Re: [Ugnet] ANARCHISTS museveni ABOVE THE LAW?

2005-08-13 Thread B Wambuga
cealing treachery of their mentor, comrade and colleague. Otherwise, what is their new invention? Theirs is an in-marriage rivalry for succession and inheritance which serious outsiders, the majority of Ugandans, are bound to ignore. FDC is a self-sugared bait incapable of leading Uganda to modernity. Tumukunde's (or is it Pulkol's) PAP could stop where it has reached. All other similar attempts are bound to fail because they are neither genuine nor well-founded. Above all, Uganda deserves a methodology and dispensation unimaginable by the intellectuals and strategists of FDC, PAP and all offshoots of NRM. The writer is a freelance journalist
Published on: Wednesday, 10th August, 2005

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[Ugnet] Besigye addresses people in Gulu

2005-08-08 Thread B Wambuga
Beseigye addressed people in Gulu over the weekend by Phone. Read for your self and hear what he had to say.

Besigye addresses Gulu rally on phone

Col. Dr. Kizza Besigye
By Chris Ochowun THE exiled chief of the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC), retired Col. Dr. Kizza Besigye (right), on Sunday addressed a vast crowd who braved the scorching sun at Kaunda ground to witness the launch of the party FDC office in Gulu. He addressed them by telephone from South Africa. Besigye said President Yoweri Museveni had subjected the Acholi to dehumanising conditions in the displaced people’s camps. He called MP Reagan Okumu’s phone which was connected to loud speakers. The crowd cheered with excitement as Besigye addressed them. He said, “I salute you all the people of Acholi upon your firm decision to support the launch of FDC offices in Gulu, Kitgum and Pader districts.” He said it was unfortunate that the Acholi had been left homeless and hungry because of the bad leadership of Museveni. “We shall not allow this kind of dictatorship to continue and the dry banana leaves people are being forced to carry
 go back where they belong,” he said. Foreign friends of the dictator have abandoned him because he is war monger, corrupt and violations of the constitution and human rights”, Besigye told the crowd in a 9 minutes address during the launch of FDC in Gulu. He said legitimate leaders of Acholi were being subjected to torture and imprisonment and were being blackmailed by the dictatorship.
Published on: Tuesday, 9th August, 2005--
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[Ugnet] Are you still a Kifaro fanatic?

2005-08-07 Thread B Wambuga
Here we go again with those Kifaro stories in Bweyale.
Read on.

Kifaro owango ot i Bweyale centa
David Lakoch MAC mo ma kibyeko ni obedo kifaro otyeko poto atura ka owango woko ni kwic kwici ot pa Mego Ajati ma obedo lacat wil i Bweyale. Mac man opoto ikine ka cawa 10 ki nucu me dye wor me ceng aryo ka owang wa odiko kama jami ma onongo tye iot meno owang ducu niruk iot. Latin awobi mo me mwaka 15 ma onongo obuto iot meno oloyo to cwicwi ka lwak aye olare ikare ma mac man ocake ma mego Ajati onongo tye wa i Arua inino meno. Jo ma gin olimo kacan man cut cut, gutito ni jami magi onongo obedo me dukan dok owang ducu labongo laro ne.
Published on: Wednesday, 3rd August 2005

Kifaro burns a house in Bweyale center.

A mysterious fire believed to a “Kifaro” broke out and burnt a house belonging to Mego Ajati to complete ashes. Mego Ajati was a businesswoman in Bweyale.

The unexplainable fire occurred at around 10.30 p.m on Tuesday burnt on until morning incinerating everything in the house. 

A young boy of 15 years old fled from the fire and was rescued by the community. He was sleeping in the house at the time. Mego Ajati was away on a trip to Arua on that fate full night. 

The people who lost some items there said they had not evaluated the shop merchandise, and therefore could not estimate the value.
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[Ugnet] Museveni disappears in Sudan

2005-08-07 Thread B Wambuga
Despot Museveni cut and disappeared from the Sudan and did not attend the funeral he had driven all the way for to Yei in Sudan.
WHy, what happened? The main reason for him to go was to attend his "freind's" funeral. But the DIctator started a fire not even himself could turn out.

Ugandan president skips Garang’s funeral 
ÓæÏÇäíÒÇæäáÇíä.ßæãsudaneseonline.com8/7/2005 5:45am KAMPALA, Aug 6, 2005 — A day after stunning the world by suggesting that the helicopter crash in which Sudan vice president John Garang was killed may not have been accidental, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni stayed away Saturday from the ex-rebel leader’s funeral. 
Uganda had announced earlier in the week that it would be represented at the funeral "by the highest authority in the country" but had not specified exactly who that meant although Museveni as head of state and government fits the description. 
Ugandan Information Minister James Nsaba Buturo would say only that Museveni had gone on Friday to the town of Yei in southern Sudan "to see the body and after paying his last respects, he returned to Uganda." 
In Yei, the Ugandan leader raised eyebrows by suggesting the July 30 chopper crash in which Garang died might not have been accidental, contrary to official explanations. 
"Some people say accident, it may be an accident, it may be something else," Museveni told mourners in Yei, noting that Garang had perished on his presidential helicopter and that an unspecified "external factor" might have been responsible. 
The comments irked Sudanese officials and distressed diplomats and others in Sudan where there has been fierce speculation that Garang was assassinated. 
Sudanese Information Minister Abdul Basit Sebdarat said late Friday that Museveni’s remarks were "extremely worrying" in light of the fact that an international team is now investigating the crash. 
"Uttering statements or speculations ahead of the investigation would harm the probe and the chances of finding the facts," Sudan’s official SUNA news agency quoted Sebdarat as saying. 
Anger over Garang’s death and conspiracy theories are blamed for much of the deadly violence in Khartoum and Juba that erupted after news of the fatal helicopter crash broke on August 1. 
UN special envoy to Sudan Jan Pronk told reporters in Juba on Saturday ahead of Garang’s funeral that there was no reason to think the crash was anything other than an accident due to poor weather, darkness and possible pilot error

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[Ugnet] External factor in death of Garang

2005-08-06 Thread B Wambuga
Dictator Museveni also chips in here according to Al-Jazeera!

Friday 05 August 2005, 16:57 Makka Time, 13:57 GMT  

Museveni hinted that the crash might be the result of foul play


Troops deploy for Garang's funeral

Sudan riot toll put at 130

Sudanese bid farewell to Garang

Garang death to be probed

Uganda's president has said the helicopter crash that killed Sudanese First Vice-President John Garang may not have been an accident.
"Some people say accident, it may be an accident, it may be something else," President Yoweri Museveni said on Friday, becoming the first official of any government to publicly suggest the 31July crash may have been the result of foul play.  "The [helicopter] was very well equipped, this was my [helicopter] the one I am flying all the time, I am not ruling anything out," he said, noting that an international panel of experts had been appointed to look into the crash.  "Either the pilot panicked, either there was some side wind or the instruments failed or there was an external factor," Museveni told southern Sudanese mourners in the town of Yai where Garang's body was brought ahead of his Saturday funeral in Juba.  His comments were met with silence from the crowd, which had earlier greeted the arrival of Garang's coffin with wailing, ululation and
Waiting for the inquiry Garang's successor as chief of the Sudan People's Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A), Salva Kiir, declined to comment on the specifics of Museveni's remarks, but said the group was eager to hear the results of the investigation. 

"The (helicopter) was very well equipped, this was my (helicopter) the one I am flying all the time, I am not ruling anything out"
Yoweri Museveni,Ugandan president
"All options are open and cannot be ruled out," Kiir said after telling the mourners to reject the violence that has engulfed parts of Sudan since Garang's death and urging them to hold to their ex-leader's vision for peace.  "This is not the time for rioting," Kiir said, blaming unspecified opponents of peace for wanting "to provoke a situation that would lead us back to war". 
Speculations Museveni did not elaborate on what he meant by an "external factor", but there has been widespread speculation in southern Sudan that the aircraft might have been somehow sabotaged or shot down.
A journalist based in Uganda told Aljazeera that theUgandan newspapers hadspeculated that Garang was not the target of the helicopter crash, but thatthe actual target had beenthe Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni.Commenting on President Museveni's remarks, Idris al-Qadi said the Ugandan press had implied that some Rwandan partiesmighthave beenbehind the crash andthat itwas meant for Museveni and not Garang.
However, until Friday, officials in Khartoum and Kampala, members of the SPLM/A leadership and Garang's widow, Rebecca, had all dismissed such possibilities and maintained thatthe crash was accidental. 

Aljazeera + Agencies

There you go!

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[Ugnet] Fwd: Comments following the Referrendum!!!!!

2005-07-31 Thread B Wambuga
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Here are yet more comments on the referrendum especially for those who have missed out on the bigger picture about the turn out for the exercise. 
Read on...
God heard Matembe’s prayers
By Mary Karugaba MBARARA Woman MP Miria Matembe has said she had been fasting and praying for this referendum and God had answered her prayers. “I prayed that peace prevails and God’s will be done. Peace has prevailed and this reflects God’s will,” Matembe said. She was on Thursday answering questions about the low voter turnout for the referendum. She said the low turnout was an indicator that despite President Yoweri Museveni’s campaign for the ‘YES’ side, Ugandans know what they want and can no longer be pushed. Matembe said she was happy that finally many Ugandans share her views “that the referendum was useless.” Quoting from the Bible Matembe said, “Let those with eyes see and ears listen. I hope the Government gets the message.” Ends

Published on: Sunday, 31st July, 2005
Museveni no longer popular opposition 
Opposition MPs were on Thursday happy that despite massive campaigns by President Yoweri Museveni in the referendum, many Ugandans did not vote, writes Vision Reporter. They said, for the first time, people had opposed the President’s call to go and vote. “I am extremely happy that people shunned the referendum. It was useless and a waste of time. I hope the President gets the message that he is no longer popular the way he used to be,” Abdul Katuntu said. Ken Lukyamuzi said, “It is now the opposition who have won. I am happy that our call to boycott the referendum has made an impact, despite constant threats that we would be arrested.” Ends

Published on: Sunday, 31st July, 2005

“I never knew that I was giving support to a thief, a liar and one who wanted to get personal liberation,”.Dr. Sulaiman Kiggundu Download today's top songs at MSN Music from artists like U2, Eminem, & Kelly Clarkson 

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[Ugnet] Fwd: I am sorry I backed Museveni

2005-07-31 Thread B Wambuga
How times and history enable many of us to come around with the truth, and begin to live a better life. Uganda is one such country that God indeed gave it all it needed to grow into a prosperous country. Coming to terms with our past and and forging the way ahead for all of us is the WAY and indeed tha truth. Yay, and the life we so need.
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This is becoming a increasing realisation on the parts of many a Ugandans who blindly backed Museveni in his illgotten intentions in Uganda. Many more are yet to come.
Read on...

“I’m sorry I backed Museveni’

LET HIM GO: Njuba addresses Kiboga residents. Below, Kiggundu raises the FDC flag
By Moses Nsubuga FORUM for Democratic Change (FDC) Envoy Dr. Sulaiman Kiggundu has blamed President Yoweri Museveni for the closure of Greenland Bank. Addressing an FDC really in Kiboga District on Friday, Kiggundu apologised to Ugandans for supporting Museveni to fight the Obote regime. “I never knew that I was giving support to a thief, a liar and one who wanted to get personal liberation,” he said. “Closing Greenland Bank was President Museveni’s initiative, characterised by hatred towards the people,” Kiggundu said. He said Museveni copied former Tanzanian President Julius Nyerere’s system of intentionally impoverishing Tanzanians and implemented it in Uganda. “We should not be fooled to that extent. The 
wind of change has come and it is time for Museveni to go,” he said. FDC Executive Coordinator Sam Njuba said the rate at which poverty was growing in Uganda could easily be equated with that of the people living in displaced people’s camps in northern Uganda. “You are impoverished and fooled by Museveni to the extent of wearing essanja like night dancers. You should shun such behaviour in your district,” he said. Ends
Published on: Sunday, 31st July, 2005
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[Ugnet] Regime change does not work in Africa, says Museveni

2005-07-31 Thread B Wambuga
es, the victories inbattle and independence in 1980.In the evening Presidents Mugabe and Museveni witnessed the signing ofco-operation agreements in agriculture and tourism by Zimbabwean and
 UgandanMinisters of Agriculture and Tourism at State House before they addressedthe joint Press conference.After the signing of the agreements, the two leaders said the agreement andPresident MuseveniâEUR(tm)s visit had paved the way for further co-operationin other areas such as mining and health.President Museveni invited President Mugabe to visit Uganda and Cde Mugabeaccepted the invitation.Last night President Museveni was scheduled to address Zimbabwean businesspeople at a dinner before returning home.
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[Ugnet] Who to blame time......Museveni or Mutale!!

2005-07-31 Thread B Wambuga
It's stock taking time now that the entire referendum thing has flopped. Or did it? Or did the dictator as usual on knowing that he would loose if he had stayed on the wrong (No) side, decided to play safe by sticking with the "Yes" side?
It seems to me that cunning as he is, the dictator knowing that his time was getting deemer and, the sun setting out in the west was here, decided to go with the flow only if he could buy just a little bit of time. His unrelenting persuite for the "Yes" vote was not genuine, even to the unsuspecting eyes of the Ugandan population. The entire project between him and Mutale was to cause as much confusion as they could, but ensure that not both of them were really caught on the wrong side. A case for arguement is that when dictator Museveni made the pronouncement in Kyankwanzi about opening up the political space, Mutale never raised a finger that it was foul play by the dictator.
Now comes the referendum, Mutale makes a big deal out of it. And now that the exercise is all done, albeit with with gross unestimation of the Ugandan population intelligence and understanding of politics, everyone who was fooled and coopted into this massive fraud is beginning to find where to lay the blame.

Mutale, EC caused low voter turnout’ 
By Moses Nsubuga If it were not for Maj. Roland Kakooza Mutale and the Government, Ugandans would have overwhelmingly participated in the just concluded referendum, Kiboga political leaders have said. “It is absurd to note that the tree symbol for which the Government had advocated was confused by Mutale. He confused residents by telling them not to vote for the tree yet the Government was for the tree. Many people were confused on these two side,” Dan Kiwalabye, the Kiboga East Member of parliament said. “In 2001, people voted massively but this time there was a lot of confusion because there was little public education about the exercise,” Kiwalabye said. He added that if the government had stepped in to stop Mutale and his campaign against opening up of the political space, many people would have overwhelmingly voted. The Resident District Commissioner, Margaret Kasaija, accused the Electoral Commission (EC) of not
 conducting enough civic education about the referendum saying this had led to failures in the voting process. “Can you imagine people did not know what a referendum was? It is as if EC never carried any mobilisation about the exercise,” Kasaija said. However, a 67-year-old woman, Flavia Namagembe, excited Kasaija at Wattuba polling station when she said she had voted a tree because it was advocated by President Yoweri Museveni. “There is no way I can refuse to vote President Museveni’s tree when I got rich during his regime,” she said. Ends
Published on: Sunday, 31st July, 2005
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[Ugnet] Uganda classic case of success story, IMF

2005-07-31 Thread B Wambuga

When UPC was in power, it was blamed for everything wrong. UPC was removed from power, and indeed NRA/M came and brought "Sleep" to the people of Uganda who had never slept ever since independence. UPC made it impossible for things to happen, let alone lay a foundation for the development of this poor country. 

This was the contention of both UPC critics and Anti-Obote Ugandans in cahoots with other non Ugandans.

Now with twenty years under its waist and still counting, many Ugandans are still paying heed to the proverbial "sleep". Many have turned on all sides and the sleep gets deeper and sweeter towards the late hours of the morning just when it is beginning to dawn to other Ugandans that time was up. The cocks are crowing and the birds are singing in the air.
But to many, the realities of the NRA/M mare is beginning to come to fruit with the increasing number of homeless children on the streets of Kampala, and other cities and towns. 

The Night commuters who we have lived to know in the north was always swished away like they were some fairy tale about a long dead and gone village in Uganda. In fact UPC was blamed for that one too.The fact of the matter is that the realities of the failed administration of the NRA/M is here and the sooner it is accepted the better it will be for all of us. 

A writer in Uganda noted this and called upon fellow citizens to take heed. 

Children do not belong on the street

HOME IN THE OPEN: Some of Kampala’s countless street children take a nap near Pioneer Mall
Fellow Ugandans and the Ministry of Gender and Development, it is with much concern for our nation and its future that I highlight what we witness every day on the streets of Kampala and other growing towns, with little or no concern. The number of the street children is increasing and so is their age. Reading the It’s Kawa pull-out in the Sunday Vision of July 17, I was touched by the story entitled, “The monkey boy now a man.” Many thanks to the soldiers who saved Robert and all those people who were involved in raising him, especially at his new home, L’Arche. Robert was rescued at the age of six and is now 27, and this was said of him by the community Director at L’Arche: “Although Robert has learnt a lot, he has a long way to go.” In view of this, what is the way forward for our children on the streets? Some of these children are younger than Robert was when he was raised by the monkeys. These children don’t have even monkeys 
 to raise
 them. They do not experience any love or have someone to find them food. It is heart-breaking. I am ready to join hands with any child-loving Ugandans to see that our children grow up in homes not on the streets. We are not safe with a generation of street children and parents. Let us do something before it’s too late. Medrine Nabalema Kayunga 
Published on: Sunday, 31st July, 2005----------
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[Ugnet] Leadership crisis in Uganda.

