Re: [users] Open Office data sheet

2010-12-21 Thread Daniel Lewis

RA Brown wrote:

On Tue Dec 21 2010 11:20:23 GMT-0800 (PST)  Richard Broersma Jr wrote:

--- On Tue, 12/21/10, Jérôme DUBOIS wrote:
Do you a data sheet of open office ?
I respond to customer and I need these
informations.Here is what I found after a quick google search:

Better information on can be found at .  Your link refers to Oracle Open Office, 
a renaming of Sun's Start Office.  Some propose that the naming is to 
confuse people and get them to buy OOO instead of just downloading 
OOo. :(


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Re: [users] Database

2010-12-20 Thread Daniel Lewis

Denise wrote:

How do I open program?
 I'm not sure what you mean by open program. If you are using a 
Windows operating system (XP, VISTA, etc.), you should find the folder in All Programs. (It may be near the bottom of 
this list if you have installed recently.) Within that 
folder should be the Base icon. (Base is OOo's database component. Click 
it to open Base.
 You may not be well acquainted with Base. If so, I suggest you get 
the Getting Started with Base chapter from the Getting Started Guide. 
(You might want to get the entire Getting Started Guide if you are going 
to use other parts of OOo. 

is the link to the complete Getting Started Guide as well as the 
individual chapters.
 The Getting Started with Base chapter begins with how to open 
the Base component of OOo and the basics of how to use Base.


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Re: [users] Re: Link to External Data *.csv file?

2010-12-19 Thread Daniel Lewis

Raul I. Sais wrote:

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/---Original Message---/
/*From:*/ Brian Barker
/*Date:*/ 12/19/2010 9:47:56 AM
/*Subject:*/ Re: [users] Re: Link to External Data *.csv file?
At 03:38 19/12/2010 +, Mark Knecht wrote:
Brian Barker b.m.barker at writes:
At 20:11 18/12/2010 +, Mark Knecht wrote:
Is it possible to link two Sheets in a Calc spreadsheet to two
external CSV files?
Is there a way to do this?

Yes.  Use Insert | Sheet from File..., browse to the .csv file, and
tick the Link box in the Insert Sheet dialogue.  You'll want two
sheets linked to your two data files and a third sheet (probably in
front) in which to perform the comparison.

I trust this helps.

I think it does. I'll try it when I get back to that machine tomorrow.

Let me double check one thing. If I use Insert | Sheet from File as
you suggest, then is this spreadsheet updated with new data from the
file anytime this spreadsheet is opened?
Er, yes.  If not, it wouldn't help with your problem!
When you open the spreadsheet, you will see a dialogue asking if
links to other files should be updated.  If you wish to perform the
update with the spreadsheet open, you can go to File | Reload (after
saving any changes to the spreadsheet, of course) - which will
stimulate the same dialogue.
Brian Barker
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Re: [users] vote for issue 116073 - OOW 3.2.1 crashing when Opening/Saving docs to different than default directory.

2010-12-13 Thread Daniel Lewis

Rogier van Vlissingen wrote:
I'm assuming I cannot be the only person to whom this happens? It's 
been with me since v 3.0 and continues to not get fixed, crashreports 
notwithstanding. I guess it happens to me a lot as I have a habit of 
grouping files by projects.

 Which language do you use? What operating system? I use the 
English (US) versions. I regularly save and open files from a large 
number of folders other than the Default folder. I do this on the 
following operating systems: Mac OS X, and Ubuntu (both 32 bit and 64 
bit). All of these versions of OOo have been downloaded from the OOo 
website. I do not use any of the windows OS's. Perhaps this will help 
reduce the number of things that might be the cause.


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Re: [users] Where does Linux/Mint OOo Store RGB Color Codes?

2010-12-13 Thread Daniel Lewis
  Perhaps this will help: The color table is stored in 
/home/ in the standard .soc file. This is 
using the OOo version downloaded from the OOo website. The Mac version 
is home/Library/Application Support/ Again 
it is the standard .soc file.
 Before copying  the standard.soc file from another location, you 
might consider renaming the standard.soc file you want to replace. Then 
copy the desired standard.soc file into the same folder. Close OOo if it 
is running. Open it to see if you now have the color table that you want.
 NOTICE: The locations are accurate. The suggestions are what I 
think, but I have never tried to do this. They may not work even if I 
think they should.


James Greenidge wrote:
Bruce, thank you for your suggestions and we'll take it under serious 
consideration. It's just a shame that users and beta testers have to 
go it alone with complicated ad hoc remedies like this on issues which 
are basic programming knowledge to OOo programmers and writers. But by 
God, isn't there a member of the OOo crew here who can suggest less 
jump-thru-hoops suggestions than this when laypeople and schools and 
companies are changing platforms and wish to take OOo along with them? 
Surely a method to semi-painlessly transfer configs and defaults 
between OOo variants would better grease the way to attract more users!

Exasperated JIm in NYC

On 12/12/10 9:00 PM, Bruce_Martin wrote:

Dear James and all:

My experience is that Oo stores color codes, hatches and gradients 
all in the same place relative to itself.

This alone does not give you the exact path, as that can vary in 
relation to the different platforms.

However there is a simple procedure I use to load, store and migrate 
this data between Fedora, Win XP etc on my network, and carry it 
physically to friend's machines (as I have created a number of custom 
colours and gradients.)


In whatever installation of Oo you are using...

1)Open a blank Oo Draw file.

2)Draw a rectangle (size is minimally important, as long as it 
fits the page and is big enough to see the fill colour.)

3 )   Right click (PC) on the fill.

4)From the menu that appears, choose area.

5)Then choose the colours tab.

6)Close to the right side of the colour choice window, look for 2 
icons, One usually a blue floppy, (to save as the colour palette), 
the other one above it to load a colour palette.

7)Open either one of these, and you will get the contents of the 
default folder that holds the color palette (usual extension: .SOC) 
The default file name is Standard.SOC, and the size will depend on 
the number of colours it contains at the time. (Mine, with added 
colours is only about 12 Kb.)

8)In the usual manner for navigating, start to navigate - more to 
see where the default folder is located than to actually do anything.

9)If you want to export a colour palette, load it into Oo, then 
save it with the other icon, navigating to your desired new location. 
Then you will end up saving a copy of it in that location, which can 
be a USB stick, and external or network drive or whatever you have.

10)Likewise, using the load icon, you can load a file from any 
other location, then save it as the Standard.SOC file, overwriting 
the one in the default folder and, providing the new file is a 
legitimate SOC, it will be the default colour palette once you close 
and restart Open office - no need to reboot as a rule.

11)All the preceding stuff repeats for Gradients (Default 
Standard.SOG) and Hatches - Default Standard.SOG

12)If the installation were on a MAC, either the HFS or HFS+ file 
system would likely generate the usual mac fork, or that might be 
done by the underlying Java runtime used with the MAC (Tiger and up.)

12a)When exporting from a MAC to a PC environment, it is 
normal to end up with 3 files for each part of the MAC fork: The Data 
Resource is the one you need for the PC, the Resource and other forks 
should be saved aside, so that when you need to re-import the file 
back from the PC world to the MAC world, you simply copy the modified 
PC file back into the folder where the other 2 files were kept, 
making sure the filenames (aside from the extensions) are identical, 
then, in the MAC environment, the re-integration of the 3 files back 
into the MAC fork is normally done automatically when you copy the 
file back into the MAC environment.

On the older MACS, this was done with a PC formatted floppy used in 
the MAC floppy drive, as on either the 1.44Mb PC floppy and the same 
physical floppy, formatted as HFS (MAC) 900 Kb. were actually encoded 

On USB Sticks, the file system should be FAT16, but Likely could work 
with ext2 or ext3, providing the MAC OS is capable of reading those 
systems currently.

In the case of an External HD (USB of IEEE1394/Firewire) the likely 
system would 

Re: [users] Where does Linux/Mint OOo Store RGB Color Codes?

2010-12-13 Thread Daniel Lewis

James Greenidge wrote:

On 12/13/10 10:53 AM, Daniel Lewis wrote:
  Perhaps this will help: The color table is stored in 
/home/ in the standard .soc file. This 
is using the OOo version downloaded from the OOo website. The Mac 
version is home/Library/Application 
Support/ Again it is the standard .soc 
 Before copying  the standard.soc file from another location, you 
might consider renaming the standard.soc file you want to replace. 
Then copy the desired standard.soc file into the same folder. Close 
OOo if it is running. Open it to see if you now have the color table 
that you want.
 NOTICE: The locations are accurate. The suggestions are what I 
think, but I have never tried to do this. They may not work even if I 
think they should.


Seasons Greetings Dan and thanks, however as far I could find, the 
directory structure of Mint is a morass of branches and duplicated 
folders. A file search for OpenOffice and standard.soc came up readily 
enough in Mac, but in Mint a file search popped up nothing less than 
three separate OpenOffice folders in threads raging from /etc/ to 
/init/ and some were alias dead-ends or plain empty. I'm no hacker and 
I really don't want to play Indiana Jones delving our hard drives just 
to transfer color and address and default info from Mac OOo into Mint 
OOo. I wonder how many perspective users OOo lost because people 
couldn't transfer their personal Mac or PC or Linux Ooo defaults 
between another. Surely there's a simple script that can swing this, 
and I'd really be nice if the brains in the know could lend a hint.

Jim in NYC

 If you are using the version of OOo provided by Mint, the preset 
parts of OOo are probably located within the /etc/ folder. That is not 
what you want. You mentioned three locations for the standard.soc file, 
but you did not mention where the third location was. If you look at my 
earlier reply, I mentioned a location: /home/ What I 
should have written /home/user/ as the 
folder containing the file you need. The user in the address is the 
name of the folder which contains all of your personal folders. For 
example, on my Linux box, my user name is dan. So, this file is 
located at /home/dan/ Another thing: the 
period in front of is used by Linux to identify a hidden 
folder or file. I'm not sure how you searched for the standard.soc file. 
Did you use the command line or something else. This might help some.


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Re: [users] animated PNG format used in OpenOffice?

2010-12-12 Thread Daniel Lewis

Rupert Brooks wrote:


I took apart an ooimpress file the other day that contained an
animation.  The image content was stored in
Pictures/somelongnumber.png.  This appears to be a regular PNG,
except its much too big.  The animation seems to be stored in it, as
it is properly kept and handled in the impress file.  However, the
manifest for the document just describes the content as
media-type=image/png   In principle though, png does not support
multiframe to my knowledge.

So I wondered, what format is being used by openoffice to store
animated images?  Are there tools outside of openoffice that can read
it?  Could someone point me to documentation?

Rupert Brooks
Rupert Brooks

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 The animated images are APNG files (animated PNG). It is an 
extension of the PNG files we have known. Search the Web using this 
phrase: animated png (without the parentheses).  This extension has 
been around since 2004.


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Re: [users] PDF Conversion

2010-12-10 Thread Daniel Lewis

Douglas Hinds wrote:

OO's ability to create pdf files is a valuable asset.

However, the need frequently arises to convert pdf files to a
editable format.

I installed the extension OO offers for doing that but the results
were not adequate.

I no longer use Windows.  Can anyone suggest a Linux Application
(I'm running Mint - a version of Ubuntu) that would allow me to
convert PDF files to a format editable in OO?

Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

It might help if you had stated what you meant by the results were not 
adequate. What type of editing do you want to do? Where does OOo fail 
to do what you want?


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Re: [users] Change to style does not have full effect

2010-12-06 Thread Daniel Lewis

James Wilde wrote:

Mac OSX 10.6.5 OOo 3.2.1

I have a Writer style called Chapter_default which, amongst other features, 
specifies 12 pt font.  In one very long document, ca 500 pages, I changed this 
to 10.5 pt, and now I am going through the entire document changing odd 
phrases, and sometimes whole paragraphs which have not been changed.

I wonder whether anyone else has had a similar experience that a change to a 
style is not reflected in the whole document.

Very often - but not universally - the failure is in connection with a word or 
phrase in italics in a foreign language.
 If by any chance, were these problem areas quotes from another 
source such as the foreign language? If you have pasted anything into 
your document from another document, the styles of the original document 
comes with it. Changing the Chapter_default style only changes that 
style. It does not change the style of the pasted text.
 If you are going to use styles in a document, you would be well 
served to use Paste Special choosing Unformatted text instead of Paste. 
Using Paste Special this way, what you paste will use the 
Chapter_default style. You can also add some character styles from the 
Styles and Formatting dialog.
 One other item that many people do not recognize: The formatting 
toolbar contains the font name, font size, and these icons: bold, 
italic, and underlined. If you use any of these in a document, you have 
hard wired it into that part of the document. You can only change any of 
these settings by highlighting the area to be changed and then change 
it. You can not change it using the Styles and Formatting dialog (F11 
key). I personally don't use the formatting toolbar for that reason.
  So, if you are going to use styles, the best way is to use the 
Styles and Formatting dialog exclusively. Use Paste Special - 
Unformatted text for pasting any text from another document.



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Re: [users] openoffice for macosx10.5.6

2010-12-02 Thread Daniel Lewis


Hi there,

which version of openoffice is the newest one that is compatible with MAC
OSX 10.5.6, and how can i donwload it?

Thanks, Ute

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Go to on your MAC. Click I want to download A box opens below what you just clicked. Click anywhere 
in the box begin the downloading process. You will be taken to another 
page and then the download window opens. You will be downloading a .dmg 
file. Double click it to install it. A window opens with three folders 
and the file. Drag this file to the Applications folder in this 
window to install the program. Icon also appear labeled 
on the desktop. When you are finished installing the program, drag the 
icon to the Trash to eject it.


