our environment, with the
above in mind.
If you have any suggestions for additional verification that can be done to
help skip more steps, I'm happy to take them!
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Install and Upgrade
IBM Poughkeepsie
r PDF smaller), and much
more, are all answered here:
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Install and Upgrade
For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instruc
;t see "Product ServerPac" on Shopz, it is really just a normal
ServerPac in which you have haven't selected the base operating system.
"Product ServerPac" is just our common term for a Z038 ServerPac without z/OS
in it.)
-Marna WALLE
z/OS Sys
There is a Redbook on z/OS Continuous Delivery:
(I found it quicky by doing a google search of "z/OS continuous delivery" and
it was the first hit.)
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Install and Upgrade
se a step that is is Completed. If
you cannot read the General or Instructions to see the full upgrade step (and
the output!), also open a Case. Anyone should be able to see the steps they've
done (or not done, or even Skipped), in the z/OSMF Workflow interface.
-Marna WALLE
to use, if you didn't want to use the GUI.
Meaning, you'd then have both GUI for interactive, and REST API for automation
support. Something for everyone.
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Install and Upgrade
IBM Poughkeepsie
ructures which are happening in z/OS 3.1. Those are all
described in the z/OS 3.1 Planning for Installation book:
-Marna WALLE
z/OS Install and Upgrade
IBM Poughkeepsie
. As of today, I don't see Semeru 17, 5655-UA1, on the ServerPac checklist
just yet. It is only on the CBPDO checklist right now. I am expecting that
Semeru 17 should be on the ServerPac checklist very soon.
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System I
, if you
haven't practiced with a smaller product, can be harder. z/OS is big, and can
be a lot to get through. But I'm very happy to see that you are modelling
after z/OS V2.4 which will definitely help.
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Install and Upgrade
IBM Poughkeepsie
nice as the pre-defined configuration is reused. It is
under Actions -> Copy. It will be grayed out if if the Deployment is not
Complete. I duplicate my Deployments often to save time, and only change
small things, like the target system, or
minutes, and would provide us valuable
information. Thank you!
-Marna WALLE
IBM Poughkeepsie
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The z/OS 3.1 GA Announcement is available for your reading pleasure!
Some significant points to note:
- Planned availability date is September 29, 2023. Since this is a new
z/OS version, there is a new program number, 5655-ZOS
Hi Phil,
If you are not interested in looking at videos to see the flow in action, the
complete documentation (with Helps you see on the display) are on IBM
The "Model" function can be found here:
ing system requirements documented in the z/OS V2.5 Planning for
Installation book. You could also acquire the Customized Offerings Driver
(free driving system, orderable on Shopz), if you wanted to use a supported
driving system level that has z/OSMF already active on it.
-Marna WALLE
z/OS I
Only fyi: I mentioned my prior blog post, the signing mechanism and the
technology used, with some helpful RACF commands to set up for verification:
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Install and Upgrade
IBM Poughkeepsie
I'm sharing a response that I just received from Kathy Pfeiffer (IBM Z Content
Ecosystem Manager):
"The search API issue affecting Look@ has been resolved. You can resume using
Look@ and may need to clear out your cache. "
-Marna WALLE
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Install and Upgrade
IBM Poughkeepsie
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since we do RECEIVE ORDER very frequently.
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Installation and Upgrade
IBM Poughkeepsie
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catalog can be used, including how the SSA (now called Temporary Catalog Alias)
is to be specified and used.
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Install and Upgrade
IBM Poughkeepsie
For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive
th Feedback from IBM Documentation, so it would be worth the comment,
So let’s recap: with z/OS V2.5, z22 is absolutely required with no COLD start.
Use the health check to get the a-ok before going to V2.5.
Hope to see many of you at SHARE next week!
-Marna WALLE
z/OS Installa
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Install and Upgrade
IBM Poughkeepsie
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anyone on your team that is interested in attending, please sign up
I hope to see you here!
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Install and Upgrade
uires READ access to data set names
that begin with CB.OS*.** and CB.ST*.**.
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Install and Upgrade
IBM Poughkeepsie
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send emai
share with
any peers or clients who may benefit from the discussion!
Register here: https://ibm.biz/zOSMFGuild9
Thanks - Marna WALLE
For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
send email to
really does have some benefits that the CustomPac method did not have.
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Installation and Upgrade
IBM Poughkeepsie
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send email to
ew Era Software for sponsoring this webcast!
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Installation and Upgrade
IBM Poughkeepsie
For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
send email to lists...@listserv.ua.edu with the me
OSMF into their customer-centric approach.
