[users] Re: Re: Accented Characters

2007-02-27 Thread Andrew Brown
"Johnny Andersson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> Those accents, such as ´`¨^~, if I want to type an à, I just press `,
> release it and then press a. Do you mean that this doesn't work
> everywhere? I know that keyboard for different countries work
> different, but do you mean that only Swedish keyboard (and maybe a few
> more) have the ´ ` ¨ ^ ~ keys? 
> And when I switch to linux, will those keys stop work for me?

No. Swedish keyboards do work perfectly well under Linux, so far as I know, 
which can have a very similar mechanism for changing between the layouts. 
The only real difficulty I have found is trying to type on a mac with a 
Windows keyboard through VNC (don't ask). 

It is true that, eg English keyboards don't have the specialised Swedish 
letters (nor the paragraph symbol) so you can't do that dead-key accent 
trick. But you can always change the keyboard layout in software, certainly 
under KDE and Windows so that either keyboard mimics the other. 

All this is easly enough tested with a live cd from knoppix or similar, 
which will run linux very slowly without disturbing your windows 
intallation at all. 

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[users] Re: Bold first word of hanging indent?

2007-02-15 Thread Andrew Brown
Kevin McLauchlan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> I have a "Note" style used hundreds of times throughout my document, 
> for Notes, Cautions, and definitions.
> It's a hanging indent format. I want the first word - any character
> before the tab (arbitrary number of characters) - to be bolded.  
> I want that as an automatic function of the style.

I think this has to be done with a macro, but would not be too difficult 
then: in fact I have a memory of doing something very similar myself some 
years back; whether I can dig out the macro I used is less certain. 

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[users] Re: [moderated] Special symbol shortcut keys

2007-02-05 Thread Andrew Brown
"Walter Andrews" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> I am presently using WORD for Windows and have created templates
> containing shortcut keys for typing Turkish, some Ottoman Turkish, and
> English on the same keyboard.  This is easy to do in WORD but I can't
> see how it can be done in Writer.  Is this possible? I am very new to
> this and may be missing something obvious. 
> Walter
> --=_NextPart_000_0002_01C7462E.F1934930--

It's not obvious. It is possible in various ways, depending on your 
operating system. But it's not clear from your post whether you want short 
cuts to produce partcular Turkish letters, or whether you want shortcuts 
that will switch the whole keyboard layout to turkish. If you could 
epxllain that, people might be able to give more detailed help

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[users] Re: OOo Writer - Spaces not visible at end of line when typed

2007-01-30 Thread Andrew Brown
Hagar de l'Est <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> It seems that when a line is re-wrapped due to spaces added at the end
> of a paragraph, they're concatenated with this attribute. But if this
> value is too high, it's impossible to remove it and we don't see the
> spaces we type anymore, even if there is still much room on the line.
> I modified the value 484 in the content.xml of the issue attachment
> and I was able afterwards to type spaces at the end of the line
> (whereas it was impossible before) ! 
> For those who have the problem for any document, it may be a problem
> with their template. To be checked.

I would be really grateful if you would publish the results of these 
investigations. I can't find the text:c element in my templates, and I have 
been angered by this little quirk for years. So I would really love to be 
able to fix it. Why the hell should OOo suppose anyone wanted 484 
iteraitons of whitespace in anything? 

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[users] Re: Re: Re: multiple dictionaries

2007-01-22 Thread Andrew Brown
Javier Rivera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> El Martes, 16 de Enero de 2007 12:18, Andrew Brown escribió:
>>This is actually a paradigm case for having
>> "free-floating" style attributes, which at present is somthing that
>> can only be applied by a macro, which will change the language of a
>> selection without altering any other formatting.
> What is wrong with using Format->Character on the selection to change
> the language ?.
> Javier.

If I have to do it often enough, it is slow. I like having a toolbar 

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[users] Re: Re: multiple dictionaries

2007-01-16 Thread Andrew Brown
Dan Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:

> On Thursday 11 January 2007 2:18 pm, Andrew Brown wrote:
>> The only way to get it to check a document in multimple languages
>> seems to be to check the option to check in all languages, and,
>> when that happens, it seems to check all the languages in the
>> dictionary.list. I know this is stupid. But I have noticed large
>> speed gains when I cut back to the two languages I actually use,
>> though this is -- obviously -- more noticeable on long files.
> Andrew:
>  If you were to create paragraph styles for each language 
> (character styles also if need be), you would not have this problem. 
> If a particular paragraph style has its language setting as English 
> (AU) for example, the spellchecker will compare the words in 
> paragraphs with this style against the English (AU) dictionary.
> Dan

Well, I do have character styles for the languages I use; and even little 
macros to 
apply them. This is actually a paradigm case for having "free-floating" style 
attributes, which at present is somthing that can only be applied by a macro, 
will change the language of a selection without altering any other formatting.

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[users] Re: multiple dictionaries

2007-01-11 Thread Andrew Brown
Harold Fuchs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in 

> The dictionaries are in C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org 
> 2.x\share\dict\ooo for version 2.x of OO. Their names all have a ".dic" 
> extension. I suppose that if you really want to you could delete some of 
> them. But why?  OpenOffice will only ever consult the ones it needs at 
> spell-check time. For a single language document that's just one 
> dictionary; even if your document has checkable text in 5 languages OO 
> will still only consult 5 dictionaries. If you don't write German OO 
> won't reference the German dictionaries. I doubt having more 
> dictionaries will slow down the operation of the software; I'd be 
> interested to know why you think it will. True, they take up disk space; 
> if that's an issue for you then ...

My experience is that multiple dictionaries do slow down OOo, sometimes to 
the point of unusability if the dictionary.lst file is not edited. 

The only way to get it to check a document in multimple languages seems to 
be to check the option to check in all languages, and, when that happens, 
it seems to check all the languages in the dictionary.list. I know this is 
stupid. But I have noticed large speed gains when I cut back to the two 
languages I actually use, though this is -- obviously -- more noticeable on 
long files. 

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[users] Re: Writer striking through text instead of deleting it when backspace or delete is pressed

2006-09-26 Thread Andrew Brown
"Jeffrey McDonald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> I gave my mom OO to use since her computer doesn't have MS Office, and
> she needs to work with a .doc file to submit a book to Lulu.com for
> editing. When she opened the edited .doc she got back from the editor,
> with changes marked and the option supposed to be made individually to
> keep what the editor suggested or what she originally had, every time
> she presses the delete key anywhere in the document it just strikes
> through the text. 

You have revision marking turned on somehow -- this isn't a problem 
specific to OOo: I've known it happen to a friend in Word. It is useful 
sometimes (the editor wants to show her exactly what he's changed) but if 
you want simply to accept all the changes, do two things.

go to edit -> changes -> Accept or Reject, and them choose to Accept all.

Also go to edit -> changes and untick "Show"

That should do it.

But being able to track changes in this way is useful if you are sharing 

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[users] Re: Change Case

2006-09-26 Thread Andrew Brown
Andrew Douglas Pitonyak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> Herbert Eppel wrote:
>> Is there a good reason why the only "Change Case" options offered by
>> OOo appear to be upper or lower case?
>> I also find the "Sentence Case" and "Title Case" options offered by
>> MS Word useful.
> http://api.openoffice.org/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/style/CaseMap.h
> ml 
> It looks like the support:
> NONE The case of the characters is unchanged. 
> UPPERCASE All characters are put in upper case. 
> LOWERCASE All characters are put in lower case. 
> TITLE The first character of each word is put in upper case. 
> SMALLCAPS All characters are put in upper case, but with a smaller
> font height. 
> Use Format | Character | Effects to set this using the GUI

The drawback of doing things this way is that the changes are not
maintained if the document is exported to other formats, ascii in
particular. I have an elaborate case changer macro which works round
this problem, at least for European languages. It also does sentence
case and title case. I thought it was at one stage in your macro
document :-) 

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[users] Re: Making the UK dictionary permanent.