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Re: [users] Re: Returned mail: User unknown

2010-11-30 Thread Daniel Lewis
 I have been getting the same emails. It only happens when I send a 
reply to the mailing list. This leads me to think that the person with 
this email address has closed this email account but has not 
unsubscribed from this mailing list. So, if someone who has the 
authority to remove this email address from our list, please remove from the mailing list. (Even as I send this, 
I know I will get another email mentioning a permanent fatal error: user 

Dan wrote:

Do any of you know why I got 25 of the following emails?
I know that this thread was seen on the list back in September.
I did not send it to dloveless@ but only to the users@ list

I have been getting a lot of fatal errors from posts I send
to the list.  I see them on the list's emails sent to my inbox
but some of them come back to me as User Unknown.

This is just a pain.  The trouble really is not the one or two
coming back, but 25 of the same one.  When I see my posts
on the list and then weeks later I get an Unknown User fatal error,
it is just strange

On 11/29/10 18:24, postoffice wrote:

The original message was received at 2010-11-29 18:20:38 -0500
from postoffice.(null) []

- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -

-Transcript of session follows -
... while talking to postoffice.(null).:


  550 5.1.1 unknown or illegal alias: User unknown

Reporting-MTA: dns; postoffice.(null)

Received-From-MTA: DNS; postoffice.(null)
Arrival-Date: 2010-11-29 18:20:39 -0500

Final-Recipient: RFC822;
Action: failed
Status: 5.1.1
Remote-MTA: DNS; postoffice.(null)
Diagnostic-Code: SMTP;550 5.1.1 unknown or illegal alias:
Last-Attempt-Date: 2010-11-29 18:20:39 -0500

Part 1.2

Re: [users] Cassette Sleeve Template?
Thu, 16 Sep 2010 11:49:24 -0400


On 09/16/2010 11:22 AM, Brian Barker wrote:


At 09:21 16/09/2010 +0100, Harold Fuchs wrote:

... old fashioned audio cassette - you know, the ones that came* in
c60 (1 hour, 1/2 hour per side), c90 and c120 for recording from
one's radio?
* I use the past tense because I can't find anywhere in London that
still sells them ...

Charity shops are reputed to have these available - presumably often
used ones.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, blind people apparently retain a need for
them.  The Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) will sell
you C60s and C90s by post.  They appear to have a shop at their
premises in Judd Street - - where you
may be able to obtain them over the counter.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker


Over here in the USA, only the large chain retail stores seems to carry
these cassettes, usually next to the micro cassette for business
recorders.  So maybe they could be found in a business supply shop/store as

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Re: [users] How does OOo store Writer images?

2010-11-28 Thread Daniel Lewis

Johnny Rosenberg wrote:

Den 2010-11-28 15:03:15 skrev James Greenidge

A Write document is corrupt but I can use Stuffit to open it and get 
at the files but I can't find the very important images. Does OOo 
store then as PNG or PICT or JPG? Also, does OOo convert image files 
pasted into a Write doc?


Are your images in your writer document or are they linked to from 
writer? If the latter, there are no images in the ODF. Otherwise I 
guess Writer stores them in their original format in a 
separate folder (”Images”?), but I'm not 100 % sure about that.

The images are stored in their own folder within the odf file. This 
folder is named Picture. As mentioned by the previous poster, the images 
are stored in the odf file only if they have been embedded into the 
writer document. If you had chosen to only link the images, the ODF file 
will only contain a link to where the images were located when you made 
the link to the images.


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Re: [users] How does OOo store Writer images?

2010-11-28 Thread Daniel Lewis

James Greenidge wrote:

On 11/28/10 10:04 AM, Daniel Lewis wrote:

Johnny Rosenberg wrote:

Den 2010-11-28 15:03:15 skrev James Greenidge

A Write document is corrupt but I can use Stuffit to open it and 
get at the files but I can't find the very important images. Does 
OOo store then as PNG or PICT or JPG? Also, does OOo convert image 
files pasted into a Write doc?


Are your images in your writer document or are they linked to from 
writer? If the latter, there are no images in the ODF. Otherwise I 
guess Writer stores them in their original format in 
a separate folder (”Images”?), but I'm not 100 % sure about that.

The images are stored in their own folder within the odf file. This 
folder is named Picture. As mentioned by the previous poster, the 
images are stored in the odf file only if they have been embedded 
into the writer document. If you had chosen to only link the images, 
the ODF file will only contain a link to where the images were 
located when you made the link to the images.


Thanks for the swift answer!

I found several files in Pictures folder which have several files 
with long random numbers as filenames which my Mac image readers won't 
even list. Are they real image files and are they PNG or PICT or JPG 
and MOV like my image readers are expecting?

They are real images. I save an embedded picture (JPEG file) in a Writer 
document. When I unzipped the document, the file in the Picture folder 
contained a JPEG file. When I did the same thing when embedding a PNG 
picture in a Writer document, the Picture folder contained a PNG file. 
My conclusion: the image files in the Picture folder are the image 
formats as the image format of the image embedded in the Writer document.


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Re: [users] How does OOo store Writer images?

2010-11-28 Thread Daniel Lewis

RA Brown wrote:

On Sun Nov 28 2010 13:28:16 GMT-0800 (PST)  Guy Voets wrote:
The pictures are stored in the format/ext they were imported in.  
You are
saying cut and pasted it seem that is dependent on the native 
format of

where they were cut from.  Are you not seeing a file extension?

You can extract the picture folder from the archive and rename the 
with a shorter name to see if your viewer will recognize them.  Use 

archive tool to extract them.

If all else fails you can send me a copy and I will extract them for 



Did a quick test:
- a cut and pasted picture doesn't seem to trigger a folder 'Pictures'
in the odt folder
- an inserted picture (Insert  Picture  From File) appears in the
'Pictures' folder in the odt zip

That is strange as here it does.  I opened a jpg in gimp, cut and 
pasted it into a new Writer document.  Saved the doc then closed 
Writer open the ODT with Archive Manager and the directory is there 
with the picture, in PNG format.  This all done under Ubuntu and Go-oo 
v 3.2 will test with OOo 3.3RC6.

 Since the question involved Mac OS X, I created a writer document 
and saved it using my MacBook (10.4) with OOo from the OOo website. Then 
I cut an paste a PNG file into the document and saved it again. I do not 
have Stuffit on my MacBook. (Both saves was to my thumb drive (flash 
drive). I then opened the writer document on  my Ubuntu 10.4 LST so that 
I could use my archive manager. The Picture folder was present with one 
file: the same PNG file that I had pasted into the writer document with 
a very long file name.
While I do not have Stuffit, when a compressed file is opened in 
Stuffit; can you Control+Click on the file in the Picture folder and 
open it with Preview? (For people who do not use a Mac, Control+Click 
does the same thing that a right click does on Linux and Windows versions.)


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Re: [users] [calc] Date question

2010-11-26 Thread Daniel Lewis

Eustace wrote:
Is there a way to set my own day of week abbreviation? Instead of Mon 
Tue... I would rather have MO TU...  -emf

 Yes there is. You first need a spreadsheet open in  Then open Help using the F1 key. Click the Index tab 
near the top. Enter sort lists in the Search term box without the 
double quotes. Click the Display button at the bottom. The instructions 
needed to create a new list containing your day of the week 
abbreviations will appear on the right side of the Help window.


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Re: [users] Parts Alignment

2010-11-21 Thread Daniel Lewis

anand warik wrote:

I want chapter names to be aligned to the left  page numbers to the right
is their a way to do it.

 Are you aware that there are user guides available for the 
components of OOo? (Calc Guide for Calc, Writer Guide for Write, Impress 
Guide for Impress) They are located in the OOo Wiki. Or you could do a 
Internet search for the name of the guide. It will give you links to the 
guide you want.
 The Writer guide contains information on headers and footers. By 
adding a header or footer to each page, you can have the chapter name 
and page number on each page in the order you want it in the header or 


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Re: [users] [moderated]

2010-11-21 Thread Daniel Lewis

Does allow access to WORD documents previously written 
and saved in WORD??

Word or MS OFFICE is not on the computer in question.


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 Yes, OOo will open and edit Word documents except documents that 
are read only. Even then, OOo will open them.


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Re: [users] Writer problem

2010-11-15 Thread Daniel Lewis wrote:

Hi. Guys,

I have a problem with printing envelopes.  I have read how to do it
but it does not want to print envelopes from the address on a letter i
have typed.  I don't need a mail merge type address list as most of my
letters are once only.  In MS Word you just highlight the address on
your letter and go into envelope printing and the address appears

Can I do this and if not what a great update it would make as many
people have this need.

I hope it is there and I just can't find it.




From another member of this mailing list:

In the New / Templates and Documents , there are envelope templates.
Then you can got to Format / Page and then choose an envelope style
you want to use.

I know that Word has the envelope labels are automated, but with automation
you get limitation on how it looks.  I never liked MSO's version of this

When I use to need to print envelopes, I made a template from the Page
formatting options with everything created except the address to where it
is going.  All I have to do is cut/paste the address in the letter and then
paste it to the envelope template, and print it.

Mail-merge options fail me for printing envelopes, so I use #10 windowed

For me, the best option still it making a template of the standard #10
and then add the addressed from the letters when needed.

 If you have other questions or comments, please send them to the 
same email address as you sent this one:


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Re: [users] 3.2 Printer Administration?

2010-11-12 Thread Daniel Lewis wrote:

On 11/12/10 04:23, Clayton wrote:

On 11/08/10 23:44, wrote:

When I moved from Ubuntu's Go-oo version to Oracle's version on the
OOo web site, I noticed that there is a new listing on the
Gnome Panel  Applications  Office
called 3.2 Printer Administration.

What is it used for?  The Help section inside OOo 3.2.1 does not
have any listing for it.  I checked the Document Project linked from the
OOo site and I did not find a reference for it either, or at least my
searches did not find any.

What did you search on?  When I open the help and search (using the
Find tab in the application help) on printer administration I get a
result, a help page titled: Setting up Printer, Fax and Fonts Under
UNIX Based Platforms  This page describes spadmin.  Do you see this
page when you search the application help?


I typed in Printer Administration in the help option of OOo 64-bit
Debain 3.2.1.  I got nothing.
For whatever reasons you got answers and I did not, it is not the issue
at this time.
In the help option, there are four tabs: Contents, Index, Find, 
Bookmarks. You must click the Find tab before entering Print 
Administration in the Search term. Click the Find button and then click 
the Display button at the bottom. The page mentioned will appear. It 
does in mine, and I use the same OOo version you do (Deb 64 bit)


Another posting tells me that there are many executable installed with
OOo, and some
are not included as menu items.  Then there is the wonder why P.A. is
placed in the
menu with one version and not the other.  Why Go-OO does not think it is
needed and
Oracle's OOo does.

I do wonder why OOo needs a Setting up Printer, Fax and Fonts Under
UNIX Based Platforms.
Is this not a function of System / Administration / Printing?


The real thing is that the OOo web site 64-bit Debian 3.2.1 version has
it while the Go-oo version in Ubuntu's system does not.  Why is it there
for one and not there for the other?

Go-OO and OO.o are not identical.  There are many differences.


As I wondered a few months back, is there a listing of the differenced
between the various branches of OOo.  When I asked about why I should
use Go-OO instead of OOo, from Go-OO's people, I got the answer that it
is better than OOo but no concrete info why.

Do any of you know of a web page that gives a side by side account on
what this other OOo based packages have that OOo does not?  It would
be something to see.

Also, there was an article a few days ago, will have to find it again, that
Lotus 123 is claiming that they are out shining OOo and will be the
to beat.  They want to be the one people turn to when they dump MSO.
They are also claiming to be better than OOo, but I do not remember reading
any differences there either.

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Re: [users] AutoText

2010-11-10 Thread Daniel Lewis

Luciano Pinheiro wrote:

In my job, a user has a bau file that OpenOffice can't open, saying file
corrupted. Exists some way to rescue the data in this bau file ?

Luciano Pinheiro.

Extract the file (it's a zip file). The data should be in the
content.xml file.

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Re: [users] Paste without formatting

2010-11-09 Thread Daniel Lewis

James Wilde wrote:

On Nov 9, 2010, at 02:51 , Daniel Lewis wrote:


Brian Barker wrote:

At 19:59 08/11/2010 +0100, James Wilde wrote:

Mac OSX 10.6.4  OOo 3.2.1

I can paste with the format applicable at the point of entry if I use 
Cmd+Alt+Shift+V, as opposed to Cmd+V which pastes the incoming text in the 
format from which it came.

I'm slightly surprised by this.  The Windows keyboard shortcut is Ctrl+Shift+V, 
so I'd imagine the Mac one would be Cmd+Shift+V - with no Alt.

 I doubt that  Cmd + Alt + Shift + V  is the proper combination also. On my 
MacBook, I use Cmd + Shift + V and then U to select Unformatted text from a 
list which includes up to several choices.

Well, test it, Daniel, and see if you get the same effect.  As I said in my 
reply to Brian, I got the tip either from OOo or LibO several weeks ago.

I use it for pasting Mandarin and PinYin from various on-line dictionaries, 
like Google Translate, to some tables showing Mandarin, PinYin and English.  
The Mandarin symbols are nearly always about 24pt, and my table stores them as 
14pt.  The PinYin is grey Times New Roman and I want it in black Courier.

You say up to several choices.  What choices do you have other than Formatted 
Text (RTF) and Unformatted Text?

