Re: [users] Re: Default saving of .otts

2010-02-04 Thread Klaus Schmirler

Marcello Romani schrieb:

Klaus Schmirler ha scritto:

Thank you for responding!

It might matter here that I'm on Windows Vista. The only checkboxes I 
find are "Read only" in the Open dialog (I normally that template from 
a link on the desktop)  and "Auto extension" and "Password" in the 
Save-as dialog. "Auto extension is checked and, when I uncheck it and 
save-as again, stays re-checked. For simple Save, no dialog comes up, 
it just saves. My OOo behaves the same - I just tried it - with 
templates fresh from


Twayne schrieb:

Klaus Schmirler  typed:


I have a problem with a template I made. It used to save as a document
and remembered the path for it. Now I have to save-as and complete the
path, otherwise saving will change the template.

Once upon a time I saw settings for things like default paths, where I
might might find the solution for my problem, but I don't find them



Watch the Open and Save dialogs: There are check boxes for "document" 
or "template", meaning open it as a document or a template. Sounds 
like template got checked on you.



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have you tried to mark the template as "read-only" (using Vista file 
properties, not OOo) ?
This way, after opening the template you have to click the "edit file" 
toolbar button before you can write anything, thus creating a new file 
which won't be saved over the original template.


That sounds like a good idea, but the edit button doesn't change the 
filename. However, after playing around with downloaded templates, which 
involved opening and closing OOo a few times, my particular template 
does open as "unnamed".

The default location was now one node above the template location, so I 
changed the path to the appropriate folder below it. Until I see how 
this affects other documents, I'm quite content.

Mille grazie!


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Re: [users] Re: Default saving of .otts

2010-02-03 Thread Klaus Schmirler

Thank you for responding!

It might matter here that I'm on Windows Vista. The only checkboxes I 
find are "Read only" in the Open dialog (I normally that template from 
a link on the desktop)  and "Auto extension" and "Password" in the 
Save-as dialog. "Auto extension is checked and, when I uncheck it and 
save-as again, stays re-checked. For simple Save, no dialog comes up, it 
just saves. My OOo behaves the same - I just tried it - with templates 
fresh from


Twayne schrieb:

Klaus Schmirler  typed:


I have a problem with a template I made. It used to save as a document
and remembered the path for it. Now I have to save-as and complete the
path, otherwise saving will change the template.

Once upon a time I saw settings for things like default paths, where I
might might find the solution for my problem, but I don't find them



Watch the Open and Save dialogs: There are check boxes for "document" or 
"template", meaning open it as a document or a template. Sounds like 
template got checked on you.



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[users] Default saving of .otts

2010-02-01 Thread Klaus Schmirler


I have a problem with a template I made. It used to save as a document 
and remembered the path for it. Now I have to save-as and complete the 
path, otherwise saving will change the template.

Once upon a time I saw settings for things like default paths, where I 
might might find the solution for my problem, but I don't find them 



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[users] Template saving as template

2009-07-01 Thread Klaus Schmirler


recently (and I think more recent than my change from Windows XP to
Vista; this has worked before) my .ott files overwrite themselves on
saving instead of creating a .odt file. Grateful for any suggestions on
how to get rid of this behaviour.


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[users] Re: OOo 2.3.1 pdf problem

2008-03-08 Thread Klaus Schmirler

Russell Butler schrieb:

Klaus Schmirler wrote:


I noticed that my pdfs created from calc crash around page 6 (but I 
think this was not always the case). Reinstalling OOo did not help.

A little more information may help. What version of OOo are you using on 
what platform? I see you are probably on windows, but which version, and 
perhaps memory size may help.

When you say pdfs crash, is this when you export from OOo, or when you 
try to read them?


Yes, I'm on XP - actually I never thought of converting on the Linux 
side (and can't for the hours to come). The OOo version is 2.3.1, and 
the crashes occur when scrolling through the document, and also while 
printing. It goes to page 5, then it's gone. You can see most of page 
6 when you scroll.


