is.Have you ever met
someone(s) who's "understanding" appears wrong on some thing(s) but, whose
life (lives) are so utterly genuine as to be humbling when in their
presence? "Talking of Truth" is beneficial but...Blessings, Lance
From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: April 11, 2004 05:21
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

> David said: "Seems like too many think it too rude to tell David Miller
> he is wrong about THIS and why he is wrong." Please tell us with as much
> clarity and precision as is possible  the THIS you're believing. With
> apologies in advance to those who find this objectionable, don't quote
> scripture. Say in your words what you believe scripture teaches on THIS.
> you've done this before I missed it. The BT/DM discussion is valuable. I
> appreciate it. Extend the context from word & tense to God Himself. This,
> believe, is where all discussions end. The mind/heart of God on the matter
> is...Blessings, LanceApril 10, 2004 23:24
> Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection
> > Bill wrote:
> > > I bring my knowledge of these truths from the
> > > Gospels of Christ with me to my translation of
> > > John's epistle. I do not apologize for that.
> >
> > Yes, it does seem to me that you let your theology force itself upon the
> > passage.  We all bring such with us, but we should try to let the
> > passage speak for itself.  I certainly do not disagree with the theology
> > you bring, but when it blinds you to other issues being brought forth,
> > that is troublesome to me.
> >
> > Bill wrote:
> > > And so you or any Greek scholar are welcome
> > > to disagree with my rendering of these Greek
> > > words. I ask only that you be honest enough
> > > to consider what you are bringing with you
> > > when you go to the same text and begin
> > > to translate.
> >
> > I think I am well aware of what I bring with me, but if not, it seems
> > like nobody will step up to the plate and tell me about it.  Seems like
> > too many think it too rude to tell David Miller that he is wrong about
> > this and why he is wrong.
> >
> > Look, you never addressed my main question.  I never objected to word
> > order at all, but you gave a long lecture about how word order does not
> > matter.  Fine.  No problem there.  My problem was with how you perceived
> > "pas" to be modifying "oidamen."  I have been taught and have observed
> > in the Greek Bible that adjectives always agree in case, gender, and
> > number with the words they modify.  So if this word was being used to
> > modify "oidamen" as you say, it should be plural instead of singular.
> > In other words, the word would have been rendered "pantes" instead of
> > "pas."  Therefore, I reject your translation on this basis.  If you say
> > fine, and leave it at that, then I guess life goes on.  However, I think
> > a truly honest discussion would consider this point and attempt to help
> > me understand my error, or you would recognize that you have brought too
> > much of your theology into play here and are missing the aspect that
> > John is bringing out here, and that is how Christ becomes incarnated
> > within us, how we partake of his divine nature, and how it finds
> > expression through us.  We truly receive power to become sons of God, as
> > John mentions in his gospel.
> >
> > I also asked you to show some passages which use "pas" as a modifier in
> > the way that you suggest, but your response offered none.  This is a
> > very common word, used more than 1200 times.  I have checked many and I
> > can't find any.  I can only assume from your silence that you have never
> > seen it either.  I have brought to you other passages that have used
> > "pas" in connection "ho" and seems to translate it well as "whosoever."
> > No comment from you about that.
> >
> > In this last post, you seem to want to force "pas" as a modifier and do
> > not realize that adjectives often stand alone.  Mounce terms this being
> > either "adjectivally" or "substantivally."  Obviously I take the
> > position that "pas" is used substantivally here, but you seem to see no
> > option for that.
> >
> > I presented the interlinears, hoping for you to provide your own, and
> > perhaps from there lead to a translation that is appreciative of the
> > words used in the text.  I was a little confused by your reference to
> > "transliteration" when it seemed that you perhaps meant the interlinear
> > translation.  You seemed to agree with the interlinears I provided, yet
> > your translation strays very far away from it.  You claim liberty to do
> > this because a transliteration is 

RE: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-11 Thread ShieldsFamily

I like that, John. Izzy


I leave well enough


RE: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-11 Thread ShieldsFamily

Lance, You just described David Miller perfectly. 
That's why I agree with him. Izzy


-Original Message-
Have you ever met Someone… whose life (lives) are so utterly genuine as
to be humbling when in their


Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-11 Thread Charles Perry Locke
Terry, do you believe that one who is saved can lose that salvation?


From: Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2004 13:27:46 -0500
Judy Taylor wrote:

From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >
I for one would appreciate comments & questions from all participants.
I firmly believe that the "heart of God" may be known on this matter. 

Based on what I read in the Bible, I believe that once a person has 
committed him/her self to follow Christ, sin will no longer be the PATTERN 
of their life.  If they are in Christ, they will hate sin as He does.  If 
they are filled with the Holy Spirit, they will have the ability to never 
sin again.  Still, hating sin and having the ability to live a perfect life 
does not guarantee a sinless life; as most of us can testify.  That is why 
we need a Savior.  If you hate sin and still screw up on occasion, you have 
an advocate to plead your case, and mercy and grace are available.  If sin 
is the pattern of your life, to me that is an indication that you are not 
right with your creator and you are very likely bound for Hell.
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"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought 
to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-11 Thread Terry Clifton
Lance Muir wrote:

At the consummation of the age do we go to heaven or, does heaven come to
us? Did Jesus assume the pre or post fallen nature of Adam at the
Incarnation? Is human nature comprised of one, two or three "parts" (body,
soul, spirit)? The rapture? Does what/how we believe influence how we live?
Yes. This is how we determine who someone actually is.Have you ever met
someone(s) who's "understanding" appears wrong on some thing(s) but, whose
life (lives) are so utterly genuine as to be humbling when in their
presence? "Talking of Truth" is beneficial but...Blessings, Lance
From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Excellent observation Lance.  David Miller is the only one on this list 
that I have met in person, and we did not get an opportunity to spend as 
much time together as I would have liked, but I can guarantee you 
without reservation that he is my brother in Christ and a kind and godly 
man.  Do we agree on everything?  Sadly, no, but we believe on Christ, 
and for now, that is enough for us to bond and bear with one another as 
we share what the Lord has impressed on each of us.  I know that this is 
profitable for me.  I suspect that it is also of some value to him.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought 
to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

[TruthTalk] (no subject)

2004-04-11 Thread Terry Clifton

He is risen.
The most important three nwords ever spoken

RE: [TruthTalk] Christian Children

2004-04-11 Thread Charles Perry Locke
Actually, Izzy, she had a 50% chance on the getting the first right, and a 
50% chance of getting the second right, apart from the first, but only a 25% 
chance of getting them both right. Isn't math wonderful?

However, I think her getting the 25% chance right is just that...pure 
chance. I know your grandchildren are wonderful, but probably not 
clairvoyant. :-)


From: "ShieldsFamily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [TruthTalk]  Christian Children
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2004 20:54:41 -0500

My son, Todd, and his wife, Shirley, have 3 daughters.  Gretchen (to be 6
this July 4th), Heidi (just turned 4), and Sofie (just turned 2).  When
Shirley was pg. with Sofie two years ago (Gretchen was 3 ½) they were all
hoping for a boy (weren’t sure what it would be), and talking about a baby
boy, etc.  Shirley said all of a sudden one day when they were talking like
that, Gretchen looked at her seriously and said, “No, Mommy.  This baby is
going to be a girl. The next one will be a boy.”   Now Shirley is pg. 
and this time they asked ultrasound tech to tell them the sex.  It’s a boy!
:-)  Question: Can a 3 yr old girl have a prophetic gift? (Or did she just
have a 50:50 chance, and got it right?)

Also, last year they explained the gospel clearly to Gretchen, and she
prayed to be born again.  Then they said she started asking about their
neighbors, one by one, wanting to know if they are saved, too.  Todd &
Shirley said they weren’t exactly sure whether the neighbors were saved or
not.  Gretchen then cried and begged until they gave her permission to go 
each neighbor’s house, knock on the door, and tell them that Jesus loves
them, and they needed to ask Jesus into their hearts.  Then she was happy.
What a pure heart children have when they are raised in a godly home!

Todd & Shirley don’t allow the girls to watch TV, they homeschool, 
was reading at 4 yrs, now Heidi is reading, too), and they of course are
very involved in church and homeschooling groups.  Last week they were not
able to go on their usual trip with the church group to visit and minister
at the local nursing home.  Gretchen cried, heartbroken, about it.  She 
loves going! Please pray for Todd’s whole family, including the new baby 
(due in October).  Shirley has had migraine headaches with this pregnancy.
Please pray for their protection, and for the Lord to bless, prosper, and
use them mightily.  Thanks so much.


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"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought 
to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

RE: [TruthTalk] Fwd: Fw: Bible Jim's Website Feedback---HAPPY EASTER!!

2004-04-11 Thread Charles Perry Locke

  Thanks for the easter wishes, but why would you even spend 2 seconds 
forwarding the vile message attached to your post? It was totally 
unnecessary, did not pertain to truth talk at all, and totally destroyed the 
tone of your easter wishes. For a Christian, it sure seems like you have a 
problem with profanity, Jim. Why is it that you that you cannot keep your 
posts clean and on topic? If your message contains no vulgarity, you seem to 
work it in by forwarding a message that does! We are not interested in those 
posts. They not welcome on truthtalk. And, if you have placed the Truthtalk 
posting address on a general mailing list of your, please remove it.

Perry the Moderator

Subject: [TruthTalk] Fwd: Fw: Bible Jim's Website Feedback---HAPPY EASTER!!
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2004 06:01:51 -0400

<< message3.txt >>
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"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought 
to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

[TruthTalk] Christian Voting vs nonChristian

2004-04-11 Thread ShieldsFamily
How does church attendance affect one's political party? From WorldNetDaily:,1249,595055302,00.htmlIzzy

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

RE: [TruthTalk] Christian Children

2004-04-11 Thread ShieldsFamily
Perry, LOL! I certainly hope Gretchen is not "clairvoyant".  However, I like
to think that either the Lord spoke through her, or perhaps we are seeing an
inkling of a future prophetic ministry. Izzy 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Charles Perry Locke
Sent: Sunday, April 11, 2004 7:47 AM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Christian Children

Actually, Izzy, she had a 50% chance on the getting the first right, and a 
50% chance of getting the second right, apart from the first, but only a 25%

chance of getting them both right. Isn't math wonderful?

However, I think her getting the 25% chance right is just that...pure 
chance. I know your grandchildren are wonderful, but probably not 
clairvoyant. :-)


>From: "ShieldsFamily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [TruthTalk]  Christian Children
>Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2004 20:54:41 -0500
>My son, Todd, and his wife, Shirley, have 3 daughters.  Gretchen (to be 6
>this July 4th), Heidi (just turned 4), and Sofie (just turned 2).  When
>Shirley was pg. with Sofie two years ago (Gretchen was 3 ½) they were all
>hoping for a boy (weren’t sure what it would be), and talking about a baby
>boy, etc.  Shirley said all of a sudden one day when they were talking like
>that, Gretchen looked at her seriously and said, “No, Mommy.  This baby is
>going to be a girl. The next one will be a boy.”   Now Shirley is pg. 
>and this time they asked ultrasound tech to tell them the sex.  It’s a boy!
>:-)  Question: Can a 3 yr old girl have a prophetic gift? (Or did she just
>have a 50:50 chance, and got it right?)
>Also, last year they explained the gospel clearly to Gretchen, and she
>prayed to be born again.  Then they said she started asking about their
>neighbors, one by one, wanting to know if they are saved, too.  Todd &
>Shirley said they weren’t exactly sure whether the neighbors were saved or
>not.  Gretchen then cried and begged until they gave her permission to go 
>each neighbor’s house, knock on the door, and tell them that Jesus loves
>them, and they needed to ask Jesus into their hearts.  Then she was happy.
>What a pure heart children have when they are raised in a godly home!
>Todd & Shirley don’t allow the girls to watch TV, they homeschool, 
>was reading at 4 yrs, now Heidi is reading, too), and they of course are
>very involved in church and homeschooling groups.  Last week they were not
>able to go on their usual trip with the church group to visit and minister
>at the local nursing home.  Gretchen cried, heartbroken, about it.  She 
>loves going! Please pray for Todd’s whole family, including the new baby 
>(due in October).  Shirley has had migraine headaches with this pregnancy.
>Please pray for their protection, and for the Lord to bless, prosper, and
>use them mightily.  Thanks so much.

Check out MSN PC Safety & Security to help ensure your PC is protected and 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a
friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-11 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 4/11/2004 4:10:18 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

At the consummation of the age do we go to heaven or, does heaven come to
us? Did Jesus assume the pre or post fallen nature of Adam at the
Incarnation? Is human nature comprised of one, two or three "parts" (body,
soul, spirit)? The rapture? Does what/how we believe influence how we live?
Yes. This is how we determine who someone actually is.Have you ever met
someone(s) who's "understanding" appears wrong on some thing(s) but, whose
life (lives) are so utterly genuine as to be humbling when in their
presence? "Talking of Truth" is beneficial but...Blessings, Lance
From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Great questions.  Pre-post the nature of Adam?   Never never thought of that.  But I have seen dozens of genuine christian actions.  Ps 51 and Romans 2 make it clear that the heart of man is an extremely important consideration  -- extending beyond our ability or desire to be right on all fronts.  


Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-11 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 4/11/2004 5:38:48 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I like that, John. Izzy

I leave well enough along.   


Thank you.  I must say that I mean DavidM nothing but good.   He is genuine in his personal effort spent on being a passonate follower of Christ.  He is a servant of another (Romans 14:4) as we all are.   


Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Voting vs nonChristian

2004-04-11 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 4/11/2004 7:01:40 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

How does church attendance affect one's political party? From WorldNetDaily:,1249,595055302,00.html    Izzy

Interesting article.   I am not trying to start a political debate, here, but in Bush's first debate with Gore and Nader, in response to the question "who has influenced you the most" (or words to that effect)  Bush's answer was "Jesus Christ."  Whether we agree with other decisions, certainly this declaration is noteworthy.  


[TruthTalk] UPC

2004-04-11 Thread Chris Barr

\o/ !HALALUYah! 

Greetings in the Matchless 
Name of YahShua !!
Oh, John Smithson, you have been fooled by the enemy due to bad experience 
with UPC (Under Privileged Children).  An exceedingly vile and wicked 
organization with yet a few of the children of The Almighty mixed in 
If you'd stick to The Word and Jeremiah 29:13 instead of doing that which 
is right in your own eyes you could see the light to find your way our from your 
present darkness.

Ahava b' YahShua

(Love in The 

Baruch YHVH,

Chris Barr
a servant 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: 04/09/2004 6:14 PM
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Still in school 
  In a message dated 4/8/2004 10:49:41 PM Pacific 
  Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 
  (JUST LIKE RAV SHAUL). Yeh, yeh, yeh.  My 
  ex-mother-in-law is oneness  --  United Pentecostle Church of God. 
   A doctrine spawned from the seeds of legalism.   But, hey, 
  the first church was full of legalists and many of them were saved.   
  Thanks for bio.   John 

[TruthTalk] Brainieac?

2004-04-11 Thread Chris Barr

\o/ !HALALUYah! 

Greetings Amy in the Matchless 
Name of YahShua !!
I'm telling you all that this Chris Barr guy is a 
brainieac, well versed in bibilical studies, one of a few who actually 
understands his own claimed theology and loves to wrile people up 
  (Dennis the Menace complexity)  --   and he is a real 
hoot on top of it all.   Too bad about the right and wrong thing but 
no is perfect.   John
That would be "rile" ... too bad about the 
right and wrong thing indeed ... you and the Smithsonian both put up a good 
front but it is all for show and telling rather than about ultimate 

Ahava b' YahShua

(Love in The 

Baruch YHVH,

Chris Barr
a servant 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: 04/09/2004 6:44 PM
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] St. John's 
  In a message dated 4/9/2004 
  4:16:13 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 
  The concentration of the juice without the bulk is a stress to 
the system.  The Almighty intended us to get ALL of what he put in 
"fruit bearing seed for your meat".  It's OK as I previously noted but 
it can be a problem if sustained over a lengthy period of time.I'm telling 
  you all that this Chris Barr guy is a brainieac, well versed in bibilical 
  studies, one of a few who actually understands his own claimed theology and 
  loves to wrile people up   (Dennis the Menace complexity)  -- 
    and he is a real hoot on top of it all.   Too bad about 
  the right and wrong thing but no is perfect.   John 

Re: [TruthTalk] UPC

2004-04-11 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 4/11/2004 8:42:36 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Oh, John Smithson, you have been fooled by the enemy due to bad experience with UPC (Under Privileged Children).  An exceedingly vile and wicked organization with yet a few of the children of The Almighty mixed in perhaps.
If you'd stick to The Word and Jeremiah 29:13 instead of doing that which is right in your own eyes you could see the light to find your way our from your present darkness.

I spend much time in the word, Chris.  No one is always right when it comes to his/her understanding (interpretation).   That is why I Co. 8:1-4 is so important to discussion groups such as this.  

Do you attend a church that shares you oneness theology?  


Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-11 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 4/11/2004 6:40:02 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

David Miller is the only one on this list 
that I have met in person, and we did not get an opportunity to spend as 
much time together as I would have liked, but I can guarantee you 
without reservation that he is my brother in Christ and a kind and godly 
man.  Do we agree on everything?  Sadly, no

My sentiments exactly.   I have talked with David on the phone and was quite taken with a confession that he might share on this list.  A confession that shows just how serious his determination to be right with God is.  I see that same concern with most on this list.   


Re: [TruthTalk] Brainieac?

2004-04-11 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 4/11/2004 8:51:52 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

That would be "rile" ... too bad about the right and wrong thing indeed ... you and the Smithsonian both put up a good front but it is all for show and telling rather than about ultimate truth.

What do you mean by this.


Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Children

2004-04-11 Thread Marlin Halverson
I remember a family in a fellowship I was with where the little girl prayed
that God would let her have identical twin brothers.  Her mother was not
pregnant, was not planning to be pregnant, and there were not twins in the

About a year later, the mother gave birth to identical twin boys.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Children

2004-04-11 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 4/11/2004 8:56:14 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I remember a family in a fellowship I was with where the little girl prayed
that God would let her have identical twin brothers.  Her mother was not
pregnant, was not planning to be pregnant, and there were not twins in the

About a year later, the mother gave birth to identical twin boys.

Perry, what would be the odds on this.  


[TruthTalk] More recent than 50 years ago?

2004-04-11 Thread Chris Barr
Title: Romans , Chapter 14

\o/ !HALALU 

Greetings in 
the Matchless Name of YahShua [that's the 
name Jesus was called by His 
dad, brothers, sisters, disciples and others who loved 
Him] !!

The Saviour rose much, MUCH more than 50 
years ago ... does that make it irrelevant?  YOU don't make sense, 
Just because YOU don't understand it (over 
your head?) doesn't mean that it "makes no (scientific) 
This research did not come to me for 
free.  I offered you access to a starting point but perhaps YHVH has blinded you more than I realize.  How 
much of your husband's alleged expertise did he receive (or does he provide) FOR 
FREE?  What I've offered you is a BARGAIN compared to anything medicine 
offers.  I've put up so you can shut up.
Also, I don't know ANY incurable 
diseases.  As one of my early mentors and teachers, Dr. John Christopher, 
noted, "There are no incurable diseases but there are incurable people."  
Again, you don't make sense speaking of someone recovering from Crohn's and then 
calling it incurable.
I've NEVER known a case of carpal tunnel 
syndrome, acid reflux, or allergies that was not healed when following proper 
nutritional instruction.  More than 20 years ago I had a woman with an 
"incurable" case of genital herpes brought to me and that was cleared up, too 
(still have a very nice thank you note from that one).  I've accomplished 
MUCH that medicine says can't be done.  Most of those accomplishments have 
been by way of info about 50 years old and older.  Raised up 8 children 
without doctor bills.  Hosea 4:6 is still true, today.
Have you or your husband read any Antoine 
Béchamp (greatest scientist in recorded history and perhaps of all time)?  
Widespread application of his extensive research would close just about all 
hospitals and put an end to most medical practice.

Ahava b' 

(Love in The 



Chris Barr

a servant 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: 04/09/2004 6:49 PM
  Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Science and 
  Scriptural dietary requirements
  Why can’t you come up 
  with something a little more recent than 50 years ago? That whole article 
  makes no (scientific) sense. You brought this up 
  before, and I asked for the research, and you never provided it. 
  I think there are 
  real reasons the Lord prohibited eating scavengers, and The Maker’s Diet gives 
  good scientific reasons. The 
  author has a doctorate in nutrition, and was personally healed of Crohn’s 
  disease when he was a teenager ( which you know is incurable) by going on a 
  Biblical diet. But he does not include any of the stuff you quoted below. 
  I believe the 
  Levitical dietary and hygiene laws were given to protect God’s people from the 
  diseases of the unbelievers around them. I think that is still true 
  today.  And I think we need a lot more research to investigate and 
  validate this today.  In the meantime, it’s a faith thing.  Which 
  isn’t all bad.  J 
  PS I’ve also been 
  enjoying reading related books by Don Colbert, MD, who also advocates a 
  Biblical diet.  Have you read any of those?
  On Behalf Of Chris 
  BarrSent: Friday, April 09, 
  2004 5:19 PMTo: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [TruthTalk] Science and 
  Scriptural dietary requirements
  \o/ !HALALU 
  Greetings in 
  the Matchless Name of YahShua 
  [that's the name 
  Jesus was called by His 
  dad, brothers, sisters, disciples and others who loved 
  Him] !!
  Royal Raymond Rife created a microscope (The Universal 
  Microscope) in the 1920s which was more powerful than ANY microscope available 
  today. You can read about it in many places including the annals of The 
  Smithsonian Institution ("The New Microscopes" 1944/1945).Extensive 
  research by Rife with his microscope led to development of a cure for cancer 
  that was PROVEN to be 100% 
  effective in 1930s trials overseen by the AMA, The University of 
  Southern California, and Dr. Milbanks Johnson, M.D. (President, Los Angeles 
  County Medical Society at the time) at what would later come to be known as 
  the renowned Scripps Clinic in La Jolla, CA.Part of his research with 
  the microscope revealed to him a specific state that the blood MUST be in for 
  cancer to develop. In his notes he made notation of a curiosity to him. He had 
  discovered that pork caused the specific state for cancer to develop and grow 
  very rapidly. Whenever a test subject consumed pork, their blood entered into 
  that specific state of the blood that he had discovered was necessary for 
  cancer to develop. The blood would maintain this state for up to nine hours 
  after ingestion of pork.Rife was not a religio

Fw: Re: [TruthTalk] UPC

2004-04-11 Thread Judy Taylor

Oh John!!
I'm wondering if all pastors use 1 Cor 8:1-4 to 
cover what they
don't have answers for.  My daughter in TX who has 
four young
impressionable children was assured by their Baptist 
pastor that it
is OK to go out and celebrate the devils holiday at 
Halloween just so
long as they don't look like devils; ie they dress them 
in Disney stuff
and this is the scripture he used to justify such evil 
counsel.  Lord 
have mercy on his 
soul.    judyt

Oh, John Smithson, you have been fooled by the enemy due to bad 
experience with UPC (Under Privileged Children).  An exceedingly vile 

and wicked organization with yet a few of the children of The Almighty 

mixed in perhaps.  If you'd stick to The Word and Jeremiah 29:13 

instead of doing that which is right in your own eyes you could see 
the light to find your way our from your present darkness. 
john: I spend much time in the word, Chris.  No one is always right 

when it comes to his/her understanding (interpretation).   That 
is why 
I Co. 8:1-4 is so important to discussion groups such as this. Do you 

attend a church that shares you oneness theology?   

[TruthTalk] Christian Children

2004-04-11 Thread Judy Taylor
I remember a family in a fellowship I was with where the little 
girl prayed that God would let her have identical twin brothers.  
Her mother was not pregnant, was not planning to be pregnant, 
and there were not twins in the family.  About a year later, the 
mother gave birth to identical twin boys. 

jt: Marvin, did/do you believe that this prayer was motivated by 
the Spirit of God?  Did your leadership have anything to say about
it?  Even Jesus our Master and example had to wait until he was
33yrs old to begin public ministry and as for the prophets, well
under the old covenant there were schools of the prophets and
no record of anyone other than Samuel being used at such a
young age.  Are you sure this was not divination?   

BTW was that the same Tim Stevenson or are there
two of them?  judyt
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Children

2004-04-11 Thread Marlin Halverson

- Original Message - 
From: "Judy Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, April 11, 2004 12:18 PM
Subject: [TruthTalk] Christian Children

> I remember a family in a fellowship I was with where the little
> girl prayed that God would let her have identical twin brothers.
> Her mother was not pregnant, was not planning to be pregnant,
> and there were not twins in the family.  About a year later, the
> mother gave birth to identical twin boys.
> jt: Marvin, did/do you believe that this prayer was motivated by
> the Spirit of God?


Did your leadership have anything to say about
> it?

Nothing was ever said.

Are you sure this was not divination?

It was a child's expectant prayer to God.  Nothing more.  Nothing less.

Nobody made any big deal about it.  We all just smiled and were happy for
the family about their blessing.

> BTW was that the same Tim Stevenson or are there
> two of them?  judyt

Why are you asking me about this unfamiliar name out of the blue?

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

RE: [TruthTalk] More recent than 50 years ago?

2004-04-11 Thread ShieldsFamily
Title: Romans , Chapter 14



As much as I agree with what you are
trying to say, at least in theory, your constant attacks against medical
scientific research (which is FREE online, as I have provided in a previous
post), makes you impossible to discourse with.




[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chris Barr
Sent: Sunday, April 11, 2004 10:07
Subject: [TruthTalk] More recent
than 50 years ago?


\o/ !HALALU Yah! \o/ 

Greetings in the
Matchless Name of YahShua [that's the name Jesus was called by
His mom,
dad, brothers, sisters, disciples and others who loved Him]


The Saviour rose much, MUCH more than 50 years ago
... does that make it irrelevant?  YOU don't make sense, Izzy.


