Re: [Talk-us] Deleting / Closing / Renaming all places in a chain

2016-09-07 Thread Mike N
On 9/7/2016 2:38 PM, Brian Stromberg wrote: My point was only that applying an automated process nationwide without any consideration for on-the-ground verification seems likely to make a less accurate map. For the ITT case, there is presumably a reference on the web site that lists all

Re: [Talk-us] Deleting / Closing / Renaming all places in a chain

2016-09-07 Thread Mike N
On 9/7/2016 10:13 AM, Brian Stromberg wrote: Automated nationwide mapping seems like it would introduce more problems than it would solve. If maps are intended to represent the truth on the ground, then the only way to create a useful map is by reporting what is actually there rather than making

Re: [Talk-us] Deleting / Closing / Renaming all places in a chain

2016-09-07 Thread Mike N
On 9/7/2016 3:45 AM, Frederik Ramm wrote: Except those humans who could have used that outdated thing as a marker to tell them that the map is dated. Yes they could look at the last modification date of things or analyze how many contributors the area has or myriad other OSM insider things. But

Re: [Talk-us] Deleting / Closing / Renaming all places in a chain

2016-09-06 Thread Mike N
On 9/6/2016 5:36 PM, Frederik Ramm wrote: Automatically editing away something country-wide hides the fact that the map lacks attention in an area. I'm not sure that hiding lack of attention is such a bad thing. In some places I only update items of interest instead of taking the time to

Re: [OSM-talk] Analysis of usage of similar tags over time

2016-09-01 Thread Mike N
On 9/1/2016 6:04 AM, Éric Gillet wrote: You can see on taginfo that there are indeed around 104k ATM on OSM : Also 222000+ combined with amenity=bank as atm=yes , (a small % of those are atm=no)

Re: [Talk-us] friendly notice: Atlanta road construction rendering imagery out-of-date

2016-08-24 Thread Mike N
On 8/24/2016 9:14 PM, Jack Burke wrote: Since I'm on e-mail tonight, I thought I'd bring folks up-to-date on some ongoing road construction north and south of Atlanta that is rendering some pretty important imagery out-of-date. So before you go about trying to "fix" something that doesn't match

Re: [Talk-us] Check your turn:lanes

2016-08-24 Thread Mike N
On 8/24/2016 6:19 PM, Jack Burke wrote: The problem is, it's breaking the values instead. I found a section of road that I'd added turn:lanes to in order to provide lane guidance at an exit. My original value of "none|none|none|none|none;slight_right" was replaced by "slight_right". I

Re: [OSM-talk] Uber most likely using OSM data

2016-08-11 Thread Mike N
On 8/11/2016 10:53 AM, Dave F wrote: Just because it's very similar to OSM doesn't means it isn't using to some other database. You're arguing what I believe is called a 'false cause fallacy' Similarly, the Uber path could follow the OSM path but differ from both Google and Aerial imagery,

Re: [Talk-us] Map spam

2016-07-10 Thread Mike N
On 7/10/2016 3:30 PM, OSM Volunteer stevea wrote: It is just not that big of a problem. I am weirdly impressed by the odd combination of "quite well-formed data tagging, yet I can still (nearly always) determine that the node is spam." In other words, they are trying hard to fly in under our

Re: [Talk-transit] GTFS, tools and pt tags generally

2016-06-20 Thread Mike N
On 6/20/2016 5:18 PM, Paul Johnson wrote: I really wonder how TriMet ultimately accomplished this, since that would seem like a decent-ish starting point since that system is in charge of a fairly multimodal system with above and below ground stations, split-level stations, and transit centers

Re: [OSM-talk] Duplicate house numbers

2016-05-29 Thread Mike N
On 5/29/2016 7:13 PM, john whelan wrote: I suspect an import of some type but more importantly is the problem of cleaning up. They have the same values for addr:city addr:housenumber addr:street Re: cleanup check - I have created many duplicates like this, but they generally have different

Re: [Talk-us] Dual carriage way?

