At 20:55 22.03.01 -0800, Kerry Thompson wrote:
>>this is the suicidal button script:
>>on mouseUp me
>> getnettext( "javascript:top.close()" )
>Funny--I clicked the button 5 times. Nothing happened. IE 5.5, Win ME.
Oops, only
>I shiver with fear at the prospect of Shockwave movies closing their
>containing browser...
this is the suicidal button script:
on mouseUp me
getnettext( "javascript:top.close()" )
test it at
best regards
daniel p
best regards
daniel plaenitz
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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo. Thanks!]
At 21:42 07.09.02 +0100, Rick wrote:
>Just a last point. Macromedia .. .. families suffer.
>Workers of the world, unite! Oops! I'm going off-topic,
I guess this is only normal with a revolutionary impetus but you are ahead
of time, Rick. Almost 18 months, to be precise. ;-)
At 04:46 09.03.01 +, ah peng wrote:
>dear sir;
>how to use the command "window DLL"?
>open window DLL??
ah peng,
there is an xtra which may help you here: Glu32 xtra by You
will find details about thx xtra at From the
description there:
"The GLU 32 Xt
s what director can all alone Tab's answer is the only
one. However, xtras like buddy api or filextra can do it much faster.
Depends on factors like platform and task but they might be an alternative.
best regards
daniel plaenitz
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: entry{"uid"} =
6: entry{"pw"} = admin
7: entry{"userID"} = admin
I believe it is not necessary to include the #method:"post" as with
netLingo you define this by using postNetText instead of getNetText.
Sending to different #name probably
l license you won't regret
it a single moment.
best regards
daniel plaenitz
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email [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Problems, email
if error <> "OK" then
alert "netError " & error
-- ok, we're through,
-- now its save to use the output
best regards
daniel plaenitz
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on exitframe me
if netDone(myNetId) then
-- ok, we're through,
-- now its save to use the output
-- still waiting
go the frame
end if
-- EoS
best regards
daniel plaenitz
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3, 7, 2, 9, 1, 4, 8, 5]
-- [7, 2, 8, 1, 4, 6, 5, 3, 9]
best regards
daniel plaenitz
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At 18:24 06.02.2001 -0500, Ian Jempson wrote:
>Has anyone run across an error 1 when doing a postNetText? The lingo
>dictionary doesn't list it.
Another description how to obtain that error by L.Pasani
>I got the netError = 1 in connection with downloadNetThing. The code was
>undocumented, but
;very long, though, because the next time I looked into it the license was
>required, but free. And so it remains to this day.
Time has its own miracles, Mark, I believe that was QT3 and '98 or '99 and
hundreds of "QT problem" - mails in the direct-L archives. Charles Wiltgen
its current width on endSprite.
best regards
daniel plaenitz
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Lingo-L is for learning
se following it will be ignored.)
>I am really frustrated right now. Any help would be great.
Make that frustration a stepping stone to learning a new trick.
Good luck!
daniel plaenitz
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DirectEmail IS your best (and easiest) bet.
Unless you have a cgi-bin on some *nix server under you're control ( and
are online, of course ) For, if so, a simple perl script and
get/postNetText will do. Steal it from
best regards
daniel plaenitz
[To remov
swSaveEnabled='false' swVolume='false' swRestart='false'
swPausePlay='false' swFastForward='false' swContextMenu='false' "
best regards
daniel plaenitz
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At 11:32 31.01.2001 +0100, Bjarne Nyquist wrote:
>What´s the story on Director 8 and Win2K? Any problems or other
>anomalitites before I upgrade to W2K?
I think there were some reports about problems with embedded fonts on w2k
though the details slipped from my memory.
best regards
:// is more/less bilingual has a lot of info in German.
however, searching google for director lingo source download returned
2530 entries.
best regards
daniel plaenitz
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At 21:27 29.01.2001 +0100, Tom wrote:
>Hi Paul
>I'm also having a problem with the directEmail Xtra.
>I always get the error "Xtra not found".
