Re: [Vo]:The prospects for LENR deployment

2014-03-28 Thread Lennart Thornros
I do not think the issues with 'bad press'  is a big obstacle for LENR.
Irritating for people who knows better.
This newly proposed association will handle such issues through association
with stronger  associations.
If and when we have sorted out things and can show a life LENR ready for
the market the whole issue of deployments are depending on other factors I
have mentioned before marketing etc.

I have read your suggested papers and I think that was very interesting. A
few new things (for me) but under all circumstances a good story and given
the history I think it is easy to see how the future will play out. I am
sure you must agree that it is not going to happen fast. I think it is at
least ten years until we can go to Home Depot and buy a LENR. (If we have a
working product this year.)
Angela Merkel is a politician. She wants to steer Germany away from nuclear
energy because it create votes from them who fear nuclear energy because of
Fukushima. LENR, which to her will sound as 'a half baked idea based on
nuclear power'. She will not touch that with a ten foot pole. Too
complicated to present, too little general support and great risk for
losing face.

Best Regards ,
Lennart Thornros
+1 916 436 1899
6140 Horseshoe Bar Road Suite G, Loomis CA 95650

Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment
to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort. PJM

On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 6:46 PM, Axil Axil wrote:

 *Ukraine spotlights Germany's nuclear power switch*

 BERLIN (AP) -- The crisis in Ukraine has added an extra dose of
 uncertainty to German Chancellor Angela Merkel's biggest domestic project:
 shifting the country from nuclear to renewable energy sources.

 Merkel launched the drive to transition the country away from nuclear
 after Japan's 2011 Fukushima disaster. Since then, the Energiewende --
 roughly, energy turnaround -- has created increasing headaches.

 Now, the tensions with Russia could complicate the plans further.

 Germany, other European countries and the U.S. have slapped some sanctions
 on Moscow and threatened to impose more. The problem, however, is that
 Germany and several European economies depend heavily on Russian energy.
 Germany gets about a third of its natural gas and crude oil from Russia.
 Merkel is still pushing ahead with the plan to shift away from nuclear
 energy. But if the situation with Russia escalates and Germany decides to
 try and reduce its reliance on Russian gas, there could be problems staying
 on track.

 This situation is perfect for  Germany to accept and deploy LENR NiH
 reactors to replace both  Russian Gas and nuclear power reactors..

 On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 11:18 PM, Axil Axil wrote:

  There seems to be a confluence of events that provide LENR with an
 unprecedented opportunity to gain wide acceptance and deployment.

 Just as war simulated the initial development of nuclear energy, a new
 commercial and cold war between Russia and the West will stimulate the
 rapid deployment of the NiH reactor.

 In the upcoming few years, LENR will be used by western governments as an
 economic weapon to weaken the Russian economy and reduce the foreign and
 domestic prerogatives of Putin.

 This is an ideal opportunity for the first release of the NiH reactor in
 Europe as a replacement for Russian natural gas, the primary economic
 weapon to undermine power projection of both the Russian and Iranian

 LENR will take the energy weapon out of the hands of those who most want
 to use it.

 We can expect a fast tracking of the deployment of the NiH reactor in
 Eastern Europe where Russia has economic leverage through supply of natural
 gas to these former soviet states.

 What will Russia and Iran do to counter this attack on their projection
 of power, their national ambitions, their standard of living, and their
 international prestige?

Re: [Vo]:The prospects for LENR deployment

2014-03-27 Thread Lennart Thornros
No I have not read those articles. A brief look told me that I have had
some of the information in other forums. I will look through the entire set
of documents later this week.
I appreciate the articles, they certainly have value. In addition the
articles will improve my knowledge - so Thank You.
I appreciate your dedication to the issue.
My point is that we need more than one philosophy in order to sort out how
LENR will be explained. You are actually using old time knowledge to
support your theory and I think that is required. Tesla had his moments but
he also managed to leave a lot of holes in the documentation I think. Do
not blame the government. Tesla could have secured that information found
its way to 'the people'. Papp, Moray et al. they are either very smart but
useless in leaving behind a theory documented so later generations could
benefit or they were scam artists. I do not know and I am not accusing
either one. However, there are mystical stories involved and that would not
need to be. It has been relatively easy to communicate since Gutenberg.
There is a say what is poorly communicated is based on a weak thought. I
think many of the people referred to failed in communication and there is
no excuse for that. Was it because of a illogical idea ?
As we talk about the deployment one need to engage other disciplines also.
I am not looking for a job as I am too old to engage in a venture of this
magnitude. However, people with entrepreneurial skills and understanding of
marketing and finance are key to get deployment. If you think that will be
automatic as the physical scientists find the answer you have to stop and
think again. Mr. Tesla is a good example. I know that many people say that
he was misunderstood and that J.P. Morgan is accused of stopping his ideas
as he saw no way to profit from his endless free electricity. If it was so,
then Tesla's mistake was to not seek support from people with the financial
knowledge. You can blame JPM but he looked after his interest - good or bad
- Tesla failed because he concentrated on the thing he knew. He did not
fail because JPM did not do what Tesla thought right. There is a need to
take responsibility for one's own mistakes.
Keep up looking for the answer but listen to others and engage specialists
when need be and not too late is my advice.

Best Regards ,
Lennart Thornros
+1 916 436 1899
6140 Horseshoe Bar Road Suite G, Loomis CA 95650

Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment
to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort. PJM

On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 8:51 PM, Axil Axil wrote:

 Have you read this?