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[users] Re: OOo 2.3.1 pdf problem

2008-03-08 Thread Klaus Schmirler

Russell Butler schrieb:

Klaus Schmirler wrote:


I noticed that my pdfs created from calc crash around page 6 (but I 
think this was not always the case). Reinstalling OOo did not help.

A little more information may help. What version of OOo are you using on 
what platform? I see you are probably on windows, but which version, and 
perhaps memory size may help.

When you say pdfs crash, is this when you export from OOo, or when you 
try to read them?


Yes, I'm on XP - actually I never thought of converting on the Linux 
side (and can't for the hours to come). The OOo version is 2.3.1, and 
the crashes occur when scrolling through the document, and also while 
printing. It goes to page 5, then it's gone. You can see most of page 
6 when you scroll.


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[users] Re: OOo 2.3.1 pdf problem

2008-03-06 Thread Klaus Schmirler

Russell Butler schrieb:

Klaus Schmirler wrote:


I noticed that my pdfs created from calc crash around page 6 (but I 
think this was not always the case). Reinstalling OOo did not help.

Any ideas?



Hi Klaus

A little more information may help. What version of OOo are you using on 
what platform? I see you are probably on windows, but which version, and 
perhaps memory size may help.

When you say pdfs crash, is this when you export from OOo, or when you 
try to read them?


The first try at an answer somehow didn't make it.

I'm on Win XP, OOo is 2.3.1, memory must be enough (1024 of whatever 
the current prefixed unit is) and the crash happens while scrolling 
and while printing (which is where I noticed it).


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[users] OOo 2.3.1 pdf problem

2008-03-05 Thread Klaus Schmirler


I noticed that my pdfs created from calc crash around page 6 (but I 
think this was not always the case). Reinstalling OOo did not help.

Any ideas?



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[users] Re: a patch CD fix for the Macro problem

2006-07-22 Thread klaus schmirler

James E. Lang wrote:

Klaus Schmirier wrote:

Seriously? A p2p solution with traffic possibly going in both directions 
is to be recommended over a simple download program?

In my experience I would answer this with an emphatic "Yes!" While the p2p 
protocol is, indeed, a two way street, it also is highly interruptable and 
performs error detection and correction. I strongly recommend it for *any* dial 
up user and feel that is is the preferred method to download any very large 
file even on a high speed connection. OOo releases certainly qualify as "very 
large" files.

I see. (No doubts re the last sentence.)



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[users] Re: a patch CD fix for the Macro problem

2006-07-21 Thread klaus schmirler

G. Roderick Singleton wrote:

On Tue, 2006-07-18 at 21:58 -0700, Richard wrote:

I am a SuSe 9.3 user on a dial-up connection.  DSL is not available in 
my area so I am not able to down load large files like the one required 
to fix the macro problem in Open office 2.0.  How can I get a patch CD 
to fix the problem?

No patches. Try using the bitorrent or P2P feeds to download. Takes time
but does a good job of getting the distribution to your machine. Or you
could order a CD via 

Seriously? A p2p solution with traffic possibly going in both directions 
is to be recommended over a simple download program?


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[users] Re: Reveal Codes

2006-04-04 Thread klaus schmirler

Rod Engelsman wrote:

Honestly, I think I would call this a bug. In fact I'm going to file an 
issue on it if there isn't one already and see what the developers have 
to say about it.

Please give the number. I don't think I have any votes left in that 
category, but I'd like to see what happens. Given what Jallan wrote 
about the more logical behaviour with colors (which I never use, so I 
hadn't noticed) it is a bug.

Anyone still wondering why there are people who want to see where any 
given type of formatting comes from?


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[users] Re: Reveal Codes

2006-04-03 Thread klaus schmirler

Rod Engelsman wrote:

Direct formatting with Wordperfect-style tokens is like typing with the 
Shift key. You're typing along and then you hit the Caps-lock key and 
that tells the machine to create upper-case letters until you release 
the Caps-lock and then you are creating lower-case letters again.

On the other hand, Styles are like a control panel full of buttons, 
knobs, and switches and a particular style is just a snapshot of the 
position of all those controls. Every paragraph has a style associated 
with it and that style completely describes the formatting for that 
paragraph. Similarly, every character has a style as well. 