>I'm working on a PC D8
>Do you know what could cause this problem?
Most probably the reason for this error is that the xtra is not where it
should be.
-- return the number
return dLibNum
This function is really useful when creating a series of .dir from a
database of storyboard data.
best regards
daniel plaenitz
>Bur Daniel has a point in suggesting that You can save an exisiting (and
>maybe modified) castlib to
. I'm in doubt if this would
work from a projector but it does in development.
best regards
daniel plaenitz
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ile to be written to is read-only"
A list of net errors is at:
best regards
daniel plaenitz
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best regards
daniel plaenitz
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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo. Thanks!]
another way, works for 0 <= n <= 256 , expandable.
on d2h d
return rgb(0,0,d).hexstring().char[6..7]
on h2d h
return rgb("#"&h).blue
best regards
daniel plaenitz
At 09:49 17.01.2001 +0900, Fumio Nonaka wrote:
>Another code:
>on xDecToHex
At 22:07 15.01.2001 +0200, you wrote:
> i want change the backgroundtranparent of the sprite with lingo
>how i can do it? please help me
The sprite property you will want to change is 'the ink of sprite whichSprite'
The argument is #integer, 0: copy, 36: background transparent.
-- Wel
but, on the other
hand, seamless integration, complete control and no headache with windows
disappearing behind the other or when a user minimizes a window etc. A 4
hours animated tutorial would take about 400MB and 6 month from "concept
agreed" to "final".
best regards
daniel pla
At 19:24 07.01.2001 -0500, Kurt Griffin wrote:
>Another approach:
shorter but slower, especially with longer lists. Maybe because getPos()
always starts the comparison from the beginning again, together with the
overhead of the frequent deleteAt()
best regards
daniel plaenitz
dVal = dLp2[index]
dProp = dLp2[index]
dVal = 1
end if
dtest = dLp.getaProp(dProp)
if voidP(dTest) then
dLp[dProp] = dTest + dVal
end if
end repeat
return dLp
best regards
daniel plae
server all the time
To convince the browser that what you want is a new file and not the thing
it keeps in the cache, change the url.
ie, add a dummy parameter to the url which makes it look like a query.
dUrl = ""
dUrl = dUrl & "?dummy=" & string
ine arguments.
best regards
daniel plaenitz
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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo. Thanks!]
rly prohibitive).
Did you try setting the filename property of an existing(dummy) member?
best regards
daniel plaenitz
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email [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Problem
but rather a string with all the labels of a score separated by
so something like this might work for you:
on isDefinedLabel expression
return (the labellist contains expression & RETURN)
best regards
daniel plaenitz
>with no luck.
>[To remove yourself from this l
received data:
best regards
daniel plaenitz
>I'm less
>worried about the send amount as I actually am about the GET
>amountmeaning, I'm worried about the response from the server getting
i url to test this can be found at:
best regards
daniel plaenitz
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xtras in the usual \xtras subfolder.
best regards
daniel plaenitz
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email [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
Lingo-L is for learning and he
understanding of the score, the stage and the cast."
Try if it fits your needs.
best regards
daniel plaenitz
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At 13:56 18.12.2000 +0100, Jakob Hede Madsen wrote:
>At 4:04 +0100 2000_12_18, Daniel Plaenitz wrote:
>>>But, to answer your question:
>>hmm. This may be extraordinarily subtle humor or, borne Germa
o you Kurt, I hope you don't mind. ;-)
hmm. This may be extraordinarily subtle humor or, borne German, I#m missing
something fundamental. Anyway, "KURT" appears to be quite inert with only
pCHN counting up from 1 to 4 on mouseUp. (w2k)
(And yes, I know how to snip a watermelon t
are the castlibs. Of course you can new()
dummy members in dummy castlibs on the fly to make sure the rebuilt score
has valid references, but exporting/reimporting the real contents is
another thing.
best regards
daniel plaenitz
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tem 5
and in the end item 3. Lingo supports this approach with the
repeat with variable = startValue down to endValue
Best regards
daniel plaenitz
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ctors and Shockwave.
