Re: [Vo]:How I made money from Cold Fusion

2010-02-03 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From Jed:

> Interesting! See:
> How I Made Money from Cold Fusion
> Exclusive Article for Free Republic | 1/23/10 | Kevmo
> Posted on Saturday, January 23, 2010 12:28:49 PM by Kevmo
> Freeper gets a fascinating contract listed on Intrade, bets that the
> experiment will be replicated, and cashes in.
> In 2008, Dr. Yoshiaki Arata performed a fascinating experiment with
> Deuterium Gas loaded onto a Palladium matrix, and without any input power,
> showed that there was some excess heat. . . .

Interesting, indeed.

I wonder if there are similar contracts out there based on Steorn's
controversial ORBO technology.

Will the little "spinny thing" make money for someone?

Steven Vincent Johnson

[Vo]:CNN iReport on BLP

2010-02-10 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
This is kind of interesting. I didn't realize the fact that CNN has a
procedure in place to allow for independent reporting.


Of course you wouldn't immediately pick up on the fact that this is a
CNNiREPORT based on the dsn.

I love the little horizontal black disclaimer at the top of the
article: "NOT VETTED BY CNN"


Steven Vincent Johnson

[Vo]:Bill Gates cheaper energy solution: Recycle nuclear waste

2010-02-17 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson


> The Microsoft-founder-turned-philanthropist said at a recent speech in
> California that, more than new vaccines for AIDS or malaria or presidential
> selection power, what he really wants is clean energy at half its current
> cost.
> To do that, he said, we'll need new technology.
> Gates -- a father of the personal computer and quite the tech powerhouse
> -- said one of the brightest hopes for clean, cheap power is a new form of
> nuclear power plant that reuses waste uranium from existing nuclear
> reactors.

Needless to say, what Bill proposes is controversial.

I'd like to get Steve Jobs interested in an equivalent R&D adventure.
I bet Steve would counter BG's recycled power utility vision with
something a bit more innovative, like a new Inukeplant where the only
external outlet to the device is a series of USB ports. ;-)

I'm sure the Vort Collective might have a few opinions of its own as well.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:The BLOOM BOX

2010-02-22 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From Don W.:

> Google the following:
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> bloom energy fuel cell
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Needless to say rampant blogging, both pro and con,  is in full swing
in regards to the legitimacy of this new technology. I hope they
succeed. Inevitably a few bloggers have already speculated that
certain fossil fuel energy companies will try to buy them out so that
the technology can be buried - out-of-sight out-of-mind. I find such
speculation to be absurd. If anything natural gas companies should be
jumping up and down for glee. They will help fund it! The rampant
manufacture of bloom boxes spreading across the planet like an
unchecked virus is likely to guarantee a bright & secure future for
all natural gas companies and their share holders for decades to come.

What interests me more is the likelihood that bloom boxes may help
usher in a subtle shift in global consciousness as individuals,
neighborhood, villages, and countries begin to realize the fact that
it is no longer necessary to rely on the construction of centralized
(and vulnerable to terrorism) power plants. The planet's consciousness
will gradually swing towards a novel concept: That energy
self-sufficiency starts in the home, and not at some massive power
plant located 300 miles away. Later, as newer and even more exotic AE
technologies, such as cold fusion, or BLP finally get their act in
gear and start manufacturing their own devices I suspect there will be
few BloomBox customers who will bat and eye and trade in their
"bloomboxes" for an even better and cleaner (a true CO2 free)

I suspect it's likely that most of the developing countries,
particularly those with undeveloped centralized power infrastructures
in place, are likely to reap tremendous benefits from the "bloombox" -
probably far more immediate benefits than most developed nations are
likely to feel.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:The BLOOM BOX

2010-02-22 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From Terry:

> "I think Bloom Energy is looking to install 100 Kilowatt power units
> in everyone's houses. These will be flex-fuel, but likely running
> mostly on natural gas. They will also probably produce heat, and
> cooling, as well as power, making the devices roughly 85% efficient
> (thus generating two times less greenhouse gas emissions than a power
> plant per unit of power used.) "
> Not very geeky considering that the mean electric power consumption
> for an average house is 1 kW.  A 10 kW unit should be adequate.

Indeed, I was also under the impression that you only need to produce
50 kw units to power most cars. American households OTOH typically
need far less than 100 kw. I was told: Possibly up to 20 - 25 kw for
peak performance.

If this company actually does start selling 100 kw units in-mass for
American household there is obviously the potential to generate a lot
of excess electricity that could be fed back into the grid, a kind of
collective insurance energy program that benefits the local
neighborhood. As Mike Carrell once commented, it would become crucial
that any excess electricity destined to be fed back into the grid be
synchronized in order to avoid explosive power transmission
disasters.I envision a lot of "regulation" will soon be in store for
anyone who wishes to generate their own electricity. Soon in the works
will be new rules and regulations that everyone must adhere to in
order to practice "safe grid" procedures.

It's my understanding that at present these 100 kw units cost hundreds
of thousands of dollars using current manufacturing
techniques.Obviously they plan on reducing current costs significantly
within 5 - 10 years. They have even speculated on the possibility of
being able to sell 100 kw units for a mere $3000. That's a tall order
considering their current price tag. Nevertheless, necessity is the
mother of invention, so I gather it's not entirely impossible.

IMO, what might be a more lucrative approach would be to manufacture
smaller Bloom boxes, boxes a quarter of the current size, where they
only generate 25 kw at peak performance. In theory that could mean
individual unit costs might be be reduced to around $1000. Very

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:OT: Science of motivation

2010-02-26 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From Harry:

> Career analyst Dan Pink examines the puzzle of motivation, starting
> with a fact that social scientists know but most managers don't:
> Traditional rewards aren't always as effective as we think. Listen for
> illuminating stories -- and maybe, a way forward.

Thanks Harry,

One of many hats I wear at my place of employment involves software

Dan Pink hit it on the nail.

While the concept of "Fed Ex" time might terrify many managers they
would do well to let it be. Besides, they can later claim the fruits
of "Fed Ex" dabbling as actually having been one of their own novel
ideas - and subsequently collect a nice bonus at the end of the year.

Steven Vincent Johnson

[Vo]:Windy Iowa

2010-03-03 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson,0,5316702.story


DES MOINES, Iowa - A new study shows wind energy production in Iowa is
continuing to grow and now accounts for up to 20 percent of the
state's electricity.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: FW: [Vo]:TIME-MOBIUS AEON replace 'TimeLineariltyAge'

2010-03-04 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Hello Jack

Thanks for toning down the CAPs prose.

You seem to be aware of the fact that your writing has a tendency to
barrage the reader with a lot of confusing terminology - some of that
terminology, I confess, I've never hear of. One needs a
Harbach-O'Sullivan glossary in order to understand all the
"yadda-yadda" stuff. However, you are aware of your short comings and
that makes points in my book. Nobody is perfect! Certainly not me.

As Terry has previously commented, I too have a difficult time
following the flow of your logic. I hasten to add, however, that my
own intellectual predilections tend to gravitate towards mythic
interpretations. To compensate, I often try to communicate with my
fellow colleagues by following the rules of linear oriented
techno-speak in order to stay grounded. I see a lot of personal
interpretation of what reality is supposed to be made up of in your
prose. My perception of what you're writing strikes me less as
scientific theory or hypothesis in the making, and more as modern
mythic interpretations of our perceptions of reality, where you use a
rich word-salad of technical terminology to couch the mysterious
underpinnings of Mother Nature. I hasten to add that writing in the
style of modern mythic prose is NOT in itself a bad thing. Far from
it. Problems only occur when mythic interpretation (which IMHO are
just as valid a perception as scientific interpretations) get confused
as being a scientific interpretation. IMHO, we need... our society
needs both perceptions in order to evolve. They need each other.

BTW, I'm a recovering dyslexic. I constantly battle against inflicting
turgid prose amongst my potential readers. Some days... some posts are
better than others.

You have my sympathies.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:!It's Alive!-TachyonCarrierDATA-SHEET/aka Aexo-TCW-OmniWave

2010-03-09 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson

Occasionally I see concepts expressed in your essays for which my
limited cranial capacity has the capacity to follow, more-or-less. For
example, in your latest post you mentioned the design of a simple
antenna based on a fractal design... presto we end up with cell phone
technology with excellent reception without having to attach a six
foot long wire snaked down a pant leg. Yes, indeed, who would have
figerred that one would'a werked!

Over the years I've personally explored a number of celestial
mechanical problems by writing computer simulations. Perhaps working
at the Space Astronomy Lab at the University of Wisconsin back in the
80s helped spark my interest in the field of astro-physics, but who
knows. I was already a sci-fi enthusiast long before I was hired to
write computer programs at the Lab. I wrote GSE programs (Ground
Support Equipment) primarily in the FORTH programming language for the
purpose of analyzing telemetry received from a package that eventually
flew in a couple of Space Shuttle missions. (It was called "Project

Let me forward to the present.

I have found myself fascinated by the amount of patterns generated out
of chaos introduced into the simplest of computer models, like a
single satellite (a moon) orbiting a planet. Wolfram (of Mathematica
fame) has already written an extensive treatise on similar subjects
concerning chaos and fractals. Indeed, there is so much more research
that is needed this area. I discovered interesting patterns and
characteristics that I would have never perceived, let alone
comprehend had I not performed extensive... and I mean EXTENSIVE
computer simulations. I didn't limit my simulations to using the
classic Newtonian iterative square of the distance law. Besides the
classic 1/R**2 algorithms I also tried all sorts of alternative
combinations including 1/r, 1/r**3, and constant forces. Each new
variation introduced additional surprises and unexpected patterns.
Lately, my studies into the celestial mechanics arena may be on the
verge of branching into a whole new arena of exploration as I begin
pondering how I would go about performing simulations based on
positive and negative charges, and by association, magnetic attraction
and repulsion principals. I have no idea where this new branch of
exploration might eventually lead me, or truth be told, whether I'll
have the cranial capacity to design the necessary code. I know it will
involve a lot of trigonometry and lots of algorithms utilizing
interpolation techniques. If I do succeed in writing reasonably
accurate code that will allow me to explore these basic physics
principals, I suspect I'll probably in for additional surprises. Lucky

One thing I have learned in my own personal research, such as in
regards to my celestial mechanics work, is that using lots of complex
multi-worded omni-techno-terminology didn't help me all that much in
my occasional attempts to explain to otheres what it was that I was
trying to do. Other than impressing myself - because I could use lots
of OMNI-scientific-like terminology, I noticed that the only
individual who seemed duly impressed was me.

Despite my diatribe deliberately aimed at your expense, I find myself
pondering the truly profound ramifications of your last statement:

> Bottom line:  Your 'pscyo-intuitive' cognizant pattern-
> recognition MIND bears much more accepting-as-relevant,
> & with full-credence than we have been trained to
> recognize.  It all 'fits.'  DO THE MATH.  Get in touch
> with your INNER-TESLA

Ah... yeah, I think I agree with you on that one.


Steven Vincent Johnson

[Vo]:OT (sort of): Unique Patent for trolling

2010-03-11 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
"Patent Acquisition and Assertion by a (Non-Inventor) First Party
Against a Second Party "

Actually, I got the above link from another interesting article:

"Good Artists Copy, Great Artists Steal",
 which describes how corporate entities both regularly and repeatedly
sue each other on the technological acquisition front. With several
amusing examples thrown in for good measure.