Kurt will demonstrate how to use the z/OSMF Software Update plugin for
installing corrective, recommended, and functional updates on your system.
Please enroll here: http://ibm.biz/zOSMFGuildHome.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
-Marna W
install and provide you with a dump/restore format. I wouldn't know, but I
would hazard that the cost of either of these might be more than the price of a
zIIP (but I know nothing of the costs).
I do wish that you are able to find a solution that will work for you.
-Marna WALLE
MF portable software instance, from
*any* software vendor.
z/OS Installation and Upgrade
IBM Poughkeepsie
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send email to lists...@listserv.ua.edu with t
and enhancements.
Frank will be present on performance tuning and best practices for getting the
most out of your systems using z/OSMF.
Register here: ibm.biz/zOSMFGuild
If you can't make that time, the session is recorded and the chat session is
posted afterwards.
-Marna WALLE
z/OS S
you need field help and it's not
there, please let us know that too. I don't think we'd need a requirement for
that, but rather just a feedback item (either in the doc itself it takes you
to, or via the built-in mechanism in the Upgrade Workflow itself).
-Marna WA
n easily insert steps into the provided workflow any place you want from
this library. And then edit them as you desire for the specific release, say,
that you are working on.
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Install and Upgrade
rverPac, you'll need to resolve
that somehow (moving the volume to the location that your master catalog is
referencing, or renaming the data set so it doesn't clash.)
Once you have everything to your satisfaction in VERIFY, then your run RECATDS.
on previous sessions check out the Guild homepage:
fyi: This is a public guild, no NDA is required to participate.
I hope to see you there.
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Installation
yback information will expose any of you or your company's sensitive data.
Please follow this link: http://ibm.biz/zOSMFSurvey2022, the survey should take
no more than 10 minutes to complete. Just six short questions.
Thank you!
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Install a
landscape of z/OS.
Session is live Wednesday February 16th, follow this link to the homepage to
register and find recordings from previous sessions.
Hope to see you there.
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Install and Upgrade
FMID. The world is your oyster here, for finding
FMIDs to learn on!
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Installation
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ber, we provide it to you already pre-installed from that website, and the
BUILDMCS you do will provide you the capability to "build you own FMID".
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Installation
For IBM-MAIN subscribe /
t too, with dummy FIXCATs, included.
If you already have that installed (or really, any small FMID, not just the
sample above), you could BUILDMCS it easily.
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Installation
For IBM-MAIN subs
Here's the z/OSMF Value information. It's broken out by plug-in/use case:
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Install
IBM Poughkeepsie
I've come to rely upon it heavily to understand what is and is not set up
correctly for security.
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Install and Upgrade
IBM Poughkeepsie
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Hope to see you there!
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Install and Upgrade
IBM Poughkeepsie
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quest them.
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Installation and Upgrade
IBM Poughkeepsie
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send email to lists...@listserv.ua.edu with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN
e Workflow have been exported and can be
found here:
After your upgrade to z/OS V2.5, I hope that you plan on getting z/OSMF up and
running :).
Please open a Case against ServerPac. It is possible that your order, if it
had gone through the manual entitlement process, could have been switched.
This would have been an error that the Service folks can verify and fix.
z/OS Install and Upgrade
IBM Poughkeepsie
I also encourage you to join the z/OSMF Community Page (
https://www.ibm.com/community/z/ibmz/os/zos/zosmf) to stay updated on the
latest z/OSMF Guild and product information.
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Installation and Upgrade
IBM Poughkeepsie
node), but I strongly suspect that they would not have been in their own zone
as we like to put those all together.
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Installation and Upgrade
IBM Poughkeepsie
For IBM-MAIN subscribe /
SMF up yet, but for those that do want that nice HTML
file, you only need the core functions of z/OSMF to get you far enough to
create the Upgrade Workflow there, and then export it. Before you export it,
you can tailor it nicely for your system to make it much smaller than otherwise
it woul
n mind, you'd be using z/OSMF's Model After capability, selecting
"existing master catalog", data set configuration filtering and mass changes
on data set and volume names, and system symbols with volume association.
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Install and Upgrade
IBM Poughkeepsie
7;t been tailored to your system, and all the steps are listed, whether
or not they are irrelevant to you, you'll find it rather long and probably not
as helpful as if you would have created your own customized file, or even done
it from with z/OSMF itself. I agree, it's not the best,
will take your partially (or fully) completed Workflow from before, and create
a new "merged" Workflow for you. Your steps you have completed and which were
not changed, will remain completed.
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Installation and
level. It won't be as easy as if you had ordered it while it was still
orderable on Shopz, but it will contain the release level that you need. So
you'll need to plan on taking extra time bring forward other program products,
and install more PTFs.
