CS: Target-Reloading Kit Questions

2001-02-26 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Andrew, 0.6 MOA from a .375 HH Magnum loaded with lead bullets! Please come and shoot benchrest and give us all a lesson. Cheers VinceB _ I can't do .6 moa, but with the rifle unsupported (s

CS: Misc-New Website

2001-02-26 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] New website that might be of interest to Cybershooters. http://www.shootfastdontmiss.freewire.co.uk/ Alex Cybershooters website: http://www.cybershooters.org List admin: [EMAIL

CS: Pol-Face values..

2001-02-20 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] The E-mail about "black faces" at Pistol A.D. was not meant to be sarcastic in that sense but to show that perception is, in fact, not always reality. It is the same with the disparagement of those who wear ex-surplus "cammo ge

CS: Target-Gallery Rifle

2001-02-20 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] It's the same as the MoD standard for indoor pistol ranges, max. calibre .455", not sure what the exact energy limit is off the top of my head. Steve. 475 ft/lbs seems familiar. Jonathan Laws 47

CS: Misc-population density

2001-02-20 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] It's true in this country (to an extent, depends how big the minority is) but I find it to be less true in most other developed countries. Probably because they have lower population densities so there is more room for people to do what

CS: Pol-The march in March

2001-02-19 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Steve, In response to email written by Richard Loweth about justification of foxhunting, you wrote:- -- My response to all arguments against hunting no matter how reasoned is that most people don't reason, in fact most people don't ca

CS: Target-10/22 problems

2001-02-18 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I would be very interested to hear of problems with 22 autoloaders and especially how they were solved. In my club Ruger 10/22s are by far in majority and the favourite ammunition is Blazer because the higher velocity and recoils seem to ai

CS: Pol-.50

2001-02-16 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Not after the comment about Pistol AD. I was at the last one and so was Lord Cullen and neither of us saw anything that you mention. You say later on Pistol 94, so possibly you are getting confused as to the dates, but Pistol 96 di

CS: Target-Any old brass?

2001-02-16 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] and .303" ammo is either expensive or scarce (who'd pay L27.50 per 100 for HXP anyway? Only L27.50? I pay twice that for .22/250 and .243! Aye lad - we were that poor we 'ad to make us own bullets w

CS: Pol-.50

2001-02-16 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I was concerned too that at the last "Pistol AD" that there were a number of black people present also. One can most definitely "judge a book by its cover"! Drug dealers and illegal "Yardies" seeking to buy

CS: Pol-.50

2001-02-15 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Alex, you seem to want to misconstrue nearly everything I write. I'll have one more go then give up... If that's a firm promise, Kenneth, I will try to explain, but without inserting yet again everything that was written before. My

CS: Pol-Proliferation of Small Arms

2001-02-15 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] STOP SPREAD OF WEAPONS, URGES COOK 131054 FEB 10 By PA News Reporter The Foreign Secretary today called for an international fund to be set up to help stop the spread of weapons around the world. Robin Cook said it was needed to s

CS: Pol-.50

2001-02-12 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] And your point is? If you seriously think that rapid fire competitions caused the demise of pistol shooting then you aren't on the same planet as me. No, Kenneth, I don't think that rapid fire had much to do with it! Ferocio

CS: Misc-Cartridge development

2001-02-11 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Hi, I am doing an engineering written project on the development of the small arms cartridge (from paper, foil, coiled brass, drawn brass (rimmed, rimless, RF, CF), to caseless) and I was wondering if anyone knew of any, particularly e

CS: Pol-John de Havilland's reply to Ian Brown's letter

2001-02-10 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I drew the attention of the NRA to Ian Brown's open letter of January 29th. I have been asked to publish the two preceding letters (Mr Brown to Mr de Havilland of December 19th and Mr de Havilland's reply of December 27th) so as

CS: Target-Phoenix postal comps

2001-02-10 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] What's happened to the Phoenix postal competition? I can't get them on the phone and we are waiting results from last season. -- Our targets and stickers arrived this week, but I have had same problems in contacting them. Emails

CS: Target-silenced shotguns

2001-02-09 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] From: Norman Bassett, INTERNET:[EMAIL PROTECTED] What I'd like to do is to make it a lot easier to get a few shots at all kinds of guns at the four main annual shooting shows in the UK. Otherwise shooting anything but what you

CS: Pol-.50

2001-02-09 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] To claim that something is a sport implies that a large number of people are participating. The fact that something is shot in Switzerland or USA does not constitute a sport here - I wish it did, but we have to be realistic. Ah! An

