Re: [IronPython] Building IronPython on Mono, and web updates

2011-03-24 Thread Michael Foord

On 24/03/2011 12:42, Doug Blank wrote:

On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 11:05 AM, Jeff  wrote:

On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 7:13 AM, Doug  wrote:


1) How to build a Release version rather than Debug?
2) How to set the framework to use 2.0 rather than 4.0?

1) msbuild Solutions/Dlr.sln /p:Configuration=Release
2) msbuild Solutions/Dlr.sln /p:Configuration=v2Debug (or v2Release)

I assume xbuild's command line matches msbuild's.

Yes, they do. I've begun to add some hopefully helpful notes re Mono to:

some .NET/Mono sections to:

and a new page:

Please give feedback or feel free to refine.

BTW, what is the relationship between the codeplex site,, and It seems like information/files
are spread across them. Can some consolidation be done? Or are there
guidelines about what goes where? is my site and not affiliated with the official 
aspects of the project. I'm happy for it to be used in that way, but I 
think is a better official project site.

All the best,

Michael Foord

However, it appears that building the v2... targets doesn't work
right now, which I was kinda afraid of. I think there's a discrepancy
between the Microsoft.Scripting DLR and the .NET 4 DLR.

I made a note about that on the website, and hopefully Tomas can make
that irrelevant soon.


- Jeff

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Re: [IronPython] IronPython 2.7.1 3.x Development

2011-03-15 Thread Michael Foord

On 15/03/2011 07:18, Vernon Cole wrote:


A shebang on the first line is the usual way of specifying which 
scripting engine to use on a posix system. If introspection were to be 
used to select between python versions, that would be the most obvious 
way to do it.

Windows (tm) prefers to use filename extensions, which is why .pyw is 
used to specify a GUI program. The command shell does not open the 
file to see what's inside AFAIK.

It was suggested in the past  that .ipy might be used to specify 
IronPython programs. If that idea were carried to its logical end, one 
would use .ipy3w to specify an IronPython 3.x GUI script. That is a 
bit frightening.

What about the idea of a semi-standard python dispatch program which 
lives on the search path, introspects the script, and calls the 
appropriate engine? Perhaps it could even manage to capture tracebacks 
sent to stderr when a script dies?

There has been a long discussion recently on Python-dev [1] suggesting 
the creation of exactly such a launcher program for Python on Windows. 
Mark Hammond (copied) said he would implement it. Including IronPython 
support is a fine idea.

All the best,



Vernon Cole
(sent from my 'droid phone)

On Mar 15, 2011 3:20 AM, Markus Schaber wrote:

Hi, Jeff,

Von: Jeff Hardy

 With the 2.7 out the door, it's time to start thinking about 3.x. I've
 created a ipy-2.7-maint ...

Your plans sound good for us.

But we're just releasing a product hosting IronPython 2.6.2, as we're
still bound to .NET 2.0 for some months, but our plans to upgrade to
.NET 4.0 are on the way. So we are interested in smooth migration paths
for our customers.

Will it be possible to integrate / host both python 2.x (2.7.x) and 3.x
in the same application?

And is there some mechanism to auto-recognize whether a Script is python
2.x or 3.x syntax? Maybe some from __future__ import Python3 or

If there's work needed in that area, maybe I can convince my seniors
that we contribute.

(I used to work a lot with Python and contribute to free projects in
some of my former working places...)

Best regards

Markus Schaber

We software Automation.

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Re: [IronPython] IronPython @ PyCon 2011

2011-03-07 Thread Michael Foord
I'll be there. :-)


On 7 March 2011 16:52, Giles Thomas giles.tho...@resolversystems.comwrote:

 Jonathan Hartley and I will be flying the Resolver Systems flag...

 On 07/03/2011 16:42, Jeff Hardy wrote:

 I'll be there, and so will Dino (with something very cool to show
 off). Anybody else?

 - Jeff
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 Giles Thomas
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Re: [IronPython] IronPython @ PyCon 2011

2011-03-07 Thread Michael Foord
On 7 March 2011 17:48, Jeff Hardy wrote:

 I'm going to try to organize an IronPython OpenSpace/BoF/sprint for
 Fri/Sat. Page coming soon.

Just don't clash with the testing BoF! (And sign up for it, last year it was

Maybe we can look at the Mac issue (sysconfig) during the sprints.

All the best,


 - Jeff

 On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 9:42 AM, Jeff Hardy wrote:
  I'll be there, and so will Dino (with something very cool to show
  off). Anybody else?
  - Jeff
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Re: [IronPython] IronPython @ PyCon 2011

2011-03-07 Thread Michael Foord
On 7 March 2011 18:27, Jeff Hardy wrote:

 On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 11:24 AM, Michael Foord wrote:
  Just don't clash with the testing BoF! (And sign up for it, last year it

 I'm specifically trying to avoid that one ... it better live up to the hype

*Nothing* ever lives up the hype. :-)

  Maybe we can look at the Mac issue (sysconfig) during the sprints.

 I won't be able to stay for the sprints, just Thu-Sun.

Well, maybe we can find twenty minutes during some lunch break to chat about


 - Jeff


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Re: [IronPython] Proposed Release Schedule for 2.7

2011-01-31 Thread Michael Foord

On 28/01/2011 23:39, Jeff Hardy wrote:

I'd like to propose the following release schedule for IronPython 2.7:

Beta 2 - February 6
RC1 - February 20
RC2 - February 27
RTM - March 6

Looks great - thanks for driving this forward Jeff.


The need for a Beta 3 release could push those dates back by up to two
weeks. Also, I may reevaluate based on the rate of bugs being fixed -
if lots of fixes are coming in, delaying the release may be
worthwhile. Obviously, any showstoppers would have an affect as while,
but I don't believe there are any of those at the moment. The only
current blocker for release is that the test suite does not pass 100%.
That will need to be sorted prior to RTM.

It's an aggressive schedule, but I think IronPython has gone too long
without a release. I'm expecting there to be 2.7.x releases every 4-6
weeks if there are sufficient contributions (like new modules).

I want to get the 2.x series behind us so that work can begin on
3.2/3.3. Compatibility with 3.x is going to be much better than 2.x,
and with most Python stuff needing porting effort anyway getting
IronPython support will be easier. That's going to require some work
in the innards, and I'm not sure too many people are familiar with
those parts or IronPython yet.

I've already updated the version numbers to Beta 2 and fixed the
installer bugs that prevented Beta 1 from installing over Alpha 1. At
this point, the bugs that get fixed will probably be the ones that
have patches, or at least solid repros, attached to them.

If you've got a bug that you think *must* be fixed, bring it up here.

Does anyone else think this is doable?

- Jeff
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Re: [IronPython] Ref to . to be omitted from sys.path. Objections?

2011-01-23 Thread Michael Foord

On 23/01/2011 21:14, Jeff Hardy wrote:

On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 12:36 PM, Daniel  wrote:

I committed the patch using '.' as  the current directory; if anyone
(Dino?) needs the fully resolved path ...

The . (rather ) in cPy is a neat trick. It's added only in
interactive (console, -c) cases and allows you to change the CWD
to the dir you want and have your custom modules picked up as local
wherever dir you change to from within the console. Do that all the
time when deving. Setting fully-resolved path to CWD feels limiting in
that context.

You mean switching using os.chdir, I presume? That works under ipy
using '.' (which makes sense). Is there something special about how
CPython uses '' instead of '.' that ipy should by emulating?

Interesting, the empty string is indeed in sys.path from the interactive 
interpreter (I thought it would be '.') yet:

 import os
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ''

All the best,

Michael Foord

- Jeff
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Re: [IronPython] Issue Triage

2011-01-16 Thread Michael Foord

On 16/01/2011 09:23, Richard Nienaber wrote:

I've closed the following issues:

test blocking: support setting field of value type when calling ctor
keyword argument is also treated as args for params array
unable to invoke delegate object with method which takes ref args
binder does not handle argument list with keyword and tuple correctly 
for .net methods
tracking: wrong message when calling 
clr.AddReference need invalidate the cached rules related to 


* Incompatibility between CPy and IPy in the way REG_EXPAND_SZ
  works in _winreg module.

It seems to me that in this case that IronPython was doing the
right thing, and CPython was doing the wrong thing. REG_EXPAND_SZ seems
to mean that environment variables should be expanded when the
value is inserted into the registry. I've assumed here that even
if CPython does the wrong thing, IronPython should follow the
behaviour of CPython (and closed the issue).

Hmmm... it is still probably worth filing an issue with CPython:

All the best,


* Code has recently been added to fix this issue: types in
  assemblies loaded with .AddReferenceToFileAndPath() are not
  importable if they reference other assemblies

Should I close this one as well or does this need to make it into
a build first?

* -X:PreferComDispatch

I have come across quite a few issues where there are
inconsistencies when IronPython is started with/without the
'-X:PreferComDispatch' switch (like this one If I look at the
IronPython console help this switch is absent and attempting to
run it gives me the error 'File -X:PreferComDispatch does not
exist.'. Is this option no longer available/supported? If not,
what should be done with these issues?


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[IronPython] PyCon 2011 - Full talk and tutorial list now available!

2011-01-10 Thread Michael Foord

I'm very pleased to announce, on behalf of the PyCon 2011 Program
committee, and entire PyCon 2011 volunteer staff, that the full list
of PyCon 2011 talks is now public, and available!

This was an especially hard year for the PyCon program committee: we
had over 200 proposals for only 95 total slots, so we ended up having
to reject a lot of excellent proposals. We've spent the better part of
the last few months in reviews, meetings and debates selecting which
talks would be in the final PyCon program. It was not and easy task -
all of the proposal authors really came through in their proposals -
the number of high quality proposals we had to chose from was simply

That said - the program committee completed it's work yesterday
morning. Acceptance and rejection letters have been sent, and you can
now view the full program on the site:

This obviously complements the list of tutorials also available:

Personally, this is my second year acting as the Program Committee
chair (and hence, my last) - and between the talk list, and the list
of tutorials, our current keynote speaker
( and the emerging line of up
poster sessions - I'm extremely proud to have been part of the
process, and extremely excited about the upcoming conference. It is
going to be amazing

One behalf of the entire PyCon 2011 staff, I want to again thank every
single talk author for their submission(s), and I look forward to
seeing all of you, and them at the conference. PyCon is an amazing
conference only because of the quality talks, tutorials and community
we have. I'm confident this one will knock it out of the park.

As a reminder: Early Bird registration
( closes January 17th - and we have
an attendance cap of 1500 total attendees (speakers are counted
against this number, and guaranteed a slot) so be sure to register

Jesse Noller
PyCon 2011
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Re: [IronPython] Tim Wyatt is out of the office

2010-12-29 Thread Michael Foord
Can we bounce this guys emails?


On 28 December 2010 23:41, Tim P. Wyatt wrote:

 I will be out of the office starting  24/12/2010 and will not return until

 I will be reviewing my email less frequently than usual.

 For urgent matters please contact the Vancouver Help Desk at 1-800-661-7712

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Re: [IronPython] Re turning data to a form

2010-11-28 Thread Michael Foord

On 28/11/2010 18:47, robinsiebler wrote:

I have 2 forms, form a has a button that launches form b. Form b has 2
textboxes and an OK button.  When the OK button is clicked, I want the form
to close and the data to be returned to form a. How do I do this?
One way is to show the second form modally (with a call to ShowDialog I 
believe), this will freeze the first form until the second form exits.

Another way would be to hide the first form when the second one is 
shown. Give the second form a reference to the first one, and in the 
handler functions for the accept / cancel buttons for the second form 
re-show the first form.

All the best,



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Re: [IronPython] Re turning data to a form

2010-11-28 Thread Michael Foord
On 28 November 2010 21:06, robinsiebler wrote:

 But then I still only have the data in the 2nd (child) form. How do I get
 to the 1st (main) form?

The close handler of the second form has to pass it to the first form - or
just set them as attributes on the second form and let the first form look
at the values after control has returned to it. (Presumably the first form
is responsible for showing the second form, so it already has a reference to

All the best,


 Michael Foord-3 wrote:
  On 28/11/2010 18:47, robinsiebler wrote:
  I have 2 forms, form a has a button that launches form b. Form b has 2
  textboxes and an OK button.  When the OK button is clicked, I want the
  to close and the data to be returned to form a. How do I do this?
  One way is to show the second form modally (with a call to ShowDialog I
  believe), this will freeze the first form until the second form exits.
  Another way would be to hide the first form when the second one is
  shown. Give the second form a reference to the first one, and in the
  handler functions for the accept / cancel buttons for the second form
  re-show the first form.
  All the best,
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  Users mailing list

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the IronPython mailing list archive at

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Re: [IronPython] bytes and str in 2.7 io module

2010-11-09 Thread Michael Foord

On 08/11/2010 19:44, Dino Viehland wrote:

Jeff wrote:

On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 10:55 AM, Dino

Ahh, yeah, we should probably have a helper method in here which will
convert the string back to bytes rather than all of these casts to
Bytes.  It could also be incompatible w/ CPython in that they *might*
allow bytearray objects to be returned too which these casts would also


I'll check what CPython allows (I presume you're still prohibited from looking
at the source for it?). I have a patch that checks for strings as well, but I'm 
happy with it yet.

I think the answer is yes, we are still prohibited from looking at the code, 
because we're generally not supposed to look at open source code at all.

Ha. :-)

Does that mean you're no longer permitted to read the IronPython source 
code. ;-)


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Re: [IronPython] Congratulations to Michael Foord on Receiving the Community Service Award

2010-11-05 Thread Michael Foord

On 04/11/2010 12:51, Pablo Dalmazzo wrote:

Congratulations! Write another book! :)

Thanks all. :-)

I'll add writing another book to my list of things to do...


Date: Wed, 3 Nov 2010 23:32:34 -0500
Subject: [IronPython] Congratulations to Michael Foord on Receiving 
the Community Service Award

The Python Software Foundation has presented the Community Service
Award for the third quarter of 2010 to Michael Foord in
recognition of his incredible work in promoting Python everywhere
he could.
Michael is active on IRC channels, mailing lists, conferences,
sprints and similar events. On the development side, he has been
doing incredible work on unitest and unitest2. Michael also helps
maintain the Planet Python RSS feed and website, and with organizing the Europython
meeting and Summit
The Python Software Foundation is pleased to recognize Michael's
contributions to the community. 

Well deserved!  Thanks for all the hard work, Michael.

___ Users mailing list

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Re: [IronPython] The elephant in the room: source control for IronPython

2010-10-29 Thread Michael Foord

On 29/10/2010 19:46, Steve Dower wrote:

Are IronPython and the DLR so closely coupled that you *need* the
source for both to work on it? Or can you simply develop/test
IronPython using the DLR in the GAC?

In general (I believe) the DLR is an integral part of both the 
IronPython and the IronRuby projects. Switching to a single repository 
would be convenient because of this. Having to use git, even indirectly, 
is a high price to pay though. :-)

All the best,


I'd rather have the standard library as a 'default' part of the
IronPython checkout than the DLR, primarily because a binary distro of
the DLR makes more sense.

On Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 05:54, Tristan  wrote:

I've used both hg+bitbucket and git+github.  In my experience, there is very
little difference between hg and git in terms of workflow.  I found both to
be great and the tools are pretty mature across all platforms.  I do think
GitHub is rapidly becoming a killer application for open source projects.
  If you look at the IronRuby repository
(, there are already 340 watchers and
109 forks, which is a non-negligible consideration imho.

On Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 8:10 AM, Noah  wrote:

On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 11:36 PM, Jeff  wrote:

On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 6:31 PM, Miguel de

Moving to Git seems like a no brainer to me: we only have to move
there.   If we were to pick another of the open source source code
management systems we would be moving both Ruby and Python away.

Where I'm torn is that IronPython is between a rock and a hard place -
on the one hand, I want to work closely with the Mono project (which
would strongly imply using github), but I also want to be in sync with
the Python community (which has largely embraced hg).

Python's separated stdlib will be a Mercurial repo, and if IronPython
were in Hg we could easily pull in the stdlib as a subrepo. However, I
presume the DLR will stay on github, and we'll need to pull that in as
well, which of course would be easier from git.

Damned if we do, damned if we don't. I'm leaning towards Mercurial
because I prefer it, and it seems like many other people do as well. I
know hg can pull from git, but I don't know about the reverse.

If the concern is the UI for checking code out for Git, there is a
transparent bridge that exposes the tree to Subversion which has good
Windows clients.

Tortoise-Git is actually very nice now. I don't think git's Windows
support is really an issue anymore.

Haven't tried it, but this looks interesting:

- Jeff
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Re: [IronPython] The elephant in the room: source control for IronPython

2010-10-29 Thread Michael Foord

On 28/10/2010 20:15, Noah Gift wrote:

On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 6:34 AM, Michael Foord wrote:

On 28/10/2010 03:53, Steve Dower wrote:

I'll add in a vote for Mercurial (voting always seems to be how to
decide on VCS), though I still believe that SVN works better for a
contribution/review/patch workflow.

Distributed version control systems are very good for distributed
development (funny that). Whilst I'm not proposing we use bzr (I
would *very* much like us to use mercurial though), our workflow
at Canonical with bzr and launchpad is great. You develop in a
branch (branching is very easy with dcvs') and push to launchpad.
On requesting a merge review you get a great web interface with
viewable diff and when the merge is approved you merge back onto
trunk. (Branching and merging are substantially easier with hg /
bzr / git than with svn.)

(From the peanut gallery). One potential benefit to having the project 
live at Canonical is that Michael works there, and Canonical may be 
interested in helping officially support it.  Stranger things have 

Hehe, I certainly can't speak for canonical on that score... :-)

All the best,


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Re: [IronPython] All classes that subclass a given type

2010-10-29 Thread Michael Foord

On 28/10/2010 19:15, Slide wrote:

I am trying to find all the classes defined in Python that inherit
from a C# class. I can iterate through the types in the ScriptScope
using GetVariableName() and then checking if it's a PythonType object,
but I don't know how to get the classes that it inherits from. Can
anyone help out with this?

In normal Python you can call Class.__subclasses__() to get a list of 
subclasses. I haven't tried this with .NET classes on IronPython though.

Also, on a separate note, I would like to override the normal import
mechanism to support new file extensions for modules (this is so I can
associate the files with my application). Is this possible?

You can either patch __builtins__.__import__, use the ihooks module, 
implement a PEP 302 import loader *or* use the IronPython Platform 
Application Layer to control how IronPython imports are done (this is 
how IronPython on Silverlight does imports from the xap file).

All the best,

Michael Foord




Users mailing list

Re: [IronPython] The elephant in the room: source control for IronPython

2010-10-28 Thread Michael Foord

On 28/10/2010 03:53, Steve Dower wrote:

I'll add in a vote for Mercurial (voting always seems to be how to
decide on VCS), though I still believe that SVN works better for a
contribution/review/patch workflow.

Distributed version control systems are very good for distributed 
development (funny that). Whilst I'm not proposing we use bzr (I would 
*very* much like us to use mercurial though), our workflow at Canonical 
with bzr and launchpad is great. You develop in a branch (branching is 
very easy with dcvs') and push to launchpad. On requesting a merge 
review you get a great web interface with viewable diff and when the 
merge is approved you merge back onto trunk. (Branching and merging are 
substantially easier with hg / bzr / git than with svn.)

Having many outstanding branches waiting for review (and keeping them up 
to date) and starting new branches that depend on other branches is all 
very easy. Having infrastructure that allows us to easily store feature 
branches is important for that particular workflow.

Is the plan after 2.7 to start doing 3? That seems like a good
opportunity to start fresh in a new repository and leave the old
stuff where it is, only carrying over the barest minimum. I can't see
any movement before 2.7 as being worthwhile.