IBM Poughkeeps
t after, z/OSMF should start
without the problems you are seeing.
-Marna WALLE
z/OS Installation and Upgrade
IBM Poughkeepsie
For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
send email to lists...@listserv.u
h the choice of using z/OSMF for z/OS
V2.5 after Jan 2022. I'm not sure there's anymore I can offer. We have been
moving in this direction for a very long time.
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Installation and Upgrade
customers has installed with a z/OS V2.5 z/OSMF ServerPac. Not a single one of
them used the old ISPF ServerPac.
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Install and Upgrade
IBM Poughkeepsie
For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive acc
Thank you! This is very helpful for us to have!
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Install and Upgrade
IBM Poughkeepsie
For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
send email to lists...@listserv.ua.edu with
kflows make these operational data sets more under your
control than ever, if you want to even have them created in the first place.
I'm hoping that the above description with these three categories of data sets
to expect with a z/OS z/OSMF ServerPac, has helped to understand what is,
V2.5 (and program products):
z/OSMF ServerPac: Sept 2021 onwards
Legacy ServerPac Sept 2021, until Jan 2022
CBPDO is still available, and remains available beyond Jan 2022.
-Marna WALLE
z/OS Install and Upgrade
IBM Poughkeepsie
ity to one-time increase
the size of allocated target and DLIBs, that would conclusively solve your
space problems for these data sets?
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Install and Upgrade
For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff /
Nothing has changed. You can acquire a ServerPac
via internet or DVD. If you can't use RECEIVE ORDEER to acquire PTFs, you can
use Shopz and upload your CSI (or other ways).
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Install and Upgrade
IBM Poughkeepsie
d ServerPac
did it. Although, there is a lot more flexibility, because you can rename any
data set, and put it in any catalog you want, with only VSAM (including zFS)
forced to be cataloged. The old ServerPac had lots of restrictions on what
could be renamed, and where it had to be cataloged.
from Ft Worth 2020. Kurt will do another session for the upcoming
SHARE too.
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Installation and Upgrade
For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
send email to lists...@listser
o the old ISPF ServerPac dialog "save and merge
configuration". You will still have some unique data sets to deal with, but it
will be a lot fewer than the entire z/OS ServerPac. Of course, I'd do that
with CICS, Db2, and IMS also.
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Install and Upgrade
stomPac Dialog (ISPF) format for your CICS ServerPac, then
you still should be receiving an IYO. If you didn't, then please open a Case.
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Installation and Upgrade
IBM Poughkeepsie
Yes. This Red Alert is applicable to SMP/E RECEIVE ORDER acquisition of the
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Install and Upgrade
IBM Poughkeepsie
For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
F and its importance to z/OS. Not
just because of installation.
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Install and Upgrade
IBM Poughkeepsie
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V2.2 should be
going to V2.4, which is orderable right now - do not delay. So, for z/OS V2.2
customers, I see no z/OSMF requirement impediment.
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Installation and Upgrade
IBM Poughkeepsie
our first iteration of this new function, and we
have plenty of great requirements in our backlog for this function. We do
welcome more requirements or votes on existing ones, in either z/OSMF Software
Management or z/OSMF Software Update.
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Install and Upgrade
e CBTTAPE (or elsewhere) :)? Especially nice if you compare
what is mounted to a list that contains what you intended to use.
(I do like the naming convention with heavy use of system symbols too.)
-Marna WALLE
IBM Poughkeepsie
z/OS System Installation an
-Marna WALLE
z/OS Installation and Upgrade
For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instruc
a new person in our area that had very little z/OS experience and
had never installed a ServerPac (or really used SMP/E). This person was able
to install a portable software instance in a couple of hours (once he knew the
volumes and data set names to use).
-Marna WALLE
es of that are eliminating the number of tasks
that are needed for a release upgrade, and having fewer steps to do in the z/OS
Upgrade Workflow by using "system discovery" techniques.
Thanks, Dana.
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Installation and Upgrade
pected that the
server uses very few cycles when not performing requested work by the user.
z/OS Install and Upgrade
For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
send email to lists...@lists
is a CBPDO vs ServerPac question?
I'd like to encourage all folks, who are ordering any CICS or CICS program
product, to order it via a z/OSMF-packaged ServerPac.
z/OS System Installation
IBM Poughke
end me more suggestions for improvements, or do the
feedback from inside the workflow itself.
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Installation
IBM Poughkeepsie
For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
send email to l
how some interest to folks. btw - you'll see that
that the three BDT elements (one base, two optional priced), haven't been
changed since OS/390 V1R2.
