Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce piCorePlayer 3.20

2017-05-31 Thread slackhead

Hi guys. 

I'm having a problem with getting my pcp to get the right time. 

I've just upgraded to 3.20 from 3.11 and everything works apart from the
time not being set, so it thinks it's midnight on Jan 1st 1970. 

The pi is connected through wired LAN, it has internet access and can
play radio as well as connecting to LMS on my server.  I've been able to
install Jivelite and other stuff.

It appears that something is blocking ntp (possibly my router/firewall),
so I have tried to connect to the pi via ssh to point it's ntp to the
local ntp service running on my server.  However logging in over ssh
always produces the prompt 'your password has expired' (presumably
because of the time discrepency), asks me for a new password and then
promptly closes the connection.  Next attempt to login produces same
problem, ad infinitum.  

So I have a circular problem - I can't update the time because I can't
ssh in, and I can't ssh in because the time is wrong!!! 

I've had a look at the sd card directly on my pc but can't see any
relevant files that could be edited. 

Any ideas  - it would be nice to have a working clock?

BTW I didn't have this problem in 3.11


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 3.00

2016-11-30 Thread slackhead

epoch1970 wrote: 
> No, I didn't mean I would VPN the audio over the 2 sites, and you're
> right a site-to-site tunnel would be a better idea ;) I simply meant he
> might need 20 players, which means I should keep costs down, and
> commonality high. (the VPN bit would be used to further secure wifi in
> case it is an option.)
> I believe I can do this project fairly easily -famous last words- with
> linux, so I think I'd like to try a truly embedded OS for once. Perhaps
> piCore, then.

I'm wondering why so many players?  

Seems to me you might be over complicating things which will likely lead
to headaches later on.

If they are all playing the same thing in sync then its going to be much
more reliable, affordable and much less maintenance to simply distribute
the audio around.  
Have one central player per zone and either use a 100v speaker system or
send line level audio (balanced if over long distance) to local
amplifiers at the speakers.

This also means if your streaming service / internet goes down you can
just plug in another source at the central point (a phone perhaps) and
you have music back.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 3.00

2016-11-21 Thread slackhead

huxmut wrote: 
> Is there a USB DAC that -doesn't- have drama's ? 

My Amanero / ESS9018 combo has worked pretty much flawlessly for many
months now and successfully plays upsampled material to 384K - if I was
to ever want it to.  But then it's hardly an off the shelf device.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 3.00

2016-11-17 Thread slackhead

Wirrunna wrote: 
> Slackhead, first thing I would do is make sure that the ribbon cables
> from the screen to the RPi are attached properly, especially the one
> that loops over the micro sd card as it gets disturbed when you change
> the card, unless, of course, you have tiny fingers and three hands and
> are therefore tridextrous.

Thanks Wirrunna - I've already tried re-seating the cables (twice) to no

> After that I would turn on debug logging and check the logs after a
> freeze up.  

Do you mean the squeezelite logging?  Would that show anything related
to Jivelite or the screen?

I've checked dmesg and the other reports available on the PCP web view
but nothing to indicate the problem. 

I'm currently testing with Custom Clock removed and that seems better,
so I'm wondering if the configuration has somehow become corrupted. 
I'll give it a bit of time to see if it holds up.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 3.00

2016-11-16 Thread slackhead

Hi guys,

I recently updated my RPi2 from PCP version 2 (which ran without any
issues) to version 3 (clean install to a fresh SD card).  This ran OK
for a few days but last couple of days or so I have been having some
issues with the Jivelite screen (official Pi 7" touch screen) locking up
after leaving the player idle or playing for a period of time (can't be
sure, but seems to happen after maybe 15-20 minutes).  

I can still control the player from the LMS and the PCP web pages and
audio plays fine, but the touch screen is totally unresponsive and the
display doesn't update. 

Behaves the same on wired or wifi network.  No LMS running on the Pi
(I'm running LMS on a QNAP NAS), but do use Custom Clock to change the

Any suggestions where I might look or should I perhaps try doing another
fresh install and reconfigure from scratch again?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for piCorePlayer

2016-03-24 Thread slackhead

ralphy wrote: 
> Put them in /home/tc/.jivelite/userpath/wallpapers and the filenames
> have to start with pcp_ for them to be picked up by the
> settings->screen->wallpaper menu

Thanks Ralphy.

I'd tried that folder but totally missed that I needed the pcp_ adding. 
Works great now.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for piCorePlayer

2016-03-23 Thread slackhead

Does anyone one have any ideas about how to change the installed

I'm not a fan of any of the default ones and it would be nice to be able
to install my own.  

I've been digging around using WinSCP and everything seems to go back to
files in:

But I can't change these due to read only 'Read Only Filesystem' and I
presume if I could change them they would be overwritten at restart or
at very least an upgrade. 

On the Touch you can add wallpaper using the 'Customize Device' plugin,
but that doesn't appear to work for Jivelite.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer = Squeezelite on Microcore linux. .An embedded OS in RAM with Squeezelit

2015-12-03 Thread slackhead

> I found one possibility


Thanks - just what I need.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer = Squeezelite on Microcore linux. .An embedded OS in RAM with Squeezelit

2015-12-03 Thread slackhead

DJanGo wrote: 
> Lol that reminds me to the old times i've used my toshiba libretto cause
> of its small form factor.
> It ended with:
> >   >   > 
  - a external floppy disk
  - a pcmcia card for my network
  - a external keyboard
  - some other peripherie
  > > > 
> So what you gonna win? Simplicity? Less Space? Nicer looking?  

Well, the only extra needed compared to a full grown Pi is the hub and a

Total cost will be maybe £15 less (which may or may not be significant).
Has some more flexibility regarding space / mounting arrangements. 
[I'm actually debating building one into my DAC unit, and using the Pi's
I2C to take control of the DAC chip as well as streaming the audio ]

But wasn't really looking to win anything, just have some fun with a £4
computer.   Does that bother you?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer = Squeezelite on Microcore linux. .An embedded OS in RAM with Squeezelit

2015-12-02 Thread slackhead

DJanGo wrote: 
> right now there is:
> >   >   > 
  > > > 
> for these Zeros
> these are made for other things may some 3rd partys join the club and
> there is (W)Lan again.
> Without (W)LAN no further brainwork needed.

Not sure where you get your info from, but I have just managed to get
PiCorePlayer working just fine with a very cheap Dynamode USB WIFI
adaptor through a powered hub. 

So far it works just as well as my Model A and my Pi 2.

To get it setup, I used my Model A on LAN, configured all settings for
WLAN and swapped the sdcard into the Zero - booted up first time, found
the network and my USB DAC and was accessible from LMS Web GUI. 

Only issue is needing two power supplies (Zero and hub), otherwise a
great little player.  Lots of scope for the future .

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer = Squeezelite on Microcore linux. .An embedded OS in RAM with Squeezelit

2015-12-02 Thread slackhead

Jeff07971 wrote: 
> Can't you power the Zero from the powered Hub ? 

I'm sure it would - if I had the right leads.   The Pi PSU I'm using has
a fixed lead.  Need to find some more USB to micro USB cables.

On that point - anyone know of a good source for short (i.e. 150mm or
less) USB cables?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer = Squeezelite on Microcore linux. .An embedded OS in RAM with Squeezelit

2015-11-26 Thread slackhead

Greg Erskine wrote: 
> No, piCorePlayer has not been tested on the Raspberry Pi Zero yet. :D

Ha, ha - I just came here to ask that :) 

Hopefully I'll be able to myself in the next couple of days ..

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer = Squeezelite on Microcore linux. .An embedded OS in RAM with Squeezelit

2015-11-26 Thread slackhead

praganj wrote: 
> Most of better amps/preamps do not have any tone control.
> Maybe it will be possible to add some tone control to
> picoreplayer/squeezelite settings ?
> At the beginning jut some buttons with +- 3/6dB at 50Hz and +- 3/6dB at
> 10KHz, later some "loudness control" and maybe even more sophisticated
> dsp room correction etc. It is all possible with sox, one has to restart
> squeezelite after each change, but IMHO it will be a very good feature.
> Why not ? ;)

Max2Play has a multiband EQ that works with Squeezelite through sox. 
Might be worth a look at the implementation there.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for piCorePlayer

2015-11-24 Thread slackhead

ralphy wrote: 
> piCorePlayer Jivelite is using *lua*.  

Thanks Ralphy - that's what I thought.  So it should be possible to get
the Custom Clock applet working with a little effort? 

