Re: [Xastir] Xastir and soundmodem?

2008-12-06 Thread Steve Friis
It is a MacBook Pro2

Just because you say I'm paranoid doesn't mean they aren't watching us.

Jason KG4WSV wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 9:22 PM, Steve Friis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> There are 24 pins on one, and 4 on the other, plus there is a real RS232
>> port on the back.
> huh.  sounds like i've missed a mac model somewhere along the way.
> -Jason
> kg4wsv
> ___
> Xastir mailing list
Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Xastir and soundmodem?

2008-12-06 Thread Steve Friis
There are 24 pins on one, and 4 on the other, plus there is a real RS232 
port on the back. It does work as she has xastir running with a GPS just 

The connector is labeled as a printer. Next to is are two USB ports, the 
usual type, and she has two firewire connectors on the other side, along 
with a couple more USB ports. In the back is a port to dock the thing 
and I suppose it would have audio in/out, mouse, keyboard, video and 
charger/power. Not sure what else it might have.

Just because you say I'm paranoid doesn't mean they aren't watching us.

Jason KG4WSV wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 7:05 PM, Steve Friis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> It says it is a printer port in the book. It does have a weird connector
>> on it tho.
> I'll bet that's the old RS422 port, and the weird connector is an 8
> pin mini DIN (like PS/2 without the key).  With the right wiring it
> can be connected to RS232 devices.
> -Jason
> kg4wsv
> ___
> Xastir mailing list
Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Xastir and soundmodem?

2008-12-06 Thread Steve Friis
It says it is a printer port in the book. It does have a weird connector 
on it tho.

Val says she does use the USB port to connect to the printer. I thought 
she was using the printer port.

We supply White Sands Missile Range, Sandia National Labs and Los 
Alamos. When we order, we buy what we want for us at the same time. We 
have to supply what they call COTS, or Comercial Off The Shelf.

The desktops we assemble here, the laptops are always Dell, or Macs.

I am by no means a computer expert. I know you have been around here for 
longer than I have on the Xastir group, and have always followed your 

Just because you say I'm paranoid doesn't mean they aren't watching us.

Jason KG4WSV wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 3:26 PM, Steve Friis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I actually have 2 new Dells here, and a Mac laptop. They all have a
>> serial and a parallel port.
> I'd like to see that mac laptop with a parallel port.  Apple has, to
> my knowledge, never used a parallel port on _any_ mac, much less a
> laptop.  They used an RS422 serial connection for printing in the good
> ol' days of the original Macintosh, and eventually migrated from there
> to USB for printer attachment.
> There were some old mac desktops with DB25 SCSI connectors, though.
>> As to the serial ports not available, you should have gotten a kit that
>> connects those serial headers on the mother board to the DB9 connector,
> Dell currently has our bid, and that's an extra item that must be
> ordered.  Maybe the non-education/government stuff is different.
> -Jason
> kg4wsv
> ___
> Xastir mailing list
Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Xastir and soundmodem?

2008-12-06 Thread Steve Friis
I actually have 2 new Dells here, and a Mac laptop. They all have a 
serial and a parallel port. The new computers bought last month for the 
shop also have both serial and Parallel ports.

As to the serial ports not available, you should have gotten a kit that 
connects those serial headers on the mother board to the DB9 connector, 
and this goes where a blank space is covering the PCI or AGP slots. Both 
of the low end PC's we just bought came with these. It was just a matter 
of plugging them in. The new high end PC, which we set up as a Linux 
server, came with 2 serial ports, set up the same way as the low end 
desktop units, and it also still has a parallel port too.

But, I bet the HP's and Gateways don't come with the kit though. 
Anything to save a buck. I bet you have to buy the kit from them to get 
it. If they don't have them, you should be able to find a vendor on line 
that will sell you the kits.

Just because you say I'm paranoid doesn't mean they aren't watching us.

Jason KG4WSV wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 2:05 PM, Steve Friis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I don't think the parallel port is going away very soon,
> looked at a new laptop lately?  say, in the last 3 or 4 years?
> I'm surprised parallel ports seem to be lasting longer than serial
> ports.  USB is replacing both.
> What kills me are the motherboards that have serial ports, but they
> aren't wired to an available connector anywhere.
> I suspect a USB/rs232 adapter will work for soundmodem PTT purposes,
> unless it's particularly lousy.
> -Jason
> kg4wsv
> ___
> Xastir mailing list
Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Xastir and soundmodem?

2008-12-06 Thread Steve Friis
I don't think the parallel port is going away very soon, but the serial 
port has all but disappeared on new mother boards. I just bought a new 
PC, and when I chose which model, I was careful to get a real serial 
port, but you do have to look if you want one.

Just because you say I'm paranoid doesn't mean they aren't watching us.

Alan Crosswell wrote:
> I'm curious what hardware interfaces people are using these days for PTT
> for soundmodem?  So far, the old computers I use for aprsdigi are still
> old enough to have a parallel port so I use a 2n PTT setup, but
> pretty soon that's no longer going to be the case.  A long time ago I
> tried the VOX-based PTT ckt but was not successful with it.
> 73 de N2YGK
> Gary Huntress wrote:
>> Thanks to everyone for all the replies.I definitely needed to change the
>> permissions on the xastir binary, that helped.   The permissions on
>> /dev/soundmodem0 were already 777 so I didn't do anything with that.
>> FWIW, on the same box, I'm running an XP virtual machine with soundmodem and
>> it is receiving.   I shut down that VM and switch to Ubuntu and I'm not
>> getting anything.I have to assume it's something with ALSA, the various
>> capture devices, or mixer settings.
>> Thanks for the help.   I may just switch to a hardware TNC if I can find a
>> decent one supported by linux!
>> Gary H.
>> On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 2:49 AM, Andrew Errington <
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 I suspect if a few of us who have set it up before got together and
 wrote a step-by-step on the Wiki, we'd be able to keep it up to date from
 then on.  I've got many years under my belt with AX.25 on Linux (KISS
 TNC's attached to real serial ports).  I've only done
 soundmodem setups a few times and never set up transmit with it.
>>> Crikey.  I thought I was way behind the curve with a lot of catching up to
>>> do!  I've been busy in the last couple of weeks.
>>> I built a radio cable using the parallel port to control PTT and I was
>>> very pleased when it actually worked.  There were three issues I had to
>>> deal with:
>>> 1) Permissions on the soundmodem0 device.  I mentioned how I solved this,
>>> but Curt has give the correct answer, which I will have to do.
>>> 2) I was using a handheld radio with PTT combined with the mic. signal.  I
>>> had to put a capacitor in the line from the PC audio out otherwise PTT
>>> just pulled the audio signal straight to ground (many PTT circuits don't
>>> show this).
>>> 3) Tweaking the sound mixer settings to coax the audio driver to work
>>> properly.  For some reason the mic. input on the laptop doesn't work
>>> unless I turn the mic. boost switch on then off again.  I knew this was an
>>> issue on this laptop as I have the same problem with Skype.
>>> After that it Just Worked.  Thanks to the XASTIR dev. team for much
>>> coolness.
>>> 73,
>>> Andrew
>>> ZL3AME
>>> ___
>>> Xastir mailing list
>> ___
>> Xastir mailing list
> ___
> Xastir mailing list
Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] remote use from a windows computer

2008-10-01 Thread Steve Friis

If you set up your windoz box for VNC, you can actually do just that.

I have a computer, though it is running Linux, at the ham station. I can 
set up and run xastir and other programs like fldigi from my laptop 
while in the living room, and transmit/receive digital modes. I can move 
to the bedroom, and not disconnect. I can even sit outside on the porch 
and operate, and still switch over to xastir to see it's display when 

There are several versions for windoz available, and you just set up a 
few parameters and then you can connect.

Steve Friis
Amateur Call WM5Z
APRS WM5Z-1 Las Cruces Igate | APRS WM5Z-2 Home | APRS WM5Z-3 RV | APRS WM5Z-15 

These are the humble rantings of an El Viejo Pedoro (old fart) and in no way 
should they influence the actions of any intelligent and sane person.

Harold Hartley wrote:
I'm just wondering if I ran xastir on my linux box, can I connect to 
my linux box with my windows laptop over wireless network and see the 
graphics on my laptop like I would if I was sitting in front of my 
linux box.

I'm curious about this as my linux box is not within my reach when I'm 
in bed, but I use my winXP laptop when in bed and want to do my xastir 
over it.

Please let me know if this is possible..

Xastir mailing list

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] On a Thinkbook 240?

2008-09-29 Thread Steve Friis
Should be a piece of cake. Install Fedora 9, then install xastir. Mine 
works great.

Steve Friis
Amateur Call WM5Z
APRS WM5Z-1 Las Cruces Igate | APRS WM5Z-2 Home | APRS WM5Z-3 RV | APRS WM5Z-15 

These are the humble rantings of an old phart and in no way should they 
influence the actions of any intelligent and sane person.

Damon Baldini wrote:

I've been trying to put Xastir on a IBM Thinkbook 240 and have been running
into problems.  I've tried a different windows setups but none seem to be
able to handle it.  If someone else has it on this laptop, please email me
at dtab55 at if you would like to help me.  Thank.



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Re: [Xastir] Avast, there be Pirates!

2008-09-16 Thread Steve Friis

Curt, WE7U wrote:

On Tue, 16 Sep 2008, Nick Kartsioukas wrote:

I believe that was a Pirates of the Caribbean reference, in which the
"Pirate's Code" is described as "more like guidelines".  :)

Ah.  I'm a little slow sometimes, particularly before I've had my

You guys sure know how to make me laugh...

Steve Friis/ WM5Z
These are the humble ramblings of an old phart and in no way should they 
influence the actions of any intelligent and sane person.

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] aprslib: a modest proposal for Xastir-NG

2008-09-11 Thread Steve Friis

Jeff N0JUH wrote:
Now, there's one part of my suggestion that might be offensive to Xastir 
folks.  I think that a core aprslib should NOT be GPL!  Open source, 
yes, but released under LGPL, BSD, MIT or similar license.  To make the 
most of the concept, EVERYONE (even commercial developers) should use 
this library as the core of their products.

I have to ask, why would we want commercial interests making a profit on 
what these guys work so hard to accomplish? Shouldn't the license 
prevent that, while allowing non-profit users free access? I don't know 
much about licensing, but if we let corporations like microsoft or any 
other of the high powered companies to wrap their mitts (No, the pun was 
NOT intended, but it does work) around it, soon we will find they have 
taken it away from us. Doubt what I say? Look at the history of DOS, 
Windows, the mouse continuem aud nausium and draw your own conclusion. 
This was really bad ideas back in the 70's and 80's. I remember when you 
 had to pay to use Microsoft's Web Browser. (Windows 3.02)

Let commercial users use your stuff, but make them pay for it.

I have never been against a man (read developer) making a profit, and 
then being willing to share. If someone wants to give away their work, 
fantastic, and I for one really appreciate the gift. Every time I use 
xastir, it is like Curt, Jerry and the rest gave me a $1000 gift. I 
really thank them for what they have done and what they continue to do. 
But, please don't feed the bear. It will  you.

Steve Friis/ WM5Z
These are the humble ramblings of an old phart and in no way should they 
influence the actions of any intelligent and sane person.

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Feature Request

2008-09-10 Thread Steve Friis

Curt, WE7U wrote:

The label on the button is proper now plus the tracked station
callsign is saved in the config file and restored on startup.  The
tracking state is still _not_ saved, so the only way to come up
tracking on start is to use the command-line flag.

You can however easily go to the Station->Track Station dialog and
hit the "Track Now!" button without typing the callsign if you
always track just one station.

For other stations right-click on the station, click Station Info,
select the station (if there were several under the cursor), then
click "Track Station".  No typing required.



Steve Friis/ WM5Z
These are the humble ramblings of an old phart and in no way should they 
influence the actions of any intelligent and sane person.

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Feature Request

2008-09-10 Thread Steve Friis

Curt, WE7U wrote:

On Tue, 9 Sep 2008, Steve Friis wrote:

xastir -f we7u-12 &

No, I didn't, but then that would require a restart, if I am thinking 
correctly how that would work.


