This week's summary

2003-10-06 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summary of the week ending 20031005 Hello, good evening, and welcome from the teeming metropolis that is Newcastle/Gateshead, home of The Angel of the North, the Winky Eye Bridge, the ham and pease pudding stotty and freezing your extremities off on a Saturday night down

This Week's Summary

2003-10-14 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summary of the week ending 20031012 Good afternoon readers. You find me sitting comfortably and tired after a vaguely frantic week involving large amounts of new (and huge) equipment, the delivery of a new Mini Cooper, and four days offline at a large format photography w

This week's summary

2003-10-22 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summary of the week ending 20031019 Lumme! Another week, another summary. Every week (almost) we start with the perl6-internals list, so here goes. An Evil task for the interested Our Glorious Leader, Dan Sugalski, last week asked for volunteers to work on making

This week's Summary

2003-10-28 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summary of the week ending 20031026 Where does the time go? It seems like only yesterday that I was sat hiding Leon Brocard in the first letters of the first 11 body paragraphs of the last summary. Now, here I am, on the train, typing away in a desperate attempt to get th

This week's summary

2003-11-03 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summary of the week ending 20031102 It's Monday morning, the croissants have been baked, the focaccia is glistening with all the extra virgin olive oil I poured on it as it left the oven and, in the airing cupboard, a raisin borodinsky slouches towards full proof (thought

This week's summary

2003-11-11 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summary of the week ending 20031109 Traditionally this paragraph concerns itself with a few words on what I've been up to before finally settling down to get the summary written. But despite the fact that it's nearly four o'clock, it's been one of those days where I seem

This week's summary

2003-11-17 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20031114 Evening all. Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin. Undoubtedly, over the last week, some or all of the following happened: * Dan Sugalski thought about design, and maybe even nailed a few more things down. * Leo

This week's summary

2003-11-25 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the fortnight ending 20031123 Right, hopefully things are back to normal(ish) after the disk crashes that rather spoilt the last summary. I've managed to fill in my mail archive too so this summary will cover the events of the last fortnight (that's two weeks

This week's summary

2003-12-02 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
The Perl 6 summary for the week ending 20031130 Welcome back to the weekly Perl 6 Summary, which I'm hoping to keep on a weekly cycle for the foreseeable future. It's been a relatively low volume week this week, I'm assuming that Thanksgiving had something to do with it (I hope tho

This week's summary

2003-12-10 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
The Perl 6 summary for the week ending 20031207 Another week, another late summary. Luckily it's been a quiet week so I should get this written faster than usual. As is traditional, we start with perl6-internals Parrot build system tinkering Andy Dougherty and other discussed ext

This week's summary

2003-12-16 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20031214 It looks like things are starting to slow down slightly as we run up to Christmas, but the quality of discussion remains high. We'll start with the usual trawl through perl6-internals. Testing for null Dan ruled on last week's discu

This week's summary

2003-12-24 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20031221 Welcome one and all to the penultimate Perl 6 Summary for 2003. The nights are long, the air is cold, freezing fog made the journey home from watching *The Return of the King* a deeply fraught experience (though probably not as fraught

This week's summary

2003-12-30 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20031228 It's the last Perl 6 Summary of 2003 already. Where did the year go? A large part of my year went down the plughole in the great double disk disaster which saw about 3 years of mail, a few gigabytes of photos and my entire summary arc

This week's summary

2004-01-05 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20040104 What a surprise, a scant week after the last Perl 6 Summary of 2003, it's the first Perl 6 Summary of 2004. Will wonders never cease? Without further ado, we'll start with perl6-internals as usual. Garbage Collection Tasks Dan noted

This week's summary

2004-01-13 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20040111 It's Monday. People have been talking about Perl 6, Parrot and the European Union Constitution. Let's find out what they've been saying about Parrot first shall we? Threads Threads were discussed some more. Dan's deadline is coming

