Re: copie de disque dur

2009-07-06 Thread Hardy Olbaum
--- On Mon, 7/6/09, jdd wrote: From: jdd Subject: Re: copie de disque dur To: Date: Monday, July 6, 2009, 9:13 AM nounours 115 a écrit : redémarrer sur le nouveau disque dur sur windows et bien sur linux ... Windows ne va pas

Clipart dans bibliotheque de clipart de openoffice

2009-07-05 Thread Hardy Olbaum
Bonjour. Je sais que je pourrais poser ma question sur la liste OpenOffice, mais il faudrait que je m'y inscrive, etc. Ca fait beaucoup pour une petite question. J'écris une documentation qui m'a amené à créer mes cliparts. J'aurai aimé les intégrés à la bibliothèque de clipart de OpenOffice

Re: Disque hybride et SSD sous Linux

2009-07-04 Thread Hardy Olbaum
--- On Sat, 7/4/09, jdd wrote: From: jdd Subject: Re: Disque hybride et SSD sous Linux To: Date: Saturday, July 4, 2009, 7:36 AM Michel Leunen a écrit : C'est une donnée renseignée par les fabricants normalement. Wikipedia en

Re: Disque hybride et SSD sous Linux

2009-07-04 Thread Hardy Olbaum
--- On Sat, 7/4/09, jdd wrote: semblent garantis 5 ans... pas sur que Vista soit nécessaire (leur commentaire sur Vista est peut-être juste de la pub). Ces disques ont deux ans, déjà...


2009-07-03 Thread Hardy Olbaum
--- On Thu, 7/2/09, jdd wrote: From: jdd Subject: Re: REDIRECTION PORT 80 To: Date: Thursday, July 2, 2009, 7:34 PM Franck Lavis - Micro38 Informatique a écrit : Michel a sûrement raison. La livebox (comme la plupart des boxes

Disque hybride et SSD sous Linux

2009-07-03 Thread Hardy Olbaum
Est ce que quelqu'un sait ce qu'il en est de la gestion des disques hybride (256 MO de cache SSD sur le disque) et des SSD sous Linux. La plupart des sites font des patakess autour de WindowsXP qui ne gère modérement les SSD et pas du tout les Hybride, Vista qui gère les deux mais sans plus et

Re: installer openshot

2009-07-01 Thread Hardy Olbaum
--- On Wed, 7/1/09, Marianne CHIGNIER wrote: From: Marianne CHIGNIER Subject: installer openshot To: Date: Wednesday, July 1, 2009, 2:42 PM bonjour, décidément je dois avoir besoin de vacances (vivement demain soir!)

Re: diaporama

2009-06-30 Thread Hardy Olbaum
logiciel simple qui fonctionne sous hardy heron pour faire un diaporama avec gravage sur cd ou dvd pour les enfants de mon ecole cordialement     As-tu essayé le module présentation d'OpenOffice ? Andreu Il y a Wink qui a l'air pas mal... -- ubuntu-fr mailing list ubuntu-fr

Re: installer 2ManDVD

2009-06-30 Thread Hardy Olbaum
--- On Tue, 6/30/09, Marianne CHIGNIER wrote: From: Marianne CHIGNIER Subject: installer 2ManDVD To: Date: Tuesday, June 30, 2009, 11:50 AM bonjour, bonjour, j'ai fait ce que tu m'indiquais mais j'ai obtenu ce

Re: Pencil

2009-06-26 Thread Hardy Olbaum
--- On Fri, 6/26/09, Mohand wrote: From: Mohand Subject: Pencil To: Date: Friday, June 26, 2009, 3:58 PM Bonjour à tous, Je ne reçois rien de la liste en ce moment, c'est un calme bizarre! (Bon,  je bidouille pas mal

Re: Retroshare passe par des routes trop longues

2009-06-24 Thread Hardy Olbaum
--- On Wed, 6/24/09, Michel Leunen wrote: From: Michel Leunen Subject: Re: Retroshare passe par des routes trop longues To: Liste Ubuntu FR Date: Wednesday, June 24, 2009, 10:37 AM 2009/6/24 J'utilise

