Why, oh why would you run Outlook 97? Outlook 98 was a free upgrade for
anyone running Outlook 97
Outlook 98 should run just fine with User privileges.
Joe Pochedley
Weiler's Law - Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do
it himself.
-Original Message
ms because I've come up with nothing... Any help would be
Joe Pochedley
Weiler's Law - Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do
it himself.
List posting FAQ: http://www.swinc
files on the affected machines has
also yielded no remedy... Both affected and non-affected machines alike
show the same server as their GAL server... Searches in the MSKB and
Google have returned nothing relevant...
Any help, as always, would be greatly appreciated.
Joe Pochedley
We used to have this problem with some mail that used custom forms...
The only way to delete the messages was by using SHIFT+Delete from
Outlook. Of course after we did away with that particular custom form,
haven't seen the problem since.
Joe Pochedley
Weiler's Law - Nothing is impo
you used the swing upgrade method, leave the old
Exchange box in place for a little while and the mailboxes will update automatically
on the clients, assuming they're running Outlook in MAPI mode of course)
Joe Pochedley
Weiler's Law - Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn
We haven't had any problem with BE9 on our Exch2k/SP3 Win2K/SP3 system,
but we're not using the AFO option.
Joe Pochedley
Weiler's Law - Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do
it himself.
-Original Message-
From: David Klindt [mailto:[EMAIL PROT
imC, Steve, Steve1, etc etc all @company.com of course). If it
is a brute force spam attack, then your best bet would be to block the
IP's of the spammer at your firewall so the spammer can no longer make
SMTP connections to your server.
Joe Pochedley
Weiler's Law - Nothing is impossible for
ith hidden membership. Again, no
errors in the event log.
And the hunt continues... Thanks though.
Joe Pochedley
Weiler's Law - Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do
it himself.
-Original Message-
From: Neil Hobson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday,
Thanks for the suggestion. Tried it this morning and Domainprep ran
quite quickly (much more quickly than I've ever seen it run when truly
prepping a domain for the first time)...
Unfortunately the problem persists. Further suggestions would be warmly
Joe Pochedley
as to where to investigate
next. Everything looks like it SHOULD be working properly.
As always, thanks in advance for any assistance!
Joe Pochedley
Weiler's Law - Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do
it himself.
eal reason for Offline Folders anyway (at least not until OL2k3's
"cached Exchange" or "Local Store" mode)
Joe Pochedley
If you have time to do it twice,
you had time to do it right in
the first place.
-Original Message-
From: Michael Wade [mailto:[EMAIL PROTE
cting the world from PSTs and Bricked Backups!T
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Joe Pochedley
Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2003 4:02 PM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: Ex2k - PF error in ESM
Thanks for the response on a Sunday...
) Guess I'll post another message in
the morning if I can't hunt it down.
Hope everyone had a good weekend.
Joe Pochedley
If you have time to do it twice,
you had time to do it right in
the first place.
-Original Message-
From: Joe Pochedley
Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2003 7:02
I've done a restore of an Exch 5.5 DB from NT4 to a differnt Win2K box, but never
after AD was in place... Didn't have any real trouble with it... Don't think AD
would be too much of a problem though since Exch 5.5 isn't AD aware and should just
try to talk to the AD like an NT4 domain...
change of having the issue be
non-decremented when all is said and done. But since it sounds like
tried everything the general wisdom suggests, PSS is the best next step.
BTW, well written query and excellent detailing of the steps already
Should save people from suggesting a bu
and it still
hasn't made a difference...
I'm sure I'm not the only one who's had this problem? Any pointers on
how to fix it would be greatly appreciated.
Joe Pochedley
List posting FAQ: http:/
k if there's a
problem instead of trying to troubleshoot 5 different problems on each
users' machine when they're having trouble.
Joe Pochedley
If you have time to do it twice,
you had time to do it right in
the first place.
-Original Message-
From: Ely, Don [mailto:[EMAIL
of either method.
Thanks in advance for any advice!
Joe Pochedley
If you have time to do it twice,
you had time to do it right in
the first place.
List posting FAQ: http://www.swinc.com/resource/exch_faq.htm
l email, I'm hopping to create the mailboxes and
associate them to domain accounts in a child domain (made from the UK's old
NT4 domain joining our forest as a child)... Still hoping someone can tell
me if this can be done?
Joe Pochedley
If you have time to do it twice,
you ha
Not being too familiar with OWA for Exch5.5, is it something similar to the
cutoff HTML text problem under OL2000? In that instance it's a bad
MLANG.DLL file... Just a suggestion.