Just because YOU don't understand it (over your
head?) doesn't mean that it "makes no (scientific)


This research did not come to me for free.  I
offered you access to a starting point but perhaps YHVH has blinded you more than I
realize.  How much of your husband's alleged expertise did he receive (or
does he provide) FOR FREE?  What I've offered you is a BARGAIN compared to
anything medicine offers.  I've put up so you can shut up.


Also, I don't know ANY incurable diseases.  As
one of my early mentors and teachers, Dr. John Christopher, noted, "There
are no incurable diseases but there are incurable people."  Again,
you don't make sense speaking of someone recovering from Crohn's and then
calling it incurable.


I've NEVER known a case of carpal tunnel syndrome,
acid reflux, or allergies that was not healed when following proper nutritional
instruction.  More than 20 years ago I had a woman with an
"incurable" case of genital herpes brought to me and that was cleared
up, too (still have a very nice thank you note from that one).  I've
accomplished MUCH that medicine says can't be done.  Most of those
accomplishments have been by way of info about 50 years old and older. 
Raised up 8 children without doctor bills.  Hosea 4:6 is still true,


Have you or your husband read any Antoine Béchamp
(greatest scientist in recorded history and perhaps of all time)? 
Widespread application of his extensive research would close just about all
hospitals and put an end to most medical practice.


Ahava b' YahShua

(Love in The

Baruch YHVH,


Chris Barr

a servant of YHVH


- Original Message - 

From: ShieldsFamily


Sent: 04/09/2004 6:49 PM

Subject: RE: [TruthTalk]
Science and Scriptural dietary requirements




Why can’t you come up with something
a little more recent than 50 years ago? That whole article makes no (scientific)
sense. You brought this up before, and I asked for the research, and you never
provided it. 


I think there are real reasons the Lord
prohibited eating scavengers, and The Maker’s Diet gives good scientific reasons. The author has a
doctorate in nutrition, and was personally healed of Crohn’s disease when
he was a teenager ( which you know is incurable) by going on a Biblical diet.
But he does not include any of the stuff you quoted below. 


I believe the Levitical dietary and
hygiene laws were given to protect God’s people from the diseases of the
unbelievers around them. I think that is still true today.  And I think we
need a lot more research to investigate and validate this today.  In the
meantime, it’s a faith thing.  Which isn’t all bad.  J 


PS I’ve also been enjoying reading related
books by Don Colbert, MD, who also advocates a Biblical diet.  Have you
read any of those?




[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chris Barr
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 5:19
Subject: [TruthTalk] Science and
Scriptural dietary requirements


\o/ !HALALU Yah! \o/ 

Greetings in the
Matchless Name of YahShua [that's the name Jesus was called by
His mom,
dad, brothers, sisters, disciples and others who loved Him]


Royal Raymond Rife created a microscope (The Universal Microscope) in
the 1920s which was more powerful than ANY microscope available today. You can
read about it in many places including the annals of The Smithsonian
Institution ("The New Microscopes" 1944/1945).

Extensive research by Rife with his microscope led to development of a cure for
cancer that was PROVEN to be 100% effective
in 1930s trials overseen by the AMA, The University of Southern California, and
Dr. Milbanks Johnson, M.D. (President, Los Angeles County Medical Society at
the time) at what would later come to be known as the renowned Scripps Clinic
in La Jolla, CA.

Part of his research with the microscope revealed to him a specific state that
the bloo

[TruthTalk] Great idea, Smithson!

2004-04-11 Thread Chris Barr

\o/ !HALALUYah! 

Greetings in the Matchless 
Name of YahShua !!
OK, I'll start ...
The book of Yacov ... y'all probably still think this NT book was written 
by and named after 'James' ...
"Yacov, a servant of The Mighty One and of Adonay YahShua Messiah, to the twelve tribes 
which are scattered abroad, greeting."
King Jimmy of 1611 was not a nice man (to put it very mildly).  It was 
very difficult to get him to agree to the translation work named in his 
honor.  The translators (credited far too highly than they ought) 
manipulated text at times to suit their purposes and theology (though still 
better than just about every other translation since then -- I personally prefer 
the exegeses version which is the only one I know of since 
KJV to stick to the same manuscripts as KJV that ALSO was translated by a 
Holy Spirit filled believer [as evidenced by his speaking in other tongues 
as The Spirit gave utterance] )!.
The book of Yacov was one of the bargaining chips to persway (teehee) his 
majesty.  I've heard it said that this was the one that finally swung him 
over to back the work.
"Yo, King, one of the writings in Scripture beareth thy name."
Yacov actually anglicizes to Jacob, but, HEY, the lie was for a good cause 
The book of Yacov was the very first of the NT writings to be penned.  
It used to be listed right up near the front, too ... got shuffled w-a-a-a-y 
back 'cause it was much too strong on its law and works TRUTH emphasis.  Ye 
ol' drunkard Luther even campaigned for its complete removal.
Now, NOTICE that in the very first words Yacov addressed this writing to 
the twelve tribes scattered abroad.
Who ever said the tribes of Ysrael were lost, anyway?  Yacov knew 
about them and where they were.  IT'S ALL IN THE BOOK, and right in the 
very opening of this NT book within THE BOOK!
So how's that for a start for ya, John, my comments covered greek discussions, personal observations, contextual comments 
(history, date, cultural applications, etc. ) as well 
as whatever comes to mind.  
Ahava b' YahShua

(Love in The 

Baruch YHVH,

Chris Barr
a servant 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: 04/10/2004 12:27 AM
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] new dating for 
  Turin Shroud
  Would this be any kind of an idea for this group: 
    Take a NT book  (Philip or James or Romans or whatever), 
  start with verse one and each who are interested enter ideas and observations, 
  no debate, and move to the next verse.   This would not be the only 
  thread, but it would be a continuing one.   Those who are interested 
  in the mono e mono stuff that goes on in lists such as this   (and 
  folks, there are several other lists that I know of and they are all much 
  worse than this list ever thought about being) could continue those threads 
  and all could contribute to the "thus saith the Lord to me "  thread. 
    The comments might include greek discussions, personal 
  observations, contextual comments (history, date, cultural applications, etc. 
  ) whatever comes to mind.  If Kevin and Barr and G could present their 
  views in this format, I know I would be interested in their comments as well 
  as all others on this list.    John Smithson. 

Re: [TruthTalk] UPC

2004-04-11 Thread Chris Barr

\o/ !HALALUYah! 

Greetings in the Matchless 
Name of YahShua !!
I spend much time in the word, Chris. 
Fill in the blank ...
"Howbeit, when ...
a.) the word, the completed canon of Scripture, is come, it 
b.) He, The Spirit of Truth, is come, He 
... will guide you into all truth."
(ANSWER KEY: Yochanan 16:13)

Lots of folks 
spend "much time in the word" but not so much (or very much at all IF at all) 
with The Author (also the Finisher of faith) -- The Living Word -- so they fall 
exceedingly short in the truth department.  Amazing how much time they do 
spend with other authors about The Author's work.
Do you attend a church that shares you oneness theology?   
I pastor such an assembly and visit a wide variety of others at varying 

Ahava b' YahShua

(Love in The 

Baruch YHVH,

Chris Barr
a servant 

Re: [TruthTalk] More recent than 50 years ago?

2004-04-11 Thread Lance Muir
Title: Romans , Chapter 14

Chris: I have no reason to imagine that your 
demeanour in person is better than that which you exhibit here. You owe 
Izzy an apology. "Cure" is a "short-term" word at best'. All that health 
care of any kind can do is prolong life/delay death. This, I believe is a 
reality unless you are privy to knowledge that I'm not. Lance- 
Original Message - 

  Chris Barr 
  Sent: April 11, 2004 12:06
  Subject: [TruthTalk] More recent than 50 
  years ago?
  \o/ !HALALU 
  Greetings in 
  the Matchless Name of YahShua 
  [that's the name 
  Jesus was called by His 
  dad, brothers, sisters, disciples and others who loved 
  Him] !!
  The Saviour rose much, MUCH more than 50 
  years ago ... does that make it irrelevant?  YOU don't make sense, 
  Just because YOU don't understand it 
  (over your head?) doesn't mean that it "makes no (scientific) 
  This research did not come to me for 
  free.  I offered you access to a starting point but perhaps YHVH has blinded you more than I realize.  
  How much of your husband's alleged expertise did he receive (or does he 
  provide) FOR FREE?  What I've offered you is a BARGAIN compared to 
  anything medicine offers.  I've put up so you can shut up.
  Also, I don't know ANY incurable 
  diseases.  As one of my early mentors and teachers, Dr. John Christopher, 
  noted, "There are no incurable diseases but there are incurable people."  
  Again, you don't make sense speaking of someone recovering from Crohn's and 
  then calling it incurable.
  I've NEVER known a case of carpal tunnel 
  syndrome, acid reflux, or allergies that was not healed when following proper 
  nutritional instruction.  More than 20 years ago I had a woman with an 
  "incurable" case of genital herpes brought to me and that was cleared up, too 
  (still have a very nice thank you note from that one).  I've accomplished 
  MUCH that medicine says can't be done.  Most of those accomplishments 
  have been by way of info about 50 years old and older.  Raised up 8 
  children without doctor bills.  Hosea 4:6 is still true, 
  Have you or your husband read any Antoine 
  Béchamp (greatest scientist in recorded history and perhaps of all 
  time)?  Widespread application of his extensive research would close just 
  about all hospitals and put an end to most medical practice.
  Ahava b' 
  (Love in The 
  Chris Barr
  a servant 
- Original Message - 

Sent: 04/09/2004 6:49 PM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Science and 
Scriptural dietary requirements


Why can’t you come 
up with something a little more recent than 50 years ago? That whole article 
makes no (scientific) sense. You brought this up 
before, and I asked for the research, and you never provided it. 

I think there are 
real reasons the Lord prohibited eating scavengers, and The Maker’s Diet 
gives good scientific 
reasons. The author has a doctorate in nutrition, and was personally healed 
of Crohn’s disease when he was a teenager ( which you know is incurable) by 
going on a Biblical diet. But he does not include any of the stuff you 
quoted below. 
I believe the 
Levitical dietary and hygiene laws were given to protect God’s people from 
the diseases of the unbelievers around them. I think that is still true 
today.  And I think we need a lot more research to investigate and 
validate this today.  In the meantime, it’s a faith thing.  Which 
isn’t all bad.  J 

PS I’ve also been 
enjoying reading related books by Don Colbert, MD, who also advocates a 
Biblical diet.  Have you read any of 

On Behalf Of Chris 
BarrSent: Friday, April 
09, 2004 5:19 PMTo: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [TruthTalk] Science and 
Scriptural dietary requirements


in the Matchless Name of YahShua 
[that's the name 
Jesus was called by His 
mom, dad, brothers, sisters, disciples 
and others who loved Him] 

Royal Raymond Rife created a microscope (The 
Universal Microscope) in the 1920s which was more powerful than ANY 
microscope available today. You can read about it in many places including 
the annals of The Smithsonian Institution ("The New Microscopes" 
1944/1945).Extensive research by Rife with his microscope led to 
development of a cure for cancer that was

[TruthTalk] Christian Children

2004-04-11 Thread Judy Taylor

From: "Marlin Halverson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>It 
was a child's expectant prayer to God.  Nothing more.  Nothing 
Nobody made any big deal about it.  We all just smiled and were happy 
forthe family about their blessing.
jt: Of course I can understand everyone being happy for 
the family
but it's important that we understand God's ways 
because right now
the Church is full of divination and nobody seems to 
know or care
Some are closed to anything supernatural and the others 
are wide
open to everything that comes along and looks 
> BTW was that the same Tim Stevenson or are there> two of 
them?  judyt
What?Why are you asking me about this unfamiliar name out of the 
jt: Did I misunderstand or was it you who posted on TT 
that the "R"
piece about the Passion Movie by Mel Gibson was written 
by one Tim
Stevenson?  This is the man I am referring to - I 
found one who is
Canadian both religious and politician and also 
gay.  Just wondering
if it is the same person.    

[TruthTalk] Pseudo Science

2004-04-11 Thread Judy Taylor

Is this the man you champion here Chris?
Not a good reputation, on this website at least and I 
have a problem with anyone
claiming to "cure people" by nutrition alone.  
Where there is sickness there is always
a sin issue.  Also God is the healer and any 
healing by other means is divination.
Medicine does not heal, it is managed care and any 
honest physician will tell you so.
Antoine Bechamp French biologist1816 - 1908 


  Bechamp was one of France's most prominent and active researchers and 
  biologists. He taught in universities and medical schools, and published 
  widely on cell biology, disease, botany and related subjects. His would 
  probably be a household name today if it wasn't for the activities of one Louis Pasteur, who 
  history has treated very kindly indeed, considering his fake science, his 
  tendency to steal ideas (mainly from Bechamp), falsify experimental data, and 
  in general make claims which had no basis in fact. 
  I'm not running off at the mouth by saying the above. It's all quite well 
  documented - Bechamp and Pasteur were both members of the French Academy of 
  Sciences, and the papers they submitted, and their correspondance, both to 
  each other and to other people, were all recorded. Even their verbal exchanges 
  survive in the minutes of the meetings. 
  To cut a long story short, and it is a long story, Pasteur basically 
  dug up the germ theory of disease and put his name on it. It wasn't a new 
  idea, although he claimed to have "discovered" germs all the same. The concept 
  had actually been outlined by other people many years before, but of course, 
  the whole idea is wrong anyway, so it hardly matters who thought of it first. 
  In a few years, the germ theory of disease will out there with the flat earth 
  theory where it belongs. 