I appreciate your efforts trying to explain the difference - and making 
a comment re further ahead in the discussion, I can very well imagine 
e.g. a tree opening from the context menu, starting with the names of 
page, paragraph, character &c. styles and then branching out to the 
nitty gritty, as long as it shows _everything_.

But from your description, I would expect the opposite behaviour of WP 
and OOo in this experiment:

Write two lines of anything, bolden one of them (whether by defining a 
character style or with the button up on the menu doesn't make a 
difference). Now select a couple of letters from one line; push them 
into the other. And vice versa.

Wordperfect behaves symmetrically: the new letters in the normal line 
are bold, and the new letters in the bold line are normal. In OOo, both 
end up bold, which tells me that only Bold is an attribute, and that 
there is simply nothing set in the normal line: not every character has 
the full set of attributes.

My thinking or OOo's way of working, which is wrong?


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[users] Re: reveal codes

2006-03-30 Thread klaus schmirler

Jonathon Blake wrote:

Klaus wrote:

Separated from the options of defining new ones?


OK, please give a little hint as to where.


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[users] Re: reveal codes

2006-03-29 Thread klaus schmirler

Jonathon Blake wrote:

Klaus wrote:

 If it had a change option for every character, numbering, paragraph and page 
style that is applied in a given place, possibly mentioning the

Currently implemented in OOo.

Separated from the options of defining new ones? And, more importantly, 
in one place, at one glance, without checking in five different panes, 
if you are talking about whatever the Stylist is called now?

What I am going for is some redundancy (seeing what's already there) and 
a lesser chance to miss anything. I may be a stupid user, but I know I'm 
not alone, and I like to see my mistakes.


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[users] Re: reveal codes

2006-03-29 Thread klaus schmirler

Jonathon Blake wrote:

Robin wrote:

that would indicate when styles change within a document.

That feature is _currently_ present in OOo.

Paragraph styles, outside of the text area. Oh yes, and the little bold- 
and numbering-icons that are pushed in or not. Not very user friendly.

The context menu also only offers a "Change paragraph style" option. If 
it had a change option for every character, numbering, paragraph and 
page style that is applied in a given place, possibly mentioning the 
style name, and the possibility to define or apply a new style separated 
from these, I guess it would also satisfy us RC imbeciles. It gives you 
better feedback about what you are about to do than is the case now, 
and, better than RC, it is on whenever you use the context menu. :O)

And the ability to delete or change that style/direct formatting.

Also currently available in OOo.

I only know of the option to reapply the default style, which means 
fiddling with a list instead of just hitting Delete with the RC frame open.


I strongly encourage you to take the time to learn about the features
that _currently_ exist in OOo, instead of complaining about a lack of
features, which actually do exist, but you never bothered to learn
about, because you refused to learn about them.


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[users] Re: reveal codes

2006-03-29 Thread klaus schmirler

Ed wrote:

Having used both methods, as in OO and WP, they both have their place.
Styles are fine for the publishing industry, and corporations that need
to have a fixed style in documents, letters, etc.

But, for my personal use I prefer the WP method of changing the format
of individual words, or sentences, on the fly.  And if I have to do any
editing later, the Reveal Codes option gives me complete control over my

But, please, WP does have styles with the one drawback that they aren't 
available from the context menu (to make up for that, applied styles can 
be changed or deleted in the RC frame).

WP with its ability to use characters within styles can be _more_ 
consistent than OOo in separating markup from content. Suppose you quote 
a book title, which should be italic. You botch up a style that applies 
italics and call it booktitle. Then you have an essay title. In WP, you 
can define a style that applies quotes on both sides of the marked text, 
and that style might be called essaytitle. In OOo you will type in the 
quotes directly, and you end up with a "meaningful" style for book 
titles, but not for essays. How is that for logic?

Now suppose someone switches from OOo to WP and wants to erase such an 
essay title. They will find that the "quote characters" cannot be 
deleted. Before getting a new keyboard, they can call up the RC frame 
and see that there is a style left, and that that style's content are 
two quote signs. Problem solved (and knowledge gained).

