[OGD] Re: OGD V6 #181 Message 5: Superthrive

2004-04-18 Thread BCPRESS
The earlier Superthrive labels recommended 1 drop/gal, but this is a lower concentration than most cell receptors require to respond to hormones, such as Naphthylacetic Acid [NAA], which I surmise is the active ingredient of Superthrive. At one point when the Superthrive label read 1 drop/g

[OGD] Re:OGD v6 #204, Orchids and Acidity

2004-05-07 Thread BCPRESS
The comments on pH and acidity by AJ Hicks and Oliver Sparrow may prove useful to orchid newcomers like Virginia, but both commentaries ignored the principal pH factor for orchids, namely FERTILIZER. All commercial fertilizers I have tested are more or less acidic to compensate for the mild alk

[OGD] Re: Orchids Digest, Vol 6, Issue 234

2004-06-05 Thread BCPRESS
In reply to Peter from Bloubenstrand's question, "What is Banrot," it is a mixture of two fungicides, which broadens its activity spectrum: 1. Clearies 3336 [Thiophente Methyl] [25%] 2. Turban [Etridiazole] [15%] In the old days, Benylate was used in place of the Clearies

[OGD] Re: OGD, V 6, # 236

2004-06-07 Thread BCPRESS
Paul Bouleau inquires about the application of lime water to Paphs. I suspect there is some confusion here between "limestone," which is calcium carbonate and rather insoluble in water, "lime," which is calcium oxide and is converted to "slaked lime," which is calcium hydroxide, by contact with

[OGD] Re:OGD V6#237 Message 4: Carbon Dioxide

2004-06-08 Thread BCPRESS
Mark Sullivan's post initially mentions the effects of carbon dioxide on orchid growth but then gets on to an entirely different subject, carbon dioxide and global warming. The negative information about the ability of enhanced plant growth to control global warming through carbon fixation

[OGD] Re: OGD V6 #238 Message 5: Global Warming

2004-06-08 Thread BCPRESS
Fredrick JM Depuydt faults the data indicative of Global Warming as statistical in nature. Please note that an important concept of the Philosophy of Science is that ALL data is statistical. Information that cannot be expressed as within an explicit statistical probability is without meaning.

[OGD] Re: OGD V6 #239: Mother Nature

2004-06-09 Thread BCPRESS
The "Liebig Principle" states that growth will always be limited by whatever nutritional factors are in limited supply. When we examine an organism growing in equilibrium with its environment, the factors limiting growth are not always apparent. We can, however, determine by trial and error

[OGD] Re: OGD V6 #243, Message 1:Scientific Theories

2004-06-13 Thread BCPRESS
Contemporary scientists no longer regard truth as an absolute: every proposition can be assigned a probability factor for its ability to predict the behavior of the universe accurately. Some propositions predict with a high degree of reliability, and we tend to confuse this with classical "trut

[OGD] Re: OGD V6 #244:Scientific Theories

2004-06-14 Thread BCPRESS
For anyone puzzled by the word "theologizes" in my last post, it was placed there by my "Spellcheck" when I wasn't looking. It should of course been "theologists." [Spellcheck, don't you even go near it this time!]. I am delighted by several rational posts that my earlier ones evoked.

[OGD] Re: OGD V6 #254: NG Pidgin

2004-06-23 Thread BCPRESS
In my linguistic readings I learned that a "pidgin" is any contact language which mixes vocabulary from two unrelated languages with little formal grammar. It can evolve in complexity with time, even acquiring a grammar and thereby becoming a "creole." I had no idea there was any pejorative co

[OGD] Re:OGD V6 #265: Orchid Speciation

2004-07-02 Thread BCPRESS
The Theory of Relativity was promoted from speculative hypothesis to accepted scientific dogma by the key observation that the apparent position of a single star was altered exactly as predicted during a solar eclipse. The theory was further confirmed at Hiroshima. Any generalization

[OGD] Re: OGD V6 #277: Wait a Minute

2004-07-13 Thread BCPRESS
Regarding smuggling Appendix 1 orchids, there are two distinct illegalities. It is not only illegal to ship the orchids from Peru without the proper papers, but it is also illegal for them to enter the US. Both INRENA in Peru and US Fish & Wildlife have separate jurisdictions which apply.