2016-05-14 Thread Mike N
On 5/14/2016 12:13 PM, Eric Ladner wrote: I've converted a lot of "FIXME" single ways into dual one way highways, but I've never converted one back the other way. Before I embark on converting it to a single way, just wanted to get the thoughts of other US mappers. I ran into this also in

Re: [Talk-us] Improving coverage of exit numbers and destinations on motorways

2016-05-04 Thread Mike N
On 5/4/2016 4:18 AM, Greg Morgan wrote: At one time there was a discussion on the list about moving exit_to tags as destination tags on the ramp. I moved most of the exit_to tags that I mapped to the ramps. Here you are proposing something different by leaving some exit_to tags and adding

Re: [Talk-us] Per-State relations for the Appalachian Trail

2016-05-02 Thread Mike N
On 5/2/2016 11:41 AM, Elliott Plack wrote: This got me thinking, is there any specific need to have the route broken up by state? Unlike interstate highways, where maintenance changes across state lines, at the border, the AT maintenance is handled by a trifecta of federal agencies and a

[Talk-us] US 221 (NC) Median U-Turns

2016-04-22 Thread Mike N
This is just a new road configuration (to me). NC Onemap aerials updated to show the latest road configuration after they expanded 10 miles of dual carriageway on US221 in NC. They used Median U-turn configurations along the length rather than straight cross traffic for the crossroads

Re: [OSM-talk] [Osmf-talk] [Talk-us] license changes

2016-02-22 Thread Mike N
On 2/22/2016 4:38 AM, Simone Cortesi wrote: Looking at previous discussions about "yet another licence change" I wonder if the real client of the exercise really isn't OpenStreetMap US but some company whose name starts with Map* Speaking as an OSM US participant and not affiliated with any

Re: [Talk-us] Smartphone App that searches OSM addresses?

2016-01-10 Thread Mike N
On 1/10/2016 12:54 AM, Greg Morgan wrote: I am using the Android version of Maps.ME and there is a IOS version. Thanks - I took a look at it and it worked for me, including the voice turn by turn directions! I have ended up with 13 apps in my "OSM Nav" folder, and they excel at

[Talk-us] Smartphone App that searches OSM addresses?

2016-01-09 Thread Mike N
In the case where a county completely revamps its road network and addressing scheme for E911 purposes, then authorizes its road and address data to OSM, and it's properly imported, are there any Smartphone apps for both Android and IOS that would search those addresses? And have turn by

Re: [OSM-talk] Nominatim weakness

2015-12-13 Thread Mike N
On 12/13/2015 6:47 PM, Jorge Gustavo Rocha wrote: ii) Nominatim can search only within a bounding box. You can get the map extent and append to the nominatim query (viewboxlbrt parameter). Why does the default OSM search box include the world instead of the viewport? Is it because no one

Re: [Talk-us] Find missing roads plugin - JOSM

2015-12-09 Thread Mike N
On 12/9/2015 9:58 PM, Martijn van Exel wrote: Thanks for reporting Mike - I will pass this on to our dev right away so we can look into it. Any additional contextual information that may help reproduce is more than welcome. Martijn I checked it again - the problem has cleared up on the

[Talk-us] Find missing roads plugin - JOSM

2015-12-08 Thread Mike N
I ran into a small problem with the missing roads plugin in JOSM. When I have it selected, it goes active when I first download something. There is some sort of problem with the missing roads search web service at Wireshark shows that

Re: [Talk-us] Deleting standalone empty nodes?

2015-12-07 Thread Mike N
On 12/7/2015 8:39 PM, Steve Friedl wrote: Most of them are by bots – OSMF Redaction Account, woodpeck_fixbot – and they appear to be spurious, but I’m not sure if they are there for a reason. Is there ever any benefit in a standalone node with no tags, especially if it doesn’t appear to be in

[Talk-us] Railway = racetrack ?!

2015-11-23 Thread Mike N
I've never noticed this sort of oval railyard in the US before. At first glance, I was thinking railway=racetrack, but of course it isn't. It seems to be some sort of grain depot, but that's the fanciest rail network I've ever seen for a grain depot.

Re: [Talk-us] Railway = racetrack ?!

2015-11-23 Thread Mike N It seems to be the Green Plains ethanol production plant in Obion, TN. ___ Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Notes: View them based on age?

