Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Building LMS for 64-bit Debian running on ARM Single Board Computers

2017-11-24 Thread dsdreamer

In case others are interested, I noticed that the nightly build here:
now has binary support for AARCH64 when used with Perl Version: 5.24.1 -

Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.1 - 1511211491 @ Mon Nov 20 21:08:22
UTC 2017
Hostname: rock64
Server IP Address:
Server HTTP Port Number: 9000
Operating system: Debian - EN - utf8
Platform Architecture: aarch64-linux
Perl Version: 5.24.1 - aarch64-linux-gnu-thread-multi
Audio::Scan: 0.95
Database Version: DBD::SQLite 1.34_01 (sqlite
Total Players Recognized: 5

This suits Debian "stretch" and Ubuntu "zesty" (17.04).  I was able to
uninstall my self-built .deb packages and install this one from Michael
with no issues on a rock64 SBC running
stretch-minimal-rock64-0.5.10-118-arm64.img from 'here'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Building LMS for 64-bit Debian running on ARM Single Board Computers

2017-11-05 Thread dsdreamer

atrocity wrote: 
> Might this be why DSDplayer and IckStream don't work on an Odroid C2?

I found out that I needed to compile dsdplay for aarch64, and copy it
into /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/Bin. This would likely work for you



Getting the Ickstream helper executables to build is harder (at least I
couldn't find the source files on Github to give it a try). However, you
might be able to get the armhf binaries to work by installing
compatibility libraries, such as:



The following commands can be used to check whether armhf is currently
supported as a foreign architecture and whether the Ickstream armhf
binary is loadable.


  Usage: ./ickHttpSqueezeboxPlayerDaemon-arm-linux-gnueabihf IP-address 
daemonPort wrapperURL logFile authorizationHeader

If the above works, i.e., the usage line gets printed out as shown, you
are good to use IckStream on your Odroid C2.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Building LMS for 64-bit Debian running on ARM Single Board Computers

2017-10-27 Thread dsdreamer

mherger wrote: 
> > Currently, as my instructions  earlier in this thread show, I am
> copying
> > binaries into /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/Bin/.
> What about the perl Modules?
> > If you would be willing to consider a pull request, I am currently in
> > the process of trying to make the existing build scripts run on
> aarch64,
> > but with a "do no harm" philosophy to ensure all other platforms keep
> > building as they do today.  See for example: 'here'
> >
> (
> Nice! Did you base this on that other pull request which already
> exists?
> I did merge yet another pull request earlier today which should handle 
> new perl versions much better than before. Make sure you rebase your 
> changes.
> Michael
I was not smart enough to check back here before making my pull request.
It did say "This branch has no conflicts with the base branch," so I
thought I was okay. Tell me if I need to rebase. Hopefully, this change
is pretty simple and shouldn't be hard to merge, but let me know.

Best regards,


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Building LMS for 64-bit Debian running on ARM Single Board Computers

2017-10-27 Thread dsdreamer

-ol- wrote: 
> Hi,
> I was wondering whether the described installation procedure could also
> work with an Odroid C2 using DietPi as OS (based on Debian Jessie)?
> DietPi has its own installation routine for the LMS but the version it
> is installing is completely outdated, updates are not possible, too.
> Transcoding options (like MP3, Flac, Sox) are not working either.
> Any help would be very much appreciated.
> Thanks & Cheers,
> Oliver
IIRC, DietPi is still on Debian 8 for the odroidc2, which means it uses
automake-1.14, whereas my patch file assumed automake-1.15.  You can
verify this by typing 'dpkg -L automake | grep guess' to see if
"/usr/share/automake-1.14/config.guess" shows up.

You can patch the patch as follows:


  wget -O slimserver-vendor.patch
  sed -i 's/automake-1.15/automake-1.14/g' slimserver-vendor.patch

If you do as shown above, I give it a reasonable chance of working.  Or
you can wait a little bit and I suspect Michael will have fixed the main
git source repository so that patches aren't needed at all.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Building LMS for 64-bit Debian running on ARM Single Board Computers

2017-10-24 Thread dsdreamer

mherger wrote: 
> >> But assuming we had binaries for your platform, would the regular
> .deb
> >> package work? What platform/architecture does Settings/Information
> >> report?
> > Yes, regular .deb packages would work very nicely, and I would prefer
> to
> > use them if they were available, rather than brew my own. LMS reports
> > "Platform Architecture: aarch64-linux".
> Is there any de-facto standard distribution most people are using? Or 
> are the most popular options at least using the same Perl version? 
> Otherwise adding support for this platform would be opening another can
> of worms...
Yes, I see that doing this for multiple perl versions would be painful.
I suggest considering Debian Stable (stretch), which is using Perl
5.024, and possibly also Ubuntu 16.04 LTS which is on Perl 5.022.  
mherger wrote: 
> BTW: where do you put the binary files so LMS does find it? It currently
> doesn't support the aarch64 architecture string, does it?
> -- 
> Michael
Currently, as my instructions  earlier in this thread show, I am copying
binaries into /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/Bin/.  

If you would be willing to consider a pull request, I am currently in
the process of trying to make the existing build scripts run on aarch64,
but with a "do no harm" philosophy to ensure all other platforms keep
building as they do today.  See for example: 'here'
Notice the function refresh_config takes no action at unless the
platform is Linux and the ARCH is aarch64. In that sense it is hopefully
safe, but your review comments would be welcome. I am doing the same for
the other buildme-linux scripts as well (work in progress).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Building LMS for 64-bit Debian running on ARM Single Board Computers

2017-10-23 Thread dsdreamer

Roland0 wrote: 
> As 'mentioned'
> (
> that's how my script does it:
> > 

  >   > 
  > function refresh_config {
  > [ -f /tmp/config.guess ] || wget -O /tmp/config.guess 
  > [ -f /tmp/config.sub ] || wget -O /tmp/config.sub 
  > cp -vf /tmp/config.guess .
  > cp -vf /tmp/config.sub .
  > }

> > 
> If you wanted to check for arch, then one would just put the test into
> the refresh_config function. Same approach could be used to check for
> availability of wget/curl/network.
> Except for the caveats already mentioned by you (which I think are
> minor - wget is available everywhere and usually already installed and
> if there is not net connection, one couldn't download the
> modules/script in any case), no.
Thanks, Roland, you make perfect sense and are well ahead of me as

Wouldn't it be nice to get these changes (or something very like them)
merged into the main Logitech slimserver-vendor git repo?  What were
discussing seems like reasonable fix and could close this 'issue'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Building LMS for 64-bit Debian running on ARM Single Board Computers

2017-10-23 Thread dsdreamer

mherger wrote: 
> > I've done all this by hand
> > before on different machines, but I like the automation and system
> > accounting that Debian packages always provide.
> Ah, the "on different machines" part makes sense. For a single machine 
> it wouldn't imho. Yes, I had to manually configure things and set up the
> startup script on my server. But updates now only take me a few seconds
> to "git pull" and restart :-).
Okay, I am aware of that usage model -- very nice when tracking nightly
mherger wrote: 
> But assuming we had binaries for your platform, would the regular .deb 
> package work? What platform/architecture does Settings/Information
> report?
> Michael
Yes, regular .deb packages would work very nicely, and I would prefer to
use them if they were available, rather than brew my own. LMS reports
"Platform Architecture: aarch64-linux".

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Building LMS for 64-bit Debian running on ARM Single Board Computers

2017-10-22 Thread dsdreamer

mherger wrote: 
> But may I ask why you go all the way as to build a .deb file? Why not 
> just run from the source?
> -- 
> Michael
Ah, good question.The automation of the Debian package installer is
helpful in that it automatically creates /etc/init.d/ scripts, creates
the user squeezeboxserver, changes ownership of files so that they can
run under that user, and provides proper daemon monitoring (and
restarting behavior, if it ever crashes).  I've done all this by hand
before on different machines, but I like the automation and system
accounting that Debian packages always provide. 

I guess I've become used to the convenience of easily installing and
updating Debian packages, and wanted to maintain that convenience, even
if I couldn't use your nightly builds anymore due to lack of direct
aarch64 support. 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Building LMS for 64-bit Debian running on ARM Single Board Computers

2017-10-22 Thread dsdreamer

atrocity wrote: 
> Great stuff, thanks so much! A couple things, though:
> 1. Am I mis-remembering, or does git also have to be explicitly
> installed?
On the armbian version of Ubuntu I picked up to try this, it was already
atrocity wrote: 
> 2. When I attempted to put the steps for the helper binaries into a
> script, the wavpack step failed. I believe the initial cd step should
> just be > 

  >   > cd ../wavpack

> > 
Looking at this again, I find an extra pair of dots would be necessary,
since you should be in ./vendor/faad2/faad2/frontend at that point. I
should have written "cd ../../../wavpack/"
atrocity wrote: 
> Would running the entire process from the top be the correct way to
> update to the latest nightly?
If you have already run this once, and can keep the build directories
in-tact (i.e., you have room for them), then updating to the latest
nightly should start with the "git pull" commands and go from there.
atrocity wrote: 
> Also curious if the same steps would work on a C2 running Debian. It's
> not my computer and not in my house, so I don't know the exact OS
> details and understand if there's no way you can answer that. Just
> wondering if I could script all this stuff and send it to a friend.
I had previously developed this process on Debian Stretch, (armbian). I
have successfully used it on Debian Jessie too. I only tried it on
Ubuntu so I could give you meaningful guidance.
atrocity wrote: 
> Thank you again for doing this! I was a programmer for decades but my
> specialty was SAS and JCL on the mainframe. So I find myself in the
> annoying position of having a head full of lots computer/programming
> knowledge with almost none of it being relevant here.
I was glad to share it, and happy it worked for you.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Building LMS for 64-bit Debian running on ARM Single Board Computers

2017-10-22 Thread dsdreamer

Roland0 wrote: 
> It's a mix of both - some packages do not support aarch64, even in their
> newest version. For those, config.guess is updated.
> ad 1: automake doesn't seem to be fully downwards compatible, so there
> is a risk that it will fail (on my gentoo system, there are 3 versions
> of automake installed for that reason...)
> ad 2: will only work on debian-based linux variants

Agreed, it is not a good idea to do something that is Debian-specific,
so that was why I was not totally happy and asked for a more elegant
solution. What I really meant was a more robust solution. Another way to
copy in the latest, known config.guess file without risking a broken
automake would be to use: wget -O config.guess
or curl
> config.guess
The only assumptions used here a working wget (or curl) and an Internet
connection.  These extra build steps would be protected by an if [
"`uname -m`" == "aarch64" ]; then conditional, so the probability of
breaking the script for existing platforms for which it works would be

Any thoughts on why the above is not a good change to propose?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Building LMS for 64-bit Debian running on ARM Single Board Computers

2017-10-22 Thread dsdreamer

atrocity wrote: 
> Your hints were perfect. I started the process last night and found it
> had finished when I woke up this morning. I installed everything via
> sudo dpkg -i with the only snag being that LMS complained about the CPAN
> package not being installed. So I installed it along with the two
> others, then re-installed LMS, which is now cheerfully scanning my
> 100,000+ tracks.
You're welcome!

Just so that this thread can be more useful to any others who want to
follow this method, I retraced my steps from a new install of Ubuntu
16.04.3 LTS on an odroidc2 to LMS installed and running. Here they are:


  sudo apt-get update 
  sudo apt-get upgrade
  sudo apt-get install fakeroot
  sudo apt-get install yasm
  sudo apt-get install debhelper quilt libz-dev libgd-dev
  sudo apt-get install libmodule-build-perl
  sudo apt-get install libio-socket-ssl-perl
  sudo apt-get install libmodule-install-perl
  git clone --recursive -b public/7.9
  cd logitechmediaserver-deb/source/vendor/
  git pull
  cd ../server/
  git pull
  cd ../platforms/
  git pull
  cd ../vendor/
  mv attachment.php\?attachmentid\=23873 slimserver-vendor.patch
  patch -p2 < slimserver-vendor.patch 
  rm slimserver-vendor.patch 
  cd ../..
  dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b -us -uc
  ls -l *.deb
  sudo dpkg -i logi*.deb
  sudo /etc/init.d/logitechmediaserver start
  systemctl status logitechmediaserver.service 

However, you may want the specially-patched versions of the helper
binaries for flac, sox and faad as well.


  cd ./logitechmediaserver-deb/source/vendor/flac/
  tar xvf flac-build-aarch64-.tgz --strip-components=7
  sudo cp ./bin/flac /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/Bin
  cd ../sox
  tar xvf sox-build-aarch64-.tgz --strip-components=7
  sudo cp ./bin/sox /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/Bin/
  cd ../alac_decoder
  sudo cp ./alac /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/Bin/
  cd ../faad2
  git clone
  cd faad2/
  cp `dpkg -L automake | grep guess` .
  cd frontend/
  sudo cp ./faad /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/Bin/
  cd ../../wavpack
  sed -i '/cd wavpack-4.50.1/a cp `dpkg -L automake | grep guess` .' 
  sudo cp ./wvunpack /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/Bin/

Hopefully this helps someone.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Building LMS for 64-bit Debian running on ARM Single Board Computers

2017-10-21 Thread dsdreamer

atrocity wrote: 
> Thank you! There's definitely no hurry, though. I don't strictly need
> another server, it's just fun to play around with this stuff. I got as
> far as running git apply --check on the patch and wound up with:
> > 

  >   > 
  > error: slimserver-vendor-patched/CPAN/ No such file or directory
  > error: slimserver-vendor-patched/flac/ No such file or 
  > error: slimserver-vendor-patched/sox/ No such file or 

> > 
> Thank you again!

1) Make sure that /sbin is in your PATH. I needed to edit my ~/.profile
to include PATH=$PATH:/sbin:/usr/sbin

2) When applying the patch, do so as follows:


  cd ./logitechmediaserver-deb/source/vendor
  patch -p2 < ~/slimserver-vendor.patch 

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Building LMS for 64-bit Debian running on ARM Single Board Computers

2017-10-21 Thread dsdreamer

Roland0 wrote: 
> See 'this github issue'
> ( for
> discussion.
> See 'this post'
> (
> for a slightly more elegant modification for the the build script (as is
> fetches the newest config.guess automatically and doesn't depend on a
> local copy), plus a update to build the newest versions of the libraries
> / perl modules (a LMS built this way has been running on my 64bit RPi3
> for a couple of months without any issue).
Okay, good to know this has been tackled by others before me.  I see the
patched updates the troublesome, outdated packages to
overcome the staleness of the config.guess. My thought was not to stray
further from the beaten path than necessary, so using the same
(outdated) source code as the official Logitech build scripts seemed a
better idea to me, but that's arguable both ways. 

