Re: CMS Sort Descending?

2011-01-08 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Joel C. Ewing) writes: ISPF directory dates are stored in the highly-peculiar IBM Julian Date format variant used for SMF timestamps: a positive-signed PL4 field currently defined as 0cyydddF. Although the formal definition at this point only allows for 0c being 00 for 19xx

Re: Programmer Charged with thieft (maybe off topic)

2010-12-29 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Robert A. Rosenberg) writes: Such as you are not allowed to use a skill to win their games when you are playing against them. IOW: In Poker against other players it is ok to use your skill at the game. Card Counting to keep track of what cards have been dealt is banned

Re: Programmer Charged with thieft (maybe off topic)

2010-12-28 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Rick Fochtman) writes: Unfortunately, averice (greed) is not a property limited to the middle class. Bernie Madoff is a prime example of how greed engenders more greed. I submit that when the oppurtunity is presented, the temptation can be overwhelming, even to the best

Re: Programmer Charged with thieft (maybe off topic)

2010-12-28 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Mike Schwab) writes: Also, I would like to see that you can't buy a commodity without taking delivery. They drove the crude prices up to $100 a barrel in 2008 despite oil tankers unable to load due to the storage tanks being full. re:

Re: Programmer Charged with thieft (maybe off topic)

2010-12-27 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Howard Brazee writes: But it appears that the salary was normal. Probably thought of as a pittance to the people who think stock brokering is worth what they get. re: Programmer Charged with thieft (maybe off topic)

Re: Programmer Charged with thieft (maybe off topic)

2010-12-27 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Thomas Kern) writes: They did not get quite the best thief that money could buy. Maybe if they were more concerned with quality rather than sheer profit, they might have gotten a more honest reliable programmer. If they still have that opening, I can come up with a team

Re: Programmer Charged with thieft (maybe off topic)

2010-12-26 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (John McKown) writes: Man, I will never get anywhere near that salary. Complaint was that he downloaded the source to a software system which did their trades. I guess to sell it to other companies. Or maybe to examine to see if any flaws could be exploited. The article

Re: Programmer Charged with thieft (maybe off topic)

2010-12-26 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
oh ... and in the early 90s ... when we were doing ha/cmp product and talking to some number of trading operations (including SIAC which ran datacenter operations for NYSE) ... with respect to what would the impact of an outage be. One computer in tall skyscraper in LA supposedly earn more money

Re: X-memory POST question

2010-12-21 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Robert A. Rosenberg) writes: I assume that this is safe since you can not stop being the running task between the test and your updating the ECB (and there is not compare swap was invented by charlie at the science center when he was working on fine-grain locking for cp67

Re: EXTERNAL: Re: Problem with an edit command in tso

2010-12-20 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Roach, Dennis , N-GHG) writes: Let's get the timeline right 1966 MFT 1967 CP/CMS (IBM internal) 1969 Unix 1972 VM/379 (public release of CP/CMS) 1972 OS/VS1 1972 OS/VS2R1 - SVS 1974 OS/VS2R2 - MVS note that folklore is that unix was simplified version of multics

Re: EPO's (Emergency Power Off)

2010-12-04 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Paul Gilmartin) writes: The CDC mainframes were liquid cooled. I don't know how the jurisdictional disputes were resolved. 308x must have had similar conflicts. past posts mentioning cdc6600 doing thermal shutdown every week at the same time ... turns out to have been

Re: Philosophy: curiousity question

2010-12-04 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Joel C. Ewing) writes: I've always felt it was a bad idea to have installation mainframe documentation too far separated from the mainframe platform itself or dependent on any other server platforms, under the general premise that in a DR situation if we have recovered the

Re: 64 bit mode disabled

2010-12-02 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Tom Harper) writes: I'm not so sure. Many CICS shops have pointed out to me that they are forced to run hundreds of CICS regions for the simple fact that 2G is not enough address space to contain all of their programs. This requires them to spend an inordinate amount of

Re: Dataspaces or 64 bit storage

2010-12-01 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Micheal Butz) writes: Who says I'm developing anything Dataspaces are more painfully and probably slower then regular storage dataspaces were probably meant to Releive storage constriant multiple address spaces started in 811 (for nov78 date on the documents)