[OGD] Quaternary Amines

2004-07-20 Thread BCPRESS
Quaternary amines, such as Physan, are strong detergents, which gives them the ability to disintegrate cell membranes. The outer cell layers of multicellular organisms, such as plants, have more resistance to this action than single celled organisms, such as bacteria and fungi including sin

[OGD] Bleach and Dirty Pots

2004-08-31 Thread BCPRESS
With regard to Iris Cohen's warning [OGD V6 #366, message 4, repeated as message 8, I presume for emphasis] about cleaning pots in bleach, from my background in Chemistry and Biophysics, as well as long personal experience, it is nonsense! I have no idea where the idea of saturated calcium

[OGD] More Chlorine

2004-09-01 Thread BCPRESS
The active ingredient in bleach is not gaseous chlorine but hypochlorite ion, which is not volatile. Accordingly, bleach needs no confinement to work properly. It destroys the amino acid tyrosine, a constitute of all complex proteins, on immediate contact; the rest of the organic matter fol

[OGD] Still more Chlorine

2004-09-02 Thread BCPRESS
AJ Hicks questions [OGD V6#370] the chemistry behind my recommendation of bleach as a virtually instantaneous sterilization agent. He cites the odor of chlorine in bleach as evidence of the volatility of hypochlorite. He is correct that the manufacture of bleach involves the uptake of gase

[OGD] Chlorine Once Again

2004-09-05 Thread BCPRESS
When I made my original comments about the efficiency of chlorine bleach for cleaning pots and cutting edges, my intent was to reassure orchid growers, particularly novitiates, about simple and reliable procedures. I had no intention of getting into a dispute with AJ Hicks, nor putting word

[OGD] OGD V6 #375: Disinfection

2004-09-06 Thread BCPRESS
Sorry to further belabor the point, but if economics is the criterion for choosing a disinfection method, bleach wins hands down. Pool chlorine costs about $1/gal locally. To make up a pint of dilute chlorine for cleaning cutting instruments requires 1/10 of a pint of concentrate, or 1.2 c

[OGD] Effectiveness of Bleach as an Antiviral Agent

2004-09-07 Thread BCPRESS
I presume that Bob Scully's rebuttal of he antiviral effectiveness of a simple exposure to bleach [hypochlorite] originates from the Work Ethic concept that the greater the labor, the greater the reward. Regarding the torch vs. bleach, it ain't necessarily so. I have great respect for

[OGD] Re: Orchids Digest, Vol 6, Issue 390

2004-09-17 Thread BCPRESS
I have difficulty in accepting Steve Topletz' generalization that antibiotics are phytotoxic. The mechanism of action of most antibiotics is directed against metabolic processes, chiefly involving DNA processing, that differ between bacteria and eukaryotes. Appearances aside, animals and p

[OGD] TSP and Spellcheck

2004-09-20 Thread BCPRESS
While searching for an article in my pile of reprints, I recently stumbled upon the original 1967 article by HH Thornberry advocating TSP as a viricide. It is apparent that his background as a Plant Pathologist did not serve him well as a Chemical or Biochemical expert. He shows no awarene

[OGD] Extinction and Entrapment

2004-10-11 Thread BCPRESS
With regard to my source of information about orchid species extinction [Peter O'Byrne, OGD V6 #423 Message 6], it is based on facts we all know. If orchid fanciers find a given orchid species of interest, entrepreneurs will propagate it artificially until all desires are fulfilled. M

[OGD] Conviction of George Norris for Violaating CITES

2004-10-08 Thread BCPRESS
Nina Rach's terse commentary on the conviction of George Norris [17 months] for importing Peruvian Phrags illicitly is too casual. We should all be outraged for the imposition of draconian penalties for violation of a law designed to protect endangered species of ANIMALS. If you take into

[OGD] OGD V6 # 420: Norris

2004-10-09 Thread BCPRESS
Regarding Don's question about who informed on Norris, no one knows for sure, although earlier suspicions about Eric Christenson seem entirely unfounded. Perhaps no one informed. Attention could have been drawn to Norris simply by the fact that he offered the tainted species, Phragmipedium,