 Fusion by Pseudo-Particles

 Part 1

 Part 2

 Part 3

 This is the story of how many times that LENR has been discovered and lost
 since the time of Tesla. I will try my best to make sure that this loss
 does not happen again.

 On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 11:42 PM, Lennart Thornros 

 Nobody would be unhappy if we have a LENR product this. year.  However
 deployment is several years out.  Ido hope you are right.
 We do agree that the poligical issues are bigger and I say their is a
 need for other economical, organizational issues you do not want to  see.
 I do not underestimate the power of the establishment. They are
 sidestepped bythe long and not agreed to existence  of  LENR for 25 years
 are here playing in the hands of normal people.
 I do not compare cellphones to LENR. Cell phones  is just a modern
 technology being implemented. So from implementation point ofviw they have
 similarities.  Draw from old experiences.
 Yes Axil greed is here you did not know but it  has been here for some
 time now:)
 Yeah there is people trying to do harm. Sorry in the long run they do not
 Good luck solving the theory. I will  go to sweden (if alife) to see you
 accept the Nobel price:)
  On Mar 26, 2014 5:27 PM, Axil Axil wrote:

 I am sure your statements has merit. I am not able to determine how
 accurate you are.

 The chances are better than even that this will be determined by the end
 of this year.

 I do know that it requires that one utilise old experience and new
 found techniques and all other resources to reach the final stage.

 The technical challenges are easy compared to the political ones. There
 are no old experiences that can guide the development of LENR. It is
 unprecedented and world changing.

  If this product holds what it promises. It is to late for anyone to
 keep it away from a commercialization.

 You underestimate the power of the military industrial complex and the
 desire for security and military supremacy in the US.


Re: [Vo]:The prospects for LENR deployment

2014-03-27 Thread H Veeder
Lennart and others interested in the commercial side of CF should watch
this (if you haven't already).

Steve Katinski and David Nagel are setting up an industry association for
advancing science and business in LANR Cold Fusion


On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 12:13 PM, Lennart Thornros lenn...@thornros.comwrote:

 No I have not read those articles. A brief look told me that I have had
 some of the information in other forums. I will look through the entire set
 of documents later this week.
 I appreciate the articles, they certainly have value. In addition the
 articles will improve my knowledge - so Thank You.
 I appreciate your dedication to the issue.
 My point is that we need more than one philosophy in order to sort out how
 LENR will be explained. You are actually using old time knowledge to
 support your theory and I think that is required. Tesla had his moments but
 he also managed to leave a lot of holes in the documentation I think. Do
 not blame the government. Tesla could have secured that information found
 its way to 'the people'. Papp, Moray et al. they are either very smart but
 useless in leaving behind a theory documented so later generations could
 benefit or they were scam artists. I do not know and I am not accusing
 either one. However, there are mystical stories involved and that would not
 need to be. It has been relatively easy to communicate since Gutenberg.
 There is a say what is poorly communicated is based on a weak thought. I
 think many of the people referred to failed in communication and there is
 no excuse for that. Was it because of a illogical idea ?
 As we talk about the deployment one need to engage other disciplines also.
 I am not looking for a job as I am too old to engage in a venture of this
 magnitude. However, people with entrepreneurial skills and understanding of
 marketing and finance are key to get deployment. If you think that will be
 automatic as the physical scientists find the answer you have to stop and
 think again. Mr. Tesla is a good example. I know that many people say that
 he was misunderstood and that J.P. Morgan is accused of stopping his ideas
 as he saw no way to profit from his endless free electricity. If it was so,
 then Tesla's mistake was to not seek support from people with the financial
 knowledge. You can blame JPM but he looked after his interest - good or bad
 - Tesla failed because he concentrated on the thing he knew. He did not
 fail because JPM did not do what Tesla thought right. There is a need to
 take responsibility for one's own mistakes.
 Keep up looking for the answer but listen to others and engage specialists
 when need be and not too late is my advice.

 Best Regards ,
 Lennart Thornros
 +1 916 436 1899
 6140 Horseshoe Bar Road Suite G, Loomis CA 95650

 Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a
 commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort. PJM

Re: [Vo]:The prospects for LENR deployment

2014-03-27 Thread Lennart Thornros
Thank You Harry,
I think that is a good idea.

It does not eliminate the need to have an organization around an idea and a
team with a purpose.

However, It makes an environment, which will help. It is a step in the
direction I propose.

Best Regards ,
Lennart Thornros
+1 916 436 1899
6140 Horseshoe Bar Road Suite G, Loomis CA 95650

Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment
to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort. PJM

On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 1:55 PM, H Veeder wrote:

 Lennart and others interested in the commercial side of CF should watch
 this (if you haven't already).

