Re: {W&P} East Timor's "independence": illusion and reality

2002-05-30 Thread maree

- Original Message -
From: "Claes Persson"

Hi all!

Just some thoughts:

It seems as the greed is going to win - again. Those vultures have been
cirkling this tiny half-island for years. Sometimes makeing deals with the
inhabitants, sometimes with each others and neglecting the inhabitants.

Now they are independent? Can any one country be independent in the
globalization age? Will this little nation get a fair deal?

Ok. The islanders may get a little more to put on the table if they are
lucky. But not beacuse the kind corporations let them, only if the
corporations can not get nearly all for them selves. Then who is going to
stop the vulters from getting nealy all? It must be a very good businessman
to do that. And he better have an army, a navy and an airforce behind him to
back him up.

None of the corporations are interrested in the people. The people is just a
complication. Only the money counts and they follow the saying here in the
south of Sweden:

Business is business and if you can fool some one (or a nation) then that's
business too.

Claes Persson
§( :8-)

Think its about time the East Timorese received the returns for the oil and
gas rights Previously they were in the hands of the Indonesians No
one spoke, negotiated or anything with the East Timorese, because they were
a colony of the Portugese
They also prior to the Indonesians invasion had pleaded with not only the US
govt but also the Australian govt for help neither chose to help
them Even so far as the UN has not recognised the Indonesians as
sovereign nation for East Timor, but did nothing to help them The point
is that now they are independent they are going to need all the funds they
can get... and because oil and gas rights are now signed with the East
Timorese, whether through explitative means or not, the funds are going to
the country Reality takes a long time to be born from illusion   and
negative views will not help their people


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Re: {W&P} VB: [Sightings] Humanity Vs. Pt 3 Warning: Controversial

2002-05-25 Thread maree

- Original Message -
From: "al winslow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, May 19, 2002 9:19 PM
Subject: RE: {W&P} VB: [Sightings] Humanity Vs. Pt 3 Warning: Controversial

> Claes Persson wrote:
> > This is really controversial. Is it true? If so maybe it's not so
> > curious that some don't like IMF!
> > > In 1971-72, the CIA was, at least in part, responsible for the
> > > overthrow of the `democratically-elected' Whitlam government in
> > > Australia, supposedly the most educated country in the world.
> > > This is documented in the book and the movie, The Falcon and
> > > The Snowman. The participation of the U.S. governement and its
> > > military in manipulating the governments and elections of Third
> > > World countries is legendary.
>[Al] Wow! "Documented" in a
>  movie! Gee whiz! That's proof beyond a shadow of a doubt!
> > > ECONOMICSby Greg Palast
> > >   The Globalizer Who Came In From the Cold;  Observer,
> > > London. October 10, 2001
> > >
> > >   The World Bank's former Chief Economist's accusations are
> > > eye-popping -  including how the IMF and US Treasury fixed the
> > > Russian elections.
> > >
> > >   "It has condemned people to death," the former apparatchik told
> [Al]Documented in numerous Disney cartoons?!

wow guys!! i've really missed this but here we go!!!
Gough baby was still PM of Aus until November '74 ... there have been
suggestions that the CIA and the US govt didn't like the fact that Gough
baby used parliamentary privilege to let Australians know where the Us bases
were in AUS and what they were for... but lets  face it ... don't think we
quite classify as a developing country .. yet anyway at least
as for the IMF... my suggestion would be that countries that get funds from
the IMF are in chaos anyway, they are decimated financially and
economically, and to get funds they must agree to conditions placed on them
by the IMF, one of those conditions is that of market rule... the joy of
globalised capitalism... and hence these countries are unable to sustain the
development as at their previous rate. Moreover, their governments and
financial institutions have to be transparent and accountable...accountable
to the IMF

no conspiracy, just basic econmics and democracy and rule of law... mostly
not prevalent in these countries...

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> A93MR48T18

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Re: {W&P} Where'd everyone go???

2002-01-19 Thread maree

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What can be done to spread the knowlledge? To make people to think along
those lines? Who are the enemys? Will it be worth the trouble to try? I
don't know. What do you think?

§( :8-)

the problem isn't about spreading knowledge, but having people actually
listen  we live in a world where people use opposing cultures /religions
/tribalism as a means to reinforce their own position... we socialise our
children to believe one narrow view, and if they stand up and suggest
otherwise or question what is being taught they are ostracised /
punished... we breed children, the future adults not to question, just to
accept  very general view, and i do realise there are those within our
society that donot follow this line  but ... we can see withSept 11 that
the media and the govt followed one line immediately at the time of the
attacks (my point here is not to suggest that Osama Bin Laden and his
followers are notthe guilty parties) ... people accepted what was fed to
them, those in other circles who dared suggest that the basis of society was
the rule of law, and justice was not being done thru trial by media, there
was no suggestion of impartiality these people were condemned and ...if
we live in a society , global or otherwise, that denies these simple
fundamental rights, then how is it that we can accept that there are
otherwho choose to live differently, or have different values ... therefore
 we have to start with education and understanding, and tolerance of
difference... and accept that there is nothing wrong with questioning the
status quo 
always worth the trouble to try


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Re: {W&P} Where'd everyone go???

2002-01-16 Thread maree

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Claes the conspiracy/senario i suggested was to hopefully get some ppl
to say something .
You are right ppl have been trying for centuries to have opposing views see
reason  but who's reason is it?  those who want the position of
superiority, those who believe Christianity and democracy are the only ways
to venture on 
the point i am trying to make is that one persons percetion of reason is not
necessarily anothers ... hence continuing tribal conflict ...


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Re: {W&P} Where'd everyone go???

2002-01-14 Thread maree

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refer previous message under subject 

yes we do seem to have similar views... but ...
how about if one was to suggest that what is happening in relation to the
middle east is merely a means by which the economic and imperialist super
powers could undermine the position of their opposition... if we look
closely we can summise that oil comes from the mid east, opium comes from
the mid east, opposition in the form of religion, culture and collectivism
comes from there if we envisage that prior to the end of the cold war
the enemy was communism... now.. we can all suggest that for some one /
tribe to be truly in a position of power, they need an opposition, they need
to justify and legitimate their power and the tools they utislise to reatin
that power ... hence the middle east, and their religion and culture are a
tool of the west to place themselves in a superior position  if we look
back over history, Lennin, Stalin, HItler, just to name a few have used the
same form of propaganda... the promotion of fear  As long as we support
leadersand countries that follow this line of tribalism, there will be no

just a few thoughts . any comments


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Re: {W&P} Where'd everyone go???

2002-01-12 Thread maree

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- Original Message -
From: "Claes Persson"

[Maree]Tribalism has been around for centuries, the formation of society,
based on
family grouping originally, then alliances that provided social and economic
benefits... alliances formed for marriages and exchanges of food ... still
extremely relevant in not only developing countries, but also in western

[Claes] -Exactly. Tribalism has been with us for a thousend years and more
and so har the wars and the conflicts as a result of this tribalism, and it
will go on.

[Maree] Migration across the globe has not belittled the importance of
groups, in actual fact in many instances, people from developing countries
have formed their own niches within societis based on tribal alliances. And
with the growt of global capital tribalism has taken a different form, and
yet has similar affects. As for the future we can see the past decade
has brought many positives, but also negatives on those collective groupings

[Claes] -Yes, a muliracial society is not really excisting. The tribalism
prevales and grows, the bigger the minority group becomes. When it becomes
big enougt to enforce it's own agenda it will do so and if it meets
recistence from the other tribe, the clashes are close. That goes
independent of what create this tribe. Reigion, sport (huliganism) or local
areas (gangs).

[Maree] I can see a degeneration in the democratic equality that is
purported by
western societies in favour of tribal groupings based on economic
necessity... not ideal for the average population, and more desolation for
the impoverished  hence more negativity and the possibility of growth in
anti-western sentiment, even within western society

[Claes]-Economism and globalism is already like a religion for some and that
creates recistance from the groups that want to take another way, but the
busdriver (IMF et al) will not listen. Some of the globalisations figures on
the top of the organisations are already behaving like high priests. This
tribe (that favours the globalisation) is mostly represented by the rich and
powerful as they have most to gain. The resistance is coming from two
sources. First the part that is going to pay the price to fill the wallets
of the rich and powerful high priests of the globalisation. Second from
those in the enlightend intellectual society that can see the oncoming clash
of the tribes. Which side is you on, Maree?

[Maree] I think that the twos sides that are emerging, are in fact one,
socalled enlightened intellectuals may see the oncoming clashes, however
they also are the ones who pay the price. With growing privatisation,
education is facilitated thru grants from the rich and powerful, therefore
sa with the conglomerations and amalgums of media, there is the potential
for those in power to infiltrate education to primarily give their
oportunistic slant on society.. In some respects we can draw analogies with
the western medias portrayal of developing societies and how their
structures and institutions undermine the ideals of their culture. This form
of manipulation has been around for centuries and gives those in power their
justification. As for the side that i am on ... while to some degree i
probably fit into the enlightened intellectual category, i also, thru
necessity, because i am also a consumer, pay the price that expands the
power of the few  Preferrably i think i would suggest that there is a
group that crosses boundaries, and sees the impending clashes... However,
that is only relevant and able to provide benefit it society is willing to
listen to those enlightened rather than retaining their stereotypical views
that has been part and parcel  with their socialisation.

[Claes]This talking of high priests may need an explanation. All tribes
usually has forefront figures that are more or less treated like gods. From
the Sumerians, over the Zarathustrians, the Greek town states, the Roman
Empire, the Napoleonic times, the nazis and to the Stalins.

The global economic empires are no different. One of the high priests of the
globalisation, a friend of president Bush, the chairman (or whatever) of the
collapsed Enron has fallen and the fall is high. Who is now going to be the
new high priest of the 

Re: {W&P} Where'd everyone go???

2002-01-11 Thread maree

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- Original Message -
From: "Claes Persson"

I do agree with the above, but...

One thing, much more basic, that's mostly forgotten is the tribalism. One
group (anyone of the different groups, christians, muslims, buddists,
capitalsts and so on) is convinced of their own grandness and is acting
accordingly. Other groups don't agree as their way of life is considdered
better by themselves. When interrests collide there is trouble as two can
not sit in the same chair, so to speak. There can be only one busdriver in a
bus. If one group of the passengers want to go another way they can not do
that in the same bus. So fighting starts about which way to go, about the
way to live.

Tribes are formed around many interrests like religion, sports, local areas
(gangs) and so on. It is as basic as eating among any living flock of
animals as well as people (wich are animals too, weather they like it or
not, and some, if not many, prove it to the rest of us by beastly behavior).

My point is that under your explanation is tribalism. It has always made
life a living hell for many people. It's basic in life and there is the
reason for my pessimism about peace on earth. It has never excisted and
never will. It's not possible to teach all people to act accordingly and not
to the self interrest. The new order (if that's what it can be called),
globalism, is even more accepting the self interrest to be ruling peoples

Is the future bright? I doubt it. What do you think?

§( :8-)

Tribalism has been around for centuries, the formation of society, based on
family grouping originally, then alliances that provided social and economic
benefits... alliances formed for marriages and exchanges of food ... still
extremely relevant in not only developing countries, but also in western

Migration across the globe has not belittled the importance of tribal
groups, in actual fact in many instances, people from developing countries
have formed their own niches within societis based on tribal alliances. And
with the growt of global capital tribalism has taken a different form, and
yet has similar affects. As for the future we can see the past decade
has brought many positives, but also negatives on those collective groupings

I can see a degeneration in the democratic equality that is purported by
western societies in favour of tribal groupings based on economic
necessity... not ideal for the average population, and more desolation for
the impoverished  hence more negativity and the possibility of growth in
anti-western sentiment, even within western society


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Re: {W&P} Where'd everyone go???

2002-01-11 Thread maree

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- Original Message -
From: "Claes Persson"

> Hey!  what's up?  Last month there were over 500 messages posted and now
> Zero?
> Where'd everyone go?
> Has there been a complete lack of political incidents worthy of
> discussion?
> Is the world at peace?  Is there no political scandal worth discussing?

Now, after the hollydays I agree. Someting has made everybody silent. Why?
Hey, it's a new year. What's on in politics?

we are in the midst of holiday season here ..

What about a torch? How come that in nearly all wars around the world one of
the fighting partys is always the muslims or narkotic gangs? Or both? Or is
that just my impression?

§( :8-)

Religion is one of the greatest dividers in world history. The concept that
Christianity is the legitimation of civilisation has led to many wars. Even
within the western domain. The concepts of divine rule and divine right of
Kings has endowed the pretensions of monarchs, even to the point where a few
centuries ago wars divided people who believed that monarchs and elitists
ruled because of Gods will. And now because religion and culture are so
instrinsicly intertwined, the western modern world believes it is superior
because of democratic practises and others believe that this individualism
has led to the erosion of values. The reality is that wars stem froma power
struggle and while today capitalism rules to some degree, religion and
cultural values are struggling to survive in the face of it 
Multinational corporations and global conglomerates, while bringing
modernisation to the developing world are seen as undermining the peasant /
nomadic traditions, and because these people do not have the same history as
western society, they are unable to adjust accordingly, and therefore use
the propaganda that western imperialism is the cause of all their problems,
rather than then archaic traditions. But thenagain does the western world
have the right to decide that their traditional, and often medieval
practices are wrong?


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Re: {W&P} China laying an egg???

2001-12-27 Thread maree

will it be open in time for easter?