I have experimented with actually running automake again instead of just
copying in a newer config.guess, e.g., invoke automake -a -f, in all
those places where outdated packages won't build. I'm not sure if that's
better or worse, but it does work.   
We could have the following inserted at all the critical places in


  if [ "`uname -m`" == "aarch64" ]; then
  automake -a -f



  if [ "`uname -m`" == "aarch64" ]; then
  cp `dpkg -L automake | grep 'config.guess'` .

Either of these would be non-destructive to normal users of

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Building LMS for 64-bit Debian running on ARM Single Board Computers

2017-10-21 Thread dsdreamer

atrocity wrote: 
> Is there a guide out there for dummies who are comfortable with the
> command line and have git installed on an Odroid C2 but have never tried
> to do something like this from scratch? Or is the first post in this
> thread all I need?

I can try to post more detailed steps, and/or provide feedback in this
thread if you get stuck. I did this on an odroidc2, as well. Are you
running Jessie or Stretch and which system Perl is installed? (Also, is
this armbian or dietpi or some other variant?)

A few things I neglected to mention in the first post were:


  sudo apt-get install fakeroot
  sudo apt-get install yasm
  sudo apt-get install debhelper quilt libz-dev libgd-dev
  sudo apt-get install libmodule-build-perl
  sudo apt-get install libmodule-install-perl
  sudo apt-get install libio-socket-ssl-perl

uname -a; perl -v, on my machine shows the following:


  Linux music2 4.13.7-odroidc2 #32 SMP PREEMPT Mon Oct 16 21:38:07 CEST 2017 
aarch64 GNU/Linux
  This is perl 5, version 24, subversion 1 (v5.24.1) built for 
  (with 75 registered patches, see perl -V for more detail)

I will try to do better write-up in the next 24 hours, but to make it
better targeted to your system please let me know which OS (cat
/etc/os-release) and which perl (perl -v) you are starting with.


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[SlimDevices: Unix] Building LMS for 64-bit Debian running on ARM Single Board Computers

2017-10-21 Thread dsdreamer

1) Motivation: I don't want to run a power-hungry PC 24/7 with spinning
fans etc, but I want something faster the a Raspberry Pi to run LMS (I
still use the web interface). There are number of fast, cheap SBC's out
there that handily out-perform the RPi3, such as OdroidC2 (which
supports an eMMC module for storage), ROCK64 (which has USB3 and eMMC).
Quad-Core ARM Cortex A53 64-Bit Processors and support for 2GB or 4GB of
1600MHz LPDDR3 memory, endow these tiny machines with similar power to
the x86 PCs many of us used as LMS servers back in the day.

2) Issue: ARM64/AARCH64 architectures are not currently supported in the
highly build Debian packages as of now. It seems you have to roll your

3) My solution: Build Debian install packages using the method and
scripts supplied here: This, in turn,
pulls together the source repositories from, and After checking out
the repo


  git clone --recursive -b public/7.9

I wanted to make sure I was using fully updated sources,  so I did the
following (probably not the right way to do it, but it worked for me).


  cd logitechmediaserver-deb/source/vendor
  git pull
  cd ../server
  git pull
  cd  ../platforms/
  git pull

Now the only problem I has was that those CPAN libraries that use
automake/configure generally fail to complete the ./configure script on
64-bit ARM machines. To fix this, I modified
./logitechmediaserver-deb/source/vendor/CPAN/ to copy the
platform's config.guess file into each of the unarchived source
directories, immediately before running ./configure. A suitable patch
for doing this is attached, but you might have to edit the path to
config.guess to suit your installation,(dpkg -L automake | grep guess)
will tell what it should be. In my case, it was
/usr/share/automake-1.15/config.guess. This simple trick is enough to
allow ./logitechmediaserver-deb/source/vendor/CPAN/ to run to
completion without further issues.

Then, it is sufficient to the following command in


  dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b -us -uc

This should leave you with the following files, ready to install with
dpkg -i


  rw-r--r-- 1 charles charles 4476976 Oct 20 21:16 
  -rw-r--r-- 1 charles charles 2549430 Oct 20 21:16 
  -rw-r--r-- 1 charles charles 4908774 Oct 20 21:16 
  -rw-r--r-- 1 charles charles 1745448 Oct 20 21:15 
  -rw-r--r-- 1 charles charles 3396910 Oct 20 21:16 

This is a reasonably easy route to follow, the only trickery being the
need to patch CPAN/ to work around automake's config.guess
being so old in many packages.  Can anyone suggest a more elegant way to
solve this, that we could perhaps get merged into the official logitech
repo version of

|Filename: slimserver-vendor.patch  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Pi - on the case?

2015-12-01 Thread dsdreamer

Man in a van wrote: 
> --- Ships to France, 
> Germany, Austria and the UK only, according to the
options listed in their on-line checkout menu

wortgefecht wrote: 
> Well, most of my hifi devices (that are not hooked to my LMS setup and
> therefore not mentioned in my footer) are classic silver: Marantz,
> Sansui, ReVox, ... [emoji13]
> But there is a black case for DAC+ RCA available:
>  --- Ships to Switzerland and Lichtenstein only, according to the
options listed in their on-line checkout menu.

wortgefecht wrote: 
> EDIT: Since you live in the UK, maybe it would be cheaper for you to
> order it from Belgium:
>  --- Ships to  Belgium, France, Luxembourg & The Netherlands and Germany
only (according to their recent message to me, quoted below).
> Bonjour, 
> En effet, nous ne livrons que en Belgique, France, Luxembourg, Pays bas
> et Allemagne actuellement.
> Les exportations hors Europe ne sont pas dans les prévisions des années
> à venir.

I think these stores are doing a good job of sticking to their
territorial agreements.

However, if you go to the main HiFiBerry website, you'll find that black
is back (at least for now, and they're willing to ship worldwide as far
as I can tell).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Fedora LMS RPM packages, call for testers...

2015-08-17 Thread dsdreamer

JackOfAll wrote: 
 Charles, I'm being dim. Of course, several cmds are run from jivelite
 using sudo. They are listed in /etc/sudoers.d/01_jivelite. 
 Update the jivelite package. (sudo sc-cleanUpdate jivelite) 
 Add your user to jivelite group. (sudo usermod -a -G jivelite
 Then, just the cmds listed in 01_jivelite will be run sudo without
 asking for password, if you are not happy with global sudo without
 password for users in wheel group.
 If currently logged into X session. End it and log back in. Try starting
 jivelite from the icon. Should work fine.

Clive, yes that did it.  Thanks!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Fedora LMS RPM packages, call for testers...

2015-08-16 Thread dsdreamer


  [crazzell@fedora21 ~]$ jivelite
  JiveLite 0.1.0
  [sudo] password for crazzell: 
  [crazzell@fedora21 ~]$ rpm -q jivelite
  [crazzell@fedora21 ~]$ uname -a
  Linux fedora21.localdomain 4.1.4-200.fc22.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Aug 4 03:22:33 
UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

It would be nice to launch Jivelite from the Gnome 3.16 launcher, but I
can't because it's asking for a password on the console frame buffer,
which is obscured by the currently running X-windows desktop.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] multiple ffmpeg instances

2015-02-15 Thread dsdreamer

This worked rather easily for me...


  tar xvf ffmpeg-2.5.4.tar.bz2 
  cd ffmpeg-2.5.4
  make -j4  # occasionally, having a quad core pays off!
  apt-get remove ffmpeg
  sudo make install

ps -ef | grep ffmpeg
1001 14092 1  8 11:17 ?00:01:20 /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg
-loglevel quiet -i
-f flac -


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeeze on Arch - developer version

2015-01-04 Thread dsdreamer

Triode wrote: 
 I've upgrade the install images to improve the speed of installation of
 Please let me know how you get on

Worked very nicely using Reinstall SoA button. Speed much improved. I
originally installed LMS 7.8, changed my mind because it didn't scan DSF
files, removed LMS 7.8 and installed 7.9. 

A couple of things I tend to do that your install scripts omit:
1) Generating and setting the locale, I  uncomment en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8
in /etc/locale.gen, and locale-gen run as root to generate it, set as
the system-wide default running localectl set-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8
as root, and reboot to let the settings take effect. 
2) Enable and start avahi-daemon using systemctl enable
avahi-daemon.service;   systemctl start avahi-daemon.service.  

My motivation for #1 is for LMS to inherit an appropriate locale before
doing a scan, so that any tags with accented characters display
properly.   My motivation for #2 is to use soa-wandboard.local as a
hostname rather than the dotted-decimal IP address in my web browser
sessions and ssh sessions. 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeeze on Arch - developer version

2015-01-02 Thread dsdreamer

JackOfAll wrote: 
 Hi Charles, happy new year!
 Yep, fuster cluck, a complete fuster cluck.
 Which was even worse when I looked at the F21 3.17 mainline kernel and
 they have 2x dt files, one for B1 and another for C1. I did have
 everything working OK I think, on a 3.16.7, with runtime detection for
 B1/C1 via the rfkill driver, which isn't in mainline. It was built with
 RN patchset, plus the attached patches.
 On my list of things to do, and the only thing delaying me uploading a
 F21 package set for armv7hnl to the SC repo, sort this out with the F21
 3.17 kernel I'll give you a shout when I've done that. Out of
 interest, do you have both a B1 and C1 revision board?

Happy new year to you too, Clive!  

I do have both B1 and C1 revision boards (both of them Dual Lite
versions). I appreciate the patches too, which might just tempt me into
spending even more time on this than I have already... :-)  Would be
glad to do any testing that's a bit more directed than my, let's just
try another kernel and cross my fingers approach.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeeze on Arch - developer version

2015-01-01 Thread dsdreamer

Okay, so this is my OCD coming through, but I would really like to find
a kernel reliably initializes the Broadcom 4329/4330 chips on the
Wandboards and reboots cleanly. I have built and tested quite a few
kernels, either cross-compiled according instructions here,,
or natively compiled using Arch's elegant PKGBUILD / makepkg mechanism
e.g., from
In short, nothing I've tried has been fully reliable: either WLAN needs
a cold boot, or with the more recent kernels (3.18 or higher) WLAN comes
on about 50% of warm boots for me. I've given up this fool's errand for
now :(, but plan to keep on using 3.14.14-1 from CrawX's PKGBUILD until
something better comes along. Robert Nelson has told me that
dt-bindings for brcmfmac is still in the bike-shed painting phase,
which I take to mean the people are still arguing about how this should
be done rather than actually doing it. If someone happens to have more
insight on this issue, I'd appreciate hearing about it.:)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeeze on Arch - developer version

2014-12-29 Thread dsdreamer

ian_heys wrote: 
 I've had this minor inconvenience since I first installed three or four
 months ago (Wandboard Quad Rev C). I use the reset button during install
 phases and reboot doesn't work from the UI.
 Installed irqbalance and I still have it.

Ian, thanks for that, I tried the same thing and made sure to enable
irqbalance after installing it:


  pacman -S irqbalance
  systemctl enable irqbalance.service
  systemctl start irqbalance.service

Anyway, this didn't help at all. I consider it a minor inconvenience as
well, but I do think that new users could get tripped up by during the
installation process. 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeeze on Arch - developer version

2014-12-29 Thread dsdreamer

ian_heys wrote: 
 I can't test at the moment as I don't have a cable.
 I do Putty/SSH into the wandboard but over the network.
 Do I need a straight or null-modem cable to connect to my PC for
 My long term plan for the WB is to use it headless in a bedroom, so no
 long term potential to have the serial port connected.

Just to chime in here: I have been testing this intensively with a
serial cable attached to view where it gets stuck, and I have my case as
evidence that if you have this problem without a serial cable, it
doesn't get any better with a serial cable attached :-)

This problem has been discussed in other fora, e.g.,, but even though
user hansan seems to have made progress, I don't see anything shared
back with the community that I could use.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeeze on Arch - developer version

2014-12-27 Thread dsdreamer

Over Christmas, I decided to try out Triode's SOA on a Wandboard Dual
Lite (rev b). Everything went smoothly, with the small exception that
the Arch kernel refuses to warm boot on my hardware. I had to pull the
plug several times to get SOA installed. I tried updating the kernel to
the modified one and also tried replacing the u-boot with one I
compiled from sources. All permutations resulted in a working system
when booting from a power-on reset, but no success in booting when using
sync; reboot from the command line. Later versions of the Linux kernel
seem to have no such issues (3.18.1-arm7 for example), but I am having
trouble reliably initializing the Broadcom WiFi chip with the newer

I see that this has been discussed earlier in this thread and someone
thought that installing irqbalance solved it. Others said the problem
improved over time, but I never saw a complete resolution. Is this
problem hardware-specific to particular versions of the Wandboard? 

Overall, I congratulate Triode for making SOA so complete and

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] any issues with LMS 7.8.x or 7.9.x on Debian Wheezy (x86)?

2014-09-18 Thread dsdreamer

adamdea wrote: 
 Thanks -this is very interesting. Apologies if I am asking dumb
 questions (I am very new to linux) but is the idea that one can execute
 a)simply executing the commands in your first post line by line. -Where
 do the patches need to be? 
 b) then executing the script in your second post
 Is there a way of turning your build into a .deb package as I notice
 that someone did with the 64bit perl 5.20 version of LMS
 That said the standard debian image used for Cubox-i is jessie and I
 think it may be using 5.18 I think the image was made in July and so
 hasn't gone to 5.20, but I suspect it won;t work with 5.14

You can execute the scripts from both of my posts line-by-line, or
(better idea) copy and paste the whole code: segment from each post into
its individual file and execute as a script. I have attached shell
script versions as files to make it easier to try.  (Source them by
putting a dot in front on the commands line such as .  build_cpan.txt
and, if successful, then also use . add_cpan.txt). I had to make them
.txt files in order to attach them to this post.

The patch files are expected to be in same directory the one from where
the scripts are executed.