This week's summary

2004-01-20 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
Ops file hints Leo had a list of suggestions for extra data that he thinks needs to go into the ops files. Dan agreed with everything on the list and added a todo item to the Parrot RT queue. Meanwhile in perl6-language run-once code David Storrs wan

This week's summary

2004-01-27 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20040125 Welcome to the first summary from my new home in Gateshead. The same old wibble, with a different view from its window and fewer trips to London. Right, time to see what's been going on in perl6-internals this week. Global labels in IMC

This week's summary

2004-02-03 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20040201 Welcome once again to Gateshead, where the skies are grey, the view is uninspiring, and the workmen across the road seem determined to fall off the ladder before they get the double glazing fitted. But enough of the gay Gateshead life

This week's summary

2004-02-10 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20040208 Another Monday evening. Another day of displacement activity out of the way. There's a huge lump of belly pork braising slowly in a mixture of stock, rice wine & soy sauce, and nothing on the telly. It must be time to write the Perl 6

This week's summary

2004-02-17 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20040215 In his talk on Parrot at OSCON last year, Dan said that Parrot would have objects 'by the end of the week'. It's been a very long week, and it's not finished yet. Right, venting over, time for the summary. I'll start with perl6-in

This week's summary

2004-02-26 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20040222 Welcome to the latest belated Perl 6 Summary. I'm running late, so we'll just dive straight into perl6-internals Loading bytecode at runtime Last week Dan had specced out the rules for runtime loading of bytecode. This week, Leo Töt

This week's summary

2004-03-01 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20040229 Welcome to the leapday summary. We'll crack straight on with perl6-internals Running up to release time As Leapday had been chosen as the release date for Parrot 0.1.0, the week was mostly spent getting things ready for release. A c

This week's summary

2004-03-08 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 2004-03-07 Time marches on, and another summary gets written, sure as eggs are eggs and chromatic is a chap with whom I will never start a sentence. We start, as always, with perl6-internals. Platform games Work continued this week on expand

This week's summary

2004-03-16 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 2004-03-14 Another week, another summary. It's been a pretty active week so, with a cunningly mixed metaphor, we'll dive straight into the hive of activity that is perl6-internals. Benchmarking Discussion and development of Sebastien Riedel'

This week's summary

2004-03-29 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 2004-03-28 ... and we're back! Another interesting week in Perl 6. Your Summarizer even wrote some [parrot] code and it's been simply ages since he did that. In accordance with ancient custom, we'll start the summary with perl6-internals. Bu

This week's Summary

2004-04-07 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
but you'll get a fortnight's summary the week after, because I'm good to you like that. We'll start this week's summary with perl6-internals. MMD vtable functions in bytecode Dan had announced that he was working on adding parrot bytecode support fo

This week's summary

2004-05-11 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 2004-05-09 Ooh look. Stuff's been happening in perl6-internals again. Will wonders never cease? Building NCI by default Bernhard Schmalhofer posted a patch to turn on building by default so that the tests in t/pmc/nci.t would get

This week's Summary

2004-04-28 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 2004-04-25 And we're back on a weekly schedule again (unless the Mayday bank holiday knocks me for six next week). As I expected, the Apocalypse has brought out a rash of prophets and prognosticators in perl6-language, but perl6-internals is

This week's summary

2004-05-05 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 2004-05-02 So, May Day didn't quite knock me for six this year (but being up at 4am on Newcastle Town Moor on Saturday morning to welcome in the summer with a bunch of rapper dancers (and no, rapper does not involve large shouty men wearing p

This week's summary

2004-05-26 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the fortnight ending 2004-05-23 Yes. I know. This week's summary is a week late. So it's a summary of the last two weeks. So let's get straight to perl6-internals shall we? Working on the Perl 6 Compiler Abhijit A. Mahabal posted his first ev

This week's Summary

2004-06-29 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 2004-06-27 What's this? No! It can't be! It's a *weekly* Perl 6 Summary. What is the world coming to? Sorry, I can't answer that one, so I'll tell you what's been happening this week in perl6-internals. Bignums, licenses, pie As you are

