[Goanet] How to get away with murder with a life sentence (The Week.In 30/7/24)

2024-07-30 Thread Linken Fernandes

Re: [Goanet] AI - a writer's biggest rival

2024-06-28 Thread Linken Fernandes
https://suno.com/song/4c82f7e7-e122-4735-a021-ed01be5c8518 This here was actually the song supposed to be uploaded, but I attached another one instead, perhaps because they have the same provenance. Do excuse me. The mix-up happened probably due to the effect of the scroll-binge after the 2 am

[Goanet] AI - a writer's biggest rival

2024-06-27 Thread Linken Fernandes
For my grandson's ninth birthday I decided to get Suno, a new music-making website, to "create a happy birthday song for Syrus who loves football and superheroes." That was the sum and substance of my prompt, nothing more. I asked that the song be "uplifting" and in the "acoustic pop style" so the

Re: [Goanet] Commercialisation of Feast of St John Baptist

2024-06-25 Thread Linken Fernandes
Hi Yahoo!Mail, Long time no see, amigo/a, where you been? Thought Google and Gmail had done you in for good. But no, you are still around, and surprisingly waging the good fight against nasty ole commercialisation. Which seems rather odd, though, coming from someone engaged in (coff! coff!)

Re: [Goanet] TRIBUTE: Norbert Rego, who knew something of everything and everything of page-making (by Dr Olav Albuquerque)

2023-11-17 Thread Linken Fernandes
I am re-sending a response I posted, in cyberspace terms, a millennium ago, that is, yesterday... What stands out for me in this post is the preponderance of Catholic and Goan journalists in the Times of India in the Bombay of those days. Imagine a Catholic Staff Association in a newspaper in

Re: [Goanet] TRIBUTE: Norbert Rego, who knew something of everything and everything of page-making (by Dr Olav Albuquerque)

2023-11-17 Thread Linken Fernandes
What stands out for me in this post is the preponderance of Catholic and Goan journalists in the Times of India in the Bombay of those days. Imagine a Catholic Staff Association in a newspaper in cosmopolitan Bombay today -- impossible, right? The size of the Catholic cohort in the media in Bombay

[Goanet] KiSwahili Songs

2023-07-10 Thread Linken Fernandes
By a strange coincidence, I've been listening to Mama yake na Sophia (mashup), as they say, on loop, having lit upon it accidentally in my rambles through Youtube and opening it on a whim.( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfN8g8OIQbw). Now I don't seem to get enough of it, though not knowing the

Re: [Goanet] {Goanet] moderator volunteer

2023-07-08 Thread Linken Fernandes
Volunteers usually volunteer themselves, don't they?


2023-05-10 Thread Linken Fernandes
For some reason I was thinking a great deal about Siddarth recently, thinking I must go see him. I should have taken it as a premonition, especially after that terrible life-changing collision inflicted on him as he was returning from Mhadei or Mopa duty. Ever the activist, he took the mishap in

Re: [Goanet] Pontius Pilate murderer of innocent Jesus

2023-04-07 Thread Linken Fernandes
The Procurator of Judea, a short story by Anatole France, will, perhaps, place Pilate's conduct in some measure of perspective. Quite an enjoyable read (and re-read actually), one of those pieces of writing you wish would go on and on

[Goanet] About Shanti Tople and A Veronica Fernandes

2023-03-28 Thread Linken Fernandes
Was a pleasure to read the tribute to the recently deceased footballer from Curtorim, Antonio Rebello by A. Veronica Fernandes. The enthusiasm that football lovers and ex-footballers bring to reminiscences about their playing days never fails to bring a smile to one's face. AVF's description of

[Goanet] Fwd: Re-sending post titled, "For freshers in journalism"

2023-03-06 Thread Linken Fernandes
-- Forwarded message - From: Linken Fernandes Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2023, 21:17 Subject: For freshers in journalism To: goanet (Forwarding a post I've received which may interest freshers in journalism. I'm presuming that it's okay to post it here. If it's not, mods, do

[Goanet] Re "Sitaram Gaddiwala" from the film Sukachem Sopem

2022-08-07 Thread Linken Fernandes
It should actually be Sukhachem Sopon.