The same may apply using OOo. Suppose the right hand side of your page 
appears to be unused. Did someone change the margins or is this a two 
column layout that just doesn't have enough text to overflow, or the 
text is protected? Instead of wrecking my brain for the different 
possibilities, I'd rather have one place where I can check what is the 


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[users] Re: accounting template?

2006-03-24 Thread klaus schmirler

Bill Schmidt wrote:

This might be what you are looking for;

It's not based on Calc, and it's not named after _some_ gemstone, but 
it's exactly what I had in mind. Thank you!


On Fri, 24 Mar 2006 06:15:32 -0500, klaus schmirler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


I think it was on this list, and maybe half a year ago, that someone 
from Australia announced an accounting/balancing template for Calc. 
Named for some gemstone, but probably not ruby.

Does anyone have the particulars?

Thank you,


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[users] accounting template?

2006-03-24 Thread klaus schmirler


I think it was on this list, and maybe half a year ago, that someone 
from Australia announced an accounting/balancing template for Calc. 
Named for some gemstone, but probably not ruby.

Does anyone have the particulars?

Thank you,


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[users] Re: reveal codes

2006-03-24 Thread klaus schmirler

Bruce Byfield wrote:

On Thu, 2006-03-23 at 12:05 -0700, Robin Laing wrote:

Don't forget to add in the create the necessary styles to achieve what
you have to achieve.  This is the biggest problem with styles.  You 
have to know what the individual styles do.  You don't need to setup a 
style in WP before you edit a document.  

You don't need to do so in OOo, either. However, in both word
processors, you can work a lot more efficiently if you do.

Years ago when I used Word Perfect, I used Reveal Codes until I learned
what styles were about. After that, I never needed Reveal Codes, because
I used styles religiously.

You beautifully illustrate an aspect of RC that seems the most important 
to me and that has never been discussed (I mentioned it a year ago - or 
was it two?): Reveal coes as a learning tool. RC can take a lot of 
frustration out of the first steps of using a word processor, especially 
when beginning to use styles.

A surprisingly large part of this discussion has been chasing the red 
herring of "styles are better than Reveal Codes". RC doesn't format 
anything, it reveals where what kind of formatting hits in, and as long 
as people make mistakes it makes sense to give them an efficient tool 
like this to find them.


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[users] Re: Kerning - Was How to insert an em-dash

2006-01-31 Thread klaus schmirler

G. Roderick Singleton wrote:

On Mon, 2006-01-30 at 15:12 -0800, Bob wrote:

1. Is there a way to turn it on by default?

No and there is an issue but I do not know its number.

Here's the link:

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registered first.


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[users] Tricks with frames

2006-01-08 Thread klaus schmirler


I should admit first that I am trying to do stuff I didn't have to do 
for a long time, and it was WordPerfect 6 for DOS that shaped my way 
of thinking. Since I have no idea if this program works on WinXP, or 
if the diskettes are at all readable any more, I assume I really have 
to do it in OOo. And this is it:

I want an A3 sheet (landscape) folded into 8 A6 pages (portrait, but 
...). On one side of the sheet, three of them have an upside-down 
orientation, and the fourth in that same row is sideways. With 
Wordperfect, I would have set a page size independent of the paper 
size and put the four funny pages into frames which could then be rotated.

In OOo, I thought it best to define a page template with 2x4 frames on 
it. I filled some of them with content, which doesn't overflow into 
other frames. Now I

1. can't shift-click to get on another page (the other side of the sheet)

2. can set different orientations for a frame, but upside down is not 
among them.

Am I really stuck?


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[users] Re: decimal fraction in calc

2005-12-17 Thread klaus schmirler

Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:

If you need to display a number as a fraction, I have a macro that will 
convert to and from fraction formats. Klaus, are you saying that there 
is a number format to display a decimal number as a fraction. I think 
that the answer is no, but would be very happy if the answer is yes.

It's one of the number formats in Calc. You can gauge the accurary by 
specifying the number of decimal places, e.g. 2001:2999 (whatever the 
decimal result ...) is 2/3 if the format is ?/? and 2001/2999 if the 
format is /. I think it's neat.