2015-10-20 Thread Mike N
On 10/20/2015 7:06 PM, Dave F. wrote: Is there a way to view OSM Notes (right hand side of map) based on the date created? It's a bit of a pain to remember which of the notes I've already clicked on. I've found the RSS feed very helpful for highlighting only new or closed notes within a

Re: [Talk-us] OpenStreetMap US elections: October 12 townhall with candidates

2015-10-14 Thread Mike N
On 10/14/2015 1:33 PM, Wolfgang Zenker wrote: One idea would be to have a mapping party doing TIGER fixup for one rural county, then contact the local newspaper, write an article what has been done and ask for help regarding wrong/incomplete road names, wrong data caused by outdated imagery,

Re: [Talk-us] [OSM-talk] Find missing roads

2015-10-05 Thread Mike N
On 10/4/2015 3:32 PM, Greg Morgan wrote: 3.) It would be helpful to put in a count of tiles in the red dot. I was surprised to see some large red dots contain only three tiles while others contained many. It did not feel like the intuitive dot size matched the actual size of the effort.

Re: [Talk-us] Find missing roads

2015-09-30 Thread Mike N
On 9/30/2015 2:40 PM, Paul Johnson wrote: I do find two things remarkable about this plugin's output: 1. It seems to have picked out an incomplete set based on the paths relative to imagery. 2. I have no way of being able to survey the exact location of the GPS output from the plugin

Re: [Talk-us] Should driveways be on OSM?

2015-09-28 Thread Mike N
On 9/28/2015 1:33 AM, Tom Bloom wrote: TIGER drew thousands of driveways that are often simply wrong. They are tagged private and in my opinion spoil the map appearance with little red squiggles all over the place. No other map I've found includes them. Looking around the country, I notice some

Re: [OSM-talk] THIS is the kind of enthusiasm some would reject

2015-09-12 Thread Mike N
On 9/12/2015 3:02 PM, Frederik Ramm wrote: If I were trying to drum up support for OSM in the US, I'd probably also welcome someone who maps abandoned railways, so that I'm not alone at the monthly meetup There's some truth to that in the US - one of the 3 regular mappers here in a several

[Talk-us] Strategy for 'updated' TIGER regions

2015-09-03 Thread Mike N
There have been analysis and strategy about fixing TIGER 'Deserts'[1], but what is the best way to manage regions that have been thoroughly updated to match TIGER, and possibly enhanced beyond that with local knowledge? Background - An essential task in keeping OSM updated and relevant in

Re: [OSM-talk] Abandoned Rails

2015-08-23 Thread Mike N
On 8/23/2015 2:03 PM, Dave F. wrote: Are you saying if a building gets demolished replaced with a new one, you wouldn't remove the original outline from OSM? In my case, I've begun to do just that, adding a note to alert the 'Bing tracers' that something has changed. But I would eventually

Re: [Talk-us] New MapRoulette challenge - fix railway crossings

2015-08-20 Thread Mike N
On 8/4/2015 4:59 PM, Martijn van Exel wrote: Also, please even if you see the crossing rendered, do go in and check, because I have seen more than once that the crossing node is not a shared node between way and rail. (Hint, use 'j' to join node to way and 'm' to merge nodes that are (almost) on

Re: [Talk-us] Arm chair mapping challenges

2015-08-18 Thread Mike N
On 8/18/2015 10:27 AM, Tod Fitch wrote: Some other mapper has updated the area to remove the old buildings and streets and marked the area as under construction. All of that seems correct from what I’ve read in the paper and what little I can see on the ground. But it means the area differs

Re: [Talk-us] NAIP US Aerial Imagery

2015-08-12 Thread Mike N
. Is that something you're interested in? On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 11:56 AM, Mike N wrote: Does anyone know about current NAIP aerial imagery? SC 2015 imagery has been acquired and can be viewed, but the page no longer lists WMS as a format - http

Re: [Talk-us] NAIP US Aerial Imagery

2015-08-12 Thread Mike N
On 8/12/2015 5:51 PM, TC Haddad wrote: Just to comment on this one point: As a federal agency, the USDA is *required* to support the open standard option of the WMS service type, so it *should* be available. In looking at all the different state NAIP imagery sets listed in their directory here:

[Talk-us] NAIP US Aerial Imagery

2015-08-12 Thread Mike N
Does anyone know about current NAIP aerial imagery? SC 2015 imagery has been acquired and can be viewed, but the page no longer lists WMS as a format - SC 2013 WMS imagery has already been removed. Does