[Goanet] "Sitaram Gaddiwala" from the film Sukachem Sopem

2022-08-06 Thread Linken Fernandes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yre5Hpir-Sw Surfing Youtube the other day, I chanced on this Robin Vaz/Cecilia Machado song, "Sitaram Gaddiwala," from Sukachem Sopem. My maternal grand-uncle, M. Alphonso, is cited as the musical director of this film from the 1960s. The song used to play quite

Re: [Goanet] St. Roque's Chapel in Bandora, Ponda

2022-07-17 Thread Linken Fernandes
Linken-bab, I don't think the chapel is maintained with care. I just happened to catch it at a time and in conditions when it looked its best. Also, why do you want Goa Tourism to get involved? Tourism will mean more trash, more garbage, liquor bottles, and loss of peace. Can we at least keep a

[Goanet] St. Roque's Chapel in Bandora, Ponda

2022-07-17 Thread Linken Fernandes
bles along the coastal belt. Linken Fernandes

[Goanet] Bomboicar and Bomoicar, or The Strange Case of the Missing Consonant

2022-04-03 Thread Linken Fernandes
This is a response to the post here of 31 March, 2022: "[Goanet] LINKS: The Soboicar Project: about those who made the southern part of the island city their home". The post describes "a planned oral history and material memory project among Catholic neighbourhoods in South Bombay. ... South

Re: [Goanet] In which country were are the Rabaks found in Goa come from

2021-12-14 Thread Linken Fernandes
Rabak? Surely you joke, Adolfo! We say rebec in Goa, baba!

Re: [Goanet] Words related to colour in Konkani you might not know

2021-12-14 Thread Linken Fernandes
A bit disappointing that oddi-cor, as we say in sensible Sashtti, didn't make the cut in your small selection reproduced here. Let's hope it's there in the Konkani-English dictionary proper, a work which, I must say, can take all the promotion it can get. By the way, it would be interesting to

Re: [Goanet] Angel of physically disabled

2021-12-14 Thread Linken Fernandes
May I suggest Goanet start the practice of nominating Goa's Human of the Year at the end of the year, and pick Ms. Ida de Mello as our choice for 2021, please? (Kudos to Nelson Lopes for acknowleding her magnanimity and bringing her stellar story to us, we who go about our lives as though

Re: [Goanet] Re From the Drama in CHANDOR to an Orwellian Novel & Pigs and a Plot for Bollywood

2021-12-12 Thread Linken Fernandes
Much obliged, Roland and Adolfo. I was waiting for Roland's post to appear here before responding to it. All the same, your double solidarity is most welcome, and I expect to bring about a happy resolution of the issue with the Christians in Chandor, both priests and faithful, recovering, at long

[Goanet] Re From the Drama in CHANDOR to an Orwellian Novel & Pigs and a Plot for Bollywood

2021-12-11 Thread Linken Fernandes
Hi Adolfo. You aren't the first to be bemused by the 'drama' unfolding in Chandor; another commenter, with a tinge of Kenya in her as well, could hardly stop laughing, she tells me. And, like you, someone else mentioned the length of my report (thank you for the 1112 word count, btw!) and I told

[Goanet] Can we discuss important issues in Chandor in a civilised manner, please?

2021-12-10 Thread Linken Fernandes
-- Forwarded message - From: Linken Fernandes Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2021, 01:12 Subject: Can we discuss important issues in Chandor in a civilised manner, please? To: goanet *ChandorCarers* *(For your information and active awareness)* *Can we discuss important issues in Chandor

Re: [Goanet] My Piece (Anish Esteves)

2021-12-05 Thread Linken Fernandes
What a nicely organised article, particularly the oh so clever (in a good way) heading: A future for the past! ( https://www.heraldgoa.in/Edit/A-future-for-the-past-A-case-for-conserving-Goa%E2%80%99s-heritage/183490 ) Yeah, we need to preserve moments from our past, be they in the form of

[Goanet] Re The Saints Have Left Goa

2021-11-25 Thread Linken Fernandes
May I take the liberty of riffing off on Roland Francis's broad categorisation of Goan names over the past three generations in his illuminating post? I have a short story, in a forthcoming collection, which throws another light on the naming practice prevalent among Catholics in Goa today:

[Goanet] Making Pramod Sawant Satan, with burning red eyes, sinister, evil horns and smoke coming out of his nose!

