[Talk-si] Fwd: [OSM-talk] Test Import of forum.osm.org to community.osm.org

2023-02-22 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
-- Forwarded message - From: Grant Slater Date: Tue, Feb 21, 2023 at 1:27 PM Subject: [OSM-talk] Test Import of forum.osm.org to community.osm.org To: Talk Openstreetmap Hi OSM Talk, In the near future we will be moving the old forum.osm.org content to

Re: [Talk-si] OSM discourse

2022-11-14 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
Na https://community.openstreetmap.org/t/slovenia-subcategory/3325/18 poteka glasovanje o predlaganih moderatorjih. Vabljeni! lp, Štefan On Wed, Nov 9, 2022 at 5:53 PM Stefan Baebler wrote: > > Živijo! > > Kot ste verjetno že opazili se OSM forum > https://forum.openstreetmap.or

[Talk-si] OSM discourse

2022-11-09 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
Živijo! Kot ste verjetno že opazili se OSM forum https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=58 počasi poslavlja in ga nadomešča sodobnejši discourse, kjer smo že zaprosili za podkategorijo za Slovenijo: https://community.openstreetmap.org/t/slovenia-subcategory/3325 ...kjer trenutno

Re: [Talk-si] menjava e-maila

2020-05-01 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
Zanimiva situacija. Za avtomatsko ponastavitev gesla je potrebno imeti dostop do poštnega predala, ki ga imaš nastavljenega v svojem OSM profilu, zato to ne bo šlo. Prepričati boš moral kakšnega skrbnika, da si ti res ista oseba ki je imela račun, saj s tem varujejo podatke in zasebnost

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenTrailView - updates

2019-08-30 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
g/?id=82 > > > I generally check for updates daily. This is the only one I can see, did > you try others? Note that you have to upload them one at a time, it will > not do multiple file uploads in one go. > > > Thanks for your suggestions, will implement them as soon as I can. > >

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenTrailView - updates

2019-08-30 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
ime. > > > Thanks, > > Nick > > ------ > *From:* Stefan Baebler > *Sent:* 25 August 2019 22:33:38 > *To:* Nick Whitelegg > *Cc:* Simon Polster ; osm-talk > *Subject:* Re: [OSM-talk] OpenTrailView - updates > > Hi! > > I have problems uploading full 36

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenTrailView - updates

2019-08-25 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
Hi! I have problems uploading full 360°*180° photospheres. All of them are around 10MB, and could not find any below 5MB to test with. The error does not say much - no photo uploaded and no error code. The size limit should be raised (eg to 15MB) in my opinion as there is no easy option to

Re: [OSM-talk] handling street names in speech

2019-07-16 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
I think IPA (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Phonetic_Alphabet ) would address that problem, but that would require many more tags, which are not trivial for mappers to write. Br, Štefan V tor., 16. jul. 2019 17:55 je oseba Colin Smale napisala: > The reason for wanting to

Re: [OSM-talk] handling street names in speech

2019-07-16 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
Hints to the speaker (human or TTS engine) can be provided via: 1) pronunciation tag: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Phonetics eg https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:name:pronunciation 2) teach it how to expand appreviations in different languages, eg

Re: [Talk-si] Začetniška vprašanja

2019-02-10 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
Popravek popravka :-) Pri avtocestah in drugih večjih cestah, kjer sta nasprotni vozišči fizično ločeni sta običajno vrisana vsako vozišče posebej kot enosmerna cesta (smerno vozišče) Vnaša se lahko tudi pasove, vendar praviloma ne kot ločene (vzporedne) poti, ampak s tagi na osnovni cesti (oz

Re: [Talk-si] Geodetski podatki license

2018-11-19 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
>"addr:city" : "Milano" >} > } > , > [...] > ] > > To check json syntax, you can use command line jsonlint. I use to compile > a json starting from csv thru openrefine, which features an easy export &

Re: [OSM-talk] JOSM plugin to import GeoJSON?

2016-03-20 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
Hi! On Sun, Mar 6, 2016 at 12:56 AM, Stefan Keller wrote: > > I of course know Shapefiles but they are deprecated because e.g. they > cut-off field names at 10 chars. GeoJSON or GeoPackage are better > alternatives. > For RABA-KGZ landuse import in Slovenia we pushed the-10

[OSM-legal-talk] Preventing vandalism by omitting attribution?