The choices with Cmd + Shift + V depend upon the format of the 
copied material in Writer. When I copied this email into a Writer 
document, I had two choices: HTML and Unformatted Text. When I copied 
material from one Writer document to another, I had four choices:, Formatted Text (RTF), HTML, Unformatted Text, and DDE link.
   I tried the Cmd + Alt + Shift + V on my MacBook. It does work as 
you described using OOo from the OOo website.


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Re: [users] Subscription Query

2010-11-09 Thread Daniel Lewis

Bob Sugar wrote:

Thank your for all the past info.  I would like to unsubscribe.

-Original Message-
From: Barbara Duprey []
Sent: Sunday, November 07, 2010 7:56 PM
Subject: Re: [users] Subscription Query

On 11/4/2010 12:50 PM, wrote:

How do I join this mailing list?  Thank  you.

The best way is to send a message to The subject and
content don't matter, just the To address. You will very soon get a
confirmation message. Replying
to that should complete the subscription, and you will get a Welcome

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 It appears that you have two ways to unsubscribe: both of them are 
listed directly above this comment. The quickest is to use the bottome 

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 As when subscribing, the subject and content don't matter, only the To 
Address matters. When unsubscribing, you will also receive a confirmation 
message. Reply to it. That is all there is to it.


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Re: [users] Paste without formatting

2010-11-08 Thread Daniel Lewis

Brian Barker wrote:

At 19:59 08/11/2010 +0100, James Wilde wrote:

Mac OSX 10.6.4  OOo 3.2.1

I can paste with the format applicable at the point of entry if I use 
Cmd+Alt+Shift+V, as opposed to Cmd+V which pastes the incoming text 
in the format from which it came.

I'm slightly surprised by this.  The Windows keyboard shortcut is 
Ctrl+Shift+V, so I'd imagine the Mac one would be Cmd+Shift+V - with 
no Alt.
 I doubt that  Cmd + Alt + Shift + V  is the proper combination 
also. On my MacBook, I use Cmd + Shift + V and then U to select 
Unformatted text from a list which includes up to several choices.

I'd like to make the pasting of unformatted text the default, and 
either reverse the system so that Cmd+Alt+Shift+V uses the formatting 
at the origin, ...

I have version 3.1.1 for Windows XP, so you may have to work out how 
all this applies to your Mac version.

You can change the effect of keyboard shortcuts at Tools | 
Customize... | Keyboard.  Under Functions | Category, select Edit.  
Under Functions | Function, select Paste or Paste Special, as the case 
may be.  Under Shortcut keys, now select the key combination you 
wish to be assigned to this function.  Click Modify to make the change.

Note that at the top right of the Customize panel you can choose 
whether you wish the shortcut to apply to OpenOffice generally or only 
in Writer, Calc, and so on.  (You get to see only the component for 
the type of document you currently have open.)  You will see that 
Ctrl+V is defined for OpenOffice generally but that Ctrl+Shift+V is 
defined separately for Writer and Calc (and others?).  You will have 
to decide exactly how you want to reconfigure this.

Note also that Paste Special does not paste unformatted, but merely 
gives you this choice as a separate step in its dialogue box.  I don't 
know any way to avoid that.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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Re: [users] printing a book

2010-11-07 Thread Daniel Lewis

Maria de las Mercedes wrote:


I am a Openoffice user since 2007. I have not been able to find how to print a 
document in a book format. Could you help me please??? This is very essential 
in my work.
Thanks a lot.

María de las Mercedes

 What you want to use is Writer. Specifically, you 
need to use Master Document. First you need to get the Writer Guide v3.2 
from this web page: 
Chapter 13 discusses Master Documents that you can use to do what you 
want with your document. However, the rest of the Writer Guide has 
information you will likely need as well.


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Re: [users] Desperate! Upgrade to Fedora 13 killed OOo

2010-11-04 Thread Daniel Lewis

John Jason Jordan wrote:

I need OOo working by tomorrow evening when I have a presentation to

I had OOo 3.2.1 from installed and running fine on
Fedora 11 x86_64. I upgraded to Fedora 13. Afterwards none of the OOo
applications will launch. I can't find the executables. Previous
versions of OOo were in /opt, but I have scoured the folder and its
subfolders with no luck. I installed using the setup script as root.

I tried reinstalling but all I get is error messages that the packages
are already installed. But where in the heck are they?

 Fedora 13 should have its variation of OOo listed in the K Menu. 
But if you are looking for the OOo executables, they are probably in a 
bin folder in /etc. Search for soffice.bin using locate in a console.
 Did you keep a copy of OOo 3.2.1 when you upgraded to 13 from 11? 
If so, reinstall it. (You probably did not save a copy on a CD or flash 
 Other choice: download the OOo 3.2.1 file from the OOo website. It 
is still available.


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Re: [users] Combining Mathematical Functions in a Spreadsheet

2010-11-03 Thread Daniel Lewis

Amichai Rotman wrote:


I am trying to create a spreadsheet to keep track of my work ours.

This is what I have:

Column A - Number of hours I've worked that day - X
Column B - The amount I get paid per hour - Y
Column C - The amount I get for bus fair per day - Z
Column G - Should be the result (in currency format) of X multiplied by Y
plus Z equals T.

I was able to enter the following in column G:


to get the result of money I get paid for the number of hours I worked.

My problem is: What do I have to write to add the amount I get for a round
trip by bus for that day. G has to be the final gross amount of money I get
paid for that month.


Why not write the formula just as you stated it? Enter this in G1:

= A1*B1+C1

Copy this formula in G2 through G31. To do this, click cell G1. A little 
square appears at the bottom right of that cell. Move the cursor over 
this little square. The cursor should become a +. Drag the little square 
down to cell G31.

Finally, in H1 write this formula:

= SUM(G1:G31)

H1 will not have the final gross amount of money you get paid for a 
given month. (Remember that sometimes the 31st of a month is a work day.)

Or if you want G1 to have the final gross amount, try this:

= SUMPRODUCT(A1:A31;B1:B31) + SUM(C1:C31)

SUMPRODUCT gives you the sum of all the products for X*Y, SUM gives the 
sum of all the Z.


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Re: [users] Upgrade 3.1.1 to 3.2.1 (Fedora)

2010-11-03 Thread Daniel Lewis

Tanstaafl wrote:

On 2010-11-02 1:16 PM, John Jason Jordan wrote:

3) I have a ton of personal settings and extensions in
~/ Are there any issues with 3.2.1?

The biggest reason for me not to upgrade was the loss of the colored
document icons (they are all greyscale in  3.2.1)...

I understand this huge (but admittedly only a cosmetic) bug is fixed in
LibreOffice, Go-OO, and other alternatives...

 Tools  Options  View. Look in the Icon size and 
style section, right dropdown list. I'm not sure what your selection is 
(Automatic Galaxy, Galaxy (Default), High Contrast, Industrial, Crystal, 
Tango, Oxygen, or Classic). But try some other selections. Some of them 
will be colored icons. I use Galaxy (Default).


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Re: [users] Attached tables in Base on OpenOffice

2010-11-02 Thread Daniel Lewis wrote:
Est il possible d'attacher des tables dans le module Base d'OpenOffice 
et comment ?

Is it possible attaching tables in the module Base of OpenOffice and How?


Philippe ROCHE - Team2i - 01 45 67 84 94  If you want to 
get information in your native language, use this link to locate a list 
of the languages. Click on your language, and the OOo website will 
appear in your language. You will also find a mailing list similar to 
this one in your language. Someone should be able to answer your 
question there.
 There are at least a couple of ways to attach tables to an open 
Base file.
 Tables can be copied from one open base file to another open base 
file. Right click on the table in the one Base file, and select Copy 
from the context menu. Right click in the same area of the second Base 
file, and select Paste from the context menu.
 Is this what you wanted? Did you want to create a table from a 
spreadsheet? You have sent your question to a mailing list. I am one of 
thousands who have received your email. If you could be a little clearer 
in how you want to attach a table, please send another email to this 
mailing list again (users@ if you want the answer in 

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Re: [users] intel iMac JRE

2010-11-01 Thread Daniel Lewis

Guy Martin wrote:

Hello there,
I've just loaded OO.o on my iMac with i3 dual core.  When I attemp to invoke
any of the wizards (letter, spreadsheet, etc.) I receive an error message:
Java Runtime Environment is required for this action.  Please install a
version of JRE.  I have a JRE installed as part of Snow Leopard.  Any


Le présent message électronique est confidentiel et peut être couvert par le
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renseignement qu'il contient. Veuillez nous informer de toute erreur d'envoi
en répondant à ce message. Merci de votre collaboration.

 Open OOo on your iMac. What you need is found in 
(top left of screen)  Preferences  JAVA. When you go 
to this location, wait a little while OOo locates the JRE and enters the 
version in the window. Click OK. Close OOo. When you reopen OOo, you 
should be able to use the wizards.


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Re: [users] Help! Export to PDF not embedding fonts

2010-10-31 Thread Daniel Lewis

John Jason Jordan wrote:

On Sun, 31 Oct 2010 12:07:28 -0700
John Jason  dijo:


I created a presentation in Impress (3.1.1 from OOo, not from the
repositories, on Fedora 11, x86_64) in which I used the fonts Bitstream
Vera Sans Regular and Bold. When I export to PDF all text appears as
just blank boxes for the letters. I get the same view of the PDF with
Adobe Reader, Okular, Evince, and a couple other PDF viewers that I
have installed.

I have discovered that the problem is apparently in OOo. Scribus,
for example, is happy to embed the fonts in a PDF.

The Bitstream Vera family apparently came with the Gnome desktop, at
least reading the license leads to this conclusion. There is no
prohibition on embedding, or just about anything else for that matter.
It is a very open license.

As a workaround I changed the entire document to DejaVu. It took an
hour because you can't change a font globally. And I have a couple of
tables of five columns and 15 rows. You can't even change a font for an
entire table - you have to select the text in each cell individually
and apply the new font.

It could be that the problem with OOo 3.1.1 is due to a setting
somewhere in OOo. However, I couldn't find any place in Preferences or
Options to change font behavior. If there is a place to change the
embedding of a font, someone please tell me where it is.

 You did not mention what you did in Impress to create the PDF 
document. Did you use the PDF icon? Or, did you use the File  Export as 
 The easiest way to change font families (Bitstream Vera Sans 
Regular and Bold to DejaVu) is to change the font in the Styles and 
Formatting dialog (F11 key). With your presentation opened in Impress, 
type the F11 key to open this dialog. At the top of this dialog are two 
icons on the left side: Graphics Styles and Presentations Styles. Make 
sure the Presentation Styles is selected. The styles you must concern 
yourself are the ones you used (perhaps without knowing it) among these: 
Notes, Outline 1, , Outline 9, Subtitle, and Title. Right click the 
style whose font you want to change and click Modify. Select the font 
you want from the list. Click OK. I'm fairly certain that directions as 
to how to modify any of these styles are found in the Impress Guide. 
(The latest version should be available through the OOo website (Wiki 
section) in the next week or so.) This guide contains quite a bit of 
information about how to use Impress if you want much more information. 
The chapter Getting Started with Impress from the Getting Started 
Guide will likely give you all the information you need about modifying 
a Presentation Style in Impress. It may be all you need.


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Re: [users] Help! Export to PDF not embedding fonts

2010-10-31 Thread Daniel Lewis

John Jason Jordan wrote:

On Sun, 31 Oct 2010 12:07:28 -0700
John Jason  dijo:


I created a presentation in Impress (3.1.1 from OOo, not from the
repositories, on Fedora 11, x86_64) in which I used the fonts Bitstream
Vera Sans Regular and Bold. When I export to PDF all text appears as
just blank boxes for the letters. I get the same view of the PDF with
Adobe Reader, Okular, Evince, and a couple other PDF viewers that I
have installed.

I have discovered that the problem is apparently in OOo. Scribus,
for example, is happy to embed the fonts in a PDF.

The Bitstream Vera family apparently came with the Gnome desktop, at
least reading the license leads to this conclusion. There is no
prohibition on embedding, or just about anything else for that matter.
It is a very open license.

As a workaround I changed the entire document to DejaVu. It took an
hour because you can't change a font globally. And I have a couple of
tables of five columns and 15 rows. You can't even change a font for an
entire table - you have to select the text in each cell individually
and apply the new font.

It could be that the problem with OOo 3.1.1 is due to a setting
somewhere in OOo. However, I couldn't find any place in Preferences or
Options to change font behavior. If there is a place to change the
embedding of a font, someone please tell me where it is.

 Where did these tables come from? Did you create them on the slide 
using the Table icon in the Standard toolbar?
 I'm using OOo 3.3.0 RC2, so there may be some improvements since 
3.1.1. I created a new presentation and created a table of 5 columns and 
15 rows using the Table icon in the Standard toolbar. Then I clicked the 
left top cell. The Table toolbar opened. The Table Properties icon is on 
the right end of the bottom row of this toolbar. Using this icon, I can 
set or modify the font for a single cell if only one cell is 
highlighted. When I select two or more adjacent cells, I can set or 
modify the font for all of the selected cells. Since then I have created 
a PDF file using File  Export as PDF. When I opened the PDF Preview 
(MAC PDF and image program), the fonts in the table look very much like 
the fonts in the table on the slide. (I used two different fonts in the 
table.) So, perhaps, what you found is a bug that has been corrected. (I 
do know that there have been several changes made in the Impress module 
for the 3.3.0 version due out soon: enough so that several changes 
needed to be made in the Impress Guide to keep it up to date.)


