[jQuery] jCarousel Lite - getting carousel to stop on a specific image (without hovering)

2010-02-25 Thread Adam Moro
I am trying to get the slideshow to stop sliding on the fourth image (the last image in the slideshow) but having no luck. I've changed, afterEnd: null to afterEnd: stop in the $.fn.jCarouselLite function (line 17 in my version) but it is stopping on the second image, not the fourth. I know how

[jQuery] jcarousel issues

2010-01-10 Thread RoxAnne
Hi! I'm RoxAnne and a total newb to jQuery. I'm trying to make a carousel with two slides. The code is supposed to loop them so at the second slide, the next button takes you back to the first. When I open it up to test, I see the first slide in its place and then the second slide out to the

[jQuery] jCarousel, change content on the fly

2009-12-07 Thread Nathan
Hello, I'm trying to use the jCarousel plugin (http://sorgalla.com/projects/ jcarousel). It works fine for me, except I would like to change the content of the carousel using a drop-down. For example, by default I load the product previews of category1 (that's easy). But then, I have a simple

[jQuery] jcarousel scroll bug

2009-11-23 Thread gmartins
I found a bug in the scroll function of jcarousel : If the number of items is not a mutiple of the scroll parameter, then when you go back in the list, the first item is nether shown again. Ex : try a list of 6 items with visible parameter=4 and scroll parameter=4. The solution is to change

[jQuery] jCarousel + Galleria doesn't work properly

2009-11-21 Thread zek
This is what I've got so far: http://zek.nma.sg/ (I'm implementing jQuery in Wordpress) This is what I'm trying to get: http://tinypic.com/r/mtqfmc/6 The following is an example of an implementation of Galleria and jCarousel, but I couldn't get their tutorial to work for me:

[jQuery] JCarousel is broken in internet explorer

2009-11-08 Thread guyzalon
Hi, I'm running Drupal 6 with JCarousel and view carousel, its works perfectly in Firefox, but its broken in internet explorer. The problem can be seen in my production site: http://www.kidsgame.co.il (after scrolling down) I can't find what the problem is, though I checked in many directions...

[jQuery] jCarousel Two columns

2009-10-19 Thread Pera
Hi, this is my first post here I am trying to use jCarousel with Two columns: http://vencanice.eu/galerija.php becaus there is always two pictures of one bride (front and back). the order: first li is 1 seconnd is 2 1,2 3,4 5,6 I know everything... almost ... can be done ... but

[jQuery] Jcarousel Add Link

2009-10-09 Thread cMantilla
I would like to use the carousel at http://sorgalla.com/projects/jcarousel/examples/dynamic_javascript.html My company needs a product slider and it works well with a few changes to the CSS. I am having trouble however adding links to the images. If someone could show me a function or how to

[jQuery] jcarousel - hide/animate buttons

2009-09-29 Thread dichterDichter
Hi. Im trying to animate the prev/next buttons. my aim is to make them invisible when not hovering the carousel. first i tried to make the images invisible and visible when howering, thats working. i have a problem with hiding the next/prev buttons. --- $(document).ready(function(){

[jQuery] [jcarousel] Can't make it scroll

2009-09-22 Thread Simon Justesen
Hi! I'm having some troubles with the jCarousel by Jan Sorgalla. I'm loading the carousel dynamically and the images display. But I'm unable to make them scroll. There are no errors according to Firefox. The code I'm using is a replica of the one used for the vertical scroller with minor

[jQuery] Jcarousel textscroller not displaying google reader feed link

2009-09-18 Thread pdxgeek
I'm trying to get jcarousel to display a google reader feed that aggregates several feeds into a category label, but it's not working correctly. I thought it had something to do with the URL encoding of the link because the script works fine with other single feed links. Any help greatly

[jQuery] jCarousel 0.2.3 hangs IE7 on window resize event

2009-09-16 Thread Malic
I've discovered that http://sorgalla.com/jcarousel/ will hang IE7 (but not IE8) when the this.funcResize handler (bound to window.onresize) is called. The setup for this is in init around line 226: $(window).unbind('resize', this.funcResize).bind('resize', this.funcResize); What happens is that

[jQuery] jCarousel and links

2009-09-14 Thread zac
HI I am trying to work with the jCarousel plugin by Ian Sorgalla http://sorgalla.com/jcarousel/ Does anyone know how I could wrap a link around each of the images in the Carousel ?