I guess I need to buy a licence from Erland and see.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for piCorePlayer

2015-11-23 Thread slackhead

kolossos4730 wrote: 
>  For the Custom Clock applet see
> _Ralphy's_answer 
> (\"\;)_
> in another thread, especially his comment on lua-jit.


That begs the question - is piCorePlayer using Triode's (lua-jit based)
Jivelite or Ralphy's (lua) Jivelite ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for piCorePlayer

2015-11-23 Thread slackhead

Hi guys

Quick question - does anyone know if Erlands Custom Clock plugin /
applet works with piCorePlayer/Jivelite?  

I have an old custom clock configuration I made for my (long departed)
Touch many moons ago and I'd love to be able to adapt it to my
piCorePlayer with 7" screen.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeeze on Arch - developer version

2015-08-20 Thread slackhead

ian_heys wrote: 
 Sorry it didn't work for you. I've never used wlan but I tested this
 morning and it works fine. And a 40 second reboot (from the gui). Hope
 you get yours back soon. 

Ian - sorry I didn't mean to moan or point a finger!  I thought I would
post so other might be aware if they follow suit.   It's no big deal for
me at the moment -   I can get back to my old configuration from a

Thanks for posting your findings any way.  With out Triode around we
need as many people as possible keeping SoA alive.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeeze on Arch - developer version

2015-08-19 Thread slackhead

ian_heys wrote: 
 [I]Install the U-Boot package
 Mainline Kernels
 I don't use fancy devices and it works for me but YMMV.

After doing this on my quad the wlan no longer starts, and it takes a
much much longer time to start up

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeeze on Arch - developer version

2015-08-09 Thread slackhead

soundcheck wrote: 
 Ok. I managed to get it working from aur and perl 5.22 on my Pi2.
 Perhaps I'll write up a small how-to. I couldn't find any step-by-step

Yes - please do.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeeze on Arch - developer version

2014-05-29 Thread slackhead

kesey wrote: 
 ...  on the Wandboard I can't find an ip number with which I can SSH in.

This is where having a serial cable between WB and your PC comes in -
you can open a serial terminal and setup the network configuration and
root user/password and then use SSH. [Actually quite simple once you've
got the right cable].

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-15 Thread slackhead

JackOfAll wrote: 
 tube output stage with regulated HT and LT heater supplies.  

Is that a Broskie?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-15 Thread slackhead

JackOfAll wrote: 
 Yes, Unbalancer on a genuine Broskie Unbalancer PCB. (Which makes a
 change from the last couple of veroboard versions. I wanted it to be
 neat as it was for someone else.) I've been asked for photos and text.
 So I'll leave it there for the moment. I'll put up a web page over the
 weekend. I'll aslo list on ebay. But if someone makes a half sensible
 offer before the end of the auction, I'll pull the ebay sale.

I'd be very tempted if I didn't have a similar set-up already.   Whoever
ends up with it won't be disappointed - Buffalo and Broskie makes lovely
noises indeed.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-01 Thread slackhead


Just want to say thank you again.  

It's clear that your situation with the project is more fraught than I'd
have ever expected and I understand and respect your decision entirely. 

Hope to be able to buy you that beer one day - look me up if you're ever
in the west country.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-04-30 Thread slackhead

OK - i my turn :) 

I do own a Wandboard - so I'm not trolling. 

I am confused (nothing new there).

What is going on ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-04-28 Thread slackhead

Kuro wrote: 
  I want to look at the scanner log, but what is the password for root? 

Root access is not enabled by default.  Instead you can get access using
user=fedora password=fedora.  

Once in you can enable root access by setting a password - 'passwd
root', but generally it's not recommended to access in normal
circumstances as root but to use 'sudo' when raised privileges are

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-04-27 Thread slackhead

I just want to echo the comments about how much we appreciate all the
efforts you put in to making CSOS such a success.  I do hope this
doesn't mean your complete disappearance from the project but I can
totally understand you're wanting to move onwards an upwards.  I wish
you all the best.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-04-24 Thread slackhead

Hammer wrote: 
 Hi, I just got the chance to try that using the flirc program on a pc
 and mapped the keys per the link above with a Denon remote.  It appears
 the learn the signals okay, but when I plug the flirc in my wandboard,
 I'm not able to control the wandboard with the remote.  Any steps I may
 be missing? 

If you have programmed the keys correctly then it should just work with
out any other steps - no updates (or reboot even) required.  If the
FLIRC program was showing the correct keys on the display when the
remote buttons were pushed it will be setup fine.

I presume you are using Jiveiite (the graphic squeezebox like display)
via HDMI?  FLIRC should then allow you to navigate the menus. etc with
the Denon remote.

  And given I connect to my DAC via USB, I have both the DAC and the
 flirc pluuged into a USB hub which is plugged into the wandboard.  BTW,
 does anyone know what type of USB connector I need to use the other USB
 port on the wandboard and avoid the hub?  

Connecting your DAC and FLIRC to the WB via a USB-hub should work fine. 
This is what I do, along with hard-drives.  The FLIRC will generate very
little USB activity but will take a little power - it may be wise to
ensure any hub you use is externally powered.

For testing FLIRC tt may be worth connecting the dongle directly to the
WB without the hub (leave out the DAC for just now).  If you can then
navigate the menus, you know FLIRC works and have a problem with the hub
(or cables).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-04-24 Thread slackhead

Hammer wrote: 
 Actually, I am trying to do this without a monitor.  I generally use
 iPeng for control, but some buttons like play/pause, next track,
 previous track and FF/REW are handy to have on a separate remote.  Does
 that change the situation?  I guess I'm assuming jivelite is always
 running, even without a monitor. 

Yes, Jivelite should be running regardless of having a monitor.  Having
a monitor just makes it easier to see if the remote is sending some keys
or not. 

BTW A simple way to check your FLIRC device is to plug it into a desktop
machine (Windows or whatever) and open a text editor.  When you press
buttons on the remote you should see the relevant key stroke being shown
in the text document ie pressing 'Play' should give you a 'p' or 'x'. 
If this doesn't happen then either your config is wrong or there is a
problem with the device.  If it does work then you know the issue is
local to the Wandboard...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-04-24 Thread slackhead

JackOfAll wrote: 
 That's been bothering me. 6.3, 6.3. 6.3?? Ah, penny drops. He means
 1/4 inch jack. Maybe I'm still living in the past but we still use
 imperial for that one! ;)

And I thought I was getting old :D

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-04-24 Thread slackhead

JackOfAll wrote: 
 'PL2303HX USB to TTL to UART RS232 COM'
 Just a quick tip for anyone in the UK that might be thinking about
 buying a CT or BBB, wanting to see the serial console. It's a USB - TTL
 (3.3V) serial cable. You can't really go wrong for £1.32 including
 shipping. Same item selling for 3x elsewhere. I've been using this
 with the CT and BBB. With the free shipping option it'll take a
 fortnight to arrive. (Shipped from China.) Should work with Pi as well.
 (But I've not tested that.)

I just picked up a similar device from within UK for £2:40 IIRC. 
Received day after order and seems to work well except I also needed a
null cable which I could have made up myself but ended up buying for

If you want to pay good money you could go to your local Maplin and pay
~£25 for the convertor and ~£15+ for the cable. 8^|

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-04-24 Thread slackhead

JackOfAll wrote: 
 If you don't have a serial port on your PC, you'll be wanting this as
 well, 'USB to RS232' ( @

That looks identical to the one I bought.

 Maplin. Here's feeling old again. I remember when their business was
 supplying electronic components. 

I remember that too, when they had a single shop in Hammersmith that
sold individual resistors over the counter and didn't charge you £3 each

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-04-24 Thread slackhead

castalla wrote: 
  'Welcome to Hell!  Here's your accordion!' 

Shouldn't that be ''Welcome to Hell!  Here's your stuffed olives'.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-04-22 Thread slackhead

jemhayward wrote: 
 I know this is bad practice but has anyone had any specific issues
 with simply pulling the power plug to put their Wandboard/CSOS to bed? 
 I *think* this naughtiness is causing my SD card corruption issue.
 If it absolutely must be powered down in an orderly fashion, I was
 thinking about some form of UPS type system where the board is kept
 alive for a short time by a battery, and it detects the loss of mains
 power, and runs some form of shutdown script.  I don't know enough about
 the hardware or Linux to know if this is even possible.
 I suspect most people leave it powered up 24/7 but we get quite a few
 powercuts, so some form of failsafe would be useful.