Re: REXX address environments

2010-11-24 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Shmuel Metz , Seymour J.) writes: I generally preferred XEDIT but I missed having two kinds of shift. But I'm a tool-building guy and XEDIT had better facilities for building edit macros than ISPF/PDF EDIT has. there were several internally developed


2010-11-21 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Allodoxaphobia writes: I believe the eyecatchers evolved over time. First just the module name. Then some pin-head lawyer in Armonk convinced them they needed a copyright statement. the other justification was the unbundling announcement and starting to

Re: Mac Emulator

2010-11-13 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
when stl was going to move 300 people from the IMS group off-site ... they looked at remote 3270s support but found it terribly unacceptable ... after being use to on-site, channel attached, local 3270 vm370 response. I did the support for them that used HYPERChannel as channel extender to put

Re: Tivoli Storage Manager for z/OS (Functionally Stablized Impending Demise)

2010-11-06 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Edward Jaffe) writes: I guess we're one of the other four. TSM for z/OS works great for us. It's hooked into our mainframe-based cron facilities, uses large DASD EAVs, uses the same tapes and drives that HSM uses--which get moved by RMM to the same off-site

Re: Why are TSO IDs limited to 7 characters

2010-11-05 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Steve Comstock) writes: No. I was working for IBM when TSO was announced. It was then, truly an Option, and supported any kind of terminal, but it took ISPF to provide the front end for full screen 3270 type interface we're used to today. i had hacked hasp on mvt

Re: SAP ON IBM mainframe

2010-10-24 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
and for only a little topic drift, another recent article The Scariest Company in Tech it references a presentation from 2001 that mentions the fastest DBMS on the largest IBM computer. I noticed, in part because of

Re: When will MVS be able to use cheap dasd

2010-10-23 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Gerhard Postpischil) writes: I didn't say that 3390 size has any relevance, only that the same considerations apply. Whatever physical medium is used for the FBA disk, each platter will hold multiple records. Due to (cheap) electronics, the gaps are of significant size, so

Re: When will MVS be able to use cheap dasd

2010-10-20 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
from today Western Digital Launches First 3TB Hard Drive mentions that it is a FBA4096 drive (rather than FBA512 that has been standard for so long) suggested retail is $239, $74/tbyte (2.5TB

Re: When will MVS be able to use cheap dasd

2010-10-19 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Anne Lynn Wheeler) writes: switch to PC). the mid-80s, PC and workstations were getting sophisticated enough that they were becoming there own network nodes as part of distributed computing ... except with heavy mainframe datacenters (both internally and with customers

Re: When will MVS be able to use cheap dasd

2010-10-18 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Ed Gould) writes: Lynn: Somewhere in the mid to late 70's I was given access to a MVS system that ran somew where in IBM (possibly west coast but who knew or cared). The purpose of the access was to see if TSO session manager gave us hardcopy for TSO. We had quite a bill

Re: When will MVS be able to use cheap dasd

2010-10-17 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Paul Gilmartin) writes: Google is reported to operate its enterprise on tens of thousands of commodity PCs running Linux. (But there were reports last January of Google's suffering an attack by a Windows virus.) Given Google's pragmatism, and the economic advantages of

Re: FW: The meaning of SCIDS.

2010-10-14 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Mary Anne Matyaz) writes: I'd always heard Social Conversation in a Drunken Stupor. the definition I was told in the 60s was the Society for Continuous Inebreation During Share back in the days of open bar ... and one of the activities was seeing how many bottles could

Re: When will MVS be able to use cheap dasd

2010-10-14 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
re: When will MVS be able to use cheap dasd When will MVS be able to use cheap dasd post from similar thread in this n.g. from 2007 Question on DASD Hardware with

Re: Mainframe hacking?

2010-10-14 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (David Andrews) writes: You could stay up all night typing in random subscriber IDs to see what you would get. It didn't take long to discover that the first three digits of a subscriber ID was the telephone area code of the subscriber. That cut down on the search space

Re: Mainframe hacking?