[jQuery] jCarousel: restart the carousel

2009-09-04 Thread Lleoun
Hi all, I'm using jCarousel as a video playlist. There's a total of 8 items, 6 shown at load. The playlist plays item to item in the carousel until the last one. Once the last item is played, the first item starts playing again. As I need the carousel to scroll to the first item when the

[jQuery] jcarousel

2009-09-04 Thread ORY
Hello, i tought of using your slider on my website, but is there anyway to make the slider larger and were in the code would i do that? thx for a creat slider!

[jQuery] jcarousel bug when using header application/xhtml+xml

2009-09-03 Thread oly
on line 111 the nodeNames need changing from upper case to lower case. from if (e.nodeName == 'UL' || e.nodeName == 'OL') { to if (e.nodeName == 'ul' || e.nodeName == 'ol') { simply because all tags should be lower case, if using the xhtml+xml header you will get an error about clip[0] being

[jQuery] JCarousel auto resize vertically

2009-08-21 Thread i_otoole
How do i get the JCarousel working automatically in vertical with auto re-size. It works fine horizontally but when i try to do more than 3 pictures vertically they get squashed.

[jQuery] JCarousel issue.

2009-08-21 Thread smelf1
Hi, I have the JCarousel working in the horizontal position. It changes automatically and can display say 5 images correctly. But when i try to set it to vertical the images get squashed together. Does anyone know how i can fix this. Regards

[jQuery] jCarousel - next still enabled on last item

2009-08-19 Thread iceangel89
i am using http://sorgalla.com/jcarousel/ when i have reached the last item, where the next button shld have been disabled, its still enabled leading to an extra space when next is clicked. http://iceangel89.110mb.com/templates/folio3/

[jQuery] jcarousel outdated

2009-08-17 Thread EastsideS
Hi, I´m using jcarousel, along with a plugin called jScrollPane. Both scripts work fine on their own. only jcarousel only works under jquery 1.2.3 and jScrollPane only works with 1.2.6+. My question: how do i let them run nicely alongside? jCarousel: http://sorgalla.com/jcarousel/ jScrollPane:

[jQuery] jCarousel - Accordian clash

2009-08-12 Thread andy marshall
Hi there. Hoping this is the right place to be asking this. I'm developing a website using an accordian and a carousel (http:// sorgalla.com/projects/jcarousel/). The accordian has 2-4 items in it, one of which is a vertically carouselled list of comments. If I've set the accordian to start on

[jQuery] jCarousel External Control as Pagination

2009-08-04 Thread Gingah
Hi there, I have a couple of problems using jCarousel, and was hoping someone here might lead me to a solution. First of all, can I change the way the External Control function works? I am guessing that I only need to edit the javascript file, but having little knowledge of it, I chose not to.

[jQuery] jCarousel External Control as Pagination

2009-08-04 Thread Gingah
Hi there (tried posting this earlier without result), I have a couple of problems using jCarousel, and was hoping someone here might lead me to a solution. First of all, can I change the way the External Control function works? I am guessing that I only need to edit the javascript file, but

[jQuery] jCarousel and ThickBox

2009-07-30 Thread Paulo Henrique
Hello guys... I've been using thickbox for jQuery for a while now and I liked it. I specially use it to show ajax content. But then I needed to use a page with a jCarousel inside this thickbox. When i open the page address, the carousel works just fine, but when I load the page inside the

[jQuery] jCarousel Unable to Hide List Bullets

2009-07-29 Thread Chris
I noticed the default CSS in the jCarousel examples include list- style: none; However, if you hide the img tags, you'll noticed IE7, Safari4, and FF3.5 all show the list bullets. Is there something I'm missing here? I'd expect list-style: none; to be pretty simple to interpret, but I find it

[jQuery] jcarousel: How to call reload() as a result of user action outside of the carousel?