2006-08-22 Thread Andrew Brown
"Harold Fuchs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> - Original Message - 
> From: "Bill Piper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
>> How can I opt for the UK dictionary permanently?
>> Bill Piper 
> I've set mine up in Tools/Options/Language Settings/Languages. There I
> have set 
>  - Locale: English (UK)
>  - Default language for documents: English (UK) [this entry also has a
>  little logo showing a ticked "ABC" indicating that the UK English
>  spell checker is available] 
> Then, also, in Tools/Options/Language Settings/Writing Aids make sure
> "check in all languages" is *not* checked so that only British English
> will be regarded as correct and Americanisms like "color" will show as
> errors. 

Also you may need to ensure that the language of your default style is set 
to English. That's a character property. 

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[users] Re: Cant get auto capital letter new sentence to work.

2006-05-17 Thread Andrew Brown
"Al Leopold" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in 

> Auto caps work on new Paragraph  but not on new sentence I have selected
> them in the auto format options and   still no luck.

Do they never work on new sentences, or are there only some that they don't 
work on? I have noticed that it does not _always_ work to cap up the first 
letter of new sentences if, for instance, you break a sentence by adding a 
full stop in the middle. But it does normally otherwise work as I type.

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[users] Re: Word bookmark document conversion

2006-05-16 Thread Andrew Brown
"Stuart Reid" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in 

> Does anyone have any idea how I can keep the bookmarks surrounding others
> like in the Word document?

I may be wrong, but I don't think that OOo bookmarks can overlap. 

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[users] Re: Urgent: Unable to read xls in Calc

2006-05-16 Thread Andrew Brown
"Jason Ng" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> Attached is a copy of the file I have mentioned. Would greatly
> appreciate if you could show me the steps or settings to turn this
> around. 
> Do revert to me if you need further information. Your immediate reply
> is appreciated.

This ist does not accept attachments. If you put the file up on a web page 
somewhere an dpost the url someone will look at it and try to figure ot 
what's wrong.

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[users] Re: Keyboard shortcut for Applying Styles?

2006-05-16 Thread Andrew Brown
Alex Zachopoulos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:1C62F417-9090-4BF5-

> Is there a way to quickly go through a long, unformatted document,  
> and as I go down press pre-configured keyboard shortcuts, to apply  
> pre-configured formatting to sections of text?

By "Sections of the text" do you mean paragrahs, or sections within 
paragraphs? The aswer is different depending. If NeoOffice is still based 
on OOo 1.x (as I suspect) you're not going to have a simple keyboard 
shortcut available. 

On the other had, if you look in the macros in my .sig file, there are 
several to apply particular paragraph styles to sections of text, and these 
can certainly be bound to keys in version 1.x. I used to do this, though I 
have forgotten how. They can also be bound to toolbar icons. 

If you want macros to apply character styles to a range of text, these 
requite a different approach. I know I wrote one for my own purposes to 
turn all bookmarks green but I can't remember whether it worked on version 

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[users] Re: Lotus-Smartsuite-Files

2006-04-03 Thread Andrew Brown
Peter Krueger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

> I'm using Open Office Org 2.0 with Windows and Linux. Before I used 
> Lotus Smartsuite with Windows. Can you tell me if there exists any 
> import filters for importing Lotus-1-2-3, Lotus-Freelance and 
> Lotus-Wordpro files into Open Office Org. If there exists any would you 
> please tell me where I can find them.

Yes, but you have to pay for them: Star office, Sun's own version of 
OpenOffice, comes with filters for lots of old Lutus formats. It is not 
expensive, but the filters only work on Windows, which I assume you're 
using, since you have all these Smartsuite cdocuments in the first place. 

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[users] Re: OpenOffice feature query

2006-03-29 Thread Andrew Brown
Cédric Bhihe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:

> I would like to edit documents by carrying search and replace operations 
> on special characters such single or multiple [space(s)], [manual line 
> breaks], [manual paragraph breaks], [tabs] and all kinds of special 
> characters and format characters.  I could do that very easily with MSWD 
> and I miss it terribly in Ooo write.

Most of this can be dione by using regular expressions in the search box. 
Manual line breaks and paragraph breaks are notoriously harder -- possible, 
but less obvious.

If you want to remove empty lines or clean up email with hard line breaks, 
by far the easiest way is to use autoformat -- in an English OOo, it's 
format->autoformat -> apply. 

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[users] Re: reveal codes

2006-03-28 Thread Andrew Brown
Rod Engelsman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> Andrew Brown wrote:
>> You can't? I think I just did. It is a matter of putting the word you
>> want into the numbering style. I will send you privately a document
>> that shows this -- essentially, I told outline numbering for some
>> headings to use the character style "Rodlevel" which has after the
>> number, instead of a bracket or full stop, a bracket followed by a
>> space, followed by "History" or whatever. Shows up fine in the
>> navigator, and in the table of contents. 
>> As I said, I'll mail you a one page proof of concept. 
> Thanks for the effort, Andrew, but that's not what you need for this
> (I love the parts about snakes and turnips :)). That only works if
> every heading at that level is to have the same title. 

I'm sorry. I thought that's what you wanted. I hadn't realised that you 
wanted the first word of the line to vary at the same heading level. I 
think that at this point I am defeated. I can see how to do it -- 
obviously -- with all levels the same. I can see how to do it if you 
break the line: 

I. INdigenous People
1. North America
a. Anasazi
        the Anasazi lived in holes in the rocks
 more about them

But not, I'm afraid, otherwise.

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[users] Re: reveal codes

2006-03-28 Thread Andrew Brown
Rod Engelsman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:e09ug3$dhm$1

> The other major deficiency in Writer's styles is the inability to affect 
> a relative change, a change in one attribute without affecting anything 
> else. So if you have a document that uses more than one font, you have 
> make duplicates of things like an Emphasis character style for each font 
> or point size. That's a big reason why people use direct formatting 
> rather than character styles; character styles often do /too/ much.

Didn't we work out a way, on this list some time, of doing this by a macro? 
Not perfect, but a workaround that is useful if you need it. 

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[users] Re: reveal codes

2006-03-28 Thread Andrew Brown
Rod Engelsman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:e09ug3$dhm$1

> For instance: How exactly do you create an in line heading in Writer? 
> Something that looks like this:
> 3. *History* The history of the Andalusian people...
> where the word "History" is treated *as* a Heading in all respects; it 
> is automatically populated into a TOC, it shows up in the Navigator, it 
> is properly affected by the Numbering formats, etc.
> Answer: You can't do it; at least not in Writer. And this isn't a 
> trivial example. It's specified as either the 3rd or 4th level heading 
> in APA format and probably in MLA as well, so the deficiency potentially 
> affects almost anyone using OOo in academic work.

You can't? I think I just did. It is a matter of putting the word you want 
into the numbering style. I will send you privately a document that shows 
this -- essentially, I told outline numbering for some headings to use the 
character style "Rodlevel" which has after the number, instead of a bracket 
or full stop, a bracket followed by a space, followed by "History" or 
whatever. Shows up fine in the navigator, and in the table of contents. 

As I said, I'll mail you a one page proof of concept. 

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[users] Re: Will OpenOffice run on a Palm TX?

2006-03-28 Thread Andrew Brown
"Stanley Mulvihill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> I just purchased a Palm TX (with 1 gig SD card) and was wondering if 
> OpenOffice would run on Palms OS since it is simular to windows and
> that OpenOffice runs on a java platform. Which OpenOffice OS should I
> try using first (Win)(Linux)(Freebsd)?

No it won't. OOo doesn't run on Java, though it akes use of java for some 
add-ons. But there is a filter available to change OOo documents to PDB 
format and back

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[users] Re: Incredible strange result in one cell; seems to not respond to the format setting...