Bon appetit!

Steven Vincent Johnson

[Vo]:OT (sort of): Why Wikipedia Should Be Trusted As A Breaking News Source

2010-03-16 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Title: "Why Wikipedia Should Be Trusted As A Breaking News Source"

Begins with:

"Most any journalism professor, upon mention of Wikipedia, will
immediately launch into a rant about how the massively collaborative
online encyclopedia can't be trusted. It can, you see, be edited and
altered by absolutely anyone at any moment."

But how much less trustworthy is the site for breaking news than the
plethora of blogs and other online news sources?"


The commentary concerning how the Mumbai Terror Attacks was interesting:

" the end of the first day of the Wikipedia article's life, it
had been edited more than 360 times, by 70 different editors referring
to 28 separate sources from news outlets around the web. While this
could seem like a situation rife for misdirection and misinformation,
the constant discussion swirling around the creation of an article,
Pantages explained, is "really similar to what you would think should
be in a newsroom." Nonetheless, we still disparage Wikipedia as an
untrusted source of news."

I get the feeling the same mechanisms didn't work as well in regards
to the WIKI Cold Fusion article. Apples versus oranges? ...Or are they
really the same thing??? But if both really are apples, why did it not
work for CF but apparently did work for reporting on the Mumbai Terror

As always, there is a comments section at the end of the article where
you can add your two cents.

Mr. Lomax, try to keep your comments down to a page length! ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:add on: OU demonstrated ( with no secrets)

2010-03-17 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
The demonstration is interesting.

However, Mr. Lawrence's aversion to the accuracy of events allegedly
being depicted are equally justified – especially when there just
happens to be nearby a "big power supply". As the old saying goes,
"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice..."

I asked Mongo what he thought of the configuration. Of course...  "Light bulb!"

The demonstration and the demonstrator are certainly giving me the
impression that more energy is being generated as output than what is
being fed into the configuration. Well then... enuf to get rid of the
frackin 12 volt battery, as Mr. Lawrence has already made clear???

Close the loop. ...or what are the excuses this time as to why closing
the loop is not possible.

For now, wishing for the best outcome, but not holding my breath.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Transporter Malfunction

2010-03-18 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Robin sez:

> ...I would have guessed "transporter function", with the true inhabitants
> replaced by clones/dummies at the critical instant.
> The real occupants must have been important to ET, or maybe they were ET's 
> that
> had occupied important positions here on Earth, but their tour of duty was up,
> and they were due to go home, so a convenient accident was staged to explain 
> why
> they didn't turn up for work the next day.
> Regards,
> Robin van Spaandonk

Robin's speculations are not all that far off from what actually happened.

According to my sources, they were recalled because of failing to show
up at their own hearing for... well... the most accurate translation
that would make sense to us earthlings would be: A large number of
overdue library books.

It's my speculation that someone with extra pull eventually got pissed
off that a particular "book" he had reserved had not been returned in
a timely manner.

So... to the rest of you visitors... be sure to return your "books" in
a timely manner.

Steven Vincent Johnson

[Vo]:Request for "fusion" definition

2010-03-23 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
A question for the Vort Collective:

Does the use of the term "Fusion" HAVE to imply there must exist a
mechanism or process that directly overcomes the Coulomb barrier - by
brute force?

Could "fusion" also be used to explain a mechanism or process, a
process that is not yet understood and as such is still being debated,
processes that seem to ignore and/or completely side-step the dreaded
Coulomb Barrier issue?

I could be wrong on this point (and please correct me if I am) but
I've gotten the impression that many if not most scientists believe
"fusion" MUST involve a mechanism that DIRECTLY overcomes the dreaded
Coulomb barrier. I'm under the impression that to come up with any
other explanation or theory that attempts to introduce a mechanism
that finesses its way around the dreaded CB would NOT be considered a
legitimate theory.

Just curious.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Request for "fusion" definition

2010-03-23 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From Alexander:

> I was under the impression that nuclear fusion means any process that
> fuses the nuclei of two or more atoms.


That may indeed be the impression that many hold. It is, in fact, the
impression I hold as well.

Nevertheless, I'm also under the impression that many may NOT adhere
to such an impression. For them any "fusion" theory, in order to be
taken seriously, must explain how it directly overcomes the Coulomb

Granted, I admit the distinct possibility that we are in danger of
descending down the slipper slope of semantics! ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Request for "fusion" definition

2010-03-23 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From Alexander:

> okay, this isnt a definition of Fusion youre looking for,
> but a theory of how fusion works?

I'm not looking for a specific theory of how fusion works.

My original question was more in tune with what might be considered a
sociological query: What does the term "fusion" define? Who owns the
rights to use the term "fusion" within their theories? What specific
ingredients must be present that will allow any theory safe-passage to
commandeer the term "fusion" within its definition. I've wondered if
in order for any and all "fusion" theories to be considered legitimate
they must somehow show how they directly overcome the Coulomb barrier,
such as by forcing their way past the Coulomb Barrier and into the
nucleus of the atom via brute force, such as by thermonuclear fusion.

But could the term "fusion" also be commandeered to explain other
theoretical mechanisms? For example the utilization of Muons that Mr.
Lomax mentioned. Muonic atoms are significantly smaller atomic
species, and as such, make it theoretically possible to slip past the
Coulomb Barrier because they remain neutrally charged during their
brief life spans. I gather Mr. Lomax seems to think so. Seems like
reasonable conjecture to me as well. I would imagine others might
think muons, and/or possibly hydrinos (if they do exist) might be
possible mechanisms as well.

> Two different things my friend.

Indeed they are two different things.

BTW, I see Mr. Lomax has followed up with a detailed explanation
pertaining to various theories involving "fusion". Thanks Abd. Much

I see Horace added a few thoughtful perceptions on the matter as well.
Thanks Horace.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Request for "fusion" definition

2010-03-23 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Useful comments, Jed,

The intent of my original query was to ask if there exists any kind of
a perceived battle or struggle going on (subtle or not-so-subtle)
pertaining to whether the use of the term, nuclear "fusion", must
imply a mechanism of overcoming the Coulomb barrier by some brute
force procedure such as thermonuclear fusion.

I'm trying to make get a clarification on whether the nuclear "fusion"
definition could also legitimately incorporate other theoretical
mechanisms, including as-yet unproven mechanisms. For example, there
has been fertile debate about muonic interactions, as well as hydrinos
being possibly responsible for certain LENR related phenomenon. Or
does there exist significant resistance coming from somewhere,
possibly coming from conservative scientific branches, that would
prefer not to muddy up the so-called nuclear "fusion" waters by
allowing alternative or exotic explanations other than mechanisms that
must be capable of smashing through the Coulomb barrier.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Krivit again uses annoying trick

2010-03-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From Abd:


> If the value turns out to be 48 MeV instead of 24, I'm
> not offended at all. But I'll wonder what other products
> there are in sufficient quantities to explain that. In
> fact, if it's lower than 24, I'm not offended, it would
> simply indicate other reactions besides those which
> turn deuterium into helium are involved. There is no
> law that says every reaction in a CF cell must be one
> particular form. (And it's highly unlikely that there
> are *no* other reactions at all, but it's looking like
> they are relatively rare, by comparison.)

Would you care to give your best guestamate (don't worry, I won't hold
you to it) on how much is theorized to be due to d+d = He+24 MeV, and
how much might be due to other processes?

Incidentally, to the rest of the Vort Collective, please feel free to
add your own speculations as to what these ratios or percentages might
possibly be.

I'm only asking for reasonable speculation. IOW, speculation is just
that: Speculation.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Request for "fusion" definition

2010-03-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jed sez:


> By rights our nation should be the proud inheritor of British
> culture, U.S. technology and French cooking. Somehow we ended
> up with British cooking, U.S. culture, and French technology.

Quit bashing the French! We envy their Nuclear utility technology! >8-0

Canadians... well...

Steven Vincent Johnson

[Vo]:Re: [Vo]:RE: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:Andrea Rossi interview on Ca$h Flow: “I translate pressure as responsibility.”

2012-01-03 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From Dave:

> I agree with your assessment.  Products such as the ECAT will not be
> sold over the counter in Home Depot.  Right now you can not buy heat
> pumps there as the government requires certified installers due to the
> dangers involved.  There are few customers capable of making the
> connections required to operate an ECAT, and I am confident that an
> experienced HVAC company will be necessary.

Perhaps a more likely scenario (being negotiated between Rossi and HD)
would be to use Rossi's eCats to heat the Home Depot stores. IOW, NOT
to sell eCats to customers. Those outlet stores are huge warehouses. I
can only imagine what their heating bills must be like in the middle
of a Mid-Western winter.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:20 kW home E-Cat LCOE

2012-01-04 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From Francis

>Big oil has no way to plug all these
> little holes and is probably rethinking their future investment schemes to
> “join” rather than “beat”  LENR and will probably find some way to purchase
> and meter this new resource.

It seems to me that a perfectly legitimate business many fossil fuel
industries ought to seriously consider would be to "retool" into
something equivalent to an eCat (or whatever "eCats" evolve into)
service provider. It would be no different than having a furnace and
central A/C installed in one's home. After one of these energy units
was installed, I'd want a 24 hour guaranteed service protection plan
in place to make sure someone would be out to my home in less than an
hour to fix any anomalies. If they can't fix it, replace it. No
questions asked. All part of the plan. The plan would also include
routine maintenance and the replacement of parts and spent reactor

I'd seriously consider paying 20 - 40 bucks a month for peace of mind,
especially if that becomes my combined monthly heating & electric

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:2500 R ( $ 41 USA ) for Aakash Ubislate 7 with 7 inch (18 cm) tablet computer by Datawind: Yeshi Choedon: Rich Murray 2012.01.04

2012-01-05 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Hi Rick,

I wondered if my terse, snippy little remark might get a counter
response. Thanks for clarifying you thoughts on the matter.

Just so you know, I think you do good work, despite my occasional
philosophical disagreements I have with some of your opinions and
perceptions. To disagree is just a facet life.

The initial point I was trying to make is that I'm constantly being
barraged with SPAM informing me of the fact that I can get an iPad (or
some other hi-tec product) really cheap if I just click on the
following link. Most of this stuff is just plain SPAM aka B&LLSH#T!
Regardless of whether my original analysis was accurate or not, what
you posted initially looked to me like you had done nothing more than
perform a cut & past of a SPAM message, and then you posted it on

I suspect I wouldn't have retaliated if you had simply added something
personal at the beginning, something personally written for which I
knew came directly from you (your own fingertips), something to the
effect that you discovered what appears to be a very innovative
business effort to get technology into the needy hands of the
developing world. I think this is a very good idea. Adding something
personal would have at least alerted me to the effect that what comes
next is something important to you and that you wanted to share it
within the Vort Collective.

Just a suggestion.

I'm sure I will have more conflicts with you in our future! ;-)

PS: In our building we have a Tibetan refugee who works down in the
scanning department. His grasp of English is slowly getting better. He
is in charge of running and operating several $20,000 high volume
scanners. He's pretty good at it. He's a cool, philosophical dude.
I've enjoyed talking to him about some of his childhood adventures,
traveling across the mountains as a small child, escaping from Tibet
into India.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:Testing at University of Bologna - The Deadline Looms

2012-01-06 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Terry sez:

> BTW, MY should be awake and online soon.
> It will be interesting to see what she has to say.