Well, to regress back to what I originally thought, if there was a 
remembered list that would persist through restarts of the program, 
then one would only have to click on the station that was previously 
entered in the list. If a new station was going to be added to the 
list, then one would add it to a blank field. If you wanted to re-use 
a call, then you would just recheck that station.

I fully understand, and that would be lovely, but it's more work
than I want to do right now.

I see how your way would work too. Here in NM when I zoom in what 
would be a search area or a bike-a-thon etc, I don't see that it is 
going to be very cluttered, unless you are talking about everyone in 
the staging area, and even then... Now if you are talking about 
covering a whole county, things can get crowded in the metro's but not 
unreasonably. So, you method should be very useful. Probably would 
work even better than mine.

Xastir will give you a Chooser box before it goes to Station Info if
there's more than one station within XX pixels of where you
right-click with the mouse, then you click on the callsign you want
and it goes to Station Info.  From there you can click on the new
Track Station button which isn't labeled properly yet.

It's in CVS now.  Might not be in anonCVS for a few minutes.

Awesome Curt. I will download it later this PM. Have to head out to WSMR 
to work on some of their equipment. I'll let you know how it goes.I will 
have have to get CVS working on this old laptop to check it out. I never 
have gotten it to work on this one for some reason. It runs Fedora 7. I 
always try out the latest greatest here first before I do the work station.

GB and have a great day, and THANK YOU very much.

Steve Friis/ WM5Z
These are the humble ramblings of an old phart and in no way should they 
influence the actions of any intelligent and sane person.

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Feature Request

2008-09-09 Thread Steve Friis

Curt, WE7U wrote:

On Tue, 9 Sep 2008, Steve Friis wrote:

Anyway I kind of like your way as then I wouldn't have to pull down a 
menu and then select a box. Just right-click on the station, if I 
understand what you are saying, and make the selection. Way cool.

Almost.  You'd right-click.  If there were multiple stations near
the mouse you'd get a selection box, else the Station Info window.
If the selection box then select the callsign and then the Station
Info window would pop up.  Once there you'd have a button there for
"Track This Station" or some-such.

Did you know about the "-f callsign" (Track callsign) command-line
option?  You could do it that way as well:

xastir -f we7u-12 &

No, I didn't, but then that would require a restart, if I am thinking 
correctly how that would work.

Define different aliases or scripts for tracking certain people.

I'm still thinking about the "minimum surprise to users" angle:
Should we or should we not make tracking of a particular station
remembered through restarts of Xastir?

Well, to regress back to what I originally thought, if there was a 
remembered list that would persist through restarts of the program, then 
one would only have to click on the station that was previously entered 
in the list. If a new station was going to be added to the list, then 
one would add it to a blank field. If you wanted to re-use a call, then 
you would just recheck that station.

I see how your way would work too. Here in NM when I zoom in what would 
be a search area or a bike-a-thon etc, I don't see that it is going to 
be very cluttered, unless you are talking about everyone in the staging 
area, and even then... Now if you are talking about covering a whole 
county, things can get crowded in the metro's but not unreasonably. So, 
you method should be very useful. Probably would work even better than mine.

Sorry, I got long winded.

Steve Friis/ WM5Z
These are the humble ramblings of an old phart and in no way should they 
influence the actions of any intelligent and sane person.

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Feature Request

2008-09-09 Thread Steve Friis

As far as the list, that's a bit more code.  What about this
instead:  A button on the Station Info window for enabling tracking
of that station?  I've been wanting to do that for some time and
that would make it easier to track stations if they'd been heard
recently.  If not then one could type in the callsign.

Wow, I didn't think to do it that way. Even that would really be cool. 
See why you are a developer and I am just a user?

Anyway I kind of like your way as then I wouldn't have to pull down a 
menu and then select a box. Just right-click on the station, if I 
understand what you are saying, and make the selection. Way cool.

Steve Friis/ WM5Z
These are the humble ramblings of an old phart and in no way should they 
influence the actions of any intelligent and sane person.

Xastir mailing list

[Xastir] Feature Request

2008-09-09 Thread Steve Friis

I posted this earlier, but didn't see it go by or hear any response.

I would like to see where xastir  remembers the 
last station entered here. It would be really cool if it could remember 
a limited list where a check mark or box would re-initiate this 
function. I typically find myself tracking one of four or five stations 
repeatedly. It would be great if I didn't have to retype these calls 
over and over each time, and with my clumsy fingers... well, you get the 

Steve Friis/ WM5Z
These are the humble ramblings of an old phart and in no way should they 
influence the actions of any intelligent and sane person.

Xastir mailing list

[Xastir] Grouply

2008-09-09 Thread Steve Friis
There is a thing going around called "Grouply". Be ware! This is a data 
miner that poses as an aid for Yahoo groups. Yahoo disclames it and 
several friends have fallen pray to this beast and have had their data 

Check out here <> to see what I am 
talking about. Go to the bottom of the page to read the article.
has more info on this subject.

Remember, if someone asks for your passwords, don't give it to them.

Steve Friis/ WM5Z
These are the humble ramblings of an old phart and in no way should they 
influence the actions of any intelligent and sane person.

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] new problem.... tigermaps above Zoom=512

2008-09-05 Thread Steve Friis

Kurt A. Freiberger wrote:
Oopsie.  When one has the window set to full on a 1900x1200 LCD display, 
it looks like Xastir does that.

I made the window smaller, and it works right now.


I have seen that on my Sony 21" Monitor. But it only does that when it 
is full screen. In a free window stretched out to near full screen all 
is well. Only when locked into a full screen does it fail.

All is well on the other 4 systems here, even the Dell wide screen laptop.

Steve Friis/ WM5Z
These are the humble ramblings of an old phart and in no way should they 
influence the actions of any intelligent and sane person.

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Hurricane Watch

2008-09-04 Thread Steve Friis

Gerry Creager wrote:
Go to and take a look at the ports info.  I'm 
gonna update both the machine and the code as soon as I can get a 
machine I can put it on and some time.

Try 2323 and 10152 for a good start...


Steve Friis wrote:

Firenet w/objects and items coming through your filter.  Turn on

Filter Data->
WX Objects/Items

I have all of these under Station set ok. But Firenet won't start. 
What is the right port? I have 14580 in there now. And, is it

OK, you know what? Things do work when they are entered right... Damn 
fat fingers. ;-)

Thanks. I set up an interface for this to use as a demo, and to play 
with the weather stuff.

Thanks guys.

Steve Friis/ WM5Z
These are the humble rantings of an old phart and in no way should they 
influence the actions of any intelligent and sane person.

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Hurricane Watch

2008-09-04 Thread Steve Friis

Firenet w/objects and items coming through your filter.  Turn on

Filter Data->
WX Objects/Items

I have all of these under Station set ok. But Firenet won't start. What 
is the right port? I have 14580 in there now. And, is it

Steve Friis/ WM5Z
These are the humble rantings of an old phart and in no way should they 
influence the actions of any intelligent and sane person.

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Hurricane Watch

2008-09-04 Thread Steve Friis

Tate - KA7O wrote:

Gerry Creager wrote:
If I can remember the incantations to compile Xastir on a new CentOS 5 
install I'll look at these tomorrow.  I'm reinstalling my machine at 
home tomorrow, I hope.  Otherwise I'll look on the laptop...  Then 
I'll see if we're representing things correctly.  I know that Dale's 
going outta the business of the WxSrv stuff but we're trying to see 
how to carry on and provide real and timely information.



The Fedora 'howto' on the documentation wiki should at least be close - 
if not spot on. If there're bits that don't fit/work - holler!

Xastir mailing list

I looked it over, being a fedora user. You are right on with everything, 
except you promise a short how-to in the beginning for "sudo" set-up but 
never do. Other than that, good work. I would grade you a A, with the 
plus pending the addition of the "sudo".

Steve Friis/ WM5Z
These are the humble rantings of an old phart and in no way should they 
influence the actions of any intelligent and sane person.

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Hurricane Watch

2008-09-04 Thread Steve Friis

Curt, WE7U wrote:

On Thu, 4 Sep 2008, Keith Kaiser wrote:

I'm looking at Hanna and Ike on Xastir, but each has a number of 
circles, red, green, yellow around them. Would someone in the know 
please give me (and the rest of us land lubbers) the skinny on this, 
tell us how all this happens.

Those are the three different wind speeds that are reported for each
Tropical depression/tropical storm/hurricane.

The rings show wx_whole_gale_radius, wx_trop_storm_radius, and
wx_hurricane_radius (Xastir's variable names for them).  If you see
all three circles the smallest one shows the radius of
hurricane-force winds, the next larger is the radius of tropical
storm winds.

If the storm/hurricane doesn't get up to the max speed you may only
see two rings.  Same for one ring if it doesn't make it to the
second scale.

What do you turn on to see these? I have the NWSRadar.geo on. Am I 
missing a file?

Steve Friis/ WM5Z
These are the humble rantings of an old phart and in no way should they 
influence the actions of any intelligent and sane person.

Xastir mailing list

[Xastir] Function or feature request

2008-09-04 Thread Steve Friis
What are the chances that the  could become a 
sticky function, with maybe a pull-down menu so that we wouldn't 
repeatedly have to re-enter those stations we track most often. I find I 
only track 4 or 5 stations repeatedly. Maybe others do more, but this is 
a starting suggestion. Would make re-using the function easier.

Steve Friis/ WM5Z
These are the humble rantings of an old phart and in no way should they 
influence the actions of any intelligent and sane person.

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Xastir Devel Release

2008-09-03 Thread Steve Friis
:-) I just installed the latest (1.9.5) of xastir, and the first thing I 
see different is it now has "Igate Logging". What does this do? In fact, 
there is a bunch of logging options. Is there an explanation somewhere 
of what these are used for?

Thanks guys for making a great program even better. Keep up the good 
work, but be sure to have some fun along the way!!! (That goes for you 
Curt, and you too, Gerry) ;-)

Steve Friis/ WM5Z
These are the rantings of an old phart and in no way should they 
influence anyone.

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] First Install in OS X

2008-09-01 Thread Steve Friis

Keith Kaiser wrote:
So I've been told. I loaded both LessTif and the older version of 
OpenMotif but because I don't know how to get rid of the older version 
of OpenMotif, how to delete it completely in other words, I've not been 
able to make Xastir use the newer version.

I think you do it like this;

./configure --without-motif --with-lesstif

Steve Friis
VS Engineering
1705 Roadrunner Lane
Las Cruces, NM 88007

(575) 621-5477

Amateur Radio Call:WM5Z
Grid Locator:DM62OH16JG, N32.31786 W106.82193
144.390, 146.64 Local Repeater, 3939KHz NMRRTN, 7195KHz Rag Chew,
APRS WM5Z-1 = Las Cruces iGate, APRS WM5Z-2 = Home,
APRS WM5Z-3 = RV, APRS WM5Z-4 = My Car
KD5ZGY-3 XYL's Car
Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Downloadable or "OnCD/DVD maps

2008-08-30 Thread Steve Friis

Ronny Julian wrote:

If I want to use Xastir outside of an internet connection and have a full set 
of US maps is there a way I can download/save/buy a set of Tigermaps or some 
other type of street level set?  My laptop has plenty of disk space and a DVD 

K4RJJ Ronny


Xastir mailing list

I was making sets available in I think 4 DVD set of all the 56 states 
and possessions. These are based on the 2002 Tiger maps. There are some 
other interesting items in this set as well.

Contact me off list and I will give you more information.