Re: [Talk-us] New MapRoulette challenge - fix railway crossings

2015-08-04 Thread Mike N
On 8/4/2015 5:21 PM, Martijn van Exel wrote: I didn't want to make the instructions too convoluted. We can always go back in and manually check for these 'unjoined crossings'. I am just mentioning Yes - this should be relatively easy to detect afterwards: duplicate node where one or more are

Re: [Talk-us] New MapRoulette challenge - fix railway crossings

2015-08-02 Thread Mike N
It was a pleasant dive into the latest MapRoulette challenge - my impression now is that most road-rail intersections in the US have previously been touched. The stats for the fix railway challenge seem to confirm this: 75% are skipped or have been previously completed. A far cry from the

Re: [Talk-us] New MapRoulette challenge - fix railway crossings

2015-07-31 Thread Mike N
Fantastic! One question - it recommends to skip the task if you can see the X already. But doesn't this place that challenge back on the queue where it will stay forever as long as people keep using 'skip'? On 7/31/2015 6:42 PM, Martijn van Exel wrote: Hi all, Partly inspired by Google

Re: [Talk-us] Am I mapping this wrong, or should the router be fixed for this?

2015-07-27 Thread Mike N
2) There should be some cost in a routing engine for making a u-turn so as to discourage such routes even if there was an extra set of signals. Making a u-turn does take time (one can not go from the posted speed limit in one direction to the posted speed limit in the other direction

Re: [Talk-us] Railway crossing challenge for MapRoulette

2015-07-08 Thread Mike N
On 7/8/2015 2:43 PM, Greg Morgan wrote: I see the why Martijn would be hard pressed to exclude crossings that are already in the OSM. He's using the Federal Railway Administration, FRA, data as a punch list in this challenge. Perhaps you can add additional features to a crossing in this

Re: [Talk-us] Railway crossing challenge for MapRoulette

2015-07-06 Thread Mike N
On 7/6/2015 10:46 AM, Martijn van Exel wrote: Please share your corrections / feedback so I can improve this if necessary before I push it live. (In particular I am never sure whether to use crossing or level_crossing.) Thanks for doing that challenge - it sounds like a great fit for

Re: [OSM-talk] Mechanical edits

2015-06-29 Thread Mike N
On 6/29/2015 11:12 AM, Michael Reichert wrote: That's why I think that there should be no restriction on API side. Either people realize that mechanical edits have to be disussed first (after revert of their first undiscussed mechanical edit) or they get blocked if they refuse contact with the

[Talk-us] SOTM-US - Great Videos!

2015-06-11 Thread Mike N
I couldn't make it to SOTM-US because of time constraints, but wanted to thank the sponsors and all who made the great videos! ___ Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] a plea to armchair mappers

2015-06-11 Thread Mike N
On 6/11/2015 12:46 PM, Mike N wrote: I've seen this problem also - an area marked for construction, all roads bulldozed out, - the roads re-appear due to a TIGEROSM comparison test because they're in Bing. Speaking of which, one of those came back to life yesterday. I tried the README

Re: [Talk-us] Truck stop gas stations as caravan_site

2015-06-01 Thread Mike N
On 6/1/2015 10:34 AM, Jack Burke wrote: I was wondering if it is appropriate to tag truck stops with tourism=caravan_site. I've noticed a lot of them tagged this way, presumably because many of the truck stop chains allow overnight parking of RVs, some have dump stations, etc. It may have

[Talk-us] Detection of suspicious edits

2015-05-19 Thread Mike N
On 5/18/2015 7:13 PM, Frederik Ramm wrote: At first glance it really looks as if the user did nothing more than random deletions across the country. I wonder why it hasn't been noticed before. In the US, it's probably related to the number of regular mappers per unit area. If no mappers

Re: [OSM-talk] Chain Store Cleanup

2015-05-01 Thread Mike N
On 5/1/2015 11:07 AM, Frederik Ramm wrote: That's a very computer person approach to take. In fact, the McDonald's issue has already been tried by someone in the past with an undiscussed mechanical edit, promptly falsifying a few non-chain non-fastfood places that*really* were called McDonalds