 Steve Katinski and David Nagel are setting up an industry association for
 advancing science and business in LANR Cold Fusion


 On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 12:13 PM, Lennart Thornros 

 No I have not read those articles. A brief look told me that I have had
 some of the information in other forums. I will look through the entire set
 of documents later this week.
 I appreciate the articles, they certainly have value. In addition the
 articles will improve my knowledge - so Thank You.
 I appreciate your dedication to the issue.
 My point is that we need more than one philosophy in order to sort out
 how LENR will be explained. You are actually using old time knowledge to
 support your theory and I think that is required. Tesla had his moments but
 he also managed to leave a lot of holes in the documentation I think. Do
 not blame the government. Tesla could have secured that information found
 its way to 'the people'. Papp, Moray et al. they are either very smart but
 useless in leaving behind a theory documented so later generations could
 benefit or they were scam artists. I do not know and I am not accusing
 either one. However, there are mystical stories involved and that would not
 need to be. It has been relatively easy to communicate since Gutenberg.
 There is a say what is poorly communicated is based on a weak thought. I
 think many of the people referred to failed in communication and there is
 no excuse for that. Was it because of a illogical idea ?
 As we talk about the deployment one need to engage other disciplines
 also. I am not looking for a job as I am too old to engage in a venture of
 this magnitude. However, people with entrepreneurial skills and
 understanding of marketing and finance are key to get deployment. If you
 think that will be automatic as the physical scientists find the answer you
 have to stop and think again. Mr. Tesla is a good example. I know that many
 people say that he was misunderstood and that J.P. Morgan is accused of
 stopping his ideas as he saw no way to profit from his endless free
 electricity. If it was so, then Tesla's mistake was to not seek support
 from people with the financial knowledge. You can blame JPM but he looked
 after his interest - good or bad - Tesla failed because he concentrated on
 the thing he knew. He did not fail because JPM did not do what Tesla
 thought right. There is a need to take responsibility for one's own
 Keep up looking for the answer but listen to others and engage
 specialists when need be and not too late is my advice.

 Best Regards ,
 Lennart Thornros
 +1 916 436 1899
 6140 Horseshoe Bar Road Suite G, Loomis CA 95650

 Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a
 commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort. PJM

Re: [Vo]:The prospects for LENR deployment

2014-03-27 Thread Steve High
 To my mind the greatest impediment to LENR deployment would be the ingrained 
 skepticism of the physics establishment and how that bleeds out into the 
 realm of Wikipedia and mainstream science reporting. Also we have the 
 unwillingness of thekilowatt producers to show us what cards they are 
 holding because they are angling for the billion dollar payout. Anyone 
 acquainted with Dr Mizuno should get on their knees and beg the man to 
 assemble his kilowatt reactor and fire the darn thing up. 
 My other thought was how cool it would be if a major stakeholder were 
to publicly demand a investigation into LENR developments. I considered the 
produce growers in California who are facing a horrific drought and will be 
locked in a life and death struggle for water with the coastal cities. My guess 
is these people would not be adverse to a technology solution that would lead 
to affordable desalinization. People with nothing to lose and everything to 
gain. With that in mind I have started emailing the science and technology 
person employed by the Western Growers Association but have yet to elicit a 
response. This could be a pressure point that would turn the tide. Perhaps some 
of the professor types on Vortex would be interested in helping me to fill her 
email box with tasty nuggets...

Steve High


Re: [Vo]:The prospects for LENR deployment

2014-03-27 Thread Axil Axil

*Ukraine spotlights Germany's nuclear power switch*

BERLIN (AP) -- The crisis in Ukraine has added an extra dose of uncertainty
to German Chancellor Angela Merkel's biggest domestic project: shifting the
country from nuclear to renewable energy sources.

Merkel launched the drive to transition the country away from nuclear after
Japan's 2011 Fukushima disaster. Since then, the Energiewende -- roughly,
energy turnaround -- has created increasing headaches.

Now, the tensions with Russia could complicate the plans further.

Germany, other European countries and the U.S. have slapped some sanctions
on Moscow and threatened to impose more. The problem, however, is that
Germany and several European economies depend heavily on Russian energy.
Germany gets about a third of its natural gas and crude oil from Russia.
Merkel is still pushing ahead with the plan to shift away from nuclear
energy. But if the situation with Russia escalates and Germany decides to
try and reduce its reliance on Russian gas, there could be problems staying
on track.

This situation is perfect for  Germany to accept and deploy LENR NiH
reactors to replace both  Russian Gas and nuclear power reactors..

On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 11:18 PM, Axil Axil wrote:

 There seems to be a confluence of events that provide LENR with an
 unprecedented opportunity to gain wide acceptance and deployment.

 Just as war simulated the initial development of nuclear energy, a new
 commercial and cold war between Russia and the West will stimulate the
 rapid deployment of the NiH reactor.

 In the upcoming few years, LENR will be used by western governments as an
 economic weapon to weaken the Russian economy and reduce the foreign and
 domestic prerogatives of Putin.

 This is an ideal opportunity for the first release of the NiH reactor in
 Europe as a replacement for Russian natural gas, the primary economic
 weapon to undermine power projection of both the Russian and Iranian

 LENR will take the energy weapon out of the hands of those who most want
 to use it.

 We can expect a fast tracking of the deployment of the NiH reactor in
 Eastern Europe where Russia has economic leverage through supply of natural
 gas to these former soviet states.

 What will Russia and Iran do to counter this attack on their projection of
 power, their national ambitions, their standard of living, and their
 international prestige?

Re: [Vo]:The prospects for LENR deployment

2014-03-26 Thread Lennart Thornros
I agree it will be harder to sell petroleum products IF we have a
commercial LENR product. However, I am still waiting for that to be true.
Is it near? In my opinion there are too much concern about* who* has the
right theory instead of *what* is the right theory. I am saying that as an
unqualified contributor to the theories. Isn't this (deploy LENR) to divide
the skin before having killed the bear.

