Re: how to add post-data to a redirect from an action

2009-04-21 Thread Simon Kitching
Georg Füchsle schrieb:
 I have to call another application out from JSF.
 To call this application i have to send (xml) data via post to the
 start-url of this application.
 I found some example on the web:
 ExternalContext extContext =
 String name = URLEncoder.encode(INTERFACENAME, utf-8);
 String someData = ?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'? data
 caller value='giofyxle'/app value='2'//data/xml;
 String value = URLEncoder.encode(someData , UTF-8);
 String viewId = '?' +
 name + = + value;
 String urlLink = extContext.encodeActionURL(viewId);
 I tried this code. its calls the new application, but the data is sent via 
 So the intefacedata is easily be read by the user. Has anyone any idea
 how i can make a rediract with POST data?

When you say call another application out, do you mean that you want
the *user's browser* to send a POST command to some other server, and
then display the result returned from that server (without any further

HTTP provides no way to do this; the http-redirect facilities only do
GET commands. See the HTTP specification for more details. What your
code above does (extContext.redirect) just generates an http redirect
response, and the user's browser then processes this response and does
the redirect.

HTML provides no way to do this either AFAIK.

JSF just uses HTTP and HTML, so JSF also has no way to do this. I think
you will need to use javascript, ie generate an HTML page that contains
an html form with the fields you want, and some javascript that then
does document.getElementById(formId).submit() or something similar.

Or does call another application outmean that after a JSF submit, you
want *your server* to send a POST command to some other server, then
process the result before sending back a new page to the user? You can
use the apache commons-httpclient library to do things like this.


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Re: GZipping JSF Response

2009-04-17 Thread Simon Kitching
Madhav Bhargava schrieb:
 Hi Cagatay,
 I tried using the GZipFilter that comes along with ehcache as well. I
 configured the filter in web.xml and the mapping URL was just “*.jsf”.
 It used to give the same problem. Somehow the gzipped content is getting
 written to the IDE console instead of sending that to the browser.

It's probably just a filter order problem.

A servlet engine nests filters in the order they are declared in the
web.xml file. So make sure your gzip filter is the first filter declared
in your web.xml file...that will make compression be the last thing done
before the data is sent out.


Re: Error trying to rebuild trinidad-impl project

2009-04-14 Thread Simon Kitching schrieb:
 I want to make rebuild locally source sode of trinidad but I get errors when 
 I trying to install trinidad-impl project (mvn install )
 The system is out of resources : java.lang.OutOfMemoryError java heap source 
 I have 2Gb RAM memory . 
 Can you provide me some url with docs that can help me with this issue?

It doesn't matter how much ram you have if Java isn't configured to use
it :-)

  export MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx1024m -Xms512m

Google MAVEN_OPTS for more info.

Regards, Simon

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Re: [Orchestra] Ask for how to set conversation.access in spring framework?

2009-04-11 Thread Simon Kitching
On Sat, 2009-04-11 at 16:56 +0800, Palvin wrote:
 Who can provide a usage details of orchestra? I've configued
 myfacesspring, in spring's context file point the manag bean's scope
 to conversation.access  run in browser, the page error message is:No
 Scope registered for scope 'conversation.access'
 Caused by:
 java.lang.IllegalStateException - No Scope registered for scope
 I don't know how to configure the conversation.access scope, is it
 drived from orchestra project? On the other hands, I've downloaded the
 orchestra package and found it's only 24k
 [file:myfaces-orchestra-core15-1.0.jar], can't found any demo of it in 

Have you read this page?

There is an example webapp. Not all of it works unfortunately, but the
simpler examples do. See the Project Information | Source Repository
section of the orchestra examples project homepage:

If you have any more questions about Orchestra, please put [Orchestra]
in the subject line of your email (I've fixed this reply). Putting
[myfaces] there isn't very useful, as we know this is about myfaces - it
was sent to the myfaces email list :-)


Re: [Orchestra] Ask for how to set conversation.access in spring framework?

2009-04-11 Thread Simon Kitching
On Sat, 2009-04-11 at 19:05 +0200, Simon Kitching wrote:
 On Sat, 2009-04-11 at 16:56 +0800, Palvin wrote:
  Who can provide a usage details of orchestra? I've configued
  myfacesspring, in spring's context file point the manag bean's scope
  to conversation.access  run in browser, the page error message is:No
  Scope registered for scope 'conversation.access'
  Caused by:
  java.lang.IllegalStateException - No Scope registered for scope
  I don't know how to configure the conversation.access scope, is it
  drived from orchestra project? On the other hands, I've downloaded the
  orchestra package and found it's only 24k
  [file:myfaces-orchestra-core15-1.0.jar], can't found any demo of it in 
 Have you read this page?
 There is an example webapp. Not all of it works unfortunately, but the
 simpler examples do. See the Project Information | Source Repository
 section of the orchestra examples project homepage:
 If you have any more questions about Orchestra, please put [Orchestra]
 in the subject line of your email (I've fixed this reply). Putting
 [myfaces] there isn't very useful, as we know this is about myfaces - it
 was sent to the myfaces email list :-)

Oh and by the way, you need the orchestra-core jarfile in your project
to use orchestra. The orchestra-core15 package is just a few optional
extras for java1.5 users.

Regards, Simon

Re: [Trinidad] Ask for the backing bean's scope in application.

2009-04-10 Thread Simon Kitching
Palvin schrieb:
 I'm studing usage the trinidad components recently and I've found that
 some of the tutorials set the backing bean's scope is session in their
 demon always and I'm doubt it's performance in auctual project. Who can
 provide some advise about it. If anyone can provide a more actual
 tutorials it's very appreciation of my.

This is really a general JSF question, not specific to Trinidad.

You are quite right to be worried about the use of session. It works
fine for simple demo and tutorial applications, but applications with
lots of users do have to be worried about session-scope usage.

Unfortunately there isn't an easy answer. This subject could easily fill
a couple of chapters in a good JSF textbook - but as far as I know, no
JSF textbook has yet written about this subject.

The best solution is to just use request-scope for everything. However
in practice this can be very inconvenient to do.

There are a number of libraries that provide a conversation scope for
beans, which is somewhere in between request and session scope. In
other words, it works like session-scope, but makes it easier to remove
objects from the session when they are no longer needed. You might like
to look at:
 * Myfaces Orchestra
 * Trinidad page flow
 * Seam
 * Spring WebFlow

The Myfaces Orchestra site has an overview of what conversation scope
is, and what the difference is between the above implementations.

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Re: cookmenu strange problem

2009-04-09 Thread Simon Kitching
gbattine schrieb:
 Hello guys,
 I've to ask your help with a problem I can't solve.
 I'm tring to use Myfaces-Tomahawk Cookmenu. To do it I followed this
 I'm not able to understand where I fail, but when I run application it gives
 javax.servlet.ServletException: Filter execution threw an exception
 root cause 
 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/fileupload/FileUpload

You need to add the commons-fileupload library to your path:

The ExtensionsFilter unfortunately does two different things:
 * serve javascript and other resources for tomahawk components
 * handle file uploads

You need the ExtensionsFilter to do the first one. But that means you
need to add commons-fileupload jarfile to your project even if you don't
use the t:fileupload component.


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Re: Suffix added to component id when including files

2009-04-07 Thread Simon Kitching
Sujal Nagarkar schrieb:
 While using jsp:include in a jsf page, the included page control ids are
 modified. Pc1 is added to end of each control.
 If anyone has a solution for this, please do reply.

This is intentional; it allows jsp:include to be used inside a foreach
loop without causing duplicate JSF component ids, and various other
cases. Sun's Mojarra JSF implementation does the same.

Why does this matter to you? Your applications generally should not care
what id is assigned to components by the JSF framework.

Having said that, I would personally be happy to see a configuration
switch in myfaces to allow this id-munging to be disabled. It helps only
in some odd corner cases that most people never encounter, and does make
the ids ugly. If someone were to write a patch to add such a config
option, it would get my +1 vote (or does such a config option exist

Regards, Simon

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Re: ValueChangeListener called twice

2009-04-06 Thread Simon Kitching
Hi Joe,

On Mon, 2009-04-06 at 13:31 -0500, Knudsen, Joe wrote:
 Can a valueChangeListener be called twice?  I am using both a binding=
 and a value=  on a h:selectOneMenu, and the valueChangeListener gets
 called twice.  Wonder if that is an issue with MyFaces I am using
 version 1.2.5.  I think I can refactor out the binding statement or I
 could add logic to look for the multiple calling.  Any ideas?

A valueChangeListener should only be called once.

During the process values phase of a request, each component in the
tree is told to check the submitted form. The component looks for a
submitted value with id equal to the component clientId. It then runs
its converters (if any) and its validators (if any). Then it reads the
property it is bound to (via the value attribute on the component),
and if that is different from the value it just got from the form (after
conversion) then it queues a ValueChangeEvent for later processing.

Each component is told to do the above just once per request, so it will
queue at most one ValueChangeEvent.

So I don't know why you would be getting two callbacks. 

Do be careful with bindings. A binding should NEVER be used to bind a
component to anything except a request-scoped backing bean. Well, you
can do it if you explicitly clear the property at the end of each
request, but that's often not easy to do. In general, avoid binding
completely wherever possible. I suppose that if somehow due to bad
bindings, there were two components with the same id in the component
tree, then both of them would do the above processing, and so two change
events would be generated. Not sure if it is possible to get that
scenario, but definitely something to check...

I would first try checking for duplicated components in the tree; just
walk the tree starting from the UIViewRoot, and check whether your
problem component is in the tree twice.

You could also put a breakpoint in the myfaces code and see what
ValueChangeEvents are being registered (see UIViewRoot.queueEvent).


Re: Missing tld?

2009-04-03 Thread Simon Kitching
The tlds are there. I just downloaded from the official maven repo:

jar tf myfaces-impl-1.2.6.jar | grep tld


Roberto Leibman schrieb:
 I didn't trust eclipse to tell me, I used jar directly, and there are no
 tld's in the myfaces-impl  or myfaces-api that come with 1.2.6:
 robe...@uberwald:~/workspace/thirdparty/lib/jsf$ ls
 myfaces-api-1.2.6.jar  myfaces-impl-1.2.6.jar  tomahawk12-1.1.8.jar
 robe...@uberwald:~/workspace/thirdparty/lib/jsf$ ls -1 | xargs -i jar
 -tf  {} | grep tld
 Thanks, though.
 Leonardo Uribe wrote:

 It is a problem from eclipse. You can find those files inside myfaces
 jar files (look for two files called myfaces_core.tld and
 myfaces_html.tld on myfaces-impl jar).


 Leonardo Uribe

 On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 8:29 PM, Roberto Leibman wrote:

 I downloaded the latest version of myfaces, I had been using 1.1 and

 want to see what's new in 1.2. My first stumbling block is the
 missing tld's.
 Eclipse gives me the following error

 - Cannot find the tag library descriptor for;  This tld was previously
 included in the myfaces jar, I downloaded
 some examples from the myfaces site which included myfaces 1.2.4
 and the tld's were inside there! However, the latest version
 (1.2.6) does NOT include them.

 Did I miss something obvious?




Re: Missing tld?

2009-04-03 Thread Simon Kitching
I checked the tar.gz download bundle. And the tlds are also there.

I downloaded
and checked the md5sum is correct. Then I unpacked it.

In the myfaces-core-1.2.6-bin/lib subdir:
  jar tf myfaces-impl-1.2.6.jar | grep tld

Which bundle did you download from the download site, and exactly which
mirror did you get it from? And does the md5 checksum match for the
bundle you downloaded?


Roberto Leibman schrieb:
 You're right, they are there. They don't seem to be in the copy
 available from!
 Simon Kitching wrote:
 The tlds are there. I just downloaded from the official maven repo:

 jar tf myfaces-impl-1.2.6.jar | grep tld


 Roberto Leibman schrieb:
 I didn't trust eclipse to tell me, I used jar directly, and there are no
 tld's in the myfaces-impl  or myfaces-api that come with 1.2.6:

 robe...@uberwald:~/workspace/thirdparty/lib/jsf$ ls
 myfaces-api-1.2.6.jar  myfaces-impl-1.2.6.jar  tomahawk12-1.1.8.jar
 robe...@uberwald:~/workspace/thirdparty/lib/jsf$ ls -1 | xargs -i jar
 -tf  {} | grep tld

 Thanks, though.


 Leonardo Uribe wrote:


 It is a problem from eclipse. You can find those files inside myfaces
 jar files (look for two files called myfaces_core.tld and
 myfaces_html.tld on myfaces-impl jar).


 Leonardo Uribe

 On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 8:29 PM, Roberto Leibman wrote:

 I downloaded the latest version of myfaces, I had been using 1.1

 want to see what's new in 1.2. My first stumbling block is the
 missing tld's.
 Eclipse gives me the following error

 - Cannot find the tag library descriptor for;  This tld was previously
 included in the myfaces jar, I downloaded
 some examples from the myfaces site which included myfaces 1.2.4
 and the tld's were inside there! However, the latest version
 (1.2.6) does NOT include them.

 Did I miss something obvious?





Re: TOMAHAWK t:inputCalendar java script problem popup

2009-04-01 Thread Simon Kitching
Klaus SCHUSTER schrieb:
 I am using a t:inputCalendar tag from Tomahawk 1.1.8:
 t:inputCalendar id=mycal
  popupTodayString=Heute ist der:   
 h:outputText value=#{BB.geburtsdatum} /
 geburtsdatum is a DATE in my BB with its getter and setter.
 The t:inputCalendar is embedded in an form.
 When I open the JSF Page with Internet Explorer 6 I get the following
 JavaScript error:
 org_apache_myfaces_PopupCalendar() is undefined

Does this happen with browsers more modern than IE6? That is pretty old...

The other likely issue is to do with the ExtensionsFilter. Somewhere in
the generated HTML page there should be something that looks roughly like


This is what loads the javascript that the calendar component needs. But
these urls require you to set up the tomahawk ExtensionsFilter, as
described by this page:

If you use firefox, then the live http headers extension will tell you
whether the url loads correctly or not.

Regards, Simon

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Re: Antwort: Re: TOMAHAWK t:inputCalendar java script problem popup

2009-04-01 Thread Simon Kitching
Klaus SCHUSTER schrieb:
 Thanks for the fast reply.

Personally, I find emails in mixed posting style hard to read, and
therefore don't bother to read them. It's entirely your choice, but *if*
you want any replies from me, then you should avoid doing this (as
pointed out in my signature).

Regards, Simon

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Re: TOMAHAWK t:inputCalendar java script problem popup

2009-04-01 Thread Simon Kitching
Klaus SCHUSTER schrieb:
 Simon Kitching schrieb am 01.04.2009 11:30:36:
 Klaus SCHUSTER schrieb:
  I am using a t:inputCalendar tag from Tomahawk 1.1.8:
  t:inputCalendar id=mycal
   popupTodayString=Heute ist der:   
  h:outputText value=#{BB.geburtsdatum} /
  geburtsdatum is a DATE in my BB with its getter and setter.
  The t:inputCalendar is embedded in an form.
  When I open the JSF Page with Internet Explorer 6 I get the following
  JavaScript error:
  org_apache_myfaces_PopupCalendar() is undefined

 Does this happen with browsers more modern than IE6? That is pretty old...

 I am currently using Internet Explorer 7. It is not possible to use
 Firefox for my web project.
 The other likely issue is to do with the ExtensionsFilter. Somewhere in
 the generated HTML page there should be something that looks roughly like


 This is what loads the javascript that the calendar component needs. But
 these urls require you to set up the tomahawk ExtensionsFilter, as
 described by this page:

 If you use firefox, then the live http headers extension will tell you
 whether the url loads correctly or not.

 Regards, Simon

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 I am already using the extension filter as mentioned at the given link.
 Here is my web.xml containing all necessary inputs:
 servlet-nameFaces Servlet/servlet-name
 I am using *.faces urls therefore is the url-pattern set to this file
 I only see the following java Script tags in my renederd JSF File:
 script type=text/javascript
 Is it possible to set this required java script js file manually?
 I am using Websphere Application Server 6.1

As a quick workaround for whatever the problem is, you could certainly
unpack the tomahawk jarfile, find the right javascript files, and add
them directly to your project. Then you would need to manually add the
right script src=... tags into any page that uses t:inputCalendar. See
the end of the email for the list of javascript files needed by the
inputCalendar in popup mode.

However t:inputCalendar definitely works; the app I work on every day
uses it. There is a small probability that this is something due to the
servlet engine (I use tomcat, not websphere) or the JSF impl (I use
mojarra, not myfaces). But I'm pretty sure we would have had many more
problem reports if this was a common issue.

Are you using Trinidad? I remember seeing some emails in this list about
problems with ExtensionsFilter and trinidad (the filters need to be
declared in web.xml in just the right order for them to work).

You say, however, that the html page doesn't have any script tag at
all that is referencing an inputCalendar script. That is odd. You
mentioned before that you have been experimenting with changing the
myfaces resources-handling code. Are you sure you didn't leave any of
your changes in by accident?

Class org.apache.myfaces.custom.calendar.HtmlCalendarRenderer has this:
  addScriptAndCSSResources(facesContext, inputCalendar);

The inputCalendar.isAddResources method looks ok. You will find just an
abstract method with annotation on AbstractHtmlInputCalendar; the actual
component class HtmlInputCalendar is auto-generated. The generated code
(found in target/myfaces-builder-plugin dir after doing build) has:
public boolean isAddResources()
if (_addResourcesSet)
return _addResources;
ValueBinding vb = getValueBinding(addResources);
if (vb != null)
return ((Boolean)
return true;
In other words, it *does* return true by default, so this looks ok.

The addScriptAndCSSResources method does:

Re: Javascript in button element

2009-03-26 Thread Simon Kitching
For normal command-button usage, the current html page is submitted and
*completely* replaced by a new HTML page. So it makes no sense to talk
about running javascript after the action.

Are you perhaps using these command-buttons within an AJAX pane, and
want some javascript to execute after the AJAX request that the button
triggers has completed?

drizzo schrieb:
 but onClick event is triggered after the action tag or before?
 If is before, there is a way to excute a scritp after the action?
 Anton Gavazuk wrote:
 Of course use onClick attribute.

 2009/3/26 drizzo

 Hi everybody,

 i have this code:

 tr:commandButton id=responseButton
to=#{responseMgdBean.responseValue} /
tr:setActionListener from=#{responseButton.behaviour}
to=#{responseMgdBean.behaviour} /
to=#{responseMgdBean.selectedVariantIds} /

 now I should run a js code before or after to execute the action.
 Which the best solution to do this?
 Is it possible use the onClick attribute?

 Please can you help me?


 View this message in context:
 Sent from the MyFaces - Users mailing list archive at


Re: Javascript in button element

2009-03-26 Thread Simon Kitching
Maybe he means that the JSF page is in a popup window?
Or maybe it is in an html Frame?

Danilo, you need to write your question better. We cannot read your mind
and guess what you are really asking about...

Rafa Pérez schrieb:
 Parent page? If you are inside a dialog, then you can define a
 returnListener method in the opener button to execute some logic when
 the dialog is closed.
 -- Rafa
 On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 2:54 PM, drizzo wrote:
 i should notify to parent page the result of the action. so i need
 wait the
 action is finished...
 i don't if is it possible
 Simon Kitching wrote:
  For normal command-button usage, the current html page is
 submitted and
  *completely* replaced by a new HTML page. So it makes no sense to talk
  about running javascript after the action.
  Are you perhaps using these command-buttons within an AJAX pane, and
  want some javascript to execute after the AJAX request that the button
  triggers has completed?
  drizzo schrieb:
  but onClick event is triggered after the action tag or before?
  If is before, there is a way to excute a scritp after the action?
  Anton Gavazuk wrote:
  Of course use onClick attribute.
  2009/3/26 drizzo
  Hi everybody,
  i have this code:
  tr:commandButton id=responseButton
 to=#{responseMgdBean.responseValue} /
 to=#{responseMgdBean.behaviour} /
  to=#{responseMgdBean.selectedVariantIds} /
  now I should run a js code before or after to execute the action.
  Which the best solution to do this?
  Is it possible use the onClick attribute?
  Please can you help me?