Yo, LANCE -- Re: [TruthTalk] More recent than 50 years ago?

2004-04-11 Thread Chris Barr
Title: Romans , Chapter 14

\o/ !HALALU 

Greetings in 
the Matchless Name of YahShua [that's the 
name Jesus was called by His 
dad, brothers, sisters, disciples and others who loved 
Him] !!

- Original Message - 
From: Lance Muir 

Sent: 04/11/2004 12:06 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] More recent than 
50 years ago?

Chris: I have no reason to imagine that your 
demeanour in person is better than that which you exhibit here. You owe 
Izzy an apology. "Cure" is a "short-term" word at best'. All that health 
care of any kind can do is prolong life/delay death. This, I believe is a 
reality unless you are privy to knowledge that I'm not. 
More than there is time to tell ... MUCH 
more ...
Go read and MEDITATE on II Corinthians 10, 
then obey verses 5 and 6 in particular.

Ahava b' 

(Love in The 



Chris Barr

a servant 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: 04/11/2004 12:06 PM
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] More recent than 
  50 years ago?
  Chris: I have no reason to imagine that your 
  demeanour in person is better than that which you exhibit here. You owe 
  Izzy an apology. "Cure" is a "short-term" word at best'. All that health 
  care of any kind can do is prolong life/delay death. This, I believe is a 
  reality unless you are privy to knowledge that I'm not. Lance- 
  Original Message - 
Chris Barr 

Sent: April 11, 2004 12:06
Subject: [TruthTalk] More recent than 
50 years ago?


in the Matchless Name of YahShua 
[that's the name 
Jesus was called by His 
mom, dad, brothers, sisters, disciples 
and others who loved Him] 

The Saviour rose much, MUCH more than 
50 years ago ... does that make it irrelevant?  YOU don't make sense, 
Just because YOU don't understand it 
(over your head?) doesn't mean that it "makes no (scientific) 
This research did not come to me for 
free.  I offered you access to a starting point but perhaps YHVH has blinded you more than I realize.  
How much of your husband's alleged expertise did he receive (or does he 
provide) FOR FREE?  What I've offered you is a BARGAIN compared to 
anything medicine offers.  I've put up so you can shut up.
Also, I don't know ANY incurable 
diseases.  As one of my early mentors and teachers, Dr. John 
Christopher, noted, "There are no incurable diseases but there are incurable 
people."  Again, you don't make sense speaking of someone recovering 
from Crohn's and then calling it incurable.
I've NEVER known a case of carpal 
tunnel syndrome, acid reflux, or allergies that was not healed when 
following proper nutritional instruction.  More than 20 years ago I had 
a woman with an "incurable" case of genital herpes brought to me and that 
was cleared up, too (still have a very nice thank you note from that 
one).  I've accomplished MUCH that medicine says can't be done.  
Most of those accomplishments have been by way of info about 50 years old 
and older.  Raised up 8 children without doctor bills.  Hosea 4:6 
is still true, today.
Have you or your husband read any 
Antoine Béchamp (greatest scientist in recorded history and perhaps of all 
time)?  Widespread application of his extensive research would close 
just about all hospitals and put an end to most medical 

Ahava b' 

(Love in 



Chris Barr

servant of 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: 04/09/2004 6:49 PM
  Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Science and 
  Scriptural dietary requirements
  Why can’t you 
  come up with something a little more recent than 50 years ago? That whole 
  article makes no (scientific) sense. You brought this 
  up before, and I asked for the research, and you never provided it. 
  I think there are 
  real reasons the Lord prohibited eating scavengers, and The Maker’s Diet 
  gives good scientific 
  reasons. The author has a doctorate in nutrition, and was personally 
  healed of Crohn’s disease when he was a teenager ( which you know is 
  incurable) by going on a Biblical diet. But he does not include any of the 
  stuff you quoted below. 
  I believe the 
  Levitical dietary and h

RE: [TruthTalk] More recent than 50 years ago?

2004-04-11 Thread ShieldsFamily
Title: Romans , Chapter 14

Lance, Thanks for taking up for me. Yes,
that was my point; the author was cured of an “incurable” disease. However,
I don’t hold it against Chris, as he can’t help but behave like
what is inside of him, which is a lot of anger. He is sinning against the Lord,
not me. I just don’t want to encourage such non-productive, adversarial interaction.
May the Lord touch Chris’s heart with His abundant, tender, heart-melting
LOVE. (HUGS, Chris! LOL!)  Izzy


Behalf Of Lance Muir
Sent: Sunday, April 11, 2004 11:07
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] More
recent than 50 years ago?


Chris: I have no reason to imagine that your demeanour in
person is better than that which you exhibit here. You owe Izzy an
apology. "Cure" is a "short-term" word at best'. All
that health care of any kind can do is prolong life/delay death. This, I
believe is a reality unless you are privy to knowledge that I'm not. Lance-
Original Message - 

From: Chris


Sent: April 11, 2004

Subject: [TruthTalk] More
recent than 50 years ago?


\o/ !HALALU Yah! \o/ 

Greetings in the
Matchless Name of YahShua [that's the name Jesus was called by
His mom,
dad, brothers, sisters, disciples and others who loved Him]


The Saviour rose much, MUCH more than 50 years ago
... does that make it irrelevant?  YOU don't make sense, Izzy.


Just because YOU don't understand it (over your
head?) doesn't mean that it "makes no (scientific)


This research did not come to me for free.  I
offered you access to a starting point but perhaps YHVH has blinded you more than I
realize.  How much of your husband's alleged expertise did he receive (or
does he provide) FOR FREE?  What I've offered you is a BARGAIN compared to
anything medicine offers.  I've put up so you can shut up.


Also, I don't know ANY incurable diseases.  As
one of my early mentors and teachers, Dr. John Christopher, noted, "There
are no incurable diseases but there are incurable people."  Again,
you don't make sense speaking of someone recovering from Crohn's and then
calling it incurable.


I've NEVER known a case of carpal tunnel syndrome,
acid reflux, or allergies that was not healed when following proper nutritional
instruction.  More than 20 years ago I had a woman with an
"incurable" case of genital herpes brought to me and that was cleared
up, too (still have a very nice thank you note from that one).  I've
accomplished MUCH that medicine says can't be done.  Most of those
accomplishments have been by way of info about 50 years old and older. 
Raised up 8 children without doctor bills.  Hosea 4:6 is still true,


Have you or your husband read any Antoine Béchamp
(greatest scientist in recorded history and perhaps of all time)?  Widespread
application of his extensive research would close just about all hospitals and
put an end to most medical practice.


Ahava b' YahShua

(Love in The

Baruch YHVH,


Chris Barr

a servant of YHVH


- Original Message - 

From: ShieldsFamily


Sent: 04/09/2004 6:49 PM

Subject: RE: [TruthTalk]
Science and Scriptural dietary requirements




Why can’t you come up with something
a little more recent than 50 years ago? That whole article makes no (scientific)
sense. You brought this up before, and I asked for the research, and you never
provided it. 


I think there are real reasons the Lord
prohibited eating scavengers, and The Maker’s Diet gives good scientific reasons. The author has a
doctorate in nutrition, and was personally healed of Crohn’s disease when
he was a teenager ( which you know is incurable) by going on a Biblical diet.
But he does not include any of the stuff you quoted below. 


I believe the Levitical dietary and
hygiene laws were given to protect God’s people from the diseases of the
unbelievers around them. I think that is still true today.  And I think we
need a lot more research to investigate and validate this today.  In the
meantime, it’s a faith thing.  Which isn’t all bad.  J 


PS I’ve also been enjoying reading
related books by Don Colbert, MD, who also advocates a Biblical diet.
 Have you read any of those?




[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chris Barr
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 5:19
Subject: [TruthTalk] Science and
Scriptural dietary requirements


\o/ !HALALU Yah! \o/ 

Greetings in the
Matchless Name of YahShua [that's the name Jesus was called by
His mom,
dad, brothers, sisters, disciples and others who loved Him]


Royal Raym

Re: [TruthTalk] Pseudo Science

2004-04-11 Thread Chris Barr

\o/ !HALALUYah! 

Greetings in the Matchless 
Name of YahShua !!
Science"?!?  Wrong again, JT.
So, what's wrong with the info cited?  I couldn't 
have put it much better or more succinctly myself.
Where there is sickness there is always
a sin issue. 

Wrong yet again, JT.  Does Scripture 
hold any authority for you?
"And passing by, He saw a man which was blind from 
birth.  And His disciples asked Him, saying, 'Master, who did sin, this 
man, or his parents, that he was born blind?'  YahShua answered, 'NEITHER hath this man sinned, nor his parents ...' "

Medicine does not heal,
it is managed care and any honest physician will tell 
you so.
"honest physician"?!?  Is that one o' 
them thar oxymorons?
I have a problem with anyone
claiming to "cure people" by nutrition alone.  

Well, maybe there's still hope for you ... admitting you have a problem is 
the first step to solving it.
Ahava b' YahShua

(Love in The 

Baruch YHVH,

Chris Barr
a servant 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: 04/11/2004 12:19 PM
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Pseudo Science
  Is this the man you champion here Chris?
  Not a good reputation, on this website at least and I 
  have a problem with anyone
  claiming to "cure people" by nutrition alone.  
  Where there is sickness there is always
  a sin issue.  Also God is the healer and any 
  healing by other means is divination.
  Medicine does not heal, it is managed care and any 
  honest physician will tell you so.
  Antoine Bechamp French biologist1816 - 1908 

Bechamp was one of France's most prominent and active researchers and 
biologists. He taught in universities and medical schools, and published 
widely on cell biology, disease, botany and related subjects. His would 
probably be a household name today if it wasn't for the activities of one Louis Pasteur, who 
history has treated very kindly indeed, considering his fake science, his 
tendency to steal ideas (mainly from Bechamp), falsify experimental data, 
and in general make claims which had no basis in fact. 
I'm not running off at the mouth by saying the above. It's all quite well 
documented - Bechamp and Pasteur were both members of the French Academy of 
Sciences, and the papers they submitted, and their correspondance, both to 
each other and to other people, were all recorded. Even their verbal 
exchanges survive in the minutes of the meetings. 
To cut a long story short, and it is a long story, Pasteur 
basically dug up the germ theory of disease and put his name on it. It 
wasn't a new idea, although he claimed to have "discovered" germs all the 
same. The concept had actually been outlined by other people many years 
before, but of course, the whole idea is wrong anyway, so it hardly matters 
who thought of it first. In a few years, the germ theory of disease will out 
there with the flat earth theory where it belongs. 

Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-11 Thread Terry Clifton
Charles Perry Locke wrote:

Terry, do you believe that one who is saved can lose that salvation?


Wow! That seems like such a simple question, but it would take pages to 
give you a complete answer. Put simply, I do not believe that you can 
lose your 
I believe that you can throw it away.
The Bible teaches that the same one who saved you is able to keep you, 
but it does not say that He will force you to stay against your will.  I 
offer as an example a pastor, who a few years back, resigned  as 
minister of his church.  The reason he gave was that he no longer 
believed what he had been preaching.  He was a believer, now he is not.  
Had he died prior to making his decision to no longer believe, he would 
have gone to Heaven.  Now his future appears to be the lake of fire.  I 
think that this is rare compared to those who at one time claimed or are 
claiming to be Christians, only to show their true colors after being 
tested over time, but yes, it does happen, and when it does, I believe 
that that person is no longer saved.  God will not force anyone to spend 
eternity with Him.
Hope this answers your question at least to some degree.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought 
to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
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[TruthTalk] Pseudo Science

2004-04-11 Thread Judy Taylor

From: "Chris Barr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\o/ 
!HALALUYah! \o/ Greetings in the Matchless Name of YahShua !!
"Pseudo Science"?!?  Wrong again, JT.
So, what's wrong with the info cited?  I couldn't have put it much 
better or more succinctly myself.
jt: Where there is sickness there is always a sin 
Wrong yet again, JT.  Does Scripture hold any authority for you?
"And passing by, He saw a man which was blind from birth.  
And His disciples asked Him, saying, 'Master, who did sin, this man, 
or his parents, that he was born blind?'  YahShua answered, 'NEITHER 

hath this man sinned, nor his parents ...' "
jt: Yes scripture holds ALL authority for me and I 
mean, ALL scripture not just
parts.  The above text is what all ppl cite who 
believe that God wills others to be
sick.  Jesus was not saying that sin was not 
involved here, (note he didn't mention
the grandparents or ggrandparents and sin comes down to 
the 3rd and 4th
generation and sometimes even further). Jesus' 
focus was on the task at
hand which was doing the works of God while it was 
still day.  Don't you 
believe Deut 28 and Deut 29 Chris?
Medicine does not heal,
it is managed care and any honest physician will tell 
you so.
"honest physician"?!?  Is that one o' them thar oxymorons?
jt: Be nice Chris. Most ppl in health care professions 
are there to try and help
folk. Have you never come across a good 
physician?  I have a problem with 
anyone who claims to "cure people" by nutrition 
Well, maybe there's still hope for you ... admitting you have a problem is 
the first 
step to solving it.
jt: Hey I'm the first one to admit that I don't have 
ALL knowledge... the onus of
proof is on you since you are making some pretty hefty 
claims yourself. Dr. Malkmus
was saying much the same. We went to his seminar and 
tried the carrot juice etc.
but then he took a stroke so there must have been a gap 
in his knowledge. God will
not bless us when we tryito bypass the effects 
of the curse because in doing so He 
would be violating his own word  - 
Malkmus claimed to have the answer in incurable
disease also.  How do you get around that one?

Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Children

2004-04-11 Thread Marlin Halverson

Oh.  Yes.  Somebody with that name claimed to be 
the author of the piece.  I do not know anything about him.  But you 
are welcome to do your own search to find out.  I like to know the source 
of an article.

  > BTW was that the same Tim Stevenson or are there> two of 
  them?  judyt
  What?Why are you asking me about this unfamiliar name out of the 
  jt: Did I misunderstand or was it you who posted on 
  TT that the "R"
  piece about the Passion Movie by Mel Gibson was 
  written by one Tim
  Stevenson?  This is the man I am referring to - 
  I found one who is
  Canadian both religious and politician and also 
  gay.  Just wondering
  if it is the same person.    

Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Children

2004-04-11 Thread Marlin Halverson

The answered prayers of a child are cause to suspect 
demons?  I think not.

  jt: Of course I can understand everyone being happy 
  for the family
  but it's important that we understand God's ways 
  because right now
  the Church is full of divination and nobody seems to 
  know or care
  Some are closed to anything supernatural and the 
  others are wide
  open to everything that comes along and looks 

[TruthTalk] Christian Children

2004-04-11 Thread Judy Taylor

jt: Divination and deception are one and the 
same.  Why just assume
that demons will not work through a child?  
Everyone who comes
into this world has a fallen Adamic nature and this 
includes every
child.  Usually it doesn't take long for it to 
express itself either. judyt
From: "Marlin Halverson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The answered prayers of a child are cause to suspect 
demons?  I think not.

  jt: Of course I can understand everyone being happy 
  for the family
  but it's important that we understand God's ways 
  because right now
  the Church is full of divination and nobody seems to 
  know or care
  Some are closed to anything supernatural and the 
  others are wide
  open to everything that comes along and looks 

RE: [TruthTalk] Christian Children

2004-04-11 Thread ShieldsFamily



Here is a lesson for us on discernment
when it comes to negative, accusing, evil-speaking, reviling, hateful people:


To the pure, all things are pure;
but to those who are defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure, but both their mind
and their conscience are defiled. (Titus 1:15)


 You brood of vipers, how can
you, being evil, speak what is good? For the mouth speaks out of that which
fills the heart. 
 The good man brings out of his good treasure what is good; and the evil
man brings out of his evil treasure what is evil. 
But I tell you that every careless word that people speak, they shall give an
accounting for it in the day of judgment. (Matt 12: 34-36)


May God have mercy on the merciless!




[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Marlin Halverson
Sent: Sunday, April 11, 2004 1:24
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Christian


The answered prayers of a child are cause to suspect
demons?  I think not.

Re: Fw: Re: [TruthTalk] UPC

2004-04-11 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 4/11/2004 9:12:25 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I'm wondering if all pastors use 1 Cor 8:1-4 to cover what they
don't have answers for. 

Actually, judyt, I don't know any pastors that do this.  

 My daughter in TX who has four young
impressionable children was assured by their Baptist pastor that it
is OK to go out and celebrate the devils holiday at Halloween just so
long as they don't look like devils; ie they dress them in Disney stuff
and this is the scripture he used to justify such evil counsel.  Lord 
have mercy on his soul.    judyt

"The Lord have mercy on his soul" is my hope as well.

Re: [TruthTalk] Great idea, Smithson!

2004-04-11 Thread Knpraise

I'm proud of you, kid.  Your post has some good info  --  several points I had was not aware of.   Thanks

In His Grace
In case you are wondering -- this is Chris' remarks concerning the book of James  (Yacov).

In a message dated 4/11/2004 9:46:57 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

King Jimmy of 1611 was not a nice man (to put it very mildly).  It was very difficult to get him to agree to the translation work named in his honor.  The translators (credited far too highly than they ought) manipulated text at times to suit their purposes and theology (though still better than just about every other translation since then -- I personally prefer the exegeses version which is the only one I know of since KJV to stick to the same manuscripts as KJV that ALSO was translated by a Holy Spirit filled believer [as evidenced by his speaking in other tongues as The Spirit gave utterance] )!.
The book of Yacov was one of the bargaining chips to persway (teehee) his majesty.  I've heard it said that this was the one that finally swung him over to back the work.
"Yo, King, one of the writings in Scripture beareth thy name."
Yacov actually anglicizes to Jacob, but, HEY, the lie was for a good cause ...

I didn't know this.

The book of Yacov was the very first of the NT writings to be penned.  It used to be listed right up near the front, too ... got shuffled w-a-a-a-y back 'cause it was much too strong on its law and works TRUTH emphasis.  

A couple of other bits of new info for me.  

Ye ol' drunkard Luther even campaigned for its complete removal.

Now, NOTICE that in the very first words Yacov addressed this writing to the twelve tribes scattered abroad.
Who ever said the tribes of Ysrael were lost, anyway?  Yacov knew about them and where they were.  IT'S ALL IN THE BOOK, and right in the very opening of this NT book within THE BOOK!

Yes again.

So how's that for a start for ya, John, my comments covered greek discussions, personal observations, contextual comments (history, date, cultural applications, etc. ) as well as whatever comes to mind.  

See how things go when you are a nice guy.   I am always learning that lesson.    Appreciated.

Re: [TruthTalk] UPC

2004-04-11 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 4/11/2004 10:00:27 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Lots of folks spend "much time in the word" but not so much (or very much at all IF at all) with The Author (also the Finisher of faith) -- The Living Word -- so they fall exceedingly short in the truth department.  Amazing how much time they do spend with other authors about The Author's work.

Both are good  -- one is esstential.  

Do you attend a church that shares you oneness theology?   

I pastor such an assembly and visit a wide variety of others at varying times.

Re: [TruthTalk] Pseudo Science

2004-04-11 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 4/11/2004 10:22:36 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Not a good reputation, on this website at least and I have a problem with anyone
claiming to "cure people" by nutrition alone.  Where there is sickness there is always
a sin issue. 

Where did you get this idea?  

 Also God is the healer and any healing by other means is divination.

Medical doctors included  Those who use divination and evil spirits to 
are not and cannot be children of God.   God does not offer serpents to those who ask for bread.  

Medicine does not heal, it is managed care and any honest physician will tell you so.

Re: Yo, LANCE -- Re: [TruthTalk] More recent than 50 years ago?

2004-04-11 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 4/11/2004 11:40:45 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Go read and MEDITATE on II Corinthians 10, then obey verses 5 and 6 in particular.

Chris, are you one of those pentecostal preachers that hands out targets at the door to those who visit your church?   Sure sounds like it.  Easy up  --  especially since declaring yourself as a pastor.  


Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Children

2004-04-11 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 4/11/2004 12:37:18 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

jt: Divination and deception are one and the same.  Why just assume
that demons will not work through a child?  Everyone who comes
into this world has a fallen Adamic nature and this includes every
child.  Usually it doesn't take long for it to express itself either. judyt

This is absolutely over the top, even for judyt.   You must believe in childhood conversion inspite of the fact that not one such example is given in NT scripture.  


RE: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-11 Thread David Miller
Lance wrote:
> Please tell us with as much clarity and precision as 
> is possible the THIS you're believing.
> ... don't quote scripture.

I'll try to take a few minutes to explain my basic understanding, but I
sure hope that this does not sound like I am trying to be divisive.
Please consider what I am about to say as a rough draft of my
perspective and not something which I walk around thinking about all the
time.  I have been considering your request from the first time you
shared it, and a brother at church today shared a message which
stimulated me to present it to you in the following fashion.

I have observed Christians approach the problem of sin at two different

First there are those who upon recognizing the problem of sin, see Jesus
as the answer out of the dreaded dilemma of facing God on judgment day.
They recognize that their own personal sin has separated them from God,
but they also have learned and believe that Jesus paid the price for
their sin so that they will inherit eternal life despite their sin.
Then when they sin, their conscience condemns them, but they see this
condemnation as being a lie from the devil because they reason that the
blood of Jesus has covered their sin.  They might describe this
situation in the following way:  "the devil tries to point to what I did
last week and convince me that I'm no good, but I tell him he is a liar
and that Jesus has paid the price and that one day Jesus will return and
change me and then at that time I will be a new creature and never walk
this way again."  In other words, they look at their continued defeat in
the area of morality as something that will always continue until the
second coming of Christ.  They consider any sense of condemnation for
their sin as a lie of Satan in their life.  They do not deal with the
sin, but have a hope that one day Jesus will return and make them new
creatures which will not have the same temptations as they have now.
They look at the solution of having victory over sin as being the
removal of the temptation of sin.

It seems to me that this approach perpetuates what historians have
called the Messiah complex.  It is the idea that when Messiah comes, all
things will be restored.  It continues to look to a future when
restoration is done, and it does not see moral restoration as something
that has already happened with Christ's first coming.

The second way that some Christians approach sin is to see that Christ
came not only to forgive sin, but to break the power of sin in our life.
This approach perceives that the way to holiness has been made right
now, and that we do not need to wait until Christ returns the second
time in order to be made free from sin.  While sin continues to be ever
present in the sense that we will always be tempted while abiding in
these corruptible bodies, we can live a life of victory over those
temptations in every situation.  

The way the second approach to sin is dealt with is very different than
the first approach.  The condemnation and guilt that is associated with
sin is not looked upon as a lie of the devil, but as a direct
consequence of the sin.  If I were to sin today, I fully expect to
experience guilt from sin, even though Jesus has died for me and atoned
for my sin.  I could say a lot more here about the atonement and its
effect on past, present and future sins, but I think it best to skip
that for right now.  My point right now is that I deal with sin in a
most serious way.  The idea of experiencing guilt and a darkening of the
conscience and a dimming of the communion and fellowship with the Father
is a huge motivation for me not to sin again.  I deal with sin by hating
it and forsaking it, not by some knowledge that when Jesus comes again
he will transform me and make a way for me to have victory over sin.  I
see victory over sin as a reality for right now, because of Jesus
Christ.  I can be a New Creature right now.  I don't have to wait for
it.  It is a reality right now.  I am greatly encouraged and blessed to
hear this news.  It is the GOOD NEWS, the BEST NEWS that I have ever
heard in my whole life.  More importantly, this good news has a reality
when it is believed, and it is experienced in a most powerful way within
the conscience of man.  Christ truly has made a way for the conscience
to be perfected.  I can't prove it to anyone except by testifying to its
reality, hoping they will believe it, and then when they experience it,
they will see that what I have testified is really true.

Well, this is a brief and very rough sketch.  I hope it helps.  I would
have been much more comfortable sharing Scripture along with it, which
to me is filled with the truth of what I just shared.  Nevertheless, I
have tried to answer you in the manner that you requested.  I pray it
helps you understand better where I am coming from.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, tha

RE: [TruthTalk] Chris' opinion of Edgar Casey?

2004-04-11 Thread Charles Perry Locke
Chris, being in the herbal, holistic, alternative medicinal field, I am sure 
you have heard or read about the unconventional, but very successful 
diagnoses and cures by Edgar Casey. What do you think about his early work 
as a healer?

An honest answer would be appreciated, not a sidestep avoiding the question 
like you so often post in response to sincere questions.


From: "Chris Barr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [TruthTalk] More recent than 50 years ago?
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2004 11:06:32 -0500
Romans , Chapter 14\o/ !HALALU Yah! \o/

Greetings in the Matchless Name of YahShua [that's the name Jesus was 
called by His mom, dad, brothers, sisters, disciples and others who loved 
Him] !!

The Saviour rose much, MUCH more than 50 years ago ... does that make it 
irrelevant?  YOU don't make sense, Izzy.

Just because YOU don't understand it (over your head?) doesn't mean that it 
"makes no (scientific) sense".

This research did not come to me for free.  I offered you access to a 
starting point but perhaps YHVH has blinded you more than I realize.  How 
much of your husband's alleged expertise did he receive (or does he 
provide) FOR FREE?  What I've offered you is a BARGAIN compared to anything 
medicine offers.  I've put up so you can shut up.

Also, I don't know ANY incurable diseases.  As one of my early mentors and 
teachers, Dr. John Christopher, noted, "There are no incurable diseases but 
there are incurable people."  Again, you don't make sense speaking of 
someone recovering from Crohn's and then calling it incurable.