2015-06-22 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
Hi! Over the weekend i noticed an insurance company's advertisement for driver grading app, which is: a) showing OSM map tiles with no attribution (neither by the map nor in any legalese text) b) presumably using OSM's maxspeed data to detect traffic violations from driver's traces The insurance

Re: [OSM-talk] a, b and c.tile.openstreetmap.org refer to the same server?

2015-05-18 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
18. maj 2015 10.30 pop. je oseba Andrew Guertin andrew.guer...@uvm.edu napisala: Whether the new limits are sufficiently high for OSM I haven't investigated enough to answer. Browser limits, network speeds and screen resolutions all increased in the recent years, but tile size stayed at 256*256.

Re: [OSM-talk] iD name suggestion index - asking non-English-speaking mappers to review

2015-05-17 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
I see Petrol is categorized under discardedNames, but is is in fact a valid full name of company with chain of gas pumps in Slovenia ( www.petrol.si). Are there many other similar cases that would make it worthwhile to make this functionality location-aware, dependant on regions (countries,

Re: [Talk-si] nov maper razsaja po Sloveniji

2015-05-02 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
in ostalo pa vstraja na svoji ki se seveda ne prikazuje nikjer in vstavlja podatke v bistvu brez ucinka. Sent from my BlackBerry® PlayBook™ www.blackberry.com -- *From:* Stefan Baebler stefan.baeb...@gmail.com *To:* Blaž Lorger blaz.lor...@krs.net *CC:* OSM-Talk-Si talk-si

Re: [OSM-talk] Find all your unresolved Notes

2015-02-03 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
Odlično / Excellent! Just fix the case sensitivity of usernames during search. Filtering for unresolved notes should be implemented also on the user's notes page on the main OSM website somehow to encourage mappers to follow-up on them and resolve them. Štefan Dne 3. feb. 2015 23.22 je oseba

Re: [Talk-si] shifted boundaries between Slovenia, Croatia and Hungary

2014-12-30 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
Yes, i too was fixing the broken relations a while ago: https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/26805749 when user foringas moved the border without taking care of the relations as well. I resisted from moving the border in any way, just fixed the broken relations. The border between Croatia and

Re: [Talk-si] shifted boundaries between Slovenia, Croatia and Hungary

2014-12-30 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
There is the brief discussion i had with the user foringas about his changes: https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/26795077 All best, Štefan On Wed, Dec 31, 2014 at 1:08 AM, Stefan Baebler stefan.baeb...@gmail.com wrote: Yes, i too was fixing the broken relations a while ago: https

Re: [Talk-si] Fwd: [OpenStreetMap] Imamo dovoljenje!

2014-12-04 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
-_RABA-KGZ Vzemite si nekaj časa in preglejte svoja področja in podajte svoje komentarje, opažanja, pripombe, predloge... lp, Štefan 2014-09-16 14:57 GMT+02:00 Stefan Baebler stefan.baeb...@gmail.com: Debata teče naprej na forumu: http://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewtopic.php?id=26891 Na to temo

Re: [Talk-si] Fwd: [OpenStreetMap] Imamo dovoljenje!

2014-09-16 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
:57 GMT+02:00 Stefan Baebler stefan.baeb...@gmail.com: FYI: http://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewtopic.php?id=26891 Ima kdo možnost iz shapefile-a narediti kak enostaven overlay čez OSM zemljevid, da preverimo vir? Lp, Štefan -- Posredovano sporočilo -- Od: gvil m-454892-b65

[Talk-si] OsmAnd 1.0

2012-11-19 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
Včeraj je bila izdana verzija 1.0 programa za navigacijo OsmAnd. Glavni fičrji: - uporablja OpenStreetMap zemljevide - turn-by-turn navigacija - Opensource (GPL 3) - Več kot 50% preveden v slovenščino, veliko večino Aleš (v cc, ker še ni na listi) - Govorjena navodila (tudi slovensko, če kdo

[Talk-si] Osebni gps sledilec

2011-06-13 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
Pozdravljeni! Tokrat se na vas obračam v imenu prijateljice, katere oče ima že dokaj hudo demenco. Zato se jim večkrat dogaja, da zapusti dom in se izgubi, ter nato tava naokrog. V teh primerih bi se ga najhitreje našlo po koordinatah. Govorna komunikacija v pravem trenutku (klic takoj ko zapusti

Re: [Talk-si] Nadzor kakovosti

2010-05-25 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
Oj! Poleg omenjenega tagwatch-a je mogoče spremljati: Prispevke sledi: http://www.openstreetmap.org/traces/tag/Slovenia http://www.openstreetmap.org/traces/tag/Slovenija http://www.openstreetmap.org/traces/tag/Ljubljana ... žal le po tagih, ne po lokaciji Spremembe zemljevida:

Re: [Talk-si] OSM in slovenska Wikipedija

2010-05-25 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
Oj! Se strinjam, da bi sodelovanje bilo dobro oživiti. Ko smo se najprej pogovarjali je bilo kar nekaj očitkov, da so zemljevidi pomanjkljivi (kar je bilo takrat še bolj res). Kasneje sem k članku o Ljubljani priložil 2 zemljevida, ki sta bila lepo sprejeta in se sedaj na široko uporabljata za

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] PublicEarth and their Terms of Use

2009-11-18 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
Also interesting to note is that their current (initial?) data set contains POIs that were seemingly contributed by random (english sounding) user names. Even in non-english speaking countries most (all?) contributors have english names. Descriptions are of course in perfect local (non english)

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] PublicEarth and their Terms of Use

2009-11-18 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
http://publicearth.com/places/ice-rinks/olimpija-ljubljana On this small map the POI was created by WilliemBlaeu While on the big (main) map there are 2 POIs, created by JohnSpeed and JohnMelish and the names change randomly with each reload! Try

Re: [Talk-si] uporaba QA orodij

2009-10-25 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
Sem preveril nekaj vozlišč v Trbovljah in Hotiču in res ni opaziti ničesar napačnega, zato sem jih ozačil kot false positive. Nakar sem se premaknil v Ljubljano in je tudi tu vse oranžno, pa prej ni bilo. Očitno gre za napako v orodju KeepRight. Zanimivo pa je, da tega problema v tujini ni

Re: [Talk-si] vzdrževanje SI:Garmin_Map

2009-10-13 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
Hojla! Če resursi niso pretirano omejujoči bi lahko: - vzdrževali lokalno kopijo podatkov (izseka do celih stopinj v postgres/postgis bazi) - hosting openstreetmap.si z zemljevidom tega področja (s srtm izohipsami) - mapnik rendering zemljevida s prioriteto name:sl variantam imen (zna biti

Re: [OSM-talk] Google Maps v.s. OSM routing in Berlin

2009-09-17 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 12:43 AM, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason ava...@gmail.com wrote: Why doesn't OSM ever tell me to take a 270 degree turn into oncoming traffic on a 6-lane highway and get onto the motorway_link on the other side?

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Monopoly City Streets

2009-09-09 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
Look also at the positive site: This mechanism might be in place to prevent a sudden surge of fantasy streets (or even whole new cities) popping up all over OSM, vandalizing our data. Of course, this doesn't make all things all right. Their final OSM derivate is a subset of OSM (intersection of

Re: [OSM-talk] Brainstorming: Simple Revert-Tools

2009-09-03 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 3:13 AM, Martin Koppenhoeferdieterdre...@gmail.com wrote: 2009/9/2 Pieren pier...@gmail.com: 2009/9/2 Peter Körner osm-li...@mazdermind.de: Revert should be possible from the main site everywhere changesets are listed : from the history tab on a bbox or the recent

Re: [OSM-talk] dissapearing country border

2009-08-31 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 11:33 AM, Matthias Versens...@mversen.de wrote: BTW: Why are there 2 different border lines ? Because some parts of the border (notably maritime and along shifting rivers) are disputed and we try to represent this fact in OSM instead of using OSM as a battlegrund to find

Re: [Talk-si] Dovoljenje za uvoz meje

2009-08-27 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
označil :-( . Tudi tag na vseh node manjka. Vidim da bo treba tudi tage posodobiti... http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/relation/218657 lp Damjan -Izvirno sporočilo- Od: talk-si-boun...@openstreetmap.org [mailto:talk-si-boun...@openstreetmap.org] Namesto Stefan Baebler Poslano: 27

Re: [OSM-talk] Awards

2009-08-21 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
You mean a mechanism much like trust points, but instead of aggregating all activitiy in a single number giving people various colorful awards in different areas for recognizing their work and some motivation? One of the awards being OSMF membership (or a significant discount on membership fee)?