Re: JSF's Warnings and INFO messages in my LOG

2009-03-25 Thread Simon Kitching
Myfaces core 1.1.x and 1.2.x use apache commons-logging.
So does tomahawk.

Commons-logging just forwards logged messages to some other logging
library, eg log4j or java.util.logging, depending on what libraries you
have in your classpath.

So it is this *other* logging library that you need to configure in
order to control what gets output.

If your WEB-INF/lib directory contains log4j.jar, then you will need to
add a or log4j.xml file into your WEB-INF/classes dir
to configure log4j. See the log4j project for further instructions.

If your WEB-INF/lib directory does not contain log4j.jar then this is
probably being logged via the java.util.logging implementation provided
in the java standard libraries. So you will need to configure that; see
the javadoc for the java.util.logging classes for details.


On Tue, 2009-03-24 at 15:00 -0700, Richard Yee wrote:
 It depends on what logging library you are using. Try setting the
 default logging level to ERROR or FATAL.
 Otherwise, just set the logging level for org.apach.myfaces to
 something higher than INFO.
 On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 2:56 PM, daniel ccss wrote:
  Anybody, I really want to eliminate myfaces´s messages:
  Example of the messages:
  Mar 24, 2009 2:26:35 PM org.apache.myfaces.config.FacesConfigurator
  INFO: Reading config /WEB-INF/faces-config.xml
  Mar 24, 2009 2:26:36 PM org.apache.myfaces.config.FacesConfigurator
  INFO: MyFaces-package : myfaces-api not found.
  Mar 24, 2009 2:26:36 PM org.apache.myfaces.config.FacesConfigurator
  INFO: MyFaces-package : myfaces-impl not found.
  Mar 24, 2009 2:26:36 PM org.apache.myfaces.config.FacesConfigurator
  INFO: MyFaces-package : tomahawk-sandbox not found.
  Mar 24, 2009 2:26:36 PM org.apache.myfaces.config.FacesConfigurator
  INFO: MyFaces-package : tomahawk not found.
  Mar 24, 2009 2:26:36 PM org.apache.myfaces.shared_impl.util.LocaleUtils
  WARNING: Locale name in faces-config.xml null or empty, setting locale to
  default locale : en_US
  Mar 24, 2009 2:26:37 PM net.sf.jsfcomp.ext.onload.OnLoadPhaseListener init
  INFO: OnLoadPhaseListener created
  Mar 24, 2009 2:26:37 PM org.apache.myfaces.config.FacesConfigurator
  INFO: Serialization provider : class
  Mar 24, 2009 2:26:37 PM
  org.apache.myfaces.webapp.StartupServletContextListener initFaces
  INFO: ServletContext
  09/03/24 14:26:37 Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g (  initialized
  On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 1:59 PM, daniel ccss wrote:
  Hi all,
  I need to disable the JSF´s warning and info messages in my log, how can I
  do that??
  i´m using JSF: myfaces, tomahawk

Re: Difficulties of initializing a custom component

2009-03-23 Thread Simon Kitching
lightbulb432 schrieb:
 Where's the correct place to initialize a JSF custom component (in this case,
 a subclass of HtmlForm)? Because much of my initializing involves
 manipulating the component's children components, I decided to override
 getChildren() and do my initialization there - BAD IDEA! turns out that getChildren() is called BEFORE restoreState(), so when
 you submit the form, restoreState isn't called and getChildren() fails
 because it's in an uninitialized state.
 I was thinking about using initializers or constructors, but then I figured
 to avoid it because some initialization could depend on the component
 properties getting populated first. (And initializers/constructors would be
 called before those properties get populated, via their setters.)
 It looks like I'm running out of options - what's the best practice on this?

Do you want to initialize this component just once, or repeat the logic
once for each http request?

To initialize the component when first created, I would suggest that the
best place is just before rendering starts. So encodeBegin() seems like
a good idea here. Of course if you only want this done once then you
would need a boolean initialized flag on the component, and skip
initializing if this is set.

If you also want to re-initialize the component at the start of a
postback, then perhaps decode() is the best place; it seems nicely
symmetric with using encodeBegin as the other hook.

Using restoreState for initialize-on-postback is also possible, but
restoreState is not called if the SERIALIZE_STATE_IN_SESSION
configuration flag is false. It is true by default, and I would
recommend to always leave it as true, so this is not a big issue.
Nevertheless, using decode avoids this problem.

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Re: t:inputFileUpload language

2009-03-20 Thread Simon Kitching
Hi Christian,

On Fri, 2009-03-20 at 09:16 -0700, Christian Poecher wrote:
 Hi Faces users,
 I am using Trinidad 1.1.6 and use the t:inputFileUpload component. Our
 application runs mostly on German clients (probably some south-east asians
 clients soon as well), but our app is completely localized in English. When
 I use the t:inputFileUpload component it renders a Browse... Button, which
 will be displayed in the clients OS language. So we end up having a web page
 in English with just a single Button in a different language. Although not
 critical, we would like to change it into English as well. 
 Does anyone have a suggestion?

File upload controls in HTML are fairly primitive; they provide no
option to configure the language (see the HTML spec). And of course all
JSF components in the end just generate HTML, so are limited by the
abilities of HTML.

I suspect it is possible for clever javascript/DOM tricks to create a
hidden file-upload button that is clicked by another (normal) html
button. However that is not currently part of Tomahawk's fileupload
component AFAIK.

I believe Trinidad has some clever hacks to make file upload look nicer;
I don't know the details though.


Re: Unsubscribe

2009-03-18 Thread Simon Kitching
Goda, Sunil schrieb:
 Kindly Unsubscribe me

Use the unsubscribe link here (presumably you used the subscribe link
there to subscribe..)

Re: t:selectItems with a map

2009-03-15 Thread Simon Kitching
On Sun, 2009-03-15 at 01:37 +0200, Cagatay Civici wrote:
 I remember adding this feature in 2006 :)
 If you have a map you actually don't need t:selectItems much.  
 f:selectItems would suffice where labels are the keys and values are  
 the map values.

How would you do that?

The f:selectItems docs is clear that it expects an array or list of
SelectItem objects. So there appears no way to generate SelectItems

Do you mean that the backing bean would provide a special hand-written
method to create a SelectItem element for each (key,value) in the map?
That certainly works, but is not quite as nice as having t:selectItems
do that for you.


Re: t:selectItems with a map

2009-03-15 Thread Simon Kitching
On Sun, 2009-03-15 at 13:28 +, Johannes Ruthenberg wrote:
 Hi everyone!
 First, a big thank you to Cagatay! I was about to agree with Simon that 
 f:selectItems couldn't do this (judging from the documentation), but it 
 seems that I didn't even try it without the other attributes. I just 
 tried it out and this actually works like expected (selectedRoles being 
 a Long[] and allRoles a MapString, Long):
 h:selectManyCheckbox id=selectedRoles value=#{myBean.selectedRoles}
   f:selectItems value=#{myBean.allRoles}/
 The same with t:selectItems does not work, even if the documentation 
 states that it should. ;-)


This behaviour of building a list of SelectItems from a Map is actually
implemented in the SelectItemsIterator class.

(1) I'm not sure that this is standard JSF behaviour, ie I am not sure
that code depending on this will run on any JSF implementation other
than MyFaces.

(2) By adding custom Map handing inside the t:selectItems component,
this prevents the SelectItemsIterator functionality from working. The
SelectItemsIterator class never sees that the value is of type Map
because the t:selectItems has already replaced the map with a list of
SelectItems it has built itself.

The situation seems really messy to me, but it's not clear what the best
solution would be. I have created a JIRA issue for this:

Thanks for reporting this Johannes, and sorry you struck such an odd
issue shortly after starting with JSF!


Re: [TOMAHAWK][1.2] what is iconProvider?

2009-03-15 Thread Simon Kitching
On Sat, 2009-03-14 at 08:25 +0200, Anton Gavazuk wrote:
 Hi all,
 looked through the list of tags and found iconProvider tag -
 does anyone know anything about the tag - what is it?

I don't know. But from the packagename it appears to be something
associated with the old tomahawk tree component. So unless you are using
the old tree component, I would expect that it is not useful.


Re: t:selectItems with a map

2009-03-14 Thread Simon Kitching
On Fri, 2009-03-13 at 20:06 +, Johannes Ruthenberg wrote:
 I'm new to this list and to JSF in general. I have a problem with the 
 t:selectItems component and would be grateful for any advice. I'm using 
 MyFaces 1.2.5, Tomahawk 1.1.8 and Facelets.
 I have this in my file:
 h:selectManyCheckbox id=selectedRoles value=#{myBean.selectedRoles} 
   t:selectItems value=#{myBean.allRoles} var=role 
 itemLabel=#{role} itemValue=#{role} /
 selectedRoles is a Long[] array, allRoles is a MapString, Long, 
 mapping the role name to their ID. What I want is the ID as value of the 
 checkbox and the name as label text. Above code generates the ID as both 
 the value and the label text though.
 Now page [1] has a more detailed explanation of the possibilities of the 
 value attribute than [2], but I did check the source code of 
 org.apache.myfaces.custom.selectitems.AbstractUISelectItems and it seems 
 to be the same for both the JSF 1.1 and 1.2 version of the component.
 The documentation under [1] says:
 value: An EL expression that specifies the contents of the selection 
 list. The expression can refer to one of the following:
1. A single SelectItem
2. An array or Collection of SelectItem instances
3. A Map. The contents of the Map are used to create SelectItem 
 instances, where the SelectItem's label is the map's key value, and the 
 SelectItem's value is the map's value. When using a map, it is 
 recommended that an ordered implementation such as java.util.TreeMap is 
 Number 3 is exactly what I want, I'm even using a TreeMap. I would 
 expect to get the keys as labels and the values as checkbox values 
 automatically with just using t:selectItems 
 value=#{myBean.allRoles}/. But looking in the source code, I don't 
 see anything to provide this functionality. Unfortunately I also don't 
 see a way to configure the component with the other attributes to do 
 this, since only the value of the Map.Entry is set as request attribute. 
 Meaning, I can't just do something like:
 t:selectItems value=#{myBean.allRoles} var=mapEntry 
 itemLabel=#{mapEntry.key} itemValue=#{mapEntry.value} /
 So, am I missing something here? Is there a way to do this? Or is the 
 documentation simply wrong?

Have you tried this?
   t:selectItems value=#{myBean.allRoles}/


Re: t:selectItems with a map

2009-03-14 Thread Simon Kitching
Hi Johannes,

On Sat, 2009-03-14 at 19:10 +, Johannes Ruthenberg wrote:

 Simon Kitching wrote on 14.03.2009 15:39:
   Have you tried this? t:selectItems value=#{myBean.allRoles}/
 I have, but I get a NullPointerException if I do.
 Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
 at org.apache.catalina.connector.Request.getAttribute(
 ... 76 more
 Looking at the actual implementation of the t:selectItems tag, I think 
 this is consistent (it sets the current map value to the request under 
 the provided variable name and then calls a method which retrieves this 
 and tries to get the label and value for the select item -- this fails 
 if no variable name is given). It just doesn't fit what the tag is 
 supposed to do as per the documentation, at least as I understand it.
 I could simply built the list of SelectItem instances myself and set 
 this in my bean. But I actually wouldn't want to handle more of the 
 internal UI elements than necessary, so if the tag could do this, I 
 think that would be the better approach. I also wonder if the 
 documentation is wrong here or the tag class (a matter of perspective, I 
 guess). ;-)

I'm looking at the code now, and it seems clear enough to me.

Class SelectItemsTag has this comment:
 // Generated from class

This is part of our automatic-tag-generation: generally, tag classes are
generated from annotations on the component class. So the component
class is AbstractUISelectItems.

And AbstractUISelectItems has:
public Object getValue() {
Object value = super.getValue();
return createSelectItems(value);

Method createSelectItems contains:
List items = new ArrayList();
if (value instanceof SelectItem[]) {
return (SelectItem[]) value;
else if (value instanceof Collection) {

else if (value instanceof Map) {
Map map = (Map) value;
for (Iterator iter = map.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
Entry currentItem = (Entry);
SelectItem selectItem = createSelectItem();
return (SelectItem[]) items.toArray(new SelectItem[0]);

So clearly, when evaluating the value expression returns a Map, then the
component returns an array of SelectItem objects that have been built
from the map values.

This code is from the current trunk. Unfortunately due to svn
rearrangements in Sept 2008 when the new tomahawk build framework was
introduced, it isn't easy to track svn history for components anymore.
However I'm pretty sure this is not a new feature. It certainly was
there in september 2008, and you say you are using 1.1.8 which was
released in November 2008.

You say you are using tomahawk-1.1.8, which is the latest release. Are
you sure about that?

 However from memory I'm pretty sure this is not a new feature...


Re: Refresh View after HTTPSession Timeout

2009-03-13 Thread Simon Kitching

The solution I use is to put a ping script in the page which sends a
request to the server every couple of minutes. With that, the session
never times out while the browser window is open, and so the problem
never occurs.

Of course this requires javascript, but is javascript is disabled then
so are all AJAX operations so then your filter will handle everything ok.

I don't know of any solution to properly handle session-timeout for ajax
requests. However I don't use ajax much. Maybe one of the ajax experts
here can comment on that...


Ravizzz schrieb:
 You are right, Except the links to other jsp/html pages all other components
 like table and tabs give us this problem. Do you know any sort of solution
 for this?
 Simon Kitching wrote:
 My guess is that your timeout-handling approach is failing to work with
 any AJAX or frame-based pages, and that these tabs are just one case
 where ajax or frames are being used.

 The problem is that when a browser is refreshing a whole page, a filter
 can return an http-redirect command and the browser will then replace
 the current page with the redirected-to url.

 When the browser is just fetching a frame, only the frame contents will
 get directed, not the whole frameset.

 And when a browser is using XmlHttpRequest to do an AJAX operation,
 there is no obvious way for a filter to tell the browser to give up and
 redirect the current window to a new url. At least not one I know of (I
 presume sending back an http-redirect doesn't work..)


 Ravizzz schrieb:
 We have implemented similar way of session timeout in our application
 filter in web.xml.

 But we are facing one problem with this way of timeout.

 Once Session expires proper logout doesn’t not happen while clicking on
 created in jspx using \tr:panelTabbed\ tags

 This is very specifically for the tabs and everything works fine while
 clicking on link or buttons etc

 In server logs we get Session Timed Out message, however at UI nothing
 happens, same teb is displayed and never logs out.

 Additionally we get the below message in logs:-

 [3/4/09 16:19:01:125 IST] 0035 StateManagerI E
 Could not find saved view state for token -1909e0a

 Any help or pointers would be appreciated.

 chrishane wrote:
 I have a generic search screen (standard input form) that displays the 
 results on the next page using a tr:table.

 If the user hits the refresh button any time prior to the HTTPSession 
 timeout, then the form is resubmitted and the search generated again
 display different results if the underlying data has been updated -
 is what we want to happen).

 If the user leaves (for a time greater than the HTTPSession timeout) the 
 results screen, comes back and hits the refresh button after the
 the Find screen is displayed again.

 I am using Trinidad 1.0 Myfaces 1.1, Jboss 4.0.x, Seam 1.2p1 with client 
 side state saving.

 One of the first errors in the log is:

 2007-06-29 15:35:17,593 ERROR [STDERR] Jun 29, 2007 3:35:17 PM 
 restoreView SEVERE: Could not find saved view state for token 7cad43c0

 Which is why I'm assuming it is the HTTPSession timeout.

 Is there anything I can do so that the refresh will re-run the search
 not show the Find screen?


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Re: Memory issue : MyFaces objects in session

2009-03-13 Thread Simon Kitching
Hi Seema,

On Thu, 2009-03-12 at 10:37 -0700, seemamani wrote:
 We are using MyFaces 1.1.5 in our web application deployed in WAS 6.1.
 Recently we faced some memory issues due to session size. We have set the
 STATE_SAVING_METHOD as server in web.xml. 
 Our WebSphere support team found several of the myfaces classes used in the
 session data. They want us to analyze why there is so much data in session
 and optimize wherever possible. Here is the list of classes that they sent. 
 How can we reduce these information in the session. Apart from what is
 mentioned in the below link, is there anything else we need to do?

The first 5 are expected. These objects are all related to the cache of
previously-visited views. One (most recent) is kept to support normal
JSF operations. Up to N older views are kept to support back-button
usage. The performance page you quote describes how to reduce the
NUMBER_OF_VIEWS_IN_SESSION to reduce memory usage (ie support less
back-button depth). And that page also describes the
SERIALIZE_STATE_IN_SESSION (enabled by default anyway) and

Of course the best way to reduce session size is to use client-side
state, in which case zero session space is needed for the view trees.
The disadvantage is that network traffic increases (page size is

I'm a little surprised to see FactoryFinder in this list. Are you sure
this is right? I've just checked, and FactoryFinder is indeed a class
with just static methods. So there should not even be *one* instance. It
does have a few static members, but they should not be particularly


Re: Refresh View after HTTPSession Timeout

2009-03-12 Thread Simon Kitching
My guess is that your timeout-handling approach is failing to work with
any AJAX or frame-based pages, and that these tabs are just one case
where ajax or frames are being used.

The problem is that when a browser is refreshing a whole page, a filter
can return an http-redirect command and the browser will then replace
the current page with the redirected-to url.

When the browser is just fetching a frame, only the frame contents will
get directed, not the whole frameset.

And when a browser is using XmlHttpRequest to do an AJAX operation,
there is no obvious way for a filter to tell the browser to give up and
redirect the current window to a new url. At least not one I know of (I
presume sending back an http-redirect doesn't work..)


Ravizzz schrieb:
 We have implemented similar way of session timeout in our application using
 filter in web.xml.
 But we are facing one problem with this way of timeout.
 Once Session expires proper logout doesn’t not happen while clicking on tabs
 created in jspx using \tr:panelTabbed\ tags
 This is very specifically for the tabs and everything works fine while
 clicking on link or buttons etc
 In server logs we get Session Timed Out message, however at UI nothing
 happens, same teb is displayed and never logs out.
 Additionally we get the below message in logs:-
 [3/4/09 16:19:01:125 IST] 0035 StateManagerI E
 org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.application.StateManagerImpl restoreView
 Could not find saved view state for token -1909e0a
 Any help or pointers would be appreciated.
 chrishane wrote:
 I have a generic search screen (standard input form) that displays the 
 results on the next page using a tr:table.

 If the user hits the refresh button any time prior to the HTTPSession 
 timeout, then the form is resubmitted and the search generated again
 display different results if the underlying data has been updated - which 
 is what we want to happen).

 If the user leaves (for a time greater than the HTTPSession timeout) the 
 results screen, comes back and hits the refresh button after the timeout, 
 the Find screen is displayed again.

 I am using Trinidad 1.0 Myfaces 1.1, Jboss 4.0.x, Seam 1.2p1 with client 
 side state saving.

 One of the first errors in the log is:

 2007-06-29 15:35:17,593 ERROR [STDERR] Jun 29, 2007 3:35:17 PM 
 restoreView SEVERE: Could not find saved view state for token 7cad43c0

 Which is why I'm assuming it is the HTTPSession timeout.

 Is there anything I can do so that the refresh will re-run the search
 not show the Find screen?



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Re: JSP page not getting rendered when using f:view tag

2009-03-11 Thread Simon Kitching
krishna Gummadi schrieb:
 hi ,
  Iam new to using my faces and trinidad. Iam just building a samll login
 jsp and binding it to my backing bean .
 Surprisingly .. if my jsp has f:view tag , after running the jsp i see
 empty page with out any errors . If i change the f:view to f:subview i
 can see my page displayed after i run the jsp .
 Iam using 
 in my faces config.xml ..
 and my jsp is as follows :
 taglib uri=/ prefix=/h/%
 taglib uri=/; /prefix=/f/%
 taglib uri=/ prefix=/tr/%
 page language=/java/%
 body id=/login/
 f:view //
 h:inputText title=/User ID :/ value=#{myUserBean.username} /
 h:commandButton id=/cb1/ value=/Login/ action=#{myUserBean.login} /
 Could any one please let me know why my page is not getting rendered
 when using f:view tag ?
 PS: I do not have any JSF RI implementation jars in my library..

What url are you using to access your page?

You should use

Note the suffix: .jsf, not .jsp.