> Just read an interesting article... seems that China is building a new 
> opera house of unusual design... it will look like a huge egg :)
> I hope nobody starts making yokes about it :)
> Space-age opera house still on, says China 
> The Chinese authorities are to go ahead with building a controversial 
> space-age opera house in central Beijing, despite a storm of protest 
> from local architects and academics. 
> The French-designed building is expected to look like a huge egg covered 
> with glass and titanium and set in a lake. Audience members will enter 
> the building via an underwater tunnel. 
> more at 
>  John T 
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2001-12-27 Thread maree

> maree wrote:
> > tell me  is this crap going to continue
> >
> > maree
>  Well, everyone's entitled to their own opinions, aren't they? Perhaps
> you'd care to refute his claims?

but are they his own opinions ? or merely regurgitation?
>  No matter, he's been removed since he's only trying to promote his own
> agenda rather than interact with the membership. If he'd interacted,
> then his postings would fit within the guidelines for this list.

well ... i think that was probably the point of mycomment  thankyou
>   So? Anyone have anything 'controversial' they'd like to discuss?
>   I seem to recall reading in the National Enquirer (or similar rag :))
> that Bin Laden has granted them an Exclusive Interview and will be
> Revealing All !

revealling all? or what he wants those to hear? Personally i think it is
probably another form of hype to sell more copies ... And I don't think he
would be that pathetically stupid to allow some form of media to enter his
domain, although then again.. he did presumeably, from what we are led to
believe thru media speculation that the video of his meeting was left for
someone just conveniently to find... i again find that questionable ... but
he has that chauvenistic view of his own importance and that he could have
deliberately planted it , who knows what goes on in a mind like that ...

>   In addition, he is supposed to be applying for US citizenship so he
> can run for President! He has a few legal issues to clear up, first, of
> course... but how about him for US President in 2004 ?
> JT

just a few legal problems .
i thought that to become Pres you had to be a US born citizen 
Although one could suggest that he has the capacity to organise, manupulate
and control ... he can develop strategic plans and carry them out  full
of his own self importance  demonstrates some formof loyalty to his
religion, culture and people ... what more could one ask for in a Pres?


> ___
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> A93MR48T18

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2001-12-22 Thread maree

tell me  is this crap going to continue


- Original Message - 
From: "John Tomson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 23, 2001 2:42 AM

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> As vilification of the Taliban regime gears up, with the western
> leaders taking the moral high ground (and conveniently forgetting the
> assistance they gave to the Taliban and islamic extremism in general),
> another example of state repression continues unnoticed.
> That is the situation in Chechnya - where a state of war between the
> central Russian state and separatist nationalist guerrillas has existed
> for years now, with ordinary people suffering most, as ever. The
> capital, Grozny, lies in Ruins and tens of thousands of refugees live
> on Chechen borders, too frightened of Russian military brutality to go
> home. Killings, torture and arbitrary detention are commonplace.
> Russia is seeking to hold on to strategically important territory
> (located as Chechnya is near the oil of the Caspian Sea). There is the
> fear that a breakaway Chechnya would fall out of the Russian orbit,
> maybe to come under the influence of rivals such as Iran.
> The continued bloodshed goes on with little attention paid to it in
> "the West". Quite simply, there is nothing to gain from criticising
> Russian actions (hypocritical as this would perhaps be, given all
> capitalist states' readiness to use violence to further their aims)
> because it is economically and politically expedient now to maintain an
> uneasy friendliness with Russia.
> And it must be remembered that "the West" paid precious little
> attention to the brutality of the Taliban regime when it wasn't seen to
> pose a threat to western interests. Now things have changed, and the
> "great and good" have changed their tune. The capitalists and their
> "democratic" politicians will support any dictator (e.g. Saddam
> Hussein, Suharto) so long as their interests are served. When they are
> not, they will turn on them.
>  "Morality" doesn't come into it.
> Jt
> __
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Re: {W&P} Druggies....

2001-12-22 Thread maree

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> ====
maree writes:
> << Its a shame that that same society is what has bred addiction and
> the breeding groung in which it thrives... The poor education and family
> lifestyles where children are placed last on the list below careers and
> material wealth   surely then this society then should also bear the
> responsibility of what it has produced ... rather than hope it just
>  >>
> __
> In one way your statement makes sense ... but in another way it doesn't.
> I did my job right ... so why should *I* pay for the mistakes that others
> have made?
> That's really the bottom line, you know.
> LG

Western society has a tendency to breed a number of types, including those
that conform and those that don't... very general statement  however,
unlike traditional cultures where the extended family is there as a means of
support and guidance when work has to be done, western society maintains, in
growing numbers, latch key children, they also maintain, in growing numbers,
teenage pregnancies there is also a correlation between drug dependence,
abuse and crime with the growth in teenage pregnancies, divorce rates and
family breakdowns... All very general statements, but for a person to be
looking for something to take them away from the life they are living, there
has to be some causation... Now it is great that you have done your job
right.. and your choice of word usage "job" says so much ... i have never
considered the raising of my children as a "job"  I suppose in all this
my point would be .. that there are so many family situations, that are
different, and people who are unable to conform, or rebel... that other
options, such as drug abuse become the easy way .
Now I don't agree with it being an easy way but as a teenager, and
feeling lost and without hope, without believing you have parental support,
and feeling unable and inadequate to achieve the expectations of parents,
feeling that you don't fit in with what your so called piers set as the
'ideal' there are some who will take the option to escape into a high of
drugs ... and then they feel they enjoy that sensation, so they try again
... and then gradually they become dependent upon that feeling and sensation
for survival, that they are then dependent on those drugs just to get thru
the day  These are not adults with fully developed logic and rational
minds ... these are kids who feel lost ... because parents, families and
educators.. and the system/ society has failed them ...
Now you may well have done your job right ... but in doing that are you the
parent of a child who has been the bully, or the one who dictates what the
ideal is to be included .. are you one who decides what entails conforming
in the education system, the standard that society sets, the mode of dress,
what is acceptable/what is not; which families are invited to what parties,
who plays on the local kids sports teams and who is rejected because they
don't conform  ?

think about it

merry xmas


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Re: {W&P} Druggies....

2001-12-18 Thread maree

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> LG: Go play in traffic.
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> I don't think so, I work with people who are the victims of traffic 
> go and play, and then come walk in my shoes   maree >>
> _
> Bet you use "whatever" and "basically" a lot too -- don't you ...
> You work with traffic victims  so you're one of those that make their
> living off the users ... and if there was no drug problem, you'd be out of
> job. Sorry, but in my book, your arguments just lost all credibility.
> got to much at stake in the game to be taken seriously.
> LG

no ... don't make my living off users ... 'at this point in time' I have
nothing to do with anyone that has any form of illegal addiction ... the
people I work with are the victimes of traffic accidents ... you know ...
cars  buses ... trucks . so why does that mean I have lost any
credibility  because you say so ...

As for the psychological studies  they used consenting adults who are
recovering addicts and their families ... and believe that they can see the
same difference in children as shown in the addict themselves...

Your generalisations of addiction does not take into consideration the
addiction problems that the Vietnam war, or the Gulf war has caused It
also doesnot take into consideration those on the periphery of society, all
it accounts for is how your perspective views addicts ... And yes I have
seen the lives of those shattered by addicts... and their families that make
excuses and are willing to try anything to help their relatedaddict ... I
have also seen the so called government help that is offered where one form
of addiction is traded for another, and how because of their problem they
are totally ostracised from society, criminalised by judgemental people who
only want to view them as the scourge, lazy and cowardly blot on society

Its a shame that that same society is what has bred addiction and provides
the breeding groung in which it thrives... The poor education and family
lifestyles where children are placed last on the list below careers and
material wealth   surely then this society then should also bear the
responsibility of what it has produced ... rather than hope it just


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Re: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: {W&P} Bush & Treaties....

2001-12-15 Thread maree

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In a message dated 12/13/01 2:57:38 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
  isn't part of the cure, finding out the problem?maree
  Not if it turns out the problem was he wanted to FEEL good. Then 
  what? janice
  Then I agree with you . the person 
  deserves what he/she gets .... 
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Re: {W&P} Bush & Treaties.... welfare and Voting

2001-12-15 Thread maree

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SYSTEM with Amazing Apple Cider 
  Roger wrote: 
  keeping someone from doing something really stupid that puts themselves 
  and those around them at risk of death (like people in wheel chairs in 110 
  story buildings) makes me a discriminatory person, so be it. My 
  discrimination will (and has in the past) saved lives.  maree 
  wrote:  Surely then, if people in wheel 
  chairs are to have access to buildings of such height then there should 
  also be a responsibility on the owners / developers / architects to ensure 
  that the same risks are countered, building codes should reflect and 
  adequately cover these problems. While you may argue that this is not a 
  viable option, nor is the option to limit the height that there is wheel 
  chair access. It is another catch 22, you discriminate to save lives, by 
  denying equal access. 
  Roger replies: 

  There is no catch 22! Your priorities are messed up! 
  You equate "equal access" with saving lives
  My priorities are not messed up  my catch 22 
  was in relation to the ideas proffered by governments on equality, and 
  further the concepts of equal access  this was also linked with 
  buildings and businesses that offered equal opportunities and yet not 
  allowances for the disadvantages that wheel chairs posed. If governments 
  allow buildings to be built that offer access to wheelchairs, then they 
  should enforce building codes that make allowances . they don't 
  maree wrote:   
  as for your judgement of myself and my age  and my opinions  try 
  Roger replies: 
  I can only base my conclusions on your words, typical of  youth. Your 
  actual age matters not, only your actions and to a lessor extent, your words. 
  "Equal access" is more important than life itself!!! 
  never said that  and while i may argue an 
  opposing view, doesn't mean i necessarily agree with it ... after all this is 
  a discussion group, therefore one could suggest that some people may choose 
  the option of  taking an opposing line to generate further discussion 
   then again  
  Do you agree with the blind adults that sued the German hospitals because 
  the hospitals caused their blindness? The hospitals actually caused there 
  blindness. It is now a well known fact. Why? Because the babies were born so 
  premature, that the only way known (at the time) to keep them alive in the 
  1950's was to place them in an incubator with 100% oxygen, which ruined their 
  eyes and made them blind for life. 
  Roger Ohio   
  again a catch 22, do you utilise the knowledge and 
  technology of the time to save a life, or aimlessly stand by and watch them 
  die . ? I disagree with the suits, on those grounds  However, if it 
  was found that they knew the oxygen levels/ratios would cause irrepairable 
  damge i would not . 
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Re: {W&P} Bush & Treaties....

2001-12-15 Thread maree

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maree wrote: 


  Don't you think that the focus should be on what has turned a 
person into a drug addict ... while I don't have a problem with the 
concept of work .. I do believe there needs to be more ... and maybe 
confiscation of ALL assets of any dealers and associates 

Original Message -No no no and no again. The 
  liberals love to spend millions of tax dollars on figuring out why some 
  dunce became a drug addict. WHO CARES? Lets focus our attention on 
  curing him not analyzing his FEELINGS. It gives you way more bang for the 
isn't part of the cure, 
  finding out the problem?  maree 
  Marree, hello!!! The problem is a lack of willpower!!! Any body 
  When I get fat, it is because I eat too much. I choose to eat 
  those great meals and the fantastic deserts. I have a tremendous weakness 
  for great apple pie, cake made from scratch, ice cream. You know the 
  drill. Damn, those genes and taste buds!!! And that woman who makes those 
  goodies I cannot refuse She is evil!! I am slobering like a dog as I 
  write this! Can  any body help me??? PLEASE!!! PLEASE (Throw 
  money at me!) 
  OK, ok, I am all right now. Keep your money. I got control of 
  myself. I was ready to jump in my pkup and go to Mom's and eat that half a 
  pie I know she has sitting on the counter and the grab that ice cream in 
  the fridge... but no, I will overcome my 
  Mom enables me to be fat!!! No matter what I say, she keeps making 
  those pies and cakes for Dad. And worse yet, he isn't fat! Why did I 
  get so cheated by the genes!!! (hmmm... maybe I am adopted??!!)  So 
  that is what is wrong with me!!!  Thank God. I thought it was my lack 
  of will power, but no! It is the genes!! HOORAY! Free at last! Thank God, 
  I am free of guilt at last!!! 
  well, I will not go to Mom's today. I will stay away from that person who 
  enables me to get fat That nasty woman!!! Who does she think she is 
  baking all those cakes and pies. I will prevail  I will resist 
  her evilness!!! 
  Why can I do it??? Because I have a brain that works Thank 
  Roger Ohio
  do we feel better now?
  so how long has it taken you to 
  develop this will power?
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Re: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: {W&P} Bush & Treaties....

2001-12-13 Thread maree

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In a 
  message dated 12/10/01 9:53:14 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
  Don't you think that the focus should be on what has turned a 
person into a drug addict ... while I don't have a problem with the concept 
of work .. I do believe there needs to be more ... and maybe confiscation of 
ALL assets of any dealers and associates ... maree
- Original Message - 
  No no no and no again. The liberals love to spend millions of tax 
  dollars on figuring out why some dunce became a drug addict. WHO CARES? 
  Lets focus our attention on curing him not analyzing his FEELINGS. It gives 
  you way more bang for the buck.janice

  isn't part of 
  the cure, finding out the problem?
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Re: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: {W&P} Bush & Treaties....