Interesting question. Ideally we would do parallel development but I'm 
not sure we have the resources for that.

I'd like to see the DLR separated, but doing so does make
cross-versioning more difficult. However, following a log that has
three separate projects (assuming DLR, IronPy and IronRuby) is messy.
Patching potentially gets a lot harder as well.

I do intend to contribute, as soon as I stop breaking my own project
:) How up to date is the CodePlex issue tracker?

The issue tracker has been pretty well maintained.

All the best,

Michael Foord

On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 18:27, Jeff  wrote:

Currently, IronPython is hosted in a TFS repository on CodePlex
(, which was a copy of MS's internal
TFS repository. CodePlex also provides Subversion access, which makes
it much more bearable. CodePlex also hosts our issue tracking and wiki
pages, which probably won't change any time soon.

IronRuby's source code is hosted on github
( It's also a copy of MS's
internal TFS repository, but in git.

The interesting part is that IronRuby, IronPython, and the DLR are
hosted in the *same* repository, since they evolved together. Thus,
both the IronPython CodePlex repo and the IronRuby github repo are
basically the same.

What this is going to look like in the future is an open question, as
is the timeline. Originally, I wanted to focus on the 2.7 release and
deal with the source control question later. However, it's been raised
in a few places, so I think it's better to get some more feedback on
whether we should switch source control methods (and if so, to what?)
or just stay on TFS/SVN for the time being. Also up for consideration
is whether you consider being part of the same repo as IronRuby is
valuable, or whether IronPython should split out on its own.

We could, for example, drop the source control from CodePlex and just
use the IronRuby github repo - it's already set up and we could start
developing tomorrow (although it would probably be renamed
'ironlanguages' or something like that). It's also probably the only
option if IronPython and IronRuby are to share a repo, as, so far as I
know, the IronRuby guys have no plans on leaving github, which makes
sense for them - git is the de facto choice in the Ruby community.

In Python, however, it's not so clear-cut - Python itself will be
moving to Mercurial soon, and there are plans afoot to eventually put
the Python stdlib in a separate repo from Python itself, which will
likely also be a Mercurial repository. Thus there are advantages
(subrepos, in particular) to being on the same DVCS. On top of that,
both Michael Foord and I strongly dislike git - I prefer Mercurial,
and I imagine the coffee at Canonical will have Michael singing the
praises of bzr fairly soon :). Finally, CodePlex supports Mercurial,
and thus everything could remain there if we so wish.

However, converting the repo to Mercurial could be a difficult task -
the fate of the 1.1, 2.0, and 2.6 branches would have to be decided
(include them in the repo, or not? Their structure is radically
different from the Main branch). There are folders that could very
well be stripped (WiX, Ruby, and *3* CPython installations, not to
mention IronRuby) to save space, and with a DVCS once they're in the
history everyone has to pay that cost in disk space, forever, even if
we later remove them. The fate of the DLR would need to be decided -
do we keep a local copy, pull from IronRuby's copy, or make it a third
repo altogether?

My preference is to stick with TFS/SVN for the time being, get 2.7 out
the door (manually syncing up the DLR

Re: [IronPython] Announcing IronPython 2.7 Beta 1

2010-10-22 Thread Michael Foord

 On 22/10/2010 15:46, Vernon Cole wrote:
Your issue #2 is not a bug -- or at least it is the same as all other 

Well, it's *new* as the IronPython installer has never done this before 
- and I would certainly question whether it is desirable for it to be 
the *default* for IronPython.

IronPython doesn't use .pyc files (and not really .pyw either I think) 
so it isn't surprising it doesn't change those. I would really prefer 
that IronPython doesn't seize the association with .py files without 
explicit instruction from the user .

Michael Foord

Every version of Python which you install will take over as the 
default Open command for .py files -- and will supply it's own icon 
for them.  When you are trying out a new Python version, you must 
remember to re-install your chosen default version afterward, if you 
expect to double-click a .py and get a certain version of Python to 
start. The same thing happens with Python 3.1 and 2.7 for example.  I  
use so many different versions that I have given up on the re-install 
trick. I now use a bunch of .bat files (in a directory on my search 
path) to pick the version I want.

For example, the file py23.bat contains:
c:\python23\python.exe %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

and py31.bat contains:
c:\python31\python.exe %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

and ipy.bat contains:
c:\program files\IronPython 2.7\ipy.exe %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

The file python.bat points to my chosen default version for this week.

So to testmyTestScript under IronPython 2.7, I type:
ipy arg1 arg2

The same little c:\utils directory also contains such handy tools as 
tail.exe, unix2dos.exe, less.exe, and 2to3.bat, which contains:
c:\python26\python.exe c:\python26\Tools\Scripts\  %1 %2 %3 %4 
%5 %6 %7 %8 %9

You get the picture... Those of us who's brains are stuck in console 
mode do this sort of thing.


On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 6:44 AM, Adal Chiriliuc wrote:


Thanks for making available a new IronPython build. The 2.7 Beta 1
installer has a few issues through:

1. Changing the default installation folder doesn't work: IronPython
will be installed in two places: C:\Program Files (x86)\IronPython
2.7 and the installation folder that you specified.

2. If you have already have CPython installed, IronPython will
overwrite the icon for .py files, but not for .pyc and .pyw files.
Please don't replace the CPython icons or at least make this an
installer option.


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Re: [IronPython] The Future of IronPython

2010-10-22 Thread Michael Foord

 On 22/10/2010 18:01, Jeff Hardy wrote:

On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 10:37 AM, Michael Foord  wrote:

If the licenses *are* compatible, so we can ship a fully working zlib
module, then fine (and great).

It looks like the normal 3-clause BSD licence:, so it should be

In that case there should be no problem including it, so long as we also 
include a copy of the license.


- Jeff


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Re: [IronPython] Bug in copy module (really need help with this!) :)

2010-10-12 Thread Michael Foord

 On 12/10/2010 15:29, Pablo Dalmazzo wrote:

Hello guys,

we've found a bug in the copy module, but the real problem is we cant 
reproduce it.

Sometimes when we try to deepcopy an object of a custom object 
relation mapping type, we get this error

name types is not defined

Line 55:
for t in (type(None),int,long,float,bool,str,tuple), 

In my version of Python 2.6 this is line 102 of the copy module. Line 51 
is import types, so a name types is not defined error is most 
perplexing. Is it possible that you are using a custom version of the 
copy module?

All the best,


the other problem is in production server, where this error uses to 
happen sporadically, most times we dont get this message but an error 
message of the most outer module which calls the copy module, which is 
a generic message which tells us nothing

I know this is very little information to find a bug but, do you know 
of any bugs related to the module copy (aside it didnt copy 
System.DBnull which I believe it's not the one for this case)

Greetings, Pablo Dalmazzo

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Re: [IronPython] change in standard library behavior for compiled .exe/.dll???

2010-10-06 Thread Michael Foord

 On 05/10/2010 22:27, Ken MacDonald wrote:
I've been looking at the .exe's we built - using - with IP 
2.5/.Net 3.5 and IP2.7 / .NET 4.0. In the 2.7 .exe, it appears that 
the imports (like os) are not being built into the .exe/.dll, but 
instead are required to be imported in source form, e.g. must 
be somewhere on sys.path. In the IP 2.5 .exe's we had been building, 
they would run fine on machines without the IP standard library 
installed at all, in other words, with not present on the 
machine at all. We did notice that the .exe in question went from 
being 2.9 MB in it's IP 2.5 incarnation, down to 1.2 MB in the IP 2.7 
version, and the newer version requires that the source code for the 
IP standard library be on the path. Is this a deliberate change in 
behavior? We never had to package the standard library source when we 
sent out .exe's to customers before

Hmmm... I'm pretty sure I always had to explicitly compile and bundle 
the standard library with previous versions of Python. Odd. Anyway, the 
simple solution is to ensure that you add any standard library modules 
you use to the set you compile and ship.

All the best,

Michael Foord

os is not an assembly but a Python module from the standard 
library. You need to ensure that the Python standard library (or the 
parts that you use and their dependencies) is on the path.

All the best,

Michael Foord

and how do I ensure it gets found from my .exe - is there a
specific env. variable, or the Windows %PATH% e.v., or something
I haven't AddReference'd to

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Re: [IronPython] difference in compiling ipy in 3.5 vs. .NET 4.0?

2010-10-05 Thread Michael Foord

 On 05/10/2010 16:59, Ken MacDonald wrote:
I am getting much farther with my app now that I can actually run it 
as an .exe; and running under VS is a HUGE help. Currently, the app is 
dying on the following statement:

import os

When I run it in VS or from the ipy command prompt, import os seems 
to work fine, dir(os) yields a bunch of symbols, for instance.

When I run it as a compiled .exe, it runs up to that point, and dies 
with an exception no module named os.

This seems like it must be some sort of path issue or similar. Where 
is the assembly for os,

os is not an assembly but a Python module from the standard library. 
You need to ensure that the Python standard library (or the parts that 
you use and their dependencies) is on the path.

All the best,

Michael Foord

and how do I ensure it gets found from my .exe - is there a specific 
env. variable, or the Windows %PATH% e.v., or something I haven't 
AddReference'd to


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Re: [IronPython] expat module for IronPython 2.6 for .NET?

2010-09-10 Thread Michael Foord

 On 10/09/2010 14:56, William Johnston wrote:


Is the expat module available for IronPython 2.6 for .NET?

There is an IronPython compatible implementation of expat that is part 
of the (sadly now defunct) FePy:

All the best,

Michael Foord

I need to use expat or SimpleXMLTreeBuilder for xml parsing from the 
following error:

ImportError: No module named expat; use SimpleXMLTreeBuilder instead.


William Johnston

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[IronPython] Implementing an IronPython extension mechanism with abstract classes

2010-09-06 Thread Michael Foord

 Hello all,

A friend was asking some advice about implementing an IronPython 
extension system for a C# application. He wanted to use C# abstract 
classes so that he would get an error attempting to instantiate a plugin 
class if it didn't implement all the required methods. (The extensions 
subclass his abstract class.)

He pulled the Python class out of an extension script as a PythonType 
and instantiated it with engine.Operations.Call(PythonClass) - however 
this doesn't throw the exception he expected. (He does get MissingMember 
exceptions trying to call methods that don't exist however.)

Can this be made to work or is there a better way to do interface 
checking of Python classes subclassing .NET types?

All the best,

Michael Foord


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Re: [IronPython] Unittest Module Unavailable in V2.7a1

2010-08-30 Thread Michael Foord

 On 30/08/2010 16:38, Jones, Larry wrote:

My team is currently using VS2010 for work. I want to demonstrate that 
using IronPython as our unit testing language can be more productive 
than using either NUnit or Microsoft Test.

In order to integrate with VS2010, I believe I must use IronPython 
2.7a1. I believe this is the only release that includes the IronPython 
Tools. However, IronPython 2.7a1 fails when executing 'import 
unittest'. I've submitted a work item, 28709, to the IronPython issue 
tracker; however, I'm wondering if another work around exists then 
writing code in 2.6.1 -- which will execute outside VS2010 -- but 
cannot be executed from within Visual Studio (it invoke IronPython 2.7a1).

The IronPython team is aware of this problem, it was caused by a 'bug' 
in the tools that package the installer.

A simple workaround (that will probably work) is to copy the unittest 
package from a CPython 2.7 installation into your IronPython Lib 
directory. In IronPython 2.7 the unittest package is missing some files.

All the best,

Michael Foord


Have a great day!

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Re: [IronPython] Unittest Module Unavailable in V2.7a1

2010-08-30 Thread Michael Foord

 On 30/08/2010 18:32, Jones, Larry wrote:

Thanks, Michael, for the information. I copied the file 
from my IronPython 2.6 installation to my IronPython 2.7 installation.

It did seem to work, although discovering that in 2.7 unittest is a 
directory containing a number of other files, was a bit disconcerting. 
I renamed the v2.7 unittest directory (to unittest.000) and then 
copied from the IronPython 2.6 installation.

I greatly appreciate your help on this.

In Python 2.6 unittest was a single file ( In Python 2.7 it 
is a package (a directory containing several modules). The unittest 
package in Python 2.7 is a lot more capable, but using the Python 2.6 
version of will certainly work.

All the best,

Michael Foord

[] *On Behalf Of *Michael Foord

*Sent:* Monday, August 30, 2010 9:33 AM
*To:* Discussion of IronPython
*Subject:* Re: [IronPython] Unittest Module Unavailable in V2.7a1

On 30/08/2010 16:38, Jones, Larry wrote:

My team is currently using VS2010 for work. I want to demonstrate that 
using IronPython as our unit testing language can be more productive 
than using either NUnit or Microsoft Test.

In order to integrate with VS2010, I believe I must use IronPython 
2.7a1. I believe this is the only release that includes the IronPython 
Tools. However, IronPython 2.7a1 fails when executing 'import 
unittest'. I've submitted a work item, 28709, to the IronPython issue 
tracker; however, I'm wondering if another work around exists then 
writing code in 2.6.1 -- which will execute outside VS2010 -- but 
cannot be executed from within Visual Studio (it invoke IronPython 2.7a1).

The IronPython team is aware of this problem, it was caused by a 'bug' 
in the tools that package the installer.

A simple workaround (that will probably work) is to copy the unittest 
package from a CPython 2.7 installation into your IronPython Lib 
directory. In IronPython 2.7 the unittest package is missing some files.

All the best,

Michael Foord


Have a great day!

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Re: [IronPython] Prevention of SystemExit Dialog While Debugging

2010-08-30 Thread Michael Foord

 On 31/08/2010 00:13, Jones, Larry wrote:

I'm writing unit tests in IronPython.

The implementation of unittest.main() calls sys.exit() when finished 
even if no testing errors occurred. Consequently, the Visual Studio 
debugger presents a dialog indicating that the SystemExit exception 
was unhandled.  Running from the console, I do not see any evidence of 
the SystemExit exception. Because my colleagues are not familiar with 
IronPython, seeing this error in the debugger will cause them to think 
that some problem occurred on exit.

Is your code calling unittest.main() or is Visual Studio calling it for you?

In the version of unittest that comes with Python 2.7 you can call 
unittest.main(exit=False). Alternatively you can just catch and ignore 
this exception yourself.

All the best,


Although I suspect I can configure Visual Studio to ignore this 
exception, I'd prefer not to because it may indicate an actual problem.

How can I determine if an IronPython script is running under the VS 


Have a great day!

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Re: [IronPython] If not IronPython, what?

2010-08-23 Thread Michael Foord

 On 23/08/2010 05:51, Rob Brown-Bayliss wrote:

On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 10:22 AM, Tristan  wrote:

The popularity of the JVM and the CLR suggest not everybody agrees with your

A lot of the 'popularity' comes from people who shouldn't be making
the choice.  I work for a company where the management think dot net
will end poverty, fix global warming and bring world peace while
ensuring they grab more of the market than our competition.

Every thing has to be dot net to these people, none of whom know what
a VM is.It has to be dot net because microsoft sales people tell
them so.

Well, if languages based on VMs that compile to an intermediate 
representation first and then interpret bytecode are *bad* then that 
sends CPython out of the window too...

Of course both .NET and the JVM have kick-ass JIT compilers, so maybe it 
is having a JIT compiler that is bad? That makes CPython good but PyPy 
and Unladen Swallow bad (along with IronPython and Jython of course). Hmm...

The cross-platform story for .NET is not brilliant, with Mono constantly 
playing catch-up and only just switching away from a leaks-like-hell 
garbage collector. Other than that the technical arguments that have 
been presented against .NET in this thread are poor.

All the best,

Michael Foord

Fortunately I can use Ironpython because it has the dot net magic.
Unfortunately I cant use cpython because it's just not magic.

I agree with Vernon, a VM that basically (I know about mono, but it's
always going to be playing catch up) only runs on Windows is a stupid
idea.  But as long as people who don't know what they are talking
about are running the show thats how it will be.


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[IronPython] down

2010-08-13 Thread Michael Foord

Hello guys,

Looks like someone forgot to pay the hosting bill for (?).

Michael Foord


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Re: [IronPython] down

2010-08-13 Thread Michael Foord

On 14/08/2010 00:20, Dino Viehland wrote:

I pinged someone about it - Jimmy used to take care of these things :)




-Original Message-
From: [mailto:users-] On Behalf Of Michael Foord
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2010 4:10 PM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: [IronPython] down

Hello guys,

Looks like someone forgot to pay the hosting bill for

Michael Foord


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Re: [IronPython] IronPython Silverlight 4 debugging... [No errors just not working]

2010-08-11 Thread Michael Foord

On 11/08/2010 17:34, Andrew Evans wrote:
Hello I am running IronPython 2.7A and trying to debug a Silverlight 
app. I am trying to figure out why my ship doesn't move when I press 
the Arrow keys.

here is the complete source minus most imports :D
Put some debugging in (append text to an html div) to see if your event 
handlers are being fired. That would my first step.


Any ideas

from System.Windows.Input import *

velocity = 10

class Gui():
def __init__(self):

self.grid = Grid()
self.canvas = Canvas(Background = SolidColorBrush(Colors.White))
self.canvas.Width = 640
self.canvas.Height = 432
self.bgImage = Image(
Source = BitmapImage(Uri(images/background.jpg, 

self.canvas.SetTop(self.bgImage, 132)
self.canvas.SetLeft(self.bgImage, 0)
#self.textblock = TextBlock()
##self.textblock.FontSize = 24
##self.textblock.Text = 'This Really Works!!'

self.ship = Image(
Source = BitmapImage(Uri(images/ship.png, UriKind.Relative))

self.canvas.SetTop(self.ship, 75)
self.canvas.SetLeft(self.ship, 25)

CompositionTarget.Rendering += EventHandler(self.ShootBG)


Application.Current.RootVisual = self.grid
# This line should be something different Not sure what to use 
instead of this

self.ship.KeyDown += KeyEventHandler(self.KeyDown_Control)

def ShootBG(self, s, e):
self.canvas.GetLeft(self.bgImage) - 1)

if self.canvas.GetLeft(self.bgImage)  -2110:
self.canvas.SetLeft(self.bgImage, 0)

def KeyDown_Control(self, s, e):
if e.Key == Key.Right:
self.canvas.GetLeft(self.ship) + velocity)

elif e.Key == Key.Left:
self.canvas.GetLeft(self.ship) - velocity)

elif e.Key == Key.Up:
self.canvas.GetTop(self.ship) - velocity)

elif e.Key == Key.Down:
self.canvas.GetTop(self.ship) + velocity)

gui = Gui()

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Re: [IronPython] Exception Performance

2010-08-03 Thread Michael Foord

On 03/08/2010 16:41, Jeff Hardy wrote:

Hi Cory,

On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 12:41 PM, Cory Brostowicz  wrote:

I noticed the performance in one of my python scripts has really bad
performance, so I started profiling different sections of the script to find
out  where the issue is.  It turns out, the exception handle seems to add
the biggest chunk of time.

IronPython 2.6 and earlier rely on the .NET exception mechanism.
.NET's exception handling is extremely slow, whereas CPython has an
extremely fast exception handling system. I don't know the details of
why each is the way it is, though - engineering tradeoffs, I guess.

IronPython 2.7 will have a 'lightweight' exception mechanism that
should be closer to the performance of CPython.


I've fairly new to the Python language, so if
there is a better way to do what I'm doing, then please let me know.

Unfortunately, I think that's pretty much idiomatic Python, which
often relies on it's very fast exception handling. In .NET you use the
Try* methods instead, which don't throw exceptions.

If you don't need CPython compatibility, you could use
(, but I don't
know how to use out parameters from IronPython off the top of my head.


out parameters are returned as extra values when you make the call. (So 
you don't pass in the out parameter - but you get an extra return value.)