If you take the trinidad renderkit line out, what happens?

What version of Myfaces are you using?

Myfaces uses commons-logging as its logging library. Do you see anything
useful in the logfiles if you enable logging?

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Re: Tomahawk - Compatible version for MyFaces 1.2.5

2009-03-10 Thread Simon Kitching
Really weird.

As a wild guess, perhaps Trinidad's AJAX stuff forces client-side
state-saving, and then when you do a non-ajax postback then things get
confused because you have both server and client-side state?

It might be worth asking about that in a separate email thread, putting
TRINIDAD in the subject...

Regards, Simon

andi303 schrieb:
 your description pointed me in the right direction. I'm aware of the JSF
 lifecycle, but there is another thing I haven't recognized yet: As you said
 before, the HTTP header contains the ViewStates, however, I'm using _server_
 side state saving!
 I haven't yet figured out the problem, but if I
 - switch to client side state saving and
 - remove Trinidad,
 everything works fine.
 Ok, this can only be a temporary solution, I will continue searching for the
 real problem.
 Simon Kitching wrote:
 Hi Andy,

 You said that you were having problems with h:commandLink:

 Some of the links do not work correctly, but i can't see any difference.
 If i click on some of the links (mostly MyFaces or Tomahawk
 commandLinks), I'm always getting the same error:

 /pages/xlist.jsp No saved view state could be found for the view
 identifier: /pages/xlist.jsp

 In JSF, an h:commandLink triggers a *form submit*. The general process is:
   * restore view
   * process all submitted values from the form
   * validate all components
   * update model for all components
   * run the action associated with the commandLink (which usually
 changes the current view)
   * render the current view

 The action can be a literal string, in which case navigation occurs
 using the defined nav rules. Or it can be a method, in which case that
 method can do whatever it wants, then return a nav string.

 But as shown above, the very first thing that needs to be done is to
 restore the view for the page that the commandLink is in. When client
 side state saving is used, the view is stored in a hidden field in the
 form. When server side state saving, then the form just has a hidden
 field containing a key to the relevant saved tree in the session's
 view cache.

 From the live headers stuff below, a form submit does seem to be
 happening. There are:

 The presence of this ViewState field says that you are using *client
 side* state saving, not server-side state saving. That means that the
 NUMBER_OF_VIEWS_IN_SESSION setting is unused (views are stored in the
 page, not the session).

 So the question now is why MyFaces Core can't restore the view from this
 submitted field for some links on your pages.

 MyFaces does normally encrypt the ViewState hidden field by default,
 then decrypt it on submit. by default it also generates a new random key
 when restarted, which means that after restart browsers holding pages
 rendered before the restart get an error. But (a) this doesn't seem to
 match your description, and (b) the error usually says Bad Padding or

 I would check for any servlet filters in your app that might be doing
 redirects or messing with the submitted form params. I can't currently
 think of anything that would just affect *some* links in your app...



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Re: Getting started Version 1.2.6 vs version 1.1.6

2009-03-09 Thread Simon Kitching schrieb:
 There are two versions to download on the website, 1.2.6 and 1.1.6.  
 And then the getting started blank.war in
   seems to have 1.1.6.
 What is the difference between these versions?  Not documented anywhere.  
 If the Myfaces numbers relate to JSF numbers, then is it important to start 
 with 1.2.6?  Should I upgrade the tomahawk example?  What else needs to 

Myfaces Core 1.2.x -- JSF1.2
Myfaces Core 1.1.x -- JSF1.1


You should use JSF1.2 if possible.

Tomahawk also has different releases for JSF1.1 and JSF1.2, but instead
of a different version number, we use different maven artifact ids (for
technical reasons). The artifacts are:

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Re: Tomahawk - Compatible version for MyFaces 1.2.5

2009-03-06 Thread Simon Kitching
Hi Andy,

You said that you were having problems with h:commandLink:

Some of the links do not work correctly, but i can't see any difference.
If i click on some of the links (mostly MyFaces or Tomahawk
commandLinks), I'm always getting the same error:

/pages/xlist.jsp No saved view state could be found for the view
identifier: /pages/xlist.jsp

In JSF, an h:commandLink triggers a *form submit*. The general process is:
  * restore view
  * process all submitted values from the form
  * validate all components
  * update model for all components
  * run the action associated with the commandLink (which usually
changes the current view)
  * render the current view

The action can be a literal string, in which case navigation occurs
using the defined nav rules. Or it can be a method, in which case that
method can do whatever it wants, then return a nav string.

But as shown above, the very first thing that needs to be done is to
restore the view for the page that the commandLink is in. When client
side state saving is used, the view is stored in a hidden field in the
form. When server side state saving, then the form just has a hidden
field containing a key to the relevant saved tree in the session's
view cache.

From the live headers stuff below, a form submit does seem to be
happening. There are:

The presence of this ViewState field says that you are using *client
side* state saving, not server-side state saving. That means that the
NUMBER_OF_VIEWS_IN_SESSION setting is unused (views are stored in the
page, not the session).

So the question now is why MyFaces Core can't restore the view from this
submitted field for some links on your pages.

MyFaces does normally encrypt the ViewState hidden field by default,
then decrypt it on submit. by default it also generates a new random key
when restarted, which means that after restart browsers holding pages
rendered before the restart get an error. But (a) this doesn't seem to
match your description, and (b) the error usually says Bad Padding or

I would check for any servlet filters in your app that might be doing
redirects or messing with the submitted form params. I can't currently
think of anything that would just affect *some* links in your app...


andi303 schrieb:
 Thanks again for your help!
 I've spend most of the last two days to find the problem, but without
 - I'm only using one browser window.
 - I've no custom JavaScript on the page, only those from Tomahawk and
 - I've tried to change the context-param
 org.apache.myfaces.NUMBER_OF_VIEWS_IN_SESSION to a higher value, however,
 this doesn't change anything.
 - I'm not sure with that jsf_view_id thing you've mentioned. Here is the
 output from live http headers content:
 Maybe I understand things wrong: Why is there a saved view state of the
 link? I've never visited this link before...
 I would be very happy if you have some further suggestions.
 Regards, Andreas
 Simon Kitching wrote:

 I presume you are using server-side state-saving here.

 Are you using multiple browser windows at the same time? Myfaces keeps a
 cache of the last N views in the session. Therefore if you perform N+1
 submits using one window, then try to use the other window you will get
 this problem. Unfortunately there is no easy solution for this. Note
 that the value N is configurable; I think it defaults to 20.

 Otherwise, I suggest using the firefox live http headers plugin or
 similar to see what is actually being submitted to the server. There
 should be one field named jsf_view_id or similar; this contains the
 key to look up the saved viewstate. If this is missing for some reason
 (eg because of some custom javascript you have in your page) then that
 would cause this problem.

 I can't think of any other likely cause at the moment...



Re: Tomahawk - Compatible version for MyFaces 1.2.5

2009-03-05 Thread Simon Kitching

I presume you are using server-side state-saving here.

Are you using multiple browser windows at the same time? Myfaces keeps a
cache of the last N views in the session. Therefore if you perform N+1
submits using one window, then try to use the other window you will get
this problem. Unfortunately there is no easy solution for this. Note
that the value N is configurable; I think it defaults to 20.

Otherwise, I suggest using the firefox live http headers plugin or
similar to see what is actually being submitted to the server. There
should be one field named jsf_view_id or similar; this contains the
key to look up the saved viewstate. If this is missing for some reason
(eg because of some custom javascript you have in your page) then that
would cause this problem.

I can't think of any other likely cause at the moment...


andi303 schrieb:
 Thanks for your help.
 I've managed to get MyFaces 1.2.5 working together with Tomahawk12-1.1.8,
 Trinidad 1.2.11 and RichFaces 3.3.0.
 Most of the pages are looking good, however, i still have one problem:
 Some of the links do not work correctly, but i can't see any difference. If
 i click on some of the links (mostly MyFaces or Tomahawk commandLinks), I'm
 always getting the same error:
 /pages/xlist.jsp No saved view state could be found for the view identifier:
 Any ideas what this means?
 The session is not expired...
 Simon Kitching wrote:
 You are reading the tabel wrong (I agree it's not an easy table to
 read). The dashes mean no information.

 So the table says that myfaces 1.2.3 is definitely NOT compatible with
 Tomahawk 1.1.6, but otherwise there is no information at all here about
 recent myfaces + recent tomahawk.

 This table is a user-community-maintained resource (on the wiki). The
 user community obviously isn't bothering to maintain it. The page says
 clearly that the myfaces developers will not keep this table up-to-date.


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Re: Check if anything has been changed on the form

2009-03-05 Thread Simon Kitching
Madhav Bhargava schrieb:
 Hi All,
 We are trying to fine tune the DAO layer where we are using Hibernate as
 our ORM. Since we have too many detached objects, every time we go and
 save which is quite often (because of implicit save) too many queries
 get fired and the application responds slowly. This happens even if
 nothing is changed by the user on the UI.
 I was hoping to find a dirty flag setter in JSF where it can be checked
 first and only if the form has been changed will the call to other
 layers is made.
 There are a couple of options that we considered:
 1.   Using JS we iterate all the elements on the page and check if
 something has changed. However the JS gives an error if there are just
 too many elements on the page. Most of our pages are long and complex –
 don’t ask me why – just a client requirement L
 2.   Attach value change listeners for every component that can be
 modified. What if nothing gets changed and therefore no ValueChangeEvent
 is queued. How will this be checked?
 3.   Hack model update phase and try and set a dirty flag if
 anything is updated during that phase. Do not know how to do that either?
 The solution needs to be light on performance. Any pointer would be
 really appreciated.

So what you really need is to know whether a ValueChangeEvent has been
queued for any component, right?

One way to do that would be to use a custom ViewHandler in order to
return a custom UIViewRoot object that wraps the real one. Then you
could override the UIViewRoot.queueEvent method, and check in there
whether the event being queued is a ValueChangeEvent. If at the start of
the update-model phase, one or more ValueChangeEvents has been queued
during the request then you have a real change to the model. You could
store this flag as a request-scope property or similar.

Note that each input component is responsible for detecting that the
model property it is bound to has a different value, and queueing a
ValueChangeEvent on itself. But queuing an event on itself just causes
the call to bubble up the component tree until it reaches the
UIViewRoot, where the event is stuck on a global queue. So
UIViewRoot.queueEvent is eventually called for all events. Possibly the
original queued event gets wrapped on the way up (eg tables create a
wrapper so they can restore the correct row when the event is executed),
but I would expect that any wrapper for a ValueChangeEvent would also be
a subclass of ValueChangeEvent.

This seems generally useful; maybe such a patch would even be accepted
into the MyFaces UIViewRoot impl (though of course if you want your app
to run on Mojarra too then you'd need a separate implementation anyway).

I don't quite understand your point (2) above : if nothing gets changed,
and no ValueChangeEvent is triggered, isn't that ok? In this case your
model isn't changed and that is what you wanted to know.

By the way, I believe that JSF2.0 will state that during the
update-model phase, setters are only called on model properties where
the property value *has* changed, ie where a ValueChangeEvent has been
queued for that component because calling the property getter returned a
different value than the component contains internally. However the
JSF1.1 spec didn't say this, and both Sun and MyFaces currently call
property setters for all input components, regardless of whether the
value has changed or not.

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Orchestra Core 1.3.1 Released

2009-03-05 Thread Simon Kitching
The Apache MyFaces Orchestra team is pleased to announce the release of
Apache MyFaces Orchestra Core 1.3.1

This is a bugfix release that fixes a small number of issues with
release 1.3. There is no need to upgrade if you are not experiencing any
of the issues listed in the release notes.

Get a full overview at Orchestra's homepage [1].

The release notes for 1.3.1 can be found here:

The distribution is available at

Apache MyFaces Orchestra is available in the central Maven repository
under Group ID org.apache.myfaces.orchestra.



Re: Tomahawk - Compatible version for MyFaces 1.2.5

2009-03-04 Thread Simon Kitching
andi303 schrieb:
 Hm. Are you sure?
 Take a look at the compatibility matrix:
 It looks to me as if newer versions of Tomahawk doesn't necessarily work
 with newer versions of MyFaces...

You are reading the tabel wrong (I agree it's not an easy table to
read). The dashes mean no information.

So the table says that myfaces 1.2.3 is definitely NOT compatible with
Tomahawk 1.1.6, but otherwise there is no information at all here about
recent myfaces + recent tomahawk.

This table is a user-community-maintained resource (on the wiki). The
user community obviously isn't bothering to maintain it. The page says
clearly that the myfaces developers will not keep this table up-to-date.

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Re: valueChangeListener + JSF lifecycle

2009-03-04 Thread Simon Kitching
Madhav Bhargava schrieb:
 Hi All,
 I was under the impression that Value change listeners will be called
 only when there is no validation exception on the page. However on my
 page if there is a validation failure and a message is displayed to the
 user. Now if the user changes a value say in a drop down and a value
 change listener is attached to it then it gets called.
 Following is the code for the drop down:
 t:panelGrid columns=2
 s:selectOneRow id=radioLayerOne groupName=selection

 disabled=#{ppmdController.selectedValue  ||
 benefitController.disableScreenElements ||
 templateOverviewController.disableScreenElements }

 f:selectItem itemValue=ABC
 itemLabel= id=rad/f:selectItem
 a4j:support event=onclick id=ajaxOne



 Should the value change listener be called when there is a validation

The spec is clear that a ValueChangeEvent should only occur if
validation passes. I've got a copy of the JSF2.0 early draft handy, and
in section

EditableValueHolder is a source of ValueChangeEvent events, which are
emitted when the validate() processing of the Process Validations phase
of the request processing lifecycle determines that the previous value
of this component differs from the current value, and all validation
checks have passed (i.e. the valid property of this component is still

However before you report a bug, please check whether this still happens
in a plain MyFaces environment. I see you are using tomahawk + sandbox +
a4j all together here, which is a complex combination.

And when you have questions, you should always specify what version of
MyFaces and what version of Java you are using. Neither of those
critical pieces of information are in your original email.

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Re: [JSF][CORE] selectOneRadio id generation

2009-03-04 Thread Simon Kitching
Guy Bashan schrieb:
 I just noticed that the HTML generated for selectOneRadio creates
 table with the id given to the selectOneRadio component.
 This creates a problem when you want to get the control by its ID.
 document.getElementById('radioComponentId') gives the table instead of
 the radio button control.

This isn't a direct answer to your question, but in general using
getElementById is dangerous/awkward when using JSF.

You would be better off using a real AJAX library if you can. Otherwise
you might find some of the tips here useful:


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Re: Tomahawk - Compatible version for MyFaces 1.2.5

2009-03-03 Thread Simon Kitching
andi303 schrieb:
 Hi all,
 I'm searching for a compatible version of Tomahak for MyFaces 1.2.5.
 Has anyone tried it?

Any recent version of Tomahawk should work ok with MyFaces 1.2.5.

A few years ago, Tomahawk and MyFaces-core versions had to be carefully
matched, but that has been fixed for quite a while now.

Note that there are now two flavours of Tomahawk, specfically for
JSF1.1 and JSF1.2. The JSF1.1 flavour will actually work ok on JSF1.2 as
well, but choosing the JSF1.2 flavour gives slightly better performance,
better error-messages etc.


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Re: Dynamic DataTables

2009-02-27 Thread Simon Kitching
On Fri, 2009-02-27 at 16:17 -0500, Vinaya Tirikkovalluru wrote:
 I hope some of you might have already got the code to generate the
 Dynamic DataTables.

If you want help on emailing lists, you really need to write more
descriptive emails than this. Dynamic DataTables could mean many
different things...

Perhaps the tomahawk t:columns component is what you are looking for?

Regards, Simon

Re: Orchestra Conversation Scope

2009-02-18 Thread Simon Kitching
j4ever schrieb:
 Hello everyone,
 i’m developing a web application with JSF, Spring, Hibernate and Orchestra
 and accoutering  a problem with the orchestra’s  conversation scope. I have
 configured all my managed beans with Spring and have used thereby a “manual”
 conversation scope (Orchestra) for some beans.
 The “session” and “request” beans all work as expected. But for the “manual”
 beans, I’ve noticed through debugging that the constructor of the bean is
 called when I submitted the corresponding JSF page (e.g. through a click to
 a button to execute some action). This is, the bean is initialized again
 with a new instance, although I have not end the conversation. So the page
 is redisplayed with the values of the new instance of the bean. This is of
 course not the behavior I intend to implement. I want the page to be
 refreshed with the new values of the beans, obtained after action
 processing. I guess, this is the quintessence of orchestra conversation
 scoped functionalities and I just don’t understand why I can’t get this
 work. May be I‘ve Overseen something. So I would appreciate any help.
 Many thanks in advance.
 This is the archestra relevant part of my Spring configuration:
 !-- the orchestra conversation scopes --
   property name=scopes
   entry key=conversation.access
   property name=lifetime value=access/
   entry key=conversation.manual
   property name=lifetime value=manual/
 bean id=rolesBean
   aop:scoped-proxy /
   constructor-arg ref=baseDAO /
   constructor-arg ref=accountingService /
   constructor-arg ref=messagesManager /
   constructor-arg ref=login /

In the URL shown in your browser, do you see

If this query parameter is not there, or if it changes on each request
then you are getting a new conversation context for each request,
which would explain your problem.

Orchestra automatically adds this query parameter to all links/forms in
a page, so this should work automatically. But maybe your app is doing
something that prevents this query param from being added...

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RE: JSF EL does not allow method calls

2009-02-18 Thread Simon Kitching
On Thu, 2009-02-19 at 11:16 +0530, Madhav Bhargava wrote:
 On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 2:48 PM, Simon Kitching
 Madhav Bhargava schrieb:
  Hi All,
  I have a requirement wherein I have to disable UI components based
  whether there are any error messages in the Message Queue
  facesContext is an implicit object so I thought of using it like -
  #{facesContext.getMessages.hasNext} However when it was not working
  because you can only specify properties of a class and JSF variable
  property resolver will then internally try and call the
 getter/setter of
  that property.
  I find that rather limiting because I do not find the need to define
  class level property when all I need is to process and output a
  Is there any way apart from overriding the
 Simon wrote:
 No, EL does not allow method calls. It only allows reading/writing
 However isn't this enough for what you want to do?
 You could create a simple class:
 public class MessageChecker {
public boolean isMessagePresent() {
  return FacesContext.currentInstance().getMessages().hasNext();
 Then register this class as an app-scope managed bean.
 JSF components can then do
 Yes this means creating a trivial class, and having an instance of it
 memory in order to call a static method from the JSF components. This
 could be considered ugly. But on the other hand, the JSF pages are
 much better isolated from the details of the implementation.
 Your solution will not work for messages which get added to the
 FacesContext during the validation phase. Method isMessagePresent()
 will not be called. That is the reason I was looking at accessing the
 messages as an EL expression.
 If there is a validation/conversion exception thrown then it will
 directly go to the render response phase after completing the
 validation phase.
 I will try and use a scriptlet to get access to messages and see if
 that is going to work. Not the best way of doing things but I will
 have to live with that as of now.

I don't think your evaluation is quite right. IMO there is a problem,
but not the one you think.

Am I right in thinking that your pages correctly *render* (ie when using
my suggestion, components do get disabled when rendered), but that you
then have problems when the page later gets submitted back to the

Firstly, disabled is probably the wrong thing to use. A disabled
HTML component never submits any data back to the server on submit,
which often confuses JSF components. Usually, setting readonly is
better than setting disabled.

Secondly, I presume that you want these not accessable input
components to be ignored on the server after postback, ie they should
not be validated. But setting the disabled flag is not going to affect
server-side validation at all. The JSF components are still in the
component tree, and are still marked as rendered, so they will look
for their input in the submitted data (and not find it) then try to
validate themselves. Even if you set read-only on the component, it
will still try to do this. The only thing that suppresses the
component's attempts to fetch data from the submitted form data and do
validation is when rendered=false.