This week's summary

2004-07-05 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 2004-07-04 Another week, another Perl 6 Summary. This is becoming a habit. Let's do perl6-internals first shall we? Japhy's Perl 6 rules parser Last week Jeff 'japhy' Pinyan announced that he'd be working on a Perl 6 rules parser once he'

This week's summary

2004-07-12 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 2004-07-10 Another week down, another summer summary. On a Monday no less. Last week I even managed to get the summary to the mailing lists before the Perl 5 Porters summary. I may have been even more surprised that Rafael by that. Let's see if

This week's summary

2004-07-20 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 2004-07-18 Following last week's bizarrely dated summary (I misplaced a day) we're back with the correct week ending date, but I'm ashamed to admit that I've slipped to writing on a Tuesday again. My head hangs in shame and I am filled with the

This week's summary

2004-07-26 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 2004-07-25 Monday morning, all's well, and Piers sits down at his desk to bash out another in his ongoing series of Perl 6 Summaries. I've just realised that I missed noting the second anniversary of my writing these summaries. It came up a mo

This Week's Summary

2004-09-02 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
NB: The links are probably broken at present. Normal service will hopefully be resumed once Google gets caught up with the perl6 lists. The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 2004-08-27 Where does the time go? I blame folk festivals. Once I'm getting busy with the teacher training I'm goin

This week's Summary

2004-09-06 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 2004-09-03 Another week, a free weekend, and still I haven't started writing the summary until Monday. Still, I don't actually start at college 'til next week, so that's all right then. We start with perl6-internals. Compile op with return

This week's summary

2004-09-13 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
This week on perl6-compiler Yes you read that right; development of the Perl 6 compiler now has its own mailing list. Hopefully, in the coming weeks, the current perl6-internals list will get renamed parrot-internals to reflect that split. As I write this, has

This week's summary

2004-09-22 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 2004-09-17 Another week, another summary, and I'm running late. So: This week in perl6-compiler The current state of the compiler Discussion of the current state of the nascent perl 6 compiler and how best to contribute to its development even b

This week's summary

2004-09-26 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 2004-09-24 So, this is my last summary before I start my teaching practice. Hopefully I've got things set up so writing the summary isn't going to interfere with that, and vice versa. This week in perl6-compiler State of Rules Discussion of

This week's summary

2005-04-27 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 2005-04-26 It's my turn again. What fun. "What," I hear you all ask, "has been going on in the crazy mixed up world of Perl 6 design and development"? Read this summary and, beginning with perl6-compiler, I shall tell you. This week in perl6-

This week's summary

2005-06-08 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
The Perl 6 summary for the week ending 2005-06-07 Crumbs. I've remembered to write the summary this week. Now if I can just remember to bill O'Reilly for, err, 2003's summaries. Heck, it's not like waiting for the dollar to get stronger has paid off. Ah well, no use crying over spi

This week's summary

2005-06-23 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
The Perl 6 summary for the fortnight ending 2005-06-21 Surprise! It's me again. You may be wondering what happened to last week's summary (I know I was) and where Matt had gone. Well, I'm not entirely sure where exactly he is now, but last week was moving week for him. Those of

This week's summary

2005-07-06 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
The Perl 6 summary for the week ending 2005-07-05 My, doesn't time fly? Another fortnight gone and another summary to write. It's a hard life I tell you! This week in perl6-compiler Where's everyone gone? It seems that most of the Perl 6 compiler development is being discussed at

This week's summary

2005-07-20 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 2005-07-19 Welcome to another Perl 6 Summary, brought to you by the words 'displacement' and 'activity'. So far today I've caught up with everything unread in NetNewsWire, my Flickr groups, every other mailing list I'm subscribed to and complet

This week's summary

2005-08-03 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 2005-08-02 In case you were wondering, Darwin ports didn't work it's magic and I still don't have a working Haskell compiler. Thank Juerd for feather, even if I did have to turn my laptop upside down to read the MOTD. Rot-180: oN hes +snf This