Steve Friis
Amateur Radio Call:WM5Z
Grid Locator:DM62OH16JG, N32.31786 W106.82193
144.390, 146.64 Local Repeater, 3939KHz NMRRTN, 7195KHz Rag Chew,
APRS WM5Z-1 = Las Cruces iGate, APRS WM5Z-2 = Home,
APRS WM5Z-3 = RV, APRS WM5Z-4 = My Car
KD5ZGY-3 XYL's Car

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Getting rid of external libraries (opinion)

2008-08-08 Thread Steve Friis

Curt, WE7U wrote:

On Fri, 8 Aug 2008, Dick Repasky wrote:

I realize that it is a huge task, but I think that switching the GUI is
inevitable.  If only one GUI will be supported, my vote is for a GUI 
that can

also be  built on Windows with as little modification as possible.

Yea.  I'd go that way too.

This is all fun to discuss and all but may never take root.  The
bulk of the effort needs to go toward Xastir-NG, which can have such
use-cases defined for it and therefore coded from the beginning the
"right way".

It may be that people want to continue the current code as well for
some reason, in which case these discussions really might matter.
As long as there are enough developers to go around that is.

I am only a user and in no way should you consider me a developer at 
all. But, I am a user of xastir and have watched the development grow 
and flourish the last few years.

If I were to have a say so, I would vote that further development on 
this version (1.9xx) should be abandoned and work on version 2.0.x 
should begin. It would really be great if as many libraries as possible 
be incorporated internally so that we, the users, wouldn't have to hunt 
to find these external libraries and so that we users would have a 
working program from the start. It would require mucho trubajo from you 
developer types, but your rewards will be many, in heaven, maybe?

OK that's probably more than a nickel's worth, so you guys keep the change.

Steve Friis
Amateur Radio Call:WM5Z
Grid Locator:DM62oh, N32.31785 W196.82173
144.390, 3939KHz NMRRTN, 7195KHz Rag Chew, 
APRS WM5Z-1 = Las Cruces iGate, APRS WM5Z-2 = Home,

APRS WM5Z-3 = RV, APRS WM5Z-4 = My Car

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Seismic event feed?

2008-08-07 Thread Steve Friis

David wrote:

Curt, WE7U wrote:

On Wed, 6 Aug 2008, Steve Friis wrote:

When I use, I get every APRS station in the 
world. Am I missing something? You guys were trying to get the 
earthquake data right? or am I a dumbass and totally missing the 

The quake data is probably why I was invited into the Firenet group
in the first place.  I had been injecting it into APRS-IS for a
while before that.  When Firenet came along I started injecting
those quakes plus the lower-magnitude quakes as well.  Then fires.
Then stream gauges.  Then other weather station data.  Then railroad
engines, then...

Hi.i get the Quake data via Curt by using the following filter in 
the Internet config

s/alt/Q in the Filter Paramaters

shows up all the Quakes on the world map
very interesting data too especially the ones in the Indonesia and 
South Pacific areas that are close to VK.

Tnx Curt for the data supply

73 David VK4BDJ
Xastir mailing list

When I enter  and use <14579> I cannot connect.

Steve Friis
Amateur Radio Call:WM5Z
Grid Locator:DM62oh, N32.31785 W196.82173
144.390, 3939KHz NMRRTN, 7195KHz Rag Chew, 
APRS WM5Z-1 = Las Cruces iGate, APRS WM5Z-2 = Home,

APRS WM5Z-3 = RV, APRS WM5Z-4 = My Car

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Seismic event feed?

2008-08-06 Thread Steve Friis

Curt, WE7U wrote:

On Wed, 6 Aug 2008, Steve Friis wrote:

This is a website that has the information I think you are looking 
for. Now how to get the feed into xastir is beyond me. If you do 
figure it out, let me know?

Silly... or

I did that stuff _years_ ago!

When I use, I get every APRS station in the world. Am 
I missing something? You guys were trying to get the earthquake data 
right? or am I a dumbass and totally missing the point...LOL.

Steve Friis
Amateur Radio Call:WM5Z
Grid Locator:DM62oh, N32.31785 W196.82173
144.390, 3939KHz NMRRTN, 7195KHz Rag Chew, 
APRS WM5Z-1 = Las Cruces iGate, APRS WM5Z-2 = Home,

APRS WM5Z-3 = RV, APRS WM5Z-4 = My Car

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Seismic event feed?

2008-08-06 Thread Steve Friis

Curt, WE7U wrote:

On Wed, 6 Aug 2008, Alex Carver wrote:

Is there a page somewhere that documents it?  The one page I found is not responding.

That one's down, but it doesn't document the quake data anyway.  I
don't believe anything out there does.  The name of the objects
include the magnitude and the date as I recall, then in the comments
are the depth and as much of a text descriptor of the location as
will fit in the remaining space.

I don't see any nearby at the moment to look at.  All of the object
names start with 'q'.

I should have sent this page first. Sorry. 

On the left hand side is a list of feeds you can get.

Steve Friis
Amateur Radio Call:WM5Z
Grid Locator:DM62oh, N32.31785 W196.82173
144.390, 3939KHz NMRRTN, 7195KHz Rag Chew, 
APRS WM5Z-1 = Las Cruces iGate, APRS WM5Z-2 = Home,

APRS WM5Z-3 = RV, APRS WM5Z-4 = My Car

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Seismic event feed?

2008-08-06 Thread Steve Friis

Curt, WE7U wrote:

On Wed, 6 Aug 2008, Alex Carver wrote:

Is there a page somewhere that documents it?  The one page I found is not responding.

That one's down, but it doesn't document the quake data anyway.  I
don't believe anything out there does.  The name of the objects
include the magnitude and the date as I recall, then in the comments
are the depth and as much of a text descriptor of the location as
will fit in the remaining space.

I don't see any nearby at the moment to look at.  All of the object
names start with 'q'.

This is a website that has the information I think you are looking for. 
Now how to get the feed into xastir is beyond me. If you do figure it 
out, let me know?


Steve Friis
Amateur Radio Call:WM5Z
Grid Locator:DM62oh, N32.31785 W196.82173
144.390, 3939KHz NMRRTN, 7195KHz Rag Chew, 
APRS WM5Z-1 = Las Cruces iGate, APRS WM5Z-2 = Home,

APRS WM5Z-3 = RV, APRS WM5Z-4 = My Car

Xastir mailing list

[Xastir] RE:Fonts

2008-08-01 Thread Steve Friis


I did as you suggested and changed all the fonts in 
~.xastir/config/xastir.cnf file to fixed. Removed all the adobe fonts. 
Now both machines work great.

Steve Friis
Amateur Radio Call:WM5Z
Grid Locator:DM62oh, N32.31785 W196.82173
144.390, 3939KHz NMRRTN, 7195KHz Rag Chew,
APRS WM5Z-1 = Las Cruces iGate, APRS WM5Z-2 = Home,
APRS WM5Z-3 = RV, APRS WM5Z-4 = My Car
No-one can change the past, but we all influence the future.
We all get heavier as we get older, because there's a lot more 
information in our heads.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Xastir mailing list

[Xastir] Font troubles

2008-07-28 Thread Steve Friis
I had a machine with Fedora Core 5 on it and decided to upgrade to 
Fedora 8. I did a fresh bear bones installation. Everything went 
smoothly, got all the libraries I wanted loaded, built it, installed it 
and then ran it. All looks great except I am getting some very strange 
errors now. I guess this is from the changes made using customizable fonts?

What am I missing?

For the sake of space, I am only including the first dozen or so lines. 
This is what I get when I run xastir in terminal as "xastir &".

Map_font_change_data: Couldn't load station font 
-*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*.  Loading default station 
font instead.

Map_font_change_data: Couldn't load default station font.
*** Reading WX Alert log files
*** Done with WX Alert log files
draw_rotated_label_text: Couldn't get font 
draw_rotated_label_text: Couldn't get font 
draw_rotated_label_text: Couldn't get font 
draw_rotated_label_text: Couldn't get font 
draw_rotated_label_text: Couldn't get font 
draw_rotated_label_text: Couldn't get font 
draw_rotated_label_text: Couldn't get font 

Steve Friis
Amateur Radio Call:WM5Z
Grid Locator:DM62oh, N32.31785 W196.82173
144.390, 3939KHz NMRRTN, 7195KHz Rag Chew, 
APRS WM5Z-1 = Las Cruces iGate, APRS WM5Z-2 = Home,

APRS WM5Z-3 = RV, APRS WM5Z-4 = My Car
No-one can change the past, but we all influence the future.

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Stuck

2008-07-26 Thread Steve Friis

Ken Bessler wrote:

Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2008 20:57:17 -0600
Subject: Re: [Xastir] Stuck

Ken Bessler wrote:

I did all that work to get Xastir to run, now I tried to set up soundmodem
to PTT and it won't recognize my HL-340 USB to serial port adapter!

This is very frustrating - I have no com ports or parallel ports on my
Dell 1501 laptop. I need to get soundmodem to command my adapter
to pull the right pins high so my ptt interface will key my mobile rig.



Do you have it set up as /dev/ttyUSB0? Do you have permissions to use
that port with sndmodem? These are what I would check.

Steve Friis

Actually, my GPS is /dev/ttyUSB0 and dmesg reports the serial converter
as /dev/ttyUSB1. I noticed soundmodemconfig didn't have an entry for that
but the prog allowed me to write it in.

Here's my soundmodem start up script:

# This will launch soundmodem and change
# the permissions on/dev/soundmodem0
soundmodem &
sleep 1
chmod 666 /dev/soundmodem0

I call the script with this command:

sudo ./

I also (as root) just tried this command (a shot in the dark):

chmod 666 /dev/ttyUSB1

The error I get with the script is:

 Device "/dev/ttyUSB1" neither parport nor serport
sm[14360]: cannot start PTT output

I'm pretty new at this ubuntu linux stuff - am I missing something?


Stay in touch when you're away with Windows Live Messenger.
Xastir mailing list

Another thing, read this article. 

Steve Friis
Amateur Radio Call:WM5Z
Grid Locator:DM62oh
N-32 19 3.9, W-106 49 18.2

No-one can change the past, but we all influence the future.
Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Stuck

2008-07-26 Thread Steve Friis

Ken Bessler wrote:

Actually, my GPS is /dev/ttyUSB0 and dmesg reports the serial converter
as /dev/ttyUSB1. I noticed soundmodemconfig didn't have an entry for that
but the prog allowed me to write it in.

Here's my soundmodem start up script:

# This will launch soundmodem and change
# the permissions on/dev/soundmodem0
soundmodem &
sleep 1
chmod 666 /dev/soundmodem0

I call the script with this command:

sudo ./

I also (as root) just tried this command (a shot in the dark):

chmod 666 /dev/ttyUSB1

The error I get with the script is:

 Device "/dev/ttyUSB1" neither parport nor serport
sm[14360]: cannot start PTT output

I'm pretty new at this ubuntu linux stuff - am I missing something?


OK. Did you install soundmodem via a precompiled source or did you build 
it from source? I have heard that some of the precompiled sources don't 
work so good on some systems.

Steve Friis
Amateur Radio Call:WM5Z
Grid Locator:DM62oh
N-32 19 3.9, W-106 49 18.2

No-one can change the past, but we all influence the future.
Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Stuck

2008-07-26 Thread Steve Friis

Ken Bessler wrote:

I did all that work to get Xastir to run, now I tried to set up soundmodem
to PTT and it won't recognize my HL-340 USB to serial port adapter! 

This is very frustrating - I have no com ports or parallel ports on my
Dell 1501 laptop. I need to get soundmodem to command my adapter
to pull the right pins high so my ptt interface will key my mobile rig.



Do you have it set up as /dev/ttyUSB0? Do you have permissions to use 
that port with sndmodem? These are what I would check.

Steve Friis
Amateur Radio Call:WM5Z
Grid Locator:DM62oh
N-32 19 3.9, W-106 49 18.2

No-one can change the past, but we all influence the future.
Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] newbie help - Ahhh.... figured it out (maps)!

2008-07-25 Thread Steve Friis

Ken Bessler wrote:

Sorry for all the newb traffic on the reflector, guys.

I managed to figure out the maps: after selecting a map you need
to hit the properties button and, like in the interface dialog, turn the
map ON... D'oh!!

73 de Ken KG0WX - Kadiddlehopper #11808,

Hey Ken,

Almost all of us here were nubee's too. Besides, I bet somewhere someone 
else has been fighting the same things.