Re: Bonjour

2009-06-23 Thread Hardy Olbaum
--- On Tue, 6/23/09, yves-marie wrote: From: yves-marie Subject: Re: Bonjour To: Michel Leunen Cc: Date: Tuesday, June 23, 2009, 6:00 PM Oui j'en ai bien l'impression. Mais j'ai un live cd de la revue

Re: Interface audio usb

2009-06-21 Thread Hardy Olbaum
J'ai 2 cartes son en USB (Une Toshiba et une Creative Labs) qui fonctionnaient très bien sous Hardy et qui maintenant sont réduites à être hub usb alimenté et carte réseau depuis que je suis passé sous Jaunty. J'ai essayé tant de solutions que mon systèmes est devenu instable. J'ai dû installer

Re: puppy

2009-06-16 Thread Hardy Olbaum
-- So, let me get this straight, you put 2 disks in the floppy drive at once?? PEBKAC! --- On Tue, 6/16/09, alain bellec wrote: From: alain bellec Subject: puppy To: Date: Tuesday, June 16, 2009, 12:18 PM bonjour à

Existe t-il un kit d'instalation...

2009-06-15 Thread Hardy Olbaum
Bonjour. Je dois installer la Ubuntu sur une vingtaine d'ordinateur (2 ou 3 configurations différentes). Existe t-il un kit d'installation permettant d'automatiser le processus d'installation? Ou alors existe t-il une doc pour ce sujet? -- ubuntu-fr mailing list

Re: Quelle solution pour crypter le répertoire utilisa teur?

2009-06-14 Thread Hardy Olbaum
--- On Sun, 6/14/09, Michel Leunen wrote: From: Michel Leunen Subject: Re: Quelle solution pour crypter le répertoire utilisateur? To: Date: Sunday, June 14, 2009, 8:19 AM Grégory M. a écrit : Depuis Jaunty, le chiffrage du /home

Re: Quelle solution pour crypter le répertoire utilisa teur?

2009-06-14 Thread Hardy Olbaum
--- On Sun, 6/14/09, Grégory M. wrote: From: Grégory M. Subject: Re: Quelle solution pour crypter le répertoire utilisateur? To: Cc: Date: Sunday, June 14, 2009, 10:16 AM Depuis Jaunty, le chiffrage du /home est proposé à

Re: Quelle solution pour crypter le répertoire utilisa teur?

2009-06-14 Thread Hardy Olbaum
M. a écrit : Depuis Jaunty, le chiffrage du /home est proposé à l'installation. Oui, c'est mieux de dédier une partition à home, ne serait-ce qu'en cas de pépin grave qui nécessite une réinstallation. Hardy Olbaum a écrit : J'ai parcouru le site de ubuntu. Il y a encfs

Quelle solution pour crypter le répertoire utilisateur ?

2009-06-13 Thread Hardy Olbaum
J'ai parcouru le site de ubuntu. Il y a encfs, ecryptfs, truecrypt, etc. Ce quej e voudrais, c'est chiffrer le répertoire home ou au moins le répertoire utilisateur. Et y accèder de manière transparente pas en utilisant 50 mots de passe.Par exemple le mot de passe d'ouverture de session serait


2009-06-13 Thread Hardy Olbaum
--- On Sat, 6/13/09, popaul wrote: From: popaul Subject: Re: PARTAGE UBUNTU WINDOWS ET WINDOWS UBUNTU? To: Michel Leunen, Date: Saturday, June 13, 2009, 2:21 PM merci pour ta reflexion si tu est épuisé ce n'est

Opera et jaunty

2009-06-12 Thread Hardy Olbaum
J'utilise Opera. Je sais, c'est pas bien, mais ce n'est pas le débat non plus. Depuis que je suis sous Jaunty (c'est une install neuve pas un update), Opéra met un temps incroyable pour se lancer. 7 minutes chrono. J'ai essayé les deux versions. Le résultat est le même. Lors de son lancement