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Re: [users] columns and footnotes

2010-10-29 Thread Daniel Lewis

Guy Voets wrote:


I have a section with 2 equal-length columns. I type text in the
columns, and this text is equally spread over both columns. So far so
good. Then I make a footnote. Now, the word with the (1) passes to the
next page, leaving the second column empty. The text of the note is
too long to fit at the bottom of the first column, but I would expect
that the note text would be split over both columns (continue from the
first into the second, as happens with the text in the columns - or
with a footnote in a text without columns).
Is this a bug, or is there a solution?
using LibO 3.3.0 and OOo 3.2.1 on a iMac Intel DualCore Snow Leopard
-- please reply only to --
Dodoes can't afford to have headaches

 Perhaps it is a bug, perhaps not.
 I do have a suggestion. It appears you have formatted the section 
so that the text is equally spread over both columns. Then you added a 
footnote. Perhaps you have the wrong order for these operations. From my 
testing of this, it appears that the footnote is a part of the section.
 This is what I tried. I created a section and formatted it. 
(Format  Sections  Options) Evenly distribute content to all columns 
was not checked (not ticked). I copied a little less than 2 pages of 
text into the section. Then I added a footnote in the first column of 
the first page. Finally, I formatted the section by checking (ticking) 
Evenly distribute content to all columns. The footnote was still at 
the bottom of column 1 of page 1. Even though I then added 8 more lines 
to the footnote, the footnote remained where it was. At this point, the 
footnote was 20 lines long!
 Again, it may be a bug, but the solution may be to leave Evenly 
distribute content to all columns unchecked (not ticked) until after 
you have all of the text AND footnote in the section. Then check (tick) 
this selection.


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Re: [users] openoffice

2010-10-25 Thread Daniel Lewis

saskia shoshana cohen wrote:

When I receive documents PdF or MHTLM doc
It is impossible to open them to download them
Thank you to help me quickly to resolve this problem

From another member of this mailing list:
PDF's are better opened with Document Viewer or Adobe Reader or similar. 
You don't need for that.

 Now, for my own comments.  MHTML is Microsoft's version of HTML. 
If you are using windows, you can use Internet Explorer to view the 
MHTML document.
 If you are receiving these documents as email attachments, you 
should be able to view anyone of them by double clicking the name of the 
file in the attachment list. If you are using Windows, it will open the 
files with the correct program.


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Re: [users] Open Offfice as replacement for Microsoft Office

2010-10-25 Thread Daniel Lewis
 I noticed several replies to this subject, but none of them were 
sent to Vito Minni. His email address is below.
 This gentleman may not be subscribed to this list since one of his 
email headers contains: Delivered-to: moderator for  This indicates the person is not subscribed 
unless they are using a reader service.

 Would someone like to email him a copy of what you wrote to the list?


James Knott wrote:

Den 2010-10-25 02:55:11 skrev VITO MINNI


I am looking to use open office as a replacement for microsoft office

is this possible

In general, yes, in that they're both office suites. 
can work very well with MS Office documents, as well as ODF.  However, 
there may be some issues, if you're doing more advanced stuff.

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Re: [users] User defined date field in Base not enforcing format

2010-10-23 Thread Daniel Lewis

Michael Adams wrote:

On Sunday 24 October 2010 06:59, AG wrote:

Question about Base.

In table I defined a field date to take year only (I don't want days
or months) for article publications.  I selected user defined in the
field properties and stipulated .  The example shows up as 1903 and
the format field shows 1900.

Now into the user form input, I enter 1991 into the date field and tab
to the next field and the date converts into today's date with the
format 23/10/10.

How do I stop Base doing what it wants to do and make it to do what I
want it to do?


Irrespective of the format it is viewed in, a date is stored in full format.

You have two options:
  * format your input field.
  * store the year as a number (Integer).


 Most likely you only have one option:
 * store the year as an Integer.

 The properties dialog (Properties: Date Field) controls how dates 
are displayed in a Base Form. There are thirteen formats to choose from, 
but  is not one of them. My conclusion: a date field cannot display 
a date in the  format.

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Re: [users] Transferring templates to another computer.?

2010-10-16 Thread Daniel Lewis

James Elliott wrote:
 I have a lot of business document templates on my old Win XP computer 
and wish to transfer most, but not all, to my new Win 7 computer.

Is it just a matter of finding the template folder and copying them 
across, or is there more than one folder involved?

I look forward to your advice

Many thanks,  James
 Search for all files using this format:  *.ot?  All templates have 
a file extension that begins with ot.  The question mark in searches 
tells the computer to look for all file extensions whose first two 
letters is ot. Included will be ott (Writer), oth (Writer HTML), ots 
(Calc), otp (Impress),  and otg (Draw). (You probably will not have all 
of these file extensions.) These files may or may not be in one folder.
 Copy the template files you want to transfer and paste them to 
your Win 7 computer. Suggestion: if they were not in a single folder on 
the Win XP computer, create a template folder and paste the templates 
into this folder.
 The Standard toobar contains an icon labeled New Document from 
Template. If you make this icon visible, you can use this icon to 
access, organize, or add templates. File  New  Documents and 
Templates menu path will open the same dialog as when you click this icon.
 When I am transferring templates from one computer to another, I 
place the templates in a single folder. Then I open the Templates and 
Documents dialog. Then I click the Organize button. Then I click My 
Templates to highlight it. Then I click the Commands button, and then 
click Import Template from context menu. I browse to the templates in 
the template folder I created. I highlight all of the templates and then 
click the Open button. All of the templates will now be listed in My 
 I added the last paragraph because you might not know how to 
organize all of the templates at the same time. In the past, I have used 
this process one template at a time. It is much quicker to highlight all 
the templates when organizing them than to highlight one template at a time.



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Re: [users] Formatting inherited from previous character

2010-10-11 Thread Daniel Lewis

Phil Hibbs wrote:

If I highlight an entire line and set it to italics, then when I start
typing at the start of the next line, it starts typing in italics. I assume
that this is because font characteristics are picked up from the previous
character. It would be more logical to pick it up from the next character,
so if I set a word to italics and then add a character to the front of the
word, e.g. changing *available* to *unavailable*, then it would work as

Does anyone know if this has been raised as an issue before?

Phil Hibbs.
 Writer uses XML to format text documents. When you set the font to 
italics at a given place, the italics begins at that point and does not 
end until you tell it to end. Entering text anywhere between the 
starting and ending points produces italic letters. Entering text before 
the start of the italics will produce the type of letters according to 
the font style defined for the place where you enter the text.
 The logic of XML is that the format given each letter is 
determined by what format has been defined for the place where the 
letter is placed. The format is defined and inserted where you want to 
use the format. In other words, you have to tell XML what styles you 
want to appear in the text and the places where you want them to appear.
 For example: isly red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog.i 
This produces /sly red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog/. If The 
were inserted before /sly/, the results would be The isly red fox 
jumped over the lazy brown dog.i The word inserted falls before the 
i and is therefore is in italics. (The i is not XML, but I used it 
to show the importance of the placement of the XML formatting which is 
enclosed within: .
 If you want to set the same font for a new character in front of a 
present word, click the place where you want to place the new character 
or characters. Apply the font for that location that you want to use. 
Then type the characters.


Re: [users] Text wrap in Impress

2010-10-10 Thread Daniel Lewis

Mike Scott wrote:

On 09/10/2010 23:43, John Jason Jordan wrote:

On Sat, 9 Oct 2010 15:37:18 -0700
John Jason  dijo:

I only ever used Impress once several years ago. Now I need to use it
again, but I am far from an expert.

I placed a PNG graphic on a slide. There is also a text frame on the
slide, and I want the text to wrap around the graphic.

I have scoured though the Help file and it appears to be Adjust to
contour. But when I select that checkbox the text still does not wrap
around the graphic.

No ideas here on that one; sorry. AFAIK only Writer has a proper wrap 

 This might work:
1.) Move the graphic to where you want it on the slide. Also make sure 
the graphic is the size you want.
2.) Move the text frame to where you want it to be. Adjust the frame 
size as well. You will be able to see the graphic inside the text frame.
3.) Double click inside the text frame to place the flashing cursor at 
the top left of the frame. Enter the text using spaces so that the text 
appears only to the left and right of the graphic. As you add each line 
of text, the graphic will move down by the height of the line.

4.) Click the graphic and drag it back to where you want it to be.


Also, how do I select the graphic when it is underneath the text frame?

The 'tab' key will select each object in turn (shift-tab iirc to go 
the other way). Long-winded if there are a lot of objects.

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Re: [users] Text wrap in Impress

2010-10-10 Thread Daniel Lewis

Mike Scott wrote:

On 10/10/10 13:55, Daniel Lewis wrote:

Mike Scott wrote:

On 09/10/2010 23:43, John Jason Jordan wrote:

On Sat, 9 Oct 2010 15:37:18 -0700
John Jason   dijo:


I only ever used Impress once several years ago. Now I need to use it
again, but I am far from an expert.

I placed a PNG graphic on a slide. There is also a text frame on the
slide, and I want the text to wrap around the graphic.

I have scoured though the Help file and it appears to be Adjust to
contour. But when I select that checkbox the text still does not wrap
around the graphic.

No ideas here on that one; sorry. AFAIK only Writer has a proper wrap

  This might work:
1.) Move the graphic to where you want it on the slide. Also make sure
the graphic is the size you want.
2.) Move the text frame to where you want it to be. Adjust the frame
size as well. You will be able to see the graphic inside the text frame.
3.) Double click inside the text frame to place the flashing cursor at
the top left of the frame. Enter the text using spaces so that the text
appears only to the left and right of the graphic. As you add each line
of text, the graphic will move down by the height of the line.
4.) Click the graphic and drag it back to where you want it to be.

Or there again, might not :-)

Doesn't behave like that when I try it. I just get a graphic with text
superimposed. You're not, I hope, suggesting one might pad the text with
spaces to give a wrap effect
 That is exactly what I am suggestion.  Leave spaces in lines of 
the text frame where the graphic will be placed later.
 The styles for text and graphics do not include a wrap feature, so 
this can not be done using styles. The only other solution I see is to 
modify OOo which is far more difficult than what it would be worth.


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Re: [users] Calc malfunction - won't recalculate

2010-10-08 Thread Daniel Lewis

John Bowling wrote: 3.2.1 OOO320m19 (Build:9505) ooo-build On
 openSUSE 11.3 Work fine until an update in the last few days.

 Now simple calculations such as =A15+1 (in A16) will not change if
 the value in A15 changes. A16 remains the old value. It does effect
 other calculations also, but that's the simplest to describe.

 It does the calculation if you are entering new calculations into a
 spread sheet, but will not anytime after that. Closing and reopening
 the file or Calc will not make it recalculate.


 Did you get the latest version from openSUSE or from the OOo 
website? If you got it from SUSE, that might be the problem. Seems that 
every Linux distribution modifies OOo is some way.  It might be a bug in 
the SUSE flavor of OOo.
 I download my version of OOo from the OOo website, and I don't 
have that problem. When I change the value in A15, the value in A16 
changes as soon as I use the Enter key or any other method to move from 
A15 to another cell.

 To recalculate, use the F9 key. (Unless SUSE has changed that option.)


Re: [users] Cannot open any Open Office Files

2010-10-06 Thread Daniel Lewis wrote:

I can not open any Open Office files held on my HP G60 Laptop, Windows 7, Open

Office 3.2.1. Everything ran beautifully for 6 months, and now, total
devastation - NO FILES WILL OPEN.
WHAT IS MY FIX? I tried to reinstall 3.2.1, but that will not work either.
Many thanks 
Robert S. Stewart

Tel: +41 (0)78 718 7499
Hi, have you tried to right-click on an OOo file, then select Open 
with and manually selecting Open Office from the program list ?


Marcello Romani

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Re: [users] Difficulty with open office (text)

2010-07-15 Thread Daniel Lewis wrote:

I have the followint bug.
When I try to work with TEXT, in the toolbar (barre d'outils) the 
icons (boutons) CUT (couper), COPY (copier) and PASTE (coller) are not 
If I call Edit (édition), the lines cut, copy and paste are not activ 
too (written in light grey instead of black).
I had already that phenomen once, but by starting the computer, it 

But now, I cannot get it right, starting the computer does not help.
Do you know some help ?
Thank you in advance

François Terrier
Tél. 0033-558892418

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Do you have any text selected?  If not the Cut and Copy functions 
are disabled.  As for Paste if there is nothing in the Clipboard it 
is disabled as well.

Hope this helps.


OP seems to need a CC.


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Re: [users] Re: OpenOffice Math: how to slash a symbol?

2010-06-24 Thread Daniel Lewis
 Let me see if I understand what you want to do.  You are use to 
writing  xRy to mean that the ordered pair (x,y) is a member of the 
relation R. For example, let the relationship R be the square function: 
y=x². Then (2,4), (3,9), and (4,16) are all members of this relation. In 
OOo's Math this would be written as (2,4) in R,  (3,9) in R, and (4,16) 
in R. Math replaces the in with an epsilon.  Similarly, (5,21) notin R 
states that the ordered pair (5,21) is not in the relationship defined. 
Math replaces the notin with an epsilon having a forward slash through it.
 If I understand the use of xRy in MS Word, it refers only to 
relations that are binary. Math on the other hand allows for relations 
which includes three or more variables as in (x,y,z) in R, (w,x,y,z) in 
R, etc.
 Perhaps this will help. Otherwise, you need to be very specific as 
to what xRy means in MS Word.