2009-07-28 Thread KevinL
Hi, I have a question about jcarousel. I want to display three sets of images on a Web page, and I want to use only one jcarousel to do it. I want to change the list of images based on the user clicking on one of three links, each representing a set of images. How do I do this? I know I can

[jQuery] jcarousel - malware-adware?

2009-07-19 Thread gauthier2022
I had malware/adware two days ago. Scanned with Spybot search and destroy but now mybrowsers are slow (IE and Firefox) plus i get a window saying: jcarousel No width/height set for items. Tjis will cause an infinite loop. What caused this and how do i correct the problem? Thanks to the good

[jQuery] Jcarousel problems in the buttins with IE6

2009-07-10 Thread Zanfe
Hi all, I have a big problem with Jcarousel. I don't know what to do! In IE6, when I open my page, the button NEXT is disabled and so I can't view the other photos. Any help, please? Thanks a lot Bye Andrea

[jQuery] [jcarousel] jCarousel Appears Vertical then Horizontal

2009-07-07 Thread Sparky12
Hi, I am using jCarousel and I am getting a weird bug that I am hoping someone can assist me with. Basically, jCarousel renders perfect - however for a brief instant the carousel appears vertically and then appears horizontal as it should in IE / FF Does anyone know how to fix this bug ?

[jQuery] JCarousel not rendering added data in IE 6, 7, or 8!!!!!!!!!!!!! Works in all other browsers

2009-07-06 Thread expresso
I have not been able to get my JCarousel implementation to show the added data in IE 6,7, or 8. It works fine in all other browsers..which is just weird especially when the creator's demos all run fine in IE (http://sorgalla.com/projects/jcarousel/). I simply added some simple Javascript logic

[jQuery] jCarousel

2009-07-04 Thread JEF
Is jCarousel compatible with jQuery 1.3? If it isn't is there a quick fix?

[jQuery] JCarousel

2009-07-03 Thread Medi1
Hi, I am using JCarousel in my website, and it seems to slow down, and even freeze, the page when shown with IE8. I was looking in the other posts and no one mentioned this problem before! how ever I found a suggestion on another site with a similar issue, which works as a work-arround... it to

[jQuery] JCarousel - how toenable / disable next button manually

2009-07-02 Thread expresso
I've got a major wall with this plug-in. You have to specify a size that is than the # of images that are currently viewable to get the next button to be enabled. That mucks up my entire logic when trying to look up in a javascript array and paint a new set of pictures every time you move next

[jQuery] jCarousel - xHTML-Errors

2009-07-01 Thread msr
Hi over there, i integrated the script jCarousel ( http://sorgalla.com/jcarousel/ ), so i there are 2 errors at sitevalidation. The site ( http://www.pulverlack-matzen.de/de/oberflaechenveredelung.php ) is using XHTML 1.0 Strict. The first one, where the carousel is loaded, can be easy

[jQuery] JCarousel not rendering images in IE

2009-07-01 Thread expresso
Has anyone had a problem where JCarousel does not render images in IE 8 but works fine in FF?

[jQuery] jCarousel and li width !important crashes Safari

2009-06-25 Thread dvs
Couldn't find this bug reported previously. If the width of a carousel's list items are defined with an !important declaration in the CSS, Safari 3 crashes after jQuery advances the carousel and attempts to remove the old slides from the DOM in the itemVisibleOutCallback function. Workaround is

[jQuery] jCarousel advance issue - final item only shows half

2009-06-24 Thread JD
http://deweyresearch.oclc.org/pages/035262491.html On the above page, we have two jCarousels that are advancing one-at-a- time until you get to the final item. (22 clicks for carousel at top of page, 16 clicks for the Related Works carousel half way down the page. Try this one, it's easier to

[jQuery] jCarousel Google Chrome

2009-06-22 Thread Raph
I am having an issue with unhiding carousels. When a carousel is initially hidden (like on a tab), then the div in which it resides is set to display:block, the carousel is empty. In IE/FF this is resolved rather easily by not initializing the carousel (calling $(#myObj).jcarousel(...) until it