2010-10-14 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
... oh, and the software company (front for criminal organization) apparently was selected on the basis of being the low bidder. -- virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970 -- For IBM-MAIN

Re: Mainframe hacking?

2010-10-14 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Phil Smith) writes: Long ago and far away, a friend was looking at the VSE microfiche and found an undocumented SVC that stored the top half of a register value in the address contained in the bottom half of the register. He promptly wrote a program that used that SVC to gain

Re: Mainframe hacking?

2010-10-13 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Joe Mc) writes: I'm getting into a rather heated argument with a non mainframe colleague about whether the mainframe has been hacked or not. Legitimate hacking, not a disgruntled employee doing something illegal and not loss of tapes or other media. I'm talking the

Re: Big Iron — The Mainframe Story

2010-10-08 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Ed Gould) writes: William: Thanks it was interesting. What I got a big kick out of how IBM did not mention their abandoment of education in the 80's and 90's. Their 2003 date was to late and a dollar short. I also thought it was interesting as how they danced around some

Re: When will MVS be able to use cheap dasd

2010-10-08 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Mike Myers) writes: John: Interesting that you should mention the CMS file system and MVS. Back around 1982 I was working for IBM in the Poughkeepsie, NY lab. Four of us did a prototype which ran CMS in a TSO address space under SIE. I did a coporate advanced

Re: CMS on MVS

2010-10-08 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Paul Gilmartin) writes: Where did you put NUCON? IIRC, there's an EXTRN for NUCON, which implies the possibility of relocating it and using an ADCON as a base. But IIRC also there's so much hardcoded USING NUCON,R0 that relocation would be futile. Aren't the PSWs also

Re: When will MVS be able to use cheap dasd

2010-10-08 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Rick Fochtman) writes: My 2 cents worth: the cheap DASD doesn't live up to the reliability standards that IBM demands for z/OS. Stop and think, really hard, about the demands on z/OS DASD storage, as opposed to the standards you enjoy with your PC DASD. How many of your PC's

Re: Really dumb IPL question

2010-09-27 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (David Andrews) writes: Perhaps TCPIP autolog would do the trick as well? Does your product run all the time? I had originally created the *autolog* command for automated benchmarking ... near the end of the system boot/ipl process, it would autolog a generic id

Re: Access z/OS 3270 TSO from smartphone?

2010-09-23 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Timothy Sipples) writes: In terms of CPU burden, sure, there's CPU burden incurred *somewhere*, and CPU burden is never free anywhere. My employer -- the one that I do not speak for -- has neatly solved that financial problem at least in this particular mainframe

Re: z/OS, TCP/IP, and OSA

2010-09-21 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (David Boyes) writes: 8232 (a channel attached PC/AT that came with a Ungermann/Bass 10mbit Ethernet card that jammed easily on networks with lots of collisions) also genned as a CTC re: z/OS, TCP/IP, and OSA one of the reasons

Re: z/OS, TCP/IP, and OSA

2010-09-21 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Paul Gilmartin) writes: At some point the TCP/IP stack must pass the address of an input buffer to the network interface. Can an oversize packet overflow that buffer? Or does the channel program prevent that and provide a Length Indication? re:

Re: z/OS, TCP/IP, and OSA

2010-09-20 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Paul Gilmartin) writes: IIRC, the first TCP/IP interface we had was an Intel Fastpath. I believe it was genned as a CTC. I found a 1988 Network Workd article mentioning Intel Fastpath Model 9750D and Interlink Model 3732. original ibm mainframe tcp/ip product was done

Re: JES2 vs. JES3

2010-09-09 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
previous ibm-main (at google) references were direct couple at la science center and ucla (that morphed into ASP on 360) ibm 7090 wiki page mentions two 7094/7044 direct couple systems at caltech/jpl

Re: JES2 vs. JES3

2010-09-08 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
part of ibmmain thread from 2000 that ASP was some IBM group that did Direct Couple at the LA Science Center (i.e. ASP traces back to 7040/7090 direct couple system): http://www.garli.ccom/~lynn/2000.html#77 predates the archives here (jan2005): but

Re: JES2 vs. JES3

2010-09-06 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
before being con'ed into going to POK to be in charge of loosely-coupled architecture, my wife did a stint in the JES group ... including working on spec. for JESUS (JES Unified System) ... taking all the features, that customers couldn't live w/o, from both JES (slightly earlier, she had been

Re: Set numbers off permanently.