2006-03-25 Thread Andrew Brown
"Johnny Andersson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> If anyone is interested, I can send the whole file. If you can manage
> how to fix this, then you certainly can do something that I can not...
> As long as I keep using 2 decimals, everything works fine, in any
> other case it doesn't. 
> I made some changes in Tools - Options - Spreadsheet - Calculate, but
> all with no seccess at all. Like I changed the decimal field to 3
> instead of 2 and I unchecked a checkbox called something like
> "precision as shown". 

This does look like a bug which should be reported in IZ -- if you do that, 
I'll see if I can reproduce it. But it's te sort of thing that only the 
calc team will understand. 

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[users] Re: Internet Link style in Writer

2006-03-25 Thread Andrew Brown
Rod Engelsman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:e019ta$ujr$1

> This only seems to happen with the Internet Link character style; other 
> character styles work the way I expect.
> Is this a bug?

No -- it's an autoformat! (ducks). More seriously, I think it probably is 
the case the autocorrections are updated slowly, or differently to other 
changes, and in this case, the autocorrect is clearly to apply the 
character style to anything that matches a URL. 

Thank you for pointing out tha tht eiNternet Link character style can be 
modified. I will change mine at once to something more tasteful. 

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2006-03-25 Thread Andrew Brown
<""@club-internet.fr> wrote in

> 1 - dans ces deux logiciels le correcteur d'orthographe ne fonctionne
> pas. Lorsqu'on veut corriger un texte en cliquant sur le logo
> correcteur une fenêtre s'affiche disant que la correction est terminée
> alors qu'il y a encore des fautes grossieres. 
> 2 - En outre comment fait-on pour modifier le la touche "point
> décimal" sur le bloc numérique ? Actuellement il affiche une virgule
> et je voudrai qu'il affiche un point. Le logiciel "excel" donnait la
> possibilité de le modifier. 
> 3 - Dans le système "calc" , lorsqu'on ouvre plusieurs fenêtres d'un
> fichier, celles-ci ne sont pas sauvegardées et lors de la réouverture
> de ce fichier les fenêtres  supplémentaires ont disparues. 
> Merci de me dire si c'est corrigible ou normal.

Forgive me for replying in English, but that is the language this mailing 
list is mostly conducted in. There is an excellent Francophone community 
at http://fr.openoffice.org/

to your questions:
1) The spell checker doesn't seem to work properly. 
Are you sure that the text to be corrected is marked as French? the 
French spellchecker will only look at such text. 
Select everything (Ctrl A), then right click and in the Character 
dialogue make sure that the right language is selected in the font tab.

2) Changing a French decimal point (comma) to an English full stop. There 
have been enormous discussions about this in the past; I would look at 
the Francophone lists for help there.

3) Calc does not remember the window positions when you have had several 
views of a spreadsheet open. 
I'm not quite sure that you mean here -- is it that you have had split 
views of a spreadsheet and these splits are not preserved when it it 
reopened? Perhaps a spreadsheet use will be along to answer that.

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[users] Re: Language problem in ppt file... quickest way to solve it?

2006-03-20 Thread Andrew Brown
"Johnny Andersson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in 

> I did that and they are now all set to Swedish. Still, when I highlight  
> the text, Format - Characters - Font - Language is set to English.

Two possible answers occur to me -- if you can select all, pressing alt-
space should rever it to the defeault format, which is now Sweidh. If tht 
fails, a macro will do the trick. But I don't know anything about 
navigating through impress files macrowise.

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[users] Re: OCR and open office

2006-03-16 Thread Andrew Brown
Massimo Soraci <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:4417EF7D.4030200

> Can you suggest me a OCR software well running with openoffice, 
> according to your experience?

I use and recommend Abbyy FineReader; a Russian program, about 79 Euros 
from memory. It is smaller, fast, and more accurate than Textbridge. It has 
great multilngual support, and in general excellent results. The slowest 
part of the process is actually making scans at 300dpi. It does recosnigse 
and will export to, starwriter, which is OOo 1.x format.

Looking at their website, though

I see they have banged the price right up to 150 Euros for the full 
version; 40 Euros for te one that just converts to Office formats. 

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[users] Re: Re: Outline numbering

2006-02-19 Thread Andrew Brown
=?UTF-8?B?Wm9sdMOhbiBLw7Njc2k=?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in 

> It might cause slight problems still, because an other problem: in the
> PDF output you can't select what you want to be a TOC link and what
> not, every heading *is* in the PDF TOC whether you want it or not. 
> Thus, you'll end up with invisible links in the TOC that point to those
> whitened out headings. 

But the beauty of this is that you're not whitening out the whole heading. 
It is only the number part of the top level headings which is suppressed. 
The textual part remains visible, as it should. 

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[users] Re: Outline numbering

2006-02-18 Thread Andrew Brown

> though now when i look at this, it is pretty hard to start all numbering 
> ad second level. one silly workaround would be creating character style 
> 'invisible', set font size to smallest possible and colour to white, 
> then assign that to first level :)

I can't find anything cleaner than that, but it does work very well. You 
don't need to fidde with the font size, either, if you just outdent the 
paragraph style.

While fiddling, discovered a new bug -- the numbering on the heading levels 
in the selector goes 1,10,2,3 ... 

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[users] Re: Remove line breaks from paragraphs

2006-02-17 Thread Andrew Brown
Chuck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:

> Select the parapraph, then open the Find/Replace dialog. Put a check
> next to "regular expresssions", enter a dollar sign in the "search for"
> box, and a space in the "replace with box". Make sure "current select
> only" is checked as well. Then press the "replace all" button.
> Maybe there's a better way but I don't know it.

nine times out of then there is a better way -- just use format ->
autoformat -> apply

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[users] Re: Re: How do I insert an em dash

2006-01-30 Thread Andrew Brown
Jean Hollis Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in 

> I have never been able to *find* the em-dash or en-dash in the
> Special Characters list, and I can't find anything about it in 
> the Help (which talks only about the AutoCorrect method of 
> inserting dashes), so your method doesn't work for me. I suspect 
> that the vast majority of OOo users would have the same problem.
> If you can tell me where the dashes are, that would be a great help.

Jean, if you look in my sigfile, there is a macro to insert a special 
character. Currently it inserts a German esszet, which I doubt will 
display in this message. But it could quickly and easily be edited to 
insert am em dash. Try this. the hex that OOo uses for em dashes is 2013. 
I think word uses one character off

Function insertSpecialChar(sChar)
'sChar is the char to be inserted
Dim oDocument as Object
Dim oText as Object
Dim oVCursor, oCursor As Object
oText = oDocument.Text
' after this, an obscure call gets the current cursor position
oVCursor = oDocument.currentcontroller.getViewCursor()
' now try either
End Function

Sub InsertEmDash
' this is an example for the use of InsertSpecialChar
end Sub

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[users] Re: Re: How do I insert an em dash

2006-01-30 Thread Andrew Brown
"G. Roderick Singleton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in 

> I use the deadkey method and it works well for accents. Not so good for
> em and en dashes but those I handles via AutoCorrect.

If you have typed in the language you're trying tu se, then switching to 
the native layout is quickest, though confusing. The trouble with the 
autocorrect for em dashes is that it doesn't work until you press the space 
bar after the word which comes after the hyphens to be corrected. I filed a 
bug about this years ago. It would to autocorrect as soon as you have typed 
two hyphens and a space. Word shows the same behaviour. I can only suppose 
that this is connected to the code that turns a coupel of hyphens into a 
line across the page in some circumstances -- two consecutive hyphens might 
be expanded into two different abbreviations, so the autocorrect dcode 
dithers. Bloody stupid, if you ask me. gah.

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[users] Re: How do I insert an em dash, which I need all of the time? You auto-turn two hyphens into an em dash, but if I go back and try to insert one in preexisting text and then type a word after

2006-01-30 Thread Andrew Brown
Daniel Albuschat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> 2006/1/27, susan brill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> I am using openoffice.org 2.0 Writer. I am an editor, I must have my
>> em dashes. I also need en dashes, they have two separate meanings in
>> writing. Can't they just be included in the symbols?
> Just out of curiousity, what's an em and en dash?