2005-07-16 Thread B Wambuga
Ugandan leadership in crisis. 
Please read, and enjoy.

Crisis of integrity in Uganda's leadership 

Kizza Besigye

South Africa 
The extent to which Uganda's leaders deceive, manipulate and fleece the people they are supposed to lead has assumed crisis levels. Ordinarily, leaders are supposed to be role models of their societies. In fact, the Constitution provides that the President shall be the "fountain of honour". Yet, you find him, ministers, MPs and other national leaders deceiving infront of cameras. Presently, I have been provoked to express my dismay by publications in the Daily Monitor of July 13. 
President Museveni, while addressing a press conference on July 12, is reported to have said: "As an army officer, Mutale was forgetting that he is barred from making political statements". He also reportedly said: "Tumukunde's electorate, the Army Council, forced him to resign," adding that "if he had not, the council would have recalled him".
It will be recalled that, responding to concerns expressed by the 8th NEC meeting at Munyonyo on June 17, Mr Museveni said: "I will be able to convince the Kakooza Mutales”. This is a person who is directly responsible to him, using or abusing his office and resources (since we are not told that he took leave) with impunity. 
It is now less than two weeks to the referendum-voting day, and he is telling the nation that Mutale is forgetting that he is committing an offence!Even more serious are his assertions regarding Brig. Tumukunde. The President who swore to uphold, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, knows that MPs (including Army MPs) are only representatives of their constituencies and NOT delegates who carry (as conduits) the views of those constituencies. 
Even if an MP has and expresses different views from those of the entire constituency that elected him, it is no ground for recall of that MP. 
Of course, at the next election, the constituency would determine the fate of such an MP. This is the position of the Constitution that Museveni swore to uphold. If he has any difficulty in understanding the provisions of the Constitution, he has many legal advisors. I challenge him or his legal advisers to contradict the above Constitutional position.
Grounds for recall The grounds for recalling an MP are provided in Article 84(2) of the Constitution as follows: A Member of Parliament may be recalled from that office on any of the following grounds-

Physical or mental incapacity rendering the member incapable of performing the functions of the office; or 
Misconduct or misbehaviour likely to bring hatred, ridicule, contempt or dislike to the office; or 
Persistent deserting of the electorate without reasonable cause. Even where these grounds are cited by a petition of the electorate in the process of recall, the Electoral Commission has the duty to inquire and confirm genuineness of the petition. 
Therefore, if he wants the Army MPs to only serve as conduits of the Army Councils' views, he should amend the Constitution further to make it reflect his wishes. It should also be remembered that the Army Council is not representative of the UPDF since all its members are appointed by him.
However, the above notwithstanding, the President calls a press conference at State House and deceives the nation! As all this is going on, Defence Minister Amama Mbabazi was addressing journalists and writing an opinion article for the country saying that President Bush did not advise Mr Museveni to leave office in 2006.Mbabazi was reacting to press reports, which quoted US ambassador Jimmy Kolker saying that at a meeting between Bush and Museveni, Bush recommended that they both retire to their ranches at the end of their terms. Both the ambassador and Mbabazi asserted that they attended the meeting where this took place. Even if we took the version of Mbabazi that Bush raised the matter of whether Museveni was preparing to retire, its meaning in diplomacy would not be different from that which Bush's ambassador plainly presented. 
BriberyMbabazi must have also forgotten that soon after the said meeting, the government tried to misrepresent what transpired, until a verbatim report of the meeting was published. This reminds me of the saying "banteera bataamanyire nkakabwa k'omwibagiro" meaning that a dog chased from a slaughter-place always believes that it was by mistake (it comes back). Mbabazi pointed out an important caveat by the US officials he interacts with, and which he seems to accept; that "US Administration has no problem with Uganda amending her Constitution if it is done legally and transparently". 
The whole Constitution amendment process was manipulated right from the appointment of the Ssempebwa Commission, through bribery of MPs and the legal Committee, to the roll call voting in Parliament. 
This is the background to the case of the two MPs who the US ambassador reported to have confided in him that they were 


2005-06-25 Thread B Wambuga
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From: megan anyira [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: Publicity Wing [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: UPCUSA SECONDS WEGULODate: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 21:56:02 -0700 (PDT)"Can UPC show us the people who ran to them for protection like the people of the north are running away from the LRA?” Opondo asked.Members, If my memory serves me right, there is time around 1985 as M7 was being beaten into exile, his organisation unlished the most vicius attack on the people of Luwero as a farewel. Those who escaped run into Bombo Barracks. The UPC Government asked the Red Cross to help in asertaining the safety of these Ugandans who had run for safety into the barracks of the army that Ofwono is now accusing. Iam sure there are poeple in this Organisation who recognise and 
recallthis episode and can put an accurate time to it thereby being able to fish out the actual report from the Ugandan papers of the time. If Iam not mistaken, I think even the bbc carried a caption.Mr Ofwono Opondo, said, “There is no need for a Truth and Reconciliation Commission and we shall not have one anyway.”Opondo has never entertained any concept of truth. If he had, he would come to terms with the fact that the people in the North never run into M7's barracks. They took shelter in Townships, sleeping on the verrandas. It is fromthere that they were herded into the so called camps that were used to guard the barracksfrom Kony.I am very supportive ofthe call for this kind of inquiry. It is not the first time this suggestion has been made, by the way. We just have to keep hammering at 
it.Megan.Publicity Wing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Comms,UPC USA seriously seconds Mr. Wegulo's suggestions about the truth and reconciliation, and International Inquiry into the massacres in Luweero.I think this is serious business here.Read On.Wegulo said there is need for the country to be told the truth about who fired the first bullet and who killed which people.Probe Luweero massacres - UPCCHARLES MWANGUHYA MPAGIKAMPALAThe Uganda People’s Congress (UPC) has challenged President Yoweri Museveni to institute an international inquiry into the killings in Luweero Triangle during the bush war between 1981-1986.They also challenged Museveni to allow a public debate to get to the depth of the 
massacres, which according to the government estimates resulted in the death of about 300,000 people.The chairman of the UPC Constitutional Steering Committee, Mr Badru Wegulo, told journalists yesterday that Museveni has a habit of digging up the skulls of Luweero whenever an election nears. He said Museveni uses this as a scarecrow to win votes.“If the government is concerned about Ugandans, we demand that an international commission be set up to investigate who is responsible for the killings in Luweero,” Wegulo said.He said UPC wants the establishment of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission and a public debate with Museveni at “a time and venue of his convenience so that we can deal with these matters once and for all.”The Movement Spokesman, Mr Ofwono Opondo, said, “There is no need for a Truth and Reconciliation 
Commission and we shall not have one anyway.” The MP for Samia Bugwe North, Mr Aggrey Awori said, “We are tired of Luweero and the demonisation of UPC. They have stretched us far enough. How many deaths can we pin on Museveni?” he said.Awori said he would also move a motion in Parliament to block unending compensations to alleged victims of the war.Opondo dismissed UPC’s call for international investigators.“We do not need the international community to come and tell us who killed the people in Luweero either. The survivors are there and they can tell us who destroyed their homes. Can UPC show us the people who ran to them for protection like the people of the north are running away from the LRA?” Opondo asked.Wegulo said there is need for the country to be told the truth about who fired the first bullet and who killed which 
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Re: [Ugnet] Re: Ugandanet Digest, Vol 11, Issue 147

2005-06-25 Thread B Wambuga
Netters, These "infamous words" were uttered by none other than himself Mr. Grace Ibingira at a rally in Buganda in 1965 when he was already campaining to belittle Milton. 
The context of the whole thing was about where the Baganda should stand on the issue of the future of Uganda in the light of the imminent conflict between Uganda Government and Buganda Kingdom. In fact Mr. Ibingira being a UPC at the time knew what he was saying when he made such an utterance. He was infact threatening the Baganda ironically. He was talking to the people from the lost counties when he was justifying the reason for the refferendum which had just recently been concluded a couple of years before.
Being a UPC at the time some of the Baganda who heard the utterance attributed it to Apollo Milton Obote. you know people have the tendency of attributing things said by a member of any organization to the leadership, especially if it befits their attempts to propagate misleading political games, or wedge dubious interjections into "political myths". This is the only statement that suppossedly was made by a man like Obote of all the things he said over all these years!!. I mean how could any politician survive by just "one statement" and beat all odds. Would one expect dictator Museveni survive just because of his REAL statement about the "Northern Biological Substance". This is very simplistic, serious as it is. 
In case you need any reference to this speech, I send you to the US Library of Congress reports on the 1966 Crisis and the build up to theUPC Annual Delegates Confefernce in Gulu, and the emergence of the 1967 Constitution.
I think in the interest of political sanity, it is time this issue should be put to rest once and for all. 
Again these were NOT Apollo Milton Obote's words. They were Grace Ibingira's. But for reasons best known to those who are just trying to find words to attack Obote person, they hold on to the quotation. 
But remember, no promonent Ugandan politician refers to those words because they know the source of the utterance, and do not wish to be associated with them if dragged to the court of Law.
I rest my case. Aluta continua!

Bwambuga.ssenya nyange [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Akena,I like this:"NzeAkena, mwana waObote, mwana waOpeto, mwana waAkaki, mwana waEngena, mwana waAkaki, mwana waOcure, mwana waOakityena, mwana waWonruku, mwana wa Okwangiro"Your friend Mulindwa hate to see you giving your identity like this. Why? because he is hiding. We've asked him to do so more than 20 times but he always keeps mumm.2. one or two years ago, you and I argued for a truth and reconciliation Commission. Apart from you, the rest of UPC members on this net rejected it. Dont you realise that you're an island ( Pemba) in a big ocean ( Indian Ocean) ?J. Ssenyange---From: "jakena" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To: ugandanet@kym.netTo:
 Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Re: Ugandanet Digest, Vol 11, Issue 147Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2005 11:33:52 -0700I maintain that Obote never said such a thing. The most appropriate course of action is for you and those who insist that Obote ever uttered such to prove it, but what seems to be the norm is somebody comes up with something which is propagated all over the place and the accused is left to prove their innocence. UPC has come up with a better suggestion in that we should have a Truth and Reconciliation Commission where all such matters should be addressed. If you are not prepared to bring it up, let me assure it is in my best interests to see this highly publicised lie is shown for what it really is, a blatant lie created to denigrate Obote and to mobilise the Baganda against Obote and the UPC. Reading between the lines of your posting you have come to
 realisation that Baganda have been duped but at the same time our brother Ssemakula would like to propagate the writings of Ibingira as the gospel truth without seriously analysing his motives, self-interests and purpose because it serves Ssemakula's over-riding interests of 'hating' and promoting 'hatred' of Obote.NzeAkena, mwana waObote, mwana waOpeto, mwana waAkaki, mwana waEngena, mwana waAkaki, mwana waOcure, mwana waOakityena, mwana waWonruku, mwana wa Okwangiro - Original Message - From: Simon Nume To: Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 2:05 PM Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Re: Ugandanet Digest, Vol 11, Issue 147 Akena Much as he may be regretting it, Obote DID say such a thing. He said this during Obote 1. Infact at one point it was be
 echoed by all his goons in Kampala, who incidentally had all the top posts and owned the same houses in Kololo and Nakasero now occupied by the 'long noses' During Obote 2 - Obote' goons used to joke about the wails of the Baganda who were always attacked , raped and murdered DAILY in their houses in Kampala and surburbs, late at night, while Obote's goons were looking for M7 and 

[Ugnet] What If Tumu spills the beans?

2005-06-12 Thread B Wambuga
Read on about the consequences of if Tumukunde spills the beans.

WHAT IF: Tumukunde spilled the beans? 


You have probably read the story of mother hawk who was teaching young hawk to hunt. One afternoon, she sent young hawk down to earth to get something for dinner. Young hawk descended on a family of ducks, grabbed one duckling, flew back to their sky home and presented his catch to his mother. Mother hawk asked her son, "What did this duckling's mother say when you picked her child?" "She said nothing," young hawk reported.
"Ah!" exclaimed mother hawk. "We can't eat this duckling. We do not know what his mother is planning to do. So take back her child and try another bird."
And so back to earth young hawk flew. After returning the duckling, he went and attacked a family of chicken. As he flew away with one chick, mother hen made a lot of noise, tried to chase after him and continued complaining as young hawk flew out of sight. He presented his new catch to mother hawk and described the reaction of mother hen.
Mother hawk's face broke into a broad smile and she said, "Very well. This one we can eat in peace. We know what its mother can do or more precisely, what she can't do." Reading about two senior Ugandan officials, Vice President Gilbert Bukenya and Brig. Henry Tumukunde recently, the story of mother hawk and her son came to mind. 
One can conclude that Bukenya's tormentors can do whatever they want with him. He cannot harm them. They already know what he is not capable of. He can't even spill any beans, otherwise he wouldn't have proclaimed his capacity to spill.
On the other hand, Tumukunde can be compared to mother duck. Maybe he too has no beans to spill. But you cannot know for sure until you force his hand. Detaining him and slapping charges on him might be a higher risk than sending him out of the army and letting him join party politics to contest for public office. 
Tumukunde cannot defeat President Museveni in an election. The voters would punish him and send him to join the perpetual contestants like Kibirige Mayanja and Francis Bwengye. 
But keeping him detained creates many uncertainties. The man is a lawyer who knows how to secure his rights and a spymaster who has a lot of information at his disposal. Even if you continue trying him in an army court martial behind 10 closed doors, his lawyers can proceed with other cases in the normal courts which are open to the public. They can address press conferences to "explain" why their man is in detention. He can then say anything he wants through the lawyers.
What if he decides to spill the beans on the many things he participated in? The man is no saint and unless he committed all his sins alone, there certainly are other people in the system who were is collaborators. Tumukunde is accused of harbouring thousands of ghosts on the payroll of the army. But it is said that commanders inherit ghosts and hand them over to their successors when they are transferred. What if he reveals the entire chain of ghost management?
The man told voters in 2001 that whatever they do, the guns that brought them to power are still around. What if he reveals the role that the gun was supposed to play in elections?
The man has an arsenal of information. What if he tells or he knows about corruption? What if he spills the beans on privatisation? Here he would have many allies in the form of MPs who are tired of being accused of sabotaging the privatisation process. What if as a citizen and taxpayer he sues the people who "borrowed" the money from the sale of parastatals and "forgot" to pay back? What if as a citizen he sues the defence ministry over the junk helicopters?Most Ugandans cannot do this because they don't have the evidence. But an angry, well-informed ex-spy chief who is obviously in search of publicity for political capital and martyrdom, can do this. A man who prefers to be put on the back of a pick-up and driven through Kololo like a small criminal instead of sitting inside the cabin is certainly itching for an opportunity to make a point. It could be safer to let him go and shop for votes than provoke him to revenge.

What's your take on it?
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[Ugnet] B'Leo of FDC getting really confused

2005-06-07 Thread B Wambuga
What people can do to eat can sometimes go to extremes. Now we have someone from Kioga in Lira has a real story to tell here.

UPC disowns MP Ojok  

Joe Wacha

THE Uganda People's Congress (UPC), has disowned the Member of Parliament for Kioga County, Mr B'Leo Ojok, and warned party supporters against registering with him.A press statement issued on Monday by the party’s district organising committee chairman, Mr Nasuru Ogwang, said Ojok had no authority to mobilise UPC members to register with him. 
“We know that Ojok is a member of the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) and its coordinator for zone 15."UPC does not allow dual membership of her party members," Ogwang’s statement reads in part.
Ogwang said he was prompted to issue the statement following radio announcement by the MP inviting UPC supporters to his home in Nabweyo in Kioga to register.Ojok’s phone was off and he could not be reached for a comment by press time.
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[Ugnet] Welcome

2005-06-05 Thread B Wambuga


I must say, you are very welcome to discuss matters affecting our country with us (although you have not been very active - have done more listening than talking). For me it is enough to know that you are a nationalist and a peace-loving Ugandan/African. Feel free to contribute constructively for thebenefit of our motherland, Uganda.

Best regards,

K Heru
Joicye nansikombi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear UPC Members:

I must introduce myself, I AM NOT A COMRADE OR UPC.
I am a Ugandan and very much concerned of what has happened to our Nation Uganda.
My villageLuweero, my clan and my familly werevery much buttered by Movement.
I have been keen in reading almost all net news.As a Uganda Ihave the obligation.