And checking the list of *messages* during postback is not really what
you want here. What I think you want is that during postback on the
server, input components are skipped if there were messages present *at
the time the page was rendered*. But that information is simply no
longer available; the messages list is *thrown away* at the end of each

One option is to use read-only, and ensure that when read-only is set
then the value property is something that will not cause a validation

Alternatively, you need to somehow store info about whether messages
were rendered or not in some variable that still exists on postback
(unlike the messages list, which has been thrown away). Every JSF
component has a map of attributes that you can store arbitrary data
into, and which is then persisted into the tree. So maybe you could
store an attribute on the view-root to indicate whether the previous
pass had messages or not. Then use this in the rendered property of
components, in order to prevent them from attempting to validate
themselves during postback.

There are also a couple of libraries around that extend the validation
facilities of JSF. You might want to search the myfaces wiki for


Re: [JSF][CORE] No View State Exception

2009-02-17 Thread Simon Kitching
Guy Bashan schrieb:
 I am having a weird issue with JSF: I set the session expiration in my
 application to 1 minute (for testing purposes). I load the web
 application. the entrance page is a simple login page with 2 fields
 (username/password). I wait for 1 minute for session to expire. I try to
 login. I get this exception:
 2009-02-17 10:48:33,522 [http-8080-2] ERROR
 org.ajax4jsf.webapp.BaseXMLFilter  - Exception in the filter chain
 javax.servlet.ServletException: /login.jspxNo saved view state could be
 found for the view identifier: /login.jspx
 Caused by: javax.faces.application.ViewExpiredException: /login.jspxNo
 saved view state could be found for the view identifier: /login.jspx
 Why am I getting it? this is really annoying...

This is expected. Your page submit is including the id of a server-side
view state that no longer exists - what should the server do in this
case? No postback processing can occur when the view cannot be
restored, as there are no JSF input or command components to look for
data in the submitted form.

You can use the error-page element in the web.xml to cause a redirect
to the login page (or some other page). The original url and thrown
exception (and its causes) are available as request-scoped objects I think.

Or use a filter to catch the ViewExpiredException and do whatever you
want in this case.

Or put some javascript in the login page that pings the server every
few minutes, so the session does not expire.

Or avoid using JSF for the login page. You'll still have this issue on
other pages, but it is more understandable to the user that they have
timed out on some page in the middle of the app rather than having
timed out in the login page.

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Re: how to rotate t:dataTable ?

2009-02-17 Thread Simon Kitching
kareda schrieb:
 I need to display a list of products in jsf vertically - so every product
 is in its own COLUMN, not ROW as usually. Can it be done with Tomahawk
 dataTable? or maybe using some other component? 

Is this possible at all in HTML? As far as I know, a table element
always renders rows horizontally and columns vertically.

If it isn't possible in HTML, then it isn't possible with JSF [1].

[1] Well, I suppose a component could render some weird stuff that isn't
a table but looks like one. But AFAIK no such thing currently exists.


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Re: JSF EL does not allow method calls

2009-02-16 Thread Simon Kitching
Madhav Bhargava schrieb:
 Hi All,
 I have a requirement wherein I have to disable UI components based on
 whether there are any error messages in the Message Queue (t:messages).
 facesContext is an implicit object so I thought of using it like -
 #{facesContext.getMessages.hasNext} However when it was not working
 because you can only specify properties of a class and JSF variable and
 property resolver will then internally try and call the getter/setter of
 that property.
 I find that rather limiting because I do not find the need to define a
 class level property when all I need is to process and output a Boolean.
 Is there any way apart from overriding the

No, EL does not allow method calls. It only allows reading/writing

However isn't this enough for what you want to do?

You could create a simple class:
  public class MessageChecker {
public boolean isMessagePresent() {
  return FacesContext.currentInstance().getMessages().hasNext();

Then register this class as an app-scope managed bean.

JSF components can then do

Yes this means creating a trivial class, and having an instance of it in
memory in order to call a static method from the JSF components. This
could be considered ugly. But on the other hand, the JSF pages are now
much better isolated from the details of the implementation.

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Re: commandButton: onclick: disable

2009-02-16 Thread Simon Kitching
SANTINI, Rafael schrieb:
 Why when onclick=this.disabled=true; return true in a commandButton
 the action is not executed? I'm trying disable the button after a click.

Disabled controls are never sent to the webserver on submit:

Use readonly instead.

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Re: [Orchestra] Presence / absence of conversation?

2009-02-16 Thread Simon Kitching
Guillaume Bilodeau schrieb:
 Thank you Simon for your detailed answer!
 I've spent the last few months using Seam and I now realize that the term
 conversation has a totally different meaning in Orchestra, as you
 explained.  The documentation does explain it clearly, I suppose initially I
 went through it too quickly and assumed it was working like Seam.  A
 step-by-step tutorial using common use cases would greatly help in making
 all this more clear though.

Well, I wouldn't say totally different meaning. In both Seam and
Orchestra, it is a scope that is longer than request but shorter than

But Orchestra conversation scope is more fine grained.

I'll add a note to the docs to make this clear for Seam users.

 The conversation.access scope seems like a great way to implement flash
 scope and that would especially useful for storing messages that need to
 survive a redirect.  Is there a common replacement for FacesContext.messages
 and h:messages that uses this scope?

No, there isn't. It's an interesting idea, but messages are stored as a
field within the FacesContext, and a FacesContext is always a
request-scoped object. So storing messages in the conversation instead
is a significant behavioural change. And really we *do* want messages
regenerated on each postback.

I think a solution targeted specifically at the keep messages over
redirect issue is useful, but using a conversation as storage isn't the
right tool.

By the way, other libs use the term flash scope to mean something
rather different than Orchestra's access scope. We did initially call
our thing flash scope then renamed it when we realized it would cause


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Re: Problem Using Orchestra with Realm after Session-Timeout

2009-02-12 Thread Simon Kitching
Mario Ivankovits schrieb:
 -Original Message-
 From: Filip Lyncker []
 Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2009 11:29 AM
 Yep, here it is:
 viewId:/pages/start/actuell.jsf - View /pages/start/actuell.jsf could
 not be restored.
 if (is11CompatEnabled(facesContext)) { // the faces
 What you can do ist to figure out how to enable the JSF 1.1 compat mode, 
 which then will simply rerender the page.
 Or you try/catch the ViewExpired exception in an filter (probably) and 
 forward to your login/menu/whatever page.
 The first suggestion might restore the page in an invalid state as all the 
 beans are gone, so I'd opt for the second suggestion (try/catch).
 Unhappily I've never done this myself (... I should have ...). I'd start with 
 a servlet filter .. or a PhaseListener.
 Anyone else with a better solution?
 Yes, a third one: If you are using richfaces you can use the a4j:poll 
 component on each page which polls the server, lets say, once every minute. 
 This will prevent the session from timeout as long as the browser points to 
 your application. This also allows you to configure a very short session 
 timeout (5 minutes) as nothing bad happens as long as the browser is open. 
 This is very much like a RichClient behaviour.
 BTW: This is the solution we use in our application.

Mario is quite right: in JSF1.2 the behaviour has changed when the view
cannot be restored (eg due to session timeout). The old behaviour was to
just render the requested page, while the new behaviour is to throw
ViewExpiredException. I hadn't even realized this - thanks for the info

So whatever bug you were getting before is now gone - getting a
ViewExpiredException is the correct and expected behaviour in this case.

As Mario noted, the new behaviour is actually better. For many pages,
attempting to just render them won't work properly as the application
state isn't correctly set up. For example, in a master-detail type
scenario, if the user is on the detail page when the session expires,
then trying to re-render it with all-new backing beans is probably just
going to crash or cause some other kind of weird behaviour.

You can use the error-page element in the web.xml to specify a page to
redirect to when an exception is thrown. However if I remember
correctly, all kinds of JSF exceptions get wrapped in one generic type
so it is not possible to redirect to a page specifically for
ViewExpiredException handling using this mechanism. I could be wrong
here though..

So if you need more customized behaviour in this case, you will probably
need to configure your web.xml to specify a filter (I don't think a
PhaseListener will work). In the exceptionhandler/filter you should be
able to explicitly do the old JSF1.1 behaviour if you really want, just
by extracting the original URL from the request then forwarding to that
URL (but using GET, so no attempt to restore the view is done). Better
would probably just be to forward to a page that says sorry your
session timed out; click here to go to the webapp home page.

Or as Mario pointed out, use ajax components or some explicit javascript
to poll the server, thus ensuring that http session timeouts never
occur while the browser window is open. This approach works really
nicely, as long as you have some common header or footer that every page
includes, so that the poll logic only needs to be implemented in one


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Re: BadPadding Exception and more

2009-02-12 Thread Simon Kitching
On Thu, 2009-02-12 at 12:57 -0800, Heiß Michael wrote:
 I have created a webapplication using myfaces 1.2.6 / tomahawk 1.1.8 and
 richfaces 3.2.2 and tested this application successfully using a local
 tomcat 6 webserver.
 Now i tried to depoly the application to our windows 2003 x64 testserver who
 also runs tomcat 6, but now i got one error message after the other. 
 When i call an action or actionListener i get and BadPaddingException or
 ViewExpiredException every time. 
 I have read the issue MYFACES-1838 but the workarounds (set secret, turn off
 encryption, server side state saving) did not help me. Even they lead to new
 exceptions that tells me that the stream header is currupt.
 Now i simply do not know where to search for errors, because the application
 is working on my local server tomcat server without problems.

I suspect you have made some mistake when following the instructions you
found. As far as I know, the BadPaddingException is *always* caused by
the server trying to decode encrypted client-side state using a
different key than the data was encrypted with.

If you have really disabled encryption on the server, then AFAIK this
exception cannot happen. Therefore you must still have encryption

You can certainly tell whether you have correctly switched from
client-side-state to server-side-state: just look at the html generated
for a simple page. If there is a hidden field with a large amount of
ascii-encoded data in it, then you still have client-side-state-saving
turned on (possibly encrypted or not; that's harder to tell from just
looking at the field in the html).


Re: [Orchestra] Presence / absence of conversation?

2009-02-12 Thread Simon Kitching
On Thu, 2009-02-12 at 12:39 -0800, Guillaume Bilodeau wrote:
 Hi guys,
 I have just started playing with Apache Orchestra and am struggling to find
 extensive documentation on the project.  Are there any good tutorials out
 there?  The main web site does give some information but it feels too
 general for now since I don't yet have a good understanding of the

There is a book available (Myfaces and Facelets) which has a chapter
on Orchestra. But there is no online tutorial as far as I know.

I'm sorry the intro pages on the Orchestra website don't give you the
overview you need. These pages were intended to do that:

Feel free to ask questions, and when you do figure Orchestra out, please
let us know what we should add there!

There is an example webapp that demonstrates how to use orchestra. The
example apps are a bit rough (not everything works) but the basics are
demonstrated. You can download it from svn here:

 Otherwise, I have setup Orchestra to run in my web application and I'm
 wondering how to verify if things are working correctly.  The first thing I
 noticed is that without even declaring any beans of scope conversation.*,
 the application URL now has a conversationContext parameter appended to it. 
 Does this mean that a conversation has been opened or is it just for
 internal usage?

A context is a container for conversations, mainly meant to allow
different browser windows to work independently (a real problem with
normal JSF). But initially, this container is empty, ie no
conversations yet exist.

 I have also declared a simple Credentials bean of scope conversation.access
 which is bound to a login form and then used by a LoginController bean. 
 Within the LoginController.login() method, the Credentials bean is correctly
 injected and has the right information, but calling
 Conversation.getCurrentInstance() returns null.  Wasn't a conversation
 started when the first lookup to Credentials was done?

That call to getCurrentInstance will only work from *within* the
Credentials bean. The call returns the conversation that the caller is

With Spring or Seam conversations, a request has a conversation. With
Orchestra, a *bean* can belong to a conversation. So asking what is the
current conversation returns null except from within a bean that is of
conversation scope.

Internally, AOP interceptors are used to set up the current
conversation when methods on that bean are invoked, and unset it when
the method call returns. See the docs on the orchestra website for
further details.


Re: orchestra/datatable/datascroller LazyInitializationException

2009-02-11 Thread Simon Kitching
Mario Ivankovits schrieb:
 -Original Message-
 From: Carl Howarth []
 Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 11:56 AM
   bean name=searchParametersBean
 property name=serviceBean ref=serviceBean /
 property name=searchResultsBean ref=searchResultsBean /

   bean name=searchResultsBean

 Before orchestra, all collections were EAGERly fetched and the results
 was kept alive in the search results bean using a t:saveState / tag.
 Do you still use t:saveState too? Just in case, this should not be required 
 .. nor used as then the entity is detached.
 Also, when passing back the result, just pass back the primary key and reload 
 the entity from the result bean. An entity from another conversation is 
 detached once the conversation is invalidated/not accessed anymore, thus 
 reload the entity in the target conversation to have it associated with the 
 right EntityManager/PersistenceContext.

Ah yes. As Mario says, two beans that are in different conversations
cannot pass entity beans between themselves, because the different
conversations have different sessions, and a bean loaded from one
session cannot be used in a different session.

One solution (as Mario noted) is to just pass the key between the two
backing beans, and have the detail bean reload the entity using its
own persistence session.

The other approach is to put both beans in the same conversation, by
setting the conversationName property on the bean declarations. The
disadvantage here is that when you re-enter the detail page for a second
time, the backing bean is *not* recreated, because the conversation it
was in has not been deleted. So probably passing by key is the best

Regards, Simon

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Re: Problem Using Orchestra with Realm after Session-Timeout

2009-02-11 Thread Simon Kitching
I don't think this is anything to do with Orchestra.

This message:

 threw exception

says that Sun's class threw the exception, and
that it happened to be called from an executePhase that had an
OrchestraFacesContextFactory instance as a parameter.

It doesn't mean that the OrchestraFacesContextFactory class had anything
to do with the problem. It *might* be something related to orchestra,
but you would have to look at that line in the Mojarra (Sun JSF RI)
source code to tell what the actual problem is.

And as Kito pointed out, you really MUST say what software versions you
are using if you want help. Even after Kito pointed this out, you still
have not said what version of Mojarra you are using...

And by the way, Orchestra 1.3 is available...


Filip Lyncker schrieb:
 Dear Kito,
 We are using JSF(RI) and Orchestra.core v1.2 ... so do you have some
 ideas for me?
 thanks  regards,
 Kito Mann schrieb:

 Which version of the reference  implementation are you using, and
 which version of Orchestra?

 Sent from my iPhone

 On Feb 10, 2009, at 2:02 PM, Filip Lyncker wrote:

 Dear Group ,

 I have a problem in an enviroment with orchestra,jsf,spring  and
 authentikation using a tomcat realm.

 If the session timed out the user is redirected from the secured area
 to the login page wich is in the free-area. But the realm seems to
 store the last request.
 After login in the app crashes with a null pointer like shown in the
 Maybe I need to configure orchestra or spring in any way to handle
 that request?

 thanks a lot for help ..



 [21:01:28] Nabil : 10.02.2009 20:27:52
 com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl phase
 threw exception

 at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.phase(
 at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.execute(
 at javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service(


 at org.ajax4jsf.webapp.BaseXMLFilter.doXmlFilter(
 at org.ajax4jsf.webapp.BaseFilter.handleRequest(

 at org.ajax4jsf.webapp.BaseFilter.doFilter(


















 10.02.2009 20:27:52 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve invoke
 SCHWERWIEGEND: Servlet.service() for servlet Faces Servlet threw

Re: Problem Using Orchestra with Realm after Session-Timeout

2009-02-11 Thread Simon Kitching

I presume you're using server-side state-saving.

So the browser accesses foo.jsf, and is returned a page containing a
special hidden field that is the key of the saved state within the
user's http session on the server.

Then the user's http session times out.

The user clicks a submit button which posts back to foo.jsf, passing
the hidden state key as one of the form values.

The webserver realizes that the user has no http session, and therefore
no login. It therefore saves the current posted params, and redirects
to a login page. When the user fills in username/password and submits,
the server authenticates then continues with the original saved
submit. As you see in your filter, the http-session is a new one. All
the above is normal servlet container behaviour.

The JSF implementation will then see a request to restore state from the
session, with a specific key. But the session is empty, so the specified
view state cannot be ignored.

What normally happens then is that the JSF implementation will just log
an unable to restore view message to its logfile, and simply *render*
the specified page rather than doing a postback, just as if the user
had done a GET request for the url rather than a POST request.

Quite why you are getting an exception at this point rather than just
seeing the specified page rendered is unknown. There is probably some
library or class in your app that is assuming that on POST there is a
restored view - though in this special failed to find view case there
is not.

The question is *what* code is causing this problem. The easiest way is
probably to download the source jarfile for your mojarra (Sun RI)
version and put a breakpoint on the
method. Then just try it, and step through the mojarra code until you
see what the problem is.

Getting the source jarfile for MyFaces JSF is easy; we publish it in
the Maven repository along with the binary jarfiles. I don't know where
to find the source for Mojarra releases...


Filip Lyncker schrieb:
 Dear Simon,
 you're right, im sorry, Im using the version 1.2.03 of RI JSF. Yes I
 know there is a newer version also from orchestra. But first I tried to
 understand the problem than just to upgrade the version of my frameworks
 b/c I allways had a lot other problems than ...
 let me describe it a bit more:
 i include the SessionTimeoutFilter because I hope to find something
 there. If the session-timeout occurs, ill be redirected to the login
 page. If I
 relogin now, first I can stop in that filter. But the session is valid,
 but its a new one. If i would know what to do here everything would be
 1. I need to recognize that the user is coming from the loginpage ( and
 not from another party of my app )
 2. than I need to delete the restored stuff ( request URL or whatever)
 that will be crash my app or frameworks in the next second.
 as described in the servlet spezfication :  If the user is authorized,
 the client is redirected to the resource using the stored URL path.  
 this seems to be the problem , im not sure what all is transported in
 that url, or if there are more infos in it, but
 I think that maybe the orchestra or something around it, doesnt like the
 garbage from the user before..
 thanks again for helping me...
 Simon Kitching schrieb:
 I don't think this is anything to do with Orchestra.

 This message:

  WARNUNG: executePhase(RESTORE_VIEW1,
  threw exception

 says that Sun's class threw the exception, and
 that it happened to be called from an executePhase that had an
 OrchestraFacesContextFactory instance as a parameter.

 It doesn't mean that the OrchestraFacesContextFactory class had anything
 to do with the problem. It *might* be something related to orchestra,
 but you would have to look at that line in the Mojarra (Sun JSF RI)
 source code to tell what the actual problem is.

 And as Kito pointed out, you really MUST say what software versions you
 are using if you want help. Even after Kito pointed this out, you still
 have not said what version of Mojarra you are using...

 And by the way, Orchestra 1.3 is available...


 Filip Lyncker schrieb:
 Dear Kito,

 We are using JSF(RI) and Orchestra.core v1.2 ... so do you have some
 ideas for me?

 thanks  regards,


 Kito Mann schrieb:


 Which version of the reference  implementation are you using, and
 which version of Orchestra?

 Sent from my iPhone

 On Feb 10, 2009, at 2:02 PM, Filip Lyncker wrote:

 Dear Group ,

 I have a problem in an enviroment with orchestra,jsf,spring  and

Re: regarding my apache jars 1.6

2009-02-11 Thread Simon Kitching
srinivas schrieb:
 when i have switched myfaces jars from 1.0 to 1.0.6, I am getting this
 error log java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
 org.apache.myfaces.component.html.util.ExtensionsFilter Is there
 anything I am missing ?
 The application works fine with myfaces 1.0 jars.

The ExtensionsFilter is a tomahawk class.

Note that nothing in myfaces-core uses tomahawk classes, so it is
something else in your app that is referencing this class.

It looks like when you upgraded your app you somehow deleted the
tomahawk jarfile.

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Re: [orchestra] Navigation with new conversation context

2009-02-09 Thread Simon Kitching
Hi Bernd,

Dipl. -Ing. Winterstein Bernd schrieb:
 I try to open a new conversation context in a new browser window  when
 navigating to another page.
 The backing bean of the new page is in flash scope. The old one is
 manual scope.
 But when I use the o:separateConversationContext tag around the form
 the new page opens the current page again.
 Any ideas?
 rich:dataTable id=resultsTable
 value=#{doctorAnalysisController.results} var=info rows=20
 f:facet name=caption
 h:outputText value=Suchergebnisse /
 rich:column sortBy=#{}
 f:facet name=header
 h:outputText value=Nr. /
 a4j:htmlCommandLink value=#{}
   action=doctorDetails !-- navigation to detail
 view --
 actionListener=#{contactHistory.addContactId} !-- this is a session
 scope utility bean --
   f:attribute name=contactId
 value=#{} /

 rich:datascroller align=left id=resultsTableScroller
 for=resultsTable /

Orchestra intercepts all calls to
and ensures the param ?conversationContext=n is added.