To reach the deployment date of LENR I do think this group is important.
However, I think it is a pity we lost Ed Storms viewpoint. I think we
should encourage everybody to participate. BLP and their different approach
as well. The reason they (Ed and BLP and others) do not participate might
be that they have to 'thin skin' or they feel no acceptance of their ideas
and therefore avoid the confrontation (It will anyhow not be taken
seriously.). I think that as long as their is no hard evidence that one
approach is producing the expected result we should welcome all different
opinions. Even input from people like me with no deep understanding of
Chemistry or Nuclear Physics should be encouraged. There is a competence in
incompetence also. The competence to ask questions that open the minds of
more sophisticated scientists. My suggestion would be to at least persuade
Ed Storms to return.

Do we know how advanced the Russians are when it comes to LENR development?
Western world might have to buy LENR from Russia?

The other side is that I think Russia is just regrouping to their
traditional isolationism. I think LENR will have very little impact on
Russian politics.
Remember their has been an attempt every hundred years or so to take over
Russia. Sweden ~1709, France ~1812-13, Germany ~1943. Because of their is a
strong nationalistic opinion that did not succeed.  That is how Putin can
take over Crimea without violence but against western preferences. If Putin
is smart he stops here. He would certainly have a totally different
experience trying to take control in the Baltic states.

Best Regards ,
Lennart Thornros
+1 916 436 1899
6140 Horseshoe Bar Road Suite G, Loomis CA 95650

Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment
to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort. PJM

On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 8:32 PM, David Roberson wrote:

 I hope they do not resort to covert activity to prevent the deployment.
 This should not be initiated unless LENR devices begin to show up in large
 numbers.  I suspect that the window will be relatively small and may not
 have any serious impact.

 After all, how much more effective can those guys be than the
 international physics establishment?  The oil companies and other current
 energy suppliers may become more important adversaries in the long run.


  -Original Message-
 From: Axil Axil
 To: vortex-l
 Sent: Tue, Mar 25, 2014 11:18 pm
 Subject: [Vo]:The prospects for LENR deployment

   There seems to be a confluence of events that provide LENR with an
 unprecedented opportunity to gain wide acceptance and deployment.

  Just as war simulated the initial development of nuclear energy, a new
 commercial and cold war between Russia and the West will stimulate the
 rapid deployment of the NiH reactor.

  In the upcoming few years, LENR will be used by western governments as
 an economic weapon to weaken the Russian economy and reduce the foreign and
 domestic prerogatives of Putin.

  This is an ideal opportunity for the first release of the NiH reactor in
 Europe as a replacement for Russian natural gas, the primary economic
 weapon to undermine power projection of both the Russian and Iranian

  LENR will take the energy weapon out of the hands of those who most want
 to use it.

  We can expect a fast tracking of the deployment of the NiH reactor in
 Eastern Europe where Russia has economic leverage through supply of natural
 gas to these former soviet states.

  What will Russia and Iran do to counter this attack on their projection
 of power, their national ambitions, their standard of living, and their
 international prestige?

Re: [Vo]:The prospects for LENR deployment

2014-03-26 Thread Axil Axil

Defkalion Announces Timetable for 2014

Accordingly we expect the commercialization of our technologies (VERSION 6
OF THE REACTOR) in the 3rd quarter of 2014. For further inquiries please
contact us through our offices

You can expect some delays, and some interesting demos.

If DGT releases, Rossi will need to release to stay in the game unless his
product is strictly military and classified. It might be.

DGT must press the marketplace to show their cards or be left behind.

On the other hand, DGT will stay small for as long as possible. Who wants
Putin and the Ayatollah breathing down your back or even worse.

My belief is that DGT will begin deployment in Greece, but it is up to
their EOM partners.

There may be many roads to LENR with each defined by a unique engineering
approach. It will take some time for a true consensus to develop about the
underlying science involved,

Personally, I have my story and I am sticking to it.

*Understanding of Chemistry or Nuclear Physics is not that important.
Quantum mechanics and nano-technology and like fields is central to
understanding LENR processes. This is the science of the 21st century.
Scientists rooted in the 20th century need to up their game.*

On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 1:28 PM, Lennart Thornros lenn...@thornros.comwrote:

 I agree it will be harder to sell petroleum products IF we have a
 commercial LENR product. However, I am still waiting for that to be true.
 Is it near? In my opinion there are too much concern about* who* has the
 right theory instead of *what* is the right theory. I am saying that as
 an unqualified contributor to the theories. Isn't this (deploy LENR) to
 divide the skin before having killed the bear.

 To reach the deployment date of LENR I do think this group is important.
 However, I think it is a pity we lost Ed Storms viewpoint. I think we
 should encourage everybody to participate. BLP and their different approach
 as well. The reason they (Ed and BLP and others) do not participate might
 be that they have to 'thin skin' or they feel no acceptance of their ideas
 and therefore avoid the confrontation (It will anyhow not be taken
 seriously.). I think that as long as their is no hard evidence that one
 approach is producing the expected result we should welcome all different
 opinions. Even input from people like me with no deep understanding of
 Chemistry or Nuclear Physics should be encouraged. There is a competence in
 incompetence also. The competence to ask questions that open the minds of
 more sophisticated scientists. My suggestion would be to at least persuade
 Ed Storms to return.

 Do we know how advanced the Russians are when it comes to LENR
 development? Western world might have to buy LENR from Russia?