On June 2nd 2005. I managed to attend a Presentation by a former American Embassador to Uganda,which took placein Washington DC .There were many
Ugandans and other nationalities. He presentedwith clear, and precisenewest
information regarding our Motherland Nation Uganda. Many people were emotionally 
taken up andI saw some shedding and cleaning their tears, on hearing the way Ugandans"suffereing.

My only humble request I ask you all who write onwebs accusing your fellow so called Comrades. To STOP and concentrate on fighting our biggest enemy (Museveni  Movement).
Whether some DP,UPC or FDC have crossed and join them or not. Please, Please,
let us Unite and remove this Monster.This man has many informers they read all
what you write.That is why this man got the Government on a" Silver Plate" and managed
to stay in power for such a long time. ( Oh Come on!!!) Is that what you can waste your time and energy to write 

As a Uganda I am your sister. But as a Party I amnot a UPC. We have a saying in Luganda language that says"Yours is yours come let it be". 

I remain your sister Ugandan. 

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[Ugnet] UPC Constitution

2005-05-28 Thread B Wambuga
I think these people need a brief copy of the UPC Constitution;

The Uganda People’s Congress of Uganda.

"The Uganda People's Congress” (U.P.C.) referred to here as "the Party" is one of the Uganda Independence founding parties formed in the late 1950’s to fight colonialism in Uganda and Africa as a whole.
The Emblem of the Party is "the Open Hand" (for Peace, Unity and Justice), with a flag as it symbol.
The Flag in its three colors of Black, Red and Blue depicts the philosophy of the party. The Black (for African Personality), Red (for human equality and Brotherhood) and Blue (for Peace and Justice).And it is represented by Blue at the bottom in horizontal form with Black on top, Red in the middle, as its tri-colors.
The Aims and Objectives of the party can be summarized as follows; (1) To build the Republic of Uganda as one country with one people, one Parliament and one Government.(2) To defend the Independence and Sovereignty of Uganda and maintain peace and tranquility, and to preserve the Republican Constitution of Uganda.(3) To organize the Party to enable the people to participate in framing the destiny of our Country.(4) To fight relentlessly against Poverty, Ignorance, Disease, Colonialism, Neo-Colonialism, Imperialism and Apartheid.(5) To plan Uganda's Economic Development in such a way that the Government, through Parastatal Bodies, the Co-operative Movements, Private Companies, Individuals in Industry, commerce and Agriculture, will effectively contribute to increased production to raise the standard of living in the Country.(6) To protect without discrimination based 
 on race,
 color, sex or religion every person lawfully living in Uganda and enable him to enjoy the fundamental rights and freedom of the individual, that is to say:(i) Life, Liberty, Security of person and Protection of the law;(ii) Freedom of Conscience, of _expression_ and association;(iii) Protection of Privacy of his home, property and from deprivation of property without compensation.(7) To ensure that no citizen of Uganda will enjoy any special privilege, status or title by virtue of birth, descent or heredity;(8) To ensure that in the enjoyment of the rights and freedoms no person shall be allowed to prejudice the right and freedom of others and the interests of the state;(9) To support organizations, whether international or otherwise, whose aims, objects and aspirations are consistent with those of the Party;(10) To do such other things that are necessary for the achievement of the aims, objects and aspirations of the Party.
The Membership of the Party shall be open to any citizen of Uganda who:(i) accepts the Aims and Objects of the Party; and(ii) is of the age of 18 or over; and(iii) is not a member of any other Political Party; and(iv) does not support tribalism and parochialism; and(v) has paid admission fee and membership dues as prescribed by the UPC National Council*.There shall be an Annual Delegate Conference, which shall be the Supreme Authority of the Party and shall be composed of the following:(i) The Members of the National Council.(ii) The Members per Parliamentary Constituency, elected by the Parliamentary Constituency Conference annually.
Duties of the Annual Delegates Conference (1) The Annual Delegate Conference shall lay down the broad basic policy of the Party:(2) The Annual Delegates Conference shall enact or amend the Constitution of the Party;(3) The Annual Delegates Conference shall be the sole body to elect President of the Party.(4) The President shall immediately after his election, appoint a Vice-President, Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer, Secretary-General, Assistant Secretary-General and National Chairman and National Vice-Chairman, all of whom shall be members of the Central Executive Committee. The President shall have powers to dismiss or replace any of the members so appointed by him.(5) The President shall hold office for a term of seven years.(6) The President shall relinquish office on being voted out by a resolution supported by two-thirds majority at the Annual Delegates Conference. The motion for the resolution 
 must be
 signed by at least one-half of the members of the National Council;(7) A President removed under Article 7(6) shall not be eligible for re-election;(8) The Annual Delegates Conference shall consider reports from the President on matters affecting the Party and the Country.(9) To elect a new President in case of death, resignation or retirement while in office.
The President of the party shall appoint members of the Party to constitute the Presidential Electoral Commission which Commission will process applications from party members for candidature for the National Assembly, consult with Party organs or any application and approve, on behalf of the national Council, candidates for the National Assembly elections.

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[Ugnet] Uganda People's Congress

2005-05-28 Thread B Wambuga
The Congress of the people.
Please see the attachments.

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[Ugnet] Uganda under Dic. M7 in Brief

2005-05-07 Thread B Wambuga

Police holdGULU — The Police are holding a 48-year-old Somali for tearing Uganda currency notes worth an unspecified amount of money. The OC crime at Gulu Police Station, Vincent Ouma, told the press on Tuesday that the man identified only as Mohammed was arrested on Monday for tearing the sh5,000 currency notes. He said Mohamed would be charged with malicious damage of property

Envoys blocked from seeing MPs

DISAPPOINTED: Envoys interact at Buganda Road Court after the case was adjourned

By Hillary KiiryaEnvoys, relatives and politicians who went to court yesterday to interact with the opposition MPs facing murder charges were denied access.Police and prison authorities, who tightly guarded the entrance to the prison cells, refused to open for the sympathisers after court adjourned the case.The two MPs, Reagan Okumu (Aswa) and Michael Ocula Nyeko (Kilak) and three others appeared before buganda Road Court yesterday.The prosecutor, Jane Kajjuga, said the Police had finished investigations into the allegations against the suspects, who include David Ochieng, councillor Ochan Laryan and Steven Olanya Otim.“The Police file on this matter has been submitted to the Director of Public Prosecutions, who is studying the file,” the State Attorney said.The five are accused of murdering the Pabbo LC3 chairperson, Alfred bongomin, on February 12, 2002, in Gulu district.The British High Commis
 the Royal Danish Embassy, the Italian Embassy and the Embassy of Ireland were among the many missions that sent representatives to court for the case.The sympathisers, who later retreated the gate, hurled insults at the security, saying, “This government is not the best. How can they refuse us to interact with our people? Some of us have come from Gulu to see our representatives. What is wrong with seeing them and giving them food?”Compared to the previous court sitting, more envoys, politicians and relatives, who included children and the elderly, filled the courtroom.Published on: Saturday, 7th May, 2005

Uganda overtakes Nigeria in fraud
By Steven OdeuUGANDA has overtaken Nigeria as the leading source of bank cheque fraud, according to Citigroup’s Johan Hartman, the fraud manager for Europe, Middle East and Africa. “Fraud has nothing to do with the country or ethnicity. It is the individuals who defraud banks and international businesses. Of recent, Uganda has recorded more fraud attempts than Nigeria in sub-Saharan Africa,” Hartman said in an interview on Thursday.Without giving corresponding statistics, Hartman, who is also a senior officer in Citigroup’s security and investigative services said, Uganda had a very high risk of fraud in cheque and manual funds transfer since most individuals attempt to defraud companies in the Far East, especially motor vehicle dealers in Japan.“An increase in fraud over a period of time without decreasing erodes confidence in the business community,” he said.Nadeem Lodhi, the managing director
 Citibank Uganda, said fraud in the local and international market had become sophisticated, increasing the impact of huge potential loss for financial institutions. According to the International Monetary Fund, South African banks are organised and efficient, but their returns on capital are low by world standards due to fraud.Citibank on Thursday organised a seminar to sensitise customers about the need to use their Citidirect online banking, which they said is more secure.Justine Bagyenda, Bank of Uganda’s director of commercial banking said fraud was depleting earnings of banks and eroding their capital base.She advised banks to emphasise the principle of ‘know your customer and employee.’Ends
Published on: Saturday, 7th May, 2005

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[Ugnet] UPC in the West want 3rd Term

2005-05-01 Thread B Wambuga

UPC wants ‘third term’
By Ebenezer BifubyekaTHE Uganda People’s Congress (UPC) needs a ‘third term’ and should start mobilising members to achieve this goal, Dr. Patrick Rubaihayo, a top party official, has said. A member of the newly- established Constitutional Steering Commission, Rubaihayo said UPC led by Obote had its ‘first term’ in the 60s and a ‘second term’ from 1980 to 1985. “Now we want a third term with a party president from the western region,” he said.Rubaihayo, a former minister in Obote’s second regime, was addressing a UPC consultative meeting for the southwestern region at the Catholic social centre in Mbarara on Saturday.The meeting chaired by East African legislative assembly MP Yona Kanyomozi, attracted about 200 UPC leaders from Kisoro, Kabale, Ntungamo, Mbarara, Bushenyi, Kamwenge, Rukungiri, Kasese and Kanungu. Rubaihayo said they would resuscitate UPC with the theme, “fight
 poverty, ignorance, diseases and state-inspired corruption,’” which he said were brought by President Museveni. “Museveni has commercialised politics. A certain boy shocked me when he said he saw a sack full of money, which supporters of a movement candidate had during the just-concluded Mbarara municipality parliamentary by-elections,” he said. Rubaihayo said they would amend the UPC constitution in August. He said they would seek advice and guidance from the UPC members before they made the amendments. 
Published on: Monday, 2nd May, 2005
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[Ugnet] Poor Ugandan VP

2005-04-29 Thread B Wambuga
Once again I sympathise with our Ugandan VP in his reaction to the British move to cut Aid to Uganda. One wonders how VP Bukenya could not tell the difference between the British third term and dictator Museveni's third term. Bukenya should realise that Blair followers do not have to wear "Bisanja", and go bamboozling people everywhere and Blair blasting out about whether the British want it or not, he will still be there for fifty years. Furthermore, Blair and his party do not have to muzzle the Britts and drag them to a referendum about changing any system. 

I see they are really beggining to act erratically. They know that they arefalling now. Remember Mr. Aziz?

The Vice President, Prof. Gilbert Bukenya, criticised the British government for practicing what he termed double standard on the question of the third term.“The British oppose the third term pushed by Ugandans simply because we are poor and we cannot stand up and tell them off,” Bukenya said on Tuesday while addressing members of the Uganda Local Government Association from 10 districts in the Central region at Mpigi.He said: “Let the British High Commissioner to Uganda first advise Tony Blair to stop seeking a third term before he opposes Museveni.” 
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Re:For Musamizi: [Ugnet] Buganda's treachery in Uganda...

2005-04-29 Thread B Wambuga
Bwana Musamizi,

This is current in the "Opinions and Comments" section of the monitor. musamize [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Mr Wambuga:

Where and when was this published?B Wambuga [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Return of a Patriarch and Baganda’s history of treachery

By Elias Biryabarema

If we were all to be as ravenously vindictive as the Baganda are in their crusade against the return of the patriarch, Dr Milton Obote from Zambia, then what a nasty nation Uganda would be.In fact, if people were to be humble and forgiving, then Baganda would know better: for they can’t have forgotten that they colluded in the first theft of Ugandans’ sovereignty; the British having tapped into their legendary gullibility, opportunism and propensity for treachery to launch their vicious aggression against the Ugandan people.It was they that shook the hands of Captain Lugard and his imperial ilk and proceeded to swiftly turn themselves into proxies and compatriots of the enemy. The Baganda treasonously ganged up with the British to desecrate and destroy Bunyoro, subsequently annexing all other regions through a crafty mix of deception and intimidati
  on to
 put them under the queen’s rule. What was the motivation for this crime? Greed, avarice and mindless naivety. Through the six decades or so of the stifling British colonialism, Ugandans never forgot the “enemy within” that was in fact the real force of white repression, for it was he (Buganda) that had traded off our power in their evil schemes—and childlike excitement—with Europeans.It is thus logical to ask why the Banyoro, who had their royal heritage ravaged, their land stolen and the rest of our people conquered and humiliated, have never so much as asked the Baganda to apologise, let alone atone for that criminal conduct. For a people with such historical record of criminality therefore, (it’s not entirely unfair for the sons to bear the sins of their forefathers, but Europeans still carry the guilty over their savagery of Jews and are continuing to pay huge amounts for crimes of seven decades ago); how stupefying that they are the first to cast the fir
 stone. That they are cheerleaders of efforts to strip Obote of his truest image as the father of the nation, the loudest in stoking hatred against him, ever more ready to undercut efforts to return this man. How vexing!We must rise collectively to douse this unworthy anti-Obote fire and let our Mzee return in peace and enjoy his evenings with the reverence, grace and honour he deserves. The issue of culpability in the Luweero massacres is a muddy and complex one. And I would say it’s useless to let unexorcised ghosts of the past entangle current efforts to steady Uganda on its onward march: a situation that inevitably requires national harmony, goodwill and a culture of respect for retired leaders, more so for an independence figure that Obote is. Obote’s account of what went on in the jungles of Luweero and the counterpoint by Museveni excerpted from his Mustard Seed book, have just shown us the futility of trying to fix blame for crimes in a hig
 fluid and volatile period that the early 1980s were. After reading both stories, you end up persuaded by neither: suffice to note here though, that clues have continued to pop up incriminating NRA insurgents, said to have used the cruel guerilla tactic of brutalising civilians while disguised as their enemy forces to discredit and rob it of grassroots support. What we are certain of is that soldiers murdered civilians: as to whether they were UNLA and under Obote’s explicit directive or NRA on Museveni’s orders will perhaps remain infinitely mysterious. Museveni himself, who accuses Obote, was reported to have wondered while in northern Uganda recently whether Obote was aware of the killings or savage soldiers simply committed those atrocities on their own. That wondering suggested his awareness of the difficulty of attempting to pin Obote without compelling proof. The Luweero war has little authentic documentation that offers us evidence abundant
 plausible enough to determine the guilty with pinpoint accuracy. Let us nurture a culture not of retribution, but reconciliation. John Nagenda through his acidic Saturday writings, alongside Luweero boss, Hajji Abdul Nadduli, have been leaders in denigrating Obote, scorning him as an unrepentant and unremorseful master minder of massacres. What is good for the gander is also good for the goose: If we demand that Obote apologises, then I would rather Nagenda and Nadduli show the way by first apologising or better still atoning for the criminal treachery of their forbears that inflicted such harm to the peoples of this nation. The Banyoro have never forgotten. 
Years of blistering attacks and defacing will not diminish Obote’s noble role in the evolution of Uganda as a modern state and Africa as a continent: notably his patriotic personality, his chivalrous stewardship of the independence stru

[Ugnet] Identity Theft!!!!

2005-04-29 Thread B Wambuga
I am having a hard time beleiving the writter of the letter copied herebelow. On analysing it carefully, I come with the following facts about the writer and "his" intentions:
a- the writer is a man, not a woman as "he" wanted us to beleive from "his" signature. The diflection of "his" tone is macho. Add to that the use of the verbs are masculine not feminine.

b-The approach to the issue of suffering has more of a "manly" feeling without a tone of lady feeling.

c-His logic of arguement is more militaristic than a politician's. That means he must served in the military or some kind of security organ.

d- Obviously the man is not a northerner or of Luo decent, say by the undertone of his language (although he seems to have quiet a handy knowledge of the north). His spelling or the area he has referred to do not have the Luo twang in them. 

e-And finally, the topic he has choosen to talk about is misconstrued and missed the point.

So members, the guys are hurting and they are now coming out even in comuflage and identity theft tactics.

Obote apologists mistaken 

I just can’t understand why so many Obote apologists have sprung up of late.Many of them are quick to absolve former president Milton Obote from the Luweero massacres by arguing that Obote was defending the country! This is a deeply painful insult to the people of Luweero; especially the ones who lost loved ones. A leader of a country certainly does not defend his country by killing the very people he is supposed to defend. Neither will I buy the argument that the majority of the Luweero people died in crossfires between UNLA forces and NRA. Available evidence indicates that there was a deliberate policy of reprisal against entire villages whenever it was suspected that the rebels had any kind of contact with those villages.We have had other similar insurgencies in Uganda during the present regime. A case in point is the ADF insurgency in the West. Until it came to an end, never did we witness any kind of reprisal or massacre car
 ried out
 by the government forces, it was always the insurgents who meted out atrocities. The only blemishes on the otherwise clean UPDF record are the POW deaths at Mukura, Burcoro and Kasese. And typical of the NRA/UPDF code of conduct, the culprits in all those incidents were arrested and brought to book. I know of no court martial that was carried out against any UNLA officer or man for human rights violations during the UPC administration.Obote himself should stop trying to fool the country. The citizens of Luweero very well knew who was their tormentor. Had it to have been the NRA as he wants us to believe, the citizens of Luweero would easily have detected it and the elite amongst them would have brought it to the international limelight. Right now the people in the north of Uganda are very much aware that it’s the LRA that’s abducting, killing and maiming them. The cries for Obote’s pardon are completely misplaced. Those clamoring for Obote’s p
 would like to hide him behind the amnesty being extended to the rebels. Obote should not now come out of the blue and shield himself from prosecution by pleading that the amnesty should be extended to him. Let him be tried for the crimes he committed. Frankline AumaKampala 

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[Ugnet] Buganda's treachery in Uganda...