[jQuery] jcarousel with ajax and hyperlinks

2009-06-10 Thread crush123
I have spent the last few hours playing with jCarousel and it looks really impressive. My javascript is still basic, but my php is ok. Using the example dynamic_ajax_php.php as a guide, i created an array from my recordset and generated a new xml file so that i can now browse my own images

[jQuery] jcarousel broken in Safari 3

2009-06-10 Thread jerome
In Safari 3. Jcarousel seems to be creating an inline style for the width of the ul that is not wide enough for the li items contained in the ul. This is causing the final li to render below the other lis, and it is not showing up in the carousel. Has anyone run into this bug? Is there a

[jQuery] jCarousel infinite loop aborting

2009-06-07 Thread Alan Gutierrez
I found an old thread where this was discussed... http://groups.google.com/group/jquery-en/browse_frm/thread/41b01c1c21f61934/0e6da863d9e26a2a?lnk=gstq=jcarousel+infinite#0e6da863d9e26a2a For those of you facing the message 'jCarousel: No width/height set for items. This will cause an

[jQuery] jCarousel next button always disabled in Safari

2009-06-03 Thread jtrim
Regardless of what I do, I cannot get the Next button to function properly in safari when there are elements that it can (and should) scroll to. My implementation is paired with the jquery Galleria plugin. Anyone else having this problem? This can be observed at

[jQuery] jCarousel plugin question

2009-06-02 Thread scranthdaddy
Hi, I am using the jCarousel plugin. I have the container set to 100% so it spans the width of the page. If I only have a single image (or just a couple images) in the container, the images repeat instead of just showing blank space. Any ideas? Thanks!

[jQuery] jCarousel sliding 2 items

2009-06-02 Thread m.naetl...@googlemail.com
Hi there, I just set up a jCarousel and I am impressed of what it's capable of. I display two items at a time and want to scroll two items per click. Currently there are 6 items in the ul containing the data for the carousel. Apperently, I got a problem with sliding always two. My problem is

[jQuery] Jcarousel and Thickbox

2009-05-29 Thread b.singh1...@googlemail.com
Hi, i am trying to use jcarousel with thickbox. everything works fine for the first three image which are loaded but if I use next button to go to next three images, the images are shown in jcarousel and If I click on image the image is shown without thickbox. I assume that the tb_init is not

[jQuery] jcarousel and ie6

2009-05-27 Thread alberto
hello,i'm trying without lucky to implement jcarousel in this site http://www.mercantipercaso.com/ after spent time to make it works on standard browsers,I finally see that it no works at on IE6. I've no idea on what's happening and how to make it works. please,be patience and give me a way to

[jQuery] jCarousel Question

2009-05-26 Thread West
Hello. I have a question regarding jCarousel usage. I am able to configure jCarousel to display items on more than one horizontal line? For example: back 1 2 forward -- 3 4 - 4 items per section, 2 on each line. Thank you!

[jQuery] jCarousel with php paging

2009-05-15 Thread deep
Hello, I am trying to use jCarousel in my php script to show all records on the same page. like this http://sorgalla.com/projects/jcarousel/examples/static_simple.html I have form where user has to logged in and then on his/her page he/ she can see these record. i have page where user is

[jQuery] jCarousel by Jan Sorgalla Options

2009-05-14 Thread tfat
Hi, Hoping someone can assist: 1) I was wondering, is it's possible to use navigation buttons along the top of the Carousel, with a short description, that will allow the user to directly navigate to a panel within the carousel, using jCarouosel? Basically, if I want to do go directly to panel

[jQuery] jCarousel with Multiple Rows

2009-05-10 Thread Sparky12
Hi Guys, I am attempting to get 2 horizontal rows with jcarousel, something like Item Item Item Item Item Item But there is just no code to do this anywhere ? Can someone assist with a solution that works for both HTML and JS ? I'm sure that I, and the other 1000 people trying to do

