m2 and aspectj

2005-07-29 Thread Maczka Michal
Are there any official plans to create an aspectj plugin for m2?
What's special and not clear for me about aspectj is:
- there can be jars which contain  aspects - do we need another types/scopes
for them distinguishing them from ordinary jars? 
   if yes what values of those attributes should be actually used and how
new types/scopes can be registered.
- aspects can be applied at the build time and what's going to be officially
supported in aspectj 5 at the runtime (load-time weaving).  How to
distinguish those two case at the level of dependencies?  Can build time and
load-time weaving  be used for the same application - e.g. some aspects
applied at the build time some at the runtime?
Just to have something more concrete - my particular use case is:
I have an existing web application (war).  I want to  weave some aspects
into some jars (not all of them) 
which are used in that application. 
I have really no clue how it can be done in a proper way in m2.  
Is there anything done already to enabled this or a general vision how this
use case can be implemented in a correct way?
Any pointers where to start?

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My resignation

2005-02-24 Thread Maczka Michal
Hereby I want to announce my resignation from Maven PMC and the retirement
from the function of Maven Committer (this is including every project
developed under maven umbrella).

I just feel that I am no longer able to be a valuable part of the Maven

There are two things which I recently started and which are not yet

- upload/download cancellation in wagon (I need it badly for one of my

- improved site navigation in m1

First thing was not committed to cvs and therefore there should not be any
problem if I will implement it else where outiside the apache.

For the second thing: I leave you the choice how you (it's probably up to
Brett) want to handle it and if you want to continue in that direction.
If you want me to revert this change in SVN just let me know.

Thank you guys for all those things I learnt from you during all those


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RE: copy depency artifact to a certain place

2005-02-18 Thread Maczka Michal
other option might be to do this in the similar way as war plugins does.
Which means you can add annotation to a dependency with help of 


> -Original Message-
> Sent: Friday, February 18, 2005 11:34 AM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Re: copy depency artifact to a certain place
> Thanks Mario,
>I already did that :)
>I was just wondering if there is a more elegant way to 
> fullfill the 
> task.
> 10x again,
>   Kaloyan

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RE: How to configure the name of the target directory?

2005-02-17 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Gisbert Amm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2005 11:36 AM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Re: How to configure the name of the target directory?
> Yes, maven.build.dir is exactly what I was looking for. Sorry for 
> bothering you with a RTFM question. I had somehow overseen it 
> (not yet 
> fully waken up, I suppose ;-)
> Thanks,
> Gisbert

I think it won't be that wise to change it.

I bet it is so commonly used now that some plugins may have hardcoded paths
which are using target directory.
Is there any particular and good reason why you want to change it? 
Isn't it better to use what everybody else is using?


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RE: How to use site:ftpdeploy

2005-02-02 Thread Maczka Michal
you want to use site:deploy goal and set "maven.site.deploy.method" to the
correct value


> -Original Message-
> From: Laurent Michenaud [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2005 1:03 PM
> To: users@maven.apache.org
> Subject: How to use site:ftpdeploy
> i'm trying to use the goal site:ftpdeploy but nothing is deployed and
> it prints SUCCESSFUL.
> build:start:
> xdoc:init:
> site:init:
> site:ftpdeploy:
> [echo]
>   siteAddress =
>   siteDirectory = /var/www/monprojet
>   siteUser = bertrand
> Total time: 4 seconds
> Finished at: Wed Feb 02 13:00:34 CET 2005
> -
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RE: war plugin: including Tomat context.xml in META-INF?

2005-01-21 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Michael Schuerig [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, January 21, 2005 1:50 PM
> To: users@maven.apache.org
> Subject: war plugin: including Tomat context.xml in META-INF?
> Tomcat allows to define JNDI resources in the file 
> META-INF/context.xml 
> include in the web app's war. I don't see how to put a file 
> there using 
> the war plugin. Is it possible?
put this file into (the recommended location)


and use  section in your POM to declare this location.


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RE: Dependencies in dependant POMS

2005-01-21 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Stevenson, Chris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, January 21, 2005 11:48 AM
> To: 'users@maven.apache.org'
> Subject: Dependencies in dependant POMS
> Hello All,
> I know this question has probably been asked before but I 
> can't find any
> info on it in the archive. It is simple one. If I reference a business
> object artifact from a webservice POM and the Business Object 
> POM has a list
> of extra dependencies that are not directly required by the 
> Web Service (For
> example the JDBC Driver JAR) will Maven download those indirect
> dependencies?
> Thanks,
> Chris
This concept is called transitive dependecies and is not yet supported by
any released version of maven.
You will have to wait for it (it is already implemented and scheduled for
maven2 alpha release) .


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RE: Reactor: Error getting projects

2005-01-20 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Roberto Castro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 3:04 PM
> To: users@maven.apache.org
> Subject: Reactor: Error getting projects
> Hi all, reactor is facing a problem when it tries to find 
> subprojects "project.xml" files, when I run 
> multiproject:deploy. All subprojects are in directories like 
> these: "SILOC/SilocLog", "SILOC/SilocException". I configured 
> "maven.multiproject.basedir=${basedir}/SILOC" and 
> "maven.multiproject.includes="SilocLog/project.xml,SilocExcept
> ion/project.xml" but reactor is not able to find subprojects.
> Here is the error:
> File.. 
> /home/gver/.maven/cache/maven-multiproject-plugin-1.3.1/plugin.jelly
> Element... maven:reactor
> Line.. 63
> Column 9
> Error reading XML or initializing
> com.werken.werkz.UnattainableGoalException: Unable to obtain 
> goal [goaldefault] --
> /home/gver/.maven/cache/maven-multiproject-plugin-1.3.1/plugin
> .jelly:63:9:  :reactor> Error getting projects
> at com.werken.werkz.Goal.fire(Goal.java:646)
> at com.werken.werkz.Goal.attain(Goal.java:575)
> at 
> org.apache.maven.plugin.PluginManager.attainGoals(PluginManage
> r.java:671)
> I've been using mavem 1.0.2.
> Is there anytihng I can do to solve this problem?
>   Thanks a lot in advance for the help.

probably one of your project.xml files is not well formed.
try to play with mutiproject's includes/excludes if you have very many
or to build them one by one if you have just a few of them


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RE: repository problem.

2005-01-17 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: rajas kumar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, January 17, 2005 2:42 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: RE: repository problem.
> yaa we are using cvs in that already all dependency jar files 
> are there under. 
>   c:\\\**\lib 
> for to use build script every body needs repository. For this 
> i need to check -in my repository.This will makes redudency. 
> Why i need to make redencey for this jar files. That is the problem.

I don't see much of such redundancy (specially if you are using cvs).
99%of books/artciles I have ever read regarding scm and which are describing
so called best pratices make it clear:
Repository for the source code and repository for binary artifacts don't
have the same charateristis and they need other set of features.
With the software like subversion that gap is closing but it still exists.  

Maven is just an implementation of the idea which is exists since a long
Artifact repository. Pretty much any advantage which maven provides in
comparsion to tools like ant is enabled
thanks to existsince of the concept of the repository in maven and to the
fact that this repository is separted from the projects.
This will enable such cool things like transtitive depenencies (dependecies
of the dependecies), auditing tools, "intelligent" 
countinuous integration system which are for example able to try to test
your projects agaist different version of given liblary and
provide various benchmarks and many more things. Once it will happen the
things which you are trying to do now will be looking like 
remainigs from the previous age :)

I understand what you are trying to do - but you are acting agaist the
fundmental concept of maven
and this might be a painful way for you to go and you will loose access to
most of the profits which you gain when you are using maven
in standart way... 

Note that you can also maintain maven repository in cvs thanks to tools like


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RE: repository problem.

2005-01-17 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: rajas kumar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, January 17, 2005 1:37 PM
> To: users@maven.apache.org
> Subject: repository problem.
> Hai, 
>   I have several dependencies jar files are needed for to 
> compile.All these jar files are in mycvs under lib folder such as 
>  lib--!-apache---somejar files
>   !-jsf--some jar file
>   !-common-some jar files
> like this my lib directory structure
>I have made  repository like  apache--jars---jarfile
>  jsf ---jars --jarfile
> i have given dependency like  
>   apache
> commons-beanutils
>   commons-beanutils.jar
> present its working fine.
> But issue is i dont want to create repository. How can i make 
> this automatic and how can i give this dependency. Is it 
> possible to use that jars files as dependency  directly.

Do you have any valid reason why you don't want to make it in the normal way
which is supported by maven?


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RE: Maven project for a running environment?

2005-01-11 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Tom Bostelmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, January 10, 2005 10:10 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Maven project for a running environment?
> Is anyone using Maven to create a running environment like, for
> instance, CATALINA_BASE?
> I was wondering if it's possible to have a project that 
> creates a Tomcat
> running environment that might look like:
> conf/
> logs/
> shared/lib/
> temp/
> webapps/
> Then, I'd like to have dependencies for that project be other 
> 'war'-type
> projects.  I would create a maven goal that would iterate through the
> dependencies and put the artifacts in their respective places.
> Is it possible?  Is it a bad idea?

Tom if you wish I can send you my plugins which does exactly that. It is
limited to tomcat at the momemt
and I haven't used it for months but I hope it will be still working.

I believe that this pattern can be generalize and single plugin can be used
for creating most of the runtime env.
The idea is that you need  merge artifacts deployed to the repository and
specified in pom into the single artifact.
What does it mean "to merge" may vary but it can be easly cotrolled per
artifact type.
You are free to select which artifact you need (e.g. if you need scripts for
both windows and unix) and easly provide your own replecment 
for some defult artifacts (e.g. your customized scripts). In any of those
cases you just need to create appropiate zips 
(e.g. tomcat-base.zip tomcat-windows-scrips.zip and tomcat-unix-scripts.zip)
and list wars which you want to use (you are not required to ship you
runtime with manager and admin webapps).


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RE: javadoc-plugin problem

2004-12-17 Thread Maczka Michal
add  tag to your pom


> -Original Message-
> From: Jeroen Heijmans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, December 17, 2004 10:24 AM
> Subject: javadoc-plugin problem
> Hi,
> I'm having the following problem with the javadoc-plugin. If I run 
> "maven javadoc", it complains:
> [echo] ***
> [echo] * No sources found. Javadoc not created ! *
> [echo] ***
> and when I run the site goal (with the maven-javadoc-plugin in the 
> reports), it doesn't do anything, not even display the 
> message given by 
> the javadoc target.
> However, my project does have sources, and they are also found by all 
> other goals I run with maven. I then tried running it again with 
> maven.javadoc.debug set in my project.properties, but I got 
> no alarming 
> information. maven.compile.src.set points to 
> ${basedir}\src\java, which 
> is indeed where my source files are.
> I was initially using the 1.6.1 version of the javadoc-plugin, but an 
> upgrade to version 1.7 (including the latest required libs) gave no 
> improvements. I have nothing set in my properties file (save 
> maven.javadoc.debug), and I've tried changing all parameters in the 
> project.xml that might have anything to do with this, but 
> none of them 
> made any difference. I'm running Maven 1.0 on Windows XP.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated,
> Jeroen Heijmans
> -
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RE: changing version of module and dependent modules

2004-12-17 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Jörg Schaible [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, December 17, 2004 9:07 AM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: RE: changing version of module and dependent modules
> Maczka Michal wrote on Thursday, December 16, 2004 1:58 PM:
> > I've trying to find a nice solution for that issue since a
> > long time (sometimes I have up to 40 projects using the same
> > artifacts!). I come into the conclusion that any way of using
> > version pointers in poms (e.g. xml entities or jar
> > overriding) is bad thing as it might be against the
> > repreductability of builds (unless modified poms with
> > "inlined" information are deployed to the repository, but
> > this creates other problems!!)
> > Only thing which can really solve that complexivity is a tool
> > (GUI), which will help to make a quick migration to the given
> > version of the given artifact for group of projects. My
> > colleagues from work have developed the maven plugin which
> > helps to do this migration - it is already quite useful for
> > them, but not fully operational and it requires other our
> > plugins therefore it will be useless for somebody else, but
> > it is not hard to write your own plugin with similar 
> functionality...
> Sorry, but I really want to know, how to do this in a company 
> with a lot of multiprojects. We're using entities heavily and 
> keep all our project in this way in sync (yes, all the 
> project share the same entity definitions, although the 
> versions can be overridden locally and individually). Nobody 
> has all projects checked out. In such a scenario neither a 
> GUI tool nor a plugin does help.

I am pretty sure GUI will help here.
One of things which is possible with maven is a database of all your
Together with continuus integration system it will enable a lot of really
cool and fascinating things.
For example once you will make a point release of a module - continous
integration system
can build and test all modules which were using older version of that module
agaist this new release.
You will be able to see a report which of them worked, what was the impact
on performance and for example recieve a proposition to upgrade some/all of
to this new version. You won't be required to directly work with scm systems
or even touch xml files or files with entities.
This is of course just hypotetical scenario - but I am pretty sure that the
level abstraction of project, xml files, entities is too low
to deal with such complex problems. We really need tools which will
aggregate that rich knowlege which sits in poms to do interesting things
and save hours of our time!