[OGD] Importing Orchids from SE Asia

2004-10-22 Thread BCPRESS
Prompted by Lauder's problems in getting delivery from a SE Asian Nursery, I wish to report a more pleasant experience with Saigon Orchids and Flora of Viet Nam. Some of the fleshy bulbed species [Calanthe, Phaius, etc.] I ordered were found to harbor beetle larvae by the supposedly lax Mia

[OGD] Catalase and Kathy

2004-10-26 Thread BCPRESS
There is a powerful enzyme, catalase, present in most cells, bacterial, plant and animal, that converts hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen real quick. The peroxide lasts long enough to put the kabash on many bacteria for a short time, hence its effectiveness in treating crown rot, but

[OGD] OGD V6 # 442; Crime and Punnishment

2004-10-26 Thread BCPRESS
I was dismayed to see how many self righteous OGDers would support the draconian sentence imposed on George Norris and somewhat relieved that at least Steve Topletz and Eric Muehlbauer saw fit to place the "crime" in a proper perspective. Remember Dickens' "Les Miserables," in which Jean Va

[OGD] Re: OGD V6 #444: George Norris

2004-10-27 Thread BCPRESS
The comments of Martin Epstein and Bill Bergstrom about George Norris remind me of the extent to which George resembles the late Fred Fuchs Jr., vendor of species orchids in Miami and father of Bob Fuchs. The politics old Fred spouted were a little to the right of Attila the Hun, and like G

[OGD] Mechanism of Action of Paraquat

2004-10-27 Thread BCPRESS
Kathy, I hold the title of Professor Emeritus of Pharmacology, Physiology and Biophysics at the University if Miami. Can I serve as the Physiology Professor you seek until one more to your liking comes along? Not all the unfiltered information one obtains from a Googol search can

[OGD] Re: Orchids Digest, Vol 6, Issue 472

2004-11-24 Thread BCPRESS
In reply to Ron Kaufman, RGD V6 #472, Jenny's email address is:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Bert Pressman ___ the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD) [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://orchidguide.com/mailman/listinfo/orchids_orchidguide.com

[OGD] Re:OGD V6 #11 Orchid Species Suppliers

2004-11-29 Thread BCPRESS
Mike: Don't overlook the opportunity to attend the Redlands Orchid Fair, held each year the Friday, Saturday and Sunday after Mothers' Day, in Homestead, Florida, in the Miami area.  It will have several vendors from Peru as well as vendors from Ecuador and the Philippines and all sorts

[OGD] OGD V7 #16

2005-01-10 Thread BCPRESS
Tricia's post about having read Glancy's post about Taiwanese pests puzzles me.  I am one of those who received Glancy's posts WITHOUT any message, yet Tricia says she received the posts WITH the message.  Does that mean that there are different versions of the OGD?  When I reply to an OGD p

[OGD] OGD V7 #17; Cychnoches warsweiczii

2005-01-10 Thread BCPRESS
Nancy: Regarding Cycnoches warsweiczii, Cychnoches do occasionally bloom after they defoliate and enter dormancy for the winter.  It probably would not take up any water or nutrients from the pot if repotted, since its roots are likely to be dead, but it can draw on stored reserves to bloom. 

[OGD] EC vs TDS vs Common Sense

2005-01-18 Thread BCPRESS
I have read all those heated discussions on EC & TDS and wondered if I was experiencing a resurrection of medieval philosophers arguing about how many angles can dance on the head of a pin.  Do orchids possess EC meters that tell them when to burn their roots?  Can conductivity distingui

[OGD] EC/TDS Again

2005-01-19 Thread BCPRESS
1. The point brought up by Mark does have merit; different ions have different "mobilities" in an electric field, hence different conductivities.  So what exactly does measuring EC tell you about the effect of a given solution on orchids? 2. Technically, salts by definition include all substa

[OGD] Re: Need to Measure EC/TDS

2005-01-19 Thread BCPRESS
Maybe I'm missing something.  If I habitually fertilize my orchids with 5 Oz 15-5-15 diluted to 20 gal, that works out to 1/4 Oz/gal.  If there are 128 Oz/gal, that means I add 1/4 part fertilizer to 512 parts water or about 1 part fertilizer to 2,000 parts water.  If there are 0.15 parts ni