Using o:separateConversationContext simply sets a flag to suppress this.

But you are using ajax controls. My suspicion is that when a partial
submit occurs, richfaces doesn't process any of the JSF components
outside the activated one. So for example when the a4j:htmlCommandLink
is activated, the o:separateConversationContext component simply never
gets run.

I can't be sure, as I've never tried using an ajax commandLink inside an
o:separateConversationContext tag before. But it seems the most likely

If this is true, then I'm not sure what the solution could be. If
richfaces really does not support running any ancestor components, then
how can the htmlCommandLink be marked as one that should be in a new

Perhaps a custom ActionListener could be created which looks in the
ancestry of the component that triggers the action, and activates an
o:separateConversationContext if it finds one. It should be possible to
do this without needing to modify Orchestra itself, ie you wouldn't need
to wait for an Orchestra patch in order to solve this issue (though
obviously it would be good for Orchestra to do this by default).

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Re: [sandbox]s:graphicImageDynamic simple url

2009-02-02 Thread Simon Kitching
alvaro tovar schrieb:
 i am loking for the url of s:graphicImageDynamic,
 look like
 also i see that the number 12332460 is not a constant, is there a url
 generic for the image?

This url is generated by Tomahawk's AddResources/ExtensionsFilter
feature that allows static resources (.js, .css, .png etc) to be served
out of a jarfile rather than having to be unpacked into the local

The /faces/myFacesExtensionResource/* path will be handled by the
Tomahawk ExtensionsFilter. The next part
(org.*.GraphicImageDynamicRenderer) is the class that the tomahawk
resources framework will invoke to actually return the resource.

The number is supposed to be generated at tomahawk jarfile compilation
time. This allows the browser to cache the specified resource, but
changes when a new jarfile is released so that stale cached resources do
not get used. This compile-time processing was actually broken for a
while (don't know if it has been fixed yet) causing this number to
actually be the webapp startup time; this also works ok for resource
caching (although not quite as efficient).

The url you quote looks a bit weird though. Normally the actual resource
name (eg foo.png) would be present at the end of the url. And if I
remember correctly, resource urls don't have query parameters (these
would intefere with caching). In addition, the query params really look
screwed up here. But I don't know anything about the
s:graphicImageDynamic component

As with all sandbox components, you are welcome to use the code but they
are not tested or reviewed to the level of proper (non-sandbox) tomahawk

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Re: Should backingbeans implement Stateholder or not?

2009-01-28 Thread Simon Kitching
Hi Andrej,

On Wed, 2009-01-28 at 19:36 +0100, Andrej Konkow wrote:
 Hi all,
 I have following problem:
 I have a jsf-page using a simple requestscoped backingbean, without any 
 customcomponents etc..
 I am using t:saveState to keep data between the requests.
 The backingbean is inheriting from a common base class in which a 
 HtmlInputDate is being used for an attributetype.
 Everything is working fine as long as I have defined the following in my 
 When changing this config to true I get the following:
 [2009-01-26 20:14:25,968] [http-8080-2] [ERROR] 
 javax.faces.webapp._ErrorPageWriter - An exception occurred
 I'm not quite sure whether this is a bug or a feature but I was not aware 
 that backingbeans should implement the Stateholder-interface...
 I had a short discussion in:

No, backing beans do not need to implement StateHolder. That is
necessary if you create a custom component (which is what I thought you
were doing because I didn't read your problem description carefully

What you need to do in your case is declare the member you store the
component-binding in as transient. Then when the view is serialized
and the backing bean gets serialized with it (because of t:saveState),
the java standard serialization does not try to serialize the
non-serializable member. When the view is restored on the next postback
jsf will reinitialize the binding value so marking this member as
transient should be all that you need.

Unfortunately in this case, it means modifying the common base class
you are inheriting from; hope you can do that. If you cannot do that,
then you might have to customize the serialization process (create a
writeObject method or similar) to first set the binding to null before
invoking normal serialization.

Effectively you are breaking the rule that bindings should only be to
request-scoped beans by using t:saveState which makes the bean scope
something longer than just request. Nulling out the binding before
serializing the bean fixes this..

 Could anybody please bring light into my thoughts? :-)
 The reason for me to try this change was that pages that work fine in a 
 normal clickflow throw an exception
 when waiting, let's say 90 min.
 javax.servlet.ServletException /jsp/app/time/projecttimes.jsfNo saved view 
 state could be found for the view identifier: /jsp/app/time/projecttimes.jsf

Unfortunately, I don't think that using t:saveState will help you here
anyway. The problem looks like the http session is timing out (90
minutes) so when the postback occurs, the old saved view is gone.
Putting your backing bean into the saved view won't change anything;
when the session goes and therefore the saved view is gone, you will
always get this error message.

This SERIALIZE_STATE_IN_SESSION flag just controls whether the data
stored in the session is compressed (serialized) or not. Leaving this
at the default value (true) is good because it also tests at the end of
each request that the view state *can* be serialized. Http-sessions can
be serialized in a number of situations: 
 * servlet engines can flush them to disk when memory is low
 * clustered servers need to serialize sessions to transfer them between
machines in the cluster
 * server hot-restart feature serializes sessions on stop and
deserializes them on restart.
If you set SERIALIZE_STATE_IN_SESSION to false, then the app appears to
work until you try to do one of the above. Then you get a big surprise.
It is better to have this set to true so that the program tells you
about potential problems earlier.

What I often do is embed a simple piece of javascript into pages which
sends a ping request to the server every minute or so. Then http
sessions will never time out while the browser is open. The http-session
timeout can then be set to a nice low value, like 10 minutes, which
helps ensure that memory is cleaned up when people really do leave the

Or you could use client-side state saving. Then if the session times
out, it doesn't matter (as long as you have no other important data in
the session) because the saved view tree (including your bean because of
t:saveState) is part of the data posted by the client.


Re: JSF datable empty rows, position of components in UI

2009-01-21 Thread Simon Kitching
Ayub Khan schrieb:
 Could any give some tips in resolving the below issues ?
 1) Display empty rows of data table in JSF, if the list which is bounded
 to datable is empty then I need to view atleast one empty row.
 2) UI has one datable and a form below it, I need to show the empty
 table if there are no records and there should be little space (gap)
 between Table and the form below. Currently there is no space between
 table and form and their position is also not fixed. Like as I add rows
 to the table the form below it is getting pushed below. How to fix the
 position of these two and also have a space between them.

h:panelGroup rendered=#{mybean.numRecords == 0}
  here goes the stuff you want to render when there are no records

h:dataTable rendered=#{mybean.numRecords  0}
  here goes the normal table

Regards, Simon
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Re: JSF 1.2 supports Bookmarking ???

2009-01-19 Thread Simon Kitching

Here's one way to manually insert query params into urls, and process
them. There may well be more elegant solutions, but this works.

You can build links with query params in them like this:

 f:param name=id value=20/

In an action method, you can manually do redirects like this:

  String handleSomeCommand()
String someUrl = /showUser?id=20;
FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentContext();
return null;

You can process query params by doing do something like this:

  h:outputText value=hack to get callback on start of page

and in backing bean:

  public boolean doInit()
if (this.initialized) return;

// here get the request params via facesContext.externalContext
// and initialise properties on this backing bean using the
// query params, eg setting currentUser based on the value of
// a query-param with name id


return false;


bansi schrieb:
 Hi Simon,
 Thank you so much for wonderful explanation of the problem. It provides lots
 of insights into the problem. I hope its useful to other members on the
 Luckily my requirement is to 
 Have couple of pages where we want urls with parameters in them.
 But i don't know how to accomplish the following
  Then you can manually add the necessary links and use tricks to
 manually check for and handle the parameters. 
 An simple example will be greatly appreciated
 Simon Kitching wrote:
 On Sun, 2009-01-18 at 08:52 -0800, bansi wrote:
 I am using JSF 1.2, RichFaces 3.1 wondering if any of these technologies
 support Bookmarking.
 Googling i found PrettyFaces, RestFaces extend JSF to support Bookmarking

 But we don't want to add new frameworks to our project and would like to
 it done with available frameworks.

 Any pointers/suggestions will be greatly appreciated 
 Bookmarkable pages within a webapp are a problem with JSF.

 The main issues are:

 The general problem is that JSF is intended to be a framework for
 building webapps with very rich/complex pages, ie pages with lots of
 html input components in them. And that means that there can be lots of
 data being passed back to a server on each submit. Therefore JSF takes
 the approach of using POST requests almost all the time - and those of
 course don't bookmark well.

 Some other frameworks do much better at generating bookmarkable urls -
 but may be much worse at handling complex pages. Like all things,
 finding one approach that handles both simple and complex requirements
 isn't easy.

 JSFs default approach for navigating from one page to another is for the
 first page to do a post, user logic determines what page to navigate to,
 and then a forward occurs internally within the webserver to render
 the next page, all within the same http request cycle. This is the
 most efficient for network traffic, but leads to the well-known browser
 url shows previous page problem because the browser shows what url it
 POSTed to, not what page eventually got rendered.

 You can fix (2) by using redirect/ in JSF navigation rules, at the
 cost of some performance. Unfortunately this also makes the server-side
 logic harder though. The normal approach of passing data from one page
 to the next page is via request-scoped variables, but that just doesn't
 work if a redirect/ is used, as the new page is rendered in a
 different http request. The Tomahawk RedirectTracker stuff tries to work
 around this, but it's not terribly elegant. See the myfaces wiki for
 further info on the limitations of redirect/

 Note however that using redirect still doesn't help if you want to
 create links that have *parameters* in them, eg
 JSF just assumes any params are in a form, not in a query.

 If you have just a couple of pages where you want urls with parameters
 in them, then you can manually add the necessary links and use tricks to
 manually check for and handle the parameters. But if it's more than a
 couple of pages, then using one of the libraries you listed above is
 definitely a better idea.

 The committee that is designing JSF are aware of the issue, but they
 haven't come up with any standard solution yet.



Re: JSF 1.2 supports Bookmarking ???

2009-01-18 Thread Simon Kitching
On Sun, 2009-01-18 at 08:52 -0800, bansi wrote:
 I am using JSF 1.2, RichFaces 3.1 wondering if any of these technologies
 support Bookmarking.
 Googling i found PrettyFaces, RestFaces extend JSF to support Bookmarking
 But we don't want to add new frameworks to our project and would like to get
 it done with available frameworks.
 Any pointers/suggestions will be greatly appreciated 

Bookmarkable pages within a webapp are a problem with JSF.

The main issues are:

The general problem is that JSF is intended to be a framework for
building webapps with very rich/complex pages, ie pages with lots of
html input components in them. And that means that there can be lots of
data being passed back to a server on each submit. Therefore JSF takes
the approach of using POST requests almost all the time - and those of
course don't bookmark well.

Some other frameworks do much better at generating bookmarkable urls -
but may be much worse at handling complex pages. Like all things,
finding one approach that handles both simple and complex requirements
isn't easy.

JSFs default approach for navigating from one page to another is for the
first page to do a post, user logic determines what page to navigate to,
and then a forward occurs internally within the webserver to render
the next page, all within the same http request cycle. This is the
most efficient for network traffic, but leads to the well-known browser
url shows previous page problem because the browser shows what url it
POSTed to, not what page eventually got rendered.

You can fix (2) by using redirect/ in JSF navigation rules, at the
cost of some performance. Unfortunately this also makes the server-side
logic harder though. The normal approach of passing data from one page
to the next page is via request-scoped variables, but that just doesn't
work if a redirect/ is used, as the new page is rendered in a
different http request. The Tomahawk RedirectTracker stuff tries to work
around this, but it's not terribly elegant. See the myfaces wiki for
further info on the limitations of redirect/

Note however that using redirect still doesn't help if you want to
create links that have *parameters* in them, eg
JSF just assumes any params are in a form, not in a query.

If you have just a couple of pages where you want urls with parameters
in them, then you can manually add the necessary links and use tricks to
manually check for and handle the parameters. But if it's more than a
couple of pages, then using one of the libraries you listed above is
definitely a better idea.

The committee that is designing JSF are aware of the issue, but they
haven't come up with any standard solution yet.


Re: How to Configure Search results using JSF/MyFaces

2009-01-18 Thread Simon Kitching
On an almost-off-topic subject: I've always found Hibernate's maxResult
facility to be quite useless. It limits the number of *SQL ROWS*
returned, not the number of *objects*. Therefore when table joins are
involved (and they often are) then the actual number of *objects* that
will be returned can be significantly different from the maxResult

Have other people had this problem, and if so is there a known solution?


On Sun, 2009-01-18 at 17:07 +, Cagatay Civici wrote:
 This is not a UI thing and I think should be handled at data access
 rather than UI level.
 Hibernate api supports maxResult so you can limit the number of rows
 On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 4:57 PM, bansi wrote:
 We use JSF 1.2, RichFaces 3.1, Spring 2.5, Hibernate 3.2 and
 have following
 The maximum number of rows returned must be configurable so
 that users
 don't query too much information.
 We are able to successfully implement search using RichFaces
 walk method of
 Serializable data model which provides dataScroller for
 Any pointers/suggestions will be greatly appreciated


Re: [ORCHESTRA] ReentrantLock

2009-01-17 Thread Simon Kitching
Hi Kito,

On Fri, 2009-01-16 at 17:44 -0600, Kito Mann wrote:
 I'm seeing the following output in the logs from Orchestra:
 org.apache.myfaces.orchestra.lib._ReentrantLock lockInterruptibly
 Waited for longer than 3 milliseconds for access to lock
 org.apache.myfaces.orchestra.lib._reentrantl...@1ec61ec6 which is
 locked by thread WebContainer : 0
 I'm not convinced there is a specific problem yet, but can someone
 explain under what circumstances I should expect to see this?

This is coming from Orchestra code that automatically makes sure that a
single ConversationContext is accessed only by one thread at a time.
When the request starts, a lock in the context is acquired. If a request
is already using that context then the new request has to wait until the
previous request is completed.

So this kind of message can occur when a view takes longer than 30
seconds to process, and then the same user tries to trigger a concurrent
access (eg is impatient and clicks on a submit button again). If that's
the situation in which you see this message, then all is ok. If you see
this in simple quickly-rendered pages, then there is definitely a
problem somewhere.

I do remember that there was a bug with Orchestra's locking code that
was fixed a while ago. The fix is definitely in the latest release
though - I presume you're using version 1.3.

The name of the thread that has the lock is WebContainer: 0, which
looks a bit odd to me. Which servlet engine is this? I'm sure Tomcat
does not name its threads like this.

Are you still experimenting with WebSphere? I suppose it might give its
request handling threads such a name, but it looks more like some kind
of special thread instead.  It could be useful to log the thread id for
ordinary requests (eg just change the log4j message format string) and
see if WebContainer:0 really is a normal request-handling thread. If
not, it would be useful to know what else that thread does...


Re: Input components with disabled=true

2009-01-16 Thread Simon Kitching
On Thu, 2009-01-15 at 20:28 +0100, Luca Graf wrote:
 Hello together,
 I got an problem with input components like h:selectBooleanCheckbox when i 
 use the attribute disabled=true. My scenario is that i have two checkboxes. 
 The second is initially set to disabled=true. Now the user should only get 
 access to the second if he changed the value of the first before. 
 My approach was, if the user changed the value of checkbox1 then i set the 
 attribute of checkbox2 via javascript to disabled=false.
 h:selectBooleanCheckbox id=checkbox1 onchange=var 
 element=document.getElementById('checkbox2'); if(element.disabled) 
 element.disabled = false; else element.disabled = true;
 h:selectBooleanCheckbox id=checkbox2 disabled=false/
 On the first it looks good, after the user has changed the value of the first 
 checkbox, the second is now accessible via html.
 But it looks that the value is doesn't send in the request to the server, 
 like the normal behavior for an input element with disabled=true.
 It is not enough to set disabled=false in HTML to get the value of checkbox2 
 to the server?

Use readonly instead of disabled. They appear the same to the user, but 
browsers send the state of readonly HTML elements back to the server on 
submit. Browsers ignore disabled HTML elements on submit, which is causing 
the problem.


Re: [myfaces-core] javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException: Input length must be multiple of 8 when decrypting with padded cipher

2009-01-14 Thread Simon Kitching
I meant issue

Simon Kitching schrieb:
 I've added a note on the bugzilla issue
 I don't believe this is a bug at all. Unless I've misunderstood
 something, it's just missing configuration.
 I think any of the following (in order of preference) should solve this:
 (1) in web.xml, define init-parameter org.apache.myfaces.SECRET to be
 some reasonably long string. The server will then use the same
 encryption secret after restart (instead of generating a key itself),
 and so will be able to decrypt old sessions.
 (2) in web.xml, define init-parameter
 org.apache.myfaces.USE_ENCRYPTION  to be false, in order to disable
 client-side state encryption.  Of course this potentially opens a
 security hole in the app.
 (3) use server-side state saving (only client-side state is encrypted)
 I also added a note on related issue MYFACES-1786:
 state *should* be encrypted by default; no system should default to
 being insecure.
 And by the way, this is all related to myfaces-core, and is nothing
 whatsoever to do with Trinidad. I've therefore changed the email subject
 Felix's original complaint is a little different from the jira issue
 referenced. That issue triggers only on servlet-container restart while
 Felix was claiming the problem popped up spontaneously. I suspect that
 there was actually a container restart happening there (eg the container
 is configured to watch for changes, and some watched file is being
 touched). Felix, you might want to check your logs : I bet that whenever
 this happens you are also getting a complete webapp restart, ie you've
 got something weird in your environment.
 Cagatay Civici schrieb:
 I've seen this error even in myfaces 1.2.2.

 There's an annoying problem with client side viewstate encryption.

 On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 2:53 PM, Matthias Wessendorf wrote:

 Hi know that there is some param on myfaces core for this.
 So, does that work with MyFaces 1.2.6 standalone ?
 Did this used to before upgrading to Trinidad 1.2.10 ?


 On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 2:52 AM, wrote:
  I've got a serious problem with my frontends. Extremely sudden the
  below is thrown. Restarting the Container does not work.
 Redeploying doesn't
  help immediately. I have to close all browser windows an redeploy the
  application many times until it works. The error is not
 reproducible and
  there is no root cause from one of our own classes. A simple
 frontend page
  (small login) which works fine hundreds of time suddenly fails and
 the whole
  application is down after this exception.
  Trinidad Version: 1.2.10
  MyFaces 1.2.6
  Is this problem / are any workarounds known?
  Shall I open a ticket in the JIRA?
  == logs/localhost.2009-01-14.log ==
  Jan 14, 2009 5:42:54 AM
 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve invoke
  SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet Faces Servlet threw exception
  javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException: Input length must be
 multiple of 8
  when decrypting with padded cipher
  at com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE_f.b(DashoA13*..)
  at com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE_f.b(DashoA13*..)
  at javax.crypto.Cipher.doFinal(DashoA13*..)

Re: Tomahawk besides trinidad

2009-01-13 Thread Simon Kitching
Leonardo Uribe schrieb:
 On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 4:46 AM, omid p wrote:
 I successfully use tomahawk but after i config trinidad in myproject
 some of component
 does not work correctly for example after i set action for
 h:commandLink action=#{beanName.method} / or
 h:commandButton action=#{beanName.method} /
 action never fired
 Trinidad has its own renderkit that overrides original h:commandLink and
 h:commandButton. The problem seems to be on your configuration.

One thought occurs to me..

I presume trinidad overrides the tomahawk stuff by adding a definition
in its faces-config.xml file.

As far as I can remember, the following is true (please feel free to
correct me if I've got something wrong):

The order in which faces-config.xml files are processed by a JSF
implementation is not defined in the spec. There is an informal
agreement between Apache and Sun that we process them in alphabetical
order of the jarfile-name - which means that happily tomahawk-*.jar
will be processed before trinidad-*.jar, and therefore trinidad
settings will override tomahawk.