> How do we ensure reproducability? The entities are also kept 
> in a CVS repository and every time a project is tagged, the 
> repo with the entities is tagged also.
> If you really drop entitity support completely, this will be 
> a desaster for our company.
We understand that problem. If we will deprecate entities or stop supporting
them we will 
need to propose working replacement. At the moment jar overriding facility
is the only alternative which we have.


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RE: changing version of module and dependent modules

2004-12-16 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Marcin Gurbisz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 12:56 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: changing version of module and dependent modules
> I would like to have possibility to change version of 
> specific library 
> in all project.xml files all over the project..
> To make it clearer I give an example:
> Module A and B depends on C, and I want to change version of C. After 
> executing some goal I would expect that version of module C and all 
> dependent would change.
> Have anyone solved this problem or you are dealing with it in 
> diferent way?
> I've looked at release plug-in and it seems to me that it change only 
> version in "C" module. Am I right?
> I've been using xml entities to ensure project consistency so this 
> problem hasn't occurred but I want to get rid of entities.

I've trying to find a nice solution for that issue since a long time
(sometimes I have up to 40 projects using the same artifacts!).
I come into the conclusion that any way of using version pointers in poms
(e.g. xml entities or jar overriding) is bad thing
as it might be against the repreductability of builds (unless modified poms
with "inlined" information are deployed to the repository, but this creates
other problems!!) 
Only thing which can really solve that complexivity is a tool (GUI), which
will help to make a quick migration to the given version of the given
artifact for group of projects.
My colleagues from work have developed the maven plugin which helps to do
this migration - it is already quite useful for them, but not fully
operational and it requires
other our plugins therefore it will be useless for somebody else, but it is
not hard to write your own plugin with similar functionality...



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RE: Problems with JavaCC plugin

2004-12-16 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: M.-Leander Reimer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 11:27 AM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Problems with JavaCC plugin
> Hi,
> I have the following comments and problems with the JavaCC plugin:
> - Bug: I want to generate my parser files into the following package 
> structure: de.adaptions.emp.webcontainer.util
> Everything generates fine, but when it comes to compiling the 
> generated 
> sources, I get an error like
> illegal unicode escape
> /* Generated By:JJTree: ... 
> webapp\target\generated-src\main\java\de\adaptions\emp\webcont
> ainer\util
> \parser\TextFormatParserTreeConstants.java */

I forgot to add tha it seems to be a bug in javacc as it with deafult
settings generates a java class which cannot
be compiled by javac parser.
(I will look closer at this problem in next few days so I migth be wrong)


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RE: Problems with JavaCC plugin

2004-12-16 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: M.-Leander Reimer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 11:27 AM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Problems with JavaCC plugin
> Hi,
> I have the following comments and problems with the JavaCC plugin:
> - Bug: I want to generate my parser files into the following package 
> structure: de.adaptions.emp.webcontainer.util
> Everything generates fine, but when it comes to compiling the 
> generated 
> sources, I get an error like
> illegal unicode escape
> /* Generated By:JJTree: ... 
> webapp\target\generated-src\main\java\de\adaptions\emp\webcont
> ainer\util
> \parser\TextFormatParserTreeConstants.java */
> It's the \u (the u from util) which it complains about.
> I tried setting the undocument properties (found them in the jelly 
> script) "maven.javacc.javacc.header" and "maven.javacc.jjtree.header" 
> but it doesn't have any effect on the generated sources.
> - Comment: The properties section in the plugin documentation is 
> incorrect or incomplete, e.g. the properties for 
> "maven.javacc.javacc.target.dir" and 
> "maven.javacc.jtree.target.dir" are 
> not used at all, and the header properties are missing.
> What can I do to solve problem 1? Any suggestions? 

Quick workaround is to generate your parser into the package which doesn't
have any segment which name starts with "u"...

IN you case if you can switch from



it will probably work...

>Should I file Jira 
> issues for the problems mentioned?



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RE: Reactor & SubProject interdepencies

2004-12-15 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Richard Bair [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2004 7:50 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Re: Reactor & SubProject interdepencies
> [aside]
> Well, I was going to use multiproject, but honestly I
> can't figure out what is the "best practices" way of
> doing things, and what isn't. From a noobs
> perspective, Maven looks really powerful but I have
> almost *no* idea what the preferred way of doing
> anything is. Aside from having to learn how to script
> in jelly, what goes into
> build.properties/project.properties/project.xml/maven.xml
> or what some obscure error means (the current one is  
> [/aside]
> Thanks David
> Rich
Probably one of the reasons why such  practices has not been yet clearly
communicated and described
is that some of those of practices were born with maven. 
In order to tell what good practice is or what is not you need to have a
substantial experience. 
AFAIK no commonly used tool before maven has a support for such features
like "project inheritance" and "reactor"
hence nobody had real experience with them.
We are still experimenting with those features, learning from our users'
experience and trying to find best ways of doing things.
There is a new concept coming to maven - Unified Source Directory, which
will be our proposition how to structure projects
in the way which will allow to have things quickly and smoothly done. It is
still a work in progress, but once it's done it will be
really helpful as it will be clear "how the things should be done".

At the moment you may look at more complex projects like Apache Geronimo to
learn how they organize their build system.
We are doing the same :) ... to learn what kind of functionality people
really need from maven and what is working for them and what 
is not.


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RE: Multiproject --> not from top directory?

2004-12-15 Thread Maczka Michal
try something like:



> -Original Message-
> From: Aleksandr Shneyderman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2004 7:28 PM
> Subject: Multiproject --> not from top directory?
> I have a project that consists of multiple submodules
> All of the modules are on the same level. One module is
> the one that assembles the final app.
> How do I tell multiproject to look for dependent modules
> in ${basedir}/../dep-mod-A, ${basedir}/../dep-mod-B
> and so on?
> Thanks,
> Alex.
> -
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RE: Reactor potential bug

2004-11-08 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Stéphane Nicoll [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, November 08, 2004 11:27 AM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Reactor potential bug
> Hello list,
> I think I might have found a bug in the reactor, could you 
> please validate I am not missing something.
> I have a maven project inside a release process that 
> downloads module dependencies and rebuild a source.jar of one 
> of our application (for debugging purposes). We have also a 
> little tool that scans the files to see the differences. 

Have you thought about using
- version tags in POM for tracking the history of the project??
- using scm features for generating such reports. if I understand changelog
report is not that far away from what you are trying to do..

maybe any of those will be helpful for you?


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RE: A war dependency

2004-11-04 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 12:01 PM
> Subject: RE: A war dependency
> I think 
> my_war
> 2.0
> war
> is what you're after

Note that  tag is also depreacted!
groupId, artifactId pair of tags should be used instead.


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RE: Project Distribution Process

2004-11-04 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Duncan Krebs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 2:36 AM
> To: Maven UserList
> Subject: Project Distribution Process
> Hi,
> I've been working on implementing Maven into my build process 
> and was wondering how to go about a couple of things. 
> When I build a distribution of a project I want Maven to put 
> that newly compiled jar into a central repository so that 
> other projects can reference to it in project.xml. Would this 
> newly created jar go into the same repository that holds all 
> my third party jars? If thats the case then I'd have to 
> create my own central repository and not use the public one?
If you work alone you may just stick to your local repository. If you share
your work (aars) with others 
you may want to setup your remote repository. Note that the name "central"
repository is used to refer to the repository 
hosted at ibiblio. There could be only one central repository - in your case
the correct term is _remote_ repository.


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RE: Maven

2004-10-19 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2004 10:49 AM
> Subject: RE: Maven
> Hi,
> Maven creates jar, but with name "PROJECT-version.jar" eg:- 
> PROJECT-12.0.0.jar,
> is there anyway i can override this to create "project.jar"
This is not something which you would normally want to do with maven.
Jars and other artifacts are versioned for numerous good reasons.


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RE: Dependency problens when generating war file

2004-10-15 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Roberto Castro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 15, 2004 3:03 PM
> Subject: Dependency problens when generating war file
> Hi, all. I've been facing two problens generating a war file.
> Maven inserts jar files into war files with version number in 
> its name. To avoid this, I created a goal in maven.xml to 
> rename jar file, like this:
>  file="${maven.build.dir}/web-inf/WEB-INF/lib/commons-beanutils
> -${siloc_commons_beanutils_version}.jar"
> tofile="${maven.build.dir}/web-inf/WEB-INF/lib/commons-beanuti
> ls.jar" overwrite="true"/>
> Is it the better way to do this?

First question is - why do you want to do this?
This is really something which is not needed.

> Second problem:
> To copy tld and xml files into war file, I do the following:
>   src
>   web/config
>   *.xml
>   *.tld
> But maven copys tld and xml files into "WEB-INF/classes" 
> directory, insted of, "web-inf" directory.
> What can I do to solve this problem?
> Thank you all in advance for the help.
>   Regards,

This is known limitation. we don't have yet a possibility of having
resources of web application (war plugin).
Resources are processed only by java plugin (test resources by test plugin).
This is indeed painful.

The simplest solution if you don't have to use resource filtering is to put
configuration files directly in the place where they 
should be in the war file:

e.g. src/main/webapp/WEB-INF


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RE: extra files in META-INF

2004-10-08 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Charles N. Harvey III [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 5:37 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: extra files in META-INF
> Hello.
> I am trying to use Hivemind and it requires that my config 
> files get placed
> in the META-INF directory of my jar file.  So far, from the 
> jar plugin, I
> can't seem to figure out where I should place these files and what 
> properties
> I have to set to get them built into the jar.
> project/
> /src/
>   /java/
>   /resources/
>  log4j.properties
>   /descriptor/
>  my-modules.xml
> Everything in /resources/ gets into the top level "directory" of the 
> compiled
> jar.  But how do I get files into project.jar/META-INF/?  
> Should/can I 
> put them
> in /descriptor/?  Should I put them somewhere else?  The only options 
> that I can
> see in the jar plugin are to add extra information to the 
> file that Maven
> generates.
> Any help is much appreciated.

There are two possiblities

a) you can structure it like:

b) you can use targetPath element in defiition of your resources




I prefer a) as it is also supported by IDEs like IDEA or Eclipse. 


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RE: Dependency of type property

2004-09-10 Thread Maczka Michal
You may put such resources into jars.

> -Original Message-
> From: Marco Tedone [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2004 4:18 PM
> To: Maven-users
> Subject: Dependency of type property
> Hi, is there a way to declare a dependency of type 
> 'property'? The reason is
> that it would be usefull to have a dependency of type 
> property when using
> Struts (and I think not only) for MessageResource bundles. Basically a
> company may want to use always the same type of labels (already
> internationalized) for all its sites. Instead of copying the 
> same every
> time, it would be nice to be able to declare a dependency and 
> include it in
> the war artifact.
> Marco
> -
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RE: dependency dependencies

2004-09-08 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Nathan Coast [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 10:25 AM
> To: Maven Users
> Subject: dependency dependencies
> Hi,
> Is there any mechanism to obtain a full list of the 
> dependencies of dependencies in 
> jellyscript?  I know there are reports generated e.g.
> http://maven.apache.org/reference/plugins/dependency-convergen
> ce-report.html
> I'm trying to access the dependencies from within jelly.  Are 
> there api calls to do this?
> I've seen some code in 
> org.apache.maven.multiproject.harmonizer but I don't think it's 
> what I'm looking for.

AFAIK no such thing exists for maven 1 in Apache CVS but I know some people
who implemented it for their own usage...

If just "full list of the dependencies of dependencies" is what interest you
(you are not interested in seeing a graph) we have such thing 
implemented for m2. You could reuse the same algorithm for m1:





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RE: List all dependencies or only main ones?

2004-08-03 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Stijn de Witt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2004 12:10 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: List all dependencies or only main ones?
> Hi,
> A quick question. Assume a project A, which depends on 
> projects B and C. If
> project D depends on A, does it also have to state it's (implicit)
> dependencies on B and C in project.xml?
Search in mailing list archive as this is quite frequent question.
Shortly this is called "transitive dependencies" and it is not supported by
any released version maven 
but is coming soon (we have basic implementation of this stuff in CVS)


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RE: artifact for jsp taglib: bug? bad practice? or what?

2004-08-02 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Marcin Maciukiewicz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, August 02, 2004 10:56 AM
> Subject: artifact for jsp taglib: bug? bad practice? or what?

> Question 1: Is described behaviour bug or not?

It's a feature :). 

But this will be changed in next major release of maven (1.1 and/or 2.0)

> Question 2: Is described case good practice or not? 

It depends. For Servlet Containers which support servlet api >= 2.3
probably the most appropriate solution is to relay on tld discovery
mechanism built-in into container

In case of other artifact types or if you have to use JSP 1.1 unfortunately
such nice workarounds are often not existing.