Of course BDT is supported, it is p
ces in use,
would you mind contacting me? I'm not interested in the past, when I know
these were once-popular devices. For instance, all LinkedIn hits I read were
all "prior experience" type of references.
I'm interested in current 2020 usage of them. I appreciate learning
u format that is good
for you in a bigger screen, let's see if that will work too.
Thank you.
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Install and Upgrade, IBM Poughkeepsie
For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive
t rather on a higher system in your sysplex.
You are running your server on your V2.3 system, correct?
z/OS System Install and Upgrade, IBM Poughkeepsie
For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access inst
ng at your upper right corner when on the
first panel. For instance, mine is 29.10.56, and I don't remember updating it
in a while.
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Install and Upgrade, IBM Poughkeepsie
For IBM-MAIN subs
val, you just use IZUPRMxx to remove
them as a plug-in and then stop/restart the server today. For the latter, you
use the GUI itself to remove them. The perfect example of an external
application is SDSF. It takes me just one minute to add and delete SDSF from
z/OSMF, and doesn't nee
ecent selection of plug-ins you are
happy with, you are done satisfying their "Lite" request. Move on.
If you have the Security Configuration Assistant set up, make sure they have
access to the resources they need specifically if they find they have problems.
-Marna WALLE
startup boost
prior to the 1-hour time limit, you can run
proc IEABE (IEA Boost End) to do so. IEABE will run very quickly and will stop
as soon as it’s finished.
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Installation
IBM Poughkeepsie
we heavily
rely upon SMP/E FIXCATs to do all the identification as to what is appropriate
for your system. (It is not just a heavy reliance at this point, it is the
*only* way to do it.)
-Marna WALLE
z/OS Installation
IBM Poughkeepsie
enhancements (if you are a GDPS customer).
For SRB *if* you decide you want it, as priced z15 HW features (9930 and 6802,
fairly newly renamed): a priced activation of extra zIIP capacity for boost
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Installation
IBM Poughkeepsie
#x27;s question about a sysplex told us about his environment, but it
didn't make a difference. It still fell into the "coexistence, fallback,
migration" support category and needed coexistence APARs (or minimally,
se take only minutes to do
if you haven't done that yet.)
Let us know what you think, once you try it out.
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Install and Upgrade, IBM Poughkeepsie
For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access
he workflow instead of the exported file. The workflow really
does have some significant advantages.
-Marna WALLE
z/OS Install and Upgrade, IBM Poughkeepsie
For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
ooking for more information on a newly
announced function.
-Marna WALLE
z/OS Install and Upgrade, IBM Poughkeepsie
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Hi All,
I just received this handy URL for finding all the z/OS V2.4 PDFs zipped up,
and with an index! I've downloaded the file, unzipped it, and done some
searches. For what I was looking for, I found what I needed nicely.
-Marna WALLE
z/OS Install and Upgrade
I saw a presentation on IBM z/OS Connect EE. Might this be an option?? (I've
never used it, so only suggesting something to quickly review.)
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Installatio
Yes...that SMP/E REPORT MISSINGMENTOR I can't get resolved...
-Marna WALLE
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uot; , "IBM KnowledgeCenter is Difficult to
Use Especially for Searching within a Manual":
We have had some improvements here, and I do still want a couple more -
particularly the same-book-search capab
hat list in the future).
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Install and Migration, IBM Poughkeepsie
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I was thinking of possibly another method that you could look at...how about
making that volume have a READ-ONLY attribute in HCD? Read up on this, as
there are some restrictions.
z/OS System Installation and Migration
IBM Poughkeepsie
Hi Dave,
This is an "understood" current situation today, which we know would be nice to
Remember, if you are using an external application (technically not a plug-in),
like SDSF, you can remove it dynamically. SDSF has the doc to do that, as it's
quite easy.
Hope this helps!
-Marna WALLE, z/OS Installation and Migration, IBM Poughkeepsie.
For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive
there some
z/OSMF Workflows, and some other "tools and toys" goodies. We are looking at
expanding this repository for some other z/OS items in the future, so it is
worth it to bookmark and occasionally visit: https://github.com/IBM/IBM-Z-zOS
Thanks, Marna WALLE
z/OS Installation and Mig
f the
systems in your enterprise."
Just as something to think about in general: the z/OSMF plugins for optional
priced features do look at if you've got it enabled (in IFAPRDxx), so that you
can't go 'around' enablement verification.
-Marna WALLE
z/OS System Installation a
delivery functions.
-Marna WALLE
z/OS Installation, IBM Poughkeepsie
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