But if the original poster is using an old or unusual JSF
implementation, or has renamed the jars for some reason then the order
of jarfile processing might be different. And if trinidad's jar is
processed *before* tomahawk's one then things will not work as expected.

omid: if you are using the MyFaces JSF implementation, then the logfiles
will contain information on which faces-config files are being processed
on startup (and in which order).


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Re: Possible Leak in MyFaces Orchestrea

2009-01-02 Thread Simon Kitching
Hi Steve,

I've created a bugreport for Orchestra to track this:

I think your suggestion of using the HttpSessionListener interface is a
good one. Unless someone objects, I will update Orchestra's
ConversationManagerSessionListener to implement this interface and
handle sessionDestroyed directly rather than relying on the container. I
can't see how it could cause problems for other containers. Iterating
over the attrs is a minor performance hit for apps with very large
numbers of http-session attributes, but if the webpp is so complex then
this loop is unlikely to be significant.

I will try to find time to do this in the next few days.

There are a couple of other minor Orchestra fixes that it would be nice
to get addressed, so it is probably time to look at getting an
orchestra-3.1 release out in the next month or so.

Thanks for your very clear problem report..


Steve Ronderos schrieb:


 Sorry about the top-post I wasn't thinking (and my email client is a

 I too looked around for the spec on what should happen when a session
 times out.  We are using OC4J :-( .  I'll file a bug report with them.  

 There was a workaround I was toying with that could be added to
 Orchestra if you think it is valuable.

 I was essentially going to add an HttpSessionListener that removes
 attributes when the session times out.

 *public* *class* AttributeRemovalSessionListener *implements*
 HttpSessionListener {

   *public* *void* sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent se) {}

   *public* *void* sessionDestroyed(HttpSessionEvent se) {
 EnumerationString e = _se.getSession().getAttributeNames()_;
*while* (e.hasMoreElements()) {

 With proper exception handling I believe that these methods and the
 HttpSessionListener interface could instead be added to the
 ConversationManagerSessionListener.  I have tested the above listener
 in OC4J and it works, if you think it is worth looking into I could
 test it out on some other Containers to make sure that it doesn't make
 a mess of things.  

 Do you think this kind of solution is worth investigating?  Otherwise
 I can look at other workarounds.


 Steve Ronderos

 From: Simon Kitching
 To:   MyFaces Discussion
 Date: 12/31/2008 10:03 AM
 Subject:  Re: Possible Leak in MyFaces Orchestrea


 Hi Steve,

 First, PLEASE do not top-post (ie put your reply at the top of an email)
 when someone has previously used bottom-posting. It is really annoying
 and makes the email almost impossible to read sensibly.

 I've double-checked the servlet spec, and while I can't find explicit
 wording that says that session timeout triggers removeAttribute on all
 top-level attributes of the session, the docs here do imply it:

 Apache Tomcat is the servlet engine I use mostly, and it certainly does
 do this. So a bugreport to your servlet-container vendor is probably a
 good idea.

 I'm happy to add a workaround in orchestra for this problem, though, if
 we can find one. I don't see how adding HttpSessionBindingListener to
 ConversationManager will help though; that will mean the
 ConversationManager needs to be able to obtain a reference to the
 ConversationManagerSessionListener which is not easily done.

 Possibly the ConversationManagerSessionListener could add a dummy object
 into each session, and this dummy object can then implement
 HttpSessionBindingListener and contain a reference to the
 ConversationManagerSessionListener. It probably needs to be transient
 though (should't be distributed in clustered environments). And it
 somehow also needs to handle session passivation/activation correctly.

 If you can create a suitable patch for this issue, I would be happy to
 review and apply it. Otherwise I'll try to find some time to come up
 with a solution but it won't be for at least a few weeks.

 By the way, what servlet container are you using (not that crappy
 Websphere I hope; it's riddled with non-spec-compliant behaviour...)


 On Tue, 2008-12-30 at 10:43 -0600, Steve Ronderos wrote:
  Thanks for responding!
  I didn't know about the ConversationManagerSessionListener, after
  poking at it for a little, I think I understand how it all works now.
   Unfortunately I'm still experiencing the leak.  
  I see in the Listener that it removes the ConversationManager objects
  in the method attributeRemoved.  Is it required for an HttpSession to
  remove it's attributes and therefore cause attributeRemoved to be
  called?  I believe the web container we are using does not cause
  attributeRemoved to be called

Re: using orchestra with jsf

2009-01-02 Thread Simon Kitching
sarathmavilla schrieb:
 Simon Kitching wrote:
 Hi Sarath,

 On Wed, 2008-12-31 at 02:46 -0800, sarathmavilla wrote:
 iam new to myfaces orchestra and i dont know how to use it in my
 i search for samples of conversations, but i cant get it.
 can u please give the samples how to use conversation in jsf application
 with parent child conversations used in popup windows and tab windows.

 i tried using beans with our own conversation scope.but i cant get the
 values from popup windows to my main window.

 where can i get the samples for this whole.
 The examples module is listed on the orchestra website:

 There isn't much description there, but the source repository link
 points to here:
 from where you can download some examples.

 As far as I remember, there aren't any examples dealing with multiple
 windows though.

 When a new window (or browser tab) is opened, you need to make sure that
 the URL does NOT contain a conversationContext query parameter; the
 o:separateConversationContext tag can help with this.

 The new window then runs in its own ConversationContext, ie it cannot
 access any of the conversation-scoped variables from the original
 window. Having two separate windows accessing the same conversation data
 has such nasty consequences that it is just better to avoid this

 So if you need to pass data back to the original conversation somehow,
 then you need to do it using some way other than modifying objects in
 conversation-scope. The way I usually do it is the old-fashioned
 approach of storing data as query-params in the URL.


 Hi Simon,

 thnks for responding.
 Can u tell me the simple way to get an existing bean in conversation ???

I'm not quite sure what you are asking here. Can you explain your
question more?

Regards, Simon

Re: using orchestra with jsf

2008-12-31 Thread Simon Kitching
Hi Sarath,

On Wed, 2008-12-31 at 02:46 -0800, sarathmavilla wrote:
 iam new to myfaces orchestra and i dont know how to use it in my
 i search for samples of conversations, but i cant get it.
 can u please give the samples how to use conversation in jsf application
 with parent child conversations used in popup windows and tab windows.
 i tried using beans with our own conversation scope.but i cant get the
 values from popup windows to my main window.
 where can i get the samples for this whole.

The examples module is listed on the orchestra website:

There isn't much description there, but the source repository link
points to here:
from where you can download some examples.

As far as I remember, there aren't any examples dealing with multiple
windows though.

When a new window (or browser tab) is opened, you need to make sure that
the URL does NOT contain a conversationContext query parameter; the
o:separateConversationContext tag can help with this.

The new window then runs in its own ConversationContext, ie it cannot
access any of the conversation-scoped variables from the original
window. Having two separate windows accessing the same conversation data
has such nasty consequences that it is just better to avoid this

So if you need to pass data back to the original conversation somehow,
then you need to do it using some way other than modifying objects in
conversation-scope. The way I usually do it is the old-fashioned
approach of storing data as query-params in the URL.


Re: Possible Leak in MyFaces Orchestrea

2008-12-31 Thread Simon Kitching
Hi Steve,

First, PLEASE do not top-post (ie put your reply at the top of an email)
when someone has previously used bottom-posting. It is really annoying
and makes the email almost impossible to read sensibly.

I've double-checked the servlet spec, and while I can't find explicit
wording that says that session timeout triggers removeAttribute on all
top-level attributes of the session, the docs here do imply it:

Apache Tomcat is the servlet engine I use mostly, and it certainly does
do this. So a bugreport to your servlet-container vendor is probably a
good idea.

I'm happy to add a workaround in orchestra for this problem, though, if
we can find one. I don't see how adding HttpSessionBindingListener to
ConversationManager will help though; that will mean the
ConversationManager needs to be able to obtain a reference to the
ConversationManagerSessionListener which is not easily done.

Possibly the ConversationManagerSessionListener could add a dummy object
into each session, and this dummy object can then implement
HttpSessionBindingListener and contain a reference to the
ConversationManagerSessionListener. It probably needs to be transient
though (should't be distributed in clustered environments). And it
somehow also needs to handle session passivation/activation correctly.

If you can create a suitable patch for this issue, I would be happy to
review and apply it. Otherwise I'll try to find some time to come up
with a solution but it won't be for at least a few weeks.

By the way, what servlet container are you using (not that crappy
Websphere I hope; it's riddled with non-spec-compliant behaviour...)


On Tue, 2008-12-30 at 10:43 -0600, Steve Ronderos wrote:
 Thanks for responding! 
 I didn't know about the ConversationManagerSessionListener, after
 poking at it for a little, I think I understand how it all works now.
  Unfortunately I'm still experiencing the leak.   
 I see in the Listener that it removes the ConversationManager objects
 in the method attributeRemoved.  Is it required for an HttpSession to
 remove it's attributes and therefore cause attributeRemoved to be
 called?  I believe the web container we are using does not cause
 attributeRemoved to be called.  Inside of the container we use when
 the session is invalidating the attributes are searched for instances
 of HttpSessionBindingListener.  Each instance that is found has its
 valueUnbound method called.  If I'm interpreting this correctly, that
 means that for ConversationManager objects not to leak in my
 container, they will need to implement this HttpSessionBindingListener
 interface and remove themselves from the ConversationWiperThread in
 the valueUnbound method.  Or the container would have to call
 removeAttribute when the session times out. 
 Does this sound correct? 
 At this point do you think it is an issue with my web container that I
 should file with the vendor? Or is this something that needs to change
 in Orchestra to accommodate the container. 
 Steve Ronderos 
 Simon Kitching 
 MyFaces Discussion 
 12/27/2008 03:59 AM 
 Re: Possible Leak in MyFaces
 On Tue, 2008-12-23 at 10:30 -0600, Steve Ronderos wrote:
  Hello Orchestra Users,
  I posted the following message to the developers mailing list a few
  weeks ago and had no response. 
  I was wondering if anyone has any information on a potential memory
  leak that I see in Orchestra 1.2. 
  It appears to me that conversationManagers in gets new ConversationManager objects
  added to it but they are only removed through some serialization
  method (I don't fully understand the distributed serialization stuff
  since I have never used it).  I think that this leak is pretty
  small... on the order of 10s of bytes per ConversationManager, but
  long lasting high traffic apps that could eventually become a
  Is there something that I have overlooked that ensures that these
  cleaned up? Is this an accepted shortcoming of Orchestra?  Should I
  file a JIRA issue? 
 Hi Steve,
 I don't believe there is a problem here.
 There is one ConversationManager instance per http-session. It gets
 created when needed (when something calls
 ConversationManager.getInstance) and is deleted when the http-session
 gets deleted.
 There is one ConversationWiperThread instance per webapp. It never
 creates or destroys ConversationManager instances. However it does
 inside them in order to destroy Conversation and ConversationContext
 objects that timeout.
 Unfortunately, there is no javax.servlet api for getting a list of all
 the HttpSession objects

Re: How to get hold of the event queue in JSF?

2008-12-30 Thread Simon Kitching
Madhav Bhargava schrieb:

 However I am stuck because I do not know how to get hold of the event
 queue. Can anyone throw some light?

I won't comment on the general approach; I haven't got time at the
moment to understand all of that.

Specifically about the event queue:

The event-queue is held on the UIViewRoot class as a private member.
The UIComponent.queueEvent method will add objects to the queue.

The UIViewRoot then removes the events from the queue at the appropriate
time and calls
on each as it is removed.

But I'm not aware of any way to peek at the event queue.

The events do bubble up from the component that queued it to the
UIViewRoot, so if you placed some other component in the ancestry that
overrides the queueEvent method, then it will see the event being
queued. Not very elegant though.

Otherwise I think you'll need to try to solve your problem by some other


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Re: Possible Leak in MyFaces Orchestrea

2008-12-27 Thread Simon Kitching
On Tue, 2008-12-23 at 10:30 -0600, Steve Ronderos wrote:
 Hello Orchestra Users,
 I posted the following message to the developers mailing list a few
 weeks ago and had no response. 
 I was wondering if anyone has any information on a potential memory
 leak that I see in Orchestra 1.2. 
 It appears to me that conversationManagers in gets new ConversationManager objects
 added to it but they are only removed through some serialization
 method (I don't fully understand the distributed serialization stuff
 since I have never used it).  I think that this leak is pretty
 small... on the order of 10s of bytes per ConversationManager, but for
 long lasting high traffic apps that could eventually become a problem.
 Is there something that I have overlooked that ensures that these are
 cleaned up? Is this an accepted shortcoming of Orchestra?  Should I
 file a JIRA issue? 

Hi Steve,

I don't believe there is a problem here.

There is one ConversationManager instance per http-session. It gets
created when needed (when something calls
ConversationManager.getInstance) and is deleted when the http-session
gets deleted.

There is one ConversationWiperThread instance per webapp. It never
creates or destroys ConversationManager instances. However it does peek
inside them in order to destroy Conversation and ConversationContext
objects that timeout.

Unfortunately, there is no javax.servlet api for getting a list of all
the HttpSession objects. Therefore in order for the
ConversationWiperThread to know what ConversationManager objects exist,
the ConversationManagerSessionListener class registers itself as a
SessionListener object on the webapp, and detects when a
ConversationManager object is added to an HttpSession.

The ConversationWiperThread does add these references into a non-weak
map, so if they were never removed from the map that would indeed be a
leak - when the http session is destroyed there would still be a
reference to the ConversationManager.

However if you look at ConversationManagerSessionListener you will see
that when an http session is destroyed, the ConversationManager instance
(if any) in that session is removed from the wiper-thread's map.

So as far as I know, there is no leak.

There is also one other issue: the container can passivate a session
(write it out to disk to free up memory). In this case, we also need to
remove the ConversationManager from the wiper-thread. The
sessionWillPassivate and sessionDidActivate methods in
ConversationManagerSessionListener should handle that case too.

If you see any other way in which a memory leak can occur, please let us


Re: [JSF] using ActionListener for executing different actions from table

2008-12-19 Thread Simon Kitching
Anton Gavazuk schrieb:
 Hi all,

 Im making the master-detail scenario via ActionListeners and want to
 use the same ActionListener

 is there any easy way to know which link in table row performs the action?
This should be covered by most JSF textbooks.

There is also a page on the myfaces wiki. This page:
has a link to here:
which hopefully answers your question.


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Re: htmLib tag library query

2008-12-19 Thread Simon Kitching
Yep, you should definitely ditch htmLib. It's only a workaround for the
problems JSF1.1+JSP had mixing static and dynamic content. With
JSF1.2+JSP, this is solved. Or even better, move to Facelets.

That still doesn't solve the original question though: is it better to
lay out pages using raw html tags or h:panelGrid.

Personally, I would suggest using plain html + CSS is better. The
h:panelGrid generates html table components for html layout, which is
generally regarded as being ugly; instead a page's html should represent
the meaningful structure of the data, then CSS style rules should be
used to control the actual layout on the page. Of course this approach
does mean
(a) your team may need to improve their knowledge of CSS, and
(b) backwards support for old browsers is not so easy (in particular,
CSS positioning is dodgy in IE6 and completely broken in earlier IE


Ali Ok schrieb:
 Hi Ayub,

 Main purpose of that library is providing HTML tag flexibility before
 JSF 1.2. Before JSF 1.2, nonJSF HTML tags should be enclosed in
 f:verbatim. So, htmLib is helping you writing HTML tags without
 f:verbatim, because it has most HTML tags as JSF tags.

 If you are suggested to avoid htmLib, you can use JSF 1.2 compliant
 MyFaces version and just write HTML tags.
 Of course there is some limitations. For example, you can't just write
 a h:commandButton inside a form instead of h:form.

 Also, you can use Facelets for rendering.


 2008/12/18 Ayub Khan

 We are using htmLib tag library listed at website.

 We are using this tag as it will give us flexibility to design the
 complex forms in jsf. We have not found any issues with this tag.
 However my architect is suggesting not to use this tag, his
 argument is that its not a standard jsf tag and instead use
 h:panelGrid tag.

 I am not able to use h:panelGrid as it does not give me enough
 felxibility on the layout of components.

 Could any one let me know their openions here ?


 -- Two roads diverged in a wood
 And I took the one less traveled by
 And that has made all the difference.

 Robert Frost.

Re: [JSF] using ActionListener for executing different actions from table

2008-12-19 Thread Simon Kitching
Ah. So in that case, Andrew understood your question correctly and I did
not. You really *did* mean which link in table row...

Yes, you *can* add an id to each of the commandLink components; there is
only one instance of each column no matter how many rows there are in
the table (table components uses the flyweight pattern). Note that the
clientId is different for each row, as the table automatically ensures
that components have clientId values of

So just go ahead and add the ids, then as you (and Andrew) point out,
the ActionEvent passed to the processClick method will return the
component whose id (not clientId) you can then check.

By the way, I normally ignore emails that have mixed posting style (see
my original sig). But as it's Christmas...


On Fri, 2008-12-19 at 21:10 +0200, Anton Gavazuk wrote:
 Hi Simon, Andrew
 thanks for the answers,
 sure, my question is confusing - I meant how to do something like:
 !-- its link1 --
   h:commandLink action=actionA actionListener=processClick
 !-- its link2 --
   h:commandLink action=actionB actionListener=processClick
 So my question was how to define in processClick that user clicks on
 link1 or on click 2?
 you cannot put certain Id in link component - its table, so id must be
 unique and its  generated by component,
 and actionEvent.getComponent() returns something like id_lnk_141413
 - sure, not very meaningful :)
 So for now I have gone with separate methods for every actionListener.
 2008/12/19 Simon Kitching
  Anton Gavazuk schrieb:
  Hi all,
  Im making the master-detail scenario via ActionListeners and want to
  use the same ActionListener
  is there any easy way to know which link in table row performs the 
  This should be covered by most JSF textbooks.
  There is also a page on the myfaces wiki. This page:
  has a link to here:
  which hopefully answers your question.
  -- Emails in mixed posting style will be ignored
  -- (

Re: javax.faces.application.ViewExpiredException:

2008-12-18 Thread Simon Kitching
Vinaya Tirikkovalluru schrieb:



 We have upgraded from Tomahawk 1.1.6 to Tomahawk 1.1.8

 After this, we have been getting a lot of

 I was under the impression that
 javax.faces.application.ViewExpiredException is caused only when the
 session expires.

 Anybody else had this problem earlier?

 Could any one please tell me what are the other scenarios where this
 is caused?

Firstly, note that this applies only when server-side-state-saving is
enabled. A ViewExpiredException will never occur with

Myfaces keeps a cache of previous views in the session. At the start of
each render phase, a new view key is allocated, and written into a
hidden field in the html form. At the end of the render phase, the
current view is stored into the cache using that key.

On postback, if the view key specified by the posted form data does
not match any entry in the cache, then a ViewExpiredException is reported.

The cache has a fixed size, so that a user session does not grow
continuously; when a view is stored into a full cache, the oldest entry
is discarded. This allows a fixed-size number of back button clicks to
work (the submitted form will contain an old view key). The actual
number is configurable.

Unfortunately this approach does not work too well if an application has
multiple windows open; there is still just one cache, so if one window
is used repeatedly then it will eventually push the saved view for other
open windows out of the cache; then submitting the other window will
cause a ViewExpiredException. Unfotunately http provides no way to know
which window is which, so it is not possible to have a per-window cache.

But all this view-cache-management is done by the jsf core
implementation, *not* tomahawk. So I cannot think why upgrading Tomahawk
is causing problems for you. Hopefully the above info will help you
figure out what the actual problem is..


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Re: t:inputFileUpload Default URL

2008-12-17 Thread Simon Kitching
Hi Marcus,

AFAIK, what you want cannot be done. The upload file functionality is
build upon the standard HTML input type=file tag. Nothing can be
done by the JSF framework that the input type=file tag does not
support. And this html tag does not provide any option to set the
starting directory.

As I'm sure you can understand, browsers must not allow html pages to
read stuff from the local disk unless the user explicitly agrees.
Anything else would be a huge security hole. So the only way for a page
to get files sent from the browser back to the server is via this one
input type=file tag (unless you start using signed applets or
activeX or similar).