[jQuery] jcarousel sorgalla.com auto circular

2009-05-06 Thread dyke
Hi everyone, I have problem with set up jcarousel with jquery 1.3. I need the auto circular one jQuery('#mycarousel').jcarousel({ wrap: 'circular', auto: 2 }); but behavior of carousel is vague. In init the first item appears correctly, and the width of container is ok(I think it

[jQuery] jCarousel - set start variable based on class w/Dynamic data

2009-05-06 Thread Mimi
I have a dynamic jCarousel which pulls in JSON data from php, and prints out the list html. What I'm trying to do is set the carousel start item as a variable, which would find the item with the class .active, and start with that item. The problem is that since the data is dynamic when it looks

[jQuery] jCarousel issues... need to auto-scroll after page refresh

2009-05-05 Thread uberschweiz
I have the jCarousel working well. However the functionality I'm looking for seems to be easy with the callbacks available -- I just have no clue how to achieve this. Here's my javascript in the head: script type=text/javascript jQuery(document).ready(function() {

[jQuery] jCarousel - Centering selected li - displaying part of the surrounding elements

2009-05-05 Thread O.
Hi all, I've been lurking around the web for a long time but couldn't find any answer to this yet. Hope someone will have some insights! I'm trying to recreate something similar to this: http://billwscott.com/carousel/carousel_spotlight.html I'm displaying 3 elements at the same time, but I

[jQuery] jCarousel - making it more Accessible

2009-05-05 Thread nbchip
How to Add option to View All nodes like in http://www.reindel.com/accessible_news_slider/ ? thx.

[jQuery] jCarousel Lite with image counter

2009-05-04 Thread solneman
hello, I'm using jCarousel Lite (http://www.gmarwaha.com/jquery/jcarousellite/ index.php) and would like to implement an image counter that would display something like this: 1 of 10, 2 of 10 and so on. I know jCarousel Lite has a variable called curr but I don't know how to use it. thanx marek

[jQuery] jCarousel remove method problems

2009-04-30 Thread Jason
I have added buttons to my jCarousel to trigger removing any image from the carousel. However, it seems the remove() method is not working for this. First off, it only allows you to remove images that are off-screen. Even if I hack around that problem the carousel does not update to remove the

[jQuery] JCarousel, Transparent PNG and IE6

2009-04-28 Thread Miguel XT
Hi, I'm using JCarousel with transparent PNGs so I need to use a fix for those images to show correctly in IE6. This fix is http://jquery.khurshid.com/ifixpng.php I run $('i...@src$=.png]').ifixpng(); on $(document).ready(); and is fine, but the problem appears when the PNGs are inside a

[jQuery] jcarousel lite beforestart improvement

2009-04-20 Thread Gergely Hodicska
Hi, It would be nice to add the following modification to the jcarousel lite plugin: o.beforeStart.call(this, vis()); - o.beforeStart.call(this, vis(), to); This way a handler able to update for example an info panel which is related to the next item. Best Regards, Felhő

[jQuery] JCarousel Bug (hiding/showing dynamic carousel)

2009-04-18 Thread Raph
Hi guys I've discovered some really strange behavior with hiding/showing a dynamic jcarousel. Here's the rundown... I have a jcarousel and have it get items dynamically from a web service... Works like a charm... Then I place this jcarousel in a div and hide it on documentready. When I show

[jQuery] JCarousel - Changing scroll-direction

2009-04-18 Thread papillon
how do i change the scroll-direction of jcarousel? in horizontal mode the images scroll from right to left, but I want them to move from left to right… Thanks in advance, papillon

[jQuery] jCarousel initial images

2009-04-10 Thread Daniel Khan
Hello, as the issues addressed in my first posting are mostly solved I do this new post - maybe someone can help me with that. I use jCarousel with jQuery to pull images from flickr and everything works so far except for the initial state in firefox. It only requests one image at the beginning

[jQuery] jcarousel and text below image

2009-04-10 Thread globalpropertyonline....@gmail.com
Hi, I am playing with jcarousel and trying to show text below my images. Like for example the reference nr or name of the image. I am showing images of properties from my database and allow the user to scroll through the properties. If they like one, they can click on it and it will then show a