Dashes used instead of hyphens in proper typography. An em dash is the 
width of an "m" character; an en dash is shorter. Both are longer than 
hyphens, and designed to be used with spaces on weither side of them. 

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[users] Re: Re: OO 2.0.1: New text doc with no letterhead

2006-01-30 Thread Andrew Brown
Jean Hollis Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in 

> Alas, I don't think that's one of the choices, at least not
> without writing a macro (to start a new doc from a specific
> template other than the default one) and assigning the macro to a
> toolbar button or keyboard shortcut. Assuming one could write a
> macro to do this, of course...

POke around in my sigfile, and there is one to open a new file from the 
template of your choicel. You have to edit it it slightly to point at the 
template you want, but this is not hard.

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[users] Re: Am I asking for trouble?

2006-01-26 Thread Andrew Brown
"Scott Rhoades" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:43D78C49.D931.004F.0

> I've been using OOo for a couple years now and really like it. But I've
> only recently started using the Versions feature due to paranoia of that
> feature back in my Word days and the reports of frequent file corruption
> due to Versions. So far I haven't had any trouble with it in OOo, but
> the Word- based paranoia still haunts me.

I used versions a lot a few years ago, and never had any problems except 
that the file size grew. Oh, and they don't, IIRC translate well into word, 
which matters if you are round-tripping documents with someone who uses 
MSO. So I kept versioned backup files in OOo format, and would save of doc 
files for collaboration. 

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[users] Re: URGENT - Writer document recovery needed URGENTLY

2006-01-05 Thread Andrew Brown
Gordon Burgess-Parker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in 

> " Read Error.
> Format error discovered in the file in sub-document styles.xml at
> 2,2654(row,col)"
> Firstly can anyone tell me how to recover this document, and secondly,
> why did this happen? There was no error message at all in editing and
> saving on OO 1.979. (I get this same error trying to open the file on
> 1.979 as well as OO 2)
To get the text out, open the (sxw or odt) file in a zip utility, and 
extract content.xml, which will contain all the text, exactly as it was, in 
a single long plain text file without any formatting. That's the first 
thing to do, and should rescue all your text. 

If you're feeling bored, and if you have already rescued the text 
successfully, there are other things to try. The corruption, as the message 
says, is in styles.xml, at the end of a very long line. If the document had 
any very fancy styling that you can't easily recover, you might try looking 
at styles.xml in a text editor too to see if there is anything obviously 
wrong. Or you can try to unzip another file from the same template, and 
copy the styles.xml from that into the unzipped probem file, before zipping 
it al up again. Might work. Might crumple the file altogether. Don't try it 
without backups.

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[users] Re: Endnotes (space above the)

2005-12-27 Thread Andrew Brown
Mats Deland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:43AFFE31.8050708

>   I want to use end-notes (generally preferred by publishers). But when 
> I change to normal signs (1, 2, 3 etc), the marker in the text leaves a 
> lot of space above itself, breaking up the format (regardless if I use 
> single, 1.5 or double space). It seems that this corresponds to a larger 
> space between endnotes that between footnotes. Does anyone know how to 
> change this?

The singe, double etc spacing only applies within paragraphs,. You want to 
right click in th eendnote, "edit paragraph style", and then adjust the 
spacing before and after paragraphs. Since you'rechanging a style, that 
will fix all the endnotes at once. 

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[users] Re: Compatibility with word.

2005-12-03 Thread Andrew Brown
"Lic. Federico Esteban Nepote" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> i have sent a document and the person who recieved that document
> can¶ït open the file whith word. 

If they can't open it at all, then you probably did not save it as a word 
document. Save it again, making sure to choose MS Word 97 in the "file 
Type" dropdown. 

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[users] Re: IDE text size

2005-12-02 Thread Andrew Brown
Caleb Marcus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:438F9E29.4090004

>> Is there a way to increase the zoom in the IDE?  The text size is a bit
>> smaller than I would prefer.
> OpenOffice.org doesn't have an IDE.

It certainly has something _called_ a basic IDE.

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[users] Re: Profanity in the dictionary and thesaurus

2005-12-01 Thread Andrew Brown
Morgan Olsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> I had one staff visiting me personally and excuse his company for
> (amongst other things) my mails ended up unread in their trash can
> because the system classified the swedish word for "out of stock" as a
> naughty word (it is in english, but not in the local officeïs
> language). 

"Slut"? that's well up there with AOL banning signups from the Yorkshire 
town of Scunthorpe.

(My son worked for a while doing tech support from MSN Sweden, and one of 
the things he learned was that the username filters will only ban obscene 
signups in English. You could sign up with the most remarkably offensive 
Swedish screen names.)

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[users] Re: Word "ruins" my OOo template

2005-11-28 Thread Andrew Brown
Jennifer Fruelda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:43868069.8090809

> Opening a Microsoft Word document in OpenOffice and saving it as *.sxw 
> ruins my numbering styles... Is it a bug? Thanks

It may be. We can't know without seeing the document, which can't be done 
on this list, which doesn't accept attachments.

But if you were to report it as a bug in IssueZilla, you could attach the 
troublesome document, and then it would be looked over by the QA team, and 
if they can reproduce it, passed on to the developers.

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[users] Re: Boilerplating....

2005-11-26 Thread Andrew Brown
WP Hewitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:4387C5FF.5060309

> How does one create a boilerplate paragraph - like a callout,etc
> that when you pick the style(?) it embeds the same fixed text or graphic 
> in the paragraph so one doesnt need to re-create it?
> like:
> NOTE:   [The note text goes here}

They're called "Autotexts" in OOo. Look for that term in the help. 

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[users] Re: [moderated]

2005-11-25 Thread Andrew Brown
"Jake Paris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> I am trying to create a little booklet of, say, 16 pages, which I will
> fold and staple after it is printed. 

The simplest way to dothis is to use brochure printing from the print 
dialogue, which will do exactly what you want, automatically. It is 
available from the print dialogue, if you click the "Options" button. 

The trick is to write in portrait and then set the printer to print 
landscape, which automatically shrinks an A4 page to A5 brochures. 

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[users] Re: Getting Open Office To Start

2005-11-23 Thread Andrew Brown
Bill Griffin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in 

> A set of compressed Stuffit files came up which I 
> decompressed.  I see no icons that suggest any of the applications other 
> than a few GIF files.  What did I do wrong?

If they're stuffit files, it sounds as if you got the Mac version. 

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[users] Re: Hello, question about moving

2005-11-21 Thread Andrew Brown
Robert Spilleboudt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in 

> I assume this is one hard disk with 2 partitions.
> After a backup, use PartitionMagic to make c: bigger.
> This program is a "must".

The other solution is a lot quicker, less nerve-racking, and about 50 euros 

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[users] Re: Thesaurus for English UK

2005-11-17 Thread Andrew Brown
Thomas Lange <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:

> In that file there should be a line that looks sth like
> THES en US th_en_US

en GB, not en UK 

It should say: "THES en GB th_en_US_v2"
(I think -- you may not need the "_v2" at the end)

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[users] Re: numbering styles

2005-10-28 Thread Andrew Brown
Paul_B <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in 

> There must be something very fundamental I'm missing here, or 
> OOo's numbering is very broken at this point. I've gotten several 
> crashes while trying to work with this problem as well.

The numbering is horrendously broken right now -- 22 bugs outstanding. 
HOwever, it is reported fixed for 2.02. See, for instance, 

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[users] Re: DDE Engine: Importing data direct to spreadsheet

2005-10-27 Thread Andrew Brown
CPHennessy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

>  The integration with Excel is
>> so simple. Once the output has commenced;
>> Excel opens automatically as a blank spreadsheet, with Sheet1 open
>> and the spewed data automatically populates the spreadsheet into
>> correct columns and rows (no need to save as csv and re-import). The
>> DDE output will even rename the open worksheet from Sheet1 to
>> "nn" where "n" represnets the title of the report
>> that generated the output. 