CS: Pol-50 cal

2001-02-09 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] If you read my reply to Tom Charnock email, Paul, you would have known that I do more for you that you do for me and that I am spending more that anyone half a working week every week on trying to do what I can for all shooting spor

CS: Pol-.50

2001-02-07 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Actually, Tom, I have never seen a 50 cal rifle and certainly never heard or seen one being shot. I shoot regularly at Bisley and other MoD ranges and although I shoot Target Rifle up to 1000 yds. Match Rifle is shot up to 1200 a

CS: Pol-One Organisation

2001-02-06 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] The question of one shooting organisation has been discussed before and much as the idea appears attractive, I fear that it would not work because of a large variety of interests and, especially, because of disinterest of one segment o

CS: Field-Cats the worst killers

2001-02-06 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] From: "George", INTERNET:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Are British hunters permitted to shoot cats like German hunters are? If I recall correctly from my Jagerprufung class you may shoot cats that are over 100 meters from an inh

CS: Target-.50 Peacekeeper

2001-02-02 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I'm still intrigued as to how they could define it without also banning lots of other things - which would be outside the scope of an order under Section 1(4). Going by the draft guidance the Home Office is concocting they stil

CS: Pol-Serfs' Privileges Restored

2001-01-31 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Kenneth Pantling wrote. Sorry James but you can't count on the Tories. I would say that, faced with a choice of candidates that are all anti, the Tory is probably the least worst choice but I go with Steve. Pick your

CS: Legal-oops

2001-01-30 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] This is incredible: A man who was mistakenly arrested and charged with possessing a firearm which turned out to be a cordless drill has been awarded compensation. Mel Sealy, 50, was paid an undisclosed sum in an out-of-court settlem

CS: Pol-Kate Hoey

2001-01-29 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I got a stereotype letter from Kate Hoey thanking me for my interest in the forthcoming Commonwealth Games. Actually, when I wrote, most of my comments were about her attitude to guns and hunting. I never mentioned the Games. Barr

CS: Pol-Placards and Banners at Countryside March

2001-01-25 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] As for the slogans posted the other day, many of them hinge on the concept of firearms ownership for self defence and are therefore useless. We need to think for ourselves rather than try to borrow from the States on this one. It's a

CS: Pol-Protest March - placards and banners.

2001-01-24 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] To clarify the position on placards on stick I asked Countryside Alliance and below is their reply. Regards, Alex - Original Message - From: march-info [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thank you for your E mail...placards on stick

CS: Pol-March In March Worries

2001-01-23 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] So I won't be put off from joining the Countryside Alliance march by imagined threats of retaliation. The reason I won't be going is because I'm opposed to fox hunting. You do what you think's right. S

CS: Target-moly on air pellets

2001-01-18 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] This is a bad idea! If your air-rifle is rated to 11.98ft.-lb.'s, you will break the law by using moly. You will get higher velocity from the same pellet, and therefore a higher M.E., due to the way an air-rifle works. Unlike a pow

CS: Pol-Mowlam approves guns deal

2001-01-16 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] H, wonder if _your_ old gun is finding a new life in Jamaica??? Or is that just my suspicious mind??? mike __ Well, I would rather somebody had some use for my pistols than ha

CS: Pol-handgun-related homicides at highest level ever

2001-01-12 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] 42 deaths as use of handguns hits seven-year high NTL NEWS 9:21am Thursday, 11th January 2001 Use of handguns in crime in England and Wales reached its highest level for seven years in 1999-2000. This is in spite of the ban

CS: Pol-Sport minister criticises handgun ban

2001-01-03 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I think she deserves a medal myself. Steve. Well, you took the words out of my mouth, Steve. Why don't we send her letters/emails/faxes of thanks. If she were to receive, say, 5000 letters of thanks, perhaps her "colleagues" wou

CS: Target-weak rifle loads

2001-01-02 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] [snip] My use of wadding goes back a long way and was centered around preventing the detonation of small charges of very fast burning powders. [snip] That is very interesting, John, but my understanding of the internal ballistics is that it i

CS: Pol-Interesting Article: Analogies About Guns and Gun Control

2001-01-02 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1. The media tells us that people just can't be trusted with deadly instruments. But you possess one every day when you drive your car. Yet you refrain from running over pedestrians at crosswalks. Quite right, but let us not waste any