2005-04-28 Thread B Wambuga

Return of a Patriarch and Baganda’s history of treachery

By Elias Biryabarema

If we were all to be as ravenously vindictive as the Baganda are in their crusade against the return of the patriarch, Dr Milton Obote from Zambia, then what a nasty nation Uganda would be.In fact, if people were to be humble and forgiving, then Baganda would know better: for they can’t have forgotten that they colluded in the first theft of Ugandans’ sovereignty; the British having tapped into their legendary gullibility, opportunism and propensity for treachery to launch their vicious aggression against the Ugandan people.It was they that shook the hands of Captain Lugard and his imperial ilk and proceeded to swiftly turn themselves into proxies and compatriots of the enemy. The Baganda treasonously ganged up with the British to desecrate and destroy Bunyoro, subsequently annexing all other regions through a crafty mix of deception and intimidati
 on to
 put them under the queen’s rule. What was the motivation for this crime? Greed, avarice and mindless naivety. Through the six decades or so of the stifling British colonialism, Ugandans never forgot the “enemy within” that was in fact the real force of white repression, for it was he (Buganda) that had traded off our power in their evil schemes—and childlike excitement—with Europeans.It is thus logical to ask why the Banyoro, who had their royal heritage ravaged, their land stolen and the rest of our people conquered and humiliated, have never so much as asked the Baganda to apologise, let alone atone for that criminal conduct. For a people with such historical record of criminality therefore, (it’s not entirely unfair for the sons to bear the sins of their forefathers, but Europeans still carry the guilty over their savagery of Jews and are continuing to pay huge amounts for crimes of seven decades ago); how stupefying that they are the first to cast the fir
 stone. That they are cheerleaders of efforts to strip Obote of his truest image as the father of the nation, the loudest in stoking hatred against him, ever more ready to undercut efforts to return this man. How vexing!We must rise collectively to douse this unworthy anti-Obote fire and let our Mzee return in peace and enjoy his evenings with the reverence, grace and honour he deserves. The issue of culpability in the Luweero massacres is a muddy and complex one. And I would say it’s useless to let unexorcised ghosts of the past entangle current efforts to steady Uganda on its onward march: a situation that inevitably requires national harmony, goodwill and a culture of respect for retired leaders, more so for an independence figure that Obote is. Obote’s account of what went on in the jungles of Luweero and the counterpoint by Museveni excerpted from his Mustard Seed book, have just shown us the futility of trying to fix blame for crimes in a hig
 fluid and volatile period that the early 1980s were. After reading both stories, you end up persuaded by neither: suffice to note here though, that clues have continued to pop up incriminating NRA insurgents, said to have used the cruel guerilla tactic of brutalising civilians while disguised as their enemy forces to discredit and rob it of grassroots support. What we are certain of is that soldiers murdered civilians: as to whether they were UNLA and under Obote’s explicit directive or NRA on Museveni’s orders will perhaps remain infinitely mysterious. Museveni himself, who accuses Obote, was reported to have wondered while in northern Uganda recently whether Obote was aware of the killings or savage soldiers simply committed those atrocities on their own. That wondering suggested his awareness of the difficulty of attempting to pin Obote without compelling proof. The Luweero war has little authentic documentation that offers us evidence abundant
 plausible enough to determine the guilty with pinpoint accuracy. Let us nurture a culture not of retribution, but reconciliation. John Nagenda through his acidic Saturday writings, alongside Luweero boss, Hajji Abdul Nadduli, have been leaders in denigrating Obote, scorning him as an unrepentant and unremorseful master minder of massacres. What is good for the gander is also good for the goose: If we demand that Obote apologises, then I would rather Nagenda and Nadduli show the way by first apologising or better still atoning for the criminal treachery of their forbears that inflicted such harm to the peoples of this nation. The Banyoro have never forgotten. 
Years of blistering attacks and defacing will not diminish Obote’s noble role in the evolution of Uganda as a modern state and Africa as a continent: notably his patriotic personality, his chivalrous stewardship of the independence struggles, two episodes of presidential incumbency, development of some of the best infrastructure Uganda has ever known and contribution to the planting of the seed that would give birth to today’s AU, OAU. That’s not to 

[Ugnet] Chiluba speaks out on M7 begging Obote

2005-04-19 Thread B Wambuga

It was my duty to help Obote

By Andrew Mwenda 

Former Zambian President Frederick Chiluba talks to Andrew Mwenda about how President Yoweri Museveni requested him to talk to Dr Milton Obote about his returnOne time I was in Kampala, either on a state visit to Uganda, or attending a conference. President Museveni approached me and asked me if I could talk to former President Milton Obote. I asked President Museveni what he needed me to tell Obote and he said parliament in Uganda was making a law regarding retired presidents. I do not remember all the details now, but I recollect that President Museveni asked me whether I could convince President Obote to take advantage of the law and return to Uganda. I felt this w
 as a
 good thing.So when I came back here to Lusaka, I invited former President Obote to State House. I told him that Uganda’s parliament was considering a law to allow him to return home. I told him about the request from President Museveni and added that I felt he did not want to stay in Zambia forever. I told Obote I was very willing to broker his return, but only if he was willing and happy to return home. As host, I also was conscious of the fact that Obote may interpret my request as a polite way of asking him to leave Zambia. So I made it clear to him that if he was reluctant to return home, my government would respect his concerns and we would remain happy to stay with him.Then President Obote told me that there were things happening in Kampala, which made it difficult for him to accept President Museveni’s invitation. I asked him what was happening. He said “Well, my father has died in very suspicious circumstances and so has my mother.
  So I
 don’t know where this law is pointing. Maybe I am a target they have not reached quickly. Perhaps after this law, they think I will take it as bait and get into Uganda very quickly so that they can kill me too. I am sorry I am not available.” Obote then told me that President Museveni had once said at a public rally that if he, Obote, landed at Entebbe airport, he would be shot dead. 

I HAD TO HELP: Former Zambian president, Frederick Chiluba and Andrew Mwenda during the interview. Chiluba says letting Obote stay in Zambia during his term was his responsibilty (Monitor photo).
Although I did not believe this story, I learnt later that President Museveni had actually been quoted in the local press in Uganda making those remarks and the government had not dismissed these reports. I became suspicious that there was likelihood that President Obote’s fears had some basis. So I left him. I said “Sir, thank you very much. I will go and deliver this message to my brother in Uganda.” And so I went and reported to President Museveni about my discussions with Obote. President Museveni received the information respectfully and said, “It is okay, if he does not want to return home, that is his choice. We have played our part. Now we have placed the matter in Obote’s hands to seize the opportunity.” That is where my role as a go-between, between the two presidents ended. There wasn’t any fuss. I had a good relationship
 President Obote. I had heard about him when he was president, when he was overthrown, when he returned to power and when he was overthrown again. 
I also knew that he used to love Zambia and that President Kenneth Kaunda was his friend. I knew that he was now in exile here in Lusaka. When I was president-elect, I was conscious of his position here in Zambia, and I was concerned that since President Kaunda was the one who had brought him here, our election may cause him discomfort and fear. We knew that Dr Obote had come to Zambia and surely in life, when you are running away from something, you must have somewhere to run to. In the political world we live in today, not everybody should say no to you, otherwise people would never save their countries. No one knows when these circumstances might occur. And so the unfortunate developments, which happened during Dr. Obote’s presidency, were not reason for us not to shake hands or stay with him. I felt that with Dr. Kaunda gone, (especially since he had brought Dr. Obote to Zambia) I had that responsibility transferred
  to me
 and after elections, I went to the official residence and I asked people to bring Dr. Obote over. I thought he was going to be very anxious and ask himself that if the new government made no contact with him, was that the end of his stay in Zambia? What was next? To stop him from making any frantic efforts to get to know what his next destination would be, I felt bound and obliged to ask him to come and see me so that I could assure him. As president-elect, I invited him to visit me at my home where I gave him assurances that he was still welcome to stay in Zambia if he so wished under our administration.I don’t remember precisely everything that I said but basically it was to reassure him that he was home in Africa among his own people and they would 

[Ugnet] Johnnie Cochran Dead

2005-03-29 Thread B Wambuga

Superstar Lawyer Johnnie Cochran Dies
By GREG RISLING, Associated Press Writer

Attorney Johnny Cochran arrives at Manhattan Supreme Court in ... 
LOS ANGELES - Johnnie L. Cochran Jr., who became a legal superstar after helping clear O.J. Simpson during a sensational murder trial in which he uttered the famous quote "If it doesn't fit, you must acquit," died Tuesday. He was 67.
Cochran died of a brain disorder in Los Angeles, said law partner Randy McMurray.
"Certainly, Johnnie's career will be noted as one marked by celebrity cases and clientele," his family said in a statement. "But he and his family were most proud of the work he did on behalf of those in the community."
With his colorful suits and ties, his gift for courtroom oratory and a knack for coining memorable phrases, Cochran was a vivid addition to the pantheon of great American barristers.
The "if it doesn't fit" phrase would be quoted and parodied for years afterward. It derived from a dramatic moment during which Simpson tried on a pair of bloodstained "murder gloves" to show jurors they did not fit. Some legal experts called it the turning point in the trial.
Soon after, jurors found the Hall of Fame football star not guilty of the 1994 slayings of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman.
For Cochran, Simpson's acquittal was the crowning achievement in a career notable for victories, often in cases with racial themes. He was a black man known for championing the causes of black defendants. Some of them, like Simpson, were famous, but more often than not they were unknowns.
"The clients I've cared about the most are the No Js, the ones who nobody knows," said Cochran, who proudly displayed copies in his office of the multimillion-dollar checks he won for ordinary citizens who said they were abused by police.
"People in New York and Los Angeles, especially mothers in the African-American community, are more afraid of the police injuring or killing their children than they are of muggers on the corner," he once said.
By the time Simpson called, the byword in the black community for defendants facing serious charges was: "Get Johnnie."

Copyright 2005 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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[Ugnet] Re: For EM: UPC Patriotic Songs in Washington

2005-03-26 Thread B Wambuga
Registration in a lay man's language means that Bwana Museveni has accepted defeat. There is no more tricks in the eyes of the court. You as a Ugandan in Kampala or Luwero can, repeat can, now go to the constitutional square and sing ee mamma, na UPC, and incase you are arrested, they have to come with an official reason why they are arresting and possibly detaining you. Is your arrest on the basis of loittering or because of your conscience. It is not proof that Uganda as a state is now politically open and things will any different regarding freedom of speech. 

As for the second question, NRM never refused UPC as a party to sell CD's and Tapes in Washington. Rather, NRM made it illegal for us to do those things. 
You see EM, we in UPC like to do our things legally and transparently. We are not very good at doing things under the table. In fact each time one of us tries, we get caught, and end up in jail. So NRM made it very easy for us to do illegal things which unfortunately we are not very good at doing. That is our only complaint.

The floor is yours EM.

BWambuga.Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Can you kindly in a lay man's language explain to me what that registration means? Should I as a Ugandan in Kampala or Luwero see this certificate as proof that Uganda as a state is now politically open and things will be any different under NRM leadership regarding freedom of speech?

Lastly and I do not tend to ask a whole lots of questions, how did NRM refuse UPC as a party to sell CDs and Tapes in Washington, a party that has been able to make meetings in taxi cabs of Kampala?

Ears to you.


The Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy" Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

- Original Message ----- 
From: B Wambuga 
To: Uganda Net 
Sent: Saturday, March 26, 2005 5:40 AM
Subject: [Ugnet] Fwd: UPC Patriotic Songs in Washington

By now we almost all of us are aware that Uganda Peoples Congress Party is now officially registered and issued with a certificate from the Registrar General. That means our party now has the legal manadate to operate legally without fear or favour. We are no longer holding our meetings in Taxi cabs anymore.

All Ugandans are now legally free to communicate and exchange ideas with the trully Ugandan party.You may now xontribute in all ways possible to see your party grow and develop your country. For those who were there at independence in 1962, you made your pledge to your country. Now come and revisit that pledge and renew your committmenthere now.

You may now place your order for a copy of the UPC Patriotic Songs on CD's and Tapes.
It includes songs in the Ugandan languages and English for those who are linguistically challenged.

The Washington Bureau of UPC wishes all a Happy Easter holidays.

UPC Oyee, 
Everywhere, UPC

BWambuga.Note: forwarded message attached.
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[Ugnet] RE: Response to noc'l: UPC Patriotic Songs in Washington

2005-03-26 Thread B Wambuga
Thank you for your question you possed to me. I will strife to respond although that came from a different angle. I respect your question though.

As you know,Otema Allimadi is deceased (RIP). I respected him and I will not speculate on what he did or said before his death. BUT just for your information, UPC is a political organization. In UPC, we believe inbringing change through political means. We are not like some people I know who believe in and worship the guns!!!
I think as intelligent humans, we have better and more intelligent ways we can resolve our conflicts and differences. 

God Bless us all; 
For God and our Country.Okuto del Coli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello Wambuga, I was moulded UPC even if Iam now non-party political, my question to you is:WHAT DO YOU MAKE OF SUBSEQUENT LRA ASSERTIONS (LRA-PRESS RELEASES) IMPLICATING THE UPC WITH THE LRA? I say so because, to the best of my knowledge, the late PM, Otema ALLIMADI, never retired from the UPC party. Now we hear he was a founder leader to the LRA?!?!?What do you make of what is being forwarded to us? Are those " Obal UPC"?best rgdsnoc'l--- On Sat 03/26, B Wambuga  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
From: B Wambuga [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: ugandanet@kym.netDate: Sat, 26 Mar 2005 02:40:32 -0800 (PST)Subject: [Ugnet] Fwd: UPC Patriotic Songs in WashingtonNetters.By now we almost all of us are aware that Uganda Peoples Congress Party is now officially registered and issued with a certificate from the Registrar General. That means our party now has the legal manadate to operate legally without fear or favour. We are no longer holding our meetings in Taxi cabs anymore.All Ugandans are now legally free to communicate and exchange ideas with the trully Ugandan party. You may now xontribute in all ways possible to see your party grow and develop your country. For those who were there at independence in 1962, you made your pledge to your country. Now come and revisit that pledge and renew your committment here now.You m
 ay now
 place your order for a copy of the UPC Patriotic Songs on CD's and Tapes.It includes songs in the Ugandan languages and English for those who are linguistically challenged.The Washington Bureau of UPC wishes all a Happy Easter holidays.UPC Oyee, Everywhere, UPCFOR GOD AND OUR COUNTRYThanks,BWambuga.Note: forwarded message attached.
__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 
 --- Begin Attached Message---Dear Netters and Commrades,We are pleased to announce that we now have the UPC Patriotic Songs on CD's and Tapes available in Washington at our Washington Bureau.If you were looking for some of those songs that remind you of whatever, or you just want to reconnect with your motherland through those songs, you are invited to place your order for a copy of UPC Patriotic songs. You can order for either or both from Washington and you have your own copy within just a few days.You are reminded that since this is in an effort to raise money for our beloved party, the fee is only US $15.00 per CD or Tape. All the money goes to benefit the party in its programmes to mobilise for the return to Kampala come 2006. Please send money order only. And do not forget to notify us through our email[EMAIL PROTECTED]Please include your full address and email for our response to you. 
 We also
 invite you to send in any suggestions and/or comments about your Washington Bureau.Again, please order for your copy while we still have some CD's in stock.Thank You, and God Bless Uganda.Magomu WachaPublicity Wing,UPC Washington Bureau_FREE pop-up blocking with the new MSN Toolbar – get it now! --- End Attached Message---___Ugandanet mailing listUgandanet@kym.net UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM

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[Ugnet] Another legal fraud again!!!!

2005-02-25 Thread B Wambuga
Please reaad yet another scheme that "Bank-Robber-turned-President" dictator M7 is coming up with.
Read carefully!