[OGD] Re: Orchids Digest, Vol 7, Issue 65

2005-02-06 Thread BCPRESS
Viateur: The picture at http://www.orchidspecies.com/catviridiflavum.htm looks like verdiflavin to me, although mine have some yellow-green blush around the hood.  If you could email me the scent I could be more certain.Bert Pressman   __

[OGD] Superthrive

2005-02-18 Thread BCPRESS
The Superthrive label lists Thiamin [Vitamin B1] and Naphthalene Acetic Acid [NAA] as its active ingredients. I have often wondered about the Thiamin, since plant cells can synthesize their own, which is why we urge Johnny to eat his veggies.  The NAA is a plant hormone that stimulates growth

[OGD] Esoteric Orchids

2005-02-21 Thread BCPRESS
I understand that orchids from Madagascar and Indonesia will be available at the Redlands Orchid Festival in Florida this year [May 13-15].  For further information contact Jim Watts, [EMAIL PROTECTED]. Bert Pressman

[OGD] Redlands Orchid Festival

2005-02-22 Thread BCPRESS
The vendors' list for the 9th Annual REDLAND INTERNATIONAL ORCHID FESTIVAL, to be held at the Fruit and Spice Park, Homestead Florida, May 13-15, is now on line:  www.redlandorchidfestival.org .  The list includes 56 vendors, 28 of whom are from overseas, which, I believe, is without precede

[OGD] Addendum

2005-02-22 Thread BCPRESS
The vendors' list for the 9th Annual REDLAND INTERNATIONAL ORCHID FESTIVAL, to be held at the Fruit and Spice Park, Homestead Florida, May 13-15, is now on line:  www.redlandorchidfestival.org .  The list includes 56 vendors, 28 of whom are from overseas, which, I believe, is without preced

[OGD] The Plant Police at the WOC

2005-03-20 Thread BCPRESS
We have been made aware of the excessive zeal of the US Plant Police [aka USF&WL] on many recent occasions.  Their French equivalent appears to be equally ruthless.   Some of the organizers of the WOC requested that Madagascan orchid vendors "show the flag" by selling Madagascan orchids

[OGD] Politics at the WOC

2005-03-22 Thread BCPRESS
In view of the many posts concerning the politics at the recent WOC, it seems appropriate to relate my own experiences there.  I had been duly registered and issued judge's credentials and was about to join my team when two of the judging coordinators, Ric Neiryinck and Cordelia Head, di

[OGD] (no subject)

2005-03-23 Thread BCPRESS
  I emailed the message below to Martin Topletz directly, but in view of Andy's remarks impugning my judging qualifications, without bothering to check facts as usual, I am appending it and submitting it to the general OGD readership. No, I am not an accredited AOS judge, but no suc

[OGD] Fuchs and Dijon, OGD V7#146

2005-03-24 Thread BCPRESS
Sheldon, Fuchs did not exactly "...clean up at Dijon with his Vandas."  At the end of the regular round of judging, three Vanda awards were given, including a gold to Martin Motes, Fuchs' South Florida rival, for best Vanda in Show [V. Blue Grig x V. Arjuna], a bronze to Motes for V. Motes T

[OGD] Bert's Judging Credentials, OGD V7 #145

2005-03-26 Thread BCPRESS
  Andy, as the master artist of defamation on the OGD, it ill befits you to criticize others.  If your remarks about me were not intended to "start a fight," then why else did you make them? To begin with I was never informed that I was no longer a "judge in good standing" at the SFO

[OGD] Importation of Exotic Orchids through Miami

2005-03-30 Thread BCPRESS
Jerry: You should try coming to the Redlands Fair in Miami May 13-15.  Representatives of the USDA are on hand to issue paperwork in a professional manner, there will be a lot more vendors than were at Dijon, especially from overseas, and, besides, it's a lot closer. My experiences,

[OGD] Sandy Gillanstale of Saigon Orchids and Flora

2005-03-31 Thread BCPRESS
We imported a shipment of orchids from the Saigon Orchids and Flora nursery about two years ago.  While the shipment was delayed by Viet Namese governmental red tape, it arrived eventually and was of good quality.  No Appendix 1 plants were sent, i.e., none of the fascinating Viet Namese Pap