2001-12-13 Thread maree

SYSTEM with Amazing Apple Cider 

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i don't think so

> Lady -- You come walk a mile or two in my shoes, see what I've seen and
> through the hell that I've lived through ... then we'll talk. Until then,
> don't you dare call me anything! I'm not some pansy-assed liberal who's
> a couple of TV documentaries and maybe read a book on the subject ... I've
> seen it up close and personal over a period of 30 years...

And you don't think i have? tell me then if you have had all this
experience. why is it that you generalise that drug addicts are cowards? Not
all addicts have the same opportunities, many actually are forced into their
dependence. In psychological studies they have actually found a part of the
brain that is different in addicts, they have alos found that while the
brain and nervous system naturally produce drugs, some are more susceptible
to addiction because of anomalies within the brain than others... Now while
i would not argue that this is the case for all addicts, not all are cowards
 Tell me have you ever been addicted to anything?  caffeine, cigarettes,
alcahol, gambling ... all drugs of one form or another... all affect
I've seen what addiction does to families, and i've also seen where young
people are rejected by their families, and turn to drugs as a means of
escape... I've seen people turned out on the streets, where prostitution and
drugs are their means of survival, now you may argue that these people are
cowards, but i would argue that our system has failed them...

> Go play in traffic.
> LG

I don't think so, I work with people who are the victims of traffic 
you go and play, and then come walk in my shoes


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Re: {W&P} Bush & Treaties.... welfare and Voting

2001-12-13 Thread maree

SYSTEM with Amazing Apple Cider 


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  If keeping someone from doing something really stupid that puts 
  themselves and those around them at risk of death (like people in wheel chairs 
  in 110 story buildings) makes me a discriminatory person, so be it. My 
  discrimination will (and has in the past) saved lives. 
  Surely then, if people in wheel chairs are to have 
  access to buildings of such height then there should also be a responsibility 
  on the owners / developers / architects to ensure that the same risks are 
  countered, building codes should reflect and adequately cover these problems. 
  While you may argue that this is not a viable option, nor is the option to 
  limit the height that there is wheel chair access. It is another catch 22, you 
  discriminate to save lives, by denying equal access.
  The law should keep people in wheel chairs from endangering other people as 
  any law should be to protect other people.   If a person wants to be 
  stupid and risk their life, that is OK with me; I think we should have that 
  right. But when one persons risk taking endangers other lives, that is when 
  the law should step in and say no. 
  As far as your amusement goes, I see nothing amusing about dozens of wheel 
  chairs jammed in a stairwell in a burning building. But, after all, you are 
  only about 20 years old and your heart rule your opinions instead of your 
  brain. Perfectly understandable. 
  Roger Ohio 
  My amusement was not of a comic nature.
  And as for your judgement of myself and my age  and my opinions 
   try again
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Re: {W&P} Bush & Treaties.... welfare and Voting

2001-12-11 Thread maree

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I have read what you have written, and I disagree, while 
I have a problem with people on welfare because they are too lazy to get off 
their butts and do something for themselves, I don't believe that they should be 
precluded from voting. They not only have that right as a citizen, but also that 
responsibility, morally and legally. After all governments are predicated 
on the idea that they are there to represent the people. All the people, 
not just those who can afford them.
On the other hand the governments are there for the 
people, and therefore should have programs for them to re-enter the workforce. 
Even if that does include gardening, military service, or some form of community 
program. Even if it means sending some back into the school system to be 
re-educated in some form or another. And maybe that is where these issues should 
be addressed, it seems there is a continuum of the downgrding of education 
standards that seem to correlate with the increase in welfare costs 

As for your comments regarding wheel chairs  I found 
them amusing, but you seem to enjoy provoking responses by the use of 
disciminatory niches. 
But, if I was in a wheel chair... I don't think I'd like to be on the 68th 
floor either But I also wouldn't want to be told that I couldn't be 

  - Original Message - 
  Roger J. 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 11:32 
  Subject: Re: {W&P} Bush & 
  Treaties welfare and Voting
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====maree wrote: 

And what makes you believe that people on welfare, the 
  recipients of the redispersion of taxation, actually vote for those in 
  power?  Do they actually vote at all? Surely you don't suggest that 
  we turn the clock back 200 yrs+ to the days when only the aristocracy and 
  those with vested interests had right to say how society was run? Surely 
  we have moved onand the rights of citizenship means more than money? And 
  you must also remember that a number of the people that you refer to as 
  welfare recipients are not there of their own choice. 
  Some people are not in a position to make that 
  choice. The concept of welfare is to enable people of the lower eschalons 
  to be educated and have opportunities to achieve. If you take that away 
  from them, you will be further degredating society. Surel the means to 
  alleviate the problems of welfare are to provide better education, rather 
  than further discrimination. 
  I don't believe that those on welfare actually are in charge of the 
  cheque book. As I also understand the system, you are only permitted to be 
  on welfare for a certain period of time, and must find employment. What 
  about those on welfare who are disabled? or those because their marriage 
  has broken down, or because businesses have shut down, or because some 
  illness has befallen the family, which means that the person who would 
  normally be employed becomes the primary care giver? 
  As with any rule, there should be exceptions. However, I do not want to 
  create another "agency" to determine who should vote and who should not.  
  Keep it simple. Everyone receiving public assistance is reported to the board 
  of elections and they are not allowed to vote. Whether they are on assistance 
  by choice or by unfair circumstances, they should not be allowed to vote. 
  Further, I like to think that voters determine (very indirectly) how money is 
  spent by the government. As crude as it sounds, if a person is forced on 
  welfare because of a broken marriage, well, I didn't pick him (her). 
  The welfare limitation is a relatively new law, but there are dozens of 
  other types of public assistance that have no limitations, and some should not 
  have limitations, just for some of the cases you mentioned... but they should 
  still not be allowed to vote. 
  While on improper laws and rules, I do not think people in wheel chairs 
  should be in sky scrapers. The press has not allowed much of this story to be 
  reported, but many people trying to get out of the WTC found stairwells jammed 

Re: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: {W&P} Bush & Treaties....

2001-12-10 Thread maree

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- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 10:58 AM
Subject: Re: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: {W&P} Bush & Treaties

> Win a FREE Family Vacation!
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> In a message dated 12/10/01 3:37:42 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> << Gee I don't know   tell me how many drug addicts have you met?
> many actually have serious emotional problems. There are alos those who
> succumb to peer pressure, and those who have been froced into it because
> they live on the streets because their everso noce caring families have
> kicked them out. Then there are those who just use drugs as a means of
> escaping reality. Surely the people who you should be focussing your anger
> and irritation are those that profit from addicts... the pushers, sellers
> etc .. they are the cowards>>
> I don't have enough fingers and toes to count 'em ... And some of them
> never suspect because of the positions that they hold.
> Through family members I have met, shall we say, interesting people. You
> know, they actually have a code that they live by ... you wouldn't think
> but they do. At least when they respect you, they do.
> I don't consider the pushers cowards, they're opportunists praying on
> people's weaknesses. And if I had my druthers, when they were caught
> they'd be put down like a wounded animal ... no fuss, muss or bother --
> eliminate the slimes asap.
> But the users with all their excuses about how they [fling hair back]
> Cope" ... Maybe 1 in 10 have a really legitimate excuse that would hold
> but the majority of them don't. They're cowards, unable to face life --
> they want is a quick escape and they could care less who gets hurt in the
> process -- OR -- maybe not ... Maybe they're just so blasted stupid they
> don't know any better ... but either way, I have no use for them.
> LG

Must really be nice to have a prefect life, and be so perfect .. how
very shallow and judgemental you are

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Re: SV: SV: SV: {W&P} guns, knives and political games

2001-12-10 Thread maree

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> Win a FREE Family Vacation!
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> In a message dated 12/10/01 11:22:15 AM Pacific Standard Time,
> << Are the personel also working for and getting their paychecks from
> federal, state, country or city goverments? Or are they working for and
> getting their paychecks from private companys that run the prisons for the
> above? >>
> __
> They get their paychecks from federal, state, country or city goverments
> depending upon which system they're working for. We see government tax
> measures all the time about building a new prison or hiring more guards
> the local jail.
> LG

Usually what happens is that a contract to build a prison is put to tender
process. Then the contract to run the prison is put to tender process. This
also includes the payment of employees, therefore the company who has the
tender to run the prison pays the employees. Only if the prison is
government controlled, state, federal or local do the paychecks come from


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Re: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: {W&P} Bush & Treaties....

2001-12-10 Thread maree

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- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 6:56 AM
Subject: Re: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: {W&P} Bush & Treaties

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> In a message dated 12/10/01 9:53:22 AM Pacific Standard Time,
> << Don't you think that the focus should be on what has turned a person
> a drug addict  >>
> ___
> I don't think that focusing on the fact that the drug addict is a
> lily-livered coward that never grew up would really solve anything ...
> they already know that, don't they?
> LG

Gee I don't know   tell me how many drug addicts have you met? Because
many actually have serious emotional problems. There are alos those who
succumb to peer pressure, and those who have been froced into it because
they live on the streets because their everso noce caring families have
kicked them out. Then there are those who just use drugs as a means of
escaping reality. Surely the people who you should be focussing your anger
and irritation are those that profit from addicts... the pushers, sellers
etc .. they are the cowards


> ==
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Re: {W&P} Bush & Treaties....

2001-12-10 Thread maree

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  - Original Message - 
  Roger J. 
  Sent: Monday, December 10, 2001 11:35 
  Subject: Re: {W&P} Bush & 
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  I suggest people on public assistance should not be allowed to vote. That 
  will eliminate politicians buying votes with taxpayer's money.  That will 
  make politicians "earn" the vote of the people that make the economy strong 
  instead of partially or completely ignoring them. I think that is the only 
  change necessary to solve the problem completely. 
  And what makes you believe that people on welfare, 
  the recipients of the redispersion of taxation, actually vote for those in 
  power?  Do they actually vote at all? Surely you don't suggest that we 
  turn the clock back 200 yrs+ to the days when only the aristocracy and those 
  with vested interests had right to say how society was run? Surely we have 
  moved onand the rights of citizenship means more than money? And you must also 
  remember that a number of the people that you refer to as welfare recipients 
  are not there of their own choice.
  If people value their right to vote, they will avoid public assistance or 
  or get off as soon as possible. If they do not value their right to vote, they 
  can (as far as I am concerned) stay on public assistance as long as they do 
  not vote for the people making the policies and laws regarding public 
  Some people are not in a position to make that 
  choice. The concept of welfare is to enable people of the lower eschalons to 
  be educated and have opportunities to achieve. If you take that away from 
  them, you will be further degredating society. Surel the means to alleviate 
  the problems of welfare are to provide better education, rather than further 
  We do not let under age people vote because they are irresponsible. People 
  on public assistance, to some extent, have befallen circumstances that have 
  put then in a position they are unable to take care of themselves, thus the 
  government picks up part or all of the tab for their living expenses. If 
  welfare recipients are allowed to vote, the person receiving the money is 
  allowed to tell the giver of the money how much money to give the receiver. No 
  "employee" should be allowed to be in charge of the "employer's" check book. 
  Roger Ohio 
  I don't believe that those on welfare actually are in charge of the 
  cheque book. As I also understand the system, you are only permitted to be on 
  welfare for a certain period of time, and must find employment. What about 
  those on welfare who are disabled? or those because their marriage has broken 
  down, or because businesses have shut down, or because some illness has 
  befallen the family, which means that the person who would normally be 
  employed becomes the primary care giver? 
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Re: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: {W&P} Bush & Treaties....

2001-12-10 Thread maree

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  - Original Message - 
  james gale 
  Sent: Sunday, December 09, 2001 6:28 
  Subject: Re: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: 
  {W&P} Bush & Treaties
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  Just a question. Just suppose 
  that all countries abandoned all social program forthe unwed mothers the 
  drugaddicted the insane the lazy the handicapped the infirm. many of these 
  could be considered Able bodied what happens then. No support no money coming 
  in no shelters. I suggest that that is a price we wouldn't want to pay. We 
  would be back in Dickensen England or worse. 
  Or maybe a few 
  decades ago when illegal abortions were prevalent, girls were sent to homes 
  and their babies taken away .
  Now can we get tougher on the 
  people that show up time after time on the dole. A girl gets one free child 
  andthen herchildren get taken away perhaps? 
  What happened to 
  child support from the father ... surely it is not only the female that has to 
  bear the responsibility..
  A man gets so many 
  payments and then if he hasn't found a job into the armed forces as a cook or 
  grounds keeper perhaps. 
  and who will raise 
  the children?
  A drug addict gets one chance 
  to clean up and he spends quality time in a national park cutting grass ect. 
  It could be done. Its just too easy now. Jim
  Don't you think 
  that the focus should be on what has turned a person into a drug addict ... 
  while I don't have a problem with the concept of work .. I do believe there 
  needs to be more ... and maybe confiscation of ALL assets of any dealers and 
  associates ... 
- Original Message - 

Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2001 8:55 
Subject: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: 
{W&P} Bush & Treaties

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  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2001 
  11:46 AM
  Subject: Re: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: 
  {W&P} Bush & Treaties
  In a message dated 
  12/6/01 1:37:59 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  I meant: where has it gone wrong in the USA when you cant 
make sure that every citizen at least have a deasent way of living in 
spite of so low prises on many 
  The point is why should the taxpayer make sure every lazy low 
  life has a free ride. People who are TRULY in need are well taken care of 
  by the government and by charities. But if you are an able bodied person, 
  there is no reason you need a handout from the hardworking taxpayers. Drug 
  addiction is not a reason to expect to be taken care of. It is a personal 
  choice for a person to remain that way. having children when you are not 
  married is a personal choice. Neither of these things should be the 
  responsibility of the taxpayer. 
  --No. The point is: How come that the taxpayer in USA always see 
  themselves as victims and not as the fortunate ones? They can pay tax. 
  They have what they need or they wouln't qualify as taxpayers. Some 
  positive thinking would help, don't you think?
  §( :8-)
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Re: {W&P} Expulsion

2001-03-30 Thread maree

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> ====
> Maree:
> > What actually were the Russians caught doing, or is it just
> > supposition ?
> > I thought the cold war had ended.
> > Isn't the spy thing a bit parse?
> >
> Tim:
> > I thought it was in response to the recent revelation of
> > the FBI double agent who "gave away the farm".
> > >
> Maree:
> > haven't heard that one, would you care to elaborate ?
> Tim:
> > I am referring to the FBI agent who allegedly supplied the
> > Russians with information including the identity of two
> > KGB double agents (who were subsequently executed) and the
> > listening tunnel under the Russian Embassy.
> Maree:
> > An American student who was investigated on suspicion of
> > espionage and charged with possession of marijuana may
> > instead face more serious drug charges.
> >
> Tim:
> OK.  I'm not sure I follow the flow here.
> Tim

My apologies, left out the linking explanation / question
the student was arrested in Russia, and with the climate at the moment it
appears that the original possession charges have been severely increased to
include espionage... Is there a link between this and the expulsion of
Russion diplomats ?
Does this also mean that there will be a rebirth of the cold war antagonisms


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Re: {W&P} New member - 2nd Moderator.