Re: [Talk-si] Dovoljenje za uvoz meje

2009-08-20 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
najbolj natančna. Hvala, Aleš 2009/8/20 Roman Maurer roman.mau...@amis.net       Citiram Stefan Baebler stefan.baeb...@gmail.com:       Njihovi pogoji pa so vseeno tricky, namreč: ...       Ko sem pred časom pretvarjal SHP slovenskih občin v SVG, sem napisal       kar takole


2009-08-18 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
It can easily happen that there are several very active OSM contributors employed by the same (larger) company. Company's primary business might not be OSM (or even GIS) related, it might just be large enough to gather enough geo geeks. Those people might work in various branches, possibly not

Re: [Talk-si] meje in zakoni]

2009-08-07 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
V svojem odgovoru je GURS zapisal V brezplačne in nepridobitniške namene dovoljujemo uporabo podatkov OSM fundacija je res neprofitna ustanova, OSM projekt sam po sebi ni profitno naravnan, posamezniki, ki bi te podatke pripravili in uvozili s tem ne služimo. ...ampak... Licenca OSM

Re: [OSM-talk] Title bars (dynamic updating of)

2009-08-01 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
Cool! For SEO reasons it could be really nice if this title would be present in html title tag already while the html is being sent to the client...and not delaying the initial response at the same time :) Stefan On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 7:43 PM, Ed Avise...@waniasset.com wrote: OJ W ojwlists at

Re: [OSM-talk] i18n-rich areas on the map

2009-07-27 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
Very nice! What i miss is getting a bigger map. If there is a thumbnail map embedded into an article people would normally click it in order to see the map in better detail (normally on a bigger map), not to navigate in a thumbnail sized slippy map. There needs to be some intuitive way to switch

Re: [OSM-talk] Duplicate place=city capital=yes and other place nodes

2009-07-24 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
Yes, i also encountered them. There seem to be many broken imports of various country names, creating new nodes instead of updating existing ones: http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/changeset/1558061 http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/changeset/1558170

Re: [OSM-talk] i18n-rich areas on the map

2009-07-22 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
Looks very nice! Are there any further plans to translate the maps based on wikipedia data? Would that various names be better imported into main OSM db or just into the DB for rendering? Will this translation be done based only on language links in existing articles or also based on lists of

Re: [OSM-talk] OSM TrustPoints

2009-07-11 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
Hi! First, some clarifications: The possible measures and use limitations were only provided as an example what can be observed and measured and what could be limited before earning enough trust in a wat that would be much more effective and less annoying than captchas. It was not a specific

[OSM-talk] OSM TrustPoints

2009-07-09 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
I've put some thoughts towards preventing vandalism and spam and how that could be automated without getting in a way of normal, legitimate users. Draft is available at http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/User:Stefanb/TrustPoints It's also included below for your convenience. Feedback,

Re: [OSM-talk] Map legends: Another option

2009-06-27 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
It's nice seeing changing road width with zoom also in the legend! It would be also interesting to hide features that are not appearing in the map currently being shown. Sure it would require a bbox query, but it would be much more user friendly (eg when matching 2 shades of green in a map to 5

[OSM-legal-talk] signup notice

2009-06-01 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
While carefully translating osm rails website into Slovenian i noticed that signup notice at http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/new currently reads: By creating an account, you agree that all work uploaded to openstreetmap.org and all data created by use of any tools which connect to

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] signup notice

2009-06-01 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
Well, translation itself wasn't a problem, but faithfully translating this rather important message made me read original several times carefully (and noticing this problem) and then reading the translation again, to make sure the very same ambiguity is kept (semantic equivalence) while being

[OSM-talk] mapof / osmarender export broken

2009-04-30 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
MapOf [1], which is called from the export tab on the main map page, currently only produces an error instead of nice, big Osmarender maps. Stefan [1] http://tah.openstreetmap.org/MapOf/ ___ talk mailing list talk@openstreetmap.org

Re: [OSM-talk] Donations and bank accounts

2009-02-06 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
Gary68 wrote: I for sure won't sign on to PayPal. And I won't give my bank xxEUR for shipping a few bucks across the channel. Within Europe SEPA [1] transfers are probably the cheapest (for both parties, in some cases even free with certain bank accounts) way to make

[OSM-talk] Fwd: data release statement

2009-01-29 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
? (AND etc) Read my monologue (so far) bellow (in chronological order). thanks /Stefan On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 8:31 PM, Stefan Baebler stefan.baeb...@gmail.com wrote: Hi! We, the OSM community in Slovenia are in talks with a local company GlobalVision [1] that is willing to donate some of their data

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] data release statement

2009-01-23 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
://www.kje.si/index.asp?tn=shop2c=217 On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 8:31 PM, Stefan Baebler stefan.baeb...@gmail.com wrote: Hi! We, the OSM community in Slovenia are in talks with a local company GlobalVision [1] that is willing to donate some of their data (mostly POIs) to the OSM project. And we