On an unrelated note, you can write your print statement as:

 print Total: %s RateGet: %s RateSets: %s Exception Handle: %s
Rate: %s % (t.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds, rateGet, rateSet,
e.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds, Rate)

- Jeff
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Re: [IronPython] Building IronPython from sources

2010-07-28 Thread Michael Foord

On 28/07/2010 16:04, Dave Fugate wrote:

Hi Lukas, while IronPython 2.6.x itself won't be able to take 
advantage of Silverlight 4 features as it's built against Silverlight 
3, I'd guess your Python scripts might be able to utilize these 
features.  The differences between Silverlight 3 and 4 are documented 

I've used Silverlight 4 features from IronPython 2.6.


[] *On Behalf Of *Lukas Cenovsky

*Sent:* Tuesday, July 27, 2010 11:06 AM
*To:* Discussion of IronPython
*Subject:* Re: [IronPython] Building IronPython from sources

Thanks for the info Dave. However, I still smell a catch here :-)

What means no build support for IronPython 2.6.x and Silverlight 4 - 
considering the functionality? Can I use all functionality of 
Silverlight 4 with Silverlight 3 based assemblies? What is a 
difference between Silverlight 3 and Silverlight 4 based assemblies?

-- Lukas

On 27.7.2010 19:18, Dave Fugate wrote:

Hi Lukas, the deal is IronPython 2.6.x (where x0) will /run/ against 
.NET 2.0 SP1, .NET 4.0, Silverlight 3, and *Silverlight 4*.  You'll 
only be able to /build/ IronPython 2.6.x against .NET 2.0 SP1, .NET 
4.0, and Silverlight 3 though.  In other words, we will not be back 
porting Silverlight 4 /build/ support to the 2.6.x release series as 
we're really trying to limit 2.6.2 and later 2.6.x releases to bug 
fixes only.

With IronPython 2.7, we'll provide .NET 4.0 and Silverlight 4 based 
assemblies.  This said, we intend on continuing to provide the 
capability of /building/ IronPython 2.7 against .NET 3.5 and 
Silverlight 3 via IronPython sources obtained from the DLR CodePlex 
source repository.



[] *On Behalf Of *Lukas Cenovsky

*Sent:* Tuesday, July 27, 2010 9:49 AM
*To:* Discussion of IronPython
*Subject:* Re: [IronPython] Building IronPython from sources

I am a little bit confused about Silverlight, .NET and IronPython 

Here is a list what I think is valid, please correct me if I am wrong:

* IronPython 2.6.1 supports Silverlight 3 + .NET 2 SP1
* IronPython 2.6.1 does not support Silverlight 4 + .NET 2 SP1 or
  Silverlight 4 + .NET 4
* IronPython 2.7 will support Silverlight 4 + .NET 4

What will IronPython 2.6.2 support?

-- Lukas

On 27.7.2010 17:31, Dave Fugate wrote:

I'd actually suggest doing this with 2.7 Alpha 1 sources...

*Building* 2./6.1/ requires a Silverlight /3./x installation as there 
were changes to System.Core (e.g., System.Func) between Silverlight 
3.x and Silverlight 4.x.  As you've discovered, we implemented some of 
this missing System.Core functionality ourselves in 2.6.1 which is 
confusing the compiler when there's references to both (4.x) 
System.Core and MS.Scripting.Utils.  If you can't get your hands on a 
Silverlight 3.x installation to fix this, the next easiest route IMO 
would be to use 2.7A1 instead.

[] *On Behalf Of *Lukas Cenovsky

*Sent:* Tuesday, July 27, 2010 8:09 AM
*To:* Discussion of IronPython
*Subject:* Re: [IronPython] Building IronPython from sources

Thanks. Copying my current Silverlight version 4.0.50524.0 to 
3.0.50106.0 helped and Microsoft.Scripting.dll compiles fine. Now I 
get many following errors  for Microsoft.Dynamic.dll:

Error1'Func' is an ambiguous reference between 
'System.FuncT0,T1,T2,T3,T4,TRet' and 

How can I tell Visual Studio to use reference from 
Microsoft.Scripting.Utils? Thanks.

-- Lukas

On 26.7.2010 18:21, Dave Fugate wrote:

Hi Lukas, the error message below is because you don't have the 
version of Silverlight installed which was used to build IronPython 
2.6.1.  For this particular release, I believe it was something like 
%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Silverlight\3.0.40624.0.  You can find out 
for sure by examining the Silverlight3Path element in 
Src\IronPython\IronPython.csproj.  Any ways, there are two workarounds:

Replace all instances of 3.0.40624.0 throughout all C# project files 
with the version of Silverlight you have installed locally

Copy and rename the version of Silverlight you have installed to 
whatever is expected by the C# project files

Hope that helps,


[] *On Behalf Of *Lukas Cenovsky

*Sent:* Friday, July 23, 2010 12:37 PM
*To:* Discussion of IronPython
*Subject:* [IronPython] Building IronPython 

Re: [IronPython] unittest broken in IPy 2.7A1

2010-07-27 Thread Michael Foord

On 25/07/2010 01:56, Vernon Cole wrote:

Dear development team:

This one may be important...

This error is because although the unittest package directory is present 
in the Lib directory, big chunks of the actual unittest package are 


c:\program files\IronPython 2.7\ipy.exe
IronPython 2.7 Alpha 1 ( on .NET 4.0.30319.1
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import unittest
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
  File c:\program files\IronPython 2.7\Lib\unittest\, 
line 58, in module

ImportError: No module named result

Makes it a bit tough to test my modules.

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Re: [IronPython] Time out

2010-07-26 Thread Michael Foord

On 26/07/2010 15:51, Scott Holden wrote:
I'm currently dealing with the same issue.  So far, a separate thread 
is the only thing I've come up with, but Thread.Abort seems a bit 
drastic, and may be hazardous to your health...  Is there a safer way?

I've not had problems with use of Thread.Abort. You could do it another 
process altogether of course... Not aware of any easy alternatives.


On Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 8:57 AM, Michael Foord wrote:

On 23/07/2010 14:49, Saeli Mathieu wrote:


I'm sending this email to get more information about a specific
using of ironPython.
I'm working on a Silverlight 4 project and I'm using IronPython
to execute script inside my C# code.

The main objective is to allow users to code an AI and send it
into our application.
The AI will use the C# we made.
That's works fine. :)

But I want to prevent the user to create an infinite loop.
I browsed the Online documentation but I couldn't find any
information about time out execution

Funcbool func = scope.GetVariableFuncbool (MainLoop);
this.Result = func().ToString();

this.Result will contain a string with the error of the Python
Script if something wrong appended. ex: indentation or anything else.

but I want to make the method scope.GetVariable() time out if
the script contain an infinite loop.

Does anybody know something about that ?

The only way I can think of doing it is to execute the code on a
different thread and then abort the thread if it exceeds the timeout.


Saeli Mathieu.

+33 6 45 32 78 47
{Epitech} 2012
Permanent GDL

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Re: [IronPython] Problems with simple silverlight/gestalt example

2010-07-26 Thread Michael Foord

On 26/07/2010 23:51, Tony Meyer wrote:


I guess this is more complex than I thought.

Is anyone able to simply confirm that they are able to get a simple
script like this (using working?  At least if
I know that it's theoretically possible, I can try and figure out what
I'm doing wrong.

Are you trying to view the html file direct off the filesystem? You 
still need to serve it for it to work, even if it is only locally. You 
can use chiron to do this. Sorry if this has already been suggested.

All the best,



On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 10:03 PM, Tony  wrote:


I'm trying to get a simple Silverlight example working using the method, and I'm having some difficulty -
basically nothing happens (Loading... shows, of course, but nothing
else).  The javascript file does get loaded, and I have let it sit for
a long time in case it was just excessively slow.

I've tried the HTML below in Safari 5, Firefox 3.5.3, Chrome 5.0 (OS X
10.5), IE 7 (Windows Server 2003) and IE 8 (Windows XP SP2 - yes, yes,
I know it should be updated!).  Both have the latest version of
Silverlight (as determined by Silverlight itself).

Can anyone explain what I'm doing wrong?


script type=text/javascript
div id=messageLoading.../div
script type=text/python
document.message.innerHTML = Hello from IronPython!
def on_click(obj, args):
obj.innerHTML = Clicked! += onclick


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Re: [IronPython] Time out

2010-07-23 Thread Michael Foord

On 23/07/2010 14:49, Saeli Mathieu wrote:


I'm sending this email to get more information about a specific using 
of ironPython.
I'm working on a Silverlight 4 project and I'm using IronPython 
to execute script inside my C# code.

The main objective is to allow users to code an AI and send it into 
our application.

The AI will use the C# we made.
That's works fine. :)

But I want to prevent the user to create an infinite loop.
I browsed the Online documentation but I couldn't find any information 
about time out execution

Funcbool func = scope.GetVariableFuncbool (MainLoop);
this.Result = func().ToString();

this.Result will contain a string with the error of the Python Script 
if something wrong appended. ex: indentation or anything else.

but I want to make the method scope.GetVariable() time out if the 
script contain an infinite loop.

Does anybody know something about that ?
The only way I can think of doing it is to execute the code on a 
different thread and then abort the thread if it exceeds the timeout.


Saeli Mathieu.

+33 6 45 32 78 47
{Epitech} 2012
Permanent GDL

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Re: [IronPython] IronPython and Silverlight -- newbie question

2010-07-20 Thread Michael Foord

On 20/07/2010 16:30, Funke, Matt wrote:

I've really enjoyed /IronPython In Action/, and have found it 
immensely helpful in my quest to understand integrating Python with 
WPF.  (I'm something of a newbie.)

Unfortunately, I've hit a conceptual wall with Sliverlight.  In 
particular, creating the *app.xap* file for the source code in 
*chapter13\13.1.3\ControlsExample1* seems to be hitting a roadblock.  
Here's the command I gave to Chiron from within the chpter13 directory:

Reference\Python\Libraries\IronPython\IronPython In 
Action\sourcecode\chapter13bin/Chiron /d:13.1.3/ControlsExample1 

Chiron gave me this feedback:

*Generating XAP C:\Users\mfunke\Documents\Programming 
Reference\Python\Libraries\IronPython\IronPython In 
Action\sourcecode\chapter13\app.xap from 
Reference\Python\Libraries\IronPython\IronPython In 

I then moved *app.xap* from *C:\Users\mfunke\Documents\Programming 
Reference\Python\Libraries\IronPython\IronPython In 
Action\sourcecode\chapter13* to *C:\Users\mfunke\Documents\Programming 
Reference\Python\Libraries\IronPython\IronPython In 
Action\sourcecode\chapter13\13.1.3\ControlsExample1* and opened 
*index.html*.  That's what generated the error in the attached screenshot.

Can anyone help me?  How */should/* I be generating app.xap, and where 
should it live?

I'm running IronPython 2.6.1 for .NET 4.0, as well as .NET 4.0 
(naturally) and Silverlight 4.  Thanks in advance for any help you can 

Hey Matt,

The IronPython in Action binaries include IronPython 2 (Python 2.5), 
which unfortunately isn't compatible with Silverlight 4 due to core-clr 
API changes (grrr). If you replace the IronPython binaries in the 
examples with the IronPython 2.6.1 IronPython for Silverlight binaries 
then all the code should just work.

I need to update the examples and get Manning to use the later version - 
my apologies.

All the best,

Michael Foord

-- Best Regards,

Matt Funke

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Re: [IronPython] IPy Dependencies?

2010-07-12 Thread Michael Foord

On 12/07/2010 19:31, Funke, Matt wrote:

Is there any chance that IronPython has dependencies on PyQt or 
anything like that?

Absolutely no chance at all. :-)


My copy of PyScripter ( stopped working after I tried to use 
it to edit some scripts I was building for IronPython.  Rebooting and 
re-installing has not fixed the problem.

I'm just trying to troubleshoot and investigate all possibilities.

-- Best Regards,

Matt Funke

[] *On Behalf Of *Dino Viehland

*Sent:* Monday, July 12, 2010 2:14 PM
*To:* Discussion of IronPython
*Subject:* Re: [IronPython] compiling an executable with the standard 

socket is actually a built-in in IronPython.  So you really only need 
threading.  But threading depends upon functools, and collections, and 
traceback.  I'm not sure how far the transitive closure goes so let's 
just assume you'll need to compile the entire standard library.  You 
can actually compile this into its own DLL using pyc.  So you could do:

import System

import pyc

files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(r'C:\Program Files 
(x86)\IronPython 2.6\Lib')

files = [f for f in files if f.endswith('.py')]

import pyc

pyc.Main(files + ['/out:stdlib.dll'])

I'm just importing pyc directly here because for whatever reason it 
doesn't accept wildcards.

There's a bug in 2.6.1 which prevents this from working -- it'll be 
fixed in 2.6.2.  You could compile w/ 2.6.0 to get a working EXE or 
you could remove any std lib modules that fail to compile.

Now you can just do a clr.AddReference('stdlib.dll') in your script 
and the std lib will be available to you.

[] *On Behalf Of *Andrew Evans

*Sent:* Monday, July 12, 2010 10:50 AM
*To:* Discussion of IronPython
*Subject:* [IronPython] compiling an executable with the standard library

I am having problems compiling an executable. From what research I 
have done, I need to include in my compilation the python standard 
modules that I am using. How ever I can not figure out how to do this.

Any advice would be appreciated here is the command I am using

ipy path to pyc\ /main:path to app\ /target:exe

these are the modules used in my script

import socket
from threading import *

Thank you in advance

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Re: [IronPython] compiling an executable with the standard library

2010-07-12 Thread Michael Foord

On 12/07/2010 23:56, Andrew Evans wrote:
A quick thought do I need to reference Threading by doing something 
like stdlib.Threading or can I just do from Threading import *

Threading is imported from .NET and not from a Python library. The usual 
import is from System.Threading import Thread etc.


On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 3:54 PM, Andrew Evans wrote:

Hell ty for your fast reply.

I compiled the dll using your script. I then did a
clr.AddReference in my py code. I also switched to Python 2.6.0. I
compiled my code and copied the necessary dlls from my IronPython
install to my my executable output directory along with my xaml file.

How ever when I run my app from command p2pChat.exe it crashes
with no error messages and returns to a shell.

This is the contents of my Directory


Any ideas



On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 11:13 AM, Dino Viehland wrote:

socket is actually a built-in in IronPython.  So you really
only need threading.  But threading depends upon functools,
and collections, and traceback.  I’m not sure how far the
transitive closure goes so let’s just assume you’ll need to
compile the entire standard library.  You can actually compile
this into its own DLL using pyc.  So you could do:

import System

import pyc

files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(r'C:\Program Files
(x86)\IronPython 2.6\Lib')

files = [f for f in files if f.endswith('.py')]

import pyc

pyc.Main(files + ['/out:stdlib.dll'])

I’m just importing pyc directly here because for whatever
reason it doesn’t accept wildcards.

There’s a bug in 2.6.1 which prevents this from working –
it’ll be fixed in 2.6.2.  You could compile w/ 2.6.0 to get a
working EXE or you could remove any std lib modules that fail
to compile.

Now you can just do a clr.AddReference(‘stdlib.dll’) in your
script and the std lib will be available to you.

[] *On Behalf Of
*Andrew Evans
*Sent:* Monday, July 12, 2010 10:50 AM
*To:* Discussion of IronPython
*Subject:* [IronPython] compiling an executable with the
standard library

I am having problems compiling an executable. From what
research I have done, I need to include in my compilation the
python standard modules that I am using. How ever I can not
figure out how to do this.

Any advice would be appreciated here is the command I am using

ipy path to pyc\ /main:path to app\

these are the modules used in my script

import socket
from threading import *

Thank you in advance

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Re: [IronPython] Adding more than one entry to a TextBox WPF

2010-07-11 Thread Michael Foord

On 11/07/2010 22:06, Andrew Evans wrote:

Hello I am building a simple python app to further educate myself.

I am almost some what complete with this application. However I can 
not think how to add more than one entry to a TextBox. So when I input 
the first value it stays and then the second value third and so forth 
right now it replaces the first value with the second etc etc

You currently have this for setting the text in the textbox:

self.output.Text = str(self.entry_input.Text + \n)

This replaces the current text with next text. Instead try:

self.output.Text += (self.entry_input.Text + \n)

No need for the call to str - the Text property of a textbox is already 
a string.

All the best,


Here is my app code


import clr

from System.IO import File
from System.Windows.Markup import XamlReader
from System.Windows import *

import socket
from threading import *
import cPickle

CMD_MSG = range(1)

class Chat(object):
def __init__(self):
  mythread = Thread(target=self.server)
  stream = File.OpenRead(p2pChat.xaml)
  self.root = XamlReader.Load(stream)
  self.ip_address_input = self.root.FindName('ip_address')
  self.sendB = self.root.FindName('send')
  self.output = self.root.FindName('textbox')
  self.entry_input = self.root.FindName('entry')
  self.sendB.Click += self.sendit

def server(self):
  self.port = 9000
  self.s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)

  #print socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
  while True:
msg, addr = self.s.recvfrom(2024)
##cmd, msg = ord(msg[0]),msg[1:]
##if cmd == CMD_MSG:
self.output.Text = str(msg) + \n

def client(self, msg):
self.port = 9000 = self.ip_address_input.Text = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, 
socket.SOCK_DGRAM) +  :  + msg, (, 

def sendit(self, s, e):
self.output.Text = str(self.entry_input.Text + \n)
self.entry_input.Text = 

myChat = Chat()

app = Application()

Thanks in advance :-)

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Re: [IronPython] Compiling so that IronPython libraries are recognized?

2010-07-09 Thread Michael Foord

On 09/07/2010 14:50, Funke, Matt wrote:

I'm extremely new to compiling things in anything approaching a pythonic way, 
so my apologies in advance for what's probably a very simplistic question.

I've downloaded the source for psycopg2-2.2.1.  The documentation recommends using the standard 
python build and python install.

So I tried to run ipy build to incorporate these libraries into 

I get this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File, line 50, inmodule
ImportError: No module named subprocess


subprocess relies on modules like signal that aren't available in 
IronPython 2.6.1.

There is a partial implementation of subprocess by Jeff Hardy floating 
around that you could try. In general the IronPython support for 
distutils is minimal, so I still wouldn't expect normal module 
installation to work.

All the best,


I can verify that is in 
 Tools for Visual Studio\0.2\Lib.  Do I need to add this directory to an 
environment variable (like PATH), or is there some other way I can notify 
IronPython about where to look for library files?

Thanks for your time.

  -- Best Regards,
 Matt Funke
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Re: [IronPython] using XAML in IronPython

2010-07-09 Thread Michael Foord

On 09/07/2010 23:14, Andrew Evans wrote:
Hello I am learning IronPython having come from a CPython background, 
I started learning C# to add more to my knowledge base for IronPython.

I have a few questions using XAML:

First if I build something using the xaml designer in IronPython Studio 

Don't do that, really. IronPython Studio uses IronPython 1 which is 
years out of date. Plus it is very unstable. Use IronPython Tools for 
Visual Studio 2010 instead:

I don't think the xaml designer works particularly well with IronPython 
Tools, but you can use the xaml designer in Expression or Visual Studio 

and give it a name x:name=somename and want to reference it in a 
function def doSomething(s, e): how do I reference the item with the 
x:name value do I just type somename = changePropertyofControl? and 
how do I call the function?