This sounds as if it is opening a DDE channel to Excel, and then sending 
excel-specific commands down it. There's no reason to suppose that OOo will 
respond to them or even, as it were, answer when a DDE call is put out to 
Excel. I'm sorry if this makes difficulties for you. 

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[users] Re: OpenOffice.org 2.0 Is Here

2005-10-21 Thread Andrew Brown
Nicu Buculei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> Can be used = the specifications are public and free, so "any office 
> application" can use OpenDocument it it will implement input filters
Yes, and if my aunty had balls, she'd be my uncle. 
>> This announcement is A) full of misleading statements - and B) more
>> about the danged format that the program.

What makes this a really bad marketing line is that if the format is the 
most useful part of OOo 2.0, and someone does build a filter for Word, 
there is then no longer any good reason for Word users to change over. 
> I think you are wrong at A)
> and B) is normal, as the ODF support is the most important new feature

I would have thought that tolerable graphics, a 64,000 row spreadsheet, and 
a native database were all more interesting.  It is really "the only new 
feature that wasn't already present in MS Office 97" -- actually, it's not 
even that, since PDF export is new in OOo 2.0

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[users] Re: Bug in spaces display?

2005-10-18 Thread Andrew Brown
Herbert Eppel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:

> The issue has 17 votes - how many votes would trigger action?

What triggers action is if someone from Sun realises there is a real 
problem. It doesn't seem to have any particular relation to the number of 
votes, though a lot of votes for an issue will sometimes bring an 
explanation of why it can't be done. But this is free software. There's no 
incentive to supply what the users say they want. 

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[users] Re: Swedish users

2005-10-13 Thread Andrew Brown
Morgan Olsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> I entered a couple issues about errors in transaltion last week.
> Could someone swedish speaking confirm theese please so they might get
> fixed soon? 

Done. or even gjort.

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[users] Re: Data base question before jumping into Open Office BASE

2005-10-12 Thread Andrew Brown

> Questions:  
> --Is open office BASE capable of being programmed to do these things? 

Probably. You should ask, though, on the database user lists, where you 
will get better informed help than here -- and where several of the 
programme developers hang out. They are reached through 

> --Are there enough Help Screens/Wizards/other instructional aides that
> someone who has been preparing databases and spreadsheets for the past
> 20 years can successfully prepare such a system?  

There should be, but it's hard to be certain. There will almost certainly 
be less comprehensive and fewer, than there are in Access. 

> --Can the master db reside in a shared folder on a MS Home LAN
> hardwired between our two office computers running Windows XP; and be
> updated from either machine?  Can the db and associated routines, be
> easily up/down loaded to/from the laptop for those infrequent times
> when we shut down the office, hit the road in our R-V, and by means of
> a cell phone, voice mail, and E-mail, continue to accept calls and
> take reservations, even though we are away from our office? 

This bit sounds complicated, from a position of ignorance. I think it's 
possible, but, again I would ask on the db list

> Finally, can a routine be written which will prompt a 'data back-up'
> on a regular basis?

> If the answer to these questions are YES, then we are ready to change
> to BASE.  And do you have any kind of customer support for when we get
> stuck trying to format the reports, and the input screens, and the
> links between the multiple sub-db and the master db?

Not formally. There are mailing lists like this one, which can sometimes 
be very helpful, and sometimes are overwhelmed. You may find that the db 
list is one of the very helpful ones. I have always been really impressed 
by the speed and friendliness of the people there. But you might find it 
more worthwhile to pay Sun for Star Office, which does come with support.

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[users] Re: page numbers doesn't work

2005-10-10 Thread Andrew Brown
"J and A" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> I just installed Open Office 1.1.5. Had the previous version before
> this. Problem is, with the new version, when I select "fields" "insert
> page numbers", instead of the number showing up, eg: 1,2,3,4, in
> succession on the multi page document, the words "page numbers" shows
> up in 

This is a bug I have come across., It's odd. But easily cured. Go to the 
view menu, and tunr on field names, then tunr them off again. Or you cold 
just press ctrl-F9 twice. That cures it, and if it doesn't press ctrl-F9 
again. Once cured, it stays cured.

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[users] Re: No luck finding and replacing Regular Expressions

2005-10-09 Thread Andrew Brown
Jim Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:

> I've just left my settings at English-USA, and have been teaching the 
> spell-checker the right way to spell armour and colour.

There is a very slick enGB dictionary available. It has pruned a lot of the 
rubbish from the en-US one, too. 
get it from http://en-gb.pyxidium.co.uk:32080/dictionary/

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[users] Re: Spelling module in swedish

2005-10-08 Thread Andrew Brown
Andrew Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> My understanding of hunspell is that if "skomakare", "l†da", and
> "handtag" are all in the dictionary, as they should be, it ought to
> recognise the compound word. 

A quick check shows that they are, and it doesn't. On the other hand, the 
hunspell dictionary (affix file) format allows for many more, and more 
subtle rules about compounding than myspell -- though it is backward-
compatible. So if some bright young thing at a technical university were to 
sit down with the manual page for hunspell ( 
http://sourceforge.net/docman/display_doc.php?docid=29374&group_id=143754 ) 

and the current Swedish dictionary file, they could, over a period of 
months, produce the definitive list. But it would be a lot of work. I made 
a start on the en_GB dictionary, since taken over by more efficient people, 
and it was a large job. On the other hand, the result is much better than 
the standard myspell en_US dictionary, which is full of horrendous mistakes 
accumulated over decades of maintenance by illiterate students. 

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[users] Re: About OpenOffice.

2005-10-07 Thread Andrew Brown
Andrew Fisk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:D53DAF56-5589-4D1C-A08E-

> not sure what you are looking for with an end note, you can insert  
> footnotes, notes, footers.

EndNOte is a bibliogra[phic programme. So far as I know, it doesn't 
integrate with OOo.

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[users] Re: Addons site?

2005-10-07 Thread Andrew Brown
Patrick Lambert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in 

> Hiya,
> I know OOo can support addons, like the blooger tool and such, but is
> there a web page with a list of the extensions available? I'm thinking
> a site sorta like addons.mozilla.org for Firefox would be useful for
> OOo?

Not yet, but the scripting project is hoping to get something like that 
together some time.

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[users] Re: Spelling module in swedish

2005-10-07 Thread Andrew Brown
"Johnny Andersson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in 

> It works but there are a lot of words missing, compared to MS Office.  
> Swedish is somewhat complicated for most spell checkers to handle,  
> including this one. I don't think you won't find words like  
> "skomakarl†dehandtag" and other "sammansatta" words... (What is  
> "sammansatta" in English?)

"Compound" is I think the best translation of sammansatt. There is a new 
spelling checker engine -- written by a hungarian -- which is meant to be 
much better with compound words. There is a module available for OOo -- 
google "hunspell" -- but I have not dared install or test it myself. 

Swedish is a sufficiently regular language that spell-checking rules should 
be quite easy to formalise. 

My understanding of hunspell is that if "skomakare", "låda", and "handtag" 
are all in the dictionary, as they should be, it ought to recognise the 
compound word. 

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[users] Re: Re: Downloading of Openoffice O 2.0 RC fail when trying to select Swedish and Windows

2005-10-05 Thread Andrew Brown
Morgan Olsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> I am not sure SRC680_m130 = 2.0.0RC1.  Se my recent post to get
> swedish RC1. 

No -- it isn't. it's five builds further on. I think that RC2 was 1.9.125; 
this contains various fixes that should be inthe final release. After that, 
the 130 versions split off from the 2.0 codeline and head towards 2.01 or 
even more exciting destinations :-)

I have just got into the habit of getting every second upgrade from that 
site over the last six months. 