Re: Opera et jaunty

2009-06-12 Thread Hardy Olbaum
--- On Fri, 6/12/09, laurent wrote: From: laurent Subject: Re: Opera et jaunty To: Date: Friday, June 12, 2009, 12:30 PM Le vendredi 12 juin 2009 à 04:29 -0700, Hardy Olbaum a écrit : J'utilise Opera. Je sais, c'est pas bien

[Resolu] Re: Opera et jaunty

2009-06-12 Thread Hardy Olbaum
--- On Fri, 6/12/09, Michel Andreu wrote: From: Michel Andreu Subject: Re: Opera et jaunty To: Hardy Olbaum Cc: Date: Friday, June 12, 2009, 1:21 PM Hardy Olbaum a écrit : J'utilise Opera. Je sais

Re: ubuntu _ thindirbirb

2009-06-11 Thread Hardy Olbaum
--- On Thu, 6/11/09, Michel Leunen wrote: From: Michel Leunen Subject: Re: ubuntu _ thindirbirb To: Date: Thursday, June 11, 2009, 2:42 PM Andre Durand a écrit : Il n'y aurait donc pas de lien de cause à effets? Mais il ne

Re: Ubuntu 9.04 sur netbook HP

2009-06-09 Thread Hardy Olbaum
--- On Tue, 6/9/09, Mohand wrote: From: Mohand Subject: Ubuntu 9.04 sur netbook HP To: Date: Tuesday, June 9, 2009, 6:51 AM Bonjour à tous, Faut que je vous le dise, la 9.04 marche d'une manière incroyable sur l'HP

Re: renseignement

2009-06-07 Thread Hardy Olbaum
--- On Sun, 6/7/09, alain audebeau wrote: From: alain audebeau Subject: Re: renseignement To: Date: Sunday, June 7, 2009, 6:41 AM Le Sat, 6 Jun 2009 19:51:18 -0700 (PDT), Hardy Olbaum a écrit : [cut

Re: RESOLU: Netbook HP sous suse

2009-06-07 Thread Hardy Olbaum
--- On Sun, 6/7/09, nono Very L.T.S. wrote: Tu devrais essayer la 8.10, car la 9.04 est casse-gueule pour le moment..! Si ça se trouve, tu n'auras mm pas assez de ram? je te conseille vivement : lspci, lshw, lsusb..! bonne chance! (comme disent les Anglais).

Re: RESOLU: Netbook HP sous suse

2009-06-07 Thread Hardy Olbaum
--- On Sun, 6/7/09, Stéphane MARTIN wrote: From: Stéphane MARTIN Subject: Re: RESOLU: Netbook HP sous suse To: Date: Sunday, June 7, 2009, 12:29 PM Salut, Hardy Olbaum a écrit : Pourquoi pas

Re: la 9.04

2009-06-07 Thread Hardy Olbaum
--- On Sun, 6/7/09, didier alibert wrote:   bonsoir la liste ok pour WIN7 mais la plus part des personne qui passe a linux le font dans un but non pas pecunier mais pour une certaine liberté de penser qui nous est chere faut quand meme dire que xp est lui aussi est tres

Re: [Résolu, peut-être] 9.04 se fige

2009-06-07 Thread Hardy Olbaum
-- So, let me get this straight, you put 2 disks in the floppy drive at once?? PEBKAC! --- On Sun, 6/7/09, lordphoenix wrote: From: lordphoenix Subject: Re: [Résolu, peut-être] 9.04 se fige To: Date: Sunday, June 7, 2009,

Re: [Résolu, peut-être] 9.04 se fige

2009-06-07 Thread Hardy Olbaum
--- On Sun, 6/7/09, lordphoenix wrote: From: lordphoenix Subject: Re: [Résolu, peut-être] 9.04 se fige To: Date: Sunday, June 7, 2009, 9:17 PM Le Sun, 07 Jun 2009 17:31:28 -0300, Stéphane MARTIN