2021-11-04 Thread Linken Fernandes
I am glad you've drawn attention to the issue of poster disfigurement, Stephen Dias, and I'm sure there are many more people with no political axe to grind who disapprove of this dangerous stifling of the Trinamool Congress's attempts to come to public attention. I saw an acquaintance, the other

[Goanet] About Gurnah and other East African writers

2021-10-08 Thread Linken Fernandes
(From “Itinerant Narratives: Travel, Identity and Literary Form in Abdulrazak Gurnah’s Fiction” by Marco Neil Ruberto) ( http://irep.ntu.ac.uk/id/eprint/27089/1/Marco%20Ruberto_thesis.pdf) Gurnah’s engagement with issues of subject formation, historical retrieval and novelistic experimentation

[Goanet] Whispering Hope Roland Francis

2021-10-07 Thread Linken Fernandes
Hi Roland. Was away in Bombay for a couple of days and missed your reference to Whispering Hope. This was a song in boarding in Parel that, perhaps, only one boy in the whole school knew, Sebastian Pinto, and he was called on to deliver it, tonelessly as ever, whenever there was scope to squeeze a

Re: [Goanet] Re Kurkurit food... Xaxti-istyle

2021-09-20 Thread Linken Fernandes
Yeah, Roland, Sashtti has bite to it. Met a guy from Calangute in Hyderabad some 20 odd years ago and he was all in awe of the Sashtticars in his bank back in Porvorim or Panjim. It seems they brooked no nonsense, and told it like it is! Capostade, as you are aware, is the Konkani form of the

[Goanet] Re Kurkurit food... Xaxti-istyle

2021-09-19 Thread Linken Fernandes
Yeah, terrific showmanship by Ruben in this video (http://t.ly/dWaD), and to think he's only 20! I thought of the Crazy Russian Hacker for a moment! The decision to stay Sashti couldn't have been easy. It's rare for public speakers to speak, much less meme, in Sashti, even in Sashti! They'll get

Re: [Goanet] Chandor Sarpanch Exposed Over Bogus Construction Plan

2021-08-23 Thread Linken Fernandes
Hi Roland. Appreciate your attempt to help. The fact is, our panchayats are filled with businessmen for whom cheating and fraud are essential traits. Imagine, any self-respecting sarpanch creeping like a thief late at night into the market with labourers and building two stinkbombs there despite

[Goanet] Chandor Sarpanch Exposed Over Bogus Construction Plan

2021-08-22 Thread Linken Fernandes
Lincoln Fernandes, Journalist, and Member, Village Development Committee, Village Panchayat of Chandor-Cavorim, Chandor, Salcete, Goa - 403714 Mob: 9923417804 Landline: 0832-2784784 Date: August 22, 2021 To, The Co-ordinator Goanet goanet@lists.goanet.org Dear Friends, Kindly

[Goanet] Fwd: The likely foreign origins of Sanskrit and Hinduism

2021-08-19 Thread Linken Fernandes
-- Forwarded message - From: Linken Fernandes Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2021 at 11:49 Subject: The likely foreign origins of Sanskrit and Hinduism To: goanet https://scroll.in/article/737715/fact-check-india-wasnt-the-first-place-sanskrit-was-recorded-it-was-syria

Re: [Goanet] Who’s Next?

2021-08-18 Thread Linken Fernandes
In Matthew 23:27, Jesus may have been describing the Catholic Church: “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites. You are like whitewashed tombs, which appear beautiful on the outside, but inside are full of dead men’s bones and every kind of filth." (https://bible.usccb.org/) The Church

Re: [Goanet] LOOKING FOR GLORIA. AGE 75. REWARD $500 eric pinto

2021-08-14 Thread Linken Fernandes
The game's afoot, my dear Watson! Offhand, I would say, Gloria is known to respond to posts on Goanet, and could even be a regular frequenter of this dubious website. Calls US numbers casually, especially if ordered to (as happens on such sites). Has a reward on her head, either for herself if

[Goanet] Where ih is Augusto Pinto?