Dan wrote:
That makes sense, although if it is possible I don't know how. The 
best I can find is overstrike{R} which does a horizontal line. Perhaps 
someone else here might know for sure?


Thanks for the quick response.

I'll try to clarify. R stands for any relation, not the set for reals.
It could be S or any other letter. See below:

x in y
x notin y

The difference between the two lines is that the last shows a slash over
the in (or belongs?) symbol. Similarly:


The second line shows a slashed equal sign, which means unequal.

I'd like the same effect:

xnot Ry

Of course, the last line doesn't work, but what I need a slashed R
between x and y.

Is it possible?

Thanks again. escreveu na mensagem 



Not having access to MS software to check your examples, I'm not
entirely sure what you're after, but do any of these help?

(x,y) in setR
(x,y) notin setR
overline{(x,y)} in setR
(x,y) in bar setR


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Re: [users] Re: Writer: Bullets' custom character disappearing when I reopen file

2010-06-23 Thread Daniel Lewis

NoOp wrote:

On 06/23/2010 01:45 PM, Dotan Cohen wrote:

Hi all, I have a file with some lists that have custom bullet
characters (the Unicode gear character: ⚙). Often when I open the file
some or all of the bullets show as squares, but when I open the
Bullets properties I see that the gear is still there. Worse, cutting
then pasting the gear character back in place fixes the problem! But
then I save, close, reopen and some of the gears are missing again.

The file is attached. Note that in the sections with dates, the format
is a table and not a list. The last two sections are in fact lists.
Thanks in advance for any help or advice.

All the bullets are showing as ⚙ here. OOo 3.2.0 (ubuntu) and OOo 3.2.1
(standard) - both linux of course.

Perhaps you have a font problem?

 Perhaps you could create a new paragraph style instead of using 
Default. While you have the Paragraph Style dialog open to define your 
custom paragraph style, define the Numbering style (choices: Lists 1 
through 5 and Numbering 1 through 5) you want to use with this custom 
paragraph style. Close that dialog. Click the Numbering styles icon and 
modify the style you just chose in the Paragraph Style dialog so that 
the bullet used is the Unicode gear character. Close this dialog.  Then 
use this custom paragraph style each time you want to use this bullet.


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Re: [users] bug in OO-impress, OO versio 3.2.1

2010-06-21 Thread Daniel Lewis

Karsten Burger wrote:


if I add a rectangle filled with color, then select area from context menu and switch to slider 
hatching (in German Schraffuren), and then select button OK, then the hatching is 
applied although I have done nothing to activate this feature.

  See attached example.

Regards, Karsten
 When you selected Area from the context menu and switch to 
slider hatching (in English the slider is called a Tab), the  default 
hatching pattern was automatically activated. When you clicked OK, the 
default hatching pattern was applied to the rectangle. If you were to 
select one of the other sliders (Tabs) such as Gradient and click OK, 
does it also change the rectangle?


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Re: [users] Update OO 3.2.1 question

2010-06-20 Thread Daniel Lewis

Barbara Duprey wrote:

Pat wrote:

New to OO so this is probably a dumb question to the rest of you -

I run Secunia which goes through my computer and notifies me which 
can/should be updated.  This week it said OO should be updated.  So I 
to but didn't, and still don't see any indication 
on that
screen that there is an update to be installed.  Went back to Secunia 
used it to download the update.  So why couldn't I find it on the OO 

I did notice that through the Secunia site, the version of OO I had,
3.2.1 was deleted and a new version, 3.2.1 build 9502 was installed.

OR - does OO, on the  site use the I want to 
OO to mean that there is an update?  If that is so, where on that 
page does

it tell you that there is an update?


Not a dumb question at all! For OOo, update means download the whole 
package, there are no incremental updates. (The main reason seems to 
be that it gets too messy trying to support the incremental updates on 
all the different platforms.) In general any fixes to 3.2.1 would be 
incorporated into a new point level (like 3.2.2) or more important 
level release (like 3.3.x). So I'm not sure why Seconia told you to 
update, but I'd recommend that you not update at least until a new 
stable release is announced. That tends to get talked about here, as 
well as other places.

 I can think of a couple of reasons for this happening.
 If you had installed RC1 (release candidate version 1), then you 
would have OOo 3.2.1 on your hard drive. But it would not be the latest 
version: the build for it would have been 94xx. If this is the case, 
then you should have downloaded and installed build 9502 as recommended 
by secunia.
 However, if you had installed 3.2.1 as either RC2 or the stable 
release, you installed 18m build 9502. (There is no difference between 
RC2 and the stable release as far as 3.2.1 is concerned.) There would 
have been no need to download and install OOo 3.2.1 as you already had 
the latest stable release.
 Perhaps some of the mystery would disappear if we knew what the 
build number is for your earlier version of 3.2.1. Otherwise it is a 
matter of conjecture.
 The next scheduled release is for 3.3.0 due out this fall so relax 
until then as far a new version of OOo.


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Re: [users] Re: Is there an open office comparable product to MS Outlook?

2010-06-19 Thread Daniel Lewis wrote:

On 06/19/2010 01:33 PM, Clayton wrote:

On 06/19/2010 05:57 PM, James Wilde wrote:

On Jun 19, 2010, at 13:13 , wrote:

I would like lightning as well, but I run 64-bit Linux and 
lightning will only run on 32-bit versions.
There are a lot of 32-bit only version I have found when I tried to 
install Linux versions of

Open source software I have running on Windows Vista 32-bit.
Strange.  I thought 32 bit programs would run on 64 bit OS's, just 
not as well as 64 bit versions.  So it is with my wife's Windows 7.  
Haven't thought about linux, which I believe I always ran as 32 bit, 
or OSX, which I believe I'm running as a 64 bit OS.

Running 32 bit apps in a 64 bit Linux will only work if the various
things the app depends on are either also 32 bit or have 32 bit
compatibility libraries.  You cannot simply fire up a 64 bit parent
application and expect 32 bit sub components to just work.

There is a 64 bit version of Lightning (Linux) available here: 

which is the current release.

Thanks for the link.  I used the default links with Mozilla and got 
only the 32-bit version.

Some of the 32-bit will work on 64-bit IF you have the 32-bit 
libraries installed, while
other see the 64-bit and will bot look any father to see if there is 
the proper libraries there.

 KDE also has a PIM program called Kontact that I used in the past 
with Mandrake and later Mandriva.


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Re: [users] NIGHTMARE!!!

2010-06-16 Thread Daniel Lewis

Claus Fuetterer wrote:

Fill out windows forms with openoffice writer IS A SHEER NIGHTMARE!!!
I risk to fail a project submission with deadline midnight (in one 
hour!!!) because of this trash software full of errors and 
inconsistencies. I swear you that tomorrow I will install windows and 
MS-Word. Sorry but I liked reliability and reproducibility of linux 
software but openoffice writer is everything but that. Its the worst 
software I ever used. Let me know once it is really working at at 
least 99%...

Best, Dr. Claus Fütterer, Leipzig, Germany

PS: I attached you the form, try it!!!

From another of this mailing list:

It works fine here (OOo 3.2 on Mac OS X 10.6). What is the specific problem

you are having with the document?


Also make any replies to the same email address as you did the first 

I know you are very frustrated, but you did not really give any 
specifics that was causing you problems. That would have helped just as 
the other person replying to your email.


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Re: [users] Flash Cards

2010-06-11 Thread Daniel Lewis

Mark C. Miller wrote:
I've checked the extensions repository without any luck; I's hoping 
that one of you may have had cause to build something like this.

I'm preparing a study program for High School Juniors covering the top 
100 vocabulary words.

The recommended way to study vocab is the good old fashioned flash card.

I'd like to come up with an electronic version.  I had a MS Power 
Point template back when that was my software of choice but nothing 
for Impress.  The computer I use for presentations is Ubuntu, so I 
need something for OOo Impress.

I'm not smart enough to build such a thing on my own.  It would be one 
3X5 slide with the vocab word; when you click on it, it would move 
to a second 3X5 slide with the definition and example sentence.

Anyone have such a thing or perhaps can point me toward a site tht 
would help me?  I've looked through the documentation book I have and 
didn't have any success.

I'm running 3.2 on Ubuntu UNR 10.04.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

 It sounds like you need to work with custom animation. Other than 
this statement, I don't know much more about it.


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Re: [users] Re: new icons for OOo 3.2.1

2010-06-09 Thread Daniel Lewis

Rob Clement wrote:

On 05/06/2010 19:36, Larry Gusaas wrote:

On 2010/06/05 10:37 AM  Rob Clement wrote:

Are the new icons for the files created by OOo 3.2.1 simply confusing.
For example I have some .doc files sent by fiends and the icon clearly
shows the letters ODF on the icon. Should that not be OOo?



File a bug report.

The ODF cabal seems to have seized control of the icons and insist that
files be identified as document type rather than the program that reads
them. M$ Windoze thinks the applications icons refer to the program that
opens that file, thus you get an ODF icon for a .doc file. On my Mac I
get a blank white icon for .doc files.


I have submitted the bug report and it is number 112256. I can find 
nowhere to submit my jpg of some example icons.


 You need to sign back into the OOo website and go to your bug 
report. Now you should see a new link to the right of Attachment that 
you can now use to submit your JPG file.


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Re: [users] Word Counts

2010-06-09 Thread Daniel Lewis

Paul wrote:

On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 2:36 AM, Richard  wrote:

I do a lot of my writing in a DTP package on a rather obscure operating
system - purely because it is a package that I have used for many years and
am very familiar with. Often, though, I need to share my work with third
parties, which means transferring my work, using text files, into OOo,
formatting, and saving out in a standard format (depending on the intended
recipient). So far so good.

What I have noticed, though, is that if I do a word count in my DTP package,
and then in OOo, the results come out differently. At first I thought that
was because the two programs were handling, for example, hyphenated words,
differently. But a little investigation has shown this not to be the case.

Try this:

Turn off 'Custom Quotes' in ToolsAutocorrect, and type:

(with the quotes)

Now turn on custom quotes, and repeat the exercise.

Now highlight each word in turn and do a word count. With custom quotes
turned off, the word count is, as expected, one in each case. However, with
custom quotes turned on, the word count in each case becomes two.

This applies also to a sentence between custom quotes - one extra word is
added to the word count. This can, of course, add a lot of notional extra
words to a piece of work containing dialogue, for example.

As I write short stories, usually containing dialogue, for competitions
where word counts are important, this is not just a trivial curiosity!

Feature or bug?

Open Office 3.2.0 on Windows XP.

Interesting. I would think definitely a bug. If someone could try this
in the latest release (3.2.1) to confirm, then we should lodge a bug
request for the developers to review.

Good pickup.


 I can confirm this behavior on OOo 3.2.1 using OS X 10.4 and 
Ubuntu 10.4 AMD64. Both OOo versions were downloaded from the OOo 
website. I typed a 10 word sentence. Then I entered one set of custom 
quotes, and Word count reported 11 words. I then added a second set of 
custom quotes, and Word count reported 12 words.


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Re: [users] Re: Calc - real relative addressing

2010-06-08 Thread Daniel Lewis

william drescher wrote:

On 6/8/2010 7:11 AM, Tanstaafl wrote:

On 2010-06-08 6:55 AM, william drescher wrote:

I am computing a moving average and comparing it to a current value
(looking at the current weights of dogs compared to their average over
the prior 3 months).
So my cell formula is (in column I):
=h2 - ((e2 + f2 + g2)/3)

Each month I insert a new column just before the average column, then I
need to redo this formula.

How can I write the formula so that it uses
= 1_cell_to_the_left - (4_cells_to_the_left + 3_cells_to_the_left +

I think you only need to change the option:

Tools  Options Calc  General

  and check Expand references when new columns/rows are inserted


no, that won't do it as:
  1: I don't have a range defined in the formula (which I could fix by 
using SUM), and
  2: I don't want to increase the number of columns in the moving 
avarage, I want it to stay at 3.

Thanks for the idea though.


 Perhaps you might consider setting up a fairly simple database. 
Then a query could easily produce the information you want.


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Re: [users] Re: new icons for OOo 3.2.1

2010-06-07 Thread Daniel Lewis

Tanstaafl wrote:

On 2010-06-07 11:00 AM, Tanstaafl wrote:

3. Uninstalling OOo 3.2.1 and reinstalling 3.2.0 does *not* restore the
old icons - really, really, *really* BAD

More whackiness...

.ppt and .odp files *do* have the old/original icons... but *only* the
presentation files.

*Some* of the shortcuts to MS files have the original empty rectangular
box, but most have ODF on them now.

I'll check on a VM later and see if this is reproducible...

I'm *not* a happy camper.
 I use MacBook for my WiFi access. I have .docx, .doc and .ppt  
files on my hard drive. I am also using OOo 3.2.1. While these are all 
associated with OOo 3.2.1, none of them have any of the OOo icons. My 
tower's OS is Ubuntu with OOo3.2.1 (Deb from the OOo website). It does 
not show the things you report. A *.doc file has the familiar blue icon 
with a large W. Perhaps this is a Windows problem?


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Re: [users] RTL text in LTR document's table of contents

2010-06-07 Thread Daniel Lewis

Dotan Cohen wrote:

Attached is an odt document that has the Table Of Contents header as
RTL, despite the page being LTR. How to fix this?

While we're on the subject, how does one make the ToC links to the
relevant sections?


When I opened your odt document, I also opened Styles and Formating (F11 
key). Then I clicked the TOC heading. By right clicking the TOC heading, 
I was able to select Modify. from the context menu. Then I clicked the 
Alignment tab. Sure enough, Right was selected. I clicked Left (option 
choice) and clicked OK. Problem solved.