Re: Netbook HP sous suse

2009-06-06 Thread Hardy Olbaum
--- On Sat, 6/6/09, Ould Mohand wrote: From: Ould Mohand Subject: Netbook HP sous suse To: Date: Saturday, June 6, 2009, 9:22 AM Bonjour à tous, Je me suis offert hier le 2133 Netbook d'HP, livré d'office avec Suse

Re: Netbook HP sous suse

2009-06-06 Thread Hardy Olbaum
--- On Sat, 6/6/09, Ould Mohand wrote: C'est le 1er que j'ai essayé! Par le vide! ça ne donne rien! J'ai vu que dans le manuel de l'utilisateur présent sur le CD il y a un truc qui parle du Computer setup et de mot de passe. Je n'ai pas encore essayé, c'est crevant!

Re: renseignement

2009-06-06 Thread Hardy Olbaum
--- On Sat, 6/6/09, jdd wrote: From: jdd Subject: Re: renseignement To: Cc: Date: Saturday, June 6, 2009, 9:31 PM alain audebeau a écrit : Le Sat, 06 Jun 2009 18:52:16 +0200, jdd a écrit : Je ne comprends

Re: Netbook HP sous suse

2009-06-06 Thread Hardy Olbaum
--- On Sat, 6/6/09, nono Very L.T.S. wrote: From: nono Very L.T.S. Subject: Re: Netbook HP sous suse To: Hardy Olbaum, Date: Saturday, June 6, 2009, 2:57 PM Hardy Olbaum wrote: --- On Sat, 6

Re: Andreu

2009-06-04 Thread Hardy Olbaum
--- On Thu, 6/4/09, nono Very L.T.S. wrote: From: nono Very L.T.S. Subject: Re: Andreu To: Michel Andreu, Date: Thursday, June 4, 2009, 10:04 AM inutilisable (blocage 5 minutes après le login) [cut]

re: partage non actif

2009-06-02 Thread Hardy Olbaum
Si vous pouviez donner plus de détails?Ce problème est sous window ou sous ubuntu? Parce que là, j'ai comme un doute en vous lisant. --- On Tue, 6/2/09, popaul wrote: From: popaul Subject: re: partage non actif To: Date: Tuesday,

Re: [Bug 323362] Re: While updating system, it reported an error.

2009-02-05 Thread Hardy
it again. Regards, Hardy S. - Original Message From: Thierry Carrez To: Sent: Sunday, February 1, 2009 3:34:10 PM Subject: [Bug 323362] Re: While updating system, it reported an error. Error is: Setting up tomcat6-common (6.0.18-0ubuntu3.1

Re: [Bug 323362] Re: While updating system, it reported an error.

2009-02-05 Thread Hardy
it again. Regards, Hardy S. - Original Message From: Thierry Carrez To: Sent: Sunday, February 1, 2009 3:34:10 PM Subject: [Bug 323362] Re: While updating system, it reported an error. Error is: Setting up tomcat6-common (6.0.18-0ubuntu3.1

Re: [Bug 323362] Re: While updating system, it reported an error.

2009-02-05 Thread Hardy
it again. Regards, Hardy S. - Original Message From: Thierry Carrez To: Sent: Sunday, February 1, 2009 3:34:10 PM Subject: [Bug 323362] Re: While updating system, it reported an error. Error is: Setting up tomcat6-common (6.0.18-0ubuntu3.1

Re: [Bug 323362] Re: While updating system, it reported an error.

2009-02-05 Thread Hardy
it again. Regards, Hardy S. - Original Message From: Thierry Carrez To: Sent: Sunday, February 1, 2009 3:34:10 PM Subject: [Bug 323362] Re: While updating system, it reported an error. Error is: Setting up tomcat6-common (6.0.18-0ubuntu3.1

[Bug 323362] [NEW] While updating system, it reported an error.

2009-01-30 Thread Hardy
Public bug reported: Binary package hint: tomcat6 E: tomcat6: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 ProblemType: Package Architecture: i386 DistroRelease: Ubuntu 8.10 ErrorMessage: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 Package: tomcat6

[Bug 323362] Re: While updating system, it reported an error.