2001-03-29 Thread maree

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> is iffy at best. Must I unsubscribe???
> Pat
and hello

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Re: bombing? Re: {W&P} Group Policy, etc.

2001-03-28 Thread maree

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> ========
> From: maree
> maree
> p.s  another bombing in Jerusalem ?
> -
>   I hadn't heard that... when?
> John T
A suicide bombing at a gas station in central Israel killed three people
Wednesday, The explosion near the Israeli border with the Palestinian West
Bank came one day after a suicide bomber blew himself up in Jerusalem,
injuring scores of passengers on a bus. It took place between the Israeli
city of Kfar Sava and the Palestinian city of Qalqilya. A few minutes before
the blast, a bomb was discovered and defused in the open-air market in the
coastal resort of Netanya, where a suicide bomber and three other people
were killed in an explosion about two weeks ago. In six months of fighting
between Israel and the Palestinians, more than 435 people have been killed,
including 358 Palestinians and 60 Israeli Jews.

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Re: {W&P} Expulsion

2001-03-28 Thread maree

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> > > maree wrote:
> > >
> > > > What actually were the Russians caught doing, or is it just
> > > supposition ?
> > > > I thought the cold war had ended.
> > > > Isn't the spy thing a bit parse?
> > > > maree
> > > >
> > >
> > > I thought it was in response to the recent revelation of
> > > the FBI double agent who "gave away the farm".
> > >
> > > Tim
> > >
> > 
> > haven't heard that one, would you care to elaborate ?
> > 
> > maree
> > 
> > 
> I am referring to the FBI agent who allegedly supplied the
> Russians with information including the identity of two
> KGB double agents (who were subsequently executed) and the 
> listening tunnel under the Russian Embassy.
> Tim
An American student who was investigated on suspicion of
espionage and charged with possession of marijuana may
instead face more serious drug charges.

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Re: {W&P} Expulsion

2001-03-27 Thread MAREE ANNE JOHNSON

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> BROADWAY TRAVEL.  The Latin Travel Specialist.
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> Central & South Americas.  Bi-Lingual Site & Service.
> ====
> maree wrote:
> > What actually were the Russians caught doing, or is it just 
> supposition ?
> > I thought the cold war had ended.
> > Isn't the spy thing a bit parse?
> > maree
> > 
> I thought it was in response to the recent revelation of 
> the FBI double agent who "gave away the farm".
> Tim

haven't heard that one, would you care to elaborate ?


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Re: {W&P} Group Policy, etc.

2001-03-27 Thread maree

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  (John) Yep, and you now qualify for the 
  booby prize :)
  OK ! 
  but there is really no need !
    Ok!  in that case the prize has been rescinded! 
  now i am disappointed !
    See why the 
  'must post' rule is usually ineffective? Thanks maree 
  (and I have now 
  satisfied the '2 post' rule and shall be quiet :))
  Oh !!! now if everyone has that attitude, the 
  list will remain quiet 
  Well, someone has to obey the Rules, after all :) 
  But I don't see anyone else posting their 2 posts where oh where are 
  all the others?
  lurking in the background
  PS: Any comments on 
  the removal of Russian 'agents' from the US and the Russian 
  see other 
     Seen and Responded... but now I have to nod off... have 
  a nice day :)
  Night actually !
  p.s  another bombing in Jerusalem ?
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Re: {W&P} Expulsion

2001-03-27 Thread maree

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>[John T]   That's what was making headlines... they said that the spy
population has
> reached Cold War levels...  unfortunately, I've been working OT for the
> week and haven't had much time to check anything...  I was hoping that
> of the folks on this list would have some info to share...
I get the NY Times daily, and have only just caught up, but there was only
one story in the past weeks about it... said that the US plans to expel 50
Russian diplomats between now and JUly, only reason is that they were
persuing activities incompatible with their status, What ever that means ?

>   And now everything seems to be swept under the carpet.. I haven't seen
> heard of anything since the news article last Thursday (at least I think
> was Thursday :))

And you expected otherwise ? Is the new administration testing the waters ?

>   But the 'spy thing' is still going strong... technology that can be
> sure costs less than technology which is licensed...

Yes, but do they have the capabilities to use or develop further... Not
necessarily knowledge but financial or infrastructure that has been
decimated through lack of modernisation ?

>   I still remember when the first low-end Soviet LED watch was
> it was an almost exact duplicate of a Timex - the only difference was that
> it's circuits were mirror imaged... as if they were copied from a magazine
> photo (and at the time, Timex had an advertisement which included a photo
> their circuit board :))
must have been before my time !!

>   Of course, that could also have been some misinformation released to
> tarnish the Soviets... who knows what was true and what wasn't... I doubt
> anyone could keep it all straight :)

Depends on which side of the iron curtain you're on !

>   Any comments on 'disinformation'???
> John T

is this a new word ?

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Re: {W&P} Group Policy, etc.

2001-03-27 Thread maree

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  (John) Yep, and you now qualify for the booby 
  prize :)
  OK ! 
  but there is really no need !
    See why the 'must 
  post' rule is usually ineffective? Thanks maree :)
  (and I have now 
  satisfied the '2 post' rule and shall be quiet :))
  Oh !!! now if everyone has that attitude, the 
  list will remain quiet 
  PS: Any comments on the 
  removal of Russian 'agents' from the US and the Russian 
  see other 
- Original Message - 

  - Original Message - 
  Jerek Landin 
  Excuse me for the typos** 
  Jerek Landin Your 2nd 
  Only if I have to 
  Hey, that's 2 posts in i day 
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RE: {W&P} Expulsion

2001-03-27 Thread maree

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> So, that being said who wants to start talking about War and Politics?
> What's the latest 'hot spot'? Any comments on the removal of Russian
> 'agents' from the US and the Russian response?
> John T - War and Politics Owner
Does this mean that there will be tit for tat revivals, and I can do it
better than you can mentality ?
What actually were the Russians caught doing, or is it just supposition ?
I thought the cold war had ended.
Isn't the spy thing a bit parse?

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Re: {W&P} Group Policy, etc.

2001-03-27 Thread maree

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  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 8:02 
  Subject: Re: {W&P} Group Policy, 
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  Excuse me for the typos** 
  Jerek Landin Your 2nd Moderator. 
  Only if I have to 
  Hey, that's 2 posts in i day !
  maree--- Sponsor's Message --
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Re: {W&P} Group Policy, etc.

2001-03-27 Thread maree

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- Original Message -
From: "Jerek Landin
> Hello all. As your 2nd Moderator, I introduce to the War_and_Politics
> version of Topica, your Policy.
> 1. You must post a required 2 posts per day, although you may as much as
> yu want per day, 24/7, round the clock.

I post if there is something to respond to has this suddenly become a

> 2. Stay on topic. This is a war & politics list not a car one, etc.
> Either me, your 2nd Moderator or the list master John, will email you if
> you are straying off.


> 3. Although this list is a privat discussion, if you have anything to
> sell pertaining to the list topil, you may do so. Private information
> such as address's, etc but be delt with off the list.

no thankyou

> 4. When reply to someones message, please do not copy and paste thir
> entire previous message, Only copy and paste a sentence or 2 so that the
> reader may get a skim of the post.

and the person who's comments you are responding to would also be nice

> 5. Try to refrain yourself from offending other people and we ask you
> repect other's opinions.

now where's the fun in that ?

>  - Your right as a member.
> 1. You have the right to speak out and give your opinion on something.
so what topic do you suggest ?


> 2. You have the right to contact your list Master or your 2nd Moderator
> (me) to give complaints, suggestions, comments or to ask questions. You
> may contact your List Master to  [EMAIL PROTECTED] . You may
> contact your 2nd Moderator to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .
> Thank you,
> Jerek Landin
> Your 2nd Moderator.
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Re: {W&P} Back In The USSR?

2001-03-06 Thread maree

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- Original Message -
From: "John T"
> Found this interesting article on the BBC site any comments?
> Back In The USSR?
> Do the return of soviet symbols and the reintroduction of compulsory
> residential permits suggest Russia, under Putin, is returning to the
> controls of the old USSR?

Russia, from what I have read seems to have  an endless cycle. There seems
to be an embedded need for authoritarian paternal govt. In looking at their
history, it seems that through control and through adversity, they have the
capacity to generate growth. It is amazing what fear and violence can do for
people. However, with the changes over the past decades, and the stagnation
of their society, and the decimation and erosion of their military might in
the eyes of the western world, maybe Russians will accept a return to
previous controls, as a means of rebuilding. Hopefully, they will find a
more reasonable way. But then again, Putin was in the secret police, so he
is used to using force rather than reason.. That was evident after the sub
went down and people were tranquilised in public view. Maybe they see that
the only way for survival is a return to the old. Maybe, they look to the
past, as a way to the future, because the present has only, generally
speaking, seen the collapse of infrastrucure. And if you are fed propaganda
that the reason for this is the westernisation of your country, you are
probably going to end up believing that west IS NOT best

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Re: {W&P} nNew Year - Old Problems

2001-01-08 Thread maree

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From: "Tamar Herzberg
> > >
> > > Well, what's everyone doing these days?
> > >
> > Relaxing in the pool
> Lucky Maree: Writing an assignment about Marx's
> epistemology (don't even ask. By the way, I checked
> and he's not one of the brothers...); Trying to find
> out what went wrong with my newsletter's
> ( server; and mainly
> working.

I wrote and present my paper on Marx in August, and am on a break from uni
for another month, so I will relax.. and move house also.

> >
> > > Is Saddam Hussein stepping down?
> > >
> >
> > I don't think so, he is probably relishing in the US
> > Presidential elections.
> There's a rumour here in the Mid East as if he had a
> stroke. However, even if he dies, I doubt if his
> successor will be much nicer.
What a shame, but its probably another sham... But I wouldn't expect
anything different from his predecessor either. There has been far too much
anti western propaganda. And furthermore,  the people have associated the
blame and hatred for their lives with the west... And that will take a long
time to change.

> > > Will OPEC cut back on production Again and raise
> > Oil Prices?
> > >
> > probably, they have the upperhand, and know that
> > because so much of the
> > globe is at their disposal.
> Furthermore. Young Mr Bush has "some" oil interests.
Now, why doesn't that surprise me 

> >
> > > Anyone have anything else they might want to
> > discuss?
> > >
> > >
> > whats happening in Israel at the moment ?
> War and Politics ;-)
> War - even if you don't hear about it everyday in the
> news, people keep on getting killed. For example: This
> week a car blasted in Israel, a couple were killed in
> the occupied territories (5 of their children wounded)
> of Palestinian guns; Two men shot in Israel from the
> territories (on a border area). In the Palestinian
> side also - people (I think 3 were killed this week),
> incl. a top member of the Tanzim - The PA's military
> arm.
> Politics -
> (1) Clinton still tries to get the two sides to talk.
> As we speak, they are in Washington, as if there is no
> war.
> (2) The couple who got killed in the territories, were
> not just "a" couple. They were the son and daughter in
> law of the notorious Rabbi Kahane. For those of you
> who don't know: he was the Israeli version of a
> Neo-Fascist/Aryan Nation - "kill all the Arabs, or at
> least through them out". In the US he headed Jewish
> Defence League - a violent organisation. I saw in
> friday news coverage of their funral. Them crazy
> followers shouting all these mantras and one of them
> is holding a sign saying "I want war" - sure he does.
> Most of these are Americans and Ultra Orthodox who
> don't serve in the military. They don't care if out
> brothers get killed for their cause.
> Tamar
> =
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Re: {W&P} New Year - Old Problems

2001-01-05 Thread maree

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- Original Message -
From: "John T"
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> Well, what's everyone doing these days?
Relaxing in the pool

> Is Saddam Hussein stepping down?

I don't think so, he is probably relishing in the US Presidential elections.
Makes good propaganda that the leading Republican democracy is having so
many problems. Adds to his anti-western stance. He must be rubbing his hands
together and savouring the glory.

> What's happening in Pakistan?
Well its not cricket !