I've NEVER known a case of carpal tunnel syndrome, acid reflux, or 
allergies that was not healed when following proper nutritional 
instruction.  More than 20 years ago I had a woman with an "incurable" case 
of genital herpes brought to me and that was cleared up, too (still have a 
very nice thank you note from that one).  I've accomplished MUCH that 
medicine says can't be done.  Most of those accomplishments have been by 
way of info about 50 years old and older.  Raised up 8 children without 
doctor bills.  Hosea 4:6 is still true, today.

Have you or your husband read any Antoine Béchamp (greatest scientist in 
recorded history and perhaps of all time)?  Widespread application of his 
extensive research would close just about all hospitals and put an end to 
most medical practice.

Ahava b' YahShua

(Love in The SAVIOUR)

Baruch YHVH,

Chris Barr

a servant of YHVH

  - Original Message -
  From: ShieldsFamily
  Sent: 04/09/2004 6:49 PM
  Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Science and Scriptural dietary requirements

  Why can't you come up with something a little more recent than 50 years 
ago? That whole article makes no (scientific) sense. You brought this up 
before, and I asked for the research, and you never provided it.

  I think there are real reasons the Lord prohibited eating scavengers, 
and The Maker's Diet gives good scientific reasons. The author has a 
doctorate in nutrition, and was personally healed of Crohn's disease when 
he was a teenager ( which you know is incurable) by going on a Biblical 
diet. But he does not include any of the stuff you quoted below.

  I believe the Levitical dietary and hygiene laws were given to protect 
God's people from the diseases of the unbelievers around them. I think that 
is still true today.  And I think we need a lot more research to 
investigate and validate this today.  In the meantime, it's a faith thing.  
Which isn't all bad.  J

  PS I've also been enjoying reading related books by Don Colbert, MD, who 
also advocates a Biblical diet.  Have you read any of those?



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chris Barr
  Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 5:19 PM
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Science and Scriptural dietary requirements

  \o/ !HALALU Yah! \o/

  Greetings in the Matchless Name of YahShua [that's the name Jesus was 
called by His mom, dad, brothers, sisters, disciples and others who loved 
Him] !!

  Royal Raymond Rife created a microscope (The Universal Microscope) in 
the 1920s which was more powerful than ANY microscope available today. You 
can read about it in many places including the annals of The Smithsonian 
Institution ("The New Microscopes" 1944/1945).

  Extensive research by Rife with his microscope led to development of a 
cure for cancer that was PROVEN to be 100% effective in 1930s trials 
overseen by the AMA, The University of Southern California, and Dr. 
Milbanks Johnson, M.D. (President, Los Angeles County Medical Society at 
the time) at what would later come to be known as the renowned Scripps 
Clinic in La Jolla, CA.

  Part of his research with the microscope revealed to him a specific 
state that the blood MUST be in for cancer to develop. In his n

Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Children

2004-04-11 Thread Charles Perry Locke
John wrote:

> I remember a family in a fellowship I was with where the little girl 
> that God would let her have identical twin brothers.  Her mother was not
> pregnant, was not planning to be pregnant, and there were not twins in 
> family.
> About a year later, the mother gave birth to identical twin boys.

Perry, what would be the odds on this.

John,  the article I read stated about 1 in 26 births are twins (when 
fertility drugs are not in use), and about 25% of those are identical, which 
means about 1 in 104 births are identical twins, yielding a probability of 
about 0.96%.

Of course, we would have to figure in the probablility that the mother and 
father would decide to get pregnant, and it would be even more complicated 
if they didn't!

When I was 11 or 12 we had a family in our town that had 8 children, all 
pre-school age, all natural born of the same parents. Five years in a row 
they had: twin boys, a girl, twin boy and girl, a boy, and twin girls. Their 
name was "Lamb". They had a Volkswagon micobuses to cart their family around 


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"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought 
to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

RE: [TruthTalk] More recent than 50 years ago?

2004-04-11 Thread David Miller
Chris wrote:
> Also, I don't know ANY incurable diseases.  As one 
> of my early mentors and teachers, Dr. John Christopher, 
> noted, "There are no incurable diseases but there are 
> incurable people."  Again, you don't make sense speaking 
> of someone recovering from Crohn's and then calling it 
> incurable.
> I've NEVER known a case of carpal tunnel syndrome, acid 
> reflux, or allergies that was not healed when following 
> proper nutritional instruction.  More than 20 years ago 
> I had a woman with an "incurable" case of genital herpes 
> brought to me and that was cleared up, too (still have a 
> very nice thank you note from that one).  I've accomplished 
> MUCH that medicine says can't be done.  Most of those 
> accomplishments have been by way of info about 50 years 
> old and older.  Raised up 8 children without doctor bills.  
> Hosea 4:6 is still true, today.

Chris, I think you probably have some helpful information for all of us,
but the packaging of it is somewhat troublesome.  It is like everyone is
the devil who does not agree with you in everything you say.  

Personally, I live similar to you in that I don't run off to medical
doctors.  I think the medical community tends to get too much of a free
pass in our society and alternatives are not given their due
appreciation.  I fully realize that if someone goes to a doctor and
dies, people think nothing of it and it is assumed that all that could
be done for them was done.  However, if somebody does not go to the
doctor but prays continually for healing and dies, people get up in arms
about how they should have went to the doctor.  Truly our society
respects doctors more than prayer when it comes to the healing of the

I personally like the nutrition approach that you take.  I wish you
lived nearby so that I could talk with you more about it.  I believe
that I would probably benefit from your knowledge in this area.  I would
surely visit someone like you before I would visit a medical doctor.  I
like the idea of eating right and preventing problems before they happen
rather than shooting drugs into the body after there is a problem.

Nevertheless, it seems to me like there is something wrong with the
attitude you have about being God's prophet of nutrition and the whole
rest of society is living the abominable lie.  The interesting thing is
that I actually think you might be right about a great many things, but
the attitude you carry makes it very unpalatable.  It also makes me
suspicious about you not being right.  I'm just being open and honest
with you.  The Scriptures speak of Jesus being full of grace and truth.
Read John's words following:

And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his
glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace
and truth.
(John 1:14 KJV)

I have often dwelt upon this passage.  What about Christ's life
impressed John this way?  It seems to me that Jesus had an attitude that
might be expressed as being full of grace and truth.  I pray that both
you and I might touch this spirit and adopt this attitude in all that we
learn from the Father above.  I realize that men like Balaam were right
about a great many things, but their attitude stunk and they became
known as false prophets because of it, not because they spoke falsehood,
but because they did not pursue a glory that was full of grace and truth
in all that they did.

I like the following passage too:

Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time. Let
your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know
how ye ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:5-6 KJV)

Do you recognize any possibility for improvement here, or am I now
considered a reprobate fool for even speaking to you in this manner?

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Children

2004-04-11 Thread Knpraise

What are the odds that God had something specific to do with this story (originally from Terry, I believe)?

In a message dated 4/11/2004 6:25:40 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

> > I remember a family in a fellowship I was with where the little girl 
> > that God would let her have identical twin brothers.  Her mother was not
> > pregnant, was not planning to be pregnant, and there were not twins in 
> > family.
> >
> > About a year later, the mother gave birth to identical twin boys.
> >
>Perry, what would be the odds on this.

John,  the article I read stated about 1 in 26 births are twins (when 
fertility drugs are not in use), and about 25% of those are identical, which 
means about 1 in 104 births are identical twins, yielding a probability of 
about 0.96%.

Of course, we would have to figure in the probablility that the mother and 
father would decide to get pregnant, and it would be even more complicated 
if they didn't!

When I was 11 or 12 we had a family in our town that had 8 children, all 
pre-school age, all natural born of the same parents. Five years in a row 
they had: twin boys, a girl, twin boy and girl, a boy, and twin girls. Their 
name was "Lamb". They had a Volkswagon micobuses to cart their family around 


Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Children

2004-04-11 Thread Marlin Halverson

The family members of those who are called, children and 
spouses, are sanctified by the believing family member.  They are made 
clean and holy.  
Now, that woman in Texas who murdered her children and 
quoted scripture to justify her actions had a train of thought such as you have 
expressed.  Her thinking was indeed inspired by the devil.  (See 
1CO 7:14    For the unbelieving husband is 
sanctified by the wife, and 
unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were 
children unclean; but now are they holy.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, April 11, 2004 3:35 
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Christian 
  jt: Divination and deception are one and the 
  same.  Why just assume
  that demons will not work through a child?  
  Everyone who comes
  into this world has a fallen Adamic nature and this 
  includes every
  child.  Usually it doesn't take long for it to 
  express itself either. judyt
  The answered prayers of a child are cause to suspect 
  demons?  I think not.
jt: Of course I can understand everyone being happy 
for the family
but it's important that we understand God's ways 
because right now
the Church is full of divination and nobody seems 
to know or care
Some are closed to anything supernatural and the 
others are wide
open to everything that comes along and looks 

Mom says God told her to stone sons


  AP file photo
  Deanna Laney called 911 just after midnight on May 10 
  and told a dispatcher: "I've just killed my boys." 

Associated PressMar. 29, 2004 06:03 PM

Texas - A mother who bashed her sons' heads with heavy rocks, killing two of 
the boys, was so delusional she thought the Lord told her to do it, her 
attorney said Monday in opening statements at her murder trial."Does 
she follow what she believes to be God's will or does she turn her back on 
her God?" defense attorney F.R. "Buck" Files Jr. asked the jury of eight men 
and four women.Deanna Laney, a 39-year-old stay-at-home mother, has 
pleaded innocent by reason of insanity to charges of murdering 8-year-old 
Joshua and 6-year-old Luke and causing serious injury to Aaron, 14 months 
old at the time. Prosecutors are not seeking the death penalty.The 
deeply religious East Texas woman who home-schooled her children in the tiny 
town of New Chapel Hill, 100 miles southeast of Dallas, wept uncontrollably 
and shook her head, at times burying her face in a tissue, as she listened 
to testimony and prosecutors showed gruesome photographs of her slain 
children.Her husband, who has supported her, sat a few rows behind 
with friends and family.Prosecutors contend Laney knew right from 
wrong when she killed her children last Mother's Day weekend, despite 
opinions from two psychiatric experts for the defense, two for the 
prosecution and one for the judge - all of whom said Laney was legally 
insane."The issue of sanity is tried in the court, not the 
hospitals," District Attorney Matt Bingham told the jury.Prosecutors 
played a tape of a 911 call in which Laney, in her high, dainty voice, 
calmly told a dispatcher after midnight on May 10: "I just killed my boys." 
She also described the color of her house and directed authorities to her 
home."I just did what I had to do," she told the 
dispatcher.Later in the tape, she appeared to doubt whether she 
should have beaten the baby, saying, "I don't think I did right by Aaron." 
She later said, "I don't think I was supposed to kill him."In his 
opening statement, the district attorney told the jury: "The evidence will 
show you that the last thing Josh and Luke Laney ever saw was their mom with 
a rock over their head and the last thing they ever felt was that rock 
crashing over their head."Bingham said Laney attacked the baby 
first, hammering his head with a 4 1/2-pound rock she had hidden under 
his crib. When he began crying, Laney's husband, Keith, woke up and found 
his wife standing over the baby."Everything's OK," she told 
him.He assumed his wife was changing a diaper and went back to bed. 
Laney then struck the baby again, and after hearing a gurgling from the 
blood in Aaron's throat, she covered him with a pillow and left the room, 
Bingham said."Aaron Laney will never be the same," said Bingham, 
adding that the boy's vision has been impaired and he will never live 
independently.With Aaron's blood on her pajamas, Laney then woke up 
Luke, led him outside the family's rural brick home and asked him to put his 
head on a large rock, the prosecutor said."He does what his Mommy 
tells him," Bingham s

[TruthTalk] Pseudo Science

2004-04-11 Thread Judy Taylor

Not a good reputation, on this website at least and I 
have a problem with anyone claiming to "cure people" by nutrition 
alone.  Where there is sickness there is always a sin issue. 

Where did you get this idea?   
jt: From scripture, read about blessing and cursing in 
Deuteronomy 28 and 29.
Proverbs 25:6 says "the curse causeless does not light" 
so when you see it there
is always a reason.  We are so used to seeing ppl 
dressed in the curse that we
don't think anything about it in our generation. Also 
God is the healer and 
any healing by other means is divination. 
Medical doctors included  
jt: Medical doctors are not healers what they have to 
offer is managed care;
healers in other cultures are demon 
Those who use divination and evil spirits to are not and cannot be children 

of God.   God does not offer serpents to those who ask for 
jt: What are you saying John?  Anyone can be 
deceived.  Under the old
covenant people received healing and Israel were all 
healthy when they left
Egypt.  Noones ankles swelled and their shoes did 
not wear out. We have a
better Covenant with better promises and yet in circles 
where they teach that
healing is part of the atonement approximately 5% who 
come fwd in healing
lines receive healing.  Why?  Healing is the 
children's bread is it not?
Medicine does not heal, it is managed care and any honest physician will 
tell you so. 