There is a way to make a .deb package, but I haven't had time to do that
and I currently only have a build for my immediate need which was Perl
5.14 on Wheezy.

|Filename: build_cpan.txt   |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] any issues with LMS 7.8.x or 7.9.x on Debian Wheezy (x86)?

2014-09-14 Thread dsdreamer

adamdea wrote: 
 Yes it did work, thanks. Mind you I am trying to repeat the exercise
 using Debian on a cubox-i and finding it very hard going. But that's
 getting LMS running I haven't got to squeezelite yet
 Have you had a go

Now you mention cubox-i, which is i.MX6 based, it doesn't seem out of
place to offer my build ideas for Wandboard running Wheezy, which has
the same SoC at its core.

I build my CPAN modules as follows:


  if [ ! -d ./slimserver-vendor ] 
  git clone
  if [ ! -f YAML-LibYAML-0.52.tar.gz ] 
  if [ ! -f Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.065.tar.gz ] 
  if [ ! -f Audio-Scan-0.95.tar.gz ]
  git clone
  mv ./Audio-Scan ./Audio-Scan-0.95
  tar cf Audio-Scan-0.95.tar ./Audio-Scan-0.95/
  rm -rf ./Audio-Scan-0.95
  gzip Audio-Scan-0.95.tar
  cp Audio-Scan-0.95.tar.gz ./slimserver-vendor/CPAN
  cp Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.065.tar.gz ./slimserver-vendor/CPAN
  cp YAML-LibYAML-0.52.tar.gz ./slimserver-vendor/CPAN
  cp Font-FreeType-0.03.patch ./slimserver-vendor/CPAN
  cp buildme.patch ./slimserver-vendor/CPAN
  cp Image-Scale-0.08.patch ./slimserver-vendor/CPAN
  cd ./slimserver-vendor/CPAN
  patch  buildme.patch
  PERL_514=/usr/bin/perl ./

The 3 patches needed are attached to this post.

|Filename: Font-FreeType-0.03.patch |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] any issues with LMS 7.8.x or 7.9.x on Debian Wheezy (x86)?

2014-09-14 Thread dsdreamer

The following script must be run in the same directory as was used for
the CPAN build script above. It depends on having a ./slimserver-vendor
directory with a successfully built
arm-linux-gnueabihf-thread-multi-64int shared object file set. 


  if [ ! -f ./logitechmediaserver-7.8.0-noCPAN.tgz ]
  if [ ! -d ./logitechmediaserver-7.8.0-noCPAN ]
  tar xf logitechmediaserver-7.8.0-noCPAN.tgz 
  cd logitechmediaserver-7.8.0-noCPAN/CPAN/
  cp -r 
  cd ./arch
  cp -r $thisdir/slimserver-vendor/CPAN/build/arch/* .
  cd ..
  rm -rf ./auto
  cd .. 
  patch -p1  $thisdir/0001-lms-server-DSD.patch
  patch -p1  $thisdir/0002-lms-server-aiff-non-transcode.patch
  patch modules.conf  $thisdir/modules.patch
  cd $thisdir
  git clone
  cd dsdplay/
  cd src/
  cd build/
  cp -v dsdplay $thisdir/logitechmediaserver-7.8.0-noCPAN/Bin 
  cp -v $thisdir/dsdplay/src/doc/custom-convert.conf 

The attached patches are intended to enable DSD support, and allow LMS
to use the Audio-Scan-0.95 version that results from the build procedure
I outlined in the previous post.

|Filename: 0002-lms-server-aiff-non-transcode.patch |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] any issues with LMS 7.8.x or 7.9.x on Debian Wheezy (x86)?

2014-09-02 Thread dsdreamer

I know you asked about x86, but I don't see why it should be much
different from my results on arm7hf


  debian@arm:~$ cat /etc/os-release | awk 'NR==1 {print $0}'
  PRETTY_NAME=Debian GNU/Linux 7 (wheezy)
  debian@arm:~$ uname -a
  Linux arm 3.13.6-armv7-x11 #1 SMP Sat Mar 8 16:45:58 PST 2014 armv7l GNU/Linux
  debian@arm:~$ uptime
  20:35:15 up 39 days,  9:18,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.05

And from Logitech Media Server's information page:


  Logitech Media Server Version: 7.8.0 - 1394196562 @ Sat Mar 8 19:18:16 PST 
  Hostname: arm
  Server IP Address:
  Server HTTP Port Number: 9000
  Operating system: Debian - EN - utf8
  Platform Architecture: armv7l-linux
  Perl Version: 5.14.2 - arm-linux-gnueabihf-thread-multi-64int
  Database Version: DBD::SQLite 1.34_01 (sqlite
  Total Players Recognized: 5

So, no issues at all, stable as a rock over the past 6 months using the
stock Perl (5.14.2).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Fedora LMS RPM packages, call for testers...

2014-09-01 Thread dsdreamer

Thanks for putting these repos up. I had been using Debian 7 on my
Wandboards for the the past few months, but the availability of repos
for F20 makes it viable to reconsider that decision. 

I started with the minimal F20 image from here:,
followed by 


  sudo yum update
  cd /boot
  rm dtb
  ln -sf dtb-3.15.10-201.fc20.armv7hl dtb
  sudo rpm -Uhv
  sudo yum install squeezelite

I haven't gone further than that, but nice that I could get to listening
to music so quickly and easily.  Dependency resolution is wonderful
thing when you've been living without it for a while...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-04-05 Thread dsdreamer

JackOfAll wrote: 
 Last night I was mulling over the LMS versions again.. and thinking
 OK, I'll pull the 7.8.0 release tag from git, make that the stable
 version on F19 and go forward with 7.8.1 on F20. But from my point of
 view, unless you guys can actually give me reasons not to make 7.8.1 the
 default across all versions and platforms, I haven't got any real reason
 not to do that. The stuff that was broken, as far as I can see, is now

I would rather that only those who venture into the testing repos, and
thereby indicate their willingness to live on the bleeding edge get the
7.8.1 versions of LMS. I would make this the rule regardless of whether
we are talking F19, F20, ARM, or Intel. 

My reasons:
- What is broken or fixed on any given day will change with 7.8.1
- Giving people choices is usually good.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-04-05 Thread dsdreamer

JackOfAll wrote: 
 The issue here, is that there isn't a 7.8.0 branch. public/7.8 has a
 tagged 7.8.0 build and now continues. Any fixes to 7.8.0 are going to go
 into public/7.8, which means at the point we need to fix 7.8.0 we will
 be shipping a 7.8.x  7.8.0 (ie. 7.8.1, 7.8.2) in stable to do so. 
I see your point. The usual best practice of back-porting important
fixes from the development trunk into the previous version release
branch can't happen because there is no branch. The only option that
would leave would be to have a set of CSOS-specific patches to 7.8.0
that get applied when building the CSOS RPM, but without changing the
version number advertised to the user. This is what you had been doing
anyway to patch DSD support into 7.8.0, which implies it is feasible,
although I can see several reasons why it may not be desirable.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-03-30 Thread dsdreamer

JackOfAll wrote: 
 I'm in a teasing mood.. Let's see if some of our original users,
 (who seem to heading off in a different direction now), are still
 reading this thread..

   [root@beaglebone ~]# rpm -qa | grep botic | sort -d
   [root@beaglebone ~]# rpm -ql 


FC20 on Beaglebone (Black?) with some interesting DAC support in kernel
modules running under the current stable 3.13.17 Linux kernel. Looks
promising, but for a different project than CSP.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-03-12 Thread dsdreamer

dsdreamer wrote: 
 I can't get back to this until mid-week (Wednesday evening), much as I
 want to.


  [20:43:49.660326] output_init_alsa:636 init output
  [20:43:49.661168] output_init_alsa:658 requested alsa_buffer: 40 alsa_period: 
4 format: 24_3LE mmap: 0
  [20:43:49.661291] output_init_common:334 outputbuf size: 3528000
  [20:43:49.668433] output_init_common:394 supported rates: 48000 44100 32000 
  [20:43:49.769650] output_init_alsa:670 memory locked
  [20:43:49.770703] output_thread:465 open output device: hw:CARD=DWHDMI
  [20:43:49.770738] output_init_alsa:693 set output sched fifo rt: 45
  [20:43:49.772069] alsa_open:234 opened device hw:CARD=DWHDMI using format: 
S24_LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 0
  [20:43:49.772287] alsa_open:313 buffer: 40 period: 4 - buffer size: 1764 
period size: 441
  [20:43:49.827557] output_flush:407 flush output buffer
  [20:43:49.827807] output_flush:407 flush output buffer
  [20:43:53.321462] output_flush:407 flush output buffer
  [20:43:53.691921] _output_frames:59 start buffer frames: 32768
  [20:43:53.692146] _output_frames:140 track start sample rate: 44100 
replay_gain: 0

Still runs too fast, sounds like 45rpm playback of a 33rpm record. 


  [root@localhost sub0]# cat status 
  state: RUNNING
  owner_pid   : 543
  trigger_time: 238.716831574
  tstamp  : 552.649560757
  delay   : 1764
  avail   : 0
  avail_max   : 441
  hw_ptr  : 16779168
  appl_ptr: 16780932

Judging by the rate at which the apple_ptr is advancing timed using a
stop watch, I think the playback sample rate is about 54kHz on 44.1kHz

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-03-10 Thread dsdreamer

JackOfAll wrote: 
 I'm not expecting to see 352k8 and 384k in the supported sample rates.
 I'm not looking at the code, but I thought max was 192k Anyway,
 neither here nor there at the moment. What I would like to see is you
 accessing the hw device directly, not using default. Can you do this
 again with hw:CARD=DWHDMI so you are accessing the device directly and
 removing any alsa magic of whatever is lurking behind the default
 recipe, please.

I can't get back to this until mid-week (Wednesday evening), much as I
want to.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-03-09 Thread dsdreamer

ab.wagener wrote: 
 Hi Clive,
 I tested the kernel and for the first time a HDMI device was visible.
 fbset shows the correct geometry of the attached screen, but all timings
 are set to null. 
 The hdmi audio device is also present. My physical screen has two dhmi
 inputs. If I switch the screen to the wandboard , I get the error
 message :
 Input Signal Out of Range
 and I'm not able to switch back to my pc-system. I have to ssh from my
 notebook, shutdown the wandboard, the I have access to my pc again.
 Also : half succes, but not complete.

I tried this kernel and display came on showing a login prompt (I have
Jivelite disabled atm). The resolution was 1024x768 with no kernel
parametes, although the max resolution support is 1920x1080p. I can
force the resolution to via a video= line to match the monitor. I have
been messing around trying to get sound out and did briefly succeed, but
with a speed-up effect. It might have been trying to sample 44.1 at
48kHz, but it was defnitely playing too fast. I haven't been able to
isolate why I sometimes get sound and other times get silence when
attempting to play from squeezelite. I examined the content of cat
/proc/asound/card2/pcm0p/sub0/status, which is the card corresponding to
DWHDMI and I could see that the interface was running and the pointers
were advancing as expected, even when no sound audible.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-03-09 Thread dsdreamer

JackOfAll wrote: 
 Thanks Bernd and Charles. I've been out all day so still haven't started
 looking at this myself. Maybe tomorrow
 Thoughts Some progress. I'm thinking that the EDID resolution is a
 bit hit and miss, so not surprised that a kernel video= is required. I'm
 also thinking that the same may apply to audio. There is also some
 detection code there, trying to get the supported sample rates from the
 device. Without wishing to cast any doubt in the direction of the codes
 author, I don't think this code has seen much usage, if any, by anyone
 other than the author, so I'm not going to be surprised if there are
 issues. (To put it politely, I doubt there has been any wide testing on
 a variety of devices. I don't even think Robert Nelson has included it
 in any of his WB patch sets.) 
 I think that we need to start by enabling debugging in squeezelite, that
 will show the sample rates that the hdmi audio device claims to support.
 I think it might be good, to disable MMAP from squeezelite ALSA params,
 and set format to S24_3LE. 
 Charles, have you had any debugging enabled for squeezelite while trying
 to play audio over the hdmi device?
 EDIT: Charles, you might also try -r 48000 -u X, so 44k1 is re-sampled
 to 48k. Does that play at the correct speed?

First attempt is with sample rate forced to 48kHz, by using r 48000 -u
X, per your suggestion. Music played, but too fast again. 

A second attempt at 44.1kHz is also logged below.


  [21:52:51.303018] output_flush:407 flush output buffer
  [21:52:51.660772] _output_frames:59 start buffer frames: 8029
  [21:52:51.661014] _output_frames:140 track start sample rate: 48000 
replay_gain: 0
  [21:52:51.671170] output_thread:465 open output device: default:CARD=DWHDMI
  [21:52:51.674171] alsa_open:234 opened device default:CARD=DWHDMI using 
format: S32_LE sample rate: 48000 mmap: 0
  [21:52:51.674997] alsa_open:313 buffer: 40 period: 4 - buffer size: 1920 
period size: 480
  [21:55:24.026542] output_close_alsa:698 close output
  [21:55:24.148493] output_init_alsa:636 init output
  [21:55:24.149263] output_init_alsa:658 requested alsa_buffer: 40 alsa_period: 
4 format: 24_3LE mmap: 0
  [21:55:24.149383] output_init_common:334 outputbuf size: 3528000
  [21:55:24.173861] output_init_common:394 supported rates: 384000 352800 
192000 176400 96000 88200 48000 44100 32000 24000 22500 16000 12000 11025 8000 
  [21:55:24.264457] output_init_alsa:670 memory locked
  [21:55:24.265592] output_thread:465 open output device: default:CARD=DWHDMI
  [21:55:24.265688] output_init_alsa:693 set output sched fifo rt: 45
  [21:55:24.268752] alsa_open:234 opened device default:CARD=DWHDMI using 
format: S32_LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 0
  [21:55:24.269576] alsa_open:313 buffer: 40 period: 4 - buffer size: 1764 
period size: 441
  [21:55:24.311222] output_flush:407 flush output buffer
  [21:55:24.313106] output_flush:407 flush output buffer
  [21:55:38.211258] output_flush:407 flush output buffer
  [21:55:38.595033] _output_frames:59 start buffer frames: 4096
  [21:55:38.595242] _output_frames:140 track start sample rate: 44100 
replay_gain: 0

I hope this helps.