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RE: file:// protocol not working for remote repsoitory in 1.0

2004-07-28 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Dion Gillard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 5:30 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Re: file:// protocol not working for remote repsoitory in 1.0
> It's because it's a malformed URL and the 'host' is assumed to be C:

But still I don't see any relation between C: or file: and ftp:// :)


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RE: file:// protocol not working for remote repsoitory in 1.0

2004-07-28 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Peter Anning [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 8:32 AM
> Subject: file:// protocol not working for remote repsoitory in 1.0
> Hi all,
> We have a remote repository located on a Windows file server.
> The repository could be accessed using the file: protocol in 
> maven rc2 
> upgrading to 1.0 seems to have broken this. I have tested it 
> by putting the 
> jar in question behind a local http server and it works.
> build.properties are set as:
> maven.repo.remote=file:lonfs02/EBJAVA/repository,http://ww
> w.ibiblio.org/ma
> ven,http://dist.codehaus.org,http://www.codeczar.com/maven
> maven.repo.remote.enabled=true
> Has anyone else seen this?
> Below is the stack trace.

I have seen anything like that but what's strange is the fact that maven is
trying to use ftp protocol
for downloading your artifacts from that location.

In addition JDK URL handler for FTP is used... and this is highly bizzare!


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RE: Multiple dependencies of different types

2004-07-23 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Friday, July 23, 2004 4:20 PM
> Subject: Multiple dependencies of different types
> It would seem that Maven 1.0 does not take the  element 
> into account 
> when downloading a dependency.  Is that correct behavior?
> I have a project that's meant to be a master build over a 
> number of other 
> projects.  For example, it downloads a project A's artifact 
> (i.e. a jar 
> file) and then intends to interrogate that A's POM and subsequently 
> download A's dependencies.  So, in the master project's 
> project.xml I've 
> listed its dependencies as:
> A
> A
> A
> A
> pom
> Apparently to Maven there's no difference between these two 
> dependency 
> entries even though they are in fact different things: one's 
> a jar file 
> the other is a POM file.  So, Maven only reports a single 
> dependency for 
> that groupId-artifactId when, say, you iterate over the pom.artifacts 
> list.
This is known limitation which soon will be fixed.

Your particual use case will be even built-in into maven: whenever maven
will dowload any artifact
it will download its pom.


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RE: problem using snapshots in JAR override

2004-07-23 Thread Maczka Michal
IMO what you are trying to do is no more no less then cheat your build
managers :)

If they dislike the idea of SNAPSHOT artifacts - its better not to use them
or explain to 
them what for you need to use them.

You may also consider using 2.1-SNAPSHOT


this is what will be soon a default and recommended way of doing (this
allows to have snapshot per version (branch))

In m2 we have already one single install goal which is "smart" enough to
check project's type and version .

It means that soon you will be able to do: 

maven install  

and this will do what (depending of the context) what jar:install,
jar:install-snapshot, war:install, ejb:install, ejb:install-snapshot etc
goals used to do.


> -Original Message-
> From: Marcel Vehof [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, July 23, 2004 10:45 AM
> Subject: problem using snapshots in JAR override
> Hello,
> In our organization we want to use snapshot versions of 
> some of our libraries, during developing.
> Normally, this would be done by stating the version number 
> for the library as SNAPSHOT in project.xml
> But this practice is not allowed by our build managers,
> they only want references to officially released versions
> in project.xml
> So, I tried the JAR override feature and added the following
> to build.properties (since this file is not in version control,
> the content is no problem for the build managers) :
> maven.jar.override=on
> maven.jar.mylibrary=SNAPSHOT
> This does not work as I expected, what happens is that the
> snapshot dependency is downloaded, but to the home directory
> of the project, with filename "Snapshot".
> Also when building an EAR, the library ends up with filename
> "Snapshot". Besides that this is not the correct name, it will
> definitely not work if there are more than one snapshot 
> dependency in the project.
> Does any one know how to solve this ?
> Marcel Vehof
> --- 
> This message is confidential and may be privileged. Any review,
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> is prohibited. If you received this message in error, please 
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> sender by reply e-mail and delete this message from all 
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RE: Reactor: tests failing (working dir set to master proj dir no t child proj dir)

2004-07-12 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Ben Walding [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, July 12, 2004 3:26 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Re: Reactor: tests failing (working dir set to 
> master proj dir
> no t child proj dir)
> Maczka Michal wrote:
> >  
> >
> Another option is to check the basedir property -> 
> System.getProperty("basedir") which is the base of the 
> current project.
> I personally prefer the classloader approach, but it's worth knowing 
> about both methods.

My point was that "basedir" property does not exist outside maven. You have
to set it manually for each test if you are using Eclipse/IDEA


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RE: Reactor: tests failing (working dir set to master proj dir no t child proj dir)

2004-07-12 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Omair-Inam Abdul-Matin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, July 10, 2004 5:39 AM
> Subject: Reactor: tests failing (working dir set to master 
> proj dir not
> child proj dir)
> I'm using JUnit to run some regression tests that need to read in 
> configuration and data files.  For this it is necessary that 
> the working 
> directory be the same as the project directory.  Recently the project 
> was subdivided into a master project and child subprojects.  
> Now when I 
> try to run unit tests by invoking the master build target, the tests 
> fail because apparently the working directory is the directory of the 
> master project not the current child project.  I believe this 
> topic has 
> been brought up in a previous post but I was not able to find the 
> solution to the problem.
> Can someone please nudge me in the correction direction?
> Omair

You may also conider using classloader for loading your configuration files:


Once you have an URL of required resource you can easly convert it to a File
object and then use methods like file.getParentFile()
for traversing directories

Using this technique you can more easly test your code in your IDE. 


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RE: Need to load common goals from sub-projects maven.xml

2004-06-30 Thread Maczka Michal
> > No. Plugins are recommened way of doing this. 
> I don't understand. Say I've got a persistence components 
> that requires
> XDoclet to be run prior to compiling then I might do this in 
> my maven.xml:
> So if I then create 2 more persistence components that need 
> the same thing
> to happen then I might recognise a duplication and refactor 
> it out to a
> plugin. However, would I still need to do the following in each of my
> maven.xml's for my 3 components?
> If these components were running inside the reactor wouldn't 
> it be better to
> simply put these lines in the parent project's maven.xml?
> To answer my own question, having looked at some other 
> plugin.jelly, it
> seems that I could put the same preGoal into my plugin.jelly. 
> Is that what
> you you were getting at? Sorry for being slow.

No! preGoals should not be used by plugins. 

At the moment indeed the solution which involves plugin requires very short
duplicating blocks in maven.xml.
Probably we will be able to eliminate the need for most of them and even
maven.xml themselves if we will have workflow 
which might be parametrized. E.g java:compile goal might depend on
java:runCodeGenerator goal which by default might be nop.
and you will be able to define alias java:runCodeGenerator - >
So in the such common cases no scripting will be ever needed. 
But that's not yet official - that's just one of the possibilties.


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RE: Need to load common goals from sub-projects maven.xml

2004-06-30 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Matt Read [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2004 2:36 PM
> To: 'Maven Users List'
> Subject: RE: Need to load common goals from sub-projects maven.xml
> > From: Maczka Michal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > 
> > > From: Stefanutti, Mario [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > 
> > > Hi,
> > > 
> > > I looking for a way to set some common goals for each 
> > sub-project of a 
> > > multiproject environment.
> > > 
> > Simple soluton: create your own plugin. It is super simple 
> > (example can be found in Maven Wiki)
> > 
> > Michal
> > 
> I'm interested in this too. It appears the project's inherit 
> from the parent
> project's maven.xml. Even if one was to write a plugin to 
> encapsulate common
> tasks they would still need to be called in the same way in each
> sub-project. I assume inheritance of maven.xml is the 
> recommended way to do
> this?

No. Plugins are recommened way of doing this. 

In Maven 2 inheritence uses the id of the parent project instead of the
relative path to parent pom


Parent pom could be taken from local repository (and hence downloaded there
from remote repository)  
and most likly it might be also provided by reactor when reactor powered
build will be used for building both child and parent projects 

We still haven't decided if maven.xml will be also uploaded/downloaded
to/from the repository(ies) but at the moment for sake of simplicity 
we are rather willing to push all centralized goals to plugins. Plugins can
be decalred as any other dependenies in poms and automatically
fetched by maven. It means that for common scripts - you will need to create
one more project.  In reactor powered builds which will be  way
simpler than thay are now there should be really no differnce as plugin
project will be build in the same run of maven and made directly visible
to other projets.

But this is the future :)



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RE: Need to load common goals from sub-projects maven.xml

2004-06-30 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Stefanutti, Mario [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2004 1:16 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Need to load common goals from sub-projects maven.xml
> Hi,
> I looking for a way to set some common goals for each sub-project of a
> multiproject environment.
Simple soluton: create your own plugin. It is super simple (example can be
found in Maven Wiki)


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RE: RFE for the war plugin

2004-06-30 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Brill Pappin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2004 10:41 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Re: RFE for the war plugin
> Michal Maczka wrote:

> >
> Have you tried to do it with the war?

Coulpe of times. With different result sas some servlet contanier refused to
work with them.

> Did you even read that spec? Obviously not.
> The classloader loads the jar and the respective versioning 
> information 
> not the webapp container that loads the war!

Right classes and files in WEB-INF/classes META-INF are not loaded by any
classloader. Gradma loads them.

> Remember that in this day and age all list mail gets archived so what 
> you just said above will be preserved forever.

Here is what spec says:
"Web containers are recommended to have a mechanism by which web
applications can learn what JAR files containing resources and code are
and for making them available to the application. Containers should provide
convenient procedure for editing and configuring library files or
It is recommended that Application developers provide a META-INF/
MANIFEST.MF entry in the WAR file listing extensions, if any, needed by the
The format of the manifest entry should follow standard JAR manifest format.
expressing dependencies on extensions installed on the web container, the
manifest entry should follow the specification for standard extensions
defined at
Web Containers should be able to recognize declared dependencies expressed
in the manifest entry of any of the library JARs under the WEB-INF/lib entry
in a
WAR. If a web container is not able to satisfy the dependencies declared in
manner, it should reject the application with an informative error message."

So realy the spec makes no difference between any of the manifest files
which are provided inside wars
and clearly defines where they can be placed. 
But for strange reason  it says: "It is recommended that Application
developers provide a META-INF/MANIFEST.MF entry in the WAR file listing


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RE: RFE for the war plugin

2004-06-29 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Brill Pappin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2004 2:54 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Re: RFE for the war plugin
> Where this flack is coming from?
> The reason I specifically want to do it, is so I can use the 
> manifest to 
> package extended information about the classes.

What's the difference bewtween manifest file kept in META-INF folder of your
web application
and WEB-INF/your.jar!/META-INF/?

> I think I said that though... as for not "convincing", that 
> assumes that 
> the way you do things is the right way... I wasn't trying to convince 
> anyone.
Nope. You asked us to do some work and change war plugin. Before anybody
will bother
to apply your patch or spend its time trying to implement what you want 
there are two conditions which must be satisfed:

a) there must be an agreement between maintainers of given plugin that this
patch is a move into right direction
b) somebody must feel that it is important enough to dedicate its time to
apply such patch.
Most of the plugins are improved thanks to feedback and suggestions of maven
And we do appreciate suggestions and feedback.
But sometimes two users have clashing requirements ( I am myself also a user
of war plugin
and in some cases for some reasons I really need to have classes in
WEB-INF/classes folder).

If you are not convincing enough you have 0% of chances that such change
which your are asking for will be ever made.

> I guess I'm surprised that people don't even want the *ability* to 
> package as a JAR instead of in the classes dir. Frankly with 
> my style, 
> I'd package into a jar instead even if I wasn't interested in the 
> manifest just to keep things what I would think of as tidy.
so you have been given clean solution how to do that (use one more project
for creating your jar and then package it into war)


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RE: RFE for the war plugin

2004-06-29 Thread Maczka Michal
> -Original Message-
> From: Brill Pappin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2004 2:38 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Re: RFE for the war plugin
> Yes, I thought of doing that very thing :)
> however I then have problems with Eclipse as it doesn't understand 
> multi-project builds, and you really want all the parts of an 
> application in the same place.
> Still doable, but less than optimum.
Can you provide at least one valid reason why would like to do that (put jar
file into WEB-INF/lib folder)?
All the points you mentioned in you original post are either not very
convincing or false 
(e.g. that size of war thanks to that will be smaller).


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RE: RE : diff between jar:deploy[-snapshot] and ear:deploy[-snaps hot]

2004-06-21 Thread Maczka Michal
I think Brett started to unify those things and merging deploy and artifact
What he did was looking OK to me.
He asked some questions but at that time he got no feedback from me
reagrading how it is going 
to look in m2/wagon 
I don't think that we are yet ready with those things in m2 (we are
constantly progressing in good direction :)) and once we'll have
proven solution then we can think how it can be used in case of m1. We are
not there yet...

Brett: if you still have some questions regarding my code in artifact plugin
or how deploy should work in m2/wagon please shoot!