The Writer Guide has a section on how to set up a TOC to your 


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Re: [users] How to set default font for new docs.

2010-06-07 Thread Daniel Lewis

Erik P. Olsen wrote:
Whenever I open a new document an untitled document is displayed with 
a default font set to Arial. How do I change this default to my 
favourite font?

Every computer except Mac: Tools  Options Writer  
Basic Fonts (Western).  The Mac uses  Preferences Writer  Basic Fonts (Western). Or with Mac you can use 
The Apple key plus the comma key together.


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Re: [users] How to set default font for new docs.

2010-06-07 Thread Daniel Lewis

Erik P. Olsen wrote:

On 07/06/10 22:22, Daniel Lewis wrote:

Erik P. Olsen wrote:

Whenever I open a new document an untitled document is displayed with
a default font set to Arial. How do I change this default to my
favourite font?

Every computer except Mac: Tools  Options Writer 
Basic Fonts (Western). The Mac uses  Preferences Writer  Basic Fonts (Western). Or with Mac you can use
The Apple key plus the comma key together.

I don't see this on my linux based version 3.1.1

 At the top of OOo 3.1.1 is a row of menus. Among them is Tools.
1) Click Tools to open its menu.

2) Click Options. (This opens the Options dialog. The complete name for 
this dialog depends upon which part of the dialog is selected.)

3) Click the arrow in front of Writer to open a sublist 
below it.

4) Click Basic Fonts (Western). The fonts are listed on the right.

5) Make the changes you want.

6) Click OK to apply your changes and close the dialog.


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Re: [users] Multiple sheets in Writer

2010-06-06 Thread Daniel Lewis

Dotan Cohen wrote:

On 6 June 2010 12:59, Brian  wrote:

Yes, it's very easy:
o  Create your second document to follow on from your first.  (You can
change page styles and so on, so there need be no similarity between them,
in fact.)
o  Ensure your second document starts on an odd-numbered page (whether or
not page numbers appear).
o  Print the entire file.
o  Now divide the print-out so that one document is in your left hand and
the other in your right.  (It doesn't matter which is where.)


Than you, Brian, but I am not referring to files to print. I need to
have several Writer documents together, but each is in fact a separate
document. I can put them together in a zip file, but then I need to
open up four OOo Writer instances to open them. Much easier would be
to have sheets like Calc has: all the documents in a single Write

Perhaps master documents is what you need. IIRC, the Writer Guide has a 
chapter devoted to master documents which is available as a separate 
document or as part of the Writer Guide.


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Re: [users] mid-page sytle switch? Writer

2010-06-05 Thread Daniel Lewis

Twayne wrote:

XP Pro and NOF 11

Is there a way to set a new Style other than Next Page. e.g. how do you
switch styles in mid-page and then back again?

I'm probably not well caffiene injected yet, but I can't seem to do it.



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Insert  Manual break. Select Page break


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Re: [users] mid-page sytle switch? Writer

2010-06-05 Thread Daniel Lewis

Twayne wrote:

XP Pro and NOF 11

Is there a way to set a new Style other than Next Page. e.g. how do you
switch styles in mid-page and then back again?

I'm probably not well caffiene injected yet, but I can't seem to do it.




Second suggestion: Read the two chapters on styles in the Writer guide.


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Re: [users] What was the install [terminal] commands needed for Ubuntu/DEB?

2010-06-04 Thread Daniel Lewis wrote:

I forgot the need command to install the new release of OOo
on Ubuntu/DEB systems.

Could someone let me know, again. . . . .


hopefully the update will correct the toolbar viewing problems that I had
with Ubuntu/DEB but not on Windows.

 I have created a shell script file so that I will not forget how 
to do this. Then I run the script file. Here is the file I used to 
install the latest OOo release for DEB:

cd /home/dan/Downloads/OOo/OOO320_m18_native_packed-1_en-US.9502/DEBS
sudo dpkg -i *.deb
cd desktop-integration/
sudo dpkg -i *.deb

1) First I download the file into /home/dan/Downloads/OOo. Then I 
extract it. Then I run the script file.
2) The last two lines of the script file installs the latest OOo into 
the Menu.

3) The real answer to your question is:

In a file browser window, locate the OOo downloaded file. Double click 
this file to begin the extraction process. (I find this easier than the 
command line.
Using the command line, enter the DEBS folder. Then use the following 

sudo dpkg -i *.deb
cd desktop-integration/
sudo dpkg -i *.deb

4) By having a shell script file, I find I only have to change some of 
the numbers on line 2 to install the latest version.


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Re: [users] Windows 7?

2010-06-03 Thread Daniel Lewis

Ed Underwood wrote:

Is the latest build / release of Open Office compatible with Windows 7?


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Re: [users] Outline 2 in Impress

2010-06-03 Thread Daniel Lewis

Dotan Cohen wrote:

On 3 June 2010 16:05, John  wrote:

In a message dated 2010.06.02 03:24 -0500, Dotan Cohen wrote:


Some Impress templates have outlines, for instance in OOo 3.2 the
third default layout.

In these outlines, how does one configure some bullet points as
second- or third-level outlines? The style Outline 2 exists in
Impress, so how does one use it?

For Impress, Outline 2 is Level 2 of Outline 1, and vice-versa. So
demote/promote to move between them.



Yes, that is the question: how to promote / demote in Impress? It does
not work as in Writer.

 There are three ways to do this.
1) Double click the outline level style you want to use.
2) Place the cursor at the beginning of the line you want to 
promote/demote. Use the Tab key each time you want to demote the outline 
level. Or, use Shift+Tab key combination each time you want to promote 
the outline level.
3) The Text Formatting toolbar has a Promote and a Demote arrow. Use 
one of them.

 Observations of Impress vs Writer:
1) This is not used in Writer that I know of.
2) I have used Tab and Shift+Tab in both Impress and Writer to 
3) Impress uses the Text Formatting toolbar while Writer uses Bullets 
and Numbering toolbar to house the promote/demote icons.


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Re: [users] RE: track changes

2010-06-02 Thread Daniel Lewis

Kathleen Zengolewicz wrote:
I need to accept or reject track changes on a MS word document and was 
wondering how I can do that with Open Office. I am using Open Office 


Kathy Zengolewicz

Kathy Zengolewicz:
contact |

 Edit  Changes  Accept or Reject  (click Edit, click Changes, 
click Accept or Reject.


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Re: [users] Re: Remove outline from textbox

2010-06-01 Thread Daniel Lewis

Dotan Cohen wrote:

I apologize for the late reply, I have been absolutely swamped!


By outline Dotan means [I think] that the text in the box is all of
Presentation Style Outline 1.

Ah. I suspect you are correct. The style gets applied as soon as he adds
bullets to the text. You can of course use custom settings for the
bullets (right click on the text and select Edit Style, then Customize).
However, to keep it free text I _think_ you'd need to simply insert a
bullet character (Insert|Special Character) before the text rather than
apply bullet formating to the paragraph.

The bulleting is the problem: I had intended for there to be no
bullets at all! Just a regular paragraph. I cannot change that textbox
to allowing regular text as opposed to an outline. I know that I could
delete the textbox and add a new textbox, but surely there must be a
way to _not_ have an outline there.
 You can customize the Outline Styles. Click the Customize tab. 
Among the choices in the Numbering dropdown list is None. Change the 
Numbering selection to None for the Outline Style you want to use. The 
present bullet for that style is removed.


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Re: [users] downloading openoffice

2010-06-01 Thread Daniel Lewis

dennis fitzgerald wrote:

I would like use the product,but when I downloaded the program. I found
that it went too a temp file, and not the hard drive. How do I download
the program to my hard drive?

   Thank You
 Dennis Fitzgerald
 What is the name of the file that you downloaded? Did you double 
click this file? If so, what happened?


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Re: [users] downloading openoffice

2010-06-01 Thread Daniel Lewis

dennis fitzgerald wrote:

--- On Tue, 6/1/10, Daniel  wrote:


From: Daniel
Subject: Re: [users] downloading openoffice
Cc: dennis
Date: Tuesday, June 1, 2010, 4:19 PM
dennis fitzgerald wrote:

I would like use the product,but when I downloaded the

program. I found

that it went too a temp file, and not the hard drive.

How do I download

the program to my hard drive?


 Thank You


   Dennis Fitzgerald




  What is the name of the file that
you downloaded? Did you double click this file? If so, what



  The file that I downloaded, was When I downloaded
this file, it went to a temp file.

What do you mean it went to a temp file? Again, what is the name of this 
temp file? The name should be 
OOo_3.2.0_Win32Intel_install_wJRE_en-US.exe if you are downloading the 
English (US) version to be used on  Windows (XP, VISTA, Windows 7). Even 
if you are downloading to use with another language on Windows, the 
downloaded file begins with  OOo_3.2.0_Win32Intel_install_wJRE_ in most 

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Re: [users] How to inset a quote?

2010-05-31 Thread Daniel Lewis

   My suggestions are at the bottom.

Carlos Martinez wrote:
Hi Linda, you could use a table an insert the quotation in there. 
After that, you can give the format you would  like. As you write in 
the e-mail you use to do this  many times, to simplify your work you 
could save this stile (for the table) giving  the name you like to 
this stile and use it when you need it.

Bäst regards Carlos.

Linda L. Hull skrev 2010-05-30 23:08:
I'm typing documents and letters. S sometimes I need to quote from a 
court case or another document.

I know to make these more narrow, but not how to get them to be in 
the center and not 'centered' if you

follow me?

How can I do this and go back to the normal margin width after the 
quoted part?

This can be done with styles. First suggestion: Download the Writer 
Guide. Using this guide, you will be able to use Writer to do many 
things you could not do before. Link for downloading: 
Specifically, chapters 6 and 7 are the ones discussing styles.

 1) Use the F11 key to open the Styles and Formatting dialog (window).
2) Right click the Text body indent style. (You might have to scroll 
down the list to find it.)

3) Click the Organizer tab if it is not already selected.
4) Open the dropdown box labeled Next style.
5) Scroll to Default and click to select Default.
6) Click the Indent  Spacing tab.
7) Change the Before text value to what you want to be the left margin 
for your quotation.
8) Change the After text value to the same value as your Before text 
9) If you want to indent the first line of your quote, enter the value 
of this indentation as the First line value.

10) Click OK at the bottom of the Styles and Formatting dialog (window).

 This paragraph style will now allow you to type a single paragraph 
as a quote with margins that are more narrow. When you finish typing the 
quote, use the Enter Key to take you to the next paragraph. This new 
paragraph will have the normal margins.
 The Writer Guide will explain all of this and much more with 
illustrations as well.


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Re: [users] Open Office won't open.

2010-05-31 Thread Daniel Lewis

Charles Garten wrote:

At times, when double clicking on the desktop shortcut, or even directly on the 
application in the program files, open office fails to open.  There is no 
message given.  When I restart the computer, it will usually open then but may 
fail to open later on in the same session.  Do you have an idea as to what may 
be causing this and if it can be fixed? Thanks.
If you are using a windows machine then probably the soffice.bin has not 
closed probably from the last session.  Use the taskmaster to see if 
this process is still active, and if it is then kill it. 
should open normally the next time you try to launch it.

Joe Conner, Poulsbo, WA USA

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Re: [users] Date format in template

2010-05-30 Thread Daniel Lewis

James Wilde wrote:

I'm using 3.2.0 on a Mac running OSX 10.6.3

I have created a letterhead template which includes the date.  When I inserted 
the date field I got 5/30/10, i.e. the US standard, notwithstandning that my 
locale is Swedish and my preferred language order in OOo is UK English followed 
by Swedish.  Neither of these uses the US standard.

After inserting the date field, I marked it, right-clicked and selected 
Fields, and changed the format to 2010-05-30, and resaved my template.  
However, whenever I call up the template, I get the date in the 5/30/10 format.  What am 
I missing?

TIA for any help.



1) Delete the date field that you have in your template first.
2) Insert  Fields  Other (opens the Fields dialog.)
3) Document tab
4) Type: Date Select   Date(Fixed)   Format1999-12-31
5) Click Insert and then click Close.

You do want the date to remain the same as when the letter is written 
don't you? (That is why I mentioned the  Date(Fixed) in the Select column.


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Re: [users] Pls Help

2010-05-30 Thread Daniel Lewis

Vipin N R wrote:

Dear Team
 Pls find the attached calc file.I can't open the file,while i trying 
to open it the following error message showing.Please help urgent data

*Thanks  Regards

Vipin N R*
  All files including calc files are compressed zip 
files. The file you attached is not. It might be a binary file. There is 
no way of opening this file without having the program which created it.


Re: [users] open office 2.4 to 3.2

2010-05-30 Thread Daniel Lewis

pjotr dominicus wrote:

Hello open office.

I got a few qeustions.

1.must i uninstall open office 2.4 for install 3.2? must i uninstall 2.4 when i must to do that?

Greetings, Pjotr.


No, you do not have to uninstall OOo 2.4 to install 3.2.


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Re: [users] microsoft office publisher / openoffice .org problem

2010-05-25 Thread Daniel Lewis

The Attwoods - BT wrote:

had microsft office publisher which i used to do birthday cards /invite etc on.
computer crashed when got back had openoffice .org

i am a techno thicko - how do i convert publisher files to
 You don't. You have to have a working version of Publisher in 
order to open publisher files. No other known program will open these files.