Dreamer, easy in the chair that really fits you...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-02-28 Thread dsdreamer

JackOfAll wrote: 
 dsdreamer (Charles), do you use hdmi audio? If you do, can you test a
 F20 kernel?

   sudo csos-cleanUpdate-testing kernel

 It's 3.14.0-0.rc4 plus RN patch set, plus the rather large RK imx-drm
 patch from greghk's staging-next, plus 2 RK patches to add support for
 imx hdmi audio and a hdmi CEC module, which I added for completeness,
 as it was a part of his original preview series of patches but not
 part of the staging-next patch. (Which applies to the hdmi audio
 driver as well. That didn't become part of the submitted staging-next
 patch, so perhaps it means that he isn't comfortable that it is ready
 for prime time usage.) I haven't tested this other than to say it
 boots. (I've had very limited time to do anything CS related for the
 last 2 days and I don't have time to do anything more right now than
 type this message.) 
 The imx fb is no longer a stand-alone module and looks like it wont be
 created/initialized without a hdmi device being plugged in, which is a
 PITA from a jivelite running as a service, point of view. Also, I
 don't believe the hdmi audio device will be created without a hdmi
 device being detected. (Looks like there is a bunch of initialisation
 code, that parses ELD for supported sample rates, from the actual
 plugged-in device, but I've not really looked too closely.) 
 Questions are With a hdmi device being plugged in from boot.
 1. Video still works?
 2. Does it work any better than it did before, vis-a-vis EDID
 detection code. (ISTR you had to set params on kernel cmd line.)
 3. Does /dev/fb0 get created?
 4. Do you get a hdmi audio device listed? (aplay -l)
 5. Does the hdmi audio device actually work? ;)
 PS. If you do try running, don't forget to correct the dtb entry in
 /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf before you run it. The dtb file has
 definitely changed 3.13.x - 3.14.0.rcx).

I don't habitually use HDMI audio, but I certainly can test it. Up to
now with my self-built kernels and the ones from your repo, I've not
been able to get it working so it will be interesting to try your newest
kernel. I can probably do this tonight but, if not, then Saturday
morning (US Pacific time).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-02-28 Thread dsdreamer

JackOfAll wrote: 
 The imx fb is no longer a stand-alone module and looks like it wont be
 created/initialized without a hdmi device being plugged in, which is a
 PITA from a jivelite running as a service, point of view. Also, I don't
 believe the hdmi audio device will be created without a hdmi device
 being detected. (Looks like there is a bunch of initialisation code,
 that parses ELD for supported sample rates, from the actual plugged-in
 device, but I've not really looked too closely.) 
 Questions are With a hdmi device being plugged in from boot.
 1. Video still works?
 2. Does it work any better than it did before, vis-a-vis EDID detection
 code. (ISTR you had to set params on kernel cmd line.)
 3. Does /dev/fb0 get created?
 4. Do you get a hdmi audio device listed? (aplay -l)
 5. Does the hdmi audio device actually work? ;)
 PS. If you do try running, don't forget to correct the dtb entry in
 /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf before you run it. The dtb file has
 definitely changed 3.13.x - 3.14.0.rcx).

I used a Wandboard QUAD for this experiment, which prior to the update
was working with HDMI on 3.13.5-200.1.cs.fc20.armv7hl.  The answer to
all 5 questions is no. I left my mode setting kernel command line as
it was. Had the video worked at all, I would have removed it, but it

I am back on 3.13.5-200.1.cs.fc20.armv7hl now. If there is something
else I should try, please let me know.

Best regards,


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LMS on Cubox Arm7?

2014-02-23 Thread dsdreamer

hagensieker wrote: 
 Yes. Chose Arch to challenge myself a bit.  This platform is a Cubox -4 
 I do have Ubuntu installed on a separate micro SD card and
 Squeezeboxserver works just by installing the .deb package.   Bit
 tougher in arch.  
 The armv6hf Squeezelite works perfectly and I do have another
 Squeezeboxserver so I'm by no means out of business but I sure would
 like to install the server on this Cubox so I can travel with it.   Full
 desktop computer with an extremely small form factor.  
 I do want to try a build of this for Arch if for no other reason than to
 learn from it.

The best, most comprehensive, instructions are the ones found here:

You still have the choice of building perl 5.14.2 from sources and using
a nightly tar ball with pre-compiled CPAN libraries or keep using perl
5.18.2 but then build your *own* CPAN libraries. Fortunately, the
instructions referenced above cover both procedures in reasonable

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-02-23 Thread dsdreamer

Hammer wrote: 
 Hi, sometimes when I reboot the wandboard or if I lose power and the
 wandboard restarts after power is restored, my USB output is changed to
 mute.  And I need to log on to the wandboard and run alsamixer -c3 to
 unmute the output.  Is there a way to permanently disable mute and get
 volume to always be at 100 do I don't need to log on to the wandboard
 each time I reboot or lose power?  Thank you!  Hammer


  alsactl store 3

This should be what you need to store the ALSA mixer settings for card

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LMS on Cubox Arm7?

2014-02-22 Thread dsdreamer

hagensieker wrote: 
 I have Perl 5.18.2-2
 Will the build work on this version and to be honest I've never done
 anything like this before. Are there any clear cut instructions for

Sorry that my suggestion didn't work. I thought that support for 5.18
had been added, and it has, just not *binary* support for 5.18 in the
daily builds.

You have two choices, locally build a supported version of Perl (e.g.,
5.14) or hack the script to try to build versions of the
missing Perl modules that would work under 5.18.
shows some details about getting away from your Platform's Perl and that
might be a way to go.

You have definitely chosen the path less traveled by going for Arch
Linux. Had you gone for Fedora 19 or 20, you could have used the
repositories maintained by Clive Messer from here   Then you could to yum install
squeezeboxserver and be done.

Alternatively, had you installed say Debian “wheezy” 7.4 which also
supports armhf, you would have had a 5.14 system Perl and then you could
have used the logitech nightly tar file per my original suggestion. 

But okay, you did choose ArchLinux to challenge yourself, right?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LMS on Cubox Arm7?

2014-02-17 Thread dsdreamer

hagensieker wrote: 
 I just got a Cubox -i4 Pro and installed Arch Linux on it.  Is it
 possible to get LMS installed on it.  Perl version is 5.18
 I did install squeezelite and pointed it at another server in the home
 and it works great. 
 Also I have another SD card with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS which of course there
 is a .deb package for so I can run LMS just by card swapping if I need
 However, I'd like to install it on Arch arm7 if that is humanly
 possibly.  What say the experts here?

Why don't you try the ARM Linux Tarball (for Perl 5.8-5.14, ARM EABI)
from the nightlies from here:  Although this will
not have been compiled with hard floating point, it should still work. 

As an ordinary user (not root), you could try something like the


  tar xvf ./logitechmediaserver-7.8.0-1391769631-arm-linux.tgz
  cd ./logitechmediaserver-7.8.0-1391769631-arm-linux

(The version number embedded in the name of the tar archive changes
every night, so please adjust accordingly.)

If this starts up LMS okay, you should install it in a more official
place and create a startup script for it. If not, please report back
here and someone else may have a better idea.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-02-10 Thread dsdreamer

sideways2 wrote: 
 BTW...can someone reply with the correct syntax for filling in the
 blanks on getting a shared Windows folder to be mounted?? I think I'm
 missing something as I get a red error mount.cifs: bad UNC
 Again...thanks...much appreciated!!

//HOSTNAME.local/ShareName  or //DottedDecimal_IP/Sharename

Ideally, you should be able to ping whatever lies between // and / and
get a response (firewalls permitting). The most common mistake is to
think that because we are talking to a Windows share we need
backslashes; forward slashes are, in fact, mandatory.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: JiveLite - cut down squeezebox control application

2014-02-09 Thread dsdreamer


I've done a bit more to tidy up the vertical positioning of the UI
elements in the different scaling of HDSkin. 

I was aiming to acheive the following:
1) Get all UI elements on the right half of the screen to stay within
the vertical boundaries defined by the bottom and top edges of the album
artwork (even when using non-widescreen aspect ratios).
2) Keep the metadata text confined to the top half of the vertical
boundaries of the album artwork, hence each line of text is spaced apart
by coverSize/6.
3) Spectrum analyzer space occupied should exactly match the space
occupied by the album art, so that the transition between the two
versions only differs in the content of that square.  
4) Use a background texture to give the user an idea of the area
occupied by the spectrum analyzer, even when it's not being driven hard
by a signal. My current attempt at this could use some improvement, but
I hope you get the idea. 

The four images attached are at two screen shots of 1280x720 (one with
album art and one with visulization) and two screen shots of 1280x1024
(one with album art and one with visulization).

The patch attached is against the very latest git version.

|Filename:  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-02-09 Thread dsdreamer

JackOfAll wrote: 
 Adrian has done some more work on the lua version of the web-gui

   * Mon Feb 03 2014 - 0.9-d107c4b
   - Git branch master revision d107c4b2fae0f87836230e131c877f4fd64eacc2.
   handle relative symlinks for /etc/localtime, fix widths of selection box.
   * Mon Feb 03 2014 - 0.8-81b0436
   - Git branch master revision 81b0436df1daa9fccf146a06b22a366ab881cb60.
   Change copyright, 2014 - 2013-2014. (web design dates back to 2013).
   - Git branch master revision 7b4b8f3662519dc9083e8de7bdd72e6243aaa522.
   Add image width and height tags to gpl image.
   - Git branch master revision ed867098e86d9f730227fd42bcd28e09c6685d19.
   Put gpl image and link back in Footer.
   * Mon Feb 03 2014 - 0.7-6fcb78e
   - 'Requires: squeeze-player-scripts = 1-2' for sp-localConfig and 
   - Git branch master revision 6fcb78e56ace728732a21a18f55a1ed2966cb413.
   update system storage and menu.
   wrap captures in coroutines to help prevent blocking.
   reorder squeezelite menu to hide more complex options.
   - Switch back to git master branch.


   sudo csos-cleanUpdate-testing squeeze-web-gui-lua


This is really shaping up very nicely! I really like the hidden advanced
menu options for squeezelite, and I have been able to successfully mount
NFS and CIFS shares with no trouble at all (the red error feedback text
helps a lot). Of course, the snappy speed is very welcome, even if not
stricly necessary!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: JiveLite - cut down squeezebox control application

2014-02-08 Thread dsdreamer


After Michael's changes to the 1920x1080 resolution skins, I wanted to
offer the following patch that attempts to keep things on the Now
Playing screen reasonably proportioned at lower resolutions too.

I am offering a patch for HDSkinApplet.lua which, IMO, does a reasonable
job at this. It even makes the 640x480 skin not completely unreasonable
in now playing mode. Before and After screenshots are attached. However,
I think the more useful improvement is to 1280x720, which now more
closely matches the proportions of the 1920x1080 skin, which I though
Michael had optimized quite nicely.

The intent was to do no harm to the higher resolutions, so those
should't have changed noticeably.

|Filename: Screen Shot 2014-02-08 at 5.19.37 PM.jpg |

Dreamer, easy in the chair that really fits you...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-02-06 Thread dsdreamer

sideways2 wrote: 
 I'm trying to configure my first wandboard...having a little trouble
 with wireless...
 I can enter my router and pass with a save but a save and reboot
 doesn't come back up in order to power down as said in the instructions
 and I cannot see it in a network scan afterwards...
 But if I cycle power again with a wired connection and look under the
 wireless router\pass info is saved...
 Then...doing a halt and cycling power without a wired connection leaves
 me in limbo again...
 Wired works fine and it comes up fine on my Droid SB app...

Your SSID for the network should be available to select from the
pull-down menu. When you say you entered your router, do you mean you
typed it in or was it available for selection from the drop-down list
next to Network Name?  If you have a hidden network, you might have to
type it in, otherwise I hope you found it available as one of the
options in the drop-down selection box. Please confirm.

Can you also confirm that you are _not_ using WEP as the wireless
security encryption method on your network? I ask, because that is one
that won't work on the Wandboard.

Dreamer, easy in the chair that really fits you...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-02-04 Thread dsdreamer

I know shairport isn't part of this project, but I've spent two evenings
on this and have to admit I'm not going find the answer without help.

(1) testing from the command line


  [root@wandquad ~]# cat /etc/sysconfig/shairport 
  # OPTIONS=-a Shairport -o ao -- -d alsa -o dev=hw:0
  OPTIONS=-p 9002 -a Shairport -o ao -- -d alsa -o dev=default:CARD=imxspdif
  # OPTIONS=-a Shairport -o dummy
  [root@wandquad ~]# . /etc/sysconfig/shairport
  [root@wandquad ~]# sudo -u shairport /usr/bin/shairport $OPTIONS
  Listening for connections.

All is well, I can play music and avahi-browse -a -r shows the


  =   eth0 IPv4 2029E6B0BD56@ShairportAirTunes Remote 
Audio local
  hostname = [wandquad.local]
  address = []
  port = [9002]
  txt = [pw=false txtvers=1 vn=3 sr=44100 ss=16 ch=2 cn=0,1 
et=0,1 ek=1 sm=false tp=UDP]

(2) Using systemd


  [root@wandquad ~]# unset OPTIONS
  [root@wandquad ~]# systemctl enable shairport
  ln -s '/usr/lib/systemd/system/shairport.service' 
  [root@wandquad ~]# systemctl start shairport
  [root@wandquad ~]# systemctl status -l shairport
  shairport.service - Shairport AirTunes receiver
  Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/shairport.service; enabled)
  Active: active (running) since Tue 2014-02-04 07:23:28 PST; 5s ago
  Main PID: 2948 (shairport)
  CGroup: /system.slice/shairport.service
  #9492;#9472;2948 /usr/bin/shairport -p 9002 -a Shairport -o ao -- -d alsa 
-o dev default:CARD=imxspdif
  Feb 04 07:23:28 wandquad systemd[1]: Starting Shairport AirTunes receiver...
  Feb 04 07:23:28 wandquad systemd[1]: Started Shairport AirTunes receiver.