As you can see here
the input type=file tag does support an accept attribute that will
filter what types of files will be displayed, but provides no way for
the html page to suggest a starting directory. There are no other
options for this html tag.

As Ali noted, the dir attribute on the t:inputFileUpload tag is
nothing to do with directory names; dir is short for language
direction, ie supports languages like Arabic that are written
right-to-left as well as languages like English (left-to-right).


m4rkuz schrieb:
 Sorry If I did not make myself clear,

 Let me explain further, I have a t:inputFileUpload that is represented
 as a input text and a button, when you click the button a dialog
 apears asking to select a file, what I want to do is to make this
 dialog opens a default dinamic folder on the disk, like when you an
 user click it it would open a dialog showing the default path for that

 Any ideas?

 Marcus V. Sánchez D.
 Enterprise Developer.
 Sun Certified Java Programmer (SCJP)

 PD: English is not my native language, help me a little ;)

 On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 4:48 AM, Ali Ok wrote:

 Hi Marcus,

 What do you mean setting a default value in the dir attribute?
 Are you modifying tld file?
 Do you mean you want to change text direction to RTL?

 Ali Ok

 2008/12/16 m4rkuz

 Hi everyone, I'm suscessfully using the t:inputFileUpload tag,
 but now I have a problem setting a default value in the dir
 attribute of the  Tag...

 any Ideas?

 Best Regards,

 Marcus V. Sánchez D.
 Enterprise Developer.

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Re: [Orchestra] NullPointerException in org.apache.myfaces.orchestra.conversation.ConversationWiperThread

2008-12-17 Thread Simon Kitching
Hi Petr,

Juza Petr schrieb:
 I have noticed that our application generates the following error (to
 standard output):
 Exception in thread

 I haven't found any visible effects of this error in the application. 

 We use MyFaces Orchestra version 1.3, JSF 1.2, MyFaces (1.2.4)
 implementation with Tomahawk (1.1.7), jdk1.5.0_16 and facelets (1.1.14).

I've had a quick look at the code, and it does look like an orchestra
bug. I've therefore created an issue:

As noted in that bugreport, the effect is that conversation and
conversation-context timeouts are disabled, as the wiper thread stops.
But there should be no other side-effects. As long as you use
access-scoped conversations, and correctly close your manual-scoped
conversations there will be no problem. For abandoned manual-scoped
conversations, the memory will be leaked until the user's http-session

I'm not sure why I don't see this exception in my logs; I'll look into
this when I can find some free time.

Thanks for reporting this.

Regards, Simon

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Re: how to prevent extensive logging for myfaces and tomahawk when server starts?

2008-12-17 Thread Simon Kitching
Andreas Niemeyer schrieb:

 When the application server starts, there is an extensive logging
 outcome from  the myfaces libraries. How can I suppress this? Can I
 remove the faces-config from the jars?

Myfaces and Tomahawk both use Apache commons-logging, which will of
course forward to whatever real logging library you have in your
classpath. So you just need to configure whatever real logging library
is being used to filter out the message categories you don't want. This
is standard logging configuration stuff, and not specific to myfaces.


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Re: Post form to external url with method invocation

2008-12-16 Thread Simon Kitching schrieb:

 I'm implementing a payment to a bank from JSF application. I need to
 pass some prameters to an external https URL of the bank by POST method.

 I could do it with just plain form:

 FORM name=form action=; METHOD=POST
 INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN name=MID value=123
 INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN name=AMT value=12345.60

 But I also need to call a bean method that logs the submitted values to

 Maybe I could post the form from bean action method but how?
The Apache httpclient project provides a library that makes it easy to
generate http requests. You could use this lib from within your action



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Re: Configure ConversationContext timeout in Orchestra

2008-12-15 Thread Simon Kitching

Hi Steve,

I've double-checked, and it does indeed look like there is no way to
configure the ConversationContext timeout.

Do you want to *increase* or *reduce* the default timeout?

If you are looking at reducing the timeout then I would mostly agree with
Jacob: setting the ConversationContext timeout is not usually very
important. The ConversationManager (which holds the ConversationContexts) is
in the http-session, so as soon as the session times out all this data goes.
This is normally sufficient. And a ConversationContext object itself doesn't
take up much memory; the Conversation objects held in it do, but they *will*
time out and be removed.

There are two cases in which reducing the context timeout is mildly useful:
(i) when a webapp only uses Orchestra in a few not-often-used parts. In this
case, the session will stay alive while the user is active in other parts of
the app.
(ii) when a user has opened multiple browser windows, does some
orchestra-relatde requests then closes some browser windows. In this case,
there is (or should be) a separate context per windows, but the ones for the
closed windows will continue to exist until the (non-configurable) timeout
(or the http session expires).

If you want to *increase* the timeout, so data doesn't get discarded when
the user is inactive then this is trickier. I would suggest using javascript
or meta-tags in the generated html page to do periodic pings of the
server; this is a more general solution to http session timeouts that I
often use. It ensures that the http session remains alive for as long as the
browser is open, regardless of the http session timeout selected.

Despite the above, there really *should* be a configuration option for this,
so I have created issue


Jacob Mathew-2 wrote:
 What is the motivation for setting a timeout for the context? Ultimately
 are interested in the deletion of beans in a conversation right? Can you
 achieve that by setting the timeouts on the conversations directly? Every
 bean in a conversationContext is inside a conversation...
 On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 11:40 AM, Steve Ronderos

 Hello Users,

 I've looked around for documentation on how to override the 30 minute
 out default that is set for ConversationContext in Orchestra.

 I'm able to configure the Conversation timeout fine for both
 conversation.access and conversation.manual, but I have been unable to
 the configuration for ConversationContexts.

 Does anyone know how I can configure this setting?


 Steve Ronderos

View this message in context:
Sent from the MyFaces - Users mailing list archive at

Re: Displaying messages over the content - generated by the content?

2008-12-12 Thread Simon Kitching
Madhav Bhargava schrieb: schrieb:

 I've got a JSF page divided in 2 parts - the status message area and
 the content area. The content area is positioned under the status
 message area. In the status area all messages for the user should be
 shown - for example success messages, error messages and exceptions.
 In my content area I've got a tr:dataTable
 value=#{myBean.values}... When the method getValues() of myBean
 throws an exception, I'm catching this exception. I want to display
 this exception in the status message area - but this does not work -
 apparently because the status area is already rendered when the
 content el-methods are called. Is there any solution for this problem?
 Is it possible to render the status area at last?

 One quick solution can be to call a javascript function on onload. This 
 function can do an ajax submit and re-render the status area of your JSP. If 
 there are any error messages then that will displayed else nothing will be 
 If you want more control then do not add the FacesMessage to the 
 FacesContext, instead handle it yourself.
Will re-rendering messages using a separate ajax request work?

FacesMessage objects are attached to the FacesContext, not the view. And
a FacesContext is a request-scoped object. So AFAIK, a second request
will always see an empty messages list...


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Re: JSF servlet request in action method or navigation rule to get binary servlet data?

2008-12-11 Thread Simon Kitching
I think that what Andreas is doing is:

(1) access a JSF page -- renders html
(2) click on command-component in page, causing a submit
(3) in action-handler method, send an http-redirect to the browser
(4) browser then does a GET to the redirect address, which maps to a servlet
(5) the servlet generates a PDF as response, with appropriate http-headers
(6) the server sees that the response mime-type is not HTML, so creates
a new window to hold the PDF. The original browser window is left with
the same HTML it had at (1)

The browser window has simply not changed at all since (1), although a
JSF lifecycle has run on the server. So of course any messages are still

Andreas, I have had to do something similar in the past, but took a
different approach. In the action-handler method I just put some data in
session-scope, and then rendered a JSF page that contains some
javascript to do a GET request to the pdf-generation servlet (a META
refresh tag might also work). The PDF servlet then used the
session-scoped data to generate the appropriate PDF document.


Bernd Bohmann schrieb:
 Hello Andreas,

 is your action immediate=true ?



 Andreas Niemeyer schrieb:
 yippi :)

 Thank you all!


 Richard Yee schrieb:
 Try using



 On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 6:27 AM, Andreas Niemeyer

 It works.

 The only problem is the left space from the invisible div tag.


 div id=error_messages style=color: darkred;visibility: visible 
t:messages id=error_messages showDetail=true

 h:commandButton id=reportbutton
 action=#{pdfreport.createPDFReport} /


 function clearMessages(aMessagesID) {
var divelement = document.getElementById(aMessagesID);'hidden';

 Andreas Niemeyer schrieb:
 Hello Helmut,

 Good proposal to handle this about JavaScript before send the form.
 give it a trial.

 Kind regards,

 Helmut Swaczinna schrieb:
 Hello Andreas,

 I don't think Tobago or JSF can clear the messages for you. But you
 clear the messages on the page  yourself  with
 some javascript before the action for the PDF generation gets

 For example:


 function clearMessagesAndSubmit(actionId) {
  // Find messages and clear them
  Var message = document.getElenemtById('page:message');
  message.value = ;
  Tobago.submitAction(actionId, false);

 I haven't tried this, but I think it should work.


 - Original Message - From: Andreas Niemeyer
 Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 11:11 AM
 Subject: Re: JSF servlet request in action method or navigation
 rule to
 get binary servlet data?

 Hello Bernd,

 Yes, I did.

 There seems to be no way to get previous messages away due I don't
 the page reloaded.

 I'll open a new thread and try to describe in more detail the

 Thank you.


 Bernd Bohmann schrieb:
 Hello Andreas,

 are you calling
 FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().responseComplete() ?



 Andreas Niemeyer schrieb:
 Hello Bernd,

 Thank you for response.

 Unfortunatly I have to use this servlet as a pdf dynamic provider.

 The redirect works fine so far, but another thing happened.

 Due some validation rules in the same method, a previous custom
 FacesMessage stays displayed and only after a page reload it goes

 Have someone an idea?


 Bernd Bohmann schrieb:
 Hello Andreas,

 maybe this help:

 You don't need a Servlet for sending binary data from jsf.

 The magic is the responseComplete() method.

 Please look at the Section

 2.1.3 Faces Request Generates Non-Faces Response

 of the jsf 1.1 spec.



 Andreas Niemeyer schrieb:

 I would like to send form data from a JSF page for a servlet
 with a navigation rule.

 The servlet returns a content type of application/pdf and is
 in a context path.

 If I call it from within a action method, it works with following

 public String createPDFReport() {
  FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
  ExternalContext ext = context.getExternalContext();

  String vServletPath = /context_path/pdf-test;

  return call_servlet;

 My context is a portal, I'm using the JSF portal bridge.

 The web.xml looks like:


Re: Thread safety for Orchestra access scope

2008-12-11 Thread Simon Kitching
Hi Jacob,

Thanks very much for your comments.

I don't believe that guessing the conversationcontextid is
significant, because the id is per-session. As you point out, someone
*can* maliciously try to guess the value, thereby creating race
conditions for data *in their own session*. But I don't see any way to
expand that to corrupt data in other sessions or create a
denial-of-service for anyone else. If you can think of a way someone can
use this to affect anyone other than themself, please let me know!

Note that having two tabs or windows with the same conversationContextId
is a bad idea; separate windows should have separate
conversationContextId values. The per-context locking is really just to
ensure that things like users double-clicking on a submit button don't
cause races. If the user can select the same view in two different
windows, and you use the same conversationContextId (or a session-scoped
backing bean) then the two windows will interact in unpleasant ways.
Having different conversationContextIds ensures that the backing bean
instance is *different* for the two windows, so no nasty interactions occur.

Note also that if you want multiple windows, you really should select

See here for more details:

That's the reason there isn't much documentation on the conversation
locking feature of Orchestra; apps should use different
conversationContextIds for different windows. The locking is just a
safety measure for some odd corner cases, not a major user feature.


Jacob Mathew schrieb:
 It should be noted that the border case where the first request
 creates a new conversationcontext is not completely sound. In this
 scenario, no lock is acquired because nothing else can refer to that
 newly created [conversationcontext] id until the response for this
 request has been sent back to the client browser. This is not true.
 The second request can simply guess the conversationcontext id which
 is a simple alphanumeric increment. Admittedly not a situation likely
 to happen unless someone was explicitly trying to break the
 application, but a legitimate hole nonetheless.


 On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 4:14 PM, Jacob Mathew wrote:

 The source code for Orchestra provided the answer I was looking
 for. It looks like a lock is acquired on the conversationcontext
 object corresponding to the request before accessing any of the
 beans inside of a conversation. So the execution of two requests
 in the same conversationcontext will not happen concurrently,
 which mean beans in a conversation (access) scope do no, in
 general, need to be thread safe.

 Explicit documentation of this will probably be useful. 


 On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 10:52 AM, Jacob Mathew wrote:

 I was under the impression that beans that I set up with
 access scope will need to be thread safe because I could have
 a user open two tabs (with the same conversation context) and
 submit to the same page simultaneously (or double submit on
 the same tab). 

 But I was running some tests and it seems like something in
 the framework is forcing accesses to my beans to be executed
 in sequence rather than simultaneously. Specifically I set it
 up so I had the first request stuck at a breakpoint and
 submitted a second request (that does not hit the breakpoint),
 but I found that *both* requests are stuck until I resume the
 thread stuck at the breakpoint.

 Any insights?

 -Jacob Mathew

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Re: Displaying messages over the content - generated by the content?

2008-12-11 Thread Simon Kitching schrieb:


 I’ve got a JSF page divided in 2 parts – the status message area and
 the content area. The content area is positioned under the status
 message area. In the status area all messages for the user should be
 shown – for example success messages, error messages and exceptions.
 In my content area I’ve got a tr:dataTable
 value=”#{myBean.values}”... When the method getValues() of myBean
 throws an exception, I’m catching this exception. I want to display
 this exception in the status message area – but this does not work –
 apparently because the status area is already rendered when the
 content el-methods are called. Is there any solution for this problem?
 Is it possible to render the status area at last?

I can't think of an easy solution for this.

Output generated during rendering is (at least theoretically) sent over
the network to the remote browser as it is created. So as you point out,
your status area has already been written before you encounter the
exception. There is no TCP feature to unsend data.

One obvious option would be to move your status area to the bottom of
the page.

Or you could write out the status area at the bottom of the page, then
use CSS positioning rules to make it *appear* at the top of the page. Or
use javascript to move the generated messages block from the bottom of
the page to the top.

Note that JSF messages created during:
* conversion
* validation
* action-handling
are no problem. It is only exceptions during rendering that would be an
issue. I can't think why you would be getting errors during fetching of
rendered data; I've not had to deal with that before except when wanting
to display some kind of result set too large message. Maybe you can
move the fetching of this data up into the action method of your bean?


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Re: Action button method binding

2008-11-12 Thread Simon Kitching
McCrady, Paul (ITTD Retail Stores) schrieb:

 Anyone seen any instances where a method binding from an action button
 stops getting invoked?


 e.g.  consider the following code snippet



 function x() { 






 tr:panelHorizontalLayout halign=end


 id=y action=#{bean.mymethod}/tr:commandButton




 We can call function x and have mymethod on bean getting called and
 working fine but all of a sudden this stops working.

The usual cause is a validation or conversion failure. Have you got an
h:messages tag in your page so that you can see any error messages that
may be generated?

Regards, Simon

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Re: MyFaces is inserting JS that's causing JS errors

2008-11-12 Thread Simon Kitching
Are the referenced scripts getting correctly loaded?
(a) if you paste that url into a new browser window, do you see the script?
(b) if you enable firebug in firefox, can you see the javascript?

If not, then you probably have the Tomahawk ExtensionsFilter incorrectly

If the script is being loaded, then I can't think what the problem would
be. Those are the latest versions of myfaces1.1x and tomahawk, so they
should be compatible (we would have had lots of problem reports if not,
including problems with the tomahawk example pages that use
inputCalendar). Weblogic can be weird sometimes, but I can't see it
causing this sort of issue.

Are you using other libraries (richfaces, trinidad, etc)?

If not, then you'll probably have to debug a little more on your


nanini schrieb:
 I am facing the same problem. Aren't there any answers yet?

 laredotornado wrote:

 I'm noticing this behavior on PC Firefox.  I'm using MyFaces 1.1.6 with
 Tomahawk 1.1.7 on WebLogic 9.2.2  On a page I have inputCalendar objects,
 and I notice this is getting added to the top of my page:

 script type=text/javascript

 script type=text/javascript

 script type=text/javascript

 script type=text/javascript


 but upon loading my page, I get this JS error:

 invalid array length  this.length--; prototype.js (line 464)



Re: how to display line break in h:inputTextarea

2008-11-11 Thread Simon Kitching
tong123123 schrieb:
 I want to display something like

 I try the following code
 h:inputTextarea rows=10 cols=20 readonly=true 

 but the output is

 so how to let the browser output
 using h:inputTextarea??
I don't think the HTML textarea component supports embedded html. Can
you get this working just with plain HTML? If not, then clearly it is
impossible for JSF to do anything about that...


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Re: confused about selectOneItem and converter and data binding

2008-11-07 Thread Simon Kitching
An html select element looks like this:
  select name=cars
option value=volvoVolvo/option
option value=saabSaab/option
option value=fiatFiat/option
option value=audiAudi/option

You have:
  h:selectOneMenu value=#{...}
 f:selectItems value=#{anotherDataBean.selectItems}/
where the getSelectItems() method returns a list of SelectItem objects
whose string is the text  you want to display, and the value is a
ComplexProp object, right?

So the renderer for the f:selectItems writes out one option tag for
each item in the list. The body text for the option tag is taken from
the SelectItem.label property. The SelectItem.value is a ComplexProp
object, and so the converter.getAsString method is called to generate
the string to write out as the value attribute. Obviously this occurs
once for each item in the list.

When the form is posted back, the browser will include in the posted
form data the *string value* of whatever option was selected by the
user. JSF calls the converter once, to map this string back to a
ComplexProp object, then (in update-model phase) stores the resulting
object using the value EL-expression of the h:selectOneMenu component.

So on render, getAsString is called N times, and on postback getAsObject
is called once.

Regards, Simon

Anton Gavazuk schrieb:
 Hi dushyant,

 thanks for response -

 which value I should return in getAsString method? - actual Key
 element or Value element? - because the selectOneItem is populated by
 SelectItem's elements.

 and why in debug I see that getAsString method is being called for N
 times (over all elements in binded array)?

 2008/11/7 dushyant agarwal [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 In case of selection,  the getAsObject would convert the selected value as 
 specified and send it to BB. In getAsString() method you again have to 
 specify some code to change the BB value into one of the values in the 
 selectItem list, bound to the selectOneMenu component.

 --- On Fri, 7/11/08, Anton Gavazuk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: Anton Gavazuk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: confused about selectOneItem and converter and data binding
 To: MyFaces Discussion
 Date: Friday, 7 November, 2008, 3:41 PM
 does anyone have any idea?

 2008/11/6 Anton Gavazuk [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Hi all,

 have a problem

 I have the JSF Bean dataBean with property complexprop
 - the type of
 field is ComplexType
 I want to set an certain property to the bean via
 selectItems, which
 is being collected from the
 anotherDataBean.selectItems - it returns
 array of SelectItems.

 so it looks like

 h:selectOneMenu id=in_property

 Of course it wouldnt not work because JSF would try
 convert the String
 value from UI to internal dataBean.complexprop type
 and vice versa so
 I added the converter
 But I cannot understand how to work properly with it -
 during the call
 the method is being called for count =
 Converter.getAsString(FacesContext facesContext,
 uiComponent, Object o)

 What could be wrong?

 How to link together all such things?

  Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Go to



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Re: Export datatable to excel problem with pagination

2008-11-06 Thread Simon Kitching
The exporter class is here in trunk

It did exist at the time that sandbox 1.1.7 was released:

Where did you download sandbox 1.1.7 from? Looks like you've got a bad
jarfile from somewhere. Note that sandbox code is never released by the
ASF as a pre-built jarfile; by *definition*, sandbox code is something
that has not yet been approved for release. Anyone wanting to use
sandbox code should build it themselves [1].