[jQuery] JCarousel Dynamic source - Overwrite problem

2009-04-09 Thread JD
Hi, I need a bit of help. I am using JCarousel. I need 1 Carousel on my page, but I want to be able to change the source of the data going to the carousel based on what the user selects. For example - set of images and text that is for Paris, one for Rome and one for Hong Kong... the user

[jQuery] jCarousel display and scrolling problems

2009-04-09 Thread Daniel Khan
Hello, I am using jCarousel 0.2.3 with jQuery 1.3.2 for displaying flickr images and slimbox2 to show them in a lightbox. I'm new to jQuery and I fiddled everything together from examples and it allready works somehow but ere is my problem: In FF most of the time only one picture is shown at

[jQuery] JCarousel Circular - Start Over Problem

2009-04-09 Thread JD
I have a page with one JCarousel on it. I need to be able to switch between different data sources for the single display carousel. I have it almost working - however when I execute... it loops around to the default start state and doesn't keep the new data on displayit blinks past though.

[jQuery] jcarousel thumbnail navigation

2009-04-07 Thread alexandraton...@gmail.com
Hello Im trying to build a gallery like this one on http://goal.com I tried to use two jcarousels. One is a image slide show with auto scroll, the the other is a simple carousel holds the image slider's thumbnails I got them working separately, but cannot figure out how to do the thumbnail

[jQuery] jCarousel Page count display

2009-04-07 Thread Mohammad, Azam
Hi, I was wondering if anyone has done jCarousel page count plugin. I mean along with jCarousel display a div showing 'Showing 3 of 10 page' something like this. Thanks for your help. AM This email message is a private communication. The information transmitted, including attachments, is

[jQuery] jCarousel as Marqee Test

2009-04-05 Thread spiceflo
Hello together, I wanna use jCarousel as you can see it here http://www.dslproviderwechsel.de in the header (the scrolling company logos). Do you know the parameters for jCarousel to display the plugin as in the example. Currently I have the following problems: - the autoscroll function does

[jQuery] jCarousel with widt variable

2009-04-02 Thread doomlord
Hi. I see in your project that the widt is fixed, to do the animation. I want to know if is possible that the widt may be variable, like a text, in horizontal. I want to do a horizontal menu, and when click scroll the others itens, but it will be text, then will be words with all widts. Can some

[jQuery] jcarousel not working with latest jQuery

2009-03-31 Thread Tal
Hi All, I've found a very odd thing. I tried to upgrade my jQuery to the latest (v. 1.3.2) but then jcarousel is not working. The left and right arrows don't show. Anyone has any idea as to why would that be? Regards, Tal.

[jQuery] jCarousel Flickr API /.I VANT THE FULL LIST BUT HOW??(All items not in the visible range are removed from the list to keep the list small.)

2009-03-30 Thread ::rg::
jCarousel Flickr API /.I VANT THE FULL LIST BUT HOW??(All items not in the visible range are removed from the list to keep the list small.) SOMEBODIE CAN HELP ME OUT PLESE NWITH A WERSION OF THIS SCRIPT WITHOUT REMOVING THE NOT VISISBLE PARTS... I NEED THE FULL LIST... All items not in the

[jQuery] JCarousel and non-image carousel items

2009-03-25 Thread oswaldcobblepot
Has anyone had any luck with turning small blocks of markup (like an unordered list or something) into items within jCarousel? What I mean is, if i have 10 list items that i want to scroll through in the carousel, and 9 of them are images while the last one is a bit of html text, has anyone been

[jQuery] jcarousel display problem

2009-03-24 Thread projekt360
hi, i'm new here and i'm new using javascript and jquery. I hope you can help me. I'm trying to build a webpage with the following 3 jquery components: - jQuery Accordion Menu (http://www.michaeljacobdavis.com/tutorials/ statesavingaccordion.html) - jCarousel (http://sorgalla.com/jcarousel/) -

[jQuery] jCarousel : change an image array with a PHP function

2009-03-22 Thread Fix
Hello, I use jCarousel with dynamic content loading via Ajax from a PHP script, and it works fiiine :) But there's always a but :) The images are loaded via a php file called dynamaic_ajax_php.php, which contains an image array : $images = array(

[jQuery] jcarousel - use an image as an external control

2009-03-20 Thread djrein
Hello, I want to be able to use an image as an external control instead of text. I'm not familiar with jquery and need some help. Thanks in advance.