This week's summary

2005-08-15 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20050814 As you will note from the date in the title, it's been a short week. We're switching back to a midnight Sunday/Monday rollover in order to make life easier for the types. So, if I can avoid being distracted too much by the sec

This week's summary

2005-09-26 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 2005-09-25 Hello all. It's another Monday afternoon, which means I'm writing another summary. There's no cricket to distract me this week, so I'm letting iTunes Party Shuffle attempt to distract me instead. This week in perl6-compiler Nobody s

This week's summary

2005-10-10 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 2005-10-09 Hello, and welcome to the first Perl 6 Summary to be published on my website rather than its former home at This week in perl6-compiler PGE error on failing subrules Allison broke the resounding silence of the l

This week's summary

2005-11-04 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 2005-10-30 Hmm... Thursday afternoon and I've only just started writing the summary... What happened to professionalism? What happened to rigid, albeit self-imposed deadlines? Um... I've had a cold. The cats ate my homework. This week in perl

This week's summary

2005-11-15 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the fortnight ending 2005-11-13 Welcome to another fortnight's worth of summary. We'll get back to a weekly schedule one of these fine days, you see if we don't. This fortnight in perl6-compiler There was a surprisingly large amount of activity on the list, but

This week's summary

2005-11-30 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
shin off on the bottom of the aforementioned tube train. Luckily the driver noticed my plight and did not drive off, taking my left foot with him. Instead he opened the doors and waited for me to dust myself off and board his vehicle, which carried me to Paddington where, after much hobbl

This week's summary

2005-12-08 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 2005-12-04 I heard a rumour on the mailing list week. Apparently the Perl 6 Summaries are no longer being published. As I'm sure you can imagine, it came as something of a surprise to me. This week has been all about Parrot, Leo's go

This week's summary

2005-12-19 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
The Perl 6 summary for the week ending 2005-12-18 Welcome to another Perl 6 summary. This has been a week of shootouts, cleanups, relationships and cunning translations. Read on for the details (or, this being a summary, pointers to the details). This week in perl6-compiler 2 messa

This week's summary

2006-01-03 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
The Perl 6 summary for the week ending 2006-01-01 Another year, another summary. You might think I'm going to summarize the events of the whole year, but it turns out that chromatic's already done it. So in the spirit of laziness, I'll just point you at his year end summary.

This week's summary

2002-11-27 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20021124 And some rough beast, its hour come 'round at last slouches toward... And then the scansion goes to pot and I can't make a joke fit. Shame. Anyhoo, it's time for another episode of the continuing saga of Perl 6 development. When I sa

This week's Summary

2002-12-03 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20021201 Oh look, it's only Monday evening and Piers has started writing this week's summary. What is the world coming to? As usual, we start with the internals list. C#/Parrot Status During last week's discussion o

This week's summary

2002-12-11 Thread p6summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20021208 Another Monday evening. Another summary to write. Starting, as is becoming tediously predictable, with perl6-internals. Another JIT discussion Toward the end of the previous week, Leopold Tötsch posted something about the latest ro

This week's summary

2003-01-08 Thread p6summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030105 Hello and welcome to the first summary of 2003, welcome to the future. This summary covers 2 weeks, but they've been quietish what with Christmas and the New Year. So, starting as usual with perl6-internals A pile of patches to the

This week's summary

2003-02-25 Thread Piers Cawley
der one or more of the following options: * Send money to the Perl Foundation at <> and help support the ongoing development of Perl. * Get involved in the Perl 6 process. The mailing lists are open to all. <> and <> are good starting points with links to the appropriate mailing lists. * Send feedback, flames, money, job offers or his and hers Mini Coopers to [EMAIL PROTECTED] This week's summary was again sponsored by Darren Duncan. Thanks Darren. If you'd like to become a summary sponsor, drop me a line at [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Piers