 The other side is that I think Russia is just regrouping to their
 traditional isolationism. I think LENR will have very little impact on
 Russian politics.
 Remember their has been an attempt every hundred years or so to take over
 Russia. Sweden ~1709, France ~1812-13, Germany ~1943. Because of their is a
 strong nationalistic opinion that did not succeed.  That is how Putin can
 take over Crimea without violence but against western preferences. If Putin
 is smart he stops here. He would certainly have a totally different
 experience trying to take control in the Baltic states.

 Best Regards ,
 Lennart Thornros
 +1 916 436 1899
 6140 Horseshoe Bar Road Suite G, Loomis CA 95650

 Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a
 commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort. PJM

 On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 8:32 PM, David Roberson dlrober...@aol.comwrote:

 I hope they do not resort to covert activity to prevent the deployment.
   This should not be initiated unless LENR devices begin to show up in
 large numbers.  I suspect that the window will be relatively small and may
 not have any serious impact.

 After all, how much more effective can those guys be than the
 international physics establishment?  The oil companies and other current
 energy suppliers may become more important adversaries in the long run.


  -Original Message-
 From: Axil Axil
 To: vortex-l
 Sent: Tue, Mar 25, 2014 11:18 pm
 Subject: [Vo]:The prospects for LENR deployment

   There seems to be a confluence of events that provide LENR with an
 unprecedented opportunity to gain wide acceptance and deployment.

  Just as war simulated the initial development of nuclear energy, a new
 commercial and cold war between Russia and the West will stimulate the
 rapid deployment of the NiH reactor.

  In the upcoming few years, LENR will be used by western governments as
 an economic weapon to weaken the Russian economy and reduce the foreign and
 domestic prerogatives of Putin.

  This is an ideal

Re: [Vo]:The prospects for LENR deployment

2014-03-26 Thread Alain Sepeda
for data I have, I am quite optimistic with Iran.
It is a coherent nation with educated workforce, long tradition of state
(not tribal like some countries)...
The current situation is a locked political system that the population
respect only with hypocritical appearance. Countryside and cities also are
very different...
Current system will collapse by surprise like Berlin wall...
Indonesia girls who are used with traditional (not extreme) muslim customs,
feel more free in Iranian universities than in their conservative redneck
Of courses there is still horrors, but see how films describing the
problems, or the turnaround, get out from the society...
they are ready for freedom.

note also that they have problem with gasoline, and have a very good
physicist community (guess for why... they were trained in the 90s). they
will use LENR to get autonomous from the US oil companies.

what we hear about US and Israel as the devil is TV comedy, like war on
terror on US... Real enemy is the Saudi in a geostrategic war to get
intellectual dominance over the muslim world, over lands and minds... don't
laugh, but they represent the liberal Siha compared to Wahabi radical, or
conservative Suni.

Very hard to understand if you have no information from there from normal
people (I have data from Indonesian feminist networks), and if you don't
have the historical and geostrategic real data. (I relay what local says)

LENR may trigger a soft revolution in iran (maybe something like the end of
prohibition, of maccarthyism), if not a classic revolution if government
don't endorse LENR.

2014-03-26 4:18 GMT+01:00 Axil Axil

  There seems to be a confluence of events that provide LENR with an
 unprecedented opportunity to gain wide acceptance and deployment.

 Just as war simulated the initial development of nuclear energy, a new
 commercial and cold war between Russia and the West will stimulate the
 rapid deployment of the NiH reactor.

 In the upcoming few years, LENR will be used by western governments as an
 economic weapon to weaken the Russian economy and reduce the foreign and
 domestic prerogatives of Putin.

 This is an ideal opportunity for the first release of the NiH reactor in
 Europe as a replacement for Russian natural gas, the primary economic
 weapon to undermine power projection of both the Russian and Iranian

 LENR will take the energy weapon out of the hands of those who most want
 to use it.

 We can expect a fast tracking of the deployment of the NiH reactor in
 Eastern Europe where Russia has economic leverage through supply of natural
 gas to these former soviet states.

 What will Russia and Iran do to counter this attack on their projection of
 power, their national ambitions, their standard of living, and their
 international prestige?

Re: [Vo]:The prospects for LENR deployment

2014-03-26 Thread Lennart Thornros
 but against western preferences. If Putin
 is smart he stops here. He would certainly have a totally different
 experience trying to take control in the Baltic states.

 Best Regards ,
 Lennart Thornros
 +1 916 436 1899
 6140 Horseshoe Bar Road Suite G, Loomis CA 95650

 Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a
 commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort. PJM

 On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 8:32 PM, David Roberson dlrober...@aol.comwrote:

 I hope they do not resort to covert activity to prevent the deployment.
   This should not be initiated unless LENR devices begin to show up in
 large numbers.  I suspect that the window will be relatively small and may
 not have any serious impact.

 After all, how much more effective can those guys be than the
 international physics establishment?  The oil companies and other current
 energy suppliers may become more important adversaries in the long run.


  -Original Message-
 From: Axil Axil
 To: vortex-l
 Sent: Tue, Mar 25, 2014 11:18 pm
 Subject: [Vo]:The prospects for LENR deployment

   There seems to be a confluence of events that provide LENR with an
 unprecedented opportunity to gain wide acceptance and deployment.

  Just as war simulated the initial development of nuclear energy, a new
 commercial and cold war between Russia and the West will stimulate the
 rapid deployment of the NiH reactor.

  In the upcoming few years, LENR will be used by western governments as
 an economic weapon to weaken the Russian economy and reduce the foreign and
 domestic prerogatives of Putin.