If you search further back in this thread you will find some posts
discussing a fairly simple switch circuit and related code which allows
for a push button power off.

Sorry can't remember who posted it but it was a few weeks ago...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-04-19 Thread slackhead

jackofall wrote: 
 overbearing aromas of pretentious..[/url]


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-04-19 Thread slackhead

I know this is probably the wrong place to ask...   but wtf has happened
to the plugin page of the LMS web gui ???

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-04-19 Thread slackhead

I'm just seeing a single long list of plug-ins to enable/disable, with
no listing of third party plug-ins and no where to add third party plug
in repos.  So very limited.  

I've not had to use this page for quite a while so not sure when it
happened, but I have upgraded to 7.9 and then back down to 7.8.1 and
then to 7.8.0 and it's the same in all versions...!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-04-19 Thread slackhead

JackOfAll wrote: 
 That's smelling rather like browser caching to me. I'm looking at the
 7.9.0 plugins page right now and it's looking normal to me.

OK thanks - just me then :) 

I'll go digging.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-04-19 Thread slackhead

Triode wrote: 
 Have you disabled the extension downloader plugin ?

:embarrassed:  ah yes that was it - thanks!  Don't know why or when I
did that, but i'm a little surprised by the effect :D

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-04-19 Thread slackhead

Hammer wrote: 
 I use ipeng which is really great, but sometimes it's quicker to grab a
 remote.  Anyone who can point me in the right direction for remapping
 the keys?  Thank you.

You need to use the FLIRC configuration program which allows you to
setup pretty much any remote control unit and assign buttons to give out
any particular key stroke.  The CSOS website has a list of the keys used
by jivelite, about half way down this

The FLIRC program is pretty easy to use and can be run on any available
machine - just plug the dongle in, run the program, select the key
stroke and press the buttons on the remote you want to use...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-04-16 Thread slackhead

Julf wrote: 
 What John S is saying (as far as I understand it) is that he thinks SoX
 does a better job than the built-in DSP chip.

That is the way I understand it too - with the added advantage that the
SoX upsampling filter can be tweaked (relatively) easily - if one

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-04-08 Thread slackhead

Pascal Hibon wrote: 
  I just want to say that there a lot of people here, including myself,
 who have nothing but admiration for all your (and Triode's) hard work
 and dedication in regards to CSOS.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-04-07 Thread slackhead

Pascal Hibon wrote: 
  Are you planning on releasing CSOS on that platform too (as a cheaper
 player only alternatieve)?

Did you not see the teaser a few days ago ;) 

I don't have BB currently but will be very tempted.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-04-07 Thread slackhead

JackOfAll wrote: 
  it teleported your cat to the other side of the world 

I'd pay good money for a program that did that!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-04-07 Thread slackhead

Clive - did you see this?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-04-07 Thread slackhead

JackOfAll wrote: 
  There's a lot going on right now with regard to ARM devices and audio. 

There is almost too much to keep with.  Which is why I like to leave it
to others who I trust - like you :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-04-01 Thread slackhead

bakker_be wrote: 
 Would this
 work in CSOS? If so, would it continue working when John's board is

I use a more or less identical system for controlling XBMC on my
RaspberryPi, and did wonder about using the same for the controlling
Jivelite on CSOS, but (yet again) not had a chance to look into yet ;( 

My understanding is that the required LIRC code is now part of the
kernel so it should work with F20 with out much trouble. However with
F19 I'm not at all clear as that uses a much older kernel, which
probably does not include the LIRC stuff, and would likely require some

As far as Johns hardware goes, I believe he is making GPIO pins
available on the board, but not sure if this will include the pins used
as standard for LIRC, although I think this can be configured to use
other pins, so that is not likely an insurmountable problem.

Be warned, however - even if the right pins are available and the LIRC
code in place, it still takes quite a bit of effort to set up, as you
need to program LIRC for the particular remote you want to use, which
can be fiddly, and then define the actions of the buttons.

If you want a cheap solution and have the patience, this might be a good
option.  Otherwise stick to FLIRC - it so much simpler :D (and cost less
than a cheap dinner out).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-04-01 Thread slackhead

bakker_be wrote: 
 It's not the price, it's the elegance and hence the WAF of the thing ;) 

For me price and WAF go (inversely) hand in hand :D

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-03-30 Thread slackhead

Alcaudon wrote: 
 Totally nailed it :D 

R7 seems good here too. Easy install and wireless connect.  Hardrive
setup worked well.   

Might want to think about Samba setup to share WBs drives.

 I just wanted to say that I love the new squeezelite player
 configuration page, specially the resample options, brilliant!. 

Agreed - both versions :D

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-03-29 Thread slackhead

JackOfAll wrote: 
 I will be making a new F19-R7 image this morning. Pretty please, when I
 post a link to it, can a couple of you experienced guys with a spare
 SDCARD download these images, and start from scratch, as a new user
 would, configure wireless, configure LMS, and please report back any

I'd be happy to give that a quick go, however I don't normally use
wireless with my WB  - although I guess I could give it a try.

 I want to move forward with F20. Which we are never going to do until we
 have a tested/working final F19 image that people can be pointed back to
 if they have any issues with F20. This is not a threat, but I'm not
 going to be moving forward with F20 and the mainline kernel, while
 fire-fighting F19 at the same time. Until we have a final F19 image with
 several people telling me it's virtually bullet-proof.

Would it be worth setting up a bug/issue logging and tracking system for
F19 and F20?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-03-29 Thread slackhead

JackOfAll wrote: 
 Are you offering to set it up, admin and manage it, deal with
 registrations and spam? ;)

Wish I could say yes ... but!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-03-29 Thread slackhead

Triode wrote: 
 [ignore the squeezelite buffer you should not need to change it!] 

Might be worth mentioning that in the text.

  There was discussion here that the correct spelling was: Visualiser
 do we agree?

Yes sir :D

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-03-07 Thread slackhead

Triode wrote: 
 Any chance you could run squeeze-web-gui.lua manually with --debug 
 (stop the service, find it and start it manually as the relevant user,
 or check out from github and run from that version:
 All the interface does is run sudo unmount mount point, and I am not
 sure why it is getting a different mount point.  Can you correlate what
 is shown in the list of active mount points to what is passed to the
 unmount command?  [needless to say it looks to be doing the right thing
 to me, which is why I'm asking]

Hi Triode,

I've re-run the same sequence of events as in yesterdays post, except
the Samsung drive is connected as /dev/sda1/  
I had the same problem, with the wrong drives being unmounted.  It
appears that clicking the 'Unmount' button for the Samsung drive (or in
fact any drive) is removing the drive that is displayed at the top of
the list in the GUI.

I went through and allowed it to remove each of the external drives in
turn until /dev/sda1 was removed and then mounted / unmounted that drive
repeatedly.  When it is the only drive listed this appears to work

The debug report:


  [root@wandboard squeeze-web-gui-lua]# ./squeeze-web-gui.lua --debug
  [D 2014/03/07 15:13:17] capture: mount
  [D 2014/03/07 15:13:17] capture: mount
  [S 2014/03/07 15:13:17] [web.lua] 200 OK GET /storage.html ( 70ms
  [D 2014/03/07 15:13:59] capture: sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o nofail /dev/sda1 
  [D 2014/03/07 15:14:01] capture: mount
  [D 2014/03/07 15:14:01] execute: sudo sp-fstabUpdate /tmp/conf.tmp
  [D 2014/03/07 15:14:01] execute: rm /tmp/conf.tmp
  [D 2014/03/07 15:14:01] wrote and updated fstab
  [D 2014/03/07 15:14:01] capture: mount
  [D 2014/03/07 15:14:01] capture: mount
  [S 2014/03/07 15:14:01] [web.lua] 200 OK POST /storage.html ( 
  [D 2014/03/07 15:14:39] execute: sudo umount /storage/Films
  [D 2014/03/07 15:14:39] capture: mount
  [D 2014/03/07 15:14:39] execute: sudo sp-fstabUpdate /tmp/conf.tmp
  [D 2014/03/07 15:14:39] execute: rm /tmp/conf.tmp
  [D 2014/03/07 15:14:39] wrote and updated fstab
  [D 2014/03/07 15:14:39] capture: mount
  [D 2014/03/07 15:14:39] capture: mount
  [S 2014/03/07 15:14:39] [web.lua] 200 OK POST /storage.html ( 
  [D 2014/03/07 15:14:45] execute: sudo umount /storage/Music
  [D 2014/03/07 15:14:45] capture: mount
  [D 2014/03/07 15:14:45] execute: sudo sp-fstabUpdate /tmp/conf.tmp
  [D 2014/03/07 15:14:46] execute: rm /tmp/conf.tmp
  [D 2014/03/07 15:14:46] wrote and updated fstab
  [D 2014/03/07 15:14:46] capture: mount
  [D 2014/03/07 15:14:46] capture: mount
  [S 2014/03/07 15:14:46] [web.lua] 200 OK POST /storage.html ( 
  [D 2014/03/07 15:14:50] execute: sudo umount /storage/Data
  [D 2014/03/07 15:14:50] capture: mount
  [D 2014/03/07 15:14:50] execute: sudo sp-fstabUpdate /tmp/conf.tmp
  [D 2014/03/07 15:14:50] execute: rm /tmp/conf.tmp
  [D 2014/03/07 15:14:50] wrote and updated fstab
  [D 2014/03/07 15:14:50] capture: mount
  [D 2014/03/07 15:14:50] capture: mount
  [S 2014/03/07 15:14:50] [web.lua] 200 OK POST /storage.html ( 
  [D 2014/03/07 15:14:56] execute: sudo umount /mnt/disk1
  [D 2014/03/07 15:14:56] capture: mount
  [D 2014/03/07 15:14:56] execute: sudo sp-fstabUpdate /tmp/conf.tmp
  [D 2014/03/07 15:14:56] execute: rm /tmp/conf.tmp
  [D 2014/03/07 15:14:56] wrote and updated fstab
  [D 2014/03/07 15:14:56] capture: mount
  [D 2014/03/07 15:14:56] capture: mount
  [S 2014/03/07 15:14:57] [web.lua] 200 OK POST /storage.html ( 
  [D 2014/03/07 15:15:12] capture: sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o nofail /dev/sda1 
  [D 2014/03/07 15:15:14] capture: mount
  [D 2014/03/07 15:15:14] execute: sudo sp-fstabUpdate /tmp/conf.tmp
  [D 2014/03/07 15:15:14] execute: rm /tmp/conf.tmp
  [D 2014/03/07 15:15:14] wrote and updated fstab
  [D 2014/03/07 15:15:14] capture: mount
  [D 2014/03/07 15:15:14] capture: mount
  [S 2014/03/07 15:15:14] [web.lua] 200 OK POST /storage.html ( 
  [D 2014/03/07 15:15:18] execute: sudo umount /mnt/disk1
  [D 2014/03/07 15:15:18] capture: mount
  [D 2014/03/07 15:15:18] execute: sudo sp-fstabUpdate /tmp/conf.tmp
  [D 2014/03/07 15:15:18] execute: rm /tmp/conf.tmp
  [D 2014/03/07 15:15:18] wrote and updated fstab
  [D 2014/03/07 15:15:18] capture: mount
  [D 2014/03/07 15:15:18] capture: mount
  [S 2014/03/07 15:15:19] [web.lua] 200 OK POST /storage.html ( 

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-03-06 Thread slackhead

More on my testing of the Storage configuration GUI:

Clean reboot machine.

Open SSH session:


  [root@wandboard ~]# ls -l /dev/disk/by-label
  total 0
  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 Mar  6 16:54 boot - ../../mmcblk0p1
  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Mar  6 16:54 Data - ../../sda1
  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Mar  6 16:54 Films - ../../sdc1
  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Mar  6 16:56 Music - ../../sdd2
  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 Mar  6 16:54 root - ../../mmcblk0p3
  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Mar  6 16:54 SAMSUNG - ../../sdb1
  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 Mar  6 16:54 swap - ../../mmcblk0p2
  [root@wandboard ~]#
  [root@wandboard ~]# cat /etc/fstab
  # /etc/fstab
  # Accessible filesystems, by reference, are maintained under '/dev/disk'
  # See man pages fstab(5), findfs(8), mount(8) and/or blkid(8) for more info
  /dev/mmcblk0p1  /boot   ext2   defaults,noatime   
  0 2
  /dev/mmcblk0p3  /   ext4defaults,noatime,errors=remount-ro
  0 1
  /dev/mmcblk0p2  swapswap   defaults,noatime   
  0 0
  devpts/dev/pts  devpts  gid=5,mode=620
  0 0
  tmpfs /dev/shm  tmpfs   defaults  
  0 0
  proc  /proc procdefaults  
  0 0
  sysfs /sys  sysfs   defaults  
  0 0
  #LABEL=store/storage/store  ext3defaults,noatime,noexec,nofail
  0 2
  LABEL=Music /storage/Music  ntfs-3g 
noexec,nofail,noatime,big_writes,defaults   0 0
  LABEL=Films /storage/Films  ntfs-3g 
noexec,nofail,noatime,big_writes,defaults   0 0
  LABEL=Data  /storage/Data   ntfs-3g 
noexec,nofail,noatime,big_writes,defaults   0 0
  [root@wandboard ~]#
  [root@wandboard ~]# mount | grep /dev/
  /dev/mmcblk0p3 on / type ext4 
  tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw,relatime)
  devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,relatime,gid=5,mode=620)
  mqueue on /dev/mqueue type mqueue (rw,relatime)
  /dev/sdc1 on /storage/Films type fuseblk 
  /dev/sda1 on /storage/Data type fuseblk 
  /dev/mmcblk0p1 on /boot type ext2 (rw,noatime,user_xattr,barrier=1)
  /dev/sdd2 on /storage/Music type fuseblk 
  [root@wandboard ~]#

My aim is to mount the drive labelled SAMSUNG.

Open Web GUI Storage page.
The expected partitions are listed under 'Mounted File Systems'.
Under 'Mount Local Disk' I select /mnt/disk1, /dev/sdb1 and ext3 then
click 'Add'.
Drive shows up as - /mnt/disk1, /dev/sdb1 (fuseblk), defaults.

I am able to browse the files on the partition via the mount point.  All
good so far.

Check fstab:


  [root@wandboard /]# cat /etc/fstab
  # /etc/fstab
  # Accessible filesystems, by reference, are maintained under '/dev/disk'
  # See man pages fstab(5), findfs(8), mount(8) and/or blkid(8) for more info
  /dev/mmcblk0p1  /boot   ext2   defaults,noatime   
  0 2
  /dev/mmcblk0p3  /   ext4defaults,noatime,errors=remount-ro
  0 1
  /dev/mmcblk0p2  swapswap   defaults,noatime   
  0 0
  devpts/dev/pts  devpts  gid=5,mode=620
  0 0
  tmpfs /dev/shm  tmpfs   defaults  
  0 0
  proc  /proc procdefaults  
  0 0
  sysfs /sys  sysfs   defaults  
  0 0
  #LABEL=store/storage/store  ext3defaults,noatime,noexec,nofail
  0 2
  LABEL=Music /storage/Music  ntfs-3g 
noexec,nofail,noatime,big_writes,defaults   0 0
  LABEL=Films /storage/Films  ntfs-3g 
noexec,nofail,noatime,big_writes,defaults   0 0
  LABEL=Data  /storage/Data   ntfs-3g 
noexec,nofail,noatime,big_writes,defaults   0 0
  # start added by squeeze-web-gui-lua
  /dev/sdb1   /mnt/disk1  fuseblk defaults0   0
  # end added by squeeze-web-gui-lua

Seems as I would expect.

Click 'Remove' button in GUI next to this partition.