Controls with an x:Name can be accessed as named attributes on parent 

Something like:

def doSomething(s, e):
button = root.hello # also equals s as it happens
root = XamlReader.Load(FileStream('Hello_World.xaml', FileMode.Open))




   Title=Hello World Height=300 Width=300
Button x:Name=helloClick Me/Button

Python Code is where I am confused

import clr

from System.Windows.Markup import XamlReader
from System.Windows import Application
from System.IO import FileStream, FileMode

app = Application()

def doSomething(sender,event):
hello.Content = Try again

app.Run(XamlReader.Load(FileStream('Hello_World.xaml', FileMode.Open)))

This I am sure is really simple... Coming from a Tk background its 
confusing for me.

Anyway ty



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Re: [IronPython] IronPython/Silverlight -- callback problem

2010-07-08 Thread Michael Foord

On 08/07/2010 12:28, Jan-Philip Gehrcke wrote:

Thanks for your comment, Michael.
I found the explanation in the docs:

The default setting is `BitmapCreateOptions.DelayCreation`
- Causes a BitmapSource object to delay initialization until it is 
necessary. This is useful when dealing with collections of images. 
This is the default value of the BitmapImage.CreateOptions property in 

Now, I change this to `BitmapCreateOptions.None` and add the callbacks 
before assigning the URI:

Great - glad you got it sorted.


def load_and_show(self): = BitmapImage() = BitmapCreateOptions.None; += self.successfully_loaded_now_show += self.load_failed = Uri(self.abspath, UriKind.Absolute)

def successfully_loaded_now_show(self, s, e):
self.xaml_main_image.Source =

This works as expected.


On 07.07.2010 18:49, Michael Foord wrote:

On 06/07/2010 15:59, Jan-Philip Gehrcke wrote:


I don't know if this is more an IronPython (2.6.1) issue than a 
Silverlight (4) issue, but I hope that I am talking to the right 
audience again (thank you for the great answers last time).

I've created an `Image` class managing images based on 
System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage. My method 
`image_instance.load_and_show()` should load the image from a given 
URI and then show it in an XAML image / element. The important 
thing is that the showing part should only happen after it is sure 
that the image has loaded correctly. To control this, I use the 
BitmapImage.ImageOpened event. This is the relevant part of the code 
from my `Image` class:

def load_and_show(self): = BitmapImage(Uri(self.abspath, UriKind.Absolute)) += self.successfully_loaded_now_show += self.load_failed
#self.xaml_main_image.Source = # LINE A

def successfully_loaded_now_show(self, s, e):
debug(image loaded: %s % s.UriSource) # LINE B
self.xaml_main_image.Source = # LINE C

def load_failed(self, s, e):
debug(image load failed) # LINE D

If the code is like shown above and I do 
`image_instance.show_and_load()`, nothing happens. More exactly, 
LINE B, C, and D are not reached. It is like *neither the event 
ImageOpened nor ImageFailed is toggled*.

It seems likely then that the image is not opened or downloaded until 
you set it as the source on an image. Does the code behave 
differently if you write it in C#?

If you set the bitmapimage as the image source does the event then 
fire correctly? If so perhaps create the image control but only add 
it to the visual tree once the bitmap has loaded.


If I re-activate (or un-outcomment =)) LINE A, the callbacks 
magically work properly, i.e. after calling 
`image_instance.show_and_load()` the image shows up in the UI 
(either via LINE A or C), and LINE B is definitely reached (or LINE 
D in case of a wrong URI).

The point is that I don't want LINE A, because showing the image 
should happen in a more controlled manner. What's the problem in my 
approach, why are the callbacks not called?

Thank you in advance,

Jan-Philip Gehrcke
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Re: [IronPython] Write permissions

2010-07-08 Thread Michael Foord

On 08/07/2010 09:37, Rob Brown-Bayliss wrote:


I have begun playing with ironpython and wpf.  I come from a python on
linux with gtk+ background.

I have a problem with vista and trying to open a log file via the
logging module:  Access to the path 'C:\log.txt' is denied.


Writing to C: in Vista and Windows 7 requires elevated permissions so 
your application will require admin privileges. Can you not choose 
another location to write to (one of the user folders)?


I expect this will bite me a lot on vista, but it works on xp.  Can
some one point me in the right direction with regards to user
permissions etc?




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Re: [IronPython] GUI programming / IronPython

2010-07-08 Thread Michael Foord

On 08/07/2010 17:38, Marcin Krol wrote:

Hello everyone,

I'm a relatively long-time Python user and need to develop a GUI
application with Python.

I'm waffling between PyQT and IronPython. PyQT has multiplatform
capability that is going for it. On the plus side, IronPython may be
better integrated with Windows, which will be my main target audience.

The question is, how hard is GUI programming with IronPython? Asking
bc I have very little experience with C# / .NET.

Are there any pitfalls re IronPython / Windows Forms? Is it hard for a
newbie to figure out using .NET stuff via IronPython?

IronPython and either WPF or Windows Forms is a great platform for 
developing desktop applications for Windows. It's a fairly big topic. 
I'd say Windows Forms is probably easier to start with but WPF is 
capable of creating better looking user interfaces. IronPython in Action 
has great material on both winforms and WPF, naturally. :-)

All the best,

Michael Foord


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Re: [IronPython] Packaging IronPython GUI app

2010-07-08 Thread Michael Foord

On 08/07/2010 17:38, Marcin Krol wrote:

Hello everyone,

Is it possible to package IronPython GUI app as standalone executable?
Anybody here doing that as a practice for production apps?

My motivation is obvious: I can't expect most users to go through
rigmarole of installing ironpython to use my app. I need to use
standard windows installer, and make an app as robust and self-
reliant (in the sense: independent of various system settings and
problems) as possible.

It seems that it's at least theoretically possible:

Caveats? Problems?

I'd appreciate feedback from someone who has been there and done that.

Packaging an app as an installer is a separate problem from IronPython. 
I've used Wix in the past for creating installers for Windows. You can 
use the Pyc compiler to create an executable from your IronPython 
application, or write a minimal C# .exe that embeds the IronPython 
engine and starts the app.

Both ways are pretty easy. All you need to do is include the IronPython 
assemblies along with your app.

All the best,

Michael Foord


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Re: [IronPython] Dynamic-ish programming, or MissingMemberException

2010-07-08 Thread Michael Foord

On 08/07/2010 19:03, Marcin Krol wrote:

Hello everyone,

When I try to add attributes to self in a method outside __init__, I'm 
getting MissingMemberException. Do I have to add everything to 
__slots__ and __init__() ?

I'm not saying it's not worth having smth like this to get Python plug 
into CLR, but this is kinda weird.

In addition, IronPython Studio crashed when I tried to get an online 
explanation from the exception window.

Don't use IronPython Studio - it is *very* unstable and uses IronPython 
1 which is years out of date.

Use IronPython Tools for Visual Studio 2010:

Basically you shouldn't use __slots__ because it causes problems like 
this... I think IronPython Studio creates classes with __slots__ when 
you use the windows forms designer. IronPython Tools doesn't have a 
winforms designer because it isn't really possible without horrible 
hacks. I recommend using the Visual Studio C# designer and then subclass 
the classes it generates from IronPython.



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Re: [IronPython] Dynamic-ish programming, or MissingMemberException

2010-07-08 Thread Michael Foord

On 08/07/2010 19:26, Marcin Krol wrote:

IronPython Tools doesn't have a winforms designer because it isn't 
really possible without horrible hacks. I recommend using the Visual 
Studio C# designer and then subclass the classes it generates from 

Thanks, this saves me newbie pains - but can I make this work with VS 
2010 Express?

Yes - just compile assemblies from the VS 2010 C# Express winforms 
designer. Add references to those assemblies and import from them in 
IronPython as you would for any .NET assembly.



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Re: [IronPython] Write permissions

2010-07-08 Thread Michael Foord

On 08/07/2010 19:46, Rob Brown-Bayliss wrote:

On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 11:38 PM, Michael Foord  wrote:


Writing to C: in Vista and Windows 7 requires elevated permissions so your
application will require admin privileges. Can you not choose another
location to write to (one of the user folders)?


I could.  On linux I would write to /tmp is there a similar concept in
windows vista and 7?

There are multiple ways of finding the temporary directory in .NET.

Are there some good docs along the lines of .NET python equivalents of
  win32api.GetUserName() and others?


System.Environment almost certainly has the temp directory as well. 
Check that or System.IO.Directory.

All the best,




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Re: [IronPython] png images in xaml

2010-07-08 Thread Michael Foord

On 08/07/2010 21:21, Rob Brown-Bayliss wrote:


I am using visual studio 2010 and the iron python tools.

How do I place an image in a dialog?

I have this in my xaml:

Image Name=pm_logo Grid.Row='0'
 BitmapImage UriSource=/Images/pm.png/BitmapImage

and in the project directory I have the Images folder and the png
image.  But nothing shows when I run the app.

Is it preferable to add the images in code or is xaml the correct place?
The URI syntax for loading images from the filesystem is truly horrible 
and requires you to specify absolute paths I believe. It is easier from 
C# as you can refer to them statically as embedded resources (or 
something like that).

If I recall correctly, in IronPython in Action I do it by preprocessing 
the xaml to insert the absolute path in the correct syntax before 
loading the xaml. Doing it from code is the other alternative.

All the best,



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Re: [IronPython] Foolproof IP Embedding

2010-07-08 Thread Michael Foord

On 08/07/2010 22:34, Alex wrote:

In my WPF application, I want to have an expert mode that lets the 
end-user write inline python code targetting one specific control (a 
sheetmusic). I embed IronPython and when the user code throws an 
exception I catch it and display it but there are a few foolproof 

1) If the user write some bad code in a function and binds it to one 
of the control event, it will crash the whole app. Of course I can 
recommand my users to always wrap event handlers into a try catch 
block (or ask to use a decorator that do it) but it's not really 
foolproof. I want to make it impossible to crash the whole app with 
user code. Perhaps native events mecanism is a bit too low-level to be 

Catch and report exceptions.

2) If the user code makes  an infinite loop it will hang the whole 
app. I want to have a panic button to stop the script (and even 
restart the python engine if necessary). I suppose I have to run user 
code in a worker thread but then the user have to use Invoke mecanisms 
each time he touchs an UI object? Is there an elegant pattern that 
deals with this concerns?

Execute the user code on a background thread. Provide a means for 
actions to be invoked on the gui thread (wrapped in exception handling) 
if necessary. Provide a button to abort the thread if it goes on too long.


This questions are more about .NET and patterns than IronPython, but I 
figured some of you have already thought about it in your IP 
experience. Thanks for any advices!


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Re: [IronPython] IronPython/Silverlight -- callback problem

2010-07-07 Thread Michael Foord

On 06/07/2010 15:59, Jan-Philip Gehrcke wrote:


I don't know if this is more an IronPython (2.6.1) issue than a 
Silverlight (4) issue, but I hope that I am talking to the right 
audience again (thank you for the great answers last time).

I've created an `Image` class managing images based on 
System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage. My method 
`image_instance.load_and_show()` should load the image from a given 
URI and then show it in an XAML image / element. The important thing 
is that the showing part should only happen after it is sure that the 
image has loaded correctly. To control this, I use the 
BitmapImage.ImageOpened event. This is the relevant part of the code 
from my `Image` class:

def load_and_show(self): = BitmapImage(Uri(self.abspath, UriKind.Absolute)) += self.successfully_loaded_now_show += self.load_failed
#self.xaml_main_image.Source = # LINE A

def successfully_loaded_now_show(self, s, e):
debug(image loaded: %s % s.UriSource) # LINE B
self.xaml_main_image.Source = # LINE C

def load_failed(self, s, e):
debug(image load failed) # LINE D

If the code is like shown above and I do 
`image_instance.show_and_load()`, nothing happens. More exactly, LINE 
B, C, and D are not reached. It is like *neither the event ImageOpened 
nor ImageFailed is toggled*.

It seems likely then that the image is not opened or downloaded until 
you set it as the source on an image. Does the code behave differently 
if you write it in C#?

If you set the bitmapimage as the image source does the event then fire 
correctly? If so perhaps create the image control but only add it to the 
visual tree once the bitmap has loaded.


If I re-activate (or un-outcomment =)) LINE A, the callbacks magically 
work properly, i.e. after calling `image_instance.show_and_load()` the 
image shows up in the UI (either via LINE A or C), and LINE B is 
definitely reached (or LINE D in case of a wrong URI).

The point is that I don't want LINE A, because showing the image 
should happen in a more controlled manner. What's the problem in my 
approach, why are the callbacks not called?

Thank you in advance,

Jan-Philip Gehrcke
Users mailing list


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Re: [IronPython] IronPython Tools for existing project

2010-07-07 Thread Michael Foord

On 07/07/2010 22:18, Dino Viehland wrote:

Michael wrote:

A further problem I forgot to mention is that when I add / create items
through the ui it puts absolute paths in the project file rather than
relative ones. This makes it problematic to keep the project files under
version control where different users will have different paths.

When I edit these paths to make them relative to the solution file /
project file everything seems to work - so I can create a tool to fix
the project files I guess.

Hi Michael,

I just wanted to let you know I have a fix for this and it'll be included
in the next release.




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Re: [IronPython] Better NumPy/SciPy Support for IronPython

2010-07-06 Thread Michael Foord

On 02/07/2010 21:52, Dave Fugate wrote:

[] on behalf of Michael Foord 

*Sent:* Thursday, July 01, 2010 2:44 PM
*To:* Discussion of IronPython
*Subject:* Re: [IronPython] Better NumPy/SciPy Support for IronPython

On 01/07/2010 20:14, Dave Fugate wrote:

Enthought, a company specialized in
Python-based scientific computing solutions, announced a
partnership with Microsoft several hours ago at the SciPy 2010 conference in
which they’re porting over the NumPy and SciPy scientific software packages to
IronPython.  A significant part of this effort involves
duplicating these packages’ C-based modules in .NET.  Previously,
these libraries could only be consumed from IronPython very
slowly using a C to .NET bridge.

Is there any evidence (metrics) that using the Ironclad C to .NET
bridge is very slow? I can believe there are places where it is
slower but but I've never seen enthought (or any one else) show
metrics of this.


Hi Michael, I personally haven’t seen the performance reports on 
IronClad, just word of mouth (e.g.,

Well that is William being typically self-effacing. :-) In practise most 
of the examples I've seen have been pretty damn fast, and that article 
points that out too. Going from in pathological cases it’s  worse to 
only be consumed from IronPython very slowly is quite a stretch.

Anyway, it's a serious point. It's a shame that the exciting news is 
being promoted by knocking Ironclad instead of celebrating it. There is 
another article that takes a similar tack, so I think this was part of 
the presentation announcing it which is very disappointing.

All the best,



  Not only will this porting effort drastically improve the
performance of Python’s top scientific packages under IronPython,
it’s fantastic for NumPy/SciPy in the sense that it enables an
entirely new community of (.NET) developers to utilize and
contribute to these libraries. Also, Enthought’s refactoring work
will make it easier to run these packages against all
implementations of Python, not just IronPython. It’s expected
that NumPy will be finished by September and SciPy before the end
of the year.

The IronPython Team

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Re: [IronPython] IronPython Tools for existing project

2010-07-06 Thread Michael Foord
Thanks Jimmy - that answers all my questions. I would *personally* 
prefer a directory based solution (*much*) with include / exclude 
regexen but I think our developers will be happy with a VS like solution 
and I can manipulate the xml to update the project with new files.

The Chiron problem is a real problem for us and negates some of the 
advantage of using Visual Studio. When there is any news on it please 
let us know.

Also please let me know when there is news on informing the Silverlight 
xaml designer about referenced assemblies.

All the best,

Michael Foord

On 06/07/2010 23:29, Jimmy Schementi wrote:
On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 7:38 AM, Michael Foord wrote:

Hello all,

I'm working with a team on an IronPython Silverlight application.
Some of the team develop with Windows and would like to use
IronPython Tools for Visual Studio, especially for its debugging
capabilities. This means I need to create a Visual Studio Solution
and project(s) from the existing file layout.

We would like to have the project checked in under version control
and I'm aware that we'll probably need to manually manipulate the
project files when we add files outside of visual studio.

I can create the Visual Studio solution and project file and then
manually manipulate the xml to add all the folders and individual
files. So far so good. (Although perhaps not ideal having to add
files individually - unfortunately I was away during the
discussion about whether projects should be able to operate from
the filesystem or have to explicitly include files.)

Yes, projects now have an explicit set of files which VS never 
magically updates. Unfortunately Show All Files isn't supported on 
IronPython projects today (well, really MPFProj doesn't support it), meaning there is 
no add this sub-directory option, so it's really annoying to add a 
new set of files. Which means a script to update the pyproj file is 
your best bet.

Dino and I were discussing a refresh button to enable on-demand 
updating, but that kinda sucks for someone who just wants a directory 
browser, which is sounds like you'd prefer? Personally I like the 
directory browser + regex exclusion list, but I understand that others 
want a closer-to-VS experience. Maybe there should be a toggle on the 
project that will put it in one or the other modes? I say a 
project-setting because it wouldn't be good if a explicit-project user 
created a project, and then it was opened by a directory-browser user. =P

Next I want to be able to launch our silverlight app from within
visual studio in order to be able to debug.

The html file is in a folder call devcode. This has a
subdirectory called python, which becomes python.xap when
served from chiron.

I set the startup file for the project to devcode\index.html and
the start directory to devcode.

When I launch the app with debugging from Visual Studio I get the
message that Chiron has started on port 1322 and IE opens to the
page http://localhost:1322/index.html

Our html page opens (so far so good again), but unfortunately
fails with the following error:

Line: 31
Error: Unhandled Error in Silverlight 2 Application
Code: 2104
Category: InitializeError
Message: Could not download the Silverlight application. Check web
server settings

So it looks like Chiron is not building python.xap. How can I fix

I'm able to reproduce this too; all xap file requests are 500 errors. 
Must be an issue with how VS is launching Chiron, as it works when I 
launch Chiron with the same set of flags from cmd.exe. Let me poke 
around a bit more ...

The next problem is that the xaml designer doesn't work. It fails
due to all the external assembly references used in our xaml. Now
this itself isn't so much a problem as I know the xaml designer is
ropey at the moment anyway - however Chiron is going to have the
same problem. It needs to know which assemblies our app uses so
that it can serve them (they are served externally rather than
being included in the xap file and need an entry in the Chiron

No need for putting an entry in the Chiron manifest; just create your 
own AppManifest.xaml in the python directory and put your entries 
there. Then put your assemblies somewhere relative to the python 
directory (like, maybe, bin?), and use the same relative paths in 
the AppManifest.xaml, like this:

ExternalPart Source=bin/ /

If this is never going to work with VS tools I can move the
assemblies into the xap file as we will *probably* need this later
anyway in order to allow our application to be installed and run
out of browser.

True, in SL3 ExternalParts did not work OOB, and I don't think that's 
changed in SL4.

However I had assumed I

[IronPython] IronPython Tools for existing project

2010-07-05 Thread Michael Foord

Hello all,

I'm working with a team on an IronPython Silverlight application. Some 
of the team develop with Windows and would like to use IronPython Tools 
for Visual Studio, especially for its debugging capabilities. This means 
I need to create a Visual Studio Solution and project(s) from the 
existing file layout.

We would like to have the project checked in under version control and 
I'm aware that we'll probably need to manually manipulate the project 
files when we add files outside of visual studio.

I can create the Visual Studio solution and project file and then 
manually manipulate the xml to add all the folders and individual files. 
So far so good. (Although perhaps not ideal having to add files 
individually - unfortunately I was away during the discussion about 
whether projects should be able to operate from the filesystem or have 
to explicitly include files.)

Next I want to be able to launch our silverlight app from within visual 
studio in order to be able to debug.

The html file is in a folder call devcode. This has a subdirectory 
called python, which becomes python.xap when served from chiron.