My only contact with MY these days is through indirect exposure. There
has been a lot of that lately.

Robert's Google search was informative. It ought to put to rest
imaginative scenarios concerning the MY persona.

My own impression of MY's posting activity is one that I suspect most
here have already come to: "she" is in it primarily for the unique
kind of exposure and notoriety it gives "her" out on the Internet.
It's just one of the activities some of us do to prove to ourselves
that we actually amount to something in a universe we unconsciously
fear would just assume ignore our existence.

To constantly express & post disagreeable opinions is a way to point
to the "self" and say "See, I DO exist... and I'm unique!" It's a way
to be noticed.

Alas, there are obvious problems with such behavior if taken to an
extreme. For example, becoming banned could be perceived as a badge of
honor - a kind of consolation prize. (However, least I sound too
uppety,I guess I could say that me resigning from Krivits' NET BoD was
in a sense being banned as well... so go figger!) But let me get back
to my spiel.

If in subsequent years Rossi eCats actually DO start rolling off the
shelves of stores like Home Depot I suspect MY will soon start
searching around for another group (preferably linked to a
controversial subject) so that she can continue to prove to an
indifferent world that she actually does exist.

I suspect "grasshopper" MY will probably not take the following advice
in an agreeable fashion: Zen masters realize "self" doesn't exist, so
stop constantly trying to prove to an indifferent universe that it
does. It is a futile gesture that ultimately fails. I suspect a number
of Zen masters would simply shrug their shoulders and say there are
far more enjoyable things to do with consciousness as compared to
constantly wearing a chip "self's" shoulder.

Swami OrionWorks

Re: [Vo]:What is the aggregate electrical charge of our sun?

2012-01-09 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Thanks, Jones.

I read the paragraph. I'm not surprised read that the paper states
"...The global stellar electrostatic field is 918 times stronger than
the corresponding stellar gravity..." More on that later.

Meanwhile, yes, I am basically aware of Mills' explanation of the
corona, having something to do with the manufacture of hydrinos, as
atomic hydrogen transform into hydrinos due to chance encounters with
helium. Mills claims such chance encounters explains why the corona is
exceedingly hotter than the surface of the sun. I gather that at
present there is no satisfactory mainstream theoretical explanation as
to why the corona is as hot as it has been measured to be. Therefore,
Mills' audacious CQM explanation remains tantalizing to the eyes of
many. Regardless of whether CQM is correct or not, the theory
certainly deserves further study.

However, the conundrum I'm trying to acquire a better understanding
about is whether there exists a distinct electrical charge associated
withIN the sun. And if one exists, is it positive or negative? I
assume there probably exists an aggregate positive charge within the
interior of the sun.

Where I'm going with this line of questioning is trying to achieve a
better grasp of the balance act between the attractive forces of
gravity versus the much stronger repulsive force of like-charged
particles (particularly protons).

It would seem logical for me to assume that since we know that on a
particle-by-particle basis gravitational forces are magnitudes weaker
than electrically charged attractive/repulsive forces the aggregate
internal electrical charge within the sun must therefore be fairly
close to neutral - on average, that is. Otherwise, it would seem to me
that the accumulated repulsive forces attributed to all those unpaired
protons (with no associated electron charge to even the score) would
cause our sun to rip apart violently.

Did I miss something fundamentally wrong in my analysis?

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:What is the aggregate electrical charge of our sun?

2012-01-09 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson

Let me add that my understanding of gravitation forces is based on
applying Newton's famous square of the distance formula. But does the
same square of the distance law govern the measured forces of charged
particles as well? I was assuming that was indeed the case. But I
could be dead wrong!

I seem to dimly recall reading somewhere (and I don't know where!!!)
that the forces of electrically charged particles have been measured
to be to the third or fourth power. If that is the case then my prior
analysis should be completely discarded.

I bet Mr. Heffner or Mr. Lawrence probably know the answer to my query.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:What is the aggregate electrical charge of our sun?

2012-01-09 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jones sez:

>> I'm not surprised read that the paper states "...The global
>> stellar electrostatic field is 918 times stronger than the
>> corresponding stellar gravity..." More on that later.

> ... Oh… you mean that 918 turns out to be half of a particular
> value that makes it seem to be rather non-coincidental?
>… we're not talking magic cubes here … or maybe we are 

... and a  back.

I don't possess sufficient fizzix-speak in my brain to comprehend why
it might be interesting that the value 918 is basically half the
mass-ratio as measured between protons and electrons. However, I am
smart enuf to at least make a note of the peculiarity. (Protons have
been measured to be essentially 1,836 times more massive than

I'm still wondering about whether attractive forces as measured
between charged particles is either to the cube or to the fourth power
in relation to the distance. Initially, I thought it might be the same
as gravity, the square of the distance. I suspect my initial
assumption might be wrong.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:What is the aggregate electrical charge of our sun?

2012-01-09 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jones sez:

> Reminds me of a concise and short post written a few years ago ...

Ah yes, a classic Jones essay, vintage 2004.

I enjoyed reading it... again?

Kind of like statisticians hunt'in for wild hairs.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:What is the aggregate electrical charge of our sun?

2012-01-09 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From David:

> Attractive forces between two charges is related to 1/r^2 or the second
> order.

Hmmm. Then the sauce is getting thicker for me. ;-)

>  A dipole type structure has a different law, but that is not what
> you seem to be talking about.

Regarding dipoles, According to Wiki:

"... The dipole term is the dominant one at large distances: Its field
falls off in proportion to 1/r3, [3rd power] as compared to 1/r4
[fourth power] for the next (quadrupole) term and higher powers of 1/r
for higher terms, or 1/r2 for the monopole term."

I don't entirely grok this. Complicating matters, there are different
flavors of dipoles - for example, charged dipoles and magnetic
dipoles. In the past I've done some finite element method magnetic
simulations of magnetic configurations. Interesting stuff.

> I suspect that you will need to include the charges that are surrounding the
> star but not inside if you are to see how the force behaves at a large
> distance.


Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:What is the aggregate electrical charge of our sun?

2012-01-09 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Harry sez:

> The ratio is not exactly 1836.

I realize that Harry. I got the "1836" number from the same Wiki article.
I rounded the measured value to an integer for expediency. Nothing more.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:What is the aggregate electrical charge of our sun?

2012-01-09 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From Harry:

> The ratio is also dimensionless but the ratio of the strength of the
> sun's electrostatic field to its gravitational field is not
> dimensionless.

Can you clarify what is implied when using the term "dimension" and
"dimensionless" here.

It doesn't compute for me.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Transportation energy

2012-01-09 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From Jed:


> Think of all the real estate that will be opened up as gas
> stations are abandoned. They are ugly. Good riddance to them.
> It is a shame all those people will lose their jobs.

It seems to me that even in the best case scenario it is not likely
that our nation would be motivated (economically and/or politically
speaking) to start digging up all of these service station gas tanks -
not for quite a while. I'd estimate it is likely to take more than 15
- 20 years from now before such a program might be implemented.
Probably a lot more. 25 - 30 years from now would be my best

Would you disagree?

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:What is the aggregate electrical charge of our sun?

2012-01-09 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson

Mark, Terry. thanks.

I'm going have to think about this for a spell since there seem to be
different interpretations.

Semantics can be quite disconcerting to a dyslexic.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:What is the aggregate electrical charge of our sun?

2012-01-09 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Terry sez:

> Think of it this way:  a proton might be composed of 1836 electrons.
> Add one more and you have a neutron!

Yup. Got that part. Knew that recipe eons ago.

Still, I suspect semantics is still getting in the way of what I'm
trying to describe.

In a nutshell, I'm wondering if the aggregate electrical repulsive
charge of gillions of unpaired protons within the sun would be
sufficient to overcome the significant weaker forces of gravity.
Obviously, that ain't happening cuz the sun still shines. What puzzles
me is that if there does exist far more protons (with + charge) than
electrons (with - charge) within the sun [leave the effects of the
corona out for now] then I don't quite understand why the accumulative
repulsive effect of all those orphaned protons don't literally rip the
sun apart.

Maybe there are still enough electrons residing within the sun to keep
all of the loose proton's, and their repulsive actions in check.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:What is the aggregate electrical charge of our sun?

2012-01-10 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From Mauro:

> I was just thinking about that. I think that the
> total number of expelled protons must be greater
> than the number of electrons, to effectively establish
> an overall electric current with the surroundings,
> which tries to compensate for the charge disbalance.


If something like that is happening within the sun it seems to me that
this results in a charge imbalance. Regardless of whether the charge
imbalance is positive or negative it seems to me that the aggregate
electrostatic force could counter the weaker gravity forces. It
puzzles me that a speculated imbalance of electrostatic forces doesn't
end up counteracting the weaker gravity forces and cause our sun to
rip itself apart. Of course, for selfish reasons, I'm glad such an
Armageddon doesn't happen! In any case, it suggests to me that any
electrostatic charge imbalance that may exist within the sun must not
be significant enough to counteract the weaker gravity forces.

Perhaps sun spots and corona discharges ARE examples of electrostatic
charge imbalances attempting to re-balance the surrounding area by
"exploding" away. Maybe electrostatic imbalances DO happen, but
fortunately for us, on a less disastrous scale as far as we earthlings
are concerned.

Of course, there is also the distinct possibility that something else
is going on here... something that I haven't taken into account. I
suspect that's most likely the case. I don't claim to be a fizzix

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Storms on the "Space Show"

2012-01-10 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
> See:

Thank Jed,

Just finished listening to "The Space Show" an interview with Dr. Storms.

The segment with skeptic Charles Pooley was perhaps the most
entertaining part of the show for me. The ensuing interaction between
the host (Dr. David Livingston), Storms, and Pooley really drove home
to me how fundamentally oriented a professed scientific-based belief
can unfortunately become at times. I think Pooley would need the
services of a professional deprogrammer to help get him get to that
uncomfortable place in his psyche where he might be willing to
consider thinking outside of the box. Storms did the best he could by
urging Pooley to review the information at (
Based on what I heard being expressed our of Pooley mouth, a mouth
which by the way was constantly interrupting Dr. Storms to the point
that the host had to several times tell him to shut up and just listen
to what Storms had to say, I suspect there will be nothing... nada...
zilch... that could possible result in even the slightest dent in this
skeptic's heavily fortified belief structure.

On other matters, I'm curious what Jed might have to say about Storms
assessment of how CF technology would likely be implemented within the
United States. It is Dr. Storms' assessment that energy costs, at
least for the common man, might actually go up, temporarily, as we
make what might be a costly transition from traditional energy sources
over to CF. According to Storms, he envisions the likelihood of a
lengthy "transition" phase, a phase that traditional energy provides
will do their best to stretch out for as long as possible before CF
eventually overwhelms the industry. Part of the stretching out phase
would deliberately be allowed by the government in order to give
traditional energy providers enough time to make the transition. I
gather Storms was assuming many of these industrial would attempt to
adapt or retool in some viable manner. However, according to what I
believe Jed has had to say on the subject, I gather Jed remains highly
skeptical that most traditional energy providers would be capable of
making the transition. Or am I wrong on that?

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:What is the aggregate electrical charge of our sun?

2012-01-10 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From Mauro,


> I think the problem is with the "electrostatic" idea...
> if there are electric currents, then there isn't an
> electrostatic situation. There's nothing static in a
> system like the Sun and the Solar System.