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Re: [users] Re: Force MS Office file type to be associated to OpenOffice

2010-05-25 Thread Daniel Lewis

David H. Lipman wrote:

From: Jerry

| Dave,

| Go to Explorer (or My Computer -- NOT IE), Go to Tools | Folder Options |
| File Types. Slide down to DOC. Highlight it (click) and click on Change. Set
| the opening process to x.x Writer (swriter).

| If, subsequently, IE tries to open a .doc file directly in IE (rather than
| in Writer in a separate tab or window, then unregister the plugin by Running
| (from the Start menu) this:

| regsvr32.exe /u C:\Program Files\
| 3\Basis\program\so_activex.dll

| Change your install path/version accordingly.

I like that ActiveX un-registration process if the association goes to IE.
But is there a DLL or OCX file that I can Register to set all the File 
Assocaitions to the
various OpenOffice programs ?

 This is a little bit late for you, but this should be done when 
installing OOo. One of the windows during installation has four 
checkboxes labeled with four of the MS Office programs. If they are 
checked during installation, the MS Office files  are associated with OOo.


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Re: [users] Re: Force MS Office file type to be associated to OpenOffice

2010-05-25 Thread Daniel Lewis

David H. Lipman wrote:


| On 05/25/2010 02:28 PM, David H. Lipman wrote:

From: Daniel


|   This is a little bit late for you, but this should be done when
| installing OOo. One of the windows during installation has four
| checkboxes labeled with four of the MS Office programs. If they are
| checked during installation, the MS Office files  are associated with OOo.

| Dan

I didn't see that on some PCs where MS Office had been installed but removed 
prior to
installing OO.

I need an after installation option.

| Long read... but looks like it's being worked on:
| 3112

| You could try aqabill's msi:
| Warning: read both pages of the forum posts  try on a test machine
| first if you have one available. Also note that I have *not* tried this
| yet as I only have Win2K installed in a virtual machine  haven't booted
| the test WinXP machine today. When I tried it in Win2K it warned me that
| it could not be installed on machines earlier than WinXP.


Thank you.  So I am not alone in this  :-)

And I made the mistake of thinking the dialog used to change the file 
associtaions was still part of the Windows installer. Sorry about that.


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Re: [users] Styles in Impress

2010-05-23 Thread Daniel Lewis

Dotan Cohen wrote:

I cannot figure out how to set Styles for text in Impress. There is no
Styles dropdown box on the toolbar, nor does changing any of the
Styles listed in Format -  Styles and Formatting do anything. I have
read the Working with styles [1] page from the OpenOffice Impress
User Guide but it does not address the issue of figuring out what
Style a particular part of a Layout is assigned to.



 What is it that you want to do with Styles? Please be specific. 
What text in a slide do you want to format? Do you know what the 
Presentation Styles control? (Specifically, Background, Background 
objects, Outline 1 etc., Title, Subtitle?) What about the Graphics 
Styles? Do you want to modify the styles used within a particular 
Outline level Style?
 With some answers to these questions, perhaps I or someone else 
can help you.


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Re: [users] Styles in Impress

2010-05-23 Thread Daniel Lewis

Dotan Cohen wrote:

On 23 May 2010 13:38, Daniel  wrote:

 What is it that you want to do with Styles? Please be specific.

I want to change the properties of text in a Layout, which will then
affect all current and new slides.

Additionally, these slides have excerpts of Linux commands, which I
would prefer to be in their own in-line style if possible.


text in a slide do you want to format?

It turns out that it is Outline 1, as I found out from Brian Barker's post.


Do you know what the Presentation
Styles control? (Specifically, Background, Background objects, Outline 1
etc., Title, Subtitle?)

Actually, I see nothing that goes by the name Presentation Styles in
my version 3.2 on Kubuntu 9.10. I will google it some more (I just got
frustrated at some video that _could_ have been simply text), thanks
for the keyword.


What about the Graphics Styles?

I'll google that after Presentation Styles!


Do you want to
modify the styles used within a particular Outline level Style?

Yes, I was able to find them by the way Brian suggested. Now, I can
modify them too.


 With some answers to these questions, perhaps I or someone else can help


Thanks, Dan.

 The F11 key opens the Styles and Formatting dialog. There are 
icons across the top of this dialog. The one on the left is the Graphics 
Styles icon. The one to the right of Graphics Styles icon is the 
Presentation Styles. There are three more icons to the right of these 
two, but I don't use any of them.
 A few years ago using OOo 2.0, I created a slide presentation 
describing how to use Impress to create a slide show. If you would like 
to have a copy, download it from It may answer some other 
questions you have about Impress.


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Re: [users] Impress: Custom Animation style for all slides?

2010-05-23 Thread Daniel Lewis

Dotan Cohen wrote:

All my slides have the same layout. Once I have defined a Custom
Animation sequence, how can I set it as a style so that it will
affect all slides, and if I change a parameter it will be changed for
all slides?


 According to what I read in the Impress Guide, the answer is no. 
These effects are applied to a particular element of a given slide.
 There is an exception or sorts to this. For example, if you 
define a custom animation sequence to a textbox, you can get the same 
effects on the same slide or different slide by copying your textbox to 
another area of the same slide or to a different slide. But if you 
change a parameter for the original textbox, it will not change for the 
copied textboxes.
 Here is where I am over my head so to speak. Perhaps this could be 
done with a macro? You can run macros in Impress. Seems possible to me, 
but I have no idea of how to go about doing it.


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Re: [users] Want to know about licensing issues..?

2010-05-21 Thread Daniel Lewis

Karthikeyan Krishnamurthi wrote:

Hi all
i am newbie to the mailing list i want to know is there any licensing
issues to provide openoffice as a cloud service.

and also i want to know is it possible to provide openoffice from the local
server to all the nodes connected with the lan..  [like google-docs which
support throught the internet]

will anyone please help me in this regard

 I'm not sure what a cloud service is, but I doubt that there is 
any licensing issues with being used in this fashion. is the name of the office suite as well as the main 
part of the web address. It is distributed free to all. Anyone is 
permitted to download a copy of it, make as many copies of it, give 
copies of it to as many people as he or she wants, and install a copy of 
it on as many computers as he or she wants. All of this is contained in 
the license. ( There are other 
things you can do with spelled out on this web page.


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Re: [users] Z-axis ordering in Impress

2010-05-19 Thread Daniel Lewis

Dotan Cohen wrote:

I am having a hard time with the Z-axis ordering of items in Impress.
For instance, if I have a photo on a slide and a textbox on the same
slide, which is completely within the boundaries of the photo, how do
I set the textbox as being above the photo?


 Is the photo and textbox inside a frame? Or, is the textbox 
layered on top of the photo? Where is the textbox in relation with the 
boundaries of the photo? (At the bottom, on the right, on the left, or 
in the middle?) Do you want the top of the textbox to be lined up with 
the top of the photo? Or, is this photo and textbox layered, and you 
want to arrange the textbox to be in front of the photo (lays on top of 
the photo)?
 I'm just not sure what you want to do. Right off the top of my 
head, I would click the textbox to select it. Its border should appear 
with the handles. Then I use the arrow keys to move it where I want it 
to appear. (The cursor could be used to move the textbox as well.) This 
may or may not work depending upon the answer to my questions above.


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Re: [users] Z-axis ordering in Impress

2010-05-19 Thread Daniel Lewis

Dotan Cohen wrote:

 Is the photo and textbox inside a frame?

The photo got there via Insert -  Picture -   From File. The textbox
was part of the Slide Layout. I dragged the photo to the dimensions
that I wanted (centered in the slide, about 80% of the slide's area)
and I tried dragging the textbox over it, but the textbox is
stubbornly remaining beneath the photo.


Or, is the textbox layered on
top of the photo?

The textbox seems to be in a layer below the photo.


Where is the textbox in relation with the boundaries of
the photo? (At the bottom, on the right, on the left, or in the middle?)

At the bottom.


you want the top of the textbox to be lined up with the top of the photo?
Or, is this photo and textbox layered, and you want to arrange the textbox
to be in front of the photo (lays on top of the photo)?

I wish to arrange the textbox to be in front of (on top of) the photo.


 I'm just not sure what you want to do. Right off the top of my head, I
would click the textbox to select it. Its border should appear with the
handles. Then I use the arrow keys to move it where I want it to appear.

I do that, and it works. However, when I release all selections, the
photo obscures the textbox.


(The cursor could be used to move the textbox as well.) This may or may not
work depending upon the answer to my questions above.



A sample file is here:

In the sample file, the textbox is slightly to the left, and the photo
is slightly to the right, so that they do not overlap. This is the
only way to arrange the slide such that the textbox is accessible (can
be focused with the mouse).


 Right click the photo to open a context menu. Click Arrange to 
open another context menu, and click Send to Back. The Hello World 
should now be on top. Arrange is what is used when you have more than 
one layer and you want to change how the layers are placed on each other.


 It is a very nice slide, by the way.

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Re: [users] Z-axis ordering in Impress

2010-05-19 Thread Daniel Lewis

Mark Miller wrote:

On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 5:09 PM, Daniel Lewiselderdanle...@gmail.comwrote:


Dotan Cohen wrote:


 Is the photo and textbox inside a frame?


The photo got there via Insert -   Picture - From File. The textbox
was part of the Slide Layout. I dragged the photo to the dimensions
that I wanted (centered in the slide, about 80% of the slide's area)
and I tried dragging the textbox over it, but the textbox is
stubbornly remaining beneath the photo.

Or, is the textbox layered on
top of the photo?

The textbox seems to be in a layer below the photo.

Where is the textbox in relation with the boundaries of
the photo? (At the bottom, on the right, on the left, or in the middle?)

At the bottom.


you want the top of the textbox to be lined up with the top of the photo?
Or, is this photo and textbox layered, and you want to arrange the
to be in front of the photo (lays on top of the photo)?


I wish to arrange the textbox to be in front of (on top of) the photo.

 I'm just not sure what you want to do. Right off the top of my head,
would click the textbox to select it. Its border should appear with the
handles. Then I use the arrow keys to move it where I want it to appear.


I do that, and it works. However, when I release all selections, the
photo obscures the textbox.


(The cursor could be used to move the textbox as well.) This may or may
work depending upon the answer to my questions above.



A sample file is here:

In the sample file, the textbox is slightly to the left, and the photo
is slightly to the right, so that they do not overlap. This is the
only way to arrange the slide such that the textbox is accessible (can
be focused with the mouse).



 Right click the photo to open a context menu. Click Arrange to open
another context menu, and click Send to Back. The Hello World should now
be on top. Arrange is what is used when you have more than one layer and you
want to change how the layers are placed on each other.


 It is a very nice slide, by the way.

I tried it out, just for my own edification, and I can't make it work.  I
right click the photo and get the dialogue box, but when I go to arrange I
get No selection possible.  What am I doing wrong?

I'm not sure. Is it possible that you opened the presentation in Read 
Only? The instructions I gave were the ones I used to arrange the 
textbox over the photo instead of under it.


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Re: [users] Unsuscribe

2010-05-18 Thread Daniel Lewis wrote:

Second request.  Plz unsuscribe me.

 You sent this email to the wrong place. You should have sent your 
request to When you do so, you will 
receive a confirmation email. Reply to the confirmation email to 
complete the unsubscribe request.


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Re: [users] sort on date

2010-05-10 Thread Daniel Lewis

James Knott wrote:

JOE Conner wrote:

Not at all, because the same number is also be used for date AND time.

Both date and time are normally integers.  Like with money, you 
wouldn't normally use floating point because you can't be guaranteed a 
correct result.  With FP, you can get round off errors.

 40308.817361 is May 10,2010 at 7:37 PM.
This is sufficient to describe todays date and time.


Re: [users] commercial use

2010-05-02 Thread Daniel Lewis

Robert Weitzel wrote:


can i use the Open Office Suite for commercial purpose?


Robert Weitzel

Yes, you may. Some large companies are doing so already. has a list of the licenses that 
cover the use of (OOo). OOo can be used for any legal 
purpose on as many computers as you want. You can read all of this in 
the license.


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Re: [users] Base wizard: Business or Personal?!?

2010-05-02 Thread Daniel Lewis

Dotan Cohen wrote:

When using the  Base Table Wizard, the very first question is
Category: Business or Personal. This is very confusing to users, who
don't want to answer wrong. If the only difference is in the Sample
Tables, then maybe all the sample tables should be together anyway. If
the difference is more than that, then there should be an explanation.

Thoughts on improvement?

 What is confusing? The sample tables in the Business category 
contain fields to be used in a business database. The sample tables in 
the Personal category contain fields to be used in a personal database. 
To me, this is obvious when you look at the names of the suggested tables.


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Re: [users] Excel problem

2010-05-01 Thread Daniel Lewis

Abdul Hai wrote:

I have been sent an Excel document but I could not find anyway of editing it.

I have sent this message last night it does not appear to have got through.

Support solar power in the developing world.

 You did not mention what version of Excel created it. Is it 
possibly because the attribute of the file is Read Only? If you are 
using a Windows O/S, do you know how to change this attribute in Windows 
Explorer? You might request the person resend the document using the 
Excel 97/2000/XP format. Then you should be able to edit it.


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Re: [users] Comma separator in numbers

2010-05-01 Thread Daniel Lewis

Don A. Elbourne Jr. wrote:
I have a simple table in Writer with 9 rows. One column 
contains numbers.


For some wacky reason the last three rows will not allow me to insert 
a comma in the thousandths place, as in the first six rows.

I can type it in, but as soon as I move my cursor to a different cell, 
the comma disappears.

Also, in row 7 it will not allow me to add the .00 at the end. The 
number should read146,065.00

I can not figure out what I'm doing wrong. Can anyone help?