Constitutional Amendment: Omnibus Bill and Committee Voting another fraudBy Prof. Morris Ogenga-LatigoFeb 25, 2005 
On Tuesday, 15th February 2005, the Attorney General, Prof. Khiddu Makubuya, tabled before Parliament Bill No. 2: The Constitutional Amendment Bill 2005 for its First Reading. 
Prior to the tabling of this Bill, the desperate expectation of Ugandans was that sanity would prevail and that the Constitution would not be subjected to selfish, subversive, treacherous and wicked manipulation just to ensure that the 'Third-Term' or 'Kisanja' project succeeds. That Parliament may become part of this fraud, even inadvertently, is the greatest tragedy.
Not long ago, Hon. Dora Byamukama as Chair of the Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Committee brought the Speaker of Tanzania's Parliament, Rt. Hon. Musekwa, to talk to MPs about Tanzania's transition to multiparty politics. That evening at a party at Parliament, the Speaker of our Parliament, Rt. Hon. Edward Ssekandi, in conversations with MPs, argued that, by his interpretation, the Constitution could be amended using one "Omnibus Bill". 
About the same time, coincidentally, a team of lawyers assembled at Mweya Safari Lodge by President Yoweri Museveni and his Kisanja zealots also zeroed on the "Omnibus Bill" as the best strategy for overcoming impediments to removing the Presidential term limits provided in Article 105(2) of the Constitution.
At the First Reading of the Constitutional Amendment Bill, Rt. Hon. Edward Ssekandi spoke extensively about the impending amendment process. He was emphatic that, unless otherwise challenged, when the Bill reaches the Committee Stage to be considered clause by clause, he would use the simple majority rule to vote on the amendments as provided in Parliament's Rules of Procedure. His argument was that the Constitution requires 2/3rd majority votes only at the Second and Third Readings of the Bill.
With due respect, both positions of the Speaker, on the "Omnibus Bill" and Committee Stage voting, lay bare our Constitution to predatory attack by the political jackals hunting for the Kisanja. They also run counter to what the Constitution commands of the institution he leads, spelt out in Article 79(3), that: "Parliament shall protect this Constitution..".
Intent of the CA Delegates
In the Preamble to our Constitution, the Constituent Assembly (CA) Delegates declared that they "Do hereby, in and through this Constituent Assembly, solemnly adopt, enact and give to ourselves and our posterity, this Constitution of the Republic of Uganda..". Doing so, the Delegates saw the Constitution as a lasting instrument of democracy and governance that Ugandans would uphold for a long time, and for posterity. 
Based on the history of constitutional development the world over, the Delegates knew that once in a while it would be necessary to amend this or that provision of the Constitution so as to enhance its value and meet specific long-term challenges. By the Preamble and by history, they certainly never anticipated, let alone imagined, the massive overhaul of the Constitution as is now being undertaken.
In undertaking the wide-ranging amendment of the Constitution, therefore, we must and can only be guided strictly by the intent and expectations of the Founders of our Constitution, by the provisions for amendment laid down in Chapter 18 and, where required and consistent, by Parliament's Rules of Procedure. Acting otherwise undermines the obligation imposed upon us to, at all times, uphold and protect the Constitution. It also creates the risk of our being in breach of the Constitution.
The 'Omnibus Bill'
Article 258, the first in Chapter 18 of the Constitution, provides in clause (1) that: "Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, Parliament may amend by way of addition, variation or repeal, any provision of this Constitution in accordance with the procedure laid down in this Chapter." The Constitution then sets out the procedures for and specifies those provisions whose amendments require either referendum (Article 259), approval by District Councils (Article 260), or just amendment by Parliament only (Article 261).
In Chapter 18, there is no specific provision that spells out the procedure under which the Constitution may be amended using one 'Omnibus Bill'. In this circumstance, must we and are we right to interpret the three articles (259, 260, 261) as merely clarifying the process of amending the Constitution, and not as three distinct procedures for amending three distinct groups of the provisions of the Constitution? My considered response is an emphatic NO! 
In the first instance, if the framers of the Constitution wanted to merely clarify the amendment process, they would have included as a matter of necessity a 

[Ugnet] Pardon for sake of Party

2005-02-24 Thread B Wambuga
This is a translation form Rupiny Newspaper. This is only a translation:

Please pardon

About 200 UPC suporters from the various gombololas in Kwania County have decided to pardon and agree on the nomination and support for Tom Anang Odur for the 2006 parliamentary campaign. Members agree that although he [Odur] acted in a manner which was annoying to the members, it is time to pardon him so that he can contest the seat come 2006. This idea was passed on 16.2.2005.
-P Obong

Otime kica
OCWAK pati me UPC ame kato 200 oya i gombola apapat ame tye Kwania, omoko awange acel me timo MP me Kwania, Tom Anang Odur, kica me dwoke diki maca i yera me 2006 kadi otimo bal bot obol kwirere. Joni okato kede tam gi ni i16.2.2005. –P. Obong
Published on: Wednesday, 23rd February, 2005
God Bless!
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Re: [Ugnet] Did I read correct?????

2005-02-24 Thread B Wambuga
Bro Nume,
That is exactly what I read. 
Having said that, the real issue is that given the current white paper in the house for the debate onthe "removal" of the term limit, (remember we do not know the fate of the proposal on the removal of the term limit) no one has said whether the two proposalswere to be debated separetely or concurently. 
Secondly we already know the technical error imminent in how the "Omnibus bill" will be passed, and the expected fraud unlying the whole process. Now the issue is why the rush in withdrawing other parts of the bill while submitting anotherversion of the same thing, specifically on the third (read fifth) term.

The point is this people want it only their way or the high seas.

BWambuga.jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Mw. Nume,your interpretation is correct.The proposals of our honorables are getting more and more ridiculous. Why should we tamper with the constitution just to accomodate a president who has already had 4 terms ? We have been told that the reason they want to change Article 105 is because the incumbent has been a very good president, so we need to give him more terms as a present ! Are we going to change the constitution every time we have a new president depending on whether the MPs think he has been a good or bad president ? Can you believe this crap !!! And I thought a constitution is supposed to be a long-lasting document.KasangwawoFrom: Simon Nume <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To: ugandanet@kym.netTo: ugandanet@kym.netSubject: Re: [Ugnet] Did I read correct?Date: Thu, 24 Feb 200
 03:33:31 -0800 (PST)Mr WambugaIt seems that term limits are to lifted to allow the first president who will win under multi-parties to rule for life. Should he die or lose a subsquent election then term limits would apply to the SECOND leader who comes in.Is this what you read ???NumeB Wambuga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:Netters help here--MPs get new 3rd term proposalA NEW proposal to amend Article 105 to lift the presidential term limits was yesterday floated before the legal and parliamentary affairs committee, writes Cyprian Musoke.The proposal, presented by Mawokota South MP Henry Mutebi Kityo (right), is to be examined by the committee, now scrutinising the constitutional (Amendment) Bill 2005.It proposed the exemption (from term limits) of th
 e first
 elected regime after the transition to multi-party politics, but that the limits should be retained in the Constitution for the subsequent governments elected thereafter.It was seconded by Freddie Ruhindi, Bright rwamirama and John Byabagambi.EndsPublished on: Thursday, 24th February, 2005-Hullo!!!What could this mean?Bwambuga.-Do you Yahoo!?Yahoo! Sports - Sign up for Fantasy Baseball.___Ugandanet mailing listUgandanet@kym.net UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Sports - Sign up for Fantasy
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[Ugnet] Did I read correct?????

2005-02-23 Thread B Wambuga
Netters help here

MPs get new 3rd term proposal

A NEW proposal to amend Article 105 to lift the presidential term limits was yesterday floated before the legal and parliamentary affairs committee, writes Cyprian Musoke. The proposal, presented by Mawokota South MP Henry Mutebi Kityo (right), is to be examined by the committee, now scrutinising the constitutional (Amendment) Bill 2005. It proposed the exemption (from term limits) of the first elected regime after the transition to multi-party politics, but that the limits should be retained in the Constitution for the subsequent governments elected thereafter. It was seconded by Freddie Ruhindi, Bright rwamirama and John Byabagambi. Ends
Published on: Thursday, 24th February, 2005
What could this mean?


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[Ugnet] Two bulls clash over shs. 500.00

2005-02-17 Thread B Wambuga
Life is still full of fun.


Rupiny Reporter;

Two bulls (guys) clash over shs 500.00 at Kijura Center in Masindi. One Mr. Champion and another Mr. Teyasoze had agreed to buy two bottles of Kaswera "a local spirit" to a total of shs 500.00. The first bottle was for Mr. Teyasoze. Mr. Champion declined to hold on his side of the deal, and refused to buy the second bottle. 
Mr Champion did not take it lightly. The dispute ended up in a show of strength, which ended up in the two men injuring one another so bad. In fact one of them hit the other with a hummer on his head.
The two bulls were later remanded.

Twoni aryo ogoye pi 500=
TWONI munyoro aryo icabit ma okato ni gunyone magwar paka wa itucu wi gi lero ki nyono pi laro 500/= me kongo kaswera, Lacoc wa coyo. Twoni aryo magi ma Rupiny onongo nying ngat acel ni Champion ki Teyavsoze ni gunyone inge Teyausoze wilo kongo cupa aryo ka gumato lacen, Champion kwero wilo mege woko iyong mato pa lawote kun onongo gin owinye me jogo 500 ikom ngat acel acel ki iot bar acel mo i Kijura Centa Masindi. Joni gimako gin woko i jela kunu.
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Re: [Ugnet] M7 a Looter! The truth behind the Dairy deal.....

2005-02-16 Thread B Wambuga

The truth behind this deal is this.

Aware that the donor countries are preparing to come to the aid of the north to provide more food for the population and schools, the Bank-robber-turned-president is strategising himself. he is locating himself in such a position where he will not only catch all the Euro and dollars coming in, but that that money goes straight to Mbarara whence it can be syphoned out of the country. This so called Thai company never existed before the donor push for peace in the north started. The company is a sister to the Malay company that wanted to buy UCB (does that ring a bell?)

Ugandans, the robber is at work. Read between the lines. This is another scam of international proportion. Mark his remark about the possibility of this man even not probably have heard os Uganda untill he went to Thailand. OK granted, but any businessman 101 knows that no FOOL, repeat FOOL would take his miliions of hard earned cold cash and go and invest it in some God forsaken world (M7 calls it Uganda is a fairly unknown and comparatively unattractive investment destination) Why would somebody (anybody) who has no clue about the economic viability of a place go and invest there without even asking for some government documents about that country. ANy investor would wish to look at records. Least of all, if he is an international capital venture person, then he knows the importance of having some kind of official government document to protect your investment.

Museveni adds;
But let us get exports and get employment.
People, here we go again. Now it is milk for export. What export has ever succeeded since that crap started?

gook makanga [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Some once called this M7 a sick thug and i thought he was joking. Now here this man is caught stealing and he brings in irelevancies like Obote etc. This man is a looter 3.1.1!
Read and shake your head at this day light looting!
Uganda must give incentives to investors, says Museveni By Monitor Reporter Feb 16, 2005 

President Yoweri Museveni has said Ugandans should be ready to offer extraordinary incentives to international investors if it is to develop and create wealth for its poorest citizens because the country is a fairly unknown and low ranking destination for foreign direct investment.
Museveni was speaking for the second time in two days to The Monitor's Managing Director, Mr Conrad Nkutu in defence of his decision to lease the state-owned Dairy Corporation to a Thai company, Malee Sampran Public Company Ltd for a 3-year period at the nominal fee of only one US Dollar.
The Monitor yesterday published Museveni's explanation, the thrust of which was that he offered the Dairy Corporation to Malee, who are a major player in Thailand's agro-processing sector, as an incentive to them to acquire interest in the Ugandan market.
Following The Monitor's publication of the President's request yesterday, a dozen MPs criticized Museveni's decision. With the exception of MP Bright Rwamirama (Chair of the Parliamentary Finance Committee) who said he would invite Privatisation Minister Peter Kasenene to explain the deal, all the MPs spoken to poured criticism on the deal in respect of its implications for the Dairy Corporation. 

PROVIDE INCENTIVES: President Museveni
However none of them extended their analysis of Museveni's decision to the macro-economic stimulus objective of getting Malee to set up a milk and fruit processing plant in Mbarara.
The Monitor put various questions concerning the transaction to President Museveni, excerpts of which are detailed below.
Question: Your explanation of the future strategic benefits for fruit farmers (arising from the expected investment by Malee in the fruit processing plant) is understood but why can't they pay a market rate for the lease of Dairy Corporation during the 3-year "market testing period?"
Answer: Uganda is a fairly unknown and comparatively unattractive investment destination. The critics should understand that we are leasing the Dairy Corporation for a nominal fee to incentivise this Thai investor to come and give us the benefit of that larger factory which will stimulate farming of fruits in Busoga and parts of Buganda and Kigezi, in addition to the dairy benefits. In future, if the Dairy Corporation picks up, he can pay a market rate for it. But let us get exports and get employment.
Question: But why must this investor lease the Dairy Corporation to get market confidence to set up his plant? Museveni is in beef ranching. Did you first lease a government farm? Why doesn't the Thai investor do a feasibility study, take an entrepreneurial risk and set up the Mbarara factory? 
Answer: This is a foreigner who might not even have heard of Uganda until I went there and persuaded him to come. They could not simply plunge in. They were cautious about the market and that is why they gave us the 

[Ugnet] Lango doubtfull about royalty

2005-02-16 Thread B Wambuga

Rupiny reporter.
The truth behind the problems concerning the coronation of the King (Won Nyaci)of Lngo has been revealed.
The truth is that;
First,the election ofthe "King" was surreptitiously (without the blessings of the Langi)done while the people were at a workshop in Apach district about two years ago.
Secondly, it is widely agreed that the "Won Nyaci" will be redundant because nobody is convinced about what his (her) job description would be. Let alone any constitution to guide the people on his functions.

Most people are also qyestioning the effectiveness of Josham Odur (Won Nyaci) due to his lack of academic competence. Let alone the lack of his capacity to even support himself financially.

The most serious issue here really is that there has never existed the position of "The Big Chief" or "King" in the Lango tradition. The Lango had a "Military General", which was in actual sense, a temporary assignment only during a military emergency. The General was nominated by a council of the heads of the various clans which exist in Lango. This General was the "Won Nyaci", whose existence was just strictly during military emergencies only. The office was disolved after the operations are declared over by the council of the "oWii tong".

So the concessus is that for the mean time, Peace, and Development are the main issues that must be addressed before any such matters are brought for consideration. The level of poverty and despondence is so disheartening that the people of Lango still have no luxury for royalty and abandant livelywood.
Furthermore contrary to the earlier assertion by the chairman of Lira District Mr. Franko Ojur that there existed a royal Palaace ib the district turned out to be untrue. The building actually belonged to the district council.

For now the issue of "royalty" in Lango has been put to sleep.


Imung ikom won nyaci
Acoc me Rupiny OTYEKO niangere aber imung ame omio wiro Won Nyaci me Lango tye agale. Ikweda ame wan otimo nyuto ni me acel; yero Won Nyaci pe otimere kakare pien obedo ika kwanoro (workshop) ame obedo i taun Apac i mwaki aryo okato angec. Me aryo, Langi okene tye akok ni Pen cik akwako keto Won Nyaci i kom tic atir atira pe tye ame man weko tic ame Won Nyaci bino tiyo pe tye aniango jo. Jo tye akobo ni Yosam Odur, pe twero bedo anyut aber (role model) bot Langi pien rwom me kwanere tye piny. Gin dang tye akobo ni cinge pe dyaka dang ot kerere pe tye. I tekwaro me Lango pe tye Rwot Adwong ame rik loo Lango ducu. Rik tye ka Owitong me Atekere apapat ame tyeko kop ame kwako Atekere moro ni. Ka ikare ame peko opoto ikom Lango, owitong me atekere apapat bedo piny ote yero atel wi mony (Won Nyaci) me telo jo idog lweny. Ka lweny otum, tic a Won Nyaci nwongo dong ogik oko, ento te dok ture wot pur bala La
 okene. Koko okene tye ni cente me gwoko Won Nyaci pe tye pien onwongo myero kanycil me Apac kede Lira bed piny ote moko lim (vote) moro me gwoko adwongi kede tic me opici mere acalo rweyo lwak pi ngeyo kede gwoko tekwaro. Pol ajo tam gi tye ni kong tyek kop me kuc eka purugram me keto Won Nyaci te mede pien obedo gin me lelo, mara kede deo ame pe pore kede kare man ame can adot odio Langi kede lwak me tung malu woki. Adwongkom me Lira distrik, Franco Ojur con obin okobo ni ot ame rik jo ngeo ni obedo me a Won Nyaci ni pe kop ateni ento me a distrik. Man dong moko kan aler ni ot (palace) nyo kagwoko wele a Won Nyaci pe tye.
Published on: Wednesday, 16th February, 2005

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[Ugnet] Obte ghost haunts M7

2005-02-15 Thread B Wambuga
We have for close to 19 years now been talking about the killings in Luweero and the skulls
Here is a quotation from Betty Kamya of FDC:

..."As for people “hobnobbing with UPC”, I suggest that Byaruhanga and his likes should go slowly on the so-called “atrocities committed by UPC in Luweero”. Evidence is coming out, particularly from former Kadogos, now frustrated and disillusioned UPDF soldiers, who, if their security was guaranteed, would testify that they were recruited into the NRA after their parents had been brutally murdered by people they were told were Uganda government soldiers, but whom they now know were NRA rebels."
Speaking of Luweerokillings,information coming from Kampalareportshow M7 is severely battling the ghost of Dr. Apollo Milton Obote that consistently interrupts his sence of speech. An incident recently occured when he arrived in Nairobi for the meeting. In this one I understand it occured just when President Kibaki was receiving him at the airport. It was untillhis wife had reassured him that Obote was not there did he calm down. The report says that he constantly sees Obote sitting just four seats down from wherever he[Museveni] is sitting or Obote is walking a few steps ahead of him. 
Usually when in piblic rallies and he suddenly stops and looks out bedazed, those are the moments when Obote (usually smilling or taking) shows up to him. It would take Jnaet's reassurance that he should continue, and that Obote was not there.
He wakes up frequently at night.