> -Original Message-
> From: Heritier Arnaud [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, June 21, 2004 5:00 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: RE : diff between jar:deploy[-snapshot] and
> ear:deploy[-snapshot]
> Hello Marcin,
> I think that ear, war and newer plugins use the artifact 
> plugin to deploy.
> You must define properties like it is explained here :
> http://maven.apache.org/reference/plugins/artifact/properties.html
> Arnaud
> > -Message d'origine-
> > De : Marcin Maciukiewicz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > Envoyé : lundi 21 juin 2004 16:35
> > À : Maven Users List
> > Objet : diff between jar:deploy[-snapshot] and ear:deploy[-snapshot]
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Hello folks.
> > v.: 1.0-rc3
> > 
> > It's about remote repository deployment.According to the: 
> > http://maven.apache.org/reference/user-guide.html#Behavioural_
> Properties
> my $HOME/build.properties provides "maven.username, 
> maven.remote.group, 
> maven.repo.central, maven.repo.central.directory" properties.
> They are enough for jar:deploy goal but ear:deploy says that: 
> "No remote repository was defined."
> I see problems with ear:deploy and ear:deploy-snapshot.
> Those goals are implemented differently from jar:deploy's. 
> Probably they expects different properties to work - sounds 
> like a bug. I'm not sure. Can anyone explain this?
> Workaround:
> Copy-pasted jar:deploy[-snapshot] goals code into ejb plugin 
> with some 
> replaces should help.
> -- 
> Marcin Maciukiewicz
> -
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RE: Local & Remote Repositories

2004-06-21 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Onno van der Straaten 
> Sent: Monday, June 21, 2004 1:41 PM
> Subject: Local & Remote Repositories
> Group,
> This is problably easy but I am new to Maven. 
> I managed to get my jar into the local repository. Now I am trying to
> compile another project that depends on this jar. Maven looks 
> for the jar in
> ibiblio-repository and so the build fails.
> How can I make Maven use the jar in the local repository?
> Thanks,
> Onno

Maven won't look for jars in remote repository(ies) if it exists locally 
(with small exception for SNAPSHOT artifacts). 
If maven is not finding your jar in your local repo and it is there  - it
means that you haven't provided the right location of it.
So what you have to do is just to declare a correct dependecy on it.
Use dependecy tag in you POM with correct groupId, artifactId and version
which matches jar's location in your local repository.


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RE: Jar help

2004-06-15 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Bielby, Randy J [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 3:12 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: RE: Jar help
> Mikal
> Unfortunately, if my project choses to use Maven we will be the only
> project doing so here.  There are probably 200 other apps in 
> production
> plus 20-30 currently under development.  So, I will have to conform to
> what the corporate standards are, regardless of my build 
> tool.  That may
> mean duplicate maintainence as far as storing jars etc, in a 
> repository.

Definitely maven is build tool which is defining its own standards and
refusing to work smoothly with 
the projects which are off those standards.

I am sure that most of the companies don't use any standards when if it
comes to artifact management systems
defining common project layout, standaring build scripts, keeping tracks of
project's dependencies, generation of uniformed
documentation for projects and so on. I wonder if you can taken radom
developer in your comany which has not been 
working for project "A" and if he will know without looking at any build
scripts how he should build jar file of that project
or if he will be able to tell you excatly what are the dependecies of this
projects and what are the version of those dependecies.
And this is just a peek of an iceberg.

If your company has such standards then it might be that maven standards are
not attractive for you.
In any way as far as I know we have no plan to make maven much more flexible
and mandate the pratices
which we find to be antipatterns. That's our conscious choice. Simply there
is a lot of build system with ant and its derivates 
being currently the most prominent and there is really no need for
developing one more similar build system. 

> Like it of not, this is the reality of large corporate 
> development where
> standards and best practices are sometime mandated based upon a wide
> range of criteria.  Most of which have nothing to do with the 
> day to day
> work of the developers in the trenches (see Tim Reilly's post)

Agreed :( (but I would rather call it a lack of standards then standards)


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RE: Jar help

2004-06-15 Thread Maczka Michal
> >Not really. Maven repository is competly different beast then 
> >SCM repository
> >and provides different features.
> >
> Is it?  Or is it just a difference of access protocol, http 
> vs pserver?
> Yes, I know that versioning etc is not part of the repo, but 
> from a very
> basic view of a jar containment mechanism, they could be used
> interchangably.  I'm not that familiar with the plugins, but I would
> guess that I could implement a repostory plugin that access a cvs
> repository rather than a Maven one. By basically creating a module in
> cvs that had contents very similar to a Maven repo, I could in theory
> accomplish the same thing.

Yes it is different. First of all binary artifacts are not well handled by
SCM repositories
and versioning mechanism which is used by SCM is rather useless for them.
E.g. you cannot easily check-in an artifacts and require that this is
version 1.2.7 of log4j.
Also metadata which is needed by maven repositories is different.
Say that you have jar file and you want to find matching javadoc artifact or
jar with sources (might be useful for debugging)
SCM repositories don't provide any facility for that. 

It is true that you can theoretically use SCM repositories as maven
repositories but if you do that
you are probably not using a single feature which they provide (maybe with
exception for security mechanisms).
So from maven point of view there is no difference if artifacts are accessed
from local file system or cvs repository
(except of course of protocol which is used)

> >> If the repo had an interface to CVS it then might become
> >> more "sellable" in a corporate environment.  That way all 
> >> components of
> >> an application are contained with a single source control 
> mechanism.
> >
> >Jars and other generated artifacts are not "sources" and SCM 
> system are
> >really useless for them.
> >Are you going to keep javadocs in cvs as well?
> >
> No they are not sources, but the ARE components that contribute to the
> overall completion of the resulting artifact.  There fore 
> they should be
> under some kind of version control mechanism.  In Maven case, that
> mechanism is the Maven repository.  And instead of the version
> attributes of a given file being a relationship to the file, 
> it is part
> of the name of the file.  From and auditing standpoint, I have to be
> able to recreate an EAR from a single repository.  Plus I'm 
> not sure we
> would pass an internal audit if some of our distributed binary was not
> maintained internally.  And then to top it all off, we have an
> additional deployment tool (Harvest/AllFusion) for deploying to all
> tiers above our development tier.  

I am not sure if I understand you. Why would any of your binaries 
couldn't be maintained internally? Are you aware of the fact that maven
works well
without the access to ibiblio and only with intranet repositories?

And how can you audit your projects if an audit tool cannot dig the
information which artifacts were used in your projects?
Maven repositories can be also used for deploying artifacts like report
So you can for example track changes of the projects like test coverage,
total number of tests and what ever else you want. 
I don't really think that those kind of artifacts should be kept in SCM
systems. In fact I think that almost never
"generated" artifact should be kept in such system. SCM systems are intend
for keeping sources.


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RE: Jar help

2004-06-14 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Bielby, Randy J [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, June 14, 2004 5:17 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: RE: Jar help
> First let me say that I really appreciate the responses I 
> have recieved
> on this issue.  They have been very helpful in at least giving me a
> start as to how to resolve this challange.  I have been on other list
> servs of this type where responses are critical, arrogant and 
> basically
> useless.  Not the case here... many thanks.
> As far as John's response, I can see the need for this structure and
> methodolgy.  But I struggle with this for a couple of reasons.
> 1 - My development staff is used to keeping their workspace 
> in sync with
> CVS and doing so thru the WSAD interface (ie Eclipse CVS perspective).
> I'm not that concerned with "bloating" out the CVS respository.  Those
> jars in the WEB-INF/lib typically do not change that often, if ever.
> But they are duplicated on other projects, which I have no 
> control over.
> So, if I were to switch to the Maven approach, as right as it might
> seem, I would then have to require developers to use two 
> tools, CVS and
> Maven, to keep their workspaces current.  I guess you could 
> argue that I
> could eliminate the direct access of CVS and do that via 
> Maven, but I'm
> not sure I want to go that route.  I'm in a large IT shop and swimming
> upstream like this is not something I enjoy.  Due to the internal
> corporate economy and corporate politics, our development structure is
> very fragmented into smaller development teams all working on the same
> code base.   The current build mechanism for developers is 
> WSAD and CVS,
> introducing Maven may be more then I want to bite off.  And in reality
> more then the staff here could handle  I'm not saying I don't 
> agree with
> John, as I do.  It's just that the reality in large corporate
> environments like mine, sometimes do not lend themselves to change.  I
> am also swimming upstream with standards that are being 
> mandated outside
> of my area that do not fit with a tool like Maven.  In fact I'm
> struggling to keep Ant and CVS as my build tools.
> 2 - While the idea of the Maven repository is nice, does it 
> really make
> sense in the context of corporate development?  

It makes much more sense in coorpoarte env. then in case of small open
source project
as in cooroprate evn, you need much more often to share and distiribute
software artifacts
in a standard way.

>There are 
> many pieces of
> an application that get assembled to create the end result, 
> the artifact
> if you will.  By introducing the Maven repo, we have now introduced an
> additional repository as input for the build and development 
> process.  I
> would rather have a single source for all of the components of my
> artifact.  In this case CVS.  While I think that the repo works very
> well for some fo the open source projects etc, I think it 
> introduces an
> additional point of potential inconsitencies, at least in my
> environment. 

Not really. Maven repository is competly different beast then SCM repository
and provides different features.

> If the repo had an interface to CVS it then might become
> more "sellable" in a corporate environment.  That way all 
> components of
> an application are contained with a single source control mechanism.

Jars and other generated artifacts are not "sources" and SCM system are
really useless for them.
Are you going to keep javadocs in cvs as well?

> And if I could convince others outside of my immidiate team 
> of the need
> for a centralize repository for components/jars, this might be an
> interesting endeavor.
> Don't get me wrong, I do agree with most of what Maven is about.  I am
> just having to pick and choose my battles based upon corporate culture
> and desicions that are being made outside of my control.  
> I'd be interested in hearing how others are maintaining an updated
> workspace for developers while the build process is utilizing Maven.
> Randy Bielby
Don't get me wrong either:
With maven we are trying to realize certain philosophy of build system. We
are not looking for very flexible
build system which is able to build any java project with radom structure
like ant does. 
If somebody does not share our vision he might happier with other build


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RE: XML entities and forward compatibility

2004-06-09 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Jörg Schaible [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2004 10:03 AM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: RE: XML entities and forward compatibility
> Maczka Michal wrote on Wednesday, June 09, 2004 9:33 AM:
> > Because
> > 
> > a) How would you deploy POMs which contains external XML
> > entities to say ibiblio? The same problems - diffused files -
> > may  affect continuous integration tools - more files more
> > problems to deal with 
> This is not a problem of the entities!!! I already stated 
> that some time ago. Look at M1 multiprojects. The deployed 
> pom's of their subprojects are useless also! If you would 
> extract the resolved POM from memory and deploy that ... you 
> would solve the real problem.

I am not sure if I know what you mean but in m2 parent POM will be
referenced differently 
(not by the way of giving path to it) and reactor will be built-in into
Also raw model is well separated from inherited and interpolated values.

> > b) XML representation of POM is not the only available and I
> > hope we will be using mini databases for keeping them
> >as this will enable faster processing. XML entities hve
> > really no meaning for databases and they are not so friendly
> >for futute tools like visual POM editor.
> And how would you deploy a POM contained in a DB? Same as (a)


> c) (most important) They won't be needed
> That's my use case for M2. Currently with M1 I have several 
> Multiproject that have a dependency on each other. With 
> company wide entity definitions I manage even inter-project 
> dependencies and their versions. This means there is e.g. 
> only one xstream version that is used company wide, although 
> a multiproject may overwrite this version-entity for its 
> subprojects. This ensures largely, that all unit tests for 
> all subprojects in all multiprojects that have to work 
> together use (normally) the same versions and I will not be 
> bitten by incompatible versions in the dependencies running 
> my app in the test (or live) env although all unit test were 
> originally working (but only with their project's specific 
> version). SUch a mechanism I would like to achive also with M2.

There are few things which will be vanished by transitive dependencies:
Now all project which were using xstream or whcih were using libraries which
we using xstream have to declare a dependency on xstream.
With transitive dependencies in place the number of POMs which have to do
this will be greatly limited.
This will already make maintenance a lot easier.

Secondly we hope to have some tools which will help you manage your POMs.
Say you will be able to group projects and with GUI tool update the version
of the given dependency in all those projects.
Or imagine ci system doing that for you when new, fully backward compatible
version of xstream is released. 

And there are some other cool things coming 
E.g. you will be able to use your own types of dependencies and artifact
handlers for creating artifacts from them.
If someone will wish he might be even able to write artifact handler which
will read other 
POMs or even use web services. I doubt if such complex things will be ever
needed  but that is something which will possible.