  This is an ideal opportunity for the first release of the NiH reactor
 in Europe as a replacement for Russian natural gas, the primary economic
 weapon to undermine power projection of both the Russian and Iranian

  LENR will take the energy weapon out of the hands of those who most
 want to use it.

  We can expect a fast tracking of the deployment of the NiH reactor in
 Eastern Europe where Russia has economic leverage through supply of natural
 gas to these former soviet states.

  What will Russia and Iran do to counter this attack on their
 projection of power, their national ambitions, their standard of living,
 and their international prestige?

Re: [Vo]:The prospects for LENR deployment

2014-03-26 Thread Axil Axil
*I am sure they have great merits but they require to be tied to 'old'
knowledge and experience *

To my way of thinking, *neutrons* play no part in LENR in any of its
manifestations. Nuclear physics is predicated on the neutron as a central
causative factor. Even the nuclear reactions researched in nuclear physics
do not apply to LENR multiple nuclei cluster fusion reactions. Nuclear
physics will be out of work after LENR is introduced and they all need to
be retrained. This will be difficult because as the twig is bent, so the
tree shall grow.

If chemistry is judged to cover super atoms, and Nano-particle production,
together with nanoplasmonics, metallurgy, and hydrogen chemistry, then
chemistry is important in that regard.

*Together with Europe we have the best infrastructure to deploy LENR.*

Europe is energy poor and their need  for energy and LENR is great. The US
is rich in energy and will resist LENR, just as Russia will ,and Iran, and

The US will use LENR for weapons and keep it classified. This might change
if DGT releases their product due to public pressure in the US to compete
in the commercial energy marketplace.

I predict that DGT will be first to market because of military medaling in
the US LENR situation.

Re: [Vo]:The prospects for LENR deployment

2014-03-26 Thread Lennart Thornros
I am sure your statements has merit. I am not able to determine how
accurate you are. I do know that it requires that one utilise old
experience and new found techniques and all other resources to reach the
final stage. The fully developed LENR reactor in your garage might be good
for you but to be called a success it requires all the other ingredients
also. I do not want you to change your opinion just be open to others.
If this product holds what it promises. It is to late for anyone to keep it
away from a commercialization. For all of us depending on the US government
it would be beneficial if the US participated  and did not let the
opportunity to be a dominant factor. Judging from the cellphone development
it might happen. US was at least five years behind deploying that
technology. I do not speculate why.
First to market will not mean much from economical or impact point of view.
A good concept with enough backing of capital, management and marketing
will be key-factors once the technical issues are understood - parallel
with optimal engineering.

Best Regards ,
Lennart Thornros
+1 916 436 1899
6140 Horseshoe Bar Road Suite G, Loomis CA 95650

Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment
to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort. PJM

On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 3:17 PM, Axil Axil wrote:

 *I am sure they have great merits but they require to be tied to 'old'
 knowledge and experience *

 To my way of thinking, *neutrons* play no part in LENR in any of its
 manifestations. Nuclear physics is predicated on the neutron as a central
 causative factor. Even the nuclear reactions researched in nuclear physics
 do not apply to LENR multiple nuclei cluster fusion reactions. Nuclear
 physics will be out of work after LENR is introduced and they all need to
 be retrained. This will be difficult because as the twig is bent, so the
 tree shall grow.

 If chemistry is judged to cover super atoms, and Nano-particle production,
 together with nanoplasmonics, metallurgy, and hydrogen chemistry, then
 chemistry is important in that regard.

 *Together with Europe we have the best infrastructure to deploy LENR.*

 Europe is energy poor and their need  for energy and LENR is great. The US
 is rich in energy and will resist LENR, just as Russia will ,and Iran, and

 The US will use LENR for weapons and keep it classified. This might change
 if DGT releases their product due to public pressure in the US to compete
 in the commercial energy marketplace.

 I predict that DGT will be first to market because of military medaling in
 the US LENR situation.

Re: [Vo]:The prospects for LENR deployment

2014-03-26 Thread Axil Axil
 I am sure your statements has merit. I am not able to determine how
 accurate you are.

The chances are better than even that this will be determined by the end of
this year.

 I do know that it requires that one utilise old experience and new found
 techniques and all other resources to reach the final stage.

The technical challenges are easy compared to the political ones. There are
no old experiences that can guide the development of LENR. It is
unprecedented and world changing.

 If this product holds what it promises. It is to late for anyone to keep
 it away from a commercialization.

You underestimate the power of the military industrial complex and the
desire for security and military supremacy in the US.

 For all of us depending on the US government it would be beneficial if the
 US participated  and did not let the opportunity to be a dominant factor.
 Judging from the cellphone development it might happen.

Cellphones are but a toy compared to the impact of LENR to the world order.

 First to market will not mean much from economical or impact point of

Competition, greed, and fear are what push the affairs of men in these
modern times.

 A good concept with enough backing of capital, management and marketing
 will be key-factors once the technical issues are understood - parallel
 with optimal

You did not mention national security, classification, regulation, the Kock
brothers. and the nuclear regulatory agency (NRC ) as factors in this
upcoming turn of events..

Re: [Vo]:The prospects for LENR deployment

2014-03-26 Thread Bob Cook

Axil and Lennart--

I agree with a lot of what both of you say.  

I think the wide scope of knowledge and need around the World will trump the 
security, classification and regulation Axil is concerned about.  It may happen 
at first in some countries but not all.  Eventually the greed and competition 
in even the most regulated areas will over rule.   