; 1: Open a message window while the movie is playing. Macintosh Shockwave
;does not open a message window, however it does write output meant for
;the message window into "1logfile.txt" in the browser's application
; 0: No message window.
best re
At 14:57 23.11.2000 -0800, Kerry Thompson wrote:
>Carmen, I'd write in German, but the real German-speakers on the list
>would be howling with laughter. I hope you read enough English to
>understand our answers :-)
I don't think so, Kerry, at least, I wouldn't. I think you're pretty much
D) by G.Rosenzweig on
Game programming in lingo which has a memory (or even several flavours?)
ready on CD.
beste gruesse
daniel plaenitz
At 14:12 23.11.2000 +0100, Oliver wrote:
>ja sam razvio nekoliko memory games, i neke rade online. Ako zelis, mogu ti
>poslati linkove.
barry swan did such a thing. He x-posted the url on a number of lists.
check the archives.
best regards
daniel plaenitz
>would like to know how to build a script or just
>recive a script that creates a starfield effect.not
>any old starfieldthough.
[To remove yourself from this
pt (for wsh 2.0
and d7) which helps with the wav to swa conversion.
best regards
daniel plaenitz
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best regards
daniel plaenitz
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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo. Thanks!]
At 08:09 17.11.2000 +0700, Chaiya Whangmongkollert wrote:
>Hi all,
>How can I call dll file from lingo?
>thank in advance.
take a look at
There is an dllGlue xtra there which does that.
best regards
daniel plaenitz
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could it be that there is a long-running repeat loop involved with this
"pulling of questions" ?
repeat loops have the power of blocking all sorts of things
best regards
daniel plaenitz
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t of new functions, giving it away for free prooves Kent is rich in spirit.
best regards
daniel plaenitz
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email [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo. Thanks!]
At 09:35 06.11.2000 -0600, Brett Wacha wrote:
>I am a rookie Lingo user and may have gotten in over my head.
>I would like to collect some information from text fields, write to a .txt,
>and email this through the users default email program. I don't see a line
>of Lingo that finds the default
th this. Any ideas ???
The Buddy Api Xtra has methods for reading and writing values into *.ini
You can download the xtra from
best regards
daniel plaenitz
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At 17:36 02.11.2000 +, mike wrote:
>Hi gang
>put the text of field "Myfield" into val
>returns "mystring"
>how do I convert "mystring" into 'mystring'
>I`ve checked the archives but I`m not sure
the quotes are not a part of the string, so there is no need to "remove" them.
The quotes are me
At 12:40 01.11.2000 +0100, Szymon Drejewicz wrote:
>on myFunctionForLists v
> v[1] = v[1] + 1
> v[2] = v[2] + 1
>let's see how it's working (in Message Window):
>w = [1,1]
>put w
>-- [2,2]
At 15:12 30.10.2000 -0800, Kerry Thompson wrote:
>>In your \director 8 folder there is a file 'lingo.ini'.
>Good call, Daniel--that's pretty much what I do. Just one detail. It's
>Director.ini that you want rather than lingo.ini.
ooops - thanks for co
folder, rename it to shockwave.ini, edit the 2
settings described and it should work the next time a plugIn initialies.
Best regards
Daniel Plaenitz
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ch could do a lot in optimizing your code's maintainability.
Best regards
Daniel Plaenitz
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email [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
Lingo-L is
and why it will only work for parts of your audience can be
found in zac's articel at:
One of the things you don't want, though not an xtra, can be tested and
downloaded from
best regards
At 17:39 02.10.2000 -0400, Robert Wingate wrote:
> > What's a 4152 error in shockwave?
>This doesn't help much:
>put MOAErrorToString(4152)
>-- "Unknown or System specific error"
I think it is :
4152 Failed network operation
Best regards
nditions this
>will happen under?
Here is a hard and fast rule how to avoid problems with case in strings
reconverted from symbols: don't do it. If you need the originally spelling
of a string, leave it as a string.
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