2009-01-30 Thread Hardy
** Attachment added: Dependencies.txt ** Attachment added: DpkgTerminalLog.txt -- While updating system, it reported an error. You

[Bug 323362] [NEW] While updating system, it reported an error.

2009-01-30 Thread Hardy
Public bug reported: Binary package hint: tomcat6 E: tomcat6: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 ProblemType: Package Architecture: i386 DistroRelease: Ubuntu 8.10 ErrorMessage: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 Package: tomcat6

[Bug 323362] Re: While updating system, it reported an error.

2009-01-30 Thread Hardy
** Attachment added: Dependencies.txt ** Attachment added: DpkgTerminalLog.txt -- While updating system, it reported an error. You

[Bug 236422] Re: sansa mp3 players not mounted when plugged in

2009-01-09 Thread Hardy
I have a sansa e260 and I am running Ubuntu 8.10. The sansa must be switch to USB mode MSC. After connecting the sansa 2 USB devices appear in nautilus but nothing more. So we have to make the system that it is mounting the device correctly. Make a new directory: codesudo mkdir

[Bug 281713] Re: evince doesn't print vector images in PDF

2008-11-26 Thread steve hardy
Thanks very much, upgrading to libcairo 1.8.2 has fixed it : ii libcairo2 1.8.2-0ubuntu1~fta1~intrepid The Cairo 2D vector graphics library For the benefit of others, after adding deb intrepid main to my sources.list I just did sudo apt-get update

[Bug 281713] Re: evince doesn't print vector images in PDF

2008-11-25 Thread steve hardy
I still have the same problem, only I also can't print images using the proprietary Adobe Reader. - Evince prints OK, but leaves out the images - Adobe Reader 8 just prints me a blank page Does anyone have a reliable workaround for this - it's really starting to get inconvenient as I regularly

[Bug 293776] Re: brasero crashes when opening music folder

2008-11-25 Thread steve hardy
Well I can't be certain this is the same problem but I have similar symptoms browsing a large tree of flac files. The latest crash (running with the -g switch from the CLI to catch the debug output) appears to show it falling over on a shell script in one of my folders : This appears to be

[Bug 293776] Re: brasero crashes when opening music folder

2008-11-25 Thread steve hardy
Ok, so here is some more info - I installed the brasero debug symbols according to : Then I ran the program under gdb until it crashed with the following message : Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. [Switching to Thread 0xb4cafb90

[Bug 122565] Re: unifont-bin is not able to find /usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc directory

2008-09-13 Thread Paul Hardy
Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) contains a version of update-fonts-dir that was modified 2007-11-13. That version no longer exhibits this bug. For example, /usr/sbin/update-fonts-dir misc will only look in /usr/share/fonts/X11/misc now, and no longer in /usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc. Therefore

[DarknDirty] DD this week.... 25km Intro

2008-09-11 Thread Hardy
Well its a marvelous night for a moondance, With the stars up above in your eyes. A fantabulous night for a moondance, 'Neath the cover of September Skies -van Morrison See ya 2nite 4 some schweetness singletrack... l8r hardy 4 Sept - 35km

[Bug 224508] Re: Reducing resolution on 965G using Screen Resolution locks system up with flashing/blinking screen

2008-09-09 Thread steve hardy
I have this same issue - Intel chipset : 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82946GZ/GL Integrated Graph ics Controller (rev 02) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller]) Subsystem: Foxconn International, Inc. Unknown device 0cbf Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ

[Bug 222428] Re: No sound after suspend to RAM

2008-09-07 Thread steve hardy
Thanks - the fixsound alsa reload described above fixed this problem for me - as mentioned above it does crash any audio apps you have running at the time tho. Intel Integrated audio : 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Aud io Controller (rev 01)

[Bug 122565] Re: unifont-bin is not able to find /usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc directory

2008-08-12 Thread Paul Hardy
for unifont-bin, and a new one opened for update-fonts-dir if it doesn't exist already, and if it hasn't been fixed in its latest Ubuntu version. Paul Hardy GPG Key ID: E6E6E390 -- unifont-bin is not able to find /usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc directory You received