Ah! THAT's what I missed in my prior speculation. Thanks for bringing
it to my attention.

The sun, which is obviously generating DYNAMIC electrical currents &
associated fields is probably the reason why electrSTATIC forces do
not appear to be an issue.

Good! I now feel secure in the knowledge that the sun is not going to
blow up due to an imbalance of static charges!

...Of course, specifications are subject to change over the
millennium. [I read that in the fine print] ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Recent advances in thermoelectrics...

2012-01-11 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From: Mark:

First, a few excerpts from the article found here:

> "It's really amazing as to how nanostructures seasoned
> with just a few atoms of sulfur can lead to such superior
> thermoelectric properties of the bulk material made from
> the nanostructures, and allows us to reap the benefits
> of nanostructuring on a macroscale," Ramanath said.

Interesting article, Mark.

I would assume that from an engineering POV this kind of technology
could eventually be reversed in order to generate electricity. Perhaps
even in an efficient manner as well.

Steven Vincent Johnson


2012-01-13 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From Dusty:

> Unsubscribe
> unsubscribe
> unsubscribe...
> I've tried 4 times to get off this mailing list.

Others have already offered good suggestions. I'll add two more.

1. You do realize that the word "subscribe" as placed out in the
subject line was incorrectly spelled. As a card carrying dyslexic
myself, this is typically my cruse. ;-)

2. It is possible that, unbeknownst to you, you are using more than
one email address, specifically an alias email address? This was a
problem I ran into years ago. My external email ""
was actually associated with a different email address,
It's possible this could also confuse the vortex list server when
attempting to unsubscribe using one email address - when in truth the
vortex-l server is expected to see another address.

I seem to recall that I needed the assistance of Mr. Beaty to get the
matter straightened out.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:New Krivit Stuff

2012-01-18 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
I'm not 100% sure of this but it is my understanding Mr.Krivit isn't a
member of CMNS.

The implication is that someone (or several individuals) who are CMNS
members privately feed Krivit CMNS information.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Interesting new video from

2012-01-19 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From AG:

> Jed,
> This is more than chaos. He has buried himself. How can anybody believe a
> word of what he says anymore?
> He did not ship the plant.
> The plant is not in test by anybody.
> There is no NI control system hooked to that plant.
> The plant is not operational.
> There is no circulation system or heat exchanger load.
> Is there really a customer who will paid $2 million and are OK to have the
> plant still not delivered or working or hooked to a test system?
> Is there really a US factory?
> Is there really a order for 12 more E-Cat plants?
> Is there really another 1 MW customer?
> Is there really a 10 kW home E-Cat that will retail for $500 and can be
> refilled for $10 by a home owner in the winter of 2012?
> Every statement Rossi has made is now in question.
> If he doesn't do a public test, REAL SOON, he and the E-Cat are dead.

There is a psychological term for what is happening here. It's called

See "What is Catastrophizing?":

Chill out.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Rossi often says things he does not mean

2012-01-19 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From John Milstone

> How fortunate that you [Jed] appear to be the only person who isn't
> being bamboozled by Rossi.

Just out of curiosity, have you had any correspondence with Mr. Rossi
going back for for several years, as Mr. Rothwell presumably has had?
What do you base your conclusion on? Your own personal correspondence
with Rossi?

Rossi's behavior reminds me of the psychological predilections of a
well known UFO Investigator I have known for years. When it comes to
UFO investigation facts, I have little reason to doubt most of what
this investigator has to say - what his team has uncovered. (I suspect
that in the near future we will be hearing published reports about the
properties of certain metal samples that have been recovered from the
Roswell crash site, the fruits of several archeological digs. It's my
understanding that preliminary laboratory test performed on some of
these samples have revealed very unusual properties. But more on that

OTOH, when it comes to personal interactions with various people I
have learned to place a filter in front of our conversations.

I still count him as an old friend of mine. It is best to learn how to
work around each others "flaws", cuz we all have them.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Rossi often says things he does not mean

2012-01-19 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson

>  ... I'm sending them to
> "".  Is that not correct?

Hi John,

The same thing is happening to me, as with Jed. When I hit the reply
button, to reply to one of your vortex-l posts, I don't get the
vortex-l address. I get your personal email address. There must be a
setting somewhere that needs fixing at your end. Check your "reply to"

Anybody else got any suggestions?

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Lewan Mats says he never thought the reactor shipped

2012-01-19 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jed sez:


> AG is worried that this will hurt Rossi's credibility. I am not worried
> about that, because Rossi has no credibility. McKubre thinks he does things
> intentionally to hurt his own credibility. I wouldn't put it past him.

If I had a highly controversial "free energy" device that I wanted to
market which didn't yet have adequate patent protection I would not in
be too much of a hurry to draw undue attention to the legitimacy of
who I am, or what I potentially represent, or of my invention. In
order to keep my "anonymity" an occasional piece of disinformation
strategically placed out on the Internet here and there would probably
go a long way in keeping most of those potential competitors
reasonably satisfied that I was nothing more than a scam artist. Not
to bother.

In the meantime, I'd focus on two objectives:

1. Double my efforts to secure adequate patent protection.

2. As discretely as possible secure as many business contracts with a
select group of customers as possible. Most of these businesses would
probably prefer anonymity at this stage of the game as well since
going public would also alert unwanted competition.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]

2012-01-20 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From Andre:


> They just reacted on
> We are in a very early stage don’t get too optimistic. Please don’t bother
> the domain owner, we will publish proper contact info on the site when we
> make progress with our experiments.
> Not much to be expected soon, then.


Don't call us. We'll call you.

I guess I could find some encouragement in the fact that situations
like the above web site are beginning to announce their presence to an
apathetic world. However, the website could just as easily be another
setup under the direction of a team of opportunistic scammers
preparing to take advantage of the desperate looking for ways to cut
down on their energy bills.

There certainly seems to have been plenty of scammery on-to-loose
lately, such as the true identity of "Aussie" being brought into
question. As long as "Aussie" refuses to divulge his true identity he
remains powerless to affect recent claims attributing his identity to
the name of Greg Watson. Under the circumstances I would suggest that
"Aussi" either come clean... or start looking into another line of

And so, in the meantime, we wait for & to come clean
with us... or not. Let us hope we possess the wisdom to know the

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:The Garbage Collection of a Fool's Imagination

2012-01-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson

Thanks for your commentary.

BTW, you recently stated:

>  ... I have been repeatedly denigrated as a "pathological skeptic"
> -- despite a proven track record of submitting detailed, evidence and
> reason based, critiques of CF claims since December, 1996, when I
> evolved from being a naive enthusiast to pragmatic skeptic --

I notice you often describe yourself as: pragmatic.

Hardly! IMHO, you're still a hard core idealist.

That's OK! ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion is open for testing as from now

2012-01-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Has anyone stepped up yet, and is preparing to perform independent testing?

I assume there HAS to be interest in this subject.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Rossi's Best Chance

2012-01-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From Jones:

> There are some that still believe Ni-H is thermonuclear and in fact, Pd-D
> could be. In fact W-L theory tries hard not to be forced into making that
> decision, and has QM features - but if the defining detail of that theory
> involves neutrons, neutron capture - and subsequent weak-force reactions,
> just as are seen in traditional physics – then it is a thermonuclear theory.

But at least nobody is using the "F" word. ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:New here-- some general statements

2012-01-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Very few of us are destined to make a colossal financial killing in
the world, particularly on the order of raking in billions of
Dollars/Euros. It remains to be seen whether Rossi's name will be
added to that rarified list.

If Rossi does eventually succeed I would speculate that the history
books will say his triumph was due to an innate sense of intuition
which he exploited at every opportunity while building a global
industrial empire. By focusing on mass producing his energy catalyzers
(I agree with Jed, that mass-production is a major key to financial
success) Rossi ends up marginalizing pretty much all of his

However, as we all know, glowing historical "reviews" of this nature
is definitely dividing the bear before it has been killed. ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:LEAD shielding - a dual purpose?

2012-01-25 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Good comments from everyone.

>From Axel:

> In the context of the new high temperature NiH reactor
> designs, lead will melt at a lower temperature (327C)
> as compared to the temperature of the high temperature
> coolant (349C), therefore the theory of heat production
> in lead is untenable.

I agree. I already knew that lead has a much lower melting
temperature. That factor alone bothered me. Needless to say, my
"theory" needs to be tweaked. ;-)

>From Alain:

> from what I've read here, the gamma seems to appear
> when the reactor is not in normal mode...
> starting or stopping...
> maybe is it that the reaction change in unstable
> situation, and stops quickly, or evolve to heating
> only mode...

What kind of radiation is emitted from Rossi's eCats remains a
frustrating trade-secret. It's obvious that Rossi has been
deliberately deceptive on the matter. At present we don't really know
for sure whether Rossi's eCats emit harmful radiation, particularly in
the gamma range, or not. Rossi sez something to the effect that his
eCat's don't produce (much) harmful radiation, but then he uses lead
shielding, implying that some kind of harmful radiation must be
produced. However, insofar as the public record on the matter goes,
all attempts to record just the slightest hint of radiation appears to
have failed.

So, do the eCats really produce radiation, or is the pretense of
generated "radiation" just another cover story Rossi is using to muddy
the waters? Maybe the burst of gamma recorded back last January was
just a glitch in the recording device. We just don't know.

My "theory" is based on a premise that some kind of radiation (perhaps
even harmful radiation) is produced from the eCats, and that some kind
of protective external shielding (metal, and/or lead) of a thickness
is capable of capturing the radiation and transforming (stepping it
down) it into thermal heat.

At this juncture I'm long on a premise but extremely short on a
plausible theory that would explain such a mechanism. ;-)

>From Nigel:

> The 'fact' that the gamma only appears as a burst
> during startup is one peice of 'evidence' that I think
> suggests that the mechanism relies on a coherent state
> within the nickel, probably an optical vibrational mode
> within the lattice.

Interesting insight. The he premise is worth exploring.

> Once it is at a sufficient amplitide, it's existence
> might stimulate the excited nuclei to emit their excess
> energy after an LENR event has occurred into the mode
> using the principle of a PHASER, rather than emit
> it as gamma radiation (Like a LASER, but with phonons
> not photons.  Both are bosons).  While the modes are
> establishing themselves the excess energy still has a
> significant probability of being emitted as gamma
> radiation.
> Once established, the excess energy has a route to
> thermal energy within the nickel, not the lead, which
> does not involve gamma.

Can you elaborate a little more as to what kind of gamma radiation
could be produced? Perhaps more to the point, how much potential gamma
radiation would we have to worry about (and subsequently have shield
ourselves from) before the excess energy has a direct route to thermal

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:LEAD shielding - a dual purpose?

2012-01-25 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From Alian:

> note that for defkalion,
> gamma measures is not a secret

I read the thread. The only commentary from DGT is:

No, there is not any such limitation
Thank you

??? Ooooh-Kay... What does that mean?

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Small Earthquakes in Northern Italy

2012-01-27 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Terry sez:

> OMG!  The quantum coupled coherence is propagating in the Force and
> threatens to shred the very fabric of space!  If it reaches the large
> hadron collider . . .
> ". . . overhead, without any fuss, the stars were going out."

Atheist, ACC, is probably chuckling over that one, wherever he is.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Rama Found?

2012-02-01 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From Terry:


I've been more-or-less following this event when it first came out. I
hope they get the funding they need in order to take a closer look.