[TruthTalk] Christian Children

2004-04-11 Thread Judy Taylor

From: "Marlin Halverson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The family members of those who are called, children and 
are sanctified by the believing family member.  They 
are made clean and holy.  
jt: Sanctified in 1 Cor 7:14 means set apart 
for God to work upon; the
ones who are in unbelief still need to make 
their own committment; God does
not make ppl clean and holy by osmosis and 
without their cooperation.
Now, that woman in Texas who murdered her children and 
quoted scripture 
to justify her actions had a train of thought such as you 
have expressed.  Her 
thinking was indeed inspired by the devil.  (See 
jt: I agree because murder is never God's 
plan, the woman was listening to the
father of lies who was a murderer from 
the beginning. she had religious spirits 
and sadly this is not unusual. 
The mother in Houston who drowned her five 

children was also a professing 
believer; she and her husband were 
fundamentalist Christians.
1CO 7:14    For the unbelieving husband is 
sanctified by the wife, and 
unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were 
children unclean; but now are they holy.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, April 11, 2004 3:35 
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Christian 
  jt: Divination and deception are one and the 
  same.  Why just assume
  that demons will not work through a child?  
  Everyone who comes
  into this world has a fallen Adamic nature and this 
  includes every
  child.  Usually it doesn't take long for it to 
  express itself either. judyt
  The answered prayers of a child are cause to suspect 
  demons?  I think not.
jt: Of course I can understand everyone being happy 
for the family
but it's important that we understand God's ways 
because right now
the Church is full of divination and nobody seems 
to know or care
Some are closed to anything supernatural and the 
others are wide
open to everything that comes along and looks 

Mom says God told her to stone sons


  AP file photo
  Deanna Laney called 911 just after midnight on May 10 
  and told a dispatcher: "I've just killed my boys." 

Associated PressMar. 29, 2004 06:03 PM

Texas - A mother who bashed her sons' heads with heavy rocks, killing two of 
the boys, was so delusional she thought the Lord told her to do it, her 
attorney said Monday in opening statements at her murder trial."Does 
she follow what she believes to be God's will or does she turn her back on 
her God?" defense attorney F.R. "Buck" Files Jr. asked the jury of eight men 
and four women.Deanna Laney, a 39-year-old stay-at-home mother, has 
pleaded innocent by reason of insanity to charges of murdering 8-year-old 
Joshua and 6-year-old Luke and causing serious injury to Aaron, 14 months 
old at the time. Prosecutors are not seeking the death penalty.The 
deeply religious East Texas woman who home-schooled her children in the tiny 
town of New Chapel Hill, 100 miles southeast of Dallas, wept uncontrollably 
and shook her head, at times burying her face in a tissue, as she listened 
to testimony and prosecutors showed gruesome photographs of her slain 
children.Her husband, who has supported her, sat a few rows behind 
with friends and family.Prosecutors contend Laney knew right from 
wrong when she killed her children last Mother's Day weekend, despite 
opinions from two psychiatric experts for the defense, two for the 
prosecution and one for the judge - all of whom said Laney was legally 
insane."The issue of sanity is tried in the court, not the 
hospitals," District Attorney Matt Bingham told the jury.Prosecutors 
played a tape of a 911 call in which Laney, in her high, dainty voice, 
calmly told a dispatcher after midnight on May 10: "I just killed my boys." 
She also described the color of her house and directed authorities to her 
home."I just did what I had to do," she told the 
dispatcher.Later in the tape, she appeared to doubt whether she 
should have beaten the baby, saying, "I don't think I did right by Aaron." 
She later said, "I don't think I was supposed to kill him."In his 
opening statement, the district attorney told the jury: "The evidence will 
show you that the last thing Josh and Luke Laney ever saw was their mom with 
a rock over their head and the last thing they ever felt was that rock 
crashing over their head."Bingham said Laney attacked the baby 
first, hammering his head with a 4 1/2-pound rock she had hidden under 
his crib. When he began crying, Laney's husband, Keith, woke up and found 
his wife standing over the baby."Everything's OK," she told 
him.He assumed 

[TruthTalk] Christian Children

2004-04-11 Thread Judy Taylor

jt: Divination and deception are one and the 
same.  Why just assume that demons will not work through a child?  
Everyone who comes into this world has a fallen Adamic nature and this 
includes every child.  Usually it doesn't take long for it to express 
itself either. judyt 
john: This is absolutely over the top, even for judyt.   
You must believe in childhood conversion inspite of the fact that not 

one such example is given in NT scripture.  
jt: I've never stated that children could not be 
converted John, what
I am saying is that child prophets and child prodigies 
are out of character
for the ministry of God's Spirit in the 
Church.  Children are not responsible 
for their own spiritual life under Judaism until they 
are at least 13yrs old 
and even Jesus who had a full measure of God's Spirit 
did nothing publicly
before the age of 30yrs.  When did things 

Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Children

2004-04-11 Thread Marlin Halverson

I was beginning to worry about you.  
I do not subscribe to the idea of children being born 
evil.  God said that what He created was "very good."  It is our 
influences and actions as we age that corrupts us.  Jesus said that we need 
the innocence of a child to receive the Kingdom of God.
LUK 18:17   {Verily I say unto you, Whosoever 
shall not receive the kingdom 
of    God as 
a little child shall in no wise enter therein.}

  The family members of those who are called, children and 
  are sanctified by the believing family member.  
  They are made clean and holy.  
  jt: Sanctified in 1 Cor 7:14 means set 
  apart for God to work upon; the
  ones who are in unbelief still need to 
  make their own committment; God does
  not make ppl clean and holy by osmosis and 
  without their cooperation.
  Now, that woman in Texas who murdered her children and 
  quoted scripture 
  to justify her actions had a train of thought such as 
  you have expressed.  Her 
  thinking was indeed inspired by the devil.  
  jt: I agree because murder is never God's 
  plan, the woman was listening to the
  father of lies who was a murderer 
  from the beginning. she had religious spirits 
  and sadly this is not unusual. 
  The mother in Houston who drowned her five 
  children was also a professing 
  believer; she and her husband were 

  fundamentalist Christians.
  1CO 7:14    For the unbelieving husband 
  is sanctified by the wife, and 
  unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were 
  children unclean; but now are they holy.

Re: [TruthTalk] Pseudo Science

2004-04-11 Thread Terry Clifton

   in circles where they teach that
  healing is part of the atonement
approximately 5% who come fwd in healing
  lines receive healing.  Why?  Healing is
the children's bread is it not?

I have trouble equating healing with bread.  As to the statistics you
supplied, is a  ninety-five percent rate of failure is considered
normal by those who claim to be healers?  Were the failures the fault
of the healer or the healee?  Were five percent really healed, or were
they deluded?  Were all of the supposed healings something internal
that could not be seen, or did someone have an ear reattached or a
disfigurment such as caused by leprosy healed where the healing was
immeadiate and obvious to everyone?
If Benny Hinn and others like him can do these things, I know of some
leper colonies where they would be most welcome.


Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Children

2004-04-11 Thread Marlin Halverson

jt: I've never stated that children could 
not be converted John, what
I am saying is that child prophets and child 
prodigies are out of character
for the ministry of God's Spirit in the 
Church.  Children are not responsible 
for their own spiritual life under Judaism 
until they are at least 13yrs old 
and even Jesus who had a full measure of 
God's Spirit did nothing publicly
before the age of 30yrs.  When did 
things change?
No change at all.  
Judaism is religion and tradition, not the word of God.  The Word of God tells of Samuel long before Judaism 
developed.  There were other children inspired of God in the scripture, 
even from the womb. Joseph, Samson, Jeremiah, John the Baptist, 
1:24    ¶ And when she had weaned him, she took 
him up with her, with 
bullocks, and one ephah of flour, and a bottle of wine, and 
him unto the house of the LORD in Shiloh: and the child 
1SA 3:9 Therefore Eli said unto 
Samuel, Go, lie down: and it shall be, 
if    he call 
thee, that thou shalt say, Speak, LORD; for thy 
heareth. So Samuel went and lay down in his place.1SA 3:10    
And the LORD came, and stood, and called as at other times, 
Samuel. Then Samuel answered, Speak; for thy servant heareth.1SA 
3:11    ¶ And the LORD said to Samuel, Behold, I will do a thing 
in Israel,    
at which both the ears of every one that heareth it shall tingle.

Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-11 Thread Charles Perry Locke
It does answer the question, Terry, but let me take this a step further. Do 
you think it is possible that this pastor never really believed in the first 
place? Perhaps he just reached the point where he became honest about his 
unbelief. I have a hard time imagining that those who truly believe would 
ever turn away, or to put it another way, that God could not retiain those 
whom the Holy Spirit has drawn to Him.


From: Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2004 12:47:19 -0500
Charles Perry Locke wrote:

Terry, do you believe that one who is saved can lose that salvation?


Wow! That seems like such a simple question, but it would take pages to 
give you a complete answer. Put simply, I do not believe that you can lose 
I believe that you can throw it away.
The Bible teaches that the same one who saved you is able to keep you, but 
it does not say that He will force you to stay against your will.  I offer 
as an example a pastor, who a few years back, resigned  as minister of his 
church.  The reason he gave was that he no longer believed what he had been 
preaching.  He was a believer, now he is not.  Had he died prior to making 
his decision to no longer believe, he would have gone to Heaven.  Now his 
future appears to be the lake of fire.  I think that this is rare compared 
to those who at one time claimed or are claiming to be Christians, only to 
show their true colors after being tested over time, but yes, it does 
happen, and when it does, I believe that that person is no longer saved.  
God will not force anyone to spend eternity with Him.
Hope this answers your question at least to some degree.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may 
know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a 
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"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought 
to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-11 Thread Dave

Terry Clifton wrote:
Perry Locke wrote:
  Terry, do you believe that one who is saved
can lose that salvation?


Wow! That seems like such a simple question, but it would take pages to
give you a complete answer. Put simply, I do not believe that you can
lose your
I believe that you can throw it away.
The Bible teaches that the same one who saved you is able to keep you,
but it does not say that He will force you to stay against your will. 
I offer as an example a pastor, who a few years back, resigned  as
minister of his church.  The reason he gave was that he no longer
believed what he had been preaching.  He was a believer, now he is
not.  Had he died prior to making his decision to no longer believe, he
would have gone to Heaven.  Now his future appears to be the lake of
fire.  I think that this is rare compared to those who at one time
claimed or are claiming to be Christians, only to show their true
colors after being tested over time, but yes, it does happen, and when
it does, I believe that that person is no longer saved.  God will not
force anyone to spend eternity with Him.
Hope this answers your question at least to some degree.

DAVEH:  So Terry, do you think a saved Christian who converts
to Mormonism has lost their salvation?

Dave Hansen
If you wish to receive
things I find interesting,
I maintain Five email lists...

Re: [TruthTalk] new dating for Turin Shroud

2004-04-11 Thread Blaine Borrowman


  - Original Message - 
  Terry Clifton 
  Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 5:47 
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] new dating for 
  Turin Shroud
  Blaine Borrowman wrote:

Original Message - 
Terry Clifton 


Thursday, April 08, 2004 11:36 AM
Re: [TruthTalk] new dating for Turin Shroud
Blaine Borrowman wrote:

    Well and good comments, 
   Terry, but not everyone accepts the "givens" of religious belief as 
  we do.   Since the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ are in one way 
  or other tied up with the shroud, it is a critical evidence of the reality 
  of the Savior's mission on the earth--not merely that he lived, died and 
  was buried--which is accepted by most.  The negative image on the 
  shroud is believed by many scientists to have been caused by a burst of 
  radiation, since it shows bone structure as well as surface image of the 
  corpse.  For instance, the left thumb of the man enwrapped in 
  the shroud was underneath the right hand, both being clasped 
  together, yet the shroud image shows the bone structure of that hidden 
  thumb.  It shows bone structure throughout the body as well.  
Terry wrote:  I appreciate your response Blaine, but I am still lost.  
Would this prove that Jesus was radioactive?  If 
so, would that prove He was the 
**Blaine writes:    I am sorry 
you are still lost Terry, some of us do seem to get lost easily.  
There is no 
doubt a lot of confusion in the world today, especially regarding what does 
or does not constitute proof.  As far as proof is 
concerned, however, I don't see that the visibility of bone 
structure in the shroud image proves anything.   For that 
matter, science and religion, especially religion, seldom prove 
anything.  Would you agree with this?  