Some really good reading are the files, like getting_Started 
and maps. Oh, and there is some really cool stuff to be found in the FAQ 

When you get time, you need to explore controlling levels and other tricks.

Steve Friis
Amateur Radio Call:WM5Z
Grid Locator:DM62oh
N-32 19 3.9, W-106 49 18.2

No-one can change the past, but we all influence the future.
Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] WXSVR dead?

2008-07-10 Thread Steve Friis

Richard Polivka, N6NKO wrote:

Seeing no messages and its icon in the Gulf of Mexico is missing.

Now back to my preparations for a exercise in frustration: A kinematic 
survey of a campground using just an L1 receiver tomorrow.

73 from 807,

Richard, N6NKO

Spoken like a true :en-gun-ear:

Steve Friis
Amateur Radio Call:WM5Z
Grid Locator:DM62oh

No-one can change the past, but we all influence the future.
Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] wms radar

2008-07-07 Thread Steve Friis

vic wrote:

Yea man, working like a champ!
Take your time, I just was wondering what was happening.
73 de k4xtt vic

On Mon, 07 Jul 2008 18:41:35 -0500
Gerry Creager <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Is it back?  I'm seeing some graphics.  Resurrected a lot of hardware 
today.  Lots to do... AFTER Hurricane Bertha is resolved.


I am still nor seeing them. Is it possible some regions are on and 
others like ours here is still disconnected? Not sure what you send us.

Steve Friis
Amateur Radio Call:WM5Z
Grid Locator:DM62oh

No-one can change the past, but we all influence the future.
The golden rule of history is those with the weapons make the rules.
Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] wms radar

2008-07-07 Thread Steve Friis

vic wrote:

okay, thanks. How well I know how these things go.

If radars are important to you, you can google for  files. These 
are NOT as GOOD as what Gerry serves up, but in a pinch...

I watch the thunder storms roll through here this time of year. So, 
Ridge feeds are very important.I use the regional files, especially the 
one labeled .

Steve Friis
Amateur Radio Call:WM5Z
Grid Locator:DM62oh

No-one can change the past, but we all influence the future.
The golden rule of history is those with the weapons make the rules.
Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] WMSRadar down?

2008-07-07 Thread Steve Friis

Gerry Creager wrote:
LDAP and RAID problems.  I got the LDAP problem fixed last night.  The 
RAID didn't become obvious 'til after that, and I was already back home 
(and too tired to be allowed near hardware again).  I hope to have it 
back up this morning.  Sorry!

Hey! Gerry! No problem here. I appreciate what you do for the community. 
You have done us in the xastir community much service by providing us 
with these products, and without cost to use.


Steve Friis wrote:

Seems that the weather radars are not working???

Since 6/5/...

curlerr: couldn't connect to host
Perhaps a timeout? Try increasing "Internet Map Timout".
curl told us 7
curlerr: couldn't connect to host
Perhaps a timeout? Try increasing "Internet Map Timout".

Steve Friis
Amateur Radio Call:WM5Z
Grid Locator:DM62oh

No-one can change the past, but we all influence the future.
The golden rule of history is those with the weapons make the rules.
Xastir mailing list

[Xastir] WMSRadar down?

2008-07-06 Thread Steve Friis

Seems that the weather radars are not working???

Since 6/5/...

curlerr: couldn't connect to host
Perhaps a timeout? Try increasing "Internet Map Timout".
curl told us 7
curlerr: couldn't connect to host
Perhaps a timeout? Try increasing "Internet Map Timout".

Steve Friis
Amateur Radio Call:WM5Z
Grid Locator:DM62oh

No-one can change the past, but we all influence the future.
The golden rule of history is those with the weapons make the rules.
Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] User-selectable Fonts

2008-07-01 Thread Steve Friis

Curt, WE7U wrote:

Earlier we had:  "Maps->Configure->Map Label Fonts" (or similar).

Now in current CVS we have:  "File->Configure->Fonts"

The original dialog had six map fonts that were user changeable, all
were fonts used for drawing maps.

The new dialog has three additional fonts that can be user-defined:

Menu Font
Station Font

"Menu Font" is used for all the menus (like, duh!).  Eventually I
hope to have it tied in to all the child dialogs as well.  It's best
to keep this as a fixed-width font (see Map Chooser->Properties for
an example, thanks Bob!).

"Station Font" is used for drawing all the station text on the map,
callsign, speed, temperature, etc.

"ATV ID Font" is a very large font that gets drawn across the map
screen for a few seconds in order to identify an ATV (fast-scan TV)
transmission.  Change "ATV_SCREEN_ID:0" to a '1' in xastir.cnf to
enable this (there's no GUI access for this variable).  You'll also
see the ID string on the status line but that's a bit small for most
cameras to pick up, therefore the large font across the map screen
for a few seconds.

Since I don't use Map Chooser->Properties all that much and can
count columns if I need to, I've been playing with this font for
both Menu and Station fonts:


Helvetica works pretty well too.

To get back to default fonts:  Erase the font strings of interest on
that dialog and restart Xastir.  Another method:  Shut down Xastir,
delete the font lines in the xastir.cnf file and start it back up.

If you have "xfontsel" on your machine and Xastir has it's path
configured in (via ./configure) it's relatively easy to browse
through your fonts to see what they look like before using them in
Xastir.  Once you find one you want to try with "xfontsel", hit
"select" and then "quit" to paste that string into the proper field
in the Fonts dialog, then hit OK and restart Xastir.

You may also hand-edit the font strings.  If you mess up the format
Xastir may be unable to load your font of choice and resort to the
default font.  In that case you should see popup dialogs and STDERR
text to the xterm to notify you of this condition.

"xfontsel" limits the possible selections for each field based on
your current selections for all the other fields.  It's like a big
filter for fonts.  Change back to '*' for some fields to widen your
choices for other fields.  "xfontsel" takes some getting used to.

Have fun!


Well done Kurt. Thanks!

Steve Friis
Amateur Radio Call:WM5Z
Grid Locator:DM62oh

No-one can change the past, but we all influence the future.
The golden rule of history is those with the weapons make the rules.

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Font Problems in Menus, FIXED!

2008-06-26 Thread Steve Friis

Curt, WE7U wrote:

This message has a very specific subject line so that others with
this problem can find this message in the archives.

People have occasionally reported boxes and other weird characters
instead of readable text for the Xastir menus.  A font problem was
fixed yesterday in the Xastir code that can cause this.  The fix is
in CVS and in the July 26th development snapshot.  Just in time for
Field Day!

So, we have to wait until JULY???  ;-)

Steve Friis
Amateur Radio Call:WM5Z
Grid Locator:DM62oh

No-one can change the past, but we all influence the future.
The golden rule of history is those with the weapons make the rules.
Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] XASTIR and openSUSE 11

2008-06-21 Thread Steve Friis

Lee Bengston wrote:


Well, compiling looked good with OpenSUSE 11, but I have what appears
to be the same unreadable menu issue that has been reported
previously.  This is not the slider menu problem with the newer
version of openMotif.  Virtually all text is not readable as shown by
the screen shot at



Lee - K5DAT
Murphy, TX
Xastir mailing list


Could this be a font problem? Maybe a missing font? and Linux is trying 
to make a SWAG on what to print? and not doing so good I would check 
// and compare with the fonts you have 

Steve Friis
Amateur Radio Call:WM5Z
Grid Locator:DM62oh

No-one can change the past, but we all influence the future.
The golden rule of history is those with the weapons make the rules.

Xastir mailing list

[Xastir] Let's all nominate this project and drive the developers crazy!

2008-06-06 Thread Steve Friis

Let's all nominate this project and drive the developers crazy!

border="0" />

Steve Friis
Amateur Radio Call:WM5Z
Grid Locator:DM62oh

No-one can change the past, but we all influence the future.
The golden rule of history is those with the weapons make the rules.
Xastir mailing list

[Xastir] New feature request

2008-03-02 Thread Steve Friis
I have a suggestion that the dialog box for changed.

1) add a sticky feature to the box.
2) make a remembered list available to choose from.

This feature would aid when someone is almost always tracking one or a 
couple of stations only. This would really help those stations who might 
close down the computer, such as in a station move, making it easier to 

Steve Friis
Amateur Radio Call:WM5Z
Grid Locator:DM62oh

No-one can change the past, but we all influence the future.
The golden rule of history is those with the weapons make the rules.

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Iowa State Mesonet Server Maps

2007-10-18 Thread Steve Friis

Curt, WE7U wrote:

On Thu, 18 Oct 2007, Curt, WE7U wrote:


Would you like to contribute that to the project so that it'll be
distributed with Xastir?  If so, slap on a copyright notice and tell
me what license to use.

It looks like a mod to the .geo file that Gerry wrote, so I guess it
fits under GPL and I can just add it with attribution to you for the

What's everyone think?  Is this a useful addition to the project?
Seems so to me.

Curt, WE7U:  XASTIR: 
  "Lotto:  A tax on people who are bad at math." -- unknown
"Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates." -- WE7U
The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!

Good deal. Does this site cover the whole country? (USA)

I have been using the Ridge maps when the other ones fail, which is 
usually on a weekend 8-)


Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Question about APRS GPS position precision

2007-10-07 Thread Steve Friis

Andrew Rich wrote:

Yeah but in the real world, it still puts me off the road or runway.

Andrew Rich VK4TEC

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Gerry Creager
Sent: Monday, 8 October 2007 6:54 AM
To: Richard Polivka, N6NKO
Cc: Jim Tolbert; XASTIR
Subject: Re: [Xastir] Question about APRS GPS position precision

Richard Polivka, N6NKO wrote:


Most GPS units are good to 4 decimals. Any higher precision requires
post-processing or L1/L2 reception (not avail in consumer equipment).
When you factor in multipath and all the other variables, 4 decimals is
quite good but it takes time and patience - think searching for a
geocache in a forest. Plus, at four decimals, on a patch antenna minus
ground plane, it is quite unstable.

9 cm more or less should be plenty good enough for most of our users.
That's 4 decimal-place precision.  That said, an L1 signal (L5 won't be
available for some time still) position assuming really good geometry
and a stable antenna platform is likely to be good only to ~6m
horizontal and ~13.7m vertical... at best.


Plus, I have a feeling that when Bob B. designed APRS, he was not
looking at this being used for what we are doing.

Until the data output is smoother and better accuracy, five decimals in
- broadcast 4 - rewrite the standard, this may be the best for now.

The limitations in precision are in rank order, the spec and the spec.
For accuracy the limitations are:
User equipment antenna configuration
GPS Signal Specification for L1

When I resolve cm accuracy, or better, I do it using dual-frequency
(L1/L2) receivers, multiple stable baseline processing on ground-plane
or choke-ring antennas, at a fixed and measured height about the ground,
and post-process the data to include a least-squares adjustment of the
position.  The process is as much statistical as matrix-mathematical in

Well, worst case is I am still within shouting distance. Not bad by any 


Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Suggestion with speech

2007-09-17 Thread Steve Friis

Better said than what I said. Thanks Dan.


Dan wrote:

It would be good to have the option to use the festival feature with just
the current station being tracked, or with a given callsign(s).

I like the voice feature, but it becomes completely worthless and overloads
festival's buffer when there are more than 3-4 callsigns inside the maximum
area, depending on the GPS update time. I have had to wait 10 minutes for
the buffer to "read" itself out in busy areas.

I use xastir in my car laptop, and it would become even more invaluable with
the above features. My main use would be to hear how close I was to another
unit when roaming around a course in a public service event.

Any hope of implementation?


-Dan N7NMD

On 9/17/07, Curt, WE7U <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Sat, 15 Sep 2007, Steve Friis wrote:

I noticed that when speech is activated with "tracked station", the
proximity alerts enumerate how close the tracked station is in relation
to every other station within the distance parameter. This seems like an
awful waste of resources and very annoying. My thought is that I would
only want this station to tell me where it is at in relation to me. I
could care less where it is at in relation to each weather station,
mobile on the highway, base station and digipeater. Am I wrong or
missing some point?