CS: Pol-Gun Rights Convention UK

2000-12-28 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Well, I am in favour and would travel anywhere in UK, but Steve's suggestion of holding it at the NEC in Birmingham is probably the most practical. I agree that there is a need to distance ourselves from the NRA althought I am not

CS: Pol-Gun Rights Convention USA

2000-12-28 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] That doesn't necessarily matter, to be frank, but getting people to lecture on the rights of self-defence and so on I suspect would go down like a lead balloon. Steve. __ I agree that raising the "right

CS: Legal-Supplemental Chambers

2000-12-28 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I read an interesting article in an old copy of "Handloader" about supplemental chambers for full bore rifles. These chambers look like cartridge cases on the outside, but are made of solid metal and bored to accept pistol cartrid

CS: Misc-Drill Purpose Firearms

2000-12-22 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Steve and List, Thank you of advice on Drill Purpose firearms, which I have sent to my friend in the States. I enclose below a message on the same subject from David Penn, the curator of the Imperial War Museum, which also advises caution

CS: Misc-Molebdenum

2000-12-14 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Without the shear-pin, the missile would have just flopped out of the barrel, because little pressure would have built up behind the stationary round. I suspect that moly lubrication of bullets has a related (less extreme !) effect, as Steve

CS: Pol-True cost of handgun compensation

2000-12-13 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I heard from a fellow shooter that there was an article in The Telegraph "early last week" under the general heading Foxhunting Bull and in it there was a mention that the cost of pistol compensation was, in fact, รบ4.3 b

CS: Pol-Home Office looking for way to ban .50 rifles

2000-12-03 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Given the assumption that the terrorists will always use available weapons, if one type or class of weapons is made especially difficult to obtain, they will switch to the next easiest category and thus give ACPO and the government an excuse f

CS: Misc-Recommended reading

2000-11-29 Thread ALEX SPEDDING
From: "ALEX SPEDDING", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Nobody has mentioned Forester,s Brown on Resolution, about one rifleman taking on one of the Kaiser,s warships. Alex -- Actually the latest issue of SOF has a brilliant article about the rescue of the RIR soldiers in Sierra Leo

CS: Field-.458

2000-11-29 Thread Alex Holmes
From: "Alex Holmes", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Can anyone think of a use for a .458 win mag revolver? IG Pure fun is a good enough reason *g* or is that showing masochistic tendencies? *s* I will admit that about 30seconds before shooting my first buff with a handgun I was kind of

CS: Pol-Charlton Heston on UK gun law

2000-11-22 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Charlton Heston criticises UK gun law 'cowardice' Heston: Britain's gun laws are "a subtle form of surrender to the criminals" November 15, 2000 Web posted at: 5:25 AM EST (1025 GMT) November 15, 2000 Web posted at: 5:25 AM EST

CS: Legal-ECHR ruling

2000-11-22 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] At the AGM of Historical Breechloading Smallarms Association (HBSA) at the Imperial War Museum, Lambeth, London, on 20th November, it was reported that:- The claim for loss of profits pursued in the European Court of Human Rights (EC

CS: Pol-South Africa passes new gun law

2000-10-20 Thread Alex
From: Alex Holmes, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Source: http://news2.thls.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/africa/newsid_969000/969369.stm SA targets guns By Carolyn Dempster in South Africa South Africa's parliament has approved a controversial new gun law which places stricter controls on legal firearm

CS: Legal-Certificate Renewal

2000-10-16 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I met an acquaintance at Bisley yesterday, who told me that he had applied for renewal last July and just got it a week ago. His FAC actually expired at the end of August and he put his guns in storage at Bisley and continued using them.

CS: Target-Radway Green powders

2000-10-15 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] The nitrocellulose paste for RG powders is actually made at Bishopton and shipped to RO's subsidiary Muiden Chemie in the Netherlands, who make it into NC propellant and ship it back to the UK. Muiden doesn't make NC paste itself. How RO will

CS: Target-RG components

2000-10-12 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Steve, I have bought a load of R.G re loading component. I am using 43.4g of powder (their powder) behind their 155g bullet. I have had good success up to 600y. Can anyone tell me if they have used it at 900 and 1000 yards. Regards

CS: Pol-New Gun Law Proposals

2000-10-09 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] The Government will wish to explore further and possibly extend the provisions that would allow young people to use a borrowed gun under adult supervision if the minimum age is increased to eighteen as recommende

CS: Target-.577/.450 Martini Henry smokeless powder loads

2000-10-09 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I am interested in any smokeless powder loads for the .577/.450 Martini Henry rifle. Black powder seems a little too corrosive to use even if it can be cleaned out with water and the like. Lead bullets would be used and new boxer primed bra

CS: Pol-Albie Fox at Tory Conference...