[Bug 236189] Re: xsane crashed during configuration

2008-05-30 Thread Hardy
** Attachment added: CoreDump.gz ** Attachment added: Dependencies.txt ** Attachment added: Disassembly.txt ** Attachment

[Bug 236186] Re: xsane crashed when trying to make a copy

2008-05-30 Thread Hardy
** Visibility changed to: Public -- xsane crashed when trying to make a copy You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu. -- ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 228762] Re: k3b locks up when launching, disabling sata dvd burner

2008-05-17 Thread Tim Hardy
Hi Richard Sorry for the delay in responding. Haven't had a chance to try this before now. Adding pci=nomsi fixes the problem. -- k3b locks up when launching, disabling sata dvd burner You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu

[Bug 229046] [NEW] xsane crashes after config and copy with segmentation fault

2008-05-10 Thread Hardy
Public bug reported: Binary package hint: xsane Hi, xsane is starting with my Agfa snapscan e50 scanner. Fine. I can also scan and store the results in a file. It crashes during two actions with segmentation faults: - config - copy It worked wonderful with the previous Ubuntu version 7.10!

[Bug 228762] [NEW] k3b locks up when launching, disabling sata dvd burner

2008-05-09 Thread Tim Hardy
Filing this under K3B bugs but one of the ubuntu devs may want to refile it as a kernel bug. I'm using a stock Hardy Heron Kubuntu 64-bit install on an Abit IP-35 motherboard with a SATA dvd burner (NB nothing plugged into the JMicron interface for anything on this box). Possibly the same as Bug

[Bug 218574] Re: Virtio devices from libvirt

2008-04-17 Thread alex hardy
see luke's bug submitted at 17.03gmt 17-04-08 you may fix this -- Virtio devices from libvirt You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu. -- ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 144368] Re: qemu fails to boot a disk image in gutsy

2008-04-17 Thread alex hardy
but still a bug? -- qemu fails to boot a disk image in gutsy You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu. -- ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 192294] Re: [hardy] ip broken

2008-04-16 Thread alex hardy
Hardy is a great work its ok for beginners but if you want something just not in the mainstream such as xen perhaps, then ANYTHING like this ubuntu will fail. It has been my misfortune since brezzy badger that I usae ubuntu its ok for the run of the mill stuff but thats IT For a ROCK solid

[Bug 195136] Re: No wireless for Intel 3945 in Hardy

2008-03-22 Thread Daniel Hardy
I found a temporary solution for this at the following website I hope this helps... -- No wireless for Intel 3945 in Hardy You received this bug notification because you

[Bug 205372] Re: LCD does not brighten after idle dimming

2008-03-22 Thread Daniel Hardy
Sorry I should add that I did a fresh install as that is slightly different from the initial bug description. -- LCD does not brighten after idle dimming You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu Bugs, which is subscribed to

[Bug 205372] Re: LCD does not brighten after idle dimming

2008-03-22 Thread Daniel Hardy
I am experiencing the same problem on a Sony PCG-71HL (945GM/GMS/GME chipset). -- LCD does not brighten after idle dimming You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu. -- ubuntu-bugs mailing

[Bug 204911] Re: login failed message

2008-03-22 Thread Daniel Hardy
I have experienced the same bug. -- login failed message You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu. -- ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 195136] Re: No wireless for Intel 3945 in Hardy

2008-03-21 Thread Daniel Hardy
I am having the same problem on Hardy Beta... -- No wireless for Intel 3945 in Hardy You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu. -- ubuntu-bugs mailing list https

[Bug 193899] [NEW] [Edgy] Screensaver crashes after unlock

2008-03-07 Thread Hardy Strobel
Public bug reported: UBUNTU 6.10 computer is locked with screensaver, after typing the password to unlock a crash is reporting ?! but system goes normaly, no shutdown, no other problem appear. there are TWO crash-reports finding... ** Affects: gnome-screensaver (Ubuntu) Importance:

[Bug 193899] Re: Computer is locked with screensaver,

2008-03-07 Thread Hardy Strobel
second crash-report ** Attachment added: _usr_lib_gnome-screensaver_gnome-screensaver-dialog.1000.crash -- [Edgy] Screensaver crashes after unlock

[Bug 193899] Re: Computer is locked with screensaver,

2008-03-07 Thread Hardy Strobel
** Attachment added: _usr_bin_mono.1000.crash -- [Edgy] Screensaver crashes after unlock You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu Bugs, which is subscribed to

[Bug 188562] Re: gnome-settings-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV in g_datalist_id_set_data_full()

2008-03-04 Thread Hardy 'knuddelbacke' John
i did nothing :-( on a maxdata pc with 2,8 MHz Intel Pentium 4 HT CPU, old nvidia graphic-card with two screens (one not supported) -- gnome-settings-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV in g_datalist_id_set_data_full() You received this bug notification because you

[Bug 64770] Re: gnome-screensaver crash

2007-12-12 Thread Hardy Strobel
*** This bug is a duplicate of bug 33753 *** affect after a logged screen and typing the correct password ** Attachment added: _usr_lib_gnome-screensaver_gnome-screensaver-dialog.1000.crash

[Bug 176067] system was locked, after unlocking a crash occur

2007-12-12 Thread Hardy Strobel
Public bug reported: Binary package hint: gnome-screensaver ubuntu on my notebook was locked. my little daughter was typing crazy on the keyboard - wrong password, change user and so on. after unlocking with the correct password the screen-saver report an crash! nothing else was affected.

[Bug 176067] Re: system was locked, after unlocking a crash occur

2007-12-12 Thread Hardy Strobel
** Attachment added: _usr_lib_gnome-screensaver_gnome-screensaver-dialog.1000.crash -- system was locked, after unlocking a crash occur You received

Re: [Bug 64770] Re: gnome-screensaver crash

2007-12-12 Thread Hardy Strobel
*** This bug is a duplicate of bug 33753 *** I send an new report. bye Tormod Volden schrieb: *** This bug is a duplicate of bug 33753 *** Hardy, please file a new bug with that crash report

[Bug 125179] Re: when vino is running for several hours, performance degrades, making xorg to eat up cpu usage

2007-11-15 Thread steve hardy
Hi, I have pretty much this exact same fault with Ubuntu Gusty, as soon as a client (another Ubuntu Gusty machine) connects to the server, Xorg uses near 100% CPU and performance is terrible - the server machine grinds to a halt, and the client machine's remote desktop is sluggish. The machines

[Bug 150127] crash? I don't know why - it happend first time - but I see no affect

2007-10-07 Thread Hardy Strobel
Public bug reported: It happens but I don't know why. I can recognize any problem at work. ** Affects: mono (Ubuntu) Importance: Undecided Status: New -- crash? I don't know why - it happend first time - but I see no affect You received this

[Bug 150127] Re: crash? I don't know why - it happend first time - but I see no affect

2007-10-07 Thread Hardy Strobel
** Attachment added: _usr_bin_mono.1000.crash -- crash? I don't know why - it happend first time - but I see no affect You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu

[Bug 150127] Re: crash? I don't know why - it happend first time - but I see no affect

2007-10-07 Thread Hardy Strobel
Sorry... I CAN'T recognize any problem at work - all work fine, but this debugger for MONO appears. -- crash? I don't know why - it happend first time - but I see no affect You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu Bugs, which

[Bug 30230] Re: loop-aes module can't be created in Dapper Drake

2007-09-16 Thread alex hardy
so Max has given the solution are we happy in Dapper drake has it been tried? alex -- loop-aes module can't be created in Dapper Drake You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu Bugs, which is a direct subscriber. -- ubuntu-bugs

[Bug 112689] [apport] kicker crashed with SIGSEGV in QApplication::internalNotify()