This week's summary

2003-03-03 Thread Piers Cawley
the language list will rise once more. Until then I'm enjoying the calm. Still no American Odyssey web page. One day, I promise. If you appreciated this summary, please consider one or more of the following options: * Send money to the Perl Foundation at <http://donate.perl-

This week's Summary

2003-03-25 Thread Piers Cawley
sarily) pulls it all together into something that makes sense and we move on to the next item. My gut tells me that without all the wibbling the end result wouldn't be quite so satisfying. For instance, much as I hated trying to summarize the everlasting pipeline thread, the end

This week's summary

2003-06-09 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030608 It's another Monday, it's another summary and I need to get this finished so I can starting getting the house in order before we head off to Boca Raton and points north and west on the long road to Portland, Oregon. Via Vermont. (I'm E

This week's summary

2003-06-23 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030622 Welcome to my first anniversary issue of the Perl 6 Summary. Hopefully there won't too many more anniversaries to celebrate before we have a real, running Perl 6, but there's bound to be ongoing development after that. My job is secure

This week's summary

2003-06-30 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030629 Welcome to the third of my US tour Perl 6 summaries. Once again I'm pleased to report that the denizens of the Perl 6 mailing lists continue to make the life of a touring summarizer an easy one by not posting all that much to the lists

This Week's Summary

2003-07-08 Thread Piers Cawley
Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030706 Welcome to this week's Perl 6 Summary, coming to you live from a gatecrashed Speakers' lounge at OSCON/TPC, surrounded by all the cool people like Dan Sugalski, Lisa Wolfisch, Graham Barr and Geoff Young, who aren't distracting me from wri

This week's summary

2003-07-15 Thread Piers Cawley
Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030713 Welcome once again to the Perl 6 Summary, in a week of major developments and tantalizing hints. Starting, as usual, with what's happening in perl6-internals Targeting Parrot from GCC Discussion in the thread entitled 'WxWindows Suppor

This Week's Summary

2003-08-14 Thread Piers Cawley
Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030810 Another week, another summary. How predictable is that? In keeping with the predictability, we'll start with the internals list. Set vs. Assign "T.O.G of Spookware" has an issue with the way IMCC treats "="; sometimes an "=" means "set

This week's summary

2003-09-08 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030907 Welcome to the last Perl 6 summary of my 35th year. Next week's summary will (in theory) be written on my 36th birthday (a year of being square, so no change there then). I'll give you fair warning that it might be late, though it prob

This week's summary

2003-09-15 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030914 Welcome to this week's Perl 6 Summary. And what better way could there be of spending the morning of your 36th birthday than by reading through a bunch of old messages in a couple of mailing lists and boiling them down into a summary?

This week's summary

2003-09-23 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summary of the week ending 20030921 Deadlines, I love the sound they make as they fly past. Those of you who receive this summary via mail may have noticed that this summary is a little late, with any luck it will make up for its tardiness by being inaccurate and badly w

This week's summary

2003-09-29 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summary of the week ending 20030928 This week, on perl6-internals, stuff was said, code was written, Leo Tötsch was the patchmonster, life got some colour, Amir Karger needs to work harder if he wants to be mentioned in the summary again, Dan Sugalski was our glorious lea

Re: This week's Summary

2003-10-29 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Piers Cawley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Object Freezing [ ... ] > ... The upshot is that we're doing it Dan's way; Glorious Leader > continues to trump Pumpking Patchmonster. As this is a summary, abbove sentence is a summary as well. The reality is more complex. The final implementa

Re: This week's summary

2003-11-05 Thread Piers Cawley
Leopold Toetsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Piers Cawley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >> Parrot Calling Convention Confusion >> ... -- I thought they were exactly the same as an unprototyped call, >> but you invoke the return continuation (P1) instead of P0, the other >> registers

Re: This week's summary

2003-11-04 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Piers Cawley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Parrot Calling Convention Confusion > ... -- I thought they were exactly the same as an unprototyped call, > but you invoke the return continuation (P1) instead of P0, the other > registers are set up exactly as if you were making an unprotot