Re: [OSM-talk] what happens to an OSM account if the user dies

2015-04-08 Thread Mike N
On 4/8/2015 7:26 AM, maning sambale wrote: Sad news that my friend and OSM contributor died from a vehicular accident. I'm curious, what happens to an OSM user account if this happens? Sorry to hear this.In the past with the license change, the contributions were summarily deleted at

Re: [Talk-us] Facts about the world

2015-04-04 Thread Mike N
On 4/3/2015 5:32 PM, Eleanor Tutt wrote: I'm interested in hearing more about how and why people contribute to the map. It's just a hobby for me, a way to get out and learn some obscure facts about a place. Most contributions come from a GPS survey or local observation. Although I

Re: [Talk-us] perceptions of OHM and other similar projects

2015-04-04 Thread Mike N
On 4/3/2015 9:17 AM, Richard Welty wrote: i think the long term future of OSM will probably involve more OHM like projects to supplement OSM. my question is how will the core OSM community treat them? right now it seems very mixed. I think it's a great idea. There may be some definition

Re: [Talk-us] Facts about the world

2015-04-04 Thread Mike N
On 4/4/2015 1:04 PM, Minh Nguyen wrote: I wonder if it was even about the resolution in some counties. It's as if the data was traced off a cartogram, or maybe reconstructed from a table of intersections. Or recorded with a GPS back in the days when the signal was scrambled, that is with the

Re: [Talk-us] New North America coverage of Osmose QA

2015-04-02 Thread Mike N
Thank you for the addition of this valuable quality tool! ___ Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] For comment: import of amenity=bicycle_repair_stations

2015-03-25 Thread Mike N
I happened to be near one of these today, and I had to move it about 8 meters. REVERT! (not really, just kidding) I think this was a useful dataset for import. And if there were some variations on the actual position, I don't see how this is any different from typical mapping errors,

Re: [OSM-talk] Routing across parks

2015-03-18 Thread Mike N
Are there routers that do shortest-path routing across areas? I do not have an example of an area without additional roads ready. I'm not aware of any routers that routes across areas. There's some prior work in OpenTripPlanner -

Re: [OSM-talk] Problem with usage of other values than yes for key building

2015-03-11 Thread Mike N
On 3/11/2015 6:37 AM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote: nd common editor presets. In iD without expert mode / all tags the only values for the building key are yes and unknown (which will not set any key I believe), if other tags like amenity etc. are also set. No way to enter free text then. FWIW,

Re: [OSM-talk] Routing across parks

2015-03-10 Thread Mike N
On 3/10/2015 12:56 PM, Volker Schmidt wrote: If I understand correctly that you want routing to cross a park as long as the way in and the way out are connected to the perimeter of the park. This is only correct in parks where you are free to walk anywhere. Most parks in continental Europe do

[Talk-us] Why does the USA currently lag in OSM map quality?

2015-02-17 Thread Mike N
FYI - there's a general discussion on Why does the USA currently lag in OSM map quality? over on a web forum: ___ Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Why does the USA currently lag in OSM map quality?

2015-02-17 Thread Mike N
On 2/17/2015 3:30 PM, Bryce Nesbitt wrote: A pile of automatically imported or collected data is really not all that interesting or complete. I think in the USA the way forward involves finding user communities not served by other maps (e.g. Bear Boxes, above). I've found that after a quorum

Re: [OSM-talk] this has to stop: iD user mistakes all over the place

2015-02-11 Thread Mike N
On 2/11/2015 2:49 PM, Bryce Nesbitt wrote: Read through the issue tracker: It's clear that issues reported are pushed back on by the core iD developers. It's very tightly held. I disagree (not a developer here). The interesting thing that came out of this discussion is the realization that

Re: [Talk-us] Tagging addresses on area's

2015-02-05 Thread Mike N
On 2/4/2015 11:25 PM, Greg Morgan wrote: addr:housenumber contains both the number and the building letter in the same field. The map is useful because you can find the building. How have other people tried to handle these situations? I haven't tried in any meaningful way. It's too early

Re: [Talk-us] Updating tagging of public transport

2015-02-03 Thread Mike N
On 2/3/2015 3:31 PM, Paul Johnson wrote: Is the new style backwards compatible with the old style? The new Public Transport style is backward compatible and offers a more uniform tagging style with some additional capabilities (in my opinion). Especially in regards to potentially having

Re: [Talk-us] Should this be a dual carriageway?