2010-09-03 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Anne Lynn Wheeler) writes: side-effect of unbundling, starting to charge for software, and gov. looking over your shoulder ... misc. posts mentioning 23jun69 unbundling re: Set

Re: Set numbers off permanently.

2010-09-02 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Bill Fairchild) writes: I was writing about the prevalence of TSO and ISPF, not their exact birthdates. I should have made that clearer in my previous post. old references to why VM370 performance products and ISPF development were merged into the same group (also reference

Re: 3270 Emulator Software

2010-09-02 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
re: 3270 Emulator Software 3270 Emulator Software ... image of the 3270 logo screen at the offsite IMS location it is from 1980 35mm slide presentation on the effort ...

Re: Nostalgia

2010-09-01 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Richards, Robert B.) writes: This thread just proves most of us are getting or already are... *old*! :-) How about the commercials? Ovaltine, N-E-S-T-L-E-S, 20 Mule Team Borax, Brylcreem (A Little Dab'll Do Ya!), Ipana Toothpaste with Bucky Beaver (Brusha...

Re: 3270 Emulator Software

2010-09-01 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Dale Miller) writes: Actually, this is a reflection on Lynn Wheeler's contribution of 8/30. re: 3270 Emulator Software in that period ... the executive responsible for IMS had left and joined a large financial institution in the

Re: 3270 Emulator Software

2010-08-30 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (R.S.) writes: Some people still use real 3270s. I do, but only for consoles and local (non-SNA) terminals. However I do my regular work on emulator since day 0. i kept a real 3277 for a long time because the human factors were so much better than 3274/3278. we

Re: z millicode: where does it reside?

2010-08-26 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Anne Lynn Wheeler writes: 370/168-1 had 16kbyte processor cache and avg. 2.6 machine cycles per 370 instruction. 370/168-3 doubled processor cache size to 32kbyte and some microcode work reduced things to 2.1 machine cycles per 370 instruction. oops, brain check


2010-08-25 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (George Henke) writes: Does anyone know a good LISTSERV for z/VM? do you want one that runs on z/VM or one about z/VM? the original was implementated on VM in the mid-80s as part of EARN (european flavor of bitnet) ... aka the bit.listerv part of usenet are the original

Re: z196 sysplex question

2010-08-22 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Tony Harminc) writes: The largest salesman's bonus in IBM history? there was story they told when I was at boeing ... about when the first 360s were announced ... boeing had studied the announcement and walked in to the salesman and placed a really big order ... the salesman

Re: z millicode: where does it reside?

2010-08-17 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
one of the reasons that SIE instruction was so slow on the 3081 ... was that the service processor had to page some of the microcode in from 3310 FBA disk. things got faster on 3090 with SIE microcode resident ... and a lot more virtualization hardware support ... eventually expanded to PR/SM (on

Re: optimizing compilers

2010-08-13 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (john gilmore) writes: A good first reference is: F. J. Allen and John Cocke, A catalog of optimizing transformations, Courant Computer Science Symposium 5, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1977, pp. 1-30. John's invention of 801/risc ... I've frequently

Re: OT: Found an old IBM Year 2000 manual.