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RE: XML entities and forward compatibility

2004-06-09 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Dion Gillard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2004 3:24 AM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Re: XML entities and forward compatibility
> Given that they're a standard part of XML, and that the m2 project
> descriptor in one form will be an XML document, why would they not be
> available?

a) How would you deploy POMs which contains external XML entities to say
ibiblio? The same problems - diffused files -
may  affect continuous integration tools - more files more problems to
deal with

b) XML representation of POM is not the only available and I hope we will be
using mini databases for keeping them
   as this will enable faster processing. XML entities hve really no meaning
for databases and they are not so friendly
   for futute tools like visual POM editor. 

d) imo ideally round trip XML -> Bean Model --> XML or  XML --> DB --> XML
should leave POM untouched. 
   And it will be hard to do this with external entities
c) (most important) They won't be needed


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RE: failover for maven repository?

2004-06-08 Thread Maczka Michal
you can use:


and so on


> -Original Message-
> From: Julian C. Dunn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 3:51 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: failover for maven repository?
> Hello,
> I'm wondering if there is any way to get Maven to fail over to one or
> more repositories when ibiblio.org is unavailable, or does not contain
> the JARs that I'm looking for.
> It seems like the "maven.repo.remote" knob is an 
> all-or-nothing deal; if
> I want to pull certain JARs from my local repository, I have to mirror
> *all* of the ibiblio JARs I want.
> Similarly, if I don't set "maven.repo.remote" to anything, I can't
> override one particular JAR by pointing it to a local 
> repository; i.e. a
> maven.jar.foo property can only refer to a local filesystem 
> path, not an
> internal repository URL.
> Is this a limitation of Maven, or of my understanding of how to
> configure it?
> - Julian
> P.S. Anyone know why xalan 2.6.0 is missing from ibiblio?
> -- 
> Julian C. Dunn, B.A.Sc.  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Software Developer, CBC New Media Operations
> Office: 2C310-I  *  Tel.: (416) 205-3311 x5592
> -
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RE: Dependency Inheritance

2004-06-08 Thread Maczka Michal
I guess that you are mixing two terms: project inheritence (dependencies are
already inherited and you can use this feature)
and transitive dependecies. Support for transitive dependencies is planned
since a long time 
and already exists in m2.


> -Original Message-
> From: Michael Mattox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 10:46 AM
> To: Maven-users
> Subject: Dependency Inheritance
> I have a project A that depends on project B.  Project B has 10 JAR
> dependencies.  I've found that I must list the 10 JAR dependencies in
> Project A's project.xml file.  Is there a way to inherit 
> dependencies?  I
> understand there is a potential problem with version 
> conflicts (project A
> wants to use a newer version of commons logging than project 
> B) but at the
> same time I think having to duplicate these JARs in every 
> project.xml is
> troubling.  In my case project A is called "common" and is 
> used by 15 other
> projects.  Any ideas?
> Regards,
> Michael Mattox

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RE: Setting path for tests

2004-06-03 Thread Maczka Michal
This should work:

String basedir = System.getProperty( "basedir" );

File dll = new File( basedir, "/realtivePath/toYourDll"  );


> -Original Message-
> Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2004 4:16 PM
> Subject: Setting path for tests
> Is there any way to set the (Windows) path to be used when 
> running the Junit
> tests through Maven?  
> There's a JNI dll I need to pick up, but I want to refer to 
> it relative to
> the project I'm building (i.e. setting the machine wide path 
> isn't an ideal
> solution)
> thanks
> James
> --
> --
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RE: why jar:deploy uses diffrent deploy plugin

2004-06-03 Thread Maczka Michal
Becouse artifact plugin is not yet able to handle deployments of maven
artifacts (jars) to ibiblio
in the way which ia as secure as the way in which deploy plugins does it. 
New code which will unify those plugins and do much more is mostly ready
and will be mostly likely merged with maven after 1.0 release as the changes
are quite substantial.


> -Original Message-
> From: Marcin Gurbisz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2004 9:08 AM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: why jar:deploy uses diffrent deploy plugin
> Why jar:deploy uses different plugin to deploy aritfact then 
> for example 
> ejb plugin?
> It interfere me with consistent project artifact deploying.
> Thanks,
> Marcin
> -
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RE: [ANN] Mevenide releases

2004-06-02 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Arto Pastinen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2004 12:30 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Re: [ANN] Mevenide releases
> No. There really is RC1. Build at Sat, 29 May 2004 -- 01:05 (-0400).
> See: http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/index.php
Yeap! You right. I am almost sure that I read somewhere taht m9 = rc1.
Sorry for confusion


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RE: Dependancies without repositories. Was: Re: Dependencies

2004-06-02 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Brill Pappin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2004 9:04 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Re: Dependa
> > You mean the situation when devloper is not able to connect to your 
> > servers from home?
> > How can he/she use things like CVS then? And then how 
> sources of the 
> > project will appear on his disk?
> > You can use the same channel for transfering required 
> artifacts into 
> > your local repository.
> >
> Yes, that is a good example, and we have more levels of security here 
> than simply ssh, including rotating tokens which Maven 
> *can't* know about.
> Also "automatic" is a dirty word around here and no "automatic" cvs 
> access is permitted in any build or deployment script.

I didn't mean that you should use any script. I meant that person who works
__at least-__ in the worst case can come into possesion of required
artifacts in the same exact way as it takes places
with project's sources. if this is cvs + ssh he should be also able to
checkout jars from cvs
if this is an email he can recieve a zip bundle containg sources and
required jars and so on



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RE: [ANN] Mevenide releases

2004-06-02 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Peter Bright [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2004 11:35 AM
> To: 'Maven Users List'
> Subject: RE: [ANN] Mevenide releases
> I presume him to mean "use Eclipse 3.0 M9 or 3.0 RC1".  RC1 
> is available,
> but it doesn't seem to be mentioned on eclipse.org (at least, 
> not that I can
> see).

I guess that Eclipse RC1 = M9


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RE: Adding artifacts to local repository - how?

2004-06-01 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Antonio Bemfica [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2004 4:43 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Re: Adding artifacts to local repository - how?
> I do not have the source to create the jars. These are 3rd party
> libraries. From the docs on the plugin it appears that the jar:install
> goal would trigger the jar:jar goal to create the jar from 
> source (which
> I don't have...).

Why cannot you do this manually?

You just create a folder


and put all your jars there


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RE: deploy:artifact confusion

2004-05-28 Thread Maczka Michal
> Is there a workaround for this? 

Use zip

>I'm not sure I follow the 
> reasoning for 
> why you'd need to change the extension when deploying?  isn't 
> that left 
> to the plugin that created the artifact?  war, ejb, jar, ear etc?  I 
> guess it's not a problem to have zip files with a .example 
> extension as 
> long as they're to be accessed programatically, but I was thinking of 
> having links to my 'example' artifacts so they could be downloaded.

Probably it was a mistake from my side but I wanted to have a guard which
stops you from deploying/installing to 
maven repositories artifacts which cannot be downloaded by maven.
The implementation is mostly symmetrical with artifact downloading routines
in maven core
When you have artifact of type "example" (  example  ) it has to
have extension .example 
and reside in the folder "examples". Only maven plugins and ejb jars are
handled in a special way.
This is something we want to change in close future and make it to certain
degree customisable.


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RE: deploy:artifact confusion

2004-05-28 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Nathan Coast [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, May 28, 2004 3:05 PM
> To: Maven Users
> Subject: deploy:artifact confusion
> Hi,
> I have some code in a plugin:

There are two plugins artifact plugin an ddeploy plugin which are mostly

This is using deploy plugin:

>  artifact="${maven.build.dir}/${maven.final.name}-example.zip"
>  type="example"
>  assureDirectoryCommand="mkdir -p"
>  siteCommand="cd @deployDirectory@;chmod -R g+u *;"
>  />
> I placed the following in build.properties

Those are settings for artifact plugin

> maven.repo.list=R1
> #settings for repository 'R1'
> maven.repo.R1=ftp://ftp.codeczar.com
> maven.repo.R1.username=*
> maven.repo.R1.password=*
> maven.repo.R1.directory=/usr/ngasi/contexts/codeczar/codeczar/maven

I know this is very confusing - but soon it will be unified (after 1.0


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RE: About Dependencies

2004-05-28 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Amato Massimiliano (TLAB)
> Sent: Friday, May 28, 2004 1:35 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: RE: About Dependencies
> Hello
> I just didn't know it was possible, are you sure this is 
> supported since i didn't find it anywhere
Yes I am sure.


-> see maven.repo.remote

I am using something like:


SO maven first looks for artifact which exits in "closer" repository which
makes downloads way faster.

you can even do 


With file protocol and network drive mapping facility you can even access
remote repositories 
(afaik some OS let you even map FTP, WebDav repositories)


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RE: About Dependencies

2004-05-28 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Amato Massimiliano (TLAB)
> Sent: Friday, May 28, 2004 9:45 AM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: RE: About Dependencies
> Hi Yagmur,
> We have the same problem as you since we have a centralized 
> Maven configuration and we are behind a firewall and the 
> password is forced to be changed every 15 days so we didn't 
> want to give Maven internet access from the workstation.
> Our solution was to update the maven.jar, we replaced the 
> remote repo from ibiblio to a local disk, and then I do the 
> upload from the net to the central repo.
> This way you'll have to download the needed lib to the 
> computer with internet access and the computer with maven 
> will download them directly from it
> Max


Why did you have to "update" maven.jar?

Isn't it just sufficient to edit your ${user.home}/build.properties file 
and put there the url of your remote repo? You can even access remote repo
using file protocol is you want.


> I wonder if there is some way to say maven that it should not download the
dependencies, since i will do the downloads manually.

Maven will download dependencies only if they are not existing in your local
Once you have you local repository populated and all required jars are in it
everything  should work fine and no remote repository is needed. 
Population of local repository by the way of fetching artifacts from remote
repository(ies) is the simplest way of doing that. 
But you can populate it manually or even check it out from CVS.

Even if you are behind the firewall and you have no internet access you can
often still use intranet repository which can be shared by many users.


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RE: Inherited properties (RC3)

2004-05-21 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Kevin Pearcey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, May 21, 2004 11:36 AM
> To: 'Maven Users List'
> Subject: RE: Inherited properties (RC3)
> > > I'm having a problem with my subprojects in maven.
> > > 
> > > Top level multiproject has the following in maven.properties
> > > 
> > >   maven.repo.local=../maven-rep
> > > 
> > > This value gets inherited by the sub projects, but comes
> > > through with the
> > > same value rather than the desired ../../maven-rep.
> > > 
> > > Is there a better way to specify this or the pom inheritance
> > > so that the
> > > file paths get modified as multiproject does down the 
> > subproject tree?
> > > 
> > > 
> > 
> > In this particular case there should be only one maven local 
> > repo so you should define its location in 
> > ${user.home}/build.properties
> > 
> > Michal
> No, I need multiple local repos so that I can have more than 
> one build using
> SNAPSHOTs. Each project gets built with its own local repo so 
> that we can
> have different branches, as I understand it there is no way 
> to associate
> SNAPSHOT with a version, so our only choice to get multiple 
> SNAPSHOTS during
> development is for each branch to uses its own local rep.

There is a way. You can use (for both projects and dependecies)


then you should be using only install goals (like jar:install, war:install)
not install-snapshot goals.


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RE: Inherited properties (RC3)

2004-05-21 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Kevin Pearcey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, May 21, 2004 11:05 AM
> To: 'Maven Users List'
> Subject: Inherited properties (RC3)
> I'm having a problem with my subprojects in maven.
> Top level multiproject has the following in maven.properties
>   maven.repo.local=../maven-rep
> This value gets inherited by the sub projects, but comes 
> through with the
> same value rather than the desired ../../maven-rep.
> Is there a better way to specify this or the pom inheritance 
> so that the
> file paths get modified as multiproject does down the subproject tree?

In this particular case there should be only one maven local repo so you
should define its location in 


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RE: 1 Project, Multiple Atrifacts

2004-05-21 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: ECCLES, Stuart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2004 1:11 PM
> To: 'Maven Users List'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: 1 Project, Multiple Atrifacts
> The one project-one artifact pardigm really restricts maven. 
> For example my most common production of multiple artifact is 
> a project
> producing both an ejb jar and a  Jboss wsr. This can only be 
> done in one
> project because the wsr config and ejb is produced by Xdoclet 
> from the same
> source files.

It is not true that it can be done only in one project. 
Simply two projects can share the same sources. Project in maven world is
not something very heavy
it's just a directory with  xml file and probably properties files.

 project.xml ( ../A/src/main/java) 

This works fine at the moment but such pattern might be in future a problem
for ci systems 
(no direct dependecy on A is declared, the path is hardcoded).
This is probably something we must think of in m2 and add it to list of use
which we are considering.


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RE: Maven and Integration Test

2004-05-19 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Ryan Sonnek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2004 4:46 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: RE: Maven and Integration Test
> I was REALLY hoping to hear another solution to this problem. 
>  I'm running into the same thing, and would like to contain 
> my project code (tests and all).  I remember the cactus 
> plugin introducing the concept of src/test-cactus for it's 
> integration test code.  
> Two options would be to reuse the current test plugin and 
> change the source directory dynamically, or create another 
> "test" plugin for integration tests that looks to something 
> like src/test-integration.  I think that creating a new test 
> plugin might make the most sence in order to plug easier into 
> project reports.  How plausible is this?