2015-01-08 Thread Mike N
On 1/8/2015 3:13 PM, Zontine, Chris -(p) wrote: Thanks for the research. I will change the highway to trunk and leave as a single carriageway. I found this old photo , which seems to approximately match the recent Bing. If it's still in this

Re: [Talk-us] Should this be a dual carriageway?

2015-01-08 Thread Mike N
On 1/8/2015 5:51 PM, Richard Welty wrote: I found this old photo , which seems to approximately match the recent Bing. If it's still in this configuration, a single carriageway is probably best. The double double yellows would imply no turns and no

Re: [OSM-talk] Change: How mature is OpenStreetMap?

2015-01-06 Thread Mike N
On 1/6/2015 4:23 AM, Andreas Goss wrote: I have this with fitness centre/gym now again. A few replies and then nobody cares. I'm pretty sure that now I tag each fitness centre randomly differently. I'd prefer a single convention, but I can see that there will never be agreement.

Re: [OSM-talk] MEP - pipelines

2015-01-06 Thread Mike N
On 1/6/2015 6:47 AM, Chris Hill wrote: If the new scheme is adopted in staged way that would be better than a single mass edit, though it can still break data use for people who don't follow OSM's mailing lists. I don't blame the proposer of the scheme; he's just following the daft guidelines

Re: [Talk-us] Tagging outdoor US shopping centers

2014-12-24 Thread Mike N
On 12/23/2014 9:40 PM, Doug Hembry wrote: I'm a relative newbie, and here's a question I've been puzzling over for a while: What's the best practice for tagging a north American outdoor shopping center? I agree with all the previous advice, and have also run into some minor quirks when

Re: [OSM-talk] Wiki - contact: Tag Map Features

2014-12-19 Thread Mike N
On 12/19/2014 3:47 PM, Dave F. wrote: From memory the original claim was all 'contacts' could be filtered out in one go, but it was pointed out that post filtering would still need to be performed, and I'm no programming expert, but I was led to believe parsing a string like 'contact:email' is

[OSM-talk] OSM Mapwear

2014-12-03 Thread Mike N
I don't remember seeing this mentioned here... ___ talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Directional suffixes on roads: yes or no?

2014-12-01 Thread Mike N
On 12/1/2014 12:55 AM, Elliott Plack wrote: When you say that most people don't refer to it as such, that can definitely pose a challenge to cartographers. My opinion is to use the full name with the post directional and let map data users (or humans) choose what to ignore. I also feel that

Re: [Talk-us] Updating tagging of public transport

2014-11-27 Thread Mike N
On 11/27/2014 3:08 PM, Saikrishna Arcot wrote: Not sure if this is the right list or the tagging list is better, but I see some bus and subway routes in the Atlanta area that use the older version of tagging public transport routes. Should these be updated to use the newer version of tagging?

Re: [OSM-talk] Detrimental validation software

2014-10-13 Thread Mike N
On 10/13/2014 6:48 AM, Dave F. wrote: This, other similar types of software is being misused to insert errors into the OSM database. Without local knowledge there is no way users can be sure of the accuracy of there edits. They should stick to what they know. I believe this type of validation

[Talk-us] TIGER 2014 update

2014-09-16 Thread Mike N
Just out of curiosity, I did a dumb road name comparison between TIGER 2013 and TIGER 2014 for the surrounding dozen counties. I was surprised to find that my local county had a bunch of new roads added. So the TIGER data can get a major update for a reason other than the census workers

Re: [Talk-us] Taxiways and runways in mapnik?

2014-09-08 Thread Mike N
On 9/8/2014 3:30 PM, stevea wrote: What happened to taxiways (and runways?) in mapnik recently? Take a look at any airport with taxiways near you and see if it isn't re-rendering in a oops, something is missing kind of way. Issues are being worked on - There is indeed an issue with

Re: [Talk-us] Dirt Roads (formerly: Abandoned railway)

2014-09-02 Thread Mike N
On 9/1/2014 11:27 PM, Nick Hocking wrote: I think thrse ways can easily be identified by... 1) They are original TIGER data import 2) They have not been edited since import 3) They are higway=residential 4) They are unnamed Another way to select roads having suspicious routing would be:

Re: [Talk-us] Dirt Roads (formerly: Abandoned railway)

2014-09-01 Thread Mike N
On 9/1/2014 7:53 AM, Richard Fairhurst wrote: I think the other half of the equation, however, is actually getting this fixed across the country. At present it appears to be just a small number of mappers doing it in their areas; To be honest, I don't really get the problem with excessive

Re: [Talk-us] Dirt Roads (formerly: Abandoned railway)

2014-09-01 Thread Mike N
On 9/1/2014 9:59 AM, Wolfgang Zenker wrote: I guess you haven't done much in the rural parts of the US yet. Have a look at Lincoln County MT: You will find A LOT of tracks. Most of these had been tagged as residential highway in the TIGER import (with horrible distorted geometry of course), and

Re: [Talk-us] Dirt Roads (formerly: Abandoned railway)

2014-09-01 Thread Mike N
On 9/1/2014 11:27 AM, Richard Fairhurst wrote: Except I don't know if they're at all cyclable, or if I need to take the bike with knobbly tyres, or even if they exist at all. OSM in the US just isn't reliable to that level, whereas it is in Western Europe, and the Australians are also working on

Re: [Talk-us] Abandoned railway

2014-08-30 Thread Mike N
On 8/30/2014 4:33 AM, Richard Fairhurst wrote: Seriously, OSM in the US, outside a few cities, is still way beyond broken. You can open it at any random location and the map is just fictional. (I did, just now: . Landing on the high plains

Re: [OSM-talk] Detrimental to the OSM database

2014-08-24 Thread Mike N
On 8/24/2014 10:48 AM, Russ Nelson wrote: I do wish I could tell it Only show me things in New York State, because screw everybody else, this is a competition and I'm here to win. Go NY! Go NY! Your wish has been granted. At the top of the Select a different challenge dialog, press I want

Re: [OSM-talk] Detrimental to the OSM database

2014-08-23 Thread Mike N
On 8/23/2014 5:20 AM, Lester Caine wrote: is the one I'm currently on and leaving as it's impossible to see any detail in iD ... how do people cope with the dark images? In iD, select the imagery layer New

Re: [Talk-us] (Was) How is Scout?

2014-07-19 Thread Mike N
On 7/18/2014 9:49 PM, Tod Fitch wrote: I thought I'd read up on all the stuff I needed to tag lanes=*, lanes:forward=*, lanes:backward=*, turn:lanes=*, turn:lanes:forward=*, turn:lanes:backward=*, etc. But I totally missed the existence of placement:*=* I totally missed *placement: also -

Re: [Talk-us] (Was) How is Scout?

2014-07-19 Thread Mike N
On 7/19/2014 3:37 PM, Paul Johnson wrote: What's the node number at the intersection? So far, I started on just one of the ways - it's at . I found my problem: the JOSM Land and Road Attributes style was correct. I had used a colon instead

Re: [Talk-us] More road name expansion thoughts

2014-07-19 Thread Mike N
On 7/19/2014 2:38 PM, Dale Puch wrote: I say retest the script detection and use it regularly for the start/end abbreviations. Expand it to other detection if it can be shown to be reliable. I think the idea of some additional automated expansion is a good idea. Let's circulate the idea

Re: [Talk-us] More road name expansion thoughts

2014-07-19 Thread Mike N
On 7/19/2014 6:06 PM, Paul Norman wrote: On 2014-07-19 2:46 PM, Mike N wrote: I suspect that most of the unusual cases would be too complicated for MapRoulette because of the need to consult with a governmental reference. Or actually survey them. Aside from first-hand knowledge being superior

Re: [Talk-us] How is Scout?

2014-07-18 Thread Mike N
On 6/23/2014 3:15 PM, Martijn van Exel wrote: We launched Scout for iOS powered by OpenStreetMap a little over a month ago now, followed by the Android version in early June. While the feedback in general has been overwhelmingly positive, I am really curious to hear about your experiences. Have

Re: [Talk-us] Beach routing

2014-07-10 Thread Mike N
On 7/10/2014 2:58 PM, Jim McAndrew wrote: I would make sure that you add tags like bicycle=no, even though bicycles are probably not forbidden, bicycles and sand generally do not mix. The key word being generally