The report also concludes that Obote is a constant appearance to him [Museveni] at the office.

You know this seems to hold true especially for those who know about the sufferings of the Americans whoalways have when they returned from war fronts. It is descibed as "Post-traumatic stress". It is usually at about this time when he [Museveni] is undergoing [through] stress about an on coming elections or heated parliamentary debate on controversial issues that the Obote vision becomes more frequent.This is often noticable by him clenching his teeth and hold his right arm up tightly on his chest. I understabd President Mkapa is aware of this and in their recnt meeting in Kampala, Mr. Mkapa saw it happen and he calm him down since there were just the two of them in the room talking. It wa either as a result of a breifing from Janet or he indeed had prior knowledge.

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[Ugnet] Pike's Editorial opinion

2005-02-12 Thread B Wambuga
For the sake of not wanting to annoy the President Pike gave us his opinion. Please read on.!!!

Debate third term objectively
FOR THE last two weeks, debate in Parliament has focused mainly on three issues. The issue of lifting the presidential term limit, granting the president powers to dissolve Parliament and compulsory acquisition of land for investment (which has now been dropped) have taken the centre stage. It is the proposed indefinite eligibility for a president, which has raised much debate. As a result, three divergent views have emerged. The first is that the term limits be retained but a transitional provision be inserted to grant President Yoweri Museveni a third and last term in appreciation of his contribution. The second option is to amend the Constitution to provide for three terms. But the third proposal, which raised eyebrows in Parliament this week, was that the term limits should be retained, but become operational after the 2006 elections when Uganda goes multiparty. This would mean if the Movement chose President Museveni as its flag-bearer, he would start 
 first term in 2006. Opposition leaders argue that the article has not been tested and found unsuitable. All these views need to be looked at objectively and in a wider perspective to reach consensus. When tabling their positions, MPs should focus on national interest and abandon their hard-line party or self stand. The debate must transcend mere reporting of what they heard during consultations. Debate has tended to drift more towards the personality of President Museveni than the merits and demerits of lifting the term-limit. MPs have a social responsibility of making laws that promote stability. Let us remember that constitutions are for long-term benefits of society and not short-term goals. Ends
Published on: Saturday, 12th February, 2005..
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[Ugnet] Another Museveni murder

2005-02-06 Thread B Wambuga
See if you can see through this hole. For those who cannot, this man died as a result of one of those Museveni "elimination" work on people during the bush war. Remember the Luwero bones on the road side?
Read on

Bush war spies to get free houses
Hamis Kaheru and Moses Nsubuga PEASANTS who participated in the 1981-86 National Resistance Army bush war are to get free permanent houses built by the army, President Yoweri Museveni said on Saturday. The beneficiaries include prominent members of secret war committees, those who offered land for NRA camps and widows of fallen fighters. They are all in Luweero Triangle. Museveni said the rest of the population would get permanent houses at reduced cost because free labour would be provided by the army. “Your work will be to buy materials like cement, bricks and iron sheets. We can even transport some of the materials for you, especially those which are from Kampala. We may even consider a housing loan and you pay in small installments,” Museveni told the beneficiaries. He launched the programme, ‘Universal Improved Homestead accommodation,’ at a rally at Kyamusisi Primary School in Mityana. He handed over the 
 three houses to Mzee James Kasumba, John Sebunya and Kamada. Sebunya and Kamada were chairpersons of secret war committees, while Kasumba hosted the NRA camp in which Museveni stayed on Christmas Day in 1984. Museveni inaugurated Kyamusisi Memorial Site in memory of fallen NRA combatants. Kyamusisi route was used by NRA combatants to and from their bases in Singo and Bulemezi. The site comprises a tomb containing the remains of Comrade Kityo, who died at Kyamusisi in 1983 in the company of Museveni. The group was from a combat mission in kabamba, code-named “Safari 50.” Museveni and Army Commander Lt. Gen. Aronda Nyakairima laid wreaths on the tombs made from cement and tiles, constructed in a shed of maroon iron sheets. “Kityo was shot accidentally in the buttocks. It was not by the enemy. It was by one of our soldiers who was ill-trained,” Museveni said, adding that Kityo was shot in Bigo Bya Mugyenyi. “We brought him here on
  our way
 back. We tried dressing but he was bleeding inside. We had no friendly major hospital,” he said.
Published on: Monday, 7th February, 2005
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[Ugnet] Uganda's democracy is questioned by African NGO's

2005-02-06 Thread B Wambuga
If anybody still has doubte about democracy in Uganda, and Museveni's constitutionalism, look again at this report from the African NGO's in Accra, Ghana.

"while the Ethiopian and Ugandan political leadership lacked democratic credibility. He said the report showed that for the process of democratisation to grow, leaders must adhere to the tenets of democracy."
African NGOs query Uganda’s democracy
By Vision reporter A REPORT on the African Union’s peer review mechanism (APRM) in eight countries has questioned the “democratic credibility” of Uganda’s politics. The ‘Shadow Review’ report on APRM was launched on Friday, in Accra, Ghana, by seven African research NGOs under the African Human Security Initiative. According to the online GhanaWeb, the report assessed the level of compliance of eight out of the 24 African governments, which assented to the APRM monitoring system. The countries were Ghana, Algeria, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa and Uganda. The leaders of the countries pledged their commitment to promote human rights, uphold the tenets of democracy and good governance, civil society engagement, fight the proliferation of small arms, undertake anti-corruption measures, control crime and terrorism, adopt potent conflict resolution mechanisms and use 
 militarism in peace-keeping operations. Launching the report, Emmanuel Sowatey, a research official with the African Security Dialogue and Research, said even though none of the countries had clean human rights records, Senegal and South Africa recorded the best, while Algeria, Ethiopia, Uganda and Nigeria were the worst violators. Ghana and kenya fell in the two groups. The study was sponsored by the United Kingdom department for international Development. Sowatey said in Algeria and Nigeria, the role of the military was central in understanding the political dynamics of the countries, while the Ethiopian and Ugandan political leadership lacked democratic credibility. He said the report showed that for the process of democratisation to grow, leaders must adhere to the tenets of democracy.
Published on: Monday, 7th February, 2005
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[Ugnet] Professor may loose job over 9/11

2005-02-03 Thread B Wambuga
School May Fire Professor for 9/11 Comment By CATHERINE TSAI Associated Press Writer 
AURORA, Colo. - University of Colorado administrators Thursday took the first steps toward a possible dismissal of a professor who likened World Trade Center victims to a notorious Nazi.Interim Chancellor Phil DiStefano ordered a 30-day review of Ward Churchill's speeches and writings to determine if the professor overstepped his boundaries of academic freedom and whether that should be grounds for dismissal. 
Also Thursday, the Board of Regents issued an apology for Churchill's remarks at a meeting and voted to support the university's review of Churchill. 
The raucous meeting drew dozens of protesters who back Churchill; at least two were arrested for disrupting the meeting and another was led away in handcuffs. 
The regents refused to take public comment at their meeting, prompting an outcry from some of the 35 students who carried signs reading, "Protect academic freedom" and "Witch hunt." About a dozen professors also attended. 
"I wish the regents had agreed to take some public comments," said law professor Barbara Bintliff, chairwoman of the Boulder Faculty Assembly. "Discussion and debate is what a university is all about." 
Gov. Bill Owens issued a written statement saying he deplored the behavior of some of the students at the meeting, and that their behavior underscored the "culture of violence" that can be spawned by essays such as Churchill's. 
Owens has called for Churchill's firing. 
The furor erupted last month after Churchill was invited to speak at Hamilton College in upstate New York. Campus officials discovered an essay and follow-up book by Churchill in which he said the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks were a response to a history of American abuses abroad, particularly against indigenous peoples. 
Among other things, he said those killed in the trade center were "little Eichmanns," a reference to Adolf Eichmann, who organized Nazi plans to exterminate Jews. The college canceled Churchill's appearance, citing death threats and concerns about security. 
University officials have previously condemned Churchill's comments but defended his right to express them. University President Elizabeth Hoffman declined to comment Thursday on Churchill's future. 
Churchill, whose pickup truck was vandalized with swastikas in front of his Boulder home sometime late Tuesday, has promised to sue the school if he is removed. 
Earlier Thursday, the state Senate passed a resolution denouncing Churchill's comments as "evil and inflammatory." The nonbinding resolution was identical to one passed Wednesday by the House. 
Democratic state Sen. Peter Groff cast the lone "no" vote, saying he disagreed with Churchill but that the resolution provides him with undeserved attention and attacks free speech. 
Copyright 2005 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
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[Ugnet] From the monitor and It is your rights

2005-01-23 Thread B Wambuga

I have copied a very interesting letter down below on a very interesting issue sent by a very concerned Ugandan citizen about his "Rights" and its "limits". The quotations are my emphasis. Here it is, I will return to my response later.

Police did not help me
It was at about 5p.m. on January 10 2005, that I boarded an Iganga bound taxi, reg. no UAF 618U near Mabira. We sat three passengers per seat up to Bugembe. The conductor then opted to load excess passengers. 
I objected. I was constantly harassed by the driver, conductor and brokers. He tried it again in Kakira and I objected. Annoyed, he jumped in and tried to make himself the fourth passenger on our back row. I again blocked him. Angry, he stepped on my knees.
Sensing danger, I boarded another taxi to Iganga, then finally to Tororo and reported the matter at the Police Station. I was told that the traffic section was responsible for such a case. When I went there, the traffic policeman tossed me back to the general desk office.
I proceeded and stated my case. Another officer referred me back to Bugembe. With these responses and references, I suffered a humiliating defeat in the fight for my rights. This is not the first time I have suffered such harassment. Who is supposed to help us? Why did Police toss me about? 
Samuel Ochom,P .O. Box 235,Lugazi.

Mr. Ochom raises a very pertinent, yet subtle and inceptive case here which might look like a petty complaint at first. But on a careful look at it again, it reveals a lot moreabout how much realisation a typical Ugandan has about their "rights", vis-a-vis their roll in grabbing the tools available to them to applyin asserting their rights, on the one hand, and the limitation of their "Rights" vis-a-vis the burden of exercising their rights, on the other. We can look at these on either side separately.
First, Mr. Ochom took a very brave act to not only express his "Rights" by standing his ground. The other Ugandans let him down by not being active participants in his efforts even if it meant slaughtering themselves in the process. 
Such anomaly can only survive when you have a population that cannot first realise their roll in the fight against overloading Taxis. Secondly, a population that cannotrealise that they cannot just always sit and wait for the president of the country to talk about what is rightor what is wrong. This is more scary than imagining the dangers of having a dictatorship inpower. The people must first show the Taxi operators that they have had enough of this danger. The people must first get angry at the kind of treatment they are getting from Taxi operators with no respect for their lives and safety.
The second issue is that the Police who have just been trained to work for the president of the country (read colonialist) have not been adjusted to work for the community in which they are part of and are meant to preserve. The police let down Mr. Ochom who is a citizen of the country that the (Police) are meant to work for and preserve. In other words the task of the Police has NOT been defined. The Police have no clue what their roll in security and safety for the citizens is all about.
The third point is that while the Taxi operators are, of course, working to meet their profit margins, they are busy focusing on the road ahead albeit at the cost of the lives of the citizens. But their lack of response from a citizen speaks a whole lot about the level of disrespect for the citizenry of the country. And since the Police are the nearest security and safety personnel to the ordinary citizens of Uganda, the community must hold directly responsible for the kind of discipline that is expected of them. And unless they begin to respect the concerns of the citizens by being made responsible for their unbecoming behaviour, nothing will be done to rectify this condition. The citizens must act on their ownti right this wrong without expecting much from their government that abandoned them along time ago. The government is more concerned with its own survival and preservation. I remember in a Taxi ride in 1988, I instigated a walk out, a
 forced the other passengers to follow suit by jumping out of the Taxi. It worked, but some of the travelers cursed me off for slowing them down. But later they admitted the crucial impact their direct intervention in the process helped them. Mr. Ochom's involvement should have been a recipe for the others to follow.
On the other hand, it is not so much about what is right or wrong in this case, my point is about how the older and (better) Uganda gets at growing since independence, the more we stay the same if not get worse. What Uganda becomes depends utterly on what the citizens of that country want for themselves and have defined in no uncertain term what is an acceptable standard for their safety and 

[Ugnet] Muniini on Bush's new policy

2005-01-23 Thread B Wambuga
America for world peace: can Uganda rely on her? Jan 24, 2005

Dear Tingasiga:
“We are led, by events and common sense, to one conclusion: The survival of liberty in our land increasingly depends on the success of liberty in other lands. The best hope for peace in our world is the expansion of freedom in the entire world.”
With those words, so eloquently uttered before a worldwide audience, George W. Bush started his second term as president of the United States. 
While the entire speech was full of statements that signaled a fundamental change in US foreign policy, the words that I found most appealing were his promises to take sides with those who sought reform and positive change in their countries. 
To democratic reformers facing repression, prison, or exile, Bush said: “America sees you for who you are: the future leaders of your free country.” 
To the leaders of governments with long habits of control, Bush said: “To serve your people you must learn to trust them. Start on this journey of progress and justice, and America will walk at your side.” 
And to consolidate the Bush Doctrine, he stated that the new policy of the United States would be “to seek and support the growth of democratic movements and institutions in every nation and culture, with the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in our world.” 
As an African, I heard him say that the United States under Bush would be actively engaged in Africa’s struggle for democracy. I heard him say that US-Africa relations under his second term would not be business as usual. 
If carried through, the Bush Doctrine should have a seismic effect on African politics and government. This is an overdue mission to which the United States has committed itself. It is a mission in which President Bush can count on the support of hundreds of millions of Africans. The only ones who will oppose him in this just cause will be those who oppress and deny their people the total freedom that every normal human being craves. 
In Africa, he will find kindred spirits among the millions who demand the right to freely organize themselves; the right to enjoy a level playing field upon which to compete against those in control of state power; the right to choose their leaders in genuinely free and fair elections; the right to contribute to the development of their societies; the right to enjoy the rights and benefits of citizenship even when they disagree with the leaders and rulers; the right not to be penalized for exercising their freedom within the law. 
Of course my delight with Bush’s speech is tempered by a skepticism born of disappointment. This is not the first American president to commit himself to the struggle for freedom. 
Addressing the US Congress in 1916, President Woodrow Wilson delivered a speech that was remarkably similar to what Bush told Americans on January 20, 2005. Wilson said: "We insist upon security in prosecuting our self-chosen lines of national development. 
We do more than that. We demand it also for others. We do not confine our enthusiasm for individual liberty and free national development to the incident and movements of affairs which affect only ourselves. We feel it wherever there is a people that tries to walk in these difficult paths of independence and right."
Thirty one years later, President Harry Truman re-committed America to the struggle for freedom around the world. 
Addressing a joint session of Congress in March 1947, Truman said: “It must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures.” 
Nine years later, Russia invaded and subjugated Hungary while American stood by. 21 years later, Russia invaded Czechoslovakia while America stood by. 
Forty years after the Truman Doctrine was enunciated, America was still supporting the Apartheid regime in South Africa which had subjugated and dehumanized millions of Africans in that country. 
Fifty years after Truman’s speech, and nearly a decade after the end of the Cold War, America was still overtly or covertly supporting anti-democratic regimes in Africa. 
So President Bush must understand and bear with our skepticism. American leasers have seldom lived up to their pro-democracy rhetoric. 
Yet we have to be cautiously optimistic and give Bush the benefit of doubt. Perhaps the United States will behave differently this time. Perhaps Bush means business. 
The question is on whose side he will be. Will he be on the side of the political leaders and rulers of Africa, or will he be on the side of the people of Africa themselves, those who seek the same freedom that Americans take for granted today? 
Obviously we do not expect Bush and America to deliver democracy to Africa. They cannot do so and should not attempt to do so. It is the African people who must accomplish the goal of successful democratization. Genuine democratization can only come out of the commitment and hard work of Africans on the 

[Ugnet] Museveni should remember how he robbed banks and looted hospitals

2004-12-04 Thread B Wambuga
It is just unbeleivable how these two people could forget how they destroyed Uganda during their bush war. Have they forgotten how they robbed Banks and looted hospitals in the name of fighting "Obote". 
The destruction of the north is all too fresh for this crap. We remember how "biological substance" we are. They must first apologise.