I set the startup file for the project to devcode\index.html and the 
start directory to devcode.

When I launch the app with debugging from Visual Studio I get the 
message that Chiron has started on port 1322 and IE opens to the page 

Our html page opens (so far so good again), but unfortunately fails with 
the following error:

Line: 31
Error: Unhandled Error in Silverlight 2 Application
Code: 2104
Category: InitializeError
Message: Could not download the Silverlight application. Check web 
server settings

So it looks like Chiron is not building python.xap. How can I fix this?

The next problem is that the xaml designer doesn't work. It fails due to 
all the external assembly references used in our xaml. Now this itself 
isn't so much a problem as I know the xaml designer is ropey at the 
moment anyway - however Chiron is going to have the same problem. It 
needs to know which assemblies our app uses so that it can serve them 
(they are served externally rather than being included in the xap file 
and need an entry in the Chiron manifest.)

If this is never going to work with VS tools I can move the assemblies 
into the xap file as we will *probably* need this later anyway in order 
to allow our application to be installed and run out of browser.

However I had assumed I could add a reference to the assemblies we 
were using. The add reference dialog doesn't actually allow me to add 
any references... The only active button on it is Cancel. Is it 
possible to add references to Silverlight assemblies used by our 
project? (And preferably have them picked up by both the xaml designer 
and by chiron.)

All the best,



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Users mailing list

Re: [IronPython] IronPython Tools for existing project

2010-07-05 Thread Michael Foord

Hello all,

A further problem I forgot to mention is that when I add / create items 
through the ui it puts absolute paths in the project file rather than 
relative ones. This makes it problematic to keep the project files under 
version control where different users will have different paths.

When I edit these paths to make them relative to the solution file / 
project file everything seems to work - so I can create a tool to fix 
the project files I guess.

All the best,

Michael Foord

On 05/07/2010 15:38, Michael Foord wrote:

Hello all,

I'm working with a team on an IronPython Silverlight application. Some 
of the team develop with Windows and would like to use IronPython 
Tools for Visual Studio, especially for its debugging capabilities. 
This means I need to create a Visual Studio Solution and project(s) 
from the existing file layout.

We would like to have the project checked in under version control and 
I'm aware that we'll probably need to manually manipulate the project 
files when we add files outside of visual studio.

I can create the Visual Studio solution and project file and then 
manually manipulate the xml to add all the folders and individual 
files. So far so good. (Although perhaps not ideal having to add files 
individually - unfortunately I was away during the discussion about 
whether projects should be able to operate from the filesystem or have 
to explicitly include files.)

Next I want to be able to launch our silverlight app from within 
visual studio in order to be able to debug.

The html file is in a folder call devcode. This has a subdirectory 
called python, which becomes python.xap when served from chiron.

I set the startup file for the project to devcode\index.html and the 
start directory to devcode.

When I launch the app with debugging from Visual Studio I get the 
message that Chiron has started on port 1322 and IE opens to the page 

Our html page opens (so far so good again), but unfortunately fails 
with the following error:

Line: 31
Error: Unhandled Error in Silverlight 2 Application
Code: 2104
Category: InitializeError
Message: Could not download the Silverlight application. Check web 
server settings

So it looks like Chiron is not building python.xap. How can I fix this?

The next problem is that the xaml designer doesn't work. It fails due 
to all the external assembly references used in our xaml. Now this 
itself isn't so much a problem as I know the xaml designer is ropey at 
the moment anyway - however Chiron is going to have the same problem. 
It needs to know which assemblies our app uses so that it can serve 
them (they are served externally rather than being included in the xap 
file and need an entry in the Chiron manifest.)

If this is never going to work with VS tools I can move the assemblies 
into the xap file as we will *probably* need this later anyway in 
order to allow our application to be installed and run out of browser.

However I had assumed I could add a reference to the assemblies we 
were using. The add reference dialog doesn't actually allow me to 
add any references... The only active button on it is Cancel. Is it 
possible to add references to Silverlight assemblies used by our 
project? (And preferably have them picked up by both the xaml designer 
and by chiron.)

All the best,



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your employer, to release me from all obligations and waivers arising from any 
and all NON-NEGOTIATED agreements, licenses, terms-of-service, shrinkwrap, 
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have the authority to release me from any BOGUS AGREEMENTS on behalf of your 

Users mailing list

Re: [IronPython] IronPython Tools for existing project

2010-07-05 Thread Michael Foord

On 05/07/2010 21:20, Dino Viehland wrote:

We should definitely be adding relative paths so this is just a bug and I'll
take a look at fixing it.


Cool - any ideas on the Chiron issue? (Why it isn't building our xap 
file and if it is possible for me to tell it about the external 
assemblies it needs to serve.)

All the best,


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:users-] On Behalf Of Michael Foord
Sent: Monday, July 05, 2010 8:12 AM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Cc: Sven Passig
Subject: Re: [IronPython] IronPython Tools for existing project

Hello all,

A further problem I forgot to mention is that when I add / create items
through the ui it puts absolute paths in the project file rather than
relative ones. This makes it problematic to keep the project files
version control where different users will have different paths.

When I edit these paths to make them relative to the solution file /
project file everything seems to work - so I can create a tool to fix
the project files I guess.

All the best,

Michael Foord

On 05/07/2010 15:38, Michael Foord wrote:

Hello all,

I'm working with a team on an IronPython Silverlight application.


of the team develop with Windows and would like to use IronPython
Tools for Visual Studio, especially for its debugging capabilities.
This means I need to create a Visual Studio Solution and project(s)
from the existing file layout.

We would like to have the project checked in under version control


I'm aware that we'll probably need to manually manipulate the project
files when we add files outside of visual studio.

I can create the Visual Studio solution and project file and then
manually manipulate the xml to add all the folders and individual
files. So far so good. (Although perhaps not ideal having to add


individually - unfortunately I was away during the discussion about
whether projects should be able to operate from the filesystem or


to explicitly include files.)

Next I want to be able to launch our silverlight app from within
visual studio in order to be able to debug.

The html file is in a folder call devcode. This has a subdirectory
called python, which becomes python.xap when served from chiron.

I set the startup file for the project to devcode\index.html and


start directory to devcode.

When I launch the app with debugging from Visual Studio I get the
message that Chiron has started on port 1322 and IE opens to the page

Our html page opens (so far so good again), but unfortunately fails
with the following error:

Line: 31
Error: Unhandled Error in Silverlight 2 Application
Code: 2104
Category: InitializeError
Message: Could not download the Silverlight application. Check web
server settings

So it looks like Chiron is not building python.xap. How can I fix


The next problem is that the xaml designer doesn't work. It fails due
to all the external assembly references used in our xaml. Now this
itself isn't so much a problem as I know the xaml designer is ropey


the moment anyway - however Chiron is going to have the same problem.
It needs to know which assemblies our app uses so that it can serve
them (they are served externally rather than being included in the


file and need an entry in the Chiron manifest.)

If this is never going to work with VS tools I can move the


into the xap file as we will *probably* need this later anyway in
order to allow our application to be installed and run out of


However I had assumed I could add a reference to the assemblies we
were using. The add reference dialog doesn't actually allow me to
add any references... The only active button on it is Cancel. Is it
possible to add references to Silverlight assemblies used by our
project? (And preferably have them picked up by both the xaml


and by chiron.)

All the best,




READ CAREFULLY. By accepting and reading this email you agree, on
behalf of your employer, to release me from all obligations and waivers
arising from any and all NON-NEGOTIATED agreements, licenses, terms-of-
service, shrinkwrap, clickwrap, browsewrap, confidentiality, non-
disclosure, non-compete and acceptable use policies (BOGUS
AGREEMENTS) that I have entered into with your employer, its partners,
licensors, agents and assigns, in perpetuity, without prejudice to my
ongoing rights and privileges. You further represent that you have the
authority to release me from any BOGUS AGREEMENTS on behalf of your

Users mailing list

Re: [IronPython] IronPython Tools for existing project

2010-07-05 Thread Michael Foord

On 05/07/2010 21:27, Jimmy Schementi wrote:
On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 1:22 PM, Michael Foord wrote:

On 05/07/2010 21:20, Dino Viehland wrote:

We should definitely be adding relative paths so this is just
a bug and I'll
take a look at fixing it.

Cool - any ideas on the Chiron issue? (Why it isn't building our
xap file and if it is possible for me to tell it about the
external assemblies it needs to serve.)

I'll look into it tomorrow

Thanks guys - really appreciate your help.

All the best,


All the best,


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:users-
mailto:users-] On Behalf Of
Michael Foord
Sent: Monday, July 05, 2010 8:12 AM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Cc: Sven Passig
Subject: Re: [IronPython] IronPython Tools for existing

Hello all,

A further problem I forgot to mention is that when I add /
create items
through the ui it puts absolute paths in the project file
rather than
relative ones. This makes it problematic to keep the
project files
version control where different users will have different

When I edit these paths to make them relative to the
solution file /
project file everything seems to work - so I can create a
tool to fix
the project files I guess.

All the best,

Michael Foord

On 05/07/2010 15:38, Michael Foord wrote:

Hello all,

I'm working with a team on an IronPython Silverlight


of the team develop with Windows and would like to use
Tools for Visual Studio, especially for its debugging
This means I need to create a Visual Studio Solution
and project(s)
from the existing file layout.

We would like to have the project checked in under
version control


I'm aware that we'll probably need to manually
manipulate the project
files when we add files outside of visual studio.

I can create the Visual Studio solution and project
file and then
manually manipulate the xml to add all the folders and
files. So far so good. (Although perhaps not ideal
having to add


individually - unfortunately I was away during the
discussion about
whether projects should be able to operate from the
filesystem or


to explicitly include files.)

Next I want to be able to launch our silverlight app
from within
visual studio in order to be able to debug.

The html file is in a folder call devcode. This has
a subdirectory
called python, which becomes python.xap when
served from chiron.

I set the startup file for the project to
devcode\index.html and


start directory to devcode.

When I launch the app with debugging from Visual
Studio I get the
message that Chiron has started on port 1322 and IE
opens to the page

Our html page opens (so far so good again), but
unfortunately fails
with the following error:

Line: 31
Error: Unhandled Error in Silverlight 2 Application
Code: 2104
Category: InitializeError
Message: Could not download the Silverlight
application. Check web
server settings

So it looks like Chiron is not building python.xap.
How can I fix


The next problem is that the xaml designer doesn't
work. It fails due
to all the external assembly references used in our
xaml. Now this
itself isn't so much a problem as I know the xaml
designer is ropey


the moment anyway - however Chiron is going to have

Re: [IronPython] Developing Silverlight apps using IronPython -- best strategies

2010-07-05 Thread Michael Foord

On 02/07/2010 19:34, Jimmy Schementi wrote:


1) What is the cutting-edge way to deploy an SL4/IP2.6 application?
I've basically seen two:
  - The all-in-xap-way, with the python application and assemblies as well
as the XAML in the xap file, as it is described in the article series at
  - The Gestalt way, with some magic inside, allowing to place
XAML/Python code directly in the HTML Is the first way out-of-date? Are
there more techniques? What are advantages/disadvantages?

There are two ways of developing apps because the Silverlight application model 
and the HTML application model are way different. The all-in-xap-way doesn't 
fight Silverlight at all, but it is a fight against how you're use to making 
web-apps. The script-tag way doesn't fight the web at all, but requires some 
tricks to work in Silverlight's world (zip files for DLL's, for example).

We now advertise the script-tag way, as its most friendly to how people develop 
in dynamic languages, but there is nothing obsolete about the all-in-xap way. I 
personally prefer the script-tag way, and then I put libraries in zip files as 
needed. However, if you want to make a Silverlight app which runs 
out-of-browser, you need to use the app-in-xap way, since there in no HTML page 
to put script-tags on. =)


The Gestalt way is definitely the cutting edge, and was brought in 
after I wrote the silverlight articles. It is on my list to update 
these articles...

[snip good questions and good answers from Jimmy that I can't add to...]

4) Code compilation: Is it possible to develop using IP, but to only deploy
compiled binaries?
I've stumbled over Pyc. How to use it within the best approach of question
(1)? My naive mind sees two possible advantages:
  - Could this be a solution to the traffic problem in question (2), i.e. 
this do without IP assembly provisioning?
  - For some developers it could be attractive for code obfuscation.
I have the feeling that things are not that easy...

We don't support pre-compilation in Silverlight today. It wouldn't solve the 
traffic problem, as the DLR and IronPython are still required to run the pyc 
files. It might help make startup a bit quicker, but we haven't done 
performance testing to see what the actual win would be in Silverlight. In 
practice I prefer to import on a background thread, which does not hang the app 
during startup, and lets things load in as they need to.

We would dearly love to be able to deliver compiled IronPython binaries 
with Silverlight applications - mainly for startup performance (but also 
code obfuscation which is always a controversial topic). We also use 
background thread importing but it is still not as fast as we *would 
like*... :-)

I think the limitation here is in the core-CLR missing the APIs that Pyc 
uses to write out assemblies.

All the best,

Michael Foord


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your employer, to release me from all obligations and waivers arising from any 
and all NON-NEGOTIATED agreements, licenses, terms-of-service, shrinkwrap, 
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acceptable use policies (”BOGUS AGREEMENTS”) that I have entered into with your 
employer, its partners, licensors, agents and assigns, in perpetuity, without 
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have the authority to release me from any BOGUS AGREEMENTS on behalf of your 

Users mailing list

Re: [IronPython] Announcing IronPython Tools for Visual Studio CTP3

2010-07-02 Thread Michael Foord

On 02/07/2010 00:35, Jimmy Schementi wrote:
Keep in mind, these downloads are hosted on the website directly only 
while we have this temporary license; once the source code is released 
as well, the downloads will move to CodePlex.

Right, but the changes I were suggesting were really simple ones no?

That being said, the download page which redirects to the actual file 
is for tracking purposes; we use Google Analytics to track downloads, 
and have no way of tracking files that way.

Don't you have server logs? (Or are you counting page views as 
downloads? Given that IE blocks the download by default, and you have to 
manually allow it, you will get some nicely inflated figures that way...)

It's pretty easy to figure out where the redirect is pulling the file 
from; hint:

But the way you find that out is by doing view source on the page after 
you've downloaded it. Or cancel the download and because there is no 
download link you have to refresh the page to start it again. If you 
want to save a versioned filename so you know what version it is you 
have on your fileystem if you need to reinstall then you have to 
remember to do this after you have downloaded and rename it yourself. 
Sending a versioned filename at least would save that.

Though, we can't track those downloads, and those stats are one of the 
ways we show Microsoft management the benefits of the project. Also, a 
list of versions will be at

That's helpful.


Michael Foord


[] on behalf of Michael Foord 

*Sent:* Thursday, July 01, 2010 2:46 PM
*To:* Discussion of IronPython
*Subject:* Re: [IronPython] Announcing IronPython Tools for Visual 
Studio CTP3

On 01/07/2010 19:34, Dino Viehland wrote:

Hello Python Community,

We are happy to announce a minor update to the IronPython Tools for 
Visual Studio.  IronPython Tools for Visual Studio (IPyTools) is a 
set of extensions available for Visual Studio 2010 which supports 
development of IronPython applications.  This release is our 3^rd 
Community Technical Preview (CTP) and builds upon the previous two 
releases.  The release is a minor update which includes bug fixes and 
a number of small features.  You can download the latest release at

Can the download page please have a download link on it instead of (or 
as well as) serving the download through a refresh:

Additionally, if possible, can the downloaded file have a version 
number in the filename please. :-)


Michael Foord

There is also one major change in that the project system is no 
longer based upon the files which live on disk.  Instead we now 
follow the normal VS project model.  This means files must be 
explicitly added to the project and files which you don’t want in the 
project won’t automatically show up.  We made this change based upon 
feedback from people using the tool and think it will make it more 
familiar for normal Visual Studio users.  Despite this change there 
is still support for an “implicit” project when working without a 

Like the previous release this release includes support for 
Intellisense including member completion, signature help, find all 
references, and goto definition.  It enables quick browsing of your 
code using the object browser and the editor navigation bar.  It has 
an interactive (REPL) window that enables the development of 
applications in an interactive way.  IPyTools supports lightweight 
development without a project as well as working with project files 
in the tradition of Visual Studio .  Opening a .py file causes 
IronPython Tools to model the code in the containing directory as an 
implicit project for Intellisense features.   There are project 
templates for console, WPF, WinForms, and Silverlight applications.  
WPF applications support drag-and-drop UI development.  Debugging of 
Python applications works just like you debug other languages in 
Visual Studio.

We are still working on our final licensing terms for IronPython 
Tools, and as such this release is licensed under a temporary limited 
use license.  While we weren’t able to finalize this for this release 
we expect to have this finalized for the next release.

The full list of changes includes a number of bug fixes:

Interactive window now respects VS color settings

Fixed default settings for insert tabs, enter 
completing options, list of characters to complete to

Fixed auto-indent inserting extra tabs on a blank line

Enables usage of VS common settings for smart 
indentation and tabs and respects those options

Re: [IronPython] Better NumPy/SciPy Support for IronPython

2010-07-01 Thread Michael Foord

On 01/07/2010 20:14, Dave Fugate wrote:


a company specialized in Python-based scientific computing solutions,
a partnership with Microsoft several hours ago at the
  SciPy 2010
conference in which theyre porting over the
  NumPy and SciPy
scientific software packages to IronPython. A significant part of this
effort involves duplicating these packages C-based modules in .NET.
Previously, these libraries could only be consumed from IronPython very
slowly using a C to .NET bridge.

Is there any evidence (metrics) that using the Ironclad C to .NET
bridge is "very slow"? I can believe there are places where it is
slower but but I've never seen enthought (or any one else) show metrics
of this.


   Not only will
this porting effort drastically improve the performance of Pythons top
scientific packages under IronPython, its fantastic for NumPy/SciPy in
the sense that it enables an entirely new community of (.NET)
developers to utilize and contribute to these libraries. 
Also, Enthoughts refactoring work will make it easier to run these
packages against all implementations of Python, not just IronPython.
  Its expected that NumPy will be finished by September and
SciPy before the end of the year.
  The IronPython

Users mailing list


READ CAREFULLY. By accepting and reading this email you agree, on behalf of your employer, to release me from all obligations and waivers arising from any and all NON-NEGOTIATED agreements, licenses, terms-of-service, shrinkwrap, clickwrap, browsewrap, confidentiality, non-disclosure, non-compete and acceptable use policies (BOGUS AGREEMENTS) that I have entered into with your employer, its partners, licensors, agents and assigns, in perpetuity, without prejudice to my ongoing rights and privileges. You further represent that you have the authority to release me from any BOGUS AGREEMENTS on behalf of your employer.

Users mailing list

Re: [IronPython] Announcing IronPython Tools for Visual Studio CTP3

2010-07-01 Thread Michael Foord

On 01/07/2010 19:34, Dino Viehland wrote:

Hello Python Community,

We are happy to announce a minor update to the IronPython Tools for 
Visual Studio.  IronPython Tools for Visual Studio (IPyTools) is a set 
of extensions available for Visual Studio 2010 which supports 
development of IronPython applications.  This release is our 3^rd 
Community Technical Preview (CTP) and builds upon the previous two 
releases.  The release is a minor update which includes bug fixes and 
a number of small features.  You can download the latest release at

Can the download page please have a download link on it instead of (or 
as well as) serving the download through a refresh:

Additionally, if possible, can the downloaded file have a version number 
in the filename please. :-)


Michael Foord

There is also one major change in that the project system is no longer 
based upon the files which live on disk.  Instead we now follow the 
normal VS project model.  This means files must be explicitly added to 
the project and files which you don't want in the project won't 
automatically show up.  We made this change based upon feedback from 
people using the tool and think it will make it more familiar for 
normal Visual Studio users.  Despite this change there is still 
support for an implicit project when working without a project.