Re: [Talk-us] routing tags used by actual routing applications

2014-07-01 Thread Mike N
On 7/1/2014 7:18 PM, Martijn van Exel wrote: With that said I agree fully that having a resource that*is* trustworthy (containing references to which router supports certain conventions) is becoming increasingly important I would also find this very helpful - not to tag for a particular

Re: [Talk-us] exit_to vs destination

2014-06-23 Thread Mike N
On 6/23/2014 6:58 PM, Martijn van Exel wrote: While motorway_junction= + exit_to= is much more common here in the US than destination= for freeway exit tagging, we seem to be the exception globally. I have no objection to changing to a system that is more informative and adaptable. exit_to

Re: [Talk-us] exit_to vs destination

2014-06-23 Thread Mike N
On 6/23/2014 7:16 PM, Martijn van Exel wrote: On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 5:12 PM, Mike N wrote: Most of this could be automatically converted to 'destination=', except that there is a growing dislike of any botlike edits. We should approach automated edits with a great deal

Re: [Talk-us] Fwd: USBRS WikiProject seeks volunteer mappers

2014-06-03 Thread Mike N
On 6/3/2014 5:34 AM, Simon Poole wrote: Route USBR 10 nicely illustrates my point about GIGO. It starts of in untouched TIGER country and continues. Implying that nothing has been surveyed along the route, clearly requiring large amounts of clean up before even thinking about adding the roads to

Re: [Talk-us] Fwd: USBRS WikiProject seeks volunteer mappers

2014-06-02 Thread Mike N
On 6/2/2014 3:27 PM, Simon Poole wrote: To put it differently: if the import was combined with systematic surveying of the routes by OSM contributors instead of them just sitting at their desk then it would be a lot more palatable. I think the appeal to local mappers to pitch in with the new

Re: [Talk-us] USBRS WikiProject seeks volunteer mappers

2014-06-01 Thread Mike N
On 6/1/2014 12:32 AM, Russ Nelson wrote: Why would that necessarily be imported? And how do you import a route, anyway? Similarly, there have been projects to add route relations to state and county routes. Depending on the availability of sources from the state, the mapper may end up

Re: [Talk-us] USBRS WikiProject seeks volunteer mappers

2014-05-31 Thread Mike N
On 5/31/2014 6:43 PM, stevea wrote: It really does seem as important as Interstate highways, but for bicyclists. For my input: I agree - in the US, having a reliable source of bike routes is as important as Interstate highways. If anything, OSM suffers from too few data consumers and a

Re: [Talk-us] Telenav goes OSM with Scout

2014-05-20 Thread Mike N
Congratulations on the switch - I'm looking forward to this. On 5/20/2014 2:30 AM, Martijn van Exel wrote: We have done a good chunk of work improving OSM to be ready for this, mostly in the very same way everyone here improves the map: by opening up our favorite editors and manually editing

Re: [Talk-us] Telenav goes OSM with Scout

2014-05-20 Thread Mike N
On 5/20/2014 2:13 PM, Martijn van Exel wrote: Makes me wonder, how many of you use Mapdust? What types of things do you end up fixing most? I did use Mapdust back in the day - there isn't much new showing up, so I only monitor Notes these days. For regional fixes, I would schedule a

Re: [OSM-talk] TIGER to OSM comparison

2014-05-02 Thread Mike N
On 5/2/2014 7:29 AM, Hans De Kryger wrote: Has anyone ever thought of developing a program to compare street names from tiger to street names in osm? I know I've come across plenty of errors in which the street name is misspelled or completely wrong. I'm

Re: [OSM-talk] TIGER to OSM comparison

2014-05-02 Thread Mike N
On 5/2/2014 11:32 AM, Murry McEntire wrote: Are you assuming the Tiger values are more accurate than what is in OSM? If so, rethink that. For armchair mapping, the only thing that might be safe is that new TIGER is more accurate than old TIGER. But any such TIGER comparison must not

Re: [Talk-us] OSM Inspector and streets with E/N/S/W in their name

2014-05-01 Thread Mike N
On 4/30/2014 11:59 PM, David K wrote: If a street has name=Elm Street but a house has addr:street=S Elm St, I consider this perfectly valid (in a city that in fact has only one Elm Street). (Sidebar: I use USPS abbreviations in addr:street values because that's how USPS prefers mail to be

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