Obviously, it's fun to speculate on what this very odd shape might
turn out to be. It's fun to entertain the possibility that it came
from outer space. Nevertheless, Occam's razor would suggest (at least
to me) that this is probably just a large object that accidentally
fell off the deck of a ship, perhaps in the middle of gale force
winds. Perhaps it will turn out to be something as mundane as a lost
crab ring that got dragged across the ocean floor. ...A very LARGE
crab ring.

...or not. ;-)

Chewy! That's the last time I'll let you park the Falcon using the
automatic setting!

Arrr-arrr rreeuug rumpg!

Ok, ok. It was a mistake anyone could have made. Don't choke on a hair ball!

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Rama Found?

2012-02-01 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From Terry,

> Probably not the MF; but, this one:
> "Using side-scan sonar, the team found a 60-meter diameter
> cylinder-shaped object, with a rigid tail 400 meters long."
> We have not seen the image.  A cylinder 18 stories high by four
> football fields long?  I know it's not Rama; but, that's one huge fuel
> tank!

Yeah, I'd sure like to know what they mean by the phrase: "... with a
rigid tail 400 meters long." At present I'm inclined to speculate that
the "tail" they are referring to is actually just the skid marks that
were detected at the bottom of the floor, adjacent to the
cylinder-shaped object. IOW, the "tail" isn't something that could be
considered solid, like the 60-meter diameter circle clearly visible in
the radar image.

Boy! What if it eventually does turn out to be a 400 by 60 meter long

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Mr. Krivit continues to advocate for the W-L camp

2012-02-01 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From Alan:

> McKubre's response at

McKubre states:

> People sometimes question the value a "traditional" scientific
> education but this case highlights one of its clear benefits. Poor
> Steve simply does not know what he does not know.   ...
> Interpretation of data without access to the lab notebooks and
> detailed knowledge of the procedures actually employed, is worse
> than fruitless, as this case demonstrates.

McKubre's commentary was extracted from the private CMNS list group.

It's my understanding Mr. Krivit is not a CMNS member. Therefore,
someone must be feeding CMNS info to him. Once again Krivt appears to
have posted private information not meant for public consumption.
However, based on past experience, I'm sure McKubre suspected that Mr.
Krivit would somehow acquire the details of his "private" response.
The fact that Mr. Krivit proceeded to quickly defend his M4 actions
suggests to me that he is concerned about his perceived reputation. I
suspect McKubre knows this as well.

In Mr. Krivt's rebuttal, he begins with:

> To whom it may concern:
> In 2010, I conducted an investigation of the EPRI-funded SRI International
> experiment "M4," performed by Michael McKubre and staff in 1994, and
> I published my findings. I also provided them to the federal intelligence 
> community.

To "... the federal intelligence community!" Wow! Mr. Krivit really
did that? if to insinuate the seriousness of McKubre's alleged
M4 transgressions. Be that as it may, I'm under the impression that
McKubre, for the most part, really doesn't give a crap how Mr. Krivit
has chosen to interpret his M4 work.

The laundry will eventually sort itself out.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:ET - Call home

2012-02-02 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson

Interesting SA article.

I seem to recall scholar/archeologist Zecharia Sitchin speculating on
the premise that the Sumerian civilization was influenced by an
amphibian race of beings. Sitchin was a prolific author. He rote
numerous scholarly books on his ET hypothesis. I  haven't read any of
them, so I dunno.

I'm more inclined to think of the film "The Abyss" by James Cameron as
a reasonable example of a highly intelligent and technologically
advanced aquatic species who might chose to visit our world. Talk
about the manipulation  of water! ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:ET - Call home

2012-02-02 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Daniel sez:

> Well, he [Sitchi] was busted when dictionaries of sumerian
> were made widely available, including online. It seems he
> overused creative translation. But, who knows...

It's all a matter of interpretation, isn't it! ;-)

You say to-may-toe, I say to-mau-toe.

Too bad we can't ask the Sumerians.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:ET - Call home

2012-02-02 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson

As a recovering dyslexic, it can be a challenge unpacking your memes,
especially when you're transmitting at IPv6 and I'm still chugging
along at IPv4.

I seem to recall that we have had similar discussions on the so-called
merits of "aliens" physically visiting our planet, versus a less-risky
virtual way. First things first. I find little fault in your analysis,
even if might disagree around the edges. You may recall about a year
or two ago I posted several lengthy subject threads pertaining to my
own personal assessment of what our society calls the "abduction
phenomenon" or the "Experiencer" Paradigm. I recall quite a bit of
discussion was generated amongst the Collective, and that was a good

The only reasons I can think of as to why aliens would need to visit
us physically would be for physically tangible reason, like:

* To extract natural resources...
"We still have plenty of coal, gas, and oil." Yeah, right! ;-)

* To claim our planet as their own.
"You had fifty years to file a complaint with the hyper space hiway
commission, so what are you complaining about!"

* Vacation. See the universe!
"Have you had your Tetanus, bird-flu, and small pox shots?"

* Perhaps a more realistic scenario might be the need to secure
physical samples of our environment for scientific purposes. That
would include genetic sampling.
"Newt needs to be probed and then neutered for the future welfare of
the planet."

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Rossi Daily News

2012-02-02 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Rossi watching can be fun.

Ya just don't know what he is going to say next.

Thanks for indulging us, Alan! Much appreciated. :-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

[Vo]:Concerning Rossi's attempts to achieve adequate Patent Protection

2012-02-03 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
PESN had the following to say concerning the latest info on Rossi's
attempt to get adequate patent protection:

* Patents

- On January 17, 2012, T.O. wrote: "I have a very good friend, that is
high ranking, in the patent office and he said he would check where
the application is in the process."

- On January 31, 2012, T.O. wrote: "I found out today that the E-Cat
patent is through the security section and now is in a cue to be
assigned to a Patent Examiner. My friend thought that at current
workflow that it should be done by the end of the year. Of course
things could change. He could not say if it would be approved or
When this was forwarded to Andrea Rossi on Feb. 2, he responded:
Dear Sterling, we know.
Warm Regards,


I assume Rossi is referring to his attempts to get adequate USA patent
protection. At first glance what Rossi seems to be saying here does
not strike me as terribly encouraging news. It's sounds so iffy to me.
What would stop the USPO from denying Rossi's patent application as
just another one of those infernal CF contraptions for which patent
researchers were presumably told to discard? Or worse, what's to stop
them from simply placing Rossi's application on-hold, perhaps because
a new memo just came down the pipeline instructing that all new "CF"
related applications be placed in a special folder where someone
higher up in the food chain will deal with the matter - later. Much


Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Concerning Rossi's attempts to achieve adequate Patent Protection

2012-02-03 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Terry sez:

> INAL = me no lawyer.  I meant IANAL but, geeze, I'm not anally retentive
> either.

When I first saw "INAL" I immediately went to an online acronym finder
to decipher what Terry was saying cuz I really didn't have a clue.

"INAL" stands for "I'm not a lawyer"

Rest assured, Terry. You were never INAL retentive on this particular
topic. I'm not so sure about other topics however!  ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Concerning Rossi's attempts to achieve adequate Patent Protection

2012-02-03 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson

"INAL" could also stand for "I need a life".

Try substituting that for interpreting what Terry really meant to say

Just trying to give Terry a hard time. >;-b

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Concerning Rossi's attempts to achieve adequate Patent Protection

2012-02-03 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From James,

> An executive has fiduciary responsibility to his stockholders.
>This means he must pursue due diligence regarding the protection
> of the assets of the company.  Since the USPTO has made the
> patentability status of "cold fusion" claims unclear, for Rossi to
> expose his trade secret in a patent disclosure could be viewed
> as a breach of fiduciary responsibility.
> Snipers who aren't under this sort of responsibility who demand
> that Rossi trust the USPTO to act in a rational manner are not
> to be taken seriously.

Daniel, I know you've already said that you've said everything you
want to say on this topic, but do you have anything more you might
like to add to Jame's commentary? I seem to recall that you have some
first-hand knowledge of how a patent office works.

As for me, INAL either, but I would speculate that Rossi's current
patent would be defined by a gaggle of lawyers as having been written
so badly that it would offer little or no protection against all forms
of "illegal" attempts to reverse engineer the Andrea's work.

James, you seem to be saying that under the current climate Rossi is
in a catch-22 situation. Damned if he does. Damned if he doesn't.

Did I miss something here?

Steven Vincent Johnson

[Vo]:Google insights seem to show waning interest for NET and W-L

2012-02-06 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
For an interesting change of pace, try entering in a few other key
words, like "New Energy Times" and "Widom Larsen"

It would seem NET's 20 minutes of fame may be coming to a close. This
suggests to me that Mr.Krivit will need to find something else in
which to stir the pot with. I'm inclined to suspect stirring the pot
has become the only reporting behavior Mr. Krivit knows how to do in
order to remain noticed. This would especially be the case if Krivit's
hopes and dreams for landing the scoop of the century in regards to a
major Widom Larsen breakthrough (an exclusive scoop I suspect was
probably promised to him) continue to wane. Performing Google
statistics on "Widom Larsen" brings back a similar waning bump.

It would therefore not surprise me to see additional attack reporting
of the kind we've seen of Krivit's previous attempts to insinuate that
Rossi & Co is a fraud.

I still can't get over Krivit's attempt to ridicule Rossi as a muddled
thinker by quoting Andrea's s broken English verbatim, including all
of his inflections. IMHO, that was an incredibly stupid thing for
Krivit to have done. It was at that point that I lost all respect for
Krivit's ability to discern the motivations of others. IMHO, Krivit
needs to work on discerning his own motivations, because if he doesn't
have a handle on his own quirks, he will be incapable of discerning
the motivations of others. Until he does Krivit will constantly be in
danger of reflecting his own unrealized motivations onto the faces of

Anything to stay noticed.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:World's best H2 catalyst?

2012-02-08 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
> More info:
> "The information below described a new catalyst, CC, that requires zero
> energy input once the reaction is started and heated to 180F.  After that,
> hydrogen is produced for as long as fuel (water and aluminum) are provided."
> Zero energy input ? wow, who is going to need lenr once we all have hydrogen
> on demand ?

Not so fast. Obviously, this is an intriguing claim, and I hope it is
checked out soon. In the meantime I would remain cautiously skeptical
until additional evidence is accumulated. All too often the devil is
eventually found in the details.

Personal thoughts: Difficulty in extracting hydrogen cheaply, cleanly,
and abundantly has always made it difficult to promote hydrogen as
*the* ubiquitous clean and abundant energy source for the entire
planet. While such claims might have the potential to worry many "CF"
proponents, the fact that the alleged technology seems to extract
hydrogen from H2O without the need for expending additional energy,
once the reaction begins, this would seem to indicate the discovery of
another "cold fusion-like " / zero-point-energy technology. And that
is good news for the alternative energy front.

By definition, the technology would ...seem... to violate one of the
sacred laws of thermodynamics. If this eventually proves to be an
accurate assessment it would seem to me that it would throw the
physics books out the door just as easily as Rossi & Co., or DTG's
claims are now attempting to do with their eCats and Hyperon units.

The whole alternative energy community would benefit.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:World's best H2 catalyst?