2021-08-11 Thread Linken Fernandes
back, Augusto, all is forgiven! Linken Fernandes <https://www.avast.com/sig-email?utm_medium=email_source=link_campaign=sig-email_content=webmail> Virus-free. www.avast.com <https://www.avast.com/sig-email?utm_medium=email_source=link_campaign=sig-email_content=webmail> <#DAB4FAD8

Re: [Goanet] Alito, and the matter of giving people a voice, rather than just the right, to speak

2021-08-09 Thread Linken Fernandes
something about it. This, perhaps, is what is meant by giving people their voice, that is, the ability to express themselves and to be heard and listened to. Linken Fernandes

[Goanet] A Little Byculla, Bombay And Deolali, Nasik School History

2021-08-09 Thread Linken Fernandes
I remember Barnes School from the inter-school (BES, I presume) boxing championships which used to be staged in the St. Mary's playground in Mazagon. I'm not sure if they were the finals or a preliminary round which were held here. I recall one bout involving a rather heavyweight Barnes boy

[Goanet] Alito, and the matter of giving people a voice, rather than just the right, to speak

2021-08-08 Thread Linken Fernandes
I've just come out of the online tribute to Alito Sequiera and the release of the book, Hanv Konn. I wanted to make a comment, but the earlier speakers had more than covered the universe of discourse relating to Alito so I spared the patient international audience my reminiscence about the chap,

Re: [Goanet] A delightful East Indian cantar

2021-07-13 Thread Linken Fernandes
Hi Roland, Catholic Goans in some areas of Bombay seemed to have been completely insulated against Marathi song and dance in the sixties. One factor may have been the dedicated preference for English music and the inescapable ubiquity of Bollywood all around one. (Hindi culture came at you from

[Goanet] A delightful East Indian cantar

2021-07-12 Thread Linken Fernandes
be prepared to have almost all of the lyrics soar over your head, as happened with me, but I can assure you, you won't regret the six odd minutes spent watching a grown man and woman squabbling in public! Linken Fernandes

Re: [Goanet] Remembering Alfred Tavares

2021-06-28 Thread Linken Fernandes
Hi Ronald, That's a warm and generous summing up of someone who, I conjecture, may have been a cherished friend. A "rebel against tradition -- a lovable rascal and rogue -- with a refreshing sense of humour -- someone who cocked a snook at authority, be it colonial or Indian -- who treated "low

[Goanet] Remembering Alfred Tavares

2021-06-26 Thread Linken Fernandes
Both the PC and laptop are out of commission and I am none too savvy writing on mobile, except to shoot off inane posts to the family Whatsapp group. So this will be brief. A nicely written note that, Frederick, on Alfred Tavares, though much too brief. But your anecdotal account of his maverick

Re: [Goanet] Query: snake rescuers in Goa

2021-03-11 Thread Linken Fernandes
I suppose a list is being built up. My suggestion for inclusion of the following names under the letter R: 1. Rahul Alvares, Mapusa, who appears to not be too accessible, unlike 2. "Snake Catcher Rinku Kumar 14.4K subscribers Please Like|Share|Comment and Subscribe to my Youtube Channel. Hello

Re: [Goanet] (Goanet) An Old Story

2021-02-07 Thread Linken Fernandes
Hi Roland, Sure, you may share my contact with the writer from Delhi, though I doubt that I'll have too much to add to what you will have already shared with her. (Mobile/Whatsapp: 9923417804) (email: linkenfernan...@gmail.com) Take care, and all the best. Linken

[Goanet] An Old Story

2021-02-06 Thread Linken Fernandes
"I hope this finds you well. I encountered your writing while researching a story on Bombay's indecently little-known Aunty bars and it has been so illuminating – especially the wonderful piece you wrote about the charm of Dhobitalao for Goanet in 2011. One rarely finds writing born out of such