Re: This week's summary

2003-11-11 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Piers Cawley wrote: "newsub" and implicit registers [...] ops [...] that IMCC needed to track. Leo has a patch in his tree that deals with the issue. Sorry, my posting seems to have been misleading. The register tracking code is in the CVS tree. Thanks again for your summaries, leo

Re: This week's summary

2003-11-14 Thread Piers Cawley
Leopold Toetsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Piers Cawley wrote: > >> "newsub" and implicit registers >> [...] ops [...] that IMCC needed to >> track. Leo has a patch in his tree that deals with the issue. > > Sorry, my posting seems to have been misleading. The register tracking > code

Re: This week's summary

2003-11-25 Thread Joseph Ryan
The Perl 6 Summarizer wrote: Do Steve Fink's debugging for him Steve Fink had a problem with some generated code throwing a segfault when it was run and, having hit the debugging wall himself, posted the code to the list and asked help. Leo tracked down the bug in Parrot and fixed it.

Re: This week's summary

2003-12-10 Thread Leopold Toetsch
The Perl 6 Summarizer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > PMC Compiler 2nd edition > ... Melvin wondered if the time had come to replace the > existing ops2c and pmc2c with the newer versions. Leo thought that > pmc2c2 was definitely stable enough, but wasn't too sure about ops2

Re: This week's summary

2003-12-10 Thread Mark J. Reed
On 2003-12-10 at 15:05:09, The Perl 6 Summarizer wrote: > Oh yes, if you've not been following, "^op" (ie, the vector operators) > has become " >>op<< " which is, if nothing else, a right swine to write > in a POD C<> escape. Eh, >>op<< is just a hack for people who can't type C<»op«>

Re: This week's summary

2003-12-16 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summarizer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Vocabulary > If you're even vaguely interested in the workings of Perl 6's object > system, you need to read the referenced post. > > Luke Palmer, worrying about people using Object related vocabulary in > subtly inconsistent way

Re: This week's summary

2003-12-16 Thread Luke Palmer
Piers Cawley writes: > The Perl 6 Summarizer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > Vocabulary > > If you're even vaguely interested in the workings of Perl 6's object > > system, you need to read the referenced post. > > > > Luke Palmer, worrying about people using Object related vocabulary

Re: This week's summary

2003-12-16 Thread Piers Cawley
Luke Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Piers Cawley writes: >> The Perl 6 Summarizer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: >> > >> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] >> >> This should, of course, read: >> >>[EMAIL PROTECTED] > > Or even: > >

Re: This week's summary

2003-12-20 Thread A. Pagaltzis
* The Perl 6 Summarizer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-12-16 11:57]: > bear in mind that the authors of the paper use the term > 'trait' for what we're calling a 'role' (We already have > traits you see). > > > -- Traits p

Re: This week's summary

2003-12-21 Thread Piers Cawley
"A. Pagaltzis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > * The Perl 6 Summarizer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-12-16 11:57]: >> bear in mind that the authors of the paper use the term >> 'trait' for what we're calling a 'role' (We already have >> traits you see). >> >>

Re: This week's summary

2003-12-25 Thread Piers Cawley
Michael Joyce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Thank you for a lovely Christmas Present. Any time.

Re: This week's summary

2003-12-26 Thread Michael Joyce
Thank you for a lovely Christmas Present. Michael On Dec 24, 2003, at 2:37 AM, The Perl 6 Summarizer wrote: The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20031221 Welcome one and all to the penultimate Perl 6 Summary for 2003. The nights are long, the air is cold, freezing fog made the journey

Re: This week's summary

2004-01-05 Thread John Siracusa
On 1/5/04 1:55 PM, Lars Balker Rasmussen wrote: > The Perl 6 Summarizer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: >> I confess I wouldn't be surprised if, by the end of the year, we haven't seen >> the full implementation of at least one of the big non-Perl scripting >> languages on top of Parrot. > > I'm confu