Like the previous release this release includes support for 
Intellisense including member completion, signature help, find all 
references, and goto definition.  It enables quick browsing of your 
code using the object browser and the editor navigation bar.  It has 
an interactive (REPL) window that enables the development of 
applications in an interactive way.  IPyTools supports lightweight 
development without a project as well as working with project files in 
the tradition of Visual Studio .  Opening a .py file causes IronPython 
Tools to model the code in the containing directory as an implicit 
project for Intellisense features.   There are project templates for 
console, WPF, WinForms, and Silverlight applications.  WPF 
applications support drag-and-drop UI development.  Debugging of 
Python applications works just like you debug other languages in 
Visual Studio.

We are still working on our final licensing terms for IronPython 
Tools, and as such this release is licensed under a temporary limited 
use license.  While we weren't able to finalize this for this release 
we expect to have this finalized for the next release.

The full list of changes includes a number of bug fixes:

Interactive window now respects VS color settings

Fixed default settings for insert tabs, enter 
completing options, list of characters to complete to

Fixed auto-indent inserting extra tabs on a blank line

Enables usage of VS common settings for smart 
indentation and tabs and respects those options.

Escape in REPL cancels both the intellisense session 
and the current input

REPL: When a completion item is focused but not 
selective enter should not complete it

REPL: We should respect the various intellisense 
completion options

REPL: We should be using IronPython's auto intending

Fix repl not respecting smart up/down on startup if the window was set 
to be open

REPL: Don't allow history if the current command is still running -- 
instead navigate the buffer

REPL: Enable syntax highlighting even if a command throws an exception

REPL: Remove trailing new lines from REPL history so we go back to 
the last line of input

REPL: When pasting ensure there's a new line

REPL: Auto indent should delete selected lines when pressing enter

There are also a few new features:

New Fill Comment Paragraph feature

Implemented auto-dedent so it will backspace # of tabs

Support for disabling intellisense via normal VS mechanism

Support for hiding advanced members in intellisense (currently 
defined as __abc__ members)

There is one major change:

 Removes directory based projects in favor of normal VS style projects

- The IronPython Team

Users mailing list


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employer, to release me from all obligations and waivers arising from any and all 
NON-NEGOTIATED agreements, licenses, terms-of-service, shrinkwrap, clickwrap, browsewrap, 
confidentiality, non-disclosure, non-compete and acceptable use policies (BOGUS 
AGREEMENTS) that I have entered into with your employer, its partners, licensors, 
agents and assigns, in perpetuity, without prejudice to my ongoing rights and privileges

Re: [IronPython] bug when overriding __delattr__

2010-06-23 Thread Michael Foord

On 23/06/2010 13:38, Ronnie Maor wrote:
The following code works in CPython 2.6.2, but is broken in both IPy 
2.6 and 2.6.1

 class A(object):
... def __delattr__(self,name):
... object.__delattr__(self,name)
 a = A()
 a.x = 3
 del a.x
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
  File stdin, line 3, in __delattr__
AttributeError: 'A' object has no attribute 'x'

You are correct, but this has already been reported and is fixed on 
trunk. The fix will be in 2.6.2 which will hopefully be released soon... :-)

All the best,


Users mailing list


READ CAREFULLY. By accepting and reading this email you agree, on behalf of your 
employer, to release me from all obligations and waivers arising from any and all 
NON-NEGOTIATED agreements, licenses, terms-of-service, shrinkwrap, clickwrap, browsewrap, 
confidentiality, non-disclosure, non-compete and acceptable use policies (BOGUS 
AGREEMENTS) that I have entered into with your employer, its partners, licensors, 
agents and assigns, in perpetuity, without prejudice to my ongoing rights and privileges. 
You further represent that you have the authority to release me from any BOGUS AGREEMENTS 
on behalf of your employer.

Users mailing list

Re: [IronPython] Problem Closing Application

2010-06-14 Thread Michael Foord
 = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox

if self._txt_Login.Text == test and self._txt_pwd.Text == 

#MsgBox.Show(Welcome to the Wonderful World of Visual Basic)
MF = mf()
#MF.SetTopLevel = True
MsgBox.Show(UserName Or Password Incorrect)


def Txt_LoginTextChanged(self, sender, e):

def Bt_cancelClick(self, sender, e):

class mf(MainForm.MainForm):
#conn = sqlite3.connect(rc:\tester.sqlite)
#c = conn.cursor()
#c.execute(insert into test values (Null,'Bozz11','Crazyman11'))

class encrypt_a(object):

def EncryptString(self, strEncrypted):
b = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(strEncrypted)
encryptedConnectionString = System.Convert.ToBase64String(b)
return encryptedConnectionString

def __init__(self):

class decrypt_a(object):

def DecryptString(self, encrString):
b = System.Convert.FromBase64String(encrString)
decryptedConnectionString = 

return decryptedConnectionString

#ac = Anthony
#cc = encrypt_a().EncryptString(ac)
#cca = Log_In()._txt_Login.Text = tett


import System.Drawing
import System.Windows.Forms

from System.Drawing import *
from System.Windows.Forms import *
import Log_In

class MainForm(Form):
def __init__(self):


def InitializeComponent(self):
self._textBox1 = System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
# textBox1
self._textBox1.Location = System.Drawing.Point(129, 101)
self._textBox1.Name = textBox1
self._textBox1.Size = System.Drawing.Size(231, 20)
self._textBox1.TabIndex = 0
# MainForm
self.ClientSize = System.Drawing.Size(503, 356)
self.Name = MainForm
self.Text = HSE
self.Load += self.MainFormLoad

def MainFormLoad(self, sender, e):

Hope you can help out with this!

On Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 1:52 AM, Michael Foord wrote:

On 12/06/2010 16:22, Anthony wrote:

Hi All

Just to state - I'm a real newbie to programming  ironpython
I have an application that has 2 forms. The application gets
started in the module(btw i'm using #develop). This
calls another module - This is a login form which
validates user names/passwords. Once this is validated I _hide_
the form and call the second module - The program
runs fine - except that when I close the MainForm form - the
application is still running. I know it's because a
object is hidden. What I'm asking is how construct the
programming in such a way that this does not happen - that when
the second form is closed - the application closes; or is there a
better way to do this?

How about closing the login form instead of hiding it? Another way
is to handle the Closing event on your main form and close the
login form then. You can also call Application.Exit()  (I believe
- this is off the top of my head so you should check) to exit the
GUI event loop.

All the best,




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[IronPython] Problem with ScriptSource.GetCodeProperties()

2010-06-13 Thread Michael Foord

Hello all,

IronPython 2.6.1:

 import clr
 from IronPython.Hosting import Python
 from Microsoft.Scripting import SourceCodeKind
 engine = Python.CreateEngine()
 scope = engine.CreateScope()
 text = 'lambda'
 source = engine.CreateScriptSourceFromString(text, 'stdin', 

 result = source.GetCodeProperties()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File stdin, line 1, in module
TypeError: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: parameters

If instead of 'stdin' I use 'stdin' like I used to it throws for that 
as well.

All the best,

Michael Foord


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Users mailing list

Re: [IronPython] Problem Closing Application

2010-06-12 Thread Michael Foord

On 12/06/2010 16:22, Anthony wrote:

Hi All

Just to state - I'm a real newbie to programming  ironpython
I have an application that has 2 forms. The application gets started 
in the module(btw i'm using #develop). This calls another 
module - This is a login form which validates user 
names/passwords. Once this is validated I _hide_ the form and call the 
second module - The program runs fine - except that when 
I close the MainForm form - the application is still running. I know 
it's because a object is hidden. What I'm asking is how 
construct the programming in such a way that this does not happen - 
that when the second form is closed - the application closes; or is 
there a better way to do this?

How about closing the login form instead of hiding it? Another way is to 
handle the Closing event on your main form and close the login form 
then. You can also call Application.Exit()  (I believe - this is off the 
top of my head so you should check) to exit the GUI event loop.

All the best,




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Re: [IronPython] NLTK in C# application?

2010-06-11 Thread Michael Foord

On 11/06/2010 12:06, William Johnston wrote:


Where is the sys.path file located?

If you start the IronPython console and execute import sys, then 
print sys.path it will show you all the directories it looks when you 
try to import a module.

You can manually add a directory to this path 
(sys.path.append(r'c:\SomePath')) at the start of your code to add 
extra locations to your import path.

All the best,



*From:* Michael Foord []
*Sent:* Thursday, June 10, 2010 11:29 AM
*To:* Discussion of IronPython
*Cc:* William Johnston
*Subject:* Re: [IronPython] NLTK in C# application?

On 10/06/2010 14:57, William Johnston wrote:


In order for NLTK to work, I need to install PyYaml.

However, the PyYaml installer does not recognize the IronPython
installation in the Registry.

How do I alter the registry?

I don't know - the folks on the pywin32 mailing list could probably 
tell you. An easier route would be to install Python, then install 
PyYaml, then either copy the files to somewhere on sys.path for 
IronPython (or add your Python site-packages folder to sys.path in 
your IronPython code).

All the best,

Michael Foord


[] *On Behalf Of *Michael Foord

*Sent:* Thursday, June 10, 2010 7:11 AM
*To:* Discussion of IronPython
*Subject:* Re: [IronPython] NLTK in C# application?

On 10/06/2010 12:05, William Johnston wrote:


How do I include the NLTK modules in a C# application?

There is already code for embedded Python.

The first step is to try importing it and running some examples from 
in IronPython. If that works then you just need to provide a 'bridge' 
layer that embeds IronPython in your C# app and allows you to call 
into IronPython to use NLTK.

If NLTK *doesn't* work from IronPython it will probably be because it 
uses C extension modules not available in IronPython. One way round 
this is to use Ironclad. Again, try some NLTK examples from IronPython 
but with Ironclad and see if that works.

If it still doesn't work it may be worth reporting back here with the 
problems to see if they are resolvable.

All the best,

Michael Foord



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You further represent that you have the authority to release me from any BOGUS AGREEMENTS 
on behalf of your employer.

Users mailing list

Re: [IronPython] NLTK in C# application?

2010-06-11 Thread Michael Foord

On 11/06/2010 14:53, William Johnston wrote:

Mr. Foord:

I apologize for so many questions.

But it seems I cannot perform the folllowing statement:

import subprocess

Which returns No module named subprocess.

Could you explain this?

I'm afraid there is no subprocess module (yet) for IronPython. Two 
alternatives are:

All the best,

Michael Foord

As an aside, this works for Python 2.6.


*From:* Michael Foord []
*Sent:* Friday, June 11, 2010 9:28 AM
*To:* William Johnston
*Cc:* Discussion of IronPython
*Subject:* Re: [IronPython] NLTK in C# application?

On 11/06/2010 12:06, William Johnston wrote:


Where is the sys.path file located?

If you start the IronPython console and execute import sys, then 
print sys.path it will show you all the directories it looks when 
you try to import a module.

You can manually add a directory to this path 
(sys.path.append(r'c:\SomePath')) at the start of your code to add 
extra locations to your import path.

All the best,



*From:* Michael Foord []
*Sent:* Thursday, June 10, 2010 11:29 AM
*To:* Discussion of IronPython
*Cc:* William Johnston
*Subject:* Re: [IronPython] NLTK in C# application?

On 10/06/2010 14:57, William Johnston wrote:


In order for NLTK to work, I need to install PyYaml.

However, the PyYaml installer does not recognize the IronPython
installation in the Registry.

How do I alter the registry?

I don't know - the folks on the pywin32 mailing list could probably 
tell you. An easier route would be to install Python, then install 
PyYaml, then either copy the files to somewhere on sys.path for 
IronPython (or add your Python site-packages folder to sys.path in 
your IronPython code).

All the best,

Michael Foord


[] *On Behalf Of *Michael Foord

*Sent:* Thursday, June 10, 2010 7:11 AM
*To:* Discussion of IronPython
*Subject:* Re: [IronPython] NLTK in C# application?

On 10/06/2010 12:05, William Johnston wrote:


How do I include the NLTK modules in a C# application?

There is already code for embedded Python.

The first step is to try importing it and running some examples from 
in IronPython. If that works then you just need to provide a 'bridge' 
layer that embeds IronPython in your C# app and allows you to call 
into IronPython to use NLTK.

If NLTK *doesn't* work from IronPython it will probably be because it 
uses C extension modules not available in IronPython. One way round 
this is to use Ironclad. Again, try some NLTK examples from IronPython 
but with Ironclad and see if that works.

If it still doesn't work it may be worth reporting back here with the 
problems to see if they are resolvable.

All the best,

Michael Foord



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Re: [IronPython] NLTK in C# application?

2010-06-10 Thread Michael Foord

On 10/06/2010 14:57, William Johnston wrote:


In order for NLTK to work, I need to install PyYaml.

However, the PyYaml installer does not recognize the IronPython
installation in the Registry.

How do I alter the registry?

I don't know - the folks on the pywin32 mailing list could probably tell 
you. An easier route would be to install Python, then install PyYaml, 
then either copy the files to somewhere on sys.path for IronPython (or 
add your Python site-packages folder to sys.path in your IronPython code).

All the best,

Michael Foord


[] *On Behalf Of *Michael Foord

*Sent:* Thursday, June 10, 2010 7:11 AM
*To:* Discussion of IronPython
*Subject:* Re: [IronPython] NLTK in C# application?

On 10/06/2010 12:05, William Johnston wrote:


How do I include the NLTK modules in a C# application?

There is already code for embedded Python.

The first step is to try importing it and running some examples from 
in IronPython. If that works then you just need to provide a 'bridge' 
layer that embeds IronPython in your C# app and allows you to call 
into IronPython to use NLTK.

If NLTK *doesn't* work from IronPython it will probably be because it 
uses C extension modules not available in IronPython. One way round 
this is to use Ironclad. Again, try some NLTK examples from IronPython 
but with Ironclad and see if that works.

If it still doesn't work it may be worth reporting back here with the 
problems to see if they are resolvable.

All the best,

Michael Foord



Users mailing list

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You further represent that you have the authority to release me from any BOGUS AGREEMENTS 
on behalf of your employer.

Users mailing list

Re: [IronPython] Using Epydoc with IronPython 2.6.1

2010-06-09 Thread Michael Foord

On 09/06/2010 16:55, Danny Fernandez wrote:

Hi All,

I am a newbie in IronPython world which by the way rocks. I tried 
posting yesterday so I am not sure what happened so sorry if there is 
a double post.
I am having trouble trying to use epydoc. I have IronPython 2.6.1 for 
.NET 2.0 on my 32-bit Windows XP box. I am not sure if I have set it 
up correctly it is probably me not setting up things correctly.

I installed the epydoc source in c:\python\epydoc and set IRONPATHHOME 
is set to C:\python\epydoc\. I am following an example of using epydoc 
from their website and added the debug arg to get more information so 
I cd in C:\python\epydoc\scripts and executed the following

ipy --html --debug sys -o sys_docs

Traceback (most recent call last):-] Building documentation: sys
  File, line 16, in module
  File C:\python\epydoc\epydoc\, line 965, in cli
  File C:\python\epydoc\epydoc\, line 454, in 

  File C:\python\epydoc\epydoc\, line 209, in parse_docs
  File C:\python\epydoc\epydoc\, line 131, in 
  File C:\python\epydoc\epydoc\, line 275, in 
  File C:\python\epydoc\epydoc\, line 131, in 
  File C:\python\epydoc\epydoc\, line 392, in 
TypeError: instancemethod.__cmp__(x,y) requires y to be a 
'instancemethod', not a NoneType

I tried find information on using IronPython with epydoc but with no 
luck. I got pydoc to work but it pulled documentation for the clr 
module which I use of course which took most of the documentation for 
my module. I thought I can try epydoc with the parse only feature. I 
appeciate any feedback.

Hmm... no idea on the specific problem - but this *may* be related:

IronPython 2.6.1:

 class X(object):
...  def f(s): pass

 a = X()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
AttributeError: 'instancemethod' object has no attribute '__cmp__'

CPython 2.6.5:

 class X(object):
...  def f(s): pass
 a = X()
method-wrapper '__cmp__' of instancemethod object at 0x01858DA0




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Users mailing list

Re: [IronPython] Using Epydoc with IronPython 2.6.1

2010-06-09 Thread Michael Foord

On 09/06/2010 23:43, Danny Fernandez wrote:

Hi Michael,

Are there any documentation tools that would work with IronPython that 
you would recommend?

Hmmm... in terms of automatically generating api documentation from 
docstrings there are embarrassingly few for Python - let alone 
IronPython. Sphinx is great for building documentation but doesn't need 
to be run *with* IronPython and won't pull docstrings from your API for you.

Maybe other people have suggestions.

All the best,


I got pydoc to work on a small sample python file but the html 
documentation included imports. I had small
python file but the clr module took most of the html documentation. I 
am newbie so I could be setting pydoc



On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 10:56 AM, Michael Foord wrote:

On 09/06/2010 16:55, Danny Fernandez wrote:

Hi All,

I am a newbie in IronPython world which by the way rocks. I tried
posting yesterday so I am not sure what happened so sorry if
there is a double post.
I am having trouble trying to use epydoc. I have IronPython 2.6.1
for .NET 2.0 on my 32-bit Windows XP box. I am not sure if I have
set it up correctly it is probably me not setting up things

I installed the epydoc source in c:\python\epydoc and set
IRONPATHHOME is set to C:\python\epydoc\. I am following an
example of using epydoc from their website and added the debug
arg to get more information so I cd in C:\python\epydoc\scripts
and executed the following

ipy --html --debug sys -o sys_docs

Traceback (most recent call last):-] Building documentation: sys
  File, line 16, in module
  File C:\python\epydoc\epydoc\, line 965, in cli
  File C:\python\epydoc\epydoc\, line 454, in
  File C:\python\epydoc\epydoc\, line 209, in
  File C:\python\epydoc\epydoc\, line 131, in
  File C:\python\epydoc\epydoc\, line 275, in
  File C:\python\epydoc\epydoc\, line 131, in
  File C:\python\epydoc\epydoc\, line 392, in
TypeError: instancemethod.__cmp__(x,y) requires y to be a
'instancemethod', not a NoneType

I tried find information on using IronPython with epydoc but with
no luck. I got pydoc to work but it pulled documentation for the
clr module which I use of course which took most of the
documentation for my module. I thought I can try epydoc with the
parse only feature. I appeciate any feedback.

Hmm... no idea on the specific problem - but this *may* be related:

IronPython 2.6.1:

 class X(object):
...  def f(s): pass

 a = X()

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
AttributeError: 'instancemethod' object has no attribute '__cmp__'

CPython 2.6.5:

 class X(object):
...  def f(s): pass
 a = X()
method-wrapper '__cmp__' of instancemethod object at 0x01858DA0




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Re: [IronPython] How should I install packages?

2010-06-09 Thread Michael Foord

On 07/06/2010 13:43, Matthew Wilson wrote:

I've got an all-python package that should be compatible with
ironpython.  It seems like distutils.setup doesn't exist though, so my
original script won't work.

I might tweak my so that when it can't find a distutils.setup,
it goes into ironpython mode and then just manually copies stuff.

So where should I install stuff?  Just copy it somewhere in sys.path?


I think that's about the current practise... :-)


Is there a convention other people are following?


PS and OT: I'm trying to use gmane to access this mailing list with slrn (a
command-line newsreader) and while I can post to the list, no new posts
ever show up.

I use gmane and slrn to read a lot of other lists and they work fine.
Any ideas?