2010-08-13 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Richbourg, Claude) writes: I was cleaning out my office today and found an old IBM manual from February 1998: The Year 2000 and 2-Digit Dates: A Guide for Planning and Implementation GC28-1251-08 in the early 80s, one of the online conferences on

Re: Basic question about CPU instructions

2010-08-13 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Scott Rowe) writes: OK,the 9121 had some CMOS in it, but also still had much Bipolar logic:;jsessionid=212AEDFD169F4B9A8AB5D641C4560917?doi= compares footprint of 9121 air-cooled (announced

Re: IBM 3883 Manuals

2010-08-12 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
re: IBM 3883 Manuals IBM 3883 Manuals IBM 3883 Manuals for other 3380 related info ... this old email talks about track spacing (being 20 track widths on original 3380 and

Re: Basic question about CPU instructions

2010-08-12 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Shmuel Metz , Seymour J.) writes: Certainly for the ES/9000 and 43xx processors; I'm not sure about, e.g., the 370/145. late 70s there was start of effort to move the large variety of internal microprocessors to 801/risc (iliad chips) ... this included the

Re: CPU time variance

2010-08-11 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Ted MacNEIL) writes: The simple explanation is, during one of the MVS/SP1.x releases, some things that were done in disabled mode, and under SRB reported CPU, were done in disabled mode and TCB which was allocated to the last active task. MVS didn't actually directly

Re: Oracle: The future is diskless!

2010-08-11 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Shmuel Metz , Seymour J.) writes: Is that anything like thin film replacing core? Or bubbles? Predicting that that a technology will be supplanted is easy. Accurately predicting what will replace it and when is hard. lot of DBMS are disk-centric and based on the

Re: IBM 3883 Manuals

2010-08-11 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (William H. Blair) writes: I've never seen this documented. But I never looked that deeply, either, so it might have been in my face since 1981. Regardless, I was told it was only for purposes of allocating space on the actual track -- AS IF the device actually wrote

Re: IBM 3883 Manuals

2010-08-11 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Rick Fochtman) writes: At Clearing, we ran MVS very nicely on three 4341 Model Group 2 boxen for three years and it ran very nicely. Nowdays, my pocket calculator probably has more raw compute power but the fact remains that we were very happy with the equipment, until our

Re: Region Size - Step or Jobcard

2010-08-05 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
re: Region Size - Step or Jobcard i.e. MVS was still mostly the same address space ... or every MVS virtual address space was mostly the same (some installations, 13mbytes threatening to become 14mbytes, of every 16mbyte virtual address space) ... in

Re: History of Hard-coded Offsets

2010-08-04 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Rick Fochtman) writes: At NCSS we devised a scheme to use 2305 devices for paging. We figured 3 pages per track and we inserted a gap record between the pages. Thus we were able to fetch all three pages, from three different exposures, in a single revolution of the device.

Re: Region Size - Step or Jobcard

2010-08-04 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Tom Marchant) writes: More precisely, MVT had a single address space aka VS2/SVS was minimally modified MVT in a single (16mbyte) virtual address space; biggest change was borrowing ccwtrans from cp67 for EXCP ... to take the application-passed channel program and make

Re: Memory v. Storage: What's in a Name?

2010-08-03 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Vernooij, CP - SPLXM) writes: If inventing a good name is one thing, reusing it is apparently still better. I know at least 3 IBM products/features that were/are called Hydra. Apparently this is a 'monster'ly well working term. re:

Re: History of Hard-coded Offsets

2010-08-03 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Shmuel Metz , Seymour J.) writes: The 2301 and 2303 were drums; I don't recall the geometry. 2303 drum had slightly over 4k bytes on track. 2301 was almost a 2303 ... except it transferred data on four heads in parallel (i.e. same capacity, 1/4th the number of

Re: IBM zEnterprise

2010-08-02 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Shmuel Metz , Seymour J.) writes: ITYM when did memory become storage. Certainly the use of memory predates the S/360. there was big deal with announcement for 370 virtual memory ... about having to change all virtual memory references to virtual storage references

Re: History of Hard-coded Offsets

2010-08-02 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Rick Fochtman) writes: Most of those geometry-related System Services didn't exist! :-) E4 channel command (extended sense) was introduced to start providing device characteristics (theoritically starting to minimize the amount of device information that had to be provided in

Re: History of Hard-coded Offsets

2010-08-02 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
re: History of Hard-coded Offsets History of Hard-coded Offsets the thing that even made the 3390 statement possible was the existance of the whole additional complexity of the CKD virtualization layer on top of