I believe this feature was added to support a particular event.
Memory is fuzzy, but I think it might have been the NYC Marathon or
similar.  The idea was that they could listen to the speech instead
of having to watch the map to know where each tracker was in
relation to each checkpoint along the course.

Curt, WE7U:  XASTIR: 

Xastir mailing list

[Xastir] Suggestion with speech

2007-09-15 Thread Steve Friis
I noticed that when speech is activated with "tracked station", the 
proximity alerts enumerate how close the tracked station is in relation 
to every other station within the distance parameter. This seems like an 
awful waste of resources and very annoying. My thought is that I would 
only want this station to tell me where it is at in relation to me. I 
could care less where it is at in relation to each weather station, 
mobile on the highway, base station and digipeater. Am I wrong or 
missing some point?

Without all the clutter, I can see that speech would be very useful.


Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] IGating

2007-08-25 Thread Steve Friis

Earl Needham wrote:

At 03:20 PM 8/25/2007, James Ewen wrote:

It's really hard to make good comments on a system that you can only
observe via the APRS-IS, without any knowledge of the local terrain.

Wow, it's GREAT to see somebody finally acknowledge this!  
I've been trying to tell people that for maybe 10 years over on the 
APRSSIG and they just don't seem to get it.

7 3

KD5XB -- Earl Needham
Clovis, New Mexico DM84jk
Quoting from the Coast Guard: ZUT
Yea Earl, but you guys are pretty flat over in that part of the alley. 
Here, we have the plateau to the west, the mountains on the east and the 
broad canyon or valley in between. In El Paso, their city is divided 
pretty much down the middle by Mt. Franklin. Las Cruces and White Sands 
Missile Range is divided by the Organ Mountains, and Albuquerque and 
their surrounding area all have mountains to contend with. Then we have 
all of us wonderful ham guys wanting their station to be seen, not to 
mention the passer-by's and the occasional balloon.:-)

So, the low down is that more IGates are needed in populated places, and 
less digi's?

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] IGating

2007-08-25 Thread Steve Friis

James Ewen wrote:

The best thing anyone can do for their local RF network is user
education. Teach people that long paths are not required. Get them to
reduce thier impact on the local network, and more people will be able
to play, as well as the network reliability will increase. It's a
tough job, but it needs to be done everywhere.

You are correct on all of your statements, especially on the above. I 
have seen some mobiles that are set up for 5 repeats, or hops as I call 
them. One that I know of is using a 30 watt transmitter sending the 
signal from a tinytrack. My wife's car uses a TT3, with a Kenwood set at 
1 to 2 watts out. She usually gets clobbered by the high power stuff. I 
run 5 watts, but only because the radio I am using won't go lower than 
that. I still get covered up in town.


Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] IGating

2007-08-25 Thread Steve Friis

James Ewen wrote:

On 8/24/07, Steve Friis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Way cool. Since the RF pollution is so high here, I am trying to lower
it some to that low power stations can be heard, or at least stand a


Another incorrect supposition. Adding i-gating to your station will
not lower the amount of noise on the RF network directly.


As it has been, there was not much chance for the low power
stations in this area getting heard. My hope is that once heard and
gated here, then the need to repeatedly be digipeated will be lowered.

By running an i-gate you will be able to help those low powered
stations located close to you to get to the APRS-IS internet stream.
You will not help lower the amount of traffic on RF though.
The hope is that the El Paso, Local an URFMS digi's will lower the hops 
they retransmit.

The amount of traffic on the local RF network is a product of the
number of stations in your area, the frequency of the beacons from
those stations, the path used by those stations, and finally the RF
digipeater network in your area.

It sounds like you have made the supposition that once a packet from
the RF network gets i-gated, that the packet stops on the RF network.
The RF network has no way of knowing anything about the internet. If
your local RF network has too many overlapping digipeaters that don't
support the new n-N paradigm, used by local users that use old
RELAY,WIDE paths, who beacon too often and with their power set too
high, then the low powered guys don't stand a chance.

See my comment above. I was not thinking that supposition, but the way I 
worded my first comment I can see how you would think that is what I meant.

You can fix any or nearly all of the above, which will make things a
little better for the low powered trackers, but the best thing to do
is to try and fix all of it. Of course that's easier said than done.

Adding more i-gates does not hurt the network, especially if you don't
send anything from your station to the rf network. Having redundant
i-gates in an area helps with the reliability of stations getting to
the APRS-IS. This can possibly help reduce the RF overload IF people
see that using a shorter path still gets them heard on the APRS-IS,
and that is their ultimate goal. If those stations use a shorter path,
or lower power, then the RF load gets reduced as a side effect.

Right now, as far as I know, I am the only station IGate equipped in Las 
Cruces. I think that is why El Paso set their digi's for so many hops.

You are in a very well developed area, and most likely you have
digipeaters located on mountain tops that can hear very large areas,
as well as users using long paths. This all adds up to too many
stations being heard on a limited RF channel.

This is true. There is a digi on Mt. Franklin which is in El Paso. The 
Upper Rio Grand FM Society has many interconnected digi-peaters in the 
area, but because of location, can not directly IGate. This is because 
of the remoteness of the mountain tops, and the expense of trying to run 
a dedicated phone line to run the internet. These digi's do a fantastic 
job at what they are supposed to do, which is to repeat, so they can be 
heard by an IGate.

Keep your station acting as an i-gate, but keep your outgoing path
short, and beacon frequency low so you don't add to the RF congestion.

Thank you very very much for your guidance. I always appreciate a good 


Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] IGating

2007-08-24 Thread Steve Friis

Greg Eigsti wrote:

>>How do I use Findu to see if I am IGating?

The tool mentioned by VE7MKF is a better iGate 'test' than Findu.  
However if you know you are iGating someone (or think you are) you can 
look them up in findu and see their raw data.  Just change the 
callsign to the one that you are interested in...  Looking at Findu's 
raw data is a good way to force yourself to learn how to read raw APRS 
packets ;)

Raw data for my truck

Visual data (map) for my truck

I'm also thinking that Findu is tweaked or at least the data is stale 
right now.  I went out and blasted a packet from my truck to my iGate 
and Findu does not report it either via its raw or map page.  However 
if I look at the page for my iGate I can see that it saw 
my iGate gating my truck very recently.   Hmmm, anybody have any idea 
why Findu is stale (or why my brain is on vacation)? ;)

Findu raw data for my truck data for my USAM digi 

Xastir mailing list
So it was just my supposition that Findu was current, and nothing that I 
was doing wrong.
Way cool. Since the RF pollution is so high here, I am trying to lower 
it some to that low power stations can be heard, or at least stand a 
chance. As it has been, there was not much chance for the low power 
stations in this area getting heard. My hope is that once heard and 
gated here, then the need to repeatedly be digipeated will be lowered.


Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] IGating

2007-08-24 Thread Steve Friis

Mike Fenske wrote:

Steve Friis wrote:

Thanks. OK I checked all of these. What else might I be missing? How 
do I use Findu to see if I am IGating?

I would like to get this working to lighten the load in the Las 
Cruces/El Paso area. Since I am really dumb when it comes to Linux, 
etc. all help is much appreciated.


Hi Steve. Have a look here to see the stations you are igating: 

Looks like a couple of stations gated within the last few minutes.

Mike Fenske

Xastir mailing list
OK. Thanks all. I guess I am IGating. Just not very many stations are 
using us. Not sure at this point what I need to do. Seems that most 
stations are still digi'd to up north to Albuquerque, which sure is 
tying up a lot of resources.

Steve/ WM5Z
Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] IGating

2007-08-24 Thread Steve Friis

Curt, WE7U wrote:

On Wed, 22 Aug 2007, Steve Friis wrote:


I don't think I am IGating stations, although that is what I think I am
set up for. What might I be missing?

Check that you have a passcode entered on the particular interface
that connects to the INET.  Check that you've got gating set in the
proper direction(s) on that same dialog PLUS check the same sorts of
things in the global settings on the File->Configure->Defaults

Curt, WE7U:  XASTIR: 
  "Lotto:  A tax on people who are bad at math." -- unknown
"Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates." -- WE7U
The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system
Thanks. OK I checked all of these. What else might I be missing? How do 
I use Findu to see if I am IGating?

I would like to get this working to lighten the load in the Las 
Cruces/El Paso area. Since I am really dumb when it comes to Linux, etc. 
all help is much appreciated.


Xastir mailing list

[Xastir] IGating

2007-08-22 Thread Steve Friis
I don't think I am IGating stations, although that is what I think I am 
set up for. What might I be missing?

Steve/ WM5Z-1
Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Making better looking maps

2007-08-09 Thread Steve Friis

Brad Douglas wrote:

PS -
At this weekend's Linux Picnic[1], I'll be releasing some new maps to
the public.  I've created TOPOs with 500' contours and shaded relief
(and colored by elevation) pesudo-DEMs to go under the TOPOs to make
them highly visible.  The data is broken down by county and covers the
entire state of CA.  Data for NV is in production.

I'll cc: the group with the final URL.

Any chance you will be doing these for other states or have already? 
Love to have NM.


Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Re: [ubuntulinux] Re: Screen Resolution problem

2007-08-01 Thread Steve Friis

Tate Belden wrote:

Earl Needham wrote:
I got Fedora downloaded last night, and burned to CD this
morning.  Got a quick question -- does it support dual-booting?  I 
took a quick look, but then aborted when it seemed hell-bent on 
installing on the whole partition!

7 3

Oh yea - it sure will. I've got 3 dual boot systems (XP/F7) running now.

The trick is to install Windows first, then Fedora. Fedora's installer 
- anaconda - is smart enough to recognize there's an existing OS on 
the drive and not kill it - s'long as you've choosen to install Fedora 
into free space! MS' products aren't quite so tolerant. Their 
bootloader will wipe out whatever is already on the drive (such as 
lilo or grub) and install it's own bootloader. Leaving your *nix 
systems out in the breeze.

Now, since each OS will want it's own partition space, you have to 
plan ahead and leave enough of the drive un-partitioned when you 
install Windows or use some tool to re-size the NTFS partition to make 
free space for Fedora. I use the gparted live CD - works great! The 
systemrescue_cd has qt_parted and if you've a copy, Partition Magic 
does well too. I Just did an HP nx7400 laptop today. (120GB drive, 20 
for Windows, the rest for Fedora).

Anaconda will install grub (the boot loader) to the drive's MBR for 
you. All you have to do later on is go back and edit 
/boot/grub/grub.conf and change the label form 'other' to "Windows". 
Eh, you could leave it as 'other' - it'll work. Just isn't as helpful.
Or you can edit it during the install. You can also chose during the 
install if you want "other" or F7 to boot by default.


Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Re: System Crash

2007-08-01 Thread Steve Friis

Earl Needham wrote:

At 06:47 AM 8/1/2007, Rodney Baker wrote:
Odd - I just tried it here on FC6/KDE with NVidia (proprietary) 
drivers and

kernel 2.6.19 (custom build) and can't make it happen. I've tried all
combinations of PgUp, PgDn and L/R arrow keys and following multiple
keystrokes it simply draws the result.

I'm also using simple (true colour) .png maps so that may also affect 


Possible -- but I've had the same problem with my 
installation, when the screen resolution isn't messed up...

Try starting zoomed in fairly close on a city, and then press 
the page up key about three or four times.  On my installation, the 
program simply disappears, along with the terminal window associated 
with it.

7 3

Same in reverse. If you are at level to view whole state and want to 
home in on your location city...


Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Re: System Crash

2007-08-01 Thread Steve Friis

Rodney Baker wrote:

On Wed, 1 Aug 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

By multiple instances, if I hit  once, it will run. Same with

the arrow keys and  Now if I hit any of these keys more than
once before the previous map finishes drawing, xastir exits, closes the
term window with it.