Looks okay, but the service is continually failing and restarting 


  [root@wandquad ~]# tail -10 /var/log/messages
  Feb  4 07:23:27 wandquad shairport: FATAL: MDNS child process died 
  Feb  4 07:23:27 wandquad shairport: Listening for connections.
  Feb  4 07:23:27 wandquad shairport: Shutting down...
  Feb  4 07:23:27 wandquad systemd: shairport.service: main process exited, 
code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
  Feb  4 07:23:27 wandquad systemd: Unit shairport.service entered failed state.
  Feb  4 07:23:28 wandquad systemd: shairport.service holdoff time over, 
scheduling restart.
  Feb  4 07:23:28 wandquad systemd: Stopping Shairport AirTunes receiver...
  Feb  4 07:23:28 wandquad systemd: Starting Shairport AirTunes receiver...
  Feb  4 07:23:28 wandquad systemd: Started Shairport AirTunes receiver.
  Feb  4 07:23:53 wandquad shairport: WARNING: couldn't create avahi client: 
Daemon not running!

The claim that the avahi-daemon is not running doesn't seem true, but
shairport is failing under systemd due to not being able to advertise
itself using MDNS. 


  [root@wandquad ~]# systemctl status avahi-daemon.service 
  avahi-daemon.service - Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack
  Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/avahi-daemon.service; enabled)
  Active: active (running) since Thu 1970-01-01 00:00:10 PST; 44 years 1 months 
  Main PID: 385 (avahi-daemon)
  Status: Server startup complete. Host name is wandquad.local. Local service 
cookie is 348406120.
  CGroup: /system.slice/avahi-daemon.service
  #9500;#9472;385 avahi-daemon: running [wandquad.local]
  #9492;#9472;389 avahi-daemon: chroot helper

I am mystified as to why running from the command line as user shairport
should be any different from running via systemd (also as user
shairport). I can get the shairport to stay running under systemd by
telling it to use a different MDNS backend (--mdns=tinysvcmdns), but
although it advertises itself, I can't get music to play. I really
should be able to use the installed and running avahi-daemon. Any help
would be appreciated.

Dreamer, easy in the chair that really fits you...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-02-04 Thread dsdreamer

JackOfAll wrote: 
 Rewind! ;) F19 or F20? Using the rpm or something you have done
 on your own?
 EDIT: And something that comes to mind from the last time there was any
 shairport discussion, you have stopped squeezeboxserver service before
 you run shairport service?

F20 (see title of my post). Your shairport rpm (not self-built).  Yes, I
stopped squeezeboxserver for these experiments, but I am long-term
planning to use port 9002 (-p 9002) for shairport which should avoid a
clash (considering I also comment out the Conflicts= line in the service
definition for shairport).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-02-04 Thread dsdreamer

JackOfAll wrote: 
 Not tried to play anything to it yet.. 

   [fedora@wandboard system]$ sudo systemctl status shairport -l
   shairport.service - Shairport AirTunes receiver
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/shairport.service; enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Tue 2014-02-04 20:50:22 GMT; 1min 45s ago
   Main PID: 1126 (shairport)
   CGroup: /system.slice/shairport.service
   #9500;#9472;1126 /usr/bin/shairport -a ShairportWAND -p 9002 -o ao -- -d 
alsa -o dev hw:2
   #9492;#9472;1127 avahi-publish-service 2ADC8B457798@ShairportWAND 
_raop._tcp 9002 tp=UDP sm=false ek=1 et=0,1 cn=0,1 ch=2 ss=16 sr=44100 vn=3 
txtvers=1 pw=false
   Feb 04 20:50:22 wandboard systemd[1]: Started Shairport AirTunes receiver.
   Feb 04 20:50:23 wandboard shairport[1126]: Established under name 
   $ ps axfwww
   1126 ?Ss0:00 /usr/bin/shairport -a ShairportWAND -p 9002 -o ao 
-- -d alsa -o dev hw:2
   1127 ?S 0:00  \_ avahi-publish-service 
2ADC8B457798@ShairportWAND _raop._tcp 9002 tp=UDP sm=false ek=1 et=0,1 cn=0,1 
ch=2 ss=16 sr=44100 vn=3 txtvers=1 pw=false
   $ cat /etc/sysconfig/shairport
   OPTIONS=-a ShairportWAND -p 9002 -o ao -- -d alsa -o dev=hw:2
   $ avahi-browse -a -r
   = wlp2s0 IPv4 2ADC8B457798@ShairportWANDAirTunes Remote 
Audio local
   hostname = [wandboard.local]
   address = []
   port = [9002]
   txt = [pw=false txtvers=1 vn=3 sr=44100 ss=16 ch=2 cn=0,1 
et=0,1 ek=1 sm=false tp=UDP]


Long story short, all my troubles were down to selinux policy being left
at the Fedora default of enforcing. I now have it set to permissive. I
really appreciate you looking into this. Your success gave me the
confidence that it *should* work, and eventually I was able to track
down the issue.

Dreamer, easy in the chair that really fits you...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-02-03 Thread dsdreamer

JackOfAll wrote: 

   sudo yum install glibc-devel


Yes, working now. Thanks.

Dreamer, easy in the chair that really fits you...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-02-03 Thread dsdreamer

JackOfAll wrote: 
 dsdreamer, great that you have hdmi working with F20 and that 3.13
 kernel. If you can, (because I haven't tested it), and chance of you
 testing spdif TOSLINK out and verifying that is working? Also, perhaps
 you could install cpuburn package and run cpuburn-a9 for 24 hours for a
 little torture testing.

I have tested Toslink and it is fine for source material up to 96kHz.
Higher sample rates ( 96kHz) downsample to 44.1kHz, or 48kHz, rather
than the 88.2kHz or 96kHz that I assume would be possible and
preferable. This is without specifying any resampling strategy to

I also briefly tested NFS mounting via the new page on
squeeze-web-gui-lua. It works fine for making a new NFS mount providing
the mount point /storage was already made. Right now error messages from
failed attempts are not fed back to the user; one needs to go looking
the the logs. Also, unmount works fine from the GUI.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-02-03 Thread dsdreamer

dsdreamer wrote: 
 I have tested Toslink and it is fine for source material up to 96kHz.
 Higher sample rates ( 96kHz) downsample to 44.1kHz, or 48kHz, rather
 than the 88.2kHz or 96kHz that I assume would be possible and
 preferable. This is without specifying any resampling strategy to

I tried to reproduce playing a 96kHz track via Toslink, and it plays at
48kHz. I have to assume that I was mistaken in thinking that I read
96kHz on the DAC's display last night.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-02-02 Thread dsdreamer

dsdreamer wrote: 
 This is way down in terms of importance, but I noticed that the Jivelite
 screen that reports the asound stream0 status info doesn't anymore (for
 my particular DAC).
 We had similar issues before, and at that time we found that the exact
 format of /proc/asound/card[n]/stream0 varies with kernel, and the
 assumptions in the Lua code that parses this file may have to be
 adjusted for different kernels. I am not sure if this is the same issue

   TEAC Corporation TEAC UD-501 at usb-ci_hdrc.1-1.1, high speed : USB Audio
   Status: Running
   Interface = 1
   Altset = 1
   Packet Size = 63
   Momentary freq = 44102 Hz (0x5.8340)
   Feedback Format = 16.16
   Interface 1
   Altset 1
   Format: S32_LE
   Channels: 2
   Endpoint: 1 OUT (ASYNC)
   Rates: 44100, 48000, 88200, 96000, 176400, 192000, 352800, 384000
   Data packet interval: 125 us
   Interface 1
   Altset 2
   Format: S32_LE
   Channels: 2
   Endpoint: 1 OUT (ASYNC)
   Rates: 44100, 48000, 88200, 96000, 176400, 192000, 352800, 384000
   Data packet interval: 125 us



diff --git a/share/jive/applets/SetupSqueezelite/SetupSqueezeliteApplet.lua 
  index c051f6e..4038332 100644
  --- a/share/jive/applets/SetupSqueezelite/SetupSqueezeliteApplet.lua
  +++ b/share/jive/applets/SetupSqueezelite/SetupSqueezeliteApplet.lua
  @@ -310,8 +310,9 @@ function _parseStreamInfo(self, card)
  if t.status == Running then
  t.interface = parse(Interface = (%d+))
  t.altset= parse(Altset = (%d+))
  -   skip(2)
  -   t.momfreq   = parse(Momentary freq = (%d+) Hz)
  +   while not eof() and not t.momfreq do
  +   t.momfreq   = parse(Momentary freq = (%d+) Hz)
  +   end
  t.feedbkfmt = parse(Feedback Format = (.*), true)

I could also have simply replaced skip(2) with skip(1) to just fix it on
this particular kernel, but it may be better to get rid of all the magic
integers used as arguments to skip?

|Filename:   |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-02-02 Thread dsdreamer


  [root@wandquad squeeze-web-gui-lua]# luajit squeeze-web-gui.lua 
  luajit: /usr/share/luajit-2.0.2/turbo/util.lua:153: cannot open 
shared object file: No such file or directory
  stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'load'
/usr/share/luajit-2.0.2/turbo/util.lua:153: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'require'
/usr/share/luajit-2.0.2/turbo/log.lua:34: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'require'
/usr/share/luajit-2.0.2/turbo.lua:78: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'require'
squeeze-web-gui.lua:23: in main chunk
[C]: at 0xc97c
  [root@wandquad squeeze-web-gui-lua]# yum downgrade turbolua
  Loaded plugins: langpacks, refresh-packagekit
  Resolving Dependencies
  -- Running transaction check
  --- Package turbolua.armv7hnl 0:1.0.0-1.fc20 will be a downgrade
  --- Package turbolua.armv7hnl 0:1.1.0-0.1.git8948f21.fc20 will be erased

After downgrading, it now it works fine.

Dreamer, easy in the chair that really fits you...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-02-01 Thread dsdreamer

This is way down in terms of importance, but I noticed that the Jivelite
screen that reports the asound stream0 status info doesn't anymore (for
my particular DAC).

We had similar issues before, and at that time we found that the exact
format of /proc/asound/card[n]/stream0 varies with kernel, and the
assumptions in the Lua code that parses this file may have to be
adjusted for different kernels. I am not sure if this is the same issue


  TEAC Corporation TEAC UD-501 at usb-ci_hdrc.1-1.1, high speed : USB Audio
  Status: Running
  Interface = 1
  Altset = 1
  Packet Size = 63
  Momentary freq = 44102 Hz (0x5.8340)
  Feedback Format = 16.16
  Interface 1
  Altset 1
  Format: S32_LE
  Channels: 2
  Endpoint: 1 OUT (ASYNC)
  Rates: 44100, 48000, 88200, 96000, 176400, 192000, 352800, 384000
  Data packet interval: 125 us
  Interface 1
  Altset 2
  Format: S32_LE
  Channels: 2
  Endpoint: 1 OUT (ASYNC)
  Rates: 44100, 48000, 88200, 96000, 176400, 192000, 352800, 384000
  Data packet interval: 125 us

Dreamer, easy in the chair that really fits you...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-31 Thread dsdreamer

JackOfAll wrote: 
 One thought did occur to me. You know you need the fb device to even get
 jivelite to launch on the tty, and this is not automatically modprobe'd?
 For months now, I've been doing it out of rc.local. 

No, I was not aware, but I had been trying to modprobe likely-sounding
modules such as imx_hdmi without making any headway. Using your
wandboard.local rpm, and 3.13.0-2.4.cs.fc20.armv7hl, I have my display
back again! Actually, I also needed to make a change in

append video=HDMI-A-1:1920x1080-24@60

 to get native resolution out of the monitor. 

I also installed the other packages you recommeded. Thanks for setting
me straight. I have now given Jivelite something more like the
originally-envisaged workout, and everying looks fine, including

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-30 Thread dsdreamer

JackOfAll wrote: 
 Thank you. If you have time, might be helpful if you could give the
 jivelite F20 version a good workout.

Okay, I can't claim a good workout, but it looks good so far. I will
do more thorough testing this evening after work.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-30 Thread dsdreamer

JackOfAll wrote: 
 Yes, that's expected.
 Thank you. If you have time, might be helpful if you could give the
 jivelite F20 version a good workout. Have gone back to using system
 packages for the lua module dependencies on F20 having made lua51
 installable alongside the default 5.2. 
 socket, filesystem, expat, loop, md5, zipfilter, cjson, several being
 later versions than those supplied with jivelite, that we are still
 using for the F19 build. It would be good to be able to say to Triode
 with some confidence that the later versions don't cause any issues,
 (that we didn't have already), and ask him to upgrade the modules
 supplied with the jivelite source distribution. (F19 build is still
 using the private module versions, supplied by jivelite and installed
 to /usr/share/jive, rather than system versions installed to
 /usr/share/lua/5.1 and /usr/lib/lua/5.1.)

Running X-protocol over ssh, I have checked it out on some of the
smaller skins. I would do more testing, but I am not able to get HDMI
out to work with 3.13.0-2.2.cs.fc20.armv7hl, using the standard Fedora
boot scripts, the only hdmi-related lines from dmesg are the following.


  [8.314872] imx_hdmi: module is from the staging directory, the quality is 
unknown, you have been warned.
  [8.316473] imx-hdmi 12.hdmi: Detected HDMI controller 

However, this is likely down to my own incompetence in setting up the
F20 image, rather than anything you need to deal with.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-29 Thread dsdreamer

JackOfAll wrote: 

   sudo systemctl restart squeeze-web-gui-lua

 Then access via http://wandboard.local:8081;. Not worried about
 functionality testing. Don't go there. ;)  Only that the web page
 appears. (Of course, if not using bonjour/mdns/avahi,
Yes, this web page comes up and looks fine, and shows Copyright © 2014
Adrian Smith (code) and Clive Messer (web design) 

JackOfAll wrote: 
 squeeze-web-gui is the original Java Web-GUI, which used to be packaged
 as community-squeeze-web.

   sudo csos-cleanInstall-testing squeeze-web-gui

 The path used to be http://wandboard.local:8080/CommunitySqueeze/;,
 now shortened to http://wandboard.local:8080/squeeze/;.
 If not accessing via port 8080 (tomcat directly), you'll need to
 reload the apache proxy config. (It will be added to the postinstall
 scriplet, the next time I make a build.)

   sudo systemctl reload httpd


This also looks fine. Claims to be version 1-68 (-c.f.- 1-69 from the
package name).
Tested using the following packages


  jivelite.armv7hnl  1:0.1-0.72.20140123git427e8a0.fc20 
  squeeze-web-gui.noarch 1-69.20140129gite3254b5.fc20   
  squeeze-web-gui-lua.noarch 0.1-0.2.gitad9f8e2.fc20

No issues found.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2014-01-25 Thread dsdreamer

JackOfAll wrote: 
 Squeezelite already does DSD-PCM conversion and can output DoP if given
 the -D flag.