2000-10-09 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] The information that Albie Fox had been accepted as a Conservative party candidate for Ynys Mon was posted to the SA WWW site at least 3 weeks ago. Albie himself also posted information to the SA BBS. Does nobody keep an eye on this site? I

CS: Pol-Albie Fox at Tory Conference...

2000-10-05 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Who heard Albie Fox's speech? No mention at all that the handgun ban was a conservative Government, on a THREE LINE WHIP that banned pistol shooting! Just the illusion that it was Blair's fault! -- And that's was the "Founder Member&

CS: Legal-Range Safety Certification

2000-09-28 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I have heard from a reliable source that the new requirement is in the pipeline requiring all ranges to have 600 yds danger area behind the butts, or where this is not possible a 100 foot wall. The really sinister implication is that

CS: Legal-Range Safety Certification

2000-09-27 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I have heard from a reliable source that the new requirement is in the pipeline requiring all ranges to have 600 yds danger area behind the butts, or where this is not possible a 100 foot wall. The really sinister implication is that

CS: Target-Vihtavuori Powders

2000-09-24 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Many interesting comments have been made regarding Vihtavuori powders but no real explanation has yet been forthcoming of why I experienced ferocious leading with N310 powder but not with Hercules Bullseye - all other components in the equa

CS: Pol-Olympic shooting

2000-09-22 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Well Alex, for your help and assistance, both Richard and his father are extremely pleasant and caring people, who are dedicated to the sport of shooting, That's not the point, Chris! Their neighbours have an equal right to become dedica

CS: Pol-NIMBY, Olympic medals, town v country

2000-09-22 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] The malcontents seem unresponsive to the obvious suggestion that the clayshooters were there first, arousing no hostility, and that before moving into their twee executive dwellings they might have checked for any nasty shootin

CS: Pol-neighbours protest Olympic medal winners range

2000-09-21 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Got to strongly disagree with you Alex, if he took notice of his neighbours he wouldn't have that Gold medal. You are absolutely right there, but you would not say that if you were one of his neighbours and as they have won the court case, he

CS: Target-Vihtavuori Powders

2000-09-18 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Their pistol powder, N310, seems to develop a particularly 'hot' flame front in that I used to experience really severe leading problems in the chamber throats of my SW 686 - but not in the barrel - even with the recommended target load of

CS: Target-Plate Shooting

2000-09-18 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Steve, I have heard today that St. Nicholas Club in Chislehurst, cancelled an Open Day Shoot and wrote to each entrant explaining that "they did not wish to be associated with plate shooting". I have to confess that, having shoot

CS: Misc-it's cheaper elsewhere

2000-09-14 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Personally, I'm happy for any dealer to make a reasonable profit but can anyone explain how I can buy Vihtavuori powder in the US for about L10.00 per pound when it costs almost double that in the UK? We are a lot nearer to Finland than the US

CS: Pol-Who to vote for

2000-09-13 Thread Alex
From: Alex Holmes, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Some thoughts from the former colonies on this thread. I have reservations about the value of trying to select individuals to vote for. The problems with this approach are that the individual MP will in all probability bow to the whip and follow party line

CS: Pol-Dump the Pump

2000-09-12 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Oh how nice - a party to celebrate the country being brought to its knees. How jovial everybody seems to be that the 'country' may be brought to it's knees because few there will be no fuel in a few days time - even to the extent th

CS: Misc-It's cheaper in the USA/Europe/anywhere

2000-09-10 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] May I wade in on David Edwards's and Antony Harrison's exchange and say that I have also bought stuff direct from USA on several occasions in the past year and in each instance I paid a lot less that prices quoted here, even with VAT and

CS: Misc-Gulf War Syndrome is Spreading!