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[users] Re: Downloading of Openoffice O 2.0 RC fail when trying to select Swedish and Windows

2005-10-05 Thread Andrew Brown
"Hans Lundberg noricon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:000a01c5c982

> If you can link me to a correct downloading site I would be happy

There seems to be a Swedish windows executable at

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[users] Re: Format/ChangeCase is only upper & lower, Proper is missing

2005-09-30 Thread Andrew Brown
GregChi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in 

> Only problem (I want EVERYTHING!!!). these macros don't work in a
> Writer file (no 'cells') 

There is one that works in writer (but not i Calc) available from the 
address in the footer. 

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[users] Re: Re: Re: spell checking apostrophe ('s)

2005-09-30 Thread Andrew Brown
Wangshanpo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:433D1C12.3060400

> Sadly this is a set of names that I've been using for over 12 years 
> added in to M$ Word, (wash your mouth out) without hassle. Incidentally 
> the set comes as lower-case plain text and M$ has no problem with this, 
> even allowing names to be in title case and/or apostrophed.

It is possible to do this be editing the dictionary files directly; and 
certainly the en-GB dictionary files produced by Pyxidium allow for that 
kind of thing. It's just not terribly easy. We really ought to put in a bug 

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[users] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: spell checking apostrophe ('s)

2005-09-30 Thread Andrew Brown
"G. Roderick Singleton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

>> Maybe it's me, but I find the macro
>> language impossible, much more difficult than vba.
> BASIC is pretty much BASIC no matter which flavour. If you have
> specific problems let us know. 

But the OOo API is very different to Word's; and the documentation and
IDE are quite phenomenally worse. It took me, when I first started with
Word, about five minutes to write (well, actually, record) a macro that
transposes two characters. It took 48 hours to do the same in OOo. This
was before the days of the macro recorder, so I assume it would be
easier now. But there is still plenty that the macro recorder will not
do, and for that there's no substitute for hand coding. 

To take one really zimple example: if you're writing a macro in Word,
there are tooltips, syntax completion, and comprehensive help, all
available at most a keystroke away. Quite a lot of it is automatically
available as you type. You can't get any of that in OOo straight out of
the box. If you know where to look, you can find, and install, the
excellent Xray macro, whcih, in conjunction with the SDK -- another
optional download -- will give you some help. But it's not intuitive;
it's not easy, and it's not quick. 

As for the business of writing add-ins, that anyone can install and then
get additional toolbars, menus, and so on, with the new functions -- in
the five years I have used OOo, I have only come across one, the truly
remarkable Thessalonica, which actually works. There are innumerable
macros like that for Word, and that was true back when it was WinWord 2.
I have wasted a little time trying to write a blogging toolbar. It
doesn't work. I have no idea whatsoever why it doesn't. I don't know
anyone who can tell me -- and, yes, I have asked i all the sensible

There is a vicious circle here. OOo has too few developers making it
easier to use. This is there are too few tools for them. That is because
there are too few developers. 

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[users] Re: Re: Re: spell checking apostrophe ('s)

2005-09-30 Thread Andrew Brown
Paul_B <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in 

> I don't see the downside to capitalizing each word in the
> Selection, and I see a lot of upside to it.

Two downsides: since I wrote it for myself, what I wanted, usually, was 
sentence case; the other objection is that proper title case usually makes 
exceptions for certain small words, at least when they occur in the middle 
of the string to be title cased. ("at", "of", "the"). If anyone has a list 
of such words, it would be useful.

In the meantime, I have rolled a version which does what you want, I think. 
I'll stick a revised version of the macro document up later today. 

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[users] Re: Re: Re: spell checking apostrophe ('s)

2005-09-29 Thread Andrew Brown
Paul_B <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in 

> Thank you, G. I see that this is true - for one word at a time.

What do you think it should do: make every word in the selection title 

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[users] text to columns

2005-09-10 Thread Andrew Brown
someone wanted to know about this -- I've lost the original message. 
What you want is an addin, available here

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[users] Re: UK Thesaurus

2005-09-07 Thread Andrew Brown
Reg Kennedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:431EAB32.4020403

> I would still be grateful for some help. Despite the suggestions so far, 
> I still can only use the UK Thesaurus if
> both the locale and currency are Australian and the language is US
> English. This seems most odd and not very helpful!
> How can I even use the UK dictionary if I have to set the language as US 
> English?
> I need to work in UK English  so what do I do?

I'm sorry not to be more help, but I can't reproduce your problem at all. 
UK english works hre without any fuss. So I suspect you have some obscure 
Linux problem (I'm on Windows 2000) which can only be cured after a 67 
message flame war :-)

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[users] Re: UK Thesaurus

2005-08-31 Thread Andrew Brown
Reg Kennedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:43154C99.7030809

> Then, up comes the UK Thesaurus!! Of course, that's useless if I have to 
> work in US English!

Colo(u)r me stupid, but does it matter what dialect the thesaurus is in? I 
can see that it makes an important difference with dictionaries. But the 
word meanings really aren't that far apart except in slang, and that won't 
be covered by a thesaurus anyway. 

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[users] Re: Writer/text background

2005-08-27 Thread Andrew Brown
Robert Payne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:430FC0F0.8080601

> How can I give this (it will be pasted as text) a slightly different 
> background
> such as light gray to distinguish  it from the rest  of the  text  in 
> the  document ?

Make a style and apply it. This is actually the answer to all formatting 
questions. The implementation is left as an exercise to the reader :-)

Seriously, What you probably want to do is to select a code fragment, go to 
the format menu, choose paragraph, and then the tab that says "background". 
Pick a background colour, and change anything else you want to and press 
OK. Select the text that you've prettied up then press F11 to bring up the 
stylist window, and the icon at the extreme right lets you "make a new 
style based on the selection". Give it a name like "code snippet".
Then, the next time you pate in a code snippet, select it and click "code 
snippet" from the list of paragraph styles in the stylist window.

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[users] Re: ? about special characters

2005-08-19 Thread Andrew Brown
Thomas Lange <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Unfortuinately for special characters there is still no way to do this.
> The only way I know is to make a macro for this but I think this too
> much over the edge to be practical.

There are three workarounds I know. There is a partial macro to do this, 
available from the address in my sig. There is a more elaborate macro, 
available from Ian Laurensson's site (google "iannz"). Most elaborate of 
al, there is a set of macros in "Thessalonica" which will enable you to do 
almost anything with the keyboard. 

But I have to say, for my own accented requiremets in Windows, I simply 
have a keyboard layout set to Swedish, and switch between that and English 
with alt-left-shift. Since I know where the accents are on a Swedish 
keyboard, I find this the least trouble, and this is probably going to be 
true for anyone else who has experience typing on a a "foreing" keyboard 
and is using Windows. Linuces I don't know about. 

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[users] Re: [moderated]

2005-08-15 Thread Andrew Brown
"EugenHotmail" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> Is there any tool to convert my Lotus Word Pro- documents  to Open
> Office ? 

I thought that star office on windows came with a converter for this ...

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[users] Re: Title case

2005-07-30 Thread Andrew Brown
Iain Dalton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:42DCEF5A.2070406

> What he means by title case is that every Microsoft Word's initial word 
> is capitalised. Actually, while that is how Microsoft Word does it, it 
> should be every word except articles and prepositions.
> As to whether there is a way, no, there isn't.

There is a macro that does it, available from the address in my sig.

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[users] Re: Declaration problem...

2005-05-19 Thread Andrew Brown
"Johnny Andersson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> Swedish: "BASIC Runtimefel: Objektvariablerna „r inte best„mda", which
> is  very strange Swedish and hard to translate to any language...).
> It's  

"undetermined Object Variables"? which is, I agree, very strange English. 
It probably made sense once in German...

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[users] Re: word counts?