I think it's the bad idea. You can have quite a few types of integration


and so on. It makes it difficult to maintain, difficult to select which type
of tests you want 
to execute and difficult to integrate with plugins like idea, eclipse and so

the layout:

 (unit tests)


is scalable and it will work out of the box with existing test plugin and is
supported by idea/eclipse plugins.


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RE: Maven and Integration Test

2004-05-19 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Amato Massimiliano (TLAB)
> Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2004 4:17 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Maven and Integration Test
> Hello,
> I've a problem with my integration tests.
> In my system we have both unit and integration test, the 
> first type is perfectly handled by maven that execute them, 
> and generates a report and a clover coverage too.
> Now I also have integration that are test to cover not the 
> single class but a package and functional tests that must be 
> run on the deployed system that are junit tests aswell.
> All that comes to my mind is to write and additional goal 
> that must override the test source directory that must be 
> lauched when functional tests wants to be executed, while for 
> integration i think using them as unit test is the best 
> approach even if they are not accounted in the clover report
> Anyone else ever had a problem like that? What's the solution 
> you implemented?
Just put them to another project.


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RE: 1 Project, Multiple Atrifacts

2004-05-19 Thread Maczka Michal
Everything what can be done with ant can be done with maven. 
In this case you have to by pass the maven plugin which generates jar and
write your own script in maven.xml file.
But this is something we discourage.
"Subprojects" option is much simpler and cleaner and recommended.

> -Original Message-
> From: David R Robison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2004 1:42 PM
> To: Maven Users List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: 1 Project, Multiple Atrifacts
> Is there a way to set up a project that produces 2 jars 
> without having to setup
> sub projects?
> Thanks,
> David Robison
> -
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RE: dependencies

2004-05-19 Thread Maczka Michal
I am not sure if I understad you

you will have (for version 1.0)




and (for version 2.0)





> -Original Message-
> From: Manuel Darveau [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 10:07 PM
> Subject: dependencies
> Hi!
> I probably have missed something somewhere but dont
> dependencies should be by project-version instead of
> only by project?
> I mean, is the project ABC-1.0 could have a dependency
> on XXX-1.0 and ABC-2.0 a dependency on XXX-1.5 and
> YYY-2.0.
> How does the build system handle this?
> Suppose that I tag my version on CVS with VERSION_M_m.
> I can have an old version tagged VERSION_1_0 and newer
> one tagged VERSION_2_0.
> If I ask to build a project with the CVS tag
> VERSION_1_0, does maven checkout the project.xml
> tagged as VERSION_1_0 and resolve dependencies with
> that version (1.0) of the project.xml?
> Since version 1.0 and 2.0 does not have the same
> depdendencies, it make a big difference on the build.
> I may be completely off the track (I am reading maven
> doc for 2 days) but please bring me back in the good
> direction ;-)
> Thank you
> Manuel Darveau
> __
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RE: Xdoclet & Eclipse

2004-05-19 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Peter Bright [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2004 12:14 PM
> To: 'Maven Users List'
> Subject: RE: Xdoclet & Eclipse
> Without some kind of defined (and widely used!) mechanism for
> source-modifying plugins to do their thing, it's not clear 
> how they have any
> real choice in the matter.  Does there exist a better way 
> that works right
> now?
I agree with  Vicent that pre/post Goals should be not used by plugins. 

At the moment common pratice is to have a maven.xml file with something

in it

and unfortunatly plugins like eclipse, javadocs etc. are not seeing yet that
there are seeing that some java sources were generated

We have dissussed this issue sometime ago and if I remember we were close to
agreeing that we should add to POM
a tag  which can be used by all plugins. 

Later on we can even think about adding other tags like 
(e.g javacc or
etc once we will be able disovered some common patters and generalize them. 

In an case no change in POM structure is planned for 1.0 release.


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RE: Again POM Parser in Maven 1

2004-05-18 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 1:41 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: RE: Again POM Parser in Maven 1
> Hello Michal,
> Entity is an XML feature and the SAX Parser you are using to 
> do the job
> works fine with entities. I debugged  remotely  the process 
> generated by
> maven.bat and it seems to works fine with the same POM.

I am not sure if will support external XML entities in future version of
as most likly we will have solution which will eliminate the need of having
I am not sure if it is so obvious what betwixt/digister/sax parser are doing
with external entities
specially inside unit tests.

Can you re-post your POM? It seems that atachments are not allowed in posts
to this list.

Have you tried to run your tests against any POM which is not using
Did they work?

> Sorry to bother you but I found that behaviour quite "komisch".

That's life :)

It's good to have some "fun" but it's better to have a REAL FUN :)


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RE: Again POM Parser in Maven 1

2004-05-18 Thread Maczka Michal
Michele have to tried if it works without external entities?

This is not something which is recommended and it was never tested. 


> -Original Message-
> Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 9:40 AM
> Cc: Maven Users List
> Subject: Again POM Parser in Maven 1
> Hello dIon,
> here is the POMs I am using :
> (See attached file: s13.ent)the entity is used among 
> different category of
> projects
> (See attached file: project.xml)the initial POM is relative 
> to a particular
> module
> (See attached file: project.xml)the father is used to group together
> property of a single project
> I then use that POM to generate an ear but this part is not 
> imporatant at
> the moment I want to find a way using the API  how to parse 
> the POM and
> create a Project rappresentation in memory.
> Best Regards and thanks for your time  and above all for the 
> great job you
> all did.
> Michele

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RE: Again about the POM Parser in Maven 1

2004-05-17 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 2:50 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Cc: 'Maven Users List'
> Subject: RE: Again about the POM Parser in Maven 1

> Probably I have misunderstand you sorry for wasting in 
> case your time.

No problem. Probably you did misuderstand me.

I asked you to look at like 106 of this class


This methods takes dependecy as parameter, constructs the path to
corespoding POM, parses that POM and returns it.
Either I am missing something but this is more or less what you want to do. 
The first half of this method contains the code which generates the path
which leads to POM, 
second half shows how to use it when you want to get (parsed) POM. 
There is no requiremnt that some POM should exists before. 
So it is not very different from your code and I don't know why your version
is not working.

Which version of maven are you using?  tag was indeed required at some
moment in time but that was ages ago...


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RE: Again about the POM Parser in Maven 1

2004-05-17 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 1:32 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Cc: Maven Users List
> Subject: RE: Again about the POM Parser in Maven 1
> Hello Michal,
> Probably I was not precise enough. My initial aim is to be 
> able to parse
> using the API an already working project.xml. Using the 
> maven.bat I can
> normally work with it. I made before using it in this test also a
> verification using the POM plugin.

No you were precise enough... :)

Have you looked at this example which to which I have pointed you.
It really does the same things which you want to do ... but it works :) 


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RE: Again about the POM Parser in Maven 1

2004-05-17 Thread Maczka Michal
It seems to me that really something is not OK with your POM

Maybe this example will be helpful? :

(you can look at the method 
  private Project resolveProject(Dependency dependency)


> -Original Message-
> Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 11:25 AM
> To: Maven Users List
> Cc: Maven Users List
> Subject: Again about the POM Parser in Maven 1
> Thanks for the hint to point to MavenUtils, I played around a 
> bit with that
> class, using a know working project.xml. I wrote a small test

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RE: POM Parser

2004-05-14 Thread Maczka Michal
The code you are refering to is a part of maven2 code base.
It hasn't yet even reached alpha stage and it is not ready for public
(everyday there are some changes in the api).

What you are trying to do (perstist POMs in the database) is also in our

So we cannot offer any direct help at the moment...



> -Original Message-
> Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 1:15 PM
> Subject: POM Parser
> For my project in order to make it persistent the information 
> gathered by
> the POM of an application we want to store that in a 
> database. Being the
> POM Parser a fundamental part of that concept, instead of 
> writing my own
> one, I noticed that there is already a POM parser  and the 
> corresponding
> Model to populate in maven-components and in particular in the
> maven-project module.
> I noticed that  those classes are not distributed with the 
> maven.jar that
> normally comes with the public distribution.
> In the maven repository at ibiblio I could only find
> maven-model-2.0-ARTIFACT.jar
> Is there anyone who could shed some light on that arguments 
> and in case
> point me to a location where I could get the 
> maven-project-version.jar ?
> Any help is welcome
> Michele
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RE: Suggested Eclipse Plugin Extension

2004-05-12 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: M.-Leander Reimer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 4:59 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Suggested Eclipse Plugin Extension
> Hi there,
> I just got the source for the Eclipse plugin from CVS and discovered 
> that I can already define additional "natures", which I really need. 
> There is another possible extension I would find useful.
> Problem: I am using the Together UML eclipse plugin, which requires 
> additional settings in the .project file, e.g. a directory where it 
> stores its model files, like
> Solution: Would it be possible to include a custom merge file 
> that could 
> hold such information at the end of the project.jelly file 
> (just before 
> the closing ), like
> Well it works for me :-) , so the question is, would it be 
> possible to 
> include this permanently into the Maven eclipse plugins source??

Isn't it just much simpler to keep .project .classpath files in the CVS.
.project file is even not changing that often (to my knowlegde almost

I don't think that polution of maven's project.properties files with dozen
configuration settings for generating eclipse project descrptors makes much
You are in addition proposing even custom project.jelly file which in fact
makes it even more complicated to maintain.
Why would you prefer to keep in cvs project.jelly and not directly .project


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RE: sftp deploying artifacts problem

2004-05-11 Thread Maczka Michal
I have no clue why files are not "there"...

Have you tried with scp://?

Are you sure that you have access right to this direcory?
Have you tried if you can use sftp with tools like "SSH Secure Shell for


> -Original Message-
> From: Marcin Gurbisz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 4:12 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: sftp deploying artifacts problem
> Hi,
> I've got a problem with deploy goal. I use following settings in 
> properties.xml:
> maven.repo.remote=http://www.ibiblio.org/maven,http://www.pent
> acomp.pl/maven
> maven.repo.list=pentarepo
> maven.repo.pentarepo=sftp://
> maven.repo.pentarepo.username=mgu
> maven.repo.pentarepo.password=xxx
> maven.repo.pentarepo.directory=/opt/maven
> maven.repo.pentarepo.port=22
> Everythink seems to be OK, but there are no files on the server after 
> all. Do you have any idea?.
> Maven logs:
> Will deploy to 1 repository(ies): pentarepo
> Deploying to repository: pentarepo
> host: ''
> Deploying: 
> D:\pentacomp\maven\sandbox\ejb-nazwa\project.xml-->maven-examp
> le/poms/nazwa-ejb-1.0-SNAPSHOT.pom
> ##
> Deploying: 
> D:\pentacomp\maven\sandbox\ejb-nazwa\project.xml.md5-->maven-e
> xample/poms/nazwa-ejb-1.0-SNAPSHOT.pom.md5
> #
> Will deploy to 1 repository(ies): pentarepo
> Deploying to repository: pentarepo
> host: ''
> Deploying: 
> D:\pentacomp\maven\sandbox\ejb-nazwa\target\nazwa-ejb-1.0-SNAP
> SHOT.jar-->maven-example/ejbs/nazwa-ejb-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
> #
> Deploying: 
> D:\pentacomp\maven\sandbox\ejb-nazwa\target\nazwa-ejb-1.0-SNAP
> SHOT.jar.md5-->maven-example/ejbs/nazwa-ejb-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.md5
> #
> Total time: 14 seconds
> Finished at: Tue May 11 15:56:37 CEST 2004
> Marcin
> -
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RE: compatible jars

2004-05-10 Thread Maczka Michal
One more time: - use POM to documenting dependencies of your version of
struts (put it ${repo}/struts/poms/struts-1.1.pom).

Once we will have a version of maven which supports transitive dependencies
(we should have it soon) you won't be even required to declare indirect
dependencies in your projects POM.
You will have to only declare dependency on given version of struts. Struts
own dependencies will be resolved by Maven.