[OGD] OGD V7#170

2005-04-01 Thread BCPRESS
Colin, I have some Australian species that are not doing too well.  What's the current market price of Koala bears and where can I get one?Bert Pressman ___ the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD) orchids@orchidguide.com http://orchidguide.com/mai

[OGD] Re: Orchids Digest, Vol 7, Issue 172

2005-04-02 Thread BCPRESS
Regarding the MSU low phosphate fertilizer formulation, the author of the Orchids article Leo was trying to recall is Jan Szyren.  She was not the originator of the formula, but, more importantly, reported her long term success with it as caretaker of the Michigan State University orchid

[OGD] Re: Orchids Digest, Vol 7, Issue 172

2005-04-02 Thread BCPRESS
Andy, Andy, hey, hey, hey. Whom you gonna dis today? It seems to be the consensus that critical remarks should not be out of bounds in the OGD, but gratuitous nastiness like "sticky fat fingers" is an admission that the poster cannot manage the English language with finesse. Andy now

[OGD] Re: Andy,OGD V7#176

2005-04-04 Thread BCPRESS
Andy, my better instincts tell me to ignore your post, but you did invoke the doctrine of Personal Privilege by mentioning my name. I was able to learn that others have been retained as judges in good standing in the SFOS for years after they stopped judging.  The legitimacy of Fuchs

[OGD] Re: Salt Absorbtion by Diatomite or Anything Else.

2005-04-06 Thread BCPRESS
For years I have heard that this or that medium is no good for orchid culture "because it absorbs salts," but it is a simple principle of Physical Chemistry that if the medium absorbs salts from water, these salts would no longer be available to damage plants.  The plants sense only what

[OGD] Re: Orchids Digest, Vol 7, Issue 183

2005-04-07 Thread BCPRESS
The posts by Ray Barklow and Iris illustrate what I meant by the persistence of orchid cultural myths which are contradicted by Physics and Chemistry.   Iris, despite what you've read, charcoal absorbs only materials that have unsaturated electron systems, technically termed "Pi elec

[OGD] Re: Orchids Digest, Vol 7, Issue 201

2005-04-14 Thread BCPRESS
Jerry erects a formidable barrier for reporting on the status of Manuel Arias in suggesting that, "... the true story of what really happened with his arrest has not been properly represented in this forum."  Furthermore, "...perhaps no one ever will," since "various authors perceived id

[OGD] Re:OGD V7 #207 Another typical O'Byrne rant [Easton]

2005-04-15 Thread BCPRESS
Andy's latest dart, targeted at Peter O'Byrne, inadvertently clarified his off OGD email to me of 4/6/05 assuring me cavalierly that "...you will not be among the judges at the Miami WOC in 2008."  He now asserts that he, "... will be part of a committee whose task is to ensure that

[OGD] Re:OGD V7 #210, Message 6 [Viateur]

2005-04-16 Thread BCPRESS
In the same vane as Julio's analogy between Prohibition and CITES, I remember a husky bully from childhood, who would grab frailer subjects for subjugation by the collar and threaten us with, "What did you say about my mother?"  Viateur's fascitious conclusion that Julio is in favor of t

[OGD] Re: OGD V7 #213, [AOS] Awards and Their Rationale [O'Byrne]

2005-04-17 Thread BCPRESS
At the AOS Florida-Caribbean Judging Center, which I attend regularly, teams are autonomous and are composed of 3-6 accredited judges plus perhaps a student judge.  They have no obligations to comply with any AOS master judging plan, but the accredited judges have been through a rigorous

[OGD] OGD V7 #234 - Einsteinian Quote by Braem

2005-05-01 Thread BCPRESS
Zwei Dinge sind unendlich:Das Universum und die menschliche Dummheit.Aber bei dem Universum bin ich mir noch nicht ganz sicher (Albert Einstein) "Two things are eternal: The Universe and Human Stupidity. However, I am not yet entirely certain about the Universe." It does read better in G