2007-05-05 Thread Samuel Hardy
Public bug reported: Binary package hint: kdebase Ubuntu Feisty Fawn, Kubuntu, lots of windows open, lots of Firefox tabs. ProblemType: Crash Architecture: i386 Date: Fri May 4 17:05:07 2007 Disassembly: 0x0: DistroRelease: Ubuntu 7.04 ExecutablePath: /usr/bin/kicker Package: kicker

[Bug 112689] Re: [apport] kicker crashed with SIGSEGV in QApplication::internalNotify()

2007-05-05 Thread Samuel Hardy
** Attachment added: CoreDump.gz ** Attachment added: Dependencies.txt ** Attachment added: ProcMaps.txt ** Attachment added:

[Bug 94340] Re: setting video and testing crashed

2007-04-09 Thread Hardy Strobel
** Attachment added: crashing in ADVANCED button -- setting video and testing crashed -- ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 94340] setting video and testing crashed

2007-03-21 Thread Hardy Strobel
Public bug reported: Binary package hint: wengophone Starting WENGO, setting language tu GERMAN, starting WENGO again, setting VIDEO (webcam) and test it = it works, going to AUDIO all ok, going to ADVANCED = crash!? ** Affects: wengophone (Ubuntu) Importance: Undecided Status:

[Bug 56929] no var/run/echolot directory created during install in Dapper Drake 6.06 TLS

2006-08-19 Thread alex hardy
Public bug reported: this is a bug against the debian package, echolot 2.1.8-3 at severity minor, for not creating the var/run directory in its init script. ** Affects: echolot (Ubuntu) Importance: Untriaged Assignee: Alexander Petrovsky Status: Confirmed ** Description

[Bug 49939] Re: gnome-settings-daemon unable to start on login gnome session

2006-06-24 Thread Hardy Beltran-Monasterios
Finally I find the cause and the solution Cause: This error hapens when you boot with the old kernel version (Ubuntu 5.10). The Dapper upgrade process does not do the right update in the grub configuration file. Solution: Fix by hand your grub configuration file to be sure to boot using the

[Bug 46181] Re: whitelist acer 2012 wlmi

2006-06-17 Thread alex hardy
i would like to disable suspend on my acer 2200 labtop but do not have acpi-support listed (suspend keeps dropping ssh and postfix after 30-45 minutes of inactivity) here is what locate has found please advise /usr/bin/acpi /usr/bin/acpi_listen /usr/sbin/acpid /usr/share/doc/acpi

[Bug 49939] gnome-settings-daemon unable to start on login gnome session

2006-06-15 Thread Hardy Beltran-Monasterios
Public bug reported: Binary package hint: gnome-control-center How to reproduce: 1. Log into Gnome Expected result Normal startup of gnome session Current result *Very* slow startup. Some applet icons in the panelbar starts to blink many times After a while a error window is displayed with

Re: [ubuntu-marketing] If it isn't broken...

2005-10-21 Thread Lloyd Hardy
"Defining an exclusive "membership" of the marketing team is going to be off-putting, in my opinion." Please see: "it's an open team!" "How exactly does one gain membership in the Marketing Team in your vision? Subscribe to this list? Join the new forum? Gain approval from existing team

Re: [ubuntu-marketing] If it isn't broken...

2005-10-21 Thread Lloyd Hardy
Jeff Waugh wrote: quote who="Lloyd Hardy" Can we have a Marketing Team mailing list, so we can get some work done, please? - and please join our team - but not as representatives from Canonical. This is the marketing team mailing list. Anyone who works for

Re: [ubuntu-marketing] If it isn't broken...

2005-10-21 Thread Lloyd Hardy
Jeff Waugh wrote: quote who="Lloyd Hardy" I agree, thus we would like to post activities (if we're told about them) and would like to have an _organised_ communication with all other groups via liaisons. It is obviously an important relationship - but not more impo

Re: [ubuntu-marketing] If it isn't broken...

2005-10-21 Thread Lloyd Hardy
"We shouldn't have two teams, and we as a community shouldn't want two. My messages have been an explicit attempt to try to avoid this - thus my concern about communication methods and membership." Which is where we began this discussion - it is easy to look back on a forum and see where, why

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