I beleive the original poster is asking for on-the-fly PCM-(DSD in a
PCM container, e.g., DoP) conversion for rendering by a DSD-capable DAC.
This could be summarized as PCM-DSD-DoP.

Some people like the euphonic smoothness of DSD-rendered material,
even when there is no souce-content information above 20kHz. Before you
all pick up bricks to throw at me, I am not making any claims that this
is a good and useful idea, just that some people might want to
experiment with it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-25 Thread dsdreamer

Alcaudon wrote: 
 I'm a total noob to linux (this is the first time I use it), and all the
 knowledge I have comes from a few quick and dirty google searches done
 in 30 minutes but probably I can help you.
 Then I just did:

   [fedora@wandboard ~]$ sudo mount NASIPaddress:/volume/folder

 This worked for me (the music folder in my NAS was listed in the
 /storage folder), but as I said I have no clue of linux so all this
 might be totally wrong, but it could be of help until someone else
 with more knowledge than I gives you a better reply.
 Good luck! ;)

That's fine and thanks for helping out a forum member.  Having edited
fstab, you could reduce typing a bit by just doing:


  sudo mount -a

This will mount anything in fstab that is not already mounted. Thus, if
you added a new line in /etc/fstab (or uncommented one), it will
incrementally execute just that line. To verify, use 


  df -t nfs

The newly mounted nfs filesystem and its usage stats will be displayed
assuming the mount succeeded.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-23 Thread dsdreamer

slackhead wrote: 
 Jumping in lists works pretty well - the sensitivity problem you mention
 is very apparent, but I have a feeling this maybe a FLIRC problem as
 I've had the same thing when using FLIRC on other devices/application. 
 Perhaps this is something we could take up with the FLIRC developers?

A while back, I found things improved greatly by setting the Inter-key
delay parameter to 3 (default is 6). Some people have reported a value
of 4 works, and I tried that first which was an improvement, but 3 seems
to be optimum for me.  I have attached a version of ralphy's keymap
unchanged except for the inter-key delay being set to 3.  If you have
loaded this keymap, you could verify the change by running the command
line and listing the settings as shown below. 


  sudo ./flirc_util settings 
  sleep detection:  Disabled
  noise canceler:   Disabled
  inter-key delay:  3
  builtin profiles: NA

I'd be interested to know if other Flric users with the SB remote see
this as a useful change.

|Filename:  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-23 Thread dsdreamer

slackhead wrote: 
 Thanks, but it's not helping here - I've tried changing that setting in
 the past to no avail.  I'll get on the FLIRC forum sometime and ask if
 there is anything else that could help.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-22 Thread dsdreamer

Triode wrote: 
 I've added some code to emulate the old ir behaviour using the keyboard
 (and hence flirc) - would be good if Clive could add to the testing
 jivelite so people can tell me if they like it and if they find any side

Good idea, this works for me (tested in HD grid skin). I used it to
search for short strings and was quite happy with its behavior in this
limited use-case. Longer search strings are not going to be worth the
pain, but I can live that since 4 or 5 letters is typically sufficient
to narrow down the choices to a short scrollable list.

I also tried jumping to places in the alphabet when browsing album
artwork in grid mode and the list of artists. What fools me sometimes is
when intital letters are missing from my collection (such as nothing
with the intial letter Q), so I expect to 777 to get to R, but this
overshoots; I have to know -a priori- that Q is missing and press 77 to
get R instead. Similarly, I only need to press 99 (not 999) to get to Y.
Perhaps if the whole thing slowed down, the user would understand that
he or she had jumped over a missing letter on his way to R or Y.
Alternatively, you could defer any jump-to-letter action until a
multiple-key-press timer had expired, which is the way texting used to
work in the dark ages.

Finally, I would rather the letter overlay pop-up in the middle of the
screen lingered a bit longer after I have selected a letter by numeric
keypad presses. It often disappears before I've really seen it. It would
be ideal if the timer that keeps the letter displayed be interuptable by
the next keypress, but otherwise stays up long enough for the user to
read it.  Alternatively a group of keypresses should be resolved into a
letter (after a timeout exprires) before any jumping to a new location
occurs, and that one letter should be displayed for a longer time.

Just my thoughts as I played with the new functionality. Others may feed

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-20 Thread dsdreamer

JackOfAll wrote: 
 but clear (delete contents) of alsa params field (::16:), Save and
 Conditionally Restart.

JackOfAll, Any chance we could, in a future release, drop this cunning
default to ::16: ? It it trips up more people than it helps, IMO. I
actually find on my Wandboards that the levels of distortion to the
analog jack sound about the same with or without this workaround,

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-20 Thread dsdreamer

JackOfAll wrote: 
 dsdreamer, did you have a play with Ralphy's enhancements to your FLIRC
 config. Still wondering whether to make that a default config from the
 website jivelite page and drop the links to Triode's (which yours was
 based on???) and yours? Thoughts?

I am willing to make a comparison and report back here. IMO, we need two
FLIRC configuration files: one configuration tuned for HD Grid skin and
one for all other list-based skins.

Best regards,

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-20 Thread dsdreamer

JackOfAll wrote: 
 Whatever you (and others) think best. I don't use FLIRC.

Of the three posted keymaps, Ralphy's seems the most comprehensive.


  __ralphy.keys:  654A9E6B `
  dsdreamer.keys:  654A433D =
  ___ralphy.keys:  654A433D =
  ___triode.keys:  654A433D =
  dsdreamer.keys:  6506F08A -
  ___ralphy.keys:  6506F08A -
  ___triode.keys:  6506F08A -
  dsdreamer.keys:  65167515 ,
  ___ralphy.keys:  65167515 ,
  ___triode.keys:  65167515 ,
  ___ralphy.keys:  65D22341 ;
  dsdreamer.keys:  65169435 :
  ___ralphy.keys:  65169435 :
  ___ralphy.keys:  658E6FA6 :
  dsdreamer.keys:  65D2C049 .
  ___ralphy.keys:  65D2C049 .
  ___triode.keys:  65D2C049 .
  ___ralphy.keys:  65167306 [
  dsdreamer.keys:  65D2E178 [
  ___ralphy.keys:  65D2E178 [
  ___ralphy.keys:  65D22163 }
  dsdreamer.keys:  65D2C258 0
  ___ralphy.keys:  65D2C258 0
  ___triode.keys:  65D2C258 0
  dsdreamer.keys:  651677F3 1
  ___ralphy.keys:  651677F3 1
  ___triode.keys:  651677F3 1
  dsdreamer.keys:  654A3F50 2
  ___ralphy.keys:  654A3F50 2
  ___triode.keys:  654A3F50 2
  dsdreamer.keys:  658E9202 3
  ___ralphy.keys:  658E9202 3
  ___triode.keys:  658E9202 3
  dsdreamer.keys:  658EF10C 4
  ___ralphy.keys:  658EF10C 4
  ___triode.keys:  658EF10C 4
  dsdreamer.keys:  65D244BF 5
  ___ralphy.keys:  65D244BF 5
  ___triode.keys:  65D244BF 5
  dsdreamer.keys:  658E90F3 6
  ___ralphy.keys:  658E90F3 6
  ___triode.keys:  658E90F3 6
  dsdreamer.keys:  65D2E3A5 7
  ___ralphy.keys:  65D2E3A5 7
  ___triode.keys:  65D2E3A5 7
  dsdreamer.keys:  65D242B0 8
  ___ralphy.keys:  65D242B0 8
  ___triode.keys:  65D242B0 8
  dsdreamer.keys:  65169662 9
  ___ralphy.keys:  65169662 9
  ___triode.keys:  65169662 9
  dsdreamer.keys:  658EF3EA a
  ___ralphy.keys:  658EF3EA a
  ___triode.keys:  658EF3EA a
  dsdreamer.keys:  658E94E0 B
  ___ralphy.keys:  658E94E0 B
  ___triode.keys:  658E94E0 b
  dsdreamer.keys:  654A412E c
  ___ralphy.keys:  654A412E c
  ___triode.keys:  654A412E c
  ___ralphy.keys:  655AC6B8 C
  dsdreamer.keys:  65D2C436 down
  ___ralphy.keys:  65D2C436 down
  ___triode.keys:  65D2C436 down
  ___ralphy.keys:  651614FC escape
  dsdreamer.keys:  658E8EC6 h
  ___ralphy.keys:  658E8EC6 h
  ___triode.keys:  658E8EC6 h
  dsdreamer.keys:  658E7393 left
  ___ralphy.keys:  658E7393 left
  ___triode.keys:  658E7393 left
  dsdreamer.keys:  654A20E1 p
  ___ralphy.keys:  654A20E1 p
  ___triode.keys:  654A20E1 p
  ___ralphy.keys:  654AA247 Q
  ___triode.keys:  654AA247 Q
  dsdreamer.keys:  65D22550 right
  ___ralphy.keys:  65D22550 right
  ___triode.keys:  65D22550 right
  dsdreamer.keys:  65D2469D up
  ___ralphy.keys:  65D2469D up
  ___triode.keys:  65D2469D up
  dsdreamer.keys:  658EF5F9 Z
  ___ralphy.keys:  658EF5F9 Z
  ___triode.keys:  658EF5F9 z

Raphy seems to have a superset of IR codes compared to buttons on the
SBT remote, of which there are only 29. Ralphy has 34 keys mapped, some
of which I presume belong to older SB remotes. I had 26 keys mapped and
Triode had 25. Given this information, I don't see the added value of
keeping the less complete sets of key-bindings, from either myself or
Triode, but I won't presume to speak for Triode. Just my suggestion.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-19 Thread dsdreamer

slackhead wrote: 
 I might be missing something :-| but when using Jivelite on a 'grid'
 display mode with a FLIRC - how do you go into a menu item?  
 Seems an 'enter' key is needed, but none of the posted configs have
 so I've just changed the power button to do 'enter', but doesn't seem
 ideal (or intuitive for the better half ). 
 Also got caught out by that damn Quit button again, which closes
 Jivelite and stops the web gui (including SBS) and ssh from working, but
 music keeps playing.  Need to pull power.
 And (there's more), I've been trying the Visulizer (!) option, but
 like Albertone74 I can't see it (in any skin).

Slackhead, I got around this by mapping the remote's play key to
keyboard enter. However, you still need a back or escape key, and now I
really have run out of reasonable keys to use, so I mapped the remote's
sleep key to keyboard escape. Given that the pause button is a toggle
between play and paused states, this is usable for me. 

For me, the quit button always closed Jivelite, but caused it to
immediately respawn due to the jivelite user's autologin arrangement. I
haven't seen the issue you report of getting into  a state where you
effectively lose network connectivity to the Wandboard.

I can confirm that the visualizer option is MIA on the new R3 image,
even though squeezelite is able to open the shared memory, Jivelite
doesn't seem to find it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-19 Thread dsdreamer

JackOfAll wrote: 
 Broken for me as well. Sorry, I'm entertaining at the moment so can't
 look into this. Quick look at /var/log/messages

   Jan 19 16:49:57 wandboard jivelite: WARN   jivelite.vis - 
SpectrumMeter.lua:116 ** 1: 21 2: 21

 Who's responsible for this cryptic dung? :) It's important right,
 that's why it's being logged as a warning. Warning me of what? ** 1:
 21 2: 21... WTF does that mean? Oh right, it's a message warning me
 that I need to go look at line 116 of SpectrumMeter.lua to even have
 half a clue what it's trying to tell me. Face palm!

Observation: If I start Jivelite as user fedora, I can get
visualizations to work, whereas if I do so under user jivelite, I can't.
This was tested using ssh -XYC fedora@wandboard.local and starting
jivelite from the command prompt. I tried adding jivelite to group
wheel, but that didn't seem to help. I am puzzled, because the
permissions for the shared memory look fine:


ls -l /dev/shm/
  total 36
  -rw-rw-rw- 1 squeezelite squeezelite 32820 Jan 19 16:54 

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-18 Thread dsdreamer


I've been running the F19 R3 image for a Wandboard Quad. Only tested on
Ethernet with my TEAC USB DAC so far.  

I've tested LMS scanning my media library over NFS, and played back
music at various sample rates, including DSD playback, both via DoP and
transcoded to PCM. 

I've configured via the new cs-web GUI on port 8081 and via the old one
on port 8080. No problems, except that I don't have access to hw:CARD=
devices on the new cs-web, but have to use front:CARD= instead. I wasn't
sure if these were functionally equivalent, although I checked that they
both play music.

JIvelite was tested via X using ssh -XYC jivelite@wandquad.local, and it
works fine except you've forgotten to blow away the preference files, so
the initial language setup and select skin dialogs don't happen. 
(guestfish --rw -a CSOS-Wandboard-Quad-F19-R3-20140117-1.img can be used
to fix this on the raw image file without messing around with SD cards)

So overall, a very smooth experience. Anything in particular I should
check in addition to the above?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-16 Thread dsdreamer

dsdreamer wrote: 
 Eight bells and all's well.

   [root@wandquad ~]# uname -a
   Linux wandquad 3.13.0-0.rc8.git1.2.1.cs.fc20.armv7hl #1 SMP Tue Jan 14 
17:32:29 GMT 2014 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux
   [root@wandquad ~]# uptime
   07:30:52 up  8:08,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05


Make that 32 hours uptime now. I guess we could conclude this is stable.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-15 Thread dsdreamer

Eight bells and all's well.