2000-09-08 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Steve, In connection with last Sunday's article about the Gulf Syndrome, I attended a dinner in London on Tuesday the purpose of which was to promote Ann Prentice's (Journalist - The Times) book "One woman's war" in which she w

CS: Pol-Expanding bullets UK police

2000-08-31 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] From: "E.J. Totty", INTERNET:[EMAIL PROTECTED] I have an interesting question - hypothetical as it is: Knowing the particular laws about using certain ammunition types, suppose nation 'A' and nation 'B' go to war -- agai

CS: Pol-BBC Radio Wales Programme

2000-08-31 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Gill Marshall-Andrews was invited to speak first. I have to admit that she is an accomplished public speaker but, as one would have expected, had nothing sensible to add to any debate on firearms control. During her 'opening speech'

CS: Pol-Olympic shooters lobby for easing of handgun ban

2000-08-15 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] 6) Perhaps, if selected Pistol Shooters wish to make a point, they could turn up for the matches, without a gun, and record a zero score. Personally I consider that there is more to be gained by obtaining good results, remember Micky Gault'

CS: Pol-Olympic shooters lobby for easing of handgun ban

2000-08-14 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] BRITISH shooters are threatening to boycott the 2002 Commonwealth Games in Manchester because the Government's ban on handguns prevents them practising. They claim the ban puts them at a severe disadvantage to fore

CS: Pol-Cop killer bullets

2000-08-05 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] An interesting, if long, article on the anti-gun lobby in USA, which proves that written constitution "cast in stone" is not a good defence against those bent on changing it. Reference to the Cop-Killer bullets might be of interes

CS: Target-Berdan primers

2000-08-04 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Just as a matter of interest, how do you de-prime your Berdan cases? Steve. _ I use a hydraulic decapper made about 25 years ago by a long defunct firm, Wamadet. The "production rate" i

CS: Target-.308

2000-08-04 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I think Ed has a point about the different brass being used for military and civilian ammunition. I do not load to maximum pressures, so I have not noticed that the military cases generate higher pressures, but the case life is very differen

CS: Pol-The correct way to deal with the misguided

2000-08-03 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] We had similar infestations ofter Dunblane and we failed to deal with them properly. Alex Message: 1 Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2000 08:45:34 -0600 From: "Daszkiewicz" [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: misguided to infest Denver; press pr

CS: Target-.308/7.62

2000-08-02 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Steve, I asked Martin Farnan about the warnings in the Bible about 7.62NATO/308Win and .223/5.56 and here is his reply. Alex - Original Message - From: Martin G Farnan [EMAIL PROTECTED] Dear Alex, No, we merely draw firers

CS: Target-.308 Winchester

2000-07-27 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Well, it might be possible to modify the 94 action to take box magazine from the right side of the action - where the loading gate is, but you would turn it into an ugly beast and, I suspect, that magazine would upset the fine balance of the

CS: Target-.307 Winchester

2000-07-25 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Hmm, I wonder if a .307 Model 94 could be converted to a box feed .308. That could be interesting. Steve. ___ As the Model 94 action is the one where the floor plate is hinged and forms part of the a

CS: Pol-Democracy, referendums etc

2000-07-23 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I don't think that McDermott is trying to justify the handgun ban, but he does seem to think that any restrictive legislation is in order provided the majority approves of it and wants it - that is his definition of democracy! He does not

CS: Legal-Sensible Judgement

2000-07-22 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Court Finds Gunmakers Not Responsible for Wrongdoing by Ralph 0. Sherman The lawsuits brought by cities and crime victims against gun manufacturers offer the courts an opportunity to show that common sense still exists in the judic

CS: Pol-legitimate uses

2000-07-17 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] May I wade in rather late into this argument and say that I am not in the least concerned about any kind of statistics, nor do I care whether more guns will increase or decrease crime. Naturally, I would prefer to live in a society where vio

CS: Pol-Trafalgar Square Revolver

2000-07-17 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Would you say, Julian, that the Python would work if one cut of the knot in the barrel?G Alex. -- I personally think we should buy it and stick it at the entrance to Bisley Camp with "In memory of the 57,000 scapegoats of the D

CS: Legal-Loading for 7.3 pistols

2000-07-10 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] It is also my impression that only some Metropolitan Section 7(3) holders had been allowed to load and store ammunition at home and if that "privilege" is being withdrawn then soon no one will enjoy it. In my opinion, the Home O

CS: Legal-Home Reloading for Section 7(3) Pistols

2000-07-07 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I enclose a scan of a letter to the secretary of my club on the subject on being allowed to reload and keep at home ammunition for pistols stored and fired at the Heritage Centre at Bisley. The letter is from Home Office minister, Charles Clar

CS: Misc- US Military Terminology

2000-07-07 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Steven, I was puzzled by a number of interpretations, so I asked a friend in USA for comments and here they are. By the way, I thought he was a Cybershooter. Regards, Alex.