GUI removes /dev/sdc1 partition from list NOT /dev/sdb1


  [root@wandboard /]# cat /etc/fstab
  # /etc/fstab
  # Accessible filesystems, by reference, are maintained under '/dev/disk'
  # See man pages fstab(5), findfs(8), mount(8) and/or blkid(8) for more info
  /dev/mmcblk0p1  /boot   ext2   defaults,noatime   
  0 2
  /dev/mmcblk0p3  /   ext4defaults,noatime,errors=remount-ro

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-03-05 Thread slackhead

JackOfAll wrote: 

Thanks Clive - do you never sleep :D

Testing this and it seems to be working well in general, except for one
small possible problem, although it might be what you intend.  
When changing a partitions mount options and updating, extra fstab lines
get added and previous entries left but commented out, so that the file


  # START: Addition by squeeze-web-gui (Java) on 2014/03/05 09:40:49 GMT
  # START: Commented by squeeze-web-gui (Java) on 2014/03/05 09:43:01 GMT
  # /dev/sda3   /storage/store  ext3defaults0   0
  # END: Commented by squeeze-web-gui (Java) on 2014/03/05 09:43:01 GMT
  # END: Addition by squeeze-web-gui (Java) on 2014/03/05 09:40:49 GMT
  # START: Addition by squeeze-web-gui (Java) on 2014/03/05 09:43:01 GMT
  # START: Commented by squeeze-web-gui (Java) on 2014/03/05 09:45:45 GMT
  # /dev/sda3   /storage/store  ext3defaults,noatime,noexec,nofail  0   0
  # END: Commented by squeeze-web-gui (Java) on 2014/03/05 09:45:45 GMT
  # END: Addition by squeeze-web-gui (Java) on 2014/03/05 09:43:01 GMT
  # START: Addition by squeeze-web-gui (Java) on 2014/03/05 09:45:45 GMT
  /dev/sda3 /storage/store  ext3defaults,noexec,nofail  0   0
  # END: Addition by squeeze-web-gui (Java) on 2014/03/05 09:45:45 GMT

Also, might it be an idea to automatically insert a 'nofail' for extra
drives to avoid problems when booting with out the drive attached, or is
this no longer an issue?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-03-04 Thread slackhead

Hi guys, as I said I would, I've just been having a closer look at the
'storage' pages in the two web GUIs, using them to (temporarily) mount a
EXT3 partitioned USB drive that I use for backup purposes.  I think I am
up to date with the GUI versions.  And please note I already have four
USB drives connected through fstab.  The extra drive/partition appears
at /dev/sde1/ 

First I tried Triodes page, and it was very easy to mount the drive -
although I couldn't mount it to the folder I'd normally use for this
drive (no real problem), but use /mnt/disk1/.  
I did some quick file transfers to test it was working OK, but hit a
problem when I tried to 'remove' the drive - it would not unmount.
I checked that the drive was not in use - both 'lsof' and 'fuser' for
the partition gave no response for the partition.
Refreshed the web GUI and it still showed the drive as mounted and
further clicking 'remove' did nothing.
Resorted to unmounting the drive using bash and that worked fine.  But
the GUI still showed the drive as mounted 

Next I tried JackOfAlls version which is more comprehensive and it took
me a little while to work out what was what (nothing unusual about that
First thing I notice is that only three partitions are shown in the
'System Mounted File Systems' section as mounted - is this a limit for
the GUI or is it not detecting all the mounted partitions correctly?
Looking at the 'User Controlled File Systems' section I see in place
entries for /dev/sde1 and /mnt/disk1 - and I was able to select 'mount'
from the action list which appeared to work fine.
Tested transferring files again and then went back to the GUI and chose
action 'unmount' which this time worked fine and the drive was
successfully removed. 
Tried again, this time using the 'Mount Local File System' and again
this appears to work fine for mounting. 

Following this I went and had a look at the /etc/fstab file and notice
the following:


  # start added by squeeze-web-gui-lua
  /dev/sde1   /mnt/disk1  ext3defaults0   0
  # end added by squeeze-web-gui-lua

I'd have expected this line to be commented out.  This could well cause
issues next time I boot up without the drive connected (specially as
there is not a 'nofail' attribute set).  So I've manually removed this. 
I presume this is related to Triodes GUI issue of not dismounting the

So in short - Triodes GUI is not dismounting the drive and is leaving
entry active in fstab - and JackOfAlls GUI is not showing all the
mounted partitions but otherwise seems to work OK. 

For the purpose I think Triodes GUI is the way to go for the majority of
users once the problem(s) get fixed - its much more straightforward and
provides what most users are going to need.  But also, for me
personally, I like Clives as it has more of the functionality I'd
actually use, such as mounting a drive temporarily.  I'd like to
continue having access to both GUIs, but then I don't see myself as a
typical user.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-03-04 Thread slackhead

Ah yes - one more point.

Drives mounted in /storage are by default shared via CIFS to the
network, while dives mounted to /mnt are not.  Can we add a default to
the Samba config to enable sharing of drive mounted in /mnt

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-03-04 Thread slackhead

JackOfAll wrote: 
 What do you think is missing that it should be showing?

It is only listing these partitions: /dev/mmcblk0p3 , /dev/mmcblk0p1 and

I also have mounted /dev/sdb1 , /dev/sdc1, /dev/sdd1 but these aren't
listed as I would expect (they do show in Triodes page).  I'd also
expect the backup drive (/dev/sde1) to be shown after it has been

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-03-04 Thread slackhead

JackOfAll wrote: 
 OK, but where do you have them mounted to, /mnt/disk[1-5]? Might be best
 if you just cutpaste the output from mount on the device and I'll try
 and figure the what and why. 

No - there all mounted in folders under /storage/:


  /dev/sdc1 on /storage/Films type fuseblk 
  /dev/sdb1 on /storage/Data type fuseblk 
  /dev/sda1 on /storage/store type ext3 
  /dev/sdd2 on /storage/Music type fuseblk 
  /dev/sde1 on /storage/Backup1 type ext3 

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-03-04 Thread slackhead

JackOfAll wrote: 
 Then edit /etc/sysconfig/squeeze-web-gui and add your specific mount
 points to the comma separated list of user controlled mount points
 (STORAGE_DIRS=) and sudo systemctl restart tomcat.  

Ok, I'll have a look at that.

 Actually, there's still going to be a problem in that fuseblk is going
 to be ignored as a valid fs type. Do you have those mounts in fstab
 using ntfs-3g as the fstype and mount is returning fuseblk rather than
 ntfs-3g? If that's the case, I'll need to deal with that somehow.

Yes, that is the case.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-03-04 Thread slackhead

I've added the extra /storage mount points into the
/etc/sysconfig/squeeze-web-gui and restarted tomcat.
The EXT3 drives are now all listed under 'System Mounted File Systems'
as expected
The NTFS drives are showing under 'User Controlled File Systems' and are
listed as status: not mounted, which I presume is the fuseblk issue
you are referring to.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-03-04 Thread slackhead

JackOfAll wrote: 

Thanks for the quick update.

NTFS drives are now being listed twice.  First as type 'fuseblk',
specification '/dev/sd..', status 'mounted' and available action
Secondly as type 'ntfs-3g', specification 'LABEL=...', status
'unmounted' and actions 'mount', 'update'  'delete'.

Is this what you would expect?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-03-04 Thread slackhead

JackOfAll wrote: 
 Try and get it done tomorrow. No promises. ;)  No need to stress :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-02-28 Thread slackhead

bakker_be wrote: 
 and here you are saying it doesn't work. 

I think they are talking about the F20 version.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-02-28 Thread slackhead

bakker_be wrote: 
 Good to know I'm not hearing things that aren't there :p

I wouldn't worry - I do that all the time :D

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-02-25 Thread slackhead

I have a simple question regarding the Storage page of the lua gui:

Does the 'Unmount' button permanently remove the entry for the drive
from fstab as well as unmounting it?  Or is it just a temporary unmount,
allowing for the drive to be remounted again without resetting?  

I think both options might be useful - the later for when somebody wants
to temporarily unmount a USB drive to move to to another system for
copying music over, for instance, and then mount it on CSOS again
(without having to redo all the mount settings). 

Also a very minor point - (putting my pedants hat on :)) i can't help
thinking that 'visulizer' should be spelt 'visualizer' or 'visualiser' -
my dictionary seems to suggest the later.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-02-25 Thread slackhead

Pascal Hibon wrote: 
 In such cases I would share the USB drive with the network so that the
 user does not need to disconnect the USB drive.

While I do agree that that network access is the best approach for most,
I'm not sure all will wish or be able to do it this way.  

Also, personally, I like to plug in an external drive for doing backups
and, when complete, put the drive away in safe storage.  Having an easy
mount system for that would be very handy.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-02-25 Thread slackhead

JackOfAll wrote: 
 Have you tried the functionality that is there now?  

I haven't yet. but will in next day or two and report back.  

Sounds like it should work well for what I need, except I tend to use
disk label rather than device id for mounting drives as it is more
consistent across boots.  As it stands i'd still need to use a shell to
work out what the id was for the drive i'm mounting.  That's the trouble
with using lots of drives :).  Not sure how you'd be able to cope with
that without adding much extra complexity?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-02-25 Thread slackhead

Triode wrote: 
 I'm currently thinking less is more - so it always adds to fstab and
 always removes on unmount.   

I think that's the sensible way forward.  

Can I suggest maybe changing the 'unmount'  text in the button to
'remove', that way it's clear it's not just temporarily unmounting the

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-02-25 Thread slackhead

Triode wrote: 
 Add and Remove then?