Re: History of Hard-coded Offsets

2010-07-30 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Ted MacNEIL) writes: I think that was a good thing. I was one of the ones, in Canada, complaining about the constant changes in geometry. 3330-3350-3380-3390 (and don't forget 'compatability' mode. This impacted productivity, migration, space (at a time it mattered),

Re: C-I-C-S vs KICKS

2010-07-26 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Mark Pace) writes: I had an SE many years ago that did say S-N-A as SNAH. Confused me every time. I've never heard anyone try to say R-J-E as a word. What you you use, reggie? i've heard lots of SNAH ... don't remember RJE as a word ... but do remember CRJE as as a

Re: C-I-C-S vs KICKS

2010-07-24 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (CM Poncelet) writes: That is what an ex-IBMer from the old days told me 'CICS' originally stood for - before it was renamed as 'Customer Information Control System' and sold to the rest of the world. I have no supporting evidence apart from this hearsay. I was

Re: C-I-C-S vs KICKS

2010-07-24 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (CM Poncelet) writes: For what it's worth, the chap who told me that CICS' original name was Cincinnati Information Control System also said that DFH stood for Denver Foot Hills; but no one has ever confirmed this. I once asked Pete Sadler whether he could explain where DFH

Re: PROP instead of POPS, PoO, et al.

2010-07-23 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Hunkeler Peter , KIUP 4) writes: Isn't IBM nice? Being white when delivered, everybody can paint it the way he/she likes it most.. i've done a qd conversion of the old (internal) greencard ios3270 file to html. i've

Re: PROP instead of POPS, PoO, et al.

2010-07-23 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Don Williams) writes: PCP - MFT - MVT - MVS... IBM sales was changing the name even when it was pcp, mft/mft-ii, mvt were all sysgen options for os/360 (as opposed to dos/360) for 370 virtual memory there was DOS-DOS/VS; MFT-OS/VS1 and MVT-OS/VS2 (and cp67-vm37). initial

Re: PROP instead of POPS, PoO, et al.

2010-07-22 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Elardus Engelbrecht) writes: From ADSM to TSM RACF to Security Server MVS/XA - MVS/ESA - OS/390 - z/OS etc... (can't remember now what ... ) ADSM goes back to CMSBACK I did in the late 70s ... was distributed internally ... it was finally released as

Re: TSSO - Hardcoded Offsets - Etc

2010-07-21 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Jim Marshall) writes: The comments are warranted although there is more to this than meets the eye. Since you cam blame me for unleashing TSSO on the SHAREWARE world you need to understand its origins. Back in the Air Force Data Services Center in the Pentagon in

Re: History of Hard-coded Offsets

2010-07-20 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (William H. Blair) writes: Younger and newer programmers followed the habits of those who came before them. Many of those who first ventured into OS extensions and neat, useful programs did so on what today would be considered unusably slow computers (mostly due to I/O).

Re: TSS (Transaction Security System)

2010-07-13 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (John McKown) writes: TSS could be Top Secret Security - a replacement for RACF from CA. It is still an active product. CA could likely tell you more. Could you possibly mean TSS/360? It was an IBM operating system for the S/360. There was also a TSS/370. Time Sharing System

Re: Did a mainframe glitch trigger DBS Bank outage?

2010-07-13 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. (Chris Craddock) writes: just when you think you've created a fool-proof system, the universe will deliver you a superior class of fool

Re: Does an 'operator error' counts as a 'glitch?

2010-07-13 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. (zMan) writes: OK, this is topic drift, but: are you saying that having stringent password requirements is a failure? Because I sure think

Re: Z/OS 31bit or 64bit

2010-07-13 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Tom Marchant) writes: Bi-modal? You mean like MVS/XA? Or do you mean that you could run it in ESA mode? From the 1.6 announcement: z/OS V1.6 must execute in a z/Architecture (64-bit) mode. above/below line was originally introduced with 16mbyte real storage for


2010-07-09 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
with regard to cms script dot commands from ctss runoff (implemented in MAD), there was recent announcement (on a.f.c.) about having CTSS up and running under simulator. reference here: misc past posts in thread:


2010-07-07 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Steve Samson writes: If in SCRIPT, some GML function is based on and built with dot command primitives and implemented as SCRIPT macros, that does not make GML a superset of the dot commands. ... and (cp67/cms) SCRIPT was written in 360 assembler ... which doesn't make the

Re: Unix systems and Serialization mechanism

2010-07-04 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Walt Farrell) writes: If you consider ENQs such as the one ISPF created to protect updating members of a partitioned data set, and that some other programs also use, that ENQ is more obviously advisory. re: Unix systems and


2010-07-04 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. (Joel C. Ewing) writes: When IBM took over Script, I don't know about VM but at least under MVS they renamed it DCF (Document Composition

Re: Unix systems and Serialization mechanism

2010-07-04 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (J R) writes: It's _sleight_ of hand. re: Unix systems and Serialization mechanism thnks ... my (lack of correct) typing/spelling is well documented. after getting blamed for online computer conferencing on the internal network

Re: Taglines

2010-07-03 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Patrick Lyon) writes: OMG - I have to hand it to you Ted. I didn't think it was possible to come up with a tagline more annoying than your last, but by George, you've done it. standard distributions tend to come with lots of quotes from Zippy The Pinhead


2010-07-03 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Linda Mooney) writes: Genenalized Markup Languge, often called Script, ran under VM/CMS, html is very similar to it.  IBM used to produce their manuals years ago .  I don't know if they developed it.  I used it for several years during the '80s and early '90s to write


2010-07-03 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Ed Finnell) writes: We were ESP for early GML and the little tin foil printers 42xx somethings. IIRC SCRIPT and Waterloo were similar but diverged at the MACRO level starting with GML. Dr Goldfarb used to be one of the 'highlight' sessions at SHARE and was entertaining as


2010-07-03 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Anne Lynn Wheeler) writes: more history here (also mentions last names): re: GML from roots.htm ... Later in 1971, when product development was imminent, I gave GML its present name so

Re: Unix systems and Serialization mechanism

2010-07-02 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Paul Gilmartin) writes: Is there a shell interface to flock()? Is the lock automatically freed when the requesting process terminates, for whatever cause? from flock man page: NAME flock - Manage locks from shell scripts SYNOPSIS flock [-sxon] [-w

Re: Unix systems and Serialization mechanism

2010-07-02 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (zMan) writes: OK, it's Friday afternoon, so time to broaden this a bit: Is HTML a programming language? HTML derived from SGML: which was ISO standard of GML ... misc. posts invented


2010-07-02 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Bill Fairchild) writes: For Friday use only. :-) The only meaning of the letters GML that ever occurs to me is the initials of Canada's premier balladeer Gordon Meredith Lightfoot. re: look at the SGML reference here (mentions

Re: Documenting the underlying FBA design of 3375, 3380 and 3390?

2010-06-30 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Shmuel Metz , Seymour J.) writes: But does anybody here still have manuals documenting that fact, or contacts with someone who has access to the IBM archives? I was hoping that someone still had the CE manuals. re:

Re: Documenting the underlying FBA design of 3375, 3380 and 3390?

2010-06-29 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Bill Fairchild) writes: YDRC (You Don't Recall Correctly). The 3310 and 3370 were FBA above the covers. All other mainframe-attachable DASDs from IBM were CKD above the covers (3390, 3380, 3375, 3350, 3340, 3330, 2321, 2314, 2305, 2303, 2302, and 2301). aka 3375/florence

Re: TSO region size

2010-06-29 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Gerhard Postpischil) writes: That doesn't sound right. Each TSO session runs in its own region, and you need an additional TCAM or VTAM region to handle terminal I/O. A machine with 4MB was considered large. So if you had three sessions of that size, your machine probably

Re: Assembler programs was Re: Delete all members of a PDS that is allocated

2010-06-28 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. (John McKown) writes: I think that there is a difference between having a normal (ain't no such beastie) application programmer and an old

Re: Percentage of code executed that is user written was Re: Delete all members of a PDS that is allocated

2010-06-26 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Farley, Peter x23353) writes: Attention to details like this (and some similar optimizations) saved one application I have worked on almost 50% of its previous CPU utilization without changing the application algorithm in any other way. the science center had

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