2012-02-08 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From David:

> I would also take a second look at the net process energy balance.
>  If aluminum is required as fuel, you would be in big trouble as it
> takes a lot of energy to obtain the fuel.  Years ago I made H gas by
> putting lye and water into a jar with aluminum foil.  My friends and I
> used the gas to fill bags for balloons.

Sounds like a lot of fun.

I assume your "secret sauce" formula was eventually used up.
Eventually, replenishment is necessary, and there's the rub.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Re: FYI: CERN Recognizes LENRs, Widom-Larsen Theory

2012-02-08 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From Alain:


Note that the last paragraph states the following:

> A plethora of theoretical models have been proposed to explain
> several experimental anomalies in LENR. A brief description of
> a weak interaction model shall be presented that claims to
> explain almost ALL of the anomalous effects found so far.

I like the term: "A BRIEF description of a weak interaction model will
be presented..."

Methinks these guys are holding their cards very close to the vest.
This announcement does not strike me as outright recognition of the
W-L theory as Krivit would seem to be insinuating and promoting. Note
that Krivit's blog page states in bold letters:

"CERN Recognizes LENRs, Widom-Larsen Theory"

Yeah, right. Neither does CERN's announcement strike me as an
endorsement of the theory either. The W-L theory is only one of many
possible theories for which CERN will BRIEFLY touch on. Nothing wrong
with letting the W-L camp have their day in court.

Be that as it may, I suspect Mr. Krivit would would have preferred
that CERN had stated something to the effect that they are seriously
investigating the merits of the W-L theory. I suspect from Krivit's
POV it would  help justify his on-going objective of promoting what
appears to be a very strong personal belief that the W-L theory is the
only way to go. Since CERN didn't actually say that they are
recognizing or promoting the theory, looks to me like Krivit decided
to put those words in their mouth. If I had been involved in running
the CERN colloquium I think I would have been a little irked by Mr.
Krivit's insinuations.

PS: At 16h00 they will serve "Tea and coffee". Makes me wonder how
they will heat the tea. ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:100000 e-cats preordered

2012-02-10 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From Peter,

> What, exactly, do mean > 100,000 orders for
> a product that is not still on the market?


Good question.

One way I can look at this conundrum is to do some simple napkin math.

100,000 orders x $500 to $1000 (retail price per eCat) comes to gross
sales of approximately 50 to 100 million dollars.

I can not overemphasize the term "POTENTIAL gross sales".

50 to 100 million certainly sounds impressive. I guess if I were in
Andrea's shoes perhaps I would take those figures to the bank and use
it as a form of financial collateral in order to secure additional
funding to help scale up mass production. A loan officer might be
favorably inclined to bite after reviewing the financial potential.
But who really knows what Rossi is up to. Rossi strikes me as someone
who has a propensity to change his business plans on a dime if it
suits his best interests to do so. This is not necessarily a bad
thing. It's just business.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:100000 e-cats preordered

2012-02-10 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From Peter:


> As one of the sillier examples of his preorder method, let's take Wladimir
> as an example:
> Wladimir Guglinski February 8th, 2012 at 2:59 AM
> Dear Mr. Andrea Rossi
> May I pre-order 1000 eCats? Firstly I will ask to send me 5 eCats. After
> selling them, I will ask more 10, and after selling them more 20… more 40…
> etc.
> Regarded Wlad

LOL! Thanks for posting that one,Peter.

Let me put my Mr. Rodger's Hat on: Can you spell "Ponzi Scheme"? ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:100000 e-cats preordered

2012-02-10 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From Peter:


> See please my old paper:
> No real dialogue possible with Rossi, sorry for him.
> Peter

Personally, I think it's a tad premature for us to feel sorry for
Rossi. He strikes me as an extraordinarily intuitive entrepreneur when
it comes to assessing potential business relationships. Granted, on
the surface Rossi's business strategy doesn't seem to reveal a smooth
track record - a track record which self-appointed skeptics love to
luxuriate in. But, hey, I get the impression that most enterprises
(particularly those considered to be outrageous, like Rossi's) tend to
reveal a string of unpredictable patterns shrouded in mystique and
misinformation. This is, of course, augmented by the fact that
countless detractors will make sure everyone within earshot will claim
such enterprises are positively, absolutely impossible.

All considered, I still think it's possible Rossi's obfuscations of
the deliberate kind could eventually allow  him to "get his cake and
eat it too".

We just don't know yet.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Including nuclear degrees of freedom in a lattice Hamiltonian, PL Hagelstein, IU Chaudhary 2012.01.20: Rich Murray 2012.02.09

2012-02-10 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From Rich:

> I meant cf has jumped to be successful science, finally...

I think I was a little snippier than usual this morning because I had
not yet had my cop'o'java.

In any case, I certainly agree. Let us both hope the trend continues.
Where it will eventually leads us, nobody knows! Hopefully, to good

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Sterling Allan / S-African Free Fuel Generator FFG trip

2012-02-13 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
On the surface it certainly sounds promising. I'm glad Sterling
secured sufficient funds that allowed him to go evaluate Sam's device.
I'm also glad Sterling is going to stop off and visit Defkalion as

I'm still going on the assumption that Sam's device will eventually
fail to pass the mustard. This assumes a crucial test in the
independent replication phase discovers a flaw in the original design
assumptions. However, nothing would please me more than to have my
pessimism proven wrong.

I'd rather be labeled a hopelessly naive believer (as perceived by
skeptics) as compared to that of a skeptic who knows too much to be
taken by what he believes must obviously be charlatans, and as such
why would I even bother to check the claims out.

Grasshopper Johnson

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Sterling Allan / S-African Free Fuel Generator FFG trip

2012-02-13 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From Guenter,


> As has been mentioned by some before , it is about a careful balance between
> (pathological) skepticism and weakminded wishful thinking.

Agreed. I would however replace the term "weakminded" with "indiscriminate".

Sounds more descriptive to me. ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Do you think Rossi will still be too busy?

2012-02-14 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
I love it!

I hope Rossi accepts the challenge.

The pessimist within me however thinks he won't. I'm inclined to think
Rossi might be inclined to reply with something to the effect that he's too
busy to spend time on what he will try to describe as nothing more than
unimportant parlor demonstration... whatever.

I hope I'm wrong.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Sterling Allan / S-African Free Fuel Generator FFG trip

2012-02-14 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From Daniel


Sterling is simply behaving like an evangelist of a different cloth.

All evangelists want to spread the good news.

Some more obnoxiously that others. ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Do you think Rossi will still be too busy?

2012-02-14 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Terry sez:

> Outstanding!
> "Constant Growth = Doom"  ?!?
> From the looks of it constant growth will equal BOOM!

With special emphasis on the vowels in "BOOM"... or "DOOM" depending
on the interpretation.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Sterling Allan / S-African Free Fuel Generator FFG trip

2012-02-15 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From Jed:

> Stirling Allen wrote:

>> . . . I walked by a group of younger people milling about outside an
>> establishment (some kind of party). I pulled up a chair, stood on it,
>> and started saying, "May I have your attention, please. I would like
>> to tell you about some hope that you have for Athens."
>> But then two security guards came up to me and escorted me
>> away because I was interrupting a party.
> He made a spectacle of himself. What a jerk.
> What an embarrassment.

It's only an embarrassment in the eye of the beholder. I'll just
bet'cha that Sterling never felt a twinge of embarrassment by his
actions. I suspect he only felt an immediate sense of frustration - of
being thwarted by the authorities after all Sterling wanted to do was
spread the "good news" to his flock.

I suspect few of us would feel the urge to attempt to proselytize in
the obnoxious manner that Sterling had done. But that's because most
of us don't possess a "sense of mission" that Sterling's possess. In a
sense, that is the cross Sterling must bear in his lifetime.

It seems pretty obvious to me that Sterling's motivation was not done
out of a sense of malice or for personal gain, such as at the expense
of those he wanted to proselytize to... well except for the fact that
his obnoxious behavior ended up temporarily interrupting the
proceedings of a dinner party he decided to "crash". It was done
because Sterling, behaving like the "free energy" evangelist that he
is, sincerely wanted to spread the good news as he perceived that good
news to be.

If Sterling is to be faulted, it is that some of his public actions
lack subtlety. His lack of discrimination will unfortunately cause him
to appear to behave like a zealot in the eyes of many. FWIW, Jed, I
know damned well that you were once accused of behaving a "zealot"
too! In any case, such actions doesn't make Sterling a jerk in my
book. Just an occasional bull in a china shop.

So, when Sterling comes knocking at the door, just make sure you know
where your chinaware is. And then just sit back and watch the show.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Do you think Rossi will still be too busy?

2012-02-15 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From Jarold:

> There is absolutely no excuse why Rossi wouldn't accept this offer.
> I was sitting on the fence with Rossi, but now I'm leaning more
> towards him being a fraud.


Many here (including myself) wish that Rossi would accept the challenge.
However, Rossi is under no obligation to prove to any of us, "us" who
reside in the honorable peanut gallery, that his eCat claims are
legitimate. All that seems matters to Rossi is the immediate care and
feeding of his mysterious business relationships. THAT is the 64 trillion
dollar question that we should be trying to get a better handle on.

As Jed as already stated, Rossi has repeatedly stated that there will be no
more public demonstrations or tests! ... that is, unless Rossi decides to
change his mind, which he could do on a dime if he feels it would be in his
best interests to do so.

There have also been plenty of reasons brought forth from individuals,
including McKubre pertaining to why Rossi seems to feel it is not
necessarily in his best interest to prove to the world at this particular
moment in time that his eCats are for real. All that matters to Rossi is
that his carefully guarded business interests believe that his eCats are
for real - by allowing THEM to perform all the necessary due diligence they
need to do on his eCats in private. Meanwhile, if the rest of the world,
his critics, as well as potential competition don't think he eCats are for
real, all to the better.

Many fret about Rossi's behavior. They just can't seem to understand why he
behaves in the quirky manner that he does. They just don't like it!

All I can say is: expect more of the same from Rossi.

Get over it.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Do you think Rossi will still be too busy?

2012-02-15 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson

You seem to have issues with Rossi's quirky unpredictable behavior.
Many do. You are in good company. If you are leaning towards the
opinion that Rossi is a fraud you can at least feel assured of the
fact that your opinion is shared by many. I'm sure Krivit would
approve. Why don't you post your concerns over at NET and see what
comes of it. You may get some responses.

Quite frankly, after everything I've heard, both pro and con, I
realize I still don't know enough about Rossi to feel like I can pass
a definitive conclusion on the matter, for or against. With that said
it's true that, at least for now, I'm still leaning towards the
opinion that Rossi and his eCats aren't fraudulent, but I could be
wrong. The best I can do for now is to consider the conclusions of
experts who are far more knowledgeable on Rossi than I. Many of them
seem convinced that his eCat technology, flawed it may be, is
authentic. Therefore, until further developments are forthcoming I can
live with my uncertainty. I can live with the fact that my tentative
conclusions could eventually be proven wrong.

You, on the other hand, seem to be having difficulty living with your
own uncertainty when it comes to passing judgment on Rossi. IMHO, you
seem to have entrapped yourself within an endless maze of unrequited
speculation. It will get you nowhere. That's why I suggested in my
previous post that you might try to ease up and: Get over it.