Now their speeches are like none of those happened. Read on below:

Uganda needs to support Movt’ By Grace Matsiko  Herbert Mugaga Dec 5, 2004

MUKONO — President Yoweri Museveni has said Ugandans have an obligation to continue supporting the Movement government because it has fulfilled the promises it made when it shot to power in 1986.
While addressing a rally near Mukono town on Friday, Mr Museveni said Ugandans should forget the old parties - Democratic Party and the Uganda People's Congress - because they failed to lead the country as the Movement has done.
"The last obligation you have as Ugandans is to continue supporting the Movement and then things will continue to happen," Museveni said standing atop a military jeep as the crowd ululated "abeewo, abeewo" (long live, long live). 
That was a call for him to remain in power after the expiry of his constitutional term in 2006. The President, who was accompanied by ministers Jeje Odongo (Environment) and Janat Mukwaya (Justice and Constitutional Affairs), said Cabinet was studying possibilities of by-passing micro-finance institutions to introduce loans to Ugandans.
He said micro-finance institutions had hiked interest rates making it difficult for the people to get loans. 

© 2004 The Monitor Publications
First lady challenges northern leaders By Jane Nafula Dec 5, 2004

GULU – The first lady, Ms Janet Museveni has asked leaders in Northern Uganda to prioritise development programmes so as to spur hope and prosperity in the country.
“There is need to dedicate your selves to the services that are devoted to the re building of your communities with commitment and dedication,” she said.
While meeting leaders from Apac, Lira, Pader, Gulu, and Kitgum at Gulu state Lodge on Thursday, Ms Museveni said the leaders efforts should be directed at fighting poverty, famine, and HIV/Aids.She commended the local community in northern Uganda and the UPDF for efforts to return peace to the area.
She appealed to the leaders and ordinary people to maintain peace and unity in the region. Ms Museveni also called for appropriate interventions to reverse the reported high prevalence of HIV/Aids rates in the north.
She advised that appropriate messages which target women and the youth who constitute the most vulnerable groups should be developed.
The Minister of state for Security, Ms Betty Akech appealed to the first lady to re-introduce the Uganda Women’s Effort to Save Orphans (UWESO) services to cater for the increased number of orphans in the regon.
The Minister of state for Sports, Mr Okello Oryem, Minster of state for Northern Uganda Rehabilitation Ms Grace Akello and State Minister for Tourism Mr Jovino Akaki were present.

© 2004 The Monitor Publications

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[Ugnet] POLITICS is also development, Bwana Museveni, Sir!!

2004-11-29 Thread B Wambuga

Bwana Museveni really needs some visitation with a Psychiatrist for now. There is no way Museveni is going to get away with this that Political debate is not part of development. Bwana Museveni should stop intimidating Ugandans and get down to talking about political development in Uganda. Ugandas yearn for genuine, truthful, and straight political talk and debates. 

For instance the transition, whether he personally plants to run or not. It is only fair that he gives Ugandans the opportunity to talk about the ills of his failed system, chart our way forward, and work out solutions to our problems as a nation.

He cannot arm twist and manipulate the people and think that he is going to scare people away. 

Matek Opoko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Stop abusing me, Museveni tells FMs By Mwanguhya Charles Mpagi  Silver Ahimbisibwe Nov 30, 2004

KAMPALA - President Yoweri Museveni has blasted FM radios for concentrating on abusing the government, instead of educating people on development. 
Speaking at the Third Aids Partnership Forum, at the International Conference Centre yesterday, Museveni said fm radios that concentrate on politics other than development should be punished. 
“The radios are spending most of their time on politics of greed. They are busy campaigning for power, instead of helping the population. The Uganda Aids Commission should direct these radios to speak about HIV. If they do not conform, disciplinary action should be taken against them,” Museveni said. 
He was bitter that the media, including both FM radios and newspapers were wasting time talking politics. “All the newspapers are also doing the same. You are harvesting what you sowed. You are now reaping from diversion. It is like there are no other problems apart from politics,” he said. 
The Third Partnership Forum, which ends today, is part of the activities to mark world Aids day on December 1. At the forum, a draft report, “The Uganda Aids status report 2004,” which gives figures on the HIV/Aids situation was released. 
Releasing the report earlier, Dr. Kihumuro Apuuli, Director of Uganda Aids Commission, said though a tremendous drop in HIV/Aids prevalence had been recorded in the 10 years between 1994 and 2004, from 18.5 to 6.2, the figure has stagnated over the last four years.
The report also indicates that war-torn northern Uganda has the highest prevalence rates at 11.9 percent, while Karomoja has the lowest at 0.7 percent. 
“Almost two decades after the first reported case HIV/Aids still remains a significant public health challenge contributing significantly to mortality in Uganda,” the report read in part.
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Re: [Ugnet] The concept of Federo: A case study - Monitor - October 17-23, 2004

2004-10-16 Thread B Wambuga
If I was a teacher, and this "Case work" was brought to me, Mr. Kajabago-ka-Rusoke would get a good zero. 
This is a classic example of politically motivated rewriting of history. 

First, Uganda was not a British Colony. Uganda was a "protectorate". By this virtue as a protectorate the kind of rule as exercised on a colony did not apply to Uganda. Take a look at Kenya which was a Colony. Or Rhodesia. And if you want contrast all these to Tanganyika.
Second, Bugand was treatedwith a special status in Uganda. Those areas of Uganda that did not have royalties like Buganda, Ankole, Bunyoro, to mention a few, were viewed differently by the British, and taken undervaried and different political contexts depending on its vitality in the long term contribution to the British expanded influence.
Third, the Mailo issue referred to by the writer did not apply to any toher Ugandan exceptBuganda and Bunyoro only. In fact all the other tribesdid not even care about it at all, let alone knowing about it. So saying that "chieThere are people in Uganda who are opposed to Mailo land rent; Mailo land was a gift to Uganda Kings and chiefs for accepting and collaborating with colonial forces", is a complete distortion of the issue of Mailo land in the greater Ugandan issues.
Fourth, this student has to do a better job at talking for NRM; especially in the Federo issue. 
Good attempt anyway. It wont work.
Omar Kezimbira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The concept of Federo: A case study By Kajabago-ka-Rusoke Oct 17 - 23, 2004

Federo is a concocted term from the word Federal by politicians from Buganda. Buganda is a nationality along other nationalities in Uganda, which nationalities were each conquered by Britain; beginning from 1890 by a British company called The Imperial British East Africa Company (IBEA) authorised by the then British government. 
This conquest is known in history as colonisation. Uganda was made up of these nationalities and became a British colony. Under colonisation, either a country or a group of countries is put together by political ties for economic purposes of that colonising power by force.
The sovereignty of each nationality is automatically conquered. In the same way, the sovereignty of each tribe or nationality in a colonial Uganda amalgamation was conquered.
Eventually, every colony in the world came to understand how wrong the colonial arrangement was. Every colony therefore began struggling for independence but without any tribe or nationality doing it on its own to separate from the colonial amalgamation.
When the coloniser was faced with common, sometimes violent, political bargaining by the amalgamation they would give up their colonial arrangement without disturbing or disintegrating the boundaries of a given colony. 
So colonies became independent with boundaries, which were established at the time of being colonised. In May 1963 in Addis Ababa Ethiopia, the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) was formed, to unite all independent African states and to support the anti-colonial struggle by African countries, which were still under colonial rule. 
But it was also agreed that boundaries left behind by colonial authorities should continue being respected and honoured by post-colonial administrators. That simultaneously meant that each tribe or nationality in a former colonial amalgamation continued losing its own sovereignty under a post independent state.
However, some nationalities still feel sad to have lost their sovereignty. But, unfortunately, this is very much irreversible. If we tried it, the former colonies would find themselves in terrible turmoil.
Buganda is one of the nationalities whose sovereignty was conquered. But it is not alone in this type of conquest. It is part of a Uganda commonwealth and a component of an African union. Society is never static but dynamic. There is motion both in nature and society. Buganda, Uganda and Africa are all in motion.There are people in Uganda who are opposed to Mailo land rent; Mailo land was a gift to Uganda Kings and chiefs for accepting and collaborating with colonial forces. 
The Kings in Uganda today are descendants of those Kings – at the time of colonialism. At the same time they want to restore what colonialism found them with plus what colonialism gave them against the ordinary people. 
Their aspiration for a federal structure in the superstructure is based on aspiration for an economic base; restore Mailo land from which they can obtain rent from the ordinary peasants – but not a federal structure for development. 
No one can extract money from individuals for personal use and then say he/she is extracting money from them in order to develop them. It is just ridiculous.
Kings in Uganda have no political powers. So, their social and cultural position cannot allow them to assert themselves, as they would have wished to do so economically. Hence this explains the demand for political power, which they can use as an 

Re: [Ugnet] Byaama Bya Buganda Vol 1 #3

2004-09-28 Thread B Wambuga
I strongly support this idea, albeit near late as it stands. Buganda should have nationalised the issue of federo, yanking it away from the State House in the first place. 
Anyhow that the idea has been floated let us see where it goes. BUT, lets us be ware lest the "Sad Term" is derailed into oblivion. The third term issue far out weighs the federo one.

Bwambuga.Mitayo Potosi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

If you carefully read these articles you find that it is all pure sense. 
Let us have a conference of Uganda federalists. Instead of talking to only Bunyoro and Toro others have to be brought in i.e. Acholis, Iteso, Kigezi, West Nile etc The 'federo' project rather than allowing itto be characterized as a 'Baganda' thing has to be vigorously promoted for what it is: a Ugandan project.
Our people are crying out for leadership instead of the thieves whose stomachs are bulging everyday whilefor our people it is the feetthat are bulging. 
Note that there is an urgent appeal to those in the diaspora!!
(Bazimba embuto bo abantu nga bazimba bigere!! Webale Musamize okututusako amawulire gano). 

musamize ssemakula [EMAIL PROTECTED]




[Ugnet] Byaama Bya Buganda Vol 1 #3




Byaama bya Buganda 
Ensulo y’amagezi ku bya Buganda Vol. 1 No. 3, Sebutemba 7, 2004
Abaganda basanyukidde Mmengo okuva mu kusabiriza Federo
Mmengo tenafuuna nkola nambulukufu kwetambuliza mirimu
Pulofeesa Ssemakula takyeesiga Museveni kumukuuma
Ekirowoozo: Buganda esobola “okuwamba” Federo nga tekubye mundu
Abaganda basanyukidde Mmengo okuva mu kusabiriza Federo
Mukono (Kyaggwe), Mengo (Kyadondo), ne Boston (America)
Abaganda bangi, nga mwemuli n’Abataka abawera, basanyukidde nnyo ekya Mmengo okusalawo n’eva mu kuteseganya ne Yoweri Museveni ku bya Federo. Ensonga eyabadde esinga okuweebwa abo betwatukiridde yabadde nti, ne Mengo byebadde esaba byenyini Abaganda bibatwaala mu buwambe. Ku luno twayogeddeko n’abe Mukono, mu Kyaggwe, ku lwa Sebutemba 3. Twasoose kwogera ne Onyango eyatutegezezza nti Mujapadoola n’alyooka agamba nti, “Nze ndowooza abe Mengo naffe abatali Baganda batukola bubi bwebakiriziganya ne Museveni ku Federo emboofu. Ffe Abaganda tunabaddawa senga obwaavu bunabatuusa okugamba nti buli atali Muganda yeyabubaletera? Nze mukulaba kwange, babadde balowoleeza kumpi. Berabidde nti Museveni muntu era ajja kuvaawo ate nga Abaganda ggwanga era bazaala?”. Nnamukadde Ssebuyira eyabadde ava okukyaalako e Katosi yasanyukidde nnyo Katikkiro ne John Katende byebayogedde mu Lukii
 “Ddaaki abe Mmengo batandise okugondera Ssabasajja, eyatukakasa nti Federo entuufu, yeeyo, ekomyaawo Obuganda ba Jajja ffe bwebatulekera. Wabula si Federo enyweeza Bidandi Ssali ne Museveni byebatuleetera. Kati vva wano ogende okutukira ddala e Katosi oba e Nazigo, ebyaalo bijjudde Abanankole n’Abanarwanda Museveni baleese wano jjo lya balamu, kati bebafuga Abaganda. Ate nga mu Ankole ne Bunyoro Abaganda bagoba bagobe? Kirungi nnyo Ssemwogerere ne Katende obutateeka Mutebi mu byafaayo nga Kabaka eyagabula Buganda eri Abanankole.”
Mu Bulange yo agavaayo simangu nnyo kutegeera. Enseke zaffe e Mmengo zitutegeeza nti waliwo bangi abasanyuse okulaba nti, n’abatugamba bulijjo nti Museveni mukwaano nnyo gwa Baganda, alaze nti ddala tebamutegeera butegeezi. Naye ate waliwo abalala, naddala abo abaganyulwa ennyo mu nkola eriwo e kati Mengo, abawotokerevu era nga bakyanyigiriza nti, “Ssebo, kano akakisa tetuusaana kukasubwa. Tutwaale, konna omusajja kaatuwa”. Nga ebyo bikyaali awo, enseke zaffe mu NRM zitutegeeza nti Museveni yalagidde dda Amelia Kyambadde, Richard Muhinda, ne Naava Nnabagesera okukozesa ku ssente okukomyaawo Mengo mu kuteesa. Wabula tetumanyi oba ensimbi zino zitandise okuwa ba “Tudeeyo tuteese” amaanyi e Mengo.
Okumanya Abaganda abali ku mawanga bwebalowooza, twakubidde omuzaana wa Kabaka, Mbatudde owe Boston, eyabadde ku mikolo mu Seattle, America. Yayimye ku “buli wooli nkufuna” eya “roaming” natugamba nti, Abaganda bangi mu America babadde n’endoowoza nti abe Mengo Museveni yabagula dda. Era kyabewunyisizza n’okubasanyusa ennyo okulaba nga John Katende ayogera mu ddoboozi ery’omwanguka nti “eby’okuteesa tubivuddemu”. Naye Mbatudde yalabudde nti, okuva ku bulimba bwa Museveni bweyakamala okwelabirako mu Seattle, atya nti, ono asobola okuba katemba kuzanyira ku bwongo bwa Baganda. Yabitadde mu Luzungu nti, “The jury is still out. Remember that the people involved were buddies at Dar es Salaam University. So, you can’t rule out games.” Ekivvunurwa nti, “Amagi teganaalulwa. Jjukira nti abali mu bintu bino ennyo baziluunda bonna mu Yunivasite ye Dar es Salaam. Kale eky’
 obuzannyo tosobola kumala gakigaaana”.
Mmengo tenafuuna nkola nambulukufu kwetambuliza mirimu
Kampala (Kyadondo)
Ebivudde mu kubuliriza kwa kakensa waffe okumaaze 


2004-09-11 Thread B Wambuga

Your answer is in the constitution of the UPC. 
Yes, the UPC is a legal entity, and the statute that regulates this is supposedly in the constitution of the Republic of Uganda.
Having said that, it should therefore not be an issue that should be hidden. UPC was born of Ugandans to address the aspirations and dreams of Ugandans. It would thus be silly and dumpfounding if UPC were controlled by some other power that is allien to a Ugandan. Uganda is a nation with live citizens who identify themselves with what UPCstands for. Those Ugandans whostill hold our grand Party with the highest esteem realise that all those "jonnie come lately" parties are addressing narrow, andpresumed problems facing our country.
Your question needs addressing the objectives of our party in the light of what such organizations like NRM,NRMO, UPM or whatever other assemblies out there cannot, have not,could not, and would not dare address because UPC has it all documented, and implemented. May be UPC was not given the chance to see its implementation programms through. But if you look at the terms of reference of those people, it all points at UPC programms. For instance, who amongst them is talking of Hospitals, Schools, Roads,Yes, Economic Empowerment of Ugandans, and if you will, developmental structures that would push Uganda to higher levels of achievement.

So my friends you can call me anything, but the fact remains that UPC is still UPC. The UPC that I was born into. The UPC that wore those pot-bellied shirts with strings to tie at the collar like Mr Ekanya had.I think I am no "Obal-UPC". I am one in blood and sweat. I belong to the UPC that would build bridges across rivers and creeks. I beleive in the youth activities where young men dance "okoce" all night long, or "larak" untill dawn, in preparation for a grand address. 
NOW, this is UPC.