I do not think the NRC will regulate this LENR technology.  It would take a 
;significant law change to expand the scope of NRC authority in my humble 
judgment.  Second NRC would have little or no capability in this area.  Three 
the safety issues do not appear to warrant such oversight.  Lastly the 
government would have to admit that LENR is a real phenomena.  The Patent 
Office would never live down  the law suits regarding not issuing patents in 
the past for legitimate  LENR inventions in this country.  It would mean a 
Constitutional Convention to modify the idea of invention and commerce and to 
put some honest government in place in stead of the current military, energy 
industrial, government complex aimed at making sure their oxen are not gored in 
the commercialization of LENR.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Axil Axil 
  To: vortex-l 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2014 5:27 PM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:The prospects for LENR deployment

I am sure your statements has merit. I am not able to determine how 
accurate you are.

  The chances are better than even that this will be determined by the end of 
this year.

I do know that it requires that one utilise old experience and new found 
techniques and all other resources to reach the final stage. 

  The technical challenges are easy compared to the political ones. There are 
no old experiences that can guide the development of LENR. It is unprecedented 
and world changing.  

If this product holds what it promises. It is to late for anyone to keep it 
away from a commercialization. 

  You underestimate the power of the military industrial complex and the desire 
for security and military supremacy in the US.

For all of us depending on the US government it would be beneficial if the 
US participated  and did not let the opportunity to be a dominant factor. 
Judging from the cellphone development it might happen. 

  Cellphones are but a toy compared to the impact of LENR to the world order.

First to market will not mean much from economical or impact point of view. 

  Competition, greed, and fear are what push the affairs of men in these modern 

A good concept with enough backing of capital, management and marketing 
will be key-factors once the technical issues are understood - parallel with 

  You did not mention national security, classification, regulation, the Kock 
brothers. and the nuclear regulatory agency (NRC ) as factors in this upcoming 
turn of events..

Re: [Vo]:The prospects for LENR deployment

2014-03-26 Thread Axil Axil

European leaders ask Obama to allow increased exports of US shale gas

With Russia's gas monopoly, Gazprom, supplying a quarter of Europe's gas
needs, and almost all of the gas in parts of eastern Europe, the energy
issue has soared to the top of Europe's strategic agenda as a result of the
Ukrainian crisis and the fear that the Kremlin will be able to blackmail
Europe if a threatened trade war erupts.

European leaders on Wednesday asked Barack Obama to share the US's shale
gas bonanza with Europe by facilitating gas exports to help counter the
stranglehold Russia has on the continent's energy needs.

On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 8:27 PM, Axil Axil wrote:

 I am sure your statements has merit. I am not able to determine how
 accurate you are.

 The chances are better than even that this will be determined by the end
 of this year.

 I do know that it requires that one utilise old experience and new found
 techniques and all other resources to reach the final stage.

 The technical challenges are easy compared to the political ones. There
 are no old experiences that can guide the development of LENR. It is
 unprecedented and world changing.

  If this product holds what it promises. It is to late for anyone to
 keep it away from a commercialization.

 You underestimate the power of the military industrial complex and the
 desire for security and military supremacy in the US.

 For all of us depending on the US government it would be beneficial if
 the US participated  and did not let the opportunity to be a dominant
 factor. Judging from the cellphone development it might happen.

 Cellphones are but a toy compared to the impact of LENR to the world order.

 First to market will not mean much from economical or impact point of

 Competition, greed, and fear are what push the affairs of men in these
 modern times.

 A good concept with enough backing of capital, management and marketing
 will be key-factors once the technical issues are understood - parallel
 with optimal

 You did not mention national security, classification, regulation, the
 Kock brothers. and the nuclear regulatory agency (NRC ) as factors in this
 upcoming turn of events..

Re: [Vo]:The prospects for LENR deployment

2014-03-26 Thread Lennart Thornros
Nobody would be unhappy if we have a LENR product this. year.  However
deployment is several years out.  Ido hope you are right.
We do agree that the poligical issues are bigger and I say their is a need
for other economical, organizational issues you do not want to  see.
I do not underestimate the power of the establishment. They are sidestepped
bythe long and not agreed to existence  of  LENR for 25 years are here
playing in the hands of normal people.
I do not compare cellphones to LENR. Cell phones  is just a modern
technology being implemented. So from implementation point ofviw they have
similarities.  Draw from old experiences.
Yes Axil greed is here you did not know but it  has been here for some time
Yeah there is people trying to do harm. Sorry in the long run they do not
Good luck solving the theory. I will  go to sweden (if alife) to see you
accept the Nobel price:)
 On Mar 26, 2014 5:27 PM, Axil Axil wrote:

 I am sure your statements has merit. I am not able to determine how
 accurate you are.

 The chances are better than even that this will be determined by the end
 of this year.

 I do know that it requires that one utilise old experience and new found
 techniques and all other resources to reach the final stage.

 The technical challenges are easy compared to the political ones. There
 are no old experiences that can guide the development of LENR. It is
 unprecedented and world changing.

  If this product holds what it promises. It is to late for anyone to
 keep it away from a commercialization.

 You underestimate the power of the military industrial complex and the
 desire for security and military supremacy in the US.

 For all of us depending on the US government it would be beneficial if
 the US participated  and did not let the opportunity to be a dominant
 factor. Judging from the cellphone development it might happen.