  [root@wandquad ~]# uname -a
  Linux wandquad 3.13.0-0.rc8.git1.2.1.cs.fc20.armv7hl #1 SMP Tue Jan 14 
17:32:29 GMT 2014 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux
  [root@wandquad ~]# uptime
  07:30:52 up  8:08,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-15 Thread dsdreamer

JackOfAll wrote: 
 LOL. Over-inflated load-avg with 3.0.35, and under-inflated with 3.13.
 Another task for you if you don't mind. I'm just finishing twiddling
 with what will be a F19 R3 image. If I PM you a link in a while, can you
 run that for me? (The current plan is that when the image download is
 back on-line via the website, anticipating Friday now, there will be the
 latest and greatest, with an up to date F19 and the elusive F20

Yes, very happy to do that, will be looking for your PM. Just keep in
mind I don't get free time until evening US Pacific time.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-15 Thread dsdreamer

JackOfAll wrote: 
 Before switching back to F19, while you are still on F20.

   sudo csos-cleanUpdate-testing squeezelite

 It will ask to install libdsd2pcm as a dependency, now a shared lib
 rather than compiled into squeezelite. If you could test DSD
 functionality, everything is still working, DSD - PCM and DSD - DoP,
 that would be good!

Got it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-15 Thread dsdreamer

JackOfAll wrote: 
 Before switching back to F19, while you are still on F20.

   sudo csos-cleanUpdate-testing squeezelite

 It will ask to install libdsd2pcm as a dependency, now a shared lib
 rather than compiled into squeezelite. If you could test DSD
 functionality, everything is still working, DSD - PCM and DSD - DoP,
 that would be good!


  rpm -q squeezelite

DSD- PCM works, but outputs at 352.8 kHz. (Is that expected?). Sounds
DSD- DoP works. 

44.1, 88.2, 96 and 192kHz FLAC material also tested and no issues found.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-14 Thread dsdreamer


I accidentally downloaded a new album in ALAC format last night, that
happens to be encoded in ALAC in 24/96kHz resolution. When I try to play
it on Wandboard, I had trouble getting the first track to start, but I
did eventually succeed but it failed to transition from the 1st to the
second track.  The log file from output=debug decode=debug when starting
a track is shown below.


[07:16:45.176491] output_init_alsa:636 init output
  [07:16:45.177302] output_init_alsa:658 requested alsa_buffer: 40 alsa_period: 
4 format: any mmap: 1
  [07:16:45.177422] output_init_common:334 outputbuf size: 3528000
  [07:16:45.184663] output_init_common:394 supported rates: 384000 352800 
192000 176400 96000 88200 48000 44100 
  [07:16:45.277594] output_init_alsa:670 memory locked
  [07:16:45.278683] output_thread:465 open output device: hw:CARD=UD501
  [07:16:45.278719] output_init_alsa:693 set output sched fifo rt: 45
  [07:16:45.279914] alsa_open:234 opened device hw:CARD=UD501 using format: 
S32_LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 1
  [07:16:45.280144] alsa_open:313 buffer: 40 period: 4 - buffer size: 1764 
period size: 441
  [07:16:45.285634] output_vis_init:135 opened visulizer shared memory as 
  [root@wandquad squeezelite]# head -100 squeezelite.log 
  [07:16:45.176491] output_init_alsa:636 init output
  [07:16:45.177302] output_init_alsa:658 requested alsa_buffer: 40 alsa_period: 
4 format: any mmap: 1
  [07:16:45.177422] output_init_common:334 outputbuf size: 3528000
  [07:16:45.184663] output_init_common:394 supported rates: 384000 352800 
192000 176400 96000 88200 48000 44100 
  [07:16:45.277594] output_init_alsa:670 memory locked
  [07:16:45.278683] output_thread:465 open output device: hw:CARD=UD501
  [07:16:45.278719] output_init_alsa:693 set output sched fifo rt: 45
  [07:16:45.279914] alsa_open:234 opened device hw:CARD=UD501 using format: 
S32_LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 1
  [07:16:45.280144] alsa_open:313 buffer: 40 period: 4 - buffer size: 1764 
period size: 441
  [07:16:45.285634] output_vis_init:135 opened visulizer shared memory as 
/squeezelite-xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx (obfuscated by dsdreamer)
  [07:16:45.285761] decode_init:129 init decode
  [07:16:45.285974] register_dsd:624 using dsd
  [07:16:45.294611] register_pcm:382 using pcm
  [07:16:45.384979] codec_open:211 codec open: 'l'
  [07:16:45.385254] ff_open_alac:566 open alac
  [07:16:45.901608] ffmpeg: stream 0, timescale not set
  [07:16:45.901906] ff_decode:288 format: name:mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 
lname:QuickTime / MOV
  [07:16:45.935466] ffmpeg: stream 0, offset 0x8136e: partial file
  [07:16:45.935998] ff_decode:308 found stream: 0
  [07:16:45.936330] ff_decode:340 setting track_start
  [07:16:45.936453] ffmpeg: Error : 506925 bits left
  [07:16:46.047794] _output_frames:59 start buffer frames: 24576
  [07:16:46.048080] _output_frames:140 track start sample rate: 96000 
replay_gain: 0
  [07:16:46.058238] output_thread:465 open output device: hw:CARD=UD501
  [07:16:46.066997] alsa_open:234 opened device hw:CARD=UD501 using format: 
S32_LE sample rate: 96000 mmap: 1
  [07:16:46.067404] alsa_open:313 buffer: 40 period: 4 - buffer size: 3840 
period size: 960
  [07:16:46.099072] ff_decode:377 avcodec_decode_audio4 error: -1 Operation not 
  [07:16:46.099347] ffmpeg: stream 0, offset 0x8503a: partial file
  [07:16:46.099434] ff_decode:360 av_read_frame error: -1094995529 Invalid data 
found when processing input
  [07:16:46.099516] ffmpeg: stream 0, offset 0x88cbe: partial file
  [07:16:46.099636] ff_decode:360 av_read_frame error: -1094995529 Invalid data 
found when processing input
  [07:16:46.099717] ffmpeg: stream 0, offset 0x8c91d: partial file
  [07:16:46.099790] ff_decode:360 av_read_frame error: -1094995529 Invalid data 
found when processing input
  [07:16:46.099871] ffmpeg: stream 0, offset 0x90581: partial file
  [07:16:46.099943] ff_decode:360 av_read_frame error: -1094995529 Invalid data 
found when processing input
  [07:16:46.100015] ffmpeg: stream 0, offset 0x941e0: partial file
  [07:16:46.100086] ff_decode:360 av_read_frame error: -1094995529 Invalid data 
found when processing input

The same files play fine on other media players.  If needed I can send
you a sample to assist with debugging.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-14 Thread dsdreamer

JackOfAll wrote: 
 OK, before anyone starts chasing rainbows, as this might be down to a
 specific version of ffmpeg and I think that we already might be on
 different version of 2.x.x, depending on whether it is the ffmpeg2
 private package I made for F19, or the Fedora system package where
 ffmpeg is now v2 on F20, and you might be running on F20 and not

   rpm -q squeezelite ffmpeg ffmpeg2


I agree, please don't anyone work on this until get a chance to verify,
which be my evening US Pacific time. I am definitely using F20, but I
don't know which repo supplied by ffmpeg[2] dependencies.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-14 Thread dsdreamer

JackOfAll wrote: 
 Maybe this helps you guys, maybe it doesn't. (But it might help me, if
 you guys report back that you run it with a stable uptime of xx days.)
 Although I still intend to release the CSOS F20 image with a 3.12.6
 custom kernel, 3.13 is at rc8 stage, so I've just started re-basing my
 200+ patch set with the expectation that we will see a 3.13 release,
 real soon now.
 The first 3.13 kernel I made is based on the Fedora rawhide 3.13rc8
 kernel package. It has a basic patch set, but should give you working
 wi-fi, (subject to the caveat that you need to power cycle reboot, or
 use the button on the motherboard, after halt), SATA, HDMI video (but
 based on the original staging driver, the most recent needs work, to
 make it work), and SPDIF output.

   sudo csos-cleanUpdate brcmfmac-sdio-firmware
   sudo csos-cleanUpdate-testing kernel

 Before you reboot, you'll need to fix-up the
 /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf. A new entry will have been added for the
 new kernel, but it'll be pointing at the old dtb location. (There is
 still a Fedora bug here!) Although it will probably boot, pointing at
 the old device tree file, you'll need to be using the new device tree
 file to get the new functionality!

I will be happy to test the kernel you built and report on the stability
over the next few days. BTW, I did build my own kernel this last weekend
using Robert C Nelson's instructions and patchset, and thus I've already
had 3.13.rc7 working on my Wandboard Quad, which did allow me to enable
WiFi. However, I reverted to the stock Fedora 3.12.6 kernel since I was
really not planning to get into kernel building for any serious purpose.
Probably, the main benefit is that I now have a serial cable to USB
adapter that works :D

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-14 Thread dsdreamer

JackOfAll wrote: 
 F20, it's either going to be the Fedora ffmpeg-2.1.1-1 or CS
 ffmpeg-2.1.1-1.1, where I have additionally enabled faac and fdk-aac,
 which aren't enabled in the Fedora build. Maybe you should try from the
 cmd line, ffmpeg -i /path/to/your/alac/alac.m4a output.wav, and see if
 that barfs on converting one of your new files, from alac to wav.


  rpm -q ffmpeg-libs 



  ffmpeg -i /mnt/music/flac/Miles\ Davis/01-01-Miles_Davis-Generique-SMR.m4a -f 
s32le - | aplay -f S32_LE -r 96000 -c 2  -D hw:CARD=UD501,0

plays the music very nicely with hesitation, deviation or repetitiion.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-12 Thread dsdreamer

Triode wrote: 
 Hum - don't know why it doesn't like that - can you try this change to
 the code:

   --- plugins/BBCiPlayerRTMP/ 2013-07-29 21:01:50.0 +0100
   +++ Plugins/BBCiPlayer/  2014-01-12 11:42:45.0 +
   @@ -1426,7 +1426,11 @@
   $start = $newtime;
   -   $song-can('startOffset') ? $song-startOffset($newtime) : 
$song-{startOffset} = $newtime;
   +   if($song-can('startOffset')) {
   +   $song-startOffset($newtime);
   +   } else {
   +   $song-{startOffset} = $newtime;
   +   }
   $client-master-remoteStreamStartTime(Time::HiRes::time() - $newtime);


I applied your patch at the specified place and then got a similar error
message at line 107, so I applied the same fix there as well. So now, my
overall patch looks as follows:


--- 09:56:15.874169043 -0800
  +++ 2014-01-12 09:58:15.571103959 -0800
  @@ -104,7 +104,11 @@
  $params-{'start'} = $newtime;
  -   $song-can('startOffset') ? $song-startOffset($newtime) : 
$song-{startOffset} = $newtime;
  +   if($song-can('startOffset')) {
  +   $song-startOffset($newtime);
  +   } else {
  +   $song-{startOffset} = $newtime;
  +   }
  $args-{'client'}-master-remoteStreamStartTime(Time::HiRes::time() - 
  @@ -1426,7 +1430,11 @@
  $start = $newtime;
  -   $song-can('startOffset') ? $song-startOffset($newtime) : 
$song-{startOffset} = $newtime;
  +   if($song-can('startOffset')) {
  +   $song-startOffset($newtime);
  +   } else {
  +   $song-{startOffset} = $newtime;
  +   }
  $client-master-remoteStreamStartTime(Time::HiRes::time() - $newtime);

As to why this change may be needed, I think the Ternary ?: is only
allowed as an lvalue if the 2nd and 3rd arguments are guaranteed to be
assignable, which is not true here.

|Filename: mypatch.patch|

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-12 Thread dsdreamer

JackOfAll wrote: 
 F20 arm repo is now 100% in sync, with package versions in F19 arm repo,
 with the push of the latest lms-CPAN package to testing. The only thing
 missing is the custom kernel.

   sudo systemctl disable firewalld.service
   sudo yum -y install
   sudo yum -y install
   sudo yum -y install
   sudo csos-cleanInstall-testing logitechmediaserver squeezelite jivelite

 Anyone non-technical, should be waiting, for the official image,
 rather than going with the upstream F20 minimal image plus the repo
 software, but feel free to suffer the same way as I have until you
 figure out where all the bodies are buried, and there are a few,
 issues that will have already been dealt with for you by the
 official CSOS image. But if you can live with a USB DAC and
 ethernet, have fun!
 I think you'll need to have a serial console to go through the initial
 setup, first time you boot the image, create a non-priv user, add to
 the wheel group, (so you can sudo). I don't know how you'll do that
 without serial console.

Actually, I started with a minimal F20 image per the instructions here:,
also using the workable, but non-recommeded instructions to get SSH
running for a first login without a serial cable, here:

I actually did a general yum update before adding the rpmfusion repos
and the CSOS repos, so I am therefore running Linux kernel
3.12.6-300.fc20.armv7hl.  This allowed me to test whether I need the
double alsa_open() workaround that Triode provided under the stock
Fedora 3.12.6 Linux kernel. In fact, I don't, which I consider good

I don't have any issues except that some network scripts used by the
CSOS web-gui are not present on my system
(/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-wlan0 and
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0), which trips up the
corresponding pages on the CSOS web-gui version 1-64.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-12 Thread dsdreamer

Triode wrote: 
 Thanks - plugin updated - could you test for me?

Triode, thanks, that was quick!

I just tested the particular use-case of jumping backwards and forwards
in BBC iPlayer listen-again streams. This works fine now.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-12 Thread dsdreamer

JackOfAll wrote: 
 I think I might have speculated at the time, that we were fixing
 something in the wrong place, that would go away anyway when moving to
 mainline kernel. ;)

Yes, you certainly did. It will be interesting to know if lintweaker's
Marantz SA-14S1 can also benefit from the kernel update and thus
dispense with the need for additional user-space workarounds. I hope so.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-11 Thread dsdreamer


I find I can can change the track position pointer when playing listen
again streams, the pointer doesn't move, and the audio gets muted and
the following error message appears:
[14-01-11 22:29:52.1384] Slim::Control::Request::execute (1888) Error:
While trying to run function coderef
[Slim::Control::Commands::timeCommand]: [Can't modify non-lvalue
subroutine call at
line 1429.]  

This is on Logitech Media Server Version: 7.8.0 - 1388931871 @ Sat 11
Jan 18:34:29 GMT 2014, from the  1:7.8.0-0.68.20140110git1388931871
package.  I tried again on a much older version of LMS running of an
older version of Perl on a different machine and that worked as it

Sorry, I don't know when this stopped working.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: JiveLite - cut down squeezebox control application

2014-01-10 Thread dsdreamer

Triode wrote: 
 Can you confirm which skin and resolution you see this at?  Is this the
 same for you Michael?