Joe Pochedley
If you have time to do it twice,
you had time to do it right in
the first place.
now if I can
use the accounts from the child domain on the parent domain's Exch server,
which I can't find a straight answer to (of course, I've probably not worded
my question correctly in all the Internet searching I've done)
Joe Pochedley
If you have time to do it twice,
hild domain in the UK (I assume the answer is yes,
but I haven't gotten that far in testing yet and I'm just trying to avoid
some head banging if someone can tell me it can't be done)? Is there an
easier way to accomplish this? How can I move the Public folders to our
Exch server
You can use DHCPCMD from the resource kit to dump a list of DHCP assigned
IP's with their associated Names and MAC addresses to a text file...
Joe Pochedley
"In the end, if you have cables like
spaghetti on the floor and things only
connect when you swear at them, your
network is perfec
eople who are supposed to have the permissions)
were missing from that tab. Never thought to check it because, of course,
why would my name magically have been removed? Ah well, something a little
whacky there, have to keep an eye on it...
Thanks again.
Joe Pochedley
"In the end, if you h
obtuse here, but hopefully someone can
throw me a rope and show me what I've missed.
Joe Pochedley
"In the end, if you have cables like
spaghetti on the floor and things only
connect when you swear at them, your
Are these devices going to be on your Intranet or on the Internet?
If these are Intranet only, then you could set up a secondary SMTP server
for them to send their messages to and give that server permission to relay
through your Exchange box...
Just a thought.
Joe Pochedley
"In the en
re are a few options..
1) Call PSS and see if MS has a solution (I was too cheap to do it, but if
they do have a solution please let us all know!)
2) Ask the offending domains to add the "proper" MX records
3) Use a relay
4) Update to Exchange 2000
4) Change mail servers all together.
won't synch completely)? Is the situation with synching large offline
folders any better under Exch. 2000?
Thanks in advance for any pointers.
Joe Pochedley
List posting FAQ: http://www.swinc.com/resource/exch_faq.htm
www.isaserver.org is the best place to start.
There are a number of articles in the Learning Zone section to help with
some ISA / Exchange config issues...
Joe Pochedley
"I like deadlines,"
cartoonist Scott Adams once said.
"I especially like the whooshing
sound they make
I seem to recall this problem under OL98... Don't remember what the
solution was (if there is one) since we've been on OL2000 for so long now...
Otherwise, nope. More information needed...
Joe Pochedley
"I like deadlines,"
cartoonist Scott Adams once said.
"I espe
into their
spam database lookup to see how many of the spam and blackhole lists have
the server in their database.
Joe Pochedley
"I like deadlines,"
cartoonist Scott Adams once said.
"I especially like the whooshing
sound they make as they fly by."
-Original M
sed on many assumptions and may not help
you at all...
Joe Pochedley
"I like deadlines,"
cartoonist Scott Adams once said.
"I especially like the whooshing
sound they make as they fly by."
-Original Message-
From: killinewoks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
look for new
hardware and dump your current supplier like a hot potato. The main purpose
of RAID5 is to be able to survive a single disk failure...
Joe Pochedley
"I like deadlines,"
cartoonist Scott Adams once said.
"I especially like the whooshing
sound they make as they fly by.
ntact lists as other address books so
the office manager can use all the other lists without copying them to her
Joe Pochedley
"I like deadlines,"
cartoonist Scott Adams once said.
"I especially like the whoosh
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Joe Pochedley
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 11:57 AM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: Network Error During Host Resolution
The problem is that it isn't working... Looking through the IMC queue I
see a message going to [EM
Network Error During Host Resolution
That would work as it is the top of your domain.. If you used
bob.hofferflow.com you would not get anything..
--Kevinm M, WLKMMAS, UCC+WCA, And Beyond
Did I just say that out loud?
-Original Message-
explains you problem. You have to use your top
level domain name it you don't have an MX record.
--Kevinm M, WLKMMAS, UCC+WCA, And Beyond
Did I just say that out loud?
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Joe Pochedley
Sent: Wednesd
ad - MCSE
Sr. Systems Administrator
Peregrine Systems
Atlanta, GA
> -Original Message-
> From: Joe Pochedley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 12:11 PM
> To: Exchange Discussions
> Subject: RE: Network Error During Host Resolution
e located using the MX RRs; the "implicit MX" rule
above applies only if there are no MX records present. If MX records
are present, but none of them are usable, this situation MUST be
reported as an error.
Still Looking
Joe Pochedley
"I like deadlines,"
Yes, messages to go through when sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Unfortunately
all the Reply To: addresses include the server name / subdomain (and always
Of course they swear (just as I do) that they haven't changed anything.
Joe Pochedley
"I like deadlines,"
esting... I tried Telnet testing
and get a 220 connect message from de.durr-usa.com, but when a send a HELO
command, I never get a 250 response back. Again, according to the folks at
the remote end, "Nobody else is having a problem..."
Thanks... Still looking..
Joe Pochedley
SMTP service should use the A record in place of the MX record,
I am at a loss.
Thanks in advance.
