Fwd: [TMIC] Re: Sweating

2008-03-24 Thread LinLeftwi
**Create a Home Theater Like the Pros. Watch the video on AOL Home. (http://home.aol.com/diy/home-improvement-eric-stromer?video=15?ncid=aolhom000301) ---BeginMessage--- Hi there, I had mono (didn't know it was called Epstein Barre) when I was 40. My doctor

[TMIC] Checking TMIC, again!

2008-03-24 Thread jrushton
Please let me know if you get this? Sounds like I might be having trouble getting to you, again! Thanks! Jeanne in Dayton, WA

Re: [TMIC] requesting advice from you experienced souls

2008-03-24 Thread jrushton
Hi, Jenna! I'm worried about you so thought I would send a note to see how you are today? That darned thyroid can cause all sorts of problems and losing your hair is one of them. Are you able to help it at all with meds? Please let us know how you're doing. We care, Jeanne in Dayton, WA


2008-03-24 Thread Akua
AS I'm paralyzed, skin care is critical. I use mainly baby stuff-- Johnson's baby creme, Johnson's softlotion is my favorite scent, but also like Johnson's baby lotion. I shower with Johnson's softwash. I also use on occasion, zinc oxide creme and 1% hydrocortisone by Walmart. Akua I have

[TMIC] So strange

2008-03-24 Thread Robert Pall
Just a fast topic for discussion. In my case TM is like a box of chocolates...you never know what you are going to get! It seems to me that how I feel from day to day is never the same! Some days are just terrible and some days are not so bad. I cannot point to the weather because


2008-03-24 Thread jrushton
I'm hearing all sorts of good things about Johnson's and I see that Walgreen s has some great sales on them, if you happen to have the store in your area Jeanne in Dayton, WA ---Original Message--- From: Akua Date: 3/24/2008 9:39:28 AM To: tmic-list@eskimo.com Subject: Re: [TMIC]

RE: [TMIC] So strange

2008-03-24 Thread Gerry Surette
I know exactly how you feel. I 've had tm since the age 0f 21 have been able to function until 2001 when I had a relapse. I too am 60 years young. My plete count has gone way down a side effect of TM after numerous treatments i now have itp. I have gone through three treatments of

RE: [TMIC] So strange

2008-03-24 Thread jrushton
Gerry! I was just getting ready to ask if anyone had heard from you! You have really gone thru some rough times and now they are going to remove your spleen? Your advise is good...thank you! You are in my prayers..Jeanne in Dayton, WA ---Original Message--- From: Gerry Surette

RE: [TMIC] So strange

2008-03-24 Thread Gerry Surette
many thanks; The procedure itself is not painful; the bone marrow retival for biopsy is uncomfortable. the side effects though of three days for five hours each day is to say the least NEVER AGAIN I had a high fever chills etc; on top of my leg and feet spasms. It was certainly a memerable week

Re: [TMIC] Fwd: Sweating

2008-03-24 Thread Alle111
My lesion is T6 -T10 and I am extremely sensitive at my banding area and from there to the toes my feelings are opposite (cold feels freezing and hot feels cool). That area is also hypersensitive but not as bad as bannding area. On my chest and left arm I get splotches about nickle size that

[TMIC] It's okay...

2008-03-24 Thread jrushton
You can be as emotional as you want, any time you want!! I think most of us try to be 'up' and 'positive' as often as we can but there comes a time when our old bodies just plain get bone tired and then it's time to take the time for ourselves to rest, both physically and emotionally. When I

RE: [TMIC] It's okay...

2008-03-24 Thread Robert Pall
Jeanne: What a wonderful e mail. You are so right in your thinking! I truly believe that only someone who has TM can appreciate what we are going thru. I have often said to my wife that I wish she could have my TM for just 5 minutes. Then perhaps she could or would understand the horror of

[TMIC] just another gloomy day

2008-03-24 Thread sal r
Have you ever just felt that no matter how positive you are, it just doesnt help? this may sound funny but at this point in my life, before i keep going i am very thankful for the recovery i have made so farbut like i was saying have u ever seen those cartoons where they put a carrot in

RE: [TMIC] It's okay...