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[IronPython] Performance str.replace in Silverlight

2010-05-27 Thread Michael Foord

Hey guys,

I just tracked down a really nasty performance bug in our Silverlight 
application. It turned out that doing a simple string replace in a 400 
character string was taking 700ms. As we actually do two replaces and 
the text is usually substantially longer this was a real problem.

I fixed the problem by switching to explicitly calling the .NET 
String.Replace instead of str.replace, so it looks like an IronPython 
issue. It doesn't happen with *all* text, but it looks like non-ascii 
exacerbates the problem.

The particular text that triggered it was:

Die Neuanlage einer Welle muss auch zu Einträgen in der Tabelle 
dbo_tv_wellenwebsitesfirmenverbinder führen. Dabei werden die 
Zuordnungen aus der Vorwelle bei der Neuanlage einer neuen Welle 
einmalig übernommen. Jede Zeile der Vorwelle wird also kopiert und die 
Kopie erhält die Welle_uniqueID der neuen Welle. Die Verbindung zwischen 
Website_uniqueID - Firmen_uniqueID - FirmenAbrechnung_uniqueID 
bleibt somit erhalten.

The replace code was:

text = text.replace('\r\n', '\n').replace('\r', '\n')

The fix was:

text = String.Replace(text, '\r\n', '\n')
text = String.Replace(text, '\r', '\n')

All the best,

Michael Foord


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Re: [IronPython] App stops responding, form won't refresh

2010-05-26 Thread Michael Foord

On 26/05/2010 22:40, robinsiebler wrote:

This is my 1st IronPython/.NET app. It is really simple, all it does is zip
all the files in a folder into an archive, 1 file per zip.

The problem is that when it is zipping large files 200MB+ the app stops
responding. It is still zipping files, but the UI doesn't update. I don't
know how to fix this.

If you create a form and perform any activity on the same thread that 
created the form then you will block until that activity is completed. 
Instead you can create a background thread and post updates to the ui 
from that thread by invoking.

If you are using Windows Forms then you might find this example of 
invoking onto the gui thread useful:

There is also an example of basic threading here:

All the best,

Michael Foord

The project is here -

I think I need to add a thread to update the form, but all of my attempts
have failed. Any help in this regard would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: [IronPython] App stops responding, form won't refresh

2010-05-26 Thread Michael Foord

On 26/05/2010 23:46, robinsiebler wrote:

I've looked at both of them before I posted this, but I'm just failing to
understand it I guess.


Perhaps this example would be better - it shows updating a progress bar 
from a calculation being run in a background thread:

All the best,


Michael Foord-5 wrote:

On 26/05/2010 22:40, robinsiebler wrote:

This is my 1st IronPython/.NET app. It is really simple, all it does is
all the files in a folder into an archive, 1 file per zip.

The problem is that when it is zipping large files 200MB+ the app stops
responding. It is still zipping files, but the UI doesn't update. I don't
know how to fix this.


If you create a form and perform any activity on the same thread that
created the form then you will block until that activity is completed.
Instead you can create a background thread and post updates to the ui
from that thread by invoking.

If you are using Windows Forms then you might find this example of
invoking onto the gui thread useful:

There is also an example of basic threading here:

All the best,

Michael Foord


The project is here -

I think I need to add a thread to update the form, but all of my attempts
have failed. Any help in this regard would be greatly appreciated.



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Re: [IronPython] Some More Newbie Questions

2010-05-19 Thread Michael Foord

On 11/05/2010 21:50, Dino Viehland wrote:

Matt Funke:

In IronPython Tools for Visual Studio 2010, how do you make it clear
where the location of a file to be included is?  I have this line that
trips up the execution:

from avalon import *

... even though is in the same directory, and that directory
is pointed to by the Search Path.  It throws an ImportError, insisting
that there is No module named avalon.  Is there some other thing I
need to point at this that I'm missing?

How are you launching the app?  Is it via the interactive window or are you
doing a start w/ or w/o debugger?  It looks like we don't set the path in
the interactive window but we do otherwise.

Of course being in the same directory (as the start file) should mean
that it's available for import anyway.  If you could do:

import System
import sys
print System.Environment.CurrentDirectory, sys.path

and see if those values are the correct dir for your project and include
the directories you've setup in the search path.

I'm also not sure how I feel about setting the search path via the UI
in general.  I'm a little concerned that it'll make it too easy to create
scripts that work when launched in VS but not outside of VS.  So if anyone
has any feedback on how this should be handled I'd love to hear it.


Hmm... Wing lets you set the search paths for the IDE so that it can 
correctly find modules / packages for intellisense (etc). It *doesn't* 
automatically add these path entries to sys.path when you run under 
debugging though.


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Re: [IronPython] Can't install IronPython Tools for Visual Studio

2010-05-02 Thread Michael Foord

On 02/05/2010 13:34, Lukáš Duběda wrote:

Hi there everyone,

first off, congratulations for pushing the IPy Tools out! KUDOS!

Now, I have a problem installing it, unfortunately :( I'm sure I'm
doing something wrong as I have almost zero experience with
Visual Studio.

I went to the MS site and downloaded what seemed to be an obvious choice
a Visual Studio 2010 Express for C#, 

Visual Studio Express does not allow you to install extensions like IPy 
Tools. Fortunately IPy tools works with the Visual Studio Isolated Shell 
that can be installed standalone, without a Visual Studio install.


I installed it and downloaded the
Iron Python extension. However, as soon as I doble-click on the
IronPythonTools.vsix I get this message:
This extension is not installable on any currently installed products.

Anyone knows why this is? Am I missing some additional piece of the
package? I installed everything except for the MSQL server stuff
from the vcs_web.exe package.

Thanks a lot in advance for any tips and hints, cheers,

Lukáš Duběda
[T] +420 602 444 164

duber studio(tm)

[A] R.A.Dvorského 601, Praha 10
[A] 10900, Czech Republic, Europe
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[IronPython] Calling explicitly-implemented interface methods

2010-04-30 Thread Michael Foord

Hey all,

I'm porting the dotnet-integration document that comes with IronPython 
to Try Python. The following example doesn't work, because RegistryKey 
isn't available on Silverlight. Can anyone suggest a good alternative of 
an explicitly implemented interface method on a class in Silverlight?

\.NET allows a method with a different name to override a base method
implementation or interface method slot. This is useful if a type implements
two interfaces with methods with the same name. This is known as
`explicity implemented interface methods`_.
For example, `Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey`
implements `System.IDisposable.Dispose` explicitly::

 from Microsoft.Win32 import RegistryKey
 clr.GetClrType(RegistryKey).GetMethod(Flush) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo object at ... [Void Flush()]

In such cases, IronPython tries to expose the method using its simple name -
if there is no ambiguity::

 from Microsoft.Win32 import Registry
 rkey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(Software)

However, it is possible that the type has another method with the same name.
In that case, the explicitly implemented method is not accessible as an 
However, it can still be called by using the unbound class instance 
method syntax::

 rkey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(Software)

All the best,

Michael Foord


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Re: [IronPython] Calling explicitly-implemented interface methods

2010-04-30 Thread Michael Foord

On 30/04/2010 23:58, Dino Viehland wrote:

Michael wrote:

On 30/04/2010 23:32, Dino Viehland wrote:

Michael wrote:


Hey all,

I'm porting the dotnet-integration document that comes with IronPython
to Try Python. The following example doesn't work, because RegistryKey
isn't available on Silverlight. Can anyone suggest a good alternative of
an explicitly implemented interface method on a class in Silverlight?


One example might be Python file objects which also implement IDisposable.


That would be a really inconvenient example to pick, since in Try Python
I patch __builtin__.file to be a custom type that reads / writes files
to local storage. :-)

Can you think of anything else?

It's kind of lame but Python lists explicitly implement IList.Remove.

Cool - that will do nicely.



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Re: [IronPython] Calling explicitly-implemented interface methods

2010-04-30 Thread Michael Foord

On 30/04/2010 23:58, Dino Viehland wrote:

Michael wrote:

On 30/04/2010 23:32, Dino Viehland wrote:

Michael wrote:


Hey all,

I'm porting the dotnet-integration document that comes with IronPython
to Try Python. The following example doesn't work, because RegistryKey
isn't available on Silverlight. Can anyone suggest a good alternative of
an explicitly implemented interface method on a class in Silverlight?


One example might be Python file objects which also implement IDisposable.


That would be a really inconvenient example to pick, since in Try Python
I patch __builtin__.file to be a custom type that reads / writes files
to local storage. :-)

Can you think of anything else?

It's kind of lame but Python lists explicitly implement IList.Remove.

Hmm... although the following doesn't return None - meaning that it 
doesn't fit the pattern of the first example:


*dammit* :-)


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Re: [IronPython] How to install 3rd part packages into IronPython ?

2010-04-29 Thread Michael Foord

On 28/04/2010 03:48, David Shieh wrote:


setuptools is a complex, horrible old beast and I wouldn't like to
guess at its IronPython compatibility. Shame MySQLdb depends on it
for an install - but MySQLdb almost certainly depends on C
extensions anyway. In the long run distutils2 will replace
setuptools entirely (for CPython the distribute package has
*already* replaced it whilst remaining compatible). The distutils2
guys are *very* open to input - so 'someone' should run the tests
with IronPython and report any problems.

Yes, you're right. MySQLdb does have some c files that need to be 
compiled. And I don't think Windows got a good compile environment for 
this. This bothers me to much. For CPython2.6, I have to find a binary 
package of MySQLdb, but for IronPython, I can't find any binary.

The Windows compile environment for Python C extensions is most easily 
setup by having the correct version of Visual Studio installed.

Packages for Python based on C extensions normally *don't work at all in 
IronPython* - this is why you won't find binaries for IronPython for C 

One way to use Python C extensions with IronPython is through Ironclad:

All the best,

Michael Foord

distutils used to break *after* installing a pure-Python package
for IronPython when it attempted to do byte-code compilation. This
specific problem is fixed in trunk but I don't know if it is fixed
in the version of distutils shipped with IronPython 2.6. This was
the last step - so the error was alarming but wouldn't stop the

I will try it later. Dont have too much time for test now.

All the best,

Michael Foord

On 27/04/2010 07:19, David Shieh wrote:

Hi guys,

I don't whether somebody else asked this question, but I am
really confused about this.
I have already installled IronPython2.6 and add it into my
system's path, so I can directly type ipy to start IronPython2.6.
So I tried  ipy install to install MySQLdb, but it
give me an error said no module named setuptools. Then I download
setuptools and install it, it gave me an error:
No module named pkg_resources.

Why doesn't IronPython2.6 ship with a setuptools like easy_install ?
Now, I can't install any 3rd party package and don't know how to
fix it.



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Re: [IronPython] How to install 3rd part packages into IronPython ?

2010-04-27 Thread Michael Foord

Hello David,

Not sure how close distutils is to working with IronPython.

The correct way to install packages for an installed version of 
IronPython *should* be to use the user site-packages rather than the 
global site-packages (which won't be writable for IronPython without 
admin rights):

ipy install --user

setuptools is a complex, horrible old beast and I wouldn't like to guess 
at its IronPython compatibility. Shame MySQLdb depends on it for an 
install - but MySQLdb almost certainly depends on C extensions anyway. 
In the long run distutils2 will replace setuptools entirely (for CPython 
the distribute package has *already* replaced it whilst remaining 
compatible). The distutils2 guys are *very* open to input - so 'someone' 
should run the tests with IronPython and report any problems.

distutils used to break *after* installing a pure-Python package for 
IronPython when it attempted to do byte-code compilation. This specific 
problem is fixed in trunk but I don't know if it is fixed in the version 
of distutils shipped with IronPython 2.6. This was the last step - so 
the error was alarming but wouldn't stop the install.

All the best,

Michael Foord

On 27/04/2010 07:19, David Shieh wrote:

Hi guys,

I don't whether somebody else asked this question, but I am really 
confused about this.
I have already installled IronPython2.6 and add it into my system's 
path, so I can directly type ipy to start IronPython2.6.
So I tried  ipy install to install MySQLdb, but it give me 
an error said no module named setuptools. Then I download setuptools 
and install it, it gave me an error:

No module named pkg_resources.

Why doesn't IronPython2.6 ship with a setuptools like easy_install ?
Now, I can't install any 3rd party package and don't know how to fix it.


Attitude determines everything !

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[IronPython] Try Python updated for IronPython 2.6 Silverlight 4 (sort of)

2010-04-25 Thread Michael Foord

Hello all,

I've updated Try Python to use IronPython 2.6.1 and it now works with 
Silverlight 4 - mostly.

It works with Firefox and IE on Windows and Safari on Mac OS X, but 
throws a weird error (for me at least) with Firefox on Mac OS X.

SystemError: [InvalidOperation_IComparerFailed]
Debugging resource strings are unavailable. Often the key and arguments 
provide sufficient information to diagnose the problem. See

The line that apparently causes the error is in NoneType = 

Interestingly I see a very similar error at

SystemError: [InvalidOperation_IComparerFailed]
Debugging resource strings are unavailable. Often the key and arguments 
provide sufficient information to diagnose the problem. See
Line 27:
Line 28: def __Setup():
Line 29: for name in dir(Colors):
Line 30: c = getattr(Colors, name)
Line 31: if isinstance(c, Color):
at __Setup in, line 29
at in, line 35
at in, line 34

All the best,

Michael Foord


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[IronPython] Accessing assembly names from Silverlight

2010-04-25 Thread Michael Foord

Hello all,

The following code dies in Silverlight:

import clr
System.Xml in [assembly.GetName().Name for assembly in clr.References]

SystemError: Security transparent method 
System.Reflection.Assebly.GetName() cannot access 
Microsoft.Scripting.Actions... using reflection.

This is making it less useful to port the IronPython dotnet integration 
tutorial to Try Python. :-)

Repeated calls throw a slightly different error in the end (still a 
system error - but a different message).

All the best,

Michael Foord


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Re: [IronPython] Still stuck on rich editor with IronPython and Silverlight

2010-04-23 Thread Michael Foord
So setting the RuntimeVersion in the Chiron.exe.config to 4.0.50401.0 
(and also updating our Silverlight binaries to the standard IronPython 
2.6.1 version - which I *thought* I had already done) works!

We now have a Silverlight Rich Text Editor working in our app. Still a 
bit of work to fully integrate it, but it is now possible.

Many Thanks!


On 23/04/2010 01:53, Jimmy Schementi wrote:

On 23/04/2010 00:10, Lukas Cenovsky wrote:

I think when AppManifest.xaml is in app folder, Chiron won't generate it.


That is correct - which means when we add (or remove) an assembly we
have to also manually add it to the AppManifest because Chiron will no
longer do it for us...

You don't need to save the AppManifest.xaml to disk, just change 
Silverlight\bin\Chiron.exe.config (in your IronPython installation directory). It's a very 
simple change to theAppManifest.xaml  section: where it says RuntimeVersion change its 
value to 4.0.50401.0. This will cause Chiron.exe to generate the appropriate 
AppManifest.xaml for you, regardless of whether or not you want to generate it to disk.

However, if you don't want to change every installation of IronPython that you have, saving the 
AppManifest.xaml to disk is totally fine, and will still work in the scenario you're 
describing. Chiron does NOT do any detection of assemblies in your app and add them to the 
AppManifest.xaml, because it doesn't need to. The AppManifest.xaml'sAssemblyParts  
section is the equivalent of Add Reference in a C# Silverlight app. In Python, that 
just translates to a clr.AddReferenceToFile; there is no need to list it in the 
AppManifest.xaml. Even listing it in the AppManfiest.xaml still requires you to do use 
clr.AddReferenceToFile, as the DLR integration does not load AssemblyParts for Python to use 
(maybe it should, but it doesn't today).

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Re: [IronPython] Still stuck on rich editor with IronPython and Silverlight

2010-04-22 Thread Michael Foord
Thanks very much - this is great news for us! I'm trying this now. 
Having to hardcode our AppManifest.xaml is unfortunate as we normally 
let Chiron generate this for us (whilst developing) - but I guess we 
could just recompile Chiron.

Much appreciated,


On 22/04/2010 23:13, Jimmy Schementi wrote:

AH! Thanks Dino!

In the XAP file there is an AppManifest.xaml, which specifies a version number. 
Ours (both what Chiron generates and what's on is still 
set to a version of SL2, for Moonlight compat, which turns on quirks mode when 
running in SL3+. Changing Chiron.exe.config's AppManifest template (or your own 
copy of AppManifest.xaml) to have SL4's version number will run without quirks 
mode enabled, hopefully letting you use the richtextbox.

For, we will have multiple XAPs depending on what SL 
version you want to use, and the SL3 and 4 XAPs will have updates version 

Michael, let me know how this works out for you.


On Apr 22, 2010, at 1:11 PM, Dino  wrote:


Ok, I know what's going on here, but I don't know the exact solution.  I'm
hoping one of you two know the solution.  The good news is there's no bug,
the rich text box isn't supposed to work! :)

What's going on is that quirks mode is disabling the creation of the
rich text box.  This appears to be due to a version check against the
version that's coming from the XAP.  So I guess fixing some Silverlight '
version specified in the XAP file will fix this - I don't know if that's
a XAP being generated by Chiron or if it's something on


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:users-] On Behalf Of Michael Foord
Sent: Friday, April 16, 2010 6:21 PM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Cc: Jimmy Schementi
Subject: Re: [IronPython] Still stuck on rich editor with IronPython
and Silverlight

On 17/04/2010 03:19, Jimmy Schementi wrote:

Michael, let's get Dino in on this ...

Dino, This seems like our fault, but I'm not savvy enough to track it

down or verify my claim. Seems like it doesn't work regardless of
invoking via reflection or ref.emit code; calling it's constructor
10,000 times still gave the same result. As Michael said, doing
anything with RichTextBox fails when invoked from IronPython, but works
fine when invoked without IronPython on the stack (pure C# app, for
example). I'm amazed that it fails when *called* from C#, meaning that
IronPython is doing something to make statically compiled code fail.

Thanks for looking at this Jimmy. IronPython must be doing something
really quite impressive here. :-)

All the best,



We can look at this together on Monday unless you get to it sooner; I

thought I knew how to use windbg but failed miserably at doing anything
useful, so you'll have to help :)


On Apr 16, 2010, at 6:01 PM, Michael   wrote:


Hello all,

I'm still stuck on using the Silverlight 4 RichTextBox from

IronPython. Unfortunately this is blocking our project. :-(

Instantiating the RichTextBox directly or loading it from xaml


A wrapper class in C# that instantiates the RichTextBox and returns

it to IronPython fails.

A wrapper C# class that internally creates the RichTextBox but never

returns it to IronPython *still* fails. Anyone got any suggestions for
possible alternative approaches?

My latest (failing) attempt. C#:

  public static class Foo
  static RichTextEditor _editor = null;

  public static void Create(StackPanel panel)
  _editor = new RichTextEditor();


clr.AddReference('SilverlightTextEditor, Version=,


canv = Canvas()
xaml = Application.Current.LoadRootVisual(canv, app.xaml)

from SilverlightTextEditor import Foo
panel = StackPanel()


(Note that RichTextEditor is a standalone UserControl editor

component built on top of the RichTextBox. It works fine from C#.)

All the best,

Michael Foord


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Re: [IronPython] Still stuck on rich editor with IronPython and Silverlight

2010-04-22 Thread Michael Foord

On 23/04/2010 00:10, Lukas Cenovsky wrote:

I think when AppManifest.xaml is in app folder, Chiron won't generate it.

That is correct - which means when we add (or remove) an assembly we 
have to also manually add it to the AppManifest because Chiron will no 
longer do it for us...