Re: This week's summary

2004-01-05 Thread A. Pagaltzis
* Lars Balker Rasmussen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-01-05 20:42]: > I'm confused, are you optimistic or pessimistic in that last > sentence? Sounds carefully optimistic to me. At least it certainly doesn't sound pessimistic per se, no? -- Regards, Aristotle "If you can't laugh at yourself, you d

Re: This week's summary

2004-01-05 Thread Piers Cawley
chromatic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > On Mon, 2004-01-05 at 10:55, Lars Balker Rasmussen wrote: > >> The Perl 6 Summarizer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > >> > I confess I wouldn't be >> > surprised if, by the end of the year, we haven't seen the full >> > implementation of at least

RE: This week's summary

2004-01-05 Thread Austin Hastings
The Perl 6 Summarizer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > I confess > I wouldn't be surprised if, > by the end of the year, > we haven't seen > the full implementation of > at least one of > the big > non-Perl > scripting languages > on top of Parrot. Obviously you've been reading the proposed EU con

Re: This week's summary

2004-01-05 Thread Uri Guttman
> "AH" == Austin Hastings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: AH> PS: While I'm somewhat sympathetic to the fact that eu guys are AH> trying to spin up 200 years worth of amendments and supreme court AH> decisions at the same time, it's still a ratf*ck. Eu need to get AH> eurselves a Larry. I

RE: This week's summary

2004-01-05 Thread Austin Hastings
> -Original Message- > From: Uri Guttman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > > "AH" == Austin Hastings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > AH> PS: While I'm somewhat sympathetic to the fact that eu guys are > AH> trying to spin up 200 years worth of amendments and supreme court > AH> decisi

Re: This week's summary

2004-01-05 Thread Uri Guttman
> "AH" == Austin Hastings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: >> -Original Message- >> From: Uri Guttman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] >> >> but he if worked on that at the rate he is churning out apocalypses, it >> would be another 200 years. this is not a knock on larry but a comment

RE: This week's summary

2004-01-05 Thread Austin Hastings
From: Uri Guttman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > > "AH" == Austin Hastings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > >> -Original Message- > >> From: Uri Guttman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > >> > >> but he if worked on that at the rate he is churning out apocalypses, it > >> would be anot

Re: This week's summary

2004-01-05 Thread Chip Salzenberg
According to Austin Hastings: > When you consider some of the issues, it's sort of obvious that they're > trying *real* hard not to say, "Look the Americans solved this problem > already." Three words: "Second System Effect". -- Chip Salzenberg - a.k.a. - <[EMAIL PROTE

Re: This week's summary

2004-01-05 Thread Uri Guttman
> "AH" == Austin Hastings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: >> reminds me of the great line: in EU they consider a 100 miles a long >> distance, in the US we consider 100 years a long time. :) AH> That's very good. I'm going to recycle it. Do you know the author? dunno. i have heard it from

Re: This week's summary

2004-01-05 Thread Lars Balker Rasmussen
The Perl 6 Summarizer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Me? I think Perl 6's design 'in the large' will be pretty much done once > Apocalypse 12 and its corresponding Exegesis are finished. Of course, > the devil is in the details, but I don't doubt that the hoped for > existence of a w

Re: This week's summary

2004-01-05 Thread Melvin Smith
At 07:55 PM 1/5/2004 +0100, Lars Balker Rasmussen wrote: The Perl 6 Summarizer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > people's salaries will depend on Parrot. I confess I wouldn't be > surprised if, by the end of the year, we haven't seen the full > implementation of at least one of the big non-

Re: This week's summary

2004-01-05 Thread Piers Cawley
Lars Balker Rasmussen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > The Perl 6 Summarizer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: >> Me? I think Perl 6's design 'in the large' will be pretty much >> done once Apocalypse 12 and its corresponding Exegesis are >> finished. Of course, the devil is in the details, but

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