> Will OPEC cut back on production Again and raise Oil Prices?
probably, they have the upperhand, and know that because so much of the
globe is at their disposal.

> Anyone have anything else they might want to discuss?
whats happening in Israel at the moment ?
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Re: {W&P} Indonesia

2000-12-25 Thread maree

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> (John T) Indonesia bombings disrupt Chrismas eve celebrations... that's
what they said
> on the morning news...
> I must admit, I wasn't aware of problems in Indonesia what's going on
> there? Who's doing what to whom?  Anyone know?

Indonesia has been in turmoil for many years. However, with the Soeharto
family at the helm, and the support of the military, any uprisngs or
dissention was immediately suppressed. East Timor, previously annexed by
Indonesia has had military peacekeepers present for over the past year.
Arche (sp) has been seeking to gain self determination. With the Wahid govt,
seen as not strong enough the miitary are not in total support. The church
bombings which you have pointed to are another round of anti - christian
fundamentalism. The muslim population are at the end of Ramadan which is
coinciding with Chritian festivities. Another factor is the Chinese. If you
remember, the purges in the late fifties / sixties they were Chinese.
Another thought is that there could be military people who are behind the
scenes. I am unsure of the exact reason for the latest bombings, but there
has not just been one there has been about half a dozen. But because Aus is
so close to Indonesia, and we have peacekeeping troops in East Timor, what
is happening gets wider coverage.

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Re: {W&P} Happy Holidays

2000-12-25 Thread maree

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merry xmas
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Re: {W&P} interesting perspective

2000-12-21 Thread maree

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Last year,  when the US was having severe fire 
problems, Australian, and other countries' fire fighters went to the US 
Australia, supported the US in Vietnam, and was left to 
clean up.
Although, the US goes to the aid of many countries, other 
countries across the globe do so also, maybe not to the same degree, but they 
are there..
This is out of a Canadian 
newspaper.  There are some inaccuracies in it, but I thought it was 
interesting nonetheless.

  > >> America: The Good Neighbor.
  > >>
  > >> Widespread but only partial news coverage was 
  > >> recently to a remarkable editorial broadcast 
  > >> Toronto by Gordon Sinclair, a Canadian 
  > >> commentator. What follows is the full text of 
  > >> trenchant remarks as printed in the 
  > >> Record:
  > >>
  > >> "This Canadian thinks it is time to speak up for 
  > >> Americans as the most generous and possibly 
  > >> least appreciated people on all the 
  > >>
  > >> Germany, Japan and, to a lesser extent, Britain 
  > >> Italy were lifted out of the debris of war by 
  > >> Americans who poured in billions of dollars 
  > >> forgave other billions in debts. None of 
  > >> countries is today paying even the interest on 
  > >> remaining debts to the United States.
  > >>
  > >> When France was in danger of collapsing in 1956, 
  > >> was the Americans who propped it up, and 
  > >> reward was to be insulted and swindled on 
  > >> streets of Paris. I was there. I saw 
  > >>
  > >> When earthquakes hit distant cities, it is 
  > >> United States that hurries in to help. This 
  > >> 59 American communities were flattened by 
  > >> Nobody helped.
  > >>
  > >> The Marshall Plan and the Truman Policy 
  > >> billions of dollars into discouraged countries. 
  > >> newspapers in those countries are writing about 
  > >> decadent, warmongering Americans.
  > >>
  > >> I'd like to see just one of those countries that 
  > >> gloating over the erosion of the United 
  > >> dollar build its own airplane. Does any 
  > >> country in the world have a plane to equal 
  > >> Boeing Jumbo Jet, the Lockheed Tri-Star, or 
  > >> Douglas DC10? If so, why don't they fly them? 
  Why do
  > >> all the International lines except Russia 
  > >> American Planes?
  > >>
  > >> Why does no other land on earth even 
  > >> putting a man or woman on the moon? You talk 
  > >> Japanese technocracy, and you get radios. You 
  > >> about German technocracy, and you get 
  > >>
  > >> You talk about American technocracy, and you 
  > >> men on the moon - not once, but several times - 
  > >> safely home again.
  > >>
  > >> You talk about scandals, and the Americans 
  > >> theirs right in the store window for everybody 
  > >> look at. Even their draft-dodgers are not 
  > >> and hounded. They are here on our streets, and 
  > >> of them, unless they are breaking Canadian laws, 
  > >> getting American dollars from ma and pa at home 
  > >> spend here.
  > >>
  > >> When the railways of France, Germany and India 
  > >> breaking down through age, it was the Americans 
  > >> rebuilt them. When the Pennsylvania Railroad and 
  > >> New York Central went broke, nobody loaned them 
  > >> old caboose. Both are still broke.
  > >>
  > >> I can name you 5000 times when the Americans 
  > >> to the help of other people in trouble. Can you 
  > >> me even one time when someone else raced to 
  > >> Americans in trouble? I don't think there 
  > >> outside help even during the San 
  > >> earthquake.
  > >>
  > >> Our neighbors have faced 

Re: {W&P} The Australian Ballot

2000-12-19 Thread maree

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what does the below have to do with the topic ? and haven't we read this
verbatum before ?
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2000 4:18 AM
Subject: Re: {W&P} The Australian Ballot

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> 20th century, a century of war
> George Anthony  remembers the victims of  a profitable business
> It is either morbidity or subdued anger, but the slaughter of the First
> War, with its 350 miles of trenches, from the Belgian coast to the Swiss
> border, has always had a fascination for me. Early on, the reading of
> led by Donkeys", "In Flanders fields", "Goodbye to all that", "First day
> the Somme", seeing the play and then the film, "Oh, what a lovely war",
> visiting the Imperial war museum, and the first four lines of the Wilfred
> Owen poem, "Anthem for Doomed Youth",
> "What passing-bells for
> these who die as cattle?
> Only the monstrous anger of the guns.
> Only the stuttering rifles` rapid rattle,
> Can patter out their hasty orisons",
> has fed this fascination for years. And the Cenotaph in Whitehall with the
> Armistice commemoration there; for the establishment to shed crocodile
> every November 11th, has kept it in my mind and everybody else's since
> war ended 82 years ago.
> I suppose it was the sheer size and apparent senselessness of it that is
> overwhelming, even though it was so long ago.  Perhaps that's why it is
> referred to as the Great War. A.J.P. Taylor, in one of his BBC television
> lectures, described it as war of attrition, saying, "That providing the
> French and British lost three and the Germans lost two, the Allies would
> win." No bows and arrows here, as at Crecy, Agincourt, and the Little Big
> Horn. No Waterloo, engaging a mere 140,000 professional soldiery, for only
> one day, leaving 62,000 dead. But a monstrous engagement, killing millions
> no time at all.
> There have been war's since of course, indeed the 20th century's main
> has been war on a frequent and huge scale, fought with ever increasing
> inhumanity with ever increasingly sophisticated weapons.
> Beginning the century with the Boer War, followed by the Russo/Japanese
> the Gulf  war, the French Indo-China war, the Russian Civil war, the 14
> countries war of intervention against the Soviet Union, the Spanish Civil
> war, the Mexican civil war, the Spanish/American Cuba war, the Liberia
> war, the Yemeni war, the Guatemalan war, the Nicaraguan war, the El
> Salvadoran war, the British Malayan war, the Kenya Mau Mau war, the
> war, the Six Day Israeli/Egypt war, the Nagorno/Karabakh war, the
> Bougainville/Papua New Guinea war, the Burma civil war, the Khmer
> Rouge/Cambodia war, the Angola/Unita war, the Nigerian/Biafra war, the
> N.A.T.O. bombing of Serbia, the Afghanistan wars, the Falklands war, the
> Sudan war, the Ethiopia/Eritrea war, the Japanese invasion of Manchuria,
> Chinese Red Army/Kuomintang war, the Sino/India war, the Rwanda/Burundi
> war, the East Timor war of liberation, the Georgian civil war, the Guinea
> Bissau civil war, the Israel attack on South Lebanon, the Kashmir war of
> liberation, the Kosovo civil war, the Iran/Iraq war, the Chechnya civil
> the Tajikistan civil war, the Turkish war against the Kurds, the Uganda
> war, the Moluccas war of liberation, the Comoros civil war, the Turkish
> invasion of Cyprus, the Colombia liberation war, the Zapatista/Mexico
> liberation war, the Western Sahara liberation war, the Sierra Leone civil
> war, the Somalia civil war, the Sri Lanka/Tamil civil war and the Congo
> making 56 qualifying as war. With another 26 "nascent international armed
> conflicts", have in their different ways, demonstrated the Clausewitz
> that "war is politics by other means". Attempts at conquest by one
> power over another to maintain its hegemony, instead of by diplomacy and
> political struggle.
> Young men and women, still 

Re: {W&P} The Australian Ballot

2000-12-19 Thread maree

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- Original Message -
> Maree,
> Good question.  "Was it them or the media? You must also remember with
> the conglomeration and monopolization of media into the hands of few,
> that they are dictating according to their profit margin who will be
> heard and who won't". However, who would want a president that follows
> the dictates of media?  This idea is even more demoralizing.
can you say that the media doesnot manipulate what goes on in Congress or
the Pres ?

> It would be great if  we all had time to read history and John Garcia's
> book "Moral Society".  He explains the corrupting nature of bureaucracy
> as power tends to solidify in a few hands and pressures lead to immoral
> decisions until the civilization falls.
Isn't that why there is representative government? Isn't that why there is
freedom of speech, to help reduce the corruption of bureacracy? What about
separation of powers?

>  Autocracy always works to reduce the number of decision makers.  This is
> more efficient, but it also atrophies the whole civilization.  Democracy
> works to include the largest number of decision makers, and this most
> certainly is not efficient, but it is away of life, and rarely do we need
> to be in a hurry to make decisions.

why is it more efficient ? Surely the fact that decisions are reliant on the
encumbent few means that it is less efficient, because they have to wait for
the ulimate one to decide.. Hitler limited power, and his Generals (?)
turned to him for decisions...
>  In a time of emergency we want autocracy for rapid decision making, and
> I think there is an effort to make us all believe everyday is an
> emergency or a day away from all out war, to secure more and more power
> in a few hands.  I am afraid we haven't returned to peace time thinking
> since the invention of air warfare.  In times of peace, we can take the
> time for everyone to give an opinion and discuss things until their is a
> consensus on the best reasoning.   Democracy is a way of life that
> shouldn't be rushed.   CS

Wafare was not an invention. Since the conception of time there has been a
form of warfare.. One party dominating another... As for consensus and
reasoning, wouldn't that lead to stagnation.. anarchy doesn't work, because
there is a need for some person or group to be the guide.

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Re: {W&P} Make it a rule ....

2000-12-19 Thread maree

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- Original Message -
> Thank you for the information on the Cuban missile crisis.
> I think there is one point of view if we look at the  Soviet and US power
> plays as a power game.  In this case I would say putting missiles in Cuba
> is kind of a dog scenting its territory.  However, I remember the fear
> during this tense time, and it was not pleasant.

It may not have been pleasant, but the propaganda relating to the proposed
fear of communism and an alliance between Russia and Cuba, was generated
possibly moreso because the US, as other western countries need something to
fear, so they have something to build on. Now, this may no be exactly true,
but if you look at Hitler, who generated power through the fear of Jews and
communism, and people who were not Ariam, it can be clearly demonstrated.
Today, look at what is said about Saddham Hussein, even though he is a
maniacle leader, it works both ways. The middle east don't want the west
coming in and dictating terms, as the west fear the spread of communism, or
anything that may undermine their capitalist plans.

> But guess what?
> When we think of the ethics of what was going on; how right was it for us
> to cause other people to feel the fear we felt?  Didn't we start this
> threatening behavior?  Were we right to cause others fear?  Why?  Is this
> how countries of the world "should" behave?   Is this what we are proudly
> the leader of?Has this kind of national focus changed our society and
> how we interact with each other? "You don't know what you are
> talking" verse "I do not agree, because".   Moral majority and then non
> Christians pushing back  each other as far as  they can push.   Are there
> connections?

This sort of focus has been going on for centuries. This concept that might
is right has led to wars. the crusades / christianity against the
uncivilised. The imperial colonisation of the globe by the moral Brits. The
difference today is that due to globalisation, one country cannot just walk
in and annex another, without the rest of the world questioning it. And will
it change ? As long as society is driven by greed . no!