[OGD] Disinfection

2005-05-07 Thread BCPRESS
There is a universal disinfectant somewhat milder than fire and that is CHLORINE!  I use a 1:10 dilution of pool chlorine, which is equivalent to a 1:5 dilution of commercial Chlorox.  Unlike saturated TSP, which is perpetuated by word of mouth as a viricide, there are lots of real studies i

[OGD] Re:OGD V7 #245 Chlorine as Disinfectant

2005-05-07 Thread BCPRESS
Viateur asks if I refer to plastic pots.  Wrong!  When I write of clay pots, that is a defined material.  There are lots of plastics and I can't generalize for all, although in my experience all the various plastic pots that I have actually exposed to chlorine bleach have been chemically

[OGD] Re:OGD V7 #249; Cleaning Pots

2005-05-10 Thread BCPRESS
Nancy's recommendation of a self cleaning oven would work, but what about the logistics of the procedure?  Do you think for one moment that my wife would let me drag a load of dirty pots from my yard into her house, let alone placing them in her oven?  Do the carbonized residues fall out of

[OGD] ReOGD V7 #252; Still Cleaning Pots

2005-05-11 Thread BCPRESS
In a message dated 5/11/2005 6:01:32 AM Eastern Standard Time, Nancy writes: Like Iris, I run a full load of pots, when the ovenneeds to be cleaned anyway (you cannot use chemicalsin a self-cleaning oven!). At perhaps 5-6 times ayear, I think the cost is negligible compared toscrubbing and

[OGD] Re: OGD V7 # 253;How to do a Google Search

2005-05-12 Thread BCPRESS
I am surprised that Viateur needs help on conducting a Google search on Virus + Hypochlorite.  Although a lifetime of practical experience as a Biochemist and Experimental Cell Biologist assures me that hypochlorite, i.e., chlorine bleach, can clean dirty orchid pots, the above Google Search

[OGD] Re:OGD V7 # 254; Last word on Chlorine.

2005-05-13 Thread BCPRESS
When I first posted my comments on chlorine bleach destroying viruses and pot debris, my intention was to share with OGDers my expertise on the inexorable effects of chlorine bleach on all forms of protoplasm as we know it on earth.  Theoretically it might not apply to life forms not based on

[OGD] Chlorine Concentration

2005-05-20 Thread BCPRESS
  I didn't anticipate that the concentration of bleach used for decontamination would be of such concern. The effectiveness of chlorine as a viricide was evaluated experimentally at very low concentrations, presumably to determine minimal conditions for decontaminating water for human consum

[OGD] Re:OGD V7 #280 Linguistics

2005-06-01 Thread BCPRESS
In the Indo-European language group, which includes Greek, Latin and English, as well as most other European languages, genders are arbitrary groupings of nouns by grammatical criteria.  Some of the three original genders contained sexually distinguishable nouns, such as 'man' or 'woman,

[OGD] Re: OGD V7 #256; Orchid Sex

2005-06-04 Thread BCPRESS
Despite contentions that Orchid Taxonomy is too arcane an art for us amateurs, our orchid experts continue to delve into areas in which they lack expertise, specifically Linguistics.  When Vandopsis parishii was reassigned to the genus Hygrochilus, was any sex surgery involved? What woul

[OGD] OGD V7 #291, Orchid Dictators

2005-06-09 Thread BCPRESS
Andy should be the last one in the world to complain about orchid dictatorships after bragging on the OGD that he will never permit me to judge at the forthcoming WOC in Miami three years hence.  Dragon Lady indeed!  And Fuchs' attempt to stop me from judging at Dijon on the grounds that he

[OGD] OGD V7 #292: Molecular Taxonomy

2005-06-10 Thread BCPRESS
If you had attended our family reunion you would have noticed that my cousin Linda resembles me more than does my sister Kate.  That does not make Linda my sister nor Kate my cousin, as you might have surmised from appearances.  If you had consulted our family genealogy chart, our true relat

[OGD] Permanganate

2005-06-15 Thread BCPRESS
There must be something in the discussion of permanganate as a flower preserver that I'm missing.  Does one apply it to the cut stem?  If so, how does it affect the flower up stream?  If one applies it to the flower one produces stains of brown manganese dioxide which would presumably be unc