2008-03-24 Thread jrushton
Me, too, by gum!!! BUT, it is okay to have those days where we need to curl up in bed, rest our body and soul and then get up and start all over again! j ---Original Message--- From: Robert Pall Date: 3/24/2008 1:40:04 PM To: jrushton; Gerry Surette; tmic-list@eskimo.com Subject:

RE: [TMIC] just another gloomy day

2008-03-24 Thread Robert Pall
Sal: I do understand and my heart goes out to you because I am where you are. I have tried so hard to no avail. this the first time in my life that I got sick and no one said don't worry...you will get better. What I try to do is limit the time that I feel sorry for myself..simply because

RE: [TMIC] just another gloomy day

2008-03-24 Thread Gerry Surette
WE all feel that way; you are not alone; by the way Please forgive me for saying this but one aspect of TM is depression; you sound as if you are experiencing some of this ARE you perhaps taking any depreesive medication; It is part and parcel of TM We are one family experiencing all that you

Re: [TMIC] It's okay...

2008-03-24 Thread Heather Pieter
Jeanne, It is okay to have a 'Pity Party for One' at times. Sort of clears the air. I do that every once in a while myself and I'm sure that more of us do it as well. Heather in Calgary - Original Message - From: jrushton To: Gerry Surette ; tmic-list@eskimo.com Sent:

Re: [TMIC] It's okay...

2008-03-24 Thread Heather Pieter
Rob, I have never counted the days since I got TM. I just go by years. For me it is now 4 1/2 yrs. I think if I counted the days I would probably curl up in a ball and not uncurl for a long time. Positive attitude is what we need but as I said to Jeanne it is okay to have a little 'Pity

Re: [TMIC] just another gloomy day

2008-03-24 Thread jrushton
I remember when I was in ICU and we were just two months from a trip we had been planning to go to Costa Rica. Even in ICU as I lay there totally paralyzed from the chest down, a tube down my throat because nothing was working in my digestive system nor my potty parts so they had to pump my

Re: [TMIC] It's okay...

2008-03-24 Thread Gerry Surette
When i feel as you do I Have a perfect solution; Have a nice warm bubble bath; I have rpoblems with my circulation; mt feet are usually purple; I light a candle drop myself in an empty bath; { I have rpoblems distinguishing hot and cold) let the water flow over me. Move my legs to increase the

Re: [TMIC] It's okay...

2008-03-24 Thread jrushton
Heather, you made us laugh over the 4000 days! Funny you should call it a Pity Party' because that is exactly what I call it, too!! We are way too smart!!! j ---Original Message--- From: Heather Pieter Date: 3/24/2008 2:29:48 PM To: Robert Pall; jrushton; Gerry Surette;

RE: [TMIC] just another gloomy day

2008-03-24 Thread jrushton
Yes, I am, Gerry! I was on Lexapro 10mg. for a long time for PMS and when the TM happened I was off of it while they did all of the testing so I asked the doctor if I could stay off and he said, No, you will need it more now than before. It is one of the main side effects of TM. So, it is

[TMIC] Today's mail

2008-03-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi Everyone, Today's mail shows just what the list is all about.Someone vents,others respond and a warm feeling is generated throughout. I've had tm since 8/13/95 and this group has helped so much.I don't post often,but I read all the letters and get strength from them.

Re: [TMIC] just another gloomy day

2008-03-24 Thread Gerry Surette
been there had that; M y experience in ICU was over the xmas holidays. the ICU nurse was a god send. I was laying in bed. with tons of monitors; a catater up my penis paralyis from the lung cage down. My heart had stopped when they had tried to do a milogram. All of a sudden with two intravnous

Re: [TMIC] Today's mail

2008-03-24 Thread jrushton
You are welcome as sunshine!! Jeanne ---Original Message--- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: 3/24/2008 3:21:35 PM To: tmic-list@eskimo.com Subject: [TMIC] Today's mail Hi Everyone, Today's mail shows just what the list is all about.Someone vents,others respond and a warm feeling