[jQuery] JCarousel 2 rows

2009-03-12 Thread WhiteKnight
I am looking for help to modify Jcarousel to support 2 rows of items. If anyone has a working example that would be great! Dont know why it does not support multiple rows by default...

[jQuery] jCarousel Prev-/Next-Button don't appear in IE

2009-03-12 Thread linzprod
Hey everyone. I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this question, 'cause maybe it is a CSS question, but here it is: I'm using jCarousel for a slideshow of images. I got a content-div where the slideshow takes place and beneath I got a footer-div in which I have placed the

[jQuery] jcarousel + cycle

2009-03-10 Thread sorahn
Hey guys, i'm using Cycle, to display some images, and i wanted the pager to be a carousel so that as we add more things we aren't constrained by the width of the page. That part in general wasn't that hard. The trick is making the carousel scroll based on the active slide for cycle. I was

[jQuery] JCarousel - set offset via class rather than number?

2009-03-09 Thread swortis
Can JCaroursel be set up so the list is offset via a class name? (Example: six list items in the carousel, but the list item with class=active is shown as the first visible item in the list) Thanks

[jQuery] Jcarousel with Thickbox

2009-03-04 Thread jake_d
I am using Jcarousel with Thickbox to have a sliding image viewer. But i need a couple of them to either open up as html or flash. I really need some help with this and im not very proficient in java or jQuery The site is http://www.l7creative.com/test/L7 There is also other .js files the code

[jQuery] Jcarousel with Thickbox

2009-03-04 Thread jake_d
I am using Jcarousel and thickbox i need some of the thickbox items to open up as images and i need some to open as html or flash. is that possible? the link to my site is http://www.l7creative.com/test/L7 please help! here is my code right now... // Set thickbox loading image

[jQuery] Jcarousel with Thickbox

2009-03-04 Thread jake_d
I am using Jcarousel with Thickbox to have a sliding image viewer. But i need a couple of them to either open up as html or flash. I really need some help with this and im not very proficient in java or jQuery The site is http://www.l7creative.com/test/L7 There is also other .js files the code

[jQuery] Jcarousel with Thickbox adding HTML

2009-03-04 Thread jake_d
I am using Jcarousel with Thickbox to have a sliding image viewer. But i need a couple of them to either open up as html or flash. I really need some help with this and im not very proficient in java or jQuery The site is http://www.l7creative.com/test/L7 There is also other .js files the code

[jQuery] Jcarousel with Thickbox adding FLASH

2009-03-04 Thread jake_d
I am using Jcarousel with Thickbox to have a sliding image viewer. But i need a couple of them to either open up as html or flash. I really need some help with this and im not very proficient in java or jQuery The site is http://www.l7creative.com/test/L7 There is also other .js files the code

[jQuery] Jcarousel lite parameter problem

2009-03-01 Thread surreal5335
I am working on adding a feature to jcarousel lite which will allow for continous scrolling when a button is hovered over previous or next. So far I am about half way there but I need to write an ending statment to tell jquery to stop the scroll upon the hover out event. What I have in the

[jQuery] jCarousel Effects

2009-03-01 Thread Nic Hubbard
I am wanting to use jCarousel but I am wondering if the only option for effects is to use the easing plugin? Or, is there a way to just simply specify the fade effect?