[OGD] OGD V7 #315; Metal Anythings

2005-06-20 Thread BCPRESS
Juli's admonition ["... never to use metal baskets or metal anythings because the metal oxidizes and harms the plant"] is the stuff that myths are made of.  Yes, metals do oxidize, but what follows from that? What evidence did the person originally issuing the warning cite?  Does he, himself

[OGD] OGD V7 #323; Hybrids

2005-06-27 Thread BCPRESS
While we're on the subject of hybrids, there is something that has always puzzled me.  If man hybridizes species A and B, the f1 generation is 50%A and 50%B.  If the two populations exist closely enough in nature to form hybrids, the original f1 generation would have probably been interferti

[OGD] Re: OGD V6 #337; Letter to WOC

2005-07-06 Thread BCPRESS
Regarding Andy's reference to my tilting at windmills, I actually did receive a couple of key replies to my letter to the WOC. The letter was copied to a number of individuals for their edification, but the replies sought were received, and the matter is still open.  As usual, Andy has

[OGD] Re:OGD V7 #337 ALBA

2005-07-06 Thread BCPRESS
Guido: My old Latin dictionary listed albus-a-um as white, depending on the gender of the noun being modified. Definitions are not handed down from Mt. Sinai with immutable meanings.  If you want to be an absolutist about your definition of "alba", what if a given flower is white in m

[OGD] Foliar Feeding

2005-08-02 Thread BCPRESS
I had a problem comprehending what OGDers expect of "foliar feeding" but was reluctant to weigh in to the subject out of deference to blaspheming the mystic beliefs of devotees of the art.  Leo's post [OGD V7 #369, Message 5] says it all. The concept of "foliar feeding" is based on t

[OGD] Foliar Feeding

2005-08-05 Thread BCPRESS
With regard to the mechanism of foliar absorption of nutrients, John Stanley [OGD V7#372 message 3] is right; the wonder is not the advantages of foliar feeding but that it can taker place at all.  As I recall, it was Tom Sheehan who obtained experimental evidence for its existence, but I di

Re: [OGD] OGD V7 #445

2005-10-13 Thread BCPRESS
Trying to assess poor David Kurtz' root problem from the information provided is a little like Senator Frist trying to assess Terry Schiavo's brain activity from film clips.  To begin with the problem with pH is not that it is difficult to measure but it is so ephemeral when measured in

Re: [OGD] Orchids Digest, Vol 7, Issue 503

2005-11-30 Thread BCPRESS
Considering all the interest the OGD seems to be showing in Oeceoclades, I am contemplating importing Madagascan species, including several Oeceoclades again this coming year for the Redlands Orchid Festival in Florida next May.  Whether I do or not depends to some extent on interest for adv

[OGD] OGD V6 #40 Aeranthes henrici

2006-02-01 Thread BCPRESS
I will be importing mature Aeranthes henrici from Malala Orchids [Madagascar] for the Redlands Festival in Homestead, Florida, scheduled for this coming May, along with lots of other Madagascan species not otherwise available in the US. There will be discounts for advance orders and I will sh

[OGD] Redlands Festival/Madagascan Orchids

2006-02-04 Thread BCPRESS
The tenth annual REDLAND INTERNATIONAL ORCHID FESTIVAL will be held outdoors at the Redland Fruit & Spice Park, Homestead, Florida [suburb of Miami] on May 19-21.  Fifty-five vendors, mostly from overseas, offer a wide variety of orchids, including many species that are hard to find, at reas

[OGD] OGD V8 #6 Silicon in Orchid Cell Walls

2006-02-12 Thread BCPRESS
Gene Howard asked about Silca in Cell Walls.  Bob Dressler in "Physiology and Classification of the Orchid Family" discusses the inclusion of silica bodies in orchid cells  sheathing vascular bundles as a presumed reinforcement of orchid tissue [pp 23,25]. However I

[OGD] OGD V8 #61; Species Reference Books

2006-02-15 Thread BCPRESS
While the two species reference books recommended by Stephan Manza are good, I find myself constantly going back to the Alex Hawkes "Encyclpedia of Cultivated Orchids" as more comprehensive and informative, even though it was published 41 years ago.  Although it contains few pictures, the wri