Re: [OSM-talk] name tags on place=country and how they're rendered on lowzoom

2009-01-15 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
where is a local language being set for a country or a region? It isn't at all. The software doesn't know which language name is in, only the mapper does. Software can only gues the language of the default name from an identical name value with a specified language. eg: name=Venezia

Re: [OSM-talk] name tags on place=country and how they're rendered on lowzoom

2009-01-15 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 3:12 PM, Donald Allwright donald_allwri...@yahoo.com wrote: Software can only gues the language of the default name from an identical name value with a specified language. eg: name=Venezia name:en=Venice name:sl=Benetke name:de=Venedig ... can additonally be

[OSM-talk] Fully funded GIScience PhD study opportunities in Ireland

2009-01-09 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
Some of you might be very interested in (but others can safely ignore): - National Centre for Geocomputation (NCG) at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth (NUIM) has at present several openings for fully funded PhD positions in various areas of Geotechnologies and Geographic

Re: [OSM-talk] A top tip for winter mapping

2008-12-13 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
That, my friends, is so last year's fashion! A photo to prove it: http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/StefanB I'm glad it's finally catching on though :) Stefan Douglas Furlong wrote: 2008/12/13 LeedsTracker leedstrac...@gmail.com mailto:leedstrac...@gmail.com Hello all, I was

[OSM-talk] [Fwd: job opening: postdoc in Geovisual Analytics at NCG]

2008-11-20 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
Hi! I got this offer and thought some of you might be interested in a postdoc position in Ireland. /Stefan National Centre for Geocomputation (http://ncg.nuim.ie) at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth (http://www.nuim.ie) is recruiting a Postdoctoral Research

Re: [OSM-talk] is this wiki spam?

2008-11-17 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
maning sambale wrote: Is it spam? http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/User_talk:Bill2100 sure looks like it. Interestingly spammers still use wiki for spamming even if it adds rel=nofollow to all the links. Added the page to http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Spam removed the content and marked

[OSM-talk] nicer wiki URLs

2008-11-14 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
Hi! IMO I would be good to have nicer shorter URLs in our wiki. Eg http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Map_Making_Overview could probably should be shortened to: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/Map_Making_Overview The change would also need to redirect old URLs to the new, shorter ones The

Re: [OSM-talk] nicer wiki URLs

2008-11-14 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
Tom Hughes wrote: Grant Slater wrote: Stefan Baebler wrote: IMO I would be good to have nicer shorter URLs in our wiki. Eg http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Map_Making_Overview could probably should be shortened to: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/Map_Making_Overview The change

Re: [OSM-talk] Wiki-Admin: Allow external images

2008-11-12 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
another example: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Press Should be easy to use for journalists but clicking the icons takes them to the icon, not to the desired content I guess you want similar functionality for linking to external pages. That could be also useful for linking to

Re: [OSM-talk] A project for winter - Building heights

2008-11-03 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
a fun way for checking the dataset would surely be to have OSM maps in 3d simulations or games, such as http://torcs.sourceforge.net/ or http://sourceforge.net/projects/trigger-rally/ (picked at random, other targets are welcome) Imagine roadsigns showing restrictions, place street names,

Re: [OSM-talk] elephant trekking

2008-10-18 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
According to osmxapi statistics [1] there are already 2 elephants in OSM data. Should we see a sudden increase now? :) Stefan [1] http://osmxapi.hypercube.telascience.org/total.xml On Sat, Oct 18, 2008 at 9:33 PM, Nic Roets [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'd tag it as tourism=zoo and add a note

Re: [OSM-talk] Relations Proposals for boundary, country and is_in

2008-06-19 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
Knut Arne Bjørndal wrote: Raphael Studer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I've founde three relation proposals with nearly the seam aims. http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Relations/Proposed/Boundaries http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Relations/Proposed/Country

[OSM-talk] empty relations

2008-06-10 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
Hi! While analyzing current uses of relations (relations-latest.osm) it came to my attention that relations with no members can exist in the DB while they probably have no meaning in the real world. What's more, current editors never show such relations because they can't be related to the

Re: [OSM-talk] empty relations

2008-06-10 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
Frederik Ramm wrote: Hi, While analyzing current uses of relations (relations-latest.osm) it came to my attention that relations with no members can exist in the DB while they probably have no meaning in the real world. That's a leftover of the time when relations were planned to be

Re: [OSM-talk] Downloading map images (update to MapOf)