Seems good to me.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-02-24 Thread slackhead

bakker_be wrote: 
 Debugging activated, last 300 or so lines of the server log attached.
 Firewall is configured to let traffic on port 10002 pass, license is
 valid. I can't see anything in the log file indicating what's wrong :( 

Something certainly not right there but I don't know why. 

When I enable debug logging, I get the attached log entries after
playing just one track.  15668

As you can see - a huge amount more going on.  I'd expect to see a lot
more in yours too.

If your Windows LMS is working with sugarcube fine then it points to
either the Wandboard or a networking issue.  

I presume your music is stored on the Windows Server?  And you are able
to play that music normally from CSOS / Wandboard? 

Have you tried to restart CSOS? 

You could also try moving the sugarcube preference and database files
(from /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/prefs/plugin), and restarting LMS. 
You'll also have to re-do all the settings, but it will give you a clean
start, so to speak.  [Keep the old preference file safe so you can put
it back later].

|Filename: short sugarcube log.txt  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-02-24 Thread slackhead

bakker_be wrote: 
 Thanks! That almost solved it. 

Great, glad that helped.  Seems a setting must have become corrupted

I'm not at all sure about you're remaining issue as I don't use the
Random Song Mix feature.  I usually just use Sugarcube as a means of
'filling in' after an album / playlist has completed until I get around
to choosing another (which can sometime be a long time :D).  It's rare
that the mood gets completely thrown like that! 

Hope you fix it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-02-18 Thread slackhead

That's a big shame!  So glad you managed to get it working again
afterwards - if it was me I'm pretty sure i'd have totally borked the

I've had some joy working with the larger SMD caps and transistors and
even managed to swap out a few SOIC chips but really don't enjoy it. 
And as for those minuscule resistors - gulp!!  Fair play for trying :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-02-17 Thread slackhead

Pascal Hibon wrote: 
 Yes, it requires you to solder some resistors on the processor board.
 The boot device is hardwired. 
 Nevertheless, I think I'm going to give it a go. Would be nice I the SD
 card is no longer required.
 I'll post the results when I decide to take the jump. 

Good luck - having to deal with (de)soldering the tiny SM resistors
scares me a little.  I can appreciate wanting to remove the SD
altogether though.  I look forward to reading your experiences.  

 I used a small SSD drive (120 Gb Samsung EVO) because CSOS doesn't use a
 lot of space and the smaller SSD's are usually less expensive.
 The write speed of that SSD is not that spectacular. A 500 Gb Samsung
 EVO is twice as fast but costs more than three times more. 
 So there is a compromise to be made. That's why the 120 Gb would still
 be my choice. The read performance is 10x faster than the SD card and
 that is e pretty important factor too.

Yeah, cost of the big fast drives is still very expensive.  For that
reason I'm using a 64Gb OCZ in my workstation just as system /
application drive (which is just big enough) with data stored separately
on spinning drives. To replace all my data storage would cost me a
fortune :(

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-02-17 Thread slackhead

praganj wrote: 
 Today i received my hardware and i am trying to download the software,
 but ...
 You don't have permission to access
 on this server

The link to the image is not being made publicly available at the
moment.  PM JackOfAll and he will forward the link to you.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-02-16 Thread slackhead

Pascal Hibon wrote: 
 I'm still on F19. I'm looking forward to F20 but I'm a bit afraid that
 my poor Linux skills will let me down moving to F20 today. 
 So, I'm waiting for the official F20 release from Clive. 
 The next step I'm thinking of is to let the WB completely boot of the
 SSD. This probably won't change anything performance wise but it would
 eliminate the SD card completely. The boot process seems quite simple so
 I'm very temped.

For a while I was running my WB with the root folder on a 2.5 SATA
drive, but with the /boot folder remaining on SDcard -  this is easy
enough to implement if you understand the fstab file.  I think moving
the actual /boot folder over is much trickier (requires a hardware mod)
and is not likely to show much, if anything, in the way of a performance

While running with root on a sata drive, the boot time was a bit faster
and LMS webgui was a little quicker when doing searches, etc.  But in
general I didn't feel that it made that much of a speed difference and I
had a couple of stability problems related to the sata drive, although I
was using an old drive.  I decided to go back to having root on the
sdcard for the time being, but would like to try a small ssd when the
F20 image is available.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-02-12 Thread slackhead

I'm just catching up with the updates from last few days.  Is the
following anything to worry about?


  [root@wandboard ~]# csos-cleanInstall-testing squeeze-web-gui-ROOT 
  Loaded plugins: langpacks
  Cleaning repos: community-squeeze community-squeeze-testing
  4 metadata files removed
  4 sqlite files removed
  0 metadata files removed
  Loaded plugins: langpacks
  community-squeeze  | 2.9 
kB  00:00:00
  community-squeeze-testing  | 2.9 
kB  00:00:00
  (1/2): community-squeeze-testing/19/armhfp/primary_db  | 9.5 
kB  00:00:00
  (2/2): community-squeeze/19/armhfp/primary_db  |  73 
kB  00:00:00
  Resolving Dependencies
  -- Running transaction check
  --- Package squeeze-web-gui-ROOT.noarch 0:1-81.20140208git9b4c676.fc19 will 
be installed
  --- Package squeeze-web-gui-httpd.noarch 0:1-81.20140208git9b4c676.fc19 will 
be installed
  -- Finished Dependency Resolution
  Dependencies Resolved
  Package Arch Version  
   Repository   Size
8.0 k
  squeeze-web-gui-httpd   noarch   
7.9 k
  Transaction Summary
  Install  2 Packages
  Total download size: 16 k
  Installed size: 2.2 k
  Is this ok [y/d/N]: y
  Downloading packages:
  (1/2): squeeze-web-gui-ROOT-1-81.20140208git9b4c676.fc19.noarch.rpm   
   | 8.0 kB  00:00:00
  (2/2): squeeze-web-gui-httpd-1-81.20140208git9b4c676.fc19.noarch.rpm  
   | 7.9 kB  00:00:00

   26 kB/s |  16 kB  00:00:00
  Running transaction check
  Running transaction test
  Transaction check error:
  file /etc/httpd/conf.d/squeeze-web-gui-proxy.conf from install of 
squeeze-web-gui-httpd-1-81.20140208git9b4c676.fc19.noarch conflicts with file 
from package squeeze-web-gui-1-69.20140129gite3254b5.fc19.noarch
  Error Summary

Beyond that the Webgui appears to be working fine, although I've not
really tested it yet apart from restarting squeezelite.  Must say the
extra functions for mounting drives looks very promising - Triode has
done some great work again.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-02-05 Thread slackhead

I'm a little unusual :D in that i'm using CSOS for somewhat more than it
was intended, having 1 SATA and 3 USB (a mixture of ext4 and NTFS)
drives permanently connected to the WB plus a couple of other USBs that
get connected on occasion for backups which are all then shared over my

Effectively, the WB has become a NAS replacement as well as LMS server
and player.  My main motivation for doing this is the very low energy
requirements compared to running other alternatives, and in general I am
very happy with its performance for all these tasks.  The long term
costs of running this compared to a 386 alternative, more than justified
buying the Wandboard. 

For me, having Samba / NFS mounting available through the Web GUI is of
little real consequence as I can just as easily run up a SSH session,
although at times it would be handy.

BUT, for others who may not so comfortable with Linux, I think this
could be a much more important feature.  For reference I'd suggest
having a look at what Vortexbox does.  From reading VB users posts here
and over at the VB forum (and having spent a few months using it
myself), many really appreciate the ease with which it can be set up
through the Web interface with little knowledge of the underlying OS. 
They have a lot of novice users who care little for learning stuff like
terminal commands to mount a network drive. 

For CSOS, i'm sure the target user base must be very similar to that of
VB - if you are going to the effort of creating a whole hardware 
software system, why limit it to those who have the knowledge (or are
prepared to learn)?  I'm sure we all want as many CSOS uses as possible,
be they plug'n'players or geeks like us :) 

I realise making all this functionality takes considerable efforts, and
judging the best direction for those efforts is not my call.  But I
really do want to see CSOS progress and pull in plenty of new people
along the way.  Just wish I could be more help!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-02-03 Thread slackhead

Does adding a drive entry through this web gui also add it as a NFS and
Samba, or could that be added as an option?  

I think if people are adding drives, they are likely also to want to
share those drives on their network - and to be able to do that without
having to directly edit the relevant config files would greatly add to
the value of the gui.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-23 Thread slackhead

badboygolf16v wrote: 
 I've taken the last couple of jivelite testing updates and they've hung
 while removing old dependencies. Does this sound normal?