[1] Note that tomahawk-sandbox-1.1.6 was accidentally deployed to the
main maven repositories. This was an accident, and should not have happened.

mrfarhankhan schrieb:
 I'v downloaded the latest Tomahawk and sandbox 1.1.7 libs. But i did not find
 any exportActionListener component in the sandbox. So ??? 

 Farhan ! 

 Hazem Saleh-2 wrote:
 Use the exporterActionListener for PDFs and XLSs export:

 On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 11:33 AM, mrfarhankhan

 Hi !

 I am following the following link to export my datatable to excel

 The problem is that I am using pagination with the table but the excel
 only contains the rows that are currently being displayed in the
 I want all the rows to be exported.

 Looking for a solution
 Thanks in advance
 Farhan !
 View this message in context:
 Sent from the MyFaces - Users mailing list archive at

 Hazem Ahmed Saleh Ahmed

 Author of (The Definitive Guide to Apache MyFaces and Facelets):

 Web blog:

 [Web 2.0] Google Maps Integration with JSF:



Re: Export datatable to excel problem with pagination

2008-11-06 Thread Simon Kitching
There's your problem. What you called sandbox 1.1.7 is actually a
sandbox 1.1.7 SNAPSHOT from january 2008.

Myfaces does not currently provide any nightly builds of sandbox.
You need to check out the sandbox source code (see link on the sandbox
site), then use maven 2.x to build the jar.


mrfarhankhan schrieb:
 I downloaded the jars from the following link

 Where can I get the jars ?

 Farhan !

 Simon Kitching wrote:
 The exporter class is here in trunk

 It did exist at the time that sandbox 1.1.7 was released:

 Where did you download sandbox 1.1.7 from? Looks like you've got a bad
 jarfile from somewhere. Note that sandbox code is never released by the
 ASF as a pre-built jarfile; by *definition*, sandbox code is something
 that has not yet been approved for release. Anyone wanting to use
 sandbox code should build it themselves [1].


 [1] Note that tomahawk-sandbox-1.1.6 was accidentally deployed to the
 main maven repositories. This was an accident, and should not have

 mrfarhankhan schrieb:
 I'v downloaded the latest Tomahawk and sandbox 1.1.7 libs. But i did not
 any exportActionListener component in the sandbox. So ??? 

 Farhan ! 

 Hazem Saleh-2 wrote:
 Use the exporterActionListener for PDFs and XLSs export:

 On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 11:33 AM, mrfarhankhan

 Hi !

 I am following the following link to export my datatable to excel

 The problem is that I am using pagination with the table but the excel
 only contains the rows that are currently being displayed in the
 I want all the rows to be exported.

 Looking for a solution
 Thanks in advance
 Farhan !
 View this message in context:
 Sent from the MyFaces - Users mailing list archive at

 Hazem Ahmed Saleh Ahmed

 Author of (The Definitive Guide to Apache MyFaces and Facelets):

 Web blog:

 [Web 2.0] Google Maps Integration with JSF:




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Re: MyFaces Tomahawk 1.1.7 Examples cannot be run using myfaces-core-1.2.5 lib

2008-11-06 Thread Simon Kitching
tong123123 schrieb:

 Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 
   at org.apache.jsp.helloWorld_jsp._jspService(
   ... 33 more


 I just download MyFaces Tomahawk 1.1.7 Examples
 then downlaod MyFaces-core 1.2.5
 then download MyFaces Tomahawk 1.1.7 for JSF 1.2
 then unzip myfaces-example-blank-1.1.7, unzip MyFaces-core 1.2.5 and
 place the .jar file in myfaces-example-blank-1.1.7 lib folder, then
 unzip and place the .jar file in
 myfaces-example-blank-1.1.7 lib folder, then placed the file in tomcat
 6.0.18 and deploy, the exception as stated above is shown!!

 I really want to use jsf 1.2!!

Please don't send email in html form. Your email is almost unreadable
for me...

Have you cleaned out your servlet-engine's working directory? Servlet
engines cache compiled JSPs; if you then change libraries then the old
cached files can cause problems like this..

Cheers, Simon

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Re: Tomahawk Spring Webflow : enctype=multipart/form-data doesnt work

2008-11-06 Thread Simon Kitching
Yes, something on the wiki would be nice.

The point is that the ExtensionsFilter needs to be mapped to *whatever
servlet handles the faces request*. In almost every case this is the
Faces Servlet (duh). But occasionally it is not, like here with WebFlow.
And as it happens, the in-house webapp I work on for my employer also
has an architecture where a custom servlet handles requests, then
forwards internally to the Faces Servlet. So the Spring WebFlow setup
isn't entirely unique.


Matthias Wessendorf schrieb:

 do you mind to document this in the wiki ?
 I heard that the spring wf does some wild stuff, and since you figured,
 it would be great to create a wiki page for that!


 On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 9:57 PM, djohnjimmy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I got it working now.

 The problem was that...

 When Spring Web Flow comes into picture, the faces Servlet is not the big
 guy delivering the views - its Spring's MVC Dispatcher Servlet that serves
 the requests

 Although, everyone advises Tomahawk Extensions Filter to be mapped to Faces
 Servlet. That doesnt serve well when we have SWF in between. So, instead of
 the following fliter-mapping in web.xml.

 filter-nameExtensions Filter/filter-name
 servlet-nameFaces Servlet/servlet-name

 Try this :
 filter-nameExtensions Filter/filter-name
 servlet-nameSpring MVC Dispatcher Servlet/servlet-name

 !-- Map all /spring requests to the Dispatcher Servlet for handling --
 servlet-nameSpring MVC Dispatcher Servlet/servlet-name

 filter-nameExtensions Filter/filter-name
 Set the size limit for uploaded files.
 Format: 10 - 10 bytes
 10k - 10 KB
 10m - 10 MB
 1g - 1 GB
 Set the threshold size - files below this limit are stored
 in memory, files above this limit are stored on disk.
 Format: 10 - 10 bytes
 10k - 10 KB
 10m - 10 MB
 1g - 1 GB
 Set the path where the intermediary files will be stored.

 djohnjimmy wrote:
 Can someone please take a look at this. I am stuck BIG time. Thanks!

 djohnjimmy wrote:
 My uploadedFile is null.

 If I put the  h:form enctype=multipart/form-data then the page never
 goes to the next view. If the enctype=plain/text then it navigation
 works but the uploadedFile is null.

 Environment :
  Spring WebFlow : 2.0.3.Release
  Myfaces : 1.2.4
  Tomahawk : 1.1.6
  tomahawk-facelets (google project) :
  Websphere AS :

 My web.xml web.xml

 Webflow xml upload.xml .

 The upload xhtml (I am using facelets and not jsp) csvUpload.xhtml

 The backend bean :

 The POJO that I am populating with the CSV values :

 The uploaded CSV details in the 2nd Page : // It uses a h:dataTable to
 display the CSV data uploaded in the previous page i.e. csvUpload.xhtml

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the MyFaces - Users mailing list archive at



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Re: [tomahawk] single checkboxes are rendered inside label tags

2008-11-04 Thread Simon Kitching
Michael Heinen schrieb:

 I recently updated tomhawk 1.1.5 to 1.1.7 and noticed that single
 checkboxes are rendered inside an additional label tag.

 The html output is now:


   INPUT id=... type=checkbox /foo



 Why is this additional label tag rendered in 1.1.7?

 Is there any benefit?

I believe this is equivalent to:
  label for=id1foo/label
  input id=id1 type=checkbox
but cleaner (a parent/child relation seems more appropriate here than
the for approach).

If I remember correctly, having the text for the checkbout output as a
label (in either form) means that clicking on the label changes the
checkbox state too. Writing the checkbox text (foo in this case) as
just plain text does not have that effect.

I don't know of any other reason. Is there a problem?

Regards, Simon

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Re: [TOBAGO] Usging jstl tags inside a tobago sheet-tag

2008-11-03 Thread Simon Kitching
GroovieMan schrieb:

 Anyway, do you think that JSTL is a nogo for tools like tobago,
 or can you imagine some usecases ?

The JSF lifecycle should be thought of as:

viewing a new page:
* build component tree (aka a view tree)
* render component tree
* save state of component tree

Handling a postback without navigation:
* restore component tree (from saved state)
* process submitted data
* render component tree
* save state of component tree

Handling a postback with navigation:
* restore component tree (from saved state)
* process submitted data
* build new component tree
* render new component tree
* save state of component tree

JSTL tags that do not change what components are in the component-tree
are generally safe. That includes using c:if to wrap something that is
NOT a JSF component. But using JSTL tags to change what components are
in the tree (eg wrapping JSF components in a c:if, or c:foreach) is
dangerous, and usually leads to strange results.

By using the JSF rendered property instead of c:if, the component-tree
doesn't change; the same objects are in the tree, they just choose to
render HTML or not.

This applies to all JSF libraries, including Tobago.


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[Orchestra] Core 1.3 Released

2008-11-02 Thread Simon Kitching
The Apache MyFaces Orchestra team is pleased to announce the release of
Apache MyFaces Orchestra Core 1.3.

Get a full overview at Orchestra's homepage [1].

The distribution is available at

Apache MyFaces Orchestra is available in the central Maven repository under
Group ID org.apache.myfaces.orchestra.

The release notes are available at

Have fun!

Regards, Simon


Re: Tree and TabbedPane Problem in Websphere 6.1

2008-10-31 Thread Simon Kitching
jhomuth schrieb:
 Hi again,

 I fixed that problem after a 3 days searching the whole internet. I
 only wanna submit the solution if somebody has the same problem.

 I thought it was not the css and js stuff, because i copied it
 directly into my page, because it could not be found on the server,
 but I guess I did something wrong. Of course it was the css and js
 stuff. In MyFaces this stuff will be loaded through an Ressourceloader
 which is called through the Extensionfilter. But in Websphere (WAS
 6.1) this filter is not invoked. To fix that you will have to set a
 property for your server.

 In the german version (which I use) you have to go to

 Server - Anwendungsserver - yourServerName (eg. server1) -
 Webcontainer-Einstellungen - Webcontainer - Benutzerdefinierte
 Merkmale - Neu and than set to true.

 in the english version it might be something like that

 Server - Applicationserver - yourServerName (eg. server1) -
 Webcontainer-Preferences - Webcontainer - Userdefined Setting - NEW
 and than set to

 After that please restart the server and then it will work. I mean it
 work in my case and I hope it will work for you in the same way.
 I found the solution here if you need some additional information[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg32571.html
I was curious about what this property did, and had a quick search. I
couldn't find any definite specification, but it looks to me like the
following occurs. I'm adding this info here just for future reference..

Most servlet containers do this:
 * if request url matches a servlet
* compute filters, run filters, run servlet
 * else
* set servlet to the file-serving servlet
* compute filters, run filters, run servlet

But websphere seems to do this by default:
 * if request url matches a servlet
* compute filters, run filters, run servlet
 * else if url points to file on disk
* compute filters, run filters, return file
 * else send 404 immediately

Therefore applications that use filters to service a request (ie never
invoke the underlying servlet) don't work. And this is exactly what the
tomahawk ExtensionsFilter does; it checks the url and for certain urls
it serves the response itself. And the urls don't point to files on
disk; once decoded they do reference a file in a jarfile but websphere
can't know that.

And because ExtensionsFilter is not used to fetch *pages*, but instead
(optional) files like .css and .js, the user doesn't get an obvious 404
error on their screen; the .css or .js is just missing when the page is

Setting the magic property appears to make websphere act like every
other servlet engine on the planet. Sigh.


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Re: Trouble upgrading MyFaces

2008-10-31 Thread Simon Kitching
laredotornado schrieb:

 I'm trying to upgrade my MyFaces implementation from 1.1.6 to 1.2.4.  I took
 out the old api and impl jars and replaced them with myfaces-impl-1.2.4.jar
 and myfaces-api-1.2.4.jar.  I kept tomahawk-1.1.7.jar the same. 
 Unfortunately, I'm now getting compilation errors.  Below is a sample.  What
 can I do to heal the pain? - Dave

 search.jsp:33:28: No match was found for method
 setShowSummary(java.lang.String) in type
   lt;h:messages showSummary=true 
Are these messages being generated by your IDE? I haven't seen anything
like these messages when running apps myself. If yes, then your IDE has
got confused and we can't help you with advice on that.

If these messages are coming from your servlet engine when you start the
app, then maybe it has cached jsps compiled against the old code. For
tomcat, when a lib containing jsps is updated you need to clear the
tomcat work directory (defaults to $TOMCAT_HOME/work).

Regards, Simon

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Re: Trouble upgrading from MyFaces 1.1.5 to 1.1.6

2008-10-31 Thread Simon Kitching
Note that Tomahawk 1.1.7 now includes facelets support natively. So if
you upgrade tomahawk, make sure you remove the tomahawk entry from the
facelets.LIBRARIES setting, etc.

Both facelets and Myfaces also generate quite a lot of logging output.
If you are still having problems, you should enable the logging and
check the output. Facelets uses java.util.logging while myfaces and
tomahawk use commons-logging. I don't know what trinidad uses.


Luhtala Santeri schrieb:

 We are using Trinidad 1.0.8.

 I just updated to Facelets 1.1.14. Lets see what happens next with the
 MyFaces upgrade…



 *From:* Gerhard Petracek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *Sent:* 31. lokakuuta 2008 12:28
 *To:* MyFaces Discussion
 *Subject:* Re: Trouble upgrading from MyFaces 1.1.5 to 1.1.6


 you can try to upgrade facelets to version 1.1.14
 which trinidad version are you using?


 2008/10/31 Luhtala Santeri [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 I tried to upgrade from MyFaces 1.1.5 to 1.1.6. http://1.1.6.

 We have also Facelets 1.1.11 and Trinidad and Tomahawk.

 When I upgraded, everything seems fine first. The first page renders
 just fine, but nothing on the page is working…. Commandlinks, buttons
 are not working. There are no error messages in console that would help..

 We have experienced some similar problems earlier when some
 combination of Tomahawk and Trinidad components have not been a
 'perfect match'.

 But now I tried to strip out all the Tomahawk components from that
 first page and that just didn't have any effect…

 FacesTrace didn't help either. Would it help if we upgraded the
 Facelets version? Would we get any better console output in these

 Any pointers would be great.



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Re: Urgent help Need :- Error while serving resource: calendar.HtmlCalendarRenderer/DB/drop1.gif, message : null

2008-10-31 Thread Simon Kitching
You have posted this request several times already; repeating it will
achieve nothing except annoying people.

It seems that no-one knows the answer to this, or has sufficient
interest to investigate. Therefore, you need to either
(a) download the tomahawk source and start debugging it, or
(b) pay someone else to do that for you.

If you are willing to pay for support, I would suggest contacting who do commercial work related to JSF, and are active in the
myfaces project. Of course this is open-source, so there may be other
people who are also experienced in this area and available for hire but
I don't know of anyone else specifically.


Mali123 schrieb:
   Any help on this issue,please help...

 Mali123 wrote:
 Hi Omar,
 First i want to thank you for helping me,but  I'm using  Tomahawk-1.1.3 
 calendar component not the Trinidad one, following is the code segment i
 used to displace the
 calender please advice me to how to fix this issue,

 %@ taglib uri=; prefix=t%...
 t:div styleClass=stepComp
 t:inputDate value=#{akAppActivityTile.startTime}
 popupCalendar=true type=date ampm=true
 styleClass=appAcctivitytest /

 Is there any patch for this, please help me,hope to get reply asap,

 Thank you,

 general.equal.700 wrote:
 Hi Mali,
 I am facing the same problem.

 here is my attempt to apply the patch:
 open the trinidad-impl package. and locate a file called  
 PopupDialog.js under

 add the following in line 7
 iframe.src = javascript:false;

 after line 6
 iframe.className = page.getStyleClass(af!dialog::content);

 in the package it will like that

 function TrPopupDialog()
 var a0=TrPage.getInstance();
 var a1=document.createElement(div);; position: absolute;;
 a1.iframe.src = javascript:false;
 var a2=document.createElement(div);


 On Oct 29, 2008, at 12:25 AM, Mali123 wrote:

  thz for da reply,i can't go for the second option because we have to
 inform every user to change there browser setting,so i have left  
 only one
 option using the patch,it will be more helpful to me if you can tell  
 how to
 apply this patch,i'm using the my-faces-tomahawk-1.3,please help,


 Richard Yee-3 wrote:
 See the Trinidad-1091 issue in Jira.


 On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 10:53 AM, Richard Yee [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 There is a Jira issue filed for the  secure/insecure problem you
 describe. I
 think there is also a patch available. Another workaround is to  
 have the
 user change the browser settings to allow mixed content.


 Sent from my iPhone

 On Oct 28, 2008, at 3:40 AM, Mali123 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 thz for the quick reply, im using IE,  when i click the calender  
 i'm getting this stack trace and security information alert Page
 Secure / Non-Secure Items,i can ignore the stack trace as u  
 mention way
 how can get rid of that alert,is there any possble way to stop that
 when clicking the claender button, my client using the IE so he  
 need to
 disable this alert, pls help


 Simon Kitching wrote:
 Are you using Internet Explorer as the client?

 I found that IE has the very ugly habit when dealing with a page  
 references the same resource multiple times. When a page has:
 then ie sends two requests to the server concurrently (stupid,  
 Worse, when one of the requests completes, then it just closes the
 socket immediately. This is completely wrong behaviour; with  
 http, only
 the server should close the socket.

 So the server is writing the response out the socket, and suddenly
 that the socket has been closed by the other end. It rightly  
 because the other end should not be doing that.

 The real solution is to use a sane browser. Otherwise, just  
 your logging to ignore ERROR messages from category
 org.apache.myfaces.renderkit.html.util.DefaultAddResource. It  
 actually cause any serious problems on the server.


 Mali123 schrieb:
 i'm using the my-faces-tomahawk-1.3,I've got this stack trace
 in my jsf aplication logs. I use the tomahawk calendar  
 component. I
 find the solution anywhere. Could you please help me to solve  
 it? Here
 the stack trace:

 008-10-28 14:06:52,730 ERROR
 [org.apache.myfaces.renderkit.html.util.DefaultAddResource] Error
 serving resource: calendar.HtmlCalendarRenderer/DB/drop1.gif,  
 ClientAbortException: Connection  
 has been

Re: retrieving property from managed bean

2008-10-30 Thread Simon Kitching
Ayub Khan schrieb:
 I am having a small issue, I am getting

 Error testing property 'commenttext' in bean of type null error
 message. I googled and did lot of troubleshooting, however unable to
 resolve it.

 I have a managed bean AppointmentBean which has a Map of comments
 private Map commentitemMap=new HashMap();


 * Map getCommentItemMap() { *return* *this*.commentItemMap;


 *public* *void* setCommentItemMap(Map commentItemMap) {
 *this*.commentItemMap = commentItemMap;



 in my jsp I have bound the text area to
 appointment.commentItemMap['Cancellation Reason'].commenttext

 CommentItem {

 *private* String commenttext=;*


 * String getCommenttext() { *return* *this*.commenttext;


 *public* *void* setCommenttext(String commenttext) {
 *this*.commenttext = commenttext;




 In my action method I am setting the commentItem value as below:

 CommentItem item=

 *new* CommentItem();


 Cancellation Reason,item);



 when the form is submitted, I read

 Error testing property 'commenttext' in bean of type null error message.

 In the facesConfig.xml I have declared both appointments bean and
 CommentItem as managed beans in session scope.

 If I use appointment.commentItemMap['Cancellation Reason'] without the
 .commenttext , the full classpath of CommentItem is being displayed in
 the text area (I assume its the object.toString value here ).

 Please let me know where I am doing wrong.

When the form is submitted, the posted form-content will include a value
for the commenttext html field (this value will be an empty string if
you typed nothing in that field in the html page). During the update
model phase, JSF will therefore try to store that value using the EL
   #{appointment.commentItemMap['Cancellation Reason'].commenttext}
so it
 (a) fetches the appointment bean (ok)
 (b) calls getCommentItemMap -- returns an *empty* map
 (c) calls map.get('Cancellation Reason') -- returns null
 (d) tries to call getCommenttext on the null pointer -- error

Only *after* the model-update phase will it try to run the action
method associated with whatever button was pressed. So it is too late at
that point to try to add an object to your commentItemMap with key
'Cancellation Reason'; processing has already tried to access the
nonexistent object earlier.


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