Re: [Goanet] Retire with grace

2021-01-25 Thread Linken Fernandes
One of my favourite poems, it's a villanelle, which is "a lyrical poem of nineteen lines. A villanelle is structured with five tercets, that is to say a three-line stanza, and a quatrain, a stanza consisting of four lines, at the end." Each tercet expresses a distinct sentiment and seems to stand

[Goanet] Retire with grace

2021-01-25 Thread Linken Fernandes
Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Though wise men at their end know dark is right, Because their words had forked no lightning they Do not go gentle into that good night. Good men, the last wave by,

Re: [Goanet] Imagine you own the the mines we gift free to Vedanta, Chowgules, Salgaoncars, Fomento... Linken Fernandes

2020-12-07 Thread Linken Fernandes

[Goanet] Imagine you own the the mines we gift free to Vedanta, Chowgules, Salgaoncars, Fomento...

2020-12-05 Thread Linken Fernandes
It's easy if you try... Just heard Claude Alvares on Youtube trying to interest us in reclaiming for all Goans the none-too-modest returns from our mines, instead of lazily gifting them away free to the usual privileged few -- Vedanta, Fomento, Salgaocars, Chowgules. Vedanta you will recognise as


2020-11-19 Thread Linken Fernandes
Aires writes: "It’s time that politicians at places of Worship are treated like common citizens and given no VIP treatment whatsoever as in the eyes of God we are all equal in any place of worship be it a Temple, Mosque or Church." I've heard of some temples in Karnataka, particularly the one in

[Goanet] Let's stop the authoritarian new environment policy

2020-08-08 Thread Linken Fernandes
(I've received the following petition as a forward. I'm taking the liberty of posting it here as it concerns a matter of great concern to all of us. As it says: Let's do our bit to be the voice of the voiceless, the oppressed , the marginalized and the weak, and influence the decisions which will

[Goanet] Re God's plan for Seniors ??????

2020-08-06 Thread Linken Fernandes
I saw this post and I thought it was very good! Virus-free. www.avast.com

Re: [Goanet] A song for Mollem by Febriona Fernandes

2020-07-30 Thread Linken Fernandes
I agree, Roland. The thing is, the crooks are in control and taking advantage of the Corona siege to loot as much as they can before we stir from our stupor. I can imagine your frustration over the basket of deplorables and white supremacists mucking things up next door. Here, in Goa, our

[Goanet] A song for Mollem by Febriona Fernandes

2020-07-30 Thread Linken Fernandes
(Forwarding a post I received this morning) Here’s a little something I did to spread awareness about #MYMOLLEM campaign. I would love it if you could share this around as much as you can. https://youtu.be/K8Mb7PkRcys #SAVEOURMOLLEM This goes out to every Goan, non-Goan, every individual that

Re: [Goanet] Goa's musicians and bands... remember not to forget them

2020-07-16 Thread Linken Fernandes
There is no issue here with covers, but haven't we had enough of them, over the years, without a single original tune, with local and indigenous ingredients, breaking up the monotony? And, is it asking too much of a musician or band to come up with one single, original tune -- one single, original

Re: [Goanet] Goa's musicians and bands... remember not to forget them

2020-07-15 Thread Linken Fernandes
Hi Fred. Don't beat yourself up over nothing, something that isn't even an error. So, fuhgeddaboudit, as our gun-slinging Italian-American friends might have put it in their heyday! What we should, perhaps, be more exercised about is the embarrassment of bands that have appeared and disappeared

Re: [Goanet] Goa's musicians and bands... remember not to forget them

2020-07-15 Thread Linken Fernandes
The fact of the matter is, "remember not to do something" is a common expression and one we use regularly in one context or the other. It is when a word like 'forget' gets appended to it that the intended message takes on an ambiguity that raises a question in our minds or even means something

[Goanet] Goa's musicians and bands... remember not to forget them

2020-07-14 Thread Linken Fernandes
We are sure you meant... remember to NOT forget them!!