1280 x 720 pixels.  The slow umlaut effect can be observed below in
the two pictures.

|Filename: Screen Shot 2014-01-10 at 9.02.29 PM.jpg |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-09 Thread dsdreamer

JackOfAll wrote: 
 H. Last time I looked at this, which admittedly was some time ago,
 start squeezelite with -v and it creates the /dev/shm/squeezelite file
 owner squeezelite, group squeezelite, mode rw-r--r--, so it was readable
 by anyone. Thought that jivelite user, (which the jivelite-autologin
 service is running as), just needs to read, rather than write the file.
 I'll take another look later today. 
 I forgot about visulizer last time I updated the web-gui. Should have
 added a dedicated checkbox for that option. Oh well, at least you can
 put the -v in the options field for the moment.
 Edit: 20140109 12:50
 Just had a quick look at code, 

   vis_fd = shm_open(vis_shm_path, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0666);


   vis_fd = shm_open(shm_path, O_RDWR, 0666);

 Still need to come back to this, just heading out of the front door
 right now.
 EDIT 20140109 13:30
 Quick patch for squeezelite to get the shm file created 0666, by
 clearing the umask. I'll push a new build later.

   --- squeezelite-1.5-c71ee71/output_vis.c.umask  2014-01-03 
13:20:04.0 +
   +++ squeezelite-1.5-c71ee71/output_vis.c2014-01-09 
13:26:28.224066710 +
   @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
   +#include sys/stat.h
   #include sys/mman.h
   #include fcntl.h
   @@ -109,6 +110,8 @@
   void output_vis_init(log_level level, u8_t *mac) {
   +   umask(000);
   loglevel = level;
   sprintf(vis_shm_path, /squeezelite-%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x, mac[0], 
mac[1], mac[2], mac[3], mac[4], mac[5]);
   @@ -134,6 +137,8 @@
   LOG_WARN(unable to open visualizer shared memory);
   vis_mmap = NULL;
   +   umask(002);
   #endif // VISEXPORT


Thanks for looking at this.  I tried your patch, but it doesn't seem to
remove the requirement for squeezelite itself to have root to get a
positive address for the shared memory pointer as tested in the next if


if (vis_mmap  0) {
  pthread_rwlockattr_t attr;

In other words, I still see the following after patching and recompiling
unless I use sudo with it:


[fedora@wandquad squeezelite]$  ./squeezelite -v -o plughw:CARD=UD501 -a 
  [07:38:46.523984] output_vis_init:137 unable to open visualizer shared memory

Again, thanks for paying such quick attention, I know there are too many
other things that demand your time right now!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-09 Thread dsdreamer

JackOfAll wrote: 
 dsdreamer, have you had any luck with getting the visulizer working, or
 are you still stuck with squeezelite complaining it cannot open the shm
 when running as non-root user? Did you try running it again as a system
 service, so it was running as the squeezelite user?
 I'm going to ask a stupid question. This is what we are talking
 about achieving, right? The dancing vertical bars, like a graphic
 equalizer display, is the visulizer, right?
 I was kind of hoping if I left it late enough tonight, Triode would jump
 in, BANG, with the answer! ;) I've not seen any posts from him tonight.

First of all, yes, having squeezelite being started by systemd is much
more appropriate than starting it from an unprivileged command line. So
that part of my problem was a phantom of my early morning stupor. 

Secondly, your patch does seem to help, now that I've tried it

Thirdly, yes I did mean exactly what you showed in you picture. Not to
be outdone, I'll also show it now working:

|Filename: Screen Shot 2014-01-09 at 8.00.04 PM.jpg |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-08 Thread dsdreamer

erland wrote: 
 Sorry if this is a stupid question, but is there any kind of summary or
 overview release notes available for the Community Squeeze image that
 explain big changes in each version ?
 Related to this, is there some kind of very rough road map where it's
 possible to get a feeling what's planned to be done in the next couple
 of months or so ?
 As someone who doesn't follow this thread on daily basis it would be
 good to be able to get a feeling of the current state, some rough
 information about what has changed since the last image I installed and
 some indication about what's planned for next couple of months.
 Basically to get a better feeling when/if I should upgrade to a new
 version since I currently don't feel that I have the time to install and
 test each individual update immediately when they are published.
 I'm not asking for someone to write it in case it doesn't exist, I
 understand that in the current state the image might mostly be directed
 to people who have the time to follow this thread, I'm just asking if
 there already is some information available somewhere which I've missed.

Erland, if you consider the user-space applications (Jivelite,
Squeezelite and the Web-gui) to be the key to user-facing features, then
a good overview of the past changes can easily be had here:, here:, and here:

But of course a lot goes on at the kernel and OS level to try to blend
support for the Wandboard's devices with the mainline kernel, and to add
support for particular audiophile USB DACs etc.

I don't think we have a feature roadmap other than the broad intent as
expressed here: .

BTW, does IckStream have any forward looking manifestos or progress logs
we can look at?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-08 Thread dsdreamer


I've been trying to get Jivelite to show visualizations while playing
music on CSOS-F19-R2.  I had been curious to see how the visualizations
look, and had never been able to get them to work, except on my
Fedora-20 laptop, where they worked just fine (except for the fact that
jivelite wanted root to run when started from a non-priviledged

I just now tried an experiment on my Wandboard Quad, where I started
both squeezelite and jivelite as root, and was able to get the
visualizations to work. I also noticed that running ./squeezelite -v
produces an error message about not being able to open visualizer shared


[fedora@wandquad squeezelite]$ ./squeezelite -v -o hw:CARD=UD501
  [22:31:13.619179] output_vis_init:134 unable to open visualizer shared memory

Whereas if I use sudo in front of the same command, there is no such
complaint, and a file is created under /dev/shm.

I guess the real question is, how is this intended to work? Does the
default installation of CSOS take care of permissions in such a way that
the visualizer access to shared memory should work, or is there some
other recommended way to make it so?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: JiveLite - cut down squeezebox control application

2014-01-08 Thread dsdreamer

Triode wrote: 
 I suspect that needs changes to the C code - nothing I have
 intentionally changed from squeezelplay.  Look in jive_font.c and
 jive_label.c  - at present it looks to be using the height of capital H
 to me - the font height is also the height of a capital + descending
 character.  I suspect it needs something for ascending height too?
 Do you have a demo size and string where it is 100% reproducible?

My example is Goldberg Variations, for keyboard (Clavier-Übung IV),
where the umlaut on top of the capital U, gets left behind rather
comically as the rest of the text scrolls away.

I can send you a FLAC file of an offending track if you PM me a suitable
email address.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: JiveLite - cut down squeezebox control application

2014-01-06 Thread dsdreamer

mherger wrote: 
  Michael, I built SDL from scratch as well, but I configured it with
  ./configure --disable-video-x11, which along with commenting out line
  of ./SDL-1.2.15/src/video/quartz/SDL_QuartzVideo.h, as hinted already
  this thread
 Thanks, I'll give that a try!

In case you want to see the exact sequence I used, I've captured it in a
simple shell script (attached as a zip file). It uses a patch file that
I've included as well. This at least attempts to get the order correct,
i.e., building the dependencies of the dependencies before the
dependencies before jivelite...  The patch is *only* for Mavericks, so
don't use it for earlier OS X versions.

|Filename: CGDirectPaletteRef_not_in_Mavericks.patch|

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: JiveLite - cut down squeezebox control application

2014-01-04 Thread dsdreamer

mherger wrote: 
 Has anyone had success building jivelite on Mavericks? It did work on
 ML, but now it doesn't want to find X11/Xlib.h, or SDLmain. Tried to
 re-build SDL from scratch, but it fails Xlib.h as well, though it is
 there in /usr/local/include/X11

Michael, I built SDL from scratch as well, but I configured it with
./configure --disable-video-x11, which along with commenting out line 94
of ./SDL-1.2.15/src/video/quartz/SDL_QuartzVideo.h, as hinted already in
this thread


  //CGDirectPaletteRef palette;/* palette of an 8-bit display

...allows SDL to compile fine (except for some warnings about deprecated
Cocoa backend API calls being used).

I also had to compile a few dependencies and install them in /usr/local,
using a typical routine of tar xvf something; cd something;
./configure; make; sudo make install, where something took turns at
being each item in the following list.



I had to use the older libpng than libpng-1.6.8, because the ./configure
scripts for SDL_ttf-2.0.11 insisted on using that version for some of
its test compiles and not the libpng-1.6.8, which I tried first. 

Finally, I made really small tweak to the one of the jivelite


  diff --git a/src/Makefile.osx b/src/Makefile.osx
  index 42e2605..5d000ec 100644
  --- a/src/Makefile.osx
  +++ b/src/Makefile.osx
  @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  # makefile wrapper for osx
  # this is only needed if SDL is installed in /usr/local
  -CFLAGS  = -I/usr/local/include/SDL
  +CFLAGS  = -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include/SDL 
  LDFLAGS = -lSDLmain -lresolv -Wl,-framework,Cocoa

Anyway, with those few build quibbles out if the way, I was able to
build a functioning jivelite on Mac OS X and it seems to be working as

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-03 Thread dsdreamer


On reflection, I think your dsd.c code does what it should, except for
the belief that the actual number of sample_bytes per track for each
channel must be even. When the source of the DSD is a DSF file rather
than a DoP-encoded PCM file, there is no such constraint (the record
companies had no concept of DoP encoding or its constraints when they
authored the tracks). Thus the error trap as you have it is currently a
bit trigger happy, and will give errors and warnings whenever there
happens to be an odd number of sample_bytes, which should occur with 50%

If I am right in my analysis, you might want to silently accept the case
of one sample byte left over, but still trap the zero case.

Just to illustrate my meaning:


diff --git a/dsd.c b/dsd.c
  index 691d9cc..d1c9102 100644
  --- a/dsd.c
  +++ b/dsd.c
  @@ -249,9 +249,18 @@ static decode_state _decode_dsf(void) {
  frames = min(bytes, d-sample_bytes) / bytes_per_frame;
  if (frames == 0) {
  -   // /2 for dop should never result in 0 as header len 
is always even
  -   LOG_WARN(frames got to zero);
  -   return DECODE_ERROR;
  +   if (d-sample_bytes == 1) {
  +   LOG_INFO(had one Byte left over, 
insufficient to DOP encode);
  +   LOG_INFO(sample bytes:  FMT_u64, 
  +   return DECODE_COMPLETE;
  +   }
  +   else {
  +   // we really did get to zero, shouldn't happen
  +   LOG_WARN(frames got to zero);
  +   LOG_WARN(sample bytes:  FMT_u64, 
  +   LOG_WARN(bytes: %u, bytes);
  +   return DECODE_ERROR;
  +   }
  frames = min(frames, out);

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-03 Thread dsdreamer

Triode wrote: 
 Yep - it was not handling the case of odd sized dsf files when playing
 with dop - please try latest git version which I hope fixes this.

I have tested this and it works as expected, and I am enjoying the extra
byte of reverb decay at the end of those odd-sized tracks! ;)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: JiveLite - cut down squeezebox control application

2014-01-02 Thread dsdreamer

JackOfAll wrote: 
 I just did a pull, build and quick test. So many things are barfed
 with regard to display on multiple skins, like not displaying the
 current playlist at all with Joggler skin, that I'm going to delete it
 from the testing repo and not announce it. ;) Which skin are you testing
 with? The HD1920? (Which is beyond the capability of my monitor.)

Triode, I was able to pull the latest jivelite from git, build and take
a look around. You have achieved what I was looking for in the HD Grid
skin at 1920x1080p. The now playing list is back to a nice list format,
and the repeat, and shuffle icons are now clearly visible below the
track position slider. I certainly appreciate getting the visual cue
that I may have selected a repeat or shuffle mode.  I am less convinced
that having these indications floating in a boardless area at the bottom
of the screen is the most visually appealing choice that could be made.
I have tried moving them around myself, and I find it difficult to make
them look right whatever I do. Almost every UI I use (Windows, Mac OS
X, most Linux Desktops) puts similar status icons in some kind of tray
or panel. It is a visual language I am very used to, and have a hard
time finding an alternative I really like.

One possibe tweak I came up with was making the icons null for the
repeat off and shuffle off states. This effectively hides the icons when
they are not needed, which, given that I am have trouble coming to terms
with any given positioning of them, is arguably a good thing. 

JackofAll is correct that this experiment has broken all of the other
skins, even the non-grid HD skin in the same resolution doesn't display
album lists correctly at the moment for me.

Dreamer, easy in the chair that really fits you...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: JiveLite - cut down squeezebox control application

2014-01-02 Thread dsdreamer

JackOfAll wrote: 
 I'll have to come back to this one later in the evening. Knee deep in
 generating kernel patch sets right now

FYI: I did a Git pull yesterday and built from scratch on a Wandboard
Quad. -Having uninstalled all the jivelite rpms that might conflict-
(@JackofAll, I assume you did this too?), I then did a manual install
from the just-built jivelite. Finally, I used: rm -rf
~jivelite/.jivelite/; systemctl restart autologin@tty1.service and went
through the set-up selecting, the Joggler skin after selecting the
language. No crash for me.

Dreamer, easy in the chair that really fits you...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: JiveLite - cut down squeezebox control application

2014-01-02 Thread dsdreamer

Triode wrote: 
 This probably needs more views from others and any input from a graphic
 artist/designer...  I tried with the bar included but was not sure about
 this, especially as I'd had previous requests to remove it.  I was
 wondering about a status box and trying to include file type or other
 information too.

I personally hope you eventually do go in the direction of the status
box. I know you have *many* other requests for your time, so I highly
appreciate the effort made on my requests to date. You can always count
on me to do testing and provide my feedback, but I know my limitations
and am no visual GUI expert. I hope you have access to someone who can
do this type of work for the long-term good of the project.

Dreamer, easy in the chair that really fits you...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-02 Thread dsdreamer


I think I have the current latest of everything from the F19 arm testing


  jivelite.armv7hnl   1:0.1-0.55.20140102gitd289907.fc19
  logitechmediaserver.noarch  1:7.8.0-0.66.20131231git1387542508.fc19   

That said, I have a recurrence of the previous problem whereby a pop-up
message containing Can't open file for... appears at the end of most
tracks, when playing back DSF albums.

Dreamer, easy in the chair that really fits you...

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