Re: [TMIC] just another gloomy day

2008-03-24 Thread jrushton
I think we all probably have a lot of 'potty-oops' stories, many humorous As a nurse, they are like talking about the weather! My little grandson told me while I was in the hospital, Hey, Nanny!!! Let's all go to Disneyland together and we'll all wear Nanny diapers then we'll never have to

[TMIC] JUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

2008-03-24 Thread MontzMagic

[TMIC] Hello Again

2008-03-24 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
It's been a long time since I have written but I check the list often because I do not want to lose touch with this group.My computer crashed so I switched over to a Mac and a new e-mail address, I have my darling grandson, Declan and my oldest son (I have two adult boys and two adult girls) will

Re: [TMIC] So strange

2008-03-24 Thread LinLeftwi

Re: [TMIC] just another gloomy day

2008-03-24 Thread sal r
hi, ive had tm for almost 3 yrs now...the reason behind the carrot comment i made was because i have made alot of recovery like i said im very thankful but i have downbeat nystagmus, which is a very annoying condition so besides getting a rare condition like ADEM i also get DBN on top of

Re: [TMIC] It's okay...

2008-03-24 Thread Diane
My two cents...I agree. It's OK to have the pity party. I have a recipe that never fails me in trying times. I sit where I can see a clock and I give myself 15 minutes to cry, rant or scream - fifteen minutes a day, always at the same time. The rest of the time, I chase away

Re: [TMIC] It's okay...

2008-03-24 Thread jrushton
Great idea, Diane!!! I do have to say that having a disability has its good points, though! By golly, when we get into the airport there is hardly a time when someone doesn't physically take me in my wheelchair right to the front of the line and walk me through! Plus the handicapped rooms at the

Re: [TMIC] Hello Again

2008-03-24 Thread jrushton
Oh, Trudythat is so beautiful! Thanks you so much for sharing with us. Jeanne ---Original Message--- From: Trudy Ogilvie Date: 3/24/2008 7:25:27 PM To: tmic-list@eskimo.com Subject: [TMIC] Hello Again It's been a long time since I have written but I check the list often because

Re: [TMIC] just another gloomy day

2008-03-24 Thread jrushton
You know what??? You can darn well vent all you want! We are here to hold you up when you need us as you would probably do the very same thing for us and know that we will also have those days when we are trying to keep all of our feelings and emotions under control. A lot of us are still

Re: [TMIC] Fwd: Sweating

2008-03-24 Thread jrushton
Hi, Ella! The banding sure isn't much fun, is it? I'm reading that a whole lot of us have the same thing along with the temperature problems. My legs feel like they're in buckets of ice water and when it gets too bad they start spasming which is so painful. I do find that the Lyrica really

Re: [TMIC] Fwd: Sweating

2008-03-24 Thread sal r
Can someone please explain what the splotches are? jrushton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: v\:* { BEHAVIOR: url (#default#vml) } v\:* { BEHAVIOR: url (#default#vml) } FLAVOR00-NONE--- 0.00 ; Hi, Ella! The banding sure isn't much fun, is

Re: [TMIC] Monday visit with Jude

2008-03-24 Thread jrushton
What a wonderful thing you have done for Jude by sharing all of this with us I read all of the way through and I feel so bad for her. I had to laugh when I read about her bracelet! She does have so much support from her TMIC friends and it's too sad about her in-laws. We choose our friends,

Fwd: [TMIC] just another gloomy day

2008-03-24 Thread pkeene2002
Hello everyone, I have a lot of trouble typing as my hands are paralyzed, and I can only use my thumb, so I don't post often.? From the very beginning of this condition, I have been very positive, and I have felt God's presence with me constantly. Some members of my church tell me I have

Re: [TMIC] JUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

2008-03-24 Thread Balmatmic
Patti and Pam, Thank you so much for keeping us up to date on our Jude. After reading what you have both written, it seems that there may still be some hope for Jude to make it through this. I know I'll keep her in my thoughts and prayers. It still amazes me how people who are there to

Re: [TMIC] JUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

2008-03-24 Thread sal r
Barbara has a pointI remember when i was in CCU, during the night hours when no family was allowedthat was the most scariest for me...I remember crying for hours cuz i needed my trache (sp?) suctioned cuz i was having a difficult time taking air in but the nurses would just stare and