[jQuery] jCarousel Re-load

2009-02-27 Thread Alextronic
First of all, sorry for my english, and thank you in advance. I can't seem to dinamically load new sets of items in a jCarousel when the user clicks on a series of tabs. I'm trying to do it by changing the innerHTML depending on the tab clicked. To do this I'd need to reload/reset the carousel

[jQuery] jCarousel: Show only one picture

2009-02-26 Thread silfver
Hi! I'm trying to configure the jCarousel to show only one picture with the dimensions: 800x533 pixels. But when I change the CSS the navigation flips through 4 images every time. How can I change it to just go to next picture? See the example here:

[jQuery] jcarousel lite plug in help needed

2009-02-25 Thread surreal5335
I am creating this carousel with jcarousel lite plug in but instead of getting a carousel I am just getting a vertical static list of images when loading it into a table cell with firefox. I have read that IE is notroious for having this problem as well. Upon pressing the next and prev buttons

[jQuery] jcarousel loading hidden images after refreshing the page

2009-02-23 Thread myjquery
Hi all i'm using the jcarousel scripts to do the images sliding like here: http://sorgalla.com/projects/jcarousel/examples/static_controls.html my images are like around 100 x 100. I have 9 in total, but display 3 at a time. The problem is every time i refresh the page, it loads all the 9

[jQuery] jcarousel buttons

2009-02-20 Thread shannon
Hi, I tried using the simple carousel, but the buttons for nextlabel and prevlabel don't appear on the screen, yet I can click to manouver left or right. I must have missed a step somewhere to add the visibility to these buttons, but I can't figure it out. Can someone help me out? Thanks,

[jQuery] jQuery jCarousel Lite and Image Swap problem

2009-02-19 Thread wgrills
I have tried to use the jCarousel Lite to do the task that I am after on its own, but without any luck. The best way for me to describe what I want is to not tell you what I want and point you to http://htmlstore.co.uk/jqueryproblem/ The carousel works fine, and the swapping of images works fine

[jQuery] jcarousel not rendering in Mozilla Fire Fox v3.0.6

2009-02-13 Thread Tal
Hi guys, In IE7 my jcarousel works perfectly however in Mozilla FF it remains vertical, show the list bullets, does not show the arrows and on top of all, when i try to throw it off by doing something drastic to the CSS files it shows no effect at all. It seems to me like its not rendering the

[jQuery] Jcarousel - Can I make a jcarousel completely reset and reload!

2009-02-13 Thread FruitBatInShades
I am having terrible trouble gettinga jcarousel to reset. I have a series of tabs that when clicked get the jcarousel to load witha new set of items. I have been trying for days, trying the ajax demos and just replacing the content by setting the html() but to no avail. it works but the

[jQuery] jcarousel question

2009-02-10 Thread Michal
Hello, I am using jcarousel and i love it! BUT there is just one thing i use the autoscroll and static controls. could we add a class to the active control to change the css... so when the carousel scrolls to the second image the number 2 static control gets a class like active or something...

[jQuery] jcarousel problem with disabled next button in safari

2009-01-25 Thread talk2matth...@googlemail.com
Hello, please check out http://www.mirox-media.com/blog_add/media/data/film_festivals.html. It works fine in Firefox 3.0 (on Mac), but it has some very weird problems in Safari. The first time you load it in safari, the next button is disabled. Then, only if you click on the refresh button in

[jQuery] [jCarousel] IE6 issue with jQuery 1.3

2009-01-18 Thread digitalYours (Christoph Rechsteiner)
Hi, I need someone's help with jCarousel and the latest version of jQuery. I'm using jCarousel in combination with text messages in front of an image. I've tried to upgrade to jQuery 1.3, but the text disappears if I'm using Internet Explorer 6. What is the best way to start debugging this

[jQuery] JCarousel Bug? Autostop Doesn't Work When Animating

2009-01-17 Thread xbunnyflyx
() { carousel.stopAuto(); jQuery ('.jcarousel-prev').fadeIn('slow'); jQuery('.jcarousel-next').fadeIn ('slow');}, function() { carousel.startAuto(); jQuery('.jcarousel- prev').fadeOut('slow'); jQuery('.jcarousel-next').fadeOut ('slow'); } ); It works, but only if the user mouses over when the carousel's stopped

[jQuery] [jCarousel] Extend to pass XML feed as an argument

2009-01-12 Thread Josh
I'm setting up a site that uses jCarousel in a variety of places (and for that I must thank Jan, it's a great tool); the sliders are all going to look similar but all will use slightly different XML for the ajax portion. What I would like to be able to do would be to pass this feed as an argument

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