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[users] Re: decimal fraction in calc

2005-12-16 Thread klaus schmirler

Terry North wrote:

I think people may be talking about different subjects. 

Obviously. Going back to the original posting, he talks about a 
"quotient function", but he also wants a "simple fraction", which is 
not what the quotient function does.

Fractions are just a formatting thing: right click on on the 
(selection of) cells that you want to see as fractions and choose the 
appropriate number format.


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[users] Re: decimal fraction in calc

2005-12-14 Thread klaus schmirler

Dan Lewis wrote:

  One slight modification: your system would probably show it this way
=0,/0, results in 0,5. 

It doesn't, but then it shouldn't because QUOTIENT is supposed to 
return the integer part only. So the result is 0.


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[users] Re: mulitlingual document

2005-07-29 Thread klaus schmirler

Steven Kladitis wrote:

I have openoffice 1.9.117 and I have a quesion about
typingin a document using multiple languages.

If you are indeed asking about typing and the different language 
specific characters: OOo leaves that to the operating system. I 
understand that Linuxes have a Combine Key that e.g. lets you type a 
trema and then a vowel for öäü, and maybe s+s for ß. All this assuming 
that you use some keyboard with Latin characters. For Russian, it's 
then probably best to change the keyboard layout altogether; you'll 
have to learn it blind.

For a spellchecker to recognize the language you are using, you'd 
define a style for every language. I had assumed this was only 
available in paragraph, but you dan indeed change the language by 
character, which would work for singel words.


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[users] Re: rotation of text objects

2005-07-08 Thread klaus schmirler

David wrote:

you will get the 'No Entry' sign one the red dots in the middle of the 
boundary line.

Try using the ones at the corners.

Sorry, no difference. The only thing that is movable is the center dot.

OR just click the mouse inside the text box!

I have managed to rotate the letters inside the boxes as a paragraph 
style, but this messes up all my formatting, which I would probably 
have to redo using line spacing, i.e. each letter is a paragraph. 
There must be another way!

Strange isn't it!

I'll admit that.


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[users] Re: Chart Question

2005-07-08 Thread klaus schmirler

Chadley Wilson wrote:


On the bar charts how can I put the value of each bar at the top of each bar?

There is a dialog that opens most easily by clicking on the symbols in 
the legend. There you can change the scales to the left and to the 
right, their subdivisions, whether you want symbols and/or values with 
your bars, and whether the values are percentages or amounts.

You may have to adjust that for every single bar. Maybe it is possible 
to do it globally if you change the rows and columns around: right 
click and then "Change chart type".



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[users] rotation of text objects

2005-07-08 Thread klaus schmirler


I am trying to rotate a group of three lines of text in Draw, but the 
pointer over the red dots just gives me the nothing doing sign 
(slashed circle). This is the same for the group, its parts, in 1.4.1 
and 1.9.something. What am I doing wrong?


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[users] Re: How do set size of text in Calc notes attached to cells?

2005-06-04 Thread klaus schmirler

G. Roderick Singleton wrote:

On Sat, 2005-06-04 at 14:08 +0200, klaus schmirler wrote:

The second was to select "Show note" from the context menu on the dot. 
It copies the contents of the note into a frame, where you can for 
instance apply text art, but it's not a note anymore (and I couldn't 
select that frame with the mouse ever again. The next note will be 
yellow, small lettered and in straight lines, as ever.

Really? I was able to restore status quo by placing the cursor on the
note anchor and used the context menu to deselect show note.  Try it.


My first guess in a program that takes as much pride in its style 
support as open office would have been that you go the red dot and 
select "Change paragraph style" from the context menu. You could argue 
that notes are not part of the document per se, so should have a 
browser-like setting that is is not saved with the document (and is 
independent of the zoom setting; you want to be able to read the notes 
no matter if you're adjusting letter kernings of getting an overview 
of the page layout). That setting would belong to the particular 
installation of OOo where you view it, and I guess Preferences is the 
place where to customize it. The only thing I could find there was a 
way to change the color.

Are my expectations so far off?