2005-05-18 Thread Andrew Brown

> My brother in law turned me on to open office.
> I'm checking the length of a story I want to submit somewhere but I
> can't find the word count. What do I do? 

If you're using version 1.x there is a document you can download fro my sig 
which contains, and will install for you, a word count macro.

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[users] Re: Open Office & Lotus

2005-05-17 Thread Andrew Brown
"Andrew Bullock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> Can I import Lotus Smartsweet packages: Wordpro, Freelance, 123 &
> Approach files into Open Office? direct.  It is difficult to import
> Freelance into Powerpoint.  

Not directly, no. There is a converter for at least some of those formats 
that comes with Star Office. 

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[users] Re: Re: [moderated]

2005-05-17 Thread Andrew Brown
Doug Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:4288DEE6.7090506

> Your response is nonsensical.  Nowhere did I infer that AmiPro can save 
> in PDF format.  Please read and respond to the posts unless you're 
> originating one of your own.

I've no idea what you inferred. You did imply that AmiPro could save to 
that format, unless by Acrobat you meant the distiller application, which 
may, I don't know, be able to read AmiPro files. I was wrong not to think 
of that. But you could have made your meaning clearer, perhaps as clear as 
your difficulties with good manners.

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[users] Re: [moderated]

2005-05-16 Thread Andrew Brown
Doug Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:42889897.5070701

> If you have available a copy of Adobe Acrobat, you might consider saving 
>   to that format.  It is rumored that the ability to edit PDF files will 
> be available in the 2.0 release.

Ami pro is unlikely to export to PDF -- it was an excellent word processor 
in the early nineties, much better than MS Word of that date, with a 
strikingly clean and attractive interface. Later rewritten, and, I believe, 
largely destroyed, as Lotus Word Pro. 

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[users] Re: [moderated]

2005-05-16 Thread Andrew Brown
Bo & Marlee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> How do I open documents created with Lotus AmiPro 3.1 in
> OpenOffice.org 1.1.4? 

The only suggestion I have is to buy a copy star office,which comes with 
convereters from ami pro files on Windows. This is something I have been 
meaning to do for years myself. 

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[users] Re: My 4Mb+ (90+ pp) Writer file displays empty

2005-05-14 Thread Andrew Brown
Bryce L Nordgren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> Today the document is blank (but still 4+Mb).  I unzipped it and it
> appears that everything is there except the top level "content.xml".  
> There appears to be a directory for each equation and a directory
> named "Pictures" to contain all the illustrations.  But no
> "content.xml" and therefore no text, pictures, equations or anything. 
> The zipfile was valid. 
> Is there any chance of recovering the 90+ pages in the document? 
> (Like, maybe I'm wrong and "content.xml" is not what I should be
> looking for...) 

This is clearly a bug that should be reported. But I think that the 
content.xml only holds the text and nothing else.

As for the rcovery question, I'd think that a backup is your only hope. 

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[users] Re: Your help please

2005-05-12 Thread Andrew Brown
"David Garson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> I am a travel writer, writing my articles in English (GreatBritain).
> However, some of my articles have to be "americanised" and however
> much I try to change the language under Extra-Options-Languages etc.
> it always slips back to Great Britain English. 
> Any idea, what to do?

Don't use templates; use styles. The language of a particular paragraph (or 
word, or anything) is set as part of its character style. Your normal style 
will have its language set to "English UK" -- you can see by looking at the 
font tab. Make a copy of this style, changing only the language to 
American, and call it "American default" or something like that. Then you 
can simply apply that style to anything you wat spekkchecked in American, 
and switch back just as easily. Depending on how you're submitting, you 
might also want to give the American style a different colour, so yu can 
spot those sections easily. 

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[users] Re: adding icons to toolbars in 1.9.x

2005-05-12 Thread Andrew Brown
Andrew Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in 

> One of those things which is so simple you'd never look there. I shall 
> experiment and report back.
> There is nothing in the help system about this. I'm not sure whether to 
> file a bug. 

Yes. It works beautifully in 1.9.x. 
Thank you both for your help. 

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[users] Re: Irregular line spacing in 1.1.4

2005-05-11 Thread Andrew Brown
"Rogier van Vlissingen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> If I create the document with a copy operation, no problem. If however
> I  import the doc with "insert file" then I have a problem.

ONe which ought to be reported ti IZ, if it's repeatable. 

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[users] Re: adding icons to toolbars in 1.9.x

2005-05-11 Thread Andrew Brown
Mixu Lauronen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:428247A9.4090309

> It's actually quite simple. Just add the macro in the toolbar by using 
> Tools -> Customize. Then select the newly added macro and press Modify 
> -> Change Icon -> Import. Browse to the directory where you put the icon 
> and select it, press Ok - and that's it! Remember that the icon has to 
> be 16*16 pixels, but almost any picture format will do.


One of those things which is so simple you'd never look there. I shall 
experiment and report back.
There is nothing in the help system about this. I'm not sure whether to 
file a bug. 

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[users] adding icons to toolbars in 1.9.x

2005-05-11 Thread Andrew Brown
Is there a way to add icons to openoffice 1.9.x? I wrote a little macro 
that toggled overstriking on selected text, and want to add it to the 
formatting toolbar with an appropriate icon. there is no appropriate icon. 
I can quite easily make one with an icon painter program. But where do I 
put it so that OOo can find it and place it on the toolbar?

I'm using windows, but would be interested in any solutions.

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[users] Re: Regex for paragraph find

2005-04-19 Thread Andrew Brown
"Paul B." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:

> I'm trying to replace '^-' (or, using more conventional new line 
> notation, '\n-') with ' -' - that is, I'm trying to collapse 
> paragraphs - but tying the search string to the end of the 
> previous paragraph doesn't do it. That's probably because a 
> multiline marker would be needed - another thing I didn't see 
> listed in Help.

Much the easiest way to do this, which works almost infallibly, is simply 
to go to format->autoformat->apply. I just cleaned up a 4,000 word email 
like that with only two misjudgements of where the paragraph breaks should 
come. All the other returns were unwrapped and the paragraph breaks were 

This really ought to be in one of the FAQ collections

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[users] Re: DDE Links Cockup in OOo 1.1.4

2005-04-13 Thread Andrew Brown
"Howard Burford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> Question 1 is, how can I retrieve the file to at least open it and
> read it, even if I do have to redefine all the links in it manually?
> I've tried recreating the deleted folders and file, to no effect.

In a real emergency you can always open the file in a zip program and 
extract the content.xml, which wil give you the plain text, and possibly 
more. That could then be pasted into a new document. Just out of curiosity, 
why did you make DDE links to the same documetn> wouldn't ordinary 
hyperlinks have done as well? 

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[users] Re: Help with Word Count

2005-04-09 Thread Andrew Brown
[posted and mailed]

"RobDaFob" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:BAY104-

> Hoping someone can make sense out of my posting.. Look forward to hearing
> from anyone who can help...I am a new user to computers, so please detail
> your reply in as much detail as possible..(sorry)

Go to the address in my sig file, download the macros from there: they come 
in a document which very easily installs a word count which does anything 
you want as well as some other goodies. ie it counts text with and without 
footnotses and multimple selections quickly and accurately. 

Andrew Brown
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[users] Re: Help with Word Count

2005-04-08 Thread Andrew Brown
"RobDaFob" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:BAY104-

> Hoping someone can make sense out of my posting.. Look forward to hearing
> from anyone who can help...I am a new user to computers, so please detail
> your reply in as much detail as possible..(sorry)

Go the the address in my .sig file. It has a macro which does all the word 
counting you want, which is as simple to install as I can make it. 

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[users] Re: 1.1 settings, macros in 2.0 Beta

2005-03-17 Thread Andrew Brown
Alan Yaniger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:

> How do I transfer settings, macros, dictionaries from 1.1 to 2.0 beta?

Not easily, becasue the configuration files have changed. Macros can be 
imported through the macro interface. Keyboard macros and settig have to be 
recontructed by hand, so far as I remember. Custom dictionaries can just be 
moved in a file manager, I think. 