This is exactly what happens to me, which I have reported a couple of
times without confirmation so had assumed it was not an issue for
others.  Not that I am glad it is effect you as well.  

I've just had a repeat of this again while trying to update to the new
Jivelite.  I've tried to work around this issue in the past, by for
instance stopping the Jivelite (autologin@tty1) service first but that
doesn't help. 

I've never notices audio hanging while navigating menus but I don't use
the analogue out.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-23 Thread slackhead

Triode wrote: 
 I've added some code to emulate the old ir behaviour using the keyboard
 (and hence flirc) - would be good if Clive could add to the testing
 jivelite so people can tell me if they like it and if they find any side
 1) The arrow buttons should change letters in the text input box (used
 for search) [note *]
 2) The number buttons should jump to specific letters in a long text
 menu (e.g. 55 will jump to K) - note this only works for menus where
 this was previously enabled for IR [note **]
 note * - it would be possible to also add the function from 2 to the
 text input dialog, but this would prevent keyboard input of numbers if
 people have full keyboards so I have not done this for the moment.
 note ** - this is probably a little sensitive at present with flirc in
 that it jumps to the second letter mapped to a number quite fast -
 interested on people's views on this too.
 Feedback appreciated.  [its also possible it breaks stuff as I've not
 tested for more than a few minutes] 

Triode many thanks - didn't expect something quite so quickly.  This is
is a great step in the right direction.  

Jumping in lists works pretty well - the sensitivity problem you mention
is very apparent, but I have a feeling this maybe a FLIRC problem as
I've had the same thing when using FLIRC on other devices/application. 
Perhaps this is something we could take up with the FLIRC developers?

The search functionality is not quite intuitive, I'd much prefer to be
able to enter letters directly.  Not clear why having this would break
full keyboard input - can't the numbers continue to send a number on
initial press and then move on to letters? 

I'll do some more testing later and report back, but for now thanks

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-23 Thread slackhead

JackOfAll wrote: 
 Does sudo package-cleanup --problems show anything? For whatever
 reason that you needed to pull the power the first time, might have
 ended up with yum in the middle of a transaction, and a corrupted rpmdb.

Thanks Clive - don't really want to distract you atm.  Like I implied,
it may be better until I have F20 and see if it goes away then.  But


  [root@wandboard ~]# sudo package-cleanup --problems
  Loaded plugins: langpacks
  No Problems Found

I presume this is the same issue that was making Jivelite 'hang' when I
hit the power menu item.  Interestingly when it hangs the current SSH
service stops,  I can start a new session but that hangs after entering
the password, the WebGUI hangs, LMS WebgUI hangs, Webmin GUI hangs, but
Samba and NFS continue fine.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-23 Thread slackhead

JackOfAll wrote: 
 There has to be more to this Try this Hang?

   sudo yum --enablerepo=community-squeeze-testing reinstall jivelite 
jivelite-lua jivelite-common jivelite-autologin


This time it's showing that there are unfinished transactions, which
must be from this mornings update ...


  [root@wandboard ~]# sudo yum --enablerepo=community-squeeze-testing reinstall 
jivelite jivelite-lua jivelite-common jivelite-autologin
  Loaded plugins: langpacks
  Resolving Dependencies
  There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running 
yum-complete-transaction, or yum-complete-transaction --cleanup-only and yum 
history redo last, first to finish them. If those don't work you'll have to 
try removing/installing packages by hand (maybe package-cleanup can help).

So i've cancelled that and run 


  [root@wandboard ~]# yum history redo last
  Loaded plugins: langpacks
  Repeating transaction 266, from Thu Jan 23 08:30:47 2014
  Updated jivelite-1:0.1-0.60.20140119git5de4c52.fc19.armv7hnl ?
  Updated jivelite-1:0.1-0.62.20140119git7c33808.fc19.armv7hnl 
  Update   1:0.1-0.65.20140123git427e8a0.fc19.armv7hnl 
  Updated jivelite-autologin-1:0.1-0.62.20140119git7c33808.fc19.noarch 
  Update 1:0.1-0.65.20140123git427e8a0.fc19.noarch 
  Updated jivelite-common-1:0.1-0.60.20140119git5de4c52.fc19.noarch?
  Updated jivelite-common-1:0.1-0.62.20140119git7c33808.fc19.noarch
  Update  1:0.1-0.65.20140123git427e8a0.fc19.noarch
  Updated jivelite-lua-1:0.1-0.60.20140119git5de4c52.fc19.armv7hnl ?
  Updated jivelite-lua-1:0.1-0.62.20140119git7c33808.fc19.armv7hnl 
  Update   1:0.1-0.65.20140123git427e8a0.fc19.armv7hnl 
  Failed to upgrade: 1:jivelite-0.1-0.65.20140123git427e8a0.fc19.armv7hnl
  Failed to upgrade: 
  Failed to upgrade: 1:jivelite-common-0.1-0.65.20140123git427e8a0.fc19.noarch
  Failed to upgrade: 1:jivelite-lua-0.1-0.65.20140123git427e8a0.fc19.armv7hnl
  history redo



  [root@wandboard ~]# yum-complete-transaction --cleanup-only
  Loaded plugins: langpacks
  Cleaning up unfinished transaction journals
  Cleaning up 2014-01-19.18:30.08

then redo


  [root@wandboard ~]# yum --enablerepo=community-squeeze-testing reinstall 
jivelite jivelite-lua jivelite-common jivelite-autologin
  Loaded plugins: langpacks
  Resolving Dependencies
  -- Running transaction check
  --- Package jivelite.armv7hnl 1:0.1-0.65.20140123git427e8a0.fc19 will be 
  --- Package jivelite-autologin.noarch 1:0.1-0.65.20140123git427e8a0.fc19 
will be reinstalled
  --- Package jivelite-common.noarch 1:0.1-0.65.20140123git427e8a0.fc19 will 
be reinstalled
  --- Package jivelite-lua.armv7hnl 1:0.1-0.65.20140123git427e8a0.fc19 will be 
  -- Finished Dependency Resolution
  Dependencies Resolved
  Package  Arch   Version   
  Repository   Size
  jivelite armv7hnl   
1:0.1-0.65.20140123git427e8a0.fc19  community-squeeze-testing   
136 k
  jivelite-autologin   noarch 
1:0.1-0.65.20140123git427e8a0.fc19  community-squeeze-testing   
 17 k
  jivelite-common  noarch 
1:0.1-0.65.20140123git427e8a0.fc19  community-squeeze-testing   
 12 M
  jivelite-lua armv7hnl   
1:0.1-0.65.20140123git427e8a0.fc19  community-squeeze-testing   
 82 k
  Transaction Summary
  Reinstall  4 Packages
  Total download size: 12 M
  Installed size: 14 M
  Is this ok [y/d/N]: y
  Downloading packages:
  No Presto metadata available for community-squeeze-testing
  (1/4): jivelite-autologin-0.1-0.65.20140123git427e8a0.fc19.noarch.rpm 
  |  17 kB  00:00:00
  (2/4): jivelite-0.1-0.65.20140123git427e8a0.fc19.armv7hnl.rpm 

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-23 Thread slackhead


No joy.