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Re: {W&P} The Australian Ballot

2000-12-17 Thread maree

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- Original Message -
From: "Troy Heagy>
> >From: maree
> >Some areas have far more that 5 candidates standing for election. Voters
> >number the boxes in order of preference, they do not list candidates.
> Yes, you're right.  I forgot that voters just number the candidates,
> than write in the name.
> So, based on your description, Australia uses a hand-counting system?
definitely. We have thought about using the TAB (betting offices) because
their system is AUs wide, but at this point hand counting.
> > > For example, my presidential ballot might read:
> > > 1. Harry Browne (the best man for the job IMO)
> > > 2. John McCain
> > > 3. George Bush
> > > 4. Al Gore
> > > 5. Buchanan
> > >
> > > Obviously, Harry Browne won't win.  But I don't feel like I've "wasted
> >my
> > > vote" by listing him.  Even if Browne is rejected as unpopular, John
> >McCain
> > > becomes my #2 vote... then George Bush my #3 vote... and so on.
> > >
> >Maybe, maybe not... but I suppose it is a simple explanation. What it
> >basically means is that those 19000 votes that were in didpute, and those
> >votes that went to lesser candidates, by having a preferential system,
> >would have been passed on to other candidates. May have lessened the
> >but then again... may not !
> Well, there's no such think as a perfect counting system.  Any system has
> certain margin of error and hence there will always be disputes in close
> elections.
most definitely

> The reason I think an Australian Ballot is preferable is because it would
> allow the U.S. to have a true multi-party system rather than a duopoly of
> Democrats/Republicans.
> For example, I voted for the Libertarian party.  That was basically a
> vote, because other Libertarian-minded persons are afraid that voting for
> such small party will allow the Democrats to win (as happened in 1992 with
> the Reform & Republican parties splitting the conservative vote).  So,
> vote Republican instead.  And my vote is wasted on a loser party.  And the
> Democrats/Republicans remain dominant.
> An Australian ballot eliminates the "wasted vote" problem.  I can safely
> vote for the Libertarian or Green or Reform parties. and yet still
> them up with a "safe" Republican vote to keep out the Democrat.

that is true also, but in Aus we use statistics also, which allow parties to
see what the populus is thinking, changing preferences, impact of new
parties. So our preferntial system allows the major parties to see that if
there are swings to lesser parties, there is a reason, and therefore the
major parties have policy issues to address. People understand that no vote
is a wasted vote.
> >Please do, we are a caring and sharing nation, you know 
> >maree
> :)
> Troy

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Re: {W&P} The Australian Ballot

2000-12-16 Thread maree

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- Original Message -
> maree,
> I would like to use the Australian ballot form, because I want to know
> how people would vote if they didn't fear the worst choice for president
> would win, if they gave their vote to a third party.  Our present system
> is creating a lie, because it is out of fear that so many people are
> voting for a dominate party candidate instead of the person they believe
> is best suited for office.
But in your system your lesser parties seem to only crop up at election
time, whereas ours are there permanently. Basically, they act as a shield to
ensure that the major parties don't run roughshod over all others. Some may
argue that this has a tendency to generate stagnation, but i think that it
has the capacity to ensure the interests of all are met.

> Our present system has given so much power to the two parties, they can
> abuse their power, as they did when they refused other candidates
> meaningful freedom of speech during the nationally broadcast political
> debates.  This was such an abuse of power the last crumb of hope I had
> that a major party provided an honorable candidate, was crumbled.CS

Was it them or the media. You must also remember with the conglomeration and
monopolisation of media into the hands of few, that they are dictating
according to their profit margin who will be heard and who won't.


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Re: {W&P} The Election Saga Continues..

2000-12-16 Thread maree

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From: "Huw Sandaver"

> Hey Maree, Just referring to the vote rigging scandal up here in QLD. Now
> that is funny. I don't think any system is completely perfect, but
> anything could be better than the US one..

Please tell me you're not a Queenslander !
As for the vote rigging. Just so it is not totally confusing.. As I
understand it, because of the preferntial system and because we have many
and varied smaller parties. these parties negotiate as to which way
prefernces will be directed. On the how to vote papers handed out by each
party / candidate as people enter polling booths, they show how each
candidate suggests their preferences go. It is up to the voter to decide to
follow or choose their own... The vote rigging suggested that someone in the
labor party paid for something in another party so they would have Labor
listed as their no 2 preference. Is that the one you're talking about ?
It does show imperfections, even more when we are only talking a few hundred
dollars, and not the millions that transfer in the US. I wonder if they
realise that we can run an election, campaign, voting, counting, etc,... in
6 - 8 weeks ?

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Re: {W&P} Aussie Rules (and the American system)

2000-12-16 Thread maree

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>(Tamar) Dear members,
> First, seasons greetings.
> Second, yeah, every system is better than the current
> American one, and Im saying that as an outside
> observer.
No opposition here

> I am not referring to the Electoral College (although
> personally I think its an outdated system: the reason
> for this system was in 18th and 19th century, when
> people voted "uninformed". It strikes the rest of the
> world as pretty weird that Al Gore took the popular
> vote, and George Bush won by a margin of few hundreds
> Floridans).
And the Electoral College don't have to even follow the breakdown /
percentages of votes across each state. Therefore, the votes are not
representative of how the people voted.

> I am not even referring to the voting machines;
> pregnant chads, etc. (At least I learned a new word -
> I always thought Chad to be one of the poorest
> countries in Africa).
me too...

> I am talking about voter registration. I realise that
> the solution of letting "everybody" vote is not easy
> and can open a can of worms and rigged votes. However,
> Americans should question this system, if only 50% of
> the voters turned up (by the way, speaking of Aussie
> Rules - they have mandatory voting). The ones who
> don't registrate: the poor, the minorities, and the
> young (mostly college students who live outside their
> home state). Isn't it a bit of a shame? I don't know
> of any other democracy where people don't care who
> their leader will be.
We donot have mandatory voting. We have compulsory enrolment and compulsory
attendance. Through referendum years ago the people voted for it. A choice
that was made and has been accepted. We do have people who choose to leave
the ballot blank, we also have thos ewho would rather pay a $20 - $100 fine
for not voting...

> In any case, Maree sees the problems with Australian
> system (the system is called syngle transferrable
> vote), becamse she lives there, but comparing it to
> the US, or many other countries, it is better.
There is no perfect system, and because of the diversity across the globe,
each ones sees the good and bad of their own, depending on how it affects
them. One thing that I did hear on the news, was that, I don't know whether
it was from the Bore or Gush camp, but they hoped that the people of the US
would now realise that EVERY vote counts.. how true that is !!!

> I won't talk about the system here, because it's pure
> crap (or am I forbidden to use this language?) -
> evidently we can't keep a government more than a year
> or so.
> Tamar
You can say that. Our fed govt has a maximum of 3 years, but generally they
go to the polls about 2 years. The other thing I found confusing about the
US system for a federal election was that each state handled their own
state, and that their was no continuity. Here if it is a federal election it
is run by that authority, not by each state. Therefore there is uniformity
in the ballot.


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Re: {W&P} Make it a rule ....

2000-12-16 Thread maree
Title: RE: {W&P} Make it a rule 

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  (CS)  Why would the USSR attack the 
  United Sates? 

  (JJ) I'm sure there are several reasons.  The most 
  basic is that they thought we threatened their interests, just as we 
  thought they threatened ours.  The fact that we almost went to war 
  several times during that period illustrates my point.
   (maree) While, I believe that 
  the USSR was seen as a threat to western democracy, it was not going to 
  invade the US. They aimed at spreading communism across the globe, but 
  also argued  
  I agree.  I was thinking attacking US interests 
  rather than US soil.  However, they were going to put nuclear missiles in 
  Cuba.  Would that not be viewed as a threat to US 
  I was reading 
  some stuff on the Cuban missile crisis, and the CiA, and Pres, had information 
  that Krushchev (?) while, proposing that he was going to do this, was unable 
  to do so. He was playing a game, which he lost. And while some may argue the 
  USA lost because they moved missiles from Turkey, it was the demise of 
  Krushchev's reformation of USSR. Please accept that my knowledge on this is 
  extremely limited.
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Re: {W&P} message standards

2000-12-16 Thread maree

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> I will not read any responses to what I write that begin with an attack
> on my character or what I know.  If you want me to read your opinion, you
> will be as respectful of me as you want me to be respectful of you.  CS

To what and whom are you responding ? Could you please leave part of the
message, or place your comment above the message ? As I delete messages as I
read them, it is hard to retain continuity, if there is no indication as to
what you are responding to.
maree :-)

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Re: {W&P} The Australian Ballot

2000-12-14 Thread maree

well, why don't you tell us what you think, then..

> I have tried using pencil, but it's tough to get off the screen, and no
> seems to respond to my queries
> - Original Message -
> Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2000 6:36 PM
> Subject: Re: {W&P} The Australian Ballot
> > What is wrong with pencil and paper?
> >
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Re: {W&P} message standards

2000-12-14 Thread maree

> maree,
>(CS) I am glad to have another chance to respond to the issue of messages
> may lack good communication skills.  This is may be a pain in the neck to
> everyone, but when we are tolerant of people who lack good communication
> skills, there is a chance these people's skills will improve, and how
> much does it cost us to be considerate and give people that chance?
> rules to live by:
Carol, you are on a list that requires, or is based on ideas about politics,
war, etc communicating your ideas is what is at that base, not
consideration, or any other pretention...

> (CS)1. We are respectful to everyone because we are respectful people.
> 2. We act with dignity and protect the dignity of others.
> 3. We act with integrity.
where are we ? in a retirement village ?

> When we live by these rules, we can do far more good then when we
> criticize, demand and reject others.   These rules are not how the
> military does things and the difference is a serious political issue.
> CS
I don't know about your experience with military, but if you're going to
start on about radiation and electro magnetics Please don't my
delete button is wearing out...

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Re: {W&P} The Australian Ballot

2000-12-14 Thread maree

> I would very much like the United States to adopt the Australian Ballot. 
>   CS
Please explain why ?
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Re: {W&P} The Australian Ballot

2000-12-14 Thread maree

- Original Message -
From: "Troy Heagy
> >From: maree
> > > Some have suggested we should do the same here.  That way, people
> >have
> > > 5 votes and not be afraid to vote for smaller parties.
> > >
> > > Troy
> > >
> >How do you work out they get 5 votes ?
> >maree
> The Australian ballots I've seen have 5 lines.  You list the candidates
> like, best to worst.  That's basically 5 votes... unless of course, you
> choose to leave some lines blank.

Well, you haven't seen many Aus ballots, Have you ? We have candidates
listed in order, that they are drawn. That is, candidates names are placed
in containers, of the same size and drawn out, to see in what order they are
listed.. similar to alottery, in Commonwealth elections they actually, use
table tennis balls with numbers. Therefore, the first person to nominate has
the first ball drawn out, etc.. then all the numbers corespond to a
candidate.. they are then redraw to determine ballot position.
Some areas have far more that 5 candidates standing for election. Voters
number the boxes in order of preference, they do not list candidates.

> For example, my presidential ballot might read:
> 1. Harry Browne (the best man for the job IMO)
> 2. John McCain
> 3. George Bush
> 4. Al Gore
> 5. Buchanan
> Obviously, Harry Browne won't win.  But I don't feel like I've "wasted my
> vote" by listing him.  Even if Browne is rejected as unpopular, John
> becomes my #2 vote... then George Bush my #3 vote... and so on.
Maybe, maybe not... but I suppose it is a simple explanation. What it
basically means is that those 19000 votes that were in didpute, and those
votes that went to lesser candidates, by having a preferential system, they
would have been passed on to other candidates. May have lessened the chaos,
but then again... may not !

> The U.S. has absorbed ideas from all around the world... Roman laws,
> courts, German superhighways, Chinese cuisine... perhaps it's time to
> our voting system from the Australians?
> Troy
Please do, we are a caring and sharing nation, you know 


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Re: {W&P} The Election Saga Continues..

2000-12-14 Thread maree

- Original Message -
From: "Huw Sandaver
> On Thu, 14 Dec 2000, maree wrote:
> > Extremely. In the Us you vote if you want. Punch a hole for who you
> > Don't need a clear majority... And wait for it... you're not even voting
> > Pres... Each State has electors, appointed by legislators, and they
> > the Pres...
> > maree
> we just resort to vote rigging..hey its probably faster in the long run ;)

Is that what you call it ? some others have referred to it as the best form
of democracy in the western world... But they don't accept that the rest of
the world is laughing, not with them but at the US...

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Re: {W&P} Make it a rule ....

2000-12-14 Thread maree
Title: RE: {W&P} Make it a rule 

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  > Why would the USSR attack the United Sates? 
  (JJ) I'm sure there are several reasons.  The most basic 
  is that they thought we threatened their interests, just as we thought they 
  threatened ours.  The fact that we almost went to war several times 
  during that period illustrates my point.
  While, I believe that the USSR was seen as a threat to 
  western democracy, it was not going to invade the US. They aimed at spreading 
  communism across the globe, but also argued that it would be an international 
  revolution agaisnt capitalism. On its own Russia would be unable to take on 
  capitalism and the US, they new it and so did the US. Stalin also reconciled 
  that cmmunism was not going to become an international form of sosiety. He 
  realised that it was USSR against the rest, so aimed at protection and 
  military defense, not attack.
  (JJ) Are you suggesting that Russia took no actions that could 
  unequivocally be viewed as threatening to the US--even to sovereign US 
  I would not suggest that either. But the game was who 
  could out manoeuvre whom, and both of them knew the others capability. try 
  recent released CIA docs.
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Re: {W&P} The Election Saga Continues..

2000-12-14 Thread maree
Title: RE: {W&P} The Election Saga Continues..

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  Here's where I stopped reading.  Bias is not 
  Could we get a ruling on whether or not posting articles with 
  no original thought attached should be allowed to continue?
  Well, you went further than I, All the capitals were 
  beyond me... 
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Re: {W&P} The Election Saga Continues..

2000-12-14 Thread maree

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> On Sun, 10 Dec 2000, John T wrote:
> > I wonder what the results would be if we had a complete re-election
> > If all the votes were tossed out and a new election was held?  How many
> > Bush/Gore supporters would change sides? I'm sure there are die-hard
> > supporters on both sides but there have to be quite a few who are fed up
> > all this BS!
> I'm a bit late to this party, but maybe the people who didn't vote the
> first time round might be inclined to. Here in Australia we have
> preferential voting where you have to list in order who you want, and if
> no one ends up with a clear majority your second preferences get counted
> and so on. Different there?