2008-05-23 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
OJ W wrote: http://dev.openstreetmap.org/~ojw/GetMap/layers_xml.php http://dev.openstreetmap.org/~ojw/GetMap/layers_source.php i.e. a list of free tileservers. Are there any layers we should add/remove from that list? Are the fields sufficient for other peoples' uses? few minor

Re: [OSM-talk] Filtering GPX tracks when they're good enough to make ways from but contain too many points

2008-05-23 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
Simplify way in JOSM does it (lowermost icon on the left toolbar, if memory serves me well). Stefan On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 9:14 AM, Beau Gunderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I've succeeded in uploading a large portion of my GPX tracks from Mexico South America and now would like to map out

Re: [OSM-talk] Transparent slippy map of a GPX

2008-05-23 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
Nice indeed, i just wonder if it wouldn't be easier (on the server) to show it using openlayers - it can handle KMLs, and will handle GPXs in version 2.7 http://trac.openlayers.org/ticket/1272 and some older support: http://www.gnunux.info/projets/openlayers-gpx/ Now, a GPX slippy map image layer

Re: [OSM-talk] Downloading map images (update to MapOf)

2008-05-18 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
) :) It's amazing, but this still happens. Stefan On Sun, May 18, 2008 at 5:56 AM, Stefan Baebler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: OJ W wrote: http://dev.openstreetmap.org/~ojw/GetMap/layers_source.php i.e. a list of free tileservers. Are there any layers we should add/remove from that list

Re: [OSM-talk] Downloading map images (update to MapOf)

2008-05-17 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
OJ W wrote: http://dev.openstreetmap.org/~ojw/GetMap/layers_source.php i.e. a list of free tileservers. Are there any layers we should add/remove from that list? Are the fields sufficient for other peoples' uses? Ehm... slovenia = Array( tiles

Re: [OSM-talk] Zero point tag?

2008-05-15 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
It might be that François wasn't talking about geographic centre of countries, but established (read: old) reference points from times where each country / region had their own coordinate system, or not even real coordinate system, just measuring road distance from that defined point.

[OSM-talk] rendering of nature_reserve

2008-05-11 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
Good morning! While mapping boundaries of an Kornati archipelago national park it came to my attention that leisure=nature_reserve assumes land cover in mapnik, rendering it green with NR pattern. Osmarender doesn't render it, but am not sure whether that is intentional or just forgotten.

Re: [OSM-talk] Rocky beaches

2008-04-14 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
natural=scree perhaps? http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Key:natural http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scree Stefan On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 2:46 PM, Steve Hill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'm attempting to trace some of the Gower coastline from the (very fuzzy) Yahoo images. But I'm not

Re: [OSM-talk] Name finder and home page search working again

2008-03-27 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 12:55 AM, David Earl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On 26/03/2008 19:31, OJ W wrote: Is it doing anything with the multilingual names in OSM (name:de=... and similar)? Yes, that should have been on my list in the previous message. This always was included. e.g. try

Re: [OSM-talk] Cooperative Differential GPS

2008-03-27 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
Gora Mohanty wrote: (Please note that I am copying this message to the OpenStreetMap folk: http://openstreetmap.org as we will hopefully find more GPS/mapping experts there. Please edit the list of recipients if you need to.) On Thu, 27 Mar 2008 14:24:56 +0100 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Re: [OSM-talk] FW: Re: New to osmosis and it won't work for me

2008-03-01 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
Nathan Scott wrote: Ok this may seem like a daft question, but how do you set the path so it uses version 1.6? I've installed JAVA1.6 from Sun, but not sure how to force the JAVA calls to use it? you need to change variables PATH to include java executable directory (or you need to call

[OSM-talk] api www down

2008-02-26 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
It seems that OSM suddenly got a bit more attention than our servers can handle: http://ask.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08/02/26/1255213 www api are responding slowly or not at all at the moment. wiki is still up: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Platform_Status greets, Stefan

Re: [OSM-talk] BSSID database

2008-01-19 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
Try http://www.wigle.net It's the place I initialy heard about OSM. Stefan Anthony wrote: Anyone know where I can get a free database of BSSID locations? I'm trying to hack together a wifi positioning system for my iPod Touch. Any chance OSM would be interested in including such a database?

Re: [OSM-talk] As on ground country names

2008-01-09 Per discussione Stefan Baebler
Dave Stubbs wrote: On Jan 9, 2008 4:22 PM, Michael Collinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: At 03:06 PM 1/9/2008, Stefan Baebler wrote: Hi! I'd imagine that OSM's as on ground rule for primary names should also apply for country nodes (tagged with place=country), however this doesn't