Gotcha'.  Can you add this to the buglist on SourceForge?  Add as
much description as necessary so a newcomer could duplicate the bug

Odd - I just tried it here on FC6/KDE with NVidia (proprietary) drivers and 
kernel 2.6.19 (custom build) and can't make it happen. I've tried all 
combinations of PgUp, PgDn and L/R arrow keys and following multiple 
keystrokes it simply draws the result.

I'm also using simple (true colour) .png maps so that may also affect the 
I am using multiple maps. Some are shape files along with .geo's. This 
is happening on more than 1 PC here. On my laptop, a Dell D800 wide 
screen with GeForce FX Go5200 w/64MB memory. I am not at the other PC's 
right now, but it is consistent with the files I use are copied on all 
the machines.


Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Re: [ubuntulinux] Re: Screen Resolution problem

2007-07-31 Thread Steve Friis

Hi Earl,

I think all versions of Linux have little "gocha's", but I have been 
using Fedora since FC2. I think, if you can get to like Gnome over KDE 
you will like it. I have 3 machines here running FC6 and 2 laptops 
running F7 with no serious problems. Xastir is running on all of them. I 
even had Fedora running on FC3 way back when. I think that was version 1.4.

Fedora and Redhat seem to becoming more ham friendly, with them having 
WFFT, Hamlib and gpredict and a few others in their libraries.


Earl Needham wrote:

At 05:45 PM 7/19/2007, I wrote:

At one point, I had 25 various xorg files, all different
iterations of the same thing. I tried to delete the excess ones and
got the basic one too, so the machine was toast. Reloaded Kubuntu
and started searching on the internet and found some common problems
having to do with missing lines for vertical and horizontal specs for
monitors. Currently, I have added the lines and it seems to be
running well, but I'll give it a few days before I trust it again --
the problem only seems to show up on a reboot.

And now it's gone bad again, but it's SO bad that I can't even 
see the screen well enough to change the resolution to something that 
will work.

I really wanted Kubuntu to work, because I really wanted 
Xastir to work.  But I think this is the end and I'm done with it.

I wonder if Fedora is less buggy.

KD5XB -- Earl Needham
Clovis, New Mexico DM84jk

Xastir mailing list

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] System crash

2007-07-30 Thread Steve Friis

Curt, WE7U wrote:

On Sat, 28 Jul 2007, Steve Friis wrote:


Maybe this is nothing, but I have noticed a bug here. I am using Xastir
1.9.1 July 1 Build.

When one hits anything that would change the view, such as zooming up,
or down, panning left or right, etc. and I hit multiple instances,
xastir quits, leaving no info in the Terminal window.

Please explain:  I hit multiple instances".

Do you mean you hit the key multiple times in rapid succession?

I'd like to duplicate what you're seeing.  If I can then I can most
likely squash the bug.

If I can't then it's just a guessing game on where it resides, or
whether it's due to your OS and/or libraries and not easily
duplicated elsewhere.

Curt, WE7U:  XASTIR: 
  "Lotto:  A tax on people who are bad at math." -- unknown
"Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates." -- WE7U
The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!


Hi Curt,

By multiple instances, if I hit  once, it will run. Same with 
the arrow keys and  Now if I hit any of these keys more than 
once before the previous map finishes drawing, xastir exits, closes the 
term window with it.


Xastir mailing list

[Xastir] System crash

2007-07-28 Thread Steve Friis
Maybe this is nothing, but I have noticed a bug here. I am using Xastir 
1.9.1 July 1 Build.

When one hits anything that would change the view, such as zooming up, 
or down, panning left or right, etc. and I hit multiple instances, 
xastir quits, leaving no info in the Terminal window.

I have noticed this on all 3 machines here running either FC5, FC6 or F7.


Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] FCC lookup

2007-07-12 Thread Steve Friis

Earl Needham via Kubuntu wrote:

Steve Friis wrote:


Maybe you could try to re-download the file. I just tried the new 
database file and it shows Roy in Clovis just fine.


Thanks, Steve -- I've done that multiple times this morning and 
still get the same results.

I've got several older versions archived here, maybe I should try 
one fo them to see what happens.

OK, tried one from this past February and still didn't work.  This 
must be something I'm doing out of ignorance.

Did you use a direct download or the perl script in the scripts 
folder? The script handles the file fetch, then decodes the data and 
sorts it for you.

Are you using dial=up internet? Might be getting hits on the download 
from noise. Lots of thunderstorms in NM this time of year.


Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] FCC lookup

2007-07-12 Thread Steve Friis

Earl Needham via Kubuntu wrote:

Curt, WE7U wrote:

On Thu, 12 Jul 2007, Earl Needham via Kubuntu wrote:

Can it be something simple that I'm doing wrong?

At this point it seems more likely that there's something wrong with
Xastir's parsing of some of the lines as it creates the index.  It's
possible that the original file may have some corrupt lines or they
changed the format on us.

Like I said, my searches here on that callsign work fine, but it's
not the latest database.

Here's the results of the grep command (with a couple of line 
feeds manually added to make it easier to read):

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/share/xastir/fcc$ sudo touch EN.dat

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/share/xastir/fcc$ grep -i w5roy EN.dat

EN|1060361|||W5ROY|L|L00138867|Creiglow, Roy A|Roy|A|Creiglow|208 
Merrill Dr  

EN|2433104|||WW5ROY|L|L00426133|Black, Roy D|Roy|D|Black|701 E 4th 

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/share/xastir/fcc$

Do you see anything "strange" in it?

As I mentioned earlier, some callsigns work, and some don't, and I 
can't find any pattern to it.  At least not yet.



Maybe you could try to re-download the file. I just tried the new 
database file and it shows Roy in Clovis just fine.


Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] openSUSE 10.2 CVS Success

2007-07-08 Thread Steve Friis
What you have below is great. Just one thought here though. In the 
scripts folder there is a script file  that pretty much 
installs everything. Is this going to go away? I think it sure made the 
install easy. Gives you all the needed libraries.


Lee Bengston wrote:

On 7/6/07, Curt, WE7U <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The latest CVS:

  Building with ShapeLib (Vector maps) . : yes

  Building with GraphicsMagick/ImageMagick (Raster maps) : yes
  Building with pcre (Shapefile customization) . : yes
  Building with dbfawk (Shapefile customization) ... : yes
  Building with rtree indexing (Shapefile speedups)  : yes
  Building with map caching (Raster map speedups) .. : yes
  Building with internet map retrieval . : yes (libcurl)

  Building with AX25 (Linux Kernel I/O Drivers)  : yes
  Building with libproj (USGS Topos & Aerial Photos) ... : yes
  Building with GeoTiff (USGS Topos & Aerial Photos) ... : yes
  Building with Festival (Text-to-speech) .. : yes
  Building with GDAL/OGR (Obtuse map formats) .. : yes
  Building with GPSMan/gpsmanshp (GPS downloads) ... : yes

  Building with ErrorPopups (Old Method) ... : no
  Building with libgc (Debug memory usage) . : no
  Building with profiling (Debug code efficiency) .. : no
  Building with Linux Standard Base (LSB) .. : no

Looking good.  Thanks for all the effort - never thought I would start 

ended up to be this when building XASTIR with all the bells and whistles
last night, but the results are nice.

Noticing in the Wiki there was not an equivalent of the HowTo:Ubuntu 
6.10 or

7.04 for openSUSE, I set out to try to accomplish the same tasks that are
layed out in a very nice step by step fashion in the HowTo for Ubuntu so
that they could possibly be documented in a new HowTo for openSUSE 
10.2.  I
figured it was a way I could contribute given the help I have 
received.  The

information above helps with creating the HowTo because the steps can be
organized to cover the recommended options first before moving on to the
more adventurous options for those who want to.  My main motivation for
loading everything last night was so that I could document how, but 
I'm sure

perfectionism had something to do with it, too.

Have a great weekend,
Lee - K5DAT
Xastir mailing list

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] openSUSE 10.2 CVS Success

2007-07-06 Thread Steve Friis

Lee Bengston wrote:

On 7/6/07, Curt, WE7U <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Downloading/compiling/installing libraries under Xastir's control

opens up way too many additional problems.  I'm pretty sure we don't
want to go there.

I don't think either Xastir or the "compiling utilities" need to be
modified.  I'm thinking just a table in the Wiki that documents what each
library does for Xastir would suffice.  For example, a newbie seeing a
library named libax25 or GPSMan without knowing exactly what they do 

easily assume that they are required given the reference to the
AX.25protocol and a GPS.

Sigh, there we go again, the newbies making more documentation demands on
the already strapped for time gurus.

Lee - K5DAT
Yea, but if it is all in documentation, then us newbies wouldn't keep 
bothering you Guru's with all these questions. BTW_FWIW, I think all you 
guys have done a fantastic job, in writing the software, in documenting 
what has already been published, and in taking the time to answer our 
questions. Even when we don't know the correct lingo, you guys figure 
out what we are trying to do and get us back on the path to success.


Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] openSUSE 10.2 CVS Success

2007-07-06 Thread Steve Friis

that below looks great!!!


Curt, WE7U wrote:

On Fri, 6 Jul 2007, John Ronan wrote:


Maybe with a 'Suggested Minimum', 'For the adventurous', 'Developer'
tags/headings or something?

How about something like this?

xastir 1.9.1 has been configured to use the following options and external 

  Building with ShapeLib . : yes (Internal)

  Building with GraphicsMagick/ImageMagick ... : GraphicsMagick
  Building with pcre . : yes
  Building with dbfawk ... : yes
  Building with map caching .. : yes
  Building with rtree indexing ... : yes
  Building with internet map retrieval ... : libcurl

  Building with AX25 . : no
  Building with Festival . : no
  Building with GPSMan ... : no
  Building with libproj .. : no
  Building with GeoTiff .. : no
  Building with GDAL/OGR . : no

  Building with ErrorPopups (Old Method) . : no
  Building with libgc (Debug)  : no
  Building with profiling (Debug)  : no
  Building with Linux Standard Base .. : no

Curt, WE7U.   APRS Client Comparisons:
"Lotto:A tax on people who are bad at math." -- unknown
"Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates." -- WE7U
"The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"
Xastir mailing list


Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] openSUSE 10.2 CVS Success

2007-07-06 Thread Steve Friis

As far as including libraries in the main distribution, we
peridocially have "discussions" about this.  I had to fight hard to
get Shapelib added.  Generally it's not a good idea to add libraries
in this manner, as then we have more maintenance trying to keep up
with their releases and updating our sources to match.  In this case
and a few others, the benefits outweighed the downsides.
I understand. Maybe the first prerequisite could be that wget function. 
Then have configure fetch and install those libraries that are needed. 
Might even be useful to have configure pause for Q&A for extra 
libraries? If there was, say 10 second pause for a Y/N answer, then 
resume with the appropriate default? This would allow you guys to set up 
the proper libraries, and give the options to install more if needed, or 

I think it is paramount that it be just made to work for the newbie. 
FWIW, one of the best things to be added was the rudimentary map so that 
the novice xastir user wasn't greeted with a blank gray screen.


Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] openSUSE 10.2 CVS Success

2007-07-06 Thread Steve Friis

Building with AX25 . : yes
Building with Festival . : yes
Building with GPSMan ... : yes
Building with GraphicsMagick/ImageMagick ... : GraphicsMagick
Building with libproj .. : yes
Building with GeoTiff .. : yes
Building with GDAL/OGR . : yes
Building with ShapeLib . : yes
Building with pcre . : yes
Building with dbfawk ... : yes
Building with map caching .. : yes
Building with rtree indexing ... : yes

Just curious, is it the general perception that _everything_ listed
above that line is needed in order to run, or is it just
overachievers (like me) that feel the need to see a positive
indication for every option?

Curt, WE7U.   APRS Client Comparisons:
I think it is that newbee's don't understand what they really need. 
Since getting maps to be viewable requires different libraries to be 
installed, many of us think they should just install everything just in 
case. When I first tried to use Xastir, I couldn't get maps to run. Then 
someone pointed me down the road to install the libraries. Since I 
didn't understand which libraries displayed which map types, I installed 
everything I could find back then. Now I know I don't need GDAL, I don't 
install it. I don't use the speech function, so I omit Festival during 
the configure process, but this all came as a result of using the 
program for the last year+ and learning what I really needed.