Joe Pochedley
List posting FAQ: http://www.swinc.com/resource/exch_faq.htm
Archives: http://www.swyn
e' but there is an A record, so theoretically
the Exchange SMTP service should use the A record in place of the MX record,
I am at a loss.
Thanks in advance.
Joe Pochedley
List posting FAQ: http://www.swinc.com/
t, no, you can't control how it's displayed at the receiving end.
Joe Pochedley
"I like deadlines,"
cartoonist Scott Adams once said.
"I especially like the whooshing
sound they make as they fly by."
-Original Message-
From: Tener, Richard [mail
cally synchronize (send, receive
mail, update calendar, contacts, tasks, etc) whenever they are connected...
Look in the help files for Outlook for help setting up Offline Access...
There's also plenty of info at Microsoft and other sites that explain how to
set this up and use it (it's pretty s
Mb worth of storage space, why make them split
things into PST's?
PST's on file servers aren't "bad" per-say, just a waste of time and
resources and a potential headache for the admin...
Joe Pochedley
"I like deadlines,"
cartoonist Scott Adams once said.
Thanks in advance!
-Original Message-----
From: Joe Pochedley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 9:47 AM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: OL2000 / IE6 chopping HTML mail?
Kind ladies an
combo appears to have the problem (or at
least hasn't complained about it if they do)...
Joe Pochedley
"I like deadlines,"
cartoonist Scott Adams once said.
"I especially like the whooshing
sound they make as they fly by."
That sounds great. Will the IIS SMTP service care about holding mail for
that much time before it can be delivered though?
Joe Pochedley
"I like deadlines,"
cartoonist Scott Adams once said.
"I especially like the whooshing
sound they make as they fly by."
forward part of that would be delayed
for a couple days)... If you've done it, does it work OK? Will it hold the
messages for more than a few days... One of my cow-workers seems to think
that may be a possible solution?
Still looking for suggestions... Thanks to all...
Joe Pochedley
messages while we perform
our maintenance and deliver the items when we're through...
TIA for any suggestions!
Joe Pochedley
"I like deadlines,"
cartoonist Scott Adams once said.
"I especially like the whooshing
sound they make as they fly by."
We've got our backups running BE 8.5 w/ the Exchange agent running to an
older 40 Gb HP DLT library (connected via HVD SCSI)... 56Gb takes just over
7 hours to complete @ 126.8Mb/s. 15 hours seems a little much for the 60Gb
stated by the original poster, but it's mostly dependant on the write sp
rmal ASAP.
"Show me a completely smooth operation and
I'll show you someone who's covering mistakes.
Real boats rock." - Frank Herbert, Chapterhouse: Dune
Joe Pochedley
-Original Message-
From: Tener, Richard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 25,
been "Exchange Mailbox SLOW" not the
clients themselves... In my haste and frustration I erred in my choice of
"Show me a completely smooth operation and
I'll show you someone who's covering mistakes.
Real boats rock." - Frank Herbert, Chapterhouse: Dune
how you someone who's covering mistakes.
Real boats rock." - Frank Herbert, Chapterhouse: Dune
Joe Pochedley
-Original Message-
From: Tener, Richard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 11:21 AM
To: Exchange Discussions
vering mistakes.
Real boats rock." - Frank Herbert, Chapterhouse: Dune
Joe Pochedley
List posting FAQ: http://www.swinc.com/resource/exch_faq.htm
Archives: http://www.swynk.com/sitesearch/search.asp
To unsu
c) a crackhead" - Richard Seigel to Ed Crowley, April 2001
-Original Message-
From: Joe Pochedley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 9:08 AM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: God Bless America (way OT)
Here in Cleveland, OH gas we
Here in Cleveland, OH gas went from about $1.699 to $1.799 overnight... One
local business owner made the point (on a radio program this morning) that
if the prices the gas station owners pay for gas do go up, they've got to
replace the stock in the ground now with higher priced gas... They need
Part of the problem today is that there are a lot of users and beginning
sysadmins who did not grow up in the era of "Each List / Usenet group has a
FAQ that should be read, completely and thoroughly, before asking a
question." This is one of the few lists that I've seen that still holds to
Install the cumulative IIS patch before connecting your server to the
Internet again.
The original version of Code Red can be cleaned by rebooting... Do a search
on your HD for ROOT.EXE, if you find it (likely in the \inetpub\scrip
n Klingon: After lunch sound okay?
-----Original Message-
From: Joe Pochedley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2001 3:32 PM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: How does synchronization work?
Oh how I wish I was a subscriber...
l not reason, are bigots, those who cannot,
are fools, and those who dare not, are slaves.
-George Gordon Noel Byron (1788-1824), [Lord Byron]
> -Original Message-
> From: Joe Pochedley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
those items that have changed, and leaving other items alone?
I'm not really looking for help here because I know the answer is (most
likely) to have the user delete his larger sent items, but I'd like to
provide a good explanation of if / why it takes so long every
63 matches
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