> -Original Message-
> From: James Hughes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 10:00 AM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Re: compatible jars
> That's what I have ended up doing.  Some projects don't need 
> struts and do 
> use commons-, so I've ended up with duplicates where a 
> jar may be in 
> the 'struts' group as well as in it's own group.  I still 
> wonder how other 
> people do it considering that the ibiblio repository is not 
> strutured like 
> that.
> 08/05/2004 08:40
> Please respond to "Maven Users List"
> To: "Maven Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> cc: 
> Subject:Re: compatible jars
> Why not just use a groupId of struts for the commons jars?
> --
> dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting
> "James Hughes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 07/05/2004 11:43:39 PM:
> > Does Maven provide a mechanism for documenting/specifying 
> compatible 
> > artifacts across groups in a repository?
> > 
> > For example, the struts distribution bundles a number of jars from 
> jakarta 
> > commons.  This implies that the struts jar/runtime depends 
> on particular 
> > versions of the commons jars, but if I am putting struts 
> into my local 
> > repository for the first time I have to split up this 
> grouping into it's 
> > constituents, thus losing the implicit documentation of strut's 
> > dependencies.  Now when I come back in a year's time to 
> create a new 
> > project which uses struts, I have to figure out the 
> compatible jars from 
> > scratch.  Is there anything in Maven to help me with this problem?
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > James.
> > 
> > 
> -
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RE: Dependency management

2004-05-10 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Dominik Dahlem [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 12:20 PM
> Subject: Dependency management
> Hi,
> I'm wondering which way maven is going in terms of dependency
> management. In my scenario and most I'm aware of, I'd like to
> distinguish between different types of dependencies to support e.g. a
> clever distribution of the application.
> I'm thinking of three types: compile time, runtime, and test
> dependencies. The distinction of those would help me in my 
> scenarios to
> create a binary distribution including only the dependencies I need to
> run the application. Another distribution might be targeted to
> developers who need the sources as well as the compile-time and test
> dependencies.
> What do you think? Is that already doable with the latest 
> maven? If not,
> is it an interesting feature for future maven releases?

This is a thing which is planned since a long time 
and has been dissussed many time at our mailing lists and we have it in our


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RE: protecting remote repositories

2004-05-10 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Dominik Dahlem [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 12:33 PM
> Subject: protecting remote repositories
> Hi,
> in an earlier post Guillaume Lasnier was interested in 
> protecting remote
> repositories. At [1] there is a short introduction into using wagon as
> the general artifact handling library in maven. I'm curious about the
> status of the work in embedding wagon into maven. Is it already usable
> in the latest CVS maven? Where can I find more information about it?
This is still the work in progress (I am actively working on it now). 
We are at alpha stage at the moment and api is still unstable (code itself
is quite stable). 
I think we should be ready some thing usable solution in few weeks rather
then in months
but we have no plan to use Wagon or anything revolutionary for 1.0 release. 


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RE: [maven2] Anything Groovy in Maven2?

2004-05-03 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Monday, May 03, 2004 1:36 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Re: [maven2] Anything Groovy in Maven2?
> Trygve Laugstøl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 03/05/2004 
> 08:43:15 PM:
> [snip]
> > I relly don't thinkt this is so bad. Most of the plugins 
> are much more 
> than
> > one liners and as you can see the overhead for each file here is 4 
> lines.
> 4 lines, and it's not as functional. The Maven2 clean plugin 
> is over 100 
> lines of java. The jelly version is just over 10. We're 
> talking orders of 
> magnitude more code, and the Ant codebase is well tested, as 
> evidenced by 
> the copying of bizarre code from it into Maven2.

I don't think it will be that bad. Now clean, jar, compile plugin and it's
goal can be easly reused in other plugins
(e.g you don't have to write the same code for test plugin). 

My main problem with jelly/current design is that it disallows to reuse the
code easly. 
See how test plugin is similar to java plugin. 
Duplicated code = no consitency = bad design. More over nobody else was ever
reusing our long jelly scripts.
With simple Pojo stratgey we might even serve as source of ant tasks!

Once we will cover basic functionality
(it's not that far from now) we will have our own building blocks which will
enable fast development.
I believe actually that we will be much faster after passing some point then
we are now.

> > On the upside the plugins will be much easier to test and 
> will run fast 
> as
> > hell.
> Definitely, but this doesn't help people write them first time. 
Sure. But I don't know a single person which tried to implement something
with jelly 
which was really productive. I dare to say that it will be much faster to
write plugins in Java then in jelly.
I spent myself hours doing something horribly basic in jelly. And note that
number of users of plugins in not comparable
with the number of plugin devlopers. Most people just use the plugins and
the way it is implemented is not importand for them



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RE: Mysterious "no goal" [xdoc]

2004-05-03 Thread Maczka Michal
Have you tried to clean your plugin cache?


> -Original Message-
> From: Christian Nill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, May 03, 2004 12:32 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Mysterious "no goal" [xdoc]
> Hello,
> I have a mysterious problem where maven doesn't "want" to use 
> its xdoc-Plugin (v 1.6 on
> rc2). On one day invoking the site:deploy goal caused no 
> problems while on the other day
> the build fails like this:

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RE: snapshot dependencies

2004-04-28 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Flesner, Dan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2004 9:21 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: snapshot dependencies
> i'm confused by snapshot dependencies. when i do an 
> install-snapshot to 
> build the local dependencies i get the following in my local 
> repository:
> -rw-r--r--   1 dflesner dev12728 Apr 27 12:03 
> smc-impl-20040427.190310.jar
> -rw-r--r--   1 dflesner dev12728 Apr 27 12:16 
> smc-impl-20040427.191611.jar
> -rw-r--r--   1 dflesner dev12728 Apr 27 12:16 
> smc-impl-SNAPSHOT.jar
> it appears that the -SNAPSHOT came from the remote repository and the 
> -2004XXX came from the local install-snapshot. which jar is 
> used locally 
> to compile with by other dependencies? why not just update the local 
> -SNAPSHOT and not the -2004XXX files? are the -2004XX files ever used 
> anywhere? now i have to periodically clean out my local repository of 
> all the -2004XXX versions when i run out of disk space.
> what is the best practices for using install/deploy snapshot, am i 
> missing something here?
Yes you are :)


In short: when you make a release of your project you should (at least it is
highly recommended) replace snapshot dependencies with timestamped ones.
This is simply because SNAPSHOT artifact can evolve after your release and
you want to preserve the possibility of reproducing the release and 
(this is even more important) have well defined list of dependencies with
which given version of your project is known to work with.


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RE: multiproject:site - POM outside main dir tree isn't included

2004-04-27 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Fabio Uechi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2004 1:39 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Re: multiproject:site - POM outside main dir tree isn't
> included
> Hi Michal,
> The workaround you told me worked!
> Only one correction:
> I had to set the property "basedir" and not "includes":
> maven.multiproject.basedir=../../

That is what I meant to write :)

> Thanks a lot

You're welcomed :)


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RE: multiproject:site - POM outside main dir tree isn't included

2004-04-27 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Fabio Uechi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2004 12:51 PM
> To: maven maven
> Subject: multiproject:site - POM outside main dir tree isn't included
> Hi,
> I'm using the multiproject plugin to generate my site. One of my
> subprojects isn't in the same directory although it also extends
> the master project.xml.
> The problem is that whenever I try to invoke any multiproject
> goal the reactor never includes this POM, only the others that
> are under the main dir.
> I'm setting the property:
> maven.multiproject.includes=../../j2me-dev/WTK21/apps/efitness
> -mobile/project.xml,**/project.xml
> But it still isn't working. I'm currently using maven-1.0-rc2
> and I have two multiproject-plugins installed (1.1 and 1.2).
> Any help is apreciated!

My colleague from work had the same problem. I tried to track it down and it
seems that everything goes well
until the call is made to ant API and it is ant directory scanner which is
not working properly with such patterns.
I don't know if this is a feature or a bug.

The Workaround is to set you 

and then reference your sub-projects from there.


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RE: Query on current approach to integration tests

2004-04-26 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Tim Stephenson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, April 26, 2004 1:29 PM
> Subject: Query on current approach to integration tests
> Hi, 
> I notice that there have been a few changes to the project xsd (and
> supporting implementation classes) around integration tests 
> sometime over
> the last year when I have been away from maven for one reason 
> or another. 
> I have an old problem around how to split out certain tests 
> (which I dub
> 'integration tests') from the regular unit tests. There are 2 ways I
> identify these tests: 
> a) slow running tests 
> b) tests that require the project code to be deployed 
> before testing
> begins (eg EJBs) 
> I used to employ a modified version of the test plugin that 
> offered goals
> like iutest:test and iutest:single, but unfortunately 
> developed this when
> the test plugin was rapidly evolving so it quickly became 
> obsolete. Can
> anyone suggest the preferred approach to solving this problem 
> now that the
> pom support for the integration source directory is deprecated (and
> partially removed) 
> Thanks, Tim 
The simplest solution is to create one more project for your iu tests.
It can either use jar artifact of main project which you want to test or
directly operate on sources of the main project.
Then you are able to use all goals of test plugin.


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RE: Configure Maven to work with local network drive and differen t jar names

2004-04-26 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Rahamim, Zvi (Zvi) ** CTR ** [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2004 7:43 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: ZQ: Configure Maven to work with local network drive and
> different jar names
> Hi!
> In my company the jars of the various projects are in a 
> network drive so that everybody can access them.
> Each project has its own project directory, and under this 
> directory there is a directory for each version (in the 
> version directory there are all the files that relates to 
> this versions).
> For example, let's say that I have projects A and B (B uses A).
> A has jar called aaa.jar.
> A located at K:/Projects/A/
> B located at K:/Projects/B/
> Can you tell me how to configure Maven to build project B?
> Some more questions:
> 1. I understood that I have to specify a specific jar name 
> (that doesn't have the expected format) in all the projects 
> that use A, right? (Why not put this information inside 
> project.xml that relates to project A?)

Not sure if I follow. Maven promotes it's own standard way of declaring
dependencies and organizing repositories of artifacts.
If I understand you correctly your question is: can I use custom repository
structure and custom way of declaring dependencies.
At the time being there is nothing in maven which allows you to plug your
own "strategy" for organizing repository.
Although it will be probably possible (internally) in next generation of
maven this is not something we would really like 
to see as there are obvious profits from using common standards. So at the
moment either you use maven with "maven standard"
and this works out of the box or you are on your own with the full power to
do things as you want. 
But then the profits from using maven (if any) are not so appealing.

Only way for making some things which are off the standard is:

> 2. Is there a way to use different file name than maven.xml?

Why do you need to do this?

> 3. Is there a way to 'overide' an existing goal (I know there 
> are ways to do things before and after using the pre and post goal)
Just try :)

> Thanks!

Can you please avoid sending twice the same message (to both user & dev


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RE: HELP! - rc2 - resource exception on download

2004-04-08 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Dan Washusen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 11:54 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Re: HELP! - rc2 - resource exception on download

>I found that upgrading to RC2 also caused me some issues.  I just 
>deleted (moved away) my ~/.maven  directory and downloaded everything I 
>needed again.  It was anoying (because it took so long) but it all 
>seemed to work again after that. At first I tried just deleteing the 
>plugins directory but that wasn't enough...

Next time try to keep your local reposository in different place!

You can define its location in ${user.home}\build.properties

I myself use:


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RE: Using Maven on a very large integration project - how far can Maven go?

2004-04-08 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Rafal Krzewski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2004 9:54 AM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Re: Using Maven on a very large integration project - how far
> can Maven go?
> Tomasz Pik wrote:
> > if war plugin finds 'war' dependency then un-war it and 
> merge content
> > of dependency war into created war.
> > At least web.xml files should be merged together, probably more
> > descriptor files too - but this may be done as postGoals.
> I don't think that merging web.xml or other files is a good idea. The 
> logic for that has a good chance of becoming obscure and fragile.
> I would just make the dependant project files override the 
> dependencies 
> files. Simpler & more predictable...
> R.

I agree in 100%. 
That's what I did in my version. For the people which were intersted in this
I won't manage to push it to CVS before holidays (no time)

I pratically finshed zip plugin which pacakes all project resources into zip
files and merges the content of multiple zips (declared as dependencies_. I
just gave it to somebody for testing (I still have some problems with
resource filtering) and when I'll be sure that it works I can add it to CVS.

Anybody opposes to add this funcionality to RC3? 

With this plugin I am able(will be able) to keep in local repositoriy zip
files which contains even such artifacts like JRE/JDKs, Java Service Wrapper
etc and only compose those artifacts for particual application. 

(To Jason)I belive it will be easy to construct plexus runtime using this
techniue. Pratically no java nor jelly code is needed.

I mean just something like:







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RE: Using Maven on a very large integration project - how far can Maven go?

2004-04-05 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Monday, April 05, 2004 3:10 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Re: Using Maven on a very large integration project - how far
> can Maven go?
> That is really cool.  Very useful.  Are you going to push through the
> zip plugin and war plugin changes?

I haven't been thinking about that but if somebody will find it useful I can
certainly do that.
I should not have any problems with creating zip plugin. It's bit more
difficult with war plugin
but doable. The idea is that when war plugins finds any dependency of type
"war" it should un-war it (unzip :)
and use files which were stored there as sources for building new war file.
I have it working but it's rather
a quick hack then "release quality". But I can try to improve it if somebody
will be interested.


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RE: Using Maven on a very large integration project - how far can Maven go?