Extremely. In the Us you vote if you want. Punch a hole for who you want.
Don't need a clear majority... And wait for it... you're not even voting for
Pres... Each State has electors, appointed by legislators, and they elect
the Pres...

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Re: {W&P} The Election Saga Continues..

2000-12-14 Thread maree

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> Some have suggested we should do the same here.  That way, people would
> 5 votes and not be afraid to vote for smaller parties.
> Troy
How do you work out they get 5 votes ?


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Re: {W&P} The Election Saga Continues..

2000-12-14 Thread maree

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> Jeff,
> I think we call it freedom of speech.CS

OK, what about a point of view rather than other people's ? After all isn't
that what this forum is ?

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Re: {W&P} Make it a rule ....

2000-12-07 Thread maree

> John,
> I wish those who chose to war, would lead the soldiers as they did long
> ago.  At the front with their own lives on the line.
> It is my understanding Vietnam was a test of a new military strategy,
> where the military decisions were made by those safe in the United
> States.  I think the military action was welcomed as a good test for our
> developing military technology, because obviously the country was not a
> threat to us.

welcomed by whom ?

> For that matter, the threat of the USSR was exaggerated,
> and justified the 1958 National Defense Education Act, that proceeded
> social upheaval, and explosion of bad parents and a national youth
> crisis, and Bush's announcement that we the New World Order.

Why was it exaggerated ? Or are you referring to propaganda which generated
hatred and fear of Communism ? The USSR was a threat because it touted
Communistic tendencies, even though it was not truely a communist state.
But, I don't see how you can relate that to problems of bad parenting and

> I am not sure, but I think we greatly underestimated the effect of air
> warfare on our society and the world.Our present technology and the
> resources of the United States  were the essential elements to the New
> World Order, and we have been preparing our young to serve it, same as
> was done in Germany, following the Prussian take over.  The citizens have
> no control over their military forces, because we can be in and out of
> war, long before a protest can be mobilized, and we sure aren't deciding
> who gets, how much of our military technology.   In fact how many know we
> granted arms to the Mid East while Reagan was in office.  At the same
> time we slashed domestic budgets.  CS

We're talking here about the midst of the Cold war, aren't we ? And aren't
we also talking about financing the US resources, which you suggest the rest
of the world relies on ? And as for US domestic spending, you want more
spending, pay higher taxes.. Or would you prefer to be under threat, without
the means of defense. It is true to say that the US is the major player in
defending sovereignty across the globe... But they are NOT alone. And the US
chose that position of power, and wants respect for that position,
therefore, to maintain that, money has to come from somewhere. MAybe you
find this a bit sarcastic, but the reality is that the govts in office are
elected by the people, those who choose to vote of course. Therefore, the
people, while not directly, but indirectly predicate where money goes.. If
not, why was Reagan or Clinton returned to office ?
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Re: {W&P} Khadafi - Libya

2000-12-01 Thread maree
Title: RE: {W&P} Khadafi - Libya

certainly is, and totally agree,maree
  > Zionism's murderous legacy 
  usually i just delete long tirades with no independent thought 
  from the poster.  isn't this in the rules somewhere? --- Support our Sponsor-
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Re: {W&P} Khadifi's comments (however you want to spell it)

2000-12-01 Thread maree

> (John T)   Personally, I think they should have a re-vote... but I
understand that
> option isn't available :(
Why isn't available ? If what has been reported is correct, and according to
Florida law the holes have to be on one side of the ballot, and some were on
the other, then surely the ballot paper was not legitimate.. Therefore,
there is justification for a revote..

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Re: {W&P} all of it

2000-11-22 Thread maree
oduce thinking well eqipped persons who have enveloped a sense of pride
and purpose that otherwise may be wasted. It has the capacity to unite other
countries against oppressive nations who are against the fundamental
freedoms which predecessors fought to bring to the west. Surely, in the
western world the military is beneficial. We don't necessarily have to go
back to the mongols or the warlords of ancient times. And really in
retrospect would they be considered a military force, or just an invading

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Re: {W&P} SOA story

2000-11-21 Thread maree

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  - Original Message - 
  Jackson Jeffrey W 1stLt AAC/INA 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2000 6:49 
  Subject: {W&P} SOA story
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  Here's a short 
  summary of the SOA protest from the local Columbus, GA, 
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Re: {W&P} all of it

2000-11-21 Thread maree
Title: all of it

  You've never answered my question--do militaries offer ANY 
  benefit to the world? 
  Yes, they do, They hav the capacity to harness something that a lot of people don't even come close to. 
  National spirit!! They also tend to be th eprotectors, In this instance I am NOT referring to Sth American forces
  Furthermore, it may be argued that if not for the military there would be chaos, 
  But on the other hand you can look to the detrimental affects, as in totalitarian, dictatorships, etc... They are
  the ones who demonstrate the abuses of power. Look to the forces who went into WWI and WWII. 
  Some may consider the military as men/women playing war games, But it is more than that. They develop
  strategies, forces that support people in times of disaster. I know that here the defense forces wre used in 
  times of flood, cyclones, earthquakes, rescues, etc.. because they have a force maintained to support the community as 
  well as defense. In looking at what the military is good for, ALL issues have to be addressed, such as the development
  of pride in oneself's own abilities, the temawork and bonds developed through training. You cannot just look at
  the detracting events. The military defends the ideas that western democracy is based on, and without them, 
  and the families who gave their lives for freedom and justice, NOT just those who abuse power. Because, wihtout
  the military there would be more abuses of power, and there would be generations growing up without the benefit
  of the experience that being involved in military would teach them.
  maree   --- Support our Sponsor 
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Re: {W&P} (re:) School of the Americas

2000-11-19 Thread maree

> Maree told us that the Latin American culture is
> "violent" and that the School of Americas only trained
> people, not knowing what they'll do with that training
> later.
"Isn't part of the reality of the military, that you may be trained/educated
in one way, but when they return to their homeland, they have to conform to
what their superiors want. Therefore, they may be trained in US but conform
to South American standards"

Well, you certainly have put a different slant on what I said. I was
responding to a post that stated that these military persons were trained in
the US to torture and inflict pain deliberately on others. That I have a
problem with. What I do however, believe is that it doesn't matter how well
trained some one is when they are under the control of their commanding
officers they obey. I don't eve suggest that the US unknowingly trains these
men. But what I did suggest was that when they go home, they live by the
rules set down at home.. Not US. Unless you are now suggesting that the US
actually stands with these soldiers and makes them torture people.

> I hope she's naiive and not intentionaly trying to
> mislead the readers of these posts. The people who
> trained these officers knew exactly what Latin
> American militaries do, and what are their "counter
> insurgency" tactics. It was found out, that the CIA
> knew about the plan to murder a Chilean ex-diplomat
> (one of Allende's people) and his American secretary,
> Ronnie Buffett, but done nothing. The CIA encouraged
> revolutions (including Pinochet's). The government
> knows exactly what these militaries are up to. I
> suspect, that if the American administration and
> military really cared about it, they would have
> demanded those countries to have a better human rights
> portfolio.
> Tamar

Nobody argues that they didn't know what was going on. But in reality change
has to begin somewhere. Whether you believe it or not! Otherwise we still be
living in feudal societies. The reality is that the US may train soldiers,
bit to train them in methods of torture.. I think NOT! I don't think they
would get away with that much. Do you really? If you do, you are suggesting
that ALL govts of the would bow and scrape to the US. That doesn't say much
for anyone, now does it?

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Re: {W&P} School of Americas

2000-11-18 Thread maree
Title: School of Americas

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  Isn't part of the reality of the military, that you may 
  be trained/educated in one way, but when they return to their homeland, they 
  have to conform to what their superiors want. Therefore, they may be trained 
  in US but conform to South American standards
  I hope you plan get both sides of the story before you make 
  a judgement. 
  First, the SOA does not espouse or advocate torture, execution 
  and assassination.  It's mentioned in the text because it's a reality in 
  the region.  But it says this technique does not achieve any long-term 
  goal, and is detrimental to the military and to the regime in 
  Second, Latin America has historically been a very violent 
  region as far as government and revolutions are concerned.  That 
  "tradition" cannot be taken from individuals in the few months they're at Ft 
  Benning.  If you grow up violent, there's a good chance you'll stay that 
  way.  SOA tries to forge/improve multilateral ties.  Sometimes 
  individuals go there, learn the tactics, and apply them incorrectly when they 
  return.  Can you blame an individual's actions on a school they went to 
  for a few months (about 10, but I don't recall for sure).  That's like 
  saying your opinions today are completely the result of your 10th grade 
  teacher.  That's like blaming Harvard for Kadaffi.  (I think it was 
  Harvard--it was some Ivy League school.  Look it up if you're 
  Perhaps they should do a better job screening the 
  candidates?  That's possible, but very difficult because of international 
  relations are concerned.  The country's military decides which officers 
  to send--and they usually send whoever graduated first from their 
  academy.  They have a very strict tanda system in most LA 
  countries.  First, the Army would need the money to do those background 
  checks.  Second, we'd have a very difficult time forcing our system down 
  their throats.  I heard a story at the Special Ops School one time--a 
  country nominated the first in its class to come to the SOS at Hurlburt Fld, 
  but he didn't speak English well enough to complete the class, so we said he 
  couldn't come.  In America, that honor (and it's an honor and a career 
  boon for many of these officers) would probably have gone to the second in the 
  class.  But that would have embarassed the first graduate, so no one 
  went.  What a waste of an opportunity, right?  That how we view it, 
  anyway.  To them, the honor of their first graduate is more important 
  than the opportunity.  So in many cases our choice is between contact or 
  no contact--not between which contact we'll make.
  The SOA teaches nations how to professionalize their 
  armies.  They lead by example, and in doing so try to decrease the number 
  of human rights violations made by these armies.  Things like a 
  professional NCO corps, which is VERY important to a professional army and 
  many of these countries lack.  This also helps decrease the social 
  stratification within the military, which leads to more fair punishments and 
  few human rights violations.  Things like proper military justice rather 
  than summary executions.
  Third, they bring together members of all nation in Latin 
  America.  They learn together, they live together.  Some of the 
  officers have had little or no contact with the other nations, so this deepens 
  their understanding of their neighbors.  The SOA tries to foster teamwork 
  among different nations' militaries.  Sometimes officers from rival 
  countries will not talk to each other; sometimes they overcome their prejudice 
  and become friends.  Either way, the attempt to bring nations together 
  and teach them how to professionalize--together--only lends stability to the 
  Perhaps most importantly, the SOA teaches that it's entirely 
  natural for the military to be subjugated to and take orders from a civilian 
  government.  That's not the way many militaries view their role in 
  society, although it's becoming that way partly through the efforts of 
  programs like the SOA at Ft Benning, the USAFSOS at Hurlburt, and the 
  Inter-American Air Force Academy in San Antonio.  That works wonders in 
  increasing stability, which will improve the economy through foreign 
  investment and make life better for the entire country.  A more stable, 
  prosperous country leads to less conflict, which in turn may mean fewer human 
  rights violation

Re: {W&P} mil, tech and Colombia

2000-11-12 Thread maree

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they seem to envelop a different spirit, that of
protection and defense of their ideals,
Above was part of the wording that I used, and I didn't place gender on it
either, You seem to have romanticised the idea of war with some sex God
analagy. I don't, I also don't have this obsession or derive passion from
blood thirsty tyrants. I don't find your response to warriors as a
mobilising force. Personally, I probably have a little idealism left in me,
where I believe that war is a last resort, and nobody wants their sons OR
daughters, Husbands OR wives to be killed. BUT, the concept of war today, is
more defensive mechanism, than that of which you speak. They were
territorial dominations. As for Yugoslavia, the war there was teritorial and
cultural and a  lot of other things, but it has not been glorified, if
anything, it has faced condemnation.
The gulf war, again faced condemnation, it was not glorified, so I don't see
the mobilising affect that you relate. I don't see Israel / Palestine
conflict as mobilsing nations, if anything it is bringing nations across the
globe to negotiations for peace. I suppose that it why I see the military in
a defensive capacity, rather than the glorified excitement that you
I think that a number of veterans or even patriots would feel offended by
your view that wars have been fought for nothing. I don't see WWII as being
fought for nothing. And while I have a great problem with Vietnam, there was
a principle, freedom.. the foundation of lib / dem societies.. the principle
which allows you or I to say what we feel. That principle alone, while not
total justification, or legitimation for war, was the underlying factor
which propelled govt and military. They were attempting to defend freedom,
the only problem was, that where they were defending it, it didn't want
The reality, as I see it, is that the military are willing to put their life
on the line for their beliefs, while a number of others are willing to put
other's lives on the line for THEIR beliefs.

> As woman I think those Roman soldiers are very sexy.  Genghis Khan and
> Attila the Hun excite my blood too.  The huge terra cotta army buried in
> China long ago, is so impressive.  And my heart quickens when I read of
> Greek and Celtic warriors.  I wonder, if women didn't have such a
> response to warriors, would it be so easy to mobilize nations to war?
> And I am woman, the daughter, wife and mother.  Women have a history of
> opposing wars as well as a history of fighting wars.  What we don't talk
> about when we speak of war, is the women and children and their heroism.
> I was watching when we saw the Vietnam conflict live on TV and a mother
> ran down the road with her baby in her arms.  The camera man did a close
> up on the baby's tiny limp hand.  Please, do not tell me what men are
> doing is protecting!  In spirit I am that woman running with her baby in
> her arms.
> I would rather give my life to defend my son, than send him to war.
> Please, do not tell this way of handling human differences is protecting!
> We don't speak much of the civilizations that win wars only to fall a
> short time later.  Except for George Bush,   we don't usually brag about
> being what we fought against, but George Bush was right.  We are the New
> World Order, and that means we have fought every war for nothing.  It was
> all tragic insanity.
> Athena, is my goddess and she carries the Sword of Justice.  If men think
> they are protecting something when they go to war, let them name it and
> let us explore the reality.  I think we might find, a similarity between
> warriors and two bucks fighting over a doe.
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Re: {W&P} mil, tech and Colombia

2000-11-11 Thread maree

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> Maree- I think you are right about the world going on with all its
> imperfections.  If life weren't a challenge, who want to play the game?