 Your problem is the formatting of the rows. Click in the seventh 
row. Then hold the Shift key while using the Down Arrow to highlight 
rows seven through nine. Right click in any one of these bottom rows. 
Select Number format, and select the number properties you want to use. 
Click OK. That should do it.



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Re: [users] Re: Uninstall

2010-04-21 Thread Daniel Lewis

Twayne wrote:

Barb  typed:

I want to uninstall OpenOffice.  But my computer will not
do it.  What can I do?  Please help! Thank you,

What have you tried so far?  Add or Remove should do it AFAIK.



Make sure you close the Quick Starter among the icons next to the 
computer clock (bottom right of screen).


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Re: [users] Uninstall

2010-04-21 Thread Daniel Lewis

Barb Griffith wrote:

  I want to uninstall OpenOffice.  But my computer will not do it.  What can I 
do?  Please help!
Thank you,

What have you tried so far?  Add or Remove should do it AFAIK.



 In addition if you use Windows, You need to close the Quick Starter located 
among the icons just to the left of the clock. The Quick Starter icon has birds 
flying on a blue and white background.


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Re: [users] When creating a Form it's opening Base:Form Design, I'd like it to open in Writer

2010-04-20 Thread Daniel Lewis

Marie Doran wrote:


Very new to OpenOffice.
I am using 3.2 Windows XP.
Try to create forms using wizard /or Design view.
They are both opening Base: Form Design.
Any of the Tutorials I have look at seem to open in Writer.
How can I set this up?
 can I change Form Design form to Writer ?
I am not subscribed, please cc me.
Thanks for any help!


Since you are very new to, I recommend you download a 
copy of the Getting Started Guide v3.2. Use this link to download it:
 It contains a chapter about Base describing how to use it.

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Re: [users] Re: Starting page numbering on page 2 of a document

2010-04-18 Thread Daniel Lewis

Mark C. Miller wrote:

On Mon, 12 Apr 2010 07:46:54 -0400, Daniel Lewis wrote:


 If you do this, you will also want to add the Templates and
Documents icon to the Standard toolbar. This makes it easy to access the


I've spent the last few minutes going through all the options I can find
for visible buttons in OOo 3.1 running on Ubuntu 9.10.  I can't find an
option anywhere for Templates and Documents anyplace. It's probably
right underneath my nose, but if someone can point me towards where I can
specify the icon, I'd appreciate it.



From Help in OOo:   toolbars; add buttons

 To add a button to a toolbar:

Click the arrow icon at the end of a toolbar and choose *Visible 
Buttons* and then select the button you want to display.

 There are at least two toolbars in the top of OOo. The Standard 
toolbar is the top one. The Save and AutoSpellcheck icons are in it. The 
arrow icon looks like a rectangle with a down pointing arrow near its 
 When you follow these instructions, you will see the New Document 
from Template icon as the third icon from the top.


Re: [users] Starting page numbering on page 2 of a document

2010-04-12 Thread Daniel Lewis

Gordon Burgess-Parker wrote:

This is, perhaps, one of the main areas where OO could outdo MS Office.
I would assume that this function is fairly commonly required, when 
you have a document with a cover for example, and yet it is 
DIABOLICALLY difficult in MS Word and not much easier in OO.
Would it be beyond the bounds of possibility for a developer to write 
some code so that you could insert the footer on page 2, click in it, 
and choose insert page number-start at no1, instead of having to 
muck about with page breaks and styles and all the rest of the 
difficult stuff?

 There is a reason why OOo and other programs have templates: when 
you use the same layout time after time, you use a template. So, create 
a template with these things in it. Then when you need it, use it.
 If you do this, you will also want to add the Templates and 
Documents icon to the Standard toolbar. This makes it easy to access the 


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Re: [users] Hyperlinks

2010-04-11 Thread Daniel Lewis

Floyd Noel wrote:

Can a data field in a Base table be converted to a hyperlink?


You need to be clearer in your question. What is the data field? 
What is the hyperlink to which you want to convert it? The answer to 
your question should be yes, but this does not answer what you should do 
to make the conversion. So, be more specific, someone will be able to 
tell you how to do it.


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Re: [users] Which OOo version in Ubuntu 10.04 ?

2010-04-10 Thread Daniel Lewis

fred juan diaz wrote:

--- En date de : Sam 10.4.10, Séamas Ó Brógá  a écrit :

should probably reserve judgement until 29 April, when (I
hope) the
latest version of Openoffice will be provided with Ubuntu

Thanks to all for help.


do you know if the version provided with Ubuntu 10.04
will be the 3.2.1 Oracle ugly icons Version ?

I was very happy to learn that Oracle had
CREATED  a 3.2.1 version based on OOo
great moment of humor . . .

and, as written under the About window, I'm
very excited to see what is happening with
the Branding project here :-(

Will Ubuntu include this version as it ?

best regards

Fred JD
  In a word, no, OOo 3.2.1 will not be included in Ubuntu 10.04. It 
will have their modified 3.2.0 OOo version. Besides, 3.2.1 is not due 
out until next fall with 3.3.0 due out next spring.


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Re: [users] Reports using parameter queries

2010-04-09 Thread Daniel Lewis

Floyd Noel wrote:

How do I get a report to give current results after I've modified the
parameters of it's query input?  It is giving me results from the previous
parameters in effect in the query.


 You have to recreate the report. A dynamic report will only update 
based upon additional data that has been added. It will not update a 
change in the query. Note: this is when you are using the Report Wizard 
to create the report. I have not worked with the Sun Report Builder 
Extension to know whether you can use that to modify a report when the 
query structure has been changed.


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Re: [users] Squiggly lines under all words

2010-04-09 Thread Daniel Lewis

Barbara Duprey wrote:

Horace Greely wrote:
I am sorry if this has been addressed but I can not find the fix 
here. Also difficult to use spell check. I have attached a screen 
grab. Thanks for any assistance here.

Horace and I have been looking at this off-list, and it now appears 
that for some reason the standard dictionary (from an en-us 
installation) is being applied, but is empty. Almost every word in his 
documents is identified as misspelled (although spellcheck appears 
satisfied with all-caps words, in this case ACE and FAX, and with 
digits), and right-clicking provides no words as suggestions, just the 
other options about ignoring and so on. When he adds a word to the 
standard [ALL] dictionary via the Add option of the spellchecker, it 
is recognized for that session, but closing OOo and opening another 
document with the same word it is again unrecognized. (At least, this 
seems to have happened once.) I'm not really familiar with dictionary 
management, can anybody suggest what might be happening? He's tried 
reinstalling several times, but so far no luck.

 I seem to remember this being a problem with the Standard[ALL] 
dictionary before, but I am not sure what the final disposition of it 
was. Perhaps this is a reversion back to that earlier time.
 I have my own way of getting around this potential problem. With 
the Spelling dialog open, click the Options button to open the Options 
dialog. I then create a personal dictionary and click the checkbox in 
front of the new dictionary. Then I add the words that to the new 


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Re: [users] Writer: do not show =2 lines of text body at end of page

2010-04-08 Thread Daniel Lewis

Dotan Cohen wrote:

I think the issue is that there are both true paragraphs and paragraphs
chopped apart by line wrapping into multiple pseudo-paragraphs when the text
was copied from the web. The object is to remove the odd breakage points so
that the text can flow normally, obeying widow and orphan settings. The
extra paragraph breaks (but not the true ones), then, should be replaced
with blanks. I can see how to do this, except it involves an Edit-Replace on
a selection of the text that excludes replacement of the true paragraph
breaks, which would be a real pain. But if I'm reading this right, there
would be no way to distinguish the two kinds of breaks automatically.

Hi Barbara. All of thebr  were converted into paragraph breaks in
OOo. In my opinion, that is a bug. HTML specifiesp/p  as paragraph
breaks andbr  as line breaks, so pasted text should follow this
convention. I will file an issue.

  There might be something more to this than meets the eye. Did 
you look at the original HTML of the text that you copied into Writer?
  I used SeaMonkey's Compose to create an HTML document with a 
paragraph containing line breaks:

The sly red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog.
pMary had a little lambbr
Whose fleece was white as snowbr
And everywhere that Mary wentbr
The lamb was sure to go./p

I then copied it into Writer (3.2), saved it, and extracted 
Content XML. The corresponding paragraph is:

text:p text:style-name=Text_20_bodyThe sly red fox jumped over the lazy 
brown dog.
 /text:ptext:p text:style-name=Text_20_body/text:p 
Mary had a little lambtext:line-break/Whose fleece was white as 
And everywhere that Mary wenttext:line-break/The lamb was sure to go./text:p

  In this case, every br was converted to text:line-break/ 
which is what I think is suppose to happen.  The paragraph breaks also 
were converted properly as well. This does not show the bug you seemed 
to have found. This is why I'm wondering about the HTML of the web page. 
In creating it, did someone use /p for each line instead of br 
perhaps? I don't have the URL of the web page you copied, so I can not 
say for sure.


Re: [users] Scrolling Presentation

2010-04-08 Thread Daniel Lewis

Gordon Burgess-Parker wrote:
How do I set a presentation so that it scrolls round and round until I 
stop it? I've found the time for each slide in Slideshow-Transition 
but it stops after the last slide. How do I get it to start at the 
beginning again automatically?

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This can be done in the Slide Show menu: Slide Show  Slide Show 
Settings. In the Type section, click the Auto option button and select 
the time you want to pause between showing the last slide and the first 
You can also set this when you create the presentation. In 
Presentation Wizard, window #3, Select a slide transition type: click 
the Automatic option button. Set Duration of pause to the value you want 
for time between last slide and first slide. Just make sure that you set 
the time between slides in the Task section in the Slide Transition section.


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Re: [users] Re: Re: [CALC] How to add a variable formula?

2010-04-07 Thread Daniel Lewis

Michelle Konzack wrote:

Hello Brian,

Am 2010-04-07 00:00:01, hacktest Du folgendes herunter:

Then you haven't looked:
o  Put the cursor into your result cell.
o  Click the sigma symbol to the left of the Input Line.  (Sigma is
mathematics for sum.)
o  Adjust the range of cells that Calc offers if it is incorrect:
drag it to position the top left corner and drag the bottom right
corner to position that.
o  Press Enter or click the green tick.

Oh, and you won't find that in Excel, I believe!

Yes and Excel 2.0+ has saved me headaches because it.

When using Calc, I had tonns of errors because it has  changed  the  ROW
NUMBERS in calculatins and when I found out that it adapt it t  the  new
ROW, I had to change all back by hand.

Is there an option to stop this?

In my case, it is a VERY annoying feature-bug.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
 Michelle Konzack
 24V Electronic Engineer
 Tamay Dogan Network
 Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

 I believe this feature is similar to Excel. If you want to keep 
the same row when pasting as it was when copying, use $ in front of the 
row number. EX: B2= A$2 + $C2 + $D$2  When pasted into B4 you get B4 = 
A$2 +$C4 + $D$2. When pasted into  E6, you get E6= D$2 + $C6+ $D$2. I 
learned this from someone who was taking a course in Excel 2007.


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Re: [users] Writer: do not show =2 lines of text body at end of page

2010-04-07 Thread Daniel Lewis

Michael Adams wrote:

On Thursday 08 April 2010 06:40, Dotan Cohen wrote:

Every line in your example document is a new paragraph. To see that more
clearly, click open the View and choose Non-printing Characters. New
paragraphs are then marked with a symbol which looks like a backwards P
(also spaces show as a dot, and tabs as a right-pointing arrow).

To start a new line without starting a new paragraph, hold the Shift key
when pressing Enter, instead of just pressing Enter (with Non-printing
Characters shown, you see an arrow pointing down then left as is common
on the Enter key). The options for widow and orphan control or keep
paragraphs together then work. You might then want to change the Indents
and Spacing paragraph options to remove the indent.

You can set different options for different paragraphs, so changing them
at one point in the document won't affect the whole document. To save
having to change every individual paragraph's options (once you've
replaced new paragraph marks with new lines) you can modify the Text
body style - from the Format menu choose Styles and Formatting,
right-click Text body and select Modify... and set whatever text
flow, indent and other options you want for the style.

Hope that helps.

Thanks, Mark. That text was copied and pasted from a website. Is there
a way to convert all the New Paragraph marks to New Line marks? I
tried to do the same conversion once and failed to find a way, but
maybe it does exist.

I think this is bad advice, effectively changing the document to one paragraph
just does not sound right to me.

Did you select all and then make the change? Were the affected paragraphs
definitely selected? Select all does not work well after copy and paste from
the net where DIV's get converted to sections and the sections get selected
individually. In this case i usually click on the offending paragraph, then
select all and make my change.

You may as a last resort need to copy the data out of the sections and from
navigator then delete the sections.

It is a worry if paragraphs that were changed later revert. I have not seen
this specific behaviour.

 Suggestion for converting the each line is a paragraph into 
the original paragraph setup:
1) Go through the text placing a  #  after the punctuation mark at the 
end of each paragraph.

2) Open Find  (Control+F).
3) Enter $ in the Search box and # in the Replace box.
4) Click More options button.
5) Click the Regular Expression box.
6) Click the Replace all. Now you have one paragraph with the #'s 
showing where each paragraph ends.
7) Replace $ with # in the Search box and replace # with \n in the 
Replace box.

8) The Regular Expression box should be checked (ticked).
9) Click Replace all.

 Now you should have your paragraphs looking like they did on the 
web page. The suggestions about orphan and widow paragarphs should no 
work as well.


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