Rest assured. Rossi's true colors, whether they be pro or con, will
eventually be revealed.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Dust Fusion claim by George Egely

2012-02-15 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
I gather Mr. Egely is claiming he is actually transmuting graphite
(carbon) into iron with the use of a microwave oven.. And lets just
forget about how much radiation that must generate as carbon nucleus
are fused into iron nucleus. To prove his conjecture he uses a magnet
to show that his newly created "iron" now shows magnetic properties...
I gather that as far as Mr. Egely is concerned he must be fuzing
carbon and making iron cuz everyone noz that graphite has no magnetic

Truth be known, I myself had forgotten about the fact that under
certain unique conditions carbon can display magnetic properties, that
is until Jones once again brought the link to my attention. Thanks for
the link, Jones.

Well intentioned (if not a little naive) mistakes and
misinterpretations like the one apparently made by Mr. Egely can
nevertheless point us all to even greater discoveries with profound
ramifications, particularly if we are willing to let go to the initial
misinterpretations our egos assigned to the phenomenon. Fact is, newly
discovered phenomenon is often misinterpreted, at least initially.
Those who understand this personal aspect are less inclined to take
their initial misinterpretations personally. Then, the real
discoveries can proceed unhindered by past prejudice.

As has already been speculated by others, it would surprise me that as
nanotechnology matures carbon based magnetic materials may eventually
turn out to possess crucial industrial applications that may surpass
the need to use expensive rare-earth magnets that are currently in

Steven Vincent Johnson

[Vo]:OT: Apps for iPad 3: What Apple should demo at the grand unveiling

2012-02-15 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson

Display is  likely to increase to: 2048 x 1536

Most likely the same display size.

I wanna an iPad (jumbo), one that's picture book size! Approximately
8" x 12". IMO, there's a definite need for a bigger iPad sizes, and
smaller sizes too. IMO, certain charts and graphics simply don't view
well enough on the current iPad product, where one size fit's all
functions. No! It doesn't It can't! Larger size iPads would do well in
educational environments.

I'm sure Apple will eventually get around to creating several iPad
sizes. If they don't the competition will.

BTW, we have an iPad 2. Actually, it seems to me that after my wife
joined a discussion group discussing the art of weaving (ravelry) she
just sort of just one day took possession of it. What could I do! ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Do you think Rossi will still be too busy?

2012-02-15 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From Harry:

>> Rest assured. Rossi's true colors, whether they be pro or con, will
>> eventually be revealed.
> You don't think they have already been revealed?


All I've seen is endless speculation on Rossi's business ventures.
While there has been plenty of armchair criticism, (some of which is
probably valid) the fact of the matter is that none of us are actually
in Rossi's shoes. Who among us are privy to what's being discussed
behind closed doors.

> Unless he suddenly discovers the value of collaboration I expect his
> business venture will fail.

More endless speculation.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Testing

2012-02-15 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From Jarold


> ... I want real answers for his refusal instead of snakes and clowns.

Patience grasshopper.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Tesla Murdered by Nazis

2012-02-15 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Terry sez:

> excerpt:
> "According to Skorzeny, he and Gehlen had tricked Tesla the previous
> day into revealing the full details of his most important discoveries.
> After the murder, they stole the contents of Tesla’s safe, which were
> delivered to Hitler."

Ah, another good conspiracy!

This has all the makings of the kind of skullduggery that can never,
never, EVER be proven true of false.

When's the book coming out? ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Testing

2012-02-15 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jarold sez:

> It's my deadline based on the things both Rossi and Defkalion said.
> If nothing happens by that time, I will stop paying attention to this
> drama and consider that it is most likely a fraud.

Well shoot! So Rossi has finally violated your deadline, and now
you're miffed. You've lost your patience and as such, Rossi has now
become a really bad guy.

Who knows what Rossi's actual deadlines are. I don't think Rossi even knows.

Steven Vincent Johnson

[Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Rossi's Information regarding Leonardo Corporation’s Commercial License Policy

2012-02-16 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson

>> Andrea Rossi
>> February 16th, 2012 at 7:21 AM
>> Information regarding Leonardo Corporation’s Commercial License Policy:
>> Since some clown ( probably a “millionaire” clown, who has teamed up with
>> a puppet snake) has put on the net an unvalid invoice from Leonardo
>> Corporation, while our attorneys are working on the issue, I deem opportune
>> to clarify the policy of Leonardo Corporation regarding the commercial
>> licenses.
>> We give exclusive commercial licenses for limited territories. When the
>> interested persons ask to us a commercial license to sell the E-Cats we make
>> an offer. The price of the license depends on many factors, regarding the
>> Territory. If the interested persons agree upon the text that we propose, we
>> send a text of an agreement, which is obviously covered by NDA. The
>> uncorrect persons do not respect the NDA and our attorneys take care of
>> them. After the interested persons sign the agreement, we send an invoice,
>> and the agreement is deemed valid only after the payment of the license fee
>> is done within the term agreed. If the payment is not done, the agreement
>> expires and that invoice for which the payment has not been made is
>> compensated in the accounting by a credit memo.
>> When a Customer asks to buy a product of Leonardo Corp, he is addressed to
>> the proper licensee.
>> All the persons interested to our commercial licenses can send the request
>> and a description of their organization to:
>> I must add that practically all the world’s Territories have been already
>> licensed. Soon we will organize a convention of all our Licensees, for the
>> presentation of the E-Cat, in the final shape that will be marketed, and in
>> that occasion we will give the full list of all our Licensees. The most
>> important Territories in which we have not yet found the right licensee are:
>> 1- Russia
>> 2- Japan
>> We take this occasion to solicit the People interested to these
>> territories to contact us. Attention: we give the licences only to
>> Organizations which are settled inside the Territories for which they want
>> to buy the license.
>> Warm Regards,
>> Andrea Rossi
>> CEO of Leonardo Corp.

I assume this is in reference to the following PDF file of an alleged
INVOICE posted on Krivit's NET site:

Rossi's seems to be claiming this alleged document is nothing more
than a complete fabrication. I see three possible scenarios that come
to mind in regards to what this could possibly mean for Krivit.

SCENARIO ONE: Depending on how one interprets what Rossi is actually
saying here it still seems conceivable to me that Leonardo Corp
actually did send this document to Bryon New Energy Charitable Trust.
However, it's not clear to me whether the document was an actual bill
or just an initial proposal to pay a certain amount of money in
exchange for a product. It's possible the "invoice" Krivit received
was incomplete, meaning that there may have been additional pages
containing wording that spelled out specific terms and conditions. In
my own experience requests (invoices) for services or products between
interested parties are sent out all the time with dollar figures
attached on the last page. It's all part of the on-going negotiation
process. It's called bargaining! Negotiations of this nature are
typically done IN PRIVATE. In my view, if this really was a document
pertaining to a private on-going negotiation process I think it was
unethical for Krivit to have posted it.

Perhaps someone with some lawyer experience can comment more on this
conjecture of mine, and clarify any misconceptions I might have
created. Jones! You up to the challenge?

SCENARIO TWO: Krivit deliberately and with full knowledge posted out
on NET what he knew to be a fabrication in an attempt to defame Rossi.
(I find this very hard to believe. In fact I don't believe it.)

SCENARIO THREE: Someone Krivit presumably believes to be a trusted
source gave him this "invoice." The "trusted source" convinced Krivit
that it was an authentic "invoice". Krivit, wanting to believe it was
an authentic document, subsequently posted out on NET in an attempt to
defame Rossi. It also implies that Krivit was himself scammed.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion GT willing to accept Dick Smith's offer + Official tests info

2012-02-16 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Hot Damn! I luv it!

The following personal speculation of mine assumes DGT's acceptance
wasn't a rumor:

The offer puts skeptic, Dick Smith, in the hot seat. We need to watch
very carefully how Smith responds. If he had been "banking" (no pun
intended) on the premise that Rossi or DGT would ever accept his
generous one million dollar offer it's possible we should start seeing
impossible-to-accept restrictions placed on how the test will be

This is what competition is all about. It strikes me as an excellent
way for DGT to gain the upper hand... excellent PR for the company.
Rossi & his financial backers ought to be worried. It's possible it
may also force them to reassess their prior decision to ignore Smith.

Will Krivit report on the results? Inquiring minds want to know.

OTOH, if this was all just a rumor... never mind.

Steven Vincent Johnson

[Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Rossi's Information regarding Leonardo Corporation’s Commercial License Policy

2012-02-16 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
> So Rossi doesn't take money from investors, but he does take money
> from the sale of licenses for an unreliable product. Is this a responsible
> way to run a business?

Harry, what's your point?

Surely you realize the fact that many within the Vort Collective
question Rossi's business practices. And so do I. It's exacerbated by
the fact that Rossi tells us only what he wants to tell us, so who the
hell really knows what is happening.

I also know that I'm not in Rossi's shoes. Are you in his shoes? Do
you really know what's happening?

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Responds to Dick

2012-02-20 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From Terry:

> (third message on page)
> excerpt:
> "We requested for a Skype conference call with Mr Smith, similar to
> what he had requested from Mr Rossi. Mr Smith declined our offer.
> Strangely, when Mr Rossi declined Mr Smith, Mr Smith called
> Mr Rossi a scam. Should we consider the same of Mr Smith? "
> :-)

Jed predicted Dick would start squirming.

...I sed to watch Dick very carefully to how he responds.

"Squeal like a pig!"  ;-)
- from Deliverance

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-20 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jones sez:

> This is a bit off topic to the thread (ok, way off)...

... and as you well know that has never stopped the Vort Collective
from engaging in a good debate! ;-)

The following might be of interest to some here:

Michael Cremo "Forbidden Archeology"

Some of the artifacts that have allegedly been uncovering are
astonishing. I can't say that I believe in all of this stuff, but what
is discussed is fascinating never the less. IMO it deserves further
scrutiny. Unfortunately, that is not likely because it would be
politically incorrect to do so.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-20 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Here's some additional photos to wet the imagination!


" A metallic sphere from South Africa with three parallel grooves
around its equator (photo courtesy of Roelf Marx). The sphere was
found in a Precambrian mineral deposit, said to be 2.8 billion years

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-20 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Orionworks sez:

> Here's some additional photos to wet the imagination!
> Excerpt:
> " A metallic sphere from South Africa with three parallel grooves
> around its equator (photo courtesy of Roelf Marx). The sphere was
> found in a Precambrian mineral deposit, said to be 2.8 billion years
> old."

Here's Wikipedia's entry on the spheres:

Actually, it seems well written, and does a good job of debunking a
number of prior claims, misrepresentations, and misinterpretations.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-20 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Terry sez:

>> Here's Wikipedia's entry on the spheres:
> OOPAs!
> from Oompa Loompa!

Oompartifacts ... or perhaps Loompartifacts.

Actually, the latter sounds like the name of an Italian restaurant I
use to go to. Great kitchen cacciatore.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:NanoSpire Inc.

2012-02-21 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From Francis:

> If this experiment occurred in 2009 and resulted in radiation sickness and
> transmuted elements at only 840 watts in I have to ask why it is only
> becoming news now and why the news isn’t all over the front page.. what
>I am missing that makes this less than earth shattering news?

Good heavens, yes! Good question Francis.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:SK and Widom Larsen Theory -- What do we know?

2012-02-22 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From Blum

> This is what Rossi said today about Krivit:
> The snake is not a skeptic, is a puppet paid by puppeteers who would compete
> with us but are not able to. He is strongly connected with their company. He
> gets money to make libelling against us also from other 2 well identified
> entities. We will give detailed and throughly information in due time.
> Everything in due time, we will get some fun.