I don't see an easy way through this problem other than including more 
built-in libraries so that popular maps like the online maps just work 
out of the box. I know this would bloat the program though and this may 
not be a good thing either.

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Problem with maps

2007-06-30 Thread Steve Friis

Could it be that you don't have active the library to read those maps?


Luka wrote:

Well I've done as you said but it still doesn't work.
I still can't choose what map I would like to see in map chooser...

What do I do?


Lance Cotton wrote:

Luka wrote:

Thank you for your help. =)

Now the problem is that I don't really know how to set right
permissions, they should be "-rw-r--r--" by looking at the Online dir,
now the problem is just, how do I set it right.

for files: chmod 644 
for directories: chmod 755 



Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Portable Digipeater Antenna?

2007-06-30 Thread Steve Friis

Jim Tolbert wrote:
When considering adding a portable digipeater to a kit, what does an 
antenna mast buy you and what is the relationship between height and 
What is antenna height & specifications and equipment specifications 
that should be considered for a permanent antenna, centrally located 
in the county?

We are in Burnett County, Wisconsin . according to the U.S. Census 
Bureau, the county has a total area of 2,280 km² (880 mi²). 2,128 km² 
(822 mi²) of it is land and 152 km² (59 mi²) of it (6.69%) is water.   
There are small elevation changes in the county (800 feet to 1440 feet 
above mean sea level) and the land is largely forested.

Many thanx . jt

My experience shows that doubling the height is equal to multiplying the 
power by 4. This is especially true if you can get above the tree-tops. 
Here in the desert, you can really increase the range by adding height. 
I bring a 25' pole to mount both the HF antenna on plus the dual band 
VHF/UHF antenna.


Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] More system questions

2007-06-28 Thread Steve Friis

Curt, WE7U wrote:

Another possibility is to use very springy steel wire (probably
stainless steel?) with a loop at the very end or a plastic bead
melted onto it for eye protection.  
Make friends with a guitarist. The end that connects to the foot of the 
instrument has a brass bobble on it. There are several sizes to choose 
from (6 ) and the brass wound ones are very easily soldered on.


Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] More system questions

2007-06-27 Thread Steve Friis

Jim Tolbert wrote:
You guys have been a fantastic help!   And best of all, I have not 
been flamed yet for stupid questions!!!
The only stupid question(s) are those that go un-asked!!! Glad you are 
here. What ever the guru's like Kurt, Tom and Jerry share with you will 
benefit all of us.

As a base, I am in the process of downloading OpenSUSE Linux and will 
then download Xastir for Linux.

The following Tom's suggestion that Xastir can see and record a 
combination of things, beg borrow steal (or worst case buy ) 
units to try to see what works best. Someone noted that use of the 
radio / GPS units depended on the local APRS infrastructure and how 
it's loaded and if there is access to digipeaters.

How do I determine:


 local APRS infrastructure 

 how the local APRS infrastructure is loaded 

 if there is access to digipeaters.

As usual, MANY THANX!!. jt

If you have access to a TNC, a radio and PC, you could monitor the 
packets for a while. You also could get Xastir up and running on a PC, 
and set up the software switches to only monitor RF traffic. Look on the 
screen as Xastir prints out the location of each station heard. You can 
then look to see if any of them are digi's.

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Can you view GPS data?

2007-06-19 Thread Steve Friis

Actually, I guess I was wrong...


Curt Mills wrote:

On Tue, 19 Jun 2007, Steve Friis wrote:


You sure can. Click on  In the header of that window you
can select whether it is TNC or Other DATA you want to look at. You also
should check out the other buttons. There is a wealth of information to see
under View.

Well, I got that one wrong, didn't I?  Maybe I should have whipped
out my GPS-II+ and my cable and tried it before responding.  ;-)


Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Can you view GPS data?

2007-06-19 Thread Steve Friis
You sure can. Click on  In the header of that window 
you can select whether it is TNC or Other DATA you want to look at. You 
also should check out the other buttons. There is a wealth of 
information to see under View.


Earl Needham via Kubuntu wrote:

Is there a way to view the NMEA strings from a GPS from inside Xastir?


Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Seg faults

2007-06-16 Thread Steve Friis

Curt, WE7U wrote:

On Thu, 14 Jun 2007, Steve Friis wrote:


Ok.  In the case where you _do_ try to use Terraserver, you'll end
up with a map.gif or map.jpg in the ~/.xastir/tmp/ directory.  Take
a look at that with ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick and see if IM/GM
crashes when you run "display" or "gm display" on the file.


What do I look for if there is no file(s) in either the temp directory
or the map_cache directories?

Ok, if that's the case then either libcurl or wget was not able to
fetch the file.  Check your start up messages to see which you're
using.  A snippet of mine looks like this:

  geo   URL (Internet maps via libcurl library)

Which leads me to conclude that I compiled libcurl in.  I'd then try
downloading a remote file using "curl" from the command line to see
if the library was functional at all.  Same for wget, if your
compile used wget instead, try doing a wget on a remote URL.  See if
this is what is crashing on you.  I recall having a bad wget install
at one point and having to update it to a newer version.

Of course this problem could be happening earlier in the map load
too, before it tries to fetch the remote map.  Starting Xastir in
debug mode and checking the resulting file should give us some clues

(xastir -v 4095 2>&1) | tee debug.log &

Curt, WE7U.   APRS Client Comparisons:
"Lotto:A tax on people who are bad at math." -- unknown
"Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates." -- WE7U
"The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"

I think I found out something interesting today. While trying to figure 
out why I was getting segfaults, I noticed that I had compiled with 
Graphicsmajick. I removed GM and installed with Imagemajick instead. Now 
everything works!!!

Maybe this would help others having strange problems?


Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Seg faults

2007-06-14 Thread Steve Friis

Curt Mills wrote:

On Wed, 13 Jun 2007, Steve Friis wrote:


Here is what I have had time to work out. If I have xastir load any online map
other than 

Ok.  In the case where you _do_ try to use Terraserver, you'll end
up with a map.gif or map.jpg in the ~/.xastir/tmp/ directory.  Take
a look at that with ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick and see if IM/GM
crashes when you run "display" or "gm display" on the file.

What do I look for if there is no file(s) in either the temp directory 
or the map_cache directories?


Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Seg faults

2007-06-13 Thread Steve Friis

Tom Russo wrote:

On Tue, Jun 12, 2007 at 07:30:23AM -0700, we recorded a bogon-computron collision of 
the <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> flavor, containing:

On Tue, 12 Jun 2007, Tom Russo wrote:

If it didn't drop core (i.e. because ulimit -c isn't "unlimited"), you might
want  to run xastir in the debugger to catch the real problem.  Again,
look in README.Contributing for hints.

You can also run it with debugging messages turned on, which may or
may not help you track down where the problem is.

(xastir -v 4095 2>&1) | tee debug.log

IMHO, the debugging output is almost useless for most segfault hunting,
as it's generally been the case that the debugging output that's there was
put there to find bugs in code that's already been fixed.  New segfaults
have almost invariably required either debugger work or new debugging 
printfs.  Using that output will probably result in more red herrings than

real clues.

I have not had time to make my F7 virtual machine --- too many other projects,
and an ELT hunt last night that ate into the time I would have had.  I'll
try to get it set up this week and see if I can reproduce any of these problems
folks are seeing.

Here is what I have had time to work out. If I have xastir load any 
online map other than guess the problem started when I wanted to use teraserver.

Not sure why this would be, though.


Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] FC7 issues...

2007-06-12 Thread Steve Friis

Richard Polivka, N6NKO wrote:

A couple of ideas come to mind:

1) Was Fedora 7 used as an upgrade or clean install?
2) Was the disk/partitions wiped saving /home?

I have my HD partitioned into five sections:  WinXP, /boot, /, swap, 

This way, when I upgrade, all I wipe are the /boot, and / (root). 
/home is not touched.

I wonder if the upgrade path is used that the house is not cleaned as 
good as it could be and the remnants are

causing the "issues".

73 from 807,

Richard, N6NKO

Xastir mailing list

I did a clean install of Fedora. I don't save /home as I backup 
everything on the server anyway.

The only partitions on this hard disk are Linux. No winders.


Xastir mailing list

[Xastir] Seg faults

2007-06-11 Thread Steve Friis

Hi guys.

I upgraded to F7 today, and installed Xastir with everything enabled 
except AX25.

Building with AX25 . : no
Building with Festival . : yes
Building with GPSMan ... : yes
Building with GraphicsMagick/ImageMagick ... : GraphicsMagick
Building with libproj .. : yes
Building with GeoTiff .. : yes
Building with GDAL/OGR . : yes
Building with ShapeLib . : yes
Building with pcre . : yes
Building with dbfawk ... : yes
Building with map caching .. : yes
Building with rtree indexing ... : yes
Building with ErrorPopups (Old Method) . : no
Building with libgc (Debug)  : no
Building with profiling (Debug)  : no
Building with Linux Standard Base .. : no

However, while trying to run the program, I get the following;

Indexing maps...
Finished indexing maps
*** Reading WX Alert log files
*** Done with WX Alert log files

[1]+  Segmentation fault  xastir
[EMAIL PROTECTED] xastir-1.9.0]$

Then the program closes. Any ideas???


Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Window managers

2007-05-16 Thread Steve Friis

James Jolin wrote:
Sometime back I asked what distros people where using.  Had some real 
nice input.  Now, to satisfy my curiosity, I wondered what  window 
managers you all are using...kde, gnome or what.

73, Jim

Xastir mailing list

On all machines in this location, we use gnome. This is for all five 
computers here.


Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Possible XASTIR virtual machine CD for Dayton...

2007-05-11 Thread Steve Friis

Tom Russo wrote:

On Mon, May 07, 2007 at 07:27:18PM -0600, we recorded a bogon-computron collision of 
the <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> flavor, containing:

On Sun, May 06, 2007 at 09:55:20PM -0600, we recorded a bogon-computron collision of 
the <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> flavor, containing:

Scott Miller (of OpenTracker fame) is considering distributing CDs (for
a nominal fee to cover materials) of the Xastir virtual machine (a full
Xubuntu Feisty (7.04) Linux distribution with Xastir pre-installed, to be 
run on any system that supports VMWare, especially Windows), if I can 
put together an ISO and some cover art.

The ISO I can handle.  Anyone wanna have a quick crack at a suitable bit of
artwork for him to put on the label?  

I've got one volunteer planning to try to get me some CD artwork.  If anyone
else wants to try their hand at it, lemme know.

Well, I have a CD label, thanks to K5MTN (*wave*), and using my complete
lack of publishing skill managed to cobble together a trifold brochure to
be distributed with the CD at Dayton.

I don't think the brochure is especially good, but I only had an hour or
so to work on it.  But I've put both the nice looking CD label and my 
clumsy attempt at a brochure up on my temporary FTP site if anyone wants a


They'll only be around for two days.


Both look FB to me Tom.


Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Online Weather Maps stuck

2007-04-03 Thread Steve Friis

Thanks Gerry,
At least now I know it isn't something that I did locally here. You have 
a great day!!!


Gerry Creager wrote:
I just saw that and I'm trying to figure out what I broke.  Honestly, 
I don't recall changing any of the radar processing parameters but 
we're looking into it as fast as possible.


Steve Friis wrote:
I have the online WMSRadar.geo map enabled. I noticed however that it 
appears to be stuck on what was downloaded 4 days ago. Any clues? How 
to fix?

Up until now, I believe it had been working. Zoom level does not 
effect this, nor does location.

Xastir mailing list

Xastir mailing list

[Xastir] Online Weather Maps stuck

2007-04-02 Thread Steve Friis
I have the online WMSRadar.geo map enabled. I noticed however that it 
appears to be stuck on what was downloaded 4 days ago. Any clues? How to 

Up until now, I believe it had been working. Zoom level does not effect 
this, nor does location.