[Goanet] Re. Carmo Mascarenhas - The Lone Viscount

2020-06-30 Thread Linken Fernandes
This music website ( https://johnkatsmc5.blogspot.com/2016/06/carm-mascarenhas-someday-soon-1975.html) describes Carm Mascarenhas' Someday Soon album as "an ultra rare Private Canadian Psych Cosmic Folk masterpiece". Further, "...Dreamy cosmic feel with great lyrics and musicianship. A true

[Goanet] Re. Carmo Mascarenhas - The Lone Viscount

2020-06-29 Thread Linken Fernandes
Hair, published a couple of years ago; a notice of its publication appeared here, in Goanet, at the time). There are more objective writers, of course, and local historians (Rafique Baghdadi, for one) who do mention the presence of Goans whenever they ponder Matharpacady's history. Linken Fernandes

[Goanet] Meet the Ghosts of Matharpacady Past.... - Matharpacady Village

2020-06-27 Thread Linken Fernandes
An important omission, to my mind, in the ghosts of Matharpacady web page are a mention of the eight or so Goan residential clubs and the Goan families (mine being one) in the lane that I like to call Club Lane. It is these residences which staged those little candle-lit processions which took a

[Goanet] Let's copy the Americans

2020-06-10 Thread Linken Fernandes
Very few of us Goans are perhaps aware of the true extent of the tragedy that has befallen our migrant workers trying to reach home. I've just read a report from the wire.in that 3 out of 4 deaths in the Shramik trains were less due to underlying conditions, as this unconscionable government

Re: [Goanet] Manuel Alphonso's songs and filmi music

2020-05-19 Thread Linken Fernandes
May I take the liberty of re-posting a more complete professional bio of Manuel Alphonso written by Fausto D'Costa and published in Goanet's pages some years ago that does the musician's career more justice than my rather sketchy effort in an earlier post the other day has done? I'm obliged to

[Goanet] Manuel Alphonso's songs and filmi music

2020-05-19 Thread Linken Fernandes
Thank you Edward Verdes for the new information about Manuel Alphonso's contributions to song and music in your post below ([Goanet] {Goanet} Finding Mogacho Aunddo-Cortubancho Sounsar). (Please excuse my inept sub-titling earlier in the thread). I plan to collate all the bits dispersed all over

[Goanet] {Goanet} Finding Mogacho Aunddo

2020-05-17 Thread Linken Fernandes
notes about it here! (I promise to consult Edward Verdes and Google before I post!). Linken Fernandes <https://www.avast.com/sig-email?utm_medium=email_source=link_campaign=sig-email_content=webmail> Virus-free. www.avast.com <https://www.avast.com/sig-email?utm_medium=email_source=link

[Goanet] Apton Dopton Roland Francis

2020-05-15 Thread Linken Fernandes
A rollicking, fun number, about this rebellious teenage girl running amok after her uncle scolded her for mixing jaggery in the curry! *Cheddum, cheddum tem zobor mure tem, Ruzar kumparilem! *The Konkani song in Sashtti doesn't get any better than this! Manuel Alphonso, my grand-uncle, started

[Goanet] Chandor vicar pushing public toilet from his own backyard to the whole village

2019-09-12 Thread Linken Fernandes

[Goanet] Good Shepherd, Where’s Your Soul, or Why the Herald did not publish this article

2019-09-04 Thread Linken Fernandes
(The Herald did not publish this article last June. When the assistant editor was queried, he said the editor would get in touch with me to discuss the reasons why. As I expected, he did not contact me) I suppose if you live next door to a church you can’t avoid the priests staying there even if

[Goanet] Villagers for a Clean, Hygienic Tinto in Chandor

2019-09-02 Thread Linken Fernandes
quickly, with as many people attending as possible. Friends in Guirdolim, and ChandorCarers throughout the world, do please also join in. Call or contact me through a Whatsapp message (9923417804) if you want to help set things right. Thank you. Linken Fernandes for Villagers For A Clean

[Goanet] Drowning doesn't look like drowning, keep a close watch on your loved ones

2019-05-12 Thread Linken Fernandes

[Goanet] A message to ChandorCarers and Goa-lovers worldwide

2019-01-29 Thread Linken Fernandes
a horrible idea to mix food with the... unmentionable (even the slightest whiff of it)! Do voice your objection loudly at the gram sabha too, if the matter reaches there. If we are to help preserve the integrity of our little village, we must act immediately. Our time starts now! Linken Fernandes