2004-04-05 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Michael MATTOX [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, April 05, 2004 11:59 AM
> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Maven Users List
> Subject: RE: Using Maven on a very large integration project - how far
> can Maven go?
> > I think your overall approch is on target.  One of the 
> things I have found
> > easier when deploying to containers is to have Tomcat as 
> part of CVS..  It
> > gives you a lot more control over what the Tomcat 
> environment looks like,
> > isn't too large, and reduces variables.
> I agree in principle.  The problem is it's not practical to 
> put WebSphere or
> Oracle in CVS.  So what I was thinking was to divide the 
> containers into two
> categories:
> - versioned in CVS - for unstable, lightweight containers 
> only.  For example
> tomcat.
> - an install procedure using official releases.  This would 
> be for Oracle,
> MySQL, WebSphere.
> Tomcat can fall into either category, and I prefer the 
> second.  But I'm open
> to suggestions.
> > Also, as far as the merging of jars, anything you can do in Ant,
> > you can do
> > in Maven, as Maven supports all ant tasks.  Here is an article
> > that gives a
> > simple example of calling the  task from Ant in Maven:
> > http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2004/03/17/maven.html.
> This is a worst case, call the ANT target.  But with Maven's 
> Jelly scripts I
> wasn't sure if it'd be better to do something with ANT or Jelly.

I am using quite different technique. I keep Tomcat and such as zips in my
maven repository.

For example in case of Tomcat I have removed most of the files and I keep
only those files which are really needed to run it in a zip file in local

Then I have POM fragments like:






and plugins which are creating application which are a merger of tomcat
zip/wars (possibly many wars)/zip with configuration settings.
As the result I get another zip (ready to use application) which is zipped
and installed in my local repository.

Using this technique I am for example easily enable to use different version
of tomcat (just need to edit my POM to change it) 
or have many configuration (for many customers) of the same application. But
I am _always_ using local repository for keeping and exchaing artifacts
between projects. 
Even artifacts like tomcat (zip) or configuration files.

I have created maven zip plugin which puts to zip archive all the files
declared as resources in POM and which is also able to merge many zips into

I am also using my own version of war plugin in which I can declare
dependencies on other wars and just replace some configuration files.

So I  have one base war file and couple of its mutations for various
environments: for testing 
(e.g. against different databases), for various production environment (in
my case we use the same wars with different configuration setting for
different customers).


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RE: Réf. : elementary problem with dependency.

2004-04-02 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Friday, April 02, 2004 11:50 AM
> Subject: Réf. : elementary problem with dependency.
> Hi
> Shouldn't the module-ejb be a 
> module-ejb
> ?
> I think when it's an  the type is ignored and supposed to be jar.
> Julien
Sure he should use .  was deprecated some time ago.


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RE: like ant unless

2004-04-01 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Marcin Gurbisz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 1:52 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: like ant unless
> Hi
> Have maven something like conditional goal execution? Like 
> "unless" in 
> ant target.

You can directly use all ant constructs like "unless" but in maven you can
also use all the functions which are avilable available in jelly

so you can do things like:

 (conditinal call)


 (conditinal processing of the goal)

You might want to ready jelly tutorial (it's quite similar to JSP 2.0 but
bit more powerful)



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RE: Dependency - If version is not specified, should it consider '-' or not?

2004-03-29 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Veerasamy, Thirumalai (Cognizant)
> Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 2:36 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Dependency - If version is not specified, should it consider
> '-' or not?
> Hi,
>   I specify a dependency like given below. 
>   group
>   artifact
>   Though I didn't specify a version for that file it still expects as
> group/group-artifact-.jar. Is this the expected behaviour? 

Yes it is expected behaviour.

> Shouldn't it
> ignore '-' if version is not specified.

No! all artifacts in the repository must be versioned. 


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RE: clover generation problem

2004-03-19 Thread Maczka Michal
try to use:



> -Original Message-
> From: ZHU Beiting [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, March 19, 2004 10:50 AM
> To: 'Maven Users List'
> Subject: clover generation problem
> Hello,
> I would like to use maven-clover-plugin to generate the 
> clover report for
> the quality of my JUnit tests. After running I got a result 
> very strange,
> all of the results is 0%.
> Is there any one encountered this case also? Could you please 
> give me some
> idea?
> Thanks,
> Beiting.
> -
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RE: Maven war plugin

2004-03-17 Thread Maczka Michal
What do you want to exclude: java classes or "web resources"?

"war" plugin uses "java" plugin for compilation of java sources and for
exlusion of java classes you can use properties of that plugin.


> -Original Message-
> From: Nicolas Cazottes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 12:14 PM
> Subject: Maven war plugin
> Hello,
> Currently working on a project with maven, I needed to use the war
> plugin with the ${maven.war.src.excludes} property in order to build a
> packaged Web App. After a while without success, I checked 
> the source code
> of the
> war jelly tag and found that the option I wanted to use is 
> not used (or
> implemented ?) in the plugin war:war goal.
> Is there a reason that I am missing for this behaviour ?
> Thanks,
> Nicolas Cazottes
> -
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RE: multiproject and clean:clean

2004-03-02 Thread Maczka Michal
> -Original Message-
> From: Jens Zastrow [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2004 3:43 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: multiproject and clean:clean
> I have 2 subprojects
> A, B
> B depends on A (has a dependency)
> If i invoke multiproject:clean i get the error that project 
> A.jar cannot be dowloaded.
> This might be correct for a normal build but for a simple clean not.
> How can I disable the dependency-check during "multiproject:clean".
You cannot. Maven checks if all dependencies are satisfied before lettting
you to execute any goal. 
You might call it a bug or feature..

What you can try is:

maven multiproject:goal -Dgoal=clean,jar:install (not 100% sure about the


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RE: multiproject:artifact, SNAPSHOT dependencies and the reposito ry

2004-03-02 Thread Maczka Michal
Ben: I think that such problem exists and it is certainly not limited to
ibiblio only.
I have the same exact bug when I am working with intranet web server. 
I don't know  if this is problem of maven it self, web server caching, proxy
server caching etc.

I am too busy to look into it at the moment :(
I was forced (lack of time to fix it) to stop working with SNAPSHOTs.


> -Original Message-
> From: Ben Walding [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2004 4:11 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Re: multiproject:artifact, SNAPSHOT dependencies and the
> reposito ry
> Nope, Maven does check the date - it uses the http protocol to only 
> download as required.  However I think there might be some 
> issues in it 
> - possibly even in the ibiblio web server / dates on the 
> server (see my 
> earlier email today)
> I'll take a further look when I code up the snapshot 
> downloader for the 
> maven-proxy.
> Kalaveshi, Adrian wrote:
> >I also don't believe that Maven checks to see which SNAPSHOT 
> is newer.
> >Maven seems to always download it -- even if they are 
> identical.  Anyone
> >have a definitive answer for this?  I'm using 1.0-rc1.
> >
> >Using the "-o" option isn't sufficient enough.  I'd like to avoid
> >downloading SNAPSHOT jars of my internal projects (or, I 
> should say, I'd
> >like to avoid overwriting the newer SNAPSHOT jar that exists 
> in my local
> >repository) but, at the same time, I need to have access to 
> everything else
> >in the repository.
> >
> >-adrian-
> >
> >-Original Message-
> >From: Jörn Gebhardt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2004 1:19 AM
> >To: Maven Users List
> >Subject: AW: multiproject:artifact, SNAPSHOT dependencies and the
> >reposito ry
> >
> >
> >Hi,
> >
> >That's strange. We have exactly the same problem that Adrian 
> described. I
> >believe that Maven doesn't check any dates when resolving SHNAPSHOT
> >dependencies, but just downloads the SNAPSHOT jar from the 
> remote repository
> >if it is there.
> >
> >I've posted a similar message some weeks ago and was advised 
> to used the -o
> >(offline) option of Maven (e.g. maven -o jar) to suppress 
> the download from
> >the remote server. Alternatively, you can set a property (I 
> don't remember
> >the property name, but it's documented somewhere...) in your local
> >build.properties to switch to the offline mode.
> >
> >Jörn
> >
> >  
> >
> >>-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> >>Gesendet: Dienstag, 2. März 2004 04:20
> >>An: Maven Users List
> >>Betreff: Re: multiproject:artifact, SNAPSHOT dependencies and the
> >>repository
> >>
> >>
> >>"Kalaveshi, Adrian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 
> 02/03/2004 
> >>08:09:36 AM:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>>Greetings --
> >>>
> >>>Is there a best practices document describing maven's role in a 
> >>>  
> >>>
> >>multiproject
> >>
> >>
> >>>environment?
> >>>
> >>>One of the problems I'm currently trying to tackle is this: 
> >>>
> >>>- internal components have dependencies to SNAPSHOT 
> >>>  
> >>>
> >>versions of other
> >>
> >>
> >>>internal components.
> >>>- after each project is compiled, it's SNAPSHOT artifact is 
> >>>  
> >>>
> >>created and
> >>
> >>
> >>>'installed' to the local repository (for use by other projects)
> >>>  
> >>>
> >>We have exactly this.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>>- when the next project is compiled, it's dependencies are 
> >>>  
> >>>
> >>downloaded 
> >>from
> >>
> >>
> >>>the repository (overwriting the SNAPSHOT artifact that was 
> >>>  
> >>>
> >>created in 
> >>the
> >>
> >>
> >>>previous line item)
> >>>  
> >>>
> >>This doesn't happen for us. We never get a download as our 
> >>local SNAPSHOT 
> >>is newer than the one in the remote repo.
> >>
> >>--
> >>dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >-
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> >
> >
> >  
> >
> -
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RE: zip and classpath

2004-03-01 Thread Maczka Michal
Yep zips are treathed differently from the jars.

And Oracle naming convention for jdbc driver is second to none in its
stupidity ( 'classes12.zip' wtf !!)

I usually keep oracle jdbc driver in 


so I declare the appropriate dependency like:



> -Original Message-
> Sent: Monday, March 01, 2004 11:41 AM
> Subject: zip and classpath
> I am using maven candidate release rc1, I have a strange 
> behaviour, when
> building my application. In the project .xml I have specified 
> a zip file
> namely the Oracle classes in the dependancy part,
> something like that
>   oracle
>   classes12
>   zip
>   1.0.0
> now when I am doing the build I cannot see that entry in the generated
> classpath, and therefore the build fails. Is there something 
> I am doing
> wrong, and are the zip files treathed differently from the jars ?
> Any help will be welcome.
> Best Regards
> Michele
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> please delete this message and notify the sender
> -
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RE: Depenceny version..

2004-03-01 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> From: Maczka Michal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, March 01, 2004 10:58 AM
> To: 'Maven Users List'
> Subject: RE: Depenceny version..
> > -Original Message-
> > Sent: Monday, March 01, 2004 10:29 AM
> > Subject: RE: Depenceny version..
> > 
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: ext John Casey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> > > The reason maven doesn't squawk at this is that it 
> > > doesn't check for
> > > XML validity when parsing...
> > 
> > Is this excpected to change in future releases? A non 
> > validating project.xml already was the source of some weird 
> > problems. Is the schema somewhere available online, so that 
> > you can define a schema location for it, which is public for all?
> > 
> > Also, would it make sense to have a schema for maven.xml, too?
> > 
> > Br,
> >  _ __  _  _
> > 
> I doubt if it will be possible to validate POM using XML Schema.
> The thing is that there is such thing like "POM inheritence" 
> and some mandatory tags can be inherited from parent project.
> It shouldn't be that hard to write our own POM validator in Java.
> It even makes more sense then using XML based technlogies and POM
> does't need.
> Michal

I haven't finshed the last sententece :) 

In the last sentence I meant
that POM doesn't need to be read from XML. It can be read from db, file
produuced by java serialization mechanism etc.


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RE: Depenceny version..

2004-03-01 Thread Maczka Michal

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Monday, March 01, 2004 10:29 AM
> Subject: RE: Depenceny version..
> Hi,
> > -Original Message-
> > From: ext John Casey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > The reason maven doesn't squawk at this is that it 
> > doesn't check for
> > XML validity when parsing...
> Is this excpected to change in future releases? A non 
> validating project.xml already was the source of some weird 
> problems. Is the schema somewhere available online, so that 
> you can define a schema location for it, which is public for all?
> Also, would it make sense to have a schema for maven.xml, too?
> Br,
>  _ __  _  _

I doubt if it will be possible to validate POM using XML Schema.
The thing is that there is such thing like "POM inheritence" 
and some mandatory tags can be inherited from parent project.

It shouldn't be that hard to write our own POM validator in Java.
It even makes more sense then using XML based technlogies and POM
does't need.


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RE: multiproject:artifact

2004-02-20 Thread Maczka Michal

-Original Message-
From: Daniel Flesner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 20, 2004 4:04 AM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: multiproject:artifact

>we use multiproject:artifact to build multiple components. but, for our
ejb's we need to build the ejb and the client jars. 
>i tried adding maven.multiproject.type=ejb-client but the build errors
trying to build target ejb-client:ejb-client. if you change the type to ejb
it just >builds the bean jar. any workarounds here? why doesn't
multiproject:artifact just build the default goal that's in maven.xml?
becouse most of the project do not have it and there is no reason for that.

What you can do is to use the following layout:


ejb-client will have maven.multiproject.type=jar



So basically the same java sources will shared by both projects and
ejb-client.type = "jar"



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