 Cellphones are but a toy compared to the impact of LENR to the world order.

 First to market will not mean much from economical or impact point of

 Competition, greed, and fear are what push the affairs of men in these
 modern times.

 A good concept with enough backing of capital, management and marketing
 will be key-factors once the technical issues are understood - parallel
 with optimal

 You did not mention national security, classification, regulation, the
 Kock brothers. and the nuclear regulatory agency (NRC ) as factors in this
 upcoming turn of events..

Re: [Vo]:The prospects for LENR deployment

2014-03-26 Thread Axil Axil
Have you read this?

Fusion by Pseudo-Particles

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

This is the story of how many times that LENR has been discovered and lost
since the time of Tesla. I will try my best to make sure that this loss
does not happen again.

On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 11:42 PM, Lennart Thornros lenn...@thornros.comwrote:

 Nobody would be unhappy if we have a LENR product this. year.  However
 deployment is several years out.  Ido hope you are right.
 We do agree that the poligical issues are bigger and I say their is a need
 for other economical, organizational issues you do not want to  see.
 I do not underestimate the power of the establishment. They are
 sidestepped bythe long and not agreed to existence  of  LENR for 25 years
 are here playing in the hands of normal people.
 I do not compare cellphones to LENR. Cell phones  is just a modern
 technology being implemented. So from implementation point ofviw they have
 similarities.  Draw from old experiences.
 Yes Axil greed is here you did not know but it  has been here for some
 time now:)
 Yeah there is people trying to do harm. Sorry in the long run they do not
 Good luck solving the theory. I will  go to sweden (if alife) to see you
 accept the Nobel price:)
  On Mar 26, 2014 5:27 PM, Axil Axil wrote:

 I am sure your statements has merit. I am not able to determine how
 accurate you are.

 The chances are better than even that this will be determined by the end
 of this year.

 I do know that it requires that one utilise old experience and new found
 techniques and all other resources to reach the final stage.

 The technical challenges are easy compared to the political ones. There
 are no old experiences that can guide the development of LENR. It is
 unprecedented and world changing.

  If this product holds what it promises. It is to late for anyone to
 keep it away from a commercialization.

 You underestimate the power of the military industrial complex and the
 desire for security and military supremacy in the US.

 For all of us depending on the US government it would be beneficial if
 the US participated  and did not let the opportunity to be a dominant
 factor. Judging from the cellphone development it might happen.

 Cellphones are but a toy compared to the impact of LENR to the world

 First to market will not mean much from economical or impact point of

 Competition, greed, and fear are what push the affairs of men in these
 modern times.

 A good concept with enough backing of capital, management and marketing
 will be key-factors once the technical issues are understood - parallel
 with optimal

 You did not mention national security, classification, regulation, the
 Kock brothers. and the nuclear regulatory agency (NRC ) as factors in this
 upcoming turn of events..

[Vo]:The prospects for LENR deployment

2014-03-25 Thread Axil Axil
 There seems to be a confluence of events that provide LENR with an
unprecedented opportunity to gain wide acceptance and deployment.

Just as war simulated the initial development of nuclear energy, a new
commercial and cold war between Russia and the West will stimulate the
rapid deployment of the NiH reactor.

In the upcoming few years, LENR will be used by western governments as an
economic weapon to weaken the Russian economy and reduce the foreign and
domestic prerogatives of Putin.

This is an ideal opportunity for the first release of the NiH reactor in
Europe as a replacement for Russian natural gas, the primary economic
weapon to undermine power projection of both the Russian and Iranian

LENR will take the energy weapon out of the hands of those who most want to
use it.

We can expect a fast tracking of the deployment of the NiH reactor in
Eastern Europe where Russia has economic leverage through supply of natural
gas to these former soviet states.

What will Russia and Iran do to counter this attack on their projection of
power, their national ambitions, their standard of living, and their
international prestige?

Re: [Vo]:The prospects for LENR deployment

2014-03-25 Thread David Roberson
I hope they do not resort to covert activity to prevent the deployment.   This 
should not be initiated unless LENR devices begin to show up in large numbers.  
I suspect that the window will be relatively small and may not have any serious 

After all, how much more effective can those guys be than the international 
physics establishment?  The oil companies and other current energy suppliers 
may become more important adversaries in the long run.





-Original Message-
From: Axil Axil
To: vortex-l
Sent: Tue, Mar 25, 2014 11:18 pm
Subject: [Vo]:The prospects for LENR deployment

There seems to bea confluence of events that provide LENR with an unprecedented 
opportunity togain wide acceptance and deployment. 

Just as war simulated the initialdevelopment of nuclear energy, a new 
commercial and cold war between Russia andthe West will stimulate the rapid 
deployment of the NiH reactor.
In the upcomingfew years, LENR will be used by western governments as an 
economic weapon to weakenthe Russian economy and reduce the foreign and 
domestic prerogatives of Putin.
This is an ideal opportunityfor the first release of the NiH reactor in Europe 
as a replacement for Russiannatural gas, the primary economic weapon to 
undermine power projection of both theRussian and Iranian governments.

LENR will take the energy weapon out of the hands of those who most want to use 
We can expect afast tracking of the deployment of the NiH reactor in Eastern 
Europe whereRussia has economic leverage through supply of natural gas to these 
formersoviet states. 
What will Russiaand Iran do to counter this attack on their projection of 
power, their nationalambitions, their standard of living, and their 
international prestige?