Don't believe everything that Rossi says.

As president Reagan became famous for saying:

"Trust, but verify".

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:South Africa Fuel-Free Generator Report

2012-02-23 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From Andre,


> How gullible Allen can be: Allen says in his report that
> under this load of 4kW the 2 pcs 12V/102Ah batteries
> should be fully drained after 35 minutes. That's a good
> calculation. Already in the next paragraph however, he
> has no problem making clear that the number of batteries
> is actually 4, but two of them (the 'second bank') are
> used "to harvest  back-EMF from the "wheel of nature".
> Ermm.. okay... Allen.. listen.. that doesn't mean they
> are not full batteries capable of supplying another 2.4 kWh.


> I feel we [c]an safely ignore this FFG device, just like all
> other magnet motors, as Frank is suggesting.


Let me clarify what I mean by that.

I'm not an electrical engineer. I cannot judge the veracity of these
kinds of exotic claims. In my own experience, I have performed
thousands of simulations on theoretical magnetic research using Finite
Element Method Magnetics work. My own research focused on Permanent
Magnet configurations. You can download the s/w at the following

Working with this kind of software can be fun and educational. In the
end I concluded that I personally did not discover any kind of exotic
asymmetries that could be exploited as "free energy". That does not
mean that I believe it's therefore not possible... only that I
personally didn't find any.

Truth of the matter is that my own research into permanent magnet
configurations bears no resemblance to what this South African company
claims to have exploited. Therefore I'm not going to judge them simply
based on what I have worked on. I gather this company claims to have
found a way to reduce back-EMF so that an asymmetry in the
electromagnetic forces can be exploited. This claim sounds very
similar to what STEORN claimed to have achieved a couple of years ago.
Unfortunately, I gather few seriously believe that STEORN has actually
proved that they have defeated back-EMF. Meanwhile, it's hard to tell
what STEORN is up to these days, other than the fact that they don't
seem to be entirely dead yet. That fact alone continues to intrigue

While I continue to harbor serious doubts as to whether any of these
back-EMF claims will eventually turn out to be true, I still think it
is presumptuous for anyone to make the kind of conclusions that Andre
seems to be making here.

Maybe Mr. Allen really is a gullible fool, as Andre Blum seems to be
claiming, but then maybe he isn't. All I know is that I sure as hell
am NOT going to just ignore him...not just yet. In my book it would be
a stupid and ignorant move on my part not to see what happens next.
The bottom line is that Mr. Allen is supposed to receive one of these
devices in the near future. That obviously means Allan & his
associates can begin performing all the necessary tests to either
prove or disprove these extraordinary claims.

For now, I'd prefer to wait for more definitive tests rather than to
judge a book by its current cover.

My two cents.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:South Africa Fuel-Free Generator Report

2012-02-23 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
> Do you also disagree on how I describe the demonstration
> setup as being ridiculous, and not worth of drawing any
> positive conclusions from in the way Stirling Allen does?


As I have previous stated, I am not an electrical engineer. As such it
is not my place to pass judgment on your current technical analysis of
the South African contraption. However, I noticed that a lot of your
analysis is heavily layered with subjective conclusions that, quite
frankly, have little to do with your technical analysis, such as your
conclusion of Sterling's inability to discern when he is being used,
in your words, as a "prostitute".

You strike me as being more interested in defending your original
conclusions which regrettably includes a strong belief in that
Sterling is not terribly bright. Well, maybe Sterling isn't the
brightest bulb on the planet, but then maybe he has a few more watts
than some of us might think. Frankly, I dunno. Be that as it may, in
this particular situation I'm not interested in conclusions pertaining
to speculation of the so-called personality faults of Sterling. I see
enough of that kind of folly with Mr. Krivit and his attempt to
analyze Rossi's quirky behavior.

I will repeat once again: My primary concern is that we don't throw
the baby out with the bathwater. I wait for more definitive tests to
be performed, such as when Sterling presumably gets one of the
contraptions in house where definitive testing can then be performed.
You may recall that I have also previously stated that I have serious
doubts as to whether any so called OU will be discovered. However, my
current pessimism could turn out to be completely misplaced. It would
be unwise of me to allow my pessimism to overrule what Nature may
actually be trying to tell us. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to
interest you, and that puzzles me. It's as if to show any more
curiosity that what you have currently allowed yourself to indulge in
could possibly contradict your current conclusion which seems to be
based on a belief in Sterling is an idiot.

> Unless I have been missing a lot, this whole magnet motor
> thing does not have the scientific support or endorsements
> that LENR has, so I find it to be in a completely different
> league.

I think you may have indeed missed a few things that go on in this
list. Granted, LENR makes up a large part of what is discussed here,
but LENR is not by any means the only topic of interest. The kind of
magnetic related research that Sterling refers to has often been
discussed extensively here.

BTW, you continue to refer to this particular device as a "magnet
motor." That is an incorrect description. It also suggests to me that
you haven't been following this particular topic extensively. I can
certainly forgive you on that matter because there are many topics on
this list that also I do not follow in great detail. I have only so
many hours in a day.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Test day in Greece time

2012-02-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From Jed,

> noone noone  wrote:
>> Possibility #2 -- A copy cat of Rossi's technology, using his intellectual
>> property without permission. (This would be a horrible tragedy.)

> Nonsense.

I agree,

What well-known company has not filed suit against a potential
competitor for daring to kick the tires of their product. Think of
Apple. Meanwhile, it's business as usual. Or as Trump would say, it's
just business.

Meanwhile, nobody wants sales to stop. Cessation of sales would
translate to no more money that could be awarded to the injured party!

If DGT ends up whipping Rossi's ass, hopefully the inventor will end
up with a reasonably satisfactory out-of-court consolation prize. ...A
reasonable sum, perhaps amounting to several hundred million Euros -
for pain and suffering.

We'll see.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Test day in Greece time

2012-02-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
noone noone sez:

> If I invented a billion dollar technology and someone copied
> it without my permission, I would not accept a trillion
> dollars from a lawsuit.
> The only thing I would accept is for the other company to be
> forced to re-call all their products. Then I would make money
> by selling the products from my own company.

Good luck. You give me the impression that you think you can go to
court and win your case in a just few weeks, and then everything will
be honky dorey. Think again. Think years. Many, many years.

And during all those contentious years of unending litigation that
will make many a lawyer rich, and while you are demanding all those
recalls, and to a complete halt to sales, just think of all the good
PR you will be generating for yourself. People across the planet are
desperate for any kind of cheaper energy. But your sense of demanding
"justice" could end up potentially denying a huge portion of the
population that opportunity - all on personal principle. I'm sure they
will all understand your personal sense of outrage for not getting
even richer off of your invention. But of course you'll be right. You
have that going for you.

Don't get me wrong. I would be pissed off, too, if someone stole my
invention. But consider the ramifications of how best to get even with
the competition. Try to get even without turning yourself in to the
energy pariah of the century - someone who will be written up in the
history books as having denied millions of desperate individuals
access to cheap energy because he was unhappy over the fact that
someone was making profits off of something that he thought he should
be profiting over himself.

> If Rossi's technology has been stolen, I hope he refuses any
> credit, money, or other compensation. I would also hope he
> would turn down the nobel prize. I hope his mission in life
> becomes to stop anyone who has used his technology without
> permission.

Shish! I'm glad I don't think the way you do.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Test day in Greece time

2012-02-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
It's been a slow-news Friday afternoon, so please accept my apologies
for continuing this protracted discussion with noone noone:

The world according to noone noone:

> If I invented a billion dollar technology and someone copied
> it without my permission, I would not accept a trillion
> dollars from a lawsuit.
> The only thing I would accept is for the other company to be
> forced to re-call all their products. Then I would make money
> by selling the products from my own company.
> When it comes to sticking to my principles, it does not
> matter what people think of me.

It's been my experience that when I hear people boast that they don't
care "...what other people think about [them]." they are essentially
trying to convince themselves that they have found a magic bullet that
allows themselves to become immune to what other people think about

It matters, noone. It always matters. It's learning how to DEAL with
how others think about you... that is a lesson in life we all must
face. Its learning to find one's personal center. It's learning how to
discover one's sense of personal integrity so that one can
subsequently withstand the onslaught of external pressures demanding
that we conform to specific social taboos.

Quite frankly, it looks to me as if you are trying to remove yourself
from having to deal with the anticipation of personal pain you fear
you will feel based on what you fear others might say about you or
think about you. You think you can avoid this lesson? Think again.
Avoiding that lesson only means it will come back in another scenario
again, and again, until you have the courage to pass through that

> I'm the kind of person who goes into church and asks
> Christians, "who would Jesus bomb." At that point I'm
> automatically considered an evil liberal.

I have no idea how making such a statement about whom "...Jesus would
bomb" could possibly cause ANYONE to assume that you must therefore be
an "evil liberal." Are you sure you are reading their responses
accurately, or is it possible that you hope you will be labeled as an
"evil liberal" so that it gives you additional justification to
dismiss how others will perceive you. From what you have told me so
far, what all this seems to boil down to is the fact that you seem to
be fishing around for convenient ways in which to avoid having to deal
with how you fear others will perceive you.

> In this life you can usually take two roads when it
> comes to most decisions. The first road is the one that
> is a compromise of your principles, and branches out to
> many different roads. This road is often easier to ride
> on, has fewer bumps, and makes a commute easy. The second
> road is the one where you refuse to budge one inch on your
> principles. It is full of bumps, and can easily get you a
> flat tire. For example, a woman divorcing her husband after
> being cheated on (THE FIRST TIME) despite having ten kids
> and no way to financially support them, and her husband
> apologizing. Divorce is the only appropriate answer, even
> if it could mean the kids end up being sent to orphanages
> and never seeing each other again. Some may say she should
> have not divorced her husband, but I believe her principles
> are more important than anything else.

I get the sense that certain elements pertaining to this hypothetical
"divorce" scenario you have brought up may have touched on something
that actually happened to you. In what capacity, I don't know.
Nevertheless, you have my sympathies. Seeking counsel from individuals
one has learned to trust is recommended. It can help.

Now, in regards to the infidelity issue you cite here... quite
frankly, noone, you are NOT dealing with "principle" here, even though
you claim you are. The actions you cite have NOTHING to do with
sticking to one's "principles". To be perfectly blunt, you just don't
want to deal with the complexities of what a dynamic relationship
sometimes brings forth between two individuals. Sticking to the
principals you cite here means you don't want to deal with WHY a
spouse might have in the first place temporarily wandered from the
sacred bonds and emotional security of marriage. You are using the
excuse of sticking to your principles so that you can avoid some
potential unpleasant soul-searching on your own part. What are you
really afraid of? That maybe you'll discover the fact that you're just
as imperfect as your spouse? After entering into discussion maybe a
couple WILL discover the sad fact that they actually SHOULD separate,
but then maybe such a drastic decision is unwarranted. Your
"principals" would allow for no opportunity to explore all the choices
- except for your "principal" of avoiding the whole matter altogether.

> If I were Andrea Rossi and if my technology had been copied
> without permission (I'm not saying it has) I would let the
> world consider me the most evil man in history. I would
> sleep just fine at night knowing that I did the right
> th

Re: [Vo]:Wired Magazine- Cold Fusion, NASA, CERN, DARPA....

2012-02-27 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From Kita:


Oops! I see you already posted this info!

Steven Vincent Johnson

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