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[users] Re: Re: openoffice in swedish....

2005-03-15 Thread Andrew Brown
Tamblyne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:

> Hi, Andrew --
> Sorry, but I didn't assume "new version" meant "beta".  :-)

You may be right. :-) anyway, we'll find out.  

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[users] Re: openoffice in swedish....

2005-03-15 Thread Andrew Brown
Tamblyne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:

> Follow this link and choose "Swedish" --
> http://download.openoffice.org/1.1.4/index.html

Yes, but she wants version 2. And I don't think th ebetas are available in 
Swedish. If they were, it would be from Pavel Janik's site but as far as I 
can tel, the most recent builds there are only available in Danish

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[users] Re: Document number macro

2005-02-18 Thread Andrew Brown
Urska Colner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:4215A0EC.20004

> anyone knows of a macro that would let me apply an 
> incremented document number to a newly opened 
> document?

Not as such. I can let you have a macro which saves letters and things with 
a filename based on the day's date. But that's not quite what you want. It 
does, however, show you how to construct filenames for saving under. 

> if not, I could use some advice: what is the best 
> way to do that? should the document number depend 
> on the number of documents, currently stored in a 
> directory or would it be better to have the number 
> depend on a template. that means that the number 
> would increment when a new empty document was 
> opened from *the same* template.
Countig th enumber of files in a directory is certainly wrong, for the 
reasons you suggest. For incrementing things, could you store the 
incremented number in one of the document properties fields of the template 
you're using (it would be a string, of course, and you'd have to convert it 
to increment it). But it could be a string of essentially arbitrary length, 
which you may need, as you come up to your millionth document. 

NOte: I haven't tested this at all. Just trying to be helpful. 

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[users] Re: "fill-paragraph"

2005-02-18 Thread Andrew Brown
David Welton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in 

> Yes, to me it seems there ought to be one way to specify a character,
> visible or not, in both fields.

You can do it with a macro. I know that at some stage I did it, but I don't 
have time to run it down. There may be something that could be adapted 
inthe macros in my .sig

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[users] Re: [discuss] Re: Word count, again....

2005-02-07 Thread Andrew Brown
Ian Laurenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in 

> I have just been playing with having a selection change listener
> combined with Andrew's word count macro (slightly modified). If nothing
> is selected (or more than one selection is made) the normal status bar
> is displayed, but if a single selection is made the status bar shows
> similar information to that displayed in Andrew's original dialog.
> Would this approach meet the perceived need? If people are interested I
> could tidy it up and post it on my site. Or Andrew if you are interested
> I could post what I have done to you.
> .

That sounds fantastic! Please -- yes. 

Andrew Brown
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[users] Re: Re: Keeping autocorrect/autotext files when upgrading

2005-02-02 Thread Andrew Brown
Cor Nouws <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:

> When copying the whole user-directory, you'll have to edit the files 
> dialog.xlc and script.xlc on the location (...\OOo..\user\basic), 
> because the path of the basic-libraries is in those files.

But it expands: it's stored as a paramterised reference to $Installdir or 
something like that, which is automatically brought up to date. 

Andrew Brown
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[users] Re: Keeping autocorrect/autotext files when upgrading

2005-02-02 Thread Andrew Brown
"Paul B." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:ctou7s$ubr$1

> What I was hoping for was a way to point all future versions of 
> OOo to a common directory that contained my user files, and thus 
> be able to leave the files in place there. I'd rather change the 
> filespec than have to copy files each time (from m62 to m65, to 
> m67, to m71, etc.). I think it can be done, guess I'm going to 
> have to dig into it.

I'd love this too; and now the file formats have settled down, it ought to 
be possible. For the moment, I simply copy over the whole user subdirectory 
to the new version, which seems to work. But it's not ideal. 

In the 1.x versions, I used to have one directory for templates, macros, 
and dictionaries called "OOo common", and pointed each successive version 
there in the paths dialogue. I don't know that was any less trouble. 

Andrew Brown
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[users] Re: Hva gjør jeg feil?

2005-02-02 Thread Andrew Brown
Urska Colner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

My real Scandinavian language is ~Swedish, but I can have a crack at this 
Norwegian: He's a retuired teacher, and using OOo to make documents 
illustrated wth photographs, after growing tired of MS Works.

He says: "OpenOffice was useful with its method of inserting graphics 
into the text, and I have discovered how to insert and adjust pictures. 
It was fine. But all of a sudden OOo won't insert pictures into the text 
any longer. Instead, I get a frame -- a sort of precursor to the picture. 
The picture I have chosen just won't show up, although all the choices 
for editing it are offered as usual.

The same thing happens whether I am inserting an MS paint picture or one 
from OOo's own Draw program (choose picture, insert graphic, open ...)

My old school, in Mo, has Windows 98 and OOo, and there, the picture pops 
up in the right place when you select "insert graphic" and then "open".

What's happened? What have I done wrong? Is Works 7 incompatible with 

>> OpenOffice kom til hjelp med sitt apparat for † tilpasse bilder til
>> tekst, og jeg oppdaget ogs† hvilke veier OpenOffice viste n†r man
>> skal sette inn og tilpasse grafikk.Nydelig. 
>> Men plutselig ville ikke OpenOffice sette inn bilder i teksten mer,
>> men satte inn en ramme, en slags forl›per for bildet.Men det valgte
>> bildet spretter ikke p† plass, mens alle redigeringsmuligheter ellers
>> tilbys. 
>> Det samme skjer enten jeg f›rer bilder gjennom paint, eller gjennom
>> OpenOffices grafikk-knapp.(velg bilde, sett inn grafikk, †pne--) 
>> Min gamle skole Mo Ungdomsskole har Microsoft versjon 98, og
>> OpenOffice, og der spretter bildet rett p† plass n†r du har brakt
>> bildet til "sett inn grafikk" og trykker "†pne" 
>> Hva er hendt? Hva har jeg gjort galt? Er works 7 uforenlig med
>> OpenOffice?? 

Andrew Brown
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[users] Re: How Do I... Fontwork?

2005-01-30 Thread Andrew Brown
Matt Needles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:ctgv4t$pkj$1

> Okay, now I'm using 1.9.74, so the Fontwork Gallery is where I'm having 
> trouble.  I found that icon on the Drawing toolbar, and can drag a 
> predefined style onto my page.  Once done, I'm given a Fontwork toolbar, 
> where there are other styles.  I am not able to change the style of the 
> object dragged from the Gallery. I want to use, for example, one that 
> has text increasing in size from left to right.  That isn't in the 
> Fontwork Gallery, but is in the Fontwork toolbar, but clicking on it 
> doesn't change the selected object.  I can only change the size, fill 
> color, and the attribute controlled by the yellow dot handle on the 
> Fontwork object.  If this is normal, I think there's functionality 
> missing yet.

Yes. It looks as if lots is still broken here. 

Andrew Brown
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[users] Re: Document Assembly

2005-01-22 Thread Andrew Brown
Ken Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:

> Now I want to set up the same sort of procedure in OOo.  I want to do 
> this for real estate conveyances and then, once I have that in place, 
> set it up for other areas of our law practice.
> I have a bunch of questions that I would like to resolve at the start 
> rather than find out I should have done it differently somewhere along 
> the line and have to redo things in a different way.

Two general observations:
The database support in v2 will be much slicker, though still buggy in the 
current snapshots. this should give you hope. Though v2 will come with its 
own embedded database, if you're going to do this for a whole office, it's 
probably simplest to use MySQL, which also has lots of front ends available 
if you're unhappy with OOo's. 

If you have to use related tables in a proper database for any part of this 
project you might as well store all the data there, and not keep some of it 
in calc files. 

If you succeed, do write it up for the eye of Goggle, that you may be a 
benefactor to those who come after.

Andrew Brown
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