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Warning messages

2007-03-24 Thread Steve Friis

Stephen Brown Jr wrote:

I compiled the latest CVS build of Xastir on Ubuntu 7.04 following the
instructions on the wiki for 6.10

When I start Xastir, I get warning messages like this in the console:

   Name: create_appshell text_output
   Class: XmTextField
   Character '\114' not supported in font.  Discarded.

I've seen this before but I can't recall what to do to fix it?

tnx and 73's
Xastir mailing list

If you look in your folder  from where you compiled from, you 
will see a file called . In there is the answer on how to fix this 


Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Success!

2007-03-10 Thread Steve Friis

Peter Maxfield wrote:
I would still like to overlay one of the radar maps over the tiger maps, but

can't seem to get it right.  I've tried different layers without success.  I
don't even see it as an example on the Xastir site.
In  select the map(s) you are trying to set a level 
on. Then choose  In there set the level of your map, 
possibly at 1000. Then repeat the process for the online map(s) you want 
displayed, possibly for 2000. This will now put the weather map over the 
other map, allowing you to view both together.

Hope this helps,


Xastir mailing list

[Xastir] Re: Davis WX Station install

2007-02-21 Thread Steve Friis

Hi Bruce.

Here is where I am at. I installed mysql and the deomon runs.
I installed all of the libraries listed on the meteo web site. Still, I 
am not finding a meteo deomon or other file to run meteo, and bash says 
there isn't one to run.

I went ahead and installed db2APRS and it seems to be running.

Now I see that I am supposed to modify a file meteo.xml. I opened this 
file, but need to know how to modify this file. Do you know where I can 
see something that makes sense so I can do the mods?

Really do appreciate any help you can give.

I did go to the meteo site, but they really seem to be in hiding.


Bennett, Bruce wrote:

Steve -

As Curt says in the last xastir digest, db2APRS just pulls the latest weather 
info from the database, and that weather data gets put there by meteo.

If meteo is dying, that is the key issue... 

The folks at are very good about answering questions 
concerning meteo issues.  In a nutshell, meteo needs a name to call your home 
weather station, and it needs to know what instruments are attached (temp, 
rain, wind, etc.) inorder to store the data away in a format db2APRS can 
That's all in those XML files you must edit from the meteo end of things.

Hope this helps!

Bruce Bennett KB8ROP
(440) 352-8600 X 3350
Do the folks crying about the police using
tasers really prefer the old fashioned
guns-and-billy-clubs approach?

-Original Message-----
From: Steve Friis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2007 11:15 AM
To: Bennett, Bruce
Subject: Re: Davis WX Station install

Bennett, Bruce wrote:

Steve -


I am not sure where you are at in the process, so I have to ask you the "is it 
plugged in?"  type questions -

*   Did you read the INSTALLATION section of the README file?? Does that 
give you what you are looking for?

Yes, and me being a Linux beginner of sorts is having a lot of trouble 
understanding what the author is trying to say.

What I have done so far is installed mysql, then in system, turned on 
the daemon. I then ran the script for meteo. I did run the program that 
checks for the visibility of the Davis unit, and it seems to be telling 
me it is there. However meteo doesn't run so I can't get it to load, if 
that is what I am supposed to do. Running it as a perl script told me 
there were to many errors, and then it chocks.

BTW, I did run db2APRS and it ran, I think.

I also do have Xastir up and running. Been using this for quite a while. 
I have WM5Z-1 set up as an IGate for Las Cruces. Now I am trying to get 
set up where I have the WX data to both transmit on the APRS network, 
and share the DATA on my local network. This way, during a mission I can 
have the weather DATA on which ever PC station I am at.

So, any help you are willing to give will be very much appreciated! 
Especially hand holding step-by-step instructions!



Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Which distrro are you using

2007-02-17 Thread Steve Friis

Here I am using Fedora 6 on 5 different machines.


James Jolin wrote:

I am taking a poll.  Which linux distro are you guys using?
73, Jim

Xastir mailing list

Xastir mailing list

[Xastir] New Feature: Home

2007-02-15 Thread Steve Friis

Great job and thanks for adding this great feature!


Xastir mailing list

[Xastir] Davis weather station install

2007-02-10 Thread Steve Friis
OK, I might be missing it, but I am not finding instructions to install 
this weather station. Is there a concise step-by-step somewhere I am 


Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Davis software install

2007-02-09 Thread Steve Friis
Yup, that was it. The demon wasn't starting on start-up. I fixed that, 
and now mysql starts up. Now on to the rest of the set-up.


Curt Mills wrote:

On Fri, 9 Feb 2007, Steve wrote:


I am trying to get working the Davis Vantage Pro2 so that I can post the local
WX conditions on the net. Following the instructions in the README file, I
installed the mysql software. When I try to run mysql however, I get the
following error...

ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
'/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)

I did open the port 3306 in the firewall. what else am I missing? BTW, I would
like to be able to share this data across my local network as well so that the
DATA can be read from any PC in the house.

I was just playing with MySQL a bit within the last few weeks, but
moved on to PostgreSQL.  Not an option for what you're doing though.

Check that the MySQL daemon is actually  running.   Also check the
MySQL log file, plus the file you listed above.

You'll probably find the answer in the log file or at MySQL-specific
web pages on the 'net.

The  mysql.sock file most likely lists the TCP socket that MySQL is
listening on.  If the daemon isn't actually running that could be
the problem.


Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Davis Weather unit install

2007-02-01 Thread Steve Friis

Tom Russo wrote:

On Wed, Jan 31, 2007 at 09:18:17PM -0700, we recorded a bogon-computron collision of 
the <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> flavor, containing:

OK, I'm a newbe when it comes to Linux install stuff, so be gentle.

I followed the instructions for what to install up to


It's the usual:

$ cd xastir/src/Davis
$ ./
$ ./configure
$ make
$ su -c 'make install'

except there doesn't seem to be a directory xastir/src/Davis. Am I 
missing something somewhere?

Guess the directory got moved and the documentation not updated.

Try "cd xastir/Davis/" instead.

That did it! Now on to setting the other stuff up. Thanks major.


Xastir mailing list

[Xastir] Davis Weather unit install

2007-01-31 Thread Steve Friis

OK, I'm a newbe when it comes to Linux install stuff, so be gentle.

I followed the instructions for what to install up to


It's the usual:

$ cd xastir/src/Davis
$ ./
$ ./configure
$ make
$ su -c 'make install'

except there doesn't seem to be a directory xastir/src/Davis. Am I 
missing something somewhere?


Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] weather station

2007-01-18 Thread Steve Friis

Curt Mills wrote:

On Thu, 18 Jan 2007, Tom Russo wrote:


I had that problem, too.  It turns out to be caused by HF transmissions.  If
your temperature/hygro sensor is anywhere near your HF antennas it'll 
get bogus rainfall information.

For what it's worth the rain sensor is a plastic tipping bucket type
with a magnet embedded in the bucket plastic.  This goes past a reed
switch as it tips in each direction.

So what you really have are switch closures being read by the
processor in the outside temp/baro/humidity sensor housing.
Unfortunately you have a nice HF antenna connecting the two.

Actually, with mine, it turned out to be the APRS antenna at 40 feet, 
with the LaCrosse rain gage at 10 feet from ground. This was 
intermittent, not always in sync with the 10 watt transmitter. Also, the 
rain gage fell apart after just 4 - 5 months in the sun.

The temperature sensor was wildly out of calibration, being at least 10 
degrees off from our mercury thermometric on the front wall. Sometimes 
high in reading, sometimes low. This location is in the shade most of 
the AM.

The barometer never did work right. Even after calibration it read 
higher than the airport which is just down the road from me.

The wind vane always had trouble starting at low wind speeds. Seems like 
it would take 2 - 3 MPH to get started.

Other than that, for $100, a nice toy in the interim until one can buy a 
good unit.


Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Weather Station Specs/Lacross native code?

2007-01-15 Thread Steve Friis

Tom Russo wrote:
On Mon, Jan 15, 2007 at 08:23:18AM 
I still think you should use the Dallas unit as your primary device instead.
I'm looking into Davis units to replace the wx station as soon as my cash flow 
recovers from December.


Might I recommend the Davis units. After playing around with the Dallas 
and LaCross units, I was astounded with the quality of the Davis unit. I 
have seen the problems with the LaCross. Mine fell apart this past 
summer with the UV exposure from the sun this past summer. This is after 
just one year up there.

Plan is to put this one on the APRS net when we fan afford the cable.

What ever you decide, enjoy.

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] mac osx 10.4.8 Xastir 1.8.5 working here, mostly.

2006-12-21 Thread Steve Friis

Tom Russo wrote:

On Wed, Dec 20, 2006 at 06:55:20PM -0800, we recorded a bogon-computron collision of 
the <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> flavor, containing:

On Wed, 20 Dec 2006, Tom Russo wrote:

[probing for bdb]

I'll give on the 5.x stuff.  You're right.
As far as the 4.6 and later versions, I'm torn between adding them
in as new versions come out, or add them all now and tweak code
later if things don't work.  


I think I'd rather leave them in and
fix up to do a proper search for them so
the special config paths aren't required in most cases.

Well, I guess there's room for differing opinions on that one.  

If we only probe for those that exist now and are known to work, the way that
new versions will show up is that someone will remark that they have BDB
installed, and it's not detected.  

If we do as you suggest, the way that incompatible new versions will show
up is as link or compile failures, which will undoubtedly be more frustrating
to folks less able to hunt down the cause themselves.

I think I prefer the "add as needed" to the "expose unhappy 
incompatibilities" approach.  But I think that the 4.x API is more likely

to be stable enough for now that it probably is six of one and half-a-dozen
of the other.  Looking more carefully at the map_cache code, the API change
that was incompatible in early versions of 4.x was between 4.0 and 4.1, not
between 4.1 and 4.2.  So it's been pretty stable for four or five minor
versions, and it's probably OK to assume it'll stay stable until 5.x, at
which time it'll probably be completely unstable again.
Wouldn't it be better for xastir to report "incomputable version" and 
then recommend the Wiki site for a fix? Might be one way to do it.


Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Reporting configure report

2006-12-18 Thread Steve Friis

Tom Russo wrote:

On Mon, Dec 18, 2006 at 03:07:47PM -0700, we recorded a bogon-computron collision of 
the <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> flavor, containing:

xastir 1.8.5 has been configured to use the following


Building with rtree indexing ... : no

So, does anyone here still think that rtree should remain off by default?
It's been in the code for almost two years, and I think it's had a good 
experimental run.  The speed-up vs. memory trade-off seems worth it, 
at least if you're doing a bunch of zooming and panning.  Time to turn it

on by default?


I am willing to play with that, to turn it on manually do I do 
<./configure --with-rtree> ??


Xastir mailing list

[Xastir] Reporting configure report

2006-12-18 Thread Steve Friis

xastir 1.8.5 has been configured to use the following
options and external libraries:

Building with AX25 . : no
Building with Festival . : yes
Building with GPSMan ... : yes
Building with GraphicsMagick/ImageMagick ... : ImageMagick
Building with libproj .. : yes
Building with GeoTiff .. : yes
Building with GDAL/OGR . : yes
Building with ShapeLib . : yes
Building with pcre . : yes
Building with dbfawk ... : yes
Building with map caching .. : yes
Building with rtree indexing ... : no
Building with ErrorPopups (Old Method) . : no
Building with libgc (Debug)  : no
Building with profiling (Debug)  : no
Building with Linux Standard Base .. : no


Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] More feedback on acinclude.m4/

2006-12-16 Thread Steve Friis

Curt Mills wrote:

Greg Eigsti is unavailable on e-mail.  His ISP must be in the area
affected by the blackouts.  He was going to try some of the changes
on his various systems.  Oh well.  Let's hope power gets restored
down there sometime soon.  I guess I lucked out with my ISP, which
it in the affected area.
You are always reminding me how fortunate we are to live in a part of 
the country where we have good power and Internet pretty much 364 days a 
year. Usually the once day per year is often just an hour or to.


Xastir mailing list

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