The UPC is a legal entity, is it not? That used to mean that it has some kind of "strukturell-funktionalistiskt" setup (engl.structural functionalism?!) regulated by some form of statute,does it still apply?
Wambuga, I can see you are not UPC.You are "Obal-UPC" or "UPC-abacabac"! You sem to belong to the kind who categorically shut the people down each time they want to be elucidated or ask questions after the leader has spoken. That is "UPC-rwot-ineka".
In those days when UPC was UPC, people were free-minded. Then it was for the people by the people.Then UPCs do nat say, " ah the leader has already spoken...why waste people's timeyou shut up, Chief has already said it is fine...etc"
That said, what is your answer to the question "WHO CONTROLS UPC"?!
Soon it is twenty years or so since the last UPC reign in Uganda, and, life goes on.
Bwana Gody, now you evenbewilder me more. I hear, "..but first you educate me on why UPC still seems to enjoy the trust of people in the whole of Uganda Including Luwero!"
You Apwoyo, how do you determine that? How do you arrive at that "SEEMS"?

Best rgds
From: B Wambuga [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: RE: [Ugnet] WHO CONTROLS UPC 
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2004 03:05:47 -0700 (PDT) 
Let me put simply that people are looking too far away for the legenedary "Axe" on their shoulders. 
They should remember just one thing, the name "UGANDA PEOPLES' CONGRESS". 
This name is no resistance fight because there is nothing to resist. A resistance like some would want us to beleive is only valid if you are continuosly resisting against yourself and flip flopping about waht you are all about. Twenty some odd years and you are still trying to invent yourself. But is besides the point. 
The "People" are of Ugandans. Then the "Congress" means the congregation of all Ugandans. All but to identify and eliminate the social, economic, cultural, or whatever cancer is detering the community. EVERYBODY!!! 
NOW that is UPC. 
gook makanga [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
Chief Noc. 
I am more than willing tyo educate you on anything, but first you educate me on why UPC still seems to enjoy the trust of people in the whole of Uganda Including Luwero! 
"Rang guthe agithi marapu!" A karamonjong word of wisdom 
Original Message Follows 
Subject: RE: [Ugnet] WHO CONTROLS UPC 
Date: Wed, 08 Sep 2004 14:02:23 + 
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2004-09-10 Thread B Wambuga
Let me put simply that people are looking too far away for the legenedary "Axe" on their shoulders. 
They should remember just one thing, the name "UGANDA PEOPLES' CONGRESS".
This name is no resistance fight because there is nothing to resist.A resistance like some would want us to beleive is only valid if you are continuosly resisting against yourself and flip flopping about waht you are all about. Twenty some odd years and you are still trying to invent yourself. But is besides the point.

The "People" are of Ugandans. Then the "Congress" means the congregation of all Ugandans. All but to identify and eliminate the social, economic, cultural, or whatever cancer is detering the community. EVERYBODY!!!
NOW that is UPC.

gook makanga [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Chief Noc.
I am more than willing tyo educate you on anything, but first you educate me on why UPC still seems to enjoy the trust of people in the whole of Uganda Including Luwero!


"Rang guthe agithi marapu!" A karamonjong word of wisdom

Original Message Follows From: NOC´LADUMAS GEORGES [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: RE: [Ugnet] WHO CONTROLS UPC Date: Wed, 08 Sep 2004 14:02:23 + ___ Ugandanet mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] % UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM 

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Bwana Goddy,
You are knowledge! Could you educate me again on HOW the UPC is controlled by the peasants, sons and daughters of Uganda 

living in the hamlets dotted all over the valleys and hills of 

Thanks in advanced
From: "gook makanga" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: RE: [Ugnet] WHO CONTROLS UPC 
Date: Mon, 06 Sep 2004 21:47:49 + 
UPC is controlled by the peasants, sons and daughters of Uganda 
living in the hamlets dotted all over the valleys and hills of 
Uganda. That is why UPC is still alive and kicking after more than 
20 years of being abused and demonized by non Ugandans and some of 
their Ugandan collaborators! 
UPC is an Institution not some silly monolithic one mad mans show 
like the NRM! 
Original Message Follows 
From: d b lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]gt; 
Subject: [Ugnet] WHO CONTROLS UPC 
Date: Mon, 06 Sep 2004 03:47:44 +0100 
Now we can see - people in UPC who have been silenced for some time 
emerging again - there is a reason. And the sequence of events 
explains who controls Uganda. 
Has UPC been taken over by forces controling URA and trying to 
mudsling Julia Ssebutinde - Ugandans must watch outwe are moving 
towards a vicious dictactorship. Worse than may be UPC is said to 
who controls UPC and why? 
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Re: ugnet_: Do you hear me now? Kingdoms cautioned

2004-07-17 Thread B Wambuga
My Friend Ssemakula,
My question still stands: Do you hear me now? Kingdoms cautioned.
Of course you are not going to hear a wee-bit from Nsibambi. He heard me!! Where would he get the "where-with-all" to go negative on the truth about the"Lost Territories"?
So much is at stake now. When they talk of Kingdoms, they mean solely Buganda.
Neither blind nor deaf can help him hide his head in the sand. 
Like you said, the fable of "Ndiwulira" is so overwhelming. Mr. Nsibambi use Buganda as a platform because no body would make him "quotable" in future. The Prof. is all Eyes and Ears. Read his statement about which monarchs he cherrished. Splitting Hair, eh? 
Obote again becomes a scape goat. Or an "inteligent escapist"? (I wonder why all 'arguments' or statements use Dr. Milton as the "Bar". Just thinking aloud! )
Anyways, Mr. Musamize, if you listen carefully you will hear. 
musamize ssemakula [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Mr. Bwambuga:

I am afraidI do not hear you. 

A little while ago, the Kindom of Bunyoro was nearly up in arms over Mr. Pulkol's visit during their celebration. Apprently the Kingdom is pro-kisanja, while Mr. Pulkol is anti-kisanja.

I did not hear one pip-squeek from Nsibambi. Why? Was he blind or deaf or both?

Like Bukenya, Nsibambi is simply tring to protect his eatership. Nothing more. Others who have seen the writing on the wall, e.g. Kisamba Mugerwa, have started implementing Plan B before it is too late.

I trust that Nsibambi, Bukenya, Semakula-Kiwanuka, and others still know the fable of "Ndiwulira".

Musamize Ssemakula

B Wambuga [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Do you hear me now? Why would some one "caution" Kingdoms about their rights? I seem to be missing something here. Ccan some body tell me please.

Bye Bwambuga.

Kingdoms cautioned By Badru D. Mulumba July 16, 2004

KAMPALA — The Premier, Prof. Apolo Nsibambi, yesterday warned cultural and religious leaders against dabbling in partisan politics. Yesterday’s warning comes amid intensifying tensions over a campaign to lift presidential term limits - a proposal rejected by religious leaders and some members of cultural institutions.
“If you must decide to participate in partisan politics, you should be prepared to bear the consequences. Traditional leaders must be assiduously guided before making partisan statements,” he said. “I also advise religious leaders to avoid partisan politics because they divide our people. You can’t make partisan statements and expect not to be criticised.”
Nsibambi was launching the UNDP Human Development Report at the International Conference Centre. He recalled: “In 1967, Dr [Milton] Obote abolished monarchism. I cherish monarchs, but developmental monarchs. There was conflict between Republicanism and Monarchism; he wanted to standardise everything. As we blame Obote, we should note some mistakes were made because our cultural leaders were participating in partisan politics.”
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Re: ugnet_: Do you hear me now? Kingdoms cautioned

2004-07-17 Thread B Wambuga

There are now more specialists than one really cares to know on 1966. Here is another one from Mr. Charles Mayiga. 
Let me ask one question, would just this simple reason explain why they "HATE" the 'Badokoli' so much?. Or put it the Bush way: "Do they hate our way of life so much thatthat... I mean I don't understand why they hate the Badokoli so much."
"...It was caused essentially because (Dr Milton) Obote felt threatened. If you consult your historical records, you will discover that at that time, there was going to be a UPC delegates conference, which was working very closely with Buganda to throw Obote out of chairmanship of UPC. 
And the elections were slated for 1967 anyway. If Obote had been thrown out of the chairmanship in 1965 or 1966, his leadership was going to cease because he would not be the Prime Minister of Uganda after that. That was the essential element of the 1966 crisis. 
Then there was a clash of personalities between Obote and Kabaka Mutesa. The two leaders failed to work together. It is not useful to go into the details of why they failed to work together. What is important for us is to understand that the cause of the 1966 crisis was not federalism." 
Tell me about it..

Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


You know I can not comment on that one for you know my comments will be screwed around.


The Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy" Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

- Original Message - 
From: B Wambuga 
Sent: Friday, July 16, 2004 7:23 AM
Subject: ugnet_: Do you hear me now? Kingdoms cautioned

Do you hear me now? Why would some one "caution" Kingdoms about their rights? I seem to be missing something here. Ccan some body tell me please.

Bye Bwambuga.

Kingdoms cautioned By Badru D. Mulumba July 16, 2004

KAMPALA — The Premier, Prof. Apolo Nsibambi, yesterday warned cultural and religious leaders against dabbling in partisan politics. Yesterday’s warning comes amid intensifying tensions over a campaign to lift presidential term limits - a proposal rejected by religious leaders and some members of cultural institutions.
“If you must decide to participate in partisan politics, you should be prepared to bear the consequences. Traditional leaders must be assiduously guided before making partisan statements,” he said. “I also advise religious leaders to avoid partisan politics because they divide our people. You can’t make partisan statements and expect not to be criticised.”
Nsibambi was launching the UNDP Human Development Report at the International Conference Centre. He recalled: “In 1967, Dr [Milton] Obote abolished monarchism. I cherish monarchs, but developmental monarchs. There was conflict between Republicanism and Monarchism; he wanted to standardise everything. As we blame Obote, we should note some mistakes were made because our cultural leaders were participating in partisan politics.”
© 2004 The Monitor Publications

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Re: ugnet_: Federo and Battle for KLA!

2004-07-17 Thread B Wambuga
People who are misleading Ugandans on the history of Washington DC should get their records straight first. 
"..“In most federal or regional units, the seat of the central government is not under any regional government,” says Moses Byaruhanga, special assistant to the President on political affairs.In the US for example, Washington, the main city is located in the Federal state of Columbia.To give it a special status, it was decided that Washington be recognised as a district of the state of Columbia, but without any benefits for the larger state hence the name Washington DC.First, there is not state in these United States of America called "State of Columbia".
Second, there was nothing like a decision to "recognise" Washington as a district of the state of Columbia.
Third, there is no larger state where any benefits would accrue from.
Fourth, there is nothing like a Federal State of Columbia.
Washington is the name of the Capitol of the United States of America, and is located in the District of Columbia which was part of the State of Maryland and Virginia. It was a swampy location on the banks of the Potomac River which was formed into a the seat the Federal Government. 
In fact as we speak the people who live in the District of Columbia have for some time now been urgitating for "statewood" so that they can take care of their interests. The government of the District was formed in the mid sixties just as a care taker body not and autonomous entity like say teh Government of the State of Maryland which has its seat in Annapolis, or the Government of the State of New York (as opposed to New Your City government) with its seat in Albany, New York, or Sacramento (not Los Angelos of Los Angelos county) of the State of California.
This might help these Ugandan intellectuals make better deliberations. Just citing cooked examples about other countries so that they cheat Ugandans out of real and informed deliberations will not help the Kampala issue to be resolved. Pretending to be well informed and yet leaving a lot to be desired from such people is causing so much pain to many a Ugandans for nothing. 
If I may suggest, let Buganda just donate Kampala to Uganda. In return, Kampala would beTax free zone, and the direct responsibility of all Ugandans.

Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

When one reads such postings, one cannot help but pray hard that Uganda does not go into this Federal Ghetto, and couple of points why
1) What is the difference between this agitation for federalismwith asking for Kampala, and matters where Uganda government was asked to get off Buganda Land? That time it caused the 1966 crisis, one cannot help but wonder what it will create this time. And why don't we as Baganda ever learn?
2) Federalists must be very careful with Federalist Researchers like Kijyomanyi for they either give part of the story or they have their own agenda. For if my friend Kijyomanyi wanted to tell the truth he should have told the readers how many capitals Canada has had to today and why so many!
3) While in the Bush, Kiiza Besigye fought so had to make sure that Kingdoms do not come back to Uganda, but because Mrs. Njuba had a property for Museveni she pleaded for the Kingdoms in the cover of darkness, and that is how Buganda got through and not Ankole. May be Kiiza Besigye was right all along?
And lastly, if Kabaka constructed Kampala, that might be a fact. But that as well is one of the major problems facing Buganda kingdom, A total failure to understand that this is 2004 and not 1300 when the kingdom was established. The kingdom must start to live in current times.

The only way Buganda can get out of this nightmare, is to accept some educated Baganda and non Baganda out there to be her political advisers, for the nonsense coming out of Mengo one can easily conclude thatshe has no political advisers, that is why we have allot of statements which I call "DON'T SAY THAT !!!"

The Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy" Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

- Original Message - 
From: Lugemwa FN 
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2004 10:52 PM
Subject: ugnet_: Federo and Battle for KLA!

Battle for Kampala ragesBy Joshua KatoThis is mid-day robbery. Me, as a Muganda, I cannot blindly support this. Kampala is part of Buganda and nothing can change that,” Steven Lubwama, a regular radio talk-show contributor shouted.According to Mengo’s proposals to the CRC, they requested that Kampala should be among the districts that make up the region of Buganda.Charles Peter Mayega, the Mengo information minister, says, “Kabaka Muteesa founded Kampala in 1874. This city developed because it was the Kabaka’s capital in the first place.” He adds “This is a geographical fact. 

Re: ugnet_: Captured LRA man was Museveni escort

2004-07-17 Thread B Wambuga
Not all that glitters is Gold.

Bwambuga.Owor Kipenji [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You really hit the nail on the head!.
These tricks reach a plateau and start
like all others to suffer from User Fatigue!.
That is exactly where Uganda is today.
Being 70 years and thus Mu7's senior in
Age will come handy since Mu7 does not
want Ugandans to blame him for annihilating/killing
a 70 year old man who is after all in the evening
of his life.
Kipenji.gook makanga [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Or he could have been the Link man (Btwn NRAand LRA) all these years?


"Rang guthe agithi marapu!" A karamonjong word of wisdom

Original Message Follows From: Owor Kipenji [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: ugnet_: Captured LRA man was Museveni escort Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 00:03:45 +0100 (BST) Just because he is 70 years old and used to be Mu7's escort!. Kipenji. Simon Nume [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Netters WHY is Banya confindent that Museveni will pardon him ? Nume Owor Kipenji [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Captured LRA man was Museveni escort By Alex B. Atuhaire  Grace Matsiko July 15, 2004 HOW IS THE SITUATION? Gen Charles Wald from the US with Kolker (top left) and Army Commander Lt Gen Aronda Nyakairima (top right) in Gulu yesterday. Wald led a delegation to assess the security situation in the North. Below is Brig Kenneth Banya (Photo by James Akena) KAMPALA — The captured LRA Commander, Br
 Kenneth Banya, was an escort to Yoweri Museveni in the early 1980s. Brig. Banya captured on Tuesday by the UPDF at Atiak, 60km North of Gulu, escorted Museveni when he was Defence Minister in the Military Commission government chaired by late Paul Muwanga. “Museveni is a very nice man. He is frank. He does not hide his feelings,” Banya said of his former boss (Museveni) in an interview with The Monitor in Gulu yesterday. Banya, 70, was a member of the LRA High Command and military advisor to LRA’s chief Joseph Kony. A US delegation led by the country’s ambassador, Jimmy Kolker, met Banya. The captive is a former Uganda National liberation Army (UNLA) soldier trained in Russia and Israel. In 1977 he fled the country for Tanzania where he trained at Munduli, returning to Uganda as an officer cadet. He was sent to Museveni as one of the guards. Banya who has been on the list of wanted top LRA Commanders said he expected Museveni to pardon him .
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ugnet_: Do you hear me now? Kingdoms cautioned

2004-07-16 Thread B Wambuga
Do you hear me now? Why would some one "caution" Kingdoms about their rights? I seem to be missing something here. Ccan some body tell me please.

Bye Bwambuga.

Kingdoms cautioned By Badru D. Mulumba July 16, 2004

KAMPALA — The Premier, Prof. Apolo Nsibambi, yesterday warned cultural and religious leaders against dabbling in partisan politics. Yesterday’s warning comes amid intensifying tensions over a campaign to lift presidential term limits - a proposal rejected by religious leaders and some members of cultural institutions.
“If you must decide to participate in partisan politics, you should be prepared to bear the consequences. Traditional leaders must be assiduously guided before making partisan statements,” he said. “I also advise religious leaders to avoid partisan politics because they divide our people. You can’t make partisan statements and expect not to be criticised.”
Nsibambi was launching the UNDP Human Development Report at the International Conference Centre. He recalled: “In 1967, Dr [Milton] Obote abolished monarchism. I cherish monarchs, but developmental monarchs. There was conflict between Republicanism and Monarchism; he wanted to standardise everything. As we blame Obote, we should note some mistakes were made because our cultural leaders were participating in partisan politics.”
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