[Goanet] March for Asifa in Margao

2018-04-15 Thread Linken Fernandes

[Goanet] Aadhaar puts a bull’s eye on every jawaan’s back, claims Samir Kelekar

2018-01-24 Thread Linken Fernandes

[Goanet] Odisha collects over Rs 8000 crore as fine from mining companies

2018-01-02 Thread Linken Fernandes
The Odisha government has collected Rs 8,223 crore as penalty from mining companies operating without necessary clearances by December 31, 2017, roughly four months after the Supreme Court imposed the fine and called the alleged scam “rapacious”. (

[Goanet] Bhakti wins Second Prize In International WGM Chess Festival

2017-08-06 Thread Linken Fernandes
Great show, Bhakti! I've been following your achievements right from the time I saw you in the tournament at the GMC when you were five! You've come a long way, baby! You'll get there soon! Keep working as hard as you are doing, and enjoy it! All the best!!

[Goanet] Eunice in class

2017-08-02 Thread Linken Fernandes
Quite a bit has been written in social media about Eunice de Souza’s poetry and persona over the past few days and not enough, may I suggest, about her style of teaching. I was in her class in my final year, and what a contrast it was, for me, from the preceding three years of college! In just a

[Goanet] The man who built a $1billion dollar firm in his basement

2017-07-11 Thread Linken Fernandes
The man who built a $1billion dollar firm in his basement ( http://www.bbc.com/news/business-40504764)

[Goanet] New Book: The Sun In Her Hair (A True Account) and Nine Short Stories by Linken Fernandes

2017-05-07 Thread Linken Fernandes
boys A young man sees the woman he loves in a humiliating situation, with devastating consequences in both their lives. An agnostic unwittingly asks God a question, and gets a direct response. While a young boy attempts murder to avenge an insult to the lion, his favourite animal...!" &quo

[Goanet] How Good A Speller Are You?

2016-05-27 Thread Linken Fernandes
The US National Spelling Bee 2016 has been won jointly by two boys of Indian origin, Nihar Janga and Jairam Hathwar. Seven of the ten who entered the last round were desis, aged 11 to 13. I wonder if any child of Goan parentage has ever participated. (Incidentally, you can catch repeats of the

[Goanet] Bombay rap

2016-05-16 Thread Linken Fernandes
http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/may/16/poverty-corruption-and-how-indias-gully-rap-tells-story-of-real-life …..Rappers set up a microphone and speakers on the street to reach an audience that cannot afford the ticket prices of Mumbai’s music venues. Such is the case for Vivian Fernandez,

[Goanet] Vassantrao Srinivassa Sinai Dempo stamp scheduled for release (March 2016)

2016-03-07 Thread Linken Fernandes
Any idea why?

[Goanet] Desperately Seeking Mad Quote

2016-02-14 Thread Linken Fernandes
Anyone know the exact phrasing of the quote in Mad magazine which goes something like this: "We will save you whether you want to be saved or no!" or "We will give you democracy whether you want it or no!" It is supposed to reflect the promises politicians make to voters and used to appear in

[Goanet] Goans are: racist, lazy, portuguese, are they indian?

2016-02-08 Thread Linken Fernandes
Type "Goans are" in Google search and Godfather Google helpfully autocompletes with the following attributes: goans are racist, goans are lazy, goans are portuguese and are goans indian. Type "Indians are", and you get: indians are rude. Syllogistic reasoning would, therefore, make Goans also

[Goanet] Looking out for: Goan-written short stories in Portuguese....