-- Lukáš

Michael Foord wrote:
Thanks very much - this is great news for us! I'm trying this now. 
Having to hardcode our AppManifest.xaml is unfortunate as we normally 
let Chiron generate this for us (whilst developing) - but I guess we 
could just recompile Chiron.

Much appreciated,


On 22/04/2010 23:13, Jimmy Schementi wrote:

AH! Thanks Dino!

In the XAP file there is an AppManifest.xaml, which specifies a 
version number. Ours (both what Chiron generates and what's on is still set to a version of SL2, for 
Moonlight compat, which turns on quirks mode when running in SL3+. 
Changing Chiron.exe.config's AppManifest template (or your own copy 
of AppManifest.xaml) to have SL4's version number will run without 
quirks mode enabled, hopefully letting you use the richtextbox.

For, we will have multiple XAPs depending on 
what SL version you want to use, and the SL3 and 4 XAPs will have 
updates version numbers.

Michael, let me know how this works out for you.


On Apr 22, 2010, at 1:11 PM, Dino 

Ok, I know what's going on here, but I don't know the exact 
solution. I'm
hoping one of you two know the solution. The good news is there's 
no bug,

the rich text box isn't supposed to work! :)

What's going on is that quirks mode is disabling the creation of the
rich text box. This appears to be due to a version check against the
version that's coming from the XAP. So I guess fixing some 
Silverlight '
version specified in the XAP file will fix this - I don't know if 
a XAP being generated by Chiron or if it's something on

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:users-] On Behalf Of Michael Foord
Sent: Friday, April 16, 2010 6:21 PM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Cc: Jimmy Schementi
Subject: Re: [IronPython] Still stuck on rich editor with IronPython
and Silverlight

On 17/04/2010 03:19, Jimmy Schementi wrote:

Michael, let's get Dino in on this ...

Dino, This seems like our fault, but I'm not savvy enough to 
track it

down or verify my claim. Seems like it doesn't work regardless of
invoking via reflection or ref.emit code; calling it's constructor
10,000 times still gave the same result. As Michael said, doing
anything with RichTextBox fails when invoked from IronPython, but 

fine when invoked without IronPython on the stack (pure C# app, for
example). I'm amazed that it fails when *called* from C#, meaning 

IronPython is doing something to make statically compiled code fail.
Thanks for looking at this Jimmy. IronPython must be doing something
really quite impressive here. :-)

All the best,


We can look at this together on Monday unless you get to it 
sooner; I
thought I knew how to use windbg but failed miserably at doing 

useful, so you'll have to help :)


On Apr 16, 2010, at 6:01 PM, Michael wrote:

Hello all,

I'm still stuck on using the Silverlight 4 RichTextBox from

IronPython. Unfortunately this is blocking our project. :-(

Instantiating the RichTextBox directly or loading it from xaml


A wrapper class in C# that instantiates the RichTextBox and returns

it to IronPython fails.
A wrapper C# class that internally creates the RichTextBox but 
returns it to IronPython *still* fails. Anyone got any suggestions 

possible alternative approaches?

My latest (failing) attempt. C#:

public static class Foo
static RichTextEditor _editor = null;

public static void Create(StackPanel panel)
_editor = new RichTextEditor();


clr.AddReference('SilverlightTextEditor, Version=,


canv = Canvas()
xaml = Application.Current.LoadRootVisual(canv, app.xaml)

from SilverlightTextEditor import Foo
panel = StackPanel()


(Note that RichTextEditor is a standalone UserControl editor

component built on top of the RichTextBox. It works fine from C#.)

All the best,

Michael Foord


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Re: [IronPython] License change?

2010-04-19 Thread Michael Foord
Personally I think the Microsoft Public License is a pretty good open 
source license and I'm not sure the confusion of *another* license 
change is worth it. My $0.02...

All the best,


On 19/04/2010 23:55, Dino Viehland wrote:

Hello IronPython community,

As you probably know IronPython has a long history of releasing our 
source code under permissive licenses.  Initially IronPython was 
released under a specific IronPython license which was quite similar 
to the Microsoft Public License (PS-Pl) we ship under today.  We 
occasionally hear feedback, questions and a general lack of 
familiarity from you about the license that we use.  And in several 
instances, we have been asked why we don't adopt a more popular 
license, such as the Apache 2.0 License.  We are therefore considering 
switching our license to a well known permissive license which is more 
commonly used by open source projects.  Currently we are considering 
the Apache License, Version 2.0.

We'd like to hear your feedback before we make any decisions.  Do you 
think adopting a more popular license, such as the Apache License, 
would be a good change for IronPython?

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Re: [IronPython] License change?

2010-04-19 Thread Michael Foord

On 20/04/2010 00:13, Jeff Hardy wrote:

On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 3:58 PM, Michael Foord  wrote:

Personally I think the Microsoft Public License is a pretty good open source
license and I'm not sure the confusion of *another* license change is worth
it. My $0.02...

I agree with Michael. I don't see a particular issue with the Ms-PL,
and it's not a particularly long or complex licence - unlike Apache's.

The fact that it contains 'MS' might scare some people off, but if
they're not willing to read the actual terms of the licence and decide
if it's acceptable, do we really care?

And if they're scared off by 'MS' how likely are they to be using 
IronPython in the first place.


- Jeff
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Re: [IronPython] IronPython 2.6.1 for .NET 4.0 RC targeting Silverlight

2010-04-16 Thread Michael Foord

On 15/04/2010 00:53, Jimmy Schementi wrote:

 Did you see the report of my problem with the RichTextBox with 
IronPython 2.6.1 RC. Do you see the same problem?

Yes, I can repro it using *both* IronPython binaries built against SL3 
and SL4; it appears that the RichTextBox.ctor() fails to be called via 
reflection. We call via reflection in the interpreter first as an 
optimization, and then generate code to do the call; though it looks 
like both paths are failing. I’m looking into this … installing windbg 
on my new machine at the moment =P

Thanks very much Jimmy. Do you want me to open a bug on codeplex to 
track this? In the meantime I'm writing some C# to instantiate a 
RichTextBox and return it to us.

All the best,

Michael Foord

 The person who started this thread reported not being able to 
reference the assemblies.

Oh, I thought they were trying to add references to the .NET 4.0 built 
assemblies in a Silverlight project, which absolutely doesn’t work; 
you need to use a build for Silverlight.

*From:* Michael Foord []
*Sent:* Wednesday, April 14, 2010 2:41 PM
*To:* Discussion of IronPython
*Cc:* Jimmy Schementi
*Subject:* Re: [IronPython] IronPython 2.6.1 for .NET 4.0 RC targeting 

On 14/04/2010 09:29, Jimmy Schementi wrote:


In general versions of IronPython built against (for example) 
Silverlight 2 *can* use features from Silverlight 3. (Try Python uses 
IronPython that was built against Silverlight 2 - but dynamically uses 
some Silverlight 3 APIs if they are available.) As Silverlight 4 
includes a different version of the CLR - and not just different API 
sets - I guess it particularly makes a difference if you are compiling 
C# code that works with IronPython. Odd and annoying that it won't 
even add references to earlier versions though. Does *everything* need 
to be specially compiled to be used with .NET 4?

The *current* Silverlight builds can use SL4 features; like webcam, 
etc. This is because IronPython calls .NET APIs dynamically. However, 
since the Silverlight 2 builds don't statically depend on any of the 
new APIs in the Silverlight 4, any CLR4 features that the 
compilers/libraries usually depend on in .NET 4 aren't available in 
Silverlight 4; that's what the Silverlight 4 build will do for you.

Did you see the report of my problem with the RichTextBox with 
IronPython 2.6.1 RC. Do you see the same problem?

With regard to adding references to assemblies; as long as the same 
APIs exist in both versions of Silverlight, it will work in both, 
regardless of which compiler you use. It's the same situation with 
different .NET versions. Did I miss something where someone reported 
not being able to do this?

The person who started this thread reported not being able to 
reference the assemblies.

All the best,

Michael Foord


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[IronPython] Still stuck on rich editor with IronPython and Silverlight

2010-04-16 Thread Michael Foord

Hello all,

I'm still stuck on using the Silverlight 4 RichTextBox from IronPython. 
Unfortunately this is blocking our project. :-(

Instantiating the RichTextBox directly or loading it from xaml fails.

A wrapper class in C# that instantiates the RichTextBox and returns it 
to IronPython fails.

A wrapper C# class that internally creates the RichTextBox but never 
returns it to IronPython *still* fails. Anyone got any suggestions for 
possible alternative approaches?

My latest (failing) attempt. C#:

public static class Foo
static RichTextEditor _editor = null;

public static void Create(StackPanel panel)
_editor = new RichTextEditor();


clr.AddReference('SilverlightTextEditor, Version=, Culture=neutral')

canv = Canvas()
xaml = Application.Current.LoadRootVisual(canv, app.xaml)

from SilverlightTextEditor import Foo
panel = StackPanel()


(Note that RichTextEditor is a standalone UserControl editor component 
built on top of the RichTextBox. It works fine from C#.)

All the best,

Michael Foord


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Re: [IronPython] Still stuck on rich editor with IronPython and Silverlight

2010-04-16 Thread Michael Foord

On 17/04/2010 03:19, Jimmy Schementi wrote:

Michael, let's get Dino in on this ...

Dino, This seems like our fault, but I'm not savvy enough to track it down or 
verify my claim. Seems like it doesn't work regardless of invoking via 
reflection or ref.emit code; calling it's constructor 10,000 times still gave 
the same result. As Michael said, doing anything with RichTextBox fails when 
invoked from IronPython, but works fine when invoked without IronPython on the 
stack (pure C# app, for example). I'm amazed that it fails when *called* from 
C#, meaning that IronPython is doing something to make statically compiled code 

Thanks for looking at this Jimmy. IronPython must be doing something 
really quite impressive here. :-)

All the best,


We can look at this together on Monday unless you get to it sooner; I thought I 
knew how to use windbg but failed miserably at doing anything useful, so you'll 
have to help :)


On Apr 16, 2010, at 6:01 PM, Michael  wrote:


Hello all,

I'm still stuck on using the Silverlight 4 RichTextBox from IronPython. 
Unfortunately this is blocking our project. :-(

Instantiating the RichTextBox directly or loading it from xaml fails.

A wrapper class in C# that instantiates the RichTextBox and returns it to 
IronPython fails.

A wrapper C# class that internally creates the RichTextBox but never returns it 
to IronPython *still* fails. Anyone got any suggestions for possible 
alternative approaches?

My latest (failing) attempt. C#:

   public static class Foo
   static RichTextEditor _editor = null;

   public static void Create(StackPanel panel)
   _editor = new RichTextEditor();


clr.AddReference('SilverlightTextEditor, Version=, Culture=neutral')

canv = Canvas()
xaml = Application.Current.LoadRootVisual(canv, app.xaml)

from SilverlightTextEditor import Foo
panel = StackPanel()


(Note that RichTextEditor is a standalone UserControl editor component built on 
top of the RichTextBox. It works fine from C#.)

All the best,

Michael Foord


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Re: [IronPython] IronPython 2.6.1 for .NET 4.0 RC targeting Silverlight

2010-04-14 Thread Michael Foord

On 14/04/2010 09:08, Jimmy Schementi wrote:

Doesn't look like IronPython4.sln is there, so I stand corrected. Also, doesn't look like 
the IronRuby repo has the latest sources either; for some reason our external source 
repos main branches aren't as uptodate as their servicing branches.

I'll make a private build for Silverlight 4 to unblock anyone wanting to start 
experimenting with It and IronPython until we start including those bits in the 
releases. This would be way better if we had a public daily build server, but 
that's a whole other issue :(


I would very much like access to this to see if it fixes our problems 
with accessing some of the components that are new in Silverlight 4.




On Apr 12, 2010, at 8:18 AM, David  wrote:



I'm having trouble finding the source code for the 2.6.1 .NET 4.0
release on Codeplex. Can you point me to it?


On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 2:22 PM, Jimmy Schementi  wrote:

To embed IronPython (CLR2 SL build) in a Silverlight 4 app, you have to add a 
reference to Microsoft.Scripting.ExtensionAttribute.dll to make sure types 
defined in both System.Core.dll and Microsoft.Scripting.Core.dll are used from 
the latter assembly.

Again, Keep in mind the dynamic type in C# won't work in this case; you'll need 
to build IronPython against SL4 from source to to get that functionality.

Let me know if this works for you.


On Apr 9, 2010, at 3:46 PM, David  wrote:


Just for clarity's sake here are the 5 warnings and 1 error I receive.

Warning   1   The predefined type
'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExtensionAttribute' is defined in
multiple assemblies in the global alias; using definition from
'c:\Program Files (x86)\Reference
Warning   2   The predefined type
'System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValueAttribute' is
defined in multiple assemblies in the global alias; using definition
from 'c:\Program Files (x86)\Reference
Warning   3   The predefined type
'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteBinder' is defined in
multiple assemblies in the global alias; using definition from
'c:\Program Files (x86)\Reference
Warning   4   The predefined type
'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite' is defined in multiple
assemblies in the global alias; using definition from 'c:\Program
Files (x86)\Reference
Warning   5   The predefined type
'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite' is defined in multiple
assemblies in the global alias; using definition from 'c:\Program
Files (x86)\Reference
Error 6   The type 'System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject' exists in both
'c:\Program Files (x86)\Reference
and '\IronPythonDlls\Microsoft.Scripting.Core.dll'

On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 4:40 PM, David  wrote:


I was using the DLLs from the .NET 2.0 release and that worked fine
albeit there are several warnings regarding types existing in both the
.NET and the IronPython assemblies. However, I tried to use an
ExpandoObject and now I get the error:

The type 'System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject' exists in both 'c:\Program
Files (x86)\Reference
and '\IronPythonDlls\Microsoft.Scripting.Core.dll'

On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 4:33 PM, Jimmy Schementi  wrote:

The MSI I downloaded from the link in my previous posts installs to
the following:
C:\Program Files (x86)\IronPython 2.6 for .NET 4.0 RC\

There is no Silverlight folder as there is in the 2.6.1 download for
.NET 2.0. If I try to add the dlls in the root of that folder I get
the following message:

You can't add a reference to IronPython.dll as it was not built
against the Silverlight runtime. Silverlight projects will only work
with Silverlight assemblies.

Am I missing something? Thanks for your help.

Since the current stable version of Silverlight is Silverlight 3, which is a subset of .NET 3.5, we 
only include Silverlight binaries in the version of IronPython for .NET 2.0: When Silverlight 4 is considered the stable 
version, which is a subset of .NET 4, IronPython for .NET 4.0 will contain binaries 
build against Silverlight 4. Note that those Silverlight binaries will run on Silverlight 4, they 
just aren't built against Silverlight 4, so any .NET 4.0 

Re: [IronPython] is the performance gap between C and CPython a decent comparision between the performance gap between C# and IronPython?

2010-04-14 Thread Michael Foord

Hello Pablo,

Python is an expressive and highly dynamic language. As such it is 
typically possible to achieve things in less lines of code and fewer 
layers of architecture when writing idiomatic Python as compared to 
idiomatic C#. With less code often comes better performance. This really 
has been my experience and that of many people switching from statically 
typed languages like C# and Java.

*However*, if you transliterate C# code (particularly algorithmic code 
as used by most synthetic benchmarks) to the direct equivalent in 
IronPython you *will* see C# running considerably faster.

The answer is three-fold:

* You don't write the same code in C# and Python
* With a less restrictive language and less verbose language you have 
*more time* for performance optimisation - the bottlenecks in even 
computationally expensive code is typically the *way* your algorithms 
are implemented and *not* the language used
* With IronPython integrating with C# is almost absurdly easy - so 
moving your performance sensitive code into C# after appropriate 
profilling and prototyping in IronPython is not hard

Choosing a programming language based on its perceived performance 
characteristics is a premature optimisation.

All the best,

Michael Foord

On 14/04/2010 13:52, Pablo Dalmazzo wrote:

Hi there,

I was replied in one of my topics in StackOverflow that the gap 
performance between C with cPython  is comparable with the performance 
gap between with C# with IronPython by some guy I dont know who he is. 
It could be a newbie, it could not. Now since the base 
language/platform are very differents my guess is his comparision is 
way off, but since I hadnt have time to take a look to the IronPython 
sourcecode at all, even if I want to do it soon, I have no idea if 
what he says has any sense or not. Now it's a known fact the gap 
between C and (c)Python is huge, is that a decent comparision of the 
level of performance difference between C# and IronPython? I think if 
it's not, someone should reply him with some technical(s) details why 
not, I was asked if that was true by a programmer friend and she didnt 
got much confidence in IronPython by reading that

Greetings, Pablo

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Re: [IronPython] IronPython 2.6.1 for .NET 4.0 RC targeting Silverlight

2010-04-14 Thread Michael Foord

On 14/04/2010 09:29, Jimmy Schementi wrote:

In general versions of IronPython built against (for example) 
Silverlight 2 *can* use features from Silverlight 3. (Try Python uses 
IronPython that was built against Silverlight 2 - but dynamically 
uses some Silverlight 3 APIs if they are available.) As Silverlight 4 
includes a different version of the CLR - and not just different API 
sets - I guess it particularly makes a difference if you are 
compiling C# code that works with IronPython. Odd and annoying that 
it won't even add references to earlier versions though. Does 
*everything* need to be specially compiled to be used with .NET 4?

The *current* Silverlight builds can use SL4 features; like webcam, 
etc. This is because IronPython calls .NET APIs dynamically. However, 
since the Silverlight 2 builds don't statically depend on any of the 
new APIs in the Silverlight 4, any CLR4 features that the 
compilers/libraries usually depend on in .NET 4 aren't available in 
Silverlight 4; that's what the Silverlight 4 build will do for you.

Did you see the report of my problem with the RichTextBox with 
IronPython 2.6.1 RC. Do you see the same problem?

With regard to adding references to assemblies; as long as the same 
APIs exist in both versions of Silverlight, it will work in both, 
regardless of which compiler you use. It's the same situation with 
different .NET versions. Did I miss something where someone reported 
not being able to do this?

The person who started this thread reported not being able to reference 
the assemblies.

All the best,

Michael Foord

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[IronPython] Silverlight 4 and RichTextBox

2010-04-12 Thread Michael Foord

Hello all,

I'm trying to use the new RichTextBox from Silverlight 4 with 
IronPython. I have IronPython 2.6.1 RC and Silverlight 4 RC installed 
(Windows). It fails with a SystemError: Specified method is not 
supported when instantiating the RichTextBox.

The code is:

from System.Windows import Application
from System.Windows.Controls import Canvas, RichTextBox

canvas = Canvas()
text = RichTextBox()
text.Text = 'Hello World from IronPython'

Application.Current.RootVisual = canvas

Any ideas?

All the best,

Michael Foord


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Re: [IronPython] Silverlight 4 and RichTextBox

2010-04-12 Thread Michael Foord

On 12/04/2010 13:33, Michael Foord wrote:

Hello all,

I'm trying to use the new RichTextBox from Silverlight 4 with 
IronPython. I have IronPython 2.6.1 RC and Silverlight 4 RC installed 
(Windows). It fails with a SystemError: Specified method is not 
supported when instantiating the RichTextBox.

If I attempt to create the RichTextBox from xaml instead of code the 
error is: SystemError: AG_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR [Line: 5 Position: 25]

The xaml is:

Canvas x:Class=System.Windows.Controls.Canvas

RichTextBox x:Name=text /


All the best,


The code is:

from System.Windows import Application
from System.Windows.Controls import Canvas, RichTextBox

canvas = Canvas()
text = RichTextBox()
text.Text = 'Hello World from IronPython'

Application.Current.RootVisual = canvas

Any ideas?

All the best,

Michael Foord


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