  sudo yum --enablerepo=community-squeeze-testing downgrade jivelite 
jivelite-lua jivelite-common jivelite-autologin
  Loaded plugins: langpacks
  Resolving Dependencies
  -- Running transaction check
  --- Package jivelite.armv7hnl 1:0.1-0.64.20140119git7c33808.fc19 will be a 
  --- Package jivelite.armv7hnl 1:0.1-0.65.20140123git427e8a0.fc19 will be 
  --- Package jivelite-autologin.noarch 1:0.1-0.64.20140119git7c33808.fc19 
will be a downgrade
  --- Package jivelite-autologin.noarch 1:0.1-0.65.20140123git427e8a0.fc19 
will be erased
  --- Package jivelite-common.noarch 1:0.1-0.64.20140119git7c33808.fc19 will 
be a downgrade
  --- Package jivelite-common.noarch 1:0.1-0.65.20140123git427e8a0.fc19 will 
be erased
  --- Package jivelite-lua.armv7hnl 1:0.1-0.64.20140119git7c33808.fc19 will be 
a downgrade
  --- Package jivelite-lua.armv7hnl 1:0.1-0.65.20140123git427e8a0.fc19 will be 
  -- Finished Dependency Resolution
  Dependencies Resolved
  Package  Arch   Version   
  Repository   Size
  jivelite armv7hnl   
1:0.1-0.64.20140119git7c33808.fc19  community-squeeze-testing   
136 k
  jivelite-autologin   noarch 
1:0.1-0.64.20140119git7c33808.fc19  community-squeeze-testing   
 17 k
  jivelite-common  noarch 
1:0.1-0.64.20140119git7c33808.fc19  community-squeeze-testing   
 12 M
  jivelite-lua armv7hnl   
1:0.1-0.64.20140119git7c33808.fc19  community-squeeze-testing   
 82 k
  Transaction Summary
  Downgrade  4 Packages
  Total download size: 12 M
  Is this ok [y/d/N]: y
  Downloading packages:
  No Presto metadata available for community-squeeze-testing
  (1/4): jivelite-autologin-0.1-0.64.20140119git7c33808.fc19.noarch.rpm 
  |  17 kB  00:00:00
  (2/4): jivelite-0.1-0.64.20140119git7c33808.fc19.armv7hnl.rpm 
  | 136 kB  00:00:00
  (3/4): jivelite-lua-0.1-0.64.20140119git7c33808.fc19.armv7hnl.rpm 
  |  82 kB  00:00:00
  (4/4): jivelite-common-0.1-0.64.20140119git7c33808.fc19.noarch.rpm
  |  12 MB  00:00:10
 1.1 MB/s |  12 MB 00:10
  Running transaction check
  Running transaction test
  Transaction test succeeded
  Running transaction
  Installing : 1:jivelite-common-0.1-0.64.20140119git7c33808.fc19.noarch
  Installing : 1:jivelite-lua-0.1-0.64.20140119git7c33808.fc19.armv7hnl 
  Installing : 1:jivelite-0.1-0.64.20140119git7c33808.fc19.armv7hnl 
  Installing : 1:jivelite-autologin-0.1-0.64.20140119git7c33808.fc19.noarch 
  Cleanup: 1:jivelite-autologin-0.1-0.65.20140123git427e8a0.fc19.noarch 

And it hangs there.  This time whole box seems to have hung.  No Samba
or NFS.  Also no ping! 

Looks like a power job again (no worries).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-23 Thread slackhead

JackOfAll wrote: 
 Are you using wi-fi or wired networking?

Wired.  Wandboard sits right next to my router.  No other switch or hub
in between.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-23 Thread slackhead

JackOfAll wrote: 
 And this is the R3/R4 image?

R2 image from October.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-23 Thread slackhead

JackOfAll wrote: 
 Do you have a spare 8GB sdcard? ;) Maybe just put the R4 image on it and
 sudo csos-cleanUpdate-testing, to see whether it survives that.

Yes I can try that :)  Will take a little while.

Just one thought about the 'issue'.  The WB connects via HDMI to the TV
which I also use for the PC that is running the SSH session (the TV has
three separate HDMI inputs) - so when I run the update commands the WB
is effectively disconnected from the display.  Could this have a
bearing?  I can try ssh'ing from a different device and running the
commands from there if you think that might help?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-23 Thread slackhead

slackhead wrote: 
   I can try ssh'ing from a different device and running the commands
 from there if you think that might help? 

Just tried that, keeping the HDMI switched to the WB.  Makes no
difference :(

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-23 Thread slackhead

Well R4 has updated OK by the looks of things, which I guess is good
news :D but does it help explain what's up with my other install (or to

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-23 Thread slackhead

JackOfAll wrote: 
 Can you dd your R2 image to a file, compress the file and upload it to
 somewhere I can get it, (maybe Google Drive) ? 

I'll be able to do that later this afternoon - few things to get on with
first.   Is Dropbox OK for you?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-23 Thread slackhead

Triode wrote: 
 I guess my main point is if we map keyboard (which is what flirc
 emulates) numbers to the sms text butttons then the native entry of
 numbers into the search box will go away.  If we only expect flirc to be
 used with an IR remote then this is reasonable, but if people have a
 full wireless keyboard or any other keyboard then it will be odd?

I think I follow ... I agree that it shouldn't be changed in a way that
breaks full keyboard input.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-23 Thread slackhead

JackOfAll wrote: 
 No worries. Just figure it'll be better if I have the image rather than
 keep going backwards and forwards trying to get to the bottom of it.

Sorry got distracted earlier but doing the DD now - it's not a quick job
(especially as its a 16G sdcard).  Hope it compresses down to a
manageable size as my dropbox account wont deal with anything close to
that big.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-23 Thread slackhead

dsdreamer wrote: 
 I'd be interested to know if other Flric users with the SB remote see
 this as a useful change.

Thanks, but it's not helping here - I've tried changing that setting in
the past to no avail.  I'll get on the FLIRC forum sometime and ask if
there is anything else that could help.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-23 Thread slackhead

Triode wrote: 
 Given that flirc emulates a usb keyboard, its not possible to have a
 number key for flirc which is not treated in the same way as the same
 key on a keyboard.. 

Yes, I get that much.  Could extra key commands be added to Jivelite for
some combinations, say Ctrl+1 through Ctrl+0, which Jivelite would
respond to in the desirable keypad manner (ie  like sms text buttons)
and then set FLIRC up so that the remote number keys send this key
combination?   That way full keyboards sending the normal numbers /
letters carry on working as before,  but our SB3 / MCE remotes can send
the Ctrl key combinations which give the extra functionality.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-22 Thread slackhead

Another option on the remote front could be:
which we get around the seach / jump problem having a full alphabetic

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-22 Thread slackhead

bakker_be wrote: 
 I don't like the fact that it's not IR, making it difficult to integrate
 in a system already having a Harmony or other programmable remote.

The way I understand wireless remotes like the Mele is that the USB
dongle works much like any other USB keyboard and passes key codes -
very much like what the FLIRC does.  So as long as we know what keys are
being sent, I'd have expected that a FLIRC configuration that worked
with your Harmony or other devices could quite easily be made that
replicated the functionality.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-22 Thread slackhead

erland wrote: 
 For searching, we really need something similar to LazySearch plugin on
 ip3k devices. 

Now that would be great.  LazySearch was a treat to use, and I really
missed it when I moved to a Touch.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-21 Thread slackhead

JackOfAll wrote: 
 Couple of pics of my AD1865 lash   

Oooh nice!  What valve's are you running in the Broskie board?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-21 Thread slackhead

Triode wrote: 
 I'm happy we go with Ralphy's config file - mine was only a get us
 started with FLIRC version.  That said I do think we need to look for a
 cheap remote which better suits the grid skin and then generate a config
 for it.  The fundamental issue with the grid skin is it really needs
 separate select and back (go and back) buttons from left and right. 
 I've been using an old DVD remote, but I think it would be good if we
 could identify a common one which people can obtain for this?  Has
 anyone got any suggestions? 

Please don't take this wrongly, I certainly don't mean to belittle the
incredible efforts you have already put into getting Jivelite to where
it is now, but having recently spent some more time using the interface
with FLIRC and  SB3 remote - I can't help but feeling that it needs more
effort to get it working in a usable friendly way.

Having a full keyboard, or perhaps, a remote with (much) more keys works
better - but the limitations of the number/letter keypad is a major
stumbling block.  You can't use the search functionality (as you can't
enter letters) nor can you jump through long lists (to alphabetic

Sure, having control over playback and accessing favourites is very
useful, but it really needs to be more friendly for browsing and finding
music to be of any great value.  As it stands I still need other means
(I mostly use Muso or iPeng) to find the music I want to listen to,
which involves having another device (PC / Phone) available and powered
up, which in my mind defeats one of the main purposes of having Jivelite
there in the first place - I may as well just use the other device.  (I
don't particularly want the have a full keyboard clogging up my front
room, just for this one job).

If these uesabilty 'issues' can be sorted out then FLIRC and a suitable
remote will be an excellent solution, but as it stands now is too

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-21 Thread slackhead

Triode wrote: 
 Lets create a list of things which don't work and then I can look at

Great.  Those are the ones that come to mind at the moment.  I'll have
another session soon and take note of anything else that becomes

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-20 Thread slackhead

KevT wrote: 
 I'm (very) new to all this and trying to get my Wandboard loaded with
 CSOS but the link says I don't have access rights to the software.  Any

It's detailed back a few pages on this thread, but the image access is
being restricted currently for legal reasons, but should be available to
download again very soon (hopefully in coming days).  
If you don't want to wait you can send JackOfAll a PM requesting a copy
(I hope he doesn't mind me saying this).

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