The challenge is the reason for the game, and if life weren't a chellenge,
who would want to live it, let alone challenge it or attempt to understand,
or find ways to enhance it.

> I just to play it better when I think of the ideals and values and chance
> that someday we may agree to disagree, and be nice to each other just the
> same.  The military person is apt to have another dream for how we play
> the game.  We all get to play, right?
While the military person is there, i think this perception that they are
only there as a means of war (if I misunderstood-sorry) is not totally
correct. To me, and listening (reading) JSR, JJ and others who have military
experience etc... they seem to envelop a different spirit, that of
protection and defense of their ideals, hard to explain but it is different
than being able to sit and discuss problems,
Anyway, agree to disagree, with most on this list, but it is fun stirring
the pot.

> Do your realize in heaven there would be no great movies or novels,
> because when things are prefect there is nothing for a good story.  But
> if heaven is like the Holy Land, we will continue to have something to
> talk about.
When I go, it will be the other place, I hear its more fun down there
maree (LOL)

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Re: {W&P} mil, tech and Colombia

2000-11-10 Thread maree

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I like your grandmothers three ways to live, as for the American Declaration
of Independence.. ideally this is how the world shoud be, but realistically,
its not going to happen. We only have to look at this list, heated
antagonistic discussions, nationalistic views that are perceived differently
by others. While there are countries out there that practice human rights
abuses, and while there are people out there who believe that the only way
is their way world peace and govt are not going to happen.
The UN is an idealist entity that upholds sovereignty and humans rights, bu
without the ultimate determinant=force, it has no capacity to ensure
security or safety, or uphold any life or freedom
> Maree wrote:  "The UN recognizes sovereignty, not indigenous peoples
> separately. If they
> were to recognize ALL the indigenous races, that have been encapsulated
> by
> capitalist pretensions, then New York would have a bigger problem (LOL
> _Phebe).
> Seriously, we are trying to address reconciliation issues, the problem is
> that there are so many, and each person has a different depth of trauma
> associated with their life. Also, is this idea of social conformity, if
> peoples are prompted to take on their own evolution, there would be
> greater
> problems.[ A bit of Anarchy !]"
> Let's see the Declaration of Independence for the United States says-
> "We hold these truths to be self evident: that all men are created equal,
> that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights,
> that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness".  I
> think we have a hard time living up to the ideal of this statement, and I
> think if we more concerned about anarchy than the ideal of unalienable
> rights, liberty might be jeopardized?  Not just someone else's but our
> own.
> What is this idea of social conformity?  Seriously, has someone
> determined the model we should conform to, and if so how did this someone
> get that right?  Honestly, I am confused.  My grandmother lived by these
> three values:
> 1. We treat everyone with respect, because we are respectful people.  It
> matters not if the other is a bum or the major, because it isn't the
> other who determines our behavior.
> 2. We act with dignity and protect the dignity of others.  For example
> when a quest in someone else's home (territory) one should do as the host
> does.  The book titled "Ugly American" said what made Americans ugly is
> the attitude that they had unquestioned right to set the standards by
> which everyone should live.  The relationship between respect and dignity
> is too close to divide.
> 3.  We do everything with integrity which means going beyond basic
> morality of don't lie, steal, cheat, to being honorable.
> This is talking human relationships, not conforming or imposing an order
> to prevent anarchy.  It is about controlling our own behavior to create
> pleasurable human relationships.  No effort to make and enforce laws can
> do human beings living by these values can do, and when everyone lives by
> these values, liberty is protected, because then there is not need for an
> authority above the people.
> I may be too idealistic, but I don't think we will ever have world peace
> without the values of my grandmothers generation.  Can the United Nations
> promote human beings around the world to live with such values, and to
> stay out of each others backyards unless they are invited quest, and when
> a quest submit to the host's customs and values?  Good manners can do
> what written agreements and military might can't do.  And the nation that
> does the most to accommodate aborigines, is the most civilized and
> should stand in the highest global esteem, as an example to others.  In
> contrast the trouble in the Holy Lands is a screaming example of how not
> to behave.  What problem could come out of allowing people to follow
> their own evolution, could be worse than what happens when people of
> different religions are intolerant of  each other?
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Re: {W&P} Countries..

2000-11-10 Thread maree

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I suppose the reality is that while military spending is important,
education is more important. If not for education, we would not be able to
have negotiations, conversations, discussions.. we would rely on bombing
campaigns.. but then again, without education, how would the atomic and
nuclear weapons have been made /
Our system is not perfect, but I know that my children have the oppoortunity
to furhter their education, if they choose. And in reality that is where our
future lies

> Thanks Maree,
> I had hear in Aus, it  is much easier to get an education, and wanted
> everyone to know, so we could build consciousness of our education
> choices, and improve the education decisions in places like the United
> States where there is a huge gap between the poor and rich, and education
> is so important to an individuals earning potential, and so costly!  We
> are far from assuring the equal opportunity that we think makes our
> democracy so good.
> If our countries made education the  priority over military spending,
> what kind of world do you think this would be?
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Re: {W&P} mil, tech and Colombia

2000-11-10 Thread maree

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> What is the United Nations for, and how should the millions of aborigines
> around the world who do not want to be swallowed up by our capitalist
> systems and values be represented in the UN?
The UN recognises sovereignty, not indigenous peoples separately. If they
were to recognise ALL the indigenous races, that have been encapsulated by
capitalist pretentions, then New YOrk would have a bigger problem (LOL
Seriously, we are trying to address reconciliation issues, the problem is
that there are so many, and each person has a different depth of trauma
associated with their life. Also, is this idea of social conformity, if ALL
peoples are prompted to take on their own evolution, there would be greater
problems.[ A bit of Anarchy !]
At present, with the land cases, land that has been returned to Aboriginal
groups, means that if there are mining leases or pastoral leases on those
lands then they are included in negotiations. There are funds set up,
through taxation, provision of money for purchasing of specific lands for
ABoriginies. As I have said before, a number have returned to the outback
and to areas in Northern Western Australia, they have their own medical,
education, etc... tribal law is accepted, providing there it doesn't
contravene Aus law.
We have come  along way, and the difference is that WE want the
reconciliation process to succeed, many other countries don't. And the UN
recognises sovereignty, and will not undermine that, unless it has to.(?)..

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Re: {W&P} Countries..

2000-11-10 Thread maree

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> Hi Nick,
> I have heard students around the world pay much less for their college
> educations than students in the United States have to pay for their
> college educations.  I would like to raise awareness of  differences in
> college cost.  Would you mind telling us what is the adverage cost annual
> cost of a college education in New Zealand?
In Aus, we have Higher Education Contributions (HECS), these range from
hundreds (TAFE - technichal and further education Colleges) up to about
$5000 p.a. for Engineering, medicine, law courses at uni. Not all are up
front, they are means teasted and you pay back when your income reaches a
certain level. Pay back through taxation (6%?).
And while, our taxation levels may be higher, all who want the opportunity
to furhter their education have access, and when they earn an income, they
pay back, Students are also entitled (means tested) to Austudy, similar to
unemployment benefits, but for full time students.

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Re: {W&P} Oppose Attempts to Restrict RU 486!

2000-10-20 Thread maree

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I disagree, I believe that abortion should be available as a legal and
medically safe procedure. However, I also believe that people, should take
responsibility for their own actions. Therefore, if they chose to have
unprotected, unsafe sex then there is the adoption option. If they have had
sexual intercourse without consent, then the restrictions should be so that
this is available. It sould also be available on abortion on medical
grounds, but to make it openly available ... No..
Another problem lies in side effects..(?)
> Oppose Congressional Attempts to Restrict Mifepristone (Mifeprex)
> In one of the most significant advances in women's reproductive health
> in decades, on September 28, 2000 the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
> granted final approval to mifepristone (formerly known as RU 486) for
> the termination of very early pregnancy.
> Anti-choice lawmakers, led by Rep. Tom Coburn (R-OK) and Sen. Tim
> Hutchinson (R-AR), immediately denounced the FDA decision and introduced
> bills designed to continue to block Mifeprex's availability to U.S.
> women.  Senators and Representatives need to hear your strong opposition
> to this misguided legislation.
> The legislation would severely restrict the providers who can prescribe
> Mifeprex, undermining mifepristone's promise to expand women's ability
> to make reproductive-health decisions with privacy and dignity.   The
> effect of the bills' restrictions will be that in many cities women will
> continue to endure the anti-choice intimidation, harassment, and even
> violence that sometimes surround abortion clinics.
> FDA approval is the universally recognized gold standard of a drug's
> safety and efficacy.   In attempting to re-write the FDA's approval of
> Mifeprex, anti-choice legislators are inserting congressional politics
> into matters properly delegated to FDA scientists and doctors.
> In a matter of seconds, you can send an e-mail to your Senators and
> Representative to urge them to oppose this misguided legislation.  To
> take action now and learn more about how you can stop Congress from
> threatening your reproductive rights, go to
> Thank you!
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Re: {W&P} Tension in the Middle East?

2000-10-20 Thread maree

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I think that tensions have increased everywhere. You just tend to notice it
more, because it is hammered home more in the US, moreso than here. Although
we hear about it, our PM is not trying to resolve the issue before he leaves
As I said to Al, months ago, when the summit was on in US, I didn't think
Clinton was capable of negotiating peace. Unfortuneately, the process is
going to take a lot longer than he has left in office. And as for a show of
force, I think that will create more tension, remebering that leaders can
make any decisions they want, but if the peole don't want it, and anti-US
sentiment seems to be growing in the region, it will only serve to generate
more hatred. Why not back off and allow another representative country, that
is not seen as antagonist to be there? Even that probably may not help at
the moment.

> With the recent terrorist bombing would you consider the "tension"
> levels to have increased?  Or are they about the same... and it only seems
> to have increased for those in the US since we've been more directly
> involved?

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Re: {W&P} Milosevic out - Should EU lift sanctions?

2000-10-11 Thread maree

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> Well, with Milosevic out the question becomes: Should the EU lift
> sanctions?
> Or should they wait until they're more settled?
How long is that going to take ?
Just because one leader is gone, it doesnot mean the emotions that were
generated and encapsulated the people, and tore the country apart are going
to disappear.
The answer has to be that the only way to go forward is with support, not
just one sided, but negotiations enabling the rebuilding of society.
Therefore sanctions will create more conflict ?


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Re: {W&P} Informational Request

2000-09-12 Thread maree

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> Hi Folks,
> How about some information just to get this list moving again :)
> Could each of you post some basic info about your political stance?

Upright. seriously... it depends on what is relevant at the time of
elections, or what has aggrevated me throughout their term of office /

> Such as, in favor of armed conflict when

You are hoping for a serious answer on this, I am assuming... I don't know,
I have never been affected to that degree... Middle East - I think possibly
poses more of a threat than Russia or China ? I worry that Suddham Hussain
has been quiet lately, and this may be the calm before the storm ?

> or, Democracy only works when

Democracy ? Does anyone truely have that ? Ron says the Swiss do (?) But
sovereignty of the people, or is what  we have apathy of the people ?

> or, communism in the USSR failed because...
it wasn't communism, it was dictatoship, followed by despotism...
> Perhaps phrasing the comments as an "introduction"... you know, tell a
> little bit about yourself (nothing too personal :)) and what you might be
> looking for in this discussion group?
Well, Australian, intolerably fed up with the Olympics !

> How about it?  anyone up for this? :)
> John T

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Re: {W&P} war and evil

2000-09-05 Thread maree

Isn't evil what drove Hitler to practice genocide, Or Hussain to use
propaganda to incite anti western views and therefore allow the generation
of biological warfare legitimately in the eyes of his people... Or is it
female circumcision ?
Then again it could be bans on trading with certain countires, which causes
suffering for their impoverished... or is it the EX Mexican Govt that
relaeased sewerage and flooded a town to generate support in their
Then again it could just be the media... they manipulate the news and war to
produce profit.
So who defines evil, and in what context is war?
Is it the media barrons trying to get first coverage and create the best
imagery, or is it the war against famine and oppression... or just the
bloody ones ... WWI, WWII, civil, napoleonic ? revolutions ?
> From: "F. Leon Wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > There is no connection between the two.  Only hindsight.
> >
> > F.
>   sorry, I beg to differ war is often the tool of evil.
>   But that leads to the question of "what is evil?" How do you define it?
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Re: {W&P} Anyone following the Conventions?

2000-08-15 Thread maree


From: "John Torpey

> So, what's the story?  I caught a brief bit of Clinton on the Gore show
> last night.. wasn't impressed... but then again, I've never been impressed
> with Clinton/Gore.
> Saw some of the Bush show last week... or was it two weeks ago?... anyway,
> seems like a lot of hoopla :)
> So who's going to win?  Will religion be a deciding factor? or does
> money talk?
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