Could be. I suggest that you enter an Request for Enhancement (RFE) into
Issue Tracker as this is the best way to have requests such as this

I don't use notes that much and my eyes are good enough. Maybe I'll do 
it if there is confirmation that my expectations are _not_ off. But I 
will play with notes a bit when I get the next version.


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[users] Re: How do set size of text in Calc notes attached to cells?

2005-06-04 Thread klaus schmirler

Mixu Lauronen wrote:

G. Roderick Singleton wrote:

On Fri, 2005-06-03 at 14:46 +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've looked in the help under "fonts", "text", "notes", and "cells" but
can't find out how to change the size of text in Calc notes attached to

Any ideas?

It is a bit complicated if you're using version 1.1.x, since you can not 
directly change font properties of a note. It ca be done in the beta 
1.9.100 - and possibly earlier, too.

But here's what you can do. Type the note text into an empty cell. 
Change the font size (and other attributes) to your liking, cut the text 
and paste it into the note. That should do the trick.

I'm not the original poster, and maybe he is satisfied with these 
suggestions. But I tried to change the appearance of notes in 1.9.100 
and didn't succeed at all.

The third thing I tried was to move the mouse away from the little red 
dot: the note goes away immediately, you can't get at the letters in a 
note even if you wanted to change the letter size in each note 

The second was to select "Show note" from the context menu on the dot. 
It copies the contents of the note into a frame, where you can for 
instance apply text art, but it's not a note anymore (and I couldn't 
select that frame with the mouse ever again. The next note will be 
yellow, small lettered and in straight lines, as ever.

My first guess in a program that takes as much pride in its style 
support as open office would have been that you go the red dot and 
select "Change paragraph style" from the context menu. You could argue 
that notes are not part of the document per se, so should have a 
browser-like setting that is is not saved with the document (and is 
independent of the zoom setting; you want to be able to read the notes 
no matter if you're adjusting letter kernings of getting an overview 
of the page layout). That setting would belong to the particular 
installation of OOo where you view it, and I guess Preferences is the 
place where to customize it. The only thing I could find there was a 
way to change the color.

Are my expectations so far off?


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[users] Re: rights on own issues?

2005-05-19 Thread klaus schmirler
Paul wrote:
Possibly update the issue with your comments. Then the developer/qa
can decide whether it was user specific or something that really needs
to be looked into.
Not a bad idea actually. As good as done.
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[users] rights on own issues?

2005-05-19 Thread klaus schmirler
I have an issue in issuezilla that is a worksforme now (or that "§$§ 
of a )(/& XP has stopped acting up - any which way, it concerns an 
obsolete beta) and another one that seems resolved for the next 
version (even though no developper has changed its status).

I don't feel I could participate in qa with any regularity, but I can 
at least try to clean up after my own issues. Is there a way to do that?

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[users] 2 and 3-d charts

2005-04-06 Thread klaus schmirler
I see no difference between two- and threedimensional charts. What I 
want to get from my figures is a sloping plane with one slight dip in 
the middle, or maybe plane with color shading. Is that possible?

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[users] Re: import/export with Base

2005-03-01 Thread klaus schmirler
G. Roderick Singleton wrote:
On Mon, 2005-02-28 at 12:03 +0100, klaus schmirler wrote:
I don't see any export functions or "save-as" alternatives for Base 
(or preferred database formats on the options page about saving. Is 
this the way it's supposed to be? I can't imagine it doesn't import 
and export as csv, at lesast.

I am preety sure that you can do both. Have you checked existing
documentation for help? Try and
It seems (after reading a bit on the .dba.user list) that hardly 
anything that was implemented for Base found its way into the beta. 
They do mention the automatic import of Calc tables, so if I really 
think I have to enter serious data, I should be save doing it there.

I'm a total newbie at databases and was hoping that the introduction 
of Base was a good opportunity to get into the right way of thinking - 
it turns out it's not. Waiting for the next release and hoping for a 
less frustrating experience,

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[users] import/export with Base

2005-02-28 Thread klaus schmirler
I don't see any export functions or "save-as" alternatives for Base 
(or preferred database formats on the options page about saving. Is 
this the way it's supposed to be? I can't imagine it doesn't import 
and export as csv, at lesast.

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