2015-11-19 Thread Linken Fernandes
You may want to check out with the Menezes Braganza people in Chandor. Berta Menezes (daughter of Menezes Braganza) wrote some fine stories in English, and her husband, Antonio Menezes too wrote some prose. It is possible they turned their hand to something in Portuguese as well. You could check

[Goanet] Painting Exhibition by Artist Maria Bernadette Gomes

2015-05-15 Thread Linken Fernandes
are the paintings, particularly the taverna (with the kashtti-wearers and the woman tending the bar) and the tiatr in the village; not exactly stock images of life in Goa as captured in painting, I might think. Great job, Joe! Linken Fernandes

[Goanet] Why a British politician resigned over a pic she tweeted

2014-11-25 Thread Linken Fernandes
If you’re not British, Labour politician Emily Thornberry’s resignation for posting a tweet of a house, some flags and a van may seem baffling. Here’s why it happened. Emily Thornberry’s resignation from the Labour shadow cabinet for posting an image of a house in Rochester has provoked fury in

[Goanet] Music Basti (For a Change): Interview with Faith Gonsalves

2014-11-20 Thread Linken Fernandes

[Goanet] Bhakti Wins Another First

2014-07-20 Thread Linken Fernandes
Great show Bhakti and Nitish! It's great to have world champions like you from Goa!

[Goanet] Seriously.....

2014-07-14 Thread Linken Fernandes
Police in Pamplona are searching for a bull runner who they believe snapped a selfie as he ran just inches ahead of several charging bulls weighing more than a half a tonne each. (The Guardian, UK)

[Goanet] Did anyone else here get this email?

2014-07-07 Thread Linken Fernandes
Candles were burning in brackets beside each bed illuminating the woodpaneled walls A tiny (This is also in the email's subject line) -@hotmail.com has left you 8 offline messages Read Your Video Message -- Anyone get the email above? As directed, I

[Goanet] Suart Hall - Stuart actually

2014-02-16 Thread Linken Fernandes

[Goanet] Camoens de Goa...... linkenfernan...@gmail.com

2014-01-13 Thread Linken Fernandes
Landeg White writes: The new Camoens, in rags and in jail, is a figure they (the Portugese) turn from in embarrassment. It is an image for India to embrace. Seriously now, Mr. White? Linken Fernandes

[Goanet] Two short story writers in Portuguese....

2013-03-28 Thread Linken Fernandes
Nice to know someone's showing some interest in Walfrido Antao's literary efforts. Not equipped with Portuguese, I have yet to sample any of his work, save for an ultra-short story rendered in English in some collection the title of which will come to me as soon as I've sent this post off. You

[Goanet] Football Story from Norway

2012-08-27 Thread Linken Fernandes
E D’souza writes: what is the moral of the story? A draw is a win win? You aren’t the first to wonder. A bit of context might help. Have you ever heard of a football team refusing to accept a penalty awarded them by mistake? Think of all those creative forwards diving right, left and centre

[Goanet] Football Story from Norway

2012-08-26 Thread Linken Fernandes
This is too good a story to not share. A player from the Norwegian fifth tier league was shown a red card after protesting against a penalty awarded to himself. Sandved's Talat Abunima was playing against Ild when he fell to the floor in the penalty area. Yet the 36- year-old claimed

[Goanet] Missing Posts

2012-08-25 Thread Linken Fernandes
Missing Posts (and Posters) I mention this because I got caught up in a small incident involving a poster who, it was offered, did not follow your recommended style when responding to one of my posts. (The poster himself, a total stranger to me except in name, adduced information to suggest he

[Goanet] Willy Goes' audio book, Khand

2012-08-10 Thread Linken Fernandes
I've just heard the first two chapters of Willy Goes' KHAND, the first ever audio novelette in Konkani. The experience has been unexpectedly delightful. The narrator's voice seems pitched just right, and the musical accompaniment is restrained and unobtrusive. But best of all is the Konkani,

[Goanet] If only Sao Joao came twice every year!

2012-06-26 Thread Linken Fernandes
I never tire of watching the Sao Joao revelry in Bardez our TV channels are kind enough to show us. I think the feast song is among the most fun ones in Konkani I've heard. Anyone know who composed it and when? Edvard Verdes has an engaging rendition by C.Alvares on his website

[Goanet] With the backing of two former Supreme Court judges, Adv. Amit Desai declines to return the five lakhs

2011-11-06 Thread Linken Fernandes
The case seems to hinge on what exactly is meant by the word appearance. Adv. Amit Desai says he had clearly indicated that he would charge Rs 1,25,000 for each day he was in Goa either for meetings, preparation or appearances in Court. Justice B.N.Srikrishna opines that the government order

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