Judging from my 
observations, the best we usually get in science is support 
for a point of view, or theory--and with regards to 
religion, support for a belief.  Those 
scientists who tout the radiation point of view apparently feel the 
visibility of bone structure on the Shroud of Turin supports their 
 belief that the negative images came about as the 
body of Christ was being resurrected, the burst of radiation being part of 
the resurrection process.   No proof of this, of course,  
just evidence that supports their belief system.  If we want to believe 
something bad enough, we can always find support for it, right?  Some, 
for example, want to believe grace without works is a part of the gospel of 
Jesus Christ, so they find a few isolated passages to support this 
feel-good belief.  Boys (of all ages) who want to have sex with their 
girlfriends, or view photos of naked women, find a few isolated passages in 
the Bible, or lack thereof,  to support their desire to do these 
things, and then feel good about doing such.   Same 
difference, I think, what do you think, brother 

  dunno Blaine.  Seems to me that people who keep looking for proof are 
  a little confused.  If we had all the facts, we would not be walking 
  in faith.  I guess maybe they just think differently than I do.  
  I don't have to find the ark, or examine a shroud, 
  or feel the warm fuzzies, or have a near death experience.  I have 
  just made up my mind to follow Jesus, and I have made up my 
  mind that the best way to do that is to know what the Bible says about 
  doing that.
  Blaine: Yeah, that's how I feel about the Book of 
  Mormon.  There is a lot of evidence, though, and it all fits.  
  Following the Book seems to really give me a beacon in a world darkened by 
  the traditional Belief System of the so-called Christian 
  Church.  Now there is confusion, if you want 
   I guess it would be nice in a weak moment to 
  have absolute proof of the truth, but then that would mean walking  by 
  information, not faith.  Blaine:  Faith is the 
  substance of things not seem, as I recall it being defined.  I would 
  think some information might be referred to as "substance."   The 
  Bible itself is "substance," as are all things God has created.  Am I 
  right on 
  Just an afterthought.  I think I would be troubled by a Savior that 
  glowed in the dark.  
  don't recall even suggesting he glowed in the dark.  But if he did, and I 
  was sure it was him, I would have no trouble with it.  But

Re: [TruthTalk] Science and Scriptural dietary requirements

2004-04-11 Thread Blaine Borrowman
Title: Romans , Chapter 14

Blaine:  Is swine the only thing that produces 
this susecptibility to cancer?  There are many foods popular 
today besides pigmeat that are forbidden by the OT.  Shrimp, for 
one.  Do you eat shrimp?  Does it do the same as pork once it gets in 
the blood?  And what about vulture? Or catfish?  Or DOG?  Or 
Horsemeat?  (:>)  Bytheway, Giraffe is not forbidden--it parts the 
hoof and chews the cud.  Next time I visit the zoo,  hmmm, which shall 
I have, a neck steak, or .  .  .?

  - Original Message - 
  Chris Barr 
  Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 5:18 
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Science and 
  Scriptural dietary requirements
  \o/ !HALALU Yah! 
  Greetings in the Matchless Name of 
  YahShua [that's the name Jesus was 
  called by His mom, dad, brothers, sisters, disciples and others who 
  loved Him] !!
  Raymond Rife created a microscope (The Universal Microscope) in the 1920s 
  which was more powerful than ANY microscope available today. You can read 
  about it in many places including the annals of The Smithsonian Institution 
  ("The New Microscopes" 1944/1945).Extensive research by Rife with his 
  microscope led to development of a cure for cancer that was PROVEN to be 
  100% effective in 1930s trials overseen by the AMA, The University of 
  Southern California, and Dr. Milbanks Johnson, M.D. (President, Los Angeles 
  County Medical Society at the time) at what would later come to be known as 
  the renowned Scripps Clinic in La Jolla, CA.Part of his research with 
  the microscope revealed to him a specific state that the blood MUST be in for 
  cancer to develop. In his notes he made notation of a curiosity to him. He had 
  discovered that pork caused the specific state for cancer to develop and grow 
  very rapidly. Whenever a test subject consumed pork, their blood entered into 
  that specific state of the blood that he had discovered was necessary for 
  cancer to develop. The blood would maintain this state for up to nine hours 
  after ingestion of pork.Rife was not a religious man. He had no saving 
  faith. He didn't understand that pork was unclean and not to be consumed 
  according to the commandment of Scripture. He did learn from his own studies 
  NOT to consume pork due to scientific reasons!Here is another related 
  note I received more than five years ago:- Original Message - 
  From: "Dell N Griffin"Sent: 2/19/99 4:55 PMSubject: pork and 
  Thought I would forward this to you, re: what we discussed earlier 
  aboutthe BLOOD being the abode of the soul and why eating swine is 
  prohibitedby the Torah. Hope it doesn't spoil anyone's appetite. 
  Shabbat Shalom,Dell 
  FROM: "The Cancer Cure That Worked!" by Barry Lynes> Quoting the 
  first page of Chapter 18: 
  Gruner was a Canadian cancer researcher who worked with Rife (inventor 
  ofthe Rife Machine). As he wrote to Dr. Milbank Johnson in the 
  late1930'', his contemporaries simply wouldn't look at what was before 
  theireyes. In the 1940's Gruner argued in essays and books (An 
  Interpretationof Cancer and the Study of Blood in Cancer) that 
  pleomorphism was aphenomenon in other diseases. Why, he asked, were 
  experts so reluctantto examine a similar biological process when it came 
  to cancer? 
  Gruner: "Viruses in the strict sense are mostly discredited where 
  canceris in question. However, the newer pleomorphists stand in 
  markedcontrast. The virus form, to them, is one phase in the life history 
  ofmany, if not all bacteria. The bacteria forms do not produce cancer, 
  butthe virus forms does. The existence of virus forms of typhoid 
  bacillus,colon bacillus, tubercle bacillus cannot seriously be disputed." 
  Gruner's specialty was blood. Rife had discovered that pork caused 
  thecancer micro-organism to grow very rapidly. In fact, Kendall's 
  KMeddium had a pork base. Gruner took this notion a step 
  further,producing a startling and frightening fact for people who eat 
  pork.Gruner wrote that the blood of a person who ate pork was the 
  SAME(emphasis in the original) as a cancer patient for 8 or 9 hours 
  Gruner: "a meal which features pork will produce a BLOOD 
  thoughof course normality reappears after 8 to 9 hours" 
  Unfortunately, the orthodox medical authorities and public 
  healthofficials have ignored this finding just as they have thoroughly 
  END OF FIRST PAGE OF CHAPTER 18* * * * * * * 
  Now, I have a few FIRST EDITION copies of the book, 'The Cancer Cure That 
  Worked! Fifty Years of Suppression'. (I had extensive files on Rife before the 
  book was ever written in 1987 ... the STORIES that I could tell.) The reprints 
  on the internet run $10.95 on up. I'll let you have one of my First Editions 
  for just $10 + $3.

Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-11 Thread Wm. Taylor

To all TTers,
My accuser claims I have mishandled the Word of 
God. Before judging me too hastily I ask that you first hear me out. I 
would like to ask that you please read this post in its entirety. It will be 
long but I want you to know what I am doing and why I am doing it. Hear me out 
and judge me later, if that is your desire. But please do not judge me before 
knowing my motives -- Is that too much to ask? -- because our 
accuser does not care about me, he does not care about us, he cares only about 
Lance has asked that David and I extend the context 
of this Christian Perfection discussion beyond "word & tense to God 
Himself." I will be happy to do that, but before I do I have some parting 
words concerning the Greek text -- make that texts. At the heart of this 
discussion is not an ethical problem on my behalf. At the heart of this 
discussion is a textual variant. One text, the TR, says eauton; another 
text, the UBS, says auton. The distinction between these two words may 
seem so slight as to be insignificant. Nevertheless this variant exits, and it 
exists for a reason. What is that reason? The question I would like you to 
consider is this: Is the variant there because of an ethical problem on the side 
of one or the other of these two texts? Is there a lack of integrity at play 
here on the part of the copyists? Did one side or the other intentionally 
distort the meaning of the text? What causes textual variations anyway? Is it 
always an ethical problem, a problem of integrity? I have been accused of an 
ethical problem. My integrity has been called into question. I would like to 
suggest to the contrary that perhaps the "problem" if one exists, is not a 
problem of our, the scribes and myself, lack of moral perfection, which we 
would have if we would but submit to the Lord; the problem is one of real human 
limitations -- no ethical underhandedness, no lack of integrity, just us 
being human as best as we can in our pursuit of truth under the Lordship of 
Jesus Christ.
When David asked me to consider I John 5.18 in 
the context of our Gnostic discussion, he quoted from the King James Version. 
The King James is a translation from the Textus Receptus -- the 
Received Text or TR. At the heart of this verse are the words "but he that is 
begotten of God keepeth himself" (in King James language) or "alla ho 
gennatheis ek tou theou tarei eauton" (from 
the TR Greek itself). Rather than re-introduce the controversy 
over the various manuscripts and the textual variants between them, and 
knowing the futility of doing so, I told David upfront that this verse has to be 
translated in a way that makes Jesus Christ the one who keeps himself. The 
UBS text is worded in a way which does this. All of the 
translations derived from the UBS are translated in a way which does this; 
for example, the NASB reads "but He who was born of God keeps 
him." It says this because the UBS states "alla ho gennatheis ek tou 
theou tarei auton." At the heart of this 
passage is an attempt from one side or the other to make Jesus Christ the one 
who keeps himself and, by inference, others "from the wicked one." How do 
textual variants find their way into God's inspired Word? They find their way by 
way of human limitation. It is wrong for limited human beings to be so quick to 
judge the scribes as deviant. These guys are trying to make sense of the 
Scriptures, just like you are and I am. They knew like I do that only Jesus 
Christ can keep us from the wicked one. In the Old Testament we read that one 
angel killed 185,000 men. The zeal of the Lord of hosts saw to it. Yahweh sent 
one angel to do the work of an entire army (see II Kings 19.31-35; cf. Isa 
37.32-36). Who among us is strong enough to protect him- or herself from the 
mightiest of all angels, evil and wicked as we know he is? The scribes knew this 
story. They knew what happened to Peter when only a portion of our Lord's cover 
was removed from upon him. The scribes did not desire to leave this question 
open -- if indeed the UBS is the text which introduced the variant! Did 
you get that? Perhaps the variant was introduced by the scribes who copied the 
TR. Maybe they made a mistake. Maybe they understood this verse in a way similar 
to the way I translated it -- in which case their "error" 
precipitates my corrective. But must they be self-righteous fools who 
considered themselves greater than they should, yet were stupid enough to 
think they were the keepers of themselves against the devil? If we accept David 
Miller's logic we must conclude they were. But does it apply? How did the 
variant find its way into this verse? I do not know. You do not know. Not even 
David Miller knows. We know only that it is there and that we have to decide 
what to do with it.
David is right concerning the number for adjectives 
normally lining up with the words they modify. This is one of the grammatical 
rules for translating Greek. An

Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-11 Thread Dave

DAVEH:  If anybody deserves to be excluded from TT for contrarian views,
it is me with my LDS biased beliefs.  FTR..DavidM has gone to
extraordinary lengths to defend my presence in TT.

Wm. Taylor wrote:

  . May I say something to
you, David? I would like to say it to Izzy and Judy as well. I know you
are my brother and sisters. I do not doubt but what we worship the
same Savior. I admire your zeal and I admire your desire to live in
holiness apart from sin. My friends, this is my desire, too. May I say
something more to you? I do not like the quickness with which you
condemn your brothers and sisters. The problem, as I see it, with
your theology is that it forces you to expel from your midst anyone who
does not read into the Scriptures your understanding of God's words.
If perfection is where you are, and if "genuine" believers must be
perfect, then anyone who disagrees with you must be imperfect and
therefore reprobate. Is that too harsh, too simplistic? I hope so, but
it seems that simple to me, and I do get that impression, especially
from you, David, as well as from Judy. Do you want to be perceived this

Dave Hansen
If you wish to receive
things I find interesting,
I maintain Five email lists...

[TruthTalk] Pseudo Science

2004-04-11 Thread Judy Taylor

From: Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
jt: in circles where they teach that healing is part of 
the atonement 
approximately 5% who come fwd in healing lines receive 
Why?  Healing is the children's bread is it 
terry: I have trouble equating healing with bread.  
jt: Why? These are Jesus' Words to a Greek woman (Matt 
"It's not good to take the children's bread and feed it 
to dogs" She
was not at that point a child of the covenant and she 
was seeking
healing for her daughter.  Today whoever is in 
Christ is in covenant
with God and "He is the same yesterday, today, and 
terry: As to the statistics you supplied, is a  ninety-five percent 
of failure is considered normal by those who claim to be 
jt: Working of miracles and gifts of healing are 
two of the "spiritual
gifts Jesus left to the Church when he ascended; they 
operate as the
Spirit wills and are not subject to the whims of 
terry: Were the failures the fault of the healer or the healee?  

jt: I know of one pastor who is seeing people healed 
under his
ministry and he teaches sanctification.  He is of 
the opinion that sin
in the body of Christ is why people are not being 
healed. This is what
he learned when he sought God about it being in dismay 
over what he
was seeing.
terry: Were five percent really healed, or were they deluded?  
jt: I believe there are some genuine healings; having 
his people going
around dressed in the curse certainly is not glorifying 
God and outwardly
there is no difference between the world and the Church 
right now which
should not be.
terry: Were all of the supposed healings something internal that could 

not be seen, or did someone have an ear reattached or a disfigurment 
such as caused by leprosy healed where the healing was immeadiate and 

obvious to everyone?
jt: Miracles have been known to happen but sadly they 
are the exception
rather than the rule because of our unbelief and 
terry: If Benny Hinn and others like him can do these things, I know of 

some leper colonies where they would be most welcome.
jt: Doesn't work like that Terry because God does not 
perform on 
demand.  Jesus only did what he first saw the 
Father doing and He is
the pattern.