[OGD] Xanthopan

2006-02-25 Thread BCPRESS
I also own a mounted specimen of Xanthopan morgana praedicta, which will be viewable at the Malala tent at the Redland International Orchid Festival in Homestead, Florida, May 19-21, along with over 100 Madagascan species offered for sale.  If anyone would still like a list of these species,

[OGD] OGD V8 #78 Enstarholics & Chemical Toxicity

2006-03-02 Thread BCPRESS
Many lay people exhibit a morbid fear of chemicals. I have read advisories to wear protective garb and goggles when applying horticultural chemicals, yet most such agents are relatively benign. Thus Tom Hillson quotes the LD50 of Orthene to be 700 mg/Kg, which works out to 1.7 ounces of

Re: [OGD] Orchids Digest, Vol 8, Issue 125

2006-04-05 Thread BCPRESS
This is to advise Buzz Baxter to get a life.  I, for one, enjoy all the "childish bicking [bickering?]" I read in the OGD.  What I find "tiresome" is the attempts of other individuals to appoint themselves community censors and censurers.  Bert Pressman __

Re: [OGD] Orchids Digest, Vol 8, Issue 140

2006-04-18 Thread BCPRESS
Mark: I am keenly interested in access to the Plant Sciences article as well as Barbara's thesis.  By coincidence I was just thinking Barbara's thesis ought to be about ready just this morning.   Please pass on to Barbara my best regards. If anyone up there is interested, I will be bring

Re: [OGD] Orchids Digest, Vol 8, Issue 147

2006-04-25 Thread BCPRESS
The blessings of Global Garming!  Frosts were not uncommon in Miami prior to the mid '80's but we haven't had a single frost since, which the orchids sure appreciate.  I used to spend a lot of effort slinging plastic sheets over the orchid tables for winter, but nowadays I find it less e

[OGD] Communication with OGD

2006-05-05 Thread BCPRESS
I tried to contribute to the issues of carbon dioxide - oxygen and man's affect on speciation but my posts were rejected without explanation.  My attempts to contact the webmaster for an explanation have been futile.  This post is a further attermpt to find out if I retain any possibility of

[OGD] Atmospheric carbon dioxide

2006-05-06 Thread BCPRESS
 Since the source of atmospheric oxygen is conversion of carbon dioxide to oxygen by plants, the sum of oxygen + carbon dioxide remains constant.   It is hard to comprehend how oxygen levels could have ever been much higher than at present. The present steady state level of carbon dioxid

[OGD] Miami WOC

2006-05-11 Thread BCPRESS
Jose: The local grapevine here in Miami says that this year's Miami International Orchid Show, which was held in Miami Beach as a tryout for the WOC in 2008, was a financial disaster for both the management [read Robert Fuchs] and the vendors.  During March, Miami Beach is filled with sn

[OGD] Hijacking of WOC

2006-05-13 Thread BCPRESS
Fortunately Jerry Fisher understood the intended thrust of my post in OGD V8#174 which seems to have eluded Andy Easton.  The issue is not whether or not I get to judge, at the Miami WOC but the arrogance of the organizers and Andy in coming up with  ad hoc exclusion criteria.  Heretofore ju

[OGD] 19th World Orchid Conference

2006-05-17 Thread BCPRESS
Robert Fuchs' post regarding the rescheduling of 19WOC is disingenuous to say the least.  While the time chosen, the end of January, might avoid conflict with "several other major international orchid events," it coincides precisely with the Miami International Orchid Festival, scheduled for

[OGD] Orchids and pH

2006-06-02 Thread BCPRESS
Orchids and pH is an area that is often confusing to the average orchid cultivator.  Marni's experience with how ephemeral is the pH of unbuffered solutions, like her RO water. Absolutely pure water, which has a pH of 7.0, will take up enough CO2 from the atmosphere to drop to 5.5; if th

Re: [OGD] Orchids Digest, Vol 8, Issue 232

2006-07-03 Thread BCPRESS
please unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]     In a message dated 7/3/2006 5:01:05 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ___ the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD) orchids@orchidguide.com http://orchidguide.com/mailman/listinfo/orc